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Intertext Research 1 -Eden Lake        Page   3-10
Intertext Research 2 -Shutter Island   Page   11-18
Intertext Research 3 -The Jacket       Page   19-26
Intertext Research 4 -I Am Legend      Page   27-34
Censorship/Certification               Page   35-38
Target Audience                        Page   39-48
Target Audience theories and profile   Page   49-52
Planning my text and draft             Page   53-58
   Nursery teacher Jenny and her boyfriend
    Steve, escape for a romantic weekend away.
    Steve, planning to propose, has found an
    idyllic setting: a remote lake enclosed by
    woodlands and seemingly deserted. The
    couple's peace is shattered when a gang of
    obnoxious kids encircles their campsite.
    Revealing in provoking the adults, the gang
    steals the couple's belongings and
    vandalizes their car leaving them
    completely stranded. When Steve confronts
    them, tempers flare and he suffers a
    shocking and violent attack. Fleeing for
    help, Jenny is subject to a brutal and
    relentless game of cat-and-mouse as she
    desperately tries to evade her young
    pursuers and find her way out of the
   Watch the trailer;
   Release Date:12 September 2008
   Filming Locations: Black Park Lake,
    Black Park, Iver Heath,
    Buckinghamshire, England, UK
   Director: James Watkins
   Ratings: 6.9/10
   Opening Weekend: £192,027 (UK)
    (14 September 2008) (184 Screens)
   Gross: $5,824 (USA) (2 November
   Production Co: Rollercoaster Films
    and Aramid Entertainment Fund
   Visual Codes;
The first Intertext I have been looking at is the trailer to the thriller film; Eden Lake. When the trailer first starts you see
the two main characters sat in the front seats of the car, they both lean in and kiss. The setting for this is bright happy
colours a sort of orange and yellow colour to show the audience they‟re happily in love. It then blacks out quickly and
shows the viewing of a city, again here bright colours are used to show the audience that it is a happy but calm city. It
then cuts the scene straight away and shows a cars driving past, A few seconds into the trailer it is constantly cutting
scenes and showing the audience the view of the forest they could be camping in. throughout the first few seconds of the
trailer and producer has used bright colours to show a sense of happiness and to show that things are going well. They
then show the audience a view of the couple laughing together whilst driving somewhere, it then blackout and shows the
audience a text saying “out of the city” which indicates that they are both heading somewhere far. The couple seem to be
enjoying their time sat on a sunny calm beach whilst the relaxing ocean floats slowly. A group of young teenagers then
appear and look as though they want to cause some sort of trouble, especially because they are with a violent looking
dog. The trailer then blacks down and there is no bright colours to be seen. This tells the audience that something bad is
about or will happen to the couple. The teens seem to have stolen the couples car and seem to be causing trouble as the
couple have to jump out of the way extremely fast so they don‟t get hit by the car. It then has a flashing red colour on a
particular teen which shows a sign of danger towards the audience. This happens a umber of times until you get a
flashing image of the main character Steve with a teens hand around his neck with splattered blood and mud across his
face. The teens are walking around a fire with viscous faces looking towards the camera indicating the audience they
have done something they shouldn‟t have done. It then quickly flashes a umber of times showing the audience and the
couple with ripped clothing, crying faces with splattered blood and chunks of mud across them running as fast as they
can away from the teens. Nearer the end of the trailer the women out of the couple seems to have survived, so far. She
locks herself in a bathroom with a small knife, probably a usage of protection, the door then gets slammed open and the
scene blacks out . The dress codes are fairly normal, Steve and Jenny wear the appropriate clothing to suggest their on
the beach i.e. bikini and swimming trunks. The teens are wearing baggy clothing that looks unclean.
   Audio Codes;
Audio within this film is most important, it build sup tension within the audience; especially when everything
seems to calm and normally you wouldn‟t think young teens would be capable to do such a thing to the couple.
Throughout the film, it uses mostly diagetic sounds which is good because the film then seems more realistic.
However, during the trailer it uses a wide range of diagetic and non-diagetic sounds. At the start of the trailer it
starts of with calm music which sounds like a quiet violin, during the quiet music, the main character Jenny is
talking over about how her boyfriend is taking her away for the weekend. This tells the audience how happy they
are together and how they very much enjoy each others company. You then hear the calm crashing of the waves as
the couple are kissing in the water, the only thing you can hear is just the ocean which represents peace. There is
then a slight breeze of wind and the scene blacks out to a different scene where a Rottweiler dog starts to bark
close up to the woman‟s face, the woman then sighs is shock as she is startled by the appearance of the dog
especially when the place they are spending their weekend is so peaceful. The producer then has the teenagers
walk in acting all big and laughing about as if they were joking about with each other. The couple then have a
normal conversation about moving away from the teens to a quieter spot but the Steve doesn‟t seem interested in
doing so. Steve then walks over to the teenagers and politely asks the teens to turn their music down, one of the
teens who seems to be the leader of the group replies to Steve in a sarcastic type of voice. Whilst the other
continue to laugh. The couple are then shocked when they find out their beach bag is missing. A sound of a car
then cuts in with the black out scene and you hear the woman scream as her and Steve jump out of the way from
the car, the car screeches as it turns around to face Jenny and Steve. When the red flashes on the main teenager
you hear a loud drum noise to represent danger. You constantly hear the loud drum beating with the sound of the
characters voices. The beat of the drum and the sound of the voices connotes that there is danger heading their
way or something bad is about to happen. After this you then hear Steve and Jenny‟s voice constantly talking about
running and getting away from the teenagers. The trailer only shows the audience the main teenagers voice a few
times, but whilst they do this you can hear the anger and frustration in his voice telling the audience he's a
troubled teen. The trailer uses voice-over during the whole time the trailer is playing, Jenny the main character is
talking over the music whilst the pictures are being shown almost as if she‟s starting to tell a story to the audience.
   Technical Codes;
The trailer uses a wide range of camera angles, but
the most effective ones are the mid-shot of Jenny
and Steve and the establishing shot. The mid-shot
of Jenny and Steve is effective because it tells the
audience how close they both and committed they          No sense of danger, they area looks nice
are to their relationship. Throughout the trailer you    and calm. The audience also get a better
constantly see them trying to look after each other      view of what the characters can see from
and care for each other which builds a strong            their eyes.
relationship between the audience and the two main
characters, when you see that both Steve and Jenny
get hurt in some parts of the trailer it makes the
audience feel sorry for them both because they‟re
going through a bad time. The audience would
constantly worry about whether Steve and Jenny will
both survive. The establishing shot is effective
because the audience get to see what all the
characters can see, it also shows the audience how
nice of an area it is so you wouldn‟t really get the
sense of danger when looking over at the shot.

                                                        Shows their intimate relationship and also
                                                        shows how they‟re close to each other.
   Action Codes;
The action codes for the trailer are very
quick, sharp, sudden changes. The reason
the trailer is like this is because it‟s in time
with Jenny‟s voice-over and in time to the
beats of the music, they‟re sudden and
happen quickly so the images would need
to change quickly as well. The only
different thing about the trailer is when it
shows the audience the text there is just a
blank black background, probably to let
what has been written sink into the
audiences mind. After the text has grown
bigger for the audience to see it quickly
changes to an image. When the trailer is
about half way through, you have sudden
flashes of red on the teenagers, hinting to
the audience that they‟re dangerous.
   Narrative Codes;
The narrative is pretty straight forward, it first shows images of the couple kissing to show the audience
how happy they are and then moves on to show the city which is where they live. The story then takes us
to when they‟re travelling in the woods to try and find a spot. It shows images of the whole area to show
the audience how peaceful the place is, the setting goes well with the couple because they both are
representing peacefulness and happiness. The trailer carries on showing the audience the viewings of the
area they are staying in and what the couple are doing; most of the time they‟re on the beach sun bathing.
You then see the teenagers interrupt the couple and disturb their peace, after that Steve tries to get the
teens to turn they‟re music down which is the starting of the troubles that head the couples way.
Everything seems normal until the couple realise that their beach bag with valuable items in has suddenly
gone missing. This then indicates the audience that the teenagers might have had something to do with it.
The trailer then turns to a dark colour to show fear around the woods. The teenagers are then seen driving
the couples car straight for them to show the audience that the teenagers are up to no good. After that the
rest of the narrative shows the audience all the troubles that happen to the couple, by showing the
audience the splattered blood and mud across the couples faces and clothing suggest that they‟re being
terrorised by the teenagers. The story line is then pretty much obvious after that either one of the couple
would die or survive, they‟ll be badly hurt and spend their time running away from the teenagers.
   It's 1954, and up-and-coming U.S. marshal
    Teddy Daniels is assigned to investigate the
    disappearance of a patient from Boston's
    Shutter Island Ashecliffe Hospital. He's been
    pushing for an assignment on the island for
    personal reasons, but before long he wonders
    whether he hasn't been brought there as part
    of a twisted plot by hospital doctors whose
    radical treatments range from unethical to
    illegal to downright sinister. Teddy's shrewd
    investigating skills soon provide a promising
    lead, but the hospital refuses him access to
    records he suspects would break the case
    wide open. As a hurricane cuts off
    communication with the mainland, more
    dangerous criminals "escape" in the
    confusion, and the puzzling, improbable
    clues multiply, Teddy begins to doubt
    everything - his memory, his partner, even
    his own sanity.
                                         Watch the trailer;
   Director: Martin Scorsese
   Ratings: 8.0/10
   Release Date: 12 March
   Budget: $80,000,000 (estimated)
   Filming Locations: Acadia
    National Park, Bar
    Harbor, Maine, USA
   Production Co: Paramount
    Pictures, Phoenix
    Pictures, Sikelia Productions
   Gross:$294,804,195 (Worldwide)
    (10 June 2010)
   Opening Weekend:
   $41,062,440 (USA) (21 February
    2010) (2991 Screens)
   Visual Codes;
The dress codes are very much old fashioned which suggest that the film is set in an early time zone. They wear suits
with big jackets and ties, and on some people with hats on. The people who guard the gates are wearing a police
uniform black and white which is what their supposed to wear. The police hold guns to show the audience that they‟re
very strict and are not there to mess about. The patients in the building are wearing normal clothing, some have hand
cuffs around their wrists and legs, this tells the audience that although their ill they are dangerous too which means
they need constantly care. Some of the patients look old and sort of witch like, when the two main characters in the
brown coats walk through one of them looks towards an old woman who moves her finger towards and mouth as the
picture shows. The woman is telling the audience that there is danger and by keeping quiet may help. The trailer then
shows an overview od the whole area, it shows what looks like a hospital sort of place where they keep their patients
who are ill. It then flashes to an image of a young girl; then they start talking about a young girl who has gone
missing. One of the men in the brown coats is then interviewing one of the patients, she passes him a small book and
when the man opens it the letters “ RUN” are written on the paper. The camera then gets closer to the letters and
freezes on them for a few seconds. The audience then see‟s a patient in a room full of writing on the walls that had
been written in blood, the patient is covered is mud and bits of blood which shows the audience these patients are
extremely dangerous. Nearer the end of the trailer the characters change their clothing, most of them are wearing
white top and white trousers and some of the patients are completely naked. After that the trailer mainly shows the
expressions on peoples faces to show the fear and frustration they‟re going through.
   Audio Codes;
There are slow beats playing slowly at the
start of the trailer, you then hear a boat
sounding. During this you can hear over-
voices speaking to each other. The slow beats
carry on and start to echo a few seconds into
the trailer, the beats gets louder and heavy
and start to fade slowly when the voices of
the characters are talking. The beats then
build up the let out a big loud drum, and
after that all you can hear is a voice talking
about fear the sounds start to echo slowly
and get faster and faster as each person is
talking or shouting. The audience then hear
what sounds like a deep scream from a
man, the tiny drums start to beat again and
after a few seconds you hear the sound of a
slow heart beat and then the trailer finishes.
The voices from the characters in the trailer
all have the same toned voice, they sound as
though they are scared and worried and
wanting to get out of where they are.
   Technical Codes;
   At the start of the trailer, they use a wide range of different technical
    codes. They use mid-shots, close ups and establishing shots. The
    camera shots they have used are very effective because it shows
    different settings and the clothing of the characters to give the
    audience a sense of where they are, what they‟re doing and what might
    the film be about. The trailer then shows the audience three men
    slowly walking towards the camera, this is called a tracking shot. This
    is effective in the trailer because it shows the power of the two main
    characters that are visiting the area, it also shows their facial
    expressions and how they‟re not scared at all. The trailer uses close
    ups on patients faces to show how scary they are; this builds up
    tension for the audience because seeing their facial expressions just
    proves how much fear there is within the Island. It also has a close up
    on a restricted area, for me this particularly interested me because it
    shows the audience how much control they have on the Island so when
    they discover a girl has gone missing, its very much shocking. The
    camera then uses a low-angle shot to show the power of the three
    men and how they seem to want to be in charge of everything. After
    that there is a blackout and when they lights come on again the
    camera constantly moves about using a tracking shot to view different
    scenes of the film.

                                                                                Shows the facial expressions.
   Action Codes;
At the start of the of the trailer up
until half way through the trailer the
action codes are quiet slow and
change quickly, this goes in time
with the music and the voices from
the trailer. This is effective because
it begins to build up a fearsome
tension within the audience. Then
after half way the beat of the music
begins to get faster and the images
suddenly become quick and
fast, more or less because its
constantly building up tension of
fear. The action codes then slow
down a little bit and seems to calm
until there is a sudden burst of
action where images are cutting
onto another image. Then the
screen blacks out and all you can
hear is the music.
  Narrative Codes;
The narrative for the trailer is very basic, you have the
Marshalls enter the island after travelling on a fairy. They
greet the guards at the entrance and hand over their
guns, the story then continues on to how a patient had
escaped the wards and no-one knows why or how she could
of escaped. Edward (the Marshall) launches an investigation
to the missing patient and uncovers shocking stories about
the island. There is then a scene in the trailer where Edward
is alone on one of the wards and you can see how scared
and terrified he is when walking around on his own. The
trailer then flashes onto flashbacks from Edwards past and
you see his foot drag a gun away, this is suggesting to the
audience that Edward could potentially be dangerous or a
   “A Gulf war veteran is wrongly sent to a mental
    institution for insane criminals, where he becomes the
    object of a Doctor's experiments, and his life is
    completely affected by them.”
   The film centres on a wounded Gulf war veteran who
    returns to his native Vermont suffering from bouts of
    amnesia. He is hitching and gets picked up by a
    stranger, things go pear shaped when a cop pulls
    them over and is murdered by the stranger. The vet. is
    wrongly accused of killing the cop and lands up in an
    asylum. A quack doctor prescribes a course of
    experimental therapy, restraining him in a heavy duty
    straight jacket-like device, and locks him away in a
    body drawer of the basement morgue. During course
    of his treatment he gets flashbacks and visions of his
    future , where he can foresee he is to die in four days
    time. The catch is he doesn't know how. Thus
    commences the classic race against time.

   Watch the trailer;
   Stars: Adrien Brody, Keira
    Knightley and Daniel Craig |
    See full cast and crew.
   Director: John Maybury
   Ratings: 7.0/10
   Release Date: 13 May
   Budget: $29,000,000
   Opening Weekend:
    $2,723,682 (USA) (6 March
    2005) (1331 Screens)
   Gross: $20,046,858
    (Worldwide) (18 June 2006)
   Production Co: Mandalay
    Pictures, Warner Independent
    Pictures (WIP),
   Visual Codes;
The start of the trailer first dates when the film was set, which is 1992. a travelling man is walking on the
icy roads towards a young girl and her mother who have pulled up on the side of the road. All three are
wearing winter clothing, although you can only really see the man and the young girl clearly. They‟re both
wearing hats, coats, gloves and scarfs everything you would normally wear during winter. The man is
holding and showing a tag from him travel bag to the young girl and seems to be talking a little bit about
it. a man driving a car then pulls over to the traveller and offers him a lift so that he doesn‟t have to walk
in the icy cold weather. You then hear what sounds like gun shots and the travelling man falls to the floor
unconscious. You then see the traveller in court where he is being sentenced for a crime he cannot
remember, a man then explains how he is being admitted to the mentally insane hospital and the traveller
is wear an orange suit which chains around his hands and feet. It blacks out and you see the words “AN
INNOCENT MAN” across the screen which could suggest he didn‟t do anything wrong. The man is then
strapped in a weird shaped jacket on a metal table which looks like a bed, the man has red sores around
his eyes and he seems to be crying, his face is rather confused to suggest to the audience that he feels as
though he doesn‟t belong where he is. A doctor and nurse are then looking down on him, they are both
wearing uniform to show the audience they are from a hospital which makes the story for the trailer easy
to understand. The man in the jacket on the metal table then gets pushed into a morgue. The mans facial
expression looks as though he is screaming out loud and terrified because he is unable to move because
he‟s strapped into the jacket. The doctors and nurses slam the door shit and the screen blacks out. You
then see the man inside the morgue, his face is rather greasy and dirty, his eyes are red raw and watery
probably because he‟s extremely frightened. The trailer then uses flashing images of things that occur and
happen during the film, when this happens the first thing that happens is the camera gets closer to the
mans eyes as though they were about to show his dreams or memories. They take the man out of the
morgue and his eyes are still as red as a tomatoes, he‟s sleeping with his mouth wide open but quiet. You
then see flashing images of memories the man has, and shows the audience what happens.
   Audio Codes;
The trailer uses both diagetic and non-diagetic sounds throughout the
trailer. When the trailer begins its calm and seems as though nothing
bad is happening. The man and the young girl are having a normal
conversation about the tags on the mans travelling bag, the man is then
walking along the road when a sound of a car suddenly pulls up. You
can hear the sound of the cars on the icy road, a few seconds later you
can hear a police car driving behind them. when the car pulls over you
hear sudden loud gun shot noise and the man falls to the ground this
indicates the audience that someone has been injured. After, the trailer
flashes to when the man is in court; you hear keywords being said out
loud which are the main things that happen or are apart of the whole
film. Its basically giving the audience clues when they‟re saying the
keywords. For most of the trailer, the man seems to constantly say “I
don‟t belong here” and “I don‟t remember what happened”. When the
man is in the morgue you hear his eye lashes blinking, his breathing
getting heavily and his heart beat getting faster. The trailer teases the
audience by giving out important information which the two main
characters are talking about to give hints to the audience, this is
effective because it leaves the audience asking constant questions and
wanting to know why it all happened. As well as using diagetic sounds
the trailer uses non-diagetic sounds, you hear fast beats of music going
in time of the flashing or moving images within the trailer. This is
effective because it builds tension within the audience and makes them
worried about what happens to the man and why it all happens.
  Technical Codes;
The trailer uses different camera shots such as; mid-
shot, close ups and tracking shots. One mid-shot view that
stood out for me was when the traveller an the man in the
car are driving along and suddenly they‟re both outside of
the car after the police came after them and you see the            Tracking shot of the traveller.

man who was driving the car hold up a gun to the traveller
on the floor. The traveller is on the floor covering his head
possibly begging the man who was driving the car not to
shoot him with the weapon. A close-up which stood out for
me was when the traveller and the young girl were stood by
his bag and the traveller was showing the girl is tag badges
and gave her one, when he see‟s her in the future he finds
the tag at her house which is a key connection between their
relationship of the characters. The tracking shots used are
mainly on the traveller, the camera views him as harmless
and doesn‟t seem like someone who would intend to hurt
anyone. They‟re trying to show the audience what he‟s really    Close up of the tag he gives the young girl.
 Action Codes;
The action codes are different from the other trailers, although it
does compare a lot from the trailer of Shutter Island. At the start of
the trailer it starts off slow, with slow flashing images that goes in
time to the slow beats of the music. As the trailer continues further
on the beats of the music get extremely fast and so the flashing
images constantly move quickly showing different flash backs from
the travellers past. It then blacks out and slows down a lot, there is
then long moments from the music and the different images
spread across the screen and goes in time with the music again.
This is effective for the audience because at the start they would
think that everything is normal, everyone seems happy but when
you start to see flashing images from the travellers past and future
the audience begin to wonder what happened in his past that is
affecting his future. The young girl from his past seems to be part
of the future inside of his head and it helps the traveller uncover
clues about his murder.
 Narrative Codes;
The narrative is really good but can be confusing depending
on whether you understand the film or not. It starts off with
the travellers past and how he met the young girl and gave
her the tag badge which is the key for their future – or in his
case a dream about the future. It then moves quickly on
about how the traveller was admitted to a mental institution
because he had apparently committed a crime and seems to
not remember one bit of it. The traveller is then put into a
morgue and dreams about the future, he meets the young
girl from his past in the dream future and she helps him
uncover his death and why he died. The traveller seems to
be shocked by all of it, probably because he cant take in that
he‟s about to learn the reason for and behind his death and
exactly why he was put into the mental hospital and not
remember why.
   Robert Neville is a scientist who was unable
    to stop the spread of the terrible virus that
    was incurable and man-made.
    Immune, Neville is now the last human
    survivor in what is left of New York City and
    perhaps the world. For three years, Neville
    has faithfully sent out daily radio
    messages, desperate to find any other
    survivors who might be out there. But he is
    not alone. Mutant victims of the plague --
    The Infected -- lurk in the shadows...
    watching Neville's every move... waiting for
    him to make a fatal mistake. Perhaps
    mankind's last, best hope, Neville is driven
    by only one remaining mission: to find a
    way to reverse the effects of the virus using
    his own immune blood. But he knows he is
    outnumbered... and quickly running out of       Watch the trailer;
    time. Years after a plague kills most of
    humanity and transforms the rest into
    monsters, the sole survivor in New York City
    struggles valiantly to find a cure.
   Ratings: 7.1/10
   Director: Francis Lawrence
   Stars: Will Smith, Alice Braga and
    Charlie Tahan
   Release Date: 26 December
   Budget: $150,000,000 (estimated)
   Opening Weekend: $77,211,321
    (USA) (16 December 2007) (3606
   Gross: $585,349,010 (Worldwide)
    (12 July 2012)
   Production Co: Warner Bros.
    Pictures, Village Roadshow
    Pictures, Weed Road Pictures
   Visual Codes;
The very start of the trailer it‟s a black screen with voice-over, it then jumps to show a street full
of cars such as taxis and people rushing about as if they were in some sort of panic. It then
blacks out and flashes to another image of a man in a black and white suit holding his daughter
in the red coat and his wife holding their dog running in front of them. The screen blacks out and
views a shot of a helicopter flying ,id-way in the sky next to a bright lit bridge. The setting is at
night so there are lots of bright white lights shinning. There are people in the Army suits holding
guns and keeping people behind metal fences, the screen blacks out and shows a video being
made by the guy who was wearing the black suit talking about human behaviour. The helicopter
that was flying next to the bridge starts spinning fast around in a circle and crashes into the
bridge where big flames expand outwards. Everyone turns their heads and looks up at the bridge
to where the flames are. The screen blacks out and writing appears on the screen. After a few
seconds there are flashing images of New York and its deserted streets, abandoned cars and
homes and rubbish scattered in the streets. There is one man roaming the streets (this is the
main character Robert) he looks as though he is roaming the deserted streets hunting as he is
carrying a big gun. Robert is wearing casual clothing with a long coat down to his bottom, he has
a brown bag on his shoulder and is carrying a gun. A German Sheppard is walking alongside him
and shows the audience that the dog could be his companion. Robert seems like a strong man
and from his facial expressions he looks like he is able to cope on his own without any
problems, the rest of the trailer basically shows the audience how he‟s surviving and hunting and
trying to find a cure for the City after the disease hit New York and infected people. After half
way through the trailer Robert wears army sort of clothing a green t-shirt, green-ish black
trousers and carries a gun with him at all times to protect himself and his dog Sam,
 Audio Codes;
The trailer uses a lot of voice-overs and Robert
explains about the disease that spread and how it
affects humans and what their behaviour is like once
they have been infected. Robert sends out daily
messages through a radio and transmits around New
York encouraging people to meet him at a place so that
he can provide food, water and shelter. The trailer also
uses non-diagetic sounds, high pitched music is played
a lot with a sound of a tiny beat, I think this is effective
because of how big New York is, by playing the loud
high pitched music is a symbol of how big New York is.
The trailer only uses more non-diagetic sounds rather
than diagetic sounds, you hear Roberts voice a few
times explaining who he is and how he can help others.
 Technical Codes;
The camera shots are very
quick and fast changing, this
connotes all the trauma and
rushing people are doing         This is a high-angle and
                                 an establishing shot to
and telling the audience all     show the audience all the
the chaos that is happening      chaos happening but also
showing that something bad       all the people showing
                                 how New York connotes
is happening to their City. It   having lots of people
then shows shots of the City     living in the city.
and how deserted it is.
 Action Codes;
The action codes for the trailer are very fast, for
example the images move sharp, quickly and
suddenly which connotes New York as being a big
busy city during day and night. The action is also
in time with the music which connotes all the
disasters happening. These are both effective with
the audience because they would normally think
about New York as being big and busy constantly
so by having the moving images change all of a
sudden and bid loud high pitched music is
connoting what New York is really like.
 Narrative Codes;
The narrative is slightly confusing for the audience,
the trailer jumps straight in showing all the actions
happening where people are running about and
shouting, this connotes that something has
happened and disturbed peoples peace. The trailer
then shows the audience how empty and deserted
all the streets are, again this connotes that
something big and terrible has happened which
might have caused people to be ill and die leaving
the streets all empty with no-one about.
   Suitable for 12 years and over
   Exactly the same criteria are used to classify works at „12A‟ and „12‟. These categories are awarded where the material is suitable, in
    general, only for those aged 12 and over. Works classified at these categories may upset children under 12 or contain material which
    many parents will find unsuitable for them.
   The „12A‟ category exists only for cinema films. No one younger than 12 may see a „12A‟ film in a cinema unless accompanied by an
    adult, and films classified „12A‟ are not recommended for a child below 12. An adult may take a younger child if, in their
    judgement, the film is suitable for that particular child. In such circumstances, responsibility for allowing a child under 12 to view lies
    with the accompanying adult.
   The „12‟ category exists only for video works. No one younger than 12 may rent or buy a „12‟ rated video work.
   Discrimination
   Discriminatory language or behaviour must not be endorsed by the work as a whole. Aggressive discriminatory language or behaviour
    is unlikely to be acceptable unless clearly condemned.
   Drugs
   Any misuse of drugs must be infrequent and should not be glamorised or give instructional detail.
   Horror
   Moderate physical and psychological threat may be permitted, provided disturbing sequences are not frequent or sustained.
   Imitable behaviour
   Dangerous behaviour (for example, hanging, suicide and self-harming) should not dwell on detail which could be copied, or appear
    pain or harm free. Easily accessible weapons should not be glamorised.
   Language
   Moderate language is allowed. The use of strong language (for example, „fuck‟) must be infrequent.
   Nudity
   Nudity is allowed, but in a sexual context must be brief and discreet.
   Sex
   Sexual activity may be briefly and discreetly portrayed. Sex references should not go beyond what is suitable for young teenagers.
    Frequent crude references are unlikely to be acceptable.
   Theme
   Mature themes are acceptable, but their treatment must be suitable for young teenagers.
   Violence
   Moderate violence is allowed but should not dwell on detail. There should be no emphasis on injuries or blood, but occasional gory
    moments may be permitted if justified by the context. Sexual violence may only be implied or briefly and discreetly indicated, and must
    have a strong contextual justification.
   Suitable only for 15 years and over
   No one younger than 15 may see a „15‟ film in a cinema. No one younger than 15 may rent or buy a „15‟ rated video work.
   Discrimination
   The work as a whole must not endorse discriminatory language or behaviour.
   Drugs
   Drug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse. The misuse of easily accessible and highly
    dangerous substances (for example, aerosols or solvents) is unlikely to be acceptable.
   Horror
   Strong threat and menace are permitted unless sadistic or sexualised.
   Imitable behaviour
   Dangerous behaviour (for example, hanging, suicide and self-harming) should not dwell on detail which could be copied. Easily accessible
    weapons should not be glamorised.
   Language
   There may be frequent use of strong language (for example, „fuck‟). The strongest terms (for example, „cunt‟) may be acceptable if justified
    by the context. Aggressive or repeated use of the strongest language is unlikely to be acceptable.
   Nudity
   Nudity may be allowed in a sexual context but without strong detail. There are no constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational
   Sex
   Sexual activity may be portrayed without strong detail. There may be strong verbal references to sexual behaviour, but the strongest
    references are unlikely to be acceptable unless justified by context. Works whose primary purpose is sexual arousal or stimulation are
    unlikely to be acceptable.
   Theme
   No theme is prohibited, provided the treatment is appropriate for 15 year olds.
   Violence
   Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable.
    Strong sadistic or sexualised violence is also unlikely to be acceptable. There may be detailed verbal references to sexual violence but any
    portrayal of sexual violence must be discreet and have a strong contextual justification.
   From the research I have done on the ages I have
    chosen for the certificates, I have learnt that I
    would need to keep it in the age range selected.
   The main differences from a 12/12A and a 15 is
    the fact that a 15 is used on films for more
    detailed activity. So for example, the uses of
    horror for a 12/12A it would need to be minor a
    little jumpy but kept to a minimal. For a 15 the
    horror is allowed to be strong threats as long as
    nothing sexualised is being shown to the target
Questionnaire Links;
   This shows that mostly
         females answered my
         questionnaire. For me,
         that is bad because my
         main audience would
         have been male, but it is
         good that females are
         interested as well.

This shows that 100% of the people
who did my survey were between the
ages of 15-20. This is really good
because it fits my target audience
age range perfectly.
   This shows me
    that most
    Comedy, Actio
    n and Thriller.
    This is good
    results because
    my film is
    based on an
    action thriller
    so it indicates
    me that people
    will enjoy an
    action thriller I
I then asked people why they like the genre
that they choose, the people who choose
Action and Thriller said it was because “it‟s
mysterious” and it was what they enjoyed
watching the most.

This tells me that the people who
answered my survey aren‟t very
active but do go to the cinema
monthly which means they could
only go during that time to watch
their favourite genre.
   I asked my
    audience what
    was their
    films, nearly all
    the films that
    were listed were
    Action Thriller
    films which is
    good because
    that‟s the genre
    I have picked to
    do and therefore
    I will attract a
    big audience.
   When I asked
    the audience
    what they most
    enjoyed about
    Action Thriller
    they explained
    how they loved
    the adrenalin it
    gives them and
    all the mystery
    that goes on.
   This shows me
    that more people
    would prefer an
    Action Thriller to a
    normal Thriller
    which is excellent
    for me because
    that‟s genre I
    intend to do.
Throughout my survey it shown my how nearly
all of the people who answered my survey
enjoyed Action Thriller and even named some
Action Thriller which is related to my idea. They
told me that the reason they enjoyed action
thriller was because of all the build up in tension
they get from the film and all the fighting and
Hypodermic Syringe Theory
 I will be injecting the idea of excitement, thrill and
  fear into my audience by creating the trailer.
Polysemic Readings;
 Preferred Reading; The audience will find the trailer
  scary, interesting and would make my target
  audience want to watch all of the film.
 Oppositional Readings; The audience would find it
  boring, too scary, not scary enough and would make
  them not want to watch it.
Two Step Flow Theory
 The audience will be given information by
  friends, family, and people they look up to;
  respect and trust. Although, other opinion
  leaders could criticise my film or anyone
  else‟s opinions that the trust could not trust
  very well. But hoping that the opinion leaders
  like it, because others who enjoy it might
  start to dislike it depending on what the
  opinion leaders say.
   Aged 15-20
   Gender; Mostly male but also Female
   Student at Sixth Form or College
   Income; quite low with max. monthly income of £150
   Education; At least some GCSE‟s and A-levels possibly HE
   Demographics; E – unemployed, Students, Pat time jobs
   Psychographics; mainstreamers and explorers
   Hobbies and interests; wide range of media consumption
    particularly internet, magazines, music and TV, video games
    and a wide range of genres watched; horrors and adventures.
   Nationality; British/American
  Video Production; Trailer
 Genre; Action Thriller

1)  A film about an undercover policeman that witnesses a public shooting, he
    is shot himself but he is kept alive, however his young girl is shot when the
    criminals start shooting at police, the man wakes in hospital and has to
    remember and retrace his steps, find clues and hunt down the men who
    killed his daughter to get revenge. Ideas from Unknown
2)  A group of older teens go away for a weekend trip in an unknown place high
    up in the woods they‟re undercover for the CIA trying to find a terrorists
    living near by the woods; the lights in the lodge go out and one of the teen
    girls goes out to fix the box, the lights come back on and everything is back
    to normal however the teen does not return to the lodge. The rest of the
    group receive a note telling them they have taken the young girl, will they
    find her?
 I have decided to go for my second idea.
 The narrative for my film has a good opening, a small group
  of seven are going undercover for the CIA to try to find and
  catch a terrorist who has been on the run for several months.
  The teens are having fun in the lodge they are staying in but
  then later in the evening the lights suddenly go out, with
  nothing that could potentially cause them to go off it‟s a
  shock to everyone. The oldest teen Rosie decides to go out
  and check the electric box to see if anything is wrong, half an
  hour passes and Rosie still hasn‟t returned. The rest of the
  group go out to investigate and find clues to where Rosie is.
  Will the C.I.A gang be able to find her before she dies?
Title Ideas;
-Hiding in the woods
-Invisible Land
-The Wonderers

Location; Rapey Fields
 Characters;
Corrie Leech    as   Rosie Bowling
Matt Smith      as   Blake Simmons
Kingsley Hutch. as   Ethan Norway
Becky Hornsby as     Dianna Healey
Amber Hewitt as      Ayva Hurn
Tasha Ball      as   Kayleigh Blueway
Mr Cooke        as   Sargent Rowland

Casual clothing

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Ms2 research and planning 2

  • 2. INTERTEXT RESEARCH Intertext Research 1 -Eden Lake Page 3-10 Intertext Research 2 -Shutter Island Page 11-18 Intertext Research 3 -The Jacket Page 19-26 Intertext Research 4 -I Am Legend Page 27-34 Censorship/Certification Page 35-38 Target Audience Page 39-48 Target Audience theories and profile Page 49-52 Planning my text and draft Page 53-58
  • 3.
  • 4. Nursery teacher Jenny and her boyfriend Steve, escape for a romantic weekend away. Steve, planning to propose, has found an idyllic setting: a remote lake enclosed by woodlands and seemingly deserted. The couple's peace is shattered when a gang of obnoxious kids encircles their campsite. Revealing in provoking the adults, the gang steals the couple's belongings and vandalizes their car leaving them completely stranded. When Steve confronts them, tempers flare and he suffers a shocking and violent attack. Fleeing for help, Jenny is subject to a brutal and relentless game of cat-and-mouse as she desperately tries to evade her young pursuers and find her way out of the woods.  Watch the trailer; PW0YI
  • 5. Release Date:12 September 2008 (UK)  Filming Locations: Black Park Lake, Black Park, Iver Heath, Buckinghamshire, England, UK  Director: James Watkins  Ratings: 6.9/10  Opening Weekend: £192,027 (UK) (14 September 2008) (184 Screens)  Gross: $5,824 (USA) (2 November 2008)  Production Co: Rollercoaster Films and Aramid Entertainment Fund
  • 6. Visual Codes; The first Intertext I have been looking at is the trailer to the thriller film; Eden Lake. When the trailer first starts you see the two main characters sat in the front seats of the car, they both lean in and kiss. The setting for this is bright happy colours a sort of orange and yellow colour to show the audience they‟re happily in love. It then blacks out quickly and shows the viewing of a city, again here bright colours are used to show the audience that it is a happy but calm city. It then cuts the scene straight away and shows a cars driving past, A few seconds into the trailer it is constantly cutting scenes and showing the audience the view of the forest they could be camping in. throughout the first few seconds of the trailer and producer has used bright colours to show a sense of happiness and to show that things are going well. They then show the audience a view of the couple laughing together whilst driving somewhere, it then blackout and shows the audience a text saying “out of the city” which indicates that they are both heading somewhere far. The couple seem to be enjoying their time sat on a sunny calm beach whilst the relaxing ocean floats slowly. A group of young teenagers then appear and look as though they want to cause some sort of trouble, especially because they are with a violent looking dog. The trailer then blacks down and there is no bright colours to be seen. This tells the audience that something bad is about or will happen to the couple. The teens seem to have stolen the couples car and seem to be causing trouble as the couple have to jump out of the way extremely fast so they don‟t get hit by the car. It then has a flashing red colour on a particular teen which shows a sign of danger towards the audience. This happens a umber of times until you get a flashing image of the main character Steve with a teens hand around his neck with splattered blood and mud across his face. The teens are walking around a fire with viscous faces looking towards the camera indicating the audience they have done something they shouldn‟t have done. It then quickly flashes a umber of times showing the audience and the couple with ripped clothing, crying faces with splattered blood and chunks of mud across them running as fast as they can away from the teens. Nearer the end of the trailer the women out of the couple seems to have survived, so far. She locks herself in a bathroom with a small knife, probably a usage of protection, the door then gets slammed open and the scene blacks out . The dress codes are fairly normal, Steve and Jenny wear the appropriate clothing to suggest their on the beach i.e. bikini and swimming trunks. The teens are wearing baggy clothing that looks unclean.
  • 7. Audio Codes; Audio within this film is most important, it build sup tension within the audience; especially when everything seems to calm and normally you wouldn‟t think young teens would be capable to do such a thing to the couple. Throughout the film, it uses mostly diagetic sounds which is good because the film then seems more realistic. However, during the trailer it uses a wide range of diagetic and non-diagetic sounds. At the start of the trailer it starts of with calm music which sounds like a quiet violin, during the quiet music, the main character Jenny is talking over about how her boyfriend is taking her away for the weekend. This tells the audience how happy they are together and how they very much enjoy each others company. You then hear the calm crashing of the waves as the couple are kissing in the water, the only thing you can hear is just the ocean which represents peace. There is then a slight breeze of wind and the scene blacks out to a different scene where a Rottweiler dog starts to bark close up to the woman‟s face, the woman then sighs is shock as she is startled by the appearance of the dog especially when the place they are spending their weekend is so peaceful. The producer then has the teenagers walk in acting all big and laughing about as if they were joking about with each other. The couple then have a normal conversation about moving away from the teens to a quieter spot but the Steve doesn‟t seem interested in doing so. Steve then walks over to the teenagers and politely asks the teens to turn their music down, one of the teens who seems to be the leader of the group replies to Steve in a sarcastic type of voice. Whilst the other continue to laugh. The couple are then shocked when they find out their beach bag is missing. A sound of a car then cuts in with the black out scene and you hear the woman scream as her and Steve jump out of the way from the car, the car screeches as it turns around to face Jenny and Steve. When the red flashes on the main teenager you hear a loud drum noise to represent danger. You constantly hear the loud drum beating with the sound of the characters voices. The beat of the drum and the sound of the voices connotes that there is danger heading their way or something bad is about to happen. After this you then hear Steve and Jenny‟s voice constantly talking about running and getting away from the teenagers. The trailer only shows the audience the main teenagers voice a few times, but whilst they do this you can hear the anger and frustration in his voice telling the audience he's a troubled teen. The trailer uses voice-over during the whole time the trailer is playing, Jenny the main character is talking over the music whilst the pictures are being shown almost as if she‟s starting to tell a story to the audience.
  • 8. Technical Codes; The trailer uses a wide range of camera angles, but the most effective ones are the mid-shot of Jenny and Steve and the establishing shot. The mid-shot of Jenny and Steve is effective because it tells the audience how close they both and committed they No sense of danger, they area looks nice are to their relationship. Throughout the trailer you and calm. The audience also get a better constantly see them trying to look after each other view of what the characters can see from and care for each other which builds a strong their eyes. relationship between the audience and the two main characters, when you see that both Steve and Jenny get hurt in some parts of the trailer it makes the audience feel sorry for them both because they‟re going through a bad time. The audience would constantly worry about whether Steve and Jenny will both survive. The establishing shot is effective because the audience get to see what all the characters can see, it also shows the audience how nice of an area it is so you wouldn‟t really get the sense of danger when looking over at the shot. Shows their intimate relationship and also shows how they‟re close to each other.
  • 9. Action Codes; The action codes for the trailer are very quick, sharp, sudden changes. The reason the trailer is like this is because it‟s in time with Jenny‟s voice-over and in time to the beats of the music, they‟re sudden and happen quickly so the images would need to change quickly as well. The only different thing about the trailer is when it shows the audience the text there is just a blank black background, probably to let what has been written sink into the audiences mind. After the text has grown bigger for the audience to see it quickly changes to an image. When the trailer is about half way through, you have sudden flashes of red on the teenagers, hinting to the audience that they‟re dangerous.
  • 10. Narrative Codes; The narrative is pretty straight forward, it first shows images of the couple kissing to show the audience how happy they are and then moves on to show the city which is where they live. The story then takes us to when they‟re travelling in the woods to try and find a spot. It shows images of the whole area to show the audience how peaceful the place is, the setting goes well with the couple because they both are representing peacefulness and happiness. The trailer carries on showing the audience the viewings of the area they are staying in and what the couple are doing; most of the time they‟re on the beach sun bathing. You then see the teenagers interrupt the couple and disturb their peace, after that Steve tries to get the teens to turn they‟re music down which is the starting of the troubles that head the couples way. Everything seems normal until the couple realise that their beach bag with valuable items in has suddenly gone missing. This then indicates the audience that the teenagers might have had something to do with it. The trailer then turns to a dark colour to show fear around the woods. The teenagers are then seen driving the couples car straight for them to show the audience that the teenagers are up to no good. After that the rest of the narrative shows the audience all the troubles that happen to the couple, by showing the audience the splattered blood and mud across the couples faces and clothing suggest that they‟re being terrorised by the teenagers. The story line is then pretty much obvious after that either one of the couple would die or survive, they‟ll be badly hurt and spend their time running away from the teenagers.
  • 11.
  • 12. It's 1954, and up-and-coming U.S. marshal Teddy Daniels is assigned to investigate the disappearance of a patient from Boston's Shutter Island Ashecliffe Hospital. He's been pushing for an assignment on the island for personal reasons, but before long he wonders whether he hasn't been brought there as part of a twisted plot by hospital doctors whose radical treatments range from unethical to illegal to downright sinister. Teddy's shrewd investigating skills soon provide a promising lead, but the hospital refuses him access to records he suspects would break the case wide open. As a hurricane cuts off communication with the mainland, more dangerous criminals "escape" in the confusion, and the puzzling, improbable clues multiply, Teddy begins to doubt everything - his memory, his partner, even his own sanity. Watch the trailer;
  • 13. Director: Martin Scorsese  Ratings: 8.0/10  Release Date: 12 March 2010(UK)  Budget: $80,000,000 (estimated)  Filming Locations: Acadia National Park, Bar Harbor, Maine, USA  Production Co: Paramount Pictures, Phoenix Pictures, Sikelia Productions  Gross:$294,804,195 (Worldwide) (10 June 2010)  Opening Weekend:  $41,062,440 (USA) (21 February 2010) (2991 Screens)
  • 14. Visual Codes; The dress codes are very much old fashioned which suggest that the film is set in an early time zone. They wear suits with big jackets and ties, and on some people with hats on. The people who guard the gates are wearing a police uniform black and white which is what their supposed to wear. The police hold guns to show the audience that they‟re very strict and are not there to mess about. The patients in the building are wearing normal clothing, some have hand cuffs around their wrists and legs, this tells the audience that although their ill they are dangerous too which means they need constantly care. Some of the patients look old and sort of witch like, when the two main characters in the brown coats walk through one of them looks towards an old woman who moves her finger towards and mouth as the picture shows. The woman is telling the audience that there is danger and by keeping quiet may help. The trailer then shows an overview od the whole area, it shows what looks like a hospital sort of place where they keep their patients who are ill. It then flashes to an image of a young girl; then they start talking about a young girl who has gone missing. One of the men in the brown coats is then interviewing one of the patients, she passes him a small book and when the man opens it the letters “ RUN” are written on the paper. The camera then gets closer to the letters and freezes on them for a few seconds. The audience then see‟s a patient in a room full of writing on the walls that had been written in blood, the patient is covered is mud and bits of blood which shows the audience these patients are extremely dangerous. Nearer the end of the trailer the characters change their clothing, most of them are wearing white top and white trousers and some of the patients are completely naked. After that the trailer mainly shows the expressions on peoples faces to show the fear and frustration they‟re going through.
  • 15. Audio Codes; There are slow beats playing slowly at the start of the trailer, you then hear a boat sounding. During this you can hear over- voices speaking to each other. The slow beats carry on and start to echo a few seconds into the trailer, the beats gets louder and heavy and start to fade slowly when the voices of the characters are talking. The beats then build up the let out a big loud drum, and after that all you can hear is a voice talking about fear the sounds start to echo slowly and get faster and faster as each person is talking or shouting. The audience then hear what sounds like a deep scream from a man, the tiny drums start to beat again and after a few seconds you hear the sound of a slow heart beat and then the trailer finishes. The voices from the characters in the trailer all have the same toned voice, they sound as though they are scared and worried and wanting to get out of where they are.
  • 16. Technical Codes;  At the start of the trailer, they use a wide range of different technical codes. They use mid-shots, close ups and establishing shots. The camera shots they have used are very effective because it shows different settings and the clothing of the characters to give the audience a sense of where they are, what they‟re doing and what might the film be about. The trailer then shows the audience three men slowly walking towards the camera, this is called a tracking shot. This is effective in the trailer because it shows the power of the two main characters that are visiting the area, it also shows their facial expressions and how they‟re not scared at all. The trailer uses close ups on patients faces to show how scary they are; this builds up tension for the audience because seeing their facial expressions just proves how much fear there is within the Island. It also has a close up on a restricted area, for me this particularly interested me because it shows the audience how much control they have on the Island so when they discover a girl has gone missing, its very much shocking. The camera then uses a low-angle shot to show the power of the three men and how they seem to want to be in charge of everything. After that there is a blackout and when they lights come on again the camera constantly moves about using a tracking shot to view different scenes of the film. Shows the facial expressions.
  • 17. Action Codes; At the start of the of the trailer up until half way through the trailer the action codes are quiet slow and change quickly, this goes in time with the music and the voices from the trailer. This is effective because it begins to build up a fearsome tension within the audience. Then after half way the beat of the music begins to get faster and the images suddenly become quick and fast, more or less because its constantly building up tension of fear. The action codes then slow down a little bit and seems to calm until there is a sudden burst of action where images are cutting onto another image. Then the screen blacks out and all you can hear is the music.
  • 18.  Narrative Codes; The narrative for the trailer is very basic, you have the Marshalls enter the island after travelling on a fairy. They greet the guards at the entrance and hand over their guns, the story then continues on to how a patient had escaped the wards and no-one knows why or how she could of escaped. Edward (the Marshall) launches an investigation to the missing patient and uncovers shocking stories about the island. There is then a scene in the trailer where Edward is alone on one of the wards and you can see how scared and terrified he is when walking around on his own. The trailer then flashes onto flashbacks from Edwards past and you see his foot drag a gun away, this is suggesting to the audience that Edward could potentially be dangerous or a hero.
  • 19.
  • 20. “A Gulf war veteran is wrongly sent to a mental institution for insane criminals, where he becomes the object of a Doctor's experiments, and his life is completely affected by them.”  The film centres on a wounded Gulf war veteran who returns to his native Vermont suffering from bouts of amnesia. He is hitching and gets picked up by a stranger, things go pear shaped when a cop pulls them over and is murdered by the stranger. The vet. is wrongly accused of killing the cop and lands up in an asylum. A quack doctor prescribes a course of experimental therapy, restraining him in a heavy duty straight jacket-like device, and locks him away in a body drawer of the basement morgue. During course of his treatment he gets flashbacks and visions of his future , where he can foresee he is to die in four days time. The catch is he doesn't know how. Thus commences the classic race against time.  Watch the trailer;
  • 21. Stars: Adrien Brody, Keira Knightley and Daniel Craig | See full cast and crew.  Director: John Maybury  Ratings: 7.0/10  Release Date: 13 May 2005(UK)  Budget: $29,000,000 (estimated)  Opening Weekend: $2,723,682 (USA) (6 March 2005) (1331 Screens)  Gross: $20,046,858 (Worldwide) (18 June 2006)  Production Co: Mandalay Pictures, Warner Independent Pictures (WIP),
  • 22. Visual Codes; The start of the trailer first dates when the film was set, which is 1992. a travelling man is walking on the icy roads towards a young girl and her mother who have pulled up on the side of the road. All three are wearing winter clothing, although you can only really see the man and the young girl clearly. They‟re both wearing hats, coats, gloves and scarfs everything you would normally wear during winter. The man is holding and showing a tag from him travel bag to the young girl and seems to be talking a little bit about it. a man driving a car then pulls over to the traveller and offers him a lift so that he doesn‟t have to walk in the icy cold weather. You then hear what sounds like gun shots and the travelling man falls to the floor unconscious. You then see the traveller in court where he is being sentenced for a crime he cannot remember, a man then explains how he is being admitted to the mentally insane hospital and the traveller is wear an orange suit which chains around his hands and feet. It blacks out and you see the words “AN INNOCENT MAN” across the screen which could suggest he didn‟t do anything wrong. The man is then strapped in a weird shaped jacket on a metal table which looks like a bed, the man has red sores around his eyes and he seems to be crying, his face is rather confused to suggest to the audience that he feels as though he doesn‟t belong where he is. A doctor and nurse are then looking down on him, they are both wearing uniform to show the audience they are from a hospital which makes the story for the trailer easy to understand. The man in the jacket on the metal table then gets pushed into a morgue. The mans facial expression looks as though he is screaming out loud and terrified because he is unable to move because he‟s strapped into the jacket. The doctors and nurses slam the door shit and the screen blacks out. You then see the man inside the morgue, his face is rather greasy and dirty, his eyes are red raw and watery probably because he‟s extremely frightened. The trailer then uses flashing images of things that occur and happen during the film, when this happens the first thing that happens is the camera gets closer to the mans eyes as though they were about to show his dreams or memories. They take the man out of the morgue and his eyes are still as red as a tomatoes, he‟s sleeping with his mouth wide open but quiet. You then see flashing images of memories the man has, and shows the audience what happens.
  • 23. Audio Codes; The trailer uses both diagetic and non-diagetic sounds throughout the trailer. When the trailer begins its calm and seems as though nothing bad is happening. The man and the young girl are having a normal conversation about the tags on the mans travelling bag, the man is then walking along the road when a sound of a car suddenly pulls up. You can hear the sound of the cars on the icy road, a few seconds later you can hear a police car driving behind them. when the car pulls over you hear sudden loud gun shot noise and the man falls to the ground this indicates the audience that someone has been injured. After, the trailer flashes to when the man is in court; you hear keywords being said out loud which are the main things that happen or are apart of the whole film. Its basically giving the audience clues when they‟re saying the keywords. For most of the trailer, the man seems to constantly say “I don‟t belong here” and “I don‟t remember what happened”. When the man is in the morgue you hear his eye lashes blinking, his breathing getting heavily and his heart beat getting faster. The trailer teases the audience by giving out important information which the two main characters are talking about to give hints to the audience, this is effective because it leaves the audience asking constant questions and wanting to know why it all happened. As well as using diagetic sounds the trailer uses non-diagetic sounds, you hear fast beats of music going in time of the flashing or moving images within the trailer. This is effective because it builds tension within the audience and makes them worried about what happens to the man and why it all happens.
  • 24.  Technical Codes; The trailer uses different camera shots such as; mid- shot, close ups and tracking shots. One mid-shot view that stood out for me was when the traveller an the man in the car are driving along and suddenly they‟re both outside of the car after the police came after them and you see the Tracking shot of the traveller. man who was driving the car hold up a gun to the traveller on the floor. The traveller is on the floor covering his head possibly begging the man who was driving the car not to shoot him with the weapon. A close-up which stood out for me was when the traveller and the young girl were stood by his bag and the traveller was showing the girl is tag badges and gave her one, when he see‟s her in the future he finds the tag at her house which is a key connection between their relationship of the characters. The tracking shots used are mainly on the traveller, the camera views him as harmless and doesn‟t seem like someone who would intend to hurt anyone. They‟re trying to show the audience what he‟s really Close up of the tag he gives the young girl. like.
  • 25.  Action Codes; The action codes are different from the other trailers, although it does compare a lot from the trailer of Shutter Island. At the start of the trailer it starts off slow, with slow flashing images that goes in time to the slow beats of the music. As the trailer continues further on the beats of the music get extremely fast and so the flashing images constantly move quickly showing different flash backs from the travellers past. It then blacks out and slows down a lot, there is then long moments from the music and the different images spread across the screen and goes in time with the music again. This is effective for the audience because at the start they would think that everything is normal, everyone seems happy but when you start to see flashing images from the travellers past and future the audience begin to wonder what happened in his past that is affecting his future. The young girl from his past seems to be part of the future inside of his head and it helps the traveller uncover clues about his murder.
  • 26.  Narrative Codes; The narrative is really good but can be confusing depending on whether you understand the film or not. It starts off with the travellers past and how he met the young girl and gave her the tag badge which is the key for their future – or in his case a dream about the future. It then moves quickly on about how the traveller was admitted to a mental institution because he had apparently committed a crime and seems to not remember one bit of it. The traveller is then put into a morgue and dreams about the future, he meets the young girl from his past in the dream future and she helps him uncover his death and why he died. The traveller seems to be shocked by all of it, probably because he cant take in that he‟s about to learn the reason for and behind his death and exactly why he was put into the mental hospital and not remember why.
  • 27.
  • 28. Robert Neville is a scientist who was unable to stop the spread of the terrible virus that was incurable and man-made. Immune, Neville is now the last human survivor in what is left of New York City and perhaps the world. For three years, Neville has faithfully sent out daily radio messages, desperate to find any other survivors who might be out there. But he is not alone. Mutant victims of the plague -- The Infected -- lurk in the shadows... watching Neville's every move... waiting for him to make a fatal mistake. Perhaps mankind's last, best hope, Neville is driven by only one remaining mission: to find a way to reverse the effects of the virus using his own immune blood. But he knows he is outnumbered... and quickly running out of Watch the trailer; time. Years after a plague kills most of humanity and transforms the rest into monsters, the sole survivor in New York City struggles valiantly to find a cure.
  • 29. Ratings: 7.1/10  Director: Francis Lawrence  Stars: Will Smith, Alice Braga and Charlie Tahan  Release Date: 26 December 2007(UK)  Budget: $150,000,000 (estimated)  Opening Weekend: $77,211,321 (USA) (16 December 2007) (3606 Screens)  Gross: $585,349,010 (Worldwide) (12 July 2012)  Production Co: Warner Bros. Pictures, Village Roadshow Pictures, Weed Road Pictures
  • 30. Visual Codes; The very start of the trailer it‟s a black screen with voice-over, it then jumps to show a street full of cars such as taxis and people rushing about as if they were in some sort of panic. It then blacks out and flashes to another image of a man in a black and white suit holding his daughter in the red coat and his wife holding their dog running in front of them. The screen blacks out and views a shot of a helicopter flying ,id-way in the sky next to a bright lit bridge. The setting is at night so there are lots of bright white lights shinning. There are people in the Army suits holding guns and keeping people behind metal fences, the screen blacks out and shows a video being made by the guy who was wearing the black suit talking about human behaviour. The helicopter that was flying next to the bridge starts spinning fast around in a circle and crashes into the bridge where big flames expand outwards. Everyone turns their heads and looks up at the bridge to where the flames are. The screen blacks out and writing appears on the screen. After a few seconds there are flashing images of New York and its deserted streets, abandoned cars and homes and rubbish scattered in the streets. There is one man roaming the streets (this is the main character Robert) he looks as though he is roaming the deserted streets hunting as he is carrying a big gun. Robert is wearing casual clothing with a long coat down to his bottom, he has a brown bag on his shoulder and is carrying a gun. A German Sheppard is walking alongside him and shows the audience that the dog could be his companion. Robert seems like a strong man and from his facial expressions he looks like he is able to cope on his own without any problems, the rest of the trailer basically shows the audience how he‟s surviving and hunting and trying to find a cure for the City after the disease hit New York and infected people. After half way through the trailer Robert wears army sort of clothing a green t-shirt, green-ish black trousers and carries a gun with him at all times to protect himself and his dog Sam,
  • 31.  Audio Codes; The trailer uses a lot of voice-overs and Robert explains about the disease that spread and how it affects humans and what their behaviour is like once they have been infected. Robert sends out daily messages through a radio and transmits around New York encouraging people to meet him at a place so that he can provide food, water and shelter. The trailer also uses non-diagetic sounds, high pitched music is played a lot with a sound of a tiny beat, I think this is effective because of how big New York is, by playing the loud high pitched music is a symbol of how big New York is. The trailer only uses more non-diagetic sounds rather than diagetic sounds, you hear Roberts voice a few times explaining who he is and how he can help others.
  • 32.  Technical Codes; The camera shots are very quick and fast changing, this connotes all the trauma and rushing people are doing This is a high-angle and an establishing shot to and telling the audience all show the audience all the the chaos that is happening chaos happening but also showing that something bad all the people showing how New York connotes is happening to their City. It having lots of people then shows shots of the City living in the city. and how deserted it is.
  • 33.  Action Codes; The action codes for the trailer are very fast, for example the images move sharp, quickly and suddenly which connotes New York as being a big busy city during day and night. The action is also in time with the music which connotes all the disasters happening. These are both effective with the audience because they would normally think about New York as being big and busy constantly so by having the moving images change all of a sudden and bid loud high pitched music is connoting what New York is really like.
  • 34.  Narrative Codes; The narrative is slightly confusing for the audience, the trailer jumps straight in showing all the actions happening where people are running about and shouting, this connotes that something has happened and disturbed peoples peace. The trailer then shows the audience how empty and deserted all the streets are, again this connotes that something big and terrible has happened which might have caused people to be ill and die leaving the streets all empty with no-one about.
  • 35.
  • 36. Suitable for 12 years and over  Exactly the same criteria are used to classify works at „12A‟ and „12‟. These categories are awarded where the material is suitable, in general, only for those aged 12 and over. Works classified at these categories may upset children under 12 or contain material which many parents will find unsuitable for them.  The „12A‟ category exists only for cinema films. No one younger than 12 may see a „12A‟ film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult, and films classified „12A‟ are not recommended for a child below 12. An adult may take a younger child if, in their judgement, the film is suitable for that particular child. In such circumstances, responsibility for allowing a child under 12 to view lies with the accompanying adult.  The „12‟ category exists only for video works. No one younger than 12 may rent or buy a „12‟ rated video work.  Discrimination  Discriminatory language or behaviour must not be endorsed by the work as a whole. Aggressive discriminatory language or behaviour is unlikely to be acceptable unless clearly condemned.  Drugs  Any misuse of drugs must be infrequent and should not be glamorised or give instructional detail.  Horror  Moderate physical and psychological threat may be permitted, provided disturbing sequences are not frequent or sustained.  Imitable behaviour  Dangerous behaviour (for example, hanging, suicide and self-harming) should not dwell on detail which could be copied, or appear pain or harm free. Easily accessible weapons should not be glamorised.  Language  Moderate language is allowed. The use of strong language (for example, „fuck‟) must be infrequent.  Nudity  Nudity is allowed, but in a sexual context must be brief and discreet.  Sex  Sexual activity may be briefly and discreetly portrayed. Sex references should not go beyond what is suitable for young teenagers. Frequent crude references are unlikely to be acceptable.  Theme  Mature themes are acceptable, but their treatment must be suitable for young teenagers.  Violence  Moderate violence is allowed but should not dwell on detail. There should be no emphasis on injuries or blood, but occasional gory moments may be permitted if justified by the context. Sexual violence may only be implied or briefly and discreetly indicated, and must have a strong contextual justification. 
  • 37. Suitable only for 15 years and over  No one younger than 15 may see a „15‟ film in a cinema. No one younger than 15 may rent or buy a „15‟ rated video work.  Discrimination  The work as a whole must not endorse discriminatory language or behaviour.  Drugs  Drug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse. The misuse of easily accessible and highly dangerous substances (for example, aerosols or solvents) is unlikely to be acceptable.  Horror  Strong threat and menace are permitted unless sadistic or sexualised.  Imitable behaviour  Dangerous behaviour (for example, hanging, suicide and self-harming) should not dwell on detail which could be copied. Easily accessible weapons should not be glamorised.  Language  There may be frequent use of strong language (for example, „fuck‟). The strongest terms (for example, „cunt‟) may be acceptable if justified by the context. Aggressive or repeated use of the strongest language is unlikely to be acceptable.  Nudity  Nudity may be allowed in a sexual context but without strong detail. There are no constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational context.  Sex  Sexual activity may be portrayed without strong detail. There may be strong verbal references to sexual behaviour, but the strongest references are unlikely to be acceptable unless justified by context. Works whose primary purpose is sexual arousal or stimulation are unlikely to be acceptable.  Theme  No theme is prohibited, provided the treatment is appropriate for 15 year olds.  Violence  Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable. Strong sadistic or sexualised violence is also unlikely to be acceptable. There may be detailed verbal references to sexual violence but any portrayal of sexual violence must be discreet and have a strong contextual justification.
  • 38. From the research I have done on the ages I have chosen for the certificates, I have learnt that I would need to keep it in the age range selected.  The main differences from a 12/12A and a 15 is the fact that a 15 is used on films for more detailed activity. So for example, the uses of horror for a 12/12A it would need to be minor a little jumpy but kept to a minimal. For a 15 the horror is allowed to be strong threats as long as nothing sexualised is being shown to the target audiences.
  • 39.
  • 40.
  • 42. This shows that mostly females answered my questionnaire. For me, that is bad because my main audience would have been male, but it is good that females are interested as well. This shows that 100% of the people who did my survey were between the ages of 15-20. This is really good because it fits my target audience age range perfectly.
  • 43. This shows me that most people favourite Comedy, Actio n and Thriller. This is good results because my film is based on an action thriller so it indicates me that people will enjoy an action thriller I create.
  • 44. I then asked people why they like the genre that they choose, the people who choose Action and Thriller said it was because “it‟s mysterious” and it was what they enjoyed watching the most. This tells me that the people who answered my survey aren‟t very active but do go to the cinema monthly which means they could only go during that time to watch their favourite genre.
  • 45. I asked my audience what was their favourite films, nearly all the films that were listed were Action Thriller films which is good because that‟s the genre I have picked to do and therefore I will attract a big audience.
  • 46. When I asked the audience what they most enjoyed about Action Thriller they explained how they loved the adrenalin it gives them and all the mystery that goes on.
  • 47. This shows me that more people would prefer an Action Thriller to a normal Thriller which is excellent for me because that‟s genre I intend to do.
  • 48. Throughout my survey it shown my how nearly all of the people who answered my survey enjoyed Action Thriller and even named some Action Thriller which is related to my idea. They told me that the reason they enjoyed action thriller was because of all the build up in tension they get from the film and all the fighting and terror.
  • 49.
  • 50. Hypodermic Syringe Theory  I will be injecting the idea of excitement, thrill and fear into my audience by creating the trailer. Polysemic Readings;  Preferred Reading; The audience will find the trailer scary, interesting and would make my target audience want to watch all of the film.  Oppositional Readings; The audience would find it boring, too scary, not scary enough and would make them not want to watch it.
  • 51. Two Step Flow Theory  The audience will be given information by friends, family, and people they look up to; respect and trust. Although, other opinion leaders could criticise my film or anyone else‟s opinions that the trust could not trust very well. But hoping that the opinion leaders like it, because others who enjoy it might start to dislike it depending on what the opinion leaders say.
  • 52. Aged 15-20  Gender; Mostly male but also Female  Student at Sixth Form or College  Income; quite low with max. monthly income of £150  Education; At least some GCSE‟s and A-levels possibly HE  Demographics; E – unemployed, Students, Pat time jobs  Psychographics; mainstreamers and explorers  Hobbies and interests; wide range of media consumption particularly internet, magazines, music and TV, video games and a wide range of genres watched; horrors and adventures.  Nationality; British/American
  • 53.
  • 54.  Video Production; Trailer  Genre; Action Thriller Choices; 1) A film about an undercover policeman that witnesses a public shooting, he is shot himself but he is kept alive, however his young girl is shot when the criminals start shooting at police, the man wakes in hospital and has to remember and retrace his steps, find clues and hunt down the men who killed his daughter to get revenge. Ideas from Unknown 2) A group of older teens go away for a weekend trip in an unknown place high up in the woods they‟re undercover for the CIA trying to find a terrorists living near by the woods; the lights in the lodge go out and one of the teen girls goes out to fix the box, the lights come back on and everything is back to normal however the teen does not return to the lodge. The rest of the group receive a note telling them they have taken the young girl, will they find her?
  • 55.  I have decided to go for my second idea. Narrative;  The narrative for my film has a good opening, a small group of seven are going undercover for the CIA to try to find and catch a terrorist who has been on the run for several months. The teens are having fun in the lodge they are staying in but then later in the evening the lights suddenly go out, with nothing that could potentially cause them to go off it‟s a shock to everyone. The oldest teen Rosie decides to go out and check the electric box to see if anything is wrong, half an hour passes and Rosie still hasn‟t returned. The rest of the group go out to investigate and find clues to where Rosie is. Will the C.I.A gang be able to find her before she dies?
  • 56. Title Ideas; -Hiding in the woods -Invisible Land -The Wonderers Location; Rapey Fields
  • 57. Characters/Actors  Characters; Corrie Leech as Rosie Bowling Matt Smith as Blake Simmons Kingsley Hutch. as Ethan Norway Becky Hornsby as Dianna Healey Amber Hewitt as Ayva Hurn Tasha Ball as Kayleigh Blueway Mr Cooke as Sargent Rowland