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Fall of the Dragon
Shane Miller
Phone Number
JENKINS a 65 year old man,a scar across his eye with a white
chin beard , is limping and bloody. He approaches the Guild
Hall Pub.
Ramone, a well-built young man in a white leather jacket
with "HUNTER" studded across the back, sits at a table, a
WAITRESS drops off his drink and helps other PATRONS.
Oh man, I need this.
Rick, a bit messy, wearing a khaki overcoat, enters and buys
a drink at the bar from THE STAFF.
Hey man, you're going to get
noticed if you keep dressing like
Well, at least I smell good, You're
going to alert the dogs from a mile
Yeah true, all part of my risk
reduction strategy.
Rick sits down with Ramone.
Man, all I wanted to do was find
some new weapon parts!
Ramone flails his glass in the air.
You would think it would be higher
on the priority list to get the
Star Hunters some new equipment!
Ramone takes a huge chug.
Ha! You would think that wouldn't
you? but, I have to agree, we are
pretty badass.
Jenkins enters, Ramone chokes on his beer, Patrons and The
Staff gasp and murmur.
Where are ya boys?!
Rick and Ramone jump up and rush to grab the bloodied
Jenkins, spilling beer and breaking glass.
What happened?
Rick grabs and holds Jenkins as he stumbles to the floor
Th...they found us, we need to
go... now!
Who found us?
Ramone grabs a towel from the nearby Waitress, and fumbles
to clean up Jenkins.
The Evil Elder Dragon Corporation?
The waitress pushes Ramone out of the way and cleans up
I'm sorry m' boys... tell that
Pilgrim.. tell him we gotta move.
he found their secret!
Jenkins wheezes, The Waitress removes damaged clothes and
reveals wounds on jenkins torso and neck.
Something called Alatreon, uses...
ancient power.
Like a new ship? is it on its way
Jenkins looks Ramone in the eyes
Much more... than...that. Take it!
Jenkins dies in Ricks arms. a tear rolls down Ricks cheek.
He.. he stopped moving, this cant
You, you gave him a sedative right?
Waitress stares at Rick and shakes her head.
Why...would I-
Rick? We need to get out of here!
Sirens in the distance.
But Gramps... He needs help...
Let's go, Now! Or his death will be
in vain!
Ramone picks up Rick from under Jenkins, and they exit.
Raven, a tomboyish girl wearing dirty coveralls, is outside
her tent watching a newscast on her wrist console. The NEWS
ANCHOR, standard suit puppet, shuffles papers.
The military is chalking up a win
today against the elusive 'Hunters
Guild' terrorists.
A drawing of Jenkins is shown.
This man has been captured and we
have learned the location of
several outposts, two more known
terrorists have fled the scene and
are at large-
Pictures of Rick and Ramone are shown
Aw, crap!
Raven jumps up, slaps off the report, punches buttons on her
wrist console, and runs inside the hangar, there is gun fire
in the distance.
The Pilgrim mid thirties man, in a decorated but grungy
coat, enters with Rick and Ramone to find Raven climbing
into her fighter.
Hey its cool guys, take your time!
This is not the time for sarcasm!
We have company!
All prepped?
Ramone, Rick, and The Pilgrim climb into their fighters,
buckle up, and detach from the hangar.
How many times have we done this?
SOLDIERS in EXO-PREY, large armored battle suits, force open
the hangar doors from outside, conveniently opening the
escape path for the hunter class fighters.
Light 'em up, Rick!
Rick activates his forward facing concussive shield and
blows all of the Exo-prey out of the way
That was for Gramps!
One of the Exo-preys was just out of range and leaps toward
Rick with a flaming laser sword.
I'll take this one! Watch and learn
the art of true vengeance!
Ramone rushes forward and starts charging his 'great sword'
burst canon, but Raven lunges forward and spears the
Exo-prey with her E.M.P. lance.
That weapon is just too damn slow!
Now lets go!
Ramone fires his charge, catches one of the disabled
Exo-preys in his blast, and follows Raven.
I still got one at least...
Rick attacks some of the recovering Exo-prey in a frenzy
We don't have time Rick! Lets move,
or we will all end up like Jenkins!
Rick ignores the order, The Pilgrim drops a mine on the
Exo-prey and launches a tether to drag Rick out.
They killed him! He's dead! they
have to pay!
Ramone and Raven exit. The Pilgrim exits draging Rick behind
The Pilgrim, Rick, Ramone, and Raven move slowly around
asteroids using intercoms to communicate.
We will head to the abandon
asteroid hangar we have been
surveying. We can find some
leftover supplies.
The Pilgrim sets his ship to asteroid field drift mode.
He's... He's gone. And it's my
We didn't mean for this. I just
needed a drink to cool off.
Ramone charges an attack and obliterates a smaller asteroid.
Wait, Jenkins is dead? I knew you
two would be his undoing!
Raven! don't you dare put his death
on them! we all know it's an
inevitable part of war!
But Scott, Jenkins was-
The Pilgrim mutes Ravens communications link, Rick holds
back tears.
He told me something just before he
went, a name? and something about a
Yes, we found something.
Well, what is it? Was it worth
gramps life?
Only if we can bring down the Evil
Elder Dragon Corporation.
Raven powers up her engines and takes off toward the
asteroid base, The Pilgrim sighs.
The reports have been sparse but
the EEDC found something old and
powerful. the name Alatreon came up
a few times along with Rathalos and
Wait, Rathian? Like the Wyvern
class frigate?
But, what's Alatreon?
Yes the frigates namesake.
Alatreon, However, is of an older
species, from before the Wyverns.
Ramone charges a full blast at a huge asteroid and cracks
A history lesson? Really? what do
they have to do with this?
Rick takes his pulse sword and blasts apart the asteroid
Ramone had cracked.
I don't really know, but it
mentions them 'Discovering the
power of Alatreon'.
But how did they find us?
We got ambushed at the drop. but
not before we secured schematics
and the reports.
And Gramps came to find us, and he
got caught? I gave him up? I let
him down! I ran around, and hurt
Rick starts sobbing, Ramone breaks multiple rocks at once
with a sweeping blast.
Rick! Put your ship on asteroid
mode if you have to break down! and
Ramone stop breaking things kid.
its a good way to get spotted.
Rick collects himself in time to not crash into something
and sets his ship to asteroid drift mode.
Don't listen to Raven! Its the cost
of war son! We all know that and
any of us could be next.
Ramone breaks one more asteroid and sets his ship to drift
mode as well
Raven is first to arrive and checks out the perimeter.
Those two had to get butt hurt
about being sloppy!
Raven finds a dead drone, and stabs it with her ships lance.
Seems like they're all dead, guess
I'll get things ready.
Raven sets her ship down outside the abandon hangar, slips
into a space suit, and checks some readings.
Strange, the o2 bubble is online?
Must be a glitch.
Raven disembarks her ship and floats down to the ground. As
she is anchoring her ship a bright light suddenly flashes
and disorients her.
A few small shadows dart around the disoriented Raven.
Rick, Ramone, and The Pilgrim arrive to see Raven's ship
still outside the hangar.
Rick, take a look around to make
sure the the perimeter is clear.
I'm sure Raven already did.
Double check.
Rick flys off checking on the drones and perimeter.
The oxygen bubble's up.
No generator reading. Could be
shielded, stay ready.
Ramone and The Pilgrim, land near Ravens ship. As they are
climbing out they notice her ship is only half-anchored.
Look at this! She couldn't even
anchor her ship properly?
You're usually the one in a hurry.
Stay sharp, I'm going inside to
check it out.
The Pilgrim walks cautiously to the hangar and slips in a
side door.
Rick isn't back yet, this isn't
looking good.
A shadow glints behind the hangar and makes a small noise.
(on his communicator)
I think there may be something out
here Pilgrim.
Ramone grabs a space anchor, a long drill with laser spikes
up one side, and activates the gripping spikes.
Come on then? What are you waiting
for? I'm out here, alone, just me.
And my giant anchor.
A shadow rushes Ramone from behind dealing a glancing blow.
It steals his satchel and runs inside the abandon hangar.
That's mine!
(on his communicator)
something is out here and it stole
my bag!
Crackling static, Ramone sighs and gives chase, taking his
anchor with him, He enters the hangar.
Raven and The Pilgrim are tied behind a group of Melynx,
black, cat like, humanoids. Their bags are in a corner with
Ramone's. The cats are rummaging through them.
Oh, hey, there you are! Wow,
there's some gravity in here, this
things a little heavy.
Raven and The Pilgrim are violently writhing and grunting in
Ramone's direction.
Melynx? Really? You both got caught
by Melynx?
A big mechanized hand taps Ramone on the shoulder, he spins
around to see M3CH4-LYNX, a slightly larger-than-human,
bipedal, feline mech, standing behind him.
M3CH4-Lynx throws a punch right into the ground as Ramone
barely leaps out of the way. Raven and The Pilgrim breath a
sigh of relief.
Bad kitty!
M3CH4-Lynx swings again but Ramone deflects it off balance
with his anchor, and attacks the other arm.
The arm starts leaking s little bit of fluid. all of the
Melynx stop to watch the action.
Aw, nasty! Do I have to rub your
nose in that?
Ramone winds up for another blow, M3CH4-Lynx leaps over his
head as Ramone swings. M3CH4-Lynx leg is hit, he stumbles
face first and spews out a small, furry creature.
Ewww, a hairball?
Conan, a small black and white cat humanoid wearing a red
bandana, gets up and dusts himself off. the rest of the
Melynx cower in the corner
How did you beat my puurrfectly
crafted Mecha-Lynx? I designed it
That's it? I didn't even get to do
What? You came out of nowhere and
destroyed my Mecha-Lynx, you cur!
Ramone deactivates his anchor.
You feral cats attacked us first!
And I would hardly call that little
scratch destroyed.
Feral?! I will have you know we eat
Fancy Feast! in fact my brother
runs their distribution network!
Raven and The Pilgrim growl loudly, Ramone rolls his eyes
Ok, I'm sorry. Could we do
something about those two?
This fishy pair?!
Ramone activates the anchor again
Uh...I am sure we can come to an
agreement, nya?
Ramone smiles politely but holds on to the anchor.
Rick races around the perimeter, spotting several stabbed
through drones.
seems to be all clear.
Light static
Hello? Scott? Ramone? Raven?
Rick races toward the hangar and checks readings. nothing is
I'm on my way guys, don't die!
Rick reaches the hangar, implodes the hangar doors, and
crushes the M3CH4-Lynx, Conan sobs. All the Melynx scatter.
Raven, Ramone, and The Pilgrim stand with a surprised look
on their face, Conan sobs, all Melynx hide, Rick is just
inside the doors in his fighter.
Ramone?! Are you guys ok?
Uh...yeah, hi, what the heck Rick?
I wasn't getting any readings, and
no one responded, so I figured you
needed help.
Ramone face-palms.
And blasting the hangar doors open
was your best idea?
what's done is done, we are all
fine, Rick? lets get you on the
Ramone and The Pilgrim walk to the corner with all of the
stolen items, Raven helps Rick land his ship on the docking
platform. Conan wipes tears away.
Lets move cats! We need all of this
loaded up!
(under breath)
Fine. Just leave it on top.
Ramone motions with his anchor for the Melynx to load the
stolen gear into their ships. Conan grabs items out of some
Melynx hands, Rick and Raven exit.
(to The Pilgrim)
They must have a ship, why don't
they tag along? could use his
connections to get inside the EEDC?
They attacked us.
Oh, I don't think we have to worry
about that.
Ramone brandishes his anchor, The Pilgrim shrugs.
Well, As long as you keep an eye on
Ramone whistles, Conan comes back over.
I have decided to take pity on you,
and let your Melynx join us.
Why should we join you?
It's better than pillaging
travelers, and we wont kill you.
When you put it that way, who can
Conan sighs, un-cloaks his ship, and loads in M3CH4-lynx.
How deep in the litter are we
getting here?
We have a mission, to infiltrate
the Evil Elder Dragon Corporation.
Some Melynx over hear this and gasp.
Are you on the 'nip?! Why would you
break in there?
They took someone from us.
And in his name, we shall bring an
end to their tyranny.
Now you have my curiosity, normal
people would just accept that. I
may be able to help you get inside.
The Pilgrim and Conan shake hands.
Rick, Ramone, Raven, and The Pilgrim, in their fighters. the
Melynx ship following Ramone, they float through the
colonized Pokke asteroid field while cloaked.
You sure this is going to work?
sure it's faster, but these people
know our ships by now.
No need to worry, we are the
stealthiest Melynx in the galaxy.
What has you in the tall grass?
Raven punches up the recording of Jenkins 'capture'
broadcast, and sends it to the Melynx ship.
That's you? You're terrorists?!
Do we look like terrorists? those
are false reports!
Raven points her lance right at the Melynx ship cockpit.
Heh heh... False reports. Yes,
Raven, I would rather not lose our
cloak here, stand down.
Raven retracts her lance/
...yes sir...
So... where are we headed?
My brother Andy's place. Fancy
Feast has a huge delivery once a
week for all of EEDC's feline
Rick, Ramone, Raven, and The Pilgrim keep a tight formation
around the Melynx ship. There are glowing eyes in the
distant background.
Ramone, Raven, and The Pilgrim are waiting outside a
warehouse back door, Rick paces.
I don't trust this guy, something
feels off, why help us?
I agree, most felines hate humans,
assume this is a trap.
What could a few cats do?
Raven shoots Ramone a sharp look, Conan and Andy, an orange
colored copy of Conan, enters through back door.
Alright, We found you a way in.
there is a shipment leaving
tonight, we scratched the numbers
to have two container ships
delivered to the EEDC.
Only two?
One can easily fit two hunter class
fighters, plus the standard
Seems transport is secured, lets
lay down a strategy.
Raven pulls up a detailed map of the Evil Elder Dragon
Corporations facility with her wrist console.
Two Fancy Feast container ships fly through security
checkpoints and into the Evil Elder Dragon Corporation
Rick and Ramone are in their ships Conan is in his newly
rebuilt M3CH4-LYNX.
I'm so bored! When do we get there?
Stop meowling! We'll be there soon!
Conan shadow boxes.
Why would you re-build that thing?
The container ship slows, stops, and reverses, a com channel
We're here, get ready.
Rick and Ramone start their fighters and contact Raven and
The Pilgrim in container ship 2.
You two ready?
Great Sword, ready!
Sword is armed, shields are up!
Lancer, ready!
Hammer is charged! As soon as those
doors open, we blast these cans and
That isn't what we discussed!
The doors open, there are a multitude of Exo-prey soldiers,
with guns trained.
Two Fancy Feast container ships are surrounded by Exo-prey,
they open the doors of the container ships.
Power down your weapons, now!-
Rick and The Pilgrim use their concussive blasts and all
four hunter class fighters explode out of the container.
Disoriented soldiers open fire.
Yeah! This is what we need!
The Pilgrim drops three E.M.P. mines into the Exo-prey,
disabling most of them.
Raven, Head left!
Raven and The Pilgrim veer left toward research, Rick and
Ramone head right, Conan is left inside the debris.
That's what a couple cats can do!
They set us up!
I never trusted that cat.
If I see that cat again...
A few Exo-prey chase Rick and Ramone as they run into the
weapons bay, Raven and The Pilgrim are chased into research.
Rick and Ramone fight off the few remaining Exo-prey.
Why have they not sent
reinforcements? I thought we were
the distraction?
Maybe we depleted their reserves?
Yeah, that's what happened.
The lights kick on as Rick and Ramone continue down the bay
halls, they come into a huge arena-like room the size of a
small planet. The doors seal behind them.
Rick and Ramone stop their fighters and charge their
What is this place? I didn't see
this on the map.
An ear splitting roar echoes through the arena, RATHALOS, a
red, skyscraper sized, armored space dragon enters.
What is that?! Its huge!
Rathalos lets loose a huge fireball. Ramone blasts it with
his canon burst, dealing him minor damage.
This thing is dangerous, I think it
may be alive? This is gunna be fun!
Rathalos swings his huge spiked tail at Rick, he blocks it
with his shield and gets knocked back a little.
Do we kill this thing?
Rick pummels Rathalos' head with his shield and lasers
disorienting the Wyvern and breaking off his armor.
I think we can! I'm getting that
tail off!
Ramone charges up a full attack on Rathalos' tail which
falls off easily, Rathalos flinches, roars and lets loose
fireballs every where.
Woah! something seems strange here.
Rick blocks fireballs, Ramone shreds Rathalos' left wing
into tatters.
He seems oddly squishy?
Rick and Ramone sit on both sides of Rathalos' head and let
loose. Rathalos lets out a whimper and falls to the floor,
LAO SHAN LUNG, a 2 skyscraper tall black and red, space
dragon, and Kirin, a skyscraper sized, electric, space
pegasus. watch the arena on a screen.
Why do they continue to fail? Kill
that cat!
Perhaps they can't handle their
growth as we had hoped? My power is
to great for those puny things.
Lao Shan Lung smashes his tail against the wall.
No! They must be ready, I will not
accept anymore delays!
CEADEUS, a 3 skyscraper tall glowing space leviathan and
AMATSU, a 2 skyscraper tall, feather winged space Dragoness,
How doth thine conflicts fair?
We need to keep going! this one was
destroyed in seconds!
How can we expect to revive our kin
if we cannot raise a simple Wyvern?
Ceadeus and Amatsu look to Kirin.
Call back the Exo-prey I'll take
them myself, start charging the
Good, go beyond anything we have so
far, even if it breaks you! We
shall have our dominion back!
Kirin exits
How much more can he generate until
his mind breaks?
Thou needn't worry, that mind has
already decayed beyond repentance.
Lao Shan Lung, Ceadeus, and Amatsu all turn to watch Kirin
on the screen.
Raven and The Pilgrim dart around corners and down
corridors, losing the Exo-prey following them.
Giving up already?
No, keep your guard up. I'm sure
there is something on its way.
These doors are marked with Wyvern
Doors start closing forcing Raven and The Pilgrim to follow
a specific path to the same arena as Rick and Ramone.
They're boxing us in!
Lets move!
Raven and The Pilgrim speed through narrow passages and
hallways keeping just ahead of the closing doors
Raven and The Pilgrim enter the arena, Rick and Ramone are
tethered to a platform.
What is this place?
Raven notices Rick and Ramone, they are unconscious.
Hey, guys, Wake up! This isn't nap
The Pilgrim's ship sensors alert him to an electric charge
Raven! Some-
Electricity blasts the arena knocking out the fighters,
Raven and The Pilgrim lose consciousness. They fall and are
caught by tethers.
Raven wakes up and sees the Rick, Ramone, and The Pilgrim
still hang helpless. Kirin is in the room charging a RATHIAN
a green, skyscraper sized space Dragon.
Yes, Grow! Bigger is better! So we
can teach them who is in charge!
Kirin laughs awkwardly, The Rathian is grotesquely
proportioned and bigger than the Rathalos. Raven tries to
turn her ship on.
its dead?
Raven, checks her wrist console.
You too?
Raven puts on space suit, grabs her ice blaster and bag, and
disembarks her ship.
I'll go find the control room.
Raven starts climbing towards an access shaft and slips
inside, Kirin is having too much fun too notice her.
Raven drops out of the access shaft, outside the arena
walls, her wrist console lights up.
Finally! Lets see what we've got.
The wrist console blips and shows three soldiers, guarding
what looks like a control room.
Should be easy.
Raven tip toes around the corner and blasts the first
soldier, he falls and shatters into ice shards.
What in-
Raven blasts their guns and com units, freezing them.
Who are you?
Look, I need in that room. You're
in the way.
Raven freezes them both against the wall. Using her wrist
console, she opens the door.
Rick, Ramone, And The Pilgrim sit unconscious in their
disabled fighters. Rathian is bloating and explodes in a cry
of pain. Kirin laughs.
Too much power? You weak little
Wyverns have never been up to par
anyway, low rank amateurs.
Kirin stops his electricity, which kills the emp field and
the four fighters all power on, waking Rick, Ramone, and The
Pilgrim. The Pilgrim opens a com link
What happened? We killed it, right?
Are we all here?
Yeah I'm here, where is here?
They see Raven's cockpit is open.
I hope she is alright, but what the
heck is that thing?
Kirin notices they are awake. the Rathian is mangled
Aw, you guys are up. I was making
you a playmate, but she was a
That's an... Elder Dragon?! The
Kirin? But he is very different
from my studies.
Kirin starts charging up electricity, as a giant spike
shoots out of the wall and glances his back, stopping him
for a moment.
That was easy, you should invest in
better soldiers.
The Pilgrim, Ramone, and Rick are released from their
tethers and try to head for for Kirin.
Where did that come from?! Why
aren't you in your box?
Kirin dodges with ease and blasts Rick from behind. his
fighter glitches, falling below Kirin before regaining
Those Wyverns! They are so weak! I
will show you the power of an Elder
Ramone and The Pilgrim swing around, The Pilgrim launches
some mines down that explode before they get to Kirin. They
hover above the mangled Rathian.
I'll try to reverse the polarity in
the arena!
That wont work! we made this room
for these battles! plenty of room
for testing our little Wyverns!
You haven't had Me at the controls.
Kirin speeds up from the bottom of the arena. Ramone and The
Pilgrim are on the Rathian platform. Rick chases Kirin.
Raven is working in the control room.
That dead Rathian could work to our
advantage, Ramone lets drop it on
Ramone and The Pilgrim pull what's left of the Rathian skin
off the platform and wrap Kirin in it. His E.M.P. field
Incoming Rick!
I am so sorry. We have to do this.
Rick slows as Kirin struggles and short circuits.
Raven enters, the soldiers are half thawed and groaning. She
punches a few buttons on her wrist console, opening all of
the Wyvern nurseries.
Rick, Ramone, and The Pilgrim are waiting above Kirin as the
main door starts pounding.
How do we get out of here?
Raven runs out as doors open all around and some smaller
space Wyverns come flying out, fighting with each other,
attacking things, and screeching.
I secured a freight route and
locked all the doors. Follow me!
Raven climbs in her ship, and joins the group around Kirin.
Oh great, more Wyverns?
Raven heads off towards the ceiling. The Pilgrim runs off
into one of the nurseries labeled 'Alatreon'
Where you going scott?
The Pilgrim disappears inside.
We came all this way, we can't
leave empty handed! don't worry
about me, I'll catch up.
Main doors are denting inward, wyverns freak out and attack
everything, Raven races toward her exit with Rick. Ramone
follows the pilgrim, taking out Wyverns with his cannon.
Hurry up! I don't want to lose you
as well!
Raven reaches the door and hesitates, Rick speeds past.
Ceadeus breaks into the arena. Wyverns flood through the
Come on guys!
The Pilgrim and Ramone speed out with a large shipping crate
in tow, killing Wyverns if they get to close.
Raven, why are you still here!?
Ceadeus breaks through with Lao Shan Lung and Exo-prey. They
are halted by the shear number of Wyverns attacking them.
Raven, Ramone and The Pilgrim escape behind Rick.
Rick, Ramone, and Raven are crowded around a crate.
You risked everything for this?
Do we eat it?
Food? You think they have been
working on food this whole time?
That's what you do with eggs!
The Pilgrim enters with another crate labeled 'Rathalos'.
This is the discovery of a
lifetime! Wyvern eggs!
Their big secret is overgrown
lizard eggs?
Come on help me get the rest of
these un-loaded.
Rick and Ramone follow The Pilgrim outside as a crate breaks
open revealing baby ALATREON, a small cat sized, rust
colored, four legged Dragon.
An Alatreon!? that's an elder
dragon! they have found a way to
re-create themselves?
More crates start busting open to reveal baby wyverns,
Ramone turns, looks at a crate labeled 'Wyvern saddles' and
We're not going to eat them. We're
going to ride them.
End on baby Wyverns popping out of crates

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  • 1. Fall of the Dragon By Shane Miller Address Phone Number
  • 2. 2 EXT. SPACE PORT STREETS - NIGHT JENKINS a 65 year old man,a scar across his eye with a white chin beard , is limping and bloody. He approaches the Guild Hall Pub. INT. GUIL[[D HALL - NIGHT Ramone, a well-built young man in a white leather jacket with "HUNTER" studded across the back, sits at a table, a WAITRESS drops off his drink and helps other PATRONS. RAMONE Oh man, I need this. Rick, a bit messy, wearing a khaki overcoat, enters and buys a drink at the bar from THE STAFF. RICK Hey man, you're going to get noticed if you keep dressing like that. RAMONE Well, at least I smell good, You're going to alert the dogs from a mile away. RICK Yeah true, all part of my risk reduction strategy. Rick sits down with Ramone. RAMONE Man, all I wanted to do was find some new weapon parts! Ramone flails his glass in the air. RAMONE (CONT'D) You would think it would be higher on the priority list to get the Star Hunters some new equipment! Ramone takes a huge chug. RICK Ha! You would think that wouldn't you? but, I have to agree, we are pretty badass. Jenkins enters, Ramone chokes on his beer, Patrons and The Staff gasp and murmur.
  • 3. 3 JENKINS Where are ya boys?! RICK AND RAMONE Gramps? Rick and Ramone jump up and rush to grab the bloodied Jenkins, spilling beer and breaking glass. RAMONE What happened? RICK Why? Rick grabs and holds Jenkins as he stumbles to the floor wheezing. JENKINS Th...they found us, we need to go... now! RICK Who found us? Ramone grabs a towel from the nearby Waitress, and fumbles to clean up Jenkins. RAMONE The Evil Elder Dragon Corporation? The waitress pushes Ramone out of the way and cleans up Jenkins. JENKINS I'm sorry m' boys... tell that Pilgrim.. tell him we gotta move. he found their secret! Jenkins wheezes, The Waitress removes damaged clothes and reveals wounds on jenkins torso and neck. JENKINS (CONT'D) Something called Alatreon, uses... ancient power. RAMONE Like a new ship? is it on its way here? Jenkins looks Ramone in the eyes JENKINS Much more... than...that. Take it!
  • 4. 4 Jenkins dies in Ricks arms. a tear rolls down Ricks cheek. RICK He.. he stopped moving, this cant be! (to WAITRESS) You, you gave him a sedative right? Right? Waitress stares at Rick and shakes her head. WAITRESS Why...would I- RAMONE Rick? We need to get out of here! Sirens in the distance. RICK But Gramps... He needs help... RAMONE Let's go, Now! Or his death will be in vain! Ramone picks up Rick from under Jenkins, and they exit. EXT. HUNTERS HANGAR - RAVEN'S TENT - NIGHT Raven, a tomboyish girl wearing dirty coveralls, is outside her tent watching a newscast on her wrist console. The NEWS ANCHOR, standard suit puppet, shuffles papers. NEWS ANCHOR The military is chalking up a win today against the elusive 'Hunters Guild' terrorists. A drawing of Jenkins is shown. NEWS ANCHOR This man has been captured and we have learned the location of several outposts, two more known terrorists have fled the scene and are at large- Pictures of Rick and Ramone are shown RAVEN Aw, crap! Raven jumps up, slaps off the report, punches buttons on her
  • 5. 5 wrist console, and runs inside the hangar, there is gun fire in the distance. INT. HUNTERS CAMP, MAKESHIFT HANGAR - NIGHT The Pilgrim mid thirties man, in a decorated but grungy coat, enters with Rick and Ramone to find Raven climbing into her fighter. RAVEN Hey its cool guys, take your time! THE PILGRIM This is not the time for sarcasm! We have company! RAMONE All prepped? Ramone, Rick, and The Pilgrim climb into their fighters, buckle up, and detach from the hangar. RAVEN How many times have we done this? SOLDIERS in EXO-PREY, large armored battle suits, force open the hangar doors from outside, conveniently opening the escape path for the hunter class fighters. THE PILGRIM Light 'em up, Rick! Rick activates his forward facing concussive shield and blows all of the Exo-prey out of the way RICK That was for Gramps! One of the Exo-preys was just out of range and leaps toward Rick with a flaming laser sword. RAMONE I'll take this one! Watch and learn the art of true vengeance! Ramone rushes forward and starts charging his 'great sword' burst canon, but Raven lunges forward and spears the Exo-prey with her E.M.P. lance. RAVEN That weapon is just too damn slow! Now lets go! Ramone fires his charge, catches one of the disabled
  • 6. 6 Exo-preys in his blast, and follows Raven. RAMONE I still got one at least... Rick attacks some of the recovering Exo-prey in a frenzy THE PILGRIM We don't have time Rick! Lets move, or we will all end up like Jenkins! Rick ignores the order, The Pilgrim drops a mine on the Exo-prey and launches a tether to drag Rick out. RICK They killed him! He's dead! they have to pay! Ramone and Raven exit. The Pilgrim exits draging Rick behind him. EXT. SPACE - NEAR GANNY MEAD - NIGHT The Pilgrim, Rick, Ramone, and Raven move slowly around asteroids using intercoms to communicate. THE PILGRIM We will head to the abandon asteroid hangar we have been surveying. We can find some leftover supplies. The Pilgrim sets his ship to asteroid field drift mode. RICK He's... He's gone. And it's my fault. RAMONE We didn't mean for this. I just needed a drink to cool off. Ramone charges an attack and obliterates a smaller asteroid. RAVEN Wait, Jenkins is dead? I knew you two would be his undoing! THE PILGRIM Raven! don't you dare put his death on them! we all know it's an inevitable part of war!
  • 7. 7 RAVEN But Scott, Jenkins was- The Pilgrim mutes Ravens communications link, Rick holds back tears. RAMONE He told me something just before he went, a name? and something about a secret? THE PILGRIM Yes, we found something. RICK Well, what is it? Was it worth gramps life? THE PILGRIM Only if we can bring down the Evil Elder Dragon Corporation. Raven powers up her engines and takes off toward the asteroid base, The Pilgrim sighs. THE PILGRIM (CONT'D) The reports have been sparse but the EEDC found something old and powerful. the name Alatreon came up a few times along with Rathalos and Rathian. RAMONE Wait, Rathian? Like the Wyvern class frigate? RICK But, what's Alatreon? THE PILGRIM Yes the frigates namesake. Alatreon, However, is of an older species, from before the Wyverns. Ramone charges a full blast at a huge asteroid and cracks it. RAMONE A history lesson? Really? what do they have to do with this? Rick takes his pulse sword and blasts apart the asteroid Ramone had cracked.
  • 8. 8 THE PILGRIM I don't really know, but it mentions them 'Discovering the power of Alatreon'. RICK But how did they find us? THE PILGRIM We got ambushed at the drop. but not before we secured schematics and the reports. RICK And Gramps came to find us, and he got caught? I gave him up? I let him down! I ran around, and hurt him! Rick starts sobbing, Ramone breaks multiple rocks at once with a sweeping blast. THE PILGRIM Rick! Put your ship on asteroid mode if you have to break down! and Ramone stop breaking things kid. its a good way to get spotted. Rick collects himself in time to not crash into something and sets his ship to asteroid drift mode. THE PILGRIM (CONT'D) Don't listen to Raven! Its the cost of war son! We all know that and any of us could be next. Ramone breaks one more asteroid and sets his ship to drift mode as well EXT. ABANDON HANGER - NIGHT Raven is first to arrive and checks out the perimeter. RAVEN Those two had to get butt hurt about being sloppy! Raven finds a dead drone, and stabs it with her ships lance. RAVEN(CONT'D) Seems like they're all dead, guess I'll get things ready. Raven sets her ship down outside the abandon hangar, slips
  • 9. 9 into a space suit, and checks some readings. RAVEN(CONT'D) Strange, the o2 bubble is online? Must be a glitch. Raven disembarks her ship and floats down to the ground. As she is anchoring her ship a bright light suddenly flashes and disorients her. RAVEN What...? A few small shadows dart around the disoriented Raven. EXT. ABANDON HANGER - NIGHT Rick, Ramone, and The Pilgrim arrive to see Raven's ship still outside the hangar. THE PILGRIM Rick, take a look around to make sure the the perimeter is clear. RICK I'm sure Raven already did. THE PILGRIM Double check. Rick flys off checking on the drones and perimeter. RAMONE The oxygen bubble's up. THE PILGRIM No generator reading. Could be shielded, stay ready. Ramone and The Pilgrim, land near Ravens ship. As they are climbing out they notice her ship is only half-anchored. RAMONE Look at this! She couldn't even anchor her ship properly? THE PILGRIM You're usually the one in a hurry. Stay sharp, I'm going inside to check it out. The Pilgrim walks cautiously to the hangar and slips in a side door.
  • 10. 10 RAMONE Rick isn't back yet, this isn't looking good. A shadow glints behind the hangar and makes a small noise. RAMONE(CONT'D) (on his communicator) I think there may be something out here Pilgrim. Ramone grabs a space anchor, a long drill with laser spikes up one side, and activates the gripping spikes. RAMONE Come on then? What are you waiting for? I'm out here, alone, just me. And my giant anchor. A shadow rushes Ramone from behind dealing a glancing blow. It steals his satchel and runs inside the abandon hangar. RAMONE(CONT'D) That's mine! (on his communicator) something is out here and it stole my bag! Crackling static, Ramone sighs and gives chase, taking his anchor with him, He enters the hangar. INT. ABANDON HANGER - NIGHT Raven and The Pilgrim are tied behind a group of Melynx, black, cat like, humanoids. Their bags are in a corner with Ramone's. The cats are rummaging through them. RAMONE Oh, hey, there you are! Wow, there's some gravity in here, this things a little heavy. Raven and The Pilgrim are violently writhing and grunting in Ramone's direction. RAMONE Melynx? Really? You both got caught by Melynx? A big mechanized hand taps Ramone on the shoulder, he spins around to see M3CH4-LYNX, a slightly larger-than-human, bipedal, feline mech, standing behind him.
  • 11. 11 RAMONE(CONT'D) Holy- M3CH4-Lynx throws a punch right into the ground as Ramone barely leaps out of the way. Raven and The Pilgrim breath a sigh of relief. RAMONE(CONT'D) Bad kitty! M3CH4-Lynx swings again but Ramone deflects it off balance with his anchor, and attacks the other arm. M3CH4-LYNX Murr!...ow?! The arm starts leaking s little bit of fluid. all of the Melynx stop to watch the action. RAMONE Aw, nasty! Do I have to rub your nose in that? Ramone winds up for another blow, M3CH4-Lynx leaps over his head as Ramone swings. M3CH4-Lynx leg is hit, he stumbles face first and spews out a small, furry creature. RAMONE Ewww, a hairball? Conan, a small black and white cat humanoid wearing a red bandana, gets up and dusts himself off. the rest of the Melynx cower in the corner CONAN How did you beat my puurrfectly crafted Mecha-Lynx? I designed it myself! RAMONE That's it? I didn't even get to do anything? CONAN What? You came out of nowhere and destroyed my Mecha-Lynx, you cur! Ramone deactivates his anchor. RAMONE You feral cats attacked us first! And I would hardly call that little scratch destroyed.
  • 12. 12 CONAN Feral?! I will have you know we eat Fancy Feast! in fact my brother runs their distribution network! Raven and The Pilgrim growl loudly, Ramone rolls his eyes RAMONE Ok, I'm sorry. Could we do something about those two? CONAN This fishy pair?! Ramone activates the anchor again CONAN Uh...I am sure we can come to an agreement, nya? Ramone smiles politely but holds on to the anchor. EXT. ABANDON HANGER SPACE - NIGHT Rick races around the perimeter, spotting several stabbed through drones. RICK seems to be all clear. Light static RICK Hello? Scott? Ramone? Raven? Rick races toward the hangar and checks readings. nothing is different. RICK I'm on my way guys, don't die! Rick reaches the hangar, implodes the hangar doors, and crushes the M3CH4-Lynx, Conan sobs. All the Melynx scatter. INT. BUSTED UP ABANDON HANGER - NIGHT Raven, Ramone, and The Pilgrim stand with a surprised look on their face, Conan sobs, all Melynx hide, Rick is just inside the doors in his fighter. RICK Ramone?! Are you guys ok? RAMONE Uh...yeah, hi, what the heck Rick?
  • 13. 13 RICK I wasn't getting any readings, and no one responded, so I figured you needed help. Ramone face-palms. RAVEN And blasting the hangar doors open was your best idea? THE PILGRIM what's done is done, we are all fine, Rick? lets get you on the ground. Ramone and The Pilgrim walk to the corner with all of the stolen items, Raven helps Rick land his ship on the docking platform. Conan wipes tears away. RAMONE Lets move cats! We need all of this loaded up! CONAN (under breath) Fine. Just leave it on top. Ramone motions with his anchor for the Melynx to load the stolen gear into their ships. Conan grabs items out of some Melynx hands, Rick and Raven exit. RAMONE (to The Pilgrim) They must have a ship, why don't they tag along? could use his connections to get inside the EEDC? THE PILGRIM They attacked us. RAMONE Oh, I don't think we have to worry about that. Ramone brandishes his anchor, The Pilgrim shrugs. THE PILGRIM Well, As long as you keep an eye on them. Ramone whistles, Conan comes back over.
  • 14. 14 RAMONE I have decided to take pity on you, and let your Melynx join us. CONAN Why should we join you? RAMONE It's better than pillaging travelers, and we wont kill you. CONAN When you put it that way, who can resist? Conan sighs, un-cloaks his ship, and loads in M3CH4-lynx. CONAN How deep in the litter are we getting here? THE PILGRIM We have a mission, to infiltrate the Evil Elder Dragon Corporation. Some Melynx over hear this and gasp. CONAN Are you on the 'nip?! Why would you break in there? RAMONE They took someone from us. THE PILGRIM And in his name, we shall bring an end to their tyranny. CONAN Now you have my curiosity, normal people would just accept that. I may be able to help you get inside. The Pilgrim and Conan shake hands. EXT. POKKE COLONY SPACE - DAY Rick, Ramone, Raven, and The Pilgrim, in their fighters. the Melynx ship following Ramone, they float through the colonized Pokke asteroid field while cloaked.
  • 15. 15 RICK You sure this is going to work? sure it's faster, but these people know our ships by now. CONAN No need to worry, we are the stealthiest Melynx in the galaxy. What has you in the tall grass? Raven punches up the recording of Jenkins 'capture' broadcast, and sends it to the Melynx ship. CONAN(CONT'D) That's you? You're terrorists?! RAVEN Do we look like terrorists? those are false reports! Raven points her lance right at the Melynx ship cockpit. CONAN Heh heh... False reports. Yes, obviously. THE PILGRIM Raven, I would rather not lose our cloak here, stand down. Raven retracts her lance/ RAVEN ...yes sir... RAMONE So... where are we headed? CONAN My brother Andy's place. Fancy Feast has a huge delivery once a week for all of EEDC's feline employees. Rick, Ramone, Raven, and The Pilgrim keep a tight formation around the Melynx ship. There are glowing eyes in the distant background. EXT. FANCY FEAST DISRIBUTION OFFICE - DAY Ramone, Raven, and The Pilgrim are waiting outside a warehouse back door, Rick paces.
  • 16. 16 RICK I don't trust this guy, something feels off, why help us? THE PILGRIM I agree, most felines hate humans, assume this is a trap. RAMONE What could a few cats do? Raven shoots Ramone a sharp look, Conan and Andy, an orange colored copy of Conan, enters through back door. CONAN Alright, We found you a way in. there is a shipment leaving tonight, we scratched the numbers to have two container ships delivered to the EEDC. RICK Only two? CONAN One can easily fit two hunter class fighters, plus the standard shipment. THE PILGRIM Seems transport is secured, lets lay down a strategy. Raven pulls up a detailed map of the Evil Elder Dragon Corporations facility with her wrist console. EXT. EVIL ELDER DRAGON CORPORATION SPACE- DAY Two Fancy Feast container ships fly through security checkpoints and into the Evil Elder Dragon Corporation facility. INT. FANCY FEAST CONATINER 1 - DAY Rick and Ramone are in their ships Conan is in his newly rebuilt M3CH4-LYNX. RAMONE I'm so bored! When do we get there? CONAN Stop meowling! We'll be there soon! Conan shadow boxes.
  • 17. 17 RAMONE Why would you re-build that thing? The container ship slows, stops, and reverses, a com channel opens. CONTAINER PILOT We're here, get ready. RAMONE Finally! Rick and Ramone start their fighters and contact Raven and The Pilgrim in container ship 2. THE PILGRIM (O.S.) You two ready? RAMONE Great Sword, ready! RICK Sword is armed, shields are up! RAVEN (O.S.) Lancer, ready! THE PILGRIM Hammer is charged! As soon as those doors open, we blast these cans and run! CONAN That isn't what we discussed! The doors open, there are a multitude of Exo-prey soldiers, with guns trained. EXT. EVIL ELDER DRAGON CORPOPRATION - LOADING DOCKS - DAY Two Fancy Feast container ships are surrounded by Exo-prey, they open the doors of the container ships. SOLDIER Power down your weapons, now!- Rick and The Pilgrim use their concussive blasts and all four hunter class fighters explode out of the container. Disoriented soldiers open fire. RAMONE Yeah! This is what we need! The Pilgrim drops three E.M.P. mines into the Exo-prey,
  • 18. 18 disabling most of them. THE PILGRIM Raven, Head left! Raven and The Pilgrim veer left toward research, Rick and Ramone head right, Conan is left inside the debris. RAVEN That's what a couple cats can do! They set us up! RICK I never trusted that cat. RAMONE If I see that cat again... A few Exo-prey chase Rick and Ramone as they run into the weapons bay, Raven and The Pilgrim are chased into research. INT. WEAPONS BAY - DAY Rick and Ramone fight off the few remaining Exo-prey. RAMONE Why have they not sent reinforcements? I thought we were the distraction? RICK Maybe we depleted their reserves? RAMONE Yeah, that's what happened. The lights kick on as Rick and Ramone continue down the bay halls, they come into a huge arena-like room the size of a small planet. The doors seal behind them. INT. ARENA - DAY Rick and Ramone stop their fighters and charge their weapons. RAMONE What is this place? I didn't see this on the map. An ear splitting roar echoes through the arena, RATHALOS, a red, skyscraper sized, armored space dragon enters. RICK What is that?! Its huge!
  • 19. 19 Rathalos lets loose a huge fireball. Ramone blasts it with his canon burst, dealing him minor damage. RAMONE This thing is dangerous, I think it may be alive? This is gunna be fun! Rathalos swings his huge spiked tail at Rick, he blocks it with his shield and gets knocked back a little. RICK Do we kill this thing? Rick pummels Rathalos' head with his shield and lasers disorienting the Wyvern and breaking off his armor. RAMONE I think we can! I'm getting that tail off! Ramone charges up a full attack on Rathalos' tail which falls off easily, Rathalos flinches, roars and lets loose fireballs every where. RICK Woah! something seems strange here. Rick blocks fireballs, Ramone shreds Rathalos' left wing into tatters. RAMONE He seems oddly squishy? Rick and Ramone sit on both sides of Rathalos' head and let loose. Rathalos lets out a whimper and falls to the floor, dead. INT. DARK ROOM - NIGHT LAO SHAN LUNG, a 2 skyscraper tall black and red, space dragon, and Kirin, a skyscraper sized, electric, space pegasus. watch the arena on a screen. LAO SHAN LUNG Why do they continue to fail? Kill that cat! KIRIN Perhaps they can't handle their growth as we had hoped? My power is to great for those puny things. Lao Shan Lung smashes his tail against the wall.
  • 20. 20 LAO SHAN LUNG No! They must be ready, I will not accept anymore delays! CEADEUS, a 3 skyscraper tall glowing space leviathan and AMATSU, a 2 skyscraper tall, feather winged space Dragoness, enter. CEADEUS How doth thine conflicts fair? LAO SHAN LUNG We need to keep going! this one was destroyed in seconds! AMATSU How can we expect to revive our kin if we cannot raise a simple Wyvern? Ceadeus and Amatsu look to Kirin. KIRIN Call back the Exo-prey I'll take them myself, start charging the Rathian. LAO SHAN LUNG Good, go beyond anything we have so far, even if it breaks you! We shall have our dominion back! Kirin exits AMATSU How much more can he generate until his mind breaks? CEADEUS Thou needn't worry, that mind has already decayed beyond repentance. Lao Shan Lung, Ceadeus, and Amatsu all turn to watch Kirin on the screen. INT. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT - DAY Raven and The Pilgrim dart around corners and down corridors, losing the Exo-prey following them. RAVEN Giving up already?
  • 21. 21 THE PILGRIM No, keep your guard up. I'm sure there is something on its way. These doors are marked with Wyvern names. Doors start closing forcing Raven and The Pilgrim to follow a specific path to the same arena as Rick and Ramone. RAVEN They're boxing us in! THE PILGRIM Lets move! Raven and The Pilgrim speed through narrow passages and hallways keeping just ahead of the closing doors INT. ARENA - DAY Raven and The Pilgrim enter the arena, Rick and Ramone are tethered to a platform. THE PILGRIM What is this place? Raven notices Rick and Ramone, they are unconscious. RAVEN Hey, guys, Wake up! This isn't nap time. The Pilgrim's ship sensors alert him to an electric charge buildup. THE PILGRIM Raven! Some- Electricity blasts the arena knocking out the fighters, Raven and The Pilgrim lose consciousness. They fall and are caught by tethers. INT. ARENA - NIGHT Raven wakes up and sees the Rick, Ramone, and The Pilgrim still hang helpless. Kirin is in the room charging a RATHIAN a green, skyscraper sized space Dragon. KIRIN Yes, Grow! Bigger is better! So we can teach them who is in charge! Kirin laughs awkwardly, The Rathian is grotesquely proportioned and bigger than the Rathalos. Raven tries to
  • 22. 22 turn her ship on. RAVEN its dead? Raven, checks her wrist console. RAVEN You too? Raven puts on space suit, grabs her ice blaster and bag, and disembarks her ship. RAVEN (CONT'D) I'll go find the control room. Raven starts climbing towards an access shaft and slips inside, Kirin is having too much fun too notice her. INT. ARENA HALLWAYS - NIGHT Raven drops out of the access shaft, outside the arena walls, her wrist console lights up. RAVEN Finally! Lets see what we've got. The wrist console blips and shows three soldiers, guarding what looks like a control room. RAVEN Should be easy. Raven tip toes around the corner and blasts the first soldier, he falls and shatters into ice shards. SOLDIERS What in- Raven blasts their guns and com units, freezing them. SOLDIER Who are you? RAVEN Look, I need in that room. You're in the way. Raven freezes them both against the wall. Using her wrist console, she opens the door. INT. ARENA - NIGHT Rick, Ramone, And The Pilgrim sit unconscious in their disabled fighters. Rathian is bloating and explodes in a cry
  • 23. 23 of pain. Kirin laughs. KIRIN Too much power? You weak little Wyverns have never been up to par anyway, low rank amateurs. Kirin stops his electricity, which kills the emp field and the four fighters all power on, waking Rick, Ramone, and The Pilgrim. The Pilgrim opens a com link RAMONE What happened? We killed it, right? THE PILGRIM Are we all here? RICK Yeah I'm here, where is here? They see Raven's cockpit is open. RICK I hope she is alright, but what the heck is that thing? Kirin notices they are awake. the Rathian is mangled KIRIN Aw, you guys are up. I was making you a playmate, but she was a weakling. THE PILGRIM That's an... Elder Dragon?! The Kirin? But he is very different from my studies. Kirin starts charging up electricity, as a giant spike shoots out of the wall and glances his back, stopping him for a moment. RAVEN (O.S.) That was easy, you should invest in better soldiers. The Pilgrim, Ramone, and Rick are released from their tethers and try to head for for Kirin. KIRIN Where did that come from?! Why aren't you in your box?
  • 24. 24 Kirin dodges with ease and blasts Rick from behind. his fighter glitches, falling below Kirin before regaining control. KIRIN Those Wyverns! They are so weak! I will show you the power of an Elder Dragon! Ramone and The Pilgrim swing around, The Pilgrim launches some mines down that explode before they get to Kirin. They hover above the mangled Rathian. RAVEN (O.S.) I'll try to reverse the polarity in the arena! KIRIN That wont work! we made this room for these battles! plenty of room for testing our little Wyverns! RAVEN(O.S.) You haven't had Me at the controls. Kirin speeds up from the bottom of the arena. Ramone and The Pilgrim are on the Rathian platform. Rick chases Kirin. Raven is working in the control room. THE PILGRIM That dead Rathian could work to our advantage, Ramone lets drop it on him. Ramone and The Pilgrim pull what's left of the Rathian skin off the platform and wrap Kirin in it. His E.M.P. field disperses. RAMONE Incoming Rick! THE PILGRIM I am so sorry. We have to do this. Rick slows as Kirin struggles and short circuits. INT. ARENA HALLWAYS - NIGHT Raven enters, the soldiers are half thawed and groaning. She punches a few buttons on her wrist console, opening all of the Wyvern nurseries.
  • 25. 25 INT. ARENA - NIGHT Rick, Ramone, and The Pilgrim are waiting above Kirin as the main door starts pounding. RICK How do we get out of here? Raven runs out as doors open all around and some smaller space Wyverns come flying out, fighting with each other, attacking things, and screeching. RAVEN I secured a freight route and locked all the doors. Follow me! Raven climbs in her ship, and joins the group around Kirin. RAMONE Oh great, more Wyverns? Raven heads off towards the ceiling. The Pilgrim runs off into one of the nurseries labeled 'Alatreon' RICK Where you going scott? The Pilgrim disappears inside. THE PILGRIM (O.S.) We came all this way, we can't leave empty handed! don't worry about me, I'll catch up. Main doors are denting inward, wyverns freak out and attack everything, Raven races toward her exit with Rick. Ramone follows the pilgrim, taking out Wyverns with his cannon. RICK Hurry up! I don't want to lose you as well! Raven reaches the door and hesitates, Rick speeds past. Ceadeus breaks into the arena. Wyverns flood through the holes. RAVEN Come on guys! The Pilgrim and Ramone speed out with a large shipping crate in tow, killing Wyverns if they get to close. THE PILGRIM Raven, why are you still here!?
  • 26. 26 Ceadeus breaks through with Lao Shan Lung and Exo-prey. They are halted by the shear number of Wyverns attacking them. Raven, Ramone and The Pilgrim escape behind Rick. EXT. ABANDON HANGER - NIGHT Rick, Ramone, and Raven are crowded around a crate. RAVEN You risked everything for this? RICK Do we eat it? RAMONE Food? You think they have been working on food this whole time? RICK That's what you do with eggs! The Pilgrim enters with another crate labeled 'Rathalos'. THE PILGRIM This is the discovery of a lifetime! Wyvern eggs! RAVEN Their big secret is overgrown lizard eggs? THE PILGRIM Come on help me get the rest of these un-loaded. Rick and Ramone follow The Pilgrim outside as a crate breaks open revealing baby ALATREON, a small cat sized, rust colored, four legged Dragon. THE PILGRIM (CONT'D) An Alatreon!? that's an elder dragon! they have found a way to re-create themselves? More crates start busting open to reveal baby wyverns, Ramone turns, looks at a crate labeled 'Wyvern saddles' and grins. RAMONE We're not going to eat them. We're going to ride them. End on baby Wyverns popping out of crates