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The           NEVERLAND
                                                              VALLEY NEWS
 LOS OLIVOS 2005 - Vol.2                                                                               0,77 Neverland cent

Full report on the
Michael Jackson Trial
What happened in the Michael
Jackson trial so far? He was indicted
on 10 felony counts for incidents that
allegedly occurred in February and
March 2003. He is accused of molest-
ing a young boy, giving him alcohol
and conspiring to hold the boy's fami-
ly captive. You think Michael Jackson
is guilty? Examine the nature of that
claim. Are your sources credible?

Conspiracy theory?
Both the accuser and the defendant
claim that they are the victims of a
conspiracy. Who is right? This news-
paper will give you an insight of the
story other then the regular sensation-
seeking media. page 6
                                          Santa Maria 2005 -        What emerged from the trial so far is a portrait of a
                                          family from the wrong side of the tracks who managed to infiltrate the air of
1 MILLION X MJ Times!!!                   Hollywood's celebrity's. They approached celebrities such as Lopez, actor Jim
                                          Carrey, "Tonight Show" host Jay Leno and boxer Mike Tyson. Leno went to
A Record breaking 1 million copies
                                          police, telling them "something was wrong" and that he suspected the family
of the MJ Times vol.1 have been dis-
                                          was "looking for a mark". Some of the celebrities responded generously.
tributed word-wide in different lan-
                                          Comic Louise Palanker reportedly gave the family $20,000. After the boy met
guages!!! Read more on page 8
                                          with Michael Jackson his cancer has gone into remission. When the family
                                          found out that they were not going to live at Neverland forever, realizing they
                                          were not going to get rich, that's when their story changed and the accusations
                                          Previous this case was brought to a secret Grand Jury who made their decision
                                          to go ahead with the case without even hearing the defence side. Hundreds of
                                          search warrants later and after the so called evidence of a $ 75.000,- watch and
                                          a Jacket that Michael Jackson gave away is the beginning of what looks like an
                                          ongoing harassment of Mr. Jackson. It will be interesting to see if the American
                                          system will bring Justice in this case? Witness after witness, the media report
  “Lies run sprints, but the truth runs   headlines that are carefully chosen slogans or statements, yet, leaves out the con-
   marathons. The truth will win this     text and trivializes the impact of the cross examinations.
 marathon in Court." ~ Michael Jackson                                                         Continue to read at page 2
issue in the trial: The credibili-
                                   ty of the accuser and his fami-
    The Trial                      ly. In March the Judge ruled
                                   that the prosecutors will be
     begins                        allowed to introduce evidence
                                   of past molestation allegations
                                   against Michael Jackson not-
                                   ing that the evidence is rele-
In January 2005 about 300          vant to proof "an alleged pat-
potential jurors enter the back    tern". A victory in the prosecu-
entrance of the courthouse,        tion's eyes, thinking this will
marking the most widely-cov-       help their case. Michael attor-
ered case in history. In a mêlée   ney Messereau said prosecu-
of television crews, fans and      tors were trying to rescue a
sheriff's deputies, Michael        troubled case with weak wit-
Jackson makes his way to           nesses by bringing up past alle-     An investigator for the Santa       defense also mentioned that
court. The second day in court     gations. But for Michael it          Barbara County Sheriff's            the boys broke into Michael's
ended early, when Santa the        could turn out to be even more       Department said that no DNA         bedroom and that the boys
Judge abruptly halted jury         victorious as now he has the         from Michael Jackson's accus-       knew the entrée codes (later
selection, saying he had inter-    chance to be totally vindicated      er, his younger brother or any      acknowledged by the accuser's
viewed enough potential pan-       from all accusations!                other member of his family          younger brother).
ellists. The defence attorneys                                          was found during forensic test-
and prosecutors had their          From "the Jackson 5", alleged-       ing on samples taken from           A third boy's testimony for
chance to interview the people     ly 5 young boys were molested        Michael Jackson's Neverland         Michael Jackson's defense is
who might sit in the jury box      by Michael, only one alleged         Ranch. Even linens seized by        "relevant" to the pop star's
and decide whether Michael         victim will testify. Testimony       police from Michael Jackson's       accuser's credibility. The
Jackson is guilty or not. Two      in four other cases will come        bed failed to yield hair, fibers    defense will present a boy say-
delays came into the process of    from nine third-party witness-       or DNA linked to the teenager       ing that the accuser and his
the Jury selection when the sis-   es. Michael Jackson was never        accusing him of child molesta-      younger brother masturbated
ter of Messereau, Michael's        charged in connection with the       tion or the accuser's brother       while looking at the pop star's
leading attorney, died and         past accusations. The other                                              pornography in his presence --
when Michael Jackson was           boys allegedly molested by                                               around the same time the
taken into a hospital. The Jury    Michael Jackson, including                                               accuser alleges Michael
is mixed, including four men
and eight women, ranging in
                                   movie star Macaulay Culkin,
                                   have all repeatedly denied
                                                                             Forensic                       Jackson introduced him to the
                                                                                                            practice against his will.
age from 20 to 79. Seven are
white, four are Hispanic
                                             being abused by the
                                               performer.                     Proof:
and one is Asian. None of
the selected jurors are
                                                 Chandler,     the
                                                 first accuser is
African-American.                                 believed      to      A forensic analyst testified that
                                                                        at least one of the prints recov-
                                                    have fled the
In January the pros-                                   county to        ered from sexually explicit
                                                                        magazines        seized     from
ecutors      pre-                                          p r e -                                          Who are the key witnesses
pared to intro-                                             vent        Michael Jackson's Neverland
                                                                        ranch belongs to his accuser's
                                                                                                            for the prosecution? How
duce their case                                              to be                                          credible are their stories or
against                                                                 younger brother. She also testi-
                                                                        fied that she believes another      are alternative motives
                                                                        print recovered from the maga-      involved? Here’s a selec-
and his
lawyers                                                                 zines belongs to Michael            tion of the most important
t       o                                                               Jackson. However, the results       witnesses...
counter                                                                 are officially considered incon-
with their                                                              clusive because another exam-       Martin Bashir
defence.                                                                iner who looked at the print        Bashir, maker documentary
More than 1,000                                                         disagreed with her conclusion.      "Living      with     Michael
members of the                                                                                              Jackson", made big bucks
media from around                                                       The defense brought up the          from his controversial docu-
the world have cre-                                        called to    fact that the boy also may have     mentary. Later came up with
dentials to cover                                         the wit-      touched the magazine during         another documentary with
the trial. The back-                                      ness stand    his testimony before the grand      actor Corey Feldman, one of
and-forth came dur-                                      by      the    jury. The prosecution acknowl-      Michael's alleged victims,
ing opening state-                                      procecu-        edged that the magazines were       again making $$$$$$. This so-
ments in the trial                                      tion.           not fingerprinted until after the   called victim suddenly claimed
lead to one pivotal                                                     Grand Jury proceedings. The         to remember things… yet he
was never called to the stand to    year-old sis-
testify??? During cross exami-      ter of the boy
nation the judge said he would      broke down
hold Bashir in contempt for         on the stand
refusing to cooperate…              and admitted
                                    to defence
The accuser                         attorney that
The credibility of the boy is       she'd lied in
crucial to the case and the         her testimo-
defense noted specific incon-       ny. "So you'd
sistencies in his version of        lie about cer-
events. The boy admits having       tain things
told a school teacher two years     and tell the
ago that Michael Jackson did        truth about
nothing inappropriate to him.       c e r t a i n
He denied suggestions that he       t h i n g s ,
invented the molestation            depending on what you are          several times about what           claimed to have been sexually
because he felt rejected by         asked, right?" Mesereau asked      Michael Jackson allegedly did      assaulted by security guards,
Michael Jackson as a father         the woman. "Yeah," she             to his brother and that there      J.C. Penney settled for
figure. The boy claimed to be       replied.                           were many discrepancies in his     $152,000.
unaware he had until age 18 to                                         testimony.                         - Mesereau also pressed the
file a civil lawsuit against        Brother accuser                                                       woman about a child welfare
Michael Jackson and that win-       Mr. Jackson's lawyers have         Kiki      Fournier     (Former     investigation back in the
ning a criminal conviction          stated that the boys memorized     Housekeeper) said that the         1990s, triggered after her son -
would help such a lawsuit.          security codes and entered Mr.     accuser's younger brother          - the accuser -- alleged she had
                                    Jackson's wine cellar and other    became "ornery" and demand-        abused him.
Barron (former guard at             areas without permission. The      ing while staying at the ranch.    - The mother also admitted that
Neverland)                          brother did, in fact, testify      She said he once pulled a knife    she once told police that her
testified that the accuser          under oath that he did have the    on her when they were both in      ex-husband had inappropriate-
crashed a golf cart into a foun-    codes to Michael Jackson's         the kitchen and the boy was        ly touched their daughter.
tain and was warned that if he      bedroom. The brother testified     trying to cook                     - Mesereau also tried to bolster
didn't slow down, the golf cart     that the first overnight sleep-                                       the defense's contention that
would be taken away. Cynthia        over occurred during his fami-     Mother of the accuser              the mother used her son's bout
Ann Bell (flight attendant)         ly's second visit to Neverland     Accuser's mother, whose ram-       with cancer to solicit money
described the boy as loud,          in contradiction to the testimo-   bling asides aggravated even       for her personal benefit, asking
obnoxious and "unusually            ny of the accuser's sister and     the judge, spend five days on      her if she had paid for plastic
rude," complaining about how        the prosecution's opening          the stand. At one point the        surgery out of funds raised for
his dinner was prepared and         statement in which the first       judge threatened to end court      the boy.
talking very loudly about a         overnight sleepover was said       for the day. Crucial testimony     - The mother denied she had
valuable     watch      Michael     to have occurred on the fami-      by the mother of the teen          ever asked her son to call NBC
Jackson had just given him.         ly's first visit to Neverland?     accuser was thrown into doubt      "Tonight Show" host Jay Leno,
                                    Under cross-examination the        because the woman invoked          or any other celebrity, to solic-
Sister Accuser                      brother admitted that he (like     her constitutional right against   it financial help.
The defence lawyers revealed        the sister) lied in a deposition   self-incrimination.       Santa    - The woman admitted to know
many gaps and holes in the          given in a civil suit. The         Barbara County Superior            what the deadlines were for fil-
credibility of the accuser's sis-   defence also pointed out that      Court Judge Rodney Melville        ing a civil claim against
ter story. Eventually the 18-       the brother changed his story      ruled she could avoid answer-      Michael Jackson over the
                                                                       ing questions about alleged        molestation allegations.
                                                                       welfare fraud, without being       - She also conceded that she
                                                                       forced to invoke her Fifth         never called police during the
                                                                       Amendment right against self-      time she claimed to have been
                                                                       incrimination in front of the      held against her will, intimi-
                                                                       jury. The fraud allegations,       dated and harassed by Michael
                                                                       which are being investigated       Jackson's aides, despite being
                                                                       by the Los Angeles County          close friends with a Los
                                                                       District Attorney's Office, stem   Angeles police officer.
                                                                       from welfare payments the
                                                                       mother received between            Stepfather of teenager
                                                                       October 2001 and March 2003.       According to the stepfather of
                                                                       - The woman acknowledged           teenager the family was
                                                                       lying under oath during a          offered a new house and free
                                                                       1990s civil lawsuit her family     college education in exchange
                                                                       filed against J.C. Penney. She     for appearing in Jackson's
Jackson often used, testified       instruct her to do so. She said    $1.4 million in the wrongful
                                    that as part of her flight prepa-   she did not see Michael            termination suit, they filed
                                    rations, she emptied Diet Coke      Jackson share the can with         bankruptcy. So giving a "dis-
                                    cans and filled them with white     anybody else and did not see       turbing" testimony against Mr.
                                    wine for him to drink because       any children drinking. Bell        Jackson in this case is a perfect
                                    he got nervous on flights.          said she did not see the accus-    way to get back at him...
                                    However, she said did not see       er intoxicated.
                                    him give alcohol to minors                                             Bob Jones (ex-employee
                                    during the more than 15 flights     LeMarque (former cook)             media relations)
                                    she took with Michael               Testified he saw the singer        Currently writing a tell-al book
                                    Jackson. She also said that         fondling child star Macaulay       about his time with Michael
                                    while she saw Michael               Culkin. But he acknowledged        Jackson with co-author Stacy
                                    Jackson drinking both wine          that his employment with           Brown. Jones had been expect-
                                    and mixed drinks, she did not       Michael Jackson ended with         ed to testify that he saw
                                    see him drunk.                      him suing the star for overtime    Michael Jackson licking the
                                                                        owed him and that the case         head of the boy in the 1993
                                    Comedian Louise Palanker            was settled out of court.          case on a plane flight. But, in a
                                    Testified that the estranged        During a break in testimony,       blow to the prosecution, Jones
                                    father of the teenager at the       Judge Rodney Melville barred       said he could "not recall any-
                                    center of the trial -- not the      the defense from raising the       thing about licking." Brown
video rebutting Bashirs docu-       mother -- pressed her for           issue of LeMarque's later work     said he had several conversa-
mentary.                            money. Palanker said she con-       as the operator of a porno-        tions with Jones in which he
The defence pointed out to          siders the family as friends.       graphic Web site. The witness      talked about seeing Michael
jurors that he spurned the offer    However, under cross-exami-         said he did not report the inci-   Jackson lick the boy's head
because he wanted an even           nation, Palanker admitted that      dent at the time, doubting that    during a Monaco trip, but he
larger share of what he thought     when she was interviewed by         anyone would have believed         said Jones' recollections later
would be a financial windfall       police in January, she spoke of     his account because "Michael       became "fuzzy." And under
from the rebuttal video. The        the family in less glowing          was at the top of everything."     cross-examination Brown said
stepfather admitted that he         terms. She conceded she told                                           Jones' recollections about the
thought the offer was insuffi-      police that the mother was          Adrian McManus "onetime"           incident seemed to change
cient because he believed           "totally bipolar" and "very         Neverland maid and security        with his finances -- that he had
Michael Jackson stood to earn       excitable," and also said that      guards Ralph Chacon &              a better memory of seeing the
$4 million to $5 million from       "this family can be as wacky as     Kassim Abdool                      licking when he needed money
selling his rebuttal -- and the     they want to be."                   All three of these ex-employ-      and a fuzzier memory when he
family ought to share in the                                            ees were involved in the failed    didn't. Asked if the book was
money. He also admitted ask-        Robel and Det. Paul Zelis           lawsuit      against  Michael      an accurate depiction of his
ing reporters from a British        (sheriff's deputies)                Jackson after leaving their        experiences working for
tabloid for money for an inter-     Testified that adult magazines      Neverland jobs. The suit           Michael Jackson, Jones said,
view with the family because        found at Neverland were all         resulted in a six-month trial in   "It's factual to a degree," going
"I thought it was the standard      legal to possess and that the       which        a
in the industry." But he insisted   singer's young accuser had not      judge found
he later declined their offer of    remembered seeing any partic-       that they had
$15,000.                            ular magazine or DVD. The           acted with
                                    officers also conceded some of      "fraud,
Kiki Fournier (Former               the magazines and DVDs were         oppression
Housekeeper)                        not published or released until     and malice"
Kiki Fournier testified that she    after the young boy and his         and      stole
never saw Jackson serve alco-       family left Michael Jackson's       from the pop
hol to minors. She also said        Neverland Valley Ranch.             i c o n .
she doesn't remember seeing                                             Chacon,
Jackson's teenage accuser or        Cynthia Ann Bell (flight            McManus
his siblings intoxicated at the     attendant)                          and Abdool,
ranch. Additionally, she said       On a private jet that carried       who admit-
she believed the accuser and        Michael Jackson, the accuser        ted selling
his brother were staying in         and his family from Miami,          their story to
guest rooms -- not Michael's        Florida, to California after the    tabloid
room -- during the time the boy     Bashir documentary aired.           newspapers,
says he was molested                Bell, who said she flew with        conceded
                                    Michael Jackson between             that     they
Lauren Wallace (flight atten-       three and six times, said she       w e r e
dant)                               served him wine disguised in a      ordered to
Wallace, working for an air         Diet Coke can throughout the        pay Michael
charter company that Michael        flight, although he did not         Jackson
never brought criminal charges
                                                                        against the singer.               Barron (former guard at
                                                                        Jack Green (president of          Said he never saw criminal
                                                                        Affordable          Telephone     behavior at Neverland and that
                                                                        Systems)                          as a sworn police officer would
                                                                        Green inspected Neverland's       have taken action if he had. He
                                                                        telephone system, and testified   also said the rest of the staff at
                                                                        that Michael Jackson's private    the ranch was aware that he
                                                                        telephone line was able to join   was a police officer. He testi-
                                                                        in with or listen to conversa-    fied that the Santa Barbara
                                                                        tions on any other line           County Sheriff's Department
                                                                        throughout the ranch. Under       had asked him to work under-
                                                                        cross-examination, Green con-     cover as a confidential inform-
                                                                        ceded there was nothing           ant at Neverland after investi-
                                                                        unusual about the system, and     gators raided the ranch in
on to explain that Brown had        a 12 to 13-year-old boy to          said that anyone could dial out   November 2003. He refused
included things of which he         make false accusations against      or call 911 on it.                and quit his job after a discus-
did not approve.                    a male." On cross examination,                                        sion with the chief of his
                                    he was confronted with some         Klapakis (former maid and         department.
William Dickerman (civil            of his published work, includ-      son)
attorney)                           ing an article entitled "Stop the   The woman said that in the        Carter (former bodyguard)
William Dickerman was hired         Witch Hunt for Child                years she worked for Jackson,     A key prosecution witness in
by the boy's family after the       Molesters" and his published        she never saw him touch a         the Michael Jackson case
broadcast of the "Living with       assertions that some 40 percent     child sexually, although his      charged in a string of armed
Michael Jackson" documen-           of sexual abuse claims are "in      behavior did make her uncom-      robberies in Nevada likely will
tary. Dickerman said he wrote       substantive."                       fortable and "concerned" for      refuse to testify at the pop
letters to Michael Jackson's        "You are aware that alleged         her own preteen son, who          star's trial, his lawyer said.
then-attorney, Mark Geragos,        victims of molestation often        often came to work with her.      Carter's attorney, Lloyd Baker,
seeking to end "intimidation,       sue for millions of dollars in      Both the mother and son in        said he has advised his client
harassment and surveillance"        civil court, correct?" he was       1996 reached an out-of-court      "to remain silent" and invoke
of the family by the performer      asked. "That is correct," Katz      financial settlement with         his Fifth Amendment protec-
after they left Neverland. He       said. Mr. Katz was also             Michael Jackson. Michael          tion against self-incrimination
said he also asked for the          involved in the 1993 case           Jackson's lawyers questioned      if he is taken to California to
return of passports, birth cer-     against Mr. Jackson.                the maid's son on about con-      testify in Michael Jackson's
tificates and clothes. The attor-                                       flicting statements he had        trial.
ney acknowledged that in his        Larry Feldman (civil lawyer)        made to police and why he had
letters he never mentioned          Feldman, who was also               initially denied being molested   Cynthia Montgomery (for-
accusations against the pop         involved with the 1993 case,        by the singer. Shortly before     mer travel coordinator)
star of false imprisonment,         denied there were plans for a       the deposition, the mother said   Cynthia Montgomery testified
kidnapping, molestation or          civil lawsuit. But he conceded      she was paid $20,000 by the       that a Michael Jackson associ-
alcohol.                            the accuser, now 15, had the        syndicated TV show "Hard          ate asked for one-way plane
                                    legal right to sue Michael          Copy" to talk about her time at   tickets to Brazil for the pop
Dr. Stan Katz (psychologist)        Jackson for about five more         Neverland and provide photo-      star's teenage accuser and his
Dr. Stan Katz, a key prosecu-       years. Feldman also told the        graphs. Michael Jackson           family days after they filmed a
tion witness who first reported     jury that after Michael Jackson     denied any wrongdoing in the      video designed to rebut a con-
the then-13-year-old boy's          paid the family in 1993 the boy     settlement document, also not-    troversial television documen-
allegations to authorities, said    stopped cooperating with            ing that he had a financial       tary (ed. Brazil doesn't allow
"it would be highly unusual for     authorities, and as a result        interest in protecting his name   U.S. citizens to travel there on
                                                                        and image.                        one-way tickets. So a one-way
out and it was full of lies and
                                                                      would I help. And as always, I
                                                                      said yes". She said she asked to
                                                                      visit their two children, whom
                                                                      she had not seen in about two
                                                                      years, and Michael Jackson
                                                                      agreed explaining that she         Michael Jackson has been
                                                                      hoped "to be reintroduced to       accused of conspiring to com-
                                                                      them and to be reacquainted        mit child abduction, extortion
                                                                      with their dad." Asked why by      and false imprisonment.
                                                                      Deputy District Attorney Ron
                                                                      Zonen, Debbie Rowe dabbed          However it is policy at
                                                                      at a tear and said: "He's my       Neverland not to allow chil-
                                                                      friend." Debbie Debbie said        dren to leave the ranch if they
                                                                      that that contrary to prosecu-     are visiting without their par-
                                                                      tion assertions that she was not   ents, and notations often were
                                                                      coached and said she even          made in the guest log to that
                                                                      turned down an offer to see the    effect.
                                                                      questions in advance, saying
                                                                      she did not want to be later       The mother had previously tes-
                                                                      accused of giving rehearsed        tified she was uncomfortable
                                                                      answers. According to Debbie       being at the ranch because she
                                                                      Michael was surrounded by          felt intimidated by Michael
                                                                      "opportunistic vultures" out to    Jackson's associates and she
                                                                      take advantage of a man she        had persuaded the ranch man-
ticket was never booked in fact    Hamid Moslehi (former              knew privately to be kind, self-   ager to take the family back to
a return trip was booked, using    photo director)                    less and "generous to a fault."    Los Angeles.
an "arbitrary" date.). Cynthia     Michael Jackson's personal         Debbie Rowe also had an
Montgomery said she advised        photo director testified about     angry retort for prosecutors       Defense attorney Robert
flight crews handling private      the circumstances surrounding      when defense attorney Thomas       Sanger took Barron (former
jet flights for Michael Jackson    a videotaped interview with        Mesereau asked her if she was      guard of Neverland) through
to provide him with wine dis-      the family of the accuser -- a     aware that investigators had       logs kept at the gatehouse in
guised in a soda can, after she    so-called rebuttal tape -- that    recorded her telephone conver-     which the arrivals and depar-
was told by a flight attendant     has become central to the case.    sations. Debbie Rowe also said     tures of Michael Jackson's
that Michael Jackson had made      On the tape, which has been        that Schaffel "bragged about       guests were noted. The nota-
that request.                      played for jurors, the mother of   how he took advantage of an        tions in the logs showed that
However Montgomery is the          the accuser and other members      opportunity" to make millions      on February 12, 2003, the
target of both a lawsuit by        of the praise the entertainer as   of dollars from the rebuttal       accuser and his mother, broth-
Michael Jackson and a federal      a benevolent father-like figure.   documentary, which was sold        er and sister left the ranch at
investigation over a November      The accuser's mother, who          to the Fox network. She said       1:30 a.m. in a Rolls Royce
2003 incident in which             took $2,000 from Moslehi as a      Schaffel also falsely told         driven by Michael Jackson's
Michael Jackson was secretly       loan she never repaid, later       Konitzer and Weizner that she      ranch manager. Interpreting
videotaped consulting with his     said those remarks were script-    had demanded money for her         the logs for the jury, Barron
lawyer on a later flight he took   ed by Michael Jackson's camp.      interview, but then kept the       said that there was no indica-
to surrender to police in Santa    "We were trying to show that       money for himself.                 tion anyone was notified or
Barbara and was testifying         basically there was nothing                                           called after the family's depar-
under a grant of immunity          between Mr. Jackson and (the                     ***                  ture in the middle of the night
meaning that the statements        boy) that they were showing in
she made in court could not be     the media," Moslehi said.
used by the FBI as evidence        Moslehi has filed a lawsuit
against her. Montgomery            against Michael Jackson
would not have testified in the    claiming unpaid invoices,
Michael Jackson trial unless       which he said at one point
the prosecution gave her           totaled $250,000.
immunity to protect her from
possibly incriminating state-      Debbie Rowe (ex-wife)
ments. Mesereau got her to         Debbie Rowe, the mother of
admit that she ignored a           two of Michael Jackson's three
request to use a different char-   children, smiled at Michael as
ter company for the flight,        she took the witness stand and
after discussing the issue with    identified herself as "Deborah
one of Michael's associates.       Rowe-Jackson." "Michael told
                                   me there was a video coming
and that the logs showed that                                             Billy Connolly                        Steve Harvey
they were not "spirited away"         Quotes in                           "I think it's nightmarish, and I      "I'm a friend of Michael Jackson's.
but had simply been checked                                               don't know how you're supposed        I do not believe for one moment
out by security staff and            Support of                           to be innocent until proven guilty.   that Michael Jackson has the capa-
                                                                          My heart bleeds for the guy.          bility of harming a child."
allowed to go on their way.
                                   Michael Jackson                        They've all got him guilty and I
                                                                          don't buy it personally."             Alicia Keys
Second witness in the case Ann                                                                                  "I really think he deserves much
                                   Nelson Mandela
Kite told jurors that she was                                             P.Diddy                               more respect than he's getting
                                   "Michael Jackson is a constant
hired by his Las Vegas-based       source of inspiration to me."          "Michael Jackson has been a posi-     right now…I hope this settles
lawyer, David LeGrand, after                                              tive influence in my life. The way    over…I believe that the truth is
the documentary was first          Muhammad Ali                           the media is stalking him, I think    gonna come to light."
broadcast. She told that she       "When people ask me where I get        it's wrong."
believed people around the pop     my strength from, I tell them that I                                         Stephen King
                                   look at the man Michael Jackson        Frank Dileo                           "What I'm asking is whether this is
superstar were putting their
                                   looks at when he looks at the man      "He's a very, very charitable per-    a country where a peculiar person
own interests ahead of his as                                             son that wouldn't harm anybody!"      such as Michael Jackson can get a
they dealt with the situation.     in the mirror."
                                                                                                                fair shake and be considered inno-
Kite's testimony supported the                                            Missy Elliot                          cent until proven guilty."
                                   Harry Belafonte
defence      contention    that    "Michael Jackson is innocent until     "He's my biggest influence so
Michael's associates, rather       proven guilty by the court of          that's why I'm very defensive.        Kate Lawler
than the entertainer himself,      law...I cannot charge my colleague                                           "Think what you want but I'll still
exercised considerable control     on the basis of media reports and      Berry Gordy                           wear the t-shirt because I'm a fan."
of the events that unfolded        television programs, no single         "I love Michael and I think
                                   individual has had influence in the    Michael is one of the greatest        LL Cool J
after the documentary.
                                   world like Jackson."                   entertainers of all time...I'm just   "The     media      is    super
                                                                          waiting and hoping that this will     powerful…until I see evidence,
In a surprising twist, Ms. Kite                                           just all go away."                    I'm    not    going    to    be
                                   Mariah Carey
mentioned that she had friends                                                                                  convinced…I'm not going to be
                                   Mariah dedicated 'Through the
in high places at Sony that con-   Rain' to Michael in the concert she    Phil Collins                          brainwashed."
firmed that someone in the         gave in Manila in 2003.                "I really feel for the guy"
                                                                                                                                continued on next page
Jackson camp was deliberately
trying to set Michael Jackson
up to steal his highly-coveted                                                                          Mail for Michael
Sony Music Catalogue. Ms.
Kite explained that she learned                                                                  Michael’s cousin Marsha has
that Ronald Konitzer, an advis-
                                                                                                 been appointed by Michael to col-
er also named as an unindicted
co-conspirator, might be work-                                                                   lect the fan mail for him at the
ing behind the scenes to allow                                                                   court house.
Sony to take over his owner-
ship of a music catalog that                                                                     Off course we understand that
includes the works such as The
                                                                                                 not all fans can affort to go there
Beatles, Elvis Presley, Toni
Braxton and Mr. Jackson's own                                                                    to show their support, so we
music.                                                                                           decided to open our mailbox for
The $ony/ATV catalog is a                                                                        those who like to send their mail
treasure valued around a bil-                                                                    to Michael.
lion dollars!!!

In addition a former manager                                                                     We will make sure that Marscha
of Mr. Jackson told the MJ                                                                       will get your mail and she will
Times that he has proof of a                                                                     bring it directly to Michael at
conspiracy against the singer.                                                                   Neverland.
"His whole life is a conspira-
cy". He is waiting for
Michael's people to contact                                                                      Send you mail to:
him when the time is right. A                                                                    Mail for Michael
Sony employee told the MJ
Times that Sony is currently                                                                     P.O. Box 1106
working on yet another MJ                                                                        2301 EB Leiden
greatest hits CD to be released                                                                  Holland
in the near future. This surely
is not Michael Jackson's idea,
but Sony just wants him to
look stupid in the public's eye.                                                                 * We will make your royal mail delivery
Brian May
"My God - What has happened to
the world? Where did our civilisa-
                                                                                                                   1 MILLION
tion go? Innocent until proven
guilty and this vindictive woman
                                                                                                                   x MJ Times
wants to take a man's children                                                                                   With great proud we
away from Michael Jackson                                                                                        announce that after just a
before the trial has even started? I                                                                             frew months a record break-
feel desperately sad for Michael                                                                                 ing number of 1 million
Jackson. It's certainly hard for me                                                                              copies of the MJ times vol.1
to believe this boy has a single bad
                                                                                                                 have been distributed all
bone in his body."
                                                                                                                 over the wold by MJ’s fans
Liza Minnelli                                                                                                    and supporters.
"I just don't believe it. There are
certain people out there trying to                                                                               The MJ Times vol. 1 is
hurt him. Michael did nothing                                                                                    translated in 9 different lan-
wrong. I am sure of that."                                                                                       guages, incl.: Hungarian,
Donny Osmond                                                                                                     German, Spanish, Russian,
"Michael is a sweet and gentle
                                                                                                                 Italian, English, Iranian &
man."                                    Things to wonder about:                                                 Dutch. More transalations
Arnold Schwarzenegger                                                                                            are currently worked to
                                         1) If there would have been a white person charged with molesta-
"I know that Michael is innocent                                                                                 reach new potential readers.
                                         tion and he would have a predominantly black jury, people would
and therefore I pronounce my full                                                                                ______________________
                                         not think of it to be a fair trial. Yet with Michael Jackson no one
trust in him."
                                         seems to bother that he is not getting a Jury of his pears.             Article by Mark Wittenberg
Dame Elizabeth Taylor                    2) Tom Sneddon's involvement in the case is questionable as no          & Willy Gijsman
"I thought the law was innocent          other district attorneys in the state personally take cases to trial.
until proven guilty. I know he is        Add to that a prosecutor's personal interest in the case is grounds     Lay Out: TLC Productions
innocent and I hope they all eat         to disqualify him or her from the proceedings. The public ridicule
crow."                                   of Mr. Jackson by calling him 'Jacko Wacko' in a press conference       Sources: CNN, Reuters,
                                         is just one of the samples where his personal involvement has           Offcial Court documents
Louis Theroux                            crossed the line.                                                       Picture Courtesy: Getty
"The allegations have not changed                                                                                Images, AFP, TLC
                                         3) Why would the accusing family turn to a civil lawyer if they
my mind that Michael is inno-                                                                                    Court Illustrations: Bill
                                         have no plans to file a civil lawsuit?                                  Robles, ebaumsworld.
                                         4) Will child molesters have adult magazines in their home show-        ______________________
Donald Trump                             ing only females?
"I think they're trying to make          5) Many testimonies of the witnesses collaborated Michael               We, TLC Love Michael. And
money off Michael and it's a             Jackson's story and not that of the accuser.                            when proven innocent in
shame. I know him very well and          6) Most key witnesses have alternative motives where money or           court the press should
I don't believe it. I'm going to stick   revenge is involved, so how credible and reliable does that seem?       change the name calling of
up for him"                              7) After many months months of investigation Sneddon adds two           Wack Jacko into Saint
                                                                                                                 Michael!!! Unis testis, nullis
                                         people to the conspiracy charge, did they just pop into his mind or
Dionne Warwick                                                                                                   testis! ~ TLC
"I wouldn't even consider believ-
                                         is it a desperate attempt to save his case???                           ______________________
ing the claims." "To Michael:            8) How can the prosecution speak of victims when those alleged
                                         victims speak out in defense of Michael?                                  LOVE, SUPPORT
Cousin Jeaffrey and Marsha:                                                                                         & RESPECT!!!
"To Michael: Please keep the             Relevant Facts:
faith!"                                                                                                             The Legend Continues
                                         1) A well-known South Bay attorney ventured into the world's
                                         biggest criminal case by filing briefs with the state Supreme Court           P.O. Box 11060
                                         on behalf of Michael Jackson that allege the pop star is the target           2301 EB Leiden
                                         of an overzealous prosecution.
                                         2) Former Prosecutor, Laurie Levenson, Loyola Law School
                                         Professor "At this point, the case is looking like a smear cam-
                                         paign. It's a legal free-for-all."
                                         3) The 1993 so called "evidence" now allowed in court is evidence
                                         that never led to criminal charges at the time because it was con-
                                         sidered a LACK OF EVIDENCE, so in 1993 Mr. Jackson was
                                         4) Mr. Jackson has always done his share to Heal the world, pro-         FREE NewsPaper
                                         mote peace and financially supported numerous of organizations
                                         and individuals who followed his example.                               Donations welcome at:
                                         5) Michael never stands alone, his family, friends and fans are by
                                         his side always and ever, with their continuing love and support!

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MJ Times

  • 1. The NEVERLAND Times VALLEY NEWS LOS OLIVOS 2005 - Vol.2 0,77 Neverland cent Full report on the Michael Jackson Trial What happened in the Michael Jackson trial so far? He was indicted on 10 felony counts for incidents that allegedly occurred in February and March 2003. He is accused of molest- ing a young boy, giving him alcohol and conspiring to hold the boy's fami- ly captive. You think Michael Jackson is guilty? Examine the nature of that claim. Are your sources credible? Conspiracy theory? Both the accuser and the defendant claim that they are the victims of a conspiracy. Who is right? This news- paper will give you an insight of the story other then the regular sensation- seeking media. page 6 JUSTICE? Santa Maria 2005 - What emerged from the trial so far is a portrait of a family from the wrong side of the tracks who managed to infiltrate the air of 1 MILLION X MJ Times!!! Hollywood's celebrity's. They approached celebrities such as Lopez, actor Jim Carrey, "Tonight Show" host Jay Leno and boxer Mike Tyson. Leno went to A Record breaking 1 million copies police, telling them "something was wrong" and that he suspected the family of the MJ Times vol.1 have been dis- was "looking for a mark". Some of the celebrities responded generously. tributed word-wide in different lan- Comic Louise Palanker reportedly gave the family $20,000. After the boy met guages!!! Read more on page 8 with Michael Jackson his cancer has gone into remission. When the family found out that they were not going to live at Neverland forever, realizing they were not going to get rich, that's when their story changed and the accusations began. Previous this case was brought to a secret Grand Jury who made their decision to go ahead with the case without even hearing the defence side. Hundreds of search warrants later and after the so called evidence of a $ 75.000,- watch and a Jacket that Michael Jackson gave away is the beginning of what looks like an ongoing harassment of Mr. Jackson. It will be interesting to see if the American system will bring Justice in this case? Witness after witness, the media report “Lies run sprints, but the truth runs headlines that are carefully chosen slogans or statements, yet, leaves out the con- marathons. The truth will win this text and trivializes the impact of the cross examinations. marathon in Court." ~ Michael Jackson Continue to read at page 2
  • 2. issue in the trial: The credibili- ty of the accuser and his fami- The Trial ly. In March the Judge ruled that the prosecutors will be begins allowed to introduce evidence of past molestation allegations against Michael Jackson not- ing that the evidence is rele- In January 2005 about 300 vant to proof "an alleged pat- potential jurors enter the back tern". A victory in the prosecu- entrance of the courthouse, tion's eyes, thinking this will marking the most widely-cov- help their case. Michael attor- ered case in history. In a mêlée ney Messereau said prosecu- of television crews, fans and tors were trying to rescue a sheriff's deputies, Michael troubled case with weak wit- Jackson makes his way to nesses by bringing up past alle- An investigator for the Santa defense also mentioned that court. The second day in court gations. But for Michael it Barbara County Sheriff's the boys broke into Michael's ended early, when Santa the could turn out to be even more Department said that no DNA bedroom and that the boys Judge abruptly halted jury victorious as now he has the from Michael Jackson's accus- knew the entrée codes (later selection, saying he had inter- chance to be totally vindicated er, his younger brother or any acknowledged by the accuser's viewed enough potential pan- from all accusations! other member of his family younger brother). ellists. The defence attorneys was found during forensic test- and prosecutors had their From "the Jackson 5", alleged- ing on samples taken from A third boy's testimony for chance to interview the people ly 5 young boys were molested Michael Jackson's Neverland Michael Jackson's defense is who might sit in the jury box by Michael, only one alleged Ranch. Even linens seized by "relevant" to the pop star's and decide whether Michael victim will testify. Testimony police from Michael Jackson's accuser's credibility. The Jackson is guilty or not. Two in four other cases will come bed failed to yield hair, fibers defense will present a boy say- delays came into the process of from nine third-party witness- or DNA linked to the teenager ing that the accuser and his the Jury selection when the sis- es. Michael Jackson was never accusing him of child molesta- younger brother masturbated ter of Messereau, Michael's charged in connection with the tion or the accuser's brother while looking at the pop star's leading attorney, died and past accusations. The other pornography in his presence -- when Michael Jackson was boys allegedly molested by around the same time the taken into a hospital. The Jury Michael Jackson, including accuser alleges Michael is mixed, including four men and eight women, ranging in movie star Macaulay Culkin, have all repeatedly denied Forensic Jackson introduced him to the practice against his will. age from 20 to 79. Seven are white, four are Hispanic being abused by the performer. Proof: and one is Asian. None of the selected jurors are Chandler, the first accuser is Witness African-American. believed to A forensic analyst testified that at least one of the prints recov- Profiles: have fled the In January the pros- county to ered from sexually explicit magazines seized from ecutors pre- p r e - Who are the key witnesses pared to intro- vent Michael Jackson's Neverland ranch belongs to his accuser's for the prosecution? How duce their case to be credible are their stories or against younger brother. She also testi- fied that she believes another are alternative motives Michael print recovered from the maga- involved? Here’s a selec- and his lawyers zines belongs to Michael tion of the most important t o Jackson. However, the results witnesses... counter are officially considered incon- with their clusive because another exam- Martin Bashir defence. iner who looked at the print Bashir, maker documentary More than 1,000 disagreed with her conclusion. "Living with Michael members of the Jackson", made big bucks media from around The defense brought up the from his controversial docu- the world have cre- called to fact that the boy also may have mentary. Later came up with dentials to cover the wit- touched the magazine during another documentary with the trial. The back- ness stand his testimony before the grand actor Corey Feldman, one of and-forth came dur- by the jury. The prosecution acknowl- Michael's alleged victims, ing opening state- procecu- edged that the magazines were again making $$$$$$. This so- ments in the trial tion. not fingerprinted until after the called victim suddenly claimed lead to one pivotal Grand Jury proceedings. The to remember things… yet he
  • 3. was never called to the stand to year-old sis- testify??? During cross exami- ter of the boy nation the judge said he would broke down hold Bashir in contempt for on the stand refusing to cooperate… and admitted to defence The accuser attorney that The credibility of the boy is she'd lied in crucial to the case and the her testimo- defense noted specific incon- ny. "So you'd sistencies in his version of lie about cer- events. The boy admits having tain things told a school teacher two years and tell the ago that Michael Jackson did truth about nothing inappropriate to him. c e r t a i n He denied suggestions that he t h i n g s , invented the molestation depending on what you are several times about what claimed to have been sexually because he felt rejected by asked, right?" Mesereau asked Michael Jackson allegedly did assaulted by security guards, Michael Jackson as a father the woman. "Yeah," she to his brother and that there J.C. Penney settled for figure. The boy claimed to be replied. were many discrepancies in his $152,000. unaware he had until age 18 to testimony. - Mesereau also pressed the file a civil lawsuit against Brother accuser woman about a child welfare Michael Jackson and that win- Mr. Jackson's lawyers have Kiki Fournier (Former investigation back in the ning a criminal conviction stated that the boys memorized Housekeeper) said that the 1990s, triggered after her son - would help such a lawsuit. security codes and entered Mr. accuser's younger brother - the accuser -- alleged she had Jackson's wine cellar and other became "ornery" and demand- abused him. Barron (former guard at areas without permission. The ing while staying at the ranch. - The mother also admitted that Neverland) brother did, in fact, testify She said he once pulled a knife she once told police that her testified that the accuser under oath that he did have the on her when they were both in ex-husband had inappropriate- crashed a golf cart into a foun- codes to Michael Jackson's the kitchen and the boy was ly touched their daughter. tain and was warned that if he bedroom. The brother testified trying to cook - Mesereau also tried to bolster didn't slow down, the golf cart that the first overnight sleep- the defense's contention that would be taken away. Cynthia over occurred during his fami- Mother of the accuser the mother used her son's bout Ann Bell (flight attendant) ly's second visit to Neverland Accuser's mother, whose ram- with cancer to solicit money described the boy as loud, in contradiction to the testimo- bling asides aggravated even for her personal benefit, asking obnoxious and "unusually ny of the accuser's sister and the judge, spend five days on her if she had paid for plastic rude," complaining about how the prosecution's opening the stand. At one point the surgery out of funds raised for his dinner was prepared and statement in which the first judge threatened to end court the boy. talking very loudly about a overnight sleepover was said for the day. Crucial testimony - The mother denied she had valuable watch Michael to have occurred on the fami- by the mother of the teen ever asked her son to call NBC Jackson had just given him. ly's first visit to Neverland? accuser was thrown into doubt "Tonight Show" host Jay Leno, Under cross-examination the because the woman invoked or any other celebrity, to solic- Sister Accuser brother admitted that he (like her constitutional right against it financial help. The defence lawyers revealed the sister) lied in a deposition self-incrimination. Santa - The woman admitted to know many gaps and holes in the given in a civil suit. The Barbara County Superior what the deadlines were for fil- credibility of the accuser's sis- defence also pointed out that Court Judge Rodney Melville ing a civil claim against ter story. Eventually the 18- the brother changed his story ruled she could avoid answer- Michael Jackson over the ing questions about alleged molestation allegations. welfare fraud, without being - She also conceded that she forced to invoke her Fifth never called police during the Amendment right against self- time she claimed to have been incrimination in front of the held against her will, intimi- jury. The fraud allegations, dated and harassed by Michael which are being investigated Jackson's aides, despite being by the Los Angeles County close friends with a Los District Attorney's Office, stem Angeles police officer. from welfare payments the mother received between Stepfather of teenager October 2001 and March 2003. According to the stepfather of - The woman acknowledged teenager the family was lying under oath during a offered a new house and free 1990s civil lawsuit her family college education in exchange filed against J.C. Penney. She for appearing in Jackson's
  • 4. Jackson often used, testified instruct her to do so. She said $1.4 million in the wrongful that as part of her flight prepa- she did not see Michael termination suit, they filed rations, she emptied Diet Coke Jackson share the can with bankruptcy. So giving a "dis- cans and filled them with white anybody else and did not see turbing" testimony against Mr. wine for him to drink because any children drinking. Bell Jackson in this case is a perfect he got nervous on flights. said she did not see the accus- way to get back at him... However, she said did not see er intoxicated. him give alcohol to minors Bob Jones (ex-employee during the more than 15 flights LeMarque (former cook) media relations) she took with Michael Testified he saw the singer Currently writing a tell-al book Jackson. She also said that fondling child star Macaulay about his time with Michael while she saw Michael Culkin. But he acknowledged Jackson with co-author Stacy Jackson drinking both wine that his employment with Brown. Jones had been expect- and mixed drinks, she did not Michael Jackson ended with ed to testify that he saw see him drunk. him suing the star for overtime Michael Jackson licking the owed him and that the case head of the boy in the 1993 Comedian Louise Palanker was settled out of court. case on a plane flight. But, in a Testified that the estranged During a break in testimony, blow to the prosecution, Jones father of the teenager at the Judge Rodney Melville barred said he could "not recall any- center of the trial -- not the the defense from raising the thing about licking." Brown video rebutting Bashirs docu- mother -- pressed her for issue of LeMarque's later work said he had several conversa- mentary. money. Palanker said she con- as the operator of a porno- tions with Jones in which he The defence pointed out to siders the family as friends. graphic Web site. The witness talked about seeing Michael jurors that he spurned the offer However, under cross-exami- said he did not report the inci- Jackson lick the boy's head because he wanted an even nation, Palanker admitted that dent at the time, doubting that during a Monaco trip, but he larger share of what he thought when she was interviewed by anyone would have believed said Jones' recollections later would be a financial windfall police in January, she spoke of his account because "Michael became "fuzzy." And under from the rebuttal video. The the family in less glowing was at the top of everything." cross-examination Brown said stepfather admitted that he terms. She conceded she told Jones' recollections about the thought the offer was insuffi- police that the mother was Adrian McManus "onetime" incident seemed to change cient because he believed "totally bipolar" and "very Neverland maid and security with his finances -- that he had Michael Jackson stood to earn excitable," and also said that guards Ralph Chacon & a better memory of seeing the $4 million to $5 million from "this family can be as wacky as Kassim Abdool licking when he needed money selling his rebuttal -- and the they want to be." All three of these ex-employ- and a fuzzier memory when he family ought to share in the ees were involved in the failed didn't. Asked if the book was money. He also admitted ask- Robel and Det. Paul Zelis lawsuit against Michael an accurate depiction of his ing reporters from a British (sheriff's deputies) Jackson after leaving their experiences working for tabloid for money for an inter- Testified that adult magazines Neverland jobs. The suit Michael Jackson, Jones said, view with the family because found at Neverland were all resulted in a six-month trial in "It's factual to a degree," going "I thought it was the standard legal to possess and that the which a in the industry." But he insisted singer's young accuser had not judge found he later declined their offer of remembered seeing any partic- that they had $15,000. ular magazine or DVD. The acted with officers also conceded some of "fraud, Kiki Fournier (Former the magazines and DVDs were oppression Housekeeper) not published or released until and malice" Kiki Fournier testified that she after the young boy and his and stole never saw Jackson serve alco- family left Michael Jackson's from the pop hol to minors. She also said Neverland Valley Ranch. i c o n . she doesn't remember seeing Chacon, Jackson's teenage accuser or Cynthia Ann Bell (flight McManus his siblings intoxicated at the attendant) and Abdool, ranch. Additionally, she said On a private jet that carried who admit- she believed the accuser and Michael Jackson, the accuser ted selling his brother were staying in and his family from Miami, their story to guest rooms -- not Michael's Florida, to California after the tabloid room -- during the time the boy Bashir documentary aired. newspapers, says he was molested Bell, who said she flew with conceded Michael Jackson between that they Lauren Wallace (flight atten- three and six times, said she w e r e dant) served him wine disguised in a ordered to Wallace, working for an air Diet Coke can throughout the pay Michael charter company that Michael flight, although he did not Jackson
  • 5. never brought criminal charges against the singer. Barron (former guard at Neverland) Jack Green (president of Said he never saw criminal Affordable Telephone behavior at Neverland and that Systems) as a sworn police officer would Green inspected Neverland's have taken action if he had. He telephone system, and testified also said the rest of the staff at that Michael Jackson's private the ranch was aware that he telephone line was able to join was a police officer. He testi- in with or listen to conversa- fied that the Santa Barbara tions on any other line County Sheriff's Department throughout the ranch. Under had asked him to work under- cross-examination, Green con- cover as a confidential inform- ceded there was nothing ant at Neverland after investi- unusual about the system, and gators raided the ranch in on to explain that Brown had a 12 to 13-year-old boy to said that anyone could dial out November 2003. He refused included things of which he make false accusations against or call 911 on it. and quit his job after a discus- did not approve. a male." On cross examination, sion with the chief of his he was confronted with some Klapakis (former maid and department. William Dickerman (civil of his published work, includ- son) attorney) ing an article entitled "Stop the The woman said that in the Carter (former bodyguard) William Dickerman was hired Witch Hunt for Child years she worked for Jackson, A key prosecution witness in by the boy's family after the Molesters" and his published she never saw him touch a the Michael Jackson case broadcast of the "Living with assertions that some 40 percent child sexually, although his charged in a string of armed Michael Jackson" documen- of sexual abuse claims are "in behavior did make her uncom- robberies in Nevada likely will tary. Dickerman said he wrote substantive." fortable and "concerned" for refuse to testify at the pop letters to Michael Jackson's "You are aware that alleged her own preteen son, who star's trial, his lawyer said. then-attorney, Mark Geragos, victims of molestation often often came to work with her. Carter's attorney, Lloyd Baker, seeking to end "intimidation, sue for millions of dollars in Both the mother and son in said he has advised his client harassment and surveillance" civil court, correct?" he was 1996 reached an out-of-court "to remain silent" and invoke of the family by the performer asked. "That is correct," Katz financial settlement with his Fifth Amendment protec- after they left Neverland. He said. Mr. Katz was also Michael Jackson. Michael tion against self-incrimination said he also asked for the involved in the 1993 case Jackson's lawyers questioned if he is taken to California to return of passports, birth cer- against Mr. Jackson. the maid's son on about con- testify in Michael Jackson's tificates and clothes. The attor- flicting statements he had trial. ney acknowledged that in his Larry Feldman (civil lawyer) made to police and why he had letters he never mentioned Feldman, who was also initially denied being molested Cynthia Montgomery (for- accusations against the pop involved with the 1993 case, by the singer. Shortly before mer travel coordinator) star of false imprisonment, denied there were plans for a the deposition, the mother said Cynthia Montgomery testified kidnapping, molestation or civil lawsuit. But he conceded she was paid $20,000 by the that a Michael Jackson associ- alcohol. the accuser, now 15, had the syndicated TV show "Hard ate asked for one-way plane legal right to sue Michael Copy" to talk about her time at tickets to Brazil for the pop Dr. Stan Katz (psychologist) Jackson for about five more Neverland and provide photo- star's teenage accuser and his Dr. Stan Katz, a key prosecu- years. Feldman also told the graphs. Michael Jackson family days after they filmed a tion witness who first reported jury that after Michael Jackson denied any wrongdoing in the video designed to rebut a con- the then-13-year-old boy's paid the family in 1993 the boy settlement document, also not- troversial television documen- allegations to authorities, said stopped cooperating with ing that he had a financial tary (ed. Brazil doesn't allow "it would be highly unusual for authorities, and as a result interest in protecting his name U.S. citizens to travel there on and image. one-way tickets. So a one-way
  • 6. out and it was full of lies and would I help. And as always, I said yes". She said she asked to Conspiracy visit their two children, whom she had not seen in about two theory years, and Michael Jackson agreed explaining that she Michael Jackson has been hoped "to be reintroduced to accused of conspiring to com- them and to be reacquainted mit child abduction, extortion with their dad." Asked why by and false imprisonment. Deputy District Attorney Ron Zonen, Debbie Rowe dabbed However it is policy at at a tear and said: "He's my Neverland not to allow chil- friend." Debbie Debbie said dren to leave the ranch if they that that contrary to prosecu- are visiting without their par- tion assertions that she was not ents, and notations often were coached and said she even made in the guest log to that turned down an offer to see the effect. questions in advance, saying she did not want to be later The mother had previously tes- accused of giving rehearsed tified she was uncomfortable answers. According to Debbie being at the ranch because she Michael was surrounded by felt intimidated by Michael "opportunistic vultures" out to Jackson's associates and she take advantage of a man she had persuaded the ranch man- ticket was never booked in fact Hamid Moslehi (former knew privately to be kind, self- ager to take the family back to a return trip was booked, using photo director) less and "generous to a fault." Los Angeles. an "arbitrary" date.). Cynthia Michael Jackson's personal Debbie Rowe also had an Montgomery said she advised photo director testified about angry retort for prosecutors Defense attorney Robert flight crews handling private the circumstances surrounding when defense attorney Thomas Sanger took Barron (former jet flights for Michael Jackson a videotaped interview with Mesereau asked her if she was guard of Neverland) through to provide him with wine dis- the family of the accuser -- a aware that investigators had logs kept at the gatehouse in guised in a soda can, after she so-called rebuttal tape -- that recorded her telephone conver- which the arrivals and depar- was told by a flight attendant has become central to the case. sations. Debbie Rowe also said tures of Michael Jackson's that Michael Jackson had made On the tape, which has been that Schaffel "bragged about guests were noted. The nota- that request. played for jurors, the mother of how he took advantage of an tions in the logs showed that However Montgomery is the the accuser and other members opportunity" to make millions on February 12, 2003, the target of both a lawsuit by of the praise the entertainer as of dollars from the rebuttal accuser and his mother, broth- Michael Jackson and a federal a benevolent father-like figure. documentary, which was sold er and sister left the ranch at investigation over a November The accuser's mother, who to the Fox network. She said 1:30 a.m. in a Rolls Royce 2003 incident in which took $2,000 from Moslehi as a Schaffel also falsely told driven by Michael Jackson's Michael Jackson was secretly loan she never repaid, later Konitzer and Weizner that she ranch manager. Interpreting videotaped consulting with his said those remarks were script- had demanded money for her the logs for the jury, Barron lawyer on a later flight he took ed by Michael Jackson's camp. interview, but then kept the said that there was no indica- to surrender to police in Santa "We were trying to show that money for himself. tion anyone was notified or Barbara and was testifying basically there was nothing called after the family's depar- under a grant of immunity between Mr. Jackson and (the *** ture in the middle of the night meaning that the statements boy) that they were showing in she made in court could not be the media," Moslehi said. used by the FBI as evidence Moslehi has filed a lawsuit against her. Montgomery against Michael Jackson would not have testified in the claiming unpaid invoices, Michael Jackson trial unless which he said at one point the prosecution gave her totaled $250,000. immunity to protect her from possibly incriminating state- Debbie Rowe (ex-wife) ments. Mesereau got her to Debbie Rowe, the mother of admit that she ignored a two of Michael Jackson's three request to use a different char- children, smiled at Michael as ter company for the flight, she took the witness stand and after discussing the issue with identified herself as "Deborah one of Michael's associates. Rowe-Jackson." "Michael told me there was a video coming
  • 7. and that the logs showed that Billy Connolly Steve Harvey they were not "spirited away" Quotes in "I think it's nightmarish, and I "I'm a friend of Michael Jackson's. but had simply been checked don't know how you're supposed I do not believe for one moment out by security staff and Support of to be innocent until proven guilty. that Michael Jackson has the capa- My heart bleeds for the guy. bility of harming a child." allowed to go on their way. Michael Jackson They've all got him guilty and I don't buy it personally." Alicia Keys Second witness in the case Ann "I really think he deserves much Nelson Mandela Kite told jurors that she was P.Diddy more respect than he's getting "Michael Jackson is a constant hired by his Las Vegas-based source of inspiration to me." "Michael Jackson has been a posi- right now…I hope this settles lawyer, David LeGrand, after tive influence in my life. The way over…I believe that the truth is the documentary was first Muhammad Ali the media is stalking him, I think gonna come to light." broadcast. She told that she "When people ask me where I get it's wrong." believed people around the pop my strength from, I tell them that I Stephen King look at the man Michael Jackson Frank Dileo "What I'm asking is whether this is superstar were putting their looks at when he looks at the man "He's a very, very charitable per- a country where a peculiar person own interests ahead of his as son that wouldn't harm anybody!" such as Michael Jackson can get a they dealt with the situation. in the mirror." fair shake and be considered inno- Kite's testimony supported the Missy Elliot cent until proven guilty." Harry Belafonte defence contention that "Michael Jackson is innocent until "He's my biggest influence so Michael's associates, rather proven guilty by the court of that's why I'm very defensive. Kate Lawler than the entertainer himself, law...I cannot charge my colleague "Think what you want but I'll still exercised considerable control on the basis of media reports and Berry Gordy wear the t-shirt because I'm a fan." of the events that unfolded television programs, no single "I love Michael and I think individual has had influence in the Michael is one of the greatest LL Cool J after the documentary. world like Jackson." entertainers of all time...I'm just "The media is super waiting and hoping that this will powerful…until I see evidence, In a surprising twist, Ms. Kite just all go away." I'm not going to be Mariah Carey mentioned that she had friends convinced…I'm not going to be Mariah dedicated 'Through the in high places at Sony that con- Rain' to Michael in the concert she Phil Collins brainwashed." firmed that someone in the gave in Manila in 2003. "I really feel for the guy" continued on next page Jackson camp was deliberately trying to set Michael Jackson up to steal his highly-coveted Mail for Michael Sony Music Catalogue. Ms. Kite explained that she learned Michael’s cousin Marsha has that Ronald Konitzer, an advis- been appointed by Michael to col- er also named as an unindicted co-conspirator, might be work- lect the fan mail for him at the ing behind the scenes to allow court house. Sony to take over his owner- ship of a music catalog that Off course we understand that includes the works such as The not all fans can affort to go there Beatles, Elvis Presley, Toni Braxton and Mr. Jackson's own to show their support, so we music. decided to open our mailbox for The $ony/ATV catalog is a those who like to send their mail treasure valued around a bil- to Michael. lion dollars!!! In addition a former manager We will make sure that Marscha of Mr. Jackson told the MJ will get your mail and she will Times that he has proof of a bring it directly to Michael at conspiracy against the singer. Neverland. "His whole life is a conspira- cy". He is waiting for Michael's people to contact Send you mail to: him when the time is right. A Mail for Michael Sony employee told the MJ Times that Sony is currently P.O. Box 1106 working on yet another MJ 2301 EB Leiden greatest hits CD to be released Holland in the near future. This surely is not Michael Jackson's idea, but Sony just wants him to look stupid in the public's eye. * We will make your royal mail delivery
  • 8. Brian May "My God - What has happened to the world? Where did our civilisa- 1 MILLION tion go? Innocent until proven guilty and this vindictive woman x MJ Times wants to take a man's children With great proud we away from Michael Jackson announce that after just a before the trial has even started? I frew months a record break- feel desperately sad for Michael ing number of 1 million Jackson. It's certainly hard for me copies of the MJ times vol.1 to believe this boy has a single bad have been distributed all bone in his body." over the wold by MJ’s fans Liza Minnelli and supporters. "I just don't believe it. There are certain people out there trying to The MJ Times vol. 1 is hurt him. Michael did nothing translated in 9 different lan- wrong. I am sure of that." guages, incl.: Hungarian, Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian, Donny Osmond German, Spanish, Russian, "Michael is a sweet and gentle Italian, English, Iranian & man." Things to wonder about: Dutch. More transalations Arnold Schwarzenegger are currently worked to 1) If there would have been a white person charged with molesta- "I know that Michael is innocent reach new potential readers. tion and he would have a predominantly black jury, people would and therefore I pronounce my full ______________________ not think of it to be a fair trial. Yet with Michael Jackson no one trust in him." seems to bother that he is not getting a Jury of his pears. Article by Mark Wittenberg Dame Elizabeth Taylor 2) Tom Sneddon's involvement in the case is questionable as no & Willy Gijsman "I thought the law was innocent other district attorneys in the state personally take cases to trial. until proven guilty. I know he is Add to that a prosecutor's personal interest in the case is grounds Lay Out: TLC Productions innocent and I hope they all eat to disqualify him or her from the proceedings. The public ridicule crow." of Mr. Jackson by calling him 'Jacko Wacko' in a press conference Sources: CNN, Reuters, is just one of the samples where his personal involvement has Offcial Court documents Louis Theroux crossed the line. Picture Courtesy: Getty "The allegations have not changed Images, AFP, TLC 3) Why would the accusing family turn to a civil lawyer if they my mind that Michael is inno- Court Illustrations: Bill cent." have no plans to file a civil lawsuit? Robles, ebaumsworld. 4) Will child molesters have adult magazines in their home show- ______________________ Donald Trump ing only females? "I think they're trying to make 5) Many testimonies of the witnesses collaborated Michael We, TLC Love Michael. And money off Michael and it's a Jackson's story and not that of the accuser. when proven innocent in shame. I know him very well and 6) Most key witnesses have alternative motives where money or court the press should I don't believe it. I'm going to stick revenge is involved, so how credible and reliable does that seem? change the name calling of up for him" 7) After many months months of investigation Sneddon adds two Wack Jacko into Saint Michael!!! Unis testis, nullis people to the conspiracy charge, did they just pop into his mind or Dionne Warwick testis! ~ TLC "I wouldn't even consider believ- is it a desperate attempt to save his case??? ______________________ ing the claims." "To Michael: 8) How can the prosecution speak of victims when those alleged victims speak out in defense of Michael? LOVE, SUPPORT Cousin Jeaffrey and Marsha: & RESPECT!!! "To Michael: Please keep the Relevant Facts: faith!" The Legend Continues 1) A well-known South Bay attorney ventured into the world's biggest criminal case by filing briefs with the state Supreme Court P.O. Box 11060 on behalf of Michael Jackson that allege the pop star is the target 2301 EB Leiden Holland of an overzealous prosecution. 2) Former Prosecutor, Laurie Levenson, Loyola Law School Professor "At this point, the case is looking like a smear cam- paign. It's a legal free-for-all." 3) The 1993 so called "evidence" now allowed in court is evidence that never led to criminal charges at the time because it was con- sidered a LACK OF EVIDENCE, so in 1993 Mr. Jackson was UNCHARGED! 4) Mr. Jackson has always done his share to Heal the world, pro- FREE NewsPaper mote peace and financially supported numerous of organizations and individuals who followed his example. Donations welcome at: 5) Michael never stands alone, his family, friends and fans are by his side always and ever, with their continuing love and support!