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Myths of Corporate Governance
                              Mateus Tavares da Silva Cozer

                          Centro Universitário da FEI, Brazil.



Globalization is still very partial and incomplete. Corporate governance was one of the
most vibrant fields in management research in the last ten years. It has a vast literature on
corporate finance, for example the work of the author Michael Jensen, a Harvard scholar.
Otherwise the researcher is worried with the question of accountability in Brazil. The
insightful and provocative article by Stephen Vargo and Robert Lusch argues that, because
marketing has historically been informed by static-equilibrium economics, it has had a
goods-centered dominant logic. The debates about governance and ethics have sprung from
corporate failure, not from corporate success. The corporate sector has been plagued by
huge scandals relating to excessive manager compensation and fraudulent bookkeeping.
Briefly, the academic focus is shifting from the thing being exchanged to one on the
process of exchange. Gutenberg age is dead. Corporate governance is not about advertising.
Corporate governance is not about channels. Corporate governance is not about networks.
Corporate governance is not about quality. In that way, the focus of this work is to analyze
the competitive process based on digital networks. On the methodological point of view, a
literature review is done in the field of corporate governance, our work dual-core is based
on new institutional economics and transaction-cost approach, and our unit of analysis is
the binomial word-transaction. This paper is an essay.

Keywords: Corporate Governance, Marketing, Strategic Management; Accountability;
Transaction Cost; Digital Media.

1. 2001: a space odyssey

The beginning of the 21st century has been seeing the mix of three long range trends in the
world of business: the shift in an economy of goods to services, the quick expansion of
electronic networks, and the measure of results which interconnects economic, social and
environmental questions (RUST, 2002; HODGES, GRAYSON, 2001; ZADEK, 2001;
URBAN, 2004; HANSON, 1999; BELL, 1973; DE MASI, 1999; BENKLER, 2006;
BEINHOCKER, 2006). The Gutenberg age is dead.

“The fundamental question in the field of strategic management is how firms achieve and
sustain competitive advantage” (TEECE, 2002). The shifting role of business in society
does, however, have a complex relationship to the matter of law (COASE, 1988; DIXIT,
2004). At the same time, it is equally clear that the matter of what constitutes appropriate
law governing business behavior is within the scope of the field of corporate responsibility
(WILLIAMSON, 1996). This paper has adopted the more general term ‘corporate
responsibility’ to cover the topic of why, when and how business can, should and does
consciously address social, environmental and economic (including financial) dimensions
of its performance and impact (ZADEK, 2002).

The revolution triggered by information and communication technologies (ICT) has had a
significant impact on the economy, both at global and national levels, on the role of
governments and on the way people live and work (BROUSSEAU, 2007; ELSTER, 2007;
FRANSMAN, 2007; NEWMAN, BARABASI and WATTS, 2006; RUST et alii, 2004;
URBAN, 2004; BARABASI, 2003; KOBRIN, 2003; PEREZ, 2002; GOLDBERG, 2001;
HODGES and GRAYSON, 2001; DE Masi, 1999; HANSON, 1999; BELL, 1973). One
lens that captures this revolution is the network society, characterized by the concept of an
independent and dynamic net linking organizations and forces of the economic,
technological, political, physical-natural and social-cultural environments (CASTELLS,
1999; BENKLER, 2006; BEINHOCKER, 2007; HAX; MAJLUF, 1991).

Pagano (2006) argues that capitalist societies emerged from feudal relations and, in most
countries, like Italy, rules of dynastic succession moved from agrarian sectors to the
ownership and control of large firms. Brazil is not a Banana Republic. The BNDES is not a
small bank. Feudal relations controls violence in the absence of institutions outside of the
city of São Paulo. We have many law merchants in Brazil. The history of Brazil could be
told on the perspective of some lawyers like Janio Quadros, Rodrigues Alves, and the

Governance does not matter in Limoeiro, Nova Odessa, Pouso Feliz, or Tacaratu. It is about
feudal relations in the 21st century. Otherwise, the new institutional economics is an
attempt to incorporate a theory of institutions into economics. In the words of the Nobel
Prize winning Douglass North, “institutions are formed to reduce uncertainty in human
September 11TH of 2001 witnessed violence in the land of the braves, New York City.
Global governance is a myth. IMF is not a brothel house. The World Bank does not have

the power of Bradesco, Itaú or Safra. A transaction-cost approach is about the work of
Williamson. The economic institutions of capitalism are firms, markets and relational
contracts (WILLIAMSON, 1996).

   2. The Spirit of Enron and the Capitalist Ethic

Using the standard established by Coase (1937) and concerned with the problem of social
cost (COASE, 1960), the main reason why it is profitable to establish a firm would seem to
be that there is a cost of using the price mechanism. The most obvious cost of “organizing”
production through the price mechanism is that of discovering what the relevant prices are.
This cost may be reduced but it will not be eliminated by the emergence of specialists who
will sell this information. There are negotiations to be undertaken, contracts have to be
drawn up, inspections have to be made, arrangements have to be made to settle disputes,
and so on. A firm, therefore, consists of the system of relationships, which comes into
existence when the direction of resources is dependent on an entrepreneur. But it could be
bad for practice.

The words “Enron and WorldCom”, “Barings”, “Long-Term Capital Management” and
“Société General”, “Washington Mutual”, “Bear Stearns”, “Lehman Brothers” , “Merrill
Lynch” , “AIG”, “Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac”, “Goldman Sachs”, “Sadia”, “Aracruz”,
“Agrenco”, “Banco Panamericano” describe firms and the opportunist behavior. Using the
standard established by Williamson (1996), the mechanisms of governance used by this
paper over that secular debate are those from the new institutional economics (NORTH,
1991). Institutions matter and are susceptible to analysis. Institutional economics is
different but not hostile to orthodoxy.

The corporate sector has been plagued by huge scandals relating to excessive manager
compensation. The education of a speculator is to trade in the cash market
(NIEDERHOFFER, 1996). The draconian sanctions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act are bound
to lead to an explosion in costs without slowing the explosion in salaries (FREY, 2008).
Agency theory strongly supports the conclusion that shareholder wealth maximization
should be the definitive criterion for corporate governance in stock corporations. It is a
myth (FREY, 2008). There are at two indications common to firms and Benedictine
Monasteries, one of the Holy See umbrella organization, for corporate governance: the
survival rate and the causes of liquidations. The art of strategy is changing the game. A
commitment is an unconditional strategic move (DIXIT, NALEBUFF, 2008). Actions
speak louder than words. The spirit of Enron is an action that promotes favorable leakage of
information. The CEO of Enron prepared a face to meet the faces that he met. The world is
a stage. The corporation is a theater. Is it a myth?

One of the central defining features of modern society is the ubiquity of complex
organizations. The “Capitalist Ethic” is a term from the field of Wirtschaftssoziologie.
Thomas Hobbes´s state of nature, Mark Granovetter´s embeddedness, and Neil Fligstein´s
social skill are attempts to overcome Max Weber´s Wirtschaftssoziologie. At the heart of
the literature on law and corporate governance is the question of whether some sets of rules
promote economic efficiency. Corporate governance is not about quality. It is a different
literature. Fligstein argues that economists have been skeptical of the claim that political,

legal, or cultural factors affect efficiency.

    3. Law and corporate governance

The shifting role of business in society does have a complex relationship to the matter of
law and economics. It is not a myth. It is a fact. The political system of a particular society
and the existence of the rule of law are important preconditions for understanding corporate
governance structures (FLIGSTEIN, 2005).

The word “governance" is synonymous with the exercise of authority, direction, and
control. Zingales (1997) defines a governance system as the complex set of constraints that
shape the ex-post bargaining over the quasi-rents generated in the course of a relationship.
Ownership matters because confers the right to make strategic decisions. There a vast
number of codes of corporate governance in different countries like Germany, Japan and
Mexico. Institutional investors are a stakeholder who contributes to the wealth-creating
potential of the firm. Although corporate governance can be defined in a variety of ways,
generally it involves the mechanisms by which a business enterprise, organized in a limited
liability corporate form, is directed and controlled. One of the greatest differences in
corporate governance practice relates to the role of employees in corporate governance, a
difference that is usually embedded in law.

The governance perspective has paved the road to make transaction cost theory a branch of
the literature of law and economics. Under the governance economizing perspective
Williamson sees the firm as a governance structure. The term “governance” has exploded
from obscurity to ubiquity in the last ten years. The field of economic governance studies
and compares the performance of different institutions under different conditions. It is
difficult to understand. And it could be bad for practice. Organizational structure and the
design of incentives for managers and workers creating wealth from talent in the 21th-
century organization is the centerpiece of corporate strategy.

But free software projects do not rely either on markets or on managerial hierarchies to
organize production (BENKLER, 2002). It radically breaks from the concept of the public
domain that underlies copyright law’s general background rule for nonproprietary
materials. Lawrence Lessig’s Remix is not a myth. The ongoing battle over peer-to-peer
filesharing is an easy example. P2P production is another story. The Berkman Center for
Internet and Society at Harvard Law School has made much of research. It is on the web.
Governments could threaten, but behavior could not be controlled on cyberspace. It
requires a broader account of “regulation,” through constitutions, statutes, and other legal
codes, and how the software and hardware that make cyberspace what it is. As Mitchell
puts it, this code is cyberspace’s law. It is a myth. There is an endless debate about the
difference between data, information and knowledge (ALTER, 2002). Connecting People,
Processes, and IT (information technology) for Business Results is a more important issue
than that controversy. Information includes codified and non-codified information used and
created as participants perform their work. Either type of information may or may not be
captured on a computer. Essentially, anything that can be digitized – encoded as a stream of
bits- is information. Information is costly to produce but cheap to reproduce. Nobel prize-
winning economist Herbert Simon spoke for us when he said, “a wealth of information

creates a poverty of attention.”

Taboos, customs, traditions and constitutions are constraints in the complexity of society
(NORTH, 1990). Finance, law and markets shape a corporate governance regime. The
historical evolution of the form of capitalism: family capitalism, managerial capitalism or
popular capitalism, are built around different sources of funding (CLARKE, 2007). The
separation of ownership and control is a myth. Family capitalism is still a very important
form of governance around the world. The world is not flat. Bearle and Means are dead.
Corporate law and labor law are relevant to the securities market. Anglo-American
institutions are an exception. Banks plays cards through direct control or market control.
Itaú, Bradesco and Safra are not naïve. Roberto Setubal (Mr. Bob) is the most powerful
CEO in Brazil.

Germanic, Japanese, Latin, and Chinese are not alternative governance systems. We can
talk about codes outside the G8 world. Globalization is still very partial and incomplete.
Rules and norms of corporate governance are important components of the framework for
successful market economies. Although corporate governance can be defined in a variety of
ways, generally it involves the mechanisms by which a business enterprise, organized in a
limited liability corporate form, is directed and controlled.

     4. The rise and fall of corporate governance

Lets say three more myths of corporate governance:

     •    Principles of Corporate Governance in Greece are a myth.
     •    Guidelines on Corporate Governance in Iceland are a myth.
     •    Corporate Governance Code in Italy could be a myth.

But we can enumerate some other corporate governance codes from Australia, Austria,
Belgium, and Brazil in table 1.

- Principles of Good Corporate Governance and Best Practice Recommendations March 2003
- Corporate Governance: A guide for fund managers and corporations 1 December 2002
- Horwath 2002 Corporate Governance Report 2002
- Corporate Governance: A Guide for Investment Managers and Corporations July 1999
- Corporate Governance - Volume One: in Principle June 1997
- Corporate Governance - Volume Two: In Practice June 1997
- AIMA Guide & Statement of Recommended Practice (Corporate Governance Statements by Major ASX Listed Companies) June 1995
- Bosch Report 1995
- Austrian Code of Corporate Governance (as amended in January 2006) January 2006
- Austrian Code of Corporate Governance (as amended on 22 February 2005) 22 February 2005
- Austrian Code of Corporate Governance November 2002

- Code Buysse: Corporate governance for non-listed companies 21 September 2005

- Belgian Corporate Governance Code 9 December 2004
- Draft Belgian Corporate Governance Code 18 June 2004
- Director's Charter January 2000
- Guidelines on Corporate Governance Reporting 18 November 1999
- Corporate governance for Belgian listed companies (The Cardon Report) December 1998
- Corporate Governance - Recommendations January 1998

- Code of Best Practice of Corporate Governance 30 March 2004
- Recomendações sobre Governança Corporativa June 2002
- Code of Best Practice of Corporate Governance 8 May 1999

- Provisional Code of Corporate Governance for Securities Companies 15 January 2004
- The Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies in China 7 January 2001
- Recommandations sur le gouvernement d'entreprise March 2004
- The Corporate Governance of Listed Corporations October 2003
- Promoting Better Corporate Governance In Listed Companies 23 September 2002
- Vienot II Report July 1999
- Recommendations on Corporate Governance 9 June 1998
- Vienot I Report June 1995

- Amendment to the German Corporate Governance Code - The Cromme Code (June 2006) 12 June 2006
- Amendment to the German Corporate Governance Code - The Cromme Code (June 2005) 2 June 2005
- Corporate Governance Code for Asset Management Companies 27 April 2005
- Amendment to the German Corporate Governance Code - The Cromme Code (May 2003) 21 May 2003
- The German Corporate Governance Code (The Cromme Code) 26 February 2002
- Baums Commission Report (Bericht der Regierungskommission Corporate Governance) 10 July 2001
- German Code of Corporate Governance (GCCG) 6 June 2000
- Corporate Governance Rules for German Quoted Companies January 2000
- DSW Guidelines June 1998
- Gesetz zur Kontrolle und Transparenz im Unternehmensbereich (KonTraG) 5 March 1998

- Principles of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies 16 April 2004
- Revised Corporate Governance Principles 26 October 2001
- Report of the Pension Fund Corporate Governance Research Committee, Action Guidelines for Exercising Voting Rights June 1998
- Corporate Governance Principles: A Japanese view 30 October 1997
- Urgent Recommendations Concerning Corporate Governance September 1997

Table 1: International Corporate Governance

Japan, Germany and France are modern, dynamic, interconnected industrialized society.
But China is rapidly developing into the largest industrial economy in the world. It has
weak corporate governance foundations. The State is a major shareholder. State-owned
enterprises dominated a system of central planning. Accountability is not an issue in China.
It represents the fall of corporate governance in 2008.
     5. Representing Corporate Governance

Large corporations were a dominant force in American society for generations but an
interconnected movement toward a finance-centered economy was revealed by the first
decade of the 21st century. If anything, mutual funds are remarkably passive in corporate
governance (DAVIS, 2009). A rhetorical context favors shareholder value and OEM model.
In Anglo-Saxon countries like the US and UK corporate governance involves firms
pursuing the interests of shareholders. But the firm is a walrasean fiction. Walras represents
the world in equilibrium. Richard Nelson, Sidney Winter, Samuel Bowles, and Herbert
Gintis claim for a research that is different from Franklin Allen perspective. Market
economies operate in an ecosystem of expectations. A society of minds is not only about
numbers. Neither shareholder nor stakeholder says Anna Grandori. The word governance is
synonymous with the exercise of authority, direction, and control. The form of
representation cannot be divorced from its purpose: authority and control. In the end, it is
about control. One can control the other body, purchase of intimacy, caring relations says
Viviana Zelizer. But it is different from mobilize minds in the 21st-century organization.

McKinsey´s Strategy Practice mans like Eric Beinhocker and Lowell Bryan has a very clear
vision of governance. People form organizations to minimize transaction costs. Using the
standard established by Coase (1937) and concerned with the problem of social cost
(COASE, 1960), the main reason why it is profitable to establish a firm would seem to be
that there is a cost of using the price mechanism. The most obvious cost of “organizing”
production through the price mechanism is that of discovering what the relevant prices are.
Using the standard established by Williamson (1996), the mechanisms of governance used
by this paper over that secular debate are those from the new institutional economics.
Governance is also an exercise in assessing the efficacy of alternative modes (means) of
organization. It is not a myth of authority. It is not about words. In the end, it is about

But there are costs and risks. Risk analysis is broadly defined to include risk assessment,
risk characterization, risk communication, risk management, and risk policy. And there are
many lies. And it is not about words. It is about numbers – very big numbers. And it is
about money and greed. It is not a myth. The words “Enron and WorldCom”, “Barings”,
“Long-Term Capital Management” and “Société General”, “Washington Mutual”, “Bear
Stearns”, “Lehman Brothers”, “Merrill Lynch” , “AIG”, “Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac”,
“Goldman Sachs”, “Sadia”, “Aracruz”, “Agrenco”, “Banco Panamericano” describe firms
and the opportunist behavior. It is a fact. The corporate sector has been plagued by huge
scandals relating to excessive manager compensation and fraudulent bookkeeping. Briefly,
the academic focus is shifting from the thing being exchanged to one on the process of

6. Words and Transactions: the end of Gutenberg age

The end of space age is a fact. Otherwise the researcher is worried with the question of
accountability in Brazil. Houston we have a problem. Concentrated ownership, monitoring
by active owners, strong managerial incentives, and efficient capital structure relieve
managers from short-term pressures from public shareholders. It is a myth. The leveraged
buyout, the king of capital, residual claims, and T. Boone Pickens are a natural field for the
education of a speculator. When I can’t lift the phone to make a trade it high time to close
shop and go to the track. It is a secret of a professional turf betting. These claims have
stimulated some debate. Private equity creates value to GP, Advent and Pátria. It is a fact in
Brazilian economy.

There are two non-related literatures. A number of studies consider new institutional
economics and transaction-cost approach. These studies typically examine one unit of
analysis: the transaction. However, we take Gareth Morgan seriously (GRANT, OSWICK,
1996). Organization science is about tasks, responsibilities, practices, quality, and
innovation. New technologies disrupt long-established business models. It is not about a
theory of the firm. Most companies today were designed for the 20th century. It was very
difficult to find the field of “language”. Ludwig Wittgenstein and Ronald Coase are two
non-related authors. But, our unit of analysis is the binomial word-transaction.

The insightful and provocative article by Stephen Vargo and Robert Lusch argues that,
because marketing has historically been informed by static-equilibrium economics, it has
had a goods-centered dominant logic. Briefly, the academic focus is shifting from the thing
being exchanged to one on the process of exchange. Gutenberg age is dead. Corporate
governance is not about advertising. Corporate governance is not about channels. Corporate
governance is about investor relations. An investor relation is not about sales. An investor
relation is about information. The investor could be not a speculator. But the investor is not
a manufacturer. It is about financial knowledge. And it is not a myth. And the investor does
not lift the phone to make a trade. He makes a trade through an iPad.

Words and transactions are on the web 2.0. Facebook, twitter, foursquare, zynga, linkedin
are brands from the web 2.0. And we have a new verb: to “google”. It is easier to regulate
finance than to understand the algorithm that determines the search result and the field of
data science. It is called web 3.0. Online-search and online advertising creates value in real
state business through a CRM practice. One entrepreneur can make R$ 10 millions business
in just four years. It is not a single transaction. It is not day trade. It is a small number. It is
about vision, tasks, responsibilities and practice. Ludwig Wittgenstein´s Viena society
cared for literature, satire and the polemic Karl Kraus. Philosophers from Plato and
Aristotle to Maurice Merlau-Ponty have been concerned with problems relating to
language. Paul Ricoeur considers the “word” a unit of analysis. And, our unit of analysis is
the binomial word-transaction. Corporate governance is not about networks. Corporate
governance is not about quality. But, corporate governance is about accountability. We
have a big problem in Brazil. Lets face it through debate and research like

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Miths of corporate governance

  • 1. Myths of Corporate Governance Mateus Tavares da Silva Cozer Centro Universitário da FEI, Brazil. E-mail: 14/7/2011 Abstract Globalization is still very partial and incomplete. Corporate governance was one of the most vibrant fields in management research in the last ten years. It has a vast literature on corporate finance, for example the work of the author Michael Jensen, a Harvard scholar. Otherwise the researcher is worried with the question of accountability in Brazil. The insightful and provocative article by Stephen Vargo and Robert Lusch argues that, because marketing has historically been informed by static-equilibrium economics, it has had a goods-centered dominant logic. The debates about governance and ethics have sprung from corporate failure, not from corporate success. The corporate sector has been plagued by huge scandals relating to excessive manager compensation and fraudulent bookkeeping. Briefly, the academic focus is shifting from the thing being exchanged to one on the process of exchange. Gutenberg age is dead. Corporate governance is not about advertising. Corporate governance is not about channels. Corporate governance is not about networks. Corporate governance is not about quality. In that way, the focus of this work is to analyze the competitive process based on digital networks. On the methodological point of view, a literature review is done in the field of corporate governance, our work dual-core is based on new institutional economics and transaction-cost approach, and our unit of analysis is the binomial word-transaction. This paper is an essay. Keywords: Corporate Governance, Marketing, Strategic Management; Accountability; Transaction Cost; Digital Media. 1
  • 2. 1. 2001: a space odyssey The beginning of the 21st century has been seeing the mix of three long range trends in the world of business: the shift in an economy of goods to services, the quick expansion of electronic networks, and the measure of results which interconnects economic, social and environmental questions (RUST, 2002; HODGES, GRAYSON, 2001; ZADEK, 2001; URBAN, 2004; HANSON, 1999; BELL, 1973; DE MASI, 1999; BENKLER, 2006; BEINHOCKER, 2006). The Gutenberg age is dead. “The fundamental question in the field of strategic management is how firms achieve and sustain competitive advantage” (TEECE, 2002). The shifting role of business in society does, however, have a complex relationship to the matter of law (COASE, 1988; DIXIT, 2004). At the same time, it is equally clear that the matter of what constitutes appropriate law governing business behavior is within the scope of the field of corporate responsibility (WILLIAMSON, 1996). This paper has adopted the more general term ‘corporate responsibility’ to cover the topic of why, when and how business can, should and does consciously address social, environmental and economic (including financial) dimensions of its performance and impact (ZADEK, 2002). The revolution triggered by information and communication technologies (ICT) has had a significant impact on the economy, both at global and national levels, on the role of governments and on the way people live and work (BROUSSEAU, 2007; ELSTER, 2007; FRANSMAN, 2007; NEWMAN, BARABASI and WATTS, 2006; RUST et alii, 2004; URBAN, 2004; BARABASI, 2003; KOBRIN, 2003; PEREZ, 2002; GOLDBERG, 2001; HODGES and GRAYSON, 2001; DE Masi, 1999; HANSON, 1999; BELL, 1973). One lens that captures this revolution is the network society, characterized by the concept of an independent and dynamic net linking organizations and forces of the economic, technological, political, physical-natural and social-cultural environments (CASTELLS, 1999; BENKLER, 2006; BEINHOCKER, 2007; HAX; MAJLUF, 1991). Pagano (2006) argues that capitalist societies emerged from feudal relations and, in most countries, like Italy, rules of dynastic succession moved from agrarian sectors to the ownership and control of large firms. Brazil is not a Banana Republic. The BNDES is not a small bank. Feudal relations controls violence in the absence of institutions outside of the city of São Paulo. We have many law merchants in Brazil. The history of Brazil could be told on the perspective of some lawyers like Janio Quadros, Rodrigues Alves, and the Burschenschaft. Governance does not matter in Limoeiro, Nova Odessa, Pouso Feliz, or Tacaratu. It is about feudal relations in the 21st century. Otherwise, the new institutional economics is an attempt to incorporate a theory of institutions into economics. In the words of the Nobel Prize winning Douglass North, “institutions are formed to reduce uncertainty in human exchange”. September 11TH of 2001 witnessed violence in the land of the braves, New York City. Global governance is a myth. IMF is not a brothel house. The World Bank does not have 2
  • 3. the power of Bradesco, Itaú or Safra. A transaction-cost approach is about the work of Williamson. The economic institutions of capitalism are firms, markets and relational contracts (WILLIAMSON, 1996). 2. The Spirit of Enron and the Capitalist Ethic Using the standard established by Coase (1937) and concerned with the problem of social cost (COASE, 1960), the main reason why it is profitable to establish a firm would seem to be that there is a cost of using the price mechanism. The most obvious cost of “organizing” production through the price mechanism is that of discovering what the relevant prices are. This cost may be reduced but it will not be eliminated by the emergence of specialists who will sell this information. There are negotiations to be undertaken, contracts have to be drawn up, inspections have to be made, arrangements have to be made to settle disputes, and so on. A firm, therefore, consists of the system of relationships, which comes into existence when the direction of resources is dependent on an entrepreneur. But it could be bad for practice. The words “Enron and WorldCom”, “Barings”, “Long-Term Capital Management” and “Société General”, “Washington Mutual”, “Bear Stearns”, “Lehman Brothers” , “Merrill Lynch” , “AIG”, “Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac”, “Goldman Sachs”, “Sadia”, “Aracruz”, “Agrenco”, “Banco Panamericano” describe firms and the opportunist behavior. Using the standard established by Williamson (1996), the mechanisms of governance used by this paper over that secular debate are those from the new institutional economics (NORTH, 1991). Institutions matter and are susceptible to analysis. Institutional economics is different but not hostile to orthodoxy. The corporate sector has been plagued by huge scandals relating to excessive manager compensation. The education of a speculator is to trade in the cash market (NIEDERHOFFER, 1996). The draconian sanctions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act are bound to lead to an explosion in costs without slowing the explosion in salaries (FREY, 2008). Agency theory strongly supports the conclusion that shareholder wealth maximization should be the definitive criterion for corporate governance in stock corporations. It is a myth (FREY, 2008). There are at two indications common to firms and Benedictine Monasteries, one of the Holy See umbrella organization, for corporate governance: the survival rate and the causes of liquidations. The art of strategy is changing the game. A commitment is an unconditional strategic move (DIXIT, NALEBUFF, 2008). Actions speak louder than words. The spirit of Enron is an action that promotes favorable leakage of information. The CEO of Enron prepared a face to meet the faces that he met. The world is a stage. The corporation is a theater. Is it a myth? One of the central defining features of modern society is the ubiquity of complex organizations. The “Capitalist Ethic” is a term from the field of Wirtschaftssoziologie. Thomas Hobbes´s state of nature, Mark Granovetter´s embeddedness, and Neil Fligstein´s social skill are attempts to overcome Max Weber´s Wirtschaftssoziologie. At the heart of the literature on law and corporate governance is the question of whether some sets of rules promote economic efficiency. Corporate governance is not about quality. It is a different literature. Fligstein argues that economists have been skeptical of the claim that political, 3
  • 4. legal, or cultural factors affect efficiency. 3. Law and corporate governance The shifting role of business in society does have a complex relationship to the matter of law and economics. It is not a myth. It is a fact. The political system of a particular society and the existence of the rule of law are important preconditions for understanding corporate governance structures (FLIGSTEIN, 2005). The word “governance" is synonymous with the exercise of authority, direction, and control. Zingales (1997) defines a governance system as the complex set of constraints that shape the ex-post bargaining over the quasi-rents generated in the course of a relationship. Ownership matters because confers the right to make strategic decisions. There a vast number of codes of corporate governance in different countries like Germany, Japan and Mexico. Institutional investors are a stakeholder who contributes to the wealth-creating potential of the firm. Although corporate governance can be defined in a variety of ways, generally it involves the mechanisms by which a business enterprise, organized in a limited liability corporate form, is directed and controlled. One of the greatest differences in corporate governance practice relates to the role of employees in corporate governance, a difference that is usually embedded in law. The governance perspective has paved the road to make transaction cost theory a branch of the literature of law and economics. Under the governance economizing perspective Williamson sees the firm as a governance structure. The term “governance” has exploded from obscurity to ubiquity in the last ten years. The field of economic governance studies and compares the performance of different institutions under different conditions. It is difficult to understand. And it could be bad for practice. Organizational structure and the design of incentives for managers and workers creating wealth from talent in the 21th- century organization is the centerpiece of corporate strategy. But free software projects do not rely either on markets or on managerial hierarchies to organize production (BENKLER, 2002). It radically breaks from the concept of the public domain that underlies copyright law’s general background rule for nonproprietary materials. Lawrence Lessig’s Remix is not a myth. The ongoing battle over peer-to-peer filesharing is an easy example. P2P production is another story. The Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School has made much of research. It is on the web. Governments could threaten, but behavior could not be controlled on cyberspace. It requires a broader account of “regulation,” through constitutions, statutes, and other legal codes, and how the software and hardware that make cyberspace what it is. As Mitchell puts it, this code is cyberspace’s law. It is a myth. There is an endless debate about the difference between data, information and knowledge (ALTER, 2002). Connecting People, Processes, and IT (information technology) for Business Results is a more important issue than that controversy. Information includes codified and non-codified information used and created as participants perform their work. Either type of information may or may not be captured on a computer. Essentially, anything that can be digitized – encoded as a stream of bits- is information. Information is costly to produce but cheap to reproduce. Nobel prize- winning economist Herbert Simon spoke for us when he said, “a wealth of information 4
  • 5. creates a poverty of attention.” Taboos, customs, traditions and constitutions are constraints in the complexity of society (NORTH, 1990). Finance, law and markets shape a corporate governance regime. The historical evolution of the form of capitalism: family capitalism, managerial capitalism or popular capitalism, are built around different sources of funding (CLARKE, 2007). The separation of ownership and control is a myth. Family capitalism is still a very important form of governance around the world. The world is not flat. Bearle and Means are dead. Corporate law and labor law are relevant to the securities market. Anglo-American institutions are an exception. Banks plays cards through direct control or market control. Itaú, Bradesco and Safra are not naïve. Roberto Setubal (Mr. Bob) is the most powerful CEO in Brazil. Germanic, Japanese, Latin, and Chinese are not alternative governance systems. We can talk about codes outside the G8 world. Globalization is still very partial and incomplete. Rules and norms of corporate governance are important components of the framework for successful market economies. Although corporate governance can be defined in a variety of ways, generally it involves the mechanisms by which a business enterprise, organized in a limited liability corporate form, is directed and controlled. 4. The rise and fall of corporate governance Lets say three more myths of corporate governance: • Principles of Corporate Governance in Greece are a myth. • Guidelines on Corporate Governance in Iceland are a myth. • Corporate Governance Code in Italy could be a myth. But we can enumerate some other corporate governance codes from Australia, Austria, Belgium, and Brazil in table 1. Australia - Principles of Good Corporate Governance and Best Practice Recommendations March 2003 - Corporate Governance: A guide for fund managers and corporations 1 December 2002 - Horwath 2002 Corporate Governance Report 2002 - Corporate Governance: A Guide for Investment Managers and Corporations July 1999 - Corporate Governance - Volume One: in Principle June 1997 - Corporate Governance - Volume Two: In Practice June 1997 - AIMA Guide & Statement of Recommended Practice (Corporate Governance Statements by Major ASX Listed Companies) June 1995 - Bosch Report 1995 Austria - Austrian Code of Corporate Governance (as amended in January 2006) January 2006 - Austrian Code of Corporate Governance (as amended on 22 February 2005) 22 February 2005 - Austrian Code of Corporate Governance November 2002 Belgium - Code Buysse: Corporate governance for non-listed companies 21 September 2005 5
  • 6. - Belgian Corporate Governance Code 9 December 2004 - Draft Belgian Corporate Governance Code 18 June 2004 - Director's Charter January 2000 - Guidelines on Corporate Governance Reporting 18 November 1999 - Corporate governance for Belgian listed companies (The Cardon Report) December 1998 - Corporate Governance - Recommendations January 1998 Brazil - Code of Best Practice of Corporate Governance 30 March 2004 - Recomendações sobre Governança Corporativa June 2002 - Code of Best Practice of Corporate Governance 8 May 1999 China - Provisional Code of Corporate Governance for Securities Companies 15 January 2004 - The Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies in China 7 January 2001 France - Recommandations sur le gouvernement d'entreprise March 2004 - The Corporate Governance of Listed Corporations October 2003 - Promoting Better Corporate Governance In Listed Companies 23 September 2002 - Vienot II Report July 1999 - Recommendations on Corporate Governance 9 June 1998 - Vienot I Report June 1995 Germany - Amendment to the German Corporate Governance Code - The Cromme Code (June 2006) 12 June 2006 - Amendment to the German Corporate Governance Code - The Cromme Code (June 2005) 2 June 2005 - Corporate Governance Code for Asset Management Companies 27 April 2005 - Amendment to the German Corporate Governance Code - The Cromme Code (May 2003) 21 May 2003 - The German Corporate Governance Code (The Cromme Code) 26 February 2002 - Baums Commission Report (Bericht der Regierungskommission Corporate Governance) 10 July 2001 - German Code of Corporate Governance (GCCG) 6 June 2000 - Corporate Governance Rules for German Quoted Companies January 2000 - DSW Guidelines June 1998 - Gesetz zur Kontrolle und Transparenz im Unternehmensbereich (KonTraG) 5 March 1998 Japan - Principles of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies 16 April 2004 - Revised Corporate Governance Principles 26 October 2001 - Report of the Pension Fund Corporate Governance Research Committee, Action Guidelines for Exercising Voting Rights June 1998 - Corporate Governance Principles: A Japanese view 30 October 1997 - Urgent Recommendations Concerning Corporate Governance September 1997 Table 1: International Corporate Governance Japan, Germany and France are modern, dynamic, interconnected industrialized society. But China is rapidly developing into the largest industrial economy in the world. It has weak corporate governance foundations. The State is a major shareholder. State-owned enterprises dominated a system of central planning. Accountability is not an issue in China. It represents the fall of corporate governance in 2008. 5. Representing Corporate Governance 6
  • 7. Large corporations were a dominant force in American society for generations but an interconnected movement toward a finance-centered economy was revealed by the first decade of the 21st century. If anything, mutual funds are remarkably passive in corporate governance (DAVIS, 2009). A rhetorical context favors shareholder value and OEM model. In Anglo-Saxon countries like the US and UK corporate governance involves firms pursuing the interests of shareholders. But the firm is a walrasean fiction. Walras represents the world in equilibrium. Richard Nelson, Sidney Winter, Samuel Bowles, and Herbert Gintis claim for a research that is different from Franklin Allen perspective. Market economies operate in an ecosystem of expectations. A society of minds is not only about numbers. Neither shareholder nor stakeholder says Anna Grandori. The word governance is synonymous with the exercise of authority, direction, and control. The form of representation cannot be divorced from its purpose: authority and control. In the end, it is about control. One can control the other body, purchase of intimacy, caring relations says Viviana Zelizer. But it is different from mobilize minds in the 21st-century organization. McKinsey´s Strategy Practice mans like Eric Beinhocker and Lowell Bryan has a very clear vision of governance. People form organizations to minimize transaction costs. Using the standard established by Coase (1937) and concerned with the problem of social cost (COASE, 1960), the main reason why it is profitable to establish a firm would seem to be that there is a cost of using the price mechanism. The most obvious cost of “organizing” production through the price mechanism is that of discovering what the relevant prices are. Using the standard established by Williamson (1996), the mechanisms of governance used by this paper over that secular debate are those from the new institutional economics. Governance is also an exercise in assessing the efficacy of alternative modes (means) of organization. It is not a myth of authority. It is not about words. In the end, it is about transactions. But there are costs and risks. Risk analysis is broadly defined to include risk assessment, risk characterization, risk communication, risk management, and risk policy. And there are many lies. And it is not about words. It is about numbers – very big numbers. And it is about money and greed. It is not a myth. The words “Enron and WorldCom”, “Barings”, “Long-Term Capital Management” and “Société General”, “Washington Mutual”, “Bear Stearns”, “Lehman Brothers”, “Merrill Lynch” , “AIG”, “Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac”, “Goldman Sachs”, “Sadia”, “Aracruz”, “Agrenco”, “Banco Panamericano” describe firms and the opportunist behavior. It is a fact. The corporate sector has been plagued by huge scandals relating to excessive manager compensation and fraudulent bookkeeping. Briefly, the academic focus is shifting from the thing being exchanged to one on the process of exchange. 7
  • 8. 6. Words and Transactions: the end of Gutenberg age The end of space age is a fact. Otherwise the researcher is worried with the question of accountability in Brazil. Houston we have a problem. Concentrated ownership, monitoring by active owners, strong managerial incentives, and efficient capital structure relieve managers from short-term pressures from public shareholders. It is a myth. The leveraged buyout, the king of capital, residual claims, and T. Boone Pickens are a natural field for the education of a speculator. When I can’t lift the phone to make a trade it high time to close shop and go to the track. It is a secret of a professional turf betting. These claims have stimulated some debate. Private equity creates value to GP, Advent and Pátria. It is a fact in Brazilian economy. There are two non-related literatures. A number of studies consider new institutional economics and transaction-cost approach. These studies typically examine one unit of analysis: the transaction. However, we take Gareth Morgan seriously (GRANT, OSWICK, 1996). Organization science is about tasks, responsibilities, practices, quality, and innovation. New technologies disrupt long-established business models. It is not about a theory of the firm. Most companies today were designed for the 20th century. It was very difficult to find the field of “language”. Ludwig Wittgenstein and Ronald Coase are two non-related authors. But, our unit of analysis is the binomial word-transaction. The insightful and provocative article by Stephen Vargo and Robert Lusch argues that, because marketing has historically been informed by static-equilibrium economics, it has had a goods-centered dominant logic. Briefly, the academic focus is shifting from the thing being exchanged to one on the process of exchange. Gutenberg age is dead. Corporate governance is not about advertising. Corporate governance is not about channels. Corporate governance is about investor relations. An investor relation is not about sales. An investor relation is about information. The investor could be not a speculator. But the investor is not a manufacturer. It is about financial knowledge. And it is not a myth. And the investor does not lift the phone to make a trade. He makes a trade through an iPad. Words and transactions are on the web 2.0. Facebook, twitter, foursquare, zynga, linkedin are brands from the web 2.0. And we have a new verb: to “google”. It is easier to regulate finance than to understand the algorithm that determines the search result and the field of data science. It is called web 3.0. Online-search and online advertising creates value in real state business through a CRM practice. One entrepreneur can make R$ 10 millions business in just four years. It is not a single transaction. It is not day trade. It is a small number. It is about vision, tasks, responsibilities and practice. Ludwig Wittgenstein´s Viena society cared for literature, satire and the polemic Karl Kraus. Philosophers from Plato and Aristotle to Maurice Merlau-Ponty have been concerned with problems relating to language. Paul Ricoeur considers the “word” a unit of analysis. And, our unit of analysis is the binomial word-transaction. Corporate governance is not about networks. Corporate governance is not about quality. But, corporate governance is about accountability. We have a big problem in Brazil. Lets face it through debate and research like ZYLBERSZTAJN, FARINA and LAZZARINI. 8
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