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Turning Adversity Into Advantage
In America 2015
Darren Hardy
DARREN HARDY will share how to jumpstart your income,
your life and your success. The truth, told straight. The real
deal on what it really takes to earn success—made plain,
simple and actionable. SUCCESS publisher Darren Hardy
draws from his own extraordinary journey to success, and all
he has collected from interviewing the most successful people
of our time, and distills it into the core fundamental principles
every achiever needs to know, practice and master to obtain
anything more than ordinary success. Darren outlines the
operating system that underlies all significant achievement
and delivers a complete action plan that anyone can start
executing immediately.
Barry Habib
BARRY HABIB will share the five specific steps that are
GUARANTEED to exponentially grow your mortgage
production and personal income immediately. Barry is the
Founder MBS Highway. Barry is one of the most recognized
speakers in the mortgage industry. He was recognized
as one of the top 10 mortgage professionals in the United
States. He closed over $2 Billion in production as a Loan
Originator, called the bottom of the Housing Market and
currently provides sales and market training to thousands of
Loan Originators across the country.
Tony Robbins
Peak Performance Strategist
TONY ROBBINS is a world-renowned business leader and
turnaround expert. Tony will share unique business solutions
Tony will teach you the seven forces of business mastery that
have allowed thousands of businesses to thrive despite one
of the worst economies in history. For the past three decades,
Anthony Robbins has served as an advisor to leaders around
system of all time with over 40 million sold. Robbins has
been honored by Accenture as one of the “Top 50 Business
Intellectuals in the World”; by Harvard Business Press as one
of the “Top 200 Business Gurus”; by American Express as one
of the “Top Six Business Leaders in the World” to coach its
entrepreneurial clients; and by Forbes as a Top 100 Celebrity
with an estimated net worth of nearly $400 million.
Steven Marshall
Mastermind Summit
STEVEN MARSHALL will share the critical money making
skills you need to build a profitable mortgage business. Steven
will reveal his complete guide for a successful $1.5 billion
origination career. When the mortgage industry imploded
in 2008, Steven had to rebuild his personal production. By
2010 he closed over $100 Million again. Previously, Mortgage
Originator Magazine ranked Steven the #16 originator
nationally and the #1 mortgage originator in Washington
for six years in a row. He is the CEO of Mortgage Executive
Magazine, the Founder of Mastermind Summit and a Partner
at Cobalt Mortgage.
Sarah Middleton
Learn how
to generate leads
from a $2 billion
career originator
Mike Ferry
#1 Real Estate
in America
Josh Altman
Learn how to
sell $1 million a day
of real estate
Cindy Ertman
Learn how to build
a $70m personal
business and manage
a top-producing
Learn proven tactics
designed to impact
your production
Ken DeLeon
DeLeon Realty
#1 agent in the
U.S. per WSJ
(out of 1.2 million
Jim McMahan
Learn how to
exponentially grow
your business in
90 days
Greg Frost
Learn Greg’s system
that allowed him
to be the FIRST
$1 billion originator
Join $100 Million Originators, $8 Billion Banking Executives,
$500,000 to over $5,000,000. In short, the perfect combo to
help you grow your mortgage business.
Michael Maher
Learn how to generate
more real estate
Jeremy Forcier
Peoples Home Equity
Learn how to
close $100 million
a Year
Tom Ferry
Learn how to
build a business and
life that you love
Tim Braheem
Make a transformation
change in your
business and
personal life
—Troy Clemen, Wells Fargo
—Dan Rawitch, Primelending
—Brenda Heller,
Caliber Home Loans
—Douglas Haldeman, Cherry Creek Mortgage
—Chet Lackey, Eagle Home Mortgage
—Dylan Kramer, Mortgage Master
—Joseph Amato, Fifth Third Bank
—Adriana Galaviz, US Bank
—David Armstrong, First Cal
—Dean Mlinarich, PNC Mortgage
—Sherri Kirk, PrimeLending
	 8	 HowtoGetAppointmentswithTopREALTORS		 OvercomeCallReluctancetoMake2016YourBestYearEver
		 by Steven Marshall
	14	 AlwaysPayYourselfFirst		 Tony’s#1RuletoLiveLifeBy
		 by Kathleen Elkins
	20	 BeingAggressive		 YouLoseOneOutofFiveforBeingTooAggressive…ButYouGettheOtherFour!
		 by Darren Hardy
	28	 BuildingBusinesswithBuilders		 by Shirleen Von Hoffman
	46	 TheBestMarketing&ProspectingIdeas		 OfTop-ProducingOriginators
	56	 NeedleMover		 ChangeYourQuestionandYouWillChangeYourOutcome
		 by Casey Cunningham
	74	 DoubleYourIncome&WorkLess		 5KeystoReachingYourGoals
		 by Elysia Stobbe  WINTER 2016
	36	Top200Mortgage
	62	Top1%Mortgage
8 14
56 74
have been lucky enough to qualify for the
Top 200 Mortgage Originator rankings 16
times. Prior to Mortgage Executive Magazine
managing the Top 200 rankings, Mortgage
Originator Magazine published the rankings
starting in 1995. During my best years, I orig-
inated $200 million/year for three years in a row
and climbed to #16 on the MOM
Top 200. I have also had the oppor-
tunity to interview, study, and learn
from 50+ originators who closed
over $100 million.
What the majority of top 200
originators will tell you is that it
takes “hard work,” “a great team,”
and “knowing mortgage guide-
lines.” These mortgage sayings
have become clichés similar to the
NFL quotes “The separation is in
the preparation,” “It is a game of
inches,” and “It is all about block-
ing and tackling.”
For many originators who work
hard for a great company and understand FNMA
guidelines, these cliché answers leave them empty.
The originator is left asking, “What does it REALLY
take to break through to the next level?” If you had to
parachute into a new city with no database, no friends,
and no money with a “sink or swim” proposition to
rebuild your mortgage business in six months, what
would be your first step? I would immediately create
a 1,000 target list that included the top buyers, agents,
builders and financial planners in town. I would hire
someone to call that list day and night nonstop to set
face-to-face appointments for me. I would also create
a “dream 100” list of elephant REALTORS and the
“best of the best” builders and financial planners.
With bullheaded determination, I
would create overwhelming value
for the “dream 100” list until I had
met with as many elephant referral
partners as possible.
There are only two reasons
that originators don’t prospect for
new referral partners: They are
afraid. Or they are lazy. The leg-
endary speaker Jim Rohn said,
“No one can do your push-ups for
you.” The $100 Million Origina-
tors take the time to do the things
that other originators will not do.
If you wanted to be a great
quarterback, you would invest the
time and money to go to the Peyton Manning NFL
Football Academy. If you want to be a great origi-
nator, I recommend that you invest the time and
money to attend Mastermind 2016 June 7–9 in Las
Vegas. I created a five-minute video at Mastermind that gives you the strategies that you
need to be a Top 200 Originator.
Steven Marshall, Founder
Mortgage Executive Magazine
  6    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
by Steven Marshall
op mortgage trainers Todd Duncan, Tim Braheem, Rick Ruby, and Jim
McMahan having been coaching originators for years on the impor-
tance of using “scripts” when targeting new referral partners. The real-
ity is that 98% of originators don’t have a prospecting system. They
wing it. It is no wonder that most originators are paralyzed with fear
when it comes time to “cold-call.”
The #1 tactic to double, triple, or even quadruple your W-2 income is to mas-
ter prospecting. The secret is to build value in advance of making the call. The
more value you create, the more confident you are. The more value you create,
the more likely you are to get an appointment. Many originators forget that the
primary goal of prospecting is to get an appointment. You want an appointment
so you can start to build a relationship.
Here are some of the best scripts used by elite originators.
  8    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
“Hi Mary! This is (name) and the reason for my call
is I made a decision this year to align myself with some
of the best agents out there, and I believe you are one of
them. I wanted to meet with you for 10 minutes to see
if I could be a good fit for your business. What day and
time are you available?”
“Hi Mary. This is (name). The reason for my call is
that we’ve got a home purchase in process right now for
you, and I just wanted you to know how we work and
what you can expect from us. We’re going to call you
every Wednesday. We’re going to send you regular e-
mails about how the loan is going. Do you currently get
these kind of updates? So Mary, let me ask you a ques-
tion. You said people don’t do this for you now. What
I’d like to have is an opportunity to meet with you for
coffee, if we do exactly what we say and call you every
single Wednesday. Do you think that’s an option for
you? Excellent. I will absolutely do it, and we’ll meet for
a cup of coffee after the home closing.”
  10    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
“Hi Mary, I was referred to you by Mr. and Mrs. Jones.
Do you remember Mr. and Mrs. Jones? Quick story. I
was talking with them yesterday about their refinance.
I am their loan officer, so I asked, ‘Hey, who’s your real-
tor?’ And they said it was you. Do you know what they
said? They raved about you. They told me, ‘Steven, I
bought and sold five homes. I will never use another
realtor.’ They were so impressed with you. Great job. I
mean your reputation kind of precedes you. Congratula-
tions on building a great business. Mary, my goal in my
business is to have 15 strategic partnerships. I have 13
today. My goal is to work with top people like you, and I
put my heart and soul into you and your clients. I want
to do whatever it takes to help you be more successful
and help you generate more business.”
“Quick question. Help me understand what is impor-
tant about real estate success to you.”
“What is important about working with a lender to you?”
“How many families did you help out last year? And
what’s your goal this year?”
“OK, great. Mary what I would like to do is set up an-
other quick appointment to share how I can help you gen-
erate more business and be more successful. Is that OK?”
2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    11 
“Rather than talk about closing your loans on time and
good service and all that stuff, I would like to talk about
how I can help you do more business. How I can help you
reach your goals. I believe that good service should be ex-
pected from any loan officer you’d work with….”
One of the best ideas in mortgage sales is to hire an
Inside Sales Rep. Inside Sales Reps (ISRs) help convert
cold leads and prospects into appointments for you.
ISRs are out shaking the bushes. They are following up
on your marketing. They are filling up your meeting
schedule and your agent events. A good ISR can make
100 calls a day and talk to 20 agents. Here are some
sample ISR agent prospecting scripts.
“Hey, how are you doing? I’d like to make an ap-
pointment with you and (name) next week. How does
10 o’clock work?”
“Hey, I’d like to invite you to this awesome happy
hour that (name) is throwing next Wednesday.”
“Hey, I would like to invite you to this exclusive pow-
er lunch with three of the top agents in the state sharing
their best marketing and prospecting ideas.”
“Hey, I would like to invite you to our real estate CE
class next week.”
Build a list of the top agents in your marketplace.
Set a goal of contacting 30 new agents every week. You
can do this personally or hire an ISR to help you. Ide-
ally, schedule one day a week and carve out 2-3 hours
that are focused exclusively on building new referral
partnerships. You can’t make big money as a mortgage
originator if you don’t have a system for prospecting.
It is that simple.  ■
Steven Marshall
is one of the few
originators to have
successfully funded
$1.5 billion before the
age of 40. When
the mortgage
industry imploded
in 2008, Steven
had to rebuild his
personal production.
By 2010 he closed
over $100 Million
again. Previously,
Mortgage Originator
ranked Steven
the #16 originator
nationally and the #1
mortgage originator
in Washington for six
years in a row. He is
the CEO of Mortgage
Executive Magazine
and the Founder
  12    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
First TONY’S
by Kathleen Elkins,
Business Insider
  14    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    15 
  16    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
ony Robbins has had his fair share of ups
and downs with money over the years. He
knows what it’s like to be deep in debt
and down to his last $20 bill, and he
knows what it’s like to own a resort in Fiji
and travel by private jet.
He’s gone from a cash-strapped up-
bringing to an estimated net worth of
$440 million, and has coached some of
the wealthiest people in the world along the way.
We asked the business strategist and author of Mon-
ey: Master the Game about the smartest thing he ever
did with his money.
“I paid myself first,” he told us.
“And in a nutshell, I set aside a portion of my in-
come to start to build my critical mass,” he says. “But
I committed to paying myself first.”
He credits part of this commitment to a friend and
fellow best-selling author, Ken Blanchard, whom he
met at a critical time in his life—he was 24 years old,
in the middle of writing his first book, and building up
his personal brand and business.
“Like most people, I had already heard of George S.
Clason’s 1926 classic, The Richest Man In Babylon, the
day that Ken pulled me aside for a talking-to,” Robbins
explains. “I was aware of a central concept in the book:
the simple idea of paying yourself first—that is, taking
10% of your income and setting it aside to grow and
protect you in the future.
“But Ken connected with me and imparted a mes-
sage at this critical time while I was coming into my-
self as a young businessman—he taught me some-
thing that many business owners don’t realize. He
said, ‘Tony, any amount of money that you feed your
business, it will eat. So in writing a book, you are
doing something here that is outside of the business.
You are doing something that is going to support the
company hopefully by bringing in new fans of your
work who then maybe engage with your brand and
do business with your company.
“He continued, ‘Since the company is getting that
benefit, make sure you take the profits of your book and
set them aside, and never allow them into your com-
pany’s account. This is the most important career advice
given to me by another man, and I want to pass it on
to you. Remember, Tony: A business is always hungry.’”
“Decades have gone by since Ken Blanchard spoke
those words to me. I now have over 20 companies,
and I’m actively involved in running a dozen of them.
Throughout the years, those words never left me. In
fact, they became the basis of financial independence
as I know it.”  ■
Anthony Robbins
is a world-renowned
business leader and
turnaround expert.
Tony will share unique
business solutions to
help you grow your
business 30-100% in
the next 12 months.
Tony will teach you
the seven forces of
business mastery that
have allowed thou-
sands of businesses
to thrive despite one
of the worst econo-
mies in history.
2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    17 
When I was in real estate, there was this
megasuccessful mortgage broker named Mari
Mahoney. She did more business than any ten
“successful” mortgage agents combined.
I asked her how she did it. What was her
key to success? She rapidly responded,
“I lose one out of five for being too aggressive—
but I get the other four!”
That statement changed my life.
by Darren Hardy
  20    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    21 
efore then, I was overly concerned about be-
ing too assertive or overbearing. If someone
got mad or called the broker (my dad!) to
complain that I was calling too early or too
late, or showing up on their doorstep too of-
ten, I was horrified. After my lunch with Mari, being
aggressive became my goal.
I was at my in-laws’ this past weekend. One of my
brothers-in-law is currently looking for a job. I asked
him how it was going and he responded, “I sent out 42
resumes, but no one has gotten back to me.” I asked
him how many times he had called each employer and
how many drop-ins he had made. I asked if he had sent
any employer his favorite book. Had he sent a valuable
article or press clipping on the organization or competi-
tor? His response? “None, none, and no.”
I offered him some advice that you, too, might find
valuable—whether in finding a job, recruiting top tal-
ent, capturing a dream client, or winning business
away from a competitor.
  22    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
1SHOCK AND AWE—Narrow your list to your
highest-priority targets. Then unload every bit of ar-
senal you have. Call, fax, email, FedEx, telegram, show
up, court the gatekeeper, bring lunch, send gifts (books,
magazine articles, swag, etc.), and network their con-
tacts (peers, underlings, superiors, vendors, attorney,
CPAs, etc.).
Here is the magic: Don’t be afraid of being too ag-
gressive. You might be for some, but who cares? You
have a thousand times better shot at the others on your
list. Get some people to call you, your boss, your asso-
ciation, your congressman, whatever, to complain that
you are becoming a nuisance. You will then know you
are on the road to victory.
I get solicitations every day from people who want to
be featured in SUCCESS or want a job with the magazine.
I either don’t respond or “brush off” the first attempt or
two. Why? I want to know the character behind the so-
licitation. If someone persists, even if I am initially sure
I am not interested, I will give an audience. If they are
creative in their persistence, I am usually an easy sale.
2GET REFERRED IN—Cold calling is for weenies.
Winners get referred in by other winners.
When I interviewed Bob Beaudine, author of The
Power of Who and owner of the leading executive
recruiting firm in sports and entertainment, he made
this point abundantly clear: “In the last 30 years, I
have received over 80,000 resumes. Do you know
how many jobs I have placed off a resume? Not
one.” Beaudine will tell you that you already know
everyone you need to know to get anywhere. You
just have to ask, network through your relationships,
and make new relationships.
If you don’t know anyone who knows your tar-
get contact directly, find someone who knows some-
body one to two degrees away. Make a new friend
and climb the rings on the daisy chain to your target.
If I am interviewing someone who was referred
and endorsed by someone I have respect for, the
interview is very different from the one who came
from a posting and a resume. The latter
person really never had a chance.
2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    25 
Compound Effect, I tell the story of Alex, a friend
of mine who was up for a big job. He lived in Califor-
nia; the job was in Boston. He was one of twelve final
candidates. The company was going to interview local
candidates in person and conduct video conferences
for those out of the area. Alex called me to ask if I knew
how to facilitate a web video-conference.
“How badly do you want this job?” I asked him.
“It’s my dream job,” Alex replied. “It’s everything
I’ve spent forty-five years preparing to do.”
“Then get on a plane and show up in person.”
“No need,” Alex said, “They’re flying in the final
three for a last interview.”
“Listen,” I told him. “If you want to be in that final
three, you should separate yourself by doing the unex-
pected. Fly across the country on a moment’s notice and
show up in person. That’s how you make a statement.”
I also suggested Alex pull out all the stops—at-
tack from every possible front and do it relentlessly:
Research all the people in the organization. Take that
list and run it by his entire network to see if anyone
knew somebody in the organization. Search every
name against his LinkedIn database. Find a few people
to connect with. Talk with them and ask them to put
in a good word for him. Send them gifts or notes and
ask them to hand-deliver them to the decision-makers.
Phone, e-mail, fax, text, tweet, connect through Face-
book—do whatever is necessary during the process.
I suggest you do the same.
Could this be overly aggressive? Heck, yes! But I
have found that you may lose one out of five for being
too aggressive, but you get the other four! And when it
comes to capturing dream clients, you only need a few.
Now, no more namby-pamby soft-pedaling around.
Straighten your spine, get aggressive, and get after it!  ■
Darren Hardyis
the New York Times
best-selling author of
The Compound
Effect: Jumpstart
Your Income, Your Life,
Your Success. As the
former Publisher and
Founding Editor of
SUCCESS magazine,
he has interviewed
leading experts on
human performance
and achievement,
as well as CEOs,
entrepreneurs, and
superstar athletes.
  26    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
  28    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
by Shirleen
Von Hoffmann
he other day a loan officer shared with me, “I
feel that builders are too much work… they
are too hard to get to, too hard to get, and too
hard to keep happy once you get them.”
So I am here to tell you… that is partially
true! Home builders can be hard to find, chal-
lenging to get an appointment, with and once gotten
they can be difficult to keep happy.
But on the other hand, chasing a builder and get-
ting them is a huge win. There’s no feeling quite like it!
Here is other great upsides… you don’t live month to
month; you have a huge pipeline of loans that you can
see as far as a year out, and you always know what is
coming down the line. When you become a successful
Builder Account Loan Officer and do it right, you be-
come an enterprise. Everyone will want you working
for them. Furthermore, there is no better feeling than a
builder awarding you with their business and trusting
you to get it done. It’s huge win.
Think about it… is anything worth getting, easy?
Do you want to get 15 loans a year from a REALTOR
(that’s easy!) or do you want 150 loans a year from
a builder (challenge)? And when you get four or five
builders in your pocket, you can imagine the enterprise
you will create. Nothing in this world worth anything
comes easy. So instead of looking for easy, let’s talk
about some strategy.
First I am going to make you a promise and want
you to proceed with this knowledge. If you follow the
steps below, you will become wildly successful with
builders and have a ton of business. With that said,
you must prepare to be busy. I always say, “Be care-
ful what you wish for!” Preparation and planning will
make you “in it to win it!”
2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    29 
It’s the beginning of any enterprise. You would nev-
er land in a new city without a map. Come up with a
vision of what you want to achieve. Put it in writing
and set goals for each vision you have. Then come up
with a plan to make it happen. An example is to figure
out what builders you want to call on, and then your
plan will include a milk route to visit builders weekly.
Dedicate two days out of your week solely to builder
prospecting calls. Make sure to do the vision and plan-
ning in all areas of your life, like money, family, re-
lationships, fun and spirituality so as you grow, you
remain a balanced person.
Do your homework… know where the builders are
building, know the lenders they are working with and
the weaknesses of those lenders, visit agents, communi-
ties selling and upcoming, and know the history and
the pain of the builder before you go to a meeting. Find
out all of the new communities coming in the future.
Research everything you can find… all the facts you can.
The builder will appreciate and know that you did your
homework by your engagement in the conversation.
Once in the meeting, you may meet with the builder,
sales manager, or both. In either case, be ready to tell
a builder or sales manager why they should work with
you. They may ask and you should be ready with an
answer, not stuttering and stammering all over your-
self. They will pick up on your confidence. Make sure
it’s something compelling and things that they want or
need. Know your value and what you are great at, and
be able to deliver it quickly and with confidence. Don’t
talk too much after stating why they want to work with
you; your speaking should be limited to asking great
questions. The goal is to get to know them on the first
appointment, ask questions, find out their pain, and
get the door open. At the second meeting you can de-
liver some solutions. Remember, it’s not about you or
what you have; it’s about them and what they need.
  30    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
Join the local build-
ing industry associa-
tions, become involved,
go to meetings and events,
provide a sponsorship,
do a training session at
a luncheon, get on plan-
ning boards, and get to
know everyone. There
is nothing like getting
to know sales managers while
you plan an annual sales event.
These relationships break the
ice and go a long way.
Place yourself with a company that has a
builder division that can support you and
your production and that understands
the needs of home builders. Once you
have that in place, you need a
personal team that can
execute high-volume pro-
duction. Processes, training
and building a team machine
will be the most important part
of your success. Knowing all the
nuances of a home builder is one
of the most important things
you and your team will need
to know. Lastly, make sure you
know when to take care of busi-
ness and when to throw down
the fun. It will keep your team
together for many years. My
team loved having monthly
contests and rewards. It kept
them engaged and competi-
tive, and we always felt like a
big family.
Be sure you provide a weekly loan sta-
tus report, on all loans in process to the
builder and your team. This reporting will
keep you organized and efficient, especial-
ly when the volume is at high levels. It
was a lifesaver on those months when I
closed 130 units There is no way I could
have kept track of all of those escrows
without great reporting systems. Make
sure your team not only utilizes the re-
port day in and day out but also gets
it to the builder prior to their weekly
sales meeting.
2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    31 
One of the most common mistakes made with
builder business is growth. It comes very fast, and you
have to be ready for it with support, process, and a
plan. There is no time for complaining about how busy
you are and that you have to work weekends. No room
for firefighting. You will have to be ahead of the fire at
all times by creating systems that can accommodate
high volume growth quickly.
If you give great service, have a great team, under
promise and over deliver, and close on time every time,
you will be ahead of 90% of your competition when it
comes to builders. There is no compromise on this; if
you don’t follow through with what you say, you will
not be around.
As time goes on and as you get busier each month,
in order to maintain and retain, you must refine and re-
invent your systems—constantly. Define your processes,
make them better, and reinvent your team to be better
and better with each closing. The goal is to have a well-
oiled machine. If you stay on top of all of your business
and ahead of the game, you will always remain at the top.
Never become complacent, as you can always improve.
A coach can be the one thing that will keep you in
check and keep you from becoming complacent. They
can help you with evaluating what direction you are
moving and at what speed. They see holes where you
might miss them. I believe we are all here to do one
thing—GROW. That means grow in our careers, our
  32    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
relationships and our lives. A coach is the one to help
you with that growth. There are all kinds of coaches
for all kinds of personalities. You definitely need to
find someone who will hold you accountable, whom
you align with, and whom you honor and respect. All
superstars have coaches. You’re no different.
Now here is the most important thing… have
some fun! Our business can be tough some days, but
there is no business like it in the world, and further-
more you get to choose your reaction to everything!
Choose right now to be in control and in the driver’s
seat, and live a happy, balanced life with amazing
work, a great team, and time for your family, friends,
and filling yourself up with things you love. In our
business, this part is rare. One of the biggest things I
see is someone who becomes wildly successful and
within a year or less burns out, everything falls apart,
and bam, they are no longer doing builder business
and no one remembers their name. Here is one very
important thing you need to know. With builders, you
only get one shot. It’s just that simple! There are al-
ways younger, hungrier, more energetic loan officers
vying for that business and knocking on their door.
Here’s my last pieces of advice… know who they are
and hire them for your team!
Builder business is a game changer, and only the
best survive! It’s all I’ve ever done, and my best advice
is, Stay on the ball and ahead of the curve, and you will
become outrageously successful in builder business for
a very long time.  ■
Shirleen Von
Hoffmann is a
certified sales coach,
speaker, author,
and national
director of Builder
Group, Summit
Funding. In her
latest book, Secrets
of Top Producers,
Shirleen teaches
techniques on how
to become a top-
producing sales
professional with
her no-nonsense
sales skills.
2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    35 
In America 2015
The last decade has been turbulent in the mortgage industry. Over 70% of the
mortgage competition has been swept away during this time of change. For many of
the nation’s top producers, the consumers “flight to quality” has created a unique
opportunity to grow market share in both purchase and refinance mortgages.
Mortgage Executive Magazine compiled the most comprehensive list of The Nation’s
Top 200 Mortgage Originators as ranked by their total yearly mortgage volume.
Entries cannot include loan volume of associate originators or junior originators that
earn a commission on the same loan files. Mortgage Executive Magazine seeks to
recognize and celebrate the service, dedication, and hard work that leading mortgage
originators put into serving their clients.
Top Mortgage Originators Are Gaining Market Share
and Growing Production Just As Much of Their
Competition Leaves the Mortgage Business
2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    37 
In America 2015
Learn the Critical Money
Making Skills You Need
To Build a Profitable
Mortgage Business
Here are some sobering statistics.
The majority of mortgage
originators will likely see a 20–40%
decline in personal income from last
year. And if that is the worst that
happens, they are the lucky ones.
What makes the difference between
thriving and barely surviving in
the mortgage business, between a
Top 10 Mortgage Originator earning
$1,000,000+ a year and someone
just getting by? Answer: It’s not
interest rates or service levels. It’s
the skills, strategies and systems
developed and implemented by
each mortgage professional.
That is the key element.
Mastermind Summit gives you
the tools and systems to make
the quantum leaps in your
mortgage production and business
results. Designed for successful,
experienced Originators, Managers
and CEOs the event provides what
is needed to breakthrough to
the next level.
Register Online Today or
Call 866.304.8319
1 Brian Minkow Prospect Mortgage CA 1,078 $419,227,558
2 Brian S. Cohen Wells Fargo Home Mortgage NY 643 $413,775,775
3 Shant Banosian Guaranteed Rate MA 890 $337,637,606
4 Debbie Foley Smarter Mortgages OH 609 $330,351,940
5 Anthony Musante CitiMortgage CA 284 $302,751,320
6 Brian Blonder Capital Bank MD 1,020 $289,240,935
7 Max Leaman PrimeLending TX 1,100 $272,722,874
8 Ben Cohen Guaranteed Rate IL 517 $256,351,188
9 Michael Meena Augusta Financial Inc. CA 648 $249,219,773
10 Baret Kechian Mortgage Master NJ 523 $242,614,724
11 Julie Long Commonwealth Mortgage MA 886 $240,749,740
12 Michael Roberts City Creek Mortgage Corp. UT 971 $228,354,066
13 Joe Caltabiano Guaranteed Rate IL 562 $224,347,369
14 Risha Kilaru Prospect Mortgage CA 481 $221,572,548
15 Paul Concannon Wells Fargo Home Mortgage MD 588 $215,302,926
16 Paul Volpe NOVA Home Loans AZ  1,015 $210,316,517
17 Stephen Campbell Mortgage Master CT 302 $201,377,570
18 Andrew Marquis Guaranteed Rate MA 566 $195,243,726
19 Daniel Horanyi Caliber Home Loans CA 430 $193,762,441
20 Harinder Johar Guaranteed Rate MA 534 $191,013,549
21 Shimmy Braun Guaranteed Rate IL 575 $187,532,153
22 Matt Andre FBC Mortgage FL 711 $181,860,326
23 Ben Anderson Guaranteed Rate CA 377 $181,712,168
24 Ed Currie Associated Bank WI  242 $174,753,880
25 Yinan Nancy Sun Austin First Mortgage TX 645 $170,677,271
26 Jessie Pachan Smarter Mortgages OH 337 $164,353,294
27 Ric Jason Gosser Guild Mortgage WA 601 $163,942,283
28 Mike Hartunian Prospect Mortgage CA 341 $163,386,797
29 Bruce Salik Prospect Mortgage NY 481 $162,297,297
30 Sam Sharp Guaranteed Rate IL 492 $158,722,246
31 Rick Elmendorf Caliber Home Loans VA 458 $157,265,178
32 Michael Borodinsky Caliber Home Loans NJ 526 $157,210,000
33 Joe Polizzi RPM Mortgage CA 305 $155,528,634
34 Rodney Anderson Supreme Lending TX 659 $154,123,517
35 Michael Rodriguez Platinum Capital Mortgage CA 307 $153,953,890
36 John Noldan Guaranteed Rate IL 556 $150,975,207
37 Robby Oakes Corporate Investors Mortgage NC  520 $150,195,617
38 Greg Kingsbury Caliber Home Loans DC 343 $149,840,946
39 Franco Tamburrino Coast 2 Coast Funding Group CA 450 $148,560,406
40 Keith Hapenney Leader Bank MA  355 $148,290,437
41 David Jaffe On Q Financial CA 334 $144,653,321
42 Diane Clark PrimeLending TX 465 $143,238,638
43 Thomas Lavallee Guaranteed Rate IL 508 $142,779,272
44 Matt Johnson Umpqua Bank WA 310 $140,859,530
45 Kelly Marsh Broadview Mortgage CA 314 $140,763,249
46 Brian Decker Guaranteed Rate CA 382 $138,956,720
47 Dianne Crosby Guaranteed Rate CA 252 $138,735,089
48 Andrew Soss Guaranteed Rate CA 318 $137,675,150
49 Joseph Mazzo Summit Funding CA 318 $137,418,094
50 Beth Lewis Perl Mortgage IL  427 $137,270,401
  38    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016✦ 866.304.8319
Join mortgage industry leaders from across the country
for the premier executive symposium that addresses
critical issues and the future direction of the mortgage
finance industry. Our experts are CEOs and Senior
Executives who’ve built multi-billion dollar businesses.
They are experts in marketing, sales, leadership,
networking and more.
In America 2015
Learn the Critical Money
Making Skills You Need
To Build a Profitable
Mortgage Business
Here are some sobering statistics.
The majority of mortgage
originators will likely see a 20–40%
decline in personal income from last
year. And if that is the worst that
happens, they are the lucky ones.
What makes the difference between
thriving and barely surviving in
the mortgage business, between a
Top 10 Mortgage Originator earning
$1,000,000+ a year and someone
just getting by? Answer: It’s not
interest rates or service levels. It’s
the skills, strategies and systems
developed and implemented by
each mortgage professional.
That is the key element.
Mastermind Summit gives you
the tools and systems to make
the quantum leaps in your
mortgage production and business
results. Designed for successful,
experienced Originators, Managers
and CEOs the event provides what
is needed to breakthrough to
the next level.
Register Online Today or
Call 866.304.8319
51 Roland Benson iMortgage CA 554 $136,920,180
52 Brian R. Jessen Guaranteed Rate IL 294 $135,431,277
53 Mark Maimon Sterling National Bank NY 273 $135,139,779
54 Allyson Kreycik Guaranteed Rate MA 355 $134,846,951
55 Cameron Harris Flagship Financial Group UT 560 $134,076,147
56 Shelly Logemann RPM Mortgage CA 243 $133,562,562
57 Dean Vlamis Guaranteed Rate IL 351 $133,540,077
58 Mike Walsh Trident Mortgage PA 319 $133,101,277
59 Phillip Nguyen George Mason Mortgage VA 305 $131,608,778
60 Shayla Gifford Guild Mortgage NV 560 $131,448,882
61 Michael Tanionos Wells Fargo Home Mortgage MA 229 $131,135,000
62 Steve Grossman NJ Lenders Corp. NJ 256 $130,120,248
63 Jarret Coleman United Bank CT 248 $129,959,931
64 Dan Gjeldum Guaranteed Rate IL 313 $129,208,241
65 Ryan Grant Benchmark Mortgage CA 268 $129,045,454
66 Michele Stanisch Prospect Mortgage CA 260 $128,523,435
67 John Peterman George Mason Mortgage VA 253 $127,726,895
68 Chris Gallo NJ Lenders Corp. NJ 314 $125,270,452
69 Michael Murgatroy Guaranteed Rate FL 408 $124,457,193
70 Brad Cohen Capital Bank MD  280 $124,348,554
71 Billy Winfree FM Bank TN 453 $123,402,793
72 Eric Glick Starkey Mortgage GA 583 $123,201,260
73 Neena Vlamis A and N Mortgage Services IL 373 $121,992,514
74 Patrick Ruffner Guaranteed Rate IL 383 $121,224,003
75 Jon Tobias Fairway Independent Mortgage AZ 573 $120,909,973
76 Mark Johnson Prospect Mortgage CA 285 $120,633,197
77 LisaMarie Nicholas PrimeLending CT 501 $120,365,928
78 Timothy Taylor Prospect Mortgage CA 237 $120,141,597
79 Michael Prime Wells Fargo Home Mortgage CA 134 $120,033,000
80 Neils Jorgensen Flagship Financial Group UT 557 $119,388,167
81 Hunter Marckwardt RPM Mortgage CA 209 $119,315,633
82 Kelly Malatesta Benchmark Mortgage TX 348 $117,930,472
83 Amanda Sessa SWBC Mortgage CO 306 $115,715,548
84 Carlos Larrazabal George Mason Mortgage VA 518 $115,045,817
85 Tim Smith Talmer Bank and Trust MI 391 $114,158,330
86 Josh Cilman Intercoastal Mortgage Company VA 228 $114,115,364
87 Todd Bookspan HomeStreet Bank AZ 541 $113,929,823
88 Barry Schwartz Perl Mortgage IL  296 $113,685,729
89 Daniel Stevens Wells Fargo Home Mortgage CA  184 $113,600,000
90 Christopher Washburn Caliber Home Loans DC 254 $113,208,204
91 Edwin Davidian Skyline Home Loans CA 256 $112,338,868
92 Sam Rosenblatt Academy Mortgage MD  400 $111,734,848
93 Joseph Smith Guaranteed Rate MA 277 $111,210,175
94 Alicia Blackwood Summit Funding CA 323 $111,043,659
95 Jeremy Forcier Peoples Home Equity, Inc. CA 288 $110,304,704
96 Jesse Caveney American Pacific Mortgage CA 130 $109,655,290
97 Tony Umholtz SunTrust Mortgage VA 243 $109,131,353
98 Jorden Brok Mortgage Master IL  247 $108,301,483
99 Ryan Mecum Guaranteed Rate IL 271 $107,764,260
100 Andrew Lunenfeld EagleBank MD 209 $107,404,377
  42    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
In America 2015
Here Is What $100m
Originators Are Saying
About Mastermind Summit
Brian Blonder, the top mortgage
originator shared, “To be successful
in the mortgage industry, I have
found it takes the willingness to
become teachable. The mortgage
industry is very dynamic and
ever changing. It requires us to
become a “student of the game.”
We constantly have to analyze our
own techniques and investigate the
best practices of other successful
mortgage salespeople, and
incorporate a blend of our skills
with knowledge we learn from
others who have walked our path
before us, in order to stay on top.
Use your knowledge and tools to
go to battle each day, and WIN.
David Jaffe, a top originator at
On Q Financial, shared his success
formula with MEM. “One of the first
things I learned when I was new
to the business was to learn from
those who came before me. I have
never been a believer in re-inventing
the wheel, but a huge fan of finding
successful strategies others have
used and becoming a master at
swipe and adapt. Implementing
proven strategies has been a large
part of my success and enabled me
to spend more time building the
business and less time coming
up with ideas.”
101 Rosella Campion Mortgage Master MA  279 $106,406,349
102 Tom Digan Mortgage Master MA 270 $105,911,964
103 Mehdi Pirzadeh EagleBank MD 210 $105,651,717
104 Justin Oliver NOVA Home Loans AZ 512 $104,928,094
105 Linda Mister-Owens SWBC Mortgage TX 565 $104,621,476
106 Steve Siwinski Guaranteed Rate IL 545 $104,279,933
107 JD Cortese Guaranteed Rate IL 293 $104,204,912
108 Eli Weinberger New American Funding CA 190 $103,470,698
109 Ali Ghassemi George Mason Mortgage VA 262 $103,349,431
110 Norman Calvo Sterling National Bank NY 212 $103,311,513
111 Jacob Deegan Flagship Financial Group UT 478 $103,194,320
112 Charles Shulman NJ Lenders Corp. NJ 212 $102,811,956
113 Eric Kulbe Guild Mortgage CO 350 $102,598,957
114 Joshua Sigman Legacy Mutual Mortgage TX 446 $102,517,311
115 Christina Longo Prospect Mortgage MA 317 $101,336,773
116 Brandon Moss PrimeLending CA 206 $101,291,980
117 Suren Sampat 1st Advantage Mortgage IL 320 $101,251,132
118 Daryn Jay Peterson Wintrust Mortgage IL 285 $101,174,958
119 Tom O’Keefe Prosperity Mortgage MD 208 $100,407,831
120 Gerald McCarthy Mortgage Master MA 227 $100,374,431
121 Craig Stelzer Guaranteed Rate FL 320 $100,155,531
122 Dave Stemrich Prospect Mortgage CA 368 $99,191,999
123 James E. Pope Wintrust Mortgage WI 354 $99,133,541
124 Jeffrey Sokol Prospect Mortgage CA 176 $99,075,600
125 Carl Nielsen Mortgage Master NJ  261 $98,586,329
126 Lloyd Streisand Sterling Savings Bank NY 113 $98,573,150
127 David L. Johnson Flagship Financial Group UT 496 $98,498,712
128 Chad Lubben Guaranteed Rate IL 305 $98,319,307
129 Bill Kelso On Q Financial CA 174 $98,035,345
130 David Setti American Pacific Mortgage CA 181 $97,812,631
131 Austin Lampson On Q Financial CA 205 $97,810,016
132 Matthew Adler Lake Michigan Credit Union MI 445 $97,446,803
133 Raffi Bekmezian PrimeLending CA 197 $96,388,482
134 Jerry Sundt VIP Mortgage AZ 431 $95,750,573
135 Sean Logue Trident Mortgage PA 277 $95,447,809
136 Pauline M. Amstutz American Pacific Mortgage CA 236 $94,949,193
137 Drew Boland Guaranteed Rate IL 263 $94,909,283
138 Rick Scherer MSA Mortgage MA 271 $93,494,480
139 Brandon Knapp RPM Mortgage CA 163 $92,579,948
140 Scott Groves Movement Mortgage CA 204 $92,118,233
141 Raj Mahajan EagleBank MD 212 $91,921,890
142 Damon Johnston Academy Mortgage CO 306 $91,165,984
143 Brian Kerby Academy Mortgage CO 305 $91,165,984
144 John Downs Caliber Home Loans DC 179 $91,112,827
145 Artin Babayan PrimeLending CA 217 $91,098,866
146 James Pulsipher Bay Equity Home Loans CO 425 $90,918,962
147 Nathaniel Lindsey Wells Fargo Home Mortgage CA 131 $90,501,000
148 Brian Morley Fulton Mortgage MD 256 $89,957,250
149 Oleg Tkach Guild Mortgage WA 365 $89,816,545
150 Rob Ross MVB Mortgage VA 216 $89,514,053
2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    43 
In America 2015
Learn the Critical Money
Making Skills You Need
To Build a Profitable
Mortgage Business
Here are some sobering statistics.
The majority of mortgage
originators will likely see a 20–40%
decline in personal income from last
year. And if that is the worst that
happens, they are the lucky ones.
What makes the difference between
thriving and barely surviving in
the mortgage business, between a
Top 10 Mortgage Originator earning
$1,000,000+ a year and someone
just getting by? Answer: It’s not
interest rates or service levels. It’s
the skills, strategies and systems
developed and implemented by
each mortgage professional.
That is the key element.
Mastermind Summit gives you
the tools and systems to make
the quantum leaps in your
mortgage production and business
results. Designed for successful,
experienced Originators, Managers
and CEOs the event provides what
is needed to breakthrough to
the next level.
Register Online Today or
Call 866.304.8319
151 Matt Tierney Guaranteed Rate IL 249 $89,511,328
152 Elvis Keshishyan Skyline Financial CA 205 $89,476,025
153 Craig Strent Apex Home Loans MD 206 $89,244,296
154 David Hatlen HomeStreet Bank WA 233 $89,039,300
155 Peter Fickeisen William Raveis Mortgage MA  210 $88,529,743
156 Dana Gounaris Trident Mortgage NJ 353 $88,478,324
157 Joshua J. Jensen Flagship Financial Group UT 426 $88,166,607
158 Jeffrey Morgan Academy Mortgage UT 358 $87,720,522
159 Mike Nielsen Guaranteed Rate IL 235 $87,690,677
160 Rusty O’Dowd Guaranteed Rate MA 274 $87,625,981
161 Manuel Corral GEM Mortgage CA 408 $87,483,054
162 Jill Hinkey Banc of California CA 276 $87,433,347
163 Jason Osenton Mortgage Master CA 179 $87,307,732
164 Scott Gilman Prospect Mortgage CA 214 $87,221,875
165 Dante Puorro Caliber Home Loans NJ 258 $86,832,249
166 Joseph McBreen Guaranteed Rate IL 353 $86,680,600
167 Michelle Bobart Guaranteed Rate IL 251 $86,167,467
168 Shawn Huss Talmer Bank and Trust OH  640 $85,996,735
169 Chris Smith Trident Mortgage PA 260 $85,875,065
170 Brad Hansen Guild Mortgage OR 310 $85,582,425
171 Dawn Peck Guild Mortgage CA 226 $85,099,526
172 Tracie Southerland Opes Advisors CA 95 $84,929,630
173 Brian Reeg Prospect Mortgage CA 244 $84,322,485
174 Michael Brown Churchill Mortgage TN 381 $84,177,720
175 Mason R. Minhondo Flagship Financial Group UT 410 $83,870,241
176 Patrick Iglinsky Supreme Lending TX 214 $83,834,737
177 Patrick Pittman PrimeLending TX  264 $83,507,567
178 Tim Lowry Trident Mortgage PA 223 $83,159,722
179 Ali Ghaziani Bay Equity Home Loans CA 193 $83,097,910
180 Sam Batayneh Guaranteed Rate CA 116 $83,017,506
181 Eric Goren Banc of California CA 117 $82,668,093
182 Brett Burns Directors Mortgage WA 249 $82,417,854
183 Michael Roth Elevations Credit Union CO 283 $82,367,949
184 Justin S. Tulman Fairway Independent Mortgage MA 164 $81,770,624
185 Mark Klein Skyline Home Loans CA 157 $81,652,390
186 David King SWBC Mortgage CO 292 $81,610,066
187 Michele Town RPM Mortgage CA 216 $81,579,720
188 Jon Lamkin Guaranteed Rate NJ 177 $80,852,899
189 Jason Evans Mortgage Master WA 247 $80,835,203
190 Lance Dickson NOVA Home Loans AZ 429 $80,634,789
191 Dixie Sanders HomeBridge Financial Services TX 333 $80,466,015
192 Derek Wetzel On Q Financial WA  173 $80,172,696
193 Jeremy Durkin Prosperity Mortgage PA 291 $79,869,754
194 Drew Stacey Talmer Bank and Trust OH 317 $79,523,574
195 Alison Freed Mortgage Master MA  177 $79,216,700
196 Mark Casamassina NJ Lenders Corp. NJ 250 $79,204,782
197 Deb O’Rourke Mortgage Master MA 209 $79,054,428
198 Kimberlye Dorsett FBC Mortgage FL 363 $78,973,833
199 Steve Dykeman Perl Mortgage IL 240 $78,921,120
200 Paul Harsanyi EagleBank MD 175 $78,880,683
  44    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
  46    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
We interviewed a group of
Top 1% Originators from across
the country to discover their
best marketing and prospecting
ideas. We limited each entry to
100-200 words to provide our
readers with a quick snapshot
of as many different ideas
and strategies as possible.
2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    47 
Joe Caltabiano, Guaranteed Rate
$224,347,369 – 562 units
I pride myself on my business, which is based on refer-
rals. My REALTORS, referral partners, and past clients
direct their business to me because they know their
referrals are my business. Having a business built on
referrals has allowed me to grow year after year. My
growth is driven by the fact that once I have a referral,
I work relentlessly until the loan closes and offer great
service and solid guidance. I have an experienced team
behind me, and there are no surprises—and because
of that, all parties are assured of the experience of a
smooth transaction. I—along with my team—work
proactively to ensure that deals close smoothly and
efficiently. As a result, my clients are happy, and my
referral sources are reinforced for making the connec-
tion. I am appreciative of the referrals I receive, and
honestly, I treat them like family. At this point, I have
a pretty big “family.”
David Jaffe, On Q Financial
$145,051,821 – 330 units
One of the best marketing tools we have used to grow
REALTOR referral partners is calling on the REALTORS
involved in a purchase transaction. If we do a phenom-
enal job throughout the loan process, we can “wow”
the agents involved, giving us an opportunity to call
on them after close. Our system is called the Perfect
Loan Process. For each milestone that occurs on a loan
(appraisal ordered, appraisal received, loan sent to un-
derwriting, loan approved, docs ordered, docs sent to
escrow, loan funded, etc.), we send an email to the
borrower and both agents with a status. The constant
communication means we don’t get bogged down with
incoming status calls, and we are proactively touching
base with the agents before they have a chance to call
us. After close, we call for an appointment.
Jarret Coleman, United Bank
$129,959,931 – 248 units
One of my best resources for generating new leads and
referral sources is my existing referral base. I do my
best to connect via email at least once a week with
my referral sources, and I always ask if they know of
anyone in their office who is in need of a mortgage pro-
fessional. I find that this is the best way to make new
contacts within real estate offices, as you have an “in-
side person” already praising your services. Once you
are given the introduction, the most important thing
to do is follow up. I constantly follow up with them to
ensure that they give me a shot when that next client
comes around.
Chris Gallo, NJ Lenders Corp.
$125,270,452 – 314 units
I think the best form of marketing and prospecting is
SERVICE  KNOWLEDGE. The service and knowledge
you can provide to all parties involved in the transac-
tion are priceless. Anyone can cut costs and waive fees,
but to be fully involved with the clients and your refer-
ral partners has been the true key to my success. Be
knowledge, be accountable, and be accessible! If you
can do all these things, you will grow your brand and
increase your production—guaranteed.
Brad Cohen, Capital Bank
$124,348,554 – 280 units
As discussed on stage multiple times, my best and
most cost-effective marketing strategy has been the
distribution of rate flyers. I have done this since day
one when I got into this business in 1997, as I used
this practice to generate clients for my auto detailing
business. I place them on fence posts or on mailboxes
(but NEVER in them), and I hit the same neighbor-
hoods every one to two months. I have even cemented
four REALTORS from this and still have them after 15+
years. It is extremely cost effective, great for branding,
and also great for exercise and to meet the people in
the area. I have closed over 1,000 loans just from my
flyer technique over the years.
  48    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
Raffi Bekmezian, PrimeLending
$96,388,482 – 197 units
Living in the new age of technology, we have the world
at our fingertips. This new way of communication al-
lows us to reach the masses at a quicker rate. Using so-
cial media as one of the newest tools at our disposal
is one of the most effective ways I approach marketing
and prospecting. A great way to market myself and my
business is to use social media as one way of commu-
nicating. The key to that is finding a balance between
being visible and knowing when to back off in order
to prevent desensitization. I see social media as a great
way to not only introduce myself and my business but
also to create a need for a prospective client to call me
and allow me the opportunity to win their trust and
business face-to-face. This, along with my longstanding
motto of going above and beyond what is expected of
me and keeping the borrower happy with their loan and
the process, is what I believe helps generate new leads
and allows me the opportunity to continue to do what I
love to do. Positive word-of-mouth referrals are just as
important as any leads that can be created in other ways.
Oleg Tkach, Guild Mortgage
$89,816,545 – 365 units
Most originators ask for referrals after a successful
transaction. This has been the standard in any sales in-
dustry since the existence of the profession. While this
tactic is a proven way to generate business, it’s also not
the only way to get referrals from your existing clien-
tele. What we do on our team is update all parties of
the transaction (buyer, listing agent, and selling agent)
every Tuesday, which we refer to as our Tuesday up-
date calls. After updating them on our loan status, we
ask if they have any questions and if they feel that we
have been doing a great job of taking care of them thus
far. Once we answer any additional questions that our
clients have, we end with a simple pitch: “We are glad
you feel that we are taking great care of you. Please
take care of us and connect us with anyone you come
across this week who is thinking of buying or could
benefit from refinancing. We would love to provide
them with the same stellar service that we are provid-
ing you.” By using this tactic, we are able to generate
an additional 5–10 strong leads each month.
Craig Strent, Apex Home Loans
$89,244,296 – 206 units
Target marketing financial advisors has been my best
prospecting activity. I educate advisors on mortgage
planning topics, send articles on specific mortgage
items related to financial planning, teach continuing
education classes to help them maintain their desig-
nations, offer detailed analyses of different mortgage
options for their clients, and make myself available for
team consultations. Good financial advisors recognize
the need to have a great mortgage banker on their team
and value the services they provide.
Jill Hinkey, Banc of California
$87,433,347 – 276 units
What does it take to be a top producer? I call, email,
and direct mail all past clients on a regular basis. The
key is persistent and consistent contact; you never
know when the client will have a life-changing event
and need your professional services. The goal is to be
in front of them when the opportunity arises. There is
no replacement for one-on-one meetings with clients
and referral sources. Again, the key is persistent and
consistent communication.
The majority of my day is spent on business devel-
opment. I’m typically on the phone and email taking
applications and issuing prequalifications 10–14 hours
a day. My goal is to take as many loan applications
as possible. I also spend a significant amount of time
thanking existing referral sources and contacting po-
tential new ones. I challenge myself constantly and
work to step out of my comfort zone at least once daily.
As I talk, I give options rather than opinions. I let my
customers form their own opinions. When your cus-
tomer comes up with their own solution based on the
information you have presented, you have their buy-in.
You now have a partnership and have elevated the re-
lationship beyond the transaction.
  50    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
Jonathan Okun, Prosperity Mortgage
$77,383,364 – 171 units
Every year I create a business plan and rank my top
“biggest fans.” These are the REALTORS who send me a
very high percentage of their business and who do a lot
of business in general. I then invite them to lunch and
ask them to bring someone else whom they think would
benefit from working with me. I let my “fan” do all of
the talking and sell me instead of having to sell myself.
Jonathan Yellon, Mortgage Master
$77,094,942 – 156 units
The greatest challenge for successful loan officers is
dedicating the time to market themselves and their
product offerings. I already know who my potential
referral sources are, as should all loan originators if
they are detailed, organized, and dedicated to perfect-
ing their craft. The most successful originators create a
plan for how to dedicate their time to connect with po-
tential referral sources; REALTORS, financial planners,
CPAs, and attorneys are the most common categories.
It has to be a priority, every week, to dedicate specific
times to email and connect with sources to try and set
up appointments, while always listening. When you
listen you learn and can take note of interests, impor-
tant dates in their lives, their families, and so on, all of
which adds humanity to a business transaction. Our
business is a very personal one, and the topic we are
covering for our clients contains a great deal of sensi-
tivity. It’s crucial to be as sincere and compassionate
as possible about a borrower’s scenario. You must also
demonstrate confidence in your skills and the prod-
uct you’re delivering while keeping the client’s costs in
mind. That’s how I’ve built my business: on trust, with
both my clients and my referral network.
Justin Bonura, NJ Lenders Corp.
$75,864,870 – 229 units
Our business is a relationship-based business in which
connecting with people earns you their trust. My best
prospecting idea is to use my established referral net-
work to connect with other referral sources by host-
ing monthly events. Hosting events such as “REALTOR
Night Out” or “Lunch and Learn” seminars provides
an opportunity to be face-to-face with my best advo-
cates and new prospects in a relaxed and fun environ-
ment. This practice has brought proven results and is
where I get the best return on investment. Building
business relationships while having fun is a winning
proposition for all.
Brenda Dintino, New American Funding
$75,437,058 – 202 units
Here are a few top strategies for providing top-tier
customer service and building a predictable income-
stream for years to come:
1. Annual Mortgage Reviews—Calling past clients
on the anniversary of their loan closing is a simple way
to remain in front of your Borrowers. This is an oppor-
tunity to show your commitment to their sound finan-
cial position, propose beneficial changes to their current
financing if any exist, and maybe even earn a referral.
2. Birthday Calls—Birthday calls are another
simple way to remain in front of your Borrowers and
deepen the relationship. Clients may end up request-
ing terms on a new loan scenario or even have a friend
who’s looking for a good lender.
3. Monthly Market Monitoring—By staying
attentive to changes in the MBS market on a daily,
weekly, or monthly basis, you better position yourself
to save your clients money by lowering their interest
rate. Check out for their con-
venient “Morning Coffee Update.”
4. Agent Marketing Partnerships—I enjoy help-
ing my Agent partners with their traditional and social
media marketing through New American Funding’s
Agent marketing platform. As a result of our combined
efforts, I’m not only able to win referrals for repeat fi-
nancing but am also able to generate buyer referrals for
my Agent partners.
2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    51 
Cody Touchette, Caliber Home Loans
$71,236,929 – 237 units
Communication is our best tool when it comes to mar-
keting and prospecting. We have a schedule for con-
tacting our referral partners, and we stick to it with at
least one phone call per week for all of our REALTOR
partners as well as a weekly update call for all parties
(listing agent, buyer’s agents, borrowers, and escrow)
on in-process loans. Communicating on a regular basis
results in an opportunity to generate leads as well as
demonstrate our level of service.
The majority of our new leads and new referral
partners come near the end of in-process loans when
borrowers who have been amazed by our communica-
tion are excited to provide us with contact information
for friends and family who are also looking for mort-
gages. The listing agents are frequently amazed, too,
and come to us after successful transactions asking
what they need to do to have us handle their clients’
loans on future purchases.
William Murphy, Fairway Independent Mortgage
$59,108,930 – 254 units
When it comes to generating new leads and referrals,
the sea of techniques and software programs can seem
impersonal at times. It takes more to build a reputa-
tion, so I seek some alternate means to do so. It is my
belief that businesses should act as leaders within a
community and provide more than just a product or
service. My goal is to provide people with a gateway
to strengthen our community, which indirectly builds
long-lasting relationships and credibility. Our client
appreciation events and our annual partnership with
the Make-A-Wish® Foundation create great forums for
people to come together and give back. We are hosting
our first annual Fairway Mortgage Walk, Run, and Roll
5K for Wishes, where we hope to get the community
more involved than ever before. We try to incorporate
this goal into our everyday business operations by do-
nating a portion of proceeds from every loan my team
and I close to Make-A-Wish®, which gets my clients
involved. Transactional relationships are not enough in
this business, and we need to offer more and get on a
personal level. People gravitate toward genuine cred-
ibility, which is what we strive for every day.
David Hosterman, Castle and Cooke Mortgage
$58,981,917 – 225 units
Marketing has become more important in today’s
lending environment than ever before. One thing we
specialize in at the Denver branch of Castle  Cooke
Mortgage, is conducting open houses with real estate
agents. We like to have both agents and lenders on-site
to address both real estate and lending questions. In
addition, we strategically plan open houses by prior
marketing through social media, door hangers in the
neighborhood, and extensive sign placement strate-
gies. Sign placement is critical, as it has been shown
that better and increased placement drives more traf-
fic in comparison to a standard open house with only
a few signs. Furthermore, we conduct these on both
Saturdays and Sundays, with the signs being left out
for the entire weekend. We like to make the signs eye-
catching, as the branding of the signs is critical. The
colors we use are black and yellow, a color scheme that
has been proven to be more effective. Offering visitors
something of value is critical. The agent provides cli-
ents a free cell phone app to search properties. This
app is great for marketing, as it allows the agent and
lender to see how frequently clients are using the app.
Jolene Messmer, Caliber Home Loans
$56,880,058 – 159 units
I offer personalized service from the initial lead con-
tact to closing of the loan. I celebrate loan milestones
with sincere tokens of appreciation for borrowers. This
individual attention helps retain potential leads and is
a memorable experience for them to share with friends
and family. The five triggers points I acknowledge, in
order, are: preapproval, under contract, loan approved,
loan closed, and first payment due. Along with each
small gift, I share a branded card with details of the cur-
rent progress of the loan. This helps me stay relevant
throughout the mortgage process when borrowers are
likely shopping other rates and lenders. I strive to remind
everyone that home buying is a fun and exciting time.
2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    53 
Cynthia Tomlinson, American Pacific Mortgage
$55,162,232 – 240 units
I believe that my knowledge of the industry and the
mortgage climate is one of my best assets to offer my
clients and REALTOR partners. I am very excited about
the business; I work hard at staying ahead of the curve
and educate myself about all the regulatory program
changes that we continue to experience. When there
are changes in the market, my clients and REALTOR
partners have come to expect that I will keep them in-
formed quickly and accurately so they will have the
necessary tools to compete with every advantage. I
also am passionate and never tire of helping people be
able to realize their dream of home ownership, wheth-
er it’s a first-time home buyer, a move-up buyer, an
investor, or refinancing. After all these years, I still love
to be able to make things happen for people and their
families. I am very grateful for the success I’ve enjoyed,
and I am committed to giving my best to everyone I
work with.
Tom Parke, Mason-McDuffie Mortgage
$54,102,633 – 129 units
The six items listed below are the only marketing I
have done for the past 12 years of my 16 years in this
business as a loan officer. These things are admitted-
ly repetitive, monotonous, tedious, boring, etc., BUT
if you do these things EVERY day, every week, every
month, every year without fail, you will succeed. All it
takes in order to be successful in any sales job is: be
persistent in your efforts; be consistent in your deliv-
ery and your brand; have longevity in your industry
and with your company; and, be disciplined in making
the same number of phone calls and e-mails to, and
face-to-face appointments with, referrals sources and
clients every week.
Marketing Efforts
1. Daily Market Update e-mails to 450+ REALTORS
and financial planners that I’ve either met with or
worked with on a deal over the past 15 years
2. Monthly mailing of recipe cards to 900+ past
3. Monthly mailing of cheesy marketing tchotchkes
to top 75 referral sources
4. Call/e-mail every past client on their birthday. E-
mail works better. Give them a refi scenario and an-
nual review. Ask them for referrals!
5. Contact and/or get a meeting with EVERY listing
agent you close a deal with. Add them to your Daily
Market Update e-mail and the monthly tchotchke mail-
ing. If they don’t send you business after a year or two,
take them off your tchotchke list.
6. Constantly ask for business! Ask every client,
past and present, and any referral source for referrals
every chance you get. Look for reasons to reach out to
your REALTORS (in-process and past REALTORS) and
ask them for more business!
Kyndle Quinones, First Home Mortgage
$53,332,659 – 155 units
I am a hands-on loan officer who finds that the best
way to generate new referral partners is to build trust.
It all starts with a relationship. Even if you know your
products and run a great operation, it could fail if the re-
lationship isn’t in place. REALTORS are social people—
they love to interact with one another and know that
they have a strong support team behind them. Many of
the agents I have worked with in the past have become
close friends of mine. We respect and trust each other
to get the job done and hold each other accountable
for production. We meet quarterly to go over numbers
to stay on track with our annual goals and always seek
new ways to assist each other with marketing.
Another big thing I do is that every time I get a
lead, I immediately handwrite a thank-you letter to the
referral source and to the prospective borrower. That
way, the borrower receives it a few days after my call,
along with my business cards and a handwritten note.
I follow up with another letter to the agents thanking
them once I get a ratified contract for a purchase. This
has been a tremendous help for me this past year.  ■
  54    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
  56    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
by Casey Cunningham
t is a known fact that we all have the same amount of time every day,
and yet how is it that some are much more productive than others?
From speaking to many top producers and highly successful people over
the years, I learned that the most successful ones are those who priori-
tize their days based on what is most important in their business. After
spending countless time observing and learning from these highly success-
ful individuals, I picked up a business practice that made me very efficient
for quite some time. What I did not know, however, was that there was an
even better and more powerful business practice, which I eventually began
using and still use today with extraordinary results.
2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    57 
n order to understand the full weight of how my
current business practice is significant, the knowl-
edge of my initial one will bring you important in-
sight. The first business practice I religiously used
was called the “Big Rocks” principle. The general
idea is that you do the significant things, aka “big
rocks,” first thing each day. With all of the demands
and distractions each day, it is easy to get distracted
and not get what is important completed. I saw a dem-
onstration of this time management tactic with some-
one using a glass jar, sand, and three big rocks.
Imagine having a glass jar that represents the
amount of time in your day and then imagine that the
sand is all the interruptions, small tasks, and e-mails,
and the three big rocks are the important things you
need to get done that day. If you pour all of the sand
into the jar, there ends up not being enough space
for the three big rocks. This is the problem that most
people have during their workday. They let the sand
prioritize them, and then they never get the most im-
portant things done.
For example, they are in the middle of the “big rock”
task, and then they receive an e-mail, switch their fo-
cus, and start working on the “sand” task. Even worse,
people arrive to work, look at their inboxes, and spend
the entire day focused on the “sand” tasks in their in-
boxes. This turns into a slippery slope, and eventually
you are prioritizing every day by your e-mails, and
there is not enough room for the “big rocks.” Then
ultimately, you never get the important tasks done.
So how do you manage your day, and what spe-
cifically do you do? You focus on the “big rocks” (put
them in the jar first) at the start of every day and get
them done. I was definitely more productive than the
average salesperson because of this business practice.
I’ve seen people focus on the three most important
things every day, get them done, and definitely become
more productive… at least I thought!
  58    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
ecause this strategy worked so well for me
and increased my efficiency, I shared this
business practice with everyone. This was
the process that helped me in getting things
done. One day, however, an executive I had
extremely high regard for in my company
actually advised that this was not the most effective
practice. He said there was an even better one for me
to adopt. This better practice is the “Needle Mover” ex-
ercise. He specifically said, “You have to change your
question and you will change your outcome.” Then
he asked me, “You might be getting three things done
every day, but are they tasks that will change your
company’s bottom line and the future of your orga-
nization?” Of course, they were the three important
things I needed to get done, but after reviewing the
lists I kept, I realized they were not game changers for
my company’s bottom line.
He said, “Change the question. Don’t ask yourself
what are three big rocks you need to get done. Ask
yourself what are the three things that will move the
needle in your business.” As I looked back, my big
rocks, such as organize my desk, work on market-
ing collateral, clear all e-mails, etc., were helpful, but
they would not affect my business in the long run. So
I changed the question, and it changed my outcome
beyond what I could imagine. I could literally see the
needle moving in my business. As a leader, the reality
I had to understand was that all other things will get
taken care of, but the ones we must prioritize are what
drives our business’s top-line revenue because unlike
the “sand” tasks, unless we focus on these, our sales
will never be maximized at the level we desire.
Changing the question moved the needle in my
business. I recommend that anybody who is in sales or
leadership in our industry start every Monday morning
by writing down the three activities that will move the
needle in their business. It is extremely important to ac-
tually write them down, and it only takes a few minutes
because the question is so powerful and the answers are
quite often easy. So how do you get started? Begin with
this exact question, “What are the three things that will
move the needle in my business this week?” and write
your answers down. These answers help in setting the
priorities that will drive success and income. The key
to these answers is to be extremely specific. These are
supposed to be goal-oriented tasks, so they must be able
to be measured. You must state who you are meeting
with, the number of times you must call this referral
source, and who you are having lunch with. Maximize
your time to the fullest so you can achieve all of your
needle movers by the end of the week.
  60    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
et me drive a little further on this new discipline.
When I ask salespeople in our industry, “What
three things will move the needle in your busi-
ness?” the right answer should be moneymaking
activities such as “meet with a specific realtor.”
They should not be activities like “maintain my
pipeline.” You should be maintaining your pipeline at
all times, and if all you did was maintain your pipeline,
you would not experience growth. I can already hear the
argument that maintaining your pipeline is important,
and I do not disagree at all, BUT it is something that
you should already be doing! These three needle movers
are supposed to be production-driven. They are things
that will increase the productivity of your team and/or
increase your production. These are the three tasks that
if you get them done by the end of the week, you will
see a substantial change in your business.
Your goal at the end of the week is to have com-
pleted your three needle movers. The most important
aspect of this business practice is to keep yourself ac-
countable for your three things. In order to get things
done in an effective manner, do not write the same
thing two weeks in a row. The most effective people
identify a task, write it down, then focus on the spe-
cific task and get it done. When filling out and execut-
ing these three needle movers, it is critical to focus on
them so the next week, you can focus on new ones and
you can continue to improve.
When I changed my thought process and changed
the question I asked myself every day, I began to focus
on more substantial tasks. I left the “sand” to take care
of itself and became a more effective leader and busi-
ness owner. Don’t let it scare you when I say it will be
taken care of. The “sand” tasks can still be done in be-
tween your needle movers. However, they should not
be your highest priorities anymore. They are not the
tasks that are going to increase your production.
In summary, to get started, I recommend every-
one start each Monday morning by writing down the
three things that will move the needle in their busi-
ness. Once you have them written down, show these
to your mentor, manager, and/or coach. This way,
you can keep yourself accountable, and you also have
a partner to keep you accountable. Start on the first
needle mover, and once it is done, check it off and
show your accountability partner. At the end of the
week, use it as a report card to show yourself how
well you are doing and what you need to focus on
next week. Remember, try to ensure that your needle
movers are different each week.
If you put this business practice in place—start
each Monday by asking yourself the powerful question,
open every single day with your specific plan, and get
them done by the end of the week—you’ll see a radical
change in your business.  ■
is the chief
executive officer
and founder of
Alpharetta, Georgia-
based XINNIX, The
Mortgage Academy,
a provider of leader-
ship development
and mortgage
sales training with
programs designed
to enhance pro-
ductivity, manager
effectiveness and
overall company
profitability. She
can be reached at
2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    61 
Mortgage Executive Magazine compiled the most comprehensive list of
The Nation’s Top 1% of Mortgage Originators. The Top 100 Mortgage
Originator list debuted in 1995 in Mortgage Originator Magazine.
Mortgage Executive Magazine expanded the rankings to include the top
1% of the hundreds of thousands mortgage originators in the U.S in 2011.
The minimum eligibility criteria are a total “personal” production of at least $30
million in 2015. Entries cannot include loan volume of associate originators or
junior originators that earn a commission on the same loan files.
Mortgage Executive Magazine seeks to recognize and celebrate the
service, dedication, and hard work that leading mortgage professionals
put into serving their clients during the home loan process.
The Top 1% of Mortgage Originators Delivered Out-
standing Results in a Challenging Mortgage Market
In America 2015
In America 2015
Mark Aalto Summit Funding Tyler Bahnsen Prospect Mortgage Michael Bischof Guaranteed Rate
John Abraham Caliber Home Loans Mark Baker SWBC Mortgage Laurie Bisi Mountain West Financial
Jason A. Accola Wintrust Mortgage Jeff Baker Guaranteed Rate Shaun Bittick Summit Funding
Craig Achtzehn 1st Advantage Mortgage Pamela Baker On Q Financial James M. Black Wintrust Mortgage
James Adair Sierra Pacific Mortgage Trey Baker Guild Mortgage Frank Blakeley Bay Equity Home Loans
George Adair II Bay Equity Home Loans Mark Balley First Choice Loan Services Jonathan Blanciak Prospect Mortgage
Jeff Adams Starkey Mortgage Joyce Ballmann PrimeLending Jason E. Blatt Wintrust Mortgage
Jonathen Adams iMortgage Christy Balsbaugh Academy Mortgage Gary Blau On Q Financial
Edward Ades Sterling National Bank Zachary Bammer Network Capital Brent Blaustein Summit Funding
Lynnae Aguilar Academy Mortgage Michal Bander Guaranteed Rate Alexander Blunt PrimeLending
Richard Alashaian NJ Lenders Corp. Craig Barber Fairway Independent Mortgage Brad Boden A and N Mortgage Services
Christopher Albanese Mortgage Master Peter Barnes RPM Mortgage Ryan Boney UW Credit Union
Steve Aledort Skyline Financial Lisa Barrera-Shepard PrimeLending Scott Bonora Mortgage Master
Devyn Alexander PrimeLending Charles L. Barroll Jr. SWBC Mortgage Justin Bonura NJ Lenders Corp.
Jimmy Alexander SWBC Mortgage Ryan Barry NJ Lenders Corp. Anne Borghesani First Home Mortgage
Nancy Alexander Guaranteed Rate Jill Bartoletti Caliber Home Loans Brad Boswell Supreme Lending
Jarred Alexandrov Fairway Independent Mortgage Robert Bassett PrimeLending Steve Boucher Guaranteed Rate
Kent Allen Trident Mortgage Charles Bates Academy Mortgage Neil Bourdelaise First Home Mortgage
Kellie Allen Guild Mortgage Austin Bates Homeowners Financial Group Michael Bowen Guild Mortgage
Tanja L. Allen Fairway Independent Mortgage Giuseppe Battaglioli Hallmark Home Mortgage Michael Bower AnnieMac Home Mortgage
Jon Altizer Guaranteed Rate RJ Baxter Fairway Independent Mortgage Monica Bowman Academy Mortgage
Rene Alvarez PrimeLending Jeff Baxter Fairway Independent Mortgage Robin Bowman Trident Mortgage
Derek Alverson Prosperity Mortgage Thomas Bayles Prospect Mortgage Austin Bowman Caliber Home Loans
Vahram Amayakyan Wintrust Mortgage George R. Beavin Summit Funding Robert Bowman Mortgage Master
Rodney P. Anderson American Pacific Mortgage Robin Beckner Fairway Independent Mortgage Lori Bowman Homeowners Financial Group
Tracy Andreini Opes Advisors Gretchen Beems Talmer Bank and Trust Justin Boyd SWBC Mortgage
Jeffrey Angelucci Guaranteed Rate Chris Beiriger Supreme Lending Gary Boyer Directors Mortgage
Ryan Angier First Home Mortgage Melissa Bell McLean Mortgage Grace Bozick Guaranteed Rate
Michael Aning American Pacific Mortgage Anne Bell iMortgage Tuck Bradford Mortgage Master
Mark Anselmo Trident Mortgage Grant Bellis Mortgage Services III Cynthia Bradley Wallick  Volk
Darran Anthony First Home Mortgage Kara Beltran Academy Mortgage Erin Bradley Fairway Independent Mortgage
Joseph Antonios United Bank Brad Benham Towne Mortgage of Carolinas Mark Bragaw McLean Mortgage
Vincent Apostolico McLean Mortgage Trevor Bennett Caliber Home Loans Simon Brais Movement Mortgage
Bradley Arendt PrimeLending Alan Ben-Porat Skyline Home Loans Ian Brannon NOVA Home Loans
Daniel Arias Skyline Home Loans Glenn Benson Prosperity Mortgage Kurt Branstetter W.J. Bradley Mortgage
David Arocho PrimeLending Kevin Bent Caliber Home Loans Roger Brasil Guaranteed Rate
Jeffrey Aronheim MegaStar Financial Rick Berardino Guaranteed Rate Michael Braun NJ Lenders Corp.
Matthew Arrillaga Wintrust Mortgage Rob Berg RPM Mortgage Cheryl Braunschweiger NOVA Home Loans
Amber Arwine Guaranteed Rate Kevin Berju Trident Mortgage Gavin Brayce Guild Mortgage
Tish Ashley Highlands Residential Mortgage Laurent Berman EagleBank Cameron Breed SWBC Mortgage
Lidia Aslanian Banc of California Julie Berndt SWBC Mortgage Marc Bristol Guaranteed Rate
John Assily RPM Mortgage Dave Berryman Talmer Bank and Trust Kelli Broadbent SWBC Mortgage
Matthew Attaya Residential Mortgage Services Carrie Bertsos Guaranteed Rate Ari Brody Guaranteed Rate
Andrew Austin Caliber Home Loans Shaul Betesh Guaranteed Rate Matthew Brothers PrimeLending
Eduardo Avakian Skyline Home Loans Wade Betz Guardian Mortgage Company Gary Brough Academy Mortgage
Todd Avakian Sierra Pacific Mortgage Scott Beyer PrimeLending Bryan Brown Guaranteed Rate
Fernando Ayala Academy Mortgage Joseph Bigelman John Adams Mortgage Rebecca Brown Caliber Home Loans
Marc Aymard First Home Mortgage Stephen Bighaus SecurityNational Mortgage Stuart Brown Guild Mortgage
Christian Babcock Mortgage Master Todd Binkley Gateway Mortgage Jim Brown Guaranteed Rate
Alex Babiniec First California Mortgage Nancy Birge-Jacobs George Mason Mortgage Julie Brown Guild Mortgage
2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    63 
In America 2015
Dustin Brumley Caliber Home Loans Darren Chamblee McLean Mortgage Brian Cushing Guild Mortgage
Michelle Bruto da Costa HomeBridge Financial Services Scott Chapman PrimeLending Greg Cutt Guaranteed Rate
Sheila Bryan Caliber Home Loans Dan Chapman HomeBridge Financial Services Dawn Elin Cychner American Pacific Mortgage
Eric Bryce Guaranteed Rate Kevin Chase Mortgage Master Adam Dahill Mortgage Master
Linda Buchanan Caliber Home Loans Ben Chenault Jr. Fairway Independent Mortgage Jonathan Dailey Prosperity Mortgage
Brandon Buchardt PrimeLending Ian Chi First Choice Loan Services Ann Dain Caliber Home Loans
Ryan Buckholdt Opes Advisors Brian Chisholm Capital Bank Jacob Darwish Prosperity Mortgage
Mason Buckles Caliber Home Loans Daniel Chookaszian Perl Mortgage Heidi Daunt American Pacific Mortgage
Bob Buehler Guaranteed Rate Charles Christensen American Pacific Mortgage Nancy Davis Supreme Lending
Marc Bui iMortgage Ian Clardy Trident Mortgage Kris Davis Guild Mortgage
Beata Bukowski Ultimate Rate Mortgage Ted Clay Starkey Mortgage Monica Davis Guild Mortgage
Eric Burba Guaranteed Rate Yvette Clermont Inlanta Mortgage Mark Davis Caliber Home Loans
Gary Burch George Mason Mortgage Steven Clifton Mountain West Financial Matthew Davis Caliber Home Loans
Joe Burke Guaranteed Rate Wendee Close American Pacific Mortgage Sandy Davis Residential Home Funding
Jerad Burke Mountain West Financial Tony Close American Pacific Mortgage Lawrence Davis PrimeLending
Kim Burke LeaderOne Financial Corp. Stacey Cobb Supreme Lending Scott T. Davis RPM Mortgage
Marcus Burnstine Prospect Mortgage Jonathan Coccia Mortgage Master Gregory De Mars PrimeLending
Carese Busby Caliber Home Loans Rachelle Coffey Homeowners Financial Group Matthew DeCesaro HomeBridge Financial Services
David Butler American Pacific Mortgage Daniel Coggins Fairway Independent Mortgage Dustin Dehart NOVA Home Loans
Candace Buzan PrimeLending Mickey Cogliandro Jr. Guaranteed Rate Marcel Deitrich Starkey Mortgage
Erick Byrd RPM Mortgage Adam Cohen Mortgage Master Stephen Delagrange Guaranteed Rate
Kathleen Caddell Fairway Independent Mortgage Michael Cohenour Wintrust Mortgage Danny Delgado Guaranteed Rate
Elizabeth Calabrese George Mason Mortgage Aaron Coker RPM Mortgage Steve Dellario Caliber Home Loans
Dave Caldwell Guaranteed Rate Michael Colando HomeBridge Financial Services Sharon Dellay Prospect Mortgage
Pamela Caldwell Starkey Mortgage Amber Coleman SecurityNational Mortgage Michael DeMorato PrimeLending
Victor Cale HomeBridge Financial Services Terry Coleman iMortgage Joanne Demorest Wallick  Volk
Kathleen Calumet A and N Mortgage Services Matthew Colimore PrimeLending Nancy Denicola Mortgage Master
Tony Campuzano Prospect Mortgage Steven Compagno RPM Mortgage Josh Denlow 1st Advantage Mortgage
Adam Canter Guaranteed Rate Paul Conigliari PrimeLending Aaron Denton Summit Funding
Chad Cantrell Starkey Mortgage Ann Contreras First Choice Loan Services Michael DeRosa William Raveis Mortgage
Anthony Cardinali Mortgage Master Victoria Conway W.J. Bradley Mortgage Chris Devin Guaranteed Rate
Sue Carlson RPM Mortgage Bob Cooley Guild Mortgage Herb Devine Fairway Independent Mortgage
Scott Caroselli PrimeLending Craig M. Cooper United Bank Heather Devoto First Home Mortgage
Bob Carr 1st Advantage Mortgage Eric Corbett PrimeLending Kevin Diamond Guaranteed Rate
Richard Carrie PrimeLending John Cortissoz SWBC Mortgage Fernando Diaz Prospect Mortgage
Brian Carson Starkey Mortgage Peter Costakos Mortgage Master Franca DiFrancesco Apex Home Loans
Dawn Carter Directors Mortgage Rodney Coulombe Caliber Home Loans Richard Dillman Caliber Home Loans
Heather Mason Carter New American Funding Todd Craig NOVA Home Loans Brenda Dintino New American Funding
Shea Case Skyline Home Loans Kristin Lee Crane American Pacific Mortgage Jeff Divack Intercoastal Mortgage Company
Brian Case Guild Mortgage Jon Crawford Academy Mortgage Sean Donahue Supreme Lending
Debbie Cash Starkey Mortgage Kim Crea NOVA Home Loans Christine Doolittle Banc of California
Phyllis Casillas On Q Financial Heather Creveling Summit Funding Megan Doonan RPM Mortgage
Michelle Castle Guild Mortgage Chad Crithfield Caliber Home Loans Doug Dreiman PrimeLending
Michael Certo Fairway Independent Mortgage Robert Crosby First Choice Loan Services Harold Dubin Mortgage Master
Michael Chabot On Q Financial Daniel Crosley PrimeLending Dana E. Dukelow Wintrust Mortgage
Mark Chaffee Mortgage Financial Amy Crowell PrimeLending Karen Dulmage First Home Mortgage
Myron Chamberlain PrimeLending Kelly Crowther iMortgage BeLinda Dumas Caliber Home Loans
Luke Chamberlin NJ Lenders Corp. Brad Cullipher Bridgeview Bank Mortgage Dennis Duncan PrimeLending
Carleton Chambers Prosperity Mortgage Kara Currey Guild Mortgage Joseph Dunn George Mason Mortgage
Troy Chambers RPM Mortgage Danny Currie Homeside Financial Michael Dunsky Guaranteed Rate
  64    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
In America 2015
Thug Duong PrimeLending Scott Fleming PrimeLending Chris Goodman SWBC Mortgage
Jennifer DuPlesis MVB Mortgage Carolyn Flitcroft First Home Mortgage Tricia Goodwin George Mason Mortgage
Chris Duskin Guild Mortgage TJ Flodin 1st Advantage Mortgage Aaron Gordon Guild Mortgage
Blake Eagal Summit Funding Robert Flynn William Raveis Mortgage Danny Gore Mortgage Master
Ryan Eberhardt Diamond Residential Mortgage Loretta Flynn McLean Mortgage Nick Gouche Vault Mortgage
Andrew Ebner Caliber Home Loans Francesco Foggia Guaranteed Rate Nicholas J. Gouche American Pacific Mortgage
Denise Echeverria W.J. Bradley Mortgage Danny Forbes Umpqua Bank Richard Graeff Banc of California
Jodie Eckert Caliber Home Loans Eric Formiller New American Funding Michael Graff Prosperity Mortgage
Brian Eddy VanDyk Mortgage Corporation Michael Fornerette Guild Mortgage Brenton Grant 1st Advantage Mortgage
Connie Eddy SWBC Mortgage Christopher Fountain TowneBank Mortgage Brooks Grasso Fulton Mortgage
Sandy Edelstein Prospect Mortgage Ben Fox George Mason Mortgage Matthew Gratalo HomeBridge Financial Services
Amie Edmondson Prospect Mortgage Patrick Fox Caliber Home Loans Christopher Graves Sierra Pacific Mortgage
James Egbert HomeBridge Financial Services Cindy Fraioli Guild Mortgage Milo Grecian GEM Mortgage
Jody Eichenblatt Prosperity Mortgage Eugene Frazier PrimeLending Becca Green Guild Mortgage
Gregory Elliott GEM Mortgage Cheryl Freeman George Mason Mortgage Stephanie Green RPM Mortgage
Jennifer Ellison RPM Mortgage Sean Fritts McLean Mortgage Brett Green Guild Mortgage
Trisha Emmen Guild Mortgage Aaron Fritz Academy Mortgage Traci Green Wallick  Volk
Eric Engel Caliber Home Loans Gino Fronti Skyline Home Loans Andy Greenstein Guaranteed Rate
Scott Enger PrimeLending Diane Fry Fairway Independent Mortgage Jane Gregg Wallick  Volk
Ron Erdman Guaranteed Rate Lea Frye George Mason Mortgage Jason Griesser Prospect Mortgage
Randy Ernst Guaranteed Rate Tom Fullen Trident Mortgage Vanya Griffith-Mayes Starkey Mortgage
Darlene Espinoza RPM Mortgage Brandon Funk American Pacific Mortgage Jennifer Grillo George Mason Mortgage
Tonya Esquibel Summit Funding Thomas Furey Guaranteed Rate Mor Grinberg Network Capital
James Etheridge First Choice Loan Services Lisa Furnell Raymond James Christopher Grizzell Caliber Home Loans
Catherine Eusea First California Mortgage Greg Gale NOVA Home Loans Nikki Groff Wallick  Volk
Derek Evans First Home Mortgage Michael Gambatese Guaranteed Rate John Grosso William Raveis Mortgage
Scott Evans LeaderOne Financial Corp. Michael J. Gamble Wintrust Mortgage Tony Guaraldi Guaranteed Rate
Daniel Evans Movement Mortgage Marsha Gandy Guaranteed Rate Jennifer Guidry Benchmark Mortgage
Brad Evered Caliber Home Loans Kristy Gannon iMortgage Bruce Guinn Starkey Mortgage
Mark Everts Caliber Home Loans Philip Ganz Fairway Independent Mortgage Lisa Gustafson iMortgage
Justin Exner Fairway Independent Mortgage Silverio Garcia GEM Mortgage Michelle Guth American Pacific Mortgage
William Ezell NOVA Home Loans Matt Garcia Supreme Lending Alex Gutierrez On Q Financial
Ramez Fahmy Caliber Home Loans Adrian Gastelum NOVA Home Loans Mona Guynn Prosperity Mortgage
Jennifer Fairfield Guaranteed Rate Thomas Gates Mortgage Master Chawki Hage PrimeLending
Mike Fake RPM Mortgage Umar Gebril Academy Mortgage Jeff Halbert First Home Mortgage
Matthew Falconer American Pacific Mortgage Hong Geng Guaranteed Rate Michael D. Hales Flagship Financial Group
Mike Farrell First Home Mortgage Lana Geraghty On Q Financial Jonathan Hallstead Bay Equity Home Loans
Bob Faust 1st Advantage Mortgage Fif Ghobadian American Pacific Mortgage Eric Halm George Mason Mortgage
Mandi Feely Premier Mortgage Resources Dave Gibbs Mortgage Master John Hanifin Mortgage Master
Ray Ferguson Bay Equity Home Loans Melissa Gibson Caliber Home Loans Mark Hanna Directors Mortgage
Aisling Ferguson American Pacific Mortgage Kyle Gillespie Guaranteed Rate Rebecca Hansen Guild Mortgage
William Ferrall W.J. Bradley Mortgage Kevin Gillis Mortgage Master Matthew Hanson MegaStar Financial
Savvas Fetfatsidis Guaranteed Rate John Gillis Mortgage Master Chris Hardy Embrace Home Loans
Charadie Finkle Academy Mortgage Mary Glavin Wintrust Mortgage Erik Hargrave PrimeLending
Michael Fisher Caliber Home Loans Nancy Glover Caliber Home Loans Barb Harkins Premier Residential Mortgage
Mara Fisher Trident Mortgage Lindsey Goins Movement Mortgage Matt Harris Academy Mortgage
Ann Flaherty First Home Mortgage Jon A. Goldman Wintrust Mortgage Tim Harrison Broadview Mortgage
Carol Flanagan Guild Mortgage Armando Gonzalez iMortgage Jeff Hart Supreme Lending
Kevin Flannery Mortgage Master Ronald G. Goodlin Banc of California Jeannette Hartmann American Pacific Mortgage
Lisa Fleck Summit Funding Greg Goodman SWBC Mortgage Laura E. Hartnell American Pacific Mortgage
  66    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016

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  • 1. EXECUTIVEMORTGAGE WINTER 2016 Turning Adversity Into Advantage TOP200MORTGAGEORIGINATORS In America 2015 MORTGAGE EVENT  INAMERICA THE # 1 HowtoGrow YourBusiness, YourIncome& YourProfit TonyRobbinsLive
  • 2. LearntheCriticalMoneymakingSkills YouNeedtoBuild aProfitableMortgageBusiness! JUNE7–9LASVEGAS Darren Hardy SUCCESSMagazine DARREN HARDY will share how to jumpstart your income, your life and your success. The truth, told straight. The real deal on what it really takes to earn success—made plain, simple and actionable. SUCCESS publisher Darren Hardy draws from his own extraordinary journey to success, and all he has collected from interviewing the most successful people of our time, and distills it into the core fundamental principles every achiever needs to know, practice and master to obtain anything more than ordinary success. Darren outlines the operating system that underlies all significant achievement and delivers a complete action plan that anyone can start executing immediately. RegisterToday•866.304.8319 Barry Habib MBSHighway BARRY HABIB will share the five specific steps that are GUARANTEED to exponentially grow your mortgage production and personal income immediately. Barry is the Founder MBS Highway. Barry is one of the most recognized speakers in the mortgage industry. He was recognized as one of the top 10 mortgage professionals in the United States. He closed over $2 Billion in production as a Loan Originator, called the bottom of the Housing Market and currently provides sales and market training to thousands of Loan Originators across the country. Tony Robbins Peak Performance Strategist TONY ROBBINS is a world-renowned business leader and turnaround expert. Tony will share unique business solutions tohelpyougrowyourbusiness30-100%inthenext12months. Tony will teach you the seven forces of business mastery that have allowed thousands of businesses to thrive despite one of the worst economies in history. For the past three decades, Anthony Robbins has served as an advisor to leaders around theworld.Robbinshasproducedthe#1-sellingaudiocoaching system of all time with over 40 million sold. Robbins has been honored by Accenture as one of the “Top 50 Business Intellectuals in the World”; by Harvard Business Press as one of the “Top 200 Business Gurus”; by American Express as one of the “Top Six Business Leaders in the World” to coach its entrepreneurial clients; and by Forbes as a Top 100 Celebrity with an estimated net worth of nearly $400 million. Steven Marshall Mastermind Summit STEVEN MARSHALL will share the critical money making skills you need to build a profitable mortgage business. Steven will reveal his complete guide for a successful $1.5 billion origination career. When the mortgage industry imploded in 2008, Steven had to rebuild his personal production. By 2010 he closed over $100 Million again. Previously, Mortgage Originator Magazine ranked Steven the #16 originator nationally and the #1 mortgage originator in Washington for six years in a row. He is the CEO of Mortgage Executive Magazine, the Founder of Mastermind Summit and a Partner at Cobalt Mortgage.
  • 3. Sarah Middleton FairwayIndependent Learn how to generate leads from a $2 billion career originator Mike Ferry MikeFerry Organization #1 Real Estate Trainer in America Josh Altman MillionDollarListing Learn how to sell $1 million a day of real estate Cindy Ertman RPMMortgage Learn how to build a $70m personal business and manage a top-producing branch Casey Cunningham XINNIX Learn proven tactics designed to impact your production Ken DeLeon DeLeon Realty #1 agent in the U.S. per WSJ (out of 1.2 million agents) Jim McMahan BenchmarkMortgage Learn how to exponentially grow your business in 90 days Greg Frost PRMI Learn Greg’s system that allowed him to be the FIRST $1 billion originator Join $100 Million Originators, $8 Billion Banking Executives, Bootstrappin’MortgageEntrepreneursandTopProducersearning $500,000 to over $5,000,000. In short, the perfect combo to help you grow your mortgage business. Michael Maher TopProducing Realtor Learn how to generate more real estate referrals Jeremy Forcier Peoples Home Equity Learn how to close $100 million a Year Tom Ferry YourCoach Learn how to build a business and life that you love Tim Braheem PerformanceExperts Make a transformation change in your business and personal life
  • 6.
  • 7. CONTENTS 8 HowtoGetAppointmentswithTopREALTORS OvercomeCallReluctancetoMake2016YourBestYearEver by Steven Marshall 14 AlwaysPayYourselfFirst Tony’s#1RuletoLiveLifeBy by Kathleen Elkins 20 BeingAggressive YouLoseOneOutofFiveforBeingTooAggressive…ButYouGettheOtherFour! by Darren Hardy 28 BuildingBusinesswithBuilders by Shirleen Von Hoffman 46 TheBestMarketing&ProspectingIdeas OfTop-ProducingOriginators 56 NeedleMover ChangeYourQuestionandYouWillChangeYourOutcome by Casey Cunningham 74 DoubleYourIncome&WorkLess 5KeystoReachingYourGoals by Elysia Stobbe WINTER 2016 36 Top200Mortgage Originators 62 Top1%Mortgage Originators 8 14 28 56 74 2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    5 
  • 8. FOUNDER’SLETTER I have been lucky enough to qualify for the Top 200 Mortgage Originator rankings 16 times. Prior to Mortgage Executive Magazine managing the Top 200 rankings, Mortgage Originator Magazine published the rankings starting in 1995. During my best years, I orig- inated $200 million/year for three years in a row and climbed to #16 on the MOM Top 200. I have also had the oppor- tunity to interview, study, and learn from 50+ originators who closed over $100 million. What the majority of top 200 originators will tell you is that it takes “hard work,” “a great team,” and “knowing mortgage guide- lines.” These mortgage sayings have become clichés similar to the NFL quotes “The separation is in the preparation,” “It is a game of inches,” and “It is all about block- ing and tackling.” For many originators who work hard for a great company and understand FNMA guidelines, these cliché answers leave them empty. The originator is left asking, “What does it REALLY take to break through to the next level?” If you had to parachute into a new city with no database, no friends, and no money with a “sink or swim” proposition to rebuild your mortgage business in six months, what would be your first step? I would immediately create a 1,000 target list that included the top buyers, agents, builders and financial planners in town. I would hire someone to call that list day and night nonstop to set face-to-face appointments for me. I would also create a “dream 100” list of elephant REALTORS and the “best of the best” builders and financial planners. With bullheaded determination, I would create overwhelming value for the “dream 100” list until I had met with as many elephant referral partners as possible. There are only two reasons that originators don’t prospect for new referral partners: They are afraid. Or they are lazy. The leg- endary speaker Jim Rohn said, “No one can do your push-ups for you.” The $100 Million Origina- tors take the time to do the things that other originators will not do. If you wanted to be a great quarterback, you would invest the time and money to go to the Peyton Manning NFL Football Academy. If you want to be a great origi- nator, I recommend that you invest the time and money to attend Mastermind 2016 June 7–9 in Las Vegas. I created a five-minute video at Mastermind that gives you the strategies that you need to be a Top 200 Originator. Steven Marshall, Founder Mortgage Executive Magazine WhatdoesitREALLYtaketobea$100MillionMortgageOriginator?   6    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
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  • 10. REALTORS Appointments TopWITH TO HowGet OVERCOME CALL RELUCTANCE TO MAKE 2016 YOUR BEST YEAR EVER. by Steven Marshall T op mortgage trainers Todd Duncan, Tim Braheem, Rick Ruby, and Jim McMahan having been coaching originators for years on the impor- tance of using “scripts” when targeting new referral partners. The real- ity is that 98% of originators don’t have a prospecting system. They wing it. It is no wonder that most originators are paralyzed with fear when it comes time to “cold-call.” The #1 tactic to double, triple, or even quadruple your W-2 income is to mas- ter prospecting. The secret is to build value in advance of making the call. The more value you create, the more confident you are. The more value you create, the more likely you are to get an appointment. Many originators forget that the primary goal of prospecting is to get an appointment. You want an appointment so you can start to build a relationship. Here are some of the best scripts used by elite originators.   8    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
  • 12. TOP AGENT SCRIPT “Hi Mary! This is (name) and the reason for my call is I made a decision this year to align myself with some of the best agents out there, and I believe you are one of them. I wanted to meet with you for 10 minutes to see if I could be a good fit for your business. What day and time are you available?” LISTING AGENT SCRIPT “Hi Mary. This is (name). The reason for my call is that we’ve got a home purchase in process right now for you, and I just wanted you to know how we work and what you can expect from us. We’re going to call you every Wednesday. We’re going to send you regular e- mails about how the loan is going. Do you currently get these kind of updates? So Mary, let me ask you a ques- tion. You said people don’t do this for you now. What I’d like to have is an opportunity to meet with you for coffee, if we do exactly what we say and call you every single Wednesday. Do you think that’s an option for you? Excellent. I will absolutely do it, and we’ll meet for a cup of coffee after the home closing.”   10    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
  • 13. REFERRED AGENT SCRIPT “Hi Mary, I was referred to you by Mr. and Mrs. Jones. Do you remember Mr. and Mrs. Jones? Quick story. I was talking with them yesterday about their refinance. I am their loan officer, so I asked, ‘Hey, who’s your real- tor?’ And they said it was you. Do you know what they said? They raved about you. They told me, ‘Steven, I bought and sold five homes. I will never use another realtor.’ They were so impressed with you. Great job. I mean your reputation kind of precedes you. Congratula- tions on building a great business. Mary, my goal in my business is to have 15 strategic partnerships. I have 13 today. My goal is to work with top people like you, and I put my heart and soul into you and your clients. I want to do whatever it takes to help you be more successful and help you generate more business.” “Quick question. Help me understand what is impor- tant about real estate success to you.” “What is important about working with a lender to you?” “How many families did you help out last year? And what’s your goal this year?” “OK, great. Mary what I would like to do is set up an- other quick appointment to share how I can help you gen- erate more business and be more successful. Is that OK?” 2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    11  SALES STRATEGIES
  • 14. ONE-ON-ONE AGENT MEETING SCRIPT “Rather than talk about closing your loans on time and good service and all that stuff, I would like to talk about how I can help you do more business. How I can help you reach your goals. I believe that good service should be ex- pected from any loan officer you’d work with….” INSIDE SALES REP One of the best ideas in mortgage sales is to hire an Inside Sales Rep. Inside Sales Reps (ISRs) help convert cold leads and prospects into appointments for you. ISRs are out shaking the bushes. They are following up on your marketing. They are filling up your meeting schedule and your agent events. A good ISR can make 100 calls a day and talk to 20 agents. Here are some sample ISR agent prospecting scripts. “Hey, how are you doing? I’d like to make an ap- pointment with you and (name) next week. How does 10 o’clock work?” “Hey, I’d like to invite you to this awesome happy hour that (name) is throwing next Wednesday.” “Hey, I would like to invite you to this exclusive pow- er lunch with three of the top agents in the state sharing their best marketing and prospecting ideas.” “Hey, I would like to invite you to our real estate CE class next week.” NEXT STEP Build a list of the top agents in your marketplace. Set a goal of contacting 30 new agents every week. You can do this personally or hire an ISR to help you. Ide- ally, schedule one day a week and carve out 2-3 hours that are focused exclusively on building new referral partnerships. You can’t make big money as a mortgage originator if you don’t have a system for prospecting. It is that simple.  ■ Steven Marshall is one of the few originators to have successfully funded $1.5 billion before the age of 40. When the mortgage industry imploded in 2008, Steven had to rebuild his personal production. By 2010 he closed over $100 Million again. Previously, Mortgage Originator ranked Steven the #16 originator nationally and the #1 mortgage originator in Washington for six years in a row. He is the CEO of Mortgage Executive Magazine and the Founder of MASTERMIND SUMMIT. KEYNOTE SPEAKER! SUMMIT LASVEGAS•JUNE4-5   12    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016 SALES STRATEGIES
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  • 16. Pay YOURSELF First TONY’S #1RULE TOLIVE LIFEBY ALWAYS by Kathleen Elkins, Business Insider   14    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
  • 19. T ony Robbins has had his fair share of ups and downs with money over the years. He knows what it’s like to be deep in debt and down to his last $20 bill, and he knows what it’s like to own a resort in Fiji and travel by private jet. He’s gone from a cash-strapped up- bringing to an estimated net worth of $440 million, and has coached some of the wealthiest people in the world along the way. We asked the business strategist and author of Mon- ey: Master the Game about the smartest thing he ever did with his money. “I paid myself first,” he told us. “And in a nutshell, I set aside a portion of my in- come to start to build my critical mass,” he says. “But I committed to paying myself first.” He credits part of this commitment to a friend and fellow best-selling author, Ken Blanchard, whom he met at a critical time in his life—he was 24 years old, in the middle of writing his first book, and building up his personal brand and business. “Like most people, I had already heard of George S. Clason’s 1926 classic, The Richest Man In Babylon, the day that Ken pulled me aside for a talking-to,” Robbins explains. “I was aware of a central concept in the book: the simple idea of paying yourself first—that is, taking 10% of your income and setting it aside to grow and protect you in the future. “But Ken connected with me and imparted a mes- sage at this critical time while I was coming into my- self as a young businessman—he taught me some- thing that many business owners don’t realize. He said, ‘Tony, any amount of money that you feed your business, it will eat. So in writing a book, you are doing something here that is outside of the business. You are doing something that is going to support the company hopefully by bringing in new fans of your work who then maybe engage with your brand and do business with your company. “He continued, ‘Since the company is getting that benefit, make sure you take the profits of your book and set them aside, and never allow them into your com- pany’s account. This is the most important career advice given to me by another man, and I want to pass it on to you. Remember, Tony: A business is always hungry.’” “Decades have gone by since Ken Blanchard spoke those words to me. I now have over 20 companies, and I’m actively involved in running a dozen of them. Throughout the years, those words never left me. In fact, they became the basis of financial independence as I know it.”  ■ Anthony Robbins is a world-renowned business leader and turnaround expert. Tony will share unique business solutions to help you grow your business 30-100% in the next 12 months. Tony will teach you the seven forces of business mastery that have allowed thou- sands of businesses to thrive despite one of the worst econo- mies in history. KEYNOTE SPEAKER! SUMMIT LASVEGAS•JUNE4-5 2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    17  SUCCESS STRATEGIES
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  • 22. YOULOSEONEOUTOFFIVEFORBEING Aggressive Being When I was in real estate, there was this megasuccessful mortgage broker named Mari Mahoney. She did more business than any ten “successful” mortgage agents combined. I asked her how she did it. What was her key to success? She rapidly responded, “I lose one out of five for being too aggressive— but I get the other four!” That statement changed my life. by Darren Hardy   20    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
  • 24. B efore then, I was overly concerned about be- ing too assertive or overbearing. If someone got mad or called the broker (my dad!) to complain that I was calling too early or too late, or showing up on their doorstep too of- ten, I was horrified. After my lunch with Mari, being aggressive became my goal. I was at my in-laws’ this past weekend. One of my brothers-in-law is currently looking for a job. I asked him how it was going and he responded, “I sent out 42 resumes, but no one has gotten back to me.” I asked him how many times he had called each employer and how many drop-ins he had made. I asked if he had sent any employer his favorite book. Had he sent a valuable article or press clipping on the organization or competi- tor? His response? “None, none, and no.” I offered him some advice that you, too, might find valuable—whether in finding a job, recruiting top tal- ent, capturing a dream client, or winning business away from a competitor.   22    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
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  • 27. 1SHOCK AND AWE—Narrow your list to your highest-priority targets. Then unload every bit of ar- senal you have. Call, fax, email, FedEx, telegram, show up, court the gatekeeper, bring lunch, send gifts (books, magazine articles, swag, etc.), and network their con- tacts (peers, underlings, superiors, vendors, attorney, CPAs, etc.). Here is the magic: Don’t be afraid of being too ag- gressive. You might be for some, but who cares? You have a thousand times better shot at the others on your list. Get some people to call you, your boss, your asso- ciation, your congressman, whatever, to complain that you are becoming a nuisance. You will then know you are on the road to victory. I get solicitations every day from people who want to be featured in SUCCESS or want a job with the magazine. I either don’t respond or “brush off” the first attempt or two. Why? I want to know the character behind the so- licitation. If someone persists, even if I am initially sure I am not interested, I will give an audience. If they are creative in their persistence, I am usually an easy sale. 2GET REFERRED IN—Cold calling is for weenies. Winners get referred in by other winners. When I interviewed Bob Beaudine, author of The Power of Who and owner of the leading executive recruiting firm in sports and entertainment, he made this point abundantly clear: “In the last 30 years, I have received over 80,000 resumes. Do you know how many jobs I have placed off a resume? Not one.” Beaudine will tell you that you already know everyone you need to know to get anywhere. You just have to ask, network through your relationships, and make new relationships. If you don’t know anyone who knows your tar- get contact directly, find someone who knows some- body one to two degrees away. Make a new friend and climb the rings on the daisy chain to your target. If I am interviewing someone who was referred and endorsed by someone I have respect for, the interview is very different from the one who came from a posting and a resume. The latter person really never had a chance. 2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    25  SUCCESS STRATEGIES
  • 28. 3DO THE UNEXPECTED—In my book The Compound Effect, I tell the story of Alex, a friend of mine who was up for a big job. He lived in Califor- nia; the job was in Boston. He was one of twelve final candidates. The company was going to interview local candidates in person and conduct video conferences for those out of the area. Alex called me to ask if I knew how to facilitate a web video-conference. “How badly do you want this job?” I asked him. “It’s my dream job,” Alex replied. “It’s everything I’ve spent forty-five years preparing to do.” “Then get on a plane and show up in person.” “No need,” Alex said, “They’re flying in the final three for a last interview.” “Listen,” I told him. “If you want to be in that final three, you should separate yourself by doing the unex- pected. Fly across the country on a moment’s notice and show up in person. That’s how you make a statement.” I also suggested Alex pull out all the stops—at- tack from every possible front and do it relentlessly: Research all the people in the organization. Take that list and run it by his entire network to see if anyone knew somebody in the organization. Search every name against his LinkedIn database. Find a few people to connect with. Talk with them and ask them to put in a good word for him. Send them gifts or notes and ask them to hand-deliver them to the decision-makers. Phone, e-mail, fax, text, tweet, connect through Face- book—do whatever is necessary during the process. I suggest you do the same. Could this be overly aggressive? Heck, yes! But I have found that you may lose one out of five for being too aggressive, but you get the other four! And when it comes to capturing dream clients, you only need a few. Now, no more namby-pamby soft-pedaling around. Straighten your spine, get aggressive, and get after it!  ■ Darren Hardyis the New York Times best-selling author of The Compound Effect: Jumpstart Your Income, Your Life, Your Success. As the former Publisher and Founding Editor of SUCCESS magazine, he has interviewed leading experts on human performance and achievement, as well as CEOs, entrepreneurs, and superstar athletes. KEYNOTE SPEAKER! SUMMIT LASVEGAS•JUNE4-5   26    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016 SUCCESS STRATEGIES
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  • 31. Building Business BUILDERS with by Shirleen Von Hoffmann T he other day a loan officer shared with me, “I feel that builders are too much work… they are too hard to get to, too hard to get, and too hard to keep happy once you get them.” So I am here to tell you… that is partially true! Home builders can be hard to find, chal- lenging to get an appointment, with and once gotten they can be difficult to keep happy. But on the other hand, chasing a builder and get- ting them is a huge win. There’s no feeling quite like it! Here is other great upsides… you don’t live month to month; you have a huge pipeline of loans that you can see as far as a year out, and you always know what is coming down the line. When you become a successful Builder Account Loan Officer and do it right, you be- come an enterprise. Everyone will want you working for them. Furthermore, there is no better feeling than a builder awarding you with their business and trusting you to get it done. It’s huge win. Think about it… is anything worth getting, easy? Do you want to get 15 loans a year from a REALTOR (that’s easy!) or do you want 150 loans a year from a builder (challenge)? And when you get four or five builders in your pocket, you can imagine the enterprise you will create. Nothing in this world worth anything comes easy. So instead of looking for easy, let’s talk about some strategy. First I am going to make you a promise and want you to proceed with this knowledge. If you follow the steps below, you will become wildly successful with builders and have a ton of business. With that said, you must prepare to be busy. I always say, “Be care- ful what you wish for!” Preparation and planning will make you “in it to win it!” 2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    29  BUILDER STRATEGIES
  • 32. PLAN AND PROSPECT It’s the beginning of any enterprise. You would nev- er land in a new city without a map. Come up with a vision of what you want to achieve. Put it in writing and set goals for each vision you have. Then come up with a plan to make it happen. An example is to figure out what builders you want to call on, and then your plan will include a milk route to visit builders weekly. Dedicate two days out of your week solely to builder prospecting calls. Make sure to do the vision and plan- ning in all areas of your life, like money, family, re- lationships, fun and spirituality so as you grow, you remain a balanced person. MEETING THE BUILDER Do your homework… know where the builders are building, know the lenders they are working with and the weaknesses of those lenders, visit agents, communi- ties selling and upcoming, and know the history and the pain of the builder before you go to a meeting. Find out all of the new communities coming in the future. Research everything you can find… all the facts you can. The builder will appreciate and know that you did your homework by your engagement in the conversation. Once in the meeting, you may meet with the builder, sales manager, or both. In either case, be ready to tell a builder or sales manager why they should work with you. They may ask and you should be ready with an answer, not stuttering and stammering all over your- self. They will pick up on your confidence. Make sure it’s something compelling and things that they want or need. Know your value and what you are great at, and be able to deliver it quickly and with confidence. Don’t talk too much after stating why they want to work with you; your speaking should be limited to asking great questions. The goal is to get to know them on the first appointment, ask questions, find out their pain, and get the door open. At the second meeting you can de- liver some solutions. Remember, it’s not about you or what you have; it’s about them and what they need.   30    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
  • 33. GO WHERE YOUR BUILDERS ARE Join the local build- ing industry associa- tions, become involved, go to meetings and events, provide a sponsorship, do a training session at a luncheon, get on plan- ning boards, and get to know everyone. There is nothing like getting to know sales managers while you plan an annual sales event. These relationships break the ice and go a long way. SPEAK BUILDER Place yourself with a company that has a builder division that can support you and your production and that understands the needs of home builders. Once you have that in place, you need a personal team that can execute high-volume pro- duction. Processes, training and building a team machine will be the most important part of your success. Knowing all the nuances of a home builder is one of the most important things you and your team will need to know. Lastly, make sure you know when to take care of busi- ness and when to throw down the fun. It will keep your team together for many years. My team loved having monthly contests and rewards. It kept them engaged and competi- tive, and we always felt like a big family. REPORTING Be sure you provide a weekly loan sta- tus report, on all loans in process to the builder and your team. This reporting will keep you organized and efficient, especial- ly when the volume is at high levels. It was a lifesaver on those months when I closed 130 units There is no way I could have kept track of all of those escrows without great reporting systems. Make sure your team not only utilizes the re- port day in and day out but also gets it to the builder prior to their weekly sales meeting. 2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    31  BUILDER STRATEGIES
  • 34. BE READY TO GROW, FAST! One of the most common mistakes made with builder business is growth. It comes very fast, and you have to be ready for it with support, process, and a plan. There is no time for complaining about how busy you are and that you have to work weekends. No room for firefighting. You will have to be ahead of the fire at all times by creating systems that can accommodate high volume growth quickly. HONOR YOUR PROMISES… ALWAYS If you give great service, have a great team, under promise and over deliver, and close on time every time, you will be ahead of 90% of your competition when it comes to builders. There is no compromise on this; if you don’t follow through with what you say, you will not be around. MAINTAIN–RETAIN–REFINE–REINVENT As time goes on and as you get busier each month, in order to maintain and retain, you must refine and re- invent your systems—constantly. Define your processes, make them better, and reinvent your team to be better and better with each closing. The goal is to have a well- oiled machine. If you stay on top of all of your business and ahead of the game, you will always remain at the top. Never become complacent, as you can always improve. GET A COACH A coach can be the one thing that will keep you in check and keep you from becoming complacent. They can help you with evaluating what direction you are moving and at what speed. They see holes where you might miss them. I believe we are all here to do one thing—GROW. That means grow in our careers, our   32    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
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  • 37. relationships and our lives. A coach is the one to help you with that growth. There are all kinds of coaches for all kinds of personalities. You definitely need to find someone who will hold you accountable, whom you align with, and whom you honor and respect. All superstars have coaches. You’re no different. FUN AND BALANCE Now here is the most important thing… have some fun! Our business can be tough some days, but there is no business like it in the world, and further- more you get to choose your reaction to everything! Choose right now to be in control and in the driver’s seat, and live a happy, balanced life with amazing work, a great team, and time for your family, friends, and filling yourself up with things you love. In our business, this part is rare. One of the biggest things I see is someone who becomes wildly successful and within a year or less burns out, everything falls apart, and bam, they are no longer doing builder business and no one remembers their name. Here is one very important thing you need to know. With builders, you only get one shot. It’s just that simple! There are al- ways younger, hungrier, more energetic loan officers vying for that business and knocking on their door. Here’s my last pieces of advice… know who they are and hire them for your team! Builder business is a game changer, and only the best survive! It’s all I’ve ever done, and my best advice is, Stay on the ball and ahead of the curve, and you will become outrageously successful in builder business for a very long time.  ■ Shirleen Von Hoffmann is a certified sales coach, speaker, author, MIRM, CMP, CSP and national director of Builder Group, Summit Funding. In her latest book, Secrets of Top Producers, Shirleen teaches techniques on how to become a top- producing sales professional with her no-nonsense sales skills. 2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    35  BUILDER STRATEGIES
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  • 39. TOP200MORTGAGEORIGINATORS In America 2015 The last decade has been turbulent in the mortgage industry. Over 70% of the mortgage competition has been swept away during this time of change. For many of the nation’s top producers, the consumers “flight to quality” has created a unique opportunity to grow market share in both purchase and refinance mortgages. Mortgage Executive Magazine compiled the most comprehensive list of The Nation’s Top 200 Mortgage Originators as ranked by their total yearly mortgage volume. Entries cannot include loan volume of associate originators or junior originators that earn a commission on the same loan files. Mortgage Executive Magazine seeks to recognize and celebrate the service, dedication, and hard work that leading mortgage originators put into serving their clients. Top Mortgage Originators Are Gaining Market Share and Growing Production Just As Much of Their Competition Leaves the Mortgage Business 2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    37 
  • 40. TOP200MORTGAGEORIGINATORS In America 2015 Learn the Critical Money Making Skills You Need To Build a Profitable Mortgage Business Here are some sobering statistics. The majority of mortgage originators will likely see a 20–40% decline in personal income from last year. And if that is the worst that happens, they are the lucky ones. What makes the difference between thriving and barely surviving in the mortgage business, between a Top 10 Mortgage Originator earning $1,000,000+ a year and someone just getting by? Answer: It’s not interest rates or service levels. It’s the skills, strategies and systems developed and implemented by each mortgage professional. That is the key element. Mastermind Summit gives you the tools and systems to make the quantum leaps in your mortgage production and business results. Designed for successful, experienced Originators, Managers and CEOs the event provides what is needed to breakthrough to the next level. Register Online Today or Call 866.304.8319 RK NAME COMPANY STATE CLOSED LOANS 2015 VOLUME 1 Brian Minkow Prospect Mortgage CA 1,078 $419,227,558 2 Brian S. Cohen Wells Fargo Home Mortgage NY 643 $413,775,775 3 Shant Banosian Guaranteed Rate MA 890 $337,637,606 4 Debbie Foley Smarter Mortgages OH 609 $330,351,940 5 Anthony Musante CitiMortgage CA 284 $302,751,320 6 Brian Blonder Capital Bank MD 1,020 $289,240,935 7 Max Leaman PrimeLending TX 1,100 $272,722,874 8 Ben Cohen Guaranteed Rate IL 517 $256,351,188 9 Michael Meena Augusta Financial Inc. CA 648 $249,219,773 10 Baret Kechian Mortgage Master NJ 523 $242,614,724 11 Julie Long Commonwealth Mortgage MA 886 $240,749,740 12 Michael Roberts City Creek Mortgage Corp. UT 971 $228,354,066 13 Joe Caltabiano Guaranteed Rate IL 562 $224,347,369 14 Risha Kilaru Prospect Mortgage CA 481 $221,572,548 15 Paul Concannon Wells Fargo Home Mortgage MD 588 $215,302,926 16 Paul Volpe NOVA Home Loans AZ  1,015 $210,316,517 17 Stephen Campbell Mortgage Master CT 302 $201,377,570 18 Andrew Marquis Guaranteed Rate MA 566 $195,243,726 19 Daniel Horanyi Caliber Home Loans CA 430 $193,762,441 20 Harinder Johar Guaranteed Rate MA 534 $191,013,549 21 Shimmy Braun Guaranteed Rate IL 575 $187,532,153 22 Matt Andre FBC Mortgage FL 711 $181,860,326 23 Ben Anderson Guaranteed Rate CA 377 $181,712,168 24 Ed Currie Associated Bank WI  242 $174,753,880 25 Yinan Nancy Sun Austin First Mortgage TX 645 $170,677,271 26 Jessie Pachan Smarter Mortgages OH 337 $164,353,294 27 Ric Jason Gosser Guild Mortgage WA 601 $163,942,283 28 Mike Hartunian Prospect Mortgage CA 341 $163,386,797 29 Bruce Salik Prospect Mortgage NY 481 $162,297,297 30 Sam Sharp Guaranteed Rate IL 492 $158,722,246 31 Rick Elmendorf Caliber Home Loans VA 458 $157,265,178 32 Michael Borodinsky Caliber Home Loans NJ 526 $157,210,000 33 Joe Polizzi RPM Mortgage CA 305 $155,528,634 34 Rodney Anderson Supreme Lending TX 659 $154,123,517 35 Michael Rodriguez Platinum Capital Mortgage CA 307 $153,953,890 36 John Noldan Guaranteed Rate IL 556 $150,975,207 37 Robby Oakes Corporate Investors Mortgage NC  520 $150,195,617 38 Greg Kingsbury Caliber Home Loans DC 343 $149,840,946 39 Franco Tamburrino Coast 2 Coast Funding Group CA 450 $148,560,406 40 Keith Hapenney Leader Bank MA  355 $148,290,437 41 David Jaffe On Q Financial CA 334 $144,653,321 42 Diane Clark PrimeLending TX 465 $143,238,638 43 Thomas Lavallee Guaranteed Rate IL 508 $142,779,272 44 Matt Johnson Umpqua Bank WA 310 $140,859,530 45 Kelly Marsh Broadview Mortgage CA 314 $140,763,249 46 Brian Decker Guaranteed Rate CA 382 $138,956,720 47 Dianne Crosby Guaranteed Rate CA 252 $138,735,089 48 Andrew Soss Guaranteed Rate CA 318 $137,675,150 49 Joseph Mazzo Summit Funding CA 318 $137,418,094 50 Beth Lewis Perl Mortgage IL  427 $137,270,401   38    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
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  • 42.✦ 866.304.8319 1 THE # MORTGAGE EVENT INAMERICA MASTERMIND Join mortgage industry leaders from across the country for the premier executive symposium that addresses critical issues and the future direction of the mortgage finance industry. Our experts are CEOs and Senior Executives who’ve built multi-billion dollar businesses. They are experts in marketing, sales, leadership, networking and more. TonyRobbins 2016
  • 44. TOP200MORTGAGEORIGINATORS In America 2015 Learn the Critical Money Making Skills You Need To Build a Profitable Mortgage Business Here are some sobering statistics. The majority of mortgage originators will likely see a 20–40% decline in personal income from last year. And if that is the worst that happens, they are the lucky ones. What makes the difference between thriving and barely surviving in the mortgage business, between a Top 10 Mortgage Originator earning $1,000,000+ a year and someone just getting by? Answer: It’s not interest rates or service levels. It’s the skills, strategies and systems developed and implemented by each mortgage professional. That is the key element. Mastermind Summit gives you the tools and systems to make the quantum leaps in your mortgage production and business results. Designed for successful, experienced Originators, Managers and CEOs the event provides what is needed to breakthrough to the next level. Register Online Today or Call 866.304.8319 RK NAME COMPANY STATE CLOSED LOANS 2015 VOLUME 51 Roland Benson iMortgage CA 554 $136,920,180 52 Brian R. Jessen Guaranteed Rate IL 294 $135,431,277 53 Mark Maimon Sterling National Bank NY 273 $135,139,779 54 Allyson Kreycik Guaranteed Rate MA 355 $134,846,951 55 Cameron Harris Flagship Financial Group UT 560 $134,076,147 56 Shelly Logemann RPM Mortgage CA 243 $133,562,562 57 Dean Vlamis Guaranteed Rate IL 351 $133,540,077 58 Mike Walsh Trident Mortgage PA 319 $133,101,277 59 Phillip Nguyen George Mason Mortgage VA 305 $131,608,778 60 Shayla Gifford Guild Mortgage NV 560 $131,448,882 61 Michael Tanionos Wells Fargo Home Mortgage MA 229 $131,135,000 62 Steve Grossman NJ Lenders Corp. NJ 256 $130,120,248 63 Jarret Coleman United Bank CT 248 $129,959,931 64 Dan Gjeldum Guaranteed Rate IL 313 $129,208,241 65 Ryan Grant Benchmark Mortgage CA 268 $129,045,454 66 Michele Stanisch Prospect Mortgage CA 260 $128,523,435 67 John Peterman George Mason Mortgage VA 253 $127,726,895 68 Chris Gallo NJ Lenders Corp. NJ 314 $125,270,452 69 Michael Murgatroy Guaranteed Rate FL 408 $124,457,193 70 Brad Cohen Capital Bank MD  280 $124,348,554 71 Billy Winfree FM Bank TN 453 $123,402,793 72 Eric Glick Starkey Mortgage GA 583 $123,201,260 73 Neena Vlamis A and N Mortgage Services IL 373 $121,992,514 74 Patrick Ruffner Guaranteed Rate IL 383 $121,224,003 75 Jon Tobias Fairway Independent Mortgage AZ 573 $120,909,973 76 Mark Johnson Prospect Mortgage CA 285 $120,633,197 77 LisaMarie Nicholas PrimeLending CT 501 $120,365,928 78 Timothy Taylor Prospect Mortgage CA 237 $120,141,597 79 Michael Prime Wells Fargo Home Mortgage CA 134 $120,033,000 80 Neils Jorgensen Flagship Financial Group UT 557 $119,388,167 81 Hunter Marckwardt RPM Mortgage CA 209 $119,315,633 82 Kelly Malatesta Benchmark Mortgage TX 348 $117,930,472 83 Amanda Sessa SWBC Mortgage CO 306 $115,715,548 84 Carlos Larrazabal George Mason Mortgage VA 518 $115,045,817 85 Tim Smith Talmer Bank and Trust MI 391 $114,158,330 86 Josh Cilman Intercoastal Mortgage Company VA 228 $114,115,364 87 Todd Bookspan HomeStreet Bank AZ 541 $113,929,823 88 Barry Schwartz Perl Mortgage IL  296 $113,685,729 89 Daniel Stevens Wells Fargo Home Mortgage CA  184 $113,600,000 90 Christopher Washburn Caliber Home Loans DC 254 $113,208,204 91 Edwin Davidian Skyline Home Loans CA 256 $112,338,868 92 Sam Rosenblatt Academy Mortgage MD  400 $111,734,848 93 Joseph Smith Guaranteed Rate MA 277 $111,210,175 94 Alicia Blackwood Summit Funding CA 323 $111,043,659 95 Jeremy Forcier Peoples Home Equity, Inc. CA 288 $110,304,704 96 Jesse Caveney American Pacific Mortgage CA 130 $109,655,290 97 Tony Umholtz SunTrust Mortgage VA 243 $109,131,353 98 Jorden Brok Mortgage Master IL  247 $108,301,483 99 Ryan Mecum Guaranteed Rate IL 271 $107,764,260 100 Andrew Lunenfeld EagleBank MD 209 $107,404,377   42    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
  • 45. TOP200MORTGAGEORIGINATORS In America 2015 Here Is What $100m Originators Are Saying About Mastermind Summit Brian Blonder, the top mortgage originator shared, “To be successful in the mortgage industry, I have found it takes the willingness to become teachable. The mortgage industry is very dynamic and ever changing. It requires us to become a “student of the game.” We constantly have to analyze our own techniques and investigate the best practices of other successful mortgage salespeople, and incorporate a blend of our skills with knowledge we learn from others who have walked our path before us, in order to stay on top. Use your knowledge and tools to go to battle each day, and WIN. David Jaffe, a top originator at On Q Financial, shared his success formula with MEM. “One of the first things I learned when I was new to the business was to learn from those who came before me. I have never been a believer in re-inventing the wheel, but a huge fan of finding successful strategies others have used and becoming a master at swipe and adapt. Implementing proven strategies has been a large part of my success and enabled me to spend more time building the business and less time coming up with ideas.” RK NAME COMPANY STATE CLOSED LOANS 2015 VOLUME 101 Rosella Campion Mortgage Master MA  279 $106,406,349 102 Tom Digan Mortgage Master MA 270 $105,911,964 103 Mehdi Pirzadeh EagleBank MD 210 $105,651,717 104 Justin Oliver NOVA Home Loans AZ 512 $104,928,094 105 Linda Mister-Owens SWBC Mortgage TX 565 $104,621,476 106 Steve Siwinski Guaranteed Rate IL 545 $104,279,933 107 JD Cortese Guaranteed Rate IL 293 $104,204,912 108 Eli Weinberger New American Funding CA 190 $103,470,698 109 Ali Ghassemi George Mason Mortgage VA 262 $103,349,431 110 Norman Calvo Sterling National Bank NY 212 $103,311,513 111 Jacob Deegan Flagship Financial Group UT 478 $103,194,320 112 Charles Shulman NJ Lenders Corp. NJ 212 $102,811,956 113 Eric Kulbe Guild Mortgage CO 350 $102,598,957 114 Joshua Sigman Legacy Mutual Mortgage TX 446 $102,517,311 115 Christina Longo Prospect Mortgage MA 317 $101,336,773 116 Brandon Moss PrimeLending CA 206 $101,291,980 117 Suren Sampat 1st Advantage Mortgage IL 320 $101,251,132 118 Daryn Jay Peterson Wintrust Mortgage IL 285 $101,174,958 119 Tom O’Keefe Prosperity Mortgage MD 208 $100,407,831 120 Gerald McCarthy Mortgage Master MA 227 $100,374,431 121 Craig Stelzer Guaranteed Rate FL 320 $100,155,531 122 Dave Stemrich Prospect Mortgage CA 368 $99,191,999 123 James E. Pope Wintrust Mortgage WI 354 $99,133,541 124 Jeffrey Sokol Prospect Mortgage CA 176 $99,075,600 125 Carl Nielsen Mortgage Master NJ  261 $98,586,329 126 Lloyd Streisand Sterling Savings Bank NY 113 $98,573,150 127 David L. Johnson Flagship Financial Group UT 496 $98,498,712 128 Chad Lubben Guaranteed Rate IL 305 $98,319,307 129 Bill Kelso On Q Financial CA 174 $98,035,345 130 David Setti American Pacific Mortgage CA 181 $97,812,631 131 Austin Lampson On Q Financial CA 205 $97,810,016 132 Matthew Adler Lake Michigan Credit Union MI 445 $97,446,803 133 Raffi Bekmezian PrimeLending CA 197 $96,388,482 134 Jerry Sundt VIP Mortgage AZ 431 $95,750,573 135 Sean Logue Trident Mortgage PA 277 $95,447,809 136 Pauline M. Amstutz American Pacific Mortgage CA 236 $94,949,193 137 Drew Boland Guaranteed Rate IL 263 $94,909,283 138 Rick Scherer MSA Mortgage MA 271 $93,494,480 139 Brandon Knapp RPM Mortgage CA 163 $92,579,948 140 Scott Groves Movement Mortgage CA 204 $92,118,233 141 Raj Mahajan EagleBank MD 212 $91,921,890 142 Damon Johnston Academy Mortgage CO 306 $91,165,984 143 Brian Kerby Academy Mortgage CO 305 $91,165,984 144 John Downs Caliber Home Loans DC 179 $91,112,827 145 Artin Babayan PrimeLending CA 217 $91,098,866 146 James Pulsipher Bay Equity Home Loans CO 425 $90,918,962 147 Nathaniel Lindsey Wells Fargo Home Mortgage CA 131 $90,501,000 148 Brian Morley Fulton Mortgage MD 256 $89,957,250 149 Oleg Tkach Guild Mortgage WA 365 $89,816,545 150 Rob Ross MVB Mortgage VA 216 $89,514,053 2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    43 
  • 46. TOP200MORTGAGEORIGINATORS In America 2015 Learn the Critical Money Making Skills You Need To Build a Profitable Mortgage Business Here are some sobering statistics. The majority of mortgage originators will likely see a 20–40% decline in personal income from last year. And if that is the worst that happens, they are the lucky ones. What makes the difference between thriving and barely surviving in the mortgage business, between a Top 10 Mortgage Originator earning $1,000,000+ a year and someone just getting by? Answer: It’s not interest rates or service levels. It’s the skills, strategies and systems developed and implemented by each mortgage professional. That is the key element. Mastermind Summit gives you the tools and systems to make the quantum leaps in your mortgage production and business results. Designed for successful, experienced Originators, Managers and CEOs the event provides what is needed to breakthrough to the next level. Register Online Today or Call 866.304.8319 RK NAME COMPANY STATE CLOSED LOANS 2015 VOLUME 151 Matt Tierney Guaranteed Rate IL 249 $89,511,328 152 Elvis Keshishyan Skyline Financial CA 205 $89,476,025 153 Craig Strent Apex Home Loans MD 206 $89,244,296 154 David Hatlen HomeStreet Bank WA 233 $89,039,300 155 Peter Fickeisen William Raveis Mortgage MA  210 $88,529,743 156 Dana Gounaris Trident Mortgage NJ 353 $88,478,324 157 Joshua J. Jensen Flagship Financial Group UT 426 $88,166,607 158 Jeffrey Morgan Academy Mortgage UT 358 $87,720,522 159 Mike Nielsen Guaranteed Rate IL 235 $87,690,677 160 Rusty O’Dowd Guaranteed Rate MA 274 $87,625,981 161 Manuel Corral GEM Mortgage CA 408 $87,483,054 162 Jill Hinkey Banc of California CA 276 $87,433,347 163 Jason Osenton Mortgage Master CA 179 $87,307,732 164 Scott Gilman Prospect Mortgage CA 214 $87,221,875 165 Dante Puorro Caliber Home Loans NJ 258 $86,832,249 166 Joseph McBreen Guaranteed Rate IL 353 $86,680,600 167 Michelle Bobart Guaranteed Rate IL 251 $86,167,467 168 Shawn Huss Talmer Bank and Trust OH  640 $85,996,735 169 Chris Smith Trident Mortgage PA 260 $85,875,065 170 Brad Hansen Guild Mortgage OR 310 $85,582,425 171 Dawn Peck Guild Mortgage CA 226 $85,099,526 172 Tracie Southerland Opes Advisors CA 95 $84,929,630 173 Brian Reeg Prospect Mortgage CA 244 $84,322,485 174 Michael Brown Churchill Mortgage TN 381 $84,177,720 175 Mason R. Minhondo Flagship Financial Group UT 410 $83,870,241 176 Patrick Iglinsky Supreme Lending TX 214 $83,834,737 177 Patrick Pittman PrimeLending TX  264 $83,507,567 178 Tim Lowry Trident Mortgage PA 223 $83,159,722 179 Ali Ghaziani Bay Equity Home Loans CA 193 $83,097,910 180 Sam Batayneh Guaranteed Rate CA 116 $83,017,506 181 Eric Goren Banc of California CA 117 $82,668,093 182 Brett Burns Directors Mortgage WA 249 $82,417,854 183 Michael Roth Elevations Credit Union CO 283 $82,367,949 184 Justin S. Tulman Fairway Independent Mortgage MA 164 $81,770,624 185 Mark Klein Skyline Home Loans CA 157 $81,652,390 186 David King SWBC Mortgage CO 292 $81,610,066 187 Michele Town RPM Mortgage CA 216 $81,579,720 188 Jon Lamkin Guaranteed Rate NJ 177 $80,852,899 189 Jason Evans Mortgage Master WA 247 $80,835,203 190 Lance Dickson NOVA Home Loans AZ 429 $80,634,789 191 Dixie Sanders HomeBridge Financial Services TX 333 $80,466,015 192 Derek Wetzel On Q Financial WA  173 $80,172,696 193 Jeremy Durkin Prosperity Mortgage PA 291 $79,869,754 194 Drew Stacey Talmer Bank and Trust OH 317 $79,523,574 195 Alison Freed Mortgage Master MA  177 $79,216,700 196 Mark Casamassina NJ Lenders Corp. NJ 250 $79,204,782 197 Deb O’Rourke Mortgage Master MA 209 $79,054,428 198 Kimberlye Dorsett FBC Mortgage FL 363 $78,973,833 199 Steve Dykeman Perl Mortgage IL 240 $78,921,120 200 Paul Harsanyi EagleBank MD 175 $78,880,683   44    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
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  • 48. BestThe Marketing Prospecting   46    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
  • 49. IdeasOF TOP-PRODUCING ORIGINATORS We interviewed a group of Top 1% Originators from across the country to discover their best marketing and prospecting ideas. We limited each entry to 100-200 words to provide our readers with a quick snapshot of as many different ideas and strategies as possible. 2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    47  SALES STRATEGIES
  • 50. Joe Caltabiano, Guaranteed Rate $224,347,369 – 562 units I pride myself on my business, which is based on refer- rals. My REALTORS, referral partners, and past clients direct their business to me because they know their referrals are my business. Having a business built on referrals has allowed me to grow year after year. My growth is driven by the fact that once I have a referral, I work relentlessly until the loan closes and offer great service and solid guidance. I have an experienced team behind me, and there are no surprises—and because of that, all parties are assured of the experience of a smooth transaction. I—along with my team—work proactively to ensure that deals close smoothly and efficiently. As a result, my clients are happy, and my referral sources are reinforced for making the connec- tion. I am appreciative of the referrals I receive, and honestly, I treat them like family. At this point, I have a pretty big “family.” David Jaffe, On Q Financial $145,051,821 – 330 units One of the best marketing tools we have used to grow REALTOR referral partners is calling on the REALTORS involved in a purchase transaction. If we do a phenom- enal job throughout the loan process, we can “wow” the agents involved, giving us an opportunity to call on them after close. Our system is called the Perfect Loan Process. For each milestone that occurs on a loan (appraisal ordered, appraisal received, loan sent to un- derwriting, loan approved, docs ordered, docs sent to escrow, loan funded, etc.), we send an email to the borrower and both agents with a status. The constant communication means we don’t get bogged down with incoming status calls, and we are proactively touching base with the agents before they have a chance to call us. After close, we call for an appointment. Jarret Coleman, United Bank $129,959,931 – 248 units One of my best resources for generating new leads and referral sources is my existing referral base. I do my best to connect via email at least once a week with my referral sources, and I always ask if they know of anyone in their office who is in need of a mortgage pro- fessional. I find that this is the best way to make new contacts within real estate offices, as you have an “in- side person” already praising your services. Once you are given the introduction, the most important thing to do is follow up. I constantly follow up with them to ensure that they give me a shot when that next client comes around. Chris Gallo, NJ Lenders Corp. $125,270,452 – 314 units I think the best form of marketing and prospecting is SERVICE KNOWLEDGE. The service and knowledge you can provide to all parties involved in the transac- tion are priceless. Anyone can cut costs and waive fees, but to be fully involved with the clients and your refer- ral partners has been the true key to my success. Be knowledge, be accountable, and be accessible! If you can do all these things, you will grow your brand and increase your production—guaranteed. Brad Cohen, Capital Bank $124,348,554 – 280 units As discussed on stage multiple times, my best and most cost-effective marketing strategy has been the distribution of rate flyers. I have done this since day one when I got into this business in 1997, as I used this practice to generate clients for my auto detailing business. I place them on fence posts or on mailboxes (but NEVER in them), and I hit the same neighbor- hoods every one to two months. I have even cemented four REALTORS from this and still have them after 15+ years. It is extremely cost effective, great for branding, and also great for exercise and to meet the people in the area. I have closed over 1,000 loans just from my flyer technique over the years. JAFFE COLEMAN GALLO COHEN CALTABIANO   48    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016 SALES STRATEGIES
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  • 52. Raffi Bekmezian, PrimeLending $96,388,482 – 197 units Living in the new age of technology, we have the world at our fingertips. This new way of communication al- lows us to reach the masses at a quicker rate. Using so- cial media as one of the newest tools at our disposal is one of the most effective ways I approach marketing and prospecting. A great way to market myself and my business is to use social media as one way of commu- nicating. The key to that is finding a balance between being visible and knowing when to back off in order to prevent desensitization. I see social media as a great way to not only introduce myself and my business but also to create a need for a prospective client to call me and allow me the opportunity to win their trust and business face-to-face. This, along with my longstanding motto of going above and beyond what is expected of me and keeping the borrower happy with their loan and the process, is what I believe helps generate new leads and allows me the opportunity to continue to do what I love to do. Positive word-of-mouth referrals are just as important as any leads that can be created in other ways. Oleg Tkach, Guild Mortgage $89,816,545 – 365 units Most originators ask for referrals after a successful transaction. This has been the standard in any sales in- dustry since the existence of the profession. While this tactic is a proven way to generate business, it’s also not the only way to get referrals from your existing clien- tele. What we do on our team is update all parties of the transaction (buyer, listing agent, and selling agent) every Tuesday, which we refer to as our Tuesday up- date calls. After updating them on our loan status, we ask if they have any questions and if they feel that we have been doing a great job of taking care of them thus far. Once we answer any additional questions that our clients have, we end with a simple pitch: “We are glad you feel that we are taking great care of you. Please take care of us and connect us with anyone you come across this week who is thinking of buying or could benefit from refinancing. We would love to provide them with the same stellar service that we are provid- ing you.” By using this tactic, we are able to generate an additional 5–10 strong leads each month. Craig Strent, Apex Home Loans $89,244,296 – 206 units Target marketing financial advisors has been my best prospecting activity. I educate advisors on mortgage planning topics, send articles on specific mortgage items related to financial planning, teach continuing education classes to help them maintain their desig- nations, offer detailed analyses of different mortgage options for their clients, and make myself available for team consultations. Good financial advisors recognize the need to have a great mortgage banker on their team and value the services they provide. Jill Hinkey, Banc of California $87,433,347 – 276 units What does it take to be a top producer? I call, email, and direct mail all past clients on a regular basis. The key is persistent and consistent contact; you never know when the client will have a life-changing event and need your professional services. The goal is to be in front of them when the opportunity arises. There is no replacement for one-on-one meetings with clients and referral sources. Again, the key is persistent and consistent communication. The majority of my day is spent on business devel- opment. I’m typically on the phone and email taking applications and issuing prequalifications 10–14 hours a day. My goal is to take as many loan applications as possible. I also spend a significant amount of time thanking existing referral sources and contacting po- tential new ones. I challenge myself constantly and work to step out of my comfort zone at least once daily. As I talk, I give options rather than opinions. I let my customers form their own opinions. When your cus- tomer comes up with their own solution based on the information you have presented, you have their buy-in. You now have a partnership and have elevated the re- lationship beyond the transaction. TKACH STRENT HINKEY BEKMEZIAN   50    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
  • 53. Jonathan Okun, Prosperity Mortgage $77,383,364 – 171 units Every year I create a business plan and rank my top “biggest fans.” These are the REALTORS who send me a very high percentage of their business and who do a lot of business in general. I then invite them to lunch and ask them to bring someone else whom they think would benefit from working with me. I let my “fan” do all of the talking and sell me instead of having to sell myself. Jonathan Yellon, Mortgage Master $77,094,942 – 156 units The greatest challenge for successful loan officers is dedicating the time to market themselves and their product offerings. I already know who my potential referral sources are, as should all loan originators if they are detailed, organized, and dedicated to perfect- ing their craft. The most successful originators create a plan for how to dedicate their time to connect with po- tential referral sources; REALTORS, financial planners, CPAs, and attorneys are the most common categories. It has to be a priority, every week, to dedicate specific times to email and connect with sources to try and set up appointments, while always listening. When you listen you learn and can take note of interests, impor- tant dates in their lives, their families, and so on, all of which adds humanity to a business transaction. Our business is a very personal one, and the topic we are covering for our clients contains a great deal of sensi- tivity. It’s crucial to be as sincere and compassionate as possible about a borrower’s scenario. You must also demonstrate confidence in your skills and the prod- uct you’re delivering while keeping the client’s costs in mind. That’s how I’ve built my business: on trust, with both my clients and my referral network. Justin Bonura, NJ Lenders Corp. $75,864,870 – 229 units Our business is a relationship-based business in which connecting with people earns you their trust. My best prospecting idea is to use my established referral net- work to connect with other referral sources by host- ing monthly events. Hosting events such as “REALTOR Night Out” or “Lunch and Learn” seminars provides an opportunity to be face-to-face with my best advo- cates and new prospects in a relaxed and fun environ- ment. This practice has brought proven results and is where I get the best return on investment. Building business relationships while having fun is a winning proposition for all. Brenda Dintino, New American Funding $75,437,058 – 202 units Here are a few top strategies for providing top-tier customer service and building a predictable income- stream for years to come: 1. Annual Mortgage Reviews—Calling past clients on the anniversary of their loan closing is a simple way to remain in front of your Borrowers. This is an oppor- tunity to show your commitment to their sound finan- cial position, propose beneficial changes to their current financing if any exist, and maybe even earn a referral. 2. Birthday Calls—Birthday calls are another simple way to remain in front of your Borrowers and deepen the relationship. Clients may end up request- ing terms on a new loan scenario or even have a friend who’s looking for a good lender. 3. Monthly Market Monitoring—By staying attentive to changes in the MBS market on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, you better position yourself to save your clients money by lowering their interest rate. Check out for their con- venient “Morning Coffee Update.” 4. Agent Marketing Partnerships—I enjoy help- ing my Agent partners with their traditional and social media marketing through New American Funding’s Agent marketing platform. As a result of our combined efforts, I’m not only able to win referrals for repeat fi- nancing but am also able to generate buyer referrals for my Agent partners. BONURA YELLON OKUN DINTINO 2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    51  SALES STRATEGIES
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  • 55. TOUCHETTE MURPHY HOSTERMAN Cody Touchette, Caliber Home Loans $71,236,929 – 237 units Communication is our best tool when it comes to mar- keting and prospecting. We have a schedule for con- tacting our referral partners, and we stick to it with at least one phone call per week for all of our REALTOR partners as well as a weekly update call for all parties (listing agent, buyer’s agents, borrowers, and escrow) on in-process loans. Communicating on a regular basis results in an opportunity to generate leads as well as demonstrate our level of service. The majority of our new leads and new referral partners come near the end of in-process loans when borrowers who have been amazed by our communica- tion are excited to provide us with contact information for friends and family who are also looking for mort- gages. The listing agents are frequently amazed, too, and come to us after successful transactions asking what they need to do to have us handle their clients’ loans on future purchases. William Murphy, Fairway Independent Mortgage $59,108,930 – 254 units When it comes to generating new leads and referrals, the sea of techniques and software programs can seem impersonal at times. It takes more to build a reputa- tion, so I seek some alternate means to do so. It is my belief that businesses should act as leaders within a community and provide more than just a product or service. My goal is to provide people with a gateway to strengthen our community, which indirectly builds long-lasting relationships and credibility. Our client appreciation events and our annual partnership with the Make-A-Wish® Foundation create great forums for people to come together and give back. We are hosting our first annual Fairway Mortgage Walk, Run, and Roll 5K for Wishes, where we hope to get the community more involved than ever before. We try to incorporate this goal into our everyday business operations by do- nating a portion of proceeds from every loan my team and I close to Make-A-Wish®, which gets my clients involved. Transactional relationships are not enough in this business, and we need to offer more and get on a personal level. People gravitate toward genuine cred- ibility, which is what we strive for every day. David Hosterman, Castle and Cooke Mortgage $58,981,917 – 225 units Marketing has become more important in today’s lending environment than ever before. One thing we specialize in at the Denver branch of Castle Cooke Mortgage, is conducting open houses with real estate agents. We like to have both agents and lenders on-site to address both real estate and lending questions. In addition, we strategically plan open houses by prior marketing through social media, door hangers in the neighborhood, and extensive sign placement strate- gies. Sign placement is critical, as it has been shown that better and increased placement drives more traf- fic in comparison to a standard open house with only a few signs. Furthermore, we conduct these on both Saturdays and Sundays, with the signs being left out for the entire weekend. We like to make the signs eye- catching, as the branding of the signs is critical. The colors we use are black and yellow, a color scheme that has been proven to be more effective. Offering visitors something of value is critical. The agent provides cli- ents a free cell phone app to search properties. This app is great for marketing, as it allows the agent and lender to see how frequently clients are using the app. Jolene Messmer, Caliber Home Loans $56,880,058 – 159 units I offer personalized service from the initial lead con- tact to closing of the loan. I celebrate loan milestones with sincere tokens of appreciation for borrowers. This individual attention helps retain potential leads and is a memorable experience for them to share with friends and family. The five triggers points I acknowledge, in order, are: preapproval, under contract, loan approved, loan closed, and first payment due. Along with each small gift, I share a branded card with details of the cur- rent progress of the loan. This helps me stay relevant throughout the mortgage process when borrowers are likely shopping other rates and lenders. I strive to remind everyone that home buying is a fun and exciting time. MESSMER 2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    53  SALES STRATEGIES
  • 56. Cynthia Tomlinson, American Pacific Mortgage $55,162,232 – 240 units I believe that my knowledge of the industry and the mortgage climate is one of my best assets to offer my clients and REALTOR partners. I am very excited about the business; I work hard at staying ahead of the curve and educate myself about all the regulatory program changes that we continue to experience. When there are changes in the market, my clients and REALTOR partners have come to expect that I will keep them in- formed quickly and accurately so they will have the necessary tools to compete with every advantage. I also am passionate and never tire of helping people be able to realize their dream of home ownership, wheth- er it’s a first-time home buyer, a move-up buyer, an investor, or refinancing. After all these years, I still love to be able to make things happen for people and their families. I am very grateful for the success I’ve enjoyed, and I am committed to giving my best to everyone I work with. Tom Parke, Mason-McDuffie Mortgage $54,102,633 – 129 units The six items listed below are the only marketing I have done for the past 12 years of my 16 years in this business as a loan officer. These things are admitted- ly repetitive, monotonous, tedious, boring, etc., BUT if you do these things EVERY day, every week, every month, every year without fail, you will succeed. All it takes in order to be successful in any sales job is: be persistent in your efforts; be consistent in your deliv- ery and your brand; have longevity in your industry and with your company; and, be disciplined in making the same number of phone calls and e-mails to, and face-to-face appointments with, referrals sources and clients every week. Marketing Efforts 1. Daily Market Update e-mails to 450+ REALTORS and financial planners that I’ve either met with or worked with on a deal over the past 15 years 2. Monthly mailing of recipe cards to 900+ past clients 3. Monthly mailing of cheesy marketing tchotchkes to top 75 referral sources 4. Call/e-mail every past client on their birthday. E- mail works better. Give them a refi scenario and an- nual review. Ask them for referrals! 5. Contact and/or get a meeting with EVERY listing agent you close a deal with. Add them to your Daily Market Update e-mail and the monthly tchotchke mail- ing. If they don’t send you business after a year or two, take them off your tchotchke list. 6. Constantly ask for business! Ask every client, past and present, and any referral source for referrals every chance you get. Look for reasons to reach out to your REALTORS (in-process and past REALTORS) and ask them for more business! Kyndle Quinones, First Home Mortgage $53,332,659 – 155 units I am a hands-on loan officer who finds that the best way to generate new referral partners is to build trust. It all starts with a relationship. Even if you know your products and run a great operation, it could fail if the re- lationship isn’t in place. REALTORS are social people— they love to interact with one another and know that they have a strong support team behind them. Many of the agents I have worked with in the past have become close friends of mine. We respect and trust each other to get the job done and hold each other accountable for production. We meet quarterly to go over numbers to stay on track with our annual goals and always seek new ways to assist each other with marketing. Another big thing I do is that every time I get a lead, I immediately handwrite a thank-you letter to the referral source and to the prospective borrower. That way, the borrower receives it a few days after my call, along with my business cards and a handwritten note. I follow up with another letter to the agents thanking them once I get a ratified contract for a purchase. This has been a tremendous help for me this past year.  ■ PARKE QUINONES TOMLINSON   54    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016 SALES STRATEGIES
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  • 59. Mover Needle by Casey Cunningham CHANGE YOUR QUESTION AND YOU WILL CHANGE YOUR OUTCOME I t is a known fact that we all have the same amount of time every day, and yet how is it that some are much more productive than others? From speaking to many top producers and highly successful people over the years, I learned that the most successful ones are those who priori- tize their days based on what is most important in their business. After spending countless time observing and learning from these highly success- ful individuals, I picked up a business practice that made me very efficient for quite some time. What I did not know, however, was that there was an even better and more powerful business practice, which I eventually began using and still use today with extraordinary results. 2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    57  ORIGINATION STRATEGIES
  • 60. I n order to understand the full weight of how my current business practice is significant, the knowl- edge of my initial one will bring you important in- sight. The first business practice I religiously used was called the “Big Rocks” principle. The general idea is that you do the significant things, aka “big rocks,” first thing each day. With all of the demands and distractions each day, it is easy to get distracted and not get what is important completed. I saw a dem- onstration of this time management tactic with some- one using a glass jar, sand, and three big rocks. Imagine having a glass jar that represents the amount of time in your day and then imagine that the sand is all the interruptions, small tasks, and e-mails, and the three big rocks are the important things you need to get done that day. If you pour all of the sand into the jar, there ends up not being enough space for the three big rocks. This is the problem that most people have during their workday. They let the sand prioritize them, and then they never get the most im- portant things done. For example, they are in the middle of the “big rock” task, and then they receive an e-mail, switch their fo- cus, and start working on the “sand” task. Even worse, people arrive to work, look at their inboxes, and spend the entire day focused on the “sand” tasks in their in- boxes. This turns into a slippery slope, and eventually you are prioritizing every day by your e-mails, and there is not enough room for the “big rocks.” Then ultimately, you never get the important tasks done. So how do you manage your day, and what spe- cifically do you do? You focus on the “big rocks” (put them in the jar first) at the start of every day and get them done. I was definitely more productive than the average salesperson because of this business practice. I’ve seen people focus on the three most important things every day, get them done, and definitely become more productive… at least I thought!   58    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
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  • 62. B ecause this strategy worked so well for me and increased my efficiency, I shared this business practice with everyone. This was the process that helped me in getting things done. One day, however, an executive I had extremely high regard for in my company actually advised that this was not the most effective practice. He said there was an even better one for me to adopt. This better practice is the “Needle Mover” ex- ercise. He specifically said, “You have to change your question and you will change your outcome.” Then he asked me, “You might be getting three things done every day, but are they tasks that will change your company’s bottom line and the future of your orga- nization?” Of course, they were the three important things I needed to get done, but after reviewing the lists I kept, I realized they were not game changers for my company’s bottom line. He said, “Change the question. Don’t ask yourself what are three big rocks you need to get done. Ask yourself what are the three things that will move the needle in your business.” As I looked back, my big rocks, such as organize my desk, work on market- ing collateral, clear all e-mails, etc., were helpful, but they would not affect my business in the long run. So I changed the question, and it changed my outcome beyond what I could imagine. I could literally see the needle moving in my business. As a leader, the reality I had to understand was that all other things will get taken care of, but the ones we must prioritize are what drives our business’s top-line revenue because unlike the “sand” tasks, unless we focus on these, our sales will never be maximized at the level we desire. Changing the question moved the needle in my business. I recommend that anybody who is in sales or leadership in our industry start every Monday morning by writing down the three activities that will move the needle in their business. It is extremely important to ac- tually write them down, and it only takes a few minutes because the question is so powerful and the answers are quite often easy. So how do you get started? Begin with this exact question, “What are the three things that will move the needle in my business this week?” and write your answers down. These answers help in setting the priorities that will drive success and income. The key to these answers is to be extremely specific. These are supposed to be goal-oriented tasks, so they must be able to be measured. You must state who you are meeting with, the number of times you must call this referral source, and who you are having lunch with. Maximize your time to the fullest so you can achieve all of your needle movers by the end of the week.   60    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
  • 63. L et me drive a little further on this new discipline. When I ask salespeople in our industry, “What three things will move the needle in your busi- ness?” the right answer should be moneymaking activities such as “meet with a specific realtor.” They should not be activities like “maintain my pipeline.” You should be maintaining your pipeline at all times, and if all you did was maintain your pipeline, you would not experience growth. I can already hear the argument that maintaining your pipeline is important, and I do not disagree at all, BUT it is something that you should already be doing! These three needle movers are supposed to be production-driven. They are things that will increase the productivity of your team and/or increase your production. These are the three tasks that if you get them done by the end of the week, you will see a substantial change in your business. Your goal at the end of the week is to have com- pleted your three needle movers. The most important aspect of this business practice is to keep yourself ac- countable for your three things. In order to get things done in an effective manner, do not write the same thing two weeks in a row. The most effective people identify a task, write it down, then focus on the spe- cific task and get it done. When filling out and execut- ing these three needle movers, it is critical to focus on them so the next week, you can focus on new ones and you can continue to improve. When I changed my thought process and changed the question I asked myself every day, I began to focus on more substantial tasks. I left the “sand” to take care of itself and became a more effective leader and busi- ness owner. Don’t let it scare you when I say it will be taken care of. The “sand” tasks can still be done in be- tween your needle movers. However, they should not be your highest priorities anymore. They are not the tasks that are going to increase your production. In summary, to get started, I recommend every- one start each Monday morning by writing down the three things that will move the needle in their busi- ness. Once you have them written down, show these to your mentor, manager, and/or coach. This way, you can keep yourself accountable, and you also have a partner to keep you accountable. Start on the first needle mover, and once it is done, check it off and show your accountability partner. At the end of the week, use it as a report card to show yourself how well you are doing and what you need to focus on next week. Remember, try to ensure that your needle movers are different each week. If you put this business practice in place—start each Monday by asking yourself the powerful question, open every single day with your specific plan, and get them done by the end of the week—you’ll see a radical change in your business.  ■ CaseyCunningham is the chief executive officer and founder of Alpharetta, Georgia- based XINNIX, The Mortgage Academy, a provider of leader- ship development and mortgage sales training with comprehensive programs designed to enhance pro- ductivity, manager effectiveness and overall company profitability. She can be reached at KEYNOTE SPEAKER! SUMMIT LASVEGAS•JUNE4-5 2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    61  ORIGINATION STRATEGIES
  • 64. Mortgage Executive Magazine compiled the most comprehensive list of The Nation’s Top 1% of Mortgage Originators. The Top 100 Mortgage Originator list debuted in 1995 in Mortgage Originator Magazine. Mortgage Executive Magazine expanded the rankings to include the top 1% of the hundreds of thousands mortgage originators in the U.S in 2011. The minimum eligibility criteria are a total “personal” production of at least $30 million in 2015. Entries cannot include loan volume of associate originators or junior originators that earn a commission on the same loan files. Mortgage Executive Magazine seeks to recognize and celebrate the service, dedication, and hard work that leading mortgage professionals put into serving their clients during the home loan process. The Top 1% of Mortgage Originators Delivered Out- standing Results in a Challenging Mortgage Market TOP1%MORTGAGEORIGINATORS In America 2015
  • 65. TOP1%MORTGAGEORIGINATORS In America 2015 NAME COMPANY NAME COMPANY NAME COMPANY Mark Aalto Summit Funding Tyler Bahnsen Prospect Mortgage Michael Bischof Guaranteed Rate John Abraham Caliber Home Loans Mark Baker SWBC Mortgage Laurie Bisi Mountain West Financial Jason A. Accola Wintrust Mortgage Jeff Baker Guaranteed Rate Shaun Bittick Summit Funding Craig Achtzehn 1st Advantage Mortgage Pamela Baker On Q Financial James M. Black Wintrust Mortgage James Adair Sierra Pacific Mortgage Trey Baker Guild Mortgage Frank Blakeley Bay Equity Home Loans George Adair II Bay Equity Home Loans Mark Balley First Choice Loan Services Jonathan Blanciak Prospect Mortgage Jeff Adams Starkey Mortgage Joyce Ballmann PrimeLending Jason E. Blatt Wintrust Mortgage Jonathen Adams iMortgage Christy Balsbaugh Academy Mortgage Gary Blau On Q Financial Edward Ades Sterling National Bank Zachary Bammer Network Capital Brent Blaustein Summit Funding Lynnae Aguilar Academy Mortgage Michal Bander Guaranteed Rate Alexander Blunt PrimeLending Richard Alashaian NJ Lenders Corp. Craig Barber Fairway Independent Mortgage Brad Boden A and N Mortgage Services Christopher Albanese Mortgage Master Peter Barnes RPM Mortgage Ryan Boney UW Credit Union Steve Aledort Skyline Financial Lisa Barrera-Shepard PrimeLending Scott Bonora Mortgage Master Devyn Alexander PrimeLending Charles L. Barroll Jr. SWBC Mortgage Justin Bonura NJ Lenders Corp. Jimmy Alexander SWBC Mortgage Ryan Barry NJ Lenders Corp. Anne Borghesani First Home Mortgage Nancy Alexander Guaranteed Rate Jill Bartoletti Caliber Home Loans Brad Boswell Supreme Lending Jarred Alexandrov Fairway Independent Mortgage Robert Bassett PrimeLending Steve Boucher Guaranteed Rate Kent Allen Trident Mortgage Charles Bates Academy Mortgage Neil Bourdelaise First Home Mortgage Kellie Allen Guild Mortgage Austin Bates Homeowners Financial Group Michael Bowen Guild Mortgage Tanja L. Allen Fairway Independent Mortgage Giuseppe Battaglioli Hallmark Home Mortgage Michael Bower AnnieMac Home Mortgage Jon Altizer Guaranteed Rate RJ Baxter Fairway Independent Mortgage Monica Bowman Academy Mortgage Rene Alvarez PrimeLending Jeff Baxter Fairway Independent Mortgage Robin Bowman Trident Mortgage Derek Alverson Prosperity Mortgage Thomas Bayles Prospect Mortgage Austin Bowman Caliber Home Loans Vahram Amayakyan Wintrust Mortgage George R. Beavin Summit Funding Robert Bowman Mortgage Master Rodney P. Anderson American Pacific Mortgage Robin Beckner Fairway Independent Mortgage Lori Bowman Homeowners Financial Group Tracy Andreini Opes Advisors Gretchen Beems Talmer Bank and Trust Justin Boyd SWBC Mortgage Jeffrey Angelucci Guaranteed Rate Chris Beiriger Supreme Lending Gary Boyer Directors Mortgage Ryan Angier First Home Mortgage Melissa Bell McLean Mortgage Grace Bozick Guaranteed Rate Michael Aning American Pacific Mortgage Anne Bell iMortgage Tuck Bradford Mortgage Master Mark Anselmo Trident Mortgage Grant Bellis Mortgage Services III Cynthia Bradley Wallick Volk Darran Anthony First Home Mortgage Kara Beltran Academy Mortgage Erin Bradley Fairway Independent Mortgage Joseph Antonios United Bank Brad Benham Towne Mortgage of Carolinas Mark Bragaw McLean Mortgage Vincent Apostolico McLean Mortgage Trevor Bennett Caliber Home Loans Simon Brais Movement Mortgage Bradley Arendt PrimeLending Alan Ben-Porat Skyline Home Loans Ian Brannon NOVA Home Loans Daniel Arias Skyline Home Loans Glenn Benson Prosperity Mortgage Kurt Branstetter W.J. Bradley Mortgage David Arocho PrimeLending Kevin Bent Caliber Home Loans Roger Brasil Guaranteed Rate Jeffrey Aronheim MegaStar Financial Rick Berardino Guaranteed Rate Michael Braun NJ Lenders Corp. Matthew Arrillaga Wintrust Mortgage Rob Berg RPM Mortgage Cheryl Braunschweiger NOVA Home Loans Amber Arwine Guaranteed Rate Kevin Berju Trident Mortgage Gavin Brayce Guild Mortgage Tish Ashley Highlands Residential Mortgage Laurent Berman EagleBank Cameron Breed SWBC Mortgage Lidia Aslanian Banc of California Julie Berndt SWBC Mortgage Marc Bristol Guaranteed Rate John Assily RPM Mortgage Dave Berryman Talmer Bank and Trust Kelli Broadbent SWBC Mortgage Matthew Attaya Residential Mortgage Services Carrie Bertsos Guaranteed Rate Ari Brody Guaranteed Rate Andrew Austin Caliber Home Loans Shaul Betesh Guaranteed Rate Matthew Brothers PrimeLending Eduardo Avakian Skyline Home Loans Wade Betz Guardian Mortgage Company Gary Brough Academy Mortgage Todd Avakian Sierra Pacific Mortgage Scott Beyer PrimeLending Bryan Brown Guaranteed Rate Fernando Ayala Academy Mortgage Joseph Bigelman John Adams Mortgage Rebecca Brown Caliber Home Loans Marc Aymard First Home Mortgage Stephen Bighaus SecurityNational Mortgage Stuart Brown Guild Mortgage Christian Babcock Mortgage Master Todd Binkley Gateway Mortgage Jim Brown Guaranteed Rate Alex Babiniec First California Mortgage Nancy Birge-Jacobs George Mason Mortgage Julie Brown Guild Mortgage 2016  •  MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE    63 
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TOP1%MORTGAGEORIGINATORS In America 2015 NAME COMPANY NAME COMPANY NAME COMPANY Dustin Brumley Caliber Home Loans Darren Chamblee McLean Mortgage Brian Cushing Guild Mortgage Michelle Bruto da Costa HomeBridge Financial Services Scott Chapman PrimeLending Greg Cutt Guaranteed Rate Sheila Bryan Caliber Home Loans Dan Chapman HomeBridge Financial Services Dawn Elin Cychner American Pacific Mortgage Eric Bryce Guaranteed Rate Kevin Chase Mortgage Master Adam Dahill Mortgage Master Linda Buchanan Caliber Home Loans Ben Chenault Jr. Fairway Independent Mortgage Jonathan Dailey Prosperity Mortgage Brandon Buchardt PrimeLending Ian Chi First Choice Loan Services Ann Dain Caliber Home Loans Ryan Buckholdt Opes Advisors Brian Chisholm Capital Bank Jacob Darwish Prosperity Mortgage Mason Buckles Caliber Home Loans Daniel Chookaszian Perl Mortgage Heidi Daunt American Pacific Mortgage Bob Buehler Guaranteed Rate Charles Christensen American Pacific Mortgage Nancy Davis Supreme Lending Marc Bui iMortgage Ian Clardy Trident Mortgage Kris Davis Guild Mortgage Beata Bukowski Ultimate Rate Mortgage Ted Clay Starkey Mortgage Monica Davis Guild Mortgage Eric Burba Guaranteed Rate Yvette Clermont Inlanta Mortgage Mark Davis Caliber Home Loans Gary Burch George Mason Mortgage Steven Clifton Mountain West Financial Matthew Davis Caliber Home Loans Joe Burke Guaranteed Rate Wendee Close American Pacific Mortgage Sandy Davis Residential Home Funding Jerad Burke Mountain West Financial Tony Close American Pacific Mortgage Lawrence Davis PrimeLending Kim Burke LeaderOne Financial Corp. Stacey Cobb Supreme Lending Scott T. Davis RPM Mortgage Marcus Burnstine Prospect Mortgage Jonathan Coccia Mortgage Master Gregory De Mars PrimeLending Carese Busby Caliber Home Loans Rachelle Coffey Homeowners Financial Group Matthew DeCesaro HomeBridge Financial Services David Butler American Pacific Mortgage Daniel Coggins Fairway Independent Mortgage Dustin Dehart NOVA Home Loans Candace Buzan PrimeLending Mickey Cogliandro Jr. Guaranteed Rate Marcel Deitrich Starkey Mortgage Erick Byrd RPM Mortgage Adam Cohen Mortgage Master Stephen Delagrange Guaranteed Rate Kathleen Caddell Fairway Independent Mortgage Michael Cohenour Wintrust Mortgage Danny Delgado Guaranteed Rate Elizabeth Calabrese George Mason Mortgage Aaron Coker RPM Mortgage Steve Dellario Caliber Home Loans Dave Caldwell Guaranteed Rate Michael Colando HomeBridge Financial Services Sharon Dellay Prospect Mortgage Pamela Caldwell Starkey Mortgage Amber Coleman SecurityNational Mortgage Michael DeMorato PrimeLending Victor Cale HomeBridge Financial Services Terry Coleman iMortgage Joanne Demorest Wallick Volk Kathleen Calumet A and N Mortgage Services Matthew Colimore PrimeLending Nancy Denicola Mortgage Master Tony Campuzano Prospect Mortgage Steven Compagno RPM Mortgage Josh Denlow 1st Advantage Mortgage Adam Canter Guaranteed Rate Paul Conigliari PrimeLending Aaron Denton Summit Funding Chad Cantrell Starkey Mortgage Ann Contreras First Choice Loan Services Michael DeRosa William Raveis Mortgage Anthony Cardinali Mortgage Master Victoria Conway W.J. Bradley Mortgage Chris Devin Guaranteed Rate Sue Carlson RPM Mortgage Bob Cooley Guild Mortgage Herb Devine Fairway Independent Mortgage Scott Caroselli PrimeLending Craig M. Cooper United Bank Heather Devoto First Home Mortgage Bob Carr 1st Advantage Mortgage Eric Corbett PrimeLending Kevin Diamond Guaranteed Rate Richard Carrie PrimeLending John Cortissoz SWBC Mortgage Fernando Diaz Prospect Mortgage Brian Carson Starkey Mortgage Peter Costakos Mortgage Master Franca DiFrancesco Apex Home Loans Dawn Carter Directors Mortgage Rodney Coulombe Caliber Home Loans Richard Dillman Caliber Home Loans Heather Mason Carter New American Funding Todd Craig NOVA Home Loans Brenda Dintino New American Funding Shea Case Skyline Home Loans Kristin Lee Crane American Pacific Mortgage Jeff Divack Intercoastal Mortgage Company Brian Case Guild Mortgage Jon Crawford Academy Mortgage Sean Donahue Supreme Lending Debbie Cash Starkey Mortgage Kim Crea NOVA Home Loans Christine Doolittle Banc of California Phyllis Casillas On Q Financial Heather Creveling Summit Funding Megan Doonan RPM Mortgage Michelle Castle Guild Mortgage Chad Crithfield Caliber Home Loans Doug Dreiman PrimeLending Michael Certo Fairway Independent Mortgage Robert Crosby First Choice Loan Services Harold Dubin Mortgage Master Michael Chabot On Q Financial Daniel Crosley PrimeLending Dana E. Dukelow Wintrust Mortgage Mark Chaffee Mortgage Financial Amy Crowell PrimeLending Karen Dulmage First Home Mortgage Myron Chamberlain PrimeLending Kelly Crowther iMortgage BeLinda Dumas Caliber Home Loans Luke Chamberlin NJ Lenders Corp. Brad Cullipher Bridgeview Bank Mortgage Dennis Duncan PrimeLending Carleton Chambers Prosperity Mortgage Kara Currey Guild Mortgage Joseph Dunn George Mason Mortgage Troy Chambers RPM Mortgage Danny Currie Homeside Financial Michael Dunsky Guaranteed Rate   64    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016
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  • 68. TOP1%MORTGAGEORIGINATORS In America 2015 NAME COMPANY NAME COMPANY NAME COMPANY Thug Duong PrimeLending Scott Fleming PrimeLending Chris Goodman SWBC Mortgage Jennifer DuPlesis MVB Mortgage Carolyn Flitcroft First Home Mortgage Tricia Goodwin George Mason Mortgage Chris Duskin Guild Mortgage TJ Flodin 1st Advantage Mortgage Aaron Gordon Guild Mortgage Blake Eagal Summit Funding Robert Flynn William Raveis Mortgage Danny Gore Mortgage Master Ryan Eberhardt Diamond Residential Mortgage Loretta Flynn McLean Mortgage Nick Gouche Vault Mortgage Andrew Ebner Caliber Home Loans Francesco Foggia Guaranteed Rate Nicholas J. Gouche American Pacific Mortgage Denise Echeverria W.J. Bradley Mortgage Danny Forbes Umpqua Bank Richard Graeff Banc of California Jodie Eckert Caliber Home Loans Eric Formiller New American Funding Michael Graff Prosperity Mortgage Brian Eddy VanDyk Mortgage Corporation Michael Fornerette Guild Mortgage Brenton Grant 1st Advantage Mortgage Connie Eddy SWBC Mortgage Christopher Fountain TowneBank Mortgage Brooks Grasso Fulton Mortgage Sandy Edelstein Prospect Mortgage Ben Fox George Mason Mortgage Matthew Gratalo HomeBridge Financial Services Amie Edmondson Prospect Mortgage Patrick Fox Caliber Home Loans Christopher Graves Sierra Pacific Mortgage James Egbert HomeBridge Financial Services Cindy Fraioli Guild Mortgage Milo Grecian GEM Mortgage Jody Eichenblatt Prosperity Mortgage Eugene Frazier PrimeLending Becca Green Guild Mortgage Gregory Elliott GEM Mortgage Cheryl Freeman George Mason Mortgage Stephanie Green RPM Mortgage Jennifer Ellison RPM Mortgage Sean Fritts McLean Mortgage Brett Green Guild Mortgage Trisha Emmen Guild Mortgage Aaron Fritz Academy Mortgage Traci Green Wallick Volk Eric Engel Caliber Home Loans Gino Fronti Skyline Home Loans Andy Greenstein Guaranteed Rate Scott Enger PrimeLending Diane Fry Fairway Independent Mortgage Jane Gregg Wallick Volk Ron Erdman Guaranteed Rate Lea Frye George Mason Mortgage Jason Griesser Prospect Mortgage Randy Ernst Guaranteed Rate Tom Fullen Trident Mortgage Vanya Griffith-Mayes Starkey Mortgage Darlene Espinoza RPM Mortgage Brandon Funk American Pacific Mortgage Jennifer Grillo George Mason Mortgage Tonya Esquibel Summit Funding Thomas Furey Guaranteed Rate Mor Grinberg Network Capital James Etheridge First Choice Loan Services Lisa Furnell Raymond James Christopher Grizzell Caliber Home Loans Catherine Eusea First California Mortgage Greg Gale NOVA Home Loans Nikki Groff Wallick Volk Derek Evans First Home Mortgage Michael Gambatese Guaranteed Rate John Grosso William Raveis Mortgage Scott Evans LeaderOne Financial Corp. Michael J. Gamble Wintrust Mortgage Tony Guaraldi Guaranteed Rate Daniel Evans Movement Mortgage Marsha Gandy Guaranteed Rate Jennifer Guidry Benchmark Mortgage Brad Evered Caliber Home Loans Kristy Gannon iMortgage Bruce Guinn Starkey Mortgage Mark Everts Caliber Home Loans Philip Ganz Fairway Independent Mortgage Lisa Gustafson iMortgage Justin Exner Fairway Independent Mortgage Silverio Garcia GEM Mortgage Michelle Guth American Pacific Mortgage William Ezell NOVA Home Loans Matt Garcia Supreme Lending Alex Gutierrez On Q Financial Ramez Fahmy Caliber Home Loans Adrian Gastelum NOVA Home Loans Mona Guynn Prosperity Mortgage Jennifer Fairfield Guaranteed Rate Thomas Gates Mortgage Master Chawki Hage PrimeLending Mike Fake RPM Mortgage Umar Gebril Academy Mortgage Jeff Halbert First Home Mortgage Matthew Falconer American Pacific Mortgage Hong Geng Guaranteed Rate Michael D. Hales Flagship Financial Group Mike Farrell First Home Mortgage Lana Geraghty On Q Financial Jonathan Hallstead Bay Equity Home Loans Bob Faust 1st Advantage Mortgage Fif Ghobadian American Pacific Mortgage Eric Halm George Mason Mortgage Mandi Feely Premier Mortgage Resources Dave Gibbs Mortgage Master John Hanifin Mortgage Master Ray Ferguson Bay Equity Home Loans Melissa Gibson Caliber Home Loans Mark Hanna Directors Mortgage Aisling Ferguson American Pacific Mortgage Kyle Gillespie Guaranteed Rate Rebecca Hansen Guild Mortgage William Ferrall W.J. Bradley Mortgage Kevin Gillis Mortgage Master Matthew Hanson MegaStar Financial Savvas Fetfatsidis Guaranteed Rate John Gillis Mortgage Master Chris Hardy Embrace Home Loans Charadie Finkle Academy Mortgage Mary Glavin Wintrust Mortgage Erik Hargrave PrimeLending Michael Fisher Caliber Home Loans Nancy Glover Caliber Home Loans Barb Harkins Premier Residential Mortgage Mara Fisher Trident Mortgage Lindsey Goins Movement Mortgage Matt Harris Academy Mortgage Ann Flaherty First Home Mortgage Jon A. Goldman Wintrust Mortgage Tim Harrison Broadview Mortgage Carol Flanagan Guild Mortgage Armando Gonzalez iMortgage Jeff Hart Supreme Lending Kevin Flannery Mortgage Master Ronald G. Goodlin Banc of California Jeannette Hartmann American Pacific Mortgage Lisa Fleck Summit Funding Greg Goodman SWBC Mortgage Laura E. Hartnell American Pacific Mortgage   66    MORTGAGE EXECUTIVE  •  2016