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  Reasons To Linger In The Capital
  Skip the capital of the Philippines and you’ll be missing out on historic treasures
  – a resilient 400-year-old church, a reconstructed Spanish period house and a
  restaurant rivalling its colonial counterpart, says AlAn C. Robles. He takes you on a stroll
  through the cobbled streets of Intramuros, and promises you won’t want to leave.

             ou might have heard this      billboards too large, and – are       noted politely that Manila’s traffic
             said about Manila: It’s the   those vendors standing in the         was “difficult to control”.)
             city you arrive in and say    middle of the road actually              But try not to judge. The city’s
             goodbye to as fast as you     offering plumbing tools to passing    charms are hidden, and discovering
  can, staying only long enough to         motorists? (Manila’s traffic snarls   them is a reward in itself.
  catch the local flight to the golden     are legendary. And historical. In a      Manila is a city of fusion – and
  beaches of Boracay, Panglao or           novel he wrote in 1887, Philippine    confusion. Built and sustained
  Puerto Princesa.                         national hero Jose Rizal described    by centuries of trade, it brought
      After all, at first glance the       the crush of horse-drawn              together Malays, Chinese,
  Philippine capital doesn’t offer         carriages – calesas – in the narrow   Spaniards and Americans – with
  much by way of tourist appeal.           streets, where coachmen yelled        a smattering of Indians and
  It’s crowded. Hot. Grimy. The            at pedestrians to stand aside.        Japanese – in a melting pot which
  buildings are nondescript,               In 1938, an American newsreel         hasn’t stopped simmering. Of the >>    The garden at San Agustin,
                                                                                                                        the oldest church in the
                                                                                                                        Philippines, and a UNESCO
                                                                                                                        World Heritage site.
SilverKris 4 8

                                                                                                                                                                                                       FROM LEFT: Jeepneys, a colourful form
                                                                                                                                                                                                       of public transport in Manila, add to
                                                                                                                                                                                                       its legendary traffic jams, along with
                                                                                                                                                                                                       vendors plying everything from balloons
                                                                                                                                                                                                       to plumbing tools; a statue of Spain’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                       King Carlos IV presides over the small
                                                                                                                                                                                                       park in front of Manila Cathedral.

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Employing Chinese and
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Filipino artisans, the Spaniards
                                                                                                                                                                                                       proceeded to build a medieval
                                                                                                                                                                                                       city, complete with churches,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       cobblestone streets and plazas,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       all encircled by a moat and a stone
                                                                                                                                                                                                       wall. I’ve stood in the cathedral
                                                                                                                                                                                                       square – now called Plaza Roma
                                                                                                                                                                                                       – imagining how it looked when
                                                                                                                                                                                                       it was an arena for bullfights,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       when monks chanted vespers in
                                                                                                                                                                                                       nearby churches, and when, in
                                                                                                                                                                                                       the nearby royal palace, ambitious
                                                                                                                                                                                                       governor-generals plotted to
                                                                                                                                                                                                       extend imperial Spain’s power in
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Asia, or dipped into the profits
                                                                                                                                                                                                       of the galleon trade. Now, the >>

  East and West, Rudyard Kipling         for Filipino), whose passion for     – Ping, Lotlot, Bing, Bong – Ivan         blue seas off Palawan, and stayed        heart – the 64 hectares
  declared: Never the twain shall        this city is unmatched, laments      has neither.                              in Davao’s Pearl Farm. But Manila?       of fortified history called
  meet. But in Manila they didn’t just   how even Manileños overlook              What he does have, is a               My address. What else was there          Intramuros, the Walled City. This
  meet, they went out on dates, got      the treasures of their culture.      mention in Lonely Planet. Last            to say?                                  is where it all began: In the small
  married and had a large family.        A mestizo (Spanish for ‘mixed        year, he escorted celebrity chef             Plenty, and no one says it better     park in front of Manila Cathedral
     In this capital, you’ll come        ancestry’) of traders from           Anthony Bourdain on a food tour           than Ivan. He leads walking tours        (, the
  across massive Spanish                 Southern China who came here         of Manila (“He liked our lumpia” –        ( – often         statue of Spain’s King Carlos
  baroque churches, colourful            generations ago, Ivan, like most     Filipino fried spring rolls, he muses).   under the hot sun – that last three      IV marks the spot where,
  Buddhist and Hindu temples, and        of our population, is descended           “There’s richness and diversity      to five hours. Far from lynching         438 years ago, a doughty old
  American colonial buildings built      from several nationalities, and as   and character – if you’d only try,”       him, his clients enthusiastically sign   conquistador plunged his
  in grand beaux-arts style by the       Filipino as we come. Unlike many     he declares. I daren’t confess            up for repeats.                          sword into a tree trunk and
  same architect who designed            of the population though, who        to him that years back, I too                The city is dauntingly huge           defiantly proclaimed the
  Washington DC’s Union Station.         have proper Spanish first names      belonged to the ‘Any place but            though, making it hard for a visitor     founding of Manila on
     Ivan Man Dy, a thin, fast-talking   – Jose, Eduardo, Concepcion          Manila’ club. I’d seen the mountain       to decide where to start.                the site of a former
  Chinoy (‘Chinese’ plus ‘Pinoy’         – or uniquely Filipino nicknames     provinces north, the unbelievably            You’ll want to go to its Spanish      Muslim town.

SilverKris 50

                 governor’s palace is gone, the                  l’oeil ceiling, an ornate mural
                 square a tree-lined park bustling               in golden three-dimensional
                 with vendors and schoolchildren;                effect, and the seats of the choir
                 nearby, government employees                    lofts, handcarved out of tropical
                 dodge motorists as they cross                   hardwood. Near the elaborate
                 the street to lunch at one of the               altar is the tomb of Miguel Lopez
                 carinderias (budget eateries).                  de Legazpi, the conquistador who
                     Commerce was Manila’s                       founded Manila.
                 lifeblood. For two centuries, the                  Across the street from San
                 city relied on the Manila Galleons,             Agustin is Plaza San Luis, a
                 treasure ships which brought in                 complex of restored buildings
                 settlers and Mexican silver, and                recalling Intramuros in the late
                 then loaded up on Chinese goods,                1800s. Its heart is Casa Manila,
                 brought annually by fleets of junks.            a three-storey museum in a
                     Repeatedly battered by                      reconstructed Spanish period
                 earthquakes, the city always                    house complete with courtyard,
                 rebuilt itself (Manila Cathedral is             a well, and garages for the horse-
                 in its eighth incarnation). And the             drawn carriages. The house
                 last catastrophe – World War II                 is sumptuously furnished with
                 – destroyed most of Manila. The                 antiques and artwork reflecting
                 only structures left standing, were             the tastes of affluent Spanish and
                 the walls themselves – and one                  mestizo Filipinos families in the
                 unique church, which you’ll find by             1880s. Wander through its many
                 walking down General Luna Street                rooms and private chapel, and
                 away from the cathedral.                        marvel at the gorgeous fittings
                     You’re looking for the 403-year-            – Venetian chandeliers, intricately
                 old San Agustin church (www.                    carved mahogany furniture and
       ,                  gleaming wooden floors polished
                  the oldest in the Philippines and              to a shine by coconut husks.
                    a UNESCO World Heritage site.                The windows are fitted with
                     Built in 1606, San Agustin has              translucent mother of pearl panes,
                      withstood everything nature                effectively turning harsh sunlight
                       and man has thrown against                into gentle natural lighting.
                        it – earthquakes, looting                   For me, this stretch of street
                          and bombardments. Its                  between San Agustin and Plaza
                          beige exterior is plain and            San Luis comes closest to evoking
                     unremarkable, although the                  what the ancient city must have
                 elaborately carved wooden door,                 been like. Occasionally, a calesa
                 as well as the Chinese stone lions              will drive by, the horse’s hooves
                 guarding the courtyard, hint of                 clip-clopping on the cobblestone
                 what’s to come.                                 streets. All it lacks is the armoured
                       And the interior is indeed                conquistador.
                       impressive, with its trompe                  If you’re in need of refreshment
                                                                 at this point, it’s a short walk two
                         CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT:                blocks down from San Agustin, to
                       Cultural fusion in Manila – a statue of   the El Amanecer compound, where
                     a Roman Catholic saint is guarded by        my favourite Intramuros restaurant,
                   a Chinese stone lion at the San Agustin       Ilustrado (http://ilustradorestaurant.
                 church; sampaguita ice cream, available at, awaits.
                 Ilustrado restaurant, which serves up top-
                                                                    It’s a well-lit, graciously
                 notch Spanish fare; the elaborately carved
                                                                 appointed, fine-dining
                 main door of San Agustin; Ivan Man Dy,
                 one of Manila’s most famous guides; inside      establishment – try the Paella
                 San Agustin – its trompe l’oeil ceiling and     Ilustrado, and the sampaguita
                 main sanctuary inspire awe.                     ice cream, a sherbet delicately >>

SilverKris 5 2

  infused with the fragrance of the         researched and entertainingly
  national flower. The last time I was      presented (for his Chinatown
  there, a Spanish tourist sitting          group he dons a hat and pigtails),
  at a table nearby, in his loud and        Ivan’s tours strip the grime away:
  fervent appreciation of the paella,       Where you’d see a crowded
  insisted he meet the chef to tell         intersection jammed with blaring
  him it was better than anything           traffic, Ivan shows a graceful
  he’d tasted back home.                    Spanish-period plaza, complete
      After this you can resume             with fountains, fronting an
  your stroll to the stone walls, and       ostensibly Catholic church built
  up the Baluarte de San Andres,            along Chinese lines (the belltower
  which has a spectacular view of           is octagonal, like a pagoda’s).
  Manila City Hall and the National            Ivan probably won’t tell you,
  Museum. You can make a nearly             but I will: After doing Intramuros
  complete circuit of the walls, but        and Binondo, you’ll want to take a
  it’s a 4.5km walk. If all of this is      45-minute taxi ride to the tiangge
  beginning to sound like work, a           (bazaar) in Vmall (popularly
  company called Jeepney Tours              called Virra Mall) within Greenhills
  ( can                Shopping Center (www.greenhills.
  pick you up at your hotel in an , my favourite shopping          CLOCKWISE FROM ABOVE: The
                                                                                    sign for Casa Manila, a museum in a
  air-conditioned version of Manila’s       centre. It’s actually closer to a
                                                                                    reconstructed Spanish period house;
  famous, gaudy and entirely                bazaar than a mall, and offers          the bazaar in Vmall sells a staggering
  unmistakable public vehicle. A day        nearly everything, but is most          variety of items, including South
  tour of Intramuros, with lunch and a      famous for its South Sea pearls,        Sea pearls; Manila Hotel, the city’s
  visit to the gigantic SM Mall of Asia     sold by Muslims belonging to the        oldest; a Catholic church in Binondo,
  ( along the          Maranaw tribe – an ethnic group         historic Chinatown; a road sign in
                                                                                    Chinatown; horse-drawn carriages ply
  bay, will cost about US$40.               famed for centuries as traders.
                                                                                    Intramuros, in front of Casa Manila.
      You should also consider              Queen Sofia of Spain supposedly                                                  >>
  heading to the National Museum            had no qualms shopping here.
  (                  That side trip over, is there        fast fac ts
  philmuseum/index) complex,                anything else worth doing in
  which includes a permanent                Manila? I won’t bother going into
                                                                                    Philippines Pesos (PHP)
  collection on the Manila Galleon,         the music and entertainment
  and check out the Manila Hotel            scene, because most visitors            US$1 = 49 PHP
  ( – the           won’t have any problems finding            VISA
  city’s oldest hotel and a historic site   that. But if you’re looking for         Requirements vary, but US,
  in its own right. Ernest Hemingway        another day trip, I’d suggest           EU and Asean nationals can
  once stayed here, and General             the Pasig River in the new air-         stay up to 21 days without
  Douglas MacArthur called the top          conditioned ferry (Tel: 63 2 882        a visa. Check
  floor of the old wing his home.           5734 for daily schedules).
                                                                                    ph/faqs/visa.asp for details.
      And still I’d say, after all this,       Ivan has his own preference:
                                                                                       BEST TIME TO VISIT
  your introduction to Manila has           “The Malacañang Palace museum
  barely started. You have to do            (official residence of the President)   November to February when
  what the city did – move beyond           (, which           the weather is cool, between
  Intramuros’ walls. South-east lies        nobody knows about. And for             21°C-28°C. Christmas is the
  Makati, which teems with malls            quirkiness and flamboyance, the         country’s biggest holiday,
  and coffee shops. North is where          Chinese cemetery in the suburb          when most Filipinos pull out
  you’ll discover the city’s character,     of Santa Cruz in northern Manila.       the stops in their celebrations.
  and you’d do well to get in touch         There’s nothing like it anywhere.”
                                                                                       HOW TO GE T THERE
  with Ivan there.                             But let’s just save that for when
                                                                                    Singapore Airlines flies 3 times
      One of his favourite areas            you come back to Manila. You’ve
  lies just across the river from           already stayed longer than you          daily from Singapore to Manila.
  the Walled City: Binondo, the             intended, and you still have that          MORE INFORMATION
  historic Chinatown. Painstakingly         plane to Panglao to catch…    

SilverKris 5 4

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Medieval Manila

  • 1. TRAVEL �edieval �anila Reasons To Linger In The Capital Skip the capital of the Philippines and you’ll be missing out on historic treasures – a resilient 400-year-old church, a reconstructed Spanish period house and a restaurant rivalling its colonial counterpart, says AlAn C. Robles. He takes you on a stroll through the cobbled streets of Intramuros, and promises you won’t want to leave. Y ou might have heard this billboards too large, and – are noted politely that Manila’s traffic said about Manila: It’s the those vendors standing in the was “difficult to control”.) city you arrive in and say middle of the road actually But try not to judge. The city’s goodbye to as fast as you offering plumbing tools to passing charms are hidden, and discovering can, staying only long enough to motorists? (Manila’s traffic snarls them is a reward in itself. catch the local flight to the golden are legendary. And historical. In a Manila is a city of fusion – and beaches of Boracay, Panglao or novel he wrote in 1887, Philippine confusion. Built and sustained Puerto Princesa. national hero Jose Rizal described by centuries of trade, it brought After all, at first glance the the crush of horse-drawn together Malays, Chinese, Philippine capital doesn’t offer carriages – calesas – in the narrow Spaniards and Americans – with much by way of tourist appeal. streets, where coachmen yelled a smattering of Indians and It’s crowded. Hot. Grimy. The at pedestrians to stand aside. Japanese – in a melting pot which buildings are nondescript, In 1938, an American newsreel hasn’t stopped simmering. Of the >> The garden at San Agustin, the oldest church in the Philippines, and a UNESCO World Heritage site. SilverKris 4 8
  • 2. TRAVEL FROM LEFT: Jeepneys, a colourful form of public transport in Manila, add to its legendary traffic jams, along with vendors plying everything from balloons to plumbing tools; a statue of Spain’s King Carlos IV presides over the small park in front of Manila Cathedral. Employing Chinese and Filipino artisans, the Spaniards proceeded to build a medieval city, complete with churches, cobblestone streets and plazas, all encircled by a moat and a stone wall. I’ve stood in the cathedral square – now called Plaza Roma – imagining how it looked when it was an arena for bullfights, when monks chanted vespers in nearby churches, and when, in the nearby royal palace, ambitious governor-generals plotted to extend imperial Spain’s power in Asia, or dipped into the profits of the galleon trade. Now, the >> East and West, Rudyard Kipling for Filipino), whose passion for – Ping, Lotlot, Bing, Bong – Ivan blue seas off Palawan, and stayed heart – the 64 hectares declared: Never the twain shall this city is unmatched, laments has neither. in Davao’s Pearl Farm. But Manila? of fortified history called meet. But in Manila they didn’t just how even Manileños overlook What he does have, is a My address. What else was there Intramuros, the Walled City. This meet, they went out on dates, got the treasures of their culture. mention in Lonely Planet. Last to say? is where it all began: In the small married and had a large family. A mestizo (Spanish for ‘mixed year, he escorted celebrity chef Plenty, and no one says it better park in front of Manila Cathedral In this capital, you’ll come ancestry’) of traders from Anthony Bourdain on a food tour than Ivan. He leads walking tours (, the across massive Spanish Southern China who came here of Manila (“He liked our lumpia” – ( – often statue of Spain’s King Carlos baroque churches, colourful generations ago, Ivan, like most Filipino fried spring rolls, he muses). under the hot sun – that last three IV marks the spot where, Buddhist and Hindu temples, and of our population, is descended “There’s richness and diversity to five hours. Far from lynching 438 years ago, a doughty old American colonial buildings built from several nationalities, and as and character – if you’d only try,” him, his clients enthusiastically sign conquistador plunged his in grand beaux-arts style by the Filipino as we come. Unlike many he declares. I daren’t confess up for repeats. sword into a tree trunk and same architect who designed of the population though, who to him that years back, I too The city is dauntingly huge defiantly proclaimed the Washington DC’s Union Station. have proper Spanish first names belonged to the ‘Any place but though, making it hard for a visitor founding of Manila on Ivan Man Dy, a thin, fast-talking – Jose, Eduardo, Concepcion Manila’ club. I’d seen the mountain to decide where to start. the site of a former Chinoy (‘Chinese’ plus ‘Pinoy’ – or uniquely Filipino nicknames provinces north, the unbelievably You’ll want to go to its Spanish Muslim town. SilverKris 50
  • 3. TRAVEL governor’s palace is gone, the l’oeil ceiling, an ornate mural square a tree-lined park bustling in golden three-dimensional with vendors and schoolchildren; effect, and the seats of the choir nearby, government employees lofts, handcarved out of tropical dodge motorists as they cross hardwood. Near the elaborate the street to lunch at one of the altar is the tomb of Miguel Lopez carinderias (budget eateries). de Legazpi, the conquistador who Commerce was Manila’s founded Manila. lifeblood. For two centuries, the Across the street from San city relied on the Manila Galleons, Agustin is Plaza San Luis, a treasure ships which brought in complex of restored buildings settlers and Mexican silver, and recalling Intramuros in the late then loaded up on Chinese goods, 1800s. Its heart is Casa Manila, brought annually by fleets of junks. a three-storey museum in a Repeatedly battered by reconstructed Spanish period earthquakes, the city always house complete with courtyard, rebuilt itself (Manila Cathedral is a well, and garages for the horse- in its eighth incarnation). And the drawn carriages. The house last catastrophe – World War II is sumptuously furnished with – destroyed most of Manila. The antiques and artwork reflecting only structures left standing, were the tastes of affluent Spanish and the walls themselves – and one mestizo Filipinos families in the unique church, which you’ll find by 1880s. Wander through its many walking down General Luna Street rooms and private chapel, and away from the cathedral. marvel at the gorgeous fittings You’re looking for the 403-year- – Venetian chandeliers, intricately old San Agustin church (www. carved mahogany furniture and, gleaming wooden floors polished the oldest in the Philippines and to a shine by coconut husks. a UNESCO World Heritage site. The windows are fitted with Built in 1606, San Agustin has translucent mother of pearl panes, withstood everything nature effectively turning harsh sunlight and man has thrown against into gentle natural lighting. it – earthquakes, looting For me, this stretch of street and bombardments. Its between San Agustin and Plaza beige exterior is plain and San Luis comes closest to evoking unremarkable, although the what the ancient city must have elaborately carved wooden door, been like. Occasionally, a calesa as well as the Chinese stone lions will drive by, the horse’s hooves guarding the courtyard, hint of clip-clopping on the cobblestone what’s to come. streets. All it lacks is the armoured And the interior is indeed conquistador. impressive, with its trompe If you’re in need of refreshment at this point, it’s a short walk two CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: blocks down from San Agustin, to Cultural fusion in Manila – a statue of the El Amanecer compound, where a Roman Catholic saint is guarded by my favourite Intramuros restaurant, a Chinese stone lion at the San Agustin Ilustrado (http://ilustradorestaurant. church; sampaguita ice cream, available at, awaits. Ilustrado restaurant, which serves up top- It’s a well-lit, graciously notch Spanish fare; the elaborately carved appointed, fine-dining main door of San Agustin; Ivan Man Dy, one of Manila’s most famous guides; inside establishment – try the Paella San Agustin – its trompe l’oeil ceiling and Ilustrado, and the sampaguita main sanctuary inspire awe. ice cream, a sherbet delicately >> 52 SilverKris 5 2
  • 4. TRAVEL infused with the fragrance of the researched and entertainingly national flower. The last time I was presented (for his Chinatown there, a Spanish tourist sitting group he dons a hat and pigtails), at a table nearby, in his loud and Ivan’s tours strip the grime away: fervent appreciation of the paella, Where you’d see a crowded insisted he meet the chef to tell intersection jammed with blaring him it was better than anything traffic, Ivan shows a graceful he’d tasted back home. Spanish-period plaza, complete After this you can resume with fountains, fronting an your stroll to the stone walls, and ostensibly Catholic church built up the Baluarte de San Andres, along Chinese lines (the belltower which has a spectacular view of is octagonal, like a pagoda’s). Manila City Hall and the National Ivan probably won’t tell you, Museum. You can make a nearly but I will: After doing Intramuros complete circuit of the walls, but and Binondo, you’ll want to take a it’s a 4.5km walk. If all of this is 45-minute taxi ride to the tiangge beginning to sound like work, a (bazaar) in Vmall (popularly company called Jeepney Tours called Virra Mall) within Greenhills ( can Shopping Center (www.greenhills. pick you up at your hotel in an, my favourite shopping CLOCKWISE FROM ABOVE: The sign for Casa Manila, a museum in a air-conditioned version of Manila’s centre. It’s actually closer to a reconstructed Spanish period house; famous, gaudy and entirely bazaar than a mall, and offers the bazaar in Vmall sells a staggering unmistakable public vehicle. A day nearly everything, but is most variety of items, including South tour of Intramuros, with lunch and a famous for its South Sea pearls, Sea pearls; Manila Hotel, the city’s visit to the gigantic SM Mall of Asia sold by Muslims belonging to the oldest; a Catholic church in Binondo, ( along the Maranaw tribe – an ethnic group historic Chinatown; a road sign in Chinatown; horse-drawn carriages ply bay, will cost about US$40. famed for centuries as traders. Intramuros, in front of Casa Manila. You should also consider Queen Sofia of Spain supposedly >> heading to the National Museum had no qualms shopping here. ( That side trip over, is there fast fac ts philmuseum/index) complex, anything else worth doing in CURRENCY which includes a permanent Manila? I won’t bother going into Philippines Pesos (PHP) collection on the Manila Galleon, the music and entertainment and check out the Manila Hotel scene, because most visitors US$1 = 49 PHP ( – the won’t have any problems finding VISA city’s oldest hotel and a historic site that. But if you’re looking for Requirements vary, but US, in its own right. Ernest Hemingway another day trip, I’d suggest EU and Asean nationals can once stayed here, and General the Pasig River in the new air- stay up to 21 days without Douglas MacArthur called the top conditioned ferry (Tel: 63 2 882 a visa. Check floor of the old wing his home. 5734 for daily schedules). ph/faqs/visa.asp for details. And still I’d say, after all this, Ivan has his own preference: BEST TIME TO VISIT your introduction to Manila has “The Malacañang Palace museum barely started. You have to do (official residence of the President) November to February when what the city did – move beyond (, which the weather is cool, between Intramuros’ walls. South-east lies nobody knows about. And for 21°C-28°C. Christmas is the Makati, which teems with malls quirkiness and flamboyance, the country’s biggest holiday, and coffee shops. North is where Chinese cemetery in the suburb when most Filipinos pull out you’ll discover the city’s character, of Santa Cruz in northern Manila. the stops in their celebrations. and you’d do well to get in touch There’s nothing like it anywhere.” HOW TO GE T THERE with Ivan there. But let’s just save that for when Singapore Airlines flies 3 times One of his favourite areas you come back to Manila. You’ve lies just across the river from already stayed longer than you daily from Singapore to Manila. the Walled City: Binondo, the intended, and you still have that MORE INFORMATION historic Chinatown. Painstakingly plane to Panglao to catch… SilverKris 5 4