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A2 media documentary
     Becky wagstaff
Our target audience

We decided that our target audience
would be 16-40 year olds, both male
and females.

 We made this decision because we felt
that this was the age range which apple
products were most popular amongst         We also wanted
and also for footage for our documentary   to explore the
we would be around college and getting     idea that Apple
opinions from college students and         gadgets had now
teachers so we felt this would be the      become a fashion
average age range of the people in our     accessory, we felt
documentary so it would therefore          this target
interest people of similar ages.           audience were
                                           the main people
                                           that saw it as this.
We kept an upbeat tempo
We did interviews and vox                                throughout or
pops with those that were                           documentary with fast
  of a similar age to our                            straight cuts, up beat
 target audience. Helping                           music and interesting
our target audience relate                        footage, suiting our young
   to the documentary.                                  target audience.

                        we chose to air our
                       documentary on BBC
                      Three, a channel that is
                     popular among our target
                    audience with other similar
                    documentaries being aired
                             on there.
Question 1

      In what ways does our media
product, use, develop or challenge forms and
     conventions real media products?
Research into a
To gain a better understanding of the typical
codes and conventions of professional
documentaries, we did research into a
polemical, American documentary:
“supersize me” it had the purpose of
informing and to entertain, a similar purpose
to that we had in mind.
We felt that research into this documentary
would give us good knowledge of the codes
and conventions of documentaries so we
could then include them in our own
documentary and improve the professional
quality of our own.
‘Supersize me’ made a lot of use of vox
pops and formal interviews. This showed us
some good examples of how these should
be set up effectively and professionally.
                               We found that
       Our documentary         formal, professional
                               interviews were often set up
                               in their place of work such as
                               an office and they were
                               introduced with titles and
                               introductory footage of them
                               using the computer for
                               example. This would then
                               make the point they are trying
                               to inform the audience
                               with, more believable and
                               trustworthy. We wanted to
                               show that we had contacted
                               people with good, trustworthy
                               knowledge for our
                               documentary so we then
                               continued this convention into
Next to apple macs to          our own documentary.
show they use
products, have         Professional mise-en scene to suit the
knowledge.            person & title banners. Medium close up
Supersize me
Vox pops                                                                vox pops
                       Our vox pops

                                                           We found that vox pops were
                                                           set up on the streets near
                                                           McDonalds or the area they
                                                           were from to show the sort
                          We got some establishing         of person they
                          shots of around college to set   were, therefore we thought
                          the scene of the vox pops.       it’d be suitable to set our vox
                                                           pops up around college, we
                                                           set them up near lockers and
                                                           infront of college signs and
                                                           posters to show where they
                                                           were and add
                                                           interest, appealing to our
  Establishing shots to introduce vox pops
Our documentary          Editing                       Supersize me

                  Regarding editing, we noticed
                  that “Supersize me” made use of
                  transitions to make the
                  documentary flow better, making
                  it more professional looking. Also
                  to add interest and emphasize
                  significance of some scenes.
                  We therefore used the fade to
                  black transition (also used in
                  supersize me) to emphasize our
                  important scene about iPods as
                  we wanted to emphasize the
                  effect of the advert song we had
                  included to make it stand out
                  and make the point about iPods.
We found that Supersize me used fast pace straight cuts in its
opening sequence and for the background footage when the voiceover
was on. This was an effective technique that we chose to continue into
 our own documentary in order to keep the audiences attention and
 make it more appealing, informative and the audience would take it
  more seriously, we found that if shots were left on the screen for a
             long time, the audience would lose interest.

   You can see above that we used fast straight cuts in our opening
  sequence and throughout our vox pops that were making a point.
Background music

We chose to use an up beat
tempo piece of music for our
background music. We kept this
continually playing throughout the
documentary at a suitable level so you
could hear it throughout but also clearly
hear the interviews etc. We had to alter
sound levels and dim the music to a
lower level at certain points (as you can
see right) for example when we played
the iPod advert, we turned the music
                 As we were only creating the first 5 mins of a documentary, we felt
                 it was essential to include a backing track to build up the
                 excitement towards the documentary.
A professional convention we noticed
   in a lot of documentaries was a
   voiceover. “Supersize me” had an on
   screen narrator as well as him being
   used as a voiceover.
We felt that for our documentary it
   wasn’t necessary to use an on-         Our voiceover was clear and easy
                                          to understand, at a suitable
   screen narrator as it wasn’t just      decibel level so that it could be
   expressing one persons opinion or      heard clearly throughout the
   one persons investigation, it was      documentary. We wrote an
   more of a general public opinion so    appropriate script for the
   we made us of a voiceover that         voiceover to explain each part of
   narrated our documentary and           the documentary. We found that
   explained everything.                  the voiceover completed the
                                          documentary and made it much
                                          more interesting.
Radio trailer
We did research into some BBC radio trailers as
 we had decided the channel for our
 documentary would be BBC three already. We
 did research into formula 1 radio trailers and
 wildlife documentary radio trailers which had
 the same aim as ours, to promote their
 programmes and encourage people to watch
We found that they used quotes and sound effects from
 their documentary in the radio trailers to add interest
 and build up suspense for what the documentary is all
We chose to use the same background music from our
 documentary in our radio trailer and also include some
 catchy, memorable quotes from our documentary to
 show how interesting it was and what it was all
 about, we wanted to give them a quick taster. The
 music built up the excitement well and represented the
 documentary well as it was the same background
 music used, so it gave it that brand identity, it’s
Another technique i found interesting that they
  used was a voiceover that introduced the
  documentary and about it and they also gave
  quotes from newspapers that had given
  comments about the documentary, giving it
  credit and making it sound more appealing
  and something everyone wants to watch. We
  used the same person to do the voiceover as
  we had used for the documentary.
Our magazine
Apple                 Banner to attract   Columned          Black and
logo, recognizable,   attention and       interview. Q+A    white
stands out            emphasize channel   style.            colour
                      and time                              scheme to
                                                            keep with
   large                                                    brand
   headline                                                 identity
   title                                                    and apple
                                                            logo colour

   Large main

You can see from this professional magazine article that our magazine article has followed
some of the same codes and conventions, however in this one they have used conventions
that we now realise we could have improved on such as adding a third colour into the
colour scheme(red) to make it more striking and interesting and also more images. By
analyzing magazine articles such as these, it allowed us to create a magazine article that
looked professional and helped us understand the typical codes and conventions.
Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main
          product and ancillary texts
Brand identity
• We

     We did our best to create a clear brand identity between our 3
products, keeping consistency between them all so that our documentary
    was memorable to the audience, clear, attractive and appealing.
We used the same background music in both our documentary and radio
         trailer to continue the up beat effect, this kept some continuity between the
                                         two products.

        We used quotes from the documentary interviews and vox pops in the radio
        trailer to give them a taster of what the documentary is all about, this shows
        we have continued some of the aspects of the documentary, some interesting
                                   quotes, in our radio trailer.

   We chose to air our radio trailer on BBC Radio 1, which has a similar
audience to that of the channel of our documentary; BBC Three. Choosing to
  air our products within BBC keeps consistency and keeps aiming it at our
                              target audience.

             We used the same person to record the voiceover as we used for the
          documentary, this kept the same tone for both our documentary and radio
           trailer. The audience will recognise this voice from our radio trailer to our
You can see that we included a large image from
                                    our documentary as the main image of our
                                    magazine. I think that if we had the chance to do
                                    the magazine article again I would make the main
                                    centre image more appealing and interesting but
                                    this image is consistent from our documentary as
                                    it shows part of it.

                 We made sure we included the Apple logo that was significant and
                 stood out so that as soon as the audience looked at the article, just this
                 image and the large bold title “The Apple Takeover” would make the
                 audience aware of what it was all about.

We used quotes in our magazine article from our documentary to tell them all
about it, a similar technique we had used in our radio trailer to keep consistency.

We consistently mentioned the date time and channel in our radio trailer and magazine
article to emphasize when it is on and make it memorable for the audience.
Our radio trailer and magazine article successfully promoted our documentary,

  I think that our magazine successfully promotes our documentary, it has
  a clear black and white layout which is striking and attractive and goes
  with the Apple logo (black and white) theme.

  The article also clearly states the date time and channel of the
  documentary, emphasizing this throughout the magazine and radio
  trailer will make it more memorable for the audience.

                 The radio trailer is catchy, upbeat and memorable, with our upbeat
                 memorable music from our documentary, it gives it that brand
                 identity and gives a good atmosphere and expectations to our
                 documentary. We used catchy quotes and I came up with the idea of
                 using quotes from newspapers regarding our documentary to show
                 that it had been tried and tested already and trustworthy sources
                 liked it.
Question 4
What did we learn from our audience feedback?
We chose to construct a questionnaire in order to gain
 audience feedback regarding our documentary. We felt
 this was a good way of getting feedback because it
 allowed us to ask the questions we wanted, it was
 straight to the point and gained us a lot of data to
We tried to make the questionnaire easy for the audience
 to complete, asking closed questions with options for
 answers so that they could fill it in easily whilst
 watching it, we also asked a few open questions to get
 some more wide range feedback.
How would you rate our documentary
on a scale of 1 – 5? (5 being the best)
           3          This was one of the questions we
  5               1   asked in our questionnaire, we were
                  2   really pleased with the response we
                      got as the majority of people (18
                      people out of 26) rated us highly with
                  4   “4 out of 5” and 5 people rated it at
                  5   the best of “5 out of 5”. This shows
                      people must have enjoyed our
           18         documentary and thought it was of
                      good quality.
How effective and professional do you
                    think our camera shots are?
                           Series 1
Amount of peopleitle

             20                                             We wanted to find out if our camera shots
             15                                             and angles were suitable for our
             10                                             documentary and whether they were of a
              5                                             good quality.
                         0      0      2     18      6
              0                                             We used a range of shots, from over the
                        very poor okay good very            shoulder, high angle, establishing, mid long
                       How effective and professionalgood
                       poor                                 etc. All for varied effects and to improve the
                                                            professional quality of the documentary.

                                                            We were really pleased with the response as
                                                            again the majority rated them as “good”. To
                                                            try and get this response up to majority “very
                                                            good” I think we could have made our shots
                                                            more steady at certain points as at some
                                                            points during our background footage, the
                                                            camera was a bit shaky and not always
For vox pops and professional
interviews do you think the mise en
        scene is appropriate?
                              For our interviews we did our best to
               not very
                  Not very
                              set up an interesting mise en scene
                              appropriate for the person being
                 professional interviewed. We did this so that in the
                              interviews the professional opinions
                              would be proven as reliable and

                             We were again pleased with the
                             overall response with 16 people
                             answering “professional” and 9 people
                             answering “very” we reached the
                             upper end of being the best at
                             this, judging from this feedback, so I
                             think we achieved our aims for the
                             mise en scene.
Do you think the sound quality was of
           a professional standard?
                 Series 1             Sound quality was a majorly important
16                                    aspect of the documentary for us because
14                                    it was essential for them to be able to
12                                    understand and hear it clearly in order to
                                      understand the main message.
 8                                    You can see from our feedback that again
 6                                    we achieved high end feedback with most
 4                                    people saying it was of a
 2                                    professional/very professional quality.
                                      I think that some people may have
     Not very   professional   very   chosen “not very” because the voiceover
                                      was at times a little too loud and our
                                      interview with Richard wasn’t very loud.
We selected an upbeat, electronic
     choice of background music. Do you
         think that this was the right
          decision, did it work well?
            Series 1

25                       Everyone answered this
                         question “yes” therefore
20                       agreeing with our choice of
                         music. This shows we made
                         the right decision and it must
                         have created a good
                         atmosphere for the
                         documentary and suited the

          yes    no
Were the changes in the sound levels
   appropriate throughout the
                         With this question, again we got
                         positive feedback with the majority
              not very
               Not very
                         of people answering “appropriate”
                         or “very” I think this was because
              appropriate kept to certain decibel levels
               very      throughout so it had consistency
                         and we turned it down at the
                         correct points. I think at some
                         points the voiceover and backing
                         track could have been turned down
                         a little more and the iPod advert
                         may have been a little too loud but I
                         think overall it was of a good
How informative and helpful did you
 think our vox pops and interviews
were on a scale of 1-5? (5being the
          1st Qtr
           1      We were pleased to find that we again
          2nd Qtr achieved average to really good feedback
                  on this, it shows that the formal
          3rd Qtr
                  interviews we had managed to arrange
          4th Qtr were effective and useful for our
           5      documentary and the audience found
                  these interesting. The vox pops opinions
                  clearly also played an important part of
                  achieving the documentaries aims of
                  informing the audience.
Did you find our voiceover clear and
        easy to understand?
                            Our voiceover was rated really well in
                            our audience feedback with 19 people
                            rating it as “very” clear and easy to
             1st very
              Not Qtr       understand.
             2nd Qtr
                            We felt it was important to make sure
             3rd Qtr
                            our voiceover was of good quality
                            because it had a big impact on our
                            documentary. We made sure our
                            voiceover was clear and spoken at a
                            steady pace so the audience could
                            understand it and take it in.
Do you think the editing and
           transitions of footage were
14                 appropriate?
10                                      Although we didn’t use much
                                        editing or transitions, those
                                        that we did use obviously had a
 6                                      good effect and were
 4                                      appropriate to the
 2                                      documentary without taking
 0                                      the serious tone away. I think
      Not very   appropriate   very     that we used the fades, straight
     Category 1 Category 2 Category 3   fast cuts and fade to blacks in
                                        the appropriate places, and
                                        clearly so do our audience.
Name two facts you’ve taken from our
       “iPods are the most popular gadget”
          “Macs designed with creativity”
    “Apple sales have boomed over the last few
          “Apple has a key brand identity”

We were pleased to see that the audience took away new knowledge with them
and remembered facts from our documentary, this question allowed us to see if
we had achieved our aims of informing the audience all about Apple as a brand
and company and we were pleased to see we achieved this.
Magazine feedback
What do you think of the colour
       scheme that we used on our double
                 page spread?
7                                          The modal response to this answer was
6                                          “good”. We chose a black and white
5                                          colour scheme to go along with the black
4                                          and white Apple logo colour scheme. We
3                                          thought this was effective and striking
2                                          but I think we could have made it even
1                                          more striking if we had included one
0                                          more other bright vibrant colour to add
     excellent    good         poor        interest and emphasize certain points.
    Category 1   Category 2   Category 3
Did the article persuade you to watch
          the documentary?
                       Our magazine article clearly achieved
                       its purpose and our aims to promote
                       the documentary and persuade people
                       to watch it. All of our audience
             1st Qtr
              yes      answered “yes” saying it did persuade
             2nd Qtr   them to watch it. This was the desired
                       effect so we were really pleased.
Do you like the idea of one main image
   or would you prefer a number of
                              From this feedback we can
                              understand where we could have
                              improved on our documentary.
                 1 main image We can see that our audience
                              would have preferred lots of
                 number of    images instead of one main image.
                              I think that we could have made
                              our main image more exciting and
                              striking and added more images
                              throughout the article.

                               Our original plan was to have a
                               collage of Apple products as the
                               main image but unfortunately this
                               didn’t work
To what extent would you say our
double page spread follows the codes
   and conventions of a real media
                             Everyone rated our double page
                             spread as being either good or
                 excellent   excellent at following the codes
                 good        and conventions of a real media
                             This shows the article appeals to
                             the audience as professional and
                             that they would take the article
What would you change in order to
      improve our double page spread?

         “more images” “more colour”
           “change the main image”

From this open question we got the feedback we hoped to get: some improvements
    we could make. I agree with the feedback and think that if we could improve it
     we would change the main image to a more striking one that was interesting
    and appealing and also include more images and add interest. With this simple
      but striking black and white colour scheme i think it is important to include
      other images. Also, they said more colour, we could have added one more
   vibrant colour as most professional magazine articles stick to 3 colours for their
                            colour scheme rather than two.
Radio trailer
For the radio trailer feedback we did a focus group. We found
   that by doing this we got open feedback of a wide range.
In the group we established that the radio trailer was
   “interesting and memorable” “the music was good and got
   your attention” “it built up excitement and anticipation for
   the documentary” and “it would persuade people to watch
   the documentary”. They also liked that we had used
   newspaper quotes, they thought this was “a good effect, it
   makes you want to watch it more”
 The feedback we got was mainly positive which we were
   really pleased about however they did say that we could
   have used more interesting quotes to improve it.
How did you use media technologies
      in the construction and
 research, planning and evaluation
Internet for research

The internet was a useful tool in doing all of
   our research for the documentary, it
   allowed us to watch other documentaries
   and radio trailers on websites such as 4OD
   and BBC iPlayer.
It also allowed us to do research into
   Apple, exploring the Apple website and
   other websites allowed us to get a lot of
   facts and statistics for our documentary
Video camera
We used “canon hg” video cameras
  provided at college to get footage
  for our documentary. We used a
  tripod to support it in getting a
  steady shot and to allow us to get
  pans and tilts steadily. I was not
  used to using video cameras prior
  to this but soon got used to it. We
  had to understand
  contrast/composition and focus of
  shots on the camera in order to
  get the best quality shots. Having
  a camera of a good quality like
  this, we realised was essential in
  creating a good documentary of a
  good standard.
Video camera
We had to input the microphone
   and headphones into the
   camera, we made sure that we
   tested whether sound levels
   were appropriate before
   recording or setting out as it
   saved a lot of time so that we
   could get our footage and
   sound perfect first time.
After recording we had to upload
   our footage onto the Apple
   Macs via USB. This was quick
   and efficient, the Macs were
   really useful as they did
   everything efficiently. We then
   stored our footage in
   appropriate folders, labelled
   and dated so that it was easy
   to find when we wanted it.
We used the microphones to
 record our sound for interviews
 and most importantly our
 voiceover. We learnt that the
 microphone was to be held at a
 good position, not too close to
 the person and definitely not in
 windy weather conditions, in
 order to get the best sound
Final cut express
Final cut express was probably the most
  important tool that we used in the making of
  our documentary, it was essential that we
  understood how to use it properly in order to
  create a brilliant documentary.
Final cut express
We began by logging and
 transferring all of our
 footage, sorting out
 what we would use and
 what we wouldn’t and
 labelling it all, ready to
 be put into our library of
 footage that would be
 ready for us to edit and
 put onto the timeline at
 a further stage
Final cut express
                           Select tool
• Once we then had all this              The toolbar used to
  footage we could begin a               cut/select and
  new project and start                  change sound
  cutting, editing and arranging         levels.
  our footage onto the
  timeline.                               Cut tool
• We soon picked up easily
  how to do this and got used                   pen tool to
  to doing it. We used the                      change sound
  range of tools available on                   levels
  the software: transitions
  (fades, fade to blacks)
  cuts, the pen tool to change
  sound levels etc.
Final cut express
• Overall it was a vital tool and once we got used to using
  it, we used it effectively and efficiently to create a
  documentary of a professional standard with
  appropriate, good edits and transitions.
• Although it took us a while to get used to, we picked it
  up and really enjoyed using it because it had a really
  creative aspect and we had to be precise and take care
  over each thing we did. The programme had loads of
  really useful tools to help you out such as the timeline
  with timings on and the side toolbar, ready to be
  used, instead of going into file, edit, etc.
In design
We used in design to make our
 double page spread, we were used
 to using this programme from last
 years work, so we understood
 how to add text and images
 effectively, and edit it
 appropriately and effectively. I
 think this was a good program to
 do this on because it allowed us to
 edit it in all the ways we wanted
 to, such as edit the text effectively
Microsoft word
We used this to create our
 questionnaires, it is a tool we
 are all very familiar with so it
 was really easy to type up and
 print out our questionnaires
 quickly and efficiently, ready to
 get our feedback.
I used PowerPoint to do my
   evaluation because i think it’s
   an effective way of displaying
   my work with a more visual
   aspect because everything
   about the documentary and
   creating it is visual and
   PowerPoint allowed me to
   demonstrate this well.
we used blogspot to keep track of our
 progress and everything we had
 done, this was a really useful tool
 because it allowed us to show
 everything, such as include images
 and links etc. And we could see it
 all together visually rather than on
 loads of paper. It also saved the
 environment by not printing
 everything off, we could edit it all
 and see it all online.

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Media evaluation

  • 1. A2 media documentary evaluation Becky wagstaff
  • 2. Our target audience We decided that our target audience would be 16-40 year olds, both male and females. We made this decision because we felt that this was the age range which apple products were most popular amongst We also wanted and also for footage for our documentary to explore the we would be around college and getting idea that Apple opinions from college students and gadgets had now teachers so we felt this would be the become a fashion average age range of the people in our accessory, we felt documentary so it would therefore this target interest people of similar ages. audience were the main people that saw it as this.
  • 3. We kept an upbeat tempo We did interviews and vox throughout or pops with those that were documentary with fast of a similar age to our straight cuts, up beat target audience. Helping music and interesting our target audience relate footage, suiting our young to the documentary. target audience. we chose to air our documentary on BBC Three, a channel that is popular among our target audience with other similar documentaries being aired on there.
  • 4. Question 1 In what ways does our media product, use, develop or challenge forms and conventions real media products?
  • 5. Research into a professional documentary To gain a better understanding of the typical codes and conventions of professional documentaries, we did research into a polemical, American documentary: “supersize me” it had the purpose of informing and to entertain, a similar purpose to that we had in mind. We felt that research into this documentary would give us good knowledge of the codes and conventions of documentaries so we could then include them in our own documentary and improve the professional quality of our own.
  • 7. ‘Supersize me’ made a lot of use of vox Supersize pops and formal interviews. This showed us me some good examples of how these should be set up effectively and professionally. We found that Our documentary formal, professional interviews were often set up in their place of work such as an office and they were introduced with titles and introductory footage of them using the computer for example. This would then make the point they are trying to inform the audience with, more believable and trustworthy. We wanted to show that we had contacted people with good, trustworthy knowledge for our documentary so we then continued this convention into Next to apple macs to our own documentary. show they use products, have Professional mise-en scene to suit the knowledge. person & title banners. Medium close up shots
  • 8. Supersize me Vox pops vox pops Our vox pops We found that vox pops were set up on the streets near McDonalds or the area they were from to show the sort We got some establishing of person they shots of around college to set were, therefore we thought the scene of the vox pops. it’d be suitable to set our vox pops up around college, we set them up near lockers and infront of college signs and posters to show where they were and add interest, appealing to our audience. Establishing shots to introduce vox pops
  • 9. Our documentary Editing Supersize me Regarding editing, we noticed that “Supersize me” made use of transitions to make the documentary flow better, making it more professional looking. Also to add interest and emphasize significance of some scenes. We therefore used the fade to black transition (also used in supersize me) to emphasize our important scene about iPods as we wanted to emphasize the effect of the advert song we had included to make it stand out and make the point about iPods.
  • 10. We found that Supersize me used fast pace straight cuts in its opening sequence and for the background footage when the voiceover was on. This was an effective technique that we chose to continue into our own documentary in order to keep the audiences attention and make it more appealing, informative and the audience would take it more seriously, we found that if shots were left on the screen for a long time, the audience would lose interest. You can see above that we used fast straight cuts in our opening sequence and throughout our vox pops that were making a point.
  • 11. Background music We chose to use an up beat tempo piece of music for our background music. We kept this continually playing throughout the documentary at a suitable level so you could hear it throughout but also clearly hear the interviews etc. We had to alter sound levels and dim the music to a lower level at certain points (as you can see right) for example when we played the iPod advert, we turned the music off. As we were only creating the first 5 mins of a documentary, we felt it was essential to include a backing track to build up the excitement towards the documentary.
  • 12. Voiceover A professional convention we noticed in a lot of documentaries was a voiceover. “Supersize me” had an on screen narrator as well as him being used as a voiceover. We felt that for our documentary it wasn’t necessary to use an on- Our voiceover was clear and easy to understand, at a suitable screen narrator as it wasn’t just decibel level so that it could be expressing one persons opinion or heard clearly throughout the one persons investigation, it was documentary. We wrote an more of a general public opinion so appropriate script for the we made us of a voiceover that voiceover to explain each part of narrated our documentary and the documentary. We found that explained everything. the voiceover completed the documentary and made it much more interesting.
  • 14. We did research into some BBC radio trailers as we had decided the channel for our documentary would be BBC three already. We did research into formula 1 radio trailers and wildlife documentary radio trailers which had the same aim as ours, to promote their programmes and encourage people to watch it.
  • 15. We found that they used quotes and sound effects from their documentary in the radio trailers to add interest and build up suspense for what the documentary is all about. We chose to use the same background music from our documentary in our radio trailer and also include some catchy, memorable quotes from our documentary to show how interesting it was and what it was all about, we wanted to give them a quick taster. The music built up the excitement well and represented the documentary well as it was the same background music used, so it gave it that brand identity, it’s memorable.
  • 16. Another technique i found interesting that they used was a voiceover that introduced the documentary and about it and they also gave quotes from newspapers that had given comments about the documentary, giving it credit and making it sound more appealing and something everyone wants to watch. We used the same person to do the voiceover as we had used for the documentary.
  • 18. Apple Banner to attract Columned Black and logo, recognizable, attention and interview. Q+A white stands out emphasize channel style. colour and time scheme to keep with large brand headline identity title and apple logo colour scheme Large main image More images/factfile
  • 19. You can see from this professional magazine article that our magazine article has followed some of the same codes and conventions, however in this one they have used conventions that we now realise we could have improved on such as adding a third colour into the colour scheme(red) to make it more striking and interesting and also more images. By analyzing magazine articles such as these, it allowed us to create a magazine article that looked professional and helped us understand the typical codes and conventions.
  • 20. Question 2 How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts
  • 21. Brand identity • We We did our best to create a clear brand identity between our 3 products, keeping consistency between them all so that our documentary was memorable to the audience, clear, attractive and appealing.
  • 22. We used the same background music in both our documentary and radio trailer to continue the up beat effect, this kept some continuity between the two products. We used quotes from the documentary interviews and vox pops in the radio trailer to give them a taster of what the documentary is all about, this shows we have continued some of the aspects of the documentary, some interesting quotes, in our radio trailer. We chose to air our radio trailer on BBC Radio 1, which has a similar audience to that of the channel of our documentary; BBC Three. Choosing to air our products within BBC keeps consistency and keeps aiming it at our target audience. We used the same person to record the voiceover as we used for the documentary, this kept the same tone for both our documentary and radio trailer. The audience will recognise this voice from our radio trailer to our documentary.
  • 23. You can see that we included a large image from our documentary as the main image of our magazine. I think that if we had the chance to do the magazine article again I would make the main centre image more appealing and interesting but this image is consistent from our documentary as it shows part of it. We made sure we included the Apple logo that was significant and stood out so that as soon as the audience looked at the article, just this image and the large bold title “The Apple Takeover” would make the audience aware of what it was all about. We used quotes in our magazine article from our documentary to tell them all about it, a similar technique we had used in our radio trailer to keep consistency. We consistently mentioned the date time and channel in our radio trailer and magazine article to emphasize when it is on and make it memorable for the audience.
  • 24. Our radio trailer and magazine article successfully promoted our documentary, I think that our magazine successfully promotes our documentary, it has a clear black and white layout which is striking and attractive and goes with the Apple logo (black and white) theme. The article also clearly states the date time and channel of the documentary, emphasizing this throughout the magazine and radio trailer will make it more memorable for the audience. The radio trailer is catchy, upbeat and memorable, with our upbeat memorable music from our documentary, it gives it that brand identity and gives a good atmosphere and expectations to our documentary. We used catchy quotes and I came up with the idea of using quotes from newspapers regarding our documentary to show that it had been tried and tested already and trustworthy sources liked it.
  • 25. Question 4 What did we learn from our audience feedback?
  • 26. Questionnaire We chose to construct a questionnaire in order to gain audience feedback regarding our documentary. We felt this was a good way of getting feedback because it allowed us to ask the questions we wanted, it was straight to the point and gained us a lot of data to analyse. We tried to make the questionnaire easy for the audience to complete, asking closed questions with options for answers so that they could fill it in easily whilst watching it, we also asked a few open questions to get some more wide range feedback.
  • 27. How would you rate our documentary on a scale of 1 – 5? (5 being the best) scale 00 3 This was one of the questions we 5 1 asked in our questionnaire, we were 2 really pleased with the response we got as the majority of people (18 3 people out of 26) rated us highly with 4 “4 out of 5” and 5 people rated it at 5 the best of “5 out of 5”. This shows people must have enjoyed our 18 documentary and thought it was of good quality.
  • 28. How effective and professional do you think our camera shots are? Series 1 Amount of peopleitle 20 We wanted to find out if our camera shots 15 and angles were suitable for our 10 documentary and whether they were of a 5 good quality. 0 0 2 18 6 0 We used a range of shots, from over the very poor okay good very shoulder, high angle, establishing, mid long How effective and professionalgood poor etc. All for varied effects and to improve the professional quality of the documentary. We were really pleased with the response as again the majority rated them as “good”. To try and get this response up to majority “very good” I think we could have made our shots more steady at certain points as at some points during our background footage, the camera was a bit shaky and not always steady.
  • 29. For vox pops and professional interviews do you think the mise en scene is appropriate? Column1 For our interviews we did our best to not very Not very set up an interesting mise en scene appropriate for the person being professional interviewed. We did this so that in the professiona interviews the professional opinions l would be proven as reliable and very very believable. We were again pleased with the overall response with 16 people answering “professional” and 9 people answering “very” we reached the upper end of being the best at this, judging from this feedback, so I think we achieved our aims for the mise en scene.
  • 30. Do you think the sound quality was of a professional standard? Series 1 Sound quality was a majorly important 16 aspect of the documentary for us because 14 it was essential for them to be able to 12 understand and hear it clearly in order to understand the main message. 10 8 You can see from our feedback that again 6 we achieved high end feedback with most 4 people saying it was of a 2 professional/very professional quality. 0 I think that some people may have Not very professional very chosen “not very” because the voiceover was at times a little too loud and our interview with Richard wasn’t very loud.
  • 31. We selected an upbeat, electronic choice of background music. Do you think that this was the right decision, did it work well? Series 1 30 25 Everyone answered this question “yes” therefore 20 agreeing with our choice of music. This shows we made the right decision and it must 15 have created a good atmosphere for the 10 documentary and suited the subject. 5 0 yes yes no no
  • 32. Were the changes in the sound levels appropriate throughout the documentary? With this question, again we got positive feedback with the majority not very Not very of people answering “appropriate” or “very” I think this was because appropriate kept to certain decibel levels appropriate we very very throughout so it had consistency and we turned it down at the correct points. I think at some points the voiceover and backing track could have been turned down a little more and the iPod advert may have been a little too loud but I think overall it was of a good standard.
  • 33. How informative and helpful did you think our vox pops and interviews were on a scale of 1-5? (5being the best) 1st Qtr 1 We were pleased to find that we again 2nd Qtr achieved average to really good feedback 2 on this, it shows that the formal 3rd Qtr 3 interviews we had managed to arrange 4th Qtr were effective and useful for our 4 5 documentary and the audience found these interesting. The vox pops opinions clearly also played an important part of achieving the documentaries aims of informing the audience.
  • 34. Did you find our voiceover clear and easy to understand? Sales Our voiceover was rated really well in our audience feedback with 19 people rating it as “very” clear and easy to 1st very Not Qtr understand. 2nd Qtr satisfactory We felt it was important to make sure 3rd Qtr very our voiceover was of good quality because it had a big impact on our documentary. We made sure our voiceover was clear and spoken at a steady pace so the audience could understand it and take it in.
  • 35. Do you think the editing and transitions of footage were 14 appropriate? 12 10 Although we didn’t use much editing or transitions, those 8 that we did use obviously had a 6 good effect and were 4 appropriate to the 2 documentary without taking 0 the serious tone away. I think Not very appropriate very that we used the fades, straight Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 fast cuts and fade to blacks in the appropriate places, and clearly so do our audience.
  • 36. Name two facts you’ve taken from our documentary “iPods are the most popular gadget” “Macs designed with creativity” “Apple sales have boomed over the last few years” “Apple has a key brand identity” We were pleased to see that the audience took away new knowledge with them and remembered facts from our documentary, this question allowed us to see if we had achieved our aims of informing the audience all about Apple as a brand and company and we were pleased to see we achieved this.
  • 38. What do you think of the colour scheme that we used on our double page spread? 8 7 The modal response to this answer was 6 “good”. We chose a black and white 5 colour scheme to go along with the black 4 and white Apple logo colour scheme. We 3 thought this was effective and striking 2 but I think we could have made it even 1 more striking if we had included one 0 more other bright vibrant colour to add excellent good poor interest and emphasize certain points. Category 1 Category 2 Category 3
  • 39. Did the article persuade you to watch the documentary? Sales Our magazine article clearly achieved its purpose and our aims to promote the documentary and persuade people to watch it. All of our audience 1st Qtr yes answered “yes” saying it did persuade 2nd Qtr them to watch it. This was the desired no effect so we were really pleased.
  • 40. Do you like the idea of one main image or would you prefer a number of images? From this feedback we can understand where we could have improved on our documentary. 1 main image We can see that our audience would have preferred lots of number of images instead of one main image. images I think that we could have made our main image more exciting and striking and added more images throughout the article. Our original plan was to have a collage of Apple products as the main image but unfortunately this didn’t work
  • 41. To what extent would you say our double page spread follows the codes and conventions of a real media product? Everyone rated our double page spread as being either good or excellent excellent at following the codes good and conventions of a real media product. poor This shows the article appeals to the audience as professional and that they would take the article seriously.
  • 42. What would you change in order to improve our double page spread? “more images” “more colour” “change the main image” From this open question we got the feedback we hoped to get: some improvements we could make. I agree with the feedback and think that if we could improve it we would change the main image to a more striking one that was interesting and appealing and also include more images and add interest. With this simple but striking black and white colour scheme i think it is important to include other images. Also, they said more colour, we could have added one more vibrant colour as most professional magazine articles stick to 3 colours for their colour scheme rather than two.
  • 43. Radio trailer For the radio trailer feedback we did a focus group. We found that by doing this we got open feedback of a wide range. In the group we established that the radio trailer was “interesting and memorable” “the music was good and got your attention” “it built up excitement and anticipation for the documentary” and “it would persuade people to watch the documentary”. They also liked that we had used newspaper quotes, they thought this was “a good effect, it makes you want to watch it more” The feedback we got was mainly positive which we were really pleased about however they did say that we could have used more interesting quotes to improve it.
  • 44. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
  • 45. Internet for research The internet was a useful tool in doing all of our research for the documentary, it allowed us to watch other documentaries and radio trailers on websites such as 4OD and BBC iPlayer. It also allowed us to do research into Apple, exploring the Apple website and other websites allowed us to get a lot of facts and statistics for our documentary
  • 46. Video camera We used “canon hg” video cameras provided at college to get footage for our documentary. We used a tripod to support it in getting a steady shot and to allow us to get pans and tilts steadily. I was not used to using video cameras prior to this but soon got used to it. We had to understand contrast/composition and focus of shots on the camera in order to get the best quality shots. Having a camera of a good quality like this, we realised was essential in creating a good documentary of a good standard.
  • 47. Video camera We had to input the microphone and headphones into the camera, we made sure that we tested whether sound levels were appropriate before recording or setting out as it saved a lot of time so that we could get our footage and sound perfect first time. After recording we had to upload our footage onto the Apple Macs via USB. This was quick and efficient, the Macs were really useful as they did everything efficiently. We then stored our footage in appropriate folders, labelled and dated so that it was easy to find when we wanted it.
  • 48. Microphone We used the microphones to record our sound for interviews and most importantly our voiceover. We learnt that the microphone was to be held at a good position, not too close to the person and definitely not in windy weather conditions, in order to get the best sound quality.
  • 49. Final cut express Final cut express was probably the most important tool that we used in the making of our documentary, it was essential that we understood how to use it properly in order to create a brilliant documentary.
  • 50. Final cut express We began by logging and transferring all of our footage, sorting out what we would use and what we wouldn’t and labelling it all, ready to be put into our library of footage that would be ready for us to edit and put onto the timeline at a further stage
  • 51. Final cut express Select tool • Once we then had all this The toolbar used to footage we could begin a cut/select and new project and start change sound cutting, editing and arranging levels. our footage onto the timeline. Cut tool • We soon picked up easily how to do this and got used pen tool to to doing it. We used the change sound range of tools available on levels the software: transitions (fades, fade to blacks) cuts, the pen tool to change sound levels etc.
  • 52. Final cut express • Overall it was a vital tool and once we got used to using it, we used it effectively and efficiently to create a documentary of a professional standard with appropriate, good edits and transitions. • Although it took us a while to get used to, we picked it up and really enjoyed using it because it had a really creative aspect and we had to be precise and take care over each thing we did. The programme had loads of really useful tools to help you out such as the timeline with timings on and the side toolbar, ready to be used, instead of going into file, edit, etc.
  • 53. In design We used in design to make our double page spread, we were used to using this programme from last years work, so we understood how to add text and images effectively, and edit it appropriately and effectively. I think this was a good program to do this on because it allowed us to edit it in all the ways we wanted to, such as edit the text effectively etc.
  • 54. Microsoft word We used this to create our questionnaires, it is a tool we are all very familiar with so it was really easy to type up and print out our questionnaires quickly and efficiently, ready to get our feedback.
  • 55. PowerPoint I used PowerPoint to do my evaluation because i think it’s an effective way of displaying my work with a more visual aspect because everything about the documentary and creating it is visual and PowerPoint allowed me to demonstrate this well.
  • 56. Blogger we used blogspot to keep track of our progress and everything we had done, this was a really useful tool because it allowed us to show everything, such as include images and links etc. And we could see it all together visually rather than on loads of paper. It also saved the environment by not printing everything off, we could edit it all and see it all online.