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A Free Family Resource Courtesy Of McKaig Chevrolet Buick

                     McKaig Chevrolet Buick| 1-903-845-2132 |

  This Month                                            Giving the Right Gift
                                                                       By Irene Perette
  In History
                                 There are many occasions on which we can         can. They may even be able to help you
5-   1901 - Walt Disney          give gifts. When that gift is for somebody       with the creation of that gift, depending
was born in Chicago,             special, it becomes something that is ex-        upon what you decide to give.
                                 tremely personal. Of course, you can always
                                 go to your local store and pick up some-         What if you are the recipient of a gift, how
                                 thing off the shelf to give to them, but in      can you make sure that you are saying
7-   1941 - The U.S.             many cases, they are going to appreciate it      thank you properly? Most people are going
                                 much more if it is something that is person-     to send out thank you cards, and they may
Naval base at Pearl Harbor,
                                 al. Here are some tips that can help you to      do so en masse, simply blanketing the en-
Hawaii, was attacked by          give the right gift and to make it something     tire list of everyone that gave them a gift. It
nearly 200 Japanese air-         that is going to be memorable.                   is more thoughtful, however, for you to
                                                                                  consider the possibility of sending a person-
                                 First of all, you really need to consider the    alized thank you cards. The little extra
                                 personality of the individual that is receiv-    touch that is added with a personalized
15 -  1939 - Gone with the       ing the gift. That is going to make a differ-    item is going to mean a lot. Keep in mind,
Wind had its world premier       ence in the gift that you give, so you should    they may have put a lot of thought into the
                                 not simply gloss over that fact. If you are      gift that they were giving you and by you
in Atlanta, Georgia.             unsure of their likes and dislikes to the ex-    simply sending them something that is per-
                                 tent where you feel uncomfortable taking a       sonalized, they will know that you truly
17 -  1903 - After 3 years       guess, you may need to enlist the help of a      appreciated what they gave.
of experimentation, Orville      mutual friend or perhaps a family member.
                                 They would be happy to give you some             Gift giving is something that is done in all
and Wilbur Wright
                                 guidelines as to what would make a proper        areas of the world. It is a great way for you
achieved the first powered       gift for the individual and then you can take    to let somebody know that you are thinking
airplane flights.                it from there.                                   about them or perhaps to celebrate a spe-
                                                                                  cial occasion with them. When you are for-
                                 At this point, many people have a problem        tunate enough to be part of a special day or
23 -   1888 - Dutch painter      with giving a gift because they are some-        have a bond with somebody that would
Vincent van Gogh cut off his     what lacking in creativity. That is unfortu-     make you think about giving them a gift,
left ear during a fit of         nate, because personalized gifts that are        make sure that you give the best gift that
depression.                      somewhat creative are some of the best           you can.
                                 gifts that are available. This is where you
                                 may need to again organize some assis-
                                 tance from a friend or family member. If
                                 you know somebody that tends to be crea-
                                 tive or that does crafts or perhaps designs
                                 crafty items, such as wedding ceremony
                                 programs, I'm sure that they will be able to
                                 give you some guidelines as to what you
                                 can do to give the best gift that you possibly

“Our Business Is Finding Solutions To The Everyday Problems That Keep Most People Stuck In A
                                       Car They Hate.”
Three Simple Ways for Families                                           Interesting Facts
                      to Save Money                                                     You Never Knew

There comes a time for all of us when      you do not really need them. Surely,
we need to watch our expenses. If          many of us would like to have a fast
your account balance is really low, it     sports car or designer heels, but
can make life very difficult for you.      things like these are not really neces-
No matter how healthy and happy            sary to stay alive and well. Start de-
your family is, if your family is living   termining the things that are utterly
on a tight budget, then the problem        necessary for your survival, and then
of money will come at some point or        start building from there. You can
the other. Brainstorming ways to           make a list, separately writing down        Did you know . . . The
save more money might not be               the things that your family utterly         human eye is sensitive to
something pleasant for you, but in         needs and the things they want. For a
the long run it will be good for you       couple of months, continue buying
and your family. If you want to bring      only the things your family utterly
your family budget in the right direc-     needs.
tion, then there are 3 simple ways
you can save money for your                     3. Paying with Cash
                                                                                       Did you know . . . Accord-
family.                                         We are living in a day, and age        ing to NASA, moon dust
                                                     where people are more ac-         smells like gunpowder.
1. Cutting out minor ex-                            customed to swiping a credit
penses now                                         card even when they have to
For most of us, budgeting                             pay a very small amount.
downfalls tend to be a                                   This is absolutely true, no   Did you know . . . In 1801,
normal thing. Often we                                   matter how absurd it          when the first complete
cannot help but purchase                                 seems. Paying with credit     world census was carried
the things we love. How-                                 cards is certainly a con-
ever, wasting money on                                  venient thing to do, but       out, the world’s population
frivolous items is not wise if                        the big problem is that it       was 1 billion.
you want to save money. Often we           blinds you from the fact that our
even buy things that we never get the      money is slipping away from us.
time to use. If you go through your        When you decide to pay with cash,           Did you know . . . The heart
bank account statement, you will be        you can see exactly how much money
able to evaluate every small area          is leaving your pocket every time you       of a blue whale is the size of
where you seem to waste money.             buy something. This has several ben-        a small car.
Once you figure out where you are          efits. You will know much you are
wasting money, you will be able to         spending; you won't incur any debt,
cut out those additional expendi-          and it will motivate you to start sav-
tures. The next time you are out           ing.
shopping, make sure you do not pur-                                                     FAMOUS WORDS
chase anything unless it is available      You can save yourself from consider-
on sale.                                   able nail-biting and stress through
                                           the year by doing some budgeting,           “Be yourself; everyone else is
2. Distinguishing wants from needs         even though you might not really en-
                                                                                             already taken.”
For many of us, figuring out the           joy it much. So, start implementing
things they need to get by is one ma-      these 3 steps into your lifestyle, and              Oscar Wilde
jor task that budgeting all comes          you start saving money quite impres-
down to. There are perhaps many            sively.
things that you have in your life, but
   Do you know of someone who is looking
for a quality pre-owned vehicle or wants to
upgrade their current vehicle?
                                                       SUDOKU Puzzle
   Even if they have little money to put down      Quick SUDOKU rules . . .
or they’ve had trouble qualifying in the
past… I can help them! Send them my way.           To solve a SUDOKU puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must ap-
They’ll be glad you did and so will you!           pear in:
Here’s why…                                            Each of the nine vertical columns
   If you refer someone to me this month,              Each of the nine horizontal rows
when we finish the paperwork for their nicer,          Each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes
newer car - I will give them a $25 gift certifi-
cate and give you one too!                         Remember no number can occur more than once in any row, col-
                                                   umn or box.
                        Kent Abernathy:
                        Believes that every-
                        one deserves a nicer,
                        newer car or truck
                        and wants his team to
                        provide solutions to
                        your transportation

“My goal is to be YOUR trusted advisor.”

Kent Abernathy
McKaig Chevrolet Buick
1110 E Broadway Ave
Gladewater, TX 75647
(903) 8445-2132

       THANK YOU!
We are very happy with professional-
 ism, courtesy and attention to detail
the staff put forth meeting our needs.
We will definitely recommend family
   and friends to try McKaig when
      they’re shopping for a car.

      ~ Ivan & Rhoda Bullington

       Prize Winner                                 “I’ve learned that people will forget what you
Search This Newsletter For The Answer
                                                   said, people will forget what you did, but peo-
To The Indoor/Outdoor Wireless Speak-              ple will never forget how you made them feel.”
 er System Question and Submit Your
            Answer Online.                                               Maya Angelou
      Indoor/Outdoor Wireless                                       CONSUMER ALERT!
          Speaker System
                                                              Don’t Get Ripped Off The Next Time You Buy A Car.
                                                           FREE REPORT Reveals The 10 Most Notorious and Common Car Scams Dealers
  W        hy am I giving away a Wireless Speaker
           System? Because everyone likes to win           Use To Rob You Of Your Cash & Sanity and How You Can Avoid Being A Victim!

stuff. It’s fun. And I want this newsletter to be fun                                                       making a vehicle purchase in the next few
for you. I also want you to read it. Ahhh . . . now               here are dastardly scams being pulled
                                                                  on innocent car buyers every day.         months. This report explains the ten
you’ll see my selfish motivation.
                                                            It’s really tough to tell where these shyster   most notorious and common car scams
  In order to win the Wireless Speaker System you                                                           that go on at dealerships all over the coun-
                                                            lots are and whether or not you’re on one.
have to answer the question below. In order to an-                                                          try. Some right here in our own town.
swer the question, you have to read this newsletter.        Remember these people are very well
I’ve hidden the answer somewhere in the contents of         trained and may be taking advantage of             This report will show you how to spot
these four pages.                                           you without you ever knowing it.                these scams and how to avoid being a vic-
  If you read the whole newsletter, I think you’ll             You know this to be true because of the      tim. This is insider information you
like it and you’ll look forward to getting it every         stereotypes we all hear about how shady         won’t get from any other car dealer. In
month.                                                      and unscrupulous car dealers and used car       fact, I’m sure I’ll get some heat from the
  Then when you are looking to buy a vehicle or             salesman are. It’s true. There are some bad     industry just for writing this. But I don’t
know someone who is, you’ll remember this news-             apples out there that spoil it for the bunch.   care. I’m here for you.
letter and hopefully you’ll give me the chance to
                                                              So what can you do about it? Arm                If you are in the market for a car you
earn their business. That’s my master plan. So an-
                                                            yourself with the insider information           are entitled to this information. It is
                                                            you need to recognize a common car              available to you absolutely FREE with no
                Here’s The Question:
                                                            scam when you see it. This information          cost or obligation.
     Which country or state lays claim to the               can save you big money, lots of time and
      title of being the world’s smallest?                                                                     To request your free copy of this spe-
                                                            an enormous amount of pain, heartache            cial industry expose’ visit my report re-
           Submit Your Answer And Win                       and frustration.
                                                                                                                         quest web site at:
       Go to                        I’ve prepared a FREE REPORT espe-    
      CONTEST CODE: McKaig Chevrolet Buick                  cially for people who are thinking about

     Submit Your Answer By: December 31, 2012

                               B    ecause I’m A DEALER FOR THE PEO-
                                    PLE I can do things that most other car
                             dealers can’t. I’ve been helping individuals like
                             you and families like yours for years and you
                             know I’ll do it for you.
                               So here’s my promise…If I can’t get you into a
                             nicer, newer car or truck, I will give you a $25 gift

     Giving the Right Gift
     3 Simple Ways for Families to
      Save Money
     Interesting Facts
     Sudoku Puzzle

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McKaig Chevrolet Buick December 2012 Newsletter

  • 1. A Free Family Resource Courtesy Of McKaig Chevrolet Buick McKaig Chevrolet Buick| 1-903-845-2132 | This Month Giving the Right Gift By Irene Perette In History There are many occasions on which we can can. They may even be able to help you 5- 1901 - Walt Disney give gifts. When that gift is for somebody with the creation of that gift, depending was born in Chicago, special, it becomes something that is ex- upon what you decide to give. tremely personal. Of course, you can always Illinois. go to your local store and pick up some- What if you are the recipient of a gift, how thing off the shelf to give to them, but in can you make sure that you are saying 7- 1941 - The U.S. many cases, they are going to appreciate it thank you properly? Most people are going much more if it is something that is person- to send out thank you cards, and they may Naval base at Pearl Harbor, al. Here are some tips that can help you to do so en masse, simply blanketing the en- Hawaii, was attacked by give the right gift and to make it something tire list of everyone that gave them a gift. It nearly 200 Japanese air- that is going to be memorable. is more thoughtful, however, for you to consider the possibility of sending a person- craft. First of all, you really need to consider the alized thank you cards. The little extra personality of the individual that is receiv- touch that is added with a personalized 15 - 1939 - Gone with the ing the gift. That is going to make a differ- item is going to mean a lot. Keep in mind, Wind had its world premier ence in the gift that you give, so you should they may have put a lot of thought into the not simply gloss over that fact. If you are gift that they were giving you and by you in Atlanta, Georgia. unsure of their likes and dislikes to the ex- simply sending them something that is per- tent where you feel uncomfortable taking a sonalized, they will know that you truly 17 - 1903 - After 3 years guess, you may need to enlist the help of a appreciated what they gave. of experimentation, Orville mutual friend or perhaps a family member. They would be happy to give you some Gift giving is something that is done in all and Wilbur Wright guidelines as to what would make a proper areas of the world. It is a great way for you achieved the first powered gift for the individual and then you can take to let somebody know that you are thinking airplane flights. it from there. about them or perhaps to celebrate a spe- cial occasion with them. When you are for- At this point, many people have a problem tunate enough to be part of a special day or 23 - 1888 - Dutch painter with giving a gift because they are some- have a bond with somebody that would Vincent van Gogh cut off his what lacking in creativity. That is unfortu- make you think about giving them a gift, left ear during a fit of nate, because personalized gifts that are make sure that you give the best gift that depression. somewhat creative are some of the best you can. gifts that are available. This is where you may need to again organize some assis- tance from a friend or family member. If you know somebody that tends to be crea- tive or that does crafts or perhaps designs crafty items, such as wedding ceremony programs, I'm sure that they will be able to give you some guidelines as to what you can do to give the best gift that you possibly “Our Business Is Finding Solutions To The Everyday Problems That Keep Most People Stuck In A Car They Hate.”
  • 2. Three Simple Ways for Families Interesting Facts to Save Money You Never Knew There comes a time for all of us when you do not really need them. Surely, we need to watch our expenses. If many of us would like to have a fast your account balance is really low, it sports car or designer heels, but can make life very difficult for you. things like these are not really neces- No matter how healthy and happy sary to stay alive and well. Start de- your family is, if your family is living termining the things that are utterly on a tight budget, then the problem necessary for your survival, and then of money will come at some point or start building from there. You can the other. Brainstorming ways to make a list, separately writing down Did you know . . . The save more money might not be the things that your family utterly human eye is sensitive to something pleasant for you, but in needs and the things they want. For a the long run it will be good for you couple of months, continue buying sound. and your family. If you want to bring only the things your family utterly your family budget in the right direc- needs. tion, then there are 3 simple ways you can save money for your 3. Paying with Cash Did you know . . . Accord- family. We are living in a day, and age ing to NASA, moon dust where people are more ac- smells like gunpowder. 1. Cutting out minor ex- customed to swiping a credit penses now card even when they have to For most of us, budgeting pay a very small amount. downfalls tend to be a This is absolutely true, no Did you know . . . In 1801, normal thing. Often we matter how absurd it when the first complete cannot help but purchase seems. Paying with credit world census was carried the things we love. How- cards is certainly a con- ever, wasting money on venient thing to do, but out, the world’s population frivolous items is not wise if the big problem is that it was 1 billion. you want to save money. Often we blinds you from the fact that our even buy things that we never get the money is slipping away from us. time to use. If you go through your When you decide to pay with cash, Did you know . . . The heart bank account statement, you will be you can see exactly how much money able to evaluate every small area is leaving your pocket every time you of a blue whale is the size of where you seem to waste money. buy something. This has several ben- a small car. Once you figure out where you are efits. You will know much you are wasting money, you will be able to spending; you won't incur any debt, cut out those additional expendi- and it will motivate you to start sav- tures. The next time you are out ing. shopping, make sure you do not pur- FAMOUS WORDS chase anything unless it is available You can save yourself from consider- on sale. able nail-biting and stress through the year by doing some budgeting, “Be yourself; everyone else is 2. Distinguishing wants from needs even though you might not really en- already taken.” For many of us, figuring out the joy it much. So, start implementing things they need to get by is one ma- these 3 steps into your lifestyle, and Oscar Wilde jor task that budgeting all comes you start saving money quite impres- down to. There are perhaps many sively. things that you have in your life, but
  • 3. IF YOU READ NOTHING ELSE . . . READ THIS! Do you know of someone who is looking for a quality pre-owned vehicle or wants to upgrade their current vehicle? SUDOKU Puzzle Even if they have little money to put down Quick SUDOKU rules . . . or they’ve had trouble qualifying in the past… I can help them! Send them my way. To solve a SUDOKU puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must ap- They’ll be glad you did and so will you! pear in: Here’s why…  Each of the nine vertical columns If you refer someone to me this month,  Each of the nine horizontal rows when we finish the paperwork for their nicer,  Each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes newer car - I will give them a $25 gift certifi- cate and give you one too! Remember no number can occur more than once in any row, col- umn or box. Kent Abernathy: Believes that every- one deserves a nicer, newer car or truck and wants his team to provide solutions to your transportation needs. “My goal is to be YOUR trusted advisor.” Kent Abernathy A DEALER FOR THE PEOPLE McKaig Chevrolet Buick 1110 E Broadway Ave Gladewater, TX 75647 (903) 8445-2132 THANK YOU! We are very happy with professional- ism, courtesy and attention to detail the staff put forth meeting our needs. We will definitely recommend family and friends to try McKaig when they’re shopping for a car. ~ Ivan & Rhoda Bullington Prize Winner “I’ve learned that people will forget what you Search This Newsletter For The Answer said, people will forget what you did, but peo- To The Indoor/Outdoor Wireless Speak- ple will never forget how you made them feel.” er System Question and Submit Your Answer Online. Maya Angelou
  • 4. WIN A FREE Indoor/Outdoor Wireless CONSUMER ALERT! Speaker System Don’t Get Ripped Off The Next Time You Buy A Car. FREE REPORT Reveals The 10 Most Notorious and Common Car Scams Dealers W hy am I giving away a Wireless Speaker System? Because everyone likes to win Use To Rob You Of Your Cash & Sanity and How You Can Avoid Being A Victim! T stuff. It’s fun. And I want this newsletter to be fun making a vehicle purchase in the next few for you. I also want you to read it. Ahhh . . . now here are dastardly scams being pulled on innocent car buyers every day. months. This report explains the ten you’ll see my selfish motivation. It’s really tough to tell where these shyster most notorious and common car scams In order to win the Wireless Speaker System you that go on at dealerships all over the coun- lots are and whether or not you’re on one. have to answer the question below. In order to an- try. Some right here in our own town. swer the question, you have to read this newsletter. Remember these people are very well I’ve hidden the answer somewhere in the contents of trained and may be taking advantage of This report will show you how to spot these four pages. you without you ever knowing it. these scams and how to avoid being a vic- If you read the whole newsletter, I think you’ll You know this to be true because of the tim. This is insider information you like it and you’ll look forward to getting it every stereotypes we all hear about how shady won’t get from any other car dealer. In month. and unscrupulous car dealers and used car fact, I’m sure I’ll get some heat from the Then when you are looking to buy a vehicle or salesman are. It’s true. There are some bad industry just for writing this. But I don’t know someone who is, you’ll remember this news- apples out there that spoil it for the bunch. care. I’m here for you. letter and hopefully you’ll give me the chance to So what can you do about it? Arm If you are in the market for a car you earn their business. That’s my master plan. So an- yourself with the insider information are entitled to this information. It is you need to recognize a common car available to you absolutely FREE with no Here’s The Question: scam when you see it. This information cost or obligation. Which country or state lays claim to the can save you big money, lots of time and title of being the world’s smallest? To request your free copy of this spe- an enormous amount of pain, heartache cial industry expose’ visit my report re- Submit Your Answer And Win and frustration. quest web site at: Go to I’ve prepared a FREE REPORT espe- CONTEST CODE: McKaig Chevrolet Buick cially for people who are thinking about Submit Your Answer By: December 31, 2012 B ecause I’m A DEALER FOR THE PEO- PLE I can do things that most other car dealers can’t. I’ve been helping individuals like you and families like yours for years and you know I’ll do it for you. So here’s my promise…If I can’t get you into a nicer, newer car or truck, I will give you a $25 gift certificate! INSIDE THIS ISSUE  Giving the Right Gift  3 Simple Ways for Families to Save Money  Interesting Facts  Sudoku Puzzle