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       The new Database Enterprise Manager tool has been designed to better expose the
simplicity and self-healing capabilities built in the product. Matisse Database Enterprise
Manager makes administrators more productive by ensuring the optimum level of
performance all the time and thus removing tedious administration tasks from DBAs daily

        Matisse Database Enterprise Manager simplifies the transition from relational
products to Matisse by using familiar relational terminology to present database objects. The
Database Enterprise Manager tool promotes Matisse superior technology for modeling real-
world applications, and for processing large volumes of data as well as for analyzing and
reporting on complex business data.

        Matisse Enterprise Manager includes an integrated suite of management tools that
cover the needs of both database administrators and database developers in terms of:

              Designing with a richer data model featuring inheritance and relationships
              Building and extending application faster with reusable SQL components
              Accessing your data seamlessly in .NET
              Augmenting operational efficiency with the integrated self-healing capabilities.


The project contains two main modules. One is Administrator and another one is Customer.
The owner of the bookshop is the administrator. He logins to the application and enters the
details are Book entry and an Author entry. The book details are ISBN Code, book name,
author code, price, discount, net price and number of copies. The author entry contains author
code, name and Email Id. From the login, all the orders may be viewed and sales entry is
made to the selected order. The order details and sales details can be viewed either author-
wise, date-wise or book-name wise. The customer may login to the site and register with a
username and password. Then he should enter the personal details such as name and address.
He may view the book details searching either author-wise or book-wise and then order for it.
The orders made by him and the books given to him can be viewed from the login.


The project entitled “ONLINE INFORMATION ON WAP” makes the online information
compatible with the mobile handset. Online results on WAP enables students to mobilize and
globalize various results content for customized interaction with the widest array of wireless,
global environment and voice devices from PDAs, Internet-ready mobile phones, Smart
phones, and soon to plain old telephones. Online results on WAP technology process enables
institutions to maintain a single infrastructure regardless of the access method users choose
while providing an application optimized in terms of navigation and layout for each device,
with unmatched security, reliability, and scalability. This unique combination blended with
enhanced functionality such as integrated tracking, alerts, and location-aware information
offering results in a completely customized mobile and global application that makes
institutions more appealing to candidates, more productive for students, and more valuable,
resulting in a better bottom line

This Project provides a complete blogging system that does not require a database. It uses
xml for its backing store making deployment simple and fast. We can save all the data’s
present in our websites using a xml file. Usually we will be using our local websites for
storing data’s present in our websites. This needs a local databases and an available
connection and also it takes some considerable time to update the changes made in our data’s.
By using this Project there is no need for any local databases. This helps in running our
websites without databases. We can easily update the changes occurring in the databases by
using xml file.


        Fierce competition in today’s global markets, the introduction of products with short
life cycles and the heightened expectation of customers have forced manufacturing
enterprises to invest in and focus attention on their logistics systems. This, together with
continuing advances in communications and transportation technologies (e.g., mobile
communication, Internet, and overnight delivery), has motivated the continuous evolution of
the management of logistics systems.In these systems, items are produced at one or more
factories, shipped to warehouses for intermediate storage and then shipped to retailers or
customers. Consequently, to reduce, cost and improve service levels, logistics strategies must
take into account the interactions of these various levels in this logistics network, also
referred to as the supply chain. This network consists of suppliers, manufacturing centers,
warehouses, distribution centers and retailer outlets, as well as raw materials, work-in-process
inventory and finished products that flow between the facilities. The goal of this project is to
present the state-of-the-art in the science of logistics management. But what exactly is
logistics management? According to the Council of Logistics Management, a nonprofit
organization of business personnel, it is the process of planning, implementing, and
controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services, and related
information from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to
customer requirements.

DNAP 1006. Customer Relationship and Warehouse Management
Customer Relationship and Warehouse Management is a business strategy designed to
optimize revenue and increasing customer satisfaction, attracting new customers, retaining
existing customers and understanding customers better. A successful CRM implementation
can improve the business process by improving selling and servicing functions. Because of
the Internet, markets move faster and competition is much fiercer. Currently, they employ
diverse information systems to maintain different aspects of customer relationships. Separate
systems often give incomplete and outdated information on the customer. CRM provides an
integrated system to maintain good relationships with customers.

        Issue Manager is a web-based application designed to help a workgroup keep track of
issues and tasks via a shared central resource. The system was designed specifically with the
IT department in mind, where quick access to shared data and history is a requirement, both
from a internal organizational perspective, as well as to fulfill the needs of the customers. The
data is stored centrally on the server, which make it specially suitable for distributed teams
who can use just the web browser to access it. No local software needs to be installed on the
client and all web browsers are supported. The application itself can be installed virtually on
any web server, whether internal within the organization, or external, hosted by a web hosting
company. Several distribution versions are provided, including ASP and C# for installation
Windows servers. Additionally, you may add your own logo in the header, change color
scheme via CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), or even remove, add or rename fields shown on
the screen.

Issue Tracking features:

      Secure, multi-level web access via login authentication
      Issue assignment by person, priority and status
      Full text search
      Comprehensive, sortable issue grid with summary by status
      Bookmarks for rapid access to commonly used queries
      Issue history tracking - each response is individually tracked
      Single click export of selected records to MS Excel
      Color-coded priorities with custom color setup
      Fully customizable look and feel via HTML templates and Cascading Style Sheets
      Full compatibility with all web browsers
      Support for ALL databases, including MS SQL, MS Access, etc.
      Source code in ASP.NET/C# and ASP/VBScript

It involves the EXIM document preparation which consists of the container details, in which
vessel it is to be loaded or unloaded, from which container handling agent (CHA), which
main line operator (MLO) has authorized .It also mentions the yard and ship planning for the
imported containers and the containers to be exported respectively. It also calculates the store
rent for imported and exported containers. For the imported containers the rent is calculated
from the date-time of containers placed in the yard to the date-time of containers has been
gate-out. For the exported containers the rent is calculated from the date-time of containers
has been gate-in to the date-time of containers has been loaded in the vessel. The details
about the vessels such as vessel number, vessel name, vessel voyage number, vessel capacity,
from location, to location was collected from the vessel operator by interview method. Also
the details of vessel operator namely vessel operator code, vessel operator name, address,
city, country, fax number, phone number, e-mail and contact person.
HTTP Computer Manager is a software tool that helps an administrator manage the machines
connected across the enterprise network and monitor the various tasks running on various
remote machines thereby assisting the administrator in controlling the systems in the

This application features:

   Connection to any Computer on remote network;
   System information browsing
   Operation System
   Computer Information
   Process Information
   BIOS
   Time Zone
   Memory Configuration
   Video Configuration
   Event Viewer
   Process Viewer
   Process List
   Process Tree
   Process Properties
   Process Priority Changing
   Process Killing
   Services
   Start
   Stop
   Pause
   Resume
   Change Start Mode
   Resource Viewers
   Local Groups
   Local Users
   Shares
   Environment (Editable)
   Logical Disks
   Network Adapters
   System Drivers


The aim of the project is to develop a Front-End tool for online performance management
through mail. This is an intranet site with ability to track the current status of the employee
performance in an organization and also provides the ability to inform the current position of
the employee. This tool provides the interactive communication between the employee and
the department superior. The result from the superior person is visualized such that the status
of the result can be tracked in online. This project reduces the time delay of communication,
result status of the performance of the employee.
If customer wants to advertise their site means, he can join in the membership. Memberships
are of two types, Premium Membership and Trial Version. Premium Membership is of four
types Monthly Basis, Quarterly Basis, Half Yearly Basis, and Annual Basis. If he chooses
with the Premium Membership means Mode of payments are in either cheque or in DD. In
trial version customer need not to pay any amount, the advertisement is for only fifteen days
if he is not satisfied with this trial version means he can withdraw the membership. If he
satisfied with the trial version means he can join in the Premium version. Based on the group,
to which the user belongs, relevant modules are shown Modules are Admin Module, User
Module and Guest Module.


The admin module contains admin login, admin main form. In admin main form consist of
doctor entry, suggestion entry, view symptoms (new), view suggestions (all), view symptoms
(all), view doctor (all) and new admin registration form. The patient module contains patient
login, patient registration form and patient admin form. In patient admin form consist of
symptoms entry, view suggestions, view symptoms, view doctor form. The insurance link
module consists of medical insurance links, healthcare insurance links and visit to top
medical insurance links.

This Project is aimed to developing the Online Help Desk (OHD) for the Software Company
to the facilities in the office. This is an online application that can be accessed throughout the
Company. This system can be used to automate the workflow of service requests for the
various facilities in the office. This is one integrated system that covers different kinds of
facilities like data sharing inside the company, getting the information from the higher
authority and send the reply. Employee can log in a request for service for any of the
supported facilities. These requests will be sent to the concerned people, who are also valid
users of the system, to get them resolved. There are features like email
notifications/reminders, addition of a new facility to the system, report generators etc in this
system. There are registered people in the system (HR, System Admin, Team Leader, team
Members). Some of them are responsible for maintaining the facilities (like, the System-
assistant is responsible for keeping the System ready with all the equipment in proper
condition, the Admin is responsible for taking forward Employee’ complaints/requests to the
faculty/administration etc).

DNAP 1014. Off-Line Communication using Web services
Off-Line Communication tool is used to receive instant alerts from any web sites or from any
local services.
It is a windows application that communicates with the web services hosted by any web sites

A new alert is generated in Spider Alerts tool when one of the following happens:

       a new article is submitted
       a new question is posted
       an answer is posted for a question
       a new job is posted
       a news is posted
       a new project is posted

We can receive instant alerts at any time when an alert is posted online.
For each and every alert, a URL is displayed in the OfflineComm tool screen, so that we can
directly get into the websites where the alert is generated.


   1. We can clarify your doubts from anyone through Internet, whenever you need.
   2. If anyone replies to your question, the SpiderAlerts tool will automatically informs
   3. It reduces the time of searching, what you want?
   4. We can get instant news, articles, etc when it is posted online.
   5. Technically, each alert is a record in an 'Alert' database table. One of the fields in the
      table represents the time the alert is generated. We expose one method through web
      services to retrieve these alerts to the SpiderAlerts application
   6. So it is easy to go back to your previous answers and questions to recollect them
      whenever you need from the database.

 The project contains modules for administration, purchase, stores and other departments.
 The Administration module consists of:
                 Login.
                 New User Creation.
                 View Reports.

The department module consists of:
              Login
              New Requisition Entry
              View All Requisitions
              View Products Received.
              View Pending Requisitions

The stores department module consists of:
               Login
               View Requisitions
               View Pending Requisitions.
               Products Issue to departments.
   New Indent entry.
                  View Indents.
                  View Products received.
                  View Pending Indents.

The purchase department module consists of:
               Login
               View All Indents.
               View Product Issued Indents.
               View Pending Indents.
               New Order Entry
               View All Orders
               Product Receipt entry.
               View All Receipts.
               View Pending Indents.

Portal is a great online solution for a Club, Association, Corporation, Nonprofit or any other
company or organization. It combines several online applications into one easy to use
package. Now you too can build an Online Community, Intranet or Extranet!
The Portal operates on the data that is stored in central database on the server such as MS
Access, MySQL, MS SQL, etc. It can be installed virtually on any web server, whether
internal within the organization, or external, hosted by a web hosting company. Several
distribution versions are (or will be) provided, including ASP, PHP and C# for installation on
Linux and Windows servers. The application does not include any custom components and
full source code is available for examination and customization. The portal can be customized
by changing CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) files or replacing images (especially portal logo)
in order to change appearance. Certain functional options can be configured using
administrative module.


        The project contains three main modules. These are Administrator, Staff and
Customer. The administrator logins to the application and enters the details are Staff Entry,
Project Entry, View New Bugs From Customers, Assign Bug to staff, View Bug case flow
status details, Send message to customers. The staff details are username, password, category
and Email Id. The project details are name and description. The bug details are project name,
error category, error details, print screen of the bug, due date to reply for the bug. Bug assign
details include the ticket number which is generated for the bug and other messages. Case
flow details include bug details, which staffs are involved in solving the bug, and the status.
The message sending includes the message details for the bug solution. The staff may login to
the site using username and password. Then he may view the bugs assigned to them. He can
directly give solution message to customers or he can assign the bugs to other staffs if the bug
is related to them. The user may view bug case flow details with which he involved. The
customer registers in to the applications and login to the site using username and password,
whenever a bug is raised from his software; he sends the bug details to the administrator with
print screen of the bug generated. He may see the bug case flow details and bug status along
with remedy details at any time using the ticket number generated during new bug entry.

This project is aimed at developing online form for the group discussion. This is a web-based
tool. Any user can post the doubts topics and can reply for the other user doubts. The user can
invites others for Discussion and submit query. This is useful for a small office, school or a
department or for that matter any group who is interested to organize it effectively. Facility to
share the resource and post articles that can be viewed by registered user

This project is aimed at developing a web-based and central Recruitment Process System for
the HR Group for a company. Some features of this system will be creating vacancies, storing
Applicants data, Interview process initiation, Scheduling Interviews, Storing Interview results
for the applicant and finally Hiring of the applicant. Reports may be required to be generated
for the use of HR group.

This      project      is     aimed       at     developing       an     online      Resource
Management System that is of importance to the various Independent Business Units
(IBU) of an organization. The Resource Management System (RMS) is an Intranet based
application that can be accessed throughout the organization or a specified group/Dept
This system can be used to add or modify employee details and help the management
while organization in allocating resources to various Projects. There shall be two types of
users in the system. One would be the super users, e.g. project managers, Unit Heads, etc.
who would have the authority to allocate resources to various projects. The other type shall
be Normal users who would be able to update their personal and official details, but wouldn’t
be able to allocate themselves any other IBU’s or projects. A normal user should be able to
Login to the system through the first page of the application, Change the password after
logging into the system, Incorrect entry of the password three consecutive times should lock
the user out of the application until the super user resets his password, see his/her personal
and official details. The normal user should not be able to change certain fields like name,
employee no, project code, location and the IBU’s. Only the super users should change these.
The normal user should not be able to view the records of any other employee. If the normal
user changes any records then a mail should be sent to the concerned user at his e-mail id
confirming about the changes made. He should be able to search for employees on the basis
of any of the employee fields. A summary report of the allocation details all employees in an
IBU should be sent to the IBU Head periodically.

The infrastructure of a corporate enterprise information system is concerned with acquiring,
transferring, converting, and selling economic resources such as cash, inventory, and
supplies. Accounting systems with individual computerized modules, such as: payroll,
accounts payable and receivable, job costing, order entry, and general ledgers, have
traditionally tracked such data, and accounting system designers usually have had a
preemptive call on the basic schemes used to type economic data. This is because of a need to
meet either statutory reporting requirements for governmental agencies, or private reporting
requirements for creditors and shareholders. If accountants use these preemptive privileges to
force traditional account coding onto the organization database as its fundamental
classification architecture (that is, to require early bookkeeper filtering of transaction data),
then many dysfunctional effects arise. The purpose of this system has to maintain the
customer, supplier, employees, and their salary details. This process has been handle through
admin only. The modules involved in this project are customer, supplier, employees,
payment, receipt, salary, parties report, payroll report, transaction report and logout.

        The Actuarial Projection System was developed as an undergraduate project
expounding typical actuarial calculations undertaken in the product pricing process and as an
example og how computing power can help professionals in their daily work. Although it is
not as sophisticated as most modeling software is in APS. Through APS, the user can
project/calculate from the simplest calculation of the value of premiums, expenses, claims,
investment returns, cash flows and funds whether deterministic nature or stochastic in nature.
Other than that, a user can calculate statutory reserves, which when compared with
accumulated funds enables the estimation of profit and hence, test the solvency of an office at
a given point of time.

 An inventory management system automatically monitors inventory amounts, provides
information concerning inventory, and decides if an order for replacement inventory should
be placed. The system includes storage for inventory, an indicator for monitoring and
reporting the level of current inventory, and a controller for receiving information from
different inventory suppliers and for integrating such information with information on current
inventory amounts and estimated future use to decide if an order for replacing inventory
should be made. An order is placed automatically to a supplier and the progress for the
delivery of replacement inventory is automatically monitored. A method using this system for
managing inventory includes the steps of automatic gathering information about the current
inventory and deciding whether and when replacement inventory should be ordered.

        Equity Trading Portfolio (ETP) manager is assistant software for traders who
normally do the trading though some stock brokers. These traders mostly track the share
prices using News channels or news papers and place the order for stock buy or sell to stock
broker. Stock broker actually does the buy or sell action on behalf of such traders. ETP
manager keeps the track of share prices offline (if time permits this can be made online) and
provides charts and analysis of the particular companies’ share with available data. At End of
Day, the broker will update the closing stock rates to database. Similarly at Day’s open the
broker will update the opening stock rates (if time permits this can be made online). It also
keeps the records of buy and sell done by the trader. This system facilitates the traders to see
the DMAT allocations of trader with current price. Equity Trading Portfolio (ETP) manager
is a true assistant to those traders who do not have electronic trading facility and do trading
through brokers.

The project involves directory enquiry service such as search for phone number or address
details. In addition, the pillar details, the distribution point details for the phones are entered
and can be searched.

This project is aimed at developing an online application for the Training and Placement
Dept. of the college. The system is an online application that can be accessed throughout the
organisation and outside as well with proper login provided. This system can be used as an
application for the TPO of the college to manage the student information with regards to
placement. Students logging should be able to upload their information in the form of a CV.
Visitors/Company representatives logging in may also access/search any information put up
by Students. A person should be able to Access/ Search CVs/information from the first page
(only read access),login to the system through the first page of the application ,change the
password after logging into the system, Upload his/her CV,See/change his/her details, Get
help about the application on how to use the different features of the system.

The project contains advertise module, search module, finance module, services module,
admin module and registration module. The advertise module helps to post their detailed
information about the property and upload the property image, uploaded image will
highlighted on the home page until the property is sold. The search module will help to
search their entire requirements for the property and also provide the property owner details.
The finance module provides the detailed information about the insurance, loan and provides
specified duration for the loan. The registration module maintains the buyer and seller details.

       Company ABC has an internet based product called Info bar, which allows users to
download and attach that useful links from different sites on topics of his/her interest. To
encourage the usage of the Info bar, the company has a reward point scheme. 10 points are
rewarded on usage of Info bar for 1 month. This project aims at building a Reward Points
Management System for the customer support team of the company. Objectives are to build
1. A data store for user information
           2. Web site supporting functionalities like - add / view etc on user information
           3. Modules for reward point allocation.
           4. Depending upon the number of users using the Info bar in a month, we have to
provide reward to them

This project is aimed at developing a version controller, which can be used to control any
type of documents. This is typically useful when a group of people are concurrently changing
the documents in a repository. This Document Version Controller (DVC) provides a
complete centralized control over all the documents posted and makes the task of reviewing,
authenticating and approving the designs at different levels easier and faster. DVC is the most
efficient web-based software for upload, search, download, attachment, register a new
account, invite friends, etc., The Project contains two main modules. The modules are Admin
Module; User Module. The Admin Module consists of Home, Login, and Search Engine Page
and has details to contact them. The User module consists of new user register page, invite
friends, edit profile, and create folder, download, upload, view folder. The new register page
is used to create a new profile. Invite friend file is used to send greetings to their friend
[Group Mails].Edit profile is used to modify the data in our profile. Download is used to save
the documents, MP3, Video and audio files from Web. Search engine is used to search our
files and documents in our login page as well as from the web page. Upload file is used to
attach the files and documents. Normally the files and documents are sending with 10 Mb
memory size via Email. Through using this system, the documents and files can contains
more memory space.

This application Software, Merchant Tracking System is developed for the Transaction
Company to improve and simplify their sales and accounts department’s activities. The main
objective of this software is to serve the sales representatives of the Transaction Company, to
provide up to second instruction of the company and the product details. This project deals
with the calculation of commission for the products sold to the dealers by the representative
in spite of Merchants.
        This project can be made online to provide service for representatives to view their
commission details, salary details and incentive details online as weekly and monthly reports.
And also the representatives can view their target details in the web, along with their
incentive details. They will also get a detailed idea of the products that are currently in the
warehouse. This is designed in such a way that it can be attached to an existing web site or
even it can be launched as a stand alone website for a merchant.

Postbox Email system is a mailing system used to provide a mail services over the intranet. In
this project a single server is maintaining the all client requests. The server maintains a
separate database for the all members login on the postbox email system. The database
contains the all-individual user information separately.
The user can check the mail and sending mail to other users with the help of a separate client
messenger system. User can login to this messenger using our user name and password. The
server authenticates the user names and password. The authentication succeeds then server-
giving authorization to the user according the user rights. Then main features of this project
are it provides an efficient communication for the commercial offices and institution. It
makes the services as private and costless mail server for organizations in the Platform: VB

              This System is designed for the purpose of backup and restoring the vital file
source in a particular directory i.e. the databases of the company. This project is mainly used
to secure the important files of the particular Organization. In first to select the backup files
and enter the backup path after complete the process to select any schedule types like Daily,
Weekly, and Monthly. The time for backup process, Maximum capacity of the backup is
common for all schedules. When we need for a backup file or the folder, which is backup,
select the needed file or folder and click restore button. The selected file will be restored the
actual path. Also the system provides the facility to view the backup files and folders. The log
file will provide the schedule information, starting & ending time of the application. The total
backup area size can be set and when it is exceeded, it will be intimated to the application.
The backup area size can be customized at any time.

The ASP Mailing project is developed in simulation the actual electronic mail where the
software is developed with Active Server Page . Net framework. As, Net frame work is well
known for its platform independent and multi language support makes the user to execute the
application at any environment. The .Net is well known for its user compatibility and
extensibility in the software development. The ASP Mailing project uses Microsoft Access as
a back end tool. The Microsoft Access database is used to store and retrieve the data. The
Microsoft access database provides user friendly approach in accessing the data base. Thus
information about the mail service and user accounts are stored in the data base.

The Admin Interface is a tool that will help Web Administrators and Developers. It contains
several tools and Links.

The following tools are included:

        ASCII Conversion, Script and Code Snippet Library, COM Detection System, List of
DOS Commands, Run DOS Command, HTTP Header Response Messages, List of Net
Commands, List of Ports, Remote Explorer, Server Variables, Web Log Viewer
Also, included are Dynamic Stylesheets, Random Quote, and Random Image.

1.ASCII Conversion:

       This module contains the ASCII values for the alphabets and special characters and
also contains Decimal, Octal, Hex, Binary values.

2.COMPONENT Detection System:

        It contains the list of components that are installed to your system. E.g. VSEmail,
ASPEmail, CDONTS, ASPMail, Jmail.

3.DOS Commands:

   Contains list of DOS commands.

4.HTTP Header Response Messages:

       After receiving and interpreting a request message, a server responds with an HTTP
       response message.

WorkFlow Management System allows the flow of work between individuals and/or
departments to be defined and tracked. Although Documents are often used as a medium for
transporting information in a Workflow system, it is mostly associated with Document
Management where the Workflow system is used to track the process of creating and
reviewing and distributing Documents. A set of programs that aids in the tracking and
management of all the activities in a project from start to finish. The software automatically
routes events or work-items from one user or program to another. Also called process flow,
but "workflow" sounds more proactive, like you're actually working. A process description of
how tasks are done, by whom, in what order and how quickly. Workflow can be used in the
context of electronic systems or people, i.e. an electronic workflow system can help automate
a physician's personal workflow.

        The Application has the System Administrator, Employee, Student (Trainee), Chat,
Forum modules. The System Administrator can add a Course, add a schedule, modify a
course, add a feedback, modify a feedback, Register a New Employee to the Concern, and
view the profiles for both employee and student Profile. The Employee can view Schedule
allotted by Admin, Forum Messages and he can chat with others to clarify the online doubt
that afforded by the student. In Chat Module Whoever it may be entering into chat with
others (Except Unregistered Users). The students can clarify the doubt through the Forum
messages. The Students can post the question to the forum. If anybody knows the answer to
those questions then they can reply the answer through the Forum. In chat everyone enter into
chat (except unregistered user) with others. They can also create a separate room for chatting
Like Entertainment, Jokes. Depending upon the user wish they can enter into chat with
others. He/She can also possible to create a new room for chatting.

       This project is aimed at developing online for the group of Job Provider. This is a
web-based tool. Any user can post the resume and can search the jobs. The user can attend
the examinations and results can view by registered user. This is useful for a office,
Consultancies. Admin can view the Company details and the can providing Authority to the
users and their employees. A facility for this project is Search the job by registered user and
also searches suitable candidates for suitable job by the job provider.

            The Project entitled “Online Web Mart System for Jewellery Shop” is a web
application developed for a jewel shop to promote the traditional shopping into Internet
shopping. This web application is mainly focused on to develop B 2 C (Business to
Customer) relationship through the web. The changing life style of people made the need of
web shopping from traditional shopping.
        Online Jewellery Shopping contains four modules. They are,
                    Registration Module
                    Shopping Module
                    Checkout Module
                    Administrator Module
                    User module
        In Registration module the customer can register their information like name, address,
Pin code, state, country, contact number, email-id, etc., In Shopping module the customer can
view the jewels available in the shop, along with that the product details are also displayed. In
Checkout module the customer can review their purchase and enter the credit card number for
validation. In Administration module, all the jewels information are maintained such as
purchase, sales, jewel rates.

        The project aims in managing the hardware service based company activities. The
customer complaints are queried through logging their phone calls and assigning the
complaints to service engineers. The project contains administrator and service engineer
modules. The customer, service engineer, calls entry and service details are maintained in
administrator module. The new customers and service engineer profiles registration are first
made. Whenever customer calls and conveys their problems, a service engineer is assigned to
solve the problem. When the service engineer is outside, he may log into to the site, enter into
his login and check for the new complaints. Then he attends the complaint and makes service
entry details such that the service is finished or not. The administrator views these details

Factory management is a computerized workflow process of an office. This project handles
the office automation such as collecting the details, processing and maintain it. Here we
convert the manual process into automation by a client server technology. This project is
entirely differing from old ones by including a feature it also run both on Internet and LAN.
Here we computerize the Tea Factory Management with efficient Software.
 This project contains three modules, they are.

        The objective of this database system is to assist financial analyst and related users to
make company’s financial analysis according to their financial statements using computer
system approaches. Trial Balance, Balance Sheet and Income Statement will be displayed for
reference. These financial statements analysis are valuable for the company’s valuation and
can help in making investment decision. Samples were taken from several companies using
their real financial statements. The results are shown the form of graph of ratio analysis and

        The Insurance Premium calculator is a major component in the electronic Systems of
Insurance Companies. The Insurance agent’s Samurai is the system meant for insurance agent
that helps to automated most of the functionalities in the insurance policy related activities.
This system should have the facility to enter the customer details who wants to take an
insurance scheme. The system should be able to provide necessary illustrations and calculate
the premium amount. This system should also provide the facility to show the specification of
premium term as per the choice of premium value to be paid. If the customer decides to go
for the selected insurance plan, the system should be able to generate the filled application
form in MS word format. This system an also be implemented for standalone machines (for
Insurance agents)

        The project contains administrator and member module. First the user needs to
register his profile. The profile contains personal details, Religious and caste details, income,
his/her habits and photo, etc. After registration, the user will receive the mail after the
address, phone number details are confirmed by the administrator. The mail will contain the
profile id for future login purpose. The administrator may view all the profile details, lock
and unlock the profile if suspected and delete the unwanted profiles. He may search all kind
of profiles with the selected options or any options i.e. he may view only selected language
profiles or all profiles with all the field details. The member may view site features, edit own
profile and search for the profiles. The user needs to select anyone language, caste, religion
and other details to view the selection criteria. He may not see profiles of all language,
religion and other details at one time. In addition, the user may not see the contact
information and thereby contact them directly. If any profile matches for the user, he may
contact to the site administrator, make payment and collect the personal details.

      In a typical NMS scenario a network service provider will have thousands of network
elements of different kinds like eg, switches, routers, bridges, gateways and also of various
makes eg, Cisco, Juniper, Nortel, etc. All these network elements would like to collect data
spewed out by these elements. This data will be analyzed for Faults, Configuration,
Accounting, Performance and Security Data. This will give an overview of a typical network
management Application and standardizing the interfacing thereof. Use a config manager to
read the config file and update other agents for any changes, Use a file manager to record
rotation of files and handle files for reading for different readers. Note files should not be re-
read again by mistake, Use a record handler agent which will delegate different record types
to different record readers, Use a standard record format, to which all the distinct records will
be converted to, when a new network element type is added the steps I should do is small
enhancements to the file manager, new record handler and new adapter to convert the new
record to the standard format.
Private network used within the company. An intranet serves the internal needs of the
business entity. Intranet users are able to access the Internet, but firewalls keep outsiders from
accessing confidential data. It makes use of the infrastructure and standards of the Internet
and the Web. Intranets use low-cost Internet tools, are easy to install, and offer flexibility.
The most popular intranet application is obviously inter-office chat. This capability allows
the employees of a company to communicate with each other swiftly and easily. If the
intranet has access to the Internet, chat can be accessed through the Internet connection. If the
intranet is running without the Internet, special chat software packages can be bought and
installed so that employees can take advantage of its many benefits. Every type of company
has to deal with forms of some sort. This is another area where paperwork can become a
problem for a business. Intranet servers can be equipped with programs that allow for forms
to be filled out online. They could also be downloaded and printed out by the users
themselves, which would cut down on the time it would take to distribute these forms
manually. While somewhat complicated, intranets can be equipped with software to allow for
live chat rooms or instant messages so that employees can communicate with each other
online about work-related subjects. If a company is considering this form of communication,
they should first form a policy about what can be discussed in an intranet chat. Chat room
moderators and software to log the chats for future reference should also be considered.
Despite these options, it is still difficult to see live online chats replacing traditional company
meetings anytime soon.

         For automating the process of Resume Writing. This would be facilitating the
employees to make and print their resumes in a proper format. In addition, it will be
facilitating the higher management to search the employees depending upon their skills sets
and other attributes. The Basic Requirement is to have a centralized repository of all the skill-
holders in the organization so that an employee with a particular skill set can be immediately
found in case of urgent requirement. Following is a list of functionalities of the system. More
functionality that you find appropriate can be added to this list. And, in places where the
description of functionality is not adequate, you can make appropriate assumptions.
         Interface for filling up the following information
              Personal Information
              Educational Information
              Skill sets
              Training
   Visa Details
        The project contains tourist spot information module, bus details, trip details, online
registration details and reports. The tourist spot is divided into four regions and the details are
covered as North India, South India, East India and West India. The bus details include the
bus registration number, date of purchase, manufacturer, seats available and remarks. The trip
details include the bus name, date and time of trip, seats available, source and destination,
driver name, return date, ticket fare, reservation charge and remarks. The registration details
include selecting the source and destination, date and time of trip and number of tickets. The
reports are trip details, trip wise reservation details, and bus wise trip details.

        This project handles the rating process of the website. There are so many websites
around the world which distribute the information given by their owners. It is an effective and
easy way to reach the information to the people. There are different types of websites and
their pages are with attractive information and design. Rating is a method to know the people
mentality about the pages in the website and it also helps the website holder about viewer’s
response. There should be different kind of rating depending upon the sites. If an e-commerce
site the rating should be defined according to the user’s wish or if it is an organization site
means rating should be differ. Here we are using a technique which directly interacts with
viewers by developing a site which gets the viewers response through hit count and rating
from users of different sites. And also we can act as a dealership for advertisements in these
This project contains Five modules:-
                   Display the Rating
                   Customer Registration
                   Ad Posting

     The objective of this project is to develop a user-friendly application to approach the
online vehicle system.

             Online vehicle is a project that allows the user to do online operations on
purchasing vehicles. This project also includes the customer complaints, exchanging of their
vehicles, and individual login for each user. Each customer’s details are maintained
separately. Like some other websites in the web this project is also have all the
                 Here this project involves in ASP (Active server pages), which is advanced
version of HTML, and DHTML. ASP is the product of Microsoft Corporation, which fetches
the data dynamically from the web server.
Advanced vehicle and highway systems (AVHSs) may be the next major step in the evolution
of transportation systems around the world. In AVHSs are divided into five major areas:
advanced traveler information systems; advanced transportation management systems;
advanced vehicle control systems; commercial vehicle operations; and advanced public
transit systems. All areas rely heavily on some form of communications and, in most cases,
on RF data communications. These in turn break down into four main types: intravehicle;
vehicle-to-vehicle; vehicle-to-infrastructure; and infrastructure-to-infrastructure. The national
AVHS program consists of six interrelated application areas: advanced traffic management
systems, advanced traveler information systems (ATIS), advanced public transportation
systems (APTS), advanced vehicle control systems (AVCS), advanced rural transportation
systems (ARTS), and commercial vehicle operations (CVO).

This Project is aimed at developing windows application for the University Admission
System. This project has three modules .They are Student, Admin, and Guest. The student
first registers with university/College with full details of mark, profile and others details. The
Admin maintain the details of available course, seat vacancy, Fees details and details about
the college. The Admin can able to modify those above indicated information. The power
user can only able to see those details but they can’t able to modify it. The power user
performs the registration task of the student. The guest directly enters into an application and
see all the enquiry details .The enquiry details are maintained by staff. The staff al so
maintains all the information of each student behind the college like fees details, Mark
details, Sports details, Library details, University teaching and non teaching employees, and
other extra curriculum activities.

A successful Project Manager must simultaneously manage the four basic elements of a
project: resources, time, money, and most importantly, scope. All these elements are
interrelated. Each must be managed effectively. All must be managed together if the project,
and the project manager, is to be a success. This project maintains resources, time, money
and scope of collection of project. The Resources has People, equipment and material. The
time has Task durations, dependencies, and critical path. The money maintains the details of
Costs, contingencies and profit that’s needed for a particular project. The scope has Project
size, goals and requirements. Most literature on project management speaks of the need to
manage and balance three elements: people, time, and money. The project scope is the
definition of what the project is supposed to accomplish and the budget (of time and money)
that has been created to achieve these objectives. It is absolutely imperative that any change
to the scope of the project have a matching change in budget, either time or resources.

A method of dispensing medical prescriptions that includes scanning the prescription at a
location remote from a dispensary, and providing an electronic communication of the
prescription to the dispensary, followed by delivery or patient pick up of the prescription
medicine or prescription devices. The invention further provides a process for controlling a
system of processing medical prescription information that utilizes software that controls
scanning of the prescription information and electronic communication of the prescription
information to a dispensary. In both embodiments, the patient controls the steps in
prescription filling, preferably including entry of the prescription information. The invention
is particularly applicable to streamlining the practice of medicine, reducing healthcare costs
and improving patient care.

This project is mainly used to creating XML pages. Normally XML page contains user
defined tags both starting and ending tags. In addition, XML is case sensitive. So typing the
code will increase time. At present, the editors such as in the .NET development
environment, during the page creation, the errors will not be identified. Only when running
the page produces the error message. In the project, the syntax and error checking can be
made even at design time.

        The project titled “COLLEGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” is designed using
Microsoft Visual Studio.NET as the front end and SQL-SERVER 2000 as the back end
which is developed under Visual Studio .NET 2003. The project contains following modules:
In this module admin can create new users .he can delete and update the users. In college
module we can add the college details, college code, college name, college category and
description. The transaction module contains purchase; purchase return sale and sales return
details. During this process bill no college code, batch no expiry date, rate college name mfg
date also maintain here, we can add these details, and also modify the details. The reports and
view module contains colleges details and bill details sales, and purchase details are
viewable. The bill details either date wise, college id wise or all details.

        The project titled “MEDICAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” is designed using
Microsoft Visual Studio.NET as the front end and SQL-SERVER 2000 as the back end
which is developed under Visual Studio .NET 2003. The project contains following modules:
In this module admin can create new users .he can delete and update the users. In drug
module we can add the drugs details, drug code, drug name, drug category and description.
The transaction module contains purchase; purchase return sale and sales return details.
During this process bill no drug code, batch no expiry date, rate drug name mfg date also
maintain here, we can add these details, and also modify the details. The reports and view
module contains drugs details and bill details sales, and purchase details are viewable. The
bill details either date wise, drug id wise or all details.
         Providing employees with their paychecks on time and without error is a mission-
critical aspect of your business. Because payroll is one of the most visible business processes
to your employees, a payroll solution that is accurate, efficient, and right for your particular
business is essential. It’s an important contributor to employee satisfaction, and fundamental
to your company’s success. Payroll is so fundamental that it’s frequently a given, and its
strategic importance is often understated. By choosing the appropriate payroll solution for
your company’s unique needs and culture, you can boost efficiency, reduce costs, and better
manage the payroll process, all of which can contribute to the bottom line in a positive way.
For example, if one of your corporate objectives is to provide better financial information to
internal customers, and your current payroll process isn’t meeting this objective with flexible
reporting options, implementing a new system may be just the answer you’re looking for.

The project titled “HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” is designed using
Microsoft Visual Studio.NET as the front end and MS-Access 2000 as the back end which is
developed under Visual Studio .NET 2003. The project contains following modules: In this
Admin module admin can create new users .he can delete and update the users. The master
module contains doctor and patient’s details, doctor code, doctor name, qualification,
specialization experience date of join also maintain here. The transaction module contains
visitor id vaster date patient code doctor code visit purpose type category service details
charge, allotted room no are maintain here. The search and view module contains doctor,
patient details, and patient and visitor information details. The report module contains doctor,
patient, visitor reports.

        The project “LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” is designed for the purpose of
convenient use for proper transactions. The Liberian can control all the function in the
library. The administrator can set the fine amount for the students and days limit for the
students and staffs. The students and staff can check the availability of the books by author id
wise or book name wise. The students can take the books and returned the books it all stored
in the librarian database automatically. The administrator can add the new books, new
authors and publication wise details in the data base. The report can view by the administrator
only. The administrator can view the total number of books, authors, issue date and returned
date details.

The administrator can have the rights to add new user creation process; in this process the
admin creates the user list. The system can process the tax code, tax type and tax description.
During tax details, the tax code, tax name and tax description is saved, we can also modify
the tax name tax code in this module in this module also contains tax code tax rate start
amount end amount, cess, surcharge. The tax holder calculates tax holder code, occupation,
name, age address and phone numbers details. During tax holder calculation, the tax holder
code is selected and occupation name and age address and phone no are entering in this
module. We can modify the tax holder details in this module. In this module also contain tax
calculation details, here tax holder code selected, other details are automatically generated.
After that the tax, paid and balance amount are entered in this module.


The objective of the project is to develop an online administration system for a college. Using
this system we can control the whole administration of the college.

                This project involves in dealing with the needs for a college administration.
According to the needs we have developed this project.
  This project consist of
All the branches information, Departments information, Staffs information, Students
Staff attendances, Students attendances, Subject details, Students marks details

Here each student have the wrights to view their attendance and mark details, but only
administrators have the wrights to modify the above information

               The objective of the project is to develop an online Dealership system for a
college. Using this system dealership can made easily through online

          This system consists of each and every company’s information. In this company’s
details some fields are highlighted, they are
Product name, Price for the product, Details of the product, And the company image

           Here the administrator can do such operations like

Add new product, Edit product, Remove product, Dealers list, Feedback list

Here the administrator has some login premises to handle security problems.

                     The objective of the project is to develop an online counseling system for
selecting college-counseling process. Using this system we can control the whole counseling
process. This project involves both the administrator and the user to access the system. The
users are allowed to perform some limited operations like

College details
Counseling schedule
Admission details
      But the administrator can access the system directly to perform such operations like
Mark entry
Counseling date allotments
Counseling process
This system automatically calculates the eligibility and the cut off marks of the students.
This project provides all round detail to a user regarding the train services available and
services available in those trains. The details available in this web site will help a person to
plan his travel easily and make it comfortable. This site helps in identifying train to any place
of interest, classes available in the train fares, train schedule (Arrivals and departure time at
various stations), etc.
In this project it is assumed that a person can book a ticket 7 days in advance including the
date of booking and journey.


The Hotel Reservation project will automate the manual and legacy operations of Tranm
Hotel. The project will keep track of guest database, room reservations, room service, Admin
and reports. The study will provide all the necessary reports of all the transactions and will
not cause the delay of submission of needed reports to the owner or the manager. It covers the
latest art of reservation which is online system. It also discusses significant features to the
company involve as well as the customer. Payments are not done online, thus the

         Any mobile users (subscribers) and Broadband Connection user, from any part of the
TamilNadu, can use this tool to send payment his mobile phone bill and net usage bill in
Online. Online billing system does not recommend in an communication any of the telephone
network using this service. Online Billing system is responsible for the improper use of the
billing system in any manner whatsoever. Use of this billing system is at your home freely.
Credit card number is must access this transaction, Connection cancellation, registration
cancellation systems are available in User side, administrator control billing transactions and
user database.

To minimize workload of the flat promoters or for their easy convenience these projects have
been promoted. This project is very useful for the flats promoters. This project is designed
after collecting data from the flat promoters. In this site or module a flat promoter can know
the details of flats to be built, types of flats, model, location of the flats, feasibility of the flats
etc., There will be options for the clients to choose the flats according to their taste. If a flat
is allotted to a person it will be kept as reserved category. After the allotment of flat to a
customer, if he is not satisfied or any other reason, if he wants his money return he can cancel
the flats allotted to him and get back his money. What are the materials used, quality of the
materials, designs, interior decorations etc., will be shown in this site. How much of materials
or quantity will be shown in this site. So the client can access the quality of the flats.


Customer Relationship Management or CRM is a business strategy designed to optimize
revenue and increasing customer satisfaction, attracting new customers, retaining existing
customers and understanding customers better. A successful CRM implementation can
improve the business process by improving selling and servicing functions. Because of the
Internet, markets move faster and competition is much more fierce. Currently, they employ
diverse information systems to maintain different aspects of customer relationships. Separate
systems often give incomplete and outdated information on the customer. CRM provides an
integrated system to maintain good relationships with customers.

          Any Patient, from any part of the world, can use this tool to schedule his
appointments. Royal Hospital recommends in any manner any of the doctors using this
service. Hospital is responsible for the improper use of the appointment scheduler in any
manner whatsoever. Use of this appointment scheduler is at your home.This feature enables a
patient to request appointments with any doctor who uses this appointment system online.

               Any mobile users (subscribers), from any part of the world, can use this tool to
send payment his mobile phone bill in Online. Online billing system does not recommends
in an communication any of the telephone network using this service. Online Billing system
is responsible for the improper use of the billing system in any manner whatsoever. Use of
this billing system is at your home freely.


              Equity Trading Portfolio (ETP) manager is assistant software for traders who
normally do the trading though some stock brokers. These traders mostly track the share
prices using News channels or news papers and place the order for stock buy or sell to stock
broker. Stock broker actually does the buy or sell action on behalf of such traders. ETP
manager keeps the track of share prices offline (if time permits this can be made online) and
provides charts and analysis of the particular companies’ share with available data. At End of
Day, the broker will update the closing stock rates to database. Similarly at Day’s open the
broker will update the opening stock rates (if time permits this can be made online). It also
keeps the records of buy and sell done by the trader. This system facilitates the traders to see
the DMAT allocations of trader with current price. Equity Trading Portfolio (ETP) manager
is a true assistant to those traders who do not have electronic trading facility and do trading
through brokers.


                   Factory management is a computerized workflow process of an office.
This project handles the office automation such as collecting the details, processing and
maintain it. Here we convert the manual process into automation by a client server
technology. This project is entirely differing from old ones by including a feature it also run
both on Internet and LAN. Here we computerize the Tea Factory Management with efficient

This project contains three modules, they are.


        This Project is aimed to developing the Online Help Desk (OHD) for the Software
Company to the facilities in the office. This is an online application that can be accessed
throughout the Company. This system can be used to automate the workflow of service
requests for the various facilities in the office. This is one integrated system that covers
different kinds of facilities like data sharing inside the company, getting the information from
the higher authority and send the reply. Employee can log in a request for service for any of
the supported facilities. These requests will be sent to the concerned people, who are also
valid users of the system, to get them resolved. There are features like email
notifications/reminders, addition of a new facility to the system, report generators etc in this


               This project handles the rating process of the website. There are so many
websites around the world which distribute the information given by their owners. It is an
effective and easy way to reach the information to the people. There are different types of
websites and their pages are with attractive information and design. Rating is a method to
know the people mentality about the pages in the website and it also helps the website holder
about viewer’s response.

         There should be different kind of rating depending upon the sites. If an e-commerce
site the rating should be defined according to the user’s wish or if it is an organization site
means rating should be differ. Here we are using a technique which directly interacts with
viewers by developing a site which gets the viewers response through hit count and rating
from users of different sites. And also we can act as a dealership for advertisements in these

Tblogger provides a complete blogging system that does not require a database. It
uses xml for its backing store making deployment simple and fast.
        We can save all the data’s present in our websites using a xml file. Usually we will be
using our local websites for storing data’s present in our websites. This needs a local
databases and an available connection and also it takes some considerable time to update the
changes made in our data’s. By using tblogger there is no need for any local databases. This
helps in running our websites without databases. We can easily update the changes occurring
in the databases by using xml file.


The admin module contains admin login, admin main form. In admin main form consist of
doctor entry, suggestion entry, view symptoms (new), view suggestions (all), view symptoms
(all), view doctor (all) and new admin registration form.

The patient module contains patient login, patient registration form and patient admin form.
In patient admin form consist of symptoms entry, view suggestions, view symptoms, view
doctor form.

The insurance link module consists of medical insurance links, healthcare insurance links and
visit to top medical insurance links.Finally, contact us module is static which gives the details
of the healthcare center.


The project aims in managing the hardware service based company activities. The customer
complaints are queried through logging their phone calls and assigning the complaints to
service engineers. The project contains administrator and service engineer modules. The
customer, service engineer, calls entry and service details are maintained in administrator
module. The new customers and service engineer profiles registration are first made.
Whenever customer calls and conveys their problems, a service engineer is assigned to solve
the problem. When the service engineer is outside, he may log into to the site, enter into his
login and check for the new complaints. Then he attends the complaint and makes service
entry details such that the service is finished or not. These details are viewed by the
administrator anytime.


 Campaign means advertising of the products through channels like Tele marketing, letters,
signboards, TV Commercials, etc. There are different campaigns for different products and
there is a specific period for each campaign. In this project, we give a campaign for website
through another website.

 If customer wants to advertise their site means, he can join in the membership. Memberships
are of two types, Premium Membership and Trial Version. Premium Membership is of four
types Monthly Basis, Quarterly Basis, Half Yearly Basis, and Annual Basis. If he chooses
with the Premium Membership means Mode of payments are in either cheque or in DD. In
trial version customer need not to pay any amount, the advertisement is for only fifteen days
if he is not satisfied with this trial version means he can withdraw the membership. If he
satisfied with the trial version means he can join in the Premium version.


The project contains two main modules. One is Administrator and another one is Customer.
The owner of the bookshop is the administrator. He logins to the application and enters the
details are Book entry and an Author entry. The book details are ISBN Code, book name,
author code, price, discount, net price and number of copies. The author entry contains author
code, name and Email Id. From the login, all the orders may be viewed and sales entry is
made to the selected order. The order details and sales details can be viewed either author-
wise, date-wise or book-name wise. The customer may login to the site and register with a
username and password. Then he should enter the personal details such as name and address.
He may view the book details searching either author-wise or book-wise and then order for it.
The orders made by him and the books given to him can be viewed from the login.


The project contains three main modules. These are Administrator, Staff and Customer. The
administrator logins to the application and enters the details are Staff Entry, Project Entry,
View New Bugs From Customers, Assign Bug to staff, View Bug case flow status details,
Send message to customers. The staff details are username, password, category and Email Id.
The project details are name and description. The bug details are project name, error
category, error details, print screen of the bug, due date to reply for the bug. Bug assign
details include the ticket number which is generated for the bug and other messages. Case
flow details include bug details, which staffs are involved in solving the bug, and the status.
The message sending includes the message details for the bug solution. The staff may login to
the site using username and password. Then he may view the bugs assigned to them. He can
directly give solution message to customers or he can assign the bugs to other staffs if the bug
is related to them. The user may view bug case flow details with which he involved. The
customer registers in to the applications and login to the site using username and password,
whenever a bug is raised from his software; he sends the bug details to the administrator with
print screen of the bug generated. He may see the bug case flow details and bug status along
with remedy details at any time using the ticket number generated during new bug entry.

This project is aimed at developing online form for the group discussion. This is a
web-based tool. Any user can post the doubts topics and can reply for the other user doubts.
The user can invites others for Discussion and submit query. This is useful for a small office,
school or a department or for that matter any group who is interested to organize it
effectively. Facility to share the resource and post articles that can be viewed by registered

          Project requirements: Facility to post topics for the discussion,Facility to view the
articles by topics,Facility to invite user over to the discussion desk,Facility to invite new user.
User can view the previous discussion taken place on that day,Rate the articles. Administrator
has privilege to edit user’s profile


        The project involves tourism spot details across India. The touring services details to
various tourist spots are provided here.
        The project contains tourist spot information module, bus details, trip           details,
online registration details and reports.
        The tourist spot is divided into four regions and the details are covered as North India,
South India, East India and West India.
        The bus details include the bus registration number, date of purchase, manufacturer,
seats available and remarks.
        The trip details include the bus name, date and time of trip, seats available, source and
destination, driver name, return date, ticket fare, reservation charge and remarks.
        The registration details include selecting the source and destination, date and time of
trip and number of tickets.


           The project involves directory enquiry service such as search for phone number or
 address details. In addition, the pillar details, the distribution point details for the phones are
 entered and can be searched.
    The project contains two main modules:


        The project contains administrator and member module. First the user needs to
register his profile. The profile contains personal details, Religious and caste details, income,
his/her habits and photo, etc. After registration, the user will receive the mail after the
address, phone number details are confirmed by the administrator. The mail will contain the
profile id for future login purpose. The administrator may view all the profile details, lock
and unlock the profile if suspected and delete the unwanted profiles. He may search all kind
of profiles with the selected options or any options i.e. he may view only selected language
profiles or all profiles with all the field details.

         The member may view site features, edit own profile and search for the profiles. The
user needs to select anyone language, caste, religion and other details to view the selection
criteria. He may not see profiles of all language, religion and other details at one time. In
addition, the user may not see the contact information and thereby contact them directly. If
any profile matches for the user, he may contact to the site administrator, make payment and
collect the personal details.

               The system “Database Enterprise Manger” is developed to work in the
front-end as enterprise database management system. In this we can create/delete database.
User can create the table/triggers/view/stored procedures and set Authentication for the
database and tables. The new Database Enterprise Manager tool has been designed to better
expose the simplicity and self-healing capabilities built in the product. Matisse Database
Enterprise Manager makes administrators more productive by ensuring the optimum level of
performance all the time and thus removing tedious administration tasks from DBAs daily


Spider Alerts tool is used to receive instant alerts from any web sites or from any local
It is a windows application that communicates with the web services hosted by any web sites

A new alert is generated in Spider Alerts tool when one of the following happens:
   a new Instruction Passing
       a new article is submitted
       a new question is posted
       an answer is posted for a question
       a new job is posted
       a news is posted
       a new project is posted


                 The project titled “E-Banking Transaction System” is designed using
Active Server Pages .NET with Microsoft Visual Studio.Net 2003 as front end and Microsoft
SQL Server 2000 as back end which works in .Net framework version 1.1. The coding
language used is Visual Basic .Net.

                 The project contains customer account creation, their translation such as
deposits, withdrawal and interest entries through online by the bank networks. The customer
of one branch can make translation in any other branches of the Bank.

                At any time, the current account status of any customer of any branch can be
viewed in any / all branches by administrator, staff, and customer. The project is mainly
designed for reducing the burdens of the bank officials. The transaction could be made only
through the bank officials. The customers can only view the services provided by the bank.
Also the customer can view their account details anywhere.


This software is used to dynamically balance the load of the web servers in a web farm. Mission-
critical applications and networks need to be able to scale performance to handle large volumes of
client requests without unwanted delays. A "server cluster" is a group of independent servers
managed as a single system for higher availability, easier manageability, and greater scalability. It
consists of two or more servers connected by a network, and cluster management software, such as
WLBS, MSCS or Application Center. The software provides services such as failure detection,
recovery, load balancing, and the ability to manage the servers as a single system. Load balancing is
a technique that allows the performance of a server-based program, such as a Web server, to be
scaled by distributing its client requests across multiple servers within a cluster of computers. Load
balancing is used to enhance scalability, which boosts throughput while keeping response times low.

The load balancing software comes in three parts: a server, that reports the load of the machine it is
running on; a server that collects such loads, no matter which machine they come from; and a library
which asks the collecting server which is the least loaded (fastest) machine. The server that reports
the machine's load is called "Machine Load Reporting Server" (MLRS), and the server, which collects
machine loads, is called "Machine Load Monitoring Server" (MLMS). The libraries name "Load
Balancing Library" (LBL). You can deploy these three parts of the software, as you like. For example,
you could install all of them on all machines.

The MLRS server on each machine joins a special, designated for the purpose of the load balancing;
multicasts group, and sends messages, containing the machine's load to the group's multicast IP
address. Because all MLMS servers join the same group at startup, they all receive each machine
load, so if you run both MLRS and MLMS servers on all machines, they will know each other's load.
So what? We have the machine loads, but what do we do with them? Well, all MLMS servers store
the machine loads in a special data structure, which lets them quickly retrieve the least machine load
at any time. So all machines now know which the fastest one is. Who cares? We haven't really used
that information to balance any load, right? How do we query MLMS servers which are the fastest
machine? The answer is that each MLMS registers a special singleton object with the .NET Remoting
runtime, so the LBL can create (or get) an instance of that object, and ask it for the least loaded
machine. The problem is that LBL cannot ask simultaneously all machines about this, so it should
choose one machine (of course, it could be the machine, it is running on) and will hand that load to
the client application that needs the information to perform whatever load balancing activity is


Neural network is a data modeling tool that is able to capture and represent complex input and output
relationship neural networks is a method of computing based on interaction of multiple connected
processing elements
This project deals with the complex operation that is signature recognition. User can give the
signature in a written document as an input to the neural network. Neural network analysis the
signature and will finding out the corresponding person details. This project is developed by using
“Supervised Learning Algorithm”. There are Four Modules in this Project viz., Authentication and
Authorization, Master pattern, Training pattern and Verification


We study an efficient broadcast scheme in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). The objective is to
determine a small set of forward nodes to ensure full coverage. We first study several methods that
guarantee coverage when the local view of each node on its neighborhood information is updated in a
timely manner. Then we consider a general case where nodes move even during the broadcast
process, making it impractical to maintain up-to-date and consistent local views.
A formal framework is used to model inaccurate local views in MANETs, where full coverage is
guaranteed if three sufficient conditions, connectivity, link availability, and consistency, are met.
Three solutions are proposed to satisfy those conditions.
First, we give a minimal transmission range that maintains the connectivity of the virtual network
constructed from local views. Then, we use two transmission ranges, one for neighborhood
information collection and the other for actual data transmission, to form a buffer zone that guarantees
the availability of logical links in the physical network. Finally, we propose a mechanism called
aggregated local view to ensure consistent local views.

DNS1004.EFFICIENT  IRIS  (PART   OF                               EYE)       RECOGNITION               BY

Unlike other biometrics such as fingerprints and face, the distinct aspect of iris comes from randomly
distributed features. This leads to its high reliability for personal identification, and at the same time,
the difficulty in effectively representing such details in an image. This paper describes an efficient
algorithm for iris recognition by characterizing key local variations. The basic idea is that local sharp
variation points, denoting the appearing or vanishing of an important image structure, are utilized to
represent the characteristics of the iris. The whole procedure of feature extraction includes two steps:
1) a set of one-dimensional intensity signals is constructed to effectively characterize the most
important information of the original two-dimensional image; 2) using a particular class of wavelets, a
position sequence of local sharp variation points in such signals is recorded as features.

Voice or speech recognition is the ability of a machine or program to receive and interpret dictation, or
to understand and carry out spoken commands of human. Spoken communication is what largely
separates humans from other animals. It permits us to communicate information effectively and with
little apparent effort. Although online text and video resources have vastly increased our ability to
communicate with each other via computer technology, speech is still the means of communication
used first and foremost by humans for information exchange.

This brief abstract aims to set the context for the subsequent talks on one of the human language
technologies: speech recognition (what was said). Human languages are very different from machine
languages. We can use them to help the interface between humans and machine. Speech recognition
is also useful as a form of input. It is especially useful when someone's hands or eyes are busy. It
allows people working in active environment such as hospitals to use computers. It also allows people
with handicaps such as blinDNSess or palsy to use computers.

The objective of project is to develop an automatic digital voice recognition program for English. The
main aim of the project is to develop and practically implement speaker independent speech
recognition for media player and to provide user a HANDS-FREE application.

This Full-fledged Remote Controlling System is broadly classified under five modules. These five
modules give the feel of working in local machine while actually interacting with the remote machine.

Following are the MODULES

Remote Desktop
        This module brings the remote monitor to the local machine. This shows all the activities done
in the end user in a movie format. It also provides the facility of getting the snapshots as well as
continuous moving picture.
Remote Task Manager
        This module brings the remote systems task manager to the local machine and shows the
executing process in it. It also provide facility to kill the execution as well as continuation of the
process in remote machine
Remote Control panel
         This module brings the remote machine control and provides facility to execute the
applications in the remote machine. It also facilitates to send email remotely.
Remote Explorer
          This module brings the remote machines files and folders to the local machine and gives the
facility of editing modifying and deleting as well as downloading.
Remote Chat
       This project provides the facility for one to many chatting facility. Microsoft Winsock it provides
a connection oriented transmission, which helps in the concurrent data transaction between each


        This software is developed in Visual C++. This application allows any 2 persons on the
LAN/Intranet (possibly Internet too) to have videoconference. There are several videoconference
applications existing today. Each has its own performance enhancement techniques. The major
problem in videoconference is that the size of video frames is too big for transmission. Hence the
performance is based on the codec used for encoding and decoding the frame. The Project uses Fast
h263 Encoder library that gives better compression rate at high speed. This application can also be
used on the Internet with little modification.


In bilinear filtering is a method of increasing the accuracy with which we can select pixels, by allowing
the selection of pixels in between the ones we draw. Honest!!! To illustrate it's effect, we are going to
write a resize filter first, then we are going to add a bilinear filter to see the effect it has on the final
result. If you want to resize an image arbitrarily, the easiest way to do it is to calculate a factor for the
difference between the source and destination in both x and y axes, and then uses that factor to figure
out which pixel on the source image maps to the colour being placed on the destination image. Note
for this filter I step through the destination image and calculate the source pixels from there, this
ensures that no pixels in the destination image are not filled.


This project supports bitmaps and jpegs. You can open such files and can see their 2D histograms
and entropy functions; you can threshold images in 2, 4 and 8 grey scale levels. You can try different
image processing functions like: histogram equalization, entropy maximum and entropy multistage
maximum calculation, 3D histogram calculation and 3D histogram equalization. You can save
processed images and you can save calculated 2D histograms and 3D histogram functions in txt files
so you can open them in MathCAD or Excel. This project supports you to load and process AVI files.
Note that AVI processing takes a lot of time, be sure to test application on AVI files that have 100-300


This project is developed Visual C++. The idea is to enable the client to monitor the screen of any of
the server remotely. There will be server software and client software. The client software has to be
installed on one client machine. The server software has to be installed on another client machines.
Then the client machine should act as a server. If we give the IP address of the server in client
machine, the client will be able to see the screen corresponding to the server without the knowledge
of the server. The client also will have the ability to send message to the server to do some specific
action. The client also gets notified if the server software is stopped or the server reboots. The
following modules were developed for this project work.
Modules used in this project are
1.                        Client Module
2.                        Server Module

        Client system is used to view the server monitor. The client will be able to see the screen
corresponding to the server without the knowledge of the server. The client also will have the ability to
send message to the server to do some specific action. It can translates keyboard and mouse
         The Client Module consists of two sub modules
        Sending Request
        Receiving Response


          Server sends the response to the client. First Server receives the client request. Then it
starts the timer event. The server fetches the client request from the queue one by one. Then it
processes the entire client request simultaneously. Then it sends the response to the client.

Server module consists of three sub modules:
       Receiving request
        Processing request
        Sending Response


This is a character recognition project using neural networks describes how the characters are
identified from the pixel-based identification. The project helps us to recognize the character in a
faster manner using the templates provided by the developer.

This project is developed using neural networks. The aim of this project to recognize the given
character format and convert it into actual ASCII format that is text format. This also facilitates the
training session to recognize the characters. The maximum number of training session made leads to
the increase in the efficiency.


This project is used to sharing the files over the Internet and intranet. This project consists of many
features both client and server side. The server contains different functions to maintain the users
accounts and corresponding path to be shared for a particular user. The server contains the function
to monitor the current transaction on the server side. The configuration module is used to configure
the current server port connection time out period and maximum number of user to share the server.
The security field is used to restrict the connection from the particular IP address. The online user field
identifies the current online users and the statistics field identifies the current connection statistics.

The server contains different modules to maintain the server settings. The modules are

                User accounts
                Server log
                Configuration manager
                Security
                Statistics

The client consists of many features to access the server over Internet or intranet. The client side
window the look-and-feel of Windows Explorer, and makes moving files between the server and your
computer as simple as local file manipulation. The site manager in client is used to maintain the user
profiles in the client side. The client window consists of different fields to upload and download the
files between client and server. The main features of this project are sharing the file over the Internet
and intranet with security. We can provide rights to different directories to different users and control
the uploading, downloading, deleting the files. We can monitor the current activities of the users and
restricting particular IP machine to access the server in vc++.

This is a tool that makes it possible for you to protect your privacy by firstly encrypting and secondly
inserting any data into MP3-files.

        The pure music information and/or information tags remain untouched
        One or more files can be inserted in one or more MP3-files
        The data is encrypted by the actual American Encryption Standard (AES)
        Multilingual, wizard-like, intuitively usable GUI Platform-independence


HTTP Computer Manager is a software tool that helps an administrator manage the machines
connected across the enterprise network and monitor the various tasks running on various remote
machines thereby assisting the administrator in controlling the systems in the network.

This application features:
       Connection to any Computer on remote network;
       System information browsing
       Operation System
       Computer Information
       Process Information
       BIOS
       Time Zone
       Memory Configuration
       Video Configuration
       Event Viewer
       Process Viewer
       Process List
       Process Tree
       Process Properties
       Process Priority Changing
       Process Killing
       Services
       Start
       Stop
       Pause
       Resume
       Change Start Mode
       Resource Viewers
       Local Groups
       Local Users
       Shares
       Environment (Editable)
       Logical Disks
       Network Adapters
       System Drivers

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Mca & diplamo .net titles

  • 1. DOTNET BASED APPLICATION PROJECTS DNAP 1001. REMOTE DATA ACCESS, TRANSITION AND DATA PROCESSING OF ENTERPRISE MANAGER The new Database Enterprise Manager tool has been designed to better expose the simplicity and self-healing capabilities built in the product. Matisse Database Enterprise Manager makes administrators more productive by ensuring the optimum level of performance all the time and thus removing tedious administration tasks from DBAs daily routines. Matisse Database Enterprise Manager simplifies the transition from relational products to Matisse by using familiar relational terminology to present database objects. The Database Enterprise Manager tool promotes Matisse superior technology for modeling real- world applications, and for processing large volumes of data as well as for analyzing and reporting on complex business data. Matisse Enterprise Manager includes an integrated suite of management tools that cover the needs of both database administrators and database developers in terms of:  Designing with a richer data model featuring inheritance and relationships  Building and extending application faster with reusable SQL components  Accessing your data seamlessly in .NET  Augmenting operational efficiency with the integrated self-healing capabilities. DNAP 1002. ACCESS, SEARCHING AND PURCHASING OF BOOKS THROUGH ONLINE VIA ISBN CODE The project contains two main modules. One is Administrator and another one is Customer. The owner of the bookshop is the administrator. He logins to the application and enters the details are Book entry and an Author entry. The book details are ISBN Code, book name, author code, price, discount, net price and number of copies. The author entry contains author code, name and Email Id. From the login, all the orders may be viewed and sales entry is made to the selected order. The order details and sales details can be viewed either author- wise, date-wise or book-name wise. The customer may login to the site and register with a username and password. Then he should enter the personal details such as name and address. He may view the book details searching either author-wise or book-wise and then order for it. The orders made by him and the books given to him can be viewed from the login. DNAP 1003. WAP BASED CONTENT AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The project entitled “ONLINE INFORMATION ON WAP” makes the online information compatible with the mobile handset. Online results on WAP enables students to mobilize and globalize various results content for customized interaction with the widest array of wireless, global environment and voice devices from PDAs, Internet-ready mobile phones, Smart phones, and soon to plain old telephones. Online results on WAP technology process enables
  • 2. institutions to maintain a single infrastructure regardless of the access method users choose while providing an application optimized in terms of navigation and layout for each device, with unmatched security, reliability, and scalability. This unique combination blended with enhanced functionality such as integrated tracking, alerts, and location-aware information offering results in a completely customized mobile and global application that makes institutions more appealing to candidates, more productive for students, and more valuable, resulting in a better bottom line DNAP 1004. DATABASE FREE INFORMATION RETRIVAL SYSTEM This Project provides a complete blogging system that does not require a database. It uses xml for its backing store making deployment simple and fast. We can save all the data’s present in our websites using a xml file. Usually we will be using our local websites for storing data’s present in our websites. This needs a local databases and an available connection and also it takes some considerable time to update the changes made in our data’s. By using this Project there is no need for any local databases. This helps in running our websites without databases. We can easily update the changes occurring in the databases by using xml file. DNAP 1005. LOGISTICS SUPPLY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Fierce competition in today’s global markets, the introduction of products with short life cycles and the heightened expectation of customers have forced manufacturing enterprises to invest in and focus attention on their logistics systems. This, together with continuing advances in communications and transportation technologies (e.g., mobile communication, Internet, and overnight delivery), has motivated the continuous evolution of the management of logistics systems.In these systems, items are produced at one or more factories, shipped to warehouses for intermediate storage and then shipped to retailers or customers. Consequently, to reduce, cost and improve service levels, logistics strategies must take into account the interactions of these various levels in this logistics network, also referred to as the supply chain. This network consists of suppliers, manufacturing centers, warehouses, distribution centers and retailer outlets, as well as raw materials, work-in-process inventory and finished products that flow between the facilities. The goal of this project is to present the state-of-the-art in the science of logistics management. But what exactly is logistics management? According to the Council of Logistics Management, a nonprofit organization of business personnel, it is the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services, and related information from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements. DNAP 1006. Customer Relationship and Warehouse Management Customer Relationship and Warehouse Management is a business strategy designed to optimize revenue and increasing customer satisfaction, attracting new customers, retaining existing customers and understanding customers better. A successful CRM implementation can improve the business process by improving selling and servicing functions. Because of the Internet, markets move faster and competition is much fiercer. Currently, they employ diverse information systems to maintain different aspects of customer relationships. Separate
  • 3. systems often give incomplete and outdated information on the customer. CRM provides an integrated system to maintain good relationships with customers. DNAP 1007. ISSUE TRACKING, MANAGING MONITORING AND REPORTING SYSTEM Issue Manager is a web-based application designed to help a workgroup keep track of issues and tasks via a shared central resource. The system was designed specifically with the IT department in mind, where quick access to shared data and history is a requirement, both from a internal organizational perspective, as well as to fulfill the needs of the customers. The data is stored centrally on the server, which make it specially suitable for distributed teams who can use just the web browser to access it. No local software needs to be installed on the client and all web browsers are supported. The application itself can be installed virtually on any web server, whether internal within the organization, or external, hosted by a web hosting company. Several distribution versions are provided, including ASP and C# for installation Windows servers. Additionally, you may add your own logo in the header, change color scheme via CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), or even remove, add or rename fields shown on the screen. Issue Tracking features:  Secure, multi-level web access via login authentication  Issue assignment by person, priority and status  Full text search  Comprehensive, sortable issue grid with summary by status  Bookmarks for rapid access to commonly used queries  Issue history tracking - each response is individually tracked  Single click export of selected records to MS Excel  Color-coded priorities with custom color setup  Fully customizable look and feel via HTML templates and Cascading Style Sheets  Full compatibility with all web browsers  Support for ALL databases, including MS SQL, MS Access, etc.  Source code in ASP.NET/C# and ASP/VBScript DNAP 1008. ONLINE TERMINAL IMPORT AND EXPORT PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM It involves the EXIM document preparation which consists of the container details, in which vessel it is to be loaded or unloaded, from which container handling agent (CHA), which main line operator (MLO) has authorized .It also mentions the yard and ship planning for the imported containers and the containers to be exported respectively. It also calculates the store rent for imported and exported containers. For the imported containers the rent is calculated from the date-time of containers placed in the yard to the date-time of containers has been gate-out. For the exported containers the rent is calculated from the date-time of containers has been gate-in to the date-time of containers has been loaded in the vessel. The details about the vessels such as vessel number, vessel name, vessel voyage number, vessel capacity, from location, to location was collected from the vessel operator by interview method. Also the details of vessel operator namely vessel operator code, vessel operator name, address, city, country, fax number, phone number, e-mail and contact person.
  • 4. DNAP 1009. HTTP COMPUTER MANAGER HTTP Computer Manager is a software tool that helps an administrator manage the machines connected across the enterprise network and monitor the various tasks running on various remote machines thereby assisting the administrator in controlling the systems in the network. This application features:  Connection to any Computer on remote network;  System information browsing  Operation System  Computer Information  Process Information  BIOS  Time Zone  Memory Configuration  Video Configuration  Event Viewer  Process Viewer  Process List  Process Tree  Process Properties  Process Priority Changing  Process Killing  Services  Start  Stop  Pause  Resume  Change Start Mode  Resource Viewers  Local Groups  Local Users  Shares  Environment (Editable)  Logical Disks  Network Adapters  System Drivers DNAP 1010. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The aim of the project is to develop a Front-End tool for online performance management through mail. This is an intranet site with ability to track the current status of the employee performance in an organization and also provides the ability to inform the current position of the employee. This tool provides the interactive communication between the employee and the department superior. The result from the superior person is visualized such that the status of the result can be tracked in online. This project reduces the time delay of communication, result status of the performance of the employee.
  • 5. DNAP 1011. DEVELOPMENT OF PRODUCT ADVERTISING AND MARKETING SYSTEM If customer wants to advertise their site means, he can join in the membership. Memberships are of two types, Premium Membership and Trial Version. Premium Membership is of four types Monthly Basis, Quarterly Basis, Half Yearly Basis, and Annual Basis. If he chooses with the Premium Membership means Mode of payments are in either cheque or in DD. In trial version customer need not to pay any amount, the advertisement is for only fifteen days if he is not satisfied with this trial version means he can withdraw the membership. If he satisfied with the trial version means he can join in the Premium version. Based on the group, to which the user belongs, relevant modules are shown Modules are Admin Module, User Module and Guest Module. DNAP 1012. ONLINE TELE-MONITORING AND REMOTE DOCTOR CONSULTATION & INSURANCE SYSTEM The admin module contains admin login, admin main form. In admin main form consist of doctor entry, suggestion entry, view symptoms (new), view suggestions (all), view symptoms (all), view doctor (all) and new admin registration form. The patient module contains patient login, patient registration form and patient admin form. In patient admin form consist of symptoms entry, view suggestions, view symptoms, view doctor form. The insurance link module consists of medical insurance links, healthcare insurance links and visit to top medical insurance links. DNAP 1013. INTRANET COMMUNICATION, CONSULTATION, DATA SHARING AND HELPDESK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM This Project is aimed to developing the Online Help Desk (OHD) for the Software Company to the facilities in the office. This is an online application that can be accessed throughout the Company. This system can be used to automate the workflow of service requests for the various facilities in the office. This is one integrated system that covers different kinds of facilities like data sharing inside the company, getting the information from the higher authority and send the reply. Employee can log in a request for service for any of the supported facilities. These requests will be sent to the concerned people, who are also valid users of the system, to get them resolved. There are features like email notifications/reminders, addition of a new facility to the system, report generators etc in this system. There are registered people in the system (HR, System Admin, Team Leader, team Members). Some of them are responsible for maintaining the facilities (like, the System- assistant is responsible for keeping the System ready with all the equipment in proper condition, the Admin is responsible for taking forward Employee’ complaints/requests to the faculty/administration etc). DNAP 1014. Off-Line Communication using Web services Off-Line Communication tool is used to receive instant alerts from any web sites or from any local services.
  • 6. It is a windows application that communicates with the web services hosted by any web sites (eg:,, A new alert is generated in Spider Alerts tool when one of the following happens:  a new article is submitted  a new question is posted  an answer is posted for a question  a new job is posted  a news is posted  a new project is posted We can receive instant alerts at any time when an alert is posted online. For each and every alert, a URL is displayed in the OfflineComm tool screen, so that we can directly get into the websites where the alert is generated. THE MAIN ADVANTAGES 1. We can clarify your doubts from anyone through Internet, whenever you need. 2. If anyone replies to your question, the SpiderAlerts tool will automatically informs you. 3. It reduces the time of searching, what you want? 4. We can get instant news, articles, etc when it is posted online. 5. Technically, each alert is a record in an 'Alert' database table. One of the fields in the table represents the time the alert is generated. We expose one method through web services to retrieve these alerts to the SpiderAlerts application 6. So it is easy to go back to your previous answers and questions to recollect them whenever you need from the database. DNAP 1015. ONLINE MATERIAL PROCUREMENT, PURCHASE, STOCK & REPORTS HANDLING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The project contains modules for administration, purchase, stores and other departments. The Administration module consists of:  Login.  New User Creation.  View Reports. The department module consists of:  Login  New Requisition Entry  View All Requisitions  View Products Received.  View Pending Requisitions The stores department module consists of:  Login  View Requisitions  View Pending Requisitions.  Products Issue to departments.
  • 7. New Indent entry.  View Indents.  View Products received.  View Pending Indents. The purchase department module consists of:  Login  View All Indents.  View Product Issued Indents.  View Pending Indents.  New Order Entry  View All Orders  Product Receipt entry.  View All Receipts.  View Pending Indents. DN 1016. COMPANY WEB PORTAL Portal is a great online solution for a Club, Association, Corporation, Nonprofit or any other company or organization. It combines several online applications into one easy to use package. Now you too can build an Online Community, Intranet or Extranet! The Portal operates on the data that is stored in central database on the server such as MS Access, MySQL, MS SQL, etc. It can be installed virtually on any web server, whether internal within the organization, or external, hosted by a web hosting company. Several distribution versions are (or will be) provided, including ASP, PHP and C# for installation on Linux and Windows servers. The application does not include any custom components and full source code is available for examination and customization. The portal can be customized by changing CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) files or replacing images (especially portal logo) in order to change appearance. Certain functional options can be configured using administrative module. DNAP 1017. ONLINE BUG AND ERROR TRACKING SYSTEM The project contains three main modules. These are Administrator, Staff and Customer. The administrator logins to the application and enters the details are Staff Entry, Project Entry, View New Bugs From Customers, Assign Bug to staff, View Bug case flow status details, Send message to customers. The staff details are username, password, category and Email Id. The project details are name and description. The bug details are project name, error category, error details, print screen of the bug, due date to reply for the bug. Bug assign details include the ticket number which is generated for the bug and other messages. Case flow details include bug details, which staffs are involved in solving the bug, and the status. The message sending includes the message details for the bug solution. The staff may login to the site using username and password. Then he may view the bugs assigned to them. He can directly give solution message to customers or he can assign the bugs to other staffs if the bug is related to them. The user may view bug case flow details with which he involved. The customer registers in to the applications and login to the site using username and password,
  • 8. whenever a bug is raised from his software; he sends the bug details to the administrator with print screen of the bug generated. He may see the bug case flow details and bug status along with remedy details at any time using the ticket number generated during new bug entry. DNAP 1018. ONLINE DISCUSS-FORUM PORTAL This project is aimed at developing online form for the group discussion. This is a web-based tool. Any user can post the doubts topics and can reply for the other user doubts. The user can invites others for Discussion and submit query. This is useful for a small office, school or a department or for that matter any group who is interested to organize it effectively. Facility to share the resource and post articles that can be viewed by registered user DNAP 1019. WEB-BASED RECRUITMENT PROCESS SYSTEM FOR THE HR DEPAERTMENT This project is aimed at developing a web-based and central Recruitment Process System for the HR Group for a company. Some features of this system will be creating vacancies, storing Applicants data, Interview process initiation, Scheduling Interviews, Storing Interview results for the applicant and finally Hiring of the applicant. Reports may be required to be generated for the use of HR group. DNAP 1020. DEVELOPMENT OF A FEATURE-RICH, PRACTICAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (RMS) This project is aimed at developing an online Resource Management System that is of importance to the various Independent Business Units (IBU) of an organization. The Resource Management System (RMS) is an Intranet based application that can be accessed throughout the organization or a specified group/Dept This system can be used to add or modify employee details and help the management while organization in allocating resources to various Projects. There shall be two types of users in the system. One would be the super users, e.g. project managers, Unit Heads, etc. who would have the authority to allocate resources to various projects. The other type shall be Normal users who would be able to update their personal and official details, but wouldn’t be able to allocate themselves any other IBU’s or projects. A normal user should be able to Login to the system through the first page of the application, Change the password after logging into the system, Incorrect entry of the password three consecutive times should lock the user out of the application until the super user resets his password, see his/her personal and official details. The normal user should not be able to change certain fields like name, employee no, project code, location and the IBU’s. Only the super users should change these. The normal user should not be able to view the records of any other employee. If the normal user changes any records then a mail should be sent to the concerned user at his e-mail id confirming about the changes made. He should be able to search for employees on the basis of any of the employee fields. A summary report of the allocation details all employees in an IBU should be sent to the IBU Head periodically. DNAP 1021. ONLINE OFFICE MANAGEMENT
  • 9. The infrastructure of a corporate enterprise information system is concerned with acquiring, transferring, converting, and selling economic resources such as cash, inventory, and supplies. Accounting systems with individual computerized modules, such as: payroll, accounts payable and receivable, job costing, order entry, and general ledgers, have traditionally tracked such data, and accounting system designers usually have had a preemptive call on the basic schemes used to type economic data. This is because of a need to meet either statutory reporting requirements for governmental agencies, or private reporting requirements for creditors and shareholders. If accountants use these preemptive privileges to force traditional account coding onto the organization database as its fundamental classification architecture (that is, to require early bookkeeper filtering of transaction data), then many dysfunctional effects arise. The purpose of this system has to maintain the customer, supplier, employees, and their salary details. This process has been handle through admin only. The modules involved in this project are customer, supplier, employees, payment, receipt, salary, parties report, payroll report, transaction report and logout. DNAP 1022. ACTUARIAL PROJECTION AND PRODUCT PRICING SYSTEM (WINDOWS BASED) The Actuarial Projection System was developed as an undergraduate project expounding typical actuarial calculations undertaken in the product pricing process and as an example og how computing power can help professionals in their daily work. Although it is not as sophisticated as most modeling software is in APS. Through APS, the user can project/calculate from the simplest calculation of the value of premiums, expenses, claims, investment returns, cash flows and funds whether deterministic nature or stochastic in nature. Other than that, a user can calculate statutory reserves, which when compared with accumulated funds enables the estimation of profit and hence, test the solvency of an office at a given point of time. DNAP 1023. INVENTORY CONTROL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (WINDOWS BASED) An inventory management system automatically monitors inventory amounts, provides information concerning inventory, and decides if an order for replacement inventory should be placed. The system includes storage for inventory, an indicator for monitoring and reporting the level of current inventory, and a controller for receiving information from different inventory suppliers and for integrating such information with information on current inventory amounts and estimated future use to decide if an order for replacing inventory should be made. An order is placed automatically to a supplier and the progress for the delivery of replacement inventory is automatically monitored. A method using this system for managing inventory includes the steps of automatic gathering information about the current inventory and deciding whether and when replacement inventory should be ordered. DNAP 1024. SHARE MARKET AND TRADING PORTFOLIO SYSTEM Equity Trading Portfolio (ETP) manager is assistant software for traders who normally do the trading though some stock brokers. These traders mostly track the share prices using News channels or news papers and place the order for stock buy or sell to stock broker. Stock broker actually does the buy or sell action on behalf of such traders. ETP manager keeps the track of share prices offline (if time permits this can be made online) and provides charts and analysis of the particular companies’ share with available data. At End of
  • 10. Day, the broker will update the closing stock rates to database. Similarly at Day’s open the broker will update the opening stock rates (if time permits this can be made online). It also keeps the records of buy and sell done by the trader. This system facilitates the traders to see the DMAT allocations of trader with current price. Equity Trading Portfolio (ETP) manager is a true assistant to those traders who do not have electronic trading facility and do trading through brokers. DNAP 1025. BSNL SEARCH SERVICE SYSTEM FOR CUSTOMERS AND PILLAR MANAGEMENT FOR SERVICE ENGINEERS The project involves directory enquiry service such as search for phone number or address details. In addition, the pillar details, the distribution point details for the phones are entered and can be searched. DNAP 1026. THE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF ONLINE PLACEMENT AND RECRUITMENT SYSTEM This project is aimed at developing an online application for the Training and Placement Dept. of the college. The system is an online application that can be accessed throughout the organisation and outside as well with proper login provided. This system can be used as an application for the TPO of the college to manage the student information with regards to placement. Students logging should be able to upload their information in the form of a CV. Visitors/Company representatives logging in may also access/search any information put up by Students. A person should be able to Access/ Search CVs/information from the first page (only read access),login to the system through the first page of the application ,change the password after logging into the system, Upload his/her CV,See/change his/her details, Get help about the application on how to use the different features of the system. DNAP 1027. REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The project contains advertise module, search module, finance module, services module, admin module and registration module. The advertise module helps to post their detailed information about the property and upload the property image, uploaded image will highlighted on the home page until the property is sold. The search module will help to search their entire requirements for the property and also provide the property owner details. The finance module provides the detailed information about the insurance, loan and provides specified duration for the loan. The registration module maintains the buyer and seller details. DNAP 1028. ONLINE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AND REWARD POINTS MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM Company ABC has an internet based product called Info bar, which allows users to download and attach that useful links from different sites on topics of his/her interest. To encourage the usage of the Info bar, the company has a reward point scheme. 10 points are rewarded on usage of Info bar for 1 month. This project aims at building a Reward Points Management System for the customer support team of the company. Objectives are to build
  • 11. 1. A data store for user information 2. Web site supporting functionalities like - add / view etc on user information 3. Modules for reward point allocation. 4. Depending upon the number of users using the Info bar in a month, we have to provide reward to them DNAP 1029. CENTRALISED CONTROL, POSTING & RETRIVAL OF DOCUMENTS This project is aimed at developing a version controller, which can be used to control any type of documents. This is typically useful when a group of people are concurrently changing the documents in a repository. This Document Version Controller (DVC) provides a complete centralized control over all the documents posted and makes the task of reviewing, authenticating and approving the designs at different levels easier and faster. DVC is the most efficient web-based software for upload, search, download, attachment, register a new account, invite friends, etc., The Project contains two main modules. The modules are Admin Module; User Module. The Admin Module consists of Home, Login, and Search Engine Page and has details to contact them. The User module consists of new user register page, invite friends, edit profile, and create folder, download, upload, view folder. The new register page is used to create a new profile. Invite friend file is used to send greetings to their friend [Group Mails].Edit profile is used to modify the data in our profile. Download is used to save the documents, MP3, Video and audio files from Web. Search engine is used to search our files and documents in our login page as well as from the web page. Upload file is used to attach the files and documents. Normally the files and documents are sending with 10 Mb memory size via Email. Through using this system, the documents and files can contains more memory space. DNAP 1030. MERCHANT TRACKING SYSTEM This application Software, Merchant Tracking System is developed for the Transaction Company to improve and simplify their sales and accounts department’s activities. The main objective of this software is to serve the sales representatives of the Transaction Company, to provide up to second instruction of the company and the product details. This project deals with the calculation of commission for the products sold to the dealers by the representative in spite of Merchants. This project can be made online to provide service for representatives to view their commission details, salary details and incentive details online as weekly and monthly reports. And also the representatives can view their target details in the web, along with their incentive details. They will also get a detailed idea of the products that are currently in the warehouse. This is designed in such a way that it can be attached to an existing web site or even it can be launched as a stand alone website for a merchant. DNAP 1031. POSTBOX EMAIL SYSTEM Postbox Email system is a mailing system used to provide a mail services over the intranet. In this project a single server is maintaining the all client requests. The server maintains a separate database for the all members login on the postbox email system. The database contains the all-individual user information separately. The user can check the mail and sending mail to other users with the help of a separate client messenger system. User can login to this messenger using our user name and password. The server authenticates the user names and password. The authentication succeeds then server-
  • 12. giving authorization to the user according the user rights. Then main features of this project are it provides an efficient communication for the commercial offices and institution. It makes the services as private and costless mail server for organizations in the Platform: VB DNAP 1032. BACKUP AND RECOVERY SCHEDULER AUTOMATION MANAGEMENT (WEB BASED) This System is designed for the purpose of backup and restoring the vital file source in a particular directory i.e. the databases of the company. This project is mainly used to secure the important files of the particular Organization. In first to select the backup files and enter the backup path after complete the process to select any schedule types like Daily, Weekly, and Monthly. The time for backup process, Maximum capacity of the backup is common for all schedules. When we need for a backup file or the folder, which is backup, select the needed file or folder and click restore button. The selected file will be restored the actual path. Also the system provides the facility to view the backup files and folders. The log file will provide the schedule information, starting & ending time of the application. The total backup area size can be set and when it is exceeded, it will be intimated to the application. The backup area size can be customized at any time. DNAP 1033. ASP MAILING LIST The ASP Mailing project is developed in simulation the actual electronic mail where the software is developed with Active Server Page . Net framework. As, Net frame work is well known for its platform independent and multi language support makes the user to execute the application at any environment. The .Net is well known for its user compatibility and extensibility in the software development. The ASP Mailing project uses Microsoft Access as a back end tool. The Microsoft Access database is used to store and retrieve the data. The Microsoft access database provides user friendly approach in accessing the data base. Thus information about the mail service and user accounts are stored in the data base. DN 1034. ADMIN INTERFACE The Admin Interface is a tool that will help Web Administrators and Developers. It contains several tools and Links. The following tools are included: ASCII Conversion, Script and Code Snippet Library, COM Detection System, List of DOS Commands, Run DOS Command, HTTP Header Response Messages, List of Net Commands, List of Ports, Remote Explorer, Server Variables, Web Log Viewer Also, included are Dynamic Stylesheets, Random Quote, and Random Image. Modules: 1.ASCII Conversion: This module contains the ASCII values for the alphabets and special characters and also contains Decimal, Octal, Hex, Binary values. 2.COMPONENT Detection System: It contains the list of components that are installed to your system. E.g. VSEmail,
  • 13. ASPEmail, CDONTS, ASPMail, Jmail. 3.DOS Commands: Contains list of DOS commands. E.g. ASSOC, ATTRIB, CHKDSK, COMPACT etc 4.HTTP Header Response Messages: After receiving and interpreting a request message, a server responds with an HTTP response message. DN 1035. WORK FLOW MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WorkFlow Management System allows the flow of work between individuals and/or departments to be defined and tracked. Although Documents are often used as a medium for transporting information in a Workflow system, it is mostly associated with Document Management where the Workflow system is used to track the process of creating and reviewing and distributing Documents. A set of programs that aids in the tracking and management of all the activities in a project from start to finish. The software automatically routes events or work-items from one user or program to another. Also called process flow, but "workflow" sounds more proactive, like you're actually working. A process description of how tasks are done, by whom, in what order and how quickly. Workflow can be used in the context of electronic systems or people, i.e. an electronic workflow system can help automate a physician's personal workflow. DNAP 1036. DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF ONLINE DISCUSSION, CHATTING, KNOWLEDGE SHARING FOR TRAINING PORTAL The Application has the System Administrator, Employee, Student (Trainee), Chat, Forum modules. The System Administrator can add a Course, add a schedule, modify a course, add a feedback, modify a feedback, Register a New Employee to the Concern, and view the profiles for both employee and student Profile. The Employee can view Schedule allotted by Admin, Forum Messages and he can chat with others to clarify the online doubt that afforded by the student. In Chat Module Whoever it may be entering into chat with others (Except Unregistered Users). The students can clarify the doubt through the Forum messages. The Students can post the question to the forum. If anybody knows the answer to those questions then they can reply the answer through the Forum. In chat everyone enter into chat (except unregistered user) with others. They can also create a separate room for chatting Like Entertainment, Jokes. Depending upon the user wish they can enter into chat with others. He/She can also possible to create a new room for chatting. DNAP 1037. ONLINE JOB PROVIDER AND SEARCH PORTAL This project is aimed at developing online for the group of Job Provider. This is a web-based tool. Any user can post the resume and can search the jobs. The user can attend the examinations and results can view by registered user. This is useful for a office, Consultancies. Admin can view the Company details and the can providing Authority to the
  • 14. users and their employees. A facility for this project is Search the job by registered user and also searches suitable candidates for suitable job by the job provider. DNAP 1038. ONLINE WEB MART SYSTEM FOR JEWELLERY SHOP The Project entitled “Online Web Mart System for Jewellery Shop” is a web application developed for a jewel shop to promote the traditional shopping into Internet shopping. This web application is mainly focused on to develop B 2 C (Business to Customer) relationship through the web. The changing life style of people made the need of web shopping from traditional shopping. Online Jewellery Shopping contains four modules. They are,  Registration Module  Shopping Module  Checkout Module  Administrator Module  User module In Registration module the customer can register their information like name, address, Pin code, state, country, contact number, email-id, etc., In Shopping module the customer can view the jewels available in the shop, along with that the product details are also displayed. In Checkout module the customer can review their purchase and enter the credit card number for validation. In Administration module, all the jewels information are maintained such as purchase, sales, jewel rates. DNAP 1039. SERVICE MANAGEMENT, RECTIFICATION AND REPORT MAINTENANCE FOR TELEPHONE DEPARTMENT The project aims in managing the hardware service based company activities. The customer complaints are queried through logging their phone calls and assigning the complaints to service engineers. The project contains administrator and service engineer modules. The customer, service engineer, calls entry and service details are maintained in administrator module. The new customers and service engineer profiles registration are first made. Whenever customer calls and conveys their problems, a service engineer is assigned to solve the problem. When the service engineer is outside, he may log into to the site, enter into his login and check for the new complaints. Then he attends the complaint and makes service entry details such that the service is finished or not. The administrator views these details anytime. DNAP 1040. PRODUCT MANUFACTURING, PROCESSING AND DISTRIBUTION OF A TEA FACTORY Factory management is a computerized workflow process of an office. This project handles the office automation such as collecting the details, processing and maintain it. Here we convert the manual process into automation by a client server technology. This project is entirely differing from old ones by including a feature it also run both on Internet and LAN. Here we computerize the Tea Factory Management with efficient Software. This project contains three modules, they are. Collection
  • 15. Processing Maintenance DNAP 1041. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS DATABASE SYSTEM FOR INVESTMENT DECISION (WEB BASED ) The objective of this database system is to assist financial analyst and related users to make company’s financial analysis according to their financial statements using computer system approaches. Trial Balance, Balance Sheet and Income Statement will be displayed for reference. These financial statements analysis are valuable for the company’s valuation and can help in making investment decision. Samples were taken from several companies using their real financial statements. The results are shown the form of graph of ratio analysis and valuation. DNAP 1042. INSURANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The Insurance Premium calculator is a major component in the electronic Systems of Insurance Companies. The Insurance agent’s Samurai is the system meant for insurance agent that helps to automated most of the functionalities in the insurance policy related activities. This system should have the facility to enter the customer details who wants to take an insurance scheme. The system should be able to provide necessary illustrations and calculate the premium amount. This system should also provide the facility to show the specification of premium term as per the choice of premium value to be paid. If the customer decides to go for the selected insurance plan, the system should be able to generate the filled application form in MS word format. This system an also be implemented for standalone machines (for Insurance agents) DNAP 1043. ONLINE MATRIMONIAL SYSTEM The project contains administrator and member module. First the user needs to register his profile. The profile contains personal details, Religious and caste details, income, his/her habits and photo, etc. After registration, the user will receive the mail after the address, phone number details are confirmed by the administrator. The mail will contain the profile id for future login purpose. The administrator may view all the profile details, lock and unlock the profile if suspected and delete the unwanted profiles. He may search all kind of profiles with the selected options or any options i.e. he may view only selected language profiles or all profiles with all the field details. The member may view site features, edit own profile and search for the profiles. The user needs to select anyone language, caste, religion and other details to view the selection criteria. He may not see profiles of all language, religion and other details at one time. In addition, the user may not see the contact information and thereby contact them directly. If any profile matches for the user, he may contact to the site administrator, make payment and collect the personal details. DNAP 1044. NETWORK PRODUCT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM In a typical NMS scenario a network service provider will have thousands of network elements of different kinds like eg, switches, routers, bridges, gateways and also of various makes eg, Cisco, Juniper, Nortel, etc. All these network elements would like to collect data spewed out by these elements. This data will be analyzed for Faults, Configuration,
  • 16. Accounting, Performance and Security Data. This will give an overview of a typical network management Application and standardizing the interfacing thereof. Use a config manager to read the config file and update other agents for any changes, Use a file manager to record rotation of files and handle files for reading for different readers. Note files should not be re- read again by mistake, Use a record handler agent which will delegate different record types to different record readers, Use a standard record format, to which all the distinct records will be converted to, when a new network element type is added the steps I should do is small enhancements to the file manager, new record handler and new adapter to convert the new record to the standard format. . DNAP 1045. INTRANET MULTI CLIENT CHATTING (WEB BASED) Private network used within the company. An intranet serves the internal needs of the business entity. Intranet users are able to access the Internet, but firewalls keep outsiders from accessing confidential data. It makes use of the infrastructure and standards of the Internet and the Web. Intranets use low-cost Internet tools, are easy to install, and offer flexibility. The most popular intranet application is obviously inter-office chat. This capability allows the employees of a company to communicate with each other swiftly and easily. If the intranet has access to the Internet, chat can be accessed through the Internet connection. If the intranet is running without the Internet, special chat software packages can be bought and installed so that employees can take advantage of its many benefits. Every type of company has to deal with forms of some sort. This is another area where paperwork can become a problem for a business. Intranet servers can be equipped with programs that allow for forms to be filled out online. They could also be downloaded and printed out by the users themselves, which would cut down on the time it would take to distribute these forms manually. While somewhat complicated, intranets can be equipped with software to allow for live chat rooms or instant messages so that employees can communicate with each other online about work-related subjects. If a company is considering this form of communication, they should first form a policy about what can be discussed in an intranet chat. Chat room moderators and software to log the chats for future reference should also be considered. Despite these options, it is still difficult to see live online chats replacing traditional company meetings anytime soon. DNAP 1046. DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF FEATURE- RICH RESUME BUILDER For automating the process of Resume Writing. This would be facilitating the employees to make and print their resumes in a proper format. In addition, it will be facilitating the higher management to search the employees depending upon their skills sets and other attributes. The Basic Requirement is to have a centralized repository of all the skill- holders in the organization so that an employee with a particular skill set can be immediately found in case of urgent requirement. Following is a list of functionalities of the system. More functionality that you find appropriate can be added to this list. And, in places where the description of functionality is not adequate, you can make appropriate assumptions. Interface for filling up the following information  Personal Information  Educational Information  Skill sets  Training
  • 17. Visa Details DNAP 1047. ONLINE TRIP MAPPING, TRAVEL AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The project contains tourist spot information module, bus details, trip details, online registration details and reports. The tourist spot is divided into four regions and the details are covered as North India, South India, East India and West India. The bus details include the bus registration number, date of purchase, manufacturer, seats available and remarks. The trip details include the bus name, date and time of trip, seats available, source and destination, driver name, return date, ticket fare, reservation charge and remarks. The registration details include selecting the source and destination, date and time of trip and number of tickets. The reports are trip details, trip wise reservation details, and bus wise trip details. DNAP 1048. ONLINE WEB RATING AND SURVEYING SYSTEM This project handles the rating process of the website. There are so many websites around the world which distribute the information given by their owners. It is an effective and easy way to reach the information to the people. There are different types of websites and their pages are with attractive information and design. Rating is a method to know the people mentality about the pages in the website and it also helps the website holder about viewer’s response. There should be different kind of rating depending upon the sites. If an e-commerce site the rating should be defined according to the user’s wish or if it is an organization site means rating should be differ. Here we are using a technique which directly interacts with viewers by developing a site which gets the viewers response through hit count and rating from users of different sites. And also we can act as a dealership for advertisements in these websites. This project contains Five modules:- Display the Rating Administration Customer Registration Ad Posting Reports DNAP 1049. ONLINE VEHICLE PROCUREMENT SYSTEM The objective of this project is to develop a user-friendly application to approach the online vehicle system. Online vehicle is a project that allows the user to do online operations on purchasing vehicles. This project also includes the customer complaints, exchanging of their vehicles, and individual login for each user. Each customer’s details are maintained separately. Like some other websites in the web this project is also have all the functionalities. Here this project involves in ASP (Active server pages), which is advanced version of HTML, and DHTML. ASP is the product of Microsoft Corporation, which fetches the data dynamically from the web server.
  • 18. DNAP 1050. VEHICLE SERVICE INFORMATION SYSTEMS (WEB BASED) Advanced vehicle and highway systems (AVHSs) may be the next major step in the evolution of transportation systems around the world. In AVHSs are divided into five major areas: advanced traveler information systems; advanced transportation management systems; advanced vehicle control systems; commercial vehicle operations; and advanced public transit systems. All areas rely heavily on some form of communications and, in most cases, on RF data communications. These in turn break down into four main types: intravehicle; vehicle-to-vehicle; vehicle-to-infrastructure; and infrastructure-to-infrastructure. The national AVHS program consists of six interrelated application areas: advanced traffic management systems, advanced traveler information systems (ATIS), advanced public transportation systems (APTS), advanced vehicle control systems (AVCS), advanced rural transportation systems (ARTS), and commercial vehicle operations (CVO). DNAP 1051. UNIVERSITY ADMISSION SYSTEM (WEB BASED) This Project is aimed at developing windows application for the University Admission System. This project has three modules .They are Student, Admin, and Guest. The student first registers with university/College with full details of mark, profile and others details. The Admin maintain the details of available course, seat vacancy, Fees details and details about the college. The Admin can able to modify those above indicated information. The power user can only able to see those details but they can’t able to modify it. The power user performs the registration task of the student. The guest directly enters into an application and see all the enquiry details .The enquiry details are maintained by staff. The staff al so maintains all the information of each student behind the college like fees details, Mark details, Sports details, Library details, University teaching and non teaching employees, and other extra curriculum activities. DNAP 1052. GENERIC PROJECT MANAGEMENT PORTAL (WEB BASED) A successful Project Manager must simultaneously manage the four basic elements of a project: resources, time, money, and most importantly, scope. All these elements are interrelated. Each must be managed effectively. All must be managed together if the project, and the project manager, is to be a success. This project maintains resources, time, money and scope of collection of project. The Resources has People, equipment and material. The time has Task durations, dependencies, and critical path. The money maintains the details of Costs, contingencies and profit that’s needed for a particular project. The scope has Project size, goals and requirements. Most literature on project management speaks of the need to manage and balance three elements: people, time, and money. The project scope is the definition of what the project is supposed to accomplish and the budget (of time and money) that has been created to achieve these objectives. It is absolutely imperative that any change to the scope of the project have a matching change in budget, either time or resources. DNAP 1053. DISPENSARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (WEB BASED)
  • 19. A method of dispensing medical prescriptions that includes scanning the prescription at a location remote from a dispensary, and providing an electronic communication of the prescription to the dispensary, followed by delivery or patient pick up of the prescription medicine or prescription devices. The invention further provides a process for controlling a system of processing medical prescription information that utilizes software that controls scanning of the prescription information and electronic communication of the prescription information to a dispensary. In both embodiments, the patient controls the steps in prescription filling, preferably including entry of the prescription information. The invention is particularly applicable to streamlining the practice of medicine, reducing healthcare costs and improving patient care. DNAP 1054. XML CODE EDITOR WITH SYNTAX CHECKER AND SYNTAX COLORING (WEB BASED) This project is mainly used to creating XML pages. Normally XML page contains user defined tags both starting and ending tags. In addition, XML is case sensitive. So typing the code will increase time. At present, the editors such as in the .NET development environment, during the page creation, the errors will not be identified. Only when running the page produces the error message. In the project, the syntax and error checking can be made even at design time. DNAP 1055. COLLEGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (WEB BASED) The project titled “COLLEGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” is designed using Microsoft Visual Studio.NET as the front end and SQL-SERVER 2000 as the back end which is developed under Visual Studio .NET 2003. The project contains following modules: In this module admin can create new users .he can delete and update the users. In college module we can add the college details, college code, college name, college category and description. The transaction module contains purchase; purchase return sale and sales return details. During this process bill no college code, batch no expiry date, rate college name mfg date also maintain here, we can add these details, and also modify the details. The reports and view module contains colleges details and bill details sales, and purchase details are viewable. The bill details either date wise, college id wise or all details. DNAP 1056. MEDICAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (WEB BASED) The project titled “MEDICAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” is designed using Microsoft Visual Studio.NET as the front end and SQL-SERVER 2000 as the back end which is developed under Visual Studio .NET 2003. The project contains following modules: In this module admin can create new users .he can delete and update the users. In drug module we can add the drugs details, drug code, drug name, drug category and description. The transaction module contains purchase; purchase return sale and sales return details. During this process bill no drug code, batch no expiry date, rate drug name mfg date also maintain here, we can add these details, and also modify the details. The reports and view module contains drugs details and bill details sales, and purchase details are viewable. The bill details either date wise, drug id wise or all details.
  • 20. DNAP 1057. PAYROLL INFORMATION SYSTEM (WEB BASED) Providing employees with their paychecks on time and without error is a mission- critical aspect of your business. Because payroll is one of the most visible business processes to your employees, a payroll solution that is accurate, efficient, and right for your particular business is essential. It’s an important contributor to employee satisfaction, and fundamental to your company’s success. Payroll is so fundamental that it’s frequently a given, and its strategic importance is often understated. By choosing the appropriate payroll solution for your company’s unique needs and culture, you can boost efficiency, reduce costs, and better manage the payroll process, all of which can contribute to the bottom line in a positive way. For example, if one of your corporate objectives is to provide better financial information to internal customers, and your current payroll process isn’t meeting this objective with flexible reporting options, implementing a new system may be just the answer you’re looking for. DNAP 1058. HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (WEB BASED) The project titled “HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” is designed using Microsoft Visual Studio.NET as the front end and MS-Access 2000 as the back end which is developed under Visual Studio .NET 2003. The project contains following modules: In this Admin module admin can create new users .he can delete and update the users. The master module contains doctor and patient’s details, doctor code, doctor name, qualification, specialization experience date of join also maintain here. The transaction module contains visitor id vaster date patient code doctor code visit purpose type category service details charge, allotted room no are maintain here. The search and view module contains doctor, patient details, and patient and visitor information details. The report module contains doctor, patient, visitor reports. DNAP 1059. LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (WEB BASED) The project “LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” is designed for the purpose of convenient use for proper transactions. The Liberian can control all the function in the library. The administrator can set the fine amount for the students and days limit for the students and staffs. The students and staff can check the availability of the books by author id wise or book name wise. The students can take the books and returned the books it all stored in the librarian database automatically. The administrator can add the new books, new authors and publication wise details in the data base. The report can view by the administrator only. The administrator can view the total number of books, authors, issue date and returned date details. DNAP 1060. INCOME TAX CALCULATION (WEB BASED) The administrator can have the rights to add new user creation process; in this process the admin creates the user list. The system can process the tax code, tax type and tax description. During tax details, the tax code, tax name and tax description is saved, we can also modify the tax name tax code in this module in this module also contains tax code tax rate start amount end amount, cess, surcharge. The tax holder calculates tax holder code, occupation, name, age address and phone numbers details. During tax holder calculation, the tax holder
  • 21. code is selected and occupation name and age address and phone no are entering in this module. We can modify the tax holder details in this module. In this module also contain tax calculation details, here tax holder code selected, other details are automatically generated. After that the tax, paid and balance amount are entered in this module. DNAP 1061. ONLINE COLLEGE ADMINISTRATION The objective of the project is to develop an online administration system for a college. Using this system we can control the whole administration of the college. This project involves in dealing with the needs for a college administration. According to the needs we have developed this project. This project consist of All the branches information, Departments information, Staffs information, Students information Staff attendances, Students attendances, Subject details, Students marks details Here each student have the wrights to view their attendance and mark details, but only administrators have the wrights to modify the above information DNAP 1062. ONLINE DEALERSHIP SYSTEM The objective of the project is to develop an online Dealership system for a college. Using this system dealership can made easily through online This system consists of each and every company’s information. In this company’s details some fields are highlighted, they are Product name, Price for the product, Details of the product, And the company image Here the administrator can do such operations like Add new product, Edit product, Remove product, Dealers list, Feedback list Here the administrator has some login premises to handle security problems. DNAP 1063. ONLINE COLLEGE COUNSELING SYSTEM The objective of the project is to develop an online counseling system for selecting college-counseling process. Using this system we can control the whole counseling process. This project involves both the administrator and the user to access the system. The users are allowed to perform some limited operations like College details Counseling schedule Admission details But the administrator can access the system directly to perform such operations like Mark entry Counseling date allotments Counseling process This system automatically calculates the eligibility and the cut off marks of the students.
  • 22. DNAP 1064. RAILWAY REGISTRATION SYSTEM This project provides all round detail to a user regarding the train services available and services available in those trains. The details available in this web site will help a person to plan his travel easily and make it comfortable. This site helps in identifying train to any place of interest, classes available in the train fares, train schedule (Arrivals and departure time at various stations), etc. In this project it is assumed that a person can book a ticket 7 days in advance including the date of booking and journey. DNAP 1065. HOTEL RESERVATION SYSTEM The Hotel Reservation project will automate the manual and legacy operations of Tranm Hotel. The project will keep track of guest database, room reservations, room service, Admin and reports. The study will provide all the necessary reports of all the transactions and will not cause the delay of submission of needed reports to the owner or the manager. It covers the latest art of reservation which is online system. It also discusses significant features to the company involve as well as the customer. Payments are not done online, thus the delimitation. DNAP 1066. ONLINE BILLING SYSTEM Any mobile users (subscribers) and Broadband Connection user, from any part of the TamilNadu, can use this tool to send payment his mobile phone bill and net usage bill in Online. Online billing system does not recommend in an communication any of the telephone network using this service. Online Billing system is responsible for the improper use of the billing system in any manner whatsoever. Use of this billing system is at your home freely. Credit card number is must access this transaction, Connection cancellation, registration cancellation systems are available in User side, administrator control billing transactions and user database. DNAP 1067. FLAT PROMOTERS SYSTEM To minimize workload of the flat promoters or for their easy convenience these projects have been promoted. This project is very useful for the flats promoters. This project is designed after collecting data from the flat promoters. In this site or module a flat promoter can know the details of flats to be built, types of flats, model, location of the flats, feasibility of the flats etc., There will be options for the clients to choose the flats according to their taste. If a flat is allotted to a person it will be kept as reserved category. After the allotment of flat to a customer, if he is not satisfied or any other reason, if he wants his money return he can cancel the flats allotted to him and get back his money. What are the materials used, quality of the materials, designs, interior decorations etc., will be shown in this site. How much of materials or quantity will be shown in this site. So the client can access the quality of the flats. DNAP 1068. CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT Customer Relationship Management or CRM is a business strategy designed to optimize revenue and increasing customer satisfaction, attracting new customers, retaining existing customers and understanding customers better. A successful CRM implementation can
  • 23. improve the business process by improving selling and servicing functions. Because of the Internet, markets move faster and competition is much more fierce. Currently, they employ diverse information systems to maintain different aspects of customer relationships. Separate systems often give incomplete and outdated information on the customer. CRM provides an integrated system to maintain good relationships with customers. DNAP 1069. ONLINE DOCTOR APPOINTMENT Any Patient, from any part of the world, can use this tool to schedule his appointments. Royal Hospital recommends in any manner any of the doctors using this service. Hospital is responsible for the improper use of the appointment scheduler in any manner whatsoever. Use of this appointment scheduler is at your home.This feature enables a patient to request appointments with any doctor who uses this appointment system online. DNAP 1070. MOBILE BILLING SYSTEM Any mobile users (subscribers), from any part of the world, can use this tool to send payment his mobile phone bill in Online. Online billing system does not recommends in an communication any of the telephone network using this service. Online Billing system is responsible for the improper use of the billing system in any manner whatsoever. Use of this billing system is at your home freely. DNAP 1071. DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF EQUITY TRADING PORTFOLIO MANAGER Equity Trading Portfolio (ETP) manager is assistant software for traders who normally do the trading though some stock brokers. These traders mostly track the share prices using News channels or news papers and place the order for stock buy or sell to stock broker. Stock broker actually does the buy or sell action on behalf of such traders. ETP manager keeps the track of share prices offline (if time permits this can be made online) and provides charts and analysis of the particular companies’ share with available data. At End of Day, the broker will update the closing stock rates to database. Similarly at Day’s open the broker will update the opening stock rates (if time permits this can be made online). It also keeps the records of buy and sell done by the trader. This system facilitates the traders to see the DMAT allocations of trader with current price. Equity Trading Portfolio (ETP) manager is a true assistant to those traders who do not have electronic trading facility and do trading through brokers. DNAP 1072. FACTORY MANAGEMENT Factory management is a computerized workflow process of an office.
  • 24. This project handles the office automation such as collecting the details, processing and maintain it. Here we convert the manual process into automation by a client server technology. This project is entirely differing from old ones by including a feature it also run both on Internet and LAN. Here we computerize the Tea Factory Management with efficient Software. This project contains three modules, they are. Collection Processing Maintenance DNAP 1073. DEVELOPMENT OF A PRACTICAL ONLINE HELP DESK (OHD) FOR THE FACILITIES IN THE CAMPUS This Project is aimed to developing the Online Help Desk (OHD) for the Software Company to the facilities in the office. This is an online application that can be accessed throughout the Company. This system can be used to automate the workflow of service requests for the various facilities in the office. This is one integrated system that covers different kinds of facilities like data sharing inside the company, getting the information from the higher authority and send the reply. Employee can log in a request for service for any of the supported facilities. These requests will be sent to the concerned people, who are also valid users of the system, to get them resolved. There are features like email notifications/reminders, addition of a new facility to the system, report generators etc in this system. DNAP 1074. WEB RATING SYSTEM This project handles the rating process of the website. There are so many websites around the world which distribute the information given by their owners. It is an effective and easy way to reach the information to the people. There are different types of websites and their pages are with attractive information and design. Rating is a method to know the people mentality about the pages in the website and it also helps the website holder about viewer’s response. There should be different kind of rating depending upon the sites. If an e-commerce site the rating should be defined according to the user’s wish or if it is an organization site means rating should be differ. Here we are using a technique which directly interacts with viewers by developing a site which gets the viewers response through hit count and rating from users of different sites. And also we can act as a dealership for advertisements in these websites. DNAP 1075. TBLOGGER
  • 25. Tblogger provides a complete blogging system that does not require a database. It uses xml for its backing store making deployment simple and fast. We can save all the data’s present in our websites using a xml file. Usually we will be using our local websites for storing data’s present in our websites. This needs a local databases and an available connection and also it takes some considerable time to update the changes made in our data’s. By using tblogger there is no need for any local databases. This helps in running our websites without databases. We can easily update the changes occurring in the databases by using xml file. DNAP 1076. ONLINE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM The admin module contains admin login, admin main form. In admin main form consist of doctor entry, suggestion entry, view symptoms (new), view suggestions (all), view symptoms (all), view doctor (all) and new admin registration form. The patient module contains patient login, patient registration form and patient admin form. In patient admin form consist of symptoms entry, view suggestions, view symptoms, view doctor form. The insurance link module consists of medical insurance links, healthcare insurance links and visit to top medical insurance links.Finally, contact us module is static which gives the details of the healthcare center. DNAP 1077. ONLINE CALL LOGGING AND CUSTOMER SUPPORT SYSTEM The project aims in managing the hardware service based company activities. The customer complaints are queried through logging their phone calls and assigning the complaints to service engineers. The project contains administrator and service engineer modules. The customer, service engineer, calls entry and service details are maintained in administrator module. The new customers and service engineer profiles registration are first made. Whenever customer calls and conveys their problems, a service engineer is assigned to solve the problem. When the service engineer is outside, he may log into to the site, enter into his login and check for the new complaints. Then he attends the complaint and makes service entry details such that the service is finished or not. These details are viewed by the administrator anytime. DNAP 1078. DEVELOPMENT OF A CAMPAIGN INFORMATION SYSTEM Campaign means advertising of the products through channels like Tele marketing, letters, signboards, TV Commercials, etc. There are different campaigns for different products and
  • 26. there is a specific period for each campaign. In this project, we give a campaign for website through another website. If customer wants to advertise their site means, he can join in the membership. Memberships are of two types, Premium Membership and Trial Version. Premium Membership is of four types Monthly Basis, Quarterly Basis, Half Yearly Basis, and Annual Basis. If he chooses with the Premium Membership means Mode of payments are in either cheque or in DD. In trial version customer need not to pay any amount, the advertisement is for only fifteen days if he is not satisfied with this trial version means he can withdraw the membership. If he satisfied with the trial version means he can join in the Premium version. DNAP 1079. ONLINE BOOK SHOP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The project contains two main modules. One is Administrator and another one is Customer. The owner of the bookshop is the administrator. He logins to the application and enters the details are Book entry and an Author entry. The book details are ISBN Code, book name, author code, price, discount, net price and number of copies. The author entry contains author code, name and Email Id. From the login, all the orders may be viewed and sales entry is made to the selected order. The order details and sales details can be viewed either author- wise, date-wise or book-name wise. The customer may login to the site and register with a username and password. Then he should enter the personal details such as name and address. He may view the book details searching either author-wise or book-wise and then order for it. The orders made by him and the books given to him can be viewed from the login. DNAP 1080. ONLINE BUG TRACKING SYSTEM The project contains three main modules. These are Administrator, Staff and Customer. The administrator logins to the application and enters the details are Staff Entry, Project Entry, View New Bugs From Customers, Assign Bug to staff, View Bug case flow status details, Send message to customers. The staff details are username, password, category and Email Id. The project details are name and description. The bug details are project name, error category, error details, print screen of the bug, due date to reply for the bug. Bug assign details include the ticket number which is generated for the bug and other messages. Case flow details include bug details, which staffs are involved in solving the bug, and the status. The message sending includes the message details for the bug solution. The staff may login to the site using username and password. Then he may view the bugs assigned to them. He can directly give solution message to customers or he can assign the bugs to other staffs if the bug is related to them. The user may view bug case flow details with which he involved. The customer registers in to the applications and login to the site using username and password, whenever a bug is raised from his software; he sends the bug details to the administrator with print screen of the bug generated. He may see the bug case flow details and bug status along with remedy details at any time using the ticket number generated during new bug entry. DNAP 1081. ONLINE DISCUSS-FORUM
  • 27. This project is aimed at developing online form for the group discussion. This is a web-based tool. Any user can post the doubts topics and can reply for the other user doubts. The user can invites others for Discussion and submit query. This is useful for a small office, school or a department or for that matter any group who is interested to organize it effectively. Facility to share the resource and post articles that can be viewed by registered user. Project requirements: Facility to post topics for the discussion,Facility to view the articles by topics,Facility to invite user over to the discussion desk,Facility to invite new user. User can view the previous discussion taken place on that day,Rate the articles. Administrator has privilege to edit user’s profile DNAP 1082. ONLINE TRAVELS AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT The project involves tourism spot details across India. The touring services details to various tourist spots are provided here. The project contains tourist spot information module, bus details, trip details, online registration details and reports. The tourist spot is divided into four regions and the details are covered as North India, South India, East India and West India. The bus details include the bus registration number, date of purchase, manufacturer, seats available and remarks. The trip details include the bus name, date and time of trip, seats available, source and destination, driver name, return date, ticket fare, reservation charge and remarks. The registration details include selecting the source and destination, date and time of trip and number of tickets. DNAP 1083. BSNL SEARCH SERVICE SYSTEM FOR CUSTOMERS AND PILLAR MANAGEMENT FOR SERVICE ENGINEERS The project involves directory enquiry service such as search for phone number or address details. In addition, the pillar details, the distribution point details for the phones are entered and can be searched. The project contains two main modules: 1.Staff
  • 28. 2.Search DNAP 1084. ONLINE MATRIMONIAL SYSTEM The project contains administrator and member module. First the user needs to register his profile. The profile contains personal details, Religious and caste details, income, his/her habits and photo, etc. After registration, the user will receive the mail after the address, phone number details are confirmed by the administrator. The mail will contain the profile id for future login purpose. The administrator may view all the profile details, lock and unlock the profile if suspected and delete the unwanted profiles. He may search all kind of profiles with the selected options or any options i.e. he may view only selected language profiles or all profiles with all the field details. The member may view site features, edit own profile and search for the profiles. The user needs to select anyone language, caste, religion and other details to view the selection criteria. He may not see profiles of all language, religion and other details at one time. In addition, the user may not see the contact information and thereby contact them directly. If any profile matches for the user, he may contact to the site administrator, make payment and collect the personal details. DNAP 1085. DATABASE ENTERPRISE MANAGER The system “Database Enterprise Manger” is developed to work in the front-end as enterprise database management system. In this we can create/delete database. User can create the table/triggers/view/stored procedures and set Authentication for the database and tables. The new Database Enterprise Manager tool has been designed to better expose the simplicity and self-healing capabilities built in the product. Matisse Database Enterprise Manager makes administrators more productive by ensuring the optimum level of performance all the time and thus removing tedious administration tasks from DBAs daily routines. DNAP 1086. EMPLOYEE ALERTS FOR DAILY WORK USING WEB SERVICE CONCEPTS Spider Alerts tool is used to receive instant alerts from any web sites or from any local services. It is a windows application that communicates with the web services hosted by any web sites (eg:,, A new alert is generated in Spider Alerts tool when one of the following happens:
  • 29. a new Instruction Passing  a new article is submitted  a new question is posted  an answer is posted for a question  a new job is posted  a news is posted  a new project is posted DNAP 1087. E-BANKING TRANSACTION SYSTEM WITH PORTAL FOR BANK OFFICIALS AND CUSTOMERS The project titled “E-Banking Transaction System” is designed using Active Server Pages .NET with Microsoft Visual Studio.Net 2003 as front end and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as back end which works in .Net framework version 1.1. The coding language used is Visual Basic .Net. The project contains customer account creation, their translation such as deposits, withdrawal and interest entries through online by the bank networks. The customer of one branch can make translation in any other branches of the Bank. At any time, the current account status of any customer of any branch can be viewed in any / all branches by administrator, staff, and customer. The project is mainly designed for reducing the burdens of the bank officials. The transaction could be made only through the bank officials. The customers can only view the services provided by the bank. Also the customer can view their account details anywhere.
  • 30. DOTNET SYSTEM SIDE PROJECTS DNS 1001. DYNAMIC LOAD BALANCING & SCALABLE WEB SERVER SYSTEM BASED ON NETWORK CLUSTERING This software is used to dynamically balance the load of the web servers in a web farm. Mission- critical applications and networks need to be able to scale performance to handle large volumes of client requests without unwanted delays. A "server cluster" is a group of independent servers managed as a single system for higher availability, easier manageability, and greater scalability. It consists of two or more servers connected by a network, and cluster management software, such as WLBS, MSCS or Application Center. The software provides services such as failure detection, recovery, load balancing, and the ability to manage the servers as a single system. Load balancing is a technique that allows the performance of a server-based program, such as a Web server, to be scaled by distributing its client requests across multiple servers within a cluster of computers. Load balancing is used to enhance scalability, which boosts throughput while keeping response times low. The load balancing software comes in three parts: a server, that reports the load of the machine it is running on; a server that collects such loads, no matter which machine they come from; and a library which asks the collecting server which is the least loaded (fastest) machine. The server that reports the machine's load is called "Machine Load Reporting Server" (MLRS), and the server, which collects machine loads, is called "Machine Load Monitoring Server" (MLMS). The libraries name "Load Balancing Library" (LBL). You can deploy these three parts of the software, as you like. For example, you could install all of them on all machines. The MLRS server on each machine joins a special, designated for the purpose of the load balancing; multicasts group, and sends messages, containing the machine's load to the group's multicast IP address. Because all MLMS servers join the same group at startup, they all receive each machine
  • 31. load, so if you run both MLRS and MLMS servers on all machines, they will know each other's load. So what? We have the machine loads, but what do we do with them? Well, all MLMS servers store the machine loads in a special data structure, which lets them quickly retrieve the least machine load at any time. So all machines now know which the fastest one is. Who cares? We haven't really used that information to balance any load, right? How do we query MLMS servers which are the fastest machine? The answer is that each MLMS registers a special singleton object with the .NET Remoting runtime, so the LBL can create (or get) an instance of that object, and ask it for the least loaded machine. The problem is that LBL cannot ask simultaneously all machines about this, so it should choose one machine (of course, it could be the machine, it is running on) and will hand that load to the client application that needs the information to perform whatever load balancing activity is suitable. DNS1002. REAL TIME DIGITAL SIGANTURE VERIFICATION SYSTEM USING TABLET PC APPLICATION Neural network is a data modeling tool that is able to capture and represent complex input and output relationship neural networks is a method of computing based on interaction of multiple connected processing elements This project deals with the complex operation that is signature recognition. User can give the signature in a written document as an input to the neural network. Neural network analysis the signature and will finding out the corresponding person details. This project is developed by using “Supervised Learning Algorithm”. There are Four Modules in this Project viz., Authentication and Authorization, Master pattern, Training pattern and Verification DNS1003. EFFICIENT BROAD CASTING FRAMEWORK SYSTEM WITH GUARENTEED COVERAGE OVER THE MOBILE ADHOC NETWORKS USING SNR, DNR ALGORITHMS We study an efficient broadcast scheme in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). The objective is to determine a small set of forward nodes to ensure full coverage. We first study several methods that guarantee coverage when the local view of each node on its neighborhood information is updated in a timely manner. Then we consider a general case where nodes move even during the broadcast process, making it impractical to maintain up-to-date and consistent local views. A formal framework is used to model inaccurate local views in MANETs, where full coverage is guaranteed if three sufficient conditions, connectivity, link availability, and consistency, are met. Three solutions are proposed to satisfy those conditions. First, we give a minimal transmission range that maintains the connectivity of the virtual network constructed from local views. Then, we use two transmission ranges, one for neighborhood information collection and the other for actual data transmission, to form a buffer zone that guarantees the availability of logical links in the physical network. Finally, we propose a mechanism called aggregated local view to ensure consistent local views. DNS1004.EFFICIENT IRIS (PART OF EYE) RECOGNITION BY CHARACTERIZING KEY LOCAL VARIATIONS Unlike other biometrics such as fingerprints and face, the distinct aspect of iris comes from randomly distributed features. This leads to its high reliability for personal identification, and at the same time, the difficulty in effectively representing such details in an image. This paper describes an efficient algorithm for iris recognition by characterizing key local variations. The basic idea is that local sharp variation points, denoting the appearing or vanishing of an important image structure, are utilized to represent the characteristics of the iris. The whole procedure of feature extraction includes two steps: 1) a set of one-dimensional intensity signals is constructed to effectively characterize the most
  • 32. important information of the original two-dimensional image; 2) using a particular class of wavelets, a position sequence of local sharp variation points in such signals is recorded as features. DNS 1005. SPEECH RECOGNITION AND CONTROL SYSTEM FOR AUDIO & VIDEO MEDIA PLAYER Voice or speech recognition is the ability of a machine or program to receive and interpret dictation, or to understand and carry out spoken commands of human. Spoken communication is what largely separates humans from other animals. It permits us to communicate information effectively and with little apparent effort. Although online text and video resources have vastly increased our ability to communicate with each other via computer technology, speech is still the means of communication used first and foremost by humans for information exchange. This brief abstract aims to set the context for the subsequent talks on one of the human language technologies: speech recognition (what was said). Human languages are very different from machine languages. We can use them to help the interface between humans and machine. Speech recognition is also useful as a form of input. It is especially useful when someone's hands or eyes are busy. It allows people working in active environment such as hospitals to use computers. It also allows people with handicaps such as blinDNSess or palsy to use computers. The objective of project is to develop an automatic digital voice recognition program for English. The main aim of the project is to develop and practically implement speaker independent speech recognition for media player and to provide user a HANDS-FREE application. DNS 1006. REMOTE, NETWORK BASED CONTROL AND ACCESS SYSTEM OF A COMPUTER This Full-fledged Remote Controlling System is broadly classified under five modules. These five modules give the feel of working in local machine while actually interacting with the remote machine. Following are the MODULES Remote Desktop This module brings the remote monitor to the local machine. This shows all the activities done in the end user in a movie format. It also provides the facility of getting the snapshots as well as continuous moving picture. Remote Task Manager This module brings the remote systems task manager to the local machine and shows the executing process in it. It also provide facility to kill the execution as well as continuation of the process in remote machine Remote Control panel This module brings the remote machine control and provides facility to execute the applications in the remote machine. It also facilitates to send email remotely. Remote Explorer This module brings the remote machines files and folders to the local machine and gives the facility of editing modifying and deleting as well as downloading. Remote Chat This project provides the facility for one to many chatting facility. Microsoft Winsock it provides a connection oriented transmission, which helps in the concurrent data transaction between each other. DNS 10007. IMPLEMENTATION OF HIGH SPEED VIDEO &CAPTURING, CONFERENCING AND COMPRESSION & DECOMPRESSION OVER THE NETWORK This software is developed in Visual C++. This application allows any 2 persons on the LAN/Intranet (possibly Internet too) to have videoconference. There are several videoconference
  • 33. applications existing today. Each has its own performance enhancement techniques. The major problem in videoconference is that the size of video frames is too big for transmission. Hence the performance is based on the codec used for encoding and decoding the frame. The Project uses Fast h263 Encoder library that gives better compression rate at high speed. This application can also be used on the Internet with little modification. DNS 1008 IMAGE PROCESSING AND RESIZING USING GDI – BILINEAR FILTERS In bilinear filtering is a method of increasing the accuracy with which we can select pixels, by allowing the selection of pixels in between the ones we draw. Honest!!! To illustrate it's effect, we are going to write a resize filter first, then we are going to add a bilinear filter to see the effect it has on the final result. If you want to resize an image arbitrarily, the easiest way to do it is to calculate a factor for the difference between the source and destination in both x and y axes, and then uses that factor to figure out which pixel on the source image maps to the colour being placed on the destination image. Note for this filter I step through the destination image and calculate the source pixels from there, this ensures that no pixels in the destination image are not filled. DNS 1009. 2D AND 3D IMAGE HISTOGRAMS AND 2D MULTISTAGE ENTROPY This project supports bitmaps and jpegs. You can open such files and can see their 2D histograms and entropy functions; you can threshold images in 2, 4 and 8 grey scale levels. You can try different image processing functions like: histogram equalization, entropy maximum and entropy multistage maximum calculation, 3D histogram calculation and 3D histogram equalization. You can save processed images and you can save calculated 2D histograms and 3D histogram functions in txt files so you can open them in MathCAD or Excel. This project supports you to load and process AVI files. Note that AVI processing takes a lot of time, be sure to test application on AVI files that have 100-300 frames. DNS 1010. REMOTE DATA COMMUNICATION AND SERVER PERFORMANCE MONITORING SYSTEM VC++ This project is developed Visual C++. The idea is to enable the client to monitor the screen of any of the server remotely. There will be server software and client software. The client software has to be installed on one client machine. The server software has to be installed on another client machines. Then the client machine should act as a server. If we give the IP address of the server in client machine, the client will be able to see the screen corresponding to the server without the knowledge of the server. The client also will have the ability to send message to the server to do some specific action. The client also gets notified if the server software is stopped or the server reboots. The following modules were developed for this project work. Modules used in this project are 1. Client Module 2. Server Module CLIENT MODULE Client system is used to view the server monitor. The client will be able to see the screen corresponding to the server without the knowledge of the server. The client also will have the ability to
  • 34. send message to the server to do some specific action. It can translates keyboard and mouse messages. The Client Module consists of two sub modules  Sending Request  Receiving Response SERVER MODULE Server sends the response to the client. First Server receives the client request. Then it starts the timer event. The server fetches the client request from the queue one by one. Then it processes the entire client request simultaneously. Then it sends the response to the client. Server module consists of three sub modules:  Receiving request  Processing request  Sending Response DNS 1011. CHARACTER RECOGNITION USING NEURAL NETWORKS This is a character recognition project using neural networks describes how the characters are identified from the pixel-based identification. The project helps us to recognize the character in a faster manner using the templates provided by the developer. This project is developed using neural networks. The aim of this project to recognize the given character format and convert it into actual ASCII format that is text format. This also facilitates the training session to recognize the characters. The maximum number of training session made leads to the increase in the efficiency. DNS 1012. SECURED FILE SHARING OVER INTERNET AND INTRANET This project is used to sharing the files over the Internet and intranet. This project consists of many features both client and server side. The server contains different functions to maintain the users accounts and corresponding path to be shared for a particular user. The server contains the function to monitor the current transaction on the server side. The configuration module is used to configure the current server port connection time out period and maximum number of user to share the server. The security field is used to restrict the connection from the particular IP address. The online user field identifies the current online users and the statistics field identifies the current connection statistics. The server contains different modules to maintain the server settings. The modules are  User accounts  Server log  Configuration manager  Security  Statistics The client consists of many features to access the server over Internet or intranet. The client side window the look-and-feel of Windows Explorer, and makes moving files between the server and your computer as simple as local file manipulation. The site manager in client is used to maintain the user profiles in the client side. The client window consists of different fields to upload and download the files between client and server. The main features of this project are sharing the file over the Internet and intranet with security. We can provide rights to different directories to different users and control the uploading, downloading, deleting the files. We can monitor the current activities of the users and restricting particular IP machine to access the server in vc++.
  • 35. DNS 1013. CRYPTOGRAPHIC STEGANOGRAPHY - HIDING ONE OR MORE FILES IN ONE OR MORE MP3-FILES: This is a tool that makes it possible for you to protect your privacy by firstly encrypting and secondly inserting any data into MP3-files. FEATURES  The pure music information and/or information tags remain untouched  One or more files can be inserted in one or more MP3-files  The data is encrypted by the actual American Encryption Standard (AES)  Multilingual, wizard-like, intuitively usable GUI Platform-independence DNS 1014. HTTP COMPUTER MANAGER FOR WINDOWS 2000 OPERATING SYSTEM HTTP Computer Manager is a software tool that helps an administrator manage the machines connected across the enterprise network and monitor the various tasks running on various remote machines thereby assisting the administrator in controlling the systems in the network. This application features:  Connection to any Computer on remote network;  System information browsing  Operation System  Computer Information  Process Information  BIOS  Time Zone  Memory Configuration  Video Configuration  Event Viewer  Process Viewer  Process List  Process Tree  Process Properties  Process Priority Changing  Process Killing  Services  Start  Stop  Pause  Resume  Change Start Mode  Resource Viewers  Local Groups  Local Users  Shares  Environment (Editable)  Logical Disks  Network Adapters  System Drivers DNS 1015: FILES RETRIVAL OVER THE NETWORK