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EDITORIAL                                                                                                                                                          CONTENTS
     New beginnings invite to celebration and
     joy, a huge opportunity to thank you: our                                                                                                                          Košice Invest - An overview of the
     clients, candidates and suppliers for being                                                                                                                        successful 2010 edition - page 3
     with us this year.
                                                                                                                                                                        Plain Payroll - page 4
     We want this to be the first step in a series of
     pleasant surprises meant to keep you updated                                                                                                                       White Lies - page 5
     with all HR trends and matters, to share with
     you success stories, ideas and opportunities.                                                                                                                      Recruitment between X & Y- page 6
     It has been quite a challenging year for most
                                                                                                                                                                        Lugera News and Events - page 7
     companies and that is why we thought some
     tips on Payroll would help you identify
     possible solutions to get the best results at
     minimum efforts and costs.

     The new edition of the Košice Invest proved
     once again a successful event restating the
     region's tremendous potential of growth and

     White lies in the interview? Find out who,
     why and when.

     We also challenge you to share with us
     feedback and please do not hesitate to contact
     us for any HR related matter that may be of
     use for you!

                                                  Monica Dona         A R M E N I A · C R OAT I A · C Z E C H R E P U B L I C · N E T H E R L A N D S · P O L A N D · R O M A N I A · S LO VA K I A · U K R A I N E        HR MatchFlash                    2
Košice Invest - An overview of the successful
                                                                                               2010 edition
                                                                                  What is Your experience with cooperation                                           creative industry, infrastructure, logistics and
                                                                                  with city Košice regarding this event?                                             transportation. While the last year's conference was
                                                                                  I really do appreciate that city management                                        more general, because it wanted to bring investment
                                                                                  decided to invest into promotion of Košice as                                      profile of the city, this one will be oriented on value-
                                                                                  an ideal investment destination. My                                                added investments.
                                                                                  cooperation with Košice authorities is just
                                                                                  excellent. It is necessary to say that Košice                                      Can you state SWOT of Kosice city, one feature per
                                                                                  Invest is only a part of the municipal FDI                                         each?
                                                                                  marketing strategy, created by the FDI Joint                                       Strength – Existing logistic, transportation, culture,
                                                                                  Working Group, of which I have the privilege                                       social and business infrastructure.
                                                                                  to be a leader. We promote Košice on all                                           Weaknesses – incomplete Bratislava – Kosice
                                                                                  significant European Investment and Real                                           highway.
                                                                                  Estate Fairs      (MIPIM Cannes, MAPIS                                             Opportunities – huge number of university graduates
                                                                                  Cannes, Expo Real Munich, Real Vienna), we                                         with perspective specialization
            An interview by Katka Bittalova                                       produce official Guide to Investment in                                            Threats – loss of graduates, they find jobs in
          Senior Team Leader with Lugera &                                        Kosice on annual update basis, we have
                                                                                  official Investment PPT presentation updated                                       Bratislava and abroad.
                    Makler Slovakia, Kosice                                       on a regular basis, we organize meetings with
                                                                                  potential investors, existing investors, we are
                                                                                  using partner cities network to advertise
    The new edition of the Košice Invest proved                                   Košice, and last, but not least – title of
    once again a successful event restating the                                   European Capital of Culture 2013 awarded to
    region's tremendous potential of growth and                                   Košice also helps very much. Foreign
    development. Rastislav Puchala, Director of                                   investors now understand that their
    American Chamber of Commerce, Košice,                                         investment will not be located somewhere in
    Slovakia, anticipated the success of the                                      “the Wild East”, but in a city of culture,
    conference.                                                                   innovation and youth.
    “Košice Invest 2009 turned out exceptionally                                  What new aspects were brought to Kosice
    successful. We not only had a huge turnout                                    Invest 2010? What was different?
    and a very positive feedback from                                             New aspects could be defined in a few words:
    participants, but it also brought many                                        “Value-added Investments”. Conference was
    negotiations with potential investors. Our                                    about ICT investments, research,                                                   Rastislav Puchala, Director of American Chamber of
    expectations this year go far beyond last                                     development and innovation potentials,                                             Commerce, Košice, Slovakia.
    year´s anticipation.”       A R M E N I A · C R OAT I A · C Z E C H R E P U B L I C · N E T H E R L A N D S · P O L A N D · R O M A N I A · S LO VA K I A · U K R A I N E              HR MatchFlash                           3
Plain Payroll...
                                                                                                                                                                      To outource or not to....?!
    No piece of cake when it comes to payroll                                      your core business activities.                                                      .It's all about being fast and accurate!
    and we could easily count down the                                                                                                                                 Payroll is not only about investing money
    managers who can include payroll among                                         Decrease amount of errors!                                                          in your people's salaries and training, but
    their favorite task. That is besides us of                                     Mistakes can cause you hard times both with your                                    also about providing them with the right
    course…                                                                        internal employees and with the government.                                         technical resources.
    We do not intend to take you down the                                          Outsourcing payroll services outsources risks of
    laborious paths of the payroll or to make                                      mistakes, which can be quite scarce having a team                                   Keeping up with law updates!
    your reading miserable by listing here stiff                                   of specialists managing your account.                                               Keeping things smooth is about keeping
    terminology or payroll procedures. We just                                                                                                                         updated with regulations, withholding
    want to make the so complicated means                                                                                                                              rates, and government forms on the state
    and paths of payroll, SIMPLE. Step by                                                                                                                              and local levels. We do it on daily basis.
    step, sometimes it can be cheaper and safer                                                                                                                        You can do it in-house too, but this means
    to outsource than keep it done internally.                                                                                                                         investment in time and energy for your
    Let's take a quick trip through the pros.                                                                                                                          employees.

    For the cons, we are looking forward to                                                                                                                            Paperwork in perfect order!
    receiving your feedback.                                                                                                                                           Got tired of checking where the documents
                                                                                                                                                                       are and keeping track on who needs what?
    It's all about money!
    Sometimes in-house payroll service can                                                                                                                             Avoid payroll knowledge to walk out the
    prove quite a money burner. Try to                                                                                                                                 door!
    calculate how many hours your employees                                                                                                                            It probably happened to you to invest in
    spend on calculating wages, printing,                                                                                                                              training your people and see them walk
    distributing pay checks and allowances,                                                                                                                            out, following their own dreams. Why
    drafting tax documents, employment                                                                                                                                 worry about replacing them?
    agreements, addenda, filling in records,
    updating registers, drafting reports,                                                                                                                              The list of benefits can never though add
    drafting and recording all documents with                                      Get everything you need in time! All the time!                                      many further items and we would be glad if
    the authorized institutions, etc. Quite a lot,                                 It probably happened to you to think twice when                                     you could share with us your payroll
    aren’t they?                                                                   approving the leave request of your payroll                                         related experiences.
                                                                                   specialist and found it quite difficult to manage
    Increase internal productivity!                                                everything during his/her absence. Speed in the
    Outsourcing allows you to keep the                                             output will not depend on anyone's absence if the
    internal HR team trimmed and focused on                                        service is external                                                                  by Carmen Sminticiuc and Monica Dona        A R M E N I A · C R OAT I A · C Z E C H R E P U B L I C · N E T H E R L A N D S · P O L A N D · R O M A N I A · S LO VA K I A · U K R A I N E       HR MatchFlash                       4
                                                                                          are some certain things they prefer to lie on:                               Think again! Could the lie hide a low self
                                                                                          exaggerating their responsibilities, avoiding                                esteem which is overbalanced by deliberate
                                                                                          some of the main difficulties encountered with                               exaggerations of the importance of their
                                                                                          the previous job, the aspects they want to                                   studies or by the omission of the mistakes
                                                                                          improve or negative feedback received. Rarely                                made on their previous jobs?
                                                                                          do they dare inventing new jobs in order to seem
                                                                                          more experienced.                                                            Being objective, calm and detail focused
    Teach me how to lie! From making a good                                                                                                                            helps you as a recruiter when facing white-
    impression on others to dropping a small                                              Generally, candidates prefer to word their lies.                             liars and are mandatory qualities in
    innocent white lie , there has been quite a                                           There are too few those who seek training in                                 approaching the interview.
    fascination with the topic on the current                                             non-verbal lying. Discordance can nevertheless
    competitive HR market lately.                                                         be spotted by the recruiter if attention is paid to                                          by Livia Caciuloiu (Minea),
                                                                                          the apparently prepared answers and the                                                       Human Capital Consultant
    It probably happened to you, too, to hide                                             hesitations and disaccord between the verbal                                                  Lugera & Makler Romania
    behind nice words and phrases, twisted                                                and non-verbal language.
    sentences and elaborated messages. Or you
    probably stood puzzled facing your                                                    Last but not least, fear the candidates who lie
    interlocutor's elaborate oratorical                                                   without actually aiming at lying. The long
    phantasmagoria.                                                                       runners,      interiorizing their lies or the
                                                                                          manipulators are most of the time quite hard to
    Once you tried it and it proved not only an                                           get. Most of the time, they want to make a better
    easy tool but also an efficient one, there is a                                       impression than they could actually make, are
    must for persevering. Lying is always                                                 insecure and back themselves up by imagining a
    motivated, fed by desires and offers most of                                          different variant which may be more appealing
    the time the easiest way to reach your goal. Be                                       for the recruiter.
    it an addition, an exacerbation, an invention,
    an omission or sometimes silence, it is always                                        Now try to picture yourself during an interview
    a LIE.                                                                                with a candidate lying to you? You bite your
                                                                                          tongue not to scold him/ her and call him a liar
    It should not come as a surprise: candidates lie                                      and you probably get out of the interview room
    in job interviews, in their resumes and in their                                      thinking of what a waste of time the discussion
    cover letters. Sometimes with a reason,                                               was and how to give the candidate an early
    sometimes without a purpose. Of course there                                          rejection feedback.         A R M E N I A · C R OAT I A · C Z E C H R E P U B L I C · N E T H E R L A N D S · P O L A N D · R O M A N I A · S LO VA K I A · U K R A I N E       HR MatchFlash                        5
Recruitment between
    People change, generations evolve, gaps
                                                                                                       X and Y
                                                                                          interesting as possible. And besides their
    deepen, rapid changing markets challenge us                                           superlative technology skills, this next                                     Refresh …organization mode
    to rapid reactions. Under the fast labor market                                       generation definitely animates the workspace,                                The high values commuting them on balance
    reshaping, recruitment shifts gear from X to Y                                        by bringing in passion and enthusiasm, high                                  between work and family, on fresh,
    mode.                                                                                 expectations from themselves and                                             challenging tasks are keys plugging them in.
                                                                                          commitment to social responsibility.                                         Rotating job assignments and promotions
    The baby bust generation, of independent,                                                                                                                          could be only two of the engaging resources.
    resourceful and self - sufficient individualists                                      Be never though sure that you fuel their                                     Exploit their crave for feedback, but avoid
    has gradually handed over the relay to a tech –                                       passion for career growth! That is because                                   over criticism. Sometimes the reactions may
    savvy generation Y, plugged –in 24/7, keen on                                         these digital fellows enjoy assuming roles and                               not be what you are looking for. This is the
    email communication and webinars addict.                                              appreciate meritocracy as the single criteria                                generation that is anxiously looking for input
                                                                                          for advancement. Having grown up in multi-                                   on every assignment and RECOGNITION.
    A new generation of job hunters is defying                                            cultural environments, they are more than the
    crisis and challenging employers to invite the                                        X generation interested in traveling and                                     Minutes details …
    bright and the best to join their teams, without                                                                                                                   From the first minute of interaction, to every
                                                                                          working abroad.
    facing the intense competition which was the                                                                                                                       little project or assignment, give them as
    key word by 2008. Gradually the Y generation                                          Has crisis silenced down passion?                                            much hints as possible. Bring loads of details
    will dominate the workspace and a top                                                 Crisis has not completely shut the energy of                                 in describing the positions you headhunt them
    priority for employers now, should be to                                              the X generation off. They kept alive the same                               for and get ready for intense coaching
    reconfigure their recruiting, managing and                                            self demanding attitude and they are now                                     sessions. Figure out one to one internal
    retaining these brilliant, but demanding                                              more than ever interested in testing their                                   programs, encourage them to ask for help
    young people.                                                                         limits. The current economic circumstances                                   from their senior colleagues or supervisors
                                                                                          only made them slow mobility in their job –                                  and keep it up with much enthusiasm all the
    A whole new generation in adjectives                                                  hopping and taught them that it may not be a                                 way through.
    and multi-pack advantages                                                             right time for arrogance.
    Technology focused, multitasking, self                                                                                                                             Both in recruiting and retaining the Millennial
    confident, highly ambitious and flexible, the                                         Patience must be learnt!                                                     Generation organizations should focus on
    Millennial Generation have high                                                       Now that they put their dreams on hold and are                               finding the balance between work and life, as
    expectations, request for feedback and                                                willing to get what the job market can offer, it                             a deep resonator.
    guidance and strive to keep their life as                                             really doesn't mean that the Y generation will
                                                                                          transform into workaholics.                                                                             by Monica DONA         A R M E N I A · C R OAT I A · C Z E C H R E P U B L I C · N E T H E R L A N D S · P O L A N D · R O M A N I A · S LO VA K I A · U K R A I N E       HR MatchFlash                             6
LUGERA NEWS & eVENTS                                                                                                                           LUGERA NEWS & eVENTS
    Czech Republic                                                                           administration.                                                             Grupon open their office in Bucharest
                                                                                             D o m a g o j i s
    Carlo Albanese has                                                                       responsible for the                                                         Lugera & Makler Romania recruits for
    joined Lugera            as                                                              sales and client                                                            Groupon, which are now ready to conquer the
    C o u n t r y M a n a g e r,                                                             operations along with                                                       Romanian market. The company presents an
    being responsible for                                                                    recruitment projects.                                                       online audience with deep discounts on a
    international business                                                                                                                                               product or service. Act now, says the pitch: You
    development. Carlo                                                                                                                                                   have only so many hours before this offer
    started his career with                                                                                                                                              expires. That's a familiar come-on, but it's
    Adecco in Tuscany and                                                                    New projects                                                                coupled with a novel element: You get the deal
    was afterwards                                                                                                                                                       only if a certain number of fellow citizens buy
    appointed on positions                                                                   Howe Slovensko s.r.o. in Košice has chosen                                  the same thing on the same day. It's a cents-off
    within the Netherlands                                                                   Lugera & Makler as their local recruitment                                  coupon married to a Friday-after-Thanksgiving
    and the Czech Republic.                                                                  partner. Howe concentrates its business on                                  shopping frenzy.
                                                                                             production of leather and leather components,
    Business Processes Manager Romania                                                       manufactured for production of motor-
                                                                                             vehicle seats and automotive leather products.
    Carmen Cucu is Lugera’s new Business                                                     Target groups of Howe are premium brands
    Process Manager. Carmen joined Lugera after                                              like Audi and Land Rover. The plant in Košice
    11 years of experience in customer operations                                            supplies leather to more than forty European
    processes within Vodafone Romania and she is                                             customers . The company currently employs
    ready to assume new challenges.                                                          450 people on various positions.

    Lugera Croatia

                             Croatian office is heading
                             for a new start as it will be
                             managed by Martina Zec
                             a n d D a m a g o j
                             Martina is handling
                             permanent placement
                             projects and temps           A R M E N I A · C R OAT I A · C Z E C H R E P U B L I C · N E T H E R L A N D S · P O L A N D · R O M A N I A · S LO VA K I A · U K R A I N E        HR MatchFlash                             7
Vacancies @ LUGERA
    Sales Representative – Beograd, Serbia, Key Expert – Team Leader - Priština, Kosovo; Commercial Assistant – Pitesti, Romania; Junior
    Accountant Treasury – Cluj Napoca, Romania; Accountant – Brasov, Romania; C++ Developer, Brasov, Romania; Junior Accountant Accounts
    Receivable, Cluj Napoca, Romania; Accountant, Bucuresti, Romania; FEA - CAE Engineer, Brasov, Romania; Senior Accountant-General
    Accounting, Cluj Napoca, Romania; Junior Specialist Accounting&Finance with Italian in IASI, Iasi, Romania; Quality Engineer, Pitesti,
    Romania; Analist, Bucuresti, Romania; Manufacturing Engineering Manager, Iasi, Romania; Account Manager, Bucharest, Romania; Planning
    Manager, Iasi, Romania; Business Development Specialist, Warsaw, Poland; Tax Advisor, Warszawa, Poland; Kierownik sprzeda¿y ds. sieci
    handlowych, Kraków, Poland; BAAN Manager, Tczew, Poland; Account Manager Poland - Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland; Sales Consultant, Kraków,
    Poland; Lawyer, Warszawa, Poland; Senior Validation Engineer, Warszawa, Poland; Sales Engineer, Poland, Poland; CNC Operátor - Nastavovaè,
    Rožòava, Slovenská republika; Referent logistiky a nákupu - Account Manager, Rožòava, Slovenská republika; Manažér výroby s nemeckým
    jazykom, Poprad, Slovenská republika; Manažér výroby s nemeckým jazykom, Poprad, Slovenská republika; Training HR Specialist, Ostrava,
    Èeská republika; Process Engineer, Kechnec, Slovensko; Senior Quality Manager, Kežmarok, Slovenská republika Špecialista IBM SW, Košice,
    Slovensko; Customer Care Specialist for UK, Bratislava, Slovakia; Junior Validation Engineer, Trenèín, Slovenská republika; Assembly
    Technologist, Kechnec, Slovensko; Asistentka vedenia spolocnosti/personalistka, Topo¾èany, Slovenská republika; Customer Technical Support
    Engineer, Dubnica nad Váhom, Slovak Republic; Materials Project Manager, Dubnica nad Váhom, Slovak Republic; Production Supervisor,
    Kriváò, Slovenská republika; Operátorka - šièka (ref. èíslo – 9321), Košice, Košický kraj Úètovník/-èka, Banská Bystrica, Slovenská republika;
    Špeditér, Banská Bystrica, Slovenská republika; Application Developer, Bratislava, Slovenská republika; Cognos/TM1 Developer, Bratislava,
    Slovenská republika; JAVA Developer, Bratislava, Slovenská republika Quantitative Analyst, Bratislava, Slovenská republika; Nákupca / Obchodný
    zástupca, Trnava, Slovenská republika Application Engineer - Java VBA, Bratislava, Slovenská republika; Asistentka konate¾a spoloènosti,
    Bratislava, Slovenská republika Doctor-Specialist for clinical research, Modra, Slovenská republika; System Administrator Windows, Košice,
    Slovenská republika Project Manager for IT and TELCO, Košice, Slovakia; Projektový manažér - vývoj elektromotorov, Košice, Slovenská
    republika; Network Engineer, Košice, Slovenská republika; Obchodno – technický zástupca, Košice, Slovensko; Produktový manažér, Košice,
    Slovenská republika; Chief Accountant, Poprad, Slovensko; Obchodný manažér pre aditíva, Slovenská republika + Èeská republika, Slovenská
    republika; Sales Administrator, Bardejov, Slovenská republika; Technológ výroby, Rožòava, Slovesnká republika; System Administrator Linux,
    Košice, Slovenská republika; Obchodný manažér, Košice, Košický kraj; Obchodný manažér, Košice, Košický kraj; Merací technik
    elektrotechnického laboratória, Kežmarok, Slovenská republika; Kvalitár - Merací technik, Kežmarok, Slovenská republika; Zasielate¾ -
    Disponent, Košice, Slovenská republika;Referent logistiky a nákupu - Account Manager, Rožòava, Slovenská republika; Hardware Retrieval
    Specialist, Bratislava, Slovak Republic; Obchodno-marketingový manažér, Galanta, Slovenská republika; Project Implementation Specialist
    10am-7pm, Bratislava, Slovak Republic; Design Engineer, Trenèín, Slovenská republika; Implementation Specialist, Bratislava, Slovak

   Feel free to forward this to your network. If you have tips about topics you would like to read in our newsletter, or if you have any remarks about the services
   from LUGERA (feedback, criticism) we would be very grateful if you will take the effort to share this with us. Useful contacts: AM:, HR:,, CZ:,, NL:, PL:, RO:,, SK-CEO:, UA:, Managing Partners
   (also for criticism and feedback):, and Thank You!         A R M E N I A · C R OAT I A · C Z E C H R E P U B L I C · N E T H E R L A N D S · P O L A N D · R O M A N I A · S LO VA K I A · U K R A I N E   HR MatchFlash   8

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  • 1.
  • 2. EDITORIAL CONTENTS New beginnings invite to celebration and joy, a huge opportunity to thank you: our Košice Invest - An overview of the clients, candidates and suppliers for being successful 2010 edition - page 3 with us this year. Plain Payroll - page 4 We want this to be the first step in a series of pleasant surprises meant to keep you updated White Lies - page 5 with all HR trends and matters, to share with you success stories, ideas and opportunities. Recruitment between X & Y- page 6 It has been quite a challenging year for most Lugera News and Events - page 7 companies and that is why we thought some tips on Payroll would help you identify possible solutions to get the best results at minimum efforts and costs. The new edition of the Košice Invest proved once again a successful event restating the region's tremendous potential of growth and development. White lies in the interview? Find out who, why and when. We also challenge you to share with us feedback and please do not hesitate to contact us for any HR related matter that may be of use for you! Monica Dona A R M E N I A · C R OAT I A · C Z E C H R E P U B L I C · N E T H E R L A N D S · P O L A N D · R O M A N I A · S LO VA K I A · U K R A I N E HR MatchFlash 2
  • 3. Košice Invest - An overview of the successful 2010 edition What is Your experience with cooperation creative industry, infrastructure, logistics and with city Košice regarding this event? transportation. While the last year's conference was I really do appreciate that city management more general, because it wanted to bring investment decided to invest into promotion of Košice as profile of the city, this one will be oriented on value- an ideal investment destination. My added investments. cooperation with Košice authorities is just excellent. It is necessary to say that Košice Can you state SWOT of Kosice city, one feature per Invest is only a part of the municipal FDI each? marketing strategy, created by the FDI Joint Strength – Existing logistic, transportation, culture, Working Group, of which I have the privilege social and business infrastructure. to be a leader. We promote Košice on all Weaknesses – incomplete Bratislava – Kosice significant European Investment and Real highway. Estate Fairs (MIPIM Cannes, MAPIS Opportunities – huge number of university graduates Cannes, Expo Real Munich, Real Vienna), we with perspective specialization An interview by Katka Bittalova produce official Guide to Investment in Threats – loss of graduates, they find jobs in Senior Team Leader with Lugera & Kosice on annual update basis, we have official Investment PPT presentation updated Bratislava and abroad. Makler Slovakia, Kosice on a regular basis, we organize meetings with potential investors, existing investors, we are using partner cities network to advertise The new edition of the Košice Invest proved Košice, and last, but not least – title of once again a successful event restating the European Capital of Culture 2013 awarded to region's tremendous potential of growth and Košice also helps very much. Foreign development. Rastislav Puchala, Director of investors now understand that their American Chamber of Commerce, Košice, investment will not be located somewhere in Slovakia, anticipated the success of the “the Wild East”, but in a city of culture, conference. innovation and youth. “Košice Invest 2009 turned out exceptionally What new aspects were brought to Kosice successful. We not only had a huge turnout Invest 2010? What was different? and a very positive feedback from New aspects could be defined in a few words: participants, but it also brought many “Value-added Investments”. Conference was negotiations with potential investors. Our about ICT investments, research, Rastislav Puchala, Director of American Chamber of expectations this year go far beyond last development and innovation potentials, Commerce, Košice, Slovakia. year´s anticipation.” A R M E N I A · C R OAT I A · C Z E C H R E P U B L I C · N E T H E R L A N D S · P O L A N D · R O M A N I A · S LO VA K I A · U K R A I N E HR MatchFlash 3
  • 4. Plain Payroll... To outource or not to....?! No piece of cake when it comes to payroll your core business activities. .It's all about being fast and accurate! and we could easily count down the Payroll is not only about investing money managers who can include payroll among Decrease amount of errors! in your people's salaries and training, but their favorite task. That is besides us of Mistakes can cause you hard times both with your also about providing them with the right course… internal employees and with the government. technical resources. We do not intend to take you down the Outsourcing payroll services outsources risks of laborious paths of the payroll or to make mistakes, which can be quite scarce having a team Keeping up with law updates! your reading miserable by listing here stiff of specialists managing your account. Keeping things smooth is about keeping terminology or payroll procedures. We just updated with regulations, withholding want to make the so complicated means rates, and government forms on the state and paths of payroll, SIMPLE. Step by and local levels. We do it on daily basis. step, sometimes it can be cheaper and safer You can do it in-house too, but this means to outsource than keep it done internally. investment in time and energy for your Let's take a quick trip through the pros. employees. For the cons, we are looking forward to Paperwork in perfect order! receiving your feedback. Got tired of checking where the documents are and keeping track on who needs what? It's all about money! Sometimes in-house payroll service can Avoid payroll knowledge to walk out the prove quite a money burner. Try to door! calculate how many hours your employees It probably happened to you to invest in spend on calculating wages, printing, training your people and see them walk distributing pay checks and allowances, out, following their own dreams. Why drafting tax documents, employment worry about replacing them? agreements, addenda, filling in records, updating registers, drafting reports, The list of benefits can never though add drafting and recording all documents with Get everything you need in time! All the time! many further items and we would be glad if the authorized institutions, etc. Quite a lot, It probably happened to you to think twice when you could share with us your payroll aren’t they? approving the leave request of your payroll related experiences. specialist and found it quite difficult to manage Increase internal productivity! everything during his/her absence. Speed in the Outsourcing allows you to keep the output will not depend on anyone's absence if the internal HR team trimmed and focused on service is external by Carmen Sminticiuc and Monica Dona A R M E N I A · C R OAT I A · C Z E C H R E P U B L I C · N E T H E R L A N D S · P O L A N D · R O M A N I A · S LO VA K I A · U K R A I N E HR MatchFlash 4
  • 5. WHITE LIES are some certain things they prefer to lie on: Think again! Could the lie hide a low self exaggerating their responsibilities, avoiding esteem which is overbalanced by deliberate some of the main difficulties encountered with exaggerations of the importance of their the previous job, the aspects they want to studies or by the omission of the mistakes improve or negative feedback received. Rarely made on their previous jobs? do they dare inventing new jobs in order to seem more experienced. Being objective, calm and detail focused Teach me how to lie! From making a good helps you as a recruiter when facing white- impression on others to dropping a small Generally, candidates prefer to word their lies. liars and are mandatory qualities in innocent white lie , there has been quite a There are too few those who seek training in approaching the interview. fascination with the topic on the current non-verbal lying. Discordance can nevertheless competitive HR market lately. be spotted by the recruiter if attention is paid to by Livia Caciuloiu (Minea), the apparently prepared answers and the Human Capital Consultant It probably happened to you, too, to hide hesitations and disaccord between the verbal Lugera & Makler Romania behind nice words and phrases, twisted and non-verbal language. sentences and elaborated messages. Or you probably stood puzzled facing your Last but not least, fear the candidates who lie interlocutor's elaborate oratorical without actually aiming at lying. The long phantasmagoria. runners, interiorizing their lies or the manipulators are most of the time quite hard to Once you tried it and it proved not only an get. Most of the time, they want to make a better easy tool but also an efficient one, there is a impression than they could actually make, are must for persevering. Lying is always insecure and back themselves up by imagining a motivated, fed by desires and offers most of different variant which may be more appealing the time the easiest way to reach your goal. Be for the recruiter. it an addition, an exacerbation, an invention, an omission or sometimes silence, it is always Now try to picture yourself during an interview a LIE. with a candidate lying to you? You bite your tongue not to scold him/ her and call him a liar It should not come as a surprise: candidates lie and you probably get out of the interview room in job interviews, in their resumes and in their thinking of what a waste of time the discussion cover letters. Sometimes with a reason, was and how to give the candidate an early sometimes without a purpose. Of course there rejection feedback. A R M E N I A · C R OAT I A · C Z E C H R E P U B L I C · N E T H E R L A N D S · P O L A N D · R O M A N I A · S LO VA K I A · U K R A I N E HR MatchFlash 5
  • 6. Recruitment between People change, generations evolve, gaps X and Y interesting as possible. And besides their deepen, rapid changing markets challenge us superlative technology skills, this next Refresh …organization mode to rapid reactions. Under the fast labor market generation definitely animates the workspace, The high values commuting them on balance reshaping, recruitment shifts gear from X to Y by bringing in passion and enthusiasm, high between work and family, on fresh, mode. expectations from themselves and challenging tasks are keys plugging them in. commitment to social responsibility. Rotating job assignments and promotions The baby bust generation, of independent, could be only two of the engaging resources. resourceful and self - sufficient individualists Be never though sure that you fuel their Exploit their crave for feedback, but avoid has gradually handed over the relay to a tech – passion for career growth! That is because over criticism. Sometimes the reactions may savvy generation Y, plugged –in 24/7, keen on these digital fellows enjoy assuming roles and not be what you are looking for. This is the email communication and webinars addict. appreciate meritocracy as the single criteria generation that is anxiously looking for input for advancement. Having grown up in multi- on every assignment and RECOGNITION. A new generation of job hunters is defying cultural environments, they are more than the crisis and challenging employers to invite the X generation interested in traveling and Minutes details … bright and the best to join their teams, without From the first minute of interaction, to every working abroad. facing the intense competition which was the little project or assignment, give them as key word by 2008. Gradually the Y generation Has crisis silenced down passion? much hints as possible. Bring loads of details will dominate the workspace and a top Crisis has not completely shut the energy of in describing the positions you headhunt them priority for employers now, should be to the X generation off. They kept alive the same for and get ready for intense coaching reconfigure their recruiting, managing and self demanding attitude and they are now sessions. Figure out one to one internal retaining these brilliant, but demanding more than ever interested in testing their programs, encourage them to ask for help young people. limits. The current economic circumstances from their senior colleagues or supervisors only made them slow mobility in their job – and keep it up with much enthusiasm all the A whole new generation in adjectives hopping and taught them that it may not be a way through. and multi-pack advantages right time for arrogance. Technology focused, multitasking, self Both in recruiting and retaining the Millennial confident, highly ambitious and flexible, the Patience must be learnt! Generation organizations should focus on Millennial Generation have high Now that they put their dreams on hold and are finding the balance between work and life, as expectations, request for feedback and willing to get what the job market can offer, it a deep resonator. guidance and strive to keep their life as really doesn't mean that the Y generation will transform into workaholics. by Monica DONA A R M E N I A · C R OAT I A · C Z E C H R E P U B L I C · N E T H E R L A N D S · P O L A N D · R O M A N I A · S LO VA K I A · U K R A I N E HR MatchFlash 6
  • 7. LUGERA NEWS & eVENTS LUGERA NEWS & eVENTS Czech Republic administration. Grupon open their office in Bucharest D o m a g o j i s Carlo Albanese has responsible for the Lugera & Makler Romania recruits for joined Lugera as sales and client Groupon, which are now ready to conquer the C o u n t r y M a n a g e r, operations along with Romanian market. The company presents an being responsible for recruitment projects. online audience with deep discounts on a international business product or service. Act now, says the pitch: You development. Carlo have only so many hours before this offer started his career with expires. That's a familiar come-on, but it's Adecco in Tuscany and New projects coupled with a novel element: You get the deal was afterwards only if a certain number of fellow citizens buy appointed on positions Howe Slovensko s.r.o. in Košice has chosen the same thing on the same day. It's a cents-off within the Netherlands Lugera & Makler as their local recruitment coupon married to a Friday-after-Thanksgiving and the Czech Republic. partner. Howe concentrates its business on shopping frenzy. production of leather and leather components, Business Processes Manager Romania manufactured for production of motor- vehicle seats and automotive leather products. Carmen Cucu is Lugera’s new Business Target groups of Howe are premium brands Process Manager. Carmen joined Lugera after like Audi and Land Rover. The plant in Košice 11 years of experience in customer operations supplies leather to more than forty European processes within Vodafone Romania and she is customers . The company currently employs ready to assume new challenges. 450 people on various positions. Lugera Croatia Croatian office is heading for a new start as it will be managed by Martina Zec a n d D a m a g o j Bedenikovic. Martina is handling permanent placement projects and temps A R M E N I A · C R OAT I A · C Z E C H R E P U B L I C · N E T H E R L A N D S · P O L A N D · R O M A N I A · S LO VA K I A · U K R A I N E HR MatchFlash 7
  • 8. Vacancies @ LUGERA Sales Representative – Beograd, Serbia, Key Expert – Team Leader - Priština, Kosovo; Commercial Assistant – Pitesti, Romania; Junior Accountant Treasury – Cluj Napoca, Romania; Accountant – Brasov, Romania; C++ Developer, Brasov, Romania; Junior Accountant Accounts Receivable, Cluj Napoca, Romania; Accountant, Bucuresti, Romania; FEA - CAE Engineer, Brasov, Romania; Senior Accountant-General Accounting, Cluj Napoca, Romania; Junior Specialist Accounting&Finance with Italian in IASI, Iasi, Romania; Quality Engineer, Pitesti, Romania; Analist, Bucuresti, Romania; Manufacturing Engineering Manager, Iasi, Romania; Account Manager, Bucharest, Romania; Planning Manager, Iasi, Romania; Business Development Specialist, Warsaw, Poland; Tax Advisor, Warszawa, Poland; Kierownik sprzeda¿y ds. sieci handlowych, Kraków, Poland; BAAN Manager, Tczew, Poland; Account Manager Poland - Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland; Sales Consultant, Kraków, Poland; Lawyer, Warszawa, Poland; Senior Validation Engineer, Warszawa, Poland; Sales Engineer, Poland, Poland; CNC Operátor - Nastavovaè, Rožòava, Slovenská republika; Referent logistiky a nákupu - Account Manager, Rožòava, Slovenská republika; Manažér výroby s nemeckým jazykom, Poprad, Slovenská republika; Manažér výroby s nemeckým jazykom, Poprad, Slovenská republika; Training HR Specialist, Ostrava, Èeská republika; Process Engineer, Kechnec, Slovensko; Senior Quality Manager, Kežmarok, Slovenská republika Špecialista IBM SW, Košice, Slovensko; Customer Care Specialist for UK, Bratislava, Slovakia; Junior Validation Engineer, Trenèín, Slovenská republika; Assembly Technologist, Kechnec, Slovensko; Asistentka vedenia spolocnosti/personalistka, Topo¾èany, Slovenská republika; Customer Technical Support Engineer, Dubnica nad Váhom, Slovak Republic; Materials Project Manager, Dubnica nad Váhom, Slovak Republic; Production Supervisor, Kriváò, Slovenská republika; Operátorka - šièka (ref. èíslo – 9321), Košice, Košický kraj Úètovník/-èka, Banská Bystrica, Slovenská republika; Špeditér, Banská Bystrica, Slovenská republika; Application Developer, Bratislava, Slovenská republika; Cognos/TM1 Developer, Bratislava, Slovenská republika; JAVA Developer, Bratislava, Slovenská republika Quantitative Analyst, Bratislava, Slovenská republika; Nákupca / Obchodný zástupca, Trnava, Slovenská republika Application Engineer - Java VBA, Bratislava, Slovenská republika; Asistentka konate¾a spoloènosti, Bratislava, Slovenská republika Doctor-Specialist for clinical research, Modra, Slovenská republika; System Administrator Windows, Košice, Slovenská republika Project Manager for IT and TELCO, Košice, Slovakia; Projektový manažér - vývoj elektromotorov, Košice, Slovenská republika; Network Engineer, Košice, Slovenská republika; Obchodno – technický zástupca, Košice, Slovensko; Produktový manažér, Košice, Slovenská republika; Chief Accountant, Poprad, Slovensko; Obchodný manažér pre aditíva, Slovenská republika + Èeská republika, Slovenská republika; Sales Administrator, Bardejov, Slovenská republika; Technológ výroby, Rožòava, Slovesnká republika; System Administrator Linux, Košice, Slovenská republika; Obchodný manažér, Košice, Košický kraj; Obchodný manažér, Košice, Košický kraj; Merací technik elektrotechnického laboratória, Kežmarok, Slovenská republika; Kvalitár - Merací technik, Kežmarok, Slovenská republika; Zasielate¾ - Disponent, Košice, Slovenská republika;Referent logistiky a nákupu - Account Manager, Rožòava, Slovenská republika; Hardware Retrieval Specialist, Bratislava, Slovak Republic; Obchodno-marketingový manažér, Galanta, Slovenská republika; Project Implementation Specialist 10am-7pm, Bratislava, Slovak Republic; Design Engineer, Trenèín, Slovenská republika; Implementation Specialist, Bratislava, Slovak Feel free to forward this to your network. If you have tips about topics you would like to read in our newsletter, or if you have any remarks about the services from LUGERA (feedback, criticism) we would be very grateful if you will take the effort to share this with us. Useful contacts: AM:, HR:,, CZ:,, NL:, PL:, RO:,, SK-CEO:, UA:, Managing Partners (also for criticism and feedback):, and Thank You! A R M E N I A · C R OAT I A · C Z E C H R E P U B L I C · N E T H E R L A N D S · P O L A N D · R O M A N I A · S LO VA K I A · U K R A I N E HR MatchFlash 8