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Bloque 1 (cont)
Comisión Europea:
- DG de Empleo
- DG Educación
- DG Regio
Programas de trabajo anuales.
Organigramas;ubicacion y contactos.

Estrategias generales:
Presidências (trios)


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Tiene cinco prioridades para los próximos cinco años:

Repensar la estrategia europea de empleo, con el
objetivo de crear mayores oportunidades de empleo
para todos;
Hacer frente a la crítica situación de desempleo de los
Alentar a los gobiernos a promover una agenda de la
flexiguridad, para garantizar la seguridad de empleo
para los trabajadores (más fácil las transiciones
laborales y el aprendizaje de por vida);
Asegurar que los trabajadores ganar Nuevas
capacidades para nuevos empleos, incluidos los
empleos verdes, que también mejorará la competitividad
de Europa y aumentar la productividad;
Ayudar a mantener a los trabajadores de edad en el
empleo y apoyar el envejecimiento activo.

Promover políticas que apoyen a los grupos vulnerables y
abordar las causas profundas de la pobreza;
Prevenir la pobreza en edad de seguir adelante con las
propuestas para asegurar los sistemas de pensiones
adecuados para el largo plazo;
Apoyar la prestación de servicios sociales accesibles,
asequibles y de alta calidad.
Seguir promoviendo la igualdad de trato de los gitanos,
ayudar a su inclusión en la sociedad y darles la posibilidad de
salir de la pobreza;
Aprovechar las oportunidades que en el 2010, Año Europeo
para combatir la pobreza y la exclusión social y fomentar la
participación y el compromiso político de todos los socios en la
lucha contra la pobreza y la exclusión social;

Garantizar más rápido y un uso más eficaz de
los fondos de la UE: el Fondo Social Europeo
(FSE), el Fondo Europeo de Adaptación a la
Globalización (FEAG), el progreso del
programa y, espero que muy pronto, el próximo
servicio de microcréditos;
Asegurar que el dinero de la UE actúa como un
catalizador para la formación, volver al
trabajo y la inclusión, complementando y
reforzando las acciones nacionales.

Renovar e intensificar el diálogo con nuestros socios.
Bajo el Tratado de Lisboa, el diálogo social se
convierte en un objetivo de la Unión Europea en su
Garantizar que la reestructuración y el cambio se
gestionan de una manera socialmente responsable;
Trabajar para mejorar las condiciones en el lugar
de trabajo, y abrir un nuevo capítulo en la regulación
de la UE a nivel del tiempo de trabajo;
Abordar los nuevos desafíos emergentes en el área
de la salud y seguridad en el trabajo, y el uso de
instrumentos legislativos cuando es el mejor camino a

Eliminar los obstáculos a la libre circulación de
trabajadores en la UE mediante la mejora de
la coordinación de los sistemas de protección
social y la portabilidad de los derechos de
Revisar la forma en que el desplazamiento de
trabajadores se interpreta y aplica, y nuevas
medidas si fuera necesario.


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Open calls for proposals
 Study on the consequences of the documentation of the risk assessment (Article 9 of Directive 89/391/EEC) by very
 small enterprises, compared with a possible exemption from that obligation
 Framework contract on Helpdesk and other support services to the EURES Portal
 Performance Monitoring 2011-2013 of the EU Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity PROGRESS 2007-2013
 Secretariat for MISSOC, the Mutual Information System on Social Protection
 Study service for the evaluation of the European strategy on safety and health at work 2007-2012
 ESF expert evaluation network
 Study service contract to establish the potential impact of nanomaterials  nanotechnology at the workplace, evaluate
 the scope and requirements of possible modifications of relevant EU safety  health at work legislation
 Notice: This selection is not exhaustive. For a complete list of current calls for tenders please log on to the
 tenders/grants webpages or the Tenders Electronic Daily database

  Current calls for tenders
 Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue, Budget heading
 Budget heading Information, Consultation and Participation of Representatives of Undertakings
 PARES: Partnerships between employment services
 Innovative policies to support healthy, active and dignified ageing and raise the effectiveness and efficiency of
 spending on social, health and long-term care services and benefits
 Restructuring, well-being at work and financial participation
 Projects contributing to exchange of good practices
 Notice: This selection is not exhaustive. For a complete list of current calls for tenders please log on to the
 tenders/grants webpages or the Tenders Electronic Daily database
 European Commission
 Employment, Social Affairs  Inclusion
Social Europe e-newsletter
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European Commission » Employment, Social Affairs  Inclusion


                                                                                                                                                                      Outcome 5 - High
                                                                           Outcome 2 -                 Outcome 3 - Cross-             Outcome 4 - Greater
                                     Outcome 1 - Evidence-                                                                                                               quality and
          Policy Sections
                                         based policy
                                                             %        Information sharing -   %        cutting policy and   %         capacity of key EU    %
                                                                                                                                                                     participatiry policy
                                                                                                                                                                                            %        Total
                                                                            learning                      consistency                      networks

            Employment                             5,30      26,16%                12,76      62,98%              0,00       0,00%                0,00      0,00%                 2,20      10,86%           20,26

   Social Inclusion and Protection                 6,60      23,22%                 8,90      31,32%              0,00       0,00%               10,30      36,24%                2,62      9,22%            28,42

        Working Conditions                         3,24      37,54%                 4,19      48,55%              0,00       0,00%                0,00      0,00%                 1,20      13,90%            8,63

         Non-discrimination                        4,80      23,28%                 8,02      38,88%              0,00       0,00%                6,25      30,32%                1,55      7,52%            20,62

          Gender Equality                          1,10      9,11%                  6,40      53,02%              0,00       0,00%                1,80      14,91%                2,77      22,95%           12,07

            2% support                             0,00      0,00%                  0,00      0,00%               1,39      100,00%               0,00      0,00%                 0,00      0,00%             1,39

                Total                            21,04       23,02%                40,27      44,06%              1,39        1,52%              18,35      20,08%              10,34       11,31%           91,39

The table does not include PROGRESS administrative expenditure (amounting at 4.38 m€)

                                                                                                                           subsidies -
                         Open     Restricted                        Open     Restricted                                   Monopolies de             Framework
                                             Contracts of current                       Convention Subdelegatio                         Convention
  Policy Sections       Calls for Calls for                        Calls for Calls for                            Outputs facto/dejure-              Contracts
                                             (Outputs) service                          s (Outputs) n to ESTAT                          s (Outputs)
                        Tenders Tenders                           Proposals Proposals                                      Framework                  Outputs

    Employment                1         4          5          4         2          0          11            3          3            16          16        26

 Social Inclusion and
                              5         3          7          0         2          0          15            1         10            20          20         8

 Working Conditions           8         0         11          0         1          0          15            1          4            14          15        13

  Non-discrimination          5         0          5          2         0          1          32            1         30            16          16        12

 Gender Equality              4         0          4          1         0          0           1            0          0             6           6         6

    2% support                2         0          2          0         0          0           0            0          0             0           0         3

        Total                25         7         34          7         5          1          73            6         47            72          73        68

                                  32                                        6

The table does not include PROGRESS administrative expenditure (amounting at 4.38 m€)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 NUMBER OF
           PROGRESS                                                                                                                                                                                                                OUTPUTS /       UNIT
                                                                                                                                                                                            NEW / RECCURRING
REF. Nº    IMMEDIATE                           ACTIVITY                                            DESCRIPTION                                    TARGET AUDIENCES              TIMEFRAME                       PROCEDURE        BUDGET PER     RESPONSIBL
           OUTCOMES                                                                                                                                                                                                               IMMEDIATE         E

                                                                           The aim is to cover short-term needs in relation to
                                                                           analytical work in support of:
                                                                           a) the Employment in Europe report
                                                                           b) the monthly and quarterly labour market monitoring and
                                                                                                                                          MS, EFTA/EEA, potential and
                         Small-scale studies in support of Employment in reporting
                                                                                                                                          candidate countries, social
          Evidence-      Europe report, of monthly and quarterly labour   c) the EES policy assessment in the context of the EU2020
1                                                                                                                                         partners, non profit organisations,     2011        New Activity     Call for Tender    4 Studies       D1/D2         Yes
          based Policy   market monitoring and reporting and in support of strategy by ad-hoc literature review, analysis and fact-
                                                                                                                                          higher education institutes,
                         the EES                                           finding;
                                                                                                                                          research institutes
                                                                           d) preparatory research papers within the context of the
                                                                           EU2020 Strategy.
                                                                           A maximum of four low value tenders to be launched in the
                                                                           second and third quarters of 2011.

                                                                            The aim of this activity is to setting up of WEESP (Web-    MS, EFTA/EEA, potential and
                          Service contract for setting up of WEESP - an     tool of Evaluated Employment Services Practises), an          candidate countries, social
2                         information system on Employment Services         information system composed of evaluated and tested           partners, non profit organisations,     2011        New Activity     Call for Tender     1 Study         D3           Yes
          based Policy
                          Practises                                         (public, private and third sector) employment services        higher education institutes,
                                                                            practises (i.e. on what works and does not work)              research institutes

                                                                            The objective of the evaluation is twofold:
                                                                            1) to assess, three years after their publication/adoption
                                                                            the impact of the Communication and the Common
                                                                                                                                          MS, EFTA/EEA, potential and
                                                                            Principles on national policy making, i.e. whether and to
                                                                                                                                          candidate countries, social                                           Framework
          Evidence-       Evaluation of the first phase of Flexicurity      what extent Member States put into practice these
3                                                                                                                                         partners, non profit organisations,     2011        New Activity      contract DG      1 Evaluation      D2           Yes
          based Policy    (2007/2010)                                       principles and developed their own 'flexicurity' pathways;
                                                                                                                                          higher education institutes,                                             EMPL
                                                                            2) to analyse the impact of the implemented integrated
                                                                                                                                          research institutes
                                                                            flexicurity policies in terms of strengthening employment
                                                                            security, facilitating transitions and reducing labour
                                                                            market segmentation.

                                                                            The aim of the evaluation is to asses how the Mutual
                                                                            Learning programme (MLP) could be refocused in order
                                                                            to ensure that it contributes better to the achievements of   MS, EFTA/EEA, potential and
                                                                            the key objectives in the Europe 2020. The key issue to       candidate countries, social                                           Framework
4                         Evaluation of the Mutual Learning Programme       assess is how to ensure that the main results and main        partners, non profit organisations,     2011        New Activity      contract DG      1 Evaluation      D2           Yes
          based Policy
                                                                            findings are being disseminated to and used by the            higher education institutes,                                             EMPL
                                                                            highest level of policy makers and to the local               research institutes
                                                                            stakeholders responsible for implementing labour market

                                                                                                                                          MS, EFTA/EEA, potential and
                                                                            Ad hoc data collection and research to assess                 candidate countries, social                                           Framework
5                         Fact-finding on specific policy experiences       employment impact of national measures promoting              partners, non profit organisations,     2011        New Activity      contract DG        1 Study         D1           Yes
          based Policy
                                                                            green jobs and economic recovery                              higher education institutes,                                             EMPL
                                                                                                                                          research institutes

                                                                            ESCO, a common multilingual taxonomy of occupations
                                                                            and skills, based on the ISCO classification, has been
                                                                            identified as one of the flagship initiatives under the       MS, EFTA/EEA, potential and
                                                                            Europe 2020 strategy. It will be made freely available as     candidate countries, social                                           Framework
          Evidence-       ESCO (European Skills Competences and                                                                                                                                Recurring                    1 Multilingual
6                                                                           a standard tool for all interested stakeholders. The work     partners, non profit organisations,     2011                          contract DG                        D3           Yes
          based Policy    Occupations)                                                                                                                                                          Activity                      Dictionary
                                                                            to develop ESCO involves IT tools to manage and               higher education institutes,                                         EMPL/OPOCE
                                                                            distribute ESCO as well as the operation of a secretariat     research institutes
                                                                            to coordinate the work of the management board,
                                                                            maintenance committee and reference groups.

                                                                            Taking into consideration the proposals under the
                                                                            foreseen Communication on the implementation of the
                                                                                                                                          MS, EFTA/EEA, potential and
                                                                            flagship initiative 'An agenda for New Skills and Jobs', a
                                                                                                                                          candidate countries, social                                           Framework
          Evidence-       Beyond flexicurity: new ways of tackling labour   study will be launched in order to prepare for post 2012
7                                                                                                                                         partners, non profit organisations,     2011        New Activity      contract DG        1 Study         D2           Yes
          based Policy    market segmentation                               Commission' proposals in the context of Europe 2020
                                                                                                                                          higher education institutes,                                         EMPL/OPOCE
                                                                            Strategy to take into account the challenge of increasing
                                                                                                                                          research institutes
                                                                            employment creation but not at the expense of widening
                                                                            contractual diversity/segmentation
NUMBER OF OUTPUTS / BUDGET BY                                UNIT
REFERENCE NUMBER               PROGRESS IMMEDIATE OUTCOMES                                                  ACTIVITY                                                                                                              DESCRIPTION                                                                                        TARGET AUDIENCES                                     TIMEFRAME                  NEW / RECCURRING ACTIVITY                                          PROCEDURE                                                                                                                 PARTCIP. THIRD COUNTRIES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         IMMEDIATE OUTCOME                                   RESPONSIBLE

       1                                  Evidence-based policy      Development of data in collaboration with international organisations                 Contribution to research in programmes related to Health and Safety at Work                                                                                    All stakeholders                                  2011                                 New activity                                 Spontaneous subsidy (Monopoly de facto - Joint Management)          4 Contributions to international programmes                     F4       No

       2                                  Evidence-based policy      Development of data /statistics                                                       Further implementation of ESAW (aligning to the future implementing measures in view of Regulation no 1338/2008)                                               All stakeholders                                  2007-2012                                           Recurring activity                  Subdelegation (to ESTAT - Others interventions)             Restricted grants to national statistical authorities             F4       Yes

       3                                  Evidence-based policy      Evaluation of the OSH Strategy 2007-2012                                              Study to review the effectiveness and the efficiency of the OSH Strategy 2007-2012 and to identifiy priorities for 2013-2020                                   All stakeholders                                  2011                                 New activity                                                       Open call for tenders                                              1 study                                    F4       Yes

                                                                                                                                                           Study on the costs/benefits of existing requirements as regards the documentation for risk assessment, in particular for SMEs (Article 9 of Directive
       4                                  Evidence-based policy      Study on csts/benefits related to documentation of the risk assessments by SMEs                                                                                                                                                                      All stakeholders                                  2011                                 New activity                                                       Open call for tenders                                              1 study                                    F4       Yes

                                                                                                                                                           Cooperation between JRC and DG EMPL to gather scientific information and evidence needed for SCOEL's preliminary evaluation documents for a
       5                                  Evidence-based policy      SCOEL activities                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     All stakeholders                  2011                                                   Recurrent               Administrative Arrangement with Joint Research Center (since 2010)                1 document per substance                             F4       Not relevant
                                                                                                                                                           number of identified priority chemical substances

                                                                                                                                                           Development of a model for the evaluation of management (OSH) systems aimed at facilitating the implementation of the future 2013-2020 EU Strategy
       6                                  Evidence-based policy      Development of strategic models                                                                                                                                                                                                                      All stakeholders                                  2011                                 New activity                                                       Open call for tenders                                              1 study                                    F4       Yes
                                                                                                                                                           on health and safety at work

       7                                  Evidence-based policy      Study to establish the scope of modifications of safety signs directive               Study to establish the scope of modifications of the technical annex of Directive 92/58/EEC (Health and Safety Signs)                                          All stakeholders                                  2011                                 New activity                                                       Open call for tenders                                              1 study                                    F4       Yes

                                                                                                                                                           Contract to analyse the conformity of the transposal of Directive 89/391/EEC , its individual directives, Directive 92/29/EEC and Directive 2009/148/EC
       8                                  Evidence-based policy      Study to analyse the conformity of the transposition of OSH directive by Iceland                                                                                                                                                                     All stakeholders                                  2011                                 New activity                               Open call for tenders                                                                      1 study                                    F4       not relevant
                                                                                                                                                           into national law of the Republic of Iceland.

       9                                  Evidence-based policy      Study - European Society and European Cooperative Society                             Impact assessment study to support the review of Directives 2001/86 on European Company and 2003/72 on European Cooperative Society                            All stakeholders                                  2011                                 New activity                                            Impact assessment framework contract                                          1 study                                    F2       Just EEA countries

                                                                                                                                                           Impact assessment study to support the review of Article 8 of Directive 2008/94 concerning the protection of employees' rights to occupational pension
       10                                 Evidence-based policy      Study - Insolvency Directive (Article 8)                                                                                                                                                                                                             All stakeholders                                  2011                                 New activity                                            Impact assessment framework contract                                          1 study                                    F2       Just EEA countries
                                                                                                                                                           schemes in case of insolvency of their employer

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Part of ongoing exercise to evaluate EU
       11                                 Evidence-based policy      Study on Directives 99/70 on fixed-term work and 97/81 on Part-time work              Study to evaluate the impact of current legislation on fixed-term and part-time work and identify difficulties or loopholes in their application               All stakeholders                                  2011                                                                            Impact assessment framework contract                                                       1 study                                    F2       Just EEA countries
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 employment legislation

                                                                                                                                                           Study to define and assess mechanisms in Member States to provide non-jurisdictional settlement of labour disputes and identify specific difficulties
       12                                 Evidence-based policy      Study - Dispute settlement mechanisms in labour law                                                                                                                                                                                                  All stakeholders                                  2011                                 New activity                               Open call for tenders                                                                      1 study                                    F2       Yes
                                                                                                                                                           with the settlement of international disputes.

                                                                     Study to establish the potential impact of Nanomaterials/Nanotechnology in the        Study to establish the scope of modifications of relevant EU Safety  Health at Work legislation to accomodate risks/concerns posed by
       13          Evidence-based policy                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  All stakeholders                                                  2011                 New activity                               Open call for tenders                                                                      1 study                                    F4       Yes
                                                                     Workplace, in particular to ensure adequate protection of workers health and safety   Nanomaterials/Nanotechnology in the Workplace

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Total Evidence-based policy                                                                                                                                             3,24

                                                                                                                                                           Development of an inspection toolkit for targeted interventions on occupational
       14                           Information sharing  learning   SLIC Activities                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      All Member States                                 2011                                                Ongoing activity                                     De facto monopoly                                                 1 report                                   F4       Yes
                                                                                                                                                           health and safety (psycho-social risks)

       15                           Information sharing  learning   SLIC Activities - Exchange of national inspectors                                     To assess the quality and impact of national inspection systems                                                                                                Labour Inspectors                                 2011                                                Recurring activity          Others interventions - Exchange of national inspectors                            inspection visits  reports                         F4       No

       16                           Information sharing  learning   Committee of experts on posting of workers                                            The Committee would support and assist Member States in identifying/exchanging good practices and problems encountered.                                        Member states                                     2011                                 Recurring activity                         Reimbursement of expert's travel and subsistence expenses            4 meetings                                                       F2       No

                                                                                                                                                           To support the development of an information exchange system in order to facilitate the enhanced administrative cooperation in the context of Directive
       17          Information sharing  learning                    Development of an information exchange system                                                                                                                                                                                                        All stakeholders                                   2011                                New activity                               Subdelegation to DIGIT                                               IT system                                              F2                 No
                                                                                                                                                           96/71/EC on posting of workers.

       18          Information sharing  learning                    Meeting of expert groups                                                              Logistics of expert group meetings, to be organised extra-muros.                                                                                               All stakeholders                                   2011                                Recurring activity                         Framework Contract (EMPL- Conference)                                3 meetings                                             F2                 No

                                                                                                                                                           Identify key messages on Dir F activities and create slogans. This will constitute the milestone for the production of promotional material for the citizens
       19                           Information sharing  learning   Communication and networking activities                                               and design of a conference visibility toolkit aimed at decision-makers. The objective is to have a common product for all Dir F units with specific slogans    Citizens  decision-makers                        2011                                 Recurring activity                         Framework contracts                                                  1 leaflet, 1 video and promotional material                   F2,F3, F4   No
                                                                                                                                                           for each unit.

                                                                                                                                                           Support the research and networking with the view to exchange of information and best practices, raising awareness and improving knowledge in 3                Member states, social partners, universities
       20                           Information sharing  learning   Call for proposals on restrucuturing, well-being and financial participation                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2011                                 Recurring activity                         Call for Proposals (Open)                                            15 reports                                                       F3       No
                                                                                                                                                           issues : restructuring, financial participation and Well-being at work                                                                                         research institute

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Legal experts, national authorities responsible
                                                                                                                                                           To deal with the legal issues raised by EU labour law, to provide a forum for an open discussion and exchange of information of topical issues and to                                                                                                                                                                                                                 4 quarterly flash reports, 1 thematic report, 1
       21                           Information sharing  learning   European Network of independent Legal Experts                                                                                                                                                                                                        for law-making and enforcement and social         2011-2014                            New contract                               Open call for tender Service Contract, renewable                                                                                      F2       Just EEA countries
                                                                                                                                                           reinforce the capacity to anticipate problems related to the application of EU law                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    legal seminar, 1 final report

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Total Information sharing  learning                                                                                                                                                 4,19

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Member states, social partners, universities
       22                                  Participatory debate      Presidency Conferences                                                                Conferences on health and safety at work (2/presidency)                                                                                                                                                          2011                                                  New activity              Spontaneous subsidy (Monopoly de facto - Presidency)                                      4 reports                                   F4       Yes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          research institute

                                                                                                                                                           Conferences on Working conditions  Labour Law. (1)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Member states, social partners, universities
       23          Participatory debate                              Presidency Conferences                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2011                                New activity                               Spontaneous subsidy (Monopoly de facto - Presidency)                 1 report                                               F2                 Yes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          research institute

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Member states, social partners, universities
       24          Participatory debate                              Conference organized by DG EMPL                                                       Conference on Working Conditions and labour Law (1)                                                                                                                                                               2011                                New activity                               Framework Contract (EMPL- Conference)                                1 report                                               F2                 Yes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          research institute

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Total Participatory debate                                                                                                                                         1,20
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Total Section                                                                                                                                                                                                                            8,63
El nuevo Comisario Europeo de Empleo, Lazlo Andor declaro el 11 de
febrero, después del voto del parlamento en Estrasburgo, la aprobación de
unas nuevas medidas contra la crisis y el desempleo.
La propuesta, presentada por la Comisión en junio de 2009 ha sido aprobada
por el Parlamento Europeo por 511 votos contra 95, y 11 abstenciones.
El objetivo primario del “European Microfinance Facility” será de ayudar a las
personas que han perdido o están en riesgo de perder sus puestos de trabajo
en obtener un crédito para empezar una actividad de negocios o una pequeña
empresa. Los trabajadores tendrán así un mejor acceso a fondos y se
beneficiarán de medidas de apoyo adicionales, como tutoría, formación y
Los diputados acordaron destinar 100 millones de € para el instrumento
financiero durante más de cuatro años.
60 millones provendrán del programa Progress para el empleo y la solidaridad
social, y 40 millones de € de márgenes no asignados enpresupuesto de la UE.
Para 2010 Parlamento y Consejo acordaron de liberar 25 millones de € del
presupuesto UE de 2010.
Este instrumento podría movilizar más de 500 millones de € en una iniciativa
conjunta con instituciones financieras internacionales, en particular el Grupo
Banco Europeo de Inversiones (BEI).
Los microcréditos están diseñados para microempresas, con menos de diez
empleados (el 91 % de todas las empresas europeas), y para personas en
paro o inactivas que quieren hacerse trabajadoras autónomas pero no tienen
acceso a los servicios bancarios tradicionales. El montante máximo de cada
préstamo será menor de 25000 €.
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Erasmus Mundus es un programa de cooperación y movilidad que pretende promover
educación de calidad y desarrollar la cooperación entre la Unión Europea y terceros
países, además de favorecer la movilidad en ambos sentidos y el acceso a la educación
El programa cofinancia iniciativas de movilidad y cooperación entre instituciones
educativas europeas y está dirigido a centros de investigación e instituciones de
enseñanza superior. Pretende fomentar la participar en iniciativas conjuntas con
entidades similares de otros países europeos y de fuera de la UE, siempre que vayan
encaminadas a facilitar la movilidad, la formación y el desarrollo de los recursos humanos.
En muchos casos estas iniciativas están relacionadas con otras políticas globales: Países
Preadhesión o ENPI, por ejemplo.
Cuenta con un presupuesto global que asciende a 493 millones de euros para el
periodo 2009-2013 y está abierto a centros y estudiantes de enseñanza superior,
investigadores postdoctorales, académicos, personal docente así como para organismos
y entidades públicos y privados que trabajen en el ámbito de la enseñanza superior.
Este año, con un presupuesto aprox. de 207m €,la financiación puede llegar hasta un
75% de cada iniciativa.
Se desarrolla de manera conjunta para el periodo 2009-2013 en 3 acciones diferentes:
La Acción 1 comprende los estudios máster (Acción 1 A) y doctorado (Acción 1 B) con
sus correspondientes becas. (masters y programas doctorales -muchos de ellos son
continuidad de programas anteriores, pero caben algunas nuevas propuestas-)
 La Acción 2 se ocupa de las asociaciones y partnerships,facilitando que las instituciones
educativas se puedan asociarse con otras de terceros países para promover movilidad y
cooperación académica.
La Acción 3 se centra en la promoción del atractivo de la educación superior europea,
acciones de difusión del programa, asociación de alumnos y otras actividades
accesorias (este apartado es un presupuesto para la propia gestión del programa en
temas de difusión)
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1. Objeto y finalidad del Programa
La estrategia del Programa Operativo se
basa en:
los retos regionales puestos de relieve en
el diagnóstico y el análisis de las
potencialidades del territorio;
los logros resultantes de las fases
anteriores de la programación comunitaria;
las orientaciones estratégicas comunitarias
y el marco estratégico nacional,
que establecen los principios de
asignación de los fondos europeos.
La Comunidad Valenciana ha optado por situar en el centro de su
estrategia el desarrollo sostenible e integrado socialmente, y más
La mejora de la competitividad regional, basándose en las inversiones en
materia de comunicación y la intensificación de la investigación, de la
producción y de la difusión de la innovación (sobre todo la originada en el
sector privado), así como el acceso a la información y los conocimientos y
su difusión; El incremento de la productividad y la diversificación del tejido
productivo; El equilibrio territorial, la integración, la protección del medio
ambiente y la gestión de los recursos hídricos.
El objetivo estratégico es que la Comunidad Valenciana se dote del capital
físico y tecnológico suficiente para incrementar su competitividad a escala
Con respecto al período 2000 2006, la Comunidad Valenciana ha conseguido
atenuar algún déficit y alcanzar g así una prosperidad relativa, que le ha
permitido abandonar el objetivo «convergencia» y dar un paso hacia adelante
para unirse a las regiones «competitividad phasing in». Ahora debe hacer
frente a nuevos retos, a saber:
El mercado laboral (una tasa de desempleo elevada, en particular entre las
mujeres y los jóvenes, que se suma a una tasa de participación baja);
los retos relacionados con los movimientos migratorios (formación, integración
social, económica y territorial);
Las necesidades en materia de infraestructuras, tanto en lo que respecta a la
optimización de las comunicaciones y las telecomunicaciones, como para
garantizar la disponibilidad de los recursos hídricos necesarios para no
obstaculizar el desarrollo.
El Programa tiene por objeto contribuir significativamente a los objetivos
de la Estrategia de Lisboa, con un respaldo importante a la
investigación, la transferencia de tecnología, la innovación y el espíritu
Algunas acciones de la programación estarán dirigidas a mejorar la
dotación y la accesibilidad a los servicios de transporte de las redes
transeuropeas y regionales, pero también se centrarán en el recurso a
las energías renovables, el buen aprovechamiento de los recursos
energéticos, la gestión y la distribución del agua potable y el tratamiento
de las aguas residuales.
Se hará un esfuerzo especial para promover el desarrollo sostenible en
las zonas urbanas y en las zonas montañosas o periféricas de la región
Efectos que se esperan de las inversiones
A continuación se indican los objetivos que se espera alcanzar con el
la creación de 22 865 puestos de trabajo; un incremento de los gastos en
materia de investigación y desarrollo/ PIB de aproximadamente un 264 %
(desde el 0,99 % actual hasta un 2,61 % en 2013);
una inversión privada cercana a los 4 000 millones de euros;
un incremento del 160 % del número de empresas que se beneficien de
sistemas de gestión que respetan el medio ambiente (que han obtenido
la certificación ISO 14001 y/o EMAS); en otras palabras, pasar de las
442 empresas que tienen la certificación ISO 14001 hoy en día a 711 en

El Programa Operativo se articula en torno a seis ejes prioritarios.
Prioridad 1: Desarrollo de la economía basada en el conocimiento,
(I+D+I) y de la sociedad de la información
[aproximadamente un 17 % de la inversión total]
Esta prioridad se orienta hacia la convergencia tecnológica de la
Comunidad con la Unión Europea, favoreciendo determinadas acciones
relacionadas con la promoción de la investigación, de la innovación, del
desarrollo y de la difusión de las tecnologías, así como de la sociedad de la
información. Dicha prioridad se basará más concretamente en lo siguiente:
la intensificación de la investigación, el desarrollo y la innovación (I+D+I) (en
particular por parte de las empresas);
el desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación
(TIC), como instrumento de mejora de la productividad
Prioridad 2:
Desarrollo e innovación empresarial
[alrededor del 24 % de la inversión total]
La segunda prioridad tiene como objeto proporcionar asistencia a las
pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYME) en materia de innovación
tecnológica y organizativa, de internacionalización, de acceso a recursos
financieros para inversiones productivas, de servicios tecnológicos, etc.
Esta prioridad está basada principalmente en:
el incremento de la inversión privada en términos de capital físico,
tecnológico y humano para mejorar la productividad de las empresas;
la asistencia para la reinversión de las empresas, para la innovación y
para la diversificación productiva;
la promoción y la asistencia para la internacionalización;
la sociedad de la información; la asistencia a la iniciativa empresarial.
Prioridad 3:
Medio ambiente, recursos hídricos y prevención de riesgos
[aproximadamente un 27 % de la inversión total]
la recuperación del suelo y una utilización alternativa del mismo que ofrezca
una plusvalía importante; la reducción de los riesgos derivados del
desbordamiento de los ríos y embalses para la población y el entorno; el
desarrollo sostenible, garantizando la disponibilidad de los recursos hídricos
en condiciones higiénicas y de calidad; el aumento de la eficacia riegos;
la promoción de la biodiversidad y de la protección de la Naturaleza.

Prioridad 4:
Transporte y energía
[aproximadamente un 22 % de la inversión total]
Las acciones principales tienen por objeto mejorar las infraestructuras en el
ámbito de las conexiones ferroviarias, las infraestructuras metropolitanas y
la integración intermodal con los aeropuertos y los puertos de la
Prioridad 5:
Desarrollo sostenible local y urbano
[aproximadamente un 8,5 % de la inversión total]
Las acciones principales tienen por objetivo un desarrollo equilibrado de la
la asistencia al desarrollo en las zonas rurales;
el incremento de la calidad de la oferta turística como motor de desarrollo
rural; la promoción de la cohesión territorial, a partir de proyectos integrados
de regeneración urbana y rural destinados a los pequeños y medianos
municipios; el refuerzo del desarrollo urbano para alcanzar la cohesión
Prioridad 6:
Asistencia técnica
[aproximadamente un 1,5 % de la inversión total]
La asistencia técnica ha de permitir incrementar la capacidad administrativa
de la utilización de los fondos y la cofinanciación de las actividades de
gestión, seguimiento, evaluación, animación, información y comunicación





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Programme in short
The MED programme is a transnational programme of European territorial
cooperation.It is financed by the European Union as an instrument of its regional
policy and of its new programming period. It continues the tradition of the
European programmes for cooperation (previously named Interreg). It takes
place within the objective « European territorial cooperation » of the period 2007-

With a budget of more than 250M€ (whose 193M€ of ERDF), the Programme will
launch , until exhaustion of its ERDF envelope, calls for projects to build
transnational partnerships aiming at meeting the priority objectives of the
Programme in the Mediterranean space.
Programme objectives
• To improve the area's competitiveness in a way that guarantees
growth and employment for the next generations (Lisbon strategy).

• To promote territorial cohesion and environmental protection,
according to the logic of sustainable development (Goteborg

          W                                                                        D
Branch Office for the Western Mediterranean
ENPI CBC Med Programme
Generalitat Valenciana
C/ Cronista Carreres 11, 4
E - 46003 Valencia Espa a
Tel: +34 96 192 26 31
Fax: +34 96 192 26 11

                      Part II.
Contribution of the regions in the Lisbon agenda
EES: introduction

The EES is the main tool to give direction to and ensure coordination
of the employment policy priorities to which Member States should
subscribe at EU level.

                           Basic idea:
economic convergence to be sustainable requires some labour market

The European Employment Strategy (EES) has coordinated Member States'
employment policies since 1997 through:

common European guidelines and recommendations
annual national action plans for employment
monitoring, evaluation and mutual learning at EU level
EES: Guidelines

     Attract and retain more people in employment and
                   modernise social protection systems
Improve adaptability of workers and enterprises and the
                            flexibility of labour markets.
    Increase investment in human capital though better
                                 education and skills.
A brief history of the EES

                           The early 1990s
   The 1993 White Paper and Essen Strategy
The Amsterdam Treaty and EES launch (1997)
 The 2000 review and 2002 impact evaluation
                   The 2001 Lisbon strategy
                   The 2003 revision of EES
                   The 2005 revamp of EES
The early 1990s
                  the need for EU actions in labour markets

In the 1990s, need to increase the employment intensity of growth.
Both the monetary stabilisation
More co-ordinated employment oriented policy response at European level.
Effective responses to prevent and tackle persistent unemployment levels,
which would in turn develop into long term unemployment and other
structural problems in the labour markets.
Find European solutions under Economic and Monetary Union.
The 1993 White Paper and Essen Strategy

Delors' White Book on Growth,Competitiveness and Employment

The ideological, political and analytical base upon which a coordinated
European approach to employment was developed.

Before the Treaty of Amsterdam, the responsibility for employment policy
was under the exclusive responsibility of the Member States, while the role
of the Commission was to promote co-operation, research and information

The Commission also assisted the Member States in their fight against
unemployment and social exclusion with Community funding, mainly through
the European Social Fund.
The 1993 White Paper and Essen Strategy

the European Council in Essen in December 1994 agreed on five key
objectives to be pursued by the Member States ;
the so called Essen Strategy :

- the development of human resources through vocational training,
- the promotion of productive investments through moderate wages policies,
- the improvement of the efficiency of labour market institutions,
- the identification of new sources of jobs through local initiatives,
- the promotion of access to the world of work for some specific target groups
such as young people, long-term unemployed and women.

• It also initiated the first steps to develop common European LM indicators
• The Essen Strategy was still based on non-binding conclusions of the
European Councils and lacked a clear legal base, a strong permanent
structure and a long-term vision.
The Amsterdam Treaty  EES launch

strengthening of the Community approach to employment
                                                                  key elements :
1.   high level of employment as one of the key objectives,
2.   employment as a common concern.
3.   coordinated strategy for employment.
4.   priciple of mainstreaming employment policy,
5.   Joint Employment Report + Employment Guidelines for the Member States
6.   Commission may propose and the Council adopt ecommendations
7.   legal base for the analysis, research, exchange of best practice
8.   It enables decisions to be taken by qualified majority

     Luxembourg Jobs Summit of November 1997 anticipated the entry into
     force of the Treaty and launched the European Employment Strategy in
     its current form.
     Cardiff (June 1998), Cologne (June 1999), Lisbon (March 2000),
     Stockholm (October 2000) and Barcelona (March 2002).
The 1997-2002 EES: four pillars
The EES was initially structured into four pillars and a set of
corresponding guidelines.

 1)   Improving employability
 2)   Developing entrepreneurship
 3)   Encouraging adaptability in business and their employees
 4)   Strengthening the policies for Equal Opportunities

      The EES was launched with a view to make decisive progress in the
      fight against unemployment within five years.
2000 review “mid-term” evaluation
positive developments:                      weaker points:

the EES had created a common,               Regional differences in labour market
integrated framework for structural         performance remained important
reform which enables synergies to be        Bottlenecks, largely due to the skills gap,
achieved across simultaneous and            were emerging in a number of Member
mutually supportive action.                 States.

an increased involvement of a wide          The implementation of different objectives
number of actors both at the European       was uneven, with most progress achieved
and national levels in the EES.             in employability whereas the adaptability
                                            pillar was lagging behind.
An increased transparency of
employment policies, as well as an          Local levels of administration and other
increased political accountability of the   local actors needed to take a greater stake
actions.                                    at the design and implementation of the
                                            relevant Guidelines.
2000 Lisbon Council: The Lisbon strategy

Lisbon objective (2000): to become the most competitive and dynamic
knowledge-based economy in the world capable of sustainable economic
growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion
(+ respect for the environment)

Facing up the challenges of demographic change and
global economic integration (+ enlargement)
Need for coordinated action at EU level (governance)

ambitious quantitative targets for employment rates for 2010:
(70% overall and 60% for women)

new or strengthened priorities (such as skills and mobility, lifelong learning).

more but also better jobs so as to foster not only competitiveness and economic
growth but also greater social cohesion.
Lisbon targets
impact evaluation

• In 2002, the European Commission issued its evaluation of the first five
years of the EES (national reports and a joint report).

more than 10 million new jobs created since 1997 and 4 million less unemployed. how
much due to the introduction of the EES and how much to economic improvement,?
 The evaluation highlighted significant changes in national employment policies, •
However, the EES is also seen to have a number of
weaknesses, partly in relation to the activation of the most disadvantaged groups
and to policy evaluation, and partly relating to new and emerging challenges. These
     - demographic challenges
     - emerging skills gap
     - enlargement
     - globalisation and immigration
Evaluation results: employment performance

new jobs / employment rate

Women’s employment rate
The rate for older workers increased
unemployment has been decreasing (also for women and the young + long term)

The Lisbon targets are within reach

There are significant differences between Member States
Evaluation results: Active Labour Market Programmes

• Preventive approach
• The target of 20% of the unemployed participating in active labour market
programmes has already been overtaken by 14 Member States (excluding UK)
• a rise in training to combat skill shortages
• Combining training with other measures, such as work experience and
individualised action plans, increases the chances of success.
• Further progress in individual job search and guidance services at an early
stage of unemployment (mainly in Denmark, France, Belgium, Germany and Italy).
• Growing tendency to make ALMP more demand-led, and to improve the
cooperation between institutions in the public and/or the private sector
• An increasing recognition that integration into the labour market requires a broader
range of complementary measures contributing to social inclusion, with the
consequent need of more links with policies in other fields, such as ducation, health
care and housing.
• Nevertheless, still room to make the preventive approach more effective
• Furthermore, actions often targeted on the groups with the most potential.
Evaluation results: Active ageing

• All the Member States have made serious efforts

• However, only a few Member States have developed comprehensive
national active ageing strategies

• NOTE: increasing the mandatory retirement age does not automatically
increase the number of older workers in employment. The key issue is how to
boost the willingness of employers to keep older workers in employment until
retirement age.
Recent studies have shown that early retirement is frequently not the
employees’ choice and some Member States continue to use early
retirement schemes
Evaluation results: Female labour market participation

Considering employment performances in the period between 1997 and 2001, women
have contributed most to the overall growth of employment Rates.

The gender gap in activity rates remains substantial in several Member States,

female-friendly adjustments in the tax, pension and benefit schemes
encourage entrepreneurship
better care services for children and/or other dependents
women in permanent jobs (
gender equality at enterprise level / decision making
pay differentials
educational choices, stereotypes :encourage men to take roles
Evaluation results: Flexibility and Security

balance flexibility and security, such as reducing the negative aspects of
flexible work patterns, improving (lifelong) training and learning facilities and
promoting the reconciliation of work and family life.

Promoting a broader culture of learning in the workplace
Lifelong learning is still underdeveloped.

Gap in learning opportunities low skills/ higher educated, younger/older

Quality of work has not been fully addressed and most Member States
tend to identify their own priorities :
Flex-security and gender equality
working time
health and safety almost everywhere
2002 revision
New set of Employment Guidelines and Recommendations in 2003

Following the 2002 evaluation, the Commission adopted a “Communication
on the future of EES” in January 2003.

revised strategy with concrete objectives and targets.
three overarching objectives

    - full employment (on the basis of Lisbon targets);
    - quality and productivity at work;
    - social cohesion and an inclusive labour market.

and insists on a better delivery and governance of EES.
Enlargement and EES
Since the late 1990s, the objective of the Commission:
candidate countries define employment policies that prepare them for membership of the Union and
progressively adjust institutions and policies to the European Employment Strategy.

The Commission initiated in 1999 a cooperation process on employment with these countries. EU
financial support for accession
preparations for ESF

Joint Assessments Papers (JAPs),
 Most candidate countries consulted extensively on the draft Joint Assessment Papers, including
the Finance and Education Ministries and the social partners, which helped to establish policy
implementation of the JAP commitments in 2002-2003.

The ten* new Member States prepared their first National Action Plans (NAPs) for employment in
2004, along with those of the 15* other Member States.
2005 revamp

structural difficulties on the European social model:
ageing population
decline in economic performance

February 2005, the European Commission made a proposal for a revamp of
the Lisbon strategy to focus on delivering stronger, lasting growth and
more and better jobs.
complete revision of the EES,
the guidelines in conjunction with the macroeconomic and microeconomic
guidelines and for a period of three years. T
Synergies: national level and Community actions,
This new process has been in practice from July 2005,
2005-2008 Employment Guidelines
         The new Employment Guidelines (2005-8) are eight and they fit within

                                   three priorities:
    1) attract and retain more people in employment, increase labour supply and
    modernise social protection systems;
    2) improve adaptability of workers and enterprises;
    3) increase investment in human capital through better education and skills

ambitious new programme of mutual learning
exchange of good practice and the Dissemination, including at regional level,

Combined with a better use of EU financial resources,
European Social Fund ,
2005-2008 Employment Guidelines

1.Implement full employment, improving quality and productivity at work,
and strengthening social and territorial cohesion
2.Promote a lifecycle approach to work
3.Ensure inclusive labour markets, enhance work attractiveness, and make
work pay for job-seekers, including disadvantaged people and the inactive
4.Improve matching of labour market needs
5.Promote flexibility combined with employment security and reduce labour
market segmentation, having due regard to the role of the social partners
6.Ensure employment-friendly labour cost developments and wage-setting
7.Expand and improve investment in human capital
8.Adapt education and training systems in response to new competence
Further targets and benchmarks

on-going job search assistance,
• 25 % of long-term unemployment should participate by 2010 in an active measure in
the form of training, retraining, work practice, or other employability measure, with the
aim of achieving the average of the three most advanced Member States,
• jobseekers throughout the EU are able to consult all job vacancies advertised
through Member States‘ employment services,
• an increase by five years, at EU level, of the actual average exit age from the labour
market by 2010 (compared to 59,9 in 2001),
• the provision of childcare by 2010 to at least 90% of children between 3 years old
and the mandatory school age and at least 33% of children under 3 years of age,
• an EU average rate of no more than 10% early school leavers,
• at least 85% of 22-year olds in the EU should have completed upper secondary
education by 2010,
• the EU average level of participation in lifelong learning should be at least 12,5% of
the adult working-age population (25 to 64 age group).
Progress towards the Lisbon targets
Concluding remarks

The positive impact of the EES in the second half of the Nineties was favoured by the
economic cycle.
However, structural improvements have occurred since 1997 thanks to reforms in a number
of areas, such as competition policy and labour markets.

• These improvements are reflected in:

- lower structural rates of unemployment,
- lower long-term unemployment rates;
- increased efficiency in matching between the unemployed and vacancies;
- a rise in aggregate labour demand;
- a positive effect of atypical labour contracts, such as part-time and fixed-term
- an increase in expenditure on labour market policies,
- Further progress transitions from temporary to permanent jobs and out of low-paid jobs.
- Lower labour market gaps related to gender and age
- Economic slowdown can negatively impact on social cohesion, ( new Member States)
- Need to better balance social and economic objectives
The process

Spring 2007 European Council (March 2007)

Member States to submit latest Implementations/ National
Reform Programmes (Oct. 2007)

Commission to present its third Annual Progress Report
(Dec. 2007)
The joint report on employment 06/07
Some progresses:
Employment rate (63.8%)
but difficult to achieve the goal of 70% in 2010;
Employment of ageing people (42.5%)
but difficult to achieve the goal of 50% in 2010;
Good progress in women’s employment (56.3%)
the 2010 goal will be probably achieved;
Social reforms and a more balanced situation of Public Finances.

Some difficulties:
Productivity growth rate remains insufficient (0.9% in 2005)
Insufficient participation of adults in life long training;
School abandonment still high
The flexibility of labour market
Employment of some social groups : young people, women, migrants.
The joint report on employment 06/07

Some difficulties:

Productivity growth rate remains insufficient (0.9% in 2005)
Insufficient participation of adults in life long training;
School abandonment still high
The flexibility of labour market
Employment of some social groups : young people, women, migrants.
Introduction (1)

•   In March 2010, the European Commission (EC) released the Europe 2020
    strategy proposal, which strives for „smart, sustainable and inclusive growth“
    and greater policy coordination between the EU and national governments.
•   While the document was greeted with scepticism in some quarters, others
    believe it lays out the path to continued European prosperity and social
•   In January 2011 a comprehensive plan was adopted by the EC “to respond
    to the crisis and to speed up Europe‘s growth“.
Lessons from the Lisbon Strategy (1)

•   The EU 2020 strategy is about improving competitiveness and achieving
    sustainable growth in the EU.
•   It builds on the revised Lisbon strategy (2005) which is nowadays often
    regarded as a failure. E.g., it did not undo the large persisting differences
    between member states in the implementation of Lisbon goals.
•   A main lesson learned from Lisbon is to reinforce economic policy cooperation.
•   In principle, however, the same governance framework is used. The strategy
    builds still to a large extent on the toolbox of the revised Lisbon strategy.
Lessons from the Lisbon Strategy (2)

•   As the economic and financial crisis and the subsequent soveregn debt crisis
    have exposed some member states‘ weaknesses, particularly more
    coordination is required in certain fields at least.
•   The crises have highlighted the interdependencies between economic and
    monetary policy in the eurozone and the negative spillovers from the
    economic part of the union to the monetary side.
•   The EU 2020 strategy, therefore, puts a special focus on tackling the causes
    of the negative externalities so as to justify the emergency coordination
    measures adopted to avoid the insolvency or illiquidity of member states.
h   ^

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Martes 19 uji eu julio 2011

  • 1. & h D D ' : ^ h : /
  • 2. D : Bloque 1 (cont) Comisión Europea: - DG de Empleo - DG Educación - DG Regio Programas de trabajo anuales. Convocatorias Organigramas;ubicacion y contactos. Estrategias generales: Nacional Regional Presidências (trios) Europeas
  • 4. D D D d h ^ ^ d , ^ ^ ' WZK'Z^^ Z
  • 5.
  • 6. Tiene cinco prioridades para los próximos cinco años: EMPLEO: Repensar la estrategia europea de empleo, con el objetivo de crear mayores oportunidades de empleo para todos; Hacer frente a la crítica situación de desempleo de los jóvenes; Alentar a los gobiernos a promover una agenda de la flexiguridad, para garantizar la seguridad de empleo para los trabajadores (más fácil las transiciones laborales y el aprendizaje de por vida); Asegurar que los trabajadores ganar Nuevas capacidades para nuevos empleos, incluidos los empleos verdes, que también mejorará la competitividad de Europa y aumentar la productividad; Ayudar a mantener a los trabajadores de edad en el empleo y apoyar el envejecimiento activo.
  • 7. LUCHA CONTRA LA POBREZA: Promover políticas que apoyen a los grupos vulnerables y abordar las causas profundas de la pobreza; Prevenir la pobreza en edad de seguir adelante con las propuestas para asegurar los sistemas de pensiones adecuados para el largo plazo; Apoyar la prestación de servicios sociales accesibles, asequibles y de alta calidad. Seguir promoviendo la igualdad de trato de los gitanos, ayudar a su inclusión en la sociedad y darles la posibilidad de salir de la pobreza; Aprovechar las oportunidades que en el 2010, Año Europeo para combatir la pobreza y la exclusión social y fomentar la participación y el compromiso político de todos los socios en la lucha contra la pobreza y la exclusión social;
  • 8. EFECTIVIDAD DE LOS FONDOS DE LA UE: Garantizar más rápido y un uso más eficaz de los fondos de la UE: el Fondo Social Europeo (FSE), el Fondo Europeo de Adaptación a la Globalización (FEAG), el progreso del programa y, espero que muy pronto, el próximo servicio de microcréditos; Asegurar que el dinero de la UE actúa como un catalizador para la formación, volver al trabajo y la inclusión, complementando y reforzando las acciones nacionales.
  • 9. DIÁLOGO SOCIAL: Renovar e intensificar el diálogo con nuestros socios. Bajo el Tratado de Lisboa, el diálogo social se convierte en un objetivo de la Unión Europea en su conjunto; Garantizar que la reestructuración y el cambio se gestionan de una manera socialmente responsable; Trabajar para mejorar las condiciones en el lugar de trabajo, y abrir un nuevo capítulo en la regulación de la UE a nivel del tiempo de trabajo; Abordar los nuevos desafíos emergentes en el área de la salud y seguridad en el trabajo, y el uso de instrumentos legislativos cuando es el mejor camino a seguir.
  • 10. MOVILIDAD: Eliminar los obstáculos a la libre circulación de trabajadores en la UE mediante la mejora de la coordinación de los sistemas de protección social y la portabilidad de los derechos de pensión; Revisar la forma en que el desplazamiento de trabajadores se interpreta y aplica, y nuevas medidas si fuera necesario.
  • 11.
  • 12. ' D ^ h h D W ' ' ^ /
  • 13.
  • 14. E W ^
  • 15.
  • 16. WZK'Z^^ WZK'Z D KDhE/d Z/K W Z DWK z ^K/ Z/ ^K/ E W K
  • 17. WZK'Z^^ EdEd^ ^/DW// /KE Z /KE / /KE K^ /E^dZhDEdK^ /E E/ZK^
  • 18. WZK'Z^^ K:d/sK 'EZ WZK'Z D K h 'E ^K/ K:d/sK^ 'E /^K
  • 19. Zs/^ ^dZ d'/ /^K /DWh^ Z KEK/D/EdK z /EEKs /ME ,
  • 20. 'E ^K/ W D
  • 21. K:d/sK^ 'E ^K/ D , D D / D W
  • 22. WZK'Z^^ Z ^ Z h h
  • 23. WZK'Z^^ 'EZ K:d/s^ W W W W h W h W h h WZK'Z^^
  • 25. WZK'Z^^ h'd d Z ^ t E ' ^
  • 27. DdKK '
  • 28. •–‹ƒ†‘ ƒ‹‰‘ ƒ ƒ ‹”‡……‹Ü ‡‡”ƒŽ †‡ ”‘›‡…–‘• › ‘†‘• —”‘’‡‘• †‡ Žƒ ‘•‡ŽŽ‡”‹ƒ †‡ ƒ…‹‡†ƒ › †‹‹•–”ƒ…‹‘‡• õ„Ž‹…ƒ• †‡ Žƒ ‡‡”ƒŽ‹–ƒ– ƒŽ‡…‹ƒƒ ƒ –”ƒ˜²• †‡ •— •‡”˜‹…‹‘ ”‘‰”ƒƒ• ‹ˆ‘ Ž‡ ‹ˆ‘”ƒ †‡ Žƒ• ‘˜‡†ƒ†‡• ”‡ˆ‡”‡–‡• ƒ Ž‘• ’”‘‰”ƒƒ• †‡ Žƒ ‹Ü —”‘’‡ƒ “—‡ •‡ ‡…—‡–”ƒ ƒ •— †‹•’‘•‹…‹Ü ”‘‰”‡•• ‘˜‘…ƒ–‘”‹ƒ †‡ ’”‘’—‡•–ƒ• ‘ŽÃ–‹…ƒ• ‹‘˜ƒ†‘”ƒ• †‡ ƒ’‘›‘ ƒŽ ‡˜‡Œ‡…‹‹‡–‘ •ƒŽ—†ƒ„Ž‡ ƒ…–‹˜‘ › †‹‰‘ › ƒ ‡Ž‡˜ƒ” Žƒ ‡ˆ‹…ƒ…‹ƒ › Žƒ ‡ˆ‹…‹‡…‹ƒ †‡Ž ‰ƒ•–‘ •‘…‹ƒŽ ‡ •ƒŽ—† › ‡Ž …—‹†ƒ†‘ ƒ Žƒ”‰‘ ’Žƒœ‘ ‡…Šƒ ŽÃ‹–‡ †‡ ’”‡•‡–ƒ…‹Ü †‡ ’”‘’—‡•–ƒ• †‡ •‡’–‹‡„”‡ †‡ ’Ž‡‘ › •—–‘• ‘…‹ƒŽ‡• Š––’ ’”‘‰”ƒƒ•—‡ ‹ˆ‘ †‘…—‡–‘• ’†ˆ ž• ‹ˆ‘”ƒ…‹Ü •‘„”‡ ‡Ž ’”‘‰”ƒƒ ”‘‰”‡•• Š––’ ™™™ ’”‘‰”ƒƒ•—‡ ‹ˆ‘ ˆ‹…Šƒ ƒ•’
  • 29.
  • 30. † ˆ ‹ †‡•‡ƒ ‡Ž‹‹ƒ” •— •—•…”‹’…‹Ü ƒ ’”‘‰”ƒƒ•—‡ ‹ˆ‘ ’—‡†‡ Šƒ…‡”Ž‘ ‡ Š––’ ’”‘‰”ƒƒ•—‡ ‹ˆ‘ ‡Ž‹‹ƒ” ƒ•’
  • 31. Open calls for proposals VT/2011/006 Study on the consequences of the documentation of the risk assessment (Article 9 of Directive 89/391/EEC) by very small enterprises, compared with a possible exemption from that obligation VT/2011/009 Framework contract on Helpdesk and other support services to the EURES Portal VT/2011/016 Performance Monitoring 2011-2013 of the EU Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity PROGRESS 2007-2013 VT/2011/020 Secretariat for MISSOC, the Mutual Information System on Social Protection VT/2011/024 Study service for the evaluation of the European strategy on safety and health at work 2007-2012 VT/2011/033 ESF expert evaluation network VT/2011/039 Study service contract to establish the potential impact of nanomaterials nanotechnology at the workplace, evaluate the scope and requirements of possible modifications of relevant EU safety health at work legislation Notice: This selection is not exhaustive. For a complete list of current calls for tenders please log on to the tenders/grants webpages or the Tenders Electronic Daily database Current calls for tenders VP/2011/001 Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue, Budget heading VP/2011/003 Budget heading Information, Consultation and Participation of Representatives of Undertakings VP/2011/005 PARES: Partnerships between employment services VP/2011/007 Innovative policies to support healthy, active and dignified ageing and raise the effectiveness and efficiency of spending on social, health and long-term care services and benefits VP/2011/008 Restructuring, well-being at work and financial participation VP/2011/010 Projects contributing to exchange of good practices Notice: This selection is not exhaustive. For a complete list of current calls for tenders please log on to the tenders/grants webpages or the Tenders Electronic Daily database Publisher: European Commission Employment, Social Affairs Inclusion Social Europe e-newsletter Contact | Subscribe to our publications | Modify your subscription | Unsubscribe | Legal notice European Commission » Employment, Social Affairs Inclusion
  • 32. PROGRESS PROGRAMME - ANNUAL FINANCIAL ENVELOPE 2011 - OPERATIONAL EXPENDITURE SHARE OF THE 2011 BUDGET PER PROGRESS IMMEDIATE OUTCOME Outcome 5 - High Outcome 2 - Outcome 3 - Cross- Outcome 4 - Greater Outcome 1 - Evidence- quality and Policy Sections based policy % Information sharing - % cutting policy and % capacity of key EU % participatiry policy % Total learning consistency networks debate Employment 5,30 26,16% 12,76 62,98% 0,00 0,00% 0,00 0,00% 2,20 10,86% 20,26 Social Inclusion and Protection 6,60 23,22% 8,90 31,32% 0,00 0,00% 10,30 36,24% 2,62 9,22% 28,42 Working Conditions 3,24 37,54% 4,19 48,55% 0,00 0,00% 0,00 0,00% 1,20 13,90% 8,63 Non-discrimination 4,80 23,28% 8,02 38,88% 0,00 0,00% 6,25 30,32% 1,55 7,52% 20,62 Gender Equality 1,10 9,11% 6,40 53,02% 0,00 0,00% 1,80 14,91% 2,77 22,95% 12,07 2% support 0,00 0,00% 0,00 0,00% 1,39 100,00% 0,00 0,00% 0,00 0,00% 1,39 Total 21,04 23,02% 40,27 44,06% 1,39 1,52% 18,35 20,08% 10,34 11,31% 91,39 The table does not include PROGRESS administrative expenditure (amounting at 4.38 m€)
  • 33. IMPLEMENTATION OF ANNUAL WORK PLAN - PROCEDURES CONSOLIDATED TABLE Spontaneous subsidies - Renewal Open Restricted Open Restricted Monopolies de Framework Contracts of current Convention Subdelegatio Convention Policy Sections Calls for Calls for Calls for Calls for Outputs facto/dejure- Contracts (Outputs) service s (Outputs) n to ESTAT s (Outputs) Tenders Tenders Proposals Proposals Framework Outputs contracts Partnership Agreements Employment 1 4 5 4 2 0 11 3 3 16 16 26 Social Inclusion and 5 3 7 0 2 0 15 1 10 20 20 8 Protection Working Conditions 8 0 11 0 1 0 15 1 4 14 15 13 Non-discrimination 5 0 5 2 0 1 32 1 30 16 16 12 Gender Equality 4 0 4 1 0 0 1 0 0 6 6 6 2% support 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Total 25 7 34 7 5 1 73 6 47 72 73 68 32 6 The table does not include PROGRESS administrative expenditure (amounting at 4.38 m€)
  • 34. PARTCIP. THIRD COUNTRIES NUMBER OF PROGRESS OUTPUTS / UNIT NEW / RECCURRING REF. Nº IMMEDIATE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION TARGET AUDIENCES TIMEFRAME PROCEDURE BUDGET PER RESPONSIBL ACTIVITY OUTCOMES IMMEDIATE E OUTCOME The aim is to cover short-term needs in relation to analytical work in support of: a) the Employment in Europe report b) the monthly and quarterly labour market monitoring and MS, EFTA/EEA, potential and Small-scale studies in support of Employment in reporting candidate countries, social Evidence- Europe report, of monthly and quarterly labour c) the EES policy assessment in the context of the EU2020 1 partners, non profit organisations, 2011 New Activity Call for Tender 4 Studies D1/D2 Yes based Policy market monitoring and reporting and in support of strategy by ad-hoc literature review, analysis and fact- higher education institutes, the EES finding; research institutes d) preparatory research papers within the context of the EU2020 Strategy. A maximum of four low value tenders to be launched in the second and third quarters of 2011. The aim of this activity is to setting up of WEESP (Web- MS, EFTA/EEA, potential and Service contract for setting up of WEESP - an tool of Evaluated Employment Services Practises), an candidate countries, social Evidence- 2 information system on Employment Services information system composed of evaluated and tested partners, non profit organisations, 2011 New Activity Call for Tender 1 Study D3 Yes based Policy Practises (public, private and third sector) employment services higher education institutes, practises (i.e. on what works and does not work) research institutes The objective of the evaluation is twofold: 1) to assess, three years after their publication/adoption the impact of the Communication and the Common MS, EFTA/EEA, potential and Principles on national policy making, i.e. whether and to candidate countries, social Framework Evidence- Evaluation of the first phase of Flexicurity what extent Member States put into practice these 3 partners, non profit organisations, 2011 New Activity contract DG 1 Evaluation D2 Yes based Policy (2007/2010) principles and developed their own 'flexicurity' pathways; higher education institutes, EMPL 2) to analyse the impact of the implemented integrated research institutes flexicurity policies in terms of strengthening employment security, facilitating transitions and reducing labour market segmentation. The aim of the evaluation is to asses how the Mutual Learning programme (MLP) could be refocused in order to ensure that it contributes better to the achievements of MS, EFTA/EEA, potential and the key objectives in the Europe 2020. The key issue to candidate countries, social Framework Evidence- 4 Evaluation of the Mutual Learning Programme assess is how to ensure that the main results and main partners, non profit organisations, 2011 New Activity contract DG 1 Evaluation D2 Yes based Policy findings are being disseminated to and used by the higher education institutes, EMPL highest level of policy makers and to the local research institutes stakeholders responsible for implementing labour market policies. MS, EFTA/EEA, potential and Ad hoc data collection and research to assess candidate countries, social Framework Evidence- 5 Fact-finding on specific policy experiences employment impact of national measures promoting partners, non profit organisations, 2011 New Activity contract DG 1 Study D1 Yes based Policy green jobs and economic recovery higher education institutes, EMPL research institutes ESCO, a common multilingual taxonomy of occupations and skills, based on the ISCO classification, has been identified as one of the flagship initiatives under the MS, EFTA/EEA, potential and Europe 2020 strategy. It will be made freely available as candidate countries, social Framework Evidence- ESCO (European Skills Competences and Recurring 1 Multilingual 6 a standard tool for all interested stakeholders. The work partners, non profit organisations, 2011 contract DG D3 Yes based Policy Occupations) Activity Dictionary to develop ESCO involves IT tools to manage and higher education institutes, EMPL/OPOCE distribute ESCO as well as the operation of a secretariat research institutes to coordinate the work of the management board, maintenance committee and reference groups. Taking into consideration the proposals under the foreseen Communication on the implementation of the MS, EFTA/EEA, potential and flagship initiative 'An agenda for New Skills and Jobs', a candidate countries, social Framework Evidence- Beyond flexicurity: new ways of tackling labour study will be launched in order to prepare for post 2012 7 partners, non profit organisations, 2011 New Activity contract DG 1 Study D2 Yes based Policy market segmentation Commission' proposals in the context of Europe 2020 higher education institutes, EMPL/OPOCE Strategy to take into account the challenge of increasing research institutes employment creation but not at the expense of widening contractual diversity/segmentation
  • 35. NUMBER OF OUTPUTS / BUDGET BY UNIT REFERENCE NUMBER PROGRESS IMMEDIATE OUTCOMES ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION TARGET AUDIENCES TIMEFRAME NEW / RECCURRING ACTIVITY PROCEDURE PARTCIP. THIRD COUNTRIES IMMEDIATE OUTCOME RESPONSIBLE 1 Evidence-based policy Development of data in collaboration with international organisations Contribution to research in programmes related to Health and Safety at Work All stakeholders 2011 New activity Spontaneous subsidy (Monopoly de facto - Joint Management) 4 Contributions to international programmes F4 No 2 Evidence-based policy Development of data /statistics Further implementation of ESAW (aligning to the future implementing measures in view of Regulation no 1338/2008) All stakeholders 2007-2012 Recurring activity Subdelegation (to ESTAT - Others interventions) Restricted grants to national statistical authorities F4 Yes 3 Evidence-based policy Evaluation of the OSH Strategy 2007-2012 Study to review the effectiveness and the efficiency of the OSH Strategy 2007-2012 and to identifiy priorities for 2013-2020 All stakeholders 2011 New activity Open call for tenders 1 study F4 Yes Study on the costs/benefits of existing requirements as regards the documentation for risk assessment, in particular for SMEs (Article 9 of Directive 4 Evidence-based policy Study on csts/benefits related to documentation of the risk assessments by SMEs All stakeholders 2011 New activity Open call for tenders 1 study F4 Yes 89/391/EEC) Cooperation between JRC and DG EMPL to gather scientific information and evidence needed for SCOEL's preliminary evaluation documents for a 5 Evidence-based policy SCOEL activities All stakeholders 2011 Recurrent Administrative Arrangement with Joint Research Center (since 2010) 1 document per substance F4 Not relevant number of identified priority chemical substances Development of a model for the evaluation of management (OSH) systems aimed at facilitating the implementation of the future 2013-2020 EU Strategy 6 Evidence-based policy Development of strategic models All stakeholders 2011 New activity Open call for tenders 1 study F4 Yes on health and safety at work 7 Evidence-based policy Study to establish the scope of modifications of safety signs directive Study to establish the scope of modifications of the technical annex of Directive 92/58/EEC (Health and Safety Signs) All stakeholders 2011 New activity Open call for tenders 1 study F4 Yes Contract to analyse the conformity of the transposal of Directive 89/391/EEC , its individual directives, Directive 92/29/EEC and Directive 2009/148/EC 8 Evidence-based policy Study to analyse the conformity of the transposition of OSH directive by Iceland All stakeholders 2011 New activity Open call for tenders 1 study F4 not relevant into national law of the Republic of Iceland. 9 Evidence-based policy Study - European Society and European Cooperative Society Impact assessment study to support the review of Directives 2001/86 on European Company and 2003/72 on European Cooperative Society All stakeholders 2011 New activity Impact assessment framework contract 1 study F2 Just EEA countries Impact assessment study to support the review of Article 8 of Directive 2008/94 concerning the protection of employees' rights to occupational pension 10 Evidence-based policy Study - Insolvency Directive (Article 8) All stakeholders 2011 New activity Impact assessment framework contract 1 study F2 Just EEA countries schemes in case of insolvency of their employer Part of ongoing exercise to evaluate EU 11 Evidence-based policy Study on Directives 99/70 on fixed-term work and 97/81 on Part-time work Study to evaluate the impact of current legislation on fixed-term and part-time work and identify difficulties or loopholes in their application All stakeholders 2011 Impact assessment framework contract 1 study F2 Just EEA countries employment legislation Study to define and assess mechanisms in Member States to provide non-jurisdictional settlement of labour disputes and identify specific difficulties 12 Evidence-based policy Study - Dispute settlement mechanisms in labour law All stakeholders 2011 New activity Open call for tenders 1 study F2 Yes with the settlement of international disputes. Study to establish the potential impact of Nanomaterials/Nanotechnology in the Study to establish the scope of modifications of relevant EU Safety Health at Work legislation to accomodate risks/concerns posed by 13 Evidence-based policy All stakeholders 2011 New activity Open call for tenders 1 study F4 Yes Workplace, in particular to ensure adequate protection of workers health and safety Nanomaterials/Nanotechnology in the Workplace Total Evidence-based policy 3,24 Development of an inspection toolkit for targeted interventions on occupational 14 Information sharing learning SLIC Activities All Member States 2011 Ongoing activity De facto monopoly 1 report F4 Yes health and safety (psycho-social risks) 15 Information sharing learning SLIC Activities - Exchange of national inspectors To assess the quality and impact of national inspection systems Labour Inspectors 2011 Recurring activity Others interventions - Exchange of national inspectors inspection visits reports F4 No 16 Information sharing learning Committee of experts on posting of workers The Committee would support and assist Member States in identifying/exchanging good practices and problems encountered. Member states 2011 Recurring activity Reimbursement of expert's travel and subsistence expenses 4 meetings F2 No To support the development of an information exchange system in order to facilitate the enhanced administrative cooperation in the context of Directive 17 Information sharing learning Development of an information exchange system All stakeholders 2011 New activity Subdelegation to DIGIT IT system F2 No 96/71/EC on posting of workers. 18 Information sharing learning Meeting of expert groups Logistics of expert group meetings, to be organised extra-muros. All stakeholders 2011 Recurring activity Framework Contract (EMPL- Conference) 3 meetings F2 No Identify key messages on Dir F activities and create slogans. This will constitute the milestone for the production of promotional material for the citizens 19 Information sharing learning Communication and networking activities and design of a conference visibility toolkit aimed at decision-makers. The objective is to have a common product for all Dir F units with specific slogans Citizens decision-makers 2011 Recurring activity Framework contracts 1 leaflet, 1 video and promotional material F2,F3, F4 No for each unit. Support the research and networking with the view to exchange of information and best practices, raising awareness and improving knowledge in 3 Member states, social partners, universities 20 Information sharing learning Call for proposals on restrucuturing, well-being and financial participation 2011 Recurring activity Call for Proposals (Open) 15 reports F3 No issues : restructuring, financial participation and Well-being at work research institute Legal experts, national authorities responsible To deal with the legal issues raised by EU labour law, to provide a forum for an open discussion and exchange of information of topical issues and to 4 quarterly flash reports, 1 thematic report, 1 21 Information sharing learning European Network of independent Legal Experts for law-making and enforcement and social 2011-2014 New contract Open call for tender Service Contract, renewable F2 Just EEA countries reinforce the capacity to anticipate problems related to the application of EU law legal seminar, 1 final report partners Total Information sharing learning 4,19 Member states, social partners, universities 22 Participatory debate Presidency Conferences Conferences on health and safety at work (2/presidency) 2011 New activity Spontaneous subsidy (Monopoly de facto - Presidency) 4 reports F4 Yes research institute Conferences on Working conditions Labour Law. (1) Member states, social partners, universities 23 Participatory debate Presidency Conferences 2011 New activity Spontaneous subsidy (Monopoly de facto - Presidency) 1 report F2 Yes research institute Member states, social partners, universities 24 Participatory debate Conference organized by DG EMPL Conference on Working Conditions and labour Law (1) 2011 New activity Framework Contract (EMPL- Conference) 1 report F2 Yes research institute Total Participatory debate 1,20 Total Section 8,63
  • 36. El nuevo Comisario Europeo de Empleo, Lazlo Andor declaro el 11 de febrero, después del voto del parlamento en Estrasburgo, la aprobación de unas nuevas medidas contra la crisis y el desempleo. La propuesta, presentada por la Comisión en junio de 2009 ha sido aprobada por el Parlamento Europeo por 511 votos contra 95, y 11 abstenciones. El objetivo primario del “European Microfinance Facility” será de ayudar a las personas que han perdido o están en riesgo de perder sus puestos de trabajo en obtener un crédito para empezar una actividad de negocios o una pequeña empresa. Los trabajadores tendrán así un mejor acceso a fondos y se beneficiarán de medidas de apoyo adicionales, como tutoría, formación y entrenamiento. Los diputados acordaron destinar 100 millones de € para el instrumento financiero durante más de cuatro años. 60 millones provendrán del programa Progress para el empleo y la solidaridad social, y 40 millones de € de márgenes no asignados enpresupuesto de la UE. Para 2010 Parlamento y Consejo acordaron de liberar 25 millones de € del presupuesto UE de 2010. Este instrumento podría movilizar más de 500 millones de € en una iniciativa conjunta con instituciones financieras internacionales, en particular el Grupo Banco Europeo de Inversiones (BEI). Los microcréditos están diseñados para microempresas, con menos de diez empleados (el 91 % de todas las empresas europeas), y para personas en paro o inactivas que quieren hacerse trabajadoras autónomas pero no tienen acceso a los servicios bancarios tradicionales. El montante máximo de cada préstamo será menor de 25000 €.
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  • 52. Erasmus Mundus es un programa de cooperación y movilidad que pretende promover educación de calidad y desarrollar la cooperación entre la Unión Europea y terceros países, además de favorecer la movilidad en ambos sentidos y el acceso a la educación superior. El programa cofinancia iniciativas de movilidad y cooperación entre instituciones educativas europeas y está dirigido a centros de investigación e instituciones de enseñanza superior. Pretende fomentar la participar en iniciativas conjuntas con entidades similares de otros países europeos y de fuera de la UE, siempre que vayan encaminadas a facilitar la movilidad, la formación y el desarrollo de los recursos humanos. En muchos casos estas iniciativas están relacionadas con otras políticas globales: Países Preadhesión o ENPI, por ejemplo. Cuenta con un presupuesto global que asciende a 493 millones de euros para el periodo 2009-2013 y está abierto a centros y estudiantes de enseñanza superior, investigadores postdoctorales, académicos, personal docente así como para organismos y entidades públicos y privados que trabajen en el ámbito de la enseñanza superior. Este año, con un presupuesto aprox. de 207m €,la financiación puede llegar hasta un 75% de cada iniciativa. Se desarrolla de manera conjunta para el periodo 2009-2013 en 3 acciones diferentes: La Acción 1 comprende los estudios máster (Acción 1 A) y doctorado (Acción 1 B) con sus correspondientes becas. (masters y programas doctorales -muchos de ellos son continuidad de programas anteriores, pero caben algunas nuevas propuestas-) La Acción 2 se ocupa de las asociaciones y partnerships,facilitando que las instituciones educativas se puedan asociarse con otras de terceros países para promover movilidad y cooperación académica. La Acción 3 se centra en la promoción del atractivo de la educación superior europea, acciones de difusión del programa, asociación de alumnos y otras actividades accesorias (este apartado es un presupuesto para la propia gestión del programa en temas de difusión)
  • 53. h h s D : h W/ h s d Z /W / Y
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  • 55. /KE' ZE/E' WZK'Z DD /EK z^ K D
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  • 62. Marco Nacional de Referencia • :^ Z KEsZ'E/ • • / ^ / d/ • • D Z , • d • • / ^ • d / • KDWd/d/s/ • • • D • Z • • • d
  • 63. 1. Objeto y finalidad del Programa La estrategia del Programa Operativo se basa en: los retos regionales puestos de relieve en el diagnóstico y el análisis de las potencialidades del territorio; los logros resultantes de las fases anteriores de la programación comunitaria; las orientaciones estratégicas comunitarias y el marco estratégico nacional, que establecen los principios de asignación de los fondos europeos.
  • 64. La Comunidad Valenciana ha optado por situar en el centro de su estrategia el desarrollo sostenible e integrado socialmente, y más concretamente: La mejora de la competitividad regional, basándose en las inversiones en materia de comunicación y la intensificación de la investigación, de la producción y de la difusión de la innovación (sobre todo la originada en el sector privado), así como el acceso a la información y los conocimientos y su difusión; El incremento de la productividad y la diversificación del tejido productivo; El equilibrio territorial, la integración, la protección del medio ambiente y la gestión de los recursos hídricos. El objetivo estratégico es que la Comunidad Valenciana se dote del capital físico y tecnológico suficiente para incrementar su competitividad a escala internacional.
  • 65. Con respecto al período 2000 2006, la Comunidad Valenciana ha conseguido atenuar algún déficit y alcanzar g así una prosperidad relativa, que le ha permitido abandonar el objetivo «convergencia» y dar un paso hacia adelante para unirse a las regiones «competitividad phasing in». Ahora debe hacer frente a nuevos retos, a saber: El mercado laboral (una tasa de desempleo elevada, en particular entre las mujeres y los jóvenes, que se suma a una tasa de participación baja); los retos relacionados con los movimientos migratorios (formación, integración social, económica y territorial); Las necesidades en materia de infraestructuras, tanto en lo que respecta a la optimización de las comunicaciones y las telecomunicaciones, como para garantizar la disponibilidad de los recursos hídricos necesarios para no obstaculizar el desarrollo.
  • 66. El Programa tiene por objeto contribuir significativamente a los objetivos de la Estrategia de Lisboa, con un respaldo importante a la investigación, la transferencia de tecnología, la innovación y el espíritu empresarial. Algunas acciones de la programación estarán dirigidas a mejorar la dotación y la accesibilidad a los servicios de transporte de las redes transeuropeas y regionales, pero también se centrarán en el recurso a las energías renovables, el buen aprovechamiento de los recursos energéticos, la gestión y la distribución del agua potable y el tratamiento de las aguas residuales. Se hará un esfuerzo especial para promover el desarrollo sostenible en las zonas urbanas y en las zonas montañosas o periféricas de la región
  • 67. Efectos que se esperan de las inversiones A continuación se indican los objetivos que se espera alcanzar con el Programa: la creación de 22 865 puestos de trabajo; un incremento de los gastos en materia de investigación y desarrollo/ PIB de aproximadamente un 264 % (desde el 0,99 % actual hasta un 2,61 % en 2013); una inversión privada cercana a los 4 000 millones de euros; un incremento del 160 % del número de empresas que se beneficien de sistemas de gestión que respetan el medio ambiente (que han obtenido la certificación ISO 14001 y/o EMAS); en otras palabras, pasar de las 442 empresas que tienen la certificación ISO 14001 hoy en día a 711 en 2013.
  • 68. Prioridades El Programa Operativo se articula en torno a seis ejes prioritarios. Prioridad 1: Desarrollo de la economía basada en el conocimiento, (I+D+I) y de la sociedad de la información [aproximadamente un 17 % de la inversión total] Esta prioridad se orienta hacia la convergencia tecnológica de la Comunidad con la Unión Europea, favoreciendo determinadas acciones relacionadas con la promoción de la investigación, de la innovación, del desarrollo y de la difusión de las tecnologías, así como de la sociedad de la información. Dicha prioridad se basará más concretamente en lo siguiente: la intensificación de la investigación, el desarrollo y la innovación (I+D+I) (en particular por parte de las empresas); el desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC), como instrumento de mejora de la productividad
  • 69. Prioridad 2: Desarrollo e innovación empresarial [alrededor del 24 % de la inversión total] La segunda prioridad tiene como objeto proporcionar asistencia a las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYME) en materia de innovación tecnológica y organizativa, de internacionalización, de acceso a recursos financieros para inversiones productivas, de servicios tecnológicos, etc. Esta prioridad está basada principalmente en: el incremento de la inversión privada en términos de capital físico, tecnológico y humano para mejorar la productividad de las empresas; la asistencia para la reinversión de las empresas, para la innovación y para la diversificación productiva; la promoción y la asistencia para la internacionalización; la sociedad de la información; la asistencia a la iniciativa empresarial.
  • 70. Prioridad 3: Medio ambiente, recursos hídricos y prevención de riesgos [aproximadamente un 27 % de la inversión total] la recuperación del suelo y una utilización alternativa del mismo que ofrezca una plusvalía importante; la reducción de los riesgos derivados del desbordamiento de los ríos y embalses para la población y el entorno; el desarrollo sostenible, garantizando la disponibilidad de los recursos hídricos en condiciones higiénicas y de calidad; el aumento de la eficacia riegos; la promoción de la biodiversidad y de la protección de la Naturaleza. Prioridad 4: Transporte y energía [aproximadamente un 22 % de la inversión total] Las acciones principales tienen por objeto mejorar las infraestructuras en el ámbito de las conexiones ferroviarias, las infraestructuras metropolitanas y la integración intermodal con los aeropuertos y los puertos de la Comunidad.
  • 71. Prioridad 5: Desarrollo sostenible local y urbano [aproximadamente un 8,5 % de la inversión total] Las acciones principales tienen por objetivo un desarrollo equilibrado de la región. la asistencia al desarrollo en las zonas rurales; el incremento de la calidad de la oferta turística como motor de desarrollo rural; la promoción de la cohesión territorial, a partir de proyectos integrados de regeneración urbana y rural destinados a los pequeños y medianos municipios; el refuerzo del desarrollo urbano para alcanzar la cohesión social. Prioridad 6: Asistencia técnica [aproximadamente un 1,5 % de la inversión total] La asistencia técnica ha de permitir incrementar la capacidad administrativa de la utilización de los fondos y la cofinanciación de las actividades de gestión, seguimiento, evaluación, animación, información y comunicación
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  • 88. Z / K / d D/E/WZK'Z D^ E
  • 89. W K d W E
  • 90. Programme in short The MED programme is a transnational programme of European territorial cooperation.It is financed by the European Union as an instrument of its regional policy and of its new programming period. It continues the tradition of the European programmes for cooperation (previously named Interreg). It takes place within the objective « European territorial cooperation » of the period 2007- 2013. With a budget of more than 250M€ (whose 193M€ of ERDF), the Programme will launch , until exhaustion of its ERDF envelope, calls for projects to build transnational partnerships aiming at meeting the priority objectives of the Programme in the Mediterranean space.
  • 91. Programme objectives • To improve the area's competitiveness in a way that guarantees growth and employment for the next generations (Lisbon strategy). • To promote territorial cohesion and environmental protection, according to the logic of sustainable development (Goteborg strategy).
  • 92. D / W D
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  • 95. Branch Office for the Western Mediterranean ENPI CBC Med Programme Generalitat Valenciana C/ Cronista Carreres 11, 4 E - 46003 Valencia Espa a Tel: +34 96 192 26 31 Fax: +34 96 192 26 11
  • 96. EES EUROPEAN EMPLOYMENT STRATEGYY Part II. Contribution of the regions in the Lisbon agenda
  • 97. EES: introduction The EES is the main tool to give direction to and ensure coordination of the employment policy priorities to which Member States should subscribe at EU level. Basic idea: economic convergence to be sustainable requires some labour market convergence. The European Employment Strategy (EES) has coordinated Member States' employment policies since 1997 through: common European guidelines and recommendations annual national action plans for employment monitoring, evaluation and mutual learning at EU level
  • 98. EES: Guidelines Attract and retain more people in employment and modernise social protection systems Improve adaptability of workers and enterprises and the flexibility of labour markets. Increase investment in human capital though better education and skills. Governance
  • 99. A brief history of the EES The early 1990s The 1993 White Paper and Essen Strategy The Amsterdam Treaty and EES launch (1997) The 2000 review and 2002 impact evaluation The 2001 Lisbon strategy The 2003 revision of EES The 2005 revamp of EES
  • 100. The early 1990s the need for EU actions in labour markets In the 1990s, need to increase the employment intensity of growth. Both the monetary stabilisation More co-ordinated employment oriented policy response at European level. Effective responses to prevent and tackle persistent unemployment levels, which would in turn develop into long term unemployment and other structural problems in the labour markets. Find European solutions under Economic and Monetary Union.
  • 101. The 1993 White Paper and Essen Strategy Delors' White Book on Growth,Competitiveness and Employment The ideological, political and analytical base upon which a coordinated European approach to employment was developed. Before the Treaty of Amsterdam, the responsibility for employment policy was under the exclusive responsibility of the Member States, while the role of the Commission was to promote co-operation, research and information dissemination. The Commission also assisted the Member States in their fight against unemployment and social exclusion with Community funding, mainly through the European Social Fund.
  • 102. The 1993 White Paper and Essen Strategy the European Council in Essen in December 1994 agreed on five key objectives to be pursued by the Member States ; the so called Essen Strategy : - the development of human resources through vocational training, - the promotion of productive investments through moderate wages policies, - the improvement of the efficiency of labour market institutions, - the identification of new sources of jobs through local initiatives, - the promotion of access to the world of work for some specific target groups such as young people, long-term unemployed and women. • It also initiated the first steps to develop common European LM indicators • The Essen Strategy was still based on non-binding conclusions of the European Councils and lacked a clear legal base, a strong permanent structure and a long-term vision.
  • 103. The Amsterdam Treaty EES launch strengthening of the Community approach to employment key elements : 1. high level of employment as one of the key objectives, 2. employment as a common concern. 3. coordinated strategy for employment. 4. priciple of mainstreaming employment policy, 5. Joint Employment Report + Employment Guidelines for the Member States 6. Commission may propose and the Council adopt ecommendations 7. legal base for the analysis, research, exchange of best practice 8. It enables decisions to be taken by qualified majority Luxembourg Jobs Summit of November 1997 anticipated the entry into force of the Treaty and launched the European Employment Strategy in its current form. Cardiff (June 1998), Cologne (June 1999), Lisbon (March 2000), Stockholm (October 2000) and Barcelona (March 2002).
  • 104. The 1997-2002 EES: four pillars The EES was initially structured into four pillars and a set of corresponding guidelines. 1) Improving employability 2) Developing entrepreneurship 3) Encouraging adaptability in business and their employees 4) Strengthening the policies for Equal Opportunities The EES was launched with a view to make decisive progress in the fight against unemployment within five years.
  • 105. 2000 review “mid-term” evaluation positive developments: weaker points: the EES had created a common, Regional differences in labour market integrated framework for structural performance remained important reform which enables synergies to be Bottlenecks, largely due to the skills gap, achieved across simultaneous and were emerging in a number of Member mutually supportive action. States. an increased involvement of a wide The implementation of different objectives number of actors both at the European was uneven, with most progress achieved and national levels in the EES. in employability whereas the adaptability pillar was lagging behind. An increased transparency of employment policies, as well as an Local levels of administration and other increased political accountability of the local actors needed to take a greater stake actions. at the design and implementation of the relevant Guidelines. •
  • 106. 2000 Lisbon Council: The Lisbon strategy Lisbon objective (2000): to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion (+ respect for the environment) Facing up the challenges of demographic change and global economic integration (+ enlargement) Need for coordinated action at EU level (governance) ambitious quantitative targets for employment rates for 2010: (70% overall and 60% for women) new or strengthened priorities (such as skills and mobility, lifelong learning). more but also better jobs so as to foster not only competitiveness and economic growth but also greater social cohesion.
  • 108. impact evaluation • In 2002, the European Commission issued its evaluation of the first five years of the EES (national reports and a joint report). more than 10 million new jobs created since 1997 and 4 million less unemployed. how much due to the introduction of the EES and how much to economic improvement,? The evaluation highlighted significant changes in national employment policies, • However, the EES is also seen to have a number of weaknesses, partly in relation to the activation of the most disadvantaged groups and to policy evaluation, and partly relating to new and emerging challenges. These include: - demographic challenges - emerging skills gap - enlargement - globalisation and immigration
  • 109. Evaluation results: employment performance new jobs / employment rate Women’s employment rate The rate for older workers increased unemployment has been decreasing (also for women and the young + long term) Nevertheless, The Lisbon targets are within reach Furthermore, There are significant differences between Member States .
  • 110. Evaluation results: Active Labour Market Programmes • Preventive approach • The target of 20% of the unemployed participating in active labour market programmes has already been overtaken by 14 Member States (excluding UK) • a rise in training to combat skill shortages • Combining training with other measures, such as work experience and individualised action plans, increases the chances of success. • Further progress in individual job search and guidance services at an early stage of unemployment (mainly in Denmark, France, Belgium, Germany and Italy). • Growing tendency to make ALMP more demand-led, and to improve the cooperation between institutions in the public and/or the private sector • An increasing recognition that integration into the labour market requires a broader range of complementary measures contributing to social inclusion, with the consequent need of more links with policies in other fields, such as ducation, health care and housing. • Nevertheless, still room to make the preventive approach more effective • Furthermore, actions often targeted on the groups with the most potential.
  • 111. Evaluation results: Active ageing • All the Member States have made serious efforts • However, only a few Member States have developed comprehensive national active ageing strategies • NOTE: increasing the mandatory retirement age does not automatically increase the number of older workers in employment. The key issue is how to boost the willingness of employers to keep older workers in employment until retirement age. Recent studies have shown that early retirement is frequently not the employees’ choice and some Member States continue to use early retirement schemes
  • 112. Evaluation results: Female labour market participation Considering employment performances in the period between 1997 and 2001, women have contributed most to the overall growth of employment Rates. The gender gap in activity rates remains substantial in several Member States, ageing female-friendly adjustments in the tax, pension and benefit schemes encourage entrepreneurship better care services for children and/or other dependents women in permanent jobs ( gender equality at enterprise level / decision making pay differentials educational choices, stereotypes :encourage men to take roles
  • 113. Evaluation results: Flexibility and Security balance flexibility and security, such as reducing the negative aspects of flexible work patterns, improving (lifelong) training and learning facilities and promoting the reconciliation of work and family life. Promoting a broader culture of learning in the workplace Lifelong learning is still underdeveloped. Gap in learning opportunities low skills/ higher educated, younger/older Quality of work has not been fully addressed and most Member States tend to identify their own priorities : Flex-security and gender equality working time health and safety almost everywhere
  • 114. 2002 revision New set of Employment Guidelines and Recommendations in 2003 Following the 2002 evaluation, the Commission adopted a “Communication on the future of EES” in January 2003. revised strategy with concrete objectives and targets. three overarching objectives - full employment (on the basis of Lisbon targets); - quality and productivity at work; - social cohesion and an inclusive labour market. and insists on a better delivery and governance of EES.
  • 115. Enlargement and EES Since the late 1990s, the objective of the Commission: candidate countries define employment policies that prepare them for membership of the Union and progressively adjust institutions and policies to the European Employment Strategy. The Commission initiated in 1999 a cooperation process on employment with these countries. EU financial support for accession preparations for ESF Joint Assessments Papers (JAPs), Most candidate countries consulted extensively on the draft Joint Assessment Papers, including the Finance and Education Ministries and the social partners, which helped to establish policy coherence. implementation of the JAP commitments in 2002-2003. The ten* new Member States prepared their first National Action Plans (NAPs) for employment in 2004, along with those of the 15* other Member States.
  • 116. 2005 revamp structural difficulties on the European social model: ageing population decline in economic performance February 2005, the European Commission made a proposal for a revamp of the Lisbon strategy to focus on delivering stronger, lasting growth and more and better jobs. complete revision of the EES, the guidelines in conjunction with the macroeconomic and microeconomic guidelines and for a period of three years. T Synergies: national level and Community actions, This new process has been in practice from July 2005,
  • 117. 2005-2008 Employment Guidelines The new Employment Guidelines (2005-8) are eight and they fit within three priorities: 1) attract and retain more people in employment, increase labour supply and modernise social protection systems; 2) improve adaptability of workers and enterprises; 3) increase investment in human capital through better education and skills ambitious new programme of mutual learning exchange of good practice and the Dissemination, including at regional level, Combined with a better use of EU financial resources, European Social Fund ,
  • 118. 2005-2008 Employment Guidelines 1.Implement full employment, improving quality and productivity at work, and strengthening social and territorial cohesion 2.Promote a lifecycle approach to work 3.Ensure inclusive labour markets, enhance work attractiveness, and make work pay for job-seekers, including disadvantaged people and the inactive 4.Improve matching of labour market needs 5.Promote flexibility combined with employment security and reduce labour market segmentation, having due regard to the role of the social partners 6.Ensure employment-friendly labour cost developments and wage-setting mechanisms 7.Expand and improve investment in human capital 8.Adapt education and training systems in response to new competence requirements
  • 119. Further targets and benchmarks on-going job search assistance, • 25 % of long-term unemployment should participate by 2010 in an active measure in the form of training, retraining, work practice, or other employability measure, with the aim of achieving the average of the three most advanced Member States, • jobseekers throughout the EU are able to consult all job vacancies advertised through Member States‘ employment services, • an increase by five years, at EU level, of the actual average exit age from the labour market by 2010 (compared to 59,9 in 2001), • the provision of childcare by 2010 to at least 90% of children between 3 years old and the mandatory school age and at least 33% of children under 3 years of age, • an EU average rate of no more than 10% early school leavers, • at least 85% of 22-year olds in the EU should have completed upper secondary education by 2010, • the EU average level of participation in lifelong learning should be at least 12,5% of the adult working-age population (25 to 64 age group).
  • 120. Progress towards the Lisbon targets
  • 121. Concluding remarks The positive impact of the EES in the second half of the Nineties was favoured by the economic cycle. However, structural improvements have occurred since 1997 thanks to reforms in a number of areas, such as competition policy and labour markets. • These improvements are reflected in: - lower structural rates of unemployment, - lower long-term unemployment rates; - increased efficiency in matching between the unemployed and vacancies; - a rise in aggregate labour demand; - a positive effect of atypical labour contracts, such as part-time and fixed-term - an increase in expenditure on labour market policies, - Further progress transitions from temporary to permanent jobs and out of low-paid jobs. - Lower labour market gaps related to gender and age - Economic slowdown can negatively impact on social cohesion, ( new Member States) - Need to better balance social and economic objectives
  • 122. The process Spring 2007 European Council (March 2007) Member States to submit latest Implementations/ National Reform Programmes (Oct. 2007) Commission to present its third Annual Progress Report (Dec. 2007)
  • 123. The joint report on employment 06/07 Some progresses: Employment rate (63.8%) but difficult to achieve the goal of 70% in 2010; Employment of ageing people (42.5%) but difficult to achieve the goal of 50% in 2010; Good progress in women’s employment (56.3%) the 2010 goal will be probably achieved; Social reforms and a more balanced situation of Public Finances. Some difficulties: Productivity growth rate remains insufficient (0.9% in 2005) Insufficient participation of adults in life long training; School abandonment still high The flexibility of labour market Employment of some social groups : young people, women, migrants.
  • 124. The joint report on employment 06/07 Some difficulties: Productivity growth rate remains insufficient (0.9% in 2005) Insufficient participation of adults in life long training; School abandonment still high The flexibility of labour market Employment of some social groups : young people, women, migrants.
  • 125.
  • 126. Introduction (1) • In March 2010, the European Commission (EC) released the Europe 2020 strategy proposal, which strives for „smart, sustainable and inclusive growth“ and greater policy coordination between the EU and national governments. • While the document was greeted with scepticism in some quarters, others believe it lays out the path to continued European prosperity and social cohesion. • In January 2011 a comprehensive plan was adopted by the EC “to respond to the crisis and to speed up Europe‘s growth“.
  • 127. Lessons from the Lisbon Strategy (1) • The EU 2020 strategy is about improving competitiveness and achieving sustainable growth in the EU. • It builds on the revised Lisbon strategy (2005) which is nowadays often regarded as a failure. E.g., it did not undo the large persisting differences between member states in the implementation of Lisbon goals. • A main lesson learned from Lisbon is to reinforce economic policy cooperation. • In principle, however, the same governance framework is used. The strategy builds still to a large extent on the toolbox of the revised Lisbon strategy.
  • 128. Lessons from the Lisbon Strategy (2) • As the economic and financial crisis and the subsequent soveregn debt crisis have exposed some member states‘ weaknesses, particularly more coordination is required in certain fields at least. • The crises have highlighted the interdependencies between economic and monetary policy in the eurozone and the negative spillovers from the economic part of the union to the monetary side. • The EU 2020 strategy, therefore, puts a special focus on tackling the causes of the negative externalities so as to justify the emergency coordination measures adopted to avoid the insolvency or illiquidity of member states.
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