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HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 1
Sport Tourism Marketing Plan
Iris Rutano
December 6, 2014
HPED 3630-002
Mount Royal University
Laura Ell
HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 2
Executive Summary
This event will take place immediately after the Gold Coast Commonwealth
Games have ended. This will be the first time this event will take place as a goal off
reaching a unique and under targeted market. The market has great potential since it is
growing at an exponential pace.
This will be a three-day event. The first day will be a Weightlifting Expo, the
second day will be an athlete seminar and the third will be a coached training session.
Weightlifters United is excited to be able to present such a unique experience for
weightlifting fans and enthusiast from all over the world. The goal of this event is not
only to bring the existing community together, but to generate more buzz and awareness
about this ancient sport.
Key sponsors to this event will be veteran weightlifting brands who have
established their brand and a loyal consumer base, such as Nike Weightlifting, Eleiko,
and Hookgrip as the main three. We will also partner with key Crossfit gyms around the
world to help in the promotion of this event, since Crossfit has the participant base draw
mass attention.
We expect to sell all three events to capacity and expect at least a $100,000 profit
for this first time event. We also foresee a great deal of opportunity and growth to present
itself after this first event. We will be able to make changes to make the following events
even more successful and profitable.
HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 3
Table of Contents
Executive Summary.......................................................................................................... 2
Introduction....................................................................................................................... 4
Mission Statement............................................................................................................. 5
Vision Statement ............................................................................................................... 5
Environmental analysis .................................................................................................... 7
Consumer analysis .......................................................................................................... 10
Marketing strategy.......................................................................................................... 12
Pricing .............................................................................................................................. 13
Placement (Distribution) ................................................................................................ 13
Promotion ........................................................................................................................ 13
Projections ....................................................................................................................... 14
Control ............................................................................................................................. 15
Implementation strategy ................................................................................................ 17
Appendices....................................................................................................................... 18
References........................................................................................................................ 20
HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 4
Weightlifters United Weekend (WUW) is a one of a kind experience that only
happens once every four years; in conjunction with the year that the Commonwealth
Games take place. The chance to train meet world-class weightlifters, and train under
some of the best coaches in the world!
The primary purpose is to be able to bring the weightlifting community together.
Common passions can build relationships and Weightlifters United will help by lifting
country lines.
Since Greek and Egyptian antiquity, weightlifting has been recognized as an art
form to display human strength (Olympic, 2014). After centuries of being appreciated
and supported by few, the Olympic Weightlifting community has grown tremendously.
With the main business focus being on bringing the weightlifting community
together, there are a few additional links to add and complete this. Firstly, this event will
take place after the Commonwealth Games. The event will be comprised of a miniature
weightlifting expo, an athlete seminar, and a coached training session. This bundle aims
to better satisfy wants and needs from our niche market, building on the business success.
As if the best international weightlifters and coaches in the world were not
enough to bring out a great crowd, Nike Weightlifting and Eleiko have partnered with
Weightlifters United and will be an integral part to the success of the event.
The first day of this event will be generate the most visitors since it is not specific
and tickets will be reasonably priced to encourage higher traffic volume. At this
weightlifting expo, visitors can expect to meet some of the word’s best weightlifting
athletes, have access to hundreds of products and services who are directly or indirectly
HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 5
part of the weightlifting sport. Businesses will have exclusive products for sale, samples,
and sales representatives that can help answer questions, etc. Visitors will be able to
connect with people from all over the world sharing one common interest or passion –
The second day of this event will be the athlete seminar. This event will be more
expensive and will have a limited participant capacity since it will be an opportunity to
practically learn a variety of training techniques from some of the best in the world. The
seminar will be interactive, where participants will be encouraged to ask questions and
the athletes will facilitate discussions. This event will be mainly discussion and will not
be a practical seminar.
Finally, the last day of the event will be the training session lead by world-class
elite coaches from a few different countries. This day will be the most valuable event for
serious weightlifting athletes who want to learn techniques, training methods, and receive
corrective cues and tips from highly experienced coaches. This is a definite once in a
lifetime experience since international level coaches do not do travelling seminar tours.
Mission Statement
Lifting country lines.
Vision Statement
Weightlifter United will bring lift country lines every four years to bring the
global community of weightlifting together; from world class weightlifters to a
HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 6
passionate recreational athletes, for an extraordinary once in a lifetime experience. Key
Nike Weightlifting – will be a sponsor and will be present during the expo, with
tons of weightlifting gear available for purchase. This gear will be exclusive to this event.
As well, they will be providing a different set of exclusive clothing and other small items
in “goodie bags” for participants of the seminar and/or of the training session.
Eleiko – this established weightlifting brand would also be a key sponsor and
have exclusive gear available for purchase, mainly t-shirts with their distinctive design
styles and colors. Eleiko will also be providing additional exclusive gear only given to
participants of the seminar and/or of the training session.
Commonwealth Games – A extremely important partner also looking to promote
the sport and the games, have sponsored WUW by offering a discounted rate of group
tickets for weightlifting events with the proof of purchase of WUW tickets.
Hotels & Accommodations – A few hotels have teamed up with Weightlifters
United and the Commonwealth games to provide game spectators or participants of
Weightlifters United with a discounted nightly rate with proof of purchase of WUW
Runaway Tavern – Offered coupons, and will also hold the “After Party” to the
event. Bringing the community together in a more social context to simply have fun.
Hookgrip – will be a key sponsor and partner in the promotion and the media
coverage of this event. Hookgrip is a leading photography company, which covers the
biggest weightlifting events in the world.
HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 7
Environmental analysis
External environment
Macro (general environment)
Currently, this is a great market to be targeting and marketing to.
 The trends of the awareness and participation of the sport are at an all-time high.
(S) A significant portion of this can be attributed to the growth of popularity
worldwide of Crossfit, which had grown from 13 affiliate boxes to 3,400
worldwide in 7 years (Sternkopf).
More and more people of the general public are more interested in either
spectating or trying the sport for themselves.
 Popularity of high performance sport games has been increasing. Seen with the
trends of the financial resources to support Olympic bids as well as the higher
volumes of people who come out to spectate the games (S). As seen with the
Sochi Winter Olympics of 2014 who spent an all-time high of over 50-billion
dollars (Yaffa, 2014).
 Although numbers are increasing, it remains a niche market. (W/O)
 With costs of hosting games (Olympic games, Commonwealth games, etc.) has
become increasingly high, this venture will be a great way to extend the duration
of stay, and also increase the other costs upwards to help generate more overall
Consumer analysis
 Trends towards wellness/fitness have grown along with the popularity of Crossfit,
which helps market growth and potential. (S)
HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 8
 People are more motivated to learn new exciting ways to stay fit and healthy. (S)
The explosion of the “fitfam” culture on social media has been a driving force
behind this trend. Example of this can be found on Instagram with the hash tag
fitfam having over 15 million posts.
o Perceptions and attitudes are changing towards the fitness and sporting
industry. (S/W) Perceptions do go both ways.
 Higher incurred costs, because of the travel expenses. (W/O)
o This may also result in the higher presence of a specific social class, which
would most likely have a higher disposable income. (S/W)
 Promotion of a type of learning and enrichment travel, which is a major tourism
trend, which presents a great opportunity for growth (Hudson, 2008). (O)
Industry Analysis
Using Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, we have concluded that there are extremely
limited competitive forces because of the nature of the business.
 Since this is a unique experience with no direct competitors, and will be
approached with a product development strategy – marketing a new experience to
an existing market. (S)
 There are no existing industry rivals, threats to substitution or barriers of entry
(Porter, 1998). There is however a marginal degree of which the business may
prices may be affected by bargaining power of both the suppliers (partners) and
the buyers (Porter, 1998). (S)
o These barriers will be overcome by strategic pricing to ensure a great
profit while also generating a high interest through value.
HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 9
Competitive analysis
 One of the highlights of this business venture is that there are no direct
competitors. (S) This will be a one of a kind experience, and a once of a lifetime
experience for most. There are a few indirect competitors, which would be other
sports or fitness expos. The advantage we have over other expos is that they do
not have a major event to support and encourage traffic, like the Commonwealth
Games will be able to generate for WUW.
 A smaller scale direct competitor would be that former Olympic athletes do
travelling seminar tours across the world. These seminars offer participants an
opportunity to learn from former medal Olympians in an intimate way.
o They are extremely successful with these small tours because there is an
extremely large market out there that is barely tapped. A great example of
a this would be Dmitry Koklov, an Olympic silver medalist from the 2008
Olympic Games, who since 2013 has done 103 seminars through 43
countries with over 2500 athletes participate (Handaco, 2014) (O)
 Our answer to this is simple; we will only be working with and promoting
athletes who will not be performing any type of tours in the next four years
(on contract), making them exclusive to this event. As well as the opportunity
to work and train under coaches for a whole day will be exclusive to this event
as well. (S)
Internal environment
Target Market
HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 10
Our company marketing strategies mainly focus on differentiated marketing. We
will be focusing on a niche market, but will approach it with a product development
strategy, which will introduce a new experience to an existent market.
This niche market will be mainly of those who are avid fans, weightlifting
enthusiasts, or serious athletes. This market worldwide is great, Crossfit alone has over
209 thousand registrants for the Crossfit Open (Achauer, 2014), which translates into
over 209 thousand athletes practice Olympic weightlifting, which does not include the
number of athletes who train specifically for the sport. Also, since this sport has been
around for ages, people all over the world know what it is. It’s popular may differ from
country to country but it’s definitely on the ride. We predict that this trend will only keep
rising, as the amount of the general public is introduced to it.
Consumer analysis
 Behavioral: Benefit (value) segmentation - service quality, experiences
(Hudson, 2008).
Using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (Solomon, et al., 2001) we have focused on
addressing the bottom of the pyramid and up, directly (included in-package) or indirectly
(through discount advantages).
 Physiological – Accommodations, food & beverage partnerships. Help
participants cut costs.
 Safety – Patrons will feel safe since Australia has a great reputation for safety
(Wilks, 2009). Also, with the Commonwealth games taking place, security and
safety will be extremely important.
HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 11
 Belonging - ** This is a definitive business focus since a driving goal would be
the opportunity for unification under the common passion of a sport.
 Esteem/status – Being a part of such a unique and amazing experience will serve
as a way for patrons to have a sense of achievement – a once in a lifetime type of
 Self-actualization – this area may be met through the participation of the seminar
or the coached training session. Weightlifting is a very mental sport, and the high
level experience can fulfill the sense of reaching a high potential.
Visitors will experience both immediate satisfactions once at the event and as for day-
2 and 3 participants; they will feel a sense of long-term benefit because of the knowledge
they gained in such a unique and memorable way. (Mannell, 1997)
- Psychographic analysis
A growing trend relating to tourism is that consumers are becoming increasingly
health conscious (Hudson, 2008). This relates to the main tie that unites the niche market
we are targeting since they all have a common interest in the sport weightlifting and thus
shares similar lifestyles.
With the market sharing the same lifestyle, it leads to the general market also
sharing the same beliefs and values, such as health and fitness being a top priority in their
lives. The event is not marketing to a specific age group, gender, ethnicity or religion.
The market is solely focused on the psychographics. The great aspect about not focusing
on demographics is that our target market is scattered all across the world.
HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 12
Marketing strategy
Website – the idea for the website will be simple and user should have no issues with
navigating through, finding all the information they need. There will be lots of photos and
videos to attract attention and increase browse time. We will also promote other
platforms of social media to keep them engaged.
The biggest competitive advantage we have is that we are the only ones in the
marketplace to do this, and will be the only ones able to work with the games. This
creates value and gives sustainability. Furthermore, there are opportunities for us to
expand and perhaps work with the Olympic Games in the future.
The product is a once in a lifetime experience being offered to weightlifting
athletes, enthusiasts, and fans from across the world. It is a rare opportunity for the
community to connect and will bring not only economic and social value but will also
bring personal growth opportunities for those who participate.
This experience will also take place on the beautiful Gold Coast, where the
Australian community cannot wait to support and promote their love of sport and culture.
Many sponsors and key partnerships will help drive the market interest along with
their willingness to pay (Hudson, 2008). The incredible value of this experience speaks
for itself and will attract hundreds if not thousands of visitors.
The weekend will consist of three major events: weightlifting/fitness expo, athlete
conducted seminar and a coached training session at the weightlifting venue itself!
HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 13
Weightlifters United will rely on a variety of different pricing strategies because
of the different events that will take place, and the different segments within the already
niche market.
o Product-bundle pricing – this tactic will be used to persuade consumers
into buying more tickets since they will then receive a discounted rate per
o Prestige pricing – single tickets will be sold at a relatively higher price
because it gives it a higher perceived value.
Placement (Distribution)
Weightlifters United will only use direct distribution channels since the target
market is extremely specific using indirect channels would be unnecessary and would
incur unnecessary costs. However, we will use alliances with the Gold Coast
Commonwealth Games, as well as Nike Weightlifting, Eleiko and Hookgrip who will
help in the promotion and reaching the niche market. Exclusive distribution strategies
will also be implemented ensuring that sponsors and key partners are the only other
businesses we are associated with.
There will be a number of sales promotion strategies (Hudson, 2008, p.277) that
will be employed to promote sales for this event. Attendees of the weekend event will
gain access to purchase or be given exclusive products and samples that will never be
HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 14
released to the general public. In addition, there will be many contests available for entry,
which will make the events even more exciting for people. We will also be maximizing
the opportunity of working with the best weightlifting sponsors and will be relying
heavily on joint promotion (Hudson, 2008, p.283) in order to reach the target market.
Through this type of cooperative sales marketing, we will be able to work
alongside these brands to market all aspects of the events unified. This will make us a
stronger brand since we are teaming up with veteran brands wit established markets and
consumers. Their customer loyalty will help build ours.
Our promotion strategy will mainly be through online means. The website,
sponsor websites, Instagram, Vimeo (website videos), Facebook, Twitter, and the same
social media platforms of our sponsors as well.
We know that through social media, people will begin to share the information on
their personal accounts and we will be able to market through online word of mouth,
which we predicted would be the most effective way to reach this niche market.
The promotion of this event will start in 2015; this allows us to adjust marketing
strategies and pricing accordingly, as well as generating the most amount of awareness as
we can. In addition, in this time frame as people become aware of the event, they are able
to make necessary budget adjustment and travel plans in order to attend.
We expect to sell the all three days to capacity. There will be 1,500 tickets
available for the expo, which will be sold at $30 each, or at $15 with the purchase of a
ticket to day 2 and/or 3. There will be 300 tickets available for the seminar and will be
HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 15
sold at $500 each. Lastly, the coached training session will be sold for $900. (These
prices are all based on established prices for similar events but are set a little higher
because of the elite level athletes and coaches.)
Since there are extremely limited spaces for day 2 and 3, people will feel a sense
of urgency and be more persuaded to purchase tickets as soon as they can. This will help
us meet our goal of having sold out a year and a half before the event.
From this first event, we will able to gauge the market and truly see where there
are opportunities for growth and more revenue in the following 4 years leading up to the
next Commonwealth Games.
Goals for this event are:
o To sell to capacity for days 2 & 3 of the event at least a year and a half
before it takes place. There will be 300 tickets for the seminar and 100 for
the coached event.
 If not, prices will be reduced accordingly.
o To sell 40% of the expo tickets (600 tickets of the available 1,500) a year
before the event takes places.
o To help the weightlifting events reach spectator capacity by monitoring
how many people are getting them at a discounted rate by buying package
HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 16
Financial Projection – Most of the financial costs will be greatly minimized because
of our sponsors. Promotional items will mainly be sponsored.
Item Units Unit Cost Costs
Website Development 1 $3,000 $3,000
Website Design
10 $200
Website Upkeep (once every 6 months) 6 $100 $600
Promotional T-Shirts
(with purchase of day 2 and/or 3 tickets) 400 $5 $2,000
Venue/equipment rentals 3 $10,000 $45,000
Food (day 2 & 3) 400 $20 $8,000
Athletes (5 athletes, 1 hour ea.) 5 $500 $2,500
Coaches (5 coaches, 3 hours ea.) 5 $1,200 $6000
$ 69,100
Tickets sold Unit cost Total
Day 1 1,000 $30 $33,000
Day 2 300 $500 $150,000
Day 3 100 $900 $90,000
Total Revenue 273,000
If sales were 30% lower 191,100
Total Revenue Total Cost Total Profit
$273,000 $69,100 $203,900
$191,100 (30% lower) $69,100 $122,000
HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 17
Implementation strategy
Most important steps:
- Get website live 3 years before event in 2018.
- Establish necessary sponsors and partnerships.
- Make all social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram live)
- Ticket will go on sale two year before 20 months before event.
Getting all these going at the right times will help generate awareness and establish the
market early on. This will enable us to make necessary adjustments as needed.
HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 18
HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 19
HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 20
Achauer, Hilary. (2014). Rise of the open. Reebok Crossfit Games. Retrieved on
November 30, 2014 from
Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games. (2013). Retrieved November 30, 2014 from
Handaco. (2014). Dmitry koklov weightlifting seminar. Retrieved on December 1,
2014 from
Hudson, Simon. (2008). Marketing for tourism and hospitality (2nd
ed.). Toronto,
Canada: Nelson Education.
Mannell, R. C., & Kleiber, D. A. (1997). A social psychology of leisure. State College,
Venture Publishing
Olympic training center chula vista. Retrieved on December 1 2014, from
HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 21
Official Website of the Olympic Movement. (2014). Weightliting equipent and
history. Retrieved November 10, 2014, from Porter,
M. (1998). Competitive Strategy. New York: Free Press, pp. 3-5.
Solomon, M., Marshall, G., Stuart, E., Smith, J.B., Charlebois, S., & Marando, M.
Marketing real people real decisions (3rd
Canadian ed.). Toronto, Canada:
Pearson Prentice Hall.
Sternkopf, P. (n.d.). Origins of crossfit. Retrieved on Dec 1, 2014 from The Box:
Stoddard, G. (2011, 10 11). Inside the cult of crossfit. Men's Health.
Wilks, Jeff. (2009). Is Australia a safe travel destination? Retrieved November 29,
2014 from:
Yaffa, Joshua. (2014). The waste and corruption of vladmir putin’s 2014 winter
olympics. Bloomberg Business Week. Retrieved on Dec 1, 2014 from

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Marketing Plan

  • 1. HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 1 Sport Tourism Marketing Plan Iris Rutano December 6, 2014 HPED 3630-002 Mount Royal University Laura Ell
  • 2. HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 2 Executive Summary This event will take place immediately after the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games have ended. This will be the first time this event will take place as a goal off reaching a unique and under targeted market. The market has great potential since it is growing at an exponential pace. This will be a three-day event. The first day will be a Weightlifting Expo, the second day will be an athlete seminar and the third will be a coached training session. Weightlifters United is excited to be able to present such a unique experience for weightlifting fans and enthusiast from all over the world. The goal of this event is not only to bring the existing community together, but to generate more buzz and awareness about this ancient sport. Key sponsors to this event will be veteran weightlifting brands who have established their brand and a loyal consumer base, such as Nike Weightlifting, Eleiko, and Hookgrip as the main three. We will also partner with key Crossfit gyms around the world to help in the promotion of this event, since Crossfit has the participant base draw mass attention. We expect to sell all three events to capacity and expect at least a $100,000 profit for this first time event. We also foresee a great deal of opportunity and growth to present itself after this first event. We will be able to make changes to make the following events even more successful and profitable.
  • 3. HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 3 Table of Contents Executive Summary.......................................................................................................... 2 Introduction....................................................................................................................... 4 Mission Statement............................................................................................................. 5 Vision Statement ............................................................................................................... 5 Environmental analysis .................................................................................................... 7 Consumer analysis .......................................................................................................... 10 Marketing strategy.......................................................................................................... 12 Pricing .............................................................................................................................. 13 Placement (Distribution) ................................................................................................ 13 Promotion ........................................................................................................................ 13 Projections ....................................................................................................................... 14 Control ............................................................................................................................. 15 Implementation strategy ................................................................................................ 17 Appendices....................................................................................................................... 18 References........................................................................................................................ 20
  • 4. HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 4 Introduction Weightlifters United Weekend (WUW) is a one of a kind experience that only happens once every four years; in conjunction with the year that the Commonwealth Games take place. The chance to train meet world-class weightlifters, and train under some of the best coaches in the world! The primary purpose is to be able to bring the weightlifting community together. Common passions can build relationships and Weightlifters United will help by lifting country lines. Since Greek and Egyptian antiquity, weightlifting has been recognized as an art form to display human strength (Olympic, 2014). After centuries of being appreciated and supported by few, the Olympic Weightlifting community has grown tremendously. With the main business focus being on bringing the weightlifting community together, there are a few additional links to add and complete this. Firstly, this event will take place after the Commonwealth Games. The event will be comprised of a miniature weightlifting expo, an athlete seminar, and a coached training session. This bundle aims to better satisfy wants and needs from our niche market, building on the business success. As if the best international weightlifters and coaches in the world were not enough to bring out a great crowd, Nike Weightlifting and Eleiko have partnered with Weightlifters United and will be an integral part to the success of the event. The first day of this event will be generate the most visitors since it is not specific and tickets will be reasonably priced to encourage higher traffic volume. At this weightlifting expo, visitors can expect to meet some of the word’s best weightlifting athletes, have access to hundreds of products and services who are directly or indirectly
  • 5. HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 5 part of the weightlifting sport. Businesses will have exclusive products for sale, samples, and sales representatives that can help answer questions, etc. Visitors will be able to connect with people from all over the world sharing one common interest or passion – weightlifting. The second day of this event will be the athlete seminar. This event will be more expensive and will have a limited participant capacity since it will be an opportunity to practically learn a variety of training techniques from some of the best in the world. The seminar will be interactive, where participants will be encouraged to ask questions and the athletes will facilitate discussions. This event will be mainly discussion and will not be a practical seminar. Finally, the last day of the event will be the training session lead by world-class elite coaches from a few different countries. This day will be the most valuable event for serious weightlifting athletes who want to learn techniques, training methods, and receive corrective cues and tips from highly experienced coaches. This is a definite once in a lifetime experience since international level coaches do not do travelling seminar tours. Mission Statement Lifting country lines. Vision Statement Weightlifter United will bring lift country lines every four years to bring the global community of weightlifting together; from world class weightlifters to a
  • 6. HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 6 passionate recreational athletes, for an extraordinary once in a lifetime experience. Key Partners Nike Weightlifting – will be a sponsor and will be present during the expo, with tons of weightlifting gear available for purchase. This gear will be exclusive to this event. As well, they will be providing a different set of exclusive clothing and other small items in “goodie bags” for participants of the seminar and/or of the training session. Eleiko – this established weightlifting brand would also be a key sponsor and have exclusive gear available for purchase, mainly t-shirts with their distinctive design styles and colors. Eleiko will also be providing additional exclusive gear only given to participants of the seminar and/or of the training session. Commonwealth Games – A extremely important partner also looking to promote the sport and the games, have sponsored WUW by offering a discounted rate of group tickets for weightlifting events with the proof of purchase of WUW tickets. Hotels & Accommodations – A few hotels have teamed up with Weightlifters United and the Commonwealth games to provide game spectators or participants of Weightlifters United with a discounted nightly rate with proof of purchase of WUW tickets. Runaway Tavern – Offered coupons, and will also hold the “After Party” to the event. Bringing the community together in a more social context to simply have fun. Hookgrip – will be a key sponsor and partner in the promotion and the media coverage of this event. Hookgrip is a leading photography company, which covers the biggest weightlifting events in the world.
  • 7. HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 7 Environmental analysis External environment Macro (general environment) Currently, this is a great market to be targeting and marketing to.  The trends of the awareness and participation of the sport are at an all-time high. (S) A significant portion of this can be attributed to the growth of popularity worldwide of Crossfit, which had grown from 13 affiliate boxes to 3,400 worldwide in 7 years (Sternkopf). More and more people of the general public are more interested in either spectating or trying the sport for themselves.  Popularity of high performance sport games has been increasing. Seen with the trends of the financial resources to support Olympic bids as well as the higher volumes of people who come out to spectate the games (S). As seen with the Sochi Winter Olympics of 2014 who spent an all-time high of over 50-billion dollars (Yaffa, 2014).  Although numbers are increasing, it remains a niche market. (W/O)  With costs of hosting games (Olympic games, Commonwealth games, etc.) has become increasingly high, this venture will be a great way to extend the duration of stay, and also increase the other costs upwards to help generate more overall revenue. Consumer analysis  Trends towards wellness/fitness have grown along with the popularity of Crossfit, which helps market growth and potential. (S)
  • 8. HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 8  People are more motivated to learn new exciting ways to stay fit and healthy. (S) The explosion of the “fitfam” culture on social media has been a driving force behind this trend. Example of this can be found on Instagram with the hash tag fitfam having over 15 million posts. o Perceptions and attitudes are changing towards the fitness and sporting industry. (S/W) Perceptions do go both ways.  Higher incurred costs, because of the travel expenses. (W/O) o This may also result in the higher presence of a specific social class, which would most likely have a higher disposable income. (S/W)  Promotion of a type of learning and enrichment travel, which is a major tourism trend, which presents a great opportunity for growth (Hudson, 2008). (O) Industry Analysis Using Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, we have concluded that there are extremely limited competitive forces because of the nature of the business.  Since this is a unique experience with no direct competitors, and will be approached with a product development strategy – marketing a new experience to an existing market. (S)  There are no existing industry rivals, threats to substitution or barriers of entry (Porter, 1998). There is however a marginal degree of which the business may prices may be affected by bargaining power of both the suppliers (partners) and the buyers (Porter, 1998). (S) o These barriers will be overcome by strategic pricing to ensure a great profit while also generating a high interest through value.
  • 9. HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 9 Competitive analysis  One of the highlights of this business venture is that there are no direct competitors. (S) This will be a one of a kind experience, and a once of a lifetime experience for most. There are a few indirect competitors, which would be other sports or fitness expos. The advantage we have over other expos is that they do not have a major event to support and encourage traffic, like the Commonwealth Games will be able to generate for WUW.  A smaller scale direct competitor would be that former Olympic athletes do travelling seminar tours across the world. These seminars offer participants an opportunity to learn from former medal Olympians in an intimate way. o They are extremely successful with these small tours because there is an extremely large market out there that is barely tapped. A great example of a this would be Dmitry Koklov, an Olympic silver medalist from the 2008 Olympic Games, who since 2013 has done 103 seminars through 43 countries with over 2500 athletes participate (Handaco, 2014) (O)  Our answer to this is simple; we will only be working with and promoting athletes who will not be performing any type of tours in the next four years (on contract), making them exclusive to this event. As well as the opportunity to work and train under coaches for a whole day will be exclusive to this event as well. (S) Internal environment Target Market
  • 10. HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 10 Our company marketing strategies mainly focus on differentiated marketing. We will be focusing on a niche market, but will approach it with a product development strategy, which will introduce a new experience to an existent market. This niche market will be mainly of those who are avid fans, weightlifting enthusiasts, or serious athletes. This market worldwide is great, Crossfit alone has over 209 thousand registrants for the Crossfit Open (Achauer, 2014), which translates into over 209 thousand athletes practice Olympic weightlifting, which does not include the number of athletes who train specifically for the sport. Also, since this sport has been around for ages, people all over the world know what it is. It’s popular may differ from country to country but it’s definitely on the ride. We predict that this trend will only keep rising, as the amount of the general public is introduced to it. Consumer analysis  Behavioral: Benefit (value) segmentation - service quality, experiences (Hudson, 2008). Using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (Solomon, et al., 2001) we have focused on addressing the bottom of the pyramid and up, directly (included in-package) or indirectly (through discount advantages).  Physiological – Accommodations, food & beverage partnerships. Help participants cut costs.  Safety – Patrons will feel safe since Australia has a great reputation for safety (Wilks, 2009). Also, with the Commonwealth games taking place, security and safety will be extremely important.
  • 11. HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 11  Belonging - ** This is a definitive business focus since a driving goal would be the opportunity for unification under the common passion of a sport.  Esteem/status – Being a part of such a unique and amazing experience will serve as a way for patrons to have a sense of achievement – a once in a lifetime type of experience.  Self-actualization – this area may be met through the participation of the seminar or the coached training session. Weightlifting is a very mental sport, and the high level experience can fulfill the sense of reaching a high potential. Visitors will experience both immediate satisfactions once at the event and as for day- 2 and 3 participants; they will feel a sense of long-term benefit because of the knowledge they gained in such a unique and memorable way. (Mannell, 1997) - Psychographic analysis A growing trend relating to tourism is that consumers are becoming increasingly health conscious (Hudson, 2008). This relates to the main tie that unites the niche market we are targeting since they all have a common interest in the sport weightlifting and thus shares similar lifestyles. With the market sharing the same lifestyle, it leads to the general market also sharing the same beliefs and values, such as health and fitness being a top priority in their lives. The event is not marketing to a specific age group, gender, ethnicity or religion. The market is solely focused on the psychographics. The great aspect about not focusing on demographics is that our target market is scattered all across the world.
  • 12. HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 12 Marketing strategy Website – the idea for the website will be simple and user should have no issues with navigating through, finding all the information they need. There will be lots of photos and videos to attract attention and increase browse time. We will also promote other platforms of social media to keep them engaged. The biggest competitive advantage we have is that we are the only ones in the marketplace to do this, and will be the only ones able to work with the games. This creates value and gives sustainability. Furthermore, there are opportunities for us to expand and perhaps work with the Olympic Games in the future. Product The product is a once in a lifetime experience being offered to weightlifting athletes, enthusiasts, and fans from across the world. It is a rare opportunity for the community to connect and will bring not only economic and social value but will also bring personal growth opportunities for those who participate. This experience will also take place on the beautiful Gold Coast, where the Australian community cannot wait to support and promote their love of sport and culture. Many sponsors and key partnerships will help drive the market interest along with their willingness to pay (Hudson, 2008). The incredible value of this experience speaks for itself and will attract hundreds if not thousands of visitors. The weekend will consist of three major events: weightlifting/fitness expo, athlete conducted seminar and a coached training session at the weightlifting venue itself!
  • 13. HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 13 Pricing Weightlifters United will rely on a variety of different pricing strategies because of the different events that will take place, and the different segments within the already niche market. o Product-bundle pricing – this tactic will be used to persuade consumers into buying more tickets since they will then receive a discounted rate per ticket. o Prestige pricing – single tickets will be sold at a relatively higher price because it gives it a higher perceived value. Placement (Distribution) Weightlifters United will only use direct distribution channels since the target market is extremely specific using indirect channels would be unnecessary and would incur unnecessary costs. However, we will use alliances with the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games, as well as Nike Weightlifting, Eleiko and Hookgrip who will help in the promotion and reaching the niche market. Exclusive distribution strategies will also be implemented ensuring that sponsors and key partners are the only other businesses we are associated with. Promotion There will be a number of sales promotion strategies (Hudson, 2008, p.277) that will be employed to promote sales for this event. Attendees of the weekend event will gain access to purchase or be given exclusive products and samples that will never be
  • 14. HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 14 released to the general public. In addition, there will be many contests available for entry, which will make the events even more exciting for people. We will also be maximizing the opportunity of working with the best weightlifting sponsors and will be relying heavily on joint promotion (Hudson, 2008, p.283) in order to reach the target market. Through this type of cooperative sales marketing, we will be able to work alongside these brands to market all aspects of the events unified. This will make us a stronger brand since we are teaming up with veteran brands wit established markets and consumers. Their customer loyalty will help build ours. Our promotion strategy will mainly be through online means. The website, sponsor websites, Instagram, Vimeo (website videos), Facebook, Twitter, and the same social media platforms of our sponsors as well. We know that through social media, people will begin to share the information on their personal accounts and we will be able to market through online word of mouth, which we predicted would be the most effective way to reach this niche market. Projections The promotion of this event will start in 2015; this allows us to adjust marketing strategies and pricing accordingly, as well as generating the most amount of awareness as we can. In addition, in this time frame as people become aware of the event, they are able to make necessary budget adjustment and travel plans in order to attend. We expect to sell the all three days to capacity. There will be 1,500 tickets available for the expo, which will be sold at $30 each, or at $15 with the purchase of a ticket to day 2 and/or 3. There will be 300 tickets available for the seminar and will be
  • 15. HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 15 sold at $500 each. Lastly, the coached training session will be sold for $900. (These prices are all based on established prices for similar events but are set a little higher because of the elite level athletes and coaches.) Since there are extremely limited spaces for day 2 and 3, people will feel a sense of urgency and be more persuaded to purchase tickets as soon as they can. This will help us meet our goal of having sold out a year and a half before the event. From this first event, we will able to gauge the market and truly see where there are opportunities for growth and more revenue in the following 4 years leading up to the next Commonwealth Games. Control Goals for this event are: o To sell to capacity for days 2 & 3 of the event at least a year and a half before it takes place. There will be 300 tickets for the seminar and 100 for the coached event.  If not, prices will be reduced accordingly. o To sell 40% of the expo tickets (600 tickets of the available 1,500) a year before the event takes places. o To help the weightlifting events reach spectator capacity by monitoring how many people are getting them at a discounted rate by buying package bundles.
  • 16. HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 16 Financial Projection – Most of the financial costs will be greatly minimized because of our sponsors. Promotional items will mainly be sponsored. Item Units Unit Cost Costs Website Development 1 $3,000 $3,000 Website Design 10 $200 $2,000 Website Upkeep (once every 6 months) 6 $100 $600 Promotional T-Shirts (with purchase of day 2 and/or 3 tickets) 400 $5 $2,000 Venue/equipment rentals 3 $10,000 $45,000 Food (day 2 & 3) 400 $20 $8,000 Athletes (5 athletes, 1 hour ea.) 5 $500 $2,500 Coaches (5 coaches, 3 hours ea.) 5 $1,200 $6000 TOTAL Costs $ 69,100 Tickets sold Unit cost Total Day 1 1,000 $30 $33,000 Day 2 300 $500 $150,000 Day 3 100 $900 $90,000 Total Revenue 273,000 If sales were 30% lower 191,100 Total Revenue Total Cost Total Profit $273,000 $69,100 $203,900 $191,100 (30% lower) $69,100 $122,000
  • 17. HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 17 Implementation strategy Most important steps: - Get website live 3 years before event in 2018. - Establish necessary sponsors and partnerships. - Make all social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram live) - Ticket will go on sale two year before 20 months before event. Getting all these going at the right times will help generate awareness and establish the market early on. This will enable us to make necessary adjustments as needed.
  • 20. HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 20 References Achauer, Hilary. (2014). Rise of the open. Reebok Crossfit Games. Retrieved on November 30, 2014 from open Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games. (2013). Retrieved November 30, 2014 from blogs.dir/408/files/2013/07/7550-13-18mb_runaway-bay-1-646x430.jpg 2010/04/Nike1.jpg 85694942.jpg coast-commonwealth-games-2018-logo.gif Handaco. (2014). Dmitry koklov weightlifting seminar. Retrieved on December 1, 2014 from Hudson, Simon. (2008). Marketing for tourism and hospitality (2nd ed.). Toronto, Canada: Nelson Education. Mannell, R. C., & Kleiber, D. A. (1997). A social psychology of leisure. State College, PA: Venture Publishing Olympic training center chula vista. Retrieved on December 1 2014, from
  • 21. HPED3630-002 Marketing Plan 21 USOC_Chula_Vista/photos/USOC012.jpg Official Website of the Olympic Movement. (2014). Weightliting equipent and history. Retrieved November 10, 2014, from Porter, M. (1998). Competitive Strategy. New York: Free Press, pp. 3-5. Solomon, M., Marshall, G., Stuart, E., Smith, J.B., Charlebois, S., & Marando, M. (2001). Marketing real people real decisions (3rd Canadian ed.). Toronto, Canada: Pearson Prentice Hall. Sternkopf, P. (n.d.). Origins of crossfit. Retrieved on Dec 1, 2014 from The Box: Stoddard, G. (2011, 10 11). Inside the cult of crossfit. Men's Health. Wilks, Jeff. (2009). Is Australia a safe travel destination? Retrieved November 29, 2014 from: destination. Yaffa, Joshua. (2014). The waste and corruption of vladmir putin’s 2014 winter olympics. Bloomberg Business Week. Retrieved on Dec 1, 2014 from olympics-in-sochi-cost-51-billion