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Based on the SCREENPLAY BY
Revisions by
Michael Finch
DRAFT: December 28, 2014
A Paramount/China Film Group Corporation Production
A bustling port city. The CAMERA CRANES down to reveal an
ENORMOUS FORTRESS into which PRISONERS are roughly herded
chained neck and foot. They pass by gallows where nooses are
placed around men’s necks
Dark and dank with high ceilings. Bands of natural light
stream through barred windows. GUARDS are arrayed about.
Four men hang from a makeshift gallows -- a beam with ropes
tied to it. A HANGMAN, on the beam, lowers a noose to a
SECOND who places it around a PRISONER’S neck who stands on a
stool. The Second Hangman steps back, and KICKS the stool
over. The Prisoner falls, gagging.
ANGLE ON a cell where a man, 30’s balding and with a beard,
fingers stained with ink, parchment stuffed in his pocket,
stands at the bars, watching in fear and horror. This is
He turns back to the cell.
Small and fetid, the floor covered in rotting straw. And in
the corner, a second man -- early 50’s, tall and lean, with
dark hair and piercing eyes -- sits, back to the wall. In
Italian, with subs:
Who are you?
(without looking up)
I am Rustichello Da Pisa. I write.
THUNK! The sound of another Prisoner dying.
Or at least I used to. You have a
name, friend?
The man doesn’t respond.
(tense and afraid)
You must have a name.
He has several.
ANOTHER ANGLE to include THE MAGISTRATE. Sixty, tall and
lean, with dark and dead eyes, he stands outside the cell,
flanked by GUARDS.
Don’t you, “Il Millione?”
“Il Millone?” You are..?
Marco Polo.
Door swings open and the Magistrate enters. All eyes track
him as a Guard places a stool down for him. He sits,
shifting his robes, just so as the Guard exits, closing the
door behind him. The Magistrate’s eyes bore into Marco.
[From this point on, conversations between Italian characters
will be in English.]
Captured at the battle of Curzola
by our glorious Genovese navy. I
am Allesandro Dominico Calliari.
The hanging judge.
...Some call me such. But I only
hang the guilty. After a fair
And how many men have you fairly
tried, Master Calliari?
Four hundred and seven.
And how many swung?
Rustichello cringes. Marco does not.
There’s much evil in this world,
If you look hard enough.
Beat as the Magistrate studies Marco.
You’re an interesting man, Marco
Polo. When I approach, most men
profess their innocence. They...
beg. But you’re not like most men,
are you?
Marco takes in the Magistrate, but does not respond.
Is it true? What they say?
Depends on what they say, hangman.
That you’ve been to the ends of the
...No. The beginning.
The Magistrate... smiles. It’s not nice.
I don’t believe in dragons, or
magic, or in a wall a thousand
miles long.
Then you will die as you lived: in
Marco turns away.
Then enlighten me. Convince me of
my ignorance, and free me of it.
Marco looks back at the Magistrate.
I am an... educated man, sir; well
read, but poorly traveled. Unlike
you. My days of adventure are
past, like my youth. I would see
the world through your eyes. Tell
me your story.
My story?... You wouldn’t believe
my story.
Humor me.
Why should I?
Because your life depends upon it.
Make me believe, and I will let you
Marco’s eyes burn into the Magistrate. As CAMERA closes on
his face, the beginning of a small smile creases his
Establishing the bustling city, center of European commerce,
and the epicenter of trade with Turkey, the Levant, and soon,
The Great Yuan. It’s a wintry day. The wind blows and
gondolas slap at their moorings as traders and citizens go
about their business. A PAPAL BARGE is moored on the GRAND
And a FIGURE hurtles by!
As the figure looks back, we get a glimpse of him. At
seventeen, MARCO POLO is dark and lean and strong. But it’s
not his appearance that grabs us, its his eyes. There’s an
intelligence to them, and an intensity that speaks to a
complicated mind unsatisfied by the ordinary. They are the
eyes of a young man who will become a trader, a traveller,
and a warrior.
But that’s later. Right now, he’s running. For his life.
Three seconds later and a MAN in a uniform cuts into frame.
He’s followed by a SECOND and THIRD -- the Doge’s GUARDS.
Marco turns down another alley, sprinting. A FOURTH Guard
appears in front of him, sword drawn.
He swings the blade at Marco who RIPSLIDES between his legs,
punching him in the crotch. The man doubles over, dropping
the blade.
Marco grabs it as the other Guards are on him, swinging at
He parries, just, sliding back -- this kid is fast and though *
his technique is unrefined, he has undeniable potential with *
a bladed. *
He engages, sliding to the side, his blade moving with speed
as it sparks off the guards’ steel. He topples a barrel,
wheeling around. And as he moves, a sense that he might be
just a little bit drunk.
A Guard lunges. Marco sidesteps the attack and STABS the man
in the foot. He drops, screaming. Two others charge and
Marco slips between. They SMASH into each other. When they
look up, Marco is disappearing around a corner at speed.
Marco runs for a high wall... and climbs right over it,
dropping into:
A house looms. He runs into it.
Marco pushes in and freezes as two sets of eyes lock on him.
They belong to NICCOLO POLO, 40s, Marco’s father, tough and
hardened, and CARDINAL GIUSEPPE LARDERA, the Pope’s envoy,
hard in a different, and perhaps more dangerous way.
Marco nods to his father, and half bows to the Cardinal:
Father. Cardinal?
(to the Cardinal, and by
way of introduction)
Cardinal Lardera, my son, Marco.
(eyes on Marco)
Who apparently has been drinking.
The Cardinal studies Marco for a beat, then:
Will the boy accompany you?
Niccolo, reacting to a commotion outside -- shouts, the sound
of steel and leather -- glances out the window, sees armed
men on the street, searching with purpose. He shifts his
gaze to his son, reading the younger man, his stress. A
beat, then:
When do you leave?
Cardinal Lardera takes in Niccolo and Marco. A beat, then:
Take care, Niccolo. The Mongols
are the greatest military power the
world has ever known. They have
conquered all who stood before
them, and now mass at the gates of
Europe. Open their empire to
trade, and make them allies, not
Niccolo nods. The Cardinal exits. Niccolo turns on his son:
What is it this time?
Who, father.
The Doge’s daughter? Good Christ,
Marco. Did you?
I didn’t get the chance.
Niccolo grabs a well worn scabbard, home to a Venetian sword,
from the wall. Marco stares, unsure.
Where are we going?
East? How far ‘east?’
As far as we can go: We are to be
the Pope’s envoys to the court of
Kubai Khan. There we will forge
relationships and negotiate trade
Marco stares at his father, speechless. Then:
You were not yet born when last I
journeyed to Cathay, and fifteen
before I ever met you. I won’t
leave you again.
Niccolo walks out. Marco stares after him as his world
A THREE-MASTED CARAVEL prows into the Mediterranean. A glum
Marco, just a bit green, stands with his father watching
Venice recede.
One day you will thank me.
She’ll never wait for me.
Listen, my son, Cathay is rich
beyond words. There we will make
our fortune and girls will be
begging to marry a rich man like
you. Even a Doge’s daughter.
I was so close...
By the time we reach Shangtu,
Marco, I promise you you’ll be an
old hand at women. *
Marco looks at his father... and vomits over the rail.
OVER CREDITS: A living map of the known world, a mix of the
mystical and the real... pushing across a vast ocean... to
Jerusalem... by a caravan crossing high mountains. Marco
rides, watching as two native guides speak, learning the *
language... zooming over a vast wasteland...
to an oasis where beautiful young women serve wine and
melons, one making eye contact with an older Marco. She
speaks to him in a tongue we don’t understand... and he
answers her. She puts a hand on his thigh. He stares at *
her. She motions him to follow... Pushing to tent set on the *
valley, the moon’s bright light backlighting the interior. *
Inside, two forms writhe, making love... Pulling away, to a *
valley where Marco, on a camel, studies a book filled with
Mandarin text... He looks up, face covered in a sheen of
sweat, at cloud formations. One is of a dragon. He
stares... and slides off the camel. His father is there,
concern creasing his features, staring at his son’s feverish
eyes as the pages of the book flip in the wind. Marco’s hand
reaches for the book as we PUSH in on his eyes...
And PULL OUT to:
Marco’s eyes are clear. He’s a year older and a wispy beard
frames his sunbaked features. He and Niccolo, with a few
camels and retainers, are in an endless desert.
Their isolation, vulnerability, and insignificance is
overwhelming. They are covered in a fine silt and almost
unrecognizable. Marco turns his head and hears SPECTRAL
VOICES all around him.
There’s horrible thumping and the cacophony to CYMBALS,
...Two and a half years into our
journey we reached a placed called
the Taklamakan desert. 600 miles
of nothingness. Hell would have
been more apt.
ANGLE ON Marco, lips cracked and parched, fine silt covering
his face. He is wide eyed, hallucinating from the stress and
the dehydration.
Marco... run, Marco. Run with us...
Marco and his father exchange looks. And te voices are gone,
replaced by the howling wind. Then the camels become nervous,
...For it was home to monsters.
Marco pulls his keffiyeh over his face as the storm hits. It
is the stuff of nightmares. Their wagon is knocked over like
a toy.
Marco runs, half-blown, to the capsized wagon. All their
trade goods scatter.
Like a tidal wave, it’s rolled over them and dissipated. The
Polos are scattered picking up some of their goods. Marco
finds a bolt of silk buried in the sands and picks it up.
Marco, dance with us. Marco...
He looks up. Heat shimmers off the desert floor. And in, an
Go away!
Watching from a low ridge is a MONGOL LIGHT CAVALRY
SOLDIER(BUQA). He carries a BOW over his shoulder, a FULL
QUIVER, a SCIMITAR and a long PIKE in hand. Even in this
heat, he wears a round sable hat with ear flaps. His horse
nickers. Marco looks up, blood draining fast.
...You see them? See them dancing?
Not understanding, the Mandarin gives a short whistle and TEN *
OTHER SOLDIERS crest the ridge.
...Starting then, my Mandarin *
proved invaluable. His name was
Buqa. Once he saw our ‘paiza’ our
pass of safe conduct from the Great
Khan himself, his attitude changed.
He and his men would escort us to
Shangtu, the summer capital of
Kublai Khan...
The air thrums with unidentifiable sounds bouncing off the
sandstone minarets. The caravan, flanked by Buqa and his men,
is dwarfed by the landscape.
...The Lop Nur Basin was the most
god-forsaken place I’ve ever been.
Diabolic sounds and visions
filled my days. The further East I
went, the more magic swirled around
me. It became a way of life.
But, it was nothing compared to the
magic I would come to know later...
A simple inn set next to a corral filled with fresh horses.
Buqa and his men saddle mounts. Marco tracks a Mongol *
MESSENGER, galloping in, his lathered horse kicking up dust. *
The Messenger slides off his spent mount, and takes another, *
offered by a STABLE HAND. Without a word, the Messenger *
mounts and rides. *
What is this place?
It is called a yam. They are every
twenty-five miles.
The Khan rules half a world, Marco.
He knows everything that happens in
his kingdom.
(peering after the *
Messenger) *
This is for information, then?
And command.
Buqa angles for another horse as a SECOND MESSENGER appears, *
repeating the actions of the first. *
Does he know we’re coming?
Why do you think he sent me?
(looking back at Marco)
As I said, the Khan knows...
Massive and imposing, and right now drenched by a monsoon
deluge. Below the fortress, the TENTS AND COOK FIRES of a
MASSIVE ARMY ENCAMPMENT stretch across the valley. A PAIR of
black-cloaked RIDERS gallop through the castle’s gates.
As they pass, a shadow, high on the wall, moves. And deep
within it, a pair of eyes, watching.
Heaven weeps for what we do.
Thousands of SCROLLS line the shelves, a COAL FIRE BURNS in
the STONE BRAZIER, set in the room’s center. The castle’s
master, PRINCE YAN, Chinese by birth, 30s, tall and lean with *
the bearing of a military leader, watches as BARON TOBA, a *
Mongol, 40s, compact, physically strong, intelligent, and *
positively lethal, warms himself by the fire. *
Let it. Kublai Khan has grown
weak. He spends his days lying with
concubines as the empire falls into
chaos. We should strike now.
Yan’s eyes move to a man standing to the side. He’s big and
lean, with a scarred face. If the eyes are the window to the
soul, his is already in hell -- BLACK TIGER.
Polo returns.
Toba looks at Black Tiger for a beat. Next to him is Toba’s
riding companion -- a woman, early 30s, dressed in SCARLET,
and radiating a physical power equalled by her beauty.
He is a merchant, nothing more. *
A merchant who bring messages from
his Pope. His purpose is to open
The Great Yuan to the West.
European traders will follow, and
their armies after that. We must
stop him before it’s too late.
A RAT scurries across the shelves. In a blur, Red Snake snaps
and a pulse of energy, shaped like a snake, extends from her
sleeve. In a flash, it fangs the rodent and retracts it,
squealing. And then the snake energy is gone, leaving the
dead rat on the floor.
As quick as that...
The BLACK-CLAD FIGURE scales the walls and roofs like a
spider. On the first battlement, a patrolling GUARD passes.
And Kun passes directly behind him, completely unnoticed.
...I have a plan, but it needs you,
my Prince. *
What it needs, dear Baron, is my
army. You ask me to pledge my life
and that of 100,000 men. What do
you pledge?
My ingenuity.
Yan studies Toba for a moment.
At this point, we must both work on
In matters such as these, there is
no such thing as trust.
You’re wrong, Prince Yan. In
matters such as these, there can
only be trust.
The BARON TOBA produces a dagger and SLICES HIS PALM. He
holds his wrist out. Blood drips.
Yan studies Toba for a beat, nods... and SLICES his own palm.
They clasp hands and bleed together.
Know this: on the fifteenth of the
first month, a fiery dragon will
burn through Heaven--
Behind them, something falls. A single drop of water! Red
Snake moves, fast, hand extended, catching the drop in her
All eyes lock on her, then move up, to the shadowy roof. And
there, the sense of something or someone.
Red Snake’s arms move. Air compresses, and the shock wave
ripples towards the fire. It ROARS, illuminating the
library, and reveals Dragon Kun in the rafters.
And things happen fast. Very fast. Black Tiger throws
multiple knives as Dragon Kun leaps from the ceiling, feet
landing light on the wall. He runs. Same instant, Black
Tiger leaps, also landing on the wall, also running across
They meet, defying gravity -- or at least moving so fast and
so light that they seem to -- and they fight! Moves are fast
and hard. This is speed and technique versus skill and
Black Tiger swings. Dragon Kun dodges. With every blow,
Black Tiger tears holes in the wall with feet and fists.
Dragon Kun spins away, landing on the floor, catlike. He
angles for a set of windows, but Red Snake is there. Blows
are exchanged, fast and lethal. The air CRACKS with static.
Dragon Kun palms Red Snake. She’s propelled back. Same
instant, Black Tiger’s fist impacts Kun. The blow sends him
rolling away. He comes up on one knee as the two killers
close in.
Kun’s hands move and a FLASHBANG detonates! SMOKE suffuses
the area.
Black Tiger and Red Snake spin as CRASH, glass shatters.
Both LEAP through the broken window, on to:
The rain has slowed. Dragon Kun’s feet patter over slick
clay shingles. Black Tiger and Red Snake land in front of
him, and the three engage. It is almost beautiful -- a duel
of masters, a dance of death.
Dragon Kun parries a vicious Black Tiger attack. Red Snake’s
kick sends him reeling. He lands on one knee--
--and slides back as an arrow WHOOSHES by.
A dozen SOLDIERS are running along the roof, some with bows,
some with swords and pikes.
Dragon Kun clocks Black Tiger and Red Snake, closing fast.
He DRIVES his palm onto the rooftop.
The effect is dramatic and instantaneous -- a shock-wave of
kinetic energy emanates from the impact-point. Roof rises
and falls, tiles are hurled into the air! Black Tiger and
Red Snake jump, over the wave. The Soldiers don’t.
Men are blown back, some landing on the roof, others falling
over the edge, screaming as they hurtle to their deaths.
Dragon Kun runs, angling for a chimney set on the rooftop.
He dives, head first.
A beat and Black Tiger is there. He follows.
Kun slides down the narrow chute. He is wearing ASBESTOS
CLOTHING with which he shields his face. (The Yuan Chinese
were adept at weaving asbestos cloth.)
He drops away, into darkness. A beat and Black Tiger
follows, sliding.
Kun emerges, rolling through the white hot coals, onto his
feet, and sprinting into the courtyard as Black Tiger
follows, his clothes burning! Without missing a beat, he
ROLLS, putting out the flames, and follows.
SOLDIERS on horses, searching. Kun cuts between them. As he
does, horses rear, throwing their riders.
An OFFICER spins, searching for the man. And the man is on
his horse! Officer tumbles away as Kun spurs the horse for
the gates.
Gates drop as Kun gallops towards them. He hooks his stirrup
and slips to the mare’s flanks. Man and horse slide under
the gaate as it seals the pursuit inside.
Yan, Toba at his side, stares down at Kun, galloping away.
A score of ARCHERS step forward, bows drawn, and aim.
They do. A fuselage arcs towards Kun.
Last second, Kun shifts in his saddle, weaving, avoiding the
projectiles, and somersaults through the air landing
BACKWARDS IN THE SADDLE. In his hands are the prior owner’s
bow and arrows. Kun nocks an arrow in his bow firing quickly
and with unerring accuracy, picking off the battlement
archers at a terrible rate.
ANGLE ON Red Snake walking towards the edge of the parapet.
She takes an archer’s bow -- but not an arrow.
She moves her hands and snake energy -- a dark and powerful
form of Chi -- manifests, like heavy smoke. She pulls her
hands apart to reveal a snake. The thing wraps around her
naked wrist. She brings it to her face, whispering words we
don’t hear, and the snake goes rigid.
In one smooth motion, she notches the snake, as you would an
arrow. Like a Zen Master, she draws and fires into
A fresh burst of lightning illuminates the night. Kun is
visible in the distance.
And we are the snake/arrow, hurtling through the dark night,
arcing. Below us, Kun, riding hard.
Kun senses the danger, looking back. The snake/arrow is
almost on him. He shifts. It’s going to miss!
And the snake lashes out, fangs digging into Kun’s shoulder!
He PULLS it out, throwing it into the darkness.
Baron Toba steps forward.
How long?
A natural man would be dead
(watching Kun disappear)
So what does that make him, witch?
Black Crane Temple.
Toba and Yan exchange a look. Whatever Black Crane is, it
concerns them, and it means something to her. A beat.
(to Red Snake)
Find him.
Dark and dense. Foliage moves. A mounted figure, dressed
all in black, pushes through. It is Dragon Kun. His face is
pale, his skin covered by a thin sheen of sweat. This man is
REVERSE to reveal a Yam station -- corral and inn. Kun spurs
his horse. It trots towards the Yam.
Marco sinks into a WOODEN BATH TUB. The experience is
transcendent. Suddenly, KUN’S BODY comes crashing through his
SKYLIGHT. Grabbing a LINEN CLOTH, Marco jumps up in shock.
It’s the dying Kun. Marco rushes to his side.
When Kun speaks, it is in Mandarin:
Who are you?
Marco Polo.
My lucky day.
(wincing with pain)
I find the one man in The Great
Yuan who doesn’t speak Mandarin.
He stumbles for the door. Marco, in Mandarin:
You need help.
Kun stops, turns, staring. From this point on, they will
speak in English:
...I’m already dead.
I don’t understand. The wound is--
Kun grabs Marco by the neck hard, chocking off another
question. He drives him back, slamming him against the wall.
Look into my eyes, boy.
Marco shakes his head, trying to speak... and somehow his
eyes are drawn to Kun’s. Something hypnotic about those
eyes... Kun places his left hand on Marco’s right temple.
Open your mind.
(a hoarse croak)
To what?
The truth. The Khan’s life is in
danger. The Great Yuan is in
PUSH IN on Marco’s eyes, and as we do, images flash by, fast.
They are Kun’s memories, relayed, as though by magic, into
Marco’s mind, and played out via Kun’s POV, and backwards:
--The Inn, seen from the forest. *
--The snake lashing out at Kun, fangs grazing his arm.
--Riding out of the castle courtyard as the gate drops.
--Battling Black Tiger and Red Snake on the roof.
--In the library. A voice:
Know this: on the fifteenth of the
first month, a fiery dragon will
burn through Heaven--
--Two men, speaking. Their faces coming into the light--
SMASH back to the inn room before Marco clearly sees the
conspirators’ faces!
Kun’s back arches. He stumbles... and falls into Marco’s
Tell him!
And Kun’s body goes limp. Outside are heard the sounds of *
Yan’s GUARDS invade the inn, lead by Black Tiger and Red
Empty the inn!
Marco stares at Kun’s body, mind racing. Outside, footsteps
pound up the stairs. A beat and Marco drags Kun’s body to a
large wooden trunk, opens it, and slides the body inside. He
closes it as the door opens and a Guard pushes in.
What’s the trouble?
No questions. Downstairs. Now.
The guard looks around. Sees nothing amiss.
Niccolo and others are herded into the open.
We saw a criminal enter here. If
you give us any information, we
will give you a reward.
If you are hiding him, we will skin
you alive and roll you in salt.
These warnings are translated into a polyglot: Turkish,
Persian, Mandarin, etc. The assassins circulate. *
Why are you wet?
Marco pretends not to understand.
Hmm, soap. I like clean men.
These men are under the Khan’s
Too bad he’s not here to protect
them, then.
Buqa’s hand drops to his sword. His men follow suit.
Suddenly, a dozen bows are on them. They freeze.
Black Tiger levels a hard stare at Niccolo who remains stoic.
You. What do you know?
My name is Niccolo Polo...
Black Tiger pincers the pressure point in Niccolo’s neck.
Niccolo, drops to his knees, eyes bulging. Marco lunges to
stop it but gets a HYDRAULIC FLAT PALM STRIKE to his sternum.
He drops in agony.
He’s given you the death fingers.
Your heart will enlarge until it
explodes. So talk!
Marco rips back his shirt. His rib bones are BENT OUT with
the tortured beating of his swelling heart.
(strokes his brow)
There, there... Just tell us what
you know and we can make all that
nasty pain go away...
And suddenly, a breeze blows through the courtyard. Red
Snake and Black Tiger turn, focusing on the entrance. And
there, moving towards them is a dust devil. Inside it is a
The wind dissipates to reveal a LANKY MAN, early 20’s, all
sinew and muscle, a small and ever present smile gracing his
features, like he’s always laughing at a joke no one else
heard. This is WIND.
Wind. What a pleasure.
For you, perhaps.
This doesn’t concern you.
Wind glances at Marco, on the ground.
No. But the Khan’s business does.
Black Tiger steps forward, balling his fists. Wind doesn’t
react. And suddenly, the haunting notes of a BAMBOO FLUTE
wash over us.
From the opposite roof, casually walks another warrior, PIPER
CHU playing his BAMBOO FLUTE.
And Piper Chu.
Chu just... smiles at her.
His name was Dragon Kun. He was the
best of us.
Perhaps he’s crawled into a hole
and died.
If so, you’ll see him soon enough.
Wind and Piper Chu flip into the courtyard--
Same instant, Buqa and his men move! Red Snake and Black
Tiger tense, arms moving. A wave of energy SMASHES into Buqa
and his men, sending them spinning back, smashing into the
--as a martial arts battle unfolds using Kung Fu styles new
and fresh. Through Marco’s excruciating perception, what he
sees is only partly realistic.
Niccolo examines Marco, sees his ribs cracking like
Although Wind and Chu are brilliant martial artists, Red
Snake and Black Tiger have a dozen Guards in the fight. Long
odds. Until...
A figure, hooded and veiled, only her beautiful eyes exposed,
appears from shadow. This is WATER MAIDEN.
She rolls between guards and attacks with a combination of
moves, both beautiful and lethal. Impacts send Guards
flying. They hit the wall so hard, their ARMOR SPLITS OPEN.
Then she launches herself at Red Snake while Wind’s on Black
Tiger. Chu uses his flute in a Wu Shu routine, so beautiful
to watch so terrible to receive. He takes out last of the
The combination of Wind, Chu, and Water Maiden are too much
for the assassins. They leap on their horses and escape. The
martial arts battle has been won but the battle for Marco’s
life is almost lost.
Niccolo, Buqa, Wind, Piper Chu, and Water Maiden carry Marco
to his palette. His rib bones crack. He turns blue.
Water Maiden looks at him, shakes her head.
Marco’s eyes are on the large trunk. Wind follows his gaze,
moves to it, opens it to reveal Kun’s body.
(off Marco)
He chose not to speak.
And say what? Kun was dying.
Could he have told the Westerner
...He didn’t have to.
Off their looks.
Dragon Kun studied the old ways.
He was adept at entering the mind
of another.
Which means that--
What Kun saw, the boy may know.
Water Maiden produces a SILVER TUBE from her bodice. Inside
are a series of exquisite NEEDLES. She moves to Marco,
pushing torn linen aside to expose his chest, and expertly
taps the needles in, quickly unblocking his meridians.
What are you doing?
Probably nothing.
But it is something. Marco’s CHEST RETRACTS as the bones re-
set, as his heart shrinks. Through his feverish eyes, he has
seen magic, and passes out, breathing deeply. Niccolo puts
his ear to his chest, hears his son’s heart once again
beating normally.
Niccolo is amazed, the first time a Westerner has seen
What happens to my son?
It depends.
On what?
His Chi. If it is strong, he will
live. If it is weak, he will die.
(to Buqa)
Get them safely to the Khan.
Marco watches as the Taoists walks towards courtyard center,
his eyes locked on Water Maiden, robes flowing easily behind
The Polos’ caravan comes over a rise. Below them, SHANGTU
(Xanadu), summer capital of Kublai Khan’s Yuan Empire, (220
miles north of modern-day Beijing), sprawls in splendor.
Walled, it encompasses some 16 miles of palaces and park
Marco, very much alive, stares down at the sight.
Papa, down there is the future.
No, down there is our fortune.
The Polos wait in their BEST CLOTHES. Marco has shaved his
beard and looks like a healthy, glowing young man. His eyes
take in every detail. Niccolo confers with an older man,
MASTER LOU, a scholar and translator. *
(bowing in respect)
Master Lou.
(returning the gesture)
It’s good to see you again, Master
Polo. The Great Khan has been
anxious for your arrival.
As have I.
The sound of a staff striking the floor echoes and HUGE
GOLDEN DOORS swing open.
NOBLES stand in attendance.
Seated on a RAISED DAIS, is a man of remarkable presence. His
face is intelligent, his eyes cunning. This one man COMMANDS
50% OF THE KNOWN WORLD, the largest empire ever known, and
radiates that fact with his entire being.
The Polos approach the throne. To everyone’s amazement,
Kublai descends to greet them. His words are translated from *
Mandarin to English. *
Niccolo, welcome back to
Shangtu. I had almost given
up hope of seeing you again.
But who is this you bring?
I had almost given up hope of
seeing you again... but who
is this you bring?
May I present my son, Marco.
May I present my son, Marco. *
You have travelled far, Young
You have travelled far--
And Marco cuts Master Lou off, answering in fluent Mandarin: *
Dreaming of this day, My Khan. It
is a great honor to stand in your
Kublai stares at Marco for a beat, reading him, interested.
(Mandarin) *
You speak our language. That makes
you the first Westerner to do so.
(English now:)
Why, I wonder?
[From this point on, when Marco is in a scene, it will be in
English. When he is not, the dialogue will be in Mandarin.]
My father has talked endlessly
about the glories of your culture.
I could think of no better way to
appreciate that culture than to
understand it in your own tongue.
Then help you understand it, we
enters the hall. All bow to her.
Ah, my daughter, Princess Kokochin.
Meet Marco Polo and his father.
It is an honor, indeed...
The Princess is likewise surprised by his Mandarin. She and *
her father exchange looks.
I thank you all for the gifts and
letters from your pope. Not many
men could have survived such a
journey. But merchants aren’t like
other men, are they? Why is that,
Young Polo?
Greed, My Lord. Pure greed.
Kublai rears back and laughs. The entire room does likewise.
Yes, greed it is. Very amusing.
(becomes more formal)
I am having a small gathering
tonight. A simple meal. I invite
you Polos to attend...
He remounts the dais. The audience is over.
Kublai’s idea of a small gathering is anything but. Hundreds
line the hall.
As always, Kublai is the sun of this solar system. The
Princess sits on his right. The ‘simple meal’ consists of
washed down with KOUMIS and TURKISH WINE.
And to the Khan’s left sits none other than BARON TOBA
demonstrating a SCALE MODEL of a new SIEGE ENGINE. He drops a
small stone in the catapult and fires! The projectile is
flung with such force, it shatters SEVERAL GOBLETS and beans
a SERVER who is knocked out cold. Kublai is delighted by the
You are the greatest of engineers,
Baron Toba. Much of my empire has
been acquired with your ingenuity.
Everything in your honor, My Khan.
They look every bit the old friends they are.
Among the honored guests sit the Polos. Though Niccolo
hardly eats, Marco tries everything. Near them, CHEFS pound
and stretch DOUGH into NOODLES.
A passing SERVER carries a tray piled high with COOKED
NOODLES covered with a meat sauce. As they are piled on their
plates, Marco digs in, the noodles sliding off his ‘Kuaizi’
You’re not eating, father.
White worms don’t agree with me.
Better to experience than to judge.
That is the only way, father, to
know any culture.
I’m not interested in culture, son,
but in wealth. As you should be.
ANGLE on a set of tables that are home to scores of Kublai’s
FAVORITE COURTESANS. At the head sits BLUE LOTUS, slightly
older than the rest, her LUMINOUS BEAUTY infused with WISDOM
only making her more so. Sitting by her is her 14 YEAR OLD
ANGLE ON Blue Lotus and Bataar.
Watch the Baron. Always watch the
Baron. Do you understand, Bataar?
Yes, mother. I know.
Neither of them misses the currents swirling around. Their
futures, their very lives depend on it.
ANGLE ON the head table. Prince Yan approaches, with eyes
only for Princess Kokochin. He hands her a ribboned SCROLL
tied with a PERFECT ORCHID.
For you, Princess Kokochin. A poem
I wrote about you over many
sleepless nights
Such poems are usually untethered
from any reality.
Not in your case.
Then I will read it and see if I
can find any of myself within.
I look forward to hearing the truth
of what you think.
Oh Prince, there is nothing so
boring as the truth.
Prince Yan bows to her and to Kublai. He and the Baron barely
acknowledge each other.
Marco watches Yan as he moves past the Baron. And suddenly,
a FLASH -- Dragon Kun’s memory:
--In the library. A voice:
Know this: on the fifteenth of the
first month, a fiery dragon will
burn through Heaven--
--Two men, speaking. Their faces coming into the light, just
visible in perspective now, but not quite recognizable... *
Baron Toba and Prince Yan?
ANGLE ON MARCO, staring, shaking his head.
Then a SORCERER crosses between the men, hands moving, doing
a trick as other MAGES pass by. WHEN KUBLAI’S GOBLET IS
EMPTY, IT MAGICALLY REFILLS. Everyone regards this as normal.
Kublai gets up and CLAPS A RHYTHM to his MUSICIANS. As the
ruler of The Great Yuan, enamored of all things Chinese, he
still honors his Mongolian roots like the BIYELGEE DANCE he
When he’s finished, the court goes wild. As he and the
Princess withdraw, Marco pans the room.
What are you looking for?
The woman who saved me.
Water Maiden.
Have you seen her?
She’s Black Crane Temple. Forget
I can’t. I want to--
What you want is to keep as far
away from her and her kind as
possible. As easily as she saved
your life, she can take it.
Probably easier.
A EUNUCH leans close to Marco.
The Kahn wishes you to attend him.
Right now?
With matters concerning the Khan,
the time is always right now.
Marco looks to his father, stands. Niccolo puts a hand on
Marco’s arm and leans into his son’s ear:
Remember, Marco: we are here for
trade and for wealth, nothing more.
Marco looks at his father for a beat, then follows the
Eunuch. As ‘Young Polo’ is lead out, all eyes watch him with
the attention given to seismic events.
ANGLE ON Baron Toba and Prince Yan, standing close.
The young Venetian is getting a
private audience. A rapid rise in
status to be sure.
Ever since Kublai was a boy, it was
always the shiny new toy that took
his attention. But he gets bored
easily and he would put the new toy
down as fast as he raised it up.
But Yan’s concentration is not on the Baron. IT’S ON BLUE
LOTUS. The look is one of PURE LUST.
ANGLE ON the Concubine Table where Blue Lotus meets the
Prince’s stare with one of her own. The effect on him is
Bataar, tell me what you see. *
You have been making eyes at Prince
What else?
The merchant’s son is having an
audience with my father.
Correct. What else?
The Baron and the Prince are not
happy about it.
Smart boy...
The game of thrones has begun.
The Eunuch pulls silk drapes back, and ushers Marco into a
long corridor. An odd cooing sound emanates from all
directions. Marco looks back. The eunuch is gone.
A beat and Marco starts down the long hallway. He turns a
corner. Racks of GYRFALCONS meet him. He stares at the
impressive animals.
I have learned much from these
Marco turns, taking in the Khan.
They are swift and bold. And yet
they are useful only when they are
in action. Leaders must be the
same: swift, bold, and in action.
He stops, looking at a prized bird.
Do you know what the trap of empire
is, Marco?
You cannot hold it unless you
expand it... and that is a never-
ending cycle.
(turning to Marco)
Water Maiden tells me you had some
trouble on the road, and that you
faced death rather than betraying
the trust of a man you never met.
A man who served you, my Khan.
...And what did he tell you?
That your life is in danger. And
then he showed me words I did not
hear: ‘On the fifteenth of the
First Month, a fiery dragon will
burn through Heaven.’
The fifteenth of the First Month
can only mean the Lantern
Marco turns, taking in Kokochin as she approaches, robes
trailing. She radiates strength and beauty.
...but that is still some months
The Khan looks at his daughter, then at Marco, reading him
like an open book.
There are those amongst my people
who believe that you and we are
like oil and water; that we will
never mix. They believe that all
Westerners, like your father, come
to The Great Yuan because they
hunger for something -- jewels,
silk, wealth in many forms --
whereas we hunger only to find
meaning in a simple ideal. What do
you hunger for, Young Polo?
(eyes still on Kokochin)
Be careful what you wish for...
You survived the Death Fingers.
Few have. Perhaps it was luck, or
perhaps you have a greater
purpose... Spend the time you have
finding it.
And the Khan walks away, leaving Marco and the Princess.
Marco tracks the man, then looks back at her, all questions.
What just happened?
More than you can imagine. You
passed the first test.
Of many. The two who tried to kill
you were assassins. They will try
Because you are a threat to their
I didn’t see his face.
Who he is, is not important. What
he represents is: Isolation. You
want to live, Polo, you’ll do as my
father commands.
She starts to move away.
And what does he command?
That you do the impossible... that
you become Yuan.
Hold on Marco, staring after her. Prominent in her hair is
an exquisite jade pin with a crane on the end...
Marco, on a fine mare, gallops down a paved road. Buqa is
next to him, his squadron of Mongolian cavalry behind. To
their right, seen by moonlight, the GREAT WALL.
...I was to learn that to become
Yuan was not to embrace a way of
life, but a state of being. My
education began immediately. We
rode through the night past a wall
so great I was told it ran for
thousands of miles...
Rustichello scribbles on his parchment. Beside him are a
pile of sheets. The Magistrate leans forward, fixated, eyes
locked on Marco, and his story. Behind him, two Guards stand
at the bars, staring in, listening.
...You saw this with your own eyes?
I did.
(in wonder)
Cities of millions? Goblets that
fill themselves?
(focusing on Marco,
Tell me about the dragons.
In time.
They’re real then? I knew it! And
the magic. Where did you see it?
...Everywhere. The truth is, in
The Great Yuan, there is magic in
the people and in the sky and the
water and the wind. To walk its
roads and breath its air is to live
with magic.
It touched you?
How could it not?
And what of other men; men like
me. Would it touch them, also?
Do the sun’s rays touch a man when
walks to his door, or rides his
horse through green fields?
The Magistrate stars at Marco for a long beat. Then:
And what of religion?
What of it? Kublai Khan granted
freedom to all religions. For him,
all were of equal merit. Is that
not magical in and of itself?
Magistrate checks behind him.
Speak softly, Venetian. To say all
religions are equal is heresy.
They will burn you in Genoa just as
fast as they will in Venice.
I thought I was to be hanged.
...Not yet, I think. Continue.
Marco studies the Magistrate for a beat, then:
The further I rode from Xanadu, the
more magical things I saw, and the
more questions I had. And then, at
sunset, we arrived at a place more
magical than any I have ever
Like a Jing Hao watercolor, it is nestled in a DRAMATIC
and rising GROUND MIST.
...The Black Crane Temple...
PULL BACK to reveal Marco, with Buqa and the escort.
The gates open, as though by magic.
No Westerner had ever passed
through those gates.
Marco looks at Buqa who stares back at him. And in those
impassive eyes... concern... for Marco.
Take care, Marco.
Marco... nods, dismounts, and passes through the gates. As
he does:
I would find out why.
The doors close with a THUD.
A thick mist rises from the wet courtyard, obscuring vision,
and giving the place an etherial quality. It is a large and
open space framed by tall and beautifully wrought buildings.
Through the mist, forms are visible: great dragons, carved
of jade and bronze and stone. Their eyes seem to track Marco
as he moves. And all around, the statues of cranes in
various martial poses.
The mist clears to reveal a figure leaning on a wall: Wind.
There’s an undeniably appealing quality to this man. He’s
confident and easy, and always smiling. But under that smile
is something else, something hard.
You owe me money.
And why is that?
Because I bet Water Maiden you
wouldn’t live. Oh well.
(straightening up)
I am called Wind.
Marco looks around.
What is this place?
It is... whatever you make of it.
A flute melody wafts through a door and out steps Piper Chu.
...And this is Piper Chu.
I am not happy you are here.
I owe you money, too?
Money means nothing to me,
merchant. I am not happy you are
here because you are neither Mongol
nor Han, and I fear that you will
bring us nothing but trouble.
(still smiling)
All are welcome here to learn.
Not all. Only the worthy.
I think he proved himself when he
stood ready to die for the Khan.
A dog will die for its master.
That does not make it worthy. The
world is changing, and we must
change with it. Our secrets belong
to The Great Yuan, not the West.
We would all do well to remember
that, brother.
I’ll do my best to change your
Chu snaps his flute and VISCOUS SOUND WAVES fire from its end
with such force, they knock Marco on his ass.
How? There are powers at work here
that your Western mind can never
Chu gives Marco a contemptuous look and walks towards the
training apparatus.
It’s called Chi, by the way.
Suddenly a smiling Wind is there, offering Marco a hand up.
Marco... takes it.
Forget about him. He hates
Glad it’s not personal.
Pray it doesn’t become so.
Wind motions Marco towards a door. A beat and Marco heads
for it.
Marco follows Wind through the labyrinth until they come to a
space filled with strange ARCHITECTURAL STRUCTURES. A dozen
STUDENTS (Taoists) are put through their paces by their
MASTERS. The training is brutal, mistakes paid for in flesh.
Is this some kind of punishment?
It can be. It’s where we train.
You will learn every one of these
devices and you will have the
bruises to prove it.
Wind motions to an elaborate set of wires that form a
corridor that stretches the length of the courtyard, like
some great spider’s web.
What am I supposed to do?
Pass through.
Marco looks at Wind, then angles for the web’s start.
And Marco: try not to touch the
Marco steps through and into the web, moving carefully,
trying not to touch the wires. He gets a third of the way
through, unscathed.
(to self)
Not so hard.
And a wire starts to move, slowly at first, like it was a
living thing. Marco moves with it. Pushes forward. And
with every step, more wires move, faster... He grazes one,
and things happen very quickly!
A javelin, its tip rounded, FLIES out of the wall by the
wires. He ducks, tracking it. Then a second, IMPACTS his
back. He’s knocked forward. Other javelins fly, hitting
him, hard, knocking him to the side. He starts to run!
As he does, he touches more wires and scores of javelins
launch, HITTING him -- four, six, a dozen...
He stumbles out of the webbing and falls hard on the dirt.
When he looks up, Wind and STUDENTS are looking down at him.
Wind... shakes his head. The Students go back to their
training -- much of it hand to hand, fast and lethal. Marco
rises, already sore.
I told you there’d be bruises. If
you need anything, whisper my name
to the wind. I will hear.
He turns to go, walking by the students.
A sword. I need a sword.
Wind, walking, motions to a rack of Chinese weapons --
assorted spears and swords.
How long would it take me to master
For you? A year’s worth of
Then I would design my own.
Wind... smiles.
CLOSE ON a table. A parchment is rolled out.
PULL BACK to include Wind, placing ink and quill by the
parchment. Marco’s to the side.
Can you draw?
Then draw.
Marco takes the quill, and starts to draw. A long line.
It’s a rapier.
Wind, watching, nods approval.
What now? *
Find a man to build it, I suppose. *
Wind starts to walk away. *
How? *
No idea. Or perhaps you should *
follow the smoke. *
Smoke pours out of a forge. Marco stands with the *
BLACKSMITH. Between them is the parchment with the hand *
drawn rapier. The Smith... nods.
I’m to show you to your room.
Marco turns, taking in Water Maiden, robes flowing over her
body, a veil covering her face, showing him only her eyes.
Even covered as she is, she is undeniably beautiful. There’s *
an energy between them, something just a little bit electric. *
A small, spartan room. An open window looks out on the *
courtyard. Marco steps to it, eyes taking in the space from *
this elevated angle -- it’s peaceful, the soft light of *
magic hour casting long shadows over the area. Like the calm *
before the storm. *
You know, back at the inn, I never
got to thank you--
Off his look:
I saved you for a purpose. And
that purpose is The Great Yuan.
Your life is no longer your own.
If you live, you will belong to
her, as I do. And she is a harsh
mistress. In the years to come,
you will curse me for your life.
Prepare yourself. Tomorrow your
training begins.
She angles for the door. He tracks her.
Who are you?
Water Maiden stops.
Disciples of the Crane Master, and
Of who? The Khan?
Order... *
She continues. To her back:
What does that mean?
That our job is to defend the
Empire against the chaos that would
destroy her.
She moves. His voice stops her: *
Water Maiden... Thank you. *
She hesitates, and then she’s gone. Marco looks after her, *
intrigued. Outside, it starts to rain. He looks out the *
window and watches her move away. *
WIND (O.S.) *
I wouldn’t if I were you. *
Marco turns, takes in Wind, standing in the room. *
You wouldn’t what? *
Wonder... No one knows who Water *
Maiden is, only that she comes and *
goes as she pleases. *
Wind tosses Marco a rolled up mat, then spreads one out for *
himself, and drops onto it. *
Marco’s eyes move back to the courtyard. Water Maiden is *
galloping away into the night. *
So you don’t know her real name? *
Names are not important. Only *
actions are. Sleep, Marco. Trust *
me, you’ll need it. *
When Marco turns back, Wind is sound asleep. A beat and *
Marco digs in to his pack, pulling out a quill and notebook. *
He begins to sketch... Water Maiden. *
Heat lightning racks the skies as a HOODED RIDER approaches
the gates. The rider pulls her hood back. It is BLUE LOTUS.
Raise the gates!
Rain pours. Prince Yan walks alone. Suddenly, a shadow
moves -- a SOLDIER appears, sword raised. Yan pivots, using
the man’s momentum to send him crashing into a wall. Then
FIVE more are on him with sword and spear. He draws his
sword and engages. Blades sing as they slice through the
air. And Yan disassembles the men. Whatever else this man
may be, he is first and foremost a skilled fighter.
Yan knocks the last Soldier back, sword at his throat... and
he offers the man a hand, pulling him to his feet. The
Soldier bows, as do the others. This was an exercise.
ANOTHER ANGLE to include Blue Lotus, standing in the
courtyard, eyes on the Prince.
Blue Lotus is sipping some hot tea as the Prince watches.
I did not expect a visitor at this *
late hour.
I knew a man like you would find
sleep a waste of time.
As a soldier, I’ve learned live *
with two hours of sleep. I dream *
when I’m awake. What do you want, *
Courtesan? *
...A friend. *
Does your Khan grow weary of you? *
He is not my Khan. *
Yan studies her, interested. *
I am... a prisoner in a gilded *
cage. *
A beat, then: *
We all are. *
He turns to go. *
You were meant to rule. *
Yan stops. *
Royal blood pulses through your *
veins. How is it a man like you *
bends a knee to another? *
Yan turns back to Blue Lotus, studying her. *
...Do you know what Genghis’s real *
genius was? *
Blue Lotus doesn’t answer. *
Winter. The Mongols used the *
frozen rivers like highways to *
attack us. Never before had there *
been a winter campaign, so they *
caught us by surprise. They put my *
grandfather and half my family to *
the sword and made the rest of *
us... kneel. So here I am. As you *
say, meant to rule, but in reality, *
allowed only to serve. *
That time should come to an end. *
...Oh, it will. *
Until that time, I would be your *
eyes and ears in the capital. *
...And what would you ask for in *
return? *
Friendship. For me and my son. *
Hold no Yan, studying Blue Lotus. *
A stone room cut into living rock. An undulating ball of *
fire burns in the center, as though by magic. Red Snake, in *
her red robes, stands over it. *
Her eyes are locked on the flame. She steps forward, her *
robes falling away to reveal her lithe form. She reaches *
out... touching the. Her eyes roll back, to reveal jet black *
snake eyes. Then a smoky, ephemeral viper rises from the *
flame, entering her mouth. Her back arches. *
Marco, asleep, wakes with a start, panning. Wind is next to *
him, asleep. He turns to the window, and there is Red Snake - *
- or a vision of her. She floats above him, beautiful and *
effervescent, diaphanous robes clinging to her body, hinting *
at the pleasures to come. *
Then’s she’s close to him, the fabric of her robes enveloping *
him. Her lips brush his cheek, and she whispers: *
Do you know what you are, Marco? *
Marco stares at her. *
I do... There’s nothing here for *
you... *
Her legs straddle him now as she looks into his face. *
But with us, there is everything *
you desire -- wealth, power... *
pleasure. *
(lowering her mouth to *
his) *
Join us. *
Marco stares at her. She opens her mouth. Inside, the head *
of the viper-- *
NO! *
Marco SITS UP, fast. Red Snake is gone. Wind is there, *
alert, concern creasing his features. *
What did you see? *
Nothing. It was a dream. *
Wind’s eyes are on the window. Outside, the wind rustles. *
He touches the window frame, as though he’s looking for *
something. *
Tell me. *
I saw a woman... The same woman *
who killed Dragon Kun. *
Red Snake. Then that was no dream. *
What are you saying? *
That they know where you are now. *
It’s only a matter of time. *
Until what? *
They try to kill you. *
...What do I have to do? *
Learn to live. *
The flame extinguishes. Red Snake convulses, eyes rolling *
back to normal. *
Marco follows Wind down the long stone corridor. Ahead, a
door looms.
...There is only suffering on the
road to mastery. Your training
continues here... *
He pushes the door open to reveal:
A large space lined with pots and bowls. At the end of a
long counter is an old man, making noodles. This is the
The kitchen?
Impressive powers of observation.
Now let us see how impressive you *
are at cleaning it. *
What has this got to do with Kung
Absolutely nothing.
Wind nods to the Cook who ignores him and walks away,
smiling. As he exits: *
And everything. *
Marco stands there for a beat, watching as the Cook rolls
noodle dough, and SLAMS it on the counter, hard.
The noodles won’t make themselves.
I didn’t come here to make noodles.
Then why did you come?
Marco walks to the Cook, taking some dough, and starts to
work it, poorly.
...To learn how to fight.
Fight? Then I’m afraid you’ve come
to the wrong place. Black Crane
Temple does not train you to fight.
Then what does it train you for?
To think. And to make noodles.
Marco looks around, frustrated.
I need to speak to the Crane
And what would you ask of him?
Marco doesn’t answer.
The Master is not a man to approach
with doubt in your heart, Marco.
Then how do you approach him?
How do you approach a giant with
the strength of a hundred men and
the power to kill with a thought?
The Cook extends the dough, SLAMMING it down on the surface
where the large flat noodle separates into perfect noodles.
When you can answer that, you will
be ready.
The Cook starts to shuffle away.
And in the meantime?
Learn to cook. I’ve been waiting
to meet that legend my entire life.
Marco watches the Cook angle for the door.
You don’t.
Cook pauses.
You don’t approach him. You wait
for him to approach you.
The Cook turns, taking Marco in for a beat.
Fifty years and no one has given me
that answer. Yet a Westerner does.
I don’t understand, sir.
You will. The Khan told me you had
the heart of a warrior.
And Marco and we realize that the Cook is CRANE MASTER.
You’re... Crane Master.
Yes. And he also told me you have
the body of a merchant. We must
align the two.
Students work on the ARCHITECTURAL STRUCTURES, Marco and Wind
are to the side, next to a A GIANT MILLSTONE that runs
through a WOODEN TROUGH. Crane Master is behind them.
...Kung Fu is not something you
learn. It is a strength already
inside you. Here you learn how to
uncover it and how to use it. The
first lesson is the control of Chi;
the method is the stone.
Marco eyes the contraption suspiciously.
You must learn to pull it.
Impossible. It must weigh ten tons.
And what is ten tons? It is a
feather. Treat it as such.
The old man blows on the millstone. It moves, easily.
Open your mind, and anything is
Crane Master moves to another station and other Taoists.
That means get in the harness.
Marco looks at him, and slips into it, eyeing the wheat.
For bread?
Noodles. The chi needs to be fed.
Now feed it...
Marco pushes... goes nowhere.
I feel like a donkey. I guess they
have a lot of chi.
They do. And the mind to understand
it. Do you?
Marco looks at him again... smiles. He strains... but goes
nowhere, looks frustrated.
Start with the breath, draw it in
slowly. Channel the air through
your lungs and feel it
concentrating and gaining power in
your stomach. Then see the power
shooting through your legs. Feel
your legs anchoring to the center
of the Earth...
Marco leans into it, with everything he has. Wheel does not
ANGLE ON Water Maiden, standing to the side, and close to
No one pulls it the first time.
Wind... nods. He turns to go. Water Maiden follows. Then
they hear a CRUNCH!
They turn, staring. Marco is moving the wheel -- just a bit -
- but it is moving.
The two share a look, surprised, and maybe a little bit
Marco sits, legs crossed, writing in his notebook. CAMERA
swings around to reveal the page: A dragon on one side, a
drawing of the young woman, her face covered in a veil, on
the other, and all around, words--
Be sure you mention me. W-I-N-D.
Marco looks at him.
Why do they call you that?
My family was murdered when I was
four. I alone escaped...
A young Wind, starving, emaciated, knocks on the door.
...I had nowhere to go, so I came
here looking for a meal...
A powerfully built man, 40’s, dressed as a cook opens up.
...The cook said, ‘where did you
blow in from, Little One? Do you
have a name?’
He feeds the boy some noodles in the temple kitchen.
...I couldn’t answer. I had not
eaten anything for a week, so all I
could do was slurp my noodles. He
said, ‘your old name doesn’t
matter.’ Since you blew in like
the wind, you will be called Wind
from now on...
Marco is fascinated by his story.
...And so it was. I always wanted
to be like my name, to travel free
as the wind over the earth, to see
foreign lands and have great
adventures. Like yours.
And the cook became Crane Master.
More than that. He became a father
to me.
...You’re lucky.
Your father doesn’t love you.
I didn’t know him until I was
fifteen. He doesn’t understand me.
Then make him understand you.
A half dozen straw men arrayed around the yard. One IGNITES
in a FIREBALL! Another, a third. Flames ROARING!
ANOTHER ANGLE to include Piper Chu, across the courtyard,
rubbing his flute like a FIRE STICK creating molecular
friction. A FIREBALL emanates, engulfing the remaining straw
And suddenly, the flames of one burning straw man are SNUFFED
Wind steps forward, hands and feet moving to a precise
cadence. A master of the FOURTH DIMENSION, he can STRETCH
TIME and DECONSTRUCT SPACE! The result is a control of air --
this man can pass like a gentle breeze, or crush like a
The wind pushes against a rope structure, shaking them. We *
follow it up, twenty feet, to Marco, balancing on the *
vibrating ropes, a bamboo staff in his hands. As he fights *
for balance, Water Maiden, also on the ropes, approaches. *
She has no weapon. But she doesn’t need one. Because she is *
a weapon. Her eyes are tight on Marco. He swings at her. *
She glides up, over the blow, then lands, her feet, wrapping *
around ropes for purchase. He fights for balance, *
recovering, just. *
You can do better than that.
Marco looks at her and attacks. She sidesteps the staff. A *
blow sends him reeling. He almost falls. *
Your body is soft!
When Marco regains balance Water Maiden’s stalking towards *
And your mind is weak!
Marco focuses on her. Attacks. Bamboo swings. She bends *
backward as it slices air millimeters above her head. Then, *
using only her feet, she swings under the rope, and comes *
back, behind Marco. *
You are unfocused! I cannot teach
you unless you chose to exist in
the moment!
(smarting, and through
gritted teeth)
Oh, I’m right here.
You’re not. Your mind is
Marco lunges at her. She BREAKS the bamboo staff in two,
grabs one end, and HITS Marco with it. He stumbles back. *
Tell me where?
She HITS him again, hard. Impact sends him reeling. He’s
trying to get his balance when she hits him again. Again! *
ANGLE ON Chu and Wind, watching as Marco’s beaten back, *
losing more balance with every blow. *
Then she grabs a rope, expertly wraps Marco up in it, and *
PULLS. His legs whipsaw and goes flying... until he hits the *
ground, hard. *
ANGLE ON Marco pulling himself up... and looking directly *
into the eyes of Water Maiden who’s hanging from the ropes, *
upside down, one foot wrapped around a rope for purchase. *
She flexes and the rope unravels. She drops silently to the *
earth in front of Marco. *
I cannot help you.
She drops the staff, turns and walks away. *
It’s a woman.
Typical. Does this woman have a
I don’t know.
Water Maiden, back to Marco, stops.
But she’s beautiful, and strong,
and there’s something about her...
...Have you ever looked into
someone else’s eyes and felt...
whole? Like suddenly, all your
questions have been answered, and
nothing can ever hurt you? When I
look at her, that’s how I feel. To
me, she is... perfection.
Close on Water Maiden. And in those eyes, emotion -- perhaps *
even a hint of jealousy.
...There’s no such thing.
Water Maiden walks away. Marco stares after her. Then his
eyes find the broken bamboo staff lying in the dirt. *
By the red glow of the bellowed COAL, the TAOIST FARRIER,
pulls out a THIN WHITE-HOT BLADE of forged STEEL. He tongs it
out and hammers it into an edged weapon.
ANOTHER ANGLE to include Marco, watching, his face
illuminated by the fire.
The Farrier drops the white hot blade into a stone urn.
Water STEAMS on contact. When he pulls the blade up, it
glistens in the light.
The Farrier offers the sword to Marco who bows... and takes
ANGLE ON Wind, taking in the blade.
I’ll need to make a handle. *
You won’t.
Marco looks at his friend who produces a small bundle wrapped
in silk.
Marco takes it, opens it to reveal an exquisitely crafted *
hand carved ivory sword-handle. *
(genuinely touched) *
You made this for me. *
I carved it. But the jade was *
another’s idea, and a gift. Use it *
well. *
Wind turns to go. *
A gift from whom? *
(walking away) *
Water Maiden. *
Hold on Marco, looking after his friend... then looking down *
at the ivory handle. *
Marco stands at the block, cutting vegetables. Behind him *
are bags of rice and flour, hanging strings of garlic, etc. *
He seems distracted as he works. His eyes move to the corner *
where his rapier, now with the handle mounted, leans on a *
wall. A beat and drops the kitchen knife. *
He walks to the sword, placing his hand on the ivory handle. *
He savors the feel, the precision, the craft... and he draws *
the sword. The blade glistens as light refracts off it. *
He SWINGS the sword. The blade sings as it slices through a *
string of garlic. Then Marco moves, cutting through *
vegetables, then bags of rice and flour. *
The effect is both beautiful and dangerous. *
Water Maiden, on a gabled roof, watches Marco in the kitchen. *
You like him, don’t you?
Piper Chu steps into frame, eyes on Marco.
Too bad. Because he’s going to
(not unkind)
You know this, sister.
Marco swings the sword. It seems to glow in the moonlight.
All I know is that we all die. The
art is in choosing how, and for
Niccolo enters. It is empty save Kublai Khan who is standing *
by a large globe. It spins. Niccolo bows. *
Do you know your future, Niccolo? *
I know what I would like it to be, *
sire. *
Wealth beyond measure? *
...Yes. *
Do you know what mine is?.. Power. *
Are they not the same? *
To you, perhaps. *
He stops the globe. His index finger is squarely on Western *
Europe. *
Walk with me. *
Kublai angles for a side door as Niccolo hurries after him. *
They walk, angling down a long hallway. Doors swing open to
reveal a courtyard. They step in to it. *
On one side is a THICK BRONZE TUBE anchored to the ground on *
a BASE. It is open at the FRONT END.
Across from it are a score of men, standing against a wall.
They kneel as the Khan appears. *
Khan angles for the bronze tube. Next to it are three GLASS
ALEMBICS, each filled with a different powder -- one white,
one yellow, and one black.
(to Niccolo) *
What do you see? *
...Powders, sire. *
I see the future. *
(turning his attention to *
the prisoners.) *
These... traitors did not. *
Khan lifts a burning brand and sets it against a fuse.
KABOOM! A huge barking explosion and the view is obscured
with BLACK SMOKE. When it clears, the men are... gone.
Niccolo tears his eyes from the wall, shaken, and focuses on
Kublai Khan who looks at him, hard. *
It is called Black Jade, and you *
will trade in it. *
Niccolo, confused, watches as the Khan walks away.
ANOTHER ANGLE to include Blue Lotus, watching from shadow.
Wind, Marco, Water Maiden and Piper Chu spar. Movements are *
fast and precise. PULL BACK to reveal that they are on a *
large STRUCTURE -- a cross between a BIRD’S NEST and a PLUM *
PETAL -- the four balancing as they move from spar to spar, *
rope to rope, in a three dimensional dance. Except if you *
fall, the ground is twenty feet down. Looks easy for Wind
and Water Maiden and Chu, but not so much for Marco. Chu
hits him. He stumbles. Wind catches him. A brief exchange:
You must think in three dimensions:
height, width and... depth.
He helps Marco up, then OPEN PALMS Marco who DROPS TEN FEET
straddling a rail, crushing his balls. His eyes implode.
Chu shakes his head in disgust.
You cannot practice the art of
evasion by evading pain. Now shake
it off and come back up here.
Wincing, Marco re-climbs to Wind as Chu and Water Maiden
Try again...
Again they spar but this time Marco launches a wicked HOOK
KICK that sends Wind banging all the way to the bottom. Marco
kips back to his feet, using the rope (like Water Maiden did) *
for purchase as Piper Chu leaps towards him. The two engage, *
fast. Chu swings and Marco ducks, leg sweeping Chu who
falls. Then Water Maiden is there. The two exchange blows,
and for the first time, Marco holds his own. They’re close
now, arms moving fast, striking and blocking. Marco wraps
Water Maiden up.
Why the veil?
Perhaps I’m ugly.
She sweeps his feet out. He back-flips, landing easily, eyes
on her. They reengage, moving from spar to spar, like very
dangerous acrobats.
Must be. Or maybe its something
You don’t know me, Marco.
I know enough to know when
someone’s hiding.
And who do you think I’m hiding
She coils and strikes. Anticipating a swing, he slides back,
using Water Maiden’s own leverage to THROW her over. She
spins mid air, and lands like a cat, eyes on Marco, the last
man standing.
The three Taoists share a look. Wind starts to laugh and Chu
nods. Water Maiden just stares at Marco for a beat, then
walks away.
Marco drops down between Wind and Chu, eyes on Water Maiden
who mounts her horse and spurs it, angling for the gates.
Piper Chu reads him, or at least thinks he does. *
I know what you’re thinking,
You don’t.
You can’t catch her. Go back to
your noodles--
--And Marco starts to run, cutting through a side gate,
angling for the tree line, shadowing Water Maiden as she
gallops into the forest.
Wind and Chu exchange a look. Chu holds out a purse heavy
with coin.
If he finds her, five to one he’s a
dead man.
I won’t take that bet.
Whipping through the black bamboo, Marco does his best to
keep up with the sound of hooves ahead.
The forest is now lit only by moonlight. Marco climbs the
relentless mountain tracing the source of the thunderous
The low thunder has become a ROAR as Marco clears a vantage
of a high ridge. He stealthily shoulders to the edge. Down
below is a sight that will stay with him forever.
HIS P.O.V: Water Maiden bathes in the POOL below a
WATERFALL. Her NAKED BACK to him, she luxuriates in the
falling water. He cannot see her face but her form is so well-
shaped, her strong shoulders flowing to her perfect waist, it
is nearly enough.
Using her hands in mysterious ways, SHE RAISES AND SHAPES THE
She dismisses the forms and they fall apart back in the pool.
When she sinks under the water, Marco moves closer.
The woman emerges and turns, her long, wet hair covering the
protuberance of her breasts. Marco stares, a thousand
emotions coursing through his mind and body.
The Magistrate leans forward on his stool, captivated.
Guards behind him are silent. Rustichello sits, quill
suspended, waiting...
...Even today, married as I am,
father of three beautiful girls, I
still dream of her. My youth was
consumed by her and a man’s youth
is the land unto which he hungers
to return.
I have never known such a love, I
regret to say.
Count yourself lucky, for as it
turned out, there was much pain
that came of it...
Water Maiden/Kokochin stares at Marco for a beat, then she *
moves! Water rises up, obscuring vision... and she explodes *
out of it, fully clothed, sword in hand, and heading directly *
at Marco. *
He rolls, his blade flashing as hers impacts it. Sparks fly. *
How long have you known?
I didn’t. Until tonight. *
She attacks and he defends. It’s fast and deadly, but *
there’s something beautiful about it, sensual almost, and *
surprising. Marco matches her, blow for blow, his technique *
a mix of Western and Yuan fighting styles. *
They get close, swords sliding down one another, sparks *
flowing off the folded steel, cascading over their arms and *
torsos. *
Why didn’t you tell me?
Because it was not important.
It is to me.
Because it would not make a
She attacks and he defends.
You don’t know that.
I do. And because you didn’t need
to know. *
Then what do I need to know? *
Closing on him with a series of vicious strikes that he *
parries and blocks, just. *
That I am here only because the
Great Khan wanted me to watch over
I am deeply touched by his concern,
but-- *
She swings and he dives, rolling away. *
Don’t be. He has plans for you.
She launches herself at Marco. He stands his ground. Last *
moment, he pivots, grabbing her, wrapping her up. They’re *
close now, very close. *
...They can wait.
She looks into his eyes...
You’re not in love with me, Marco
you’re in love with a Princess who
doesn’t exist.
You’re wrong. When I said she was
“perfection,” I wasn’t talking
about Kokochin. I was talking
about the woman who saved my life.
A beat as emotion courses over Kokochin/Water Maiden’s
Water Maiden is not real. She is *
as much an illusion as Kokochin. *
She’s real to me. You are real to *
me. *
Do you know what I am? *
The woman I love-- *
A princess of the Great Yuan! I *
was born to serve a purpose greater *
than my own. Whatever fire burns *
in your heart for me, Marco, put it *
out. *
And if I can’t? *
For a moment, something softens in her. But just for a *
moment. *
You will live your life in search *
of something you can never have, *
and that is no life at all. *
And in that moment, we realize that Kokochin is talking about *
herself. *
(resigned) *
Water Maiden and Kokochin are *
servants of The Great Yuan, and *
that is all they will ever be. *
She flexes and chi-energy pulses from her body. The force *
drives Marco back. He lands, hard. When he looks up, she’s *
The structure is like a weapon, foreboding and dark. There
are THREE DRAWBRIDGES now resettling over a MOAT BELOW thick
with KRAITS, one of the world’s most VENOMOUS SNAKES.
The room is made of STEEL. Dominating it is a GIANT FOO DOG
(half lion, half dog) cleverly made from WOVEN STEEL MESH
over SCULPTED LEATHER. The life-like effect is unsettling.
And right now, its black and dead eyes are on a hooded
To protect me.
The figure turns to reveal Blue Lotus. Baron Toba is across
the room.
From evil spirits, Baron?
From everything. Some tea?
She... smiles. It’s radiant. Nods.
The Baron claps his hands twice and an AUTOMATON SERVANT
shuffles forward bearing a TRAY loaded with TEA FIXINGS.
Very clever.
Simple mechanical tricks. I have
made a life-long study of how
things connect.
Then we have much in common, you
and I. I connected with Prince
Yan. He will do as you require.
Toba pours the tea.
I never doubted it. Or you. But *
that’s not why you’re here.
No. The Khan’s mind is failing.
And that is news?
No. But the fact that he has
offered the Polos Black Jade is.
Toba focuses on Blue Lotus.
He would destroy us all.
But you will save us by destroying
A beat, then:
I thank you for your help.
I help you because of your promise
to help me. We are in this
And you can rest assured, when the
time comes, I will guide your son
right onto the Khan’s throne.
Blue Lotus nods.
And what of Yan?
Once the Khan is dead,
incriminating evidence will be
found in Prince Yan’s possession.
It will point to a plot between
him, the Polos, and the Black Crane
Temple. The people will turn on
him for justice, and then the army
will turn to me for leadership.
Blue Lotus studies Toba, then she bows her head in respect.
Must get back to Shangtu before I’m
missed. The Khan has four wives, a
thousand concubines but only one
There’s just one of you in all the
You are too kind.
She bows and leaves. Clearly neither trusts the other.
Blue Lotus, robes flowing, sweeps by, towards a main door. *
As she passes a side corridor, she cuts left. We go with *
her, moving down the corridor. A door looms. She tries it. *
Locked. She pulls a hairpin from her hair and picks the *
lock. It clicks open. She pushes the door open and steps *
into: *
Models of machines, chemicals, diagrams, scrolls. Quickly, *
she moves to the scrolls, rifling them, searching... *
Footfalls outside. She turns to the door. *
ANGLE ON Baron Toba, entering. Blue Lotus is... gone. He *
moves to the scrolls, grabs one, and rolls it out on the *
desk. *
We catch a glimpse. It looks like a ship of some sort, with *
large sails... *
Toba tenses. Over his shoulder, in the corner, ten feet off *
the floor, pinned to the wall, is Blue Lotus. As he turns, *
she moves for a high window, silk rustling behind her. When *
he focuses, all he sees is the open window. *
CLOSE ON Toba, unreadable... *
Gyrfalcons coo. The Great Khan studies them. Princess
Kokochin stands a few yards away.
Power has an allure few can resist.
The older I get, the more plotters
meet in the night. It was this way
for my father and for my
grandfather Genghis...
Do you know who they are, father?
Tell me.
Everyone... There are no such
things as friends for you and I,
Kokochin. There are only future
enemies. Such is the nature of
being a ruler... What is the
report on Young Polo?
Kokochin studies her father for a beat, then:
His chi is strong but his mind
seems to be focused on everything
at once.
You are drawn to him.
As he is drawn to you.
He is nothing, father. He lacks
concentration, poise, and skill.
He is a stranger in a strange land,
yes, but he has much potential.
Everything rides on his reaching
You give him too much importance.
And you, not enough. Marco is the
key to the West. He is the first
Westerner who truly has an
affection for our culture. He will
be the first one back to promote
our ways. Europe is our last
frontier and I would rather conquer
it with ideas than with armies.
If you live.
Worried for The Great Yuan,
I’m worried for my father.
Kublai looks at his daughter. Real affection there. And
from her, real concern.
Marco will not save you from the
No. That burden falls to me... and
to you.
You will marry Prince Yan. And we
will make him an ally.
No!... Please, don’t ask that.
I am not asking.
(stone cold)
...If my mother were alive, she
would stop you.
If your mother were alive, she’d be
the first to agree with me. She
always took the largest view of all
A daughter for an army. Is that it?
Is that what I’m worth?
To me, you are worth a thousand
Yans; a thousand armies. But for
our Dynasty, this is the price you
must pay.
Marco and Wind are preparing dinner. Marco is pounding and
stretching NOODLE DOUGH. He slaps it on the MARBLE COUNTER
silted with flour. The dough separates into MANY STRANDS.
You hit that any harder, it’ll cry.
Let it.
Anything you want to talk about?
Emotions are like sounds, Marco.
You can feel them if you listen.
And I feel yours.
Marco throws the NOODLE STRANDS at Wind like Spiderman throws
his silk. The noodles wrap around his friend’s FACE like
LITTLE BOLOS. He snaps Wind back.
Tennger! What are you doing?
He peels back the noodles so he can see.
Inventing Noodle Fu, I guess. And
telling you to shut up.
Wind’s anger dissolves with a good belly laugh.
First it’s Fencing Fu, now Noodle
Fu. You are very inventive. And
Water Maiden enters.
Crane Master wants us right now.
Wind nods, angling out. Water Maiden turns to follow. Marco
puts a hand on her arm. She stops, eyes on him.
My name is Water Maiden. It will
always be Water Maiden to you. Do
you understand, Marco?
A beat and... he nods. She pulls away.
Behind Crane Master’s quarters is a lovely COURTYARD. A
MOUNTAIN STREAM has been diverted into small FALLS that run
the surface. Crane Master snatches a cup and hands it to
Marco. Wind, Water Maiden flank him while Piper Chu plays a
beautiful melody.
Don’t sip your tea just yet, Marco.
Look inside the cup. Is the tea
Yes, Master.
Tilt the cup without spilling.
(Marco does so)
Is it tilted?
No, Master, it is still level.
Just so. Your body is a cup. The
tea is your chi. No matter where
your body is, your heart must be
calm and your chi level. Tea is
water. How does water attack rock?
Marco looks at the STONES under the waterfall, some smooth,
some jagged with cracks.
In the seams.
Exactly. The enemy makes mistakes.
Those are his seams. You fill his
seams with your kung fu and you
will defeat him.
Marco finally understands. The others sip their tea.
We are going hunting, so prepare
Hunting for what, Master?
...How can we defeat a dragon,
We are the five elements: I am
(to Chu)
Chu is fire...
(to Water Maiden)
(to Wind)
(to Marco)
And Earth... like your sword...
How can we not?
Crane Master rises, and turns towards his small abode.
As the Four Elements leave, Blue Lotus emerges from Crane
Master’s home. She and Crane Master exchange somber looks. *
The Baron is infinite in his *
cleverness, and I fear for my *
Khan’s life. Kublai must *
understand Toba’s weapon, and his *
plan, so that he might defend *
against it. *
Crane Master... nods. *
The structure, dark and forboding, rises up out of the
mountain itself.
PULL BACK TO the five elements, standing in silence, watching *
it. Three pull away. Marco and Water Maiden remain. A *
beat. *
You should go home. *
This is home. *
(focusing on him) *
Who are you? *
You know who I am. *
No. Why are you here? What do you *
want? *
...Freedom. *
What does that mean? *
A beat. *
Where I come from, freedom isn’t *
real. If you don’t believe in one *
religion or one leader, you can be *
silenced, imprisoned, or even put *
to death. You, your father, all of *
you, have built something here, *
something better: An idea that men *
can be free to follow their hearts *
and their minds. It’s an idea *
worth fighting for. *
And is it worth dying for? *
...Yes. *
She looks at him. Dead serious: *
Tonight, you might. *
She pulls away. *
Groping from one position to the next, BOW AND QUIVER strung
across his back, Crane Master leads Marco and Chu from hand
hold to hand hold towards the castle. In the moat, the
VENOMOUS WATER SNAKES become agitated. To fall is to die.
In the shadows, Wind parkours along the stonework high above
the castle entrance.
Water Maiden saunters over Bridge #2 like a maiden on a
stroll. Bridge #1 is raised to prevent access.
Who are you? Stop where you are!
Guard #2 nocks an arrow in his bow and aims, an easy shot.
From POUCHES on each hip, she pulls TWO THROWING KNIVES and
hurls them full-force, NOT AT THE GUARDS, BUT AT THE WOODEN
LINTEL ABOVE THEM. Ka-chunk! They embed up to the hilts. The
ARCHER FIRES! The arrow streaks at her chest. She SLOWS DOWN
TIME and plucks it out of the air and breaks it in half.
From above, UPSIDE DOWN, Wind drops like a stone. He breaks
his fall by grabbing THE EMBEDDED KNIFE HILTS. In one motion,
he flips over, dislodges the knives and plants both right
through the guards’ throats. He lowers bridge #1. All five
reunite and enter the castle, passing over the bodies. *
There, a DOZEN GUARDS form a counterattack. His hands in
MOTION BLUR, Crane Master dispatches the vanguard with
unerring arrows but soon, ALL ARE ENGAGED HAND-TO-HAND.
Wind dispatches a guard with his knife thrown so hard it
embeds the guard in the wall. He spins and STRETCHES to and
retrieve it in time to IMPALE TWO CHARGING GUARDS, one with
each hand. He evades THREE OTHERS but they are on him with
Water Maiden fights her attackers with DOUBLE SWORDS. She
mows through them like a SCYTHE THROUGH WHEAT.
Marco lays on with his FENCING FU. He parries away a SPEAR
and LEAPS clear over the guard, then RUNS HIM THROUGH with
his RAPIER. He collides with one of WIND’S ASSAILANTS and
dispatches him with a fast kick/palm strike. His SPEAR flips
in the air. Marco catches it, spins and jams it into a guy
twice his size.
Piper Chu sits it out, playing his flute.
You waiting for an invitation?
Chu smirks and sees a guard attacking Marco from his blind
side. He whips his flute and KNOCKS HIM BACK with a BLAST OF
SOUND WAVES. He collides with Water Maiden who runs him
through without looking at him.
(to Marco) *
You owe me. I’ll collect later. *
And Marco THROWS his sword at Chu. It sails just over his *
shoulder, eviscerating a Guard who was attacking from behind. *
You just did. *
Chu stares at him... At their feet are the guards, all dead. *
And one gets up and RUNS for a SIDE CORRIDOR tangled with *
stacks of DISCARDED FURNITURE. Crane Master draws his bow,
but an arrow shot through the MAZE OF STUFF seems impossible.
In PHOTO-SONIC SLO-MO, the CAMERA tails the arrow as it
grazes ever so delicately off DIFFERENT SURFACES redirecting
its flight up, down, right, left threading a complex needle.
The guard is ALMOST TO THE CORNER, about to scream his
warning. He ducks low behind a tangle of CHAIR LEGS. Like a
PINBALL, the arrow knocks side to side through the obstacles
and slams into the guards skull. He has been silenced.
The 5 have taken out 12 men in less than 60 seconds. *
Toba stares down at schematics. Black Tiger enters. *
We have visitors.
Black Crane Temple.
...Introduce them to the Foo Dog. *
Black Tiger bows, and exits. We hold on Toba...
Crane Master, Marco and the others move down the long
corridor. Movement ahead -- SOLDIERS. As the men see them, *
they retreat. *
The five elements turn a corner. More SOLDIERS... who *
retreat. The five move forward. They turn a corner. A *
large steel door looms ahead. *
A beat and Water Maiden leans into it. It swings open to *
The five enter. The room is empty save the Foo Dog statue *
resting in the center, its black eyes staring, impassive. *
The five look at each other for a beat, wondering where the *
Soldiers went. *
It’s an honor, Crane Master. *
Everyone tenses as they turn to take in Toba standing by an *
identical door on the other side of the room. Black Tiger is *
just to his left. *
Baron Toba. Black Tiger. *
Baron Toba bows, ever so slightly. Black Tiger does not. *
His hard eyes are locked on Crane Master. These men have a *
history, and it’s not good. *
CLOSE ON Marco, focusing on Toba. FLASH to his memory: *
Know this: on the fifteenth of the
first month, a fiery dragon will
burn through Heaven--
--Two men, speaking. Their faces coming into the light to
reveal Prince Yan and Baron Toba.
It’s a trap, Master. *
Yes. But from where? *
Where we least expect it. *
(focusing on Toba) *
You are like a brother to the Khan, *
Baron. *
As he is to me. *
Then it is not too late to stop *
this madness. *
I’m afraid it is. We are no longer *
children, and this is not a game. *
Know that I take no pleasure in his *
end. I do what I do not out of *
hate, but for love. *
Murder is not love. *
You’re a good man, Crane Master, *
but simple. In death there is *
rebirth, and his death will bring *
new life to the Great Yuan. *
And what of your death, Toba? *
Her body is tense, her senses locked on Toba, eyes tight on *
him, every fibre of her being preparing for what is to come. *
She’s going to kill this man. *
My death, like my life, will be *
meaningless unless I protect this *
empire-- *
Water Maiden’s arms flash! Two knives sail through the air, *
rotating, heading for Toba. *
Black Snake answers in kind -- blades sail, and meet in the *
center of the room, sparking, and CLATTERING to the floor.
Then Crane Master MOVES, gliding forward, angling for Toba. *
Black Tiger, a blur, impacts him. Moves are fast and hard. *
Good bye, Crane Master. *
He bows, turns, and walks out. Black Tiger strikes at Crane *
Master, who blocks him. A blow sends Black Tiger spinning *
away. He lands, cat-like, eyes on Crane Master... then pulls *
away, following Toba. Door starts to close behind them. *
Simultaneously, the door through which the five entered *
starts to close! *
Marco and Water Maiden and Wind MOVE, sprinting for the door
Toba went through. Same moment, Chu moves for the one they *
came through. *
The door in front of Marco seals with a resounding THUD as *
the other seals, trapping the five in the room! *
Marco tries the door. No handle, no hinges, no nothing --
just solid steel. He looks back at the door they came
through. Also sealed, like it was never there. *
A rumbling sound echoes, like a series of pistons firing.
The four look around... nothing. Then steam pours out of
the Foo Dog’s joints and nostrils.
You know, I have a not so good
feeling about this.
And suddenly the Foo Dog’s black eyes are blood red.
What could possibly go wrong?
And things happen very fast--
-Razor-sharp BLADES POP OUT of the Foo Dog’s mane, shoulders,
and joints as the hindquarters telescope, raising it to a
full SIX FEET of mechanized mean--
--And it ATTACKS!
The five DIVE as steel claws DIG into the floor, tearing up *
tile. The thing SPINS, slicing at Marco who slides back,
evading, just. It LUNGES! He ducks and it SMASHES into the
steel wall, denting it.
He’s backing up and it CHARGES. Marco runs, cutting between
supporting beams. The Dog follows, back spikes tearing into
the pylons, ripping great gouges into them!
It SNAPS at him as he cuts between more pylons. One SHEERS.
Another. They fall and Marco dives.
The Foo Dog is almost on him when Crane Master hits it with a
flying kick -- enough force to kill a horse. The Dog tumbles
away, SMASHING into a wall, denting it, and pivoting to its
feet. It turns on him, snarling. Steam pours of its steely
maw to reveal rows of razor sharp teeth. A deep RUMBLE
emanates from somewhere deep down and as the five come *
together, back to the wall and no place to run. *
I wish it could end another way.
Marco focuses on the beast. Condensed water coats its *
joints, leaking out, onto the floor.
...It can.
(shaking his head)
We can’t outrun that thing, Marco,
and we can’t fight it. *
We don’t have to.
They look at Marco, unsure. Marco’s looking at the door
behind them, at the very faint seams where it sealed...
(echoing Crane Master)
How does water attack rock?
Water Maiden and others follow his gaze... *
(smiling just a bit, like
a proud father)
...In the seams.
Marco... nods, and Crane Master moves, fast, sprinting *
directly at the door! The Foo Dog LEAPS after him, closing *
the gap, fast. It’s maw is inches from Crane Master when he *
hits the wall, and RUN RIGHT UP IT, flipping back and over *
the Foo Dog as it SLAMS into and through the sealed doors and
into corridor beyond. *
It tries to turn, gets stuck for a moment. SHAKES its massive
head and masonry rains.
Quickly! *
Marco and Water Maiden, Wind and Chu run towards the back of *
the Foo dog. *
The five LEAP over the beast, sliding over it, and landing in *
the corridor as it starts to tear itself free. *
They run and the thing follows, ripping up the corridor as *
the five sprint, cutting down a perpendicular corridor, and *
then another. Stairs ahead. They take them. The Foo Dog, a
thousand pounds of metal-mean, is a beat behind, sliding
around corners, tearing up tile and smashing walls. *
Chu slips and falls. Marco turns, grabbing him, pulling him
away as the Foo Dog SNAPS.
Now you owe me! *
Crane Master spins, drawing two arrows from his quiver and
FIRES! Arrows arc, SMASHING into the thing’s eyes. It
rears, limbs flailing, smashing into the walls, talons arcing *
towards Marco! *
And Chu pushes him aside! Claws DIG in to Chuck, lifting him *
up and shaking him like a rag doll. *
He attacks, blade SLICING into the Foo Dog’s arms. Sparks *
fly as Marco SEVERS the thing’s paws. Chu falls and the dog *
rears, great maw open, exposing rows of teeth. As it lunges, *
Marco moves SLIDING under the dog, his blade splitting it’s *
torso. Water spills out, pooling -- a steam engine drives *
this beast!
The dog howls and spins, focusing its rage on Marco. *
Water Maiden, seeing the water, focuses her Chi. A pulse
emanates from her and the water becomes ice, rising up, into
the dog’s guts, and FREEZING.
The dog takes a step, stops as ice forms around it.
Crane Master focuses his Chi. The air ripples as a wall of
energy emanates from his palms, washing over the dog. The
effect is instantaneous and devastating. The frozen metal
SHATTERS, pieces raining down as the dog collapses into its
component parts, pistons firing and gears spinning.
The four stare down at Chu, sorrow creasing their features.
(to Marco) *
We’re even. *
Why? Why sacrifice yourself for *
me? *
Because I was wrong about you. You *
didn’t come to take, but to give... *
Don’t let them win, brother. *
And he’s gone. Marco closes his eyes. Kokochin stares at *
Marco... *
A sound of machinery echoes, close.
Another of these things?
...No, something worse.
Crane Master... nods, and turns to go. *
Piper Chu’s body, Master--
Is a shell, nothing more. We will
honor him through our actions.
He’s moving. Others peel off, one by one, and follow. As
they move, the sounds of machinery grow and with it, a glow
of fires. They pause at the corridor.
Below them is a vast WORKSPACE in which something monumental
is being constructed. Hundreds of SLAVES work under the eyes
of whip-cracking OVERSEERS. The Baron’s GUARDS patrol
everywhere, his GUNNERS man several BRONZE CANNONS.
It looks like they’re laying down
the ribbing of some sort of boat...
If that were a ship, it would be
too big for the river.
Marco’s locked on the “ship’s” prow. It resembles a great *
dragon head. *
(almost to himself) *
“...a fiery dragon...” *
Sound behind them. Water Maiden turns. There stands a 10 *
YEAR OLD SLAVE BOY, a yoke and buckets over his shoulders.
All freeze.
We are not here to hurt you... We
are here to help...
The boy lets out A PIERCING SCREAM. The GUARDS locate the
source and spot the INTRUDERS. A KLAXON sounds.
Time to go!
TWO CANNONS pivot, fuses lit. They thunder, their BALLS
shattering the ROCK WALLS above our TAOISTS. They run as the
guards fire a VOLLEY of fuse-ignited MUSKETS. The heroes rush
back the way they came as the space around them is shredded
A squad of SHOCK-TROOPS give chase, fuse-spiked CANNISTERS
hanging from their belts, PRIMITIVE HAND GRENADES.
Marco Polo Film 2015
Marco Polo Film 2015
Marco Polo Film 2015
Marco Polo Film 2015
Marco Polo Film 2015
Marco Polo Film 2015
Marco Polo Film 2015
Marco Polo Film 2015
Marco Polo Film 2015
Marco Polo Film 2015
Marco Polo Film 2015
Marco Polo Film 2015
Marco Polo Film 2015
Marco Polo Film 2015
Marco Polo Film 2015
Marco Polo Film 2015
Marco Polo Film 2015
Marco Polo Film 2015
Marco Polo Film 2015
Marco Polo Film 2015
Marco Polo Film 2015
Marco Polo Film 2015
Marco Polo Film 2015
Marco Polo Film 2015
Marco Polo Film 2015
Marco Polo Film 2015
Marco Polo Film 2015
Marco Polo Film 2015
Marco Polo Film 2015
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Marco Polo Film 2015
Marco Polo Film 2015
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Marco Polo Film 2015

  • 1. THE ADVENTURES OF MARCO POLO "CONSPIRACY" SCREENPLAY BY ROB COHEN Based on the SCREENPLAY BY FENGGE Revisions by Michael Finch DRAFT: December 28, 2014 A Paramount/China Film Group Corporation Production
  • 2. 1. FADE IN: EXT. GENOA, ITALY -- DAY A bustling port city. The CAMERA CRANES down to reveal an ENORMOUS FORTRESS into which PRISONERS are roughly herded chained neck and foot. They pass by gallows where nooses are placed around men’s necks A SUPER-TITLE reads: GENOA, ITALY 1298 A.D. INT. DUNGEON - DAY Dark and dank with high ceilings. Bands of natural light stream through barred windows. GUARDS are arrayed about. Four men hang from a makeshift gallows -- a beam with ropes tied to it. A HANGMAN, on the beam, lowers a noose to a SECOND who places it around a PRISONER’S neck who stands on a stool. The Second Hangman steps back, and KICKS the stool over. The Prisoner falls, gagging. ANGLE ON a cell where a man, 30’s balding and with a beard, fingers stained with ink, parchment stuffed in his pocket, stands at the bars, watching in fear and horror. This is RUSTICHELLO. He turns back to the cell. INT. CELL - DUNGEON - CONTINUOUS Small and fetid, the floor covered in rotting straw. And in the corner, a second man -- early 50’s, tall and lean, with dark hair and piercing eyes -- sits, back to the wall. In Italian, with subs: RUSTICHELLO Who are you? MAN (without looking up) ...Nobody. RUSTICHELLO I am Rustichello Da Pisa. I write. THUNK! The sound of another Prisoner dying. RUSTICHELLO (CONT’D) Or at least I used to. You have a name, friend? The man doesn’t respond.
  • 3. RUSTICHELLO (CONT’D) (tense and afraid) You must have a name. MAGISTRATE (V.O.) He has several. ANOTHER ANGLE to include THE MAGISTRATE. Sixty, tall and lean, with dark and dead eyes, he stands outside the cell, flanked by GUARDS. MAGISTRATE Don’t you, “Il Millione?” RUSTICHELLO (reacting) “Il Millone?” You are..? MAGISTRATE (English) Marco Polo. Door swings open and the Magistrate enters. All eyes track him as a Guard places a stool down for him. He sits, shifting his robes, just so as the Guard exits, closing the door behind him. The Magistrate’s eyes bore into Marco. [From this point on, conversations between Italian characters will be in English.] MAGISTRATE (CONT’D) Captured at the battle of Curzola by our glorious Genovese navy. I am Allesandro Dominico Calliari. MARCO The hanging judge. MAGISTRATE ...Some call me such. But I only hang the guilty. After a fair trial. MARCO And how many men have you fairly tried, Master Calliari? MAGISTRATE Four hundred and seven. MARCO And how many swung? MAGISTRATE ...All. Rustichello cringes. Marco does not. 2
  • 4. MAGISTRATE (CONT’D) There’s much evil in this world, sir. MARCO If you look hard enough. Beat as the Magistrate studies Marco. MAGISTRATE You’re an interesting man, Marco Polo. When I approach, most men profess their innocence. They... beg. But you’re not like most men, are you? Marco takes in the Magistrate, but does not respond. MAGISTRATE (CONT’D) Is it true? What they say? MARCO Depends on what they say, hangman. MAGISTRATE That you’ve been to the ends of the earth? MARCO ...No. The beginning. The Magistrate... smiles. It’s not nice. MAGISTRATE I don’t believe in dragons, or magic, or in a wall a thousand miles long. MARCO Then you will die as you lived: in ignorance. Marco turns away. MAGISTRATE Then enlighten me. Convince me of my ignorance, and free me of it. Marco looks back at the Magistrate. MAGISTRATE (CONT’D) I am an... educated man, sir; well read, but poorly traveled. Unlike you. My days of adventure are past, like my youth. I would see the world through your eyes. Tell me your story. 3
  • 5. MARCO My story?... You wouldn’t believe my story. MAGISTRATE Humor me. MARCO Why should I? MAGISTRATE Because your life depends upon it. Make me believe, and I will let you live. Marco’s eyes burn into the Magistrate. As CAMERA closes on his face, the beginning of a small smile creases his features. EXT. VENICE, ITALY - AERIAL -- DAY Establishing the bustling city, center of European commerce, and the epicenter of trade with Turkey, the Levant, and soon, The Great Yuan. It’s a wintry day. The wind blows and gondolas slap at their moorings as traders and citizens go about their business. A PAPAL BARGE is moored on the GRAND CANAL. A SUPER TITLE ANNOUNCES: “VENICE, ITALY - 27 YEARS EARLIER.” And a FIGURE hurtles by! EXT. ALLEY - VENICE - DAY As the figure looks back, we get a glimpse of him. At seventeen, MARCO POLO is dark and lean and strong. But it’s not his appearance that grabs us, its his eyes. There’s an intelligence to them, and an intensity that speaks to a complicated mind unsatisfied by the ordinary. They are the eyes of a young man who will become a trader, a traveller, and a warrior. But that’s later. Right now, he’s running. For his life. Three seconds later and a MAN in a uniform cuts into frame. He’s followed by a SECOND and THIRD -- the Doge’s GUARDS. Marco turns down another alley, sprinting. A FOURTH Guard appears in front of him, sword drawn. He swings the blade at Marco who RIPSLIDES between his legs, punching him in the crotch. The man doubles over, dropping the blade. Marco grabs it as the other Guards are on him, swinging at him. 4
  • 6. He parries, just, sliding back -- this kid is fast and though * his technique is unrefined, he has undeniable potential with * a bladed. * He engages, sliding to the side, his blade moving with speed as it sparks off the guards’ steel. He topples a barrel, wheeling around. And as he moves, a sense that he might be just a little bit drunk. A Guard lunges. Marco sidesteps the attack and STABS the man in the foot. He drops, screaming. Two others charge and Marco slips between. They SMASH into each other. When they look up, Marco is disappearing around a corner at speed. EXT. STREET - VENICE - DAY Marco runs for a high wall... and climbs right over it, dropping into: INT. COURTYARD - CASA DE POLO - VENCE - DAY A house looms. He runs into it. INT. GREAT ROOM - CASA DE POLO - CONTINUOUS Marco pushes in and freezes as two sets of eyes lock on him. They belong to NICCOLO POLO, 40s, Marco’s father, tough and hardened, and CARDINAL GIUSEPPE LARDERA, the Pope’s envoy, hard in a different, and perhaps more dangerous way. Marco nods to his father, and half bows to the Cardinal: MARCO Father. Cardinal? NICCOLO (to the Cardinal, and by way of introduction) Cardinal Lardera, my son, Marco. (eyes on Marco) Who apparently has been drinking. The Cardinal studies Marco for a beat, then: CARDINAL LARDERA Will the boy accompany you? Niccolo, reacting to a commotion outside -- shouts, the sound of steel and leather -- glances out the window, sees armed men on the street, searching with purpose. He shifts his gaze to his son, reading the younger man, his stress. A beat, then: 5
  • 7. NICCOLO Yes. MARCO (distracted) What? CARDINAL LARDERA When do you leave? NICCOLO Today. Cardinal Lardera takes in Niccolo and Marco. A beat, then: CARDINAL LARDERA Take care, Niccolo. The Mongols are the greatest military power the world has ever known. They have conquered all who stood before them, and now mass at the gates of Europe. Open their empire to trade, and make them allies, not enemies. Niccolo nods. The Cardinal exits. Niccolo turns on his son: NICCOLO What is it this time? MARCO Who, father. NICCOLO The Doge’s daughter? Good Christ, Marco. Did you? MARCO I didn’t get the chance. Niccolo grabs a well worn scabbard, home to a Venetian sword, from the wall. Marco stares, unsure. NICCOLO Come. MARCO Where are we going? NICCOLO (simply) East. MARCO East? How far ‘east?’ 6
  • 8. NICCOLO As far as we can go: We are to be the Pope’s envoys to the court of Kubai Khan. There we will forge relationships and negotiate trade agreements. Marco stares at his father, speechless. Then: MARCO No. NICCOLO You were not yet born when last I journeyed to Cathay, and fifteen before I ever met you. I won’t leave you again. Niccolo walks out. Marco stares after him as his world implodes. EXT. AMID-SHIP - DAY A THREE-MASTED CARAVEL prows into the Mediterranean. A glum Marco, just a bit green, stands with his father watching Venice recede. NICCOLO One day you will thank me. MARCO She’ll never wait for me. NICCOLO Listen, my son, Cathay is rich beyond words. There we will make our fortune and girls will be begging to marry a rich man like you. Even a Doge’s daughter. MARCO I was so close... NICCOLO By the time we reach Shangtu, Marco, I promise you you’ll be an old hand at women. * Marco looks at his father... and vomits over the rail. OVER CREDITS: A living map of the known world, a mix of the mystical and the real... pushing across a vast ocean... to Jerusalem... by a caravan crossing high mountains. Marco rides, watching as two native guides speak, learning the * language... zooming over a vast wasteland... 7
  • 9. to an oasis where beautiful young women serve wine and melons, one making eye contact with an older Marco. She speaks to him in a tongue we don’t understand... and he answers her. She puts a hand on his thigh. He stares at * her. She motions him to follow... Pushing to tent set on the * valley, the moon’s bright light backlighting the interior. * Inside, two forms writhe, making love... Pulling away, to a * valley where Marco, on a camel, studies a book filled with Mandarin text... He looks up, face covered in a sheen of sweat, at cloud formations. One is of a dragon. He stares... and slides off the camel. His father is there, concern creasing his features, staring at his son’s feverish eyes as the pages of the book flip in the wind. Marco’s hand reaches for the book as we PUSH in on his eyes... And PULL OUT to: EXT. TAKLAMAKAN DESERT - DAY Marco’s eyes are clear. He’s a year older and a wispy beard frames his sunbaked features. He and Niccolo, with a few camels and retainers, are in an endless desert. Their isolation, vulnerability, and insignificance is overwhelming. They are covered in a fine silt and almost unrecognizable. Marco turns his head and hears SPECTRAL VOICES all around him. There’s horrible thumping and the cacophony to CYMBALS, FLUTES and DRUMS. MARCO (V.O.) ...Two and a half years into our journey we reached a placed called the Taklamakan desert. 600 miles of nothingness. Hell would have been more apt. ANGLE ON Marco, lips cracked and parched, fine silt covering his face. He is wide eyed, hallucinating from the stress and the dehydration. VOICES Marco... run, Marco. Run with us... Marco and his father exchange looks. And te voices are gone, replaced by the howling wind. Then the camels become nervous, difficult to control. A BLACK ROTO-TILLER IS ROLLING TOWARDS THEM. IT’S A SAND STORM! MARCO (V.O.) ...For it was home to monsters. Marco pulls his keffiyeh over his face as the storm hits. It is the stuff of nightmares. Their wagon is knocked over like a toy. 8
  • 10. Marco runs, half-blown, to the capsized wagon. All their trade goods scatter. EXT. DESERT -- NIGHT Like a tidal wave, it’s rolled over them and dissipated. The Polos are scattered picking up some of their goods. Marco finds a bolt of silk buried in the sands and picks it up. VOICES Marco, dance with us. Marco... He looks up. Heat shimmers off the desert floor. And in, an optical illusion: DUST FIGURES DANCING IN A RING, STARING AT HIM WITH THEIR EMPTY EYES. MARCO Go away! Watching from a low ridge is a MONGOL LIGHT CAVALRY SOLDIER(BUQA). He carries a BOW over his shoulder, a FULL QUIVER, a SCIMITAR and a long PIKE in hand. Even in this heat, he wears a round sable hat with ear flaps. His horse nickers. Marco looks up, blood draining fast. MARCO (CONT’D) ...You see them? See them dancing? Not understanding, the Mandarin gives a short whistle and TEN * OTHER SOLDIERS crest the ridge. MARCO (V.O.) (CONT’D) ...Starting then, my Mandarin * proved invaluable. His name was Buqa. Once he saw our ‘paiza’ our pass of safe conduct from the Great Khan himself, his attitude changed. He and his men would escort us to Shangtu, the summer capital of Kublai Khan... EXT. LOP NUR BASIN - DAY The air thrums with unidentifiable sounds bouncing off the sandstone minarets. The caravan, flanked by Buqa and his men, is dwarfed by the landscape. MARCO (V.O.) ...The Lop Nur Basin was the most god-forsaken place I’ve ever been. Diabolic sounds and visions filled my days. The further East I went, the more magic swirled around me. It became a way of life. 9 (MORE)
  • 11. But, it was nothing compared to the magic I would come to know later... EXT. YAM STATION - DAY A simple inn set next to a corral filled with fresh horses. Buqa and his men saddle mounts. Marco tracks a Mongol * MESSENGER, galloping in, his lathered horse kicking up dust. * The Messenger slides off his spent mount, and takes another, * offered by a STABLE HAND. Without a word, the Messenger * mounts and rides. * MARCO What is this place? BUQA It is called a yam. They are every twenty-five miles. MARCO Why? BUQA The Khan rules half a world, Marco. He knows everything that happens in his kingdom. MARCO (peering after the * Messenger) * This is for information, then? BUQA And command. Buqa angles for another horse as a SECOND MESSENGER appears, * repeating the actions of the first. * MARCO Does he know we’re coming? BUQA Why do you think he sent me? (looking back at Marco) As I said, the Khan knows... everything. EXT. PRINCE YAN’S CASTLE -- NIGHT Massive and imposing, and right now drenched by a monsoon deluge. Below the fortress, the TENTS AND COOK FIRES of a MASSIVE ARMY ENCAMPMENT stretch across the valley. A PAIR of black-cloaked RIDERS gallop through the castle’s gates. 10 MARCO (V.O.) (CONT'D)
  • 12. As they pass, a shadow, high on the wall, moves. And deep within it, a pair of eyes, watching. BARON TOBA (V.O.) Heaven weeps for what we do. INT. LIBRARY - PRINCE YAN’S CASTLE -- CONTINUOUS Thousands of SCROLLS line the shelves, a COAL FIRE BURNS in the STONE BRAZIER, set in the room’s center. The castle’s master, PRINCE YAN, Chinese by birth, 30s, tall and lean with * the bearing of a military leader, watches as BARON TOBA, a * Mongol, 40s, compact, physically strong, intelligent, and * positively lethal, warms himself by the fire. * PRINCE YAN Let it. Kublai Khan has grown weak. He spends his days lying with concubines as the empire falls into chaos. We should strike now. BARON TOBA Why? Yan’s eyes move to a man standing to the side. He’s big and lean, with a scarred face. If the eyes are the window to the soul, his is already in hell -- BLACK TIGER. BLACK TIGER Polo returns. Toba looks at Black Tiger for a beat. Next to him is Toba’s riding companion -- a woman, early 30s, dressed in SCARLET, and radiating a physical power equalled by her beauty. BARON TOBA He is a merchant, nothing more. * PRINCE YAN A merchant who bring messages from his Pope. His purpose is to open The Great Yuan to the West. European traders will follow, and their armies after that. We must stop him before it’s too late. A RAT scurries across the shelves. In a blur, Red Snake snaps and a pulse of energy, shaped like a snake, extends from her sleeve. In a flash, it fangs the rodent and retracts it, squealing. And then the snake energy is gone, leaving the dead rat on the floor. RED SNAKE As quick as that... 11
  • 13. EXT. PRINCE YAN’S CASTLE - CONTINUOUS The BLACK-CLAD FIGURE scales the walls and roofs like a spider. On the first battlement, a patrolling GUARD passes. And Kun passes directly behind him, completely unnoticed. This is DRAGON KUN. INT. LIBRARY - PRINCE YAN’S CASTLE - NIGHT BARON TOBA ...I have a plan, but it needs you, my Prince. * PRINCE YAN What it needs, dear Baron, is my army. You ask me to pledge my life and that of 100,000 men. What do you pledge? BARON TOBA My ingenuity. Yan studies Toba for a moment. BARON TOBA (CONT’D) At this point, we must both work on trust. PRINCE YAN In matters such as these, there is no such thing as trust. BARON TOBA You’re wrong, Prince Yan. In matters such as these, there can only be trust. The BARON TOBA produces a dagger and SLICES HIS PALM. He holds his wrist out. Blood drips. Yan studies Toba for a beat, nods... and SLICES his own palm. They clasp hands and bleed together. BARON TOBA (CONT’D) Know this: on the fifteenth of the first month, a fiery dragon will burn through Heaven-- Behind them, something falls. A single drop of water! Red Snake moves, fast, hand extended, catching the drop in her palm. All eyes lock on her, then move up, to the shadowy roof. And there, the sense of something or someone. 12
  • 14. Red Snake’s arms move. Air compresses, and the shock wave ripples towards the fire. It ROARS, illuminating the library, and reveals Dragon Kun in the rafters. And things happen fast. Very fast. Black Tiger throws multiple knives as Dragon Kun leaps from the ceiling, feet landing light on the wall. He runs. Same instant, Black Tiger leaps, also landing on the wall, also running across it. They meet, defying gravity -- or at least moving so fast and so light that they seem to -- and they fight! Moves are fast and hard. This is speed and technique versus skill and power. Black Tiger swings. Dragon Kun dodges. With every blow, Black Tiger tears holes in the wall with feet and fists. Dragon Kun spins away, landing on the floor, catlike. He angles for a set of windows, but Red Snake is there. Blows are exchanged, fast and lethal. The air CRACKS with static. Dragon Kun palms Red Snake. She’s propelled back. Same instant, Black Tiger’s fist impacts Kun. The blow sends him rolling away. He comes up on one knee as the two killers close in. Kun’s hands move and a FLASHBANG detonates! SMOKE suffuses the area. Black Tiger and Red Snake spin as CRASH, glass shatters. Both LEAP through the broken window, on to: EXT. ROOFTOP - PRINCE YAN’S CASTLE - NIGHT The rain has slowed. Dragon Kun’s feet patter over slick clay shingles. Black Tiger and Red Snake land in front of him, and the three engage. It is almost beautiful -- a duel of masters, a dance of death. Dragon Kun parries a vicious Black Tiger attack. Red Snake’s kick sends him reeling. He lands on one knee-- --and slides back as an arrow WHOOSHES by. A dozen SOLDIERS are running along the roof, some with bows, some with swords and pikes. Dragon Kun clocks Black Tiger and Red Snake, closing fast. He DRIVES his palm onto the rooftop. The effect is dramatic and instantaneous -- a shock-wave of kinetic energy emanates from the impact-point. Roof rises and falls, tiles are hurled into the air! Black Tiger and Red Snake jump, over the wave. The Soldiers don’t. 13
  • 15. Men are blown back, some landing on the roof, others falling over the edge, screaming as they hurtle to their deaths. Dragon Kun runs, angling for a chimney set on the rooftop. He dives, head first. A beat and Black Tiger is there. He follows. INT. CHIMNEY - PRINCE YAN’S CASTLE - CONTINUOUS Kun slides down the narrow chute. He is wearing ASBESTOS CLOTHING with which he shields his face. (The Yuan Chinese were adept at weaving asbestos cloth.) He drops away, into darkness. A beat and Black Tiger follows, sliding. EXT. BLACK SMITH FORGE - PRINCE YAN’S CASTLE - MOMENTS LATER Kun emerges, rolling through the white hot coals, onto his feet, and sprinting into the courtyard as Black Tiger follows, his clothes burning! Without missing a beat, he ROLLS, putting out the flames, and follows. EXT. COURTYARD - PRINCE YAN’S CASTLE - CONTINUOUS SOLDIERS on horses, searching. Kun cuts between them. As he does, horses rear, throwing their riders. An OFFICER spins, searching for the man. And the man is on his horse! Officer tumbles away as Kun spurs the horse for the gates. OFFICER SEAL THE GATES! Gates drop as Kun gallops towards them. He hooks his stirrup and slips to the mare’s flanks. Man and horse slide under the gaate as it seals the pursuit inside. EXT. PARAPETS - PRINCE YAN’S CASTLE - CONTINUOUS Yan, Toba at his side, stares down at Kun, galloping away. PRINCE YAN Archers. A score of ARCHERS step forward, bows drawn, and aim. PRINCE YAN (CONT’D) Loose. 14
  • 16. They do. A fuselage arcs towards Kun. EXT. PRINCE YAN’S CASTLE - NIGHT Last second, Kun shifts in his saddle, weaving, avoiding the projectiles, and somersaults through the air landing BACKWARDS IN THE SADDLE. In his hands are the prior owner’s bow and arrows. Kun nocks an arrow in his bow firing quickly and with unerring accuracy, picking off the battlement archers at a terrible rate. EXT. PARAPETS - PRINCE YAN’S CASTLE - NIGHT ANGLE ON Red Snake walking towards the edge of the parapet. She takes an archer’s bow -- but not an arrow. She moves her hands and snake energy -- a dark and powerful form of Chi -- manifests, like heavy smoke. She pulls her hands apart to reveal a snake. The thing wraps around her naked wrist. She brings it to her face, whispering words we don’t hear, and the snake goes rigid. In one smooth motion, she notches the snake, as you would an arrow. Like a Zen Master, she draws and fires into blackness! A fresh burst of lightning illuminates the night. Kun is visible in the distance. And we are the snake/arrow, hurtling through the dark night, arcing. Below us, Kun, riding hard. EXT. FOREST - CONTINUOUS Kun senses the danger, looking back. The snake/arrow is almost on him. He shifts. It’s going to miss! And the snake lashes out, fangs digging into Kun’s shoulder! He PULLS it out, throwing it into the darkness. EXT. PARAPETS - PRINCE YAN’S CASTLE - CONTINUOUS Baron Toba steps forward. BARON TOBA How long? RED SNAKE A natural man would be dead already. 15
  • 17. PRINCE YAN (watching Kun disappear) So what does that make him, witch? RED SNAKE Black Crane Temple. Toba and Yan exchange a look. Whatever Black Crane is, it concerns them, and it means something to her. A beat. BARON TOBA (to Red Snake) Find him. EXT. FOREST - DAWN Dark and dense. Foliage moves. A mounted figure, dressed all in black, pushes through. It is Dragon Kun. His face is pale, his skin covered by a thin sheen of sweat. This man is dying. REVERSE to reveal a Yam station -- corral and inn. Kun spurs his horse. It trots towards the Yam. INT. MARCO’S ROOM - YAM - DAY * Marco sinks into a WOODEN BATH TUB. The experience is transcendent. Suddenly, KUN’S BODY comes crashing through his SKYLIGHT. Grabbing a LINEN CLOTH, Marco jumps up in shock. It’s the dying Kun. Marco rushes to his side. When Kun speaks, it is in Mandarin: KUN Who are you? MARCO (English) Marco Polo. KUN My lucky day. (wincing with pain) I find the one man in The Great Yuan who doesn’t speak Mandarin. He stumbles for the door. Marco, in Mandarin: MARCO You need help. Kun stops, turns, staring. From this point on, they will speak in English: 16
  • 18. KUN ...I’m already dead. MARCO I don’t understand. The wound is-- KUN Poisoned. Kun grabs Marco by the neck hard, chocking off another question. He drives him back, slamming him against the wall. KUN (CONT’D) Look into my eyes, boy. Marco shakes his head, trying to speak... and somehow his eyes are drawn to Kun’s. Something hypnotic about those eyes... Kun places his left hand on Marco’s right temple. KUN (CONT’D) Open your mind. MARCO (a hoarse croak) To what? KUN The truth. The Khan’s life is in danger. The Great Yuan is in danger. PUSH IN on Marco’s eyes, and as we do, images flash by, fast. They are Kun’s memories, relayed, as though by magic, into Marco’s mind, and played out via Kun’s POV, and backwards: --The Inn, seen from the forest. * --The snake lashing out at Kun, fangs grazing his arm. --Riding out of the castle courtyard as the gate drops. --Battling Black Tiger and Red Snake on the roof. --In the library. A voice: VOICE [BARON TABO] Know this: on the fifteenth of the first month, a fiery dragon will burn through Heaven-- --Two men, speaking. Their faces coming into the light-- SMASH back to the inn room before Marco clearly sees the conspirators’ faces! Kun’s back arches. He stumbles... and falls into Marco’s arms. KUN Tell him! 17
  • 19. And Kun’s body goes limp. Outside are heard the sounds of * HORSES CIRCLING the inn. EXT. INN COURTYARD -- CONTINUOUS Yan’s GUARDS invade the inn, lead by Black Tiger and Red Snake. BLACK TIGER Empty the inn! INT. MARCO’S ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Marco stares at Kun’s body, mind racing. Outside, footsteps pound up the stairs. A beat and Marco drags Kun’s body to a large wooden trunk, opens it, and slides the body inside. He closes it as the door opens and a Guard pushes in. MARCO What’s the trouble? GUARD No questions. Downstairs. Now. The guard looks around. Sees nothing amiss. EXT. THE COURTYARD -- CONTINUOUS Niccolo and others are herded into the open. BLACK TIGER We saw a criminal enter here. If you give us any information, we will give you a reward. RED SNAKE If you are hiding him, we will skin you alive and roll you in salt. These warnings are translated into a polyglot: Turkish, Persian, Mandarin, etc. The assassins circulate. * RED SNAKE (CONT’D) Why are you wet? Marco pretends not to understand. RED SNAKE (CONT'D) Hmm, soap. I like clean men. BUQA These men are under the Khan’s protection. 18
  • 20. RED SNAKE Too bad he’s not here to protect them, then. Buqa’s hand drops to his sword. His men follow suit. Suddenly, a dozen bows are on them. They freeze. Black Tiger levels a hard stare at Niccolo who remains stoic. BLACK TIGER You. What do you know? NICCOLO (guessing) My name is Niccolo Polo... Black Tiger pincers the pressure point in Niccolo’s neck. Niccolo, drops to his knees, eyes bulging. Marco lunges to stop it but gets a HYDRAULIC FLAT PALM STRIKE to his sternum. He drops in agony. RED SNAKE He’s given you the death fingers. Your heart will enlarge until it explodes. So talk! Marco rips back his shirt. His rib bones are BENT OUT with the tortured beating of his swelling heart. RED SNAKE (CONT’D) (strokes his brow) There, there... Just tell us what you know and we can make all that nasty pain go away... And suddenly, a breeze blows through the courtyard. Red Snake and Black Tiger turn, focusing on the entrance. And there, moving towards them is a dust devil. Inside it is a figure. The wind dissipates to reveal a LANKY MAN, early 20’s, all sinew and muscle, a small and ever present smile gracing his features, like he’s always laughing at a joke no one else heard. This is WIND. RED SNAKE (CONT’D) Wind. What a pleasure. WIND For you, perhaps. BLACK TIGER This doesn’t concern you. Wind glances at Marco, on the ground. 19
  • 21. WIND No. But the Khan’s business does. Black Tiger steps forward, balling his fists. Wind doesn’t react. And suddenly, the haunting notes of a BAMBOO FLUTE wash over us. From the opposite roof, casually walks another warrior, PIPER CHU playing his BAMBOO FLUTE. RED SNAKE And Piper Chu. Chu just... smiles at her. WIND His name was Dragon Kun. He was the best of us. RED SNAKE Perhaps he’s crawled into a hole and died. WIND If so, you’ll see him soon enough. Wind and Piper Chu flip into the courtyard-- Same instant, Buqa and his men move! Red Snake and Black Tiger tense, arms moving. A wave of energy SMASHES into Buqa and his men, sending them spinning back, smashing into the walls-- --as a martial arts battle unfolds using Kung Fu styles new and fresh. Through Marco’s excruciating perception, what he sees is only partly realistic. Niccolo examines Marco, sees his ribs cracking like drawbridges. Although Wind and Chu are brilliant martial artists, Red Snake and Black Tiger have a dozen Guards in the fight. Long odds. Until... A figure, hooded and veiled, only her beautiful eyes exposed, appears from shadow. This is WATER MAIDEN. She rolls between guards and attacks with a combination of moves, both beautiful and lethal. Impacts send Guards flying. They hit the wall so hard, their ARMOR SPLITS OPEN. Then she launches herself at Red Snake while Wind’s on Black Tiger. Chu uses his flute in a Wu Shu routine, so beautiful to watch so terrible to receive. He takes out last of the guards. 20
  • 22. The combination of Wind, Chu, and Water Maiden are too much for the assassins. They leap on their horses and escape. The martial arts battle has been won but the battle for Marco’s life is almost lost. INT. MARCO’S ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Niccolo, Buqa, Wind, Piper Chu, and Water Maiden carry Marco to his palette. His rib bones crack. He turns blue. Water Maiden looks at him, shakes her head. Marco’s eyes are on the large trunk. Wind follows his gaze, moves to it, opens it to reveal Kun’s body. WIND (off Marco) He chose not to speak. PIPER CHU And say what? Kun was dying. Could he have told the Westerner anything? WATER MAIDEN ...He didn’t have to. Off their looks. WIND Dragon Kun studied the old ways. He was adept at entering the mind of another. PIPER CHU Which means that-- WATER MAIDEN What Kun saw, the boy may know. Water Maiden produces a SILVER TUBE from her bodice. Inside are a series of exquisite NEEDLES. She moves to Marco, pushing torn linen aside to expose his chest, and expertly taps the needles in, quickly unblocking his meridians. NICCOLO What are you doing? WATER MAIDEN Probably nothing. But it is something. Marco’s CHEST RETRACTS as the bones re- set, as his heart shrinks. Through his feverish eyes, he has seen magic, and passes out, breathing deeply. Niccolo puts his ear to his chest, hears his son’s heart once again beating normally. 21
  • 23. Niccolo is amazed, the first time a Westerner has seen ACUPUNCTURE. NICCOLO What happens to my son? WATER MAIDEN It depends. NICCOLO On what? WATER MAIDEN His Chi. If it is strong, he will live. If it is weak, he will die. (to Buqa) Get them safely to the Khan. Marco watches as the Taoists walks towards courtyard center, his eyes locked on Water Maiden, robes flowing easily behind her. EXT. SHANGTU -- DAY The Polos’ caravan comes over a rise. Below them, SHANGTU (Xanadu), summer capital of Kublai Khan’s Yuan Empire, (220 miles north of modern-day Beijing), sprawls in splendor. Walled, it encompasses some 16 miles of palaces and park land. Marco, very much alive, stares down at the sight. MARCO Papa, down there is the future. NICCOLO No, down there is our fortune. INT. HALLWAY - THRONE ROOM The Polos wait in their BEST CLOTHES. Marco has shaved his beard and looks like a healthy, glowing young man. His eyes take in every detail. Niccolo confers with an older man, MASTER LOU, a scholar and translator. * NICCOLO (bowing in respect) Master Lou. MASTER LOU (returning the gesture) It’s good to see you again, Master Polo. The Great Khan has been anxious for your arrival. 22
  • 24. NICCOLO As have I. The sound of a staff striking the floor echoes and HUGE GOLDEN DOORS swing open. INT. THRONE ROOM -- MARBLE PALACE -- DAY The THRONE ROOM is immense. SCRIBES, SOLDIERS, and VARIOUS NOBLES stand in attendance. Seated on a RAISED DAIS, is a man of remarkable presence. His face is intelligent, his eyes cunning. This one man COMMANDS 50% OF THE KNOWN WORLD, the largest empire ever known, and radiates that fact with his entire being. The Polos approach the throne. To everyone’s amazement, Kublai descends to greet them. His words are translated from * Mandarin to English. * KUBLAI KHAN (Mandarin) Niccolo, welcome back to Shangtu. I had almost given up hope of seeing you again. But who is this you bring? MASTER LOU (English) I had almost given up hope of seeing you again... but who is this you bring? * NICCOLO (English) May I present my son, Marco. MASTER LOU (Mandarin) May I present my son, Marco. * KUBLAI KHAN (Mandarin) You have travelled far, Young Polo. MASTER LOU (English) You have travelled far-- * And Marco cuts Master Lou off, answering in fluent Mandarin: * MARCO Dreaming of this day, My Khan. It is a great honor to stand in your presence. Kublai stares at Marco for a beat, reading him, interested. KUBLAI KHAN (Mandarin) * You speak our language. That makes you the first Westerner to do so. (English now:) Why, I wonder? [From this point on, when Marco is in a scene, it will be in English. When he is not, the dialogue will be in Mandarin.] 23
  • 25. MARCO My father has talked endlessly about the glories of your culture. I could think of no better way to appreciate that culture than to understand it in your own tongue. KUBLAI KHAN Then help you understand it, we shall. At this moment, A REMARKABLE YOUNG BEAUTY (PRINCESS KOKOCHIN) enters the hall. All bow to her. KUBLAI KHAN (CONT’D) Ah, my daughter, Princess Kokochin. Meet Marco Polo and his father. MARCO It is an honor, indeed... The Princess is likewise surprised by his Mandarin. She and * her father exchange looks. KUBLAI KHAN I thank you all for the gifts and letters from your pope. Not many men could have survived such a journey. But merchants aren’t like other men, are they? Why is that, Young Polo? MARCO Greed, My Lord. Pure greed. Kublai rears back and laughs. The entire room does likewise. KUBLAI KHAN Yes, greed it is. Very amusing. (becomes more formal) I am having a small gathering tonight. A simple meal. I invite you Polos to attend... He remounts the dais. The audience is over. INT. BANQUET HALL - PALACE -- NIGHT Kublai’s idea of a small gathering is anything but. Hundreds line the hall. As always, Kublai is the sun of this solar system. The Princess sits on his right. The ‘simple meal’ consists of WILD BOAR, VENISON, RABBITS, and SQUIRRELS, CHEESE and YOGURT washed down with KOUMIS and TURKISH WINE. 24
  • 26. And to the Khan’s left sits none other than BARON TOBA demonstrating a SCALE MODEL of a new SIEGE ENGINE. He drops a small stone in the catapult and fires! The projectile is flung with such force, it shatters SEVERAL GOBLETS and beans a SERVER who is knocked out cold. Kublai is delighted by the design. KUBLAI KHAN You are the greatest of engineers, Baron Toba. Much of my empire has been acquired with your ingenuity. BARON TOBA Everything in your honor, My Khan. They look every bit the old friends they are. Among the honored guests sit the Polos. Though Niccolo hardly eats, Marco tries everything. Near them, CHEFS pound and stretch DOUGH into NOODLES. A passing SERVER carries a tray piled high with COOKED NOODLES covered with a meat sauce. As they are piled on their plates, Marco digs in, the noodles sliding off his ‘Kuaizi’ (chopsticks.) MARCO You’re not eating, father. NICCOLO White worms don’t agree with me. MARCO Better to experience than to judge. That is the only way, father, to know any culture. NICCOLO I’m not interested in culture, son, but in wealth. As you should be. ANGLE on a set of tables that are home to scores of Kublai’s FAVORITE COURTESANS. At the head sits BLUE LOTUS, slightly older than the rest, her LUMINOUS BEAUTY infused with WISDOM only making her more so. Sitting by her is her 14 YEAR OLD SON, BATAAR. ANGLE ON Blue Lotus and Bataar. BLUE LOTUS Watch the Baron. Always watch the Baron. Do you understand, Bataar? BATAAR Yes, mother. I know. 25
  • 27. Neither of them misses the currents swirling around. Their futures, their very lives depend on it. ANGLE ON the head table. Prince Yan approaches, with eyes only for Princess Kokochin. He hands her a ribboned SCROLL tied with a PERFECT ORCHID. PRINCE YAN For you, Princess Kokochin. A poem I wrote about you over many sleepless nights KOKOCHIN Such poems are usually untethered from any reality. PRINCE YAN Not in your case. KOKOCHIN Then I will read it and see if I can find any of myself within. PRINCE YAN I look forward to hearing the truth of what you think. KOKOCHIN Oh Prince, there is nothing so boring as the truth. Prince Yan bows to her and to Kublai. He and the Baron barely acknowledge each other. Marco watches Yan as he moves past the Baron. And suddenly, a FLASH -- Dragon Kun’s memory: --In the library. A voice: VOICE [BARON TABO] Know this: on the fifteenth of the first month, a fiery dragon will burn through Heaven-- --Two men, speaking. Their faces coming into the light, just visible in perspective now, but not quite recognizable... * Baron Toba and Prince Yan? ANGLE ON MARCO, staring, shaking his head. Then a SORCERER crosses between the men, hands moving, doing a trick as other MAGES pass by. WHEN KUBLAI’S GOBLET IS EMPTY, IT MAGICALLY REFILLS. Everyone regards this as normal. 26
  • 28. Kublai gets up and CLAPS A RHYTHM to his MUSICIANS. As the ruler of The Great Yuan, enamored of all things Chinese, he still honors his Mongolian roots like the BIYELGEE DANCE he begins. It’s full of FAST HAND MOVEMENTS and ATHLETIC MOVES. When he’s finished, the court goes wild. As he and the Princess withdraw, Marco pans the room. NICCOLO What are you looking for? MARCO The woman who saved me. NICCOLO Water Maiden. MARCO Have you seen her? NICCOLO She’s Black Crane Temple. Forget her. MARCO I can’t. I want to-- NICCOLO What you want is to keep as far away from her and her kind as possible. As easily as she saved your life, she can take it. Probably easier. A EUNUCH leans close to Marco. EUNUCH The Kahn wishes you to attend him. MARCO Right now? EUNUCH With matters concerning the Khan, the time is always right now. Marco looks to his father, stands. Niccolo puts a hand on Marco’s arm and leans into his son’s ear: NICCOLO Remember, Marco: we are here for trade and for wealth, nothing more. Marco looks at his father for a beat, then follows the Eunuch. As ‘Young Polo’ is lead out, all eyes watch him with the attention given to seismic events. ANGLE ON Baron Toba and Prince Yan, standing close. 27
  • 29. BARON TOBA The young Venetian is getting a private audience. A rapid rise in status to be sure. BARON TOBA (CONT’D) Ever since Kublai was a boy, it was always the shiny new toy that took his attention. But he gets bored easily and he would put the new toy down as fast as he raised it up. But Yan’s concentration is not on the Baron. IT’S ON BLUE LOTUS. The look is one of PURE LUST. ANGLE ON the Concubine Table where Blue Lotus meets the Prince’s stare with one of her own. The effect on him is electric. BLUE LOTUS Bataar, tell me what you see. * BATAAR You have been making eyes at Prince Yan... BLUE LOTUS What else? BATAAR The merchant’s son is having an audience with my father. BLUE LOTUS Correct. What else? BATAAR The Baron and the Prince are not happy about it. BLUE LOTUS Smart boy... The game of thrones has begun. INT. ANTECHAMBER - PALACE -- MOMENTS LATER The Eunuch pulls silk drapes back, and ushers Marco into a long corridor. An odd cooing sound emanates from all directions. Marco looks back. The eunuch is gone. A beat and Marco starts down the long hallway. He turns a corner. Racks of GYRFALCONS meet him. He stares at the impressive animals. 28
  • 30. KUBLAI KHAN (O.S.) I have learned much from these falcons. Marco turns, taking in the Khan. KUBLAI KHAN (CONT’D) They are swift and bold. And yet they are useful only when they are in action. Leaders must be the same: swift, bold, and in action. He stops, looking at a prized bird. KUBLAI KHAN (CONT’D) Do you know what the trap of empire is, Marco? MARCO ...No. KUBLAI KHAN You cannot hold it unless you expand it... and that is a never- ending cycle. (turning to Marco) Water Maiden tells me you had some trouble on the road, and that you faced death rather than betraying the trust of a man you never met. MARCO A man who served you, my Khan. KUBLAI KHAN ...And what did he tell you? MARCO That your life is in danger. And then he showed me words I did not hear: ‘On the fifteenth of the First Month, a fiery dragon will burn through Heaven.’ PRINCESS KOKOCHIN (O.S.) The fifteenth of the First Month can only mean the Lantern Festival... Marco turns, taking in Kokochin as she approaches, robes trailing. She radiates strength and beauty. PRINCESS KOKOCHIN (CONT’D) ...but that is still some months away. 29
  • 31. The Khan looks at his daughter, then at Marco, reading him like an open book. KUBLAI KHAN There are those amongst my people who believe that you and we are like oil and water; that we will never mix. They believe that all Westerners, like your father, come to The Great Yuan because they hunger for something -- jewels, silk, wealth in many forms -- whereas we hunger only to find meaning in a simple ideal. What do you hunger for, Young Polo? MARCO (eyes still on Kokochin) ...Knowledge. KUBLAI KHAN Be careful what you wish for... You survived the Death Fingers. Few have. Perhaps it was luck, or perhaps you have a greater purpose... Spend the time you have finding it. And the Khan walks away, leaving Marco and the Princess. Marco tracks the man, then looks back at her, all questions. MARCO What just happened? PRINCESS KOKOCHIN More than you can imagine. You passed the first test. MARCO First? PRINCESS KOKOCHIN Of many. The two who tried to kill you were assassins. They will try again. MARCO Why? PRINCESS KOKOCHIN Because you are a threat to their master. MARCO I didn’t see his face. 30
  • 32. PRINCESS KOKOCHIN Who he is, is not important. What he represents is: Isolation. You want to live, Polo, you’ll do as my father commands. She starts to move away. MARCO And what does he command? PRINCESS KOKOCHIN That you do the impossible... that you become Yuan. Hold on Marco, staring after her. Prominent in her hair is an exquisite jade pin with a crane on the end... EXT. THE GREAT WALL -- NIGHT Marco, on a fine mare, gallops down a paved road. Buqa is next to him, his squadron of Mongolian cavalry behind. To their right, seen by moonlight, the GREAT WALL. MARCO (V.O.) ...I was to learn that to become Yuan was not to embrace a way of life, but a state of being. My education began immediately. We rode through the night past a wall so great I was told it ran for thousands of miles... INT. CELL - DUNGEON - DAY Rustichello scribbles on his parchment. Beside him are a pile of sheets. The Magistrate leans forward, fixated, eyes locked on Marco, and his story. Behind him, two Guards stand at the bars, staring in, listening. MAGISTRATE ...You saw this with your own eyes? MARCO I did. MAGISTRATE (in wonder) Cities of millions? Goblets that fill themselves? (focusing on Marco, intense) Tell me about the dragons. 31
  • 33. MARCO In time. MAGISTRATE They’re real then? I knew it! And the magic. Where did you see it? MARCO ...Everywhere. The truth is, in The Great Yuan, there is magic in the people and in the sky and the water and the wind. To walk its roads and breath its air is to live with magic. MAGISTRATE It touched you? MARCO How could it not? MAGISTRATE And what of other men; men like me. Would it touch them, also? MARCO Do the sun’s rays touch a man when walks to his door, or rides his horse through green fields? The Magistrate stars at Marco for a long beat. Then: MAGISTRATE (tense) And what of religion? MARCO What of it? Kublai Khan granted freedom to all religions. For him, all were of equal merit. Is that not magical in and of itself? Magistrate checks behind him. MAGISTRATE Speak softly, Venetian. To say all religions are equal is heresy. They will burn you in Genoa just as fast as they will in Venice. MARCO I thought I was to be hanged. MAGISTRATE ...Not yet, I think. Continue. Please. 32
  • 34. Marco studies the Magistrate for a beat, then: MARCO The further I rode from Xanadu, the more magical things I saw, and the more questions I had. And then, at sunset, we arrived at a place more magical than any I have ever known... EXT. THE BLACK CRANE TEMPLE -- DAWN * Like a Jing Hao watercolor, it is nestled in a DRAMATIC MOUNTAINSCAPE covered with lush BAMBOO FORESTS, WATERFALLS and rising GROUND MIST. MARCO (V.O.) ...The Black Crane Temple... PULL BACK to reveal Marco, with Buqa and the escort. The gates open, as though by magic. MARCO (V.O.) No Westerner had ever passed through those gates. Marco looks at Buqa who stares back at him. And in those impassive eyes... concern... for Marco. BUQA Take care, Marco. Marco... nods, dismounts, and passes through the gates. As he does: MARCO (V.O.) I would find out why. The doors close with a THUD. INT. COURTYARD -- BLACK CRANE TEMPLE -- DAWN * A thick mist rises from the wet courtyard, obscuring vision, and giving the place an etherial quality. It is a large and open space framed by tall and beautifully wrought buildings. Through the mist, forms are visible: great dragons, carved of jade and bronze and stone. Their eyes seem to track Marco as he moves. And all around, the statues of cranes in various martial poses. The mist clears to reveal a figure leaning on a wall: Wind. There’s an undeniably appealing quality to this man. He’s confident and easy, and always smiling. But under that smile is something else, something hard. 33
  • 35. WIND You owe me money. MARCO And why is that? WIND Because I bet Water Maiden you wouldn’t live. Oh well. (straightening up) I am called Wind. Marco looks around. MARCO What is this place? WIND It is... whatever you make of it. A flute melody wafts through a door and out steps Piper Chu. WIND (CONT’D) ...And this is Piper Chu. PIPER CHU I am not happy you are here. MARCO I owe you money, too? PIPER CHU Money means nothing to me, merchant. I am not happy you are here because you are neither Mongol nor Han, and I fear that you will bring us nothing but trouble. WIND (still smiling) All are welcome here to learn. PIPER CHU Not all. Only the worthy. WIND I think he proved himself when he stood ready to die for the Khan. PIPER CHU A dog will die for its master. That does not make it worthy. The world is changing, and we must change with it. Our secrets belong to The Great Yuan, not the West. We would all do well to remember that, brother. 34
  • 36. MARCO I’ll do my best to change your mind. Chu snaps his flute and VISCOUS SOUND WAVES fire from its end with such force, they knock Marco on his ass. PIPER CHU How? There are powers at work here that your Western mind can never comprehend. Chu gives Marco a contemptuous look and walks towards the training apparatus. PIPER CHU (CONT’D) It’s called Chi, by the way. Suddenly a smiling Wind is there, offering Marco a hand up. Marco... takes it. WIND Forget about him. He hates everybody. MARCO Glad it’s not personal. WIND (smiling) Pray it doesn’t become so. Wind motions Marco towards a door. A beat and Marco heads for it. INT. INNER COURTYARD -- MORNING * Marco follows Wind through the labyrinth until they come to a space filled with strange ARCHITECTURAL STRUCTURES. A dozen STUDENTS (Taoists) are put through their paces by their MASTERS. The training is brutal, mistakes paid for in flesh. MARCO Is this some kind of punishment? WIND It can be. It’s where we train. You will learn every one of these devices and you will have the bruises to prove it. Wind motions to an elaborate set of wires that form a corridor that stretches the length of the courtyard, like some great spider’s web. 35
  • 37. MARCO What am I supposed to do? WIND Pass through. Marco looks at Wind, then angles for the web’s start. WIND (CONT’D) And Marco: try not to touch the wires. Marco steps through and into the web, moving carefully, trying not to touch the wires. He gets a third of the way through, unscathed. MARCO (to self) Not so hard. And a wire starts to move, slowly at first, like it was a living thing. Marco moves with it. Pushes forward. And with every step, more wires move, faster... He grazes one, and things happen very quickly! A javelin, its tip rounded, FLIES out of the wall by the wires. He ducks, tracking it. Then a second, IMPACTS his back. He’s knocked forward. Other javelins fly, hitting him, hard, knocking him to the side. He starts to run! As he does, he touches more wires and scores of javelins launch, HITTING him -- four, six, a dozen... He stumbles out of the webbing and falls hard on the dirt. When he looks up, Wind and STUDENTS are looking down at him. Wind... shakes his head. The Students go back to their training -- much of it hand to hand, fast and lethal. Marco rises, already sore. WIND I told you there’d be bruises. If you need anything, whisper my name to the wind. I will hear. He turns to go, walking by the students. MARCO A sword. I need a sword. Wind, walking, motions to a rack of Chinese weapons -- assorted spears and swords. MARCO (CONT’D) How long would it take me to master those? 36
  • 38. WIND For you? A year’s worth of lifetimes. MARCO Then I would design my own. Wind... smiles. INT. STUDY - BLACK CRANE TEMPLE -- DAY * CLOSE ON a table. A parchment is rolled out. PULL BACK to include Wind, placing ink and quill by the parchment. Marco’s to the side. WIND Can you draw? MARCO Some. WIND Then draw. Marco takes the quill, and starts to draw. A long line. It’s a rapier. Wind, watching, nods approval. MARCO * What now? * WIND * Find a man to build it, I suppose. * Wind starts to walk away. * MARCO * How? * WIND * No idea. Or perhaps you should * follow the smoke. * EXT. BLACKSMITH’S FORGE - BLACK CRANE TEMPLE -- DUSK * Smoke pours out of a forge. Marco stands with the * BLACKSMITH. Between them is the parchment with the hand * drawn rapier. The Smith... nods. WATER MAIDEN (O.S.) I’m to show you to your room. 37
  • 39. Marco turns, taking in Water Maiden, robes flowing over her body, a veil covering her face, showing him only her eyes. Even covered as she is, she is undeniably beautiful. There’s * an energy between them, something just a little bit electric. * INT. MARCO’S ROOM - BLACK CRANE TEMPLE - NIGHT A small, spartan room. An open window looks out on the * courtyard. Marco steps to it, eyes taking in the space from * this elevated angle -- it’s peaceful, the soft light of * magic hour casting long shadows over the area. Like the calm * before the storm. * MARCO You know, back at the inn, I never got to thank you-- WATER MAIDEN Don’t. Off his look: WATER MAIDEN (CONT’D) I saved you for a purpose. And that purpose is The Great Yuan. Your life is no longer your own. If you live, you will belong to her, as I do. And she is a harsh mistress. In the years to come, you will curse me for your life. Prepare yourself. Tomorrow your training begins. She angles for the door. He tracks her. MARCO Who are you? Water Maiden stops. WATER MAIDEN Disciples of the Crane Master, and servants. MARCO Of who? The Khan? WATER MAIDEN Order... * She continues. To her back: MARCO What does that mean? 38
  • 40. WATER MAIDEN That our job is to defend the Empire against the chaos that would destroy her. She moves. His voice stops her: * MARCO * Water Maiden... Thank you. * She hesitates, and then she’s gone. Marco looks after her, * intrigued. Outside, it starts to rain. He looks out the * window and watches her move away. * WIND (O.S.) * I wouldn’t if I were you. * Marco turns, takes in Wind, standing in the room. * MARCO * You wouldn’t what? * WIND * Wonder... No one knows who Water * Maiden is, only that she comes and * goes as she pleases. * Wind tosses Marco a rolled up mat, then spreads one out for * himself, and drops onto it. * Marco’s eyes move back to the courtyard. Water Maiden is * galloping away into the night. * MARCO * So you don’t know her real name? * WIND * Names are not important. Only * actions are. Sleep, Marco. Trust * me, you’ll need it. * When Marco turns back, Wind is sound asleep. A beat and * Marco digs in to his pack, pulling out a quill and notebook. * He begins to sketch... Water Maiden. * EXT. PRINCE YAN’S CASTLE -- NIGHT Heat lightning racks the skies as a HOODED RIDER approaches the gates. The rider pulls her hood back. It is BLUE LOTUS. GUARD Raise the gates! 39
  • 41. INT. COURTYARD - PRINCE YAN’S CASTLE -- NIGHT Rain pours. Prince Yan walks alone. Suddenly, a shadow moves -- a SOLDIER appears, sword raised. Yan pivots, using the man’s momentum to send him crashing into a wall. Then FIVE more are on him with sword and spear. He draws his sword and engages. Blades sing as they slice through the air. And Yan disassembles the men. Whatever else this man may be, he is first and foremost a skilled fighter. Yan knocks the last Soldier back, sword at his throat... and he offers the man a hand, pulling him to his feet. The Soldier bows, as do the others. This was an exercise. ANOTHER ANGLE to include Blue Lotus, standing in the courtyard, eyes on the Prince. INT. PRINCE YAN’S LIBRARY -- NIGHT Blue Lotus is sipping some hot tea as the Prince watches. PRINCE YAN I did not expect a visitor at this * late hour. BLUE LOTUS I knew a man like you would find sleep a waste of time. PRINCE YAN As a soldier, I’ve learned live * with two hours of sleep. I dream * when I’m awake. What do you want, * Courtesan? * BLUE LOTUS * ...A friend. * PRINCE YAN * Does your Khan grow weary of you? * BLUE LOTUS * He is not my Khan. * Yan studies her, interested. * BLUE LOTUS (CONT’D) * I am... a prisoner in a gilded * cage. * A beat, then: * PRINCE YAN * We all are. * He turns to go. * 40
  • 42. BLUE LOTUS * You were meant to rule. * Yan stops. * BLUE LOTUS (CONT’D) * Royal blood pulses through your * veins. How is it a man like you * bends a knee to another? * Yan turns back to Blue Lotus, studying her. * PRINCE YAN * ...Do you know what Genghis’s real * genius was? * Blue Lotus doesn’t answer. * PRINCE YAN (CONT’D) * Winter. The Mongols used the * frozen rivers like highways to * attack us. Never before had there * been a winter campaign, so they * caught us by surprise. They put my * grandfather and half my family to * the sword and made the rest of * us... kneel. So here I am. As you * say, meant to rule, but in reality, * allowed only to serve. * BLUE LOTUS * That time should come to an end. * PRINCE YAN * ...Oh, it will. * BLUE LOTUS * Until that time, I would be your * eyes and ears in the capital. * PRINCE YAN * ...And what would you ask for in * return? * BLUE LOTUS * Friendship. For me and my son. * Hold no Yan, studying Blue Lotus. * INT. ROOM - YAN’S CASTLE - NIGHT * A stone room cut into living rock. An undulating ball of * fire burns in the center, as though by magic. Red Snake, in * her red robes, stands over it. * 41
  • 43. Her eyes are locked on the flame. She steps forward, her * robes falling away to reveal her lithe form. She reaches * out... touching the. Her eyes roll back, to reveal jet black * snake eyes. Then a smoky, ephemeral viper rises from the * flame, entering her mouth. Her back arches. * INT. MARCO/WIND’S ROOM - BLACK CRANE TEMPLE -- NIGHT * Marco, asleep, wakes with a start, panning. Wind is next to * him, asleep. He turns to the window, and there is Red Snake - * - or a vision of her. She floats above him, beautiful and * effervescent, diaphanous robes clinging to her body, hinting * at the pleasures to come. * Then’s she’s close to him, the fabric of her robes enveloping * him. Her lips brush his cheek, and she whispers: * RED SNAKE * Do you know what you are, Marco? * Marco stares at her. * RED SNAKE (CONT’D) * I do... There’s nothing here for * you... * Her legs straddle him now as she looks into his face. * RED SNAKE (CONT’D) * But with us, there is everything * you desire -- wealth, power... * pleasure. * (lowering her mouth to * his) * Join us. * Marco stares at her. She opens her mouth. Inside, the head * of the viper-- * MARCO * NO! * Marco SITS UP, fast. Red Snake is gone. Wind is there, * alert, concern creasing his features. * WIND * What did you see? * MARCO * Nothing. It was a dream. * Wind’s eyes are on the window. Outside, the wind rustles. * He touches the window frame, as though he’s looking for * something. * 42
  • 44. WIND * Tell me. * MARCO * I saw a woman... The same woman * who killed Dragon Kun. * WIND * Red Snake. Then that was no dream. * MARCO * What are you saying? * WIND * That they know where you are now. * It’s only a matter of time. * MARCO * Until what? * WIND * They try to kill you. * MARCO * ...What do I have to do? * WIND * Learn to live. * INT. ROOM - YAN’S CASTLE - CONTINUOUS * The flame extinguishes. Red Snake convulses, eyes rolling * back to normal. * INT. CORRIDOR - BLACK CRANE TEMPLE - DAWN * Marco follows Wind down the long stone corridor. Ahead, a door looms. WIND ...There is only suffering on the road to mastery. Your training continues here... * He pushes the door open to reveal: INT. KITCHEN - BLACK CRANE TEMPLE -- DAWN A large space lined with pots and bowls. At the end of a long counter is an old man, making noodles. This is the COOK. MARCO The kitchen? 43
  • 45. WIND Impressive powers of observation. Now let us see how impressive you * are at cleaning it. * MARCO What has this got to do with Kung Fu? WIND Absolutely nothing. Wind nods to the Cook who ignores him and walks away, smiling. As he exits: * WIND (CONT’D) * And everything. * Marco stands there for a beat, watching as the Cook rolls noodle dough, and SLAMS it on the counter, hard. COOK The noodles won’t make themselves. MARCO I didn’t come here to make noodles. COOK Then why did you come? Marco walks to the Cook, taking some dough, and starts to work it, poorly. MARCO ...To learn how to fight. COOK Fight? Then I’m afraid you’ve come to the wrong place. Black Crane Temple does not train you to fight. MARCO Then what does it train you for? COOK To think. And to make noodles. Marco looks around, frustrated. MARCO I need to speak to the Crane Master. COOK And what would you ask of him? Marco doesn’t answer. 44
  • 46. COOK (CONT’D) The Master is not a man to approach with doubt in your heart, Marco. MARCO Then how do you approach him? COOK How do you approach a giant with the strength of a hundred men and the power to kill with a thought? The Cook extends the dough, SLAMMING it down on the surface where the large flat noodle separates into perfect noodles. COOK (CONT’D) When you can answer that, you will be ready. The Cook starts to shuffle away. MARCO And in the meantime? COOK Learn to cook. I’ve been waiting to meet that legend my entire life. Marco watches the Cook angle for the door. MARCO You don’t. Cook pauses. MARCO (CONT’D) You don’t approach him. You wait for him to approach you. The Cook turns, taking Marco in for a beat. COOK Fifty years and no one has given me that answer. Yet a Westerner does. Interesting. MARCO I don’t understand, sir. COOK You will. The Khan told me you had the heart of a warrior. And Marco and we realize that the Cook is CRANE MASTER. 45
  • 47. MARCO (bowing) You’re... Crane Master. CRANE MASTER Yes. And he also told me you have the body of a merchant. We must align the two. EXT. TRAINING COURTYARD -- BLACK CRANE TEMPLE -- DAY Students work on the ARCHITECTURAL STRUCTURES, Marco and Wind are to the side, next to a A GIANT MILLSTONE that runs through a WOODEN TROUGH. Crane Master is behind them. CRANE MASTER ...Kung Fu is not something you learn. It is a strength already inside you. Here you learn how to uncover it and how to use it. The first lesson is the control of Chi; the method is the stone. Marco eyes the contraption suspiciously. CRANE MASTER (CONT’D) You must learn to pull it. MARCO Impossible. It must weigh ten tons. CRANE MASTER And what is ten tons? It is a feather. Treat it as such. The old man blows on the millstone. It moves, easily. CRANE MASTER (CONT’D) Open your mind, and anything is possible. Crane Master moves to another station and other Taoists. WIND That means get in the harness. Marco looks at him, and slips into it, eyeing the wheat. MARCO For bread? WIND Noodles. The chi needs to be fed. Now feed it... Marco pushes... goes nowhere. 46
  • 48. MARCO I feel like a donkey. I guess they have a lot of chi. WIND They do. And the mind to understand it. Do you? Marco looks at him again... smiles. He strains... but goes nowhere, looks frustrated. WIND (CONT’D) Start with the breath, draw it in slowly. Channel the air through your lungs and feel it concentrating and gaining power in your stomach. Then see the power shooting through your legs. Feel your legs anchoring to the center of the Earth... Marco leans into it, with everything he has. Wheel does not move. ANGLE ON Water Maiden, standing to the side, and close to Wind. WATER MAIDEN No one pulls it the first time. Wind... nods. He turns to go. Water Maiden follows. Then they hear a CRUNCH! They turn, staring. Marco is moving the wheel -- just a bit - - but it is moving. The two share a look, surprised, and maybe a little bit impressed. EXT. HIGHEST TEMPLE ROOF - BLACK CRANE TEMPLE -- SUNSET Marco sits, legs crossed, writing in his notebook. CAMERA swings around to reveal the page: A dragon on one side, a drawing of the young woman, her face covered in a veil, on the other, and all around, words-- WIND (O.S.) Be sure you mention me. W-I-N-D. Marco looks at him. MARCO Why do they call you that? 47
  • 49. WIND My family was murdered when I was four. I alone escaped... A FLASHBACK SEQUENCE -- TEMPLE DOORS A young Wind, starving, emaciated, knocks on the door. WIND (V.O.) ...I had nowhere to go, so I came here looking for a meal... A powerfully built man, 40’s, dressed as a cook opens up. WIND (V.O.) ...The cook said, ‘where did you blow in from, Little One? Do you have a name?’ He feeds the boy some noodles in the temple kitchen. WIND (V.O.) ...I couldn’t answer. I had not eaten anything for a week, so all I could do was slurp my noodles. He said, ‘your old name doesn’t matter.’ Since you blew in like the wind, you will be called Wind from now on... EXT. HIGHEST TEMPLE ROOF - BLACK CRANE TEMPLE -- SUNSET Marco is fascinated by his story. WIND ...And so it was. I always wanted to be like my name, to travel free as the wind over the earth, to see foreign lands and have great adventures. Like yours. MARCO And the cook became Crane Master. WIND More than that. He became a father to me. MARCO ...You’re lucky. WIND Your father doesn’t love you. 48
  • 50. MARCO I didn’t know him until I was fifteen. He doesn’t understand me. WIND Then make him understand you. INT. TRAINING COURTYARD -- BLACK CRANE TEMPLE -- NIGHT A half dozen straw men arrayed around the yard. One IGNITES in a FIREBALL! Another, a third. Flames ROARING! ANOTHER ANGLE to include Piper Chu, across the courtyard, rubbing his flute like a FIRE STICK creating molecular friction. A FIREBALL emanates, engulfing the remaining straw figures. And suddenly, the flames of one burning straw man are SNUFFED OUT! Wind steps forward, hands and feet moving to a precise cadence. A master of the FOURTH DIMENSION, he can STRETCH TIME and DECONSTRUCT SPACE! The result is a control of air -- this man can pass like a gentle breeze, or crush like a tornado. The wind pushes against a rope structure, shaking them. We * follow it up, twenty feet, to Marco, balancing on the * vibrating ropes, a bamboo staff in his hands. As he fights * for balance, Water Maiden, also on the ropes, approaches. * She has no weapon. But she doesn’t need one. Because she is * a weapon. Her eyes are tight on Marco. He swings at her. * She glides up, over the blow, then lands, her feet, wrapping * around ropes for purchase. He fights for balance, * recovering, just. * WATER MAIDEN You can do better than that. Marco looks at her and attacks. She sidesteps the staff. A * blow sends him reeling. He almost falls. * WATER MAIDEN (CONT’D) Your body is soft! When Marco regains balance Water Maiden’s stalking towards * him. WATER MAIDEN (CONT’D) And your mind is weak! Marco focuses on her. Attacks. Bamboo swings. She bends * backward as it slices air millimeters above her head. Then, * using only her feet, she swings under the rope, and comes * back, behind Marco. * 49
  • 51. WATER MAIDEN (CONT’D) You are unfocused! I cannot teach you unless you chose to exist in the moment! MARCO (smarting, and through gritted teeth) Oh, I’m right here. WATER MAIDEN You’re not. Your mind is elsewhere. Marco lunges at her. She BREAKS the bamboo staff in two, grabs one end, and HITS Marco with it. He stumbles back. * WATER MAIDEN (CONT’D) Tell me where? She HITS him again, hard. Impact sends him reeling. He’s trying to get his balance when she hits him again. Again! * ANGLE ON Chu and Wind, watching as Marco’s beaten back, * losing more balance with every blow. * Then she grabs a rope, expertly wraps Marco up in it, and * PULLS. His legs whipsaw and goes flying... until he hits the * ground, hard. * ANGLE ON Marco pulling himself up... and looking directly * into the eyes of Water Maiden who’s hanging from the ropes, * upside down, one foot wrapped around a rope for purchase. * She flexes and the rope unravels. She drops silently to the * earth in front of Marco. * WATER MAIDEN (CONT’D) I cannot help you. She drops the staff, turns and walks away. * MARCO It’s a woman. WATER MAIDEN * Typical. Does this woman have a name? MARCO I don’t know. Water Maiden, back to Marco, stops. MARCO (CONT’D) But she’s beautiful, and strong, and there’s something about her... 50
  • 52. WATER MAIDEN What? MARCO ...Have you ever looked into someone else’s eyes and felt... whole? Like suddenly, all your questions have been answered, and nothing can ever hurt you? When I look at her, that’s how I feel. To me, she is... perfection. Close on Water Maiden. And in those eyes, emotion -- perhaps * even a hint of jealousy. WATER MAIDEN ...There’s no such thing. Water Maiden walks away. Marco stares after her. Then his eyes find the broken bamboo staff lying in the dirt. * EXT. BLACKSMITHS FORGE -- BLACK CRANE TEMPLE -- NIGHT By the red glow of the bellowed COAL, the TAOIST FARRIER, pulls out a THIN WHITE-HOT BLADE of forged STEEL. He tongs it out and hammers it into an edged weapon. ANOTHER ANGLE to include Marco, watching, his face illuminated by the fire. The Farrier drops the white hot blade into a stone urn. Water STEAMS on contact. When he pulls the blade up, it glistens in the light. The Farrier offers the sword to Marco who bows... and takes it. ANGLE ON Wind, taking in the blade. MARCO I’ll need to make a handle. * WIND You won’t. Marco looks at his friend who produces a small bundle wrapped in silk. Marco takes it, opens it to reveal an exquisitely crafted * hand carved ivory sword-handle. * MARCO * (genuinely touched) * You made this for me. * 51
  • 53. WIND * I carved it. But the jade was * another’s idea, and a gift. Use it * well. * Wind turns to go. * MARCO * A gift from whom? * WIND * (walking away) * Water Maiden. * Hold on Marco, looking after his friend... then looking down * at the ivory handle. * INT. KITCHEN -- NIGHT * Marco stands at the block, cutting vegetables. Behind him * are bags of rice and flour, hanging strings of garlic, etc. * He seems distracted as he works. His eyes move to the corner * where his rapier, now with the handle mounted, leans on a * wall. A beat and drops the kitchen knife. * He walks to the sword, placing his hand on the ivory handle. * He savors the feel, the precision, the craft... and he draws * the sword. The blade glistens as light refracts off it. * He SWINGS the sword. The blade sings as it slices through a * string of garlic. Then Marco moves, cutting through * vegetables, then bags of rice and flour. * The effect is both beautiful and dangerous. * EXT. ROOFTOP - BLACK CRANE TEMPLE -- NIGHT Water Maiden, on a gabled roof, watches Marco in the kitchen. * PIPER CHU (O.S.) You like him, don’t you? Piper Chu steps into frame, eyes on Marco. PIPER CHU (CONT’D) Too bad. Because he’s going to die. (not unkind) You know this, sister. Marco swings the sword. It seems to glow in the moonlight. 52
  • 54. WATER MAIDEN All I know is that we all die. The art is in choosing how, and for what. INT. THRONE ROOM -- DAY Niccolo enters. It is empty save Kublai Khan who is standing * by a large globe. It spins. Niccolo bows. * KUBLAI KHAN * Do you know your future, Niccolo? * NICCOLO * I know what I would like it to be, * sire. * KUBLAI KHAN * Wealth beyond measure? * NICCOLO * ...Yes. * KUBLAI KHAN * Do you know what mine is?.. Power. * NICCOLO * Are they not the same? * KUBLAI KHAN * To you, perhaps. * He stops the globe. His index finger is squarely on Western * Europe. * KUBLAI KHAN (CONT’D) * Walk with me. * Kublai angles for a side door as Niccolo hurries after him. * INT. CORRIDOR - DAY * * They walk, angling down a long hallway. Doors swing open to reveal a courtyard. They step in to it. * EXT. COURTYARD - CONTINUOUS * On one side is a THICK BRONZE TUBE anchored to the ground on * a BASE. It is open at the FRONT END. Across from it are a score of men, standing against a wall. They kneel as the Khan appears. * 53
  • 55. Khan angles for the bronze tube. Next to it are three GLASS ALEMBICS, each filled with a different powder -- one white, one yellow, and one black. KUBLAI KHAN (to Niccolo) * What do you see? * NICCOLO * ...Powders, sire. * KUBLAI KHAN * I see the future. * (turning his attention to * the prisoners.) * These... traitors did not. * Khan lifts a burning brand and sets it against a fuse. KABOOM! A huge barking explosion and the view is obscured with BLACK SMOKE. When it clears, the men are... gone. Niccolo tears his eyes from the wall, shaken, and focuses on Kublai Khan who looks at him, hard. * KUBLAI KHAN (CONT’D) * It is called Black Jade, and you * will trade in it. * Niccolo, confused, watches as the Khan walks away. ANOTHER ANGLE to include Blue Lotus, watching from shadow. EXT. TRAINING COURTYARD -- BLACK CRANE TEMPLE -- DAY Wind, Marco, Water Maiden and Piper Chu spar. Movements are * fast and precise. PULL BACK to reveal that they are on a * large STRUCTURE -- a cross between a BIRD’S NEST and a PLUM * PETAL -- the four balancing as they move from spar to spar, * rope to rope, in a three dimensional dance. Except if you * fall, the ground is twenty feet down. Looks easy for Wind and Water Maiden and Chu, but not so much for Marco. Chu hits him. He stumbles. Wind catches him. A brief exchange: WIND You must think in three dimensions: height, width and... depth. He helps Marco up, then OPEN PALMS Marco who DROPS TEN FEET straddling a rail, crushing his balls. His eyes implode. Chu shakes his head in disgust. 54
  • 56. WIND (CONT’D) You cannot practice the art of evasion by evading pain. Now shake it off and come back up here. Wincing, Marco re-climbs to Wind as Chu and Water Maiden engage. WIND (CONT’D) Try again... Again they spar but this time Marco launches a wicked HOOK KICK that sends Wind banging all the way to the bottom. Marco kips back to his feet, using the rope (like Water Maiden did) * for purchase as Piper Chu leaps towards him. The two engage, * fast. Chu swings and Marco ducks, leg sweeping Chu who falls. Then Water Maiden is there. The two exchange blows, and for the first time, Marco holds his own. They’re close now, arms moving fast, striking and blocking. Marco wraps Water Maiden up. MARCO Why the veil? WATER MAIDEN Perhaps I’m ugly. She sweeps his feet out. He back-flips, landing easily, eyes on her. They reengage, moving from spar to spar, like very dangerous acrobats. MARCO Must be. Or maybe its something else. WATER MAIDEN You don’t know me, Marco. MARCO I know enough to know when someone’s hiding. WATER MAIDEN And who do you think I’m hiding from? MARCO ...Yourself. She coils and strikes. Anticipating a swing, he slides back, using Water Maiden’s own leverage to THROW her over. She spins mid air, and lands like a cat, eyes on Marco, the last man standing. The three Taoists share a look. Wind starts to laugh and Chu nods. Water Maiden just stares at Marco for a beat, then walks away. 55
  • 57. Marco drops down between Wind and Chu, eyes on Water Maiden who mounts her horse and spurs it, angling for the gates. Piper Chu reads him, or at least thinks he does. * PIPER CHU I know what you’re thinking, kitchen-boy-- MARCO You don’t. PIPER CHU (smiles) You can’t catch her. Go back to your noodles-- --And Marco starts to run, cutting through a side gate, angling for the tree line, shadowing Water Maiden as she gallops into the forest. Wind and Chu exchange a look. Chu holds out a purse heavy with coin. PIPER CHU (CONT’D) If he finds her, five to one he’s a dead man. WIND I won’t take that bet. EXT. BAMBOO FOREST -- EVENING Whipping through the black bamboo, Marco does his best to keep up with the sound of hooves ahead. EXT. BAMBOO FOREST -- NIGHT The forest is now lit only by moonlight. Marco climbs the relentless mountain tracing the source of the thunderous sound. EXT. BAMBOO FOREST -- LATER The low thunder has become a ROAR as Marco clears a vantage of a high ridge. He stealthily shoulders to the edge. Down below is a sight that will stay with him forever. HIS P.O.V: Water Maiden bathes in the POOL below a WATERFALL. Her NAKED BACK to him, she luxuriates in the falling water. He cannot see her face but her form is so well- shaped, her strong shoulders flowing to her perfect waist, it is nearly enough. 56
  • 58. Using her hands in mysterious ways, SHE RAISES AND SHAPES THE WATER INTO SCULPTURAL FORMS, COLUMNS, SPHERES, CUBES. Water Maiden has MASTERY OVER WATER. She dismisses the forms and they fall apart back in the pool. When she sinks under the water, Marco moves closer. The woman emerges and turns, her long, wet hair covering the protuberance of her breasts. Marco stares, a thousand emotions coursing through his mind and body. WATER MAIDEN IS PRINCESS KOKOCHIN. INT. DUNGEON CELL - EVENING The Magistrate leans forward on his stool, captivated. Guards behind him are silent. Rustichello sits, quill suspended, waiting... MARCO ...Even today, married as I am, father of three beautiful girls, I still dream of her. My youth was consumed by her and a man’s youth is the land unto which he hungers to return. MAGISTRATE I have never known such a love, I regret to say. MARCO Count yourself lucky, for as it turned out, there was much pain that came of it... EXT. BAMBOO FOREST - CONTINUOUS Water Maiden/Kokochin stares at Marco for a beat, then she * moves! Water rises up, obscuring vision... and she explodes * out of it, fully clothed, sword in hand, and heading directly * at Marco. * He rolls, his blade flashing as hers impacts it. Sparks fly. * KOKOCHIN * How long have you known? MARCO I didn’t. Until tonight. * She attacks and he defends. It’s fast and deadly, but * there’s something beautiful about it, sensual almost, and * surprising. Marco matches her, blow for blow, his technique * a mix of Western and Yuan fighting styles. * 57
  • 59. They get close, swords sliding down one another, sparks * flowing off the folded steel, cascading over their arms and * torsos. * MARCO (CONT’D) Why didn’t you tell me? KOKOCHIN Because it was not important. MARCO It is to me. KOKOCHIN Because it would not make a difference. She attacks and he defends. MARCO You don’t know that. KOKOCHIN I do. And because you didn’t need to know. * MARCO Then what do I need to know? * Closing on him with a series of vicious strikes that he * parries and blocks, just. * KOKOCHIN That I am here only because the Great Khan wanted me to watch over you. MARCO I am deeply touched by his concern, but-- * She swings and he dives, rolling away. * KOKOCHIN Don’t be. He has plans for you. She launches herself at Marco. He stands his ground. Last * moment, he pivots, grabbing her, wrapping her up. They’re * close now, very close. * MARCO ...They can wait. She looks into his eyes... 58
  • 60. KOKOCHIN You’re not in love with me, Marco you’re in love with a Princess who doesn’t exist. MARCO You’re wrong. When I said she was “perfection,” I wasn’t talking about Kokochin. I was talking about the woman who saved my life. A beat as emotion courses over Kokochin/Water Maiden’s features. KOKOCHIN * Water Maiden is not real. She is * as much an illusion as Kokochin. * MARCO * She’s real to me. You are real to * me. * KOKOCHIN Do you know what I am? * MARCO * The woman I love-- * KOKOCHIN * A princess of the Great Yuan! I * was born to serve a purpose greater * than my own. Whatever fire burns * in your heart for me, Marco, put it * out. * MARCO * And if I can’t? * For a moment, something softens in her. But just for a * moment. * KOKOCHIN * You will live your life in search * of something you can never have, * and that is no life at all. * And in that moment, we realize that Kokochin is talking about * herself. * KOKOCHIN (CONT’D) * (resigned) * Water Maiden and Kokochin are * servants of The Great Yuan, and * that is all they will ever be. * 59
  • 61. She flexes and chi-energy pulses from her body. The force * drives Marco back. He lands, hard. When he looks up, she’s * gone. EXT. CASTLE TOBA -- NIGHT The structure is like a weapon, foreboding and dark. There are THREE DRAWBRIDGES now resettling over a MOAT BELOW thick with KRAITS, one of the world’s most VENOMOUS SNAKES. INT. FOO DOG ROOM - CASTLE TOBA - NIGHT The room is made of STEEL. Dominating it is a GIANT FOO DOG (half lion, half dog) cleverly made from WOVEN STEEL MESH over SCULPTED LEATHER. The life-like effect is unsettling. And right now, its black and dead eyes are on a hooded figure. BARON TOBA (O.S.) To protect me. The figure turns to reveal Blue Lotus. Baron Toba is across the room. BLUE LOTUS From evil spirits, Baron? BARON TOBA From everything. Some tea? She... smiles. It’s radiant. Nods. The Baron claps his hands twice and an AUTOMATON SERVANT shuffles forward bearing a TRAY loaded with TEA FIXINGS. BLUE LOTUS Very clever. BARON TOBA Simple mechanical tricks. I have made a life-long study of how things connect. BLUE LOTUS Then we have much in common, you and I. I connected with Prince Yan. He will do as you require. Toba pours the tea. BARON TOBA I never doubted it. Or you. But * that’s not why you’re here. 60
  • 62. BLUE LOTUS No. The Khan’s mind is failing. BARON TOBA And that is news? BLUE LOTUS No. But the fact that he has offered the Polos Black Jade is. Toba focuses on Blue Lotus. BARON TOBA He would destroy us all. BLUE LOTUS But you will save us by destroying him. A beat, then: BARON TOBA I thank you for your help. BLUE LOTUS I help you because of your promise to help me. We are in this together. BARON TOBA And you can rest assured, when the time comes, I will guide your son right onto the Khan’s throne. Blue Lotus nods. BLUE LOTUS And what of Yan? BARON TOBA Once the Khan is dead, incriminating evidence will be found in Prince Yan’s possession. It will point to a plot between him, the Polos, and the Black Crane Temple. The people will turn on him for justice, and then the army will turn to me for leadership. Blue Lotus studies Toba, then she bows her head in respect. BLUE LOTUS (rising) Must get back to Shangtu before I’m missed. The Khan has four wives, a thousand concubines but only one me. 61
  • 63. BARON TOBA There’s just one of you in all the world. BLUE LOTUS You are too kind. She bows and leaves. Clearly neither trusts the other. INT. CORRIDOR - CASTLE TOBA - DAY * Blue Lotus, robes flowing, sweeps by, towards a main door. * As she passes a side corridor, she cuts left. We go with * her, moving down the corridor. A door looms. She tries it. * Locked. She pulls a hairpin from her hair and picks the * lock. It clicks open. She pushes the door open and steps * into: * INT. TOBA’S STUDY - DAY * Models of machines, chemicals, diagrams, scrolls. Quickly, * she moves to the scrolls, rifling them, searching... * Footfalls outside. She turns to the door. * ANGLE ON Baron Toba, entering. Blue Lotus is... gone. He * moves to the scrolls, grabs one, and rolls it out on the * desk. * We catch a glimpse. It looks like a ship of some sort, with * large sails... * Toba tenses. Over his shoulder, in the corner, ten feet off * the floor, pinned to the wall, is Blue Lotus. As he turns, * she moves for a high window, silk rustling behind her. When * he focuses, all he sees is the open window. * CLOSE ON Toba, unreadable... * INT. ANTECHAMBER - PALACE -- DAY Gyrfalcons coo. The Great Khan studies them. Princess Kokochin stands a few yards away. KUBLAI KHAN Power has an allure few can resist. The older I get, the more plotters meet in the night. It was this way for my father and for my grandfather Genghis... PRINCESS KOKOCHIN Do you know who they are, father? 62
  • 64. KUBLAI KHAN Yes. PRINCESS KOKOCHIN Tell me. KUBLAI KHAN (smiling) Everyone... There are no such things as friends for you and I, Kokochin. There are only future enemies. Such is the nature of being a ruler... What is the report on Young Polo? Kokochin studies her father for a beat, then: PRINCESS KOKOCHIN His chi is strong but his mind seems to be focused on everything at once. KUBLAI KHAN You are drawn to him. PRINCESS KOKOCHIN No. KUBLAI KHAN As he is drawn to you. PRINCESS KOKOCHIN He is nothing, father. He lacks concentration, poise, and skill. KUBLAI KHAN He is a stranger in a strange land, yes, but he has much potential. Everything rides on his reaching it. PRINCESS KOKOCHIN You give him too much importance. KUBLAI KHAN And you, not enough. Marco is the key to the West. He is the first Westerner who truly has an affection for our culture. He will be the first one back to promote our ways. Europe is our last frontier and I would rather conquer it with ideas than with armies. PRINCESS KOKOCHIN If you live. 63
  • 65. KUBLAI KHAN Worried for The Great Yuan, daughter? PRINCESS KOKOCHIN I’m worried for my father. Kublai looks at his daughter. Real affection there. And from her, real concern. PRINCESS KOKOCHIN (CONT’D) Marco will not save you from the conspirators. KUBLAI KHAN No. That burden falls to me... and to you. PRINCESS KOKOCHIN Me? KUBLAI KHAN You will marry Prince Yan. And we will make him an ally. PRINCESS KOKOCHIN No!... Please, don’t ask that. KUBLAI KHAN I am not asking. PRINCESS KOKOCHIN (stone cold) ...If my mother were alive, she would stop you. KUBLAI KHAN If your mother were alive, she’d be the first to agree with me. She always took the largest view of all things... PRINCESS KOKOCHIN A daughter for an army. Is that it? Is that what I’m worth? KUBLAI KHAN To me, you are worth a thousand Yans; a thousand armies. But for our Dynasty, this is the price you must pay. 64
  • 66. INT. BLACK CRANE TEMPLE -- KITCHEN -- NIGHT Marco and Wind are preparing dinner. Marco is pounding and stretching NOODLE DOUGH. He slaps it on the MARBLE COUNTER silted with flour. The dough separates into MANY STRANDS. WIND You hit that any harder, it’ll cry. MARCO Let it. WIND Anything you want to talk about? MARCO No. WIND Emotions are like sounds, Marco. You can feel them if you listen. And I feel yours. Marco throws the NOODLE STRANDS at Wind like Spiderman throws his silk. The noodles wrap around his friend’s FACE like LITTLE BOLOS. He snaps Wind back. WIND (CONT’D) Tennger! What are you doing? He peels back the noodles so he can see. MARCO Inventing Noodle Fu, I guess. And telling you to shut up. Wind’s anger dissolves with a good belly laugh. WIND First it’s Fencing Fu, now Noodle Fu. You are very inventive. And sensitive. Water Maiden enters. WATER MAIDEN Crane Master wants us right now. Wind nods, angling out. Water Maiden turns to follow. Marco puts a hand on her arm. She stops, eyes on him. MARCO Kokochin-- 65
  • 67. WATER MAIDEN My name is Water Maiden. It will always be Water Maiden to you. Do you understand, Marco? A beat and... he nods. She pulls away. EXT. POOL OF FLOATING CUPS -- NIGHT Behind Crane Master’s quarters is a lovely COURTYARD. A MOUNTAIN STREAM has been diverted into small FALLS that run into a LUMINOUS POOL. CANDLES and TEA CUPS FLOAT magically on the surface. Crane Master snatches a cup and hands it to Marco. Wind, Water Maiden flank him while Piper Chu plays a beautiful melody. CRANE MASTER Don’t sip your tea just yet, Marco. Look inside the cup. Is the tea level? MARCO Yes, Master. CRANE MASTER Tilt the cup without spilling. (Marco does so) Is it tilted? MARCO No, Master, it is still level. CRANE MASTER Just so. Your body is a cup. The tea is your chi. No matter where your body is, your heart must be calm and your chi level. Tea is water. How does water attack rock? Marco looks at the STONES under the waterfall, some smooth, some jagged with cracks. MARCO In the seams. CRANE MASTER Exactly. The enemy makes mistakes. Those are his seams. You fill his seams with your kung fu and you will defeat him. Marco finally understands. The others sip their tea. CRANE MASTER (CONT’D) We are going hunting, so prepare yourselves. 66
  • 68. MARCO Hunting for what, Master? CRANE MASTER Dragons. MARCO ...How can we defeat a dragon, Master? CRANE MASTER We are the five elements: I am sky. (to Chu) Chu is fire... (to Water Maiden) Water... (to Wind) Air... (to Marco) And Earth... like your sword... How can we not? Crane Master rises, and turns towards his small abode. As the Four Elements leave, Blue Lotus emerges from Crane Master’s home. She and Crane Master exchange somber looks. * BLUE LOTUS * The Baron is infinite in his * cleverness, and I fear for my * Khan’s life. Kublai must * understand Toba’s weapon, and his * plan, so that he might defend * against it. * Crane Master... nods. * EXT. BARON TOBA’S CASTLE -- NIGHT * The structure, dark and forboding, rises up out of the mountain itself. PULL BACK TO the five elements, standing in silence, watching * it. Three pull away. Marco and Water Maiden remain. A * beat. * WATER MAIDEN * You should go home. * MARCO * This is home. * WATER MAIDEN * (focusing on him) * Who are you? * 67
  • 69. MARCO * You know who I am. * WATER MAIDEN * No. Why are you here? What do you * want? * MARCO * ...Freedom. * WATER MAIDEN * What does that mean? * A beat. * MARCO * Where I come from, freedom isn’t * real. If you don’t believe in one * religion or one leader, you can be * silenced, imprisoned, or even put * to death. You, your father, all of * you, have built something here, * something better: An idea that men * can be free to follow their hearts * and their minds. It’s an idea * worth fighting for. * WATER MAIDEN * And is it worth dying for? * MARCO * ...Yes. * She looks at him. Dead serious: * WATER MAIDEN * Tonight, you might. * She pulls away. * EXT. DRAWBRIDGE UNDER-STRUCTURES 1 & 2 -- NIGHT * Groping from one position to the next, BOW AND QUIVER strung across his back, Crane Master leads Marco and Chu from hand hold to hand hold towards the castle. In the moat, the VENOMOUS WATER SNAKES become agitated. To fall is to die. EXT. CASTLE CORNICE -- CONTINUOUS In the shadows, Wind parkours along the stonework high above the castle entrance. 68
  • 70. EXT. DRAWBRIDGE -- CONTINUOUS Water Maiden saunters over Bridge #2 like a maiden on a stroll. Bridge #1 is raised to prevent access. GUARD #1 Who are you? Stop where you are! Guard #2 nocks an arrow in his bow and aims, an easy shot. From POUCHES on each hip, she pulls TWO THROWING KNIVES and hurls them full-force, NOT AT THE GUARDS, BUT AT THE WOODEN LINTEL ABOVE THEM. Ka-chunk! They embed up to the hilts. The ARCHER FIRES! The arrow streaks at her chest. She SLOWS DOWN TIME and plucks it out of the air and breaks it in half. From above, UPSIDE DOWN, Wind drops like a stone. He breaks his fall by grabbing THE EMBEDDED KNIFE HILTS. In one motion, he flips over, dislodges the knives and plants both right through the guards’ throats. He lowers bridge #1. All five reunite and enter the castle, passing over the bodies. * INT. PASSAGEWAY -- CONTINUOUS There, a DOZEN GUARDS form a counterattack. His hands in MOTION BLUR, Crane Master dispatches the vanguard with unerring arrows but soon, ALL ARE ENGAGED HAND-TO-HAND. Wind dispatches a guard with his knife thrown so hard it embeds the guard in the wall. He spins and STRETCHES to and retrieve it in time to IMPALE TWO CHARGING GUARDS, one with each hand. He evades THREE OTHERS but they are on him with SPEARS. Water Maiden fights her attackers with DOUBLE SWORDS. She mows through them like a SCYTHE THROUGH WHEAT. Marco lays on with his FENCING FU. He parries away a SPEAR and LEAPS clear over the guard, then RUNS HIM THROUGH with his RAPIER. He collides with one of WIND’S ASSAILANTS and dispatches him with a fast kick/palm strike. His SPEAR flips in the air. Marco catches it, spins and jams it into a guy twice his size. Piper Chu sits it out, playing his flute. MARCO You waiting for an invitation? Chu smirks and sees a guard attacking Marco from his blind side. He whips his flute and KNOCKS HIM BACK with a BLAST OF SOUND WAVES. He collides with Water Maiden who runs him through without looking at him. 69
  • 71. CHU * (to Marco) * You owe me. I’ll collect later. * And Marco THROWS his sword at Chu. It sails just over his * shoulder, eviscerating a Guard who was attacking from behind. * MARCO * You just did. * Chu stares at him... At their feet are the guards, all dead. * And one gets up and RUNS for a SIDE CORRIDOR tangled with * stacks of DISCARDED FURNITURE. Crane Master draws his bow, but an arrow shot through the MAZE OF STUFF seems impossible. In PHOTO-SONIC SLO-MO, the CAMERA tails the arrow as it grazes ever so delicately off DIFFERENT SURFACES redirecting its flight up, down, right, left threading a complex needle. The guard is ALMOST TO THE CORNER, about to scream his warning. He ducks low behind a tangle of CHAIR LEGS. Like a PINBALL, the arrow knocks side to side through the obstacles and slams into the guards skull. He has been silenced. The 5 have taken out 12 men in less than 60 seconds. * INT. TOBA’S ROOMS - CASTLE TOBA - CONTINUOUS * Toba stares down at schematics. Black Tiger enters. * BLACK TIGER We have visitors. BARON TOBA Who? BLACK TIGER Black Crane Temple. BARON TOBA ...Introduce them to the Foo Dog. * Black Tiger bows, and exits. We hold on Toba... INT. CORRIDOR - CASTLE TOBA - CONTINUOUS Crane Master, Marco and the others move down the long corridor. Movement ahead -- SOLDIERS. As the men see them, * they retreat. * The five elements turn a corner. More SOLDIERS... who * retreat. The five move forward. They turn a corner. A * large steel door looms ahead. * 70
  • 72. A beat and Water Maiden leans into it. It swings open to * reveal: INT. FOO DOG ROOM - CASTLE TOBA - CONTINUOUS The five enter. The room is empty save the Foo Dog statue * resting in the center, its black eyes staring, impassive. * The five look at each other for a beat, wondering where the * Soldiers went. * BARON TOBA (O.S.) * It’s an honor, Crane Master. * Everyone tenses as they turn to take in Toba standing by an * identical door on the other side of the room. Black Tiger is * just to his left. * CRANE MASTER Baron Toba. Black Tiger. * Baron Toba bows, ever so slightly. Black Tiger does not. * His hard eyes are locked on Crane Master. These men have a * history, and it’s not good. * CLOSE ON Marco, focusing on Toba. FLASH to his memory: * VOICE [BARON TABO] Know this: on the fifteenth of the first month, a fiery dragon will burn through Heaven-- --Two men, speaking. Their faces coming into the light to reveal Prince Yan and Baron Toba. MARCO * It’s a trap, Master. * BARON TOBA * Yes. But from where? * CRANE MASTER * Where we least expect it. * (focusing on Toba) * You are like a brother to the Khan, * Baron. * BARON TOBA * As he is to me. * CRANE MASTER * Then it is not too late to stop * this madness. * 71
  • 73. BARON TOBA * I’m afraid it is. We are no longer * children, and this is not a game. * Know that I take no pleasure in his * end. I do what I do not out of * hate, but for love. * CRANE MASTER * Murder is not love. * BARON TOBA * You’re a good man, Crane Master, * but simple. In death there is * rebirth, and his death will bring * new life to the Great Yuan. * WATER MAIDEN * And what of your death, Toba? * Her body is tense, her senses locked on Toba, eyes tight on * him, every fibre of her being preparing for what is to come. * She’s going to kill this man. * BARON TOBA * My death, like my life, will be * meaningless unless I protect this * empire-- * Water Maiden’s arms flash! Two knives sail through the air, * rotating, heading for Toba. * Black Snake answers in kind -- blades sail, and meet in the * center of the room, sparking, and CLATTERING to the floor. Then Crane Master MOVES, gliding forward, angling for Toba. * Black Tiger, a blur, impacts him. Moves are fast and hard. * BARON TOBA (CONT’D) Good bye, Crane Master. * He bows, turns, and walks out. Black Tiger strikes at Crane * Master, who blocks him. A blow sends Black Tiger spinning * away. He lands, cat-like, eyes on Crane Master... then pulls * away, following Toba. Door starts to close behind them. * Simultaneously, the door through which the five entered * starts to close! * Marco and Water Maiden and Wind MOVE, sprinting for the door Toba went through. Same moment, Chu moves for the one they * came through. * The door in front of Marco seals with a resounding THUD as * the other seals, trapping the five in the room! * 72
  • 74. Marco tries the door. No handle, no hinges, no nothing -- just solid steel. He looks back at the door they came through. Also sealed, like it was never there. * A rumbling sound echoes, like a series of pistons firing. The four look around... nothing. Then steam pours out of the Foo Dog’s joints and nostrils. WATER MAIDEN (focusing) You know, I have a not so good feeling about this. And suddenly the Foo Dog’s black eyes are blood red. MARCO What could possibly go wrong? And things happen very fast-- -Razor-sharp BLADES POP OUT of the Foo Dog’s mane, shoulders, and joints as the hindquarters telescope, raising it to a full SIX FEET of mechanized mean-- WIND That. --And it ATTACKS! The five DIVE as steel claws DIG into the floor, tearing up * tile. The thing SPINS, slicing at Marco who slides back, evading, just. It LUNGES! He ducks and it SMASHES into the steel wall, denting it. He’s backing up and it CHARGES. Marco runs, cutting between supporting beams. The Dog follows, back spikes tearing into the pylons, ripping great gouges into them! It SNAPS at him as he cuts between more pylons. One SHEERS. Another. They fall and Marco dives. The Foo Dog is almost on him when Crane Master hits it with a flying kick -- enough force to kill a horse. The Dog tumbles away, SMASHING into a wall, denting it, and pivoting to its feet. It turns on him, snarling. Steam pours of its steely maw to reveal rows of razor sharp teeth. A deep RUMBLE emanates from somewhere deep down and as the five come * together, back to the wall and no place to run. * WATER MAIDEN * I wish it could end another way. Marco focuses on the beast. Condensed water coats its * joints, leaking out, onto the floor. MARCO ...It can. 73
  • 75. PIPER CHU (shaking his head) We can’t outrun that thing, Marco, and we can’t fight it. * MARCO We don’t have to. They look at Marco, unsure. Marco’s looking at the door behind them, at the very faint seams where it sealed... MARCO (CONT’D) (echoing Crane Master) How does water attack rock? Water Maiden and others follow his gaze... * CRANE MASTER (smiling just a bit, like a proud father) ...In the seams. Marco... nods, and Crane Master moves, fast, sprinting * directly at the door! The Foo Dog LEAPS after him, closing * the gap, fast. It’s maw is inches from Crane Master when he * hits the wall, and RUN RIGHT UP IT, flipping back and over * the Foo Dog as it SLAMS into and through the sealed doors and into corridor beyond. * It tries to turn, gets stuck for a moment. SHAKES its massive head and masonry rains. CRANE MASTER (CONT’D) * Quickly! * Marco and Water Maiden, Wind and Chu run towards the back of * the Foo dog. * INT. CORRIDOR - CASTLE TOBA - CONTINUOUS * The five LEAP over the beast, sliding over it, and landing in * the corridor as it starts to tear itself free. * They run and the thing follows, ripping up the corridor as * the five sprint, cutting down a perpendicular corridor, and * then another. Stairs ahead. They take them. The Foo Dog, a thousand pounds of metal-mean, is a beat behind, sliding around corners, tearing up tile and smashing walls. * Chu slips and falls. Marco turns, grabbing him, pulling him away as the Foo Dog SNAPS. MARCO * Now you owe me! * 74
  • 76. Crane Master spins, drawing two arrows from his quiver and FIRES! Arrows arc, SMASHING into the thing’s eyes. It rears, limbs flailing, smashing into the walls, talons arcing * towards Marco! * And Chu pushes him aside! Claws DIG in to Chuck, lifting him * up and shaking him like a rag doll. * MARCO (CONT’D) * NO! He attacks, blade SLICING into the Foo Dog’s arms. Sparks * fly as Marco SEVERS the thing’s paws. Chu falls and the dog * rears, great maw open, exposing rows of teeth. As it lunges, * Marco moves SLIDING under the dog, his blade splitting it’s * torso. Water spills out, pooling -- a steam engine drives * this beast! The dog howls and spins, focusing its rage on Marco. * Water Maiden, seeing the water, focuses her Chi. A pulse emanates from her and the water becomes ice, rising up, into the dog’s guts, and FREEZING. The dog takes a step, stops as ice forms around it. Crane Master focuses his Chi. The air ripples as a wall of energy emanates from his palms, washing over the dog. The effect is instantaneous and devastating. The frozen metal SHATTERS, pieces raining down as the dog collapses into its component parts, pistons firing and gears spinning. The four stare down at Chu, sorrow creasing their features. PIPER CHU * (to Marco) * We’re even. * MARCO * Why? Why sacrifice yourself for * me? * PIPER CHU * Because I was wrong about you. You * didn’t come to take, but to give... * Don’t let them win, brother. * And he’s gone. Marco closes his eyes. Kokochin stares at * Marco... * A sound of machinery echoes, close. WIND * Another of these things? MARCO * ...No, something worse. 75
  • 77. Crane Master... nods, and turns to go. * WATER MAIDEN * Piper Chu’s body, Master-- CRANE MASTER Is a shell, nothing more. We will honor him through our actions. He’s moving. Others peel off, one by one, and follow. As they move, the sounds of machinery grow and with it, a glow of fires. They pause at the corridor. Below them is a vast WORKSPACE in which something monumental is being constructed. Hundreds of SLAVES work under the eyes of whip-cracking OVERSEERS. The Baron’s GUARDS patrol everywhere, his GUNNERS man several BRONZE CANNONS. WIND * It looks like they’re laying down the ribbing of some sort of boat... CRANE MASTER * If that were a ship, it would be too big for the river. Marco’s locked on the “ship’s” prow. It resembles a great * dragon head. * MARCO * (almost to himself) * “...a fiery dragon...” * Sound behind them. Water Maiden turns. There stands a 10 * YEAR OLD SLAVE BOY, a yoke and buckets over his shoulders. All freeze. WATER MAIDEN * We are not here to hurt you... We are here to help... The boy lets out A PIERCING SCREAM. The GUARDS locate the source and spot the INTRUDERS. A KLAXON sounds. MARCO Time to go! TWO CANNONS pivot, fuses lit. They thunder, their BALLS shattering the ROCK WALLS above our TAOISTS. They run as the guards fire a VOLLEY of fuse-ignited MUSKETS. The heroes rush back the way they came as the space around them is shredded with LEAD MINI-BALLS. A squad of SHOCK-TROOPS give chase, fuse-spiked CANNISTERS hanging from their belts, PRIMITIVE HAND GRENADES. 76