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By J. C. Young
Tilting down from cloudy sky, a massive billboard proudly
displays a 1970’s sports coupe of the Continental Motors
Company, with an Indianapolis 500 Pace Car logo emblazed
upon it, proclaiming “C.M.C. Leads At Indy!”
Below the bright red, white and blue sign the dull red brick
and gray steel buildings sit quiet. There’s a traffic hum.
At street level below, a squat government building has a
block long line of people shuffling impatiently in front.
The sign reads, “Unemployment Insurance”.
As the crowd gets larger, things get tense as people shuffle
forward. Some start to shove and push. Things escalate.
A moment later, a Detroit police cruiser pulls up to the
curb. Its large headlights filling the view. Car doors open
and SLAM shut.
An unblinking headlight of another car glares straight head.
C.G. Detroit, MI - 1975
Black steel of a nine-pound sledgehammer shatters the glass
light and dents grillwork.
U.A.W. workers protest in front of the empty factory lot.
They’re holding ‘Build American! Buy American!’ signs and
stand around a battered Datsun B-210, taking turns BASHING
it with the hammer as they chant.
Strolling past the protesters, along the chain-link fence,
is EDDIE (19), a handsome young black man, in bell-bottom
denims and poly paisley shirt.
We are… UNION! We are… UNION!
Eddie nods as he walks, engrossed in a racing magazine.
A snow-white 1970 Dodge Challenger crouches in the darkened
alleyway. Lying quiet, it catches Eddie’s eye as he passes.
Eddie stops dead and turns to admire the Detroit handiwork.
He strolls further into the alley for a better view.
Look at you. Mhm…
His fingers trace along the fender, then the hood. He
finds the release and pops it open.
And someone just left you sittin’
all alone like this. Shame.
He takes a handmade wire tool from his pants pocket. A
moment of tinkering and the Hemi engine rumbles to life.
Oh yeah… Sweet music.
He shuts the car hood and steps around to the driver’s door.
In the driver’s seat, Eddie checks his hair in the rear-view
with a devilish gleam in his eyes. Then, he taps the pedal.
His eyes close, feeling the RPM’s surge.
It’s okay, baby. Just taking a
little cruise. Eddie will take good
care of you, bring you back home.
Eddie smiles to himself and lets out the clutch.
The Challenger slips into gear and pulls away.
Cruising along, Eddie tosses his handmade tool onto the
passenger seat, along with his racing magazine. The cover
reads, “Formula One – Best of 1975”. It lands next to some
loose pennies on the floor mat.
A large jar of pennies is gripped with both hands by MARY
(20s), a lovely California blonde in big sunglasses and a
yellow summer dress. A bright spot of color among the gloom.
She saunters into the bank as a few customers mill about. A
SECURITY GUARD reclines by the door, reading the Detroit
Daily News, headlined “President Ford To City: Drop Dead”.
She grins as she passes and he smiles back.
At the carpet edge, she trips. SMASH!!
The big jar shatters on the tile, pouring out a puddle of
coins. Everyone pauses, and then go back to their business.
She bends down to gather the money. The guard steps
over, admiring her figure, and then kneels down to help.
Man, don’t you hate that?
Suddenly, a .32-caliber pistol is pressed against his nose.
Yeah… it sucks.
The guard slowly raises his hands, dropping coins he had
collected. Suddenly, two men in ski masks burst in behind
them! ROBBER 1, a Latino and ROBBER 2, a steely-eyed young
black man are carrying .45 automatic pistols. Robber 1 wears
a homemade radio headset.
Don’t move, sugar.
The guard nods. She takes the gun from his holster.
Everybody! Get down on the floor!
Some people freeze as they rush in, others drop at once.
Ladies and gentlemen…
BANG! Robber 2 whirls around. Mary’s smoking .32 is aimed at
the ceiling. She holds the guard’s pistol out threateningly.
Man said, get your asses down!
She kicks the guard in the back. He falls onto the coins.
The remaining customers drop. Robber 2 raises an eyebrow.
Ladies and gentlemen! You folks
just stay quiet, and this will be
over… quick and painless.
Mary looks at her watch.
Thirty seconds...
Robber 1 climbs onto the counter, tossing a bag to a teller.
Let’s go. Hands where I can see.
Nobody has to be a hero. No one
needs to get hurt. This ain’t your
money. The capitalist system
protects you from people like us.
Robber 2 crosses to a man, cowering behind his desk. The
nameplate reads, “Gerry Wilson – Branch Manager”.
Mr. Wilson… We need to talk.
(Points his .45 at Wilson)
Like, right now.
Robber 2 and Mary pull Wilson up and take him to the vault.
Any buzz from the fuzz?
Robber 1 cups a hand over his radio earpiece.
Robber 2 points to a grated door in front of the vault.
Open it.
Can’t… I can’t… open deposit boxes.
No, but you can open this door.
He taps the grating with his pistol.
And your armored car guys just
dropped off your cash for Friday
paychecks. We ain’t stupid, man.
Wilson fishes out a key chain. He tries to insert a key, but
he’s shaking. Robber 2 takes the chain and works the lock.
He tosses the keys aside. Mary checks her watch.
Take a seat, over there.
(To Robber 1)
Watch them.
Ninety seconds.
Robber 2 and Mary enter. Bundles of cash lay on a metal
table, stacked neatly in cardboard box lids.
Mama like!
Robber 2 slings a bag off his shoulder. He hands it to Mary.
Grab the big bills, baby.
She puts away the pistols and tucks bundles into the
Robber 1 paces on the counter-top, while the cashiers empty
the drawers. The teller hands him the bag back.
All right. Back up.
The teller raises her hands. As Robber 1 glances to the
vault, she steps on a floor switch.
You hear me? Back up.
She retreats as Robber 2 and Mary come running.
We thank you good consumers for
your complete cooperation.
Robber 1 leaps from the counter as they head for the door.
Suddenly, he stops as his headset CRACKLES to life.
Two-eleven! Someone tripped it!
He spins around and aims his pistol at the tellers. The
teller who hit the button SCREAMS and drops to the floor.
We got the bread, man! Go!
They turn and explode out the door.
The hoods run out and pile into a large 60's sedan. Behind
the wheel, JOHNNY (20s), a nervous white kid tosses out his
unfinished cigarette and stomps the gas.
The sedan ROARS off. A moment later, a police cruiser rounds
the corner, tearing up the street towards the bank.
As the sedan zips through traffic, the hoods whip off their
masks. In the back seat, ERNESTO (Robber 1) sporting a
military haircut, puts his radio headset back on.
Next to him, Mary looks through the bags. AKIM (Robber 2)
rides shotgun as Johnny steers frantically.
You get it, Akim? You get it?
Mary holds out a brick of wrapped twenty-dollar bills.
What do you think, Ace?
Damn skippy.
Ernesto listens to his police radio, shaking his head.
(filtered through radio)
...suspects are in a green four-
door sedan. Michigan license...
Akim, they ID’d the car.
What do I do, man? What do I do?
Turn right… Here. Two more units
are heading this way. They’ll try
to contain the neighborhood.
The sedan jostles and bumps as it comes out of an alley and
skids hard left. Approaching an intersection, a police car
passes right in front of them. Johnny stomps the brakes.
Tires smoke as Johnny spins back the way they came.
Shit! Where now, Ernie?
The police cruiser is coming up behind them, fast.
Ernesto listens to radio traffic. The others hinge on his
every word. He nods to himself as he checks a map.
Turn left and then jog right. What
street was the construction on?
The sedan roars past; makes a pair of quick turns and enters
another alley. A second later the cruiser rounds the last
corner and stops at the intersection, unsure where to go.
Ernesto points straight ahead.
Stay on this. They’ll probably go
around. We’ll be on the highway in
about six blocks.
Wooo! We did it, baby!
She leans up, grabs Akim and kisses him. He pulls at her
tresses. A blonde wig slips off to reveal short, dark hair.
You did good, little girl. You look
sharp as a blonde.
I’ll save it then.
At that moment, a garbage truck rounds the corner ahead.
Johnny swerves to avoid the truck, but he overcompensates.
Mary SCREAMS. Akim whirls around just in time to see it.
I got it!! I got it!!
The car skids, fishtails and slams into a phone pole,
driver-side first. The garbage truck is already gone.
Ernesto shakes out the cobwebs and looks around. He punches
the back of Johnny’s headrest.
Nice one, esse!
Johnny stares the ceiling; head tilted back, neck broken.
Madre dios…
Akim holds his head, the chimes still ringing.
Johnny’s dead, man.
Picked a fine time do that shit.
Akim reaches over and tries the key. The crippled sedan’s
engine sputters, but won’t start.
Killed this piece a shit car, too.
Looks like we’re walking.
Walk? Walk!? Oh, sure. Packin’
heat… masks, and loot sacks? We
can’t just take the freakin’ bus!
The old man got a plan for this!?
Mary points at Johnny, but then horrified, uses
her hand to cover her mouth.
You gotta’ better idea, woman!?!
Or, you just wanna’ hang here till
the cops show up? That truck might
have had a radio.
We got to go! Ándele’!
The robbers climb out of the totaled car. Mary empties
Ernesto’s bag into her. They toss their gloves and masks
into the bag as well. She slings it over her shoulder.
Ain’t gonna’ take them pigs long.
Just put your gun in the face of
the first guy you see.
What you think I’m gonna’ do? Not
like some fool come rolling up…
Behind him, the white Challenger cruises to a stop.
Hey. You all okay?
Akim turns, all smiles. He saunters over to Eddie.
Doing better now you showed up.
Looks bad… Your friend all right?
Eddie points to Johnny in the sedan, then looks back to see
Akim’s .45 in his face.
He ain’t feeling no pain. Neither
will you, punk.
(To the crew)
Boy’s gonna’ give us a lift.
Akim sits in the passenger seat, his pistol pointing at
Eddie. Mary and Ernesto crouch in the back.
(filtered in Ernesto’s radio)
All units… 2-11 vehicle abandoned.
Three suspects may be on foot or
changed vehicles… stand by…
Akim glances around the Dodge’s interior. He picks up the
racing magazine, looks at it, then drops it on the floor.
Nice ride.
Thanks. I just stole it.
Akim glances at him and snorts a ‘yeah right’ laugh.
A police cruiser drives past the Challenger. It slows, then
U-turns. As it turns, the lights and SIREN come on.
Mary peeks out the back window. Akim eyes Eddie.
I don’t how, but they made us.
You do something?
I told you, the car’s hot.
Damn. You two stay down. Don’t poke
your head out and get ID’ed.
(Jabs Eddie with the pistol)
Drive. You got that?
I got choices?
You got one or you get forty-five.
The Challenger lurches, tearing away from the police
cruiser. A moment later, the cruiser surges to catch up.
Roaring through a stoplight, the Challenger just misses two
stopped cars. It whips in-between crisscrossing traffic, and
then veers hard to barely miss more oncoming cars.
The cruiser jogs left, but gets clipped in the intersection
by a truck. Regaining control, it continues pursuit.
Akim looks back at the chaos behind them.
Shit! This boy’s crazy!
You’d know crazy, sugar. Woo!
As the Challenger rounds a corner, two other police cruisers
join the chase.
We’re getting popular…
In the back, Ernesto’s headset is full of radio CHATTER.
They got two more units up ahead…
Eddie checks his rear-view, seeing Ernesto reading his map.
Cool toy. Can you ask the cops
where they’re not going?
Turn right… next intersection.
The HEMI growls as the Challenger barrels by. Traffic is
sparse as they pass barricades and construction signs for
the GM Renaissance Center.
You sure about that right thing?
Turn right! Right here!!
The Challenger bashes through a chain-link gate, rumbling
past dozers and cranes. Workmen scramble as they blow by,
dust billowing up. Police cruisers are right behind them.
Narrowly avoiding a dump truck, Eddie steers wide. The
Challenger’s right side rolls up a stack of lumber, lifting
it off the ground, before hopping back onto all four.
One cruiser turns too far and drives up the planks,
stranding it. The second cruiser doesn’t clear the truck.
Real shitty short cut.
Akim pokes Eddie in the ribs with the pistol.
You the one driving. Drive better.
Ahead, a work crew preps a massive pylon tube to be lifted.
All right, line’s secure...
The foreman gives thumbs up to a crane operator. The slack
of cable begins to pull up, just as the Challenger whips
around a lunch wagon and heads straight for the pylon.
Through the dust-covered windshield, Eddie sees the gigantic
cylinder rapidly approaching.
Tight squeeze!
Everyone crams down in their seats as they plunge through.
Just scraping the side mirrors, the Challenger dives through
the pylon! As the crane hoists it off the ground, the
cruiser in pursuit slides to a stop, but not before the
front half of the car jams into the pylon.
The other end of the pylon is a few feet off the ground as
the Challenger vaults out. The foreman waves frantically.
Whoa! Whoa! Back it down!!
Stuck, the cruiser’s front end is lifted nearly vertical,
with the back bumper still planted on the ground.
Finally, the front end falls free and slams down hard, just
as the pylon drops down on top of it. Other pursuing
cruisers have to stop.
The Challenger bashes open another chain link gate and roars
back onto pavement, dust clouding up in its wake.
The dirty and dinged Challenger rumbles into an empty lot.
Pull over here.
Eddie grips the wheel, adrenalin still pumping. He glances
at Akim’s pistol. Mary and Ernesto appear resigned.
End of the road.
You want me to get out?
Would keep the blood off the seats.
I don’t?
I gut shoot you. You’ll bleed long
and slow after I throw you out.
Long enough to stomp the pedal and
kill all of us?
Akim cocks back the hammer.
Don’t make me pop you in the car.
Cruiser reporting in… he’s about
three blocks over.
Do it or let him drive!
Quiet! I’m thinking…
Akim puts the gun up to Eddie’s temple and grits his teeth.
We need your ride. You can ID us…
I’m in the same shit as you. I’m
driving a hot car. You think the
pigs gonna’ see me as a victim?
Is he wanting in?
Eddie nods. Akim sees the beads of Eddie’s sweat. He smirks.
You think it’s that easy?
I just saved your asses.
Akim blinks. He slips the hammer down on the pistol.
Eddie nods and puts the Challenger in gear.
The Challenger u-turns and heads back to the road.
We’ll let the old man decide if we
waste you. ‘Sides, I can’t drive a
stick anyway.
The Challenger pulls into an open loading bay. The only
sound in the empty structure is the rumbling Hemi. In the
dark, the car crosses the floor to a rack of empty pallets.
That’s close enough.
In the back seat, Ernesto brings out a one-button remote.
Abierto sesame.
Pointing the remote at the wall, he presses the key. Section
of pallets slides away, revealing a secret entrance.
You live for that, don’t you?
An entire other section is behind the panel. Two other cars;
a plain sedan and a Lincoln are parked on the far wall.
Worktables covered in electronics, tools, gunsmith supplies,
and maps of Ohio are clustered about.
CARL (51), a solemn middle-aged white man, sits at the last
table. He looks up as they arrive and sighs. The engine
clatters and shuts down. Everyone climbs out.
You don’t have to tell me. Heard
about Johnny on the police band.
Man made a bad choice. But, by the
grace of Allah we have returned.
Carl nods as Akim gives a “I’m all that” shrug.
Yeah, with a shitload of bread.
Mary dumps the cash bundles onto a table. Carl moves from
behind the table, in a wheelchair.
You leave anything in that car?
Nothing traceable. Just Johnny.
Touch his car without gloves?
Nobody did, far as I know.
Carl nods. He rolls himself over to the Challenger; Eddie is
still sitting behind the wheel.
Only one loose end, then.
We… I… decided not to waste him on
the street.
Carl nods and looks at Eddie, who stares straight ahead.
I want to drive for you.
For me? Get some kinda’ rush from
it? I already got one thrill junkie
in this outfit.
He nods over to Mary. She smirks. Eddie doesn’t look.
I’ve got skills.
You got lucky. Luck changes. Sorry.
Eddie pumps the pedal and the Challenger’s engine jolts
awake. He turns to face Akim, who levels the weapon at him.
Shut it down!
The Challenger lunges forward and everyone scatters.
Ernesto dives over the couch. Mary moves behind the counter.
Before Akim can line up a shot, the Challenger drives across
the hideout. Swerving, it just fits between the benches.
Told ya’ll this fool’s crazy!
Akim aims again, but the Challenger whips by. Heading to the
far end of the room, it skids, narrowly missing the Lincoln.
Now, the Challenger is facing Akim, head-on.
He’s got a pair that’s for sure.
The engine revs, but Akim stands his ground.
You gonna’ run me down? Be dead
‘fore you get here.
The engine revs again. Akim aims at the windshield.
Babe, you are playing chicken…
Without. A. Car!
The Challenger jerks, tires squealing and smoking. Akim
cocks the hammer. Carl’s hand takes hold of Akim’s pistol.
He made his point.
Akim glances at Carl. He’s trembling from the tension. Carl
gives him a nod, and then rolls toward the Challenger.
I think bossman is impressed.
Mary looks at him, then over at Eddie. She bites at her lip.
Staying directly in the car’s path, Carl rolls up to the
driver’s door. Eddie stares at Akim with scared intensity.
Some fancy footwork you just
pulled. Shut it off. We’ll talk.
Eddie looks at him and shuts the Challenger down.
Come out, let’s get a look at you.
Eddie opens the door and steps out. Ernesto and Mary have
joined Akim. His pistol is still in his hand, but lowered.
He stood up to you.
Think he would without the car?
Would you without the gun?
Akim grins; of course he would have.
You finish school?
Dropped out when I was sixteen.
What’s your name, son?
Unsure what to say, Eddie glances back and sees the racing
magazine lying open on the floor of the car.
There’s a photo of A.J. Foyt, the caption reading, “A.J.
Foyt’s Indy Legacy”
Carl holds out his hand. Eddie takes it and they shake.
A.J. It’s A.J.
Welcome aboard, A.J.
The rest of the crew approaches them.
A.J., this is Ernesto… Mary… and
you know Akim. I’m Carl.
Thanks, Carl.
You may not be so grateful if we
all wind up in the slam. But, as of
right now, you work for me.
Carl moves behind Eddie, putting a hand on his back.
Exiting the hideout, Eddie crosses the concrete floor, Carl
rolling beside him.
You’ll go out the front door.
What about the car?
I got someone who can make it
disappear. If you’re in, it could
mean hard time. This ain’t juvie
hall or a time-served kind of
crime. This is some heavy shit
you’re in. You do understand that?
Eddie nods.
I’m just wondering.
My old man did state time. Busted
in a chop shop in Flint. I know
what it’s about. I’m not going
anywhere, man. Whole town’s dried
up. I ain’t working in some tool
and die shop the rest of my life.
Sounds like you’re looking for
something more than money…
Carl and Eddie reach a freight elevator and get in. The
rickety lift rumbles upwards.
Can you fix cars, too?
Yeah, some. My Dad showed me.
Carl hands Eddie a card. The front reads, “Mom’s Pawn”
Come around tomorrow. Address is on
the back. I’ll give you something
to do. Oh…
Carl pulls out a cash roll and peels off a few hundred
dollar bills.
Here. I can’t cut you in on today’s
take. Consider it a down payment.
He puts the cash into Eddie’s hand. The lift door opens.
You decide to just take that and
not come back, I won’t blame you.
Carl points to an emergency door. Eddie nods and walks out.
Eddie slips quietly through the backdoor. Besides the aging
appliances, a small dinette set populates the cramped room.
The only light is from a fixture over the sink and dancing
blue shadows from a TV in the next room.
He opens the fridge. The light is out, but he fishes out a
beer. Popping the top on the counter, he takes a drink.
DAD (O.S.)
Did you ask to drink one of those?
Eddie turns to the doorway where the voice came from.
I had a pretty freaked up day.
Eddie fishes out the money Carl gave him. He pulls a sugar
bowl off a shelf and stuffs the money into it.
DAD (O.S.)
Must have. Expected you home a few
hours ago.
Glancing back to the doorway, he stashes the bowl back on
the shelf, and then goes into the next room.
A silent Tigers game flickers on TV. A pair of work boots
sits next to an ottoman, surrounded by empty bottles.
Eddie’s DAD (40s) has some graying hair and needs a shave.
He reclines in his chair, still in his work clothes.
Eddie walks by and plops onto the couch in the dark. Dad
snorts, then looks around, realizing how late it is.
You eat dinner?
Eddie looks down at the empties. He shakes his head.
You drink yours?
Dad turns to him, leaning out of the chair.
Don’t give me that. I’ve had
overtime every day this week.
And last week.
We got bills. Sorry if your old man
can’t afford a place in Gross
Pointe… or buy you a car.
Eddie gets up and heads back to the kitchen.
Did I ask for a car?
Eddie swills the last of his beer, and then drops the bottle
in the trash. His Dad stops at the doorway.
Don’t appreciate nothing, boy. I’m
living at that shop since your
Momma’s been gone. Didn’t finish
school. You got no job.
I got a job.
Wait… A job? Where?
I get to work on cars. I didn't
want to talk about it just yet.
Eddie walks past him to his room.
As Eddie reaches the door, his Dad grabs his shoulder and
spins him around.
Out of juvie two years… come home
late… and a secret job. You get why
I’m worried, right?
Eddie goes in and slams the door. Dad turns and raises a
fist to punch the wall, but shakes it off.
Hey… how about I fix us something…
or go out. We can talk about this
new job of yours.
From behind the door, things are MOVING ABOUT and THUMPING.
Dad listens for a second before opening the door.
I need to get out of here...
Eddie has a suitcase out and is going through his dresser.
DAD (O.S.)
I am not hard on you. Just want you
to stay out of trouble.
Eddie turns and goes to the closet.
You know what I think of when you
haven’t come home?
Grabbing things off the shelf, Eddie keeps his back to Dad.
Obie Wynn. I think of him. Boy shot
in the back over on Livernois.
Obie Wynn… the one got shot by that
white guy? Started that whole riot
at Bolton’s Bar.
Cops said he was trying to break
into the owner’s car when he got
shot. Eddie… you went to juvie
already for boosting cars. The next
time, it’s me getting a call that
it’s you whose been shot.
Pausing, Eddie turns to look at this father.
I don’t think I can handle that.
Believe it or not, you got it
pretty good. I don’t say anything
about your girl Leslie coming over.
Eddie returns from the closet with several pairs of jeans.
It’s Lizzy.
Didn’t knock that girl up, did you?
He throws the jeans into the suitcase and goes back for
another load.
Did you?
It’s not like that.
What're you going do? How long will
this job last? And no diploma?
It's a job. It’s a start.
Dad lets out his breath. Eddie comes back from the closet.
His dad takes the clothes he’s holding.
Here it is. You got no education.
And what? Some shit job? I did the
same thing. Ended up spending my
life in shit jobs or the joint. You
got a roof over your head and a
bed. Save money, go back to school.
I can’t. Not right now.
Dad’s patience is at an end; he throws Eddie’s clothes into
the closet.
Fine. You a working man now. Work.
You'll stay here and save some of
that money. Just help pay bills.
Eddie closes his eyes and sighs. Dad turns and walks out.
DAD (O.S.)
Trash needs to go out.
A garbage can slams to the ground, dumping trash on the lawn
and in the street. Eddie frisbees the lid at the can.
Son of a bitch…
He kneels to scoop the loose garbage back into the can.
Eddie glances over and sees Lizzy standing at the curb. She
puts a hand over her mouth to keep from laughing at him.
Kiss my ass… Go back on to the
goddamned pen, old - Oh hey…
Don’t let me stop you.
Eddie, embarrassed, finishes packing up the litter.
Sorry… I know it’s late…
Heard you from the porch. You just
now got home?
Oh, man… Lizzy, I’m sorry…
He stands and wipes his hands on his jeans as she steps
over. Eddie sidles up to her. Right before he reaches her,
Lizzy puts a hand on his shoulder to stop him.
No dirty hands. And you should be
scared… punking out like that.
I didn’t punk out.
Then, where’ve you been?
Something happened.
He puts the lid on the can.
You get hurt?
She checks him over. He puts up his hands.
I’m fine.
But, you won’t tell me?
Not right now.
He shrugs. She puts her arms around his neck, leaning up.
Maybe… later.
She kisses him, persuasively.
I better not find out you were out
with 'Chelle.
Michelle? No. I got a job.
Was that your secret?
Well… yeah. I told the old man and
he got an attitude.
He wants you to go back to school.
I know. You okay, if I don’t?
She lowers her arms. The moment is lost.
I don’t know…
What if I made some real money?
I wasn’t thinking that far. I just
thought we’d be together…
(Kisses him)
We get a room near campus…
Still can…
She smiles and they kiss.
No more sneakin’ in my back door.
Hearing that, his eyes light up but she shakes her head.
Oh, no. I’ve got class tomorrow.
He takes her hand and pulls her up the walk to her house.
Lizzy playfully struggles, but then relents. Lizzy cozies
next to him as they head up the street.
You're not staying over, dig?
Eddie enters the dingy store. Dust-covered TV’s and old
stereos sit on shelves. A glass case holds cheap pistols and
jewelry. A sign reading, “We Buy Gold” hangs on the wall. An
elderly woman sits behind the counter, reading the Daily.
Help you, hon?
Yes, ma’am. Are you Mom?
That’s right.
Is Carl here? I’m A.J.
Your Momma named you two letters?
Carl rolls out from the backroom.
Kid’s going to be doing some work
around here, Momma.
Where do I start?
Carl puts his hand out and Eddie slaps him five. An Italian
mob THUG in a dark suit follows Carl out of the backroom.
Were we finished, Mr. Eubanks?
I’ve got nothing more to say.
Mr. Carlini is just asking about
his investment.
He knows I’m good for it.
Yeah. Well, we’ll be around.
The thug exits. Carl turns to Eddie.
Come on, not paying you to stare.
Carl wheels down a homemade ramp from the shop’s backdoor
into a small lot in back that contains several older cars.
People pawn just about anything.
Eddie looks at the aging vehicles. He makes a face.
And you buy just about anything?
Soft heart. Sold off the ones that
run, but I'm stuck with the rest.
And you want these fixed? How much
do I get?
How much? I’m already paying you.
This is just to give you a cover
job and something to do.
Not even a cut of the sale?
Carl rolls over to the last car, covered in a tarp.
How about this?
He whips off the cover, revealing a Pontiac G.T.O.
convertible; dirty and dented, but salvageable.
Nineteen-sixty-four Pontiac G.T.O.
Nice. Original three-forty-eight V-
8… four-speed stick…
You fix up the rest, this is yours.
I can keep the paperwork clean.
Eddie walks around the grimy car. He pops the hood. The big
V-8 engine gleams at him. He smiles.
You also need to get us some wheels
for our next job, by Sunday night.
And how do I do that?
You're the wheelman.
The G.T.O. sits in the short driveway on a pair of
mechanic’s ramps. Eddie’s legs stick out from under the
front as Lizzy walks up.
Is this homework?
It’s a perk.
Eddie shimmies out from under the car and stands up.
Perk? A perk is like a parking
space. They gave you a car? If you
call that a car.
Give a man some time, girl.
So, can we take a little ride?
Gotta’ get it running first.
Engine’s fried, seats ragged out…
He picks up a socket wrench off the bumper.
I get this thing cherried out, we
are definitely cruising.
I'm gonna' hold you to that.
Eddie climbs back under the car and tightens a bolt. He
glances over to see Lizzy climbing under next to him.
She hands him a wrench. He holds her hand a moment.
I’m not gonna’ just sit and wait
for you to get this done.
Eddie stands at Carl’s map table, next to Ernesto. Mary
leans against Akim as Carl points to the chart.
You pull across from the bank here.
Drop off and go down the alley.
Carl looks over to Akim.
An emergency door’s in the back...
Akim nods. Eddie glances at Mary. She grins as she chews a
wad of gum. Eddie raises an eyebrow as she rolls the gum
between her teeth with her tongue at him.
...once you’re out of the lobby, go
down this hall. The door’s just
past the break room. A.J. will
be... A.J.!
Eddie snaps awake as Carl taps his finger on the map.
You have less than two minutes to
go ‘round the block and be right
here when they come out. You got us
a car yet?
No, I... I’m getting it tonight.
Just make sure you drive the route
a few times. Where you gettin’ it?
Not sure. Scoped some car lots.
Be smart. If you hit a car lot, go
after dark. Get one from the back.
Eddie nods, sheepishly. Mary raises her hand like in school.
Carl, I can go with him.
Carl raises an eyebrow. Akim looks at her. She grins.
What? What’s the look for?
Good. Give me your keys.
Akim’s Lincoln cruises out of the back entrance, Mary is
driving and Eddie sits in the passenger side.
Mary and Eddie sit quietly as she drives. She takes drink
from a beer bottle and then puts it back between her legs.
Eddie gazes out the window.
Hey... Bambi.
Eddie turns to her, puzzled.
You got that deer in the headlights
look going.
Feel like road kill. All of this.
She laughs.
I can dig that. Akim did almost put
bullets in you twice.
Going out with you isn’t improving
my chances.
He’s a hard ass… but it’s cool.
He’s sweet to me. Ernie’s a nice
guy too, but a little devious. And
Carl… he’s like our Dad, I guess.
What happened to his legs?
Said he got blew up in Korea, but
doesn’t talk about it. Akim used to
work for some pimp. Carl told Akim
he was smarter than that. So, Akim
quit being a goon and started
reading those empowerment books.
Mary takes a drink from her beer.
When Carl introduced us, I thought
Akim was kinda’ radical. You know,
like a Panther or something. He
repeated stuff from books and told
me his religion put him at peace.
That’s at peace?
She smiles, and downs the last of her drink.
So, how'd you meet Carl?
Time to go to work, wheelman.
The Lincoln sits in front of a collection of used cars.
Eddie and Mary stroll past the streamers and signs toward
the back of the lot.
Don't you wish you could do all
your shopping like this?
In the dark?
No crowds. No sales creeps.
Eddie nods. They pass by a sedan; he peers in the window.
Pretty plain Jane.
He tries the door. Locked. Glancing around, he brings out a
Slim Jim tool and pops the lock.
I’m glad I came with you. Kinda’
fun. Akim’s at his cover job.
Eddie climbs in and tries the seat. He adjusts the mirrors
and checks his visibility on all sides.
He can be really cool sometimes,
but he gets weird about me.
Eddie gets out, shutting the door quietly behind him. He
goes to the front and pops the hood. Fishing a flashlight
from his pocket, he leans in and looks over the engine.
You worried what I think about you
and him? I got no issues with that.
What if it wasn't "me and him"?
Mary smiles to herself, then grabs his ass. Eddie jolts up,
bumping his head on the hood of the car.
Ow! Shit!
He comes out from under the hood, holding his head and
grimacing. Mary puts her hand to her mouth in surprise.
But, a moment later, her shock turns to laughter.
Oh God. I'm so sorry.
Damn. Are you laughing?
You were funny. Like the Stooges.
She continues to laugh. Eddie manages a smile.
I went ‘grab’…
…and you went ‘clang’.
Hey, Moe!
He snap/claps like Curly. She laughs and playfully thunks
him on the head.
(Curly voice)
Oh, a wiseguy!
Mary playfully swings at him, Eddie grabs her arm.
They both laugh. Mary’s look turns serious and she leans up
to kiss him. Eddie retreats.
Whoa. Hold up.
Mary stops. She gazes at him.
What? We’re just having fun.
Yeah. Fun. And you all were ready
to kill me a couple of days ago.
That was Akim.
And that’s the other thing. You and
him… and I’ve got this girl…
She quietly nods and sidles up closer.
And they’re both not here. It’s not
like you’re married, right?
Mary is only a few inches from him, Eddie takes in a breath.
Like you said, time to go to work.
She pauses and pulls back.
Mary turns and slams the sedan’s hood shut, nearly catching
Eddie’s fingers.
Let’s get you home, boy scout.
Don’t want you to get in trouble.
Eddie drives the stolen sedan slowly off the lot and into
the street. As it passes the Lincoln, Mary pulls away from
the curb and follows.
Eddie’s Dad rouses to a BUZZING alarm clock. He smacks the
clock and sits up. Stiffly, he climbs out of bed and
shuffles into the hall.
Dad enters to see Eddie dressed and a plate of eggs and
bacon on the table.
Oh hey.
Hey. This is nice. Up early.
On my way to work.
Dad takes a seat and has a few bites as Eddie puts his
dishes in the sink.
Later, I gotta' book it.
Hold up a sec.
Eddie is two steps from the door, but stops.
I know it's not been easy. You
gotta' start somewhere. And me
being gone back then didn't help
you and your mother none.
What are you trying to say?
What am I trying to say? I'm just
saying… I'm proud of you is all.
Dad stands up and steps over to Eddie.
You made your mistakes. But, I did
too. Maybe this job's a start. Get
past those mistakes.
Maybe. Hang loose, Dad.
Eddie takes hold of the doorknob, his Dad pats his back as
he opens it to go.
Eddie sits behind the wheel of the car lot sedan, drumming
his fingers. In the passenger seat, Akim checks his pistol;
while in the back, Mary and Ernesto put on ski masks. All
three wear baggy military pants and bulky jackets.
I gotta’ pee…
First time. You’ll be all right.
It gets easier?
I always pee before I leave.
Good to know.
Akim grins.
Let’s roll, wheelman.
Eddie nods as Akim pulls his mask down.
The sedan wheels around in a U-turn, pulling in front of the
bank doors. The three crooks jump out and run inside.
Everybody down on the floor. Now!
Eddie pulls the sedan to stop by the back door. He rocks
anxiously, glancing at his mirror every few seconds.
Akim sits on the counter, facing the tellers with his pistol
hanging loose. He places a bag in front of them.
Ernesto and Mary watch the doors. A teller nervously
places bundled cash into the bag.
You’re doing fine. Just keep hands
and feet where I can see.
Ernesto listens to his headset, as Mary checks her watch.
She clears her throat.
(Deepening her voice)
One minute.
So far, all clear.
Eddie keeps watch on the bank’s back door, but is startled
by a homeless guy shuffling up to him.
Hey… hey captain… You got a
quarter… fifty cents?
No. Move on, old-timer…
Old-timer? Boy, I ain’t a day over
sixty-two. I was in the big war!
Battled them Nazis and you can’t
give a fighting man a dollar?
Eddie rolls his eyes and fishes into his pants pocket.
Akim picks up the bag and stands on the counter.
Time to boogie.
He jumps down and the three head through the back of the
lobby. They race down a winding corridor to the back door.
The bank alarm bell RINGS. Eddie puts the sedan in gear as
Akim, Mary and Ernesto burst into the alley and pile in.
Excuse you, people! Five dollars?
Hit it!
The sedan scratches gravel and roars up the alley.
Like you didn’t have five dollars,
you just robbed a damn bank!
Mary reads a magazine at the counter, while Akim is loading
pistol clips. Carl is doing paperwork in the back. The
doorbell JINGLES. Akim covers the bullets with a cloth.
The Thug enters. He holds the door and two more big men
enter. A moment later, in walks mob wiseguy VITO CARLINI
(40s) in his tailored suit. Though cordial, he has a
contained rage about him. All eyes turn, except Mary.
You didn’t return our calls,
Eubanks. Thought I’d make a visit.
Carl rolls to the counter.
Mr. Carlini, been busy earning a
return on your uncle’s investment.
Was gonna’ stop by the golf course.
Well, this place is bustling. It’s
no wonder you never call.
Mary finally looks up from her magazine.
Heard your crew pulled some good
scores since we first staked you.
Like I said, we’ve been busy.
Too busy to give your benefactor a
tribute? You did those jobs in our
town. You used our capital.
Our profits are being invested in
our next project.
My uncle is not an impatient man.
Twenty G’s should do.
That’s half of our last take.
You want your crew to keep working?
I can give… maybe ten.
Don’t give that cat a goddamned
All eyes turn to Akim.
You want your bread, Vito? You
gonna’ have to wait. And you will
get a nice cherry on top, dig?
This ain’t your business, moolie.
He speak for you, Eubanks?
Making it my business, ravioli.
Carl puts up his hands, trying to diffuse the hostility.
I can handle this.
How? Give up our scores to this
turkey? Bull. Shit.
Your friend better shut his mouth,
Eubanks. Or I’ll have it shut.
From the back, Eddie walks in, wiping his hands on a towel.
Hey, Carl. Buick’s got a big ass
crack in the radiator. Looks like…
(Sees they have company)
Am I interrupting?
Not at all, kid. Your boss and I
were just talking about respect.
Screw you, garlic!
One of the thugs reaches into his jacket to draw, but in a
flash, Akim’s gun is in his hand. The second thug draws.
Things will get real ugly.
Uglier than you think, Vito.
Mary has pulled a pistol from the display case and is
leveling it at them.
Whoa… whoa… Everyone back down!
You people put away the pieces or
there won’t be a happy ending.
You know, Vito… I’d say I’m in a
better spot to dictate terms.
Carl goes to the register. He pulls the drawer out.
Reaching inside in the drawer space, he pulls out a wad of
cash. Back at the counter, Carl peels off a stack of bills.
I’m buying you a one-way ticket of
out my shop. Five thousand dollars.
He tucks the bills into Vito's jacket pocket.
Just go back to Dearborn and give
it to your uncle, with my respects.
He gets the rest, soon.
You think so?
Carlini turns to his men and nods. They lower their weapons
and back out the door.
This ain’t over.
Don’t slip in your own grease on
the way out, Vee-to.
Carlini exits. The goons wait until he’s out the door. Mary
waves as they exit. Eddie slumps against the counter.
Anyone else about piss their pants?
I’ll bet Vito did.
Akim and Mary put away the weapons. Carl rolls over to them.
You two will be the death of me.
Maybe, I should go speak to his
uncle. Smooth things over.
Vito won’t back his pepperoni ass
off until this is over.
Carl sighs and shakes his head, then looks at Eddie.
So, how much is that radiator
gonna’ set me back?
Eddie is back to work, using a hanging light to work on an
old Buick. Mary steps down the back ramp with Akim, who has
his right arm around her. They walk to Akim’s Lincoln.
Alright, back in the morning baby.
Yay... Saturday, you know what that
means, big man?
Akim nods. He gives her a kiss and swat on the ass goodbye.
He climbs into the Lincoln and drives off. Mary turns back
and walks to Eddie.
Quite a little scare?
That could’ve ended up a real bad
scene in there.
She puts a hand on his back. Eddie shrugs.
Whoa. It’s cool. Things just got a
little tense.
Tense? Shit.
Mary puts her hand on his shoulder. He doesn’t flinch.
And you come right back out here?
Wanted to get this prep work done.
She turns him around.
I think you need to get out of
here. Blow it off. It’s Friday
Does it matter?
Mary and Eddie sit in a drive-thru lot, finishing some fast
food. She slurps on a shake while he picks at his fries.
Nothing like a nasty burger to take
the edge off. Thank you.
You know what else would?
She smiles. He offers her a fry, but she shakes her head.
Burning some serious rubber.
In what?
She points across the lot, where a Porsche convertible sits
on the curb.
Oh, Hell no.
Come on. We'll bring it back.
Eddie shakes his head, but then looks at the Porsche again.
In his head, he can hear its high-pitched turbo ENGINE.
The Porsche zips along a quiet street. As Eddie drives, Mary
eases into the passenger seat.
Leather… very nice.
What do you think? A doctor… or a
He downshifts as they pull up to a stoplight.
Can I drive?
You're already an accessory.
Mary hops out and jogs around. Eddie holds the door for her.
Then, he goes to the passenger side. She grips the wheel. As
the light changes, they look at each other.
I don’t know how to drive a stick.
She laughs. Behind them, a car horn HONKS.
You jiving me?
Grinning, she shakes her head, ‘No’. He sighs.
Hold down the left two pedals,
that’s the clutch and the brake.
She presses on the pedals, but her mules keep slipping.
Hold on… damn it.
Mary kicks off her shoes and tosses them over her shoulder
into the back. Another HONK from behind. The car in back
swerves around and roars past.
Move your ass!
Why don’t you kiss it!?!
She gives the other driver an ‘Up yours!’ gesture as they go
by, then plants her feet and grips the wheel again.
The stick's in first… Let out the
clutch pedal, then the brake.
Mary toggles the shift. The Porsche jerks forward.
Whoa! Hold up. You’re in third.
Mary slams on the brakes.
Leave the stick in first.
I got it.
Again, the car lunges. Another HONKING car zips around.
Give it some gas.
Mary grins. The Porsche lurches out of sight.
All right, shift down to second.
We hear the engine REV and tires SQUEAL as they drive away.
The Porsche rolls to the light. Mary is doing better. The
car only jerks slightly when she stops. Eddie looks
flustered, but she’s quite pleased with herself.
All right, back to first. Hold the
brake. Don’t let off or we’ll roll
back. Keep a foot on the gas.
I’m cool.
Mary adjusts the stick and watches the light. A customized
Camaro rolls up beside them with two young guys, listening
to hard rock. Taking a drink from a beer, CAMARO GUY sits in
the passenger seat. He sees Mary.
Hey man, check her out.
The driver looks over and revs the engine. Mary winks.
Hey, hey sweet thing. Nice ride.
You like it? I just stole it.
The two guys laugh.
Well, you stole my heart, babe.
She rolls her eyes at the line.
Your boy there know how to drive? I
can come over and show him.
He drives just fine, sugar.
She winks again and revs the engine. The Camaro revs.
You two think you can take us? From
here to Tiger stadium?
You’re on, little girl!
She pumps the Porsche’s accelerator again. They rev the
Camaro in reply. She turns to Eddie, giggling.
You’re serious?
Mary drops her Cheshire cat grin and pouts.
You gonna' help me?
I’m on this side.
The Camaro surges to the line.
What can we do after we blow your
little ass off the road, sweetie?
Anything you want, baby!
The guy hollers. She turns back to Eddie.
I want to beat these guys!
All right...
Eddie relents. He takes a hold of the stick with his left
hand. Her eyes move to the red light.
Clutch when I say. I got the stick.
Just focus on the pedals.
Green light!
The Camaro’s tires smoke as the V-8 screams. Mary slams the
pedal and the Porsche jerks off the line. The RPM’s surge.
Eddie works the shifter. It's a jerky start.
The Camaro pulls ahead as the RPM’s drop, but the gear takes
and the Porsche picks up speed again.
Clutch again…
The speedometer passes fifty. The RPM’s drop as they move
into third. The speed dips, then zooms up to seventy.
Mary tosses her hair away from her face. She anticipates the
shift this time, and works the pedals smoother.
Woooo! Yeah!!
The two cars tear through an empty intersection just as the
light changes. The Camaro pulls ahead. Camaro Guy holds his
head out the window and howls.
Clutch… you got it
The turbine whines. Lights blur by. Mary’s hair is whipped
by the wind. Suddenly, they’re boxed between the Camaro and
a slower car.
Let off…
She clutches. Eddie downshifts.
Stay with'em.
As the Camaro moves ahead, the Porsche slips in behind it
and narrowly avoids a collision.
Mary puts her hand on top of Eddie’s on the shifter.
Come on, baby!
Clutch. All you.
Mary’s movements are fluid now. The Porsche accelerates with
almost no change in momentum. They’re already gaining.
Go! Go! Go, baby!
The Porsche sidles up next to the Camaro, its engine
shrieking. The guy in the passenger seat sees them gaining.
Come on! Show me what you got!
Ahead, a truck is moving into the turning lane, but not fast
enough. The Camaro driver pushes ahead, trying to force Mary
to back off and give him the lane.
Eddie sees it, but Mary is already slowing.
On reflex, Mary pops the clutch and Eddie downshifts. Again,
the Camaro pulls ahead of them. She glances at Eddie.
We’ll get’em…
Instinctively, she feels the RPM’s and shifts without cue.
Mary’s eyes are ablaze. She’s part of the car now, working
the stick and pedals on impulse.
The Porsche slips behind the Camaro, drafting it. As they
clear the truck, Mary whips into the left lane, gunning the
engine. Another shift and the cars are neck-and-neck.
They fly past a parked police cruiser. The roller lights
come on as the cruiser pirouettes to give chase.
Eddie looks in the rear view.
Cops! Oh, man…
Mary only gives the mirror a glance; focused on the Camaro.
She grips the wheel harder, the RPM’s edging into the red.
Ahead of the racers, the light is changing.
Camaro Guy turns from watching Mary to see that the light is
against them and intersection is busy.
Dude! Back off!
The driver shakes his head. He’s not losing to a girl.
Eddie has spotted the traffic ahead. Mary seems unfazed.
The light!
But, Mary is a woman possessed; speed and adrenaline
coursing through her.
The two cars hurtle toward the intersection unabated. Behind
them, the police cruiser is falling back.
The driver suddenly realizes that Mary has no intention of
slowing down. The intersection looms ahead.
Come on, man! Stop!!
The driver stomps the brakes. The Camaro lurches, it’s nose
dipping hard. The Porsche plummets past, into the
Eddie grips the seat as they bounce across the intersection,
narrowly missing passing cars. Tires shriek as the cross
traffic slides to a halt.
The Porsche bumps and bottoms out as it booms through,
leaving the Camaro at the light. A moment later, the police
cruiser skids to a halt behind the Camaro.
Eddie closes his eyes as they slow down. Mary is elated.
Woo! God, that was… fucking…
Stop the car.
She pulls over to the curb. Eddie unbuckles and climbs out.
Eddie takes a few steps from the car; he’s not sure where to
go. Mary climbs out and walks around to him.
What’s wrong with you?
Me? What’s wrong with me? You’ve
got the problem, girl.
That was awesome.
Stupid shit could’ve killed us.
What a rush, huh?
She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him.
What are you doing?
Thanking you… for the lesson.
She kisses him again. Only this time, he returns it.
You... You still need practice.
Another kiss.
And we need to take that car back.
Eddie wakes wrapped in an afghan. The old house is modest,
but comfortable, like the couch he’s on.
Mary, wearing a mechanic’s shirt, sets a bowl of kid’s
cereal on the table in front of him. Cartoons are on TV.
Yeah. Good morning…
Buenos dias…
Eddie’s eyes bulge, he sits bolt upright and glances to his
left. Ernesto and Carl are sitting on the other side of the
room, watching cartoons. They both grin.
Mary plops onto the end of the couch; with her own cereal.
You two have a nice night?
He and Ernesto snicker. Eddie realizes he’s without his
clothes. He pulls the afghan tighter around himself and
leans over to her. She has a bite of cereal.
Why are they here?
Saturday… we always watch cartoons
on Saturdays.
Eddie looks at the TV, and then scouts for his clothes. The
others giggle at the television.
Akim’s missing it. He loves Bugs.
Again, Eddie is startled. He bounds up from the couch and
scrambles for his things. Carl and Ernesto look over at him.
Mary eats more cereal.
Shit… shit… shit… I’m dead.
He grabs up his pants and shirt, and then notices that Mary
is sitting on his shorts. He takes a hold and tries to pull
them from under her. She giggles.
You enjoying this? When he kills
me, I want to be dressed.
She laughs and shifts her legs. The underwear slips free.
Eddie dashes to the bathroom. The others laugh.
Just glad Mom’s not here.
They laugh again. The front door opens. Akim walks in,
carrying a tool belt. He drops it on the floor. Mary springs
up from the couch.
Hey, lover…
She sashays over to him and welcomes him with a kiss.
How’d your night go?
My last night slaving for the man.
I'm done with it. After this, we
won't be working for anyone again.
Akim takes off his jacket and reclines on the couch. He sees
Eddie's bowl of cereal. She grins.
I got you some breakfast…
I miss Bugs Bunny?
Commercial. They had the opera one.
‘Kill the wabbit’? I love that one.
Ernesto and Carl nod. Off-screen, the toilet FLUSHES. Mary
returns with another bowl of cereal. The bathroom door opens
and Eddie emerges. He notices Akim and starts for the door,
tucking in his shirt.
Didn’t think you’d be here.
Eddie freezes, then shrugs.
It’s Saturday. Cartoons…
Have a seat, they’re back on.
Clenching up, Eddie nervously grins.
Na, I just cruised by to say Hi.
Just a quick in out, eh?
Check you Monday, then.
Mary pats Akim’s shoulder and walks over to the door to show
Eddie out. He puts on his jacket.
Flushing. Nice cover.
No cover. I threw up.
She grins and opens the door. Eddie steps out, into the
bright sun. As he goes by, she follows him.
Eddie goes down the steps, but Mary pulls him back and
kisses him. He kisses her back, but watches the door.
I must be crazier than you…
She smiles, giving him one last peck on the cheek.
Any time you want to go for drive?
Yeah… right.
Hey, baby… It’s a Foghorn Leghorn…
That rooster’s funny as Hell.
Mary waves goodbye.
Half a block up, two figures watch the house from a parked
car. Eddie comes down the steps and heads up the walk.
Eubanks have a new hire? I don’t
recognize that guy.
A cab pulls up to the curb. Eddie gets out with a resigned
sigh. He walks up to the porch.
Hey, you.
Eddie looks over to see Lizzy sitting on her porch. She hops
up and walks down the sidewalk to him.
Oh, hey baby.
He is almost to his porch when she intercepts him.
Missed you last night. You just
getting in?
She smiles, hesitantly.
Yeah, I…
You couldn’t call me?
No. I know didn’t call. I got
things going on, alright?
Lizzy’s eyes narrows. She puts one hand on her hip.
This gonna’ be the future? Coming
and going when you want? Calling me
whenever you want? It’s not just
about you. I got my own things,
too. School. My Mom. My own job.
Girl, I just have things going on
that don’t concern you. All right?
Girl? Is that all I am to you?
Came out wrong. I’m just tired.
He takes her hand, but she withdraws. Lizzy glares at him.
Don’t. Go inside. Lay down. Get a
drink, whatever. And when you can
talk to me, then you come see me.
Come see you?
I wanted to talk to you, but not if
we’re gonna’ end up yelling.
Baby, I’m sorry. We can. We can
talk. You know I missed you.
Eddie moves to her, but she puts her hand on his chest.
Lizzy gives him a ‘yeah, right’ look.
Just go.
He’s crestfallen, but she leans up gives him a peck on the
cheek. He tries to pull her closer, but she retreats.
Uh huh. I’m still pissed at you.
He nods with a smile and she saunters up the walk. He
watches her before wearily stumbling into his house.
FREDDIE (32), a stylishly dressed black man, steps up to the
old Buick. Eddie is under the hood, fighting the radiator.
He grips his wrench tighter, propping a foot on the bumper.
Get your... rusty ass... out!
Eddie bounces the car as he wrests the metal bracket off. He
gleefully tosses it aside. Freddie raises an eyebrow.
Can I help you?
I was looking for Carl Eubanks. Did
the management change?
No. He’s here.
Eddie nods towards the backdoor. He extends his hand.
I’m A.J.
Freddie looks down at Eddie’s grease-covered palm.
Eddie wipes his hand on his jeans, then holds it out again.
Let’s not and just say we did.
Who let that shifty nigger on my
Carl rolls his chair down the homemade ramp. Freddie smiles
and slaps the older man’s out-stretched hand.
Looking good, Freddie.
You still get around, old man.
I see you met our wheelman.
The gas monkey?
He does good. Got a sec, A.J.?
Eddie victoriously tosses the rusted radiator aside.
Good flight in?
The usual. Bad food. Bad movie. And
only one stewardess worth looking
at. So, why you dragging me here
that you couldn’t say on the phone?
Yeah, Carl?
A.J., this is Freddie.
We just met.
Eddie extends his hand again.
Still not shaking it.
Freddie gets me the lowdown on our
scores and he's pretty good at
finding about anything. Gonna’ get
your hands dirty this time.
Only if the price is right.
It’ll be right. A.J. can show you
where we’re working out of.
Carl turns and rolls toward the wheelchair ramp.
I just got in, man.
And you need to find him a car.
I’m here two minutes and you’ve got
me chauffeuring? I haven’t actually
had anything to eat.
We’re on a bit of a schedule here.
I’m cool. But, he’d better wash up.
He ain’t greasing up my leather
seats, dig?
Carl nods. Freddie heads up the ramp into the shop.
Don’t mind him.
So, what do we need this time?
It will need to be quick. We’re
doing a smash and grab this time.
Freddie and Eddie cruise in Freddie’s custom Buick LeSabre.
How’d you get hooked up with this
den of thieves?
Broke a rule of the road.
Which one?
Don’t give rides to strangers.
Freddie laughs and nods.
Me, I’m strictly business. Need
something or need something done,
you call Freddie. Anything.
Anytime. Freddie’s ready.
Eddie nods. He looks around the interior of the car.
Like the ride? Check this out.
Freddie opens the glove box. Inside is a phone receiver.
I’m always between gigs, so I had
this installed.
You have a phone... in your car?
Ain’t cheap. I got to pay a radio
service and Ma Bell both. Ain’t
that a bitch?
Pretty sharp.
Freddie puts the phone away.
So, what are we looking for?
Gotta’ be quick. Carl said
something about a smash and grab.
Quick, huh? I might know a guy.
Hell yeah. You want me to call’em?
(No response)
I said should I phone him?
Eddie is fixated on a 1967 Mustang Fastback that passes by.
Turn around. I found it.
The Mustang rolls up the street, Freddie’s Buick following.
You gonna’ boost a moving car?
It’ll stop somewhere…
The Mustang pulls into a parking space and the driver gets
out. Freddie parks a few spaces away.
Freddie and Eddie watch the driver enter the store.
Here? Right now?
It’ll take two seconds...
Eddie steps outs and shuts the door.
So does a call to the fuzz.
Eddie sidles up beside the car. Gently, he presses the door
latch and pulls the handle. Crouching down, he slips in.
Hunkered in the seat, Eddie pulls out his tools. As he’s
about to pop the ignition, he sees the keys dangling.
Smiling, he glances skyward and mouths, “Thank You”.
The Mustang STARTS. The muscle car whips back, turns and
bolts out of the lot. In a cloud of dust, the Mustang is
gone. Freddie’s Buick follows. A moment later, the Mustang's
driver steps out of the store, bags in hand.
The Buick pulls up next to the Mustang. Eddie is all smiles.
Check out the big balls on A.J.
Race you back.
You go on. I’m gonna’ grab a bite.
I’ll join you.
Head over to Motown Soul. Hide the
ride first. And you’re buying.
They pull away from the light, Freddie leading the way.
Eddie and Freddie enter with an obligatory JINGLE of a bell
on the door. A matronly hostess behind the counter nods as
they seat themselves at a table.
At the kitchen window, VANESSA (28), a composed, statuesque
black woman drops off an order slip.
She takes a quick breath then turns to the hostess.
Number six.
I got it.
As Eddie and Freddie lounge in the booth, Vanessa brings
over two menus. She pulls out her pad.
Afternoon. Specials are country-
fried steak with hash browns,
She looks up and recognizes Freddie.
Hey, baby…
She grows cold. Freddie can feel it and looks at his menu.
Can I still get breakfast?
I know it’s been a while, baby.
Her glare hardens.
But, that guy’s getting eggs…
No breakfast.
You think you could take a break?
All right. I'll do the BLT on
toast, with an egg on it.
She huffs and scribbles in her pad.
Don’t think I don’t know that’s
breakfast food.
Yeah, and I’ll have…
Country fried steak, yes sir.
Vanessa walks away. Freddie leans to watch her leave.
You come here before I guess?
Yeah, well that’s a long story.
Freddie looks over. Vanessa drops off her order slip and
picks up a tray. He smiles at her, but she looks away.
I stopped here about three months
back... had an overcooked burger
but we started talking. She said
she liked old jazz and red wine. So
I said, can we go somewhere with
some real food?
(Glances at her)
She wore this gold dress... Mmm...
Eddie finishes off his soda as Freddie is sopping up the
last of the country fried steak gravy.
...we walked out of that club and I
know all of those other brothers
were wishing they were me.
(Nods to himself)
Steak’s not bad.
Freddie looks over. She feels his stare. Huffing, she turns
and walks away, shaking her head.
You mess around?
Shit, no. Look at that. Besides,
I’m too busy. I got gigs here, L.A…
New York… I ain’t got time to two-
time. Don’t know what her deal is.
P.M.S. don’t last that long.
Vanessa slaps the bill down on the table.
No checks…
She whirls and storms away, but Freddie pursues.
Baby? I’m freezing my ass off here.
Vanessa stops dead and whirls around.
You’re not too busy now, Freddie?
Don't have one of your “gigs”?
Eddie gets up and retreats to the counter.
Been thinking about you every day.
Whatever. It’s called long
distance. And your fingers don’t
look broke.
Eddie hands some cash to the hostess at the counter.
Keep the change.
Vanessa heads back toward the kitchen, Freddie in pursuit.
All right woman, what did I do?
You didn’t do nothing. All right?
Freddie shakes his head as Eddie opens the door.
What is that girl’s problem?
P. M. S. Jackass!
Eddie and Freddie exit, stopping to put on their sunglasses.
Woman all up in my face.
Freddie walks up the sidewalk, Eddie walks after him.
She knows I care.
Freddie stops. The question's clearly annoyed him.
Who the Hell are you, asking me
that? You don't know me. Or her.
Freddie continues on his way. Eddie following.
Whoa. Just saying some women like
it when you don't just show up.
Oh. So, you gonna' lay that flowers
and candy bullshit on me?
Freddie smiles, laughs and then walks on.
Oh, shit. YOU are gonna' tell ME,
Freddie, about women?
Eddie pursues, but Freddie has stopped dead.
Across the street, two policemen are standing around the
Mustang, which is being hooked to a tow truck.
An officer sits in the passenger and picks up the radio.
Five-David-twenty-one... impound
unit has arrived.
Vehicle registered to a Terence
Stevens, reported stolen. Suspects?
Negative. Vehicle’s abandoned; on
its way to the yard. He can pick it
Freddie and Eddie lean back to keep from being seen.
Shit. Thought you hid it. Guess we
go get something else.
Freddie turns to go, but Eddie still watches the tow truck.
We need to get our asses gone.
That’s the car. That's the one.
You seeing this? The fuzz has your
ride. You gonna' steal it again?
Eddie smiles. Freddie throws up his hands.
Oh, Hell no, man. I been inside.
They’d love a skinny boy like you.
The tow truck lifts the Mustang’s front end. One of the cops
hands a paper to the driver. They get in their cruiser and
drive away. Freddie turns and walks back up the block. Eddie
chases him.
Cops are gone. We can do this.
A car ain't worth ten years.
I got a plan. And you can drive.
Freddie stops and looks back. Eddie looks at him hopefully.
The tow driver chains a front wheel to the harness. As he
walks around, Freddie slips in and unhooks the chains.
The driver attaches the passenger side and goes to the
front. Eddie creeps around the back of the car. He ducks
down as the driver climbs in the cab. Eddie quickly unwraps
the chains.
The driver props his clipboard on the steering wheel to
finish his paperwork. Behind him, Eddie and Freddie climb
into the Mustang. The DIESEL engine drowns out the door
Crouching behind the dash, Eddie digs out the keys. He hands
them to Freddie.
The driver checks his mirror and the tow truck pulls away,
clearing the curb.
Freddie and Eddie sit up; Freddie behind the wheel.
Go for it.
Freddie stomps the brake.
The Mustang’s wheels lock up. As the tow truck keeps going,
the Mustang drags behind. Then it bumps free of the forks.
The front end bounces as cars swerve out of the way.
The Mustang engine ROARS to life. Freddie pops the car in
gear and stomps the accelerator. The Mustang's tires squeal
as the car lurches, spins in a one-eighty and roars away.
The driver stares blankly in the rear-view, watching the
Mustang haul up the street. He whirls around as it
disappears around the corner. He grabs his radio.
Impound thirty-two to dispatch...
You're not gonna’ believe this!
The Mustang tears by, Eddie and Freddie laughing.
Someone stole my tow! Dispatch?
The Mustang cruises through the secret door. Ernesto sits at
his bench, using a soldering gun on one of his gadgets. When
he’s finished, Ernesto carves a little maker’s mark on it.
Carl, focused on a map of Detroit, looks up. The engine goes
silent and Freddie and Eddie step out.
Expecting you boys a while ago.
He rolls over by the Mustang, looking it over.
Any trouble?
Don’t shit me.
Carl points to the police band radio, shaking his head.
You can pick'em, kid. Fastback.
Three-fifty-one… four-speed? But,
you're two doors too short.
You said speed. Anything bigger
wouldn't be as quick…
Carl nods. He rolls back over to his map.
I still have final say. It'll do.
Freddie taps Eddie shoulder.
You take me back to my car? Gonna’
try and talk to Vanessa again.
Eddie nods. He sees Akim behind him, looking over the car.
Sweet ride.
It'll haul...
Just be fast enough to keep my ass
outta’ the slam.
Akim leans in through the open passenger window and looks
around. Eddie looks up as Mary enters. She winks at him.
I call shotgun.
Holding a sawed-off pump 12-gauge, Akim loads shells into
it. A.J. sits at the wheel, with Mary alone in the back
seat. An armored car rolls up to curb ahead of them.
Not yet.
Akim gives the cue. They pull down their ski masks.
Two guards walk out, pushing a dolly carrying several bags
and boxes. Up the street, the muscle car rumbles.
The Fastback pops into gear, roars up the street and bumps
onto the sidewalk. At the armored car, one guard opens the
back door. He looks in time to see the Mustang coming.
Jesus! Look out!
He dives inside. The muscle car bumps off the curb, hits the
back door and slams it shut; pinning it closed. Akim, in a
mask, gets out and lays the shotgun across the car trunk. He
points it at the other guard, laying dazed on the ground.
Don't blink, sucker.
Behind him, a masked Mary climbs out and grabs bags off of
the dolly and tosses them into the car.
In his rear-view mirrors, the driver sees the downed guard,
holding his hands up.
What the Hell?
He grabs at the radio. Suddenly, there is a BANGING behind
him. The other guard is pounding on the inside window.
It’s a goddamned holdup! Call it
in! Call it in!
The driver nods.
Code Red… Repeat, Code Red… This is
car Alpha-Tango-Niner…
Mary grabs another load, under Akim’s watchful eye.
Doin’ real good… stay right there.
Finders keepers!
She throws another bag into the back.
Good to go, girl. Let’s motor!
Right on! Woooo!
She dives in. Akim shuts the door, and then climbs into the
Mustang, sitting on the door. He keeps the shotgun leveled.
Eddie pops the clutch and reverses, rolling into the street.
The downed guard rolls over and scurries behind the armored
car, drawing his gun as he moves. His partner, shoves open
the door, his own pistol ready.
The Mustang roars by. Akim firing into the air, then he
slides inside the car.
Eddie focuses on driving as Akim pulls off his mask. Behind
them, Mary is already digging into one of the moneybags.
Make a driver out of him yet.
The back door opens. Eddie steps out, tosses a bag into the
trash, and walks to the street. A few buildings back, a car
STARTS and creeps along behind him.
Eddie turns back, just as the headlights blaze on. Stunned,
he sprints into the alley, but it’s blocked by a fence.
(Filter through loudspeaker)
That’s far enough…
Eddie drops off the fence and raises his hands.
Eddie sits in the backseat. In the passenger seat, Detective
ARMANDO TORRES (35) turns to him.
What'd I do, officer?
Detective. Armando Torres, Robbery
Homicide. We’ve been watching you a
few days, son.
I use the wrong trashcan?
I think you know why we’re talking.
You work for Carl Eubanks. He’s
person of interest in a series of
armed robberies. I've watched
career criminals walk in and out of
there. You? I was only able to find
a juvie file. But, I did find it.
I fix cars for Mr. Eubanks.
Like your old man fixed cars? His
last stretch was five years. They
had you for Grand Theft. But,
you’ve stayed clean since juvie.
I’m not saying anything else.
Then, just listen. When I bust this
crew, they all go away. If you can
help me, then I lose your name.
Eddie steps out of the car. Torres looks out the window.
I’m watching this place. You can
just walk out any time you want.
The unmarked car pulls away and disappears down the alley.
An airport map, schedules, and diagrams clutter Carl’s
worktable. Akim and Mary huddle near. Eddie listens in.
A limo will be dispatched twenty
minutes before the plane is due.
Carl leans over and points to the map.
Ambassador Transportation is ten
minutes from Detroit Metro. So,
between the call and pick-up, you
won’t have a big opening. Target is
met at the Pan-AM terminal.
Delaying the limo’s nothing.
(To Eddie)
You just need to be timely.
Eddie looks at the map, hesitantly.
Yeah, I can do that.
Will do that, dig?
And you?
The charming hostess. Oh, and I
scored that powder you wanted.
A car horn HONKS. The wall panel opens and a Cadillac limo
rolls in. The rear and sides are dented. The engine wheezes
and smokes as it clatters to a stop.
What the Hell is that?
That? It’s your stylin’ new ride.
Not like I can just rent one.
Ernesto climbs out, wearing a driver’s hat.
What do you think? Is it me?
Dirty and broke. It’s you, hombre.
Carl rolls to the limo, steam hissing from under the hood.
Freddie's scrap yard friend found
us an insurance total. VIN number
no longer exists. You think you can
bring her back to life?
Carl smiles, reassuringly. Eddie shrugs.
Are we gonna’ kidnap somebody?
It’s a job, like the rest. If it
goes down right, no one gets hurt.
Carl heads back to the table. Mary leans against Eddie.
Girl’s best friend, Eddie. A whole
load of ice coming right off a jet.
Diamonds, huh?
That’s what Freddie said. We just
grab the guy at the airport who’s
carrying them.
Eddie steps away from her and walks back to Carl.
Federal armed robbery you’re okay
with that? But, taking a guy for a
ride and robbing him, you’re not?
Just don’t feel right.
Look kid, kinda’ late in the game
to be taking a walk, isn’t it?
Across the room, Akim watches the conversation.
Not that I’m ungrateful.
I told you this wasn’t some time
served kinda’ thing. Everything
this crew has done… what I’ve done…
was building up to this.
Carl sighs, and then shrugs.
Freddie can drive if he has to.
But, I hope you’ll think about it.
The DOORBELL rings. Dad comes to the door and opens it.
Lizzy is standing on the porch.
Is Eddie home? I saw his car.
Sure thing, young lady. Come on in.
Lizzy steps inside.
Eddie? Get out here.
(To Lizzy)
I think he's... occupied.
That's okay.
You want a drink?
She shakes her head. Dad heads to the kitchen.
Lizzy tours the main room. A collection of photos line
several shelves and a curio. A few small trophies are on
display. She sees a photo and picks it up.
Several men, including Dad when he was younger, stand around
a dirt track race car. In the center is a large trophy.
As she looks at it, Eddie walks up behind her.
What you got there?
That's your father?
Yeah. That was almost ten years
He raced cars?
He built them and was a crew chief.
That was the year their team won
this big state-wide cup race.
Where were you?
DAD (O.S.)
Eddie was in Juvie Hall.
Eddie and Lizzy look over at Dad, standing in the doorway
with a beer in his hand. He takes a long drink.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...
It's okay. I was a punk. Stole a
few cars for laughs. Dumb shit.
Got him kicked outta' school, too.
Now, he's got his big time job.
Lizzy takes Eddie's hand. She leads him to the front door.
Nice meeting you.
On the porch, Lizzy closes the door behind them. She looks
at Eddie a moment, but then can't think of what to say.
You okay, baby?
She starts to nod, but then shakes her head.
No. No, I'm not okay. I'm... I'm
pregnant, Eddie.
I knew that's how you'd look. I was
sick the last few days, so I went
to see Dr. Earle. He tested me.
You and me?
She nods. Lizzy bites at her lip, clenching her fists
Baby... baby, that's...
It's what?
Amazing. Really…
Don't just say that.
Eddie pulls her to him. She squirms at first, but then hugs
him tightly. He kisses her forehead.
Ain't that sweet.
At the curb sits Akim's Lincoln. Akim has the window down.
Mary sits over in the passenger side.
That your girl?
Lizzy, this is Akim... and Mary.
Lizzy waves, timidly. Eddie keeps an arm around her.
What's going on?
You tell me. Coming back to work?
Yeah. We got that big thing coming
up. Didn't want you to miss out on
your big bonus.
Eddie nods. He looks at Lizzy.
This job has some extra money for
me. And I just need to finish it
all up this week. Then, I'm done.
You do what you need to.
Eddie stands in front of the old limousine. Carl rolls up.
You got four days.
Four days?
Jesus brought Lazarus back in one.
You got his number?
Trust me, this is the easy part.
Eddie looks over at Akim, who lights up a blow torch.
Akim, Eddie and Ernesto strip the Cadillac down. Ernesto
solders electronics. Akim uses the torch to cut the dented
parts and weld the new pieces on. Eddie works on the engine.
Eddie lays on his back, tending to something under the dash.
Someone thumps onto the seat. Looking up, he sees Mary.
Hi. I’m bored.
You could hand me the wire harness.
She sees the tangled part on the seat and holds it
down to him. Eddie takes it.
What’re you doing with your cut?
Akim wants to go see Mecca… I’m
more French Riviera.
He points to a pile of bolts on the console. She hands him
one and he tightens it down.
Don’t think I can just leave my old
man… He’s had some problems.
Aren’t you two or three of them?
Yeah. But, we used to be tight, do
stuff. He’d only been out a year
when Mom died. All he does now is
work… and drink.
She hands him another bolt.
After this he won’t have to.
Yeah, maybe I’ll set him up some
place; get a garage.
She turns over onto her stomach and moves closer.
Driving’s more fun.
Lizzy likes cars, too.
Who? Oh, yeah. Your girl.
He glances up her. She gazes at him for a moment. Mary
smiles and hands him another bolt.
You trust me, don’t you?
They say if you cheat on one
person, you’ll cheat on another.
We’re not really a thing. Right?
She leans down and kisses him. Suddenly, there is THUMPING
on the car roof. They part just as Akim looks in.
We about done in here?
They both crack a smile. Eddie nods.
Passengers are exiting the ramp from their plane; among them
is MOSHE LEVINOWITZ (40’s), a Hasidic Jew.
Along with his traditional clothes and hat, he also carries
a small case. He quietly hides the handcuffs securing it to
his wrist as he walks through the bustling corridor.
(Filtered through PA)
Your attention please… Pan-AM
flight six-seventy-three from New
York arriving at gate forty-two.
Departing Pan-AM passengers can
pick up their…
As Moshe makes his way through, he passes by a bank of
payphones. Nearby, Freddie watches and reads the paper.
An anxious chauffeur stands a phone booth.
Mr. Wahl? Yes, sir… I’m calling
because I won’t be able to pick up
Mr. Levinowitz. Something happened
to the car… I was gone one minute…
At the curb, a limo sits, tireless on blocks.
Yes, sir… I’m sorry, sir…
Akim and Ernesto peer around the corner. The driver goes
back to the car. Akim holds out his palm. Ernesto slaps it.
As they head up the sidewalk, Ernesto tosses a tire tool
into a garbage can. Akim drops in a fistful of lug nuts.
As Moshe exits, he is greeted by Mary, wearing a dress and
platform shoes. She has a sign with his name.
Excuse me, young lady?
Mr. Levinowitz?
Yes, that is me. What is all this
about? Are you my driver?
No sir, your welcoming committee.
This is new.
Moshe climbs in and looks around. Mary sits opposite.
Very nice.
We strive for service, sir.
I was referring to you, Miss.
She coyly blushes.
Let me get you a drink.
The limo pulls away from the curb. Moments later, the
Ambassador limo pulls into the same spot. The flustered
driver gets out and holds up his own “Levinowitz” sign.
Moshe keeps the briefcase in his lap as Mary opens a bottle
of wine. She pours a large glass, then stealthily pulls a
vial from under her blouse and dumps a powder in the drink.
She holds out the wine glass to him.
Young lady, are you Jewish?
No, sir.
Then, I am sorry but I cannot take
wine that you opened and poured.
Oh. It's Kosher wine.
She shows him the bottle. He grins.
Well, that’s different. L'chayim!
He takes the glass, toasts her and drinks. Mary leans back
and gently taps the divider panel.
In a suit and driver’s cap, Eddie glances at his wrist as he
steers through morning traffic.
The red LED reads “10:26”, and then stop-motion accelerates
to “10:32”. A THUMP is heard from the back seat.
Moshe lay sprawled on the floor. Mary leans down to check.
The limo pulls to a stop. Ernesto and Akim walk up. Akim
gets into the passenger side, Ernesto the back.
Ernesto helps Mary sit Moshe up. The divider slides opens.
Akim watch Ernesto buckle the dozing merchant in his seat.
This might be the easiest gig yet.
Akim looks at Eddie, who is watching the others.
Smooth and easy, right?
The limo heads out of the airport.
Ernesto reaches into his pocket and pulls out a key ring.
Want to bet they’re Smith’s?
There’s more than one kind?
Ernesto pulls Moshe’s arm to him and gasps. The handcuffs
don’t use a key. There’s a small combination lock built in.
Shit! What did I do, God? What did
I do wrong?
What? You lose your bet?
It’s a combo lock. And the only one
with the combination is… him.
He points at Moshe.
So, now what?
EXT. I-94 – DAY
The limo cruises up a ramp onto the expressway.
I can start guessing at it.
Akim turns back and glares at Ernesto and Mary.
We ain’t got that kind of time! Cut
his goddamned hand off you have to.
With what? A corkscrew?
Jesus! Cut his hand off? Just break
the case open!
Ernesto places the case and Moshe’s arm on the seat and goes
through his tool bag. He picks and pries at the case with
various tools, one at a time.
This thing’s like a safe! We got a
tire iron? Crowbar?
The limo pulls off the roadway and stops. Eddie gets out and
starts rooting through the trunk.
Ain’t gonna’ be long before he’s
gonna’ be missed!
On it!
As Eddie searches, a Highway Patrol car cruises up
behind him. He hears the engine and freezes.
Easiest gig yet… my ass.
One of the patrolmen gets out of the police cruiser. Eddie
takes a deep breath and turns around, tire tool in hand.
Everything okay here?
Oh yeah…
Give you hand?
No really, officer. I got this.
The patrolman glances back at the traffic.
We’ll stay here ‘til you’re fixed.
I’ll be fine. You can…
Mary sticks her head out from the passenger window.
Will you hurry up with that thing!
He’s gonna’ wake up! Oh…
Eddie exhales and closes his eyes. The patrolman steps back.
Hold it!
An officer reaches for his pistol. Eddie turns and runs.
Eddie bolts past the window, hands off the tire tool and
dives into the car. A moment later, the limo is tearing away
from the shoulder as the patrolman draws his gun.
EXT. I-94 – DAY
The over-sized Caddy roars through traffic, going on and off
the shoulder to avoid collision. Coming up quickly is the
Highway Patrol car, siren wailing.
Akim grips the dashboard as Eddie weaves back and forth. In
the back, Ernesto and Mary tumble across the lounge seats.
Moshe moans and rolls his head as they bump along.
Easy, man!
Ernesto works his way back to Moshe. Mary hands him the tire
tool and he jams it into the briefcase hinges.
Get us off the highway.
The limo zooms up an off-ramp, blows a red light, and
swerves hard left onto a thoroughfare.
Ernest and Mary find themselves tumbling again.
Whoo! Just like Disneyland!!
Ay cabron!
Fighting to steady himself, Ernesto fishes into his jacket
and puts on his police band headset.
A city police cruiser has joined the chase as the highway
patrol car tries to pull alongside the Cadillac.
Okay… there’s another statie
intercepting at the next block.
The limo jerks, slamming the patrol car. All three vehicles
race through the intersection.
A loud TAPPING sound is heard. Akim looks back.
How we coming?
Getting there…
Ernesto holds the tire iron, while Mary bangs on it
with one of her platform shoes. The headset CRACKLES.
Roadblock! What street are we on?
Two police cruisers move to block the intersection.
Eddie spots the blockade. He glances to Akim.
Ain’t outrun’em in this cow.
You got one thing they don’t. Size.
Several cops gather behind cruisers as the limo surges
ahead. With a horrific CRUNCH, it plows into one car and
turns hard. As they turn, Akim leans out the window and
fires the .45 at their pursuers.
Leveraging the tire iron, Ernesto pries the case open.
Got it!
The state police car races alongside. A cop aims a shotgun
from the passenger side at the tires. Another patrol car
closes behind.
Eddie slams on the brakes with both feet.
The highway patrol car slams into the rear of the limousine.
The impact tosses everyone around. Little white envelopes
spill out of the briefcase, all over the floor.
As the city cruiser speeds by, the officer’s shotgun booms,
shattering the side windows. Mary shrieks as the glass
disintegrates around her. Ernesto dives on top of her.
Akim leans out over the top of the limo and aims his pistol
at the cruiser and unloads. The passenger side tires burst.
The Cadillac shoves the crippled police car into a parked
van, and tears off around a corner.
Eddie glances back at the chaos in the back.
Everybody okay? Anybody hit?
Mary gives a muffled reply. Ernesto quickly gets off her.
Not it.
Not it.
The police headset BUZZES. Ernesto picks it up and listens.
They called in for a chopper. We’re
outta’ time.
The battered Cadillac squalls around the corner and zooms
past. Off-screen, there is the sound of SQUEALING tires.
What the Hell?
Just a sec!
The limo roars back and veers into the car wash. Moments
later, two police cruises zoom by, sirens shrieking.
Sudsy water runs down the windshield and in through the shot
out windows. Eddie turns off the engine and looks back. Mary
and Ernesto gather up the envelopes and shove them into all
of their pockets. Akim looks at Eddie.
Smooth move.
Akim puts a hand on Eddie’s shoulder. Eddie nods.
We done back there? Let’s blow.
The dented, but clean Cadillac is surrounded by cops as
Torres arrives. A uniformed cop opens the back door and
water pours out. Still buckled in his seat, Moshe looks at
them groggily.
Why hello, officers… I swear to
Jehovah I had only one drink. But,
oy what a drink.
Get him out of there.
But, it was Kosher. This I know.
Torres ponders the scene. The cop helps the inebriated Moshe
stumble to a nearby cruiser, the mangled briefcase still
hanging from his wrist.
Eddie, Mary, Akim and Ernesto huddle around a payphone. They
are all damp from the car wash. Eddie dials.
Freddie? Hey… We lost our ride.
Freddie’s Buick cruises through the hidden door and stops.
Freddie and Akim get out of the front, while the rest climb
out of the backseat. Carl sits near a worktable, on which
are a champagne bottle and glasses.
Could have gone better… but you
won’t get any bitching from me.
Mary and Ernesto empty their pockets. Freddie and Carl open
envelopes and pour out the diamonds onto the lighted table.
The glittering light reflects in their eyes.
Man, that is pretty.
Eddie takes off the suit jacket and driver’s hat.
I might actually miss this. Won’t
know what to do with myself.
Better think of something. This
ain’t the end of it yet.
Still gotta’ sell’em. It could be a
month before I get enough buyers.
The few I got lined up can’t move
this much ice.
Having some champagne, Akim stops mid-sip.
So, what does that mean?
It means we lay low for a while.
You should be able to stay out of
trouble for a month.
And we just supposed to trust this
shifty nigger thief with our ice?
Watch that shifty shit.
No. He makes arrangements. I just
have to sit on them for a while.
We could just take our own.
If one of you is busted, we will
all get busted. We sit tight.
Akim drinks the rest of his glass sharply. He grabs the
bottle for a refill. Mary puts an arm around him.
Easy tiger. Muslims don’t drink.
I ain’t that kinda’ Muslim.
Mary smiles and kisses his forehead. Akim pours another
glass. She looks up to see Eddie heading for the door.
Eddie walks to the freight elevator. Mary runs to catch him.
She collides with Eddie; wrapping her arms around him.
No goodbye?
Sorry. Bye…
Mary kisses Eddie. He sets her down.
Akim said he’d take me to France. I
think he wanted to take our share
to Belgium wherever. They’re like a
big diamond place, right?
Guess you got what you wanted.
She pouts.
See you when you get back.
Eddie shrugs and walks out.
Eddie’s Dad is asleep in his chair as the TV flickers
another silent Tigers game. Eddie slips in from the kitchen.
He smiles at the sight, walks over and turns off the TV.
Eddie's G.T.O. drives past and pulls into a parking space.
The completely remodeled car now sports new wheels and a
sparkling blue paint job. Eddie gets out and goes around to
open the passenger door for Lizzy.
Along an aisle of baby clothes, Lizzy and Eddie look at tiny
outfits and toys. As she holds up a little girl's jumper,
Eddie puts an arm around her.
You still want to get a place
around here?
What happened to MSU?
She puts down the jumper and looks at a little girl dress.
I gotta' wait now.
I didn’t want you to. I can be at
home. I told you. When that money
comes in...
Yeah, then we'll be all set. I
know. But, we can't count on that.
What if something goes wrong?
It won't even be another week. I
should be hearing back.
You know they say if something
sounds too good...
Eddie and Lizzy walk past a row of televisions, carrying a
pile of baby things. On the screen, an anchor reads with a
slide of “Obie Wynn Hearing”. Then, cuts to firemen battling
an inferno. The images are accompanied by text reading,
“Neighborhood Business Burns”. It’s Mom’s Pawn.
Eddie and Lizzy come through the door. His Dad sits on the
couch, beer in hand and the television showing NASCAR.
That the place you’ve been fixing
cars at? They had a fire today.
Looked bad. Good thing you weren’t…
Dad looks back at Lizzy, holding her shopping bags. Eddie is
gone. A moment later, the G.T.O. is heard STARTING and
TEARING out of the drive.
Firefighters are milling about the smoky ruins of the
storefront, gathering hoses and loading trucks, as Eddie
pulls up in the G.T.O. He gets out and walks to the police
line. Nearby, Detective Torres talks with the fire captain.
Definitely set. Flames started in
three places that I can see; no
accident there. The arson guys will
be able to tell us more.
Any more victims?
Just the fella’ in the wheelchair.
I gotta’ get this cleared.
Mrs. Eubanks okay?
The captain goes back to his men. Torres turns to Eddie.
Smoke inhalation, some burns. She’s
at General. Firemen found her by
the door before the roof came down.
He said someone set this?
Torres narrows his eyes at Eddie, stepping closer.
So, where are the diamonds?
Don’t know what you’re talking
Mary walks up behind them.
Didn’t think so. You know why
Eubanks was murdered. You want to
be con-
Torres steps back and glances at her.
Yes, ma’am. You a friend, too?
She’s with me.
Mary and Eddie gaze at each other.
I didn’t know you were back… I just heard on TV…
They both pause.
How was France?
Stuffy. Akim and I… Wasn’t pretty.
Mom’s at the hospital. You want to
come with me? Where are you parked?
Cab. This yours?
(Points to the coupe)
Not hot is it?
Don’t boost cars any more.
Eddie glances at Torres, who smirks at the remark.
Moving up in the world, A.J.
The Pontiac winds through traffic, the top down.
You think Carlini torched Mom’s?
Don’t know… I just came down to
find see what happened.
He’s a grease wad.
Carlini knew Carl planned something
big. Maybe we should find the guys.
Akim pissed him off bad. Pull over
here, I’ll call him.
As Eddie waits in the car, Mary stands at a payphone her
back turned. A moment later, she turns and visibly shrugs.
Eddie pulls the G.T.O. to a stop across the street. Akim’s
Lincoln sits in the back of the drive, near the garage.
Home sweet home. You coming?
I dunno’… He may not be so cool
about seeing us together after you-
We’re saving his life, man.
Eddie and Mary step out of the Pontiac. A moment later, Akim
walks out of the front door. Mary waves.
Akim doesn’t seem to notice her and goes around the house to
the drive. Mary pursues.
Baby! It’s me!
They hear the Lincoln’s door OPEN and CLOSE. The engine
STARTS as Mary rounds the corner.
The luxury car erupts into a massive fireball, knocking Mary
backwards into Eddie. They’re both blown to the ground.
Eddie is driving with no real destination.
Her voice is as distant as his stare as he drives.
A.J. Stop the car.
Eddie looks at her, his eyes wide. He pulls to the curb.
I just can’t believe he’s gone.
Akim was like… bulletproof.
Mary sighs and leans on his chest.
We gotta’ find the other guys, get
the stash and get the fuck out of
Dodge… or we’re next.
Ernesto or Freddie?
Ernesto sits at a workbench, soldering gun in hand, as he
peers through a set of magnifying goggles.
There you are. Hold still…
He taps at a circuit board with the soldering gun.
Hey, Degarza…
Ernesto is handed an envelope with only his name. Opening
it, he finds a single piece of paper. It reads, “Out Back.”
Taking a smoke break.
Ernesto cracks open the metal door to the shop. Eddie’s
G.T.O. is parked right outside, idling. Eddie is behind the
wheel. Mary is sitting on the back of the rear seat.
Get in, Ernie.
Que paso?
We’ll talk on the way.
Ernesto shuts the door and piles into the passenger seat.
Ernesto watches the scenery, then turns to Eddie.
Could have waited ‘til I got off.
Couldn’t wait. Someone burned down
Mom’s Pawn… with Carl in it.
Then, someone blew up Akim’s
Lincoln… with him in it.
Carl? Akim? Oh, man…
We need to disappear.
Eddie and Mary sit in the car as Ernesto comes down the
steps from a fire escape.

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  • 1. Boost By J. C. Young WGA REGISTERED - #132439
  • 2. 1 FADE IN EXT. DOWNTOWN DETROIT – DAY Tilting down from cloudy sky, a massive billboard proudly displays a 1970’s sports coupe of the Continental Motors Company, with an Indianapolis 500 Pace Car logo emblazed upon it, proclaiming “C.M.C. Leads At Indy!” Below the bright red, white and blue sign the dull red brick and gray steel buildings sit quiet. There’s a traffic hum. At street level below, a squat government building has a block long line of people shuffling impatiently in front. The sign reads, “Unemployment Insurance”. As the crowd gets larger, things get tense as people shuffle forward. Some start to shove and push. Things escalate. A moment later, a Detroit police cruiser pulls up to the curb. Its large headlights filling the view. Car doors open and SLAM shut. EXT. CONTINENTAL MOTORS /FRONT GATE – DAY An unblinking headlight of another car glares straight head. C.G. Detroit, MI - 1975 SMASH! Black steel of a nine-pound sledgehammer shatters the glass light and dents grillwork. U.A.W. workers protest in front of the empty factory lot. They’re holding ‘Build American! Buy American!’ signs and stand around a battered Datsun B-210, taking turns BASHING it with the hammer as they chant. Strolling past the protesters, along the chain-link fence, is EDDIE (19), a handsome young black man, in bell-bottom denims and poly paisley shirt. PROTESTORS We are… UNION! We are… UNION! Eddie nods as he walks, engrossed in a racing magazine. EXT. ALLEY - DAY A snow-white 1970 Dodge Challenger crouches in the darkened alleyway. Lying quiet, it catches Eddie’s eye as he passes. Eddie stops dead and turns to admire the Detroit handiwork. He strolls further into the alley for a better view. EDDIE Look at you. Mhm…
  • 3. 2 His fingers trace along the fender, then the hood. He finds the release and pops it open. EDDIE And someone just left you sittin’ all alone like this. Shame. He takes a handmade wire tool from his pants pocket. A moment of tinkering and the Hemi engine rumbles to life. EDDIE Oh yeah… Sweet music. He shuts the car hood and steps around to the driver’s door. INT. DODGE CHALLENGER - DAY In the driver’s seat, Eddie checks his hair in the rear-view with a devilish gleam in his eyes. Then, he taps the pedal. His eyes close, feeling the RPM’s surge. EDDIE It’s okay, baby. Just taking a little cruise. Eddie will take good care of you, bring you back home. Eddie smiles to himself and lets out the clutch. EXT. DODGE CHALLENGER - DAY The Challenger slips into gear and pulls away. INT. DODGE CHALLENGER - DAY Cruising along, Eddie tosses his handmade tool onto the passenger seat, along with his racing magazine. The cover reads, “Formula One – Best of 1975”. It lands next to some loose pennies on the floor mat. INT. BANK / LOBBY – DAY A large jar of pennies is gripped with both hands by MARY (20s), a lovely California blonde in big sunglasses and a yellow summer dress. A bright spot of color among the gloom. She saunters into the bank as a few customers mill about. A SECURITY GUARD reclines by the door, reading the Detroit Daily News, headlined “President Ford To City: Drop Dead”. She grins as she passes and he smiles back. At the carpet edge, she trips. SMASH!! The big jar shatters on the tile, pouring out a puddle of coins. Everyone pauses, and then go back to their business. MARY Damn…
  • 4. 3 She bends down to gather the money. The guard steps over, admiring her figure, and then kneels down to help. GUARD Man, don’t you hate that? Suddenly, a .32-caliber pistol is pressed against his nose. MARY (O.S.) Yeah… it sucks. The guard slowly raises his hands, dropping coins he had collected. Suddenly, two men in ski masks burst in behind them! ROBBER 1, a Latino and ROBBER 2, a steely-eyed young black man are carrying .45 automatic pistols. Robber 1 wears a homemade radio headset. MARY Don’t move, sugar. The guard nods. She takes the gun from his holster. ROBBER 1 (O.S.) Everybody! Get down on the floor! Some people freeze as they rush in, others drop at once. ROBBER 2 Ladies and gentlemen… BANG! Robber 2 whirls around. Mary’s smoking .32 is aimed at the ceiling. She holds the guard’s pistol out threateningly. MARY Man said, get your asses down! She kicks the guard in the back. He falls onto the coins. The remaining customers drop. Robber 2 raises an eyebrow. ROBBER 2 Ladies and gentlemen! You folks just stay quiet, and this will be over… quick and painless. Mary looks at her watch. MARY Thirty seconds... Robber 1 climbs onto the counter, tossing a bag to a teller. ROBBER 1 Let’s go. Hands where I can see. ROBBER 2 Nobody has to be a hero. No one needs to get hurt. This ain’t your money. The capitalist system protects you from people like us. Robber 2 crosses to a man, cowering behind his desk. The nameplate reads, “Gerry Wilson – Branch Manager”.
  • 5. 4 ROBBER 2 Mr. Wilson… We need to talk. (Points his .45 at Wilson) Like, right now. Robber 2 and Mary pull Wilson up and take him to the vault. ROBBER 2 Any buzz from the fuzz? Robber 1 cups a hand over his radio earpiece. ROBBER 1 Nada. ROBBER 2 Solid. Robber 2 points to a grated door in front of the vault. ROBBER 2 Open it. WILSON Can’t… I can’t… open deposit boxes. ROBBER 2 No, but you can open this door. He taps the grating with his pistol. ROBBER 2 (CONT.) And your armored car guys just dropped off your cash for Friday paychecks. We ain’t stupid, man. Wilson fishes out a key chain. He tries to insert a key, but he’s shaking. Robber 2 takes the chain and works the lock. He tosses the keys aside. Mary checks her watch. ROBBER 2 Take a seat, over there. (To Robber 1) Watch them. MARY Ninety seconds. BANK VAULT Robber 2 and Mary enter. Bundles of cash lay on a metal table, stacked neatly in cardboard box lids. MARY Mama like! Robber 2 slings a bag off his shoulder. He hands it to Mary. ROBBER 2 Grab the big bills, baby.
  • 6. 5 She puts away the pistols and tucks bundles into the bag. BANK LOBBY Robber 1 paces on the counter-top, while the cashiers empty the drawers. The teller hands him the bag back. ROBBER 1 All right. Back up. The teller raises her hands. As Robber 1 glances to the vault, she steps on a floor switch. ROBBER 1 You hear me? Back up. She retreats as Robber 2 and Mary come running. ROBBER 2 We thank you good consumers for your complete cooperation. Robber 1 leaps from the counter as they head for the door. Suddenly, he stops as his headset CRACKLES to life. ROBBER 1 Two-eleven! Someone tripped it! He spins around and aims his pistol at the tellers. The teller who hit the button SCREAMS and drops to the floor. ROBBER 2 We got the bread, man! Go! They turn and explode out the door. EXT. BANK – DAY The hoods run out and pile into a large 60's sedan. Behind the wheel, JOHNNY (20s), a nervous white kid tosses out his unfinished cigarette and stomps the gas. The sedan ROARS off. A moment later, a police cruiser rounds the corner, tearing up the street towards the bank. INT. GETAWAY CAR – DAY As the sedan zips through traffic, the hoods whip off their masks. In the back seat, ERNESTO (Robber 1) sporting a military haircut, puts his radio headset back on. Next to him, Mary looks through the bags. AKIM (Robber 2) rides shotgun as Johnny steers frantically. JOHNNY You get it, Akim? You get it?
  • 7. 6 Mary holds out a brick of wrapped twenty-dollar bills. MARY What do you think, Ace? AKIM Damn skippy. ERNESTO (O.S.) Shhh… Ernesto listens to his police radio, shaking his head. DISPATCHER (O.S.) (filtered through radio) ...suspects are in a green four- door sedan. Michigan license... ERNESTO Akim, they ID’d the car. JOHNNY What do I do, man? What do I do? ERNESTO Turn right… Here. Two more units are heading this way. They’ll try to contain the neighborhood. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY The sedan jostles and bumps as it comes out of an alley and skids hard left. Approaching an intersection, a police car passes right in front of them. Johnny stomps the brakes. Tires smoke as Johnny spins back the way they came. JOHNNY (O.S.) Shit! Where now, Ernie? The police cruiser is coming up behind them, fast. INT. GETAWAY CAR – DAY Ernesto listens to radio traffic. The others hinge on his every word. He nods to himself as he checks a map. ERNESTO Turn left and then jog right. What street was the construction on? EXT. CITY STREET - DAY The sedan roars past; makes a pair of quick turns and enters another alley. A second later the cruiser rounds the last corner and stops at the intersection, unsure where to go.
  • 8. 7 INT. GETAWAY CAR – DAY Ernesto points straight ahead. ERNESTO Stay on this. They’ll probably go around. We’ll be on the highway in about six blocks. MARY Wooo! We did it, baby! She leans up, grabs Akim and kisses him. He pulls at her tresses. A blonde wig slips off to reveal short, dark hair. AKIM You did good, little girl. You look sharp as a blonde. MARY I’ll save it then. At that moment, a garbage truck rounds the corner ahead. Johnny swerves to avoid the truck, but he overcompensates. Mary SCREAMS. Akim whirls around just in time to see it. AKIM Shit! JOHNNY I got it!! I got it!! EXT. ALLEY - DAY The car skids, fishtails and slams into a phone pole, driver-side first. The garbage truck is already gone. INT. GETAWAY CAR – DAY Ernesto shakes out the cobwebs and looks around. He punches the back of Johnny’s headrest. ERNESTO Nice one, esse! Johnny stares the ceiling; head tilted back, neck broken. ERNESTO Madre dios… Akim holds his head, the chimes still ringing. AKIM What? ERNESTO Johnny’s dead, man.
  • 9. 8 AKIM Picked a fine time do that shit. Akim reaches over and tries the key. The crippled sedan’s engine sputters, but won’t start. AKIM Killed this piece a shit car, too. Looks like we’re walking. MARY Walk? Walk!? Oh, sure. Packin’ heat… masks, and loot sacks? We can’t just take the freakin’ bus! The old man got a plan for this!? Mary points at Johnny, but then horrified, uses her hand to cover her mouth. AKIM You gotta’ better idea, woman!?! Or, you just wanna’ hang here till the cops show up? That truck might have had a radio. ERNESTO We got to go! Ándele’! EXT. ALLEY – DAY The robbers climb out of the totaled car. Mary empties Ernesto’s bag into her. They toss their gloves and masks into the bag as well. She slings it over her shoulder. AKIM Ain’t gonna’ take them pigs long. MARY Just put your gun in the face of the first guy you see. AKIM What you think I’m gonna’ do? Not like some fool come rolling up… Behind him, the white Challenger cruises to a stop. EDDIE Hey. You all okay? Akim turns, all smiles. He saunters over to Eddie. AKIM Doing better now you showed up. EDDIE Looks bad… Your friend all right? Eddie points to Johnny in the sedan, then looks back to see Akim’s .45 in his face.
  • 10. 9 AKIM He ain’t feeling no pain. Neither will you, punk. (To the crew) Boy’s gonna’ give us a lift. INT. DODGE CHALLENGER - DAY Akim sits in the passenger seat, his pistol pointing at Eddie. Mary and Ernesto crouch in the back. DISPATCHER (O.S.) (filtered in Ernesto’s radio) All units… 2-11 vehicle abandoned. Three suspects may be on foot or changed vehicles… stand by… Akim glances around the Dodge’s interior. He picks up the racing magazine, looks at it, then drops it on the floor. AKIM Nice ride. EDDIE Thanks. I just stole it. Akim glances at him and snorts a ‘yeah right’ laugh. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY A police cruiser drives past the Challenger. It slows, then U-turns. As it turns, the lights and SIREN come on. INT DODGE CHALLENGER – DAY Mary peeks out the back window. Akim eyes Eddie. ERNESTO I don’t how, but they made us. AKIM You do something? EDDIE I told you, the car’s hot. AKIM Damn. You two stay down. Don’t poke your head out and get ID’ed. (Jabs Eddie with the pistol) Drive. You got that? EDDIE I got choices? AKIM You got one or you get forty-five.
  • 11. 10 EXT. CITY STREET - DAY The Challenger lurches, tearing away from the police cruiser. A moment later, the cruiser surges to catch up. Roaring through a stoplight, the Challenger just misses two stopped cars. It whips in-between crisscrossing traffic, and then veers hard to barely miss more oncoming cars. The cruiser jogs left, but gets clipped in the intersection by a truck. Regaining control, it continues pursuit. INT./EXT. DODGE CHALLENGER – DAY Akim looks back at the chaos behind them. AKIM Shit! This boy’s crazy! MARY You’d know crazy, sugar. Woo! EXT. CITY STREET - DAY As the Challenger rounds a corner, two other police cruisers join the chase. ERNESTO (O.S.) We’re getting popular… INT. DODGE CHALLENGER – DAY In the back, Ernesto’s headset is full of radio CHATTER. ERNESTO They got two more units up ahead… Eddie checks his rear-view, seeing Ernesto reading his map. EDDIE Cool toy. Can you ask the cops where they’re not going? ERNESTO (O.S.) Turn right… next intersection. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY The HEMI growls as the Challenger barrels by. Traffic is sparse as they pass barricades and construction signs for the GM Renaissance Center. EDDIE (O.S.) You sure about that right thing? ERNESTO (O.S.) Turn right! Right here!!
  • 12. 11 EXT. CONSTRUCTION SITE - DAY The Challenger bashes through a chain-link gate, rumbling past dozers and cranes. Workmen scramble as they blow by, dust billowing up. Police cruisers are right behind them. Narrowly avoiding a dump truck, Eddie steers wide. The Challenger’s right side rolls up a stack of lumber, lifting it off the ground, before hopping back onto all four. One cruiser turns too far and drives up the planks, stranding it. The second cruiser doesn’t clear the truck. EDDIE (O.S.) Real shitty short cut. INT. DODGE CHALLENGER – DAY Akim pokes Eddie in the ribs with the pistol. AKIM You the one driving. Drive better. EXT. CONSTRUCTION SITE - DAY Ahead, a work crew preps a massive pylon tube to be lifted. CRANE WORKER All right, line’s secure... The foreman gives thumbs up to a crane operator. The slack of cable begins to pull up, just as the Challenger whips around a lunch wagon and heads straight for the pylon. INT. DODGE CHALLENGER – DAY Through the dust-covered windshield, Eddie sees the gigantic cylinder rapidly approaching. EDDIE Tight squeeze! AKIM Whoa! Everyone crams down in their seats as they plunge through. EXT. CONSTRUCTION SITE - DAY Just scraping the side mirrors, the Challenger dives through the pylon! As the crane hoists it off the ground, the cruiser in pursuit slides to a stop, but not before the front half of the car jams into the pylon. The other end of the pylon is a few feet off the ground as the Challenger vaults out. The foreman waves frantically.
  • 13. 12 CRANE WORKER Whoa! Whoa! Back it down!! Stuck, the cruiser’s front end is lifted nearly vertical, with the back bumper still planted on the ground. Finally, the front end falls free and slams down hard, just as the pylon drops down on top of it. Other pursuing cruisers have to stop. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY The Challenger bashes open another chain link gate and roars back onto pavement, dust clouding up in its wake. EXT. INDUSTRIAL PARK - DAY The dirty and dinged Challenger rumbles into an empty lot. AKIM (O.S.) Pull over here. INT. DODGE CHALLENGER – DAY Eddie grips the wheel, adrenalin still pumping. He glances at Akim’s pistol. Mary and Ernesto appear resigned. AKIM End of the road. EDDIE You want me to get out? AKIM Would keep the blood off the seats. EDDIE I don’t? AKIM I gut shoot you. You’ll bleed long and slow after I throw you out. EDDIE Long enough to stomp the pedal and kill all of us? Akim cocks back the hammer. AKIM Don’t make me pop you in the car. ERNESTO Cruiser reporting in… he’s about three blocks over. MARY Do it or let him drive!
  • 14. 13 AKIM Quiet! I’m thinking… Akim puts the gun up to Eddie’s temple and grits his teeth. AKIM We need your ride. You can ID us… EDDIE I’m in the same shit as you. I’m driving a hot car. You think the pigs gonna’ see me as a victim? ERNESTO (O.S.) Is he wanting in? Eddie nods. Akim sees the beads of Eddie’s sweat. He smirks. AKIM You think it’s that easy? EDDIE I just saved your asses. Akim blinks. He slips the hammer down on the pistol. AKIM Drive. Eddie nods and puts the Challenger in gear. EXT. INDUSTRIAL PARK - DAY The Challenger u-turns and heads back to the road. AKIM (O.S.) We’ll let the old man decide if we waste you. ‘Sides, I can’t drive a stick anyway. INT. EMPTY WAREHOUSE – DAY The Challenger pulls into an open loading bay. The only sound in the empty structure is the rumbling Hemi. In the dark, the car crosses the floor to a rack of empty pallets. AKIM (O.S.) That’s close enough. INT. DODGE CHALLENGER – DAY In the back seat, Ernesto brings out a one-button remote. ERNESTO Abierto sesame. Pointing the remote at the wall, he presses the key. Section of pallets slides away, revealing a secret entrance.
  • 15. 14 MARY You live for that, don’t you? HIDEOUT - DAY An entire other section is behind the panel. Two other cars; a plain sedan and a Lincoln are parked on the far wall. Worktables covered in electronics, tools, gunsmith supplies, and maps of Ohio are clustered about. CARL (51), a solemn middle-aged white man, sits at the last table. He looks up as they arrive and sighs. The engine clatters and shuts down. Everyone climbs out. CARL You don’t have to tell me. Heard about Johnny on the police band. AKIM Man made a bad choice. But, by the grace of Allah we have returned. Carl nods as Akim gives a “I’m all that” shrug. MARY Yeah, with a shitload of bread. Mary dumps the cash bundles onto a table. Carl moves from behind the table, in a wheelchair. CARL You leave anything in that car? AKIM Nothing traceable. Just Johnny. CARL Touch his car without gloves? AKIM Nobody did, far as I know. Carl nods. He rolls himself over to the Challenger; Eddie is still sitting behind the wheel. CARL Only one loose end, then. AKIM We… I… decided not to waste him on the street. Carl nods and looks at Eddie, who stares straight ahead. EDDIE I want to drive for you.
  • 16. 15 CARL For me? Get some kinda’ rush from it? I already got one thrill junkie in this outfit. He nods over to Mary. She smirks. Eddie doesn’t look. EDDIE I’ve got skills. CARL You got lucky. Luck changes. Sorry. Eddie pumps the pedal and the Challenger’s engine jolts awake. He turns to face Akim, who levels the weapon at him. AKIM Shut it down! The Challenger lunges forward and everyone scatters. Ernesto dives over the couch. Mary moves behind the counter. Before Akim can line up a shot, the Challenger drives across the hideout. Swerving, it just fits between the benches. AKIM Told ya’ll this fool’s crazy! Akim aims again, but the Challenger whips by. Heading to the far end of the room, it skids, narrowly missing the Lincoln. Now, the Challenger is facing Akim, head-on. MARY He’s got a pair that’s for sure. The engine revs, but Akim stands his ground. AKIM You gonna’ run me down? Be dead ‘fore you get here. The engine revs again. Akim aims at the windshield. MARY Babe, you are playing chicken… Without. A. Car! The Challenger jerks, tires squealing and smoking. Akim cocks the hammer. Carl’s hand takes hold of Akim’s pistol. CARL (O.S.) He made his point. Akim glances at Carl. He’s trembling from the tension. Carl gives him a nod, and then rolls toward the Challenger. ERNESTO I think bossman is impressed. Mary looks at him, then over at Eddie. She bites at her lip. Staying directly in the car’s path, Carl rolls up to the driver’s door. Eddie stares at Akim with scared intensity.
  • 17. 16 CARL Some fancy footwork you just pulled. Shut it off. We’ll talk. Eddie looks at him and shuts the Challenger down. CARL Come out, let’s get a look at you. Eddie opens the door and steps out. Ernesto and Mary have joined Akim. His pistol is still in his hand, but lowered. MARY He stood up to you. AKIM Think he would without the car? MARY Would you without the gun? Akim grins; of course he would have. CARL You finish school? EDDIE Dropped out when I was sixteen. CARL What’s your name, son? Unsure what to say, Eddie glances back and sees the racing magazine lying open on the floor of the car. INSERT – MAGAZINE There’s a photo of A.J. Foyt, the caption reading, “A.J. Foyt’s Indy Legacy” HIDEOUT Carl holds out his hand. Eddie takes it and they shake. EDDIE A.J. It’s A.J. CARL Welcome aboard, A.J. The rest of the crew approaches them. CARL A.J., this is Ernesto… Mary… and you know Akim. I’m Carl. EDDIE Thanks, Carl.
  • 18. 17 CARL You may not be so grateful if we all wind up in the slam. But, as of right now, you work for me. Carl moves behind Eddie, putting a hand on his back. EMPTY WAREHOUSE - DAY Exiting the hideout, Eddie crosses the concrete floor, Carl rolling beside him. CARL You’ll go out the front door. EDDIE What about the car? CARL I got someone who can make it disappear. If you’re in, it could mean hard time. This ain’t juvie hall or a time-served kind of crime. This is some heavy shit you’re in. You do understand that? Eddie nods. CARL I’m just wondering. EDDIE My old man did state time. Busted in a chop shop in Flint. I know what it’s about. I’m not going anywhere, man. Whole town’s dried up. I ain’t working in some tool and die shop the rest of my life. CARL Sounds like you’re looking for something more than money… Carl and Eddie reach a freight elevator and get in. The rickety lift rumbles upwards. CARL Can you fix cars, too? EDDIE Yeah, some. My Dad showed me. Carl hands Eddie a card. The front reads, “Mom’s Pawn” CARL Come around tomorrow. Address is on the back. I’ll give you something to do. Oh… Carl pulls out a cash roll and peels off a few hundred dollar bills.
  • 19. 18 CARL Here. I can’t cut you in on today’s take. Consider it a down payment. He puts the cash into Eddie’s hand. The lift door opens. CARL You decide to just take that and not come back, I won’t blame you. Carl points to an emergency door. Eddie nods and walks out. INT. EDDIE’S HOUSE / KITCHEN – NIGHT Eddie slips quietly through the backdoor. Besides the aging appliances, a small dinette set populates the cramped room. The only light is from a fixture over the sink and dancing blue shadows from a TV in the next room. He opens the fridge. The light is out, but he fishes out a beer. Popping the top on the counter, he takes a drink. DAD (O.S.) Did you ask to drink one of those? Eddie turns to the doorway where the voice came from. EDDIE I had a pretty freaked up day. Eddie fishes out the money Carl gave him. He pulls a sugar bowl off a shelf and stuffs the money into it. DAD (O.S.) Must have. Expected you home a few hours ago. Glancing back to the doorway, he stashes the bowl back on the shelf, and then goes into the next room. LIVING ROOM A silent Tigers game flickers on TV. A pair of work boots sits next to an ottoman, surrounded by empty bottles. Eddie’s DAD (40s) has some graying hair and needs a shave. He reclines in his chair, still in his work clothes. EDDIE Sorry… Eddie walks by and plops onto the couch in the dark. Dad snorts, then looks around, realizing how late it is. DAD You eat dinner? Eddie looks down at the empties. He shakes his head.
  • 20. 19 EDDIE You drink yours? Dad turns to him, leaning out of the chair. DAD Don’t give me that. I’ve had overtime every day this week. EDDIE And last week. DAD We got bills. Sorry if your old man can’t afford a place in Gross Pointe… or buy you a car. Eddie gets up and heads back to the kitchen. EDDIE (O.S.) Did I ask for a car? KITCHEN Eddie swills the last of his beer, and then drops the bottle in the trash. His Dad stops at the doorway. DAD Don’t appreciate nothing, boy. I’m living at that shop since your Momma’s been gone. Didn’t finish school. You got no job. EDDIE I got a job. DAD Wait… A job? Where? EDDIE I get to work on cars. I didn't want to talk about it just yet. Eddie walks past him to his room. CORRIDOR As Eddie reaches the door, his Dad grabs his shoulder and spins him around. DAD Out of juvie two years… come home late… and a secret job. You get why I’m worried, right? Eddie goes in and slams the door. Dad turns and raises a fist to punch the wall, but shakes it off.
  • 21. 20 DAD Hey… how about I fix us something… or go out. We can talk about this new job of yours. From behind the door, things are MOVING ABOUT and THUMPING. Dad listens for a second before opening the door. EDDIE (O.S.) I need to get out of here... EDDIE’S ROOM Eddie has a suitcase out and is going through his dresser. DAD (O.S.) I am not hard on you. Just want you to stay out of trouble. Eddie turns and goes to the closet. DAD You know what I think of when you haven’t come home? Grabbing things off the shelf, Eddie keeps his back to Dad. DAD Obie Wynn. I think of him. Boy shot in the back over on Livernois. EDDIE Obie Wynn… the one got shot by that white guy? Started that whole riot at Bolton’s Bar. DAD Cops said he was trying to break into the owner’s car when he got shot. Eddie… you went to juvie already for boosting cars. The next time, it’s me getting a call that it’s you whose been shot. Pausing, Eddie turns to look at this father. DAD I don’t think I can handle that. Believe it or not, you got it pretty good. I don’t say anything about your girl Leslie coming over. Eddie returns from the closet with several pairs of jeans. EDDIE It’s Lizzy. DAD Didn’t knock that girl up, did you?
  • 22. 21 EDDIE Dad! He throws the jeans into the suitcase and goes back for another load. DAD Did you? EDDIE It’s not like that. DAD What're you going do? How long will this job last? And no diploma? EDDIE It's a job. It’s a start. Dad lets out his breath. Eddie comes back from the closet. His dad takes the clothes he’s holding. DAD Here it is. You got no education. And what? Some shit job? I did the same thing. Ended up spending my life in shit jobs or the joint. You got a roof over your head and a bed. Save money, go back to school. EDDIE I can’t. Not right now. Dad’s patience is at an end; he throws Eddie’s clothes into the closet. DAD Fine. You a working man now. Work. You'll stay here and save some of that money. Just help pay bills. Eddie closes his eyes and sighs. Dad turns and walks out. DAD (O.S.) Trash needs to go out. EXT. EDDIE’S HOUSE – NIGHT A garbage can slams to the ground, dumping trash on the lawn and in the street. Eddie frisbees the lid at the can. EDDIE Son of a bitch… He kneels to scoop the loose garbage back into the can. Eddie glances over and sees Lizzy standing at the curb. She puts a hand over her mouth to keep from laughing at him. EDDIE (CONT.) Kiss my ass… Go back on to the goddamned pen, old - Oh hey…
  • 23. 22 LIZZY Don’t let me stop you. Eddie, embarrassed, finishes packing up the litter. EDDIE Sorry… I know it’s late… LIZZY Heard you from the porch. You just now got home? EDDIE Oh, man… Lizzy, I’m sorry… He stands and wipes his hands on his jeans as she steps over. Eddie sidles up to her. Right before he reaches her, Lizzy puts a hand on his shoulder to stop him. LIZZY No dirty hands. And you should be scared… punking out like that. EDDIE I didn’t punk out. LIZZY Then, where’ve you been? EDDIE Something happened. He puts the lid on the can. LIZZY You get hurt? She checks him over. He puts up his hands. EDDIE I’m fine. LIZZY But, you won’t tell me? EDDIE Not right now. He shrugs. She puts her arms around his neck, leaning up. EDDIE Maybe… later. She kisses him, persuasively. LIZZY I better not find out you were out with 'Chelle. EDDIE Michelle? No. I got a job.
  • 24. 23 LIZZY Was that your secret? EDDIE Well… yeah. I told the old man and he got an attitude. LIZZY He wants you to go back to school. EDDIE I know. You okay, if I don’t? She lowers her arms. The moment is lost. LIZZY I don’t know… EDDIE What if I made some real money? LIZZY I wasn’t thinking that far. I just thought we’d be together… (Kisses him) We get a room near campus… EDDIE Still can… She smiles and they kiss. LIZZY No more sneakin’ in my back door. Hearing that, his eyes light up but she shakes her head. LIZZY Oh, no. I’ve got class tomorrow. He takes her hand and pulls her up the walk to her house. Lizzy playfully struggles, but then relents. Lizzy cozies next to him as they head up the street. LIZZY You're not staying over, dig? INT. MOM’S PAWN – DAY Eddie enters the dingy store. Dust-covered TV’s and old stereos sit on shelves. A glass case holds cheap pistols and jewelry. A sign reading, “We Buy Gold” hangs on the wall. An elderly woman sits behind the counter, reading the Daily. MOM Help you, hon? EDDIE Yes, ma’am. Are you Mom?
  • 25. 24 MOM (Smiling) That’s right. EDDIE Is Carl here? I’m A.J. MOM Your Momma named you two letters? Carl rolls out from the backroom. CARL Kid’s going to be doing some work around here, Momma. EDDIE Where do I start? Carl puts his hand out and Eddie slaps him five. An Italian mob THUG in a dark suit follows Carl out of the backroom. THUG Were we finished, Mr. Eubanks? CARL I’ve got nothing more to say. THUG Mr. Carlini is just asking about his investment. CARL He knows I’m good for it. THUG Yeah. Well, we’ll be around. The thug exits. Carl turns to Eddie. CARL Come on, not paying you to stare. EXT. PAWN SHOP LOT - DAY Carl wheels down a homemade ramp from the shop’s backdoor into a small lot in back that contains several older cars. CARL People pawn just about anything. Eddie looks at the aging vehicles. He makes a face. EDDIE And you buy just about anything? CARL Soft heart. Sold off the ones that run, but I'm stuck with the rest.
  • 26. 25 EDDIE And you want these fixed? How much do I get? CARL How much? I’m already paying you. This is just to give you a cover job and something to do. EDDIE Not even a cut of the sale? Carl rolls over to the last car, covered in a tarp. CARL How about this? He whips off the cover, revealing a Pontiac G.T.O. convertible; dirty and dented, but salvageable. EDDIE Nineteen-sixty-four Pontiac G.T.O. Nice. Original three-forty-eight V- 8… four-speed stick… CARL You fix up the rest, this is yours. I can keep the paperwork clean. Eddie walks around the grimy car. He pops the hood. The big V-8 engine gleams at him. He smiles. EDDIE Deal. CARL You also need to get us some wheels for our next job, by Sunday night. EDDIE And how do I do that? CARL You're the wheelman. EXT. EDDIE’S HOUSE – DAY The G.T.O. sits in the short driveway on a pair of mechanic’s ramps. Eddie’s legs stick out from under the front as Lizzy walks up. LIZZY Is this homework? EDDIE It’s a perk. Eddie shimmies out from under the car and stands up.
  • 27. 26 LIZZY Perk? A perk is like a parking space. They gave you a car? If you call that a car. EDDIE Give a man some time, girl. LIZZY So, can we take a little ride? EDDIE Gotta’ get it running first. Engine’s fried, seats ragged out… He picks up a socket wrench off the bumper. EDDIE I get this thing cherried out, we are definitely cruising. LIZZY I'm gonna' hold you to that. G.T.O. Eddie climbs back under the car and tightens a bolt. He glances over to see Lizzy climbing under next to him. LIZZY Hi. EDDIE Hey. She hands him a wrench. He holds her hand a moment. LIZZY I’m not gonna’ just sit and wait for you to get this done. INT. WAREHOUSE HIDEOUT – DAY Eddie stands at Carl’s map table, next to Ernesto. Mary leans against Akim as Carl points to the chart. CARL You pull across from the bank here. Drop off and go down the alley. Carl looks over to Akim. CARL An emergency door’s in the back... Akim nods. Eddie glances at Mary. She grins as she chews a wad of gum. Eddie raises an eyebrow as she rolls the gum between her teeth with her tongue at him.
  • 28. 27 CARL (O.S.) ...once you’re out of the lobby, go down this hall. The door’s just past the break room. A.J. will be... A.J.! Eddie snaps awake as Carl taps his finger on the map. CARL You have less than two minutes to go ‘round the block and be right here when they come out. You got us a car yet? EDDIE No, I... I’m getting it tonight. CARL Just make sure you drive the route a few times. Where you gettin’ it? EDDIE Not sure. Scoped some car lots. CARL Be smart. If you hit a car lot, go after dark. Get one from the back. Eddie nods, sheepishly. Mary raises her hand like in school. MARY Carl, I can go with him. Carl raises an eyebrow. Akim looks at her. She grins. MARY What? What’s the look for? AKIM Nothing. MARY Good. Give me your keys. EXT. WAREHOUSE – NIGHT Akim’s Lincoln cruises out of the back entrance, Mary is driving and Eddie sits in the passenger side. EXT. / INT. AKIM’S LINCOLN - NIGHT Mary and Eddie sit quietly as she drives. She takes drink from a beer bottle and then puts it back between her legs. Eddie gazes out the window. MARY Hey... Bambi. Eddie turns to her, puzzled.
  • 29. 28 MARY (CONT.) You got that deer in the headlights look going. EDDIE Feel like road kill. All of this. She laughs. MARY I can dig that. Akim did almost put bullets in you twice. EDDIE Going out with you isn’t improving my chances. MARY He’s a hard ass… but it’s cool. He’s sweet to me. Ernie’s a nice guy too, but a little devious. And Carl… he’s like our Dad, I guess. EDDIE What happened to his legs? MARY Said he got blew up in Korea, but doesn’t talk about it. Akim used to work for some pimp. Carl told Akim he was smarter than that. So, Akim quit being a goon and started reading those empowerment books. Mary takes a drink from her beer. MARY When Carl introduced us, I thought Akim was kinda’ radical. You know, like a Panther or something. He repeated stuff from books and told me his religion put him at peace. EDDIE That’s at peace? She smiles, and downs the last of her drink. EDDIE So, how'd you meet Carl? MARY Time to go to work, wheelman. EXT. CAR LOT - NIGHT The Lincoln sits in front of a collection of used cars. Eddie and Mary stroll past the streamers and signs toward the back of the lot.
  • 30. 29 MARY Don't you wish you could do all your shopping like this? EDDIE In the dark? MARY No crowds. No sales creeps. Eddie nods. They pass by a sedan; he peers in the window. EDDIE Pretty plain Jane. He tries the door. Locked. Glancing around, he brings out a Slim Jim tool and pops the lock. MARY I’m glad I came with you. Kinda’ fun. Akim’s at his cover job. Eddie climbs in and tries the seat. He adjusts the mirrors and checks his visibility on all sides. MARY He can be really cool sometimes, but he gets weird about me. Eddie gets out, shutting the door quietly behind him. He goes to the front and pops the hood. Fishing a flashlight from his pocket, he leans in and looks over the engine. EDDIE You worried what I think about you and him? I got no issues with that. MARY What if it wasn't "me and him"? Mary smiles to herself, then grabs his ass. Eddie jolts up, bumping his head on the hood of the car. EDDIE Ow! Shit! He comes out from under the hood, holding his head and grimacing. Mary puts her hand to her mouth in surprise. But, a moment later, her shock turns to laughter. MARY Oh God. I'm so sorry. EDDIE Damn. Are you laughing? MARY You were funny. Like the Stooges. She continues to laugh. Eddie manages a smile.
  • 31. 30 MARY (CONT.) I went ‘grab’… (Gestures) …and you went ‘clang’. EDDIE Hey, Moe! He snap/claps like Curly. She laughs and playfully thunks him on the head. EDDIE (Curly voice) Oh, a wiseguy! Mary playfully swings at him, Eddie grabs her arm. MARY Knucklehead. They both laugh. Mary’s look turns serious and she leans up to kiss him. Eddie retreats. EDDIE Whoa. Hold up. Mary stops. She gazes at him. MARY What? We’re just having fun. EDDIE Yeah. Fun. And you all were ready to kill me a couple of days ago. MARY That was Akim. EDDIE And that’s the other thing. You and him… and I’ve got this girl… She quietly nods and sidles up closer. MARY And they’re both not here. It’s not like you’re married, right? Mary is only a few inches from him, Eddie takes in a breath. EDDIE Like you said, time to go to work. She pauses and pulls back. MARY Fine. Mary turns and slams the sedan’s hood shut, nearly catching Eddie’s fingers.
  • 32. 31 MARY Let’s get you home, boy scout. Don’t want you to get in trouble. LATER Eddie drives the stolen sedan slowly off the lot and into the street. As it passes the Lincoln, Mary pulls away from the curb and follows. INT. EDDIE’S HOUSE / DAD’S ROOM – DAY Eddie’s Dad rouses to a BUZZING alarm clock. He smacks the clock and sits up. Stiffly, he climbs out of bed and shuffles into the hall. KITCHEN Dad enters to see Eddie dressed and a plate of eggs and bacon on the table. EDDIE Oh hey. DAD Hey. This is nice. Up early. EDDIE On my way to work. Dad takes a seat and has a few bites as Eddie puts his dishes in the sink. EDDIE Later, I gotta' book it. DAD Hold up a sec. Eddie is two steps from the door, but stops. DAD I know it's not been easy. You gotta' start somewhere. And me being gone back then didn't help you and your mother none. EDDIE What are you trying to say? DAD What am I trying to say? I'm just saying… I'm proud of you is all. Dad stands up and steps over to Eddie.
  • 33. 32 DAD You made your mistakes. But, I did too. Maybe this job's a start. Get past those mistakes. EDDIE Maybe. Hang loose, Dad. Eddie takes hold of the doorknob, his Dad pats his back as he opens it to go. INT STOLEN SEDAN – DAY Eddie sits behind the wheel of the car lot sedan, drumming his fingers. In the passenger seat, Akim checks his pistol; while in the back, Mary and Ernesto put on ski masks. All three wear baggy military pants and bulky jackets. EDDIE I gotta’ pee… AKIM First time. You’ll be all right. EDDIE It gets easier? AKIM I always pee before I leave. EDDIE Good to know. Akim grins. AKIM Let’s roll, wheelman. Eddie nods as Akim pulls his mask down. EXT BANK – DAY The sedan wheels around in a U-turn, pulling in front of the bank doors. The three crooks jump out and run inside. AKIM (O.S.) Everybody down on the floor. Now! EXT ALLEY – DAY Eddie pulls the sedan to stop by the back door. He rocks anxiously, glancing at his mirror every few seconds. INT BANK – DAY Akim sits on the counter, facing the tellers with his pistol hanging loose. He places a bag in front of them.
  • 34. 33 Ernesto and Mary watch the doors. A teller nervously places bundled cash into the bag. AKIM You’re doing fine. Just keep hands and feet where I can see. Ernesto listens to his headset, as Mary checks her watch. She clears her throat. MARY (Deepening her voice) One minute. ERNESTO So far, all clear. EXT ALLEY – DAY Eddie keeps watch on the bank’s back door, but is startled by a homeless guy shuffling up to him. WINO Hey… hey captain… You got a quarter… fifty cents? EDDIE No. Move on, old-timer… WINO Old-timer? Boy, I ain’t a day over sixty-two. I was in the big war! Battled them Nazis and you can’t give a fighting man a dollar? Eddie rolls his eyes and fishes into his pants pocket. INT BANK – DAY Akim picks up the bag and stands on the counter. AKIM Time to boogie. He jumps down and the three head through the back of the lobby. They race down a winding corridor to the back door. EXT ALLEY – DAY The bank alarm bell RINGS. Eddie puts the sedan in gear as Akim, Mary and Ernesto burst into the alley and pile in. WINO Excuse you, people! Five dollars? AKIM Hit it!
  • 35. 34 The sedan scratches gravel and roars up the alley. WINO Like you didn’t have five dollars, you just robbed a damn bank! INT. MOM’S PAWN – DAY Mary reads a magazine at the counter, while Akim is loading pistol clips. Carl is doing paperwork in the back. The doorbell JINGLES. Akim covers the bullets with a cloth. The Thug enters. He holds the door and two more big men enter. A moment later, in walks mob wiseguy VITO CARLINI (40s) in his tailored suit. Though cordial, he has a contained rage about him. All eyes turn, except Mary. VITO You didn’t return our calls, Eubanks. Thought I’d make a visit. Carl rolls to the counter. CARL Mr. Carlini, been busy earning a return on your uncle’s investment. Was gonna’ stop by the golf course. VITO Well, this place is bustling. It’s no wonder you never call. Mary finally looks up from her magazine. VITO Heard your crew pulled some good scores since we first staked you. CARL Like I said, we’ve been busy. VITO Too busy to give your benefactor a tribute? You did those jobs in our town. You used our capital. CARL Our profits are being invested in our next project. VITO My uncle is not an impatient man. Twenty G’s should do. CARL That’s half of our last take. VITO You want your crew to keep working?
  • 36. 35 CARL I can give… maybe ten. AKIM (O.S.) Don’t give that cat a goddamned cent! All eyes turn to Akim. AKIM You want your bread, Vito? You gonna’ have to wait. And you will get a nice cherry on top, dig? VITO This ain’t your business, moolie. He speak for you, Eubanks? AKIM Making it my business, ravioli. Carl puts up his hands, trying to diffuse the hostility. CARL I can handle this. AKIM How? Give up our scores to this turkey? Bull. Shit. VITO Your friend better shut his mouth, Eubanks. Or I’ll have it shut. From the back, Eddie walks in, wiping his hands on a towel. EDDIE Hey, Carl. Buick’s got a big ass crack in the radiator. Looks like… (Sees they have company) Am I interrupting? VITO Not at all, kid. Your boss and I were just talking about respect. AKIM Screw you, garlic! One of the thugs reaches into his jacket to draw, but in a flash, Akim’s gun is in his hand. The second thug draws. VITO Things will get real ugly. MARY (O.S.) Uglier than you think, Vito. Mary has pulled a pistol from the display case and is leveling it at them.
  • 37. 36 CARL Whoa… whoa… Everyone back down! VITO You people put away the pieces or there won’t be a happy ending. CARL You know, Vito… I’d say I’m in a better spot to dictate terms. Carl goes to the register. He pulls the drawer out. Reaching inside in the drawer space, he pulls out a wad of cash. Back at the counter, Carl peels off a stack of bills. CARL I’m buying you a one-way ticket of out my shop. Five thousand dollars. He tucks the bills into Vito's jacket pocket. CARL Just go back to Dearborn and give it to your uncle, with my respects. He gets the rest, soon. VITO You think so? Carlini turns to his men and nods. They lower their weapons and back out the door. VITO This ain’t over. AKIM Don’t slip in your own grease on the way out, Vee-to. Carlini exits. The goons wait until he’s out the door. Mary waves as they exit. Eddie slumps against the counter. EDDIE Anyone else about piss their pants? MARY I’ll bet Vito did. Akim and Mary put away the weapons. Carl rolls over to them. CARL You two will be the death of me. Maybe, I should go speak to his uncle. Smooth things over. AKIM Vito won’t back his pepperoni ass off until this is over. Carl sighs and shakes his head, then looks at Eddie.
  • 38. 37 CARL So, how much is that radiator gonna’ set me back? EXT. MOM’S PAWN – NIGHT Eddie is back to work, using a hanging light to work on an old Buick. Mary steps down the back ramp with Akim, who has his right arm around her. They walk to Akim’s Lincoln. AKIM Alright, back in the morning baby. MARY Yay... Saturday, you know what that means, big man? Akim nods. He gives her a kiss and swat on the ass goodbye. He climbs into the Lincoln and drives off. Mary turns back and walks to Eddie. MARY Quite a little scare? EDDIE That could’ve ended up a real bad scene in there. She puts a hand on his back. Eddie shrugs. MARY Whoa. It’s cool. Things just got a little tense. EDDIE Tense? Shit. Mary puts her hand on his shoulder. He doesn’t flinch. MARY And you come right back out here? EDDIE Wanted to get this prep work done. She turns him around. MARY I think you need to get out of here. Blow it off. It’s Friday night. EDDIE Where? MARY Does it matter?
  • 39. 38 EXT. BURGER JOINT - NIGHT Mary and Eddie sit in a drive-thru lot, finishing some fast food. She slurps on a shake while he picks at his fries. EDDIE Nothing like a nasty burger to take the edge off. Thank you. MARY You know what else would? She smiles. He offers her a fry, but she shakes her head. MARY Burning some serious rubber. EDDIE In what? MARY Actually... She points across the lot, where a Porsche convertible sits on the curb. EDDIE Oh, Hell no. MARY Come on. We'll bring it back. Eddie shakes his head, but then looks at the Porsche again. In his head, he can hear its high-pitched turbo ENGINE. INT/EXT. PORSCHE – NIGHT The Porsche zips along a quiet street. As Eddie drives, Mary eases into the passenger seat. MARY Leather… very nice. EDDIE What do you think? A doctor… or a lawyer? He downshifts as they pull up to a stoplight. MARY Can I drive? EDDIE You're already an accessory. Mary hops out and jogs around. Eddie holds the door for her. Then, he goes to the passenger side. She grips the wheel. As the light changes, they look at each other.
  • 40. 39 MARY I don’t know how to drive a stick. She laughs. Behind them, a car horn HONKS. EDDIE You jiving me? Grinning, she shakes her head, ‘No’. He sighs. EDDIE Hold down the left two pedals, that’s the clutch and the brake. She presses on the pedals, but her mules keep slipping. MARY Hold on… damn it. Mary kicks off her shoes and tosses them over her shoulder into the back. Another HONK from behind. The car in back swerves around and roars past. DRIVER (O.S.) Move your ass! MARY Why don’t you kiss it!?! She gives the other driver an ‘Up yours!’ gesture as they go by, then plants her feet and grips the wheel again. MARY Ready. EDDIE The stick's in first… Let out the clutch pedal, then the brake. Mary toggles the shift. The Porsche jerks forward. EDDIE Whoa! Hold up. You’re in third. Mary slams on the brakes. EDDIE Leave the stick in first. MARY I got it. Again, the car lunges. Another HONKING car zips around. EDDIE Give it some gas. Mary grins. The Porsche lurches out of sight. EDDIE (O.S.) All right, shift down to second.
  • 41. 40 MARY (O.S.) Shit! We hear the engine REV and tires SQUEAL as they drive away. EXT. INTERSECTION – NIGHT The Porsche rolls to the light. Mary is doing better. The car only jerks slightly when she stops. Eddie looks flustered, but she’s quite pleased with herself. EDDIE All right, back to first. Hold the brake. Don’t let off or we’ll roll back. Keep a foot on the gas. MARY I’m cool. INT. PORSCHE – NIGHT Mary adjusts the stick and watches the light. A customized Camaro rolls up beside them with two young guys, listening to hard rock. Taking a drink from a beer, CAMARO GUY sits in the passenger seat. He sees Mary. CAMARO GUY Hey man, check her out. The driver looks over and revs the engine. Mary winks. CAMARO GUY Hey, hey sweet thing. Nice ride. MARY You like it? I just stole it. The two guys laugh. CAMARO GUY Well, you stole my heart, babe. She rolls her eyes at the line. CAMARO GUY Your boy there know how to drive? I can come over and show him. EDDIE Boy? MARY He drives just fine, sugar. She winks again and revs the engine. The Camaro revs. MARY You two think you can take us? From here to Tiger stadium?
  • 42. 41 CAMARO GUY You’re on, little girl! She pumps the Porsche’s accelerator again. They rev the Camaro in reply. She turns to Eddie, giggling. EDDIE You’re serious? Mary drops her Cheshire cat grin and pouts. MARY You gonna' help me? EDDIE I’m on this side. EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT The Camaro surges to the line. CAMARO GUY What can we do after we blow your little ass off the road, sweetie? MARY Anything you want, baby! EXT/INT. PORSCHE – NIGHT The guy hollers. She turns back to Eddie. MARY I want to beat these guys! EDDIE All right... Eddie relents. He takes a hold of the stick with his left hand. Her eyes move to the red light. EDDIE (O.S.) Clutch when I say. I got the stick. Just focus on the pedals. Green light! The Camaro’s tires smoke as the V-8 screams. Mary slams the pedal and the Porsche jerks off the line. The RPM’s surge. EDDIE Clutch! Eddie works the shifter. It's a jerky start. EDDIE Gas!
  • 43. 42 EXT CITY STREET - NIGHT The Camaro pulls ahead as the RPM’s drop, but the gear takes and the Porsche picks up speed again. EDDIE Clutch again… INSERT – SPEEDOMETER The speedometer passes fifty. The RPM’s drop as they move into third. The speed dips, then zooms up to seventy. EXT/INT. PORSCHE – NIGHT Mary tosses her hair away from her face. She anticipates the shift this time, and works the pedals smoother. MARY Woooo! Yeah!! The two cars tear through an empty intersection just as the light changes. The Camaro pulls ahead. Camaro Guy holds his head out the window and howls. EDDIE (O.S.) Clutch… you got it The turbine whines. Lights blur by. Mary’s hair is whipped by the wind. Suddenly, they’re boxed between the Camaro and a slower car. EDDIE Let off… She clutches. Eddie downshifts. EDDIE Stay with'em. EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT As the Camaro moves ahead, the Porsche slips in behind it and narrowly avoids a collision. EXT/INT. PORSCHE – NIGHT Mary puts her hand on top of Eddie’s on the shifter. MARY Come on, baby! EDDIE Clutch. All you. Mary’s movements are fluid now. The Porsche accelerates with almost no change in momentum. They’re already gaining.
  • 44. 43 MARY Go! Go! Go, baby! The Porsche sidles up next to the Camaro, its engine shrieking. The guy in the passenger seat sees them gaining. CAMARO GUY Come on! Show me what you got! EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT Ahead, a truck is moving into the turning lane, but not fast enough. The Camaro driver pushes ahead, trying to force Mary to back off and give him the lane. INT. PORSCHE – NIGHT Eddie sees it, but Mary is already slowing. EDDIE Whoa! On reflex, Mary pops the clutch and Eddie downshifts. Again, the Camaro pulls ahead of them. She glances at Eddie. MARY Shit! EDDIE We’ll get’em… Instinctively, she feels the RPM’s and shifts without cue. Mary’s eyes are ablaze. She’s part of the car now, working the stick and pedals on impulse. EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT The Porsche slips behind the Camaro, drafting it. As they clear the truck, Mary whips into the left lane, gunning the engine. Another shift and the cars are neck-and-neck. They fly past a parked police cruiser. The roller lights come on as the cruiser pirouettes to give chase. INT. PORSCHE – NIGHT Eddie looks in the rear view. EDDIE Cops! Oh, man… Mary only gives the mirror a glance; focused on the Camaro. She grips the wheel harder, the RPM’s edging into the red.
  • 45. 44 EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT Ahead of the racers, the light is changing. INT. CAMARO – NIGHT Camaro Guy turns from watching Mary to see that the light is against them and intersection is busy. CAMARO GUY Dude! Back off! The driver shakes his head. He’s not losing to a girl. INT. PORSCHE – NIGHT Eddie has spotted the traffic ahead. Mary seems unfazed. EDDIE The light! But, Mary is a woman possessed; speed and adrenaline coursing through her. The two cars hurtle toward the intersection unabated. Behind them, the police cruiser is falling back. EXT/INT. CAMARO – NIGHT The driver suddenly realizes that Mary has no intention of slowing down. The intersection looms ahead. CAMARO GUY Come on, man! Stop!! The driver stomps the brakes. The Camaro lurches, it’s nose dipping hard. The Porsche plummets past, into the crossroads. INT. PORSCHE – NIGHT Eddie grips the seat as they bounce across the intersection, narrowly missing passing cars. Tires shriek as the cross traffic slides to a halt. EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT The Porsche bumps and bottoms out as it booms through, leaving the Camaro at the light. A moment later, the police cruiser skids to a halt behind the Camaro. INT. PORSCHE – NIGHT Eddie closes his eyes as they slow down. Mary is elated.
  • 46. 45 MARY Woo! God, that was… fucking… intense! EDDIE (O.S.) Stop the car. She pulls over to the curb. Eddie unbuckles and climbs out. EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT Eddie takes a few steps from the car; he’s not sure where to go. Mary climbs out and walks around to him. MARY What’s wrong with you? EDDIE Me? What’s wrong with me? You’ve got the problem, girl. MARY That was awesome. EDDIE Stupid shit could’ve killed us. MARY What a rush, huh? She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him. EDDIE What are you doing? MARY Thanking you… for the lesson. She kisses him again. Only this time, he returns it. EDDIE You... You still need practice. MARY Mmm-hmmm. Another kiss. EDDIE And we need to take that car back. MARY Mmm-hmmm. INT. MARY’S HOUSE – DAY Eddie wakes wrapped in an afghan. The old house is modest, but comfortable, like the couch he’s on.
  • 47. 46 Mary, wearing a mechanic’s shirt, sets a bowl of kid’s cereal on the table in front of him. Cartoons are on TV. MARY Morning. EDDIE Yeah. Good morning… ERNESTO (O.S.) Buenos dias… Eddie’s eyes bulge, he sits bolt upright and glances to his left. Ernesto and Carl are sitting on the other side of the room, watching cartoons. They both grin. EDDIE Shit. Mary plops onto the end of the couch; with her own cereal. CARL You two have a nice night? He and Ernesto snicker. Eddie realizes he’s without his clothes. He pulls the afghan tighter around himself and leans over to her. She has a bite of cereal. EDDIE Why are they here? MARY Saturday… we always watch cartoons on Saturdays. Eddie looks at the TV, and then scouts for his clothes. The others giggle at the television. CARL Akim’s missing it. He loves Bugs. Again, Eddie is startled. He bounds up from the couch and scrambles for his things. Carl and Ernesto look over at him. Mary eats more cereal. EDDIE Shit… shit… shit… I’m dead. He grabs up his pants and shirt, and then notices that Mary is sitting on his shorts. He takes a hold and tries to pull them from under her. She giggles. EDDIE You enjoying this? When he kills me, I want to be dressed. She laughs and shifts her legs. The underwear slips free. Eddie dashes to the bathroom. The others laugh. CARL Just glad Mom’s not here.
  • 48. 47 They laugh again. The front door opens. Akim walks in, carrying a tool belt. He drops it on the floor. Mary springs up from the couch. MARY Hey, lover… She sashays over to him and welcomes him with a kiss. MARY How’d your night go? AKIM My last night slaving for the man. I'm done with it. After this, we won't be working for anyone again. Akim takes off his jacket and reclines on the couch. He sees Eddie's bowl of cereal. She grins. MARY I got you some breakfast… AKIM I miss Bugs Bunny? ERNESTO Commercial. They had the opera one. AKIM ‘Kill the wabbit’? I love that one. Ernesto and Carl nod. Off-screen, the toilet FLUSHES. Mary returns with another bowl of cereal. The bathroom door opens and Eddie emerges. He notices Akim and starts for the door, tucking in his shirt. AKIM Didn’t think you’d be here. Eddie freezes, then shrugs. EDDIE It’s Saturday. Cartoons… AKIM Have a seat, they’re back on. Clenching up, Eddie nervously grins. EDDIE Na, I just cruised by to say Hi. ERNESTO Just a quick in out, eh? AKIM Check you Monday, then. Mary pats Akim’s shoulder and walks over to the door to show Eddie out. He puts on his jacket.
  • 49. 48 MARY Flushing. Nice cover. EDDIE No cover. I threw up. She grins and opens the door. Eddie steps out, into the bright sun. As he goes by, she follows him. EXT. MARY’S HOUSE / PORCH - DAY Eddie goes down the steps, but Mary pulls him back and kisses him. He kisses her back, but watches the door. EDDIE I must be crazier than you… She smiles, giving him one last peck on the cheek. MARY Any time you want to go for drive? EDDIE Yeah… right. AKIM (O.S.) Hey, baby… It’s a Foghorn Leghorn… That rooster’s funny as Hell. Mary waves goodbye. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY Half a block up, two figures watch the house from a parked car. Eddie comes down the steps and heads up the walk. TORRES (O.S.) Eubanks have a new hire? I don’t recognize that guy. EXT. EDDIE'S HOUSE - DAY A cab pulls up to the curb. Eddie gets out with a resigned sigh. He walks up to the porch. LIZZY (O.S.) Hey, you. Eddie looks over to see Lizzy sitting on her porch. She hops up and walks down the sidewalk to him. EDDIE Oh, hey baby. He is almost to his porch when she intercepts him. LIZZY Missed you last night. You just getting in?
  • 50. 49 She smiles, hesitantly. EDDIE Yeah, I… LIZZY You couldn’t call me? EDDIE No. I know didn’t call. I got things going on, alright? Lizzy’s eyes narrows. She puts one hand on her hip. LIZZY This gonna’ be the future? Coming and going when you want? Calling me whenever you want? It’s not just about you. I got my own things, too. School. My Mom. My own job. EDDIE Girl, I just have things going on that don’t concern you. All right? LIZZY Girl? Is that all I am to you? EDDIE Came out wrong. I’m just tired. He takes her hand, but she withdraws. Lizzy glares at him. LIZZY Don’t. Go inside. Lay down. Get a drink, whatever. And when you can talk to me, then you come see me. EDDIE Come see you? LIZZY I wanted to talk to you, but not if we’re gonna’ end up yelling. EDDIE Baby, I’m sorry. We can. We can talk. You know I missed you. Eddie moves to her, but she puts her hand on his chest. Lizzy gives him a ‘yeah, right’ look. LIZZY Just go. He’s crestfallen, but she leans up gives him a peck on the cheek. He tries to pull her closer, but she retreats. LIZZY Uh huh. I’m still pissed at you.
  • 51. 50 He nods with a smile and she saunters up the walk. He watches her before wearily stumbling into his house. EXT. PAWN SHOP LOT – DAY FREDDIE (32), a stylishly dressed black man, steps up to the old Buick. Eddie is under the hood, fighting the radiator. EDDIE Damn! He grips his wrench tighter, propping a foot on the bumper. EDDIE Get your... rusty ass... out! Eddie bounces the car as he wrests the metal bracket off. He gleefully tosses it aside. Freddie raises an eyebrow. EDDIE Can I help you? FREDDIE I was looking for Carl Eubanks. Did the management change? EDDIE No. He’s here. Eddie nods towards the backdoor. He extends his hand. EDDIE I’m A.J. Freddie looks down at Eddie’s grease-covered palm. EDDIE Sorry. Eddie wipes his hand on his jeans, then holds it out again. FREDDIE Let’s not and just say we did. CARL (O.S.) Who let that shifty nigger on my property? Carl rolls his chair down the homemade ramp. Freddie smiles and slaps the older man’s out-stretched hand. CARL Looking good, Freddie. FREDDIE You still get around, old man. CARL I see you met our wheelman.
  • 52. 51 FREDDIE The gas monkey? CARL He does good. Got a sec, A.J.? Eddie victoriously tosses the rusted radiator aside. CARL Good flight in? FREDDIE The usual. Bad food. Bad movie. And only one stewardess worth looking at. So, why you dragging me here that you couldn’t say on the phone? EDDIE Yeah, Carl? CARL A.J., this is Freddie. EDDIE We just met. Eddie extends his hand again. FREDDIE Still not shaking it. CARL Freddie gets me the lowdown on our scores and he's pretty good at finding about anything. Gonna’ get your hands dirty this time. FREDDIE Only if the price is right. CARL It’ll be right. A.J. can show you where we’re working out of. Carl turns and rolls toward the wheelchair ramp. FREDDIE I just got in, man. CARL And you need to find him a car. FREDDIE I’m here two minutes and you’ve got me chauffeuring? I haven’t actually had anything to eat. CARL We’re on a bit of a schedule here.
  • 53. 52 FREDDIE I’m cool. But, he’d better wash up. He ain’t greasing up my leather seats, dig? Carl nods. Freddie heads up the ramp into the shop. CARL Don’t mind him. EDDIE So, what do we need this time? CARL It will need to be quick. We’re doing a smash and grab this time. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY Freddie and Eddie cruise in Freddie’s custom Buick LeSabre. FREDDIE (O.S.) How’d you get hooked up with this den of thieves? EDDIE (O.S.) Broke a rule of the road. INT. BUICK FREDDIE Which one? EDDIE Don’t give rides to strangers. Freddie laughs and nods. FREDDIE Me, I’m strictly business. Need something or need something done, you call Freddie. Anything. Anytime. Freddie’s ready. Eddie nods. He looks around the interior of the car. FREDDIE Like the ride? Check this out. Freddie opens the glove box. Inside is a phone receiver. FREDDIE I’m always between gigs, so I had this installed. EDDIE You have a phone... in your car?
  • 54. 53 FREDDIE Ain’t cheap. I got to pay a radio service and Ma Bell both. Ain’t that a bitch? EDDIE Pretty sharp. Freddie puts the phone away. FREDDIE So, what are we looking for? EDDIE Gotta’ be quick. Carl said something about a smash and grab. FREDDIE Quick, huh? I might know a guy. EDDIE Untraceable? FREDDIE Hell yeah. You want me to call’em? (No response) I said should I phone him? Eddie is fixated on a 1967 Mustang Fastback that passes by. EDDIE Turn around. I found it. EXT. CITY STREET – DAY The Mustang rolls up the street, Freddie’s Buick following. FREDDIE (O.S.) You gonna’ boost a moving car? EDDIE (O.S.) It’ll stop somewhere… EXT. GROCERY STORE - DAY The Mustang pulls into a parking space and the driver gets out. Freddie parks a few spaces away. INT. BUICK – DAY Freddie and Eddie watch the driver enter the store. FREDDIE Here? Right now? EDDIE It’ll take two seconds...
  • 55. 54 Eddie steps outs and shuts the door. FREDDIE So does a call to the fuzz. EXT. MUSTANG – DAY Eddie sidles up beside the car. Gently, he presses the door latch and pulls the handle. Crouching down, he slips in. INT. MUSTANG – DAY Hunkered in the seat, Eddie pulls out his tools. As he’s about to pop the ignition, he sees the keys dangling. Smiling, he glances skyward and mouths, “Thank You”. EXT. GROCERY STORE - DAY The Mustang STARTS. The muscle car whips back, turns and bolts out of the lot. In a cloud of dust, the Mustang is gone. Freddie’s Buick follows. A moment later, the Mustang's driver steps out of the store, bags in hand. EXT. INTERSECTION - DAY The Buick pulls up next to the Mustang. Eddie is all smiles. FREDDIE Check out the big balls on A.J. EDDIE Race you back. FREDDIE You go on. I’m gonna’ grab a bite. EDDIE I’ll join you. FREDDIE Head over to Motown Soul. Hide the ride first. And you’re buying. They pull away from the light, Freddie leading the way. INT. MOTOWN SOUL – DAY Eddie and Freddie enter with an obligatory JINGLE of a bell on the door. A matronly hostess behind the counter nods as they seat themselves at a table. HOSTESS Vanessa! At the kitchen window, VANESSA (28), a composed, statuesque black woman drops off an order slip.
  • 56. 55 She takes a quick breath then turns to the hostess. HOSTESS Number six. VANESSA I got it. As Eddie and Freddie lounge in the booth, Vanessa brings over two menus. She pulls out her pad. VANESSA Afternoon. Specials are country- fried steak with hash browns, cheeseburg- She looks up and recognizes Freddie. FREDDIE Hey, baby… She grows cold. Freddie can feel it and looks at his menu. EDDIE Can I still get breakfast? VANESSA No. FREDDIE I know it’s been a while, baby. Her glare hardens. EDDIE But, that guy’s getting eggs… VANESSA No breakfast. FREDDIE You think you could take a break? Silence. EDDIE All right. I'll do the BLT on toast, with an egg on it. She huffs and scribbles in her pad. VANESSA Don’t think I don’t know that’s breakfast food. FREDDIE Yeah, and I’ll have… VANESSA Country fried steak, yes sir.
  • 57. 56 Vanessa walks away. Freddie leans to watch her leave. EDDIE You come here before I guess? FREDDIE (O.S.) Yeah, well that’s a long story. Freddie looks over. Vanessa drops off her order slip and picks up a tray. He smiles at her, but she looks away. FREDDIE (CONT.) I stopped here about three months back... had an overcooked burger but we started talking. She said she liked old jazz and red wine. So I said, can we go somewhere with some real food? (Glances at her) She wore this gold dress... Mmm... LATER Eddie finishes off his soda as Freddie is sopping up the last of the country fried steak gravy. FREDDIE ...we walked out of that club and I know all of those other brothers were wishing they were me. (Nods to himself) Steak’s not bad. Freddie looks over. She feels his stare. Huffing, she turns and walks away, shaking her head. EDDIE You mess around? FREDDIE Shit, no. Look at that. Besides, I’m too busy. I got gigs here, L.A… New York… I ain’t got time to two- time. Don’t know what her deal is. P.M.S. don’t last that long. Vanessa slaps the bill down on the table. VANESSA No checks… She whirls and storms away, but Freddie pursues. FREDDIE Baby? I’m freezing my ass off here. Vanessa stops dead and whirls around. VANESSA You’re not too busy now, Freddie? Don't have one of your “gigs”?
  • 58. 57 Eddie gets up and retreats to the counter. FREDDIE Been thinking about you every day. VANESSA Whatever. It’s called long distance. And your fingers don’t look broke. Eddie hands some cash to the hostess at the counter. EDDIE Keep the change. Vanessa heads back toward the kitchen, Freddie in pursuit. FREDDIE All right woman, what did I do? VANESSA You didn’t do nothing. All right? Freddie shakes his head as Eddie opens the door. FREDDIE What is that girl’s problem? VANESSA (O.S.) P. M. S. Jackass! EXT. MOTOWN SOUL - DAY Eddie and Freddie exit, stopping to put on their sunglasses. FREDDIE Woman all up in my face. Freddie walks up the sidewalk, Eddie walks after him. FREDDIE She knows I care. EDDIE How? Freddie stops. The question's clearly annoyed him. FREDDIE Who the Hell are you, asking me that? You don't know me. Or her. EXT. ALLEYWAY - DAY Freddie continues on his way. Eddie following. EDDIE Whoa. Just saying some women like it when you don't just show up.
  • 59. 58 FREDDIE Oh. So, you gonna' lay that flowers and candy bullshit on me? Freddie smiles, laughs and then walks on. FREDDIE Oh, shit. YOU are gonna' tell ME, Freddie, about women? Eddie pursues, but Freddie has stopped dead. EDDIE What? Across the street, two policemen are standing around the Mustang, which is being hooked to a tow truck. INT. POLICE CRUISER - DAY An officer sits in the passenger and picks up the radio. TRAFFIC COP Five-David-twenty-one... impound unit has arrived. RADIO (O.S.) Vehicle registered to a Terence Stevens, reported stolen. Suspects? TRAFFIC COP Negative. Vehicle’s abandoned; on its way to the yard. He can pick it up. EXT. ALLEYWAY – DAY Freddie and Eddie lean back to keep from being seen. FREDDIE Shit. Thought you hid it. Guess we go get something else. Freddie turns to go, but Eddie still watches the tow truck. FREDDIE We need to get our asses gone. EDDIE That’s the car. That's the one. FREDDIE You seeing this? The fuzz has your ride. You gonna' steal it again? Eddie smiles. Freddie throws up his hands.
  • 60. 59 FREDDIE Oh, Hell no, man. I been inside. They’d love a skinny boy like you. The tow truck lifts the Mustang’s front end. One of the cops hands a paper to the driver. They get in their cruiser and drive away. Freddie turns and walks back up the block. Eddie chases him. EDDIE Cops are gone. We can do this. FREDDIE A car ain't worth ten years. EDDIE I got a plan. And you can drive. Freddie stops and looks back. Eddie looks at him hopefully. EXT. STREET - DAY The tow driver chains a front wheel to the harness. As he walks around, Freddie slips in and unhooks the chains. The driver attaches the passenger side and goes to the front. Eddie creeps around the back of the car. He ducks down as the driver climbs in the cab. Eddie quickly unwraps the chains. INT. TOW TRUCK - DAY The driver props his clipboard on the steering wheel to finish his paperwork. Behind him, Eddie and Freddie climb into the Mustang. The DIESEL engine drowns out the door shutting. INT MUSTANG - DAY Crouching behind the dash, Eddie digs out the keys. He hands them to Freddie. INT TOW TRUCK - DAY The driver checks his mirror and the tow truck pulls away, clearing the curb. EXT/INT MUSTANG - DAY Freddie and Eddie sit up; Freddie behind the wheel. EDDIE Go for it. Freddie stomps the brake.
  • 61. 60 EXT/INT MUSTANG – DAY The Mustang’s wheels lock up. As the tow truck keeps going, the Mustang drags behind. Then it bumps free of the forks. The front end bounces as cars swerve out of the way. The Mustang engine ROARS to life. Freddie pops the car in gear and stomps the accelerator. The Mustang's tires squeal as the car lurches, spins in a one-eighty and roars away. INT. TOW TRUCK - DAY The driver stares blankly in the rear-view, watching the Mustang haul up the street. He whirls around as it disappears around the corner. He grabs his radio. DRIVER Impound thirty-two to dispatch... You're not gonna’ believe this! EXT. STREET - DAY The Mustang tears by, Eddie and Freddie laughing. DRIVER (O.S.) Someone stole my tow! Dispatch? INT. WAREHOUSE HIDEOUT - DAY The Mustang cruises through the secret door. Ernesto sits at his bench, using a soldering gun on one of his gadgets. When he’s finished, Ernesto carves a little maker’s mark on it. Carl, focused on a map of Detroit, looks up. The engine goes silent and Freddie and Eddie step out. CARL Expecting you boys a while ago. He rolls over by the Mustang, looking it over. CARL Any trouble? FREDDIE AND EDDIE No. CARL Don’t shit me. Carl points to the police band radio, shaking his head. CARL You can pick'em, kid. Fastback. Three-fifty-one… four-speed? But, you're two doors too short.
  • 62. 61 EDDIE You said speed. Anything bigger wouldn't be as quick… Carl nods. He rolls back over to his map. CARL I still have final say. It'll do. Freddie taps Eddie shoulder. FREDDIE You take me back to my car? Gonna’ try and talk to Vanessa again. Eddie nods. He sees Akim behind him, looking over the car. AKIM Sweet ride. EDDIE It'll haul... AKIM Just be fast enough to keep my ass outta’ the slam. Akim leans in through the open passenger window and looks around. Eddie looks up as Mary enters. She winks at him. AKIM (O.S.) I call shotgun. INT. MUSTANG - DAY Holding a sawed-off pump 12-gauge, Akim loads shells into it. A.J. sits at the wheel, with Mary alone in the back seat. An armored car rolls up to curb ahead of them. EDDIE Now? AKIM Not yet. Akim gives the cue. They pull down their ski masks. EXT. BANK – DAY Two guards walk out, pushing a dolly carrying several bags and boxes. Up the street, the muscle car rumbles. AKIM (O.S.) Now. The Fastback pops into gear, roars up the street and bumps onto the sidewalk. At the armored car, one guard opens the back door. He looks in time to see the Mustang coming.
  • 63. 62 DIVING GUARD Jesus! Look out! He dives inside. The muscle car bumps off the curb, hits the back door and slams it shut; pinning it closed. Akim, in a mask, gets out and lays the shotgun across the car trunk. He points it at the other guard, laying dazed on the ground. AKIM Don't blink, sucker. Behind him, a masked Mary climbs out and grabs bags off of the dolly and tosses them into the car. INT. ARMORED CAR - DAY In his rear-view mirrors, the driver sees the downed guard, holding his hands up. DRIVER What the Hell? He grabs at the radio. Suddenly, there is a BANGING behind him. The other guard is pounding on the inside window. DIVING GUARD It’s a goddamned holdup! Call it in! Call it in! The driver nods. DRIVER Code Red… Repeat, Code Red… This is car Alpha-Tango-Niner… EXT. BANK - DAY Mary grabs another load, under Akim’s watchful eye. AKIM Doin’ real good… stay right there. MARY Finders keepers! She throws another bag into the back. AKIM Good to go, girl. Let’s motor! MARY Right on! Woooo! She dives in. Akim shuts the door, and then climbs into the Mustang, sitting on the door. He keeps the shotgun leveled. AKIM Move!
  • 64. 63 INT. MUSTANG – DAY Eddie pops the clutch and reverses, rolling into the street. EXT. BANK - DAY The downed guard rolls over and scurries behind the armored car, drawing his gun as he moves. His partner, shoves open the door, his own pistol ready. The Mustang roars by. Akim firing into the air, then he slides inside the car. INT. MUSTANG – DAY Eddie focuses on driving as Akim pulls off his mask. Behind them, Mary is already digging into one of the moneybags. AKIM Smooth. MARY Make a driver out of him yet. EXT. MOM’S PAWN – NIGHT The back door opens. Eddie steps out, tosses a bag into the trash, and walks to the street. A few buildings back, a car STARTS and creeps along behind him. EXT. ALLEYWAY – NIGHT Eddie turns back, just as the headlights blaze on. Stunned, he sprints into the alley, but it’s blocked by a fence. TORRES (O.S.) (Filter through loudspeaker) That’s far enough… Eddie drops off the fence and raises his hands. INT. UNMARKED POLICE CAR – NIGHT Eddie sits in the backseat. In the passenger seat, Detective ARMANDO TORRES (35) turns to him. EDDIE What'd I do, officer? TORRES Detective. Armando Torres, Robbery Homicide. We’ve been watching you a few days, son. EDDIE I use the wrong trashcan?
  • 65. 64 TORRES I think you know why we’re talking. You work for Carl Eubanks. He’s person of interest in a series of armed robberies. I've watched career criminals walk in and out of there. You? I was only able to find a juvie file. But, I did find it. EDDIE I fix cars for Mr. Eubanks. TORRES Like your old man fixed cars? His last stretch was five years. They had you for Grand Theft. But, you’ve stayed clean since juvie. EDDIE I’m not saying anything else. TORRES Then, just listen. When I bust this crew, they all go away. If you can help me, then I lose your name. EXT. BACK ALLEY - NIGHT Eddie steps out of the car. Torres looks out the window. TORRES I’m watching this place. You can just walk out any time you want. The unmarked car pulls away and disappears down the alley. INT. WAREHOUSE HIDEOUT – DAY An airport map, schedules, and diagrams clutter Carl’s worktable. Akim and Mary huddle near. Eddie listens in. CARL A limo will be dispatched twenty minutes before the plane is due. Carl leans over and points to the map. CARL Ambassador Transportation is ten minutes from Detroit Metro. So, between the call and pick-up, you won’t have a big opening. Target is met at the Pan-AM terminal. AKIM Delaying the limo’s nothing. (To Eddie) You just need to be timely. Eddie looks at the map, hesitantly.
  • 66. 65 EDDIE Yeah, I can do that. AKIM Will do that, dig? CARL And you? MARY The charming hostess. Oh, and I scored that powder you wanted. A car horn HONKS. The wall panel opens and a Cadillac limo rolls in. The rear and sides are dented. The engine wheezes and smokes as it clatters to a stop. AKIM What the Hell is that? CARL That? It’s your stylin’ new ride. Not like I can just rent one. Ernesto climbs out, wearing a driver’s hat. ERNESTO What do you think? Is it me? MARY Dirty and broke. It’s you, hombre. Carl rolls to the limo, steam hissing from under the hood. CARL Freddie's scrap yard friend found us an insurance total. VIN number no longer exists. You think you can bring her back to life? Carl smiles, reassuringly. Eddie shrugs. EDDIE Are we gonna’ kidnap somebody? CARL It’s a job, like the rest. If it goes down right, no one gets hurt. Carl heads back to the table. Mary leans against Eddie. MARY Girl’s best friend, Eddie. A whole load of ice coming right off a jet. EDDIE Diamonds, huh? MARY That’s what Freddie said. We just grab the guy at the airport who’s carrying them.
  • 67. 66 Eddie steps away from her and walks back to Carl. CARL Federal armed robbery you’re okay with that? But, taking a guy for a ride and robbing him, you’re not? EDDIE Just don’t feel right. CARL Look kid, kinda’ late in the game to be taking a walk, isn’t it? Across the room, Akim watches the conversation. EDDIE (O.S.) Not that I’m ungrateful. CARL I told you this wasn’t some time served kinda’ thing. Everything this crew has done… what I’ve done… was building up to this. Carl sighs, and then shrugs. CARL Freddie can drive if he has to. But, I hope you’ll think about it. INT EDDIE’S HOUSE – DAY The DOORBELL rings. Dad comes to the door and opens it. Lizzy is standing on the porch. LIZZY Is Eddie home? I saw his car. DAD Sure thing, young lady. Come on in. Lizzy steps inside. DAD Eddie? Get out here. (To Lizzy) I think he's... occupied. LIZZY That's okay. DAD You want a drink? She shakes her head. Dad heads to the kitchen.
  • 68. 67 LIVING ROOM Lizzy tours the main room. A collection of photos line several shelves and a curio. A few small trophies are on display. She sees a photo and picks it up. INSERT – PHOTO Several men, including Dad when he was younger, stand around a dirt track race car. In the center is a large trophy. LIVING ROOM As she looks at it, Eddie walks up behind her. EDDIE What you got there? LIZZY That's your father? EDDIE Yeah. That was almost ten years ago. LIZZY He raced cars? EDDIE He built them and was a crew chief. That was the year their team won this big state-wide cup race. LIZZY Where were you? DAD (O.S.) Eddie was in Juvie Hall. Eddie and Lizzy look over at Dad, standing in the doorway with a beer in his hand. He takes a long drink. LIZZY I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... EDDIE It's okay. I was a punk. Stole a few cars for laughs. Dumb shit. DAD Got him kicked outta' school, too. Now, he's got his big time job. Lizzy takes Eddie's hand. She leads him to the front door. LIZZY Nice meeting you.
  • 69. 68 EXT. EDDIE'S HOUSE – DAY On the porch, Lizzy closes the door behind them. She looks at Eddie a moment, but then can't think of what to say. EDDIE You okay, baby? She starts to nod, but then shakes her head. LIZZY No. No, I'm not okay. I'm... I'm pregnant, Eddie. EDDIE What? LIZZY I knew that's how you'd look. I was sick the last few days, so I went to see Dr. Earle. He tested me. EDDIE You and me? She nods. Lizzy bites at her lip, clenching her fists EDDIE Baby... baby, that's... LIZZY It's what? EDDIE Amazing. Really… LIZZY Don't just say that. Eddie pulls her to him. She squirms at first, but then hugs him tightly. He kisses her forehead. AKIM Ain't that sweet. At the curb sits Akim's Lincoln. Akim has the window down. Mary sits over in the passenger side. EDDIE Akim? AKIM That your girl? EDDIE Lizzy, this is Akim... and Mary. Lizzy waves, timidly. Eddie keeps an arm around her. EDDIE What's going on?
  • 70. 69 AKIM You tell me. Coming back to work? EDDIE Work? AKIM Yeah. We got that big thing coming up. Didn't want you to miss out on your big bonus. Eddie nods. He looks at Lizzy. EDDIE This job has some extra money for me. And I just need to finish it all up this week. Then, I'm done. LIZZY You do what you need to. INT. WAREHOUSE HIDEOUT – DAY Eddie stands in front of the old limousine. Carl rolls up. CARL You got four days. EDDIE Four days? CARL Jesus brought Lazarus back in one. EDDIE You got his number? CARL Trust me, this is the easy part. Eddie looks over at Akim, who lights up a blow torch. MONTAGE – LIMO RECONSTRUCTION Akim, Eddie and Ernesto strip the Cadillac down. Ernesto solders electronics. Akim uses the torch to cut the dented parts and weld the new pieces on. Eddie works on the engine. INT. LIMOUSINE Eddie lays on his back, tending to something under the dash. Someone thumps onto the seat. Looking up, he sees Mary. MARY Hi. I’m bored. EDDIE You could hand me the wire harness.
  • 71. 70 She sees the tangled part on the seat and holds it down to him. Eddie takes it. MARY What’re you doing with your cut? Akim wants to go see Mecca… I’m more French Riviera. He points to a pile of bolts on the console. She hands him one and he tightens it down. EDDIE Don’t think I can just leave my old man… He’s had some problems. MARY Aren’t you two or three of them? EDDIE Yeah. But, we used to be tight, do stuff. He’d only been out a year when Mom died. All he does now is work… and drink. She hands him another bolt. MARY After this he won’t have to. EDDIE Yeah, maybe I’ll set him up some place; get a garage. She turns over onto her stomach and moves closer. MARY Driving’s more fun. EDDIE Lizzy likes cars, too. MARY Who? Oh, yeah. Your girl. He glances up her. She gazes at him for a moment. Mary smiles and hands him another bolt. MARY You trust me, don’t you? EDDIE Sure. MARY They say if you cheat on one person, you’ll cheat on another. EDDIE We’re not really a thing. Right? She leans down and kisses him. Suddenly, there is THUMPING on the car roof. They part just as Akim looks in.
  • 72. 71 AKIM We about done in here? They both crack a smile. Eddie nods. INT. DETROIT METRO TERMINAL – DAY Passengers are exiting the ramp from their plane; among them is MOSHE LEVINOWITZ (40’s), a Hasidic Jew. Along with his traditional clothes and hat, he also carries a small case. He quietly hides the handcuffs securing it to his wrist as he walks through the bustling corridor. ANNOUNCER (O.S.) (Filtered through PA) Your attention please… Pan-AM flight six-seventy-three from New York arriving at gate forty-two. Departing Pan-AM passengers can pick up their… As Moshe makes his way through, he passes by a bank of payphones. Nearby, Freddie watches and reads the paper. EXT. STREET CORNER – DAY An anxious chauffeur stands a phone booth. DRIVER Mr. Wahl? Yes, sir… I’m calling because I won’t be able to pick up Mr. Levinowitz. Something happened to the car… I was gone one minute… At the curb, a limo sits, tireless on blocks. DRIVER (O.S.) Yes, sir… I’m sorry, sir… Akim and Ernesto peer around the corner. The driver goes back to the car. Akim holds out his palm. Ernesto slaps it. As they head up the sidewalk, Ernesto tosses a tire tool into a garbage can. Akim drops in a fistful of lug nuts. EXT. DETROIT METRO TERMINAL – DAY As Moshe exits, he is greeted by Mary, wearing a dress and platform shoes. She has a sign with his name. MOSHE Excuse me, young lady? MARY Mr. Levinowitz?
  • 73. 72 MOSHE Yes, that is me. What is all this about? Are you my driver? MARY No sir, your welcoming committee. MOSHE This is new. INT. LIMOUSINE – DAY Moshe climbs in and looks around. Mary sits opposite. MOSHE Very nice. MARY We strive for service, sir. MOSHE I was referring to you, Miss. She coyly blushes. MARY Let me get you a drink. EXT. DETROIT METRO TERMINAL – DAY The limo pulls away from the curb. Moments later, the Ambassador limo pulls into the same spot. The flustered driver gets out and holds up his own “Levinowitz” sign. INT. LIMOUSINE – DAY Moshe keeps the briefcase in his lap as Mary opens a bottle of wine. She pours a large glass, then stealthily pulls a vial from under her blouse and dumps a powder in the drink. She holds out the wine glass to him. MOSHE Young lady, are you Jewish? MARY No, sir. MOSHE Then, I am sorry but I cannot take wine that you opened and poured. MARY Oh. It's Kosher wine. She shows him the bottle. He grins.
  • 74. 73 MOSHE Well, that’s different. L'chayim! He takes the glass, toasts her and drinks. Mary leans back and gently taps the divider panel. INT. LIMOUSINE FRONT SEAT – DAY In a suit and driver’s cap, Eddie glances at his wrist as he steers through morning traffic. INSERT WATCH CLOSE-UP The red LED reads “10:26”, and then stop-motion accelerates to “10:32”. A THUMP is heard from the back seat. INT. LIMOUSINE – DAY Moshe lay sprawled on the floor. Mary leans down to check. EXT. STREET CORNER – DAY The limo pulls to a stop. Ernesto and Akim walk up. Akim gets into the passenger side, Ernesto the back. INT. LIMOUSINE – DAY Ernesto helps Mary sit Moshe up. The divider slides opens. Akim watch Ernesto buckle the dozing merchant in his seat. AKIM This might be the easiest gig yet. Akim looks at Eddie, who is watching the others. AKIM Smooth and easy, right? EXT. DETROIT METRO TERMINAL - DAY The limo heads out of the airport. INT LIMOUSINE – DAY Ernesto reaches into his pocket and pulls out a key ring. ERNESTO Want to bet they’re Smith’s? MARY There’s more than one kind? Ernesto pulls Moshe’s arm to him and gasps. The handcuffs don’t use a key. There’s a small combination lock built in.
  • 75. 74 ERNESTO Shit! What did I do, God? What did I do wrong? AKIM (O.S.) What? You lose your bet? ERNESTO It’s a combo lock. And the only one with the combination is… him. He points at Moshe. EDDIE So, now what? EXT. I-94 – DAY The limo cruises up a ramp onto the expressway. ERNESTO (O.S.) I can start guessing at it. INT. LIMOUSINE – DAY Akim turns back and glares at Ernesto and Mary. AKIM We ain’t got that kind of time! Cut his goddamned hand off you have to. MARY With what? A corkscrew? EDDIE Jesus! Cut his hand off? Just break the case open! Ernesto places the case and Moshe’s arm on the seat and goes through his tool bag. He picks and pries at the case with various tools, one at a time. ERNESTO This thing’s like a safe! We got a tire iron? Crowbar? EXT. I-94 SHOULDER – DAY The limo pulls off the roadway and stops. Eddie gets out and starts rooting through the trunk. AKIM (O.S.) Ain’t gonna’ be long before he’s gonna’ be missed! EDDIE On it!
  • 76. 75 As Eddie searches, a Highway Patrol car cruises up behind him. He hears the engine and freezes. EDDIE Easiest gig yet… my ass. One of the patrolmen gets out of the police cruiser. Eddie takes a deep breath and turns around, tire tool in hand. PATROLMAN Everything okay here? EDDIE Oh yeah… PATROLMAN Give you hand? EDDIE No really, officer. I got this. The patrolman glances back at the traffic. PATROLMAN We’ll stay here ‘til you’re fixed. EDDIE I’ll be fine. You can… MARY (O.S.) Hey! Mary sticks her head out from the passenger window. MARY Will you hurry up with that thing! He’s gonna’ wake up! Oh… Eddie exhales and closes his eyes. The patrolman steps back. EDDIE Shit. PATROLMAN Hold it! An officer reaches for his pistol. Eddie turns and runs. EDDIE Here! Eddie bolts past the window, hands off the tire tool and dives into the car. A moment later, the limo is tearing away from the shoulder as the patrolman draws his gun. EXT. I-94 – DAY The over-sized Caddy roars through traffic, going on and off the shoulder to avoid collision. Coming up quickly is the Highway Patrol car, siren wailing.
  • 77. 76 INT. LIMOUSINE – DAY Akim grips the dashboard as Eddie weaves back and forth. In the back, Ernesto and Mary tumble across the lounge seats. Moshe moans and rolls his head as they bump along. ERNESTO Easy, man! EDDIE Trying! Ernesto works his way back to Moshe. Mary hands him the tire tool and he jams it into the briefcase hinges. ERNESTO Get us off the highway. EXT. I-94 EXIT – DAY The limo zooms up an off-ramp, blows a red light, and swerves hard left onto a thoroughfare. INT. LIMOUSINE – DAY Ernest and Mary find themselves tumbling again. MARY Whoo! Just like Disneyland!! ERNESTO Ay cabron! Fighting to steady himself, Ernesto fishes into his jacket and puts on his police band headset. EXT. STREET – DAY A city police cruiser has joined the chase as the highway patrol car tries to pull alongside the Cadillac. ERNESTO (O.S.) Okay… there’s another statie intercepting at the next block. The limo jerks, slamming the patrol car. All three vehicles race through the intersection. INT. LIMOUSINE – DAY A loud TAPPING sound is heard. Akim looks back. AKIM How we coming? ERNESTO (O.S.) Getting there…
  • 78. 77 Ernesto holds the tire iron, while Mary bangs on it with one of her platform shoes. The headset CRACKLES. ERNESTO Roadblock! What street are we on? EXT. STREET – DAY Two police cruisers move to block the intersection. INT. LIMOUSINE – DAY Eddie spots the blockade. He glances to Akim. EDDIE Ain’t outrun’em in this cow. AKIM You got one thing they don’t. Size. EXT. STREET – DAY Several cops gather behind cruisers as the limo surges ahead. With a horrific CRUNCH, it plows into one car and turns hard. As they turn, Akim leans out the window and fires the .45 at their pursuers. INT. LIMOUSINE – DAY Leveraging the tire iron, Ernesto pries the case open. ERNESTO Got it! EXT. STREET - DAY The state police car races alongside. A cop aims a shotgun from the passenger side at the tires. Another patrol car closes behind. Suddenly… INSERT CLOSE-UP BRAKE PEDAL Eddie slams on the brakes with both feet. STREET The highway patrol car slams into the rear of the limousine.
  • 79. 78 INT. LIMOUSINE – DAY The impact tosses everyone around. Little white envelopes spill out of the briefcase, all over the floor. As the city cruiser speeds by, the officer’s shotgun booms, shattering the side windows. Mary shrieks as the glass disintegrates around her. Ernesto dives on top of her. EXT. STREET – DAY Akim leans out over the top of the limo and aims his pistol at the cruiser and unloads. The passenger side tires burst. The Cadillac shoves the crippled police car into a parked van, and tears off around a corner. INT. LIMOUSINE – DAY Eddie glances back at the chaos in the back. EDDIE Everybody okay? Anybody hit? Mary gives a muffled reply. Ernesto quickly gets off her. MARY Not it. ERNESTO Not it. AKIM Solid. The police headset BUZZES. Ernesto picks it up and listens. ERNESTO They called in for a chopper. We’re outta’ time. EXT. CAR WASH – DAY The battered Cadillac squalls around the corner and zooms past. Off-screen, there is the sound of SQUEALING tires. AKIM (O.S.) What the Hell? EDDIE (O.S.) Just a sec! The limo roars back and veers into the car wash. Moments later, two police cruises zoom by, sirens shrieking.
  • 80. 79 INT. LIMOUSINE – DAY Sudsy water runs down the windshield and in through the shot out windows. Eddie turns off the engine and looks back. Mary and Ernesto gather up the envelopes and shove them into all of their pockets. Akim looks at Eddie. AKIM Smooth move. Akim puts a hand on Eddie’s shoulder. Eddie nods. AKIM We done back there? Let’s blow. EXT. CAR WASH – DAY The dented, but clean Cadillac is surrounded by cops as Torres arrives. A uniformed cop opens the back door and water pours out. Still buckled in his seat, Moshe looks at them groggily. MOSHE Why hello, officers… I swear to Jehovah I had only one drink. But, oy what a drink. TORRES Get him out of there. MOSHE But, it was Kosher. This I know. Torres ponders the scene. The cop helps the inebriated Moshe stumble to a nearby cruiser, the mangled briefcase still hanging from his wrist. EXT. STREET CORNER – DAY Eddie, Mary, Akim and Ernesto huddle around a payphone. They are all damp from the car wash. Eddie dials. EDDIE Freddie? Hey… We lost our ride. INT. WAREHOUSE HIDEOUT – DAY Freddie’s Buick cruises through the hidden door and stops. Freddie and Akim get out of the front, while the rest climb out of the backseat. Carl sits near a worktable, on which are a champagne bottle and glasses. CARL Could have gone better… but you won’t get any bitching from me. Mary and Ernesto empty their pockets. Freddie and Carl open envelopes and pour out the diamonds onto the lighted table.
  • 81. 80 The glittering light reflects in their eyes. FREDDIE Man, that is pretty. Eddie takes off the suit jacket and driver’s hat. EDDIE I might actually miss this. Won’t know what to do with myself. CARL Better think of something. This ain’t the end of it yet. FREDDIE Still gotta’ sell’em. It could be a month before I get enough buyers. The few I got lined up can’t move this much ice. Having some champagne, Akim stops mid-sip. AKIM So, what does that mean? CARL It means we lay low for a while. You should be able to stay out of trouble for a month. AKIM And we just supposed to trust this shifty nigger thief with our ice? FREDDIE Watch that shifty shit. CARL No. He makes arrangements. I just have to sit on them for a while. AKIM We could just take our own. CARL If one of you is busted, we will all get busted. We sit tight. Akim drinks the rest of his glass sharply. He grabs the bottle for a refill. Mary puts an arm around him. MARY Easy tiger. Muslims don’t drink. AKIM I ain’t that kinda’ Muslim. Mary smiles and kisses his forehead. Akim pours another glass. She looks up to see Eddie heading for the door.
  • 82. 81 INT. WAREHOUSE – DAY Eddie walks to the freight elevator. Mary runs to catch him. MARY Hey! She collides with Eddie; wrapping her arms around him. EDDIE Whoa. MARY No goodbye? EDDIE Sorry. Bye… Mary kisses Eddie. He sets her down. MARY Akim said he’d take me to France. I think he wanted to take our share to Belgium wherever. They’re like a big diamond place, right? EDDIE Guess you got what you wanted. She pouts. EDDIE See you when you get back. Eddie shrugs and walks out. INT. LIVING ROOM – NIGHT Eddie’s Dad is asleep in his chair as the TV flickers another silent Tigers game. Eddie slips in from the kitchen. He smiles at the sight, walks over and turns off the TV. EXT. SHOPPING MALL – DAY Eddie's G.T.O. drives past and pulls into a parking space. The completely remodeled car now sports new wheels and a sparkling blue paint job. Eddie gets out and goes around to open the passenger door for Lizzy. INT. MALL STORE – DAY Along an aisle of baby clothes, Lizzy and Eddie look at tiny outfits and toys. As she holds up a little girl's jumper, Eddie puts an arm around her. LIZZY You still want to get a place around here?
  • 83. 82 EDDIE What happened to MSU? She puts down the jumper and looks at a little girl dress. LIZZY I gotta' wait now. EDDIE I didn’t want you to. I can be at home. I told you. When that money comes in... LIZZY Yeah, then we'll be all set. I know. But, we can't count on that. What if something goes wrong? EDDIE It won't even be another week. I should be hearing back. LIZZY You know they say if something sounds too good... ELECTRONICS DEPARTMENT Eddie and Lizzy walk past a row of televisions, carrying a pile of baby things. On the screen, an anchor reads with a slide of “Obie Wynn Hearing”. Then, cuts to firemen battling an inferno. The images are accompanied by text reading, “Neighborhood Business Burns”. It’s Mom’s Pawn. INT. LIVING ROOM – DAY Eddie and Lizzy come through the door. His Dad sits on the couch, beer in hand and the television showing NASCAR. DAD That the place you’ve been fixing cars at? They had a fire today. Looked bad. Good thing you weren’t… Dad looks back at Lizzy, holding her shopping bags. Eddie is gone. A moment later, the G.T.O. is heard STARTING and TEARING out of the drive. EXT. MOM’S PAWN – DAY Firefighters are milling about the smoky ruins of the storefront, gathering hoses and loading trucks, as Eddie pulls up in the G.T.O. He gets out and walks to the police line. Nearby, Detective Torres talks with the fire captain.
  • 84. 83 CAPTAIN Definitely set. Flames started in three places that I can see; no accident there. The arson guys will be able to tell us more. TORRES Any more victims? CAPTAIN Just the fella’ in the wheelchair. I gotta’ get this cleared. EDDIE (O.S.) Mrs. Eubanks okay? The captain goes back to his men. Torres turns to Eddie. TORRES Smoke inhalation, some burns. She’s at General. Firemen found her by the door before the roof came down. EDDIE He said someone set this? Torres narrows his eyes at Eddie, stepping closer. TORRES So, where are the diamonds? EDDIE Don’t know what you’re talking about. Mary walks up behind them. TORRES Didn’t think so. You know why Eubanks was murdered. You want to be con- MARY Murder? Torres steps back and glances at her. TORRES Yes, ma’am. You a friend, too? EDDIE She’s with me. Mary and Eddie gaze at each other. EDDIE MARY I didn’t know you were back… I just heard on TV… They both pause. EDDIE How was France?
  • 85. 84 MARY Stuffy. Akim and I… Wasn’t pretty. EDDIE Mom’s at the hospital. You want to come with me? Where are you parked? MARY Cab. This yours? (Points to the coupe) Not hot is it? EDDIE Don’t boost cars any more. Eddie glances at Torres, who smirks at the remark. MARY Moving up in the world, A.J. INT. G.T.O. – DAY The Pontiac winds through traffic, the top down. MARY You think Carlini torched Mom’s? EDDIE Don’t know… I just came down to find see what happened. MARY He’s a grease wad. EDDIE Carlini knew Carl planned something big. Maybe we should find the guys. MARY Akim pissed him off bad. Pull over here, I’ll call him. EXT. GAS STATION – DAY As Eddie waits in the car, Mary stands at a payphone her back turned. A moment later, she turns and visibly shrugs. EXT. MARY’S HOUSE – DAY Eddie pulls the G.T.O. to a stop across the street. Akim’s Lincoln sits in the back of the drive, near the garage. MARY Home sweet home. You coming? EDDIE I dunno’… He may not be so cool about seeing us together after you-
  • 86. 85 MARY We’re saving his life, man. Eddie and Mary step out of the Pontiac. A moment later, Akim walks out of the front door. Mary waves. MARY Baby! Akim doesn’t seem to notice her and goes around the house to the drive. Mary pursues. MARY Baby! It’s me! They hear the Lincoln’s door OPEN and CLOSE. The engine STARTS as Mary rounds the corner. KA-BOOM! The luxury car erupts into a massive fireball, knocking Mary backwards into Eddie. They’re both blown to the ground. INT. G.T.O. – DAY Eddie is driving with no real destination. MARY (O.S.) A.J. Her voice is as distant as his stare as he drives. MARY A.J. Stop the car. Eddie looks at her, his eyes wide. He pulls to the curb. EDDIE I just can’t believe he’s gone. Akim was like… bulletproof. Mary sighs and leans on his chest. MARY We gotta’ find the other guys, get the stash and get the fuck out of Dodge… or we’re next. EDDIE Ernesto or Freddie? INT. ELECTRONICS SHOP – DAY Ernesto sits at a workbench, soldering gun in hand, as he peers through a set of magnifying goggles. ERNEST There you are. Hold still…
  • 87. 86 He taps at a circuit board with the soldering gun. TECH (O.S.) Hey, Degarza… Ernesto is handed an envelope with only his name. Opening it, he finds a single piece of paper. It reads, “Out Back.” ERNESTO Taking a smoke break. EXT. ELECTRONICS SHOP – DAY Ernesto cracks open the metal door to the shop. Eddie’s G.T.O. is parked right outside, idling. Eddie is behind the wheel. Mary is sitting on the back of the rear seat. MARY Get in, Ernie. ERNESTO Que paso? EDDIE We’ll talk on the way. Ernesto shuts the door and piles into the passenger seat. INT. G.T.O. – DAY Ernesto watches the scenery, then turns to Eddie. ERNESTO Could have waited ‘til I got off. EDDIE Couldn’t wait. Someone burned down Mom’s Pawn… with Carl in it. MARY Then, someone blew up Akim’s Lincoln… with him in it. ERNESTO Carl? Akim? Oh, man… EDDIE We need to disappear. ERNESTO Freddie? EXT. TENEMENT – NIGHT Eddie and Mary sit in the car as Ernesto comes down the steps from a fire escape.