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                                                                                                    PROBATE COURi 4

                                                                  No. 403,028
                         GUARDIANSHIP OF                                    §         IN THE PROBATE COURT
                         HELEN RITA HALE                                    §         NO. FOUR (4) OF
                        IN CAPACIT ATED                                     §         HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS

                                                     SECOND SUPPLEMENT TO
                                     FOR THE PERIOD OF MAY, 2011 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 8, 2011

                       TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT:
                               COMES NOW, ~CIA            PEVEY, ("Temporary Guardian Pending Contest") Temporary
                       .Guardian Pending Contest of the Person and Estate of HELEN RITA HALE, Incapacitated Person
                       ("Ward"), and files this Application for Payment of Guardian's Compensation and, in support,
                       respectfully shows the Court as follows:
                                1.      MARCIA PEVEY was appointed and subsequently qualified as Temporary Guardian
                       Pending Contest of the Person and Estate of HELEN RITA HALE on April 27, 2011, and has
                       administered this guardianship in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Probate Code.
                               2.       MARCIA PEVEY has rendered necessary fiduciary services as Temporary Guardian
                       Pending Contest of the Person and Estate of HELEN RITA HALE for the time period of May, 2011
                       through September 19, 2011. Payment of a temporary guardian's commission as authorized by
                       §665(b), Texas Probate Code, would result in compensation to Temporary Guardian Pending
                       Contest in the total sum of$1,791.09 (5% of the total income of$27,756.63 and 5% of $8,065.l2
                       for total expenses paid - refer to the Income/Expense Detail attached hereto and incorporated herein

     '                 by reference.) T~m or~ G~uar.dian ending Contest asserts that compensation for fiduciary services
~                       in'the total sum f$1, ~90 1.09 s unreasonably low when considering the fiduciary services rendered
               ()t--                          /
1 ~o¥                :c::~:::~7::::)~:e:=             ~:::::t:::eqUe.1S       that the Court modify such compensation in

    ~f   {iI                    3.      Ti~e records ofTemporary Guardian Pending Contest' sfiduciary services for this

(   ~            Iv period are attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein      by reference.
4..    Temporary Guardian Pending Contest requests this Court's approval for fiduciary

compensation for this time period of May, 2011 through September 19,2011, in the amount of

$3,630.00 and $210.00 and $820.00 for a total sum of$4,660.00.

               WHEREFORE, Applicant requests a Temporary Guardian's compensation in lieu of

commission in the amount of $4,660.00 for her fiduciary services performed for Ward, May, 2011

through September 19,2011 or, in the alternative, Applicant requests reasonable compensation to be

determined by the Court.

                                                 Respectfully submitted,

                                                 TBA #0(,)784754             <,~.i7: (1 
                                                                             , .-< J /
                                                 1001 West Loop South, Ste. 8Q~;:~~  N['T1.:
                                                                                              N  ."
                                                 Houston, Texas 77027        ;~;~:;; :,.--.' ~   Cl
                                                 (713) 526-8772 (713) 623~283~;IfaX)          LO
                                                 Temporary Guardian Pending Cphte~ofthe [srson
                                                 and Estate of HELEN RIT A HALE!~

                                  CERTIFICATE OF SERVTCE

I hereby certify that on this the I r
                                    day of ~ , 2011, a true and correct copy of the
foregoing APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT OF G ARDIAN'S COMPENSATION FOR                             rae
PERIOD OF MAY, 2011 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 was forwarded by facsimile to:

        Teresa Scardino                                     Barbara Calderon
        4309 Yoakum Blvd. Ste. 360                          21 Briar Hollow Lane, #703
        Houston, Texas 77006-5817                           Houston, Texas 77027
        Facsimile: 2811218~0990                             Facsimile: 713 520 5335
            Attorney Ad Litem                                       Guardian Ad Litem


                                                          No. 403,028
             GUARDIANSHIP OF                                     §            IN THE PROBATE COURT
             HELEN RITA HALE .                                   §            NO. FOUR (4) OF
             INCAPACITATED                                       §            HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS

                                                      ATTORNEY FEE AFFIDAVIT

            THE STATE OF TEXAS                    §
            COUNTY OF HARRIS                      §

               BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Affiant, MARCIA PEVEY,
            who after being duly sworn, does state:

                   1. that Affiant is a duly licensed and practicing attorney with offices in Houston,        Harris County',
                      Texas; Affiant was licensed to practice law in Texas in November, 1992, and certified in the Texas
                      Probate Courts regarding elder law, guardianships and ad litems in May, 1994;

                   2. that Affiant has performed the fiduciary, services which are described in detail in the Itemization of
                      Fees and in the application for payment of guardian's compensation and states that all fees for which
                      payment is requested are reasonable and were necessarily incurred in connection with my fiduciary
                      services as Temporary Guardian Pending Contest of the Person and Estate of Helen Rita Hale and
                      were rendered only on behalf of Helen Rita Hale and for the welfare and protection of the ward;

                   3. that Affiant has made and presented this application and affidavit to the Court for the purpose of
                       obtaining court review and approval of such fees and their payment.


                       SWORN TO~UBSCRIBED                  by MARCIA PEVEY, before me, the undersigned authority, on
            this     Iq
                                                              -              ~.,~o/.w
                          dayof~.        ,2011.

                                   ,~!!!e~~~=~~~                             Notary Public,~e      of Texas
09/19/11         Profit and loss Standard
                  May 1 through September 19,'2011

                                            May 1 - Sep 19, '...
            Edward Hale Life Ins. Payment
            Loan Payment
           Total Income
            Bond                                         260.00
            Care Management
              Maid Service                          301.18
              Transportation                        335.00
            . Care Management   - Other             640.00
            Total Care Management                      1,276.18
            filing fees                                      13.00
               Utilities                          1,190.96
            Total Homestead                            1,190.96
            Housing and Care
             Personal Needs                         179.98
             Housing and Care - Other             3,800.00
            Total Housing and Care                    3,979.98
            Legal Fees                                   320.00
            Miscellaneous                                  5.00
            Sitters                                    1,020.00
            Void Check                                     0.00
           Total Expense                               8,065.12,

           Net Income                                19,691.51

                                                                     Page 1
                                               1001 WEST LOOP SOUTH, STE 809
                                                     HOUSTON, TX 77027

     Helen Hale - GUARDIANSHIP
         Cause No. 403,028
         Probate Court Four (4)

            September 19, 2011

                 Professional Services

                                                                                                              _--!.H.!.!:o~ur~s Amount

   8/17/2011 GDN Phone calls to LaTrevia re supervised Hale family visits with Ward:

                       1st Week: Mon - Diane, 2 hr visit, cried and upset Ward; Tues - Jane, 1 hr
                       visit; Wed Susan, stayed 30 minutes, talked a lot about Tom; Thurs - Pete,
                       did not stay long (10:25 -10:45), brought dog (not allowed in); Friday - Tom,
                       30 minute visit, very quiet and nice; Sat - no one came; Sun - off

                       2nd. week: Mon- Diane, visit much improved, no crying: Tues - Jane called
                       to change to 4:00; Wed· Susan, money problem; Thura- Pete, came later,
                       visit for 30 minutes, good visit

   9/14/2011 GDN       Phone call from LaTrevia re Jane showed up early and is demanding her                         1.90        190.00
                       mother go to ER.-.3         'L-U      ~j             .
                       Phone call to care manager re going to LaTrevia to evaluate and take Ward
                       to ER if necessary-.3

                       Phone call from care manager re Tom and Jane at house - will take Ward to
                       Cypress Hospital (they would prefer on Huffmeister) -.3              .                           __   r""'~.SIf)
                       Phone call from care manager re has Ward at ER - UTI. slightly lowered
                                                                                                                    .        .
                       potassium- possible bowel obstruction - stomach not extended - waiting.Qfl              .                          .
                       doctor - Susan has joined the crew and is very nasty - Ronnie there for short

                      . Phone call from care manager re Ward being admitted, care manager will
                        stay until all is stable - waiting on doctor - sitter is there ....3

                       Phone call from care manager re Ward is just constipated - probably from
                       all the rich/fried food kids bring in, they will keep until 8M and treat; all family
                       is gone - hospital personnel is aware; will monitor and call care manager-
                       sitter and relief are in place-.5

                                                                                ~       EXHIBIT

9/19/2011                                                                       I·A          ..
Helen Hale - GUARDIANSHIP                                                                                            Page        2

                                                                                                     _--'-H .•.•• •.••
                                                                                                                   s       Amount

   9/14/2011   GDN email correspondence from/to D. Cheatham re niece visiting and the limits                  0.50           50.00
                   on the visits - as of now until permanent guardian in place-.2

                     email correspondence fromlto D. Cheatham re status ...2

                     email correspondence from A. Cheatham re new facebook stuff and copies
                     of new filings reinstating Diane's application ... 1

   9/15/2011   GDN   Phone call from care manager re putting Ward in Specialized Care for some                0.80           80.00
                     rehab and PT/OT • care manager will call doctor and report back--.5

                     Phone call from care manager re Doctor wants to see how much
                     improvement when in PT···.3

               GDN   Phone call from Amy, Social Worker at CyFair Hospital re accusing me of                  0.80           80.00
                     abuse, etc. and threatening to call APS - I told her to call Probate Court 4
                     and gave her the number; she was very abusive and critical - talked to her a
                     long time explaining why Ward was out of her home and told her I was
                     waiting for Doctors Orders and history of Ward's stay in other rehabs so
                     could put her where her records are-.5

                     Phone call to care manager re phone call from social worker - care manager
                     will go see SoicalWorker tomorrow and get records--.3

   9/16/2011   GDN   Phone call from care manager re Ward is dOing very well and will be                      1.60          160.00
                     discharged to Legend Oaks for rehab-.5

                     Phone call from Steven Gary, Administrator of Legend Oaks re contacts and
                     introduction-.3                                            <-'

                     Phone call from care manager re Successor Guardian and when he will
                     have authority-.3

                     Phone call from care manager re hospital and family know I will no longer be
                     guardian - worried about who has authority - how did this get out? • I do not

               GDN Trip to TXDot for duplicate title                                                          1.50          150.00

               GDN   Receive and review, complete and return forms to insurance company on                    0.50           50.00
                     car accident

               For professional services rendered                                                             8.20        $820.00

               Previous balance                                                                                          $3,840.00

               Balance due                                                                                               $4,660.00

,:~   .

Helen Hale - GUARDIANSHIP                                                           3

                                User Summary
Name                                           Hours               Rate   Amount
Marcia Pevey - Guardian                         8.20             100.00   $820.00


                            "   :


                                                    ..',. ,.~~
                                                  ...   :
911312011                                                                 THE LAW OFFICE OF MARCIA PEVEY
                       10:27 AV!                                                                         Pre- bill Worksheet                                                                    Parre

                                                                                                              Selection Criteria

                     Clie.Selection                                     Include: Gdn- Hale

                     Nickname                         Gdn-Hale 1730
                     Full Name                        Helen Hale· GUARDIANSHlP
                     Address                          Cause No. 403,028
                                                      Probate Court Four (4)
                                                      GUARDIAN'S FEES AND COSTS
                     Phone 1                                                 Phone 2
                     Phone 3                                                 Phone 4
                     In Ref To                                                                          1

                     Fees Arrg.                       By billingvalue on each slip
                     Expense Arrg                     By billing value on each slip
                     Tax Profile                      Exempt
                     Round Fees                       6 Minutes
                     Last bill                         9n12011
                     Last charge                       918/2011
                     Last payrrent                                                                      Amount      $0.00

                     Date          User                                            Rate        Hours   Armunt             Total
                     ill           ~T~as~k~                                                           DNBAmt
                         8/8/2011 Marcia Pevey                                  100.00           0.10    10.00 ---Billa-b-1e
                            43803 General
                                  .email correspondence Diane Cheatham re Tom was in a wreck and
                                   according to police the car is totaled

                            8/812011 MarciaPevey                                                                              100.00                    0.10                           10.00                Billable
                                 43804 General
                                       email correspondence Diane Cheatham re reaction of Ronnie Goings to
                                       the scheduling conference

                          8/1012011 MarciaPevey                                    ,                                          100.00                    0.10                           10.00                Billable
                              43805 General
                                             email correspondence to my office re threats from Ronnie Goings

                          8/1012011 Marcia Pevey                                                                              100.00                    0.10                            10,00                Billable
                                  43806 General
                                        Receive and review Order for rME

                                                                                                              ~      EXHIBIT '.

•     . '~~'S"-~~'~-'_~·~_"'":f.'f"o   .••
                                                                                                              i :.'A-.
                                                                                                                                         .•••.•.•• ~"   ••.•""v,.rv~ ••• _ ••••.• "" __ '~~      ''''':-'''''''.',   •   ..t._h .. .-._
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 .        _ ..· -

1__           ..
9/13/2011                            TIlE LAW OFFICE OF MARCIA PEVEY
10:27 i-Jf                                   Pre- bill Worksbeet                                   PU!1e        2

Gdn-Hale.Helen Hale - GUARDIANSHIP (continued)

Date           User                                                Rate        Hours       Amount      Total
ID             ~T~~~k                                   _     Markup %      DNB Tirr~     DNBArnt
 8/1112011 Marcia Pevey                                                         '0.20        20.00
       43808 General
             Phone call from Susan Staley re visitation - abusive in tone and language

 811212011 Marcia Pevey                                       100.00          0.10           10.00       Billable
       43807 General
             email correspondence from care manager re siblingsvisitationschedule
             and implementation of same at LaTrevia's

 8/1512011 Marcia Pevey                                      100.00           0.10           10.00       Billable
       43809 General
             email correspondence flom Diane Cheatham re visits during the week if
             at all possible

 8/1612011 Marcia Pevey                                           100.00           0.10      10.00           Billable
       43811 General                                       .
             email correspondence to/from Archie Cheatham re many questions
             about options for getting Ward back into her home

  8/16/2011  MarciaPevey                                    100.00         0.10              10.00           Billable .
       43812 General
             emai1correspondence to/from Diane Cheatham re her mother wants to
             go home - many ideas on how to accomplish this

  8/1812011 MarciaPevey                                           100.00           0.10      10.00           Billable
       43813   General
               errail correspondence to/from Archie Cheatham re his research into
               reverse rrortgages - recovering the loans to the children - having Ward
               in his home

  812412011 Marcia Pevey                                    100.00           0.10            10.00           Billable
       43815 General
             email correspondence from care manager re new and rrore current
             letter from Dr. Uddin on capacity

  8/2612011 Marcia Pevey                                    100.00           0.10            10.00           Billable
       43816 General
             email correspondence from Diane Cheatham re the 4 Hale children
             have a PIon Ire and found Dietz blog from 2008
9/1312011                          1HE LAW OFFICE OF MARCIA PEVEY
1027 At-l                                     Pre-bill Worksheet                                       3

Gdn-HaleHelen    Hale - GUARDIANSHJP      (continued)

Date       User                                               Rate       Hours         Amount       Total
ID         Task'                                        Markup % DNB Tnr.e            DNB Arnt        _
 8/3012011 Marcia Pevey                                    100.00         0.10           10.00    Billable
     43817 General
           email correspondence from Diane Cheatham re her ow:ing money to her
           parents and her testimony at earlier hearing

  9/112011 Marcia Pevey                                   100.00         0.10            10.00    Billable
     43818 General
           email correspondence to/from Diane Cheatham re moving Ward closer
           to her and changes to her visit time        '
  91212011 Marcia Pevey                                        100.00         0.10       10.00    Billable
    43820 General
           emailcorresponderce     from Diane Cheatham remail from Atty James

   9n12011   Marcia Pevey                                     100.00          0.10       '10.00   Billable
       43821 General
             errail correspondence Archie Cheatham re nasty face book page
             posted by Susan Staley

   917(2011 Marcia Pevey                                        100.00         0.10       10.00   Billable
     43822 General
            email correspondence from Marlon Davis (possible witness at trial) re
            speaking with his attorney in his suit to remove Ronnie Goings as
            Executor offather's Will

   917(2011 Marcia Pevey                                       100.00         0.10        10.00   Billable
     43823 General
            email correspondence   from Diane Cheatham re facebook page

   9/812011 MarciaPevey                                        100.00         0.10        10.00   Billable
      43824 General
            email correspondence from Diane Cheatham re photos of Hale house
            and financial page that was marked but not admitted into evidence

   9/812011 Marcia Pevey                                       100.00          0.10       10.00   Billable
      43825 General
            email correspondence to/from Archie Cheatham re Guardian Ad Litem
            Barbara Calderon - question of Diane needing to file to be Guardian or
            is contest enough - financial data from 1993 and paid back in 1994-
            has checks
9/1312011                          THE LAW OFFICE OF MARCfA PEVEY
        10:27 AM                                    Pre-bill Worksheet                                  Pa£!e       4

        Gdn-Hale.Helen Hale - GUARDIANSHIP (continued)

        I)ate         lJser                                          Rate          .Hours      Amount           Total
        ~II)~         ~T~~'~k                              _    Markup %        DNB Tm      I)NB Amt             _

        TOTAL         Billable Fees                                                  2.10                  $210,00

        Total of billable expense slips                                                                         $0.00

                                                Calculation of Fees and Costs

                                                                                              Amount            Total
: (~
        Fees Bill Arrangement: Slips
        By billingvalue on each slip.
 ill    Total of billable titre slips                                                         $210.00
 ,~     Total of Fees (Time Charges)                                                                       $210,00
        Total of Costs (EXpense Charges)                                                                        $0,00
 b!     Total new charges                                                                                  $210.00
        Previous Balance
        Current                                                                             $3,630.00
        Total Previous Balance                                                                          $3,630,00

        New Balance
        Current                                                                             $3,840.00

        Total New Balance                                                                                $3,840.00
                                             1001 WEST LOOP SOUTH, STE 809
                                                   HOUSTON, ·TX 77027

       Cause No. 403,028
       Probate Court Four (4)

       September 07, 2011

            Professional Services
                            'Ot"~ ~~
                                                  .   ~'f.    'd. "::>0
                                                           '-0 .                                         Hours   Amount
   ~              .
4/12/2011   GDN       Extended phone call from Susan Staley, daughter, re her story - family              0.50    50.00
                      history and her brother's jail and rehab history - also family manipulation

4/15/2011   GDN       Phone call from Jane Goings re explained guardianship and role of guardian          0.30    30.00

 5/212011   GDN        Phone call from David McHan - APS re exploitation financial call - valid -         0.50    50.00
                       Tom Hale; exploitation not valid for Ronnie and Jane; Tom went to prison for
                      ,assaulting Jane

            GDN       Trip to Social Security (SSA had Ward as dead - spent time trying to get to         1.50
                      "other agency" • finally representative made copies and took information and
                      will call me tomorrow with Supervisor)

 5/5/2011   GDN       Trip to visit Ward with care manager for assessment - to set beginning rules        1.50
                      with caregiver (son, Tom). He has some of her money which he will return

            GDf'J Trip to meet with family members re establish who paid bills etc; gather                1.50
                  records and other paper work; start discussions about paying off debt of
                  family members to Guardianship Estate

5120/2011   GDN       Phone call from Susan Staley re taking her mother to doctor today; contact          0.30    30.00
                      numbers for her niece and request that her niece be contacted.
5/23/2011   GDN       Phone call from Ward's daughter, Helen re taking Ward to Casino in LA for           0.20    20.00
                      one night stay

5/27/2011   GDN       Phone call from Ronnie Goings re his loan payment is in the mail ($805.00);         0.50    50.00.
                      the $8,000 loan is his- he still owes $5,000 and will forward receipt for
                      $3,000 he spent on carpet for Ward's home; informed him that gambling
                                                                                                         ~~G-.~d DQ.~S
                      expenses can not be reimbursed retroactively                                    q-=t3-Y3 - 'd3SQ
5/31/2011   GDN       Sorted and organized banker's box of documents from Hale family                     1.50   150.00

                                                             .. EXHIBIT
                                                                    I~. :_.
                                                                ~     .. c-r--:
·__ ._._._._---------------------------------_                                                                  .._----_.-_   .._._-_.

      Helen Hale - GUARDIANSHIP                                                                                                Page       2

                                                                                                                _-..:.H"",o:.::u=rs Amount

         5/31/2011 GDN Worked with financiars- set up files for bills, family loans (called family to see               2.00      200.00
                       about status of same); insurance claims generated by husband's death

          61712011 GDN        email correspondence to care manager re need to get Ward under the care                   0.20          20.00
                              of a good doctor; need to get money from Tom and need to organize Ward's
                              ernail correspondence from care manager re cleaning people going out on
                              Wednesday; care manager going out on Thursday or Friday and will get the
                              money from Tom and have him sign an affidavit on the expenses; Ward
                              seems content with the situation-0.1

                      GDN     email correspondence from Archie Cheatham re is moving Ward out of her                  , 0.20          20.00
                              home being considered:?;has a reverse mortgage been considered?;Hale's
                              poor living conditions while Goings had loans from the Hales--0.1
                              email correspondence to Archie Cheatham re moving Ward from her home
                              Is not being considered at this time;still gathering her estate to see what she
                              can afford--0.1

                      GDN     Phone call from Diane Cheatham re Torn says long distance at Ward's                       0.40          40.00
                              house no longer works; family now all hates her; she wants new doctor for
                              Ward (Dr.Uddin came with new insurance and is no good); wants Dr.
                    !..       Vonseca - she has checked and he is on Ward's insurance plan

             -t><:( GP:6

                              Phone call to Ronnie re Dads application and Apria application (those were
                              when he was trying to get motorized wheel chair for Ward· both were
                              Extended phone call from Susan Staley re claiming her sister Diana has
                              received numerous amounts of money from both Mr Hale and Helen Hale;
                              she will have the checkbook proof sent certified



          6/9/2011 GDN email correspondence from Archie Cheatham re concerned about "at this                            0.10          10.00
                         time" referen.cing !'lot !loving Ward from her home    17 7
                                LJAe~0: /)       tJe..LJJ/t.J-r fleVL!10tJt~        "
         6/10/2011 GDN email correspondence from care manager re her visit with Ward and Ward's                         0.10          10.00
                         3 sons: Ward appears very alert however sons believe that Ward may
                         have a UTI and are trying to obtain a urine sample to take to the doctor;
                         Ward's car air conditioner has been fixed and care manager will forward
                         receipt for same; care manager had Tom sign an affidavit regarding the
                         prior receipts; care manager arranged for Molly Maids to clean house; care
                         manager informed Tom that the money he was holding has to be returned to
                         Ward's guardianship estate and he stated that the money was his and that
                         the friend that was holding the money for him house had been broken into
                         and the money was included in things that were confiscated - care manager
                       . informed him that he is required to furnish a copy of the police report

         6/11/2011 GDN email correspondence from care manager re suggesting that Tom Hale not                           0.10          10.00
                       be reimbursed any money until he can prove what has happened with
                       Ward's money.
Helen Hale - GUARDIANSHIP                                                                                         Page       3

                                                                                                          Hours     Amount

  6111/2011 GDN email correspondence to care manager re Arranging for a new doctor for                     0.10          10.00
                Ward; not confident with the doctor Ward has been seeing;

             GDN email correspondence to care manager re considering a show cause for                      0.10          10.00
                 Tom Hale for not turning over money; having trouble collecting Helen Hale's
                 estate (everyone in the family seems to owe money to their Mother; Ronnie
                 Goings owes her for two loans - $8,000 and $150,000 and says he will pay
                 back; Jane and Susan claim they have proof that Diane owes her Mother
                 $37,000; also have problems with Social Security

 6/15/2011   GDN Phone call from care manager re will get new primary - Ward is happy                      0.20        20.00
                    Travel to visit with Ward and consult with caregivers                                  2.00     200.00

                    Trip to Social Security and spoke with Supervisor to see why Social Security
                    has not been received yet - both Helen Hale and her deceased husband did
                                                                                                              'r (1 J.
                                                                                                                                 td t4:5
                    not have enough quarters to get Social Secu~ity or Medicare - will have to go     N" ~/{rr/~.e.                 . -/
                    to RailRoad to capture those benefits BAVf-~~                        -rA    'lL   a. e.;:;,iJ 'to~              v..Jl'L~./'tt_
                    Trip to Railroad Retirement Board re capturing funds (theywireinstate)   and        2.00        200.00
                    see about medicare as she does not qualify under Social Security (not      , IA     ~       ~           Co~y.
                    enough quarters) .                                                         T v-..e. ,.y-C=-   F~
 7/12/2011   GDN Phone call to care manager re check on Ward                                              0.20       20.00

             GDN Phone call from care manager re Ward up eating lunch, happy doing well -                 0.30         30.00
                 clutter is going away

             GDN email correspondence from Diane re house cleaning and cost; care                         0.20       20.00
                 manager information---.1
                 email correspondence to Diane re care manager information---.1

 7/15/2011   GDN Phone call from care manager re she just got phone call from Tom - Ward                  0.30       30.00
                 fainted and he is taking her to the hospital - care manager is on the way and
                 will call from hospital

             GDN Compose and forward letter to Hale siblings re explanation and role of                    1.00     100.00
                 guardian; Tom has agreed to de-clutter Ward's home so home can be
                 cleaned property and made safe for Ward; Rail Road Retirement benefits to
                 begin September 1st; Ward not qualified for Social Security; debts of .
                 Ward's children to Ward (listing each) decluttering the house and paying
                 debts owed to Ward will help to enable Ward to remain in her home.

 7/16/2011   GDN Phone ca!l from care manager re Ward ate good breakfast - they are                       0.40       40.00
                 keeping her another night - still trying to determine cause of Ward's fainting
                 - Ward was somewhat dehydrated; Ward has really crude language

 7/18/2011   GDN Phone call from care manager re children and grandchildren that visited                  0.40       40.00
                 (very few and very short visit) - Ward has wound on heel- wound care made
                 many attempts to reach Ward's caregiver; Tom finally came to get training
,-=.---v                                                                                  .

           Helen Hale ~GUARDIANSHIP                                                                                   Page           4

                                                                                                              Hours     Amount
             7/18/2011   GDN    Phone call from care manager re Ward still in hospital - can not find          0.30          30.00
                                anything wrong - will wait to talk to attending

                         GDN    email correspondence from care manager re Ward is still in hospital; not       0.20          20.00
                                talked to doctor yet; possibly just dehydrated--.1

                                email correspondence from care manager re talked with doctor, doctor feels
                                might have been a vasovagal attack which means that her blood pressure
                                dropped when she threw up; being discharged today 7/18/11 and Tom is
                                picking her up, will visit Thursday to follow-up--.1

            7/19/2011    GDN   I email correspondence from Diane Cheatham re in reference to the 7/15/11       0.10          10.00
                               . correspondence to siblings, none of the $8, 000. 00 the Goings borrowed
                                 applied to Ward's house

            7/21/2011    GDN    Phone call from David Hale re Tom needs to get out - Jennifer could be        0.30           30.00
                                care giver
 ,~'i       7/22/2011    GDN    Phone cali to care manager re (1) Tom needs to move out (2) possibility of    0.50           50.00
                                using Jennifer in some capacity (maybe PM) (3) Reverse Mortgage
 r~                             possibility (4) decluttering all house
            7/25/2011    GDN    Visit Ward
  I                                                                                                           2.00       200.00
            7/29/2011    GDN    Phone call to care manager re Friday status rneetinq- Court ordered;          0,30           30,00
                                moving Ward to LaTrevia on Wednesday after doctor appointment; Tom
  I                             totaled Ward's car; David states Tom yells at Ward
 m           8/1/2011    GDN    email correspondence from care manager re wrecked car - Tom is hurt           0.30           30.00
                                somewhat; he received letter to vacate and thinks it is a joke
 .~.  '
                         GDN    Phone call from care manager re option of getting Jane to take Helen to her   0.30           30.00
                                house to care for her while straighten out house and get Tom out

                         GDN    Phone call from care manager re Diane does not want to attend status          0.30       . 30.00
                                conference and wants me as permanent guardian

             8/2/2011    GDN    Receive and review email correspondence from D. Cheatham re her               0.20           20.00.
                                concerns about sibling's treatment of Ward and why Ward neecsa caring
                                professional care giver. Forwarded same to care manager

             8/3/2011    GDN    Phone call from care manager re placing Ward in a neutral place               0.20           20.00
                                (LaTrevia's); she has gOlien calls from the children - need to protect Ward
                                while evicting Tom and cleaning house

             8/4/2011 GDN       email correspondence from D. Cheatham re her thanks for opportunity to        0.10           10.00
                                visit with Ward

                         GDN    Extended phone call from David Hale re Tom in bed with Ward 24 hours at       0.60           60.00
                                a tirna- threatening suicide in front of her; David says all is very sick
                                                                                                                     PagG        5

                                                                                                      _--:.H"",o=u...,.rs Amount
   8/4/2011   GDN    Phone call to care manager re status at the house and the need to take                   0.30          30.00
                     Ward to LaTrevia's for respite care

              GDN    Phone call from care manager re medical appointment report: Dr. Shaw'                    0.30          30.00
                     (cardia) states pressure sore gone invasive into bone; will do bone scan; 6
                     weeks of IV fluids

   8/5/2011   GDN    email correspondence to D. Cheathan re Susan or David criminal record                   0.20           20.00
                     email correspondence from D. Cheatham re arrest information for Susan
                     and David
              GDN    email correspondence to/from D. Cheatham re Tom ordered to vacate the                   0.20           20.00
                     house; pressure sore on foot; Ward moved to personal care home;
                     visiting schedule to be prepared after a week of Ward's stay at personal
                     care home                                               .

              GDN    ernail correspondence from D. Cheatham re Rick International has                        0.10           10.00
                     properties valued at $1,459,578 as per tax records

  8/6/2011    GDN    email correspondence from D Cheatham re banking statements from 1998                    0.10           10.00
                     through 2004; concerns about bank balance

              GDN    Receive and review email correspondence from R. Goings forwarding                       0.40        40.00
                     emails by and between R. Goings and D. Cheatham re Hale finances.ln
                     2010; issues between siblings concerning care for Mr and Mrs. Hale

              GDN    Receive and review email correspondence from D. Cheatham re Texas                       0.10           10.00
                     Land Records document re Goings, son Ricky

  8/8/2011    GDN...emaii correspondence from D. Cheatham re issues with her siblings                        0.20        20.00
                     reporting that they were told Tom would not ever be allowed to see his
                     email correspondence to D. Cheatham re no truth in sibling's statements;
                     IME was requested by siblings and I requested that they be ordered to pay
                     for that exam and the Court so Ordered for lME and their payment of same;
                     all Temp Guardian's expenses and payments are first approved by the

                     email correspondence from D. Cheatham re her knowledge of wreck Tom                     0.10        10.00
                     had in Ward's car (other driver at fault)

              GDN/ em ail correspondence       from D. Cheatham re Pete is getting the dog & cat -           0.30        30.00
                    so David has no need      to stay for free at Ward's horne=-rt
                 ./ email correspondence       from D. Cheatham re it would be wrong for David to
                    stay for free in Ward's    home since Tom got kicked out and Tom was the
                    only one of siblings to   truly care for Ward· David did not offer any care for
                 fimail    correspondence     from D. Cheatham re loans from Ward never
---~----------------------.--                                                                 .. ---

      rlelen Hale - GUARDIANSHIP                                                                                                Page        6

                                                                                                              ---:.==             Amount

         8/9/2011   GDN    Phone call from Ronnie Goings re asking where to find Ward                                  0.20            20.00

                    GDN    Phone call from care manager re Ward is full time care because of wheel                     0.30            30.00
                           chair bound therefore will be $2,000/month; Ward is very adjusted; the
                           stimulation is good for her; may move to Graystone when all is settled.

                    GDN Visit Ward                                                                                     2,00        200.00
        8/11/2011   GDN    Draft Visitation Schedule   .3 CC.        t:-lQrn ~~cif)             «J
                                                                                               odd....                 0.80            80.00
        8/15/2011   GDN    Phone call to care manager're notifications of visitation
                                      .                             .            I
                                                                                       c;n ~~ ~ -0
                                                                                                            ---=t l'1 0.30
                    GDN    Phone call to Diane re her visit today - can go later since not noticed due to              0.50            50.00
                           faulty long distance calling

                    GDN    Draft and forward by CMRRR letter to Diane, Tom and Pete re visitation with                 0.50            50.00
                           copy to Atty Noack-May

                    GDN    Phone call from Diane Cheatham re Ward is miserable; Ward fell out of                       0.50            50.00
                           bed; Ward has chewed her nails to the quick; caregiver mistreats Ward;
                           weekend caregiver doesn't like Ward

                    GDN    Phone call to LaTrevia re her report is that Diane stayed 2 hours and cried                 0.40            40.00
                           the whole time - Ward did not faU out of bed; getting hospital bed today;
                           weekend caregiver really likes Ward

        8/25/2011   GDN    Phone call from care manager re canceling Susan's visits because of her                     0.20            20.00

        8/29/2011   ER     Phone call to Dr. Uddin's office re confirm his receipt of the Amended                      0.20            20.00
                           Physicians form to be completed

        8/31/2011   GDN    Phone call to Diane re status                                                               0.30            30.00
         9/112011 GDN      Phone call from LaTrevia re reporting on visitation: Monday- Diane; Tues -                  020             20.00
                           Jane; Wednesday· Susan called to say she was not coming this week;
                           Thurs - Pete; on witness list- they had called for names stating they were
                           making baskets for them; Ward was served.

         9/3/2011 GDN      Phone call from care manager re adjusting Diane's visit for coming week                     0.20            20.00

         9/7/2011 GON      Phone call from O. Cheatham re status, plans, etc.                                          0.30            30.00

                    For professional services rendered                                                                36.30     $3,630.00

                    Balance due                                                                                                 $3,630.00

-----------_._._-_                _       _   _---
No. 403,028
         GUARDIANSHIP OF                                §              IN THE PROBATE COURT
         HELEN RITA HALE                                §              NO. FOUR (4) OF
         INCAPACITATED                                  §              HARRIS COUNTY~ TEXAS

                      FOR THE PERIOD OF MAY, 2011 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 19, 201

           On this day, the Court considered the application for payment of representative commission on behalf of
        Marcia Pevey, hereinafter referred to as "Appointee," who was appointed on April 27,2011, as Temporary
        Guardian Pending Contest of the Person and Estate of Helen Rita Hale, an Incapacitated Person ("Ward").

 ~        The Court finds that the compensation requested in this proceeding is reasonable, that the Appointee has
!.     performed fiduciary services for the benefit of Ward in compliance with the Texas Probate Code, and that
 (11    this request should be granted.
 I~I        It is therefore ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that compensation in the sum of
 (~     $4,660.00, for the period of May, 2011 through September 19, 2011 be paid to Marcia Pevey by the
·1~'1   personal representative from funds of the estate for the benefit of HELEN RITA HALE.

               SIGNED this            day of                    _        ,2011.

                                                                     JUDGE PRESIDING

        Return conformed copy to:
        Marcia Pevey
        1001West Loop South, Ste. 809                                       RECORDER'S MEMORANDUM:
        Houston TX 77027                                              At tM t!mo 01nK:Ordallon, this Instrument was
                                                                    found to bD Inadequate 10f Ihe I)es photographlo
                                                                      reproduotlon beoauBa of IIIDglblllty, carbon or
                                                                    photo copy, d!'COOfIlO paper, etc. AU bloekOutB,
                                                                     addition. and chanQet were prBfl.lnt al tha time
                                                                           the Instrument WBS Illed and rllconled ..

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Marcia pevey.guardianfees0001

  • 1. -, PROBATE COURi 4 No. 403,028 GUARDIANSHIP OF § IN THE PROBATE COURT HELEN RITA HALE § NO. FOUR (4) OF IN CAPACIT ATED § HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS SECOND SUPPLEMENT TO APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT OF GUARDIAN'S COMPENSATION FOR THE PERIOD OF MAY, 2011 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 8, 2011 TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: COMES NOW, ~CIA PEVEY, ("Temporary Guardian Pending Contest") Temporary .Guardian Pending Contest of the Person and Estate of HELEN RITA HALE, Incapacitated Person ("Ward"), and files this Application for Payment of Guardian's Compensation and, in support, respectfully shows the Court as follows: 1. MARCIA PEVEY was appointed and subsequently qualified as Temporary Guardian Pending Contest of the Person and Estate of HELEN RITA HALE on April 27, 2011, and has administered this guardianship in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Probate Code. 2. MARCIA PEVEY has rendered necessary fiduciary services as Temporary Guardian Pending Contest of the Person and Estate of HELEN RITA HALE for the time period of May, 2011 through September 19, 2011. Payment of a temporary guardian's commission as authorized by §665(b), Texas Probate Code, would result in compensation to Temporary Guardian Pending Contest in the total sum of$1,791.09 (5% of the total income of$27,756.63 and 5% of $8,065.l2 for total expenses paid - refer to the Income/Expense Detail attached hereto and incorporated herein .t)j ' by reference.) T~m or~ G~uar.dian ending Contest asserts that compensation for fiduciary services P ~ in'the total sum f$1, ~90 1.09 s unreasonably low when considering the fiduciary services rendered ()t-- / ~ 1 ~o¥ :c::~:::~7::::)~:e:= ~:::::t:::eqUe.1S that the Court modify such compensation in ~f {iI 3. Ti~e records ofTemporary Guardian Pending Contest' sfiduciary services for this ( ~ Iv period are attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference.
  • 2. 4.. Temporary Guardian Pending Contest requests this Court's approval for fiduciary compensation for this time period of May, 2011 through September 19,2011, in the amount of $3,630.00 and $210.00 and $820.00 for a total sum of$4,660.00. WHEREFORE, Applicant requests a Temporary Guardian's compensation in lieu of commission in the amount of $4,660.00 for her fiduciary services performed for Ward, May, 2011 through September 19,2011 or, in the alternative, Applicant requests reasonable compensation to be determined by the Court. Respectfully submitted, ~=y,~~ TBA #0(,)784754 <,~.i7: (1 , .-< J / 1001 West Loop South, Ste. 8Q~;:~~ N['T1.: N ." r~ Houston, Texas 77027 ;~;~:;; :,.--.' ~ Cl (713) 526-8772 (713) 623~283~;IfaX) LO Temporary Guardian Pending Cphte~ofthe [srson and Estate of HELEN RIT A HALE!~ CERTIFICATE OF SERVTCE I hereby certify that on this the I r day of ~ , 2011, a true and correct copy of the foregoing APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT OF G ARDIAN'S COMPENSATION FOR rae PERIOD OF MAY, 2011 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 was forwarded by facsimile to: Teresa Scardino Barbara Calderon 4309 Yoakum Blvd. Ste. 360 21 Briar Hollow Lane, #703 Houston, Texas 77006-5817 Houston, Texas 77027 Facsimile: 2811218~0990 Facsimile: 713 520 5335 Attorney Ad Litem Guardian Ad Litem ~f1o=
  • 3. r---'--.------:--------------------------- No. 403,028 GUARDIANSHIP OF § IN THE PROBATE COURT HELEN RITA HALE . § NO. FOUR (4) OF INCAPACITATED § HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS ATTORNEY FEE AFFIDAVIT THE STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF HARRIS § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Affiant, MARCIA PEVEY, who after being duly sworn, does state: 1. that Affiant is a duly licensed and practicing attorney with offices in Houston, Harris County', Texas; Affiant was licensed to practice law in Texas in November, 1992, and certified in the Texas Probate Courts regarding elder law, guardianships and ad litems in May, 1994; 2. that Affiant has performed the fiduciary, services which are described in detail in the Itemization of Fees and in the application for payment of guardian's compensation and states that all fees for which payment is requested are reasonable and were necessarily incurred in connection with my fiduciary services as Temporary Guardian Pending Contest of the Person and Estate of Helen Rita Hale and were rendered only on behalf of Helen Rita Hale and for the welfare and protection of the ward; 3. that Affiant has made and presented this application and affidavit to the Court for the purpose of obtaining court review and approval of such fees and their payment. t SWORN TO~UBSCRIBED by MARCIA PEVEY, before me, the undersigned authority, on this Iq - ~.,~o/.w dayof~. ,2011. ,~!!!e~~~=~~~ Notary Public,~e of Texas
  • 4. HALE 09/19/11 Profit and loss Standard May 1 through September 19,'2011 May 1 - Sep 19, '... Income Edward Hale Life Ins. Payment Interest Loan Payment OPENING TRANSFER FROM REGI..• Total Income Expense Bond 260.00 Care Management Maid Service 301.18 Transportation 335.00 . Care Management - Other 640.00 Total Care Management 1,276.18 filing fees 13.00 Homestead Utilities 1,190.96 Total Homestead 1,190.96 Housing and Care Personal Needs 179.98 Housing and Care - Other 3,800.00 Total Housing and Care 3,979.98 Legal Fees 320.00 Miscellaneous 5.00 Sitters 1,020.00 Void Check 0.00 Total Expense 8,065.12, Net Income 19,691.51 Page 1
  • 5. THE LAW OFFICE OF MARCIA PEVEY 1001 WEST LOOP SOUTH, STE 809 HOUSTON, TX 77027 Helen Hale - GUARDIANSHIP Cause No. 403,028 Probate Court Four (4) GUARDIAN'S FEES AND COSTS September 19, 2011 Professional Services _--!.H.!.!:o~ur~s Amount 8/17/2011 GDN Phone calls to LaTrevia re supervised Hale family visits with Ward: 1st Week: Mon - Diane, 2 hr visit, cried and upset Ward; Tues - Jane, 1 hr visit; Wed Susan, stayed 30 minutes, talked a lot about Tom; Thurs - Pete, did not stay long (10:25 -10:45), brought dog (not allowed in); Friday - Tom, 30 minute visit, very quiet and nice; Sat - no one came; Sun - off 2nd. week: Mon- Diane, visit much improved, no crying: Tues - Jane called to change to 4:00; Wed· Susan, money problem; Thura- Pete, came later, visit for 30 minutes, good visit 9/14/2011 GDN Phone call from LaTrevia re Jane showed up early and is demanding her 1.90 190.00 mother go to ER.-.3 'L-U ~j . Phone call to care manager re going to LaTrevia to evaluate and take Ward to ER if necessary-.3 Phone call from care manager re Tom and Jane at house - will take Ward to Cypress Hospital (they would prefer on Huffmeister) -.3 . __ r""'~.SIf) Phone call from care manager re has Ward at ER - UTI. slightly lowered ~ ~~ ..Jg~ . . potassium- possible bowel obstruction - stomach not extended - waiting.Qfl . . doctor - Susan has joined the crew and is very nasty - Ronnie there for short time--.5 . Phone call from care manager re Ward being admitted, care manager will stay until all is stable - waiting on doctor - sitter is there ....3 Phone call from care manager re Ward is just constipated - probably from all the rich/fried food kids bring in, they will keep until 8M and treat; all family is gone - hospital personnel is aware; will monitor and call care manager- sitter and relief are in place-.5 ~ EXHIBIT i 9/19/2011 I·A ..
  • 6. Helen Hale - GUARDIANSHIP Page 2 _--'-H .•.•• •.•• o'-='ur s Amount 9/14/2011 GDN email correspondence from/to D. Cheatham re niece visiting and the limits 0.50 50.00 on the visits - as of now until permanent guardian in place-.2 email correspondence fromlto D. Cheatham re status ...2 email correspondence from A. Cheatham re new facebook stuff and copies of new filings reinstating Diane's application ... 1 9/15/2011 GDN Phone call from care manager re putting Ward in Specialized Care for some 0.80 80.00 rehab and PT/OT • care manager will call doctor and report back--.5 Phone call from care manager re Doctor wants to see how much improvement when in PT···.3 GDN Phone call from Amy, Social Worker at CyFair Hospital re accusing me of 0.80 80.00 abuse, etc. and threatening to call APS - I told her to call Probate Court 4 and gave her the number; she was very abusive and critical - talked to her a long time explaining why Ward was out of her home and told her I was waiting for Doctors Orders and history of Ward's stay in other rehabs so could put her where her records are-.5 Phone call to care manager re phone call from social worker - care manager will go see SoicalWorker tomorrow and get records--.3 9/16/2011 GDN Phone call from care manager re Ward is dOing very well and will be 1.60 160.00 discharged to Legend Oaks for rehab-.5 Phone call from Steven Gary, Administrator of Legend Oaks re contacts and introduction-.3 <-' Phone call from care manager re Successor Guardian and when he will have authority-.3 Phone call from care manager re hospital and family know I will no longer be guardian - worried about who has authority - how did this get out? • I do not know---.5 GDN Trip to TXDot for duplicate title 1.50 150.00 GDN Receive and review, complete and return forms to insurance company on 0.50 50.00 car accident For professional services rendered 8.20 $820.00 Previous balance $3,840.00 Balance due $4,660.00 9/19/2011
  • 7. ,:~ . Helen Hale - GUARDIANSHIP 3 User Summary Name Hours Rate Amount Marcia Pevey - Guardian 8.20 100.00 $820.00 .',' " : " .)., ..',. ,.~~ 911912011 .~ ... :
  • 8. 911312011 THE LAW OFFICE OF MARCIA PEVEY 10:27 AV! Pre- bill Worksheet Parre Selection Criteria Clie.Selection Include: Gdn- Hale Nickname Gdn-Hale 1730 Full Name Helen Hale· GUARDIANSHlP Address Cause No. 403,028 Probate Court Four (4) GUARDIAN'S FEES AND COSTS Phone 1 Phone 2 Phone 3 Phone 4 In Ref To 1 Fees Arrg. By billingvalue on each slip Expense Arrg By billing value on each slip Tax Profile Exempt Round Fees 6 Minutes Last bill 9n12011 Last charge 918/2011 Last payrrent Amount $0.00 Date User Rate Hours Armunt Total ill ~T~as~k~ DNBAmt ~M_~~k~u~p~~~o.~D~N~B~T~~= 8/8/2011 Marcia Pevey 100.00 0.10 10.00 ---Billa-b-1e 43803 General .email correspondence Diane Cheatham re Tom was in a wreck and according to police the car is totaled 8/812011 MarciaPevey 100.00 0.10 10.00 Billable 43804 General email correspondence Diane Cheatham re reaction of Ronnie Goings to the scheduling conference 8/1012011 MarciaPevey , 100.00 0.10 10.00 Billable 43805 General email correspondence to my office re threats from Ronnie Goings 8/1012011 Marcia Pevey 100.00 0.10 10,00 Billable 43806 General Receive and review Order for rME ~ EXHIBIT '. • . '~~'S"-~~'~-'_~·~_"'":f.'f"o .•• _.~~_.->:-.·~·tf"-~",.",,.,:._:~,;i·~·.I!'~,,,,:"!,~ i :.'A-. -t'.'.o:.~:'-_-:":r~"'~.''''~''':'----===' .•••.•.•• ~" ••.•""v,.rv~ ••• _ ••••.• "" __ '~~ ''''':-'''''''.', • ..t._h .. .-._ . _ ..· - I 1__ ..
  • 9. 9/13/2011 TIlE LAW OFFICE OF MARCIA PEVEY 10:27 i-Jf Pre- bill Worksbeet PU!1e 2 Gdn-Hale.Helen Hale - GUARDIANSHIP (continued) Date User Rate Hours Amount Total ID ~T~~~k _ Markup % DNB Tirr~ DNBArnt 8/1112011 Marcia Pevey '0.20 20.00 ----- Billable 100.00 43808 General Phone call from Susan Staley re visitation - abusive in tone and language 811212011 Marcia Pevey 100.00 0.10 10.00 Billable 43807 General email correspondence from care manager re siblingsvisitationschedule and implementation of same at LaTrevia's 8/1512011 Marcia Pevey 100.00 0.10 10.00 Billable 43809 General email correspondence flom Diane Cheatham re visits during the week if at all possible 8/1612011 Marcia Pevey 100.00 0.10 10.00 Billable 43811 General . email correspondence to/from Archie Cheatham re many questions about options for getting Ward back into her home 8/16/2011 MarciaPevey 100.00 0.10 10.00 Billable . 43812 General emai1correspondence to/from Diane Cheatham re her mother wants to go home - many ideas on how to accomplish this 8/1812011 MarciaPevey 100.00 0.10 10.00 Billable 43813 General errail correspondence to/from Archie Cheatham re his research into reverse rrortgages - recovering the loans to the children - having Ward in his home 812412011 Marcia Pevey 100.00 0.10 10.00 Billable 43815 General email correspondence from care manager re new and rrore current letter from Dr. Uddin on capacity 8/2612011 Marcia Pevey 100.00 0.10 10.00 Billable 43816 General email correspondence from Diane Cheatham re the 4 Hale children have a PIon Ire and found Dietz blog from 2008
  • 10. 9/1312011 1HE LAW OFFICE OF MARCIA PEVEY 1027 At-l Pre-bill Worksheet 3 Gdn-HaleHelen Hale - GUARDIANSHJP (continued) Date User Rate Hours Amount Total ID Task' Markup % DNB Tnr.e DNB Arnt _ ~~---------------------- 8/3012011 Marcia Pevey 100.00 0.10 10.00 Billable 43817 General email correspondence from Diane Cheatham re her ow:ing money to her parents and her testimony at earlier hearing 9/112011 Marcia Pevey 100.00 0.10 10.00 Billable 43818 General email correspondence to/from Diane Cheatham re moving Ward closer to her and changes to her visit time ' I 91212011 Marcia Pevey 100.00 0.10 10.00 Billable 43820 General emailcorresponderce from Diane Cheatham remail from Atty James Bayles 9n12011 Marcia Pevey 100.00 0.10 '10.00 Billable 43821 General errail correspondence Archie Cheatham re nasty face book page posted by Susan Staley 917(2011 Marcia Pevey 100.00 0.10 10.00 Billable 43822 General email correspondence from Marlon Davis (possible witness at trial) re speaking with his attorney in his suit to remove Ronnie Goings as Executor offather's Will 917(2011 Marcia Pevey 100.00 0.10 10.00 Billable 43823 General email correspondence from Diane Cheatham re facebook page 9/812011 MarciaPevey 100.00 0.10 10.00 Billable 43824 General email correspondence from Diane Cheatham re photos of Hale house and financial page that was marked but not admitted into evidence 9/812011 Marcia Pevey 100.00 0.10 10.00 Billable 43825 General email correspondence to/from Archie Cheatham re Guardian Ad Litem Barbara Calderon - question of Diane needing to file to be Guardian or is contest enough - financial data from 1993 and paid back in 1994- has checks
  • 11. 9/1312011 THE LAW OFFICE OF MARCfA PEVEY 10:27 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Pa£!e 4 Gdn-Hale.Helen Hale - GUARDIANSHIP (continued) I)ate lJser Rate .Hours Amount Total ~II)~ ~T~~'~k _ Markup % DNB Tm I)NB Amt _ TOTAL Billable Fees 2.10 $210,00 Total of billable expense slips $0.00 Calculation of Fees and Costs Amount Total : (~ Fees Bill Arrangement: Slips ~i r~:, .,. By billingvalue on each slip. ill Total of billable titre slips $210.00 I ,~ Total of Fees (Time Charges) $210,00 ~l Total of Costs (EXpense Charges) $0,00 ! m b! Total new charges $210.00 !~ Previous Balance Current $3,630.00 Total Previous Balance $3,630,00 New Balance Current $3,840.00 Total New Balance $3,840.00
  • 12. THE LAW OFFICE OF IvlARCIA PEVEY 1001 WEST LOOP SOUTH, STE 809 HOUSTON, ·TX 77027 Helen Hale - GUARDIANSHIP Cause No. 403,028 Probate Court Four (4) GUARDIAN'S FEES AND COSTS September 07, 2011 ~~~ Professional Services 'Ot"~ ~~ . ~'f. 'd. "::>0 '-0 . Hours Amount ~ . 4/12/2011 GDN Extended phone call from Susan Staley, daughter, re her story - family 0.50 50.00 history and her brother's jail and rehab history - also family manipulation 4/15/2011 GDN Phone call from Jane Goings re explained guardianship and role of guardian 0.30 30.00 5/212011 GDN Phone call from David McHan - APS re exploitation financial call - valid - 0.50 50.00 Tom Hale; exploitation not valid for Ronnie and Jane; Tom went to prison for ,assaulting Jane GDN Trip to Social Security (SSA had Ward as dead - spent time trying to get to 1.50 "other agency" • finally representative made copies and took information and will call me tomorrow with Supervisor) 5/5/2011 GDN Trip to visit Ward with care manager for assessment - to set beginning rules 1.50 with caregiver (son, Tom). He has some of her money which he will return GDf'J Trip to meet with family members re establish who paid bills etc; gather 1.50 records and other paper work; start discussions about paying off debt of family members to Guardianship Estate 5120/2011 GDN Phone call from Susan Staley re taking her mother to doctor today; contact 0.30 30.00 numbers for her niece and request that her niece be contacted. ". 5/23/2011 GDN Phone call from Ward's daughter, Helen re taking Ward to Casino in LA for 0.20 20.00 one night stay 5/27/2011 GDN Phone call from Ronnie Goings re his loan payment is in the mail ($805.00); 0.50 50.00. the $8,000 loan is his- he still owes $5,000 and will forward receipt for $3,000 he spent on carpet for Ward's home; informed him that gambling ~~G-.~d DQ.~S expenses can not be reimbursed retroactively q-=t3-Y3 - 'd3SQ 5/31/2011 GDN Sorted and organized banker's box of documents from Hale family 1.50 150.00 .. EXHIBIT I~. :_. ~ .. c-r--:
  • 13. ·__ ._._._._---------------------------------_ .._----_.-_ .._._-_. Helen Hale - GUARDIANSHIP Page 2 _-..:.H"",o:.::u=rs Amount 5/31/2011 GDN Worked with financiars- set up files for bills, family loans (called family to see 2.00 200.00 about status of same); insurance claims generated by husband's death 61712011 GDN email correspondence to care manager re need to get Ward under the care 0.20 20.00 of a good doctor; need to get money from Tom and need to organize Ward's home--O.1 ernail correspondence from care manager re cleaning people going out on Wednesday; care manager going out on Thursday or Friday and will get the money from Tom and have him sign an affidavit on the expenses; Ward seems content with the situation-0.1 GDN email correspondence from Archie Cheatham re is moving Ward out of her , 0.20 20.00 home being considered:?;has a reverse mortgage been considered?;Hale's poor living conditions while Goings had loans from the Hales--0.1 email correspondence to Archie Cheatham re moving Ward from her home Is not being considered at this time;still gathering her estate to see what she can afford--0.1 GDN Phone call from Diane Cheatham re Torn says long distance at Ward's 0.40 40.00 house no longer works; family now all hates her; she wants new doctor for Ward (Dr.Uddin came with new insurance and is no good); wants Dr. ..~ !.. Vonseca - she has checked and he is on Ward's insurance plan ~ ~ -t><:( GP:6 ~-?<4.L"> ~;;/~/8/2011 ,r;j1JP GDN Phone call to Ronnie re Dads application and Apria application (those were when he was trying to get motorized wheel chair for Ward· both were deadends) Extended phone call from Susan Staley re claiming her sister Diana has received numerous amounts of money from both Mr Hale and Helen Hale; she will have the checkbook proof sent certified 0.30 0.50 30.00 50.00 #: ~d ~r 6/9/2011 GDN email correspondence from Archie Cheatham re concerned about "at this 0.10 10.00 time" referen.cing !'lot !loving Ward from her home 17 7 LJAe~0: /) tJe..LJJ/t.J-r fleVL!10tJt~ " 6/10/2011 GDN email correspondence from care manager re her visit with Ward and Ward's 0.10 10.00 3 sons: Ward appears very alert however sons believe that Ward may have a UTI and are trying to obtain a urine sample to take to the doctor; Ward's car air conditioner has been fixed and care manager will forward receipt for same; care manager had Tom sign an affidavit regarding the prior receipts; care manager arranged for Molly Maids to clean house; care manager informed Tom that the money he was holding has to be returned to Ward's guardianship estate and he stated that the money was his and that the friend that was holding the money for him house had been broken into and the money was included in things that were confiscated - care manager . informed him that he is required to furnish a copy of the police report 6/11/2011 GDN email correspondence from care manager re suggesting that Tom Hale not 0.10 10.00 be reimbursed any money until he can prove what has happened with Ward's money.
  • 14. Helen Hale - GUARDIANSHIP Page 3 Hours Amount 6111/2011 GDN email correspondence to care manager re Arranging for a new doctor for 0.10 10.00 Ward; not confident with the doctor Ward has been seeing; GDN email correspondence to care manager re considering a show cause for 0.10 10.00 Tom Hale for not turning over money; having trouble collecting Helen Hale's estate (everyone in the family seems to owe money to their Mother; Ronnie Goings owes her for two loans - $8,000 and $150,000 and says he will pay back; Jane and Susan claim they have proof that Diane owes her Mother $37,000; also have problems with Social Security 6/15/2011 GDN Phone call from care manager re will get new primary - Ward is happy 0.20 20.00 Travel to visit with Ward and consult with caregivers 2.00 200.00 Trip to Social Security and spoke with Supervisor to see why Social Security has not been received yet - both Helen Hale and her deceased husband did 2.00 (71. 200.00 'r (1 J. td t4:5 . not have enough quarters to get Social Secu~ity or Medicare - will have to go N" ~/{rr/~.e. . -/ to RailRoad to capture those benefits BAVf-~~ -rA 'lL a. e.;:;,iJ 'to~ v..Jl'L~./'tt_ Trip to Railroad Retirement Board re capturing funds (theywireinstate) and 2.00 200.00 see about medicare as she does not qualify under Social Security (not , IA ~ ~ Co~y. enough quarters) . T v-..e. ,.y-C=- F~ 7/12/2011 GDN Phone call to care manager re check on Ward 0.20 20.00 GDN Phone call from care manager re Ward up eating lunch, happy doing well - 0.30 30.00 clutter is going away GDN email correspondence from Diane re house cleaning and cost; care 0.20 20.00 manager information---.1 email correspondence to Diane re care manager information---.1 7/15/2011 GDN Phone call from care manager re she just got phone call from Tom - Ward 0.30 30.00 fainted and he is taking her to the hospital - care manager is on the way and will call from hospital GDN Compose and forward letter to Hale siblings re explanation and role of 1.00 100.00 guardian; Tom has agreed to de-clutter Ward's home so home can be cleaned property and made safe for Ward; Rail Road Retirement benefits to begin September 1st; Ward not qualified for Social Security; debts of . Ward's children to Ward (listing each) decluttering the house and paying debts owed to Ward will help to enable Ward to remain in her home. 7/16/2011 GDN Phone ca!l from care manager re Ward ate good breakfast - they are 0.40 40.00 keeping her another night - still trying to determine cause of Ward's fainting - Ward was somewhat dehydrated; Ward has really crude language 7/18/2011 GDN Phone call from care manager re children and grandchildren that visited 0.40 40.00 (very few and very short visit) - Ward has wound on heel- wound care made many attempts to reach Ward's caregiver; Tom finally came to get training
  • 15. ,-=.---v . Helen Hale ~GUARDIANSHIP Page 4 Hours Amount 7/18/2011 GDN Phone call from care manager re Ward still in hospital - can not find 0.30 30.00 anything wrong - will wait to talk to attending GDN email correspondence from care manager re Ward is still in hospital; not 0.20 20.00 talked to doctor yet; possibly just dehydrated--.1 email correspondence from care manager re talked with doctor, doctor feels might have been a vasovagal attack which means that her blood pressure dropped when she threw up; being discharged today 7/18/11 and Tom is picking her up, will visit Thursday to follow-up--.1 7/19/2011 GDN I email correspondence from Diane Cheatham re in reference to the 7/15/11 0.10 10.00 . correspondence to siblings, none of the $8, 000. 00 the Goings borrowed applied to Ward's house 7/21/2011 GDN Phone call from David Hale re Tom needs to get out - Jennifer could be 0.30 30.00 care giver (Y) ,~'i 7/22/2011 GDN Phone cali to care manager re (1) Tom needs to move out (2) possibility of 0.50 50.00 using Jennifer in some capacity (maybe PM) (3) Reverse Mortgage r~ possibility (4) decluttering all house ill 7/25/2011 GDN Visit Ward I 2.00 200.00 1",1 7/29/2011 GDN Phone call to care manager re Friday status rneetinq- Court ordered; 0,30 30,00 .~. moving Ward to LaTrevia on Wednesday after doctor appointment; Tom I totaled Ward's car; David states Tom yells at Ward m 8/1/2011 GDN email correspondence from care manager re wrecked car - Tom is hurt 0.30 30.00 ~I somewhat; he received letter to vacate and thinks it is a joke t~ .~. ' GDN Phone call from care manager re option of getting Jane to take Helen to her 0.30 30.00 house to care for her while straighten out house and get Tom out GDN Phone call from care manager re Diane does not want to attend status 0.30 . 30.00 conference and wants me as permanent guardian 8/2/2011 GDN Receive and review email correspondence from D. Cheatham re her 0.20 20.00. concerns about sibling's treatment of Ward and why Ward neecsa caring professional care giver. Forwarded same to care manager 8/3/2011 GDN Phone call from care manager re placing Ward in a neutral place 0.20 20.00 (LaTrevia's); she has gOlien calls from the children - need to protect Ward while evicting Tom and cleaning house 8/4/2011 GDN email correspondence from D. Cheatham re her thanks for opportunity to 0.10 10.00 visit with Ward GDN Extended phone call from David Hale re Tom in bed with Ward 24 hours at 0.60 60.00 a tirna- threatening suicide in front of her; David says all is very sick
  • 16. Helen Hale - GUARDIANSHIP PagG 5 _--:.H"",o=u...,.rs Amount 8/4/2011 GDN Phone call to care manager re status at the house and the need to take 0.30 30.00 Ward to LaTrevia's for respite care GDN Phone call from care manager re medical appointment report: Dr. Shaw' 0.30 30.00 (cardia) states pressure sore gone invasive into bone; will do bone scan; 6 weeks of IV fluids 8/5/2011 GDN email correspondence to D. Cheathan re Susan or David criminal record 0.20 20.00 information email correspondence from D. Cheatham re arrest information for Susan and David i GDN email correspondence to/from D. Cheatham re Tom ordered to vacate the 0.20 20.00 house; pressure sore on foot; Ward moved to personal care home; visiting schedule to be prepared after a week of Ward's stay at personal care home . GDN ernail correspondence from D. Cheatham re Rick International has 0.10 10.00 properties valued at $1,459,578 as per tax records 8/6/2011 GDN email correspondence from D Cheatham re banking statements from 1998 0.10 10.00 through 2004; concerns about bank balance GDN Receive and review email correspondence from R. Goings forwarding 0.40 40.00 emails by and between R. Goings and D. Cheatham re Hale finances.ln 2010; issues between siblings concerning care for Mr and Mrs. Hale GDN Receive and review email correspondence from D. Cheatham re Texas 0.10 10.00 Land Records document re Goings, son Ricky 8/8/2011 GDN...emaii correspondence from D. Cheatham re issues with her siblings 0.20 20.00 reporting that they were told Tom would not ever be allowed to see his mother---.1 ..•. email correspondence to D. Cheatham re no truth in sibling's statements; IME was requested by siblings and I requested that they be ordered to pay for that exam and the Court so Ordered for lME and their payment of same; all Temp Guardian's expenses and payments are first approved by the Court-v-t GDN•....•. email correspondence from D. Cheatham re her knowledge of wreck Tom 0.10 10.00 had in Ward's car (other driver at fault) GDN/ em ail correspondence from D. Cheatham re Pete is getting the dog & cat - 0.30 30.00 so David has no need to stay for free at Ward's horne=-rt ./ email correspondence from D. Cheatham re it would be wrong for David to stay for free in Ward's home since Tom got kicked out and Tom was the only one of siblings to truly care for Ward· David did not offer any care for Ward-·-.1 fimail correspondence from D. Cheatham re loans from Ward never repaid·-.1
  • 17. ---~----------------------.-- .. --- rlelen Hale - GUARDIANSHIP Page 6 Hours ---:.== Amount 8/9/2011 GDN Phone call from Ronnie Goings re asking where to find Ward 0.20 20.00 GDN Phone call from care manager re Ward is full time care because of wheel 0.30 30.00 chair bound therefore will be $2,000/month; Ward is very adjusted; the stimulation is good for her; may move to Graystone when all is settled. GDN Visit Ward 2,00 200.00 8/11/2011 GDN Draft Visitation Schedule .3 CC. t:-lQrn ~~cif) «J odd.... 0.80 80.00 8/15/2011 GDN Phone call to care manager're notifications of visitation . . I c;n ~~ ~ -0 0~ ---=t l'1 0.30 , 30.00 GDN Phone call to Diane re her visit today - can go later since not noticed due to 0.50 50.00 faulty long distance calling GDN Draft and forward by CMRRR letter to Diane, Tom and Pete re visitation with 0.50 50.00 copy to Atty Noack-May GDN Phone call from Diane Cheatham re Ward is miserable; Ward fell out of 0.50 50.00 bed; Ward has chewed her nails to the quick; caregiver mistreats Ward; weekend caregiver doesn't like Ward GDN Phone call to LaTrevia re her report is that Diane stayed 2 hours and cried 0.40 40.00 the whole time - Ward did not faU out of bed; getting hospital bed today; weekend caregiver really likes Ward 8/25/2011 GDN Phone call from care manager re canceling Susan's visits because of her 0.20 20.00 actions 8/29/2011 ER Phone call to Dr. Uddin's office re confirm his receipt of the Amended 0.20 20.00 Physicians form to be completed 8/31/2011 GDN Phone call to Diane re status 0.30 30.00 9/112011 GDN Phone call from LaTrevia re reporting on visitation: Monday- Diane; Tues - 020 20.00 Jane; Wednesday· Susan called to say she was not coming this week; Thurs - Pete; on witness list- they had called for names stating they were making baskets for them; Ward was served. 9/3/2011 GDN Phone call from care manager re adjusting Diane's visit for coming week 0.20 20.00 9/7/2011 GON Phone call from O. Cheatham re status, plans, etc. 0.30 30.00 For professional services rendered 36.30 $3,630.00 Balance due $3,630.00 -----------_._._-_ _ _ _---
  • 18. No. 403,028 GUARDIANSHIP OF § IN THE PROBATE COURT HELEN RITA HALE § NO. FOUR (4) OF INCAPACITATED § HARRIS COUNTY~ TEXAS ORDER AUTHORIZING APPOINTEE COMPENSATION FOR THE PERIOD OF MAY, 2011 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 19, 201 On this day, the Court considered the application for payment of representative commission on behalf of Marcia Pevey, hereinafter referred to as "Appointee," who was appointed on April 27,2011, as Temporary Guardian Pending Contest of the Person and Estate of Helen Rita Hale, an Incapacitated Person ("Ward"). ~ The Court finds that the compensation requested in this proceeding is reasonable, that the Appointee has j~ !. performed fiduciary services for the benefit of Ward in compliance with the Texas Probate Code, and that (11 this request should be granted. I I~l I~I It is therefore ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that compensation in the sum of I (~ $4,660.00, for the period of May, 2011 through September 19, 2011 be paid to Marcia Pevey by the ·1~'1 personal representative from funds of the estate for the benefit of HELEN RITA HALE. (11 ;'.' SIGNED this day of _ ,2011. JUDGE PRESIDING Return conformed copy to: Marcia Pevey 1001West Loop South, Ste. 809 RECORDER'S MEMORANDUM: Houston TX 77027 At tM t!mo 01nK:Ordallon, this Instrument was found to bD Inadequate 10f Ihe I)es photographlo reproduotlon beoauBa of IIIDglblllty, carbon or photo copy, d!'COOfIlO paper, etc. AU bloekOutB, addition. and chanQet were prBfl.lnt al tha time the Instrument WBS Illed and rllconled ..