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lìnrnr Casc Stucly, Grrcnhill Collcgc
Case Study: Greenhill College
Drnn B,rnuu
Geotge Fox University
dbal [email protected]
ABSTRACT: Greenhill College is an organizational de cision-
tnaking case study involving the financial stability of a
fictitious small, private, religious liberal a¡7s college with
an'enrollment of more than 2,000 students. Traditional,
small liberal a¡fs colleges, long a staple of the Anerican higher
education scene, are facing unprecedenterl
challenges for survival. Steadily rising tu¡t¡on costs, stiff
competitt0n for students, and escalating operãtional
expenses represent iust sone of the pressures currently
confronting Greenhill College. The college faces the
innediate threat of an unbalanced budget, difficult decisions on
financial and non-financial issues, and the need
to manage possible morale issues. Finally, the administration
nust carefully address the potential of internal and
external perceptions of the viability of Greenhill College.
Plovost Chad l.ogan anrblcd along the recl bricl<ecl
pathway leading to Centcnnial IJall, the 10O-yearold orig-
inal adrnìnisuation builc{ing of Glccnhill College, esrab-
lìshecl ìn 1909 by a grorrp of:¡xotestant clclgy and lil<e-
mìnclecl cducators rvho rvantcd an alteurative to dre secttlar
instìtutions of theil cla¡ 'fhe college had rer¡ained nue to
iß hìs^tolical roots as a faìth-basccl, Chlistian, intcrclenorni-
natioual ins¡iturjor. Clracl entclecl, rnl[<ing Ìris wiry dir:ectly
to Affails Officc. Suc (ìrant, thc clc¡rarrncnt
leccprionisr, was on the phone and,,^hot hiln a waun srnile
ancl mouthed, "Goocl rrolning."'fhc rcd blinking light on
his ¡rhone caught his eye as hc entelcd his oûìcc. l-lc
rcached ovcl aud punchec{ in his^ codc arcl listcned to ir
pleasant voicc tclling him he hacl sìx new rr-ressagcs,'l-he
lr.rosr feccr'ìt was L]ìncLson ù(/ìlson, longtinc pr:csiclcnt of
Glcenhill, wbo rvantec{ hinr to call as soon as hc gor il.
'l'cn mìnrrtes latcr he w,rs ¡^eated in the ¡rrcsident'.s offìcc on
thc seconcl floor'. Chad still corrlcln't dccicie if lre lil<ecl
Wilson. ,At olle r.¡'rol¡'rcnt he coulc{ bc walm and fr icncll¡
rhc ncxL cold ancl unbcncling. l'hc unpled icrabiliry of rhc
r¡au'.s naturc clcarcd sucss lmong all thosc arouncl hin.
"Ch:rd, you bcttcr ¡ray l'ì-rorc attcntioÌl tc¡ thc ltcw stu-
clent cnrolhncnr projecrions fòr this fall," Wilson saici. "l
saw.Al Sandels dris rlolning in rhe gym, and hc tclls mc
Dcxt fallì ncw studcnr numl¡ers ale projectecì to t¡e down
frorn dris year','fl.ris is tl.rc I have hcarcl ofìt, aud Iil
not too ha¡rpy aboLrr being kept ouc of drc loop. I Leally
clonì like l.rcaring thìs news fior¡ thc director of ac nis-
Cha<1 felt tha¡ nowÊrmiliar pang of wouy in his stor¡-
ach, Unfoltunatcl¡ G¡eenhill lacl<ecl rhe significanr endow-
mcnL, imrnediate name recognition, and thc stcrling acr-
clcrlic reputarion of irs corrperition. Evcn though
Grccnhill had a rich histor'¡ rhe glaLìng lacl< ofa big
cudow¡rlent and populal recognition lcsulrecì in con-
tiuual tnanciirl pres^sure. Greellhill was a tuitìon-dlivel
institution. lÌiglity-five perccnt of the annual budget rcv-
clruc calrc fiom stuclcnt tuition c{ollar'"^. Chacl dcspìsccl this
dcpcndercc or s(uclent aclmissìons. I-le l¡elievecl it tcl be a
strangleholcl on the collcge's ability Lo move fonvald.
(lhad u,asn't fi ustratcd wirh AI bccause hc knew
lü/i1son plobably put him on the spot earliel drat molning
in drc gyn. Øilsorr'.s managcrnent style dicln't confine hirn
to the office. He coulcl bc like a cat on thc plowl. I Ic loved
thc collegc a¡rd believed ìt was appropliatc to asl< auy
cnrploycc -- at any :rnd ¡rlace -
about thcil job, In
.,JB clì,4.1ì S)r.,/lj 20_r /
pârt tlìis corLlc{ be goocl. linployccs lurew hc carcd. Yct it
also coulcl be strcssful, and rlaybc inappm¡rriatc, sucll as in
dre gyrl. Al Sanclcrs, ovcrwcight ard not thc worlcl',s
healthicst c¿ìtcr, ccrtainìy didn't Deecl t<l be Lradgele<l abour
acl¡issions whìle he exelcisecl. 'I'hc poor guy had enoLrgh
plessule in his lifè.'l-liar'.s why he was in thc gyrn in thc
fir'st place , Iìather than being visionar:¡ 'Wilson was leac-
tionar¡ Ile really wasnì a lun guy ¡o be aloundl l-le wasn't
dre type of leadcl peoplc would go to thc wall for'. At timcs
ü/ilson just sirr4rly coulcl not kcep the bigger pìctule in
r¡ind.'Ial<e the adl¡ìs^sions situ¿rtion. Al Sandels'role was
integral ro a strong incoming freshllen class. So what dicl
Wilson doì Irle cornered hirn in rhe rvcight roorn anc{
asl<ccl hinr ¿bout aclmìssions for rrcxt ycar. (/hy not tal<e a
diffclent approach and jusr ask Al how he was doìng and
lcavc it at drarì Al woulcl have responcled nuch better'.
Vilson shifred his Lall, r'ail tbi¡ fi ar¡c uneasily in his
lcadrer swivcl chair'. His be:rklikc nosc aud thìnning hait
re mindecl Chad of that guy fnrt rhe WizaruI of Oz. Vliat
was his natne?
"'ùØe ale so ¡ui¡ion-c{r'iven, ir i¡-r.ì't fìrûny. lir councing
,'r) yol¡ lo blin6 in tltc llut¡Lrcls.'
Chacl l<neu, thc pressule lfilson fclt l'¡om a clemancliug
lìo:rrc{ of'li ustccs. 'l-lrc ¡rresent cla ir highcl ecluc¿ttiorr w¿ts
one ol'diu-ririshirg lìcleral arcl state clollar'"^, fielce compe-
tition fol stuc{cnts fiom statc schools, ancl an alalmir.rg lise
in private college tuitions, ìncìLrcling (ìr'eenhill. As if rliis
wclcn't enouglr, dre le"^pecred Cbroniclc oJ'l'{ighcr
Educ¿tiott hacl just cone out wirh a report that said, "lVith
the ¡rend rowarcl arteuding lower-cost aìtelnativcs, thc
business n.roclcl olt plivatc collcgcs
highcr pliccs fol plc-
rlium products
is bcing tcstcc{. Affbldabilìry ìs rhe
largcst challcngc 1¡oing folwaltl said ¡he aclmissions dilector
of one very selecrìve small plivate college..." (Van De Werf,
200tì, p, 5).'fbe Chlonicle predicted difficult days ahead
fol the small, private, liber:al arLs collegcs.
"l.rncr'*orr. lllc surnrncr i., llway. l wnìring g.rrn.: yorr
know that," said Chad.
"Yes, but what ale you doing now to rnake sule we get
the rìght numLrelsl Are you sure.Al Sanders is the right guy
for úe job? l{c's so laid bacl<, it malccs r¡c rrcLvous."
Chad intensely dislikecl drcse l<inds of convelsations
with Wilson. At the first sign of tlouble, he wanred to fire
someone ancl usually it was one of his peoplc. I Ie corrlcl bc
so impatient. Chacl suuggled with a ¡rresidcnt who at litncs
see Ìrcd more to woly, tlìan âct in faith drat God would
plovide. 'fhe dyuan.rìc of inregraring one's faiú with his or
hcr work was an oft-used pl.rrase at (ìr'cenhill,'l'his seenred
like a good tilne to ¡rlacticc tliis, thought Chad.
"Emcrsorr, Al is doing a good job for us. He',s thor'-
ough, well olganizecl, and on top of things."
'i'he slightly balc{ing collcgc ptesic{cnt atchccl his thin
cycbrows ìn doubt.
"You l,errer be r:ight on this onc (]hac{. l loncstl¡ oul
Decl$ ¿Ìr'c on the chopping blocks."
Greenhillt Challenge
Clhacl krew Glcenhill wrs facing solne leal olganiza-
tional challengcs. He decicled ro sort things our, inc[rding
devebping a srrategy oit how to confiont thc issucs, bcforc
his next rleeciug with X/ilson. Uncìetgtaclunre entolll¡ent
was projcctcd to clccrcase sevell pelcerlr fiom l,689 in
2009-2010 ro 1,571 in 2010-201 l. At $2(r,180, annual
tuition pel stuclent, a seveu pcÌcent ilÌcrease ovel the previ-
ous ycar, tlìat rlcant a dccline iD anricipated ¡uition rev-
enucs o[ $ I .7 millk¡n. lìoolrr and Lroalc] fol dre stuclents
living on can¡ru"^ was $8,320 fbr next ycar.'l'his teplcscnt-
ecl a three percenr ir-rcrease ovcl last ycar'ìs ¡oom ancl boaltl
latc of$8,070. Wirh a clccline of I18 sttrdents, ¡ha¡
lcclucccl roorlr ancl board rcvenues by ar¡oúer $475,584.
'fhe stateì dcmoglaphic data on high school gracltrates
for thc nex¡ seven yeals wns sitting on Chad'.s c]esl<. called fol a dccli¡rc in high school glacluatcs
fiom the previons ycar ancl contìnuiug for the next six
ycars. l-hc plcviolrs ycal it hac{ bccn fout ¡rctccnt anc{ ncxt
yeal it woulcl bc six ¡rcrccnt.'fhe ùilc1 yeat it was ptoject-
ecl to bc cight pclccnt, Ilrrolll'ìlent could lre a kng-telrr
challenge fòr' Gree nhill.
Gracluate enlolh¡en¡ ;lojecrcd a two perceut decline
lol nexr year'. lll 2009-2010, gladuate proglams hacl
enlollecl 700 glirduaLe stucìent"^. Projectìous fôt next ycar,
even with thc two ncw gladuâte progrãms slated to strut
this fall, lo¡ccasted an enrollmeur of686 whìch was l4
fewcr graduatc studcnts. 'fhis lepresented a $ I 16,760
clecline in gladunte tuìtion.
Chad quickly adc{ecl all threc uur¡bcrs.'fhe total rcv-
enuc shor tfàll was slightly rnorc than $2 mìllìon ìn tuition
and room aucl board revenue,'lb l¡al(e m¿ìtrers wolse,
Grecnhill hacl ahcacly announced ro undergraduate sru-
tlenrs the sevelì pelcent rrndelglacluatc tuition increase.
VhaL woulcl it look lilce if the college raised tuition againl
Chacl knew the Greenhill College Iloald of'l'tustees
had cstablìshed a set of strategic .rssun.ìptious for the
administratiorr to follow.'l'hese included a $500,000 con-
rìngency fund, a conrinued focus on undclgracluatc and
gracluate acadclr.ric programs, evaluati<¡n of acadetlic pto-
grams showing cleclinc ol stagnant growdr, anc{ a marc{at-
cd institu¡ional balanced budget.'l'here was also auxìl-
ialy cnrer'¡.rlise budgct and otlìer increiìses in the new [,uclg-
er.'fhesc inclLrcied sur¡ll-lcL ln¡intcnancc ¡rlojccts of
ll¡rr:rnr Crse Srrrdy: (ìrccnhill Collcge J9
$1,225,000, a $975,000 ltrcttlty rnc{ s^taflr sirl:uy itrctcasc
(rrna¡ no uncecl), ud $3ó0,000 in new acadeuic plogtams
to lìanìc a few'fhe collcgc aclmiui¡^lr:rtiot] lr¡d a lot ro
consideL. (ìcr:tainly thc 2010-201I fiscal ycal btxlget had
to [¡e balauced. Shoulcl the urcletgracluate tuition be ¡aisccl
a second timcì ?ha¡ abottt a gtaduate progran ruitiou
ìncte¿rse? I-low about the $360,000 cotntnittecl (o ncw âca-
dcnic ptogtants in 2010-2011? Might the $1.,225,000
declicate<.l to sLlrìrurer lÌ.Ìainten¿trce ¡rrojccts bc clelayec{?
Should somc acacleuric programs ancl et'cl faculty bc elirni-
¡ateclì lhat about not ltollowìng rlrtoLtgh on the as yer
iurÌour)ced faculty,rncl sLaltfsala[y i¡rc|easesÌ No¡re of thcse
options welc pclfect. hr fact each cauied less-than-plcasaut
¡ar¡ifications. Finall¡ Chad hacl to thinl< al¡out drc iuter'-
nal and cxtctnal of Greenhìll given this fiuan-
cial c¡ises. Might can.tptrs uor¿rle trccome an issue ? Chad
kncw he hacl to take thc lead olt this âlld n.ìâl<c sotnc cough
dccisions. 'l-hc vety futttrc olt fìr'ccnhill Colìege resred on
thc"^e dccisìons.
Greenhillt History
Glccnhill College had bcen ftrundecl in 1909 as a tcli-
gious, liberal arts collegc.'l-he collcge liad 30 under.gladuate
nrajor"^, the top tour being busìuess, nutsing, eclucation, atld
I,i,'1,'gy. N,'r ¡ll "ftl',*c lU rnrior'' lvctç tì,)wir)8.
Urrdclgt.tJtntc srrrd(t)l cr)rôllr)ì(r)l w.ì iìl I'l'8') (2(l()')-
2010). ln thc last tcn ycars sittcc 2000, ùe collcgc hac{
Iaunchcd gtaduatc programs irt cclucatiou, [rttsiness, atrcl
psycJrolog¡ whìch ac{decl rrole thiìn 700 grirc{uate stucleucs
(2009-2010). Grecnhill had 360 curployecs, I50 oÍ whorn
are legular', full-time lìculty (1 I0 turclerglacluate and /+0
gracluarc). Cìrccnbìll ha<l an active stutlenc lile progtam rvith
l)role than 85 perccDt ofthe u Lrclct gl :rcluatc studcnts lìving
in can.rpus les^ideucc halls. Gtatluate sruclenrs livccl in town
ol ncalby. 'I'Jre collcgc c<¡ru acted wirh a ua¡ional lòocl selv-
jce ltol all orl-ciìlnpus sttLdcnt trreals and catering Íòt otl-
campus events.'fhe collcgc was accrcdited with tlìe
Nolthcast Â.ssociation olt School"^ ancl Collcgcs GLccnhìll
was ¿r u.ìcrììbcr of LLre N¡r¡ional (Ìtllege A.thlerìc
Division 'l-hlec, and oßìr'cd a wicle vaticty of ncu's and
"^polts,'I'hc ¡-rtirraty
sotttce ofi financial revcnues
camc fior'¡r studcnt tttition cìollars. ,A.PProxilllately 85 Pcr-
cc¡t of tcvenuc was tuitiort-gellcriìted, I hc lcllaining 1 5
pclcelrt came fior¡ tcsttictecl aud uulcsrlictcd giving fiom
donors ancl moucy gcttct'irtcc{ fiotr thc collcgcì erlclow-
nent. !lhilc Grecnhill was ptìvatc, stu<lenrs sLill welc eligi-
blc làr'fècleral ancl state collegc loau ptoglaurs ClLeenhill
l¡acl an acrc{cnric schoìarshi¡r plogralll thiìt awaldccl tnouey
ro cligible studcuts. L) n clet gt acìttatc Luirion fòr thc 2010-
201 I acaclcmìc yc:rl was $26,1 80 and roo¡r and board as
$11,320.'l-hc typical fìruncial aid pacl<agc was rììolc thar.r
$ J 1 ,000 pcl studenr. Graduatc ruitiol w¿rs $695 pel scut"s-
rer creclir hout.'l-hc avcragc gradttatc stttdcu¡ w¿rs cnrollecl
il'l six hout"^ pcr serÌÌester ot l2 houts pet ycar'. l-hc aunltal
budgct of $56 urilliou wrs well rlanaged, and while it clid-
n't allow l'or all ncccls to be mct it did satisly most.'IlÌe col-
lege cullcutly had au enclowmeut, which gcncrate<{ less
tl.ran $l million auuuirlly. L)uring the prcvìous rwo fiscal
ycâr's, thc endowment lÌâs lost 30 petccDt of its valrtc.
Case Study Conclusion
(lhad l¡elievecl that as a fàith-based institt¡tiou,
Gleenhill had been callecl to bc a good stewarcl of its
rcsoulccs (Matthcr¡, 25 1 4-30). wondetccl how this L¡ib-
lical nandate translated into subsequeut olganizatiotlal
deci"^ions he and orhets wotrld be called ttpotl ro makc.
Stcwaldship of rcsoutces meirut usiug fiuaucial rcsottrces
rvisel¡ but ir also implied tnauagiug lìtlman resoulccs^, such
a"^ effcctively faculty and staff, f)ne coulcl iuterptet
this to n.reiru addlessing ltaculty pcrlotuancc issues Øas
Grccnhìll putting tlìc best ltaculty in tÌre classloorr.r? Iìelatcd
(o tlìis was also thc tuition qucstioll. Studeuts welc fàciug
incleasing challengcs of aflòr'clability. He l<new of sttttlcn¡s
wlio helcl sevcral off-canpus jobs jLrst to m¿rke eLrcls t'neer.
(livcn thc hìgh cost ofcollegc, diclu't Greenhill havc a
responsibiiiry to provicle studcrts widr dre best ltaculq' pos-
siblc? lWas this nor a fuucìanctttal stewatclship ilrpetative?
Yet pcrhaps tlìc gre¿tcst snrrgglc Chad facccl was the bibli-
cal plinciple to trca( pcople failly ol as hc would want to
Lrc r'carccl (Matthew 7:12). "|)ct unto otheLs as you would
want tlleln to do ru)to yoti' kcpt ringilg ìn his e¿us 'l-he
quesrion of fàculty layoffs rvcighed hcavìly on Clhacl, 'l'he
dilemma, r'naybc cven Lhe tr-rol ¿rl q[cstion, olt layiLrg off a
longtirnc, loyal, ciecent but uo¡ cxccllelr faculty rncurbel in
olcJer to ptoviclc studcnts wj[l] ir sttpclior tcachct ìn dre
classmotn continually plâgucd Chad.'fltis was uot simply
an ecouolnic clilemma, btrt also a spiritual urancl:rte.
Chac{ also t¡clicvccl in the bil¡lical plinci¡rle rlrat evcly
r¡an should bc paid his cluc lor a clay'.s wolk (Matdrcw
2AJ44). J his led to thc cluesriou oltwl.rctbct the ur'ìarl-
uouncec{ faculq, salirty ittctea"^e should bc itttPlcureutcd.
Cluistian colleges histolically wcle bchincl trrost schools iu
rclms olt l'aculry salaly lo,els. Gl'ecnhill uccdcd to iucre¿rse
làcLrlry salarics, yet Cbacl l<ncw he coulc{ teca¡llrttc soue
n.ronics by not institttciug thc ploposccl inctcascs, tü/oulcl
such ¿rcLjorr bc incousìstcnt rvith the bil¡lical plinciple of]
paying pcoplc a fair wagc (Malaclii 3:5)?
A¡^ provosr, Cha<[ knew Glecnhill Collcge absolurely
nccdcd to a<1c{rcss orgartizatic)rlal i¡^sucs aud clilcctiou Ycs,
thc immecliatc ptoblcur was thc $2 million cle lìcìt, but
40 ClAl Spiny 201t
lar'¡¡er', morc criticrl issucs of orgirnizarional dynamics antl
evcn survi¡al cast an i¡visiblc shadow ovel the quiet carr-
prr.s.'l'hcre was woth ¡o do, and Ch¿cl l<neiv it woulcl ¡al<e
the efforr of a reprcsentative gr:otrp of làcult¡ stirff and
adninistlatols. Ile clcciclecì to appoirìt a bluc tibl¡on st¡ate-
gy tasl< fòr'ce to addless thc ìssucs facing GLeenhill Cìrllegc.
The bìL¡lical principle of coLrntìng rhe cost to Chaclì
mincl (l-uhe 1z+: 28-30). 'I'he inregrirtion ol'rhis bil¡lical
pr:inciple with Grccuhill'.s budgct rrranagcrlcrìt proccss
wotrlcl bc an important first stcp fòr the tasl< fòr'ce.
'I'lÌiù^ case stu(ly was specifically desigoccl fol alld ¡rrod-
tuct tesred in a seniorlcvel organizational bchaviol c<lulsc
at a church-r'elatecl, libelal alts univcrsìt¡'Ì-he case study
seemecl to have particular. appcal to scnior busiucss nrajor,'^
in part becituse oi theìr fanriììaLity with the olgauizatiou
(rnosr ha<1 l¡ccn cnlollccl fol loul year:s), aucl dre issues
as tuirion inclcascs ancì l'acìlities were ofin¡eles¡.'l'he class
was r¡acle up oÍ acconnting, Êrance, mauagerlent, and
markering stu<ìcnts. Lr this course, stuclcn¡s leaured the
dynarr-ric nar:rrc ofolganizations ancl that thete arc no clear
cut-cl.roices when it coures to budget, ptogtam, and bumat't
resource clecisions within organizations. Ilobcrt I(rcitner
and Angelo l(inicki (2010) wrote thirt "organìzarìonal
behavìol deals wirh how peoplc act ancl react in ot'ganiza-
tions of all kincls" (p. 5), Fol stuclcnt.s iu otganiz-ational
bchavior, this case stucly sougbr to plovidc thcrn thc
oppol tuniry co les¡rond to ¡,^olne of the cliftfìcr-rlt situations
laccd by olgariz-ntions. Seeking ro undcrstand thc im¡ract
o1i dccì"^ion-rnal<ing in an organiz,ation is onc of thc ulti-
nratc óbjectiyes of organizarìonal l¡ehavior. I'his case stutly
wa. d..,igrrc.l to rrl¡ìcvc rlrir.'l'jccrivc.
'Ihe case str.rcly lequiled a significant usc ofclass tinc.
'l'bis callccl frrl a sclious altela¡ion of the syllabus as rvcll as
the instructol tnlning a good portion of thc class ovcr ro
¡he srucìents, Initially thclc werc questious, ü/ould thi"^
even rvo¡lçì tVould stuclents ¡ake tlre case study seliously?
ù7ould they bc accountablel How woulcl thc administla-
tìon res¡roncì t<l seniols delvìng ìnto casc srucly issr,rcs that
no cloul¡t rlillotccl thcir orvn institution? Iìr,cn though the
case study rvas lìctitious, rhe si¡rjlalities mighr havc hit too
closc to homc. I(cnncth Ilblc (1979) saicl rhat tcirching
lecluilcs a "willingncss to rake lislcs," an<1 that "tcaching is
nor: a safc occupatjor'r, cithcr for tcachel ot studetrt" (p.
I57). I take heatt, if not coutagc, fi.ortt thcsc worcl"^.
Not only was thc pcdagogy lisl<1', i¡ ¿1tu tequilcd a
mincìset drat ny rcaclring coulcl implove. X/ciner' (1990)
suggcsts that fàcult¡"'continuc to lcly on thc tcachìDg
rìrethods drey have alwal,s Lrsecl dcspire rcse¿rrch clocr¡-
l¡enting the ncccl fot students to learn acLiveLy" (p. xi). I
have ncvcr tlicd usìrg a lengthy case study in organizatiou-
al L¡ehavìol befole. ìlaculty mLlst be opcr'ì ro t:rkìng risl<s in
¡hc classloon.r and be willing to nove outsiclc thcil corn-
fcrr:rable paracligms and look for crcativc and innovate ways
ro truly engagc stuclents, even ìl it is uncomfoltable. 'l'he
pcdagogical changc I was about to eml¡alh upor.r requilecl
both lisl< as well:rs a paradigm shift in nly thinking. dris lcngthy casc study in class was a departure
for me as a åculty mcnrbcr'.
stuc{ents be motivated to tluly cugage il the
ca¡^c study was^ anotlÌer mâjor questiorÌ. Nigel Nicholsor.l
(2003) said rhe job of úe m:rnager ir.r morivating enploy-
ces is to "cleate rhe cilcunsrances in which uheil inherent
dre natulal co¡rmitrlcnt alcl chivc that
rlost people have
is fi ecd alcl chaunelcd towarcl
¿rchicvemcnt goals" (p. 57).'l-hc samc concept applies to
thc classrt¡orr.r. fhis casc stud¡ il wlrìch stuclen¡s wete
lccluìr'cd to actually plcscnt a balanced budger by naking
some tough olgauizational c{ecisious, was ìuhetendy moti-
vating to studcnts.'l-hcy wclc givcn a,,^ignificar.rt amount of
lesponsìbilit¡ irutholity, and,rutouolt'ry to aclclress dre seli-
or¡s issucs fàcing (ìr'ccnirill Collcge. lìec{elick [lclz.belg
(2002) refeLrccl to this in the woll< wolld:rs job enr:ich-
lner¡ I and yerlical job loading where cmployees are moti-
vated by intlinsic lcwarcls (r. 1). A sroly rbar was intcgrat-
ed with real-lifc nlarìagcmcnt issues, at least iu this case,
proved to be goocl nlotivatiou fol leatniug.
Anorhei. i¡tcrcsting lesult of this class i"^ what I call thc
accountability fàctor'. Corrld stttc{eu¡s bc countecl on to risc
ro rlle occasiol) ancl hold thcmsclvcs accountable ftr rhcir'
work since rhe teaûìs have so much au torooryl 'Ihomas
(lonnellan (2003) saicl, "llc surc everyc¡ne urtderstancls the
gorl" when it comes to accountabiliry (p. 57). Studcnts in
olganìz.ational bchaviol cìcar:ly l<new drcy hrd ro dcvelop a
balancec{ budgct with tbc casc srucly.'fhey had to lccluce
the Glec¡bill institutio¡al butlger Lry more rlìau $2 r¡illion.
Cìnnellan also saicì, "'l'hc rres^sage I gct lìorr peoplc is,
'l-ct me know what you wânt l'ne to clo, holcl mc accotttrt-
able fol geLLing rcsultr^, rrnd ger out o1'thc wty"' (p.77).
'f iris was preciscly what hap¡reued in thi"^ class. I plcsentcd
the challengc, tolcì stuc{cnts they wcrtc accountablc fòt bal-
:ucing Glecrhill'.s budgct, ar.rcl rurnecl thcm loosc. l'his was
bodr ficeing and frusnating ftrl stuclcnts, yct I sîw dlelr
holcl thcr¡sclvc"^ accountalrie for thcìr'wotk ptoduct.
ll:rrrr¡r Casc Strrdyr Grtcnhill ûrllcgc
'l'hc CìLcenhill Collegc ca"^e snrcly cau l¡e rtsecl in rr
l)unlbcr of llusirìess classcs, irtclttcliug fìnaucc, accouutillg,
business managetlcnr, olgatriz-atioual bchaviol, a¡rcl busi-
ness etlìics. 'l-hclc alc uc¡ clear'-cLtt choiccs ill tcllns olr
budgct, progtam, aucl people dccisiols. All will havc
irr.r¡ract on rhe org:rniz-ariou. Scel<ing to ¡ninimiz'e Lhc
irnpact and continuitrg to lllove ll']c orgattizariotl ltotwaxl
in a ¡rositive clirection tttust be dre ultil¡a¡c objcctive.
'l'his case has bccu classtoonr tested itt l sclliorlcvel
olganiz-ational bchaviot class of mole than 35 unclelgr:aclu-
atc busincss:urd accoutrriug majots.'lihe cl¿rss was tlividecl
into tc¿ ofsix who wcr:c reqttitcd to cat'cfully lead anc{
analyz-e thc case as if thcy wete drc admiltisttator'"^ at
Gleenhill.'fhc srudcn¡s wetc givcn a casc stucly attalysis
guidclinc ancl wctc lccluired to cousL¡lt with aucl olrtaìn sig-
naturcs ftotr-r at lcast tllrcc acluriuisrtators al thci!-own
institutio¡r, At thc encl of the selr.rcstct, each leatrl lrâdc a
majol plcsentation as to their finclilgs and Ltltir¡a¡e dcci-
siols.'llhis casc rvas highly irtetactivc with studctrts vig<lt-
ously debating thc issttcs widrin ancl at tilncs oulsìdc thcil
Scrious cousidelation shoulcl be givetr to how
Grccnhìll Collcge'.s lìuancial c{ccisiou-mal<ing tellccts the
teachings ofScliptule. A sLrggestecl tcaching apptoach
woLrld be to incluclc how dre sctiptttral it'nperativcs to tleirt
people fairl¡ pay a làit wage, aucl to bc goocl ancl lairhful
stcwalds olt Goc{-providccl resoulccs shottld im¡ract the
[ludgcr rrranagclnel] t pl ocess.
Lcarning Outcornes
I. Studcnts sbould fulthcl cìcvclop theil tttlcJelstauc{iug
of systcms thinking in theil clccision-mahilg (Sengc,
1990), 'l-he iclea tbat organizational clecisions alc trot
lladc in isolariou, lrut rathct atc iutcrrclatecl is a cr'ìt-
ical conccpr ft¡t students to leat'u in this case stucl¡
2. StLrc{cnts will lcaln ir<¡w fìnancial and nou finaucial
clara im¡racts an otganizatìoni decisions, a¡cl tha¡ i¡ is
ctitical to irnalyz.c antl givc applopliate weight to borh.
3. StLrdenrs r¡,ill s^ee tbc value ancl ptoductivity ofwoll<-
ing in teams an<l how cach nrcml¡er ltts solnclhin!! ft)
4. Stuclents will clcvcJop clitical analysis aud clitical
thìnl<ing sl<ills alcl lcaur the valrtc of using thcsc to
supporL a po"^irìon.
I)iscussion Questions and Issues for Consideratiotr
L'ùØhat ¡re the clitical is^st¡cs itnd ltow would yotr cltfcc-
rivcly aclclr'css thcl.r?
2. How might CLecnhill'.s fìnancial plessure"^ impact
ot gauiz-ationirl cttltule?
3. X/hat might bc souc cxauplcs ¿ru(l Iatrilìcatious of
Gleenhill rlakiug isolated ralhcr than iutcrtelatccl
c{ecisions ìu its attcu¡rt to solve thc cutlcn¡ cris^e¡^Ì
(systcms drinking iu organiz,arions)
11. ØbaL night be sourc exaurplcs aud lamificaticlt'ls of
GLeenhill uaking intctrelatccl Iadtcl than isolatc<l
clecisions in irs attelt-t1lt to solve thc ctttteut criscsì
(systems thinl<ing iu otganiz'arìons)
5. 7hat rr.right be the valuc of thc lllue lìibl¡on']åsk
lìorce on (ìrecnhill's culturc aucl molllcl
6. llow would you utiliz,e ctitical thinl<ing au<ì analysis
to aclc css úc lìnancjal atrcl odrer Pertincrlt issucs
facing Gr:eenhill Collcgcl
7. I low night Glecnlrill (ìollegc'.s leaclelship liaidrfully
intcgr:atc the bìblical plinciplcs of fìnaLrcìal lnanage-
ncnr ancl s¡ewirrclship of Gocì ptovìclecl lesoutces itl it"^
buclgcting ptoccss atrcl institutìoltal decision t.naLingl
(Ìr¡oellan, l'.1(. (2003. lli)ßing olrt tLe but it¡ otlte¡s Atrstinr
llblc, I(. l:1. (1976). 1fu un/ì al tutrilrlrg S:rn Ììrarrcisco:
)lcrzbcrg, lì. (2002). Onc nuttt tittte: flotu rlo lou nttttht(rt( cl
(ìambliclgc: H¡rvrlcl Ìlusirrc"^s School Publishing.
l(rcirocr, Ìì., & l(inickj, Â. (2010). Oryanizuìonal |¡dutiot New
Vr¡ h: Mc(iraw-[-lill L win l)utrlishiog
Njclrolson, N. (2003). J10w to itnlilxtt( 1101t1 lrohLnt 2eople
Carrl.lricllic: IJalr,.r'd llusincss School l)Lrblishing-
Scngc, ll M. (1990). |'he.lìJìh ììst7lara Ncw YoLl<: Doublcd.ry.
Va¡ I)c Wc¡í, M. (20011). l:ittnnìaltrn'tr,inry ¡tnr./ th,:
tlax oJ'2008. Washìng,Lon, I).(1.: Chro¡iclc llcscalch Sclviccs.
'Wcjncr', M. (19)0). lnt¡nr.,in¡q n//e,1( tt/l(1:tilt! Sl:'t lìtncisco:
.12 clltR s¡rìns )01 I
Appendix A: Staternent of Currelt Þ-und lìevenues and
2oo9l20t0 20tot20tl
Educrtìorll rrrd gcuelll
StudenL tuitiou uLrdclgladu:rcc 42,892,t 55 41.128.780
Studcnt tuitior gladuatc 5,838,000 5,721,240
(ìovelnrlcnt grants 15 0.000 400,00r)
Privatc gifts and grants 1.200.000 900,000
j'llrdowrnenr incollc 8 50,000 800,000
Other tevenucs 200,000 250.000
J-otal cclucaticlnaL ald gcnelal rcvcnucs 5t.330.155 49,200,020
Auxiliaty cuterplises 6.165.824 6,840,u00
'lì¡tal leveuues 57,240,979 56,C)40, tZt)
EdLrcational ancl genelal
Academic illstructiol'l 29,000,000 29,300,000
Acaclcmic srrpport r,900,000 2,000,000
Sruden¡ selvicc.s 2,900,000 2,950,000
Stud¡:nt lìl¡: l,900,000 2, r 00,000
Inrercollcgiate atl.rletics 1,900,000 2,000,000
Lrstìrutional suppolt 5,000,000 5.200.000
Advanccment 1,900,000 1.900,000
Contingency fu ncl 5 00,000 500,000
Sumnel facilities Í¡roiects I .1 00.000 |,225,000
Auxiliary entelprises r 0,r 00,000 1 r ,0r 0,000
I'otal expenclitures 56,2tJU,uoo 5tÌ, r 85,000
Excess (deficit) of revenues over expenditures 1.584.350 -
lr:,r'r,r,, (.r'c Srrr,l¡: t;r'eenhill t irllc¡c
Appendix R: Greenhill College Srrrnrnary of Genc¡al
Eclucational Expenses
200912010 zotot20tt 200912010 zlJtotzlJtt
Acadcrnic Insttuction Intercollegiate Athletics 1,900,000
Schcx¡l of l,ibcral Âr'¡s I 2.l r 2,r)00 r2,200,000 Institrrtional
School of Ilusincss 5,210,000 5,320,000 lìxecutivc managcnrcrt
2.380.000 2,4 80,000
School of FducaLion 5,36r,000 5,443,000 (lcncr'¡l
adminisurtiou r,800,000 1,900,000
Sr:hool ofScicncc 6,237,000 6,.117,000 Èxtcrnal lcl¡rions
820,000 iì20,000
'lttel 29,000,000 29,300,000 lbLel i,000,000 5.200,000
Acadernic Support Advarrccrnent t.900,0(X) 1,900,000
Libr'.rly 1.100.000 l,r 50,000 Plant Operations
ìracuJty profèssional
growrh 396,000
Plant aclminisrarion 510,000 520,000
Nerv co¡stnrction r 75,000 225,000
Acaclernic aclninistratiolt J32,000 362,000 lÌuil<ìiog
rnaintcnancc 910,000 940,000
(ìr'rcluation 72.000 82,000
Mcch¿¡ical a¡cl elccuicll 780,000 795.000
'llrrl 1,900,000 2,000,000 (l¡ ou nds 495.000 5l 5,000
St[dent Servìces
Cusuocliaì scr vices 853,000 870,000
Aciruissions U(ì 1,000,000 1.200.000
I ltiliLics 975,000 t95,000
()r ien t;r¡ion 12,000 r 7,000 lrirvilonmcnt¡l /Srfè¡ 2,000 2.000
A¡lnissions (llì 400.000 425,000 'Ioral 4.700.000 4,862,000
S¡udcnt fina¡cial scr viccs 832,000 582,000
.AlLoc¡tcd across
Rcgistlar 600,000 670.0un
C)rhcr'/Ari rl in/Asscssmc¡ t 56,000 56,000 Personncl lJenefiß
lb¡¡l 2,900,000 2,950,000 Social scculity 1.350.000 r,400,000
Strdcnt l,ife Ilcrir'enrcnt 1,250,000 r,300,000
(ìarnpus nrinisttics 125,000 155.000 Medic;rl irrsLlm¡cc
2,300,000 2.500,000
l)ean of: srrrclc¡ts 316,000 326,000
'Wor'l<er's colnpcnsation
rlìd insurancc 175,000
Assor:i:rte clealr l6rì,000 t8,000
C)r'icnraric¡n 78,000 98,000
Uncn¡rloyment 5,000 4,000
L,ifc 3r cìisabìlity irsrrlancc )7 (OO 1.10,000
l-lcalr:h a¡tl cclunseling
celller 256,000
276.000 'lirition lìernissio¡ r,600,000 1,700,000
Acaclenic lcarning ccuter' r92,000 202,000 lìrLaL 6.{ì07.000 7
Security 278,000 298,000 Alloc¡tecl:rctoss
Mr:lticrltrrel scr'viccs 77,00r) 97.000
(ìalecl dcvel<4rmcnt ccntcr 197,000 207,000
Contingency Fund 500,000 500,000
Inuaurulal arhlctics 1116,000 206,000
Surrrrner facilitics projects 1,100,000 1,225,000
l-Iousin¡¡ ¡logllrns antl
27 ,000 47,OOt)
Auxiliary Enterprises 10,100,000 I 1,010,000
t ¡l 1.900.000 2,r00,000 Total Educational and
General Expenditures
56,200,000 58,185,000
'î4 CllAl Sprìr¡4 ]01 t
Appendix C¡ Auxiliary Enterprises
2009120t0 zotlJt20tt
lìcvcnucs 1 1,585,695 11,110,r12
Pcrsouncl (losr 349.999 260,000
Pr-ogr-anr cost 4,409,305 5,600,000
lbtal cxpcnclitules 4,759,304 5,860,000
Exccss (ctcficit) 6,8),6,391 5,250,112
Ëood service
Rcvcrrucs 3.792.847 5,489,888
l)e¡son¡cl cosrs r30,000 r.10,000
Prograrn costs 3,500,000 3.700.000
Othe l costs t 50.264 200,000
'lbrll cxpenclitutc"^ 3,780,264 4,030,000
Ilxccss (cleficit) r 2,583 1.459.888
Collcge bookstore
l{cvc¡Lres 887,152 950,000
l)erson¡cl cos¡s r 00,000 75,000
ll oglarn cosrs 940,432 700,000
Odrcr costs 50,000 50,000
'Ioral lìxperdinres 1 .090.432 ¡125,000
Llxcess (dctciù -203,280 r25,000
I{cvcnucs 289,000 300.000
Pc¡sonnel costs 225,000 I00,000
I)rogr'arl costs 225,000 175,000
Other cosrs 20,000 20,000
'Jìrr,rl cx¡rcrr.lirur:cs /+70,000 295,000
t'.xccss (Jcfirit) -1¡ .000 5,000
Total Arr-rilirry Enterpriscs 10,100,000 1r,010,000
Revenrres t6,554, 695 l7,85o,ooo
Expenditurcs 10,100,000 I1,010,000
Exccss (dcficit) 6A54, 695 6,840,000
llrmrnr Case Strrtly: (ilcclhill Collcgc 45
Appendix D: Undergradrrate Majors as a Percentage of
Uu<lergraduate EnrolLnent
Majors 20rol20t1 200912010 20081200<) 200712008
Nr n,bcr l)clcenragc Nrrnrbcr Pcrcentrgc Num[¡er Pcrccn ragc
Nunrl¡cr Pelccntage
llrrsi¡css 225 11 7).1tlo 2t5 13.633a/a 210 14.95701¡ 195
Nulsing 195 l1 .545o/o I8u I1 .921o/o 100 7.123o/c' 90 6.961o/o
lilcnrent:rly LJue,rtit'n t35 7 .99.,v' 130 L2/+4o/o 120 8.547o/o
100 7 ,734%
l)sychoìogy 102 6.019a/o 95 6.024% B1ì 6.268<Yo 65 5.027o/o
lliology t0l 5.98001, 95 6.024,/, B¡I 6.2680k 75 5.800%
Iìnginccr ilg 93 5.506'/o B5 5.390o/r' 7B 5.5560/o 6tì 5.2590/c'
71 4.2Q4o/o 67 4.24901¡ 65 4.6300/o 6l 4 .71P,o/o
Vr irilg 61 3.6) )'/t 57 3.614o/o 5(r 3.989%¡ 65 5.027þ/a
(lo¡su¡rcr Scicllcc 6t ).612a/,, 59 3.7111% 58 4.131o/a 65 5.C)
Àccountìng 59 49% 55 .48,8% 50 .56l,ot¡ 45 .l.480,/0
Physical liclucation 54 l97o/o 5l 1.234% 48 3.419o/o 39
Mccìia (lornn'rruric¿tions 60 030o/o 7) ).297% 45 3.205olt 41
lìcligion 68 .0000/o 49 3.ll)7o/o 45 3.2054/o 40 3.0()4o/a
Sociology 52 .079o.4¡ 49 1.107o/o 42 2.99],% 39 .l.0l6r/o
Cìlrernistly 5l .0200k l¡t )..41îo1¡ 35 2.493% 32 2.47 5o/o
Mathcrn¿rtic 48 84201¡ 49 3.11)7olt 42 2.991o/o 39 3.016%
IìngJish 45 .661totr¡ 48 3.044t'lt 4) 3./.t90o/a 47 1.635tyn
(lomputcl Scicncc )5 480o/¡ t8 2.4101/o 17 2.6350/o 44 3.4030h
Athletic'1i aining ]2 895<Ya l1 1.9660h l0 2.137o/o 29 2.243%
Social ùi/ork 2.) 717þ/o 28 1.7760/o 25 |.7Blo/o 21 1 .624%
llisroly 27 599o/o 2B 77 6tv', 27 |.9 )30 27 2.088o/a
.Spanisìr ),6 1 .539o/o 19 1.2050/o 17 1.2114/a I6 1.217o/o
(lomr¡u nic¿tion 2l L243o1¡ 16 r.0i5% r9
|.15301, ]B t .392%
l:iconomics 14 0.8290h 9 0.57lo/o 7 ().499'v,r 8 0,6r 9%,
Intclnllion¡l Stuclies 14 o 8790r, 9 0.57lal¡ 8 0.57o/a 5 0.18741
Music fl 0.47 4% 7 0.44401¡ 6 0 4).7tlk l0 0 7710/¡
l'hearlc 6 0..ì55%, 5 0.317|y, 5 0.35601¡ 4 0.309o/t¡
Phiìosophy 6 0.1554,1) 5 0.317o/o 4 0.28 5ol¡ 5 0.JB7o,1'
'l'orrl I JC lr.nrrrllment t571 l(¡98 r404 1293
CßAll S¡"lng 201 I
Appendix E: Undcrgraduate Enrollnent ald Iletention Data
for the University and by Acadernic l)eparttnelrt, Last Four
Maiors 201012011 2009120ro 2008/2009 200712008
1ìrsincss 225 215 210 r95
Nu r siug r95 188 r00 9{l
lllern¡:nt¡r v Ìì.drrca¡ion r35 r30 120 100
Psyclrology 102 95 88 65
lìioÌogy 101 95 8B 75
Iinginccring 93 85 7B 6fr
71 67 6l
WriLi¡g 6l 57 56 65
Consumer' Scicnce 6l 59 5tì 65
Accounting 59 55 50 45
Physical Ilducation 54 5l 4?, 39
Media ComrnLLnic¡tio¡s 60 52 45 41
lLeligiou 6rJ 49 45 4o
Sociology 52 49 h, 39
M;rthc¡lltics 48 49 42 39
linglish 45 4B 49 47
Chcmisr:r-y 5r 3ti 5 .J2
Oomputcr Scicncc 25 38 37 44
 thlctic 'lì aining 32 31 30 ),9
Soci¿ì lWo¡ k 29 28 25 21
Ilisroly ),7 27 27
Spurish 26 l9 t7 16
(ìom¡runic¿tion 21 l6 l9 IB
14 9 7 I
I¡rern¡tion¿i StrLdics 14 9 tì 5
Music I 7 6 t0
e 6 5 5 4
I'hilosophy 6 1 5
llrrn.rnr Casc Stutly: GLccnhill (ìnlcge
Appendix F: Academic Department Full 'lÌrne Equivalent
Conrputcr Scicncc
Adrlctic'1ì ainìng
Cll{ll S¡it1 :Ì01 t
Appendix G: Academic l)epartmerìt þ'ull Tirne Equivalert
Majors 20tol201l 5 yeat change 7o
lleligion 5600 30o/o
BrLsiless 3200 5 8'/,,
NLrrsing 17 0o N/A
Iilcrrcntaly IìdLrcatior 1400 -59otr¡
Psyclrology 2888 35o/o
tliology )5E4 l8o/o
!ìrgiLrccling r150 102%
2200 29o/o
l.ilcrrtrrrc 2088 I0%,
Clo¡surncl Scict'tcc I350 67o/o
Âccorrntirg 1227 (¡24/o
Irh yr ii.r I I'iJ uer t i.,n 703 63ol)
Sociology 2056 25olt
Mathcmatics 2210 43þlt
!Ør itilg 1523 37'v,
(llÌemis^Íy 1822 lSolt
(ìompr.rtcr Sciercc 44() -74o1¡
Arhlcric'lìaining t573 65olt
Sociaì Wo¡k
Spanish 837 ).4o1¡
Cilcr¡a lncl Mcdin 748 1620/o
C)rgaLrizacional (ìonrn 1914 l8%
lì¡:o no nt ics lt60 47olt
Lrccrrrariol¡l Strrclics 200 '41r'/¡
Music ì 861 45%
'Ihcaue 679 7lL'
Philoso¡>hy 843 '9olt
Il,rrranr --- Casc Strrdyr tìrccnhill ûnlcgc
Appendix H: Grceuhill College Organizational Chart
Collcge Deans
lì.csic{cncc Lifc
Malkcting Iìoocl Scrvicc
(ìaupus Ministlics
Sruclcnt l-caclclship
l.-inlncial Âicl
VP Co¡rmunication
Public Iìclations
lìaculry l)cvclopmen r Un ivclsity lìcl¡Iions
Acader¡ic lìesoulce
Ce ¡ter'
Studeu t l:ìinancial
CßAR Sping 20 t t

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  • 1. lìnrnr Casc Stucly, Grrcnhill Collcgc Case Study: Greenhill College Drnn B,rnuu Geotge Fox University dbal [email protected] ABSTRACT: Greenhill College is an organizational de cision- tnaking case study involving the financial stability of a fictitious small, private, religious liberal a¡7s college with an'enrollment of more than 2,000 students. Traditional, small liberal a¡fs colleges, long a staple of the Anerican higher education scene, are facing unprecedenterl challenges for survival. Steadily rising tu¡t¡on costs, stiff competitt0n for students, and escalating operãtional expenses represent iust sone of the pressures currently confronting Greenhill College. The college faces the innediate threat of an unbalanced budget, difficult decisions on financial and non-financial issues, and the need to manage possible morale issues. Finally, the administration nust carefully address the potential of internal and external perceptions of the viability of Greenhill College. THE CASE STU DY Plovost Chad l.ogan anrblcd along the recl bricl<ecl pathway leading to Centcnnial IJall, the 10O-yearold orig- inal adrnìnisuation builc{ing of Glccnhill College, esrab- lìshecl ìn 1909 by a grorrp of:¡xotestant clclgy and lil<e- mìnclecl cducators rvho rvantcd an alteurative to dre secttlar instìtutions of theil cla¡ 'fhe college had rer¡ained nue to
  • 2. iß hìs^tolical roots as a faìth-basccl, Chlistian, intcrclenorni- natioual ins¡iturjor. Clracl entclecl, rnl[<ing Ìris wiry dir:ectly to Affails Officc. Suc (ìrant, thc clc¡rarrncnt leccprionisr, was on the phone and,,^hot hiln a waun srnile ancl mouthed, "Goocl rrolning."'fhc rcd blinking light on his ¡rhone caught his eye as hc entelcd his oûìcc. l-lc rcached ovcl aud punchec{ in his^ codc arcl listcned to ir pleasant voicc tclling him he hacl sìx new rr-ressagcs,'l-he lr.rosr feccr'ìt was L]ìncLson ù(/ìlson, longtinc pr:csiclcnt of Glcenhill, wbo rvantec{ hinr to call as soon as hc gor il. 'l'cn mìnrrtes latcr he w,rs ¡^eated in the ¡rrcsident'.s offìcc on thc seconcl floor'. Chad still corrlcln't dccicie if lre lil<ecl Wilson. ,At olle r.¡'rol¡'rcnt he coulc{ bc walm and fr icncll¡ rhc ncxL cold ancl unbcncling. l'hc unpled icrabiliry of rhc r¡au'.s naturc clcarcd sucss lmong all thosc arouncl hin. "Ch:rd, you bcttcr ¡ray l'ì-rorc attcntioÌl tc¡ thc ltcw stu- clent cnrolhncnr projecrions fòr this fall," Wilson saici. "l saw.Al Sandels dris rlolning in rhe gym, and hc tclls mc Dcxt fallì ncw studcnr numl¡ers ale projectecì to t¡e down frorn dris year','fl.ris is tl.rc I have hcarcl ofìt, aud Iil not too ha¡rpy aboLrr being kept ouc of drc loop. I Leally clonì like l.rcaring thìs news fior¡ thc director of ac nis- sio¡s." Cha<1 felt tha¡ nowÊrmiliar pang of wouy in his stor¡- ach, Unfoltunatcl¡ G¡eenhill lacl<ecl rhe significanr endow- mcnL, imrnediate name recognition, and thc stcrling acr- clcrlic reputarion of irs corrperition. Evcn though Grccnhill had a rich histor'¡ rhe glaLìng lacl< ofa big cudow¡rlent and populal recognition lcsulrecì in con- tiuual tnanciirl pres^sure. Greellhill was a tuitìon-dlivel institution. lÌiglity-five perccnt of the annual budget rcv- clruc calrc fiom stuclcnt tuition c{ollar'"^. Chacl dcspìsccl this dcpcndercc or s(uclent aclmissìons. I-le l¡elievecl it tcl be a
  • 3. strangleholcl on the collcge's ability Lo move fonvald. (lhad u,asn't fi ustratcd wirh AI bccause hc knew lü/i1son plobably put him on the spot earliel drat molning in drc gyn. Øilsorr'.s managcrnent style dicln't confine hirn to the office. He coulcl bc like a cat on thc plowl. I Ic loved thc collegc a¡rd believed ìt was appropliatc to asl< auy cnrploycc -- at any :rnd ¡rlace - about thcil job, In .,JB clì,4.1ì S)r.,/lj 20_r / pârt tlìis corLlc{ be goocl. linployccs lurew hc carcd. Yct it also coulcl be strcssful, and rlaybc inappm¡rriatc, sucll as in dre gyrl. Al Sanclcrs, ovcrwcight ard not thc worlcl',s healthicst c¿ìtcr, ccrtainìy didn't Deecl t<l be Lradgele<l abour acl¡issions whìle he exelcisecl. 'I'hc poor guy had enoLrgh plessule in his lifè.'l-liar'.s why he was in thc gyrn in thc fir'st place , Iìather than being visionar:¡ 'Wilson was leac- tionar¡ Ile really wasnì a lun guy ¡o be aloundl l-le wasn't dre type of leadcl peoplc would go to thc wall for'. At timcs ü/ilson just sirr4rly coulcl not kcep the bigger pìctule in r¡ind.'Ial<e the adl¡ìs^sions situ¿rtion. Al Sandels'role was integral ro a strong incoming freshllen class. So what dicl Wilson doì Irle cornered hirn in rhe rvcight roorn anc{ asl<ccl hinr ¿bout aclmìssions for rrcxt ycar. (/hy not tal<e a diffclent approach and jusr ask Al how he was doìng and lcavc it at drarì Al woulcl have responcled nuch better'. Vilson shifred his Lall, r'ail tbi¡ fi ar¡c uneasily in his lcadrer swivcl chair'. His be:rklikc nosc aud thìnning hait re mindecl Chad of that guy fnrt rhe WizaruI of Oz. Vliat
  • 4. was his natne? "'ùØe ale so ¡ui¡ion-c{r'iven, ir i¡-r.ì't fìrûny. lir councing ,'r) yol¡ lo blin6 in tltc llut¡Lrcls.' Chacl l<neu, thc pressule lfilson fclt l'¡om a clemancliug lìo:rrc{ of'li ustccs. 'l-lrc ¡rresent cla ir highcl ecluc¿ttiorr w¿ts one ol'diu-ririshirg lìcleral arcl state clollar'"^, fielce compe- tition fol stuc{cnts fiom statc schools, ancl an alalmir.rg lise in private college tuitions, ìncìLrcling (ìr'eenhill. As if rliis wclcn't enouglr, dre le"^pecred Cbroniclc oJ'l'{ighcr Educ¿tiott hacl just cone out wirh a report that said, "lVith the ¡rend rowarcl arteuding lower-cost aìtelnativcs, thc business n.roclcl olt plivatc collcgcs - highcr pliccs fol plc- rlium products - is bcing tcstcc{. Affbldabilìry ìs rhe largcst challcngc 1¡oing folwaltl said ¡he aclmissions dilector of one very selecrìve small plivate college..." (Van De Werf, 200tì, p, 5).'fbe Chlonicle predicted difficult days ahead fol the small, private, liber:al arLs collegcs. "l.rncr'*orr. lllc surnrncr i., llway. l wnìring g.rrn.: yorr know that," said Chad. "Yes, but what ale you doing now to rnake sule we get the rìght numLrelsl Are you sure.Al Sanders is the right guy for úe job? l{c's so laid bacl<, it malccs r¡c rrcLvous."
  • 5. Chad intensely dislikecl drcse l<inds of convelsations with Wilson. At the first sign of tlouble, he wanred to fire someone ancl usually it was one of his peoplc. I Ie corrlcl bc so impatient. Chacl suuggled with a ¡rresidcnt who at litncs see Ìrcd more to woly, tlìan âct in faith drat God would plovide. 'fhe dyuan.rìc of inregraring one's faiú with his or hcr work was an oft-used pl.rrase at (ìr'cenhill,'l'his seenred like a good tilne to ¡rlacticc tliis, thought Chad. "Emcrsorr, Al is doing a good job for us. He',s thor'- ough, well olganizecl, and on top of things." 'i'he slightly balc{ing collcgc ptesic{cnt atchccl his thin cycbrows ìn doubt. "You l,errer be r:ight on this onc (]hac{. l loncstl¡ oul Decl$ ¿Ìr'c on the chopping blocks." Greenhillt Challenge Clhacl krew Glcenhill wrs facing solne leal olganiza- tional challengcs. He decicled ro sort things our, inc[rding devebping a srrategy oit how to confiont thc issucs, bcforc his next rleeciug with X/ilson. Uncìetgtaclunre entolll¡ent was projcctcd to clccrcase sevell pelcerlr fiom l,689 in 2009-2010 ro 1,571 in 2010-201 l. At $2(r,180, annual tuition pel stuclent, a seveu pcÌcent ilÌcrease ovel the previ- ous ycar, tlìat rlcant a dccline iD anricipated ¡uition rev- enucs o[ $ I .7 millk¡n. lìoolrr and Lroalc] fol dre stuclents living on can¡ru"^ was $8,320 fbr next ycar.'l'his teplcscnt- ecl a three percenr ir-rcrease ovcl last ycar'ìs ¡oom ancl boaltl latc of$8,070. Wirh a clccline of I18 sttrdents, ¡ha¡ lcclucccl roorlr ancl board rcvenues by ar¡oúer $475,584. 'fhe stateì dcmoglaphic data on high school gracltrates
  • 6. for thc nex¡ seven yeals wns sitting on Chad'.s c]esl<. called fol a dccli¡rc in high school glacluatcs fiom the previons ycar ancl contìnuiug for the next six ycars. l-hc plcviolrs ycal it hac{ bccn fout ¡rctccnt anc{ ncxt yeal it woulcl bc six ¡rcrccnt.'fhe ùilc1 yeat it was ptoject- ecl to bc cight pclccnt, Ilrrolll'ìlent could lre a kng-telrr challenge fòr' Gree nhill. Gracluate enlolh¡en¡ ;lojecrcd a two perceut decline lol nexr year'. lll 2009-2010, gladuate proglams hacl enlollecl 700 glirduaLe stucìent"^. Projectìous fôt next ycar, even with thc two ncw gladuâte progrãms slated to strut this fall, lo¡ccasted an enrollmeur of686 whìch was l4 fewcr graduatc studcnts. 'fhis lepresented a $ I 16,760 clecline in gladunte tuìtion. Chad quickly adc{ecl all threc uur¡bcrs.'fhe total rcv- enuc shor tfàll was slightly rnorc than $2 mìllìon ìn tuition and room aucl board revenue,'lb l¡al(e m¿ìtrers wolse, Grecnhill hacl ahcacly announced ro undergraduate sru- tlenrs the sevelì pelcent rrndelglacluatc tuition increase. VhaL woulcl it look lilce if the college raised tuition againl Chacl knew the Greenhill College Iloald of'l'tustees had cstablìshed a set of strategic .rssun.ìptious for the administratiorr to follow.'l'hese included a $500,000 con- rìngency fund, a conrinued focus on undclgracluatc and gracluate acadclr.ric programs, evaluati<¡n of acadetlic pto- grams showing cleclinc ol stagnant growdr, anc{ a marc{at- cd institu¡ional balanced budget.'l'here was also auxìl- ialy cnrer'¡.rlise budgct and otlìer increiìses in the new [,uclg- er.'fhesc inclLrcied sur¡ll-lcL ln¡intcnancc ¡rlojccts of ll¡rr:rnr Crse Srrrdy: (ìrccnhill Collcge J9
  • 7. $1,225,000, a $975,000 ltrcttlty rnc{ s^taflr sirl:uy itrctcasc (rrna¡ no uncecl), ud $3ó0,000 in new acadeuic plogtams to lìanìc a few'fhe collcgc aclmiui¡^lr:rtiot] lr¡d a lot ro consideL. (ìcr:tainly thc 2010-201I fiscal ycal btxlget had to [¡e balauced. Shoulcl the urcletgracluate tuition be ¡aisccl a second timcì ?ha¡ abottt a gtaduate progran ruitiou ìncte¿rse? I-low about the $360,000 cotntnittecl (o ncw âca- dcnic ptogtants in 2010-2011? Might the $1.,225,000 declicate<.l to sLlrìrurer lÌ.Ìainten¿trce ¡rrojccts bc clelayec{? Should somc acacleuric programs ancl et'cl faculty bc elirni- ¡ateclì lhat about not ltollowìng rlrtoLtgh on the as yer iurÌour)ced faculty,rncl sLaltfsala[y i¡rc|easesÌ No¡re of thcse options welc pclfect. hr fact each cauied less-than-plcasaut ¡ar¡ifications. Finall¡ Chad hacl to thinl< al¡out drc iuter'- nal and cxtctnal of Greenhìll given this fiuan- cial c¡ises. Might can.tptrs uor¿rle trccome an issue ? Chad kncw he hacl to take thc lead olt this âlld n.ìâl<c sotnc cough dccisions. 'l-hc vety futttrc olt fìr'ccnhill Colìege resred on thc"^e dccisìons. Greenhillt History Glccnhill College had bcen ftrundecl in 1909 as a tcli-
  • 8. gious, liberal arts collegc.'l-he collcge liad 30 under.gladuate nrajor"^, the top tour being busìuess, nutsing, eclucation, atld I,i,'1,'gy. N,'r ¡ll "ftl',*c lU rnrior'' lvctç tì,)wir)8. Urrdclgt.tJtntc srrrd(t)l cr)rôllr)ì(r)l w.ì iìl I'l'8') (2(l()')- 2010). ln thc last tcn ycars sittcc 2000, ùe collcgc hac{ Iaunchcd gtaduatc programs irt cclucatiou, [rttsiness, atrcl psycJrolog¡ whìch ac{decl rrole thiìn 700 grirc{uate stucleucs (2009-2010). Grecnhill had 360 curployecs, I50 oÍ whorn are legular', full-time lìculty (1 I0 turclerglacluate and /+0 gracluarc). Cìrccnbìll ha<l an active stutlenc lile progtam rvith l)role than 85 perccDt ofthe u Lrclct gl :rcluatc studcnts lìving in can.rpus les^ideucc halls. Gtatluate sruclenrs livccl in town ol ncalby. 'I'Jre collcgc c<¡ru acted wirh a ua¡ional lòocl selv- jce ltol all orl-ciìlnpus sttLdcnt trreals and catering Íòt otl- campus events.'fhe collcgc was accrcdited with tlìe Nolthcast Â.ssociation olt School"^ ancl Collcgcs GLccnhìll was ¿r u.ìcrììbcr of LLre N¡r¡ional (Ìtllege A.thlerìc Assocìation, Division 'l-hlec, and oßìr'cd a wicle vaticty of ncu's and worlcl'.s "^polts,'I'hc ¡-rtirraty
  • 9. sotttce ofi financial revcnues camc fior'¡r studcnt tttition cìollars. ,A.PProxilllately 85 Pcr- cc¡t of tcvenuc was tuitiort-gellcriìted, I hc lcllaining 1 5 pclcelrt came fior¡ tcsttictecl aud uulcsrlictcd giving fiom donors ancl moucy gcttct'irtcc{ fiotr thc collcgcì erlclow- nent. !lhilc Grecnhill was ptìvatc, stu<lenrs sLill welc eligi- blc làr'fècleral ancl state collegc loau ptoglaurs ClLeenhill l¡acl an acrc{cnric schoìarshi¡r plogralll thiìt awaldccl tnouey ro cligible studcuts. L) n clet gt acìttatc Luirion fòr thc 2010- 201 I acaclcmìc yc:rl was $26,1 80 and roo¡r and board as $11,320.'l-hc typical fìruncial aid pacl<agc was rììolc thar.r $ J 1 ,000 pcl studenr. Graduatc ruitiol w¿rs $695 pel scut"s- rer creclir hout.'l-hc avcragc gradttatc stttdcu¡ w¿rs cnrollecl il'l six hout"^ pcr serÌÌester ot l2 houts pet ycar'. l-hc aunltal budgct of $56 urilliou wrs well rlanaged, and while it clid- n't allow l'or all ncccls to be mct it did satisly most.'IlÌe col- lege cullcutly had au enclowmeut, which gcncrate<{ less tl.ran $l million auuuirlly. L)uring the prcvìous rwo fiscal ycâr's, thc endowment lÌâs lost 30 petccDt of its valrtc. Case Study Conclusion (lhad l¡elievecl that as a fàith-based institt¡tiou, Gleenhill had been callecl to bc a good stewarcl of its rcsoulccs (Matthcr¡, 25 1 4-30). wondetccl how this L¡ib-
  • 10. lical nandate translated into subsequeut olganizatiotlal deci"^ions he and orhets wotrld be called ttpotl ro makc. Stcwaldship of rcsoutces meirut usiug fiuaucial rcsottrces rvisel¡ but ir also implied tnauagiug lìtlman resoulccs^, such a"^ effcctively faculty and staff, f)ne coulcl iuterptet this to n.reiru addlessing ltaculty pcrlotuancc issues Øas Grccnhìll putting tlìc best ltaculty in tÌre classloorr.r? Iìelatcd (o tlìis was also thc tuition qucstioll. Studeuts welc fàciug incleasing challengcs of aflòr'clability. He l<new of sttttlcn¡s wlio helcl sevcral off-canpus jobs jLrst to m¿rke eLrcls t'neer. (livcn thc hìgh cost ofcollegc, diclu't Greenhill havc a responsibiiiry to provicle studcrts widr dre best ltaculq' pos- siblc? lWas this nor a fuucìanctttal stewatclship ilrpetative? Yet pcrhaps tlìc gre¿tcst snrrgglc Chad facccl was the bibli- cal plinciple to trca( pcople failly ol as hc would want to Lrc r'carccl (Matthew 7:12). "|)ct unto otheLs as you would want tlleln to do ru)to yoti' kcpt ringilg ìn his e¿us 'l-he quesrion of fàculty layoffs rvcighed hcavìly on Clhacl, 'l'he dilemma, r'naybc cven Lhe tr-rol ¿rl q[cstion, olt layiLrg off a longtirnc, loyal, ciecent but uo¡ cxccllelr faculty rncurbel in
  • 11. olcJer to ptoviclc studcnts wj[l] ir sttpclior tcachct ìn dre classmotn continually plâgucd Chad.'fltis was uot simply an ecouolnic clilemma, btrt also a spiritual urancl:rte. Chac{ also t¡clicvccl in the bil¡lical plinci¡rle rlrat evcly r¡an should bc paid his cluc lor a clay'.s wolk (Matdrcw 2AJ44). J his led to thc cluesriou oltwl.rctbct the ur'ìarl- uouncec{ faculq, salirty ittctea"^e should bc itttPlcureutcd. Cluistian colleges histolically wcle bchincl trrost schools iu rclms olt l'aculry salaly lo,els. Gl'ecnhill uccdcd to iucre¿rse làcLrlry salarics, yet Cbacl l<ncw he coulc{ teca¡llrttc soue n.ronics by not institttciug thc ploposccl inctcascs, tü/oulcl such ¿rcLjorr bc incousìstcnt rvith the bil¡lical plinciple of] paying pcoplc a fair wagc (Malaclii 3:5)? A¡^ provosr, Cha<[ knew Glecnhill Collcge absolurely nccdcd to a<1c{rcss orgartizatic)rlal i¡^sucs aud clilcctiou Ycs, thc immecliatc ptoblcur was thc $2 million cle lìcìt, but 40 ClAl Spiny 201t lar'¡¡er', morc criticrl issucs of orgirnizarional dynamics antl
  • 12. evcn survi¡al cast an i¡visiblc shadow ovel the quiet carr- prr.s.'l'hcre was woth ¡o do, and Ch¿cl l<neiv it woulcl ¡al<e the efforr of a reprcsentative gr:otrp of làcult¡ stirff and adninistlatols. Ile clcciclecì to appoirìt a bluc tibl¡on st¡ate- gy tasl< fòr'ce to addless thc ìssucs facing GLeenhill Cìrllegc. The bìL¡lical principle of coLrntìng rhe cost to Chaclì mincl (l-uhe 1z+: 28-30). 'I'he inregrirtion ol'rhis bil¡lical pr:inciple with Grccuhill'.s budgct rrranagcrlcrìt proccss wotrlcl bc an important first stcp fòr the tasl< fòr'ce. TEACHING CO NTEXT AND BATIONATE 'I'lÌiù^ case stu(ly was specifically desigoccl fol alld ¡rrod- tuct tesred in a seniorlcvel organizational bchaviol c<lulsc at a church-r'elatecl, libelal alts univcrsìt¡'Ì-he case study seemecl to have particular. appcal to scnior busiucss nrajor,'^ in part becituse oi theìr fanriììaLity with the olgauizatiou (rnosr ha<1 l¡ccn cnlollccl fol loul year:s), aucl dre issues "^uch as tuirion inclcascs ancì l'acìlities were ofin¡eles¡.'l'he class was r¡acle up oÍ acconnting, Êrance, mauagerlent, and markering stu<ìcnts. Lr this course, stuclcn¡s leaured the dynarr-ric nar:rrc ofolganizations ancl that thete arc no clear cut-cl.roices when it coures to budget, ptogtam, and bumat't resource clecisions within organizations. Ilobcrt I(rcitner and Angelo l(inicki (2010) wrote thirt "organìzarìonal behavìol deals wirh how peoplc act ancl react in ot'ganiza- tions of all kincls" (p. 5), Fol stuclcnt.s iu otganiz-ational bchavior, this case stucly sougbr to plovidc thcrn thc oppol tuniry co les¡rond to ¡,^olne of the cliftfìcr-rlt situations laccd by olgariz-ntions. Seeking ro undcrstand thc im¡ract
  • 13. o1i dccì"^ion-rnal<ing in an organiz,ation is onc of thc ulti- nratc óbjectiyes of organizarìonal l¡ehavior. I'his case stutly wa. d..,igrrc.l to rrl¡ìcvc rlrir.'l'jccrivc. 'Ihe case str.rcly lequiled a significant usc ofclass tinc. 'l'bis callccl frrl a sclious altela¡ion of the syllabus as rvcll as the instructol tnlning a good portion of thc class ovcr ro ¡he srucìents, Initially thclc werc questious, ü/ould thi"^ even rvo¡lçì tVould stuclents ¡ake tlre case study seliously? ù7ould they bc accountablel How woulcl thc administla- tìon res¡roncì t<l seniols delvìng ìnto casc srucly issr,rcs that no cloul¡t rlillotccl thcir orvn institution? Iìr,cn though the case study rvas lìctitious, rhe si¡rjlalities mighr havc hit too closc to homc. I(cnncth Ilblc (1979) saicl rhat tcirching lecluilcs a "willingncss to rake lislcs," an<1 that "tcaching is nor: a safc occupatjor'r, cithcr for tcachel ot studetrt" (p. I57). I take heatt, if not coutagc, fi.ortt thcsc worcl"^. Not only was thc pcdagogy lisl<1', i¡ ¿1tu tequilcd a mincìset drat ny rcaclring coulcl implove. X/ciner' (1990) suggcsts that fàcult¡"'continuc to lcly on thc tcachìDg rìrethods drey have alwal,s Lrsecl dcspire rcse¿rrch clocr¡- l¡enting the ncccl fot students to learn acLiveLy" (p. xi). I have ncvcr tlicd usìrg a lengthy case study in organizatiou- al L¡ehavìol befole. ìlaculty mLlst be opcr'ì ro t:rkìng risl<s in ¡hc classloon.r and be willing to nove outsiclc thcil corn- fcrr:rable paracligms and look for crcativc and innovate ways ro truly engagc stuclents, even ìl it is uncomfoltable. 'l'he pcdagogical changc I was about to eml¡alh upor.r requilecl both lisl< as well:rs a paradigm shift in nly thinking. dris lcngthy casc study in class was a departure for me as a åculty mcnrbcr'.
  • 14. 'Would stuc{ents be motivated to tluly cugage il the ca¡^c study was^ anotlÌer mâjor questiorÌ. Nigel Nicholsor.l (2003) said rhe job of úe m:rnager ir.r morivating enploy- ces is to "cleate rhe cilcunsrances in which uheil inherent l'r-roriv¿rrion - dre natulal co¡rmitrlcnt alcl chivc that rlost people have - is fi ecd alcl chaunelcd towarcl ¿rchicvemcnt goals" (p. 57).'l-hc samc concept applies to thc classrt¡orr.r. fhis casc stud¡ il wlrìch stuclen¡s wete lccluìr'cd to actually plcscnt a balanced budger by naking some tough olgauizational c{ecisious, was ìuhetendy moti- vating to studcnts.'l-hcy wclc givcn a,,^ignificar.rt amount of lesponsìbilit¡ irutholity, and,rutouolt'ry to aclclress dre seli- or¡s issucs fàcing (ìr'ccnirill Collcge. lìec{elick [lclz.belg (2002) refeLrccl to this in the woll< wolld:rs job enr:ich- lner¡ I and yerlical job loading where cmployees are moti- vated by intlinsic lcwarcls (r. 1). A sroly rbar was intcgrat- ed with real-lifc nlarìagcmcnt issues, at least iu this case, proved to be goocl nlotivatiou fol leatniug. Anorhei. i¡tcrcsting lesult of this class i"^ what I call thc accountability fàctor'. Corrld stttc{eu¡s bc countecl on to risc ro rlle occasiol) ancl hold thcmsclvcs accountable ftr rhcir' work since rhe teaûìs have so much au torooryl 'Ihomas (lonnellan (2003) saicl, "llc surc everyc¡ne urtderstancls the gorl" when it comes to accountabiliry (p. 57). Studcnts in
  • 15. olganìz.ational bchaviol cìcar:ly l<new drcy hrd ro dcvelop a balancec{ budgct with tbc casc srucly.'fhey had to lccluce the Glec¡bill institutio¡al butlger Lry more rlìau $2 r¡illion. Cìnnellan also saicì, "'l'hc rres^sage I gct lìorr peoplc is, 'l-ct me know what you wânt l'ne to clo, holcl mc accotttrt- able fol geLLing rcsultr^, rrnd ger out o1'thc wty"' (p.77). 'f iris was preciscly what hap¡reued in thi"^ class. I plcsentcd the challengc, tolcì stuc{cnts they wcrtc accountablc fòt bal- :ucing Glecrhill'.s budgct, ar.rcl rurnecl thcm loosc. l'his was bodr ficeing and frusnating ftrl stuclcnts, yct I sîw dlelr holcl thcr¡sclvc"^ accountalrie for thcìr'wotk ptoduct. ll:rrrr¡r Casc Strrdyr Grtcnhill ûrllcgc SUGGESTED TEACHING APPROACHES AND OUESTIONS 'l'hc CìLcenhill Collegc ca"^e snrcly cau l¡e rtsecl in rr l)unlbcr of llusirìess classcs, irtclttcliug fìnaucc, accouutillg, business managetlcnr, olgatriz-atioual bchaviol, a¡rcl busi- ness etlìics. 'l-hclc alc uc¡ clear'-cLtt choiccs ill tcllns olr budgct, progtam, aucl people dccisiols. All will havc irr.r¡ract on rhe org:rniz-ariou. Scel<ing to ¡ninimiz'e Lhc irnpact and continuitrg to lllove ll']c orgattizariotl ltotwaxl in a ¡rositive clirection tttust be dre ultil¡a¡c objcctive. 'l'his case has bccu classtoonr tested itt l sclliorlcvel
  • 16. olganiz-ational bchaviot class of mole than 35 unclelgr:aclu- atc busincss:urd accoutrriug majots.'lihe cl¿rss was tlividecl into tc¿ ofsix who wcr:c reqttitcd to cat'cfully lead anc{ analyz-e thc case as if thcy wete drc admiltisttator'"^ at Gleenhill.'fhc srudcn¡s wetc givcn a casc stucly attalysis guidclinc ancl wctc lccluired to cousL¡lt with aucl olrtaìn sig- naturcs ftotr-r at lcast tllrcc acluriuisrtators al thci!-own institutio¡r, At thc encl of the selr.rcstct, each leatrl lrâdc a majol plcsentation as to their finclilgs and Ltltir¡a¡e dcci- siols.'llhis casc rvas highly irtetactivc with studctrts vig<lt- ously debating thc issttcs widrin ancl at tilncs oulsìdc thcil tealìs. Scrious cousidelation shoulcl be givetr to how Grccnhìll Collcge'.s lìuancial c{ccisiou-mal<ing tellccts the teachings ofScliptule. A sLrggestecl tcaching apptoach woLrld be to incluclc how dre sctiptttral it'nperativcs to tleirt people fairl¡ pay a làit wage, aucl to bc goocl ancl lairhful stcwalds olt Goc{-providccl resoulccs shottld im¡ract the [ludgcr rrranagclnel] t pl ocess.
  • 17. Lcarning Outcornes I. Studcnts sbould fulthcl cìcvclop theil tttlcJelstauc{iug of systcms thinking in theil clccision-mahilg (Sengc, 1990), 'l-he iclea tbat organizational clecisions alc trot lladc in isolariou, lrut rathct atc iutcrrclatecl is a cr'ìt- ical conccpr ft¡t students to leat'u in this case stucl¡ 2. StLrc{cnts will lcaln ir<¡w fìnancial and nou finaucial clara im¡racts an otganizatìoni decisions, a¡cl tha¡ i¡ is ctitical to irnalyz.c antl givc applopliate weight to borh. 3. StLrdenrs r¡,ill s^ee tbc value ancl ptoductivity ofwoll<- ing in teams an<l how cach nrcml¡er ltts solnclhin!! ft) contlibute. 4. Stuclents will clcvcJop clitical analysis aud clitical thìnl<ing sl<ills alcl lcaur the valrtc of using thcsc to supporL a po"^irìon. I)iscussion Questions and Issues for Consideratiotr L'ùØhat ¡re the clitical is^st¡cs itnd ltow would yotr cltfcc- rivcly aclclr'css thcl.r? 2. How might CLecnhill'.s fìnancial plessure"^ impact ot gauiz-ationirl cttltule? 3. X/hat might bc souc cxauplcs ¿ru(l Iatrilìcatious of Gleenhill rlakiug isolated ralhcr than iutcrtelatccl
  • 18. c{ecisions ìu its attcu¡rt to solve thc cutlcn¡ cris^e¡^Ì (systcms drinking iu organiz,arions) 11. ØbaL night be sourc exaurplcs aud lamificaticlt'ls of GLeenhill uaking intctrelatccl Iadtcl than isolatc<l clecisions in irs attelt-t1lt to solve thc ctttteut criscsì (systems thinl<ing iu otganiz'arìons) 5. 7hat rr.right be the valuc of thc lllue lìibl¡on']åsk lìorce on (ìrecnhill's culturc aucl molllcl 6. llow would you utiliz,e ctitical thinl<ing au<ì analysis to aclc css úc lìnancjal atrcl odrer Pertincrlt issucs facing Gr:eenhill Collcgcl 7. I low night Glecnlrill (ìollegc'.s leaclelship liaidrfully intcgr:atc the bìblical plinciplcs of fìnaLrcìal lnanage- ncnr ancl s¡ewirrclship of Gocì ptovìclecl lesoutces itl it"^ buclgcting ptoccss atrcl institutìoltal decision t.naLingl RETERENCES (Ìr¡oellan, l'.1(. (2003. lli)ßing olrt tLe but it¡ otlte¡s Atrstinr llrecl llless. llblc, I(. l:1. (1976). 1fu un/ì al tutrilrlrg S:rn Ììrarrcisco: Josscy-lìitss PLrl>lishing. )lcrzbcrg, lì. (2002). Onc nuttt tittte: flotu rlo lou nttttht(rt( cl
  • 19. lloyut? (ìambliclgc: H¡rvrlcl Ìlusirrc"^s School Publishing. l(rcirocr, Ìì., & l(inickj, Â. (2010). Oryanizuìonal |¡dutiot New Vr¡ h: Mc(iraw-[-lill L win l)utrlishiog Njclrolson, N. (2003). J10w to itnlilxtt( 1101t1 lrohLnt 2eople Carrl.lricllic: IJalr,.r'd llusincss School l)Lrblishing- Scngc, ll M. (1990). |'he.lìJìh ììst7lara Ncw YoLl<: Doublcd.ry. Va¡ I)c Wc¡í, M. (20011). l:ittnnìaltrn'tr,inry ¡tnr./ th,: r¡lnissìtn¡s tlax oJ'2008. Washìng,Lon, I).(1.: Chro¡iclc llcscalch Sclviccs. 'Wcjncr', M. (19)0). lnt¡nr.,in¡q n//e,1( tt/l(1:tilt! Sl:'t lìtncisco: Josey- Ila"^s. .12 clltR s¡rìns )01 I Appendix A: Staternent of Currelt Þ-und lìevenues and Expenditures 2oo9l20t0 20tot20tl Reve¡rues Educrtìorll rrrd gcuelll StudenL tuitiou uLrdclgladu:rcc 42,892,t 55 41.128.780 Studcnt tuitior gladuatc 5,838,000 5,721,240
  • 20. (ìovelnrlcnt grants 15 0.000 400,00r) Privatc gifts and grants 1.200.000 900,000 j'llrdowrnenr incollc 8 50,000 800,000 Other tevenucs 200,000 250.000 J-otal cclucaticlnaL ald gcnelal rcvcnucs 5t.330.155 49,200,020 Auxiliaty cuterplises 6.165.824 6,840,u00 'lì¡tal leveuues 57,240,979 56,C)40, tZt) Expcnditures EdLrcational ancl genelal Academic illstructiol'l 29,000,000 29,300,000 Acaclcmic srrpport r,900,000 2,000,000 Sruden¡ selvicc.s 2,900,000 2,950,000 Stud¡:nt lìl¡: l,900,000 2, r 00,000 Inrercollcgiate atl.rletics 1,900,000 2,000,000 Lrstìrutional suppolt 5,000,000 5.200.000 Advanccment 1,900,000 1.900,000 Contingency fu ncl 5 00,000 500,000 Sumnel facilities Í¡roiects I .1 00.000 |,225,000
  • 21. Auxiliary entelprises r 0,r 00,000 1 r ,0r 0,000 I'otal expenclitures 56,2tJU,uoo 5tÌ, r 85,000 Excess (deficit) of revenues over expenditures 1.584.350 - 2,144,980 lr:,r'r,r,, (.r'c Srrr,l¡: t;r'eenhill t irllc¡c Appendix R: Greenhill College Srrrnrnary of Genc¡al Eclucational Expenses 200912010 zotot20tt 200912010 zlJtotzlJtt Acadcrnic Insttuction Intercollegiate Athletics 1,900,000 2,000,000 Schcx¡l of l,ibcral Âr'¡s I 2.l r 2,r)00 r2,200,000 Institrrtional Support School of Ilusincss 5,210,000 5,320,000 lìxecutivc managcnrcrt 2.380.000 2,4 80,000 School of FducaLion 5,36r,000 5,443,000 (lcncr'¡l adminisurtiou r,800,000 1,900,000 Sr:hool ofScicncc 6,237,000 6,.117,000 Èxtcrnal lcl¡rions 820,000 iì20,000 'lttel 29,000,000 29,300,000 lbLel i,000,000 5.200,000 Acadernic Support Advarrccrnent t.900,0(X) 1,900,000 Libr'.rly 1.100.000 l,r 50,000 Plant Operations
  • 22. ìracuJty profèssional growrh 396,000 406,000 Plant aclminisrarion 510,000 520,000 Nerv co¡stnrction r 75,000 225,000 Acaclernic aclninistratiolt J32,000 362,000 lÌuil<ìiog rnaintcnancc 910,000 940,000 (ìr'rcluation 72.000 82,000 Mcch¿¡ical a¡cl elccuicll 780,000 795.000 'llrrl 1,900,000 2,000,000 (l¡ ou nds 495.000 5l 5,000 St[dent Servìces Cusuocliaì scr vices 853,000 870,000 Aciruissions U(ì 1,000,000 1.200.000 I ltiliLics 975,000 t95,000 ()r ien t;r¡ion 12,000 r 7,000 lrirvilonmcnt¡l /Srfè¡ 2,000 2.000 A¡lnissions (llì 400.000 425,000 'Ioral 4.700.000 4,862,000 S¡udcnt fina¡cial scr viccs 832,000 582,000 .AlLoc¡tcd across dcpar-tncnts 0 Rcgistlar 600,000 670.0un C)rhcr'/Ari rl in/Asscssmc¡ t 56,000 56,000 Personncl lJenefiß lb¡¡l 2,900,000 2,950,000 Social scculity 1.350.000 r,400,000
  • 23. Strdcnt l,ife Ilcrir'enrcnt 1,250,000 r,300,000 (ìarnpus nrinisttics 125,000 155.000 Medic;rl irrsLlm¡cc 2,300,000 2.500,000 l)ean of: srrrclc¡ts 316,000 326,000 'Wor'l<er's colnpcnsation rlìd insurancc 175,000 195.000 Assor:i:rte clealr l6rì,000 t8,000 C)r'icnraric¡n 78,000 98,000 Uncn¡rloyment 5,000 4,000 L,ifc 3r cìisabìlity irsrrlancc )7 (OO 1.10,000 l-lcalr:h a¡tl cclunseling celller 256,000 276.000 'lirition lìernissio¡ r,600,000 1,700,000 Acaclenic lcarning ccuter' r92,000 202,000 lìrLaL 6.{ì07.000 7 ,229,000 Security 278,000 298,000 Alloc¡tecl:rctoss clepartrncnrs 0 Mr:lticrltrrel scr'viccs 77,00r) 97.000 (ìalecl dcvel<4rmcnt ccntcr 197,000 207,000 Contingency Fund 500,000 500,000 Inuaurulal arhlctics 1116,000 206,000
  • 24. Surrrrner facilitics projects 1,100,000 1,225,000 l-Iousin¡¡ ¡logllrns antl 27 ,000 47,OOt) Auxiliary Enterprises 10,100,000 I 1,010,000 'lb t ¡l 1.900.000 2,r00,000 Total Educational and General Expenditures 56,200,000 58,185,000 'î4 CllAl Sprìr¡4 ]01 t Appendix C¡ Auxiliary Enterprises 2009120t0 zotlJt20tt Housing lìcvcnucs 1 1,585,695 11,110,r12 f,xpcndìrurcs Pcrsouncl (losr 349.999 260,000 Pr-ogr-anr cost 4,409,305 5,600,000 lbtal cxpcnclitules 4,759,304 5,860,000 Exccss (ctcficit) 6,8),6,391 5,250,112 Ëood service
  • 25. Rcvcrrucs 3.792.847 5,489,888 Iìx¡rcncliuulcs l)e¡son¡cl cosrs r30,000 r.10,000 Prograrn costs 3,500,000 3.700.000 Othe l costs t 50.264 200,000 'lbrll cxpenclitutc"^ 3,780,264 4,030,000 Ilxccss (cleficit) r 2,583 1.459.888 Collcge bookstore l{cvc¡Lres 887,152 950,000 Iìxpcncliturcs l)erson¡cl cos¡s r 00,000 75,000 ll oglarn cosrs 940,432 700,000 Odrcr costs 50,000 50,000 'Ioral lìxperdinres 1 .090.432 ¡125,000 Llxcess (dctciù -203,280 r25,000 Conferences I{cvcnucs 289,000 300.000 l-r,xpenditrucs
  • 26. Pc¡sonnel costs 225,000 I00,000 I)rogr'arl costs 225,000 175,000 Other cosrs 20,000 20,000 'Jìrr,rl cx¡rcrr.lirur:cs /+70,000 295,000 t'.xccss (Jcfirit) -1¡ .000 5,000 Total Arr-rilirry Enterpriscs 10,100,000 1r,010,000 Revenrres t6,554, 695 l7,85o,ooo Expenditurcs 10,100,000 I1,010,000 Exccss (dcficit) 6A54, 695 6,840,000 llrmrnr Case Strrtly: (ilcclhill Collcgc 45 Appendix D: Undergradrrate Majors as a Percentage of Uu<lergraduate EnrolLnent Majors 20rol20t1 200912010 20081200<) 200712008 Nr n,bcr l)clcenragc Nrrnrbcr Pcrcentrgc Num[¡er Pcrccn ragc Nunrl¡cr Pelccntage llrrsi¡css 225 11 7).1tlo 2t5 13.633a/a 210 14.95701¡ 195 I5.08r% Nulsing 195 l1 .545o/o I8u I1 .921o/o 100 7.123o/c' 90 6.961o/o lilcnrent:rly LJue,rtit'n t35 7 .99.,v' 130 L2/+4o/o 120 8.547o/o
  • 27. 100 7 ,734% l)sychoìogy 102 6.019a/o 95 6.024% B1ì 6.268<Yo 65 5.027o/o lliology t0l 5.98001, 95 6.024,/, B¡I 6.2680k 75 5.800% Iìnginccr ilg 93 5.506'/o B5 5.390o/r' 7B 5.5560/o 6tì 5.2590/c' 71 4.2Q4o/o 67 4.24901¡ 65 4.6300/o 6l 4 .71P,o/o Vr irilg 61 3.6) )'/t 57 3.614o/o 5(r 3.989%¡ 65 5.027þ/a (lo¡su¡rcr Scicllcc 6t ).612a/,, 59 3.7111% 58 4.131o/a 65 5.C) )7,'1, Àccountìng 59 49% 55 .48,8% 50 .56l,ot¡ 45 .l.480,/0 Physical liclucation 54 l97o/o 5l 1.234% 48 3.419o/o 39 3.0161k Mccìia (lornn'rruric¿tions 60 030o/o 7) ).297% 45 3.205olt 41 3.17|o/a lìcligion 68 .0000/o 49 3.ll)7o/o 45 3.2054/o 40 3.0()4o/a Sociology 52 .079o.4¡ 49 1.107o/o 42 2.99],% 39 .l.0l6r/o Cìlrernistly 5l .0200k l¡t )..41îo1¡ 35 2.493% 32 2.47 5o/o Mathcrn¿rtic 48 84201¡ 49 3.11)7olt 42 2.991o/o 39 3.016% IìngJish 45 .661totr¡ 48 3.044t'lt 4) 3./.t90o/a 47 1.635tyn (lomputcl Scicncc )5 480o/¡ t8 2.4101/o 17 2.6350/o 44 3.4030h Athletic'1i aining ]2 895<Ya l1 1.9660h l0 2.137o/o 29 2.243%
  • 28. Social ùi/ork 2.) 717þ/o 28 1.7760/o 25 |.7Blo/o 21 1 .624% llisroly 27 599o/o 2B 77 6tv', 27 |.9 )30 27 2.088o/a .Spanisìr ),6 1 .539o/o 19 1.2050/o 17 1.2114/a I6 1.217o/o Olgaoizarional (lomr¡u nic¿tion 2l L243o1¡ 16 r.0i5% r9 |.15301, ]B t .392% l:iconomics 14 0.8290h 9 0.57lo/o 7 ().499'v,r 8 0,6r 9%, Intclnllion¡l Stuclies 14 o 8790r, 9 0.57lal¡ 8 0.57o/a 5 0.18741 Music fl 0.47 4% 7 0.44401¡ 6 0 4).7tlk l0 0 7710/¡ l'hearlc 6 0..ì55%, 5 0.317|y, 5 0.35601¡ 4 0.309o/t¡ Phiìosophy 6 0.1554,1) 5 0.317o/o 4 0.28 5ol¡ 5 0.JB7o,1' 'l'orrl I JC lr.nrrrllment t571 l(¡98 r404 1293 CßAll S¡"lng 201 I Appendix E: Undcrgraduate Enrollnent ald Iletention Data for the University and by Acadernic l)eparttnelrt, Last Four Ye¿rs Maiors 201012011 2009120ro 2008/2009 200712008 1ìrsincss 225 215 210 r95 Nu r siug r95 188 r00 9{l
  • 29. lllern¡:nt¡r v Ìì.drrca¡ion r35 r30 120 100 Psyclrology 102 95 88 65 lìioÌogy 101 95 8B 75 Iinginccring 93 85 7B 6fr 71 67 6l WriLi¡g 6l 57 56 65 Consumer' Scicnce 6l 59 5tì 65 Accounting 59 55 50 45 Physical Ilducation 54 5l 4?, 39 Media ComrnLLnic¡tio¡s 60 52 45 41 lLeligiou 6rJ 49 45 4o Sociology 52 49 h, 39 M;rthc¡lltics 48 49 42 39 linglish 45 4B 49 47 Chcmisr:r-y 5r 3ti 5 .J2 Oomputcr Scicncc 25 38 37 44 Â thlctic 'lì aining 32 31 30 ),9 Soci¿ì lWo¡ k 29 28 25 21
  • 30. Ilisroly ),7 27 27 Spurish 26 l9 t7 16 C)r'ganizariolal (ìom¡runic¿tion 21 l6 l9 IB 14 9 7 I I¡rern¡tion¿i StrLdics 14 9 tì 5 Music I 7 6 t0 'Ihear¡ e 6 5 5 4 I'hilosophy 6 1 5 llrrn.rnr Casc Stutly: GLccnhill (ìnlcge Appendix F: Academic Department Full 'lÌrne Equivalent Factrlty Conrputcr Scicncc Adrlctic'1ì ainìng Cll{ll S¡it1 :Ì01 t Appendix G: Academic l)epartmerìt þ'ull Tirne Equivalert Faculty Majors 20tol201l 5 yeat change 7o
  • 31. lleligion 5600 30o/o BrLsiless 3200 5 8'/,, NLrrsing 17 0o N/A Iilcrrcntaly IìdLrcatior 1400 -59otr¡ Psyclrology 2888 35o/o tliology )5E4 l8o/o !ìrgiLrccling r150 102% 2200 29o/o l.ilcrrtrrrc 2088 I0%, Clo¡surncl Scict'tcc I350 67o/o Âccorrntirg 1227 (¡24/o Irh yr ii.r I I'iJ uer t i.,n 703 63ol) Sociology 2056 25olt Mathcmatics 2210 43þlt !Ør itilg 1523 37'v, (llÌemis^Íy 1822 lSolt (ìompr.rtcr Sciercc 44() -74o1¡ Arhlcric'lìaining t573 65olt
  • 32. Sociaì Wo¡k -Hñ;;,Y 577 2400 45y,) lalt Spanish 837 ).4o1¡ Cilcr¡a lncl Mcdin 748 1620/o C)rgaLrizacional (ìonrn 1914 l8% lì¡:o no nt ics lt60 47olt Lrccrrrariol¡l Strrclics 200 '41r'/¡ Music ì 861 45% 'Ihcaue 679 7lL' Philoso¡>hy 843 '9olt Il,rrranr --- Casc Strrdyr tìrccnhill ûnlcgc Appendix H: Grceuhill College Organizational Chart Collcge Deans
  • 33. l,iblaly lì.csic{cncc Lifc Malkcting Iìoocl Scrvicc (ìaupus Ministlics Sruclcnt l-caclclship l.-inlncial Âicl VP Co¡rmunication Public Iìclations lìaculry l)cvclopmen r Un ivclsity lìcl¡Iions Athletics Acader¡ic lìesoulce Ce ¡ter' Studeu t l:ìinancial CßAR Sping 20 t t