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new jersey
                                                                                    EssEx County
EX                                                                              page 11 | TuEsday, July 12, 2011 | NJ.COM

                                    State appeals court: Police can use cell signals to find suspects. Page 17

   Believing                         lots of theater, no results as dems fight cuts
  a dad’s lies,                      Christie’s line-item vetoes                give them the three votes needed to         — was state Sen. Jennifer Beck (R-           this morning, and possibly at another
   admitting                         to $30.6B budget stand
                                                                                cancel the line-item vetoes he made to
                                                                                their $30.6 billion budget.
                                                                                                                            Monmouth), who sided with Demo-
                                                                                                                            crats to restore $7.5 million for family
                                                                                                                                                                           The cuts Democrats failed to restore

   a mistake
                                                                                   “You think at times people would be      planning clinics.                            ranged from $50,000 for a mental
                                     By Matt Friedman                           able to vote their consciences,” said          “On this issue, I have been consistent    health council to a half-million dol-
                                     STATEhouSE buREAu                          Senate President Stephen Sweeney (D-        over the last two years in supporting        lars for the Wynona M. Lipman Child

     t was a feel-good column, if      In a day high on emotion but short       Gloucester), who accused Republican         it,” she said. “That said, today’s theater   Advocacy Center for abused children
     ever there was one.             on results, Senate Democrats yes-          lawmakers of merely doing Christie’s        was pretty appalling.”                       to $19 million in General Assistance
       A Jersey kid is wounded       terday tried to undo 15 of Gov. Chris      bidding. “I bench press. I lift weights a      The override still failed, by a vote of   funds. They also tried to change the
slightly in Afghanistan, and a       Christie’s budget cuts to social welfare   lot. This wasn’t like lifting 400 pounds.   25-14; the other 14 votes were defeated      governor’s language, which further re-
local American Legion throws         programs, one by one.                      It was an easy lift.”                       24-15. Democrats needed at least 27          stricts eligibility for Medicaid and that
a fundraising bash for his dad         They failed 15 times.                       The only Republican to vote against      votes, or two-thirds of the Senate, to       he projects will save $300 million.
to visit him in the hospital in        In a tense, three-hour session, the      her colleagues — indeed, the only           override each of Christie’s vetoes.            Republicans bristled at accusations
Germany.                             Democrats were unable to persuade          member of her party to vote against            But with 24 overrides still in Demo-      that they were carrying water for
   But Army Pfc. Joseph              Republicans to defy the governor and       a Christie veto since he took office        crats’ sights, they plan to try again                            sEE Senate, PagE 14
Carollo was never shot. He
was never hospitalized. He re-
mains — crazy as it sounds —
safe and sound in Afghanistan.
   His father made up the story,
detail by detail, for reasons he
can’t explain.
   And I bought it.
                                                          “I’ve been running this beach for 20 years
                                                                and I’ve always said to myself,
                                                                                                                                                                                 stun gun’s
   “All I can say is I’m very,
very sorry. I’m going through                               ‘Someday I’m gonna have to do this.’”                                                                                path to
                                                                                                                                                                                 seat on jet
a nervous breakdown, and                                                  Andy Rogers, 38, who saved swimmers while on his nightly run
I’ve been going through it for
some time,” Jerry Carollo said
yesterday. “I’m going to check
myself into a psychiatric hospi-                                                                                                                                                 FBI probing latest
tal so I can get better.”
   I’m sorry, too. You come to
                                                                                                                                                                                 security breach
this newspaper expecting to                                                                                                                                                      By steve strunsky
read true stories. I failed to                                                                                                                                                   STAR-LEDGER STAFF

check out Carollo’s tale be-                                                                                                                                                        The Striker 1800kv looks
yond his word and I believed                                                                                                                                                     like an ordinary cell phone,
what the guys at the Legion                                                                                                                                                      yet carries a punch meant to
believed. A call to Fort Drum,                                                                                                                                                   incapacitate.
                                                                                                                                                                                    How the small stun gun got
                                                                                                                                                                                 on board a JetBlue flight to
                 Mark                                                                                                                                                            Newark Sunday night is now
                 Di ionno                                                                                                                                                        the focus of a FBI investiga-
                                                                                                                                                         tion, while raising questions
                                                                                                                                                                                 concerning the security of the
                                                                                                                                                                                 nation’s airports — just a day
                                                                                                                                                                                 after a 53-year-old Alpine man
                                                                                                                                                                                 was arrested at John F. Ken-
                                                                                                                                                                                 nedy International Airport for
                                                                                                                                                                                 allegedly having two stun guns
the home base of Carollo’s                                                                                                                                                       in a checked bag.
10th Mountain Division, would                                                                                                                                                       In the Newark incident, the
have revealed the young man                                                                                                                                                      device was found by an air-
was never medevaced out of                                                                                                                                                       line cleaning crew member in
Afghanistan.                                                                                                                                                                     a seatback compartment on
   End of story, beginning of                                                                                                                                                    JetBlue Flight 1179, just after
another.                                                                                                                                                                         10 p.m. Sunday, following the
   Because Sunday’s story,                                                                                                                                                       plane’s arrival from Boston’s
while based on a lie, was about                                                                                                                                                  Logan Airport, according to a
a father’s love for his son and a                                                                                                                                                police incident report.
community’s embrace for one                                                                                                                                                         “We don’t think this was
of its own. Those things are                                                                                                                                                     part of an attack,” said Bryan
still true.                                                                                                                              Patti SaPone/the Star-Ledger            Travers, a spokesman for the
   And today’s story is about                Andy Rogers of Neptune has been a lifeguard in Belmar for 20 years. He was off-duty and running along the                           FBI’s Newark office. “Some-
those things, and empathy and                shoreline last month when he saw two people struggling in a rip current and rushed to save them.                                    body probably brought some-
forgiveness.                                                                                                                                                                     thing onto the plane that they
   Jerry Carollo did something                                                                                                                                                   weren’t supposed to have and
crazy, and admits he buckled
under the anguish of having a
son in the war.
                                                    When a lifeguard answers the call                                                                                            they probably inadvertently
                                                                                                                                                                                 left it behind.”
                                                                                                                                                                                    A central question for in-
   “I miss my boy,” Carollo said
yesterday. “I think about him                         he anticipated for 20 years                                                                                                vestigators is whether the
                                                                                                                                                                                 device made it through a
all the time, and I worry about                                                                                                                                                  metal detector at an airport

him. You hear all the time                                                                                                                                                       security checkpoint. Typically,
                                             By Julia terruso / STAR-LEDGER STAFF
about these suicide bombers                                                                     With no flotation device,            Luckily for Rogers, a man                   stun guns are made largely of
and these soldiers getting                               elmar lifeguard Andy                 backup guards or second              on a Jet Ski came by and took                 plastic, although components
their limbs blown off. I know                                                                 thoughts, Rogers ditched his         Pierez from his hands, leaving                include metal conducting rods
my son is in that environment.                           Rogers always knew the               sunglasses and raced into the        him free to swim in alone.                    that, when touched to a per-
I live with it every minute.”                            day would come when his              sea, where Elizabeth residents         “I’ve been running this                     son’s body, transmit an intense
   How that manifested itself in                                                              Stephanie Crespo, 28, and Vic-       beach for 20 years and I’ve al-               electrical current that causes
lies will be for some doctor to                          after-hours jog along the            tor Pierez, 27, were struggling      ways said to myself, ‘Someday                 a temporary loss of muscle
figure out.                                  beach would turn into the desperate              in a rip current. Following Rog-     I’m gonna have to do this,’ ”                 control.
   But I won’t be first to throw                                                              ers’ instructions, Crespo man-       Rogers said in a recent inter-                   Stun guns are not permitted
a stone — even though Carollo                rescue of a drowning swimmer.                    aged to grab onto a jetty.           view, recalling the events of                 as carry-on items for civilians.
put a dent in my credibility —                  That day came last month.                       But Pierez was slipping            June 9.                                       However, law enforcement
because I have no kid in the                                                                  under.                                 What he didn’t know until he                officers can carry them with
war, and don’t live with that
                                                Rogers was running along the                    “I kept the guy afloat, but        got back to shore was a third                 proper notification, according
dread.                                       bradley beach shoreline in the early             without a device I was a little      person, 15-year-old Naisere                   to a federal security official
   Jim Caffrey, who has known                evening when he noticed the familiar             worried about how to get us          Nelson of Neptune, had been                   who asked not to be identified
Carollo for 10 years and orga-                                                                both back in,” Rogers, 38,           in the rip current and was now                because they were not autho-
nized the American Legion                    commotion of a crowd gathered on                 said. He knew he was in peril        missing. Nelson drowned and                   rized to discuss the matter
fundraiser, isn’t throwing                   the beach. Rushing toward it, he saw a           because victims can pull their       his body was found a few days                 publicly. The official said fed-
stones, either.                                                                               rescuers down or use them as         later.                                        eral air marshals do not carry
   “He duped us all, but I’m                 man and a woman struggling in a rip              a ladder in a frantic effort to        Although he had just saved                  stun guns.
concerned for him,” Caffrey                  current.                                         stay afloat.                                      sEE GuarD, PagE 16                 Logan and Newark are
said. “He’s my friend. I want                                                                                                                                                    both 9/11 airports. Two of the
           sEE Di ionno, PagE 16                                                                                                                                                               sEE Stun, PagE 17

           ColD CAsEs                       blood-spattered car                                                  occasionally have to deal with mem-
                                                                                                                 bers of organized crime and have the-
                                                                                                                 orized in the past that his killing was
                                                                                                                                                                said Sue Wunderle, 66, who still lives in
                                                                                                                                                                  Two months after his death, Wun-
           filE no. 2 of 6:                  could offer clues                                                   a mob hit.
                                                                                                                    All Sue Wunderle knows is that she
                                                                                                                                                                derle’s leased car was located in a
                                                                                                                                                                Manhattan park-and-lock garage near
                                              to mob-style hit
     The mysTerious murder of
         roberT Wunderle                                                                                         last saw her husband on the morning of         the entrance to the Lincoln Tunnel.
                                                                                                                 Nov. 15. On his way out the door, he left      According to garage records, the car
                                                                                                                 her a note saying he would be staying at       stamped in at 12:12 a.m. on Nov. 16.
     aBout            By Bob Considine                            from Westfield, was found in a drainage        the LaGuardia Marriott Hotel in Queens,        Investigators had turned their atten-
     this series      STAR-LEDGER STAFF                           ditch near Rockaway. He had been shot          N.Y., for a two-day meeting. Authori-          tion to that 31⁄2-hour span, but came
     The star-          There has not been a suspect or a         once in the head and once in the heart,        ties learned after his body was found          up with no leads. However, they also
     ledger           known motive in the mysterious murder       execution-style, according to authorities.     that Wunderle never had any scheduled          found that the interior of Wunderle’s
     follows up on    of a high-profile supermarket executive     He was found still wearing his business        meetings at the hotel and had not re-          car was splattered with blood and the
     some of the      more than 21 years ago.                     suit and raincoat.                             served a room there.                           fingerprints of either a person or per-
     state’s more       Yet there has always been some opti-        Wunderle was the vice president of              The last person to see Wunderle             sons. For years, authorities attempted
     noteworthy       mism that the unsolved murder of Rob-       economics at Supermarkets General              alive was a co-worker, who saw him             to link the prints to someone, but came
     unsolved         ert Wunderle would one day see closure,     Corp. in Woodbridge, now known as              leave his Woodbridge office at about           up empty.
     murders in a     based on clues at the scene.                Pathmark Stores. His duties included           8:45 p.m. on Nov. 15. Two minutes later,         Anyone who may have information
     six-part           “I’m still hopeful,” said Sue Wunderle,   the handling of government, commu-             according to phone records, he placed          is asked to call the prosecutor’s office
     series,          his widow. “Maybe not to the high level     nity, media and trade relations and            a call to one of his sons on his mobile        at (973) 285-6200 or the Morris County
     appearing        that I was when it first happened, but      he participated in labor negotiations          phone.                                         Sheriff’s Office Crime Stopper Program
     periodically.    you have to stay hopeful.”                  with unions that served New Jersey’s              “You come up with some of your own          at (973) COP-CALL.
                        It was Nov. 16, 1989, when Wunderle,      supermarket industry. In his work,             theories or ideas on what might have             Bob Considine: (973) 392-7890 or
                      a 45-year-old husband and father of two     authorities said Wunderle would                happened, but you just don’t know,”  

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Lifeguard 1

  • 1. new jersey EssEx County EX page 11 | TuEsday, July 12, 2011 | NJ.COM State appeals court: Police can use cell signals to find suspects. Page 17 Believing lots of theater, no results as dems fight cuts a dad’s lies, Christie’s line-item vetoes give them the three votes needed to — was state Sen. Jennifer Beck (R- this morning, and possibly at another admitting to $30.6B budget stand cancel the line-item vetoes he made to their $30.6 billion budget. Monmouth), who sided with Demo- crats to restore $7.5 million for family session. The cuts Democrats failed to restore a mistake “You think at times people would be planning clinics. ranged from $50,000 for a mental By Matt Friedman able to vote their consciences,” said “On this issue, I have been consistent health council to a half-million dol- STATEhouSE buREAu Senate President Stephen Sweeney (D- over the last two years in supporting lars for the Wynona M. Lipman Child I t was a feel-good column, if In a day high on emotion but short Gloucester), who accused Republican it,” she said. “That said, today’s theater Advocacy Center for abused children ever there was one. on results, Senate Democrats yes- lawmakers of merely doing Christie’s was pretty appalling.” to $19 million in General Assistance A Jersey kid is wounded terday tried to undo 15 of Gov. Chris bidding. “I bench press. I lift weights a The override still failed, by a vote of funds. They also tried to change the slightly in Afghanistan, and a Christie’s budget cuts to social welfare lot. This wasn’t like lifting 400 pounds. 25-14; the other 14 votes were defeated governor’s language, which further re- local American Legion throws programs, one by one. It was an easy lift.” 24-15. Democrats needed at least 27 stricts eligibility for Medicaid and that a fundraising bash for his dad They failed 15 times. The only Republican to vote against votes, or two-thirds of the Senate, to he projects will save $300 million. to visit him in the hospital in In a tense, three-hour session, the her colleagues — indeed, the only override each of Christie’s vetoes. Republicans bristled at accusations Germany. Democrats were unable to persuade member of her party to vote against But with 24 overrides still in Demo- that they were carrying water for But Army Pfc. Joseph Republicans to defy the governor and a Christie veto since he took office crats’ sights, they plan to try again sEE Senate, PagE 14 Carollo was never shot. He was never hospitalized. He re- mains — crazy as it sounds — safe and sound in Afghanistan. His father made up the story, tracking detail by detail, for reasons he can’t explain. And I bought it. “I’ve been running this beach for 20 years and I’ve always said to myself, stun gun’s “All I can say is I’m very, very sorry. I’m going through ‘Someday I’m gonna have to do this.’” path to seat on jet a nervous breakdown, and Andy Rogers, 38, who saved swimmers while on his nightly run I’ve been going through it for some time,” Jerry Carollo said yesterday. “I’m going to check myself into a psychiatric hospi- FBI probing latest tal so I can get better.” I’m sorry, too. You come to security breach this newspaper expecting to By steve strunsky read true stories. I failed to STAR-LEDGER STAFF check out Carollo’s tale be- The Striker 1800kv looks yond his word and I believed like an ordinary cell phone, what the guys at the Legion yet carries a punch meant to believed. A call to Fort Drum, incapacitate. How the small stun gun got on board a JetBlue flight to Mark Newark Sunday night is now Di ionno the focus of a FBI investiga- tion, while raising questions concerning the security of the nation’s airports — just a day after a 53-year-old Alpine man was arrested at John F. Ken- nedy International Airport for allegedly having two stun guns the home base of Carollo’s in a checked bag. 10th Mountain Division, would In the Newark incident, the have revealed the young man device was found by an air- was never medevaced out of line cleaning crew member in Afghanistan. a seatback compartment on End of story, beginning of JetBlue Flight 1179, just after another. 10 p.m. Sunday, following the Because Sunday’s story, plane’s arrival from Boston’s while based on a lie, was about Logan Airport, according to a a father’s love for his son and a police incident report. community’s embrace for one “We don’t think this was of its own. Those things are part of an attack,” said Bryan still true. Patti SaPone/the Star-Ledger Travers, a spokesman for the And today’s story is about Andy Rogers of Neptune has been a lifeguard in Belmar for 20 years. He was off-duty and running along the FBI’s Newark office. “Some- those things, and empathy and shoreline last month when he saw two people struggling in a rip current and rushed to save them. body probably brought some- forgiveness. thing onto the plane that they Jerry Carollo did something weren’t supposed to have and crazy, and admits he buckled under the anguish of having a son in the war. When a lifeguard answers the call they probably inadvertently left it behind.” A central question for in- “I miss my boy,” Carollo said yesterday. “I think about him he anticipated for 20 years vestigators is whether the device made it through a all the time, and I worry about metal detector at an airport B him. You hear all the time security checkpoint. Typically, By Julia terruso / STAR-LEDGER STAFF about these suicide bombers With no flotation device, Luckily for Rogers, a man stun guns are made largely of and these soldiers getting elmar lifeguard Andy backup guards or second on a Jet Ski came by and took plastic, although components their limbs blown off. I know thoughts, Rogers ditched his Pierez from his hands, leaving include metal conducting rods my son is in that environment. Rogers always knew the sunglasses and raced into the him free to swim in alone. that, when touched to a per- I live with it every minute.” day would come when his sea, where Elizabeth residents “I’ve been running this son’s body, transmit an intense How that manifested itself in Stephanie Crespo, 28, and Vic- beach for 20 years and I’ve al- electrical current that causes lies will be for some doctor to after-hours jog along the tor Pierez, 27, were struggling ways said to myself, ‘Someday a temporary loss of muscle figure out. beach would turn into the desperate in a rip current. Following Rog- I’m gonna have to do this,’ ” control. But I won’t be first to throw ers’ instructions, Crespo man- Rogers said in a recent inter- Stun guns are not permitted a stone — even though Carollo rescue of a drowning swimmer. aged to grab onto a jetty. view, recalling the events of as carry-on items for civilians. put a dent in my credibility — That day came last month. But Pierez was slipping June 9. However, law enforcement because I have no kid in the under. What he didn’t know until he officers can carry them with war, and don’t live with that Rogers was running along the “I kept the guy afloat, but got back to shore was a third proper notification, according dread. bradley beach shoreline in the early without a device I was a little person, 15-year-old Naisere to a federal security official Jim Caffrey, who has known evening when he noticed the familiar worried about how to get us Nelson of Neptune, had been who asked not to be identified Carollo for 10 years and orga- both back in,” Rogers, 38, in the rip current and was now because they were not autho- nized the American Legion commotion of a crowd gathered on said. He knew he was in peril missing. Nelson drowned and rized to discuss the matter fundraiser, isn’t throwing the beach. Rushing toward it, he saw a because victims can pull their his body was found a few days publicly. The official said fed- stones, either. rescuers down or use them as later. eral air marshals do not carry “He duped us all, but I’m man and a woman struggling in a rip a ladder in a frantic effort to Although he had just saved stun guns. concerned for him,” Caffrey current. stay afloat. sEE GuarD, PagE 16 Logan and Newark are said. “He’s my friend. I want both 9/11 airports. Two of the sEE Di ionno, PagE 16 sEE Stun, PagE 17 ColD CAsEs blood-spattered car occasionally have to deal with mem- bers of organized crime and have the- orized in the past that his killing was said Sue Wunderle, 66, who still lives in Westfield. Two months after his death, Wun- filE no. 2 of 6: could offer clues a mob hit. All Sue Wunderle knows is that she derle’s leased car was located in a Manhattan park-and-lock garage near to mob-style hit The mysTerious murder of roberT Wunderle last saw her husband on the morning of the entrance to the Lincoln Tunnel. Nov. 15. On his way out the door, he left According to garage records, the car her a note saying he would be staying at stamped in at 12:12 a.m. on Nov. 16. aBout By Bob Considine from Westfield, was found in a drainage the LaGuardia Marriott Hotel in Queens, Investigators had turned their atten- this series STAR-LEDGER STAFF ditch near Rockaway. He had been shot N.Y., for a two-day meeting. Authori- tion to that 31⁄2-hour span, but came The star- There has not been a suspect or a once in the head and once in the heart, ties learned after his body was found up with no leads. However, they also ledger known motive in the mysterious murder execution-style, according to authorities. that Wunderle never had any scheduled found that the interior of Wunderle’s follows up on of a high-profile supermarket executive He was found still wearing his business meetings at the hotel and had not re- car was splattered with blood and the some of the more than 21 years ago. suit and raincoat. served a room there. fingerprints of either a person or per- state’s more Yet there has always been some opti- Wunderle was the vice president of The last person to see Wunderle sons. For years, authorities attempted noteworthy mism that the unsolved murder of Rob- economics at Supermarkets General alive was a co-worker, who saw him to link the prints to someone, but came unsolved ert Wunderle would one day see closure, Corp. in Woodbridge, now known as leave his Woodbridge office at about up empty. murders in a based on clues at the scene. Pathmark Stores. His duties included 8:45 p.m. on Nov. 15. Two minutes later, Anyone who may have information six-part “I’m still hopeful,” said Sue Wunderle, the handling of government, commu- according to phone records, he placed is asked to call the prosecutor’s office series, his widow. “Maybe not to the high level nity, media and trade relations and a call to one of his sons on his mobile at (973) 285-6200 or the Morris County appearing that I was when it first happened, but he participated in labor negotiations phone. Sheriff’s Office Crime Stopper Program periodically. you have to stay hopeful.” with unions that served New Jersey’s “You come up with some of your own at (973) COP-CALL. It was Nov. 16, 1989, when Wunderle, supermarket industry. In his work, theories or ideas on what might have Bob Considine: (973) 392-7890 or a 45-year-old husband and father of two authorities said Wunderle would happened, but you just don’t know,”