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Life and times of Blou Kop the
It is not easy being a lizard. Not much goes into the life of a
lizard. It is a real ‘ devil may care’ thing or ‘ nobody cares’ affair.
It was reproduced with other blou kops sometime, somewhere,
somehow. Mummy came with her load and deposited
somewhere, and left to make life elsewhere.
As he stood there, because in this life relaxing is not part of the
game, it is sacriledge to do that. Complete suicide, getting
caught off guard is not the type of thing favourable to any
lizard. It recalled a story back in the day when he almost got
eaten by an adult bloukop.
This thing had been following him after he was reproduced.
Young and vulnerable,fragile and weak, not so streetwise, the
adult blou kop stopped him.
‘Hi, young one’ the adult said.
‘Hi adult one’ he replied.
‘Where is your mummy’ the adult said.
Afraid and confused, he became emotionalin his answer, crying
because mummy and blou kops are a new thing. He then
answered ‘ I do not know’
‘ Typical’ the adultsaid ‘ they bring you in and disappearlong
before reproduction’. The adultadded.’ I have never seen such
‘ Anyway, have you some idea where daddyis?’ he asked.
The young blou kop got more emotionalthan before.’ Hey I
have neither mummy nor daddy’.
‘ The scum of the earth’ what is wrong with lizards’ why do they
live me to provide the answers’ why me’. He knelt down in
poetic fashion to level with the young blou kop.
‘ Promise to show you your mummy and daddyright now, hop
into my mouth’ he said. The young one had got into his mouth
to see mummy and daddy, when a thought occurred to it ‘
mouths are for eating not seeing inside them. It quickly got
hold of the base of the toungue and tugged at it, closed it with
the teeth and clamped hard as the adult lizard was clamping on
its waist to crush it. The adult bloukop tried to cough it out but
the young lizard held even tighter to choke the rogue off him.
They fell to the ground, and he hung in there until the adult
lizard gave in to the harsh reality of death. The young one was
being survival and survy to the future. There was no way this
thing could live, it had to die. It had almost killedand ate it.
He bit the toungue off and ate it up for the benefit of life. He
was himself hungry.
The blou kop thought of this incident.It had perched itself on
that favoured spot swiping, swapping and zapping flies and
locust and bugs and my my my, what a yummy life. It was
growning fast, the food at the spot was good. He was growing
big enough, to bully other males like him. At the time of
reproduction he needed the muscle to edge his way to females,
and they should find it suitable.
True, suitable in a world that has no formal disciplineis
something else. In a world where ‘ eat or be eaten’ is the stakes
of the time. Blou kop discovered a new world of courtship.this
female blou kop came in followed by a male blou kop for
courtship. He wanted to get involved,but the female bloukop
went between the two. They would have to fight to the death
for her favours. The thing had hardly finished when the guy
jumped on him to fight.
He was the stronger of the two, the other guy found itself in
mid- air before finallyfalling off with a broken spine, no action
for him. Almost dead to the world, the female bloukop began
to speak.
‘ Um, you do your thing as I eat, otherwise when I am done,
goodbye. It is dangerousto hang out here too long’
‘ what now is this?’ he enquired.
‘ Like I said, as I eat, give me some love, court with me. I will not
have time to wait for courtship. It is dangerous out here.
And so, the female started to eat when at the same time is was
taking love from blou kop.
True to form the thing left as soon as the other contest was
fully in its stomach. There were no goodbyes after that, the
thing returned with four or more such victims after that.
Apparently,these huge meals are meant to keep it in one place
for a much longer time. To minimize the risk of being cought
and eaten. Oh! To also ensure there is minimum exposure to
the sun and bad weather.
There was no turning back. Followedthe lady lizard one time
to check where it stayed. What a surprise, the female blou kop
ended up on some rocks. There was a stone overhang
indicatinga sort of cave. In front of the cave was the smooth,
dangerous, popularand very famous blue- black mamba. The
skin was shiny, no scales on the thing, all curled up in a ring of
two coils. That thing was almost two meters long, it is known to
eat anything,snakes, frogs , birds, lizards etc. the favourite
being snakes like itself. The female lizard got inside this ring of
vernom, and the snake began to leak it, as if enjoying the
action. The female lizard then after a long long while leak the
snake all over.
Amazing was all blou kop could think. No wonder the female
blou kop was so soft in touch.
There was no time to hang around, if those two were to catch
on its presence wow!!.
Life would go back to normal, fighting for insects with
everybody even frogs. Some of these animalswere angry with
the lizard, too many meals lost to it, too many meals. When it
had time from the rock perch it called huntingground, the
lizard ate other lizards as well and this was also a problem. This
is a ‘creature eat creature world’, blinkingis not advised. Do not
blink, something is watching and hungry out there.
Then it happened,the snake friend that grew, was doing the
rounds for something to eat, they met by chance. Relations
were not so sweet because generally the lizard itself used to
chase it around when small. The running started, this thing has
grown and this no time to line up and apologise, things must
The frog was enjoyingthe day when there was this commotion
from his right hand side.
He saw the blou kop approachingat great speed, and that great
speed suggested trouble. The speed was amazing, it was run by
two creatures in a great hurry. Either one followingthe other,
and the relationswere such that eating must take place. One of
the creatures, has suddenlybecome wanted for eating
The blou kop appeared out of the grass in a hurry, it was doing
great speeds towards the frogs direction.
For a while the frog thought the blou kop was going to bump it,
the thing switched to curve so it will pass in front of the frog,
selling it to the trouble behind.It went past at a blistering
amount of speed, the breeze that accompaniedit was breath
Tail straight out, it went past like it was yesterday. A few
seconds later the trouble appeared, a very long thing that can
eat more than it is chasing at this moment. The frog
straightened up- right and pointedin the direction the lizard
has taken. The frog looked like some green lavaecovered piece
of wood. The length of the snake and the scales on it, a black
mamba, were terrifying to look at, so with his face turned up to
the sky, the frog pointedin that direction not expose the cover
it had adopted. It, was being sold off and careful action was
The breeze went for a much longer period because of the
snakes length, the two disappearedinto the grass on the other
side of the frog and that was it.
A fair escape for the blou kop, perched up on its favoured spot,
catching flies and bugs and locust flying by, it had forgotten to
bring its tail about where it is visible, the tail was hanging
wrecklessly out there.
A mouse doing business happenedby it. This thing looked like
some ediblepiece of wood to it. The mouse set about
chomping off.
The lizard felt the tail itch at a very uncomfortable point.
He found that a mouse was chomping off the tail. The lizard
jumped off on the mouse. There was a struggle to free the tail
from the mouse, and the lizard beat up the mouse bad.
‘You will pay dearly for this you moron, this tail is not
detachablelike all the other mogoes like yourself. How would
you feel if I got to chomping off bits of you’.
The fighting went on until the mouse was worthless to life. The
lizard looked at it and thought it wise to swallow the thing. it
have to moisten it to get it right, making the mouse pay for
chomping off its tail.
The lizard was gobbling the mouse up when the female lizard
appeared out of the wild, impressed with what it was
‘I did not know you were into exotics, I must take you home
one of these days’ the female said.
The mouse went in a lot quicker than it would have done at the
word. The lizard slumped down at the sudden weight of its
stomach contents. It had eaten sizeable things before. The
mouse was almost the same size as itself. The thought of going
home with this other thing was not the type you want, that is if
this female knows where home is and what also stays at home.
The lizard was full, very full to think off. It may need some days
to digest the latest eating exploit. After all ‘ nobody cares’.
Blou kop was slumped up right there, no use to itself and
feeling it. The female thought of testing its resolve about it.
‘How about I eat you right now for safe keeping, a big fat great
souvenirin my stomach’ it said.
“What, over my dead body, why care, go now before I eat you
as well’.
The female set about laughing, enjoyingitself. ‘ Sorry, about
eating you’. By this time the blou kop had sprung up no stress
and was making his way out of sight pursued by its female
tormentor. Way into safety, where it slumped up again tired of
the little activity.
‘ Do you know what will happenwhen found in this condition?,
you will be eaten’ the female tormented it.
There they were beneathsome rocks, not afraid these rocks
may fall on them. Happy that they were there, if anything the
female blou kop had found a suitor. About the blue snake, well
it loved this female from the beginning,but hurting this female
was not advised. Killing it was a mess no animal wanted.
Blou kop, was busy hunting, when he saw a striped lizard. It
raised emense interest engage this lizard for eating purposes.
The striped lizard tried to give right of way when bloukop
approachedbut blou kop blocked the route. The striped lizard
moved the other side but, no can do. Blou kop simply blocked
the route again. There was stand - off, that took some minutes
to resolve. It is difficult when you have an aggressive looking
alien in front blockingaccess from further movement.
The striped lizard thought it was wise to completely change
route. This is when there is retreat of some kind. There are no
tones of priorhostilities between the two, but the striped lizard
retreated. The poor animalwas turning and fast.
Blou kop would not have it, blou kop held the other lizard by its
right hind leg, tugging it backward. The striped lizard made a
sharp turn mouth open to scare blou kop off. Poor thing met up
with a much wider mouth causing the whole head to swim in
there. Blou kop closed the hatch, and clamped the lizardshead
in the mouth, breathing through the nostrils the blou kop was
fine to clamp on the unsuspecting striped lizard, which was
having problems struggling in the mouth. Scant breath, and
struggling the lizard lost out. It collapsed in there, died, and
could only be eaten.
The eating of the striped lizard went on, nice nice.
Blou kop was taking the striped lizard in when, a female friend
‘ooooooh,nice, sweet, perfect. Your spirit into exotics is
growing. I love you more now. Oooooooh,exciting. I must be
careful though you do not find me exotic’ the female
‘what, and have blue black on my tail, it is not detachable.I will
be done for’, and that lizard was the bomb delicious, loved the
Blue black, had an almost unfortunate youth against a python.
The young mamba happenedto be sorting out locusts to feed
in an area that had a python.The big snake trapped and killed a
reed buck. Unfortunately when eating, the young mamba got
assimilated by chance. It spent almost three to four months in
there. The big snake continuedto suffer stomach problems,
because it had this thing that fed in it what is ate but most
dangerously, the little snake in it had the occasion of biting at
its intestine. Poisoning it sick, until it died of its ailments. The
young snake got out of the dead animal.Affected by lack of sun
exposure, it had lost its scaling frame. It got a soft blue black
colour. It could only stay it extreme cool places that it found
nearby. Python live mostly in rock areas. It got faster than other
snakes and ate anything even snakes like itself. Generally called
blue black by respecting folk around. It met this female blou
kop, connered it and could not eat it. The two became friends,
lived by leaking one another, blue black needing to be leaked
now and then.
And then there was ‘ the capital of eating’. A black mamba all
scales and black. Alwayshunting for food and nothing else. The
thing loved eating, a menace to anythinglizard, rat, mouse, frog
and some types of snakes. Now ‘ the capitalof eating’ was a
traveller of sorts. Only travellingto where there was food. He
would stay at any place untilall forms of food were depleted,
so long as there was food, the thing was hanging around.
The thing got angry once there was no food, plunderingthe
local chicken for eggs, bird nests and all types of other types of
loose findslike that. Most times birds became troubled when
this capitalof eating was about.They made noise around his
presence, sometimes managing to peck it off with its beaks, or
basicallymanaging to attract higher salvation,like the hawk.
At a point in time the poor animalhad to hide among some
rocky enclave for days. This was after the birds have noised the
attentionof a hawk, save for the topography of the area, the
snake made good its escape. It was held up for days until it
seemed inaccessible to it and left. The capital could not eat for
days. The snake was pissed, got to the bird enclave to eat
anything that got close to it, off the airand on the ground.
’the capitalof eating’ ate a lot of birds all together with a lot of
eggs. The thing left satisfied, birdswere afraid to just peck it,
getting close was no longer a good idea to them. Only those
with much to offer tried but ended in that fanged mouth. the
thing was pissed. Some birds bailedout and moved house. This
was a terrible day for anything in that war, at times pecking
seemed futile and not effective to the snake.

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Life and times of Blou Kop the lizard

  • 1. Life and times of Blou Kop the lizard. It is not easy being a lizard. Not much goes into the life of a lizard. It is a real ‘ devil may care’ thing or ‘ nobody cares’ affair. It was reproduced with other blou kops sometime, somewhere, somehow. Mummy came with her load and deposited somewhere, and left to make life elsewhere. As he stood there, because in this life relaxing is not part of the game, it is sacriledge to do that. Complete suicide, getting caught off guard is not the type of thing favourable to any
  • 2. lizard. It recalled a story back in the day when he almost got eaten by an adult bloukop. This thing had been following him after he was reproduced. Young and vulnerable,fragile and weak, not so streetwise, the adult blou kop stopped him. ‘Hi, young one’ the adult said. ‘Hi adult one’ he replied. ‘Where is your mummy’ the adult said. Afraid and confused, he became emotionalin his answer, crying because mummy and blou kops are a new thing. He then answered ‘ I do not know’ ‘ Typical’ the adultsaid ‘ they bring you in and disappearlong before reproduction’. The adultadded.’ I have never seen such parents. ‘ Anyway, have you some idea where daddyis?’ he asked. The young blou kop got more emotionalthan before.’ Hey I have neither mummy nor daddy’. ‘ The scum of the earth’ what is wrong with lizards’ why do they live me to provide the answers’ why me’. He knelt down in poetic fashion to level with the young blou kop.
  • 3. ‘ Promise to show you your mummy and daddyright now, hop into my mouth’ he said. The young one had got into his mouth to see mummy and daddy, when a thought occurred to it ‘ mouths are for eating not seeing inside them. It quickly got hold of the base of the toungue and tugged at it, closed it with the teeth and clamped hard as the adult lizard was clamping on its waist to crush it. The adult bloukop tried to cough it out but the young lizard held even tighter to choke the rogue off him.
  • 4. They fell to the ground, and he hung in there until the adult lizard gave in to the harsh reality of death. The young one was being survival and survy to the future. There was no way this thing could live, it had to die. It had almost killedand ate it. He bit the toungue off and ate it up for the benefit of life. He was himself hungry. The blou kop thought of this incident.It had perched itself on that favoured spot swiping, swapping and zapping flies and locust and bugs and my my my, what a yummy life. It was growning fast, the food at the spot was good. He was growing big enough, to bully other males like him. At the time of
  • 5. reproduction he needed the muscle to edge his way to females, and they should find it suitable. True, suitable in a world that has no formal disciplineis something else. In a world where ‘ eat or be eaten’ is the stakes of the time. Blou kop discovered a new world of courtship.this female blou kop came in followed by a male blou kop for courtship. He wanted to get involved,but the female bloukop went between the two. They would have to fight to the death for her favours. The thing had hardly finished when the guy jumped on him to fight. He was the stronger of the two, the other guy found itself in mid- air before finallyfalling off with a broken spine, no action
  • 6. for him. Almost dead to the world, the female bloukop began to speak. ‘ Um, you do your thing as I eat, otherwise when I am done, goodbye. It is dangerousto hang out here too long’ ‘ what now is this?’ he enquired. ‘ Like I said, as I eat, give me some love, court with me. I will not have time to wait for courtship. It is dangerous out here.
  • 7. And so, the female started to eat when at the same time is was taking love from blou kop.
  • 8. True to form the thing left as soon as the other contest was fully in its stomach. There were no goodbyes after that, the thing returned with four or more such victims after that. Apparently,these huge meals are meant to keep it in one place for a much longer time. To minimize the risk of being cought and eaten. Oh! To also ensure there is minimum exposure to the sun and bad weather. There was no turning back. Followedthe lady lizard one time to check where it stayed. What a surprise, the female blou kop ended up on some rocks. There was a stone overhang indicatinga sort of cave. In front of the cave was the smooth, dangerous, popularand very famous blue- black mamba. The skin was shiny, no scales on the thing, all curled up in a ring of two coils. That thing was almost two meters long, it is known to eat anything,snakes, frogs , birds, lizards etc. the favourite
  • 9. being snakes like itself. The female lizard got inside this ring of vernom, and the snake began to leak it, as if enjoying the action. The female lizard then after a long long while leak the snake all over. Amazing was all blou kop could think. No wonder the female blou kop was so soft in touch. There was no time to hang around, if those two were to catch on its presence wow!!. Life would go back to normal, fighting for insects with everybody even frogs. Some of these animalswere angry with the lizard, too many meals lost to it, too many meals. When it
  • 10. had time from the rock perch it called huntingground, the lizard ate other lizards as well and this was also a problem. This is a ‘creature eat creature world’, blinkingis not advised. Do not blink, something is watching and hungry out there. Then it happened,the snake friend that grew, was doing the rounds for something to eat, they met by chance. Relations were not so sweet because generally the lizard itself used to chase it around when small. The running started, this thing has grown and this no time to line up and apologise, things must eat. The frog was enjoyingthe day when there was this commotion from his right hand side.
  • 11. He saw the blou kop approachingat great speed, and that great speed suggested trouble. The speed was amazing, it was run by two creatures in a great hurry. Either one followingthe other, and the relationswere such that eating must take place. One of the creatures, has suddenlybecome wanted for eating purposes. The blou kop appeared out of the grass in a hurry, it was doing great speeds towards the frogs direction.
  • 12. For a while the frog thought the blou kop was going to bump it, the thing switched to curve so it will pass in front of the frog, selling it to the trouble behind.It went past at a blistering amount of speed, the breeze that accompaniedit was breath taking.
  • 13. Tail straight out, it went past like it was yesterday. A few seconds later the trouble appeared, a very long thing that can eat more than it is chasing at this moment. The frog straightened up- right and pointedin the direction the lizard has taken. The frog looked like some green lavaecovered piece of wood. The length of the snake and the scales on it, a black mamba, were terrifying to look at, so with his face turned up to the sky, the frog pointedin that direction not expose the cover it had adopted. It, was being sold off and careful action was required.
  • 14. The breeze went for a much longer period because of the snakes length, the two disappearedinto the grass on the other side of the frog and that was it. A fair escape for the blou kop, perched up on its favoured spot, catching flies and bugs and locust flying by, it had forgotten to bring its tail about where it is visible, the tail was hanging wrecklessly out there. A mouse doing business happenedby it. This thing looked like some ediblepiece of wood to it. The mouse set about chomping off.
  • 15. The lizard felt the tail itch at a very uncomfortable point.
  • 16. He found that a mouse was chomping off the tail. The lizard jumped off on the mouse. There was a struggle to free the tail from the mouse, and the lizard beat up the mouse bad. ‘You will pay dearly for this you moron, this tail is not detachablelike all the other mogoes like yourself. How would you feel if I got to chomping off bits of you’.
  • 17. The fighting went on until the mouse was worthless to life. The lizard looked at it and thought it wise to swallow the thing. it have to moisten it to get it right, making the mouse pay for chomping off its tail. The lizard was gobbling the mouse up when the female lizard appeared out of the wild, impressed with what it was witnessing. ‘I did not know you were into exotics, I must take you home one of these days’ the female said. The mouse went in a lot quicker than it would have done at the word. The lizard slumped down at the sudden weight of its stomach contents. It had eaten sizeable things before. The mouse was almost the same size as itself. The thought of going
  • 18. home with this other thing was not the type you want, that is if this female knows where home is and what also stays at home. The lizard was full, very full to think off. It may need some days to digest the latest eating exploit. After all ‘ nobody cares’.
  • 19. Blou kop was slumped up right there, no use to itself and feeling it. The female thought of testing its resolve about it. ‘How about I eat you right now for safe keeping, a big fat great souvenirin my stomach’ it said. “What, over my dead body, why care, go now before I eat you as well’. The female set about laughing, enjoyingitself. ‘ Sorry, about eating you’. By this time the blou kop had sprung up no stress and was making his way out of sight pursued by its female tormentor. Way into safety, where it slumped up again tired of the little activity. ‘ Do you know what will happenwhen found in this condition?, you will be eaten’ the female tormented it.
  • 20. There they were beneathsome rocks, not afraid these rocks may fall on them. Happy that they were there, if anything the female blou kop had found a suitor. About the blue snake, well it loved this female from the beginning,but hurting this female was not advised. Killing it was a mess no animal wanted. Blou kop, was busy hunting, when he saw a striped lizard. It raised emense interest engage this lizard for eating purposes. The striped lizard tried to give right of way when bloukop approachedbut blou kop blocked the route. The striped lizard moved the other side but, no can do. Blou kop simply blocked the route again. There was stand - off, that took some minutes to resolve. It is difficult when you have an aggressive looking alien in front blockingaccess from further movement.
  • 21. The striped lizard thought it was wise to completely change route. This is when there is retreat of some kind. There are no tones of priorhostilities between the two, but the striped lizard retreated. The poor animalwas turning and fast.
  • 22. Blou kop would not have it, blou kop held the other lizard by its right hind leg, tugging it backward. The striped lizard made a sharp turn mouth open to scare blou kop off. Poor thing met up with a much wider mouth causing the whole head to swim in there. Blou kop closed the hatch, and clamped the lizardshead in the mouth, breathing through the nostrils the blou kop was fine to clamp on the unsuspecting striped lizard, which was having problems struggling in the mouth. Scant breath, and struggling the lizard lost out. It collapsed in there, died, and could only be eaten.
  • 23. The eating of the striped lizard went on, nice nice. Blou kop was taking the striped lizard in when, a female friend arrived.
  • 24. ‘ooooooh,nice, sweet, perfect. Your spirit into exotics is growing. I love you more now. Oooooooh,exciting. I must be careful though you do not find me exotic’ the female commented. ‘what, and have blue black on my tail, it is not detachable.I will be done for’, and that lizard was the bomb delicious, loved the feed’ Blue black, had an almost unfortunate youth against a python. The young mamba happenedto be sorting out locusts to feed in an area that had a python.The big snake trapped and killed a reed buck. Unfortunately when eating, the young mamba got assimilated by chance. It spent almost three to four months in there. The big snake continuedto suffer stomach problems, because it had this thing that fed in it what is ate but most dangerously, the little snake in it had the occasion of biting at its intestine. Poisoning it sick, until it died of its ailments. The young snake got out of the dead animal.Affected by lack of sun exposure, it had lost its scaling frame. It got a soft blue black colour. It could only stay it extreme cool places that it found nearby. Python live mostly in rock areas. It got faster than other snakes and ate anything even snakes like itself. Generally called blue black by respecting folk around. It met this female blou kop, connered it and could not eat it. The two became friends,
  • 25. lived by leaking one another, blue black needing to be leaked now and then. And then there was ‘ the capital of eating’. A black mamba all scales and black. Alwayshunting for food and nothing else. The thing loved eating, a menace to anythinglizard, rat, mouse, frog and some types of snakes. Now ‘ the capitalof eating’ was a traveller of sorts. Only travellingto where there was food. He would stay at any place untilall forms of food were depleted, so long as there was food, the thing was hanging around.
  • 26. The thing got angry once there was no food, plunderingthe local chicken for eggs, bird nests and all types of other types of loose findslike that. Most times birds became troubled when this capitalof eating was about.They made noise around his presence, sometimes managing to peck it off with its beaks, or basicallymanaging to attract higher salvation,like the hawk.
  • 27. At a point in time the poor animalhad to hide among some rocky enclave for days. This was after the birds have noised the attentionof a hawk, save for the topography of the area, the snake made good its escape. It was held up for days until it seemed inaccessible to it and left. The capital could not eat for days. The snake was pissed, got to the bird enclave to eat anything that got close to it, off the airand on the ground.
  • 28. ’the capitalof eating’ ate a lot of birds all together with a lot of eggs. The thing left satisfied, birdswere afraid to just peck it, getting close was no longer a good idea to them. Only those with much to offer tried but ended in that fanged mouth. the thing was pissed. Some birds bailedout and moved house. This was a terrible day for anything in that war, at times pecking seemed futile and not effective to the snake.