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Cosmic Grace Conventions:
Some Unique Events
Part 1
Compiled by Gurudas
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Cosmic Grace Conventions:
Some Unique Events
Part 1
Compiled by Gurudas
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ContentsCopyright: 2009 Bhagwan Shree Lakshmi Narayan Dham,
all rights reseved
Published by:
Bhagwan Shree Lakshmi Narayan Dham
5/120, Sant Nirankari Colony, Delhi 110009
TEL: 011-27608950-58, 27607849, 27658588
FAX: 91-11-27607578
Compiled by: Gurudas, Sanjay Bharti
Printed at:
First Edition
January 2010
No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner
whatsoever without written permission from the publisherexcept in the
case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews
8 Worldwide Cosmic Grace Conventions
14 The Ecstasy of True Name
28 The Rainbow Dimension
34 Cosmic Solutions to the World Crisis
42 An Explosion of Love and Peace
52 Blossoms of Love
60 Secrets of Ancient Scriptures Revealed
68 Let Cosmic Sound Secrets be Scientifically Examined
76 The Science of Cosmic Grace
84 Cosmic Science is Beyond All Limits
92 Easy Is Right
100 A Dimension Beyond Astrology
110 The Ocean of Bliss
120 The Sweet Taste of Bliss
128 Amazing Play of the Master
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Divine Dimension 5
Brahmrishi Shree Kumar Swamiji is one of those rare beings who
have gone to the deepest core of the cosmic mysteries. What makes
him rarest of the rare is his dedication to eradicate all human suffering
by sharing these mysteries by one and all. He is relentlessly traveling
around the world holding Cosmic Grace Conventions where he
lovingly offers cosmic tools to thousands.
The process of Cosmic Grace Conventions started in December
2002. Gurudev’s TV show “Secrets of Ayurvigyan” had completed
its 200 days. In that show Gurudev used to diagnose people’s diseases
or problems just by looking at the photos sent by them, and then he
used to offer solutions in the forms of divine medicines and Cosmic
Sound Secrets. At that time so many letters used to arrive that let
aside reading them, it was impossible to open them all to have a look
at them. When the problem was presented to Gurudev, he said that
from then on we would organize large scale conventions to solve
people’s problems en masse.
The first convention was announced to be organized on the 21st-
22nd December, 2006 in Hindu Mahasabha Bhavan near Birla
Mandir in New Delhi. There has been no stopping since then.
Millions around the world have benefited through these conventions.
By the time of completion of this book, 227 conventions have already
been organized and many more are on the way.
The Cosmic Grace conventions have been participated by
various heads of state, governors, chief ministers, diplomats, actors,
educationists, judges, medical scientists, surgeons, and media
people across the world. Millions of lives have gone through
revolutionary changes through these conventions.
People have found a ray of hope. It would not be an exaggeration
to say that millions of people across the world have got rid of their
physical ailments and millions have overcome their mental challenges
because of these conventions.
Divine Dimension4
138 The Divine Light of Love
146 If There Is a Wish, There Is a Way
154 The Way Beyond Suffering & Sorrows
164 Liberation from the Law of Cause & Effect
176 One Solution to All Problems
184 A Light beyond Religion
192 The Eternal Realm of Devotion
202 An Encounter with Protective Energy
210 A Taste of Mystical & Mysterious
216 The Divine Dimension of Selfless Action
228 Only Cosmic Science Can Save Humanity’s Future
240 A Unique Experiment with Music
254 The Realms of Prayer & Grace
266 Celebration of Divine Light
278 Mysteries Beyond Science
290 The Light of Supreme Science
300 What Is Cosmic Grace?
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Many of these people had reached a point where they could have
committed suicide but after participating in these conventions they
have embraced life. Those who had reached to the lowest depth of
financial crisis are now running successful businesses. The bright light
of cosmic science has lit up the lives that were wandering in the dark
corridors of misery.
The Cosmic Sound Secrets offered in these conventions have
proved to be very life-line for those who could see only death at the
horizon. The greatest achievement of Cosmic Grace conventions is
that science has gone through a 180 degree turn in its approach. The
scientific world that once used to look at the concept of cosmic grace
skeptically, is now literally bowing down to Gurudev.
Scientists have started conducting researches on the healing
effects of Cosmic Sound Secrets. They have accepted that the
cosmic science is a much bigger dimension than the material
science. The scientists of the developed Western countries were
simply amazed when they saw the proofs and evidences of people
being healed of incurable diseases by practicing Cosmic Sound
Secrets. The point of amazement for the medical scientists is that they
still have found no cures for many of the diseases that are being cured
by the cosmic science.
The long scientific debate regarding the authenticity of spiritual
claims has come to an end. The cosmic grace conventions have also
been a platform to convey a message of peace and mutual love to the
Gurudev has traveled more than 50 countries to spread his
message of world peace. He is tirelessly working to realize his dream
of a peaceful world without war and violence. In these conventions
people of every religion, caste, creed, and nationality have found
solutions to their problems.
This book is the presentation of some of the unique conventions
held around the world.
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The Significance of Worldwide
Cosmic Grace Conventions
The scientific advancement that we see today is more than ever. We
have gone through a scientific revolution in leaps and bounds, and
there seems to be no limit to the possibilities. Everyday there is a new
gadget to make the human life faster and more comfortable, but the
big question is - are we really comfortable?
In spite of this tremendous scientific revolution humanity is facing
an unprecedented crisis. The magnitude of the present world crisis is
such that even the world-power such as America is finding it difficult
to bail out of the situation. Not only the underdeveloped or
developing nations but the whole world - including the developed
Western countries - is in a financial mess; the economies are
On the other hand, there is terrorism, growing by the day. The
scientific development and all the security arrangements are
incapable of dealing with the sense of insecurity that has become the
part of human life. Globalization finds itself moving backwards and
the economic recession is spreading fast. The industries are folding,
the share markets crashing. People are losing their jobs, while
companies their business....
There is no part of the world that has not been touched or affected
by the problem of terrorism. The whole world is living under the
shadow of terrorism. America and its allies are threatened by the
possibility of Talibans getting hold of nuclear weapons. If that
happens, the consequences are unimaginable. The world peace will
be a long forgotten dream. Already, no effort towards world peace
seems to be of any significance.
The world war, though not imminent, seems like not an
impossibility. The United Nations is clueless as to what can be done
to restore world peace. Of humanity's future, there are predictions
galore. And none of them is very reassuring. There are astrologer who
are predicting the end of this world by the year 2012, while the others
are predicting of a world war. If we believe the astrologer, the times
ahead are not good politically, socially, or economically. Few
astrologer have also predicted a major shift in the cosmos. To sum it
up, the world is facing a major crisis that has endangered our physical,
mental, and financial wellbeing.
And the scarier part is that there seems to be no immediate
solution to it. Science is not being successful as it has its own
limitations. The challenges that we are facing are not only material,
but also spiritual, otherworldly. Science can not step into the
otherworldly dimension.
According to the calculations of planetary conditions, the world is
going through a phase of negative energies presently. The countries
under this negative planetary influence are suffering the most. The
countries worst hit by this influence are America, Canada, England,
and other European nations. The citizens of these countries are
suffering physically and mentally. The quality of living in these
countries is dipping low. People are being victims of mental disorders.
Compared to India, more people in the West are suffering from
depression, hypertension, high blood pressure, anxiety, and coronary
The effect of psychological ailments is being reflected on the
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social and cultural fabric of the Western societies. The psychological
perversion are rampant. Even the advanced medical science is
finding itself incapable to cope with the situation.
The movement of de-suffering that Brhmarishi Shree Kumar
Swami started a decade ago has now taken a global form and almost
30 million people across the world are practicing the para-scientific
tools of cosmic grace to overcome their physical, mental, and
financial ailments. He travels around the world to bring people in
touch with the cosmic grace, the source of all wellbeing.
In more than 200 large scale conventions across the globe, he has
not only taught Cosmic Sound Secrets to millions but has also
bedazzled the scientists and medical professionals. Today, Brahmrishi
Shree Kumar Swami is the center of curiosity and amazement for the
Western countries. Internationally, the medical scientists, professors,
and doctors are in awe of the results that the practice of Cosmic
Sound Secrets is bringing to people suffering from incurable diseases.
The mystical persona of Gurudev, and unimaginable power of
cosmic science propounded by him have shocked people awake. It
has triggered an international debate among medical scientists. There
is a large section of scientists that has accepted that the Cosmic Sound
Secrets are capable of curing even such diseases that the medical
science has no cure for.
For the worldwide peace and wellbeing, Gurudev has already
traveled to America, England, Canada, France, Germany, Hungary,
Austria, Port of Spain, Kuwait, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and
Nepal. During his tours of these countries he made people experience
the cosmic grace through powerful tool of Cosmic Sound Secrets.
Wherever he went, he brought people freedom from suffering.
Gurudev has categorically stated that only a short regular practice
of 10-15 minutes of Cosmic Sound Secrets is enough to bring this
world out of its economical, social, psychological, physical, and
political problems. There are millions around the world who have
gone through this practice and experienced the positive results. There
are people who had lost all hope of ever overcoming their various
problems, are now living happily.
During his travels, Gurudev met people who were completely
ignorant of the eternal wisdom of the East, and had no clue of the
cosmic principles. They had never known that the cosmic grace can
be evoked scientifically to overcome one's suffering.
When Gurudev offered the cosmic solutions to people's problems,
no one believed at first. By and by, though, when people started
experimenting they felt the power of this unique science. They started
feeling a surge of positive energy within their bodies and
psychology; diseases started disappearing; mental disorders started
dissipating. Soon, Gurudev's mission spread like a wildfire as people
started sharing their experiences with friends and loved ones.
Today, the whole Western world is spellbound with Gurudev's
work and mission. People flock to the airports, struggling to get just
a glimpse of him, where Gurudev is going to land. There have been
occasions when the authorities in America and England were forced
to provide him extra security.
Often the heads of state, top diplomats, mayors, and other leaders
come to receive him, or visit to welcome him to their country. A wave
of popularity for Gurudev in the West started in August 2007.
Gurudev created a history in the world of spirituality when he was
invited to conduct a Prabhu Kripa event in August 2007 at NEC
Hall, the biggest auditorium in Europe. The ticket to this event was
priced Pounds 108, whereas in the same hall the price of the ticket to
the famous rock star Sir Elton John's concert was Pounds 85. The
stunned British and European media declared that Gurudev has left
the biggest rock star far behind in popularity.
In 2008, Gurudev traveled many times to America, Canada, and
England. Again in 2009 he traveled to these countries, where he
conducted many camps and conventions.
In these conventions of International level, people participated
from all over the world and learnt the cosmic secrets. The
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intelligentsia and medical professional were also present in these
conventions to understand the subtleties of cosmic science. In the
conventions held in Canada and England, Gurudev revealed unique
spiritual secrets. He praised science for what it can deliver, but also
urged people to experiment with the science of the beyond.
He said that science has its own limitations and is ignorant of the
principles of cosmic grace as the laws of this dimension are beyond its
reach. He made people experience the simplicity and effectiveness of
this dimension.
In August 2008, Gurudev traveled to Germany. A mega
convention was held in Frankfurt during this visit. In the convention,
Gurudev invited German scientists to share the secrets of cosmic
science with them. The President and the Vice president of Vishwa
Hindu Parishad of Germany, the President of Srilankan Tamil
Hindus, and the President of Indian Association of Germany
felicitated Gurudev.
Addressing thousands of people, Gurudev said that no one needs
to be afraid of the problems that the world is facing today. He offered
the tools of Cosmic Sound Secrets, and said the world would have
no problems left if people practice them regularly.
About the significance of his worldwide tours, Gurudev says that
now the time has come for the world to know and practice the
eternal wisdom of the East. He says that the cosmic science is the
essence of all religions, and this dimension can help people overcome
their physical, mental, and material sufferings. Millions of people
across the world have experienced this fact and are regularly
practicing the Cosmic Sound Secrets. The positive energy generated
by this widespread practice of cosmic principles has raised the level of
human consciousness and opened doors to the world peace.
In the following pages, we will have a glimpse of some of the
conventions held around the world to understand the magnitude of
the work that is happening through these conventions.
Chapter 1
The Ecstasy of
True Name
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The Ecstasy of True Name
Cosmic Grace Convention in Amritsar: A Scientific
Platform for the Cosmic Sound Secrets
The 188th Cosmic Grace convention held in the holy city of
Amritsar was a historical event. The very name of the city - Amritsar
- means a lake of nectar and for hundreds of thousands gathered there
to participate, it was like taking a dip into that lake or being drenched
in a rain of nectar that showered over them as translucent pearls. To
witness this event of monumental importance, the Chief Minister of
Punjab S. Prakash Singh Badal was also present along with his
cabinet ministers and other government officials.
This historical event that witnessed the establishment and science
recognizing the scientific and practical aspects of Cosmic Sound
Secrets had drawn people not only from Punjab but from all over
India and the rest of the world. Navjot Singh Sidhu, the cricketer of
international fame and Member of Parliament was also present
beside the popular TV actors such as Arun Govil, Gajendra
Chauhan, Surendra Pal, Mukesh Khanna, Arjun, Sunil Lahiri, Rupa
Ganguly, and Praveen Kumar.
In this convention, for the first time a scientific platform was
offered to study the miraculous effects of Cosmic Sound Secrets. The
Chief Minister appreciated Gurudev's work and announced that the
Punjab government is ready to give land for Prabhu Kripa research
center in Punjab. Echoing his sentiments, Navjot Singh Sidhu
promised to donate Rs. 10 million to the research center.
The Tribune, the leading daily of Punjab reported, " Badal said it
was great day for Punjab that Swamiji organized such function to
remove sufferings of the humanity. He assured that the Punjab
government would extend all help to establish an institute in the state
to remove sufferings of residents on the basis of Gurbani. BJP MP
The Chief Minister of Punjab, S. Prakash Singh Badal, felicitating Gurudev
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Sidhu said if any institute based on Gurbani was set up in Punjab, he
would donate Rs 50 lakh from his pocket and Rs 50 from the
MPLAD Fund."
The former Health Minister of Punjab, Dr. Baldevraj Chawla, who
has also been appointed as the chairman of Prabhu Kripa research
center, said that now very soon the scientific world will realize that
Cosmic Sound Secrets are a powerful aspect of science.
Addressing the convention, Gurudev said, "I have brought such
grace of the True Name that will take away all your sufferings and
sorrows, and will fill your life with divine ecstasy. You will be able to
have a glimpse of Shri Guru Granth Sahib and will be able to
understand what life is, and how it can be made more beautiful."
Speaking about the divine powers of Shri Guru Granth Sahib he
said, " Shri Guru Granth Sahib has a unique power. There is no other
guru greater than this holy book. Even the scientists of the world are
bowing down to the powers of Shri Guru Granth Sahib. They have
realized that many people have got rid of their sufferings by chanting
the True Name. Shri Guru Granth Sahib is an unparalleled gift given
to this universe, and everything is possible by its powers."
He also said, "There are many who still have not realized what
powers are hidden in Shri Guru Granth Sahib. The daily morning
and evening recital of this divine scripture can cure your incurable
diseases, solve your mental and financial problems. You will see how
your life starts changing."
Gurudev also talked about the social problems that Punjab is
struggling with and offered solutions for them. He said, "This state is
struggling with the evils of alcoholism and foeticide. These problems
can be overcome by everybody reciting Shri Guru Granth Sahib
regularly. This holy book is a treasure house of miraculous powers
and I want to bring such treasures to light that will drown you in
divine drunkenness, making you forget alcohol or any other
intoxicant. If a woman chants the mantra for 10 minutes, she will
forget everything about foeticide and the girl child that she will give
birth to will grow up to be an intelligent human being. A woman who
recites Shri Guru Granth Sahib can never think of foeticide."
Touching the family issues Gurudev said, "Many couples due to
mutual disharmony are on the edge of divorce. After the practice of
Cosmic Sound Secrets they will develop such harmony that they will
be ready to touch each other's feet. The children who are weak in
learning can practice it for two minutes nine times a day, and they
will receive immense grace from the goddess of wisdom. The practice
can cure such incurable diseases of which even medical science is
Further elaborating on the nature and powers of Cosmic Sound
Secrets he said, "The Cosmic Sound Secrets are the essence of all the
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religious scriptures and a powerful aspect of the cosmic grace. They
are a scientific dimension beyond science. If you believe in Hinduism
then I will give you secrets from Gita, if you belong to Sikh faith then
I will give you secrets from Shri Guru Granth Sahib. To
Muslims, secrets will be given from holy Qoran and Christians will be
given secrets from Bible. If you are an atheist, you will be given
secrets in a scientific format."
Many participants shared their amazing experiences of Cosmic
Sound Therapy during the convention. Not only the Chief Minister
and other guests but the invited medical professors and
journalists listened to them spellbound.
Here, we are presenting the experiences of some of the participants:
Sarla Upadhyay, Amritsar: I was suffering from migraine for last
25 years and no therapy or medicine had helped. By practicing
Cosmic Sound Secrets I got rid of it in a surprising short time. After
my husband had gone through a major uterus surgery, his situation
was critical. Even the doctors were skeptical about his recovery, but
the Cosmic Sound Secrets cured him completely. He used to be an
atheist and now he practices the Cosmic Sound Secrets regualrly.
Jagdish Chandra, Jind: My hemoglobin had dropped down to
count 4. Seeing the seriousness of my condition the doctors referred
me to a Delhi hospital, where I started my medication. Medicines
were not helping and the doctors were worried. At that time I started
practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets and to everybody's surprise my
hemoglobin count started rising and very soon reached to 12.
Poonam, Amritsar: My daughter's legs were deformed since birth.
She was in a lot of pain. The practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets cured
her deformity. I was really scared when I was pregnant with my
second child. Doctors told me that the child in my womb also had the
same deformity. This time I knew what I had to do to stop that from
happening. I started practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets regularly and
gave birth to a completely healthy child.
Premlata, Himachal Pradesh: Since last 15 years I had a boil in
my eye. No therapy was proving effective. Other than that I was also
suffering from migraine since last 20 years. I received Cosmic Sound
Secrets from Gurudev in Mandi convention and started practicing
them regularly. Now I am so happy that I have got rid of both my
Manpreet Kaur, Ludhiana: I used to have a continuous pain in
my back for last 15 years. The doctors had clearly told me that I would
have to suffer the pain for the rest of my life. I received Cosmic Sound
Secrets in Panipat convention and started practicing them. In no time
my back pain and ulcers disappeared.
Tripta Devi, Himachal Pradesh: My brother's spinal cord had
dislocated. I practiced Cosmic Sound Secrets for my brother and he
completely recovered. My husband got a much awaited
promotion. By the grace of Cosmic Sound Secrets, our whole family
is prospering.
Popular TV actors present in the convention also expressed their
views. Mukesh Khanna said, "I am fortunate that I have got this
opportunity to participate in this divine convention. To come to the
feet of a mystic like Gurudev is in fact because of the divine grace."
Surendra Pal said, "The Cosmic Sound Secrets offered by Gurudev
bring powerful results. It takes away all your sorrows and sufferings."
Adding to it, Pravin Kumar said, "Anything in this world can be
achieved by practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets. It is a good fortune for
all of us that what Gurudev learnt after such hard austerities, he is
offering to us with such ease."
Feroz Khan, who is famous for playing his epical role of Arjuna in
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splendor of True Name to light for everyone to see. He is serving the
whole world in true sense. I welcome him to the land of Amritsar."
The Chairman of the State Police Advisory Committee, Shri
Rajendra Marwah said, "I welcome Gurudev to Amritsar on behalf of
all the citizens and the industrialists. I request him to honor this city
by visiting here again."
The MLA from Amritsar, Shri Anil Joshi said, "We are all fortunate
to have Gurudev among us. His wisdom is eliminating the sorrows
of humanity. I bow down to his compassion and love."
The Mayor of Amritsar, Shri Shwet Malik said, "In the modern
world everybody is tensed and has lost his health and happiness.
Gurudev is the greatest physician in the world. He is not only
curing our diseases but also making our tensions disappear. His
Cosmic Sound Therapy is the greatest legacy of our culture.”
The Chief Minister, S. Prakash Singh Badal and Navjot Singh
Siddhu felicitated Gurudev by tying a traditional turban on his head.
A souvenir was also presented to him on behalf of the Government
of Punjab. The Chief Minister also launched Gurudev's book
Maykhana and the latest issue of the monthly magazine Prabhu
The Deputy Speaker of Punjab Legislative Assembly, Shri Satpal
Gosai, the Transportation Minister, Shri Mohanlal, the Family
Welfare Minister, Smt. Lakshmikanta Chawla, The General
Secretary of BJP Punjab, Shri Kamal Sharma, the Head of Durgayana
Temple, Shri Harnam Das Arora, the Head of Shri Devi Talab
Mandir, Shri Sheetal Viz were also present at the occasion beside
other wellknown people from Amritsar.
the TV serial Mahabharat, sang many devotional songs and expressed
his gratitude saying, "Even though I am a Pathan but I have come to
Gurudev because I see Allah's grace in him. He is like our
father, and we are all his children. I have not come here as an artist but
as his disciple. Coming to Gurudev all my wishes have been fulfilled."
Rupa Ganguly said, "Today wherever one goes one finds things to
be miserable, but coming to these conventions with Gurudev one
finds peace. In these conventions I experience an inner strength. I
would like to participate again and again."
Arun Govil, who makes it a point to participate in every Prabhu
Kripa convention said, "Like millions of people who come to
Gurudev, I too come here to receive his grace. We can experience
truth by practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets. It changes our whole
psychology, our problems start getting solved without any effort on
our part."
Sunil Lahiri said, "We are all getting rid of our problems and
sufferings by the grace of Gurudev. The power of Cosmic Sound
Secrets is like that of a shining sun. They can eliminate all suffering
from the world. Incurable diseases get cured by their power."
The General Secretary of Bhagwan Shree Lakshmi Narayan Dham,
Shri Gurudas said addressing the assembly, "What Gurudev has
achieved after a long sadhana of years, he is making available to us so
easily. The depth of his grace is endless. The whole world has seen the
results of his work."
Dr. Baldevraj Chawla again spoke of the scientific importance of
Cosmic Sound Secrets. He said, "We have seen such incurable
diseases being cured that even medical science was unable to.
Cosmic Sound Secrets have cured cancer, asthma, jaundice, and even
AIDS. Now the time has come that the Cosmic Sound Secrets be
scientifically examined. A complete medical university should be
created around them."
The cabinet minister of the Punjab Government, Shri Gurdas said,
"Without the True Name we are all poor. Gurudev has brought the
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The Mayor of Amritsar, Shri Shwet Malik, felicitating Gurudev
The Transport Minister of Punjab, Shri Mohanlal, felicitating Gurudev The Deputy Speaker of Punjab Assembly, Shri Satpal Gosai, felicitating Gurudev
The Health & Family Welfare Minister of Punjab, Smt. lakshmikant Chawla,
felicitating Gurudev
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The Member of Parliament and famous cricketer, S. Navjot Singh Siddhu
felicitating Gurudev
Amritsar MLA, Shri Anil Joshi felicitating Gurudev
Popular actor, Rupa Ganguly felicitating GurumaaThe Medical Education Minister of Punjab, Shri Tikshna Sud, felicitating Gurudev
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Chapter 2
The Rainbow
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The Rainbow Dimension
A Unique Festival of Colors
The festival of Holi this year became a unique experience for those
who participated in the Cosmic Grace convention in Lakshmi Nagar,
Delhi. Thousands of devotees gathered from all over the world played
a flower-holi with Gurudev. There was magic in the air as petals were
being thrown all around. To everyone's delight Gurudev came in the
midst of everyone and started participating in the play. There was joy,
there was dance. Hearts were beating in love and thankfulness.
Flowers were showering, and so was the divine grace.
Devotion was the color that colored everyone.
Addressing everyone, Gurudeve said, "Negative powers become
active around the time of Holi. At this time people become
susceptible to the negative influences of tantra and other sorts of
black magic. This causes many physical and mental problems to
people, making them sad and miserable. Today I want to share a
special mystical dimension of the divine grace with you to free you
from the negative influences, to free you from your sufferings. I want
to reveal the Cosmic Sound Secrets for you to practice. This therapy
will bring an end to all your physical, mental, and financial sufferings.
It will pave a path for a bright future."
Gurudev went deeper into the mystical importance of Holi, the
festival of colors. He said, "With this special dimension of the divine
grace, demon Hiranyakashyap was slain and the great devotee
Prahlad was liberated. I am sharing with you the same light that Lord
Vishnu had given to Prahlad. If you practice the Cosmic Sound
Secrets, you will see that no one can harm you any more."
Further he said, "These Cosmic Sound Secrets are very powerful
dimension of the divine grace. To practice them on the day of Holi is
very important. Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu have mentioned this
categorically. The Cosmic Sound Therapy is for everyone. It doesn't
make a difference which religion you belong to. It doesn't make a
difference even if you don't believe in any religion at all."
Gurudev also mentioned about the enrgy centers in Punjab and
other places. Throwing a light on the power of these energetically
charged places he said, "Even if you just visit these centers, your
problems will disappear. The doctors and other scientists are being
invited to these centers so that they can conduct a research on the
effects of Cosmic Sound Secrets.”
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The General Secretary of Bhagwan Shree Lakshmi Narayan Dham,
Shri Gurudas, who was compeering the event said, "Gurudev has
colored us in the colors of grace. It is such a good fortune to be able
to play Holi with one's spiritual master. Such a holi contains the
rainbow colors of divine grace."
Many participants also shared the results of their practicing
Cosmic Sound Secrets in their life. Some of those experiences are
presented here.
Neha Badhera, Delhi: With the help of Cosmic Sound Secrets I
have topped the Delhi University and have scored so high that I have
broken the record of last ten years. The Speaker of Loksabha, Shri
Somnath Chatterjee presented me the gold medal for this.
Bimla Devi, Gandhi Nagar: I had a such a breath problem that it
was difficult for me to even speak. I changed many hospitals and
doctors, but everyone told me that there is no permanent cure to this
disease and I would have to be on medication for the rest of my life.
When I started practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets, my problem
disappeared from its very roots.
Santosh, Kurukshetra: I had an ulcer in my uterus since last 12
years. The doctors were asking me to go through a surgery as there
was no other way to get rid of it. I started practicing Cosmic Sound
Secrets and my ulcer is completely gone, without any surgery.
Ramkumar, Kurukshetra: My mother was down with a severe
attack of typhoid. She was not able even to walk. We took her to the
Prabhu kripa convention in Amritsar, where she learnt the Cosmic
Sound Secrets and started practicing. Today she is absolutely fine.
The Cosmic Sound Secrets have also helped me in getting rid of my
mental tensions.
Roshni Devi, Malviya Ngar: I was under the influence of some
black magic which was not letting me pursue my ambition of
becoming a teacher. This had caused a severe depression in me. I was
being treated at Safdarjang Hospital in Delhi for my depression but
it was not working. The Cosmic Sound Secrets cured my depression,
and I am totally free from it.
The Session Judge, Shrimati Reena Singh, who was also present at
the occasion said, "Many of my problems have dissolved because of
the Cosmic Sound Secrets. Gurudev offers us such a simple process
that we have to do just for 10-15 minutes and all our problems
Shri Bobby, The President of Youth Akali Dal said, "The Cosmic
Sound Therapy is very powerful. Mysteriously it solves all our
problems. The youth wing of Akali Dal will always be ready to extend
any help in the creation of the Cosmic Sound Secrets center in Delhi."
Dr. S. M. Taneja, the President of Indian Peace Mission said, "I
am a doctor and I know that many a time we can not analyze a disease
even after many tests, but Gurudev comes to know what disease a
person is suffering from just by looking at his face. I did not use to
believe in Cosmic Sound Secrets but I was amazed when my brother
shared his experience with me. One of my own patients who was
suffering from cancer has got cured by Cosmic Sound Secrets.
Shri Sarvapreet Singh, who had arrived from London to
participate in the convention said, "People in the West did not believe
in the power of the Cosmic Sound Secrets. Now everyone is amazed
as Gurudev has shown their power with evidence.”
Justice T. S. Kashyap, Shri R. P. Malik (Chairman, Lovely Public
School), famous spiritual leader Shri Rajesh Shastri and many other
dignitaries were also present at the occasion.
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Chapter 3
Cosmic Solutions to
the World Crisis
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Cosmic Solutions to the World Crisis
The Prabhu Kripa convention in the scenic mountainous region
of Nalagarh in Himachal pradesh was another beautiful addition to
the success of Cosmic Sound Secrets. Thousands gathered from all
around the world to receive the grace of Cosmic Sound Secrets.
The private Secretary of the Prime Minister, Shri R. S. Negi also
participated in the event beside other government officials, actors,
and scientists.
Addressing the convention Gurudev said, "In the near future the
world is going to face tremendous problems. Seeing how the world is
struggling with the fear of large scale wars and economic meltdown,
one can logically conclude where we are heading to. Globally, there
is so much fear that people looking for ways to come out of this mess.
Prayers, invocations: people around the world are resorting to
anything for the world peace."
He said, "If we do not invoke the cosmic grace, human beings will
start killing each other. Countries will start fighting to each other and
the whole world will be doomed. The way ecology is being disturbed
it will escalate further, causing the damage to crops. New diseases will
come into existence and the whole humanity will suffer. Life will be
miserable to bear."
Providing a simple solution to the world crisis Gurudev said, "The
dimension of cosmic grace can save the world from this crisis. This
dimension is benevolent and is capable of bringing peace to the world.
And I would like to emphasize that have no means left other than
this. This dimension can save the nations, can save the crops, can save
the families. We can not save the world by any meditation, yoga, or
prayers. This dimension of cosmic grace can not only bring an end to
all your physical, mental, and financial problems but is potent enough
to establish an everlasting peace in the world."
Referring the ancient scriptures Gurudev said, "This dimension
belongs to Lord Shiva, to Guru Granth sahib, to holy Qoran, to the
Bible, to Jinvani, to Dhammapada. Lord Krishna had revealed this
dimension to Arjuna. This dimension is not just hypothetical; it is
based on scientific facts."
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Many participants shared their amazing experiences of Cosmic
Sound Therapy. Few of them are presented here.
Anita Devi, Mandi: My daughter came down with brain fever. She
used to go into for long periods. When we took her to PGI, the
doctors told us that her brain has been damaged. We took her to
Prabhu Kripa convention in Bilaspur to receive the Cosmic Sound
Secrets. My daughter came to her normal self after the therapy. Even
the doctors were surprised when they tested her again and found
everything to be absolutely normal.
Neha Dhiman, Nalagarh: My younger brother's lever was
damaged so badly that the doctors had told us that he would not
survive. We started practicing the Cosmic Sound Secrets and to
everyone's surprise he was completely cured. He is not only alive but
is perfectly healthy.
Bindu Sood, Panchkula: My grandmother was in coma and her
body was suffering in many ways. We all wished that she should leave
the body to be free of this suffering. We resorted to the Cosmic
Sound Secrets and she died peacefully.
Shobha, Hanumangarh: My mother had brain tumor. Doctors
had already said that she would not survive but we didn't want to lose
hope. We participated in one of the Prabhu Kripa conventions and
learnt the Cosmic Sound Secrets. My mother recovered completely
after the practice.
Dinesh Dhiman, Una: I have had two brain surgeries. My
memory was almost dysfunctional. My business was also suffering
badly. I started practicing the Cosmic Sound Secrets and surprised
the doctors with my absolute recovery. Now my business is also
Sharing his views with everyone, Shri Sarvpreet Singh said,
" Cosmic Sound Secrets are bringing love and peace to millions. This
dimension that Gurudev has made available to us is beyond mind."
Ramodas, Chandigarh: I did not believe in the Cosmic Sound
Secrets but after experimenting with open mind I can say that they
can cure any disease. My son's red cells count was very low. His
anemia was not being cured by any medication. The Cosmic Sound
Secrets cured him completely.
Kiranlata, Nalagarh: My husband was bedridden because of his
spinal problem. the Cosmic Sound Secrets cured him completely.
Pankaj Kumar, Mandi: My son was born very weak. His stomach
was always upset and no medication was working on him. When we
watched Gurudev's program on TV we decided to meet him. We
came to the convention in Simla and learnt the Cosmic Sound
Secrets. My son is enjoying his good health now.
Popular actor Shri Arun Govil, Shri sarvpreet Singh and Shri Gurudas
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Divine Dimension38
The General Secretary of Bhagwan Shree Lakshmi Narayan Dham
thanked Gurudev for making the secrets of Cosmic Sound available
to everyone. He said, "This dimension of cosmic grace that Gurudev
has made available to us is amazing. His whole mission is to take away
our physical, mental, and financial problems."
The popular actor Gajendra Chauhan said, "Listening to people's
experiences in the convention my mind has stopped. I was in so many
problems that the Cosmic Sound Secrets have taken care of. I feel
very fortunate to be able to participate in the convention."
Feroz Khan, another popular actor said, "I have a long list of my
own experiences but I don't have words to describe them. Gurudev's
words have an edge like Arjuna's bow."
Also present at the occasion were MLA Shri Harinarayan Saini,
SDM Shri Sushil Kumar Sharma, District Magistrate of Dehradun
Shri N. S. Dhanik, the senior government officer Shri Rakesh Sharma,
and other prominent people.
This dimension can
save the nations, can
save the crops, can
save the families. We
can not save the world
by any meditation,
yoga, or prayers. This
dimension of cosmic
grace can not only
bring an end to all
your physical, mental,
and financial
problems but is potent
enough to establish an
everlasting peace in
the world."
The Personal Secretary to the Prime Minister Shri Manmohan Singh, Shri R S
Negi addressing the convention
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Chapter 4
An Explosion of
Love & Peace
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An Explosion of Love and Peace
A Unique Convention for Army Officers
No nation can be bigger than religion and when the integrity of a
nation is threatened the guidance of a spiritual mystic is called for.
Following the tradition of this eternal truth, Gurudev visited the
Indo-Pak border and sent a message of peace, love, and harmony to
the whole world. His message was telecast by the major international
channels and was heard by heads of state, politicians, religious leaders,
and citizens of the whole world.
The military officials were amazed at Gurudev's unexpected visit to
the border post. His message of love melted the barbed wires
segregating the two nations and the tensed atmosphere relaxed as if
suddenly the scorching sun has given way to the cool showers
of monsoon. The roots of violence blossomed into fragrant flowers.
The cosmic power of Gurudev's voice kindled the sweet flames of love
in the hearts of army men. The DIG of Border Security Force, Shri M
L Wasan, was overwhelmed with this miraculous transformation
caused by Gurudev.
Commanding Officer of second Commandant J S Meena, Deputy
Commandant J L Singh and Kuldeep Singh, Sector Head Quarter
Commandant Bharti Shah and other senior officials were present
along with their battalions to receive Gurudev. The army men
belonging to all religions and regions along with their families had
gathered to experience the power of cosmic grace.
Gurudev's visit was a golden experience for army men. They had
never even thought that a mystic such as Gurudev would arrive to
ease the tensions of their strict routines of vigil at the border post.
The senior officials of army expressed their surprise while speaking to
the media present at the occasion.
Addressing the mammoth gathering of army men, Gurudev said,
"Army is like oxygen for any nation, nothing will remain without
them. Just as a mystic provides spiritual energy to the world, an army
man offers his individual energy to protect the nation. The existence
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of every nation depends on their armies. An army man can be
compared to a saint because he possesses the same qualities of
restraint, self confidence, courage and readiness to put his own life at
He also said, "For an army man there is no need to travel on the
path of Bhakti, Gyan, or tattva. Lord krishna has said in Geeta that
he who dies fighting in the battlefield, attains his grace. Lord Krishna
had told Arjuna that without bothering about any devotion or
austerities he should fulfill his own duties at the battlefield, and if he
dies in the course of his duties Arjuna would attain his everlasting
grace. A warrior who embraces death without any grudge becomes
part of divinity.”
Expressing his vision on religion Gurudev said, "Nation is not
bigger than religion. The foundation of every country is based on
religion; it is the very roots of everything. It is not India and Pakistan
that fight with each other, but the religious ignorance that creates
conflicts. All these wars sprout from human ignorance, from the
pseudo elements of religion. No religion has ever taught fighting with
each other.
Emphasizing the oneness of all the religions Gurudev Said,
"Nobody in this world has ever said that God is not one.
Mohammedans say 'Allah-O-Akbar' God is the greatest. Sikhs say
'Sat Sri Akal' God is beyond time, hence the greatest. Hindus say 'Har
Har Mahadev' God is greater than all. Christians also say that God is
the greatest. Every religion believes God to be one and the greatest."
Further he said, "If God is one and the greatest than why do we
fight with each other? These wars are rooted in our ignorance and
the vested interests. The people with the spiritual awareness need to
bring these facts to light so that peace and harmony can be established
in this world. I have come to make you aware of the facts and the true
divine nature. With the knowledge of divine nature, there would be
no wars in the world."
Gurudev also spoke about the powers of cosmic science. He said,
"With the practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets you will be a winner in
all the situations. The power of this dimension is such that no one
will be able to attack you. A practice of just 10-15 minutes will
create a consciousness in you that we all belong to one religion and
that is the religion of love. And if the war is destined to happen, the
practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets will make you capable of knowing
why and when the war will happen, and what will be the outcome."
Insisting on his message of world peace he said, "The dimension of
cosmic grace is the dimension of love and peace. It is the dimension
of bringing all the religions and nations together."
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Famous actor, Shri Arun Govil was also present at the occasion.
Addressing the gathered army men he said, "I am honored that I
am visiting the border post along with Gurudev. He has his own
mysterious ways to connect us with the cosmic grace."
Shri Gurudas, the general secretary of Bhagwan Shree Lakshmi
Narayan Dham said, "Gurudev's power and energy is beyond
all nations. If we can understand his message there will be an
everlasting peace in this world, and with the help of cosmic science
that he is making available to us there won't be any physical, mental
or financial problems left.
Gurudev also answered the questions regarding the personal
problems of army officers and the troupes of various regiments and
battalions. he also discussed the issues of world peace with the senior
army officials.
Some of the Army Officers also expressed their views and
I welcome Bramharishi Shree Kumar Swami on the behalf of entire
sector. I request him to bless all of us to be self confident.
Shri M L Wasan, DIG, BSF
We are all very fortunate that Swamiji is among us. We have got this
opportunity unexpectedly. I am grateful for his presence here.
Shri Vimal satyarthi, Commanding Officer, BSF
This is a golden opportunity for the security forces posted at the
border. I request Gurudev to bless all of us with his grace.
Shri Bharti Shah, Commandant Sector Head Quarter, BSF
We are fortunate that you are here with us at the border. This will
boost our morale and inspire us.
Shri J L Meena, Second Commandant, BSF
I thank Kumar Swamiji for being with us. This has boosted the morale
of security forces.
Shri Kuldeep Singh, Deputy Commandant, BSF
Swamiji's visit has given me a self confidence. I hope it is the case with
all the members of security force.
Shri J K Singh, Deputy Commandant, BSF
We all are proud that Shree Kumar Swami has given some time to be
with us. His being among us will boost our morale.
Shri Pankaj Sudan, Deputy Commissioner, BSF
DIG of BSF, Shri M L Wasan addressing the convention
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Gurudev receiving the guard of honor by Border Security Forces
Gurudev and Gurumaa watching the flag ceremony
Shri Gurudas addressing the convention. Also seen in the picture are Shri Vimal
Satyarthi, Commanding Officer, BSF and Shri Arun Govil
Shri M L Wasan, DIG, BSF, Gurudev, Guru Maa, Shri Arun Govil, and Shri Vimal
Satyarthi, Commanding Officer, BSF at BSF headquarters
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Chapter 5
Blossoms of Love
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Blossoms of Love
Spring Comes to Ferozpur
It was the message of love that Gurudev delivered in the
convention at Ferozpur situated at the Indo-Pak border. To the eager
listeners he said, "The dimension of cosmic grace can create an
atmosphere of a loving friendship between India and the neighboring
country of Pakistan, but among all nations. If the cosmic grace is
evoked, all political lines on the world map will become threads of
love. The powers of this dimension are limitless, and can not be
understood or experienced via science. The science of cosmic secrets
is beyond the material or worldly science."
The senior political leaders from Punjab, medical doctors,
journalists from all spheres of media, and intelligentsia were all
present in the convention as if drawn by a magnet. Among the
participants were people from all nook and corner of the world. And
why not! The very message of the convention was world peace.
The atmosphere was charged with a feeling of hope. In these
tumultuous days of despair, the convention had brought a ray of hope,
a possibility for a golden future for humanity. Today, when fear and
violence have become the very fabric of society, it was very reassuring
to hear a voice that said all is not lost, there still is a way out. Gurudev
unraveled the secrets of cosmic science and said, "There is no problem
in the world that can not be solved by cosmic science."
He said, "The science of cosmic secrets is not a matter of blind faith
or miracles. It's base is absolutely scientific and can be analyzed in the
laboratories of science. On the other hand, it belongs to all the
religions of the world. The Cosmic Sound Secrets - the very
fundamentals of this science - are strewn all over the religious
scriptures. Although hidden, they can be decoded. Shree Guru
Granth Sahib, Holy Qoran, Geeta, Bible - they all carry these secrets.
They have not been invented or developed by man, but have been
given by the cosmic consciousness. Today, the science is forced to
accept the eternal wisdom of our scriptures. The scientists are amazed
at how people are being cured of incurable diseases just by a 10-15
minute practice of cosmic sound secrets. There are more than 300
million people around the world who have experienced their power
first hand."
Explaining the power of cosmic sound secrets further he said, "The
physical problems that could not be solved by any medical system -
allopathy, homeopathy, ayurveda - are all being cured by the practice
of cosmic sound science. People suffering from such diseases spend a
fortune for their treatment to find that it has all been in vain. In
desperation they go to tantriks, astrologers, faith healers. But what is
the result? Just a disillusionment."
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Explaining the effects of Cosmic Sound Secrets he said, "With the
regular practice of just 10-15 minutes you will find that your physical
illnesses are disappearing. Not only physical but mental and
financial problems will also be taken care of. There is no problem that
can not be solved with the practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets. This
eternal science connects you with the source of all abundance. Their
effects are there for everyone to see. Even scientists can conduct their
researches and will find all the necessary proof of their authenticity.
The Member of Legislative Assembly from Ferozpur, Shri Sukhpal
was also present at the occasion. He said, "I am grateful to Gurudev
that he chose to visit our town. I request him to bless this town to be
peaceful and prosperous. I am confident in my belief that his visit will
establish peace in this border town.
Shri Kamal Sharma, the state president of BJP said, "When I
watched Gurudev on television for the first time I was immensely
impressed and wanted to meet him. I am fortunate that this month
I have had this opportunity thrice. I welcome him to Ferozpur."
The former Health Minister of Punjab and the chairman of
medical board, Dr. Baldevraj Chawla said, "There has been a case of
AIDS being cured by the practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets. This is
the first example in the whole history of this disease. Even the medical
science is still struggling for a remedy. The practice of Cosmic Sound
Secrets has cured many other incurable diseases. Soon there will be a
medical research center in Punjab to scientifically examine their
effects. The Chief Minister of Punjab, S. Prakash Singh Badal and
Member of Parliament, S. Navjot Singh Siddhu have promised to
extend all help in establishing the research center."
The general secretary of Bhagwan Shree Lakshmi Narayan Dham,
Shri Gurudas said, "The dimension of cosmic science is taking over
the whole world today. People from the Western countries are eager
to know about the Cosmic Sound Secrets as they have seen with their
own eyes so many people being freed of their problems. Gurudev
doesn't differentiate among anyone.”
The famous actor Shri Gajendra Chauhan said, "Just as Lord
Krishna had blessed Arjuna to be victorious in warGurudev is blessing
us with the cosmic grace to overcome our problems."
Actors Shri Feroz Khan, Shri Gufi Paintal, and Shri Sunil Lahiri
were also present at the occasion. Shri Feroz Khan said, "Gurudev
takes our problems and in return gives us the cure to our problems.
We have a heart to heart connection with Gurudev."
Shri Gufi Paintal said, "Gurudev is working tirelessly to remove
our sufferings and he doesn't even take any credit for it. He is like a
finger pointing to the moon. He connects us directly to the cosmic
source. This has been my personal experience."
Shri Sunil Lahiri urged Gurudev to create such a protective shield
around the country that no problem could enter. He said, "Gurudev
is an incarnation of divine just like Lord Rama and Lord Krishna and
has come to the world to absolve it."
The Secretary of the Legislative Assembly of Punjab, Shri
Sukhpal Singh, State Minister of Punjab, Shri D P Chandan, former
minister, Shri Hansraj, leader of Youth Akali Dal, Shri Raj Siddhu,
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Sant Kuldeep Nath of Gaddi Baba Dera, SDM of Amritsar, Shri
Sanjiv Kumar, and Session Judge, Shri M K Gaur were among other
dignitaries present at the occasion.
Few of the experiences shared by some participants:
Sangeeta, Delhi: I had stone in my Gall Bladder. I went through
many tests and underwent many treatments but nothing worked.
After practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets my problem got cured from
the very roots.
Manoj Kumar, Mohali: Both of my kidneys had failed. The
doctors of PGI had told me that there was no hope left for me other
than the kidney transplant. The practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets
brought my kidneys back to their normal condition.
Thakur Singh, Mandi: I had lost my memory due to a severe heart
problem. The doctors had informed my family that it was impossible
for me to recover from that condition. What the medical
science could not do the Cosmic Sound Secrets have done. Now my
memory is perfect.
Resham Lal, Barnala: My sister got infected with HIV. We had
lost all hope because there is no medical cure for AIDS. I started
practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets for my sister and miraculously she
got cured. She is living a healthy and normal life.
Puja Sharma, Ferozpur: My son had a serious brain problem and
according to the doctors he was not going to survive. I came to know
about Gurudev and came to see him in one of the convention.
With the practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets given by him, my son
recovered completely.
Madhu Chaudhary, Ferozpur: My nephew had fallen ill with
jaundice. It was so severe that even doctors were at a loss. I practiced
Cosmic Sound Secrets for my nephew and within no time he
Sarita Sharma, Amritsar: The ulcer in my uterus disappeared with
the practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets only for a few days. Even the
doctors had not been able to cure it after a long treatment.
Deepak Parekh, Rajasthan: I used to have puss oozing out of my
ears since childhood. For a long time I was on medication. The
doctors had started insisting for a surgery which was impossible for
me due to financial reasons. I participated in Mohali convention and
learnt Cosmic Sound Secrets. With the practice of less than a month,
I got rid of my problem. My financial condition has also improved.
B N Tatia, Shriganaga Nagar: My heart had gone weak and the
doctors had prescribed some medicine which they said I would have
to stick to for the whole life. I have overcome my problem by
practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets.
Punjab State Minister, Shri D P Chandan felicitating Gurudev
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Chapter 6
Secrets of Ancient
Scriptures Revealed
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Secrets of Ancient Scriptures Revealed
The convention at Faridabad was a meeting point of devotion,
beauty, and mysteries. It was like a sky where devotional feelings
soared high and the ancient epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata
embraced each other mid-flight. As Gurudev revealed the secrets of
ancient scriptures, the assembled gathering of seekers from all over
the world went deeper and deeper into the mysterious state of
cosmic bliss. The evening took a magical turn when Gurudev took
people to the very origin of Cosmic Sound Secrets and explained how
easy is their practice.
Gurudev was explaining the origins of cosmic science and its
secrets. He said, "These secrets originate from Lord Shiva, Goddess
Durga, and Goddess Lakshmi. By practicing the Cosmic Sound
Secrets one can fulfill all his wishes. These secrets open all the doors
to material and spiritual success and man can overcome all his
difficult challenges. The powers of cosmic science are unimaginable.
One can achieve such goals by their practice as he had never even
imagined before."
He also explained that received from the direct divine sources,
these secrets have been encoded into the ancient scriptures and Vedas.
He said, "It is not easy to decode these secrets hidden in the
scriptures. Many scholars have tried to find them as from time to time
mystics have indicated their existence in the scriptures. To be able to
decode these scriptures one has to be in tune with the cosmic energy."
Gurudev invited scholars of various religions on stage and made
them experience the power of cosmic secrets. He said that these
secrets are the essence of all the religious scriptures and anyone can
practice them easily.
He said, "Lord Shiva had given a cosmic secret to Ravana. The
secret was so powerful that Ravana could destroy anyone at his wish
by its practice. I want to give you the same secret for reversed results.
By practicing this Cosmic Sound Secret you can also win hearts of
people and befriend them. Even your enemies will become your
friends. You don't have to destroy the enemies, but the enmity."
Explaining the super-scientific nature of these secrets he said,
"There are millions in this world today who have come out of their
incurable ailments by practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets just for 10-15
minutes. Even such diseases have been cured for which even medical
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science doesn't have a cure. The dimension of cosmic science is not a
miracle, but it surely is a wonder. The scientists who did not believe
in the powers of this dimension are now in awe of it."
Talking about the multi-faceted effects of the cosmic science he
said, "The practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets brings you affluence,
fame, intelligence, and health. It brings harmony to your family and
social life.You will be surprised that where the medical science has
failed the cosmic science works. Your life will be full of all kinds of
joys and contentment if you apply cosmic science to your life."
Popular TV actors Arun Govil, Sunil Lahiri, Arvind Trivedi, Feroz
Khan, Praveen Kumar, Gufi Paintal were also present at the occasion.
Among other dignitaries present were music director Chandra
Kamal, The special advisor of the President of India, G V Sharma,
DSP of Faridabad, Ram Kumar Malik, SDO of Faridabad, Raman
Sharma. The famous Bollywood star, Neetu Chandra also
participated in the convention.
Member of Parliament, Shri Avtar Singh Bhadana said, "Many of
us have got our wishes fulfilled by Gurudev's blessings. I ask Gurudev
to bless me so that I can keep serving people and can prove my
sincerity in every situation."
The General Secretary of Bhagwan Shree Lakshmi Narayan Dham,
Shri Gurudas said, "The cosmic secrets revealed by Gurudev do not
belong to any particualr religion. They are the global heritage and
everyone can practice and benefit from them. Gurudev offers them to
everyone, without any discrimination."
Presented here are few of the experiences shared by some
Ranjana Dubey, Indore: I had a serious problem in my uterus. I had
lost all hope because no treatment was working for me. According to
doctors the surgical removal of uterus was the only way left. I came to
know about Gurudev and started practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets
after meeting him. Now I am completely healthy and their is no need
of any surgery. Even the doctors are surprised.
Sarv Bihari Singh, Lucknow: I am working for the Information and
Broadcasting Ministry. There was a time when in spite of being a
BHU topper I was not getting any success. In 2004 I received Cosmic
Sound Secrets from Gurudev and started practicing them. Soon the
happy changes started happening in my life. I started being successful
in every field. I received many All India awards, and one of them was
awarded to me by the Prime Minister, Mr. Manmohan Singh.
Mamta Joshi, Delhi: My brother lives in Assam. Once he took ill
very seriously. He went through a few treatments but when there was
no sign of improvement he was taken to the General Hospital in
Gowahati where it was diagnosed that his lever was damaged. His
condition did not improve even after being admitted in the hospital
for a week. At that point, he started practicing Cosmic Sound
Secrets and was back to normal within no time.
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Lakshmi Devi, Gurgaon: My son was suffering from Asthma. At the
tender age of 18, all his growth was affected because of his ailment. I
used to be very worried about him. I attended one of the conventions
to receive Cosmic Sound Secrets and to everyone's relief my son
regained his health and his asthma was cured.
Rameshchand, Palwal: With the practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets
my incurable psoriasis has been cured and even the doctors are
surprised. I had tried all kinds of treatment but in vain.
Cosmic Sound Secrets cured me in such a short time that no one
could believe.
Bimla Devi, Delhi: Cosmic Sound Secrets have brought affluence
to my life and I am experiencing a wellbeing that total health brings.
My ailments of piles and high blood pressure have disappeared.
Shri G B Sharma, Special Advisor to the President of India, felicitating Gurudev
Popular actress Neetu Chandra listening to Gurudev as Mandeep Nagpal looks on
Left to right: Shri Gajendra Chauhan, Shri Feroz Khan, Shri Pravin Kumar, Shri Gufi Paintal
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Chapter 7
Let Cosmic Sound
Secrets be
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Divine Dimension 69
Among the participants there were people belonging to all
religions, castes, and creeds. People had arrived from various parts of
the world to participate in the convention.
Addressing everyone Gurudev said, "The dimension that I am
offering you will not only work for your wellbeing, it will lead the
whole state toward wellbeing. With cosmic grace Haryana will
progress and become rich and affluent. Your physical, mental, and
financial difficulties will disappear. With the difficulties gone, you
will move on the path to God."
He said, "Today we need to live a practical life. You will not come
out of your sufferings just by listening to sermons. It is a matter of
regret that people start searching for God without first dealing with
their problems. I will give you a dimension that can lead you to God
but first you will have to overcome your sufferings."
Explaining the powers of cosmic science Gurudev said, "This
dimension is beyond hypocrisy. With the application of cosmic
science in your life you will not need any worship or prayers. You will
not need to run hither and thither to find solutions for your
problems. Simply practice the Cosmic Sound Secrets for 10-15
Let Cosmic Sound Secrets be
Scientifically Examined
Prabhu Kripa conventions have brought a ray of hope to the life
of those who have lost all hope. As the news of their success is
spreading far and wide, people are flocking to these conventions in
larger numbers than ever. The success of Prabhu Kripa conventions
has its roots in the principles of cosmic grace revealed by Gurudev. He
has offered a new hitherto hidden science to the world. This is a
science that goes beyond the rules of material science. The material
science is still struggling to find solutions to human problems,
whereas the cosmic science is the source of all solutions as it is the
source of whole cosmos.
The convention held at Fatehabad in Haryana was another
example of people's recognition of the effectiveness of cosmic
methods. The large convention area created to accommodate
hundreds of thousands was not enough to contain all the people who
had gathered to participate. Usually such large gatherings are
unmanageable but people who had gathered with a trust in their
hearts were managing on their own accord to accommodate other
fellow participants.
Former Chief Minister of Haryana, Chaudhary Devilal's son,
Chaudhary Ranjeet Singh was also present at the occasion. Among
other dignitaries participating in the convention were Parliamentary
Secretary of Haryana, Chaudhary Dura Ram, popular actors such as
Arun Govil, Gajendra Chauhan, and Feroz Khan.
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Divine Dimension 71
Krishna, Mandi Gobindgarh: I had a cervical problem which was
persisting since long. I tried many doctors and medical systems but
found no cure for my ailment. After practicing Cosmic Sound
Secrets, I am completely free of my problem.
Vimala, Fatehaba: My mother had developed stone in gall bladder
and because of that her general health was also suffering to such a
point that often she would faint. Four surgeries had
already been performed on her and the doctors clearly refused to
perform any more surgery. When I heard about Gurudev, I
participated in Jalandhar convention and learnt Cosmic Sound
Secrets. By their practice, my mother got cured in a very short time
and today has also accompanied me to this convention.
Anju Narang, Fatehabad: I was struggling with many ailments.
There was a time when it was impossible for me to move from my
bed. When I started practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets, not only my
physical ailments disappeared but I overcame my financial problems
too. Now I am enjoying a good health and a happy life.
Anju, Rohtak: My husband had a serious problem of stone. He
was suffering a lot. Often he would have to endure unbearable pain.
We consulted many doctors but they all said that it was impossible to
remove the stone without a surgery.
I started practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets for my husband. I was
surprised when my husband told him that his stone was flushed out
by itself.
Monika, Chandigarh: I am a scientist but can vouch for the
effectiveness and powers of Cosmic Sound Secrets. Once I had
developed a spinal problem. By the regular practice of Cosmic Sound
Secrets I got rid of my problem. The doctors were also amazed at the
minutes in a day and you will find that all your sorrows are saying
good bye to you. This science is based on facts and experiences of
millions of people. You can find evidences in Prabhu Kripa
conventions happening all over the world."
He also said, "The light of cosmic science will bring you face to face
with truth and you will find that you have become a recipient of
cosmic grace. There was a time when the Western scientists had no
faith in cosmic science but when they witnessed the effects of this
science with hard evidence they started supporting it. Today there are
30 million people across the world practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets
and benefiting from them."
Gurudev said that the Cosmic Sound Secrets symbolize light. He
said, "As upon the entry of light the darkness disappears, in the
presence of Cosmic Sound Secrets sufferings disappear. If you have a
monetary problem, you will start being affluent and wealthy. If you
have discord in your family, there will be accord and peace. Your
intelligence will grow; your physical problems will disappear."
Gurudev invited scientists to study the effects of Cosmic Sound
Secrets. He asked the doctors to make it a point of research how
people are being cured of incurable diseases by practicing Cosmic
Sound Secrets.
Answering to the queries of some journalists, he said, "My
intention is not to challenge the medical science but I want the
doctors and scientists to examine the cosmic secrets scientifically so
that they can be made available to the world at a much larger scale. If
something is working for the betterment of humanity, it should be
presented to the world in a scientific format."
Gurudev also listened to the problems of many participants and
offered them special practices to follow. He also urged people to be
sincere and regular in their practice. There were also sessions of mass
healing and celebrations.
Presented here are few of the experiences shared by some
Divine Dimension70
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Poonam, Rohtak: I was not able to bear a child. My childlessness
had dragged me into despair and I used to be always depressed. The
practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets has filled my life with joys. I have
given birth to a beautiful baby boy.
Rosi, Rohtak: The practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets helped me in
getting a job that I always wanted.
Minakshi, Adampur: I had a severe attack of dengue and there
was no hope for me to survive. Today everybody can see that I am
participating in this convention in my complete health. It has been
possible only because of Cosmic Sound Secrets.
Puran Singh, UP: I had fallen off the roof thirty years ago and
because of that I always used to have a backache. I had not been able
to get rid of it even after many treatments. With the help of Cosmic
Sound Secrets I have come out of it.
"As upon the entry of
light the darkness
disappears, in the
presence of Cosmic
Sound Secrets
sufferings disappear. If
you have a monetary
problem, you will start
being affluent and
wealthy. If you have
discord in your family,
there will be accord
and peace.
Chaudhary Dura Ram, Parliamentary Secretary of Haryana, felicitating Gurudev
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Chapter 8
The Science of
Cosmic Grace
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The Science of Cosmic Grace
There is no end to the compassion of Brahmarishi Shree Kumar
Swami. His very existence is compassion, service to humanity.
Fortunate are those who have been the recipients of his compassion,
and what to say about the fortune of those who have had this
opportunity over and over again. Punjab is one such place where
Gurudev has visited repeatedly, showering its people with his
compassion and cosmic grace. In April, a convention was held at Devi
Talab Mandir in Jalandhar. Devi Talab Mandir is an energy center of
Goddess Durga's eternal power. Hence, the convention in the
premises of this powerful temple in the presence of Gurudev became
a unique event that rejuvenated thousands of seekers who had
gathered from all corners of the world.
Addressing the gathered crowds, Guredev said, "There are various
kinds of problems and challenges that people have to face in their life.
The physical, mental, emotional, and financial problems are pushing
human beings into anxiety all the time. There seems to be no joy in
people's life. People resort to visiting astrologers, crystal gazers, tarot
readers and other esoteric experts to find solutions to their problems,
but in vain. People waste their money, time, and energy but the
problems go on piling up."
He said, "With the practice of cosmic science your entire
horoscope will change. You don't need to knock from door to door,
begging for solutions to your problems. Simply practice Cosmic
Sound Secrets for 10-15 minutes everyday, and you will find that the
lines on your palms are changing, that the planets in your horoscope
are changing their course. Let me give you my own example:
According to the astrological calculations, my horoscope had no
money, fame, or the joy of married life in store for me. The fact that
I have everything today is just because of the cosmic grace and the
practice of its principles. After years of my spiritual search with many
masters I found the cosmic secrets strewn all over our ancient
scriptures and their practice not only changed the course of my
destiny, but I have also been able to bring this gift into the life of
millions of people."
Talking further about the mysterious yet apparent nature of the
cosmic science, Gurudev said, "The cosmic science is a secret hidden
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in our scriptures that becomes obvious only to those who learn to
decode their language with total trust. These secrets are brimming
with positive energy of cosmos and by nature they are the providers
of health and happiness. These secrets belong to Lord Shiva and it
has been recorded in the ancient scriptures that their practice brings
health, wealth, fame, and success. Lord Shiva himself has promised
this. The science is incapable of understanding these secrets as they
belong to the dimension of grace, which is exactly opposite to the
scientific dimension of gravity. Lord Krishna has stated in Bhagwad
Gita that these secrets can not be learnt even by reading Vedas. Guru
Nanak Dev has also said that one can not experience the ultimate
truth by merely pondering over it. This dimension is beyond mind
and science. Mind, intellect, and science have their own limitations.
This dimension rises beyond these limits and is available only to the
sages and masters who have gone beyond the realms of mind."
Gurudev said, "The Western societies that doubted the validity of
cosmic science are now amazed at its power. Medical scientists and
doctors find it unbelievable that the diseases for which they have been
unable to find a cure are being cured by the simple practice of Cosmic
Sound Secrets. The powers of cosmic science are limitless. It carries
the solutions to all our problems. This dimension goes beyond all
sects and belongs only to religion which is one. One can practice it
irrespective of his faith."
Speaking on the occasion, the managing trustee of Devi Talab
Mandir, Shri Sheetal Vij said, "Gurudev has always blessed the people
of Jalandhar with his presence. I request him to continue doing so."
The famous actor, Shri Arun Govil said, "It is fortunate to across a
person such as Gurudev. The whole mission of his life is to eliminate
suffering from this world. He treats everyone equally, and showers
his compassion over each and every person he comes across."
The former Health Minister of Punjab, Dr. Baldev Chawala, who
is also heading the medical board set up by Bhagwan Shree Lakshmi
Narayan Dham, explained the scientific aspect of cosmic grace. He
said, "Cosmic Sound Secrets are helping people to overcome even
incurable diseases.
Diseases like cancer, AIDS, paralysis, asthma, and tuberculosis
being cured is on record and a research is being conducted on the
medical tests and reports of the patients who have been cured."
Sudarshan Kaur, Jalandhar: Since years I used to have fits of
hysteria. Even very expensive treatments had failed to cure me. I learnt
to practice Cosmic Sound Secrets in 2007, and since then I have
never had even a single fit.
Dr. radhika Kaushik, Jalandhar: I seriously took ill after I
delivered my first child. I developed diabetes and had to be on
regular insulin. The tests also revealed that my hip bones were
damaged and the doctors at Apollo Hospital were of the view that I
wouldn't survive without a major hip surgery. For six months, I was
bedridden in All India Institute of Medical Science in Delhi. At that
time I decided to try the cosmic science. I started practicing
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Divine Dimension 81Divine Dimension80
the Cosmic Sound Secrets and to everyone's amazement I started
recovering rapidly. The doctors could not believe what was
Dharminder Kaur, Punjab: I was suffering from insomnia. I could
not sleep without taking heavy dose of sleeping pills. After I started
practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets, not even for a day I have had to
take a sleeping pill to sleep. Also, recently an ulcer was detected in
my uterus and the doctors said that I would have to go through a
surgery. Again the Cosmic Sound Secrets rescued me. After a few
days' practice the reports of my ultrasound tests were completely
Prikshit nayyar, Garhshankar: My wife had suddenly taken
seriously ill. After the ultrasound tests, it was discovered that there
was a third stage cancer in her uterus. I did not reveal this to my wife
and took her to Apollo Hospital in Delhi. She underwent cameo
therapy, but the doctors told me that she would survive only for a few
more months. I participated in Mohadi convention and started
practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets. Soon, my wife's condition started
improving. Cancer, as if disappeared. It was a miracle even for the
doctors. Today, my wife has accompanied me to this convention.
Satya Arora, Jalandhar: My food pipe was damaged to the extent
that I was unable to eat anything at all. I was on heavy medication for
6-7 months and the doctors were insisting for a surgery. I started
practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets, and today I can eat everything
without any difficulty. The problem that I had seems like a bad dream
which is over.
Sumitra Devi, Jalalabad: The practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets
has improved the financial condition of our family. There was a time
that we had landed into a financial crunch, but after the practice of
Cosmic Sound Secrets everything has brightened up. My husband
got a good promotion and a hefty raise in salary. My son has started
excelling in studies too.
Niru, Pathankot: I used to be disturbed because of my career. Even
after all the qualifications, I was not getting a good job. When I came
to know about Gurudev, I decided to meet him. I attended one of
his conventions and learnt how to practice Cosmic Sound Secrets.
Things started changing immediately as I started practicing Cosmic
Sound Secrets. I got a good job that I always wanted, and apart from
the income my work profile is very satisfactory.
Vijay, Jalandhar: Because of filaeriasis, my feet had swollen to such
an extent that I was unable to stand. When no treatment responded
to my condition I started practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets. My feet
came to their normal condition and I can not only stand but walk
The Deputy Chief Minister of Punjab, S. Sukhbir Singh Badal felicitating Gurudev
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Chapter 9
Cosmic Science is
Beyond All Limits
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Cosmic Science is Beyond All Limits
The convention held in Ludhiana was a unique event where
Gurudev unfolded the hidden secrets of cosmos. He
scientifically revealed the secrets encoded in the ancient scriptures
such as Vedas, Gita, and Ramayana. To the amazement of thousands
of participants gathered from all over the world, he indicated the
cosmic secrets strewn over the ancient texts of sacred scriptures.
Talking about the limitations of science in relation to cosmic
secrets Gurudev said, "Science can never know or understand the
secrets of cosmic grace as science has its own limitations. Science is
bound to the material laws and can not step into the realms of
spirituality. There is no science of this world that can analyze the
cosmic science. Cosmic laws belong to the eternal wisdom of the East.
Ancient scriptures of the East are the eternal source of power.
Ramayana is not just a story, nor is Gita limited to just 18 chapters.
These scriptures carry immense secrets. Just a few hidden secrets from
these scriptures have been revealed, and a lot more remain to be
He said, "Cosmic Sound Secrets are the mysteries of the science of
beyond that lead us to cosmic grace. The dimension of cosmic grace
brings us out of our suffering and makes us capable of experiencing
truth of this universe. The power of this dimension is unbelievable.
With a short practice of 10-15 minutes of this technique you will
find that all your problems are disappearing and you will feel an inner
strength that you had never known before."
When the question was raised about the people of doubting mind
never believing in the cosmic science, he said, "There was a time that
even I did not believe in the dimension of cosmic grace. I have been
a medical professional and my scientific mind doubted the spiritual
dimension. My quest for truth took me deeper into the meanings of
ancient scriptures and there I found these encoded secrets. When I
practiced these secrets with unbiased mind, I had no other option
but to believe them as truth needs no other evidence. Then I wanted
to share it with everyone in this world. And today more than 30
million people across the world are being benefited by this unique
cosmic dimension."
Explaining the powers of cosmic science Gurudev said, "This
dimension is beyond hypocrisy. With the application of cosmic
science in your life you will not need any worship or prayers. You will
not need to run hither and thither to find solutions for your
problems. Simply practice the Cosmic Sound Secrets for 10-15
minutes in a day and you will find that all your sorrows are saying
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Divine Dimension 87Divine Dimension86
good bye to you. This science is based on facts and experiences of
millions of people. You can find evidences in Prabhu Kripa
conventions happening all over the world."
He said, "There are diseases for which medical science has still
not got any cure. Death is the only remedy for such diseases. Such
incurable diseases are being cured with the practice of Cosmic Sound
Secrets. People have been cured of AIDS and cancer just by a 10-15
minute regular practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets. When I showed
the results to medical scientists in the West, they were amazed.
Scientists who studied the cases of incurable diseases being cured by
the practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets have come to realize that it is
not a fake claim. They have seen and studied the cases scientifically."
Gurudev invited scientists to study the effects of Cosmic Sound
Secrets. He asked the doctors to make it a point of research how
people are being cured of incurable diseases by practicing Cosmic
Sound Secrets.
Gurudev also said that the Cosmic Sound Secrets are easy to
practice and they are available to everyone, irrespective of their
nationality, religion, caste, or creed. He said, "Cosmic science is the
essence of all the religions and its secrets can be found in the
scriptures of all the religions. If you insist, secrets can be provided to
you from the scriptures of the religion you belong to."
Gurudev also addressed those scientifically inclined, by telling
them that today science has also started acknowledging the presence
of God and super natural powers. All the problems can be solved by
the daily practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets. Today they are being
practiced worldwide as people have understood their power.
Conducting the event, the general secretary of Bhagwan Shree
Lakshmi Narayan Dham, Shri Gurudas said, "It is the good fortune
of people in Punjab that Gurudev has been visiting this state again
and again. Gurudev is selflessly sharing the cosmic secrets with
everyone for the upliftment of whole humanity. Even the science is
bowing down to the power of cosmic grace."
The former Health Minister of Punjab, Shri Baldevraj Chawla
said, "Gurudev is a matter of amazement for the medical science.
Thousands of people have been cured of their incurable diseases by
the techniques discovered by him. What can be more surprising than
the fact that just by a 10-15 minute regular practice of Cosmic Sound
Secrets such results can be obtained that the medical science takes
years to achieve."
Many dignitaries belonging to the fields of law, medical science,
politics, and academics were present at the occasion. Gurudev also
addressed the press and answered their questions.
During the course of the event, Gurudev listened to the
participants’ problems and offered them special Cosmic Sound
Secrets. To motivate people for a regular practice of the sound secrets
he led everyone into a mass recital. Many people shared that they got
rid of their ailments instantaneously by that recital. By the end, there
were joyful smiles and the tears of gratitude all around.
Amarjeet Kaur, Ludhiana: I had developed breast cancer. Doctors
had clearly stated that it was not possible for me to survive without a
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I had lumps in both the breasts which were spreading fast. My
husband and other members of the family were very scared and
disturbed. I was admitted into CMC Hospital of Ludhiana. I was so
scared of the surgery that the day my surgery was scheduled, I ran
away from the hospital and came back home. I had an inner voice
telling me that I have to trust in Gurudev and everything would be
alright. I started practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets and in the next
checkup no lumps were found. Today I am completely healthy and
living a happy life.
Kamaljeet Kaur, Ludhiana: Last year I had fallen from the stairs
and my spinal cord had sustained serious injuries. After that I was in
a lot of pain, which the experts said I would have to endure for the rest
of my life. I switched to alternative therapies but nothing proved
effective. With the practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets, my pain has
gone permanently. Now I can do everything easily.
Sukhwinder Kaur, Patiala: Before I started practicing Cosmic
Sound Secrets I was a victim of hordes of ailments. My ECR was
always more than normal which was creating many problems in
my body.
I had severe problem of various allergies adding to my suffering. I
had gone through many treatments in vain. With the regular
practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets all my physical ailments have
disappeared and now I am completely healthy.
Sheela Devi, Bhatinda: I had a skin problem since 7 years that no
dermatologist had been able to cure. Even alternative therapies had
not worked. I started practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets, and now my
problem has gone from the very roots.
Sunita, Jalandhar: I had developed an allergy to wheat. I had gone
through many treatments but the allergy experts had told me that I
would have to be on medication for the rest of my life. Even I had
accepted it to be my fate. When I came to know of Gurudev's
conventions, I attended one and started practicing Cosmic Sound
Secrets. Now I am free of my allergy.
Pushpa Rani, Chandigarh: My daughter has been married for last
10 years but she was unable to conceive a child. I attended the
convention in Panipat and received the Cosmic Sound Secrets for
my daughter. Within a few days of my starting the practice of Cosmic
Sound Secrets, my daughter conceived and consequently gave birth
to a beautiful child.
Vinod Chhabbar, Ludhiana: I have been a patient of diabetes
since a long time. Recently my blood pressure also went up
alarmingly. I was very scared to face two life threatening ailments
simultaneously. I went into a depression about my future. When I
participated in Jalandhar convention, I felt an immediate relief. After
the regular practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets I have got rid of both
my ailments. Now I have stopped using any medication.
Parliamentary Secretary of Punjab, S. Sher Singh felicitating Gurudev
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Chapter 10
Easy Is Right
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Easy Is Right
"Easy is right" was the message delivered at the convention held in
Rajpura. Addressing thousands of seekers gathered from all over the
world, Gurudev said, "I have not come here to create a new religion.
Nor have I come to give you a sermon. I have come to simply share
with you the dimension of cosmic grace which is very
simple to practice and very effective in results. You do not need to go
through difficult austerities, rituals, or yogic exercises to overcome
your problems and ailments. In fact you do not need to go anywhere.
You simply have to practice the technique of cosmic dimension
10-15 minutes every day, and you can be freed from your physical,
mental, and financial suffering."
Talking about the simplicity of Cosmic Sound Secrets, Gurudev
said, "They are so simple that you can practice them while walking, or
lying down on your bed before you go to sleep. There are no rules or
conditions to be fulfilled for the practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets. It
does not matter what you eat or drink; you can continue with your
lifestyle. Even if you are an atheist and don't believe in any religion, it
doesn't make a difference. The cosmic science is universal and doesn't
belong to any particular religion. You can practice Cosmic Sound
Secrets irrespective of the religion you belong to."
He said, "Millions of people in this world have lost hope as they
have been running in thousand directions, begging for a solution to
their problems, but in vain. People knock the doors of science,
religion, magic.... When they get tired they consider their problems
to be their ultimate fate and try to live with them. There was a time
when I was trying to search for the meaning of life, and trying every
possible means to quench my burning desire. When I came across
this simple science of cosmic grace, all that I ever wanted was
Gurudev explained the scientific dimension of cosmic grace in
detail. He also talked about the growing curiosity in the scientific
fields about the cosmic science. He said, "Today the whole scientific
world is eager to know the secrets of cosmic science. Now it is not a
hidden a fact that millions of people have been cured of their
incurable diseases by the practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets. Such
cases have been studied in the hospitals and medical scientists have
seen the genuine evidences to prove the effectiveness of this cosmic
technique. More than 30 million people in 160 countries across the
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globe are practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets regularly and overcoming
their physical, mental, and financial problems. This eternal dimension
is the most powerful phenomena in this universe. This is the
dimension of abundance. If you practice this science, you will be
living in the cosmic law and will have everything in abundance. Those
who practice the cosmic law can never be in poverty. All your
financial problems will dissipate like a forgotten dream; your physical
ailments will disappear just by a simple 10-15 minute regular practice
of Cosmic Sound Secrets. All your questions will be answered and
your life will be a joy."
Gurudev said that joy is his only message. He said, "I want you to
dance, sing, and laugh. The dimension that I am sharing with you is
beyond seriousness. This dimension will fill your life with joy and
happiness. You will be free from any problem whatsoever. Millions
of people around the world are a proof of what I am saying."
The famous actor, Shri Arun Govil said, "Each and every word
coming out of Gurudev's mouth is not less than a cosmic secret. Even
listening to him is a relief from our tensions. Techniques given by him
not only help us overcome our suffering but also change the way we
think. All our negative thoughts disappear. The cosmic grace works
in all directions and dimensions. We can not find such a complete
system anywhere else."
The general secretary of Bhagwan Shree Lakshmi Narayan Dham,
Shri Gurudas said, "Gurudev's blessings bring a new color and beauty
to our life. In his dimension life takes on a song, a rhythm; it becomes
a continuous joy. His message is an end to all our misery and sadness."
Popular TV actors - Surendra Pal, Feroz Khan, and Sunil
Lahiri - were also present at the occasion. Surndra Pal said, "Gurudev
is freeing people from their suffering with his immense spiritual
powers. Equally powerful are the techniques of cosmic science that he
is teaching to all humanity."
Feroz Khan sang beautiful devotional songs. Later, he said
addressing the convention, "I bow down to Gurudev for his work
towards human wellbeing at such a large scale. I have received so
much by practicing what he teaches that no words fall short to
explain it."
Sunil Lahiri said, "My whole life has changed since I have met
Gurudev. I sometimes think that had I met him in my childhood my
life would have been of some other dimension. I am free from all
worries and have no problem left in my life. Cosmic Sound Secrets are
intoxicating. They give you a spiritual high.”
Among the dignitaries present at the occasion were the Finance
Scretary of Punjab, Shri Rajkumar Khurana, The personal secretary
to former Chief Minister of Punjab, Shri Manvendra Singh,
Members of Legislative Assembly, Shri Pravin Chhabra, Shri Pramal
Choudhari, Shri Ashwini Kumar, and District Food Controller, Shri
M. L. Nagpal.
Surendra Kaur, Patiala: My whole family was worried as I had not
been able to conceive a child even after 12 years of my marriage. I
went to many doctors and took many treatments. I even went to
Bangalore, where I had heard most of the women of my problem had
been cured successfully, but there was no success for me. Utterly
exasperated, I stopped all medication and treatments. One day I
heard Gurudev on TV and again felt a surge of hope. I asked my
husband to accompany me to Ambala convention and received the
Cosmic Sound Secrets from Gurudev. My husband and I started
practicing them regularly. On October 9, 2008, I gave birth to a
beautiful baby girl. I will always remain grateful to Gurudev.
Sarai Kadar, Faridabad: My health was deteriorating due to
diabetes. One of my legs had also stopped functioning. None of the
treatments were responding to my condition. I praciced Cosmic
Sound Secrets for 2 months and not only my leg started functioning
normally, my diabetes also disappeared. My practice of Cosmic Sound
Secrets also helped me on the financial front. My business that was
samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 96
Divine Dimension 97Divine Dimension96
going through a bad phase, started flourishing. Now I am healthy and
financially sound.
Seema, Rajpura: My mother-in-law had an attack of paralysis. She
could not even stand after that. We took her to the hospital but the
doctors looking at the seriousness of her condition refused to admit
her. I practiced Cosmic Sound Secrets for her and she became
perfectly normal in a very short time.
Veena, Sangrur: I was suffering from depression and a severe
allergy since last 17 years. I was mostly bedridden and could not
attend to my family's needs. I was tired of going to the doctors to no
avail. Both my ailments disappeared when I started practicing Cosmic
Sound Secrets.
Shashikala, Pathankot: Recently when I started being ill all the
time, I went to the hospital where doctors diagnosed my illness to be
tuberculosis in its last stages. According to the doctors I would not
have survived more than 2 months. Everybody in my family was
scared, and I started feeling death breathing down my neck. I received
Cosmic Sound Secrets from Gurudev and started practicing them. I
am happy to say that now my tuberculosis is completely gone. Even
my doctors wanted to know in detail about the Cosmic Sound
Secrets because what happened with me was totally unbelievable for
Ramesh Kumar, Ambala Cantt.: A massive attack of paralysis had
left me completely handicapped. I was hospitalized for three months
and underwent medication and physiotherapy, which had a zero
response on me. I came to Gurudev when no treatment worked. I
learnt Cosmic Sound Secrets from him and started practicing them
regularly. Soon my paralysis subsided and today I am standing in front
of everyone. I am absolutely normal now.
Pushpa Rani, Chandigarh: My daughter has been married for last
10 years but she was unable to conceive a child. I attended the
convention in Panipat and received the Cosmic Sound Secrets for
my daughter. Within a few days of my starting the practice of Cosmic
Sound Secrets, my daughter conceived and consequently gave birth
to a beautiful child.
Satya Arora, Jalandhar: My food pipe was damaged to the extent
that I was unable to eat anything at all. I was on heavy medication for
6-7 months and the doctors were insisting for a surgery. I started
practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets, and today I can eat everything
without any difficulty. The problem that I had seems like a bad dream
which is over.
samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 98
Chapter 11
A Dimension Beyond
samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 100
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
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Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
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Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
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Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
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Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
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Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
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Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji
Kumar swami ji

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  • 1. Divine Dimension Cosmic Grace Conventions: Some Unique Events Part 1 Compiled by Gurudas samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:34 AM Page 1
  • 2. Divine Dimension Cosmic Grace Conventions: Some Unique Events Part 1 Compiled by Gurudas samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:34 AM Page 2
  • 3. ContentsCopyright: 2009 Bhagwan Shree Lakshmi Narayan Dham, all rights reseved Published by: Bhagwan Shree Lakshmi Narayan Dham 5/120, Sant Nirankari Colony, Delhi 110009 TEL: 011-27608950-58, 27607849, 27658588 FAX: 91-11-27607578 Email: Website: Compiled by: Gurudas, Sanjay Bharti Printed at: First Edition January 2010 No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the publisherexcept in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews 8 Worldwide Cosmic Grace Conventions 14 The Ecstasy of True Name 28 The Rainbow Dimension 34 Cosmic Solutions to the World Crisis 42 An Explosion of Love and Peace 52 Blossoms of Love 60 Secrets of Ancient Scriptures Revealed 68 Let Cosmic Sound Secrets be Scientifically Examined 76 The Science of Cosmic Grace 84 Cosmic Science is Beyond All Limits 92 Easy Is Right 100 A Dimension Beyond Astrology 110 The Ocean of Bliss 120 The Sweet Taste of Bliss 128 Amazing Play of the Master samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:34 AM Page 4
  • 4. Divine Dimension 5 Brahmrishi Shree Kumar Swamiji is one of those rare beings who have gone to the deepest core of the cosmic mysteries. What makes him rarest of the rare is his dedication to eradicate all human suffering by sharing these mysteries by one and all. He is relentlessly traveling around the world holding Cosmic Grace Conventions where he lovingly offers cosmic tools to thousands. The process of Cosmic Grace Conventions started in December 2002. Gurudev’s TV show “Secrets of Ayurvigyan” had completed its 200 days. In that show Gurudev used to diagnose people’s diseases or problems just by looking at the photos sent by them, and then he used to offer solutions in the forms of divine medicines and Cosmic Sound Secrets. At that time so many letters used to arrive that let aside reading them, it was impossible to open them all to have a look at them. When the problem was presented to Gurudev, he said that from then on we would organize large scale conventions to solve people’s problems en masse. The first convention was announced to be organized on the 21st- 22nd December, 2006 in Hindu Mahasabha Bhavan near Birla Mandir in New Delhi. There has been no stopping since then. Millions around the world have benefited through these conventions. By the time of completion of this book, 227 conventions have already been organized and many more are on the way. The Cosmic Grace conventions have been participated by various heads of state, governors, chief ministers, diplomats, actors, educationists, judges, medical scientists, surgeons, and media people across the world. Millions of lives have gone through revolutionary changes through these conventions. People have found a ray of hope. It would not be an exaggeration to say that millions of people across the world have got rid of their physical ailments and millions have overcome their mental challenges because of these conventions. Divine Dimension4 138 The Divine Light of Love 146 If There Is a Wish, There Is a Way 154 The Way Beyond Suffering & Sorrows 164 Liberation from the Law of Cause & Effect 176 One Solution to All Problems 184 A Light beyond Religion 192 The Eternal Realm of Devotion 202 An Encounter with Protective Energy 210 A Taste of Mystical & Mysterious 216 The Divine Dimension of Selfless Action 228 Only Cosmic Science Can Save Humanity’s Future 240 A Unique Experiment with Music 254 The Realms of Prayer & Grace 266 Celebration of Divine Light 278 Mysteries Beyond Science 290 The Light of Supreme Science 300 What Is Cosmic Grace? Preface samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:34 AM Page 6
  • 5. Divine Dimension6 Many of these people had reached a point where they could have committed suicide but after participating in these conventions they have embraced life. Those who had reached to the lowest depth of financial crisis are now running successful businesses. The bright light of cosmic science has lit up the lives that were wandering in the dark corridors of misery. The Cosmic Sound Secrets offered in these conventions have proved to be very life-line for those who could see only death at the horizon. The greatest achievement of Cosmic Grace conventions is that science has gone through a 180 degree turn in its approach. The scientific world that once used to look at the concept of cosmic grace skeptically, is now literally bowing down to Gurudev. Scientists have started conducting researches on the healing effects of Cosmic Sound Secrets. They have accepted that the cosmic science is a much bigger dimension than the material science. The scientists of the developed Western countries were simply amazed when they saw the proofs and evidences of people being healed of incurable diseases by practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets. The point of amazement for the medical scientists is that they still have found no cures for many of the diseases that are being cured by the cosmic science. The long scientific debate regarding the authenticity of spiritual claims has come to an end. The cosmic grace conventions have also been a platform to convey a message of peace and mutual love to the world. Gurudev has traveled more than 50 countries to spread his message of world peace. He is tirelessly working to realize his dream of a peaceful world without war and violence. In these conventions people of every religion, caste, creed, and nationality have found solutions to their problems. This book is the presentation of some of the unique conventions held around the world. Gurudas samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:34 AM Page 8
  • 6. Divine Dimension 9Divine Dimension8 The Significance of Worldwide Cosmic Grace Conventions The scientific advancement that we see today is more than ever. We have gone through a scientific revolution in leaps and bounds, and there seems to be no limit to the possibilities. Everyday there is a new gadget to make the human life faster and more comfortable, but the big question is - are we really comfortable? In spite of this tremendous scientific revolution humanity is facing an unprecedented crisis. The magnitude of the present world crisis is such that even the world-power such as America is finding it difficult to bail out of the situation. Not only the underdeveloped or developing nations but the whole world - including the developed Western countries - is in a financial mess; the economies are crumbling. On the other hand, there is terrorism, growing by the day. The scientific development and all the security arrangements are incapable of dealing with the sense of insecurity that has become the part of human life. Globalization finds itself moving backwards and the economic recession is spreading fast. The industries are folding, the share markets crashing. People are losing their jobs, while companies their business.... There is no part of the world that has not been touched or affected by the problem of terrorism. The whole world is living under the shadow of terrorism. America and its allies are threatened by the possibility of Talibans getting hold of nuclear weapons. If that happens, the consequences are unimaginable. The world peace will be a long forgotten dream. Already, no effort towards world peace seems to be of any significance. The world war, though not imminent, seems like not an impossibility. The United Nations is clueless as to what can be done to restore world peace. Of humanity's future, there are predictions galore. And none of them is very reassuring. There are astrologer who are predicting the end of this world by the year 2012, while the others are predicting of a world war. If we believe the astrologer, the times ahead are not good politically, socially, or economically. Few astrologer have also predicted a major shift in the cosmos. To sum it up, the world is facing a major crisis that has endangered our physical, mental, and financial wellbeing. And the scarier part is that there seems to be no immediate solution to it. Science is not being successful as it has its own limitations. The challenges that we are facing are not only material, but also spiritual, otherworldly. Science can not step into the otherworldly dimension. According to the calculations of planetary conditions, the world is going through a phase of negative energies presently. The countries under this negative planetary influence are suffering the most. The countries worst hit by this influence are America, Canada, England, and other European nations. The citizens of these countries are suffering physically and mentally. The quality of living in these countries is dipping low. People are being victims of mental disorders. Compared to India, more people in the West are suffering from depression, hypertension, high blood pressure, anxiety, and coronary disorders. The effect of psychological ailments is being reflected on the samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:34 AM Page 10
  • 7. Divine Dimension 11Divine Dimension10 social and cultural fabric of the Western societies. The psychological perversion are rampant. Even the advanced medical science is finding itself incapable to cope with the situation. The movement of de-suffering that Brhmarishi Shree Kumar Swami started a decade ago has now taken a global form and almost 30 million people across the world are practicing the para-scientific tools of cosmic grace to overcome their physical, mental, and financial ailments. He travels around the world to bring people in touch with the cosmic grace, the source of all wellbeing. In more than 200 large scale conventions across the globe, he has not only taught Cosmic Sound Secrets to millions but has also bedazzled the scientists and medical professionals. Today, Brahmrishi Shree Kumar Swami is the center of curiosity and amazement for the Western countries. Internationally, the medical scientists, professors, and doctors are in awe of the results that the practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets is bringing to people suffering from incurable diseases. The mystical persona of Gurudev, and unimaginable power of cosmic science propounded by him have shocked people awake. It has triggered an international debate among medical scientists. There is a large section of scientists that has accepted that the Cosmic Sound Secrets are capable of curing even such diseases that the medical science has no cure for. For the worldwide peace and wellbeing, Gurudev has already traveled to America, England, Canada, France, Germany, Hungary, Austria, Port of Spain, Kuwait, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Nepal. During his tours of these countries he made people experience the cosmic grace through powerful tool of Cosmic Sound Secrets. Wherever he went, he brought people freedom from suffering. Gurudev has categorically stated that only a short regular practice of 10-15 minutes of Cosmic Sound Secrets is enough to bring this world out of its economical, social, psychological, physical, and political problems. There are millions around the world who have gone through this practice and experienced the positive results. There are people who had lost all hope of ever overcoming their various problems, are now living happily. During his travels, Gurudev met people who were completely ignorant of the eternal wisdom of the East, and had no clue of the cosmic principles. They had never known that the cosmic grace can be evoked scientifically to overcome one's suffering. When Gurudev offered the cosmic solutions to people's problems, no one believed at first. By and by, though, when people started experimenting they felt the power of this unique science. They started feeling a surge of positive energy within their bodies and psychology; diseases started disappearing; mental disorders started dissipating. Soon, Gurudev's mission spread like a wildfire as people started sharing their experiences with friends and loved ones. Today, the whole Western world is spellbound with Gurudev's work and mission. People flock to the airports, struggling to get just a glimpse of him, where Gurudev is going to land. There have been occasions when the authorities in America and England were forced to provide him extra security. Often the heads of state, top diplomats, mayors, and other leaders come to receive him, or visit to welcome him to their country. A wave of popularity for Gurudev in the West started in August 2007. Gurudev created a history in the world of spirituality when he was invited to conduct a Prabhu Kripa event in August 2007 at NEC Hall, the biggest auditorium in Europe. The ticket to this event was priced Pounds 108, whereas in the same hall the price of the ticket to the famous rock star Sir Elton John's concert was Pounds 85. The stunned British and European media declared that Gurudev has left the biggest rock star far behind in popularity. In 2008, Gurudev traveled many times to America, Canada, and England. Again in 2009 he traveled to these countries, where he conducted many camps and conventions. In these conventions of International level, people participated from all over the world and learnt the cosmic secrets. The samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:34 AM Page 12
  • 8. Divine Dimension12 intelligentsia and medical professional were also present in these conventions to understand the subtleties of cosmic science. In the conventions held in Canada and England, Gurudev revealed unique spiritual secrets. He praised science for what it can deliver, but also urged people to experiment with the science of the beyond. He said that science has its own limitations and is ignorant of the principles of cosmic grace as the laws of this dimension are beyond its reach. He made people experience the simplicity and effectiveness of this dimension. In August 2008, Gurudev traveled to Germany. A mega convention was held in Frankfurt during this visit. In the convention, Gurudev invited German scientists to share the secrets of cosmic science with them. The President and the Vice president of Vishwa Hindu Parishad of Germany, the President of Srilankan Tamil Hindus, and the President of Indian Association of Germany felicitated Gurudev. Addressing thousands of people, Gurudev said that no one needs to be afraid of the problems that the world is facing today. He offered the tools of Cosmic Sound Secrets, and said the world would have no problems left if people practice them regularly. About the significance of his worldwide tours, Gurudev says that now the time has come for the world to know and practice the eternal wisdom of the East. He says that the cosmic science is the essence of all religions, and this dimension can help people overcome their physical, mental, and material sufferings. Millions of people across the world have experienced this fact and are regularly practicing the Cosmic Sound Secrets. The positive energy generated by this widespread practice of cosmic principles has raised the level of human consciousness and opened doors to the world peace. In the following pages, we will have a glimpse of some of the conventions held around the world to understand the magnitude of the work that is happening through these conventions. Chapter 1 The Ecstasy of True Name samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:34 AM Page 14
  • 9. Divine Dimension 15Divine Dimension14 The Ecstasy of True Name Cosmic Grace Convention in Amritsar: A Scientific Platform for the Cosmic Sound Secrets The 188th Cosmic Grace convention held in the holy city of Amritsar was a historical event. The very name of the city - Amritsar - means a lake of nectar and for hundreds of thousands gathered there to participate, it was like taking a dip into that lake or being drenched in a rain of nectar that showered over them as translucent pearls. To witness this event of monumental importance, the Chief Minister of Punjab S. Prakash Singh Badal was also present along with his cabinet ministers and other government officials. This historical event that witnessed the establishment and science recognizing the scientific and practical aspects of Cosmic Sound Secrets had drawn people not only from Punjab but from all over India and the rest of the world. Navjot Singh Sidhu, the cricketer of international fame and Member of Parliament was also present beside the popular TV actors such as Arun Govil, Gajendra Chauhan, Surendra Pal, Mukesh Khanna, Arjun, Sunil Lahiri, Rupa Ganguly, and Praveen Kumar. In this convention, for the first time a scientific platform was offered to study the miraculous effects of Cosmic Sound Secrets. The Chief Minister appreciated Gurudev's work and announced that the Punjab government is ready to give land for Prabhu Kripa research center in Punjab. Echoing his sentiments, Navjot Singh Sidhu promised to donate Rs. 10 million to the research center. The Tribune, the leading daily of Punjab reported, " Badal said it was great day for Punjab that Swamiji organized such function to remove sufferings of the humanity. He assured that the Punjab government would extend all help to establish an institute in the state to remove sufferings of residents on the basis of Gurbani. BJP MP The Chief Minister of Punjab, S. Prakash Singh Badal, felicitating Gurudev samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:34 AM Page 16
  • 10. Divine Dimension 17Divine Dimension16 Sidhu said if any institute based on Gurbani was set up in Punjab, he would donate Rs 50 lakh from his pocket and Rs 50 from the MPLAD Fund." The former Health Minister of Punjab, Dr. Baldevraj Chawla, who has also been appointed as the chairman of Prabhu Kripa research center, said that now very soon the scientific world will realize that Cosmic Sound Secrets are a powerful aspect of science. Addressing the convention, Gurudev said, "I have brought such grace of the True Name that will take away all your sufferings and sorrows, and will fill your life with divine ecstasy. You will be able to have a glimpse of Shri Guru Granth Sahib and will be able to understand what life is, and how it can be made more beautiful." Speaking about the divine powers of Shri Guru Granth Sahib he said, " Shri Guru Granth Sahib has a unique power. There is no other guru greater than this holy book. Even the scientists of the world are bowing down to the powers of Shri Guru Granth Sahib. They have realized that many people have got rid of their sufferings by chanting the True Name. Shri Guru Granth Sahib is an unparalleled gift given to this universe, and everything is possible by its powers." He also said, "There are many who still have not realized what powers are hidden in Shri Guru Granth Sahib. The daily morning and evening recital of this divine scripture can cure your incurable diseases, solve your mental and financial problems. You will see how your life starts changing." Gurudev also talked about the social problems that Punjab is struggling with and offered solutions for them. He said, "This state is struggling with the evils of alcoholism and foeticide. These problems can be overcome by everybody reciting Shri Guru Granth Sahib regularly. This holy book is a treasure house of miraculous powers and I want to bring such treasures to light that will drown you in divine drunkenness, making you forget alcohol or any other intoxicant. If a woman chants the mantra for 10 minutes, she will forget everything about foeticide and the girl child that she will give birth to will grow up to be an intelligent human being. A woman who recites Shri Guru Granth Sahib can never think of foeticide." Touching the family issues Gurudev said, "Many couples due to mutual disharmony are on the edge of divorce. After the practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets they will develop such harmony that they will be ready to touch each other's feet. The children who are weak in learning can practice it for two minutes nine times a day, and they will receive immense grace from the goddess of wisdom. The practice can cure such incurable diseases of which even medical science is clueless." Further elaborating on the nature and powers of Cosmic Sound Secrets he said, "The Cosmic Sound Secrets are the essence of all the samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:34 AM Page 18
  • 11. Divine Dimension 19Divine Dimension18 religious scriptures and a powerful aspect of the cosmic grace. They are a scientific dimension beyond science. If you believe in Hinduism then I will give you secrets from Gita, if you belong to Sikh faith then I will give you secrets from Shri Guru Granth Sahib. To Muslims, secrets will be given from holy Qoran and Christians will be given secrets from Bible. If you are an atheist, you will be given secrets in a scientific format." Many participants shared their amazing experiences of Cosmic Sound Therapy during the convention. Not only the Chief Minister and other guests but the invited medical professors and journalists listened to them spellbound. Here, we are presenting the experiences of some of the participants: Sarla Upadhyay, Amritsar: I was suffering from migraine for last 25 years and no therapy or medicine had helped. By practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets I got rid of it in a surprising short time. After my husband had gone through a major uterus surgery, his situation was critical. Even the doctors were skeptical about his recovery, but the Cosmic Sound Secrets cured him completely. He used to be an atheist and now he practices the Cosmic Sound Secrets regualrly. Jagdish Chandra, Jind: My hemoglobin had dropped down to count 4. Seeing the seriousness of my condition the doctors referred me to a Delhi hospital, where I started my medication. Medicines were not helping and the doctors were worried. At that time I started practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets and to everybody's surprise my hemoglobin count started rising and very soon reached to 12. Poonam, Amritsar: My daughter's legs were deformed since birth. She was in a lot of pain. The practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets cured her deformity. I was really scared when I was pregnant with my second child. Doctors told me that the child in my womb also had the same deformity. This time I knew what I had to do to stop that from happening. I started practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets regularly and gave birth to a completely healthy child. Premlata, Himachal Pradesh: Since last 15 years I had a boil in my eye. No therapy was proving effective. Other than that I was also suffering from migraine since last 20 years. I received Cosmic Sound Secrets from Gurudev in Mandi convention and started practicing them regularly. Now I am so happy that I have got rid of both my problems. Manpreet Kaur, Ludhiana: I used to have a continuous pain in my back for last 15 years. The doctors had clearly told me that I would have to suffer the pain for the rest of my life. I received Cosmic Sound Secrets in Panipat convention and started practicing them. In no time my back pain and ulcers disappeared. Tripta Devi, Himachal Pradesh: My brother's spinal cord had dislocated. I practiced Cosmic Sound Secrets for my brother and he completely recovered. My husband got a much awaited promotion. By the grace of Cosmic Sound Secrets, our whole family is prospering. Popular TV actors present in the convention also expressed their views. Mukesh Khanna said, "I am fortunate that I have got this opportunity to participate in this divine convention. To come to the feet of a mystic like Gurudev is in fact because of the divine grace." Surendra Pal said, "The Cosmic Sound Secrets offered by Gurudev bring powerful results. It takes away all your sorrows and sufferings." Adding to it, Pravin Kumar said, "Anything in this world can be achieved by practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets. It is a good fortune for all of us that what Gurudev learnt after such hard austerities, he is offering to us with such ease." Feroz Khan, who is famous for playing his epical role of Arjuna in samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:34 AM Page 20
  • 12. Divine Dimension 21Divine Dimension20 splendor of True Name to light for everyone to see. He is serving the whole world in true sense. I welcome him to the land of Amritsar." The Chairman of the State Police Advisory Committee, Shri Rajendra Marwah said, "I welcome Gurudev to Amritsar on behalf of all the citizens and the industrialists. I request him to honor this city by visiting here again." The MLA from Amritsar, Shri Anil Joshi said, "We are all fortunate to have Gurudev among us. His wisdom is eliminating the sorrows of humanity. I bow down to his compassion and love." The Mayor of Amritsar, Shri Shwet Malik said, "In the modern world everybody is tensed and has lost his health and happiness. Gurudev is the greatest physician in the world. He is not only curing our diseases but also making our tensions disappear. His Cosmic Sound Therapy is the greatest legacy of our culture.” The Chief Minister, S. Prakash Singh Badal and Navjot Singh Siddhu felicitated Gurudev by tying a traditional turban on his head. A souvenir was also presented to him on behalf of the Government of Punjab. The Chief Minister also launched Gurudev's book Maykhana and the latest issue of the monthly magazine Prabhu Kripa. The Deputy Speaker of Punjab Legislative Assembly, Shri Satpal Gosai, the Transportation Minister, Shri Mohanlal, the Family Welfare Minister, Smt. Lakshmikanta Chawla, The General Secretary of BJP Punjab, Shri Kamal Sharma, the Head of Durgayana Temple, Shri Harnam Das Arora, the Head of Shri Devi Talab Mandir, Shri Sheetal Viz were also present at the occasion beside other wellknown people from Amritsar. the TV serial Mahabharat, sang many devotional songs and expressed his gratitude saying, "Even though I am a Pathan but I have come to Gurudev because I see Allah's grace in him. He is like our father, and we are all his children. I have not come here as an artist but as his disciple. Coming to Gurudev all my wishes have been fulfilled." Rupa Ganguly said, "Today wherever one goes one finds things to be miserable, but coming to these conventions with Gurudev one finds peace. In these conventions I experience an inner strength. I would like to participate again and again." Arun Govil, who makes it a point to participate in every Prabhu Kripa convention said, "Like millions of people who come to Gurudev, I too come here to receive his grace. We can experience truth by practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets. It changes our whole psychology, our problems start getting solved without any effort on our part." Sunil Lahiri said, "We are all getting rid of our problems and sufferings by the grace of Gurudev. The power of Cosmic Sound Secrets is like that of a shining sun. They can eliminate all suffering from the world. Incurable diseases get cured by their power." The General Secretary of Bhagwan Shree Lakshmi Narayan Dham, Shri Gurudas said addressing the assembly, "What Gurudev has achieved after a long sadhana of years, he is making available to us so easily. The depth of his grace is endless. The whole world has seen the results of his work." Dr. Baldevraj Chawla again spoke of the scientific importance of Cosmic Sound Secrets. He said, "We have seen such incurable diseases being cured that even medical science was unable to. Cosmic Sound Secrets have cured cancer, asthma, jaundice, and even AIDS. Now the time has come that the Cosmic Sound Secrets be scientifically examined. A complete medical university should be created around them." The cabinet minister of the Punjab Government, Shri Gurdas said, "Without the True Name we are all poor. Gurudev has brought the samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:34 AM Page 22
  • 13. Divine Dimension 23Divine Dimension22 The Mayor of Amritsar, Shri Shwet Malik, felicitating Gurudev The Transport Minister of Punjab, Shri Mohanlal, felicitating Gurudev The Deputy Speaker of Punjab Assembly, Shri Satpal Gosai, felicitating Gurudev The Health & Family Welfare Minister of Punjab, Smt. lakshmikant Chawla, felicitating Gurudev samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:34 AM Page 24
  • 14. Divine Dimension 25Divine Dimension24 The Member of Parliament and famous cricketer, S. Navjot Singh Siddhu felicitating Gurudev Amritsar MLA, Shri Anil Joshi felicitating Gurudev Popular actor, Rupa Ganguly felicitating GurumaaThe Medical Education Minister of Punjab, Shri Tikshna Sud, felicitating Gurudev samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:34 AM Page 26
  • 15. Chapter 2 The Rainbow Dimension samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:34 AM Page 28
  • 16. Divine Dimension 29Divine Dimension28 The Rainbow Dimension A Unique Festival of Colors The festival of Holi this year became a unique experience for those who participated in the Cosmic Grace convention in Lakshmi Nagar, Delhi. Thousands of devotees gathered from all over the world played a flower-holi with Gurudev. There was magic in the air as petals were being thrown all around. To everyone's delight Gurudev came in the midst of everyone and started participating in the play. There was joy, there was dance. Hearts were beating in love and thankfulness. Flowers were showering, and so was the divine grace. Devotion was the color that colored everyone. Addressing everyone, Gurudeve said, "Negative powers become active around the time of Holi. At this time people become susceptible to the negative influences of tantra and other sorts of black magic. This causes many physical and mental problems to people, making them sad and miserable. Today I want to share a special mystical dimension of the divine grace with you to free you from the negative influences, to free you from your sufferings. I want to reveal the Cosmic Sound Secrets for you to practice. This therapy will bring an end to all your physical, mental, and financial sufferings. It will pave a path for a bright future." Gurudev went deeper into the mystical importance of Holi, the festival of colors. He said, "With this special dimension of the divine grace, demon Hiranyakashyap was slain and the great devotee Prahlad was liberated. I am sharing with you the same light that Lord Vishnu had given to Prahlad. If you practice the Cosmic Sound Secrets, you will see that no one can harm you any more." Further he said, "These Cosmic Sound Secrets are very powerful dimension of the divine grace. To practice them on the day of Holi is very important. Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu have mentioned this categorically. The Cosmic Sound Therapy is for everyone. It doesn't make a difference which religion you belong to. It doesn't make a difference even if you don't believe in any religion at all." Gurudev also mentioned about the enrgy centers in Punjab and other places. Throwing a light on the power of these energetically charged places he said, "Even if you just visit these centers, your problems will disappear. The doctors and other scientists are being invited to these centers so that they can conduct a research on the effects of Cosmic Sound Secrets.” samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:34 AM Page 30
  • 17. Divine Dimension 31Divine Dimension30 The General Secretary of Bhagwan Shree Lakshmi Narayan Dham, Shri Gurudas, who was compeering the event said, "Gurudev has colored us in the colors of grace. It is such a good fortune to be able to play Holi with one's spiritual master. Such a holi contains the rainbow colors of divine grace." Many participants also shared the results of their practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets in their life. Some of those experiences are presented here. Neha Badhera, Delhi: With the help of Cosmic Sound Secrets I have topped the Delhi University and have scored so high that I have broken the record of last ten years. The Speaker of Loksabha, Shri Somnath Chatterjee presented me the gold medal for this. Bimla Devi, Gandhi Nagar: I had a such a breath problem that it was difficult for me to even speak. I changed many hospitals and doctors, but everyone told me that there is no permanent cure to this disease and I would have to be on medication for the rest of my life. When I started practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets, my problem disappeared from its very roots. Santosh, Kurukshetra: I had an ulcer in my uterus since last 12 years. The doctors were asking me to go through a surgery as there was no other way to get rid of it. I started practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets and my ulcer is completely gone, without any surgery. Ramkumar, Kurukshetra: My mother was down with a severe attack of typhoid. She was not able even to walk. We took her to the Prabhu kripa convention in Amritsar, where she learnt the Cosmic Sound Secrets and started practicing. Today she is absolutely fine. The Cosmic Sound Secrets have also helped me in getting rid of my mental tensions. Roshni Devi, Malviya Ngar: I was under the influence of some black magic which was not letting me pursue my ambition of becoming a teacher. This had caused a severe depression in me. I was being treated at Safdarjang Hospital in Delhi for my depression but it was not working. The Cosmic Sound Secrets cured my depression, and I am totally free from it. The Session Judge, Shrimati Reena Singh, who was also present at the occasion said, "Many of my problems have dissolved because of the Cosmic Sound Secrets. Gurudev offers us such a simple process that we have to do just for 10-15 minutes and all our problems disappear. Shri Bobby, The President of Youth Akali Dal said, "The Cosmic Sound Therapy is very powerful. Mysteriously it solves all our problems. The youth wing of Akali Dal will always be ready to extend any help in the creation of the Cosmic Sound Secrets center in Delhi." Dr. S. M. Taneja, the President of Indian Peace Mission said, "I am a doctor and I know that many a time we can not analyze a disease even after many tests, but Gurudev comes to know what disease a person is suffering from just by looking at his face. I did not use to believe in Cosmic Sound Secrets but I was amazed when my brother shared his experience with me. One of my own patients who was suffering from cancer has got cured by Cosmic Sound Secrets. Shri Sarvapreet Singh, who had arrived from London to participate in the convention said, "People in the West did not believe in the power of the Cosmic Sound Secrets. Now everyone is amazed as Gurudev has shown their power with evidence.” Justice T. S. Kashyap, Shri R. P. Malik (Chairman, Lovely Public School), famous spiritual leader Shri Rajesh Shastri and many other dignitaries were also present at the occasion. samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:34 AM Page 32
  • 18. Chapter 3 Cosmic Solutions to the World Crisis samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:34 AM Page 34
  • 19. Divine Dimension 35Divine Dimension34 Cosmic Solutions to the World Crisis The Prabhu Kripa convention in the scenic mountainous region of Nalagarh in Himachal pradesh was another beautiful addition to the success of Cosmic Sound Secrets. Thousands gathered from all around the world to receive the grace of Cosmic Sound Secrets. The private Secretary of the Prime Minister, Shri R. S. Negi also participated in the event beside other government officials, actors, and scientists. Addressing the convention Gurudev said, "In the near future the world is going to face tremendous problems. Seeing how the world is struggling with the fear of large scale wars and economic meltdown, one can logically conclude where we are heading to. Globally, there is so much fear that people looking for ways to come out of this mess. Prayers, invocations: people around the world are resorting to anything for the world peace." He said, "If we do not invoke the cosmic grace, human beings will start killing each other. Countries will start fighting to each other and the whole world will be doomed. The way ecology is being disturbed it will escalate further, causing the damage to crops. New diseases will come into existence and the whole humanity will suffer. Life will be miserable to bear." Providing a simple solution to the world crisis Gurudev said, "The dimension of cosmic grace can save the world from this crisis. This dimension is benevolent and is capable of bringing peace to the world. And I would like to emphasize that have no means left other than this. This dimension can save the nations, can save the crops, can save the families. We can not save the world by any meditation, yoga, or prayers. This dimension of cosmic grace can not only bring an end to all your physical, mental, and financial problems but is potent enough to establish an everlasting peace in the world." Referring the ancient scriptures Gurudev said, "This dimension belongs to Lord Shiva, to Guru Granth sahib, to holy Qoran, to the Bible, to Jinvani, to Dhammapada. Lord Krishna had revealed this dimension to Arjuna. This dimension is not just hypothetical; it is based on scientific facts." samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:34 AM Page 36
  • 20. Divine Dimension 37Divine Dimension36 Many participants shared their amazing experiences of Cosmic Sound Therapy. Few of them are presented here. Anita Devi, Mandi: My daughter came down with brain fever. She used to go into for long periods. When we took her to PGI, the doctors told us that her brain has been damaged. We took her to Prabhu Kripa convention in Bilaspur to receive the Cosmic Sound Secrets. My daughter came to her normal self after the therapy. Even the doctors were surprised when they tested her again and found everything to be absolutely normal. Neha Dhiman, Nalagarh: My younger brother's lever was damaged so badly that the doctors had told us that he would not survive. We started practicing the Cosmic Sound Secrets and to everyone's surprise he was completely cured. He is not only alive but is perfectly healthy. Bindu Sood, Panchkula: My grandmother was in coma and her body was suffering in many ways. We all wished that she should leave the body to be free of this suffering. We resorted to the Cosmic Sound Secrets and she died peacefully. Shobha, Hanumangarh: My mother had brain tumor. Doctors had already said that she would not survive but we didn't want to lose hope. We participated in one of the Prabhu Kripa conventions and learnt the Cosmic Sound Secrets. My mother recovered completely after the practice. Dinesh Dhiman, Una: I have had two brain surgeries. My memory was almost dysfunctional. My business was also suffering badly. I started practicing the Cosmic Sound Secrets and surprised the doctors with my absolute recovery. Now my business is also flourishing. Sharing his views with everyone, Shri Sarvpreet Singh said, " Cosmic Sound Secrets are bringing love and peace to millions. This dimension that Gurudev has made available to us is beyond mind." Ramodas, Chandigarh: I did not believe in the Cosmic Sound Secrets but after experimenting with open mind I can say that they can cure any disease. My son's red cells count was very low. His anemia was not being cured by any medication. The Cosmic Sound Secrets cured him completely. Kiranlata, Nalagarh: My husband was bedridden because of his spinal problem. the Cosmic Sound Secrets cured him completely. Pankaj Kumar, Mandi: My son was born very weak. His stomach was always upset and no medication was working on him. When we watched Gurudev's program on TV we decided to meet him. We came to the convention in Simla and learnt the Cosmic Sound Secrets. My son is enjoying his good health now. Popular actor Shri Arun Govil, Shri sarvpreet Singh and Shri Gurudas samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:34 AM Page 38
  • 21. Divine Dimension38 The General Secretary of Bhagwan Shree Lakshmi Narayan Dham thanked Gurudev for making the secrets of Cosmic Sound available to everyone. He said, "This dimension of cosmic grace that Gurudev has made available to us is amazing. His whole mission is to take away our physical, mental, and financial problems." The popular actor Gajendra Chauhan said, "Listening to people's experiences in the convention my mind has stopped. I was in so many problems that the Cosmic Sound Secrets have taken care of. I feel very fortunate to be able to participate in the convention." Feroz Khan, another popular actor said, "I have a long list of my own experiences but I don't have words to describe them. Gurudev's words have an edge like Arjuna's bow." Also present at the occasion were MLA Shri Harinarayan Saini, SDM Shri Sushil Kumar Sharma, District Magistrate of Dehradun Shri N. S. Dhanik, the senior government officer Shri Rakesh Sharma, and other prominent people. This dimension can save the nations, can save the crops, can save the families. We can not save the world by any meditation, yoga, or prayers. This dimension of cosmic grace can not only bring an end to all your physical, mental, and financial problems but is potent enough to establish an everlasting peace in the world." The Personal Secretary to the Prime Minister Shri Manmohan Singh, Shri R S Negi addressing the convention samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:34 AM Page 40
  • 22. Chapter 4 An Explosion of Love & Peace samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:34 AM Page 42
  • 23. Divine Dimension 43Divine Dimension42 An Explosion of Love and Peace A Unique Convention for Army Officers No nation can be bigger than religion and when the integrity of a nation is threatened the guidance of a spiritual mystic is called for. Following the tradition of this eternal truth, Gurudev visited the Indo-Pak border and sent a message of peace, love, and harmony to the whole world. His message was telecast by the major international channels and was heard by heads of state, politicians, religious leaders, and citizens of the whole world. The military officials were amazed at Gurudev's unexpected visit to the border post. His message of love melted the barbed wires segregating the two nations and the tensed atmosphere relaxed as if suddenly the scorching sun has given way to the cool showers of monsoon. The roots of violence blossomed into fragrant flowers. The cosmic power of Gurudev's voice kindled the sweet flames of love in the hearts of army men. The DIG of Border Security Force, Shri M L Wasan, was overwhelmed with this miraculous transformation caused by Gurudev. Commanding Officer of second Commandant J S Meena, Deputy Commandant J L Singh and Kuldeep Singh, Sector Head Quarter Commandant Bharti Shah and other senior officials were present along with their battalions to receive Gurudev. The army men belonging to all religions and regions along with their families had gathered to experience the power of cosmic grace. Gurudev's visit was a golden experience for army men. They had never even thought that a mystic such as Gurudev would arrive to ease the tensions of their strict routines of vigil at the border post. The senior officials of army expressed their surprise while speaking to the media present at the occasion. Addressing the mammoth gathering of army men, Gurudev said, "Army is like oxygen for any nation, nothing will remain without them. Just as a mystic provides spiritual energy to the world, an army man offers his individual energy to protect the nation. The existence samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:34 AM Page 44
  • 24. Divine Dimension 45Divine Dimension44 of every nation depends on their armies. An army man can be compared to a saint because he possesses the same qualities of restraint, self confidence, courage and readiness to put his own life at stake." He also said, "For an army man there is no need to travel on the path of Bhakti, Gyan, or tattva. Lord krishna has said in Geeta that he who dies fighting in the battlefield, attains his grace. Lord Krishna had told Arjuna that without bothering about any devotion or austerities he should fulfill his own duties at the battlefield, and if he dies in the course of his duties Arjuna would attain his everlasting grace. A warrior who embraces death without any grudge becomes part of divinity.” Expressing his vision on religion Gurudev said, "Nation is not bigger than religion. The foundation of every country is based on religion; it is the very roots of everything. It is not India and Pakistan that fight with each other, but the religious ignorance that creates conflicts. All these wars sprout from human ignorance, from the pseudo elements of religion. No religion has ever taught fighting with each other. Emphasizing the oneness of all the religions Gurudev Said, "Nobody in this world has ever said that God is not one. Mohammedans say 'Allah-O-Akbar' God is the greatest. Sikhs say 'Sat Sri Akal' God is beyond time, hence the greatest. Hindus say 'Har Har Mahadev' God is greater than all. Christians also say that God is the greatest. Every religion believes God to be one and the greatest." Further he said, "If God is one and the greatest than why do we fight with each other? These wars are rooted in our ignorance and the vested interests. The people with the spiritual awareness need to bring these facts to light so that peace and harmony can be established in this world. I have come to make you aware of the facts and the true divine nature. With the knowledge of divine nature, there would be no wars in the world." Gurudev also spoke about the powers of cosmic science. He said, "With the practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets you will be a winner in all the situations. The power of this dimension is such that no one will be able to attack you. A practice of just 10-15 minutes will create a consciousness in you that we all belong to one religion and that is the religion of love. And if the war is destined to happen, the practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets will make you capable of knowing why and when the war will happen, and what will be the outcome." Insisting on his message of world peace he said, "The dimension of cosmic grace is the dimension of love and peace. It is the dimension of bringing all the religions and nations together." samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 46
  • 25. Divine Dimension 47Divine Dimension46 Famous actor, Shri Arun Govil was also present at the occasion. Addressing the gathered army men he said, "I am honored that I am visiting the border post along with Gurudev. He has his own mysterious ways to connect us with the cosmic grace." Shri Gurudas, the general secretary of Bhagwan Shree Lakshmi Narayan Dham said, "Gurudev's power and energy is beyond all nations. If we can understand his message there will be an everlasting peace in this world, and with the help of cosmic science that he is making available to us there won't be any physical, mental or financial problems left. Gurudev also answered the questions regarding the personal problems of army officers and the troupes of various regiments and battalions. he also discussed the issues of world peace with the senior army officials. Some of the Army Officers also expressed their views and gratitude: I welcome Bramharishi Shree Kumar Swami on the behalf of entire sector. I request him to bless all of us to be self confident. Shri M L Wasan, DIG, BSF We are all very fortunate that Swamiji is among us. We have got this opportunity unexpectedly. I am grateful for his presence here. Shri Vimal satyarthi, Commanding Officer, BSF This is a golden opportunity for the security forces posted at the border. I request Gurudev to bless all of us with his grace. Shri Bharti Shah, Commandant Sector Head Quarter, BSF We are fortunate that you are here with us at the border. This will boost our morale and inspire us. Shri J L Meena, Second Commandant, BSF I thank Kumar Swamiji for being with us. This has boosted the morale of security forces. Shri Kuldeep Singh, Deputy Commandant, BSF Swamiji's visit has given me a self confidence. I hope it is the case with all the members of security force. Shri J K Singh, Deputy Commandant, BSF We all are proud that Shree Kumar Swami has given some time to be with us. His being among us will boost our morale. Shri Pankaj Sudan, Deputy Commissioner, BSF DIG of BSF, Shri M L Wasan addressing the convention samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 48
  • 26. Divine Dimension 49Divine Dimension48 Gurudev receiving the guard of honor by Border Security Forces Gurudev and Gurumaa watching the flag ceremony Shri Gurudas addressing the convention. Also seen in the picture are Shri Vimal Satyarthi, Commanding Officer, BSF and Shri Arun Govil Shri M L Wasan, DIG, BSF, Gurudev, Guru Maa, Shri Arun Govil, and Shri Vimal Satyarthi, Commanding Officer, BSF at BSF headquarters samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 50
  • 27. Chapter 5 Blossoms of Love samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 52
  • 28. Divine Dimension 53Divine Dimension52 Blossoms of Love Spring Comes to Ferozpur It was the message of love that Gurudev delivered in the convention at Ferozpur situated at the Indo-Pak border. To the eager listeners he said, "The dimension of cosmic grace can create an atmosphere of a loving friendship between India and the neighboring country of Pakistan, but among all nations. If the cosmic grace is evoked, all political lines on the world map will become threads of love. The powers of this dimension are limitless, and can not be understood or experienced via science. The science of cosmic secrets is beyond the material or worldly science." The senior political leaders from Punjab, medical doctors, journalists from all spheres of media, and intelligentsia were all present in the convention as if drawn by a magnet. Among the participants were people from all nook and corner of the world. And why not! The very message of the convention was world peace. The atmosphere was charged with a feeling of hope. In these tumultuous days of despair, the convention had brought a ray of hope, a possibility for a golden future for humanity. Today, when fear and violence have become the very fabric of society, it was very reassuring to hear a voice that said all is not lost, there still is a way out. Gurudev unraveled the secrets of cosmic science and said, "There is no problem in the world that can not be solved by cosmic science." He said, "The science of cosmic secrets is not a matter of blind faith or miracles. It's base is absolutely scientific and can be analyzed in the laboratories of science. On the other hand, it belongs to all the religions of the world. The Cosmic Sound Secrets - the very fundamentals of this science - are strewn all over the religious scriptures. Although hidden, they can be decoded. Shree Guru Granth Sahib, Holy Qoran, Geeta, Bible - they all carry these secrets. They have not been invented or developed by man, but have been given by the cosmic consciousness. Today, the science is forced to accept the eternal wisdom of our scriptures. The scientists are amazed at how people are being cured of incurable diseases just by a 10-15 minute practice of cosmic sound secrets. There are more than 300 million people around the world who have experienced their power first hand." Explaining the power of cosmic sound secrets further he said, "The physical problems that could not be solved by any medical system - allopathy, homeopathy, ayurveda - are all being cured by the practice of cosmic sound science. People suffering from such diseases spend a fortune for their treatment to find that it has all been in vain. In desperation they go to tantriks, astrologers, faith healers. But what is the result? Just a disillusionment." samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 54
  • 29. Divine Dimension 55Divine Dimension54 Explaining the effects of Cosmic Sound Secrets he said, "With the regular practice of just 10-15 minutes you will find that your physical illnesses are disappearing. Not only physical but mental and financial problems will also be taken care of. There is no problem that can not be solved with the practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets. This eternal science connects you with the source of all abundance. Their effects are there for everyone to see. Even scientists can conduct their researches and will find all the necessary proof of their authenticity. The Member of Legislative Assembly from Ferozpur, Shri Sukhpal was also present at the occasion. He said, "I am grateful to Gurudev that he chose to visit our town. I request him to bless this town to be peaceful and prosperous. I am confident in my belief that his visit will establish peace in this border town. Shri Kamal Sharma, the state president of BJP said, "When I watched Gurudev on television for the first time I was immensely impressed and wanted to meet him. I am fortunate that this month I have had this opportunity thrice. I welcome him to Ferozpur." The former Health Minister of Punjab and the chairman of medical board, Dr. Baldevraj Chawla said, "There has been a case of AIDS being cured by the practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets. This is the first example in the whole history of this disease. Even the medical science is still struggling for a remedy. The practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets has cured many other incurable diseases. Soon there will be a medical research center in Punjab to scientifically examine their effects. The Chief Minister of Punjab, S. Prakash Singh Badal and Member of Parliament, S. Navjot Singh Siddhu have promised to extend all help in establishing the research center." The general secretary of Bhagwan Shree Lakshmi Narayan Dham, Shri Gurudas said, "The dimension of cosmic science is taking over the whole world today. People from the Western countries are eager to know about the Cosmic Sound Secrets as they have seen with their own eyes so many people being freed of their problems. Gurudev doesn't differentiate among anyone.” The famous actor Shri Gajendra Chauhan said, "Just as Lord Krishna had blessed Arjuna to be victorious in warGurudev is blessing us with the cosmic grace to overcome our problems." Actors Shri Feroz Khan, Shri Gufi Paintal, and Shri Sunil Lahiri were also present at the occasion. Shri Feroz Khan said, "Gurudev takes our problems and in return gives us the cure to our problems. We have a heart to heart connection with Gurudev." Shri Gufi Paintal said, "Gurudev is working tirelessly to remove our sufferings and he doesn't even take any credit for it. He is like a finger pointing to the moon. He connects us directly to the cosmic source. This has been my personal experience." Shri Sunil Lahiri urged Gurudev to create such a protective shield around the country that no problem could enter. He said, "Gurudev is an incarnation of divine just like Lord Rama and Lord Krishna and has come to the world to absolve it." The Secretary of the Legislative Assembly of Punjab, Shri Sukhpal Singh, State Minister of Punjab, Shri D P Chandan, former minister, Shri Hansraj, leader of Youth Akali Dal, Shri Raj Siddhu, samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 56
  • 30. Divine Dimension 57Divine Dimension56 Sant Kuldeep Nath of Gaddi Baba Dera, SDM of Amritsar, Shri Sanjiv Kumar, and Session Judge, Shri M K Gaur were among other dignitaries present at the occasion. Few of the experiences shared by some participants: Sangeeta, Delhi: I had stone in my Gall Bladder. I went through many tests and underwent many treatments but nothing worked. After practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets my problem got cured from the very roots. Manoj Kumar, Mohali: Both of my kidneys had failed. The doctors of PGI had told me that there was no hope left for me other than the kidney transplant. The practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets brought my kidneys back to their normal condition. Thakur Singh, Mandi: I had lost my memory due to a severe heart problem. The doctors had informed my family that it was impossible for me to recover from that condition. What the medical science could not do the Cosmic Sound Secrets have done. Now my memory is perfect. Resham Lal, Barnala: My sister got infected with HIV. We had lost all hope because there is no medical cure for AIDS. I started practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets for my sister and miraculously she got cured. She is living a healthy and normal life. Puja Sharma, Ferozpur: My son had a serious brain problem and according to the doctors he was not going to survive. I came to know about Gurudev and came to see him in one of the convention. With the practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets given by him, my son recovered completely. Madhu Chaudhary, Ferozpur: My nephew had fallen ill with jaundice. It was so severe that even doctors were at a loss. I practiced Cosmic Sound Secrets for my nephew and within no time he recovered. Sarita Sharma, Amritsar: The ulcer in my uterus disappeared with the practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets only for a few days. Even the doctors had not been able to cure it after a long treatment. Deepak Parekh, Rajasthan: I used to have puss oozing out of my ears since childhood. For a long time I was on medication. The doctors had started insisting for a surgery which was impossible for me due to financial reasons. I participated in Mohali convention and learnt Cosmic Sound Secrets. With the practice of less than a month, I got rid of my problem. My financial condition has also improved. B N Tatia, Shriganaga Nagar: My heart had gone weak and the doctors had prescribed some medicine which they said I would have to stick to for the whole life. I have overcome my problem by practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets. Punjab State Minister, Shri D P Chandan felicitating Gurudev samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 58
  • 31. Chapter 6 Secrets of Ancient Scriptures Revealed samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 60
  • 32. Divine Dimension 61Divine Dimension60 Secrets of Ancient Scriptures Revealed The convention at Faridabad was a meeting point of devotion, beauty, and mysteries. It was like a sky where devotional feelings soared high and the ancient epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata embraced each other mid-flight. As Gurudev revealed the secrets of ancient scriptures, the assembled gathering of seekers from all over the world went deeper and deeper into the mysterious state of cosmic bliss. The evening took a magical turn when Gurudev took people to the very origin of Cosmic Sound Secrets and explained how easy is their practice. Gurudev was explaining the origins of cosmic science and its secrets. He said, "These secrets originate from Lord Shiva, Goddess Durga, and Goddess Lakshmi. By practicing the Cosmic Sound Secrets one can fulfill all his wishes. These secrets open all the doors to material and spiritual success and man can overcome all his difficult challenges. The powers of cosmic science are unimaginable. One can achieve such goals by their practice as he had never even imagined before." He also explained that received from the direct divine sources, these secrets have been encoded into the ancient scriptures and Vedas. He said, "It is not easy to decode these secrets hidden in the scriptures. Many scholars have tried to find them as from time to time mystics have indicated their existence in the scriptures. To be able to decode these scriptures one has to be in tune with the cosmic energy." Gurudev invited scholars of various religions on stage and made them experience the power of cosmic secrets. He said that these secrets are the essence of all the religious scriptures and anyone can practice them easily. He said, "Lord Shiva had given a cosmic secret to Ravana. The secret was so powerful that Ravana could destroy anyone at his wish by its practice. I want to give you the same secret for reversed results. By practicing this Cosmic Sound Secret you can also win hearts of people and befriend them. Even your enemies will become your friends. You don't have to destroy the enemies, but the enmity." Explaining the super-scientific nature of these secrets he said, "There are millions in this world today who have come out of their incurable ailments by practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets just for 10-15 minutes. Even such diseases have been cured for which even medical samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 62
  • 33. Divine Dimension 63Divine Dimension62 science doesn't have a cure. The dimension of cosmic science is not a miracle, but it surely is a wonder. The scientists who did not believe in the powers of this dimension are now in awe of it." Talking about the multi-faceted effects of the cosmic science he said, "The practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets brings you affluence, fame, intelligence, and health. It brings harmony to your family and social life.You will be surprised that where the medical science has failed the cosmic science works. Your life will be full of all kinds of joys and contentment if you apply cosmic science to your life." Popular TV actors Arun Govil, Sunil Lahiri, Arvind Trivedi, Feroz Khan, Praveen Kumar, Gufi Paintal were also present at the occasion. Among other dignitaries present were music director Chandra Kamal, The special advisor of the President of India, G V Sharma, DSP of Faridabad, Ram Kumar Malik, SDO of Faridabad, Raman Sharma. The famous Bollywood star, Neetu Chandra also participated in the convention. Member of Parliament, Shri Avtar Singh Bhadana said, "Many of us have got our wishes fulfilled by Gurudev's blessings. I ask Gurudev to bless me so that I can keep serving people and can prove my sincerity in every situation." The General Secretary of Bhagwan Shree Lakshmi Narayan Dham, Shri Gurudas said, "The cosmic secrets revealed by Gurudev do not belong to any particualr religion. They are the global heritage and everyone can practice and benefit from them. Gurudev offers them to everyone, without any discrimination." Presented here are few of the experiences shared by some participants: Ranjana Dubey, Indore: I had a serious problem in my uterus. I had lost all hope because no treatment was working for me. According to doctors the surgical removal of uterus was the only way left. I came to know about Gurudev and started practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets after meeting him. Now I am completely healthy and their is no need of any surgery. Even the doctors are surprised. Sarv Bihari Singh, Lucknow: I am working for the Information and Broadcasting Ministry. There was a time when in spite of being a BHU topper I was not getting any success. In 2004 I received Cosmic Sound Secrets from Gurudev and started practicing them. Soon the happy changes started happening in my life. I started being successful in every field. I received many All India awards, and one of them was awarded to me by the Prime Minister, Mr. Manmohan Singh. Mamta Joshi, Delhi: My brother lives in Assam. Once he took ill very seriously. He went through a few treatments but when there was no sign of improvement he was taken to the General Hospital in Gowahati where it was diagnosed that his lever was damaged. His condition did not improve even after being admitted in the hospital for a week. At that point, he started practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets and was back to normal within no time. samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 64
  • 34. Divine Dimension 65Divine Dimension64 Lakshmi Devi, Gurgaon: My son was suffering from Asthma. At the tender age of 18, all his growth was affected because of his ailment. I used to be very worried about him. I attended one of the conventions to receive Cosmic Sound Secrets and to everyone's relief my son regained his health and his asthma was cured. Rameshchand, Palwal: With the practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets my incurable psoriasis has been cured and even the doctors are surprised. I had tried all kinds of treatment but in vain. Cosmic Sound Secrets cured me in such a short time that no one could believe. Bimla Devi, Delhi: Cosmic Sound Secrets have brought affluence to my life and I am experiencing a wellbeing that total health brings. My ailments of piles and high blood pressure have disappeared. Shri G B Sharma, Special Advisor to the President of India, felicitating Gurudev Popular actress Neetu Chandra listening to Gurudev as Mandeep Nagpal looks on Left to right: Shri Gajendra Chauhan, Shri Feroz Khan, Shri Pravin Kumar, Shri Gufi Paintal samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 66
  • 35. Chapter 7 Let Cosmic Sound Secrets be Scientifically Examined samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 68
  • 36. Divine Dimension 69 Among the participants there were people belonging to all religions, castes, and creeds. People had arrived from various parts of the world to participate in the convention. Addressing everyone Gurudev said, "The dimension that I am offering you will not only work for your wellbeing, it will lead the whole state toward wellbeing. With cosmic grace Haryana will progress and become rich and affluent. Your physical, mental, and financial difficulties will disappear. With the difficulties gone, you will move on the path to God." He said, "Today we need to live a practical life. You will not come out of your sufferings just by listening to sermons. It is a matter of regret that people start searching for God without first dealing with their problems. I will give you a dimension that can lead you to God but first you will have to overcome your sufferings." Explaining the powers of cosmic science Gurudev said, "This dimension is beyond hypocrisy. With the application of cosmic science in your life you will not need any worship or prayers. You will not need to run hither and thither to find solutions for your problems. Simply practice the Cosmic Sound Secrets for 10-15 Let Cosmic Sound Secrets be Scientifically Examined Prabhu Kripa conventions have brought a ray of hope to the life of those who have lost all hope. As the news of their success is spreading far and wide, people are flocking to these conventions in larger numbers than ever. The success of Prabhu Kripa conventions has its roots in the principles of cosmic grace revealed by Gurudev. He has offered a new hitherto hidden science to the world. This is a science that goes beyond the rules of material science. The material science is still struggling to find solutions to human problems, whereas the cosmic science is the source of all solutions as it is the source of whole cosmos. The convention held at Fatehabad in Haryana was another example of people's recognition of the effectiveness of cosmic methods. The large convention area created to accommodate hundreds of thousands was not enough to contain all the people who had gathered to participate. Usually such large gatherings are unmanageable but people who had gathered with a trust in their hearts were managing on their own accord to accommodate other fellow participants. Former Chief Minister of Haryana, Chaudhary Devilal's son, Chaudhary Ranjeet Singh was also present at the occasion. Among other dignitaries participating in the convention were Parliamentary Secretary of Haryana, Chaudhary Dura Ram, popular actors such as Arun Govil, Gajendra Chauhan, and Feroz Khan. Divine Dimension68 samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 70
  • 37. Divine Dimension 71 Krishna, Mandi Gobindgarh: I had a cervical problem which was persisting since long. I tried many doctors and medical systems but found no cure for my ailment. After practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets, I am completely free of my problem. Vimala, Fatehaba: My mother had developed stone in gall bladder and because of that her general health was also suffering to such a point that often she would faint. Four surgeries had already been performed on her and the doctors clearly refused to perform any more surgery. When I heard about Gurudev, I participated in Jalandhar convention and learnt Cosmic Sound Secrets. By their practice, my mother got cured in a very short time and today has also accompanied me to this convention. Anju Narang, Fatehabad: I was struggling with many ailments. There was a time when it was impossible for me to move from my bed. When I started practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets, not only my physical ailments disappeared but I overcame my financial problems too. Now I am enjoying a good health and a happy life. Anju, Rohtak: My husband had a serious problem of stone. He was suffering a lot. Often he would have to endure unbearable pain. We consulted many doctors but they all said that it was impossible to remove the stone without a surgery. I started practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets for my husband. I was surprised when my husband told him that his stone was flushed out by itself. Monika, Chandigarh: I am a scientist but can vouch for the effectiveness and powers of Cosmic Sound Secrets. Once I had developed a spinal problem. By the regular practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets I got rid of my problem. The doctors were also amazed at the result. minutes in a day and you will find that all your sorrows are saying good bye to you. This science is based on facts and experiences of millions of people. You can find evidences in Prabhu Kripa conventions happening all over the world." He also said, "The light of cosmic science will bring you face to face with truth and you will find that you have become a recipient of cosmic grace. There was a time when the Western scientists had no faith in cosmic science but when they witnessed the effects of this science with hard evidence they started supporting it. Today there are 30 million people across the world practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets and benefiting from them." Gurudev said that the Cosmic Sound Secrets symbolize light. He said, "As upon the entry of light the darkness disappears, in the presence of Cosmic Sound Secrets sufferings disappear. If you have a monetary problem, you will start being affluent and wealthy. If you have discord in your family, there will be accord and peace. Your intelligence will grow; your physical problems will disappear." Gurudev invited scientists to study the effects of Cosmic Sound Secrets. He asked the doctors to make it a point of research how people are being cured of incurable diseases by practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets. Answering to the queries of some journalists, he said, "My intention is not to challenge the medical science but I want the doctors and scientists to examine the cosmic secrets scientifically so that they can be made available to the world at a much larger scale. If something is working for the betterment of humanity, it should be presented to the world in a scientific format." Gurudev also listened to the problems of many participants and offered them special practices to follow. He also urged people to be sincere and regular in their practice. There were also sessions of mass healing and celebrations. Presented here are few of the experiences shared by some participants: Divine Dimension70 samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 72
  • 38. Divine Dimension72 Poonam, Rohtak: I was not able to bear a child. My childlessness had dragged me into despair and I used to be always depressed. The practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets has filled my life with joys. I have given birth to a beautiful baby boy. Rosi, Rohtak: The practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets helped me in getting a job that I always wanted. Minakshi, Adampur: I had a severe attack of dengue and there was no hope for me to survive. Today everybody can see that I am participating in this convention in my complete health. It has been possible only because of Cosmic Sound Secrets. Puran Singh, UP: I had fallen off the roof thirty years ago and because of that I always used to have a backache. I had not been able to get rid of it even after many treatments. With the help of Cosmic Sound Secrets I have come out of it. "As upon the entry of light the darkness disappears, in the presence of Cosmic Sound Secrets sufferings disappear. If you have a monetary problem, you will start being affluent and wealthy. If you have discord in your family, there will be accord and peace. Chaudhary Dura Ram, Parliamentary Secretary of Haryana, felicitating Gurudev samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 74
  • 39. Chapter 8 The Science of Cosmic Grace samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 76
  • 40. Divine Dimension 77Divine Dimension76 The Science of Cosmic Grace There is no end to the compassion of Brahmarishi Shree Kumar Swami. His very existence is compassion, service to humanity. Fortunate are those who have been the recipients of his compassion, and what to say about the fortune of those who have had this opportunity over and over again. Punjab is one such place where Gurudev has visited repeatedly, showering its people with his compassion and cosmic grace. In April, a convention was held at Devi Talab Mandir in Jalandhar. Devi Talab Mandir is an energy center of Goddess Durga's eternal power. Hence, the convention in the premises of this powerful temple in the presence of Gurudev became a unique event that rejuvenated thousands of seekers who had gathered from all corners of the world. Addressing the gathered crowds, Guredev said, "There are various kinds of problems and challenges that people have to face in their life. The physical, mental, emotional, and financial problems are pushing human beings into anxiety all the time. There seems to be no joy in people's life. People resort to visiting astrologers, crystal gazers, tarot readers and other esoteric experts to find solutions to their problems, but in vain. People waste their money, time, and energy but the problems go on piling up." He said, "With the practice of cosmic science your entire horoscope will change. You don't need to knock from door to door, begging for solutions to your problems. Simply practice Cosmic Sound Secrets for 10-15 minutes everyday, and you will find that the lines on your palms are changing, that the planets in your horoscope are changing their course. Let me give you my own example: According to the astrological calculations, my horoscope had no money, fame, or the joy of married life in store for me. The fact that I have everything today is just because of the cosmic grace and the practice of its principles. After years of my spiritual search with many masters I found the cosmic secrets strewn all over our ancient scriptures and their practice not only changed the course of my destiny, but I have also been able to bring this gift into the life of millions of people." Talking further about the mysterious yet apparent nature of the cosmic science, Gurudev said, "The cosmic science is a secret hidden samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 78
  • 41. Divine Dimension 79Divine Dimension78 in our scriptures that becomes obvious only to those who learn to decode their language with total trust. These secrets are brimming with positive energy of cosmos and by nature they are the providers of health and happiness. These secrets belong to Lord Shiva and it has been recorded in the ancient scriptures that their practice brings health, wealth, fame, and success. Lord Shiva himself has promised this. The science is incapable of understanding these secrets as they belong to the dimension of grace, which is exactly opposite to the scientific dimension of gravity. Lord Krishna has stated in Bhagwad Gita that these secrets can not be learnt even by reading Vedas. Guru Nanak Dev has also said that one can not experience the ultimate truth by merely pondering over it. This dimension is beyond mind and science. Mind, intellect, and science have their own limitations. This dimension rises beyond these limits and is available only to the sages and masters who have gone beyond the realms of mind." Gurudev said, "The Western societies that doubted the validity of cosmic science are now amazed at its power. Medical scientists and doctors find it unbelievable that the diseases for which they have been unable to find a cure are being cured by the simple practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets. The powers of cosmic science are limitless. It carries the solutions to all our problems. This dimension goes beyond all sects and belongs only to religion which is one. One can practice it irrespective of his faith." Speaking on the occasion, the managing trustee of Devi Talab Mandir, Shri Sheetal Vij said, "Gurudev has always blessed the people of Jalandhar with his presence. I request him to continue doing so." The famous actor, Shri Arun Govil said, "It is fortunate to across a person such as Gurudev. The whole mission of his life is to eliminate suffering from this world. He treats everyone equally, and showers his compassion over each and every person he comes across." The former Health Minister of Punjab, Dr. Baldev Chawala, who is also heading the medical board set up by Bhagwan Shree Lakshmi Narayan Dham, explained the scientific aspect of cosmic grace. He said, "Cosmic Sound Secrets are helping people to overcome even incurable diseases. Diseases like cancer, AIDS, paralysis, asthma, and tuberculosis being cured is on record and a research is being conducted on the medical tests and reports of the patients who have been cured." Sudarshan Kaur, Jalandhar: Since years I used to have fits of hysteria. Even very expensive treatments had failed to cure me. I learnt to practice Cosmic Sound Secrets in 2007, and since then I have never had even a single fit. Dr. radhika Kaushik, Jalandhar: I seriously took ill after I delivered my first child. I developed diabetes and had to be on regular insulin. The tests also revealed that my hip bones were damaged and the doctors at Apollo Hospital were of the view that I wouldn't survive without a major hip surgery. For six months, I was bedridden in All India Institute of Medical Science in Delhi. At that time I decided to try the cosmic science. I started practicing samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 80
  • 42. Divine Dimension 81Divine Dimension80 the Cosmic Sound Secrets and to everyone's amazement I started recovering rapidly. The doctors could not believe what was happening. Dharminder Kaur, Punjab: I was suffering from insomnia. I could not sleep without taking heavy dose of sleeping pills. After I started practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets, not even for a day I have had to take a sleeping pill to sleep. Also, recently an ulcer was detected in my uterus and the doctors said that I would have to go through a surgery. Again the Cosmic Sound Secrets rescued me. After a few days' practice the reports of my ultrasound tests were completely normal. Prikshit nayyar, Garhshankar: My wife had suddenly taken seriously ill. After the ultrasound tests, it was discovered that there was a third stage cancer in her uterus. I did not reveal this to my wife and took her to Apollo Hospital in Delhi. She underwent cameo therapy, but the doctors told me that she would survive only for a few more months. I participated in Mohadi convention and started practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets. Soon, my wife's condition started improving. Cancer, as if disappeared. It was a miracle even for the doctors. Today, my wife has accompanied me to this convention. Satya Arora, Jalandhar: My food pipe was damaged to the extent that I was unable to eat anything at all. I was on heavy medication for 6-7 months and the doctors were insisting for a surgery. I started practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets, and today I can eat everything without any difficulty. The problem that I had seems like a bad dream which is over. Sumitra Devi, Jalalabad: The practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets has improved the financial condition of our family. There was a time that we had landed into a financial crunch, but after the practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets everything has brightened up. My husband got a good promotion and a hefty raise in salary. My son has started excelling in studies too. Niru, Pathankot: I used to be disturbed because of my career. Even after all the qualifications, I was not getting a good job. When I came to know about Gurudev, I decided to meet him. I attended one of his conventions and learnt how to practice Cosmic Sound Secrets. Things started changing immediately as I started practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets. I got a good job that I always wanted, and apart from the income my work profile is very satisfactory. Vijay, Jalandhar: Because of filaeriasis, my feet had swollen to such an extent that I was unable to stand. When no treatment responded to my condition I started practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets. My feet came to their normal condition and I can not only stand but walk properly. The Deputy Chief Minister of Punjab, S. Sukhbir Singh Badal felicitating Gurudev samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 82
  • 43. Chapter 9 Cosmic Science is Beyond All Limits samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 84
  • 44. Divine Dimension 85Divine Dimension84 Cosmic Science is Beyond All Limits The convention held in Ludhiana was a unique event where Gurudev unfolded the hidden secrets of cosmos. He scientifically revealed the secrets encoded in the ancient scriptures such as Vedas, Gita, and Ramayana. To the amazement of thousands of participants gathered from all over the world, he indicated the cosmic secrets strewn over the ancient texts of sacred scriptures. Talking about the limitations of science in relation to cosmic secrets Gurudev said, "Science can never know or understand the secrets of cosmic grace as science has its own limitations. Science is bound to the material laws and can not step into the realms of spirituality. There is no science of this world that can analyze the cosmic science. Cosmic laws belong to the eternal wisdom of the East. Ancient scriptures of the East are the eternal source of power. Ramayana is not just a story, nor is Gita limited to just 18 chapters. These scriptures carry immense secrets. Just a few hidden secrets from these scriptures have been revealed, and a lot more remain to be decoded." He said, "Cosmic Sound Secrets are the mysteries of the science of beyond that lead us to cosmic grace. The dimension of cosmic grace brings us out of our suffering and makes us capable of experiencing truth of this universe. The power of this dimension is unbelievable. With a short practice of 10-15 minutes of this technique you will find that all your problems are disappearing and you will feel an inner strength that you had never known before." When the question was raised about the people of doubting mind never believing in the cosmic science, he said, "There was a time that even I did not believe in the dimension of cosmic grace. I have been a medical professional and my scientific mind doubted the spiritual dimension. My quest for truth took me deeper into the meanings of ancient scriptures and there I found these encoded secrets. When I practiced these secrets with unbiased mind, I had no other option but to believe them as truth needs no other evidence. Then I wanted to share it with everyone in this world. And today more than 30 million people across the world are being benefited by this unique cosmic dimension." Explaining the powers of cosmic science Gurudev said, "This dimension is beyond hypocrisy. With the application of cosmic science in your life you will not need any worship or prayers. You will not need to run hither and thither to find solutions for your problems. Simply practice the Cosmic Sound Secrets for 10-15 minutes in a day and you will find that all your sorrows are saying samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 86
  • 45. Divine Dimension 87Divine Dimension86 good bye to you. This science is based on facts and experiences of millions of people. You can find evidences in Prabhu Kripa conventions happening all over the world." He said, "There are diseases for which medical science has still not got any cure. Death is the only remedy for such diseases. Such incurable diseases are being cured with the practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets. People have been cured of AIDS and cancer just by a 10-15 minute regular practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets. When I showed the results to medical scientists in the West, they were amazed. Scientists who studied the cases of incurable diseases being cured by the practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets have come to realize that it is not a fake claim. They have seen and studied the cases scientifically." Gurudev invited scientists to study the effects of Cosmic Sound Secrets. He asked the doctors to make it a point of research how people are being cured of incurable diseases by practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets. Gurudev also said that the Cosmic Sound Secrets are easy to practice and they are available to everyone, irrespective of their nationality, religion, caste, or creed. He said, "Cosmic science is the essence of all the religions and its secrets can be found in the scriptures of all the religions. If you insist, secrets can be provided to you from the scriptures of the religion you belong to." Gurudev also addressed those scientifically inclined, by telling them that today science has also started acknowledging the presence of God and super natural powers. All the problems can be solved by the daily practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets. Today they are being practiced worldwide as people have understood their power. Conducting the event, the general secretary of Bhagwan Shree Lakshmi Narayan Dham, Shri Gurudas said, "It is the good fortune of people in Punjab that Gurudev has been visiting this state again and again. Gurudev is selflessly sharing the cosmic secrets with everyone for the upliftment of whole humanity. Even the science is bowing down to the power of cosmic grace." The former Health Minister of Punjab, Shri Baldevraj Chawla said, "Gurudev is a matter of amazement for the medical science. Thousands of people have been cured of their incurable diseases by the techniques discovered by him. What can be more surprising than the fact that just by a 10-15 minute regular practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets such results can be obtained that the medical science takes years to achieve." Many dignitaries belonging to the fields of law, medical science, politics, and academics were present at the occasion. Gurudev also addressed the press and answered their questions. During the course of the event, Gurudev listened to the participants’ problems and offered them special Cosmic Sound Secrets. To motivate people for a regular practice of the sound secrets he led everyone into a mass recital. Many people shared that they got rid of their ailments instantaneously by that recital. By the end, there were joyful smiles and the tears of gratitude all around. Amarjeet Kaur, Ludhiana: I had developed breast cancer. Doctors had clearly stated that it was not possible for me to survive without a surgery. samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 88
  • 46. Divine Dimension 89Divine Dimension88 I had lumps in both the breasts which were spreading fast. My husband and other members of the family were very scared and disturbed. I was admitted into CMC Hospital of Ludhiana. I was so scared of the surgery that the day my surgery was scheduled, I ran away from the hospital and came back home. I had an inner voice telling me that I have to trust in Gurudev and everything would be alright. I started practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets and in the next checkup no lumps were found. Today I am completely healthy and living a happy life. Kamaljeet Kaur, Ludhiana: Last year I had fallen from the stairs and my spinal cord had sustained serious injuries. After that I was in a lot of pain, which the experts said I would have to endure for the rest of my life. I switched to alternative therapies but nothing proved effective. With the practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets, my pain has gone permanently. Now I can do everything easily. Sukhwinder Kaur, Patiala: Before I started practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets I was a victim of hordes of ailments. My ECR was always more than normal which was creating many problems in my body. I had severe problem of various allergies adding to my suffering. I had gone through many treatments in vain. With the regular practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets all my physical ailments have disappeared and now I am completely healthy. Sheela Devi, Bhatinda: I had a skin problem since 7 years that no dermatologist had been able to cure. Even alternative therapies had not worked. I started practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets, and now my problem has gone from the very roots. Sunita, Jalandhar: I had developed an allergy to wheat. I had gone through many treatments but the allergy experts had told me that I would have to be on medication for the rest of my life. Even I had accepted it to be my fate. When I came to know of Gurudev's conventions, I attended one and started practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets. Now I am free of my allergy. Pushpa Rani, Chandigarh: My daughter has been married for last 10 years but she was unable to conceive a child. I attended the convention in Panipat and received the Cosmic Sound Secrets for my daughter. Within a few days of my starting the practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets, my daughter conceived and consequently gave birth to a beautiful child. Vinod Chhabbar, Ludhiana: I have been a patient of diabetes since a long time. Recently my blood pressure also went up alarmingly. I was very scared to face two life threatening ailments simultaneously. I went into a depression about my future. When I participated in Jalandhar convention, I felt an immediate relief. After the regular practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets I have got rid of both my ailments. Now I have stopped using any medication. Parliamentary Secretary of Punjab, S. Sher Singh felicitating Gurudev samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 90
  • 47. Chapter 10 Easy Is Right samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 92
  • 48. Divine Dimension 93Divine Dimension92 Easy Is Right "Easy is right" was the message delivered at the convention held in Rajpura. Addressing thousands of seekers gathered from all over the world, Gurudev said, "I have not come here to create a new religion. Nor have I come to give you a sermon. I have come to simply share with you the dimension of cosmic grace which is very simple to practice and very effective in results. You do not need to go through difficult austerities, rituals, or yogic exercises to overcome your problems and ailments. In fact you do not need to go anywhere. You simply have to practice the technique of cosmic dimension 10-15 minutes every day, and you can be freed from your physical, mental, and financial suffering." Talking about the simplicity of Cosmic Sound Secrets, Gurudev said, "They are so simple that you can practice them while walking, or lying down on your bed before you go to sleep. There are no rules or conditions to be fulfilled for the practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets. It does not matter what you eat or drink; you can continue with your lifestyle. Even if you are an atheist and don't believe in any religion, it doesn't make a difference. The cosmic science is universal and doesn't belong to any particular religion. You can practice Cosmic Sound Secrets irrespective of the religion you belong to." He said, "Millions of people in this world have lost hope as they have been running in thousand directions, begging for a solution to their problems, but in vain. People knock the doors of science, religion, magic.... When they get tired they consider their problems to be their ultimate fate and try to live with them. There was a time when I was trying to search for the meaning of life, and trying every possible means to quench my burning desire. When I came across this simple science of cosmic grace, all that I ever wanted was fulfilled." Gurudev explained the scientific dimension of cosmic grace in detail. He also talked about the growing curiosity in the scientific fields about the cosmic science. He said, "Today the whole scientific world is eager to know the secrets of cosmic science. Now it is not a hidden a fact that millions of people have been cured of their incurable diseases by the practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets. Such cases have been studied in the hospitals and medical scientists have seen the genuine evidences to prove the effectiveness of this cosmic technique. More than 30 million people in 160 countries across the samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 94
  • 49. Divine Dimension 95Divine Dimension94 globe are practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets regularly and overcoming their physical, mental, and financial problems. This eternal dimension is the most powerful phenomena in this universe. This is the dimension of abundance. If you practice this science, you will be living in the cosmic law and will have everything in abundance. Those who practice the cosmic law can never be in poverty. All your financial problems will dissipate like a forgotten dream; your physical ailments will disappear just by a simple 10-15 minute regular practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets. All your questions will be answered and your life will be a joy." Gurudev said that joy is his only message. He said, "I want you to dance, sing, and laugh. The dimension that I am sharing with you is beyond seriousness. This dimension will fill your life with joy and happiness. You will be free from any problem whatsoever. Millions of people around the world are a proof of what I am saying." The famous actor, Shri Arun Govil said, "Each and every word coming out of Gurudev's mouth is not less than a cosmic secret. Even listening to him is a relief from our tensions. Techniques given by him not only help us overcome our suffering but also change the way we think. All our negative thoughts disappear. The cosmic grace works in all directions and dimensions. We can not find such a complete system anywhere else." The general secretary of Bhagwan Shree Lakshmi Narayan Dham, Shri Gurudas said, "Gurudev's blessings bring a new color and beauty to our life. In his dimension life takes on a song, a rhythm; it becomes a continuous joy. His message is an end to all our misery and sadness." Popular TV actors - Surendra Pal, Feroz Khan, and Sunil Lahiri - were also present at the occasion. Surndra Pal said, "Gurudev is freeing people from their suffering with his immense spiritual powers. Equally powerful are the techniques of cosmic science that he is teaching to all humanity." Feroz Khan sang beautiful devotional songs. Later, he said addressing the convention, "I bow down to Gurudev for his work towards human wellbeing at such a large scale. I have received so much by practicing what he teaches that no words fall short to explain it." Sunil Lahiri said, "My whole life has changed since I have met Gurudev. I sometimes think that had I met him in my childhood my life would have been of some other dimension. I am free from all worries and have no problem left in my life. Cosmic Sound Secrets are intoxicating. They give you a spiritual high.” Among the dignitaries present at the occasion were the Finance Scretary of Punjab, Shri Rajkumar Khurana, The personal secretary to former Chief Minister of Punjab, Shri Manvendra Singh, Members of Legislative Assembly, Shri Pravin Chhabra, Shri Pramal Choudhari, Shri Ashwini Kumar, and District Food Controller, Shri M. L. Nagpal. Surendra Kaur, Patiala: My whole family was worried as I had not been able to conceive a child even after 12 years of my marriage. I went to many doctors and took many treatments. I even went to Bangalore, where I had heard most of the women of my problem had been cured successfully, but there was no success for me. Utterly exasperated, I stopped all medication and treatments. One day I heard Gurudev on TV and again felt a surge of hope. I asked my husband to accompany me to Ambala convention and received the Cosmic Sound Secrets from Gurudev. My husband and I started practicing them regularly. On October 9, 2008, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I will always remain grateful to Gurudev. Sarai Kadar, Faridabad: My health was deteriorating due to diabetes. One of my legs had also stopped functioning. None of the treatments were responding to my condition. I praciced Cosmic Sound Secrets for 2 months and not only my leg started functioning normally, my diabetes also disappeared. My practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets also helped me on the financial front. My business that was samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 96
  • 50. Divine Dimension 97Divine Dimension96 going through a bad phase, started flourishing. Now I am healthy and financially sound. Seema, Rajpura: My mother-in-law had an attack of paralysis. She could not even stand after that. We took her to the hospital but the doctors looking at the seriousness of her condition refused to admit her. I practiced Cosmic Sound Secrets for her and she became perfectly normal in a very short time. Veena, Sangrur: I was suffering from depression and a severe allergy since last 17 years. I was mostly bedridden and could not attend to my family's needs. I was tired of going to the doctors to no avail. Both my ailments disappeared when I started practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets. Shashikala, Pathankot: Recently when I started being ill all the time, I went to the hospital where doctors diagnosed my illness to be tuberculosis in its last stages. According to the doctors I would not have survived more than 2 months. Everybody in my family was scared, and I started feeling death breathing down my neck. I received Cosmic Sound Secrets from Gurudev and started practicing them. I am happy to say that now my tuberculosis is completely gone. Even my doctors wanted to know in detail about the Cosmic Sound Secrets because what happened with me was totally unbelievable for them. Ramesh Kumar, Ambala Cantt.: A massive attack of paralysis had left me completely handicapped. I was hospitalized for three months and underwent medication and physiotherapy, which had a zero response on me. I came to Gurudev when no treatment worked. I learnt Cosmic Sound Secrets from him and started practicing them regularly. Soon my paralysis subsided and today I am standing in front of everyone. I am absolutely normal now. Pushpa Rani, Chandigarh: My daughter has been married for last 10 years but she was unable to conceive a child. I attended the convention in Panipat and received the Cosmic Sound Secrets for my daughter. Within a few days of my starting the practice of Cosmic Sound Secrets, my daughter conceived and consequently gave birth to a beautiful child. Satya Arora, Jalandhar: My food pipe was damaged to the extent that I was unable to eat anything at all. I was on heavy medication for 6-7 months and the doctors were insisting for a surgery. I started practicing Cosmic Sound Secrets, and today I can eat everything without any difficulty. The problem that I had seems like a bad dream which is over. samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 98
  • 51. Chapter 11 A Dimension Beyond Astrology samagam book:Layout 1 1/15/2010 2:35 AM Page 100