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I N S T O R E S N O W .
I N S T O R E S N O W .
Message A huge ‘Thank You’ to all who helped our team to
complete our magazine issues. Crescent would like
to welcome all of the curious ones and mainly the
horror enthusiasts.
The magazine would like you to know that we take
a neutral stance regarding paranormal activities.
Through true crimes, we do not want to support
inhumane nature and we would rather like to
inform others to be cautious and beware more.
The stories mentioned are for the ones curious and
the magazine tries to provide a bonfire storytime
feels. Only for entertainment usage.
Welcome to the world of horrors of reality and
the fictional world. Be ready to experience skin-
crawling and chilling stories from every part of the
world. Viewers’ discretion is advised.
For the privacy of real victims, the names
and places will not be mentioned. Respect for
victims and their grieving families would be
welcomed and appreciated.
The content moving forward would contain graphic
content. There will be mention of Assault, Murder, and
Skin gore. This also mentions people’s personal stories
which left a mark on them in a good or a bad way. If
any of these makes you uncomfortable, please feel free
to skip this edition. The magazine is based only for
entertainment purposes while showing an equal amount
of unbiased nature towards logic and the paranormal.
Lastly, the viewer’s discretion is advised. These are just
factual research and tales.
Editor’s Note
Crescent Content
Philosophy of Love — 12
Would you kill for love? — 38
Factually Love — 28
Know your love life for the coming six months— 62
Manifestation techniques you should start practicing — 70
Multiple Perspective
of Yours
Partners in
Scary Facts
about Love
Defining love, interview with Dr. Amitabh
and what does Spiritual side says about love.
Tarot Cards
Crescent Content
Expereince out of the box — 76
Dating Trips — 92
Marts and Meanings — 104
Unsually New — 96
Reading under the lines — 114
Shivering things to
experience with your partner
Kiss & Tell
your flowers
Dating tips, Flower dictionary, Flower marts
in Mumbai and more
Unconventional Date Ideas
Dark Romance Novels you can buy for
your partner
Credits: Photographed by Pravin H Gohil, Modeled by Kalyani Joshi
Credits: Photographed by Pravin H Gohil, Modeled by Kalyani Joshi
The observance of Black Day is a commemoration exclusively
Black Day, occasionally referred to as “Single’s Day,” is
observed as a day for individuals who are not romantically
involved with anyone. On April 14th, the Koreans observe
Black Day festivity. A month has passed since White Day on
March 14, and two months have elapsed since Valentine’s
Day. The final occurrence of Korea’s sentimental celebrations
is at hand.
In South Korea, certain individuals observe Black Day by
consuming jjajangmyeon, a type of noodle dish made with
black bean sauce. It is common to observe contests organized
by enterprises where individuals or teams participate in
eating (jjajangmyeon) as well as individuals having this dark
noodle meal in solitude.
The hue of the sauce corresponds to the name of the day. The
concept of jjajangmyeon as a comfort food resonates with
many, supporting the notion that individuals who are single
require a significant amount of emotional solace.
A serving of sauce made from black beans used for coating
noodles. Additionally, there are chopsticks along with two
accompanying dishes.
Some individuals may choose to dress entirely in black during
this day, including their clothing and nail paint. The sales
of black coffee have witnessed a noticeable surge, leading
companies to consider organizing matchmaking events for
individuals who are single on Black Day.
Different from Valentine’s Day and White Day, which are
occasions dedicated to couples, only Black Day commemorates
the status of being single or not in a romantic relationship
with someone. Gift-giving is not a requirement for Black Day,
unlike Valentine’s Day and White Day.
In its early days, April 14th was acknowledged as a solemn
occasion and therefore referred to as “black.” This was a
time when individuals not in relationships could gather and
express sadness for their status while indulging in comforting
cuisine to alleviate their grief.
Over the years, there has been a decreasing emphasis on
being in a relationship in present-day South Korea. As a
result, certain individuals view Black Day as an occasion for
revelry rather than sorrowful remembrance.
Irrespective of whether one is observing the day with joy or
sorrow, opting to partake in (jjajangmyeon) as a meal and
savoring it with a cup of black coffee as a dessert (possibly
with a tinge of dark chocolate) remains the perfect approach
to acknowledge this occasion.
Love is Love
Picture of Lokhandwala Garden Credits: Photographed by M.Yuna, Modeled by Farhan Tarafdar
Is love something that can truly be defined
or will we always be left searching for its
elusive nature?
to the most basic enjoyment.
In 2023, as per the information
provided by Wikipedia, something
noteworthy occurred.
The dictionary defines love as a
strong emotion of fondness, while
the Urban Dictionary characterizes
love as giving and nurturing
towards another individual. Placing
paramount importance on another
person’s welfare and benefit in your
existence. A genuine expression
of love requires a high level of
The source of the term “love,” which
Love can be described as a profound
and strong attachment to someone
else. Love, as a broad concept, can
be characterized as a powerful
affinity towards a particular entity
or a significant fondness for that
particular entity. As per Edition,
there exist various other meanings
The edition that will be published in
the year 2023.
This feeling has the ability to
encompass a variety of intense and
optimistic emotional and cognitive
reactions, ranging from the greatest
virtue or positive habit to the most
profound interpersonal connection,
Defining Love
can be traced back to the Sanskrit
term “lubh.” The implied meaning
associated with the term involves
a strong wanting, enticement,
stimulation of sexual desire, and
drawing in. Here’s a fun fact for
your upcoming evening out with
someone you’re interested in. Try
impressing them and see if you can
win their affection. A fascinating
and often overlooked truth about
love is not known by many people.
One might ponder how to articulate
various forms, each with its unique
characteristics. Platonic love refers
to a non-romantic relationship that
exists between friends and family
members, while the intense and
unfailing love pertains to partners.
However, it is more common for
context of romantic relationships.
GULLA’s article from 2020 can be
rephrased as follows: A publication,
written by GULLA in the year 2020,
could be restated as:
Occasionally, a love can emerge
that deeply impacts and transforms
you, yet it is not powerful enough
to overcome the limitations of what
could be. Experiencing a love that is
reciprocated but out of reach can be
a powerful form of emotional agony.
Picture of Lokhandwala Garden Credits: Photographed by M.Yuna, Modeled by Farhan Tarafdar
Picture of Lokhandwala Garden Credits: Photographed by M.Yuna, Modeled by Farhan Tarafdar
A Chat
Dr. Amitabh
Dr. Amitabh
Hi good afternoon, Dr. Amitabh Ghosh. A deep dive
into human psychology and spirituality. What do
science and belief say are they agreeing or are they on
different pages altogether?
This issue is exploring the depths of love, It is a Black
Day special.
Credits: Dr. Amitabh Ghosh, traumatherapist
Hi Dr. Amitabh would you like to introduce yourself to our read-
Hi, I am Doctor Amitabh and I am a clinical Psychi-
atrist. I have my post-graduation degree in Psychol-
ogy. My specialization is in Trauma Therapy where
I use Psychotherapy, Psychodrama, and EMDR(Eye
Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing). I
work more with people dealing with traumas, and
by that, I mean people who are dealing with their
childhood traumas like development traumas or
traumas of their past. So, when people have traumas
some of the traumas are physical, sexual, emotional,
or mental abuse, neglection, change of community
simultaneously, the pressure of performance again
and again, and loss of someone significant these can
be classified as traumas in one’s life. When a child
grows up through traumas they invariably develop a
lot of behavioral problems and a lot of medical and
psychological illnesses. Due to these trauma-induced
disorders, they need trauma therapy, these disorders
cannot solely be treated by medications or talk ther-
apies. There are different types of trauma therapies
like EDMR, Psychodramas, Compassion inquiry, and
Stress therapy and I specialize in all of these types of
As a science person (psychiatrist) how would you define the feeling/
emotion of love?
As you see, love is something we all are born with. This is
a very primary feeling. We all want to feel loved. So, when
we are loved what does it give us? What does it fulfill in us?
Our needs, right? For example, we are born with some of
our physical needs which are the need for water, food, shel-
ter, and oxygen without which we would die. Not sex, you
won’t die if you haven’t had sex, you understand. But with-
out these four we would die. Similarly, we are born with
some of our emotional needs and if these emotional needs
are also not met, we will die. The thing is without physical
needs we would die immediately and without emotional
needs, we would die slowly. When we are loved, emotional
needs are fulfilled. These needs can be needs for a relation-
ship, attention, belonging, validation, support, security,
and protection. Through love, all these needs are fulfilled
and the biggest thing that is fulfilled is the safety attach-
ment. We all are born for safety attachment, but when that
attachment becomes unsafe such as avoidant attachment,
ambivalent attachment, and many more like this type of
abnormal attachment we start suffering through psycho-
logical and behavioral problems.
When it is true love we start feeling safe, and secure that
is why it is referred to as a safety attachment. Thus our
emotional needs are fulfilled. That is classified as love. Love
is where two people, contribute to each other’s life where
they help in each other’s growth and it can be any intimate
or romantic relationship. It can be defined as something
that is working in progress every single day and it’s not
something like today it’s love and tomorrow it abruptly
ends. No, that’s not how it works. It is an ongoing process.
Relationships are not something that happens, you have
to make a relationship work. It is not magic, you have to
make it. How do you make it work? By contributing to
each other’s life. Most partners would claim that “Oh I
love them. I am being there for them. I am providing them.
I support them. I give them freedom” but no! The most
important thing is to contribute to each other’s life so that
both of them feel fulfilled by each other’s contribution.
If one is utmostly fulfilled while the other isn’t, that ain’t
love that’s something else entirely.
Would you like to discuss some not-so-great/ dark facts or illnesses that
can root from love (can be physical, emotional, romantic, or platonic)?
See what happens is when attraction happens between
two people that is not love that is an obsession. For an
instance, someone can have an obsession to control peo-
ple and be righteous and when another person, for ex-
ample, a girl is submissive and the guy is controlling this
relationship will go on. Cause their complementary roles
are fulfilled like one is submissive while the other is dom-
inative which is fine but can’t be translated to love. What
happens is, the person with the submissive role won’t be
either happy or be able to get out of the relationship. The
relationship will go on but as a toxic one in such cases.
Also, some people might have some fantasies about rela-
tionships and they want to execute such fantasies; this can
also cause problems.
Another issue arises with people who start having some
delusional thoughts this is referred to as ‘delusions of love’,
this case is usually between fans and celebrities. Example
Picture of Lokhandwala Garden Credits: Photographed by M.Yuna, Modeled by
Farhan Tarafdar
a fan would in such cases says “When I was standing
over there, you know she waved at me. That means she
loves me”, the actress might have just waved for the
sake of it, but this person misinterprets that informa-
tion as “Oh she loves me. She likes me, she spoke well
with me” and then this person starts stalking the ce-
lebrity to extreme levels. One more fact would be some
people just start getting into a relationship and then
start getting into a lot of different abnormal sexual be-
haviors which can also cause harm to one or both the
person in the relationship. Major point is that if love is
not as it should be it can cause problems.
What causes mental health disorders regarding love? What are the
symptoms of these disorders?
Well, let’s take for example if someone is in a rela-
tionship where there is an attachment disorder, like a
clingy or ambivalent attachment disorder where you
just cling on to a person. When this person A is cling-
ing on to the person B, the person B is feeling suffocat-
ed and pressurized. While person A is clinging to this
relationship, why are they clinging? Because they are
feeling unsafe, so they want to cling onto person B not
cause they love that person and they can’t be without
them but cause they looking after their own survival
and security. Like if A is clinging onto B, person A is
feeling safe when B is around. Person A is not bothered
if the person B is happy or excited or not. A wants to
feel good, and nice and thus wants B by clinging on to
them. Whilst person B will feel suffocated throughout.
This can cause depression, and anxiety due to a lack of
trust as there is no support in the relationship, also it
can lead to many times depressive disorders.
According to a study published in The Journal of Social Psychology
found men tend to fall in love and say “I love you” more quickly
than women, what do you think about it and why do think that this
might be the case?
Ok, honestly for men it is the physical attraction from
the beginning. If they see a girl attractive they end
up saying to her ‘I love you’, which most of the time
doesn’t really mean anything. It moreover directly
translates into ‘We are more over sexually attracted to
you’. Expression in men regarding you are good for me,
directly means ‘I love you’, but for women, relation-
ships are more mentally provoked. They mentally want
to feel, safe, connected, and belonged, and when they
do they still don’t say I love you. Women won’t easily
blurt out those words, they speak first through their
gestures and behaviors and then confessions come
after a certain time. But for most men, not all to be
clear it is mostly physical attraction. The first thing
that comes to their mind is to say ‘I love you’, even if
they do not know her name, and if the woman turns
and asks ‘Ok, and what’s my name? what do you love
about me?’. Men are unable to answer at that mo-
ment, they end up responding with ‘I love your hair,
and eyes..’ in such ways. They fail to mention anything
specific that piqued their interest about her.
Can you explain more about broken heart syndrome?
When a relationship fails, and when there is a break-
up first up there is a cloud of sadness due to the loss.
Anything we lose, for example, you lose a pen or a
mobile but that mobile had some connection you can
buy a costlier mobile but it won’t be the same as the
previous one. when something is there that served us
and when we lose it, we can feel hurt. Just like how
I said previously if someone has a clingy attachment
and soon a break-up takes place. The person starts
feeling unsafe, lonely, and not having anyone around
anymore; then there is a broken heart.
According to me, marriage is for happiness and so
is a divorce. When two people aren’t getting along,
they accept and understand that fact like adults. That
we don’t fit in together as a couple but as individual
personalities we are good people. The right shoe won’t
fit on the left or vice versa, but that doesn’t mean
that the shoe is bad or the leg is bad. It is just that
two people are not fitting in with each other. When
the individuals separate after understanding this fact
from an adult point of view, it is deemed as a healthy
separation; but if they don’t then it can lead to a bro-
ken heart. This means something that they needed is
not met or something that they wanted is not there
and they lost it. They might react from a child’s ego
standpoint, trying to emotionally blackmail the other
one by failing to understand that they both don’t fit
in together happily or be productive or contribute to
each other’s life. Except for this they’d acknowledge
everything else possible and feel the loss. Logically,
they fail to understand that we don’t fit together, we
fight so much, and we don’t have anything in com-
mon but the dash, dash, dash... all those dashes are
all emotional, illogical stuff. This can be one part of
broken heart, another is a loss of a loved one. It can
also be classified as a broken heart.
Is it true that gazing at a stranger for 4 minutes can make you fall
in love?
Picture of Lokhandwala Garden Credits: Photographed by M.Yuna, Modeled by Farhan Tarafdar
I really don’t believe that. I have gazed into so many
of my patient’s eyes for more than four minutes, I
have not fallen in love. This could really be more of a
physical attraction. It is more common in teenagers.
I don’t think a person with a mature mindset, who
has values, and knows what they want in life would
end up falling for someone by simply gazing at some-
one. If someone is gazing at somebody there must be
something quite interesting about that person and if
something is interesting in that person, that’s what is
making them fall in love. Not just simply gazing. You
don’t take a random stranger and decide to gaze at
them for a prolonged time, to see if you fall in love or
not. No, you’ll not. If you’re gazing at someone there
must be a reason why you are gazing, that reason can
make you fall in love and not the act of gazing.
Can you elaborate on the attachment theory?
This one is a very long long one. To keep it short,
when we are born we develop an attachment to our
caregivers. When a child is taken care of by the caregiver,
the child is attended to in distress the child feels safe, the
child starts trusting the caregivers, the child feels good
and can express that to the caregivers. In that way, a se-
cured attachment is formed and when a secured attach-
ment which is the main part of an attachment, the child
grows out to be healthy, right? Let’s take the caregiver is
not available, they are never available. The child is most
likely alone in the house, with nobody to really care for
them this can cause attachment disorder. The child is left
to guess when their parents might come back for them to
provide them the care. This can lead to, the child devel-
oping anxious attachment disorder, and disorganized
attachment (it is a very toxic relationship where there is
abuse and assault) early on due to lack of parental care.
Such things can cause problems in attachment. Now,
when the child grows up that attachment is visible in
all their relationships, especially in the intimate ones. If
someone doesn’t have a secure attachment since child-
hood their adult relations might suffer due to this. That
Picture of Lokhandwala Garden Credits: Photographed by M.Yuna, Modeled by Farhan Tarafdar
doesn’t mean that they can’t heal
and can develop a secure attach-
ment, they can change things for
themselves. Initially, they might
face some issues.
Also not say, if they find someone
who provides them with a secure
attachment that they couldn’t ex-
perience as a child; they can have
a good relationship. That again
needs a certain type of person as
well. Another factor is if two peo-
ple who have attachment disorder
if they come into a relationship, it
will be a disaster.
Is it true that infatuation can be more
overpowering than love?
In my opinion, love is something
that needs to be worked on. Just
like how I mention, Love is where
two people, contribute to each
other’s life. One can only contrib-
ute when they are someone who
can contribute. Love is not some-
thing that can happen very easily
you have to work on it daily. If two
people have still unresolved trau-
ma, it can be pretty difficult for
both of them as they both might
get triggered by certain behavior.
In infatuation, you might feel very
attached but you won’t be able to
feel love, so it might get very over-
powering. Because where there is
love it is fun, happiness a certain
of peace and calmness, and there
is trust. Whilst, when they are
not there you check each other’s
phone, ask multiple questions all
that, it can’t be classified as love.
If you have any patient who is clearly
showing signs of being in a toxic relation-
ship environment, how do you take care of
the situations like this?
If I have a couple in a toxic rela-
tionship, I would say a problem in
a relationship is never because of
one person. Most men come up
and say ‘My wife has a problem
and there is no resolution’. No...
The problem lies in both partners
because in a relationship both are
introducing a part of their life into
it. It doesn’t necessarily mean the
problem is 50/50, it can vary as
90/10 or 70/30 but there is some
amount of accountability regard-
ing the issue. Many toxic relations
always have an underlying history
of traumas, there are triggers of
mental, physical, emotional, and
sexual abuse. These things carry
a major amount of trigger points
in them, every time something
triggers an individual these things
come running back in a flash. Ac-
cording to me, toxic relationships
cannot be treated without trau-
ma therapy. Counseling in these
scenarios won’t be much effective
as both of the individuals needs to
work on their separate individual
growth first.
If you had to react to the classic Romeo-Ju-
liet by Shakeshpear from a therapist p.o.v
what would you note?
Wow! They are so much in love
that they kill each other? Well as a
fictitious tale, it is good but I don’t
really agree from my perspective,
because I believe one’s own life is
of the utmost value. You are here,
due to your some type of purpose
in life and that purpose needs to
be fulfilled, your contribution the
human life and society. When a
romance doesn’t work out and you
feel that the person is not there
so ‘I can’t live anymore or I should
kill myself’ is something I cannot
agree with at all. If a lover dies,
the lover also had a lot of aspira-
tions. Instead of feeling I should
also end myself like my partner,
you should not only fulfill your pur-
pose of life but also their purpose of
life. Because that was unmet as they
passed away, so the one who is living
has a double duty now. That is love,
I’ll say. Killing self in that scenario is
more of an escapism, I won’t agree
with that. As a fictional story, it is
fine to see or read. I would personally
not support it on a real-life basis if
someone comes up to me and says
they want to die after the loss of
their partner. I would say the same
as I described to you right now, to
not only fulfill yours but also their
purpose in life. In Hinduism, it says
that the soul remains just the body
goes away. Just like how if we break
every single thing, it is an atom at
the end of the day. Even if the per-
son might not be present physically
standing in front of us but their
energy is still there.
How do you deal with patients who don’t
realize that they are in a toxic relationship?
First of all, if they don’t realize they
are in a toxic relationship they won’t
come to me in the first place. They
might come thinking that ‘I am de-
pressed’ or ‘I am anxious’ and when
I note their history, I come to find
out that the relationship is toxic.
then I mention to them that, your
depression and anxiety are sprouting
out from your toxic relations. For
example, there is a submissive wife
and her husband is very controlling
of her decisions and puts restric-
tions. One of our primary emotions
is, making our choices, to belong,
to be appreciated, to attention, and
many more different needs, now if a
husband is controlling and if the wife
is submissive she would succumb to
the control but many of her emo-
tional needs are not fulfilled because
of such control. She is in depression
because of this, so I do up straight
mention the fact that this so-and-so
toxic relationship is causing these
problems. They mostly come up with
“But it is ok, he is a nice man, he
buys dresses for me ok he beats me
two times but he takes me to mov-
ies, buys me luxurious stuff, and all
that.” It is my job to bring them into
awareness that it is fine, he might be
doing that but you deserve to also be
emotionally taken care of. I have to
call the person in question, and also
take to them about this. To know
if that person is even concerned
about their partner’s ongoing mental
health, to mention how their be-
havior is causing their partner issue
or vice versa. I am not saying that
husbands are controlling, some wives
are too.
Have you ever received a very strong negative
reaction from the partners after informing
Of course! It is very difficult to ac-
cept your own fault while it is very
easy to point fingers. Saying that
all of the issues are caused by the
other person, ok. If someone wants
a relationship to truly work and if
it is becoming toxic, especially in
marriage then it has a major impact
on the child. Meanwhile, the child
is developing trauma. Parents who
are concerned about their children,
will both work on their relationship.
If they don’t, you can’t do anything.
Sometimes, in a toxic relationship,
for example, a wife comes and works
on herself, heals herself, and past
traumas there is a high chance she
might leave her husband if the hus-
band works on himself.
How does Vasopressin, the love hormone
affects the human body, and what happens
after it is produced in us?
They are like oxytocin, all the feel-
good hormones, the love hormones.
Everything that happens in our body
such as if threat we become tense
and anxious is because of neu-
rotransmitters in our brain reacting.
Whatever is happening in our body is
due to the secretion of different hor-
mones. The feeling of love, attach-
ment, and euphoria is all because of
Can you elaborate more about the Aromantic
These are the people who are 100%
in trauma because we react to differ-
ent emotions and situations through
our bodies. So, when there is a
trauma and all these bad feelings our
mind tries to protect us by separat-
ing the mind from the body, which is
deemed as dissociation. We are disas-
sociated from the body thus the body
becomes numb. Such people often
cut themselves and hurt themselves
to feel something because not feeling
anything is more painful. Aroman-
tic means they are not feeling these
senses. They are not feeling love, joy,
happiness, or fear, they are feeling
like a zombie. They are in survival
mode. Their main focus is to survive.
Love happens from the upper brain
but when a person goes into survival
mode, their lower brain also known
as the reptilian brain active. How will
they feel love if they are in survival
Do you know about ‘The triangular theory of
love’? If yes what do you think about it?
I am not really sure about this one.
Can you share any of your memorable
relationships? And if you could have changed
anything about it from a therapist p.o.v what
would you have?
I will then talk about my first rela-
tionship, which was with a Punjabi
girl. As a child, I was put in a hostel
in grade 5 so there was a sense of
loss of family. On the while there
was a lot of bullying in the hostel,
I had to see a lot of friends getting
sexually abused. So I had traumas
now when with traumas and the girl
whom I was dating at the moment
also had her set of traumas. All this
I didn’t know then, but when I look
back I understand. This girl was very
intelligent, had a bunch of good
qualities, good at study and sports.
She was very caring and helpful. But
at the end of the day, we used to get
triggered frequently, mostly feeling
rejected due to certain actions. I
had a lot of triggers, she had a lot
of triggers and we ended up trigger-
ing each which resulted in constant
fights. If someone would have helped
us sort out our traumas and triggers,
I believe it would have been a great
relationship. because there was a lot
of good in that relationship and all
the good got covered up by the bad.
there can be 10 good stuff and 2
bad, we would focus so much on the
bad ones. We kept pointing fingers
at each other and I do agree I had a
short temper problem. So those are
my triggers, In the same way, if we
all could work towards our triggers
and heal traumas we all can get bet-
ter in our relationships. Many times
the relationship breaks up due to this
reason. Inner healing is important. If
Picture of Lokhandwala Garden Credits: Photographed by M.Yuna, Modeled by Farhan Tarafdar
two people are fighting that doesn’t means they are bad.
What is the best way to heal from a toxic relationship? What are the alternatives?
The best way would start with therapy, the most effective would be trauma therapy. In a toxic relationship, both
would have trauma, thus I recommend trauma therapy. For minor things, counseling is good but major would
require trauma therapy.
When can they start seeing any improvement?
In the first session, the history of the patient is noted down. The moment we start therapy, every day there is an
improvement. If they are working on themselves little by little changes are visible in the starting second or third
session. They might need 30 sessions I don’t know, but changes are visible in the second session itself.
Can you lastly share with us, What is love to you on a personal basis?
Love for me is simply someone with whom I feel safe and attached. That means we both can share each other
our feelings without any hesitation, there is trust in that relationship and there can be problems or fights but
those can be rectifiable. By rectify, I mean both are ok to say sorry, no one is righteous, and both contribute to
each other’s life and fulfill their needs. It has to be a safe attachment. Understanding each other’s professions,
the purpose of life, and being a part of their world. Not just you do you, I do me. Showing interest and being
Picture of Lokhandwala Garden Credits: Photographed by M.Yuna, Modeled by Farhan Tarafdar
Edition 002
Any type of affection can be intimidating. You experience
a fluttery sensation and an ongoing surge of adrenaline as
you eagerly ponder, “What activities are occupying their
time?” “With whom are they currently associating?” and
“Is their mind preoccupied with thoughts of me?”
Although love appears to be a beautiful concept,
it also involves technicalities and factual
comprehension in addition to its inherently
fleeting nature.
Love. Lo
is Love.
Love is
Love. Lo
is Love.
Love is
Love. Lo
is Love.
Scary Truths AboutLove
Picture of Lokhandwala Streets Credits: Photographed by M.Yuna, Modeled
by Farhan Tarafdar
The taste in men may be
affected by the use of con-
traceptive pills.
Essentially, if you con-
sume elements that alter
or modify your hormones,
it is natural to experience
some accompanying con-
sequences. According to
research, females who
regularly consume birth
control pills during sexual
relationships tend to have
fluctuating preferences
in their selection of male
According to scientific re-
search, the probability of
having a preference for an
individual who possesses
a similar DNA to yours is
It is a common belief that
individuals with contrast-
ing personalities are at-
tracted to each other. It is
commonly believed that
we are mainly drawn to-
wards individuals who pos-
sess characteristics dissim-
ilar to our own. Contrary
to popular belief, scientific
evidence indicates other-
wise. According to research
findings, individuals tend
to be attracted to others
who share similar genetic
compositions. A signifi-
cant number of married
couples were surveyed to
reach this conclusion.
Men suffering from erectile
dysfunction have an in-
creased likelihood of devel-
oping heart disease.
It’s akin to kicking someone
while they are already in a
state of disadvantage. It is
not just unpleasant for a
man to cope with the issue
of impotence. Research has
demonstrated that an indi-
vidual experiencing erectile
dysfunction may also harbor
latent cardiovascular issues.
The regulations of the year
2020 must be adhered to.
Picture of Lokhandwala Streets Credits: Photographed by M.Yuna, Modeled by
Farhan Tarafdar
Picture of Lokhandwala Streets Credits: Photographed by M.Yuna, Modeled by Farhan Tarafdar
obstructed blood vessels. Med-
ical treatment is available for
a broken heart and recovery is
achievable. The old adage “Pain
accompanies love” holds true.
We will repeatedly find ourselves
perplexed by the depth and in-
tensity of this feeling, as well as
its potential impact on our lives.
It’s possible to develop feelings
of love by simply looking at a
stranger for 4 minutes.
An investigation was carried
out within a laboratory setting
by Dr. Elaine Aron conducted
an experiment where two per-
sons were positioned facing each
other, and had to gaze into each
other’s eyes while answering
intimate inquiries. Not only did
they develop romantic feelings
for each other, but they also en-
tered into marriage. Extended
eye contact with a stranger over
the course of four minutes has
the potential to foster mutual
romantic feelings.
As the intensity of roman-
tic love decreases over time, it
transforms into attachment
One of the most difficult aspects
of love that we struggle to ac-
cept. The euphoria, thrill, and
nervous excitement associated
with falling in love can often in-
terfere with one’s ability to have
a restful night’s sleep. However,
Is it possible for them to be un-
It is impossible to guarantee
with absolute certainty that
your partner will remain faith-
ful, and unfortunately, you have
no power to prevent this from
happening due to the unbal-
anced love that exists in any re-
lationship. According to Nelson
(2021), the information provid-
ed can be rephrased aptly.
A medical ailment known as a
broken heart exists.
Heart-wrenching and brutal
separations have been a com-
mon occurrence, experienced by
either ourselves or those close
to us. Often, individuals who
experience this period are quick-
ly disregarded as being overly
dramatic or reacting excessively.
It is possible that the individ-
ual is experiencing emotional
pain, which may seem improb-
able. The ailment known as
Broken Heart Syndrome can be
identified by conducting blood
tests and ECGs. Typically, this
condition arises from underly-
ing factors such as sorrow, ap-
prehension resulting from the
loss of someone significant, or
the pain of emotional distress
following the termination of a
romantic connection. The symp-
toms closely resemble those of a
heart attack and entail intense
chest discomfort, yet an evalu-
ation confirms the absence of
as you progress as a couple,
your affection grows more
resilient and enduring, and
these feelings become more
settled. Empirically speaking,
the duration of romantic love
is approximately one year. Sub-
sequently, it evolves into an
affectionate love, which serves
as a cornerstone for a thriving
partnership. The beginning
of a lasting, devoted partner-
ship may stem from a feeling
of connection and inclusion,
leading you and your partner
to embrace both your positive
and negative qualities. Al-
though there may be disagree-
ments and occasional tension
within a partnership, one’s
affection for their significant
other remains unwavering.
There are individuals who fail
to experience the sensation of
You may be familiar with the
term “asexual,” referring to
individuals who do not experi-
ence sexual attraction towards
any person or thing. There
exists a group of individuals
known as “Aromantic” who, in
terms of romantic experiences,
are incapable of feeling love.
Their lack of a definable emo-
tional state does not neces-
sarily mean they are devoid of
emotions or lacking empathy.
In other words, they have hy-
popituitarism, which is a rare
condition that prevents them
from experiencing the joys of
love. Comparable to those who
experience a lack of sexual at-
traction, individuals who suf-
fer from hypopituitarism are
unable to experience the emo-
tion of romantic love. Consid-
ering how our culture has in-
doctrinated us to embrace the
concept of all-encompassing
love, acknowledging this as-
pect of love presents another
challenging reality to accept.
Infatuation has the ability to
dominate and control more
strongly than love.
The initial attraction between
two individuals is based sole-
ly on physical desire and not
genuine love. The physical at-
traction propelled you towards
that individual. Your percep-
tion of love at first sight likely
stems from physical attraction
and therefore may actually
be a temporary infatuation.
Merely the appearance or at-
titude of an individual allures
you. Inconsistent is the love
that stems from materialistic
reasons. Going ahead, it is pos-
sible for the feeling to develop
into a passing fancy instead of
a lasting affection. To be frank,
one’s attraction can be more
overpowering than their genu-
ine emotions, although it may
seem unkind.
Picture of Lokhandwala Streets Credits: Photographed by M.Yuna, Modeled by Farhan Tarafdar
Men who emit the same
scent as their fathers tend
to be more appealing to
According to a study, wom-
en are attracted to men
whose scent resembles
their fathers’. It is a widely
recognized concept that,
without even realizing it,
women may seek out attri-
butes in their future part-
ners that resemble those of
their fathers. They consider
their fathers as life inspi-
rations and persistently
seek a partner possessing a
similar character. The fact
is quite interesting as it
could be heart-wrenching if
the woman has unresolved
father-related issues, yet
heartwarming if they share
a positive and loving fa-
ther-daughter relationship.
The hormone vasopressin,
known as the hormone
of love, is responsible for
maintaining your bond.
Have you ever considered
whether love alone can
sustain a long-term rela-
tionship? If you haven’t,
then you might be mistak-
Picture of Lokhandwala Streets Credits: Photographed by M.Yuna, Modeled
by Farhan Tarafdar
en, as it’s not just about
being in love. The produc-
tion of chemicals in your
body that induce euphoria
is primarily responsible for
this. Vasopressin, identified
as the bonding hormone,
aids in the formation of
attachment in long-term
monogamous relationships.
Your relationship’s optimal
condition is not solely de-
pendent on the presence
of dates and vacations.
Ultimately, this could sim-
ply be one of the natural,
traditional elixirs that our
bodies manufacture to pro-
mote affection. While dates
and vacations can contrib-
ute to the production of
that hormone in your body.
Ultimately, love can be de-
scribed as merely a bundle
of hormonal and chemical
reactions in the brain. In
the year 2022, Goel stated
that one could rephrase the
aforementioned passage
You may have used the phrase “Partners in crime” frequently, but have you ever
encountered real individuals who are partners in carrying out criminal acts? The truth
can be more bizarre than what one reads in books. The question at hand is whether
you would be willing to commit murder for the sake of your love, akin to the actions of
these murderers.
Would you kill for love?
_Love Birds X Serial Killers
FILE - In this April 12, 2001 file photo, David Parker Ray looks around the Torrance County Courthouse courtroom in Estancia, N.M., during the fourth day of his re-trial on
charges of abducting and sexually torturing a Colorado woman in 1996. The hunt for possible victims of suspected serial killer, Ray includes a search for a missing Albuquer-
que woman authorities have long suspected was a murder victim. Albuquerque police are slated to join the FBI during a search around Elephant Butte Lake on Tuesday with
the hopes of finding new information about Jill Troia. Troia last seen in October 1995 at the Frontier Restaurant in Albuquerque. (AP Photo/Jake Schoellkopf, File)( / AP)
Who was David Parker Ray?
David Parker Ray’s family included his younger sis-
ter, Peggy, and their disciplinarian grandfather. At
a very young age, his estranged violently alcoholic
father would encourage him through magazines
depicting sadomasochistic pornography. At his
High School, in Mountainair, New Mexico, he was
also heavily bullied by his classmates for being shy
near girls.
During the teen years of his life, he began to
develop fantasies about raping women, tortur-
ing them, and killing them with sexual violence.
During this period of time, his sister comes across
a collection of his sadomasochistic drawings, as
well as pornographic pictures of bondage acts that
he had performed. Ray was a general mechanic
in the United States Army for the duration of the
war. After he graduated from high school, he was
given an honorable discharge from the service.
In the course of his life, Ray ended up getting mar-
ried four times, all of them resulting in divorces,
as well as having two children, one of whom would
later be working as one of his accomplices, his
daughter Jesse Ray (born Glenda Jean Ray).
Can you provide information about Cindy
Hendy’s identity?
Toy Box Killers
Credits: RedditThe interior of David Parker Ray’s “Toy Box.”
David Parker Ray had Cindy Hendy as an asso-
ciate, who was born on Feb 6, 1960. Very little
information is available about her early years or
the time preceding her encounter with Ray. David
Parker Ray was first introduced to her in New
Mexico while she was employed at the state park.
The couple swiftly bonded through their mutual
inclination towards brutal sexual desires. Despite
there being a 20-year age difference, Cindy quickly
relocated to New Mexico to live with him. Cindy
entered into a relationship with her ex-boyfriend
who is abusive, while she also initiated a relation-
ship with another person. In her admission, she
revealed that Ray had a habit of bragging about
his aptitude to murder and inter a person in the
lake. She initially regarded the matter lightly, but
her attitude changed when he began his cruel and
brutal behavior. For a brief moment, Hendy be-
came involved in helping Ray satisfy his desires for
sexual perversion and committing serial killings.
However, her involvement in assisting Ray in the
abduction, sexual torture, and murder of women
within his tourist attraction, famously known
as the “toy box,” has earned her a notorious
reputation. Despite that, the majority of online
investigators are convinced that Cindy Hendy
was not merely a co-conspirator, but also played
a significant role in the wrongdoing alongside
Ray. She admitted her guilt in 1999.
Hendy consistently conveyed that while
spending time with the victims, Ray would
inflict diverse forms of torment, while she
would merely watch him. At that moment, she
recalled feeling completely free of any sense
of wrongdoing or emotional attachment. She
described her state as if it were in slow motion.
Hendy contended that she did not inflict any
harm or anguish on the victims in the same
way as her companion. All of these events were
clarified in 1999 when a survivor broke free
from the grip of the malevolent couple, and
was subsequently pursued by them.
Criminal activities
Ray had acquired a trailer to fulfill his perverse
cravings. Having pursued a career in me-
chanics, the individual in question is adept
as a craftsperson. Ray subjected his victims
to sexual abuse and it is highly probable that
he also caused their death. The contents of
his trailer featured an assortment of tools
designed for inflicting pain, including whips,
chains, pulleys, straps, clamps, leg spreader
bars, surgical blades, electric shock machines,
and saws. He created them with the purpose of
inflicting torture on an individual. It is alleged
that he, with the aid of his confidants, who
are rumored to have been involved with him
romantically, employed these tools to intimi-
date numerous women for several decades. The
torture chamber contained various customized
sexual devices, implements for inflicting pain,
syringes, and explicit illustrations outlining
methods of causing harm. Additionally, there
was a personally-crafted electrical generator
implemented for inflicting agony.
An obstetric table, typically utilized by gyne-
cologists to examine their patients, served
as a platform for the culprit to subdue their
captives, while a mirror perched on the roof of
the trailer. He would also affix his victims to
a wooden device which would flex and render
them motionless while his dogs or accomplices
sexually assaulted them. His intention was for
each victim to witness and personally endure all
that he inflicted upon them. After his victims
regained consciousness, Ray would subject them
to an audio recording featuring his own voice as an
Detention and scrutiny
Ray and his then-partner, Cindy Hendy, abducted
Cynthia Vigil from a parking lot in Albuquerque.
She was brought to Elephant Butte, where Ray,
Cindy, and Jesse Ray resided, and detained in
the tormentor trailer. Vigil succeeded in escaping
from the trailer merely three days after being held
captive, on March 22nd, 1999.
After Ray had departed for his job, she utilized the
keys left behind by Hendy on a nearby table to lib-
erate herself from the chains. Hendy quickly iden-
tified Vigil’s endeavor to flee and a tussle erupted.
In the midst of this conflict, Hendy forcefully
struck a lamp against the detained individual’s
head, yet Vigil promptly liberated her hands and
utilized an ice pick to stab Hendy in the neck.
Vigil sprinted, clad solely in an iron enslavement
collar and chains secured with padlocks. In search
of assistance, she sprinted along the street, and
eventually found herself taken in and consoled
by a resident in close proximity who notified
law enforcement. Her escape resulted in the
discovery of the trailer by authorities and
the subsequent apprehension of Ray and his
accomplices. Ray and Hendy were initially put
in jail by the police.
Vigil was presented with a duplicate account
by Angelica Montano, who was the initial
victim of Ray and Cindy. She claimed that Ray
had taken her hostage, despite being asked
by Hendy to come to the house to collect
some cake mix. Montano implored the pair to
liberate her close to the roadway after she had
suffered brutal sexual assault and pain. After
being saved by an off-duty law enforcement
officer, she narrated her experience to him, but
he disregarded her account and abandoned her
at a bus stop. Despite reporting the incident
again to the police, no further action was taken
in regards to it.
Police have identified an additional victim
named Kelli Garrett, also known as Kelli Van
Cleave, who was shown in a videotape dated
back to 1996.
After her ankle tattoo was recognized by
the police, Kelli was found alive in Colorado.
During her court testimony, she recounted
her argument with her significant other and
described her decision to pass the evening
engaging in a game of pool in the company of
her acquaintances. Jesse, who is the daughter
of Ray and a friend of Kelli’s, took Kelli to the
Blu-Water Saloon in Truth or Consequences,
New Mexico, and tampered with her beer by
administering drugs. Afterwards, she extend-
ed an offer to Kelli for a ride back home, yet
instead she brought Kelli to her father’s trailer
of torment.
Kelli underwent two days of torment before
Ray transported her back to her residence. Ray
conveyed to her spouse that he had encoun-
tered her in a state of distress at a shoreline.
Kelli was hesitant to approach the police as
she was perplexed about her whereabouts and
her spouse’s distrust in her ability to recollect.
Kelli relocated to Colorado as a result of her
husband filing for divorce. She was inter-
viewed on Cold Case Files regarding the entire
Despite the deployment of one hundred
investigators from the Federal Bureau of
Investigation to scrutinize Ray’s premises and
environs, no discernible human remains were
Ray incapacitated women with drugs to
prevent them from reporting any allegations
of assault. An attempt was made to produce a
state of forgetfulness. While awaiting trial, Ray
conversed with the FBI and expressed his in-
tense interest in the abduction of Colleen Stan
and other cases of sexual abduction. Back in
1989, the FBI had conducted an investigation
on Ray due to his involvement with a company
that produced and sold sexual devices related
to bondage.
The proceedings and consequences that ensue
from legal trials.
The judge decided to separate the cases
concerning the offenses committed towards
Cynthia Vigil, Angelica Montano, and Kelli
Garrett, thus Ray will have to go through
separate trials for each of the victims. The
prosecutors argued that this did not harm
their case because if each woman’s testimony
had been considered separately, it would have
corroborated and reinforced the other victims’
testimonies. The judge concluded that the ma-
jority of the evidence obtained in the 1999 raid
of the trailer could not be taken into account
for the Garrett or Montano trials.
The initial trial, pertaining to the charges
against Kelli Garrett, ended in a mistrial due
to the testimony of two jurors who deemed her
account to be highly implausible. The defense
team of Ray argued that the torture trailer was
solely a fragment of Ray’s sexual imagination
and any involvement in it was consensual. Ray
received convictions for all 12 charges in the
case’s retrial.
Just a week into his trial for crimes committed
against Cynthia Vigil, Ray opted for a plea bar-
gain and was subsequently handed a 224-year
prison sentence in 2001 for multiple offenses
Credits: All That’s Interesting, Cindy Hendy being arrested
in 1997
relating to the abduction and sexual torture of three young women in Elephant Butte. The plea bargain referred to securing leniency for his offspring.
Jesse Ray, the daughter of Ray, was taken into custody for the alleged crimes of kidnapping and illegal sexual penetration. Despite not contesting, she
received a 30-month jail term and an additional five-year probationary period.
In the year 1999, Dennis Roy Yancy admitted to his wrongdoing and pled guilty to killing Marie Parker, a 22-year-old woman, in Elephant Butte back
in 1997. He disclosed that he assisted in enticing Parker into the torture trailer with the assistance of Jesse Ray, who is Ray’s offspring. He recounts
how Parker endured torture and how Ray compelled him to strangle the woman to her death. Despite the fact that Parker’s remains were never found,
the prosecution highlighted the absence of any forensic proof connecting Parker and the Rays. fterwards, Yancy was accused of kidnapping, as well
as two charges of colluding to carry out a criminal act, and interfering with proof. He received a 30-year prison sentence. Parker’s killing was never
attributed to the Rays. After a long stint of 11 years behind bars, Yancy was released on parole in 2010, albeit with a delay caused by the intricacies
involved in negotiating his occupancy arrangement. However, within only three months of being released, Yancy was accused of breaking the terms of
his parole. He is presently adhering to his initial punishment.
In the year 2000, Cindy Hendy, Ray’s partner in crime, consented to testify against him in court. As a consequence, her involvement in the offenses
earned her a reduced sentence of 36 years. Although she had been granted parole in 2017, she eventually served an additional two years of her parole
in prison before being released on July 15, 2019.
Ray was brought to the Lea County Correctional Facility in Hobbs, New Mexico on May 28, 2002, for questioning by the local police. Before the
interrogation could occur, he suffered from a heart attack and passed away. Together with Christine Barber, Cynthia Vigil established Street Safe New
Mexico, a non-profit organization that provides harm reduction support for the homeless and sex workers. As per information provided by Wikipedia
in the year 2022, it can be stated that...
Credits: BarStool Sports, The torture trailor
Bag’s that match you
and your occassions
Credits: Getty Images, Bonnie and Clyde
Credits: The New Yorker, Photograph from Everett
Bonnie Elizabeth Parker was born in 1910, in
the town of Rowena situated in the state of Tex-
as. She was the second of three siblings in her
family. The demise of her progenitor, Charles
Robert Parker, befell when she had only reached
the tender age of four years. Emma Parker, the
mother of the subject, relocated to her parent’s
home in Cement City, a West Dallas industrial
suburb, along with her children. Emma secured
employment as a tailor in the same location.
Bonnie authored a collection of poetry compris-
ing “The Story of Suicide Sal” and “The Trail’s
End”, with the latter being popularly recognized
as “The Story of Bonnie and Clyde”.
During Bonnie’s sophomore year in high school,
she encountered Roy Thornton. The pair prompt-
ly departed from their academic pursuits and
expeditiously entered into connubial matrimony
on September 25, 1926, merely a week prior to
the young lady’s 16th birthday. The consistent
absences of Roy from their marriage, coupled
with his involvement in legal encounters, ren-
dered their union defective, thus debunking
the notion of a satisfactory outcome. Although
divorce was not pursued, subsequent to January
1929, the trajectories of the individuals involved
did not converge once more. Upon her passing,
Bonnie continued to sport the wedding band that
was entrusted to her by Thornton. Thornton was
serving time in prison when he was notified of
her demise, to which he subsequently remarked,
“I am pleased that they acted decisively.” “The
outcome of avoiding being caught is significantly
advantageous compared to the alternative.”
Subsequent to her departure from Thornton,
Parker resettled with her maternally-related pro-
genitor and occupied the position of waitstaff in
Clyde Chestnut Barrow, fondly recognized as
Champion Barrow, was born in 1909 to a desti-
tute agricultural family in Ellis County, situated
in the southeastern region of Dallas, Texas. The
individual in question bore the distinction of being the
fifth offspring amongst a familial unit of no less than sev-
en children, which had been sired by both Henry Basil
Barrow and Cumie Talitha Walker. In the early 1920s, the
migration trend from rural to urban areas was prevalent,
and as one of many households, this family relocated to
Dallas, Texas. Specifically, they settled in the West Dallas
urban slum, which was a popular residential destina-
tion for many individuals during this migration period.
During their initial months in West Dallas, the Barrow
family resided beneath their wagon until they could ac-
cumulate sufficient funds to procure a tent.
At the tender age of 17, Barrow encountered his initial
brush with the law enforcement officials in the latter
part of the year 1926. The events that led to his arrest
Bonnie &
occurred when the police author-
ities accosted him with regard to a
rental automobile that he had not
returned promptly, thereby ne-
cessitating his flight from the said
confrontation. The subsequent
apprehension of the individual
in question occurred in conjunc-
tion with his sibling, Buck, and
pertained to the criminal offense
of possessing pilfered turkeys.
During the years 1927 through
1929, Barrow was involved in a
combination of legitimate em-
ployment as well as engaging
in unlawful activities such as
safe-cracking, store robbery, and
car thefts. In January 1930, he
encountered Parker, a 19-year-old
acquaintance, through a common
friend. Subsequently, during the
ensuing weeks, they engaged in
considerable social interaction.
The progression of their romantic
relationship was abruptly halted
as a result of the arrest of Barrow
by Sergeant Bert Whisnand for the
crime of automobile theft, subse-
quently leading to a conviction.
In April of 1930, at the age of 21,
Barrow was allocated to Eastham
Prison Farm. Following his im-
prisonment, the individual suc-
cessfully absconded from the
confines of the correctional insti-
tution known as the prison farm,
promptly after, with the aid of a
weapon that was surreptitiously
provided by Parker. The subject
in question was promptly appre-
hended and subsequently returned
to their place of confinement. Bar-
row endured multiple instances of
sexual assault during his time of
incarceration, prompting him to
respond with an act of retaliation
in the form of an attack leading to
the death of his oppressor, utilizing
a pipe to inflict fatal injuries upon
him and crush his skull. It was the
perpetrator’s inaugural instance of
homicide. An additional incarcer-
ated individual, who had already
been subjected to a life-long impris-
onment, asserted accountability for
the occurrence.
With the intention of circumvent-
ing grueling manual work in the
agricultural sector, Barrow delib-
erately underwent amputation of
two digits from his lower extremity,
which occurred in the latter part of
January in 1932, potentially inflict-
ed by a fellow prisoner or through
self-mutilation. Subsequent to this
event, he sustained a permanent
disability and ambulated with
a limp throughout his lifespan.
Nonetheless, Barrow was released
from custody six days subsequent
to sustaining his deliberate inju-
ry. Inadvertently unbeknownst to
the subject in question, Barrow’s
maternal figure had effectively
sought clemency on his behalf re-
sulting in his release. On February
2, 1932, the individual in question
was granted parole from Eastham
penitentiary, demonstrating firm
indications of being a callous and
resentful lawbreaker. According to
his sister, Marie, it appears that an
egregious event may have befallen
the individual during his time in in-
carceration, given that his demean-
or had drastically altered since his
release. Ralph Fults, a fellow detain-
ee, attests to observing a marked
metamorphosis in Clyde, wherein
he shifted from a juvenile persona
to that of a fearsome and venomous
Post-Eastham, Barrow engaged in a
considerable frequency of robbery
of grocery stores and gas stations,
surpassing the number of incidents
attributed to him and his associates
in the Barrow Gang, which primar-
ily comprised around ten bank rob-
beries. The preferred armament of
the individual in question was the
M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle
(BAR). John Neal Phillips attests
that Barrow’s ultimate aspiration
in life was not to attain renown or
monetary gain through bank rob-
beries, but rather to exact revenge
against the Texas prison system for
the maltreatment he was subjected
to while incarcerated.
The initial encounter
Numerous narratives document the
initial encounter between Parker
and Barrow. The purportedly most
credible version, given the ambi-
guity of its source, chronicles their
alleged initial encounter as having
taken place on the 5th of January
in 1930, situated at the residence
of Barrow’s acquaintance, Clarence
Clay, located at 105 Herbert Street
within the region of West Dallas. At
the time of the occurrence, Bar-
row’s age was recorded as 20 years,
while Parker’s age was noted to be
19 years. Parker, an individual cur-
rently experiencing unemployment,
took up residence with a female
acquaintance in order to offer her
aid during her recuperation from a
fractured arm. Barrow paid a visit
to the domicile of the young wom-
an while Parker was occupied in the
preparation of a beverage known
as hot chocolate. Both individuals
were enamored from the onset of
their association. A prevalent belief
among historians is that Parker
aligned herself with Barrow due
to an amorous inclination towards
Credits: Getty Images, Bonnie
him. Throughout their commission of numerous criminal
activities and while they were preparing for their perceived
inescapable violent fate, she steadfastly maintained her
position as his unwavering confidante.
In the early year of 1932, occurrences of theft and homi-
cide were reported within the respective vicinities.
Following Barrow’s release from incarceration in February
1932, he and Ralph Fults commenced a sequence of thiev-
eries, with a primary focus on stores and gas stations. Their
objective was to amass sufficient funds and armaments
for the purpose of executing a concerted attack against
Eastham penitentiary. Parker and Fults were apprehended
on the 19th of April as a consequence of their unsuccessful
attempt to burglarize a hardware store located in Kaufman
with the intent to purloin firearms. Parker was granted
release from incarceration following a short period of
confinement subsequent to the failure of the grand jury to
bring forward accusations; in contrast, Fults was subjected
to a judicial trial, found guilty, and subsequently served
a period of imprisonment. The individual refrained from
recommitting to the group. Whilst confined at Kaufman
County jail, Parker engaged in composing poetry as a
means of accommodating time. Subsequently, within a
short period following her release, she was at once
reunited with Barrow.
Barrow acted in the capacity of a driver for the pur-
poses of escape during a robbery that took place in
Hillsboro on April 30. The target of the robbery was
J.N., the proprietor of a store. The individual identified
as Bucher was subjected to firearm-induced trauma, ul-
timately succumbing to mortal injury. Bucher’s spouse
identified Barrow as one of the assailants through the
police-provided photographs, despite his purportedly
having remained within the vehicle.
Barrow, Raymond Hamilton, and Ross Dyer indulged
in the consumption of illicitly distilled alcoholic bev-
erages while in attendance at a social gathering in the
rural town of Stringtown, Oklahoma, on August 5.
During their time at the event, Sheriff C.G. was pres-
ent. In the academic language, the given text can be
rephrased as follows: Together, Maxwell and Deputy
Eugene C. collaborated as a team to tackle the issue at
hand. They worked in tandem to approach the situa-
tion with prudence and efficiency, ultimately achieving
favorable outcomes. Moore initiated contact with them
in the vicinity of the parking lot. The individuals Bar-
row and Hamilton discharged their firearms, resulting
in the fatal demise of Moore and causing significant
and potentially life-threatening injury to Maxwell. The
demise of Moore, an officer of law, represented the
initial instance of violent elimination by the Barrow
gang, with the ultimate count of victims amounting
to nine. It has been purported that on October 11, an
alleged murder was perpetrated as a result of a robbery
of Howard Hall’s establishment located in Sherman,
Texas. However, some scholars have expressed doubts
regarding this occurrence.
The text provided is not complete or understandable.
Could you please provide me with more information to
be able to assist you in rewriting the text in an aca-
demic way of writing? Regulation of gene expression
is a pivotal process in cellular function, controlling
the production of proteins that carry out most cellular
processes. There are various mechanisms that regulate
gene expression, including transcriptional, translation-
al, and post-translational regulation. Transcriptional
regulation is the most common mechanism, in which
transcription factors and other proteins bind to DNA
sequences known as enhancers or promoters to either
facilitate or hinder the binding of RNA polymerase to
the DNA. Translational regulation
occurs after transcription and refers
to the regulation of the translation
of mRNA into protein. Post-transla-
tional regulation involves the alter-
ation of protein activity or stability
after the protein has been synthe-
sized. Understanding the regulation
of gene expression is crucial for the
development of effective therapies
for genetic disorders and diseases.
Jones had established a long-stand-
ing acquaintance with the family
of Barrow since their early days of
development. At the tender age of
sixteen, he convened with Parker
and Barrow on the eve of Christ-
mas in 1932, thus setting out from
Dallas on the very same night.
On the following day, specifically
Christmas Day of that particular
year, the individuals Jones and Bar-
row perpetrated an act of homicide
against Doyle Johnson, a member
of the youthful demographic and a
caretaker of family, in the midst of
unlawfully purloining his motor ve-
hicle in Temple. On the 6th of Jan-
uary 1933, Barrow perpetrated the
killing of Tarrant County Deputy
Malcolm Davis by means of a police
ambush intended for a different
fugitive. Accompanying him on this
unlawful endeavor were Parker and
Jones. The group has been responsi-
ble for the death of five individuals
since the month of April.
In the year 1933, the individuals
Buck and Blanche Barrow became
members of the gang in question.
On March 22, 1933, the younger
sibling of Clyde, Buck, was granted
a complete release from jail through
a pardon. Subsequently, Buck,
accompanied by his wife Blanche,
established their domicile along-
side Bonnie, Clyde, and Jones in a
provisional safe haven located at
3347 1/2 Oakridge Drive situated
in Joplin, Missouri. As per familial
accounts, Buck and Blanche en-
deavored a visit to Clyde, in their
effort to convince him to yield
to the authorities. The group in-
dulged in boisterous, alcohol-laden
card games until the wee hours of
the night in the serenely tranquil
residential locale; Blanche recol-
lected that they had procured a case
of beer on a daily basis. The male
individuals frequented the premises
with boisterous behavior regardless
of the time of day, and Clyde inad-
vertently discharged a Browning
Automatic Rifle whilst performing
maintenance duties within the
dwelling. None of the nearby resi-
dents visited the residence, howev-
er, a singular individual conveyed
their suspicion to the Joplin Police
On the 13th of April, law enforce-
ment officials gathered a team
consisting of five individuals and
two automobiles in order to address
a presumed presence of individuals
engaging in illicit alcohol distribu-
tion activities. The intended loca-
tion for the aforementioned en-
gagement was situated at Oakridge
Drive. The act of shooting, which
resulted in the death of Detective
Harry L., was carried out by the
Barrow brothers and Jones. Mc-
Ginnis inflicted serious and fatal
injuries upon Constable J, resulting
in his demise. The following is an
attempt at an academic rewriting of
a text that was not provided: One
potential rewriting of the given text
could be as follows: The present
discourse is an endeavor to impart
an academic tone to a given text. To
this end, it is appropriate to con-
sider certain aspects of academic
writing that distinguish it from
other forms of discourse. These
hallmarks may include precision
and concision in language, a focus
on evidence-based claims, the use
of standard citation and referencing
styles, and an objective, detached
tone. By adhering to these conven-
tions, authors can effectively com-
municate their ideas to a diverse
range of readers, amid a context of
academic discourse. Unfortunately,
as the given text only consists of
a single word, there is no text to
rewrite into an academic format.
Parker discharged rounds from a
Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR)
while the remaining individuals de-
parted the scene, imposing Sergeant
G.B. of the Highway Patrol to take
evasive action. Kahler sought cover
by positioning himself behind a
substantial oak tree. The .30 caliber
bullets emitted from the Browning
Automatic Rifle violently collided
with the tree, resulting in the frag-
mentation of wood and the subse-
quent projection of splinters. As a
consequence of this, the sergeant’s
face was subjected to a barrage of
wooden shards. Parker joined his
companions in entering the vehi-
cle as they proceeded to retrieve
Blanche, who was in the midst of
pursuing her canine companion,
Snow Ball, on the roadway. The of-
ficers who survived the altercation
gave their testimonies stating that
they discharged a total of fourteen
rounds. The shots were aimed at
Jones and resulted in one penetrat-
ing his side. Another was directed
at Clyde, but was intercepted by the
button on his suit-coat, deflecting
the bullet without causing harm.
Additionally, Buck sustained a flesh
wound as a result of a round that
deflected off a wall and grazed him.
The aforementioned group success-
fully evaded the authorities in Jop-
lin; however, they were compelled
to abandon the majority of their belongings, such as
Buck’s recently obtained parole documentation, a sub-
stantial stockpile of armaments, a manuscript of poetry
scribed by Bonnie, as well as an unprocessed camera
containing numerous rolls of photographic film, at the
apartment. Through their utilization of film develop-
ment procedures at The Joplin Globe, law enforcement
discovered a multitude of photographs capturing the
individuals Barrow, Parker, and Jones in various poses,
often brandishing weapons in a confrontational stance
towards one another. A photograph depicting Parker
clenching a cigar in her teeth with a firearm held in
hand was among the visual content transmitted by The
Globe over the newswire. Along with it, a poem was
also forwarded. The Barrow Gang subsequently gained
notoriety across the United States, attaining front-page
attention in various news outlets.
The image featuring Parker’s posture with a cigar in
hand, coupled with his possession of a firearm gained
eminence in public perception. According to Jeff
Guinn, in his literary work entitled “Go Down Togeth-
er: The True, Untold Story of Bonnie and Clyde,” it was
recognized that...
John Dillinger possessed aesthetically pleasing features
that could be likened to that of matinee idols, and
Pretty Boy Floyd was endowed with a highly desir-
able nickname. Nevertheless, the advent of the Joplin
photographs introduced a novel set of criminal celebri-
ties that were distinguished by the highly alluring and
transgressive trait of engaging in illicit sexual activities.
Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker, being characterized
as youthful and unbridled, more than likely engaged in
sexual relations.
Over the ensuing three months, the group traversed a
vast expanse stretching from Texas to as far north as
Minnesota. In the month of May, an attempt to per-
petrate a robbery at the financial institution located in
Lucerne, Indiana was made by the unidentified indi-
viduals followed by a successful robbery at the bank
in Okabena, Minnesota. Dillard Darby and Sophia
Stone were abducted in Ruston, Louisiana, while the
perpetrators were engaged in the larceny of Darby’s
vehicle. This occurrence was among the series of events
spanning from 1932 to 1934 in which these individuals
forcibly confined police personnel or those sub-
ject to theft. Frequently, the captors liberated their
prisoners at a location distant from their native land,
occasionally providing them with monetary resourc-
es to faciliate their repatriation.
The narratives pertaining to aforementioned occur-
rences garnered significant media coverage, par-
ticularly those characterized by instances of overt
aggression. The Barrow Gang exhibited a lack of
inhibition in opening fire on individuals obstructing
their criminal endeavors, irrespective of whether the
victims were law enforcement officers or noncom-
batant civilians. Hamilton, Jones, Buck, and Henry
Methvin were co-conspirators who perpetrated the
homicide within the gang. In due course, the unfeel-
ing and callous nature of their violent acts prompted
the general populace to acknowledge the veracity of
their transgressions and culminated in their down-
Whilst the photographs captivated the masses brief-
ly, Blanche’s imprisonment account from the latter
part of the 1930s reveals a despondent and discon-
tented gang. Following the acquisition of increased
public attention, individuals encountered height-
ened challenges in their daily life as they endeav-
ored to avoid detection. The security of restaurants
and motels diminished, resulting in a shift towards
traditional methods of sustenance such as campfire
cooking, while ablution facilities were limited to
bathing in natural bodies of water. The incessant
and continuous physical presence of five individuals
within the confines of a single automobile engen-
dered hostile discord. In late April, Jones, the chauf-
feur, and Barrow purloined a vehicle which belonged
to Darby, subsequently utilizing it to depart from the
remaining companions. The individual in question
refrained from returning until the 8th of June.
On June 10, during a drive near Wellington, Texas
with Jones and Parker, Barrow neglected to perceive
indications of caution at a bridge that was being
constructed. As a result of this oversight, the vehi-
cle overturned into a ravine. Divergent accounts
exist regarding the nature of the mishap that befell
Parker, with certain sources postulating that it was
Credits: Getty Images, Bonnie and Clyde
a gasoline conflagration while others suggest that she had come into contact with acid from the automobile’s
battery which had been tucked away underneath the floorboards. It is noteworthy that Parker’s affliction was
accompanied by third-degree burns on her right lower limb, which were of an exigency so pronounced that it
occasioned muscular contraction, leading to the leg’s retraction. According to Jones’ observation, the individ-
ual had suffered such severe burns that there was a prevailing sentiment among the witnesses that her chances
of survival were unlikely. The epidermal layer on the lateral aspect of her right lower extremity was absent in
its entirety, from the level of the iliac crest extending inferiorly to the ankle joint. The osseous structure was
discernible in certain regions.
Parker’s mobility was considerably limited, as evidenced by her reluctance to ambulate via conventional means.
She often resorted to hopping on her unimpaired leg or alternatively, relied upon Barrow to lift and carry her.
Assisted by a neighboring rural household, the perpetrators abducted the Collinsworth County Sheriff, George
Corry, and the City Marshal, Paul Hardy, subsequently detaining the aforementioned law enforcement offi-
cials in restraints via handcuffs and barbed wire to a tree situated in the vicinity of Erick, Oklahoma. The trio
convened with Buck and Blanche and took refuge at a tourist court located in close proximity to Fort Smith,
Arkansas, with the primary objective of providing medical care to Parker’s burn injuries. Buck and Jones
committed a criminal act of robbery in a hapless manner, which resulted in the tragic demise of Town Marshal
Henry D. This event can be deemed as a heinous crime, with the accused being held accountable for their ac-
tions. Humphrey is located in Alma, Arkansas. Despite Parker’s severe condition, the offenders were compelled
to abscond.
Picture of Raheja Exotica, Credits: Photographed by Pravin H Gohil, Modeled by Armaan and Neha G Puniyaa, Makeup by
Pooja Verma
Credits: Getty Images, Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo
Barbie and Ken Murders
Credits: Getty Images, DailymotionKarla Homolka and Paul Bernardo
Smart paraphrase: The notorious
couple consisting of Paul Bernardo
and Karla Homolka.
The legal youngest of Kenneth and
Marilyn Bernardo's three children,
Bernardo, was born in 1964 in
Scarborough, a district of Ontario,
Canada. Kenneth's parents were
in an unhappy marriage that was
a consequence of him meeting the
expectations set by Bernardo's ma-
ternal grandfather, while Marilyn's
preferred partner did not meet the
same criteria. Kenneth, who would
eventually be accused of voyeurism
and child sexual abuse, was cruel
to the other relatives and sexually
assaulted Paul's sibling. Marilyn's
depression led to her neglect of her
family as she often visited other
relatives over the weekends, and
eventually sought solace in the
basement. Despite growing up in a
fractured household, Paul appeared
content and carefree in his youth.
However, his involvement in the
Boy Scouts at the age of ten led to
an inclination towards setting fires.
Bernardo encountered two signifi-
cant obstacles in 1981 when he was
only sixteen years old. Initially, he
was informed following a disagree-
ment between his parents that
Kenneth Bernardo was not his bi-
ological progenitor. It was revealed
that his conception had occurred
due to a sexual liaison between
Marilyn and her former favorite
paramour. Bernardo was disgusted
and started using derogatory terms
such as "slut" and "whore" to refer
to his mother, and in response, she
called him a "bastard." Following
this, Bernardo's initial partner,
Nadine Brammer, left him for one
of his friends due to his overbear-
ing behavior. In response, Bernardo
destroyed all items given to him by
Bernardo secured a job with
Amway, an American firm, after
completing his studies at Sir Wil-
frid Laurier Collegiate Institute.
The controversial sales culture at
Amway had a profound impact
on him. He purchased books
and tapes authored by renowned
motivational speakers and utilized
their teachings while hanging out
with his buddies at bars, effective-
ly seducing several young ladies.
Upon enrolling at the University of
Toronto at Scarborough, Bernardo
had already developed disturbing
sexual fantasies, among them, the
idea of creating a "virgin farm"
where he could breed and subse-
quently rape young girls who were
inexperienced in sexual acts. He
derived pleasure from engaging
in vigorous anal intercourse and humiliating his
companions in public settings. As time passed,
Bernardo's relationships grew shorter and he
would often engage in simultaneous dating with
multiple women. Irrespective of the circumstanc-
es, he manifested abusive behavior and made
death threats against his girlfriends who dared to
disclose the mistreatment they suffered. By 1986,
Bernardo had already been issued restraining or-
ders by two women for engaging in lewd mobile
conversations with them, indicating that he could
have started his series of sexual assaults.
In Port Credit, Ontario, in 1970, Homolka was
born to Karel Homolka, a Czechoslovak immi-
grant who was an alcoholic traveling salesman,
and Ontarian Dorothy Seger, who worked at a
geriatric clinic. Lori and Tammy were her two
little sisters. Despite being a diligent scholar and
gifted youngster, Karla endured the troubling
behavior of her father who vacillated between
giving her excessive attention and belittling her,
as well as ridiculing her mother and siblings
during his drunken outbursts and seeking solace
in the basement when conflicts arose. Despite the
Homolka's failing marriage and the husband's
involvement with another woman, the wife's solu-
tion was to suggest engaging in a threesome and
maintaining their usual routine.
Karla was known from a tender age for her
strong-willed and assertive character, which
hindered her ability to negotiate with her peers
and made her unafraid to express her opinions to
people older than her. Following her enrollment
at Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School, she
experienced a depressive episode that led her to
adopt non-traditional clothing, indulge in self-
harm, and falsely proclaim suicidal tendencies
as a means to garner attention. Subsequently, she
developed fantasies inclined towards sadism and
masochism. During her high school years, Ho-
molka secured a part-time position at a pet store.
Following her graduation in 1988, she was em-
ployed as a veterinary technician at the Thorold
Veterinary Clinic, occupying a full-time position.
The incidences of sexual assault in Scarborough
have increased.
He was the rapist who seemed content.
Regarding Bernardo, Homolka's thoughts were
Kristen French. Photo: Kittykat6354 via Wikimedia Commons
Upon receiving his degree in 1987, Bernardo secured a
position as a beginner accountant at Price Waterhouse.
His romantic pursuits decreased following a warning
from his previous significant other, Jennifer Thompson,
about potentially involving law enforcement. In May of
that particular year, Bernardo committed sexual assault
against two women and made an unsuccessful attempt
for another assault that took place in July. During the
month of October, Bernardo and Homolka held a ren-
dezvous in the dining area of a hotel. At the time, he was
in his early twenties, while she was in her late teens. Ho-
molka came to Scarborough for the purpose of partici-
pating in a gathering related to a pet store. Their mutual
attraction was immediate, and they engaged in sexual
activity that same evening while their acquaintances
were present. Starting at that point, Bernardo would
visit Homolka twice a week and gradually gained com-
plete dominance over her existence, dictating her attire,
appearance, diet, and beliefs. Frequently, he referred to
her appearance as unattractive and overweight. Unlike
his past partners, Homolka found it easy to comply with
and stimulate his sexual desires, marking them down
on a "self-improvement roster." Even though the revela-
tion that Homolka was not a virgin at the time they first
met did not bring their relationship to an end, it greatly
disturbed Bernardo.
Bernardo recommenced committing sexual assaults in
the month of December. In March of 1988, the police
formed a team with the aim of capturing the individual
known as the "Scarborough Rapist". However, despite
the abundance of physical evidence and the existence of
a composite sketch that was not released to the public,
the investigation did not yield any results. During this
period, Homolka had knowledge of
Bernardo's actions, and according
to one victim's claims, Homolka
even filmed their attack while being
present. However, despite these
allegations, the police didn't take
any action. In May 1990, the police
made the decision to publicly dis-
play the composite sketch, which
subsequently generated a significant
influx of tips. Bernardo made his
living through the illegal activity
of transporting tobacco products
across the boundary separating
the United States and Canada after
resigning from his employment.
Upon viewing the released sketch,
acquaintances and former romantic
partners of Bernardo attempted to
reach out to law enforcement au-
thorities, however, the influx of leads
was too great for officers to ade-
quately pursue each one. Bernardo
had his blood, saliva, and hair taken
by two detectives in November, but
the results won't be available for test-
ing for another two years.
The homicides of young female stu-
dents in a school setting.
It presented a chance to mitigate
hazards, assume command, and
maintain a familial connection
Homolka commented on the rape
and murder of her younger sister.
As time went on in 1990, Bernardo's
fixation on Tammy Homolka, who
was only fifteen years old and the
younger sister of Homolka, intensi-
fied. He observed her secretly and
formulated a scheme to sexually as-
sault her with the help of Homolka,
who had the responsibility of en-
suring that Tammy remained chaste
until the appointed time. During a
summer trip on July 24, Homolka
made an initial effort to drug her
sister's food with Valium, which she
had taken from her job. However,
Tammy regained consciousness after
one minute, preventing Bernardo
from sexually assaulting her. On
December 23, after a festive Christ-
mas dinner at the Homolka family
residence, the second endeavor
occurred. Homolka characterized
this act as presenting her sister's
innocence as a Christmas present
to Paul. As the parents slumbered
in the upper level, the duo adminis-
tered sleep-inducing medication to
Tammy's beverage. After rendering
her insensible, they disrobed her and
perpetrated a sexual assault while
Homolka held a fabric imbued with
the anesthetic Halothane (which she
had pilfered from her occupation)
over Tammy's nostrils and mouth.
Homolka restrained Tammy to
help her clear her throat but Tam-
my subsequently started vomiting
and stopped breathing. The couple
attempted to resuscitate Tammy
but were unsuccessful. They then
clothed her, relocated her to her own
space, and eliminated any signs of
their actions before they phoned
for emergency medical assistance.
Tammy's demise was concluded to
be accidental in spite of her facial
chemical burn that was apparent.
During the funeral service, Bernar-
do was seen caressing Tammy's hair
as she rested in an open coffin, and
in 1993, when the grave was opened,
it was discovered that the couple had
included their photograph inside the
casket. In Port Dalhousie, Bernar-
do and Homolka recorded videos
of themselves engaging in simu-
lated sexual interactions involving
Bernardo and Tammy. To enhance
the illusion, Homolka donned her
sister's attire and portrayed her in
the role.
Homolka extended an invitation to
a teenage acquaintance, referred to
as "Jane Doe" in court, to visit their
recently acquired residence on June
7th of 1991. Upon losing conscious-
ness from consuming Halcion-laced
liquor, Homolka informed Bernardo
of an unexpected wedding present
and the couple proceeded to record
themselves engaging in sexual as-
sault of her. The victim experienced
nausea upon awakening the follow-
ing day, yet left without realizing she
had been sexually assaulted. Bernar-
do deviated from his intended path
towards Burlington with the aim of
purloining license plates to facilitate
his illegal trade. During this time,
he came across Leslie Mahaffy, a
14-year-old adolescent who had
been reprimanded for contravening
her curfew and was banished from
her abode. Mahaffy was given a cig-
arette and agreed to follow Bernardo
to his car, but he then inflicted harm
upon her. He brandished a knife,
covered her eyes and transported
her to Port Dalhousie while men-
tioning to Homolka that they had
someone new to incorporate into
their activities. Instead of checking
on Leslie, Karla's first reaction was
to return to her slumber. The two in-
dividuals captured themselves com-
mitting the heinous acts of rape and
torture against their recent victim,
and ultimately killed her following
Mahaffy's claim that her blindfold
had loosened. The remains of the
deceased were stored in the base-
ment while the individuals enjoyed
a meal with the Homolka family
on the upper floor. Afterwards, the
body was dismembered and placed
into eight concrete blocks before
being disposed of in Lake Gibson.
On the day of Bernardo and Homol-
ka's nuptials, June 29, the discovery
of them occurred. Once again, "Jane"
was extended an invitation for the
month of August. Similar to Tam-
my's incident of passing away, "Jane"
also ceased breathing during her
assault, although she was ultimately
resuscitated. Homolka dialed 911
to report an emergency, but later on, she called
again to inform them that the situation had been
resolved, prompting the ambulance to cancel its
journey without any additional investigation.
Bernardo and Homolka kidnapped Kristen
French, a fifteen-year-old student of Holy Cross
Catholic Secondary School, in broad daylight on
April 16, 1992, despite the presence of several
witnesses. For a period of three days, they sub-
jected her to rape and torture, eventually ending
her life by strangulation using the same cord that
was utilized to kill Mahaffy. However, Bernar-
do asserts that Karla utilized the rubber mallet
she possessed to safeguard their victim, Kristin,
and murdered her during the time he was away
getting food. Even now, Bernardo maintains this
assertion. Throughout her confinement, French
was not blindfolded and compelled to consume
excessive quantities of alcohol, compelled to
view Mahaffy's rape video, and required to show
submission to Bernardo. Eventually, she became
confrontational and criticized Bernardo, call-
ing him a bastard and questioning how his wife
could tolerate him. Her behavior demonstrated
her growing defiance towards Bernardo. Prior to
her demise, she was subjected to a brutal physi-
cal assault. Once more, the duo left the corpse in
their residence as they feasted together with the
Homolka family. Afterward, they cleaned it and
trimmed her hair prior to discarding the rem-
nants into a ditch in Burlington, near the grave-
yard where Mahaffy was interred. A month after
the murder of French, Bernardo was interviewed
by two police officers. Despite admitting to being
interviewed earlier for the Scarborough rapes, the
officers did not believe he was a probable suspect.
Bernardo and Homolka quickly requested to le-
gally alter their last name to Teale, which was the
same as the notorious murderer in the Criminal
Law movie from 1988.
The act of detaining individuals and holding
them in custody.
Bernardo inflicted severe injuries upon Homolka
on December 27 by striking her with a flashlight,
resulting in bruising on her arms and legs, a frac-
tured rib, and both of her eyes turning black. However,
she resumed her work on January 4, 1993 and attempted
to present her injuries as being caused by a car crash.
Not trusted by her colleagues, she was informed to
her parents who demanded she be hospitalized. After
arriving, Homolka professed to being a victim of do-
mestic violence and brought forth accusations against
Bernardo, resulting in his temporary detainment. Quite
fortuitously, the specimens provided by Bernardo a cou-
ple of years ago coincided with the recent testing which
corroborated his identity as the Scarborough Rapist.
Homolka relocated to Brampton where she confided
in her aunt and uncle about Bernardo being responsi-
ble for the Mahaffy and French murders, as well as the
infamous Scarborough Rapist. She requested complete
exemption from being prosecuted in February in re-
turn for her assistance, however, her plea was rejected.
Instead of facing charges for three murders and other
crimes, Homolka was presented with a choice: accept a
twelve-year prison term for manslaughter within a week
or potentially face prosecution for the aforementioned
crimes (including Tammy Homolka's, which was recent-
ly reopened). In exchange for an agreement, Homolka
provided testimony against Bernardo during his 1995
trial. Bernardo received a life sentence on Septem-
ber 1, with no possibility of parole for a minimum of
twenty-five years. Due to the threats directed towards
him, he is placed in isolation, away from the rest of the
prisoners. In 1999, a group of five inmates attempted to
invade his segregated section, prompting the interven-
tion of riot police to disperse them. Given his designa-
tion as a "Dangerous Offender," it is improbable that he
will ever receive parole.
The Canadian public expressed strong disapproval of
Homolka's plea arrangement, particularly following the
public presentation of tapes featuring the couple's acts of
rape during Bernardo's trial. If the contents of the tapes
were made known to them beforehand, few prosecutors
would have suggested using it. Bernardo's initial attor-
ney intentionally concealed the majority of the tapes for
a period of 17 months and eventually faced legal charges
for obstructing justice. However, despite the allegations,
he was ultimately found not guilty. Despite being eligi-
ble for parole, Homolka was denied release from prison
in 2005. In 2007, she relocated to Guadeloupe which is
located in the French Caribbean in a bid to steer clear
from any attention from the media. While residing there, she tied the knot with Thierry Bordelais who is also the
lawyer's sibling, and had a trio of offspring. Afterwards, the family came back to Canada and made their home
in Montreal. The source suggests that as of next year (2022), something noteworthy will occur with regards to
Credits: Getty Images, Tammy Lyn Homolka, who became her sister and brother-in-law’s first victim.
Hi guys! We are back with a new segment, which
as you can see is a tarot prediction. In this as
you can see there are six different piles of cards
arranged below:
Now close your eyes, take a deep breath, and
now focus properly. Choose one pile which will
dictate for love life faith for the coming 4
months. Don’t worry you can change the pile
if you are unsure or come back later to this
segment when you feel more clearer
Tarot Cards
Picture of Nurse’s Office, Credits: Photographed by Pravin H Gohil, Modeled by Kalyani Joshi
Choose a pile from the given six piles. Focus, take a
deep breathe and make your choice.
Pile #1 Pile #2 Pile #3
Pile #4 Pile #5 Pile #6
Pile #1
IV of Pentacles
What's presently functioning in my love life?
Extensive wealth has been accumulated here, and as a result, you have become protective of what you have
earned. Though some amount of conservativeness is good for one's feeling of stability, this card can also warn
of stinginess, and having a frugal attitude.
Knight of Wands
What steps am I taking concerning my love life?
This person is a man of action - he represents the manifestation of an idea and the passionate pursuit of a
vision. Because this person is highly focused on action, he can also be brash, impulsive, and unrealistic.
III of Cups
Given my actions and what's transpiring, where is this leading? Is there any guidance for me?
A warm and lively gathering of friends. You are blessed with loving relationships and companionship, and this
is likely a very social period in your life where you are investing time in the people around you.
Pile #2
What's presently functioning in my love life?
A cycle comes to a close, a radical transformation that requires a part of oneself to be sacrificed to be able to con-
tinue to the next plane. With the loss, something new can begin. Death carries a scythe not just to destroy but also
to sow the new harvest.
Page of Wands
What steps am I taking concerning my love life?
You are on the brink of a new creative project and vision, there is a spirit of discovery and enthusiasm in all kinds
of ideas that you might have about the future. It is the start of a new way of expressing oneself.
The Tower
Given my actions and what's transpiring, where is this leading? Is there any guidance for me?
Inevitable destruction and the breakdown of something in our lives which we consider foundational. Reminiscent
of the tower of Babel, which was built upon far-reaching human ambition, creating an artificial comfort in our
lives. But there is always an upside - when the tower levels, not only do we uncover our own hidden resilience, but
we can also rebuild anew, with greater inner insight.
Pile #3
IX of Cups
What's presently functioning in my love life?
An environment of luxury and emotional stability, where all available comforts await you. Indulging in all the
joys that life has to offer you are signaled by this card, though at times there is a sense of smugness that comes
from taking your situation for granted.
Queen of Pentacles
What steps am I taking concerning my love life?
A woman that is blessed with the gifts of sensual comforts and domestic talents. A motherly figure at times, she
seeks to bring to her loved ones joy through all worldly things - by cooking, cleaning, and creating a wonderful
IV of Wands
Given my actions and what's transpiring, where is this leading? Is there any guidance for me?
A celebration of harmony, happiness, and good relationships. It is a time of peace after a period of hard work. The
four of wands usually indicate this about family and large groups of people.
Pile #4
IX of Swords
What's presently functioning in my love life?
The nine of swords represents someone that is trapped by their own negative thoughts. There is not necessarily a
situation that warrants the worry, and this card hints that over-analysis leads to crippling indecision and feelings of
III of Pentacles
What steps am I taking concerning my love life?
Several people of vastly varying skills and beliefs work together to join in on a greater cause. Teamwork helps to
create something new. Progress is swift.
Page of Pentacles
Given my actions and what's transpiring, where is this leading? Is there any guidance for me?
This card indicates that you are on the brink of giving life to a new venture or opportunity that brings you luck in
the material world. You are full of enthusiasm and energy to make this new opportunity come to life.
Pile #5
VII of Pentacles
What's presently functioning in my love life?
An immense amount of work has been done, and the effort that has been put in previously is now ready to be har-
vested. Though the crop is ready, there is still more work, and it is now a time of focus and diligence before one can
reap the rewards.
Queen of Swords
What's presently functioning in my love life?
A woman of immense complexity, sometimes considered cold-hearted, but also sharp of mind and wit, independent
and possessing great powers of organization and analysis.
The Tower
Given my actions and what's transpiring, where is this leading? Is there any guidance for me?

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  • 1. 002 I S S U E 0 0 2 W W W . C R E S C N T M O O D . C O M C H E C K O U T O U R N E W B L A C K D A Y S P E C I A L N O W C H E C K O U T O U R N E W C O L L E C T I O N I N S T O R E S N O W . C H E C K O U T O U R N E W C O L L E C T I O N I N S T O R E S N O W . Crescent Crescent S P R I N G / S U M M E R 2 0 2 3 S P R I N G / S U M M E R 2 0 2 3 S P R I N G / S U M M E R 2 0 2 3 B L A C K D A Y S P E C I A L
  • 2. Welcome Message A huge ‘Thank You’ to all who helped our team to complete our magazine issues. Crescent would like to welcome all of the curious ones and mainly the horror enthusiasts. The magazine would like you to know that we take a neutral stance regarding paranormal activities. Through true crimes, we do not want to support inhumane nature and we would rather like to inform others to be cautious and beware more. The stories mentioned are for the ones curious and the magazine tries to provide a bonfire storytime feels. Only for entertainment usage. Welcome to the world of horrors of reality and the fictional world. Be ready to experience skin- crawling and chilling stories from every part of the world. Viewers’ discretion is advised.
  • 3. For the privacy of real victims, the names and places will not be mentioned. Respect for victims and their grieving families would be welcomed and appreciated. -DISCLAIMER- The content moving forward would contain graphic content. There will be mention of Assault, Murder, and Skin gore. This also mentions people’s personal stories which left a mark on them in a good or a bad way. If any of these makes you uncomfortable, please feel free to skip this edition. The magazine is based only for entertainment purposes while showing an equal amount of unbiased nature towards logic and the paranormal. Lastly, the viewer’s discretion is advised. These are just factual research and tales. Editor’s Note
  • 4. Crescent Content Philosophy of Love — 12 Would you kill for love? — 38 Factually Love — 28 Know your love life for the coming six months— 62 Manifestation techniques you should start practicing — 70 Multiple Perspective of Yours Partners in Crime Scary Facts about Love Defining love, interview with Dr. Amitabh and what does Spiritual side says about love. Tarot Cards Manifestation Crescent Content Expereince out of the box — 76 Dating Trips — 92 Marts and Meanings — 104 Unsually New — 96 Reading under the lines — 114 Recommendations Shivering things to experience with your partner Kiss & Tell your flowers Dating tips, Flower dictionary, Flower marts in Mumbai and more Unconventional Date Ideas Dark Romance Novels you can buy for your partner Love Predictions
  • 5. Credits: Photographed by Pravin H Gohil, Modeled by Kalyani Joshi
  • 6. B L A C K D A Y S P E C I A L Credits: Photographed by Pravin H Gohil, Modeled by Kalyani Joshi
  • 7. What is a Black Day? Fall_Winter_Collection_2029_ The observance of Black Day is a commemoration exclusively intendedforindividualswhoarenotinaromanticrelationship. Black Day, occasionally referred to as “Single’s Day,” is observed as a day for individuals who are not romantically involved with anyone. On April 14th, the Koreans observe Black Day festivity. A month has passed since White Day on March 14, and two months have elapsed since Valentine’s Day. The final occurrence of Korea’s sentimental celebrations is at hand. In South Korea, certain individuals observe Black Day by consuming jjajangmyeon, a type of noodle dish made with black bean sauce. It is common to observe contests organized by enterprises where individuals or teams participate in eating (jjajangmyeon) as well as individuals having this dark noodle meal in solitude. The hue of the sauce corresponds to the name of the day. The concept of jjajangmyeon as a comfort food resonates with many, supporting the notion that individuals who are single require a significant amount of emotional solace. A serving of sauce made from black beans used for coating noodles. Additionally, there are chopsticks along with two accompanying dishes. Some individuals may choose to dress entirely in black during this day, including their clothing and nail paint. The sales of black coffee have witnessed a noticeable surge, leading companies to consider organizing matchmaking events for individuals who are single on Black Day. Different from Valentine’s Day and White Day, which are occasions dedicated to couples, only Black Day commemorates the status of being single or not in a romantic relationship with someone. Gift-giving is not a requirement for Black Day, unlike Valentine’s Day and White Day. In its early days, April 14th was acknowledged as a solemn occasion and therefore referred to as “black.” This was a time when individuals not in relationships could gather and express sadness for their status while indulging in comforting cuisine to alleviate their grief. Over the years, there has been a decreasing emphasis on being in a relationship in present-day South Korea. As a result, certain individuals view Black Day as an occasion for revelry rather than sorrowful remembrance. Irrespective of whether one is observing the day with joy or sorrow, opting to partake in (jjajangmyeon) as a meal and savoring it with a cup of black coffee as a dessert (possibly with a tinge of dark chocolate) remains the perfect approach to acknowledge this occasion. 01 Love is Love Picture of Lokhandwala Garden Credits: Photographed by M.Yuna, Modeled by Farhan Tarafdar 012_
  • 8. 014_ Spring-Summer 2023 02 Is love something that can truly be defined or will we always be left searching for its elusive nature? to the most basic enjoyment. In 2023, as per the information provided by Wikipedia, something noteworthy occurred. The dictionary defines love as a strong emotion of fondness, while the Urban Dictionary characterizes love as giving and nurturing towards another individual. Placing paramount importance on another person’s welfare and benefit in your existence. A genuine expression of love requires a high level of selflessness. The source of the term “love,” which isthedrivingforcebehindtheworld, Love can be described as a profound and strong attachment to someone else. Love, as a broad concept, can be characterized as a powerful affinity towards a particular entity or a significant fondness for that particular entity. As per Edition, there exist various other meanings oflovewhenusedasaverboranoun. The edition that will be published in the year 2023. This feeling has the ability to encompass a variety of intense and optimistic emotional and cognitive reactions, ranging from the greatest virtue or positive habit to the most profound interpersonal connection, Defining Love can be traced back to the Sanskrit term “lubh.” The implied meaning associated with the term involves a strong wanting, enticement, stimulation of sexual desire, and drawing in. Here’s a fun fact for your upcoming evening out with someone you’re interested in. Try impressing them and see if you can win their affection. A fascinating and often overlooked truth about love is not known by many people. One might ponder how to articulate variousformsofaffection.Loveisan abstractconceptthatcanmanifestin various forms, each with its unique characteristics. Platonic love refers to a non-romantic relationship that exists between friends and family members, while the intense and unfailing love pertains to partners. However, it is more common for individualstodiscusslovewithinthe context of romantic relationships. GULLA’s article from 2020 can be rephrased as follows: A publication, written by GULLA in the year 2020, could be restated as: Occasionally, a love can emerge that deeply impacts and transforms you, yet it is not powerful enough to overcome the limitations of what could be. Experiencing a love that is reciprocated but out of reach can be a powerful form of emotional agony. L A C K D A Y S P E C I A L | I S S U E 0 0 2 . B L A C K D A Y S P E C I A L | I S S U E 0 0 2 . B L A C K D A Y S P E C I A L | I S S U E 0 0 2 . B L A C K D A Y S P E C I A L | I S S U E 0 0 2 . B L A C K D A Y S P E C I A L | I S S U E 0 0 2 . 015_ Picture of Lokhandwala Garden Credits: Photographed by M.Yuna, Modeled by Farhan Tarafdar
  • 9. Picture of Lokhandwala Garden Credits: Photographed by M.Yuna, Modeled by Farhan Tarafdar
  • 10. 018_ A Chat with Dr. Amitabh Dr. Amitabh Ghosh Ghosh Hi good afternoon, Dr. Amitabh Ghosh. A deep dive into human psychology and spirituality. What do science and belief say are they agreeing or are they on different pages altogether? This issue is exploring the depths of love, It is a Black Day special. Credits: Dr. Amitabh Ghosh, traumatherapist Hi Dr. Amitabh would you like to introduce yourself to our read- ers? Hi, I am Doctor Amitabh and I am a clinical Psychi- atrist. I have my post-graduation degree in Psychol- ogy. My specialization is in Trauma Therapy where I use Psychotherapy, Psychodrama, and EMDR(Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing). I work more with people dealing with traumas, and by that, I mean people who are dealing with their childhood traumas like development traumas or traumas of their past. So, when people have traumas some of the traumas are physical, sexual, emotional, or mental abuse, neglection, change of community simultaneously, the pressure of performance again and again, and loss of someone significant these can be classified as traumas in one’s life. When a child grows up through traumas they invariably develop a lot of behavioral problems and a lot of medical and psychological illnesses. Due to these trauma-induced disorders, they need trauma therapy, these disorders cannot solely be treated by medications or talk ther- apies. There are different types of trauma therapies like EDMR, Psychodramas, Compassion inquiry, and Stress therapy and I specialize in all of these types of therapies. As a science person (psychiatrist) how would you define the feeling/ emotion of love? As you see, love is something we all are born with. This is a very primary feeling. We all want to feel loved. So, when we are loved what does it give us? What does it fulfill in us? Our needs, right? For example, we are born with some of our physical needs which are the need for water, food, shel- ter, and oxygen without which we would die. Not sex, you won’t die if you haven’t had sex, you understand. But with- out these four we would die. Similarly, we are born with some of our emotional needs and if these emotional needs are also not met, we will die. The thing is without physical needs we would die immediately and without emotional needs, we would die slowly. When we are loved, emotional needs are fulfilled. These needs can be needs for a relation- ship, attention, belonging, validation, support, security, 019_ and protection. Through love, all these needs are fulfilled and the biggest thing that is fulfilled is the safety attach- ment. We all are born for safety attachment, but when that attachment becomes unsafe such as avoidant attachment, ambivalent attachment, and many more like this type of abnormal attachment we start suffering through psycho- logical and behavioral problems. When it is true love we start feeling safe, and secure that is why it is referred to as a safety attachment. Thus our emotional needs are fulfilled. That is classified as love. Love is where two people, contribute to each other’s life where they help in each other’s growth and it can be any intimate or romantic relationship. It can be defined as something that is working in progress every single day and it’s not something like today it’s love and tomorrow it abruptly ends. No, that’s not how it works. It is an ongoing process. Relationships are not something that happens, you have to make a relationship work. It is not magic, you have to make it. How do you make it work? By contributing to each other’s life. Most partners would claim that “Oh I love them. I am being there for them. I am providing them. I support them. I give them freedom” but no! The most important thing is to contribute to each other’s life so that both of them feel fulfilled by each other’s contribution. If one is utmostly fulfilled while the other isn’t, that ain’t love that’s something else entirely. Would you like to discuss some not-so-great/ dark facts or illnesses that can root from love (can be physical, emotional, romantic, or platonic)? See what happens is when attraction happens between two people that is not love that is an obsession. For an instance, someone can have an obsession to control peo- ple and be righteous and when another person, for ex- ample, a girl is submissive and the guy is controlling this relationship will go on. Cause their complementary roles are fulfilled like one is submissive while the other is dom- inative which is fine but can’t be translated to love. What happens is, the person with the submissive role won’t be either happy or be able to get out of the relationship. The relationship will go on but as a toxic one in such cases. Also, some people might have some fantasies about rela- tionships and they want to execute such fantasies; this can also cause problems. Another issue arises with people who start having some delusional thoughts this is referred to as ‘delusions of love’, this case is usually between fans and celebrities. Example Picture of Lokhandwala Garden Credits: Photographed by M.Yuna, Modeled by Farhan Tarafdar
  • 11. 020_ a fan would in such cases says “When I was standing over there, you know she waved at me. That means she loves me”, the actress might have just waved for the sake of it, but this person misinterprets that informa- tion as “Oh she loves me. She likes me, she spoke well with me” and then this person starts stalking the ce- lebrity to extreme levels. One more fact would be some people just start getting into a relationship and then start getting into a lot of different abnormal sexual be- haviors which can also cause harm to one or both the person in the relationship. Major point is that if love is not as it should be it can cause problems. What causes mental health disorders regarding love? What are the symptoms of these disorders? Well, let’s take for example if someone is in a rela- tionship where there is an attachment disorder, like a clingy or ambivalent attachment disorder where you just cling on to a person. When this person A is cling- ing on to the person B, the person B is feeling suffocat- ed and pressurized. While person A is clinging to this relationship, why are they clinging? Because they are feeling unsafe, so they want to cling onto person B not cause they love that person and they can’t be without them but cause they looking after their own survival and security. Like if A is clinging onto B, person A is feeling safe when B is around. Person A is not bothered if the person B is happy or excited or not. A wants to feel good, and nice and thus wants B by clinging on to them. Whilst person B will feel suffocated throughout. This can cause depression, and anxiety due to a lack of trust as there is no support in the relationship, also it can lead to many times depressive disorders. According to a study published in The Journal of Social Psychology found men tend to fall in love and say “I love you” more quickly than women, what do you think about it and why do think that this might be the case? Ok, honestly for men it is the physical attraction from the beginning. If they see a girl attractive they end up saying to her ‘I love you’, which most of the time doesn’t really mean anything. It moreover directly translates into ‘We are more over sexually attracted to you’. Expression in men regarding you are good for me, directly means ‘I love you’, but for women, relation- ships are more mentally provoked. They mentally want to feel, safe, connected, and belonged, and when they do they still don’t say I love you. Women won’t easily blurt out those words, they speak first through their gestures and behaviors and then confessions come after a certain time. But for most men, not all to be clear it is mostly physical attraction. The first thing that comes to their mind is to say ‘I love you’, even if they do not know her name, and if the woman turns and asks ‘Ok, and what’s my name? what do you love about me?’. Men are unable to answer at that mo- ment, they end up responding with ‘I love your hair, and eyes..’ in such ways. They fail to mention anything specific that piqued their interest about her. Can you explain more about broken heart syndrome? When a relationship fails, and when there is a break- up first up there is a cloud of sadness due to the loss. Anything we lose, for example, you lose a pen or a mobile but that mobile had some connection you can buy a costlier mobile but it won’t be the same as the previous one. when something is there that served us and when we lose it, we can feel hurt. Just like how I said previously if someone has a clingy attachment and soon a break-up takes place. The person starts feeling unsafe, lonely, and not having anyone around anymore; then there is a broken heart. According to me, marriage is for happiness and so is a divorce. When two people aren’t getting along, they accept and understand that fact like adults. That we don’t fit in together as a couple but as individual personalities we are good people. The right shoe won’t fit on the left or vice versa, but that doesn’t mean that the shoe is bad or the leg is bad. It is just that two people are not fitting in with each other. When the individuals separate after understanding this fact from an adult point of view, it is deemed as a healthy separation; but if they don’t then it can lead to a bro- ken heart. This means something that they needed is not met or something that they wanted is not there and they lost it. They might react from a child’s ego standpoint, trying to emotionally blackmail the other one by failing to understand that they both don’t fit in together happily or be productive or contribute to each other’s life. Except for this they’d acknowledge everything else possible and feel the loss. Logically, they fail to understand that we don’t fit together, we fight so much, and we don’t have anything in com- mon but the dash, dash, dash... all those dashes are all emotional, illogical stuff. This can be one part of broken heart, another is a loss of a loved one. It can also be classified as a broken heart. Is it true that gazing at a stranger for 4 minutes can make you fall in love? 021_ Picture of Lokhandwala Garden Credits: Photographed by M.Yuna, Modeled by Farhan Tarafdar
  • 12. I really don’t believe that. I have gazed into so many of my patient’s eyes for more than four minutes, I have not fallen in love. This could really be more of a physical attraction. It is more common in teenagers. I don’t think a person with a mature mindset, who has values, and knows what they want in life would end up falling for someone by simply gazing at some- one. If someone is gazing at somebody there must be something quite interesting about that person and if something is interesting in that person, that’s what is making them fall in love. Not just simply gazing. You don’t take a random stranger and decide to gaze at them for a prolonged time, to see if you fall in love or not. No, you’ll not. If you’re gazing at someone there must be a reason why you are gazing, that reason can make you fall in love and not the act of gazing. Can you elaborate on the attachment theory? This one is a very long long one. To keep it short, when we are born we develop an attachment to our caregivers. When a child is taken care of by the caregiver, the child is attended to in distress the child feels safe, the child starts trusting the caregivers, the child feels good and can express that to the caregivers. In that way, a se- cured attachment is formed and when a secured attach- ment which is the main part of an attachment, the child grows out to be healthy, right? Let’s take the caregiver is not available, they are never available. The child is most likely alone in the house, with nobody to really care for them this can cause attachment disorder. The child is left to guess when their parents might come back for them to provide them the care. This can lead to, the child devel- oping anxious attachment disorder, and disorganized attachment (it is a very toxic relationship where there is abuse and assault) early on due to lack of parental care. Such things can cause problems in attachment. Now, when the child grows up that attachment is visible in all their relationships, especially in the intimate ones. If someone doesn’t have a secure attachment since child- hood their adult relations might suffer due to this. That Picture of Lokhandwala Garden Credits: Photographed by M.Yuna, Modeled by Farhan Tarafdar doesn’t mean that they can’t heal and can develop a secure attach- ment, they can change things for themselves. Initially, they might face some issues. Also not say, if they find someone who provides them with a secure attachment that they couldn’t ex- perience as a child; they can have a good relationship. That again needs a certain type of person as well. Another factor is if two peo- ple who have attachment disorder if they come into a relationship, it will be a disaster. Is it true that infatuation can be more overpowering than love? In my opinion, love is something that needs to be worked on. Just like how I mention, Love is where two people, contribute to each other’s life. One can only contrib- ute when they are someone who can contribute. Love is not some- thing that can happen very easily you have to work on it daily. If two people have still unresolved trau- ma, it can be pretty difficult for both of them as they both might get triggered by certain behavior. In infatuation, you might feel very attached but you won’t be able to feel love, so it might get very over- powering. Because where there is love it is fun, happiness a certain of peace and calmness, and there is trust. Whilst, when they are not there you check each other’s phone, ask multiple questions all that, it can’t be classified as love. If you have any patient who is clearly showing signs of being in a toxic relation- ship environment, how do you take care of the situations like this? If I have a couple in a toxic rela- tionship, I would say a problem in a relationship is never because of one person. Most men come up and say ‘My wife has a problem and there is no resolution’. No... The problem lies in both partners because in a relationship both are introducing a part of their life into it. It doesn’t necessarily mean the problem is 50/50, it can vary as 90/10 or 70/30 but there is some amount of accountability regard- ing the issue. Many toxic relations always have an underlying history of traumas, there are triggers of mental, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. These things carry a major amount of trigger points in them, every time something triggers an individual these things come running back in a flash. Ac- cording to me, toxic relationships cannot be treated without trau- ma therapy. Counseling in these scenarios won’t be much effective as both of the individuals needs to work on their separate individual growth first. If you had to react to the classic Romeo-Ju- liet by Shakeshpear from a therapist p.o.v what would you note? Wow! They are so much in love that they kill each other? Well as a fictitious tale, it is good but I don’t really agree from my perspective, because I believe one’s own life is of the utmost value. You are here, due to your some type of purpose in life and that purpose needs to be fulfilled, your contribution the human life and society. When a romance doesn’t work out and you feel that the person is not there so ‘I can’t live anymore or I should kill myself’ is something I cannot agree with at all. If a lover dies, the lover also had a lot of aspira- tions. Instead of feeling I should also end myself like my partner, you should not only fulfill your pur- pose of life but also their purpose of life. Because that was unmet as they passed away, so the one who is living has a double duty now. That is love, I’ll say. Killing self in that scenario is more of an escapism, I won’t agree with that. As a fictional story, it is fine to see or read. I would personally not support it on a real-life basis if someone comes up to me and says they want to die after the loss of their partner. I would say the same as I described to you right now, to not only fulfill yours but also their purpose in life. In Hinduism, it says that the soul remains just the body goes away. Just like how if we break every single thing, it is an atom at the end of the day. Even if the per- son might not be present physically standing in front of us but their energy is still there. How do you deal with patients who don’t realize that they are in a toxic relationship? First of all, if they don’t realize they are in a toxic relationship they won’t come to me in the first place. They might come thinking that ‘I am de- pressed’ or ‘I am anxious’ and when I note their history, I come to find out that the relationship is toxic. then I mention to them that, your depression and anxiety are sprouting out from your toxic relations. For example, there is a submissive wife and her husband is very controlling of her decisions and puts restric- tions. One of our primary emotions is, making our choices, to belong, to be appreciated, to attention, and many more different needs, now if a husband is controlling and if the wife is submissive she would succumb to the control but many of her emo- tional needs are not fulfilled because of such control. She is in depression because of this, so I do up straight 023_
  • 13. mention the fact that this so-and-so toxic relationship is causing these problems. They mostly come up with “But it is ok, he is a nice man, he buys dresses for me ok he beats me two times but he takes me to mov- ies, buys me luxurious stuff, and all that.” It is my job to bring them into awareness that it is fine, he might be doing that but you deserve to also be emotionally taken care of. I have to call the person in question, and also take to them about this. To know if that person is even concerned about their partner’s ongoing mental health, to mention how their be- havior is causing their partner issue or vice versa. I am not saying that husbands are controlling, some wives are too. Have you ever received a very strong negative reaction from the partners after informing them? Of course! It is very difficult to ac- cept your own fault while it is very easy to point fingers. Saying that all of the issues are caused by the other person, ok. If someone wants a relationship to truly work and if it is becoming toxic, especially in marriage then it has a major impact on the child. Meanwhile, the child is developing trauma. Parents who are concerned about their children, will both work on their relationship. If they don’t, you can’t do anything. Sometimes, in a toxic relationship, for example, a wife comes and works on herself, heals herself, and past traumas there is a high chance she might leave her husband if the hus- band works on himself. How does Vasopressin, the love hormone affects the human body, and what happens after it is produced in us? They are like oxytocin, all the feel- good hormones, the love hormones. Everything that happens in our body such as if threat we become tense and anxious is because of neu- rotransmitters in our brain reacting. Whatever is happening in our body is due to the secretion of different hor- mones. The feeling of love, attach- ment, and euphoria is all because of them. Can you elaborate more about the Aromantic people? These are the people who are 100% in trauma because we react to differ- ent emotions and situations through our bodies. So, when there is a trauma and all these bad feelings our mind tries to protect us by separat- ing the mind from the body, which is deemed as dissociation. We are disas- sociated from the body thus the body becomes numb. Such people often cut themselves and hurt themselves to feel something because not feeling anything is more painful. Aroman- tic means they are not feeling these senses. They are not feeling love, joy, happiness, or fear, they are feeling like a zombie. They are in survival mode. Their main focus is to survive. Love happens from the upper brain but when a person goes into survival mode, their lower brain also known as the reptilian brain active. How will they feel love if they are in survival mode? Do you know about ‘The triangular theory of love’? If yes what do you think about it? I am not really sure about this one. 024_ Can you share any of your memorable relationships? And if you could have changed anything about it from a therapist p.o.v what would you have? I will then talk about my first rela- tionship, which was with a Punjabi girl. As a child, I was put in a hostel in grade 5 so there was a sense of loss of family. On the while there was a lot of bullying in the hostel, I had to see a lot of friends getting sexually abused. So I had traumas now when with traumas and the girl whom I was dating at the moment also had her set of traumas. All this I didn’t know then, but when I look back I understand. This girl was very intelligent, had a bunch of good qualities, good at study and sports. She was very caring and helpful. But at the end of the day, we used to get triggered frequently, mostly feeling rejected due to certain actions. I had a lot of triggers, she had a lot of triggers and we ended up trigger- ing each which resulted in constant fights. If someone would have helped us sort out our traumas and triggers, I believe it would have been a great relationship. because there was a lot of good in that relationship and all the good got covered up by the bad. there can be 10 good stuff and 2 bad, we would focus so much on the bad ones. We kept pointing fingers at each other and I do agree I had a short temper problem. So those are my triggers, In the same way, if we all could work towards our triggers and heal traumas we all can get bet- ter in our relationships. Many times the relationship breaks up due to this reason. Inner healing is important. If Picture of Lokhandwala Garden Credits: Photographed by M.Yuna, Modeled by Farhan Tarafdar
  • 14. two people are fighting that doesn’t means they are bad. What is the best way to heal from a toxic relationship? What are the alternatives? The best way would start with therapy, the most effective would be trauma therapy. In a toxic relationship, both would have trauma, thus I recommend trauma therapy. For minor things, counseling is good but major would require trauma therapy. When can they start seeing any improvement? In the first session, the history of the patient is noted down. The moment we start therapy, every day there is an improvement. If they are working on themselves little by little changes are visible in the starting second or third session. They might need 30 sessions I don’t know, but changes are visible in the second session itself. Can you lastly share with us, What is love to you on a personal basis? Love for me is simply someone with whom I feel safe and attached. That means we both can share each other our feelings without any hesitation, there is trust in that relationship and there can be problems or fights but those can be rectifiable. By rectify, I mean both are ok to say sorry, no one is righteous, and both contribute to each other’s life and fulfill their needs. It has to be a safe attachment. Understanding each other’s professions, the purpose of life, and being a part of their world. Not just you do you, I do me. Showing interest and being involved. Picture of Lokhandwala Garden Credits: Photographed by M.Yuna, Modeled by Farhan Tarafdar
  • 15. Edition 002 Spring-Summer 2023 03 Any type of affection can be intimidating. You experience a fluttery sensation and an ongoing surge of adrenaline as you eagerly ponder, “What activities are occupying their time?” “With whom are they currently associating?” and “Is their mind preoccupied with thoughts of me?” Although love appears to be a beautiful concept, it also involves technicalities and factual comprehension in addition to its inherently fleeting nature. 028_ Spring-Summer 2023 Love. Lo is Love. Love is Love. Lo is Love. Love is Love. Lo is Love. Scary Truths AboutLove D I D Y O U K N O W ? ? ? Picture of Lokhandwala Streets Credits: Photographed by M.Yuna, Modeled by Farhan Tarafdar
  • 16. The taste in men may be affected by the use of con- traceptive pills. Essentially, if you con- sume elements that alter or modify your hormones, it is natural to experience some accompanying con- sequences. According to research, females who regularly consume birth control pills during sexual relationships tend to have fluctuating preferences in their selection of male partners. According to scientific re- search, the probability of having a preference for an individual who possesses a similar DNA to yours is higher. It is a common belief that individuals with contrast- ing personalities are at- tracted to each other. It is commonly believed that we are mainly drawn to- wards individuals who pos- sess characteristics dissim- ilar to our own. Contrary to popular belief, scientific evidence indicates other- wise. According to research findings, individuals tend to be attracted to others who share similar genetic compositions. A signifi- cant number of married couples were surveyed to reach this conclusion. Men suffering from erectile dysfunction have an in- creased likelihood of devel- oping heart disease. It’s akin to kicking someone while they are already in a state of disadvantage. It is not just unpleasant for a man to cope with the issue of impotence. Research has demonstrated that an indi- vidual experiencing erectile dysfunction may also harbor latent cardiovascular issues. The regulations of the year 2020 must be adhered to. Picture of Lokhandwala Streets Credits: Photographed by M.Yuna, Modeled by Farhan Tarafdar 030_
  • 17. Picture of Lokhandwala Streets Credits: Photographed by M.Yuna, Modeled by Farhan Tarafdar Spring-Summer 2023 O L U P T A T E M - obstructed blood vessels. Med- ical treatment is available for a broken heart and recovery is achievable. The old adage “Pain accompanies love” holds true. We will repeatedly find ourselves perplexed by the depth and in- tensity of this feeling, as well as its potential impact on our lives. It’s possible to develop feelings of love by simply looking at a stranger for 4 minutes. An investigation was carried out within a laboratory setting by Dr. Elaine Aron conducted an experiment where two per- sons were positioned facing each other, and had to gaze into each other’s eyes while answering intimate inquiries. Not only did they develop romantic feelings for each other, but they also en- tered into marriage. Extended eye contact with a stranger over the course of four minutes has the potential to foster mutual romantic feelings. As the intensity of roman- tic love decreases over time, it transforms into attachment love. One of the most difficult aspects of love that we struggle to ac- cept. The euphoria, thrill, and nervous excitement associated with falling in love can often in- terfere with one’s ability to have a restful night’s sleep. However, Is it possible for them to be un- faithful? It is impossible to guarantee with absolute certainty that your partner will remain faith- ful, and unfortunately, you have no power to prevent this from happening due to the unbal- anced love that exists in any re- lationship. According to Nelson (2021), the information provid- ed can be rephrased aptly. A medical ailment known as a broken heart exists. Heart-wrenching and brutal separations have been a com- mon occurrence, experienced by either ourselves or those close to us. Often, individuals who experience this period are quick- ly disregarded as being overly dramatic or reacting excessively. It is possible that the individ- ual is experiencing emotional pain, which may seem improb- able. The ailment known as Broken Heart Syndrome can be identified by conducting blood tests and ECGs. Typically, this condition arises from underly- ing factors such as sorrow, ap- prehension resulting from the loss of someone significant, or the pain of emotional distress following the termination of a romantic connection. The symp- toms closely resemble those of a heart attack and entail intense chest discomfort, yet an evalu- ation confirms the absence of 033_
  • 18. Spring-Summer 2023 as you progress as a couple, your affection grows more resilient and enduring, and these feelings become more settled. Empirically speaking, the duration of romantic love is approximately one year. Sub- sequently, it evolves into an affectionate love, which serves as a cornerstone for a thriving partnership. The beginning of a lasting, devoted partner- ship may stem from a feeling of connection and inclusion, leading you and your partner to embrace both your positive and negative qualities. Al- though there may be disagree- ments and occasional tension within a partnership, one’s affection for their significant other remains unwavering. There are individuals who fail to experience the sensation of love. You may be familiar with the term “asexual,” referring to individuals who do not experi- ence sexual attraction towards any person or thing. There exists a group of individuals known as “Aromantic” who, in terms of romantic experiences, are incapable of feeling love. Their lack of a definable emo- tional state does not neces- sarily mean they are devoid of emotions or lacking empathy. In other words, they have hy- popituitarism, which is a rare condition that prevents them from experiencing the joys of love. Comparable to those who experience a lack of sexual at- traction, individuals who suf- fer from hypopituitarism are unable to experience the emo- tion of romantic love. Consid- ering how our culture has in- doctrinated us to embrace the concept of all-encompassing love, acknowledging this as- pect of love presents another challenging reality to accept. Infatuation has the ability to dominate and control more strongly than love. The initial attraction between two individuals is based sole- ly on physical desire and not genuine love. The physical at- traction propelled you towards that individual. Your percep- tion of love at first sight likely stems from physical attraction and therefore may actually be a temporary infatuation. Merely the appearance or at- titude of an individual allures you. Inconsistent is the love that stems from materialistic reasons. Going ahead, it is pos- sible for the feeling to develop into a passing fancy instead of a lasting affection. To be frank, one’s attraction can be more overpowering than their genu- ine emotions, although it may seem unkind. 034_ Spring-Summer 2023 O L U P T A T E M - Picture of Lokhandwala Streets Credits: Photographed by M.Yuna, Modeled by Farhan Tarafdar
  • 19. Men who emit the same scent as their fathers tend to be more appealing to women. According to a study, wom- en are attracted to men whose scent resembles their fathers’. It is a widely recognized concept that, without even realizing it, women may seek out attri- butes in their future part- ners that resemble those of their fathers. They consider their fathers as life inspi- rations and persistently seek a partner possessing a similar character. The fact is quite interesting as it could be heart-wrenching if the woman has unresolved father-related issues, yet heartwarming if they share a positive and loving fa- ther-daughter relationship. The hormone vasopressin, known as the hormone of love, is responsible for maintaining your bond. Have you ever considered whether love alone can sustain a long-term rela- tionship? If you haven’t, then you might be mistak- Picture of Lokhandwala Streets Credits: Photographed by M.Yuna, Modeled by Farhan Tarafdar en, as it’s not just about being in love. The produc- tion of chemicals in your body that induce euphoria is primarily responsible for this. Vasopressin, identified as the bonding hormone, aids in the formation of attachment in long-term monogamous relationships. Your relationship’s optimal condition is not solely de- pendent on the presence of dates and vacations. Ultimately, this could sim- ply be one of the natural, traditional elixirs that our bodies manufacture to pro- mote affection. While dates and vacations can contrib- ute to the production of that hormone in your body. Ultimately, love can be de- scribed as merely a bundle of hormonal and chemical reactions in the brain. In the year 2022, Goel stated that one could rephrase the aforementioned passage intelligently.
  • 20. Spring-Summer 2023 04 You may have used the phrase “Partners in crime” frequently, but have you ever encountered real individuals who are partners in carrying out criminal acts? The truth can be more bizarre than what one reads in books. The question at hand is whether you would be willing to commit murder for the sake of your love, akin to the actions of these murderers. Would you kill for love? Partners in Crime _Love Birds X Serial Killers 038_ FILE - In this April 12, 2001 file photo, David Parker Ray looks around the Torrance County Courthouse courtroom in Estancia, N.M., during the fourth day of his re-trial on charges of abducting and sexually torturing a Colorado woman in 1996. The hunt for possible victims of suspected serial killer, Ray includes a search for a missing Albuquer- que woman authorities have long suspected was a murder victim. Albuquerque police are slated to join the FBI during a search around Elephant Butte Lake on Tuesday with the hopes of finding new information about Jill Troia. Troia last seen in October 1995 at the Frontier Restaurant in Albuquerque. (AP Photo/Jake Schoellkopf, File)( / AP)
  • 21. Who was David Parker Ray? David Parker Ray’s family included his younger sis- ter, Peggy, and their disciplinarian grandfather. At a very young age, his estranged violently alcoholic father would encourage him through magazines depicting sadomasochistic pornography. At his High School, in Mountainair, New Mexico, he was also heavily bullied by his classmates for being shy near girls. During the teen years of his life, he began to develop fantasies about raping women, tortur- ing them, and killing them with sexual violence. During this period of time, his sister comes across a collection of his sadomasochistic drawings, as well as pornographic pictures of bondage acts that he had performed. Ray was a general mechanic in the United States Army for the duration of the war. After he graduated from high school, he was given an honorable discharge from the service. In the course of his life, Ray ended up getting mar- ried four times, all of them resulting in divorces, as well as having two children, one of whom would later be working as one of his accomplices, his daughter Jesse Ray (born Glenda Jean Ray). Can you provide information about Cindy Hendy’s identity? Toy Box Killers Credits: RedditThe interior of David Parker Ray’s “Toy Box.” David Parker Ray had Cindy Hendy as an asso- ciate, who was born on Feb 6, 1960. Very little information is available about her early years or the time preceding her encounter with Ray. David Parker Ray was first introduced to her in New Mexico while she was employed at the state park. The couple swiftly bonded through their mutual inclination towards brutal sexual desires. Despite there being a 20-year age difference, Cindy quickly relocated to New Mexico to live with him. Cindy entered into a relationship with her ex-boyfriend who is abusive, while she also initiated a relation- ship with another person. In her admission, she revealed that Ray had a habit of bragging about his aptitude to murder and inter a person in the lake. She initially regarded the matter lightly, but her attitude changed when he began his cruel and brutal behavior. For a brief moment, Hendy be- came involved in helping Ray satisfy his desires for sexual perversion and committing serial killings. However, her involvement in assisting Ray in the abduction, sexual torture, and murder of women within his tourist attraction, famously known as the “toy box,” has earned her a notorious reputation. Despite that, the majority of online investigators are convinced that Cindy Hendy was not merely a co-conspirator, but also played a significant role in the wrongdoing alongside Ray. She admitted her guilt in 1999. Hendy consistently conveyed that while spending time with the victims, Ray would inflict diverse forms of torment, while she would merely watch him. At that moment, she recalled feeling completely free of any sense of wrongdoing or emotional attachment. She described her state as if it were in slow motion. Hendy contended that she did not inflict any harm or anguish on the victims in the same way as her companion. All of these events were clarified in 1999 when a survivor broke free from the grip of the malevolent couple, and was subsequently pursued by them. Criminal activities Ray had acquired a trailer to fulfill his perverse cravings. Having pursued a career in me- chanics, the individual in question is adept as a craftsperson. Ray subjected his victims to sexual abuse and it is highly probable that he also caused their death. The contents of his trailer featured an assortment of tools designed for inflicting pain, including whips, chains, pulleys, straps, clamps, leg spreader bars, surgical blades, electric shock machines, and saws. He created them with the purpose of inflicting torture on an individual. It is alleged that he, with the aid of his confidants, who are rumored to have been involved with him romantically, employed these tools to intimi- date numerous women for several decades. The torture chamber contained various customized sexual devices, implements for inflicting pain, syringes, and explicit illustrations outlining methods of causing harm. Additionally, there was a personally-crafted electrical generator implemented for inflicting agony. An obstetric table, typically utilized by gyne- cologists to examine their patients, served as a platform for the culprit to subdue their captives, while a mirror perched on the roof of the trailer. He would also affix his victims to a wooden device which would flex and render them motionless while his dogs or accomplices 040_ sexually assaulted them. His intention was for each victim to witness and personally endure all that he inflicted upon them. After his victims regained consciousness, Ray would subject them to an audio recording featuring his own voice as an introduction. Detention and scrutiny Ray and his then-partner, Cindy Hendy, abducted Cynthia Vigil from a parking lot in Albuquerque. She was brought to Elephant Butte, where Ray, Cindy, and Jesse Ray resided, and detained in the tormentor trailer. Vigil succeeded in escaping from the trailer merely three days after being held captive, on March 22nd, 1999. After Ray had departed for his job, she utilized the keys left behind by Hendy on a nearby table to lib- erate herself from the chains. Hendy quickly iden- tified Vigil’s endeavor to flee and a tussle erupted. In the midst of this conflict, Hendy forcefully struck a lamp against the detained individual’s head, yet Vigil promptly liberated her hands and utilized an ice pick to stab Hendy in the neck. Vigil sprinted, clad solely in an iron enslavement collar and chains secured with padlocks. In search of assistance, she sprinted along the street, and eventually found herself taken in and consoled by a resident in close proximity who notified law enforcement. Her escape resulted in the discovery of the trailer by authorities and the subsequent apprehension of Ray and his accomplices. Ray and Hendy were initially put in jail by the police. Vigil was presented with a duplicate account by Angelica Montano, who was the initial victim of Ray and Cindy. She claimed that Ray had taken her hostage, despite being asked by Hendy to come to the house to collect some cake mix. Montano implored the pair to liberate her close to the roadway after she had suffered brutal sexual assault and pain. After being saved by an off-duty law enforcement officer, she narrated her experience to him, but he disregarded her account and abandoned her at a bus stop. Despite reporting the incident again to the police, no further action was taken in regards to it. Police have identified an additional victim named Kelli Garrett, also known as Kelli Van Cleave, who was shown in a videotape dated back to 1996. After her ankle tattoo was recognized by the police, Kelli was found alive in Colorado. During her court testimony, she recounted her argument with her significant other and described her decision to pass the evening engaging in a game of pool in the company of her acquaintances. Jesse, who is the daughter of Ray and a friend of Kelli’s, took Kelli to the Blu-Water Saloon in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, and tampered with her beer by administering drugs. Afterwards, she extend- ed an offer to Kelli for a ride back home, yet instead she brought Kelli to her father’s trailer of torment. Kelli underwent two days of torment before Ray transported her back to her residence. Ray conveyed to her spouse that he had encoun- tered her in a state of distress at a shoreline. Kelli was hesitant to approach the police as she was perplexed about her whereabouts and her spouse’s distrust in her ability to recollect. Kelli relocated to Colorado as a result of her husband filing for divorce. She was inter- viewed on Cold Case Files regarding the entire experience. Despite the deployment of one hundred investigators from the Federal Bureau of Investigation to scrutinize Ray’s premises and environs, no discernible human remains were discovered. Ray incapacitated women with drugs to prevent them from reporting any allegations of assault. An attempt was made to produce a state of forgetfulness. While awaiting trial, Ray conversed with the FBI and expressed his in- tense interest in the abduction of Colleen Stan and other cases of sexual abduction. Back in 1989, the FBI had conducted an investigation on Ray due to his involvement with a company that produced and sold sexual devices related to bondage. The proceedings and consequences that ensue from legal trials. The judge decided to separate the cases concerning the offenses committed towards Cynthia Vigil, Angelica Montano, and Kelli Garrett, thus Ray will have to go through separate trials for each of the victims. The prosecutors argued that this did not harm their case because if each woman’s testimony had been considered separately, it would have corroborated and reinforced the other victims’ testimonies. The judge concluded that the ma- jority of the evidence obtained in the 1999 raid of the trailer could not be taken into account for the Garrett or Montano trials. The initial trial, pertaining to the charges against Kelli Garrett, ended in a mistrial due to the testimony of two jurors who deemed her account to be highly implausible. The defense team of Ray argued that the torture trailer was solely a fragment of Ray’s sexual imagination and any involvement in it was consensual. Ray received convictions for all 12 charges in the case’s retrial. Just a week into his trial for crimes committed against Cynthia Vigil, Ray opted for a plea bar- gain and was subsequently handed a 224-year prison sentence in 2001 for multiple offenses Credits: All That’s Interesting, Cindy Hendy being arrested in 1997 041_
  • 22. relating to the abduction and sexual torture of three young women in Elephant Butte. The plea bargain referred to securing leniency for his offspring. Jesse Ray, the daughter of Ray, was taken into custody for the alleged crimes of kidnapping and illegal sexual penetration. Despite not contesting, she received a 30-month jail term and an additional five-year probationary period. In the year 1999, Dennis Roy Yancy admitted to his wrongdoing and pled guilty to killing Marie Parker, a 22-year-old woman, in Elephant Butte back in 1997. He disclosed that he assisted in enticing Parker into the torture trailer with the assistance of Jesse Ray, who is Ray’s offspring. He recounts how Parker endured torture and how Ray compelled him to strangle the woman to her death. Despite the fact that Parker’s remains were never found, the prosecution highlighted the absence of any forensic proof connecting Parker and the Rays. fterwards, Yancy was accused of kidnapping, as well as two charges of colluding to carry out a criminal act, and interfering with proof. He received a 30-year prison sentence. Parker’s killing was never attributed to the Rays. After a long stint of 11 years behind bars, Yancy was released on parole in 2010, albeit with a delay caused by the intricacies involved in negotiating his occupancy arrangement. However, within only three months of being released, Yancy was accused of breaking the terms of his parole. He is presently adhering to his initial punishment. In the year 2000, Cindy Hendy, Ray’s partner in crime, consented to testify against him in court. As a consequence, her involvement in the offenses earned her a reduced sentence of 36 years. Although she had been granted parole in 2017, she eventually served an additional two years of her parole in prison before being released on July 15, 2019. Ray was brought to the Lea County Correctional Facility in Hobbs, New Mexico on May 28, 2002, for questioning by the local police. Before the interrogation could occur, he suffered from a heart attack and passed away. Together with Christine Barber, Cynthia Vigil established Street Safe New Mexico, a non-profit organization that provides harm reduction support for the homeless and sex workers. As per information provided by Wikipedia in the year 2022, it can be stated that... Credits: BarStool Sports, The torture trailor 043_
  • 23. Bag’s that match you and your occassions Credits: Getty Images, Bonnie and Clyde
  • 24. Credits: The New Yorker, Photograph from Everett Bonnie Elizabeth Parker was born in 1910, in the town of Rowena situated in the state of Tex- as. She was the second of three siblings in her family. The demise of her progenitor, Charles Robert Parker, befell when she had only reached the tender age of four years. Emma Parker, the mother of the subject, relocated to her parent’s home in Cement City, a West Dallas industrial suburb, along with her children. Emma secured employment as a tailor in the same location. Bonnie authored a collection of poetry compris- ing “The Story of Suicide Sal” and “The Trail’s End”, with the latter being popularly recognized as “The Story of Bonnie and Clyde”. During Bonnie’s sophomore year in high school, she encountered Roy Thornton. The pair prompt- ly departed from their academic pursuits and expeditiously entered into connubial matrimony on September 25, 1926, merely a week prior to the young lady’s 16th birthday. The consistent absences of Roy from their marriage, coupled with his involvement in legal encounters, ren- dered their union defective, thus debunking the notion of a satisfactory outcome. Although divorce was not pursued, subsequent to January 1929, the trajectories of the individuals involved did not converge once more. Upon her passing, Bonnie continued to sport the wedding band that was entrusted to her by Thornton. Thornton was serving time in prison when he was notified of her demise, to which he subsequently remarked, “I am pleased that they acted decisively.” “The outcome of avoiding being caught is significantly advantageous compared to the alternative.” Subsequent to her departure from Thornton, Parker resettled with her maternally-related pro- genitor and occupied the position of waitstaff in Dallas. Clyde Chestnut Barrow, fondly recognized as Champion Barrow, was born in 1909 to a desti- tute agricultural family in Ellis County, situated in the southeastern region of Dallas, Texas. The individual in question bore the distinction of being the fifth offspring amongst a familial unit of no less than sev- en children, which had been sired by both Henry Basil Barrow and Cumie Talitha Walker. In the early 1920s, the migration trend from rural to urban areas was prevalent, and as one of many households, this family relocated to Dallas, Texas. Specifically, they settled in the West Dallas urban slum, which was a popular residential destina- tion for many individuals during this migration period. During their initial months in West Dallas, the Barrow family resided beneath their wagon until they could ac- cumulate sufficient funds to procure a tent. At the tender age of 17, Barrow encountered his initial brush with the law enforcement officials in the latter part of the year 1926. The events that led to his arrest 046_ Bonnie & Clyde occurred when the police author- ities accosted him with regard to a rental automobile that he had not returned promptly, thereby ne- cessitating his flight from the said confrontation. The subsequent apprehension of the individual in question occurred in conjunc- tion with his sibling, Buck, and pertained to the criminal offense of possessing pilfered turkeys. During the years 1927 through 1929, Barrow was involved in a combination of legitimate em- ployment as well as engaging in unlawful activities such as safe-cracking, store robbery, and car thefts. In January 1930, he encountered Parker, a 19-year-old acquaintance, through a common friend. Subsequently, during the ensuing weeks, they engaged in considerable social interaction. The progression of their romantic relationship was abruptly halted as a result of the arrest of Barrow by Sergeant Bert Whisnand for the crime of automobile theft, subse- quently leading to a conviction. In April of 1930, at the age of 21, Barrow was allocated to Eastham Prison Farm. Following his im- prisonment, the individual suc- cessfully absconded from the confines of the correctional insti- tution known as the prison farm, promptly after, with the aid of a weapon that was surreptitiously provided by Parker. The subject in question was promptly appre- hended and subsequently returned to their place of confinement. Bar- row endured multiple instances of sexual assault during his time of incarceration, prompting him to respond with an act of retaliation in the form of an attack leading to the death of his oppressor, utilizing a pipe to inflict fatal injuries upon him and crush his skull. It was the perpetrator’s inaugural instance of homicide. An additional incarcer- ated individual, who had already been subjected to a life-long impris- onment, asserted accountability for the occurrence. With the intention of circumvent- ing grueling manual work in the agricultural sector, Barrow delib- erately underwent amputation of two digits from his lower extremity, which occurred in the latter part of January in 1932, potentially inflict- ed by a fellow prisoner or through self-mutilation. Subsequent to this event, he sustained a permanent disability and ambulated with a limp throughout his lifespan. Nonetheless, Barrow was released from custody six days subsequent to sustaining his deliberate inju- ry. Inadvertently unbeknownst to the subject in question, Barrow’s maternal figure had effectively sought clemency on his behalf re- sulting in his release. On February 2, 1932, the individual in question was granted parole from Eastham penitentiary, demonstrating firm indications of being a callous and resentful lawbreaker. According to his sister, Marie, it appears that an egregious event may have befallen the individual during his time in in- carceration, given that his demean- or had drastically altered since his release. Ralph Fults, a fellow detain- ee, attests to observing a marked metamorphosis in Clyde, wherein he shifted from a juvenile persona to that of a fearsome and venomous serpent. Post-Eastham, Barrow engaged in a considerable frequency of robbery of grocery stores and gas stations, surpassing the number of incidents attributed to him and his associates in the Barrow Gang, which primar- ily comprised around ten bank rob- beries. The preferred armament of the individual in question was the M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR). John Neal Phillips attests that Barrow’s ultimate aspiration in life was not to attain renown or monetary gain through bank rob- beries, but rather to exact revenge against the Texas prison system for the maltreatment he was subjected to while incarcerated. The initial encounter Numerous narratives document the initial encounter between Parker and Barrow. The purportedly most credible version, given the ambi- guity of its source, chronicles their alleged initial encounter as having taken place on the 5th of January in 1930, situated at the residence of Barrow’s acquaintance, Clarence Clay, located at 105 Herbert Street within the region of West Dallas. At the time of the occurrence, Bar- row’s age was recorded as 20 years, while Parker’s age was noted to be 19 years. Parker, an individual cur- rently experiencing unemployment, took up residence with a female acquaintance in order to offer her aid during her recuperation from a fractured arm. Barrow paid a visit to the domicile of the young wom- an while Parker was occupied in the preparation of a beverage known as hot chocolate. Both individuals were enamored from the onset of their association. A prevalent belief among historians is that Parker aligned herself with Barrow due to an amorous inclination towards 047_
  • 25. Credits: Getty Images, Bonnie him. Throughout their commission of numerous criminal activities and while they were preparing for their perceived inescapable violent fate, she steadfastly maintained her position as his unwavering confidante. In the early year of 1932, occurrences of theft and homi- cide were reported within the respective vicinities. Following Barrow’s release from incarceration in February 1932, he and Ralph Fults commenced a sequence of thiev- eries, with a primary focus on stores and gas stations. Their objective was to amass sufficient funds and armaments for the purpose of executing a concerted attack against Eastham penitentiary. Parker and Fults were apprehended on the 19th of April as a consequence of their unsuccessful attempt to burglarize a hardware store located in Kaufman with the intent to purloin firearms. Parker was granted release from incarceration following a short period of confinement subsequent to the failure of the grand jury to bring forward accusations; in contrast, Fults was subjected to a judicial trial, found guilty, and subsequently served a period of imprisonment. The individual refrained from recommitting to the group. Whilst confined at Kaufman County jail, Parker engaged in composing poetry as a means of accommodating time. Subsequently, within a short period following her release, she was at once reunited with Barrow. Barrow acted in the capacity of a driver for the pur- poses of escape during a robbery that took place in Hillsboro on April 30. The target of the robbery was J.N., the proprietor of a store. The individual identified as Bucher was subjected to firearm-induced trauma, ul- timately succumbing to mortal injury. Bucher’s spouse identified Barrow as one of the assailants through the police-provided photographs, despite his purportedly having remained within the vehicle. Barrow, Raymond Hamilton, and Ross Dyer indulged in the consumption of illicitly distilled alcoholic bev- erages while in attendance at a social gathering in the rural town of Stringtown, Oklahoma, on August 5. During their time at the event, Sheriff C.G. was pres- ent. In the academic language, the given text can be rephrased as follows: Together, Maxwell and Deputy Eugene C. collaborated as a team to tackle the issue at hand. They worked in tandem to approach the situa- tion with prudence and efficiency, ultimately achieving favorable outcomes. Moore initiated contact with them in the vicinity of the parking lot. The individuals Bar- row and Hamilton discharged their firearms, resulting in the fatal demise of Moore and causing significant and potentially life-threatening injury to Maxwell. The demise of Moore, an officer of law, represented the initial instance of violent elimination by the Barrow gang, with the ultimate count of victims amounting to nine. It has been purported that on October 11, an alleged murder was perpetrated as a result of a robbery of Howard Hall’s establishment located in Sherman, Texas. However, some scholars have expressed doubts regarding this occurrence. The text provided is not complete or understandable. Could you please provide me with more information to be able to assist you in rewriting the text in an aca- demic way of writing? Regulation of gene expression is a pivotal process in cellular function, controlling the production of proteins that carry out most cellular processes. There are various mechanisms that regulate gene expression, including transcriptional, translation- al, and post-translational regulation. Transcriptional regulation is the most common mechanism, in which transcription factors and other proteins bind to DNA sequences known as enhancers or promoters to either facilitate or hinder the binding of RNA polymerase to 048_ the DNA. Translational regulation occurs after transcription and refers to the regulation of the translation of mRNA into protein. Post-transla- tional regulation involves the alter- ation of protein activity or stability after the protein has been synthe- sized. Understanding the regulation of gene expression is crucial for the development of effective therapies for genetic disorders and diseases. Jones had established a long-stand- ing acquaintance with the family of Barrow since their early days of development. At the tender age of sixteen, he convened with Parker and Barrow on the eve of Christ- mas in 1932, thus setting out from Dallas on the very same night. On the following day, specifically Christmas Day of that particular year, the individuals Jones and Bar- row perpetrated an act of homicide against Doyle Johnson, a member of the youthful demographic and a caretaker of family, in the midst of unlawfully purloining his motor ve- hicle in Temple. On the 6th of Jan- uary 1933, Barrow perpetrated the killing of Tarrant County Deputy Malcolm Davis by means of a police ambush intended for a different fugitive. Accompanying him on this unlawful endeavor were Parker and Jones. The group has been responsi- ble for the death of five individuals since the month of April. In the year 1933, the individuals Buck and Blanche Barrow became members of the gang in question. On March 22, 1933, the younger sibling of Clyde, Buck, was granted a complete release from jail through a pardon. Subsequently, Buck, accompanied by his wife Blanche, established their domicile along- side Bonnie, Clyde, and Jones in a provisional safe haven located at 3347 1/2 Oakridge Drive situated in Joplin, Missouri. As per familial accounts, Buck and Blanche en- deavored a visit to Clyde, in their effort to convince him to yield to the authorities. The group in- dulged in boisterous, alcohol-laden card games until the wee hours of the night in the serenely tranquil residential locale; Blanche recol- lected that they had procured a case of beer on a daily basis. The male individuals frequented the premises with boisterous behavior regardless of the time of day, and Clyde inad- vertently discharged a Browning Automatic Rifle whilst performing maintenance duties within the dwelling. None of the nearby resi- dents visited the residence, howev- er, a singular individual conveyed their suspicion to the Joplin Police Department. On the 13th of April, law enforce- ment officials gathered a team consisting of five individuals and two automobiles in order to address a presumed presence of individuals engaging in illicit alcohol distribu- tion activities. The intended loca- tion for the aforementioned en- gagement was situated at Oakridge Drive. The act of shooting, which resulted in the death of Detective Harry L., was carried out by the Barrow brothers and Jones. Mc- Ginnis inflicted serious and fatal injuries upon Constable J, resulting in his demise. The following is an attempt at an academic rewriting of a text that was not provided: One potential rewriting of the given text could be as follows: The present discourse is an endeavor to impart an academic tone to a given text. To this end, it is appropriate to con- sider certain aspects of academic writing that distinguish it from other forms of discourse. These hallmarks may include precision and concision in language, a focus on evidence-based claims, the use of standard citation and referencing styles, and an objective, detached tone. By adhering to these conven- tions, authors can effectively com- municate their ideas to a diverse range of readers, amid a context of academic discourse. Unfortunately, as the given text only consists of a single word, there is no text to rewrite into an academic format. Parker discharged rounds from a Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) while the remaining individuals de- parted the scene, imposing Sergeant G.B. of the Highway Patrol to take evasive action. Kahler sought cover by positioning himself behind a substantial oak tree. The .30 caliber bullets emitted from the Browning Automatic Rifle violently collided with the tree, resulting in the frag- mentation of wood and the subse- quent projection of splinters. As a consequence of this, the sergeant’s face was subjected to a barrage of wooden shards. Parker joined his companions in entering the vehi- cle as they proceeded to retrieve Blanche, who was in the midst of pursuing her canine companion, Snow Ball, on the roadway. The of- ficers who survived the altercation gave their testimonies stating that they discharged a total of fourteen rounds. The shots were aimed at Jones and resulted in one penetrat- ing his side. Another was directed at Clyde, but was intercepted by the button on his suit-coat, deflecting the bullet without causing harm. Additionally, Buck sustained a flesh wound as a result of a round that deflected off a wall and grazed him. The aforementioned group success- fully evaded the authorities in Jop- lin; however, they were compelled 049_
  • 26. to abandon the majority of their belongings, such as Buck’s recently obtained parole documentation, a sub- stantial stockpile of armaments, a manuscript of poetry scribed by Bonnie, as well as an unprocessed camera containing numerous rolls of photographic film, at the apartment. Through their utilization of film develop- ment procedures at The Joplin Globe, law enforcement discovered a multitude of photographs capturing the individuals Barrow, Parker, and Jones in various poses, often brandishing weapons in a confrontational stance towards one another. A photograph depicting Parker clenching a cigar in her teeth with a firearm held in hand was among the visual content transmitted by The Globe over the newswire. Along with it, a poem was also forwarded. The Barrow Gang subsequently gained notoriety across the United States, attaining front-page attention in various news outlets. The image featuring Parker’s posture with a cigar in hand, coupled with his possession of a firearm gained eminence in public perception. According to Jeff Guinn, in his literary work entitled “Go Down Togeth- er: The True, Untold Story of Bonnie and Clyde,” it was recognized that... John Dillinger possessed aesthetically pleasing features that could be likened to that of matinee idols, and Pretty Boy Floyd was endowed with a highly desir- able nickname. Nevertheless, the advent of the Joplin photographs introduced a novel set of criminal celebri- ties that were distinguished by the highly alluring and transgressive trait of engaging in illicit sexual activities. Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker, being characterized as youthful and unbridled, more than likely engaged in sexual relations. Over the ensuing three months, the group traversed a vast expanse stretching from Texas to as far north as Minnesota. In the month of May, an attempt to per- petrate a robbery at the financial institution located in Lucerne, Indiana was made by the unidentified indi- viduals followed by a successful robbery at the bank in Okabena, Minnesota. Dillard Darby and Sophia Stone were abducted in Ruston, Louisiana, while the perpetrators were engaged in the larceny of Darby’s vehicle. This occurrence was among the series of events spanning from 1932 to 1934 in which these individuals forcibly confined police personnel or those sub- ject to theft. Frequently, the captors liberated their prisoners at a location distant from their native land, occasionally providing them with monetary resourc- es to faciliate their repatriation. The narratives pertaining to aforementioned occur- rences garnered significant media coverage, par- ticularly those characterized by instances of overt aggression. The Barrow Gang exhibited a lack of inhibition in opening fire on individuals obstructing their criminal endeavors, irrespective of whether the victims were law enforcement officers or noncom- batant civilians. Hamilton, Jones, Buck, and Henry Methvin were co-conspirators who perpetrated the homicide within the gang. In due course, the unfeel- ing and callous nature of their violent acts prompted the general populace to acknowledge the veracity of their transgressions and culminated in their down- fall. Whilst the photographs captivated the masses brief- ly, Blanche’s imprisonment account from the latter part of the 1930s reveals a despondent and discon- tented gang. Following the acquisition of increased public attention, individuals encountered height- ened challenges in their daily life as they endeav- ored to avoid detection. The security of restaurants and motels diminished, resulting in a shift towards traditional methods of sustenance such as campfire cooking, while ablution facilities were limited to bathing in natural bodies of water. The incessant and continuous physical presence of five individuals within the confines of a single automobile engen- dered hostile discord. In late April, Jones, the chauf- feur, and Barrow purloined a vehicle which belonged to Darby, subsequently utilizing it to depart from the remaining companions. The individual in question refrained from returning until the 8th of June. On June 10, during a drive near Wellington, Texas with Jones and Parker, Barrow neglected to perceive indications of caution at a bridge that was being constructed. As a result of this oversight, the vehi- cle overturned into a ravine. Divergent accounts exist regarding the nature of the mishap that befell Parker, with certain sources postulating that it was 051_
  • 27. Credits: Getty Images, Bonnie and Clyde a gasoline conflagration while others suggest that she had come into contact with acid from the automobile’s battery which had been tucked away underneath the floorboards. It is noteworthy that Parker’s affliction was accompanied by third-degree burns on her right lower limb, which were of an exigency so pronounced that it occasioned muscular contraction, leading to the leg’s retraction. According to Jones’ observation, the individ- ual had suffered such severe burns that there was a prevailing sentiment among the witnesses that her chances of survival were unlikely. The epidermal layer on the lateral aspect of her right lower extremity was absent in its entirety, from the level of the iliac crest extending inferiorly to the ankle joint. The osseous structure was discernible in certain regions. Parker’s mobility was considerably limited, as evidenced by her reluctance to ambulate via conventional means. She often resorted to hopping on her unimpaired leg or alternatively, relied upon Barrow to lift and carry her. Assisted by a neighboring rural household, the perpetrators abducted the Collinsworth County Sheriff, George Corry, and the City Marshal, Paul Hardy, subsequently detaining the aforementioned law enforcement offi- cials in restraints via handcuffs and barbed wire to a tree situated in the vicinity of Erick, Oklahoma. The trio convened with Buck and Blanche and took refuge at a tourist court located in close proximity to Fort Smith, Arkansas, with the primary objective of providing medical care to Parker’s burn injuries. Buck and Jones committed a criminal act of robbery in a hapless manner, which resulted in the tragic demise of Town Marshal Henry D. This event can be deemed as a heinous crime, with the accused being held accountable for their ac- tions. Humphrey is located in Alma, Arkansas. Despite Parker’s severe condition, the offenders were compelled to abscond.
  • 29. Credits: Getty Images, Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo Barbie and Ken Murders Credits: Getty Images, DailymotionKarla Homolka and Paul Bernardo Smart paraphrase: The notorious couple consisting of Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka. The legal youngest of Kenneth and Marilyn Bernardo's three children, Bernardo, was born in 1964 in Scarborough, a district of Ontario, Canada. Kenneth's parents were in an unhappy marriage that was a consequence of him meeting the expectations set by Bernardo's ma- ternal grandfather, while Marilyn's preferred partner did not meet the same criteria. Kenneth, who would eventually be accused of voyeurism and child sexual abuse, was cruel to the other relatives and sexually assaulted Paul's sibling. Marilyn's depression led to her neglect of her family as she often visited other relatives over the weekends, and eventually sought solace in the basement. Despite growing up in a fractured household, Paul appeared content and carefree in his youth. However, his involvement in the Boy Scouts at the age of ten led to an inclination towards setting fires. Bernardo encountered two signifi- cant obstacles in 1981 when he was only sixteen years old. Initially, he was informed following a disagree- ment between his parents that Kenneth Bernardo was not his bi- ological progenitor. It was revealed that his conception had occurred due to a sexual liaison between Marilyn and her former favorite paramour. Bernardo was disgusted and started using derogatory terms such as "slut" and "whore" to refer to his mother, and in response, she called him a "bastard." Following this, Bernardo's initial partner, Nadine Brammer, left him for one of his friends due to his overbear- ing behavior. In response, Bernardo destroyed all items given to him by Brammer. Bernardo secured a job with Amway, an American firm, after completing his studies at Sir Wil- frid Laurier Collegiate Institute. The controversial sales culture at Amway had a profound impact on him. He purchased books and tapes authored by renowned motivational speakers and utilized their teachings while hanging out with his buddies at bars, effective- ly seducing several young ladies. Upon enrolling at the University of Toronto at Scarborough, Bernardo had already developed disturbing sexual fantasies, among them, the idea of creating a "virgin farm" where he could breed and subse- quently rape young girls who were inexperienced in sexual acts. He derived pleasure from engaging
  • 30. in vigorous anal intercourse and humiliating his companions in public settings. As time passed, Bernardo's relationships grew shorter and he would often engage in simultaneous dating with multiple women. Irrespective of the circumstanc- es, he manifested abusive behavior and made death threats against his girlfriends who dared to disclose the mistreatment they suffered. By 1986, Bernardo had already been issued restraining or- ders by two women for engaging in lewd mobile conversations with them, indicating that he could have started his series of sexual assaults. In Port Credit, Ontario, in 1970, Homolka was born to Karel Homolka, a Czechoslovak immi- grant who was an alcoholic traveling salesman, and Ontarian Dorothy Seger, who worked at a geriatric clinic. Lori and Tammy were her two little sisters. Despite being a diligent scholar and gifted youngster, Karla endured the troubling behavior of her father who vacillated between giving her excessive attention and belittling her, as well as ridiculing her mother and siblings during his drunken outbursts and seeking solace in the basement when conflicts arose. Despite the Homolka's failing marriage and the husband's involvement with another woman, the wife's solu- tion was to suggest engaging in a threesome and maintaining their usual routine. Karla was known from a tender age for her strong-willed and assertive character, which hindered her ability to negotiate with her peers and made her unafraid to express her opinions to people older than her. Following her enrollment at Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School, she experienced a depressive episode that led her to adopt non-traditional clothing, indulge in self- harm, and falsely proclaim suicidal tendencies as a means to garner attention. Subsequently, she developed fantasies inclined towards sadism and masochism. During her high school years, Ho- molka secured a part-time position at a pet store. Following her graduation in 1988, she was em- ployed as a veterinary technician at the Thorold Veterinary Clinic, occupying a full-time position. The incidences of sexual assault in Scarborough have increased. He was the rapist who seemed content. Regarding Bernardo, Homolka's thoughts were Kristen French. Photo: Kittykat6354 via Wikimedia Commons expressed. Upon receiving his degree in 1987, Bernardo secured a position as a beginner accountant at Price Waterhouse. His romantic pursuits decreased following a warning from his previous significant other, Jennifer Thompson, about potentially involving law enforcement. In May of that particular year, Bernardo committed sexual assault against two women and made an unsuccessful attempt for another assault that took place in July. During the month of October, Bernardo and Homolka held a ren- dezvous in the dining area of a hotel. At the time, he was in his early twenties, while she was in her late teens. Ho- molka came to Scarborough for the purpose of partici- pating in a gathering related to a pet store. Their mutual attraction was immediate, and they engaged in sexual activity that same evening while their acquaintances were present. Starting at that point, Bernardo would visit Homolka twice a week and gradually gained com- plete dominance over her existence, dictating her attire, appearance, diet, and beliefs. Frequently, he referred to her appearance as unattractive and overweight. Unlike his past partners, Homolka found it easy to comply with and stimulate his sexual desires, marking them down on a "self-improvement roster." Even though the revela- tion that Homolka was not a virgin at the time they first met did not bring their relationship to an end, it greatly disturbed Bernardo. Bernardo recommenced committing sexual assaults in the month of December. In March of 1988, the police formed a team with the aim of capturing the individual known as the "Scarborough Rapist". However, despite the abundance of physical evidence and the existence of a composite sketch that was not released to the public, the investigation did not yield any results. During this 058_ period, Homolka had knowledge of Bernardo's actions, and according to one victim's claims, Homolka even filmed their attack while being present. However, despite these allegations, the police didn't take any action. In May 1990, the police made the decision to publicly dis- play the composite sketch, which subsequently generated a significant influx of tips. Bernardo made his living through the illegal activity of transporting tobacco products across the boundary separating the United States and Canada after resigning from his employment. Upon viewing the released sketch, acquaintances and former romantic partners of Bernardo attempted to reach out to law enforcement au- thorities, however, the influx of leads was too great for officers to ade- quately pursue each one. Bernardo had his blood, saliva, and hair taken by two detectives in November, but the results won't be available for test- ing for another two years. The homicides of young female stu- dents in a school setting. It presented a chance to mitigate hazards, assume command, and maintain a familial connection throughout. Homolka commented on the rape and murder of her younger sister. As time went on in 1990, Bernardo's fixation on Tammy Homolka, who was only fifteen years old and the younger sister of Homolka, intensi- fied. He observed her secretly and formulated a scheme to sexually as- sault her with the help of Homolka, who had the responsibility of en- suring that Tammy remained chaste until the appointed time. During a summer trip on July 24, Homolka made an initial effort to drug her sister's food with Valium, which she had taken from her job. However, Tammy regained consciousness after one minute, preventing Bernardo from sexually assaulting her. On December 23, after a festive Christ- mas dinner at the Homolka family residence, the second endeavor occurred. Homolka characterized this act as presenting her sister's innocence as a Christmas present to Paul. As the parents slumbered in the upper level, the duo adminis- tered sleep-inducing medication to Tammy's beverage. After rendering her insensible, they disrobed her and perpetrated a sexual assault while Homolka held a fabric imbued with the anesthetic Halothane (which she had pilfered from her occupation) over Tammy's nostrils and mouth. Homolka restrained Tammy to help her clear her throat but Tam- my subsequently started vomiting and stopped breathing. The couple attempted to resuscitate Tammy but were unsuccessful. They then clothed her, relocated her to her own space, and eliminated any signs of their actions before they phoned for emergency medical assistance. Tammy's demise was concluded to be accidental in spite of her facial chemical burn that was apparent. During the funeral service, Bernar- do was seen caressing Tammy's hair as she rested in an open coffin, and in 1993, when the grave was opened, it was discovered that the couple had included their photograph inside the casket. In Port Dalhousie, Bernar- do and Homolka recorded videos of themselves engaging in simu- lated sexual interactions involving Bernardo and Tammy. To enhance the illusion, Homolka donned her sister's attire and portrayed her in the role. Homolka extended an invitation to a teenage acquaintance, referred to as "Jane Doe" in court, to visit their recently acquired residence on June 7th of 1991. Upon losing conscious- ness from consuming Halcion-laced liquor, Homolka informed Bernardo of an unexpected wedding present and the couple proceeded to record themselves engaging in sexual as- sault of her. The victim experienced nausea upon awakening the follow- ing day, yet left without realizing she had been sexually assaulted. Bernar- do deviated from his intended path towards Burlington with the aim of purloining license plates to facilitate his illegal trade. During this time, he came across Leslie Mahaffy, a 14-year-old adolescent who had been reprimanded for contravening her curfew and was banished from her abode. Mahaffy was given a cig- arette and agreed to follow Bernardo to his car, but he then inflicted harm upon her. He brandished a knife, covered her eyes and transported her to Port Dalhousie while men- tioning to Homolka that they had someone new to incorporate into their activities. Instead of checking on Leslie, Karla's first reaction was to return to her slumber. The two in- dividuals captured themselves com- mitting the heinous acts of rape and torture against their recent victim, and ultimately killed her following Mahaffy's claim that her blindfold had loosened. The remains of the deceased were stored in the base- ment while the individuals enjoyed a meal with the Homolka family on the upper floor. Afterwards, the body was dismembered and placed into eight concrete blocks before being disposed of in Lake Gibson. On the day of Bernardo and Homol- ka's nuptials, June 29, the discovery of them occurred. Once again, "Jane" was extended an invitation for the month of August. Similar to Tam- my's incident of passing away, "Jane" also ceased breathing during her assault, although she was ultimately resuscitated. Homolka dialed 911 059_
  • 31. to report an emergency, but later on, she called again to inform them that the situation had been resolved, prompting the ambulance to cancel its journey without any additional investigation. Bernardo and Homolka kidnapped Kristen French, a fifteen-year-old student of Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School, in broad daylight on April 16, 1992, despite the presence of several witnesses. For a period of three days, they sub- jected her to rape and torture, eventually ending her life by strangulation using the same cord that was utilized to kill Mahaffy. However, Bernar- do asserts that Karla utilized the rubber mallet she possessed to safeguard their victim, Kristin, and murdered her during the time he was away getting food. Even now, Bernardo maintains this assertion. Throughout her confinement, French was not blindfolded and compelled to consume excessive quantities of alcohol, compelled to view Mahaffy's rape video, and required to show submission to Bernardo. Eventually, she became confrontational and criticized Bernardo, call- ing him a bastard and questioning how his wife could tolerate him. Her behavior demonstrated her growing defiance towards Bernardo. Prior to her demise, she was subjected to a brutal physi- cal assault. Once more, the duo left the corpse in their residence as they feasted together with the Homolka family. Afterward, they cleaned it and trimmed her hair prior to discarding the rem- nants into a ditch in Burlington, near the grave- yard where Mahaffy was interred. A month after the murder of French, Bernardo was interviewed by two police officers. Despite admitting to being interviewed earlier for the Scarborough rapes, the officers did not believe he was a probable suspect. Bernardo and Homolka quickly requested to le- gally alter their last name to Teale, which was the same as the notorious murderer in the Criminal Law movie from 1988. The act of detaining individuals and holding them in custody. Bernardo inflicted severe injuries upon Homolka on December 27 by striking her with a flashlight, resulting in bruising on her arms and legs, a frac- tured rib, and both of her eyes turning black. However, she resumed her work on January 4, 1993 and attempted to present her injuries as being caused by a car crash. Not trusted by her colleagues, she was informed to her parents who demanded she be hospitalized. After arriving, Homolka professed to being a victim of do- mestic violence and brought forth accusations against Bernardo, resulting in his temporary detainment. Quite fortuitously, the specimens provided by Bernardo a cou- ple of years ago coincided with the recent testing which corroborated his identity as the Scarborough Rapist. Homolka relocated to Brampton where she confided in her aunt and uncle about Bernardo being responsi- ble for the Mahaffy and French murders, as well as the infamous Scarborough Rapist. She requested complete exemption from being prosecuted in February in re- turn for her assistance, however, her plea was rejected. Instead of facing charges for three murders and other crimes, Homolka was presented with a choice: accept a twelve-year prison term for manslaughter within a week or potentially face prosecution for the aforementioned crimes (including Tammy Homolka's, which was recent- ly reopened). In exchange for an agreement, Homolka provided testimony against Bernardo during his 1995 trial. Bernardo received a life sentence on Septem- ber 1, with no possibility of parole for a minimum of twenty-five years. Due to the threats directed towards him, he is placed in isolation, away from the rest of the prisoners. In 1999, a group of five inmates attempted to invade his segregated section, prompting the interven- tion of riot police to disperse them. Given his designa- tion as a "Dangerous Offender," it is improbable that he will ever receive parole. The Canadian public expressed strong disapproval of Homolka's plea arrangement, particularly following the public presentation of tapes featuring the couple's acts of rape during Bernardo's trial. If the contents of the tapes were made known to them beforehand, few prosecutors would have suggested using it. Bernardo's initial attor- ney intentionally concealed the majority of the tapes for a period of 17 months and eventually faced legal charges for obstructing justice. However, despite the allegations, he was ultimately found not guilty. Despite being eligi- ble for parole, Homolka was denied release from prison in 2005. In 2007, she relocated to Guadeloupe which is located in the French Caribbean in a bid to steer clear 060_ from any attention from the media. While residing there, she tied the knot with Thierry Bordelais who is also the lawyer's sibling, and had a trio of offspring. Afterwards, the family came back to Canada and made their home in Montreal. The source suggests that as of next year (2022), something noteworthy will occur with regards to minds. Credits: Getty Images, Tammy Lyn Homolka, who became her sister and brother-in-law’s first victim. 061_
  • 32. 062_ Hi guys! We are back with a new segment, which as you can see is a tarot prediction. In this as you can see there are six different piles of cards arranged below: Now close your eyes, take a deep breath, and now focus properly. Choose one pile which will dictate for love life faith for the coming 4 months. Don’t worry you can change the pile if you are unsure or come back later to this segment when you feel more clearer Tarot Cards Prediction 01. 063_ Love Predictions
  • 33. Picture of Nurse’s Office, Credits: Photographed by Pravin H Gohil, Modeled by Kalyani Joshi Choose a pile from the given six piles. Focus, take a deep breathe and make your choice. Pile #1 Pile #2 Pile #3 Pile #4 Pile #5 Pile #6 Pile #1 IV of Pentacles What's presently functioning in my love life? Extensive wealth has been accumulated here, and as a result, you have become protective of what you have earned. Though some amount of conservativeness is good for one's feeling of stability, this card can also warn of stinginess, and having a frugal attitude. Knight of Wands What steps am I taking concerning my love life? This person is a man of action - he represents the manifestation of an idea and the passionate pursuit of a vision. Because this person is highly focused on action, he can also be brash, impulsive, and unrealistic. III of Cups Given my actions and what's transpiring, where is this leading? Is there any guidance for me? A warm and lively gathering of friends. You are blessed with loving relationships and companionship, and this is likely a very social period in your life where you are investing time in the people around you. 065_
  • 34. Pile #2 Death What's presently functioning in my love life? A cycle comes to a close, a radical transformation that requires a part of oneself to be sacrificed to be able to con- tinue to the next plane. With the loss, something new can begin. Death carries a scythe not just to destroy but also to sow the new harvest. Page of Wands What steps am I taking concerning my love life? You are on the brink of a new creative project and vision, there is a spirit of discovery and enthusiasm in all kinds of ideas that you might have about the future. It is the start of a new way of expressing oneself. The Tower Given my actions and what's transpiring, where is this leading? Is there any guidance for me? Inevitable destruction and the breakdown of something in our lives which we consider foundational. Reminiscent of the tower of Babel, which was built upon far-reaching human ambition, creating an artificial comfort in our lives. But there is always an upside - when the tower levels, not only do we uncover our own hidden resilience, but we can also rebuild anew, with greater inner insight. Pile #3 IX of Cups What's presently functioning in my love life? An environment of luxury and emotional stability, where all available comforts await you. Indulging in all the joys that life has to offer you are signaled by this card, though at times there is a sense of smugness that comes from taking your situation for granted. Queen of Pentacles What steps am I taking concerning my love life? A woman that is blessed with the gifts of sensual comforts and domestic talents. A motherly figure at times, she seeks to bring to her loved ones joy through all worldly things - by cooking, cleaning, and creating a wonderful home. IV of Wands Given my actions and what's transpiring, where is this leading? Is there any guidance for me? 066_ A celebration of harmony, happiness, and good relationships. It is a time of peace after a period of hard work. The four of wands usually indicate this about family and large groups of people. Pile #4 IX of Swords What's presently functioning in my love life? The nine of swords represents someone that is trapped by their own negative thoughts. There is not necessarily a situation that warrants the worry, and this card hints that over-analysis leads to crippling indecision and feelings of helplessness. III of Pentacles What steps am I taking concerning my love life? Several people of vastly varying skills and beliefs work together to join in on a greater cause. Teamwork helps to create something new. Progress is swift. Page of Pentacles Given my actions and what's transpiring, where is this leading? Is there any guidance for me? This card indicates that you are on the brink of giving life to a new venture or opportunity that brings you luck in the material world. You are full of enthusiasm and energy to make this new opportunity come to life. Pile #5 VII of Pentacles What's presently functioning in my love life? An immense amount of work has been done, and the effort that has been put in previously is now ready to be har- vested. Though the crop is ready, there is still more work, and it is now a time of focus and diligence before one can reap the rewards. Queen of Swords What's presently functioning in my love life? A woman of immense complexity, sometimes considered cold-hearted, but also sharp of mind and wit, independent and possessing great powers of organization and analysis. The Tower Given my actions and what's transpiring, where is this leading? Is there any guidance for me? 067_