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District 209 News
Stanley S. Fields, Ph.D.
“Would you tell me please, which way I ought
to go from here” said Alice. “That depends a
good deal on where you want to get to” replied
the cat. The admonition from the pages of
Alice in Wonderland applies to us as well in the
Proviso Township High Schools community.
Results from valid, reliable assessments will be
our only consideration for planning, organizing
and delivering instruction. Textbooks and any
and all other tools that have been historically
utilized for planning, organizing and delivering
instruction will not be utilized. It may be an
excellent textbook, the best lesson plan, or an
exceptional curriculum package, but if students
are not demonstrating proficiency with valid,
reliable assessments, what is the value? We
must be passionately focused on results only.
The Pearson Benchmark software provides
valid, reliable assessments that are aligned with
the state learning standards and PSAE/ACT
objectives, and organized by courses identified
with our graduation and classification policies.
By planning, organizing and delivering
instruction subject only to the valid, reliable
assessments maintained with the Benchmark
software, we have restricted the variables
impacting student proficiency, that are within
our domain of control, to the planning,
organizing and delivery of instruction. If
students are not demonstrating proficiency
with the valid, reliable assessments from
Benchmark, then we must modify the planning,
organizing and/or delivery of instruction. This
model provides “real time” valid, reliable
feedback for both students and staff to affect
instructional strategies on a continuous basis to
ensure proficiency.
Please note the D209 strategic plan, “Proviso
Rising”, posted on our website,
After careful review of the strategies outlined
and processes defined, it is evident that we are
committed to continuous improvement through
monitoring and adjusting activity to meet
or exceed desired results across all District
The best is yet to come!
July 4......................... Independence Day (No School)
July 16 – 20............... 11th Annual Michael Finley Camp at East
July 20....................... Summer School Ends
July 23 – 27............... Staff Development Week (PMSA Campus)
August 4 ................... Family & Senior Citizen Health Fair at PMSA
President’s Message..........p.2
Board News.......................p.2
Principal’s Corner .............p.3
Students: Farewell.............p.4
Students: Graduation.........p.4
Students: Scholarships ......p.5
Students: Highlight ...........p.6
Proviso ..............................p.6
Tidbits ...............................p.7
Community .......................p.8
July 2007
www.pths209.orgPage 2
Emanuel “Chris” Welch, J.D.
The 2006-2007 school year has come to a close. In amazing ceremonies
held for the second year at the UIC Pavilion, Proviso East and West High
Schools saw more than 900 seniors cross the stage to receive their diplomas.
It was a proud moment for all of us on the Board of Education because these
graduation numbers clearly show that Proviso is Rising.
During the commencement exercises, I told all of the graduates that with
their diplomas, they have been given a key tool that will help them achieve
their life’s goals. I concluded by telling each graduate that it is our sincere
wish for every graduate to have success in all their endeavors, courage in all
their struggles, understanding in all that is new to them, wisdom to choose
what is right and to do what is good, perseverance in all they undertake,
and serenity and peace in the knowledge that they are not alone, and that they are loved by us all here at
Proviso. We wish them well!
As these new graduates move forward to build fulfilling and successful lives, we must take an opportunity
to applaud other Proviso graduates who are already leaving their marks on society. During the month of
June, Proviso West graduate Lee Archambault spent 13 days in space as a member of the Shuttle Atlantis
crew, and Proviso East graduates Michael Finely and Shannon Brown battled it out in the NBA Finals.
These three graduates are just a few examples of what Proviso has offered the world. In the coming
weeks and months, we will look to honor our graduates in some special way. Please look for additional
information on our website,, and join us as we salute graduates who truly are Nothing
But the Best!
New Board of Education Seated, Officers Elected
The Reorganizational Meeting of the District 209 Board of Education was held on Tuesday
evening, May 8. Following the swearing in of new members Robert Cox and Robin Foreman,
as well as incumbent Theresa Kelly, Chris Welch was elected by the Board to serve as
President. Daniel Adams was elected
by the Board to serve as Vice President
and Sue Henry was elected to serve as
Secretary. Outgoing Board members
Shirley Madlock and Gary Marine
were honored with plaques and a brief
Exiting Board members: Gary Marine and Shirley MadlockNewly elected Board members Robert Cox, Theresa Kelly and Robin Foreman are sworn
in by Board secretary Sue Henry.
PMSA Principal: Ed Moyer
As the 2006-07 school year ends, I’d like to reflect upon our accomplishments this past year and look forward to the
opportunities that lay before us. We as a community have much to be proud of, and we must understand the work that remains
to be done. It will take us coming together, collectively and in small groups, setting aside personal agendas and using the
courage of our convictions for strength, to accomplish our goals. I know we will be successful.
In physics, chaos is defined as confusion and disorder, a state where behavior is so unpredictable that it appears random.
To a large degree, that is the state in which we have been over the past few years. Through discipline, hard work, and
commitment, we are moving out of this mode, into one where procedures and practices are more reliable. Such stability is
necessary if we are to address our main purpose - maximizing student achievement. At the Academy, we have reached a level
of security with our procedures that allow us to work efficiently and effectively. I am quite proud of our administrative support staff for all their dedication and
hard work to make this possible.
As a market-driven school, we have the additional complication of ensuring a viable product that families of this district continue to believe in and buy into.
Without applicants, our reason for being ceases. To ensure this viability, our admissions process will continue to be examined and refined. The process must be
fair, just, and blind to differences. Analysis of three years of admissions data support confidence in the integrity of the process, and we will remain vigilant in
our commitment. With an invited class next year of 177 students, it appears that many families share our confidence. We are grateful for their support.
The opportunities that lay before us in the coming years include the development of Python athletics, the expansion of course offerings, and the
implementation of the student research program. Each of these is an ill-structured, real-world problem that must be worked to a satisfactory solution.
Constraints of time, money, and personnel provide boundaries in which these solutions must be formed. It will take creativity, imagination, and dedication to
meet these challenges. One of my favorite movies is “Apollo 13,” and I’m reminded of the scene where Gene Krantz, the NASA Flight Director, overhears two
people worrying about the negative publicity this event will bring to the space program. Krantz corrects them, pointing out that bringing the wounded spacecraft
home will be viewed as NASA’s finest hour. Failure is not an option. Bringing the Academy home as a fully-developed academic institution that prepares
students for all aspects of their future will be our finest hour.
Proviso East Principal: Milton Patch
The administration from Proviso East would like to take this time to say thank you to the parents who have entrusted the
development of their young adults with the Proviso East academic community. Throughout the course of this past school year
the growth of our young people has been exciting to watch. As we assist our students in navigating the waters of academia as
well as in their social and emotional development, I have seen our entire student body mature and begin to push the academic
bar higher.
As I look back at our year in review, we at Proviso East are most proud of our young people who seized the opportunity
to show how talented they truly are. Senior Keyana Ray, who won this years BET Writing contest which resulted in the film
“Reflections” being filmed at Proviso East we congratulate on a job well done. To our state ranked boys and girls basketball
teams and the senior student leadership who were responsible for reaching the sweet sixteen, we say good luck in college. Ten of
the eleven Proviso East senior football players received athletic scholarships. Our student performers in “The Amen’s Corner”,
you did a marvelous job and we look forward to more exciting dramatic productions in the upcoming school year. The award
winning Proviso East Band stole the show performing in the Southern University (Baton Rouge), Homecoming Parade and with
the Jazz Band performance at Disney World in Orlando, Florida. The students showed remarkable poise while entertaining thousands of people.
The class of 2007 participated in the first senior class trip with over 100 students enjoying “Senior Week” activities at Disney World in Florida. The class
of 2007, set the stage for all classes to follow with a spectacular trip and I enjoyed seeing our first time flyers experiencing take offs and landings. It was an
unforgettable experience.
Finally, 417 students graduated on Sunday, May 20th at the UIC Pavilion. The class of 2007 received $2,756,320.00 worth of scholarship money and they
are to be congratulated on a job well done. Valedictorian “Quinnton Harris” received the all expenses paid (four years) Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium
Award and will attend Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
As we begin to prepare for the 2007-2008 school year, I would like to remind parents and students of the importance of arriving to school and to class on
time. Our student management plan will include a “Loss of Privileges” approach to increasing student attendance and academic performance. This approach
will award students for exhibiting and achieving specific behavioral and academic goals. It is our expectation that students will be punctual to school and to
class and that they will exhibit the proper social/emotional growth to improve academic performance.
Proviso West Principal: Alexis Wallace
The year has ended and the new academic year is on the horizon. Proviso West believes in Celebration Weekend. This
year we began with Prom at the Rosemont Hyatt on Friday, May 18, 2007. It was well attended and everyone looked
spectacular and were on their best behavior. On Saturday, many of the students went to Great America or attended the
student-directed plays that evening. On Sunday, May 20, nearly 5,000 guests celebrated with our 545 graduates, at the UIC
Pavilion. Our students did well and showed that they have the spirit and the ability to be “Nothing but the Best.”
I must thank our students for all of their hard work in not only academics but also in athletics. We know that we must
continue to improve; however, we have achieved some of our goals this year. We have so much of which to be proud and we
will set new goals during our leadership camp scheduled in the fall.
I would also like to thank those teachers and staff members who realized that our students are a precious commodity that
we must continue to mold, guide and treat them as if they are our own family. We are Panthers, and we are “Nothing but the Best.”
So long, Farewell, Aufwiedersehn, Adeiu
by Judy Kaufman - Proviso West Graduate
Everyone always says that high school followed by college is the best four years of your life. As
much as I have had a great time in high school, I desperately hope that all of these people are all
completely wrong.
High school is just a stepping stone on the way to real life. Honestly, we still need to get a pass to
go to the bathroom, but soon we will all grow up. Hopefully, most of us who are going to college
will succeed there, and those who can not go to college will make a good life for themselves
despite hardship.
The carefree four years of high school do have one thing going for them, and that is simply that
they are care free for the most part. I’ve stressed out over this paper all year, and who knows how
many of the papers get read on the release dates, and how many just get thrown out, but that’s why
we try so hard in high school, to figure out what is really important.
I have learned that family and friends are essential to a healthy and productive existence. Without
family support, a child gets cheated out of their primary source of love, and without friends, there
is no one to talk you down when you are irritated with your family. If one link breaks, there goes
the whole chain.
“The idle mind is the Devil’s playground.” And the number one most important life lesson
gathered from high school is to concentrate on getting involved in things that you love, and that
will make you a better and more interesting person. If something interests you, sign up!
You’re into music and dance, Paws, PIP, Choir, Band, Orchesis, the list is pages long. You’ve
always wanted to see more of the world than the little corner we live in, talk to Mrs. Wallace about
next year’s Europe trip, I promise she won’t bite. I went this year, and I learned so much in the
nine days we were there that my head was about to explode, but everything was beautiful and
eye opening, and it is an experience I will never forget. If all you want to do in the whole wide
world is go to college, buddy up to Ms. Andrews
ASAP, keep your grades up, and maybe join an
academic team like Math Team or Academic
Decathlon. Both of these are actually really fun.
Do you constantly complain about how bad the
Proviso Sports Teams are? Join one of the lesser
participated in sports like swimming, volleyball,
or tennis. Everyone gets to play, and you make
friends that you will know for the rest of your
high school career.
In the end, what you do in high school will be
overshadowed by what you do with your life.
There is so much life after high school, so make
the most of it by applying what you learn in high
school. It’s been fun, and I will miss everyone.
Good luck, so long, farewell, aufwierdersehn,
Proviso Township High Schools
awarded more than 900 diplomas during
their annual graduation ceremonies
at UIC Pavilion on Sunday, May 20,
2007. The occasion marks the second
year for Proviso East and Proviso West
commencements to take place in one
of Chicago’s finest arenas, the UIC
Pavilion. More than 10,000 people,
including new graduates, guests,
faculty and administrators attended
commencement ceremonies.
Congratulations Class of 2007
This year’s graduating classes featured
a number of students that achieved
exemplary academic awards and
scholarships to some of the country’s
top colleges and universities. Proviso
West college career counselor Stefanie
Andrews indicated of the estimated 546
graduates, 467 surveys were tabulated to
provide the following information: 30%
will attend a 4-year school; 40% will
attend a 2-year school; 4% will attend
a trade/vocational/technical school; and
1% will enter the military. About 8% of
the students are undecided.
The list continues at Proviso East
where college career counselor Paula
Howard said approximately two-thirds
of the tabulated surveys concluded
that between 50%-60% of the students
plan to attend either a 4-year or 2-year
college/university/technical school.
Accredited colleges/universities
Proviso students accepted to
Proviso West total scholarship money awarded: $2,145,124.00
Proviso East total scholarship money awarded: $2,756,320.00
Martin Anderson – Pepsi and American Legion
Courtney Barden – Texas Southern Scholarship
Gregory Blackwell – UPS earn and learn
Scott Brandt – Triton Scholars
Laquita Brown – Pullman Scholarship,
Troost scholarship; NU scholarship
Passion Burcy – NIU Minority Scholarship
Demarco Burgs – Humana Health Services
Kyle Burnett – CSU Band Scholarship
Medrick Bussie – Westlake Scholarship
Briana Carter – Presidential Scholarship
Heather Conlin – Pepsi Scholarship;
Tivoli Theater Scholarship;
Ignatius Scholarship; American Legion
Erick Cortez – UPS Earn and Learn
Ashley Davila – Presidential Scholarship
Shaunice Davis – Westlake Scholarship
Michael Deluca – UIUC scholarship;
American Legion; Masters and Law (PTHS)
Karina Diaz – Lincoln Scholarship
Tamesha Dilworth – DCFS Scholarship
Aquila Dortch – Volunteer Service Award
Stacey Dunn – GVSU Scholarship
Tamara Brown-Dyer – LU Band Scholarship
Myshimia English – Lincoln University
Andrew Fair – University of Idaho Scholarship
Stephanie Ferguson – WVCC Athletic Scholarship
Kyle Fleszewski – Norwich University scholarship
Adriana Flores – Pepsi; Wallace scholarship
Molly Galante – Triton Scholars
Ana Gama – Balfour Scholarship
Miguel Garcia – Morton College Scholarship
Maria Gonzalez – HispanoFest
Lamar Graves – Lincoln University Music
Jason Grenier – Purdue University ROTC
Ashley Herrera – Elmhurst/Dean’s Scholarship
Irene Herrera – Westwood Scholarship
Trenace Higgins – NIU Scholarship
Justin Hightower – UIS Scholarship
Shannon Hillery – GVSU Scholarship
Nigel Jackson – IN State University Scholarship
Isaiah Johnson – LU Band Scholarship
John Kappel – ROTC scholarship
Judith Kaufman – Troost; Boutin Scholarship;
Key Club partial; Tomporowski; Purdue Scholarship
Anika Lamar – RMC Scholarship
Ubaldo Loera – LU Band Scholarship
Greg McElroy – UIC scholarship
Jazmine McKinney – UIUC scholarship; Taggert
Charlette Mebane – TN State Scholarship
Tanesha Members – RMC Scholarship
Kelsea Mills – Marquette Scholarship;
Comcast Scholarship; Key Club
Jacarla Mitchell – Dean’s Scholarship;
20th Century Club; Wallace Scholarship
Cesar Navarez – Teamster Scholarship
Wisdom Nwafor – Shorebank Scholarship
Ricardo Ortega – Tomporowski
Angel Parks – HBCU Scholarship; Tomporowski
Darramia Perteet – Lakeland College; Art scholarship
Chris Peterka – OSU Scholarship; Sutherland
Rochon Redmond – UTI Scholarship
Shannon Robaczewski – Dean Scholarship; Balfour
Darlene Rogers – ONU Scholarship
Jonathan Rogers – Lincoln Tech
Samantha Sances – Westlake Scholarship
Latasha Segers – WVCC Scholarship
Mitzy Serrano – Troost; DePaul Scholarship
Tyara Simpson – Dominican Scholarship
Martice Sims – Quincy University
Vanessa Stopka – Westlake Scholarship
Demetrius Sudduth – TSU tuition scholarship
Bradford Traywick – Prairie View Scholarship
Krishma Verma – Gottleib
Nina Walters – Evansville Scholarship
Howard Weathersby – Blackburn College Scholarship
Lillian Williams – USOEP Scholarship
Nicole Williams – Drake Scholarship; Troost
Maria Young – Westlake Scholarship
Marcus Young – UIC Scholarship
Clifton Stuckey – Fordham University
Joshua Jenkins – College of Holy Cross
Raymond Sankey – Illinois State University
Marlone Chenault – McKendree College
Simeon Haynes – McKendree College
Jefferey Johnson – Bemidji State University
Lafayette Tucker – McKendree College
Phillip Howlett – McKendree College
Clifton Smith – College of Dupage
Qrentis Burrell – College of Dupage
Prentis Burrell – College of Dupage
Robert Butler – Aurora University
Brandon Barry – Northpark University
Marcus Gordon – Northpark University
Derrick Davis – Northpark University
Terrell Berry – Northpark University
Jacob Pullen – Kansas State University
Tydus Townsend – Parkland College
Nathan Fuqua – East Central University
Keith Miller – Robert Morris
Carolyn Richardson – Robert Morris College
Michelle Perry – Aurora University
Ariell Wilson – Penn State University
Michael Morrison – University of Chicago
Deonard Wade – Oakton College
Quinnton Harris – Best Buy Children’s Foundation
Diane Burdett – Comcast
Rubin Echevarria – Gottlieb Memorial Hospital
Beatrice Fairchild
Quinnton Harris
Amy Hudson
Diane Burdett – Pepsi
Dominique Burnside – Pepsi
Robert Butler – Pepsi
Dominique Davis – Proviso East Alumni
Dominique Dixon – Proviso East Alumni
Archris Douglas – Master’s Law
Ana Estrada – Class of 55; Lampton
Beatrice Fairchild – Proviso East Alumni
Christopher Figaro – Millikin
Nekeisha Frison – Class of 55
Javia Harris – Pepsi & Baker
Quinnton Harris – Pepsi
Rochelle Goodwin – Master’s Law
Kiara Paige – Class of 77
Juiette Payne – 20th Century
Jeremy Porter – Millikin; Proviso East Alumni
Lakeisha Purchase – Ebbert
Juan Rangel – Master’s Law
Alicia Robinson – Art
Tiara Sheppard – Taggart
Francisca Torres – Master’s Law
Proviso East High School
Scholarship Recipients
Proviso West High School
Scholarship Recipients
Susie W. Crain, Secretary to the Superintendent, District
Dollie Durham, Security, East
Joseph A. Hendricks, Dean of Students, West
Patricia E. Imburgia, Manager of Human Resources, District
Margie D. Jordan, Business Education Department, East
Benjamin J. Kus, Special Education Department, East
Frank L. Montgomery, Assistant Principal for Student Life, West
Rosann M. Pasqualini, Business Office Clerk, East
Dorothy H. Ray, Secretary, West
Paramaysvari Retty-Cannon, Secretary, District
Martha J. Rodziewicz, Guidance Department, East
Jose Santiago, Director of Facilities, District
Agostino Troisi, Custodian, East
25 years of service
Giuseppe Casciaro, Athletic Equipment Manager, East
Fred Gianneschi, Building Manager, East
Kenneth E. Huebner, English Department Chair, East
Stephen Knox, Vocational Adjunct Counselor, District
Mark A. Twarog, Computer Support Technician, East
Master’s Degree or Doctorate
Gregory P. Baker, Social Studies Department, West, Masters
Seamus P. Brennan, Business Education Department, West, Masters
Alison R. Callaghan, English Department, West, Masters
John S. Desmond, English Department, West, Masters
Michael D. Detloff, Business Education Department, East, Masters
Rebecca C. Hochstein, Science Department, East, Masters
Nikita R. Johnson, Business Manager, District, Doctorate
Orelle M. Pinto, Science Department, West, Masters
Keldra L. Rabichow, English Department, West, Masters
Tamara J. Robinson, Mathematics Department, East, Masters
Emily M. Schwartz, Art Department, East, Masters
Faculty & Staff Retirement Dinner
Each spring, District officials celebrate their faculty and staff during a reception and dinner program. This year’s event was
held at The Drake Hotel Oak Brook on Friday, May 18, 2007. Those honored included: retirees, employees with 25 years of
service, and employees who have received a Master’s or Doctorate degree. District officials, staff, faculty and guests were on
hand to congratulate those individuals for their years of distinguished service to the Proviso Township High Schools.
Quinnton Harris - Proviso East
“I have grown tremendously from the time I spent at Proviso
East both academically and socially. I am proud of the close
relationships I have built with my teachers and fellow students. I
feel well-prepared to move into the next phase of my life.”
Quinnton Harris has earned a 4.0 GPA and is the
valedictorian of his graduating class. He will
attend Massachusetts Institute of Technology
on a full scholarship. He plans to major in
Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in
Automotive or Architectural Design. Quinnton also received the Bill and
Melinda Gates Millennium Award and Pepsi scholarship. His activities
included Speech Team, Math Team, Pep Squad, Peer Mediator and Tutor,
NHS, and Youth Alive. Last summer, Quinnton participated in MITES,
a rigorous six-week enrichment program for promising high school
juniors who are interested in studying and exploring careers in science,
engineering, and entrepreneurship. For more information on MITES
Tyara Simpson - Proviso West
“Despite the challenges, continue to push and carry on with
your goals.”
Most teenagers at the age of 16 are starting their sophomore year
of high school, but for Tyara Simpson, she is preparing to begin
her freshman year at Dominican University in River Forest.
Tyara, who obtained a full scholarship, graduated from Proviso
West with a 4.0 GPA. She plans to major in Communications
with a minor in Psychology or Spanish. During her tenure at
Proviso, Tyara was a member of National Honor Society, Multi-
Cultural Club, Student Council, Fellowship of Christian Athletes
and the Speech Team.
Christopher Peterka - Proviso West
“Make the best of the opportunities you are given and make the
best of what you have.”
Christopher Peterka, an Illinois State Scholar and Academic
Athlete of the Year graduated with a 3.7 GPA. In the fall, he will
attend Ohio State on a full scholarship and will major in business.
While at Proviso, Christopher participated in baseball, cross
country, in-door track, chess team, band and the decathlon team.
Last summer, Christopher attended Eastern Illinois to participate
in a political science camp for high school students.
Retirees left to right: Joseph Hendricks, Martha Rodziewicz, Benjamin Kus, Dollie Durham, Susie
Crain, and Frank Montgomery
Parent Notification!
Registration packets have been mailed out for the 2007-2008
school year. Early registration dates are: April 9 through July
13, 2007. Early registration fee is $150.00 with 50% rebate if the
registered parent attends at least one school event per quarter (See
list below). Late registration dates are: July 16 throughout the
school year. Late registration fee is $250.00 with 50% rebate if
the registered parent attends at least one school event per quarter.
Students who qualify for free and reduced lunch will have fees
waived pending completion of all proper documentation and final
acceptance pending approval based on Federal regulations. If an
application is denied, regular registration fees will apply based on
the date form is submitted. Students will be placed on obligations
for registration fees not paid. A list of activities are below for
parents to choose from throughout the year:
• Back to School Night
• Take Your Parents to School Day
• Parent/Teacher Conference
• PTA Meeting
• Booster Club athletic/activity event volunteer
• Report Card Pickup
• Athletic competition (HOME) – list will be available
• Student Club events – list will be available
• Field Trip Chaperone
(Other volunteer opportunities TBA throughout the year)
Construction to Transform East and West School Buildings
Currently, Proviso East and Proviso West high Schools are engaged in major construction projects that will strengthen the support of its
academic, athletic and student programs, while also solidifying the district’s commitment to developing vibrant residential facilities for
students, staff and community members.
For more information on upgrades, visit our website at:
District 209 Secures
Physical Education
Program Grant (PEP)
Proviso Township High
Schools District 209 was
recently awarded a Carol M.
White Physical Education
Program grant worth more
than $400,000 by the
United States Department of
Education Office of Safe and
Drug-Free Schools.
The Physical Education
Program grant has two primary
objectives: to help students
make progress toward meeting
state standards in physical
education; and to help students
increase their physical activity.
To achieve these program
objectives, funds can be used
in a variety of ways, including
curriculum development and
implementation, professional
development, fitness
assessments, and equipment
purchases. For additional
information about the PEP
grant please visit:
Lee Archambault,
Proviso West Graduate
Pilots Space Mission
Proviso West graduate,
Pilot Lee Joseph
Archambault, an Air Force
colonel with over 4,250
flight hours in more than
30 different aircraft serves
as the pilot for STS-117.
The shuttle launched at
7:38 p.m. on Friday, June
for a 13-day mission.
Congratulations Col.
District 209 and West Suburban
Senior Services invite you to a
Family & Senior Citizen Health
Fair on Saturday, August 4 from
9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Proviso
Mathematics and Science Academy.
Snacks, Health Screens, Family
Portraits and Party Bingo.
Proviso West Teams Up With Fox Chicago
Proviso West teams up with
FOX Chicago to put together the
most robust High School video
website in the country through
a program called FoxJox.
Students enrolled in video
production classes will shoot,
produce and edit video coverage
of a high school athletic, arts, or
academic event. This exciting
opportunity is scheduled to pilot
in the fall.
Alumni Battle for NBA Title
Proviso congratulates former Proviso East alum
Michael Finley of the San Antonio Spurs and
Shannon Brown of the Cleveland Cavaliers for
a great NBA season. Both teams played against
each other in the 2007 NBA finals. With a 4-0
series sweep, the Spurs joined the Boston Celtics,
Los Angeles Lakers and Chicago Bulls as the only
teams in NBA history to win four titles. In his
eleventh NBA season, Finley celebrates his first
NBA title.
Note: Proviso East will host The 11th Annual
Michael Finley Basketball Camp July 16-20. For
more information call: (773) 436-4881.
Proviso Township High Schools
8601 W. Roosevelt Rd.
Forest Park, IL. 60130
Proviso West Activities Dir. Mark Schneider & Proviso West Students meet with Fox TV
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Melrose Park, IL
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Angela L. McDaniel, Editor
For comments or story suggestions
District 209 strategic
initiatives are built on:
These cornerstones represent the
four groups who have the critical
responsibilities for achieving the
District mission, vision, and goals:
the Proviso Team members (faculty,
administrators, staff), the Students, the
Parents, and the Community.
The Vision of Proviso Township High
Schools is to be the BEST HIGH
SCHOOLDISTRICT in the state of Illinois.
The Mission of Proviso Township High
Schools is to provide opportunities
for successful experience so that upon
graduation the satisfied student may
pursue any avenue of choice.

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July Rising (3) Final from printer #2

  • 1. P ROVISO RISIN G P ROVISO RISIN G District 209 News Stanley S. Fields, Ph.D. “Would you tell me please, which way I ought to go from here” said Alice. “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to” replied the cat. The admonition from the pages of Alice in Wonderland applies to us as well in the Proviso Township High Schools community. Results from valid, reliable assessments will be our only consideration for planning, organizing and delivering instruction. Textbooks and any and all other tools that have been historically utilized for planning, organizing and delivering instruction will not be utilized. It may be an excellent textbook, the best lesson plan, or an exceptional curriculum package, but if students are not demonstrating proficiency with valid, reliable assessments, what is the value? We must be passionately focused on results only. The Pearson Benchmark software provides valid, reliable assessments that are aligned with the state learning standards and PSAE/ACT objectives, and organized by courses identified with our graduation and classification policies. By planning, organizing and delivering instruction subject only to the valid, reliable assessments maintained with the Benchmark software, we have restricted the variables impacting student proficiency, that are within our domain of control, to the planning, organizing and delivery of instruction. If students are not demonstrating proficiency with the valid, reliable assessments from Benchmark, then we must modify the planning, organizing and/or delivery of instruction. This model provides “real time” valid, reliable feedback for both students and staff to affect instructional strategies on a continuous basis to ensure proficiency. Please note the D209 strategic plan, “Proviso Rising”, posted on our website, After careful review of the strategies outlined and processes defined, it is evident that we are committed to continuous improvement through monitoring and adjusting activity to meet or exceed desired results across all District operations. The best is yet to come! SUPERINTENDENT’S MESSAGE IMPORTANT DATES IN THIS ISSUE July 4......................... Independence Day (No School) July 16 – 20............... 11th Annual Michael Finley Camp at East July 20....................... Summer School Ends July 23 – 27............... Staff Development Week (PMSA Campus) August 4 ................... Family & Senior Citizen Health Fair at PMSA President’s Message..........p.2 Board News.......................p.2 Principal’s Corner .............p.3 Students: Farewell.............p.4 Students: Graduation.........p.4 Students: Scholarships ......p.5 Students: Highlight ...........p.6 Proviso ..............................p.6 Parents...............................p.7 Tidbits ...............................p.7 Community .......................p.8 July 2007
  • 2. www.pths209.orgPage 2 Emanuel “Chris” Welch, J.D. The 2006-2007 school year has come to a close. In amazing ceremonies held for the second year at the UIC Pavilion, Proviso East and West High Schools saw more than 900 seniors cross the stage to receive their diplomas. It was a proud moment for all of us on the Board of Education because these graduation numbers clearly show that Proviso is Rising. During the commencement exercises, I told all of the graduates that with their diplomas, they have been given a key tool that will help them achieve their life’s goals. I concluded by telling each graduate that it is our sincere wish for every graduate to have success in all their endeavors, courage in all their struggles, understanding in all that is new to them, wisdom to choose what is right and to do what is good, perseverance in all they undertake, and serenity and peace in the knowledge that they are not alone, and that they are loved by us all here at Proviso. We wish them well! As these new graduates move forward to build fulfilling and successful lives, we must take an opportunity to applaud other Proviso graduates who are already leaving their marks on society. During the month of June, Proviso West graduate Lee Archambault spent 13 days in space as a member of the Shuttle Atlantis crew, and Proviso East graduates Michael Finely and Shannon Brown battled it out in the NBA Finals. These three graduates are just a few examples of what Proviso has offered the world. In the coming weeks and months, we will look to honor our graduates in some special way. Please look for additional information on our website,, and join us as we salute graduates who truly are Nothing But the Best! PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE New Board of Education Seated, Officers Elected The Reorganizational Meeting of the District 209 Board of Education was held on Tuesday evening, May 8. Following the swearing in of new members Robert Cox and Robin Foreman, as well as incumbent Theresa Kelly, Chris Welch was elected by the Board to serve as President. Daniel Adams was elected by the Board to serve as Vice President and Sue Henry was elected to serve as Secretary. Outgoing Board members Shirley Madlock and Gary Marine were honored with plaques and a brief reception. BOARD NEWS Exiting Board members: Gary Marine and Shirley MadlockNewly elected Board members Robert Cox, Theresa Kelly and Robin Foreman are sworn in by Board secretary Sue Henry.
  • 3. PRINCIPAL’S CORNER PMSA Principal: Ed Moyer As the 2006-07 school year ends, I’d like to reflect upon our accomplishments this past year and look forward to the opportunities that lay before us. We as a community have much to be proud of, and we must understand the work that remains to be done. It will take us coming together, collectively and in small groups, setting aside personal agendas and using the courage of our convictions for strength, to accomplish our goals. I know we will be successful. In physics, chaos is defined as confusion and disorder, a state where behavior is so unpredictable that it appears random. To a large degree, that is the state in which we have been over the past few years. Through discipline, hard work, and commitment, we are moving out of this mode, into one where procedures and practices are more reliable. Such stability is necessary if we are to address our main purpose - maximizing student achievement. At the Academy, we have reached a level of security with our procedures that allow us to work efficiently and effectively. I am quite proud of our administrative support staff for all their dedication and hard work to make this possible. As a market-driven school, we have the additional complication of ensuring a viable product that families of this district continue to believe in and buy into. Without applicants, our reason for being ceases. To ensure this viability, our admissions process will continue to be examined and refined. The process must be fair, just, and blind to differences. Analysis of three years of admissions data support confidence in the integrity of the process, and we will remain vigilant in our commitment. With an invited class next year of 177 students, it appears that many families share our confidence. We are grateful for their support. The opportunities that lay before us in the coming years include the development of Python athletics, the expansion of course offerings, and the implementation of the student research program. Each of these is an ill-structured, real-world problem that must be worked to a satisfactory solution. Constraints of time, money, and personnel provide boundaries in which these solutions must be formed. It will take creativity, imagination, and dedication to meet these challenges. One of my favorite movies is “Apollo 13,” and I’m reminded of the scene where Gene Krantz, the NASA Flight Director, overhears two people worrying about the negative publicity this event will bring to the space program. Krantz corrects them, pointing out that bringing the wounded spacecraft home will be viewed as NASA’s finest hour. Failure is not an option. Bringing the Academy home as a fully-developed academic institution that prepares students for all aspects of their future will be our finest hour. Proviso East Principal: Milton Patch The administration from Proviso East would like to take this time to say thank you to the parents who have entrusted the development of their young adults with the Proviso East academic community. Throughout the course of this past school year the growth of our young people has been exciting to watch. As we assist our students in navigating the waters of academia as well as in their social and emotional development, I have seen our entire student body mature and begin to push the academic bar higher. As I look back at our year in review, we at Proviso East are most proud of our young people who seized the opportunity to show how talented they truly are. Senior Keyana Ray, who won this years BET Writing contest which resulted in the film “Reflections” being filmed at Proviso East we congratulate on a job well done. To our state ranked boys and girls basketball teams and the senior student leadership who were responsible for reaching the sweet sixteen, we say good luck in college. Ten of the eleven Proviso East senior football players received athletic scholarships. Our student performers in “The Amen’s Corner”, you did a marvelous job and we look forward to more exciting dramatic productions in the upcoming school year. The award winning Proviso East Band stole the show performing in the Southern University (Baton Rouge), Homecoming Parade and with the Jazz Band performance at Disney World in Orlando, Florida. The students showed remarkable poise while entertaining thousands of people. The class of 2007 participated in the first senior class trip with over 100 students enjoying “Senior Week” activities at Disney World in Florida. The class of 2007, set the stage for all classes to follow with a spectacular trip and I enjoyed seeing our first time flyers experiencing take offs and landings. It was an unforgettable experience. Finally, 417 students graduated on Sunday, May 20th at the UIC Pavilion. The class of 2007 received $2,756,320.00 worth of scholarship money and they are to be congratulated on a job well done. Valedictorian “Quinnton Harris” received the all expenses paid (four years) Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Award and will attend Massachusetts Institute of Technology. As we begin to prepare for the 2007-2008 school year, I would like to remind parents and students of the importance of arriving to school and to class on time. Our student management plan will include a “Loss of Privileges” approach to increasing student attendance and academic performance. This approach will award students for exhibiting and achieving specific behavioral and academic goals. It is our expectation that students will be punctual to school and to class and that they will exhibit the proper social/emotional growth to improve academic performance. Proviso West Principal: Alexis Wallace The year has ended and the new academic year is on the horizon. Proviso West believes in Celebration Weekend. This year we began with Prom at the Rosemont Hyatt on Friday, May 18, 2007. It was well attended and everyone looked spectacular and were on their best behavior. On Saturday, many of the students went to Great America or attended the student-directed plays that evening. On Sunday, May 20, nearly 5,000 guests celebrated with our 545 graduates, at the UIC Pavilion. Our students did well and showed that they have the spirit and the ability to be “Nothing but the Best.” I must thank our students for all of their hard work in not only academics but also in athletics. We know that we must continue to improve; however, we have achieved some of our goals this year. We have so much of which to be proud and we will set new goals during our leadership camp scheduled in the fall. I would also like to thank those teachers and staff members who realized that our students are a precious commodity that we must continue to mold, guide and treat them as if they are our own family. We are Panthers, and we are “Nothing but the Best.”
  • 4. STUDENTS So long, Farewell, Aufwiedersehn, Adeiu by Judy Kaufman - Proviso West Graduate Everyone always says that high school followed by college is the best four years of your life. As much as I have had a great time in high school, I desperately hope that all of these people are all completely wrong. High school is just a stepping stone on the way to real life. Honestly, we still need to get a pass to go to the bathroom, but soon we will all grow up. Hopefully, most of us who are going to college will succeed there, and those who can not go to college will make a good life for themselves despite hardship. The carefree four years of high school do have one thing going for them, and that is simply that they are care free for the most part. I’ve stressed out over this paper all year, and who knows how many of the papers get read on the release dates, and how many just get thrown out, but that’s why we try so hard in high school, to figure out what is really important. I have learned that family and friends are essential to a healthy and productive existence. Without family support, a child gets cheated out of their primary source of love, and without friends, there is no one to talk you down when you are irritated with your family. If one link breaks, there goes the whole chain. “The idle mind is the Devil’s playground.” And the number one most important life lesson gathered from high school is to concentrate on getting involved in things that you love, and that will make you a better and more interesting person. If something interests you, sign up! You’re into music and dance, Paws, PIP, Choir, Band, Orchesis, the list is pages long. You’ve always wanted to see more of the world than the little corner we live in, talk to Mrs. Wallace about next year’s Europe trip, I promise she won’t bite. I went this year, and I learned so much in the nine days we were there that my head was about to explode, but everything was beautiful and eye opening, and it is an experience I will never forget. If all you want to do in the whole wide world is go to college, buddy up to Ms. Andrews ASAP, keep your grades up, and maybe join an academic team like Math Team or Academic Decathlon. Both of these are actually really fun. Do you constantly complain about how bad the Proviso Sports Teams are? Join one of the lesser participated in sports like swimming, volleyball, or tennis. Everyone gets to play, and you make friends that you will know for the rest of your high school career. In the end, what you do in high school will be overshadowed by what you do with your life. There is so much life after high school, so make the most of it by applying what you learn in high school. It’s been fun, and I will miss everyone. Good luck, so long, farewell, aufwierdersehn, adeiu. GRADUATION 2007; PROVISO TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOLS AWARDS DIPLOMAS TO MORE THAN 900 GRADUATES; Proviso Township High Schools awarded more than 900 diplomas during their annual graduation ceremonies at UIC Pavilion on Sunday, May 20, 2007. The occasion marks the second year for Proviso East and Proviso West commencements to take place in one of Chicago’s finest arenas, the UIC Pavilion. More than 10,000 people, including new graduates, guests, faculty and administrators attended commencement ceremonies. Congratulations Class of 2007 This year’s graduating classes featured a number of students that achieved exemplary academic awards and scholarships to some of the country’s top colleges and universities. Proviso West college career counselor Stefanie Andrews indicated of the estimated 546 graduates, 467 surveys were tabulated to provide the following information: 30% will attend a 4-year school; 40% will attend a 2-year school; 4% will attend a trade/vocational/technical school; and 1% will enter the military. About 8% of the students are undecided. The list continues at Proviso East where college career counselor Paula Howard said approximately two-thirds of the tabulated surveys concluded that between 50%-60% of the students plan to attend either a 4-year or 2-year college/university/technical school.
  • 5. STUDENTS Accredited colleges/universities Proviso students accepted to AURORA UNIVERSITY BENEDICTINE UNIVERSITY BLACKBURN COLLEGE CHICAGO STATE UNIVERSITY COLUMBIA COLLEGE CHICAGO DEPAUL UNIVERSITY DOMINICAN UNIVERSITY EASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY ELMHURST COLLEGE ILLINOIS CENTRAL COLLEGE ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIV NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY OLIVET NAZARENE UNIVERSITY QUINCY UNIVERSITY ROBERT MORRIS COLLEGE ROCKFORD COLLEGE ROOSEVELT UNIVERSITY SOUTHERN ILL UNIVERSITY SIU-EDWARDSVILLE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CA UNIVERSITY OF IOWA WESTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY MORGAN STATE, MORRIS STATE UNIVERSITY FORT HAYS UNIVERSITY CHICAGO STATE NORTHEASTERN CENTRAL STATE SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS PURDUE PRATT UNIVERSITY MISSISSIPPI VALLEY STATE FLORIDA STATE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO XAVIER UNIVERSITY MONMOUTH COLLEGE SOUTH CAROLINA STATE CENTRAL STATE UNIVERSITY PENN STATE CLARK ATLANTA AURORA UNIVERSITY JACKSON STATE LANGSTON UNIVERSITY LEWIS UNIVERSITY DELAWARE STATE Proviso West total scholarship money awarded: $2,145,124.00 Proviso East total scholarship money awarded: $2,756,320.00 Martin Anderson – Pepsi and American Legion Courtney Barden – Texas Southern Scholarship Gregory Blackwell – UPS earn and learn Scott Brandt – Triton Scholars Laquita Brown – Pullman Scholarship, Troost scholarship; NU scholarship Passion Burcy – NIU Minority Scholarship Demarco Burgs – Humana Health Services Kyle Burnett – CSU Band Scholarship Medrick Bussie – Westlake Scholarship Briana Carter – Presidential Scholarship Heather Conlin – Pepsi Scholarship; Tivoli Theater Scholarship; Ignatius Scholarship; American Legion Erick Cortez – UPS Earn and Learn Ashley Davila – Presidential Scholarship Shaunice Davis – Westlake Scholarship Michael Deluca – UIUC scholarship; American Legion; Masters and Law (PTHS) Karina Diaz – Lincoln Scholarship Tamesha Dilworth – DCFS Scholarship Aquila Dortch – Volunteer Service Award Stacey Dunn – GVSU Scholarship Tamara Brown-Dyer – LU Band Scholarship Myshimia English – Lincoln University Andrew Fair – University of Idaho Scholarship Stephanie Ferguson – WVCC Athletic Scholarship Kyle Fleszewski – Norwich University scholarship Adriana Flores – Pepsi; Wallace scholarship Molly Galante – Triton Scholars Ana Gama – Balfour Scholarship Miguel Garcia – Morton College Scholarship Maria Gonzalez – HispanoFest Lamar Graves – Lincoln University Music Jason Grenier – Purdue University ROTC Ashley Herrera – Elmhurst/Dean’s Scholarship Irene Herrera – Westwood Scholarship Trenace Higgins – NIU Scholarship Justin Hightower – UIS Scholarship Shannon Hillery – GVSU Scholarship Nigel Jackson – IN State University Scholarship Isaiah Johnson – LU Band Scholarship John Kappel – ROTC scholarship Judith Kaufman – Troost; Boutin Scholarship; Key Club partial; Tomporowski; Purdue Scholarship Anika Lamar – RMC Scholarship Ubaldo Loera – LU Band Scholarship Greg McElroy – UIC scholarship Jazmine McKinney – UIUC scholarship; Taggert Charlette Mebane – TN State Scholarship Tanesha Members – RMC Scholarship Kelsea Mills – Marquette Scholarship; Comcast Scholarship; Key Club Jacarla Mitchell – Dean’s Scholarship; 20th Century Club; Wallace Scholarship Cesar Navarez – Teamster Scholarship Wisdom Nwafor – Shorebank Scholarship Ricardo Ortega – Tomporowski Angel Parks – HBCU Scholarship; Tomporowski Darramia Perteet – Lakeland College; Art scholarship Chris Peterka – OSU Scholarship; Sutherland Rochon Redmond – UTI Scholarship Shannon Robaczewski – Dean Scholarship; Balfour Darlene Rogers – ONU Scholarship Jonathan Rogers – Lincoln Tech Samantha Sances – Westlake Scholarship Latasha Segers – WVCC Scholarship Mitzy Serrano – Troost; DePaul Scholarship Tyara Simpson – Dominican Scholarship Martice Sims – Quincy University Vanessa Stopka – Westlake Scholarship Demetrius Sudduth – TSU tuition scholarship Bradford Traywick – Prairie View Scholarship Krishma Verma – Gottleib Nina Walters – Evansville Scholarship Howard Weathersby – Blackburn College Scholarship Lillian Williams – USOEP Scholarship Nicole Williams – Drake Scholarship; Troost Maria Young – Westlake Scholarship Marcus Young – UIC Scholarship ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIPS FOOTBALL DIVISION I Clifton Stuckey – Fordham University Joshua Jenkins – College of Holy Cross Raymond Sankey – Illinois State University DIVISION II Marlone Chenault – McKendree College Simeon Haynes – McKendree College Jefferey Johnson – Bemidji State University Lafayette Tucker – McKendree College Phillip Howlett – McKendree College JUNIOR COLLEGE Clifton Smith – College of Dupage Qrentis Burrell – College of Dupage Prentis Burrell – College of Dupage DIVISION III Robert Butler – Aurora University Brandon Barry – Northpark University Marcus Gordon – Northpark University Derrick Davis – Northpark University Terrell Berry – Northpark University BOY’S BASKETBALL Jacob Pullen – Kansas State University Tydus Townsend – Parkland College Nathan Fuqua – East Central University Keith Miller – Robert Morris GIRL’S BASKETBALL Carolyn Richardson – Robert Morris College Michelle Perry – Aurora University VOLLEYBALL Ariell Wilson – Penn State University BOY’S TRACK & FIELD Michael Morrison – University of Chicago BASEBALL Deonard Wade – Oakton College PRIVATE SCHOLARSHIPS Quinnton Harris – Best Buy Children’s Foundation Diane Burdett – Comcast Rubin Echevarria – Gottlieb Memorial Hospital MAYWOOD CHAMBER/YARBROUGH SCHOLARSHIP Beatrice Fairchild Quinnton Harris Amy Hudson PROVISO EAST GENERAL SCHOLARSHIPS Diane Burdett – Pepsi Dominique Burnside – Pepsi Robert Butler – Pepsi Dominique Davis – Proviso East Alumni Dominique Dixon – Proviso East Alumni Archris Douglas – Master’s Law Ana Estrada – Class of 55; Lampton Beatrice Fairchild – Proviso East Alumni Christopher Figaro – Millikin Nekeisha Frison – Class of 55 Javia Harris – Pepsi & Baker Quinnton Harris – Pepsi Rochelle Goodwin – Master’s Law Kiara Paige – Class of 77 Juiette Payne – 20th Century Jeremy Porter – Millikin; Proviso East Alumni Lakeisha Purchase – Ebbert Juan Rangel – Master’s Law Alicia Robinson – Art Tiara Sheppard – Taggart Francisca Torres – Master’s Law Proviso East High School Scholarship Recipients Proviso West High School Scholarship Recipients
  • 6. STUDENTS PROVISO Retirees Susie W. Crain, Secretary to the Superintendent, District Dollie Durham, Security, East Joseph A. Hendricks, Dean of Students, West Patricia E. Imburgia, Manager of Human Resources, District Margie D. Jordan, Business Education Department, East Benjamin J. Kus, Special Education Department, East Frank L. Montgomery, Assistant Principal for Student Life, West Rosann M. Pasqualini, Business Office Clerk, East Dorothy H. Ray, Secretary, West Paramaysvari Retty-Cannon, Secretary, District Martha J. Rodziewicz, Guidance Department, East Jose Santiago, Director of Facilities, District Agostino Troisi, Custodian, East 25 years of service Giuseppe Casciaro, Athletic Equipment Manager, East Fred Gianneschi, Building Manager, East Kenneth E. Huebner, English Department Chair, East Stephen Knox, Vocational Adjunct Counselor, District Mark A. Twarog, Computer Support Technician, East Master’s Degree or Doctorate Gregory P. Baker, Social Studies Department, West, Masters Seamus P. Brennan, Business Education Department, West, Masters Alison R. Callaghan, English Department, West, Masters John S. Desmond, English Department, West, Masters Michael D. Detloff, Business Education Department, East, Masters Rebecca C. Hochstein, Science Department, East, Masters Nikita R. Johnson, Business Manager, District, Doctorate Orelle M. Pinto, Science Department, West, Masters Keldra L. Rabichow, English Department, West, Masters Tamara J. Robinson, Mathematics Department, East, Masters Emily M. Schwartz, Art Department, East, Masters Faculty & Staff Retirement Dinner Each spring, District officials celebrate their faculty and staff during a reception and dinner program. This year’s event was held at The Drake Hotel Oak Brook on Friday, May 18, 2007. Those honored included: retirees, employees with 25 years of service, and employees who have received a Master’s or Doctorate degree. District officials, staff, faculty and guests were on hand to congratulate those individuals for their years of distinguished service to the Proviso Township High Schools. Quinnton Harris - Proviso East “I have grown tremendously from the time I spent at Proviso East both academically and socially. I am proud of the close relationships I have built with my teachers and fellow students. I feel well-prepared to move into the next phase of my life.” Quinnton Harris has earned a 4.0 GPA and is the valedictorian of his graduating class. He will attend Massachusetts Institute of Technology on a full scholarship. He plans to major in Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in Automotive or Architectural Design. Quinnton also received the Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Award and Pepsi scholarship. His activities included Speech Team, Math Team, Pep Squad, Peer Mediator and Tutor, NHS, and Youth Alive. Last summer, Quinnton participated in MITES, a rigorous six-week enrichment program for promising high school juniors who are interested in studying and exploring careers in science, engineering, and entrepreneurship. For more information on MITES visit: Tyara Simpson - Proviso West “Despite the challenges, continue to push and carry on with your goals.” Most teenagers at the age of 16 are starting their sophomore year of high school, but for Tyara Simpson, she is preparing to begin her freshman year at Dominican University in River Forest. Tyara, who obtained a full scholarship, graduated from Proviso West with a 4.0 GPA. She plans to major in Communications with a minor in Psychology or Spanish. During her tenure at Proviso, Tyara was a member of National Honor Society, Multi- Cultural Club, Student Council, Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the Speech Team. Christopher Peterka - Proviso West “Make the best of the opportunities you are given and make the best of what you have.” Christopher Peterka, an Illinois State Scholar and Academic Athlete of the Year graduated with a 3.7 GPA. In the fall, he will attend Ohio State on a full scholarship and will major in business. While at Proviso, Christopher participated in baseball, cross country, in-door track, chess team, band and the decathlon team. Last summer, Christopher attended Eastern Illinois to participate in a political science camp for high school students. Retirees left to right: Joseph Hendricks, Martha Rodziewicz, Benjamin Kus, Dollie Durham, Susie Crain, and Frank Montgomery
  • 7. PARENTS Parent Notification! Registration packets have been mailed out for the 2007-2008 school year. Early registration dates are: April 9 through July 13, 2007. Early registration fee is $150.00 with 50% rebate if the registered parent attends at least one school event per quarter (See list below). Late registration dates are: July 16 throughout the school year. Late registration fee is $250.00 with 50% rebate if the registered parent attends at least one school event per quarter. Students who qualify for free and reduced lunch will have fees waived pending completion of all proper documentation and final acceptance pending approval based on Federal regulations. If an application is denied, regular registration fees will apply based on the date form is submitted. Students will be placed on obligations for registration fees not paid. A list of activities are below for parents to choose from throughout the year: • Back to School Night • Take Your Parents to School Day • Parent/Teacher Conference • PTA Meeting • Booster Club athletic/activity event volunteer • Report Card Pickup • Athletic competition (HOME) – list will be available • Student Club events – list will be available • Field Trip Chaperone (Other volunteer opportunities TBA throughout the year) TIDBITS Construction to Transform East and West School Buildings Currently, Proviso East and Proviso West high Schools are engaged in major construction projects that will strengthen the support of its academic, athletic and student programs, while also solidifying the district’s commitment to developing vibrant residential facilities for students, staff and community members. For more information on upgrades, visit our website at: District 209 Secures Physical Education Program Grant (PEP) Proviso Township High Schools District 209 was recently awarded a Carol M. White Physical Education Program grant worth more than $400,000 by the United States Department of Education Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools. The Physical Education Program grant has two primary objectives: to help students make progress toward meeting state standards in physical education; and to help students increase their physical activity. To achieve these program objectives, funds can be used in a variety of ways, including curriculum development and implementation, professional development, fitness assessments, and equipment purchases. For additional information about the PEP grant please visit: Lee Archambault, Proviso West Graduate Pilots Space Mission Proviso West graduate, Pilot Lee Joseph Archambault, an Air Force colonel with over 4,250 flight hours in more than 30 different aircraft serves as the pilot for STS-117. The shuttle launched at 7:38 p.m. on Friday, June 8th for a 13-day mission. Congratulations Col. Archambault!
  • 8. COMMUNITY District 209 and West Suburban Senior Services invite you to a Family & Senior Citizen Health Fair on Saturday, August 4 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Proviso Mathematics and Science Academy. Admission, Snacks, Health Screens, Family Portraits and Party Bingo. Proviso West Teams Up With Fox Chicago Proviso West teams up with FOX Chicago to put together the most robust High School video website in the country through a program called FoxJox. Students enrolled in video production classes will shoot, produce and edit video coverage of a high school athletic, arts, or academic event. This exciting opportunity is scheduled to pilot in the fall. Alumni Battle for NBA Title Proviso congratulates former Proviso East alum Michael Finley of the San Antonio Spurs and Shannon Brown of the Cleveland Cavaliers for a great NBA season. Both teams played against each other in the 2007 NBA finals. With a 4-0 series sweep, the Spurs joined the Boston Celtics, Los Angeles Lakers and Chicago Bulls as the only teams in NBA history to win four titles. In his eleventh NBA season, Finley celebrates his first NBA title. Note: Proviso East will host The 11th Annual Michael Finley Basketball Camp July 16-20. For more information call: (773) 436-4881. FREE Proviso Township High Schools 8601 W. Roosevelt Rd. Forest Park, IL. 60130 ATTN: POSTAL PATRON Proviso West Activities Dir. Mark Schneider & Proviso West Students meet with Fox TV AUTOCR Non - Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Melrose Park, IL Permit No. 54 Angela L. McDaniel, Editor For comments or story suggestions email: District 209 strategic initiatives are built on: These cornerstones represent the four groups who have the critical responsibilities for achieving the District mission, vision, and goals: the Proviso Team members (faculty, administrators, staff), the Students, the Parents, and the Community. The Vision of Proviso Township High Schools is to be the BEST HIGH SCHOOLDISTRICT in the state of Illinois. The Mission of Proviso Township High Schools is to provide opportunities for successful experience so that upon graduation the satisfied student may pursue any avenue of choice.