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―What   I tell you in secret say to the light and
   that which is whispered in your ears
        proclaim upon the roof tops.”

             Matthew 10:27 KJV

Contact Information

To listen as you read this book of the original message shared
              by Pastor Human please use the following link:

                                           Electronic Email:


                 To add Pastor Human to your Face Book:

                                            Human Shaheen

Pastor Human is available to pray in agreement with you for
your every need. God bless you, in Jesus name!

Table of Contents

       Forward by Sister Lara

         Opening Greetings…8

            Victorious Faith…9

  Impossible Faith to Heal! ..16

Faith Supernatural Change!....21

      My Written Petitions…23

Forward by Sister Lara:

Founder of Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I remember the first time I ever spoke to Pastor Human I was
deeply blessed by her humility and Love for the Nations, to
preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. The work that
Pastor Human and her husband, Dr Ansar, in the Nation of
Pakistan, is a rich blessing of sharing the Love of God to
their communities.

Pastor Human and Dr Ansar are Apostles of the Faith as they
have planted four churches in Pakistan, and they also have:
Bible College and Children’s Orphanage for the Glory of our
Lord Jesus Christ.

During our conversation, Pastor Human shared with me
pictures of her lovely children and her husband. As she
shared each one with me, my heart was deeply joyful for the
work that the Holy Spirit has assigned them to do –in a land
where much adversity of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ

is. Moreover, it is evident that God is preparation the Nation
of Pakistan for Great Revival and His Dream for this Nation
He created will come to pass to reveal His Glorious Son---as
HOPE of Glory! Hallelujah!

We desire to present to you their messages and free books,
and we also request that you continue to pray for Dr Ansar
and His wife, Pastor Human, for their boarders to continue to
enlarge in Pakistan to “Declare God’s Glory & Revival to
the Nations.”

With much love to you today,

Sister Lara

Opening Greetings

Dear people of God, God bless you all! Today,
again, we are going to talk about faith. I would like
you to look at 1 John 5:4-5, (KJV) and I am going to
read from it.

Victorious Faith

1 John 4:4-5 ―For whatsoever is born of God
overcometh the world: and this is the victory that
overcometh the world, [even] our faith. Who is he
that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that
Jesus is the Son of God?”

The Holy Bible tells us that it is the Christian faith,
which makes us victorious over the world, over the
problems of the world, over the failure of the world,
over the needs of the world. It is our faith that makes
us victorious over all of these things. Whenever I
talk to people, they come to me with different
problems who want to share and need relief from
their problems and troubles. They always say,
“Pastor, we have these problems and we believe that
God can do it but why is it that God does not move

in our situations?” In reply I boldly say, “I am very
sorry brothers and sisters but you do not believe”.

Believing has become a very common word among
Christians as they say, ―Yes! We believe!‖ It is hard
to find believing Christians today, but do you really
believe? If you really believed, you would be
victorious in everything you do. Many Christians
walk in fear, and into troubles, and into diseases, and
into lack. Why does this happen?

All you have to do is believe, and that is why you are
facing what you are because you do not believe. Let
us look into the Book of Hebrews to find out what we
believe in.

Let us look at Hebrews 11, as I would like to read
some Scriptures out of this chapter. However, I
would like to recommend that you all read the whole
chapter very carefully, meditate upon it, and think

upon it in order to understand where you are standing
as a Christian.

I would like to read the first verse of Hebrews 11, as
it is the definition of faith in which the Holy Bible
has told us what faith is.

“Faith is the substance of things that are hoped for
and the evidence of things that are not seen.” Let
me say that again as we read, ―Faith is the evidence
of things not seen.‖

Many of us have not seen Christ really crucified, and
we have not seen Him walking in the streets of Israel,
or the streets of Bethlehem or the streets of
Nazareth—as we have not seen Him, actually.
However, it is our belief that tell us ―Yes, He has
been there!” What kind of faith do we have? Do we
really believe that He did the miracles He did, along
with changing lives? He was doing a tremendous

work while He walked the earth. We just agree with
the Apostles who have seen Him and walked with
Him from the depths of their hearts. Other people
have read it and heard it and they say, ―Yes, there
was a man.‖

I met a woman yesterday and she said something to
me and I conveyed that same message to this person,
―You are a very beautiful woman, and you are a very
intelligent woman―. However, I realize she did not
really believe in Jesus. Sometimes, this happens in
the Christian Life as well. We talk about Jesus and
we read His Word but we are not really believing that
He walked in the world, and they do not really
believe that He has done all that in which in the Holy
Bible says.

If we really believed, Body of Christ, we should have
all the things that are written in the Holy Bible.

While the Bible promises great things, and I feel very
sorry when I hear about Christian marriages breaking
down and when I hear about the people and the
children of the people of God saying, ―Why? Why?‖
It is your faith! Where is your faith? Come on
activate it!

I was born again, about ten years back, I heard about
faith and I began to believe! God talks to me about
faith. Faith is not the same to all. Your life is full of
faith! If you are suffering financially, you can have
faith to get out of that situation. I cannot tell people,
―My God is a mighty God because He has done this
for me, and He has done that for me.‖

How can I do that, even though the miracles are
there? I used to receive miracles, off and on but still,
still, not each and every believer experiences
miracles. The last few months, I have praised my

God for what He is doing what He is doing. He
teaches me all the time, and He guides me all the
time. I love it! The Holy Ghost has taught me how to
stand each and every moment of my life in faith.
Holy Ghost talks to me! I am setting here, and I am
happy! I am without any worries! Well, what a
wonderful God! Things are coming up, and things are
going, but if somebody else were sitting in my place
they would not mind being in great trouble, and
without strength because of the Holy Ghost, He gives
us faith. If I see something wrong coming in front of
me, I do not have to go up and down, “I just say get
out of my way in Jesus name” and it happens! You
know why? Because the Holy Ghost actually has
taught me to see faith in that situation. I am telling
you, friend. I count myself blessed because the Holy
Bible is real, and the Holy Ghost real. He is real!!
He is real! He is real!! I taught myself all that.

If you continue to read Hebrews 11:6 “But, without
faith it is impossible to please God.”

Impossible Faith to Heal!

Let me say that again, “But without faith it is
impossible to please Him. For He that comes to God
must first believe that He is, and He is a rewarder of
them that dilengtly seek Him.”

You have to believe that is there and God is present
and it is your faith only, who will tell you and make
everything possible. I have shared this testimony
earlier that, my younger daughter, when she was born
actually, she was not a normal girl. She was having
some problems and the doctors said that I would not
give birth to a child. The doctors said, that when she
grows up—I do not want to say that word, but she not
be a woman. I was so worried about it and I cried for
two days. However, the devil said to me, ―If you
have to cry again then you know that God is not
there.‖ I believed him and I collected my cries. I

decided not to cry again that God is not there. I really
believed God for six months that I am not going to go
to surgery, and I am not going to believe the doctors
that my child is not normal. I am not going to do
anything like that because I know “God, You are the
one that created her. You are the one who can fix
all her disabilities in her body.” I began to give
thanks to God, and I began to praise God for healing
her. I said to my daughter, as her name is Sarah,
“Sarah, you are a mother of many Nations and you
are a complete woman and God has made you like
that and He has blessed you. You are blessed
Sarah.” She was just a little kid, but I used to tell her
that every day. When I used to tell her, the faith
inside of me was getting stronger and stronger and I
started to feel lighter and lighter. It took me six
months, I believe, to really believe that YES!! God
can do it. What I used to say, and what I used to

confess everyday my thoughts changed, my way of
thinking changed, and when I use to change her
diaper every day I such a deep conviction inside of
me that the Lord of the world, that Jesus has healed
her, because I asked Him. Six months, I began to
give thanks to God for the grace that God gave me,
and my daughter is adorable. I used to look at her and
cry and I told my husband, “God has done a great
thing for her. My child is normal.” I was so full of
praise to God! Maybe, if I had gone to surgery it
would killed my baby and she would not live, or
whatever. However, the Lord Himself, the Lord of
Creation has done it. He has created and He fixed
that thing up, and not all her bodily functions were
there. Now, my daughter is a normal woman.

Believe me, that child prays to the Lord everyday!
Hallelujah! She sings a lot and her faith is big in
Jesus. The same child, had an accident a few months

back where she was bleeding and we quickly took her
to a nearby place and the doctor said, ―I am afraid she
might have a fracture in her body.‖ My husband and I
looked at each other and we said, “Ok, let’s take this
to the Lord”. I said, “Father God whatever it is You
know. You understand her already, and You know
what the problem is. I give all the situation into
Your hands. Please, Lord create goodness out of
this for us through this problem.” When we had to
sit in this girl was broken and damaged, the doctor
said that they would have to put plates in her to fix
that bone up. So, we gave her to the Lord and we
said, ―Lord we do not want to put any kind of plates
into her body.‖ So, the Lord did it! He healed her
even though it was impossible. The surgeon said, ―I
can lift the bone so easily and the doctor said we do
not need to put any kind of plates in her body‖.
When I took her for a checkup all those patients that

were there when they originally saw her, they could
not realize how well my daughter was doing. She
started playing, and running, and she was totally
healed. Hallelujah! It took just two weeks, and the
healing was so fast! I praise God that He never leaves
us or forsakes us!

Faith Supernatural Change!

Believe me, your faith can change your
circumstances, and your faith can bring you out of
your situations—your faith can turn your hell in
heaven. Just give your problems to the Lord and
Believe!! That He is!! He can change it!! He can do
more than you can think of!! You cannot change
things in your problems. You cannot change things
in your efforts. It is your faith! It was Sarah’s faith
that she got pregnant at an old age. So, it is your faith
that is going to turn your situation around.

The Holy Bible in Mark 11:24 says, “Therefore I say
unto you what things so ever you desire when you
pray believe that you have received them and you
SHALL have them.” How come when some pray
that they do not get anything? Whenever this
happens to me, I just say to myself, “I am wrong if

something did not happen. God is never wrong, so if
He is not wrong –I have done something wrong and
I have not really believed it.‖ The Holy Bible says in
Mark 11:24, “If you believe you will receive.” We
pray always that we hope to get it! I start speaking
about it, and I start thanking God for it. I want a new
car, and I have asked the Lord for that and soon I will
get it. With your faith! If you have asked the Lord
for a new car you have it!! If you have asked the
Lord, the very moment you asked you have received
it. Stop looking at that thing that you cannot see
because it is your faith as it is the evidence that it is
there, even though you cannot see it.

My Written Petitions

We have two or three churches working for us in
different places. We have one church in the Capital
of Pakistan, and a person came two or three times to
our place to stay and discuss the Bible, along with
teachings. He came to my bedroom, for some
reason—I do not understand why, but he saw some
pieces of paper and said, “Sister what is this? What
have you written? What is all this?” I said, “These
are our petitions.” Whatever we pray, sometimes we
forget. If I have prayed today, after two days I will
forget what I have prayed. Sometimes, I start thinking
about what I have prayed and I begin to worry that
my prayer was not having my faith practiced. It is a
habit to tell myself and teach myself to write my
prayers down. I write out my prayers and stick them
somewhere in my house so that I can look them,
again and again. Sometimes, I look at the date and I

sign that petition and I stick it somewhere and I say,
“Thank You God that You have given it to me. I
thank You for this miracle!” Finally, when it
appears physically and I have it documented. So, this
man sees the papers and I began to show him, “This
happened today, this moment, for me.” Hallelujah!
Have faith! Ask the Holy Ghost to help you! Believe
me…believe me…you will experience the Holy
Bible. You will experience the power of God. Your
faith can turn that situation around. Let me pray for

Closing Prayer

Holy Ghost I pray for all these people who are
listening to me today, Father God, I bless them all. I
ask You Father God, in Jesus name—because the
Word tells me whatever I ask in His name I will get
it. Father God touch their lives! Make them believe
that You are real! You have done everything for
them already. Make them believe that! Make them
believe You for their necessities, and for their
problems. Make them believe You for their healings.
Make them believe You for their families. Lord, fill
their hearts with Your faith so that they will have
strong, deep faith, in You. Let them come before
You with Great Faith. Oh yes Jesus! Holy Ghost,
today touch each of their minds and hearts listening
to me in Jesus name. Touch them right now. In Jesus
name I pray, Amen! Amen!

Thank you all so very much! God bless you!



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Journey of Faith Series with Pastor Human

  • 1.
  • 2. Provided by Creative Commons You have selected the Attribution- NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. This license is permanently located at 2
  • 3. ―What I tell you in secret say to the light and that which is whispered in your ears proclaim upon the roof tops.” Matthew 10:27 KJV 3
  • 4. 4
  • 5. Contact Information To listen as you read this book of the original message shared by Pastor Human please use the following link: Electronic Email: To add Pastor Human to your Face Book: Human Shaheen Pastor Human is available to pray in agreement with you for your every need. God bless you, in Jesus name! 5
  • 6. Table of Contents Forward by Sister Lara Opening Greetings…8 Victorious Faith…9 Impossible Faith to Heal! ..16 Faith Supernatural Change!....21 My Written Petitions…23 6
  • 7. Forward by Sister Lara: Founder of Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! I remember the first time I ever spoke to Pastor Human I was deeply blessed by her humility and Love for the Nations, to preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. The work that Pastor Human and her husband, Dr Ansar, in the Nation of Pakistan, is a rich blessing of sharing the Love of God to their communities. Pastor Human and Dr Ansar are Apostles of the Faith as they have planted four churches in Pakistan, and they also have: Bible College and Children’s Orphanage for the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. During our conversation, Pastor Human shared with me pictures of her lovely children and her husband. As she shared each one with me, my heart was deeply joyful for the work that the Holy Spirit has assigned them to do –in a land where much adversity of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ 7
  • 8. is. Moreover, it is evident that God is preparation the Nation of Pakistan for Great Revival and His Dream for this Nation He created will come to pass to reveal His Glorious Son---as HOPE of Glory! Hallelujah! We desire to present to you their messages and free books, and we also request that you continue to pray for Dr Ansar and His wife, Pastor Human, for their boarders to continue to enlarge in Pakistan to “Declare God’s Glory & Revival to the Nations.” With much love to you today, Sister Lara 8
  • 9. Opening Greetings Dear people of God, God bless you all! Today, again, we are going to talk about faith. I would like you to look at 1 John 5:4-5, (KJV) and I am going to read from it. 9
  • 10. Victorious Faith 1 John 4:4-5 ―For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, [even] our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?” The Holy Bible tells us that it is the Christian faith, which makes us victorious over the world, over the problems of the world, over the failure of the world, over the needs of the world. It is our faith that makes us victorious over all of these things. Whenever I talk to people, they come to me with different problems who want to share and need relief from their problems and troubles. They always say, “Pastor, we have these problems and we believe that God can do it but why is it that God does not move 10
  • 11. in our situations?” In reply I boldly say, “I am very sorry brothers and sisters but you do not believe”. Believing has become a very common word among Christians as they say, ―Yes! We believe!‖ It is hard to find believing Christians today, but do you really believe? If you really believed, you would be victorious in everything you do. Many Christians walk in fear, and into troubles, and into diseases, and into lack. Why does this happen? All you have to do is believe, and that is why you are facing what you are because you do not believe. Let us look into the Book of Hebrews to find out what we believe in. Let us look at Hebrews 11, as I would like to read some Scriptures out of this chapter. However, I would like to recommend that you all read the whole chapter very carefully, meditate upon it, and think 11
  • 12. upon it in order to understand where you are standing as a Christian. I would like to read the first verse of Hebrews 11, as it is the definition of faith in which the Holy Bible has told us what faith is. “Faith is the substance of things that are hoped for and the evidence of things that are not seen.” Let me say that again as we read, ―Faith is the evidence of things not seen.‖ Many of us have not seen Christ really crucified, and we have not seen Him walking in the streets of Israel, or the streets of Bethlehem or the streets of Nazareth—as we have not seen Him, actually. However, it is our belief that tell us ―Yes, He has been there!” What kind of faith do we have? Do we really believe that He did the miracles He did, along with changing lives? He was doing a tremendous 12
  • 13. work while He walked the earth. We just agree with the Apostles who have seen Him and walked with Him from the depths of their hearts. Other people have read it and heard it and they say, ―Yes, there was a man.‖ I met a woman yesterday and she said something to me and I conveyed that same message to this person, ―You are a very beautiful woman, and you are a very intelligent woman―. However, I realize she did not really believe in Jesus. Sometimes, this happens in the Christian Life as well. We talk about Jesus and we read His Word but we are not really believing that He walked in the world, and they do not really believe that He has done all that in which in the Holy Bible says. If we really believed, Body of Christ, we should have all the things that are written in the Holy Bible. 13
  • 14. While the Bible promises great things, and I feel very sorry when I hear about Christian marriages breaking down and when I hear about the people and the children of the people of God saying, ―Why? Why?‖ It is your faith! Where is your faith? Come on activate it! I was born again, about ten years back, I heard about faith and I began to believe! God talks to me about faith. Faith is not the same to all. Your life is full of faith! If you are suffering financially, you can have faith to get out of that situation. I cannot tell people, ―My God is a mighty God because He has done this for me, and He has done that for me.‖ How can I do that, even though the miracles are there? I used to receive miracles, off and on but still, still, not each and every believer experiences miracles. The last few months, I have praised my 14
  • 15. God for what He is doing what He is doing. He teaches me all the time, and He guides me all the time. I love it! The Holy Ghost has taught me how to stand each and every moment of my life in faith. Holy Ghost talks to me! I am setting here, and I am happy! I am without any worries! Well, what a wonderful God! Things are coming up, and things are going, but if somebody else were sitting in my place they would not mind being in great trouble, and without strength because of the Holy Ghost, He gives us faith. If I see something wrong coming in front of me, I do not have to go up and down, “I just say get out of my way in Jesus name” and it happens! You know why? Because the Holy Ghost actually has taught me to see faith in that situation. I am telling you, friend. I count myself blessed because the Holy Bible is real, and the Holy Ghost real. He is real!! He is real! He is real!! I taught myself all that. 15
  • 16. If you continue to read Hebrews 11:6 “But, without faith it is impossible to please God.” 16
  • 17. Impossible Faith to Heal! Let me say that again, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him. For He that comes to God must first believe that He is, and He is a rewarder of them that dilengtly seek Him.” You have to believe that is there and God is present and it is your faith only, who will tell you and make everything possible. I have shared this testimony earlier that, my younger daughter, when she was born actually, she was not a normal girl. She was having some problems and the doctors said that I would not give birth to a child. The doctors said, that when she grows up—I do not want to say that word, but she not be a woman. I was so worried about it and I cried for two days. However, the devil said to me, ―If you have to cry again then you know that God is not there.‖ I believed him and I collected my cries. I 17
  • 18. decided not to cry again that God is not there. I really believed God for six months that I am not going to go to surgery, and I am not going to believe the doctors that my child is not normal. I am not going to do anything like that because I know “God, You are the one that created her. You are the one who can fix all her disabilities in her body.” I began to give thanks to God, and I began to praise God for healing her. I said to my daughter, as her name is Sarah, “Sarah, you are a mother of many Nations and you are a complete woman and God has made you like that and He has blessed you. You are blessed Sarah.” She was just a little kid, but I used to tell her that every day. When I used to tell her, the faith inside of me was getting stronger and stronger and I started to feel lighter and lighter. It took me six months, I believe, to really believe that YES!! God can do it. What I used to say, and what I used to 18
  • 19. confess everyday my thoughts changed, my way of thinking changed, and when I use to change her diaper every day I such a deep conviction inside of me that the Lord of the world, that Jesus has healed her, because I asked Him. Six months, I began to give thanks to God for the grace that God gave me, and my daughter is adorable. I used to look at her and cry and I told my husband, “God has done a great thing for her. My child is normal.” I was so full of praise to God! Maybe, if I had gone to surgery it would killed my baby and she would not live, or whatever. However, the Lord Himself, the Lord of Creation has done it. He has created and He fixed that thing up, and not all her bodily functions were there. Now, my daughter is a normal woman. Believe me, that child prays to the Lord everyday! Hallelujah! She sings a lot and her faith is big in Jesus. The same child, had an accident a few months 19
  • 20. back where she was bleeding and we quickly took her to a nearby place and the doctor said, ―I am afraid she might have a fracture in her body.‖ My husband and I looked at each other and we said, “Ok, let’s take this to the Lord”. I said, “Father God whatever it is You know. You understand her already, and You know what the problem is. I give all the situation into Your hands. Please, Lord create goodness out of this for us through this problem.” When we had to sit in this girl was broken and damaged, the doctor said that they would have to put plates in her to fix that bone up. So, we gave her to the Lord and we said, ―Lord we do not want to put any kind of plates into her body.‖ So, the Lord did it! He healed her even though it was impossible. The surgeon said, ―I can lift the bone so easily and the doctor said we do not need to put any kind of plates in her body‖. When I took her for a checkup all those patients that 20
  • 21. were there when they originally saw her, they could not realize how well my daughter was doing. She started playing, and running, and she was totally healed. Hallelujah! It took just two weeks, and the healing was so fast! I praise God that He never leaves us or forsakes us! 21
  • 22. Faith Supernatural Change! Believe me, your faith can change your circumstances, and your faith can bring you out of your situations—your faith can turn your hell in heaven. Just give your problems to the Lord and Believe!! That He is!! He can change it!! He can do more than you can think of!! You cannot change things in your problems. You cannot change things in your efforts. It is your faith! It was Sarah’s faith that she got pregnant at an old age. So, it is your faith that is going to turn your situation around. The Holy Bible in Mark 11:24 says, “Therefore I say unto you what things so ever you desire when you pray believe that you have received them and you SHALL have them.” How come when some pray that they do not get anything? Whenever this happens to me, I just say to myself, “I am wrong if 22
  • 23. something did not happen. God is never wrong, so if He is not wrong –I have done something wrong and I have not really believed it.‖ The Holy Bible says in Mark 11:24, “If you believe you will receive.” We pray always that we hope to get it! I start speaking about it, and I start thanking God for it. I want a new car, and I have asked the Lord for that and soon I will get it. With your faith! If you have asked the Lord for a new car you have it!! If you have asked the Lord, the very moment you asked you have received it. Stop looking at that thing that you cannot see because it is your faith as it is the evidence that it is there, even though you cannot see it. 23
  • 24. My Written Petitions We have two or three churches working for us in different places. We have one church in the Capital of Pakistan, and a person came two or three times to our place to stay and discuss the Bible, along with teachings. He came to my bedroom, for some reason—I do not understand why, but he saw some pieces of paper and said, “Sister what is this? What have you written? What is all this?” I said, “These are our petitions.” Whatever we pray, sometimes we forget. If I have prayed today, after two days I will forget what I have prayed. Sometimes, I start thinking about what I have prayed and I begin to worry that my prayer was not having my faith practiced. It is a habit to tell myself and teach myself to write my prayers down. I write out my prayers and stick them somewhere in my house so that I can look them, again and again. Sometimes, I look at the date and I 24
  • 25. sign that petition and I stick it somewhere and I say, “Thank You God that You have given it to me. I thank You for this miracle!” Finally, when it appears physically and I have it documented. So, this man sees the papers and I began to show him, “This happened today, this moment, for me.” Hallelujah! Have faith! Ask the Holy Ghost to help you! Believe me…believe me…you will experience the Holy Bible. You will experience the power of God. Your faith can turn that situation around. Let me pray for you. 25
  • 26. Closing Prayer Holy Ghost I pray for all these people who are listening to me today, Father God, I bless them all. I ask You Father God, in Jesus name—because the Word tells me whatever I ask in His name I will get it. Father God touch their lives! Make them believe that You are real! You have done everything for them already. Make them believe that! Make them believe You for their necessities, and for their problems. Make them believe You for their healings. Make them believe You for their families. Lord, fill their hearts with Your faith so that they will have strong, deep faith, in You. Let them come before You with Great Faith. Oh yes Jesus! Holy Ghost, today touch each of their minds and hearts listening to me in Jesus name. Touch them right now. In Jesus name I pray, Amen! Amen! 26
  • 27. Thank you all so very much! God bless you! 27
  • 28. NOTES: 28