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Mark 11:9 9Those who went ahead and those who
followedshouted, "Hosanna!""Blessedis he who
comes in the name of the LORD!"
Pulpit Commentary Homiletics
Palm Sunday
Mark 11:8-10
A. Rowland
We sometimes wonderthat the greatestTeacher, the divinest Masterthe
world ever saw, was so little recognizedduring his ministry. Our surprise
would be lessenedif we fairly put ourselves in the position of his
contemporaries. Suppose news came to our metropolis that in a distant
hamlet, among working people, a child had been born, and that rumors of
portents accompanying his birth found favor in that country-side. Suppose
that, as years rolled on, it was reported that this child, now a man, had done
some marvellous works;and that, after severalvisits to the city, he came into
it accompaniedby his followers, chiefly peasants, neitherlearned nor wealthy.
The probabilities are that although some might know him to be a great
teacher, a man of unquestioned holiness and of astonishing pretensions, the
hum of business would not be hushed for a moment, and few would turn aside
to see his festalprocession.
1. His welcome would have been more speedy and generalhad he come
differently. All through his ministry we find evidence of that. There was
eagerness fora Messiahofa certain type. A promise to restore the theocracy,
and overthrow the Roman tyranny, would have been hailed with a unanimous
shout of delight. But our Lord would not be content, and never is, with a
worldly homage, suchas a Christian nation, for example, offers when it calls
itself by his Name, and violates his principles. Unless he rules human hearts,
he has no joy and the ruled no bliss. Even an earthly king desires realloyalty;
but he cannot read men's thoughts nor see how in heart his flatterers despise
him. If he could, how thankfully would he turn from the adulation of courtiers
to the unsophisticatedlove of his children! So our Lord turned from priests
and Pharisees to the humble peasants ofGalilee and the loving children in
Jerusalem. In order to avoid false homage, Christ came, and still comes,
quietly. He comes not with peals of thunder and visions of angels, nor even as
a national leader appealing to popular passionand armed force; but, in quiet
thoughts and in happy Christian homes, he reveals'himself to those seeking
the truth, or burdened with sin.
2. Even such a welcome as this given on Palm Sunday was unusual. His motto
seemedto be, "He shall not strive, nor cry, nor cause his voice to be heard in
the streets."Popularapplause was suppressed, and even natural enthusiasm
was cooled. If people would take him by force to make him a king, he
departed and did hide himself from them. If the disciples saw a glimpse of his
glory on the Mount of Transfiguration, he said, "See that ye tell no man." His
miracles were quietly wrought, generallywith but few witnesses,and those
blessedwere often told not to publish it. But on this first day of the last week
he wished to have an unwonted procession. In the crowds who had come
togetherfor the Passoverall the elements of it were ready, if he only gave a
sign of his willingness to receive it. And this he did. He arrangedfor it. He sent
to the village for the young colt, and when it was brought he sat upon it, and
alloweda simple processionto be formed, which increasedin numbers and
enthusiasm as they drew nearer to Jerusalem.
3. This exceptionalscene was wiselyordered.
(1) The memory of it would help the disciples in the dark days which ended
that eventful week;for they would reflectthat it was not want of power, but
want of will, which did not allow him to rouse the people in his defense. "The
GoodShepherd giveth his life for the sheep."
(2) Besides, it would give an opportunity to the people to see him as the King
he claimed to be, and it was possible that some who had resistedother
influences might yield to this, and pay him homage now, lie had come as a
babe to Jerusalem, and few had loved him; he had come as a child, only to be
wondered at when he sat among the doctors;he had come to the feasts, and
scarcelyany had recognizedhim. He had come" unto his own, and his own
receivedhim not." Once more, in a new way, he would draw near. He would
try one more avenue to the closedheartbefore uttering the pathetic lament,
"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often would I have gatheredthy children... and
ye would not!"
(3) Further, there was something prophetic and typical in this procession. The
triumphal entry was a symbol of the resurrectionon that day week, and of his
later ascensionto heavenamidst the hosannas ofthe angels. It was a prophecy
also of his kingly progress through history, and of his secondcoming in glory,
when all in heaven and all on earth will cry, "Blessedis he that cometh in the
Name of the Lord!"
II. THE CROWN SURROUNDINGJESUS. In some of those there we may
see, perhaps, representatives ofourselves.
1. Enthusiasts were there. They had seenhis miracles, and with loud hosannas
spread their garments in his way. He foresaw with sadness the change that
would come over them. They applauded on Olivet, but they were absent from
Calvary. Beware ofspasmodic enthusiasm, and ask for grace to stand by
Christ's cause in times of trouble as well as in times of triumph.
2. Foes were there. They kept quiet while the crowd of his followers
surrounded them; but soonthey would raise the cry, "Crucify him! crucify
him!" It is possible to "crucify the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open
3. Disciples were there. The blind who had been restored, demoniacs who had
been delivered, learners who had satreverently at his feet. In the procession
which still is following the Lord, may we find our place! - A.R.
Biblical Illustrator
And they spreadtheir garments in the way.
Mark 11:8-10
Religious excitement
F. Wagstaff.
How are we to deal with religious emotions when they are awakenedin a more
than ordinary degree?
1. We should make them subservient to the promotion of the rectitude of our
nature and of our life. With the kindling of our religious emotions there comes
strength for action, and our care should be to use that strength for right
2. It is not always safe to act under the impulse of strong feelings;therefore we
need, at such seasons, to be more than ordinarily prayerful; and at such times
conscienceoughtto be more than ever consulted.
3. If a man, under the influence of religious excitement, does not do what
conscienceandGod's law clearlyrequire of him, there is little reasonto expect
that he will do so when the excitement shall have passedaway. There are
certain lessons taughtus by this subject.(1) That religious excitementhas its
sphere of usefulness in the development of religious life;(2) but it is a grievous
mistake to regard emotionalexcitement as the very essenceandsubstance of
(F. Wagstaff.)
The RoyalEntry into the RoyalCity
R. Green
Mark 11:1-10
And when they came near to Jerusalem, to Bethphage and Bethany, at the
mount of Olives, he sends forth two of his disciples,…
Simple indeed are the preparations for the entry of Zion's King into his own
city. "Go your way into the village that is over againstyou: and straightwayas
ye enter into it, ye shall find a colt tied, whereonno man ever yet sat; loose
him, and bring him." The long-waiting prophecy is now to be fulfilled -
"Rejoicegreatly, O daughter of Zion;
Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem:
Behold, thy King cometh unto thee:
He is just, and having salvation;
Lowly, and riding upon an ass,
And upon a colt the foal of an ass." And the daughter of Zion did rejoice
greatly. What a scene ofgladness!What a shout of triumph! They bring the
colt coveredwith their garments, while the way is prepared by the soft
branches of palms scatteredand loose robes castupon the ground. And the
lowly, mighty King enters, and the cries rend the still air.
Blessedis he that cometh
In the Name of the Lord:
Blessedis the kingdom that cometh,
The kingdom of our father David:
Hosanna in the highest." There are times when truth bursts through all that
hides it, and declares itselfas the sun through a rent cloud. So is it here.
Without restraint the children of Israelproclaim their King as did Pilate
when he wrote, "The King of the Jews."True, Pilate did not believe, nor did
the shouting crowdat the gates ofthe city for long together. The same walls
soonheard the cry, "Crucify him! crucify him!" But for the time the truth
prevails. It is uppermost. As in the Transfiguration, the hidden glory is
revealed. Perhaps unconsciously, these voices bearwitness to the truth. It is a
scene to carry in the eye, to be engraven on the heart. Let us learn -
AUTHORITY. It is not stituted or upheld by them; it is not destroyedby their
absence. Christianity is independent of external support.
ITSELF. Yea, though it may be rejected, it will leave its testimony for
following ages offaith and unbelief to ponder according to their respective
IN THE NAME OF THE LORD. Other kings and other kingdoms will rise in
a temporary prevalence of power, and fall into dark oblivion and disgrace.
But the true will quietly assume its rightful place, whethermen acceptor
reject, Jesus is a King. "To this end have I been born." Jesus is "King of the
Jews,"though their priests cry aloud, "We have no king but Caesar."Jesusis
the King of kings. But the kingdom is "not of this world," nor will it pass
awayas the kingdoms of this world. It abideth for ever. And happy is the man
who is a true and faithful subject under this heavenly reign. - G.
Coffman's Commentaries on the Bible
And they that went before, and they that followed, cried, Hosanna;Blessedis
he that cometh in the name of the Lord: Blessedis the kingdom that cometh,
the kingdom of our father David: Hosanna in the highest.
They that went before, and they that followed... Here are the two great
multitudes, one following Jesus from Bethany, many of them being
eyewitnesses ofthe raising of Lazarus and all of them shouting that fact as
they followed, and another coming out from Jerusalem, having heard that the
man who raisedLazarus was coming, and hastening out to greethim. Thus,
Mark's brief words here give the basic factof those two greatmasses ofpeople
converging upon Jesus.
The balance of these two verses are rich with messianic implications, the
mention of David, so long dead and buried, having no other possible meaning
exceptas a reference to the Son of David, Israel's long-expectedMessiah.
For comment upon the fulfillment of Zechariah9:9, and with regard to many
of the spiritual overtones of this wonderful entry, see my Commentary on
Matthew, Matthew 21:1-11. No triumphal entry ever knownat any time or
place could be comparedwith that of the world's true Light on the last
Sunday preceding his resurrectionfrom the dead; and the truly wonderful
thing about Jesus'triumph is that it is still going on!
The exclamations ofthe multitudes hailing Jesus'entry into the city are
variously reported by the four gospels:Matthew has "Hosanna to the Sonof
David; blessedis he that comethin the name of the Lord: Hosanna in the
highest" (Matthew 21:9); Mark has "Blessedis the kingdom that cometh, the
kingdom of our father David: Hosanna in the highest" (Mark 11:9,10);Luke
has "Blessedis the King that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the
highest" Luke 19:38); and John has "Hosanna:Blessedis he that cometh in
the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel" (John 12:13). Such accounts
are exactlywhat one should have expectedin view of the undeniable truth that
such multitudes would have shouted MANY THINGS. The four samplings
which have come down to us outline quite clearly the nature and intent of
their exclamations. Critics who selectthe leastextensive of these four records
and then shout that "this is all that was said by those multitudes" betray not
merely their lack of knowing the Scriptures but also their phenomenal
ignorance of crowds suchas that which hailed the Lord.
Copyright Statement
James Burton Coffman Commentaries reproduced by permission of Abilene
Christian University Press, Abilene, Texas, USA. All other rights reserved.
Coffman, James Burton. "Commentary on Mark 11:9". "Coffman
Commentaries on the Old and New Testament".
https: Abilene
Christian University Press, Abilene, Texas, USA. 1983-1999.
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John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible
And they that went before, and they that followed,.... Theythat came from
Jerusalemto meet him, and they that followedhim from Jericho and other
parts; which two bodies, the one went before him, and the other followed after
him: and
cried, saying, Hosanna, blessedis he that cometh in the name of the Lord; See
Gill on Matthew 21:9.
Copyright Statement
The New John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible Modernisedand adapted
for the computer by Larry Pierce of Online Bible. All Rightes Reserved,
Larry Pierce, Winterbourne, Ontario.
A printed copy of this work can be ordered from: The Baptist Standard
Bearer, 1 Iron Oaks Dr, Paris, AR, 72855
Gill, John. "Commentary on Mark 11:9". "The New John Gill Expositionof
the Entire Bible". https:
11.html. 1999.
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Geneva Study Bible
And they that went before, and they that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna; a
Blessed[is]he that comethin the name of the Lord:
(a) Let it be wellto him that comes to us from God, or that is sent from God.
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These files are public domain.
Text Courtesyof Used by Permission.
Beza, Theodore. "Commentaryon Mark 11:9". "The 1599 Geneva Study
Bible". https:
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The Fourfold Gospel
And they that went before, and they that followed, cried1, Hosanna2;Blessed
[is] he that comethin the name of the Lord3:
And they that went before, and they that followed, cried. The shouting
appears to have been started by those who came out of Jerusalem;it is
evident, therefore, that the apostles who were approaching the city with Jesus
had nothing to do with inciting this praise.
Hosanna. This is the Greek form or spelling of two Hebrew words, "Hoshiah-
na", which means, "Save now", or, "Save, I pray", "na" being a particle of
entreaty added to imperatives. The two words are takenfrom Psalms 118:25,
which was recognizedas the Messianic Psalm. The shout "Hosanna" was
customarily used at the feastof the tabernacles andthe other festivals. It was
a shout of exaltation about equivalent to "Salvation".
Blessed[is]he that comethin the name of the Lord. See Psalms 118:26. The
Evangelists give us the various cries of the multitude, for they did not all cry
one thing (Mark 11:9,10;Matthew 21:9; Luke 19:38; of the Messiahshipof
Jesus, but popular cries are sooncaught up and are as fickle as the impulses
which beget them. But the public recognitionof the MessiahshipofJesus gave
weight to the accusationmade by Simon Peteron the day of Pentecostthat
they had slain the Messiah(Acts 2:36). Compare Acts 3:14,15.
Copyright Statement
These files are public domain and are a derivative of an electronic edition that
is available on the Christian ClassicsEtherealLibrary Website. These files
were made available by Mr. Ernie Stefanik. First published online in 1996 at
The RestorationMovementPages.
J. W. McGarveyand Philip Y. Pendleton. "Commentaryon Mark 11:9".
"The Fourfold Gospel".
https: Standard
Publishing Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1914.
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James Nisbet's Church Pulpit Commentary
‘Hosanna; Blessedis he that cometh in the name of the Lord.’
Mark 11:9
I. In the New TestamentJesus Christ is the subjectof all songs. The Virgin
Mary’s, Zacharias’s, Simeon’s, Anna’s, that beautiful hymn of the Church on
St. Peter’s deliverance (in the fourth chapter of the Acts), the abrupt bursts of
praise which break out here and there in the Epistles, up to the chants of the
Revelation, all, without one exception, have Christ as their theme.
II. Let us now pass to our PrayerBook Service ofSong.—Praiseis the chief
part of all the worship of Almighty God. The more that one grows in true
religion, the more will he see Christ filling the Psalms. The SpecialPsalms are
emphatically full of Christ Then the Venite, ‘O come, let us sing unto the
Lord,’—and who is the Lord?—‘let us heartily rejoice in the Strength of our
salvation.’More than half the Te Deum is distinctly addressedto Christ, and
the restto Godas Christ’s Father. The Benedicite, by its mention of Ananias,
Azarias, and Misael, Shadrack, Meshack, andAbednego, leads the mind to
‘the form of the fourth, which was like the Son of God.’ The Benedictus is
nothing but Christ; and the Jubilate is a Jew’s anticipationof Christ’s
universal reign. The Magnificatis Christ’s own mother’s language of her Son.
And the Cantate is Christ and His Church’s victory. The Nunc Dimittis is the
eye upon Jesus now;and the Deus Misereaturis the eye upon Jesus presently.
The climax of our generalthanksgiving is ‘the redemption of the world by our
Lord Jesus Christ.’ And in the Holy Communion, if the first Doxologybe to
the Father, it is for the gift of the Son: and in the second, the same thought is
expanded, and Christ is blended with the Father’s glory. In Baptism, it is the
soul grafted into Christ for which we thank. In Marriage, it is because the
union is the type of the mystical oneness betwixtChrist and His Church. And
in the Burial Service, the Resurrectionof Christ is the warrant of the thanks
which rest upon the hope that, when He shall have accomplishedthe number
of His elect, and hastened His Kingdom, then that we, with all those who are
departed in the true faith of His holy name, shall have our perfect
consummation and bliss, both in body and soul, in His eternal and everlasting
So, from generationto generation, the Church rolls the tide of song,
Copyright Statement
These files are public domain.
Text Courtesyof Used by Permission.
Nisbet, James. "Commentaryon Mark 11:9". Church Pulpit Commentary.
https: 1876.
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John Trapp Complete Commentary
9 And they that went before, and they that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna;
Blessedis he that cometh in the name of the Lord:
Ver. 9. {See Trapp on "Matthew 21:9"}{See Trapp on "Luke 19:35"}
Copyright Statement
These files are public domain.
Text Courtesyof Used by Permission.
Trapp, John. "Commentary on Mark 11:9". John Trapp Complete
Commentary. https:
11.html. 1865-1868.
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Matthew Poole's EnglishAnnotations on the Holy Bible
See Poole on"Mark 11:7"
Copyright Statement
These files are public domain.
Text Courtesyof Used by Permission.
Poole, Matthew, "Commentaryon Mark 11:9". Matthew Poole's English
Annotations on the Holy Bible.
https: 1685.
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Cambridge Greek Testamentfor Schools andColleges
9. οἱ προάγοντες. This might include the Jerusalemcontingent, which on
meeting Christ turned round and headed the procession.
ἔκραζον. This cry continued; the “earliesthymn of Christian devotion”
(Stanley, Sin. and Pal. pp. 190 f.; his description of the scene is famed).
Ὡσαννά. “Save, we pray”; but the word seems to have become an expression
of praise rather than of prayer. Lk. in choosing an equivalent that would be
intelligible to Gentile readers takes δόξα and not σῶσον δή. Contrast Acta
Pilati i. It is remarkable that Mk gives no translation of Hosanna; contrast
Mark 5:41, Mark 7:34, Mark 15:22; Mark 15:34. This may be either because,
like Rabbi (Mark 9:5), the word was so familiar, or because he himself was in
doubt about the meaning. Psalms 118, which perhaps celebratesthe
Dedicationof the SecondTemple, and is certainly processional, was sung at
the [2620]ofTabernacles,and the palm branches, wavedby the crowdfrom
Jerusalem, would easilysuggestthe ceremonies ofthat Feast. In the post-
communion prayer in the Didache (x. 6) “Hosanna to the God of David”
occurs, and some texts have “Hosanna to the Son of David,” from Matthew
εὐλογημένος ὁ ἐρχ. κ.τ.λ. In these words all four agree. Originally they were a
welcome to the pilgrim who comes to the Feast;but here they imply that “He
who cometh” has a missionfrom God.
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These files are public domain.
Text Courtesyof Used by Permission.
"Commentary on Mark 11:9". "Cambridge Greek TestamentforSchools and
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Schaff's Popular Commentary on the New Testament
Mark 11:9. He will come and destroy. The full answerof the hearers is given
by Matthew. Here the substance of the answeris given, not as coming from
them, but spokenby our Lord Himself.
Copyright Statement
These files are public domain.
Text Courtesyof Used by Permission.
Schaff, Philip. "Commentary on Mark 11:9". "Schaff's PopularCommentary
on the New Testament".
https: 1879-90.
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The Expositor's Greek Testament
Mark 11:9. οἱ ποοάυοντες, those going before;probably people who had gone
out from the city to meet the procession.
Copyright Statement
These files are public domain.
Text Courtesyof Used by Permission.
Nicol, W. Robertson, M.A., L.L.D. "Commentary on Mark 11:9". The
Expositor's Greek Testament.
https: 1897-1910.
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George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary
that went before, were the prophets; and they that come after, are the
apostles. (St. Jerome) --- All these voluntary offerings were grateful to our
divine Saviour; so are the like offerings made to him in the blessedsacrament.
Copyright Statement
These files are public domain.
Text Courtesyof Used by Permission.
Haydock, George Leo. "Commentaryon Mark 11:9". "GeorgeHaydock's
Catholic Bible Commentary".
https: 1859.
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E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes
Hosanna, &c. Quoted from Psalms 118:25, Psalms 118:26.See note on
Matthew 21:9.
in. Greek. en. App-104.
the LORD. App-98. B. a.
Copyright Statement
These files are public domain.
Text Courtesyof Used by Permission.
Bullinger, Ethelbert William. "Commentary on Mark 11:9". "E.W.
Bullinger's Companion bible Notes".
https: 1909-1922.
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Treasuryof Scripture Knowledge
And they that went before, and they that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna;
Blessedis he that cometh in the name of the Lord:
Psalms 118:25,26;Matthew 21:9; 23:39; Luke 19:37,38;John 12:13;19:15
Here Comes Our King (The Triumphal Entry of Jesus)
Mark 11:1-11
Introduction: 1) Steve Lambert is a Christian brother who lives in
Washington, D.C. and is a
member of Capitol Hill Baptist Church where my friend Mark Dever is the
pastor. Reflecting on
the differences betweenChristianity and Islam he provides a most interesting
perspective and
contrastbetweenthe two when he writes,
“In no other manner are the differences betweenMuslims and Christians
more sharply contrastedthan in the difference betweenthe characters and
legaciesoftheir prophets. Perhaps the contrastis best symbolized by the way
Mohammad entered Mecca andJesus enteredJerusalem. Mohammadrode
into Mecca ona warhorse, surrounded by 400 mounted men and 10,000foot
soldiers. Those who greetedhim were absorbed into his movement; those who
resistedhim were vanquished, killed, or enslaved. Mohammad conquered
Mecca, andtook control as its new religious, political, and military leader.
Today, in the TopkapiPalace in Istanbul, Turkey, Mohommad’s purported
swordis proudly on display …. Jesus enteredJerusalemon a donkey,
accompaniedby his 12 disciples. He was welcomedand greetedby people
waving palm fronds—a traditional sign of peace. Jesus weptoverJerusalem
because the Jews mistook him for an earthly, secularking who was to free
them from the yoke of Rome, whereas, Jesuscame to establisha much
different, heavenly kingdom. Jesus came by invitation and not by force.”
(Quoted in Mark Dever, It Is Well, (Wheaton:Crossway, 65).
2) Mark 11 begins the last chapter in our Lord’s earthly life. Chapters 11-16
record the final
week ofthat life. Mark devotes more than 1/3 of his gospelto “passionweek.”
Some have
referred to Mark’s gospelas a “passionnarrative” with an extended
introduction. That is not a
bad description. It will be a busy and active week culminating in his death on
the cross andHis
glorious resurrection.
3) It begins with his arrival in Jerusalemduring Passover. Traditionallywe
call it “the triumphal
entry.” It is a clear and unambiguous declarationof His Kingship. So
important is the event it is
recordedin all 4 gospels (Matt21;Mk 11; Luke 19;John 12). With His
arrival “the die is cast!”
There will be no turning back. The Lamb who was slainbefore the foundation
of the world (1
Pet 1:20) will now be slain in space and time. The atonement for sin ordained
in eternity past
now becomes historicalfor all to behold.
4) Jerusalemwould be a buzz with activity. During Passoverthe population
could swellto 3
times its normal size as pilgrims from all over the world descended(better
“ascended”)upon it.
However, this Passoverwouldbe unlike any other had or ever would be. As
Paul would write in
1 Cor 5:7, “ForChrist, our Passoverlamb, has been sacrificed.”So, in light of
all this, how
should we respond to the coming of our King?
I. Worship the One who is always in control. 11:1-3
• Jesus and the disciples, as they drew near to Jerusalem, came to Bethphage
(“house of
unripe figs”)near Bethany on the Mount of Olives (v. 1). Bethany was the
home of
Mary, Martha and Lazarus whom Jesus raisedfrom the dead (John 11:38-
44). It will
be the place where Jesus will stay during the final week of His life (Mk 11:11).
• Our Lord then dispatched 2 unnamed disciples to a localvillage telling them
as they
entered they would find an un-ridden colt tied up upon which no one had ever
“Untie it and bring it” (vs. 1-2). How did He know all this?!
• If that is not unusual enough, He instructs them further in v. 3 (read). Note
repetition of the word “immediately.” Note also it is “the Lord” (kurios) who
has need
of it” (v. 3). As the Ark of the Covenantneeded an unyoked carrier(1 Sam
6:7; cf.
Num 19:2; Deut 21:3), so the true Ark of the Covenant, the Lord Jesus,
required an
unridden animal for this sacredassignment. It is bringing the Holy One into
• All of this is carefully laid out by “the Lord” who has planned everything out
to the
last detail and is in complete control.
• From the moment He enters Jerusalemthe prerogatives of deity are present.
Jesus is
Lord and Masterof every detail of His divine destiny. He knows whatwill
happen and
when it will happen. It will all go according to plan.
• Sinclair Fergusonis spot on, “His majestyand authority beganto shine
through from
the moment of his entry into Jerusalem” (Let’s Study Mark, 180).
• We should also take note, without running past it too quickly, of the
importance of the
Mount of Olives (v. 1) in biblical and redemptive history.
− The Mount of Olives is a ridge about two and a half miles long. It rises to a
about 2700 feet, 200 feethigher than Mount Zion. The view from its summit is
breath-taking. Its crestis less than a mile directly eastof Jerusalem. It is
known for
its many olive trees.
Significant historicalevents:
1) Its slopes were the path of David’s retreat from Jerusalemto escape
capture by
Absalom (2 Sam 15:30-32).
2) On this mount Solomongrieved God by erecting idols for his foreign wives
worship (1 Kings 11:1-10).
3) On this mount Jesus weptover the disobedience and blindness of
4) Ezekielwitnessedthe Glory of God on the Mount of Olives (Eze. 11:23).
5) Jesus, the Son of David made his royal entry into Jerusalemfrom here.
11:1-10;Luke 19:28-40;Matt 21:1-10;John 12:12-13).
6) The disciples witnessedJesus’ascensioninto glory on this mount (Lk
Acts 1:9-12).
7) In Acts 1:10-11 Jesus saidHe would come again in the same wayyou have
watchedhim go. Zechariah 14:4-5 tells us what will happen when those holy
touch down once againwhere He left, “On that day his feet shall stand on the
Mount of Olives that lies before Jerusalemon the east, and the Mount of
shall be split in two from eastto westby a very wide valley, so that one half of
Mount shall move northward, and the other half southward. And you shall
flee to
the valley of my mountains, for the valley of the mountains shall reachto
Azal. And
you shall flee as you fled from the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of
Then the Lord my God will come, and all the holy ones with him.”
Transition: We should worship the One who is always in control.
II. Worship the one who submits to the Word of God. 11:4-7 (cf. Zech 9:9ff;
Matt 21:4-5; John 12:14-15)
• The two disciples go and 1) find things as Jesus saidand 2) did as Jesus said
(v. 4).
• As they were warned, “some of those standing there said to them, “What are
you doing
untying the colt?” (v. 5)
• They responded and “told them what Jesus had said.” (v. 6). The response
was quick
and to the point: “and they let them go.” (v. 6).
• In vintage Markansimplicity we are told in v. 7 that: 1) they brought the
colt to Jesus,
2) threw their cloaksonit (for Him to sit on) and 3) Jesus saton it to ride into
Jerusalem. Oh, there is so much here betweenthe lines!
• Jesus has walkedeverywhere else in His ministry throughout Israel except
for those
occasions whenHe was riding in a boat. Now for the one and only time He
rides an
animal, a small colt. Matthew 21:7 more fully informs us it was a donkey and
that it
was accompaniedby its mother.
• All of this is highly symbolic in light of Old Testamentprophecy,
expectations and
− The phrase “The Lord has need of it” is the exactsame phrase used in
2:25 to justify David’s eating “the bread of the Presence”whenhe and his
were hungry. David’s greaterSon is here!
− His riding in on a donkey also is a declarationof His kingship and a
of Zechariah 9:9 as Matthew 21:4-5 and John 12:14-15 make clear. In fact
listen to Zechariah 9:9-17 which, as is often the case withOld Testament
prophecy, does not make a cleardistinction betweenour Lord’s first and
secondcoming. All of it surely would have been in the minds of those
watching all of this unfold.
“ Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem!
Behold, your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he,
humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. I will cut off
the chariotfrom Ephraim and the war horse from Jerusalem;and the battle
bow shall be cut off, and he shall speak peace to the nations; his rule shall be
from sea to sea, and from the River to the ends of the earth. As for you, also,
because ofthe blood of my covenantwith you, I will set your prisoners free
from the waterlesspit. Return to your stronghold, O prisoners of hope; today
I declare that I will restore to you double. For I have bent Judah as my bow; I
have made Ephraim its arrow. I will stir up your sons, O Zion, againstyour
sons, O Greece,and wield you like a warrior’s sword. Then the Lord will
appear over them,
and his arrow will go forth like lightning; the Lord God will sound the
trumpet and will march forth in the whirlwinds of the south. The Lord of
hosts will protect them, and they shall devour, and tread down the sling
stones, and they shall drink and roar as if drunk with wine, and be full like a
bowl, drenched like the corners of the altar. On that day the Lord their God
will save them, as the flock of his people; for like the jewels ofa crown they
shall shine on his land. Forhow greatis his goodness,and how greathis
beauty! Grain shall make the young men flourish, and new wine the young
women.” • Our Lord lived His life from beginning to end in total and absolute
submission to the
Word of God. His life, death and resurrectionwere the very unfolding of the
drama of
redemption. No wonder He would say in John 5:39, “You searchthe
because you think in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear
witness about
• Tim Keller is right, “We cannot, in the end, follow Jesus without adopting
His loyalty
to the Bible.”
III. Worship the One who embodies humility. 11:7-8
• Jesus mounts the young colt and begins the parade into Jerusalem(v. 7).
Here is deity
on a donkey! The prophecy in Zechariah9:9 beautifully makes a connection
to his
riding in on a donkey and his humility. And did you notice he had no need to
break it
in! He is Lord of all creation!This donkey knew its Creator, its Master!Isaiah
for a moment, flashes before our eyes!There the Bible says, “The wolf shall
with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, and the calf
and the
lion and the fattened calf together;and a little child shall lead them. The cow
and the
bear shall graze;their young shall lie down togetherand the lion shall eat
straw like
the ox. The nursing child shall play over the hole of the cobra, and the weaned
shall put his hand on the adder’s den. They shall not hurt or destroyin all my
mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge ofthe Lord as the
waters cover
the sea.”
− Yes He is their King coming to them.
− Yes He is bringing righteousness andsalvation.
− And yes, He comes humble and mounted on a donkey.
• The response ofthe people is noted in vs. 8-10. Here in v. 8, “they spread
their cloaks
on the road and others spread leafy branches they had cut from the fields.”
John’s gospelmentions palm branches (John 12:13). It was a festive time of
celebrationas they welcomedthis King, and it recalls the inauguration and
of Jehu as King in 2 Kings 9:12-13.
• Coming in this way our Lord now proclaims openly what he has forbidden
until this
moment: I am your King! Jesus with purpose and intentionality presents
Himself as
the Messiahknowing that it will provoke a confrontation with the Jewish
leaders that
will result in his crucifixion. And yet, His declarationalso is bathed in
• The paradoxicalKingship of Jesus shines so bright at this moment! He is
royalty and
deity wrapped in a single person, and yet He moves forward in His
declarationto be
King in lowliness, weaknessandservice. He does not come in pomp and
circumstance. No, He comes in meekness and lowliness, He comes in humility
• I absolutely love the way Sinclair Fergusoncaptures the moment:
“Think, for a moment, what Mark’s record would convey to those who read
it first – the Christians in Rome. No doubt
many of them had seengenerals enter Rome in triumph to receive the
accolades ofvictory. How stark the contrastbetweenRoman glory and Jesus’
humility must have seemed. How mighty and powerful the swordand political
powerby contrastwith King Jesus!Yet we know that his kingdom was
established, while the glory that was Rome disappeared into oblivion. We
know that what Jesus did in Jerusalemestablisheda kingdom which would
outlast all the kingdoms of this world and break in pieces everyman-centered
kingdom which sets itselfagainstit. Jesus had come to taken his throne – but
had committed himself to begin his reign from a cross.” (Let’s Study Mark,
IV. Worship the One who alone can save. 11:9-10
• On a personal level I am fascinatedby these 2 verses which record the
shouts of the
crowd. On the one hand their words could not be more true. On the other,
they could
not have been more misunderstood by those who were making them. Only
Jesus, and
Jesus alone, knew the full import and significance ofwhat they were saying.
• Both those who went aheadof Him and those who followed Him, in other
everyone in the caravangoing up and into Jerusalemwhere shouting the same
“Hosanna!Blessedis he who comes in the name of the Lord. Blessedis the
Kingdom of our Father David! Hosanna in the highest!” Let’s break all of this
and note all that is here.
− “Hosanna” means literally “Save, I pray” and is repeatedby Mark for
(vs. 9 & 10). It draws from Psalm 118:25-26 (The Egyptian Hallels;Ps 113
118)which says, “Save us, we pray, O Lord! O Lord, we pray, give us success!
Blessedis he who comes in the name of the Lord! We bless you from the
house of the Lord.” Passovercelebratedthe Hebrew people’s liberation and
deliverance out of Egypt. Now the nation of Israelanticipates a Messianic
liberation and deliverance from Rome.
− “Blessed” is also repeated(vs. 9-10)and draws from Numbers 6:24-27
says, “The Lord bless you and keepyou; the Lord make his face to shine upon
you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and
you peace. So shallthey put my name upon the people of Israel, and I will
bless them.”
− The one who is blessed, better, will be the blesser, it is, 1) he who comes in
name of the Lord, 2) who is bringing the coming kingdom of David!”
− 2 Samuel 7:12-16 is being fulfilled! And it was!
− Isaiah 9:1-7 is being fulfilled! And it was!
− Isaiah 11:1-10 is being fulfilled! And it was!
− Jeremiah 23:5-8 is being fulfilled! And it was!
− Ezekiel34:23-24 is being fulfilled! And it was!
− Micah 5:2-4 is being fulfilled! And it was!
− Oh, but it was not being fulfilled in the way they thought, hoped, and
it would be. They are right, He is their King. But He is not here to purge
of foreign domination. No, he is here to purge His people of their sin! They are
looking and longing for a temporal, political and military Savior. He,
is bringing what only He canbring, a complete and eternal salvationof body
and soul! They want and expecta Savior only for Jews, but He is a Savior for
the whole world, for any and all who will believe on His Name. John 1:12 says
it so well, “But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave
the right to become children of God …” John 3:16 says it so well, “ForGod so
loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoeverbelieves in him
not perish but have eternallife.” John 14:6 says it so well, “Jesus saidto him,
“I am the way, and the truth, and the life, No one comes to the Father except
through me.” Acts 4:12 says it so well, “And there is salvationin no one else,
for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must
be saved.” 1 Timothy 2:5 says it so well, “Forthere is one God, and there is
one mediator betweenGod and men, the man Christ Jesus …” Christ’s
salvationand triumph would be the victory of life over death, salvationover
sin, truth over error, love over hate, forgiveness overcondemnation. They
out for salvationthat day. Have you cried to Him to save you? He is the only
one who can.
V. Worship the One who always acts justly. 11:11
• This day ends rather uneventful. It is actually quite anti-climatic.
Tomorrow will be a
different day (11:12-25). Things will never be the same again!
• 1) Jesus enters Jerusalem, 2)goes to the temple, 3) looks things over very
carefully, 4)
sees that it is late (in the day or for the temple?) and 5) leaves with the
disciples for
Bethany where He will spend the night. • I cannothelp but wonder if Jesus’
mind returned to the 1st time He saw the temple as a
12 year old boy (Luke 2:41-52). Certainly He must have been impressedin
some ways
at that young and tender age. Notnow, not knowing what He knows now and
what will
transpire in the coming days and years.
• Jesus does notcome to the temple as a tourist or gawking pilgrim caught up
in the
fanfare of Passoverand enamored by the spectacularbeauty of the temple.
No, he
makes a commanding survey of the situation, takes carefulinventory of all
that He sees,
and goes awayto return the next day when He will curse something, the
temple, that
should have been bringing the nations to God (11:17), but in reality was
driving them
• It would seemthat this would have been the moment for Him to claim and
receive His
Messianic throne and Kingdom. Amazingly, nothing, not one thing happens.
enthusiastic crowds have mysteriously vanished. Was He only “King for a
day?” Jesus
quietly, and with no fanfare whatsoever, leaveswith the 12.
• However, Malachi3:1-2, a text Mark cites at the very beginning of this
gospel, is
lurking in the prophetic shadows, “Behold, I send my messenger, andhe will
the waybefore me. And the Lord whom you seek willsuddenly come to his
and the messengerofthe covenantin whom you delight, behold, he is coming,
says the
Lord of hosts. But who canendure the day of his coming, and who can stand
when he
appears? Forhe is like a refiner’s fire and like fullers’ soap.”
− The refining fire has arrived to purify that which is putrid.
− The fuller’s soaphas arrived to cleanse thatwhich is filthy.
• He will start His work with the temple.
He will finish His work on the cross.
• He acts justly whereverand wheneverHe judges. He is so worthy of our
Conclusion:1) Our King has come and … our King is coming again. And,
what a difference there will be in His 1stand 2nd Advents.
The First Coming of Jesus The SecondComing of Jesus He came to die.
He will come to reign. He came on a little donkey. He will come on a warrior
horse. He came as a humble servant. He will come as an exalted King. He
came in weakness. He will come in power. He came to save. He will come to
He came in love. He will come in wrath. He came as deity veiled. He will come
as deity revealed. He came with 12 disciples. He will come with an army of
angels. He came to bring peace. He will come and make war. He was given a
crownof thorns. He will receive a crownof royalty. He came as the Suffering
Servant. He will come as the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
2) Very few bowed before the greatKing the 1st time He came. However,
every knee will bow
when He comes again(Phil 2:9-11). Are you looking? Are you waiting? Are
you ready? Here the
words of the greathymn writer Isaac Watts as you think on these things.
Jesus shallreign where e’er the sun Doth his successivejourneys run; His
kingdom stretch from shore to shore, Till moons shall waxand wane no more
Blessings aboundwhere e’erhe reigns:The prisoner leaps to lose his chains,
The wearyfind eternal rest, and all the sons of want are blest. Let every
creature rise and bring Peculiarhonors to our King; Angels descendwith
songs again, And earth repeat the loud Amen.
Mark 11:1-11 8-11-13 Demonstration- Celebration- Examination
I. Slide#1 Announce: A. Slide#2 Divorce Recovery/Rick& Lorrain DeLeon -
Congrats on retirement from Los Alamitos, PD 30 yrs 1. Slide#3 Divorce
Recoverybegins on Monday, August 19 at 6:30 pm. B. Slide#4 New Emails -
no longer ccmurrieta. Now, calvarymurrieta.comC. Slide#5 RippleFX -
started as a collaborationof Advocates for Faith/Freedom, Student Venture &
California Family Council. SeanMcDowellguest. This Tues Aug.13th. 7pm
here at CM. II. Slide#6blank Intro: A. Story: In Oct.2007, Greg & I were on a
plane leaving London for Kosovo. Greg had the window open, I was staring
out, & a Mercedespulled right up to the plane. I thought has to be some
dignitary to getthat treatment. He came on with 2 other guys & they sat in the
not so prestigious front row. People started pointing & whispering something
about him. I askeda gal Slide#7,8 who is it, she said the president (Fatmir
Sejdiu/Fat-MeerSay-dyoo). 4 months before Kosovo’s Independence, here
was the president. Besides getting to drive right up to the plane & board...I
felt bad...I don’t even think he got an extra bag a peanuts. 1. This morning we
look at Jesus’not so triumphal entry. He deserved so much more.
B. Slide#9 Jesus was atthe End of His journey. A journey that started9
months ago. A busy itinerary in this final journey where He ministered in at
least35 localities. He timed the journey to end in Jerusalemright at Passover.
1. The Passovernow only a few days away. Throngs around Him. Everyone
spreading the news about Him. Back now in Bethany where he rose Lazarus
from the dead. The religious leaders counseling on how to kill Him. The
Roman Soldiers SpecialForcesonHeightened alert, Threat Level Orange for
potential Terrorist attacks.Would Jesus make a move? As the pressure
mounts, Jesus took definite, calculated, & premeditated action.
C. Slide#10 He carefully ordered everything. 1. His Timing: The day & hour
were selectedfrom eternity w/countdownprecision. He chose the 1stday of
the week forhis Triumphal entry which would precipitate his terrible death
on that Friday, His rest in the grave on Sabbath, & his triumphant
resurrectionon the following 1st day of The Church. 2. His Mode of
transportation: A previously unridden donkey. a) He reaches Bethphage &
sends his disciples to obtain his donkey limo he’d ride in on. 3. His Going
Public: He was purposely going public. He was promoting a public
demonstration. Neverbefore. He had repeatedly withdrawn from the crowds.
But now He invited it. He courted danger & did it with calculatedpurpose.
D. Title/Outline is: Demonstration - Celebration- Examination
III. Slide#11 DEMONSTRATION(1-6)His Deity & Authority A. His Deity
(2,3)B. Jesus was demonstrating His omniscience/His all-knowingness.1. He
was in control of the whole situation. a) I like that. That brings me comfort
today. He has all the details of my life figured out. C. His Authority (3) D. The
Lord has need of it. 1. The Lord had need of it & He has need of you. a) Like
Philip & the Ethiopian Eunuch. The Lord had need of Philip. 2. In His
sovereignty& grace Godhas given you & me the privilege of being used to tell
other people about the Lord. IV. Slide#12 CELEBRATION (7-10)Hebrews
on Holiday A. His Lowliness - on a donkey. B. Back to the donkey. 1.
Unridden - an animal devoted to a sacredtask must be one that had not been
put to ordinary use. a) Slide#13 Interesting….eversee The cross onthe back
of a donkey? b) Legend - Seeing the tragic event taking place, he wishedwith
all his heart that he had been able to carry the cross for Jesus, as he was the
proper one to carry heavy burdens. Ashamed of what was happening, the
donkey turned his back on the sight, but would not leave for he wished to stay
until all was over because ofhis love for Jesus. In reward for the loyal and
humble love of the little donkey, the Lord castthe shadow of the cross to fall
across his back and left it there for the donkeyto carry forever more as a sign
that the love of God, no matter how humble, carries a reward for all us to see.
2. Slide#14 A Colt Tied - This points to a Messianic prophecyby Jacob.
Gen.49:10,11 The scepterwill not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff
from his descendants, until the coming of the one to whom it belongs, the one
whom all nations will honor. He ties his foal to a grapevine, the coltof his
donkey to a choice vine. He washes his clothes in wine, his robes in the blood
of grapes. a) And of course He wants us to make the connectionof Zech.9:9
Look, your king is coming to you. He is righteous and victorious, yet he is
humble, riding on a donkey - riding on a donkey’s colt. 3. Slide#15 Riding a
donkey was a kingly act which identified Him with the royal line of David.
a) It was a royal animal during King David’s reign. After him, the Hebrew
kings switchedto horses, & the donkeywas consideredunsuited to the dignity
of Kings. 4. Riding a donkeywas also a humble actfor that day. a) Seeing this
procession, the Roman Soldiers must have laughed/mocked. b) Slide#16 When
a victorious Romangeneralwould return from war, elephants, tigers, and
other animals would accompanyhim. The generalwould be in a chariot
pulled by handsome horses. The swords ofthe soldiers behind him would be
lifted high. The streets would be filled with the order of incense. The whole
city would be shouting and rejoicing over the victorious king. Can you
imagine how Caesarin Rome would have laughed and mockedas he saw this
processional? Butthis was the beginning of the parade that would ultimately
topple the Roman Empire.1 (1) Slide#17 Now look atJesus’parade...Him on a
donkey(a beat up VW in that day, no limo); coats forHis saddle; His soldiers
hold Palm Branches insteadof Swords. No incense burning, just the fragrance
of Christ, which is the aroma of life to those being saved & an aroma of death
to those who are perishing. (a) I’m in that parade. It’s a looong line of
followers. Are you in the parade? If you are savedyou are in it too. 5. Slide#18
The Donkey, by G.K.ChestertonWhenfishes flew and forests walked And
figs grew upon thorn, Some moment when the moon was blood Then surely
I was born. With monstrous head and sickening cry And ears like errant
wings, The devil’s walking parody On all four-footed things. Slide#19 The
tattered outlaw of the earth, Of ancientcrookedwill; Starve, scourge,deride
me: I am dumb, I keepmy secretstill. Fools!For I also had my hour; One far
fierce hour and sweet: There was a shout about my ears, And palms before
my feet. C. We can all find encouragementfrom the fact that Jesus enlisted
the donkeyin His service!
D. Slide#20 His Loftiness - Save now.
1 Jerry Vines, Exploring the Gospels/Mark, pg.221,222.
E. All eyes were fixed on Jesus, allhonor & respectwas poured forth. Not
only did some place their clothing on the animal as a saddle, some flung their
robes to the ground as a gesture of reverence, indicating their willingness for
him to have everything - even to trample their property if He so desired.
There was swelling, mounting joy! 1. Slide#21 He rode up the ridge to where
the road starts down the Mount of Olives. 2. Fresh pilgrims from Bethany &
Bethphage have joined Him & the processiongrows. 3. When they reached
that spot they caughta glimpse of the southeasterncornerof the city. With its
magnificent terraces & imposing towers, they broke into loud Easternpraise.
These were Hebrews on Holiday! F. The chant - 1. Slide#22 In vs.9 it says
there were 2 groups(b4 & behind). This was antiphonal chant that some
scholars suggestit went like this: a) First group: “Hosanna!” b) Second
group: “Blessedis He who comes in the name of the Lord!’ Blessedis the
kingdom of our father David!” c) First group: “Hosanna in the highest!” (1)
This chant from Ps.118:26 wasoftenused for pilgrims, but here it perfectly
fits Jesus. -This became a mass prophetic ecstasyas the long procession
moved along the slope of Mount of Olives. (2) The Lord was making a
statement- their words were His statement, “Save us!...Save us!” (3) The Lord
was revealing His position & His person - by riding in on the donkey. (4) The
Lord was revealing His work-The Hosannas describe His work.2 V. Slide#23
EXAMINATION (11)His City & Church A. His City - He went into
Jerusalem. B. The road that descends downthe Mount of Olives descends into
a hollow, & the sight of the city dips out of sight from the multitudes because
of the ridge line. But then after a moment of Slide#24 walking, the path
mounts again, in an instant the whole city bursts into view. 1. Slide#25 Now
with the whole city is in view & the Saviorbegins to weep. Not with quiet tears
as were described when Lazarus was risen from his grave, but with loud deep
sorrow. Theyceasedtheir Hosannas & heard the Lord of the Universe wail
over Jerusalem. This was a new king. 2. ReadLuke 19:41-44 where His
wailing turns into lamentation. 4
2 Kent Hughes, Mark, pg.82.
3. Slide#26 Byprophetic vision(seeing 4 decades into the future), the Lord saw
the proud, unrepentant Holy City reduced to a pile of rubble wetwith the
blood of His people. 4. They missed the things that makes for peace! - What?
What did they miss? Well, repentance towardGod & faith in the Lord Jesus
Christ. a) As your life stands right now, what does Jesus Christsee in your
future? Judgment? Your towers pulled down? Desolation? b) The tears of
Christ measure the infinite value of your soul. 5. Slide#27 Jesus saw human
beings with needy hearts...whatdo you see when you look at your city? a) If
we could see our cities the wayJesus sees them, we’d see young lives being
wreckedwith drugs & immorality. We’d see businessmen/womenwhose lives
are empty & meaningless. We’dsee struggling mothers & absentfathers.
We’d see many elderly staring into their sunset, ready to slip off into eternity
w/o a relationship with Christ.
C. His Church - He went into the temple. D. Slide#28,29He had looked
around at all things - It was a look of examination. 1. What does Jesus see
when He comes to our churches? As He walks up & down our aisles, moves
in& out of the pews. 2. What does Jesus see whenHe look around in our
Temple/in our hearts/in our lives? He knows what we are like inside. When
Jesus looks into your heart, what does He see?
Hosanna in the Highest Mark 11: 1-11
Our text deals with a significantmoment and time in the life of Jesus. Most
title this passage – the triumphal entry. It begins what has come to be known
as PassionWeek.The Lord makes His initial entrance into Jerusalem,
preparing to offer Himself on the cross as the atonementfor our sin. The
jubilant receptionHe receivedat this moment will soonbe replacedwith cries
for His crucifixion. This is certainly a significant passageforevery believer as
As we examine this passage, we must keepin mind the sovereigntyinvolved in
these events. Jesus had not haphazardly arrived at this moment in time. His
life had been spent in preparation for the events that would soonfollow. This
was the reasonfor the incarnation and His time spent upon earth as a man.
The event that took place that day had been prophesied hundreds of years
earlier. Zech.9:9 – Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of
Jerusalem:behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having
salvation;lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foalof an ass.
Jesus was committed to fulfilling the plan of redemption.
As we considerthe particular moments revealed in the text, I want to think on
the thought: Hosanna in the Highest. Hopefully we will be reminded of the
greatlove and commitment Christ had for us, and such a reminder should stir
our hearts with love and commitment for Him.
I. A Time of Preparation(1-6) – The opening verses of this passage revealthe
detailed preparation that went into the triumphal entry. This event was not
left to chance;it had been divinely prophesiedand would be sovereignly
carried out. Consider:
A. The Location(1) – And when they came nigh to Jerusalem, unto Bethphage
and Bethany, at the mount of Olives, he sendethforth two of his disciples. As
Jesus continued to make His way towardJerusalem, having His heart set on
fulfilling the Father’s will, they had arrived in the area of Bethphage and
Bethany. The two villages were locatedjust to the eastof Jerusalem.
Bethphage was the largerof the two, but Bethany was dear to the heart of
Jesus. Martha, Mary, and Lazarus lived in Bethany, and it was there that
Jesus raisedLazarus from the dead. According to Matthew 21:1, it appears
the coltJesus would ride into Jerusalemwas to be found in Bethphage. As
they stoodon the Mount of Olives, lying just northeastof Jerusalemand
having an elevationof some 2,600 feet, Jesus couldsee Jerusalembefore Him.
One can only imagine the emotion Jesus must have felt at this moment,
surveying the city below.
April 25, 2018
PastorChris Benfield – FellowshipMissionaryBaptist Church 2
B. The Instruction (2-3) – And saith unto them, Go your way into the village
over againstyou: and as soonas ye be enteredinto it, ye shall find a colt tied,
whereonnever man sat; loose him, and bring him. [3] And if any man say
unto you, Why do ye this? say ye that the Lord hath need of him; and
straightwayhe will send him hither. We are not given the names of the two
disciples that were sent, and the other gospels do not revealwhich of the
twelve they were either. Some speculate it was Peterand John, but we do not
know for certain. These two were instructed to go into the village, where they
would find a colt tied as soonas they entered. If anyone questionedwhy they
were taking the colt, they were instructed to tell them that the Lord had need
of it. Jesus assuredthe men that they would be allowedto take the colt,
because these wouldbelieve their words.
▪ This is a simple task, but it reveals the sovereigntyof Jesus in regardto this
matter. He had not gone ahead of the disciples. Jesus knew exactlywhere they
would find the colt tied, and He knew there would be no dispute in the matter.
This should encourage us as we walk with the Lord. There is nothing we face
in life that He cannot control; He has the ability to orchestrate eventhe
smallestdetails of our lives.
▪ I thought of how the two chosento go after the donkey might have felt.
They may have been more than happy to go, but it is possible that they felt
this was simple work and there were more important tasks to be handled.
They likely had no idea what was about to transpire, and probably never
consideredthey were being used to fulfill ancient prophecy. There are no
unimportant or menial tasks when it comes to serving the Lord!
C. The Acquisition (4-6) – And they went their way, and found the colttied by
the door without in a place where two ways met; and they loose him. [5] And
certain of them that stoodthere said unto them, What do ye, loosing the colt?
[6] And they said unto them even as Jesus had commanded: and they let them
go. As the disciples obediently went after the colt, they found it just as the
Lord had said. As they were preparing to take the colt with them, they were
questioned about what they were doing. Simply responding that the Lord
needed the colt, they were allowedto take it with them. This happened just as
they Lord had described. He had orchestratedthese events long before the
disciples arrived in Bethphage to get the donkey.
▪ Isn’t that encouraging to consider? Jesus worked outthe smallestof details
for the disciples. We tend to think that our Lord is unconcernedwith the day
to day trivial aspects ofour lives, but in fact, He is very mindful and in
absolute control.
II. A Time of Celebration(7-10) – Here we discoverthe triumphant entry
Jesus made into Jerusalemand the celebrationsurrounding it. Notice:
April 25, 2018
PastorChris Benfield – FellowshipMissionaryBaptist Church 3
A. The Willingness Involved (7) – And they brought the coltto Jesus, andcast
their garments on him; and he satupon him. This reveals the willingness of
the disciples and the colt as well. The disciples laid their garments on the colt
in order to make Jesus’ride more comfortable. These were totally committed
to Him, being submissive to His will. It is amazing how the animal responded
to all of this. Being raisedon a farm, I am familiar with how horses and
donkeys respond the first time someone tries to ride them. This was a young
colt that had never been broken, and yet it submitted to the Lord and allowed
Him to ride. The donkey was in complete submission to Jesus as well, willing
to let Him ride into Jerusalem.
▪ That is quite convicting when we pause to considerit. This donkey was
more willing to be used of the Lord than a lot of Baptists. We need to possess a
willingness to serve the Lord, at His leisure, seeking to please Him in all we
B. The Wonder Involved (8) – And many spreadtheir garments in the way:
and others cut down branches off the trees, and strawedthem in the way. As
Jesus made His way into Jerusalem, the people gatheredalong the way,
spreading their garments and palm branches before Him, showing their awe
and wonder of Jesus. Clearlythese saw Him as the Christ. He was being
celebratedas their King. Some may have hoped, and even thought that Jesus
would establish His kingdom at that time, but we cannot deny their reverence
for Jesus as He passedbefore them.
▪ As we read the accounts of Jesus’life in the gospels, it is easyto become
critical of those who experiencedJesus, being in His presence. Clearlythese
recognizedsomething specialabout Him, but often He was not given the
recognitionHe deserved. We too tend to become casualregarding our Lord.
We need to see Him for who He is – our Lord and Master, Redeemerand
Sovereign, our Saviorand sooncoming King! I am convincedwe need a fresh
glimpse of His glory that would create a sense ofwonder in our hearts!
C. The Worship Involved (9-10)– And they that went before, and they that
followed, cried, saying, Hosanna;Blessedis he that cometh in the name of the
Lord: [10] Blessedbe the kingdom of our father David, that cometh in the
name of the Lord: Hosanna in the highest. As the crowds surrounded Jesus
that day, they offered genuine praise and worship to the Lord. The word
Hosanna means “save now.” The people were crying out for their Messiahto
provide deliverance. These are worshiping their Lord and King, which was
also a fulfillment of prophecy. Psalm118:25-26 – Save now, I beseechthee, O
LORD: O LORD, I beseechthee, send now prosperity. [26] Blessedbe he that
cometh in the name of the LORD:we have blessedyou out of the house of the
April 25, 2018
PastorChris Benfield – FellowshipMissionaryBaptist Church 4
▪ Luke records an interesting aspectof the triumphant entry. The Pharisees
were displeasedwith the worship of the people. Luke 19:39-40 – And some of
the Phariseesfrom among the multitude said unto him, Master, rebuke thy
disciples. [40] And he answeredand said unto them, I tell you that, if these
should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out. Creationwould
have praised Jesus atthis moment if the multitude had not. I certainly don’t
want the rocks to cry out in my place; He is worthy of our worship!
III. A Time of Examination (11) – And Jesus enteredinto Jerusalem, and into
the temple: and when he had lookedround about upon all things, and now the
eventide was come, he went out unto Bethany with the twelve. As Jesus made
His wayinto Jerusalem, He was very observantof the situation around Him.
A. His Discernment – Jesus paid close attentionto what He saw, discerning
the situation. All was not as it appeared. He lookedupon:
➢ The City – No doubt this would have been a spectacularsightat this
moment in time. It is estimated that about 80,000dweltin Jerusalemin Jesus’
day, but during the Passoverthe city would have swollento betweentwo and
three million people. Jesus knows whatlies aheadfor the beloved city. She will
deny Him as the Christ, continuing in her complacenceand disobedience.
Very soon, in AD 70, the Romans will destroy the city, with thousands of Jews
being crucified. The Temple will be destroyedand the inhabitants scattered
throughout the world. In a few days Jesus willutter heartbreaking words
regarding Jerusalem. Matt.23:37– O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest
the prophets, and stonestthem which are sent unto thee, how often would I
have gatheredthy children together, even as a hen gatherethher chickens
under her wings, and ye would not!
➢ The Temple – Jesus also lookedupon the situation within the Temple. It
was arrayed in all its splendor, with the priests going through the formalities
of religion, but their hearts were hard and cold. Their Messiahstoodin their
midst, and yet they failed to see Him as the Christ.
This is a sobering thought. What does Jesus see as He considers His church
today? I know overall, He sees us as His purchasedpossession, andloves us
with an everlasting love, but what does He actually see? I fearoften He sees a
scene very similar to the one He encounteredin Jerusalemthat day. I am not
interestedin religious formalities, merely going through the motions. We must
see Him as the Christ, our Savior and Lord, with a commitment to serve and
honor Him!
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PastorChris Benfield – FellowshipMissionaryBaptist Church 5
B. His Departure (11b) – and now the eventide was come, he went out unto
Bethany with the twelve. At the close ofan eventful day, Jesus departedfrom
Jerusalem, returning to Bethany with the twelve. He went back to the place
where He was loved and accepted. One would expectJesus to have felt wanted
in Jerusalem, but He knew the condition of the hearts of many. He spent His
time among those who cherishedHim, seeing Him as the Christ.
▪ This world has much to offer, and there are many distractions to our faith.
We live in such a materialistic societythat influences many aspects oflife. I
am in no way implying that our Lord is never found among the grand
sanctuaries and magnificent buildings throughout the world, but that in no
way guarantees His presence or blessing. The Lord will be found among those
who love and desire Him. In fact, He will more than likely be found in the
small villages and remote areas, insteadof those who boast of their
possessions. I want to have a heart for the Lord. I want Fellowshipto be a
Bethany, a place where our Lord is known to frequent!
Conclusion:Our text revealeda magnificent moment in Jesus’life. Everyone
in Jerusalemdid not recognize Him, but many did. He was worshipedand
honored for who He was – the promised Messiah. Thosewho will gather later
that week around the praetorium will have a different perspective, but on this
day, Jesus was with those He loved and those who returned His love.
Where do our hearts lie today? How do we perceive Jesus? Is He welcome
among us? Is He regularly in attendance within your home? I know the Spirit
dwells within the believercontinually, but do we make any effort to fellowship
with our Lord? He must be the objectof our affection. If you are unsaved or
not where you should be with the Lord, seek Him today!
Mark 11:1-11
Intro: We have reacheda pivotal point in the book of Mark. Jesus is on the
Mount of Olives overlooking Jerusalem. Jesushas been here many times, in
fact, He has been in the city below many times. When He descends from the
Mount of Olives on this day, He will be setting into motion certain events that
will climax with His death on the cross and His resurrectionfrom the dead.
The events we are studying today took place sometime on a Sunday.
Before the sun sets the next Friday, Jesus will have been crucified and buried.
Before the sun rises on the next Sunday morning, Jesus will have conquered
death, hell and the grave by resurrecting from the dead. The events of this day
mark the beginning of our Lord’s PassionWeek.
Up to this point in the ministry of Jesus, He had always told His men to
keepquiet about His identity. Often, when Jesus healedpeople, He would tell
them to go their way and to keepquiet about what had happened to them,
Mark 7:36; 8:30; 9:9; Luke 8:56. Now, there is a change in the Lord’s
strategy. On this day, Jesus begins to draw attention to Himself. Why? He
does so because He is about to fulfill an ancient prophecy. He does so because
He is about to present Himself to the nation of Israel as their King.
Hundreds of years earlier, the prophet Zachariah penned these words,
“Rejoicegreatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem:
behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and
riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass,” Zech. 9:9. Jesus is
about to fulfill that prophecy in detail.
I would like for us to examine this passage togethertoday. I believe that
there are some precious truths that can be gleanedfrom this moment in our
Savior’s life. I want to borrow my title from the verse in Zechariah. He said
“Behold, Thy King Cometh Unto Thee”. I would like to talk to you about this
King. I want you to see The PersonOf This King; The PresentationOf This
King and The Purpose Of This King.
I. v. 1-6 THE PERSON
(Ill. As we watchthe Lord in action in these verses, we are allowedto catch a
glimpse of His glory. Imagine the scene if you will.
It is early in the morning and Jesus is making preparations to go to
Jerusalem. He is moving through two little villages near the top of the
mountain. He is in Bethphage, which means “House of Unripe Figs” and
Bethany, which means “House of Dates”.Jesus hadsome dear friends at
Bethany, Mary, Martha and Lazarus, with whom He stayedduring His last
days on earth. In fact, Jesus had just performed one of His most outstanding
miracles when He raisedLazarus from the dead, John 11.
Now, Jesus stands on the top of the Mount of Olives, preparing to
descendinto the city below. From the top of that mountain, which stands some
2,600 feetabove sea level, Jesus couldsee the beautiful city spread out before
Keep in mind that these events occurred during the week leading up to
the Passover. Historians tell us that the population of Jerusalemwas around
80,000atthis time. During the Passover, betweentwo and three million people
would crowd into the city for the celebration. The people came in anticipation;
they were looking for God to do something while they were there. God would
do His greatestwork ofall during this Passover, but most people would miss it
Jesus chose this moment to revealHimself the nation of Israel. He chose
this moment to let Israel know that their King had arrived. Notice how He is
revealedin these verses.)
A. His Personality– Ill. The Context – Jesus sends two of His disciples to a
village to geta young donkey colt. He tells them exactly where they will find it
and what the people standing around will sayto them. He even gives them
some details about the animal. When His men go out to complete this
assignment, they find that everything is just as Jesus saidit would be.
How did Jesus know this? Some writers suggestthat Jesus had already
been to the owners of this little donkey and arrangedfor the use of the animal.
They believe Jesus setthis up before hand. I suppose they believe Jesus set
things up with that fish that Petercaught with the tax money in its mouth,
Matt. 17:27.
Well, He did set it up, but not physically. He setit up in His sovereignty!
These events remind us that Jesus is God and that He is in control of all
things, Eph. 1:11; Isa. 46:10-11!That encourages me!So, these verses prove
that Jesus is God!
(Note:Which two disciples went after the donkey? The Bible doesn’tsay! You
see, it doesn’t matter who does what as long as the Lord is glorified!
I wonder if those two men complained about their assignment. If they
were Baptists they did. I can hear them now, “Can you believe this? After all
we’ve done for Him; Jesus pickedus for this dirty assignment.” Theydidn’t
realize that they were the instruments He would use to fulfill prophecy. They
were doing something far bigger then they could see.
We usually are! When we are involved in the Lord’s work, we are
involved in big business!)
B. His Power– These verses also demonstrate the powerand authority of our
Lord. Notice whatJesus says in verse 3. He says, “Sayye that the Lord hath
need of Him.” Jesus calledHimself “Lord”! That is a statementof His
authority and of His powerin this situation.
I would just remind you that He is still “Lord” today. He still possesses
all authority, whether men recognize Him and bow to Him or not. There will
come a day when they will, Phil 2:9-11. There will come a day when you will!
Why not do it today when bowing to Jesus canresult in your salvation?
(Note:Jesus was wellknown in these villages. He had, after all, just raised
Lazarus from the dead. He was a localcelebrity. When the owners heard that
it was the Lord Jesus Who wanted the colt, they immediately sentit to Him.)
(Note:Look at that statementin verse 3. “The Lord hath need of him.” That is
an amazing statement! When did God ever “need” anything? But, that was
the paradox of our Lord’s earthly life. He was rich, yet He became poor, 2
Cor. 8:9.
· He ownedall things, yet He possessednothing. He createdthe stars, yet
He had nowhere to lay His Own head, Matt. 8:20.
· He fashionedeverything there is out of nothing, yet He had to borrow a
boat from which to preachHis Gospel.
· He createdevery drop of waterthat exists in the world, yet He cried “I
thirst” as He was dying on the cross, John19:28.
· He createdevery tree, but He died on a borrowedcross.
· He createdevery rock, but He had to borrow a tomb in which to be
· He used the clouds as His chariots, Psa. 104:3, yetHe had to borrow a
donkey on which to ride.
· That is the paradox of His life!
· He was rich, yet made Himself poor so that those who believe on Him
might enjoy His riches!)
(Note:Let’s talk about that donkeyfor a few more minutes. The Lord needed
that donkey to fulfill His mission here on earth. Isn’t that amazing? Jesus is
God and He could have done this anyway He chose to, but He chose to use
that little donkey.
By the way, He is still using little donkeys to getHis work done on earth.
He uses the likes of you and me. He could have assignedthe task to angels, but
He chooses to work through human instruments. I am glad to be a part of the
Lord business. I am glad He can use a little donkey like me!
Let me mention a few important facts about this donkey before we leave
him behind.
· That DonkeyHad To Be Redeemed – Ex. 13:13;34:20. That little
donkey was alive and useful to the Lord because it had been redeemed by the
blood of a lamb. Praise God that is why I have life today. That is the only
reasonyou and I have any usefulness to the Lord today. Praise God for the
redeeming powerof the blood of Jesus!
· That DonkeyHad To Be Released – It was bound and had to be setfree
before the Lord could use it. Before you and I canbe of any use to Him, the
chains of our sins are going to have to be broken and we are going to have to
be set free. I praise His Name that is just what He does for His saints, Rom.
6:14; John 8:36.
· That DonkeyHad To Be Ruled – Someone had to take charge overthat
donkey. Verse 2 tells us that the donkey had never been broken to ride. Yet, it
submitted itself to the Lord Jesus and yielded to His control. That donkey
wasn’t frightened by the crowds or by their noise. It surrendered itself to the
Lord totally. That is what He expects of us! He is looking for total submission
and total surrender, Rom. 12:1-2.
The Lord could save sinners and accomplishHis work on earth just fine
without us. Yet, He choosesto use frail, human instruments for His glory.
When we are like that donkey, Redeemed, Releasedand Ruled, He can use us
(Note:In verse 6, the phrase “and straightwayhe will send him hither”,
means “The Lord will send the donkey right back as soonas He is finished
with him.” In other words, Jesus tells His men to tell the people who owned
the donkeythat He will return their property as soonas He is through with it.
When that donkeycame back, it was better than it was when it left.
When it left, it was unbroken and untried. When it came home, it was ready
for the saddle. That’s just what the Lord does! He takes whenwe give Him
and when He gives it back, it is far better than it was when He got it.
· Give Him an Abram, a lost pagan, and He will give you back an
Abraham, a mighty man of faith.
· Give Him your Jacob, a schemerand a trickster, and He will give you
back an Israel, a Prince of God.
· Give Him your Saul of Tarsus, a mean, cruel man, and He will give you
back a Paul, a mighty Apostle of God.
· Give Him you Simon, a weak, vacillating man, and He will give you
back a Peter, a rock for Jesus.
· Give Him your broken, sin scarredlife and He will give you back a new
start, a new life and a home in Heaven!)
(Ill. We are allowedto see the Personofthis King in this event. We are also
allowedto see a Presentationofthe King in these verses.
The disciples go and get the donkey. They return to Jesus and put their
outer garments overthe beastin place of a saddle. Jesus climbs on the
donkey’s back and starts down the mountain. (Ill. The fact that the animal
Jesus is riding has never been brokenis a miracle in itself. Of course, Psa. 8:6-
8 tells us that He has dominion overthis creation.)
The King of Israel is about to present Himself to the nation.
A. He Is The Lowly One – As I mentioned earlier, Jesus is fulfilling the
ancient prophecy of Zech. 9:9. Part of that prophecy says that the Messiah
will be “lowly”. That is what we see here. We see a humble Man on the back
of a humble beast, making a humble declarationof His identity.
Imagine this procession. Jesus is on a donkey and He is surrounded by
throngs of common people. It was, as one writer said, a “processionof
paupers”. The people are waving palm branches and not swords. He is sitting
on old coats and not a saddle. He is riding a little donkey and not a mighty
stallion. He is surrounded by a ragtag rabble and not by strong soldiers. The
Roman soldiers who saw this parade must have laughed at this Man Who
would be King of the Jews.
The soldiers might have seen a Roman Triumphus. In those great
celebrations, victorious Romangenerals would return from the battlefields
with the spoils of war. Defeatedkings and soldiers would be paraded through
town. The victorious army would walk past cheering crowds. Elephants, tigers
and lions would parade past. The victorious generalwould be riding in the
finest of chariots pulled along by handsome horses. Thousands would cheer
and Rome would vibrate with the shouts of people praising Caesarand the
Roman gods. But, this, this must have appearedto be a joke to all who saw it.
This little processionwas just the beginning! The events that beganon
this day would one day topple the Roman Empire. One day, this lowly King
would bring Rome to its knees!By the way, a Roman generalcould only have
a Triumphus if he had killed over 5,000 enemy soldiers in battle. Very soon,
King Jesus would claim over 8,000 new believers, Acts 2:41; 4:4.)
Look againat this crowd. Who is there as the people wave their palm
branches before Jesus and pave the road with their clothing? I would imagine
Bartimaeus is there. I would imagine Zacchaeus is there. I would imagine that
Lazarus was there, along with Mary and Martha. That crowd was full of
people He had healed, delivered and ministered to and they were praising
Him. I am in that parade too! It’s a mighty long parade by now, but it is
marching off toward eternity with Jesus in the lead. Those who know Him are
still praising His name and worshiping the One Who became poor so that we
might become rich in Him!
B. He Is The Lofty One – As the crowd descendedthe slopes ofthe Mount of
Olives, the people are praising the Lord. They are practicing “antiphonal”
singing. The people in front would saya part and the people in back would
answerthem. We are told what they saidin verses 9-10. The word “Hosanna”
means “save now”. It was a cry for the Messiahto deliver His people. It had
come to be used as a shout of praise, much like “Hallelujah”.
The people are praising the name of the King, just as the Psalmist
predicted they would in Psa. 118:25-26. The people are exalting Jesus as their
King, and they are right on the money!
Mark doesn’trelate this, but Luke does. Luke tells us that the Pharisees
are upset about this demonstration. They want Jesus to tell His followers to
stop their shouting. Jesus tells them that if these people were to hold their
peace, the very rocks would cry out, Luke 19:39-41. In other words, prophecy
is being fulfilled and the Lord will have His praise. He is going to have praise
on the earth!
Let me just say that as long as the Lord saves sinners and leaves His
saints on this earth, there will be some who will praise Him. And, He is worthy
to receive that kind of praise! We are commanded to praise Him. We have
every reasonto praise Him. I do not want the rocks to do what I am capable
of doing myself. Shame on us when we can’t find the words, the courage and
the reasons to praise the Lord! He is still the lofty One and He is still worthy
to be praisedin the world and especiallyin His church.
(Ill. Jesus wentthrough this processionto fulfill the Word of God, but He had
another purpose in what He was doing. In fact, He had a double purpose.
Look at what He did.)
A. To Examine The Town– Mark doesn’tmention this, but Luke does, Luke
19:41-44. As Jesus nearedthe city, He saw Jerusalem. He saw their future.
· He knew that within forty years, the Romans would besiege the town.
· He knew that over 30,000Jewswouldbe crucified as the Legions
marched toward the city.
· He knew that the city would hold out for months while the people
succumbed by the thousands to disease andstarvation.
· He knew they would throw the bodies of the dead over the walls of
· He knew that the Roman GeneralTitus would see the pile of dead
bodies lying in outside the walls of Jerusalemand that he would lift his hands
toward Heaven to callGod as a witness that it was not his fault and that it did
not have to be this way.
· Jesus knew that the Romans would conquer the city and that the
Temple and the city would be utterly demolished.
· He also knew the people would be scatteredto the four winds of the
· He knew all these things and more and Jesus weptover the town.
Get the image in your mind! The people are shouting, dancing and
singing. They are praising God and the Lord Jesus. Theyare excited and they
are vocalin their excitement. Jesus, however, is a man with a broken heart.
He knows that Israelwill not receive Him, John 1:11. He knows they will
rejectHim and crucify Him. He knows they are slatedfor judgment and in the
midst of jubilation, Jesus weeps!That is why He is called “a man of sorrows”,
Isa. 53:3.
(Note:Have you ever wondered what Jesus seeswhenHe looks atour town?
We see economic depression. We see people who are goodhearted, but who do
not care about the things of God. We see people with whom we get irritated.
We see prospects forour church. We see friends, neighbors, saints and
sinners. But, what does Jesus see?
Jesus sees people who are suffering. Jesus sees people who are lost. Jesus
sees people who are going to Hell. Oh, how we need to see the people of our
town like Jesus seesthem. When we do, we will weepover them like He wept
over Jerusalem. When we weepas He wept, we will be more motivated to take
the Gospelto them. How do you see the people of this town?)
B. To Examine The Temple – The lastthing Jesus did on that day was to visit
the Temple. He took the time to look “at all things.” He saw the beauty of the
buildings. He saw the gold, the silver and all the trappings of religion. He saw
the priests carrying out their rituals. He saw the people bringing their
sacrifices to the priests. He saw it all, but you will notice that they did not see
Oh, they saw Him, at leastthey saw His physical body, but they did not
see Him! The King had entered the Temple and they knew nothing of it. The
Lord of Glory had visited His house and they were ignorant of His presence.
He saw they had no place for Him in their Temple so He left.
(Note:What does Jesus see whenHe comes to our church? He is here today,
Matt. 18:20!What does He see? DoesHe see people who come looking for
Him, or does He see people just going through the motions? Does He see
people who are worshiping Him and praising Him, or does He see people just
caught up in the rituals?
What does Jesus see in this church today? More importantly, what does
Jesus see in your heart? Does He see His face reflectedback to Him? Does He
see a heart filled with love with Him? Does He see an earnestworshiper? Or
does He see that you are lost? Does He see that you need to come home? Does
He see that all is not well in your heart? What does the Lord Jesus see at
Calvary today?
The big question is, do we see Him? He is here, but is He being
worshiped? Is the KIng being acknowledged?)
Conc:Zechariah told Israelto be ready. He said, “Thy King cometh unto
thee.” He came to them and they were unprepared for His coming. A few
receivedHim, but as a whole, the nation of Israel rejectedtheir King. They
turned Him awayand they crucified Him.
Did you know that the King is passing by right now?
· He is here to Receive those who will come to Him in faith.
· He is here to Restore those who will come home.
· He is here to Refreshthose who are weary.
· He is here to Rewardthose who are faithful.
· He is here to Revive those who are hungry for more.
He is here for you! The question is, what will you do with Him? Will you
bow before Him, or will you send Him away? The King is here! May we
acknowledge His presence and glorify Him today!
Mark 11:1-11
Intro: This amazing passagerecords the Triumphant Entry of the Lord Jesus
Christ into Jerusalem. It was this very Sunday morning that Jesus fulfilled the
ancient prophecy of the prophet Zechariah. Many centuries ago, Zechariah
had written these words about the coming Messiah:“Rejoicegreatly, O
daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem:behold, thy King cometh
unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and
upon a colt the foal of an ass,” Zech. 9:9. That prophecy was literally fulfilled
on this occasion.
The primary emphasis of this passage is the revelation of Jesus to Israel
that He is their long awaitedMessiahand their King. The common man
rejoicedin the appearance ofthe Lord Jesus, Mark 11:7-10. But, the leaders
of Israel rejectedHim, and before the next Sabbath day, Jesus would have
been crucified. Israelrejectedtheir King, John 1:11.
The teaching in this passageis glorious, but I want to focus in on one little
aspectof our Lord’s Triumphant Entry. I want to focus in on His relationship
with the little donkey He rode as He entered the city.
I am interestedin that little donkey. The Lord neededthat donkey to
fulfill His mission here on earth, v. 3. Isn’t that amazing? Jesus is God and He
could have done this anyway He chose to, but He chose to use that little
By the way, He is still using little donkeys to getHis work done on earth.
He uses the likes of you and me. He certainly does not need us, but He has
graciouslychosento make us part of His plan! He could have assignedthe
task to angels, but He chooses to work through human instruments. I am glad
to be a part of the Lord business. I am glad He can use a little donkey like me!
Let me mention a few important facts about that little donkey. I think
there is some help for our hearts in these verses and I do not want to miss it.
Mostof us have heard about Theology, Soteriology, Christology,
Eschatology, Ecclesiology, andPneumatology. Today, I want to talk about
another “…ology” thatdoesn’t get a lot of attention. I want to preach about
We don’t much about the donkey Jesus rode that day, but the Bible does
reveala few facts about him that I would like to point out. Let me share those
facts with you as I try to preachabout some Donkeyology.
· According to the Word of God, that donkeywas only alive and available
to the Lord because it had been redeemedby the blood of a lamb, Ex. 13:13;
· The same could be said of us today.
Ø In our natural state, we are “dead in trespassesandsins,” Eph. 2:1.
Ø In our natural state we are God’s enemies, Rom. 8:7.
Ø In our natural state we are given over to the lusts of the flesh, Eph. 2:2-3;
John 8:44.
Ø In our natural state we are under the condemnationof Almighty God, John
3:18-20, 36.
Ø In our natural state four “RomanNones” stoodbetweenus and usefulness
to the Lord, Rom. 3:10-23.
Ø In our natural state we were fit for nothing but the fires of Hell, Psa. 9:17.
Ø In our natural state we were useless to God and separatedfrom Him by a
wide gulf of sin, Isa. 59:2.
· That was our natural state!That may be how the Lord found us, but
that is not the way He left us! When He saved us by His grace, changedus
Ø He gave us His life – Eph. 2:5-6. (Ill. Everlasting life, new life, Heavenly
life, abundant life, John 10:10.)
Ø He delivered us from the penalty of our sins – Col. 2:13-14; Eph. 1:7.
Ø He bridged the gulf betweenus and Him – Eph. 2:13-16. (Il. Job9:33 – The
· That is the only reasonyou and I have any usefulness to the Lord today.
Praise Godfor the redeeming power of the blood of Jesus!
· Just so we understand, redemption is not an option, it is a necessity!
Jesus put it this way to Nicodemus in John 3:7, “Ye must be born again.”
Without the new birth, you are lostin your sins.
You will notice the Lord did not say be baptized, join the church, turn
over a new leafor do goodthings. The Lord told Nicodemus that he needed a
new life!
Redemption is not something that happens because you joined a church
and were baptized. It is not something that comes to you because you stopped
committing a sin. It is not something you get be being a better person.
Salvationcomes when a lost sinner is convicted of sin, John 6:44, and looks
awayby faith to the Lord Jesus forsalvation. It is an encounterwith the grace
of God, totally unconnected with any works of the flesh, Eph. 2:8-9. Have you
been redeemed?
· You and I will only be useful to the Lord when we have been redeemed
by His blood from our lost condition. When we are, we become the Temple He
occupies, 1 Cor. 6:19 and the ToolHe used, Eph. 2:10; James 2:18.
· When Jesus told the disciples about the little donkey, He told them they
would find it tied up, v. 2. They were to untie the donkeyand bring it to Jesus,
which is what they did, v. 4. That little donkey was bound and it needed to be
setfree before the Lord could use it.
· When Jesus found us, we were just like that little donkey! Before you
and I canbe of any use to Him, the chains of our sins must be broken and we
must be set free.
· I don’t know if you know it or not, but we are born into this world as
slaves to sin, Eph. 2:2-3. We are children of the devil and his will is what we
do, John 8:44. In that condition, we are useless to the Lord. We cannotserve
Him. We cannot live for Him. We cannot bring glory to His name. We are
useless in that bound up, tied down condition. We need to be setfree!
· I praise His Name that is just what He does for His saints. He comes to
where we are and He gives us liberty.
Ø He delivers us from the bondage of our sins, Rom. 6:14.
Ø He gives us a new desire to follow Him and serve Him. “Who gave himself
for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a
peculiar people, zealous of goodworks,” Titus 2:14.
Ø He makes us a “new creature” in Jesus, 2 Cor. 5:17.
Ø He moves in and takes up residence in our bodies, 2 Cor. 4:7.
Ø He gives us freedom from sin, self and Satan, John 8:36.
· I don’t know if the Lord Jesus has ever releasedyou from anything, but
I know that if He has, you need to praise Him for it. I know if your life has
never changed, you need to be saved. It doesn’t matter if you are a church
member or not. If you know Him, there will be the evidence of a changedlife!
(Note:In verse 6, the phrase “and straightwayhe will send him hither”,
means “The Lord will send the donkey right back as soonas He is finished
with him.” In other words, Jesus tells His men to tell the people who owned
the donkeythat He will return their property as soonas He is through with it.
When that donkeycame back, it was better than it was when it left.
When it left, it was unbroken and untried. When it came home, it was ready
for the saddle. That’s just what the Lord does! He takes whenwe give Him
and when He gives it back, it is far better than it was when He got it.
· Give Him your crabapple and He will give you back a golden delicious.
· Give Him your acorn and He will give you back a mighty oak.
· Give Him an Abram, a lost pagan, and He will give you back an
Abraham, a mighty man of faith.
· Give Him your Jacob, a schemerand a trickster, and He will give you
back an Israel, a Prince of God.
· Give Him your Saul of Tarsus, a mean, cruel man, and He will give you
back a Paul, a mighty Apostle of God.
· Give Him you Simon, a weak, vacillating man, and He will give you
back a Peter, a rock for Jesus.
· Give Him your broken, sin-scarredlife and He will give you back a new
start, a new life and a home in Heaven!)
· Someone had to take charge overthat donkey. Verse 2 tells us that the
donkey had never been broken to ride. It was a wild animal. That little, wild
donkey neededa master.
It was wild; yet it submitted itself to the Lord Jesus and yielded to His
control. That donkey wasn’t frightened by the crowds or by their noise. It
simply surrendered itself to the Lord totally. The very factthat this little
donkey has never been broken, and that Jesus is riding it, is a miracle in itself.
Of course, Psa. 8:6-8 tells us that He has dominion over this creation. That
little donkey surrendered to the Lord’s sovereigntyand yielded to His
· That is exactly what He expects of us! He is looking for total submission
and total surrender from our lives, Rom. 12:1-2.
· Let’s face the truth; some people have a real problem with authority.
There are folks who just have a hard time the idea of someone having
authority over them. Whether it is their parents at home; their boss at work;
or their Pastorat church; they have a hard time with authority. The factis,
there is always someone overus!
Ø In the home, the husband is to be over that home, Eph. 5:23. I know that
idea is old-fashioned, but you need to take that up with the Lord.
Ø In the home, the parents are to have authority over their children, Eph.
6:1-3. I know that the children rule the roostin most home, but that is not
God’s way.
Ø On the job, the boss is the person in authority, Eph. 6:5-8. I know most
people think their job exists for their benefit and that they can do as they
please, but that is not God’s way!
Ø In the church, the Pastoris the person in authority, Heb. 13:7, 17.
Authority in the church does not restin some DeaconBoard, the WMU, an
influential family, or any other person or group. Authority in the localchurch
rests in the Lord Jesus Christ and He gives His authority to lead to the man
He calls as the Pastorof that assembly. I know that idea is foreign to most
Baptists, but it is still the Word of God! This week, Iam under the authority
of this Pastor. I preach here these few nights at his pleasure. You would do
well to get under your Pastorand let him lead you into the future God reveals
to Him.
Ø Ultimately, our first and final authority is the Lord Jesus Christ. When He
redeemedus from our sins, He purchased us unto Himself. Now, if we are
saved, He owns us completely, 1 Cor. 6:19-20. When we are submitted to His
Lordship in our lives, we will have no trouble submitting in the other areas of
our lives.
You show me someone who is not submissive to the authority figures God
has ordained in their lives and I will show you someone who is not submitted
to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. You show me someone who refuses to get
under those Godhas placed over them and I will show you someone who is
probably not even saved!
Why? Yielding to the Lordship of Jesus is an essentialcomponentof
biblical salvation, Acts 16:31;Rom. 10:9. He is the “Lord Jesus Christ!” His
identity as Savior cannotbe divorced from His identity as Lord.
· Who is your Mastertoday? Is it you? Or is it the Lord Jesus Christ?
Can you honestly saythat Jesus Christ is your Savior and your Lord?
I hope you understand what I am saying today. If we are saved, He owns
us completely. We do not have the right to use any part of our being, whether
it is our body, our spirit or our mind for our own purposes. We are His and
only He has the right to tells us how we should live our lives.
· I do have goodnews for you today, if you are submitting yourself to any
other mater today, Jesus canand will help you to change your allegiances.
Conc:One of the most amazing statements in the Bible is found here in verse
three in verse 3, and it has to do with that little beast. It says, “The Lord hath
need of him.”
When did God ever “need” anything? Here is what God had to sayabout
His Own needs, Psa. 50:9-12. But, that was the paradox of our Lord’s earthly
life. He was rich, yet He became poor, 2 Cor. 8:9.
· He ownedall things, yet He possessednothing. He createdthe stars, yet
He had nowhere to lay His Own head, Matt. 8:20.
· He fashionedeverything there is out of nothing, yet He had to borrow a
boat from which to preachHis Gospel.
· He createdevery drop of waterthat exists in the world, yet He cried “I
thirst” as He was dying on the cross, John19:28.
· He createdevery tree, but He died on a borrowedcross.
· He createdevery rock, but He had to borrow a tomb in which to be
· He used the clouds as His chariots, Psa. 104:3, yetHe had to borrow a
donkey on which to ride.
· That is the paradox of His life!
· He was rich, yet made Himself poor so that those who believe on Him
might enjoy His riches!
The Lord could save sinners and accomplishHis work on earth just
fine without us. Yet, He chooses to use frail, human instruments for His glory.
When we are like that donkey, Redeemed, Releasedand Ruled, He can use us
Being a little donkeyisn’t so bad when Jesus is your Master. Look at
what that donkey did. He gotto carry the King of Glory into Jerusalem. The
Lord used Him as His vehicle to getglory to His name. That’s what He wants
to do with you and me! Let’s yield to Him and let Him rule us as He sees fit.
By the way, when that little Redeemed, Released, Ruleddonkey walkedby
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna
Jesus was making people shout hosanna

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Jesus was making people shout hosanna

  • 1. JESUS WAS MAKING PEOPLE SHOUT HOSANNA EDITED BY GLENN PEASE Mark 11:9 9Those who went ahead and those who followedshouted, "Hosanna!""Blessedis he who comes in the name of the LORD!" BIBLEHUB RESOURCES Pulpit Commentary Homiletics Palm Sunday Mark 11:8-10 A. Rowland We sometimes wonderthat the greatestTeacher, the divinest Masterthe world ever saw, was so little recognizedduring his ministry. Our surprise would be lessenedif we fairly put ourselves in the position of his contemporaries. Suppose news came to our metropolis that in a distant hamlet, among working people, a child had been born, and that rumors of portents accompanying his birth found favor in that country-side. Suppose that, as years rolled on, it was reported that this child, now a man, had done some marvellous works;and that, after severalvisits to the city, he came into it accompaniedby his followers, chiefly peasants, neitherlearned nor wealthy. The probabilities are that although some might know him to be a great teacher, a man of unquestioned holiness and of astonishing pretensions, the
  • 2. hum of business would not be hushed for a moment, and few would turn aside to see his festalprocession. I. THE WELCOME GIVEN TO JESUS. 1. His welcome would have been more speedy and generalhad he come differently. All through his ministry we find evidence of that. There was eagerness fora Messiahofa certain type. A promise to restore the theocracy, and overthrow the Roman tyranny, would have been hailed with a unanimous shout of delight. But our Lord would not be content, and never is, with a worldly homage, suchas a Christian nation, for example, offers when it calls itself by his Name, and violates his principles. Unless he rules human hearts, he has no joy and the ruled no bliss. Even an earthly king desires realloyalty; but he cannot read men's thoughts nor see how in heart his flatterers despise him. If he could, how thankfully would he turn from the adulation of courtiers to the unsophisticatedlove of his children! So our Lord turned from priests and Pharisees to the humble peasants ofGalilee and the loving children in Jerusalem. In order to avoid false homage, Christ came, and still comes, quietly. He comes not with peals of thunder and visions of angels, nor even as a national leader appealing to popular passionand armed force; but, in quiet thoughts and in happy Christian homes, he reveals'himself to those seeking the truth, or burdened with sin. 2. Even such a welcome as this given on Palm Sunday was unusual. His motto seemedto be, "He shall not strive, nor cry, nor cause his voice to be heard in the streets."Popularapplause was suppressed, and even natural enthusiasm was cooled. If people would take him by force to make him a king, he departed and did hide himself from them. If the disciples saw a glimpse of his glory on the Mount of Transfiguration, he said, "See that ye tell no man." His miracles were quietly wrought, generallywith but few witnesses,and those blessedwere often told not to publish it. But on this first day of the last week he wished to have an unwonted procession. In the crowds who had come togetherfor the Passoverall the elements of it were ready, if he only gave a sign of his willingness to receive it. And this he did. He arrangedfor it. He sent to the village for the young colt, and when it was brought he sat upon it, and
  • 3. alloweda simple processionto be formed, which increasedin numbers and enthusiasm as they drew nearer to Jerusalem. 3. This exceptionalscene was wiselyordered. (1) The memory of it would help the disciples in the dark days which ended that eventful week;for they would reflectthat it was not want of power, but want of will, which did not allow him to rouse the people in his defense. "The GoodShepherd giveth his life for the sheep." (2) Besides, it would give an opportunity to the people to see him as the King he claimed to be, and it was possible that some who had resistedother influences might yield to this, and pay him homage now, lie had come as a babe to Jerusalem, and few had loved him; he had come as a child, only to be wondered at when he sat among the doctors;he had come to the feasts, and scarcelyany had recognizedhim. He had come" unto his own, and his own receivedhim not." Once more, in a new way, he would draw near. He would try one more avenue to the closedheartbefore uttering the pathetic lament, "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often would I have gatheredthy children... and ye would not!" (3) Further, there was something prophetic and typical in this procession. The triumphal entry was a symbol of the resurrectionon that day week, and of his later ascensionto heavenamidst the hosannas ofthe angels. It was a prophecy also of his kingly progress through history, and of his secondcoming in glory, when all in heaven and all on earth will cry, "Blessedis he that cometh in the Name of the Lord!" II. THE CROWN SURROUNDINGJESUS. In some of those there we may see, perhaps, representatives ofourselves. 1. Enthusiasts were there. They had seenhis miracles, and with loud hosannas spread their garments in his way. He foresaw with sadness the change that would come over them. They applauded on Olivet, but they were absent from Calvary. Beware ofspasmodic enthusiasm, and ask for grace to stand by Christ's cause in times of trouble as well as in times of triumph.
  • 4. 2. Foes were there. They kept quiet while the crowd of his followers surrounded them; but soonthey would raise the cry, "Crucify him! crucify him!" It is possible to "crucify the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame." 3. Disciples were there. The blind who had been restored, demoniacs who had been delivered, learners who had satreverently at his feet. In the procession which still is following the Lord, may we find our place! - A.R. Biblical Illustrator And they spreadtheir garments in the way. Mark 11:8-10 Religious excitement F. Wagstaff. How are we to deal with religious emotions when they are awakenedin a more than ordinary degree? 1. We should make them subservient to the promotion of the rectitude of our nature and of our life. With the kindling of our religious emotions there comes strength for action, and our care should be to use that strength for right action. 2. It is not always safe to act under the impulse of strong feelings;therefore we need, at such seasons, to be more than ordinarily prayerful; and at such times conscienceoughtto be more than ever consulted. 3. If a man, under the influence of religious excitement, does not do what conscienceandGod's law clearlyrequire of him, there is little reasonto expect that he will do so when the excitement shall have passedaway. There are certain lessons taughtus by this subject.(1) That religious excitementhas its sphere of usefulness in the development of religious life;(2) but it is a grievous mistake to regard emotionalexcitement as the very essenceandsubstance of religion.
  • 5. (F. Wagstaff.) The RoyalEntry into the RoyalCity R. Green Mark 11:1-10 And when they came near to Jerusalem, to Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount of Olives, he sends forth two of his disciples,… Simple indeed are the preparations for the entry of Zion's King into his own city. "Go your way into the village that is over againstyou: and straightwayas ye enter into it, ye shall find a colt tied, whereonno man ever yet sat; loose him, and bring him." The long-waiting prophecy is now to be fulfilled - "Rejoicegreatly, O daughter of Zion; Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: Behold, thy King cometh unto thee: He is just, and having salvation; Lowly, and riding upon an ass, And upon a colt the foal of an ass." And the daughter of Zion did rejoice greatly. What a scene ofgladness!What a shout of triumph! They bring the colt coveredwith their garments, while the way is prepared by the soft branches of palms scatteredand loose robes castupon the ground. And the lowly, mighty King enters, and the cries rend the still air.
  • 6. "Hosanna; Blessedis he that cometh In the Name of the Lord: Blessedis the kingdom that cometh, The kingdom of our father David: Hosanna in the highest." There are times when truth bursts through all that hides it, and declares itselfas the sun through a rent cloud. So is it here. Without restraint the children of Israelproclaim their King as did Pilate when he wrote, "The King of the Jews."True, Pilate did not believe, nor did the shouting crowdat the gates ofthe city for long together. The same walls soonheard the cry, "Crucify him! crucify him!" But for the time the truth prevails. It is uppermost. As in the Transfiguration, the hidden glory is revealed. Perhaps unconsciously, these voices bearwitness to the truth. It is a scene to carry in the eye, to be engraven on the heart. Let us learn - I. THAT TRUE ROYALTY NEEDS NOT THE SYMBOLS OF AUTHORITY. It is not stituted or upheld by them; it is not destroyedby their absence. Christianity is independent of external support. II. THAT IMMUTABLE TRUTH WILL SOONER OR LATER ASSERT ITSELF. Yea, though it may be rejected, it will leave its testimony for following ages offaith and unbelief to ponder according to their respective needs. III. THAT THE REAL AND PERMANENT RULER IS HE WHO COMETH IN THE NAME OF THE LORD. Other kings and other kingdoms will rise in a temporary prevalence of power, and fall into dark oblivion and disgrace. But the true will quietly assume its rightful place, whethermen acceptor reject, Jesus is a King. "To this end have I been born." Jesus is "King of the
  • 7. Jews,"though their priests cry aloud, "We have no king but Caesar."Jesusis the King of kings. But the kingdom is "not of this world," nor will it pass awayas the kingdoms of this world. It abideth for ever. And happy is the man who is a true and faithful subject under this heavenly reign. - G. STUDYLIGHT RESOURCES Coffman's Commentaries on the Bible And they that went before, and they that followed, cried, Hosanna;Blessedis he that cometh in the name of the Lord: Blessedis the kingdom that cometh, the kingdom of our father David: Hosanna in the highest. They that went before, and they that followed... Here are the two great multitudes, one following Jesus from Bethany, many of them being eyewitnesses ofthe raising of Lazarus and all of them shouting that fact as they followed, and another coming out from Jerusalem, having heard that the man who raisedLazarus was coming, and hastening out to greethim. Thus, Mark's brief words here give the basic factof those two greatmasses ofpeople converging upon Jesus. The balance of these two verses are rich with messianic implications, the mention of David, so long dead and buried, having no other possible meaning exceptas a reference to the Son of David, Israel's long-expectedMessiah. For comment upon the fulfillment of Zechariah9:9, and with regard to many of the spiritual overtones of this wonderful entry, see my Commentary on Matthew, Matthew 21:1-11. No triumphal entry ever knownat any time or place could be comparedwith that of the world's true Light on the last Sunday preceding his resurrectionfrom the dead; and the truly wonderful thing about Jesus'triumph is that it is still going on!
  • 8. The exclamations ofthe multitudes hailing Jesus'entry into the city are variously reported by the four gospels:Matthew has "Hosanna to the Sonof David; blessedis he that comethin the name of the Lord: Hosanna in the highest" (Matthew 21:9); Mark has "Blessedis the kingdom that cometh, the kingdom of our father David: Hosanna in the highest" (Mark 11:9,10);Luke has "Blessedis the King that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest" Luke 19:38); and John has "Hosanna:Blessedis he that cometh in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel" (John 12:13). Such accounts are exactlywhat one should have expectedin view of the undeniable truth that such multitudes would have shouted MANY THINGS. The four samplings which have come down to us outline quite clearly the nature and intent of their exclamations. Critics who selectthe leastextensive of these four records and then shout that "this is all that was said by those multitudes" betray not merely their lack of knowing the Scriptures but also their phenomenal ignorance of crowds suchas that which hailed the Lord. Copyright Statement James Burton Coffman Commentaries reproduced by permission of Abilene Christian University Press, Abilene, Texas, USA. All other rights reserved. Bibliography Coffman, James Burton. "Commentary on Mark 11:9". "Coffman Commentaries on the Old and New Testament". https: Abilene Christian University Press, Abilene, Texas, USA. 1983-1999. return to 'Jump List' John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible And they that went before, and they that followed,.... Theythat came from Jerusalemto meet him, and they that followedhim from Jericho and other parts; which two bodies, the one went before him, and the other followed after him: and
  • 9. cried, saying, Hosanna, blessedis he that cometh in the name of the Lord; See Gill on Matthew 21:9. Copyright Statement The New John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible Modernisedand adapted for the computer by Larry Pierce of Online Bible. All Rightes Reserved, Larry Pierce, Winterbourne, Ontario. A printed copy of this work can be ordered from: The Baptist Standard Bearer, 1 Iron Oaks Dr, Paris, AR, 72855 Bibliography Gill, John. "Commentary on Mark 11:9". "The New John Gill Expositionof the Entire Bible". https: 11.html. 1999. return to 'Jump List' Geneva Study Bible And they that went before, and they that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna; a Blessed[is]he that comethin the name of the Lord: (a) Let it be wellto him that comes to us from God, or that is sent from God. Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission. Bibliography
  • 10. Beza, Theodore. "Commentaryon Mark 11:9". "The 1599 Geneva Study Bible". https: 1599-1645. return to 'Jump List' The Fourfold Gospel And they that went before, and they that followed, cried1, Hosanna2;Blessed [is] he that comethin the name of the Lord3: And they that went before, and they that followed, cried. The shouting appears to have been started by those who came out of Jerusalem;it is evident, therefore, that the apostles who were approaching the city with Jesus had nothing to do with inciting this praise. Hosanna. This is the Greek form or spelling of two Hebrew words, "Hoshiah- na", which means, "Save now", or, "Save, I pray", "na" being a particle of entreaty added to imperatives. The two words are takenfrom Psalms 118:25, which was recognizedas the Messianic Psalm. The shout "Hosanna" was customarily used at the feastof the tabernacles andthe other festivals. It was a shout of exaltation about equivalent to "Salvation". Blessed[is]he that comethin the name of the Lord. See Psalms 118:26. The Evangelists give us the various cries of the multitude, for they did not all cry one thing (Mark 11:9,10;Matthew 21:9; Luke 19:38; of the Messiahshipof Jesus, but popular cries are sooncaught up and are as fickle as the impulses which beget them. But the public recognitionof the MessiahshipofJesus gave weight to the accusationmade by Simon Peteron the day of Pentecostthat they had slain the Messiah(Acts 2:36). Compare Acts 3:14,15.
  • 11. Copyright Statement These files are public domain and are a derivative of an electronic edition that is available on the Christian ClassicsEtherealLibrary Website. These files were made available by Mr. Ernie Stefanik. First published online in 1996 at The RestorationMovementPages. Bibliography J. W. McGarveyand Philip Y. Pendleton. "Commentaryon Mark 11:9". "The Fourfold Gospel". https: Standard Publishing Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1914. return to 'Jump List' James Nisbet's Church Pulpit Commentary CHRIST THE SUBJECT OF SONG ‘Hosanna; Blessedis he that cometh in the name of the Lord.’ Mark 11:9 I. In the New TestamentJesus Christ is the subjectof all songs. The Virgin Mary’s, Zacharias’s, Simeon’s, Anna’s, that beautiful hymn of the Church on St. Peter’s deliverance (in the fourth chapter of the Acts), the abrupt bursts of praise which break out here and there in the Epistles, up to the chants of the Revelation, all, without one exception, have Christ as their theme. II. Let us now pass to our PrayerBook Service ofSong.—Praiseis the chief part of all the worship of Almighty God. The more that one grows in true religion, the more will he see Christ filling the Psalms. The SpecialPsalms are emphatically full of Christ Then the Venite, ‘O come, let us sing unto the Lord,’—and who is the Lord?—‘let us heartily rejoice in the Strength of our salvation.’More than half the Te Deum is distinctly addressedto Christ, and
  • 12. the restto Godas Christ’s Father. The Benedicite, by its mention of Ananias, Azarias, and Misael, Shadrack, Meshack, andAbednego, leads the mind to ‘the form of the fourth, which was like the Son of God.’ The Benedictus is nothing but Christ; and the Jubilate is a Jew’s anticipationof Christ’s universal reign. The Magnificatis Christ’s own mother’s language of her Son. And the Cantate is Christ and His Church’s victory. The Nunc Dimittis is the eye upon Jesus now;and the Deus Misereaturis the eye upon Jesus presently. The climax of our generalthanksgiving is ‘the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ.’ And in the Holy Communion, if the first Doxologybe to the Father, it is for the gift of the Son: and in the second, the same thought is expanded, and Christ is blended with the Father’s glory. In Baptism, it is the soul grafted into Christ for which we thank. In Marriage, it is because the union is the type of the mystical oneness betwixtChrist and His Church. And in the Burial Service, the Resurrectionof Christ is the warrant of the thanks which rest upon the hope that, when He shall have accomplishedthe number of His elect, and hastened His Kingdom, then that we, with all those who are departed in the true faith of His holy name, shall have our perfect consummation and bliss, both in body and soul, in His eternal and everlasting glory. So, from generationto generation, the Church rolls the tide of song, ‘Hosanna!’ Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission. Bibliography Nisbet, James. "Commentaryon Mark 11:9". Church Pulpit Commentary. https: 1876.
  • 13. return to 'Jump List' John Trapp Complete Commentary 9 And they that went before, and they that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna; Blessedis he that cometh in the name of the Lord: Ver. 9. {See Trapp on "Matthew 21:9"}{See Trapp on "Luke 19:35"} Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission. Bibliography Trapp, John. "Commentary on Mark 11:9". John Trapp Complete Commentary. https: 11.html. 1865-1868. return to 'Jump List' Matthew Poole's EnglishAnnotations on the Holy Bible See Poole on"Mark 11:7" Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission. Bibliography
  • 14. Poole, Matthew, "Commentaryon Mark 11:9". Matthew Poole's English Annotations on the Holy Bible. https: 1685. return to 'Jump List' Cambridge Greek Testamentfor Schools andColleges 9. οἱ προάγοντες. This might include the Jerusalemcontingent, which on meeting Christ turned round and headed the procession. ἔκραζον. This cry continued; the “earliesthymn of Christian devotion” (Stanley, Sin. and Pal. pp. 190 f.; his description of the scene is famed). Ὡσαννά. “Save, we pray”; but the word seems to have become an expression of praise rather than of prayer. Lk. in choosing an equivalent that would be intelligible to Gentile readers takes δόξα and not σῶσον δή. Contrast Acta Pilati i. It is remarkable that Mk gives no translation of Hosanna; contrast Mark 5:41, Mark 7:34, Mark 15:22; Mark 15:34. This may be either because, like Rabbi (Mark 9:5), the word was so familiar, or because he himself was in doubt about the meaning. Psalms 118, which perhaps celebratesthe Dedicationof the SecondTemple, and is certainly processional, was sung at the [2620]ofTabernacles,and the palm branches, wavedby the crowdfrom Jerusalem, would easilysuggestthe ceremonies ofthat Feast. In the post- communion prayer in the Didache (x. 6) “Hosanna to the God of David” occurs, and some texts have “Hosanna to the Son of David,” from Matthew 21:9. εὐλογημένος ὁ ἐρχ. κ.τ.λ. In these words all four agree. Originally they were a welcome to the pilgrim who comes to the Feast;but here they imply that “He who cometh” has a missionfrom God. Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission.
  • 15. Bibliography "Commentary on Mark 11:9". "Cambridge Greek TestamentforSchools and Colleges".https: 1896. return to 'Jump List' Schaff's Popular Commentary on the New Testament Mark 11:9. He will come and destroy. The full answerof the hearers is given by Matthew. Here the substance of the answeris given, not as coming from them, but spokenby our Lord Himself. Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission. Bibliography Schaff, Philip. "Commentary on Mark 11:9". "Schaff's PopularCommentary on the New Testament". https: 1879-90. return to 'Jump List' The Expositor's Greek Testament Mark 11:9. οἱ ποοάυοντες, those going before;probably people who had gone out from the city to meet the procession. Copyright Statement
  • 16. These files are public domain. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission. Bibliography Nicol, W. Robertson, M.A., L.L.D. "Commentary on Mark 11:9". The Expositor's Greek Testament. https: 1897-1910. return to 'Jump List' George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary that went before, were the prophets; and they that come after, are the apostles. (St. Jerome) --- All these voluntary offerings were grateful to our divine Saviour; so are the like offerings made to him in the blessedsacrament. (Bristow) Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission. Bibliography Haydock, George Leo. "Commentaryon Mark 11:9". "GeorgeHaydock's Catholic Bible Commentary". https: 1859. return to 'Jump List' E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes Hosanna, &c. Quoted from Psalms 118:25, Psalms 118:26.See note on Matthew 21:9. in. Greek. en. App-104.
  • 17. the LORD. App-98. B. a. Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission. Bibliography Bullinger, Ethelbert William. "Commentary on Mark 11:9". "E.W. Bullinger's Companion bible Notes". https: 1909-1922. return to 'Jump List' Treasuryof Scripture Knowledge And they that went before, and they that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna; Blessedis he that cometh in the name of the Lord: Hosanna Psalms 118:25,26;Matthew 21:9; 23:39; Luke 19:37,38;John 12:13;19:15 PRECEPTAUSTIN RESOURCES Here Comes Our King (The Triumphal Entry of Jesus)
  • 18. Mark 11:1-11 Introduction: 1) Steve Lambert is a Christian brother who lives in Washington, D.C. and is a member of Capitol Hill Baptist Church where my friend Mark Dever is the pastor. Reflecting on the differences betweenChristianity and Islam he provides a most interesting perspective and contrastbetweenthe two when he writes, “In no other manner are the differences betweenMuslims and Christians more sharply contrastedthan in the difference betweenthe characters and legaciesoftheir prophets. Perhaps the contrastis best symbolized by the way Mohammad entered Mecca andJesus enteredJerusalem. Mohammadrode into Mecca ona warhorse, surrounded by 400 mounted men and 10,000foot soldiers. Those who greetedhim were absorbed into his movement; those who resistedhim were vanquished, killed, or enslaved. Mohammad conquered Mecca, andtook control as its new religious, political, and military leader. Today, in the TopkapiPalace in Istanbul, Turkey, Mohommad’s purported swordis proudly on display …. Jesus enteredJerusalemon a donkey, accompaniedby his 12 disciples. He was welcomedand greetedby people waving palm fronds—a traditional sign of peace. Jesus weptoverJerusalem because the Jews mistook him for an earthly, secularking who was to free them from the yoke of Rome, whereas, Jesuscame to establisha much different, heavenly kingdom. Jesus came by invitation and not by force.” (Quoted in Mark Dever, It Is Well, (Wheaton:Crossway, 65). 2) Mark 11 begins the last chapter in our Lord’s earthly life. Chapters 11-16 record the final
  • 19. week ofthat life. Mark devotes more than 1/3 of his gospelto “passionweek.” Some have referred to Mark’s gospelas a “passionnarrative” with an extended introduction. That is not a bad description. It will be a busy and active week culminating in his death on the cross andHis glorious resurrection. 2 3) It begins with his arrival in Jerusalemduring Passover. Traditionallywe call it “the triumphal entry.” It is a clear and unambiguous declarationof His Kingship. So important is the event it is recordedin all 4 gospels (Matt21;Mk 11; Luke 19;John 12). With His arrival “the die is cast!” There will be no turning back. The Lamb who was slainbefore the foundation of the world (1 Pet 1:20) will now be slain in space and time. The atonement for sin ordained in eternity past now becomes historicalfor all to behold. 4) Jerusalemwould be a buzz with activity. During Passoverthe population could swellto 3 times its normal size as pilgrims from all over the world descended(better “ascended”)upon it. However, this Passoverwouldbe unlike any other had or ever would be. As Paul would write in
  • 20. 1 Cor 5:7, “ForChrist, our Passoverlamb, has been sacrificed.”So, in light of all this, how should we respond to the coming of our King? I. Worship the One who is always in control. 11:1-3 • Jesus and the disciples, as they drew near to Jerusalem, came to Bethphage (“house of unripe figs”)near Bethany on the Mount of Olives (v. 1). Bethany was the home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus whom Jesus raisedfrom the dead (John 11:38- 44). It will be the place where Jesus will stay during the final week of His life (Mk 11:11). • Our Lord then dispatched 2 unnamed disciples to a localvillage telling them as they entered they would find an un-ridden colt tied up upon which no one had ever sat. “Untie it and bring it” (vs. 1-2). How did He know all this?! • If that is not unusual enough, He instructs them further in v. 3 (read). Note the repetition of the word “immediately.” Note also it is “the Lord” (kurios) who has need of it” (v. 3). As the Ark of the Covenantneeded an unyoked carrier(1 Sam 6:7; cf. 3 Num 19:2; Deut 21:3), so the true Ark of the Covenant, the Lord Jesus, required an
  • 21. unridden animal for this sacredassignment. It is bringing the Holy One into Jerusalem. • All of this is carefully laid out by “the Lord” who has planned everything out to the last detail and is in complete control. • From the moment He enters Jerusalemthe prerogatives of deity are present. Jesus is Lord and Masterof every detail of His divine destiny. He knows whatwill happen and when it will happen. It will all go according to plan. • Sinclair Fergusonis spot on, “His majestyand authority beganto shine through from the moment of his entry into Jerusalem” (Let’s Study Mark, 180). • We should also take note, without running past it too quickly, of the importance of the Mount of Olives (v. 1) in biblical and redemptive history. − The Mount of Olives is a ridge about two and a half miles long. It rises to a height about 2700 feet, 200 feethigher than Mount Zion. The view from its summit is breath-taking. Its crestis less than a mile directly eastof Jerusalem. It is known for its many olive trees. Significant historicalevents: 1) Its slopes were the path of David’s retreat from Jerusalemto escape capture by Absalom (2 Sam 15:30-32).
  • 22. 2) On this mount Solomongrieved God by erecting idols for his foreign wives to worship (1 Kings 11:1-10). 3) On this mount Jesus weptover the disobedience and blindness of Jerusalem(Lk 19:41-44). 4) Ezekielwitnessedthe Glory of God on the Mount of Olives (Eze. 11:23). 4 5) Jesus, the Son of David made his royal entry into Jerusalemfrom here. (Mk 11:1-10;Luke 19:28-40;Matt 21:1-10;John 12:12-13). 6) The disciples witnessedJesus’ascensioninto glory on this mount (Lk 24:50-51; Acts 1:9-12). 7) In Acts 1:10-11 Jesus saidHe would come again in the same wayyou have watchedhim go. Zechariah 14:4-5 tells us what will happen when those holy feet touch down once againwhere He left, “On that day his feet shall stand on the Mount of Olives that lies before Jerusalemon the east, and the Mount of Olives shall be split in two from eastto westby a very wide valley, so that one half of the Mount shall move northward, and the other half southward. And you shall flee to
  • 23. the valley of my mountains, for the valley of the mountains shall reachto Azal. And you shall flee as you fled from the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. Then the Lord my God will come, and all the holy ones with him.” Transition: We should worship the One who is always in control. II. Worship the one who submits to the Word of God. 11:4-7 (cf. Zech 9:9ff; Matt 21:4-5; John 12:14-15) • The two disciples go and 1) find things as Jesus saidand 2) did as Jesus said (v. 4). • As they were warned, “some of those standing there said to them, “What are you doing untying the colt?” (v. 5) • They responded and “told them what Jesus had said.” (v. 6). The response was quick and to the point: “and they let them go.” (v. 6). • In vintage Markansimplicity we are told in v. 7 that: 1) they brought the colt to Jesus, 2) threw their cloaksonit (for Him to sit on) and 3) Jesus saton it to ride into Jerusalem. Oh, there is so much here betweenthe lines! 5 • Jesus has walkedeverywhere else in His ministry throughout Israel except for those occasions whenHe was riding in a boat. Now for the one and only time He rides an
  • 24. animal, a small colt. Matthew 21:7 more fully informs us it was a donkey and that it was accompaniedby its mother. • All of this is highly symbolic in light of Old Testamentprophecy, expectations and allusions! − The phrase “The Lord has need of it” is the exactsame phrase used in Mark 2:25 to justify David’s eating “the bread of the Presence”whenhe and his men were hungry. David’s greaterSon is here! − His riding in on a donkey also is a declarationof His kingship and a fulfillment of Zechariah 9:9 as Matthew 21:4-5 and John 12:14-15 make clear. In fact listen to Zechariah 9:9-17 which, as is often the case withOld Testament prophecy, does not make a cleardistinction betweenour Lord’s first and secondcoming. All of it surely would have been in the minds of those watching all of this unfold. “ Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he, humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. I will cut off the chariotfrom Ephraim and the war horse from Jerusalem;and the battle bow shall be cut off, and he shall speak peace to the nations; his rule shall be from sea to sea, and from the River to the ends of the earth. As for you, also, because ofthe blood of my covenantwith you, I will set your prisoners free from the waterlesspit. Return to your stronghold, O prisoners of hope; today I declare that I will restore to you double. For I have bent Judah as my bow; I have made Ephraim its arrow. I will stir up your sons, O Zion, againstyour
  • 25. sons, O Greece,and wield you like a warrior’s sword. Then the Lord will appear over them, 6 and his arrow will go forth like lightning; the Lord God will sound the trumpet and will march forth in the whirlwinds of the south. The Lord of hosts will protect them, and they shall devour, and tread down the sling stones, and they shall drink and roar as if drunk with wine, and be full like a bowl, drenched like the corners of the altar. On that day the Lord their God will save them, as the flock of his people; for like the jewels ofa crown they shall shine on his land. Forhow greatis his goodness,and how greathis beauty! Grain shall make the young men flourish, and new wine the young women.” • Our Lord lived His life from beginning to end in total and absolute submission to the Word of God. His life, death and resurrectionwere the very unfolding of the drama of redemption. No wonder He would say in John 5:39, “You searchthe Scriptures because you think in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me.” • Tim Keller is right, “We cannot, in the end, follow Jesus without adopting His loyalty to the Bible.” III. Worship the One who embodies humility. 11:7-8 • Jesus mounts the young colt and begins the parade into Jerusalem(v. 7). Here is deity
  • 26. on a donkey! The prophecy in Zechariah9:9 beautifully makes a connection to his riding in on a donkey and his humility. And did you notice he had no need to break it in! He is Lord of all creation!This donkey knew its Creator, its Master!Isaiah 11:6-9; for a moment, flashes before our eyes!There the Bible says, “The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, and the calf and the lion and the fattened calf together;and a little child shall lead them. The cow and the bear shall graze;their young shall lie down togetherand the lion shall eat straw like the ox. The nursing child shall play over the hole of the cobra, and the weaned child 7 shall put his hand on the adder’s den. They shall not hurt or destroyin all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge ofthe Lord as the waters cover the sea.” − Yes He is their King coming to them. − Yes He is bringing righteousness andsalvation. − And yes, He comes humble and mounted on a donkey.
  • 27. • The response ofthe people is noted in vs. 8-10. Here in v. 8, “they spread their cloaks on the road and others spread leafy branches they had cut from the fields.” Only John’s gospelmentions palm branches (John 12:13). It was a festive time of celebrationas they welcomedthis King, and it recalls the inauguration and anointing of Jehu as King in 2 Kings 9:12-13. • Coming in this way our Lord now proclaims openly what he has forbidden until this moment: I am your King! Jesus with purpose and intentionality presents Himself as the Messiahknowing that it will provoke a confrontation with the Jewish leaders that will result in his crucifixion. And yet, His declarationalso is bathed in gracious humility. • The paradoxicalKingship of Jesus shines so bright at this moment! He is royalty and deity wrapped in a single person, and yet He moves forward in His declarationto be King in lowliness, weaknessandservice. He does not come in pomp and circumstance. No, He comes in meekness and lowliness, He comes in humility and simplicity. • I absolutely love the way Sinclair Fergusoncaptures the moment:
  • 28. “Think, for a moment, what Mark’s record would convey to those who read it first – the Christians in Rome. No doubt 8 many of them had seengenerals enter Rome in triumph to receive the accolades ofvictory. How stark the contrastbetweenRoman glory and Jesus’ humility must have seemed. How mighty and powerful the swordand political powerby contrastwith King Jesus!Yet we know that his kingdom was established, while the glory that was Rome disappeared into oblivion. We know that what Jesus did in Jerusalemestablisheda kingdom which would outlast all the kingdoms of this world and break in pieces everyman-centered kingdom which sets itselfagainstit. Jesus had come to taken his throne – but had committed himself to begin his reign from a cross.” (Let’s Study Mark, 181). IV. Worship the One who alone can save. 11:9-10 • On a personal level I am fascinatedby these 2 verses which record the shouts of the crowd. On the one hand their words could not be more true. On the other, they could not have been more misunderstood by those who were making them. Only Jesus, and Jesus alone, knew the full import and significance ofwhat they were saying. • Both those who went aheadof Him and those who followed Him, in other words everyone in the caravangoing up and into Jerusalemwhere shouting the same thing,
  • 29. “Hosanna!Blessedis he who comes in the name of the Lord. Blessedis the coming Kingdom of our Father David! Hosanna in the highest!” Let’s break all of this down and note all that is here. − “Hosanna” means literally “Save, I pray” and is repeatedby Mark for emphasis (vs. 9 & 10). It draws from Psalm 118:25-26 (The Egyptian Hallels;Ps 113 118)which says, “Save us, we pray, O Lord! O Lord, we pray, give us success! Blessedis he who comes in the name of the Lord! We bless you from the house of the Lord.” Passovercelebratedthe Hebrew people’s liberation and deliverance out of Egypt. Now the nation of Israelanticipates a Messianic liberation and deliverance from Rome. 9 − “Blessed” is also repeated(vs. 9-10)and draws from Numbers 6:24-27 which says, “The Lord bless you and keepyou; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. So shallthey put my name upon the people of Israel, and I will bless them.” − The one who is blessed, better, will be the blesser, it is, 1) he who comes in the name of the Lord, 2) who is bringing the coming kingdom of David!”
  • 30. − 2 Samuel 7:12-16 is being fulfilled! And it was! − Isaiah 9:1-7 is being fulfilled! And it was! − Isaiah 11:1-10 is being fulfilled! And it was! − Jeremiah 23:5-8 is being fulfilled! And it was! − Ezekiel34:23-24 is being fulfilled! And it was! − Micah 5:2-4 is being fulfilled! And it was! − Oh, but it was not being fulfilled in the way they thought, hoped, and believed it would be. They are right, He is their King. But He is not here to purge Israel of foreign domination. No, he is here to purge His people of their sin! They are looking and longing for a temporal, political and military Savior. He, however, is bringing what only He canbring, a complete and eternal salvationof body and soul! They want and expecta Savior only for Jews, but He is a Savior for the whole world, for any and all who will believe on His Name. John 1:12 says it so well, “But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God …” John 3:16 says it so well, “ForGod so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoeverbelieves in him should 10 not perish but have eternallife.” John 14:6 says it so well, “Jesus saidto him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life, No one comes to the Father except
  • 31. through me.” Acts 4:12 says it so well, “And there is salvationin no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” 1 Timothy 2:5 says it so well, “Forthere is one God, and there is one mediator betweenGod and men, the man Christ Jesus …” Christ’s salvationand triumph would be the victory of life over death, salvationover sin, truth over error, love over hate, forgiveness overcondemnation. They cried out for salvationthat day. Have you cried to Him to save you? He is the only one who can. V. Worship the One who always acts justly. 11:11 • This day ends rather uneventful. It is actually quite anti-climatic. Tomorrow will be a different day (11:12-25). Things will never be the same again! • 1) Jesus enters Jerusalem, 2)goes to the temple, 3) looks things over very carefully, 4) sees that it is late (in the day or for the temple?) and 5) leaves with the disciples for Bethany where He will spend the night. • I cannothelp but wonder if Jesus’ mind returned to the 1st time He saw the temple as a 12 year old boy (Luke 2:41-52). Certainly He must have been impressedin some ways at that young and tender age. Notnow, not knowing what He knows now and what will transpire in the coming days and years.
  • 32. • Jesus does notcome to the temple as a tourist or gawking pilgrim caught up in the fanfare of Passoverand enamored by the spectacularbeauty of the temple. No, he makes a commanding survey of the situation, takes carefulinventory of all that He sees, 11 and goes awayto return the next day when He will curse something, the temple, that should have been bringing the nations to God (11:17), but in reality was driving them away. • It would seemthat this would have been the moment for Him to claim and receive His Messianic throne and Kingdom. Amazingly, nothing, not one thing happens. The enthusiastic crowds have mysteriously vanished. Was He only “King for a day?” Jesus quietly, and with no fanfare whatsoever, leaveswith the 12. • However, Malachi3:1-2, a text Mark cites at the very beginning of this gospel, is lurking in the prophetic shadows, “Behold, I send my messenger, andhe will prepare the waybefore me. And the Lord whom you seek willsuddenly come to his temple;
  • 33. and the messengerofthe covenantin whom you delight, behold, he is coming, says the Lord of hosts. But who canendure the day of his coming, and who can stand when he appears? Forhe is like a refiner’s fire and like fullers’ soap.” − The refining fire has arrived to purify that which is putrid. − The fuller’s soaphas arrived to cleanse thatwhich is filthy. • He will start His work with the temple. He will finish His work on the cross. • He acts justly whereverand wheneverHe judges. He is so worthy of our worship. Conclusion:1) Our King has come and … our King is coming again. And, what a difference there will be in His 1stand 2nd Advents. The First Coming of Jesus The SecondComing of Jesus He came to die. He will come to reign. He came on a little donkey. He will come on a warrior horse. He came as a humble servant. He will come as an exalted King. He came in weakness. He will come in power. He came to save. He will come to judge. 12 He came in love. He will come in wrath. He came as deity veiled. He will come as deity revealed. He came with 12 disciples. He will come with an army of angels. He came to bring peace. He will come and make war. He was given a crownof thorns. He will receive a crownof royalty. He came as the Suffering Servant. He will come as the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
  • 34. 2) Very few bowed before the greatKing the 1st time He came. However, every knee will bow when He comes again(Phil 2:9-11). Are you looking? Are you waiting? Are you ready? Here the words of the greathymn writer Isaac Watts as you think on these things. Jesus shallreign where e’er the sun Doth his successivejourneys run; His kingdom stretch from shore to shore, Till moons shall waxand wane no more Blessings aboundwhere e’erhe reigns:The prisoner leaps to lose his chains, The wearyfind eternal rest, and all the sons of want are blest. Let every creature rise and bring Peculiarhonors to our King; Angels descendwith songs again, And earth repeat the loud Amen. Comes-Our-King-The-Triumphal-Entry-of-Jesus-Manuscript-ds.pdf BRIAN BELL Mark 11:1-11 8-11-13 Demonstration- Celebration- Examination I. Slide#1 Announce: A. Slide#2 Divorce Recovery/Rick& Lorrain DeLeon - Congrats on retirement from Los Alamitos, PD 30 yrs 1. Slide#3 Divorce Recoverybegins on Monday, August 19 at 6:30 pm. B. Slide#4 New Emails - no longer ccmurrieta. Now, calvarymurrieta.comC. Slide#5 RippleFX - started as a collaborationof Advocates for Faith/Freedom, Student Venture & California Family Council. SeanMcDowellguest. This Tues Aug.13th. 7pm here at CM. II. Slide#6blank Intro: A. Story: In Oct.2007, Greg & I were on a plane leaving London for Kosovo. Greg had the window open, I was staring out, & a Mercedespulled right up to the plane. I thought has to be some dignitary to getthat treatment. He came on with 2 other guys & they sat in the not so prestigious front row. People started pointing & whispering something about him. I askeda gal Slide#7,8 who is it, she said the president (Fatmir
  • 35. Sejdiu/Fat-MeerSay-dyoo). 4 months before Kosovo’s Independence, here was the president. Besides getting to drive right up to the plane & board...I felt bad...I don’t even think he got an extra bag a peanuts. 1. This morning we look at Jesus’not so triumphal entry. He deserved so much more. B. Slide#9 Jesus was atthe End of His journey. A journey that started9 months ago. A busy itinerary in this final journey where He ministered in at least35 localities. He timed the journey to end in Jerusalemright at Passover. 1. The Passovernow only a few days away. Throngs around Him. Everyone spreading the news about Him. Back now in Bethany where he rose Lazarus from the dead. The religious leaders counseling on how to kill Him. The Roman Soldiers SpecialForcesonHeightened alert, Threat Level Orange for potential Terrorist attacks.Would Jesus make a move? As the pressure mounts, Jesus took definite, calculated, & premeditated action. C. Slide#10 He carefully ordered everything. 1. His Timing: The day & hour were selectedfrom eternity w/countdownprecision. He chose the 1stday of the week forhis Triumphal entry which would precipitate his terrible death on that Friday, His rest in the grave on Sabbath, & his triumphant resurrectionon the following 1st day of The Church. 2. His Mode of transportation: A previously unridden donkey. a) He reaches Bethphage & sends his disciples to obtain his donkey limo he’d ride in on. 3. His Going Public: He was purposely going public. He was promoting a public demonstration. Neverbefore. He had repeatedly withdrawn from the crowds. But now He invited it. He courted danger & did it with calculatedpurpose. 1 D. Title/Outline is: Demonstration - Celebration- Examination III. Slide#11 DEMONSTRATION(1-6)His Deity & Authority A. His Deity (2,3)B. Jesus was demonstrating His omniscience/His all-knowingness.1. He was in control of the whole situation. a) I like that. That brings me comfort today. He has all the details of my life figured out. C. His Authority (3) D. The Lord has need of it. 1. The Lord had need of it & He has need of you. a) Like Philip & the Ethiopian Eunuch. The Lord had need of Philip. 2. In His sovereignty& grace Godhas given you & me the privilege of being used to tell
  • 36. other people about the Lord. IV. Slide#12 CELEBRATION (7-10)Hebrews on Holiday A. His Lowliness - on a donkey. B. Back to the donkey. 1. Unridden - an animal devoted to a sacredtask must be one that had not been put to ordinary use. a) Slide#13 Interesting….eversee The cross onthe back of a donkey? b) Legend - Seeing the tragic event taking place, he wishedwith all his heart that he had been able to carry the cross for Jesus, as he was the proper one to carry heavy burdens. Ashamed of what was happening, the donkey turned his back on the sight, but would not leave for he wished to stay until all was over because ofhis love for Jesus. In reward for the loyal and humble love of the little donkey, the Lord castthe shadow of the cross to fall across his back and left it there for the donkeyto carry forever more as a sign that the love of God, no matter how humble, carries a reward for all us to see. 2. Slide#14 A Colt Tied - This points to a Messianic prophecyby Jacob. Gen.49:10,11 The scepterwill not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from his descendants, until the coming of the one to whom it belongs, the one whom all nations will honor. He ties his foal to a grapevine, the coltof his donkey to a choice vine. He washes his clothes in wine, his robes in the blood of grapes. a) And of course He wants us to make the connectionof Zech.9:9 Look, your king is coming to you. He is righteous and victorious, yet he is humble, riding on a donkey - riding on a donkey’s colt. 3. Slide#15 Riding a donkey was a kingly act which identified Him with the royal line of David. 2 a) It was a royal animal during King David’s reign. After him, the Hebrew kings switchedto horses, & the donkeywas consideredunsuited to the dignity of Kings. 4. Riding a donkeywas also a humble actfor that day. a) Seeing this procession, the Roman Soldiers must have laughed/mocked. b) Slide#16 When a victorious Romangeneralwould return from war, elephants, tigers, and other animals would accompanyhim. The generalwould be in a chariot pulled by handsome horses. The swords ofthe soldiers behind him would be lifted high. The streets would be filled with the order of incense. The whole city would be shouting and rejoicing over the victorious king. Can you imagine how Caesarin Rome would have laughed and mockedas he saw this processional? Butthis was the beginning of the parade that would ultimately topple the Roman Empire.1 (1) Slide#17 Now look atJesus’parade...Him on a
  • 37. donkey(a beat up VW in that day, no limo); coats forHis saddle; His soldiers hold Palm Branches insteadof Swords. No incense burning, just the fragrance of Christ, which is the aroma of life to those being saved & an aroma of death to those who are perishing. (a) I’m in that parade. It’s a looong line of followers. Are you in the parade? If you are savedyou are in it too. 5. Slide#18 The Donkey, by G.K.ChestertonWhenfishes flew and forests walked And figs grew upon thorn, Some moment when the moon was blood Then surely I was born. With monstrous head and sickening cry And ears like errant wings, The devil’s walking parody On all four-footed things. Slide#19 The tattered outlaw of the earth, Of ancientcrookedwill; Starve, scourge,deride me: I am dumb, I keepmy secretstill. Fools!For I also had my hour; One far fierce hour and sweet: There was a shout about my ears, And palms before my feet. C. We can all find encouragementfrom the fact that Jesus enlisted the donkeyin His service! D. Slide#20 His Loftiness - Save now. 3 1 Jerry Vines, Exploring the Gospels/Mark, pg.221,222. E. All eyes were fixed on Jesus, allhonor & respectwas poured forth. Not only did some place their clothing on the animal as a saddle, some flung their robes to the ground as a gesture of reverence, indicating their willingness for him to have everything - even to trample their property if He so desired. There was swelling, mounting joy! 1. Slide#21 He rode up the ridge to where the road starts down the Mount of Olives. 2. Fresh pilgrims from Bethany & Bethphage have joined Him & the processiongrows. 3. When they reached that spot they caughta glimpse of the southeasterncornerof the city. With its magnificent terraces & imposing towers, they broke into loud Easternpraise. These were Hebrews on Holiday! F. The chant - 1. Slide#22 In vs.9 it says there were 2 groups(b4 & behind). This was antiphonal chant that some scholars suggestit went like this: a) First group: “Hosanna!” b) Second group: “Blessedis He who comes in the name of the Lord!’ Blessedis the kingdom of our father David!” c) First group: “Hosanna in the highest!” (1) This chant from Ps.118:26 wasoftenused for pilgrims, but here it perfectly
  • 38. fits Jesus. -This became a mass prophetic ecstasyas the long procession moved along the slope of Mount of Olives. (2) The Lord was making a statement- their words were His statement, “Save us!...Save us!” (3) The Lord was revealing His position & His person - by riding in on the donkey. (4) The Lord was revealing His work-The Hosannas describe His work.2 V. Slide#23 EXAMINATION (11)His City & Church A. His City - He went into Jerusalem. B. The road that descends downthe Mount of Olives descends into a hollow, & the sight of the city dips out of sight from the multitudes because of the ridge line. But then after a moment of Slide#24 walking, the path mounts again, in an instant the whole city bursts into view. 1. Slide#25 Now with the whole city is in view & the Saviorbegins to weep. Not with quiet tears as were described when Lazarus was risen from his grave, but with loud deep sorrow. Theyceasedtheir Hosannas & heard the Lord of the Universe wail over Jerusalem. This was a new king. 2. ReadLuke 19:41-44 where His wailing turns into lamentation. 4 2 Kent Hughes, Mark, pg.82. 3. Slide#26 Byprophetic vision(seeing 4 decades into the future), the Lord saw the proud, unrepentant Holy City reduced to a pile of rubble wetwith the blood of His people. 4. They missed the things that makes for peace! - What? What did they miss? Well, repentance towardGod & faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. a) As your life stands right now, what does Jesus Christsee in your future? Judgment? Your towers pulled down? Desolation? b) The tears of Christ measure the infinite value of your soul. 5. Slide#27 Jesus saw human beings with needy hearts...whatdo you see when you look at your city? a) If we could see our cities the wayJesus sees them, we’d see young lives being wreckedwith drugs & immorality. We’d see businessmen/womenwhose lives are empty & meaningless. We’dsee struggling mothers & absentfathers. We’d see many elderly staring into their sunset, ready to slip off into eternity w/o a relationship with Christ. C. His Church - He went into the temple. D. Slide#28,29He had looked around at all things - It was a look of examination. 1. What does Jesus see when He comes to our churches? As He walks up & down our aisles, moves in& out of the pews. 2. What does Jesus see whenHe look around in our
  • 39. Temple/in our hearts/in our lives? He knows what we are like inside. When Jesus looks into your heart, what does He see? Hosanna in the Highest Mark 11: 1-11 Our text deals with a significantmoment and time in the life of Jesus. Most title this passage – the triumphal entry. It begins what has come to be known as PassionWeek.The Lord makes His initial entrance into Jerusalem, preparing to offer Himself on the cross as the atonementfor our sin. The jubilant receptionHe receivedat this moment will soonbe replacedwith cries for His crucifixion. This is certainly a significant passageforevery believer as well. As we examine this passage, we must keepin mind the sovereigntyinvolved in these events. Jesus had not haphazardly arrived at this moment in time. His life had been spent in preparation for the events that would soonfollow. This was the reasonfor the incarnation and His time spent upon earth as a man. The event that took place that day had been prophesied hundreds of years earlier. Zech.9:9 – Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem:behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation;lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foalof an ass. Jesus was committed to fulfilling the plan of redemption. As we considerthe particular moments revealed in the text, I want to think on the thought: Hosanna in the Highest. Hopefully we will be reminded of the greatlove and commitment Christ had for us, and such a reminder should stir our hearts with love and commitment for Him.
  • 40. I. A Time of Preparation(1-6) – The opening verses of this passage revealthe detailed preparation that went into the triumphal entry. This event was not left to chance;it had been divinely prophesiedand would be sovereignly carried out. Consider: A. The Location(1) – And when they came nigh to Jerusalem, unto Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount of Olives, he sendethforth two of his disciples. As Jesus continued to make His way towardJerusalem, having His heart set on fulfilling the Father’s will, they had arrived in the area of Bethphage and Bethany. The two villages were locatedjust to the eastof Jerusalem. Bethphage was the largerof the two, but Bethany was dear to the heart of Jesus. Martha, Mary, and Lazarus lived in Bethany, and it was there that Jesus raisedLazarus from the dead. According to Matthew 21:1, it appears the coltJesus would ride into Jerusalemwas to be found in Bethphage. As they stoodon the Mount of Olives, lying just northeastof Jerusalemand having an elevationof some 2,600 feet, Jesus couldsee Jerusalembefore Him. One can only imagine the emotion Jesus must have felt at this moment, surveying the city below. April 25, 2018 PastorChris Benfield – FellowshipMissionaryBaptist Church 2
  • 41. B. The Instruction (2-3) – And saith unto them, Go your way into the village over againstyou: and as soonas ye be enteredinto it, ye shall find a colt tied, whereonnever man sat; loose him, and bring him. [3] And if any man say unto you, Why do ye this? say ye that the Lord hath need of him; and straightwayhe will send him hither. We are not given the names of the two disciples that were sent, and the other gospels do not revealwhich of the twelve they were either. Some speculate it was Peterand John, but we do not know for certain. These two were instructed to go into the village, where they would find a colt tied as soonas they entered. If anyone questionedwhy they were taking the colt, they were instructed to tell them that the Lord had need of it. Jesus assuredthe men that they would be allowedto take the colt, because these wouldbelieve their words. ▪ This is a simple task, but it reveals the sovereigntyof Jesus in regardto this matter. He had not gone ahead of the disciples. Jesus knew exactlywhere they would find the colt tied, and He knew there would be no dispute in the matter. This should encourage us as we walk with the Lord. There is nothing we face in life that He cannot control; He has the ability to orchestrate eventhe smallestdetails of our lives. ▪ I thought of how the two chosento go after the donkey might have felt. They may have been more than happy to go, but it is possible that they felt this was simple work and there were more important tasks to be handled. They likely had no idea what was about to transpire, and probably never consideredthey were being used to fulfill ancient prophecy. There are no unimportant or menial tasks when it comes to serving the Lord! C. The Acquisition (4-6) – And they went their way, and found the colttied by the door without in a place where two ways met; and they loose him. [5] And certain of them that stoodthere said unto them, What do ye, loosing the colt?
  • 42. [6] And they said unto them even as Jesus had commanded: and they let them go. As the disciples obediently went after the colt, they found it just as the Lord had said. As they were preparing to take the colt with them, they were questioned about what they were doing. Simply responding that the Lord needed the colt, they were allowedto take it with them. This happened just as they Lord had described. He had orchestratedthese events long before the disciples arrived in Bethphage to get the donkey. ▪ Isn’t that encouraging to consider? Jesus worked outthe smallestof details for the disciples. We tend to think that our Lord is unconcernedwith the day to day trivial aspects ofour lives, but in fact, He is very mindful and in absolute control. II. A Time of Celebration(7-10) – Here we discoverthe triumphant entry Jesus made into Jerusalemand the celebrationsurrounding it. Notice: April 25, 2018 PastorChris Benfield – FellowshipMissionaryBaptist Church 3 A. The Willingness Involved (7) – And they brought the coltto Jesus, andcast their garments on him; and he satupon him. This reveals the willingness of the disciples and the colt as well. The disciples laid their garments on the colt in order to make Jesus’ride more comfortable. These were totally committed
  • 43. to Him, being submissive to His will. It is amazing how the animal responded to all of this. Being raisedon a farm, I am familiar with how horses and donkeys respond the first time someone tries to ride them. This was a young colt that had never been broken, and yet it submitted to the Lord and allowed Him to ride. The donkey was in complete submission to Jesus as well, willing to let Him ride into Jerusalem. ▪ That is quite convicting when we pause to considerit. This donkey was more willing to be used of the Lord than a lot of Baptists. We need to possess a willingness to serve the Lord, at His leisure, seeking to please Him in all we do! B. The Wonder Involved (8) – And many spreadtheir garments in the way: and others cut down branches off the trees, and strawedthem in the way. As Jesus made His way into Jerusalem, the people gatheredalong the way, spreading their garments and palm branches before Him, showing their awe and wonder of Jesus. Clearlythese saw Him as the Christ. He was being celebratedas their King. Some may have hoped, and even thought that Jesus would establish His kingdom at that time, but we cannot deny their reverence for Jesus as He passedbefore them. ▪ As we read the accounts of Jesus’life in the gospels, it is easyto become critical of those who experiencedJesus, being in His presence. Clearlythese recognizedsomething specialabout Him, but often He was not given the recognitionHe deserved. We too tend to become casualregarding our Lord. We need to see Him for who He is – our Lord and Master, Redeemerand Sovereign, our Saviorand sooncoming King! I am convincedwe need a fresh glimpse of His glory that would create a sense ofwonder in our hearts!
  • 44. C. The Worship Involved (9-10)– And they that went before, and they that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna;Blessedis he that cometh in the name of the Lord: [10] Blessedbe the kingdom of our father David, that cometh in the name of the Lord: Hosanna in the highest. As the crowds surrounded Jesus that day, they offered genuine praise and worship to the Lord. The word Hosanna means “save now.” The people were crying out for their Messiahto provide deliverance. These are worshiping their Lord and King, which was also a fulfillment of prophecy. Psalm118:25-26 – Save now, I beseechthee, O LORD: O LORD, I beseechthee, send now prosperity. [26] Blessedbe he that cometh in the name of the LORD:we have blessedyou out of the house of the LORD. April 25, 2018 PastorChris Benfield – FellowshipMissionaryBaptist Church 4 ▪ Luke records an interesting aspectof the triumphant entry. The Pharisees were displeasedwith the worship of the people. Luke 19:39-40 – And some of the Phariseesfrom among the multitude said unto him, Master, rebuke thy disciples. [40] And he answeredand said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out. Creationwould have praised Jesus atthis moment if the multitude had not. I certainly don’t want the rocks to cry out in my place; He is worthy of our worship!
  • 45. III. A Time of Examination (11) – And Jesus enteredinto Jerusalem, and into the temple: and when he had lookedround about upon all things, and now the eventide was come, he went out unto Bethany with the twelve. As Jesus made His wayinto Jerusalem, He was very observantof the situation around Him. Notice: A. His Discernment – Jesus paid close attentionto what He saw, discerning the situation. All was not as it appeared. He lookedupon: ➢ The City – No doubt this would have been a spectacularsightat this moment in time. It is estimated that about 80,000dweltin Jerusalemin Jesus’ day, but during the Passoverthe city would have swollento betweentwo and three million people. Jesus knows whatlies aheadfor the beloved city. She will deny Him as the Christ, continuing in her complacenceand disobedience. Very soon, in AD 70, the Romans will destroy the city, with thousands of Jews being crucified. The Temple will be destroyedand the inhabitants scattered throughout the world. In a few days Jesus willutter heartbreaking words regarding Jerusalem. Matt.23:37– O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonestthem which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gatheredthy children together, even as a hen gatherethher chickens under her wings, and ye would not! ➢ The Temple – Jesus also lookedupon the situation within the Temple. It was arrayed in all its splendor, with the priests going through the formalities of religion, but their hearts were hard and cold. Their Messiahstoodin their midst, and yet they failed to see Him as the Christ.
  • 46. This is a sobering thought. What does Jesus see as He considers His church today? I know overall, He sees us as His purchasedpossession, andloves us with an everlasting love, but what does He actually see? I fearoften He sees a scene very similar to the one He encounteredin Jerusalemthat day. I am not interestedin religious formalities, merely going through the motions. We must see Him as the Christ, our Savior and Lord, with a commitment to serve and honor Him! April 25, 2018 PastorChris Benfield – FellowshipMissionaryBaptist Church 5 B. His Departure (11b) – and now the eventide was come, he went out unto Bethany with the twelve. At the close ofan eventful day, Jesus departedfrom Jerusalem, returning to Bethany with the twelve. He went back to the place where He was loved and accepted. One would expectJesus to have felt wanted in Jerusalem, but He knew the condition of the hearts of many. He spent His time among those who cherishedHim, seeing Him as the Christ. ▪ This world has much to offer, and there are many distractions to our faith. We live in such a materialistic societythat influences many aspects oflife. I am in no way implying that our Lord is never found among the grand sanctuaries and magnificent buildings throughout the world, but that in no way guarantees His presence or blessing. The Lord will be found among those who love and desire Him. In fact, He will more than likely be found in the small villages and remote areas, insteadof those who boast of their
  • 47. possessions. I want to have a heart for the Lord. I want Fellowshipto be a Bethany, a place where our Lord is known to frequent! Conclusion:Our text revealeda magnificent moment in Jesus’life. Everyone in Jerusalemdid not recognize Him, but many did. He was worshipedand honored for who He was – the promised Messiah. Thosewho will gather later that week around the praetorium will have a different perspective, but on this day, Jesus was with those He loved and those who returned His love. Where do our hearts lie today? How do we perceive Jesus? Is He welcome among us? Is He regularly in attendance within your home? I know the Spirit dwells within the believercontinually, but do we make any effort to fellowship with our Lord? He must be the objectof our affection. If you are unsaved or not where you should be with the Lord, seek Him today! ghest_-_mark_11_1-11_.pdf ALAN CARR Mark 11:1-11 BEHOLD, THY KING COMETHUNTO THEE! Intro: We have reacheda pivotal point in the book of Mark. Jesus is on the Mount of Olives overlooking Jerusalem. Jesushas been here many times, in fact, He has been in the city below many times. When He descends from the
  • 48. Mount of Olives on this day, He will be setting into motion certain events that will climax with His death on the cross and His resurrectionfrom the dead. The events we are studying today took place sometime on a Sunday. Before the sun sets the next Friday, Jesus will have been crucified and buried. Before the sun rises on the next Sunday morning, Jesus will have conquered death, hell and the grave by resurrecting from the dead. The events of this day mark the beginning of our Lord’s PassionWeek. Up to this point in the ministry of Jesus, He had always told His men to keepquiet about His identity. Often, when Jesus healedpeople, He would tell them to go their way and to keepquiet about what had happened to them, Mark 7:36; 8:30; 9:9; Luke 8:56. Now, there is a change in the Lord’s strategy. On this day, Jesus begins to draw attention to Himself. Why? He does so because He is about to fulfill an ancient prophecy. He does so because He is about to present Himself to the nation of Israel as their King. Hundreds of years earlier, the prophet Zachariah penned these words, “Rejoicegreatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass,” Zech. 9:9. Jesus is about to fulfill that prophecy in detail. I would like for us to examine this passage togethertoday. I believe that there are some precious truths that can be gleanedfrom this moment in our Savior’s life. I want to borrow my title from the verse in Zechariah. He said “Behold, Thy King Cometh Unto Thee”. I would like to talk to you about this King. I want you to see The PersonOf This King; The PresentationOf This King and The Purpose Of This King. I. v. 1-6 THE PERSON OF THIS KING (Ill. As we watchthe Lord in action in these verses, we are allowedto catch a glimpse of His glory. Imagine the scene if you will.
  • 49. It is early in the morning and Jesus is making preparations to go to Jerusalem. He is moving through two little villages near the top of the mountain. He is in Bethphage, which means “House of Unripe Figs” and Bethany, which means “House of Dates”.Jesus hadsome dear friends at Bethany, Mary, Martha and Lazarus, with whom He stayedduring His last days on earth. In fact, Jesus had just performed one of His most outstanding miracles when He raisedLazarus from the dead, John 11. Now, Jesus stands on the top of the Mount of Olives, preparing to descendinto the city below. From the top of that mountain, which stands some 2,600 feetabove sea level, Jesus couldsee the beautiful city spread out before Him. Keep in mind that these events occurred during the week leading up to the Passover. Historians tell us that the population of Jerusalemwas around 80,000atthis time. During the Passover, betweentwo and three million people would crowd into the city for the celebration. The people came in anticipation; they were looking for God to do something while they were there. God would do His greatestwork ofall during this Passover, but most people would miss it altogether. Jesus chose this moment to revealHimself the nation of Israel. He chose this moment to let Israel know that their King had arrived. Notice how He is revealedin these verses.) A. His Personality– Ill. The Context – Jesus sends two of His disciples to a village to geta young donkey colt. He tells them exactly where they will find it and what the people standing around will sayto them. He even gives them some details about the animal. When His men go out to complete this assignment, they find that everything is just as Jesus saidit would be. How did Jesus know this? Some writers suggestthat Jesus had already been to the owners of this little donkey and arrangedfor the use of the animal. They believe Jesus setthis up before hand. I suppose they believe Jesus set things up with that fish that Petercaught with the tax money in its mouth, Matt. 17:27.
  • 50. Well, He did set it up, but not physically. He setit up in His sovereignty! These events remind us that Jesus is God and that He is in control of all things, Eph. 1:11; Isa. 46:10-11!That encourages me!So, these verses prove that Jesus is God! (Note:Which two disciples went after the donkey? The Bible doesn’tsay! You see, it doesn’t matter who does what as long as the Lord is glorified! I wonder if those two men complained about their assignment. If they were Baptists they did. I can hear them now, “Can you believe this? After all we’ve done for Him; Jesus pickedus for this dirty assignment.” Theydidn’t realize that they were the instruments He would use to fulfill prophecy. They were doing something far bigger then they could see. We usually are! When we are involved in the Lord’s work, we are involved in big business!) B. His Power– These verses also demonstrate the powerand authority of our Lord. Notice whatJesus says in verse 3. He says, “Sayye that the Lord hath need of Him.” Jesus calledHimself “Lord”! That is a statementof His authority and of His powerin this situation. I would just remind you that He is still “Lord” today. He still possesses all authority, whether men recognize Him and bow to Him or not. There will come a day when they will, Phil 2:9-11. There will come a day when you will! Why not do it today when bowing to Jesus canresult in your salvation? (Note:Jesus was wellknown in these villages. He had, after all, just raised Lazarus from the dead. He was a localcelebrity. When the owners heard that it was the Lord Jesus Who wanted the colt, they immediately sentit to Him.)
  • 51. (Note:Look at that statementin verse 3. “The Lord hath need of him.” That is an amazing statement! When did God ever “need” anything? But, that was the paradox of our Lord’s earthly life. He was rich, yet He became poor, 2 Cor. 8:9. · He ownedall things, yet He possessednothing. He createdthe stars, yet He had nowhere to lay His Own head, Matt. 8:20. · He fashionedeverything there is out of nothing, yet He had to borrow a boat from which to preachHis Gospel. · He createdevery drop of waterthat exists in the world, yet He cried “I thirst” as He was dying on the cross, John19:28. · He createdevery tree, but He died on a borrowedcross. · He createdevery rock, but He had to borrow a tomb in which to be buried. · He used the clouds as His chariots, Psa. 104:3, yetHe had to borrow a donkey on which to ride. · That is the paradox of His life! · He was rich, yet made Himself poor so that those who believe on Him might enjoy His riches!) (Note:Let’s talk about that donkeyfor a few more minutes. The Lord needed that donkey to fulfill His mission here on earth. Isn’t that amazing? Jesus is God and He could have done this anyway He chose to, but He chose to use that little donkey. By the way, He is still using little donkeys to getHis work done on earth. He uses the likes of you and me. He could have assignedthe task to angels, but He chooses to work through human instruments. I am glad to be a part of the Lord business. I am glad He can use a little donkey like me!
  • 52. Let me mention a few important facts about this donkey before we leave him behind. · That DonkeyHad To Be Redeemed – Ex. 13:13;34:20. That little donkey was alive and useful to the Lord because it had been redeemed by the blood of a lamb. Praise God that is why I have life today. That is the only reasonyou and I have any usefulness to the Lord today. Praise God for the redeeming powerof the blood of Jesus! · That DonkeyHad To Be Released – It was bound and had to be setfree before the Lord could use it. Before you and I canbe of any use to Him, the chains of our sins are going to have to be broken and we are going to have to be set free. I praise His Name that is just what He does for His saints, Rom. 6:14; John 8:36. · That DonkeyHad To Be Ruled – Someone had to take charge overthat donkey. Verse 2 tells us that the donkey had never been broken to ride. Yet, it submitted itself to the Lord Jesus and yielded to His control. That donkey wasn’t frightened by the crowds or by their noise. It surrendered itself to the Lord totally. That is what He expects of us! He is looking for total submission and total surrender, Rom. 12:1-2. The Lord could save sinners and accomplishHis work on earth just fine without us. Yet, He choosesto use frail, human instruments for His glory. When we are like that donkey, Redeemed, Releasedand Ruled, He can use us too.) (Note:In verse 6, the phrase “and straightwayhe will send him hither”, means “The Lord will send the donkey right back as soonas He is finished with him.” In other words, Jesus tells His men to tell the people who owned the donkeythat He will return their property as soonas He is through with it. When that donkeycame back, it was better than it was when it left. When it left, it was unbroken and untried. When it came home, it was ready for the saddle. That’s just what the Lord does! He takes whenwe give Him and when He gives it back, it is far better than it was when He got it.
  • 53. · Give Him an Abram, a lost pagan, and He will give you back an Abraham, a mighty man of faith. · Give Him your Jacob, a schemerand a trickster, and He will give you back an Israel, a Prince of God. · Give Him your Saul of Tarsus, a mean, cruel man, and He will give you back a Paul, a mighty Apostle of God. · Give Him you Simon, a weak, vacillating man, and He will give you back a Peter, a rock for Jesus. · Give Him your broken, sin scarredlife and He will give you back a new start, a new life and a home in Heaven!) II. v. 7-10 THE PRESENTATION OF THIS KING (Ill. We are allowedto see the Personofthis King in this event. We are also allowedto see a Presentationofthe King in these verses. The disciples go and get the donkey. They return to Jesus and put their outer garments overthe beastin place of a saddle. Jesus climbs on the donkey’s back and starts down the mountain. (Ill. The fact that the animal Jesus is riding has never been brokenis a miracle in itself. Of course, Psa. 8:6- 8 tells us that He has dominion overthis creation.) The King of Israel is about to present Himself to the nation. A. He Is The Lowly One – As I mentioned earlier, Jesus is fulfilling the ancient prophecy of Zech. 9:9. Part of that prophecy says that the Messiah will be “lowly”. That is what we see here. We see a humble Man on the back of a humble beast, making a humble declarationof His identity. Imagine this procession. Jesus is on a donkey and He is surrounded by throngs of common people. It was, as one writer said, a “processionof paupers”. The people are waving palm branches and not swords. He is sitting
  • 54. on old coats and not a saddle. He is riding a little donkey and not a mighty stallion. He is surrounded by a ragtag rabble and not by strong soldiers. The Roman soldiers who saw this parade must have laughed at this Man Who would be King of the Jews. The soldiers might have seen a Roman Triumphus. In those great celebrations, victorious Romangenerals would return from the battlefields with the spoils of war. Defeatedkings and soldiers would be paraded through town. The victorious army would walk past cheering crowds. Elephants, tigers and lions would parade past. The victorious generalwould be riding in the finest of chariots pulled along by handsome horses. Thousands would cheer and Rome would vibrate with the shouts of people praising Caesarand the Roman gods. But, this, this must have appearedto be a joke to all who saw it. This little processionwas just the beginning! The events that beganon this day would one day topple the Roman Empire. One day, this lowly King would bring Rome to its knees!By the way, a Roman generalcould only have a Triumphus if he had killed over 5,000 enemy soldiers in battle. Very soon, King Jesus would claim over 8,000 new believers, Acts 2:41; 4:4.) Look againat this crowd. Who is there as the people wave their palm branches before Jesus and pave the road with their clothing? I would imagine Bartimaeus is there. I would imagine Zacchaeus is there. I would imagine that Lazarus was there, along with Mary and Martha. That crowd was full of people He had healed, delivered and ministered to and they were praising Him. I am in that parade too! It’s a mighty long parade by now, but it is marching off toward eternity with Jesus in the lead. Those who know Him are still praising His name and worshiping the One Who became poor so that we might become rich in Him! B. He Is The Lofty One – As the crowd descendedthe slopes ofthe Mount of Olives, the people are praising the Lord. They are practicing “antiphonal” singing. The people in front would saya part and the people in back would answerthem. We are told what they saidin verses 9-10. The word “Hosanna” means “save now”. It was a cry for the Messiahto deliver His people. It had come to be used as a shout of praise, much like “Hallelujah”.
  • 55. The people are praising the name of the King, just as the Psalmist predicted they would in Psa. 118:25-26. The people are exalting Jesus as their King, and they are right on the money! Mark doesn’trelate this, but Luke does. Luke tells us that the Pharisees are upset about this demonstration. They want Jesus to tell His followers to stop their shouting. Jesus tells them that if these people were to hold their peace, the very rocks would cry out, Luke 19:39-41. In other words, prophecy is being fulfilled and the Lord will have His praise. He is going to have praise on the earth! Let me just say that as long as the Lord saves sinners and leaves His saints on this earth, there will be some who will praise Him. And, He is worthy to receive that kind of praise! We are commanded to praise Him. We have every reasonto praise Him. I do not want the rocks to do what I am capable of doing myself. Shame on us when we can’t find the words, the courage and the reasons to praise the Lord! He is still the lofty One and He is still worthy to be praisedin the world and especiallyin His church. III. v. 11 THE PURPOSE OF THE KING (Ill. Jesus wentthrough this processionto fulfill the Word of God, but He had another purpose in what He was doing. In fact, He had a double purpose. Look at what He did.) A. To Examine The Town– Mark doesn’tmention this, but Luke does, Luke 19:41-44. As Jesus nearedthe city, He saw Jerusalem. He saw their future. · He knew that within forty years, the Romans would besiege the town. · He knew that over 30,000Jewswouldbe crucified as the Legions marched toward the city. · He knew that the city would hold out for months while the people succumbed by the thousands to disease andstarvation.
  • 56. · He knew they would throw the bodies of the dead over the walls of Jerusalem. · He knew that the Roman GeneralTitus would see the pile of dead bodies lying in outside the walls of Jerusalemand that he would lift his hands toward Heaven to callGod as a witness that it was not his fault and that it did not have to be this way. · Jesus knew that the Romans would conquer the city and that the Temple and the city would be utterly demolished. · He also knew the people would be scatteredto the four winds of the earth. · He knew all these things and more and Jesus weptover the town. Get the image in your mind! The people are shouting, dancing and singing. They are praising God and the Lord Jesus. Theyare excited and they are vocalin their excitement. Jesus, however, is a man with a broken heart. He knows that Israelwill not receive Him, John 1:11. He knows they will rejectHim and crucify Him. He knows they are slatedfor judgment and in the midst of jubilation, Jesus weeps!That is why He is called “a man of sorrows”, Isa. 53:3. (Note:Have you ever wondered what Jesus seeswhenHe looks atour town? We see economic depression. We see people who are goodhearted, but who do not care about the things of God. We see people with whom we get irritated. We see prospects forour church. We see friends, neighbors, saints and sinners. But, what does Jesus see? Jesus sees people who are suffering. Jesus sees people who are lost. Jesus sees people who are going to Hell. Oh, how we need to see the people of our town like Jesus seesthem. When we do, we will weepover them like He wept over Jerusalem. When we weepas He wept, we will be more motivated to take the Gospelto them. How do you see the people of this town?)
  • 57. B. To Examine The Temple – The lastthing Jesus did on that day was to visit the Temple. He took the time to look “at all things.” He saw the beauty of the buildings. He saw the gold, the silver and all the trappings of religion. He saw the priests carrying out their rituals. He saw the people bringing their sacrifices to the priests. He saw it all, but you will notice that they did not see Him. Oh, they saw Him, at leastthey saw His physical body, but they did not see Him! The King had entered the Temple and they knew nothing of it. The Lord of Glory had visited His house and they were ignorant of His presence. He saw they had no place for Him in their Temple so He left. (Note:What does Jesus see whenHe comes to our church? He is here today, Matt. 18:20!What does He see? DoesHe see people who come looking for Him, or does He see people just going through the motions? Does He see people who are worshiping Him and praising Him, or does He see people just caught up in the rituals? What does Jesus see in this church today? More importantly, what does Jesus see in your heart? Does He see His face reflectedback to Him? Does He see a heart filled with love with Him? Does He see an earnestworshiper? Or does He see that you are lost? Does He see that you need to come home? Does He see that all is not well in your heart? What does the Lord Jesus see at Calvary today? The big question is, do we see Him? He is here, but is He being worshiped? Is the KIng being acknowledged?) Conc:Zechariah told Israelto be ready. He said, “Thy King cometh unto thee.” He came to them and they were unprepared for His coming. A few receivedHim, but as a whole, the nation of Israel rejectedtheir King. They turned Him awayand they crucified Him. Did you know that the King is passing by right now?
  • 58. · He is here to Receive those who will come to Him in faith. · He is here to Restore those who will come home. · He is here to Refreshthose who are weary. · He is here to Rewardthose who are faithful. · He is here to Revive those who are hungry for more. He is here for you! The question is, what will you do with Him? Will you bow before Him, or will you send Him away? The King is here! May we acknowledge His presence and glorify Him today! Mark 11:1-11 DONKEYOLOGY Intro: This amazing passagerecords the Triumphant Entry of the Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. It was this very Sunday morning that Jesus fulfilled the ancient prophecy of the prophet Zechariah. Many centuries ago, Zechariah had written these words about the coming Messiah:“Rejoicegreatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem:behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass,” Zech. 9:9. That prophecy was literally fulfilled on this occasion. The primary emphasis of this passage is the revelation of Jesus to Israel that He is their long awaitedMessiahand their King. The common man rejoicedin the appearance ofthe Lord Jesus, Mark 11:7-10. But, the leaders of Israel rejectedHim, and before the next Sabbath day, Jesus would have been crucified. Israelrejectedtheir King, John 1:11. The teaching in this passageis glorious, but I want to focus in on one little aspectof our Lord’s Triumphant Entry. I want to focus in on His relationship with the little donkey He rode as He entered the city.
  • 59. I am interestedin that little donkey. The Lord neededthat donkey to fulfill His mission here on earth, v. 3. Isn’t that amazing? Jesus is God and He could have done this anyway He chose to, but He chose to use that little donkey. By the way, He is still using little donkeys to getHis work done on earth. He uses the likes of you and me. He certainly does not need us, but He has graciouslychosento make us part of His plan! He could have assignedthe task to angels, but He chooses to work through human instruments. I am glad to be a part of the Lord business. I am glad He can use a little donkey like me! Let me mention a few important facts about that little donkey. I think there is some help for our hearts in these verses and I do not want to miss it. Mostof us have heard about Theology, Soteriology, Christology, Eschatology, Ecclesiology, andPneumatology. Today, I want to talk about another “…ology” thatdoesn’t get a lot of attention. I want to preach about Donkeyology. We don’t much about the donkey Jesus rode that day, but the Bible does reveala few facts about him that I would like to point out. Let me share those facts with you as I try to preachabout some Donkeyology. I. THAT DONKEY HAD TO BE REDEEMED · According to the Word of God, that donkeywas only alive and available to the Lord because it had been redeemedby the blood of a lamb, Ex. 13:13; 34:20. · The same could be said of us today. Ø In our natural state, we are “dead in trespassesandsins,” Eph. 2:1. Ø In our natural state we are God’s enemies, Rom. 8:7.
  • 60. Ø In our natural state we are given over to the lusts of the flesh, Eph. 2:2-3; John 8:44. Ø In our natural state we are under the condemnationof Almighty God, John 3:18-20, 36. Ø In our natural state four “RomanNones” stoodbetweenus and usefulness to the Lord, Rom. 3:10-23. Ø In our natural state we were fit for nothing but the fires of Hell, Psa. 9:17. Ø In our natural state we were useless to God and separatedfrom Him by a wide gulf of sin, Isa. 59:2. · That was our natural state!That may be how the Lord found us, but that is not the way He left us! When He saved us by His grace, changedus completely. Ø He gave us His life – Eph. 2:5-6. (Ill. Everlasting life, new life, Heavenly life, abundant life, John 10:10.) Ø He delivered us from the penalty of our sins – Col. 2:13-14; Eph. 1:7. Ø He bridged the gulf betweenus and Him – Eph. 2:13-16. (Il. Job9:33 – The Daysman!) · That is the only reasonyou and I have any usefulness to the Lord today. Praise Godfor the redeeming power of the blood of Jesus! · Just so we understand, redemption is not an option, it is a necessity! Jesus put it this way to Nicodemus in John 3:7, “Ye must be born again.” Without the new birth, you are lostin your sins. You will notice the Lord did not say be baptized, join the church, turn over a new leafor do goodthings. The Lord told Nicodemus that he needed a new life! Redemption is not something that happens because you joined a church and were baptized. It is not something that comes to you because you stopped committing a sin. It is not something you get be being a better person.
  • 61. Salvationcomes when a lost sinner is convicted of sin, John 6:44, and looks awayby faith to the Lord Jesus forsalvation. It is an encounterwith the grace of God, totally unconnected with any works of the flesh, Eph. 2:8-9. Have you been redeemed? · You and I will only be useful to the Lord when we have been redeemed by His blood from our lost condition. When we are, we become the Temple He occupies, 1 Cor. 6:19 and the ToolHe used, Eph. 2:10; James 2:18. II. THAT DONKEYHAD TO BE RELEASED · When Jesus told the disciples about the little donkey, He told them they would find it tied up, v. 2. They were to untie the donkeyand bring it to Jesus, which is what they did, v. 4. That little donkey was bound and it needed to be setfree before the Lord could use it. · When Jesus found us, we were just like that little donkey! Before you and I canbe of any use to Him, the chains of our sins must be broken and we must be set free. · I don’t know if you know it or not, but we are born into this world as slaves to sin, Eph. 2:2-3. We are children of the devil and his will is what we do, John 8:44. In that condition, we are useless to the Lord. We cannotserve Him. We cannot live for Him. We cannot bring glory to His name. We are useless in that bound up, tied down condition. We need to be setfree! · I praise His Name that is just what He does for His saints. He comes to where we are and He gives us liberty. Ø He delivers us from the bondage of our sins, Rom. 6:14. Ø He gives us a new desire to follow Him and serve Him. “Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of goodworks,” Titus 2:14. Ø He makes us a “new creature” in Jesus, 2 Cor. 5:17.
  • 62. Ø He moves in and takes up residence in our bodies, 2 Cor. 4:7. Ø He gives us freedom from sin, self and Satan, John 8:36. · I don’t know if the Lord Jesus has ever releasedyou from anything, but I know that if He has, you need to praise Him for it. I know if your life has never changed, you need to be saved. It doesn’t matter if you are a church member or not. If you know Him, there will be the evidence of a changedlife! (Note:In verse 6, the phrase “and straightwayhe will send him hither”, means “The Lord will send the donkey right back as soonas He is finished with him.” In other words, Jesus tells His men to tell the people who owned the donkeythat He will return their property as soonas He is through with it. When that donkeycame back, it was better than it was when it left. When it left, it was unbroken and untried. When it came home, it was ready for the saddle. That’s just what the Lord does! He takes whenwe give Him and when He gives it back, it is far better than it was when He got it. · Give Him your crabapple and He will give you back a golden delicious. · Give Him your acorn and He will give you back a mighty oak. · Give Him an Abram, a lost pagan, and He will give you back an Abraham, a mighty man of faith. · Give Him your Jacob, a schemerand a trickster, and He will give you back an Israel, a Prince of God. · Give Him your Saul of Tarsus, a mean, cruel man, and He will give you back a Paul, a mighty Apostle of God. · Give Him you Simon, a weak, vacillating man, and He will give you back a Peter, a rock for Jesus. · Give Him your broken, sin-scarredlife and He will give you back a new start, a new life and a home in Heaven!)
  • 63. III. THAT DONKEYHAD TO BE RULED · Someone had to take charge overthat donkey. Verse 2 tells us that the donkey had never been broken to ride. It was a wild animal. That little, wild donkey neededa master. It was wild; yet it submitted itself to the Lord Jesus and yielded to His control. That donkey wasn’t frightened by the crowds or by their noise. It simply surrendered itself to the Lord totally. The very factthat this little donkey has never been broken, and that Jesus is riding it, is a miracle in itself. Of course, Psa. 8:6-8 tells us that He has dominion over this creation. That little donkey surrendered to the Lord’s sovereigntyand yielded to His authority. · That is exactly what He expects of us! He is looking for total submission and total surrender from our lives, Rom. 12:1-2. · Let’s face the truth; some people have a real problem with authority. There are folks who just have a hard time the idea of someone having authority over them. Whether it is their parents at home; their boss at work; or their Pastorat church; they have a hard time with authority. The factis, there is always someone overus! Ø In the home, the husband is to be over that home, Eph. 5:23. I know that idea is old-fashioned, but you need to take that up with the Lord. Ø In the home, the parents are to have authority over their children, Eph. 6:1-3. I know that the children rule the roostin most home, but that is not God’s way. Ø On the job, the boss is the person in authority, Eph. 6:5-8. I know most people think their job exists for their benefit and that they can do as they please, but that is not God’s way! Ø In the church, the Pastoris the person in authority, Heb. 13:7, 17. Authority in the church does not restin some DeaconBoard, the WMU, an
  • 64. influential family, or any other person or group. Authority in the localchurch rests in the Lord Jesus Christ and He gives His authority to lead to the man He calls as the Pastorof that assembly. I know that idea is foreign to most Baptists, but it is still the Word of God! This week, Iam under the authority of this Pastor. I preach here these few nights at his pleasure. You would do well to get under your Pastorand let him lead you into the future God reveals to Him. Ø Ultimately, our first and final authority is the Lord Jesus Christ. When He redeemedus from our sins, He purchased us unto Himself. Now, if we are saved, He owns us completely, 1 Cor. 6:19-20. When we are submitted to His Lordship in our lives, we will have no trouble submitting in the other areas of our lives. You show me someone who is not submissive to the authority figures God has ordained in their lives and I will show you someone who is not submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. You show me someone who refuses to get under those Godhas placed over them and I will show you someone who is probably not even saved! Why? Yielding to the Lordship of Jesus is an essentialcomponentof biblical salvation, Acts 16:31;Rom. 10:9. He is the “Lord Jesus Christ!” His identity as Savior cannotbe divorced from His identity as Lord. · Who is your Mastertoday? Is it you? Or is it the Lord Jesus Christ? Can you honestly saythat Jesus Christ is your Savior and your Lord? I hope you understand what I am saying today. If we are saved, He owns us completely. We do not have the right to use any part of our being, whether it is our body, our spirit or our mind for our own purposes. We are His and only He has the right to tells us how we should live our lives. · I do have goodnews for you today, if you are submitting yourself to any other mater today, Jesus canand will help you to change your allegiances.
  • 65. Conc:One of the most amazing statements in the Bible is found here in verse three in verse 3, and it has to do with that little beast. It says, “The Lord hath need of him.” When did God ever “need” anything? Here is what God had to sayabout His Own needs, Psa. 50:9-12. But, that was the paradox of our Lord’s earthly life. He was rich, yet He became poor, 2 Cor. 8:9. · He ownedall things, yet He possessednothing. He createdthe stars, yet He had nowhere to lay His Own head, Matt. 8:20. · He fashionedeverything there is out of nothing, yet He had to borrow a boat from which to preachHis Gospel. · He createdevery drop of waterthat exists in the world, yet He cried “I thirst” as He was dying on the cross, John19:28. · He createdevery tree, but He died on a borrowedcross. · He createdevery rock, but He had to borrow a tomb in which to be buried. · He used the clouds as His chariots, Psa. 104:3, yetHe had to borrow a donkey on which to ride. · That is the paradox of His life! · He was rich, yet made Himself poor so that those who believe on Him might enjoy His riches! The Lord could save sinners and accomplishHis work on earth just fine without us. Yet, He chooses to use frail, human instruments for His glory. When we are like that donkey, Redeemed, Releasedand Ruled, He can use us too. Being a little donkeyisn’t so bad when Jesus is your Master. Look at what that donkey did. He gotto carry the King of Glory into Jerusalem. The Lord used Him as His vehicle to getglory to His name. That’s what He wants to do with you and me! Let’s yield to Him and let Him rule us as He sees fit. By the way, when that little Redeemed, Released, Ruleddonkey walkedby