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Ephesians 2:20 20
builton the foundationof the
apostlesand prophets, with ChristJesus himselfas the
chief cornerstone.
“Jesus ChristHimself.” Ephesians 2:20.
“Jesus ChristHimself” is to occupyall our thoughts this morning. What an
oceanopens up before me! Here is room in the sea for the largestship! In
which direction shall I turn your thoughts? I am embarrassedwith riches. I
know not where to begin; and when I once begin, where shall I end?
Assuredly we need not go abroad for joys this morning, for we have a feastat
home! The words are few, but the meaning vast—“Jesus ChristHimself.”
Beloved, the religion of our Lord Jesus Christ contains in it nothing as
wonderful as Himself. It is a mass of marvels, but He is THE miracle of it!
The wonder of wonders is “The Wonderful” Himself! If proof is askedof the
truths of God which He proclaimed, we point men to Jesus Christ Himself.
His characteris unique. We defy unbelievers to imagine another like He. He is
God and yet man, and we challenge them to compose a narrative in which the
two apparently incongruous characters shallbe so harmoniously blended—in
which the human and divine shall be so marvelously apparent without the one
overshadowing the other! They question the authenticity of the four gospels;
will they try and write a fifth? Will they even attempt to add a few incidents to
the life which shall be worthy of the sacredbiography, and congruous with
those facts which are already described? If it is all a forgery, will they be so
goodas to show us how it is done? Will they find a novelist who will write
another biography of a man of any century they choose, ofany nationality, or
of any degree of experience, orany rank or station, and let us see if they can
describe, in that imaginary life, a devotion, a self-sacrifice, a truthfulness, a
completeness ofcharacteratall comparable to that of Jesus Christ Himself?
Can they invent another perfect character evenif the divine element is left
out? They must fail, for there is none like Jesus! The characterof Jesus has
commanded respecteven from those who have abhorred His teaching. It has
been a stumbling block to all objectors who have preserveda shade of candor.
They could refute Jesus’doctrine, they say; and they boast they could
improve His precepts. They claim His system is narrow and outworn; but
what can they do with Him? They must admire Him even if they will not
adore Him—and having done so, they have admired a personwho must be
divine; or else He willfully left His disciples to believe a lie. How do they
surmount this difficulty? They cannot do so by railing at Him, for they have
no material for accusation. Jesus ChristHimself silences their criticism! This
is a file at which these asps bite, but break their teeth. Beyondall argument or
miracle, Jesus Christ Himself is the proof of His own gospel. And as He is the
proof of it, so, beloved, He is the marrow and essence ofit. When the Apostle
Paul meant that the gospelwas preached, He said, “Christ is preached,” for
the gospelis Christ Himself! If you want to know what Jesus taught, know
Him! He is the incarnation of that truth of God which by Him, and in Him is
revealedto the sons of men. Did He not, Himself say, “I am the way, the truth,
and the life”? You have not to take down innumerable books, nor to pore over
mysterious sentencesofdouble meaning in order to know what our great
teacherhas revealed. You have but to turn and gaze upon His countenance,
behold His actions, and note His spirit and you know His teaching. He lived
what He taught. If we wish to know Him, we may hear His gentle voice saying,
“Come and see.” Study His wounds, and you understand His innermost
philosophy. “To know Him and the powerof His resurrection” is the highest
degree of spiritual learning. He is the end of the law, and the soul of the
gospel;and when we have preachedHis word to the fullest, we may close by
saying, “Now, ofthe
Jesus ChristHimself Sermon #1388
Tellsomeone today how much you love Jesus Christ. Volume 23
things which we have spoken, this is the sum; for we have an High Priestwho
is set on the right hand of the throne of the majesty in the heavens.” Noris He
alone the proof of His gospel, and the substance of it, but He is the powerand
force by which it spreads. When a heart is truly broken of sin, it is by Him
that it is bound up. If a man is converted, it is by Christ, the power of God. If
we enter into peace and salvation, it is by the gracious manifestationofJesus
Himself. If men have enthusiasticallyloved Christianity, it is because, firstof
all, they loved Christ! Apostles labored for Him, and for Him confessorswere
brave; for Him saints have suffered the loss of all things, and for Him martyrs
have died. The power which creates heroic consecrationis “Jesus Christ
Himself.” The memories stirred by His name have more influence over men’s
hearts than all things else in earth or heaven. The enthusiasm which is the
very life of our holy cause comes from Him. They who know not Jesus know
not the life of truth, but those who dwell in Him are filled with powerand
overflow so that out of the midst of them streams forth living water!Nor is it
only so, beloved; for the power which propagates the gospelis Jesus Himself.
In heaven He pleads, and therefore does His kingdom come. “The pleasure of
the Lord shall prosper in His hand.” It is from heaven that He rules all things
so as to promote the advance of the truth of God. All power is given unto Him
in heaven, and in earth, and therefore are we to proclaim His life-giving word
with full assuranceofsuccess. He causes the wheels of providence to revolve in
such a manner as to help His cause. He abridges the power of tyrants,
overrules the scourgesofwar, establishes liberty in nations, opens the
mysteries of continents long unknown, breaks down systems of error, and
guides the current of human thought. He works by a thousand means
preparing the way of the Lord. It is from heaven that He shall shortly come,
and when He comes, when Christ Himself shall put forth all His might, then
shall the wildernessesrejoice,and the solitary places be glad! The reserve
force of the gospelis Christ Jesus Himself. The latent powerwhich shall at last
break every bond, and win universal dominion is the energy, the life, the
omnipotence of Jesus Himself! He sleeps in the vesselnow, but when He arises
and chides the storm, there will be a deep calm. He now, for a while, conceals
Himself in the ivory palaces ofglory, but when He is manifested; in that day
His chariotwheels shall bring victory to His church militant. If these things
are so, I have a theme before me which I cannot compass!I give up the
impossible task, and I shall but briefly note some few apparent matters which
lie upon the surface of the subject. Brethren, “Jesus ChristHimself” should
always be the prominent thought of our minds as Christians! Our theology
should be framed upon the fact that He is the Center and Head of all. We
must remember that “in Him are hid all the treasures of wisdom and
knowledge.”Some ofour brothers are mainly taken up with the doctrines of
the gospel, andare somewhatbitter in their narrow orthodoxy. We are to love
every word of our Lord Jesus and His apostles, andare to contend earnestly
for the faith once delivered unto the saints, but yet it is always well to hold the
truth of God in connectionwith Jesus, and not as in itself, alone, the sum of all
things. Truth isolatedfrom the person of Jesus grows hard and cold. We know
some in whom the slightestvariation from their systemarouses their
indignation even though they admit that the brother is full of the Spirit of
Christ. It is with them doctrine, doctrine, doctrine— whereas with us, I trust,
it is Christ Himself! True doctrine is to us priceless as a throne for our living
Lord; but our chief delight is not in the vacant throne, but in the King’s
presence!Give me not His garments, though I prize every thread, but the
blessedwearerwhose sacredenergymade even the hem to heal with a touch!
There are others of our brethren who delight above measure in what they call
experimental preaching which sets forth the inner life of the believer; both the
rage of depravity, and the triumph of grace. This is well in due proportion,
according to the analogyof faith, but still, Jesus Himself should be more
conspicuous than our experiences and feelings, doubts and fears, struggles
and victories!We may getto study the action of our ownhearts so much that
we fall into despondencyand despair. “Looking unto Jesus” is better than
looking unto our ownprogress!Self-examinationhas its necessaryuses, but to
have done with self, and live by faith in Jesus Christ Himself is the best course
for a Christian! Then, there are others who rightly admire the precepts of the
gospel, and are never as happy as when they are hearing them enforced, as,
indeed, they ought to be. But after all, the commands of our Lord are not our
Lord Himself, and they derive their value to us, and their power over our
obedience from the fact that they are His words, and that He said, “If you love
Me, keepMy commandments.” We know the
Sermon #1388 Jesus ChristHimself
Volume 23 Tell someone todayhow much you love Jesus Christ.
truth of His declaration, “If a man loves Me, he will keep My sayings,” but
there must be the personallove to begin with! Brothers and sisters, allthe
benefits of these three schools will be ours if we live upon Jesus Himself! They
eachgather a flower, but our divine “plant of renown” has all the beauty and
all the fragrance of all that they cangather; and without the thorns which are
so apt to grow on their peculiar roses. Jesus ChristHimself is to us precept,
for He is the way; He is to us doctrine, for He is the truth; He is to us
experience, for He is the life. Let us make Him the pole star of our religious
life in all things! Let Him be first, last, and middle! Yes, let us say, “He is all
my salvation, and all my desire.” And yet do not, I beseechyou, disdain the
doctrine, lestmarring the doctrine you should be guilty of insult to Jesus
Himself. To trifle with the truth of God is to despise Jesus as our Prophet. Do
not, for a moment, underrate experience, lestin neglecting the inner self, you
also despise your Lord Himself as your cleansing Priest!And never for a
moment forgetHis commandments, lest if you break them you transgress
againstJesus Himself as your King! All things which touch upon His kingdom
are to be treated reverently by us for His sake. His Bible, His day, His church,
His ordinances must all be precious to us, because theyhave to do with Him.
But in the forefront of all must always stand“Jesus ChristHimself,” the
personal, living, loving Jesus!Christ in us the hope of glory. Christ for us our
full redemption. Christ with us our guide, and our solace;and Christ above us
pleading and preparing our place in heaven. Jesus Christ Himself is our
Captain, our armor, our strength and our victory! We inscribe His name
upon our banner, for it is hell’s terror, heaven’s delight, and earth’s hope. We
bear this upon our hearts in the heat of the conflict, for this is our breastplate
and coatof mail. I shall not endeavorto say anything this morning which will
strike you as beautiful in language, forto endeavorto decorate the altogether
Lovely One would be blasphemy. To hang flowers upon the cross is ridiculous,
and to endeavorto adorn Him whose headis as the finest gold, and whose
person is as bright ivory overlaid with sapphires would be profane. I shall but
tell you simple things in simple language—yetare these the most precious and
soul-satisfying of the truths of revelation. I. With Jesus Christ Himself we
begin by saying, first, that Jesus Himself is THE ESSENCE OF HIS OWN
WORK, and therefore how readily we ought to trust Him. Jesus Himself is the
soul of His own salvation. How does the apostle describe it? “He loved me, and
gave Himself for me.” He gave His crown, His throne, and His joys in heaven
for us, but that was not all—He gave Himself! He gave His life on earth, and
renounced all the comforts of existence. He bore all its woes. He gave His
body, He gave His agony, He gave His heart’s blood; but the summary of it is
He gave Himself for me. “Christ loved the church, and gave Himself for it.”
“Who His own self bore our sins in His own body on the tree.” No proxy
service here! No sacrifice which runs as far as His own person, and there
stops!There was no limit to the grief of Jesus like that setupon the suffering
of Job— “Only on himself lay not your hand,” or, “Only spare his life.” No,
every reserve was takendown, for He gave Himself. “He saved others, Himself
He could not save,” because He Himself was the very essenceofHis own
sacrifice onour behalf. It is because He is what He is that He was able to
redeem us! The dignity of His personimparted efficacyto His atonement. He
is divine, God over all, blessedforever, and therefore infinite virtue is found in
Him. He is human and perfectin that humanity, and therefore capable of
obedience and suffering in man’s place. He is able to save us because He is
Immanuel—“God with us.” If it were conceivable that an angel could have
suffered the same agonies, andhave performed the same labors as our Lord,
yet it is not conceivable that the same result would have followed. The
preeminence of His person imparted weight to His work. Always think, then,
when you view the atonement, that it is Jesus Himself who is the soulof it.
Indeed the efficacyof His sacrifice lies there. Therefore the apostle, in
Hebrews, speaks ofHim as having “by Himself purged our sins.” This
purging was workedby His sacrifice, but the sacrifice was Himself!Paul says,
“He offered up Himself.” He stood as a Priestat the altar offering a bloody
sacrifice, but the offering was neither bullock, nor ram, nor turtle dove—it
was Himself! “Once in the end of the world has He appeared to put away sin
by the sacrifice ofHimself.” The sole reasonwhy we are well-pleasing with
God is because ofHim, for He is our sweet-smelling offering. And the only
cause for the putting awayof our sin is found in Him because He is our sin-
offering. The cleansing by the blood, and the washing by the waterare the
result, not of the blood and the waterin and of themselves, and separate from
Him, but because they were the essentialsofHimself. You see this, I am
persuaded, without my enlarging upon it.
Jesus ChristHimself Sermon #1388
Tellsomeone today how much you love Jesus Christ. Volume 23
Now, because ofthis, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself is the Object of our faith.
Is He not always so described in Scripture? “Look unto Me, and be you saved,
all you ends of the earth”—not, “Look to My cross,” nor, “Look to My life,”
nor, “to My death,” much less, “to My sacraments, orto My servants,” but,
“Look to ME.” From His own lips the words sound forth, “Come unto Me all
you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” In fact, it is the
Christian’s life motto, “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our
faith.” May I not go farther and say how very simple, and how very easyand
natural ought faith to be from now on? I might be puzzled with various
theories of the atonement, but I canbelieve in Jesus Himself! I might be
staggeredby the many different mysteries which concerntheology, and
overpowereven masterminds, but I can confide in Jesus Himself! He is one
whom it is difficult to distrust; His goodness, gentleness, and truth command
our confidence. We canand do trust in Jesus Himself! If He is proposedto me
as my Savior, and if faith in Him is that which saves me, then at His dear feet
I castmyself unreservedly, and feel myself secure while He looks down on me!
He who bled that sinners might be savedcannotbe doubted any more! “Lord,
I believe; help You my unbelief.” Now you who have been looking to your
faith, I want you to look to Jesus Himself rather than at your poor feeble
faith! Now you who have been studying the results of faith in yourselves, and
are dissatisfied, I beseechyou turn your eyes awayfrom yourselves, and look
to Jesus Himself! Now you who cannot understand this, and cannot
understand that, give up wanting to understand for a while, and come and
look at Jesus Christ Himself, “that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the
Father of glory, may give unto you the Spirit of wisdom and revelationin the
knowledge ofHim.” The Lord grant us grace to view Jesus Christ Himself in
the matter of our salvationas all in all, so that we may have personaldealings
with Him, and no longerthink of Him as a mere idea, or as an historical
personage, but as a personalSavior standing in the midst of us, and bidding
us enter into peace through Him! II. “Jesus ChristHimself” is, as we have
said, THE SUBSTANCE OF THE GOSPEL, and therefore how closely
should we study Him. While He was here He taught His disciples, and the
objectof His teaching was that they might know Him, and through Him might
know the Father. They did not learn very fast, but you see what He meant
them to learn by the observation He made to Philip, “Have I been so long a
time with you, and yet have you not known Me, Philip?” He meant them to
know Himself— and when He had risen from the dead the same objective was
still before Him. As He walkedwith the two disciples to Emmaus, they had a
wide choice of subjects for conversation, but He chose the old theme, and
“beginning at Moses andall the prophets, He expounded unto them in all the
Scriptures the things concerning Himself.” No topic was half as important or
profitable! No mere man may come to teachhimself, but this divine One can
have nothing better to reveal, for He Himself, the incarnate God, is the chief
of all the truths of God! Therefore our Lord was concernedto be known to
His people, and therefore againand againwe read that, “Jesus showed
Himself unto His disciples.” Whateverelse they may be ignorant of, it is
essentialto disciples that they know their Lord, His nature, His character, His
mind, His Spirit, His objective, His power—ina word, we must know Jesus
Himself. This also, beloved, is the work of the Holy Spirit. “He shall glorify
Me: for He shall receive of Me, and shall show it unto you.” The Holy Spirit
reveals Christ to us and in us. Whateverthings Christ has spokenwhile He
was here, the Holy Spirit opens to the mind and to the understanding. Thus by
speaking ofChrist within us, He carries on the work which our Lord began
when here below. The Comforter is the instructor, and Jesus is the lesson. I
dare say you long to know a thousand things, but the main point of knowledge
to be desiredis Jesus Himself. This was His teaching, and this is the Holy
Spirit’s teaching—andthis is the end and objective of the Bible! Moses,
Isaiah, and all the prophets spoke of Him—and the things which are recorded
in this Book were written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, and
that believing you might have life through His name. Precious is this Book,
but its main preciousness lies in its revealing Jesus Himself! It is the field
which contains the pearl of great price, the case whichencloses heaven’s
brightest jewel. We have missedour way in the Bible if its silken clue has not
led us to the centralchamber where we see Jesus Himself! We have never
been truly taught of the Holy Spirit, and we have missedthe teaching of the
life of Christ unless we have come to abide in Jesus Himself. To know Him is
our beginning of wisdom, and our crown of wisdom. To know Him is our first
lessonon repentance, and our lastattainment as we enter heaven. Our
ambition is that we may know the love of Christ by which passes knowledge.
Here is our life study, and we have goodin it, for these things the angels desire
to look into. May the Lord grant that the eyes of your understanding may be
Sermon #1388 Jesus ChristHimself
Volume 23 Tell someone todayhow much you love Jesus Christ.
enlightened so that you may know what is the hope of His calling, and the
riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints. Beloved, becauseJesus is
the sum of the gospel, He must be our constanttheme. “Godforbid that I
should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.” “I determined not to
know anything among you save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” So spoke
men of old, and so say we. When we have done preaching Christ we had better
have done preaching—whenyou have done teaching in your classesJesus
Christ Himself, give up Sunday schoolwork, for nothing else is worthy of your
pains! Put out the sun, and light is gone, life is gone;all is gone. When Jesus is
pushed into the background, or left out of a minister’s teaching, the darkness
is darkness that might be felt, and the people escape from it into gospellight
as soonas they can. A sermon without Jesus in it is savorless andworthless to
God’s tried saints— they soonseek otherfood! The more of Christ in our
testimony, the more of light, and life, and powerto save. Some preachers are
guilty of the weariesttautology, but this is not laid to their charge when their
theme is Jesus!I have heard hearers declare that their minister appearedto
have bought a barrel organ on which he could grind five or six tunes and no
more; and these he ground out forever and ever, amen! They have been
weary, very weary, of such vain repetitions. But to this day I never heard of
anybody againstwhom the complaint was urged that he preachedChrist too
much, too often, too earnestly, or too joyfully! I never recollectseeing a single
Christian coming out of a congregationwith a sorrowful face saying, “He
extolled the Redeemertoo highly. He grosslyexaggeratedthe praises of our
Savior.” I do not remember ever meeting with a case in which the sick upon
the bed of languishing have complained that thoughts of Jesus were
burdensome to them. I never recollectthat a single book has been denounced
by earnestChristians because it spoke too highly of the Lord, and made Him
too prominent. No, my brethren, He who is the study of the saints must be the
daily theme of ministers if they would feedthe flock of God! No theme so
moves the heart, so awakens the conscience, so satisfies the desires, and so
calms the fears. God forbid we should ever fail to preachJesus Himself! There
is no fearof exhausting the subject, nor of our driving awayour hearers, for
His words are still true, “I, if I am lifted up, will draw all men unto Me.” III.
Jesus Christ Himself is THE OBJECT OF OUR LOVE, and how dear He
should be. We can, all of us who are really saved, declare that, “We love Him
because He first loved us.” We have an intense affectionfor His blessed
person, as wellas gratitude for His salvation. The personality of Christ is a
fact always to be kept prominently in our thoughts. The love of a truth is all
very well, but the love of a personhas far more powerin it. We have heard of
men dying for an idea, but it is infinitely easierto awakenenthusiasmfor a
person. When an idea becomes embodied in a man, it has a force which in its
abstractform is never wielded. Jesus Christ is loved by us as the embodiment
of everything that is lovely, true, pure, and of goodreport. He Himself is
incarnate perfection inspired by love. We love His offices, we love the types
which describe Him, we love the ordinances by which He is set forth; but we
love Him best of all. He Himself is our beloved; our heart rests only in Him.
Becausewe love Him we love His people, and through Him we enter into
union with them. Our text is takenfrom a verse which says, “JesusChrist
Himself being the chief cornerstone.”He is the binder at the corner, joining
Jew and Gentile in one temple! In Jesus those ancient differences cease,for He
“has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of partition
betweenus; to make in Himself of twain one new man, so making peace.” We
are at one with every man who is at one with Christ! Only let our Lord say, “I
love that man,” and we love him at once. Let us only hope that our friend can
say, “I love Jesus,” andwe hastento respond, “And I love you for Jesus’
sake.”So warm is the fire of our love to Jesus that all His friends may sit at it,
and welcome!Our circle of affection comprehends all who in any shape or
form have truly to do with Jesus Himself. Because we love Him we delight to
render service to Him. Whatever service we do for His church, and for His
truth, we do for His sake. Evenif we can only render it to the leastof His
brethren, we do it unto Him. The woman with the alabasterbox of precious
ointment is a type which we greatly prize, for she would only break the
precious box for Him; and every drop of its delicious contents must be poured
only upon His head. The bystanders complained of waste, but there can be no
waste in anything that is done for Jesus!If the whole world, the heavens, and
the heavenof heavens were all one greatalabasterbox, and if all the sweets
which can be conceivedwere hidden within it, we would wish to see the whole
broken, that every drop of the sweetnessmight be poured out for Jesus Christ
Jesus ChristHimself Sermon #1388
Tellsomeone today how much you love Jesus Christ. Volume 23
“Jesus is worthy to receive Honorand power divine. And blessings more
than we can give Be, Lord, foreverThine.” Oh our Beloved, if we cando
anything for You, we are charmed at possessing sucha privilege! If we are
allowedto washYour disciples’ feet, or to care for the poorestof Your poor,
or the leastlamb of Your flock, we acceptthe office as a high honor, for we
love You with all our hearts!Our love to Jesus should be as much a matter of
fact as our affectionfor our husband, wife, or child; and it should be far more
influential upon our lives! Love to our Lord is, I trust, moving all of you to
personalservice. You might have paid a subscription, and allowedothers to
work, but you cannot do it when you see that Jesus gave Himself for you.
Jesus Himself demands that I, myself, should be consecratedto His praise.
Personalservice is due to a personalChrist who personally loved, and
personally died for us! When nothing moves us to zeal, the jaded spirit cannot
follow up its industries unless Jesus Himself appears, and straightwayour
passions are all on fire, and the fiery spirit compels the flesh to warm to its
work. We even glory in infirmity when Jesus is near! And we venture upon
works which otherwise had seemedimpossible! We can do anything and
everything for “Jesus ChristHimself.” IV. Fourthly, our Lord Jesus Christ
Himself is THE SOURCE OF ALL OUR JOY. We ought to rejoice when we
have such a springing well of blessedness!In times of sorrow our solace is
Jesus Himself. It is no small ground of comfort to a mourner that Jesus
Himself is a man. How cheering to read, “Foras much as the children are
partakers of flesh and blood, He, also, took part of the same.” The humanity
of Christ has a charm about it which only the quietly sorrowfuldiscover. I
have known what it is to gaze upon the incarnation with calm repose of heart
when my brain has seemedto be on fire with anguish. If Jesus is, indeed, my
brother, there is hope at all times! This is better balm than that of Gilead, “He
Himself took our infirmities, and bore our sicknesses.”“Forin that He
Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able, also, to succorthem that are
tempted.” Pain, hunger, thirst, desertion, scorn, and agonyJesus Himself has
borne! Tempted in all like as we are, though without sin, He has become the
Comforter of the sorrowful. Many and many a sufferer in the lone watches of
the night has thought of Him, and felt his strength renewed. Our patience
revives when we see the Man of Sorrows silentbefore His accusers. Who can
refuse to drink of His cup, and to be baptized with His baptism?— “His way
was much rougher and darkerthan mine. Did Christ, my Lord, suffer, and
shall I repine?” The darkness ofGethsemane has been light to many an
agonizedsoul, and the passion, even unto death, has made the dying sing for
joy of heart. Jesus Himself is the solace ofour soul in sorrow;and when we
emerge from the storm of distress into the deep calm of peace, as we often do,
blessedbe His name, He is our peace!He left us peace by legacy, and peace He
creates in us. We never know deep peace of heart until we know the Lord
Jesus Himself. Do you remember that sweetword when the disciples were met
together, the doors being shut for fear of the Jews—“Jesus Himselfstood in
the midst of them, and said, Peace be unto you”? Jesus Himself, you see,
brought the message, fornothing but His presence couldmake it effectual!
When we see Him, our spirit smells a sweetsavorof rest. Where can an aching
head find such another pillow as His bosom? On high days and holidays our
spirits soarbeyond rest—we ascendinto the heaven of joy and exultation—
but it is our Lord’s joy which is in us making our joy full. “Then were the
disciples glad when they saw the Lord,” and then are we, also, glad! By faith
we see Jesus Himself enthroned, and this has filled us with delight, for His
glorificationis our satisfaction. “Him, also, has God highly exalted, and given
Him a name which is above every name.” I care not what becomes ofme so
long as He is glorified! The soldier dies happy when the shout of victory
salutes his ear, and his failing sight beholds his prince triumphant. What a joy
to think that Jesus is risen; risen to die no more! The joy of resurrectionis
superlative! What bliss to know that He has ascended, leading captivity
captive! That He sits, now, enthroned in a happy state, and that He will come
in all the glory of the Father to break His enemies in pieces, as with a rod of
iron! Here lies the grandest joy of His expectantchurch. She has in reserve a
mighty thunder of hosannas for that auspicious day!
Sermon #1388 Jesus ChristHimself
Volume 23 Tell someone todayhow much you love Jesus Christ.
If there is any joy to be had, O Christian, that is both safe and sweet, a joy of
which none can know too much, it is to be found in Him whom as yet you see
not, but in whom believing you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory!
We must tear ourselves awayfrom that thought to turn to another, but
assuredlyit is rich in happy memories, and in blessedexpectations. V. Fifthly,
how blessedit is to be like He. As to our rule for life, we are like the disciples
on the mount of transfiguration when Moses andElijah had vanished, for we
see “no man save Jesus only.” Every virtue found in other men we find in Him
in greaterperfection! We admire the grace ofGod in them, but Jesus Himself
is our pattern. It was once said of Henry VIII, by a severe critic, that if the
characteristicsofall the tyrants that had ever lived had been forgotten, they
might all have been seencome to life in that one king. We may more truly say
of Jesus, if all graces, virtues, and sweetnesseswhichhave ever been seenin
goodmen could all be forgotten, you might find them all in Him—for in Him
dwells all that is goodand great!We, , desire to copy His character, and put
our feetinto His footprints. Be it ours to follow the Lamb whereverHe goes!
What says our Lord Himself? “Follow Me,” and again, “TakeMy yoke upon
you, and learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you shall find rest
unto your souls.” NotChrist’s apostle, but Christ Himself is our guide! We
may not take a secondarymodel, but must imitate Jesus Himself. By the
indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and His gracious operations, we are developing
into the image of Christ till Christ is formed in us. And we thus develop
because the heavenly life in us is His ownlife! “I in them,” said He. And again,
“I am the life.” For “we are dead, and our life is hid with Christ in God.” “He
that has the Son has life, and he that has not the Sonhas not life.” It is not
passing through baptism, nor bearing the name of Christ; it is having Jesus
Himself in our hearts that makes us Christians! And in proportion as He is
formed in us, and the new life grows, we become more and more like He; and
this is our prospectfor eternity, that we are to be with Him, and like He, for
“when He shall appear, we shall be like He, for we shall see Him as He is.”
Think of Him, you that mourn your imperfectness today—think of Jesus
Christ Himself—and then be assuredthat you are to be like He is! What a
picture! Come, artist, bring your best skill! What can you do? All pencils fail
to depict Him. It needs a poet’s eye as well as an artist’s hand to picture the
Lovely One. But what can the poet do? Ah, you, also, fail. You cannot sing
Him any more than your friend can paint Him. Fruitful conception, and
soaring imagination may come to your aid, but they cannot prevent your
failure! He is too beautiful to be described—He must be seen!Yet here comes
the marvel—“We shallbe like He is”—like Jesus ChristHimself! O saint,
when you are risen from the dead, how lovely you will be! Will you know
yourself? Today you are wrinkled with old age, scarredwith the marks of
disease andpain. Perhaps you are deformed by accident, or blanched with
consumption; but none of these shall blemish you then! You will be without
spot or wrinkle, faultless before the throne— “O glorious hour! O blessed
abode! I shall be near and like my God!” And not only in bodily form shall
we be like He is whose eyes are as the eyes of doves, and whose cheeksare as
beds of spices—butin spirit, and in soul shall we be perfectly conformed to
the WellBeloved!We shall be holy, even as He is holy, and happy as He is
happy! We shall enter into the joy of our Lord—the joy of Jesus Himself! I
don’t say that we can be divine—that cannot be—but still, brothers and
sisters, we shall be very near the throne. O what rapture to know that my next
of kin lives, and when He shall stand in the last day, upon the earth, I shall not
only see Godin this, my flesh, but I shall be like He is, for I shall see Him as
He is! Christ Himself, then, becomes to us unspeakably precious, as the model
of our present life, and the image of the perfection towards which the Holy
Spirit is working us. VI. Lastly, HE IS THE LORD OF OUR SOUL. How
sweetit will be to with Him. We find, today, that His beloved company makes
us move pleasantlywhether we run in the way of His commands, or the valley
of the shadow of death. Saints have lain in dungeons, and yet they have
walkedat liberty when He has been there! They have been stretched on the
rack, and even called it a bed of roses whenHe has stoodby! One lay on a
gridiron, with the hot fires beneath him, but amidst the flames he challenged
his tormentors to do their worst! He laughed them to scorn, for his Lord was
there! Martyrs
Jesus ChristHimself Sermon #1388
Tellsomeone today how much you love Jesus Christ. Volume 23
have been seento clap their hands when every finger burned like a lighted
candle, and they have been heard to cry,” Christ is all,” “Christ is all!” When
the Fourth, like unto the Son of God, walks in the furnace, all the fire can do
is but snap their bonds, and setthe sufferers free! Oh, brothers and sisters, I
am sure your only happiness that has been worth having has been found in
knowing that He loved you, and was near you! If you have ever rejoicedin the
abundance of your corn and wine and oil, it has been a sorry joy—it has soon
palled upon your taste;for it never touched the greatdeeps of your spirit, and
soonit has gone and left you sorelyweariedin heart. If you have rejoicedin
your children, your kinsfolk, and your bodily health, how readily has God
sent a blight upon them all. But when you have rejoicedin Jesus, you have
heard a voice bidding you proceedto further delights! That voice has cried,
“Drink, O friends, yes, drink abundantly, O beloved.” To be inebriated with
such joy as this is to come to the best condition of mind, and to fix the soul
where it should be! We are never right till we come out of ourselves, and into
Jesus;but when the ecstatic state comes, and we stand right out of self, and
stand in Him so that whether in the body or out of the body we canscarcely
tell, God knows!Then are we getting back to where God meant man to have
been when He walkedwith him in Eden—getting near to where God means
we shall be when we shall see Him face to face! Brethren, what must the
unveiled vision be! If the sight of Him, here, is so sweet, whatmust it be to see
Him hereafter!It may be we shall not live till He comes, forthe Mastermay
tarry. But if He does not come, and we are calledto pass through the gate of
death, we need not fear! I should not wonder if when we pass under the veil,
and come out in the disembodied state, one of our astonishments will be to
find Jesus Himself there waiting to receive us! The soul hoped that a convoy of
ministering angels would be near the bed, and would escortit across the
stream, and up the mountains to the CelestialCity—but no, instead thereof,
our spirit will be saluted by the Lord Himself! Will it be amazed and cry, “It
is He, even He, my best Beloved, Jesus Himself! He has come to meet me!
Heaven might have been too greata surprise. Even my disembodied spirit
might have swoonedaway, but it is He, the man Christ Jesus whom I trusted
down below, and who was the dear companion of my dying hours! I have
changedmy place and state, but I have not changed my friend, nor changed
my joy, for here He is.” What a glance of love will that be which He will give
to us, and which we shall return to Him! Shall we ever take our eyes away
from Him? Shall we ever wish to do so? Will not the poet’s words be true—
“Millions of years my wondering eyes, Shallover Your beauties rove. And
endless ages I’ll adore The glories of Your love.” Within a week it may be
our meeting with Jesus Himself may take place!Perhaps within an hour! A
poor girl lying in the hospital was told by the doctor or the nurse that she
could only live another hour. She waited patiently, and when there remained
only one quarter of an hour more, she exclaimed, “One more quarter of an
hour and then”—she could not saywhat! Neithercan I—but Jesus Himself
has said, “Father, I will that they, also, whom You have given Me, be with Me
where I am, that they may behold My glory.” And as He has prayed, so shall it
be, and so let it be! Amen and Amen!
'Jesus Himself', by Andrew Murray
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"Jesus Himself."
BY THE REV. ANDREW MURRAY. Author of "Abide in Christ."
'Jesus Himself', by Andrew Murray 1
Publishers of EvangelicalLiterature.
The following brief messagescomprise a revision of two addresses, which
originally appeared in the South African Pioneer, the organof the "Cape
GeneralMission" (Rev. Andrew Murray, Pres.), and are published by
arrangement, the Missionparticipating in the proceeds.
"Jesus Himself."
"Their eyes were opened, and they knew Him."
The words, from which I want to presenta simple message, willbe found in
the Gospelaccording to St. Luke, the 24th chapter and the 31stverse: "And
their eyes were opened, and they knew Him." Some time since, I preacheda
sermon with the words "Jesus Himself" as the text; and as I went home I said
to those who were walking with me: "How possible it is to have Jesus Himself
with us and never to know it, and how possible to preach of, and to listen to,
all the truth about Jesus Himself and yet not to know Him." I cannot saywhat
a deep impression was made upon me as I thought over it.
Now these disciples had spent a most blessedtime with Jesus, but if they had
gone awaybefore He revealedHimself that evening, they would never have
been sure that it was Jesus, fortheir eyes were holden that they should not
know Him. That is, alas, the condition of a great multitude in the Church of
Christ. They know that Christ has risen from the dead. They believe, and they
very often have blessedexperiences that come from the risen Christ. Very
often in a time of Convention, or in time of silent Bible reading, or in a time of
the visitation of God's grace, theirhearts burn; and yet it canbe saidof a
people whose hearts are burning within them, that they did not know it was
Jesus Himself.
And now if you ask me what is to be the greatblessing to be sought, my
answeris this: Not only should we think about Jesus Himself and speak about
Him and believe in Him, but we should come to the point that the disciples in
the text arrived at, "and they knew Him." Everything is to be found in that.
If I read that story of the disciples on the way to Emmaus, I getfrom it four
stages in the Christian life. Just think! How did they begin the morning that
day? With
Hearts sadand troubled,
because they thought Jesus was dead. They did not know that He was alive,
and that is the state of very many Christians. They look to the Cross, and they
struggle to trust Christ, but they have never yet learned the blessednessof
believing that there is a living Christ to do everything for them. Oh! that word
of the angelto the women! "Why seek ye the living among the dead?" What is
the difference betweena dead Christ, whom the women went to anoint, and a
living Christ? A dead Christ, I must do everything for; a living Christ does
everything for me.
The disciples beganthe morning with a sad heart. I fancy very possibly they
spent a sleepless night. Oh! the terrible disappointment! They had hoped that
Christ would be the Delivererof Israel, and they had seenHim die an
accurseddeath. On the morning of that first day of the week, they rose with
sad hearts--the bitter sadness cannotbe expressed. Thatis just the life of
many Christians. They try to believe in Jesus and to trust
'Jesus Himself', by Andrew Murray 2
Him, and to hope in Him, but there is no joy. Why? Becausethey do not know
that there is a living Christ to reveal Himself.
Then there is the secondstage. Whatis that? The stage ofwhich Christ
"Slow of heart to believe."
They had the message from the women. They told the strangerwho walked
with them: "Certain womenhave astonishedus, telling us they have seenan
angel, who says He is alive." And Christ replied to them: "Oh! fools, and slow
of heart to believe." Yes!there are many Christians to-day who have heard
and who know that they must not only believe in a crucified Christ, but in a
living Christ, and they try to graspit and take it in, but it does not bring them
a blessing, and why? Becausethey want to feel it and not to believe it. They
want to work for it, and with efforts get hold of it, instead of just quietly
sinking down and believing, "Christ, the living Jesus, He will do everything
for us." That is the secondstage.The first stage is that of ignorance, the
secondstage is that of unbelief--the doubting heart that cannottake in the
wonderful truth that Jesus lives.
Then comes the third stage-
The burning heart.
Jesus came to the two disciples, and after He had reproved them and said:
"Oh! fools, and slow of heart to believe," He began to open the Scriptures to
them, and to tell them of all the wonderful things the prophets had taught.
Then their eyes were opened, and they began to understand the Scriptures.
They saw that it was true that it was prophesied that Christ must rise. As He
talked, there came out from Him--the living risen One--a mighty influence,
and it restedupon them, and they beganto feeltheir hearts burn within them
with joy and gladness.
You still sayperhaps: "That is the stage we wantto come to." No; God forbid
you should stop there. You may getin that third stage--the burning heart--and
yet something is still wanting--the revelation of Christ. The disciples had had a
blessedexperience of His divine powers, but He had not revealedHimself, and
oh! how often it is that at Conventions and in churches, and in meetings and
in blessedfellowship with God's saints, our hearts burn within us. These are
precious experiences ofthe working of God's grace and Spirit, and yet there is
something wanting. What is that? Jesus Himself has been working upon us,
and the power of his risen life has touched us, but we cannot say, "I have met
Him. He has made Himself known to me." Oh, the difference betweena
burning heart, which becomes coldafter a time, which comes by fits and
starts, and the blessedrevelation of Jesus Himself as my Saviour, taking
charge of me and blessing me and keeping me every day! This is the stage of
The satisfiedheart.
Oh my brother, my sister! It is what I ask for you, and it is what I am sure you
ask for yourself. I ask it for myself. Lord Jesus!may we know Thee in thy
divine glory as the risen One, our Jesus, ourBelovedand our mighty One. Oh!
if there are any sadones who cannot take this in, and who say, "I have never
known the joy of religion yet"--listen, we are going to tell you how you can. All
will centerround this one thing, that just as a little child lives day by day in
the arms of its mother, and grows up year by year under a mother's eye, it is a
possibility that you can live every day and hour of your life in fellowship with
the Holy Jesus.
He will do it for you.
Come, and let your sad heart begin to hope. Will He revealHimself? He did it
to the disciples and He will do it to you. Perhaps there are some who have got
beyond the sad heart and who yet feel, "I have not gotwhat I want." If you
throw open your heart and give up everything but just believing and allowing
Him to do what
'Jesus Himself', by Andrew Murray 3
He wants, it will come. God be praised! it will come.
Jesus will revealHimself.
Perhaps you have arrived at the stage of the burning heart, and can tell of
many blessedexperiences, but somehow there is a worm at the root. The
experiences do not last, and the heart is so changeable. Ohcome, my beloved!
Follow Christ. Say, "Jesus, revealThyselfthat we may know Thee Thyself.
We ask not only to drink of the living water, we want the fountain. We ask not
only to bathe ourselves in the light, we want the Sun of Righteousness within
our hearts. We ask not only to know Thee, who hast touched us and warmed
our hearts and blessedus, but we want to know that we have the
unchangeable Jesus dwelling within our hearts and abiding with us
Now comes the question which I really wanted to put,--What are the
conditions under which our blessedLord reveals Himself? Or, put it this
way,--To whom is it that Jesus will reveal Himself? We have only to see how
he dealt with these disciples, and we get the answer. Whatis the answer? First
of all I think I find here that Christ revealedHimself to those disciples
Who had given up everything for Him.
He had said to them: "Forsakealland follow Me," and they had done it. With
all their feebleness and all their unfaithfulness they followedChrist to the end.
He said to them: "Ye have continued with Me in My temptations, and I
appoint you a kingdom, as I have receiveda kingdom from My Father." They
were not perfectmen, but they would have died for Him. They loved Him,
they obeyed Him, they followedHim. They had left all, and for three years
they had been following hard after Christ. You say "Tellme what Christ
wants of me, if I am to have his wonderful presence. Tellme what is the
characterof the man to whom Christ will revealHimself in this highest and
fullest way?" I answer:"It is the one who is ready to forsake alland to follow
Him." If Christ is to give Himself wholly to me, He must know that He has me
wholly for Himself; and I trust God will give grace that these words spoken
about the consecrationand the surrender, not only of all evil, but of many
lawful things, and even, if necessary, oflife itself, may leadus to understand
what the demand is that Jesus makes upon us.
The motto of the Cape GeneralMissionis,
In one sense that is a beautiful motto, and yet I am not always satisfiedwith it,
because it is a motto that is often misunderstood. God first may mean "I"
second, something else third, and something else fourth. God is thus first in
order, but still God becomes one of a series of powers, and that is not the place
God wants. The meaning of the words, "Godfirst" is really "Godall; God
everything;" and that is what Christ wants. To be willing to give up
everything, to submit to Christ to teachhim what to sayand what to do, is the
first mark of the man to whom Christ will come. Are you not ready to take
this step and say: "Jesus!I do give up everything; I have given up everything;
Oh, brother! oh, sister! do not hesitate. Speak it out in your heart, and let this
be the time in which a new sacrifice shallbe laid at the feet of the blessed
Lamb of God.
There is a secondthought. There is first the idea of having forsakenall to
follow Him; of having given up everything in obedience to Him, and living just
a life of simple love and obedience. But there is a secondthing needed in the
man who is to have this full revelationof Christ. He must be
Convicted of his unbelief.
'Jesus Himself', by Andrew Murray 4
"Oh! fools, and slow of heart to believe what the prophets have said." Oh!
brother, sister, if we could have a sight of the amount of unbelief in the hearts
of God's children, barring the door and closing the heart againstChrist, how
we should stand astonishedand ashamed!When there is not unbelief but
where there is faith, Christ cannot help coming in. He cannothelp coming
where there is a living faith, a full faith. The heart is opened, the heart is
prepared; and as naturally as water runs into a hollow place, so naturally
Christ must come into a heart that is full of faith. What is the hindrance with
some earnestsouls, who say:"I have given myself up to the Lord Jesus. I have
done it often, and by His grace I am doing it every day, and God knows how
earnestlyand really I am doing it, and I have the sanctionof Godupon it, I
know God has blessedme"? They have not been convictedof their unbelief.
"Oh! fools, and slow of heart to believe." Do you know what Christ said about
a man calling his brother a fool? Yet here the loving Sonof God could find no
other word to speak to His beloved disciples:"Oh! fools, and slow of heart to
believe." You want the Lord Jesus to give you this full revelationof Himself?
Are you willing to acknowledgethat you are a fool for never having believed
in Him? "Lord Jesus, it is my own fault. There Thou art, longing to have
possessionofme. There Thou hast been with Thy faithful promises waiting to
Did you ever hear of a man loving another and not longing to reveal himself?
Christ longs to revealHimself, but He cannot on accountof our unbelief. May
God convict us of our unbelief that we may get utterly ashamedand broken
down, and cry, "Oh, my God, what is this, this heart of unbelief actually
throwing a barrier across the door that Christ cannot step in, blinding my
eyes that I cannotsee Jesus, thoughhe is so near? Here He has been for ten or
twenty years, from time to time giving me the burning heart, enjoying the
experience of a little of His love and grace, and yet I have not had the
revelation of Him, taking possessionofmy heart and dwelling with me in
unbroken continuity." Oh! may God convict us of unbelief. Do let us believe
because allthings are possible to him that believes. That is God's word, and
this blessing, receiving the revelation of Jesus, cancome only to those who
learn to believe and to trust him.
There is anothermark of those to whom this specialrevelation of Christ will
come, and that is,
They do not rest until they obtain it.
You know the story. Their hearts were burning as they drew nigh to the place
they were going to, and Christ made as if He were going farther. He put them
to the test, and if they had allowedHim quietly to go on, if they had been
content with the experience of the burning heart, they would have lost
something infinitely better. But they were not content with it. They were not
content to go home to the disciples that night and say, "Oh, what a blessed
afternoonwe have had! What wonderful teaching we have had!" No! The
burning heart and the blessedexperience just made them say, "Lord, abide
with us," and they compelled Him to come in. They constrainedHim to come
It always reminds me of the story of Jacob, "I will not let Thee go, except
Thou bless me." That is the spirit that prepares us for the revelation of Jesus.
Oh! my dear friend, has this been the spirit in which we have lookedupon the
wonderful blessing that we have sometimes heard of? "Oh! my Lord Jesus,
though I do not understand it, though I cannot graspit, though my struggles
avail nothing, I am not going to let Thee go. If it is possible for a sinner on
earth to have Jesus every day, every hour, and every moment in resurrection
powerdwelling in his heart, shining within him, filling him with love and joy,-
-if that is possible, I want it."
Is that your language?
Oh! come then and say: "Lord Jesus, I cannotlet Thee go except Thou bless
me." The question is askedso often: "Whatis the cause ofthe feeble life of so
many Christians?" What is really the matter? What is actually the want?
How little the Church responds to Christ's call! how little the Church is what
Christ would have her to be! What is the cause of all the trouble? Various
answers may be given, but there is one answerwhich includes all
'Jesus Himself', by Andrew Murray 5
the other answers, andthat is, eachbeliever wants the personal
Full revelationof a personalChrist
as an indwelling Lord, as a satisfying portion. When the Lord Jesus was here
upon earth, what was it that distinguished His disciples from other people? He
took them awayfrom their fish-nets, and from their homes, and He gathered
them about Himself, and they knew Jesus. He was their Master, and guarded
them, and they followed Him. And what is to make a difference between
Christ's disciples--notthose who are just hoping to getto heaven, but Christ's
whole-hearteddisciples--whatis to make a difference betweenthem and other
people? It is this, to be in fellowship with Jesus--everyhour of the day; and
just as Christ upon earth was able to keepthose people with Him for three
years, day by day, so
Christ is able
in heaven now to do what He could not do when He was on earth--to keepin
the closestfellowshipwith every believer throughout the whole world. Glory
be to God! You know that text in Ephesians:"He that descendedis the same
also that ascended, thatHe might fill all things." Why was my Lord Jesus
takenup to heaven awayfrom the life of earth? Becausethe life of earth is a
life confined to localities, but the life in heavenis a life in which there is no
limit and no bound and no locality, and Christ was takenup to heaven, that,
in the powerof God, of the omnipresent God, He might be able to fill every
individual here and be with every individual believer.
That is what my heart wants to realize by faith; that is a possibility, that is a
promise, that is my birthright, and I want to have it, and I want by the grace
of God to say, "Jesus,I will not rest until Thou hast revealedThyself fully to
my soul."
There are often very blessedexperiences in the Christian life in what I callthe
third stage--the stage ofthe burning heart. Do you know what another great
mark of that stage is? Delight in God's word. How did the disciples get their
burning hearts? By that strange opening of the Scripture to them. He made it
all look different,--new,--and they saw what they had never seenbefore. They
could not help feeling,
How wonderful,
how heavenly was that teaching. Oh! there are many Christians who find the
best time of the day is the time when they can getwith their Bibles, and who
love nothing so much as to geta new thought; and as a diamond digger
rejoices whenhe has found a diamond, or a gold diggerwhen he has found a
nugget, they delight when they getfrom the Bible some new thought, and they
feed upon it. Yet with all that interestin God's word, and with all that stirring
of the heart with joy, when they go into business or attend to their daily
duties, there is still something wanting.
We must come awayfrom all the manifold and multifarious blessings that
Jesus canbestow from time to time, to the blessedunity of that one--that Jesus
makes Himself known, Jesus Himself is willing to make Himself known. Oh! if
I were to ask, "Is not this just what you and I want, and what many of us have
been longing for?" I am sure you would answer,
"Thatis what I want."
Think what the blessednesswill be that comes from it. You often sing:-
"Oh! the peace my Saviourgives! PeaceI never knew before, And my way has
brighter grown, Since I've learnt to trust Him more."
'Jesus Himself', by Andrew Murray 6
I recently had a letter from some one in the Free State saying what a
wonderful comfort and strength that little verse was in the midst of difficulties
and troubles. Yes; but how can that peace be kept? It was the presence of
Christ that brought the peace. Whenthe storm was threatening to swallow up
the disciples, it was the presence ofChrist Himself that gave the peace.
Oh! Christian, do you want peace and rest? You must have Jesus Himself.
You talk of purity, you talk of cleansing, you talk of deliverance from sin.
Praise God, here is the deliverance and the cleansing, whenthe living Jesus
comes and gives power. Then we have this resurrectionof Christ, this
heavenly Christ upon the throne, making Himself known to us. Surely that
will be the secretofpurity and the secretof strength.
Where does the strength of so many come from? From the joy of a personal
friendship with Jesus. Thosedisciples, if they had gone away with their
burning hearts to the other disciples, could have told them wonderful things of
a man who had explained to them the Scriptures and the promises, but they
could not have said, "We have seenJesus." Theymight have said, "Jesus is
alive. We are sure of that," but that would not have satisfied the others. But
they could now go and say,
"We have seenHimself.
He has revealedHimself to us." We are all glad to work for Christ, but there
is a complaint throughout the Church of Christ, from the ministers in the
pulpit down to the feeblestworker, of lack of joy and lack of blessedness.Let
us try and find out whether this is not the place where the secretwill be
discovered--thatthe Lord Jesus comes andshows Himself to us as our Master
and speaks to us. When we have Jesus with us, and when we go every footstep
with the thought that it is Jesus wants us to go, it is Jesus who sends us and is
helping us, then there will be brightness in our testimony, and it will help
other believers, and they will begin to understand; "I see why I have failed. I
took the word, I took the blessing, and I took, as I thought, the life, but I was
without the living Jesus."
And if you now ask, "How will this revelationcome?" Brother, sister, that is
the secretthat no man may tell, that Jesus keeps to Himself. It is
In the powerof the Holy Ghost;
Christ, the risen One, entered into a new life. His resurrectionlife is entirely
different from His life before His death. You know what we read: "They knew
Him." He revealed Himself, and then He passedaway. And was that vision of
Christ worth so much? It was lostin a moment. It was worth heaven, eternity,
everything. Why? BecausehenceforthChrist was no longer to be known after
the flesh. Christ was henceforthin the power of the Spirit, which fills Heaven;
in the powerof the Spirit which is the power of the Godhead;in the power of
the Spirit, which fills our hearts. Christ was henceforth to live in the life of
Thank God, Christ canby the power of the Holy GhostrevealHimself to each
one of us; but oh! brother, it is a secretthing betweenChrist and yourself.
Take this assurance,"Theireyes were openedand they knew Him," and
believe that it is written for you.
You say, "I have known the other three stages;the stage of the sad heart,
mourning that I knew no living Christ; I have known the stage ofthe slow
heart to believe, when I struggledwith my unbelief; and I know the stage of
the burning heart, when there are great times of joy and blessedness." You
say that? Oh come then and know the fourth stage of
The satisfiedheart,
of the heart made glad for eternity, of the heart that cannot keepits joy in, but
goes awayback to Jerusalem, and says, "It is true. Jesus has revealedHimself.
I know it, I feel it." Oh! brother, oh! sister, how will this
'Jesus Himself', by Andrew Murray 7
revelation come? Jesus willtell you. Just come to the Lord Jesus and breathe
up before Him a simple child-like prayer, and I, His servant, will come and
take you by the hand and say:"Come, now, my work is done. I have pointed
to the Lamb of God, to the risen One. My work is done."
Let us enter into the Holy Presenceandbegin, if you have never yet sought it
before, begin to plead: "Oh! Saviour, that I might have this blessednessevery
moment present with me--Jesus Himself, my portion forever."
"Jesus Himself."
"Lo, I am with you alway."
When I think of all the struggles and difficulties and failures of which many
complain, and know that many are trying to make a new effort to begin a holy
life, their hearts fearing all the time that they would fail again, owing to so
many difficulties and temptations and the natural weakness oftheir character,
my heart longs to be able to tell them in words so simple that a little child
could understand,
What the secretis of the Christian life.
And then the thought comes to me, Can I venture to hope that it will be given
to me to take that glorious, heavenly, divine Lord Jesus and to show Him to
these souls, so that they can see Him in His glory? And can it be given to me to
open their eyes to see that there is a Divine, Almighty Christ, who does
actually come into the heart and who faithfully promises, "I will come and
dwell with you, and I will never leave you?" No; my words cannotdo that. But
then I thought, my Lord Jesus canuse me as a simple servant to take such
feeble ones by the hand and encourage and help them; to say, Oh, come, come,
come, into the presence of Jesus and waiton Him, and He will reveal Himself
to thee. I pray God that He may use His precious Word. It is simply
The presence ofthe Lord Jesus.
That is the secretofthe Christian's strength and joy. You know that when He
was upon earth, He was present in bodily form with his disciples. They walked
about togetherall day, and at night they went into the same house, and
sometimes slept together and ate and drank together. They were continually
together. It was the presence of Jesus that was the training schoolof His
disciples. They were bound to Him by that wonderful intercourse of love
during three long years, and in that intercourse they learned to know Christ,
and Christ instructed and correctedthem, and prepared them for what they
were afterward to receive. And now when He is going away, He says to them:
"Lo, behold, I am with you always--allthe days--even unto the end of the
What a promise! And just as really as Christ was with Peterin the boat, just
as Christ satwith John at the table, as really can I have Christ with me. And
more really, for they had their Christ in the body and He was to them a man,
an individual separate from them, but I may have glorified Christ in the
powerof the throne of God, the omnipotent Christ, the omnipresent Christ.
What a promise! You ask me, How can that be? And my answeris, Because
Christ is God, and because Christafter having been made man, went up into
the throne and the Life of God. And now that blessedChrist Jesus, with His
loving, pierced heart; that blessedJesus Christ, who lived upon earth; that
same Christ glorified into the glory of God, can be in me and
Can be with me all the days.
'Jesus Himself', by Andrew Murray 8
You say, Is it really possible for a man in business, for a woman in the midst
of a large and difficult household, for a poor man full of care;is it possible?
Can I always be thinking of Jesus? Thank God, you need not always be
thinking of Him. You may be the managerof a bank, and your whole
attention may be required to carry out the business that you have to do. But
thank God, while I have to think of my business, Jesus will think of me, and
He will come in and will take charge of me. That little child, three months old,
as it sleeps in its mother's arms, lies helplesslythere; it hardly knows its
mother, it does not think of her, but the mother thinks of the child. And this is
the blessedmystery of love, that Jesus the God-man waits to come in to me in
the greatnessofHis love; and as He gets possessionofmy heart, He embraces
me in those divine arms and tells me, "My child, I the Faithful One, I the
Mighty One will abide with thee, will watchover thee and keepthee all the
days." He tells me He will come into my heart, so that I can be a happy
Christian, a holy Christian, and a useful Christian. You say, Oh! if I could
only believe that, if I could think that it is possible to have Christ always,
every hour, every moment with me,
Taking and keeping charge ofme!
My brother, my sister, it is just literally this that is my messageto you. When
Jesus saidto His disciples, "Lo, I am with you always," He meant it in the
fullness of the divine Omnipresence, in the fullness of the divine love, and he
longs to-night to reveal Himself to you and to me as we have never seenHim
And now just think a moment what a blessedlife that must be--the presence of
Jesus always abiding. Is not that the secretofpeace and happiness? If I could
just attain (that is what eachheart says)to that blessedstate in which every
day and all the day I felt Jesus to be watching and everkeeping me, oh, what
peace I would have in the thought, "I have no care if He cares for me, and I
have no fear if He provides for me." Your heart says that this is too good to be
true, and that it is too glorious to be for you. Still you acknowledge itmust be
most blessed. Fearfulone, erring one, anxious one, I bring you God's promise,
it is for me and for you. Jesus will do it; as God, He is able, and Jesus is
willing and longing as the Crucified One to keepyou in perfectpeace. This is a
wonderful fact, and it is the secretofjoy unspeakable.
And this is also
The secretofHoliness.
Instead of indwelling sin, an indwelling Christ conquering it; instead of
indwelling sin, the indwelling life and light and love of the blessedSonof God.
He is the secretof holiness. "Christis made unto us sanctification."
Remember that it is Christ Himself who is made unto us sanctification. Christ
coming into me, taking charge of my whole being; my nature and my thoughts
and my affections and my will; ruling all things. It is this that will make me
holy. We talk about holiness, but do you know what holiness is? You have as
much holiness as you have of Christ, for it is written, "Bothhe that sanctifieth
and they who are sanctified are all of one;" and Christ sanctifies by bringing
God's life into me.
We read in Judges, "The Spirit of the Lord clothedGideon." But you know
that there is in the New Testamentan equally wonderful text, where we read,
"Put on the Lord Jesus Christ," that is, clothe yourself with Christ Jesus. And
what does that mean? It does not only mean, by imputation of righteousness
outside of me, but to clothe myself with the living characterofthe living
Christ, with the living love of the living Christ.
Put on the Lord Jesus.
Oh! what a work. I cannotdo it unless I believe and understand that He
whom I have to put on is as a garment covering my whole being. I have to put
on a living Christ who has said, "Lo, I am with you all the days." Just draw
the folds closerround you, of that robe of light with which Christ would array
you. Just come and acknowledgethatChrist is with you, on you, in you. Oh,
put Him on! And when you look at one characteristic ofHis after another;
and you hearGod's word, "Let this mind be in you which was also in Jesus
Christ," and it
'Jesus Himself', by Andrew Murray 9
tells you He was obedient unto the death; and then you answer, Christ the
obedient one, Christ whose whole life was obedience, it is that Christ whom I
have receivedand put on. He becomes my life and His obedience rests upon
me, until I learn to whisper as Jesus did, "My Father, Thy will be done; lo, I
come to do Thy will."
This, too, is the secretofinfluence in witness and work. How comes it that it is
Difficult to be obedient,
and how comes it that I so often sin? People sing, "Oh, to be wholly Thine,"
and sing it from their hearts. How comes it then that they are disobedient
again? Where does the disobedience come from? And the answercomes, It is
because I am trying to obey a distant Christ, and thus His commands do not
come with power. Look what I find in God's Word. When God wanted to send
any man upon His service, He first met him and talked with him and cheered
him time after time. God appeared to Abraham seven or eight times, and gave
to him one command after another; and so Abraham learned to obey Him
perfectly. God appearedto Joshua and to Gideon, and they obeyed. And why
are we not obedient? Becausewe have so little of this near intercourse with
Jesus. But, oh, if we knew
This blessed, heavenly secret
of having the presence of Christ with us every day, every hour, every minute,
what a joy it would be to obey! We could not walk in this consciousness,--My
Lord Jesus is with me and around me,--and not obey Him! Oh, do you not
begin to long and say, This is what I must have, the ever-abiding presence of
Jesus!There are some Christians who try not to be disobedient, who come to
their Sunday and week-dayduties most faithfully, and pray for grace and a
blessing, and they complain of so little blessing and power, so little power!
And why? Becausethere is not enough of the living Jesus in their hearts. I
sometimes think of this as a most solemn truth. There is a greatdiversity of
gifts amongstministers and others who speak;but I am sure of this, that a
man's gifts are not the measure of his real power. I am sure of this, that God
can see whatneither you nor I can see. Sometimes people feelsomething of it;
but in proportion as a man has in reality, not as a sentiment or an aspiration,
or a thought, but in reality, the very spirit and presence of Jesus upon him,
there comes out from him an unseen silent influence. That secretinfluence is
Holy presence ofJesus.
"Lo, I am with you always." And now, if what I have said has sufficed just to
indicate what a desirable thing it is, what a blessedthing it is to live for, then
let me now give you an answerto the question that arises in more than one
heart. I canhear some one say, "Tellme how I can getthis blessedabiding
presence ofJesus;and when I have got it, how I can everkeepit. I think if I
have this, I have all. The Lord Jesus has come very near to me. I have tried to
turn awayfrom everything that canhinder, and have had my Lord very near.
But how canI know that He will be with me always?" If you were to ask the
Lord, "Oh, my blessedLord Christ, what must I do, how can I enjoy Thy
never-failing presence?" His first answerwould be, "Only believe. I have said
it often, and you only partly understood it, but I will sayit again-
My child, only believe."
It is by faith. We sometimes speak offaith as trust, and it is a very helpful
thing to tell men that faith is trust: but when people say, as they sometimes do,
that it is nothing else but trust, that is not the case. It is a far wider word than
trust. It is by faith that I learn to know the invisible One, the invisible God,
and that I see Him. Faith is my spiritual eye-sightfor the unseen and
heavenly. You often try hard to trust God, and you fail. Why? Becauseyou
have not takentime first to see God. How can you trust Godfully until you
have met Him and known Him? You ask, "Where ought I to begin?" You
ought to begin with first believing; with presenting yourself before this God in
the attitude of silent worship, and asking Him to let a sense of His greatness
and His presence come upon you. You must ask Him to let your heart be
coveredover with his holy presence. You
'Jesus Himself', by Andrew Murray 10
must seek to realize in your heart the presence ofan Almighty and all-loving
God, an unspeakablyloving God. Take time to worship Him as the
omnipotent God, to feelthat the very powerthat createdthe world, the very
powerthat raised Jesus from the dead, is at this moment working in your
heart. We do not experience it because we do not believe. We must take time
to believe. Jesus says, "Oh, my child, shut your eyes to the world, and shut out
of your heart all these thoughts about religion, and begin to believe in God
Himself." That is the first article of the Creed--"Ibelieve in God."
By believing I open my heart,
to receive this glorious God, and I bow and worship. And then as I believe
this, I look up and I see the Lamb upon the Throne, and I believe that the
Almighty power of God is in Jesus for the very purpose of revealing His
presence to my heart. Why are there two upon the Throne? Is not God
enough? The Lamb of Godis upon the Throne in your interest and in mine;
the Lamb upon the Throne is Christ Himself, with poweras God to take
possessionofme. Oh, do not think you cannot getthat realization. And do not
think of it as now only within your reach; but cultivate the habit of faith.
"Jesus, Ibelieve in Thy glory; I believe in Thine omnipotence;I believe in Thy
powerworking within me. I believe in Thy living, loving presence with me,
revealing itself in Divine power."
Do not be occupied with feelings or experiences. Youwill find it far simpler
and easierjust to trust and say, "I am sure He is all for me." Get rid of
yourself for the time; don't think or speak about yourself; but
Think what Jesus is.
And then remember it is believe always. I sometimes feelthat I cannotfind
words to tell how God wants His people to believe from morning till night.
Every breath ought to be just believing. Yes, it is indeed true; the Lord Jesus
loves us to be just believing from morning to evening, and you must begin to
make that the chief thing in life. In the morning when you wake, let your heart
go forth with a large faith in this; and in the watches of the night let this
thought be present with you--my Saviour Jesus is round me and near me, and
you canlook up and say, "I want to trust Thee always." Youknow what trust
is. It is so sweetto trust. And now cannot you trust Jesus;this presence, this
keeping presence? He lives for you in Heaven. You are marked with His
blood, and he loves you; and cannot you say, "My King, my King, He is with
me all the days?" Oh, trust Jesus to fulfill His own promises.
There is a secondanswerthat I think Christ would give if we come to Him
believing, and say, "Is there anything more, my blessedMaster?" Ithink I
can hear His answer:
"My child, always obey."
Do not fail to understand the lessoncontainedin this one word. You must
distinctly and definitely take that word OBEY and obedience, and learn to say
for yourselves:"Now I have to obey, and by the grace of God I am going to
obey in everything." At our recent exhibition at the Cape, Mr. Rhodes, our
Prime Minister, went to the gate, thinking he had gotthe fee in his pocket.
When he gotto the gate, however, he found he had not enough money, and
said to the door-keeper, "Iam Mr. Rhodes;let me in and I will take care you
do not suffer." But the man said, "I cannot help that, sir, I have my orders,"
and he refused to let Mr. Rhodes in. He had to borrow from a friend, and pay
before he could pass the gate. At a dinner afterward Mr. Rhodes spoke about
it, and saidit was a real joy to see a man stick to his order like that. That is it.
The man had his orders, and that was enoughto him, and whoevercame to
the gate had to pay his fee before he could enter. God's children ought to be
like soldiers, and be
Ready to say, "I must obey."
Oh! to have that thought in our hearts--"Jesus, Ilove to obey Thee." There
must be personal intercourse with
'Jesus Himself', by Andrew Murray 11
the Saviour, and then comes the joy of personalservice and allegiance. Are
you ready to obey in all feebleness andweaknessandfear? Canyou say, "Yes,
Lord Jesus, I will obey?" If so, then give yourself up absolutely. Then your
feeling will be, "I am not going to speak one word if I think that Jesus would
not like to hear it. I am not going to have an opinion of my own, but my whole
life is to be coveredwith the purity of His obedience to the Father and His
self-sacrificing love to me. I want Christ to have my whole life, my whole
heart, my whole character. I want to be like Christ and to obey." Give
yourself up to this loving obedience.
The third thought is this: If I say, "My Master, blessedSaviour, tell me all, I
will believe, I do obey, and I will obey. Is there anything more I need to secure
the enjoyment of Thine abiding presence?"And I catch this answer:
"My child, close intercourse with me every day."
Ah, there is the fault of many who try to obey and try to believe; they do it in
their own strength, and they do not know that if the Lord Jesus is to reign in
their hearts, they must have close communion with Him every day. You
cannot do all He desires, but Jesus will do it for you. There are many
Christians who fail here, and on that accountdo not understand what it is to
have fellowship with Jesus. Do letme try and impress this upon you: God has
given you a loving, living Saviour, and how canHe bless if you do not meet
Him? The joy of friendship is found in intercourse;and Jesus asks forthis
every day, that he may have time to influence me, to tell me of Himself, to
teachme, to breathe His Spirit unto me, to give me new life and joy and
strength. And remember, intercourse with Jesus
Does not mean half-an-hour
or an hour in your closet. A man may study his Bible or his commentary
carefully; he may look up all the parallel passagesin the chapter; when he
comes out of his closethe may be able to tell you all about it, and yet he has
never met Jesus that morning at all. You have prayed for five or ten minutes,
and you have never met Jesus. And so we must remember that though the
Bible is most precious, and the reading of it most blessedand needful; yet
prayer and Bible reading are not fellowshipwith Jesus. What we need every
morning is to meet Jesus, andto say, "Lord, here is the day again, and I am
just as weak in myself as ever I was;do Thou come and feedme this morning
with Thyself and speak to my soul." Oh, friends, it is not your faith that will
keepyou standing, but it is a living Jesus, met
Every day in fellowship
and worship and love. Wait in His presence, howevercoldand faithless you
feel. Wait before Him and say:"Lord, helpless as I am, I believe and rest in
the blessedassurancethat what Thou hast promised Thou wilt do for me."
I ask my Masteronce again, "Lord Jesus, is that all?" And his answeris: "No,
my child; I have one thing more." "And what is that? Thou hast told me to
believe, and to obey, and to abide near to Thee: what wouldst Thou have
"Work for me my child.
Remember, I have redeemed thee for My service;I have redeemedthee to
have a witness to go out into the world confessing Me before men." Oh, do not
hide your treasure, or think that if Jesus is with you, you canhide it. One of
two things will happen--either you must give all up, or it must come out. You
have perhaps heard of the little girl, who, after one of Mr. Moody's meetings,
was found to be singing some of the hymns we all know. The child's parents
were in a goodposition in society, and while singing those hymns in the
drawing-room her mother forbade her. One day she was singing the hymn
"Oh, I'm so gladthat Jesus loves me," when her mother said, "My child, how
is it that you sing this when I have forbidden it?" She replied,
'Jesus Himself', by Andrew Murray 12
"Oh, mother, I cannot help it; it comes out of itself." If Jesus Christ be in the
heart, He must come out. Remember, it is not only our duty to confess Him; it
is that, but it is something more. If you do not do it, it is just an indication that
you have not given yourself up to Jesus;your character, your reputation, your
all. You are holding back from Him. You must confess Jesusin the world, in
your home; and in facteverywhere. You know the Lord's command, "Go ye
into all the world, and preachthe Gospelto every creature;" "and, lo, I am
with you," meaning, "Any one may work for Me, and I will be with him." It is
true of the minister, the missionary, and every believer who works for Jesus.
The presence ofJesus is intimately connectedwith work for Him. You say, "I
have never thought of that before. I have my Sunday work, but during the
week I am not doing work for Him." You cannot have the presence of Jesus,
and let this continue to be the case. I do not believe you could have the
presence ofJesus all the week andyet do nothing for Him; therefore my
advice is, work for Him who is worthy, His blessing and His presence will be
found in the work. It is
A blessedprivilege to work for Christ
in this perishing world. Oh, why is it that our hearts often feelso cold and
closedup, and so many of us say, "I do not feel calledto Christ's work"? Be
willing to yield yourself for the Lord's service, and He will revealHimself to
Christ comes with His wondrous promise, and what He says, He says to all
believers:"Lo, I am with you always;that is My promise; this is what I in My
powercan do; this is what I faithfully engage to perform; will you have it?
I give Myselfto thee, O soul."
To eachof those who have come to Him, Christ says, "I give Myselfto thee, to
be absolutely and wholly thine every hour of every day; to be with thee and in
thee every moment, to bless thee and sustainthee, and to give thee each
moment the consciousness ofMy presence;I will be wholly, wholly, wholly
And now, what is the other side? He wants me to be wholly His. Are you ready
to take this as your motto now,
"Wholly for God"?
O God, breathe Thou Thy presence in my heart that Thou mayest shine forth
from my life. "Wholly for God," let this be our motto. Come let us cast
ourselves on our faces before His feet. Our missionary from Nyassalandsays
he has often been touched by seeing how the native Christians, when they are
brought to Jesus, do not stand in prayer; they do not kneel; but they cast
themselves upon the earth with their foreheads to the ground, and there they
lie, and with loud voices cry unto God. I sometimes feelthat I wish we could
do that ourselves;but we need not do it literally. Let us do it in spirit, for the
everlasting Son of God has come into our hearts. Are you going to take Him
and to keepHim there, to give Him glory and let Him have His way? Come
now and say, "I will seek Thee with my whole heart; I am wholly Thine."
Yield yourself entirely to Him to have complete possession. He will take and
keeppossession. Come now. Jesus delights in the worship of His Saints. Our
whole life can become one continuous actof worship and work of love and joy,
if we only remember and value this, that Jesus has said, "Lo, I am with you all
the days, even unto the end of the world."
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Jesus was himself
Jesus was himself
Jesus was himself
Jesus was himself
Jesus was himself
Jesus was himself
Jesus was himself
Jesus was himself
Jesus was himself
Jesus was himself
Jesus was himself
Jesus was himself
Jesus was himself
Jesus was himself
Jesus was himself

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Jesus was warning against covetousness
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Jesus was laughing
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Jesus was to be our clothing
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Jesus was our liberatorJesus was our liberator
Jesus was our liberator

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Jesus was himself

  • 1. JESUS WAS HIMSELF EDITED BY GLENN PEASE Ephesians 2:20 20 builton the foundationof the apostlesand prophets, with ChristJesus himselfas the chief cornerstone. JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF NO. 1388 A SERMON DELIVERED ON LORD’S-DAYMORNING, DECEMBER 9, 1877, BYC. H. SPURGEON,AT THE METROPOLITAN TABERNACLE, NEWINGTON. “Jesus ChristHimself.” Ephesians 2:20. “Jesus ChristHimself” is to occupyall our thoughts this morning. What an oceanopens up before me! Here is room in the sea for the largestship! In which direction shall I turn your thoughts? I am embarrassedwith riches. I know not where to begin; and when I once begin, where shall I end? Assuredly we need not go abroad for joys this morning, for we have a feastat home! The words are few, but the meaning vast—“Jesus ChristHimself.” Beloved, the religion of our Lord Jesus Christ contains in it nothing as wonderful as Himself. It is a mass of marvels, but He is THE miracle of it! The wonder of wonders is “The Wonderful” Himself! If proof is askedof the truths of God which He proclaimed, we point men to Jesus Christ Himself.
  • 2. His characteris unique. We defy unbelievers to imagine another like He. He is God and yet man, and we challenge them to compose a narrative in which the two apparently incongruous characters shallbe so harmoniously blended—in which the human and divine shall be so marvelously apparent without the one overshadowing the other! They question the authenticity of the four gospels; will they try and write a fifth? Will they even attempt to add a few incidents to the life which shall be worthy of the sacredbiography, and congruous with those facts which are already described? If it is all a forgery, will they be so goodas to show us how it is done? Will they find a novelist who will write another biography of a man of any century they choose, ofany nationality, or of any degree of experience, orany rank or station, and let us see if they can describe, in that imaginary life, a devotion, a self-sacrifice, a truthfulness, a completeness ofcharacteratall comparable to that of Jesus Christ Himself? Can they invent another perfect character evenif the divine element is left out? They must fail, for there is none like Jesus! The characterof Jesus has commanded respecteven from those who have abhorred His teaching. It has been a stumbling block to all objectors who have preserveda shade of candor. They could refute Jesus’doctrine, they say; and they boast they could improve His precepts. They claim His system is narrow and outworn; but what can they do with Him? They must admire Him even if they will not adore Him—and having done so, they have admired a personwho must be divine; or else He willfully left His disciples to believe a lie. How do they surmount this difficulty? They cannot do so by railing at Him, for they have no material for accusation. Jesus ChristHimself silences their criticism! This is a file at which these asps bite, but break their teeth. Beyondall argument or miracle, Jesus Christ Himself is the proof of His own gospel. And as He is the proof of it, so, beloved, He is the marrow and essence ofit. When the Apostle Paul meant that the gospelwas preached, He said, “Christ is preached,” for the gospelis Christ Himself! If you want to know what Jesus taught, know Him! He is the incarnation of that truth of God which by Him, and in Him is revealedto the sons of men. Did He not, Himself say, “I am the way, the truth, and the life”? You have not to take down innumerable books, nor to pore over mysterious sentencesofdouble meaning in order to know what our great teacherhas revealed. You have but to turn and gaze upon His countenance, behold His actions, and note His spirit and you know His teaching. He lived
  • 3. what He taught. If we wish to know Him, we may hear His gentle voice saying, “Come and see.” Study His wounds, and you understand His innermost philosophy. “To know Him and the powerof His resurrection” is the highest degree of spiritual learning. He is the end of the law, and the soul of the gospel;and when we have preachedHis word to the fullest, we may close by saying, “Now, ofthe Jesus ChristHimself Sermon #1388 Tellsomeone today how much you love Jesus Christ. Volume 23 2 2 things which we have spoken, this is the sum; for we have an High Priestwho is set on the right hand of the throne of the majesty in the heavens.” Noris He alone the proof of His gospel, and the substance of it, but He is the powerand force by which it spreads. When a heart is truly broken of sin, it is by Him that it is bound up. If a man is converted, it is by Christ, the power of God. If we enter into peace and salvation, it is by the gracious manifestationofJesus Himself. If men have enthusiasticallyloved Christianity, it is because, firstof all, they loved Christ! Apostles labored for Him, and for Him confessorswere brave; for Him saints have suffered the loss of all things, and for Him martyrs have died. The power which creates heroic consecrationis “Jesus Christ Himself.” The memories stirred by His name have more influence over men’s hearts than all things else in earth or heaven. The enthusiasm which is the very life of our holy cause comes from Him. They who know not Jesus know not the life of truth, but those who dwell in Him are filled with powerand overflow so that out of the midst of them streams forth living water!Nor is it only so, beloved; for the power which propagates the gospelis Jesus Himself. In heaven He pleads, and therefore does His kingdom come. “The pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in His hand.” It is from heaven that He rules all things so as to promote the advance of the truth of God. All power is given unto Him in heaven, and in earth, and therefore are we to proclaim His life-giving word with full assuranceofsuccess. He causes the wheels of providence to revolve in such a manner as to help His cause. He abridges the power of tyrants,
  • 4. overrules the scourgesofwar, establishes liberty in nations, opens the mysteries of continents long unknown, breaks down systems of error, and guides the current of human thought. He works by a thousand means preparing the way of the Lord. It is from heaven that He shall shortly come, and when He comes, when Christ Himself shall put forth all His might, then shall the wildernessesrejoice,and the solitary places be glad! The reserve force of the gospelis Christ Jesus Himself. The latent powerwhich shall at last break every bond, and win universal dominion is the energy, the life, the omnipotence of Jesus Himself! He sleeps in the vesselnow, but when He arises and chides the storm, there will be a deep calm. He now, for a while, conceals Himself in the ivory palaces ofglory, but when He is manifested; in that day His chariotwheels shall bring victory to His church militant. If these things are so, I have a theme before me which I cannot compass!I give up the impossible task, and I shall but briefly note some few apparent matters which lie upon the surface of the subject. Brethren, “Jesus ChristHimself” should always be the prominent thought of our minds as Christians! Our theology should be framed upon the fact that He is the Center and Head of all. We must remember that “in Him are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”Some ofour brothers are mainly taken up with the doctrines of the gospel, andare somewhatbitter in their narrow orthodoxy. We are to love every word of our Lord Jesus and His apostles, andare to contend earnestly for the faith once delivered unto the saints, but yet it is always well to hold the truth of God in connectionwith Jesus, and not as in itself, alone, the sum of all things. Truth isolatedfrom the person of Jesus grows hard and cold. We know some in whom the slightestvariation from their systemarouses their indignation even though they admit that the brother is full of the Spirit of Christ. It is with them doctrine, doctrine, doctrine— whereas with us, I trust, it is Christ Himself! True doctrine is to us priceless as a throne for our living Lord; but our chief delight is not in the vacant throne, but in the King’s presence!Give me not His garments, though I prize every thread, but the blessedwearerwhose sacredenergymade even the hem to heal with a touch! There are others of our brethren who delight above measure in what they call experimental preaching which sets forth the inner life of the believer; both the rage of depravity, and the triumph of grace. This is well in due proportion, according to the analogyof faith, but still, Jesus Himself should be more
  • 5. conspicuous than our experiences and feelings, doubts and fears, struggles and victories!We may getto study the action of our ownhearts so much that we fall into despondencyand despair. “Looking unto Jesus” is better than looking unto our ownprogress!Self-examinationhas its necessaryuses, but to have done with self, and live by faith in Jesus Christ Himself is the best course for a Christian! Then, there are others who rightly admire the precepts of the gospel, and are never as happy as when they are hearing them enforced, as, indeed, they ought to be. But after all, the commands of our Lord are not our Lord Himself, and they derive their value to us, and their power over our obedience from the fact that they are His words, and that He said, “If you love Me, keepMy commandments.” We know the Sermon #1388 Jesus ChristHimself Volume 23 Tell someone todayhow much you love Jesus Christ. 3 3 truth of His declaration, “If a man loves Me, he will keep My sayings,” but there must be the personallove to begin with! Brothers and sisters, allthe benefits of these three schools will be ours if we live upon Jesus Himself! They eachgather a flower, but our divine “plant of renown” has all the beauty and all the fragrance of all that they cangather; and without the thorns which are so apt to grow on their peculiar roses. Jesus ChristHimself is to us precept, for He is the way; He is to us doctrine, for He is the truth; He is to us experience, for He is the life. Let us make Him the pole star of our religious life in all things! Let Him be first, last, and middle! Yes, let us say, “He is all my salvation, and all my desire.” And yet do not, I beseechyou, disdain the doctrine, lestmarring the doctrine you should be guilty of insult to Jesus Himself. To trifle with the truth of God is to despise Jesus as our Prophet. Do not, for a moment, underrate experience, lestin neglecting the inner self, you also despise your Lord Himself as your cleansing Priest!And never for a moment forgetHis commandments, lest if you break them you transgress againstJesus Himself as your King! All things which touch upon His kingdom are to be treated reverently by us for His sake. His Bible, His day, His church,
  • 6. His ordinances must all be precious to us, because theyhave to do with Him. But in the forefront of all must always stand“Jesus ChristHimself,” the personal, living, loving Jesus!Christ in us the hope of glory. Christ for us our full redemption. Christ with us our guide, and our solace;and Christ above us pleading and preparing our place in heaven. Jesus Christ Himself is our Captain, our armor, our strength and our victory! We inscribe His name upon our banner, for it is hell’s terror, heaven’s delight, and earth’s hope. We bear this upon our hearts in the heat of the conflict, for this is our breastplate and coatof mail. I shall not endeavorto say anything this morning which will strike you as beautiful in language, forto endeavorto decorate the altogether Lovely One would be blasphemy. To hang flowers upon the cross is ridiculous, and to endeavorto adorn Him whose headis as the finest gold, and whose person is as bright ivory overlaid with sapphires would be profane. I shall but tell you simple things in simple language—yetare these the most precious and soul-satisfying of the truths of revelation. I. With Jesus Christ Himself we begin by saying, first, that Jesus Himself is THE ESSENCE OF HIS OWN WORK, and therefore how readily we ought to trust Him. Jesus Himself is the soul of His own salvation. How does the apostle describe it? “He loved me, and gave Himself for me.” He gave His crown, His throne, and His joys in heaven for us, but that was not all—He gave Himself! He gave His life on earth, and renounced all the comforts of existence. He bore all its woes. He gave His body, He gave His agony, He gave His heart’s blood; but the summary of it is He gave Himself for me. “Christ loved the church, and gave Himself for it.” “Who His own self bore our sins in His own body on the tree.” No proxy service here! No sacrifice which runs as far as His own person, and there stops!There was no limit to the grief of Jesus like that setupon the suffering of Job— “Only on himself lay not your hand,” or, “Only spare his life.” No, every reserve was takendown, for He gave Himself. “He saved others, Himself He could not save,” because He Himself was the very essenceofHis own sacrifice onour behalf. It is because He is what He is that He was able to redeem us! The dignity of His personimparted efficacyto His atonement. He is divine, God over all, blessedforever, and therefore infinite virtue is found in Him. He is human and perfectin that humanity, and therefore capable of obedience and suffering in man’s place. He is able to save us because He is Immanuel—“God with us.” If it were conceivable that an angel could have
  • 7. suffered the same agonies, andhave performed the same labors as our Lord, yet it is not conceivable that the same result would have followed. The preeminence of His person imparted weight to His work. Always think, then, when you view the atonement, that it is Jesus Himself who is the soulof it. Indeed the efficacyof His sacrifice lies there. Therefore the apostle, in Hebrews, speaks ofHim as having “by Himself purged our sins.” This purging was workedby His sacrifice, but the sacrifice was Himself!Paul says, “He offered up Himself.” He stood as a Priestat the altar offering a bloody sacrifice, but the offering was neither bullock, nor ram, nor turtle dove—it was Himself! “Once in the end of the world has He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice ofHimself.” The sole reasonwhy we are well-pleasing with God is because ofHim, for He is our sweet-smelling offering. And the only cause for the putting awayof our sin is found in Him because He is our sin- offering. The cleansing by the blood, and the washing by the waterare the result, not of the blood and the waterin and of themselves, and separate from Him, but because they were the essentialsofHimself. You see this, I am persuaded, without my enlarging upon it. Jesus ChristHimself Sermon #1388 Tellsomeone today how much you love Jesus Christ. Volume 23 4 4 Now, because ofthis, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself is the Object of our faith. Is He not always so described in Scripture? “Look unto Me, and be you saved, all you ends of the earth”—not, “Look to My cross,” nor, “Look to My life,” nor, “to My death,” much less, “to My sacraments, orto My servants,” but, “Look to ME.” From His own lips the words sound forth, “Come unto Me all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” In fact, it is the Christian’s life motto, “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.” May I not go farther and say how very simple, and how very easyand natural ought faith to be from now on? I might be puzzled with various theories of the atonement, but I canbelieve in Jesus Himself! I might be staggeredby the many different mysteries which concerntheology, and
  • 8. overpowereven masterminds, but I can confide in Jesus Himself! He is one whom it is difficult to distrust; His goodness, gentleness, and truth command our confidence. We canand do trust in Jesus Himself! If He is proposedto me as my Savior, and if faith in Him is that which saves me, then at His dear feet I castmyself unreservedly, and feel myself secure while He looks down on me! He who bled that sinners might be savedcannotbe doubted any more! “Lord, I believe; help You my unbelief.” Now you who have been looking to your faith, I want you to look to Jesus Himself rather than at your poor feeble faith! Now you who have been studying the results of faith in yourselves, and are dissatisfied, I beseechyou turn your eyes awayfrom yourselves, and look to Jesus Himself! Now you who cannot understand this, and cannot understand that, give up wanting to understand for a while, and come and look at Jesus Christ Himself, “that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the Spirit of wisdom and revelationin the knowledge ofHim.” The Lord grant us grace to view Jesus Christ Himself in the matter of our salvationas all in all, so that we may have personaldealings with Him, and no longerthink of Him as a mere idea, or as an historical personage, but as a personalSavior standing in the midst of us, and bidding us enter into peace through Him! II. “Jesus ChristHimself” is, as we have said, THE SUBSTANCE OF THE GOSPEL, and therefore how closely should we study Him. While He was here He taught His disciples, and the objectof His teaching was that they might know Him, and through Him might know the Father. They did not learn very fast, but you see what He meant them to learn by the observation He made to Philip, “Have I been so long a time with you, and yet have you not known Me, Philip?” He meant them to know Himself— and when He had risen from the dead the same objective was still before Him. As He walkedwith the two disciples to Emmaus, they had a wide choice of subjects for conversation, but He chose the old theme, and “beginning at Moses andall the prophets, He expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.” No topic was half as important or profitable! No mere man may come to teachhimself, but this divine One can have nothing better to reveal, for He Himself, the incarnate God, is the chief of all the truths of God! Therefore our Lord was concernedto be known to His people, and therefore againand againwe read that, “Jesus showed Himself unto His disciples.” Whateverelse they may be ignorant of, it is
  • 9. essentialto disciples that they know their Lord, His nature, His character, His mind, His Spirit, His objective, His power—ina word, we must know Jesus Himself. This also, beloved, is the work of the Holy Spirit. “He shall glorify Me: for He shall receive of Me, and shall show it unto you.” The Holy Spirit reveals Christ to us and in us. Whateverthings Christ has spokenwhile He was here, the Holy Spirit opens to the mind and to the understanding. Thus by speaking ofChrist within us, He carries on the work which our Lord began when here below. The Comforter is the instructor, and Jesus is the lesson. I dare say you long to know a thousand things, but the main point of knowledge to be desiredis Jesus Himself. This was His teaching, and this is the Holy Spirit’s teaching—andthis is the end and objective of the Bible! Moses, Isaiah, and all the prophets spoke of Him—and the things which are recorded in this Book were written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, and that believing you might have life through His name. Precious is this Book, but its main preciousness lies in its revealing Jesus Himself! It is the field which contains the pearl of great price, the case whichencloses heaven’s brightest jewel. We have missedour way in the Bible if its silken clue has not led us to the centralchamber where we see Jesus Himself! We have never been truly taught of the Holy Spirit, and we have missedthe teaching of the life of Christ unless we have come to abide in Jesus Himself. To know Him is our beginning of wisdom, and our crown of wisdom. To know Him is our first lessonon repentance, and our lastattainment as we enter heaven. Our ambition is that we may know the love of Christ by which passes knowledge. Here is our life study, and we have goodin it, for these things the angels desire to look into. May the Lord grant that the eyes of your understanding may be Sermon #1388 Jesus ChristHimself Volume 23 Tell someone todayhow much you love Jesus Christ. 5 5 enlightened so that you may know what is the hope of His calling, and the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints. Beloved, becauseJesus is the sum of the gospel, He must be our constanttheme. “Godforbid that I
  • 10. should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.” “I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” So spoke men of old, and so say we. When we have done preaching Christ we had better have done preaching—whenyou have done teaching in your classesJesus Christ Himself, give up Sunday schoolwork, for nothing else is worthy of your pains! Put out the sun, and light is gone, life is gone;all is gone. When Jesus is pushed into the background, or left out of a minister’s teaching, the darkness is darkness that might be felt, and the people escape from it into gospellight as soonas they can. A sermon without Jesus in it is savorless andworthless to God’s tried saints— they soonseek otherfood! The more of Christ in our testimony, the more of light, and life, and powerto save. Some preachers are guilty of the weariesttautology, but this is not laid to their charge when their theme is Jesus!I have heard hearers declare that their minister appearedto have bought a barrel organ on which he could grind five or six tunes and no more; and these he ground out forever and ever, amen! They have been weary, very weary, of such vain repetitions. But to this day I never heard of anybody againstwhom the complaint was urged that he preachedChrist too much, too often, too earnestly, or too joyfully! I never recollectseeing a single Christian coming out of a congregationwith a sorrowful face saying, “He extolled the Redeemertoo highly. He grosslyexaggeratedthe praises of our Savior.” I do not remember ever meeting with a case in which the sick upon the bed of languishing have complained that thoughts of Jesus were burdensome to them. I never recollectthat a single book has been denounced by earnestChristians because it spoke too highly of the Lord, and made Him too prominent. No, my brethren, He who is the study of the saints must be the daily theme of ministers if they would feedthe flock of God! No theme so moves the heart, so awakens the conscience, so satisfies the desires, and so calms the fears. God forbid we should ever fail to preachJesus Himself! There is no fearof exhausting the subject, nor of our driving awayour hearers, for His words are still true, “I, if I am lifted up, will draw all men unto Me.” III. Jesus Christ Himself is THE OBJECT OF OUR LOVE, and how dear He should be. We can, all of us who are really saved, declare that, “We love Him because He first loved us.” We have an intense affectionfor His blessed person, as wellas gratitude for His salvation. The personality of Christ is a fact always to be kept prominently in our thoughts. The love of a truth is all
  • 11. very well, but the love of a personhas far more powerin it. We have heard of men dying for an idea, but it is infinitely easierto awakenenthusiasmfor a person. When an idea becomes embodied in a man, it has a force which in its abstractform is never wielded. Jesus Christ is loved by us as the embodiment of everything that is lovely, true, pure, and of goodreport. He Himself is incarnate perfection inspired by love. We love His offices, we love the types which describe Him, we love the ordinances by which He is set forth; but we love Him best of all. He Himself is our beloved; our heart rests only in Him. Becausewe love Him we love His people, and through Him we enter into union with them. Our text is takenfrom a verse which says, “JesusChrist Himself being the chief cornerstone.”He is the binder at the corner, joining Jew and Gentile in one temple! In Jesus those ancient differences cease,for He “has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of partition betweenus; to make in Himself of twain one new man, so making peace.” We are at one with every man who is at one with Christ! Only let our Lord say, “I love that man,” and we love him at once. Let us only hope that our friend can say, “I love Jesus,” andwe hastento respond, “And I love you for Jesus’ sake.”So warm is the fire of our love to Jesus that all His friends may sit at it, and welcome!Our circle of affection comprehends all who in any shape or form have truly to do with Jesus Himself. Because we love Him we delight to render service to Him. Whatever service we do for His church, and for His truth, we do for His sake. Evenif we can only render it to the leastof His brethren, we do it unto Him. The woman with the alabasterbox of precious ointment is a type which we greatly prize, for she would only break the precious box for Him; and every drop of its delicious contents must be poured only upon His head. The bystanders complained of waste, but there can be no waste in anything that is done for Jesus!If the whole world, the heavens, and the heavenof heavens were all one greatalabasterbox, and if all the sweets which can be conceivedwere hidden within it, we would wish to see the whole broken, that every drop of the sweetnessmight be poured out for Jesus Christ Himself. Jesus ChristHimself Sermon #1388 Tellsomeone today how much you love Jesus Christ. Volume 23
  • 12. 6 6 “Jesus is worthy to receive Honorand power divine. And blessings more than we can give Be, Lord, foreverThine.” Oh our Beloved, if we cando anything for You, we are charmed at possessing sucha privilege! If we are allowedto washYour disciples’ feet, or to care for the poorestof Your poor, or the leastlamb of Your flock, we acceptthe office as a high honor, for we love You with all our hearts!Our love to Jesus should be as much a matter of fact as our affectionfor our husband, wife, or child; and it should be far more influential upon our lives! Love to our Lord is, I trust, moving all of you to personalservice. You might have paid a subscription, and allowedothers to work, but you cannot do it when you see that Jesus gave Himself for you. Jesus Himself demands that I, myself, should be consecratedto His praise. Personalservice is due to a personalChrist who personally loved, and personally died for us! When nothing moves us to zeal, the jaded spirit cannot follow up its industries unless Jesus Himself appears, and straightwayour passions are all on fire, and the fiery spirit compels the flesh to warm to its work. We even glory in infirmity when Jesus is near! And we venture upon works which otherwise had seemedimpossible! We can do anything and everything for “Jesus ChristHimself.” IV. Fourthly, our Lord Jesus Christ Himself is THE SOURCE OF ALL OUR JOY. We ought to rejoice when we have such a springing well of blessedness!In times of sorrow our solace is Jesus Himself. It is no small ground of comfort to a mourner that Jesus Himself is a man. How cheering to read, “Foras much as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He, also, took part of the same.” The humanity of Christ has a charm about it which only the quietly sorrowfuldiscover. I have known what it is to gaze upon the incarnation with calm repose of heart when my brain has seemedto be on fire with anguish. If Jesus is, indeed, my brother, there is hope at all times! This is better balm than that of Gilead, “He Himself took our infirmities, and bore our sicknesses.”“Forin that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able, also, to succorthem that are tempted.” Pain, hunger, thirst, desertion, scorn, and agonyJesus Himself has borne! Tempted in all like as we are, though without sin, He has become the Comforter of the sorrowful. Many and many a sufferer in the lone watches of
  • 13. the night has thought of Him, and felt his strength renewed. Our patience revives when we see the Man of Sorrows silentbefore His accusers. Who can refuse to drink of His cup, and to be baptized with His baptism?— “His way was much rougher and darkerthan mine. Did Christ, my Lord, suffer, and shall I repine?” The darkness ofGethsemane has been light to many an agonizedsoul, and the passion, even unto death, has made the dying sing for joy of heart. Jesus Himself is the solace ofour soul in sorrow;and when we emerge from the storm of distress into the deep calm of peace, as we often do, blessedbe His name, He is our peace!He left us peace by legacy, and peace He creates in us. We never know deep peace of heart until we know the Lord Jesus Himself. Do you remember that sweetword when the disciples were met together, the doors being shut for fear of the Jews—“Jesus Himselfstood in the midst of them, and said, Peace be unto you”? Jesus Himself, you see, brought the message, fornothing but His presence couldmake it effectual! When we see Him, our spirit smells a sweetsavorof rest. Where can an aching head find such another pillow as His bosom? On high days and holidays our spirits soarbeyond rest—we ascendinto the heaven of joy and exultation— but it is our Lord’s joy which is in us making our joy full. “Then were the disciples glad when they saw the Lord,” and then are we, also, glad! By faith we see Jesus Himself enthroned, and this has filled us with delight, for His glorificationis our satisfaction. “Him, also, has God highly exalted, and given Him a name which is above every name.” I care not what becomes ofme so long as He is glorified! The soldier dies happy when the shout of victory salutes his ear, and his failing sight beholds his prince triumphant. What a joy to think that Jesus is risen; risen to die no more! The joy of resurrectionis superlative! What bliss to know that He has ascended, leading captivity captive! That He sits, now, enthroned in a happy state, and that He will come in all the glory of the Father to break His enemies in pieces, as with a rod of iron! Here lies the grandest joy of His expectantchurch. She has in reserve a mighty thunder of hosannas for that auspicious day! Sermon #1388 Jesus ChristHimself Volume 23 Tell someone todayhow much you love Jesus Christ. 7
  • 14. 7 If there is any joy to be had, O Christian, that is both safe and sweet, a joy of which none can know too much, it is to be found in Him whom as yet you see not, but in whom believing you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory! We must tear ourselves awayfrom that thought to turn to another, but assuredlyit is rich in happy memories, and in blessedexpectations. V. Fifthly, JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF IS THE MODELOF OUR LIFE, and therefore how blessedit is to be like He. As to our rule for life, we are like the disciples on the mount of transfiguration when Moses andElijah had vanished, for we see “no man save Jesus only.” Every virtue found in other men we find in Him in greaterperfection! We admire the grace ofGod in them, but Jesus Himself is our pattern. It was once said of Henry VIII, by a severe critic, that if the characteristicsofall the tyrants that had ever lived had been forgotten, they might all have been seencome to life in that one king. We may more truly say of Jesus, if all graces, virtues, and sweetnesseswhichhave ever been seenin goodmen could all be forgotten, you might find them all in Him—for in Him dwells all that is goodand great!We, , desire to copy His character, and put our feetinto His footprints. Be it ours to follow the Lamb whereverHe goes! What says our Lord Himself? “Follow Me,” and again, “TakeMy yoke upon you, and learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you shall find rest unto your souls.” NotChrist’s apostle, but Christ Himself is our guide! We may not take a secondarymodel, but must imitate Jesus Himself. By the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and His gracious operations, we are developing into the image of Christ till Christ is formed in us. And we thus develop because the heavenly life in us is His ownlife! “I in them,” said He. And again, “I am the life.” For “we are dead, and our life is hid with Christ in God.” “He that has the Son has life, and he that has not the Sonhas not life.” It is not passing through baptism, nor bearing the name of Christ; it is having Jesus Himself in our hearts that makes us Christians! And in proportion as He is formed in us, and the new life grows, we become more and more like He; and this is our prospectfor eternity, that we are to be with Him, and like He, for “when He shall appear, we shall be like He, for we shall see Him as He is.” Think of Him, you that mourn your imperfectness today—think of Jesus Christ Himself—and then be assuredthat you are to be like He is! What a
  • 15. picture! Come, artist, bring your best skill! What can you do? All pencils fail to depict Him. It needs a poet’s eye as well as an artist’s hand to picture the Lovely One. But what can the poet do? Ah, you, also, fail. You cannot sing Him any more than your friend can paint Him. Fruitful conception, and soaring imagination may come to your aid, but they cannot prevent your failure! He is too beautiful to be described—He must be seen!Yet here comes the marvel—“We shallbe like He is”—like Jesus ChristHimself! O saint, when you are risen from the dead, how lovely you will be! Will you know yourself? Today you are wrinkled with old age, scarredwith the marks of disease andpain. Perhaps you are deformed by accident, or blanched with consumption; but none of these shall blemish you then! You will be without spot or wrinkle, faultless before the throne— “O glorious hour! O blessed abode! I shall be near and like my God!” And not only in bodily form shall we be like He is whose eyes are as the eyes of doves, and whose cheeksare as beds of spices—butin spirit, and in soul shall we be perfectly conformed to the WellBeloved!We shall be holy, even as He is holy, and happy as He is happy! We shall enter into the joy of our Lord—the joy of Jesus Himself! I don’t say that we can be divine—that cannot be—but still, brothers and sisters, we shall be very near the throne. O what rapture to know that my next of kin lives, and when He shall stand in the last day, upon the earth, I shall not only see Godin this, my flesh, but I shall be like He is, for I shall see Him as He is! Christ Himself, then, becomes to us unspeakably precious, as the model of our present life, and the image of the perfection towards which the Holy Spirit is working us. VI. Lastly, HE IS THE LORD OF OUR SOUL. How sweetit will be to with Him. We find, today, that His beloved company makes us move pleasantlywhether we run in the way of His commands, or the valley of the shadow of death. Saints have lain in dungeons, and yet they have walkedat liberty when He has been there! They have been stretched on the rack, and even called it a bed of roses whenHe has stoodby! One lay on a gridiron, with the hot fires beneath him, but amidst the flames he challenged his tormentors to do their worst! He laughed them to scorn, for his Lord was there! Martyrs Jesus ChristHimself Sermon #1388 Tellsomeone today how much you love Jesus Christ. Volume 23
  • 16. 8 8 have been seento clap their hands when every finger burned like a lighted candle, and they have been heard to cry,” Christ is all,” “Christ is all!” When the Fourth, like unto the Son of God, walks in the furnace, all the fire can do is but snap their bonds, and setthe sufferers free! Oh, brothers and sisters, I am sure your only happiness that has been worth having has been found in knowing that He loved you, and was near you! If you have ever rejoicedin the abundance of your corn and wine and oil, it has been a sorry joy—it has soon palled upon your taste;for it never touched the greatdeeps of your spirit, and soonit has gone and left you sorelyweariedin heart. If you have rejoicedin your children, your kinsfolk, and your bodily health, how readily has God sent a blight upon them all. But when you have rejoicedin Jesus, you have heard a voice bidding you proceedto further delights! That voice has cried, “Drink, O friends, yes, drink abundantly, O beloved.” To be inebriated with such joy as this is to come to the best condition of mind, and to fix the soul where it should be! We are never right till we come out of ourselves, and into Jesus;but when the ecstatic state comes, and we stand right out of self, and stand in Him so that whether in the body or out of the body we canscarcely tell, God knows!Then are we getting back to where God meant man to have been when He walkedwith him in Eden—getting near to where God means we shall be when we shall see Him face to face! Brethren, what must the unveiled vision be! If the sight of Him, here, is so sweet, whatmust it be to see Him hereafter!It may be we shall not live till He comes, forthe Mastermay tarry. But if He does not come, and we are calledto pass through the gate of death, we need not fear! I should not wonder if when we pass under the veil, and come out in the disembodied state, one of our astonishments will be to find Jesus Himself there waiting to receive us! The soul hoped that a convoy of ministering angels would be near the bed, and would escortit across the stream, and up the mountains to the CelestialCity—but no, instead thereof, our spirit will be saluted by the Lord Himself! Will it be amazed and cry, “It is He, even He, my best Beloved, Jesus Himself! He has come to meet me! Heaven might have been too greata surprise. Even my disembodied spirit might have swoonedaway, but it is He, the man Christ Jesus whom I trusted
  • 17. down below, and who was the dear companion of my dying hours! I have changedmy place and state, but I have not changed my friend, nor changed my joy, for here He is.” What a glance of love will that be which He will give to us, and which we shall return to Him! Shall we ever take our eyes away from Him? Shall we ever wish to do so? Will not the poet’s words be true— “Millions of years my wondering eyes, Shallover Your beauties rove. And endless ages I’ll adore The glories of Your love.” Within a week it may be our meeting with Jesus Himself may take place!Perhaps within an hour! A poor girl lying in the hospital was told by the doctor or the nurse that she could only live another hour. She waited patiently, and when there remained only one quarter of an hour more, she exclaimed, “One more quarter of an hour and then”—she could not saywhat! Neithercan I—but Jesus Himself has said, “Father, I will that they, also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory.” And as He has prayed, so shall it be, and so let it be! Amen and Amen! 'Jesus Himself', by Andrew Murray The ProjectGutenberg EBook of'Jesus Himself', by Andrew Murray This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no costand with almostno restrictions whatsoever. Youmay copy it, give it awayor re-use it under the terms of the ProjectGutenberg License included with this eBook oronline at Title: 'Jesus Himself' Author: Andrew Murray ReleaseDate:July 7, 2008 [EBook #26003] Language:English Charactersetencoding: ASCII
  • 18. *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK'JESUS HIMSELF' *** Producedby Free Elf, William Bumgarner and the Online Distributed Proofreading Teamat (This book was produced from scannedimages of public domain material from the Google Print project.) "Jesus Himself." BY THE REV. ANDREW MURRAY. Author of "Abide in Christ." 'Jesus Himself', by Andrew Murray 1 FLEMING H. REVELL COMPANY. NEW YORK CHICAGO TORONTO. Publishers of EvangelicalLiterature. COPYRIGHT 1893 BYFLEMING H. REVELL COMPANY. PREFACE. The following brief messagescomprise a revision of two addresses, which originally appeared in the South African Pioneer, the organof the "Cape GeneralMission" (Rev. Andrew Murray, Pres.), and are published by arrangement, the Missionparticipating in the proceeds. "Jesus Himself." "Their eyes were opened, and they knew Him." I The words, from which I want to presenta simple message, willbe found in the Gospelaccording to St. Luke, the 24th chapter and the 31stverse: "And their eyes were opened, and they knew Him." Some time since, I preacheda sermon with the words "Jesus Himself" as the text; and as I went home I said to those who were walking with me: "How possible it is to have Jesus Himself with us and never to know it, and how possible to preach of, and to listen to, all the truth about Jesus Himself and yet not to know Him." I cannot saywhat a deep impression was made upon me as I thought over it.
  • 19. Now these disciples had spent a most blessedtime with Jesus, but if they had gone awaybefore He revealedHimself that evening, they would never have been sure that it was Jesus, fortheir eyes were holden that they should not know Him. That is, alas, the condition of a great multitude in the Church of Christ. They know that Christ has risen from the dead. They believe, and they very often have blessedexperiences that come from the risen Christ. Very often in a time of Convention, or in time of silent Bible reading, or in a time of the visitation of God's grace, theirhearts burn; and yet it canbe saidof a people whose hearts are burning within them, that they did not know it was Jesus Himself. And now if you ask me what is to be the greatblessing to be sought, my answeris this: Not only should we think about Jesus Himself and speak about Him and believe in Him, but we should come to the point that the disciples in the text arrived at, "and they knew Him." Everything is to be found in that. If I read that story of the disciples on the way to Emmaus, I getfrom it four stages in the Christian life. Just think! How did they begin the morning that day? With Hearts sadand troubled, because they thought Jesus was dead. They did not know that He was alive, and that is the state of very many Christians. They look to the Cross, and they struggle to trust Christ, but they have never yet learned the blessednessof believing that there is a living Christ to do everything for them. Oh! that word of the angelto the women! "Why seek ye the living among the dead?" What is the difference betweena dead Christ, whom the women went to anoint, and a living Christ? A dead Christ, I must do everything for; a living Christ does everything for me. The disciples beganthe morning with a sad heart. I fancy very possibly they spent a sleepless night. Oh! the terrible disappointment! They had hoped that Christ would be the Delivererof Israel, and they had seenHim die an accurseddeath. On the morning of that first day of the week, they rose with sad hearts--the bitter sadness cannotbe expressed. Thatis just the life of many Christians. They try to believe in Jesus and to trust
  • 20. 'Jesus Himself', by Andrew Murray 2 Him, and to hope in Him, but there is no joy. Why? Becausethey do not know that there is a living Christ to reveal Himself. Then there is the secondstage. Whatis that? The stage ofwhich Christ speaks: "Slow of heart to believe." They had the message from the women. They told the strangerwho walked with them: "Certain womenhave astonishedus, telling us they have seenan angel, who says He is alive." And Christ replied to them: "Oh! fools, and slow of heart to believe." Yes!there are many Christians to-day who have heard and who know that they must not only believe in a crucified Christ, but in a living Christ, and they try to graspit and take it in, but it does not bring them a blessing, and why? Becausethey want to feel it and not to believe it. They want to work for it, and with efforts get hold of it, instead of just quietly sinking down and believing, "Christ, the living Jesus, He will do everything for us." That is the secondstage.The first stage is that of ignorance, the secondstage is that of unbelief--the doubting heart that cannottake in the wonderful truth that Jesus lives. Then comes the third stage- The burning heart. Jesus came to the two disciples, and after He had reproved them and said: "Oh! fools, and slow of heart to believe," He began to open the Scriptures to them, and to tell them of all the wonderful things the prophets had taught. Then their eyes were opened, and they began to understand the Scriptures. They saw that it was true that it was prophesied that Christ must rise. As He talked, there came out from Him--the living risen One--a mighty influence, and it restedupon them, and they beganto feeltheir hearts burn within them with joy and gladness. You still sayperhaps: "That is the stage we wantto come to." No; God forbid you should stop there. You may getin that third stage--the burning heart--and
  • 21. yet something is still wanting--the revelation of Christ. The disciples had had a blessedexperience of His divine powers, but He had not revealedHimself, and oh! how often it is that at Conventions and in churches, and in meetings and in blessedfellowship with God's saints, our hearts burn within us. These are precious experiences ofthe working of God's grace and Spirit, and yet there is something wanting. What is that? Jesus Himself has been working upon us, and the power of his risen life has touched us, but we cannot say, "I have met Him. He has made Himself known to me." Oh, the difference betweena burning heart, which becomes coldafter a time, which comes by fits and starts, and the blessedrevelation of Jesus Himself as my Saviour, taking charge of me and blessing me and keeping me every day! This is the stage of The satisfiedheart. Oh my brother, my sister! It is what I ask for you, and it is what I am sure you ask for yourself. I ask it for myself. Lord Jesus!may we know Thee in thy divine glory as the risen One, our Jesus, ourBelovedand our mighty One. Oh! if there are any sadones who cannot take this in, and who say, "I have never known the joy of religion yet"--listen, we are going to tell you how you can. All will centerround this one thing, that just as a little child lives day by day in the arms of its mother, and grows up year by year under a mother's eye, it is a possibility that you can live every day and hour of your life in fellowship with the Holy Jesus. He will do it for you. Come, and let your sad heart begin to hope. Will He revealHimself? He did it to the disciples and He will do it to you. Perhaps there are some who have got beyond the sad heart and who yet feel, "I have not gotwhat I want." If you throw open your heart and give up everything but just believing and allowing Him to do what 'Jesus Himself', by Andrew Murray 3 He wants, it will come. God be praised! it will come. Jesus will revealHimself.
  • 22. Perhaps you have arrived at the stage of the burning heart, and can tell of many blessedexperiences, but somehow there is a worm at the root. The experiences do not last, and the heart is so changeable. Ohcome, my beloved! Follow Christ. Say, "Jesus, revealThyselfthat we may know Thee Thyself. We ask not only to drink of the living water, we want the fountain. We ask not only to bathe ourselves in the light, we want the Sun of Righteousness within our hearts. We ask not only to know Thee, who hast touched us and warmed our hearts and blessedus, but we want to know that we have the unchangeable Jesus dwelling within our hearts and abiding with us forevermore." Now comes the question which I really wanted to put,--What are the conditions under which our blessedLord reveals Himself? Or, put it this way,--To whom is it that Jesus will reveal Himself? We have only to see how he dealt with these disciples, and we get the answer. Whatis the answer? First of all I think I find here that Christ revealedHimself to those disciples Who had given up everything for Him. He had said to them: "Forsakealland follow Me," and they had done it. With all their feebleness and all their unfaithfulness they followedChrist to the end. He said to them: "Ye have continued with Me in My temptations, and I appoint you a kingdom, as I have receiveda kingdom from My Father." They were not perfectmen, but they would have died for Him. They loved Him, they obeyed Him, they followedHim. They had left all, and for three years they had been following hard after Christ. You say "Tellme what Christ wants of me, if I am to have his wonderful presence. Tellme what is the characterof the man to whom Christ will revealHimself in this highest and fullest way?" I answer:"It is the one who is ready to forsake alland to follow Him." If Christ is to give Himself wholly to me, He must know that He has me wholly for Himself; and I trust God will give grace that these words spoken about the consecrationand the surrender, not only of all evil, but of many lawful things, and even, if necessary, oflife itself, may leadus to understand what the demand is that Jesus makes upon us. The motto of the Cape GeneralMissionis,
  • 23. "Godfirst." In one sense that is a beautiful motto, and yet I am not always satisfiedwith it, because it is a motto that is often misunderstood. God first may mean "I" second, something else third, and something else fourth. God is thus first in order, but still God becomes one of a series of powers, and that is not the place God wants. The meaning of the words, "Godfirst" is really "Godall; God everything;" and that is what Christ wants. To be willing to give up everything, to submit to Christ to teachhim what to sayand what to do, is the first mark of the man to whom Christ will come. Are you not ready to take this step and say: "Jesus!I do give up everything; I have given up everything; revealThyself." Oh, brother! oh, sister! do not hesitate. Speak it out in your heart, and let this be the time in which a new sacrifice shallbe laid at the feet of the blessed Lamb of God. There is a secondthought. There is first the idea of having forsakenall to follow Him; of having given up everything in obedience to Him, and living just a life of simple love and obedience. But there is a secondthing needed in the man who is to have this full revelationof Christ. He must be Convicted of his unbelief. 'Jesus Himself', by Andrew Murray 4 "Oh! fools, and slow of heart to believe what the prophets have said." Oh! brother, sister, if we could have a sight of the amount of unbelief in the hearts of God's children, barring the door and closing the heart againstChrist, how we should stand astonishedand ashamed!When there is not unbelief but where there is faith, Christ cannot help coming in. He cannothelp coming where there is a living faith, a full faith. The heart is opened, the heart is prepared; and as naturally as water runs into a hollow place, so naturally Christ must come into a heart that is full of faith. What is the hindrance with some earnestsouls, who say:"I have given myself up to the Lord Jesus. I have done it often, and by His grace I am doing it every day, and God knows how earnestlyand really I am doing it, and I have the sanctionof Godupon it, I
  • 24. know God has blessedme"? They have not been convictedof their unbelief. "Oh! fools, and slow of heart to believe." Do you know what Christ said about a man calling his brother a fool? Yet here the loving Sonof God could find no other word to speak to His beloved disciples:"Oh! fools, and slow of heart to believe." You want the Lord Jesus to give you this full revelationof Himself? Are you willing to acknowledgethat you are a fool for never having believed in Him? "Lord Jesus, it is my own fault. There Thou art, longing to have possessionofme. There Thou hast been with Thy faithful promises waiting to revealThyself." Did you ever hear of a man loving another and not longing to reveal himself? Christ longs to revealHimself, but He cannot on accountof our unbelief. May God convict us of our unbelief that we may get utterly ashamedand broken down, and cry, "Oh, my God, what is this, this heart of unbelief actually throwing a barrier across the door that Christ cannot step in, blinding my eyes that I cannotsee Jesus, thoughhe is so near? Here He has been for ten or twenty years, from time to time giving me the burning heart, enjoying the experience of a little of His love and grace, and yet I have not had the revelation of Him, taking possessionofmy heart and dwelling with me in unbroken continuity." Oh! may God convict us of unbelief. Do let us believe because allthings are possible to him that believes. That is God's word, and this blessing, receiving the revelation of Jesus, cancome only to those who learn to believe and to trust him. There is anothermark of those to whom this specialrevelation of Christ will come, and that is, They do not rest until they obtain it. You know the story. Their hearts were burning as they drew nigh to the place they were going to, and Christ made as if He were going farther. He put them to the test, and if they had allowedHim quietly to go on, if they had been content with the experience of the burning heart, they would have lost something infinitely better. But they were not content with it. They were not content to go home to the disciples that night and say, "Oh, what a blessed afternoonwe have had! What wonderful teaching we have had!" No! The
  • 25. burning heart and the blessedexperience just made them say, "Lord, abide with us," and they compelled Him to come in. They constrainedHim to come in. It always reminds me of the story of Jacob, "I will not let Thee go, except Thou bless me." That is the spirit that prepares us for the revelation of Jesus. Oh! my dear friend, has this been the spirit in which we have lookedupon the wonderful blessing that we have sometimes heard of? "Oh! my Lord Jesus, though I do not understand it, though I cannot graspit, though my struggles avail nothing, I am not going to let Thee go. If it is possible for a sinner on earth to have Jesus every day, every hour, and every moment in resurrection powerdwelling in his heart, shining within him, filling him with love and joy,- -if that is possible, I want it." Is that your language? Oh! come then and say: "Lord Jesus, I cannotlet Thee go except Thou bless me." The question is askedso often: "Whatis the cause ofthe feeble life of so many Christians?" What is really the matter? What is actually the want? How little the Church responds to Christ's call! how little the Church is what Christ would have her to be! What is the cause of all the trouble? Various answers may be given, but there is one answerwhich includes all 'Jesus Himself', by Andrew Murray 5 the other answers, andthat is, eachbeliever wants the personal Full revelationof a personalChrist as an indwelling Lord, as a satisfying portion. When the Lord Jesus was here upon earth, what was it that distinguished His disciples from other people? He took them awayfrom their fish-nets, and from their homes, and He gathered them about Himself, and they knew Jesus. He was their Master, and guarded them, and they followed Him. And what is to make a difference between Christ's disciples--notthose who are just hoping to getto heaven, but Christ's whole-hearteddisciples--whatis to make a difference betweenthem and other people? It is this, to be in fellowship with Jesus--everyhour of the day; and
  • 26. just as Christ upon earth was able to keepthose people with Him for three years, day by day, so Christ is able in heaven now to do what He could not do when He was on earth--to keepin the closestfellowshipwith every believer throughout the whole world. Glory be to God! You know that text in Ephesians:"He that descendedis the same also that ascended, thatHe might fill all things." Why was my Lord Jesus takenup to heaven awayfrom the life of earth? Becausethe life of earth is a life confined to localities, but the life in heavenis a life in which there is no limit and no bound and no locality, and Christ was takenup to heaven, that, in the powerof God, of the omnipresent God, He might be able to fill every individual here and be with every individual believer. That is what my heart wants to realize by faith; that is a possibility, that is a promise, that is my birthright, and I want to have it, and I want by the grace of God to say, "Jesus,I will not rest until Thou hast revealedThyself fully to my soul." There are often very blessedexperiences in the Christian life in what I callthe third stage--the stage ofthe burning heart. Do you know what another great mark of that stage is? Delight in God's word. How did the disciples get their burning hearts? By that strange opening of the Scripture to them. He made it all look different,--new,--and they saw what they had never seenbefore. They could not help feeling, How wonderful, how heavenly was that teaching. Oh! there are many Christians who find the best time of the day is the time when they can getwith their Bibles, and who love nothing so much as to geta new thought; and as a diamond digger rejoices whenhe has found a diamond, or a gold diggerwhen he has found a nugget, they delight when they getfrom the Bible some new thought, and they feed upon it. Yet with all that interestin God's word, and with all that stirring of the heart with joy, when they go into business or attend to their daily duties, there is still something wanting.
  • 27. We must come awayfrom all the manifold and multifarious blessings that Jesus canbestow from time to time, to the blessedunity of that one--that Jesus makes Himself known, Jesus Himself is willing to make Himself known. Oh! if I were to ask, "Is not this just what you and I want, and what many of us have been longing for?" I am sure you would answer, "Thatis what I want." Think what the blessednesswill be that comes from it. You often sing:- "Oh! the peace my Saviourgives! PeaceI never knew before, And my way has brighter grown, Since I've learnt to trust Him more." 'Jesus Himself', by Andrew Murray 6 I recently had a letter from some one in the Free State saying what a wonderful comfort and strength that little verse was in the midst of difficulties and troubles. Yes; but how can that peace be kept? It was the presence of Christ that brought the peace. Whenthe storm was threatening to swallow up the disciples, it was the presence ofChrist Himself that gave the peace. Oh! Christian, do you want peace and rest? You must have Jesus Himself. You talk of purity, you talk of cleansing, you talk of deliverance from sin. Praise God, here is the deliverance and the cleansing, whenthe living Jesus comes and gives power. Then we have this resurrectionof Christ, this heavenly Christ upon the throne, making Himself known to us. Surely that will be the secretofpurity and the secretof strength. Where does the strength of so many come from? From the joy of a personal friendship with Jesus. Thosedisciples, if they had gone away with their burning hearts to the other disciples, could have told them wonderful things of a man who had explained to them the Scriptures and the promises, but they could not have said, "We have seenJesus." Theymight have said, "Jesus is alive. We are sure of that," but that would not have satisfied the others. But they could now go and say, "We have seenHimself.
  • 28. He has revealedHimself to us." We are all glad to work for Christ, but there is a complaint throughout the Church of Christ, from the ministers in the pulpit down to the feeblestworker, of lack of joy and lack of blessedness.Let us try and find out whether this is not the place where the secretwill be discovered--thatthe Lord Jesus comes andshows Himself to us as our Master and speaks to us. When we have Jesus with us, and when we go every footstep with the thought that it is Jesus wants us to go, it is Jesus who sends us and is helping us, then there will be brightness in our testimony, and it will help other believers, and they will begin to understand; "I see why I have failed. I took the word, I took the blessing, and I took, as I thought, the life, but I was without the living Jesus." And if you now ask, "How will this revelationcome?" Brother, sister, that is the secretthat no man may tell, that Jesus keeps to Himself. It is In the powerof the Holy Ghost; Christ, the risen One, entered into a new life. His resurrectionlife is entirely different from His life before His death. You know what we read: "They knew Him." He revealed Himself, and then He passedaway. And was that vision of Christ worth so much? It was lostin a moment. It was worth heaven, eternity, everything. Why? BecausehenceforthChrist was no longer to be known after the flesh. Christ was henceforthin the power of the Spirit, which fills Heaven; in the powerof the Spirit which is the power of the Godhead;in the power of the Spirit, which fills our hearts. Christ was henceforth to live in the life of Heaven. Thank God, Christ canby the power of the Holy GhostrevealHimself to each one of us; but oh! brother, it is a secretthing betweenChrist and yourself. Take this assurance,"Theireyes were openedand they knew Him," and believe that it is written for you. You say, "I have known the other three stages;the stage of the sad heart, mourning that I knew no living Christ; I have known the stage ofthe slow heart to believe, when I struggledwith my unbelief; and I know the stage of the burning heart, when there are great times of joy and blessedness." You say that? Oh come then and know the fourth stage of
  • 29. The satisfiedheart, of the heart made glad for eternity, of the heart that cannot keepits joy in, but goes awayback to Jerusalem, and says, "It is true. Jesus has revealedHimself. I know it, I feel it." Oh! brother, oh! sister, how will this 'Jesus Himself', by Andrew Murray 7 revelation come? Jesus willtell you. Just come to the Lord Jesus and breathe up before Him a simple child-like prayer, and I, His servant, will come and take you by the hand and say:"Come, now, my work is done. I have pointed to the Lamb of God, to the risen One. My work is done." Let us enter into the Holy Presenceandbegin, if you have never yet sought it before, begin to plead: "Oh! Saviour, that I might have this blessednessevery moment present with me--Jesus Himself, my portion forever." "Jesus Himself." "Lo, I am with you alway." II When I think of all the struggles and difficulties and failures of which many complain, and know that many are trying to make a new effort to begin a holy life, their hearts fearing all the time that they would fail again, owing to so many difficulties and temptations and the natural weakness oftheir character, my heart longs to be able to tell them in words so simple that a little child could understand, What the secretis of the Christian life. And then the thought comes to me, Can I venture to hope that it will be given to me to take that glorious, heavenly, divine Lord Jesus and to show Him to these souls, so that they can see Him in His glory? And can it be given to me to open their eyes to see that there is a Divine, Almighty Christ, who does actually come into the heart and who faithfully promises, "I will come and dwell with you, and I will never leave you?" No; my words cannotdo that. But then I thought, my Lord Jesus canuse me as a simple servant to take such
  • 30. feeble ones by the hand and encourage and help them; to say, Oh, come, come, come, into the presence of Jesus and waiton Him, and He will reveal Himself to thee. I pray God that He may use His precious Word. It is simply The presence ofthe Lord Jesus. That is the secretofthe Christian's strength and joy. You know that when He was upon earth, He was present in bodily form with his disciples. They walked about togetherall day, and at night they went into the same house, and sometimes slept together and ate and drank together. They were continually together. It was the presence of Jesus that was the training schoolof His disciples. They were bound to Him by that wonderful intercourse of love during three long years, and in that intercourse they learned to know Christ, and Christ instructed and correctedthem, and prepared them for what they were afterward to receive. And now when He is going away, He says to them: "Lo, behold, I am with you always--allthe days--even unto the end of the world." What a promise! And just as really as Christ was with Peterin the boat, just as Christ satwith John at the table, as really can I have Christ with me. And more really, for they had their Christ in the body and He was to them a man, an individual separate from them, but I may have glorified Christ in the powerof the throne of God, the omnipotent Christ, the omnipresent Christ. What a promise! You ask me, How can that be? And my answeris, Because Christ is God, and because Christafter having been made man, went up into the throne and the Life of God. And now that blessedChrist Jesus, with His loving, pierced heart; that blessedJesus Christ, who lived upon earth; that same Christ glorified into the glory of God, can be in me and Can be with me all the days. 'Jesus Himself', by Andrew Murray 8 You say, Is it really possible for a man in business, for a woman in the midst of a large and difficult household, for a poor man full of care;is it possible? Can I always be thinking of Jesus? Thank God, you need not always be thinking of Him. You may be the managerof a bank, and your whole
  • 31. attention may be required to carry out the business that you have to do. But thank God, while I have to think of my business, Jesus will think of me, and He will come in and will take charge of me. That little child, three months old, as it sleeps in its mother's arms, lies helplesslythere; it hardly knows its mother, it does not think of her, but the mother thinks of the child. And this is the blessedmystery of love, that Jesus the God-man waits to come in to me in the greatnessofHis love; and as He gets possessionofmy heart, He embraces me in those divine arms and tells me, "My child, I the Faithful One, I the Mighty One will abide with thee, will watchover thee and keepthee all the days." He tells me He will come into my heart, so that I can be a happy Christian, a holy Christian, and a useful Christian. You say, Oh! if I could only believe that, if I could think that it is possible to have Christ always, every hour, every moment with me, Taking and keeping charge ofme! My brother, my sister, it is just literally this that is my messageto you. When Jesus saidto His disciples, "Lo, I am with you always," He meant it in the fullness of the divine Omnipresence, in the fullness of the divine love, and he longs to-night to reveal Himself to you and to me as we have never seenHim before. And now just think a moment what a blessedlife that must be--the presence of Jesus always abiding. Is not that the secretofpeace and happiness? If I could just attain (that is what eachheart says)to that blessedstate in which every day and all the day I felt Jesus to be watching and everkeeping me, oh, what peace I would have in the thought, "I have no care if He cares for me, and I have no fear if He provides for me." Your heart says that this is too good to be true, and that it is too glorious to be for you. Still you acknowledge itmust be most blessed. Fearfulone, erring one, anxious one, I bring you God's promise, it is for me and for you. Jesus will do it; as God, He is able, and Jesus is willing and longing as the Crucified One to keepyou in perfectpeace. This is a wonderful fact, and it is the secretofjoy unspeakable. And this is also The secretofHoliness.
  • 32. Instead of indwelling sin, an indwelling Christ conquering it; instead of indwelling sin, the indwelling life and light and love of the blessedSonof God. He is the secretof holiness. "Christis made unto us sanctification." Remember that it is Christ Himself who is made unto us sanctification. Christ coming into me, taking charge of my whole being; my nature and my thoughts and my affections and my will; ruling all things. It is this that will make me holy. We talk about holiness, but do you know what holiness is? You have as much holiness as you have of Christ, for it is written, "Bothhe that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one;" and Christ sanctifies by bringing God's life into me. We read in Judges, "The Spirit of the Lord clothedGideon." But you know that there is in the New Testamentan equally wonderful text, where we read, "Put on the Lord Jesus Christ," that is, clothe yourself with Christ Jesus. And what does that mean? It does not only mean, by imputation of righteousness outside of me, but to clothe myself with the living characterofthe living Christ, with the living love of the living Christ. Put on the Lord Jesus. Oh! what a work. I cannotdo it unless I believe and understand that He whom I have to put on is as a garment covering my whole being. I have to put on a living Christ who has said, "Lo, I am with you all the days." Just draw the folds closerround you, of that robe of light with which Christ would array you. Just come and acknowledgethatChrist is with you, on you, in you. Oh, put Him on! And when you look at one characteristic ofHis after another; and you hearGod's word, "Let this mind be in you which was also in Jesus Christ," and it 'Jesus Himself', by Andrew Murray 9 tells you He was obedient unto the death; and then you answer, Christ the obedient one, Christ whose whole life was obedience, it is that Christ whom I have receivedand put on. He becomes my life and His obedience rests upon me, until I learn to whisper as Jesus did, "My Father, Thy will be done; lo, I come to do Thy will."
  • 33. This, too, is the secretofinfluence in witness and work. How comes it that it is so Difficult to be obedient, and how comes it that I so often sin? People sing, "Oh, to be wholly Thine," and sing it from their hearts. How comes it then that they are disobedient again? Where does the disobedience come from? And the answercomes, It is because I am trying to obey a distant Christ, and thus His commands do not come with power. Look what I find in God's Word. When God wanted to send any man upon His service, He first met him and talked with him and cheered him time after time. God appeared to Abraham seven or eight times, and gave to him one command after another; and so Abraham learned to obey Him perfectly. God appearedto Joshua and to Gideon, and they obeyed. And why are we not obedient? Becausewe have so little of this near intercourse with Jesus. But, oh, if we knew This blessed, heavenly secret of having the presence of Christ with us every day, every hour, every minute, what a joy it would be to obey! We could not walk in this consciousness,--My Lord Jesus is with me and around me,--and not obey Him! Oh, do you not begin to long and say, This is what I must have, the ever-abiding presence of Jesus!There are some Christians who try not to be disobedient, who come to their Sunday and week-dayduties most faithfully, and pray for grace and a blessing, and they complain of so little blessing and power, so little power! And why? Becausethere is not enough of the living Jesus in their hearts. I sometimes think of this as a most solemn truth. There is a greatdiversity of gifts amongstministers and others who speak;but I am sure of this, that a man's gifts are not the measure of his real power. I am sure of this, that God can see whatneither you nor I can see. Sometimes people feelsomething of it; but in proportion as a man has in reality, not as a sentiment or an aspiration, or a thought, but in reality, the very spirit and presence of Jesus upon him, there comes out from him an unseen silent influence. That secretinfluence is the Holy presence ofJesus.
  • 34. "Lo, I am with you always." And now, if what I have said has sufficed just to indicate what a desirable thing it is, what a blessedthing it is to live for, then let me now give you an answerto the question that arises in more than one heart. I canhear some one say, "Tellme how I can getthis blessedabiding presence ofJesus;and when I have got it, how I can everkeepit. I think if I have this, I have all. The Lord Jesus has come very near to me. I have tried to turn awayfrom everything that canhinder, and have had my Lord very near. But how canI know that He will be with me always?" If you were to ask the Lord, "Oh, my blessedLord Christ, what must I do, how can I enjoy Thy never-failing presence?" His first answerwould be, "Only believe. I have said it often, and you only partly understood it, but I will sayit again- My child, only believe." It is by faith. We sometimes speak offaith as trust, and it is a very helpful thing to tell men that faith is trust: but when people say, as they sometimes do, that it is nothing else but trust, that is not the case. It is a far wider word than trust. It is by faith that I learn to know the invisible One, the invisible God, and that I see Him. Faith is my spiritual eye-sightfor the unseen and heavenly. You often try hard to trust God, and you fail. Why? Becauseyou have not takentime first to see God. How can you trust Godfully until you have met Him and known Him? You ask, "Where ought I to begin?" You ought to begin with first believing; with presenting yourself before this God in the attitude of silent worship, and asking Him to let a sense of His greatness and His presence come upon you. You must ask Him to let your heart be coveredover with his holy presence. You 'Jesus Himself', by Andrew Murray 10 must seek to realize in your heart the presence ofan Almighty and all-loving God, an unspeakablyloving God. Take time to worship Him as the omnipotent God, to feelthat the very powerthat createdthe world, the very powerthat raised Jesus from the dead, is at this moment working in your heart. We do not experience it because we do not believe. We must take time to believe. Jesus says, "Oh, my child, shut your eyes to the world, and shut out
  • 35. of your heart all these thoughts about religion, and begin to believe in God Himself." That is the first article of the Creed--"Ibelieve in God." By believing I open my heart, to receive this glorious God, and I bow and worship. And then as I believe this, I look up and I see the Lamb upon the Throne, and I believe that the Almighty power of God is in Jesus for the very purpose of revealing His presence to my heart. Why are there two upon the Throne? Is not God enough? The Lamb of Godis upon the Throne in your interest and in mine; the Lamb upon the Throne is Christ Himself, with poweras God to take possessionofme. Oh, do not think you cannot getthat realization. And do not think of it as now only within your reach; but cultivate the habit of faith. "Jesus, Ibelieve in Thy glory; I believe in Thine omnipotence;I believe in Thy powerworking within me. I believe in Thy living, loving presence with me, revealing itself in Divine power." Do not be occupied with feelings or experiences. Youwill find it far simpler and easierjust to trust and say, "I am sure He is all for me." Get rid of yourself for the time; don't think or speak about yourself; but Think what Jesus is. And then remember it is believe always. I sometimes feelthat I cannotfind words to tell how God wants His people to believe from morning till night. Every breath ought to be just believing. Yes, it is indeed true; the Lord Jesus loves us to be just believing from morning to evening, and you must begin to make that the chief thing in life. In the morning when you wake, let your heart go forth with a large faith in this; and in the watches of the night let this thought be present with you--my Saviour Jesus is round me and near me, and you canlook up and say, "I want to trust Thee always." Youknow what trust is. It is so sweetto trust. And now cannot you trust Jesus;this presence, this keeping presence? He lives for you in Heaven. You are marked with His blood, and he loves you; and cannot you say, "My King, my King, He is with me all the days?" Oh, trust Jesus to fulfill His own promises.
  • 36. There is a secondanswerthat I think Christ would give if we come to Him believing, and say, "Is there anything more, my blessedMaster?" Ithink I can hear His answer: "My child, always obey." Do not fail to understand the lessoncontainedin this one word. You must distinctly and definitely take that word OBEY and obedience, and learn to say for yourselves:"Now I have to obey, and by the grace of God I am going to obey in everything." At our recent exhibition at the Cape, Mr. Rhodes, our Prime Minister, went to the gate, thinking he had gotthe fee in his pocket. When he gotto the gate, however, he found he had not enough money, and said to the door-keeper, "Iam Mr. Rhodes;let me in and I will take care you do not suffer." But the man said, "I cannot help that, sir, I have my orders," and he refused to let Mr. Rhodes in. He had to borrow from a friend, and pay before he could pass the gate. At a dinner afterward Mr. Rhodes spoke about it, and saidit was a real joy to see a man stick to his order like that. That is it. The man had his orders, and that was enoughto him, and whoevercame to the gate had to pay his fee before he could enter. God's children ought to be like soldiers, and be Ready to say, "I must obey." Oh! to have that thought in our hearts--"Jesus, Ilove to obey Thee." There must be personal intercourse with 'Jesus Himself', by Andrew Murray 11 the Saviour, and then comes the joy of personalservice and allegiance. Are you ready to obey in all feebleness andweaknessandfear? Canyou say, "Yes, Lord Jesus, I will obey?" If so, then give yourself up absolutely. Then your feeling will be, "I am not going to speak one word if I think that Jesus would not like to hear it. I am not going to have an opinion of my own, but my whole life is to be coveredwith the purity of His obedience to the Father and His self-sacrificing love to me. I want Christ to have my whole life, my whole heart, my whole character. I want to be like Christ and to obey." Give yourself up to this loving obedience.
  • 37. The third thought is this: If I say, "My Master, blessedSaviour, tell me all, I will believe, I do obey, and I will obey. Is there anything more I need to secure the enjoyment of Thine abiding presence?"And I catch this answer: "My child, close intercourse with me every day." Ah, there is the fault of many who try to obey and try to believe; they do it in their own strength, and they do not know that if the Lord Jesus is to reign in their hearts, they must have close communion with Him every day. You cannot do all He desires, but Jesus will do it for you. There are many Christians who fail here, and on that accountdo not understand what it is to have fellowship with Jesus. Do letme try and impress this upon you: God has given you a loving, living Saviour, and how canHe bless if you do not meet Him? The joy of friendship is found in intercourse;and Jesus asks forthis every day, that he may have time to influence me, to tell me of Himself, to teachme, to breathe His Spirit unto me, to give me new life and joy and strength. And remember, intercourse with Jesus Does not mean half-an-hour or an hour in your closet. A man may study his Bible or his commentary carefully; he may look up all the parallel passagesin the chapter; when he comes out of his closethe may be able to tell you all about it, and yet he has never met Jesus that morning at all. You have prayed for five or ten minutes, and you have never met Jesus. And so we must remember that though the Bible is most precious, and the reading of it most blessedand needful; yet prayer and Bible reading are not fellowshipwith Jesus. What we need every morning is to meet Jesus, andto say, "Lord, here is the day again, and I am just as weak in myself as ever I was;do Thou come and feedme this morning with Thyself and speak to my soul." Oh, friends, it is not your faith that will keepyou standing, but it is a living Jesus, met Every day in fellowship and worship and love. Wait in His presence, howevercoldand faithless you feel. Wait before Him and say:"Lord, helpless as I am, I believe and rest in the blessedassurancethat what Thou hast promised Thou wilt do for me."
  • 38. I ask my Masteronce again, "Lord Jesus, is that all?" And his answeris: "No, my child; I have one thing more." "And what is that? Thou hast told me to believe, and to obey, and to abide near to Thee: what wouldst Thou have more?" "Work for me my child. Remember, I have redeemed thee for My service;I have redeemedthee to have a witness to go out into the world confessing Me before men." Oh, do not hide your treasure, or think that if Jesus is with you, you canhide it. One of two things will happen--either you must give all up, or it must come out. You have perhaps heard of the little girl, who, after one of Mr. Moody's meetings, was found to be singing some of the hymns we all know. The child's parents were in a goodposition in society, and while singing those hymns in the drawing-room her mother forbade her. One day she was singing the hymn "Oh, I'm so gladthat Jesus loves me," when her mother said, "My child, how is it that you sing this when I have forbidden it?" She replied, 'Jesus Himself', by Andrew Murray 12 "Oh, mother, I cannot help it; it comes out of itself." If Jesus Christ be in the heart, He must come out. Remember, it is not only our duty to confess Him; it is that, but it is something more. If you do not do it, it is just an indication that you have not given yourself up to Jesus;your character, your reputation, your all. You are holding back from Him. You must confess Jesusin the world, in your home; and in facteverywhere. You know the Lord's command, "Go ye into all the world, and preachthe Gospelto every creature;" "and, lo, I am with you," meaning, "Any one may work for Me, and I will be with him." It is true of the minister, the missionary, and every believer who works for Jesus. The presence ofJesus is intimately connectedwith work for Him. You say, "I have never thought of that before. I have my Sunday work, but during the week I am not doing work for Him." You cannot have the presence of Jesus, and let this continue to be the case. I do not believe you could have the presence ofJesus all the week andyet do nothing for Him; therefore my advice is, work for Him who is worthy, His blessing and His presence will be found in the work. It is
  • 39. A blessedprivilege to work for Christ in this perishing world. Oh, why is it that our hearts often feelso cold and closedup, and so many of us say, "I do not feel calledto Christ's work"? Be willing to yield yourself for the Lord's service, and He will revealHimself to you. Christ comes with His wondrous promise, and what He says, He says to all believers:"Lo, I am with you always;that is My promise; this is what I in My powercan do; this is what I faithfully engage to perform; will you have it? I give Myselfto thee, O soul." To eachof those who have come to Him, Christ says, "I give Myselfto thee, to be absolutely and wholly thine every hour of every day; to be with thee and in thee every moment, to bless thee and sustainthee, and to give thee each moment the consciousness ofMy presence;I will be wholly, wholly, wholly thine." And now, what is the other side? He wants me to be wholly His. Are you ready to take this as your motto now, "Wholly for God"? O God, breathe Thou Thy presence in my heart that Thou mayest shine forth from my life. "Wholly for God," let this be our motto. Come let us cast ourselves on our faces before His feet. Our missionary from Nyassalandsays he has often been touched by seeing how the native Christians, when they are brought to Jesus, do not stand in prayer; they do not kneel; but they cast themselves upon the earth with their foreheads to the ground, and there they lie, and with loud voices cry unto God. I sometimes feelthat I wish we could do that ourselves;but we need not do it literally. Let us do it in spirit, for the everlasting Son of God has come into our hearts. Are you going to take Him and to keepHim there, to give Him glory and let Him have His way? Come now and say, "I will seek Thee with my whole heart; I am wholly Thine." Yield yourself entirely to Him to have complete possession. He will take and keeppossession. Come now. Jesus delights in the worship of His Saints. Our whole life can become one continuous actof worship and work of love and joy,
  • 40. if we only remember and value this, that Jesus has said, "Lo, I am with you all the days, even unto the end of the world." End of the ProjectGutenberg EBook of'Jesus Himself', by Andrew Murray *** END OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK'JESUS HIMSELF' *** ***** This file should be named 26003.txtor*****This and all associatedfiles of various formats will be found in: 'Jesus Himself', by Andrew Murray 13 Producedby Free Elf, William Bumgarner and the Online Distributed Proofreading Teamat (This book was produced from scannedimages of public domain material from the Google Print project.) Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions will be renamed. Creating the works from public domain print editions means that no one owns a United States copyrightin these works, so the Foundation (and you!) can copy and distribute it in the United States without permission and without paying copyright royalties. Specialrules, set forth in the GeneralTerms of Use part of this license, apply to copying and distributing ProjectGutenberg- tm electronic works to protectthe PROJECTGUTENBERG-tmconceptand trademark. ProjectGutenberg is a registeredtrademark, and may not be used if you charge for the eBooks,unless you receive specific permission. If you do not charge anything for copies of this eBook, complying with the rules is very easy. You may use this eBook fornearly any purpose such as creationof derivative works, reports, performances andresearch. Theymay be modified and printed and given away--youmay do practicallyANYTHING with public domain eBooks. Redistributionis subject to the trademark license, especially commercialredistribution. *** START:FULL LICENSE ***
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