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Canada‘s Talent
Canada‘s Talent
Featuring interviews with artist such as
4 1
2 2
03 Artist Spotlight
07 Interview
26 Fashion
32 Photography
37 Videographer
42 Rising Stars
Plans for 2023? Album? Mixtape?
I have big plans in 2023 one of them is dropping my debut EP!
But besides that I will be very consistent on dropping more music videos, visuals is really
important & it gets fans excited to watch your visual creativity.
Where are you from? City or province?
I am from Toronto, Ontario born & raised but my background
nationality is ‘Portuguese’.
Who inspires you in today’s music?
In today’s music I think that ‘Drake’ inspires me the most because of the versatility that he has
been doing these past few months & the creativity he has to offer in his music videos.
I’ve started making music back in 2018 but I’ve been taking it seriously for about 3 & half years
now & I have been very consistent ever since. The one Artist who has inspired me the most in
the music industry was ‘Juice Wrld’ may he rest in peace. He was the most talented & most
versatile musician I have seen & he’s most definitely the number one artist who has inspired
me to do this.
How long you been doing music? What inspired you?
I listen to multiple genres of music, afrobeats, hip hop, rnb, gospel music ect, but
the artist I listen to now are Meek Mill, Money Man, Roddy Ricch, Tory Lanez and
Derez Deshon.
My plans for 2023 is to heat up again, after taking a year off personal
reasons i’m just ready to take what’s mines.
I’ve been doing music for about a decade. What inspired me to do music came from
one of my older brothers. Music has always been in my family, my other older brother
plays drums and base so the inspiration came from them.
Plans for 2023? Album? Mixtape?
Where are you from? City or province?
Montreal, Canada.
Who inspires you in today’s music?
How long you been doing music? What inspired you?
Plans for 2023? Album? Mixtape?
I've been doing music since I was 8 years old.
Where are you from? City or province?
Who inspires you in today’s music?
How long you been doing music? What inspired you?
I'm from Calgary Alberta.
The plans I have this year is more singles and an album.
The artist that inspire me today is Tee Grizzley and Lil Durk. Meek Mill especially on top of the list
for inspiration.
Peter Jackson is often referred to as “The hardest
working rapper in Canada”. Known for his intense
work ethic both in the studio and on the road, Jackson
has spent the last several years touring Canada. Peter
Jackson gained international recognition with his single
“Miss Right” featuring Jamaican reggae star Sizzla
Kalonji. Back home in Canada, Jackson’s song “#1 Fan”
featuring Karl Wolf hit number one on HipHop Radio in
Winnipeg and is in heavy rotation in Vancouver,
Saskatoon and Toronto.
“ I have a Deluxe
Album for In
Gods Hands
Q : Is there a particular artist signed or unsigned that you’d like to work/feature
Q How long have you been doing music? And what inspired you?
Q : Where we’re you born? City you live? or rep?
Q : Music plans for 2023? What can the people expect? Etc (Album,Mixtape)
Q : Who or what inspires you musically?
Q : How was your childhood? Was music a big thing in your family?
A : I have been doing music and freestyling since I was 16. I really started rapping at
house parties, and lake parties in Ajax. What first inspired me to turn rap into my life
was when my best friend was killed at 18, I saw what the song I did for him really did
for people. It made people laugh, cry, smile, happy, sad, everything and I knew I had
something special and I could impact others in a positive way.
A : I am from Ajax, Ontario.
A : I have a Deluxe Album for In Gods Hands dropping. My single with Yung Bleu just
dropped, called Out Of My Head, and I plan to release a lot more videos. Tour
Canada, Europe, and hopefully the US as well.
A : My Family, my people, and my own life.
A : My childhood was amazing, yes it was. I used to make music videos in Niagara
Falls with my pops when I was like 5 or 6, I used to sing on stage at local bars after my
Dads baseball games. My parents always had parties and I remember some lady
named Betty or something always singing country songs, my dad playing music on
the way to hockey every weekend.
A : I like a lot of artists... I'd say right now a handful of soulful singers.
I just want to make good music that
people can listen and resonate with.
Q : Have you experienced any obstacles that you have
had to overcome within the industry?
A : Yes, hundreds. It's always something in this business.
As there are a lot of people in this business playing
pretend and taking advantage of artists any chance they
get. One example I am going through now is trying to
stay 100% independent but still compete with the
biggest artists and labels in the industry abroad which is
next to impossible at times. Labels and companies do
not want to play ball with artists that are not part of the
A : I want people to learn, and understand what I stand
for and love. I want to give people a pathway into my
mind and soul.
Q : What do you want the fans to take from you’re
music? (youth, day ones, family, the world)
Q : When your in the booth do you feel pressure?
Do you go into your sessions alone or with a team?
A : I usually write my music at home in my home
studio now, record there solo, then take it to
another studio and re record with my engineer and
sometimes I do that alone but sometimes I like a
packed studio.
Q : Do you feel Canadian talent is under looked? Or the eyes are on us?
A : Not any more, no. Not at all.
Q : where can the fans find you (socials networks)
A : Remember, this is a business, and to treat it as such. A lot of times people just get
caught up in the fact of just making music and not understanding that it is a business
to a lot of people. When you do good business, you’ll get better results.
Q: What advice would you give the upcoming artist from
A: Remember this is a business, so do good business. Remember why
you started because your soul and heart will be tested at every turn.
A : All my socials are PeterJackson905.
Q : What is some advice you would give the youth/upcoming talent?
Q : We acknowledge the work you’ve put in for the Canadian talent with your company
90 nickel ,How was the first ICEBOX 420 festival turnout? will this become an annual
A : How do you box was incredible, I definitely have to salute and send
appreciation to my partner Organik from King of the dock and Ghost Drops.
We had over 700 people at the festival in some great companies. They
were a part of it. Yes, this will definitely become an annual event.
Q : How did the covid pandemic affect your craft,talent or life
navigating in industry?
A : My music it actually helped me because it allowed me to have a
lot of time in the studio . I recorded my whole in God‘s hands album
during the pandemic, and also travel to shoot a handful of videos at
that time. As for my booking agency and my promotional company,
just like a lot of other people‘s businesses, it put it at a complete
standstill, and I wasn’t able to conduct business at the time
Ioanna (pronounced “You-wa-na”) is an up and
coming artist from Toronto Canada. Within the
last year she has garnered over 50,000 listeners,
550,000 streams on Spotify, and over 1 million
views on her latest music video 'ROCK MY BOAT'
ft. Deep Jandu on Youtube. Receiving coverage in
blogs such as Earmilk, The Fader, The SOURCE,
Lyrical Lemonade, HipHopsince1987, as well as
Pigeons and Planes, she has been making strides
in making her presence known.
I am just
lucky that I
found like
13 •
Q : How long have you been doing music? And what inspired you?
A : I have been doing music and taking it seriously the past 5 years. My first song I
ever released was in June of 2021 - my background started in acting but I have
always been inspired by storytelling and the human expression. i knew nothing lit
me up more than that feeling of putting a project together in any capacity. It was
always important to me and super prevalent.
Q: Where we’re you born? City you live? or rep?
A : I was born in St. Catherines, live in Toronto and represent all of the above haha.
Q : Music plans for 2023? What can the people expect? Etc (Album,Mixtape)
A : 2023 is a very exciting one! I am planning more collaborations/crossovers - an
EP but I am most excited for my performances I have planned in and out of the
Q : Who or what inspires you musically?
A : Life. I always say I love creating music that feels opposite to how I am
actually feeling - or to change a bad mood. When realities are difficult and
bothersome I turn to music to get out of such a state. I am also really private
with my more vulnerable songs - it hits too close to home for me - so until I am
ready to share with everyone, it's more therapeutic for me.
Q: What do you want the fans to take from you’re music? (Youth,day ones,
family,the world)
A : Too many to count. And I am forever learning moving forward. I am just lucky
that I found like minded people who believe in the vision and the journey. I know
how discouraging it can be when you want something so bad and it seems every
corner there's someone out to get you but you have to keep going and be willing
and open to learning and I promise you'll find your groove.
My catalogue is versatile like me
and I believe in welcoming change
through life.
Q: How was your childhood? Was music a big thing in your family?
A : I grew up Greek dancing and listening to a ton of Nancy Ajram. My
background being half Greek and half Lebanese definitely influenced my
musicality and me wanting to mesh genres and sounds. Even though I
predominantly sing English songs now - there's more cultural crossovers
coming in the future. One of my favourite projects last year was 'ROCK MY
BOAT' ft. Deep Jandu and we hit over 1 million views on Youtube - so that
was pretty exciting and such a fun song.
Q : What do you want the fans to take from you’re music? (Youth,day ones,
family,the world)
A : I want to leave it for interpretation. That no matter where you are inlife and no
matter what's happening you can pause, take a break, have a moment...and it's ok,
it's gonna be messy. My catalogue is versatile like me and I believe in welcoming
change through life. My music doesn't have to be taken seriously to be of value and I
think there's something beautiful and poetic about that. If it is something that can be
life changing to someone also great...but for now once it's out of my hands it's no
longer mine to say what a song represents.
Q : where can the fans find you
(socials networks)
A : You can find me on all
streaming platforms, youtube,
instagram, (@ioannamusic) all of it
Q : Is there anyone you’d like to give
a shout to?
A : Shout out to Abstract Studios - I
wouldn't be the artist/human I am
today and I am eternally grateful for
the education and guidance I have had
being there. If there are any aspiring
artists, producers, engineers, have to reach out.
Q : What do you want the fans to take from you’re music? (youth, day ones, family,
the world)
A : I want to leave it for interpretation. That no matter where you are inlife and no matter
what's happening you can pause, take a break, have a moment...and it's ok, it's gonna be
messy. My catalogue is versatile like me and I believe in welcoming change through life. My
music doesn't have to be taken seriously to be of value and I think there's something
beautiful and poetic about that. If it is something that can be life changing to someone also
great...but for now once it's out of my hands it's no longer mine to say what a song
Q : Is there a particular artist signed or unsigned that you’d like to work/feature
Q : Do you feel Canadian talent is under looked? Or the eyes are on us?
Q : When your in the booth do you feel pressure? Do you go into your
sessions alone or with a team?
A : So many! I have a list haha - I love working with artists in the city, and I feel like Toronto
is so talented it needs to be highlighted amongst the community more.So not anyone I want
to speak on in particular but for sure I am so open to collaborating - I have a really exciting
one coming out in the next few months.
A : No - eyes are definitely on us. Overlooked isn't the term I would use...but for sure
underestimated. I think expectations are higher since there is so much great talent and
consistency coming out of the city as well. I'm pretty lucky as I am also an engineer and
creative director so I work with artists daily in multiple capacities - which has made me an
overall better artist. I am always learning and growing.
Alone. It's funny because I love songwriting and collaborating with
others but for my own music I am a little more private at the
moment... and yes - I get in my head sometimes but my favorite
way to make music now is to freestyle. I used to write and come
ready and prepared but learned in the last few years that sometimes
the days you record you don't feel the same as when you wrote a
particular song. So trusting how you feel and not having
expectations is how I do some of my best work. Plus I am very close
with my engineer/producer so we usually will bounce ideas off one
another as well (shout out Anté aka the goat.)
BIGG BADD is an artist from the lower east end of
Toronto (Durham Region). Who specializes in hardcore
gangster rap music,and has a unique voice and style
like no other. Born in Kingston Jamaica, where he was
first exposed to the gangsta life at a young age,
growing up seeing violence and listening to dancehall
reggae . In 1994 he moved to Ajax Toronto where he
was introduced to hip hop/rap music and had a strong
liking to the new culture. Over the past 2 years he’s
managed to drop 10 singles, which 7 of them were
featured on his first independent album called “RA-
”dropping in
Q : Where we’re you born? City you live? or rep?
Q : Music plans for 2023? What can the people expect? Etc
Q : How long have you been doing music? And what inspired you?
A : First time ever recorded was in 2002 I was 18, but was serious about it
until 2021 during the pandemic. During my short educational learning, I was
always a 50% average English student. My boys I grew up wit use to always
be free styling and writing tracks, and one time I went to the studio with
them and tried rapping on the mic and saw how they were doing it and was
impressed by how they put the lyrics together and them having the feeling of
other people listening to what they had to say, and wanted my voice to be
heard. I always listened to music, so it was already apart of my life. But in
2021, being in the house on lockdown during COVID, I jus said Fuk it, I’m going
to do it Fr Fr.
A : I was born in Kingston Jamaica, Sandy Park. I moved to Canada in
94’ as yute.I fawaded straight to Ajax Durham Region on the lower east
end of Toronto. Been repn ever since.
A : 2023 im dropping bare music. I just released my first single “SMOKIN
ZA” off my upcoming EP “StackInSilenceMoveInViolence” dropping in
June. Got a super exclusive feature on there. After that, got another EP
dropping more of that melodic type vibe, with another super exclusive
feature on it too. Ima keep dropping them vids, and bangers so stay
D B M / 5 1 5 0
But my biggest inspiration comes from
those who doubt me, and try to discourage
me away from my goals and dreams.
Q : Who or what inspires you musically?
Q : Have you experienced any obstacles that you
have had to overcome within the industry?
Q : Is there a particular artist signed or unsigned that you’d
like to work/feature with?
A : All the people that believe in me, and support my
movement. I easily get self motivated by myself. I’m not a
jump on. I move accordingly to the momentum around me.
But my biggest inspiration comes from those who doubt me,
and try to discourage me away from my goals and dreams.
A : I mean not really , because im paving my own way.
I’m my biggest obstacle so far. Only myself can get in
the way of me. It’s hard to stay focus and not get
caught up in your feelings and emotions, when your
receiving negative feedback and advice, but that’s
when you yourself have to not let it get in your head
and keep going.
A : Ye fo sho , a lot of em locally and international.
Q : where can the fans find you (socials networks)
A : You already know, I’m on the instagram as
“biggbadd_dbm” I’m on the YouTube as “Bigg Badd”
Spotify , Apple Music all those types of streaming
platforms. I’m on SoundCloud “ Bigg Badd” catch me
on clubhouse “slapp wehhh” or you can email me @ .
Q : When you're in the booth do you feel pressure? Do you go into your
sessions alone or with a team?
A : Nah, just depends on the vibe or content that might be cooking up. I
haven’t written a track yet, I punch in my bars, so I’m thoughtfully selecting
my lyrics on the spot. More times I’m on my dolo in the stu , but dun kno da
dawgs dem will pull up support the badness.
Q : How was your childhood? Was music a big thing in your family?
A : Growing up in Jamaica as a yute is not easy, I grow up with my
aunts and uncles. My mom was a drug addict and dad left when I was
3 or 4. Leaving family members to take care of me and my brother, so
it was ruff for us until we moved to Canada. But I do remember my
mom always listening to Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Bob Marley
Buju Banton, and dancing with me in her arms and one of my aunt
was a singer in the church. But no music foundational background
history. It was just something I became interested in from seeing my
uncles them driving in the car bumping the chune dem.
Q : What do you want the fans to take from you’re music? (Youth,day ones,
family,the world)
A : I want them to see, feel and understand the way I express the English
language. I want them to experience some of things I been threw in my life
growing up. To understand that no matter where in the world, there’s other
people going threw the same things that you and I are going threw, just as
from being a human being. It doesn’t matter where you from and that it
doesn’t define you as a person. I’m just trying to put people in the right state
of mind they need to be in, depending on the track or vibes I’m projecting.
But most of all to understand me as a person and an artist.
I S S U E 0 5 | M A Y
Q : D o y o u f e e l C a n a d i a n t a l e n t i s u n d e r l o o k e d ?
O r a r e t h e e y e ’ s o n u s ?
A : B o t h i n a s e n s e . T h e r e ’ s a l o t o f t a l e n t e d a r t i s t
i n t h e c i t y w h e r e I ’ m f r o m , t h a t d o n ’ t g e t t h e
a t t e n t i o n o r r e s p e c t t h e y d e s e r v e . B u t t h e o n e s
t h a t d o h a v e t h e s p o t l i g h t f o r m y c i t y , i n d i r e c t l y
r e d i r e c t t h e f o c u s o n t h e m s e l v e s a n d m o s t l y o t h e r
i n t e r n a t i o n a l a r t i s t f r o m o t h e r c o u n t r i e s , i n s t e a d
o f k e e p i n g t h e f o c u s o n o u r s b y f o c u s i n g o n t h e
h i d d e n t a l e n t r i g h t i n f r o n t o f t h e i r e y e s .
Q : I s t h e r e a n y o n e y o u ’ d l i k e t o g i v e a s h o u t
t o ?
A : I m a s h o u t o u t ‘ M a d e I n C a n a d a H i p h o p ’ f o r t h e
i n t e r v i e w . I w a n t t o s h o u t o u t t h e h i g h e r p o w e r
a b o v e f o r g i v i n g m e s t r e n g t h t o d o t h i s . I w a n t t o
s h o u t o u t m y f a m i l y a n d f r i e n d s w h o b e l i e v e i n t h e
m o v e m e n t . I w a n t t o s h o u t o u t a l l t h e b l o g s a n d
s o c i a l m e d i a p l a t f o r m s t h a t r o c k i n g w i t h m e a n d
s h o w i n g l o v e a n d s u p p o r t . M o s t l y t h o I w a n n a
s h o u t o u t t o a l l m y f a n s a n d t h e p e o p l e o u t t h e r e
s h o w i n g l o v e a n d s u p p o r t g e t t i n g i n v o l v e d w i t h t h e
m o v e m e n t , l o v e a n d r e s p e c t t o a l l y ’ a l l … .
Dante Crooks is an on the rise recording artist hailing
from Montreal, Canada. His music is unlike any other
and is refreshing to hear. When it came to becoming an
artist his inspirations came from the story tellers of hip
hop such as Drake and Kendrick Lamar. Not only did
these celebrities motivate him to pursue music, but his
late uncle was the main driving force. His uncle was
essentially the one who encouraged him to be all he
could be and make music his profession. Dante has a
very unique style to his sound. His sound has the
trendy vibe of melodic rap and hip hop with his flare of
I started writing
poetry then, and I
quickly realized
the power of
words and song
Q: How long have you been doing music? And what inspired you?
A : I have been making music for most of my life. I always sang songs and played
instruments from a young age, but I began creating my own music when I was 16. I
started writing poetry then, and I quickly realized the power of words and song
lyrics to express emotion and create vivid pictures with words. I started piecing
together simple melodies to accompany my poetry. I was immediately hooked by
the art form and never looked back since!
Q: Where we’re you born? City you live? or rep?
Q : Music plans for 2023? Album? Mixtape?
A : Born and raised in Montreal, Canada, I've seen it all. From a rough
neighbourhood to seeing my mom work her ass off to make it out and buy a
home in the suburbs. . I'm proud to call myself a product of this beautiful city
and I think it's thanks to that up bringing I'm so confident today.
A : Expect greatness. Expect to see flavour you wouldn’t imagine possible coming
out of Canadian artist much less one from Québec.
"The Future In the Present" is my debut album that’ll be dropping sometime
before the summer.
Q : Is there a particular artist signed or unsigned that you’d like to
work/feature with?
A : To be honest, I realized that currently I'm better off just working on my own
craft. The goal is to build up my catalog and make myself’s value appreciate.
Maybe eventually I’ll consider the thought of working with other local or
international artists.
I just want my music to give listeners
those impactful moments that really
resonate. “
Q : When you're in the booth do you feel pressure? Do you go
into your sessions alone or with a team?
A : I control the environment and ambiance of the studio
when im in it. I see the booth and the people present as tools
and not as obstacles or challenges. Making music is a passion
so once in the studio i get out into an artistic transe. the vibe i
expel is determined by how im feeling in the moment so if Im
looking for hype and inspiration i like to have my people
around. If not, i tend to be alone to really hone in on my inner
Q : where can the fans find you
(socials networks)
A : Can find me on all platforms
Instagram: DCinthecut_
Facebook: Dante Crooks
Twitter: Dcinthecut_
Spotify: Dante Crooks
Youtube : Dante Crooks &
Q Have you experienced any obstacles that you have had
to overcome within the industry?
A : I feel like if you don't learn to overcome obstacles with
anything you do, you’ll never truly achieve and appreciate the
things you want for yourself. I had to learn that patience was
most definitely a virtue and everything happens in time.
Q : What do you want the fans to take from you’re music? (youth, day
ones, family, the world)
Q : Do you feel Canadian talent is overlooked? Or the
eyes are on us?
Q : Is there anyone you’d like to give a shout to?
Q : How was your childhood? Was music a big thing in your family?
A : was good to me. My mom and pops weren't around but my mom always made sure I
was surrounded by love. Music always played a large role in my life, even when I didn't live
with my parents. We had stereo speakers in the house that were blaring all sorts of classic
old school hip hop, R&B, and soul music from Brooklyn and beyond. That music shaped me
into the person I am today
Q : Have you experienced any obstacles that you have had to overcome within
the industry?
A : feel like if you dont learn to overcome obstacles with anything you do, you’ll never truly
achieve and appreciate the things you want for yourself. I had to learn that patience was
most definitely a virtue and everything happens in time.
Q : Who or what inspires you musically?
A : Artists like Micheal Jackson, Usher, Fetty Wap and others were big inspirations in
my journey. I also inspire myself from real life. Journeys I've been through, people I’ve
encountered, wins and losses.
A : I really want people to listen to the music and really
appreciate the art. I see my voice as an instrument playing a
piece of soon to be timeless music. I want fans to especially
local ones to understand that you can be yourself and still have
your talents recognized by many. Lastly, for them to keep
pushing and grinding until they make it to their goals.
A : Most definitely, i feel like people here concentrate so
much on artists bigger than the ones we have here, the
general listener shies away from giving rapper from their
own cities or provinces a chance. The consequence is we
dont create a momentum being able to push one and other
into the big leagues. Crabs in a bucket mentality.
A : Shoutout the whole 4040music label, free my brother
genius, rest in peace to King Cuttz praise the almighty
We Are The Best Quailty Cannabis Rated In Ontario.
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PURPLE was founded in 2017 at the intersection of industrial design, streetwear
and luxury fashion. A collective of friends and industry veterans sought out to
launch a collection of men’s denim and luxury basics. We set out to solve a
personal problem: men’s denim at the contemporary price point is
simultaneously too simple and too complicated. Walk into the denim section of a
high-end department store or boutique and you’ll find overwhelming walls of
jeans with different fits and near-identical medium and light blue washes.
Innovation in fit, hardware and washes generally happens at the designer level,
with high price points. In our time in the menswear industry, countless trends
and movements have come and gone. But one thing has largely stayed the same:
denim is the anchor of the modern man’s wardrobe. PURPLE is dedicated to
making that anchor more interesting.
ISSUE 05 | MAY 2023
Q : Where are you from? Born and raised?
A : Born and raised in Kitchener, Ontario.
Q : How long have you been doing
A : It was 2007, in Grade 12, that I was given
a camera. Creative expression was always
important to me growing up, but it seemed
like I wasn’t particularly good at painting or
drawing. I didn’t know what else there was
for expressing creativity. When I discovered
photography, it seemed to be that answer I
was looking for.
Q : What's your style of photography?
A : I don’t even know to be honest. Half of
the joy for me comes from experimenting
with different cameras and styles. Because
of that I don’t think my style is so singular.
However, I enjoy telling a story with every
image, and so I think storytelling, or
cinematography is the commonality in my
Q : What’s the image turnaround
A : If it’s a photo that isn’t for a
project or client and has no deadline,
it could be months to years before I
look at the image again. Other times,
a photo will never see the light of
day. If it’s for a client, it’s typically 1 to
3 months.
Q : What is the one thing you wish
you knew when you started taking
A : If it’s a photo that isn’t for a
project or client and has no deadline,
it could be months to years before I
look at the image again. Other times,
a photo will never see the light of
day. If it’s for a client, it’s typically 1 to
3 months.
Q : Which lens is your favorite? Why?
A : Gueorgui Pinkhassov is my
largest influence. He dances
between street photography
and fine art, and that’s
something I haven’t seen with
that genre of photography.
Bernard Plossu and Bruno
Réquillart are influential black
and white photographers for
A : My Summicron 35mm f2. It was
manufactured in Midland, Ontario
in 1969, and is part of a small
series of lenses that give some
beautiful imperfections to
photographs. At first, I didn’t like it,
but I grew to use the imperfections
to my advantage, and now I can’t
imagine having a different lens.
Q : Whose work has influenced
you most?
Q : Where were you born and raised?
A : I was born and raised in London, UK.
Q : How long have you been shooting videos?
A : I've been in the industry for 15 years
Q : What inspires you when you're shooting music videos? Do you have a
direction in mind before shooting?
A : My inspiration comes from everyday life, things I see and envision when
driving. As a director, I'm always looking to capture the moment and tell a story
that resonates with the audience. While I specialize in lifestyle and storytelling
videos, I also enjoy getting creative and producing a work of art.
Q : How would you describe your video style?
A : I wouldn't say I have a specific style, but I tend to focus on lifestyle as a key
factor in my videos. Many of my clients come to me for a lifestyle video because
they know that I'll make them look a certain way that works best with my style.
V I D E O G R A P H Y I S S U E 0 5 | M A Y
Q : Who is the most inspiring/creative artist you've worked with?
A : While I haven't worked with a specific artist, the most humbling
experience for me was working with Beenie Man. Having the
opportunity to meet him several times and work with him showed me
how far I've come in my career.
Q : Can you tell us about any obstacles you've faced in the industry and
how you overcame them?
A : Over the past 15 years in the industry, I've encountered various
challenges, both highs and lows. However, my passion for what I do has
always kept me going. I'm a firm believer that being strong-minded and
understanding different personalities is crucial in this game. While there
were times when I felt like giving up, I never let obstacles get in the way of
my dream. I've been fortunate enough to travel the world and experience
things I never thought possible because of my camera skills.
Q : Which artist, signed or unsigned, would you like to work with that
you haven't worked with before?
A : I would love to collaborate with American artists such as Rick
Ross, Drake, Kehlani, and SZA, among others. However, I'm always
open to working with talented artists regardless of their background.
London x Canada
Q : What social media platforms do you use to promote your work?
A : Instagram is my go-to platform for promoting my work and keeping up-to-
date with what's going on. I also use Google searches frequently to stay on top of
trends and find new opportunities.
Q : What is your ideal turnaround time?
A : My usual turnaround time is between 5 to 10 days. However, I always prioritize
communication with my clients. If they require more time, I ensure that I provide
excellent customer service and keep them informed every step of the way.
Skip Waiters is putting
himself out there. An
experimental indie artist
with a passion for music.
Kibra is an emerging artist
from Toronto ready to
captivate you.
Born in Toronto, Harm
Franklin is a Canadian singer-
songwriter making waves.
Tara Lord resides in Toronto and
has been making music since the
age of 12 years old.
Cupidon AKA LV Cupidon
is a French Canadian
rapper of Irish descent.
TGETruth gained very large
notoriety for his sought
after piece “Wanna Know”.
Following up his fresh find of his Rolling Stone and Live Nation
acclaimed mixtape, Personal Stereo (2021), Skip returns with his
most recent release. Skip Waiters delivers fans his debut album
Streams of Consciousness (SOC). About the project Skip says,
“Streams of Consciousness is about me as an artist and human
trying to find myself, and navigating life through therapy,
conversations & song. I’m searching for understanding which I gain
leading to the last song of the album, it’s a 3 part album to let the
listener know that therapy isn’t a one-time deal and requires
ongoing maintenance. The focus track, “Mothers Basement “is a
song about complacency, living under your parent’s roof comes
with a comfort that could be crippling if you allow it.. lacking the
motivation to chase your dreams because life lacks hardships when
you always have your parents to fall back on”.
Skip Waiters is putting himself out there. An experimental indie artist
with a passion for music who wants to unpack years of trauma, the
Toronto native sets himself apart by mining from personal pain to
unearth universal truths. Allowing himself to be vulnerable, Skip
opens up about past experiences with honesty and uses his platform
to talk about issues he cares about, like mental health and racial
injustice. In a sonic landscape where trap and drill are ubiquitous,
Skip is a breath of fresh air. More at home in abstract circles, his deft
wordplay takes conventional hip-hop trropes and flips them on their
head. Waiters always sought out art as a way of release. After getting
heartbroken in the ninth grade, a young Skip got into poetry. “That
kickstarted the whole music-thing,” he says. “At that time, I was
hurting, and I wanted to try whatever I could do to minimize the
pain…. Once it felt like I was getting a release from that, I just kept
writing since Grade 9 and never stopped.”
Kibra is an emerging artist from Toronto ready to
captivate you with her hybrid blend of smooth R&B
sounds and agile jazz vocals. Her diverse upbringing
and lived experiences have majorly contributed to the
creation of her unique afro-fusion sound that is
packed with messages that tackle social issues, give
hope and inspire love. Throughout her academic
career at York University and in her community, Kibra
strived to be an advocate for social justice. Before
officially starting her music career, was part of
multiple cultural and activists groups at her school
such as the York United Black Students' Alliance. She
would often participate and/or organize protests,
events and workshops, however always knew music
was her true calling.
It was then that she realized that she could merge the
two and has since continued advocating through her
music. Her experience ranges from the most intimate of
venues like Regular's Bar, to headlining big stages like
Afrofest at Woodbine Park and the RBCxMusic Pre-Show
for TIFF, to taking international stages like SXSW in the
Austin, Texas, and AfroChic in Accra, Ghana. After
spending half a year in Ghana, Kibra was able to deeply
connect with to Ghanaian and African culture, nature
and the music scene. During her stay, she spent endless
hours in the studio, filmed multiple music videos and
connected built a network of great people in the African
music industry.
Born in Toronto, Harm Franklin is a Canadian
singer-songwriter of Punjabi heritage that has
been making waves in the music industry. His
song "Stunnin" has gone viral seemingly
overnight, taking social media platforms like
TikTok and Instagram by storm. Harm is one of
many artists who have found their way into the
spotlight through social media channels like
YouTube or SoundCloud, but his success is not
without substantial effort. Building a name for
himself in his hometown, Harm organized and
headlined his own shows while bringing out his
Republic Records collaborators Nessly and
Puffy L*z.
Despite personal hardships and industry prejudice,
Harm has found success around every corner. Harm
toured across Europe with international rapper Tymek,
beginning at the Fresh & Dope festival in Poland. The
tour spanned six countries in total; an impressive feat
for a breakout artist. He has been featured on blogs
such as Billboard, Lyrical Lemonade, GENIUS, and twice
on Complex*s Northern Touch Song of The Month. Fans
may also recognize his writing from Merkules* 2018
album "COLE" which charted at #1 on Canadian iTunes
with the song "Michael Jordan" charting at #19 on
Billboard Hot 100.
Tara Lord resides in Toronto and has been
making music since the age of 12 years old. She
is no stranger to the music industry having
performed at rolling loud in Toronto. She is now
setting her sights on creating a fanbase outside
of her home in Toronto. She authentically
delivers her music with a passion that spreads
positivity. Her latest single “My whole life” is a
testament to her growing authentically as an
artist into the mainstream space. Outside of
music, Tara collaborated with DJ Shannyn Hill
and together they have launched the music
festival called “Sol Flower fest”. Fan favourites
include “Livin it up”, “Praying” and “Dash”.
Toronto will always be home for Tara Lord, but she
has admitted that she sees her future outside of
the city where she grew up in. Ideally to
somewhere much warmer as she is someone that
doesn’t enjoy the cold weather that the city of
Toronto is famous for. Toronto has been blessed
with so many talented artists in recent years that
Tara Lord has made it her personal mission to
continue the cities great track record of producing
talent that go on to take over the global market of
Cupidon AKA LV Cupidon is a French Canadian rapper
of Irish descent stemming from the Sud-Ouest
arrondissement of Montreal (Pointe-St-Charles).
He started gaining attraction as a teenager in the
early 2010s with then-acolyte Slicky for songs
including "Mon Temps C'est de L'argent" and "Sans
Stress" on YouTube. In 2013 he was arrested in
Granby, Quebec on a robbery charge and weapons
possession with a few associates. In September 2018
while on permission from jail he made his comeback
on the local rap scene with the release of the "J'vois
en double" video on Youtube.
He was released from Donnacona federal penitentiary
in April of 2019 and immediately got back in the game
with the release of La Zone on all platforms.
He kept releasing singles all throughout 2019 and
2020, notably "West Side", "Vie de Criminel", "Up
Next" and "Man Down (featuring Lebza Khey)", all
leading to the release of his first album "Up Next" on
11 September 2021. Around 2020 he rebranded the
LV moniker (originally for Loyalty & Vision) to Les
Vikings, rap group consisting of Joey G & Boutot (FKA
French Gang), Lebza Khey and himself. On 14 May
2021 he released the collaborative EP "Les Trois
Étoiles" with DawaMafia and Yung Duce on iconic
Quebec rap label Rico Rich Productions. On 25
November 2021, after months of harassment by local
police forces, including the illegal raid and thrashing
of Les Vikings store in Granby, he released his first
studio album "Non Coupable" with support from
Higher Reign Music Group.
TGETruth is the stage name of Johari McGregor, a musical artist from Montreal,Canada. In
2020, TGETruth gained very large notoriety for his sought after piece “Wanna Know”. He
was originally raised in Lasalle, a small rugged community in Montreal where he met his
current group members: TGEMarx, TGEWatts, TGEQuon and TGEStephy. Since the age of
12 years old, TGETruth has been playing football. In 2018, he took a leap of faith and
decided to go to Clearwater, Florida to pursue his dreams of becoming a Professional
Football Player. After his senior season in high school, he made the decision to commit to
The University Of Ottawa so he can have a better opportunity to pursue his musical
talents. TGETruth is very known for his creativity that he brings in music videos and his
amazing melodies, look out for more amazing content from Truth In the Near Future.

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Issue 05 | May

  • 1. MADE IN CANADA MAGAZINE MAGAZINE Artist & talent SPOTLIGHT I S S U E 0 5 M A Y Canada‘s Talent Canada‘s Talent MUSIC, FASHION, ENTERTAINMENT Featuring interviews with artist such as Peter Jackson , BIGG BADD, IOANNA MUSIC & DANTE cROOKS.
  • 2. M A Y 05 I S S U E 4 1 2 2 03 Artist Spotlight 07 Interview 26 Fashion 32 Photography 37 Videographer 42 Rising Stars 2023
  • 3. Plans for 2023? Album? Mixtape? I have big plans in 2023 one of them is dropping my debut EP! But besides that I will be very consistent on dropping more music videos, visuals is really important & it gets fans excited to watch your visual creativity. Where are you from? City or province? I am from Toronto, Ontario born & raised but my background nationality is ‘Portuguese’. Who inspires you in today’s music? In today’s music I think that ‘Drake’ inspires me the most because of the versatility that he has been doing these past few months & the creativity he has to offer in his music videos. CANADIAN TALENT I’ve started making music back in 2018 but I’ve been taking it seriously for about 3 & half years now & I have been very consistent ever since. The one Artist who has inspired me the most in the music industry was ‘Juice Wrld’ may he rest in peace. He was the most talented & most versatile musician I have seen & he’s most definitely the number one artist who has inspired me to do this. How long you been doing music? What inspired you? ARTIST SPOTLIGHT OFFICIAL SOARES
  • 4. I listen to multiple genres of music, afrobeats, hip hop, rnb, gospel music ect, but the artist I listen to now are Meek Mill, Money Man, Roddy Ricch, Tory Lanez and Derez Deshon. CANADIAN TALENT My plans for 2023 is to heat up again, after taking a year off personal reasons i’m just ready to take what’s mines. I’ve been doing music for about a decade. What inspired me to do music came from one of my older brothers. Music has always been in my family, my other older brother plays drums and base so the inspiration came from them. Plans for 2023? Album? Mixtape? Where are you from? City or province? Montreal, Canada. Who inspires you in today’s music? How long you been doing music? What inspired you? ARTIST SPOTLIGHT YOUNG MIC @jeffadamsofficial
  • 5. Plans for 2023? Album? Mixtape? I've been doing music since I was 8 years old. Where are you from? City or province? Who inspires you in today’s music? CANADIAN TALENT How long you been doing music? What inspired you? ARTIST SPOTLIGHT YUNG DUDI I'm from Calgary Alberta. The plans I have this year is more singles and an album. The artist that inspire me today is Tee Grizzley and Lil Durk. Meek Mill especially on top of the list for inspiration.
  • 8. INTERVIEW WITH PETER JACKSON Peter Jackson is often referred to as “The hardest working rapper in Canada”. Known for his intense work ethic both in the studio and on the road, Jackson has spent the last several years touring Canada. Peter Jackson gained international recognition with his single “Miss Right” featuring Jamaican reggae star Sizzla Kalonji. Back home in Canada, Jackson’s song “#1 Fan” featuring Karl Wolf hit number one on HipHop Radio in Winnipeg and is in heavy rotation in Vancouver, Saskatoon and Toronto. 08 • HIP HOP MAGAZINE
  • 9. “ I have a Deluxe Album for In Gods Hands dropping.“ 09 • HIP HOP MAGAZINE Q : Is there a particular artist signed or unsigned that you’d like to work/feature with? Q How long have you been doing music? And what inspired you? Q : Where we’re you born? City you live? or rep? Q : Music plans for 2023? What can the people expect? Etc (Album,Mixtape) Q : Who or what inspires you musically? Q : How was your childhood? Was music a big thing in your family? A : I have been doing music and freestyling since I was 16. I really started rapping at house parties, and lake parties in Ajax. What first inspired me to turn rap into my life was when my best friend was killed at 18, I saw what the song I did for him really did for people. It made people laugh, cry, smile, happy, sad, everything and I knew I had something special and I could impact others in a positive way. A : I am from Ajax, Ontario. A : I have a Deluxe Album for In Gods Hands dropping. My single with Yung Bleu just dropped, called Out Of My Head, and I plan to release a lot more videos. Tour Canada, Europe, and hopefully the US as well. A : My Family, my people, and my own life. A : My childhood was amazing, yes it was. I used to make music videos in Niagara Falls with my pops when I was like 5 or 6, I used to sing on stage at local bars after my Dads baseball games. My parents always had parties and I remember some lady named Betty or something always singing country songs, my dad playing music on the way to hockey every weekend. A : I like a lot of artists... I'd say right now a handful of soulful singers.
  • 10. U N D E N I A B L E T H E M I X T A P E 10 • HIP HOP MAGAZINE I just want to make good music that people can listen and resonate with. Q : Have you experienced any obstacles that you have had to overcome within the industry? A : Yes, hundreds. It's always something in this business. As there are a lot of people in this business playing pretend and taking advantage of artists any chance they get. One example I am going through now is trying to stay 100% independent but still compete with the biggest artists and labels in the industry abroad which is next to impossible at times. Labels and companies do not want to play ball with artists that are not part of the club. A : I want people to learn, and understand what I stand for and love. I want to give people a pathway into my mind and soul. Q : What do you want the fans to take from you’re music? (youth, day ones, family, the world) Q : When your in the booth do you feel pressure? Do you go into your sessions alone or with a team? A : I usually write my music at home in my home studio now, record there solo, then take it to another studio and re record with my engineer and sometimes I do that alone but sometimes I like a packed studio.
  • 11. PETERJACKSON Q : Do you feel Canadian talent is under looked? Or the eyes are on us? A : Not any more, no. Not at all. Q : where can the fans find you (socials networks) A : Remember, this is a business, and to treat it as such. A lot of times people just get caught up in the fact of just making music and not understanding that it is a business to a lot of people. When you do good business, you’ll get better results. Q: What advice would you give the upcoming artist from Canada? A: Remember this is a business, so do good business. Remember why you started because your soul and heart will be tested at every turn. A : All my socials are PeterJackson905. Q : What is some advice you would give the youth/upcoming talent? Q : We acknowledge the work you’ve put in for the Canadian talent with your company 90 nickel ,How was the first ICEBOX 420 festival turnout? will this become an annual event? A : How do you box was incredible, I definitely have to salute and send appreciation to my partner Organik from King of the dock and Ghost Drops. We had over 700 people at the festival in some great companies. They were a part of it. Yes, this will definitely become an annual event. Q : How did the covid pandemic affect your craft,talent or life navigating in industry? A : My music it actually helped me because it allowed me to have a lot of time in the studio . I recorded my whole in God‘s hands album during the pandemic, and also travel to shoot a handful of videos at that time. As for my booking agency and my promotional company, just like a lot of other people‘s businesses, it put it at a complete standstill, and I wasn’t able to conduct business at the time
  • 12. INTERVIEW WITH IOANNAMUSIC Ioanna (pronounced “You-wa-na”) is an up and coming artist from Toronto Canada. Within the last year she has garnered over 50,000 listeners, 550,000 streams on Spotify, and over 1 million views on her latest music video 'ROCK MY BOAT' ft. Deep Jandu on Youtube. Receiving coverage in blogs such as Earmilk, The Fader, The SOURCE, Lyrical Lemonade, HipHopsince1987, as well as Pigeons and Planes, she has been making strides in making her presence known. 12 • HIP HOP MAGAZINE
  • 13. I am just lucky that I found like minded people” HIP HOP MAGAZINE 13 • Q : How long have you been doing music? And what inspired you? A : I have been doing music and taking it seriously the past 5 years. My first song I ever released was in June of 2021 - my background started in acting but I have always been inspired by storytelling and the human expression. i knew nothing lit me up more than that feeling of putting a project together in any capacity. It was always important to me and super prevalent. Q: Where we’re you born? City you live? or rep? A : I was born in St. Catherines, live in Toronto and represent all of the above haha. Q : Music plans for 2023? What can the people expect? Etc (Album,Mixtape) A : 2023 is a very exciting one! I am planning more collaborations/crossovers - an EP but I am most excited for my performances I have planned in and out of the city. Q : Who or what inspires you musically? A : Life. I always say I love creating music that feels opposite to how I am actually feeling - or to change a bad mood. When realities are difficult and bothersome I turn to music to get out of such a state. I am also really private with my more vulnerable songs - it hits too close to home for me - so until I am ready to share with everyone, it's more therapeutic for me. Q: What do you want the fans to take from you’re music? (Youth,day ones, family,the world) A : Too many to count. And I am forever learning moving forward. I am just lucky that I found like minded people who believe in the vision and the journey. I know how discouraging it can be when you want something so bad and it seems every corner there's someone out to get you but you have to keep going and be willing and open to learning and I promise you'll find your groove.
  • 14. THE SECRET TO SUCCESS IS SIMPLE 14 • HIP HOP MAGAZINE My catalogue is versatile like me and I believe in welcoming change through life. Q: How was your childhood? Was music a big thing in your family? A : I grew up Greek dancing and listening to a ton of Nancy Ajram. My background being half Greek and half Lebanese definitely influenced my musicality and me wanting to mesh genres and sounds. Even though I predominantly sing English songs now - there's more cultural crossovers coming in the future. One of my favourite projects last year was 'ROCK MY BOAT' ft. Deep Jandu and we hit over 1 million views on Youtube - so that was pretty exciting and such a fun song. Q : What do you want the fans to take from you’re music? (Youth,day ones, family,the world) A : I want to leave it for interpretation. That no matter where you are inlife and no matter what's happening you can pause, take a break, have a moment...and it's ok, it's gonna be messy. My catalogue is versatile like me and I believe in welcoming change through life. My music doesn't have to be taken seriously to be of value and I think there's something beautiful and poetic about that. If it is something that can be life changing to someone also great...but for now once it's out of my hands it's no longer mine to say what a song represents. Q : where can the fans find you (socials networks) A : You can find me on all streaming platforms, youtube, instagram, (@ioannamusic) all of it Q : Is there anyone you’d like to give a shout to? A : Shout out to Abstract Studios - I wouldn't be the artist/human I am today and I am eternally grateful for the education and guidance I have had being there. If there are any aspiring artists, producers, engineers, have to reach out.
  • 15. IOANNAMUSIC Q : What do you want the fans to take from you’re music? (youth, day ones, family, the world) A : I want to leave it for interpretation. That no matter where you are inlife and no matter what's happening you can pause, take a break, have a moment...and it's ok, it's gonna be messy. My catalogue is versatile like me and I believe in welcoming change through life. My music doesn't have to be taken seriously to be of value and I think there's something beautiful and poetic about that. If it is something that can be life changing to someone also great...but for now once it's out of my hands it's no longer mine to say what a song represents. Q : Is there a particular artist signed or unsigned that you’d like to work/feature with? Q : Do you feel Canadian talent is under looked? Or the eyes are on us? Q : When your in the booth do you feel pressure? Do you go into your sessions alone or with a team? A : So many! I have a list haha - I love working with artists in the city, and I feel like Toronto is so talented it needs to be highlighted amongst the community more.So not anyone I want to speak on in particular but for sure I am so open to collaborating - I have a really exciting one coming out in the next few months. A : No - eyes are definitely on us. Overlooked isn't the term I would use...but for sure underestimated. I think expectations are higher since there is so much great talent and consistency coming out of the city as well. I'm pretty lucky as I am also an engineer and creative director so I work with artists daily in multiple capacities - which has made me an overall better artist. I am always learning and growing. Alone. It's funny because I love songwriting and collaborating with others but for my own music I am a little more private at the moment... and yes - I get in my head sometimes but my favorite way to make music now is to freestyle. I used to write and come ready and prepared but learned in the last few years that sometimes the days you record you don't feel the same as when you wrote a particular song. So trusting how you feel and not having expectations is how I do some of my best work. Plus I am very close with my engineer/producer so we usually will bounce ideas off one another as well (shout out Anté aka the goat.)
  • 16. INTERVIEW WITH BIGG BADD BIGG BADD is an artist from the lower east end of Toronto (Durham Region). Who specializes in hardcore gangster rap music,and has a unique voice and style like no other. Born in Kingston Jamaica, where he was first exposed to the gangsta life at a young age, growing up seeing violence and listening to dancehall reggae . In 1994 he moved to Ajax Toronto where he was introduced to hip hop/rap music and had a strong liking to the new culture. Over the past 2 years he’s managed to drop 10 singles, which 7 of them were featured on his first independent album called “RA- PEGGEA”. 16 • HIP HOP MAGAZINE
  • 17. StackInSilence MoveInViolence ”dropping in June.“ 17 • HIP HOP MAGAZINE Q : Where we’re you born? City you live? or rep? Q : Music plans for 2023? What can the people expect? Etc (Album,Mixtape) Q : How long have you been doing music? And what inspired you? A : First time ever recorded was in 2002 I was 18, but was serious about it until 2021 during the pandemic. During my short educational learning, I was always a 50% average English student. My boys I grew up wit use to always be free styling and writing tracks, and one time I went to the studio with them and tried rapping on the mic and saw how they were doing it and was impressed by how they put the lyrics together and them having the feeling of other people listening to what they had to say, and wanted my voice to be heard. I always listened to music, so it was already apart of my life. But in 2021, being in the house on lockdown during COVID, I jus said Fuk it, I’m going to do it Fr Fr. A : I was born in Kingston Jamaica, Sandy Park. I moved to Canada in 94’ as yute.I fawaded straight to Ajax Durham Region on the lower east end of Toronto. Been repn ever since. A : 2023 im dropping bare music. I just released my first single “SMOKIN ZA” off my upcoming EP “StackInSilenceMoveInViolence” dropping in June. Got a super exclusive feature on there. After that, got another EP dropping more of that melodic type vibe, with another super exclusive feature on it too. Ima keep dropping them vids, and bangers so stay tuned.
  • 18. D B M / 5 1 5 0 18 • HIP HOP MAGAZINE But my biggest inspiration comes from those who doubt me, and try to discourage me away from my goals and dreams. Q : Who or what inspires you musically? Q : Have you experienced any obstacles that you have had to overcome within the industry? Q : Is there a particular artist signed or unsigned that you’d like to work/feature with? A : All the people that believe in me, and support my movement. I easily get self motivated by myself. I’m not a jump on. I move accordingly to the momentum around me. But my biggest inspiration comes from those who doubt me, and try to discourage me away from my goals and dreams. A : I mean not really , because im paving my own way. I’m my biggest obstacle so far. Only myself can get in the way of me. It’s hard to stay focus and not get caught up in your feelings and emotions, when your receiving negative feedback and advice, but that’s when you yourself have to not let it get in your head and keep going. A : Ye fo sho , a lot of em locally and international. Q : where can the fans find you (socials networks) A : You already know, I’m on the instagram as “biggbadd_dbm” I’m on the YouTube as “Bigg Badd” Spotify , Apple Music all those types of streaming platforms. I’m on SoundCloud “ Bigg Badd” catch me on clubhouse “slapp wehhh” or you can email me @ .
  • 19. BIGGBADD Q : When you're in the booth do you feel pressure? Do you go into your sessions alone or with a team? A : Nah, just depends on the vibe or content that might be cooking up. I haven’t written a track yet, I punch in my bars, so I’m thoughtfully selecting my lyrics on the spot. More times I’m on my dolo in the stu , but dun kno da dawgs dem will pull up support the badness. Q : How was your childhood? Was music a big thing in your family? A : Growing up in Jamaica as a yute is not easy, I grow up with my aunts and uncles. My mom was a drug addict and dad left when I was 3 or 4. Leaving family members to take care of me and my brother, so it was ruff for us until we moved to Canada. But I do remember my mom always listening to Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Bob Marley Buju Banton, and dancing with me in her arms and one of my aunt was a singer in the church. But no music foundational background history. It was just something I became interested in from seeing my uncles them driving in the car bumping the chune dem. Q : What do you want the fans to take from you’re music? (Youth,day ones, family,the world) A : I want them to see, feel and understand the way I express the English language. I want them to experience some of things I been threw in my life growing up. To understand that no matter where in the world, there’s other people going threw the same things that you and I are going threw, just as from being a human being. It doesn’t matter where you from and that it doesn’t define you as a person. I’m just trying to put people in the right state of mind they need to be in, depending on the track or vibes I’m projecting. But most of all to understand me as a person and an artist. DBM
  • 20. B I G G B A D D I S S U E 0 5 | M A Y Q : D o y o u f e e l C a n a d i a n t a l e n t i s u n d e r l o o k e d ? O r a r e t h e e y e ’ s o n u s ? A : B o t h i n a s e n s e . T h e r e ’ s a l o t o f t a l e n t e d a r t i s t i n t h e c i t y w h e r e I ’ m f r o m , t h a t d o n ’ t g e t t h e a t t e n t i o n o r r e s p e c t t h e y d e s e r v e . B u t t h e o n e s t h a t d o h a v e t h e s p o t l i g h t f o r m y c i t y , i n d i r e c t l y r e d i r e c t t h e f o c u s o n t h e m s e l v e s a n d m o s t l y o t h e r i n t e r n a t i o n a l a r t i s t f r o m o t h e r c o u n t r i e s , i n s t e a d o f k e e p i n g t h e f o c u s o n o u r s b y f o c u s i n g o n t h e h i d d e n t a l e n t r i g h t i n f r o n t o f t h e i r e y e s . Q : I s t h e r e a n y o n e y o u ’ d l i k e t o g i v e a s h o u t t o ? A : I m a s h o u t o u t ‘ M a d e I n C a n a d a H i p h o p ’ f o r t h e i n t e r v i e w . I w a n t t o s h o u t o u t t h e h i g h e r p o w e r a b o v e f o r g i v i n g m e s t r e n g t h t o d o t h i s . I w a n t t o s h o u t o u t m y f a m i l y a n d f r i e n d s w h o b e l i e v e i n t h e m o v e m e n t . I w a n t t o s h o u t o u t a l l t h e b l o g s a n d s o c i a l m e d i a p l a t f o r m s t h a t r o c k i n g w i t h m e a n d s h o w i n g l o v e a n d s u p p o r t . M o s t l y t h o I w a n n a s h o u t o u t t o a l l m y f a n s a n d t h e p e o p l e o u t t h e r e s h o w i n g l o v e a n d s u p p o r t g e t t i n g i n v o l v e d w i t h t h e m o v e m e n t , l o v e a n d r e s p e c t t o a l l y ’ a l l … .
  • 21. INTERVIEW WITH DANTE CROOKS Dante Crooks is an on the rise recording artist hailing from Montreal, Canada. His music is unlike any other and is refreshing to hear. When it came to becoming an artist his inspirations came from the story tellers of hip hop such as Drake and Kendrick Lamar. Not only did these celebrities motivate him to pursue music, but his late uncle was the main driving force. His uncle was essentially the one who encouraged him to be all he could be and make music his profession. Dante has a very unique style to his sound. His sound has the trendy vibe of melodic rap and hip hop with his flare of course. 21 • HIP HOP MAGAZINE
  • 22. I started writing poetry then, and I quickly realized the power of words and song lyrics“ 22 • HIP HOP MAGAZINE Q: How long have you been doing music? And what inspired you? A : I have been making music for most of my life. I always sang songs and played instruments from a young age, but I began creating my own music when I was 16. I started writing poetry then, and I quickly realized the power of words and song lyrics to express emotion and create vivid pictures with words. I started piecing together simple melodies to accompany my poetry. I was immediately hooked by the art form and never looked back since! Q: Where we’re you born? City you live? or rep? Q : Music plans for 2023? Album? Mixtape? A : Born and raised in Montreal, Canada, I've seen it all. From a rough neighbourhood to seeing my mom work her ass off to make it out and buy a home in the suburbs. . I'm proud to call myself a product of this beautiful city and I think it's thanks to that up bringing I'm so confident today. A : Expect greatness. Expect to see flavour you wouldn’t imagine possible coming out of Canadian artist much less one from Québec. "The Future In the Present" is my debut album that’ll be dropping sometime before the summer. Q : Is there a particular artist signed or unsigned that you’d like to work/feature with? A : To be honest, I realized that currently I'm better off just working on my own craft. The goal is to build up my catalog and make myself’s value appreciate. Maybe eventually I’ll consider the thought of working with other local or international artists.
  • 23. I just want my music to give listeners those impactful moments that really resonate. “ D E T E R M I N E D T O W I N 23 • HIP HOP MAGAZINE Q : When you're in the booth do you feel pressure? Do you go into your sessions alone or with a team? A : I control the environment and ambiance of the studio when im in it. I see the booth and the people present as tools and not as obstacles or challenges. Making music is a passion so once in the studio i get out into an artistic transe. the vibe i expel is determined by how im feeling in the moment so if Im looking for hype and inspiration i like to have my people around. If not, i tend to be alone to really hone in on my inner thoughts. Q : where can the fans find you (socials networks) A : Can find me on all platforms Instagram: DCinthecut_ Facebook: Dante Crooks Twitter: Dcinthecut_ Spotify: Dante Crooks Youtube : Dante Crooks & 4040Music Q Have you experienced any obstacles that you have had to overcome within the industry? A : I feel like if you don't learn to overcome obstacles with anything you do, you’ll never truly achieve and appreciate the things you want for yourself. I had to learn that patience was most definitely a virtue and everything happens in time.
  • 24. DANTECROOKS Q : What do you want the fans to take from you’re music? (youth, day ones, family, the world) Q : Do you feel Canadian talent is overlooked? Or the eyes are on us? Q : Is there anyone you’d like to give a shout to? Q : How was your childhood? Was music a big thing in your family? A : was good to me. My mom and pops weren't around but my mom always made sure I was surrounded by love. Music always played a large role in my life, even when I didn't live with my parents. We had stereo speakers in the house that were blaring all sorts of classic old school hip hop, R&B, and soul music from Brooklyn and beyond. That music shaped me into the person I am today Q : Have you experienced any obstacles that you have had to overcome within the industry? A : feel like if you dont learn to overcome obstacles with anything you do, you’ll never truly achieve and appreciate the things you want for yourself. I had to learn that patience was most definitely a virtue and everything happens in time. Q : Who or what inspires you musically? A : Artists like Micheal Jackson, Usher, Fetty Wap and others were big inspirations in my journey. I also inspire myself from real life. Journeys I've been through, people I’ve encountered, wins and losses. A : I really want people to listen to the music and really appreciate the art. I see my voice as an instrument playing a piece of soon to be timeless music. I want fans to especially local ones to understand that you can be yourself and still have your talents recognized by many. Lastly, for them to keep pushing and grinding until they make it to their goals. A : Most definitely, i feel like people here concentrate so much on artists bigger than the ones we have here, the general listener shies away from giving rapper from their own cities or provinces a chance. The consequence is we dont create a momentum being able to push one and other into the big leagues. Crabs in a bucket mentality. A : Shoutout the whole 4040music label, free my brother genius, rest in peace to King Cuttz praise the almighty
  • 25. We Are The Best Quailty Cannabis Rated In Ontario. OUR MISSION : ASTRO PINK We provide high quality cannabis for recreational use in a responsible, healthy fashion and promote its benefit to the active person in all of us. AAAAA+ Medical Standard High Quality
  • 28. Luxury PURPLE was founded in 2017 at the intersection of industrial design, streetwear and luxury fashion. A collective of friends and industry veterans sought out to launch a collection of men’s denim and luxury basics. We set out to solve a personal problem: men’s denim at the contemporary price point is simultaneously too simple and too complicated. Walk into the denim section of a high-end department store or boutique and you’ll find overwhelming walls of jeans with different fits and near-identical medium and light blue washes. Innovation in fit, hardware and washes generally happens at the designer level, with high price points. In our time in the menswear industry, countless trends and movements have come and gone. But one thing has largely stayed the same: denim is the anchor of the modern man’s wardrobe. PURPLE is dedicated to making that anchor more interesting. |
  • 29. P U R P L E
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  • 34. Q : Where are you from? Born and raised? A : Born and raised in Kitchener, Ontario. Q : How long have you been doing photography? A : It was 2007, in Grade 12, that I was given a camera. Creative expression was always important to me growing up, but it seemed like I wasn’t particularly good at painting or drawing. I didn’t know what else there was for expressing creativity. When I discovered photography, it seemed to be that answer I was looking for. Q : What's your style of photography? A : I don’t even know to be honest. Half of the joy for me comes from experimenting with different cameras and styles. Because of that I don’t think my style is so singular. However, I enjoy telling a story with every image, and so I think storytelling, or cinematography is the commonality in my photos. Q : What’s the image turnaround time? A : If it’s a photo that isn’t for a project or client and has no deadline, it could be months to years before I look at the image again. Other times, a photo will never see the light of day. If it’s for a client, it’s typically 1 to 3 months. Q : What is the one thing you wish you knew when you started taking photos? A : If it’s a photo that isn’t for a project or client and has no deadline, it could be months to years before I look at the image again. Other times, a photo will never see the light of day. If it’s for a client, it’s typically 1 to 3 months.
  • 35. ISSUE 05 - PHOTOGRAPHY May | 2023 Q : Which lens is your favorite? Why? A : Gueorgui Pinkhassov is my largest influence. He dances between street photography and fine art, and that’s something I haven’t seen with that genre of photography. Bernard Plossu and Bruno Réquillart are influential black and white photographers for me. A : My Summicron 35mm f2. It was manufactured in Midland, Ontario in 1969, and is part of a small series of lenses that give some beautiful imperfections to photographs. At first, I didn’t like it, but I grew to use the imperfections to my advantage, and now I can’t imagine having a different lens. Q : Whose work has influenced you most?
  • 36.
  • 39. Q : Where were you born and raised? A : I was born and raised in London, UK. Q : How long have you been shooting videos? A : I've been in the industry for 15 years Q : What inspires you when you're shooting music videos? Do you have a direction in mind before shooting? A : My inspiration comes from everyday life, things I see and envision when driving. As a director, I'm always looking to capture the moment and tell a story that resonates with the audience. While I specialize in lifestyle and storytelling videos, I also enjoy getting creative and producing a work of art. Q : How would you describe your video style? A : I wouldn't say I have a specific style, but I tend to focus on lifestyle as a key factor in my videos. Many of my clients come to me for a lifestyle video because they know that I'll make them look a certain way that works best with my style.
  • 40. V I D E O G R A P H Y I S S U E 0 5 | M A Y Q : Who is the most inspiring/creative artist you've worked with? A : While I haven't worked with a specific artist, the most humbling experience for me was working with Beenie Man. Having the opportunity to meet him several times and work with him showed me how far I've come in my career. Q : Can you tell us about any obstacles you've faced in the industry and how you overcame them? A : Over the past 15 years in the industry, I've encountered various challenges, both highs and lows. However, my passion for what I do has always kept me going. I'm a firm believer that being strong-minded and understanding different personalities is crucial in this game. While there were times when I felt like giving up, I never let obstacles get in the way of my dream. I've been fortunate enough to travel the world and experience things I never thought possible because of my camera skills. Q : Which artist, signed or unsigned, would you like to work with that you haven't worked with before? A : I would love to collaborate with American artists such as Rick Ross, Drake, Kehlani, and SZA, among others. However, I'm always open to working with talented artists regardless of their background.
  • 41. London x Canada Q : What social media platforms do you use to promote your work? A : Instagram is my go-to platform for promoting my work and keeping up-to- date with what's going on. I also use Google searches frequently to stay on top of trends and find new opportunities. Q : What is your ideal turnaround time? A : My usual turnaround time is between 5 to 10 days. However, I always prioritize communication with my clients. If they require more time, I ensure that I provide excellent customer service and keep them informed every step of the way.
  • 43. R I S I N G S T A R S C A N A D I A N SKIP WAITERS Skip Waiters is putting himself out there. An experimental indie artist with a passion for music. KIBRA Kibra is an emerging artist from Toronto ready to captivate you. HARM FRANKLIN Born in Toronto, Harm Franklin is a Canadian singer- songwriter making waves. TARA LORD Tara Lord resides in Toronto and has been making music since the age of 12 years old. LV CUPIDON Cupidon AKA LV Cupidon is a French Canadian rapper of Irish descent. TGE TRUTH TGETruth gained very large notoriety for his sought after piece “Wanna Know”.
  • 44. S K I P W A I T E R S B R A M P T O N Following up his fresh find of his Rolling Stone and Live Nation acclaimed mixtape, Personal Stereo (2021), Skip returns with his most recent release. Skip Waiters delivers fans his debut album Streams of Consciousness (SOC). About the project Skip says, “Streams of Consciousness is about me as an artist and human trying to find myself, and navigating life through therapy, conversations & song. I’m searching for understanding which I gain leading to the last song of the album, it’s a 3 part album to let the listener know that therapy isn’t a one-time deal and requires ongoing maintenance. The focus track, “Mothers Basement “is a song about complacency, living under your parent’s roof comes with a comfort that could be crippling if you allow it.. lacking the motivation to chase your dreams because life lacks hardships when you always have your parents to fall back on”. Skip Waiters is putting himself out there. An experimental indie artist with a passion for music who wants to unpack years of trauma, the Toronto native sets himself apart by mining from personal pain to unearth universal truths. Allowing himself to be vulnerable, Skip opens up about past experiences with honesty and uses his platform to talk about issues he cares about, like mental health and racial injustice. In a sonic landscape where trap and drill are ubiquitous, Skip is a breath of fresh air. More at home in abstract circles, his deft wordplay takes conventional hip-hop trropes and flips them on their head. Waiters always sought out art as a way of release. After getting heartbroken in the ninth grade, a young Skip got into poetry. “That kickstarted the whole music-thing,” he says. “At that time, I was hurting, and I wanted to try whatever I could do to minimize the pain…. Once it felt like I was getting a release from that, I just kept writing since Grade 9 and never stopped.”
  • 45. K I B R A H A M I L T O N Kibra is an emerging artist from Toronto ready to captivate you with her hybrid blend of smooth R&B sounds and agile jazz vocals. Her diverse upbringing and lived experiences have majorly contributed to the creation of her unique afro-fusion sound that is packed with messages that tackle social issues, give hope and inspire love. Throughout her academic career at York University and in her community, Kibra strived to be an advocate for social justice. Before officially starting her music career, was part of multiple cultural and activists groups at her school such as the York United Black Students' Alliance. She would often participate and/or organize protests, events and workshops, however always knew music was her true calling. It was then that she realized that she could merge the two and has since continued advocating through her music. Her experience ranges from the most intimate of venues like Regular's Bar, to headlining big stages like Afrofest at Woodbine Park and the RBCxMusic Pre-Show for TIFF, to taking international stages like SXSW in the Austin, Texas, and AfroChic in Accra, Ghana. After spending half a year in Ghana, Kibra was able to deeply connect with to Ghanaian and African culture, nature and the music scene. During her stay, she spent endless hours in the studio, filmed multiple music videos and connected built a network of great people in the African music industry.
  • 46. H A R M F R A N K L I N T O R O N T O Born in Toronto, Harm Franklin is a Canadian singer-songwriter of Punjabi heritage that has been making waves in the music industry. His song "Stunnin" has gone viral seemingly overnight, taking social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram by storm. Harm is one of many artists who have found their way into the spotlight through social media channels like YouTube or SoundCloud, but his success is not without substantial effort. Building a name for himself in his hometown, Harm organized and headlined his own shows while bringing out his Republic Records collaborators Nessly and Puffy L*z. Despite personal hardships and industry prejudice, Harm has found success around every corner. Harm toured across Europe with international rapper Tymek, beginning at the Fresh & Dope festival in Poland. The tour spanned six countries in total; an impressive feat for a breakout artist. He has been featured on blogs such as Billboard, Lyrical Lemonade, GENIUS, and twice on Complex*s Northern Touch Song of The Month. Fans may also recognize his writing from Merkules* 2018 album "COLE" which charted at #1 on Canadian iTunes with the song "Michael Jordan" charting at #19 on Billboard Hot 100.
  • 47. T A R A L O R D T O R O N T O Tara Lord resides in Toronto and has been making music since the age of 12 years old. She is no stranger to the music industry having performed at rolling loud in Toronto. She is now setting her sights on creating a fanbase outside of her home in Toronto. She authentically delivers her music with a passion that spreads positivity. Her latest single “My whole life” is a testament to her growing authentically as an artist into the mainstream space. Outside of music, Tara collaborated with DJ Shannyn Hill and together they have launched the music festival called “Sol Flower fest”. Fan favourites include “Livin it up”, “Praying” and “Dash”. Toronto will always be home for Tara Lord, but she has admitted that she sees her future outside of the city where she grew up in. Ideally to somewhere much warmer as she is someone that doesn’t enjoy the cold weather that the city of Toronto is famous for. Toronto has been blessed with so many talented artists in recent years that Tara Lord has made it her personal mission to continue the cities great track record of producing talent that go on to take over the global market of music.
  • 48. L V C U P I D O N T O R O N T O Cupidon AKA LV Cupidon is a French Canadian rapper of Irish descent stemming from the Sud-Ouest arrondissement of Montreal (Pointe-St-Charles). He started gaining attraction as a teenager in the early 2010s with then-acolyte Slicky for songs including "Mon Temps C'est de L'argent" and "Sans Stress" on YouTube. In 2013 he was arrested in Granby, Quebec on a robbery charge and weapons possession with a few associates. In September 2018 while on permission from jail he made his comeback on the local rap scene with the release of the "J'vois en double" video on Youtube. He was released from Donnacona federal penitentiary in April of 2019 and immediately got back in the game with the release of La Zone on all platforms. He kept releasing singles all throughout 2019 and 2020, notably "West Side", "Vie de Criminel", "Up Next" and "Man Down (featuring Lebza Khey)", all leading to the release of his first album "Up Next" on 11 September 2021. Around 2020 he rebranded the LV moniker (originally for Loyalty & Vision) to Les Vikings, rap group consisting of Joey G & Boutot (FKA French Gang), Lebza Khey and himself. On 14 May 2021 he released the collaborative EP "Les Trois Étoiles" with DawaMafia and Yung Duce on iconic Quebec rap label Rico Rich Productions. On 25 November 2021, after months of harassment by local police forces, including the illegal raid and thrashing of Les Vikings store in Granby, he released his first studio album "Non Coupable" with support from Higher Reign Music Group.
  • 49. T G E T R U T H M O N T R E A L TGETruth is the stage name of Johari McGregor, a musical artist from Montreal,Canada. In 2020, TGETruth gained very large notoriety for his sought after piece “Wanna Know”. He was originally raised in Lasalle, a small rugged community in Montreal where he met his current group members: TGEMarx, TGEWatts, TGEQuon and TGEStephy. Since the age of 12 years old, TGETruth has been playing football. In 2018, he took a leap of faith and decided to go to Clearwater, Florida to pursue his dreams of becoming a Professional Football Player. After his senior season in high school, he made the decision to commit to The University Of Ottawa so he can have a better opportunity to pursue his musical talents. TGETruth is very known for his creativity that he brings in music videos and his amazing melodies, look out for more amazing content from Truth In the Near Future.