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Introduction to World
Religion and Belief Systems
We are expected to:
1. Define belief system, religion and
2. Differentiate concepts, elements
and characteristics of the belief
system, religion and spirituality.
3. Make an affirmation of your faith
or beliefs in the religion you
Definition of Religion
OAccording to Oxford dictionary, religion is an
“action or conduct indicating belief in,
obedience to and reverence for a god, gods,
or similar superhuman power; the
performance of religious rites or
observances”.(2 essential component)
1.Belief in supernatural being (describes one’s
attitude toward the object of one’s belief)
2. Effort or commitment (performative)
Definition of Religion
O By etymology, the word religion comes from
three Latin variants: relegere, religari, and re-
O Relegere - means “constantly returns to” it
speaks about religious observance such as
Holy week (Christianity), Ramadan (ISLAM)
O Religari - means “to be tied into” refers to the
commitment to one’s own religion
O Re-eligere - means to “choose again” refers
to conversation or going back to one’s roots or
OHuman beings' relation to that
which they regard as holy, sacred,
absolute, spiritual, divine, or worthy
of especial reverence.
Obelief in and worship of gods or
any such system of worship and
OOld Religion perform Rituals
Most ancient civilization
worship many different Gods
and the romans were no
-Each of this God has
their own purpose and
Here are some popular of the
Roman Gods
1. Jupiter- The main
Roman God
2. Juno- Wife of
Jupiter and Goddess
of women and fertility
3. MARS God of War
4. VENUS –Goddess of Love
and Beauty
5. MINERVA- Goddess of wisdom,
arts and crafts, learning and industry
6. NEPTUNE- God of the Sea
7. CERES- Goddess of Harvest
8. VULCAN-God of the
Believing in God
or gods is found in
almost all religion
Activity Time
List down things that you believe
in by completing the following
OWhat have you observe in your
own belief system?
I believe in/or that
Take a look on this picture and
1. What can you see
in the picture?
2. What does the
picture tell us?
3. How can you
relate the picture
in our daily lives?
-The picture is the clear
depiction of Active
- Majority of world
religion follow a set of
The following are elements of
belief system or World view:
1. Time – the age of people, the
length of the day, the age of
the country
2. Values – It is different from
person to person. People from
different religions, groups,
countries; they all value
different things
3. Society – It is the way people
and government interact with
each other and among
-The government is the ruling
force over a society and
underneath them are different
classes of people.
4. Beliefs
OPertains to science and religion
and anything you believe in
5. Knowledge
OThe more education a person
has, the different view on the
world they will have
6. Economy
- The way we view the world has
high dependency in the amount
of money you and your country
7. Geography
- It is a combination of
economy, society, time and
The following are kinds of belief
systems or world views in Religion.
- The belief in the
existence of one or more
divinity or deities exist
within the universe.
2. Monotheism
-They believe that only one
God exist.
3. Polytheism
- The belief in or worship on
multiple Gods
4. Pantheism
- The belief that God is equivalent to
Nature or the physical Universe or
that everything is of an all
encompassing eminent abstract
5. Animism
- The belief that souls in habit all are
most objects, whether there be Animals,
Vegetables or Minerals
6. Atheism
OThe beliefs that God do not
exist or a complete rejection of
theism in any form
7. Agnosticism
OThe belief that the nature in
existence of God is unknown
and cannot ever be known or
belief systems
- Many beliefs that fit together in a
system to make sense of the universe
and or our place in it
2. COMMUNITY – The belief system
is shared in its ideals practice by a
OStories that help explain the
beliefs of a group. These
are told over and over again
and sometimes performed
by members of the group
they may or may not be
OBeliefs are explained taught and
made real through ceremonies
ORules about how to behave. These
rules are often taught to have come a
deity or supernatural place but they
might be also be seen as guidelines
created by the group over time
6. Characteristic Emotional
OMost religions share
emotions such as mystery,
guilt, devotion, conversion
inner peace and etc.,
7. Material Expression
OReligions use things to perform
rituals or to express or
represents beliefs such as
statues. Paintings,
architecture and specific sacred
OReligions see some things a
sacred and some not sacred
or profane. Some objects,
actions people in places may
share in the sacredness or
express it.
(Profane- curse language, swear. Behavior that
shows a lack of respect for God or holy things.)
OIt is once integrity view of life involves
a quest for the meaning and the
ultimate value of life as oppose to an
instrumentalist or materialistic attitude
to life.
O EX. The boy broke up with his girlfriend and engaged
into drugs and made him unemployed but he survive
along with his problems in life in short he has a fighting
OCome from the Latin terms
Which is translated as “breath”,
courage, vigor or soul refers to
both respiration and the wind.
and related also to the Latin
word “spirare” which means to
There are 4 Characteristics of
1. A sense of wholeness and harmony
within oneself
2. A sense of wholeness and harmony
with others
3. A sense of wholeness and harmony
with God or supreme power
4. A sense of Wholeness or harmony
with the ecosystem.
There are 5 attributes or
Elements of Spirituality
1. Meaning: The ontological
significance of life; making sense
of life situations; deriving
purpose in existence .
(Ontology- seeks the classification and
explanation of entities, is about the
object of inquiry.
2. Values; beliefs and standards
that are cherished; having to do with
the truth, beauty worth of a thought,
object or behavior; often discussed
as ultimate values.
3. Transcendence; experience
and appreciation of a dimension
beyond the self; expanding self-
4. Connecting: relationships with
self, others, God/Higher Power, and
the environment.
5. Becoming: an unfolding of life
that demands reflection and
experiences; includes a sense of
who one is and how one knows
among other things.
Direction: Examine the following statements.
In your quiz notebook, write FACT if the statement is
correct and write BLUFF if otherwise .
1. Economy is the age of people, the
length of the day, the age of the
2. Spirituality is once integrity view of
life involves a quest for the meaning
and the ultimate value of life as oppose
to an instrumentalist or materialistic
attitude to life.
3. Pantheism is a belief that God is
equivalent to nature.
4. Atheism is a belief that gods do
5. Ethics pertains to rules on how to
6. Agnosticism -The belief
that the nature in existence
of God is unknown and
cannot ever be known or
proven .
7. Geography- The way we
view the world has high
dependency in the amount of
money you and your country
8. Belief –pertains to science and
religion and anything you believe
9. Knowledge- The more
education a person has the
different view on the world they
will have.
10. Time- It is different from
person to person. People
from different religions,
groups, countries, they all
value different thing.
Identify the following:
11. They believe that only one God
12. The belief in the existence of
one or more divinity or deities.
13. The belief in or worship on
multiple Gods
14. The belief that souls in habit
all are most objects, whether
there be Animals, Vegetables or
15. The belief that God is
equivalent to Nature or the
Physical Universe.
16. The belief that the nature in
existence of God is unknown
and cannot ever be known or
17. The beliefs that God do not
exist or a complete or a
18. The belief system is shared in its
ideals practice by a group.
19. It is the way people and
government interact with each other
and among themselves.
20. experience and appreciation of a
dimension beyond the self;
expanding self- boundaries.
Multiple Choice (5 items)
Direction: Read carefully and choose the letter of
the correct answer. (CAPITAL LETTER )
21. What do you call that beliefs are explained
taught and made real ceremonies?
A. Ethics C. Connecting
B. Rituals D. Becoming
22. It is a relationship with self, others, God
and the environment.
A. Connecting C. Ethics
B. Becoming D. Rituals
23. It is an unfolding of life that
demands reflection and experiences
includes a sense of who one is and
how one knows among other things.
A. Spirit
B. Connecting
C. Becoming
D. Material expression
24. Who is the goddess of wisdom,
arts and crafts, learning and industry in
Roman Gods?
A. Ceres C. Jupiter
B. Juno D. Minerva
25.Who is the goddess of harvest in
Roman Gods?
A. Ceres C. Jupiter
B. Juno D. Venus
Answer Key:
1. BLUFF: TIME 11. Monotheism 21. B
2. FACT 12. Theism 22. A
3. FACT 13. Polytheism 23. C
4. BLUFF: THEISM 14. Animism 24. D
5. FACT 15. Pantheism 25. A
6. FACT 16. Agnosticism
7. BLUFF:ECONOMY 17. Atheism
8. FACT 18. Community
9. FACT 19. Society
10. BLUFF: VALUES 20. Trancendence
OIn your 1 Whole sheet of paper, as
your activity, give the learning that
you have gain for the following
1. Tell something about belief
2. Tell something about religion
3. Tell something about
Religious Symbol
Analyze the following symbols and
identify what religion it represents
Religious Symbols
1.What religion represents this
O Answer:
The main symbol of
Christianity is the
cross; a symbol of the
crucifixion of Jesus
and his passion.
2.What religion represent this
O Answer:
-The Dharma Wheel, or
The wheel represents the Dharma,
the teachings of the Buddha. In the
center of the wheel are three swirls
that represent the three jewels of
Buddhism, which are the Buddha
(or the teacher), the Dharma
(teachings of Buddha), and the
sangha (the community).
3.What religion represent this
O Answer:
-Crescent and Star: The
faith of Islam is
symbolized by the
Crescent and Star. The
Crescent is the early
phase of the moon and
represents progress.
The star signifies
illumination with the
light of knowledge.
4.What religion represent this
O Answer:
-Torii mark the
entrance to Shinto
shrines and are
symbols of the
5.What religion represent this
O Answer:
-The most well-known
symbol from Taoism is
certainly the Chinese yin
yang. The yin yang is a
symbolic representation of
the world's polarities,
dualisms, and
fundamental dichotomies:
light and dark, male and
female, life and death.
6.What religion represent this
O Answer:
-The "Om" or "Aum" and
the lotus flower are two
significant Hindu symbols.
The om is a combination
of Sanskrit letters believed
to be the first sound of
creation; it is integrated
into many mantras. The
lotus flower also
represents the creation
myth, as it is intimately
tied to water.
7.What religion represent this
O Answer:
-The Star of David, a
symbol of Judaism as a
religion, and of the
Jewish people as a
whole. It also thought to
be the shield (or at least
the emblem on it) of
King David.
8.What religion represent this
O Answer:
This Chinese
ideogram for water
is often utilized as a
symbol for
-In Chinese
philosophy It
represents the
'source of life.
Direction: In your quiz notebook list down ten
(10) things, memories, or experiences that
remind you of your childhood.
1. ___________
2. ___________
3. ___________
4. ___________
5. ___________
6. ___________
7. ___________
8. ___________
9. ___________
10. ___________
What makes the things
memories, and experiences
you have listed memorable?
How do they remind you of
your childhood?
 The things remind you of
your childhood could either be
good or bad. But either ways,
all of those things are already
part of your life. Definitely, you
cannot anymore get rid of
those memories. You may cry,
laugh, or even cringe
whenever you remember those
 This reality proves how
powerful the human
mind is. Good memories
definitely are for keeps;
and bad ones are
something that you do
not want anymore to
remember .
 The present generation would
always say “move on” and “don’t
look back ‘. But this lesson will
teach you that there are a lot of
valuable things in the past that
you can learn from Dr. Jose
Rizal said, “ang hindi lumingon
sa pinanggalingan ay hindi
makararating sa paroroonan.” In
this sense, moving on could
also mean to look back and
learn the lessons of the past.
In your own opinion, is it
really important to look
back in order to learn from
the past?
How can it help you move
forward in life?
Historical Background of
World Religions
Religions - are a product of both
History and development. They
emerged with certain cultural and
phenomenological (studies structures of
conscious experience as experienced
from the first point of view)
person conditions that paved the way
for their establishment.
In the perspective scholars,
religion is Universal and can be
found in all known contemporary
societies. Various theories were
also formulated stating that even
pre-historic humans practiced a
set of belief systems that
includes burying the dead,
paintings in the cave, and stone
(Ong and Jose 2016)
Moreover, India is known to be
one of the world’s oldest
civilizations where religion is
an essential part. With a
polytheistic view of religion,
Hinduism has been the
foundation of Indian Religions
that proceeded to the birth of
many other religions.
On the other hand, Chinese civilization is
also one of the World’s oldest dating
back almost 4,000 years ago. They
adopted Confucius teachings, ideals, and
ethics in developing meritocracy as a
basis for government officials. More so,
Lao Tzu who may have existed around
6th Century BCE is believed to be the
author of Dao Jing ( The Book of the
Way) which centers on the concept of the
Dao as a way or path signifying
appropriateness of one’s behavior to lead
other people.
Shintoism is a loosely organized
local belief in Japan which is
somewhat an ardent religious
form of Japanese patriotism. Its
mythology highlights their
superiority over other lands while
shrines honor great heroes and
important events in their history.
(Ong and Jose 2016)
What you should do?
Direction: Answer the following questions
in your quiz notebook.
1. What is the History of your Religion?
2. What are the significant events that
happened in your religion?
3. Who are the significant persons or
leaders of your religion? What are
their roles and responsibilities?
Activity Time!
Direction: Write an essay in
your quiz notebook about Dr.
Jose Rizal’s famous line
“Ang hindi lumingon sa
pinanggalingan ay hindi
makararating sa paroroonan”

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Introduction to World Religion and Belief Systems.pptx

  • 1. Introduction to World Religion and Belief Systems
  • 2. We are expected to: 1. Define belief system, religion and spirituality. 2. Differentiate concepts, elements and characteristics of the belief system, religion and spirituality. 3. Make an affirmation of your faith or beliefs in the religion you belong
  • 4. Definition of Religion OAccording to Oxford dictionary, religion is an “action or conduct indicating belief in, obedience to and reverence for a god, gods, or similar superhuman power; the performance of religious rites or observances”.(2 essential component) 1.Belief in supernatural being (describes one’s attitude toward the object of one’s belief) 2. Effort or commitment (performative)
  • 5. Definition of Religion O By etymology, the word religion comes from three Latin variants: relegere, religari, and re- eligere O Relegere - means “constantly returns to” it speaks about religious observance such as Holy week (Christianity), Ramadan (ISLAM) or PASSOVER (JUDAISM). O Religari - means “to be tied into” refers to the commitment to one’s own religion O Re-eligere - means to “choose again” refers to conversation or going back to one’s roots or goals.
  • 6. Religion OHuman beings' relation to that which they regard as holy, sacred, absolute, spiritual, divine, or worthy of especial reverence. Obelief in and worship of gods or any such system of worship and belief. OOld Religion perform Rituals
  • 7. Most ancient civilization worship many different Gods and the romans were no difference. -Each of this God has their own purpose and value
  • 8. Here are some popular of the Roman Gods 1. Jupiter- The main Roman God 2. Juno- Wife of Jupiter and Goddess of women and fertility
  • 9. 3. MARS God of War
  • 10. 4. VENUS –Goddess of Love and Beauty
  • 11. 5. MINERVA- Goddess of wisdom, arts and crafts, learning and industry
  • 12. 6. NEPTUNE- God of the Sea
  • 13. 7. CERES- Goddess of Harvest
  • 14. 8. VULCAN-God of the underworld
  • 15. Believing in God or gods is found in almost all religion
  • 16. Activity Time List down things that you believe in by completing the following statement: OWhat have you observe in your own belief system? I believe in/or that ___________________
  • 17. Take a look on this picture and analyze 1. What can you see in the picture? 2. What does the picture tell us? 3. How can you relate the picture in our daily lives?
  • 18. -The picture is the clear depiction of Active Prayer - Majority of world religion follow a set of prayer
  • 19. The following are elements of belief system or World view: 1. Time – the age of people, the length of the day, the age of the country 2. Values – It is different from person to person. People from different religions, groups, countries; they all value different things
  • 20. 3. Society – It is the way people and government interact with each other and among themselves. -The government is the ruling force over a society and underneath them are different classes of people.
  • 21. 4. Beliefs OPertains to science and religion and anything you believe in 5. Knowledge OThe more education a person has, the different view on the world they will have
  • 22. 6. Economy - The way we view the world has high dependency in the amount of money you and your country has. 7. Geography - It is a combination of economy, society, time and beliefs.
  • 23. The following are kinds of belief systems or world views in Religion. 1. THEISM - The belief in the existence of one or more divinity or deities exist within the universe.
  • 24. 2. Monotheism -They believe that only one God exist. 3. Polytheism - The belief in or worship on multiple Gods
  • 25. 4. Pantheism - The belief that God is equivalent to Nature or the physical Universe or that everything is of an all encompassing eminent abstract God 5. Animism - The belief that souls in habit all are most objects, whether there be Animals, Vegetables or Minerals
  • 26. 6. Atheism OThe beliefs that God do not exist or a complete rejection of theism in any form 7. Agnosticism OThe belief that the nature in existence of God is unknown and cannot ever be known or proven
  • 28. RITUAL OR CEREMONY OJUST LIKE THE WEDDING SCENE IS ONE OF A VARIOUS ELEMENTS OF RELIGION : 1. BELIEF SYSTEM OR WORLD VIEW - Many beliefs that fit together in a system to make sense of the universe and or our place in it 2. COMMUNITY – The belief system is shared in its ideals practice by a group
  • 29. 3. CENTRAL STORIES/MYTHS OStories that help explain the beliefs of a group. These are told over and over again and sometimes performed by members of the group they may or may not be factual.
  • 30. 4. RITUALS OBeliefs are explained taught and made real through ceremonies 5. ETHICS ORules about how to behave. These rules are often taught to have come a deity or supernatural place but they might be also be seen as guidelines created by the group over time
  • 31. 6. Characteristic Emotional Experiences OMost religions share emotions such as mystery, guilt, devotion, conversion inner peace and etc.,
  • 32. 7. Material Expression OReligions use things to perform rituals or to express or represents beliefs such as statues. Paintings, Music,flowers,clothes architecture and specific sacred locations
  • 33. 8. SACREDNESS OReligions see some things a sacred and some not sacred or profane. Some objects, actions people in places may share in the sacredness or express it. (Profane- curse language, swear. Behavior that shows a lack of respect for God or holy things.)
  • 34. SPIRITUALITY OIt is once integrity view of life involves a quest for the meaning and the ultimate value of life as oppose to an instrumentalist or materialistic attitude to life. O EX. The boy broke up with his girlfriend and engaged into drugs and made him unemployed but he survive along with his problems in life in short he has a fighting spirit.
  • 35. SPIRIT OCome from the Latin terms “Spiritus” Which is translated as “breath”, courage, vigor or soul refers to both respiration and the wind. and related also to the Latin word “spirare” which means to breathe.
  • 36. There are 4 Characteristics of Spirituality: 1. A sense of wholeness and harmony within oneself 2. A sense of wholeness and harmony with others 3. A sense of wholeness and harmony with God or supreme power 4. A sense of Wholeness or harmony with the ecosystem.
  • 37. There are 5 attributes or Elements of Spirituality 1. Meaning: The ontological significance of life; making sense of life situations; deriving purpose in existence . (Ontology- seeks the classification and explanation of entities, is about the object of inquiry.
  • 38. 2. Values; beliefs and standards that are cherished; having to do with the truth, beauty worth of a thought, object or behavior; often discussed as ultimate values. 3. Transcendence; experience and appreciation of a dimension beyond the self; expanding self- boundaries.
  • 39. 4. Connecting: relationships with self, others, God/Higher Power, and the environment. 5. Becoming: an unfolding of life that demands reflection and experiences; includes a sense of who one is and how one knows among other things.
  • 40. FACT or BLUFF Direction: Examine the following statements. In your quiz notebook, write FACT if the statement is correct and write BLUFF if otherwise . 1. Economy is the age of people, the length of the day, the age of the country. Answer:
  • 41. 2. Spirituality is once integrity view of life involves a quest for the meaning and the ultimate value of life as oppose to an instrumentalist or materialistic attitude to life. Answer: 3. Pantheism is a belief that God is equivalent to nature. Answer:
  • 42. 4. Atheism is a belief that gods do exist. Answer: 5. Ethics pertains to rules on how to behave Answer:
  • 43. 6. Agnosticism -The belief that the nature in existence of God is unknown and cannot ever be known or proven . Answer: 7. Geography- The way we view the world has high dependency in the amount of money you and your country
  • 44. 8. Belief –pertains to science and religion and anything you believe in Answer: 9. Knowledge- The more education a person has the different view on the world they will have. Answer:
  • 45. 10. Time- It is different from person to person. People from different religions, groups, countries, they all value different thing. Answer:
  • 46. Identify the following: 11. They believe that only one God exist. 12. The belief in the existence of one or more divinity or deities.
  • 47. 13. The belief in or worship on multiple Gods 14. The belief that souls in habit all are most objects, whether there be Animals, Vegetables or Minerals.
  • 48. 15. The belief that God is equivalent to Nature or the Physical Universe. 16. The belief that the nature in existence of God is unknown and cannot ever be known or proven. 17. The beliefs that God do not exist or a complete or a
  • 49. 18. The belief system is shared in its ideals practice by a group. 19. It is the way people and government interact with each other and among themselves. 20. experience and appreciation of a dimension beyond the self; expanding self- boundaries.
  • 50. Multiple Choice (5 items) Direction: Read carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. (CAPITAL LETTER ) 21. What do you call that beliefs are explained taught and made real ceremonies? A. Ethics C. Connecting B. Rituals D. Becoming 22. It is a relationship with self, others, God and the environment. A. Connecting C. Ethics B. Becoming D. Rituals
  • 51. 23. It is an unfolding of life that demands reflection and experiences includes a sense of who one is and how one knows among other things. A. Spirit B. Connecting C. Becoming D. Material expression
  • 52. 24. Who is the goddess of wisdom, arts and crafts, learning and industry in Roman Gods? A. Ceres C. Jupiter B. Juno D. Minerva 25.Who is the goddess of harvest in Roman Gods? A. Ceres C. Jupiter B. Juno D. Venus
  • 53. Answer Key: 1. BLUFF: TIME 11. Monotheism 21. B 2. FACT 12. Theism 22. A 3. FACT 13. Polytheism 23. C 4. BLUFF: THEISM 14. Animism 24. D 5. FACT 15. Pantheism 25. A 6. FACT 16. Agnosticism 7. BLUFF:ECONOMY 17. Atheism 8. FACT 18. Community 9. FACT 19. Society 10. BLUFF: VALUES 20. Trancendence
  • 54. GROUPINGS! OIn your 1 Whole sheet of paper, as your activity, give the learning that you have gain for the following concepts: 1. Tell something about belief system 2. Tell something about religion 3. Tell something about Spirituality
  • 56. Religious Symbol quiz Analyze the following symbols and identify what religion it represents
  • 58. 1.What religion represents this symbol? O Answer: CHRISTIANITY The main symbol of Christianity is the cross; a symbol of the crucifixion of Jesus and his passion.
  • 59. 2.What religion represent this symbol? O Answer: BUDDHISM -The Dharma Wheel, or Dharmachakra The wheel represents the Dharma, the teachings of the Buddha. In the center of the wheel are three swirls that represent the three jewels of Buddhism, which are the Buddha (or the teacher), the Dharma (teachings of Buddha), and the sangha (the community).
  • 60. 3.What religion represent this symbol? O Answer: ISLAM -Crescent and Star: The faith of Islam is symbolized by the Crescent and Star. The Crescent is the early phase of the moon and represents progress. The star signifies illumination with the light of knowledge.
  • 61. 4.What religion represent this symbol? O Answer: SHINTOISM -Torii mark the entrance to Shinto shrines and are recognizable symbols of the religion.
  • 62. 5.What religion represent this symbol? O Answer: TAOISM -The most well-known symbol from Taoism is certainly the Chinese yin yang. The yin yang is a symbolic representation of the world's polarities, dualisms, and fundamental dichotomies: light and dark, male and female, life and death.
  • 63. 6.What religion represent this symbol? O Answer: HINDUISM -The "Om" or "Aum" and the lotus flower are two significant Hindu symbols. The om is a combination of Sanskrit letters believed to be the first sound of creation; it is integrated into many mantras. The lotus flower also represents the creation myth, as it is intimately tied to water.
  • 64. 7.What religion represent this symbol? O Answer: JUDAISM -The Star of David, a symbol of Judaism as a religion, and of the Jewish people as a whole. It also thought to be the shield (or at least the emblem on it) of King David.
  • 65. 8.What religion represent this symbol? O Answer: CONFUCIANISM This Chinese ideogram for water is often utilized as a symbol for Confucianism. -In Chinese philosophy It represents the 'source of life.
  • 66. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Direction: In your quiz notebook list down ten (10) things, memories, or experiences that remind you of your childhood. 1. ___________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________ 6. ___________ 7. ___________ 8. ___________ 9. ___________ 10. ___________
  • 67. QUESTIONS: What makes the things memories, and experiences you have listed memorable? How do they remind you of your childhood?
  • 68.  The things remind you of your childhood could either be good or bad. But either ways, all of those things are already part of your life. Definitely, you cannot anymore get rid of those memories. You may cry, laugh, or even cringe whenever you remember those things.
  • 69.  This reality proves how powerful the human mind is. Good memories definitely are for keeps; and bad ones are something that you do not want anymore to remember .
  • 70.  The present generation would always say “move on” and “don’t look back ‘. But this lesson will teach you that there are a lot of valuable things in the past that you can learn from Dr. Jose Rizal said, “ang hindi lumingon sa pinanggalingan ay hindi makararating sa paroroonan.” In this sense, moving on could also mean to look back and learn the lessons of the past.
  • 71. In your own opinion, is it really important to look back in order to learn from the past? How can it help you move forward in life?
  • 72. Historical Background of World Religions Religions - are a product of both History and development. They emerged with certain cultural and phenomenological (studies structures of conscious experience as experienced from the first point of view) person conditions that paved the way for their establishment.
  • 73. In the perspective scholars, religion is Universal and can be found in all known contemporary societies. Various theories were also formulated stating that even pre-historic humans practiced a set of belief systems that includes burying the dead, paintings in the cave, and stone carvings. (Ong and Jose 2016)
  • 74. Moreover, India is known to be one of the world’s oldest civilizations where religion is an essential part. With a polytheistic view of religion, Hinduism has been the foundation of Indian Religions that proceeded to the birth of many other religions.
  • 75. On the other hand, Chinese civilization is also one of the World’s oldest dating back almost 4,000 years ago. They adopted Confucius teachings, ideals, and ethics in developing meritocracy as a basis for government officials. More so, Lao Tzu who may have existed around 6th Century BCE is believed to be the author of Dao Jing ( The Book of the Way) which centers on the concept of the Dao as a way or path signifying appropriateness of one’s behavior to lead other people.
  • 76. Shintoism is a loosely organized local belief in Japan which is somewhat an ardent religious form of Japanese patriotism. Its mythology highlights their superiority over other lands while shrines honor great heroes and important events in their history. (Ong and Jose 2016)
  • 77. Activity! What you should do? Direction: Answer the following questions in your quiz notebook. 1. What is the History of your Religion? 2. What are the significant events that happened in your religion? 3. Who are the significant persons or leaders of your religion? What are their roles and responsibilities?
  • 78. Activity Time! Direction: Write an essay in your quiz notebook about Dr. Jose Rizal’s famous line “Ang hindi lumingon sa pinanggalingan ay hindi makararating sa paroroonan”