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Black. The sound of fire raises up, as it crackles and sparks, we hear a person
warming themselves beside it. From the darkness the moon reveals itself.
Casting light onto our tale.
Bard Long ago in Ireland there was King who earned the name Conn Cead Cathach, that is
Conn of the Hundred Battles. How he got this name is a matter of debate, as is the correct
translation of it, but frankly, who cares? Well, I care. But! I’m not here to start a debate,
we’ll save that for later. Why am I here? That you can decide for yourself.
Now, it is time for our tale, the story of Conn of the Hundred Battles, the Battle of
Magd Leana, and the Partition of Ireland.
The sound of the sea and the calling of gulls is heard. We follow this sound to
the mouth of the Boyne, the harsh waves become a gentle flow, the wind
moves through the grass, as night deepens on the Kingdom of Ireland.
Bard The night Conn was born there lay an unsettled feeling across the land. The
Otherworld, the dwelling place of long banished mythological beings; that place of wonder
and terror, lay close to ours and the bleeding of time was reaching its zenith. On this night
great fruit trees sprang from the ground, standing for the length of his reign.
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Also, three great lakes filled from basins barren, and the five roads to Tara were
revealed; the most crucial of which, as you will see, stretched from the port of the black pool
to the peninsula of Marey.
So it was that the land itself welcomed Conn’s birth. Though there were few who
took note of this alignment at the time.
The sun rises, and a new dawn bathes the land in light, banishing the
shadows, for a time.
Bard One day, Conn was in Tara, where his father was king; He was visiting with his two-
foster brothers, Fiacra and Eochcaidh, who were also his greatest friends. They played chase,
and Conn escaped easily. He ran all across the lands of his father’s protection, up the
ramparts and across the walls. He then stepped upon a stone; of which, many a tale was told,
and whose theft and reacquisition would make history of its own.
Running footsteps is met with a wail of rapturous joy so primal it could be
mistaken for one of death.
Conn What is this sound, so joyful and yet alien?
He takes a few steps back only to be met with the same scream. He falls to his
knees and examines the wall under him.
Conn A stone? How can a rock behave like a person?
Bard I know that stone, and so do you, though you don’t recognise it.
Conn Far be it for me to know one rock from another.
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Bard A fair statement. I will tell you what that stone is. It is the Lia Fáil, the
Speaking Stone. Repurposed here by those without knowledge of its power. Lost,
since it was struck in two by the Hound of Ulster.
Conn How can this be? The Speaking Stone, the stone that cries out at the touch of the
rightful king of Ireland, why does it cry now?
Bard For a king with a legend so wise, you aren’t half thick.
Conn I am a child, not a King, and you are wanderer, it doesn’t surprise me that
you know more of these matters than I.
Bard That’s more like it… Seeing as you are only at your beginning, I could help you, a
Before the Bard can continue, a great wind rises, and is joined by the thrice
sounding of a bell.
Bard (in awe) Well feck me and call me the brown bull of Cooley. Looks like I needn’t
From a shimmering of the worlds, a man and woman step forth.
Conn I am afraid, stranger, that these folk come from the Síde.
Bard And you would not be wrong in that fear, and perhaps should be more fearful
again. For before us now stand the mightiest of the Tuath de Danan, the magical people who
occupied this island before your ancestors drove their world under the ground. Lugh, of the
Long-Hand, and Eriu, from whom your people name this isle.
Lugh Conn, son of the judge, follow us and we will tell you of your reign.
Conn I am fearful, mighty Lugh, to follow you to the perilous realm.
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Bard Go, young Conn, this is how it is meant to be.
Conn pauses at the remark.
Conn Then I will go, if Eriu will allow me?
Eriu You may. You too, Bard, may join us... Though I wonder how it is you came
to be here at all.
Bard Don’t worry about it.
Lugh Fair enough, follow me!
Bard Lugh led Conn through the mist to a small house beside a great golden tree.
Inside, Lugh took a seat on a mighty throne, while Eriu prepared food in a silver vat. As Eriu
served Conn the meal, Lugh sat silent, a blazing sun shining from behind him. At last, Eriu
raised a golden cup in good health.
Eriu To whom shall this cup be given?
Bard (She called out in solemn chant)
Lugh To the King of all Ireland, may he reign for seven years of plenty, and seven years
without. Nine years of peace, and fifteen of truce. And all his years in kingship, bound to the
wisdom of the earth and frailties within every human soul. But… his children shall own this
land for a time beyond the stories themselves.
Bard Conn was in awe of this proclamation, he took the cup and drank from it, then moved
to hand it to Lugh. But as he entered the lord’s shadow, he was cast into darkness, he stepped
back and found himself once more on the ramparts of Tara.
Conn A heavy weight is to be thrust upon me.
Bard It’s one that you can bear.
Conn Truly?
Bard Time will tell, won’t it?
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The sounds of battle rise up from the soil. Many solstices pass, and the time
arrives of Conn's adulthood.
Bard Lugh spoke true; Conn’s reign was long and was filled with many tales of both he
and the other heroes of his time. But while he was King in Tara, and so King of Ireland, this
was not a sure thing. And he did not rule or even govern, so much as preside.
Munster, the province in the south of the island, at this time had three disunited kings.
One of these was a man called Magh Nuid; he was a clever guy, who heeded words of
wisdom whenever they were spoken.
Also, he was shrewd enough to know when a profit could be made from such
wisdom. So, when his wife had a dream foretelling that a time of plenty was upon
Ireland which would last for seven years, but would be followed by a time of drought to last
another seven.
Magh Nuid’s mind formed a plan.
For seven years, he only allowed his taxes to be paid in grain or livestock, and not in
currency or labour. In his holdings he had great storehouses built and he began a horde of
supplies which would see not just his people, but all Munster as well, through what was to
The time arrived, and the land became barren. (I'm of the belief that this was actually
Conn’s fault, but that’s another story altogether. And it’s one I’m not here to tell.)
Anyway! The chiefs of Muster, which seemed worse off than elsewhere, called a
The murmur or worried and angry voices grows.
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Member 1 This is a disaster. The people have spent a year watching hard earned food, decay
before its time.
Member 2 And harvests fail!
Member 3 And now they squabble and barter like children over a sweet!
Member 1 But what can be done? We are all each landed in the same lot!
Member 3 Then we are doomed!
The voices get louder, and angrier.
Member 2 (calling out over the ruckus) What of Magh Nuid? He stays silent.
Member 3 That’s right! We all know you were up to something during the time of plenty.
Can you help us or not?
A silence dawns as we feel all eyes fall upon Magh Nuid.
Bard (whispering conspiratorially) Mag Nuid rose suppressing a smile. Having patiently
waited through the squabbling with rising irritation. His moment was now here.
Magh Nuid It is true that I can save you from this season. And I’ll only ask you
grant me some gifts.
Member 2 Anything!
There is murmur of agreement.
Member 3 Name the gifts you desire.
Magh Nuid These are they: that you banish Connaire and MagNid-MagLug.
Bard (The other two kings of Munster, if you hadn’t worked out his plan yet.)
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Magh Nuid And you give sovereignty to my son, Eoghan Mor.
Members (together) Agreed!
Eoghan Wait!
Bard Magh Nuid’s son himself now stood.
Eoghan It is not right that I be King, not while my father still rules!
Magh Nuid Take the Kingship with my blessing; the people love you well.
Bard It was true, the people were not overly fond of Connaire, MagNid-
MagLug, or Magh Nuid. While his son was respected and admired…
Eoghan Mogh Nuadhat Fidhfeccach Taidhlech MacmaghNuidh… try saying that
Eoghan (with lots of names from lots of anecdotes) was clever, generous and
strong beyond his contemporaries. He was thought the most resilient man in Munster and
had even courted a woman of the Tuath de Danann whose name was Eadoinn. He was
considered not just to be of fair temper, but of rational heart.
The bard sighs dramatically.
Bard Oh how the lust for revenge can destroy a man…
Eoghan was made King against his will, but to the people he was a blessing.
Connaire and MagNid-MagLug however, fled with their enemies seeking High-King Conn’s
protection. And being sympathetic to their cause, Conn pledged alliance with them.
Magh Nuid was outraged that Conn would interfere in the affairs of Munster and
declared he would see the High-King deposed.
Eoghan counselled against this action, but Magh Nuid’s rage against Conn
could not be stifled.
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Eoghan Father, I myself will refrain from this conflict. I have no just cause to war with the
High-King, though perhaps, in the harbouring of your enemies, you do.
Magh Nuid How can my own son suggest such a dishonour! You should at least meet him
in the field once before you run away from him!
Bard Reluctantly, Eoghan agreed, and Magh Nuid was relieved, as he knew
Eoghan to be among the best warriors in his command.
Swords suddenly crash with shields as we are thrown into the heart of an
intense battle.
Bard (voice raised over battle) The ensuing skirmishes were bloody, as slowly Conn drove
Magh Nuid’s forces south, for despite being at a disadvantage, he had some of the greatest
champions of Ireland fighting for him. The list of heroes and their combats is recorded
elsewhere. Just know that through twist of fate Magh Nuid met upon Goll Mac Morna, the
man who recently became leader of the Fianna; the greatest band of warriors in all the land.
Goll Magh Nuid, I will not let you approach Conn. I know what it is you seek; if he were
dead you would lay claim to the High-Kingship of all Ireland.
Magh Nuid You are clever as well as strong, Goll, son of Morna. Why fight for Conn? The
decision is yours to make freely.
Goll And I have made it.
Bard The two fought furiously. And though Magh Nuid fought well, he was
overcome and slain.
Eoghan’s heart hardened at his father’s death, and he continued to press through
skirmishes until managing to put space between his army and Conn’s. He then sent his druid
to Conn to beg a day of counsel to allow Eoghan to bury his father.
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Conn agreed, and after this was done, the druid asked for another three days for
mourning. Conn agreed to this as well, and making the most of his time, Eoghan retreated.
He fortified a pass, and occupied it with his own warriors, but he told the rest of
Munster’s forces to leave him, and seek a truce with Conn. As in their current state they
could not win the day. This they did, and were bound even more to Eoghan because of it.
Conn, and his armies pillaged across half the province, before coming near this pass,
he wisely chose to avoid it, taking a longer route, but coming upon the surrendering
Munster forces as he did.
These armies swore fealty to Connaire and MagNid-MagLug once more, and the
armies of Munster all returned to their holdings, and though Conn’s forces were greatly
reduced by this; he thought peace won and as such was not overly cautious.
But, Eoghan had a mind for revenge. He did not blame Goll Mac Morna for his
father's death, but instead Conn, whose interference had stirred such blind anger from his
And so, upon realising Conn’s weakened state, made an attack on his camp. But
Conn’s soldiers that remained were among the best in Ireland, and quickly most of Eoghan’s
troops were routed, except the great warrior himself. And so, he too came face to face with
Goll Mac Morna.
Eoghan I already thought it a great inequality that I fight half of Conn’s forces alone, but the
even greater inequality is that I face Goll Mac bloody Morna!
Bard Now, if you haven’t realised by now, warfare at the time was very different to what it
would become. And battles would devolve into individual duels, with occasional support
in the interest of nothing but personal equity.
Beyond that you’d have to be mental to want to get in between two fighters like
Eoghan Mogh Nuadhat and Goll Mac Morna.
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Eoghan fought with the animosity of a son scorned, but he knew he could not defeat
the leader of the Fianna. Sensing his danger, Eadoinn, his Tuath lover, used her magic to
rescue Eoghan, and smuggled him to the magical island where she dwelt.
Eoghan was angry at his lover’s dishonourable rescue of him, but recognised he
needed to heal. He spent nine days there, fully recovering from his injuries, then made to
leave. But Eodoinn was mournful, and said:
Eadoinn Alas for the length of time you have tarried! For, if you had remained but
one night in this island, you would have been deprived of one year of Erinn. Now,
nine years have passed! To make up for this, I will help you.
Eoghan Thank you kindly for your help in heart, soul and mind. I do not regret nine
years spent here with you! But I shall not return, for it is a price I cannot afford to pay again.
Eodoinn Take this sword, for with it you could defeat any foe, but also, it is the only that
sword can slay you. Next, I urge you, seek Daire of Leinster, he will help you reclaim
Munster, for he grows tired of the High-King’s cattle-levy. Then to Eochaid and Breasal of
Ulster. For they too have enmity with Conn Cead Cathach. After, when Munster is yours
once more, and your host assembled, we shall meet again.
Bard Eoghan followed his lover’s instructions, until finally, he gathered an army large
enough to conquer all of Ireland…
Dawn breaks upon Tara.
Conn I am restless. Nine years have passed in peace, and surely the time is upon me—that
Lugh predicted—of fifteen years of truce. But to have truce, first you must have war. I will
call the armies of Connaught here, along with my friends from among the tribes of Ulster.
That way, if war comes upon me, I would not be caught unawares.
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Bard In Tara, Conn mustered as large a force as he could, and set watches for the
return of war. Soon enough, word reached him that Eoghan Mor had returned to Munster
with an army, and instead of banishing Connaire and MagNid-MagLug, had subjugated
But Conn would not wage war again, not unless the other Kings requested it, which
they did not. So he still waited in Tara, confident that he would have enough warning to flee
if necessary to his more defensible fortifications in Connaught, the western province.
But, Eodoinn was true to her word, she came to Eoghan one last time, and of their
goodbye I will not tell, for it is for them alone. She then shrouded Eoghan’s armies in a mist,
and confounded Conn’s watch, until, one day, Conn awoke in Tara to find himself besieged.
Tara was not designed as a place of war. And Conn was forced to fight his way out
with his forces and flee west.
Eoghan As he once chased me through Munster, I will now chase him through Connaught!
Bard And he did. Conn fought ten losing battles as he retreated across Ireland. But,
his enemies from Ulster outmanoeuvred him, cutting him off from his base and forcing a
vast forest between his army and safety.
Hemmed in on top a tall hill, Conn made camp and prepared for the following day’s
Conn Light three times the fires tonight! Eoghan Mor camps on the opposite hill, and
would have him think are numbers greater that the meagre force we have.
Bard Good idea.
Conn He has taken most of my land from me. I was High-King at Tara, now I own
nothing. Conn of the hundred empty vessels! If only I had the wisdom to play a trick, or
some feat to win this day.
Bard Tell me, do you know the story of King Bran and the Well?
Conn I do not, I think.
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Bard It was not too from here.
Conn What was?
Bard The spot where knowledge ended and ignorance began!
(throughout this story the bard’s fury rises and it is clear for them, these
events are not “just a story”)
Long ago, in Ireland, there was once king called Bran. He was warlike, and
always seeking to gain wealth and power. Nothing was ever enough for him.
This was early in your people’s reckoning of time. And histories had not been laid
down by Fintan the Wise. There was a oneness which I cannot hope to ever describe. You
see, there existed a magic well that was protected by seven warriors and sages of great
renown. Women all, they were members of the Tuath. And they would offer wisdom and
respite to whomever visited to drink and gain access to the knowledge of the Otherworld.
One day, Bran asked his chief druid why the well was guarded so fiercely. The druid
knew he could not hope to explain to one such as Bran the wealth of such a well. So instead,
he told him it that its bottom was all the treasure of the Otherworld. Hoarded after the
sundering of the worlds. And not necessarily a lie.
But Bran decided he would have this treasure for himself. He led all his warriors and
fought the women there. They slew nearly all Bran’s men, until just the king and the nine
strongest lived. But the Guardians were tired, and were overcome by the men. Bran’s
survivors, under the frenzy of battle, took them and raped them violently, leaving them near
When Bran came to his senses and saw what was done, great sorrow was upon him.
But it was too late.
The blood of the Guardian’s polluted the well, and it was as if the world was ripped
in two. Humanity had the Well stripped from them. In his rage, Mananan Mac Lir, the King
of the Tuath de Dannan called upon a mighty deluge to pour out from the well. Flooding all
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Bran’s lands and trapping Bran and his followers in the Otherworld, to wander aimlessly, for
all time.
Conn is struck dumb.
Conn (eventually) That is a horrible story.
Bard I’m sorry, but do you see why I told it?
Conn How could any person, especially a King, act as such?
Bard A king is in a better position than most to act “as such”.
Conn And that’s exactly why they, above all, shouldn’t!
Bard Then have you learned what I tried to teach?
Conn Maybe that I have.
We move to a different place, with sounds of merriment, and glorification.
Bard Meanwhile, on the opposite hill, Eoghan observed Conn’s camp.
Eoghan He has more warriors than I originally thought.
Bard Indeed. There will be heavy losses on both sides in the morning. I mean, look at that
slope as well. Even outnumbered…
Eoghan … Many people will die.
Bard (brainwave) Huh! Before this battle comes you should send Conn a message. You
know, its dishonourable to begin such a battle without first offering terms.
Eoghan What terms would you have me offer?
Bard Why not divide Ireland between you? You may keep what you have won
already through battle, and the other half goes to Conn.
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Eoghan thinks on it, observing his fellows and their happiness.
Eoghan If he will have these term so will I.
Bard A druid was sent to Conn, relating this, and Conn held counsel with his
Conn If we accept these terms; we can be given time to recover, gather arms and strike out
again in the future. Otherwise, I fear we and our children will not live in this land past the
year. But, what should this division be?
Goll Why not along the East-West road? That divides the land thus as it is.
Conn I will accept these terms, though it gains me the less of the land, as much of
Ulster is unrulable.
Bard Eoghan agreed as well thinking he got the better of it. The armies disbanded,
Conn returned home to Tara, and fifteen years of truce began…
All goes quiet, too quiet; an outraged silence.
Bard Okay! I know some of you understand what it is I have just done! But know this for
fact: if I hadn’t said it someone else would of. Like, Connaire, or MagNid-MagLug. They
were thinking it, I can tell you. They loved Conn and were desperate for a way to save him.
Eoghan had secured their loyalty by making hostage of their families. So they also needed
a way to acquire peace without betraying their intentions.
Besides, maybe I said nothing at all. How do you know them from me?
Either way! Ireland was partitioned. The North was called “Conn’s Half” and
the south was “Mogh’s Half” (because Eoghan was called Mogh Nuadhat). It was divided,
as predicted, by the great highway. And the divide was marked by mounds, built at
either end.
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Fifteen years passed, and Eoghan found his kingship a struggle. There was marked
strife and poverty, and Eoghan was not happy throughout this time. He still desired
revenge on Conn, and this feeling festered. He always sought for just cause to end the truce.
During a tour of his lands, he arrived at the port of the black pool and observed the
greater number of ships and trading taking place in Conn’s half. Seizing upon this idea, he
went directly to Conn.
Eoghan It is not a fair divide that we have between us, and I demand the whole of the black
pool. As you claim the mouth of the stony river.
Conn It is not right to demand we divide arms and clothes like territory.
Eoghan Fine! Our truce it as at an end.
Bard And with great relief and excitement, Eoghan made war against Conn again.
Conn fled immediately to the fastness of Connaught, before Eoghan could assemble his
forces. But, when he did this, he left his eastern lands undefended and his enemies in
Ulster seized to chance to pillage Meath, and attempt to occupy Tara.
And so, Conn was forced out into battle with them once more. Soundly defeating the
Ulster army and driving them back. But he left himself out in the open. Luckily, during the
fifteen years of truce, Eoghan had seen it to release the families of Connaire and MagNid-
MagLug. The two former Kings, went quickly out to support Conn and betray Eoghan’s
With this warning Conn managed to hurry south, cutting of Eoghan’s advance, and
coming to meet at the hill called Magh Leana...
Eoghan So here we are at last, and Conn is outnumbered, with three fifths of Ireland allied
against him. (sneering) I think it is only honourable I offer terms. Tell him this:
I will slaughter all his warriors down to last, no matter the cost, none will live. Then I
will find their families and do the same to them. After this, I will hunt down every last friend
Conn has ever had and bring them to ruin. I will raise Tara to the ground and build it new
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again so no one will know what stood there before. All this I will do, and only then will our
enmity be over.
Either this, or he and all his kin leave Ireland, and swear to never return for all of
time, or a curse upon them if they should!
Bard Eoghan’s emissary went to Conn and delivered this ultimatum. Upon hearing the
words Conn was silent for a time, then consulted with his friends. Goll Mac Morna no
longer led the Fianna, but advised none-the-less as he and Conn were close comrades.
Conn If I am not to preside over this land so be it. I will not cause further pain and
bloodshed through my own arrogance. I will accept these terms unconditionally.
Goll Who shall deliver the message? You will have to give him assurances his word will
be done.
Conn I will send Fiacra and Eoicaidh to serve as hostage, they are my foster-brothers and
best friends. All of Ireland knows I would do anything to keep them safe.
Bard With great reluctance Conn’s closest friends took up this task, and went before
Eoghan accepting his terms.
Eoghan This is good news indeed.
He laughs to himself, and hoots. His soldiers join in, but there it is something
fierce about the cries; this is not yet done.
Eoghan Finally, after all this time in strife and agony, I will know joy once more!
(he laughs to himself) There will no limits to my excess. I will live in Tara as a
conqueror. The right of challenge making me lord of all Ireland. No food will go untasted,
no wine undrunk, for I have earned it! Long have toiled since my father’s death, and now I
shall have my reward.
I am High-King!
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The crowds cheer.
Eoghan You two, Fiacra and Eochaidh, you will be the first to swear loyalty.
Fiacra We will not.
Eoghan Excuse me?
Eochiadh Fiacra, is right. We will not swear to one such as you. Conn may know longer stand
as king, but that does not make you his replacement.
Weapons are drawn.
Bard Wait! You can’t do this.
Eoghan I am leader here, I can do as I like.
Bard These men have come as messengers under truce, you cannot harm them! You have
no right.
The crowd grows quiet. What the bard says is true.
Eoghan (seething) I am the new King, and today is the day for swearing oaths. To refuse is
treason. Take them!
Bard You would be cursed Eoghan Mogh Nuadhat.
Eoghan That is your opinion. Bring them to that hill. Light a fire, Conn should see
Bard (disgusted) His warriors followed his command. They brought the two friends up
onto a high hill and lit a large fire. On the far side, Conn took note of the commotion.
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Conn What is that? I can make out figures that seem familiar, but it is difficult to tell.
Goll Conn! It is Fiacra and Eochaidh. They are held, and now forced to their
Conn goes to rush forward, but Goll quickly grabs him.
Conn (struggling) Let me go!
Goll No!
Conn I order you!
Goll You don’t order me and you know it. I will not let you die in this attempt.
Conn Look!
Bard The towering form of Eoghan Mor was clear to see, he carried with him a
wicked looking sword, he pointed at where Conn struggled against the tight grip of Goll
Mac Morna. Then, putting his back to them, he swung twice, and removed the heads of
Conn’s life-long friends.
Conn falls to his knees and his racked with terrible sobs. They echo across
the valley, silencing all that hear them in both camps. The sound grows
distant as we leave him to his grief.
Bard After this was done Eoghan and his warriors returned to camp, they forced a levity
between them, none willing to admit how horrified they were at this turn of events.
Then, Goll Mac Morna appeared among them. They reached for their weapons, but
Eoghan withheld them. He was wise enough not to start this fight now.
Goll The truce is done, for all time. We will fight you in the morning noble slave,
and you should seek me then.
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Bard Then Goll Mac Morna departed, his seething rage creating a bubble around him none
would enter. Eoghan commanded them to enjoy themselves; as the battle would still be a
glorious victory. Then went to his own fire, alone.
Eoghan Truce or not, it doesn’t matter, the result is the same.
Bard That is your opinion.
Eoghan Someone comes.
Bard Eoghan’s senses were well-tuned from his time with Eodainn, as he should
not have noticed the three women until they entered the firelight, for they came from
nowhere. Eriu—whom we have met—is among them, so it is good bet her two sisters are the
ones at her side. Banba and Foitla.
They speak in harmony.
Tuath Eoghan Mag Nuadhat, you understand not the three things which justice demands:
judgment, measure, conscience. And so, you know not the true strength of Kingship.
Your time of testing is now, has passed and will come. Your victory is not written
among the stars, and your own life hangs by a thread. No one alone can kill you, but you
will be killed.
Bard The women of the Tuath de Danan vanished from sight. And Eoghan was left
speechless. While his warriors got drunk around him, Eoghan eventually slipped into an
uneasy sleep.
Dawn approaches.
Bard Conn also struggled to sleep, and when he did, he was awoken by someone shaking
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Wake up!
Conn Is it dawn already?
Bard Not yet, but you have guests.
Conn My Queen! Eriu, you visit me once more.
Eriu Conn Cead Cathach. Know this: It is through the justice of the ruler that abundance
of great tree-fruit of the great wood are tasted
Banba It is through the justice of the ruler that abundance of fish swim in streams.
Fiotla It is through the justice of the ruler that milk-yields of great cattle are
Eriu Look upon your enemies. See you justice there?
Conn I do not.
Eriu If Eoghan Mogh Nuadhat wins this battle, Ireland will be lost for more than
just yourself. You must win.
Conn I do not question your assessment, my lady, but it is decidedly certain that we can’t
win, though I wish it wasn’t such.
Eriu Look at your enemies, what are they doing now?
Conn I don’t know. I guess they are sleeping, as I wish I was.
Eriu Are you saying you cannot defeat sleeping men?
Conn is silent, slowing grasping the Tuath’s implication.
Conn This I could not do. To attack before they were ready is a breach in honour.
Eriu Justice cares not for your honour.
Conn It is unthinkable, the shame it would bring me would be too great!
Bard Is it a shame to save this country?
Conn Stay out of this, Bard.
21 of 26
Bard Do you think yourself that important?
Conn My honour is not your concern!
Bard Honour is not honour if it is nothing more than an excuse to shelter the
Conn grabs the Bard and threatens to strike, then comes to himself.
Conn There are still too many.
Eriu I have told you only what I see. It is up to you to do what your wisdom
dictates. The sun rises—
Conn She is gone...
Bard You can still surrender, but the result will be as if you lost...
What will you do?
Silence is the answer.
Bard What should he do? … Seriously, I'm asking you?
It should be clear now; do you see the delicate balance at play?
What would YOU do?
I’ve given you as much as I can, I’ve helped Conn bide his time, all for this moment.
They say history is the judge of these things, but also that history is written by
the winners. Shall we see then, who wrote this?
The sunrises, for the last time on this story.
22 of 26
Bard As sunlight crested the top of the hill; Conn and his army stood equipped and ready
to charge. Meanwhile, Eoghan’s soldiers slept, hungover from their night of revelry. And
decidedly certain upon the fact that Conn's forces would not be in a rush to be slaughtered.
Goll We should not do this.
Conn I know that it is dishonourable, but Eoghan’s kingship will be a curse upon
this land.
Goll The Fianna will not join in this attack, but, I do agree with you, so, when the battle is
joined properly, we will come. It is important that you live, Conn. That is how we win this
Conn I—
Goll When the time is right, I will go to Mogh Nuadhat. He is a warrior of incredible
power; it will take all my strength. But I will end this. You must live, that is the only way.
Conn (through gritted teeth) I will obey you in this.
Goll One of the watches, has spotted us now, I think. I will return.
Conn Then, the time for debate is over.
Conn’s army charges down the hill, and attacks the sleeping camp.
Bard Conn’s men rampaged through enemy camp killing many while they slept and many
more while they pulled on their clothes. Eoghan awoke to the commotion.
Eoghan To arms! To arms! We are attacked.
Bard He managed to get his armour and weapons and charged out to meet the attackers. At
this stage Conn’s advance through the camp had been held; more and more of Eoghan’s
soldiers got their gear and joined the fray. But, by the time Eoghan himself made it to the
front lines, over half his army was lost.
23 of 26
Eogahn Conn! Conn, of the Hundred dishonours! Face me!
Bard And so, when the sun was high in the sky, and the time of dishonour passed.
The Fianna finally joined the fight.
Goll It is I, you will face. And I will slay you as I did your father.
Eoghan I think not.
Fierce combat is joined.
Bard Goll Mac Morna and Eoghan Mor fought as if nothing else mattered. But it had been
many years since their last battle, and Goll was aged, while Eoghan was still in his prime.
He landed a strike on Goll’s shield arm, and the great warrior called out in shock and pain.
Hearing his cries, Conn recognised them and went to help. But he was held back by
others of the Fianna who instead went to Goll’s aid. Each one landed a hit on Eoghan, but
each one received a cut from Eoghan in return.
Goll recovered and again he and Eoghan were matched blow for blow. But, again
Goll faltered and Eoghan landed a slice across his leg. Goll called out, and Conn heard his
cries. He tried to run ahead, but his personal guard held him back and they went instead to
Goll’s aid. They struck at Eoghan injuring him, however, Eoghan managed to place a hit on
each of them, driving them back.
Once more, Goll Mac Morna recovered and charged Eoghan, but he was much
weakened, and Eoghan landed a nasty cut across Goll’s chest. As Goll collapsed he let loose
a last mournful shout. He was not slain, but he could not rise.
Upon hearing the Fianna’s cry Conn charged. Eluding those who would hold him
back and facing, finally, Eoghan Mor.
Eoghan At last, the coward shows himself.
24 of 26
Conn I have been held back until now, but no longer. We will fight, and you shall meet
Eoghan We will see whose hand justice favours.
Bard Eoghan’s fury was unchecked, and blinding. His enemy of years was finally
within reach of his blade and he made devastating strike after devastating strike upon
Conn’s shield.
Conn’s anger was quieter, though still present. He took each blow with patience,
stepping back with each strike. As the distance between them grew, Eoghan over
extended himself. Conn side stepped, allowing Eoghan swing to glance across his shield,
then he jabbed, taking the other King in his shoulder.
Eoghan fell back, as blood drenched his arm, making his hands slippery. Now, Conn
was on the attack. He swung his sword high, driving Eoghan backwards. All around the
battle was lessening, and though the two didn’t know it, Conn was slowly winning the field.
Then, Eoghan’s sword slipped in his hand, and he dropped it. But as Eoghan stepped
back his foot hit off a fallen spear. Using his foot kicked the spear up into his waiting hands,
and in one swift motion he rammed it into Conn’s gut.
Conn pulled back, yanking the spear out of Eoghan’s hands. He dropped his own
weapon and fell to his knees. The High-king felt silence come over him, as battlefield
became distant. The fighting died down, as all turned to watch, some in horror, some in
In that moment, Conn knew he was to die, and that Eoghan had won.
And so did Eoghan,
Eoghan Finally… Finally! I’ve won, I’ve won! Ireland is mine! You dishonoured yourself,
only to die, Conn Cead Cathach.
25 of 26
Bard It was then, Conn noticed Eoghan’s own sword at his fingertips. The sword of
Eodoinn. He grasped it, and rising with the spear still stuck in him, he used the blade to hack
off the shaft.
He started swinging at Eoghan’s now raised shield. Three times he struck and three
times Eoghan blocked, barely. But on the next strike, the shield shattered, sending a jolt
down Conn’s arm and breaking Eoghan’s.
Eoghan Mogh Nuadhat fell to his knees, and in a furious slash, Eadoinn’s magic
sword cut off his head.
Conn It is done.
Conn collapses. The fighting comes to a close, and Conn’s warriors
cheer in victory.
Conn (weakly) I might sleep now.
Goll (dragging himself over) No! You may not sleep, for if you sleep you will die.
Bard Goll was barely alive himself, but he kept the King of Ireland
conscious until help could come. And the two warriors were treated for their wounds.
The half-moon hangs over the land.
Bard The people of Ireland were split over Conn’s actions that day. The argument ran; that
if he had not done this shameful dawn attack, then Ireland would have suffered greatly under
the terrible yoke of Eoghan’s reign. But still, the people would speak behind the King’s
back, words like dishonour, and distrust, would haunt him for all his days.
Though Ireland was united once more under Conn. There was still division within
their hearts and minds that would not be healed in Conn’s lifetime…
26 of 26
Conn’s Half and Mogh’s Half remained in spirit. And perhaps it should be
considered that Ireland; was never whole again…
Black Out.

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INTO THE WELL. EP#1. PARTITION [26.04.22].doc.pdf

  • 1. 1 of 26 “INTO THE WELL” EP. #1: PARTITION Black. The sound of fire raises up, as it crackles and sparks, we hear a person warming themselves beside it. From the darkness the moon reveals itself. Casting light onto our tale. Bard Long ago in Ireland there was King who earned the name Conn Cead Cathach, that is Conn of the Hundred Battles. How he got this name is a matter of debate, as is the correct translation of it, but frankly, who cares? Well, I care. But! I’m not here to start a debate, we’ll save that for later. Why am I here? That you can decide for yourself. Now, it is time for our tale, the story of Conn of the Hundred Battles, the Battle of Magd Leana, and the Partition of Ireland. The sound of the sea and the calling of gulls is heard. We follow this sound to the mouth of the Boyne, the harsh waves become a gentle flow, the wind moves through the grass, as night deepens on the Kingdom of Ireland. Bard The night Conn was born there lay an unsettled feeling across the land. The Otherworld, the dwelling place of long banished mythological beings; that place of wonder and terror, lay close to ours and the bleeding of time was reaching its zenith. On this night great fruit trees sprang from the ground, standing for the length of his reign.
  • 2. 2 of 26 Also, three great lakes filled from basins barren, and the five roads to Tara were revealed; the most crucial of which, as you will see, stretched from the port of the black pool to the peninsula of Marey. So it was that the land itself welcomed Conn’s birth. Though there were few who took note of this alignment at the time. The sun rises, and a new dawn bathes the land in light, banishing the shadows, for a time. Bard One day, Conn was in Tara, where his father was king; He was visiting with his two- foster brothers, Fiacra and Eochcaidh, who were also his greatest friends. They played chase, and Conn escaped easily. He ran all across the lands of his father’s protection, up the ramparts and across the walls. He then stepped upon a stone; of which, many a tale was told, and whose theft and reacquisition would make history of its own. Running footsteps is met with a wail of rapturous joy so primal it could be mistaken for one of death. Conn What is this sound, so joyful and yet alien? He takes a few steps back only to be met with the same scream. He falls to his knees and examines the wall under him. Conn A stone? How can a rock behave like a person? Bard I know that stone, and so do you, though you don’t recognise it. Conn Far be it for me to know one rock from another.
  • 3. 3 of 26 Bard A fair statement. I will tell you what that stone is. It is the Lia Fáil, the Speaking Stone. Repurposed here by those without knowledge of its power. Lost, since it was struck in two by the Hound of Ulster. Conn How can this be? The Speaking Stone, the stone that cries out at the touch of the rightful king of Ireland, why does it cry now? Bard For a king with a legend so wise, you aren’t half thick. Conn I am a child, not a King, and you are wanderer, it doesn’t surprise me that you know more of these matters than I. Bard That’s more like it… Seeing as you are only at your beginning, I could help you, a little. Before the Bard can continue, a great wind rises, and is joined by the thrice sounding of a bell. Bard (in awe) Well feck me and call me the brown bull of Cooley. Looks like I needn’t bother. From a shimmering of the worlds, a man and woman step forth. Conn I am afraid, stranger, that these folk come from the Síde. Bard And you would not be wrong in that fear, and perhaps should be more fearful again. For before us now stand the mightiest of the Tuath de Danan, the magical people who occupied this island before your ancestors drove their world under the ground. Lugh, of the Long-Hand, and Eriu, from whom your people name this isle. Lugh Conn, son of the judge, follow us and we will tell you of your reign. Conn I am fearful, mighty Lugh, to follow you to the perilous realm.
  • 4. 4 of 26 Bard Go, young Conn, this is how it is meant to be. Conn pauses at the remark. Conn Then I will go, if Eriu will allow me? Eriu You may. You too, Bard, may join us... Though I wonder how it is you came to be here at all. Bard Don’t worry about it. Lugh Fair enough, follow me! Bard Lugh led Conn through the mist to a small house beside a great golden tree. Inside, Lugh took a seat on a mighty throne, while Eriu prepared food in a silver vat. As Eriu served Conn the meal, Lugh sat silent, a blazing sun shining from behind him. At last, Eriu raised a golden cup in good health. Eriu To whom shall this cup be given? Bard (She called out in solemn chant) Lugh To the King of all Ireland, may he reign for seven years of plenty, and seven years without. Nine years of peace, and fifteen of truce. And all his years in kingship, bound to the wisdom of the earth and frailties within every human soul. But… his children shall own this land for a time beyond the stories themselves. Bard Conn was in awe of this proclamation, he took the cup and drank from it, then moved to hand it to Lugh. But as he entered the lord’s shadow, he was cast into darkness, he stepped back and found himself once more on the ramparts of Tara. Conn A heavy weight is to be thrust upon me. Bard It’s one that you can bear. Conn Truly? Bard Time will tell, won’t it?
  • 5. 5 of 26 The sounds of battle rise up from the soil. Many solstices pass, and the time arrives of Conn's adulthood. Bard Lugh spoke true; Conn’s reign was long and was filled with many tales of both he and the other heroes of his time. But while he was King in Tara, and so King of Ireland, this was not a sure thing. And he did not rule or even govern, so much as preside. Munster, the province in the south of the island, at this time had three disunited kings. One of these was a man called Magh Nuid; he was a clever guy, who heeded words of wisdom whenever they were spoken. Also, he was shrewd enough to know when a profit could be made from such wisdom. So, when his wife had a dream foretelling that a time of plenty was upon Ireland which would last for seven years, but would be followed by a time of drought to last another seven. Magh Nuid’s mind formed a plan. For seven years, he only allowed his taxes to be paid in grain or livestock, and not in currency or labour. In his holdings he had great storehouses built and he began a horde of supplies which would see not just his people, but all Munster as well, through what was to come. The time arrived, and the land became barren. (I'm of the belief that this was actually Conn’s fault, but that’s another story altogether. And it’s one I’m not here to tell.) Anyway! The chiefs of Muster, which seemed worse off than elsewhere, called a council: The murmur or worried and angry voices grows.
  • 6. 6 of 26 Member 1 This is a disaster. The people have spent a year watching hard earned food, decay before its time. Member 2 And harvests fail! Member 3 And now they squabble and barter like children over a sweet! Member 1 But what can be done? We are all each landed in the same lot! Member 3 Then we are doomed! The voices get louder, and angrier. Member 2 (calling out over the ruckus) What of Magh Nuid? He stays silent. Member 3 That’s right! We all know you were up to something during the time of plenty. Can you help us or not? A silence dawns as we feel all eyes fall upon Magh Nuid. Bard (whispering conspiratorially) Mag Nuid rose suppressing a smile. Having patiently waited through the squabbling with rising irritation. His moment was now here. Magh Nuid It is true that I can save you from this season. And I’ll only ask you grant me some gifts. Member 2 Anything! There is murmur of agreement. Member 3 Name the gifts you desire. Magh Nuid These are they: that you banish Connaire and MagNid-MagLug. Bard (The other two kings of Munster, if you hadn’t worked out his plan yet.)
  • 7. 7 of 26 Magh Nuid And you give sovereignty to my son, Eoghan Mor. Members (together) Agreed! Eoghan Wait! Bard Magh Nuid’s son himself now stood. Eoghan It is not right that I be King, not while my father still rules! Magh Nuid Take the Kingship with my blessing; the people love you well. Bard It was true, the people were not overly fond of Connaire, MagNid- MagLug, or Magh Nuid. While his son was respected and admired… Eoghan Mogh Nuadhat Fidhfeccach Taidhlech MacmaghNuidh… try saying that drunk… Eoghan (with lots of names from lots of anecdotes) was clever, generous and strong beyond his contemporaries. He was thought the most resilient man in Munster and had even courted a woman of the Tuath de Danann whose name was Eadoinn. He was considered not just to be of fair temper, but of rational heart. The bard sighs dramatically. Bard Oh how the lust for revenge can destroy a man… Eoghan was made King against his will, but to the people he was a blessing. Connaire and MagNid-MagLug however, fled with their enemies seeking High-King Conn’s protection. And being sympathetic to their cause, Conn pledged alliance with them. Magh Nuid was outraged that Conn would interfere in the affairs of Munster and declared he would see the High-King deposed. Eoghan counselled against this action, but Magh Nuid’s rage against Conn could not be stifled.
  • 8. 8 of 26 Eoghan Father, I myself will refrain from this conflict. I have no just cause to war with the High-King, though perhaps, in the harbouring of your enemies, you do. Magh Nuid How can my own son suggest such a dishonour! You should at least meet him in the field once before you run away from him! Bard Reluctantly, Eoghan agreed, and Magh Nuid was relieved, as he knew Eoghan to be among the best warriors in his command. Swords suddenly crash with shields as we are thrown into the heart of an intense battle. Bard (voice raised over battle) The ensuing skirmishes were bloody, as slowly Conn drove Magh Nuid’s forces south, for despite being at a disadvantage, he had some of the greatest champions of Ireland fighting for him. The list of heroes and their combats is recorded elsewhere. Just know that through twist of fate Magh Nuid met upon Goll Mac Morna, the man who recently became leader of the Fianna; the greatest band of warriors in all the land. Goll Magh Nuid, I will not let you approach Conn. I know what it is you seek; if he were dead you would lay claim to the High-Kingship of all Ireland. Magh Nuid You are clever as well as strong, Goll, son of Morna. Why fight for Conn? The decision is yours to make freely. Goll And I have made it. Bard The two fought furiously. And though Magh Nuid fought well, he was overcome and slain. Eoghan’s heart hardened at his father’s death, and he continued to press through skirmishes until managing to put space between his army and Conn’s. He then sent his druid to Conn to beg a day of counsel to allow Eoghan to bury his father.
  • 9. 9 of 26 Conn agreed, and after this was done, the druid asked for another three days for mourning. Conn agreed to this as well, and making the most of his time, Eoghan retreated. He fortified a pass, and occupied it with his own warriors, but he told the rest of Munster’s forces to leave him, and seek a truce with Conn. As in their current state they could not win the day. This they did, and were bound even more to Eoghan because of it. Conn, and his armies pillaged across half the province, before coming near this pass, he wisely chose to avoid it, taking a longer route, but coming upon the surrendering Munster forces as he did. These armies swore fealty to Connaire and MagNid-MagLug once more, and the armies of Munster all returned to their holdings, and though Conn’s forces were greatly reduced by this; he thought peace won and as such was not overly cautious. But, Eoghan had a mind for revenge. He did not blame Goll Mac Morna for his father's death, but instead Conn, whose interference had stirred such blind anger from his father. And so, upon realising Conn’s weakened state, made an attack on his camp. But Conn’s soldiers that remained were among the best in Ireland, and quickly most of Eoghan’s troops were routed, except the great warrior himself. And so, he too came face to face with Goll Mac Morna. Eoghan I already thought it a great inequality that I fight half of Conn’s forces alone, but the even greater inequality is that I face Goll Mac bloody Morna! Bard Now, if you haven’t realised by now, warfare at the time was very different to what it would become. And battles would devolve into individual duels, with occasional support in the interest of nothing but personal equity. Beyond that you’d have to be mental to want to get in between two fighters like Eoghan Mogh Nuadhat and Goll Mac Morna.
  • 10. 10 of 26 Eoghan fought with the animosity of a son scorned, but he knew he could not defeat the leader of the Fianna. Sensing his danger, Eadoinn, his Tuath lover, used her magic to rescue Eoghan, and smuggled him to the magical island where she dwelt. Eoghan was angry at his lover’s dishonourable rescue of him, but recognised he needed to heal. He spent nine days there, fully recovering from his injuries, then made to leave. But Eodoinn was mournful, and said: Eadoinn Alas for the length of time you have tarried! For, if you had remained but one night in this island, you would have been deprived of one year of Erinn. Now, nine years have passed! To make up for this, I will help you. Eoghan Thank you kindly for your help in heart, soul and mind. I do not regret nine years spent here with you! But I shall not return, for it is a price I cannot afford to pay again. Eodoinn Take this sword, for with it you could defeat any foe, but also, it is the only that sword can slay you. Next, I urge you, seek Daire of Leinster, he will help you reclaim Munster, for he grows tired of the High-King’s cattle-levy. Then to Eochaid and Breasal of Ulster. For they too have enmity with Conn Cead Cathach. After, when Munster is yours once more, and your host assembled, we shall meet again. Bard Eoghan followed his lover’s instructions, until finally, he gathered an army large enough to conquer all of Ireland… Dawn breaks upon Tara. Conn I am restless. Nine years have passed in peace, and surely the time is upon me—that Lugh predicted—of fifteen years of truce. But to have truce, first you must have war. I will call the armies of Connaught here, along with my friends from among the tribes of Ulster. That way, if war comes upon me, I would not be caught unawares.
  • 11. 11 of 26 Bard In Tara, Conn mustered as large a force as he could, and set watches for the return of war. Soon enough, word reached him that Eoghan Mor had returned to Munster with an army, and instead of banishing Connaire and MagNid-MagLug, had subjugated them. But Conn would not wage war again, not unless the other Kings requested it, which they did not. So he still waited in Tara, confident that he would have enough warning to flee if necessary to his more defensible fortifications in Connaught, the western province. But, Eodoinn was true to her word, she came to Eoghan one last time, and of their goodbye I will not tell, for it is for them alone. She then shrouded Eoghan’s armies in a mist, and confounded Conn’s watch, until, one day, Conn awoke in Tara to find himself besieged. Tara was not designed as a place of war. And Conn was forced to fight his way out with his forces and flee west. Eoghan As he once chased me through Munster, I will now chase him through Connaught! Bard And he did. Conn fought ten losing battles as he retreated across Ireland. But, his enemies from Ulster outmanoeuvred him, cutting him off from his base and forcing a vast forest between his army and safety. Hemmed in on top a tall hill, Conn made camp and prepared for the following day’s battle. Conn Light three times the fires tonight! Eoghan Mor camps on the opposite hill, and would have him think are numbers greater that the meagre force we have. Bard Good idea. Conn He has taken most of my land from me. I was High-King at Tara, now I own nothing. Conn of the hundred empty vessels! If only I had the wisdom to play a trick, or some feat to win this day. Bard Tell me, do you know the story of King Bran and the Well? Conn I do not, I think.
  • 12. 12 of 26 Bard It was not too from here. Conn What was? Bard The spot where knowledge ended and ignorance began! (throughout this story the bard’s fury rises and it is clear for them, these events are not “just a story”) Long ago, in Ireland, there was once king called Bran. He was warlike, and always seeking to gain wealth and power. Nothing was ever enough for him. This was early in your people’s reckoning of time. And histories had not been laid down by Fintan the Wise. There was a oneness which I cannot hope to ever describe. You see, there existed a magic well that was protected by seven warriors and sages of great renown. Women all, they were members of the Tuath. And they would offer wisdom and respite to whomever visited to drink and gain access to the knowledge of the Otherworld. One day, Bran asked his chief druid why the well was guarded so fiercely. The druid knew he could not hope to explain to one such as Bran the wealth of such a well. So instead, he told him it that its bottom was all the treasure of the Otherworld. Hoarded after the sundering of the worlds. And not necessarily a lie. But Bran decided he would have this treasure for himself. He led all his warriors and fought the women there. They slew nearly all Bran’s men, until just the king and the nine strongest lived. But the Guardians were tired, and were overcome by the men. Bran’s survivors, under the frenzy of battle, took them and raped them violently, leaving them near dead. When Bran came to his senses and saw what was done, great sorrow was upon him. But it was too late. The blood of the Guardian’s polluted the well, and it was as if the world was ripped in two. Humanity had the Well stripped from them. In his rage, Mananan Mac Lir, the King of the Tuath de Dannan called upon a mighty deluge to pour out from the well. Flooding all
  • 13. 13 of 26 Bran’s lands and trapping Bran and his followers in the Otherworld, to wander aimlessly, for all time. Conn is struck dumb. Conn (eventually) That is a horrible story. Bard I’m sorry, but do you see why I told it? Conn How could any person, especially a King, act as such? Bard A king is in a better position than most to act “as such”. Conn And that’s exactly why they, above all, shouldn’t! Bard Then have you learned what I tried to teach? Conn Maybe that I have. We move to a different place, with sounds of merriment, and glorification. Bard Meanwhile, on the opposite hill, Eoghan observed Conn’s camp. Eoghan He has more warriors than I originally thought. Bard Indeed. There will be heavy losses on both sides in the morning. I mean, look at that slope as well. Even outnumbered… Eoghan … Many people will die. Bard (brainwave) Huh! Before this battle comes you should send Conn a message. You know, its dishonourable to begin such a battle without first offering terms. Eoghan What terms would you have me offer? Bard Why not divide Ireland between you? You may keep what you have won already through battle, and the other half goes to Conn.
  • 14. 14 of 26 Eoghan thinks on it, observing his fellows and their happiness. Eoghan If he will have these term so will I. Bard A druid was sent to Conn, relating this, and Conn held counsel with his chiefs. Conn If we accept these terms; we can be given time to recover, gather arms and strike out again in the future. Otherwise, I fear we and our children will not live in this land past the year. But, what should this division be? Goll Why not along the East-West road? That divides the land thus as it is. Conn I will accept these terms, though it gains me the less of the land, as much of Ulster is unrulable. Bard Eoghan agreed as well thinking he got the better of it. The armies disbanded, Conn returned home to Tara, and fifteen years of truce began… All goes quiet, too quiet; an outraged silence. Bard Okay! I know some of you understand what it is I have just done! But know this for fact: if I hadn’t said it someone else would of. Like, Connaire, or MagNid-MagLug. They were thinking it, I can tell you. They loved Conn and were desperate for a way to save him. Eoghan had secured their loyalty by making hostage of their families. So they also needed a way to acquire peace without betraying their intentions. Besides, maybe I said nothing at all. How do you know them from me? Either way! Ireland was partitioned. The North was called “Conn’s Half” and the south was “Mogh’s Half” (because Eoghan was called Mogh Nuadhat). It was divided, as predicted, by the great highway. And the divide was marked by mounds, built at either end.
  • 15. 15 of 26 Fifteen years passed, and Eoghan found his kingship a struggle. There was marked strife and poverty, and Eoghan was not happy throughout this time. He still desired revenge on Conn, and this feeling festered. He always sought for just cause to end the truce. During a tour of his lands, he arrived at the port of the black pool and observed the greater number of ships and trading taking place in Conn’s half. Seizing upon this idea, he went directly to Conn. Eoghan It is not a fair divide that we have between us, and I demand the whole of the black pool. As you claim the mouth of the stony river. Conn It is not right to demand we divide arms and clothes like territory. Eoghan Fine! Our truce it as at an end. Bard And with great relief and excitement, Eoghan made war against Conn again. Conn fled immediately to the fastness of Connaught, before Eoghan could assemble his forces. But, when he did this, he left his eastern lands undefended and his enemies in Ulster seized to chance to pillage Meath, and attempt to occupy Tara. And so, Conn was forced out into battle with them once more. Soundly defeating the Ulster army and driving them back. But he left himself out in the open. Luckily, during the fifteen years of truce, Eoghan had seen it to release the families of Connaire and MagNid- MagLug. The two former Kings, went quickly out to support Conn and betray Eoghan’s plans. With this warning Conn managed to hurry south, cutting of Eoghan’s advance, and coming to meet at the hill called Magh Leana... Eoghan So here we are at last, and Conn is outnumbered, with three fifths of Ireland allied against him. (sneering) I think it is only honourable I offer terms. Tell him this: I will slaughter all his warriors down to last, no matter the cost, none will live. Then I will find their families and do the same to them. After this, I will hunt down every last friend Conn has ever had and bring them to ruin. I will raise Tara to the ground and build it new
  • 16. 16 of 26 again so no one will know what stood there before. All this I will do, and only then will our enmity be over. Either this, or he and all his kin leave Ireland, and swear to never return for all of time, or a curse upon them if they should! Bard Eoghan’s emissary went to Conn and delivered this ultimatum. Upon hearing the words Conn was silent for a time, then consulted with his friends. Goll Mac Morna no longer led the Fianna, but advised none-the-less as he and Conn were close comrades. Conn If I am not to preside over this land so be it. I will not cause further pain and bloodshed through my own arrogance. I will accept these terms unconditionally. Goll Who shall deliver the message? You will have to give him assurances his word will be done. Conn I will send Fiacra and Eoicaidh to serve as hostage, they are my foster-brothers and best friends. All of Ireland knows I would do anything to keep them safe. Bard With great reluctance Conn’s closest friends took up this task, and went before Eoghan accepting his terms. Eoghan This is good news indeed. He laughs to himself, and hoots. His soldiers join in, but there it is something fierce about the cries; this is not yet done. Eoghan Finally, after all this time in strife and agony, I will know joy once more! (he laughs to himself) There will no limits to my excess. I will live in Tara as a conqueror. The right of challenge making me lord of all Ireland. No food will go untasted, no wine undrunk, for I have earned it! Long have toiled since my father’s death, and now I shall have my reward. I am High-King!
  • 17. 17 of 26 The crowds cheer. Eoghan You two, Fiacra and Eochaidh, you will be the first to swear loyalty. Fiacra We will not. Eoghan Excuse me? Eochiadh Fiacra, is right. We will not swear to one such as you. Conn may know longer stand as king, but that does not make you his replacement. Eoghan SEIZE THEM! Weapons are drawn. Bard Wait! You can’t do this. Eoghan I am leader here, I can do as I like. Bard These men have come as messengers under truce, you cannot harm them! You have no right. The crowd grows quiet. What the bard says is true. Eoghan (seething) I am the new King, and today is the day for swearing oaths. To refuse is treason. Take them! Bard You would be cursed Eoghan Mogh Nuadhat. Eoghan That is your opinion. Bring them to that hill. Light a fire, Conn should see this. Bard (disgusted) His warriors followed his command. They brought the two friends up onto a high hill and lit a large fire. On the far side, Conn took note of the commotion.
  • 18. 18 of 26 Conn What is that? I can make out figures that seem familiar, but it is difficult to tell. Goll Conn! It is Fiacra and Eochaidh. They are held, and now forced to their knees! Conn goes to rush forward, but Goll quickly grabs him. Conn (struggling) Let me go! Goll No! Conn I order you! Goll You don’t order me and you know it. I will not let you die in this attempt. Conn Look! Bard The towering form of Eoghan Mor was clear to see, he carried with him a wicked looking sword, he pointed at where Conn struggled against the tight grip of Goll Mac Morna. Then, putting his back to them, he swung twice, and removed the heads of Conn’s life-long friends. Conn falls to his knees and his racked with terrible sobs. They echo across the valley, silencing all that hear them in both camps. The sound grows distant as we leave him to his grief. Bard After this was done Eoghan and his warriors returned to camp, they forced a levity between them, none willing to admit how horrified they were at this turn of events. Then, Goll Mac Morna appeared among them. They reached for their weapons, but Eoghan withheld them. He was wise enough not to start this fight now. Goll The truce is done, for all time. We will fight you in the morning noble slave, and you should seek me then.
  • 19. 19 of 26 Bard Then Goll Mac Morna departed, his seething rage creating a bubble around him none would enter. Eoghan commanded them to enjoy themselves; as the battle would still be a glorious victory. Then went to his own fire, alone. Eoghan Truce or not, it doesn’t matter, the result is the same. Bard That is your opinion. Eoghan Someone comes. Bard Eoghan’s senses were well-tuned from his time with Eodainn, as he should not have noticed the three women until they entered the firelight, for they came from nowhere. Eriu—whom we have met—is among them, so it is good bet her two sisters are the ones at her side. Banba and Foitla. They speak in harmony. Tuath Eoghan Mag Nuadhat, you understand not the three things which justice demands: judgment, measure, conscience. And so, you know not the true strength of Kingship. Your time of testing is now, has passed and will come. Your victory is not written among the stars, and your own life hangs by a thread. No one alone can kill you, but you will be killed. Bard The women of the Tuath de Danan vanished from sight. And Eoghan was left speechless. While his warriors got drunk around him, Eoghan eventually slipped into an uneasy sleep. Dawn approaches. Bard Conn also struggled to sleep, and when he did, he was awoken by someone shaking him.
  • 20. 20 of 26 Wake up! Conn Is it dawn already? Bard Not yet, but you have guests. Conn My Queen! Eriu, you visit me once more. Eriu Conn Cead Cathach. Know this: It is through the justice of the ruler that abundance of great tree-fruit of the great wood are tasted Banba It is through the justice of the ruler that abundance of fish swim in streams. Fiotla It is through the justice of the ruler that milk-yields of great cattle are maintained. Eriu Look upon your enemies. See you justice there? Conn I do not. Eriu If Eoghan Mogh Nuadhat wins this battle, Ireland will be lost for more than just yourself. You must win. Conn I do not question your assessment, my lady, but it is decidedly certain that we can’t win, though I wish it wasn’t such. Eriu Look at your enemies, what are they doing now? Conn I don’t know. I guess they are sleeping, as I wish I was. Eriu Are you saying you cannot defeat sleeping men? Conn is silent, slowing grasping the Tuath’s implication. Conn This I could not do. To attack before they were ready is a breach in honour. Eriu Justice cares not for your honour. Conn It is unthinkable, the shame it would bring me would be too great! Bard Is it a shame to save this country? Conn Stay out of this, Bard.
  • 21. 21 of 26 Bard Do you think yourself that important? Conn My honour is not your concern! Bard Honour is not honour if it is nothing more than an excuse to shelter the coward! Conn grabs the Bard and threatens to strike, then comes to himself. Conn There are still too many. Eriu I have told you only what I see. It is up to you to do what your wisdom dictates. The sun rises— Conn She is gone... Bard You can still surrender, but the result will be as if you lost... What will you do? Silence is the answer. Bard What should he do? … Seriously, I'm asking you? It should be clear now; do you see the delicate balance at play? What would YOU do? I’ve given you as much as I can, I’ve helped Conn bide his time, all for this moment. They say history is the judge of these things, but also that history is written by the winners. Shall we see then, who wrote this? The sunrises, for the last time on this story.
  • 22. 22 of 26 Bard As sunlight crested the top of the hill; Conn and his army stood equipped and ready to charge. Meanwhile, Eoghan’s soldiers slept, hungover from their night of revelry. And decidedly certain upon the fact that Conn's forces would not be in a rush to be slaughtered. Goll We should not do this. Conn I know that it is dishonourable, but Eoghan’s kingship will be a curse upon this land. Goll The Fianna will not join in this attack, but, I do agree with you, so, when the battle is joined properly, we will come. It is important that you live, Conn. That is how we win this fight. Conn I— Goll When the time is right, I will go to Mogh Nuadhat. He is a warrior of incredible power; it will take all my strength. But I will end this. You must live, that is the only way. Conn (through gritted teeth) I will obey you in this. Goll One of the watches, has spotted us now, I think. I will return. Conn Then, the time for debate is over. CHARGE! Conn’s army charges down the hill, and attacks the sleeping camp. Bard Conn’s men rampaged through enemy camp killing many while they slept and many more while they pulled on their clothes. Eoghan awoke to the commotion. Eoghan To arms! To arms! We are attacked. Bard He managed to get his armour and weapons and charged out to meet the attackers. At this stage Conn’s advance through the camp had been held; more and more of Eoghan’s soldiers got their gear and joined the fray. But, by the time Eoghan himself made it to the front lines, over half his army was lost.
  • 23. 23 of 26 Eogahn Conn! Conn, of the Hundred dishonours! Face me! Bard And so, when the sun was high in the sky, and the time of dishonour passed. The Fianna finally joined the fight. Goll It is I, you will face. And I will slay you as I did your father. Eoghan I think not. Fierce combat is joined. Bard Goll Mac Morna and Eoghan Mor fought as if nothing else mattered. But it had been many years since their last battle, and Goll was aged, while Eoghan was still in his prime. He landed a strike on Goll’s shield arm, and the great warrior called out in shock and pain. Hearing his cries, Conn recognised them and went to help. But he was held back by others of the Fianna who instead went to Goll’s aid. Each one landed a hit on Eoghan, but each one received a cut from Eoghan in return. Goll recovered and again he and Eoghan were matched blow for blow. But, again Goll faltered and Eoghan landed a slice across his leg. Goll called out, and Conn heard his cries. He tried to run ahead, but his personal guard held him back and they went instead to Goll’s aid. They struck at Eoghan injuring him, however, Eoghan managed to place a hit on each of them, driving them back. Once more, Goll Mac Morna recovered and charged Eoghan, but he was much weakened, and Eoghan landed a nasty cut across Goll’s chest. As Goll collapsed he let loose a last mournful shout. He was not slain, but he could not rise. Upon hearing the Fianna’s cry Conn charged. Eluding those who would hold him back and facing, finally, Eoghan Mor. Eoghan At last, the coward shows himself.
  • 24. 24 of 26 Conn I have been held back until now, but no longer. We will fight, and you shall meet justice. Eoghan We will see whose hand justice favours. Bard Eoghan’s fury was unchecked, and blinding. His enemy of years was finally within reach of his blade and he made devastating strike after devastating strike upon Conn’s shield. Conn’s anger was quieter, though still present. He took each blow with patience, stepping back with each strike. As the distance between them grew, Eoghan over extended himself. Conn side stepped, allowing Eoghan swing to glance across his shield, then he jabbed, taking the other King in his shoulder. Eoghan fell back, as blood drenched his arm, making his hands slippery. Now, Conn was on the attack. He swung his sword high, driving Eoghan backwards. All around the battle was lessening, and though the two didn’t know it, Conn was slowly winning the field. Then, Eoghan’s sword slipped in his hand, and he dropped it. But as Eoghan stepped back his foot hit off a fallen spear. Using his foot kicked the spear up into his waiting hands, and in one swift motion he rammed it into Conn’s gut. Conn pulled back, yanking the spear out of Eoghan’s hands. He dropped his own weapon and fell to his knees. The High-king felt silence come over him, as battlefield became distant. The fighting died down, as all turned to watch, some in horror, some in exultation. In that moment, Conn knew he was to die, and that Eoghan had won. And so did Eoghan, Eoghan Finally… Finally! I’ve won, I’ve won! Ireland is mine! You dishonoured yourself, only to die, Conn Cead Cathach.
  • 25. 25 of 26 Bard It was then, Conn noticed Eoghan’s own sword at his fingertips. The sword of Eodoinn. He grasped it, and rising with the spear still stuck in him, he used the blade to hack off the shaft. He started swinging at Eoghan’s now raised shield. Three times he struck and three times Eoghan blocked, barely. But on the next strike, the shield shattered, sending a jolt down Conn’s arm and breaking Eoghan’s. Eoghan Mogh Nuadhat fell to his knees, and in a furious slash, Eadoinn’s magic sword cut off his head. Conn It is done. Conn collapses. The fighting comes to a close, and Conn’s warriors cheer in victory. Conn (weakly) I might sleep now. Goll (dragging himself over) No! You may not sleep, for if you sleep you will die. Bard Goll was barely alive himself, but he kept the King of Ireland conscious until help could come. And the two warriors were treated for their wounds. The half-moon hangs over the land. Bard The people of Ireland were split over Conn’s actions that day. The argument ran; that if he had not done this shameful dawn attack, then Ireland would have suffered greatly under the terrible yoke of Eoghan’s reign. But still, the people would speak behind the King’s back, words like dishonour, and distrust, would haunt him for all his days. Though Ireland was united once more under Conn. There was still division within their hearts and minds that would not be healed in Conn’s lifetime…
  • 26. 26 of 26 Conn’s Half and Mogh’s Half remained in spirit. And perhaps it should be considered that Ireland; was never whole again… Black Out.