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Intermittent Fasting
A Simple Guide for Beginners to Losing Weight
Copyright 2015 © Rosie Bates
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Table of Contents
What is intermittent fasting? .......................... 5
Why you should consider intermittent fasting?.11
Proven benefits of intermittent fasting ............18
Is Anti-Aging ............................................18
Prevents Age Related Diseases....................19
Reduces Hypertension ...............................20
Boosts Blood Insulin Levels ........................20
Betters Cell Turnover.................................21
Improved Chemo Response ........................22
Quickens Metabolic Rate ............................23
Burns Calories in Digestion.........................23
Helps You Lose Weight...............................24
How does intermittent fasting work?...............25
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What is intermittent fasting?
Due to the life pattern of the modern society, the
average weight has been on the increase. In the
olden times, when physical labour was greater and
meals were simpler, people burned off whatever
they ate. Hence it was easier for people to
maintain a healthy body weight. However as the
society evolved and the nature of work changed,
more people began to become overweight.
In response to the epidemic of weight issues,
many different diet options have emerged.
Though some of them are just pure marketing
gimmicks, others do show results but require pain
staking persistence. There are so many different
theories and approaches to the science of weight
loss that anyone can easily become confused.
Some researchers say that fats are the ultimate
culprit while others hold excess carbohydrates to
blame. Most diets love and promote proteins but
they are not without problems either. Solely
protein based diets have show to cause an
increase in body's uric acid levels.
In addition to all the confusion, maintaining and
sticking to a diet regimen is extremely difficult.
There is very little room for flexibility. Most diets
swear you off your favourite food items. Most
people are very motivated in the beginning but as
time passes their resolve begins to wither away
due to the impracticality of the regimen.
I do not mean to imply that diets cannot bring
forth success but just that the journey is much
more tedious and difficult.
Intermittent fasting is not a diet regime but rather
a diet pattern. It does not tell you what to eat but
rather when to eat.
Do not feel astounded. Keep on reading to
understand the concept more.
Human kind has taken so much inspiration from
the nature. Aeroplanes, suction cups and Velcro
are just a few inventions that were directly
inspired from living beings in nature. However
man has failed to notice the eating patterns of
animals and birds. Unlike us, they do not have
erratic feeding schedules. They eat at regular
times, normally while the light lasts. There are no
midnight snacks and midday brunches.
Intermittent fasting is inspired from the feeding
patterns of animals and birds in nature. People
practicing this technique train their body to have
food during a specific period of time only. There is
no diet restriction during the set time period.
Most people feel intimidated by the word "fasting".
When they hear the term, they think of long hours
spend in starving and parched conditions. This is
a misconception. The fact that most people fail to
recognize is that our bodies have been naturally
tuned to stay in fasting mode. When we sleep at
night for eight to ten hours, it is a state of fasting.
We do not wake up every two hours to eat
something. We do not think of it as difficult or
Modern diet regimes and lifestyle has fed it into
our minds that we need to constantly eat to
remain healthy. Some so-called researchers go as
far as to claim that our body needs constant intake
every two hours. Examine what impact it has on
our life. This kind of approach has made us a slave
to food. Food intake has become a chore rather
than something than one can enjoy. Our ancestors
took their meals at specific times of the day and
their metabolism was perfectly fine. This itself is
evidence that the concept of constant eating is
Intermitted fasting frees you from this cycle of
constant eating and keeping a tab of the calories
that you are consuming. Due to all the calorie
count, food is no longer food but a bunch of
numbers. This is sickening and disrespectful.
Intermittent fasting recognizes this. Hence when
you take up this route, you are free to eat
anything that you like. Be it fruits, bacon or
chocolate. The only thing that you have to
regulate is that you eat these foods within a
specific time limit.
It might pose some difficulty in the beginning,
especially if you are someone who thrives on
titbits and snacks but in no time your body will get
used to it as it is the natural order.
Believe me when I say that you will not be
depleted of energy and you will not feel starved.
You can carry out your daily routine activities
without any hassle once you have trained your
mind that this is how it is going to be. Adopting
intermitted fasting will mean that you might have
to shed some of your pre-made concepts of dinner
and breakfast. Though you will still be having both
these meals but their form and timings would be
slightly altered. It is all a part of training your
brain to adapt to your new lifestyle.
Why you should consider intermittent
Now that we have covered that what exactly is
intermittent fasting, you might be wondering that
why you should give it a try when there are so
many other viable options on the horizon. I won't
argue. Your opinion about it is legit but I am going
to assume that since you are reading this book,
you are atleast mildly interested in the idea.
There are alot of diets that focus on different food
groups. Some eliminate fats, others swear off
proteins, quite a few promote organic non-cooked
food, while some others say that dairy and sugar
are the main problem. There is much evidence
backing up these diets. Do they work? Yes they
do! You can cut off carbohydrates or fats and you
will begin to see results. Some people will
experience the effects much more quicker than
However in the midst of all the weight loss
goodness, there is a catch. You might have heard
of the term "balanced diet". While side lining or
trimming down your diet to only a few food groups
will help you shed those extra pounds, it won't
necessarily have an awesome effect on your
health too. We all know that exercising is good for
weight loss, as well as general health. The same
is not true for diets. Swearing off all fruits to avoid
the carbohydrates and sugar might help you lose
weight but will also promote vitamin deficiencies.
You should not compromise your long term health
for some short term benefits.
There are two types of body mass. Which is to say
that your body stores its weight in two ways. As
muscle and as fat. If you lead on overall unhealthy
lifestyle, you can still be skinny but have high fat
content. It is called being skinny fat. While most
traditional weight loss methods, get rid of the
visible extra pounds, they do not necessarily build
muscle and cause you to lose internal fats. Which
means that you will look fit but you will have the
health of an overweight person. Take a moment
to digest this.
Since intermittent fasting restores the body's
optimum working conditions, it is not
accompanied by these problems that come
alongside with diet. Not only does it help you lose
weight but also improves your general body
health. This is the reason that we say that
intermitted fasting is more than just changing diet
patterns. It is a whole lifestyle that will help you
become a better person.
Modern faulty research has breathed it down our
neck that we need to eat atleast six meals a day
to sustain our metabolism. This approach moulds
our metabolism into some weakling that will fall
apart if we do not give it an endless supply of food.
This is absurd. In actuality, out metabolism is
pretty strong and resilient. Eating six meals a day
which is equivalent to eating all the time is
actually harmful for our body as it is in a constant
state of work. Your mouth is chewing, your
stomach is digesting and your excretory system is
busy flushing out the waste and the toxins. There
is no resting time for the body to recover.
On the other hand, when you fast for some time,
you are allowing your internal organs some time
to rest and relax. This analogy is for simplification
only and the exact science of intermittent fasting
is explained in later chpaters.
Eating all day long also has psychological effects.
Deciding what to eat, gathering supplies and
cooking it actually requires alot of mental effort.
Now think about this mental effort that you have
to make for food six times a day. Doesn't this
seem exhaustive to you? It sure does to me!
I would rather spend my mental energy
somewhere else. When you reduce your meals,
you are also reducing the mental effort that comes
with planning and cooking those meals. Which
means that you will be free to put your attention
towards more worthy activities.
Linked directly to this is the fact that hunger is
primarily a psychological feeling. Ever felt a
craving for food at your regular eating time even
when you are not technically hungry? Or have you
ever noticed how your hunger magically
disappears in time of nervousness and stress? If
hunger was a physical feeling than none of these
would happen. Most people are scared of fasting
because they don't want to feel hungry when in
fact controlling hunger is all about controlling the
mind and not the body. Once you tame your mind,
your body will automatically respond accordingly.
Meditation and yoga can really help.
It is human psychology that we are hesitant to try
things that are new and untested. While
intermittent testing might sound new to you, it is
actually centuries old. Humankind has always
practiced it without knowing. Infact, our ancestors
were staunch intermittent fasters. Just that there
wasn't an offical name for the practice then.
Many media personalities and health care
practitioners also swear by the goodness of
intermittent fasting. Mark Sisson of Mark's Daily
Apple, Steve Kamb from Nerd Fitness and Martin
Berkman rave about the benefits of intermittent
fasting. If that isn't convincing enough, then the
golden woman with the ageless figure-Jennifer
Lopez also practices intermittent fasting! The
celebrity lost doesn't just stop there. Many famous
faces, or should I say bodies, have given this
technique a try.
It is simply because it is easy yet effective.
Intermittent fasting is a win-win situation for
Proven benefits of intermittent fasting
Intermittent fasting is not just jargon. Infact its
success is backed up by credible scientific
resources and personal experiences.
Is Anti-Aging
There are many creams, serums and lotions
available in the market that claim to be the magic
in a bottle when it comes to retaining youthful
skin. Though who knew that the secret to looking
younger for longer lies in eating less and at
specific times.
Most of the skin's aging occurs because of the
release of free radicals. Eating at specific times
and eating clean ensures that the amount of free
radicals in the body is reduced. Hence skin
remains plump and radiant for longer.
Intermittent fasting combined with clean eating
and adequate sun protection is a proven formula
for beautiful ageless skin.
Prevents Age Related Diseases
Some of us have watched our beloved elders spiral
downwards into the claws of age related diseases.
It can be the infamous Alzheimer's which slowly
takes away the enriched life and memories or the
notorious Parkinson's which robs the elderly of
their freedom of movement.
According to an experiment conducted on rodents,
it was found that alternate day fasting
strengthened neuron action and reduced the risk
of degenerative diseases.
Practicing intermittent fasting now can mean that
you can prevent these sad inflictions in your later
Reduces Hypertension
High blood pressure is a problem that has inflicted
every second person now-a-days. As soon as a
person hits forties, the risk of high blood pressure
increases dramatically. It is mainly due to
unhealthy diet and the stresses of the modern life.
Simplifying life, as in intermittent fasting means
that you are indirectly reducing the stresses in
your life. Sodium is the main culprit behind high
blood pressure. With intermittent fasting, your
junk food (which is full of sodium) intake is low.
Hence over a period of time, your risk of
hypertension reduces.
Boosts Blood Insulin Levels
When it comes to diabetes, a healthy lifestyle is
the key. It has been scientifically proven that
obesity and high body weight can increase the risk
of developing type 2 diabetes. In addition to that,
consistent eating every hour means that your
body is constantly releasing insulin in the blood
stream to absorb the food. Over time this can
reduce the cell's receptiveness to insulin. When
you practice intermittent fasting, this constant
release of insulin is stopped. Hence over time the
risk of diabetes is reduced.
If someone is suffering from diabetes, even then
intermittent fasting can help improve blood insulin
Betters Cell Turnover
Our body constantly repairs the damaged and
worn out cells of the body. Doing so requires a
high amount of protein and energy. If your body
is in a constant state of action of digestion, it
cannot really provide the energy required for
repair functions. When you give your body a well
deserved break, it utilizes the time to tidy up the
problematic areas around overall. This is
especially true for the repair of the stomach lining.
Due to the damage from the acidic juices uses in
the digestion process, the lining needs to be
repaired every few days. With intermittent fasting,
the acid attack on the lining is paused for some
time and repair can occur.
Improved Chemo Response
Cancer is a horrific disease that I wouldn't wish on
my worst enemy. It is a terrible ordeal for the
patient and as well as the supporting family.
Chemotherapy is the most primary mode of
treatment that is adopted. However not all
cancers and patients respond well to it. If that is
the case than the situation can become much
more grave. A few researches carried out have
shown hope that intermittent fasting can improve
the response to chemotherapy. It can be great
news for some patients and their friends and
Quickens Metabolic Rate
It is the dream of every adult man and woman to
have a fast metabolism. A fast metabolism means
that the body automatically burns more calories
per minute even in a state of rest. Which is to
mean that a person with faster metabolism will
burn more calories sitting than a person with an
average metabolism rate. Most of the time, fast
metabolism is a stroke of luck as it is caused by a
unique combination of genes. However there is
substantial evidence that periodic fasting can
fasten the metabolic rate of an average person.
Burns Calories in Digestion
Most of you might have heard that body actually
burns calories when digesting proteins. This is
true to some extent. This phenomenon can be
extended to all food groups with the help of
intermittent fasting. When you eat at certain
times only, your body actually makes an effort to
digest it completely. In contrast, when you eat
half heartedly all the time, just chomping down on
food, your body just quickly absorbs all the
calories. With intermittent fasting, you can
actually burn calories while eating. It doesn't get
any better than this.
Helps You Lose Weight
This is the most obvious one. Intermittent fasting
stops binge eating and restricts your food intake.
In the long run, it can help you shed those extra
pounds. Keep in mind that it is no magic pill and
the process will take time but in the longer run
results will be much more substantial and your
health will improve in the meanwhile.
How does intermittent fasting work?
Intermittent fasting is not just wilful thinking on a
few people's part. It has logic and evidence
backing it up. Uptill now, we have listed out the
possible benefits that you can gain from adopting
intermittent fasting in your life. However I
understand that as humans, we are creatures of
curiosity. We are not simply satisfied by the fact
that something works. We want to know how it
works. It is also better to understand the basis of
something because it can help you avoid any
pitfalls or gimmicks.
Our body recognizes two states of being. The fed
state and the fasting state. The fed state is when
the blood glucose levels are high. Glucose is a
simple sugar that is the end product of the
digestion of carbohydrates. Nearly all food we eat
is converted to glucose to provide energy to our
cells. Think of glucose as a ready fuel for our body.
When you eat a meal, the digestion process starts
right in your mouth. Your saliva contains enzymes
that help to break down the food. The chewing
process by the teeth in itself is also a part of the
digestion process. So by the time, your food
reaches your stomach it is already partly digested.
The acids and enzymes in the stomach help to
further break down the food and eventually
convert it into glucose.
From the stomach the broken down food goes into
the intestines. From here it is absorbed into the
blood stream. This whole process can take about
an hour or so to complete. So immediately
following a meal, your blood has an influx of the
simple sugar fuel glucose. Which means that the
cells have a ready source of energy available to
them. Now as you carry out physical or mental
work, the cells in your body utilize this glucose to
This is a simple and practical routine for the body.
However there is one catch. If you are overweight
or your waistline is a little wider than you would
like, then the ready supply of glucose can be
counterproductive for you. As you body has a
ready supply of energy in the blood, it will not
burn the stored fat. Think of the stored fat as a
reserve backup. As long as there is a running
energy supply, your body will not touch the
Now what traditional diets do is that they lower
your calorie intake. Which is to say that they
develop an energy deficit within your body. So
that the glucose in the blood is less than the
amount needed and is hence used up quickly. In
response the body starts using up the reserve
In contrast, what intermittent fasting does is that
it places the body in the fasting state. Now what
exactly is fasting state?
When you eat all your meals within a small time
frame there is huge amount of glucose in your
blood during that time. This glucose exceeds the
amount that your body can use up at that time.
Think of it as excess profit. So what the body does
is that it stores away or saves away the excess
glucose in the form of glycogen in the liven.
Glycogen is a complex sugar that can easily be
converted into glucose at a short notice. You can
imagine it as storing money in a current bank
account. You can withdraw it at a short notice.
Following the influx of glucose and conversion to
glycogen, the body is put in a fasting state. Now
there is no incoming source. First the body will use
up the blood glucose. When it is finished up, it will
touch the glycogen. Since the glycogen remains in
the blood for a short time only, the body will not
get a chance to convert it to fats. Once the
glycogen is also used up, the body will go towards
the fats for the required energy. Hence over a
period of time, you will slowly begin to lose
The above given explanation is a highly simplified
version. In actuality there are many factors in
play. One of them is that of insulin sensitivity. In
some people it has been observed that fasting
state causes an increase insulin sensitivity. If you
do not know, insulin is a hormone that is
responsible for the absorption of blood glucose. If
the insulin sensitivity is increased, the blood
glucose will be quickly used up and will not be
given the chance to be stowed away as fats.
Another factor at play is our state of mind during
meals. Scientists have suggested that when it
comes to food, our brain recognizes two distinct
forms-sympathetic and parasympathetic. The
former is when the body is in a constant condition
of fight or flight. This is pretty much at all times
now-a-days. Our lives are filled with multiple
types of stresses. We are constantly worried about
the country's state, irritated from the traffic,
stressed out due to relationships, pressured
during work/studies and so on. When we eat
during such a mental state, out brain recognizes
the perilous conditions. It sends signals to the
body that since the times are so dangerous, there
is no need to fully digest and absorb the food.
Hence only the energy (aka calories) of the food
is taken in while the rest of the benefits are not
fully absorbed.
On the other hand, the parasympathetic form is
the exact opposite. This is when the body is
completely relaxed. Not just physically relaxed but
mentally serene as well. When you eat within the
time frame of intermittent fasting, you are much
more relaxed as compared to chomping down food
all day long. Your mind recognizes the
parasympathetic form and the nutrients of your
meal are fully absorbed.
A healthy lean diet along with intermittent fasting
will yield the best and quickest results but even
without changing your diet, intermittent fasting
will gradually give you visible results.
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Intermittent fasting for pdf half

  • 1.
  • 2. Intermittent Fasting A Simple Guide for Beginners to Losing Weight Fast Copyright 2015 © Rosie Bates All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the publisher. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of this material in any way. You must not circulate this book in any format. Rosie Bates does not control or direct users’ actions and is not responsible for the information or content shared, harm and/or actions of the book readers. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher constitute unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.
  • 3. Table of Contents What is intermittent fasting? .......................... 5 Why you should consider intermittent fasting?.11 Proven benefits of intermittent fasting ............18 Is Anti-Aging ............................................18 Prevents Age Related Diseases....................19 Reduces Hypertension ...............................20 Boosts Blood Insulin Levels ........................20 Betters Cell Turnover.................................21 Improved Chemo Response ........................22 Quickens Metabolic Rate ............................23 Burns Calories in Digestion.........................23 Helps You Lose Weight...............................24 How does intermittent fasting work?...............25 Leangains MethodError! Bookmark not defined. The Warrior Diet Error! Bookmark not defined. Eat Stop Eat ......Error! Bookmark not defined.
  • 4. Fat Loss Forever Error! Bookmark not defined. Some Common FAQsError! Bookmark not defined. Achieving Balance in LifeError! Bookmark not defined.
  • 5. What is intermittent fasting? Due to the life pattern of the modern society, the average weight has been on the increase. In the olden times, when physical labour was greater and meals were simpler, people burned off whatever they ate. Hence it was easier for people to maintain a healthy body weight. However as the
  • 6. society evolved and the nature of work changed, more people began to become overweight. In response to the epidemic of weight issues, many different diet options have emerged. Though some of them are just pure marketing gimmicks, others do show results but require pain staking persistence. There are so many different theories and approaches to the science of weight loss that anyone can easily become confused. Some researchers say that fats are the ultimate culprit while others hold excess carbohydrates to blame. Most diets love and promote proteins but they are not without problems either. Solely protein based diets have show to cause an increase in body's uric acid levels. In addition to all the confusion, maintaining and sticking to a diet regimen is extremely difficult. There is very little room for flexibility. Most diets swear you off your favourite food items. Most people are very motivated in the beginning but as time passes their resolve begins to wither away
  • 7. due to the impracticality of the regimen. I do not mean to imply that diets cannot bring forth success but just that the journey is much more tedious and difficult. Intermittent fasting is not a diet regime but rather a diet pattern. It does not tell you what to eat but rather when to eat. Do not feel astounded. Keep on reading to understand the concept more. Human kind has taken so much inspiration from the nature. Aeroplanes, suction cups and Velcro are just a few inventions that were directly inspired from living beings in nature. However man has failed to notice the eating patterns of animals and birds. Unlike us, they do not have erratic feeding schedules. They eat at regular times, normally while the light lasts. There are no midnight snacks and midday brunches. Intermittent fasting is inspired from the feeding patterns of animals and birds in nature. People practicing this technique train their body to have
  • 8. food during a specific period of time only. There is no diet restriction during the set time period. Most people feel intimidated by the word "fasting". When they hear the term, they think of long hours spend in starving and parched conditions. This is a misconception. The fact that most people fail to recognize is that our bodies have been naturally tuned to stay in fasting mode. When we sleep at night for eight to ten hours, it is a state of fasting. We do not wake up every two hours to eat something. We do not think of it as difficult or unnatural. Modern diet regimes and lifestyle has fed it into our minds that we need to constantly eat to remain healthy. Some so-called researchers go as far as to claim that our body needs constant intake every two hours. Examine what impact it has on our life. This kind of approach has made us a slave to food. Food intake has become a chore rather than something than one can enjoy. Our ancestors took their meals at specific times of the day and
  • 9. their metabolism was perfectly fine. This itself is evidence that the concept of constant eating is faulty. Intermitted fasting frees you from this cycle of constant eating and keeping a tab of the calories that you are consuming. Due to all the calorie count, food is no longer food but a bunch of numbers. This is sickening and disrespectful. Intermittent fasting recognizes this. Hence when you take up this route, you are free to eat anything that you like. Be it fruits, bacon or chocolate. The only thing that you have to regulate is that you eat these foods within a specific time limit. It might pose some difficulty in the beginning, especially if you are someone who thrives on titbits and snacks but in no time your body will get used to it as it is the natural order. Believe me when I say that you will not be depleted of energy and you will not feel starved. You can carry out your daily routine activities
  • 10. without any hassle once you have trained your mind that this is how it is going to be. Adopting intermitted fasting will mean that you might have to shed some of your pre-made concepts of dinner and breakfast. Though you will still be having both these meals but their form and timings would be slightly altered. It is all a part of training your brain to adapt to your new lifestyle.
  • 11. Why you should consider intermittent fasting? Now that we have covered that what exactly is intermittent fasting, you might be wondering that why you should give it a try when there are so many other viable options on the horizon. I won't argue. Your opinion about it is legit but I am going
  • 12. to assume that since you are reading this book, you are atleast mildly interested in the idea. There are alot of diets that focus on different food groups. Some eliminate fats, others swear off proteins, quite a few promote organic non-cooked food, while some others say that dairy and sugar are the main problem. There is much evidence backing up these diets. Do they work? Yes they do! You can cut off carbohydrates or fats and you will begin to see results. Some people will experience the effects much more quicker than others. However in the midst of all the weight loss goodness, there is a catch. You might have heard of the term "balanced diet". While side lining or trimming down your diet to only a few food groups will help you shed those extra pounds, it won't necessarily have an awesome effect on your health too. We all know that exercising is good for weight loss, as well as general health. The same is not true for diets. Swearing off all fruits to avoid
  • 13. the carbohydrates and sugar might help you lose weight but will also promote vitamin deficiencies. You should not compromise your long term health for some short term benefits. There are two types of body mass. Which is to say that your body stores its weight in two ways. As muscle and as fat. If you lead on overall unhealthy lifestyle, you can still be skinny but have high fat content. It is called being skinny fat. While most traditional weight loss methods, get rid of the visible extra pounds, they do not necessarily build muscle and cause you to lose internal fats. Which means that you will look fit but you will have the health of an overweight person. Take a moment to digest this. Since intermittent fasting restores the body's optimum working conditions, it is not accompanied by these problems that come alongside with diet. Not only does it help you lose weight but also improves your general body health. This is the reason that we say that
  • 14. intermitted fasting is more than just changing diet patterns. It is a whole lifestyle that will help you become a better person. Modern faulty research has breathed it down our neck that we need to eat atleast six meals a day to sustain our metabolism. This approach moulds our metabolism into some weakling that will fall apart if we do not give it an endless supply of food. This is absurd. In actuality, out metabolism is pretty strong and resilient. Eating six meals a day which is equivalent to eating all the time is actually harmful for our body as it is in a constant state of work. Your mouth is chewing, your stomach is digesting and your excretory system is busy flushing out the waste and the toxins. There is no resting time for the body to recover. On the other hand, when you fast for some time, you are allowing your internal organs some time to rest and relax. This analogy is for simplification only and the exact science of intermittent fasting is explained in later chpaters.
  • 15. Eating all day long also has psychological effects. Deciding what to eat, gathering supplies and cooking it actually requires alot of mental effort. Now think about this mental effort that you have to make for food six times a day. Doesn't this seem exhaustive to you? It sure does to me! I would rather spend my mental energy somewhere else. When you reduce your meals, you are also reducing the mental effort that comes with planning and cooking those meals. Which means that you will be free to put your attention towards more worthy activities. Linked directly to this is the fact that hunger is primarily a psychological feeling. Ever felt a craving for food at your regular eating time even when you are not technically hungry? Or have you ever noticed how your hunger magically disappears in time of nervousness and stress? If hunger was a physical feeling than none of these would happen. Most people are scared of fasting because they don't want to feel hungry when in fact controlling hunger is all about controlling the
  • 16. mind and not the body. Once you tame your mind, your body will automatically respond accordingly. Meditation and yoga can really help. It is human psychology that we are hesitant to try things that are new and untested. While intermittent testing might sound new to you, it is actually centuries old. Humankind has always practiced it without knowing. Infact, our ancestors were staunch intermittent fasters. Just that there wasn't an offical name for the practice then. Many media personalities and health care practitioners also swear by the goodness of intermittent fasting. Mark Sisson of Mark's Daily Apple, Steve Kamb from Nerd Fitness and Martin Berkman rave about the benefits of intermittent fasting. If that isn't convincing enough, then the golden woman with the ageless figure-Jennifer Lopez also practices intermittent fasting! The celebrity lost doesn't just stop there. Many famous faces, or should I say bodies, have given this technique a try.
  • 17. It is simply because it is easy yet effective. Intermittent fasting is a win-win situation for everybody!
  • 18. Proven benefits of intermittent fasting Intermittent fasting is not just jargon. Infact its success is backed up by credible scientific resources and personal experiences. Is Anti-Aging There are many creams, serums and lotions available in the market that claim to be the magic in a bottle when it comes to retaining youthful skin. Though who knew that the secret to looking
  • 19. younger for longer lies in eating less and at specific times. Most of the skin's aging occurs because of the release of free radicals. Eating at specific times and eating clean ensures that the amount of free radicals in the body is reduced. Hence skin remains plump and radiant for longer. Intermittent fasting combined with clean eating and adequate sun protection is a proven formula for beautiful ageless skin. Prevents Age Related Diseases Some of us have watched our beloved elders spiral downwards into the claws of age related diseases. It can be the infamous Alzheimer's which slowly takes away the enriched life and memories or the notorious Parkinson's which robs the elderly of their freedom of movement. According to an experiment conducted on rodents, it was found that alternate day fasting strengthened neuron action and reduced the risk of degenerative diseases.
  • 20. Practicing intermittent fasting now can mean that you can prevent these sad inflictions in your later life. Reduces Hypertension High blood pressure is a problem that has inflicted every second person now-a-days. As soon as a person hits forties, the risk of high blood pressure increases dramatically. It is mainly due to unhealthy diet and the stresses of the modern life. Simplifying life, as in intermittent fasting means that you are indirectly reducing the stresses in your life. Sodium is the main culprit behind high blood pressure. With intermittent fasting, your junk food (which is full of sodium) intake is low. Hence over a period of time, your risk of hypertension reduces. Boosts Blood Insulin Levels When it comes to diabetes, a healthy lifestyle is the key. It has been scientifically proven that obesity and high body weight can increase the risk
  • 21. of developing type 2 diabetes. In addition to that, consistent eating every hour means that your body is constantly releasing insulin in the blood stream to absorb the food. Over time this can reduce the cell's receptiveness to insulin. When you practice intermittent fasting, this constant release of insulin is stopped. Hence over time the risk of diabetes is reduced. If someone is suffering from diabetes, even then intermittent fasting can help improve blood insulin levels. Betters Cell Turnover Our body constantly repairs the damaged and worn out cells of the body. Doing so requires a high amount of protein and energy. If your body is in a constant state of action of digestion, it cannot really provide the energy required for repair functions. When you give your body a well deserved break, it utilizes the time to tidy up the problematic areas around overall. This is especially true for the repair of the stomach lining.
  • 22. Due to the damage from the acidic juices uses in the digestion process, the lining needs to be repaired every few days. With intermittent fasting, the acid attack on the lining is paused for some time and repair can occur. Improved Chemo Response Cancer is a horrific disease that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. It is a terrible ordeal for the patient and as well as the supporting family. Chemotherapy is the most primary mode of treatment that is adopted. However not all cancers and patients respond well to it. If that is the case than the situation can become much more grave. A few researches carried out have shown hope that intermittent fasting can improve the response to chemotherapy. It can be great news for some patients and their friends and families.
  • 23. Quickens Metabolic Rate It is the dream of every adult man and woman to have a fast metabolism. A fast metabolism means that the body automatically burns more calories per minute even in a state of rest. Which is to mean that a person with faster metabolism will burn more calories sitting than a person with an average metabolism rate. Most of the time, fast metabolism is a stroke of luck as it is caused by a unique combination of genes. However there is substantial evidence that periodic fasting can fasten the metabolic rate of an average person. Burns Calories in Digestion Most of you might have heard that body actually burns calories when digesting proteins. This is true to some extent. This phenomenon can be extended to all food groups with the help of intermittent fasting. When you eat at certain times only, your body actually makes an effort to digest it completely. In contrast, when you eat half heartedly all the time, just chomping down on
  • 24. food, your body just quickly absorbs all the calories. With intermittent fasting, you can actually burn calories while eating. It doesn't get any better than this. Helps You Lose Weight This is the most obvious one. Intermittent fasting stops binge eating and restricts your food intake. In the long run, it can help you shed those extra pounds. Keep in mind that it is no magic pill and the process will take time but in the longer run results will be much more substantial and your health will improve in the meanwhile.
  • 25. How does intermittent fasting work? Intermittent fasting is not just wilful thinking on a few people's part. It has logic and evidence backing it up. Uptill now, we have listed out the possible benefits that you can gain from adopting intermittent fasting in your life. However I understand that as humans, we are creatures of curiosity. We are not simply satisfied by the fact that something works. We want to know how it works. It is also better to understand the basis of
  • 26. something because it can help you avoid any pitfalls or gimmicks. Our body recognizes two states of being. The fed state and the fasting state. The fed state is when the blood glucose levels are high. Glucose is a simple sugar that is the end product of the digestion of carbohydrates. Nearly all food we eat is converted to glucose to provide energy to our cells. Think of glucose as a ready fuel for our body. When you eat a meal, the digestion process starts right in your mouth. Your saliva contains enzymes that help to break down the food. The chewing process by the teeth in itself is also a part of the digestion process. So by the time, your food reaches your stomach it is already partly digested. The acids and enzymes in the stomach help to further break down the food and eventually convert it into glucose. From the stomach the broken down food goes into the intestines. From here it is absorbed into the blood stream. This whole process can take about
  • 27. an hour or so to complete. So immediately following a meal, your blood has an influx of the simple sugar fuel glucose. Which means that the cells have a ready source of energy available to them. Now as you carry out physical or mental work, the cells in your body utilize this glucose to function. This is a simple and practical routine for the body. However there is one catch. If you are overweight or your waistline is a little wider than you would like, then the ready supply of glucose can be counterproductive for you. As you body has a ready supply of energy in the blood, it will not burn the stored fat. Think of the stored fat as a reserve backup. As long as there is a running energy supply, your body will not touch the backup. Now what traditional diets do is that they lower your calorie intake. Which is to say that they develop an energy deficit within your body. So that the glucose in the blood is less than the
  • 28. amount needed and is hence used up quickly. In response the body starts using up the reserve backup. In contrast, what intermittent fasting does is that it places the body in the fasting state. Now what exactly is fasting state? When you eat all your meals within a small time frame there is huge amount of glucose in your blood during that time. This glucose exceeds the amount that your body can use up at that time. Think of it as excess profit. So what the body does is that it stores away or saves away the excess glucose in the form of glycogen in the liven. Glycogen is a complex sugar that can easily be converted into glucose at a short notice. You can imagine it as storing money in a current bank account. You can withdraw it at a short notice. Following the influx of glucose and conversion to glycogen, the body is put in a fasting state. Now there is no incoming source. First the body will use up the blood glucose. When it is finished up, it will
  • 29. touch the glycogen. Since the glycogen remains in the blood for a short time only, the body will not get a chance to convert it to fats. Once the glycogen is also used up, the body will go towards the fats for the required energy. Hence over a period of time, you will slowly begin to lose weight. The above given explanation is a highly simplified version. In actuality there are many factors in play. One of them is that of insulin sensitivity. In some people it has been observed that fasting state causes an increase insulin sensitivity. If you do not know, insulin is a hormone that is responsible for the absorption of blood glucose. If the insulin sensitivity is increased, the blood glucose will be quickly used up and will not be given the chance to be stowed away as fats. Another factor at play is our state of mind during meals. Scientists have suggested that when it comes to food, our brain recognizes two distinct forms-sympathetic and parasympathetic. The
  • 30. former is when the body is in a constant condition of fight or flight. This is pretty much at all times now-a-days. Our lives are filled with multiple types of stresses. We are constantly worried about the country's state, irritated from the traffic, stressed out due to relationships, pressured during work/studies and so on. When we eat during such a mental state, out brain recognizes the perilous conditions. It sends signals to the body that since the times are so dangerous, there is no need to fully digest and absorb the food. Hence only the energy (aka calories) of the food is taken in while the rest of the benefits are not fully absorbed. On the other hand, the parasympathetic form is the exact opposite. This is when the body is completely relaxed. Not just physically relaxed but mentally serene as well. When you eat within the time frame of intermittent fasting, you are much more relaxed as compared to chomping down food all day long. Your mind recognizes the
  • 31. parasympathetic form and the nutrients of your meal are fully absorbed. A healthy lean diet along with intermittent fasting will yield the best and quickest results but even without changing your diet, intermittent fasting will gradually give you visible results. GETTING STARTED If you would like to read the rest of this .pdf simply click the yellow Paypal button below, make the purchase and you will be IMMEDIATELY restricted to the full report .pdf. ONLY $5