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The Galactic Superwave Tarot is a Cosmic Game to Escape the Prison of the Matrix

The probability that the universe is teamed with intelligent species like humans is very
high. The Mahabharata speaks of fourteen worlds including the Earth all of them filled
with intelligent life. Based on our current definition of alien, all of them were thus extra-
terrestrial and hence aliens in the current sense of the world. The time has come to
recognize that we have the genetic codes of these so called aliens and stop calling them

After extensive research, the aerospace scientist Dr. Gordon Allen, said in his book,
Enigma Fantastique, that nothing has changed since the days of Atlantis when the
Annunaki magician-scientists of Atlantis morphed into the controlling priesthood of the
Egyptians, the Caesars, and the Inquisition of Roman Catholic Church. These sorcerers
systematically destroyed all keys to the ancient wisdom. They distorted the rituals of the
Mysteries so that even those neophytes who passed the tests were not given the real truth
of their divinity. The profound symbolism of the Mysteries was misinterpreted and
elaborate rituals were created to confuse them. The masses, deprived of their divine
birthright, eventually became enslaved to superstition and these Annunaki continue to
control the Matrix which is a control system that creates false personae. Persona is the
Greek word for mask. Behind the mask lies our real Self, our soul.

Our economic system, our government and our churches are obstacles to an inner
awareness necessary for true self-realization. Most institutions manipulate and use
us. Where do these dark lords that are trying to keep you from the knowledge of yourself
come from? Reportedly they exist on a planet called Bellatrix in the Orion Belt. As night
falls, it's directly above Orion's Belt and to the right of the hunter's other shoulder, bright
orange Betelgeuse. The name means "the female warrior," after the Amazons of Greek

In many early cultures the soul was said to have taken the form of a bird to make its flight
from this world to the next, which is why it is often depicted as such in ancient religious
art. This idea may well have stemmed from the widely-held belief that astral flight could
only be achieved by using ethereal wings, like those of a bird, something that almost
certainly helped inspire the idea that angels, as messengers of God, should be portrayed
with wings in Christian iconography.

So could the Watchers and Nephilim have been bird-men? The answer is almost certainly
yes, The Anunnaki were often said to wear bird masks, great wings, even bird claws,
much like the later gods in Egypt. Lilith, “she of the night” and the howler”, said to be
Adam‟s first mate, had wings and was always portrayed with owls. Lilith was said to
have left Adam because he tried to dominate her. She too was probably one of Enki‟s
genetic experiments. The many legends of half animal-half human creatures such as the
satyr and the griffin are examples of „failed‟ genetic experiments at creating a perfect
worker and/or slave race for the Anunnaki. They, however, are not the only ones to ever
perform such experiments. The Atlanteans also created bizarre creatures through the use
of biological transplants.

Atlantis was infested with sorcerers practicing bestiality which produced a race of
monstrous half man and half animals and as well as all kinds of depraved abominations.
This evolved into extraordinary, horrific rites of human sacrifice and sex magic which
continued until the Aztecs. These black magicians perpetuate the illusion now called the
Matrix. For those who, understandably, find even the idea of a reptilian race to be
unimaginable, never mind the shape-shifting consider the words of cosmologist Carl
Sagan: "There are more potential combinations of DNA [physical forms] than there are
atoms in the universe." Far from it being impossible for such a race to emerge, it would
be more surprising if it had not.”

Egypt, a great center of learning and the birthplace of many arts and sciences, furnished
an ideal environment for transcendental experimentation. Here the black magicians of
Atlantis continued to exercise their superhuman powers until they had completely
undermined and corrupted the morals of the primitive Mysteries. By establishing a
sacerdotal caste they usurped the position formerly occupied by the initiates, and seized
the reins of spiritual government. Thus black magic dictated the state religion and
paralyzed the intellectual and spiritual activities of the individual by demanding his
complete and unhesitating acquiescence in the dogma formulated by the priests. The
Pharaoh became a puppet in the hands of the Scarlet Council--a committee of arch-
sorcerers elevated to power by the priesthood. The Secret Teachings of the Ages

The history of the struggle between the Atlantean and Lemurian adepts is allegorized in
the Ramayana, which is a mystic narrative in epic form of the struggle between Rama --
the first king of the divine dynasty of the early Aryans -- and Ravana, the Atlantean
(Lanka) black magician .The Ramayana discloses in magnificent symbolism and allegory
the tribulations of both man and soul" (SD 2:495-6). It is quite possible that
Lemuria/Atlantis was not third-dimensional phenomena, and they might still exist in
fourth-dimensional reality.

In the Hollywood movie series named the Matrix we saw the concept of a prison created
by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and projected onto the five senses of the human brain. In
this movie Morpheus: asks the question, "What is real?" implying that the term real is
relative and depends on what information is received by our senses that are processed by
the brain. Science, culture, politics and economics are so cleverly intermingled with truth
that is almost impossible for most of us to discern lies from truth. The Matrix controls
scientific, economic, social, historical and religious knowledge and free energy is being
presented as a recent discovery, even though in reality free energy was discovered more
than a hundred years ago.

Quantum theory rocks the common perception of what is real. Astronomy has torn apart
the perception that the land is flat. Advances in chemistry have proved that we are
composed of atoms containing mostly empty space. Isaac Newton proved that the weight
of objects is nothing but a force called gravity. Sub-Quantum kinetics exposes the
contradictions in the Big Bang theory and offers a scientific basis for the ancient myths
and esoteric lore that encode a theory of continuous creation. Tarot philosophy endlessly
points out the illusory nature of ourselves and our universe aka the Matrix that has
imprisoned us.

Thoth-Hermes and the great Adwaita sages taught that, “While people believe that they
are actually doing things and making choices, free will is in fact an illusion. All that
happens is caused by this one source, and the actual identity of this source is pure
Consciousness, which is incapable of choosing or doing. This false identity which
revolves around the idea that „I am the body‟ or „I am the doer‟ keeps one from seeing
that one‟s actual identity is free Consciousness. All Vedanta teachers say” that while
creation and creator appear to be different and separate, they are actually two sides of the
same coin.” (Source: Wikipedia)

Sri Aurobindo saw this world is Brahman, or God, Truth, and Bliss. He saw that our
egos and thoughts were false. One of the most confusing topics for those who are
unfamiliar with the Vedic tradition is the number of gods and goddesses within it. With
Sri Aurobindo's commentaries however, we discover that the Vedic gods and goddesses
represent deep psychological concepts as well as the Powers and Personalities of the
Absolute Divine Godhead. Yet even more complex is their embodiment of profound
cosmological concepts which have become all but lost to modern scholars.

There is also a hypothesis which says that the universe is a holograph created out of
information stored elsewhere. Thus, as pointed out by the Adwaita philosophy we are
endlessly marching towards understanding the illusory nature of ourselves and our
universe aka the Matrix that has imprisoned us.

You are not the thoughts, concepts, or perceptions which keep you in a state of illusion.
When you burn these layers of illusion through self-examination and ask: Who Am I?
You will eventually know that the „Real Self‟ is not influenced by astrological signs. Fate
is not inevitable; fate is the inevitable outcome of the DNA programmed ego which is not
directed by „Supermental Consciousness‟. There is only the „Eternal Now‟. Past, future,
time and space are merely beliefs created by the mind. Astrology, if used correctly, will
highlight what you think you are and assist you to know who you are not.

The teachings of Thoth-Hermes -- the Hermetic tradition -- is one of the oldest spiritual
traditions in the world, and while no direct evidence links the Book of Thoth to Eastern
religions, it shares uncanny similarities in concepts and terminology with Taoism,
Hinduism, and Buddhism. In the West, the Hermetic traditions found a home not only
with pagan tradition but also in all three of the orthodox Abrahamic religions (Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam), and many of the most heretical beliefs of the Gnostics are also
openly expressed in it. Ethnobotanist and consciousness guru Terence McKenna agrees,
calling the Hermetic teachings "a formula for a holographic matrix" that is mirrored in
the human mind and offers mankind its only hope for future survival. The Book of Thoth
has long been associated with the Tarot, which is said by many to be the embodiment of
its teachings.
The Tarot can be seen as an antidote to (The Matrix). Significantly, Aleister Crowley
discusses the individual tarot keys has having their own universe. The Hegelian dialectic
looks at objects as either similar or different, thesis or antithesis which can create the
synthesis or relationship between the two. Why is it important for you to understand the
subject of the Hegelian Dialectic? Because it is the process by which all change is being
accomplished in society today. More importantly, it is the tool that the globalists are
utilizing to manipulate the minds of the average American to accept that change, where
ordinarily they would refuse it.

The Matrix is the process by which the masters of the universe create crisis, anticipating
the reaction in advance thus conditioning us that a change is needed. When we are
properly conditioned, the desired agenda of the ruling elite is presented as the solution.
The solution isn't intended to solve the problem, but rather to serve as the basis for a new
problem or exacerbate the existing one. When a new crisis reaches boiling point it
becomes the foundation for new arguments against change. Hence, the process is
repeated, over and over, moving us toward whatever end the planners have in mind. It's
also important to understand that arguments are created both for and against change. All
arguments are controlled. The solutions are "debated" publicly by the manipulators or
their talking heads. This is done until a perceived compromise has been reached on the
best way to solve the crisis. Then, the outcome of the "debate" — which should support
the concerns of the public with the mandate to do something — is enacted as public
policy. Though few Americans have ever heard of it, still fewer have not been profoundly
impacted by its use in the effective neutralization of opposition in the formation of public

Sri Aurobindo observes that the world moves according to a wiser evolutionary law,
whereby nothing can be saved unless everything is saved. Excommunications and hell is
the religious way to control us, there can be no paradise so long as a single person is in
hell! Because there is only one Divine Man. The history of religions, the Mysteries, or
Knights in shining armor throughout the world testify to the fact that, after the death of
the Master and his immediate disciples, everything becomes distorted, or simply dies.
Until now the law of the “downward pull” has seemed insurmountable. If evolution is to
triumph, then life must be transformed in its entirety. For centuries we have been on the
quest for the grail but we have found only half of the Secret. The other half is to be found
in the depths of Death and Unconsciousness, and in the very heart of Evil. The key to
divine life is to transform the darkness within ourselves. We do not need a super
consciousness; what we need is another consciousness.

The Italian physicist Giuliana Conforto writes in LUH, Man's Cosmic Game: highlights
our modes of rigid thinking and sees the body rising again through the fluidity of the
Hermetic traditions which tune into cosmic oneness. She, like Sri Aurobindo, proposes a
radical paradigm shift, implying humans' immortality. Her book is another sign that
human history has reached a prelude in the Cosmic Game by integrating metaphysical,
scientific, and artistic concepts. In order to understand the Game, you need to experience
other “invisible realities” as well. Your “reality” reflects your level of consciousness.
Contemplating the images of the Tarot is your entry to the Cosmic Game.

Laura Knight-Jadcyk „s, The Secret History of the World and How To Get Out Alive’,
corroborates this as she believes that our reality is projected from a hyper-dimensional
reality, and that what we perceive with our five senses, the three dimensions of space and
the four dimensions of space and time are not all there is. Alchemists known to the
Egyptians as Thoth, the "Lord of Magic and Time" and to the Greeks as Hermes,
"messenger of the gods", Quetzalcoatl of the Mayans and the enigmatic Celtic wizard
Merlin, promise to return. Their energies affect you in many ways―physically,
consciously and spiritually. Their arch rivals, the reptilians, are located in the star system
of Rigel which is also known as Beta Orionis, a blue supergiant that is the sixth brightest
star in the night sky. Similar to Betelguese, Rigel is will pass its supergiant stage soon (on
an astronomical timescale), either collapsing in the case of a supernova or shedding its
outer layers and turning into a white dwarf. It serves as the left foot of Orion, the hunter.

The controversial Dead Sea Scrolls revealed that the lost Book‟s of Enoch expose the
Annunaki as the black magicians of Atlantis who self-destructed by abusing natural laws.
Those who escaped to Egypt from the Great Flood continued to exercise their
superhuman powers until they completely corrupted the Mysteries. Thus black magic
ruled state religion and demanded total submission to their dogmas. In Egypt the
Pharaohs were puppets under the control of these arch-sorcerers in the priesthood.
Interestingly Gnostic Christianity was created to cleanse their religion from their
influence but after the Council of Nicea the Roman Catholic Church became under their
control again.

The Galactic Superwave Tarot reveals some of the deepest esoteric secrets that are
essential for your transition to a quantum shift of awareness and perception to break the
Matrix. Paul La Violette‟s book, “Genesis of the Cosmos” comes to the conclusion that
the ancient world‟s scientific and mythically-encoded creation theory puts modern
physical theory to shame. The book concludes that both the Tarot and ancient astrology
provide us with a coherent theory of the microcosmic/sub-atomic processes involved in
the creation of the physical universe: “…the Tarot metaphorically encodes the same
process-based creation metaphysics conveyed in the myth of Osiris. With an
understanding of the emergence of ordered patterns in non-equilibrium systems, we can
now for the first time resurrect the Tarot‟s and I Ching‟s ancient wisdom”.

Once you understand that you are connected to everything in the universe you can
transmit enlightened energy to those around you. When you transmit negative energy,
you lower your frequency. The Tarot is an indispensible tool to observe the energy you
are transmitting. It supports the concept of Intelligent Design as it combines sacred
geometry, with number, and astrology. They are the ancient art and sciences based on
mathematical and geometric principles that show the relationship between all parts of
When the discovery was first made physicists found it was virtually impossible to pin-
point the exact location of an atomic particle as it has the ability to simultaneously exist
in more than one place at a time. The only explanation for this is that particles don‟t only
exist in our universe—they can spark into existence in an infinite number of parallel
universes as well. And although these particles come to being and change in
synchronicity, they are all slightly different.

Quantum Physics has proven that our physical reality is nothing more than
consciousness or thought. Consciousness forms the building blocks of the universe and
everywhere that consciousness explores, it also creates. To change your current reality,
all you need to do is change the frequency of your thoughts. The Tarot is your guide to
reprogram your DNA and a way to integrate your persona with your Soul. Find a quiet
time regularly to focus on reprograming your DNA by eliminating the viruses in God‟s
software in your bio-computer by making the following affirmation.“ I am not the
body/mind complex personality created by the DNA. I am the cosmic energy of the

Laura Knight-Jadcyk came to the conclusion that learning, exercising the mind, working
with difficult concepts, and continuously expanding knowledge and awareness base can
have such effects as this, it might also be supposed that it can actually alter the chemical
balance of hormones and/or neurotransmitters thereby turning genes on or off!
Epigenetics gives us the power to break the Matrix of rules and regulations made by
political and religious institutions that tell us who we are.

Time is speeding up because of Earth‟s changing electromagnetic forces. You are in the
transition period between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius. You‟re
experiencing the breakdown of Piscean structures based on competition and scarcity
simultaneously with the new Aquarian structures based on partnership principles and the
sharing of resources. While this transition may cause some concern it‟s actually a
unique window of opportunity for you to know who you really are.

Dr. Paul LaViolette's findings open a new doorway to the interpretation of our ancient
past. Aided by his background in general system theory and physics, he was able to
successfully decipher the lost science said to be encoded in of the Tarot and astrology.

He has found that the first 11 major arcana of the Tarot and the 12 signs of the zodiac
both use symbolic metaphor to present an advanced science of matter and energy
creation. He has shown that the systems-genesis concepts they encode were discovered
by modern science only in the last 40 years.

He also has found new evidence embedded in an ancient Egyptian text that supports the
belief that ancient Magi performed initiation rites into the Osirian mysteries by entering
an underground labyrinth accessed through the breast of the Sphinx. Furthermore, in the
area of archeology and archaeoastronomy, Dr. LaViolette is the first to discover and
decode a scientifically advanced time-capsule message concealed in the lore of the zodiac
and which utilizes a cryptographic key-and-check mechanism to facilitate cross-cultural
transmission of its encoded knowledge.

Aldous Huxley christened the Tarot as "Perennial Philosophy," a timeless science of soul
or time capsule that surfaces in times of need. Its premise is that there exists a divine or
archetypal level of mind that determines physical reality, and individuals can access that
realm through direct knowledge of the god within. The Hermetic tradition is one of the
oldest spiritual traditions in the world, and while no direct evidence links the „Book of
Thoth‟ to Eastern religions, it shares concepts and terminology with Taoism, Advaita
Vedanta, and Buddhism. In the West, the tablet found a home not only in the pagan
tradition but also in all three of the orthodox Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity,
and Islam), and many of the most heretical beliefs of the Gnostics suppressed at the
Council of Nicea are also expressed in it. Like Thoth, the Gnostics believed that direct
knowledge of reality could be attained through psychological discipline and Self enquiry.
They also shared a common view of the universe in which "All Is One," a pattern of
creation and decay symbolized by the Ouroboros (the serpent eating its own tail).

H.P. Blavatsky (HPB) also believed the 22 major arcana of the Tarot were Hermetic keys
to the science of the soul which teaches us how to force the invisible to become visible.
The arcana continually call us back to the spirit of the hieroglyphs that make up the
Tarot, which also reside in the heart. It is only in this sacred place that we can receive and
contain the inner spiritual truth that can transform us. HPB believes that the Tarot may be
used to create anything, even a new universe.

The fact that we question the Tarot as to whether it be a method or a doctrine shows the
limitation of a “three dimensional mind,” This belief has been supported since the 1920‟s
when quantum physicists hypothesized that an infinite number of alternate universes
exist. Leading quantum scientists like Max Plank, Stephen Hawking, Michio Kaku and
Neil Turok have all suggested the existence of multiple universes. Understanding that
you exist in multiple universes is really important. Why? Because you emit thought forms
that affect Earth‟s vibration. Earth relays these vibrations to the sun; the sun relays it to
Galactic Center, where it goes out to celestial bodies and back to earth via the same route.
So, everything in the cosmos is connected. We cross these different universes as stages
on the royal path in search of the Self.

The Tarot is your interpreter of The Secret History of the World so that you can escape
from the collective madness on this planet. So why do you need to know this?
Gurdjieff answers.” Because "what you don't know can hurt you." The daily use of the
Tarot is a way to clear the mind of negative control thought-forms.. Energy clearings
help you to know who and what your challenges are. So I present the Tarot to help those
who wish to increase their awareness of themselves, and begin to learn the importance of
clearing themselves of all these mind control energies.
In Zecharia Sitchen's “Calendar Tales" from "When Time Began" he explains in great
detail that Thoth taught the Moon cycles based calendar (which under his other name
Quetzalcoatl became the Mayan Calendar) partly because it needed to compete with his
arch-enemy brother Ra/Marduk's Solar based Calendar. Thoth was taught by his father
Enki, how to raise people from the dead. His brother Marduk / Ra was not. Ra
excommunicated Thoth from Egypt to Mesoamerica where he is called Quetzalcoatl.
Sitchen's conclusion is that Thoth is Son of Enki, the Sumerian serpent god Ningizzida.
The god itself is the two (copulating) snakes entwined around an axial rod. It is
accompanied by two gryphons.

There are many theories as to where the Garden of Eden is. On this planet it is called
Hyperborea at the North Pole. As all our ancestors came from various star systems such
as Lyra, Vega, Andromeda, Orion, Sirius, Arcturus, the Pleiades, and Mars humans
have taken many forms over millions of years. Lyran Felines crossed their DNA with
bipedal mammals and began a program of genetic crossing which in the process created
a new species that would become known as Adamic Humans. The Feline hierarchy is
represented by Zu - The winged lion-headed Sumerian storm-bird who took the tablets
of destiny from Enlil and threatened the very existence of gods as whoever wrote them
on their breast was the supreme ruler of the world. Bastet, the Sacred Cat,was revered
as a goddess in Egyptian mythology. Zeus made Artemis a lion among women, and
allowed her to kill at her own pleasure ... you hunt down the ravening beasts in the
mountains and deer of the wilds." - Homer, Iliad 21.470

Orion, from which the word origin originates, is probably the Garden of Eden where the
so called gods played out the roles of good and evil. Why? So we could fully experience
separation and illusion and know that‟s not we want. Thoth revealed to them that
although the Fallen Lords tampered with the DNA of his creation through eons of
genetic manipulation, human kind were still ‟angels unaware.‟

Enki and his son Ningishzidda (Thoth) physically have intercourse with ape
women. When no pregnancies occur they surgically implant the zygotes and fertilize
their ovaries with their seed, and create zygotes in test tubes. But the hybrid babies
lacked vision, dexterity or internal functions. Ninmah, the Mother, overcame some of the
deficiencies when she added copper and clay of Earth to the vessels for the next
zygote. But this zygote developed into a hybrid Earthling who lacked speech
capacity. [Sitchin, Z., The 12th Planet, page 352].

Enki implanted a test-tube-grown zygote formed from his sperm and an ape woman
ovum in Ninmah's womb, rather than the womb of an ape woman, to see if the baby
Ninmah bore could speak. "In the clay vessel the admixture they made, the oval of an
Earth female with Anunnaki male essence they put together. The fertilized egg into the
womb of Ninmah by Enki was inserted. There was conception. "To a male child Ninmah
birth was giving. Enki the boy child held in his hands, the image of perfection was he. He
slapped the newborn on his bottom; the newborn uttered proper sounds." He could speak.
"He handed the newborn to Ninmah. 'My hands have made it!' victoriously she shouted."
[Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 138 -139.]

Throughout the ages sacred symbolism has been a bridge from the known to the
unknown and vice versa. It has been the human way of trying to explain the unknowable.
The Tarot has been called the oldest book known to man. According to legend,
the original cards comprised of "chapters" in The Book of Thoth.

Thoth the scientist high priest escaped from Atlantis as it was sinking into the Atlantic
ocean 50,000 years ago. Thoth was an immortal, that is, he had conquered death, passing
only when he willed and even then not through death. His vast wisdom made him ruler
over various Atlantean colonies, including the ones in South and Central America under
the name of Quetzalcoatl. When the time came for him to leave Egypt, he erected the
Great Pyramid over the entrance to the Great Halls of Amenti, placed in it his records,
and appointed guards for his secrets from among the high priests. As Thoth desired to
keep alive the knowledge and wisdom that he had provided his people he summarized his
wisdom onto a series of 22 tablets. He did this by using symbols and images instead of
words. These emerald tablets became known as The Book of Thoth.

Almost all mystical sects and orders have their origin in the “Divine Knowledge” taught
by Thoth-Hermes— The underlying principle of Hermes Trimistegus was „As above, so
below‟, which denotes that —the macrocosm is one and the same as the microcosm.
From the smallest cell to the widest expanse of the galaxies, a repetitive geometric law
prevails, and this was understood from the very earliest times. Thus when the
Freemasons and other such orders boast that they had their origins in Atlantis, Lemuria,
or even on other planets, they are not lying—although most of them may not fully
realize the true nature of what is going on.

I have been influenced by the Golden Dawn adepts who used Tarot cards as pathways
into the mind, rather than as a means of divination. Each of the major arcana corresponds
to a certain portion of the psyche, symbolized by the tree of life. The tree is a living,
vibrant thing, and each sephirah flows into another. Each of the cards can be visualized
as a doorway through which the spiritual seeker can imaginatively pass through
doorways to greater consciousness. The other fifty-six cards, called the "minor arcana",
which are divided into four suits-wands and swords (masculine) and cups and pentacles
(feminine) are of less significance.

Like Aleister Crowley‟s Thoth Deck this deck incorporates imagery and symbolism from
Hindu, Egyptian, Greek, Christian, and Eastern religions. It is more universal than many
contemporary decks which represent a particular philosophical point of view. The 22
major arcana represent "universal principles of life and 'archetypal' personality types"
They are multi-dimensional as they are portrayed by the gods and goddesses from many
civilizations. The gods and goddesses of ancient mythology were not actual characters,
but archetypes representing the ideal state consciousness which you can attain . The
symbolism of the minor arcana have correspondences with numerology and decans of
There are many theories as to origins of tarot cards: Grail legends; Hindu Puranas and
Vedas, Troubadors and Gypsys; Hebrew Cabala; Greek philosophy; symbols handed
down from prehistoric legends; India ancient Mexico, Egpyt, and Babylon; the Book of
Thoth brought to Europe by the Order of Knights Templar, or alchemists from the
middle-ages, for the tarot as we know it is replete with alchemical symbolism. Perhaps
too much so as there is now no need for secrets as the Vatican no longer burns you at the

For some reason conventional tarot wisdom has made Arthur Edward Waite the
authority on the Tarot therefore any speculation of an Egyptian connection by Court de
Gėbelin‟s book “Le Monde Primitv” (1773), is not taken seriously. In 1783 Etteilla, who
Waite labeled an illiterate and zealous adventurer, heavily promoted the „Book of
Thoth‟ as the source. Eliphas Levy, a French priest 1810-1875) saw the connection of
the Tarot to the Jewish Cabbala, the Bible and the Key of Solomon. He is known to
have said, “if a person was locked up in prison with no other book than the Tarot, if he
knew how to use it, could in a few years acquire universal knowledge”. My intuition
tells me that the Egyptian connection is correct but that it may have seeds in Lemuria
and Atlantis. I can heartily recommend Rosemary Ellen Guiley‟s “ The Mystical Tarot”
as an introduction to all the possible theories as she enjoys the mystery of where it
originates. I like that mystery too because it reinforces my own intuition, based on past
life experiences, that I have been connected with the Tarot for aeons.

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Escape the Prison of the Matrix

  • 1. The Galactic Superwave Tarot is a Cosmic Game to Escape the Prison of the Matrix The probability that the universe is teamed with intelligent species like humans is very high. The Mahabharata speaks of fourteen worlds including the Earth all of them filled with intelligent life. Based on our current definition of alien, all of them were thus extra- terrestrial and hence aliens in the current sense of the world. The time has come to recognize that we have the genetic codes of these so called aliens and stop calling them alien. After extensive research, the aerospace scientist Dr. Gordon Allen, said in his book, Enigma Fantastique, that nothing has changed since the days of Atlantis when the Annunaki magician-scientists of Atlantis morphed into the controlling priesthood of the Egyptians, the Caesars, and the Inquisition of Roman Catholic Church. These sorcerers systematically destroyed all keys to the ancient wisdom. They distorted the rituals of the Mysteries so that even those neophytes who passed the tests were not given the real truth of their divinity. The profound symbolism of the Mysteries was misinterpreted and elaborate rituals were created to confuse them. The masses, deprived of their divine birthright, eventually became enslaved to superstition and these Annunaki continue to control the Matrix which is a control system that creates false personae. Persona is the Greek word for mask. Behind the mask lies our real Self, our soul. Our economic system, our government and our churches are obstacles to an inner awareness necessary for true self-realization. Most institutions manipulate and use us. Where do these dark lords that are trying to keep you from the knowledge of yourself come from? Reportedly they exist on a planet called Bellatrix in the Orion Belt. As night falls, it's directly above Orion's Belt and to the right of the hunter's other shoulder, bright orange Betelgeuse. The name means "the female warrior," after the Amazons of Greek mythology. In many early cultures the soul was said to have taken the form of a bird to make its flight from this world to the next, which is why it is often depicted as such in ancient religious art. This idea may well have stemmed from the widely-held belief that astral flight could only be achieved by using ethereal wings, like those of a bird, something that almost certainly helped inspire the idea that angels, as messengers of God, should be portrayed with wings in Christian iconography. So could the Watchers and Nephilim have been bird-men? The answer is almost certainly yes, The Anunnaki were often said to wear bird masks, great wings, even bird claws, much like the later gods in Egypt. Lilith, “she of the night” and the howler”, said to be Adam‟s first mate, had wings and was always portrayed with owls. Lilith was said to have left Adam because he tried to dominate her. She too was probably one of Enki‟s genetic experiments. The many legends of half animal-half human creatures such as the satyr and the griffin are examples of „failed‟ genetic experiments at creating a perfect worker and/or slave race for the Anunnaki. They, however, are not the only ones to ever
  • 2. perform such experiments. The Atlanteans also created bizarre creatures through the use of biological transplants. Atlantis was infested with sorcerers practicing bestiality which produced a race of monstrous half man and half animals and as well as all kinds of depraved abominations. This evolved into extraordinary, horrific rites of human sacrifice and sex magic which continued until the Aztecs. These black magicians perpetuate the illusion now called the Matrix. For those who, understandably, find even the idea of a reptilian race to be unimaginable, never mind the shape-shifting consider the words of cosmologist Carl Sagan: "There are more potential combinations of DNA [physical forms] than there are atoms in the universe." Far from it being impossible for such a race to emerge, it would be more surprising if it had not.” Egypt, a great center of learning and the birthplace of many arts and sciences, furnished an ideal environment for transcendental experimentation. Here the black magicians of Atlantis continued to exercise their superhuman powers until they had completely undermined and corrupted the morals of the primitive Mysteries. By establishing a sacerdotal caste they usurped the position formerly occupied by the initiates, and seized the reins of spiritual government. Thus black magic dictated the state religion and paralyzed the intellectual and spiritual activities of the individual by demanding his complete and unhesitating acquiescence in the dogma formulated by the priests. The Pharaoh became a puppet in the hands of the Scarlet Council--a committee of arch- sorcerers elevated to power by the priesthood. The Secret Teachings of the Ages The history of the struggle between the Atlantean and Lemurian adepts is allegorized in the Ramayana, which is a mystic narrative in epic form of the struggle between Rama -- the first king of the divine dynasty of the early Aryans -- and Ravana, the Atlantean (Lanka) black magician .The Ramayana discloses in magnificent symbolism and allegory the tribulations of both man and soul" (SD 2:495-6). It is quite possible that Lemuria/Atlantis was not third-dimensional phenomena, and they might still exist in fourth-dimensional reality. In the Hollywood movie series named the Matrix we saw the concept of a prison created by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and projected onto the five senses of the human brain. In this movie Morpheus: asks the question, "What is real?" implying that the term real is relative and depends on what information is received by our senses that are processed by the brain. Science, culture, politics and economics are so cleverly intermingled with truth that is almost impossible for most of us to discern lies from truth. The Matrix controls scientific, economic, social, historical and religious knowledge and free energy is being presented as a recent discovery, even though in reality free energy was discovered more than a hundred years ago. Quantum theory rocks the common perception of what is real. Astronomy has torn apart the perception that the land is flat. Advances in chemistry have proved that we are composed of atoms containing mostly empty space. Isaac Newton proved that the weight
  • 3. of objects is nothing but a force called gravity. Sub-Quantum kinetics exposes the contradictions in the Big Bang theory and offers a scientific basis for the ancient myths and esoteric lore that encode a theory of continuous creation. Tarot philosophy endlessly points out the illusory nature of ourselves and our universe aka the Matrix that has imprisoned us. Thoth-Hermes and the great Adwaita sages taught that, “While people believe that they are actually doing things and making choices, free will is in fact an illusion. All that happens is caused by this one source, and the actual identity of this source is pure Consciousness, which is incapable of choosing or doing. This false identity which revolves around the idea that „I am the body‟ or „I am the doer‟ keeps one from seeing that one‟s actual identity is free Consciousness. All Vedanta teachers say” that while creation and creator appear to be different and separate, they are actually two sides of the same coin.” (Source: Wikipedia) Sri Aurobindo saw this world is Brahman, or God, Truth, and Bliss. He saw that our egos and thoughts were false. One of the most confusing topics for those who are unfamiliar with the Vedic tradition is the number of gods and goddesses within it. With Sri Aurobindo's commentaries however, we discover that the Vedic gods and goddesses represent deep psychological concepts as well as the Powers and Personalities of the Absolute Divine Godhead. Yet even more complex is their embodiment of profound cosmological concepts which have become all but lost to modern scholars. There is also a hypothesis which says that the universe is a holograph created out of information stored elsewhere. Thus, as pointed out by the Adwaita philosophy we are endlessly marching towards understanding the illusory nature of ourselves and our universe aka the Matrix that has imprisoned us. You are not the thoughts, concepts, or perceptions which keep you in a state of illusion. When you burn these layers of illusion through self-examination and ask: Who Am I? You will eventually know that the „Real Self‟ is not influenced by astrological signs. Fate is not inevitable; fate is the inevitable outcome of the DNA programmed ego which is not directed by „Supermental Consciousness‟. There is only the „Eternal Now‟. Past, future, time and space are merely beliefs created by the mind. Astrology, if used correctly, will highlight what you think you are and assist you to know who you are not. The teachings of Thoth-Hermes -- the Hermetic tradition -- is one of the oldest spiritual traditions in the world, and while no direct evidence links the Book of Thoth to Eastern religions, it shares uncanny similarities in concepts and terminology with Taoism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. In the West, the Hermetic traditions found a home not only with pagan tradition but also in all three of the orthodox Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), and many of the most heretical beliefs of the Gnostics are also openly expressed in it. Ethnobotanist and consciousness guru Terence McKenna agrees, calling the Hermetic teachings "a formula for a holographic matrix" that is mirrored in the human mind and offers mankind its only hope for future survival. The Book of Thoth has long been associated with the Tarot, which is said by many to be the embodiment of its teachings.
  • 4. The Tarot can be seen as an antidote to (The Matrix). Significantly, Aleister Crowley discusses the individual tarot keys has having their own universe. The Hegelian dialectic looks at objects as either similar or different, thesis or antithesis which can create the synthesis or relationship between the two. Why is it important for you to understand the subject of the Hegelian Dialectic? Because it is the process by which all change is being accomplished in society today. More importantly, it is the tool that the globalists are utilizing to manipulate the minds of the average American to accept that change, where ordinarily they would refuse it. The Matrix is the process by which the masters of the universe create crisis, anticipating the reaction in advance thus conditioning us that a change is needed. When we are properly conditioned, the desired agenda of the ruling elite is presented as the solution. The solution isn't intended to solve the problem, but rather to serve as the basis for a new problem or exacerbate the existing one. When a new crisis reaches boiling point it becomes the foundation for new arguments against change. Hence, the process is repeated, over and over, moving us toward whatever end the planners have in mind. It's also important to understand that arguments are created both for and against change. All arguments are controlled. The solutions are "debated" publicly by the manipulators or their talking heads. This is done until a perceived compromise has been reached on the best way to solve the crisis. Then, the outcome of the "debate" — which should support the concerns of the public with the mandate to do something — is enacted as public policy. Though few Americans have ever heard of it, still fewer have not been profoundly impacted by its use in the effective neutralization of opposition in the formation of public policy. Sri Aurobindo observes that the world moves according to a wiser evolutionary law, whereby nothing can be saved unless everything is saved. Excommunications and hell is the religious way to control us, there can be no paradise so long as a single person is in hell! Because there is only one Divine Man. The history of religions, the Mysteries, or Knights in shining armor throughout the world testify to the fact that, after the death of the Master and his immediate disciples, everything becomes distorted, or simply dies. Until now the law of the “downward pull” has seemed insurmountable. If evolution is to triumph, then life must be transformed in its entirety. For centuries we have been on the quest for the grail but we have found only half of the Secret. The other half is to be found in the depths of Death and Unconsciousness, and in the very heart of Evil. The key to divine life is to transform the darkness within ourselves. We do not need a super consciousness; what we need is another consciousness. The Italian physicist Giuliana Conforto writes in LUH, Man's Cosmic Game: highlights our modes of rigid thinking and sees the body rising again through the fluidity of the Hermetic traditions which tune into cosmic oneness. She, like Sri Aurobindo, proposes a radical paradigm shift, implying humans' immortality. Her book is another sign that human history has reached a prelude in the Cosmic Game by integrating metaphysical, scientific, and artistic concepts. In order to understand the Game, you need to experience
  • 5. other “invisible realities” as well. Your “reality” reflects your level of consciousness. Contemplating the images of the Tarot is your entry to the Cosmic Game. Laura Knight-Jadcyk „s, The Secret History of the World and How To Get Out Alive’, corroborates this as she believes that our reality is projected from a hyper-dimensional reality, and that what we perceive with our five senses, the three dimensions of space and the four dimensions of space and time are not all there is. Alchemists known to the Egyptians as Thoth, the "Lord of Magic and Time" and to the Greeks as Hermes, "messenger of the gods", Quetzalcoatl of the Mayans and the enigmatic Celtic wizard Merlin, promise to return. Their energies affect you in many ways―physically, consciously and spiritually. Their arch rivals, the reptilians, are located in the star system of Rigel which is also known as Beta Orionis, a blue supergiant that is the sixth brightest star in the night sky. Similar to Betelguese, Rigel is will pass its supergiant stage soon (on an astronomical timescale), either collapsing in the case of a supernova or shedding its outer layers and turning into a white dwarf. It serves as the left foot of Orion, the hunter. The controversial Dead Sea Scrolls revealed that the lost Book‟s of Enoch expose the Annunaki as the black magicians of Atlantis who self-destructed by abusing natural laws. Those who escaped to Egypt from the Great Flood continued to exercise their superhuman powers until they completely corrupted the Mysteries. Thus black magic ruled state religion and demanded total submission to their dogmas. In Egypt the Pharaohs were puppets under the control of these arch-sorcerers in the priesthood. Interestingly Gnostic Christianity was created to cleanse their religion from their influence but after the Council of Nicea the Roman Catholic Church became under their control again. The Galactic Superwave Tarot reveals some of the deepest esoteric secrets that are essential for your transition to a quantum shift of awareness and perception to break the Matrix. Paul La Violette‟s book, “Genesis of the Cosmos” comes to the conclusion that the ancient world‟s scientific and mythically-encoded creation theory puts modern physical theory to shame. The book concludes that both the Tarot and ancient astrology provide us with a coherent theory of the microcosmic/sub-atomic processes involved in the creation of the physical universe: “…the Tarot metaphorically encodes the same process-based creation metaphysics conveyed in the myth of Osiris. With an understanding of the emergence of ordered patterns in non-equilibrium systems, we can now for the first time resurrect the Tarot‟s and I Ching‟s ancient wisdom”. Once you understand that you are connected to everything in the universe you can transmit enlightened energy to those around you. When you transmit negative energy, you lower your frequency. The Tarot is an indispensible tool to observe the energy you are transmitting. It supports the concept of Intelligent Design as it combines sacred geometry, with number, and astrology. They are the ancient art and sciences based on mathematical and geometric principles that show the relationship between all parts of creation.
  • 6. When the discovery was first made physicists found it was virtually impossible to pin- point the exact location of an atomic particle as it has the ability to simultaneously exist in more than one place at a time. The only explanation for this is that particles don‟t only exist in our universe—they can spark into existence in an infinite number of parallel universes as well. And although these particles come to being and change in synchronicity, they are all slightly different. Quantum Physics has proven that our physical reality is nothing more than consciousness or thought. Consciousness forms the building blocks of the universe and everywhere that consciousness explores, it also creates. To change your current reality, all you need to do is change the frequency of your thoughts. The Tarot is your guide to reprogram your DNA and a way to integrate your persona with your Soul. Find a quiet time regularly to focus on reprograming your DNA by eliminating the viruses in God‟s software in your bio-computer by making the following affirmation.“ I am not the body/mind complex personality created by the DNA. I am the cosmic energy of the universe. Laura Knight-Jadcyk came to the conclusion that learning, exercising the mind, working with difficult concepts, and continuously expanding knowledge and awareness base can have such effects as this, it might also be supposed that it can actually alter the chemical balance of hormones and/or neurotransmitters thereby turning genes on or off! Epigenetics gives us the power to break the Matrix of rules and regulations made by political and religious institutions that tell us who we are. Time is speeding up because of Earth‟s changing electromagnetic forces. You are in the transition period between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius. You‟re experiencing the breakdown of Piscean structures based on competition and scarcity simultaneously with the new Aquarian structures based on partnership principles and the sharing of resources. While this transition may cause some concern it‟s actually a unique window of opportunity for you to know who you really are. Dr. Paul LaViolette's findings open a new doorway to the interpretation of our ancient past. Aided by his background in general system theory and physics, he was able to successfully decipher the lost science said to be encoded in of the Tarot and astrology. He has found that the first 11 major arcana of the Tarot and the 12 signs of the zodiac both use symbolic metaphor to present an advanced science of matter and energy creation. He has shown that the systems-genesis concepts they encode were discovered by modern science only in the last 40 years. He also has found new evidence embedded in an ancient Egyptian text that supports the belief that ancient Magi performed initiation rites into the Osirian mysteries by entering an underground labyrinth accessed through the breast of the Sphinx. Furthermore, in the area of archeology and archaeoastronomy, Dr. LaViolette is the first to discover and decode a scientifically advanced time-capsule message concealed in the lore of the zodiac
  • 7. and which utilizes a cryptographic key-and-check mechanism to facilitate cross-cultural transmission of its encoded knowledge. Aldous Huxley christened the Tarot as "Perennial Philosophy," a timeless science of soul or time capsule that surfaces in times of need. Its premise is that there exists a divine or archetypal level of mind that determines physical reality, and individuals can access that realm through direct knowledge of the god within. The Hermetic tradition is one of the oldest spiritual traditions in the world, and while no direct evidence links the „Book of Thoth‟ to Eastern religions, it shares concepts and terminology with Taoism, Advaita Vedanta, and Buddhism. In the West, the tablet found a home not only in the pagan tradition but also in all three of the orthodox Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), and many of the most heretical beliefs of the Gnostics suppressed at the Council of Nicea are also expressed in it. Like Thoth, the Gnostics believed that direct knowledge of reality could be attained through psychological discipline and Self enquiry. They also shared a common view of the universe in which "All Is One," a pattern of creation and decay symbolized by the Ouroboros (the serpent eating its own tail). H.P. Blavatsky (HPB) also believed the 22 major arcana of the Tarot were Hermetic keys to the science of the soul which teaches us how to force the invisible to become visible. The arcana continually call us back to the spirit of the hieroglyphs that make up the Tarot, which also reside in the heart. It is only in this sacred place that we can receive and contain the inner spiritual truth that can transform us. HPB believes that the Tarot may be used to create anything, even a new universe. The fact that we question the Tarot as to whether it be a method or a doctrine shows the limitation of a “three dimensional mind,” This belief has been supported since the 1920‟s when quantum physicists hypothesized that an infinite number of alternate universes exist. Leading quantum scientists like Max Plank, Stephen Hawking, Michio Kaku and Neil Turok have all suggested the existence of multiple universes. Understanding that you exist in multiple universes is really important. Why? Because you emit thought forms that affect Earth‟s vibration. Earth relays these vibrations to the sun; the sun relays it to Galactic Center, where it goes out to celestial bodies and back to earth via the same route. So, everything in the cosmos is connected. We cross these different universes as stages on the royal path in search of the Self. The Tarot is your interpreter of The Secret History of the World so that you can escape from the collective madness on this planet. So why do you need to know this? Gurdjieff answers.” Because "what you don't know can hurt you." The daily use of the Tarot is a way to clear the mind of negative control thought-forms.. Energy clearings help you to know who and what your challenges are. So I present the Tarot to help those who wish to increase their awareness of themselves, and begin to learn the importance of clearing themselves of all these mind control energies.
  • 8. In Zecharia Sitchen's “Calendar Tales" from "When Time Began" he explains in great detail that Thoth taught the Moon cycles based calendar (which under his other name Quetzalcoatl became the Mayan Calendar) partly because it needed to compete with his arch-enemy brother Ra/Marduk's Solar based Calendar. Thoth was taught by his father Enki, how to raise people from the dead. His brother Marduk / Ra was not. Ra excommunicated Thoth from Egypt to Mesoamerica where he is called Quetzalcoatl. Sitchen's conclusion is that Thoth is Son of Enki, the Sumerian serpent god Ningizzida. The god itself is the two (copulating) snakes entwined around an axial rod. It is accompanied by two gryphons. There are many theories as to where the Garden of Eden is. On this planet it is called Hyperborea at the North Pole. As all our ancestors came from various star systems such as Lyra, Vega, Andromeda, Orion, Sirius, Arcturus, the Pleiades, and Mars humans have taken many forms over millions of years. Lyran Felines crossed their DNA with bipedal mammals and began a program of genetic crossing which in the process created a new species that would become known as Adamic Humans. The Feline hierarchy is represented by Zu - The winged lion-headed Sumerian storm-bird who took the tablets of destiny from Enlil and threatened the very existence of gods as whoever wrote them on their breast was the supreme ruler of the world. Bastet, the Sacred Cat,was revered as a goddess in Egyptian mythology. Zeus made Artemis a lion among women, and allowed her to kill at her own pleasure ... you hunt down the ravening beasts in the mountains and deer of the wilds." - Homer, Iliad 21.470 Orion, from which the word origin originates, is probably the Garden of Eden where the so called gods played out the roles of good and evil. Why? So we could fully experience separation and illusion and know that‟s not we want. Thoth revealed to them that although the Fallen Lords tampered with the DNA of his creation through eons of genetic manipulation, human kind were still ‟angels unaware.‟ Enki and his son Ningishzidda (Thoth) physically have intercourse with ape women. When no pregnancies occur they surgically implant the zygotes and fertilize their ovaries with their seed, and create zygotes in test tubes. But the hybrid babies lacked vision, dexterity or internal functions. Ninmah, the Mother, overcame some of the deficiencies when she added copper and clay of Earth to the vessels for the next zygote. But this zygote developed into a hybrid Earthling who lacked speech capacity. [Sitchin, Z., The 12th Planet, page 352]. Enki implanted a test-tube-grown zygote formed from his sperm and an ape woman ovum in Ninmah's womb, rather than the womb of an ape woman, to see if the baby Ninmah bore could speak. "In the clay vessel the admixture they made, the oval of an Earth female with Anunnaki male essence they put together. The fertilized egg into the womb of Ninmah by Enki was inserted. There was conception. "To a male child Ninmah birth was giving. Enki the boy child held in his hands, the image of perfection was he. He slapped the newborn on his bottom; the newborn uttered proper sounds." He could speak.
  • 9. "He handed the newborn to Ninmah. 'My hands have made it!' victoriously she shouted." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 138 -139.] Throughout the ages sacred symbolism has been a bridge from the known to the unknown and vice versa. It has been the human way of trying to explain the unknowable. The Tarot has been called the oldest book known to man. According to legend, the original cards comprised of "chapters" in The Book of Thoth. Thoth the scientist high priest escaped from Atlantis as it was sinking into the Atlantic ocean 50,000 years ago. Thoth was an immortal, that is, he had conquered death, passing only when he willed and even then not through death. His vast wisdom made him ruler over various Atlantean colonies, including the ones in South and Central America under the name of Quetzalcoatl. When the time came for him to leave Egypt, he erected the Great Pyramid over the entrance to the Great Halls of Amenti, placed in it his records, and appointed guards for his secrets from among the high priests. As Thoth desired to keep alive the knowledge and wisdom that he had provided his people he summarized his wisdom onto a series of 22 tablets. He did this by using symbols and images instead of words. These emerald tablets became known as The Book of Thoth. Almost all mystical sects and orders have their origin in the “Divine Knowledge” taught by Thoth-Hermes— The underlying principle of Hermes Trimistegus was „As above, so below‟, which denotes that —the macrocosm is one and the same as the microcosm. From the smallest cell to the widest expanse of the galaxies, a repetitive geometric law prevails, and this was understood from the very earliest times. Thus when the Freemasons and other such orders boast that they had their origins in Atlantis, Lemuria, or even on other planets, they are not lying—although most of them may not fully realize the true nature of what is going on. I have been influenced by the Golden Dawn adepts who used Tarot cards as pathways into the mind, rather than as a means of divination. Each of the major arcana corresponds to a certain portion of the psyche, symbolized by the tree of life. The tree is a living, vibrant thing, and each sephirah flows into another. Each of the cards can be visualized as a doorway through which the spiritual seeker can imaginatively pass through doorways to greater consciousness. The other fifty-six cards, called the "minor arcana", which are divided into four suits-wands and swords (masculine) and cups and pentacles (feminine) are of less significance. Like Aleister Crowley‟s Thoth Deck this deck incorporates imagery and symbolism from Hindu, Egyptian, Greek, Christian, and Eastern religions. It is more universal than many contemporary decks which represent a particular philosophical point of view. The 22 major arcana represent "universal principles of life and 'archetypal' personality types" They are multi-dimensional as they are portrayed by the gods and goddesses from many civilizations. The gods and goddesses of ancient mythology were not actual characters, but archetypes representing the ideal state consciousness which you can attain . The symbolism of the minor arcana have correspondences with numerology and decans of astrology.
  • 10. There are many theories as to origins of tarot cards: Grail legends; Hindu Puranas and Vedas, Troubadors and Gypsys; Hebrew Cabala; Greek philosophy; symbols handed down from prehistoric legends; India ancient Mexico, Egpyt, and Babylon; the Book of Thoth brought to Europe by the Order of Knights Templar, or alchemists from the middle-ages, for the tarot as we know it is replete with alchemical symbolism. Perhaps too much so as there is now no need for secrets as the Vatican no longer burns you at the stake. For some reason conventional tarot wisdom has made Arthur Edward Waite the authority on the Tarot therefore any speculation of an Egyptian connection by Court de Gėbelin‟s book “Le Monde Primitv” (1773), is not taken seriously. In 1783 Etteilla, who Waite labeled an illiterate and zealous adventurer, heavily promoted the „Book of Thoth‟ as the source. Eliphas Levy, a French priest 1810-1875) saw the connection of the Tarot to the Jewish Cabbala, the Bible and the Key of Solomon. He is known to have said, “if a person was locked up in prison with no other book than the Tarot, if he knew how to use it, could in a few years acquire universal knowledge”. My intuition tells me that the Egyptian connection is correct but that it may have seeds in Lemuria and Atlantis. I can heartily recommend Rosemary Ellen Guiley‟s “ The Mystical Tarot” as an introduction to all the possible theories as she enjoys the mystery of where it originates. I like that mystery too because it reinforces my own intuition, based on past life experiences, that I have been connected with the Tarot for aeons.