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Dorset business owners advice to their younger selves
There are more of us than ever building our own
empires. But once we start our own businesses, it does
feel isolating. Wouldn’t it be great if we could learn
from those who can pass on their knowledge?
There are 4.8 million private sector businesses in the UK,
the highest since estimates began in 2000, according
to the Business Population Estimates (BPE).
To put things into perspective even further, British entrepreneurs
broke records in 2012, with start-up numbers up by 10% to 484,224
businesses (over 440,000 in 2011), according to Start-Up Britain.
Twenty local business owners, who are all part of the Dorset business
community, were asked what they would do ‘if they could go back.’
Each participant was asked if they could turn back time
and about to start their own business or at a stage when
they are thinking about self employment, what three
things they would advise to their younger self.
So, here we go, here’s the business owners response to…
“What three things would you advise your younger
self to build a successful business?”
Brian Maidman
Maidman’s Removals
& Storage/Store & Secure
Self Storage
Maidman’s Removals & Storage
are recognised locally and
nationally as a market leader
in the removals sector. Sister
company, Store & Secure,
provide a state-of-the-art
self storage facility, behind
Castlepoint, in Bournemouth.
1. Understand the power of good marketing
During the early days of a business, there may be little
consistency and continuity in the company image.
You don’t have to have everything in one go, but it is vital
to establish an identity (corporate logo, colours, signage,
photography, printed collateral). Once a brand image
is created, you are able to work with something that
is tangible and continues to help you with your brand
perception and recognition within the local area.
2. True costing
You have to understand the financial side to price
accordingly, in terms of profit and loss, balance sheets
and the goal to make a profit. Taking these factors
into consideration helps you plan based on getting
to know your figures inside out on a regular basis.
3. Join A Credited Association
Being part of a recognised affiliated association
(e.g. British Association of Removers) becomes a source
of valuable information, in terms of running a successful
company. Being involved with the heart of the industry
allows you to network, influence decision-making
and policy and to be seen as giving a bit back.
1. Manage time
Be ruthless with time. You have 24 hours in each day
and you’ll never get it back. How we plan our day is a
vital factor to consider. So be disciplined to reduce any
interruptions (the ping of the email inbox). You may find it
beneficial to delegate and outsource areas that can be
managed better.
2. Learn the fundamental of sales
You don’t have to be from a business background, but
you need to be able to sell. Have a thirst for knowledge
so you can adapt and let your skills grow with the business.
Most people aren’t interested with a cold call, so make sure
your product is strong enough to build interest and make
that sale.
3. Promote a culture
Make it clear what the focus of your business is, so
people can familiarise themselves with what you do. Your
decisions will be based on your vision, which helps to
keep focus with everyone associated with the business.
Keep that bar high and always exceed in customer
expectations, and excel in building relationships.

Barbara Cox
Nutri Chef
Nutrichef head nutritionist and
company founder, Barbara
Cox, became passionate about
eating healthily during her time in
Japan. Barbara advises people
with losing weight, training
athletes for sports events, and
those that want to eat healthier.
Barbara writes articles on health
for various magazines and she
won the 2008 British Chamber
of Commerce Nation Award
for Entrepreneur of the Year.
Ali Carter
Cater Cost
‘The Pub Mentor’ is 100%
dedicated to giving genuine
business support to independent
hospitality operators helping
them save time and make
more money. Her latest business
venture CaterCost is a software
designed specifically for the
independent caterer and is
taking the industry by storm.
1. Never let others influence or sway you
It can be easy to make a compromise and not stay true
to yourself. Never doubt your beliefs and inner strength by
following a path that you do not feel is your journey. Always
stick to what you believe in.
2. Follow your passion
It would be great for people to be taught (at an early
age) what they want to do in life by setting goals and
achievements required to develop your passion. If you can
find what you love doing early on in life, and you enjoy it,
follow it.
3. Build a network of massively skilled people
You achieve the most when you surround yourself at
an early stage by others that are better than you, and
that compliment your products and services. If you
do this, it allows the mindset to inspire and educate,
more importantly, building confidence in yourself and
what you do. Remember this – ‘iron sharpens iron.’
Colin Gale
ETS Trucks
ETS Trucks are a commercial
vehicle maintenance and repair
team, based in Poole since
1994. We are also a service
dealer for MAN covering Dorset
and the surrounding area.
1. Learn more about running a business
It’s okay having a skill and putting it into practice, but no
one tells you how to run a business and to make it work
to generate revenue. There is a big difference between
making a living and running a profitable business. Knowing
how to cost and understanding the difference between
mark-ups and profit ratio are vital for the success of a
2. Affiliation with an organisation
Affiliating with a recognised/established association
allows you to make the step up to gain more
recognition within your industry. By working with
a company that the industry respects provides
opportunity, builds credibility and grows relationships.
3. Resilience and perseverance
When opportunity comes your way, you have to take it.
The rewards are through hard work and dedication, not
through blind hope and cutting corners. Look to punch
above your weight and aim a little bit higher than what you
want to achieve, or you will be the same as everyone else.
Gary Neild
Blue Sky Financial
An emotional attachment
to managing money is
essential to ensure that your
money outlasts you, but
perhaps more importantly
you enjoy your money whilst
you have your health. Blue
Sky Financial Planning works
with individuals, families and
companies aiming to make a
real difference to their lives.
2. A clear strategy
People are restricted by their own experiences. Listen to
others but don’t listen to everyone, it is easy to be distracted
by what others want you to do. Many individuals have their
own agenda to steer you off path. Follow your beliefs with
conviction and stick to it.
3. Be innovative
Understand what separates you from everyone in your in-
dustry. Someone will always be smarter, someone will always
be younger but they will never be you. Don’t be afraid to go
against the grain so find your place and be a bit different
when delivering your message.
1. Understand skill sets
You know what you are good at
so play to your strengths. As for
the work which doesn’t suit your
skill set, don’t for one minute
hesitate to contract others into
your business that are better
than you.
It is always useful to speak to
people who have already
succeeded in their professions.
Asking them to assess your
skills helps to position who you
are and what you have to
do to progress your business.
The key is to understand what
role you are suited to.Once
this is defined, you can then
build a team. Everyone
has to play to their skills.
Ianthe Slinger
Letchers Solicitors is a family
law expert based in the centre
of Ringwood and Verwood,
specializing in the financial
implications of divorce.
1. Finish each day and be done with it!
We can only do our best, if we give 100% during a working
day it is then imperative to ‘switch off’ at the end of it.
wIt is very important to learn to be satisfied with your best,
remember good is good enough. Take the task in hand,
focus on what needs to be done, give everything you can
and then remember you have a life outside the workplace.
2. Don’t let anyone dampen your spirit
There will always be others who will be jealous of you. Don’t
allow anyone to dim your shine because they feel blinded
by it. Always remember who you are. There will be others
who pass judgement and look to knock you off course. The
solution is to operate with conviction, always play fair and
never compare yourself with others.
3. Don’t change even if the world changes
around you
The world conspires to change us and it will look to alter
you. Always value who you are, what you believe in and
never compromise on that an inch. Remember that hard
times come for a reason and it’s what we learn from them
that really counts. Always be real!
Jeremy Priestley
Berkeleys Estate Agents –
Canford Cliffs since 1991,
specialising in the sales, letting
and marketing of premium,
residential properties. Our
brand name stands for
quality, a trusted reputation
and personal service.
1. It’s never too late to change
Don’t feel pigeon-holed into an area of expertise you feel
you have to follow for the wrong reasons. Perhaps your
options don’t look as promising as once believed. It’s OK to
change course - especially before you take on the major
responsibilities of life. Everyone will forgive you if you make
a mistake. You don’t have to be on the single-track your
whole life.
2. Don’t limit yourself
Make sure you have been exposed to other locations,
to other cultures and to different people. If you spend
your entire time in one place, you’ll have an introspective
view of life. Move away from your comfort zone, shape
the person you want to be – get out, travel, see the world,
understand people and get on.
3. Experience life
Don’t try to run before you can walk. Life will burden
you with attachments and responsibilities soon enough
and, if you let it, before you’ve allowed your character
and business personality to flourish. There is plenty of time:
don’t let yourself be weighed down before you’ve
had the chance to grow.
John Corderoy
Breeze Volkswagen
Breeze is a productive and
forward thinking company,
continually increasing
brand awareness and
workforce throughout the
local community. Recently
expanding to over five locations
across the south, holding the
Volkswagen franchise for
passenger cars, commercial
vehicles and TPS, Breeze is
focused on business objectives
and organisational growth.
1. Learn and get on with it
People mirror and mimic others, it’s important to experience
life and to be yourself. Learn what to do and what not to do
(as well as behaviour). Decisions will be shaped by what you
2. Get to know as many people as you can
Show an interest with those you come into contact with,
these could be prospects that turn into good customers.
A natural salesperson is constantly looking for adoption and
acceptance; this is due to a fear of rejection. Being successful
in business is not all about being ‘liked’, but earning respect
and becoming trusted in your field of expertise.
3. Market yourself as a brand
Ability is just as important as attitude. Recognise your strengths
and play to them, this creates your own personal brand that
reflects you and will be seen in the eyes of everyone else.
It’s all about character, integrity, a down to earth approach
and conducting yourself well with the people you meet.
Jonathan Sibbett
Sibbett Gregory
Founded in 1992, Sibbett Gregory
has developed with a clear plan
to provide a wide range of
specialist property services across
Dorset and beyond.
1. Confidence to commit
If you believe in yourself and what you can offer the
marketplace, then do it. We can spend a lot of time thinking
about our intentions but if you have the passion and belief,
then there’s nothing to stop you. One of the biggest benefits
in committing to what you want to achieve is that you can
create your own culture and values.
2. Be productive and profitable
In the early stages of your business’ life cycle, there is an
inclination to be helpful to everyone. You can become all
things to all people but this then becomes non-productive
and your enthusiasm clouds your judgement. Learn to be
more discerning and instinctive to run a profitable business.
You have 24 hours in a day; it’s how you use it that matters.
3. Show enthusiasm
Work hard, be enthusiastic for what you do and above
all else, enjoy what you represent and stand for.
Lloyd Banks
Rubicon People
Established in 1982 Rubicon
People is a professional
recruitment agency using
innovative candidate
recruitment and assessment
methods to supply talented
people into a wide range of
successful UK businesses.
1. Understand break-even
2. Clear objectives isn’t enough
Having your vision should be a “given” and, it’s good to have
and communicate the vision you have to your people, your
clients and suppliers. Do not overlook the numerous and
diverse tasks and objectives that are needed to stay on track
or to achieve the vision. What doesn’t get measured, rarely
gets done, can’t be the focus for praise and can’t be used as
a springboard for even greater achievement.
3. Post-acquisition
When another owner sells their business to you, you can
tear up what you read at due diligence stage concerning
their opinions on the people they have left to you. Their
comments are completely biased and it’s so much more
important to form your own opinions. Invest time in these
areas; understand your staff, their motivations, concerns and
ideas, your customers as individuals and the specifics of the
products or services your new business is selling. It’s tempting
to prioritise new clients immediately and invest time there
but investing time with existing staff will reduce client losses
more effectively. Don’t make dramatic changes too quickly.
In the corporate world, budgets
predominate but when you
start running your own business
then working out break-evens
becomes more important.
Detailed understanding of when
break-evens align with your cash
flow projections can prevent;
cash catastrophes, enable
essential “exceptional” costs to be
projected, maintain sales growth
and reduce expensive borrowing.
Mark Masters
The ID Group
The ID Group is a creative
marketing company specialising
in making businesses the ‘go
to’ companies in their sector.
1. Read, read, read
2. Stand for something
If you blend in with the crowd, you don’t stand for
anything. If the majority of people are doing one thing,
go in the opposite direction. Because if you don’t
someone else will, and in an ever more competitive
world, not standing for something means losing.
3. Treat people as people
Use the same foundations you do to make friends. When
we meet someone new in our personal lives, we don’t
go guns blazing saying how great we are, we see how
they fit into our way of behaviour through listening,
conversing and ultimately, we like who they are and
what they represent. This is exactly the same for building
business relationships and creating a distinct personality.
The day I started reading
more about business
and specifically industry
knowledge, the whole
dynamic of business
changed. If you can
become a sponge
and take in theory and
understanding, this helps
shape your own view where
you have your own voice.
If there is a good starting
point, I would recommend
Napoleon Hill’s ‘Think 
Grow Rich.’ It may be over
80 years old, but it’s still
relevant in today’s world.
Melissa Horne
Jigsaw Interior Design
Specialising in interior design
for residential, commercial
and show homes, Poole based
Jigsaw Interior Design balance
form with functionality.
1. Plan your team from an early stage
When you start your business, invariably you do everything
yourself. The key to growth is to plan and not worry about
the immediate future. If you have a vision, you won’t be
afraid to grow your business as you are thinking long term.
Building a team into your plans with a variety of skill sets can
reap rewards in the long term.
2. Strong business partnerships
You can’t do everything yourself and using areas of
expertise on a sub-contract basis such as, IT, book-keeping
and marketing, allows a team to build and support
outside of the office. It is all about building networks and
trusted sources that have benefits for the business.
3. Loyalty to suppliers
From building strong partnerships, this helps to solidify
a working business relationship. If you stay with your
suppliers, they will help you out one day, when you need
them most. If you stick together, you go forward.
Mike Crocker
Bulpitt Crocker
Proactive, personalised and
qualified support to local business
owners and individuals, covering
a broad range of business
sectors. Extensive experience
within accountancy, taxation
and business development, with
many specialist resources.
1. Know strengths, acknowledge weaknesses
If you’re working as a partnership, and you want a carbon
copy of you (values, work ethic, beliefs), it is never going to
work. Nobody knows everything, which is why it is good to
understand the skill sets realised to bridge the gaps in the
business’ development. Know what you’re good at and
understand where your flaws lie.
2. Love your work
Be passionate and enjoy what you do but always find a
balance. It is easy to convince yourself to work hard, so
find time for yourself and others around you. We can’t be
everything to everyone. We have to learn to switch off, the
perception is that customers think more of you if you are
constantly available, which is wrong. If you don’t enjoy what
you do, people will pick this up and it becomes transparent.
3. Nobody knows everything!
Trust needs to be given to others that can add value
to your business. You cannot control everything.
Delegating tasks to trusted colleagues and associates
helps to shape a rounded company profile.
Nigel Still
Stephen Noble
Stephen Noble have been
recognised as one of the
leading Estate and Land Agents
in Bournemouth for over 20
years. Managing Director Nigel
Still is recognised as an Expert
Witness amongst professionals on
Bournemouth apartment values
with over 30 years experience.
1. Appearance is important
The world doesn’t owe you a living and it’s up to you to
find your space within the marketplace. To create a strong
impression, the right appearance and dressing smartly
goes hand in hand with creating a professional character.
Politeness and treating everyone with respect helps to build
an all round professional aura.
2. Creating clients for life
The business focus is not only about today, it is also about
tomorrow if you want to be regarded as a respected
business. You have to over-deliver in different ways to secure
long-term contacts. A client can be for life, but it takes a
lot of groundwork and there are no short cuts. Respect
is earned by honesty, integrity and being transparent.
3. Accept technology
Technology moves with any business. You have to research
and invest to make a success and build a platform for
your business. People are far less tolerant these days and
response needs to be instant. Accepting technology allows
you to embrace new ways of thinking and planning for the
imminent future and publicity exposure for your business.
Roger Woodall
Diamond Sporting Group
Diamond Sporting Group
owns the following three
brands - Bournemouth 7s
Festival, Viper 10 Sportswear
 V10 Creative Agency.
1. Every person you meet is a contact
Building your contact list presents opportunity in every
direction. You never know when someone can help you out
or become a valued customer. If you create a robust list
of contacts, you are one call away from anyone who can
add value to your business. You never know who you will
meet during your journey.
2. Everyone is equal
Always be yourself and treat everyone as an equal.
Don’t feel intimidated by others and show integrity, be
transparent and have a humble nature. That way, you
build respect, by being honest and approachable.
3. Visualise what you need to get
Set yourself a target for what you want to achieve and
then visualise it. Seeing it for yourself allows massive
focus. This then sets the precedent to achieving your
goals and setting the bar high.
Russell Hamilton
Elite Signs
Elite Signs designs and
manufactures all types of
signage in-house from vinyl
graphics, printed signs, CNC
routed signs, banners and
illuminated retail signage.
1. Build slow  steady
Have a focus on where you are looking to take the business
and control it. It is easy to get carried away from an early
stage at how much turnover the business is making, but this
doesn’t mean much until the money is in the bank. Profit is
key to everything to help you grow, plan and organise.
It doesn’t happen overnight, but keep a firm steer.
2. Be seen
Your business needs to look reputable and credible and
if your customers recognise this, you have built a brand
perception. Being seen and visible around the community
you are working within is valuable to your business. Get the
car or van branded, even go as far as a personalised number
plate. It is all about creating an image that others recognise.
3. Office location
During the early days of your own business, it is fair to say
that the spare bedroom becomes the main office. As soon
as budget allows, invest in premises for the business. It may be
an office it may be larger commercial premises, but having
a base that is visible for customers and prospects to interact
with helps build the company image. Visibility is key for all
your efforts.
Sharon Canning
Move On Rentals
Move On Rentals is an award finalist
Letting Agency specialising in residential
lettings throughout the whole of the
Poole and Bournemouth area, including
rooms and HMO’s for professional
people. With half the staff being
landlords, property is in good hands.
1. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes
If you take risks, you have to be fearless, but ensure they
are calculated risks, sometimes this may not result in the
outcome that you want. If mistakes are made, always
learn and reflect on what has been done and never let this
happen again. Don’t be narrow- minded, be open to learn
everyday and develop your skills.
2. Be a brilliant interviewer
Learn how to be a great interviewer to recruit. You need
to have clarity in the type of person you want to join your
team, listen to how people speak and how they interact
and respond. Ask yourself, what do you want them to do
with their role? Remember, any team member represents
the business and building a rapport with prospects and
customers. If you allocate the right people, you have a
team for life.
3. A branded car from day one
If you have a car, make the most of it as a cost-
effective advertising mechanism. Using vinyl’s is a
cost-effective route that gets you seen and becomes
your mobile ad space. You pay for it once and then
it becomes free advertising for your business.
Steve Carter
Digital Image Bureau
Steve is a Chartered Designer and
past president of Bournemouth
Chamber of Trade and Commerce.
His company, The Digital Image
Bureau offers design and print
services to clients throughout
Dorset and beyond.
1. Cash is key
At an early stage of a business, keeping an eye on
whether you are profitable or not can be the difference
between sinking and swimming. There may be potential
projects that when you look into the details, do not make
the profit anticipated. A plethora of current projects may
look good on paper but the old saying is always worth
bearing in mind: “turnover is vanity, profit is sanity.”
2. Ongoing training
Knowledge at an early stage helps to build confidence
and comfort. Access to basic business training, most
notably in accounting and sales, helps deliver the core skills
and enough information to make you operate efficiently.
Everyone knows what they’re good at but not necessarily
the other areas of business they need to know about.
3. Market your business
You need to understand the principles of how to
approach your market. What are the costs involved in
building a dialogue with prospects and how to convert
them into customers? Understanding your customer
base and how to target is a vital element in growing and
developing your business as a leader in your industry.
Steve Cook
Seeker publish a family of magazines for
Dorset. During 2012 they launched the
business and lifestyle magazine Seeker
News and the sports title Seeker Sport.
1. If it feels wrong, it probably is
Trusting your gut instinct can help you to make a clear
decision. There will be times when a risky opportunity arises
that could have the potential to be a massive deal, but on
the flipside they could also be a dog. If it smells like a dog,
it usually is a dog.
2. Recruit talent
In running a business, you can become a compulsive
perfectionist. Your heart and soul goes into this so you
have every right to strive for the best. To be the best, you
need to recruit talented people. Once you’ve got the
flair on board, you don’t need to micro-manage. Mould
them and let them grow into the culture of your business.
3. Profit is everything
A ledger full of large outstanding invoices can look
reassuring, however high turnover can be deceptive. Is your
cash flow OK? Are your overheads under control? Everything
you do in your business must have the aim of increasing
the bottom line. Profit is the key to a thriving business.
Steve Wells
DWP Housing Partnership
Since our openings in 1985 DWP
Housing Partnerships (with close to
3,000 units) has been providing good
quality affordable accommodation.
Offering the widest choice of homes
and business premises to rent in Dorset.
1. Pay attention and learn
As you get older, you get wiser. If there is a schooling that
gives a business grounding, this is always a good place to
start. Learning through work is where you are educated the
best but learning the basics helps to build character and
perception of the world.
2. Learn from others around you
You have two ears and one mouth, use them wisely. You
don’t have to, by any means take on board everything that
others tell you. The skill is to dissect what’s important to you.
Let opinion and learning shape you as well providing guid-
ance and use this to your own advantage.
3. Goal-setting
It is easy to let one week meander into the other by not
setting any targets and basically, staying afloat. Setting
short term and long term goals helps to set realistic
objectives. This also allows you to set a balance between
your professional and personal life. Prioritise what is
important and the opportunity it possesses and pursue it.
The concept and interviews for
this book is from The ID Group.
Tel: 01202 557458

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If You Could Go Back In Time & Advise Your Younger Self

  • 1. Dorset business owners advice to their younger selves IF YOU COULD GO BACK...
  • 2. There are more of us than ever building our own empires. But once we start our own businesses, it does feel isolating. Wouldn’t it be great if we could learn from those who can pass on their knowledge? There are 4.8 million private sector businesses in the UK, the highest since estimates began in 2000, according to the Business Population Estimates (BPE). To put things into perspective even further, British entrepreneurs broke records in 2012, with start-up numbers up by 10% to 484,224 businesses (over 440,000 in 2011), according to Start-Up Britain. Twenty local business owners, who are all part of the Dorset business community, were asked what they would do ‘if they could go back.’ Each participant was asked if they could turn back time and about to start their own business or at a stage when they are thinking about self employment, what three things they would advise to their younger self. So, here we go, here’s the business owners response to… “What three things would you advise your younger self to build a successful business?”
  • 3. Brian Maidman Maidman’s Removals & Storage/Store & Secure Self Storage Maidman’s Removals & Storage are recognised locally and nationally as a market leader in the removals sector. Sister company, Store & Secure, provide a state-of-the-art self storage facility, behind Castlepoint, in Bournemouth. 1. Understand the power of good marketing During the early days of a business, there may be little consistency and continuity in the company image. You don’t have to have everything in one go, but it is vital to establish an identity (corporate logo, colours, signage, photography, printed collateral). Once a brand image is created, you are able to work with something that is tangible and continues to help you with your brand perception and recognition within the local area. 2. True costing You have to understand the financial side to price accordingly, in terms of profit and loss, balance sheets and the goal to make a profit. Taking these factors into consideration helps you plan based on getting to know your figures inside out on a regular basis. 3. Join A Credited Association Being part of a recognised affiliated association (e.g. British Association of Removers) becomes a source of valuable information, in terms of running a successful company. Being involved with the heart of the industry allows you to network, influence decision-making and policy and to be seen as giving a bit back.
  • 4. 1. Manage time Be ruthless with time. You have 24 hours in each day and you’ll never get it back. How we plan our day is a vital factor to consider. So be disciplined to reduce any interruptions (the ping of the email inbox). You may find it beneficial to delegate and outsource areas that can be managed better. 2. Learn the fundamental of sales You don’t have to be from a business background, but you need to be able to sell. Have a thirst for knowledge so you can adapt and let your skills grow with the business. Most people aren’t interested with a cold call, so make sure your product is strong enough to build interest and make that sale. 3. Promote a culture Make it clear what the focus of your business is, so people can familiarise themselves with what you do. Your decisions will be based on your vision, which helps to keep focus with everyone associated with the business. Keep that bar high and always exceed in customer expectations, and excel in building relationships. Barbara Cox Nutri Chef Nutrichef head nutritionist and company founder, Barbara Cox, became passionate about eating healthily during her time in Japan. Barbara advises people with losing weight, training athletes for sports events, and those that want to eat healthier. Barbara writes articles on health for various magazines and she won the 2008 British Chamber of Commerce Nation Award for Entrepreneur of the Year.
  • 5. Ali Carter Cater Cost ‘The Pub Mentor’ is 100% dedicated to giving genuine business support to independent hospitality operators helping them save time and make more money. Her latest business venture CaterCost is a software designed specifically for the independent caterer and is taking the industry by storm. 1. Never let others influence or sway you It can be easy to make a compromise and not stay true to yourself. Never doubt your beliefs and inner strength by following a path that you do not feel is your journey. Always stick to what you believe in. 2. Follow your passion It would be great for people to be taught (at an early age) what they want to do in life by setting goals and achievements required to develop your passion. If you can find what you love doing early on in life, and you enjoy it, follow it. 3. Build a network of massively skilled people You achieve the most when you surround yourself at an early stage by others that are better than you, and that compliment your products and services. If you do this, it allows the mindset to inspire and educate, more importantly, building confidence in yourself and what you do. Remember this – ‘iron sharpens iron.’
  • 6. Colin Gale ETS Trucks ETS Trucks are a commercial vehicle maintenance and repair team, based in Poole since 1994. We are also a service dealer for MAN covering Dorset and the surrounding area. 1. Learn more about running a business It’s okay having a skill and putting it into practice, but no one tells you how to run a business and to make it work to generate revenue. There is a big difference between making a living and running a profitable business. Knowing how to cost and understanding the difference between mark-ups and profit ratio are vital for the success of a business. 2. Affiliation with an organisation Affiliating with a recognised/established association allows you to make the step up to gain more recognition within your industry. By working with a company that the industry respects provides opportunity, builds credibility and grows relationships. 3. Resilience and perseverance When opportunity comes your way, you have to take it. The rewards are through hard work and dedication, not through blind hope and cutting corners. Look to punch above your weight and aim a little bit higher than what you want to achieve, or you will be the same as everyone else.
  • 7. Gary Neild Blue Sky Financial Planning An emotional attachment to managing money is essential to ensure that your money outlasts you, but perhaps more importantly you enjoy your money whilst you have your health. Blue Sky Financial Planning works with individuals, families and companies aiming to make a real difference to their lives. 2. A clear strategy People are restricted by their own experiences. Listen to others but don’t listen to everyone, it is easy to be distracted by what others want you to do. Many individuals have their own agenda to steer you off path. Follow your beliefs with conviction and stick to it. 3. Be innovative Understand what separates you from everyone in your in- dustry. Someone will always be smarter, someone will always be younger but they will never be you. Don’t be afraid to go against the grain so find your place and be a bit different when delivering your message. 1. Understand skill sets You know what you are good at so play to your strengths. As for the work which doesn’t suit your skill set, don’t for one minute hesitate to contract others into your business that are better than you. It is always useful to speak to people who have already succeeded in their professions. Asking them to assess your skills helps to position who you are and what you have to do to progress your business. The key is to understand what role you are suited to.Once this is defined, you can then build a team. Everyone has to play to their skills.
  • 8. Ianthe Slinger Letchers Letchers Solicitors is a family law expert based in the centre of Ringwood and Verwood, specializing in the financial implications of divorce. 1. Finish each day and be done with it! We can only do our best, if we give 100% during a working day it is then imperative to ‘switch off’ at the end of it. wIt is very important to learn to be satisfied with your best, remember good is good enough. Take the task in hand, focus on what needs to be done, give everything you can and then remember you have a life outside the workplace. 2. Don’t let anyone dampen your spirit There will always be others who will be jealous of you. Don’t allow anyone to dim your shine because they feel blinded by it. Always remember who you are. There will be others who pass judgement and look to knock you off course. The solution is to operate with conviction, always play fair and never compare yourself with others. 3. Don’t change even if the world changes around you The world conspires to change us and it will look to alter you. Always value who you are, what you believe in and never compromise on that an inch. Remember that hard times come for a reason and it’s what we learn from them that really counts. Always be real!
  • 9. Jeremy Priestley Berkeleys Berkeleys Estate Agents – Canford Cliffs since 1991, specialising in the sales, letting and marketing of premium, residential properties. Our brand name stands for quality, a trusted reputation and personal service. 1. It’s never too late to change Don’t feel pigeon-holed into an area of expertise you feel you have to follow for the wrong reasons. Perhaps your options don’t look as promising as once believed. It’s OK to change course - especially before you take on the major responsibilities of life. Everyone will forgive you if you make a mistake. You don’t have to be on the single-track your whole life. 2. Don’t limit yourself Make sure you have been exposed to other locations, to other cultures and to different people. If you spend your entire time in one place, you’ll have an introspective view of life. Move away from your comfort zone, shape the person you want to be – get out, travel, see the world, understand people and get on. 3. Experience life Don’t try to run before you can walk. Life will burden you with attachments and responsibilities soon enough and, if you let it, before you’ve allowed your character and business personality to flourish. There is plenty of time: don’t let yourself be weighed down before you’ve had the chance to grow.
  • 10. John Corderoy Breeze Volkswagen Breeze is a productive and forward thinking company, continually increasing brand awareness and workforce throughout the local community. Recently expanding to over five locations across the south, holding the Volkswagen franchise for passenger cars, commercial vehicles and TPS, Breeze is focused on business objectives and organisational growth. 1. Learn and get on with it People mirror and mimic others, it’s important to experience life and to be yourself. Learn what to do and what not to do (as well as behaviour). Decisions will be shaped by what you learn. 2. Get to know as many people as you can Show an interest with those you come into contact with, these could be prospects that turn into good customers. A natural salesperson is constantly looking for adoption and acceptance; this is due to a fear of rejection. Being successful in business is not all about being ‘liked’, but earning respect and becoming trusted in your field of expertise. 3. Market yourself as a brand Ability is just as important as attitude. Recognise your strengths and play to them, this creates your own personal brand that reflects you and will be seen in the eyes of everyone else. It’s all about character, integrity, a down to earth approach and conducting yourself well with the people you meet.
  • 11. Jonathan Sibbett Sibbett Gregory Founded in 1992, Sibbett Gregory has developed with a clear plan to provide a wide range of specialist property services across Dorset and beyond. 1. Confidence to commit If you believe in yourself and what you can offer the marketplace, then do it. We can spend a lot of time thinking about our intentions but if you have the passion and belief, then there’s nothing to stop you. One of the biggest benefits in committing to what you want to achieve is that you can create your own culture and values. 2. Be productive and profitable In the early stages of your business’ life cycle, there is an inclination to be helpful to everyone. You can become all things to all people but this then becomes non-productive and your enthusiasm clouds your judgement. Learn to be more discerning and instinctive to run a profitable business. You have 24 hours in a day; it’s how you use it that matters. 3. Show enthusiasm Work hard, be enthusiastic for what you do and above all else, enjoy what you represent and stand for. sibbett gregory
  • 12. Lloyd Banks Rubicon People Established in 1982 Rubicon People is a professional recruitment agency using innovative candidate recruitment and assessment methods to supply talented people into a wide range of successful UK businesses. 1. Understand break-even 2. Clear objectives isn’t enough Having your vision should be a “given” and, it’s good to have and communicate the vision you have to your people, your clients and suppliers. Do not overlook the numerous and diverse tasks and objectives that are needed to stay on track or to achieve the vision. What doesn’t get measured, rarely gets done, can’t be the focus for praise and can’t be used as a springboard for even greater achievement. 3. Post-acquisition When another owner sells their business to you, you can tear up what you read at due diligence stage concerning their opinions on the people they have left to you. Their comments are completely biased and it’s so much more important to form your own opinions. Invest time in these areas; understand your staff, their motivations, concerns and ideas, your customers as individuals and the specifics of the products or services your new business is selling. It’s tempting to prioritise new clients immediately and invest time there but investing time with existing staff will reduce client losses more effectively. Don’t make dramatic changes too quickly. In the corporate world, budgets predominate but when you start running your own business then working out break-evens becomes more important. Detailed understanding of when break-evens align with your cash flow projections can prevent; cash catastrophes, enable essential “exceptional” costs to be projected, maintain sales growth and reduce expensive borrowing.
  • 13. Mark Masters The ID Group The ID Group is a creative marketing company specialising in making businesses the ‘go to’ companies in their sector. 1. Read, read, read 2. Stand for something If you blend in with the crowd, you don’t stand for anything. If the majority of people are doing one thing, go in the opposite direction. Because if you don’t someone else will, and in an ever more competitive world, not standing for something means losing. 3. Treat people as people Use the same foundations you do to make friends. When we meet someone new in our personal lives, we don’t go guns blazing saying how great we are, we see how they fit into our way of behaviour through listening, conversing and ultimately, we like who they are and what they represent. This is exactly the same for building business relationships and creating a distinct personality. The day I started reading more about business and specifically industry knowledge, the whole dynamic of business changed. If you can become a sponge and take in theory and understanding, this helps shape your own view where you have your own voice. If there is a good starting point, I would recommend Napoleon Hill’s ‘Think Grow Rich.’ It may be over 80 years old, but it’s still relevant in today’s world.
  • 14. Melissa Horne Jigsaw Interior Design Specialising in interior design for residential, commercial and show homes, Poole based Jigsaw Interior Design balance form with functionality. 1. Plan your team from an early stage When you start your business, invariably you do everything yourself. The key to growth is to plan and not worry about the immediate future. If you have a vision, you won’t be afraid to grow your business as you are thinking long term. Building a team into your plans with a variety of skill sets can reap rewards in the long term. 2. Strong business partnerships You can’t do everything yourself and using areas of expertise on a sub-contract basis such as, IT, book-keeping and marketing, allows a team to build and support outside of the office. It is all about building networks and trusted sources that have benefits for the business. 3. Loyalty to suppliers From building strong partnerships, this helps to solidify a working business relationship. If you stay with your suppliers, they will help you out one day, when you need them most. If you stick together, you go forward.
  • 15. Mike Crocker Bulpitt Crocker Proactive, personalised and qualified support to local business owners and individuals, covering a broad range of business sectors. Extensive experience within accountancy, taxation and business development, with many specialist resources. 1. Know strengths, acknowledge weaknesses If you’re working as a partnership, and you want a carbon copy of you (values, work ethic, beliefs), it is never going to work. Nobody knows everything, which is why it is good to understand the skill sets realised to bridge the gaps in the business’ development. Know what you’re good at and understand where your flaws lie. 2. Love your work Be passionate and enjoy what you do but always find a balance. It is easy to convince yourself to work hard, so find time for yourself and others around you. We can’t be everything to everyone. We have to learn to switch off, the perception is that customers think more of you if you are constantly available, which is wrong. If you don’t enjoy what you do, people will pick this up and it becomes transparent. 3. Nobody knows everything! Trust needs to be given to others that can add value to your business. You cannot control everything. Delegating tasks to trusted colleagues and associates helps to shape a rounded company profile.
  • 16. Nigel Still Stephen Noble Stephen Noble have been recognised as one of the leading Estate and Land Agents in Bournemouth for over 20 years. Managing Director Nigel Still is recognised as an Expert Witness amongst professionals on Bournemouth apartment values with over 30 years experience. 1. Appearance is important The world doesn’t owe you a living and it’s up to you to find your space within the marketplace. To create a strong impression, the right appearance and dressing smartly goes hand in hand with creating a professional character. Politeness and treating everyone with respect helps to build an all round professional aura. 2. Creating clients for life The business focus is not only about today, it is also about tomorrow if you want to be regarded as a respected business. You have to over-deliver in different ways to secure long-term contacts. A client can be for life, but it takes a lot of groundwork and there are no short cuts. Respect is earned by honesty, integrity and being transparent. 3. Accept technology Technology moves with any business. You have to research and invest to make a success and build a platform for your business. People are far less tolerant these days and response needs to be instant. Accepting technology allows you to embrace new ways of thinking and planning for the imminent future and publicity exposure for your business.
  • 17. Roger Woodall Diamond Sporting Group Diamond Sporting Group owns the following three brands - Bournemouth 7s Festival, Viper 10 Sportswear V10 Creative Agency. 1. Every person you meet is a contact Building your contact list presents opportunity in every direction. You never know when someone can help you out or become a valued customer. If you create a robust list of contacts, you are one call away from anyone who can add value to your business. You never know who you will meet during your journey. 2. Everyone is equal Always be yourself and treat everyone as an equal. Don’t feel intimidated by others and show integrity, be transparent and have a humble nature. That way, you build respect, by being honest and approachable. 3. Visualise what you need to get Set yourself a target for what you want to achieve and then visualise it. Seeing it for yourself allows massive focus. This then sets the precedent to achieving your goals and setting the bar high.
  • 18. Russell Hamilton Elite Signs Elite Signs designs and manufactures all types of signage in-house from vinyl graphics, printed signs, CNC routed signs, banners and illuminated retail signage. 1. Build slow steady Have a focus on where you are looking to take the business and control it. It is easy to get carried away from an early stage at how much turnover the business is making, but this doesn’t mean much until the money is in the bank. Profit is key to everything to help you grow, plan and organise. It doesn’t happen overnight, but keep a firm steer. 2. Be seen Your business needs to look reputable and credible and if your customers recognise this, you have built a brand perception. Being seen and visible around the community you are working within is valuable to your business. Get the car or van branded, even go as far as a personalised number plate. It is all about creating an image that others recognise. 3. Office location During the early days of your own business, it is fair to say that the spare bedroom becomes the main office. As soon as budget allows, invest in premises for the business. It may be an office it may be larger commercial premises, but having a base that is visible for customers and prospects to interact with helps build the company image. Visibility is key for all your efforts.
  • 19. Sharon Canning Move On Rentals Move On Rentals is an award finalist Letting Agency specialising in residential lettings throughout the whole of the Poole and Bournemouth area, including rooms and HMO’s for professional people. With half the staff being landlords, property is in good hands. 1. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes If you take risks, you have to be fearless, but ensure they are calculated risks, sometimes this may not result in the outcome that you want. If mistakes are made, always learn and reflect on what has been done and never let this happen again. Don’t be narrow- minded, be open to learn everyday and develop your skills. 2. Be a brilliant interviewer Learn how to be a great interviewer to recruit. You need to have clarity in the type of person you want to join your team, listen to how people speak and how they interact and respond. Ask yourself, what do you want them to do with their role? Remember, any team member represents the business and building a rapport with prospects and customers. If you allocate the right people, you have a team for life. 3. A branded car from day one If you have a car, make the most of it as a cost- effective advertising mechanism. Using vinyl’s is a cost-effective route that gets you seen and becomes your mobile ad space. You pay for it once and then it becomes free advertising for your business.
  • 20. Steve Carter Digital Image Bureau Steve is a Chartered Designer and past president of Bournemouth Chamber of Trade and Commerce. His company, The Digital Image Bureau offers design and print services to clients throughout Dorset and beyond. 1. Cash is key At an early stage of a business, keeping an eye on whether you are profitable or not can be the difference between sinking and swimming. There may be potential projects that when you look into the details, do not make the profit anticipated. A plethora of current projects may look good on paper but the old saying is always worth bearing in mind: “turnover is vanity, profit is sanity.” 2. Ongoing training Knowledge at an early stage helps to build confidence and comfort. Access to basic business training, most notably in accounting and sales, helps deliver the core skills and enough information to make you operate efficiently. Everyone knows what they’re good at but not necessarily the other areas of business they need to know about. 3. Market your business You need to understand the principles of how to approach your market. What are the costs involved in building a dialogue with prospects and how to convert them into customers? Understanding your customer base and how to target is a vital element in growing and developing your business as a leader in your industry.
  • 21. Steve Cook Seeker Seeker publish a family of magazines for Dorset. During 2012 they launched the business and lifestyle magazine Seeker News and the sports title Seeker Sport. 1. If it feels wrong, it probably is Trusting your gut instinct can help you to make a clear decision. There will be times when a risky opportunity arises that could have the potential to be a massive deal, but on the flipside they could also be a dog. If it smells like a dog, it usually is a dog. 2. Recruit talent In running a business, you can become a compulsive perfectionist. Your heart and soul goes into this so you have every right to strive for the best. To be the best, you need to recruit talented people. Once you’ve got the flair on board, you don’t need to micro-manage. Mould them and let them grow into the culture of your business. 3. Profit is everything A ledger full of large outstanding invoices can look reassuring, however high turnover can be deceptive. Is your cash flow OK? Are your overheads under control? Everything you do in your business must have the aim of increasing the bottom line. Profit is the key to a thriving business.
  • 22. Steve Wells DWP Housing Partnership Since our openings in 1985 DWP Housing Partnerships (with close to 3,000 units) has been providing good quality affordable accommodation. Offering the widest choice of homes and business premises to rent in Dorset. 1. Pay attention and learn As you get older, you get wiser. If there is a schooling that gives a business grounding, this is always a good place to start. Learning through work is where you are educated the best but learning the basics helps to build character and perception of the world. 2. Learn from others around you You have two ears and one mouth, use them wisely. You don’t have to, by any means take on board everything that others tell you. The skill is to dissect what’s important to you. Let opinion and learning shape you as well providing guid- ance and use this to your own advantage. 3. Goal-setting It is easy to let one week meander into the other by not setting any targets and basically, staying afloat. Setting short term and long term goals helps to set realistic objectives. This also allows you to set a balance between your professional and personal life. Prioritise what is important and the opportunity it possesses and pursue it.
  • 23. The concept and interviews for this book is from The ID Group. Tel: 01202 557458 Email: @heyidgroup /heyidgroup