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How to Lose Face Fat
Bodies differ in shape and size and so do faces .Today is the biggest problem all over the world ,
every 2nd person facing the problem of face fat , double chin , chubby cheeks , or whatever other
areas of fat, that are preventing you from having a leaner, sexier, thinner overall face. Face fat
can be slightly baffling. If a double chin or chubby cheeks make you self-conscious, slim them
down by losing weight all over. You can't target your face fat for weight loss, but you can
implement strategies to make you look and feel healthier and more confident. Due to this
condition people laugh on person and pass different comments on them .
We’re going to take it very seriously here and lay down some important facts as well as a full
workout routine complete with the most effective facial exercises.
Reconsider your weight loss goal:
Your face stares back at you from the mirror every day. It may be you want, how to fat loss, but
your body has different ideas. Fat is stored all over your body in oily cells. When you create a
calorie deficit -- meaning you burn more calories than you consume -- your body releases some
of this fat and converts it into adaptable energy. Where it takes the fat from is genetically set;
you can't tell your body to use face fat first. Lose weight in general and, with time, some of it
will come from your cheeks and chin.
If you have naturally round cheeks, you can't expect any diet or exercise to get you a
supermodel-chiseled face. Your bone structure and the size of specific internal structures, such as
your saliva glands, dictate the shape of your face. As you age, the supporting structure that keeps
your face looking tense and bouncy also starts to fail. Features shift downward and your skin
starts to sag a bit. Fat pockets may become evident in the chin and near the neck. You can't stop
crumling or alter genetics -- but a healthy diet and exercise may help minimize their effects.
This workout routine is scientifically proven to help:
 Get rid of your double chin.
 Turn a triple chin into just a double chin.
 Reduce the size of your chubby cheeks.
 Create a more chiseled jaw line.
 Produce more prominent cheek bones.
 Give you a thinner face.
Face Training prevalence & gap:
I will discuss with you some exercise which reduce to help face fat he ideal training frequency
to lose face fat is twice per week. So, I’d recommend training your face on any two non-
consecutive days. For example, Mondays and Thursdays or Tuesdays and Fridays would be
perfect. Since your face does not get trained directly during exercises for any other part of your
body, you can do these face fat workouts on the same days as you do your usual workouts for the
rest of your body.
Face Training Workouts & Exercises
The Ultimate Face Fat Workout Routine involves two workouts: Workout A and Workout B.
They are to be done as follows:
Face Fat Workout A
1. Blinking
4 sets of 15 reps.
30 seconds rest between sets.
2. Seated Up-And-Down Nodding
4 sets of 15 reps.
1 minute rest between sets.
3. Incline Eyebrow Raises
3 sets of 8-10 reps.
1-2 minutes rest between sets.
4. Decline Eyebrow Raises
3 sets of 8-10 reps.
1-2 minutes rest between sets.
5. Standing Side-To-Side Nodding
5 sets of 10-12 reps.
1 minute rest between sets.
6. Standing Barbell Curls
10 sets of 10 reps.
1 minute rest between sets.
(Use a weight heavy enough that it causes you to make a strange looking face where all of
your facial muscles tighten.)
Face Fat Workout B
1. Unilateral Blinking
4 sets of 18-20 reps.
1 minute rest between sets.
2. Back-Foot-Elevated Bulgarian Split Nods
5 sets of 5 reps.
3 minutes rest between sets.
(Be sure to get a good stretch in your double chin on the eccentric portion of this exercise.)
3. Reverse Mouth Open & Closes
3 sets of 8-10 reps.
1-2 minutes rest between sets.
4. Gum Chews
4 sets of as many chews as possible in 90 seconds.
3 minutes rest between sets.
5. Lateral Smiles
2 sets of 10-12 reps.
1 minute rest between sets.
6. Kettle bell Fish-Face Swings
1 set of 36-40 reps.
(Just like normal kettle bell swings, only while sucking in your cheeks and making a “fish
We can decrease and chubby cheeks and face fat through exercise
The chin lift exercise is a great way to get rid of a double chin. It assists in working and
stretching most of the facial muscles which includes jaw, throat and neck. But make sure not to
use any other facial muscle other than the lips while doing this exercise. You can perform this
exercise either in the sitting or standing position. Begin by tilting your head towards the ceiling,
keeping your eyes fixed towards it. Now, make your lips tight, as if trying to kiss the ceiling,
hold it till a count of 10 seconds and relax.
 Repeat – 10 times
Hold – 10 second
The lips pull is one of the most effective facial yoga exercises, which when practiced regularly
can help in lifting up the face muscles and take away years from your face, offering you look
more youthful with high cheekbones along with a prominent jaw line. Begin in a standing or
sitting position with your head in the normal position. Now, lift your lower lip up as much as
possible by pushing the lower jaw out. You are sure to feel the stretch and strain build in the chin
muscles and jaw line. Stick with this posture for 10 to 15 seconds and relax.
 Repeat – 10 times
Hold – 10 seconds
Get attractive, high cheekbones and a sexier jaw line jaw release exercise, which is certainly one
of the most effective facial exercises for double chin reduction. It helps in stretching and dealing
the muscles around your lips, jaws and cheeks. Begin with sitting or standing in a straight
posture and moving your jaw just like you are chewing while keeping your lips closed. Breathe
in deeply and breathe out while humming. Next, open your mouth wide with your tongue pressed
within your bottom teeth. Hold this posture for 5 seconds, now breath in and out again. This
makes one repetition.
 Repeat – 10 times
Hold – 5 seconds
The fish face exercise, also termed as “smiling fish face” is a simple and one of the best facial
exercises for cheeks that one could do anywhere you like while watching T.V or listening to your
favorite song. This exercise helps in toning and spreading cheek muscles and loses the face fat
fast. Just suck in your cheeks and lips as we use to do now try smiling, hold the posture for 5
seconds, you will feel the burn in your cheeks and jaws.
 Repeat – 10 times
Hold – 5 seconds
The blowing air exercise helps in solving the problem by working almost all the facial and neck
muscles and it is one of the effective face exercises to reduce double chin and getting rid of
chubby cheeks. It impacts on the cheeks, jaws and neck muscles and tones them to provide a
natural face lift to give a leaner appearance. Sit on a chair with your spine straight, tilt your head
back to any extent possible to make sure that you face the ceiling, pull your lips and blow out air
from your mouth. Continue for seconds and relax.
Here is another quite simple technique. You just need to close the eyes firmly with the help of
the muscles of your cheeks. You got to make it sure that you are having a feel of the contraction
of your muscles on the face. Just stay in the position for 10 seconds and relax your face muscles
after ten seconds. The technique should be repeated 5 times a day at least.
Another important technique of the face muscles exercise is to stretch you face muscles with the
help of your hands. You can do it by lowering your chin in such a way that it starts touching the
chest. Then pull the skin in such a way that your skin moves below the cheekbones. Once you
are in perfect position, you have to pronounce “Ah”. Remain in static position for a while and
repeat the procedure three times a day.
Smiling is the best opportunity you can have to trim down your cheek fat. It’s a best and most
easy workout you can do for your cheeks. Let’s see how technically it’s helpful for you to lessen
the cheek fat. A smile stretches the muscles of your cheeks. This muscle stretching may lose the
fats of the cheeks and really help in to resolve this problem.
What’s the reason behind the face fat?
After we read the different articles and met the different people which are the diet they eat and
any other activities they perform and they face the fact fat and chin fat.
I observe that due to some points I will discuss in below how the face fat .
Poor Diet
If you don’t eat a balanced diet, you get fewer nutrients than a healthy body needs. Lack of
essential nutrients in the body can result in a bloated face.
In particular, it’s a sign of vitamin C and carotene deficiency. On the other hand, excessive
intake of fat, carbohydrates, and salt can cause face puffiness.
Dehydration is one of the most common causes of facial bloating, as the body tends to retain as
much water as it can if it is dehydrated.
The face is one of the areas where excess water is stored. Unfortunately, not many people realize
the benefits of drinking adequate water every day. Not drinking enough water?
Well, you should start guzzling more water now to reduce bloating on your face
Alcohol Intake
It doesn’t matter what kind of alcoholic drink you
consume. Whether it’s beer, wine, or brandy, consuming anything that contains alcohol makes
your face puffy.
It is because alcohol makes you dehydrated, meaning you get thirstier after you booze up. Your
body responds to dehydration by storing as much water as possible in different areas, and your
face is no exception.
If you had a few drinks, chances are you will wake up with a bloated face the next day. So it’s a
no-brainer — cut back on your alcohol intake to lose face fat.
One of the symptoms of hypothyroidism, or lack of thyroid
hormones in the body, is a puffy face.
Usually, this condition results in rapid weight gain, which is why the face becomes bloated.
Aside from facial bloating, other symptoms of hypothyroidism include constipation, tiredness,
and dry skin.
Reason #5: Face Fat
Face fat is often a problem for people who aren’t even
They collect the fat normally in their cheek area or chin area.
This can be fought by following certain dietary guidelines as well as a certified facial exercise
Face exercises can be instrumental in helping you get rid of that face fat.
Apart from the five causes of facial bloating discussed above, other factors can also lead to
puffiness on the face.
These factors include kidney disorders, sinus infections, allergic responses to medications or
insect bites, mumps, dental infection, inflammation of the parotid glands, nephritic syndrome,
edema, and many others.
Now that you know the causes of facial bloating, you have a clear idea of how to get rid of it.
You’ve got to do something to remove your double chin and reduce the chubbiness of your
cheeks so that you will see a lean and toned face every time you look at the mirror.
We can take some things naturally to lose face fat
Its help to you decrease lose face fat in less then thirty days if we do adopt just two methods to
lose face fat like,
First and foremost, it is important for readers to be aware that there is good fat and bad fat in the
human body. As a matter of fact, the wrong kind of fat should not be clogged on our bodies.
Needless to say, body maintenance does not require bad fat, and in most cases, this kind of fat is
considered excess and it needs to be removed out of the body. In this context, it has to be
removed from your face!
Interestingly, our routine diets have both bad fat and good fat as well; nevertheless, it is quite
hard to know the differences. The good news is that there are some foodsthat contain only good
fat, which include fish, olive oil, nuts, and many more. Biologically, these foods contain
compound called omega-3 fatty acids, which is very important for a healthy body as well as
maintaining an efficient metabolism.
Therefore, when you want to achieve the above objective (losing excess facial fats without diet
pills), then you need to make the right changes on your diet.
Indeed, if your fat intake originates mainly from foods such as pizza and cheeseburgers, then you
are advised to consider AVOIDING them and opt for healthier foods such as almonds, salmon,
and fish oil. As if that is not enough, you are advised to reduce the intake of fatty meats,
processed foods, sodas, and alcohol.
On the other hand, drinking more water and taking low-calorie meals during the day are some of
the vital dietary changes that are known to reducing the facial fat. In fact, it has been proved
beyond reasonable doubt that choosing the right diet changes and taking the recommended good
fats is the ultimate method for getting rid of chubby face even without normal physical exercises.
Changing to a good diet (good fats) will be not be a 100 percent effective if it will not be
accompanied by regular physical exercises. However, it should be noted that not all physical
exercises will be OK to eliminate excess fats on the face. In this regard, there are some exercises
that are specifically meant for your face.
Indeed, some people are reluctant to engage in facial exercises because they are either ignorant
or do not have time! The good news is that, most facial exercises are not difficult to execute and
takes the least time possible. Tens and hundreds of different types of facial exercises are
available online and you can visit several websites for more information.
Generally, facial exercises have proven track records for making your face feel sweaty and
lethargic. Since these exercises target specific areas on the face such as the forehead, eyes, lips,
cheeks, neck, and jaw, changes are expected to be observed as soon as possible.
In fact, nowadays, most people have been quoted saying that facial exercises are more of
fun than an exercise. Therefore, if you have excess facial fats and you have never attempted any
of the facial exercises, then it is worth if you can try any of them today and see the spectacular
The above are the two fundamental ways of losing excess fats on the face without the need of
surgery. Indeed, many people will not believe if the above mentioned ways can do wonders on
their faces, but there are hundreds and thousands of people who can testify that the said methods
worked as required.
The final point is that when it comes to improving or changing your diet, you have to look at
what you eat by analyzing on the foods that you usually take that mostly contributes to your face
fat. Equally, engaging in facial physical exercise does not mean doing it only once. In other
words, all physical and facial exercises need to be done in regular basis so that you can see the
benefits as soon as possible.
And we also discuss with you if some person has no time for exercise and they can’t afford
doctor fee and medcian its very useful and cheapest remedies, they can use home remedies
which is very easy and home remedies to reduce the face fat
Home remedies:
Cocoa Butter
Proper hydration maintains elasticity, plumpness and resiliency of the skin (1). Cocoa
butter hydrates your skin and improves its elasticity (2). Heat a few spoons of cocoa butter in the
oven or on a stove. When it is warm enough, massage it in your face, neck and chin. It should be
done twice: before taking a shower in the morning and when you hit the hay.
Note: Make sure that butter is not too hot to be applied on your skin.
2. Egg Whites
Egg contains Vitamin A which has lot of skin benefits. It helps improve the resilience of the skin
Blend two egg whites with one tbsp each of milk, honey and lemon juice. Add a few drops of
peppermint essential oil to it. Apply this mask on your facial skin, including chin and neck area.
Leave it for half an hour. Wash it off with lukewarm water and pat dry your skin with a towel.
Do it daily to lose face fat fast.
Alternatively, you can mix two egg whites with some apple cider vinegar and a pinch of
Epsom salt. Stir well to make a paste of it. Apply it on your face.
3. Glycerin
Glycerin keeps your skin healthy and tight by hydrating it (4). There are many reports regarding
the use of glycerin in improving skin elasticity and moisture (5).
You can make a mask by mixing one tbsp of glycerin with half tbsp of Epsom salt. Add a few
drops of peppermint oil to it. Use a cotton pad to apply it on your cheeks, chin and neck area.
Leave it for some time, so that the skin absorbs it. Later, rinse it off with cool water. It should be
done three to five times to lose face fat in a week.
4. Vitamin E
the beauty benefits of vitamin E cannot be denied (6). You can massage vitamin E oil on your
facial and neck area to enhance the elasticity of your skin. This vitamin enhances the ability of
the stratum corneum to balance ts humidity which helps reduce face fat (7).
Alternatively, include vitamin E rich food like nuts and seeds, beans, green leafy
vegetables, soybeans, peanuts, dairy products, brown rice, barley and legumes in your
diet (8).
5. Melon
Melon acts as a skin-tightening agent. It contains Vitamin C that has anti-aging properties
(9, 10).
Just extract melon juice in a dish and apply it topically on your face using a cotton ball. Wash off
your face after five minutes. It will help to lose face fat in a week.
Alternatively, you can consume melon juice to lose face fat fast. It helps flush out the
toxins from your body and also keeps a check on your food cravings.
6. Milk Massage
Milk is packed with several essential nutrients that tone-up and tighten your skin. It also acts as
an anti-ageing agent that helps retain the elasticity of your skin (11). Sphingomyelin is
abundantly found in milk. It is an essential phospholipids for the skin. A double-blind, placebo-
controlled, randomized trial proved that consuming milk regularly enhances skin moisture and
improves skin condition (12).
Take some raw milk and massage it in the face and neck. Wash it off with lukewarm water. It
will help you to get rid of double chin.
Alternatively, make a paste by mixing a few drops of honey in freshly extracted milk
cream. Apply it on you face as well as chin and neck area. Rinse it off after few
7. Hot Towel Treatment
Hot towel treatment causes your facial skin to sweat. It gives you steam that reduces facial fat. It
is a important aspect of facial beauty treatments because it tightens and rejuvenate skin (13). To
execute this, first, boil some water in a pan. After removing it from the stove, wait until it cools
down a little. Soak a towel in it, squeeze the extra water and press it on the fatty areas of your
face. Repeat it for at least five times. It will tone down your chubby cheeks and open up the
pores of your skin.
Note: To get better results, perform it before going to sleep.
8. Clay Mask
It was evaluated in one treatment that applying clay on skin increases collagen level of the skin
(14). Clay mask helps tighten your skin and prevents it from sagging. It absorbs excessive oil and
water beneath the skin through the process of osmosis. Natural clay masks give a slimmer look
to your face. You can apply it twice a week, combining with the facial massage
9. Lemon Extracts
Lemons helps burn fat (15). Dilute lemon extracts in a glass of warm water. Add half a tsp of
honey to it. Drink it on an empty stomach to get better results. It will not only reduce fat from
your face but works on the entire body.
10. Almonds
Almonds are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, and B6. It tightens your skin and
moisturizes it deeply. Apply almond oil to your face to retain its elasticity (16, 17).
Note: Avoid using it, if you are allergic to almond oil.
11. Whole Grain Cereals
The consumption of refined food accumulates fat in your body as they are high in sugar and have
carbohydrates. Both of them instantly get converted to fat. So, start consuming whole grain
cereals which are low-fat and high in minerals and vitamins.
12. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is a good skin cleanser and a natural moisturiser (18). It is also rich in vitamin E
which helps improve the resilience of your skin (19, 20). This oil also keeps skin hydrated which
is a very important factor to maintain skin flexibility and elasticity (21, 22). You can apply it
topically on your facial skin to see the results. For quick results, include this oil in your everyday
diet as well.
13. Turmeric
Cur cumin is a most important ingredient of turmeric. It has anti ageing properties which assist to
maintain healthy skin (23). Mix gram flour with ground turmeric, and yogurt to make a paste.
Apply it on your face and leave it for few minutes. Wash it off with water. It will ensure a
younger texture to your skin if applied regularly.
14. Cucumber Peel Mask
Cucumber can help to reduce the bloated face. It gives you a youthful and refreshed skin. Make a
paste from freshly obtained cucumber peels. Apply it on your face. It will reduce any swelling on
your face with its cooling effect (24).
15. Mineral Oil
Proper hydration keeps your face slim. Mineral oil improves skin hydration (25, 26). You can
use mineral oil chin wraps to reduce fat from that area. Apply mineral oil on your chin with a
cotton ball. Wrap it there using a plastic wrap. Leave it for 45 minutes. It will show you
immediate results.
Face Exercises To Lose Fat
16. Chew Sugar free Gum
Chewing gum is the best workout to lose face fat. It is really effective in keeping your muscles
active as well as toned. It cuts down the calories from your chubby cheeks. To make your face
look slimmer, you should do it for 20 minutes twice a day (27, 28).
17. Blow Balloons
It is a fantastic way to reduce excessive fat from the face. When you blow a balloon, your face
muscles expand. Repeat the procedure ten times to get a noticeable difference in your cheeks.
This technique helps to lose face fat in a week.
18. Rotating Tongue Exercise
It is one of the easiest face exercises to lose fat. All you need to do is to rotate your tongue with
the mouth closed. It should touch the outer surface of your upper and lower teeth. Perform it for
15 minutes each clockwise and anti-clockwise.
19. Gargle Exercise
It should be done with warm water. To shed those extra calories from your face, you should do
warm gargles, 3-4 times a day. Take a mouthful of water and twirl it inside your mouth. It gives
best results when you do it before going to the bed.
20. Puffy Cheeks Exercise
You can do this exercise anytime anywhere. Close your mouth and puff up your cheeks by
blowing air. Try to move the air to your right cheek and hold it there for 10 seconds. Do the same
with your left cheek. Repeat it for 10 times. This exercise strengthens facial muscles and makes
your face look younger. It is the best exercise to reduce fat from the upper and middle parts of
your face.
21. Face Stretching Exercise
This will not only strengthen your facial muscles but reduce fat from lower parts of your cheeks.
Just open your eyes and stick your tongue out. Try to touch your chin with your tongue. Hold for
ten seconds. Perform it for five times. It will surely make your face thinner and attractive (29).
22. Smiling Fish Exercise
It tones-up your facial muscles by reducing fat from the lower part of your face. Suck in your
cheeks a bit more than a pout. Hold this posture for 10 seconds and try to smile. Repeat it for five
times (30).
23. Move Your Jaws
Sit straight on a chair and open your mouth. Push your lower lip forward. It will cause your jaw
to move. Keep stretching until you feel stressed near your ears. Hold it for 8-10 seconds. Move
your jaw backward. Repeat it for 8-10 times. It helps in reducing fat from the lower portions of
your face.
24. Smile With Closed Lips
Keep your lips tightly attached to each other. Try to smile with the closed mouth. Make sure that
your lips don’t go apart. Hold it for a few seconds and relax. Repeat it for 8-10 times (31).
25. ‘O’ Exercise With Mouth
Take a deep breath and exhale. Now, fill the mouth with air and close your lips. Hold for a few
seconds. Then, open your lips in a small ‘o’ shape. Blow out the air as if you are whistling. Move
your face upwards and blow out the air. It will help reduce fat on your chin. Relax and repeat it
for 5 times.
26. Facial Twist Exercise
Keep your head straight while sitting on a chair. Stretch your lips to the right while keeping them
closed. Keep stretching until you feel tension on your left cheek. Hold it for a few seconds. Now,
repeat the same on your right cheek. Do it 5-6 times a day.
27. Lower Lip Exercise
It is a good exercise to reduce fat from your chin. Move your lower lip over the upper lip. Stretch
it to touch your nose. Hold it there for ten seconds. Relax and repeat it for five to ten times (32).
28. Stretching Of Facial Skin
Put your index and middle finger on your cheek bones and pull your skin towards your eyes.
While holding it, open your mouth in an oval shape. Hold it for 10 seconds and relax. Repeat the
procedure for three-four times. It is helpful in getting rid of double chin.
Herbal Remedies To Reduce Facial Fat
29. Wheat Germ Oil
Wheat germ oil is rich in tocopherol. Vitamin E is made of tocopherol and vitamin E plays a
very significant role in reducing facial fat and skin tightening (33). This remedy is to be done
before going to bed. Apply wheat germ oil on your chin area. Gently massage from the bottom of
your neck to the upwards of the chin for 15-20 minutes. It will reduce your double chin. Perform
it daily to have faster results.
30. Indian Lilac Extracts
Indian lilac is known for its benefits. Take a few leaves of Indian lilac and boil them in water.
Keep boiling till the water turns green. Take the leaves out and grind them to make a paste.
Apply it on your face and leave it for 20 minutes. Rinse it off with the need extract water. It will
give a refreshing look to your face.
31. Green Tea
Green tea has caffeine which can’t be stored by the human body. It is excreted through urine
after up to six hours. Thus, it helps your body to reduce water retention. It is also beneficial in
reducing weight as it boosts your metabolism due to the presence of antioxidant elements in it
(34, 35). Drink 3-4 cups of green tea in a day. Don’t need to worry about its caffeine content as
green tea has very less quantity of caffeine. Also, you can enjoy it in different flavors.
Do’s and Don’ts
Drink lot of water and that to cold (36).
Take proper sleep (37).
Opt for hairstyles that make your face look slimmer.
Apply make-up in a way that it hides your face fat (38).
Try to practice the correct posture while standing as bellowing your face makes it look
Include calcium-rich food in your diet as it reduces water retention.
Take a balanced diet (39).
Cut down consumption of salt.
Go on a low-calorie diet.
Don’t eat junk food as it tends to increase the fat (40).
Don’t jump onto trying out easy ways to lose face fat.
Don’t take any medication without consulting a doctor as it induces water retention in
your body.
Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol
 10 Best Ways to Reduce Cheek Fat in10 Days
10 Best Ways to Reduce Cheek Fat in 10 Days
1. Blow Balloons
Blowing balloons is a great way to tone and slim down your chubby cheeks. Simply, take a
balloon and fill it with air. As you blow, feels the muscle in your cheeks expand. Release the air
from the balloon and repeat the procedure for 10 times. This technique really works! And in 5
days you will notice a difference in the size of your cheeks.
2.Rotating Tongue Exercise (Best Exercise to Reduce Cheek Fat Instantly)
Rotating tongue exercise is a simple but yet powerful exercise to reduce facial fat. With the
mouth closed, rotate your tongue in circular movements. While rotating, the tongue must touch
the outer surface of your upper and lower teeth. Do this for 15 times each in clockwise and
anticlockwise direction. Try it right now to see a decrease in your cheek fat.
3. Hot Towel Treatment
It may sound weird, but giving your face a facial steam can help reduce your cheek fat. When
you apply facial steam it causes the face to sweat and thus combats fat getting stored in your
facial areas. To start with first, boil some water in a bowl and then remove from heat and allow it
to slightly cool down. Now dip a towel into the warm water and squeeze to remove the excess
water. Gently, place this steaming towel onto the fatty areas of your face. Repeat this process for
about 5 times. Do this 1 hour before going to bed. Facial steam opens up the pores and tone
down your chubby cheeks.
4. Chewing Gum
Chewing gum is a good facial exercise to cut calories from the cheeks and flatten chubby cheeks.
Chewing sugar-free gum for about 20 minutes twice in a day, melts fat cells from your face and
makes your face visibly thinner and toned. Do this 30 minutes after having your lunch and 30
minutes after having your dinner.
5. Face Massage
Facial massage is an effective way to reduce cheek fat, sculpt and tone your face. Excess fluid
buildup causes swelling on your face and neck. Regular face massage with ginseng oil or wheat
germ oil stimulates healthy blood circulation, drains lymphatic build-up and decreases water
Start by following these four steps:
-Apply wheat germ oil on your face and neck.
-Move your palms in an upward direction. Start at your chin and gently move upwards in
a circular motion. Repeat for 5 times.
-Next, with your fingertips, gently tap from the corners of your lips and then gradually move
towards the ear. Repeat for 10 times.
-Now, move your fingers except the thumb along your jaw line, use firm and upward strokes.
Repeat for 5 to 6 times.
6.The Gargle Exercise
An easy and powerful trick to get rid of chubby cheek fat is to do warm gargle 3 to 4 times in a
day. Just take a mouthful of warm water and swirl it around your mouth. You can do it anytime,
anywhere. Do this before going to bed.
7.Puffy Cheeks Exercise
One of the quickest exercises to reduce fat from your upper and middle portion of your cheeks.
This facial exercise strengthens your upper cheek muscles and makes your face look sculpted,
lean and young. To begin with,
-First, close your mouth and blow air to puff up your cheeks. Hold for 10 seconds.
-Try to move the air to your right cheek and hold the air for 10 seconds.
-Finally, switch to your left cheek and hold the air for 10 seconds and then exhale.
-Repeat this for 10 times.
8.Smiling Fish Exercise
This is a great facial exercise to firm and tone your cheeks, it reduces flabby fat from your
cheeks and strengthens your cheeks. This exercise targets the fat on your lower cheeks and
around the chin. Suck in your cheeks to make a fish face and then try smiling while holding this
posture.Stay in this position for a count of 10 seconds and then repeat for 5 times.One of the
easiest and effective ways to lose face fat and chubby cheeks in 10 days.
9.Face Stretching Exercise
A facial yoga exercise to stretch and strengthen facial muscles, sculpt cheekbones, release
tensions, reduces the lower portion of your cheeks fat and give a slim and attractive look to your
face.Relax and open your eyes and lips and stick your tongue out, try to touch your chin.Hold for
10 seconds.Repeat this for 5 times.
10.Some Useful Tips to Reduce Cheek Fat
-If you want to lose that chubby cheek fat then try not to sleep in the afternoon.
-Do not sleep immediately after having your dinner, this may help fat buildup in your cheeks.Eat
your dinner 2 hours before your bedtime.
-Avoid foods that contain high amount of sugar, starch, and oil.
-Whenever you feel thirsty, drink a glass of warm water.
-Do skipping rope 100 times per day, it’s very beneficial in reducing facial fat.
How to lose face fat
How to lose face fat

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How to lose face fat

  • 1. How to Lose Face Fat Bodies differ in shape and size and so do faces .Today is the biggest problem all over the world , every 2nd person facing the problem of face fat , double chin , chubby cheeks , or whatever other areas of fat, that are preventing you from having a leaner, sexier, thinner overall face. Face fat can be slightly baffling. If a double chin or chubby cheeks make you self-conscious, slim them down by losing weight all over. You can't target your face fat for weight loss, but you can implement strategies to make you look and feel healthier and more confident. Due to this condition people laugh on person and pass different comments on them . We’re going to take it very seriously here and lay down some important facts as well as a full workout routine complete with the most effective facial exercises. Reconsider your weight loss goal: Your face stares back at you from the mirror every day. It may be you want, how to fat loss, but your body has different ideas. Fat is stored all over your body in oily cells. When you create a calorie deficit -- meaning you burn more calories than you consume -- your body releases some of this fat and converts it into adaptable energy. Where it takes the fat from is genetically set; you can't tell your body to use face fat first. Lose weight in general and, with time, some of it will come from your cheeks and chin. If you have naturally round cheeks, you can't expect any diet or exercise to get you a supermodel-chiseled face. Your bone structure and the size of specific internal structures, such as your saliva glands, dictate the shape of your face. As you age, the supporting structure that keeps your face looking tense and bouncy also starts to fail. Features shift downward and your skin starts to sag a bit. Fat pockets may become evident in the chin and near the neck. You can't stop crumling or alter genetics -- but a healthy diet and exercise may help minimize their effects. This workout routine is scientifically proven to help:  Get rid of your double chin.  Turn a triple chin into just a double chin.
  • 2.  Reduce the size of your chubby cheeks.  Create a more chiseled jaw line.  Produce more prominent cheek bones.  Give you a thinner face. Face Training prevalence & gap: I will discuss with you some exercise which reduce to help face fat he ideal training frequency to lose face fat is twice per week. So, I’d recommend training your face on any two non- consecutive days. For example, Mondays and Thursdays or Tuesdays and Fridays would be perfect. Since your face does not get trained directly during exercises for any other part of your body, you can do these face fat workouts on the same days as you do your usual workouts for the rest of your body. Face Training Workouts & Exercises The Ultimate Face Fat Workout Routine involves two workouts: Workout A and Workout B. They are to be done as follows: Face Fat Workout A 1. Blinking 4 sets of 15 reps. 30 seconds rest between sets. 2. Seated Up-And-Down Nodding 4 sets of 15 reps. 1 minute rest between sets. 3. Incline Eyebrow Raises 3 sets of 8-10 reps. 1-2 minutes rest between sets. 4. Decline Eyebrow Raises 3 sets of 8-10 reps. 1-2 minutes rest between sets. 5. Standing Side-To-Side Nodding 5 sets of 10-12 reps. 1 minute rest between sets. 6. Standing Barbell Curls 10 sets of 10 reps. 1 minute rest between sets. (Use a weight heavy enough that it causes you to make a strange looking face where all of your facial muscles tighten.)
  • 3. Face Fat Workout B 1. Unilateral Blinking 4 sets of 18-20 reps. 1 minute rest between sets. 2. Back-Foot-Elevated Bulgarian Split Nods 5 sets of 5 reps. 3 minutes rest between sets. (Be sure to get a good stretch in your double chin on the eccentric portion of this exercise.) 3. Reverse Mouth Open & Closes 3 sets of 8-10 reps. 1-2 minutes rest between sets. 4. Gum Chews 4 sets of as many chews as possible in 90 seconds. 3 minutes rest between sets. 5. Lateral Smiles 2 sets of 10-12 reps. 1 minute rest between sets. 6. Kettle bell Fish-Face Swings 1 set of 36-40 reps. (Just like normal kettle bell swings, only while sucking in your cheeks and making a “fish face.”) We can decrease and chubby cheeks and face fat through exercise 1. CHIN DRIVE: The chin lift exercise is a great way to get rid of a double chin. It assists in working and stretching most of the facial muscles which includes jaw, throat and neck. But make sure not to use any other facial muscle other than the lips while doing this exercise. You can perform this exercise either in the sitting or standing position. Begin by tilting your head towards the ceiling, keeping your eyes fixed towards it. Now, make your lips tight, as if trying to kiss the ceiling, hold it till a count of 10 seconds and relax.  Repeat – 10 times Hold – 10 second
  • 4.  2. LIPS PULL The lips pull is one of the most effective facial yoga exercises, which when practiced regularly can help in lifting up the face muscles and take away years from your face, offering you look more youthful with high cheekbones along with a prominent jaw line. Begin in a standing or sitting position with your head in the normal position. Now, lift your lower lip up as much as possible by pushing the lower jaw out. You are sure to feel the stretch and strain build in the chin muscles and jaw line. Stick with this posture for 10 to 15 seconds and relax.  Repeat – 10 times Hold – 10 seconds 
  • 5. JAW RELEASE Get attractive, high cheekbones and a sexier jaw line jaw release exercise, which is certainly one of the most effective facial exercises for double chin reduction. It helps in stretching and dealing the muscles around your lips, jaws and cheeks. Begin with sitting or standing in a straight posture and moving your jaw just like you are chewing while keeping your lips closed. Breathe in deeply and breathe out while humming. Next, open your mouth wide with your tongue pressed within your bottom teeth. Hold this posture for 5 seconds, now breath in and out again. This makes one repetition.  Repeat – 10 times Hold – 5 seconds
  • 6. FISH FACE The fish face exercise, also termed as “smiling fish face” is a simple and one of the best facial exercises for cheeks that one could do anywhere you like while watching T.V or listening to your favorite song. This exercise helps in toning and spreading cheek muscles and loses the face fat fast. Just suck in your cheeks and lips as we use to do now try smiling, hold the posture for 5 seconds, you will feel the burn in your cheeks and jaws.  Repeat – 10 times Hold – 5 seconds
  • 7.  5. BLOWING AIR EXERCISE The blowing air exercise helps in solving the problem by working almost all the facial and neck muscles and it is one of the effective face exercises to reduce double chin and getting rid of chubby cheeks. It impacts on the cheeks, jaws and neck muscles and tones them to provide a natural face lift to give a leaner appearance. Sit on a chair with your spine straight, tilt your head back to any extent possible to make sure that you face the ceiling, pull your lips and blow out air from your mouth. Continue for seconds and relax.
  • 8. 6. TIGHTLY CLOSE THE EYES Here is another quite simple technique. You just need to close the eyes firmly with the help of the muscles of your cheeks. You got to make it sure that you are having a feel of the contraction of your muscles on the face. Just stay in the position for 10 seconds and relax your face muscles after ten seconds. The technique should be repeated 5 times a day at least.
  • 9. STRETCH YOUR FACE MUSCLES Another important technique of the face muscles exercise is to stretch you face muscles with the help of your hands. You can do it by lowering your chin in such a way that it starts touching the chest. Then pull the skin in such a way that your skin moves below the cheekbones. Once you are in perfect position, you have to pronounce “Ah”. Remain in static position for a while and repeat the procedure three times a day. KEEP SMILING Smiling is the best opportunity you can have to trim down your cheek fat. It’s a best and most easy workout you can do for your cheeks. Let’s see how technically it’s helpful for you to lessen the cheek fat. A smile stretches the muscles of your cheeks. This muscle stretching may lose the fats of the cheeks and really help in to resolve this problem.
  • 10. What’s the reason behind the face fat? After we read the different articles and met the different people which are the diet they eat and any other activities they perform and they face the fact fat and chin fat. I observe that due to some points I will discuss in below how the face fat . Poor Diet If you don’t eat a balanced diet, you get fewer nutrients than a healthy body needs. Lack of essential nutrients in the body can result in a bloated face. In particular, it’s a sign of vitamin C and carotene deficiency. On the other hand, excessive intake of fat, carbohydrates, and salt can cause face puffiness. Dehydration:
  • 11. Dehydration is one of the most common causes of facial bloating, as the body tends to retain as much water as it can if it is dehydrated. The face is one of the areas where excess water is stored. Unfortunately, not many people realize the benefits of drinking adequate water every day. Not drinking enough water? Well, you should start guzzling more water now to reduce bloating on your face Alcohol Intake It doesn’t matter what kind of alcoholic drink you consume. Whether it’s beer, wine, or brandy, consuming anything that contains alcohol makes your face puffy. It is because alcohol makes you dehydrated, meaning you get thirstier after you booze up. Your body responds to dehydration by storing as much water as possible in different areas, and your face is no exception. If you had a few drinks, chances are you will wake up with a bloated face the next day. So it’s a no-brainer — cut back on your alcohol intake to lose face fat. Hypothyroidism
  • 12. One of the symptoms of hypothyroidism, or lack of thyroid hormones in the body, is a puffy face. Usually, this condition results in rapid weight gain, which is why the face becomes bloated. Aside from facial bloating, other symptoms of hypothyroidism include constipation, tiredness, and dry skin. Reason #5: Face Fat Face fat is often a problem for people who aren’t even overweight. They collect the fat normally in their cheek area or chin area. This can be fought by following certain dietary guidelines as well as a certified facial exercise program. Face exercises can be instrumental in helping you get rid of that face fat. Apart from the five causes of facial bloating discussed above, other factors can also lead to puffiness on the face. These factors include kidney disorders, sinus infections, allergic responses to medications or insect bites, mumps, dental infection, inflammation of the parotid glands, nephritic syndrome, edema, and many others.
  • 13. Now that you know the causes of facial bloating, you have a clear idea of how to get rid of it. You’ve got to do something to remove your double chin and reduce the chubbiness of your cheeks so that you will see a lean and toned face every time you look at the mirror. We can take some things naturally to lose face fat Its help to you decrease lose face fat in less then thirty days if we do adopt just two methods to lose face fat like, MAKE STRICT CHANGES IN YOUR DIET First and foremost, it is important for readers to be aware that there is good fat and bad fat in the human body. As a matter of fact, the wrong kind of fat should not be clogged on our bodies. Needless to say, body maintenance does not require bad fat, and in most cases, this kind of fat is considered excess and it needs to be removed out of the body. In this context, it has to be removed from your face! Interestingly, our routine diets have both bad fat and good fat as well; nevertheless, it is quite hard to know the differences. The good news is that there are some foodsthat contain only good fat, which include fish, olive oil, nuts, and many more. Biologically, these foods contain compound called omega-3 fatty acids, which is very important for a healthy body as well as maintaining an efficient metabolism. Therefore, when you want to achieve the above objective (losing excess facial fats without diet pills), then you need to make the right changes on your diet. Indeed, if your fat intake originates mainly from foods such as pizza and cheeseburgers, then you are advised to consider AVOIDING them and opt for healthier foods such as almonds, salmon, and fish oil. As if that is not enough, you are advised to reduce the intake of fatty meats, processed foods, sodas, and alcohol. On the other hand, drinking more water and taking low-calorie meals during the day are some of the vital dietary changes that are known to reducing the facial fat. In fact, it has been proved
  • 14. beyond reasonable doubt that choosing the right diet changes and taking the recommended good fats is the ultimate method for getting rid of chubby face even without normal physical exercises. DO PHYSICAL AND FACIAL EXERCISES Changing to a good diet (good fats) will be not be a 100 percent effective if it will not be accompanied by regular physical exercises. However, it should be noted that not all physical exercises will be OK to eliminate excess fats on the face. In this regard, there are some exercises that are specifically meant for your face. Indeed, some people are reluctant to engage in facial exercises because they are either ignorant or do not have time! The good news is that, most facial exercises are not difficult to execute and takes the least time possible. Tens and hundreds of different types of facial exercises are available online and you can visit several websites for more information. Generally, facial exercises have proven track records for making your face feel sweaty and lethargic. Since these exercises target specific areas on the face such as the forehead, eyes, lips, cheeks, neck, and jaw, changes are expected to be observed as soon as possible. In fact, nowadays, most people have been quoted saying that facial exercises are more of fun than an exercise. Therefore, if you have excess facial fats and you have never attempted any of the facial exercises, then it is worth if you can try any of them today and see the spectacular benefits. THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND The above are the two fundamental ways of losing excess fats on the face without the need of surgery. Indeed, many people will not believe if the above mentioned ways can do wonders on their faces, but there are hundreds and thousands of people who can testify that the said methods worked as required.
  • 15. The final point is that when it comes to improving or changing your diet, you have to look at what you eat by analyzing on the foods that you usually take that mostly contributes to your face fat. Equally, engaging in facial physical exercise does not mean doing it only once. In other words, all physical and facial exercises need to be done in regular basis so that you can see the benefits as soon as possible. And we also discuss with you if some person has no time for exercise and they can’t afford doctor fee and medcian its very useful and cheapest remedies, they can use home remedies which is very easy and home remedies to reduce the face fat Home remedies: Cocoa Butter Proper hydration maintains elasticity, plumpness and resiliency of the skin (1). Cocoa butter hydrates your skin and improves its elasticity (2). Heat a few spoons of cocoa butter in the oven or on a stove. When it is warm enough, massage it in your face, neck and chin. It should be done twice: before taking a shower in the morning and when you hit the hay. Note: Make sure that butter is not too hot to be applied on your skin. 2. Egg Whites Egg contains Vitamin A which has lot of skin benefits. It helps improve the resilience of the skin (3). Blend two egg whites with one tbsp each of milk, honey and lemon juice. Add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to it. Apply this mask on your facial skin, including chin and neck area. Leave it for half an hour. Wash it off with lukewarm water and pat dry your skin with a towel. Do it daily to lose face fat fast. Alternatively, you can mix two egg whites with some apple cider vinegar and a pinch of Epsom salt. Stir well to make a paste of it. Apply it on your face. 3. Glycerin Glycerin keeps your skin healthy and tight by hydrating it (4). There are many reports regarding the use of glycerin in improving skin elasticity and moisture (5). You can make a mask by mixing one tbsp of glycerin with half tbsp of Epsom salt. Add a few drops of peppermint oil to it. Use a cotton pad to apply it on your cheeks, chin and neck area. Leave it for some time, so that the skin absorbs it. Later, rinse it off with cool water. It should be done three to five times to lose face fat in a week. 4. Vitamin E the beauty benefits of vitamin E cannot be denied (6). You can massage vitamin E oil on your
  • 16. facial and neck area to enhance the elasticity of your skin. This vitamin enhances the ability of the stratum corneum to balance ts humidity which helps reduce face fat (7). Alternatively, include vitamin E rich food like nuts and seeds, beans, green leafy vegetables, soybeans, peanuts, dairy products, brown rice, barley and legumes in your diet (8). 5. Melon Melon acts as a skin-tightening agent. It contains Vitamin C that has anti-aging properties (9, 10). Just extract melon juice in a dish and apply it topically on your face using a cotton ball. Wash off your face after five minutes. It will help to lose face fat in a week. Alternatively, you can consume melon juice to lose face fat fast. It helps flush out the toxins from your body and also keeps a check on your food cravings. 6. Milk Massage Milk is packed with several essential nutrients that tone-up and tighten your skin. It also acts as an anti-ageing agent that helps retain the elasticity of your skin (11). Sphingomyelin is abundantly found in milk. It is an essential phospholipids for the skin. A double-blind, placebo- controlled, randomized trial proved that consuming milk regularly enhances skin moisture and improves skin condition (12). Take some raw milk and massage it in the face and neck. Wash it off with lukewarm water. It will help you to get rid of double chin. Alternatively, make a paste by mixing a few drops of honey in freshly extracted milk cream. Apply it on you face as well as chin and neck area. Rinse it off after few minutes. 7. Hot Towel Treatment Hot towel treatment causes your facial skin to sweat. It gives you steam that reduces facial fat. It is a important aspect of facial beauty treatments because it tightens and rejuvenate skin (13). To execute this, first, boil some water in a pan. After removing it from the stove, wait until it cools down a little. Soak a towel in it, squeeze the extra water and press it on the fatty areas of your face. Repeat it for at least five times. It will tone down your chubby cheeks and open up the pores of your skin. Note: To get better results, perform it before going to sleep.
  • 17. 8. Clay Mask It was evaluated in one treatment that applying clay on skin increases collagen level of the skin (14). Clay mask helps tighten your skin and prevents it from sagging. It absorbs excessive oil and water beneath the skin through the process of osmosis. Natural clay masks give a slimmer look to your face. You can apply it twice a week, combining with the facial massage 9. Lemon Extracts Lemons helps burn fat (15). Dilute lemon extracts in a glass of warm water. Add half a tsp of honey to it. Drink it on an empty stomach to get better results. It will not only reduce fat from your face but works on the entire body. 10. Almonds Almonds are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, and B6. It tightens your skin and moisturizes it deeply. Apply almond oil to your face to retain its elasticity (16, 17). Note: Avoid using it, if you are allergic to almond oil. 11. Whole Grain Cereals The consumption of refined food accumulates fat in your body as they are high in sugar and have carbohydrates. Both of them instantly get converted to fat. So, start consuming whole grain cereals which are low-fat and high in minerals and vitamins. 12. Coconut Oil Coconut oil is a good skin cleanser and a natural moisturiser (18). It is also rich in vitamin E which helps improve the resilience of your skin (19, 20). This oil also keeps skin hydrated which is a very important factor to maintain skin flexibility and elasticity (21, 22). You can apply it topically on your facial skin to see the results. For quick results, include this oil in your everyday diet as well. 13. Turmeric Cur cumin is a most important ingredient of turmeric. It has anti ageing properties which assist to maintain healthy skin (23). Mix gram flour with ground turmeric, and yogurt to make a paste. Apply it on your face and leave it for few minutes. Wash it off with water. It will ensure a younger texture to your skin if applied regularly. 14. Cucumber Peel Mask Cucumber can help to reduce the bloated face. It gives you a youthful and refreshed skin. Make a paste from freshly obtained cucumber peels. Apply it on your face. It will reduce any swelling on your face with its cooling effect (24).
  • 18. 15. Mineral Oil Proper hydration keeps your face slim. Mineral oil improves skin hydration (25, 26). You can use mineral oil chin wraps to reduce fat from that area. Apply mineral oil on your chin with a cotton ball. Wrap it there using a plastic wrap. Leave it for 45 minutes. It will show you immediate results. Face Exercises To Lose Fat 16. Chew Sugar free Gum Chewing gum is the best workout to lose face fat. It is really effective in keeping your muscles active as well as toned. It cuts down the calories from your chubby cheeks. To make your face look slimmer, you should do it for 20 minutes twice a day (27, 28). 17. Blow Balloons It is a fantastic way to reduce excessive fat from the face. When you blow a balloon, your face muscles expand. Repeat the procedure ten times to get a noticeable difference in your cheeks. This technique helps to lose face fat in a week. 18. Rotating Tongue Exercise It is one of the easiest face exercises to lose fat. All you need to do is to rotate your tongue with the mouth closed. It should touch the outer surface of your upper and lower teeth. Perform it for 15 minutes each clockwise and anti-clockwise. 19. Gargle Exercise It should be done with warm water. To shed those extra calories from your face, you should do warm gargles, 3-4 times a day. Take a mouthful of water and twirl it inside your mouth. It gives best results when you do it before going to the bed. 20. Puffy Cheeks Exercise You can do this exercise anytime anywhere. Close your mouth and puff up your cheeks by blowing air. Try to move the air to your right cheek and hold it there for 10 seconds. Do the same with your left cheek. Repeat it for 10 times. This exercise strengthens facial muscles and makes your face look younger. It is the best exercise to reduce fat from the upper and middle parts of your face. 21. Face Stretching Exercise This will not only strengthen your facial muscles but reduce fat from lower parts of your cheeks. Just open your eyes and stick your tongue out. Try to touch your chin with your tongue. Hold for ten seconds. Perform it for five times. It will surely make your face thinner and attractive (29).
  • 19. 22. Smiling Fish Exercise It tones-up your facial muscles by reducing fat from the lower part of your face. Suck in your cheeks a bit more than a pout. Hold this posture for 10 seconds and try to smile. Repeat it for five times (30). 23. Move Your Jaws Sit straight on a chair and open your mouth. Push your lower lip forward. It will cause your jaw to move. Keep stretching until you feel stressed near your ears. Hold it for 8-10 seconds. Move your jaw backward. Repeat it for 8-10 times. It helps in reducing fat from the lower portions of your face. 24. Smile With Closed Lips Keep your lips tightly attached to each other. Try to smile with the closed mouth. Make sure that your lips don’t go apart. Hold it for a few seconds and relax. Repeat it for 8-10 times (31). 25. ‘O’ Exercise With Mouth Take a deep breath and exhale. Now, fill the mouth with air and close your lips. Hold for a few seconds. Then, open your lips in a small ‘o’ shape. Blow out the air as if you are whistling. Move your face upwards and blow out the air. It will help reduce fat on your chin. Relax and repeat it for 5 times. 26. Facial Twist Exercise Keep your head straight while sitting on a chair. Stretch your lips to the right while keeping them closed. Keep stretching until you feel tension on your left cheek. Hold it for a few seconds. Now, repeat the same on your right cheek. Do it 5-6 times a day. 27. Lower Lip Exercise It is a good exercise to reduce fat from your chin. Move your lower lip over the upper lip. Stretch it to touch your nose. Hold it there for ten seconds. Relax and repeat it for five to ten times (32). 28. Stretching Of Facial Skin Put your index and middle finger on your cheek bones and pull your skin towards your eyes. While holding it, open your mouth in an oval shape. Hold it for 10 seconds and relax. Repeat the procedure for three-four times. It is helpful in getting rid of double chin. Herbal Remedies To Reduce Facial Fat 29. Wheat Germ Oil Wheat germ oil is rich in tocopherol. Vitamin E is made of tocopherol and vitamin E plays a very significant role in reducing facial fat and skin tightening (33). This remedy is to be done before going to bed. Apply wheat germ oil on your chin area. Gently massage from the bottom of
  • 20. your neck to the upwards of the chin for 15-20 minutes. It will reduce your double chin. Perform it daily to have faster results. 30. Indian Lilac Extracts Indian lilac is known for its benefits. Take a few leaves of Indian lilac and boil them in water. Keep boiling till the water turns green. Take the leaves out and grind them to make a paste. Apply it on your face and leave it for 20 minutes. Rinse it off with the need extract water. It will give a refreshing look to your face. 31. Green Tea Green tea has caffeine which can’t be stored by the human body. It is excreted through urine after up to six hours. Thus, it helps your body to reduce water retention. It is also beneficial in reducing weight as it boosts your metabolism due to the presence of antioxidant elements in it (34, 35). Drink 3-4 cups of green tea in a day. Don’t need to worry about its caffeine content as green tea has very less quantity of caffeine. Also, you can enjoy it in different flavors. Do’s and Don’ts Do’s Drink lot of water and that to cold (36). Take proper sleep (37). Opt for hairstyles that make your face look slimmer. Apply make-up in a way that it hides your face fat (38). Try to practice the correct posture while standing as bellowing your face makes it look chubby. Include calcium-rich food in your diet as it reduces water retention. Take a balanced diet (39). Cut down consumption of salt. Go on a low-calorie diet. Don’ts Don’t eat junk food as it tends to increase the fat (40). Don’t jump onto trying out easy ways to lose face fat. Don’t take any medication without consulting a doctor as it induces water retention in your body. Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol  10 Best Ways to Reduce Cheek Fat in10 Days
  • 21. 10 Best Ways to Reduce Cheek Fat in 10 Days 1. Blow Balloons Blowing balloons is a great way to tone and slim down your chubby cheeks. Simply, take a balloon and fill it with air. As you blow, feels the muscle in your cheeks expand. Release the air from the balloon and repeat the procedure for 10 times. This technique really works! And in 5 days you will notice a difference in the size of your cheeks. 2.Rotating Tongue Exercise (Best Exercise to Reduce Cheek Fat Instantly) Rotating tongue exercise is a simple but yet powerful exercise to reduce facial fat. With the mouth closed, rotate your tongue in circular movements. While rotating, the tongue must touch the outer surface of your upper and lower teeth. Do this for 15 times each in clockwise and anticlockwise direction. Try it right now to see a decrease in your cheek fat. 3. Hot Towel Treatment It may sound weird, but giving your face a facial steam can help reduce your cheek fat. When you apply facial steam it causes the face to sweat and thus combats fat getting stored in your facial areas. To start with first, boil some water in a bowl and then remove from heat and allow it to slightly cool down. Now dip a towel into the warm water and squeeze to remove the excess water. Gently, place this steaming towel onto the fatty areas of your face. Repeat this process for about 5 times. Do this 1 hour before going to bed. Facial steam opens up the pores and tone down your chubby cheeks.
  • 22. 4. Chewing Gum Chewing gum is a good facial exercise to cut calories from the cheeks and flatten chubby cheeks. Chewing sugar-free gum for about 20 minutes twice in a day, melts fat cells from your face and makes your face visibly thinner and toned. Do this 30 minutes after having your lunch and 30 minutes after having your dinner. 5. Face Massage Facial massage is an effective way to reduce cheek fat, sculpt and tone your face. Excess fluid buildup causes swelling on your face and neck. Regular face massage with ginseng oil or wheat germ oil stimulates healthy blood circulation, drains lymphatic build-up and decreases water retention. Start by following these four steps: -Apply wheat germ oil on your face and neck. -Move your palms in an upward direction. Start at your chin and gently move upwards in a circular motion. Repeat for 5 times. -Next, with your fingertips, gently tap from the corners of your lips and then gradually move towards the ear. Repeat for 10 times.
  • 23. -Now, move your fingers except the thumb along your jaw line, use firm and upward strokes. Repeat for 5 to 6 times. 6.The Gargle Exercise An easy and powerful trick to get rid of chubby cheek fat is to do warm gargle 3 to 4 times in a day. Just take a mouthful of warm water and swirl it around your mouth. You can do it anytime, anywhere. Do this before going to bed. 7.Puffy Cheeks Exercise One of the quickest exercises to reduce fat from your upper and middle portion of your cheeks. This facial exercise strengthens your upper cheek muscles and makes your face look sculpted, lean and young. To begin with, -First, close your mouth and blow air to puff up your cheeks. Hold for 10 seconds. -Try to move the air to your right cheek and hold the air for 10 seconds. -Finally, switch to your left cheek and hold the air for 10 seconds and then exhale. -Repeat this for 10 times. 8.Smiling Fish Exercise This is a great facial exercise to firm and tone your cheeks, it reduces flabby fat from your cheeks and strengthens your cheeks. This exercise targets the fat on your lower cheeks and around the chin. Suck in your cheeks to make a fish face and then try smiling while holding this
  • 24. posture.Stay in this position for a count of 10 seconds and then repeat for 5 times.One of the easiest and effective ways to lose face fat and chubby cheeks in 10 days. 9.Face Stretching Exercise A facial yoga exercise to stretch and strengthen facial muscles, sculpt cheekbones, release tensions, reduces the lower portion of your cheeks fat and give a slim and attractive look to your face.Relax and open your eyes and lips and stick your tongue out, try to touch your chin.Hold for 10 seconds.Repeat this for 5 times. 10.Some Useful Tips to Reduce Cheek Fat
  • 25. -If you want to lose that chubby cheek fat then try not to sleep in the afternoon. -Do not sleep immediately after having your dinner, this may help fat buildup in your cheeks.Eat your dinner 2 hours before your bedtime. -Avoid foods that contain high amount of sugar, starch, and oil. -Whenever you feel thirsty, drink a glass of warm water. -Do skipping rope 100 times per day, it’s very beneficial in reducing facial fat.