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February 28, 2023
How to build a generative AI solution?
Generative AI has gained significant attention in the tech industry, with investors,
policymakers, and the society at large talking about innovative AI models like ChatGPT
and Stable Diffusion.Generative AI has gained significant attention in the tech industry,
with investors, policymakers, and the society at large talking about innovative AI models
like ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion.Recently, Jasper, a copywriter assistant, raised $125
million at a valuation of $1.5 billion, while Hugging Face and Stability AI raised $100
million and $101 million, respectively, with valuations of $2 billion and $1 billion. In a
similar vein, Inflection AI received $225 million at a post-money valuation of $1 billion.
These achievements are comparable to OpenAI, which, in 2019, secured more than $1
billion from Microsoft, with a valuation of $25 billion. This indicates that despite the current
market downturn and layoffs plaguing the tech sector, generative AI companies are still
drawing the attention of investors, and for a good reason.
Generative AI has the potential to transform industries and bring about innovative
solutions, making it a key differentiator for businesses looking to stay ahead of the curve.
It can be used for developing advanced products, creating engaging marketing
campaigns, and streamlining complex workflows, ultimately transforming the way we
work, play, and interact with the world around us.
As the name suggests, generative AI has the power to create and produce a wide range
of content, from text and images to music, code, video, and audio. While the concept is
not new, recent advances in machine learning techniques, particularly transformers, have
elevated generative AI to new heights. Hence, it is clear that embracing this technology is
essential to achieving long-term success in today’s competitive business landscape. By
leveraging the capabilities of generative AI, enterprises can stay ahead of the curve and
unlock the full potential of their operations, leading to increased profits and a more
satisfied customer base.This is why there has been a notable surge of interest in the
development of generative AI solutions in recent times.
This article provides an overview of generative AI and a detailed step-by-step guide to
building generative AI solutions.
What is generative AI?
Generative AI enables computers to generate new content using existing data, such as
text, audio files, or images. It has significant applications in various fields, including art,
music, writing, and advertising. It can also be used for data augmentation, where it
generates new data to supplement a small dataset, and for synthetic data generation,
where it generates data for tasks that are difficult or expensive to collect in the real world.
With generative AI, computers can detect the underlying patterns in the input and
produce similar content, unlocking new levels of creativity and innovation. Various
techniques make generative AI possible, including transformers, generative adversarial
networks (GANs), and variational auto-encoders. Transformers such as GPT-3, LaMDA,
Wu-Dao, and ChatGPT mimic cognitive attention and measure the significance of input
data parts. They are trained to understand language or images, learn classification tasks,
and generate texts or images from massive datasets.
GANs consist of two neural networks: a generator and a discriminator that work together
to find equilibrium between the two networks. The generator network generates new data
or content resembling the source data, while the discriminator network differentiates
between the source and generated data to recognize what is closer to the original data.
Variational auto-encoders utilize an encoder to compress the input into code, which is
then used by the decoder to reproduce the initial information. This compressed
representation stores the input data distribution in a much smaller dimensional
representation, making it an efficient and powerful tool for generative AI.
Random input Real
Some potential benefits of generative AI include
Higher efficiency: You can automate business tasks and processes using generative
AI, freeing resources for more valuable work.
Creativity: Generative AI can generate novel ideas and approaches humans might
not have otherwise considered.
Increased productivity: Generative AI helps automate tasks and processes to help
businesses increase their productivity and output.
Reduced costs: Generative AI is potentially leading to cost savings for businesses
by automating tasks that would otherwise be performed by humans.
Improved decision-making: By helping businesses analyze vast amounts of data,
generative AI allows for more informed decision-making.
Personalized experiences: Generative AI can assist businesses in delivering more
personalized experiences to their customers, enhancing the overall customer
Generative AI tech stack: An overview
In this section, we discuss the inner workings of generative AI, exploring the underlying
components, algorithms, and frameworks that power generative AI systems.
Application frameworks
Application frameworks have emerged in order to quickly incorporate and rationalize new
developments. They simplify the process of creating and updating applications. Various
frameworks such as LangChain, Fixie, Microsoft’s Semantic Kernel and Google Cloud’s
Vertex AI platform have gained popularity over time. They are being used by developers
to create applications that produce novel content, facilitate natural language searches,
and execute tasks autonomously, changing the way we work and synthesize information.
Tools ecosystem
The ecosystem allows developers to realize their ideas by utilizing their understanding of
their customers and the domain, without needing the technical expertise required at the
infrastructure level. The ecosystem comprises four elements: Models, data, evaluation
platform, and deployment.
Foundation Models (FMs) serve as the brain of the system, capable of reasoning similar
to humans. Developers have various FMs to choose from based on output quality,
modalities, context window size, cost, and latency. Developers can opt for proprietary
FMs created by vendors such as Open AI, Anthropic, or Cohere, host one of many open-
source FMs, or even train their own model. Companies like OctoML also offer services to
host models on servers, deploy them on edge devices, or even in browsers, improving
privacy, security, and reducing latency and cost.
Large Language Models (LLMs) are powerful technologies but can only reason based on
the data they were trained on. Developers can use data loaders to bring in data from
various sources, including structured data sources like databases and unstructured data
sources. Vector databases help to store vectors effectively, which can be queried in
building LLM applications. Retrieval augmented generation is a technique used for
personalizing model outputs by including data directly in the prompt, providing a
personalized experience without modifying the model weights through fine-tuning.
Evaluation platform
Developers have to balance between model performance, inference cost, and latency. By
iterating on prompts, fine-tuning the model, or switching between model providers,
performance can be improved across all vectors. Several evaluation tools exist to help
developers determine the best prompts, provide offline and online experimentation
tracking, and monitor model performance in production.
Once the applications are ready, developers need to deploy them in production. This can
be achieved by self-hosting LLM applications and deploying them using popular
frameworks like Gradio, or using third-party services. Fixie, for example, can be used to
build, share, and deploy AI agents in production. This complete generative AI stack is
revolutionizing the way we create and process information and the way we work.
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Generative AI applications
Generative AI is poised to drive the next generation of apps and transform how we
approach programming, content development, visual arts, and other creative design and
engineering tasks. Here are some areas where generative AI finds application:
With advanced generative AI algorithms, you can transform any ordinary image into a
stunning work of art imbued with your favorite artwork’s unique style and features.
Whether you are starting with a rough doodle or a hand-drawn sketch of a human face,
generative graphics algorithms can transform your initial creation into a photorealistic
output. These algorithms can even instruct a computer to render any image in the style of
a specific human artist, allowing you to achieve a level of authenticity that was previously
unimaginable. The possibilities don’t stop there! Generative graphics can conjure new
patterns, figures, and details that weren’t even present in the original image, taking your
artistic creations to new heights of imagination and innovation.
With AI, your photos can now look even more lifelike! AI algorithms have the power to
detect and fill in any missing, obscure, or misleading visual elements in your photos. You
can say goodbye to disappointing images and hello to stunningly enhanced, corrected
photos that truly capture the essence of your subject.There are additional benefits that
you can reap. AI technology can also transform your low-resolution photos into high-
resolution masterpieces that look as if a professional photographer has captured them.
The detail and clarity of your images will be taken to the next level, making your photos
truly stand out. And that’s not all – AI can also generate natural-looking, synthetic human
faces by blending existing portraits or abstracting features from any specific portrait. It’s
like having a professional artist at your fingertips, creating breathtaking images that will
amaze everyone. But perhaps the most exciting feature of AI technology is its ability to
generate photo-realistic images from semantic label maps. You can bring your vision to
life by transforming simple labels into a stunning, lifelike image that will take your breath
Experience the next generation of AI-powered audio and music technology with
generative AI! With the power of this AI technology, you can now transform any computer-
generated voice into a natural-sounding human voice, as if it were produced in a human
vocal tract. This technology can also translate text to speech with remarkable
naturalness. Whether you are creating a podcast, audiobook, or any other type of audio
content, generative AI can bring your words to life in a way that truly connects with your
audience. Also, if you want to create music that expresses authentic human emotion, AI
can help you achieve your vision. These algorithms have the ability to compose music
that feels like it was created by a human musician, with all the soul and feeling that
comes with it. Whether you are looking to create a stirring soundtrack or a catchy jingle,
generative AI helps you achieve your musical dreams.
When it comes to making a film, every director has a unique vision for the final product,
and with the power of generative AI, that vision can now be brought to life in ways that
were previously impossible. By using it, directors can now tweak individual frames in their
motion pictures to achieve any desired style, lighting, or other effects. Whether it is adding
a dramatic flair or enhancing the natural beauty of a scene, AI can help filmmakers
achieve their artistic vision like never before.
Transform the way you create content with the power of generative AI technology!
Utilizing generative AI, you can now generate natural language content at a rapid pace
and in large varieties while maintaining a high level of quality. From captions to
annotations, AI can generate a variety of narratives from images and other content,
making it easier than ever to create engaging and informative content for your audience.
With the ability to blend existing fonts into new designs, you can take your visual content
to the next level, creating unique and eye-catching designs that truly stand out.
Unlock the full potential of AI technology and enhance your programming skills. With AI,
you can now generate builds of program code that address specific application domains
of interest, making it easier than ever to create high-quality code that meets your unique
needs. But that’s not all – AI can also generate generative code that has the ability to
learn from existing code and generate new code based on that knowledge. This
innovative technology can help streamline the programming process, saving time and
increasing efficiency.
The landscape of generative AI applications is vast, encompassing a myriad of
possibilities. The examples provided here offer just a snapshot of the most common and
widely recognized use cases in this expansive and dynamic field.
How can you leverage generative AI technology for building
robust solutions?
Generative AI technology is a rapidly growing field that offers a range of powerful
solutions for various industries. By leveraging this technology, you can create robust and
innovative solutions based on your industry that can help you to stay ahead of the
competition. Here are some of the areas of implementation:
Automated custom software engineering
Generative AI is reforming automated software engineering; leading the way are startups
like GitHub’s CoPilot and Debuild, which use OpenAI’s GPT-3 and Codex to streamline
coding processes and allow users to design and deploy web applications using their
voice. Debuild’s open-source engine even lets users develop complex apps from just a
few lines of commands. With AI-generated engineering designs, test cases, and
automation, companies can develop digital solutions faster and more cost-effectively than
ever before.
Automated custom software engineering using generative AI involves using machine
learning models to generate code and automate software development processes. This
technology streamlines coding, generates engineering designs, creates test cases, and
test automation, thereby reducing the costs and time associated with software
One way generative AI is used in automated custom software engineering is through the
use of natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning models, such as GPT-3
and Codex. These models can be used to understand and interpret natural language
instructions and generate corresponding code to automate software development tasks.
Another way generative AI is used is through the use of automated machine learning
(AutoML) tools. AutoML can be used to automatically generate models for specific tasks,
such as classification or regression, without requiring manual configuration or tuning. This
can help reduce the time and resources needed for software development.
Content generation with management
Generative AI is redefining digital content creation by enabling businesses to quickly and
efficiently generate high-quality content using intelligent bots. There are numerous use
cases for autonomous content generation, including creating better-performing digital
ads, producing optimized copy for websites and apps, and quickly generating content for
marketing pitches. By leveraging AI algorithms, businesses can optimize their ad creative
and messaging to engage with potential customers, tailor their copy to readers’ needs,
reduce research time, and generate persuasive copy and targeted messaging.
Autonomous content generation is a powerful tool for any business, allowing them to
create high-quality content faster and more efficiently than ever before while augmenting
human creativity.
Omneky, Grammarly, DeepL, and Hypotenuse are leading services in the AI-powered
content generation space. Omneky uses deep learning to customize advertising creatives
across digital platforms, creating ads with a higher probability of increasing sales.
Grammarly offers an AI-powered writing assistant for basic grammar, spelling corrections,
and stylistic advice. DeepL is a natural language processing platform that generates
optimized copy for any project with its unique language understanding capabilities.
Hypotenuse automates the process of creating product descriptions, blog articles, and
advertising captions using AI-driven algorithms to create high-quality content in a fraction
of the time it would typically take to write manually.
Marketing and customer experience
Generative AI transforms marketing and customer experience by enabling businesses to
create personalized and tailored content at scale. With the help of AI-powered tools,
businesses can generate high-quality content quickly and efficiently, saving time and
resources. Autonomous content generation can be used for various marketing
campaigns, copywriting, true personalization, assessing user insights, and creating high-
quality user content quickly. This can include blog articles, ad captions, product
descriptions, and more. AI-powered startups such as,, Jasper, and Andi
are using generative AI models to create contextual content tailored to the needs of their
customers. These platforms simplify virtual assistant development, generate marketing
materials, provide conversational search engines, and help businesses save time and
increase conversion rates.
Generative AI is transforming the healthcare industry by accelerating the drug discovery
process, improving cancer diagnosis, assisting with diagnostically challenging tasks, and
even supporting day-to-day medical tasks. Here are some examples:
Mini protein drug discovery and development: Ordaos Bio uses its proprietary AI
engine to accelerate the mini protein drug discovery process by uncovering critical
patterns in drug discovery.
Cancer diagnostics: Paige AI has developed generative models to assist with
cancer diagnostics, creating more accurate algorithms and increasing the accuracy
of diagnosis.
Diagnostically challenging tasks: Ansible Health utilizes its ChatGPT program for
functions that would otherwise be difficult for humans, such as diagnostically
challenging tasks.
Day-to-day medical tasks: AI technology can include additional data such as vocal
tone, body language, and facial expressions to determine a patient’s condition,
leading to quicker and more accurate diagnoses for medical professionals.
Antibody therapeutics: Absci Corporation uses machine learning to predict
antibodies’ specificity, structure, and binding energy for faster and more efficient
development of therapeutic antibodies.
Generative AI is also being used for day-to-day medical tasks, such as wellness checks
and general practitioner tasks, with the help of additional data, such as vocal tone, body
language, and facial expressions, to determine a patient’s condition.
Product design and development
Generative AI is transforming product design and development by providing innovative
solutions that are too complex for humans to create. It can help automate data analysis
and identify trends in customer behavior and preferences to inform product design.
Furthermore, generative AI technology allows for virtual simulations of products to
improve design accuracy, solve complex problems more efficiently, and speed up the
research and development process. Startups such as Uizard, Ideeza, and Neural
Concept provide AI-powered platforms that help optimize product engineering and
improve R&D cycles. Uizard allows teams to create interactive user interfaces quickly,
Ideeza helps identify optimal therapeutic antibodies for drug development, and Neural
Concept provides deep-learning algorithms for enhanced engineering to optimize product
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How to build a generative AI solution? A step-by-step guide
Building a generative AI solution requires a deep understanding of both the technology
and the specific problem it aims to solve. It involves designing and training AI models to
generate novel outputs based on input data, often optimizing a specific metric. Several
key steps must be performed to build a successful generative AI solution, including
defining the problem, collecting and preprocessing data, selecting appropriate algorithms
and models, training and fine-tuning the models, and deploying the solution in a real-
world context. Let us dive into the process.
Step 1: Defining the problem and objective setting
Every technological endeavor begins with identifying a challenge or need. In the context
of generative AI, it’s paramount to comprehend the problem to be addressed and the
desired outputs. A deep understanding of the specific technology and its capabilities is
equally crucial, as it sets the foundation for the rest of the journey.
Understanding the challenge: Any generative AI project begins with a clear
problem definition. It’s essential first to articulate the exact nature of the problem.
Are we trying to generate novel text in a particular style? Do we want a model that
creates new images considering specific constraints? Or perhaps the challenge is to
simulate certain types of music or sounds. Each of these problems requires a
different approach and different types of data.
Detailing the desired outputs: Once the overarching problem is defined, it’s time
to drill down into specifics. If the challenge revolves around text, what language or
languages will the model work with? What resolution or aspect ratio are we aiming
for if it’s about images? What about color schemes or artistic styles? The granularity
of your expected output can dictate the complexity of the model and the depth of
data it requires.
Technological deep dive: With a clear picture of the problem and desired
outcomes, it’s necessary to delve into the underlying technology. This means
understanding the mechanics of the neural networks at play, particularly the
architecture best suited for the task. For instance, if the AI aims to generate images,
a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) might be more appropriate, whereas
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) or Transformer-based models like GPT and
BERT are better suited for sequential data like text.
Capabilities and limitations: Understanding the capabilities of the chosen
technology is just as crucial as understanding its limitations. For instance, while
GPT-3 may be exceptional at generating coherent and diverse text over short
spans, it might struggle to maintain consistency in longer narratives. Knowing these
nuances helps set realistic expectations and devise strategies to overcome potential
Setting quantitative metrics: Finally, a tangible measure of success is crucial.
Define metrics that will be used to evaluate the performance of the model. For text,
this could involve metrics like BLEU or ROUGE scores, which measure the
coherence and relevance of generated content. For images, metrics such as
Inception Score or Frechet Inception Distance can gauge the quality and diversity of
generated images.
Step 2: Data collection and management
Before training an AI model, one needs data and lots of it. This process entails gathering
vast datasets and ensuring their relevance and quality. Data should be sourced from
diverse sources, curated for accuracy, and stripped of any copyrighted or sensitive
content. Additionally, to ensure compliance and ethical considerations, one must be
aware of regional or country-specific rules and regulations regarding data usage.
Key steps include:
Sourcing the data: Building a generative AI solution starts with identifying the right
data sources. Depending on the problem at hand, data can come from databases,
web scraping, sensor outputs, APIs, or even proprietary datasets. The choice of
data source often determines the quality and authenticity of the data, which in turn
impacts the final performance of the AI model.
Diversity and volume: Generative models thrive on vast and varied data. The
more diverse the dataset, the better the model will generate diverse outputs. This
involves collecting data across different scenarios, conditions, environments, and
modalities. For instance, if one is training a model to generate images of objects,
the dataset should ideally contain pictures of these objects taken under various
lighting conditions, from different angles, and against different backgrounds.
Data quality and relevance: A model is only as good as the data it’s trained on.
Ensuring data relevance means that the collected data accurately represents the
kind of tasks the model will eventually perform. Data quality is paramount; noisy,
incorrect, or low-quality data can significantly degrade model performance and even
introduce biases.
Data cleaning and preprocessing: It often requires cleaning and preprocessing
before feeding data into a model. This step can include handling missing values,
removing duplicates, eliminating outliers, and other tasks that ensure data integrity.
Additionally, some generative models require data in specific formats, such as
tokenized sentences for text or normalized pixel values for images.
Handling copyrighted and sensitive information: With vast data collection,
there’s always a risk of inadvertently collecting copyrighted or sensitive information.
Automated filtering tools and manual audits can help identify and eliminate such
data, ensuring legal and ethical compliance.
Ethical considerations and compliance: Data privacy laws, such as GDPR in
Europe or CCPA in California, impose strict guidelines on data collection, storage,
and usage. Before using any data, it’s essential to ensure that all permissions are in
place and that the data collection processes adhere to regional and international
standards. This might include anonymizing personal data, allowing users to opt out
of data collection, and ensuring data encryption and secure storage.
Data versioning and management: As the model evolves and gets refined over
time, the data used for its training might also change. Implementing data versioning
solutions, like DVC or other data management tools, can help keep track of various
data versions, ensuring reproducibility and systematic model development.
Step 3: Data processing and labeling
Once data is collected, it must be refined and ready for the training. This means cleaning
the data to eliminate errors, normalizing it to a standard scale, and augmenting the
dataset to improve its richness and depth. Beyond these steps, data labeling is essential.
This involves manually annotating or categorizing data to facilitate more effective AI
Data cleaning: Before data can be used for model training, it must be devoid of
inconsistencies, missing values, and errors. Data cleaning tools, such as pandas in
Python, allow for handling missing data, identifying and removing outliers, and
ensuring the integrity of the dataset. For text data, cleaning might also involve
removing special characters, correcting spelling errors, or even handling emojis.
Normalization and standardization: Data often comes in varying scales and
ranges. Data needs to be normalized or standardized to ensure that one feature
doesn’t unduly influence the model due to its scale. Normalization typically scales
features to a range between 0 and 1, while standardization rescales features with a
mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. Techniques such as Min-Max Scaling or Z-
score normalization are commonly employed.
Data augmentation: For models, especially those in the field of computer vision,
data augmentation is a game-changer. It artificially increases the size of the training
dataset by applying various transformations like rotations, translations, zooming, or
even color variations. For text data, augmentation might involve synonym
replacement, back translation, or sentence shuffling. Augmentation not only
improves model robustness but also prevents overfitting by introducing variability.
Feature extraction and engineering: Often, raw data isn’t directly fed into AI
models. Features, which are individual measurable properties of the data, need to
be extracted. For images, this might involve extracting edge patterns or color
histograms. For text, this can mean tokenization, stemming, or using embeddings
like Word2Vec or BERT. Feature engineering enhances the predictive power of the
data, making models more efficient.
Data splitting: The collected data is generally divided into training, validation, and
test datasets. This allows for the effective training of models, hyperparameter tuning
on the validation set, and eventual testing of model generalization on the test
Data labeling: Data needs to be labeled for many AI tasks, especially supervised
learning. This involves annotating the data with correct answers or categories. For
instance, images might be labeled with what they depict, or text data might be
labeled with sentiment. Manual labeling can be time-consuming and is often
outsourced to platforms like Amazon Mechanical Turk. Semi-automated methods,
where AI pre-labels and humans verify, are also becoming popular. Label quality is
paramount; errors in labels can significantly degrade model performance.
Ensuring data consistency: It’s essential to ensure chronological consistency,
especially when dealing with time-series data or sequences. This might involve
sorting, timestamp synchronization, or even filling gaps using interpolation methods.
Embeddings and transformations: Especially in the case of text data, converting
words into vectors (known as embeddings) is crucial. Pre-trained embeddings like
GloVe, FastText, or transformer-based methods like BERT provide dense vector
representations, capturing semantic meanings.
Step 4: Choosing a foundational model
With data prepared, it’s time to select a foundational model, be it GPT, LLaMA, Palm2, or
another suitable option. These models serve as a starting point upon which additional
training and fine-tuning are conducted, tailored to the specific problem.
Understanding foundational models: Foundational models are large-scale pre-trained
models resulting from training on vast datasets. They capture a wide array of patterns,
structures, and even work knowledge. By starting with these models, developers can
leverage the inherent capabilities and further fine-tune them for specific tasks, saving
significant time and computational resources.
Factors to consider when choosing a foundational model:
Task specificity: Depending on the specific generative task, one model might be
more appropriate than another. For instance:
GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer): This is widely used for text
generation tasks because it produces coherent and contextually relevant text
over long passages. It’s suitable for tasks like content creation, chatbots, and
even code generation.
LLaMA: If the task revolves around multi-lingual capabilities or requires
understanding across different languages, LLaMA could be a choice to
Palm2: Specifics about Palm2 would be contingent on its characteristics as of
the last update. However, understanding its strengths, weaknesses, and
primary use cases is crucial when choosing.
Dataset compatibility: The foundational model’s nature should align with the data
you have. For instance, a model pre-trained primarily on textual data might not be
the best fit for image generation tasks.
Model size and computational requirements: Larger models like GPT-3 come
with millions, or even billions, of parameters. While they offer high performance, but
require considerable computational power and memory. One might opt for smaller
versions or different architectures depending on the infrastructure and resources
Transfer learning capability: A model’s ability to generalize from one task to
another, known as transfer learning, is vital. Some models are better suited to
transfer their learned knowledge to diverse tasks.
Community and ecosystem: Often, the choice of a model is influenced by the
community support and tools available around it. A robust ecosystem can ease the
process of implementation, fine-tuning, and deployment.
Step 5: Model training and fine-tuning
The heart of generative AI is the model training phase. Using techniques like neural
networks and deep learning, the model is fed the prepared data, learning to identify and
emulate patterns found within. Once a foundational model has been adequately trained,
fine-tuning becomes necessary. This step involves tweaking or refining the model for
specific tasks or domains. For example, a model could be fine-tuned to generate poetry
by training it on a vast corpus of poetic content.
Fine-tuning means adjusting the model’s weights using the specific dataset to align the
model’s outputs more closely with the desired outcomes. Techniques such as differential
learning rates (where different model layers are trained at different learning rates) can be
employed. Tools like Hugging Face’s Transformers library make the process of fine-tuning
more straightforward for many foundational models.
The fine-tuning process:
Initial setup:
Data preparation: The specific dataset you intend to fine-tune the model on
needs to be well-processed and ready for input. This involves tasks like
tokenization (converting text into tokens) and batching (grouping data into
batches for training).
Model architecture: While the architecture remains the same as the foundational
model, the final layer may be modified to suit the specific task, especially if it’s a
classification problem with different categories.
Adjusting weights:
At its core, fine-tuning is about adjusting the generalized weights of the
foundational model to suit the specific task better. This is achieved by back-
propagating the errors from the task-specific data through the model and
adjusting the weights accordingly.
As the model is already quite proficient due to its pre-training, fine-tuning often
requires fewer epochs (full passes over the dataset) compared to training a
model from scratch.
Differential learning rates:
Instead of using a single learning rate for all layers of the model, differential
learning rates involve applying different rates to different layers. Earlier layers
(which capture basic features) are typically fine-tuned with smaller learning
rates, while later layers (which capture more task-specific features) are
adjusted with larger rates.
This approach is based on the observation that after their extensive pre-
training, foundational models already have early layers that capture general
features well. The more task-specific nuances are often better captured in the
deeper layers, necessitating more aggressive fine-tuning.
Regularization techniques:
Given that fine-tuning uses a specific dataset, there’s a risk of the model
overfitting to this data. Regularization techniques such as dropout (randomly
setting a fraction of input units to 0 at each update during training time) or
weight decay (a form of L2 regularization) can be applied to ensure the model
doesn’t overfit.
Layer normalization can also stabilize the neurons’ activations in the neural
network, improving training speed and model performance.
Using tools for fine-tuning:
Hugging Face’s Transformers Library: It offers a rich collection of pre-
trained models and makes fine-tuning them relatively straightforward. With just
a few lines of code, one can load a foundational model, fine-tune it on specific
data, and save the fine-tuned model for subsequent use.
It also provides tokenization, data processing, and even evaluation tools,
making the workflow seamless.
Step 6: Model evaluation and refinement
After training, the AI model’s efficacy must be gauged. This evaluation measures the
similarity between the AI-generated outputs and actual data. But evaluation isn’t the
endpoint; refinement is a continuous process. Over time, and with more data or feedback,
the model undergoes adjustments to improve its accuracy, reduce inconsistencies, and
enhance its output quality.
Model evaluation: Model evaluation is a pivotal step to ascertain the model’s
performance after training. This process ensures the model achieves the desired results
and is reliable in varied scenarios.
Metrics and loss functions:
Depending on the task, various metrics can be employed. For generative
tasks, metrics like Frechet Inception Distance (FID) or Inception Score can be
used to quantify how generated data is similar to real data.
For textual tasks, BLEU, ROUGE, and METEOR scores might be used to
compare generated text to reference text.
Additionally, monitoring the loss function, which measures the difference
between the predicted outputs and actual data, provides insights into the
model’s convergence.
Validation and test sets:
It’s evaluated on a separate validation set during training to ensure the model
is not overfitting the training data. This aids in hyperparameter tuning and
model selection.
Post-training, the model is evaluated on a test set, a dataset it has never seen
before, to measure its generalization capability.
Qualitative analysis:
Beyond quantitative metrics, it’s often insightful to visually or manually inspect
the generated outputs. This can help identify glaring errors, biases, or
inconsistencies that might not be evident in numerical evaluations.
Model refinement: Ensuring that a model performs optimally often requires iterative
refinement based on evaluations and feedback.
Hyperparameter tuning:
Parameters like learning rate, batch size, and regularization factors can
significantly influence a model’s performance. Techniques like grid search,
random search, or Bayesian optimization can be employed to find the best
Architecture adjustments:
One might consider tweaking the model’s architecture depending on the
evaluation results. This could involve adding or reducing layers, changing the
type of layers, or adjusting the number of neurons.
Transfer learning and further fine-tuning:
In some cases, it might be beneficial to leverage transfer learning by using
weights from another successful model as a starting point.
Additionally, based on feedback, the model can undergo further fine-tuning on
specific subsets of data or with additional data to address specific
Regularization and dropout:
Increasing regularization or dropout rates can improve generalization if the
model is overfitting. Conversely, if the model is underfitting, reducing them
might be necessary.
Feedback loop integration:
An efficient way to refine models, especially in production environments, is to
establish feedback loops where users or systems can provide feedback on
generated outputs. This feedback can then be used for further training and
Monitoring drift:
Models in production might face data drift, where the nature of the incoming
data changes over time. Monitoring for drift and refining the model accordingly
ensures that the AI solution remains accurate and relevant.
Adversarial training:
For generative models, adversarial training, where the model is trained
against an adversary aiming to find its weaknesses, can be an effective
refinement method. This is especially prevalent in Generative Adversarial
Networks (GANs).
While model evaluation provides a snapshot of the model’s performance, refinement is an
ongoing process. It ensures that the model remains robust, accurate, and effective as the
environment, data, or requirements evolve.
Step 7: Deployment and monitoring
When the model is ready, it’s time for deployment. However, deployment isn’t merely a
technical exercise; it also involves ethics. Principles of transparency, fairness, and
accountability must guide the release of any generative AI into the real world. Once
deployed, continuous monitoring is imperative. Regular checks, feedback collection, and
system metric analysis ensure that the model remains efficient, accurate, and ethically
sound in diverse real-world scenarios.
Infrastructure setup:
Depending on the size and complexity of the model, appropriate hardware
infrastructure must be selected. For large models, GPU or TPU-based
systems might be needed.
Cloud platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure offer ML deployment
services, such as SageMaker, AI Platform, or Azure Machine Learning, which
facilitate scaling and managing deployed models.
Container technologies like Docker can encapsulate the model and its
dependencies, ensuring consistent performance across diverse environments.
Orchestration tools such as Kubernetes can manage and scale these
containers as per the demand.
API integration:
For easy access by applications or services, models are often deployed
behind APIs using frameworks like FastAPI or Flask.
Ethical considerations:
Anonymization: It’s vital to anonymize inputs and outputs to preserve privacy,
especially when dealing with user data.
Bias check: Before deployment, it’s imperative to conduct thorough checks for
any unintended biases the model may have imbibed during training.
Fairness: Ensuring the model does not discriminate or produce biased results
for different user groups is crucial.
Transparency and accountability:
Documentation: Clearly document the model’s capabilities, limitations, and
expected behaviors.
Open channels: Create mechanisms for users or stakeholders to ask
questions or raise concerns.
Performance metrics:
Monitoring tools track real-time metrics like latency, throughput, and error
rates. Alarms can be set for any anomalies.
Feedback loops:
Establish mechanisms to gather user feedback on model outputs. This can be
invaluable in identifying issues and areas for improvement.
Model drift detection:
Over time, the incoming data’s nature may change, causing a drift. Tools like
TensorFlow Data Validation can monitor for such changes.
Re-training cycles:
Based on feedback and monitored metrics, models might need periodic re-
training with fresh data to maintain accuracy.
Logging and audit trails:
Keep detailed logs of all model predictions, especially for critical applications.
This ensures traceability and accountability.
Ethical monitoring:
Set up systems to detect any unintended consequences or harmful behaviors
of the AI. Continuously update guidelines and policies to prevent such
Regularly check for vulnerabilities in the deployment infrastructure. Ensure
data encryption, implement proper authentication mechanisms, and follow
best security practices.
Deployment is a multifaceted process where the model is transitioned into real-world
scenarios. Monitoring ensures its continuous alignment with technical requirements, user
expectations, and ethical standards. Both steps require the marriage of technology and
ethics to ensure the generative AI solution is functional and responsible.
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Build a generative AI solution: A-chat interface using GPT4
We will construct a simple chat interface using Streamlit for a seamless user experience.
This will involve leveraging GPT4 and Streamlit for a minimal UI. We will use OpenAI’s
Chat completion API. The complete code is available in the Git repository. Here, we
explain the code in a step-by-step manner.
Before we commence developing this application, it’s imperative to ensure that the
packages openai, streamlit, and streamlit-chat, are installed:
pip install openai streamlit streamlit-chat
Maintaining records of conversation history
It’s crucial to convey the conversation history to the API, enabling the model to
comprehend the context. Essentially, we need to control the chat model’s memory as it’s
not automatically managed by the API. We achieve this by generating a session state list,
where we store an initial system message and then continuously add model interactions.
if 'messages' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['messages'] = [
{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."}
def generate_response(prompt):
st.session_state['messages'].append({"role": "user", "content": prompt})
completion = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
response = completion.choices[0].message.content
st.session_state['messages'].append({"role": "assistant", "content": response})
Presenting the conversation
We utilize the message function from the streamlit-chat package to visually render the
conversation. By iterating over the saved interactions, we display the dialogue in
chronological order, beginning with the earliest interaction at the top, mirroring the
presentation style of ChatGPT.
from streamlit_chat import message
if st.session_state['generated']:
with response_container:
for i in range(len(st.session_state['generated'])):
message(st.session_state["past"][i], is_user=True, key=str(i) + '_user')
message(st.session_state["generated"][i], key=str(i))
Presenting additional details
We have also incorporated a feature to provide some insightful metadata for each
interaction, enhancing usability. For instance, we can display the specific model used
(which could vary between interactions), the number of tokens consumed in the
interaction, and the corresponding cost, as per OpenAI’s pricing structure.
total_tokens = completion.usage.total_tokens
prompt_tokens = completion.usage.prompt_tokens
completion_tokens = completion.usage.completion_tokens
if model_name == "GPT-3.5":
cost = total_tokens * 0.002 / 1000
cost = (prompt_tokens * 0.03 + completion_tokens * 0.06) / 1000
f"Model used: {st.session_state['model_name'][i]}; Number of tokens:
{st.session_state['total_tokens'][i]}; Cost: ${st.session_state['cost'][i]:.5f}")
Final step
Having adhered to these procedures, we have effectively created a user-friendly and
adjustable chat interface. This lets us interact with GPT-based models independently,
without the need for applications like ChatGPT. With the following command, we are now
ready to operate the application:
streamlit run
Best practices for building generative AI solutions
Building generative AI solutions involve a complex process that needs careful planning,
execution, and monitoring to ensure success. By following the best practices, you can
increase the chances of success of your generative AI solution with desired outcomes.
Here are some of the best practices for building generative AI solutions:
Define clear objectives: Clearly define the problem you want to solve and the
objectives of the generative AI solution during the design and development phase to
ensure that the solution meets the desired goals.
Gather high-quality data: Feed the model with high-quality data that is relevant to
the problem you want to solve for model training. Ensure the quality of data and its
relevance by cleaning and preprocessing it.
Use appropriate algorithms: Choose appropriate algorithms for the problem you
want to solve, which involves testing different algorithms to select the best-
performing one.
Create a robust and scalable architecture: Create a robust and scalable architecture
to handle increased usage and demand using distributed computing, load
balancing, and caching to distribute the workload across multiple servers.
Optimize for performance: Optimize the solution for performance by using
techniques such as caching, data partitioning, and asynchronous processing to
improve the speed and efficiency of the solution.
Monitor performance: Continuously monitor the solution’s performance to identify
any issues or bottlenecks that may impact performance. This can involve using
performance profiling tools, log analysis, and metrics monitoring.
Ensure security and privacy: Ensure the solution is secure and protects user privacy
by implementing appropriate security measures such as encryption, access control,
and data anonymization.
Test thoroughly: Thoroughly test the solution to ensure it meets the desired quality
standards in various real-world scenarios and environments.
Document the development process: Document the development process that
includes code, data, and experiments used in development to ensure it is
reproducible and transparent.
Continuously improve the solution: Continuously improve the solution by
incorporating user feedback, monitoring performance, and incorporating new
features and capabilities.
We are at the dawn of a new era where generative AI is the driving force behind the most
successful and autonomous enterprises. Companies are already embracing the incredible
power of generative AI to deploy, maintain, and monitor complex systems with
unparalleled ease and efficiency. By harnessing the limitless potential of this cutting-edge
technology, businesses can make smarter decisions, take calculated risks, and stay agile
in rapidly changing market conditions. As we continue to push the boundaries of
generative AI, its applications will become increasingly widespread and essential to our
daily lives. With generative AI on their side, companies can unlock unprecedented levels
of innovation, efficiency, speed, and accuracy, creating an unbeatable advantage in
today’s hyper-competitive marketplace. From medicine and product development to
finance, logistics, and transportation, the possibilities are endless.
So, let us embrace the generative AI revolution and unlock the full potential of this
incredible technology. By doing so, we can pave the way for a new era of enterprise
success and establish our position as leaders in innovation and progress.

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How to build a generative AI solution.pdf

  • 1. 1/22 February 28, 2023 How to build a generative AI solution? Generative AI has gained significant attention in the tech industry, with investors, policymakers, and the society at large talking about innovative AI models like ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion.Generative AI has gained significant attention in the tech industry, with investors, policymakers, and the society at large talking about innovative AI models like ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion.Recently, Jasper, a copywriter assistant, raised $125 million at a valuation of $1.5 billion, while Hugging Face and Stability AI raised $100 million and $101 million, respectively, with valuations of $2 billion and $1 billion. In a similar vein, Inflection AI received $225 million at a post-money valuation of $1 billion. These achievements are comparable to OpenAI, which, in 2019, secured more than $1 billion from Microsoft, with a valuation of $25 billion. This indicates that despite the current market downturn and layoffs plaguing the tech sector, generative AI companies are still drawing the attention of investors, and for a good reason. Generative AI has the potential to transform industries and bring about innovative solutions, making it a key differentiator for businesses looking to stay ahead of the curve. It can be used for developing advanced products, creating engaging marketing campaigns, and streamlining complex workflows, ultimately transforming the way we work, play, and interact with the world around us. As the name suggests, generative AI has the power to create and produce a wide range of content, from text and images to music, code, video, and audio. While the concept is not new, recent advances in machine learning techniques, particularly transformers, have elevated generative AI to new heights. Hence, it is clear that embracing this technology is
  • 2. 2/22 essential to achieving long-term success in today’s competitive business landscape. By leveraging the capabilities of generative AI, enterprises can stay ahead of the curve and unlock the full potential of their operations, leading to increased profits and a more satisfied customer base.This is why there has been a notable surge of interest in the development of generative AI solutions in recent times. This article provides an overview of generative AI and a detailed step-by-step guide to building generative AI solutions. What is generative AI? Generative AI enables computers to generate new content using existing data, such as text, audio files, or images. It has significant applications in various fields, including art, music, writing, and advertising. It can also be used for data augmentation, where it generates new data to supplement a small dataset, and for synthetic data generation, where it generates data for tasks that are difficult or expensive to collect in the real world. With generative AI, computers can detect the underlying patterns in the input and produce similar content, unlocking new levels of creativity and innovation. Various techniques make generative AI possible, including transformers, generative adversarial networks (GANs), and variational auto-encoders. Transformers such as GPT-3, LaMDA, Wu-Dao, and ChatGPT mimic cognitive attention and measure the significance of input data parts. They are trained to understand language or images, learn classification tasks, and generate texts or images from massive datasets.
  • 3. 3/22 GANs consist of two neural networks: a generator and a discriminator that work together to find equilibrium between the two networks. The generator network generates new data or content resembling the source data, while the discriminator network differentiates between the source and generated data to recognize what is closer to the original data. Variational auto-encoders utilize an encoder to compress the input into code, which is then used by the decoder to reproduce the initial information. This compressed representation stores the input data distribution in a much smaller dimensional representation, making it an efficient and powerful tool for generative AI.
  • 4. 4/22 Generator Random input Real examples Real examples Real examples Some potential benefits of generative AI include Higher efficiency: You can automate business tasks and processes using generative AI, freeing resources for more valuable work. Creativity: Generative AI can generate novel ideas and approaches humans might not have otherwise considered. Increased productivity: Generative AI helps automate tasks and processes to help businesses increase their productivity and output. Reduced costs: Generative AI is potentially leading to cost savings for businesses by automating tasks that would otherwise be performed by humans. Improved decision-making: By helping businesses analyze vast amounts of data, generative AI allows for more informed decision-making. Personalized experiences: Generative AI can assist businesses in delivering more personalized experiences to their customers, enhancing the overall customer experience. Generative AI tech stack: An overview In this section, we discuss the inner workings of generative AI, exploring the underlying components, algorithms, and frameworks that power generative AI systems. Application frameworks
  • 5. 5/22 Application frameworks have emerged in order to quickly incorporate and rationalize new developments. They simplify the process of creating and updating applications. Various frameworks such as LangChain, Fixie, Microsoft’s Semantic Kernel and Google Cloud’s Vertex AI platform have gained popularity over time. They are being used by developers to create applications that produce novel content, facilitate natural language searches, and execute tasks autonomously, changing the way we work and synthesize information. Tools ecosystem The ecosystem allows developers to realize their ideas by utilizing their understanding of their customers and the domain, without needing the technical expertise required at the infrastructure level. The ecosystem comprises four elements: Models, data, evaluation platform, and deployment. Models Foundation Models (FMs) serve as the brain of the system, capable of reasoning similar to humans. Developers have various FMs to choose from based on output quality, modalities, context window size, cost, and latency. Developers can opt for proprietary FMs created by vendors such as Open AI, Anthropic, or Cohere, host one of many open- source FMs, or even train their own model. Companies like OctoML also offer services to host models on servers, deploy them on edge devices, or even in browsers, improving privacy, security, and reducing latency and cost. Data Large Language Models (LLMs) are powerful technologies but can only reason based on the data they were trained on. Developers can use data loaders to bring in data from various sources, including structured data sources like databases and unstructured data sources. Vector databases help to store vectors effectively, which can be queried in building LLM applications. Retrieval augmented generation is a technique used for personalizing model outputs by including data directly in the prompt, providing a personalized experience without modifying the model weights through fine-tuning. Evaluation platform Developers have to balance between model performance, inference cost, and latency. By iterating on prompts, fine-tuning the model, or switching between model providers, performance can be improved across all vectors. Several evaluation tools exist to help developers determine the best prompts, provide offline and online experimentation tracking, and monitor model performance in production. Deployment Once the applications are ready, developers need to deploy them in production. This can be achieved by self-hosting LLM applications and deploying them using popular frameworks like Gradio, or using third-party services. Fixie, for example, can be used to
  • 6. 6/22 build, share, and deploy AI agents in production. This complete generative AI stack is revolutionizing the way we create and process information and the way we work. Launch your project with LeewayHertz Leverage our GenAI solutions and services to simplify your business processes and elevate the effectiveness of your customer-facing systems. Learn More Generative AI applications Generative AI is poised to drive the next generation of apps and transform how we approach programming, content development, visual arts, and other creative design and engineering tasks. Here are some areas where generative AI finds application: Graphics With advanced generative AI algorithms, you can transform any ordinary image into a stunning work of art imbued with your favorite artwork’s unique style and features. Whether you are starting with a rough doodle or a hand-drawn sketch of a human face, generative graphics algorithms can transform your initial creation into a photorealistic output. These algorithms can even instruct a computer to render any image in the style of a specific human artist, allowing you to achieve a level of authenticity that was previously unimaginable. The possibilities don’t stop there! Generative graphics can conjure new patterns, figures, and details that weren’t even present in the original image, taking your artistic creations to new heights of imagination and innovation. Photos With AI, your photos can now look even more lifelike! AI algorithms have the power to detect and fill in any missing, obscure, or misleading visual elements in your photos. You can say goodbye to disappointing images and hello to stunningly enhanced, corrected photos that truly capture the essence of your subject.There are additional benefits that you can reap. AI technology can also transform your low-resolution photos into high- resolution masterpieces that look as if a professional photographer has captured them. The detail and clarity of your images will be taken to the next level, making your photos truly stand out. And that’s not all – AI can also generate natural-looking, synthetic human faces by blending existing portraits or abstracting features from any specific portrait. It’s like having a professional artist at your fingertips, creating breathtaking images that will amaze everyone. But perhaps the most exciting feature of AI technology is its ability to generate photo-realistic images from semantic label maps. You can bring your vision to life by transforming simple labels into a stunning, lifelike image that will take your breath away. Audio
  • 7. 7/22 Experience the next generation of AI-powered audio and music technology with generative AI! With the power of this AI technology, you can now transform any computer- generated voice into a natural-sounding human voice, as if it were produced in a human vocal tract. This technology can also translate text to speech with remarkable naturalness. Whether you are creating a podcast, audiobook, or any other type of audio content, generative AI can bring your words to life in a way that truly connects with your audience. Also, if you want to create music that expresses authentic human emotion, AI can help you achieve your vision. These algorithms have the ability to compose music that feels like it was created by a human musician, with all the soul and feeling that comes with it. Whether you are looking to create a stirring soundtrack or a catchy jingle, generative AI helps you achieve your musical dreams. Video When it comes to making a film, every director has a unique vision for the final product, and with the power of generative AI, that vision can now be brought to life in ways that were previously impossible. By using it, directors can now tweak individual frames in their motion pictures to achieve any desired style, lighting, or other effects. Whether it is adding a dramatic flair or enhancing the natural beauty of a scene, AI can help filmmakers achieve their artistic vision like never before. Text Transform the way you create content with the power of generative AI technology! Utilizing generative AI, you can now generate natural language content at a rapid pace and in large varieties while maintaining a high level of quality. From captions to annotations, AI can generate a variety of narratives from images and other content, making it easier than ever to create engaging and informative content for your audience. With the ability to blend existing fonts into new designs, you can take your visual content to the next level, creating unique and eye-catching designs that truly stand out. Code Unlock the full potential of AI technology and enhance your programming skills. With AI, you can now generate builds of program code that address specific application domains of interest, making it easier than ever to create high-quality code that meets your unique needs. But that’s not all – AI can also generate generative code that has the ability to learn from existing code and generate new code based on that knowledge. This innovative technology can help streamline the programming process, saving time and increasing efficiency. The landscape of generative AI applications is vast, encompassing a myriad of possibilities. The examples provided here offer just a snapshot of the most common and widely recognized use cases in this expansive and dynamic field.
  • 8. 8/22 How can you leverage generative AI technology for building robust solutions? Generative AI technology is a rapidly growing field that offers a range of powerful solutions for various industries. By leveraging this technology, you can create robust and innovative solutions based on your industry that can help you to stay ahead of the competition. Here are some of the areas of implementation: Automated custom software engineering Generative AI is reforming automated software engineering; leading the way are startups like GitHub’s CoPilot and Debuild, which use OpenAI’s GPT-3 and Codex to streamline coding processes and allow users to design and deploy web applications using their voice. Debuild’s open-source engine even lets users develop complex apps from just a few lines of commands. With AI-generated engineering designs, test cases, and automation, companies can develop digital solutions faster and more cost-effectively than ever before. Automated custom software engineering using generative AI involves using machine learning models to generate code and automate software development processes. This technology streamlines coding, generates engineering designs, creates test cases, and test automation, thereby reducing the costs and time associated with software development. One way generative AI is used in automated custom software engineering is through the use of natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning models, such as GPT-3 and Codex. These models can be used to understand and interpret natural language instructions and generate corresponding code to automate software development tasks. Another way generative AI is used is through the use of automated machine learning (AutoML) tools. AutoML can be used to automatically generate models for specific tasks, such as classification or regression, without requiring manual configuration or tuning. This can help reduce the time and resources needed for software development. Content generation with management Generative AI is redefining digital content creation by enabling businesses to quickly and efficiently generate high-quality content using intelligent bots. There are numerous use cases for autonomous content generation, including creating better-performing digital ads, producing optimized copy for websites and apps, and quickly generating content for marketing pitches. By leveraging AI algorithms, businesses can optimize their ad creative and messaging to engage with potential customers, tailor their copy to readers’ needs, reduce research time, and generate persuasive copy and targeted messaging. Autonomous content generation is a powerful tool for any business, allowing them to create high-quality content faster and more efficiently than ever before while augmenting human creativity.
  • 9. 9/22 Omneky, Grammarly, DeepL, and Hypotenuse are leading services in the AI-powered content generation space. Omneky uses deep learning to customize advertising creatives across digital platforms, creating ads with a higher probability of increasing sales. Grammarly offers an AI-powered writing assistant for basic grammar, spelling corrections, and stylistic advice. DeepL is a natural language processing platform that generates optimized copy for any project with its unique language understanding capabilities. Hypotenuse automates the process of creating product descriptions, blog articles, and advertising captions using AI-driven algorithms to create high-quality content in a fraction of the time it would typically take to write manually. Marketing and customer experience Generative AI transforms marketing and customer experience by enabling businesses to create personalized and tailored content at scale. With the help of AI-powered tools, businesses can generate high-quality content quickly and efficiently, saving time and resources. Autonomous content generation can be used for various marketing campaigns, copywriting, true personalization, assessing user insights, and creating high- quality user content quickly. This can include blog articles, ad captions, product descriptions, and more. AI-powered startups such as,, Jasper, and Andi are using generative AI models to create contextual content tailored to the needs of their customers. These platforms simplify virtual assistant development, generate marketing materials, provide conversational search engines, and help businesses save time and increase conversion rates. Healthcare Generative AI is transforming the healthcare industry by accelerating the drug discovery process, improving cancer diagnosis, assisting with diagnostically challenging tasks, and even supporting day-to-day medical tasks. Here are some examples: Mini protein drug discovery and development: Ordaos Bio uses its proprietary AI engine to accelerate the mini protein drug discovery process by uncovering critical patterns in drug discovery. Cancer diagnostics: Paige AI has developed generative models to assist with cancer diagnostics, creating more accurate algorithms and increasing the accuracy of diagnosis. Diagnostically challenging tasks: Ansible Health utilizes its ChatGPT program for functions that would otherwise be difficult for humans, such as diagnostically challenging tasks. Day-to-day medical tasks: AI technology can include additional data such as vocal tone, body language, and facial expressions to determine a patient’s condition, leading to quicker and more accurate diagnoses for medical professionals. Antibody therapeutics: Absci Corporation uses machine learning to predict antibodies’ specificity, structure, and binding energy for faster and more efficient development of therapeutic antibodies.
  • 10. 10/22 Generative AI is also being used for day-to-day medical tasks, such as wellness checks and general practitioner tasks, with the help of additional data, such as vocal tone, body language, and facial expressions, to determine a patient’s condition. Product design and development Generative AI is transforming product design and development by providing innovative solutions that are too complex for humans to create. It can help automate data analysis and identify trends in customer behavior and preferences to inform product design. Furthermore, generative AI technology allows for virtual simulations of products to improve design accuracy, solve complex problems more efficiently, and speed up the research and development process. Startups such as Uizard, Ideeza, and Neural Concept provide AI-powered platforms that help optimize product engineering and improve R&D cycles. Uizard allows teams to create interactive user interfaces quickly, Ideeza helps identify optimal therapeutic antibodies for drug development, and Neural Concept provides deep-learning algorithms for enhanced engineering to optimize product performance. Launch your project with LeewayHertz Leverage our GenAI solutions and services to simplify your business processes and elevate the effectiveness of your customer-facing systems. Learn More How to build a generative AI solution? A step-by-step guide Building a generative AI solution requires a deep understanding of both the technology and the specific problem it aims to solve. It involves designing and training AI models to generate novel outputs based on input data, often optimizing a specific metric. Several key steps must be performed to build a successful generative AI solution, including defining the problem, collecting and preprocessing data, selecting appropriate algorithms and models, training and fine-tuning the models, and deploying the solution in a real- world context. Let us dive into the process. Step 1: Defining the problem and objective setting Every technological endeavor begins with identifying a challenge or need. In the context of generative AI, it’s paramount to comprehend the problem to be addressed and the desired outputs. A deep understanding of the specific technology and its capabilities is equally crucial, as it sets the foundation for the rest of the journey.
  • 11. 11/22 Understanding the challenge: Any generative AI project begins with a clear problem definition. It’s essential first to articulate the exact nature of the problem. Are we trying to generate novel text in a particular style? Do we want a model that creates new images considering specific constraints? Or perhaps the challenge is to simulate certain types of music or sounds. Each of these problems requires a different approach and different types of data. Detailing the desired outputs: Once the overarching problem is defined, it’s time to drill down into specifics. If the challenge revolves around text, what language or languages will the model work with? What resolution or aspect ratio are we aiming for if it’s about images? What about color schemes or artistic styles? The granularity of your expected output can dictate the complexity of the model and the depth of data it requires. Technological deep dive: With a clear picture of the problem and desired outcomes, it’s necessary to delve into the underlying technology. This means understanding the mechanics of the neural networks at play, particularly the architecture best suited for the task. For instance, if the AI aims to generate images, a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) might be more appropriate, whereas Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) or Transformer-based models like GPT and BERT are better suited for sequential data like text. Capabilities and limitations: Understanding the capabilities of the chosen technology is just as crucial as understanding its limitations. For instance, while GPT-3 may be exceptional at generating coherent and diverse text over short spans, it might struggle to maintain consistency in longer narratives. Knowing these nuances helps set realistic expectations and devise strategies to overcome potential shortcomings. Setting quantitative metrics: Finally, a tangible measure of success is crucial. Define metrics that will be used to evaluate the performance of the model. For text, this could involve metrics like BLEU or ROUGE scores, which measure the coherence and relevance of generated content. For images, metrics such as Inception Score or Frechet Inception Distance can gauge the quality and diversity of generated images. Step 2: Data collection and management Before training an AI model, one needs data and lots of it. This process entails gathering vast datasets and ensuring their relevance and quality. Data should be sourced from diverse sources, curated for accuracy, and stripped of any copyrighted or sensitive content. Additionally, to ensure compliance and ethical considerations, one must be aware of regional or country-specific rules and regulations regarding data usage. Key steps include:
  • 12. 12/22 Sourcing the data: Building a generative AI solution starts with identifying the right data sources. Depending on the problem at hand, data can come from databases, web scraping, sensor outputs, APIs, or even proprietary datasets. The choice of data source often determines the quality and authenticity of the data, which in turn impacts the final performance of the AI model. Diversity and volume: Generative models thrive on vast and varied data. The more diverse the dataset, the better the model will generate diverse outputs. This involves collecting data across different scenarios, conditions, environments, and modalities. For instance, if one is training a model to generate images of objects, the dataset should ideally contain pictures of these objects taken under various lighting conditions, from different angles, and against different backgrounds. Data quality and relevance: A model is only as good as the data it’s trained on. Ensuring data relevance means that the collected data accurately represents the kind of tasks the model will eventually perform. Data quality is paramount; noisy, incorrect, or low-quality data can significantly degrade model performance and even introduce biases. Data cleaning and preprocessing: It often requires cleaning and preprocessing before feeding data into a model. This step can include handling missing values, removing duplicates, eliminating outliers, and other tasks that ensure data integrity. Additionally, some generative models require data in specific formats, such as tokenized sentences for text or normalized pixel values for images. Handling copyrighted and sensitive information: With vast data collection, there’s always a risk of inadvertently collecting copyrighted or sensitive information. Automated filtering tools and manual audits can help identify and eliminate such data, ensuring legal and ethical compliance. Ethical considerations and compliance: Data privacy laws, such as GDPR in Europe or CCPA in California, impose strict guidelines on data collection, storage, and usage. Before using any data, it’s essential to ensure that all permissions are in place and that the data collection processes adhere to regional and international standards. This might include anonymizing personal data, allowing users to opt out of data collection, and ensuring data encryption and secure storage. Data versioning and management: As the model evolves and gets refined over time, the data used for its training might also change. Implementing data versioning solutions, like DVC or other data management tools, can help keep track of various data versions, ensuring reproducibility and systematic model development. Step 3: Data processing and labeling Once data is collected, it must be refined and ready for the training. This means cleaning the data to eliminate errors, normalizing it to a standard scale, and augmenting the dataset to improve its richness and depth. Beyond these steps, data labeling is essential. This involves manually annotating or categorizing data to facilitate more effective AI learning.
  • 13. 13/22 Data cleaning: Before data can be used for model training, it must be devoid of inconsistencies, missing values, and errors. Data cleaning tools, such as pandas in Python, allow for handling missing data, identifying and removing outliers, and ensuring the integrity of the dataset. For text data, cleaning might also involve removing special characters, correcting spelling errors, or even handling emojis. Normalization and standardization: Data often comes in varying scales and ranges. Data needs to be normalized or standardized to ensure that one feature doesn’t unduly influence the model due to its scale. Normalization typically scales features to a range between 0 and 1, while standardization rescales features with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. Techniques such as Min-Max Scaling or Z- score normalization are commonly employed. Data augmentation: For models, especially those in the field of computer vision, data augmentation is a game-changer. It artificially increases the size of the training dataset by applying various transformations like rotations, translations, zooming, or even color variations. For text data, augmentation might involve synonym replacement, back translation, or sentence shuffling. Augmentation not only improves model robustness but also prevents overfitting by introducing variability. Feature extraction and engineering: Often, raw data isn’t directly fed into AI models. Features, which are individual measurable properties of the data, need to be extracted. For images, this might involve extracting edge patterns or color histograms. For text, this can mean tokenization, stemming, or using embeddings like Word2Vec or BERT. Feature engineering enhances the predictive power of the data, making models more efficient. Data splitting: The collected data is generally divided into training, validation, and test datasets. This allows for the effective training of models, hyperparameter tuning on the validation set, and eventual testing of model generalization on the test dataset. Data labeling: Data needs to be labeled for many AI tasks, especially supervised learning. This involves annotating the data with correct answers or categories. For instance, images might be labeled with what they depict, or text data might be labeled with sentiment. Manual labeling can be time-consuming and is often outsourced to platforms like Amazon Mechanical Turk. Semi-automated methods, where AI pre-labels and humans verify, are also becoming popular. Label quality is paramount; errors in labels can significantly degrade model performance. Ensuring data consistency: It’s essential to ensure chronological consistency, especially when dealing with time-series data or sequences. This might involve sorting, timestamp synchronization, or even filling gaps using interpolation methods. Embeddings and transformations: Especially in the case of text data, converting words into vectors (known as embeddings) is crucial. Pre-trained embeddings like GloVe, FastText, or transformer-based methods like BERT provide dense vector representations, capturing semantic meanings. Step 4: Choosing a foundational model
  • 14. 14/22 With data prepared, it’s time to select a foundational model, be it GPT, LLaMA, Palm2, or another suitable option. These models serve as a starting point upon which additional training and fine-tuning are conducted, tailored to the specific problem. Understanding foundational models: Foundational models are large-scale pre-trained models resulting from training on vast datasets. They capture a wide array of patterns, structures, and even work knowledge. By starting with these models, developers can leverage the inherent capabilities and further fine-tune them for specific tasks, saving significant time and computational resources. Factors to consider when choosing a foundational model: Task specificity: Depending on the specific generative task, one model might be more appropriate than another. For instance: GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer): This is widely used for text generation tasks because it produces coherent and contextually relevant text over long passages. It’s suitable for tasks like content creation, chatbots, and even code generation. LLaMA: If the task revolves around multi-lingual capabilities or requires understanding across different languages, LLaMA could be a choice to consider. Palm2: Specifics about Palm2 would be contingent on its characteristics as of the last update. However, understanding its strengths, weaknesses, and primary use cases is crucial when choosing. Dataset compatibility: The foundational model’s nature should align with the data you have. For instance, a model pre-trained primarily on textual data might not be the best fit for image generation tasks. Model size and computational requirements: Larger models like GPT-3 come with millions, or even billions, of parameters. While they offer high performance, but require considerable computational power and memory. One might opt for smaller versions or different architectures depending on the infrastructure and resources available. Transfer learning capability: A model’s ability to generalize from one task to another, known as transfer learning, is vital. Some models are better suited to transfer their learned knowledge to diverse tasks. Community and ecosystem: Often, the choice of a model is influenced by the community support and tools available around it. A robust ecosystem can ease the process of implementation, fine-tuning, and deployment. Step 5: Model training and fine-tuning The heart of generative AI is the model training phase. Using techniques like neural networks and deep learning, the model is fed the prepared data, learning to identify and emulate patterns found within. Once a foundational model has been adequately trained,
  • 15. 15/22 fine-tuning becomes necessary. This step involves tweaking or refining the model for specific tasks or domains. For example, a model could be fine-tuned to generate poetry by training it on a vast corpus of poetic content. Fine-tuning means adjusting the model’s weights using the specific dataset to align the model’s outputs more closely with the desired outcomes. Techniques such as differential learning rates (where different model layers are trained at different learning rates) can be employed. Tools like Hugging Face’s Transformers library make the process of fine-tuning more straightforward for many foundational models. The fine-tuning process: Initial setup: Data preparation: The specific dataset you intend to fine-tune the model on needs to be well-processed and ready for input. This involves tasks like tokenization (converting text into tokens) and batching (grouping data into batches for training). Model architecture: While the architecture remains the same as the foundational model, the final layer may be modified to suit the specific task, especially if it’s a classification problem with different categories. Adjusting weights: At its core, fine-tuning is about adjusting the generalized weights of the foundational model to suit the specific task better. This is achieved by back- propagating the errors from the task-specific data through the model and adjusting the weights accordingly. As the model is already quite proficient due to its pre-training, fine-tuning often requires fewer epochs (full passes over the dataset) compared to training a model from scratch. Differential learning rates: Instead of using a single learning rate for all layers of the model, differential learning rates involve applying different rates to different layers. Earlier layers (which capture basic features) are typically fine-tuned with smaller learning rates, while later layers (which capture more task-specific features) are adjusted with larger rates. This approach is based on the observation that after their extensive pre- training, foundational models already have early layers that capture general features well. The more task-specific nuances are often better captured in the deeper layers, necessitating more aggressive fine-tuning.
  • 16. 16/22 Regularization techniques: Given that fine-tuning uses a specific dataset, there’s a risk of the model overfitting to this data. Regularization techniques such as dropout (randomly setting a fraction of input units to 0 at each update during training time) or weight decay (a form of L2 regularization) can be applied to ensure the model doesn’t overfit. Layer normalization can also stabilize the neurons’ activations in the neural network, improving training speed and model performance. Using tools for fine-tuning: Hugging Face’s Transformers Library: It offers a rich collection of pre- trained models and makes fine-tuning them relatively straightforward. With just a few lines of code, one can load a foundational model, fine-tune it on specific data, and save the fine-tuned model for subsequent use. It also provides tokenization, data processing, and even evaluation tools, making the workflow seamless. Step 6: Model evaluation and refinement After training, the AI model’s efficacy must be gauged. This evaluation measures the similarity between the AI-generated outputs and actual data. But evaluation isn’t the endpoint; refinement is a continuous process. Over time, and with more data or feedback, the model undergoes adjustments to improve its accuracy, reduce inconsistencies, and enhance its output quality. Model evaluation: Model evaluation is a pivotal step to ascertain the model’s performance after training. This process ensures the model achieves the desired results and is reliable in varied scenarios. Metrics and loss functions: Depending on the task, various metrics can be employed. For generative tasks, metrics like Frechet Inception Distance (FID) or Inception Score can be used to quantify how generated data is similar to real data. For textual tasks, BLEU, ROUGE, and METEOR scores might be used to compare generated text to reference text. Additionally, monitoring the loss function, which measures the difference between the predicted outputs and actual data, provides insights into the model’s convergence. Validation and test sets: It’s evaluated on a separate validation set during training to ensure the model is not overfitting the training data. This aids in hyperparameter tuning and model selection. Post-training, the model is evaluated on a test set, a dataset it has never seen before, to measure its generalization capability.
  • 17. 17/22 Qualitative analysis: Beyond quantitative metrics, it’s often insightful to visually or manually inspect the generated outputs. This can help identify glaring errors, biases, or inconsistencies that might not be evident in numerical evaluations. Model refinement: Ensuring that a model performs optimally often requires iterative refinement based on evaluations and feedback. Hyperparameter tuning: Parameters like learning rate, batch size, and regularization factors can significantly influence a model’s performance. Techniques like grid search, random search, or Bayesian optimization can be employed to find the best hyperparameters. Architecture adjustments: One might consider tweaking the model’s architecture depending on the evaluation results. This could involve adding or reducing layers, changing the type of layers, or adjusting the number of neurons. Transfer learning and further fine-tuning: In some cases, it might be beneficial to leverage transfer learning by using weights from another successful model as a starting point. Additionally, based on feedback, the model can undergo further fine-tuning on specific subsets of data or with additional data to address specific weaknesses. Regularization and dropout: Increasing regularization or dropout rates can improve generalization if the model is overfitting. Conversely, if the model is underfitting, reducing them might be necessary. Feedback loop integration: An efficient way to refine models, especially in production environments, is to establish feedback loops where users or systems can provide feedback on generated outputs. This feedback can then be used for further training and refinement. Monitoring drift: Models in production might face data drift, where the nature of the incoming data changes over time. Monitoring for drift and refining the model accordingly ensures that the AI solution remains accurate and relevant. Adversarial training: For generative models, adversarial training, where the model is trained against an adversary aiming to find its weaknesses, can be an effective refinement method. This is especially prevalent in Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). While model evaluation provides a snapshot of the model’s performance, refinement is an ongoing process. It ensures that the model remains robust, accurate, and effective as the environment, data, or requirements evolve.
  • 18. 18/22 Step 7: Deployment and monitoring When the model is ready, it’s time for deployment. However, deployment isn’t merely a technical exercise; it also involves ethics. Principles of transparency, fairness, and accountability must guide the release of any generative AI into the real world. Once deployed, continuous monitoring is imperative. Regular checks, feedback collection, and system metric analysis ensure that the model remains efficient, accurate, and ethically sound in diverse real-world scenarios. Infrastructure setup: Depending on the size and complexity of the model, appropriate hardware infrastructure must be selected. For large models, GPU or TPU-based systems might be needed. Cloud platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure offer ML deployment services, such as SageMaker, AI Platform, or Azure Machine Learning, which facilitate scaling and managing deployed models. Containerization: Container technologies like Docker can encapsulate the model and its dependencies, ensuring consistent performance across diverse environments. Orchestration tools such as Kubernetes can manage and scale these containers as per the demand. API integration: For easy access by applications or services, models are often deployed behind APIs using frameworks like FastAPI or Flask. Ethical considerations: Anonymization: It’s vital to anonymize inputs and outputs to preserve privacy, especially when dealing with user data. Bias check: Before deployment, it’s imperative to conduct thorough checks for any unintended biases the model may have imbibed during training. Fairness: Ensuring the model does not discriminate or produce biased results for different user groups is crucial. Transparency and accountability: Documentation: Clearly document the model’s capabilities, limitations, and expected behaviors. Open channels: Create mechanisms for users or stakeholders to ask questions or raise concerns. Monitoring: Performance metrics: Monitoring tools track real-time metrics like latency, throughput, and error rates. Alarms can be set for any anomalies. Feedback loops: Establish mechanisms to gather user feedback on model outputs. This can be invaluable in identifying issues and areas for improvement.
  • 19. 19/22 Model drift detection: Over time, the incoming data’s nature may change, causing a drift. Tools like TensorFlow Data Validation can monitor for such changes. Re-training cycles: Based on feedback and monitored metrics, models might need periodic re- training with fresh data to maintain accuracy. Logging and audit trails: Keep detailed logs of all model predictions, especially for critical applications. This ensures traceability and accountability. Ethical monitoring: Set up systems to detect any unintended consequences or harmful behaviors of the AI. Continuously update guidelines and policies to prevent such occurrences. Security: Regularly check for vulnerabilities in the deployment infrastructure. Ensure data encryption, implement proper authentication mechanisms, and follow best security practices. Deployment is a multifaceted process where the model is transitioned into real-world scenarios. Monitoring ensures its continuous alignment with technical requirements, user expectations, and ethical standards. Both steps require the marriage of technology and ethics to ensure the generative AI solution is functional and responsible. Launch your project with LeewayHertz Leverage our GenAI solutions and services to simplify your business processes and elevate the effectiveness of your customer-facing systems. Learn More Build a generative AI solution: A-chat interface using GPT4 We will construct a simple chat interface using Streamlit for a seamless user experience. This will involve leveraging GPT4 and Streamlit for a minimal UI. We will use OpenAI’s Chat completion API. The complete code is available in the Git repository. Here, we explain the code in a step-by-step manner. Prerequisites Before we commence developing this application, it’s imperative to ensure that the packages openai, streamlit, and streamlit-chat, are installed: pip install openai streamlit streamlit-chat Maintaining records of conversation history
  • 20. 20/22 It’s crucial to convey the conversation history to the API, enabling the model to comprehend the context. Essentially, we need to control the chat model’s memory as it’s not automatically managed by the API. We achieve this by generating a session state list, where we store an initial system message and then continuously add model interactions. if 'messages' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['messages'] = [ {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."} ] def generate_response(prompt): st.session_state['messages'].append({"role": "user", "content": prompt}) completion = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model=model, messages=st.session_state['messages'] ) response = completion.choices[0].message.content st.session_state['messages'].append({"role": "assistant", "content": response}) Presenting the conversation We utilize the message function from the streamlit-chat package to visually render the conversation. By iterating over the saved interactions, we display the dialogue in chronological order, beginning with the earliest interaction at the top, mirroring the presentation style of ChatGPT. from streamlit_chat import message if st.session_state['generated']: with response_container: for i in range(len(st.session_state['generated'])): message(st.session_state["past"][i], is_user=True, key=str(i) + '_user') message(st.session_state["generated"][i], key=str(i)) Presenting additional details
  • 21. 21/22 We have also incorporated a feature to provide some insightful metadata for each interaction, enhancing usability. For instance, we can display the specific model used (which could vary between interactions), the number of tokens consumed in the interaction, and the corresponding cost, as per OpenAI’s pricing structure. total_tokens = completion.usage.total_tokens prompt_tokens = completion.usage.prompt_tokens completion_tokens = completion.usage.completion_tokens if model_name == "GPT-3.5": cost = total_tokens * 0.002 / 1000 else: cost = (prompt_tokens * 0.03 + completion_tokens * 0.06) / 1000 st.write( f"Model used: {st.session_state['model_name'][i]}; Number of tokens: {st.session_state['total_tokens'][i]}; Cost: ${st.session_state['cost'][i]:.5f}") Final step Having adhered to these procedures, we have effectively created a user-friendly and adjustable chat interface. This lets us interact with GPT-based models independently, without the need for applications like ChatGPT. With the following command, we are now ready to operate the application: streamlit run Best practices for building generative AI solutions Building generative AI solutions involve a complex process that needs careful planning, execution, and monitoring to ensure success. By following the best practices, you can increase the chances of success of your generative AI solution with desired outcomes. Here are some of the best practices for building generative AI solutions: Define clear objectives: Clearly define the problem you want to solve and the objectives of the generative AI solution during the design and development phase to ensure that the solution meets the desired goals. Gather high-quality data: Feed the model with high-quality data that is relevant to the problem you want to solve for model training. Ensure the quality of data and its relevance by cleaning and preprocessing it. Use appropriate algorithms: Choose appropriate algorithms for the problem you want to solve, which involves testing different algorithms to select the best- performing one.
  • 22. 22/22 Create a robust and scalable architecture: Create a robust and scalable architecture to handle increased usage and demand using distributed computing, load balancing, and caching to distribute the workload across multiple servers. Optimize for performance: Optimize the solution for performance by using techniques such as caching, data partitioning, and asynchronous processing to improve the speed and efficiency of the solution. Monitor performance: Continuously monitor the solution’s performance to identify any issues or bottlenecks that may impact performance. This can involve using performance profiling tools, log analysis, and metrics monitoring. Ensure security and privacy: Ensure the solution is secure and protects user privacy by implementing appropriate security measures such as encryption, access control, and data anonymization. Test thoroughly: Thoroughly test the solution to ensure it meets the desired quality standards in various real-world scenarios and environments. Document the development process: Document the development process that includes code, data, and experiments used in development to ensure it is reproducible and transparent. Continuously improve the solution: Continuously improve the solution by incorporating user feedback, monitoring performance, and incorporating new features and capabilities. Endnote We are at the dawn of a new era where generative AI is the driving force behind the most successful and autonomous enterprises. Companies are already embracing the incredible power of generative AI to deploy, maintain, and monitor complex systems with unparalleled ease and efficiency. By harnessing the limitless potential of this cutting-edge technology, businesses can make smarter decisions, take calculated risks, and stay agile in rapidly changing market conditions. As we continue to push the boundaries of generative AI, its applications will become increasingly widespread and essential to our daily lives. With generative AI on their side, companies can unlock unprecedented levels of innovation, efficiency, speed, and accuracy, creating an unbeatable advantage in today’s hyper-competitive marketplace. From medicine and product development to finance, logistics, and transportation, the possibilities are endless. So, let us embrace the generative AI revolution and unlock the full potential of this incredible technology. By doing so, we can pave the way for a new era of enterprise success and establish our position as leaders in innovation and progress.