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This is a magazine containing
contributions from children and young
people being taught by Edinburgh’s
Hospital and Outreach Teaching Service.

These children and young people might be:

•	   in the Royal Hospital for Sick Children
•	   in the Schoolroom, CAMHS, Tipperlinn
•	   Looked After (and Accommodated)
•	   Gypsy/Traveller/Roma
•	   excluded from school
•	   taught at home due to their medical condition
•	   taught in one of our Education Groups
•	   part of the Young Mums’ Unit

We hope you enjoy the magazine.
Any feedback is always welcome.
Thank you and well done to all our contributors.
Disaster Story
                                                                 suppose, lunch now?” she
                                                                 asked sweetly.

                                                                 No reply.

The Long Weekend                                                 “What about pancakes, or
                                                                 toast and coffee? Ok then
                                                                 don’t answer me and I will just
by Eve Watson                                                    make pancakes for myself,”
                                                                 she jested and threw a pillow
                                                                 at her silent husband. She
“Briiing, briiing.” The painful    Deciding that it would be     giggled and left the room,
screech of the alarm clock         foolish to lie in bed for     heading down the long
shrilly shrieked. It screamed      an entire day the young       hallway toward the kitchen. A
throughout the apartment. It       woman climbed out of bed,     deadly silence occupied the
continued to echo around the       untangling herself from the   apartment. No sound carried
silent rooms, refusing to give     white sheets that wrapped     from their neighbours, above
up until it had been heard.        around her like a toga.       or below. Even the muffled
                                                                 sounds of the wife’s footsteps
In one room a woman stirred        “What would you like for      were like silent whispers at a
in her cold bed. She threw         breakfast darling…or I        funeral.
her duvet from her and thrust
her arms over the edge of
the mattress, hand searching
blindly for the alarm clock. Her
hands fell on neglected dinner
dishes, cold cups of tea and
a full ash tray. She found the
alarm clock and turned it off.
This was her long weekend.

She threw herself back
onto the bed and lovingly
wrapped her arms around
her husband. She pressed
her ear to his stony chest and
closed her eyes for a short
moment listening to her silent
apartment. She opened her
eyes once more and glanced
about the shadowy room. A
dim, grey light was cast across
the room, from the window,
illuminating the used dishes
laid in odd piles and the
couple lying awkwardly upon
the bed. It was raining; rain
tapped against the window
pane like tiny fingers.

The house was cold, dead           tore her eyes away from the         bed with him once more,
cold. The young woman              headline and shook herself.         lifting one of his stiff arms. It
should have been shivering         The sudden rush of realisation      dangled awkwardly around
slightly as she walked in bare     postponed for another day as        her shoulder. Her husband’s
feet across the cold kitchen       the wife tossed the dated paper     skin was pale and pasty and
tiles, popping stale slices        back to the floor. The woman        his hand which brushed her
of bread in the toaster and        went to collect the bread from      cheek slightly had no grip. The
rummaging in cupboards for         the toaster. She picked the         wife continued to ignore these
coffee granules. She took no       butter from the fridge and          abnormalities and simply
notice and simply began to         stared in at the refrigerator. It   reached for a piece of toast
hum happily as she worked.         looked bare and empty. Like         from the plate balanced on
                                   everything in the house, it         her partner’s unresponsive
In the other room a cockroach      suffered recent neglect.            chest.
scuttled across the dark
floorboards, to hopefully          The woman suddenly gave             She imagined that his grip
inspect some stale, week-          a violent cough that lasted         was tight on her and that he
old pancakes. It was small         several long seconds then           was holding her and making
and insignificant in the still     doubled over in pain coughing       her safe. That he was alive and
room; it might have been the       and retching. She grabbed her       healthy and that his warm
only living thing for miles. It    sides as she trembled with the      body and steady heartbeat
scuttled about the plates. In      force of each cough. After this     was close to her own. The
the other room the woman let       brief coughing fit she raised       wife found these thoughts
out a few violent coughs that      one bony hand to wipe her           comforting, though none of
echoed through the house.          mouth. She shook herself and        them remained true.
The husband remained still         continued as if she had simply
and utterly quiet.                 let out a tiny hiccup.              If she had continued to
                                                                       read the newspaper article
In the kitchen the woman           She buttered her toast, which       which lay in her hall way
tapped her foot upon the cold      was flecked with spots of grey      and was able to comprehend
tiles waiting for the toast to     mould, and made her way             the news it displayed she
brown. She continued to hum        back to the bedroom.                would have read “…an
tunelessly.                                                            outbreak of a deadly disease
                                                                       that spreads quickly and
“Oh I almost forgot, the paper,”
                                     Her husband’s                     more extensively across
started the woman. She left        skin was pale and                   the country, the epidemic
the kitchen to walk to the front                                       sweeps over the houses
door. She reached down to
                                   pasty and his hand                  and homes of Britain…a
pick up the paper. She flicked     which brushed her                   quarantine has been called…
casually through the black                                             no hope of survival to those
                                   cheek slightly had
and white contents and then                                            suffering“. But she could not
paused to stare at the headline.         no grip.                      comprehend. It was simple
It read: “Deadly epidemic                                              to continue with every day
spreads across country”. She       She greeted her husband             life. It was easy in fact, to live
stared for a few minutes,          with a wide grin. He lay still,     in her apartment in denial,
almost taking in the printed       his wife propped him up             their little patch of heaven. It
words. Her smile faltered for      against the bed post, with          was not possible to cope with
a few seconds. There was           some effort she succeeded.          the death of her dear one, her
a sudden “pop!” that came          She then placed the hot plate       husband, the one she refused
from the kitchen. The woman        on his front and climbed into       to live without.

How to Make a 3D Card
by DC and MC

You need two sheets of card.
Fold them in half.
Draw lines on the folded edge of one folded card – picture 1.
Cut carefully along the solid lines.
Fold back and forward along the dotted lines – picture 2.
Lay the card flat and colour your card.
Lift the card and push out the ‘steps’.
Glue the two cards together – picture 3.
Glue your own pictures to the front of the ‘steps’.
Decorate as you wish.
Your card is finished!

My Education
by Steven Bangham

I started with HOTS in P7 the     for equipment such as hoists,
year before I went to Balerno     slings and other extras to be
High School. I had missed         in place. During this time the
out on four years of primary      HOTS teachers managed to
school and HOTS helped            help me keep up with English      about 5 months for it to be
me catch up, so that I was        Maths and German work, so         adjusted. During 5th year I
able to attend high school        that I only had to catch up on    was off because the school
knowing what was going on         other subjects. Because I get     lift was broken and took over
and managing the work. When       bad back pain sitting up in       a month to get fixed. I also
Balerno had the induction         my chair too long, I was never    missed some time due to
days, the Maths teacher set       able to attend school full        quite frequent illness. When
a target and I managed to do      time, so my outreach teachers     I had these problems, HOTS
more questions than anyone        came out to the house three       helped me out of school and
else in the class, and I got      times a week. Despite all         Balerno Support for Learning
them all correct. The whole       these problems, I was really      Department helped me catch
class turned round and looked     pleased to get seven special      up in school. So I was able to
at me with disbelief!             certificates in S1 and 2.         pass Maths, English German
                                                                    and Geography Standard
I had lots of difficulties from   I continued to miss quite a lot   Grades, and in my last year I
the start of high school. I       of school as the years went       passed Intermediate 1 Media
wasn’t able to start until late   on. In S3 I had grown out of      and Intermediate 2 Maths
October because I had to wait     my wheelchair and it took         (with an A pass!)

                                                                    My most memorable day
                                                                    was the day of the Balerno
                                                                    Leavers’ Ceremony, when
                                                                    I got The Currie, Balerno
                                                                    and District Round Table
                                                                    silver trophy, an award for
                                                                    excellence. I also won an
                                                                    Oscar which said that I had
                                                                    “displayed great strength of
                                                                    character and determination
                                                                    in dealing with considerable
                                                                    challenges”. I was surprised
                                                                    and overwhelmed to get these
                                                                    two awards, and I am very
                                                                    proud that I was able to attend
                                                                    school and pleased that I got
                                                                    the support to make the best
                                                                    of it.

                                    centre of the room and a pile
                                    of logs still sat neatly in place
                                    next to the fire. Her mother’s
                                    dresser lay overturned on the
                                    floor, near where Anna sat.
by Naomi Smith
                                    If a stranger had walked into
She shivered and her teeth          this house they would have
chattered as yet another            known that whoever once             Anna on to her bedroom on
gust of icy cool wind blew          lived here had been forced to       the left and a bathroom to
in her direction. The entire        leave with some urgency. They       the right. Between these two
house was cold. Cold and            would also notice the teapot,       doorways was a large window,
abandoned, just like her. Anna      half-full cups and plate of         big enough for a fully-grown
raised her head to peer out the     now-inedible biscuits that          man to fit comfortably within
window from her cross-legged        still lay on the dining room        the strong oak frame. From
position on the floor, in the far   table. Half-packed suitcases        out of this window could
corner of the room. Directly        could be found within almost        be seen the entire stretch of
opposite she could see the          every bedroom in the house.         land in front of the house
window with its fractured           An escape seemed to be              and during the day a view
panes and the shattered glass.      imminent, but time was stolen       of glorious snow-tipped
A once immaculate ivory net         and just like Anna’s family, was    hills rose in the distance. It
curtain trailed dirty and frayed    now lost.                           was beautiful in the clear
along the floor. Out of the                                             light of day, but during the
window little could be seen         Anna made her way through           night Anna’s thoughts were
for the night was dark and the      the long hallway for the            shrouded by troublesome
vast area surrounding the old       seventh time that hour.             fears of what lay put there.
farmhouse was empty and             With each step she tried to         Yet in many ways it had been
lifeless for miles around.          regain a memory from when           the isolated landscape that
                                    everything was normal and of        had protected Anna’s family
For a young girl to be left         the time when, at any given         for so long. Now that Anna
alone in an empty house,            moment she could retreat            was alone, she couldn’t even
one would have expected             back into the safe lull of          begin to contemplate the
Anna to be scared. One would        family and home. She couldn’t       possibilities that surrounded
expect her to be longing for        remember exactly when that          her.
a comfort. But twelve year-         was because ever since that
old Anna was not scared,            time the days and nights had        Peering down from the
she simply felt detached and        merged into one and to Anna         window, the entrance to the
confused. As she sat in the         the rest of the world was dead.     house could be seen. From the
house that once used to be          She didn’t care about what          outside it looked to Anna as
her home, she felt an aching        may be happening out with           it always had, apart from the
longing for what used to be.        her own situation.                  large Swastika flag that hung
The room she sat in once                                                in the doorway. Anna knew
belonged to her mother and          She stood at the end of the         that her father would have
father. It would no longer be       long narrow hallway, once an        felt so ashamed to see it. He
recognisable as theirs, for the     area of laughter and fun. Now       was a wonderfully kind and
dirt and mirror shards that         it felt to Anna, like a foreign     loving man, but the look that
were sprinkled all over the         environment, enclosed and           had appeared in his eyes every
floor. However the large oak        claustrophobic. It did however      time ‘Nazis’ were mentioned
bed still sat proudly in the        still serve its purpose and led     let Anna know that the only

true hatred in his heart was
purely for them.

It was too late for Anna to
think about all of that now.
                                    Dear Captain and Crew,
Anna’s father was gone as
were her mother and three           I’m writing this letter to say thanks for the wonderful barge
elder brothers. What Anna had       trip you took me on before Christmas. It was a fun day and
to worry about was where her        I really enjoyed myself especially when Santa dropped in. It
family could be and why they        was also quite exciting when the barge got blown against the
were taking so long. It had         bank, and had to be pushed off using a long pole. Thank you
felt like an eternity so far. She   again for making it such a pleasant day.
wondered if they would ever
return to her as her mother         I hope one day to sail with you on the barge again.
had promised. As she thought
of the last few seconds shared      Omar
between them before they had
parted she could almost smell
her mother’s perfume and feel
her cool skin as she released
Anna’s hand from her grasp
and whispered, “We’ll be back
soon Anna, I promise.”

An hour before the Gestapo
had arrived Anna’s mother
had given her clear
instructions, “Stay at home,
stay safe and keep hidden.
God will be with you and
protect you until our return.”
Anna knew that no matter
how long it took for their
return she would never give
up on them. She would wait

As her eyes grew heavy and
tired, Anna retreated to her
bedroom where she knelt
before her bed, lit her Shabbat
and prayed to God as she did
every night. She then slipped
underneath her bed into the
safe nest she had created for
herself to get some rest and
anticipate what tomorrow
may bring.
Just before Christmas some of our young people produced a short animated film. They wrote the
script, constructed the set, made plasticine models, filmed, added sound and edited.

This is the sonnet which introduced the film.

The Credit Crunch Christmas
by Xavi Laird

It’s the news at ten and my name’s Trevor Scott.
The credit crunch is really hitting here.
Many families do not have a lot
Of money as Christmas time is drawing near.
The household and home of Elle and Bob –
Two loving parents to young Jack and Jade
Unfairness and fate cost poor Bob his Job
As all spirit and confidence begins to fade
Listening in to his mum and dad talk, Jack
Seeks Santa’s help to save misery and tears
So Santa sends elves to fill up his sack
To save Jack’s generation from horror and fear
The thoughts and the faith of a boy who is ten
Won over the hearts of two merry elf men.

ipad App Review
By Louis Hainsworth

Since I came into hospital, I    get the answers and that forces    AB Maths is more or less the
have been using the teacher’s    me to think hard and quickly.      same as Maths Expert but it
ipad to help me with my          This game reinforces my tables     is designed more for children
work. I have pushed my           knowledge and my addition          who are less confident with
mum to buy me my own             and subtraction bonds.             their maths. It gives you
ipad for Christmas because I                                        choices of which type of
thought it was a good piece of                                      calculation you want to use
                                   The sounds are
technology for school and for                                       and in particular, with times
fun. I have used a number of      very clear and it                 tables, you can choose which
apps but this review is about      makes different                  table you want to work with.
two I have found particularly                                       You can either have a choice
useful.                           noises depending                  of four possible answers so
                                 on whether I’ve got                you can see which one is the
Maths Expert and AB Maths                                           most likely or you can opt to
are my favourite educational
                                 the answer right or                key in the answer yourself,
apps. Maths Expert helps me            wrong.                       which is what I prefer to do.
learn and improve my tables,
addition and subtraction. The    I particularly like puzzles and    It’s not as challenging as
images spin and move on the      because of this, I find this app   Maths Expert but it still helps
screen as you try to calculate   a lot of fun but challenging.      me with my mental maths
the answers from lowest to       The sounds are very clear          because there is a time limit
highest. My mental addition,     and it makes different noises      on this game as well.
subtraction and times tables     depending on whether I’ve got
are benefiting because there     the answer right or wrong.         I would score this app 9/10.
is a limited amount of time to   I would score this app 9.5/10

A Mascot for
                                                                   It felt weird seeing the pitch
                                                                   from that view. I sat in the
                                                                   dugouts and had my picture
                                                                   taken with my Mum, Dad and

                                                                   Gran. I also sat in the fourth
                                                                   official’s seat.

                                                                   “This is the ball that Steven
                                                                   Fletcher will score with.”
by Liam Watson
                                                                   It wasn’t long until kick off. I
                                 moved on into the boot room.      waited in the tunnel for the
                                 All the players’ football boots   players to get ready. I was
                                 were here. There must have        really excited and I couldn’t
                                 been about thirty pairs of        wait to go onto the pitch.
                                 boots and all of them were        Finally the players came out
                                 stinking of muck. There were      and I lined up in the tunnel.
                                 very nice pairs in there and      The Celtic captain Steven
                                 some huge ones and some           McManus shook my hand and
                                 small ones.                       wished me good luck and I
                                                                   replied back by saying “You
On the 23 September 2007 I       After that we went to see the     will be the one that needs the
was a mascot for Hibs when       dressing room. When we got        luck.” He just laughed back.
they were against Celtic         there I got a surprise. It was    The referee let me hold the
at Easter Road. I went up        a mess! Trainers were all over    ball and I bounced it and said
an hour and a half before        the place and there were          “This is the ball that Steven
kick off. When I got there I     jumpers, tops, trousers, and      Fletcher will score with.”
was full of excitement. The      socks everywhere as well.         The Hibs captain Rob Jones
education organiser met us       All the match day tops were       took my hand and led me on
and started the tour. As soon    hanging up on the wall. I had     to the pitch. The noise was
as I opened the double green     my picture taken beside all       tremendous, all four stands
doors to begin the tour I saw    my favourite players’ tops.       up and singing, clapping their
my favourite player Scott        At the back of the dressing       hands. Rob Jones let go of my
Brown. He was a Celtic player    room there was all the baths,     hand and ran to the corner
but he used to play for Hibs.    showers and toilets. There        flag to greet the fans. I ran
I couldn’t believe it I was so   were ten baths and fifteen        to the centre circle myself. It
happy and excited.               showers. It was very noisy        felt amazing, like I was a Hibs
                                 because the radio was on          player myself. Rob Jones came
The tour began with the          full blast! The manager, John     back and shook hands with
interview room. This was         Collins and goal keeper,          the Celtic captain and referee.
the room where all the TV        Makalambie came into the          The referee tossed a £1 coin
interviewing was done. It was    dressing room. They had           to see who got kick off and
so small and simple. All that    photos taken with us and          after gave me the pound coin.
was in the room was a TV, an     spoke to us. John Collins         I got my picture taken with
advertising wall, one camera     showed us his office. It had      Rob Jones, Steven McManus,
and a bottle of champagne. It    nice luxury furniture and         the referee and two linesmen.
was as small as my bathroom;     a huge 50 inch TV. I moved        Afterwards I ran back to the
I was expecting something        on to the dugouts where the       tunnel absolutely thrilled to
completely different. We         manager and substitutes sit.      bits.

The Black
At last the game started. Hibs
started great they chased
everything and gave Celtic

no time on the ball. The first
chance brought the first
goal and it was a Hibs goal.
Steven Fletcher from about
thirty yards out hit a poor
shot but Celtic keeper Arthur       By Calum Baxter
Boruc let the ball through his
legs. The stadium erupted. I
thought it was Arthur’s Seat        Bullies. Grief. Love Lost. Workload. Time. Sadness.
erupting! What I said actually      Black thoughts, behind my back, caught up with me,
happened, Steven Fletcher
scored with the ball I had          Tormenting me, I just could not break free.
bounced. The game moved
                                    The truth is I had suffered, I confess
on and Celtic levelled. On the
stroke of half time Hibs scored     My life, much like my room, it was a mess.
a second goal. The place went
                                    Churchill’s Black Dog would not heel, I could see
even wilder as it was a brilliant
individual goal by the right        No end. No light. Nowhere for me to be –
back. Into the second half and
the game changed. Suddenly          Except in my own made up world I guess.
Celtic were all over Hibs and       The long road to recovery, like chess,
equalised for a second time.
The stadium was silenced            Logic and careful planning is the key.
apart from the Celtic end. As       With support from others, I could be we.
the game went on I thought
Celtic were going to win but        This is my goal, the long road to success,
in the last ten minutes a
                                    I needed the help and we all agreed,
shot from Dean Sheils was
spilled again by the Celtic         That Churchill’s Black Dog is now on a lead.
goal keeper. I couldn’t believe
it, Hibs were winning after
their poor performance in the
second half. That was it Celtic
couldn’t equalise for a third
time and Hibs won 3–2. I gave
a huge sigh of relief.

It was the end of my special
day. Everything went perfectly.
The score made it even better;
it really was the icing on the
cake. I felt so lucky that I was
picked to be a mascot for
Hibs. I felt really happy and I
will remember it as one of the
best days of my life.

Fun Stuff
by Cherie Warrender

My article is about             The Santa cruise was offered      got on the boat we were offered
                                by a charity called “The          tea and juice and had a quiz
some of the activities
                                Seagull Trust”. The Seagull       where you were given a sheet of
that we do in the               trust provides free canal         paper and you were to look out
HOTS group…                     cruises for groups of children    for cartoon characters that were
                                and adults of any age.            along the bank of the Canal and
Some of the HOTS teachers                                         write their names down.
and pupils got the chance to    The boat left from the
try something different by      Edinburgh Canal Centre in         Everyone got the chance to
going out on a boat on the      Ratho and travelled towards the   steer the boat and we narrowly
Union canal before Christmas.   Almond Aqueduct. When we          avoided getting stuck. We had

to use a metal pole (barge         Jordan wrote this for a competition run by Radio Lollipop in
pole) to push the boat away        the Royal Hospital for Sick Children. He won first prize – tickets
from the side as the boat got      to see Jeff Kinney, author of the highly successful “Diary of a
too close to the edge. Santa       Wimpy Kid”.
came on board but it was only
Scott dressed up. (Obviously).
Each of the pupils got a           Dear Diary
present from Santa (Scott) on
the boat. It was more fun that     I have had the most amazing day – the day I was due back
I thought it would be and we       into hospital.  
are thinking about going back
in the summer.
                                   It was a sunny afternoon and my mum and her boyfriend
                                   Scott took me to the driving range at St. Andrews – ‘The
Another activity we did
                                   Home of Golf’. I hit some balls then we decided to have
before Christmas was card
                                   a go on the pitch and putt outside. It was very quiet, just
making. We had blank cards
and decorated them using a         mum, Scott and me. Oh! and one other family.
technique called decoupage.
                                   As we got closer Scott realised the father of the other family
                                   was the one and only Colin Montgomerie! (At this point I
  I have started to                was in the bunker so I didn’t know.) Scott approached Colin
 make extra cards                  and went on about how much I love golf and that Colin
  in my own time                   was my idol, while I was trying to get out of the bunker.
                                   I couldn’t get out but I glimpsed Scott and Colin walking
 and I have earned                 over in my direction out of the corner of my eye.
   some money by
   selling them at                 Just as they reached me I got one ball out and right next
                                   to the hole. Colin saw! He came over to me, said “Hi,” and
     £1.50 each.                   shook my hand.
This is when you have a
picture that you build up
                                   “You have massive hands,” I told him.
using double sided sticky
foam pads. After you build it      He laughed. “These bunkers are much higher than the ones
all up it looks 3D. I made cards   we get on tour. You must be quite good if you can get out of
for family and friends and         these. You will have no problem if you get on the tour when
they really liked them. I have     you are older.”
started to make extra cards
in my own time and I have          Scott felt well jealous because he didn’t get to shake Colin’s
earned some money by selling       hand and he just spoke to me.  
them at £1.50 each.
                                   Colin wished me well and told me that he would come
It has been a lot of fun getting   and give me a pitch and putt competition when I got out
chances to do things I have
                                   of hospital. I got my picture taken with him. It is now
never even thought about
                                   laminated and stuck on my wall.  
doing before and I enjoyed it
more than the usual lessons.
                                   Jordan Laing

Eden’s Haikus                             Animal Haikus
Wonder what it’s like,                    by Callum McIntyre
Inside, outside, upside down,
A fly on a wall                           Beaver
                                          A busy builder
                                          And a woodcutter as well
                                          Never leaves his work

Scarecrows can’t walk, Scare-
Crows can’t talk. Scarecrows don’t have
Beating hearts. Short straw.

                                          Pink eyes, cream body
                                          Chasing down rabbits for men
                                          Bred from the polecat
They’re trapped, teeth baring,
Crazy eyes staring – pleading?
Animals in Zoos.

                                          There’s one to the right
Time isn’t passing                        Howling loudly in the woods
But I always watch the clock              I hope he has food
Hoping it will tock

Everybody wants                           Centipede
To be so American                         Such a lot of legs
– What is wrong with us?                  His name means one hundred feet
                                          But I’m not so sure

Every year Edinburgh welcomes visits from the ‘shows’, a
travelling fairground which brings colour and excitement      Being a
to the city. Behind the scenes of the music and the bright
lights are the families who run them, families who enjoy
a long history of travelling across Scotland’s towns and
cities. Over the winter the Showmen and their families
settle in one place, spending their time repairing and
restoring their rides to pristine condition ready for
                                                              I like being a travelling
the new season’s work. During that time, the children
                                                              Showman because I meet
attend a local school but when travelling begins, usually     people and see lots of
around the end of March until the end of October, the         things. We’re just like normal
children have to be home schooled using the pack of           people except that we travel
work their class teacher prepares for them. If the fair       sometimes, usually from
arrives in Edinburgh during term time, every effort is        April through to October.
made to contact the families and arrange a visit to their     Most Travellers are good
                                                              at maths because we help
‘wagon’ (caravan) to help the children with their work.
                                                              with the rides. It’s hard
This additional teaching is very much welcomed by the
                                                              being a travelling Showman
families. The following articles are from two of the ‘show’   sometimes because I have
children who were in Edinburgh in May last year.              to spend a lot of time in the
car. One time it was 10 hours!
Sometimes I get picked on but
I never let it get me down. But
then there are good times. I      Blue is the sea
get to meet up with friends on    With big loud waves
the fairground that I haven’t     Blue is the sky
seen since the last year and
                                  Above us all around the world
that’s why I like being a
                                  Blue is the denim
travelling Showman.
                                  The colour of jeans
                   Nina Slater    Blue is the bag
                                  That carries my school books
My name is Dior Slater and I      Blue is the colour
am seven years old and I live     Of my brother’s room
on a funfair. My family are       Blue is the blanket
Show people. I have a ride        So soft and warm
called A Miami. It goes high      Blue is the bells
in the sky round in circles. My   On the blossoming flowers
daddy watches the ride and I
                                  Blue is the berries
sometimes help and talk on
                                  So juicy and sweet
the mike. My mammy has a
Ghost Train. I love travelling    BLUE
and I live in a big wagon.
                                  By Nina Slater, age 10. Fairground Traveller
                    Dior Slater

My Favourite Walk
by Lauren Scott
                                   I was walking through the           air. Tara gave me a curious
                                   forest to the sounds of nature      look and strolled off into the
                                   and I was no longer a threat to     mist. Her black figure slowly
                                   the forest but a friend.            became more and more
                                                                       visible on the mossy hillside.
                                   A small burn trickled past me       It was only then that I realised
                                   containing many small shoals        the sun was battling through
                                   of fish and brightly coloured       the groggy clouds warming
It was still early morning         stones within the water. Then       the atmosphere and gently
and the sun had hidden its         Tara raised her curious head        lifting the mist.
face behind a light blanket        and picked up her ears with
                                   excitement, her tail beating
of clouds. Nature was silent.
                                   frantically. I raised my head
                                                                        looking up at the
The tall beech trees gave a
small groan as a gentle breeze     to see the exit to the forest         sun pushing the
                                   was ahead of us and then I
whistled through their bright
                                   knew we would be close to my
                                                                         grey clouds and
green leaves causing the trees
to give a loud echoing creak all   favourite hill in the whole of      mist out of the way,
through the forest. I stepped      Earlston.
down the last step and placed                                          And then just ahead of me
a foot into the earthy soil at     I gave Tara a race but I knew I     awaiting me the summit of
the entrance of the forest.        was no match for her. She was       the hill! My heart skipped into
                                   faster than me within seconds.      my throat and excitement
I was cautious; the early          I had no chance of catching         bubbled into my chest as I
morning mist lurked around         up with her until she finally       ran passing Tara as she trotted
the floor of the woods. It         came to a halt at the forest        upwards after me. I suddenly
seemed to go on for miles          exit panting and tail wagging       left the exhaustion I had felt
ahead.                             madly. I stopped by her side        and before I knew it I was
                                   breathing hard but excited.         there, standing on the face of
I reached down and let my                                              the earth, looking up at the
dog Tara slowly off the lead       I gazed upwards. Ahead of me        sun pushing the grey clouds
and at that moment she             was a wonderfully shaped path       and mist out of the way,
didn’t hesitate for a second-      winding up a silent still hill. I   revealing a great warming ray
she bounded ahead of me            knew the hill at once I had been    of beauty onto the world.
galloping over leaves and          there before but still it seemed
snapping fallen branches. And      unfamiliar, a large thick blanket   And then suddenly the clouds
at that very second the forest     of mist covered the summit.         and mist were gone, dissolved
suddenly awoke and came                                                into the air leaving no trace of
into life. Birds whistled and      I stepped forwards crunching        their presence. I knew I was
sung, flowers came into bloom      a twig. Moving upwards I            here. The place I had been
rabbits and squirrels came         could feel the chill of the mist    looking for. I was standing on
out of hiding and scampered        upon my skin as the morning         my favourite hill in the whole
along the forest floor.            mist lingered lazily in the         of Earlston.

Dunnocks on Arthur’s Seat
The wind whistled when I flew over yellow gorse,
Collecting twigs, to
Make a home.

The hail hammered while I gave birth to my,
Not yet born family, trapped
Inside fragile blue cells.

The sun blazed down while I sat on my eggs,
Watching two legged monsters,
Laughing, chatting and climbing around the mountain.

The sun smiled when my chicks broke through their shells,
Playing their flutes,
For the first time.

The rain meant that worms slithered across thick black mud,
And I could return to the castle ruins,
With my beak full.

The night had fallen when I scolded my chicks into silence,
Because a fox was,
Sniffing around.

The storm was howling when I found the runt,
With no breath left,
In his silent corpse.

The late snow drifted down while I taught my chicks to fly,
Bobbing up and down clumsily,
Little brown specks over the great city…

…then they flew away.

Selina Sode-Woodhead

Dream or no dream
by Bradley Kinnell
I could hear my heart thumping against my chest. My body froze like a statue. Outside the street lamps were off – it
was pitch black.

The time was quickly going past and I needed to be ready for my friend’s party. He had begged me for weeks to
come and eventually I agreed as it sounded like a good idea.

I met up with a few people including my best friend who was smelling of his new aftershave. He had his hair dyed
blue for the party but it had gone wrong and he looked like smurf.

The taxi had just appeared and we were soon on our way to the party. We arrived on time and were greeted at the
front door by my friends. The party had been going for two hours straight.

When the party was over we realised that we had no money to get home so we had no option but to walk the four
miles. Off we went on our journey home feeling disappointed that we had forgotten our money for the return taxi.

“Come here!” was shouted by a boy in a crowd of about twenty people chasing after a man who was running as fast
as he could down the street to escape the crowd.

We found ourselves surrounded by the boys who were chanting and yelling. The bomb had dropped – I was
terrified. I woke up the next morning with a black eye and three of my front teeth missing. To this day I still don’t
know what happened......

Amy’s Story
                                                                           children running down a big
                                                                           hill in the distance. They were
                                                                           waving and shouting “Hello!”

                                                                           Half an hour later the four of
by Joy Kennedy                                                             us arrived at a super cottage.
                                                                           It had brightened up. The
                                                                           sun was peeking out from
                                                                           the clouds and the wind had
                                                                           stopped blowing. There were
                                                                           daisies, buttercups and roses
                                                                           in the front garden. We walked
                                                                           to a door at the side of the
                                                                           cottage past some red poppies.
                                                                           The scent of lavender was so
                                                                           strong I sneezed.

                                                                           “Bless you,” said Lily.

                                                                           “Bless you,” said Joe. Barney
                                                                           barked at a bird in the air
                                                                           and jumped to try and get it.
(Joy wrote this story about        down my face. I started to              Everyone started laughing.
a wee girl called Amy being        walk towards a field with a
evacuated during the Second        deer in it. She was all alone           Just then a man came out of
World War. Joy tries to show       and soaking wet. Nobody was             the door. He was wearing a
the reader how Amy feels by        looking after her. Her black            black top and he was frowning
describing the village she is      eyes were staring at me.                at me. I shivered. Then he
sent to and the family she is to                                           started smiling and laughing.
stay with.)                        Suddenly I heard a lady’s voice         He had just been teasing me.
                                   behind me. I turned around.
I arrived at Longniddrie train     She had nice black hair, nice           “You must be Amy,” he said.
station yesterday. It was grey,    makeup and a smiley face.               “Let me show you where your
rainy and cold. The wind was                                               room is”.
so strong that it bent the trees   “Hi Amy,” she said.
sideways. There was only one                                               He took my big, old, tatty
shop and the big window            Just then a wee cocker spaniel          suitcase from me. I was going
was cracked. The tears ran         pup ran up to me, jumped up,            to like it here…
                                   and licked me in the face.

                                   “Aaaawwwww!” I said, “What
                                   is its name?”


                                   Barney was running round
                                   in circles chasing his tail. I
                                   started to giggle. Then I saw two

The Secrets
By Lorna Ross
                                   young girl sitting in the back     unusually big hands and there
It was a cold dark night and       of the car, as she desperately     was something about her that
the air was thick and a damp       wanted to know where she was       gave Sarah a great sense of
mist gathered around the old       going. As Sarah gazed out of the   unease - and it wasn’t just her
grey stone building which          sun lit window she couldn’t help   unfortunate look.
stood proud in front of the        but panic about the uncertainty
young woman. She was looking       of the days to come as she         Standing in the main entrance
around for the spot where          knew from experience that care     Sarah was surprised when she
she had buried her mother’s        homes were not nice places.        looked around to see that the
precious silver locket which                                          inside of the building was not
meant ever so much to her.         Sarah had been travelling          what she had imagined from
The young woman who was            for three long hours now           the exquisite exterior. The floor
now freezing and soaked            and had passed many busy           was covered in a carpet which
through to the skin shuddered      crowded cities and many small      had obviously been there a
as she thought back to how         picturesque villages which         long time as Sarah could no
the building used to look. It      all had their own story to tell.   longer tell what colour it was
was once a very grand and          But now there was no sign          meant to be; the walls were a
beautiful building which any       of human society, only great       grotty grey colour and there
person would be overjoyed to       big trees and fields filled with   were only a few lumpy looking
own. Every year in early spring    golden flowers which danced in     chairs lined up against the bare
the brightly coloured flowers      the gentle breeze. Only minutes    walls. Sarah’s thoughts were else
would bloom and the garden         later Sarah found herself being    where as she was trying to listen
would come alive. So why you       jerked to one side as the car      in to the two women having
ask did the young woman            took a sharp left and continued    a conversation in front of her.
shudder when she thought back      up a very long uneven gravel       Lisa, Sarah’s social worker who
on the house and the beauty        road which led up to a breath      had driven her out to Mullberry
that surrounded it? The fact       taking old fashioned building.     House, was a very pretty young
was she was not shuddering                                            lady with a petite frame and fair
at the house’s appearance she      The car came to a halt and a       hair, but right at that moment
was simply thinking about how      woman appeared standing            Lisa looked more beautiful than
the exterior of the house had      outside the impressive double      ever as she was standing next
hidden all the terrible secrets    door entrance. Sarah got out of    to Miss Rankin the woman who
within.                            the car and was gently ushered     had met them at the door. Sarah
                                   towards the main door. She         was asked to sit on one of the
It was the late summer of 1979     noticed that the woman, who        few chairs against the wall while
and the sun was lying low and      from a distance had looked         Lisa and Miss Rankin went to
hitting off the glass of the car   very average was a lot stranger    her office and sorted out the
window making it incredibly        in appearance close up. The        last of the paperwork. It was
hard to see out of which was       woman had a long misshapen         about ten minutes later when
very frustrating for Sarah, the    face with a large nose and         the office door finally reopened

John Barrowman
and Lisa stepped out and tried
to give Sarah a reassuring smile,
but it was easy to see that the
smile had not been real and Lisa
was unsure about leaving the
vulnerable little girl here.
                                    Concert Review
After Lisa had left Miss Rankin     by Lily Hambelton
led Sarah through many
corridors until they came to a
stop outside a door with the        John Barrowman was a great        In the middle of the song the
number 20 on it. Miss Rankin        success last night – very         boys changed into smart suits
opened the door and to Sarah’s      entertaining lots of very good    and ties and the girls wore
surprise there were four beds.      songs and jokes and brilliant     dresses. John Barrowman
She was taken over to the bed       dancers. Loved the concert.       changed his outfits 5 times
in the far left corner where        Got to sing along to some of      during the production.
Miss Rankin picked up Sarah’s       the songs.                        Overall it was an amazing
tattered old bag and handed                                           night.
over a uniform which she was        First he sang Celebration Time
then told to put on and to find     Come On, then he sang Listen
her way down to the dining          to the Music and Firework by
room on time for dinner or          Katy Perry. As the night went
she would simply have to go         on he told us all about his
without.                            family life and his parents and
                                    about the new albums he had
Sarah sank onto her bed             out and his books.
clutching the locket around her
neck. She sighed as she looked      He sang the famous song the
around the gloomy room and          YMCA and we all joined in
like the rest of the building it    singing and dancing on our
was very bland, there were four     feet. He made us feel proud
metal beds with very thin limp      to be Scottish so he sang
mattresses and a old worn out       Auld Lang Syne and Loch
blanket on each and by the          Lomond. Also he sang a very
side of the each bed there was      moving edition of You Raise
a small set of wooden drawers.      Me Up from the popular band
The only clue that anyone           Westlife.              
actually stayed in the room
were the teddies and dolls that     The stage was amazing and
singularly lay against each         very colourful. There were
pillow. Sarah got changed into      flashing lights and there
her uniform which was not           were 4 dancers 2 boys and
the least bit flattering: it was    2 girls. They wore loads of
ill fitting and miscoloured and     different costumes like in
swamped Sarah’s slender frame       the Hollywood song where
and drained the colour from her     the boy dancers wore just
rose tinted cheeks.                 swimming trunks and goggles
                                    and snorkels. The girl dancers
END OF PART ONE                     wore swimming costumes.

The Wonders of
the World
by Remedios Ayton
                                                                          Lisa Silver was not only their
                                                                          boss, she had also founded
                                                                          the company in the 80s,
                                                                          built it up from nothing.
                                                                          In her early fifties now she
                                                                          was avoided by most of
                                                                          her employees as she had
                                                                          a temper to be feared. Her
                                                                          relationship with Arthur was
                                                                          known as ‘stormy’ to say the
                                                                          least, they constantly had
                                                                          shouting matches across the
                                                                          office and Lisa was known to
                                                                          throw things across the room.

                                                                          After his death everything
Once the plane took off I felt          probably the most interesting     changed. Lisa Silver closed
calmer. I had got away with             thing he ever did.                down the agency. She was a
murder, double murder I should                                            disappointment. How anyone
say. I felt no guilt, no regret, only   It really was an obvious          could be scared of her I’ll
a smug satisfaction. They did           murder. The police didn’t think   never know. They said she
deserve it after all.                   so but how many people fall       was a broken woman, guilt
                                        accidentally out of top storey    and regret do that. She should
Arthur always thought that              windows at work? If they had      have told him earlier. She had
he was so special, he was the           looked into it they would have    told me, blurted it out in a
best of the best. His life was          found suspects as well.           tearful confession. She was
complete: happily married,                                                young and poor, trying to set
a highflier at an advertising           Arthur had a co-worker,           up a company. She couldn’t
agency and still in his twenties.       Richard Watt, who hated him.      look after a child, so she put
It didn’t even cross his mind that      They had the same job title       him up for adoption. She
he was just like thousands of           but it was clear that Arthur      stayed in contact with the
other young men who all think           was heading for the top,          adoptive parents and when
exactly the same thing, only to         while Richard was headed for      Arthur was introduced to her
look back in twenty years and           a dingy back office. He was       as a new employee she knew.
realise that they had wasted            always in Arthur’s shadow.        It turned out that she had
their lives in offices while the        According to Richard their        wanted him to inherit the
wonders of the world passed             boss favoured Arthur: that        agency, well that’s what sons
them by. Being murdered was             made everyone laugh.              are for after all.

unhappiness, my longing
                                                                        for something different. It
                                                                        was a nice day, bright, sunny
                                                                        and clear, but with a certain
                                                                        crispness in the air. Autumn
                                                                        was coming. When Arthur
                                                                        opened one of the windows
                                                                        the wind was strong. He told
                                                                        me it was because we were
                                                                        so high up. As if I didn’t know
                                                                        that already, I’m not stupid
                                                                        and I told him so. He laughed,
                                                                        told me that of course I
                                                                        wasn’t and leaned out of
                                                                        the window. I was suddenly
                                                                        extremely angry. Angry at
Richard moved on to another         I think after I married Arthur      his condescension. Angry
faceless company, to find           I realised what I wanted. I         that he was so arrogant that
another co-worker to envy           wanted to fly around the            he didn’t even think about
and another boss to blame           world. I wanted to see the          the possibility of falling. So
for his own lack of talent. He      wonders of the world. I             I walked up behind him and
was nothing but petty and           wanted to do what I wanted          gave him a push. I could
incompetent, completely             to do, and I wanted to do it        have turned away and left
harmless.                           alone. I definitely did not want    rather than watching, but
                                    to be Crystal, Arthur’s loving      I was curious, it was as if I
Now I should get on to the          wife, any more. I needed to get     was hypnotised. At first it
second murder, it happened a        a new identity, a new life. So I    seemed that the wind would
little earlier, but no one even     did. The one good thing about       catch him, but he just fell
noticed. Crystal, Arthur’s wife,    Arthur? His insurance. I could      forward as if this world had no
was seen as young, kind but         have just left him, but after all   power over him. It looked so
not too bright. She had been        those years of listening to his     beautiful that I thought about
Arthur’s assistant but had left     self assured speeches I just        letting myself fall. Then he hit
work after they got married, that   couldn’t stand it anymore, so I     the concrete. So I didn’t.
was what Arthur wanted. When        killed him. It was easier than I
Crystal suddenly disappeared        thought it would be.                “Here is your champagne, Ms
no one realised anything was                                            Sine. Celebrating are you?”
wrong. I’m glad I killed her, I     He had just been given a new
hated her more than I hated         office, courtesy of Lisa Silver     “Thank you. And yes, I am
Arthur. He was arrogant and         of course, so he invited me in      celebrating.”
dismissive, but she let him be.     to see it. He was supposed to
                                    be working so he sneaked me         God, I love first class.
“Excuse me but is there             in. It was on one of the top
anything I can get you Ms…?”        floors and two of the sides,
                                    from floor to ceiling, were
“Sine, Grace Sine. And yes          glass windows overlooking the
there is, I would like some         city, the view was amazing.
champagne.”                         Even I had to admit that.
                                    I had begun to change by
“Certainly.”                        then, began to recognise my

Happy Birthday Mum

          Happy Birthday Mum
          Hoping you have fun
            Drinking coke and
                a cup of tea,
       You’ll be as happy as can be.
          Happy Birthday Mum

             by Dylan Sinclair

The End
                                    she answers the buzzer and         their foreign accent anyway.
                                    reassures me that she is fine      Eventually, they leave. Jess
                                    so I can get out of this place.    looks more relaxed and carries
                                    But of course, hooligans have      on sleeping in her own little
                                    broken the lock and made           world. My memory crawls
By Amber Kelly                      the flats accessible. Typical.     back to when I found her. The
                                    God, it stinks in this place;      banging of her vandalised
Blackness engulfs me. The           the stench of urine and sweat      door, the kicking down of
pain is quickly being erased        envelops my nostrils. I nearly     her door, the discovery of
from my body. No more hurt,         gag. Ninth floor and yet I still   her lifeless body, surrounded
no more nothing. The dullness       take the stairs. I can hear        by needles and tablets. The
is reassuring; is death really      grunts from the lift. I wouldn’t   phone she had used to call
this easy? No one can harm          want to disturb. The stairs        me was lying there too, as if
me, or stop me. It’s peaceful       are also littered in adverts       she had dropped it next to her
here. Serene.                       and pee. It is like animals live   after ending the call to me. I
                                    here though I’m under the          remember shaking her, trying
I pull up next to the               impression that even rats have     to shake the unconsciousness
littered kerb, covered in           better conditions than these. I    out of her, the drugs out
advertisements for take-aways       hear someone descending the        of her. Anger was the most
and cash loans, as if this scum     stairs as I climb them. Better     recognisable emotion I recall
could afford luxuries. How can      make sure my car keys and          feeling. Grief was another. So
people live here? Especially        wallet are tucked out of sight.    was determination. Grief for
someone as intelligent as Jess.     It is just a kid, with a dog and   the sister I had lost; the pretty,
I constantly wonder how she         a cigarette hanging from his       smart young girl and grief
ever began this life; we had        dirty mouth. People like this      for the woman she was now
the same upbringing yet I           shouldn’t have kids, why fuse      with life edging its way out
don’t live in a filthy scheme. I    together DNA from scum to          of her clammy body. I vowed
live a respectful life. I suppose   re-enact themselves as young       to make her survive and be a
there is always a weird one in      people. He may be only about       healthy woman. She needed
every family; I don’t know why      fourteen but he still manages      care, love and attention. Not
I even bother sometimes. Is         to barge past me rather easily     heroin, alcohol and cigarettes.
there any point in my being         even though there is plenty        I sit and tell her my plans
here? She doesn’t talk to me        of room on the stairs. Eighth      for the future; she just lies
when I visit, simply sits and       floor, almost there.               there. Is she listening? I’m
stares into the distance with                                          not sure. She might be. I feel
her sunken, dark eyes and a         Who dares to interrupt my          better for telling her anyway.
bemused expression on her           heaven? I enjoy it here, yet       I watch the heart monitor
sallow skinned face. But the        someone insists on disturbing      beeping steadily on, reassured
phone call… it was too weird.       my serenity. I wish they would     by it. They weren’t sure she
Her laughing. It is extremely       go… What is that noise? Beep,      would survive. Her body was
unusual to even see her smile.      beep, beep. Just go, leave me      overloaded. I desperately
I seem to think her face would      alone. I was happy there. Now      hope she pulls through. I wish
crack with an attempt. No, she      voices too? Can this get much      I had done more.
isn’t that bad. Yet. But she is     worse?
getting worse.                                                         The world invites me to
                                    Groggily, her eyes flickered.      rejoin it. My body invites me
I eventually find her block of      She looks annoyed. The nurses      to occupy it once again. But
flats, menacingly towering          are babbling to me but I don’t     I refuse. I’m happy here; it’s
over me, inwardly hoping that       take it in. I can’t understand     peaceful. Serene.

How We Made Our Dress-Up Dolls
By FR and DC

We made our dolls out of pink card. Then we made clothes for them and coloured their clothes. We
fixed the clothes on with blutac. We enjoyed making the dolls.

Going back to
                                                                        I played Maths Bingo, wrote
                                                                        stories on the Book Creator
                                                                        and drew pictures on Doodle
                                                                        Buddy. My favourite thing

School                                                                  though was going to the play
                                                                        room. It had lots of toys and I
                                                                        made some friends. One boy
                                                                        was called Callum and he was
                                                                        really funny. He liked Horrid
by Ethan Allan, Age 7                                                   Henry. I also had some visitors
                                                                        coming to see me. My uncles,
                                                                        aunties and granny and
                                                                        granddads came too. It made
                                                                        me really happy. They bought
                                                                        presents for me.

                                                                         Henry in the
                                                                         by Callum Murray,
                                                                         Age 7
                                                                         Horrid Henry came for a
                                                                         sleep over with me and I
                                                                         was in Ward 2. It was the
                                                                         8 September. We stayed up
                                                                         to the crack of dawn. We
                                                                         got up to mischief. We ran
                                                                         about, kicked footballs,
On Friday I went back to            station in Edinburgh and the         played golf and bounced
school to see my friends            museum. The museum was               on beds. AAAAH! Suddenly
for the first time in ages.         really cool. When I have been        we broke the bed. Kerry
We played with bricks and           in hospital I had a teacher          the nurse was cross! She
we made a shed. We had a            every day. At first I didn’t like    gave Horrid Henry a row.
story then mum came to              it because I didn’t know my          First we
pick me up. On Monday I am          teacher and I was scared. I          had fudges
going back to school for the        felt better quickly because          and then
morning again and if I feel         she had an ipad. I did lots of       caramels
well enough I will be able to       things on the ipad I played          and then
go back more regularly. For         cut the rope, angry birds            we went to
the last few months I have          and a motorbike game as a            sleep.
stayed in the hospital most of      reward for working hard but
the time. I got to visit the fire   I also used it for doing work.

Is Christmas All It
                                                                        of decoration and something
                                                                        to do while the family wait
                                                                        on this glorious feast, which

Is Made Out To Be ?
                                                                        usually leaves one spending
                                                                        the next year on the treadmill.
                                                                        Dinner is followed by board
                                                                        games, or in these days, Wii
                                                                        games with the children and
Tiffany Hutchinson                                                      adults having a laugh. Photos
                                                                        are taken a lot on Christmas
                                                                        day of families playing
Nobody can deny that                not the most valuable thing         games, opening presents to
Christmas is a magical time         in life, it is love and humanity.   leave a lovely memory. The
of year from the lights on the      There are many nativity plays       traditional way is, arguably,
Christmas tree to the snow          educating us about what             the loveliest way to spend
on the rooftops. The town is        happened at this special            Christmas.
covered in wonderful sights         event whilst churches across
and smells; the musky mulled        the world hold candlelit            But, with the state the
wine; the sweet smell of            services to mark the birth of       economy is in at this moment
doughnuts; cinnamon dust            Jesus and Christians often          in time, financial difficulties
floating in the air, greeting the   go out carol singing to the         are becoming more and more
smiling faces aboard the big        public. Even though it is a day     apparent and Christmas can
wheel. Christmas has been a         of Christianity, atheists and       be quite overwhelming with
tradition, in many countries,       some other people around            presents being the expected
for years to celebrate the          the world celebrate Christmas       thing. For the vulnerable
birth of Jesus. Yet, there are      with all the traditional parts      people finding themselves
problems beginning to show          to go with it bringing joy to       stressed there are services
with this special event.            many people around the              that claim to save people
                                    world.                              from becoming in debt.
An amazing thing about                                                  These services are called
Christmas is how important          Another lovely thing about          “Pay Day Lenders” and are
it is to many religious people.     Christmas is that it is the         really not what they claim
Christmas originates from           one time of the year where          to be. For a simple loan of a
Christianity’s belief that Jesus    people almost definitely get        hundred pounds you could
was born on this day, the 25th      to see family members they          be expected to pay up to 25
of December. This is such a         have probably not seen since        pounds for just thirty days
significant celebration for the     the Christmas before. Many          which all adds up to an
Christian society and for them      families join together for          annual percentage rate of
Christmas is not about large        Christmas dinner including          1730 percent. These “legal
gifts, it is about God’s son        elderly family members              loan sharks” could actually
being born into the world and       who may not see a lot of            be charging more than the
this makes it really emotional      family. The Christmas dinner        illegal street lenders and
for them. The Bible says how        usually consists of turkey          the online pay day lender
an ordinary couple walked           with stuffing served with           Wonga is the one that really
miles, with the woman in            the traditional Christmas           does charge the most. So for
labour, managed to find a run       trimmings, cranberry sauce          Christmas shoppers seeing all
down stable and this is where       and a mountain of roast             of these adverts as a way out it
the birth of Jesus happened.        potatoes. Crackers are placed       really is not and they can get
This suggests that money is         all around the table for a bit      sucked into a spiral of debt.

The pressure to get these         these times and when done         winter nights. They will go
expensive presents for family     properly, Christmas will be       around the elderly people’s
and friends can make people       an amazing time of year for       homes and spend time with
really quite depressed.           everyone.                         them when they are lonely,
                                                                    and most elderly people are
This needn’t be the case as       However, some people              provided with a Christmas
people could alternatively        do not find it so amazing.        dinner in the centres that are
go to a Credit Union which        There are many homeless           open for Christmas which
is much cheaper and               and elderly people who            gives them a chance to make
more trustworthy. These           can find themselves alone         new friends and enjoy the
predicaments can be avoided       at Christmas without food,        happy atmosphere. The
if you think carefully before     warmth and company.               Salvation Army will go around
Christmas though. Christmas       This can lead to a very           looking for homeless people
dinners can be a lot cheaper if   depressing Christmas where        on the streets to give hot food
people would go to alternative    the homeless may be on the        to and invite them to spend
shops such as Aldi or Lidl and    streets without a bed in the      the day in the centres and, if
the quality is really just the    bitter winter weather. The        people have donated enough,
same. Websites online hold        elderly may have nowhere          there may even be a bed
reviews for different brands’     to go and unable to even          for the week. Poor families
food and it turns out that        make themselves a Christmas       are visited and given some
Aldi and Lidl have, arguably,     dinner. Some families end         festive food and small gifts
the best quality for price so     up having no Christmas at all     for the children. People often
Christmas dinner should not       since money is so tight they      say that there is an amazing
be anything to worry about        are unable to buy the children    atmosphere and a great sense
when one sits down with           presents like any other family.   of community and most of all
cheap wine having everyone                                          it is a chance for the homeless
compliment the expensive                                            people to get their life back on
taste! Children’s toys can be
                                     They will go                   track. It sure is a happy time
really quite cheap such as        around the elderly                for everyone.
board games which can only
cost ten pounds and with
                                  people’s homes and                So, a lot of teenagers out there
these types of toys the parents    spend time with                  may just be excited about
can spend quality time with                                         getting their new Blackberry
                                   them when they
their children. Barbie dolls                                        model phone, their upgraded
are another one that surely           are lonely                    GHD hair straighteners
all girls remember getting                                          and “the awesome new
into a state of excitement        But, there are certain            Playstation” but nothing
when they see the beautifully     organisations that can help       compares to the wonderful
dressed doll appearing under      with these things, such as the    sense of community
the wrapping paper as if it       Salvation Army. The Salvation     at Christmas time. The
cost a lot more than £15 out      Army consists of wonderful        Christmas feeling is magical,
of Toys R Us. Teenagers can       people of all backgrounds         all it takes is a walk outside
be trickier but if parents sit    willing to give up Christmas      to show how wonderful this
with them and discuss what        time for others in desperate      time of year is. With all the
the options are before they go    need. Everyone helping is         amazing things that happen
ahead and set their mind on       Christian but more than that,     at Christmas, material objects
what they want, things can be     they have the wonderful           are not important; it is the
a whole lot calmer. Planning      caring personalities that         spirit of the people that is the
ahead is the best option at       shine light into the dark         greatest gift of all.


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Hots magazine 2012

  • 1. HOTS OFF THE PRESS 2012 This is a magazine containing contributions from children and young people being taught by Edinburgh’s Hospital and Outreach Teaching Service. These children and young people might be: • in the Royal Hospital for Sick Children • in the Schoolroom, CAMHS, Tipperlinn • Looked After (and Accommodated) • Gypsy/Traveller/Roma • excluded from school • taught at home due to their medical condition • taught in one of our Education Groups • part of the Young Mums’ Unit We hope you enjoy the magazine. Any feedback is always welcome. Thank you and well done to all our contributors.
  • 2. Disaster Story suppose, lunch now?” she asked sweetly. No reply. The Long Weekend “What about pancakes, or toast and coffee? Ok then don’t answer me and I will just by Eve Watson make pancakes for myself,” she jested and threw a pillow at her silent husband. She “Briiing, briiing.” The painful Deciding that it would be giggled and left the room, screech of the alarm clock foolish to lie in bed for heading down the long shrilly shrieked. It screamed an entire day the young hallway toward the kitchen. A throughout the apartment. It woman climbed out of bed, deadly silence occupied the continued to echo around the untangling herself from the apartment. No sound carried silent rooms, refusing to give white sheets that wrapped from their neighbours, above up until it had been heard. around her like a toga. or below. Even the muffled sounds of the wife’s footsteps In one room a woman stirred “What would you like for were like silent whispers at a in her cold bed. She threw breakfast darling…or I funeral. her duvet from her and thrust her arms over the edge of the mattress, hand searching blindly for the alarm clock. Her hands fell on neglected dinner dishes, cold cups of tea and a full ash tray. She found the alarm clock and turned it off. This was her long weekend. She threw herself back onto the bed and lovingly wrapped her arms around her husband. She pressed her ear to his stony chest and closed her eyes for a short moment listening to her silent apartment. She opened her eyes once more and glanced about the shadowy room. A dim, grey light was cast across the room, from the window, illuminating the used dishes laid in odd piles and the couple lying awkwardly upon the bed. It was raining; rain tapped against the window pane like tiny fingers. 2
  • 3. The house was cold, dead tore her eyes away from the bed with him once more, cold. The young woman headline and shook herself. lifting one of his stiff arms. It should have been shivering The sudden rush of realisation dangled awkwardly around slightly as she walked in bare postponed for another day as her shoulder. Her husband’s feet across the cold kitchen the wife tossed the dated paper skin was pale and pasty and tiles, popping stale slices back to the floor. The woman his hand which brushed her of bread in the toaster and went to collect the bread from cheek slightly had no grip. The rummaging in cupboards for the toaster. She picked the wife continued to ignore these coffee granules. She took no butter from the fridge and abnormalities and simply notice and simply began to stared in at the refrigerator. It reached for a piece of toast hum happily as she worked. looked bare and empty. Like from the plate balanced on everything in the house, it her partner’s unresponsive In the other room a cockroach suffered recent neglect. chest. scuttled across the dark floorboards, to hopefully The woman suddenly gave She imagined that his grip inspect some stale, week- a violent cough that lasted was tight on her and that he old pancakes. It was small several long seconds then was holding her and making and insignificant in the still doubled over in pain coughing her safe. That he was alive and room; it might have been the and retching. She grabbed her healthy and that his warm only living thing for miles. It sides as she trembled with the body and steady heartbeat scuttled about the plates. In force of each cough. After this was close to her own. The the other room the woman let brief coughing fit she raised wife found these thoughts out a few violent coughs that one bony hand to wipe her comforting, though none of echoed through the house. mouth. She shook herself and them remained true. The husband remained still continued as if she had simply and utterly quiet. let out a tiny hiccup. If she had continued to read the newspaper article In the kitchen the woman She buttered her toast, which which lay in her hall way tapped her foot upon the cold was flecked with spots of grey and was able to comprehend tiles waiting for the toast to mould, and made her way the news it displayed she brown. She continued to hum back to the bedroom. would have read “…an tunelessly. outbreak of a deadly disease that spreads quickly and “Oh I almost forgot, the paper,” Her husband’s more extensively across started the woman. She left skin was pale and the country, the epidemic the kitchen to walk to the front sweeps over the houses door. She reached down to pasty and his hand and homes of Britain…a pick up the paper. She flicked which brushed her quarantine has been called… casually through the black no hope of survival to those cheek slightly had and white contents and then suffering“. But she could not paused to stare at the headline. no grip. comprehend. It was simple It read: “Deadly epidemic to continue with every day spreads across country”. She She greeted her husband life. It was easy in fact, to live stared for a few minutes, with a wide grin. He lay still, in her apartment in denial, almost taking in the printed his wife propped him up their little patch of heaven. It words. Her smile faltered for against the bed post, with was not possible to cope with a few seconds. There was some effort she succeeded. the death of her dear one, her a sudden “pop!” that came She then placed the hot plate husband, the one she refused from the kitchen. The woman on his front and climbed into to live without. 3
  • 4. How to Make a 3D Card by DC and MC You need two sheets of card. Fold them in half. Draw lines on the folded edge of one folded card – picture 1. Cut carefully along the solid lines. Fold back and forward along the dotted lines – picture 2. Lay the card flat and colour your card. Lift the card and push out the ‘steps’. Glue the two cards together – picture 3. Glue your own pictures to the front of the ‘steps’. Decorate as you wish. Your card is finished! 4
  • 5. My Education by Steven Bangham I started with HOTS in P7 the for equipment such as hoists, year before I went to Balerno slings and other extras to be High School. I had missed in place. During this time the out on four years of primary HOTS teachers managed to school and HOTS helped help me keep up with English about 5 months for it to be me catch up, so that I was Maths and German work, so adjusted. During 5th year I able to attend high school that I only had to catch up on was off because the school knowing what was going on other subjects. Because I get lift was broken and took over and managing the work. When bad back pain sitting up in a month to get fixed. I also Balerno had the induction my chair too long, I was never missed some time due to days, the Maths teacher set able to attend school full quite frequent illness. When a target and I managed to do time, so my outreach teachers I had these problems, HOTS more questions than anyone came out to the house three helped me out of school and else in the class, and I got times a week. Despite all Balerno Support for Learning them all correct. The whole these problems, I was really Department helped me catch class turned round and looked pleased to get seven special up in school. So I was able to at me with disbelief! certificates in S1 and 2. pass Maths, English German and Geography Standard I had lots of difficulties from I continued to miss quite a lot Grades, and in my last year I the start of high school. I of school as the years went passed Intermediate 1 Media wasn’t able to start until late on. In S3 I had grown out of and Intermediate 2 Maths October because I had to wait my wheelchair and it took (with an A pass!) My most memorable day was the day of the Balerno Leavers’ Ceremony, when I got The Currie, Balerno and District Round Table silver trophy, an award for excellence. I also won an Oscar which said that I had “displayed great strength of character and determination in dealing with considerable challenges”. I was surprised and overwhelmed to get these two awards, and I am very proud that I was able to attend school and pleased that I got the support to make the best of it. 5
  • 6. Alone centre of the room and a pile of logs still sat neatly in place next to the fire. Her mother’s dresser lay overturned on the floor, near where Anna sat. by Naomi Smith If a stranger had walked into She shivered and her teeth this house they would have chattered as yet another known that whoever once Anna on to her bedroom on gust of icy cool wind blew lived here had been forced to the left and a bathroom to in her direction. The entire leave with some urgency. They the right. Between these two house was cold. Cold and would also notice the teapot, doorways was a large window, abandoned, just like her. Anna half-full cups and plate of big enough for a fully-grown raised her head to peer out the now-inedible biscuits that man to fit comfortably within window from her cross-legged still lay on the dining room the strong oak frame. From position on the floor, in the far table. Half-packed suitcases out of this window could corner of the room. Directly could be found within almost be seen the entire stretch of opposite she could see the every bedroom in the house. land in front of the house window with its fractured An escape seemed to be and during the day a view panes and the shattered glass. imminent, but time was stolen of glorious snow-tipped A once immaculate ivory net and just like Anna’s family, was hills rose in the distance. It curtain trailed dirty and frayed now lost. was beautiful in the clear along the floor. Out of the light of day, but during the window little could be seen Anna made her way through night Anna’s thoughts were for the night was dark and the the long hallway for the shrouded by troublesome vast area surrounding the old seventh time that hour. fears of what lay put there. farmhouse was empty and With each step she tried to Yet in many ways it had been lifeless for miles around. regain a memory from when the isolated landscape that everything was normal and of had protected Anna’s family For a young girl to be left the time when, at any given for so long. Now that Anna alone in an empty house, moment she could retreat was alone, she couldn’t even one would have expected back into the safe lull of begin to contemplate the Anna to be scared. One would family and home. She couldn’t possibilities that surrounded expect her to be longing for remember exactly when that her. a comfort. But twelve year- was because ever since that old Anna was not scared, time the days and nights had Peering down from the she simply felt detached and merged into one and to Anna window, the entrance to the confused. As she sat in the the rest of the world was dead. house could be seen. From the house that once used to be She didn’t care about what outside it looked to Anna as her home, she felt an aching may be happening out with it always had, apart from the longing for what used to be. her own situation. large Swastika flag that hung The room she sat in once in the doorway. Anna knew belonged to her mother and She stood at the end of the that her father would have father. It would no longer be long narrow hallway, once an felt so ashamed to see it. He recognisable as theirs, for the area of laughter and fun. Now was a wonderfully kind and dirt and mirror shards that it felt to Anna, like a foreign loving man, but the look that were sprinkled all over the environment, enclosed and had appeared in his eyes every floor. However the large oak claustrophobic. It did however time ‘Nazis’ were mentioned bed still sat proudly in the still serve its purpose and led let Anna know that the only 6
  • 7. Barge true hatred in his heart was purely for them. It was too late for Anna to think about all of that now. Dear Captain and Crew, Anna’s father was gone as were her mother and three I’m writing this letter to say thanks for the wonderful barge elder brothers. What Anna had trip you took me on before Christmas. It was a fun day and to worry about was where her I really enjoyed myself especially when Santa dropped in. It family could be and why they was also quite exciting when the barge got blown against the were taking so long. It had bank, and had to be pushed off using a long pole. Thank you felt like an eternity so far. She again for making it such a pleasant day. wondered if they would ever return to her as her mother I hope one day to sail with you on the barge again. had promised. As she thought of the last few seconds shared Omar between them before they had parted she could almost smell her mother’s perfume and feel her cool skin as she released Anna’s hand from her grasp and whispered, “We’ll be back soon Anna, I promise.” An hour before the Gestapo had arrived Anna’s mother had given her clear instructions, “Stay at home, stay safe and keep hidden. God will be with you and protect you until our return.” Anna knew that no matter how long it took for their return she would never give up on them. She would wait forever. As her eyes grew heavy and tired, Anna retreated to her bedroom where she knelt before her bed, lit her Shabbat and prayed to God as she did every night. She then slipped underneath her bed into the safe nest she had created for herself to get some rest and anticipate what tomorrow may bring.
  • 8. Just before Christmas some of our young people produced a short animated film. They wrote the script, constructed the set, made plasticine models, filmed, added sound and edited. This is the sonnet which introduced the film. The Credit Crunch Christmas by Xavi Laird It’s the news at ten and my name’s Trevor Scott. The credit crunch is really hitting here. Many families do not have a lot Of money as Christmas time is drawing near. The household and home of Elle and Bob – Two loving parents to young Jack and Jade Unfairness and fate cost poor Bob his Job As all spirit and confidence begins to fade Listening in to his mum and dad talk, Jack Seeks Santa’s help to save misery and tears So Santa sends elves to fill up his sack To save Jack’s generation from horror and fear The thoughts and the faith of a boy who is ten Won over the hearts of two merry elf men. 8
  • 9. ipad App Review By Louis Hainsworth Since I came into hospital, I get the answers and that forces AB Maths is more or less the have been using the teacher’s me to think hard and quickly. same as Maths Expert but it ipad to help me with my This game reinforces my tables is designed more for children work. I have pushed my knowledge and my addition who are less confident with mum to buy me my own and subtraction bonds. their maths. It gives you ipad for Christmas because I choices of which type of thought it was a good piece of calculation you want to use The sounds are technology for school and for and in particular, with times fun. I have used a number of very clear and it tables, you can choose which apps but this review is about makes different table you want to work with. two I have found particularly You can either have a choice useful. noises depending of four possible answers so on whether I’ve got you can see which one is the Maths Expert and AB Maths most likely or you can opt to are my favourite educational the answer right or key in the answer yourself, apps. Maths Expert helps me wrong. which is what I prefer to do. learn and improve my tables, addition and subtraction. The I particularly like puzzles and It’s not as challenging as images spin and move on the because of this, I find this app Maths Expert but it still helps screen as you try to calculate a lot of fun but challenging. me with my mental maths the answers from lowest to The sounds are very clear because there is a time limit highest. My mental addition, and it makes different noises on this game as well. subtraction and times tables depending on whether I’ve got are benefiting because there the answer right or wrong. I would score this app 9/10. is a limited amount of time to I would score this app 9.5/10 9
  • 10. A Mascot for It felt weird seeing the pitch from that view. I sat in the dugouts and had my picture taken with my Mum, Dad and Hibs! Gran. I also sat in the fourth official’s seat. “This is the ball that Steven Fletcher will score with.” by Liam Watson It wasn’t long until kick off. I moved on into the boot room. waited in the tunnel for the All the players’ football boots players to get ready. I was were here. There must have really excited and I couldn’t been about thirty pairs of wait to go onto the pitch. boots and all of them were Finally the players came out stinking of muck. There were and I lined up in the tunnel. very nice pairs in there and The Celtic captain Steven some huge ones and some McManus shook my hand and small ones. wished me good luck and I replied back by saying “You On the 23 September 2007 I After that we went to see the will be the one that needs the was a mascot for Hibs when dressing room. When we got luck.” He just laughed back. they were against Celtic there I got a surprise. It was The referee let me hold the at Easter Road. I went up a mess! Trainers were all over ball and I bounced it and said an hour and a half before the place and there were “This is the ball that Steven kick off. When I got there I jumpers, tops, trousers, and Fletcher will score with.” was full of excitement. The socks everywhere as well. The Hibs captain Rob Jones education organiser met us All the match day tops were took my hand and led me on and started the tour. As soon hanging up on the wall. I had to the pitch. The noise was as I opened the double green my picture taken beside all tremendous, all four stands doors to begin the tour I saw my favourite players’ tops. up and singing, clapping their my favourite player Scott At the back of the dressing hands. Rob Jones let go of my Brown. He was a Celtic player room there was all the baths, hand and ran to the corner but he used to play for Hibs. showers and toilets. There flag to greet the fans. I ran I couldn’t believe it I was so were ten baths and fifteen to the centre circle myself. It happy and excited. showers. It was very noisy felt amazing, like I was a Hibs because the radio was on player myself. Rob Jones came The tour began with the full blast! The manager, John back and shook hands with interview room. This was Collins and goal keeper, the Celtic captain and referee. the room where all the TV Makalambie came into the The referee tossed a £1 coin interviewing was done. It was dressing room. They had to see who got kick off and so small and simple. All that photos taken with us and after gave me the pound coin. was in the room was a TV, an spoke to us. John Collins I got my picture taken with advertising wall, one camera showed us his office. It had Rob Jones, Steven McManus, and a bottle of champagne. It nice luxury furniture and the referee and two linesmen. was as small as my bathroom; a huge 50 inch TV. I moved Afterwards I ran back to the I was expecting something on to the dugouts where the tunnel absolutely thrilled to completely different. We manager and substitutes sit. bits. 10
  • 11. The Black At last the game started. Hibs started great they chased everything and gave Celtic Sonnet no time on the ball. The first chance brought the first goal and it was a Hibs goal. Steven Fletcher from about thirty yards out hit a poor shot but Celtic keeper Arthur By Calum Baxter Boruc let the ball through his legs. The stadium erupted. I thought it was Arthur’s Seat Bullies. Grief. Love Lost. Workload. Time. Sadness. erupting! What I said actually Black thoughts, behind my back, caught up with me, happened, Steven Fletcher scored with the ball I had Tormenting me, I just could not break free. bounced. The game moved The truth is I had suffered, I confess on and Celtic levelled. On the stroke of half time Hibs scored My life, much like my room, it was a mess. a second goal. The place went Churchill’s Black Dog would not heel, I could see even wilder as it was a brilliant individual goal by the right No end. No light. Nowhere for me to be – back. Into the second half and the game changed. Suddenly Except in my own made up world I guess. Celtic were all over Hibs and The long road to recovery, like chess, equalised for a second time. The stadium was silenced Logic and careful planning is the key. apart from the Celtic end. As With support from others, I could be we. the game went on I thought Celtic were going to win but This is my goal, the long road to success, in the last ten minutes a I needed the help and we all agreed, shot from Dean Sheils was spilled again by the Celtic That Churchill’s Black Dog is now on a lead. goal keeper. I couldn’t believe it, Hibs were winning after their poor performance in the second half. That was it Celtic couldn’t equalise for a third time and Hibs won 3–2. I gave a huge sigh of relief. It was the end of my special day. Everything went perfectly. The score made it even better; it really was the icing on the cake. I felt so lucky that I was picked to be a mascot for Hibs. I felt really happy and I will remember it as one of the best days of my life. 11
  • 12. Fun Stuff by Cherie Warrender My article is about The Santa cruise was offered got on the boat we were offered by a charity called “The tea and juice and had a quiz some of the activities Seagull Trust”. The Seagull where you were given a sheet of that we do in the trust provides free canal paper and you were to look out HOTS group… cruises for groups of children for cartoon characters that were and adults of any age. along the bank of the Canal and Some of the HOTS teachers write their names down. and pupils got the chance to The boat left from the try something different by Edinburgh Canal Centre in Everyone got the chance to going out on a boat on the Ratho and travelled towards the steer the boat and we narrowly Union canal before Christmas. Almond Aqueduct. When we avoided getting stuck. We had 12
  • 13. to use a metal pole (barge Jordan wrote this for a competition run by Radio Lollipop in pole) to push the boat away the Royal Hospital for Sick Children. He won first prize – tickets from the side as the boat got to see Jeff Kinney, author of the highly successful “Diary of a too close to the edge. Santa Wimpy Kid”. came on board but it was only Scott dressed up. (Obviously). Each of the pupils got a Dear Diary present from Santa (Scott) on the boat. It was more fun that I have had the most amazing day – the day I was due back I thought it would be and we into hospital. are thinking about going back in the summer. It was a sunny afternoon and my mum and her boyfriend Scott took me to the driving range at St. Andrews – ‘The Another activity we did Home of Golf’. I hit some balls then we decided to have before Christmas was card a go on the pitch and putt outside. It was very quiet, just making. We had blank cards and decorated them using a mum, Scott and me. Oh! and one other family. technique called decoupage. As we got closer Scott realised the father of the other family was the one and only Colin Montgomerie! (At this point I I have started to was in the bunker so I didn’t know.) Scott approached Colin make extra cards and went on about how much I love golf and that Colin in my own time was my idol, while I was trying to get out of the bunker. I couldn’t get out but I glimpsed Scott and Colin walking and I have earned over in my direction out of the corner of my eye. some money by selling them at Just as they reached me I got one ball out and right next to the hole. Colin saw! He came over to me, said “Hi,” and £1.50 each. shook my hand. This is when you have a picture that you build up “You have massive hands,” I told him. using double sided sticky foam pads. After you build it He laughed. “These bunkers are much higher than the ones all up it looks 3D. I made cards we get on tour. You must be quite good if you can get out of for family and friends and these. You will have no problem if you get on the tour when they really liked them. I have you are older.” started to make extra cards in my own time and I have Scott felt well jealous because he didn’t get to shake Colin’s earned some money by selling hand and he just spoke to me. them at £1.50 each. Colin wished me well and told me that he would come It has been a lot of fun getting and give me a pitch and putt competition when I got out chances to do things I have of hospital. I got my picture taken with him. It is now never even thought about laminated and stuck on my wall. doing before and I enjoyed it more than the usual lessons. Jordan Laing 13
  • 14. Eden’s Haikus Animal Haikus Wonder what it’s like, by Callum McIntyre Inside, outside, upside down, A fly on a wall Beaver A busy builder And a woodcutter as well Never leaves his work Scarecrows can’t walk, Scare- Crows can’t talk. Scarecrows don’t have Beating hearts. Short straw. Ferret Pink eyes, cream body Chasing down rabbits for men Bred from the polecat They’re trapped, teeth baring, Crazy eyes staring – pleading? Animals in Zoos. Wolf There’s one to the right Time isn’t passing Howling loudly in the woods But I always watch the clock I hope he has food Hoping it will tock Everybody wants Centipede To be so American Such a lot of legs – What is wrong with us? His name means one hundred feet But I’m not so sure 14
  • 15. 15
  • 16. Every year Edinburgh welcomes visits from the ‘shows’, a travelling fairground which brings colour and excitement Being a to the city. Behind the scenes of the music and the bright lights are the families who run them, families who enjoy a long history of travelling across Scotland’s towns and Travelling cities. Over the winter the Showmen and their families settle in one place, spending their time repairing and Showman restoring their rides to pristine condition ready for I like being a travelling the new season’s work. During that time, the children Showman because I meet attend a local school but when travelling begins, usually people and see lots of around the end of March until the end of October, the things. We’re just like normal children have to be home schooled using the pack of people except that we travel work their class teacher prepares for them. If the fair sometimes, usually from arrives in Edinburgh during term time, every effort is April through to October. made to contact the families and arrange a visit to their Most Travellers are good at maths because we help ‘wagon’ (caravan) to help the children with their work. with the rides. It’s hard This additional teaching is very much welcomed by the being a travelling Showman families. The following articles are from two of the ‘show’ sometimes because I have children who were in Edinburgh in May last year. to spend a lot of time in the
  • 17. car. One time it was 10 hours! Sometimes I get picked on but I never let it get me down. But Blue then there are good times. I Blue is the sea get to meet up with friends on With big loud waves the fairground that I haven’t Blue is the sky seen since the last year and Above us all around the world that’s why I like being a Blue is the denim travelling Showman. The colour of jeans Nina Slater Blue is the bag That carries my school books My name is Dior Slater and I Blue is the colour am seven years old and I live Of my brother’s room on a funfair. My family are Blue is the blanket Show people. I have a ride So soft and warm called A Miami. It goes high Blue is the bells in the sky round in circles. My On the blossoming flowers daddy watches the ride and I Blue is the berries sometimes help and talk on So juicy and sweet the mike. My mammy has a Ghost Train. I love travelling BLUE and I live in a big wagon. By Nina Slater, age 10. Fairground Traveller Dior Slater 17
  • 18. My Favourite Walk by Lauren Scott I was walking through the air. Tara gave me a curious forest to the sounds of nature look and strolled off into the and I was no longer a threat to mist. Her black figure slowly the forest but a friend. became more and more visible on the mossy hillside. A small burn trickled past me It was only then that I realised containing many small shoals the sun was battling through of fish and brightly coloured the groggy clouds warming It was still early morning stones within the water. Then the atmosphere and gently and the sun had hidden its Tara raised her curious head lifting the mist. face behind a light blanket and picked up her ears with excitement, her tail beating of clouds. Nature was silent. frantically. I raised my head looking up at the The tall beech trees gave a small groan as a gentle breeze to see the exit to the forest sun pushing the was ahead of us and then I whistled through their bright knew we would be close to my grey clouds and green leaves causing the trees to give a loud echoing creak all favourite hill in the whole of mist out of the way, through the forest. I stepped Earlston. down the last step and placed And then just ahead of me a foot into the earthy soil at I gave Tara a race but I knew I awaiting me the summit of the entrance of the forest. was no match for her. She was the hill! My heart skipped into faster than me within seconds. my throat and excitement I was cautious; the early I had no chance of catching bubbled into my chest as I morning mist lurked around up with her until she finally ran passing Tara as she trotted the floor of the woods. It came to a halt at the forest upwards after me. I suddenly seemed to go on for miles exit panting and tail wagging left the exhaustion I had felt ahead. madly. I stopped by her side and before I knew it I was breathing hard but excited. there, standing on the face of I reached down and let my the earth, looking up at the dog Tara slowly off the lead I gazed upwards. Ahead of me sun pushing the grey clouds and at that moment she was a wonderfully shaped path and mist out of the way, didn’t hesitate for a second- winding up a silent still hill. I revealing a great warming ray she bounded ahead of me knew the hill at once I had been of beauty onto the world. galloping over leaves and there before but still it seemed snapping fallen branches. And unfamiliar, a large thick blanket And then suddenly the clouds at that very second the forest of mist covered the summit. and mist were gone, dissolved suddenly awoke and came into the air leaving no trace of into life. Birds whistled and I stepped forwards crunching their presence. I knew I was sung, flowers came into bloom a twig. Moving upwards I here. The place I had been rabbits and squirrels came could feel the chill of the mist looking for. I was standing on out of hiding and scampered upon my skin as the morning my favourite hill in the whole along the forest floor. mist lingered lazily in the of Earlston. 18
  • 19. Dunnocks on Arthur’s Seat The wind whistled when I flew over yellow gorse, Collecting twigs, to Make a home. The hail hammered while I gave birth to my, Not yet born family, trapped Inside fragile blue cells. The sun blazed down while I sat on my eggs, Watching two legged monsters, Laughing, chatting and climbing around the mountain. The sun smiled when my chicks broke through their shells, Playing their flutes, For the first time. The rain meant that worms slithered across thick black mud, And I could return to the castle ruins, With my beak full. The night had fallen when I scolded my chicks into silence, Because a fox was, Sniffing around. The storm was howling when I found the runt, With no breath left, In his silent corpse. The late snow drifted down while I taught my chicks to fly, Bobbing up and down clumsily, Little brown specks over the great city… …then they flew away. Selina Sode-Woodhead 19
  • 20. Dream or no dream by Bradley Kinnell I could hear my heart thumping against my chest. My body froze like a statue. Outside the street lamps were off – it was pitch black. The time was quickly going past and I needed to be ready for my friend’s party. He had begged me for weeks to come and eventually I agreed as it sounded like a good idea. I met up with a few people including my best friend who was smelling of his new aftershave. He had his hair dyed blue for the party but it had gone wrong and he looked like smurf. The taxi had just appeared and we were soon on our way to the party. We arrived on time and were greeted at the front door by my friends. The party had been going for two hours straight. When the party was over we realised that we had no money to get home so we had no option but to walk the four miles. Off we went on our journey home feeling disappointed that we had forgotten our money for the return taxi. “Come here!” was shouted by a boy in a crowd of about twenty people chasing after a man who was running as fast as he could down the street to escape the crowd. We found ourselves surrounded by the boys who were chanting and yelling. The bomb had dropped – I was terrified. I woke up the next morning with a black eye and three of my front teeth missing. To this day I still don’t know what happened...... 20
  • 21. Amy’s Story children running down a big hill in the distance. They were waving and shouting “Hello!” Half an hour later the four of by Joy Kennedy us arrived at a super cottage. It had brightened up. The sun was peeking out from the clouds and the wind had stopped blowing. There were daisies, buttercups and roses in the front garden. We walked to a door at the side of the cottage past some red poppies. The scent of lavender was so strong I sneezed. “Bless you,” said Lily. “Bless you,” said Joe. Barney barked at a bird in the air and jumped to try and get it. (Joy wrote this story about down my face. I started to Everyone started laughing. a wee girl called Amy being walk towards a field with a evacuated during the Second deer in it. She was all alone Just then a man came out of World War. Joy tries to show and soaking wet. Nobody was the door. He was wearing a the reader how Amy feels by looking after her. Her black black top and he was frowning describing the village she is eyes were staring at me. at me. I shivered. Then he sent to and the family she is to started smiling and laughing. stay with.) Suddenly I heard a lady’s voice He had just been teasing me. behind me. I turned around. I arrived at Longniddrie train She had nice black hair, nice “You must be Amy,” he said. station yesterday. It was grey, makeup and a smiley face. “Let me show you where your rainy and cold. The wind was room is”. so strong that it bent the trees “Hi Amy,” she said. sideways. There was only one He took my big, old, tatty shop and the big window Just then a wee cocker spaniel suitcase from me. I was going was cracked. The tears ran pup ran up to me, jumped up, to like it here… and licked me in the face. “Aaaawwwww!” I said, “What is its name?” “Barney.” Barney was running round in circles chasing his tail. I started to giggle. Then I saw two 21
  • 22. The Secrets Hidden Within By Lorna Ross young girl sitting in the back unusually big hands and there It was a cold dark night and of the car, as she desperately was something about her that the air was thick and a damp wanted to know where she was gave Sarah a great sense of mist gathered around the old going. As Sarah gazed out of the unease - and it wasn’t just her grey stone building which sun lit window she couldn’t help unfortunate look. stood proud in front of the but panic about the uncertainty young woman. She was looking of the days to come as she Standing in the main entrance around for the spot where knew from experience that care Sarah was surprised when she she had buried her mother’s homes were not nice places. looked around to see that the precious silver locket which inside of the building was not meant ever so much to her. Sarah had been travelling what she had imagined from The young woman who was for three long hours now the exquisite exterior. The floor now freezing and soaked and had passed many busy was covered in a carpet which through to the skin shuddered crowded cities and many small had obviously been there a as she thought back to how picturesque villages which long time as Sarah could no the building used to look. It all had their own story to tell. longer tell what colour it was was once a very grand and But now there was no sign meant to be; the walls were a beautiful building which any of human society, only great grotty grey colour and there person would be overjoyed to big trees and fields filled with were only a few lumpy looking own. Every year in early spring golden flowers which danced in chairs lined up against the bare the brightly coloured flowers the gentle breeze. Only minutes walls. Sarah’s thoughts were else would bloom and the garden later Sarah found herself being where as she was trying to listen would come alive. So why you jerked to one side as the car in to the two women having ask did the young woman took a sharp left and continued a conversation in front of her. shudder when she thought back up a very long uneven gravel Lisa, Sarah’s social worker who on the house and the beauty road which led up to a breath had driven her out to Mullberry that surrounded it? The fact taking old fashioned building. House, was a very pretty young was she was not shuddering lady with a petite frame and fair at the house’s appearance she The car came to a halt and a hair, but right at that moment was simply thinking about how woman appeared standing Lisa looked more beautiful than the exterior of the house had outside the impressive double ever as she was standing next hidden all the terrible secrets door entrance. Sarah got out of to Miss Rankin the woman who within. the car and was gently ushered had met them at the door. Sarah towards the main door. She was asked to sit on one of the It was the late summer of 1979 noticed that the woman, who few chairs against the wall while and the sun was lying low and from a distance had looked Lisa and Miss Rankin went to hitting off the glass of the car very average was a lot stranger her office and sorted out the window making it incredibly in appearance close up. The last of the paperwork. It was hard to see out of which was woman had a long misshapen about ten minutes later when very frustrating for Sarah, the face with a large nose and the office door finally reopened 22
  • 23. John Barrowman and Lisa stepped out and tried to give Sarah a reassuring smile, but it was easy to see that the smile had not been real and Lisa was unsure about leaving the vulnerable little girl here. Concert Review After Lisa had left Miss Rankin by Lily Hambelton led Sarah through many corridors until they came to a stop outside a door with the John Barrowman was a great In the middle of the song the number 20 on it. Miss Rankin success last night – very boys changed into smart suits opened the door and to Sarah’s entertaining lots of very good and ties and the girls wore surprise there were four beds. songs and jokes and brilliant dresses. John Barrowman She was taken over to the bed dancers. Loved the concert. changed his outfits 5 times in the far left corner where Got to sing along to some of during the production. Miss Rankin picked up Sarah’s the songs. Overall it was an amazing tattered old bag and handed night. over a uniform which she was First he sang Celebration Time then told to put on and to find Come On, then he sang Listen her way down to the dining to the Music and Firework by room on time for dinner or Katy Perry. As the night went she would simply have to go on he told us all about his without. family life and his parents and about the new albums he had Sarah sank onto her bed out and his books. clutching the locket around her neck. She sighed as she looked He sang the famous song the around the gloomy room and YMCA and we all joined in like the rest of the building it singing and dancing on our was very bland, there were four feet. He made us feel proud metal beds with very thin limp to be Scottish so he sang mattresses and a old worn out Auld Lang Syne and Loch blanket on each and by the Lomond. Also he sang a very side of the each bed there was moving edition of You Raise a small set of wooden drawers. Me Up from the popular band The only clue that anyone Westlife. actually stayed in the room were the teddies and dolls that The stage was amazing and singularly lay against each very colourful. There were pillow. Sarah got changed into flashing lights and there her uniform which was not were 4 dancers 2 boys and the least bit flattering: it was 2 girls. They wore loads of ill fitting and miscoloured and different costumes like in swamped Sarah’s slender frame the Hollywood song where and drained the colour from her the boy dancers wore just rose tinted cheeks. swimming trunks and goggles and snorkels. The girl dancers END OF PART ONE wore swimming costumes. 23
  • 24. The Wonders of the World by Remedios Ayton Lisa Silver was not only their boss, she had also founded the company in the 80s, built it up from nothing. In her early fifties now she was avoided by most of her employees as she had a temper to be feared. Her relationship with Arthur was known as ‘stormy’ to say the least, they constantly had shouting matches across the office and Lisa was known to throw things across the room. After his death everything Once the plane took off I felt probably the most interesting changed. Lisa Silver closed calmer. I had got away with thing he ever did. down the agency. She was a murder, double murder I should disappointment. How anyone say. I felt no guilt, no regret, only It really was an obvious could be scared of her I’ll a smug satisfaction. They did murder. The police didn’t think never know. They said she deserve it after all. so but how many people fall was a broken woman, guilt accidentally out of top storey and regret do that. She should Arthur always thought that windows at work? If they had have told him earlier. She had he was so special, he was the looked into it they would have told me, blurted it out in a best of the best. His life was found suspects as well. tearful confession. She was complete: happily married, young and poor, trying to set a highflier at an advertising Arthur had a co-worker, up a company. She couldn’t agency and still in his twenties. Richard Watt, who hated him. look after a child, so she put It didn’t even cross his mind that They had the same job title him up for adoption. She he was just like thousands of but it was clear that Arthur stayed in contact with the other young men who all think was heading for the top, adoptive parents and when exactly the same thing, only to while Richard was headed for Arthur was introduced to her look back in twenty years and a dingy back office. He was as a new employee she knew. realise that they had wasted always in Arthur’s shadow. It turned out that she had their lives in offices while the According to Richard their wanted him to inherit the wonders of the world passed boss favoured Arthur: that agency, well that’s what sons them by. Being murdered was made everyone laugh. are for after all. 24
  • 25. unhappiness, my longing for something different. It was a nice day, bright, sunny and clear, but with a certain crispness in the air. Autumn was coming. When Arthur opened one of the windows the wind was strong. He told me it was because we were so high up. As if I didn’t know that already, I’m not stupid and I told him so. He laughed, told me that of course I wasn’t and leaned out of the window. I was suddenly extremely angry. Angry at Richard moved on to another I think after I married Arthur his condescension. Angry faceless company, to find I realised what I wanted. I that he was so arrogant that another co-worker to envy wanted to fly around the he didn’t even think about and another boss to blame world. I wanted to see the the possibility of falling. So for his own lack of talent. He wonders of the world. I I walked up behind him and was nothing but petty and wanted to do what I wanted gave him a push. I could incompetent, completely to do, and I wanted to do it have turned away and left harmless. alone. I definitely did not want rather than watching, but to be Crystal, Arthur’s loving I was curious, it was as if I Now I should get on to the wife, any more. I needed to get was hypnotised. At first it second murder, it happened a a new identity, a new life. So I seemed that the wind would little earlier, but no one even did. The one good thing about catch him, but he just fell noticed. Crystal, Arthur’s wife, Arthur? His insurance. I could forward as if this world had no was seen as young, kind but have just left him, but after all power over him. It looked so not too bright. She had been those years of listening to his beautiful that I thought about Arthur’s assistant but had left self assured speeches I just letting myself fall. Then he hit work after they got married, that couldn’t stand it anymore, so I the concrete. So I didn’t. was what Arthur wanted. When killed him. It was easier than I Crystal suddenly disappeared thought it would be. “Here is your champagne, Ms no one realised anything was Sine. Celebrating are you?” wrong. I’m glad I killed her, I He had just been given a new hated her more than I hated office, courtesy of Lisa Silver “Thank you. And yes, I am Arthur. He was arrogant and of course, so he invited me in celebrating.” dismissive, but she let him be. to see it. He was supposed to be working so he sneaked me God, I love first class. “Excuse me but is there in. It was on one of the top anything I can get you Ms…?” floors and two of the sides, from floor to ceiling, were “Sine, Grace Sine. And yes glass windows overlooking the there is, I would like some city, the view was amazing. champagne.” Even I had to admit that. I had begun to change by “Certainly.” then, began to recognise my 25
  • 26. Happy Birthday Mum Happy Birthday Mum Hoping you have fun Drinking coke and a cup of tea, You’ll be as happy as can be. Happy Birthday Mum by Dylan Sinclair 26
  • 27. The End she answers the buzzer and their foreign accent anyway. reassures me that she is fine Eventually, they leave. Jess so I can get out of this place. looks more relaxed and carries But of course, hooligans have on sleeping in her own little broken the lock and made world. My memory crawls By Amber Kelly the flats accessible. Typical. back to when I found her. The God, it stinks in this place; banging of her vandalised Blackness engulfs me. The the stench of urine and sweat door, the kicking down of pain is quickly being erased envelops my nostrils. I nearly her door, the discovery of from my body. No more hurt, gag. Ninth floor and yet I still her lifeless body, surrounded no more nothing. The dullness take the stairs. I can hear by needles and tablets. The is reassuring; is death really grunts from the lift. I wouldn’t phone she had used to call this easy? No one can harm want to disturb. The stairs me was lying there too, as if me, or stop me. It’s peaceful are also littered in adverts she had dropped it next to her here. Serene. and pee. It is like animals live after ending the call to me. I here though I’m under the remember shaking her, trying I pull up next to the impression that even rats have to shake the unconsciousness littered kerb, covered in better conditions than these. I out of her, the drugs out advertisements for take-aways hear someone descending the of her. Anger was the most and cash loans, as if this scum stairs as I climb them. Better recognisable emotion I recall could afford luxuries. How can make sure my car keys and feeling. Grief was another. So people live here? Especially wallet are tucked out of sight. was determination. Grief for someone as intelligent as Jess. It is just a kid, with a dog and the sister I had lost; the pretty, I constantly wonder how she a cigarette hanging from his smart young girl and grief ever began this life; we had dirty mouth. People like this for the woman she was now the same upbringing yet I shouldn’t have kids, why fuse with life edging its way out don’t live in a filthy scheme. I together DNA from scum to of her clammy body. I vowed live a respectful life. I suppose re-enact themselves as young to make her survive and be a there is always a weird one in people. He may be only about healthy woman. She needed every family; I don’t know why fourteen but he still manages care, love and attention. Not I even bother sometimes. Is to barge past me rather easily heroin, alcohol and cigarettes. there any point in my being even though there is plenty I sit and tell her my plans here? She doesn’t talk to me of room on the stairs. Eighth for the future; she just lies when I visit, simply sits and floor, almost there. there. Is she listening? I’m stares into the distance with not sure. She might be. I feel her sunken, dark eyes and a Who dares to interrupt my better for telling her anyway. bemused expression on her heaven? I enjoy it here, yet I watch the heart monitor sallow skinned face. But the someone insists on disturbing beeping steadily on, reassured phone call… it was too weird. my serenity. I wish they would by it. They weren’t sure she Her laughing. It is extremely go… What is that noise? Beep, would survive. Her body was unusual to even see her smile. beep, beep. Just go, leave me overloaded. I desperately I seem to think her face would alone. I was happy there. Now hope she pulls through. I wish crack with an attempt. No, she voices too? Can this get much I had done more. isn’t that bad. Yet. But she is worse? getting worse. The world invites me to Groggily, her eyes flickered. rejoin it. My body invites me I eventually find her block of She looks annoyed. The nurses to occupy it once again. But flats, menacingly towering are babbling to me but I don’t I refuse. I’m happy here; it’s over me, inwardly hoping that take it in. I can’t understand peaceful. Serene. 27
  • 28. How We Made Our Dress-Up Dolls By FR and DC We made our dolls out of pink card. Then we made clothes for them and coloured their clothes. We fixed the clothes on with blutac. We enjoyed making the dolls. 28
  • 29. Going back to I played Maths Bingo, wrote stories on the Book Creator and drew pictures on Doodle Buddy. My favourite thing School though was going to the play room. It had lots of toys and I made some friends. One boy was called Callum and he was really funny. He liked Horrid by Ethan Allan, Age 7 Henry. I also had some visitors coming to see me. My uncles, aunties and granny and granddads came too. It made me really happy. They bought presents for me. Horrid Henry in the Hospital by Callum Murray, Age 7 Horrid Henry came for a sleep over with me and I was in Ward 2. It was the 8 September. We stayed up to the crack of dawn. We got up to mischief. We ran about, kicked footballs, On Friday I went back to station in Edinburgh and the played golf and bounced school to see my friends museum. The museum was on beds. AAAAH! Suddenly for the first time in ages. really cool. When I have been we broke the bed. Kerry We played with bricks and in hospital I had a teacher the nurse was cross! She we made a shed. We had a every day. At first I didn’t like gave Horrid Henry a row. story then mum came to it because I didn’t know my First we pick me up. On Monday I am teacher and I was scared. I had fudges going back to school for the felt better quickly because and then morning again and if I feel she had an ipad. I did lots of caramels well enough I will be able to things on the ipad I played and then go back more regularly. For cut the rope, angry birds we went to the last few months I have and a motorbike game as a sleep. stayed in the hospital most of reward for working hard but the time. I got to visit the fire I also used it for doing work. 29
  • 30. Is Christmas All It of decoration and something to do while the family wait on this glorious feast, which Is Made Out To Be ? usually leaves one spending the next year on the treadmill. Dinner is followed by board games, or in these days, Wii games with the children and Tiffany Hutchinson adults having a laugh. Photos are taken a lot on Christmas day of families playing Nobody can deny that not the most valuable thing games, opening presents to Christmas is a magical time in life, it is love and humanity. leave a lovely memory. The of year from the lights on the There are many nativity plays traditional way is, arguably, Christmas tree to the snow educating us about what the loveliest way to spend on the rooftops. The town is happened at this special Christmas. covered in wonderful sights event whilst churches across and smells; the musky mulled the world hold candlelit But, with the state the wine; the sweet smell of services to mark the birth of economy is in at this moment doughnuts; cinnamon dust Jesus and Christians often in time, financial difficulties floating in the air, greeting the go out carol singing to the are becoming more and more smiling faces aboard the big public. Even though it is a day apparent and Christmas can wheel. Christmas has been a of Christianity, atheists and be quite overwhelming with tradition, in many countries, some other people around presents being the expected for years to celebrate the the world celebrate Christmas thing. For the vulnerable birth of Jesus. Yet, there are with all the traditional parts people finding themselves problems beginning to show to go with it bringing joy to stressed there are services with this special event. many people around the that claim to save people world. from becoming in debt. An amazing thing about These services are called Christmas is how important Another lovely thing about “Pay Day Lenders” and are it is to many religious people. Christmas is that it is the really not what they claim Christmas originates from one time of the year where to be. For a simple loan of a Christianity’s belief that Jesus people almost definitely get hundred pounds you could was born on this day, the 25th to see family members they be expected to pay up to 25 of December. This is such a have probably not seen since pounds for just thirty days significant celebration for the the Christmas before. Many which all adds up to an Christian society and for them families join together for annual percentage rate of Christmas is not about large Christmas dinner including 1730 percent. These “legal gifts, it is about God’s son elderly family members loan sharks” could actually being born into the world and who may not see a lot of be charging more than the this makes it really emotional family. The Christmas dinner illegal street lenders and for them. The Bible says how usually consists of turkey the online pay day lender an ordinary couple walked with stuffing served with Wonga is the one that really miles, with the woman in the traditional Christmas does charge the most. So for labour, managed to find a run trimmings, cranberry sauce Christmas shoppers seeing all down stable and this is where and a mountain of roast of these adverts as a way out it the birth of Jesus happened. potatoes. Crackers are placed really is not and they can get This suggests that money is all around the table for a bit sucked into a spiral of debt. 30
  • 31. The pressure to get these these times and when done winter nights. They will go expensive presents for family properly, Christmas will be around the elderly people’s and friends can make people an amazing time of year for homes and spend time with really quite depressed. everyone. them when they are lonely, and most elderly people are This needn’t be the case as However, some people provided with a Christmas people could alternatively do not find it so amazing. dinner in the centres that are go to a Credit Union which There are many homeless open for Christmas which is much cheaper and and elderly people who gives them a chance to make more trustworthy. These can find themselves alone new friends and enjoy the predicaments can be avoided at Christmas without food, happy atmosphere. The if you think carefully before warmth and company. Salvation Army will go around Christmas though. Christmas This can lead to a very looking for homeless people dinners can be a lot cheaper if depressing Christmas where on the streets to give hot food people would go to alternative the homeless may be on the to and invite them to spend shops such as Aldi or Lidl and streets without a bed in the the day in the centres and, if the quality is really just the bitter winter weather. The people have donated enough, same. Websites online hold elderly may have nowhere there may even be a bed reviews for different brands’ to go and unable to even for the week. Poor families food and it turns out that make themselves a Christmas are visited and given some Aldi and Lidl have, arguably, dinner. Some families end festive food and small gifts the best quality for price so up having no Christmas at all for the children. People often Christmas dinner should not since money is so tight they say that there is an amazing be anything to worry about are unable to buy the children atmosphere and a great sense when one sits down with presents like any other family. of community and most of all cheap wine having everyone it is a chance for the homeless compliment the expensive people to get their life back on taste! Children’s toys can be They will go track. It sure is a happy time really quite cheap such as around the elderly for everyone. board games which can only cost ten pounds and with people’s homes and So, a lot of teenagers out there these types of toys the parents spend time with may just be excited about can spend quality time with getting their new Blackberry them when they their children. Barbie dolls model phone, their upgraded are another one that surely are lonely GHD hair straighteners all girls remember getting and “the awesome new into a state of excitement But, there are certain Playstation” but nothing when they see the beautifully organisations that can help compares to the wonderful dressed doll appearing under with these things, such as the sense of community the wrapping paper as if it Salvation Army. The Salvation at Christmas time. The cost a lot more than £15 out Army consists of wonderful Christmas feeling is magical, of Toys R Us. Teenagers can people of all backgrounds all it takes is a walk outside be trickier but if parents sit willing to give up Christmas to show how wonderful this with them and discuss what time for others in desperate time of year is. With all the the options are before they go need. Everyone helping is amazing things that happen ahead and set their mind on Christian but more than that, at Christmas, material objects what they want, things can be they have the wonderful are not important; it is the a whole lot calmer. Planning caring personalities that spirit of the people that is the ahead is the best option at shine light into the dark greatest gift of all. 31
  • 32. 32