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Pieces of Hong Kong that make it a
unique blend of Chinese, British, and
South Asian culture are being sacrified
for convenience, speed, innovation,
and capitalism.
Hong Kong has a special place in my
heart, as this is my mom's hometown.
Throughout the years, we have seen
the degradation essential hallmarks
of Hong Kong that construct the
city's identity, ranging from culinary
to political property.Here are 10
elements of Hong Kong culture
disappearing before us, ordered from
least to most serious...
The city was bound to fall to Chinese
totalitarianism after the Handover
of 1997. The once-British colony
has been cherishing remnants of
economic prosperity and political
freedom that was expected to last
until 2047, but the encroachment of
the Chinese Communist Party and
the National People's Congress has
arrive prematurely. The identity of the
city is being masked by the dominant
Chinese government, who is seizing
control over the Hong Kong people
for their political and social agenda.
Traditional Chinese culture values
craftsmanship through intensive
practice. Masters craftsmen, however,
are approaching their final years with
no one to replace them. The future
of Chinese heritage is extinction, and
their threat is the efficiency of mass
2 1michelle leunghong kong on the descent
Neon signs give the city its
vibrant night glow. Neon signs
were introduced to Hong Kong in
the 1920s, but their heyday was
between the 1950s-1980s. Buildings
along Jordan and Nathan Road were
decorated with flashy lights. They
set a distinguishing background in
classic action movies featuring Jackie
Chan and other film stars.
LED signs have been replacing neon
signs due to their cheaper production,
adherence to safety codes, and energy
efficiency. Prior to these codes, no size
restrictions limited their installment.
However, the signs pose a hazard,
as they protrude far into the street
and were attached haphazardly to
buildings. During typhoon season,
the signs can fall and harm passengers
and vehicles. Additionally, residents
of the signs’ buildings, who are
generally of lower income, cannot
catch a break from the city bustle, as
the signs glow all night long.
Without these iconic street
landmarks, the city appears more like
any other Chinese metropolitian.
Soon, it will looks more similar to
Shanghai than Hong Kong itself.
night spectaculars
Paris was the first city to install street
lamps on its main boulevards. Dada
poets, jazz musicians, and avant-
garde writers looked to the late night
advertisements for inspiration in the
1920s. Places like Vegas are known
for their flashy casino billboards,
proving that city lights are memorable
landmarks of a place.
2 3michelle leunghong kong on the descent
soy sauce
Chinese cuisine is incomplete
without this iconic condiment.
Soy sauce used to be produced by
small breweries dotted across the
islands. My mom’s apartment estate
was located adjacent to one, and she
could smell the soybeans fermenting
from home. The high cost of rent and
influx of new development has forced
decades-old business owners to cease
production or find another piece of
suitable land, rare among the islands.
Large manufacturers dominate the
industry, but taste is compromised.
Their soy sauce is merely salty, but
lacks the deep umami flavor.
Pictured is Kwong Tak Loong, one of
the last four traditional Hong Kong
brewing houses, in Kwu Tung village.
The proud 90-year old owner Pang
Chuk-lui cannot run his business
much longer, and his children and
grandchildren have no interest in
maintaining the business.
Soy sauce production is a 6 month
process. Soybeans are first boiled
with flour to jumpstart fermentation.
The beans are then mixed with brine
and fermented under the sun in
clay vats until mushy. The sauce is
subsequently filtered and bottled.
less is more
Bauhaus student Max Bill called for
the strict use of a grid. His reductive
style advocated for legibility and
assymetrical layouts. Followers of this
style state they express “Good form”
and “Moral purpose through design.”
Visit Yuet Wo's store and
manufacturing plant at:
Yuet Wo Retail
g/f, 33 Market Street
Tsuen Wan
Tel: +852 2492 3354
Yuet Wo Factory
Shek Tsai Ling
Sheung Shui
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2670 0714
4 5michelle leunghong kong on the descent
Mahjong is a popular 4-person
gambling game that unites
friends in friendly competition but
also ignites intense emotions amongst
high stakes rollers. The game began
between the 18th and 19th centuries
in China, but variations are played
in different regions of the Asian
Cheung Shun Jing is featured as
one of the last remaining mahjong
craftsmen. He proudly shows off
the sets of 144 tiles that required
decades of training to master. His
store only spans 9 sq. meters, but
Biu Kee Mahjong is preserving
cultural history amidst the chaos in
Kowloon. The storeowner explained
that once, there were 10 mahjong tile
traders along his street, but attributes
the dying trade to the fact that the
new generation no longer plays the
traditional gambling game.
To understand the breadth of
craftsmanship required to carve one
of these tiles, it should be noted
that each tile is 3.2cm tall x 2.4cm
wide x 1.6cm deep. Cheung has over
three decades of experience, and has
trained since learning from his father.
the grid system
Swiss designer Josef Müller-
Brockmann advocated for the use
of grids as an aid, rather than a
guarantee, to design. If the grid is
used merely for organization, it may
lead to conventionality. However, if
utilized actively and creatively, the
grid can brings pleasant order to
an otherwise chaotic group of visual
stimuli. Grids should be approached
with flexibility, as there will be
moments where the grid must be
Visit Cheung Shun Jing, one
of three remaining mahjong
handcarvers in HK, at
Biu Kee MahJong
235 Temple Street
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2730 4028
6 7michelle leunghong kong on the descent
the local language
Cantonese and Mandarin
are mutually unintelligible
languages, yet are categorized both
as Chinese. The Hong Kongnese are
proud to have a distinct language
from the mainland. The writing
systems of traditional and simplified
Chinese differ as well.
Cantonese is not merely a dialect
of Chinese. However, the NCP
claims otherwise, that Cantonese is
a dialect and cannot be considered a
official language, though Cantonese
and English have been the official
languages for almost two centuries.
The NCP now mandates that school-
children learn Mandarin, and parents
worry their kids will lose their
local identity. Nationally regulated
television and radio also air in
It is frowned upon in Hong Kong
to speak Mandarin. Employees in
customer service deliberately ignore
Mandarin-speaking clientele, as they
are associated with the ill-mannered
individuals fleeing China to take over
local property, drive rental prices up,
and take advantage of Hong Kong
welfare with anchor babies.
text as images
Pictography was the foundation to
modern Chinese script, and artistry
in the letterform is carried through
master calligraphers who train for
years to perfect every stroke. Although
typography in the Roman alphabet
has become a field of its own, the
cultural significance of handwritten
language is deeply rooted for the
8 9michelle leunghong kong on the descent
Guang cai is the traditional style
of porcelain from Guangzhaou.
Prior to 1990, there were more than
50 porcelain factories in Hong Kong.
However, land shortages and labor
costs drove the factories to the nearby
cities of Guangzhou and Shenzen.
Today, Yuet Tung China Works is the
only ceramics producer left in Hong
Kong. The three craftsmen that
remain have worked here have over
40 years and are living well into their
70s. Yuet Wu began as the first guang
cai producer in Hong Kong. Manager
Joseph Tso is the 3rd generation
factory owner following its founding
by his grandfather in 1928. When
business was flourishing, there were
over 300 employees working for
the shop. With no new apprentices
to take over the trade, the craft will
disappear within the next five years.
Currently, they hang on to their last
strings by selling to luxury hotels,
tourists, and celebrities.
My mom has visited Yuet Tung and
purchased several priceless pieces that
will become family heirlooms. She
was amazed at level of detail painted
by the remaining painters.
extreme closeups
Highly magnified and cropped
photos allow for the focal point of the
image to gain the viewer's complete
attention. Uncomfortable tension yet
plesant satisfaction are experienced.
Blue floral and
mythical dragon
designs are traditional
for guang cai. Designs
are painted freehand.
Visit the first built and last
remaining ceramics producer at
Yuet Tung China Works
Unit 1- 3, 3/F., Kowloon Bay
Industrial Centre
15, Wang Hoi Road,
Kowloon Bay
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2796 1125
10 11michelle leunghong kong on the descent
High costs of living leave residents in desparate
situations. The average home costs 20 times
the median income. The city has ranked as the least
affordable housing market for 8 consecutive years.
The infamous coffin homes bring into question Hong
Kong’s housing crisis. If a resident is lucky, they have
a solid plaque for a wall. However, the situation for
many is the cage home, where "walls" are just metal
wires that offer no audible or visual privacy. A single
room can be split into 15-30 compartments. Sizes
vary, but one set of coffin homes was measured to be
60 cm by 170 cm. For reference, the average male
height in the US is 175 cm. Landlords take extreme
advantage of tenants, since the price per square meter
is not cheap, even for these shackles.
provocative gestures
Although this is not the typical
provicative gesture, the position of
the subject and the camera relative to
him suggests intense claustraphobia
and feelings of discomfort. The photo
is meant to situate the viewer in the
harsh reality of Hong Kong's coffin
homes. This cramped position of the
man induces drama and sympathy.
12 13michelle leunghong kong on the descent
07freedom of
Guang cai is the traditional style
of porcelain from Guangzhaou.
Prior to 1990, there were more than
50 porcelain factories in Hong Kong.
However, land shortages and labor
costs drove the factories to the nearby
cities of Guangzhou and Shenzen.
Today, Yuet Tung China Works is the
only ceramics producer left in Hong
Kong. The three craftsmen that
remain have worked here have over
40 years and are living well into their
70s. Yuet Wu began as the first guang
cai producer in Hong Kong. Manager
Joseph Tso is the 3rd generation
factory owner following its founding
by his grandfather in 1928. When
business was flourishing, there were
over 300 employees working for
the shop. With no new apprentices
to take over the trade, the craft will
disappear within the next five years.
Currently, they hang on to their last
strings by selling to luxury hotels,
tourists, and celebrities.
My mom has visited Yuet Tung and
purchased several priceless pieces that
will become family heirlooms. She
was amazed at level of detail painted
by the remaining painters.
Propanganda is associated with war,
communism, the Holocaust, Russia,
and China. Chinese propaganda
glorifying Chairman Mao was
highly effective method in the mass
control of a population. It has been
used to generate hostility against
groups and induce fear, but also
to spark hope in hopeless times.
Modern advertisements are forms of
propaganda, since they attempt to
sell an image, product, or brand to
14 15michelle leunghong kong on the descent
State-controllled media has caused backlash by the
Hong Kong people. Prior to the filtration of the
press, media outlets outwardly bashed the Chinese
government for its wrongdoing. Now, it serves as
a means by which the Chinese Communist Party
promotes its own ideologies and shuns external ones.
Hong Kong news outlets now shine favorable light
towards the CCP and condemns protest. If any
person publishes content that contradicts their
political agenda, they are forced to post a public
apology and retract their statement. They are subject
to arrest or possibly death, considering they go
absent without any preface. There are suspicions of
concentration camps being built near the island to
send counterrevolutionaries for intellectual cleansing.
red with black
Red is the most salient color to the eyes
of the color spectrum, so it is used to
capture the viewer's attention. The
effect is especially strong against black
and white. Red and black are classic
and ubiquitous. The combination
represents power, urgency, modernism,
and propaganda. There is a guarantee
of visual impact in pairing the two.
16 17michelle leunghong kong on the descent
the right to
Protests have broken out among the
streets against the extradition that
would subject Hong Kong citizens to
the mainland criminal justice system.
The greater implication is that China
is infringing upon their liberties and
exerting excessive control. Protests
continued for months regarding
numerous changes, which gave
citizens a chance to voice their
concerns about the rapidly changing
governing body.
In May 2020, the National People's
Committee of China declared the act
of protest illegal. This is an extension
of the loss of freedom of speech, but
in the current tumultuous times,
it has been especially important for
citizens to react en masse.
Youths are suspected to be the driving
force behind countergovernment
movements, so law enforcement is
targetting this demographic for arrest.
However, youths and other citizens
go missing under the watch of the
police, and there is little transparency
about where they are taken. It is
dangeorus to be within the millenial
and Z-generations in Hong Kong, as
they are under close watch.
dynamic diagonal
Diagonal lines signal motion, instability,
and energy. The stream of smoke leads the
eye upwards and out of the frame, creating
a composition that accurately reflects the
instability of the scene.
18 19michelle leunghong kong on the descent
privacy &
Protesters mask their identities
for fear of being discovered.
Umbrellas block the view of
surveillance cameras and shield
from tear gas. Lasers and tape are
used prevent the cameras from
tracking the identity and location
of individuals. To avoid leaving an
internet footprint, protesters use
Bluetooth and non-internet methods
to communicate.
The government is in the process of
installing 400 "Smart Lampposts"
fitted with security cameras across
the city. The same facial recognition
software in these cameras is used to
monitor the Uighyrs of the XianJiang
region in Western China. Anonymity
is threatened by constant surveillance.
Suspicions of a Social Credit System
coming underway are not undue.
The system is already in place in the
mainland, whereby citizens are rated
for their behavior. Disobedience
to the government is permanently
recorded onto each citizen's identity
number. Anti-Chinese journalism
causes citizens to become blacklisted.
Punishments include the inability to
purchase plane tickets and property.
20 hong kong on the descent

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  • 1. Pieces of Hong Kong that make it a unique blend of Chinese, British, and South Asian culture are being sacrified for convenience, speed, innovation, and capitalism. Hong Kong has a special place in my heart, as this is my mom's hometown. Throughout the years, we have seen the degradation essential hallmarks of Hong Kong that construct the city's identity, ranging from culinary to political property.Here are 10 elements of Hong Kong culture disappearing before us, ordered from least to most serious... The city was bound to fall to Chinese totalitarianism after the Handover of 1997. The once-British colony has been cherishing remnants of economic prosperity and political freedom that was expected to last until 2047, but the encroachment of the Chinese Communist Party and the National People's Congress has arrive prematurely. The identity of the city is being masked by the dominant Chinese government, who is seizing control over the Hong Kong people for their political and social agenda. Traditional Chinese culture values craftsmanship through intensive practice. Masters craftsmen, however, are approaching their final years with no one to replace them. The future of Chinese heritage is extinction, and their threat is the efficiency of mass production.
  • 2. 2 1michelle leunghong kong on the descent 霓虹燈路牌 01neon Neon signs give the city its vibrant night glow. Neon signs were introduced to Hong Kong in the 1920s, but their heyday was between the 1950s-1980s. Buildings along Jordan and Nathan Road were decorated with flashy lights. They set a distinguishing background in classic action movies featuring Jackie Chan and other film stars. LED signs have been replacing neon signs due to their cheaper production, adherence to safety codes, and energy efficiency. Prior to these codes, no size restrictions limited their installment. However, the signs pose a hazard, as they protrude far into the street and were attached haphazardly to buildings. During typhoon season, the signs can fall and harm passengers and vehicles. Additionally, residents of the signs’ buildings, who are generally of lower income, cannot catch a break from the city bustle, as the signs glow all night long. Without these iconic street landmarks, the city appears more like any other Chinese metropolitian. Soon, it will looks more similar to Shanghai than Hong Kong itself. STREET SIGNS night spectaculars Paris was the first city to install street lamps on its main boulevards. Dada poets, jazz musicians, and avant- garde writers looked to the late night advertisements for inspiration in the 1920s. Places like Vegas are known for their flashy casino billboards, proving that city lights are memorable landmarks of a place.
  • 3. 2 3michelle leunghong kong on the descent 醬油啤酒廠02 soy sauce Chinese cuisine is incomplete without this iconic condiment. Soy sauce used to be produced by small breweries dotted across the islands. My mom’s apartment estate was located adjacent to one, and she could smell the soybeans fermenting from home. The high cost of rent and influx of new development has forced decades-old business owners to cease production or find another piece of suitable land, rare among the islands. Large manufacturers dominate the industry, but taste is compromised. Their soy sauce is merely salty, but lacks the deep umami flavor. Pictured is Kwong Tak Loong, one of the last four traditional Hong Kong brewing houses, in Kwu Tung village. The proud 90-year old owner Pang Chuk-lui cannot run his business much longer, and his children and grandchildren have no interest in maintaining the business. Soy sauce production is a 6 month process. Soybeans are first boiled with flour to jumpstart fermentation. The beans are then mixed with brine and fermented under the sun in clay vats until mushy. The sauce is subsequently filtered and bottled. BREWERIES less is more Bauhaus student Max Bill called for the strict use of a grid. His reductive style advocated for legibility and assymetrical layouts. Followers of this style state they express “Good form” and “Moral purpose through design.” Visit Yuet Wo's store and manufacturing plant at: Yuet Wo Retail g/f, 33 Market Street Tsuen Wan Tel: +852 2492 3354 Yuet Wo Factory Shek Tsai Ling Sheung Shui Hong Kong Tel: +852 2670 0714
  • 4. 4 5michelle leunghong kong on the descent 手工麻將牌 03handcarved Mahjong is a popular 4-person gambling game that unites friends in friendly competition but also ignites intense emotions amongst high stakes rollers. The game began between the 18th and 19th centuries in China, but variations are played in different regions of the Asian continent. Cheung Shun Jing is featured as one of the last remaining mahjong craftsmen. He proudly shows off the sets of 144 tiles that required decades of training to master. His store only spans 9 sq. meters, but Biu Kee Mahjong is preserving cultural history amidst the chaos in Kowloon. The storeowner explained that once, there were 10 mahjong tile traders along his street, but attributes the dying trade to the fact that the new generation no longer plays the traditional gambling game. To understand the breadth of craftsmanship required to carve one of these tiles, it should be noted that each tile is 3.2cm tall x 2.4cm wide x 1.6cm deep. Cheung has over three decades of experience, and has trained since learning from his father. MAHJONG TILES the grid system Swiss designer Josef Müller- Brockmann advocated for the use of grids as an aid, rather than a guarantee, to design. If the grid is used merely for organization, it may lead to conventionality. However, if utilized actively and creatively, the grid can brings pleasant order to an otherwise chaotic group of visual stimuli. Grids should be approached with flexibility, as there will be moments where the grid must be abandoned. Visit Cheung Shun Jing, one of three remaining mahjong handcarvers in HK, at Biu Kee MahJong 235 Temple Street Jordan Hong Kong Tel: +852 2730 4028
  • 5. 6 7michelle leunghong kong on the descent 廣東話04 the local language Cantonese and Mandarin are mutually unintelligible languages, yet are categorized both as Chinese. The Hong Kongnese are proud to have a distinct language from the mainland. The writing systems of traditional and simplified Chinese differ as well. Cantonese is not merely a dialect of Chinese. However, the NCP claims otherwise, that Cantonese is a dialect and cannot be considered a official language, though Cantonese and English have been the official languages for almost two centuries. The NCP now mandates that school- children learn Mandarin, and parents worry their kids will lose their local identity. Nationally regulated television and radio also air in Mandarin. It is frowned upon in Hong Kong to speak Mandarin. Employees in customer service deliberately ignore Mandarin-speaking clientele, as they are associated with the ill-mannered individuals fleeing China to take over local property, drive rental prices up, and take advantage of Hong Kong welfare with anchor babies. CANTONESE text as images Pictography was the foundation to modern Chinese script, and artistry in the letterform is carried through master calligraphers who train for years to perfect every stroke. Although typography in the Roman alphabet has become a field of its own, the cultural significance of handwritten language is deeply rooted for the Chinese. Translation
  • 6. 8 9michelle leunghong kong on the descent 手繪廣彩 05handpainted Guang cai is the traditional style of porcelain from Guangzhaou. Prior to 1990, there were more than 50 porcelain factories in Hong Kong. However, land shortages and labor costs drove the factories to the nearby cities of Guangzhou and Shenzen. Today, Yuet Tung China Works is the only ceramics producer left in Hong Kong. The three craftsmen that remain have worked here have over 40 years and are living well into their 70s. Yuet Wu began as the first guang cai producer in Hong Kong. Manager Joseph Tso is the 3rd generation factory owner following its founding by his grandfather in 1928. When business was flourishing, there were over 300 employees working for the shop. With no new apprentices to take over the trade, the craft will disappear within the next five years. Currently, they hang on to their last strings by selling to luxury hotels, tourists, and celebrities. My mom has visited Yuet Tung and purchased several priceless pieces that will become family heirlooms. She was amazed at level of detail painted by the remaining painters. PORCELAIN extreme closeups Highly magnified and cropped photos allow for the focal point of the image to gain the viewer's complete attention. Uncomfortable tension yet plesant satisfaction are experienced. Blue floral and mythical dragon designs are traditional for guang cai. Designs are painted freehand. Visit the first built and last remaining ceramics producer at Yuet Tung China Works Unit 1- 3, 3/F., Kowloon Bay Industrial Centre 15, Wang Hoi Road, Kowloon Bay Hong Kong Tel: +852 2796 1125
  • 7. 10 11michelle leunghong kong on the descent 經濟適用房06 affordable High costs of living leave residents in desparate situations. The average home costs 20 times the median income. The city has ranked as the least affordable housing market for 8 consecutive years. The infamous coffin homes bring into question Hong Kong’s housing crisis. If a resident is lucky, they have a solid plaque for a wall. However, the situation for many is the cage home, where "walls" are just metal wires that offer no audible or visual privacy. A single room can be split into 15-30 compartments. Sizes vary, but one set of coffin homes was measured to be 60 cm by 170 cm. For reference, the average male height in the US is 175 cm. Landlords take extreme advantage of tenants, since the price per square meter is not cheap, even for these shackles. HOUSING provocative gestures Although this is not the typical provicative gesture, the position of the subject and the camera relative to him suggests intense claustraphobia and feelings of discomfort. The photo is meant to situate the viewer in the harsh reality of Hong Kong's coffin homes. This cramped position of the man induces drama and sympathy.
  • 8. 12 13michelle leunghong kong on the descent 言論自由 07freedom of Guang cai is the traditional style of porcelain from Guangzhaou. Prior to 1990, there were more than 50 porcelain factories in Hong Kong. However, land shortages and labor costs drove the factories to the nearby cities of Guangzhou and Shenzen. Today, Yuet Tung China Works is the only ceramics producer left in Hong Kong. The three craftsmen that remain have worked here have over 40 years and are living well into their 70s. Yuet Wu began as the first guang cai producer in Hong Kong. Manager Joseph Tso is the 3rd generation factory owner following its founding by his grandfather in 1928. When business was flourishing, there were over 300 employees working for the shop. With no new apprentices to take over the trade, the craft will disappear within the next five years. Currently, they hang on to their last strings by selling to luxury hotels, tourists, and celebrities. My mom has visited Yuet Tung and purchased several priceless pieces that will become family heirlooms. She was amazed at level of detail painted by the remaining painters. SPEECH propaganda Propanganda is associated with war, communism, the Holocaust, Russia, and China. Chinese propaganda glorifying Chairman Mao was highly effective method in the mass control of a population. It has been used to generate hostility against groups and induce fear, but also to spark hope in hopeless times. Modern advertisements are forms of propaganda, since they attempt to sell an image, product, or brand to consumers.
  • 9. 14 15michelle leunghong kong on the descent 經濟適用房08 intellectual State-controllled media has caused backlash by the Hong Kong people. Prior to the filtration of the press, media outlets outwardly bashed the Chinese government for its wrongdoing. Now, it serves as a means by which the Chinese Communist Party promotes its own ideologies and shuns external ones. Hong Kong news outlets now shine favorable light towards the CCP and condemns protest. If any person publishes content that contradicts their political agenda, they are forced to post a public apology and retract their statement. They are subject to arrest or possibly death, considering they go absent without any preface. There are suspicions of concentration camps being built near the island to send counterrevolutionaries for intellectual cleansing. LIBERTY red with black Red is the most salient color to the eyes of the color spectrum, so it is used to capture the viewer's attention. The effect is especially strong against black and white. Red and black are classic and ubiquitous. The combination represents power, urgency, modernism, and propaganda. There is a guarantee of visual impact in pairing the two.
  • 10. 16 17michelle leunghong kong on the descent 經濟適用房 09 the right to Protests have broken out among the streets against the extradition that would subject Hong Kong citizens to the mainland criminal justice system. The greater implication is that China is infringing upon their liberties and exerting excessive control. Protests continued for months regarding numerous changes, which gave citizens a chance to voice their concerns about the rapidly changing governing body. In May 2020, the National People's Committee of China declared the act of protest illegal. This is an extension of the loss of freedom of speech, but in the current tumultuous times, it has been especially important for citizens to react en masse. Youths are suspected to be the driving force behind countergovernment movements, so law enforcement is targetting this demographic for arrest. However, youths and other citizens go missing under the watch of the police, and there is little transparency about where they are taken. It is dangeorus to be within the millenial and Z-generations in Hong Kong, as they are under close watch. PROTEST dynamic diagonal Diagonal lines signal motion, instability, and energy. The stream of smoke leads the eye upwards and out of the frame, creating a composition that accurately reflects the instability of the scene. 抗議權
  • 11. 18 19michelle leunghong kong on the descent 廣東話10 privacy & Protesters mask their identities for fear of being discovered. Umbrellas block the view of surveillance cameras and shield from tear gas. Lasers and tape are used prevent the cameras from tracking the identity and location of individuals. To avoid leaving an internet footprint, protesters use Bluetooth and non-internet methods to communicate. The government is in the process of installing 400 "Smart Lampposts" fitted with security cameras across the city. The same facial recognition software in these cameras is used to monitor the Uighyrs of the XianJiang region in Western China. Anonymity is threatened by constant surveillance. Suspicions of a Social Credit System coming underway are not undue. The system is already in place in the mainland, whereby citizens are rated for their behavior. Disobedience to the government is permanently recorded onto each citizen's identity number. Anti-Chinese journalism causes citizens to become blacklisted. Punishments include the inability to purchase plane tickets and property. ANONYMITY ???? ????
  • 12. 20 hong kong on the descent