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       COMfïltlJ, tlJUtlJ anJ annotattlJ tg
                                 ~~~,                 Set#U
  Published for the Honor. and Glory of God in Obedience to the
                       Blessed Virgin Mary.

                        First Printing
                    Second Printing - 1976
In obedience to the decree of Pope Urban VIII and in
conformity with the Apostolic Constitution "Officiorum
ac munera" of Pope Leo XIII, l declare that l claim no
more than a purely human consideration for the extra­
ordinary graces reported in this book, anrl that !
thereby submit at aIl times and unreservedly to the
judgment of the Catholic Church.
                                  The Au thor

                   PUBLISHED BY
   FOR MY      COD AND MY       COUNTRY,        INC.

Copyright 1959.    AlI rights reserved.
No part of this may be reproduced in any
form without permission from the author.

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   Forward                                        .     l
-    l - It AlI Started with Thirty Pieces of

                Silver                            .    1

     2 -_ The Serpent                             .
 --B......-::-MISCenaneous Plans of the Serpent .    7

--                                                    11

     4 - The Devil Laughs with Glee               .   15

    -5 - The Devils                       _       .   lS

     6 - The Plotters                             .   25

     7 - Work of Serpent with our southern

                Neighbors             ,           .   32

     S - The Serpent at Work in Canada            .   34

     9 - Destruction of MoraIs                    .   (.1)

   10 - Subversion in Education
                                                  .   41

   11 - Dellnquency                               .   43

   12 - Revelations given March 5, 1955           .   52

   13 - Revelations given November 11 and lS,

          1955                                .     60

  14 - Dionne Quintuplets ..•................       73

  15 - Christmas in the SIums                 .     75

  16 - Message given October 6, 1955          .     7C

  17 - Message given October 30, 1955         .     90

  lS - Mongrelization                         .    103

  19 - Labor Union Rackets                    .    105

  20 - Sports Rackets                         .    107

  21 - Foundations                            .    lOS

  22 - Just Mail Your Contributions to

         Cancer cio your Local Post Office .       110

  23 - Treason and Mass Murder for Gold       .    112

  24 - God' s Teaching Pushed Aside in Field

          of Science                          .    115

  25 - The Story of ~n Nneric~ Scientist .         117

  26 - The Sword of Darnocles                 .
 .-llS     "
07 - I!1ternatIonalt{evêTationS')             . ( p4- Z _24.1
--2g-'~ïrrfërl1ational ReveIatlons, Coded     . . 225

  29 - Subversives                            .    242

  30 - Sorne of our Senators and Representa ­
          tives                               .    246

  31 - Election 1956                          ·    249

  32 - Sh~ghaied                              .    263

  33 - A Trip to Dives and Joints             .    266

  34 - A Success Story                        .    270

  35 - Poison                           ·.····     274
                                     BOOK III

       36   -   Let's Destroy Complacency ..........•.                        275

       37   -   Benedict Arnold was Just a Piker ..•..                        277

       38   -   The Pot Calls the Kettle Black                                282

       39   -   The Beast............................                         283

       40   -   The Dragon...........................                         285

       41   -   Tin Gods.............................                         287

       42   -   Black Gold.... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .   288

       43   -   Chickens Come Home to Roost                                   290

       44   -   Just Part of the Plan..............•.                         293

       45   -   The Hand of Gad                                               297

       46   -   Disasters of Nature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        298

       47   -   Things Given That Have Happened                               299

            Our Holy Mother, the Mother of Our Lord Jesus

     Christ, has through Mary Ann Van Hoof given certain work

      and facts the ur ose of which 1 do not kllow. 1 do know

      that the Revelations given change t.e entire worTd pic­ 

     ture trom Chat g.ven to the people through the-press,

     radIO and television.

           The cunning and basic plot for the control of the

Il   wor~d-nas come down~ïfiDUgn-tfie a~s.          It~of:rhe

     devll, of the Aiïtl-Christ. It has, in part or in its
      entirety, been adopted by groups or even by individual
     dictators, whose ambition was world control and world ""J
     power. In its adoption by each one of these groups, it
     has been furthering the plan of those by whom it was
     first conceived.

           Lenin and Marx in their plan for Communist control
     adopted it ln ItS entirety. It lS so dlabolical,so
     cunnlng, so ruthless that-those ~o have had an opgpr­
     tunity to read and study this plan can hardly believe~
     that l t could !:Je CODC-ejvèd by il bJ!man mlnd. Tt lS-SO
     weil disguised, so cleverly hidden and the:raths leading
     t~the Central Plot and those behind made sa compilcated
     that ln trying to trace back to those behind the Plot,
     most et lost in the lab rinths where these devious
     gaths ea t em, an never get to the center Olt.
           People have at times discovered some of the huge

     plot of the Forces of Evil and the involVement of cer ­ 

     tain people in the plot, and many of them have lost

     their lives as a result of their knowledge.

           Many of them have been forced to hold their

     tongues by threat of reprisaI.

            Here lS a statement made by General Douglas

     McArthur, a great American patriot and one who co~ld

     Shed the light of much truth. "1 have been warned by

     many that an outspoken course ~en if it be sole'ly !È.e
ll   truth, will bring down upon my head ruthless retaIla L
     tIon~ that efforts will be made to destroy public faith
     on the integnEy oI-my rnws. Not by force of just argu-j
     ments but by applicatIon of the false methods of propa­
     ganda. 1 am told in effect, 1 must follow blindly the
     le ,der, - keep silent or t,ke the bitter consequences.· J
                                 Bos ton, Ma s s . J u l y 25 , l 95 l
           Many have been discredjte~ in the ~yes of those ~o 
     whom~wished to expose theIr knowledge of the EVII
     Forces,~~ means of sIDear campaigns and character

assassination. Absolutely any mea~Jlli1ye-be~m
assassination down, to achieve their purposes and goals.
There is no foui means the Enemy will not resort to
to achieve the end they desire, which is absolute WOrld)
Control with ail the corumon people as slaves, tolbe
u ~ they desire.


         This is a statement of very great significance for

   many reasons.     It was an answer to a question 1 had

   asked one clay ta try and find out how far back 1 would

   have ta go to find the-foun~~lon for the gigantic plot

   of the EVll Forces for World Control. Tt answered that

   questIon and also another which T had asked and that was

   this. 1 asked Mary Ann if in any of her work the answer

   had been given as ta who was behind this Plot from the

   beiinning. She said: "It aIl started with 30 pieces of

   si ver.~ In that very simple statement lies the answer

   to both of those questions and more. Those behind the
   Plot are the descendants of those who crucified Christ


   when He was here on earth, and have ever Slnce that tIme

   been trYlng to destroy His Teach~s and His Church.         ~

    ----rhlS places the blame for tnis Plot to control the
   world squarely on those dest~ers whQ crucified Christ
   and have ever Slnce been destroyers. "l'm supposed to
   talk to you about the Yiddish ~uy~and how they control
   things.· (Statement from work on October l, 1955).
   ·You know that place in Wilmette, Il~is where the Huh
   is and what type of peopl~ are mostly. It was some               j
   ot those, Hank, as early as 19 0, that went into Russia.·
   The Jews or Yiddish (as Mary Ann calls them) have always
,_ been destroyers, revolutio 's            'n to the basic
   eVl! lan contained in the "Protoco s t e ~arned
     ciers 0   Ion.     e ln l tr          stro    rom wIthin
   and always their principal tool has been money, go
         The great Bahai Temple in Wilmette, IlllnoiS-is set

   up as a point for WorldïControl, through the control of )

   World Rel~n. Christianity in their plan must be des­ 

   troyed an causing wars hetween Christian natl~s, has

   been the most effective way of dOlng it.

         However, man m.ust have a religion to cling to, sa
   that has also been taken care of.        It is to be the


   Bahai Religion, which is evil. Bahal Rel~on 15

   JUdaism in disguise, Talmudic Judaism.

That, when the World Plot is complete, i~s
          to be meted out to us.
                They have bU11t two temples at opposite sides of
          the world, from which two poi~s this World Religion is
      ( to spread and take control. One in S~a and the op­
         posite here in Wilmette.                  -­
       1        The ~nternat1?na~ Yiddish Bankers have financed the
       l whole th1ng. Th1s lS aIl part of the plot for One '1
         World Government.
                Russia is the seat of Communism today. Communism
      J1 is $ontrolled bfhthe Jews and is~nl~ a to 1 tJîàt t~ey
         use to achieve t elr purposes.        e ussian Revolution
         was planned many years as part of this Y1dd1sh 'l'almudic
         P~, many yeaTs hefore lE successfull y took Q.lace. As

         earlY as 1900 they were infiltrating.        Part of their
   ~ plan was, as usual, to destrgy and create sltuat10ns 
  1      which the GOvernment could not handle and thus cause un- j
         rest and d1ssatlsfactîon among the people. wnen peoPle
,        are d1ssatisfied with their Government, then conditions
/        are ripe for revolution and a change.

 -{ _1         Russ ian Cossacks, horsemen of the Russ ian plains,

  -      were hired as paid Revolutionists. They created great

         Eerror among the people wlth tneir raiding, their cruel
         and inhuman treatment, murdering grownups and children
         al ike in their cruel raids. The fact that tfie Govern­
         ment wasn't able to cope with this situation altho~h
         they tried, was one of the reaSODS the people were-Iook ­
         ing for a change.
               The COssacks were able to dominate

        Ukraine ln Wh1te Russla, which lS the

         area, the breadbasket of Russia.

    Z -         While this was going on, Lenin and other Revolu- ]
         tionists were demandi~~~overthrow of the Gôvernment
         which permitted those conditions to exist. The Czar and
         the Government were innocent and were trying to control
         things; in fact the Czar, a good man, recognized what
         w~in& on, but was unable to control the situation.
                The Hub (Bahai Temple at Wi1metke ) was pushing out
          spokes already at that t1me. At the same cime spokes
          were being pushed out into China and other portlons of
           the world, set tin the sta e for that which was to take
          'place later on. Thls was a      part 0 t e         'falmu­
           dic Plot for world control.
                This great Plot was and is of necessity very co~x
         Ho~e~er. certain thi?gs are elementary. .Th~ pu01ic }
          op1n1on must be led ln the cnannels of thlnklng that 1
                                 -2 ­
they des ire . We must ~ subjected to propaganda and kept
     from the truth. In thls the Plot has been very success ­
     fuI. Our new~        rs and ress services are controlled.
     Many, many thlngs are kept from t e peop e, many are dis ­
  ( to~ and changed t~ fit:DëSt the purposes of the p1Ot­
    ~ One ?f~maln means of controlling the expres­
     SIon of opInIons that might be detrimental to their
    ~ause or their plans is by rneans of controlled advertis ­
   ~.       No newspaper or periodical can eXIst wifhout
    advertisin      so b . rneans of threats to shut off-aavëi ­
( tlsln the can dlctate edltorla po icies. They can
    ~an e that very nlce y_ ecause t ey control the
    national advertising. Many papers ln the Oêmocratic
  { South came out in support of Dwight Eisenhower for
    President due to this pressure.
          The depression which started with the ~arket crash
    of 1929 was created to serve a pur...Qose. Many of the
    newspapers, news services and magazines were bought up

l   at that time as they were in financial trouble. Control
    of sorne were bought up for about five cents on the dollar
    of actual valuation. Radio. ·television and aIl means of 1
    communication are conttolled. Some of our radio news ­
    """te'T an a"'''ng the ma te Dr oat Ü ute s who have sold 
    themse vesfor a price. Their analysis of news duects
    the thinking of many, manr people. 'Even faise pol~f
    one klnd or another are used ta influence pUblIc opInIon.
    For instance, many people like to be able to pick a
    winner when they vote, and sometimes can be influenced
    in their vote by falsp. polIs.
           Many items of news that could be harmful are
    s~d~~tely and never get into the news ~t aIl.

    The true s tory of pearl Harbor bas pever been g1Ven to

    the public in the news. Pearl Harbor had been arranged

t   to create an incident which would lnvolve us lnto the

    war. These facts were revealed in the Work here. Kimme l
    and Short were made the oats wer         ccu    of inerrIë ­ 

    iency"arïcfbeing- ere ICt ta their duties, but it was

    orily to keep any suspicion from falling on ~hose who~e

    actually~uilty.      Exactly how many had gUllty knowledge

    and hadl>êen in on the intriglle regarding Pearl Harb.9~, l

    do not know but of these l do know as they were glven

  { in the Work'. Franklin         l 0 Rooseve It was uilty in

      v     wa. He e           Wlt arran ements, 50 was ullty

     of murder of those who lost t elr Ives t ere.         ~

    ["Hopkins made some of the arrangements., This lSa

     direct quote from the Work: "Scrap materlal and scrap

                                 -3 ­
iron was sent in great quantities to Japan first before
      the war. Also concea led under the s.c-I:a_p--flla-t-e-ci.~S)
      much new m~~rial of war, all ready to be used for the
      Pearl Harbor deal. Ali this was planned long ln ad~nce.
            "Cordell Hull, Sinclair, Franklin D Roosevelt,
      Louis D Brande i~HarryL1f<)pki.!!-s, Harol~ Ickes, George

     C Marshall,ttL St1.mson, Walter Bedell SmIth -- all knew
1     aboutrt and he lped t:ô promote il to a greâter or~r
      degree .... Pear l Harbor was a great d isappointment tO)
      them because there were too many survivors. It was
      supposed to be a complete massacre, like Custer's last
           Some facts have since been brought out in investi­
      gations, but no ward has been given to the public. The
      truth would not be good for them and would destroy their
      faith in Government and would be damaging to certain
      politicians. If the real War Criminals were to he prose­
      cuted, there would be many vacant homes and apartments
      in Washington, D.C., and if they were executed as they
,1 rshould be, it would probably be necessary to increase
    the facilities ln HëII to handle the InlIux.
           Another very good example of news prostitution was
      t~ reports that were given·out to the public for their
     consumptlOn on the recent Geneva Conference. Most of the
   ( issues had been discussed and handled before_-1.he Geneva
      Conference was called. The Conference-was solely-for )
      propaganda purposes, to continue the brainwashing of thel
      people:ana-ke~P-them in a state of confusion.
      -    As Joe McCarthy said, there were secret conferences
      and secret agreements. It was determined b~e Geneva
      that Red China was to articipate and also ~dmitted
     to the United Nations. Now to so ten             eo e of
      the Unlted-States so that t 1.S W1.     be acceptable to
      them. Our diplomats and our President are in agreement
      and are in full cooperation with England and Russia.
      An agreement was also made previous ta the Conference)
      that Great Britain was to have air bases in Greenland.
           Enemy submarines have been lurking in our w~ters,
      both British and Russian. Great Britain, our supposed
      Ally, has been trying to secure bases on Greenland for a )
      long time, and not for our protection either.
            Here is a direct quote. from the Work here, given
      Jul y 24, 1955: "Cordell Hull, H A Wallace, Louis D
      Brandeis, H L Hopkins, Sinclair, Warren, Harding were in
      on the Greenland deal. Harding wanted to back out and
      knew too much, so~is demise was arranged. It was one
of their firs~ successful removals (by the less crude
    mea~s).     Hardlng could see the danger of Great Britain
      havlng a base on Greenland. Il
            Aere is another quote that seems to fit in here'
      "Hank, can you remember that news correspondent that died
      i~ t he Sec on~ Wor .ld War '!" (J~rn le PYle). "He cl idn't
     dle as was glven ln the news. True he was shot but
     t~at was because he got into the plans of the Big~
     wlth re ar~ to Greenland and other things.              In his
     search for news he caug t a lS that was bigger~n
     the hmlt."
           The news coverage and propaganda on Korea was the
    same. In the first place, the Korean Polic~ction as
     it was called, to coyer                fact that we had been
    en aged in an il e al war bord               0   the reSl ent
     i~tea of y       claration as provided for ln t e onsti­
     tutlon of the Unlted States, was a disastrous War which
  l served its pur ose in the great worl~t. I-t--!as
lmldesl ne to weaken                     hon off the man ower of
~·qthls Christlan Nation. lE s            ma    us more susceptible
    when the comes for our final destruct ion. Aggjn
    Great Britain and their friend Russia were in comDT;te ~
    agreem~nt, as were t e traltors 1              r own ountry.
    Neither Russia nor Great Britain sustained any losses in
    achieving their purpose. We lost 150,000, the cream of
    our youn~ men. The were not permltted to go ln andl
    win the war as they could ave one, u w re oree tQ
    fight according to the rules of our enemies, Russia and
    Great I3ritain. Our supposed Ally, Great Britain, wasJ
    getting Lend Lease material from the United States as
    our Ally, and re-selling it to Hussia to be thrown ba~
    at our soldlers b the Red Cnlnese, Allies of Russla.
     It was the greatest disgrace to w lc t ~s ountry was
    ever exposed, and it was aIl done with full knowledQell
    and su ort b man in our government.                1 do not ln 1
    t lS case blame Presl ent Truman too much as he was only
    a stooge, and l believe not entirely capable of under­
    standing. l think ~ was in way over his head.          I would
    rather think of him asbeing mentally incompetent than
    guilty of treason. I think he was extended to the
 hl11ullest of his mental capacity whe~ he wa.s
  ~hirts in a haberdashery. If my analysls of hlS capabl­
    lities is untrue then I must apologize to him and can
    calI him a traitor with the rest.
           General MeArthur called b.ack to this Country in
    disgrace because hè wanted to go ahe~~ win the War
in~ad of seeing our ;boys slau~htered off in useless

   combat, in a War not supposed ta he won. When he got

   here he was silenced by thréats of reprisai against him-

   self and his family and was finally bribed off ~~_~ig

I{ p~ing job. He could te II many ITings il he would ta lk .


THE         S ERP E N T

          The Serpent is the symbolic snake of Jud~m. lt
   has been mentioned in the revelations on several oc­
           March 9, 1952: Just the words were mentioned,
   "Serpent. of Evil".
           March 21, 1952: "Clean out the Ser~ent, it is
   crawling right through the center of your Country.
  Evilness, and when he will strike, he will strike like al
   volcano in the center of your Country. STOP IT! Pray
   Pray and pray much. ",
          Apr il 3, 1953: "Pray for your Pres ident, the prayers
   for him are already falling off, when they should be in­
  creasing. Do not let the Evil One guide him, instead of
  your prayers.
          "The SerPent is coiled in your Country, ready to
  strike, unless you pray, pray much.
          January 19, 1955: "Our Lady warned us in 1951 that
  the Serpent is coiled in our Country, ready to strike.
  He's ready to strike now; he sinks his poisoned fan~s in~
  many of our people, there w1.11 be mant poisoned m1.nds.   mu
  -- "They will strike at our most lmportant cities
  first, the industrial centers. They have su~ceeded in

  .ollst;ng our Senator out of his work, they tied his Fiands
  The Serpent .blinded many of their eyes during the in
   v"eSt:îgKt l on. "
           Tite above quota tians were a 11 taken from the
  Revelations given on the Fridays of Lent.
          As earl as 929 B.C., according ta the records of

  Secret eW1s         ,on>sm Solomon and other Jewish learnecl
 men t u t out a scheme 1.n tFieor for powerful con uest
Jar the who e un1.Verse y lon. As lstory eve ope the
  scheme was worked out in âetail. These learned men
  decided bs peaceful means ta conquer the world for Zion,
  with the slyness of the symbolic Snake. The head Qi tbc/t
  s~e was ta represent those who had been l.nltlated into 1
                                -7 ­

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of the Serpent and still our American people sleep on,
  seemingly unable~o recognize anything wrong or un­
  natural. Have we lost our power of reason as a Nation?
  Vhat is the answer?
         Many times in the Revelations it has been given
  accidents that aren ' t_~ccide!1ts. the latest t ime being
  March 24, 19~6 when this statement was given: "There will
  be sorne more accidents that won't be accidents.·
        Pick up your newspaper and read. In nearly every
  one you will find another plane crashed, with anywhere
  from three or four to sixty passengers wiped out. We
  aIl know that there will occasionally be a crash from
  natural causes, but there is hardly a major airline
  that has not had major crashes with great loss of life.
  Look back over the crash records of these same airlines
  over a period of years, years when they were flying '
  equipment that was very inferior in aIl respects to what
  they are now flying, yet they had not the percentage of
  accidents as today.
  ~ o t arouse in your mind any suspicion that
  things are not j ust right: that s~tage must be in­
  volved? The papers do not play up~ese wrecks, An
  investigation is held and then it is forgotten.
        Admittedly it is very hard to examine the rubble
  that is left after an airplane crashes and tell e~ry­
  thing that happened. I have had an opport~~ity to listen
  in when the C A A was investigating small plane crashes,
Iland they are ~ust pues~ing contests if the passengers
  were-klltled an can t talk.
        These plane crashes, train wrecks', cargo ships and
  t~kers burning, great fires and explosions, such as the
  one recently in Philadelphia, could not all happen just
( from natural ca~ses. How long will it be before reali­
  zation strikes?
        Train wrecks, plane crashes, f~s, explosions,
  labor tr~le, racial troubles, ~ juœnile troubles,
  youth gangs., crime, murder, robbery -- aIl the work of
  the Serpent' s promotion for the destruction of our
  Country, sa that, weakened, we wlll fall into the hands
  of ~he Serpent as Lenin said: "Li~e a ripe fruit withoutJt
  reslstance. •                                              "
        l know as sure as l sit here and write that the
  big cry will go up snd th~ big smear against this book
  will start as soon as sorne of the big Zionists get th~r



          Sometimes 1 have such a feeling of inadequacy to
   get down in writing these things which 1 must put down.
   Sometimes 1 cannot help but wonder at the position in
   which 1 find myself, that of transmitting messages
   directly from Heaven. Ihat of ~ut€lng ~~~r thlngs ~f
  ~uch terrlflc Import, things which of nec~~sity must
11 ch.-'!lliS~ our ent ire concept of History as it has been
   taught to us. tllstory as l t has been taught to us with
   an idea of creatin in our minds {aIse impressions-aDa
 ( ideas. History t at has een s verte             or a QurRose to a Master Plan.              The urinions of the
   Devil, the !orces of evil are directing this Plan. Man
   is placed on a pedestal as supreme, and in his ego man
   has Îatlen for the baiE and become a willing tool of
   the Devil.
            Oh God, how small and insignificant am 1. lIow
   small and insignificant is man when Gad wishes to mani- )
   fest His power and magnificence. Why can't man recog­
   nize the power of God and his own wealmess? He will,
   but how much punishment must he submit himself to before
   he gets down on his knees before His Maker?             ---­
           thIS was taken down on the night of January 18, 1956
            "Hank, you know the ÔI1e Worlders haye got aIl of
 ( the~r plans laid. They have the world aIl zoned up for
1  theu purpose.
            "The Forces of the Serpent, t.he International Jew
   Bankers were in a position of Great power and influence
    ln our country between 1840 and 1875.
            "The part played by the I~ernational Jew Bankers in
   the politics and promQted subversion in our Country
 1	 uri~~receding the Civil War, was never made known
   in hlstory. They were responslble for the fact that it
   remained covered up. T            nternati nal Zionist Jew
   Bankers in this instance        rou h Great Britain, di a
   t ey cou       to promote the Civil War in our   untry~y
had an idea that divided we would be much easier to take
      over.and control. Di~ide ~nd Conquer. To this end they
     furmsh~d the South wlth hnances, and in Great Britain
    ,was ~ullt the.only Navy which the South had. They
      furnlshed suppl les and materials of war.
            ~~Vhen the war was over they had assassinated Abra­
      ham Llncofn, the .one man mo~e responsible than ;;y ~r
      for fOlIlng thelr p~ot by keeping the Union together.
     However, ~hrough thelr efforts wounds were inflicted on/(
    1both sicles, some of WhlCh have not been healed to thlS
      very clay.           .
            ·President McKinley's assassination was brought
     ab?ut by the same eVl! tortes and beèau~~t
     tnat he trl€!d to promote plans which would take the
     control of money out of their hgn~s. ------­
           "'lhat "Tittle sub is coming up again by the Aleu­
     tians. "
                  NOTE:        THIS           SMALL       SUB        AND        A    LARGE       ONE       HAVE        BEEN
     MENTIONED            AGAIN           AND       AGAIN.

           "Those accid~nts lately were not accidents; the
     b~ng    oL t~~oil tanker and those oil barges.
          "The Bear has much more fur on him than they claim.
     Compared to him our Eagle looks plucked.
          "What would be gained by flying over the .;3outh ,EQle?
     H~, there's lots of ~tivi!y clOwn t~re.·
                  NOTE:    THE           ANSWER       Tp       THIS        IS       QUITE       OBVIOUS.              ANY
     NATION         HAVING          AIR       B~5E5       AT    THE    SOUTH          POLE       WOULD          HAVE       IN
     BOMBER          RANGE          ALL       OF    THE        SOUTHERN              HEMISPHERE.                 ALSO           A
     GREAT        SHARE        OF   THE        SOUTHERN         HEMISPHERE                 WOULD      BE.        EVEN       AT
     HiE     PRESENT           STAGE          OF    DEVELOPMENT.                IN    THE    RANGE         OF    GUIDED
     MISSILES.             IN       THIS       STRUGGLE              FOR    WORLD          CONTROL,         NO        BETS
(    ARE         BEING    PASSED          UP.

     '-   ·You know, Hank, that we are already partially in­
     vaded now by the Enemy. Many British, Russians and
     Yellow ones also.·
                 NOTE:     MANY          THOUSANDl OF                THE    ENEMY}HAVE               BEEN       BROUGHT
     INTO         O'UR   COUNTRY              AS    REFU'GEES          FROM          FOREIGN          COUNTRIES.
     THEY        HAVE     BEEN       AIDED          AND    ABETTED          IN       GAINING         ENTRANc.E... IN­
     T..Q....OUR    COUNTRY              BY    SUBVERSIVES                 IN       OUR    STATE      DEPARTMENT
     AND ~nHR             DEPAR.IMENTS               OF    GOVERNMENT.                     SOME      ARE     HERE          AS
     R'FUGEES            AND    SOME          ON    TEMPORARY          VISAS          OF    ONE      KIND       AND    FOR
     ONE         EXCUSE    OR       ANOTHER.               SOME       HAVE           COME       IN   LEGALLY           AND
     SOME        OTHERWISE.               SOME       WORTHY          REFUGEES             HAVE       COME       IN     S    A
    ,'COVER UP.           BUT       IN    THE       MAIN       THE         BVERSION          OF      OUR    IMMIGRA­
     TION=tAWS            HAS       BEEN           ACCORDING          TO    PLAN.          TO    OPEN       THE       OOORJ}'
     FOR         SUBVERSIVES             ANP       SPIES       AND    COMMUNISTIC                JEWS.                              IJ

"Paul Robeson is preaching aIl over. He's a Com­
           munist, a Blg Guy.
                   "the Jaes would like to be our friends. General
            MeArthur w~~~&~o~o our slcte. lhey didn'~e
           1.J. (lM Forces.. of E:v-i.l...L-The-r are trying tO-tur.IL.tbem
           ~gainst us.
                  "Th~ ar~ing tu create a God out of Eisenhower.
           It's falling fIat in sorne places.
                   "They are sure trying to tease the Serpent now in
           our Country, Hank. Trying to stir up trouble within,~
           get our Senators pitted a ~ each other before ~n))
           -        "There wi 11 be more strikes .and union trouble,
           more dropping of farm priees.
                   "There is a good possibility !bat they will finishl
           Ike before the year is out. He must play baIl. Tt was
           ~phesied years ago that during this period of time we
           wQJJl.ç the yo~est leader ln our Hlstory.
                    "19~~s-going to be a stinker, politically and
                   "Much damage is foins to be done b~ those m~ratory)
           worke~s. It's aIl p anned that way.II theyave to
           do is give them guns."
                    NOTE:       As     1 HAVE     PREVIOUSLY WRITTEN.              ALL    THIS    IS
           GI VEN      AT MUCH CO ST         TO   MARY" NN    BECAUSE     THE    DEVI LS OBJECT
           TO    ALL    OF     THESE    REVELATIONS.         AND   AT   THIS    POINT MARY       ANN
           WAS    KICKED        IN   THE     MOUTH   BY ONE    SO      THAT   HER MOU TH     BLED_
           ON    THis NIGHT
                                     THERE    WERE
                             1 MUST CONTINUOUSLY
                                                      -      BATTLE
                                                     NINE OF THEM WITH
                                                                                         WE HAD TO
                                                                                       WITH HOLY
           WAT ER.      AN 0   EVE N THE NON E W1 L L GE T TH ROU GH            SOM E T 1 MES.    ­
   ----Work given January 19, 1956:
          "Allen W. Dulles and Dr. Otto John were budd~s.
   When Hitler turned a ainst the J ws he was ~g
 M agalnst t e e -Plot te s           d Contro
             . ~to 0 n, who is a Jew, an ~s is oQe of
   the One Worlct P!otters, and as such an associate pal and
   S100ge of the Jews. Allen Dulles a n d ~
   glotted tolUTl~ and attempted to bave l t carried
   out bX bamtHng ln      a meeting ln a beer hall. But the
   tunlng was wrong and Hltler was nat klilea. Dr. Otto
   John has been responsible for other murders. Dr. John
   got much information from ourHCountr y and pasaed-it-on
   tto the Russians ju§t as Alger lSS did."
                    ~ ~ . _ . _ ~ N HAS                      8EEN ~ E NEWS RECE.!:0-LY
           WHEN      HE   CAME       8ACK    TO   WEST    GERMANY AFTER HAVING 8EEN
           IN    EAST     GERMANY      FOR    SOME   TIME.


       "Allen W. Dulles is the headof the Central Intel ­
 l igence Agency of-our Government . He is t.he-.-hro.tber of
 John Foster Dulles ~hom our President has just named as
 thebest Sêcretary of Stat~he has ever known. Th~­
 operatlon between the brothers Dulles is ver             ood.
 Exc ange lnformation a~d ideas.        ey are oth valued
 servants of the Serpent, and they~ave earned tnat
 dubious honor."
       January 19, 1956:

       "You can see how Ike is p1aying baIl.

       "These skull caps were in on lots of things."

          ... LE AGU E 0 F NAT ION S
             LEND LEASE


          The Devil is lau hing in glee these days as he sees
    his lans Jor worl       ~ruction and domination~g
    forwar at a~r-i~creasing spe~d. He is Iaughlng-in
    gIee as he sees the ever-increaslng number of people who
    are swallowing his poisonous bait, as he sees those who
    are his enemies destroying each other. Imag~is joy
    at seelng the indifference, the aeathy of millions of
    people throughout the worla as to what is going on in
M~their own countries.      In many countries they now h~e
J"" f ound out, buLit is too late.
       - In no countJ;y of the world is this true as it is
    here in our own United States of America. In no country
    in the world have the     0 le as much to lose as ln our
    own country.       r country, 0 s country, w ere the
    people have been showered with more of God's blessings
    than any country in the world. Our count~y where with
   God's help our forefathers were aore-to set"up the
   greatest, free~overnment in the world.
      ----QUi country which has been looked on with hQPe ~
 l( aIl tho~worldWhohave lost thelr frèe ­
    dom to the forces of evil, who now sweat and toil and
    lIve ln constant fear under their dictator masters,
    where even those-samë dictator masters sweat ln  rear  of
    each other and of those they rule.                    -­
            18, the greatest of allnations, the greatest of
    aIl governments in the world, was founded by our fore­
 ( fathers as a artnershi between Gôa and man. God sat
    in on its ormatlon, on t e rawing up 0 our Constitu­
 Il tion and at aIl government meetIngs. No decIsion was(lf
    ~ without asking the help and guidance of that part ­
           Those in whom we have placed our trust in recent
    yeaTs have revoked tliat partnership. TEey h'ave decided
    ta go it alone and here, as in other countries for
    which we have been feeling sorry, we have now lost our

evicted. We must go back(to Hi;]on our knees as a
whole nation and ask His forglveness. Then and only

             * * * * * * * * * *


       Mary Ann, through Our Lady, has been given much work
  pertaining to world conditions, world affairs and the
  great International Plot to destroy and then rule the
  world. 1tepIot of the Anti-Ü1rist, and in our speaking
  of the Anti-Christ, I am not talking of an individual
  but of aIl who for personal gain, polit~cal power or
  whàEever may be thelr great deslre, woulj destroy the
  Ü1urch. Œïnst has said: "If you are not for Më you are
1 agalllst Me." Those who are against Him and His Church
  are the Anti-Christ.
        In making this International Work (or the Plan of
  the Serpent) known to me to record as 1 was directed,
  from Heaven, Mary Ann has had to fi~t the devils every
  inch of the way. l have been with er on aIl occasiOns
  when the Revelations were given, and tbey were aIl given
  at great cost to the Ylctlm.
       I have tried to get these Revelations as near as
  possible into proper sequence from the standpoint of
  time, past, present and future, with added notes for
  clarification. I know that to most peo le the will
  sound fantastic beyond e le      ecause lt lS contrary to
  aIl concepts they have, but perhaps by the t ime this js Ir
  read, people will be lookin for answers lnstead of
  6urYlng t elr ea s l e ostriches and s utting out from
  their mincis things they do not wish to believe.
       How do 1 know the devils are loose? Because 1 have~

  been in very c ose contac                    -      ity as
  one who was c osen to at tend         Ann Van Hoof in su f (
  ferings which our Lad ha asked b r 0 accept.
          metlmes s e and I are strong and are able to over-
  come these devils and do the work in spite of them.
  Sometimes we are weak, and they succeed in disrupting our
  w k of reeording these messa es from             W le lS
( what they wan to p.
        Who are these devils? The devils that have been
working on us             _ ~._         n~"...,   n   v .. u   .L~   a

     people here on earth involved 1.n the Plan of ïJle Ser
     ~fit. Sorne of these devils were so-called big shots of
     our nation, men of prominence, men of wealth. In the
     ey~s of a misinforrned an~ misled public, many of them are
     st1.l1 names mentloned wlth respect and even admiration.
     They were condemned by God for the part they played
     while on earth for the destruction of His Kingdom.
           They were aIl trait ors to their country. They were
     aIl Judases again, and plotting against Gad and
     our NafîOn, scheming and plotting to take over the world
     for Satan. Therefore, when th1.s International Work, or
     Satan's Plan began coming through, these devils, who in
     life were its promoters, did ever thi     1.n the1.r ower to
I(   confuse, arass an V1.0 en
     from t e   ot.
                                            ar Ann to eep her

           The'mental torture these devils can cause by putting
     temptations in one's mind is, I bel ieve , even more severe
     than physical sufferin and seems to be harder on the
     vict1.m, lt is just'another type of sufferlng w lC s e
     i~rmitted to go through for the salvation of souls.
     Remember it was permitted that even Our Lord should be
     tempted by the devil when He was here on earth; it was
     part of His suffering also.
           There were times when Mary Ann was thrown around
     vjolentl~ bi the dev~ on several occasions she was
     thrown from the chair in spi te of my efforts to hold her.
     One time she was thrown violently out of the wheel chair
     backwards. On this occasion her head hit the floor so
     hard she saw double for several days. That made the
     torture of the devils even worse, for she would see
     twice as many pairs of fiery eyes.
           On several occasions she wa~ thrown from the chair
     and landed aboutei.ght feet from it on the floor. At
     another time she was kicked in the chest by one of the
     devils several times and the chair and table and aIl
     were moved about four feet.
           In order for the reader to understand aIl this, 1
     must explain that at night during the suffering, Mary
     Ann's wheel chair is backed up against the kitchen table
     and pillows are piled on the table so that she can lean
     back and rest against them. Because of her extreme heart
     condition that is the way she has spent aIl of her n1.ghts
     since Ascension Day, May 19, 1955. Also aIl of her
     days are spent in the wheel chair because she is unable
     to walk.
At times when the devils were tormenting Mary Ann
  to a great extent, her body would get exceptionally hot
  to touch, it would feel hot and dry as if she were
  burning up with a high fever. There is a small heating
  stove in the kitchen which she leaned on at one time
  when it had a fire in it. 1 was afraid she would be
  badly burned, but she showed no signs of it and said
  afterward that she didn't even feel it.
        A few words from Mary Ann's suffering on the night
  of August 2, 1955 throws a little light on how the
  devils torment her: "It's getting hotter, Hank, hotter
  aIl the time. It's hot, l'm burning, burning. Help me
  Hank, l'm burning, too hot."
        In this dis course on devils 1 must mention hitting )
  sorne of them with Holy Water. ~1y respect for HoIr Water,
  rmust admit-, ~en î"ncreased a hundredfold Slnce my
  experlence with these devils. 1 am not permitted to see
 them ~lthough they are visible to Mary Ann and seem to
  be sitting in the rafters of her ceiling in the kitchen
  where her night suffering occurs. Mar'y Ann and 1 had to
  devise a s stem sa s e could let me know where they
  were and if the we       close enou 1. so cou     l.t t em:
  It was by squeezing my arm which they cou      not etect.
  A certain number of squeezes would indicate a certain
  location, and then 1 would throw Holy Water from the
  bottle. 1 even learned to detect whether or not 1 had
  hit them br the sound i t made. li o~ of them were hit,
  there would be a snap, the sound being more like a s ark
  j ump t an an)' lng e se     can . n o . Sometimes lf 1
  got them good there would be a series of those snaps and
  then a hi ss as of s te am.
         On the night of December 14th, Bob and Richard
   (Mary Ann's sons) were making up their school lunch for
   the next day during the early part of the suffering.
  Prune Face tried ta come down and 1 hit him good.
  There was a series of snaps and a hiss. Bob and
  Richard heard it tao and talked about it. They spoke of
   it before 1 mentioned it ta them. December 14th was one
  of my good nights. On that night 1 was successful in
   hitting severa!.
         As tb~ identity of tbese devils was made known to
  Mary Ann, she revealed them to me by giving initiaIs ta
   them or fictitous names. Among those who constantlY](
   harassed Mary Ann when this International Work was being
   revealed were the f~llowing six who Mary Afin referred
   to always by initiaIs:
                              - 20­
H.L.H. we called him as that represented his name he
    bore on earth. He w~ guilt~ of participation in rackets
    before he got into the 1iel of national politics. He
   was an advisor to F.D.R. and was behind many plots and
    ~ntrigues. He was gUllty of plotting the deaths of some
   who were-in the way or who were tne-lrc5Iders of dangerous
   kr1OW1ectge. He niUïse:tî""dld not die of naturaT causëS but
   was removed in the wer he was:gulltY~rnoYing others.
          H~ur.~mmitte SUIcIde when he was being inves­
   tigated. He was guilty of many intrigues and plots, and
   was, among other things, at one time a big boy in our
    lreasury Department.
          H.I., another of the boys from F.D.R. 's time. In on
   the cutting of many political pies and a participant of
   the plots to destroy us.
          B4 was the designation of the fourth member of our
   group of In~ernational Deviis. He was a former member (
   of the United States Supreme Court~e-~greatést
   of the plotters, one 01 the heàa Zionists in the country,
   one guilty of plotting severa! murders.
          F.V., another 'member of our Supreme Court, Ch~f )
   Justice. One in the know on most things and guilty of
   e~ything i~way of IntrIgue, subversion and murcter.
          No. 6. We have not iden~ified by name as yet, but
   he Vas in on the plot. Vas a higher-up member in the Air )1
   Force of the United States. Helped plot Pearl Harbor.
          More devils came into the picture to harass Mary
   Ann. On December l, 1955 we had a meeting of the local
   group of workers in the cause of Our Lady. The Bahai
  Temple and its Yiddish connection was spoken of. ~- 1)1
   parently the YIddIsh dIdn't~i1e it. because soon af~er
   ~-Silfferjn started we found we had nin            ew devils
   present              . h. T ree 0 them we         a l with
   skull caps. Near ly every n ight Since,                    e
   three have been present. They will not be identified
   bY name, but aIl three of them were Very important
l leaders in the Serpent's Zionist Movement when here on        J'
   eart .         ~.                                    .  .     IJJ
      -= "Whiskers" was a RabbI leader of the Talmudic ~n-
   ist Movement;-a' member of many CoUIDunist Front movements,
   and a prime pIotter of great influence wItn-o.TIr late
   Presidential Administrations.
     ==- e:tat0 as we ca lled him was another of the s.ame i lk,
   and gUllty of the saille plot for World DestructIon and
   Co~l·        Died quite recently.
      ::: ~e _~has been in heU lo~--=--!Ie
                                 - 21 ­
  {. , tr"J.
~ guilty of the same offences against God and the
             world.O.J...ea:ln ""I:!!5. He was one who plotted the
             assassination of Abraham Lincoln~une face, as Mary
             Ann caUs film, has been 'Very active nearly every night.
             She says he appears old and wrinkled and dried out as
             though he hadJL~n in hell for a long time. His fi~r
             and toe nails have grown sa they curl round. He is one
         [ of the most vicious of the deyils with whom w~.~ad
1- )1              i an   0   t e l s arasslng ;1ary Ann, sad ta say,
             had been men of the         urch. The first to appear on the
    ;;:.	 icene Mary Allli cai lM he "Furry Mutt", due to his ap-
                                          €                                       t'5 1
             pearance. He was with us last winter on a couple of
             occasions, and until recently has spent aIl his time
             with us. He was a pri.est on earth who was killed in a
     1       car accideilEl:ilr~O~ rie did not receive the Sacraments

             at(feath and was condemned. While on earth he was a bad
             priest, a drunka.nd an-adulterer. One who used Mass Ir'
              füilëISi~omen and song. He is shown to Mary AIm •
         1 in an oId. ragged and torn cassock with buttons missing"          J
              It1laS brown spots on lot where, lï1lns contacts wit1l us,
     l        we haye managed ta burn him good with Holy~ater. Mary
             Ann has never identified him further te me, though she
             knows and could. H~s not of o-.J).r Diocese but was 1

              from the State of Wisconsin.
                    on the 25th of May, 1955 a good priest was here who
             said Exorcism Prayers and apparently Qut the rua on the
              "Furry Mutt" , for from that day for th he has not been
              seen. Howeve.r, we were bothered by two skinny devils
             who were very active for a.while. At times they were
              ac tua 11y wor se -chan the "Fur l'y Mutt" whom l had managed
              ta hit 50 often with Holy Water that he stayed out of
                     These two skinny devils were with us until October
              when another good Priest was present and they were
              chased away, but always more of them came to replace

-             those who left. Two more came, o~ of which was an ex ­
              priest who had -iven up his reli ion, and the Other a
              con emne Pl' lest w              0      -   "ln    fo-;-tne sarne ~
             te<ison as te" ur l'Mut t" .         e ad been ln t le -~ry
             U    lce at - - - - an was partir resp-onsible for the
          ... frammg of an Archbisho , in ord           0    et him out 0 of­
               ~        -e was a po ct lcian, dipplDg his hands in irty
              politics for the sake o~n. For some time we had
'"            another déV]l, another            . e~n~t riding-ën
              an'"ôfTter pe.~.§.Q.n' s shoulder, and because Mary Ann;:-s
                                         -22 ­
prayers ·and suffering had disrupted his plans for that
        persan, he was now he        0 torture her.                -­
               one of the d~~ils who gave 1 ary Ann a particularly

-       hard turm we nallle~ C 2., Me was a meîriter of the Catholic
     [ Hierarchy tn chi          ./.     e was gUI y 0 man
        as are sorne of tne-Ailerarchy at present. Ils death took
        pl ace in 1939. He was engagedln money rackets and

        politics, not only inside the Church but in National
     f and International aff"al:l's. lle-----waS cooperating with the

        l~Or rackets, and with the bj~~ewish B~ers. H~s
        gUllty Qf trY1n~ to keeU-f>eople ln the dark with regard
        ta the plot within our Government. He was one whose in­
        flUenCe was used to silence Fath            ou hlin sa that
    (   people CQuld not earn the truth and become educ~ed as
        to what was and still is going on. }~ was supposed to be
        a Representative of Christ here on earth; he who is now
        trying ta destroy good and drag souls with him; he who
        attained position and wealth here on earth now hangs up
        in the roof like a huge bat, with glaring red balls of
    ( fire for eyes,                         .....--­
               rnother devil whom we cal,C ~ ,or ~are ti~e, be­
        cause of Ins great fat body, wlt"h 1tS rorrsof flesh

- ~l    around its middle, was another member of the CathQlic
       Hierarchy Qf equal rank. He was wen thought of ln his
        Ulocese by Priests and people, but he was a Dr. Jekyl and
       ~1r. Hyde sort.      He Y!~uilty of furtheri.nlL the great
        PIQt throl,gh Jnternati.onal Polltics, He tried ta promote
           -;-League of Nations along with WoodrQw Wilson. He was
        a. member of the International Jew conts           ed BaIiJ{Qf
        Englan.       -Je tne to ln uence reland ta join the
        League. He had several Conferences with the Bishop of
        Ireland between 1918 and 1920 to that end. He also
        worked Vith and throuyh DeValera. He had his fingers in
        many internatlonaI po iticaI intrigues.
               ~~en sorne of his Priests discovered what he was in-~
        volved in a.nd there 'Nas dan er of his ex osure, he had
        them exi e as missionaries to the 'un es of the           azon
        River in raZl        rom w lC t ey never returne . . e was
        another Œnst on eartIl who turned Judas, who instead of
        devoting his efforts to the work of His ~'Iaster, Jesus
        Christ, devoted his efforts to the work of the Anti­
      [ 02rist, 'those who were plotting ta destroy Christ' s
        Church and a11 of its good works. He also sits as a huge
        bat.Qn the rafters and glares, trying ta disruQt the
    J work of Our Lady, the Mother of His Master. There he
        sits in the faded dirty robes of his rank, still carrying

did here on earth, still
      th, trying to destroy


           There are a number of groups of Internationalists
     who a~ at the _presen_t t i rne working togeW"r-iîlfhis
     great subversive ~t for-worr,r-Control.        ey are aIl
     working together: traveLi-Hg-toget.her becaus~they-<rre
     aIl going to the sarne_ F~a~eL but like a gang of thieves
     who are starting out to rob a bank, each one fias in mind
     that they will-knock off the rest and-take aIl of the
     swag. These groups are.. all under the contrêil-of one
      ~,:ho~h they may notrecognize the tacts.
      '. !)lnternatlonarJewlsnBankers; Leaders of the
     Zionist plot for world control,       .   's based on the
     basic world plot exposed in the .~~ f~fie Lëarned
     Elùèrs orZ'îon";-fâlmûdtc'J'lidalsm 0 e world suprerne-­
     every Jew a king and every Gent ue a ;lave. EëOnomic
     cofftfOloy-the-International Bankers over small countries
'I   has been a very sImple operation. Force them to their
     kriees financially and then help them to their feet again,
     but each time before you help them to their feet, make
     them grant sorne additional concessions, such as tying up
     their exports and imports or sorne such agreement. In
     that manner they can he absolutely controlled economical ­
     ly. It is a truly beautiful set-up for the big Jew
     bank~~ .
           31 British Natio~ists, controlled by the Inter-J~
     national Jew BanKers, but made up also of Gentile stoo es
     W,ho pictu~e themselv~~s and England a~ ,~he .controirfng
l    force behInd the World Government. rnls--In~l~es the
     "Kingfish" (Ant,h.on_y- Edenr,~ston Churchjll, the hus':"
     bana--oI-Cne-OÜeen an-a-variou~hers. There ar~y
     miÏior st-ooge~nd political male prostitutes there as
     there are over here, who range from mere minor tools to
     those who have sold their souls completely to the
     Talm14dic Jews.       ~, _.
          r3') Russian Nationals who are also controlled by
     the înternational Jew Bankers, b~t who picture themselves
and we.9-1th.



riddles and double talk where she could convey to me what
 she wanted me to know what was being transmitted. How­
 ever, she has checked over aIl ~his work and aK'd it as
 I have it written and it does convey that which she wit­
                 . . . . . . . . . .

 nessed in vision in an accurate manner.
        The same enemy, the same Evil Forces that were res­ 

  ponsible for the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ when He was

  here on earth, are still responsible for what is going

  on today. For the Crucifixion of the Church of Christ

  here on earth, for the destruction of the people for whom

  Christ came on earth. The same tools are used now as

  were used at that time. It was thlrty pleces 01 slIver

  WhlCh purchased Judas' betrayal oI Oür LOrd, and lt is

  money and power and the thirst for the same that is

   used today to purchase betrayals. The~.)~
   stead of the Cross of Our Lord could weIl be the symbol
   of many natlons and lndlvlduals.
                                     • • * •
         Great Britain today is our greatest enemy and has

   always been our greatest enemy among nations. Looked

   upon as an Ally, she ls in position by means of the

  doub le cross to do us much ha rm, ma re th an any 0 f

  ou r other recognized enemies. This fact is known to sorne

   of the Judases in high positions in our Government, ~

   in the hidden government behind our Government. Sorne

   of our patriotlc leaders in this country have recognized

   this hidden force and have commented on it, but they

   have always been silenced in one way or another. General

   M!;:Arthur was one of them.

         Tte International Jew Bankers control this hidden
   Government, both here and in Great Britain. The same
   mgney changers who brought about the Crucifixion of Jesus
   Christ when He chased them out of the l'emple.         ­
         The hidden government behind Great Britain, the hid·
   den government behind the United States, the hidden gov ­
   ernment behind Russia are aIl one and the same. Th~
   control the smaller goyernments mainly by th~r control
( of money and corrmerce. Thus they are able to force âU
   these smaller natlons to do their will.
         Many of our good meh have been eliminated, although
   by means so natural in appearance as to arouse no sus ­
   picion. Murder has become a scien          w l develo d
IJ with nothing cru e or messy about it. .Mostl it is an
   inject io~ inta a person and then tney are af 1icted by
cancer or have a heart attack and the Nation mourns
    another great public sp1r1tëà citizen who has finally
   s~ccumbed to the strain of his duties in his great ser ­
   V1ce to the people, and the leaders of the mourners of
    those who extol the virtues of the "great" one who'has
   passed on, are those who are responsible for his demise.
   Sometimes, when other means fail, accidents can also
   happen, and train crashes and plane crashes have Occur ­
   red and taken many lives in order to remove one indivi ­
( dual.
  ---- Inasmuch as our interests lie here in our own
   Country, we will try to start and carry on from here
   into foreign fields and tie them together. AlI of our
   martyred Presidents starting with Abraham Lincoln have
   been killed because in sorne way they stood in the way of
   the Great Plot. Abraham Lincoln was shot as was Garfield
   and McKinley. Those methods of disposaI have since been
   discarded as being too crude and there is too much
   danger of detect ion. The present methods are much more
l  effect ive in that they appear to be natural.
         Here is a partial list of sorne whose demise was ar ­
         1. Fiorella La Guardia - La Guardia had cancer
l  which was discovered after he had been injected wlth a
   h~art attack.     Heart attacks can now be induced by means
   of injection. Even doctors cannot detecE the lact tnat]
   it was art1ficially induced and it lS a very handy and
   n1Eural way to disposê or-fhose who--are undes1rable ob­
   stacles or who knew too much. La Guard1a was a po1]1;i­
   clan who had cooperated, but was stricken by conscience
   and became dangerous because of his knowledge.
         2. Robert Taft - Senator from Ohio, was too honest
   in his opposition, could not be controlled. Cancer was
   injected into him and he did not last long. They can in­ 

1  J~aDcer as:ëaSily in humans as in monkets. '

         3. Sênator Pat McCarrôn - Ini,ection.       ..  .   .
         4. . Frank Murphy - Supreme COurt Just1ce - InJectlon
         5. Senator Vandenberg of Michigan - Medicine tame­
   ered with.
         6. Will Rogers and
         7. Wiley Post - Killed in~lane accident in Alaska
   Plane had been tampered wlth, t    e  mechanic who had been
   bribed to tamper with the planewa::s-a-t~±:ttê<Cina car
 ( accldent., . 'Th~ trip They were on was to verify s~.ow-l
   l~lch Wlll Rogers had.            It was to check on a h~e
   arsenal Wh1Ch is maintained in ice caverns in Northern
                              -30 ­
Siberia. This has also been mentioned other places in
     the Revelations and has been in existence since World
     War 1.
           8. Ernie Pyle - Foreign Correspondent, was shot and
     not accidentally during World War II. He had stumbled on
     information which was resRQnsib~for his death.
           9. Floyd Gibbons - Another correspond~ was killed
      or the Sarre reason.                               ---­
          10. Woodrow Wilson - Was worried ~ death. ije had
     co~rated but when he fQund-.9JJt what th.ë Plot was ~­
    1in~o. it broke his heart and his health.
          11. Wendell Wilkie - Died of he art injecSion
          12. President McKinley - Shot
          13. Huey Long - Senator fM Louisiana was shot. Was
     against Klu Klux Klan                             -    --...
          14. Cermak - Mayor of Chicago - Shot
          15. A woman - was secretary t~. Phil Jessup ­
     Discovered evidence of Plot. Was killed in a car acci­
     dent in 1952.
       - 16. Warren Harding - President of the United States.
     Died of p~ison administered in his food.
           These are Just a few who were of national fame.
     Thousands of persons of lesser importance have also been
     eliminated by foul means. Many have been even in the
     land of the free, been-imprisoned on false charges ~
     still worse languish in institutions where the have been
                                                                    Il 1
     dec are 1ns~ne.       ose things have all happene~ ~~~ .
     tfiê Onited ~tates of America.

l' 1­

                                                     ~.   '7'" ,

                                                     N~       _.~-­


{:~    -,


newspapers came out recently with headlines that Hitler
  was dead. They spoke the truth, at least in part; he is
        You needed only to read the newspapers and listen to
  the news report to know how well the Serpent has done
  his job in South America. Dictators, strikes, riots,
  destruction of property, destruction of Churches, reli­
1(gious trouble, revolutions, exiles, racial troubles -­
  these are all-the work Qf the Serpent.
        The exiled ex-dictator of Argentina,(juan PeronS is
  still very active behind the scenes and-is-now ln a
  position to carry on his subversion in P~ama, which is
  already a~e-boiling point. He is also directing
  forces which are trying to create the same situation in
  Mexico. Mexico is ri~ for it. There is already racial

  d~SenSi.Qn....ancLreligions dissension there. The high rate
  of illiteracy rnakes that country fertile ground for that
  destruct ion.                     f..--- . .
        Sorne of the wealth ac~ired b Peron 'became the loot
  of the International Bankers when his Governrnent was
~{overthrown in.Argentina. They do not hesitate to des­
J troy even thelr own.
   ----ethers of the exiles from foreign countries under
  disguise and ~ith n~w .n~es readily serve as .l~aders D

I these subverSIve actl Iles. They-have the ablll~~y
  were ea e s
  have been exiled.
                       h ir o~~es or tliey would not


         Ali of the things that apply to the work of the
   Serpent in the United States also apply in Canada. G~t
   Britain has for man years been trying to turn the
   Reople 0 Canada ag                 f'   a es.    ey would
   like to use Canada as a base for their operations against
   us. They haven' t been too successful in that project
   because the Canadians look upon themselves as AmericaI]s
, and the hnks of friendship are actually stronger 6e-
 ( tween Canada and the United States than between Canada
   and the Mother Country. This has always been a source
   of great jealousy to England, and they have worked hard
   to alienate those affections.
         However, through the efforts of the Ser~nt, they
   have accomplished some degree of success. T ere are a
   n~er of the Serpent's servants, among them a Canadian
   doctor who have been working hard. They are trying to
   turn the English against the French because the Frencp
   are Catholics, and rellglous dlssenslon lS the worst
   ~. For this purpose lies and propaganda are being
   used. There are many crimina~ype Unlteu States citi-
   zens up there prom~ing. They make up the rough labor
   in lumber camps and mines. They also have the problem
   there of having ail kinds of riff raff in war refugees.
   The Forces of Evil have been able to see it, that that
   was what happened just as it did here in this country.

         Strikes, riots, religious persecution, government
   controls, hate, Labor Union racketeers, Goon Squads,
   bribes, treason, subverted education -- aIl of those
   things are very much ln eVldence. All tools of the
   Serpent,and in Canada as in the United States,~e con-
     ~                :aE2R
            prop'!&anda                           ::~­
                                  t.he created filt
   troy t e morals O~Qut and grown-ups; ail are there
    according to the Plan of the Serpent.
         Anthon~ Eden has tried to get Canada to throw in
   with Englan ln their plans to destroy and control us.



                One of the most effective means of bringing about
         the destruction of a COuntry is by destroying the morals
         of its people. You need only to piCK up a newspaper to~
         day and read of the cLimes co~itted and publ~zed to
         realize to what a state the moFâis 1n our Coun ry have
         degenerated. Some of course will say that we have always
         had crime, and of course that is true; but the inCreaSe]
         is aIl out of proportion to the increase in popul~,
         w1i1ëTi 1S anôt~tFilng that wd 1 he thrown at Xo0U when
         you mention that facto Also there has been a tremendous
         increase in crime by juveniles. There are many who will
         try to explain that away, but the figures and the per~
         centages are not easily pushed aside. The situation is
         m~ch more serious than even the newspapers and magazines
         ind1cate. Tne reason for that 1s ObV10US: those who
      / p~ the moral deprav.i!:.Ldo not want a realizationof
      "the problem, and people would rather blind themselves to
         the pro~em for fear they would have to do something
         about it, and-a Iso bec_aUs~!l1!1~ï cases, they are well
         sa.tisii_eLlLÜlL.t.htLü own .moral laxity.      -­
                This applies particularly to those who are parents
         and are responsible for the teaching of morals to their
         own offspring. They, you will find, are .playing the old
      "IAmerican game of passing the buck, of bJarning the scho.ol,
      fi t~e Church,_t_he times. P.iF'"city~ offi~, the Police
         Dèpartments -- excuses, aIl to excuse themselves for not
      Ldoing the job which is their respônSlo111ty. True,
         a11 of them            do have a responsibilit-y, but it is
         secolldary t.o that of the parents. ~o the p'arents areJI
               unES who àré tn:posî u on To cont ra 1 a Il th-e others
          that are mentio.ned.
                This moral leprosy which is spreading in epidemic

     ! 1 proportions, is infectin      those in all walks of life and
          social positon. It has had its effects o~t e
          the teach1ng profession and the pollce and Law Enforce~

                                    -36 ­
personality. That bait was thrown out and eagerly
   s!allowed up ?y the educators in your Teachers Colle~s.
L They passed It on to those whom they were teaching.
           Don't punish Johnny, let him do as he pleases.
  Mothers fell for the Jarne l~ne when it was written up in
   oooRs on chlld psycno ogy.                                  ~
     ~ What an asslnine idea for anyone with any degree of
   intellect to ~lieve, let alone pass on. What a swell
   out for the weak teacher who couldn't maintain any dis­
   cipline or maintain the respect of her pupils. What a
   swell excuse for the mother who couldn't, wouldn't or
   possibly was too lazy to discipline her kids. And last,
  'bUtlr6rleast-;What a swe-tïpFeparaEï:"OrÎfor Johnny to
  meet those frustrations which he is bound to come up
   against in later life. Teach him there is no punishment
   for ~~r:t or ~g doir:tg and pve ~lm ~9o~s~art tow3lrd
   a ~Y-lmmal c areer whl1e he lS st l rrm the Fust Grade,
   rath~ than -te ach l1liii't"o be a good Citizen- a:nd- niëiiiber
   oi the group he associates wlth. --Again now foolish can
    ~o~le be? l have even talked to teaëhërs or-high school
  students who were profound exponents of that idiotic
   theory to cover up their own inability to handle their
   pupils. However, l will say for them that if the teach­
   ers in the Grades have followed that fallacy, by the time
   they get to High School, you have a bunch of outtâws on
   yo~r hands and maintaining-any degreé()f control-is a
   major problem and requires a good strong disciplinarian.
  They will have no respect for any authority whatsoever.
           As a result of this c~~d discipline problem,
  m~.ItLg-g:ocL.teaihe~s h~v~ bëc'Oriië"'""d1~gusteëLandîëTt the
   profession. That also was ac~~ding__t~. I~e
   room for the èrackpots ana-CommtlnïSrs-in the teaching
   field. Weak, indoctrinat:ed teachers teachïng-our-kiCfs;
   t;~ers who, except for the created shortage, would
   never be hired by any intelligent School Board.
           If you have an education yourself, have your child
   bring his textbooks home and examine them. See if you
   can find an~h~ in them that would teach him patriotism
( or love of country. See how many false ideas are being
   taught in thë:SOcial Sttldïes, ln E~omlcs. If you kllow
   anything of the faets of history, study the books for Jl1e
( propaganda and falsifications that ar~ there. You will
   f'1i1'd pmty if you are able ~nize them. ILYQll
   are too Y0J.llg., you wi l1...Eot rec~gni ze_them because they
   ~ _ther:e. .~hen you we.nt to_ s.chool and you acce.p~.eil ~~m
    as facts. However, the thi~gs given here as Revelatlons




         Many of our American people in government are good
   honest patriotic Americans who have fallen for the propa ­
   ganda of the'         and th.ose in the know. Ihey are easy
)'Iprey , es eCla            .           one and ad n e t
 1 tg. The same thing applies to many of our teachers and
   professors. They have been taken in by this UNESCO
   deal. They don't understand it. Many were subjected to
   wrong schooling themselves. The changes in our educa- )
   tional system have crept in very gradually, sneaked ln. )
     ---Many of the Clergy and filerarchy, both Cathollc and
   Protestant, have been sucked in in the same manner.
   Bishop Oxnam is an example. His name was mentioned in
   the Revelations.                                               J
         Sorne have fallen fo~ t~otherhood line and ev~n
   attended meetings of B'nai lB'rith like B B S.
          ~~ of our college prolessors are atheists: are
   G2dless. Those the devil can twist around his litSIe )
         Many Qirit
   the wrong s l e 0
                        ~att0!iç Hierarchy who have fal.len on
                             efence on UNESCO a~y.!DK.~o
   i~ that the Pope favors it.            That is not çrue.
         'fhe evidence of the-attempt to subvert. t~e_teac~ing
   in our schoois and 0             .    ducatlon s stem through
   UNESCO has een lIwest 19a teci, and weil documente re- )
   ports are a,Y.aJ.1.abJe on l t . . The AîTIenc an Leglon has a
   report on it, as has the Veterans of Foreign Wars as
   weIl as many others:
         The American Legion is trying to clean up the Çgm­
   munist situation down at the Univers~r-wïsconsin.
   'rhe..Y_'LlllJlay~._a-y~ry rough-!:.une1Jecause tney are very
   weIl established there. E. B. Fred, the President lS no
   gôOd. His shade ~somewhere between Pink and Red.
           George F. watson, our State Superintendent ~f )
   SchooIs, ~fl.-e·n-~e'Yeryshïïdy ëleals. He J,s I}
   very mucR antl-Catholic.


DELINQUENCY                         ;,

        Our Lady, the Mother of Our Savior, has asked us,

   has warned us, has pleaded with us again and again in Her

   ~~ssages to clean up our schools, to clean up the bad

   situation that exists with our Youth of today. If-!h~

   are lost we are aIl lost, for they are the future oi-olir

[ Count~. This fact should be easily understood by every­
   one. It is.purely elementary. The Evil forces, the

}( ~nions of the Serpent, are very well aware of this fact
   and through d1srupting, degenerating, destroying the
   morals of our youth, they intend to destroy our Country
   and us.
        They are working very hard day and night, us~ll
   the foul means at their disposal to do just that.~ir

II Pian is not new, it is ages old and has been used suc­
   cessfully again and again as anyone who has any know~edge
   of history weIl kriows. An epidemic of moral degeneraCY)i
   has receded the destruct ion,-·thë âis1nte raf:"îOïï""of
   every great nat10n t at as ever r1sen to a pos1t10n of
   great power and wealth in the world S1nce the beginning
   of t1me.
        The United States of America has risen through the

   help of God .Alm1 ht to become the wealth1es€ , most
   power u nat10n on eart , an n~~.t rou~ t e mac 1na­
   tions of the Sër.l2ent has turned itSbiëk ~and is
   following the path to destrUëtion. ~~generacy has
   become so common~at we even fail to recognize its
   hideous symptoms. It has extended into all walks of life.
        Our Youth, following the example of màny of their
   elders,. and aided down the path b aIl the tools and
   means at the d'                   's minions, are hea 1ng
   for destruction and will eventually lead the whole Nation
   to that same destination if something is not done prompt-
   li and effectively to interrupt the journey. That is
   exactly what Our Lady has asked that we do if we would
 ( save our Country and ourselves.
We must recognize the problem, we must face it.
   le must fight it in an alI-out fight on aIl of the
   fronts. Everyone who loves GOd, everyone who loves His
   Holy Mother, eve4Yooe who calls himself a Christian must
( pick up his arms and fight.
         There are many who will try to excuse themselves by
   saying conditions are not that bad, it is just the trend
   of the times, things were just as bad when 1 was a child.
 ( Does the Devil love those people for they are playing

   right into his hands~

          There are even some ~n~ the clergy who excuse

   themselves for not fighting agalnst this rising tide of

   delinquency and crime,~attributing it to modern times.~

   They like to look upon tnemselves and to hear themselves

   spoken of as LiberaIs. Do they realize that in so doing

   they are belittling Gad Almighty, that they are trying to

   make it appear that God could not foresee modern con­ 

   ditions when the rules for life were given. Gad not only

   foresaw but foretold. The Devil must love them also,

 lf~ they are making his work easier.
         Oür Lady has warned us many times in Her Messages
   to clean up the situation of the Youth at the present
   tirœ and of our schools, etc. Juvenile Delinquency, gr)})))
   rather Parental Deli~ency, which lS the prlmary cause
   ol"Oiir youtlî pt06Iem f today, has grown to such an ex­
   tent as Our Lady warned us it would, that many, many ar ­
   ticles have been written on the subject in newspapers
   and magazines, periodicals of aIl kinds, Catholic and
   otherwise. Our National Government has taken recogni ­
   tion of the problem to the extent that a Senate Investi­
   gating Cornmittee was set up to investigate the causes and
   seek the cures. Many states in their Legislative Bodies
   are taking steps to investigate and legislate to help
   cut down the problem. In some cases they are actually
   working to accomplish something, and in others they are
   just talking and bemoaning the fact that we have the
    problem. Societies, church , civic and otherwise aretry ­
    ing to do something about the problem.          .       .
          We first contacted our County Judge.. who ~s very ln­
    terested in the problem. We had a dlScusslon of the
    problems in his office, and from h~m ~e were able to get
    many good ideas. He, of course, lS ln constant contact
    wlth the problem as the youth cases c~ ~fore hi~. The
    increase in the number of cases comlng before hl~S
    very disturbing. In preparation for what we we~e trying
    to do, we got wnat statistics t~ Judge could glve us as
to the number of cases handled and how they were disposed
    of. We also got the files from the Sheriff's Office on
    arrests of youths and what they were charged with.
           In our discussion with the Judge it was determined
    that if we were to accomplish much, we should work with
    the sponsorship of some organization if possible, even
    tfirougfi tfie County BOard. We decided that the best or­
   ganization for sponsorship if we could interest them,
   was the American Legion. We chose them to contact first
   because of a number of reasons. They represent a good
   cross section of our people. Many·of them are parents
   and are Interested from that standpoint. They are a
   nation wide organization with chapters in most every tOwn
   or viII~e of any SlZe at aU, and that fact to us was
   considered very important because what we accomplish in
   our County is going to lose most of its value if sur­
   rounding counties do fiOt follow suit and institute a
   sîmllar program. We know that other counties are in-·
   terested and recognize the problem, but if sponsorship
 ( of the American Legion from our County carries inco
   others, it will be a big help. If it does not carry over
   into adjoining counties, the force of our program will
   be largely lost, and we will be chasing our chi1dren
   farther from home to find the type _2..L.!"ecreation in
   other ~laces that we have eliminated here at home.
   Anoth~~ ~eason for- our choice of the Legion for sponsor­
   ship was because we felt the program fitted very weIl
   with the 'B~ck to Church, Back to God Movement,' which
( the Legion is seonsoring on a national scale. AlI told
   we felt that once presented with the ...p..Loblem in the
 ) proper light, they would be interested and go along with
   us. They did.                        .
          In getting the problem before the Legion, we asked
   the Judge how we could best do it, and he thought the
   best man to contact to get a reaction would be our County
   Service Officer. He was also one of the easiest ~ d
   as we had only to walk a short way down from the Judge's
   Office to his and talk to him. We had a good talk on
   the problem, and he was very much interested and said he
   would be very glad to brin th                 up before the
 ( County mee l~ t            erican 1egion which was scheduled
   for the next week. This was done and after discussion,
   they voted to sponsor the program and appointed a member
   to appear before the County Board with a recommendation
   that the chairman appoint a committee from the Board to
   be known as the Juvenile Committee and to investigate and
make recommendations as to what could be done. We had
   prepared a resolution to that effect and brought it in
   during that session, and it was passed by the Board. We
   also brought in a resolution for an appropriation of
   $300 for the use of that Committee.
    -- The Chairman of the Board appointed a Committee of

   three members to serve ,withl the Legion as a Juvenile

   CoI'Q!!l..Ïllee .

           We had a couple of meetings and determined to try

   and keep the Legion an~ other interested members at work

   and ac~ve. We asked that the Legion County Commander

   app01nt a committee to serve with us. He did appoint

   each Post Commander to serve on that Committee. We had

   a couple of meetings of this whole group. In addition

   to the Legion members the County Sheriff, County Judge

   and the County Superintendent of Schools were present.

   The Distr1ct Attorney was always notified, but was not

   present at any of our meetings.

          First, we had to go over the problem, and l am sure

   many of those present did not realize how much of a prob ­ 

   lem we had and were themselves much enlightened by the

   conversation. Xt was determined here to sponsor an

   Essay Contest by the High Schools of the County: We

   were to use the money appropriated by the County Board

   for prize money. We decided on the prizes to be of ­ 

   fered, had posters printed and got our program u~der

   way. The Superintendent of SêhooIs contacted the schools,

 j	ana-we had a letter made up which was sent to each school

   pr1nc1paI, g1ving the rules governing the co~test. They

   were-arl very cooperative and in most of the schools in

   Civics or Social Problems, the teacners made up a project

   and held cla~s discus~ns on the prohlems involved, and

 ( so the Essay counted toward their class work. While the

Il Contest was open to aIl high school students, the school
   made 1t oh11gatory for Juniors and Sen10rs.
          We were very pleased with the results of the Contest
   because they became a powerful weapon to be used in
lbringing to the parents a realization of what the problem
  /was and the seriousness of it. Also ther e could be noll
   discounting of what was said, as it was our Own children
   fr~r own County, and what they said applied right
   he~ and could not be denied.
   -=- We knew more or less what conditions were ourselves,
   and of course papers and magazines carry plenty of ar ­
   ticles on Juvenile Delingyency and there have been many
   surveys held 1n many parts of the country, but people
could always say yes, we know it is bad in sorne places,
  and still close their eyes to what is going on here, but
  the y could not deny the statements made by their
( chlldren rl,ht here ln our C6unty.
        A tahuation of the results of our Essay was made,
  and it was a bi~ job but worth it. Here are the results
  and aTSo sorne 0 the quotes taken at random from sorne of
  the Essays copied.
        Our County Juvenile Committee, after much study and
  research, made a report on their findings to the County
  Board. They also included in their report recommenda­
  tions with regard to what they thought the Board could do
  to better conditions. The report also contained a record
  on how the funds appropriated were used. The report also
 /gave the findings from the Judge's Off~ich showed
 ~an alarming increase in the number of Juvenile cases be­
  lng handled by the two Dëpartments.
         In brief it was this: during 1953 there had been
  twice as many Juvenile cases handled than in any previous
  year, and in 1954 up until the month of July, at which
  time the report was made, there were more than twice as
  many cases handled as during the same period in 1953.
  This alarming rate of increase showed the necessity of
  action on the problem.
       The results of the tabulations of the Essays showed
  the following results:
~       93% placed the primar
  mentlonlng speclflcally such thlngs as lacK-or-supervl­
  sion and training, indifferençe, poor example, lack of
  love, etc.
        40% ~entioned broken homes and included under that
  were those broken not only by divorce, but the absence
  of both parents when working, et~                    ~
        30% rnentioned lack of Church participation and reli­
  gious training.
      C lR% mentioned lack of discipline in schools.
        25% mentioned lack of proper law enforcement.
        25% mentioned gangs.
        Automobiles werernentioned universally as was liquor
~Iand bee~They were mentioned 100% as being contributing
"causes and also recommendations were made about them.
        Here are sorne quotations taken more or less at ran­
  dom from sorne of the essays, which 1 believe show that
  the children, or rather youth, have a better idea of
  condItIons and what causes those conditions than their
  parents do. They were copied from the essays word for
                               - 47­
words with no corrections made even as to grammatical
   error~or otherwise.
       ~ "A child is only a mirror of his parents."
        ~ "These children are trying to grow up too fast.
   If they do not find what they need, they will try to ap-
   pear older than what they are. They will try to take to
   smoking and drinking. This they consider a sign of
   adulthood. Why? This is because they see many adults
   and t ir own parents do jUSt-·tllis sortOI thlng. "
             "Juvenlle dellnquency contlnues. It even seems
   to be getting worse than better and l think it will con-.
   tinue as l~nâ as parents place their own interests and
   desires ahea of tl1e==welfare of their children." ,
      (!)    "Many parents are more delinquent than their
   children. "                       -----         -----
    ~ "But what can be done about me? When you call
   me Juvenile Delinquent you have given me the wrong name.
   It is rather parent delinguency,school delinquency, and
   Church deliRquency. A deIlnquent i~e not born. It
   is the Inefficiency, slackness and l on't care attitude
   of these important Instltlitions that is causing young
 ( peopl~ to commit crimes,"
        Q[)"I am sure if the young people of today were al-
   lowed more responsibility, there would be less delln:
   quency. BY treatlng them like babies they will rebel,
   but if they feel someone lS depending on them, they will
   be PS'td and do their best."
      l!J    "You - the parents - are one of our problems.
   Have you ever stopped to think of how much time is 8~ent
   at home with the whole family gathered around the fl e-
   place? Not very muc. T ere 18 no eSlre to stay home
~ f~the simple reason t         nobod is even there. Stat-
   iStlCS s ow that there has been much more delinquency
~ since the family' has bee~_drawn away from home.     Bring
   your boys and girls up in a real boIDë - a real home.
   Give them a chance to live the life they were meant to."
         "1 don't feel however that we need more recreation,
   but definitely a better quality. In our County there are
   too many back woods haunts for the Youths to lose them-
   selves in."
          8. "The answer to juvenile problems is not the
   school; the school can only clarify and direct the ideals
   originally learned at home. Therefore, both the plan
   and the remedy for juvenile delinquency rests i~e
   home. "
  -::=- 9. ".If gentle methods won't work, the law holding
arents res onsible for their childrens misdeeds is a

   good idea. After a     parents brought their chi dren into

   the world and it would ~ l10fair to let the children suf­ 

	 fer neglect from too busy parents unwilling to accept
 ( responsibility.n

        "Poor examples from parents and others."

       ~ "Pa and Ma must keep up with the Jonses while

   Junior must keep up with the gang."

        There were also included such statements as: "The

   parents s!!.ould be in jail instead of the child. Il

         II. "Parents shouldn't let their children just go

   and come when they want to. If the parents set the time

I}for	 their children to be in and have sorne idea of wh~re
   they are, It wlll be better for the children also. If
   they kllow their parents worry and care about what they
   do, t~e are le ss like l y to go wrong. Il

         12. "A question in a recent magazine asks, - How

   much, l at all, does Church attendance help youngsters

   who already classed as Juvenile Delinquents? Study of

l( approXimatel Y 2000 Juvenile Delinquents in Detroit reveal
   that about three fourths of them wenE to rellglous ser­
   vices after gettlng lnto ~5Ie. In at least two cases
   out of three, those who went to Church apparently
   st~aightened out and committed no further offenses.    The
}I~mportance of religion in combating Juvenile Delinqu~~
 lS well recognlzed. J Edgar Hoover, the F.B.I. chlef,
   has said that môSt young delinquents "Have never been in ­    1
   side a Church." Religious ~~aining is very important in
   life. It is up tô th~ents to see that they get this
          l   3   "~h   can do a lot for a young person. Ij
     m~eople      went to Church l don't think there would be
     so many Crimes or juvenile problems". fut how can parents
     expect their children to go to Church if they don't set
     the examele."
          U4) "1 think the church is on~~f the greatest con- 
     tributions to help chlldren. But most parents seem'to
     be-ousy or have something else more important to do w~n
     Sunday morning cornes or time to go to Church. Most par- )1 '
     ents try to send their children to_Ch!:!Fch by themse1Ves,  .
     bu~ isn' t often that the children make It to Qlurch or
     Sunday School because they think if their parents are too )
     busy to go or have something else to do, the child too
     thinks so."

      ----Jllere were sorne complaints of teachers and monotony

     in school being a contributing factor.

                                -49 ­
15. "Next to the home in its influence upon the
juvenile, stands the school. Sorne children are in close
contact with the school environment more hours per day
than they are with that of the home."
       "It seems only fair to point out that in so far as
the school is responsible for delinquent behaviors, its
shortcomings usually have been acts of omission rather
than of commission. They are duties that the school
n.~lects."                                            ­
       "If a student reaches the age of 18, he or she may
be admitted in many of these places which are not fre­
quented by many people except students and which are far
enough out of town to ~e_ u.~.~i~ed. "                  -­
  ----some-recommendéd that the age limit on buying beer
and liquor should be 21 in aIl instances. 4% mentioned
directly that the age limit should be 21.
       16. "The Police Forces should keep a doser watch
on the local taverns. There are several taverns in our
County that do serve minors. There have been several
 people arrested but that has not stopped it. If the
 teenage liquor Laws were enforced more strictly there
would be less trouble in this branch of delinquency. "
       17. "There should be Laws with more effects on the
sale of liquor. l think the reason the teenagers drink
 is because there is nothing to do at night and they drink
 just to have sorne fun. l think that they should raise
 the age of buying beer to at least 21. It would save a
 lot of grief if they were a lot stricter on the sale of
 beer. The people that sell beer should watch who they
 are selling it to and make sure they are of age. There
 are too many taverns in this town. If sorne of the tav­
 erns would close up a little earlier there would not be
 quite so much drinking."
        "One of my favorite Laws for getting teenagers into
 trouble is the State Law that says that 18 year olds can
 buy beer. -This makes the teenager of 18 years old eli­
 gible to buy beer, in these places and while he is at it,
 he can buy beer for his under age friends."
        18. "You parents should stop aIl movies, magazines
 and books that are full of crime, criminals and loose
        19. "Certain comics, movies and books are indirectly
 causes of juvenile problems. They should have a cens or
 examine aIl the books that are in public libraries and
 see if they are fit for teenagers to read. The parents
 should keep closer watch of the books brought into the
                           - 50­
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Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
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Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
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Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
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Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
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Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976
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Henry Swan My Work With Necedah Volume Iii 1959 Second Printing1976

  • 1. Mlf 'k/oMz wdIt N~ 't'~m COMfïltlJ, tlJUtlJ anJ annotattlJ tg ~~~, Set#U Published for the Honor. and Glory of God in Obedience to the Blessed Virgin Mary. First Printing 1959 ---------- Second Printing - 1976
  • 2.
  • 3. In obedience to the decree of Pope Urban VIII and in conformity with the Apostolic Constitution "Officiorum ac munera" of Pope Leo XIII, l declare that l claim no more than a purely human consideration for the extra­ ordinary graces reported in this book, anrl that ! thereby submit at aIl times and unreservedly to the judgment of the Catholic Church. The Au thor PUBLISHED BY FOR MY COD AND MY COUNTRY, INC. *********************************. Copyright 1959. AlI rights reserved. No part of this may be reproduced in any form without permission from the author. ********* •• *************.*.*************
  • 4. .... 0 0 ::r: =­ III > s::: s::: ... < H 0 >­ .r:: "­ oP ::l ~ CO CV .t:: E-t
  • 5. --- CONTENTS ~ Forward . l - l - It AlI Started with Thirty Pieces of Silver . 1 2 -_ The Serpent . 1 --B......-::-MISCenaneous Plans of the Serpent . 7 -- 11 4 - The Devil Laughs with Glee . 15 -5 - The Devils _ . lS 6 - The Plotters . 25 7 - Work of Serpent with our southern Neighbors , . 32 S - The Serpent at Work in Canada . 34 9 - Destruction of MoraIs . (.1) 10 - Subversion in Education ~._._-------- . 41 11 - Dellnquency . 43 12 - Revelations given March 5, 1955 . 52 13 - Revelations given November 11 and lS, 1955 . 60 14 - Dionne Quintuplets ..•................ 73 15 - Christmas in the SIums . 75 16 - Message given October 6, 1955 . 7C 17 - Message given October 30, 1955 . 90 lS - Mongrelization . 103 19 - Labor Union Rackets . 105 20 - Sports Rackets . 107 21 - Foundations . lOS 22 - Just Mail Your Contributions to Cancer cio your Local Post Office . 110 23 - Treason and Mass Murder for Gold . 112 24 - God' s Teaching Pushed Aside in Field of Science . 115 25 - The Story of ~n Nneric~ Scientist . 117 26 - The Sword of Darnocles . .-llS " 07 - I!1ternatIonalt{evêTationS') . ( p4- Z _24.1 --2g-'~ïrrfërl1ational ReveIatlons, Coded . . 225 29 - Subversives . 242 30 - Sorne of our Senators and Representa ­ tives . 246 31 - Election 1956 · 249 32 - Sh~ghaied . 263 33 - A Trip to Dives and Joints . 266 34 - A Success Story . 270 35 - Poison ·.···· 274
  • 6. CONTENTS BOOK III 36 - Let's Destroy Complacency ..........•. 275 37 - Benedict Arnold was Just a Piker ..•.. 277 38 - The Pot Calls the Kettle Black 282 39 - The Beast............................ 283 40 - The Dragon........................... 285 41 - Tin Gods............................. 287 42 - Black Gold.... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 43 - Chickens Come Home to Roost 290 44 - Just Part of the Plan..............•. 293 45 - The Hand of Gad 297 46 - Disasters of Nature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298 47 - Things Given That Have Happened 299 .1°1
  • 7. FOREWORD Our Holy Mother, the Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, has through Mary Ann Van Hoof given certain work and facts the ur ose of which 1 do not kllow. 1 do know that the Revelations given change t.e entire worTd pic­ ture trom Chat g.ven to the people through the-press, radIO and television. The cunning and basic plot for the control of the Il wor~d-nas come down~ïfiDUgn-tfie a~s. It~of:rhe devll, of the Aiïtl-Christ. It has, in part or in its entirety, been adopted by groups or even by individual dictators, whose ambition was world control and world ""J power. In its adoption by each one of these groups, it has been furthering the plan of those by whom it was first conceived. l Lenin and Marx in their plan for Communist control adopted it ln ItS entirety. It lS so dlabolical,so cunnlng, so ruthless that-those ~o have had an opgpr­ tunity to read and study this plan can hardly believe~ that l t could !:Je CODC-ejvèd by il bJ!man mlnd. Tt lS-SO weil disguised, so cleverly hidden and the:raths leading t~the Central Plot and those behind made sa compilcated that ln trying to trace back to those behind the Plot, most et lost in the lab rinths where these devious gaths ea t em, an never get to the center Olt. People have at times discovered some of the huge plot of the Forces of Evil and the involVement of cer ­ tain people in the plot, and many of them have lost their lives as a result of their knowledge. Many of them have been forced to hold their tongues by threat of reprisaI. Here lS a statement made by General Douglas McArthur, a great American patriot and one who co~ld Shed the light of much truth. "1 have been warned by many that an outspoken course ~en if it be sole'ly !È.e ll truth, will bring down upon my head ruthless retaIla L tIon~ that efforts will be made to destroy public faith on the integnEy oI-my rnws. Not by force of just argu-j ments but by applicatIon of the false methods of propa­ ganda. 1 am told in effect, 1 must follow blindly the le ,der, - keep silent or t,ke the bitter consequences.· J Bos ton, Ma s s . J u l y 25 , l 95 l Many have been discredjte~ in the ~yes of those ~o whom~wished to expose theIr knowledge of the EVII Forces,~~ means of sIDear campaigns and character 1
  • 8. assassination. Absolutely any mea~Jlli1ye-be~m assassination down, to achieve their purposes and goals. There is no foui means the Enemy will not resort to to achieve the end they desire, which is absolute WOrld) Control with ail the corumon people as slaves, tolbe u ~ they desire. II
  • 9. IT ALL STARTED WITH 30 PIECES OF SILVER This is a statement of very great significance for many reasons. It was an answer to a question 1 had asked one clay ta try and find out how far back 1 would have ta go to find the-foun~~lon for the gigantic plot of the EVll Forces for World Control. Tt answered that questIon and also another which T had asked and that was this. 1 asked Mary Ann if in any of her work the answer had been given as ta who was behind this Plot from the beiinning. She said: "It aIl started with 30 pieces of si ver.~ In that very simple statement lies the answer to both of those questions and more. Those behind the Plot are the descendants of those who crucified Christ 1 when He was here on earth, and have ever Slnce that tIme been trYlng to destroy His Teach~s and His Church. ~ ----rhlS places the blame for tnis Plot to control the world squarely on those dest~ers whQ crucified Christ and have ever Slnce been destroyers. "l'm supposed to talk to you about the Yiddish ~uy~and how they control things.· (Statement from work on October l, 1955). ·You know that place in Wilmette, Il~is where the Huh is and what type of peopl~ are mostly. It was some j ot those, Hank, as early as 19 0, that went into Russia.· The Jews or Yiddish (as Mary Ann calls them) have always ,_ been destroyers, revolutio 's 'n to the basic eVl! lan contained in the "Protoco s t e ~arned ciers 0 Ion. e ln l tr stro rom wIthin and always their principal tool has been money, go The great Bahai Temple in Wilmette, IlllnoiS-is set up as a point for WorldïControl, through the control of ) World Rel~n. Christianity in their plan must be des­ troyed an causing wars hetween Christian natl~s, has been the most effective way of dOlng it. However, man m.ust have a religion to cling to, sa that has also been taken care of. It is to be the Il Bahai Religion, which is evil. Bahal Rel~on 15 JUdaism in disguise, Talmudic Judaism. -1­
  • 10. That, when the World Plot is complete, i~s to be meted out to us. They have bU11t two temples at opposite sides of the world, from which two poi~s this World Religion is ( to spread and take control. One in S~a and the op­ posite here in Wilmette. -­ 1 The ~nternat1?na~ Yiddish Bankers have financed the l whole th1ng. Th1s lS aIl part of the plot for One '1 World Government. Russia is the seat of Communism today. Communism J1 is $ontrolled bfhthe Jews and is~nl~ a to 1 tJîàt t~ey use to achieve t elr purposes. e ussian Revolution was planned many years as part of this Y1dd1sh 'l'almudic Il P~, many yeaTs hefore lE successfull y took Q.lace. As ~ earlY as 1900 they were infiltrating. Part of their ~ plan was, as usual, to destrgy and create sltuat10ns 1 which the GOvernment could not handle and thus cause un- j rest and d1ssatlsfactîon among the people. wnen peoPle , are d1ssatisfied with their Government, then conditions / are ripe for revolution and a change. -{ _1 Russ ian Cossacks, horsemen of the Russ ian plains, - were hired as paid Revolutionists. They created great Eerror among the people wlth tneir raiding, their cruel and inhuman treatment, murdering grownups and children al ike in their cruel raids. The fact that tfie Govern­ ment wasn't able to cope with this situation altho~h they tried, was one of the reaSODS the people were-Iook ­ ing for a change. The COssacks were able to dominate Ukraine ln Wh1te Russla, which lS the area, the breadbasket of Russia. Z - While this was going on, Lenin and other Revolu- ] tionists were demandi~~~overthrow of the Gôvernment which permitted those conditions to exist. The Czar and the Government were innocent and were trying to control things; in fact the Czar, a good man, recognized what w~in& on, but was unable to control the situation. The Hub (Bahai Temple at Wi1metke ) was pushing out spokes already at that t1me. At the same cime spokes 1 were being pushed out into China and other portlons of the world, set tin the sta e for that which was to take 'place later on. Thls was a part 0 t e 'falmu­ dic Plot for world control. This great Plot was and is of necessity very co~x Ho~e~er. certain thi?gs are elementary. .Th~ pu01ic } op1n1on must be led ln the cnannels of thlnklng that 1 -2 ­
  • 11. they des ire . We must ~ subjected to propaganda and kept from the truth. In thls the Plot has been very success ­ fuI. Our new~ rs and ress services are controlled. Many, many thlngs are kept from t e peop e, many are dis ­ ( to~ and changed t~ fit:DëSt the purposes of the p1Ot­ ~ One ?f~maln means of controlling the expres­ SIon of opInIons that might be detrimental to their ~ause or their plans is by rneans of controlled advertis ­ ~. No newspaper or periodical can eXIst wifhout advertisin so b . rneans of threats to shut off-aavëi ­ ( tlsln the can dlctate edltorla po icies. They can ~an e that very nlce y_ ecause t ey control the national advertising. Many papers ln the Oêmocratic { South came out in support of Dwight Eisenhower for President due to this pressure. The depression which started with the ~arket crash of 1929 was created to serve a pur...Qose. Many of the newspapers, news services and magazines were bought up l at that time as they were in financial trouble. Control of sorne were bought up for about five cents on the dollar of actual valuation. Radio. ·television and aIl means of 1 communication are conttolled. Some of our radio news ­ """te'T an a"'''ng the ma te Dr oat Ü ute s who have sold themse vesfor a price. Their analysis of news duects the thinking of many, manr people. 'Even faise pol~f ( one klnd or another are used ta influence pUblIc opInIon. For instance, many people like to be able to pick a winner when they vote, and sometimes can be influenced in their vote by falsp. polIs. Many items of news that could be harmful are s~d~~tely and never get into the news ~t aIl. 1 The true s tory of pearl Harbor bas pever been g1Ven to the public in the news. Pearl Harbor had been arranged t to create an incident which would lnvolve us lnto the war. These facts were revealed in the Work here. Kimme l and Short were made the oats wer ccu of inerrIë ­ iency"arïcfbeing- ere ICt ta their duties, but it was orily to keep any suspicion from falling on ~hose who~e actually~uilty. Exactly how many had gUllty knowledge and hadl>êen in on the intriglle regarding Pearl Harb.9~, l do not know but of these l do know as they were glven { in the Work'. Franklin l 0 Rooseve It was uilty in v wa. He e Wlt arran ements, 50 was ullty of murder of those who lost t elr Ives t ere. ~ ["Hopkins made some of the arrangements., This lSa direct quote from the Work: "Scrap materlal and scrap -3 ­
  • 12. iron was sent in great quantities to Japan first before the war. Also concea led under the s.c-I:a_p--flla-t-e-ci.~S) much new m~~rial of war, all ready to be used for the Pearl Harbor deal. Ali this was planned long ln ad~nce. "Cordell Hull, Sinclair, Franklin D Roosevelt, Louis D Brande i~HarryL1f<)pki.!!-s, Harol~ Ickes, George r C Marshall,ttL St1.mson, Walter Bedell SmIth -- all knew 1 aboutrt and he lped t:ô promote il to a greâter or~r degree .... Pear l Harbor was a great d isappointment tO) them because there were too many survivors. It was supposed to be a complete massacre, like Custer's last stand." Some facts have since been brought out in investi­ gations, but no ward has been given to the public. The truth would not be good for them and would destroy their faith in Government and would be damaging to certain politicians. If the real War Criminals were to he prose­ cuted, there would be many vacant homes and apartments in Washington, D.C., and if they were executed as they ,1 rshould be, it would probably be necessary to increase the facilities ln HëII to handle the InlIux. Another very good example of news prostitution was t~ reports that were given·out to the public for their consumptlOn on the recent Geneva Conference. Most of the ( issues had been discussed and handled before_-1.he Geneva Conference was called. The Conference-was solely-for ) propaganda purposes, to continue the brainwashing of thel people:ana-ke~P-them in a state of confusion. - As Joe McCarthy said, there were secret conferences and secret agreements. It was determined b~e Geneva that Red China was to articipate and also ~dmitted to the United Nations. Now to so ten eo e of the Unlted-States so that t 1.S W1. be acceptable to them. Our diplomats and our President are in agreement and are in full cooperation with England and Russia. An agreement was also made previous ta the Conference) that Great Britain was to have air bases in Greenland. Enemy submarines have been lurking in our w~ters, both British and Russian. Great Britain, our supposed Ally, has been trying to secure bases on Greenland for a ) long time, and not for our protection either. Here is a direct quote. from the Work here, given Jul y 24, 1955: "Cordell Hull, H A Wallace, Louis D Brandeis, H L Hopkins, Sinclair, Warren, Harding were in on the Greenland deal. Harding wanted to back out and knew too much, so~is demise was arranged. It was one -4­
  • 13. of their firs~ successful removals (by the less crude mea~s). Hardlng could see the danger of Great Britain havlng a base on Greenland. Il Aere is another quote that seems to fit in here' "Hank, can you remember that news correspondent that died i~ t he Sec on~ Wor .ld War '!" (J~rn le PYle). "He cl idn't dle as was glven ln the news. True he was shot but t~at was because he got into the plans of the Big~ wlth re ar~ to Greenland and other things. In his search for news he caug t a lS that was bigger~n the hmlt." The news coverage and propaganda on Korea was the same. In the first place, the Korean Polic~ction as it was called, to coyer fact that we had been en aged in an il e al war bord 0 the reSl ent i~tea of y claration as provided for ln t e onsti­ tutlon of the Unlted States, was a disastrous War which l served its pur ose in the great worl~t. I-t--!as lmldesl ne to weaken hon off the man ower of ~·qthls Christlan Nation. lE s ma us more susceptible when the comes for our final destruct ion. Aggjn Great Britain and their friend Russia were in comDT;te ~ agreem~nt, as were t e traltors 1 r own ountry. Neither Russia nor Great Britain sustained any losses in achieving their purpose. We lost 150,000, the cream of our youn~ men. The were not permltted to go ln andl win the war as they could ave one, u w re oree tQ fight according to the rules of our enemies, Russia and Great I3ritain. Our supposed Ally, Great Britain, wasJ getting Lend Lease material from the United States as our Ally, and re-selling it to Hussia to be thrown ba~ at our soldlers b the Red Cnlnese, Allies of Russla. It was the greatest disgrace to w lc t ~s ountry was ever exposed, and it was aIl done with full knowledQell and su ort b man in our government. 1 do not ln 1 t lS case blame Presl ent Truman too much as he was only a stooge, and l believe not entirely capable of under­ standing. l think ~ was in way over his head. I would rather think of him asbeing mentally incompetent than guilty of treason. I think he was extended to the hl11ullest of his mental capacity whe~ he wa.s ~hirts in a haberdashery. If my analysls of hlS capabl­ lities is untrue then I must apologize to him and can calI him a traitor with the rest. General MeArthur called b.ack to this Country in disgrace because hè wanted to go ahe~~ win the War -5­
  • 14. in~ad of seeing our ;boys slau~htered off in useless combat, in a War not supposed ta he won. When he got here he was silenced by thréats of reprisai against him- self and his family and was finally bribed off ~~_~ig I{ p~ing job. He could te II many ITings il he would ta lk . .­ ,..6­
  • 15. THE S ERP E N T The Serpent is the symbolic snake of Jud~m. lt has been mentioned in the revelations on several oc­ caS1.ons. March 9, 1952: Just the words were mentioned, "Serpent. of Evil". March 21, 1952: "Clean out the Ser~ent, it is crawling right through the center of your Country. Evilness, and when he will strike, he will strike like al volcano in the center of your Country. STOP IT! Pray Pray and pray much. ", Apr il 3, 1953: "Pray for your Pres ident, the prayers for him are already falling off, when they should be in­ creasing. Do not let the Evil One guide him, instead of your prayers. "The SerPent is coiled in your Country, ready to strike, unless you pray, pray much. January 19, 1955: "Our Lady warned us in 1951 that the Serpent is coiled in our Country, ready to strike. He's ready to strike now; he sinks his poisoned fan~s in~ many of our people, there w1.11 be mant poisoned m1.nds. mu -- "They will strike at our most lmportant cities first, the industrial centers. They have su~ceeded in t .ollst;ng our Senator out of his work, they tied his Fiands The Serpent .blinded many of their eyes during the in v"eSt:îgKt l on. " Tite above quota tians were a 11 taken from the Revelations given on the Fridays of Lent. As earl as 929 B.C., according ta the records of ~~ Secret eW1s ,on>sm Solomon and other Jewish learnecl men t u t out a scheme 1.n tFieor for powerful con uest Jar the who e un1.Verse y lon. As lstory eve ope the scheme was worked out in âetail. These learned men j decided bs peaceful means ta conquer the world for Zion, with the slyness of the symbolic Snake. The head Qi tbc/t s~e was ta represent those who had been l.nltlated into 1 -7 ­
  • 16. .>0 .>0 -'-Il ..... ..LU,..&. .1._U _~ .._ lI,UIC- _ ':::>Q"'1. 1...l L., "-- _ _ __ • _ _ _ LU c"'I U1. , Lue 11" UWH eu- l ) JI SlX -R­
  • 17. of the Serpent and still our American people sleep on, seemingly unable~o recognize anything wrong or un­ natural. Have we lost our power of reason as a Nation? Vhat is the answer? Many times in the Revelations it has been given accidents that aren ' t_~ccide!1ts. the latest t ime being March 24, 19~6 when this statement was given: "There will be sorne more accidents that won't be accidents.· Pick up your newspaper and read. In nearly every one you will find another plane crashed, with anywhere from three or four to sixty passengers wiped out. We aIl know that there will occasionally be a crash from natural causes, but there is hardly a major airline that has not had major crashes with great loss of life. Look back over the crash records of these same airlines over a period of years, years when they were flying ' equipment that was very inferior in aIl respects to what they are now flying, yet they had not the percentage of accidents as today. ~ o t arouse in your mind any suspicion that things are not j ust right: that s~tage must be in­ volved? The papers do not play up~ese wrecks, An investigation is held and then it is forgotten. Admittedly it is very hard to examine the rubble that is left after an airplane crashes and tell e~ry­ thing that happened. I have had an opport~~ity to listen in when the C A A was investigating small plane crashes, Iland they are ~ust pues~ing contests if the passengers were-klltled an can t talk. These plane crashes, train wrecks', cargo ships and t~kers burning, great fires and explosions, such as the one recently in Philadelphia, could not all happen just ( from natural ca~ses. How long will it be before reali­ zation strikes? Train wrecks, plane crashes, f~s, explosions, labor tr~le, racial troubles, ~ juœnile troubles, youth gangs., crime, murder, robbery -- aIl the work of the Serpent' s promotion for the destruction of our Country, sa that, weakened, we wlll fall into the hands of ~he Serpent as Lenin said: "Li~e a ripe fruit withoutJt reslstance. • " l know as sure as l sit here and write that the big cry will go up snd th~ big smear against this book will start as soon as sorne of the big Zionists get th~r -9­
  • 18. '>t1 )0 -10­
  • 19. MISCELlANEOUS REVElATIONS ON PLAN OF SERPENT Sometimes 1 have such a feeling of inadequacy to get down in writing these things which 1 must put down. Sometimes 1 cannot help but wonder at the position in which 1 find myself, that of transmitting messages directly from Heaven. Ihat of ~ut€lng ~~~r thlngs ~f ~uch terrlflc Import, things which of nec~~sity must 11 ch.-'!lliS~ our ent ire concept of History as it has been taught to us. tllstory as l t has been taught to us with an idea of creatin in our minds {aIse impressions-aDa ( ideas. History t at has een s verte or a QurRose to a Master Plan. The urinions of the Devil, the !orces of evil are directing this Plan. Man is placed on a pedestal as supreme, and in his ego man has Îatlen for the baiE and become a willing tool of the Devil. Oh God, how small and insignificant am 1. lIow small and insignificant is man when Gad wishes to mani- ) fest His power and magnificence. Why can't man recog­ nize the power of God and his own wealmess? He will, but how much punishment must he submit himself to before he gets down on his knees before His Maker? ---­ thIS was taken down on the night of January 18, 1956 "Hank, you know the ÔI1e Worlders haye got aIl of ( the~r plans laid. They have the world aIl zoned up for 1 theu purpose. "The Forces of the Serpent, t.he International Jew Bankers were in a position of Great power and influence ln our country between 1840 and 1875. "The part played by the I~ernational Jew Bankers in the politics and promQted subversion in our Country 1 uri~~receding the Civil War, was never made known d in hlstory. They were responslble for the fact that it remained covered up. T nternati nal Zionist Jew Bankers in this instance rou h Great Britain, di a t ey cou to promote the Civil War in our untry~y -11­
  • 20. had an idea that divided we would be much easier to take over.and control. Di~ide ~nd Conquer. To this end they furmsh~d the South wlth hnances, and in Great Britain ,was ~ullt the.only Navy which the South had. They furnlshed suppl les and materials of war. ~~Vhen the war was over they had assassinated Abra­ ham Llncofn, the .one man mo~e responsible than ;;y ~r for fOlIlng thelr p~ot by keeping the Union together. However, ~hrough thelr efforts wounds were inflicted on/( 1both sicles, some of WhlCh have not been healed to thlS very clay. . ·President McKinley's assassination was brought ab?ut by the same eVl! tortes and beèau~~t tnat he trl€!d to promote plans which would take the control of money out of their hgn~s. ------­ "'lhat "Tittle sub is coming up again by the Aleu­ tians. " NOTE: THIS SMALL SUB AND A LARGE ONE HAVE BEEN MENTIONED AGAIN AND AGAIN. "Those accid~nts lately were not accidents; the b~ng oL t~~oil tanker and those oil barges. "The Bear has much more fur on him than they claim. Compared to him our Eagle looks plucked. "What would be gained by flying over the .;3outh ,EQle? H~, there's lots of ~tivi!y clOwn t~re.· NOTE: THE ANSWER Tp THIS IS QUITE OBVIOUS. ANY NATION HAVING AIR B~5E5 AT THE SOUTH POLE WOULD HAVE IN BOMBER RANGE ALL OF THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE. ALSO A GREAT SHARE OF THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE WOULD BE. EVEN AT HiE PRESENT STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT. IN THE RANGE OF GUIDED MISSILES. IN THIS STRUGGLE FOR WORLD CONTROL, NO BETS ( ARE BEING PASSED UP. '- ·You know, Hank, that we are already partially in­ vaded now by the Enemy. Many British, Russians and Yellow ones also.· NOTE: MANY THOUSANDl OF THE ENEMY}HAVE BEEN BROUGHT INTO O'UR COUNTRY AS REFU'GEES FROM FOREIGN COUNTRIES. THEY HAVE BEEN AIDED AND ABETTED IN GAINING ENTRANc.E... IN­ T..Q....OUR COUNTRY BY SUBVERSIVES IN OUR STATE DEPARTMENT AND ~nHR DEPAR.IMENTS OF GOVERNMENT. SOME ARE HERE AS :.:.c::: R'FUGEES AND SOME ON TEMPORARY VISAS OF ONE KIND AND FOR ONE EXCUSE OR ANOTHER. SOME HAVE COME IN LEGALLY AND SOME OTHERWISE. SOME WORTHY REFUGEES HAVE COME IN S A ,'COVER UP. BUT IN THE MAIN THE BVERSION OF OUR IMMIGRA­ TION=tAWS HAS BEEN ACCORDING TO PLAN. TO OPEN THE OOORJ}' FOR SUBVERSIVES ANP SPIES AND COMMUNISTIC JEWS. IJ -12­
  • 21. "Paul Robeson is preaching aIl over. He's a Com­ munist, a Blg Guy. "the Jaes would like to be our friends. General MeArthur w~~~&~o~o our slcte. lhey didn'~e 1.J. (lM Forces.. of E:v-i.l...L-The-r are trying tO-tur.IL.tbem ~gainst us. "Th~ ar~ing tu create a God out of Eisenhower. It's falling fIat in sorne places. "They are sure trying to tease the Serpent now in our Country, Hank. Trying to stir up trouble within,~ get our Senators pitted a ~ each other before ~n)) arrlves. - "There wi 11 be more strikes .and union trouble, more dropping of farm priees. "There is a good possibility !bat they will finishl Ike before the year is out. He must play baIl. Tt was ~phesied years ago that during this period of time we wQJJl.ç the yo~est leader ln our Hlstory. "19~~s-going to be a stinker, politically and otherwise. "Much damage is foins to be done b~ those m~ratory) worke~s. It's aIl p anned that way.II theyave to do is give them guns." NOTE: As 1 HAVE PREVIOUSLY WRITTEN. ALL THIS IS GI VEN AT MUCH CO ST TO MARY" NN BECAUSE THE DEVI LS OBJECT TO ALL OF THESE REVELATIONS. AND AT THIS POINT MARY ANN WAS KICKED IN THE MOUTH BY ONE SO THAT HER MOU TH BLED_ ON THis NIGHT 8ATTLE. THERE WERE 1 MUST CONTINUOUSLY - BATTLE - NINE OF THEM WITH THEM WHOM OFF WE HAD TO WITH HOLY WAT ER. AN 0 EVE N THE NON E W1 L L GE T TH ROU GH SOM E T 1 MES. ­ ----Work given January 19, 1956: "Allen W. Dulles and Dr. Otto John were budd~s. lIt When Hitler turned a ainst the J ws he was ~g }l M agalnst t e e -Plot te s d Contro . ~to 0 n, who is a Jew, an ~s is oQe of the One Worlct P!otters, and as such an associate pal and S100ge of the Jews. Allen Dulles a n d ~ glotted tolUTl~ and attempted to bave l t carried out bX bamtHng ln a meeting ln a beer hall. But the tunlng was wrong and Hltler was nat klilea. Dr. Otto John has been responsible for other murders. Dr. John got much information from ourHCountr y and pasaed-it-on tto the Russians ju§t as Alger lSS did." ~ ~ . _ . _ ~ N HAS 8EEN ~ E NEWS RECE.!:0-LY WHEN HE CAME 8ACK TO WEST GERMANY AFTER HAVING 8EEN IN EAST GERMANY FOR SOME TIME. -13,:"
  • 22. HE CLAIMED 12 HAVE BE EN HELD AGAINST HIS WILL. HE WASFORMERLY HEAD OF THE SECRET SERVICEIIN WEST GERMA;;. AS_ONE OF THE • TERS FOR THE SERPENT'S ONE WORLD ~NT. AND AS ONE WHO HAS SERVED AS A MMUNIST SPY. VOU CAN F~GURE IT OUT FOR YOURSELF. "Allen W. Dulles is the headof the Central Intel ­ l igence Agency of-our Government . He is t.he-.-hro.tber of John Foster Dulles ~hom our President has just named as thebest Sêcretary of Stat~he has ever known. Th~­ operatlon between the brothers Dulles is ver ood. Exc ange lnformation a~d ideas. ey are oth valued servants of the Serpent, and they~ave earned tnat dubious honor." January 19, 1956: "You can see how Ike is p1aying baIl. "These skull caps were in on lots of things." NOTE: THERE ARE THREE CONDEMNED RABBIS ~ E DEVIL'S ROW WHO BOTHER MARY ANN IN HER WORK. THEY WERE ALL LEADERS IN THE ZIONIST TALMUDIC PLOT FOR WORLD CON­ TROL. Two WE HAVE BE EN ABLE TO IDENTIFY; ONE WE HAVEN'T. THE Y WE RE, WHEN THE Y W RE HE REON E ART H. 1 ~D ) E 'liN PROMOTIONS AND RACKETS ~ EoR 1 THE BENEFI T OF THEM· qSELVES AND FOR THE ONE WORLD PLOT: ... LE AGU E 0 F NAT ION S TEAPOT DOME SCANDALS ; AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION INFILTRATION OF EDUCATION LEND LEASE INFILTRATION OF HOLLYWOOD AND MOVIES CHRISTIAN BROTHERHOOO IDEA INSURANCE RACKETS -14­
  • 23. THE DEVIL LAUGHS WITH GLEE The Devil is lau hing in glee these days as he sees his lans Jor worl ~ruction and domination~g forwar at a~r-i~creasing spe~d. He is Iaughlng-in gIee as he sees the ever-increaslng number of people who are swallowing his poisonous bait, as he sees those who are his enemies destroying each other. Imag~is joy at seelng the indifference, the aeathy of millions of people throughout the worla as to what is going on in M~their own countries. In many countries they now h~e J"" f ound out, buLit is too late. - In no countJ;y of the world is this true as it is here in our own United States of America. In no country in the world have the 0 le as much to lose as ln our own country. r country, 0 s country, w ere the people have been showered with more of God's blessings than any country in the world. Our count~y where with God's help our forefathers were aore-to set"up the li greatest, free~overnment in the world. ----QUi country which has been looked on with hQPe ~ l( aIl tho~worldWhohave lost thelr frèe ­ dom to the forces of evil, who now sweat and toil and lIve ln constant fear under their dictator masters, where even those-samë dictator masters sweat ln rear of each other and of those they rule. -­ 18, the greatest of allnations, the greatest of aIl governments in the world, was founded by our fore­ ( fathers as a artnershi between Gôa and man. God sat in on its ormatlon, on t e rawing up 0 our Constitu­ Il tion and at aIl government meetIngs. No decIsion was(lf ~ without asking the help and guidance of that part ­ ner. Those in whom we have placed our trust in recent yeaTs have revoked tliat partnership. TEey h'ave decided ta go it alone and here, as in other countries for which we have been feeling sorry, we have now lost our -15­
  • 24. ( -16­
  • 25. evicted. We must go back(to Hi;]on our knees as a whole nation and ask His forglveness. Then and only * * * * * * * * * * )
  • 26. THE DEVILS Mary Ann, through Our Lady, has been given much work pertaining to world conditions, world affairs and the great International Plot to destroy and then rule the world. 1tepIot of the Anti-Ü1rist, and in our speaking of the Anti-Christ, I am not talking of an individual but of aIl who for personal gain, polit~cal power or whàEever may be thelr great deslre, woulj destroy the Ü1urch. Œïnst has said: "If you are not for Më you are 1 agalllst Me." Those who are against Him and His Church are the Anti-Christ. In making this International Work (or the Plan of the Serpent) known to me to record as 1 was directed, from Heaven, Mary Ann has had to fi~t the devils every inch of the way. l have been with er on aIl occasiOns when the Revelations were given, and tbey were aIl given at great cost to the Ylctlm. I have tried to get these Revelations as near as possible into proper sequence from the standpoint of time, past, present and future, with added notes for clarification. I know that to most peo le the will sound fantastic beyond e le ecause lt lS contrary to aIl concepts they have, but perhaps by the t ime this js Ir read, people will be lookin for answers lnstead of 6urYlng t elr ea s l e ostriches and s utting out from their mincis things they do not wish to believe. How do 1 know the devils are loose? Because 1 have~ Mar~L been in very c ose contac - ity as one who was c osen to at tend Ann Van Hoof in su f ( ferings which our Lad ha asked b r 0 accept. metlmes s e and I are strong and are able to over- come these devils and do the work in spite of them. Sometimes we are weak, and they succeed in disrupting our w k of reeording these messa es from W le lS ( what they wan to p. Who are these devils? The devils that have been -18-
  • 27. working on us _ ~._ n~"..., n v .. u .L~ a people here on earth involved 1.n the Plan of ïJle Ser ~fit. Sorne of these devils were so-called big shots of our nation, men of prominence, men of wealth. In the ey~s of a misinforrned an~ misled public, many of them are st1.l1 names mentloned wlth respect and even admiration. They were condemned by God for the part they played l while on earth for the destruction of His Kingdom. They were aIl trait ors to their country. They were aIl Judases again, and plotting against Gad and our NafîOn, scheming and plotting to take over the world for Satan. Therefore, when th1.s International Work, or Satan's Plan began coming through, these devils, who in life were its promoters, did ever thi 1.n the1.r ower to I( confuse, arass an V1.0 en from t e ot. ar Ann to eep her The'mental torture these devils can cause by putting temptations in one's mind is, I bel ieve , even more severe than physical sufferin and seems to be harder on the vict1.m, lt is just'another type of sufferlng w lC s e i~rmitted to go through for the salvation of souls. Remember it was permitted that even Our Lord should be tempted by the devil when He was here on earth; it was part of His suffering also. There were times when Mary Ann was thrown around vjolentl~ bi the dev~ on several occasions she was thrown from the chair in spi te of my efforts to hold her. One time she was thrown violently out of the wheel chair backwards. On this occasion her head hit the floor so hard she saw double for several days. That made the torture of the devils even worse, for she would see twice as many pairs of fiery eyes. On several occasions she wa~ thrown from the chair and landed aboutei.ght feet from it on the floor. At another time she was kicked in the chest by one of the devils several times and the chair and table and aIl were moved about four feet. In order for the reader to understand aIl this, 1 must explain that at night during the suffering, Mary Ann's wheel chair is backed up against the kitchen table and pillows are piled on the table so that she can lean back and rest against them. Because of her extreme heart condition that is the way she has spent aIl of her n1.ghts since Ascension Day, May 19, 1955. Also aIl of her days are spent in the wheel chair because she is unable to walk. -19­
  • 28. At times when the devils were tormenting Mary Ann to a great extent, her body would get exceptionally hot to touch, it would feel hot and dry as if she were burning up with a high fever. There is a small heating stove in the kitchen which she leaned on at one time when it had a fire in it. 1 was afraid she would be badly burned, but she showed no signs of it and said afterward that she didn't even feel it. A few words from Mary Ann's suffering on the night of August 2, 1955 throws a little light on how the devils torment her: "It's getting hotter, Hank, hotter aIl the time. It's hot, l'm burning, burning. Help me Hank, l'm burning, too hot." In this dis course on devils 1 must mention hitting ) sorne of them with Holy Water. ~1y respect for HoIr Water, rmust admit-, ~en î"ncreased a hundredfold Slnce my experlence with these devils. 1 am not permitted to see them ~lthough they are visible to Mary Ann and seem to be sitting in the rafters of her ceiling in the kitchen where her night suffering occurs. Mar'y Ann and 1 had to devise a s stem sa s e could let me know where they were and if the we close enou 1. so cou l.t t em: It was by squeezing my arm which they cou not etect. A certain number of squeezes would indicate a certain location, and then 1 would throw Holy Water from the bottle. 1 even learned to detect whether or not 1 had hit them br the sound i t made. li o~ of them were hit, there would be a snap, the sound being more like a s ark j ump t an an)' lng e se can . n o . Sometimes lf 1 got them good there would be a series of those snaps and then a hi ss as of s te am. On the night of December 14th, Bob and Richard (Mary Ann's sons) were making up their school lunch for the next day during the early part of the suffering. Prune Face tried ta come down and 1 hit him good. There was a series of snaps and a hiss. Bob and Richard heard it tao and talked about it. They spoke of it before 1 mentioned it ta them. December 14th was one of my good nights. On that night 1 was successful in hitting severa!. As tb~ identity of tbese devils was made known to Mary Ann, she revealed them to me by giving initiaIs ta them or fictitous names. Among those who constantlY]( harassed Mary Ann when this International Work was being revealed were the f~llowing six who Mary Afin referred to always by initiaIs: - 20­
  • 29. H.L.H. we called him as that represented his name he bore on earth. He w~ guilt~ of participation in rackets before he got into the 1iel of national politics. He was an advisor to F.D.R. and was behind many plots and ~ntrigues. He was gUllty of plotting the deaths of some who were-in the way or who were tne-lrc5Iders of dangerous kr1OW1ectge. He niUïse:tî""dld not die of naturaT causëS but was removed in the wer he was:gulltY~rnoYing others. H~ur.~mmitte SUIcIde when he was being inves­ tigated. He was guilty of many intrigues and plots, and was, among other things, at one time a big boy in our lreasury Department. H.I., another of the boys from F.D.R. 's time. In on the cutting of many political pies and a participant of the plots to destroy us. B4 was the designation of the fourth member of our group of In~ernational Deviis. He was a former member ( of the United States Supreme Court~e-~greatést of the plotters, one 01 the heàa Zionists in the country, one guilty of plotting severa! murders. F.V., another 'member of our Supreme Court, Ch~f ) Justice. One in the know on most things and guilty of e~ything i~way of IntrIgue, subversion and murcter. No. 6. We have not iden~ified by name as yet, but he Vas in on the plot. Vas a higher-up member in the Air )1 Force of the United States. Helped plot Pearl Harbor. More devils came into the picture to harass Mary Ann. On December l, 1955 we had a meeting of the local group of workers in the cause of Our Lady. The Bahai Temple and its Yiddish connection was spoken of. ~- 1)1 parently the YIddIsh dIdn't~i1e it. because soon af~er ~-Silfferjn started we found we had nin ew devils present . h. T ree 0 them we a l with skull caps. Near ly every n ight Since, e three have been present. They will not be identified bY name, but aIl three of them were Very important l leaders in the Serpent's Zionist Movement when here on J' eart . ~. . . IJJ -= "Whiskers" was a RabbI leader of the Talmudic ~n- ist Movement;-a' member of many CoUIDunist Front movements, and a prime pIotter of great influence wItn-o.TIr late Presidential Administrations. ==- e:tat0 as we ca lled him was another of the s.ame i lk, and gUllty of the saille plot for World DestructIon and Co~l· Died quite recently. ::: ~e _~has been in heU lo~--=--!Ie - 21 ­ {. , tr"J.
  • 30. ~ guilty of the same offences against God and the world.O.J...ea:ln ""I:!!5. He was one who plotted the assassination of Abraham Lincoln~une face, as Mary Ann caUs film, has been 'Very active nearly every night. She says he appears old and wrinkled and dried out as though he hadJL~n in hell for a long time. His fi~r and toe nails have grown sa they curl round. He is one [ of the most vicious of the deyils with whom w~.~ad 1- )1 i an 0 t e l s arasslng ;1ary Ann, sad ta say, had been men of the urch. The first to appear on the ;;:. icene Mary Allli cai lM he "Furry Mutt", due to his ap- € t'5 1 pearance. He was with us last winter on a couple of occasions, and until recently has spent aIl his time with us. He was a pri.est on earth who was killed in a 1 car accideilEl:ilr~O~ rie did not receive the Sacraments ~ at(feath and was condemned. While on earth he was a bad priest, a drunka.nd an-adulterer. One who used Mass Ir' füilëISi~omen and song. He is shown to Mary AIm • 1 in an oId. ragged and torn cassock with buttons missing" J It1laS brown spots on lot where, lï1lns contacts wit1l us, l we haye managed ta burn him good with Holy~ater. Mary Ann has never identified him further te me, though she knows and could. H~s not of o-.J).r Diocese but was 1 from the State of Wisconsin. on the 25th of May, 1955 a good priest was here who said Exorcism Prayers and apparently Qut the rua on the "Furry Mutt" , for from that day for th he has not been seen. Howeve.r, we were bothered by two skinny devils who were very active for a.while. At times they were ac tua 11y wor se -chan the "Fur l'y Mutt" whom l had managed ta hit 50 often with Holy Water that he stayed out of range. These two skinny devils were with us until October when another good Priest was present and they were chased away, but always more of them came to replace - those who left. Two more came, o~ of which was an ex ­ priest who had -iven up his reli ion, and the Other a con emne Pl' lest w 0 - "ln fo-;-tne sarne ~ te<ison as te" ur l'Mut t" . e ad been ln t le -~ry U lce at - - - - an was partir resp-onsible for the ... frammg of an Archbisho , in ord 0 et him out 0 of­ ~ -e was a po ct lcian, dipplDg his hands in irty politics for the sake o~n. For some time we had '" another déV]l, another . e~n~t riding-ën an'"ôfTter pe.~.§.Q.n' s shoulder, and because Mary Ann;:-s -22 ­
  • 31. prayers ·and suffering had disrupted his plans for that persan, he was now he 0 torture her. -­ one of the d~~ils who gave 1 ary Ann a particularly - hard turm we nallle~ C 2., Me was a meîriter of the Catholic [ Hierarchy tn chi ./. e was gUI y 0 man as are sorne of tne-Ailerarchy at present. Ils death took pl ace in 1939. He was engagedln money rackets and gs, politics, not only inside the Church but in National f and International aff"al:l's. lle-----waS cooperating with the ( l~Or rackets, and with the bj~~ewish B~ers. H~s gUllty Qf trY1n~ to keeU-f>eople ln the dark with regard ta the plot within our Government. He was one whose in­ flUenCe was used to silence Fath ou hlin sa that ( people CQuld not earn the truth and become educ~ed as to what was and still is going on. }~ was supposed to be a Representative of Christ here on earth; he who is now trying ta destroy good and drag souls with him; he who attained position and wealth here on earth now hangs up in the roof like a huge bat, with glaring red balls of ( fire for eyes, .....--­ rnother devil whom we cal,C ~ ,or ~are ti~e, be­ cause of Ins great fat body, wlt"h 1tS rorrsof flesh - ~l around its middle, was another member of the CathQlic Hierarchy Qf equal rank. He was wen thought of ln his Ulocese by Priests and people, but he was a Dr. Jekyl and ~1r. Hyde sort. He Y!~uilty of furtheri.nlL the great PIQt throl,gh Jnternati.onal Polltics, He tried ta promote -;-League of Nations along with WoodrQw Wilson. He was a. member of the International Jew conts ed BaIiJ{Qf Englan. -Je tne to ln uence reland ta join the League. He had several Conferences with the Bishop of Ireland between 1918 and 1920 to that end. He also worked Vith and throuyh DeValera. He had his fingers in many internatlonaI po iticaI intrigues. ~~en sorne of his Priests discovered what he was in-~ volved in a.nd there 'Nas dan er of his ex osure, he had them exi e as missionaries to the 'un es of the azon River in raZl rom w lC t ey never returne . . e was another Œnst on eartIl who turned Judas, who instead of devoting his efforts to the work of His ~'Iaster, Jesus Christ, devoted his efforts to the work of the Anti­ [ 02rist, 'those who were plotting ta destroy Christ' s Church and a11 of its good works. He also sits as a huge bat.Qn the rafters and glares, trying ta disruQt the J work of Our Lady, the Mother of His Master. There he sits in the faded dirty robes of his rank, still carrying -23­
  • 32. did here on earth, still th, trying to destroy -24­
  • 33. THE PLO T TER S There are a number of groups of Internationalists who a~ at the _presen_t t i rne working togeW"r-iîlfhis great subversive ~t for-worr,r-Control. ey are aIl working together: traveLi-Hg-toget.her becaus~they-<rre aIl going to the sarne_ F~a~eL but like a gang of thieves who are starting out to rob a bank, each one fias in mind that they will-knock off the rest and-take aIl of the swag. These groups are.. all under the contrêil-of one ~,:ho~h they may notrecognize the tacts. '. !)lnternatlonarJewlsnBankers; Leaders of the Zionist plot for world control, . 's based on the basic world plot exposed in the .~~ f~fie Lëarned Elùèrs orZ'îon";-fâlmûdtc'J'lidalsm 0 e world suprerne-­ every Jew a king and every Gent ue a ;lave. EëOnomic cofftfOloy-the-International Bankers over small countries 'I has been a very sImple operation. Force them to their kriees financially and then help them to their feet again, but each time before you help them to their feet, make them grant sorne additional concessions, such as tying up their exports and imports or sorne such agreement. In that manner they can he absolutely controlled economical ­ ly. It is a truly beautiful set-up for the big Jew bank~~ . 31 British Natio~ists, controlled by the Inter-J~ national Jew BanKers, but made up also of Gentile stoo es W,ho pictu~e themselv~~s and England a~ ,~he .controirfng l force behInd the World Government. rnls--In~l~es the "Kingfish" (Ant,h.on_y- Edenr,~ston Churchjll, the hus':" bana--oI-Cne-OÜeen an-a-variou~hers. There ar~y miÏior st-ooge~nd political male prostitutes there as there are over here, who range from mere minor tools to those who have sold their souls completely to the Talm14dic Jews. ~, _. r3') Russian Nationals who are also controlled by the înternational Jew Bankers, b~t who picture themselves -25­
  • 34. and we.9-1th. -26­
  • 35. Jo ) -27­
  • 36. ~ -28­
  • 37. riddles and double talk where she could convey to me what she wanted me to know what was being transmitted. How­ ever, she has checked over aIl ~his work and aK'd it as I have it written and it does convey that which she wit­ . . . . . . . . . . nessed in vision in an accurate manner. - The same enemy, the same Evil Forces that were res­ ponsible for the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ when He was here on earth, are still responsible for what is going on today. For the Crucifixion of the Church of Christ here on earth, for the destruction of the people for whom Christ came on earth. The same tools are used now as were used at that time. It was thlrty pleces 01 slIver WhlCh purchased Judas' betrayal oI Oür LOrd, and lt is money and power and the thirst for the same that is used today to purchase betrayals. The~.)~ stead of the Cross of Our Lord could weIl be the symbol of many natlons and lndlvlduals. • • * • Great Britain today is our greatest enemy and has always been our greatest enemy among nations. Looked upon as an Ally, she ls in position by means of the doub le cross to do us much ha rm, ma re th an any 0 f ou r other recognized enemies. This fact is known to sorne of the Judases in high positions in our Government, ~ in the hidden government behind our Government. Sorne of our patriotlc leaders in this country have recognized this hidden force and have commented on it, but they have always been silenced in one way or another. General M!;:Arthur was one of them. Tte International Jew Bankers control this hidden Government, both here and in Great Britain. The same mgney changers who brought about the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ when He chased them out of the l'emple. ­ The hidden government behind Great Britain, the hid· den government behind the United States, the hidden gov ­ ernment behind Russia are aIl one and the same. Th~ control the smaller goyernments mainly by th~r control ( of money and corrmerce. Thus they are able to force âU these smaller natlons to do their will. Many of our good meh have been eliminated, although by means so natural in appearance as to arouse no sus ­ picion. Murder has become a scien w l develo d IJ with nothing cru e or messy about it. .Mostl it is an t inject io~ inta a person and then tney are af 1icted by -2q·
  • 38. cancer or have a heart attack and the Nation mourns another great public sp1r1tëà citizen who has finally s~ccumbed to the strain of his duties in his great ser ­ V1ce to the people, and the leaders of the mourners of those who extol the virtues of the "great" one who'has passed on, are those who are responsible for his demise. Sometimes, when other means fail, accidents can also happen, and train crashes and plane crashes have Occur ­ red and taken many lives in order to remove one indivi ­ ( dual. ---- Inasmuch as our interests lie here in our own Country, we will try to start and carry on from here into foreign fields and tie them together. AlI of our martyred Presidents starting with Abraham Lincoln have been killed because in sorne way they stood in the way of the Great Plot. Abraham Lincoln was shot as was Garfield and McKinley. Those methods of disposaI have since been discarded as being too crude and there is too much danger of detect ion. The present methods are much more l effect ive in that they appear to be natural. Here is a partial list of sorne whose demise was ar ­ ranged: 1. Fiorella La Guardia - La Guardia had cancer l which was discovered after he had been injected wlth a h~art attack. Heart attacks can now be induced by means of injection. Even doctors cannot detecE the lact tnat] it was art1ficially induced and it lS a very handy and n1Eural way to disposê or-fhose who--are undes1rable ob­ stacles or who knew too much. La Guard1a was a po1]1;i­ clan who had cooperated, but was stricken by conscience and became dangerous because of his knowledge. 2. Robert Taft - Senator from Ohio, was too honest in his opposition, could not be controlled. Cancer was injected into him and he did not last long. They can in­ 1 J~aDcer as:ëaSily in humans as in monkets. ' 3. Sênator Pat McCarrôn - Ini,ection. .. . . 4. . Frank Murphy - Supreme COurt Just1ce - InJectlon 5. Senator Vandenberg of Michigan - Medicine tame­ ered with. 6. Will Rogers and 7. Wiley Post - Killed in~lane accident in Alaska Plane had been tampered wlth, t e mechanic who had been bribed to tamper with the planewa::s-a-t~±:ttê<Cina car ( accldent., . 'Th~ trip They were on was to verify s~.ow-l l~lch Wlll Rogers had. It was to check on a h~e arsenal Wh1Ch is maintained in ice caverns in Northern -30 ­
  • 39. Siberia. This has also been mentioned other places in the Revelations and has been in existence since World War 1. 8. Ernie Pyle - Foreign Correspondent, was shot and not accidentally during World War II. He had stumbled on information which was resRQnsib~for his death. 9. Floyd Gibbons - Another correspond~ was killed or the Sarre reason. ---­ 10. Woodrow Wilson - Was worried ~ death. ije had co~rated but when he fQund-.9JJt what th.ë Plot was ~­ 1in~o. it broke his heart and his health. 11. Wendell Wilkie - Died of he art injecSion 12. President McKinley - Shot 13. Huey Long - Senator fM Louisiana was shot. Was against Klu Klux Klan - --... 14. Cermak - Mayor of Chicago - Shot 15. A woman - was secretary t~. Phil Jessup ­ Discovered evidence of Plot. Was killed in a car acci­ dent in 1952. - 16. Warren Harding - President of the United States. Died of p~ison administered in his food. These are Just a few who were of national fame. Thousands of persons of lesser importance have also been eliminated by foul means. Many have been even in the land of the free, been-imprisoned on false charges ~ still worse languish in institutions where the have been Il 1 dec are 1ns~ne. ose things have all happene~ ~~~ . tfiê Onited ~tates of America. l' 1­ ~. '7'" , N~ _.~-­ N~ -31­
  • 41. newspapers came out recently with headlines that Hitler was dead. They spoke the truth, at least in part; he is dead. You needed only to read the newspapers and listen to the news report to know how well the Serpent has done his job in South America. Dictators, strikes, riots, destruction of property, destruction of Churches, reli­ 1(gious trouble, revolutions, exiles, racial troubles -­ these are all-the work Qf the Serpent. The exiled ex-dictator of Argentina,(juan PeronS is still very active behind the scenes and-is-now ln a position to carry on his subversion in P~ama, which is already a~e-boiling point. He is also directing forces which are trying to create the same situation in Mexico. Mexico is ri~ for it. There is already racial I d~SenSi.Qn....ancLreligions dissension there. The high rate of illiteracy rnakes that country fertile ground for that destruct ion. f..--- . . Sorne of the wealth ac~ired b Peron 'became the loot of the International Bankers when his Governrnent was ~{overthrown in.Argentina. They do not hesitate to des­ J troy even thelr own. ----ethers of the exiles from foreign countries under disguise and ~ith n~w .n~es readily serve as .l~aders D I these subverSIve actl Iles. They-have the ablll~~y were ea e s have been exiled. h ir o~~es or tliey would not -33­
  • 42. THE SERPENT AT WOOI< IN CANADA Ali of the things that apply to the work of the Serpent in the United States also apply in Canada. G~t Britain has for man years been trying to turn the Reople 0 Canada ag f' a es. ey would like to use Canada as a base for their operations against us. They haven' t been too successful in that project because the Canadians look upon themselves as AmericaI]s , and the hnks of friendship are actually stronger 6e- ( tween Canada and the United States than between Canada and the Mother Country. This has always been a source of great jealousy to England, and they have worked hard to alienate those affections. However, through the efforts of the Ser~nt, they have accomplished some degree of success. T ere are a n~er of the Serpent's servants, among them a Canadian doctor who have been working hard. They are trying to turn the English against the French because the Frencp are Catholics, and rellglous dlssenslon lS the worst ~. For this purpose lies and propaganda are being used. There are many crimina~ype Unlteu States citi- zens up there prom~ing. They make up the rough labor in lumber camps and mines. They also have the problem there of having ail kinds of riff raff in war refugees. The Forces of Evil have been able to see it, that that was what happened just as it did here in this country. ~l Strikes, riots, religious persecution, government controls, hate, Labor Union racketeers, Goon Squads, bribes, treason, subverted education -- aIl of those things are very much ln eVldence. All tools of the Serpent,and in Canada as in the United States,~e con- ~ :aE2R prop'!&anda ::~­ t.he created filt troy t e morals O~Qut and grown-ups; ail are there according to the Plan of the Serpent. Anthon~ Eden has tried to get Canada to throw in with Englan ln their plans to destroy and control us. -34-
  • 44. DESTRUCTION OF MORALS OF OUR PEOPLE One of the most effective means of bringing about the destruction of a COuntry is by destroying the morals of its people. You need only to piCK up a newspaper to~ day and read of the cLimes co~itted and publ~zed to realize to what a state the moFâis 1n our Coun ry have degenerated. Some of course will say that we have always had crime, and of course that is true; but the inCreaSe] is aIl out of proportion to the increase in popul~, w1i1ëTi 1S anôt~tFilng that wd 1 he thrown at Xo0U when you mention that facto Also there has been a tremendous increase in crime by juveniles. There are many who will try to explain that away, but the figures and the per~ centages are not easily pushed aside. The situation is m~ch more serious than even the newspapers and magazines ind1cate. Tne reason for that 1s ObV10US: those who / p~ the moral deprav.i!:.Ldo not want a realizationof "the problem, and people would rather blind themselves to the pro~em for fear they would have to do something about it, and-a Iso bec_aUs~!l1!1~ï cases, they are well sa.tisii_eLlLÜlL.t.htLü own .moral laxity. -­ This applies particularly to those who are parents and are responsible for the teaching of morals to their own offspring. They, you will find, are .playing the old "IAmerican game of passing the buck, of bJarning the scho.ol, fi t~e Church,_t_he times. P.iF'"city~ offi~, the Police Dèpartments -- excuses, aIl to excuse themselves for not Ldoing the job which is their respônSlo111ty. True, a11 of them do have a responsibilit-y, but it is ...J. secolldary t.o that of the parents. ~o the p'arents areJI unES who àré tn:posî u on To cont ra 1 a Il th-e others that are mentio.ned. This moral leprosy which is spreading in epidemic ! 1 proportions, is infectin those in all walks of life and social positon. It has had its effects o~t e the teach1ng profession and the pollce and Law Enforce~ ergy, -36 ­
  • 45. -37­
  • 46. personality. That bait was thrown out and eagerly s!allowed up ?y the educators in your Teachers Colle~s. L They passed It on to those whom they were teaching. Don't punish Johnny, let him do as he pleases. Mothers fell for the Jarne l~ne when it was written up in oooRs on chlld psycno ogy. ~ ~ What an asslnine idea for anyone with any degree of intellect to ~lieve, let alone pass on. What a swell out for the weak teacher who couldn't maintain any dis­ cipline or maintain the respect of her pupils. What a swell excuse for the mother who couldn't, wouldn't or possibly was too lazy to discipline her kids. And last, 'bUtlr6rleast-;What a swe-tïpFeparaEï:"OrÎfor Johnny to meet those frustrations which he is bound to come up ) against in later life. Teach him there is no punishment for ~~r:t or ~g doir:tg and pve ~lm ~9o~s~art tow3lrd a ~Y-lmmal c areer whl1e he lS st l rrm the Fust Grade, rath~ than -te ach l1liii't"o be a good Citizen- a:nd- niëiiiber oi the group he associates wlth. --Again now foolish can ~o~le be? l have even talked to teaëhërs or-high school students who were profound exponents of that idiotic theory to cover up their own inability to handle their pupils. However, l will say for them that if the teach­ ers in the Grades have followed that fallacy, by the time they get to High School, you have a bunch of outtâws on yo~r hands and maintaining-any degreé()f control-is a major problem and requires a good strong disciplinarian. They will have no respect for any authority whatsoever. As a result of this c~~d discipline problem, m~.ItLg-g:ocL.teaihe~s h~v~ bëc'Oriië"'""d1~gusteëLandîëTt the profession. That also was ac~~ding__t~. I~e room for the èrackpots ana-CommtlnïSrs-in the teaching field. Weak, indoctrinat:ed teachers teachïng-our-kiCfs; t;~ers who, except for the created shortage, would never be hired by any intelligent School Board. If you have an education yourself, have your child bring his textbooks home and examine them. See if you can find an~h~ in them that would teach him patriotism ( or love of country. See how many false ideas are being taught in thë:SOcial Sttldïes, ln E~omlcs. If you kllow anything of the faets of history, study the books for Jl1e ( propaganda and falsifications that ar~ there. You will f'1i1'd pmty if you are able ~nize them. ILYQll are too Y0J.llg., you wi l1...Eot rec~gni ze_them because they ~ _ther:e. .~hen you we.nt to_ s.chool and you acce.p~.eil ~~m as facts. However, the thi~gs given here as Revelatlons -38­
  • 47. t ~ -39­
  • 48. have he -40­
  • 49. UNESCO AND SUBVERSION IN EDUCATION Many of our American people in government are good honest patriotic Americans who have fallen for the propa ­ ganda of the' and th.ose in the know. Ihey are easy )'Iprey , es eCla . one and ad n e t 1 tg. The same thing applies to many of our teachers and r professors. They have been taken in by this UNESCO deal. They don't understand it. Many were subjected to wrong schooling themselves. The changes in our educa- ) tional system have crept in very gradually, sneaked ln. ) ---Many of the Clergy and filerarchy, both Cathollc and Protestant, have been sucked in in the same manner. Bishop Oxnam is an example. His name was mentioned in the Revelations. J Sorne have fallen fo~ t~otherhood line and ev~n attended meetings of B'nai lB'rith like B B S. ~~ of our college prolessors are atheists: are G2dless. Those the devil can twist around his litSIe ) Inger. Many Qirit the wrong s l e 0 ~att0!iç Hierarchy who have fal.len on efence on UNESCO a~y.!DK.~o i~ that the Pope favors it. That is not çrue. 'fhe evidence of the-attempt to subvert. t~e_teac~ing in our schoois and 0 . ducatlon s stem through ( UNESCO has een lIwest 19a teci, and weil documente re- ) ports are a,Y.aJ.1.abJe on l t . . The AîTIenc an Leglon has a report on it, as has the Veterans of Foreign Wars as weIl as many others: The American Legion is trying to clean up the Çgm­ munist situation down at the Univers~r-wïsconsin. 'rhe..Y_'LlllJlay~._a-y~ry rough-!:.une1Jecause tney are very weIl established there. E. B. Fred, the President lS no gôOd. His shade ~somewhere between Pink and Red. George F. watson, our State Superintendent ~f ) SchooIs, ~fl.-e·n-~e'Yeryshïïdy ëleals. He J,s I} very mucR antl-Catholic. -41­
  • 50. li nothing -42­
  • 51. DELINQUENCY ;, Our Lady, the Mother of Our Savior, has asked us, has warned us, has pleaded with us again and again in Her ~~ssages to clean up our schools, to clean up the bad situation that exists with our Youth of today. If-!h~ are lost we are aIl lost, for they are the future oi-olir [ Count~. This fact should be easily understood by every­ one. It is.purely elementary. The Evil forces, the }( ~nions of the Serpent, are very well aware of this fact and through d1srupting, degenerating, destroying the morals of our youth, they intend to destroy our Country and us. They are working very hard day and night, us~ll the foul means at their disposal to do just that.~ir II Pian is not new, it is ages old and has been used suc­ cessfully again and again as anyone who has any know~edge of history weIl kriows. An epidemic of moral degeneraCY)i has receded the destruct ion,-·thë âis1nte raf:"îOïï""of every great nat10n t at as ever r1sen to a pos1t10n of great power and wealth in the world S1nce the beginning of t1me. The United States of America has risen through the Il help of God .Alm1 ht to become the wealth1es€ , most power u nat10n on eart , an n~~.t rou~ t e mac 1na­ tions of the Sër.l2ent has turned itSbiëk ~and is following the path to destrUëtion. ~~generacy has become so common~at we even fail to recognize its hideous symptoms. It has extended into all walks of life. Our Youth, following the example of màny of their elders,. and aided down the path b aIl the tools and means at the d' 's minions, are hea 1ng for destruction and will eventually lead the whole Nation to that same destination if something is not done prompt- li and effectively to interrupt the journey. That is exactly what Our Lady has asked that we do if we would ( save our Country and ourselves. -43­
  • 52. We must recognize the problem, we must face it. le must fight it in an alI-out fight on aIl of the fronts. Everyone who loves GOd, everyone who loves His Holy Mother, eve4Yooe who calls himself a Christian must ( pick up his arms and fight. There are many who will try to excuse themselves by saying conditions are not that bad, it is just the trend of the times, things were just as bad when 1 was a child. ( Does the Devil love those people for they are playing right into his hands~ There are even some ~n~ the clergy who excuse themselves for not fighting agalnst this rising tide of delinquency and crime,~attributing it to modern times.~ They like to look upon tnemselves and to hear themselves spoken of as LiberaIs. Do they realize that in so doing they are belittling Gad Almighty, that they are trying to make it appear that God could not foresee modern con­ ditions when the rules for life were given. Gad not only foresaw but foretold. The Devil must love them also, lf~ they are making his work easier. Oür Lady has warned us many times in Her Messages to clean up the situation of the Youth at the present tirœ and of our schools, etc. Juvenile Delinquency, gr)}))) rather Parental Deli~ency, which lS the prlmary cause ol"Oiir youtlî pt06Iem f today, has grown to such an ex­ tent as Our Lady warned us it would, that many, many ar ­ ticles have been written on the subject in newspapers and magazines, periodicals of aIl kinds, Catholic and otherwise. Our National Government has taken recogni ­ tion of the problem to the extent that a Senate Investi­ gating Cornmittee was set up to investigate the causes and seek the cures. Many states in their Legislative Bodies are taking steps to investigate and legislate to help cut down the problem. In some cases they are actually working to accomplish something, and in others they are just talking and bemoaning the fact that we have the problem. Societies, church , civic and otherwise aretry ­ ing to do something about the problem. . . We first contacted our County Judge.. who ~s very ln­ terested in the problem. We had a dlScusslon of the problems in his office, and from h~m ~e were able to get many good ideas. He, of course, lS ln constant contact wlth the problem as the youth cases c~ ~fore hi~. The increase in the number of cases comlng before hl~S very disturbing. In preparation for what we we~e trying to do, we got wnat statistics t~ Judge could glve us as -44­
  • 53. to the number of cases handled and how they were disposed of. We also got the files from the Sheriff's Office on arrests of youths and what they were charged with. In our discussion with the Judge it was determined that if we were to accomplish much, we should work with the sponsorship of some organization if possible, even tfirougfi tfie County BOard. We decided that the best or­ ganization for sponsorship if we could interest them, was the American Legion. We chose them to contact first because of a number of reasons. They represent a good cross section of our people. Many·of them are parents and are Interested from that standpoint. They are a nation wide organization with chapters in most every tOwn or viII~e of any SlZe at aU, and that fact to us was considered very important because what we accomplish in our County is going to lose most of its value if sur­ rounding counties do fiOt follow suit and institute a sîmllar program. We know that other counties are in-· terested and recognize the problem, but if sponsorship ( of the American Legion from our County carries inco others, it will be a big help. If it does not carry over into adjoining counties, the force of our program will be largely lost, and we will be chasing our chi1dren farther from home to find the type _2..L.!"ecreation in other ~laces that we have eliminated here at home. Anoth~~ ~eason for- our choice of the Legion for sponsor­ ship was because we felt the program fitted very weIl with the 'B~ck to Church, Back to God Movement,' which ( the Legion is seonsoring on a national scale. AlI told we felt that once presented with the ...p..Loblem in the ) proper light, they would be interested and go along with us. They did. . In getting the problem before the Legion, we asked the Judge how we could best do it, and he thought the best man to contact to get a reaction would be our County Service Officer. He was also one of the easiest ~ d as we had only to walk a short way down from the Judge's Office to his and talk to him. We had a good talk on the problem, and he was very much interested and said he would be very glad to brin th up before the ( County mee l~ t erican 1egion which was scheduled for the next week. This was done and after discussion, they voted to sponsor the program and appointed a member to appear before the County Board with a recommendation that the chairman appoint a committee from the Board to be known as the Juvenile Committee and to investigate and -45­
  • 54. make recommendations as to what could be done. We had prepared a resolution to that effect and brought it in during that session, and it was passed by the Board. We also brought in a resolution for an appropriation of $300 for the use of that Committee. -- The Chairman of the Board appointed a Committee of three members to serve ,withl the Legion as a Juvenile CoI'Q!!l..Ïllee . We had a couple of meetings and determined to try and keep the Legion an~ other interested members at work and ac~ve. We asked that the Legion County Commander app01nt a committee to serve with us. He did appoint each Post Commander to serve on that Committee. We had a couple of meetings of this whole group. In addition to the Legion members the County Sheriff, County Judge and the County Superintendent of Schools were present. The Distr1ct Attorney was always notified, but was not present at any of our meetings. First, we had to go over the problem, and l am sure many of those present did not realize how much of a prob ­ lem we had and were themselves much enlightened by the conversation. Xt was determined here to sponsor an Essay Contest by the High Schools of the County: We were to use the money appropriated by the County Board for prize money. We decided on the prizes to be of ­ fered, had posters printed and got our program u~der way. The Superintendent of SêhooIs contacted the schools, j ana-we had a letter made up which was sent to each school pr1nc1paI, g1ving the rules governing the co~test. They were-arl very cooperative and in most of the schools in Civics or Social Problems, the teacners made up a project and held cla~s discus~ns on the prohlems involved, and ( so the Essay counted toward their class work. While the Il Contest was open to aIl high school students, the school made 1t oh11gatory for Juniors and Sen10rs. We were very pleased with the results of the Contest because they became a powerful weapon to be used in lbringing to the parents a realization of what the problem /was and the seriousness of it. Also ther e could be noll discounting of what was said, as it was our Own children fr~r own County, and what they said applied right he~ and could not be denied. -=- We knew more or less what conditions were ourselves, and of course papers and magazines carry plenty of ar ­ ticles on Juvenile Delingyency and there have been many surveys held 1n many parts of the country, but people -46­
  • 55. could always say yes, we know it is bad in sorne places, and still close their eyes to what is going on here, but the y could not deny the statements made by their ( chlldren rl,ht here ln our C6unty. own A tahuation of the results of our Essay was made, and it was a bi~ job but worth it. Here are the results and aTSo sorne 0 the quotes taken at random from sorne of the Essays copied. Our County Juvenile Committee, after much study and research, made a report on their findings to the County Board. They also included in their report recommenda­ tions with regard to what they thought the Board could do to better conditions. The report also contained a record on how the funds appropriated were used. The report also /gave the findings from the Judge's Off~ich showed ~an alarming increase in the number of Juvenile cases be­ lng handled by the two Dëpartments. In brief it was this: during 1953 there had been twice as many Juvenile cases handled than in any previous year, and in 1954 up until the month of July, at which time the report was made, there were more than twice as many cases handled as during the same period in 1953. This alarming rate of increase showed the necessity of action on the problem. The results of the tabulations of the Essays showed the following results: ~ 93% placed the primar mentlonlng speclflcally such thlngs as lacK-or-supervl­ sion and training, indifferençe, poor example, lack of love, etc. 40% ~entioned broken homes and included under that were those broken not only by divorce, but the absence of both parents when working, et~ ~ 30% rnentioned lack of Church participation and reli­ gious training. C lR% mentioned lack of discipline in schools. 25% mentioned lack of proper law enforcement. 25% mentioned gangs. Automobiles werernentioned universally as was liquor ~Iand bee~They were mentioned 100% as being contributing "causes and also recommendations were made about them. Here are sorne quotations taken more or less at ran­ dom from sorne of the essays, which 1 believe show that the children, or rather youth, have a better idea of condItIons and what causes those conditions than their I( parents do. They were copied from the essays word for - 47­
  • 56. words with no corrections made even as to grammatical error~or otherwise. ~ "A child is only a mirror of his parents." ~ "These children are trying to grow up too fast. If they do not find what they need, they will try to ap- pear older than what they are. They will try to take to smoking and drinking. This they consider a sign of adulthood. Why? This is because they see many adults and t ir own parents do jUSt-·tllis sortOI thlng. " "Juvenlle dellnquency contlnues. It even seems to be getting worse than better and l think it will con-. tinue as l~nâ as parents place their own interests and desires ahea of tl1e==welfare of their children." , (!) "Many parents are more delinquent than their children. " ----- ----- ~ "But what can be done about me? When you call me Juvenile Delinquent you have given me the wrong name. It is rather parent delinguency,school delinquency, and Church deliRquency. A deIlnquent i~e not born. It is the Inefficiency, slackness and l on't care attitude of these important Instltlitions that is causing young ( peopl~ to commit crimes," Q[)"I am sure if the young people of today were al- lowed more responsibility, there would be less delln: quency. BY treatlng them like babies they will rebel, but if they feel someone lS depending on them, they will be PS'td and do their best." l!J "You - the parents - are one of our problems. Have you ever stopped to think of how much time is 8~ent at home with the whole family gathered around the fl e- place? Not very muc. T ere 18 no eSlre to stay home ~ f~the simple reason t nobod is even there. Stat- iStlCS s ow that there has been much more delinquency ~ since the family' has bee~_drawn away from home. Bring your boys and girls up in a real boIDë - a real home. Give them a chance to live the life they were meant to." "1 don't feel however that we need more recreation, but definitely a better quality. In our County there are too many back woods haunts for the Youths to lose them- selves in." 8. "The answer to juvenile problems is not the school; the school can only clarify and direct the ideals originally learned at home. Therefore, both the plan and the remedy for juvenile delinquency rests i~e home. " -::=- 9. ".If gentle methods won't work, the law holding -48-
  • 57. arents res onsible for their childrens misdeeds is a good idea. After a parents brought their chi dren into the world and it would ~ l10fair to let the children suf­ fer neglect from too busy parents unwilling to accept ( responsibility.n "Poor examples from parents and others." ~ "Pa and Ma must keep up with the Jonses while Junior must keep up with the gang." There were also included such statements as: "The parents s!!.ould be in jail instead of the child. Il II. "Parents shouldn't let their children just go and come when they want to. If the parents set the time I}for their children to be in and have sorne idea of wh~re they are, It wlll be better for the children also. If they kllow their parents worry and care about what they do, t~e are le ss like l y to go wrong. Il 12. "A question in a recent magazine asks, - How much, l at all, does Church attendance help youngsters who already classed as Juvenile Delinquents? Study of l( approXimatel Y 2000 Juvenile Delinquents in Detroit reveal that about three fourths of them wenE to rellglous ser­ vices after gettlng lnto ~5Ie. In at least two cases out of three, those who went to Church apparently st~aightened out and committed no further offenses. The }I~mportance of religion in combating Juvenile Delinqu~~ lS well recognlzed. J Edgar Hoover, the F.B.I. chlef, has said that môSt young delinquents "Have never been in ­ 1 side a Church." Religious ~~aining is very important in life. It is up tô th~ents to see that they get this train~.11 l 3 "~h can do a lot for a young person. Ij m~eople went to Church l don't think there would be so many Crimes or juvenile problems". fut how can parents expect their children to go to Church if they don't set the examele." U4) "1 think the church is on~~f the greatest con- tributions to help chlldren. But most parents seem'to be-ousy or have something else more important to do w~n Sunday morning cornes or time to go to Church. Most par- )1 ' ents try to send their children to_Ch!:!Fch by themse1Ves, . bu~ isn' t often that the children make It to Qlurch or Sunday School because they think if their parents are too ) busy to go or have something else to do, the child too thinks so." ----Jllere were sorne complaints of teachers and monotony in school being a contributing factor. -49 ­
  • 58. 15. "Next to the home in its influence upon the juvenile, stands the school. Sorne children are in close contact with the school environment more hours per day than they are with that of the home." "It seems only fair to point out that in so far as the school is responsible for delinquent behaviors, its shortcomings usually have been acts of omission rather than of commission. They are duties that the school n.~lects." ­ "If a student reaches the age of 18, he or she may be admitted in many of these places which are not fre­ quented by many people except students and which are far enough out of town to ~e_ u.~.~i~ed. " -­ ----some-recommendéd that the age limit on buying beer and liquor should be 21 in aIl instances. 4% mentioned directly that the age limit should be 21. 16. "The Police Forces should keep a doser watch on the local taverns. There are several taverns in our County that do serve minors. There have been several people arrested but that has not stopped it. If the teenage liquor Laws were enforced more strictly there would be less trouble in this branch of delinquency. " 17. "There should be Laws with more effects on the sale of liquor. l think the reason the teenagers drink is because there is nothing to do at night and they drink just to have sorne fun. l think that they should raise the age of buying beer to at least 21. It would save a lot of grief if they were a lot stricter on the sale of beer. The people that sell beer should watch who they are selling it to and make sure they are of age. There are too many taverns in this town. If sorne of the tav­ erns would close up a little earlier there would not be quite so much drinking." "One of my favorite Laws for getting teenagers into trouble is the State Law that says that 18 year olds can buy beer. -This makes the teenager of 18 years old eli­ gible to buy beer, in these places and while he is at it, he can buy beer for his under age friends." 18. "You parents should stop aIl movies, magazines and books that are full of crime, criminals and loose morals." 19. "Certain comics, movies and books are indirectly causes of juvenile problems. They should have a cens or examine aIl the books that are in public libraries and see if they are fit for teenagers to read. The parents should keep closer watch of the books brought into the - 50­