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Surya Narayan Chaudhary
Assistant professor
MPH, NHPC A-1212 Jan PH,
sn chaudhary
HEALTH : concept
Health is a common theme in most cultures. In fact, all
communities have their concepts of health, as part of
their culture. Among definitions still used, probably
the oldest is that health is the "absence of disease.
ļƒ¼Health is the level of functional of a human
being. In human ,it is the general condition of a
person's mind, body and spirit, usually meaning
to be free from illness, injury and pain.
sn chaudhary
Concept of health
Health is vary vague term but it is vary basic
and important for human being.
People can not do any thing if they are not
healthy .Men must be healthy to get
appropriate success in his life. Only healthy
people can do productive and creative work.
That why we can say ā€œHealth is a wealthā€
sn chaudhary
Health is viewed as a right, as consumption good,
and as an investment. Some view health as a right
similar to justice or political freedom. The WHO
constitution sates that ā€œ . . . the enjoyment of the
highest attainable standard of health is one of the
fundamental rights of every human being without
distinction of race, religion, political belief,
economic or social conditionā€
sn chaudhary
Lay Point of view: Persons are healthy when they are
doing their activities with no apparent symptoms of
disease in them.
The New oxford Dictionary of English
describes health as ā€˜the state of being free from illness
or injuryā€™.
Professional points of view: From this point, health is
defined as s a measure of the state of the physical
bodily Organs, and the ability of the body as a whole to
function. It refers to freedom from medically defined
sn chaudhary
Definition of health
ļƒ¼Health is quality of life that enables the individual
to live most and serve best.( j f William)
According to WHO ā€œHealth is state of complete
physical ,mental and social well being not merely
an absence of any disease or infirmity.ā€
Pubic health experts agree this definition is
incomplete. Other component include in an
individualā€™s health are nutritional, spiritual,
emotional and intellectual.
sn chaudhary
Definition of health WHO
1984 WHO revised the definition of health
defined it as "the extent to which an individual
or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy
needs and to change or cope with the
environment. Health is a resource for everyday
life, not the objective of living; it is a positive
concept, emphasizing social and personal
resources, as well as physical capacities".
sn chaudhary 7
Aspiration of People on Health and Disease
Live healthy without
being ill
Quality treatment if
got ill
Health - WHO Disease
Healthy Population Unhealthy Population
Public Health
6/6/2019 8
CiST College
Determinants of health
Health services
ļ¶ Promotive,
ļ¶ Physical, social,
biological and man-
ļ¶ Actions
ļ¶ Habits
ļ¶ Reactions
ļ¶ Belief,
ļ¶ Practices
Determinants of health
1. physical factor- temperature, air, heat. Cold
2. chemical factor.
3. Biological factor-
4. Socio culture
5. Socio economical
6. Life style
7. Environmental
8. Geographical
9. Political
10. Health infrastructure
sn chaudhary
sn chaudhary
The determinants of health
ā€¢ Many factors combine together to affect the
health of individuals and communities. Whether
people are healthy or not, is determined by their
circumstances and environment. To a large
extent, factors such as where we live, the state of
our environment, genetics, our income and
education level, and our relationships with
friends and family all have considerable impacts
on health, whereas the more commonly
considered factors such as access and use of
health care services often have less of an impact.
sn chaudhary 13
ā€¢ The determinants of health include:
ā€¢ the social and economic environment,
ā€¢ the physical environment, and
ā€¢ the personā€™s individual characteristics and behaviours.
ā€¢ The context of peopleā€™s lives determine their health, and so blaming
individuals for having poor health or crediting them for good health is
inappropriate. Individuals are unlikely to be able to directly control many
of the determinants of health. These determinantsā€”or things that make
people healthy or notā€”include the above factors, and many others:
ā€¢ Income and social status - higher income and social status are linked to
better health. The greater the gap between the richest and poorest
people, the greater the differences in health.
ā€¢ Education ā€“ low education levels are linked with poor health, more
stress and lower self-confidence.
ā€¢ Physical environment ā€“ safe water and clean air, healthy workplaces,
safe houses, communities and roads all contribute to good health.
Employment and working conditions ā€“ people in employment are
healthier, particularly those who have more control over their working
sn chaudhary 14
ā€¢ Social support networks ā€“ greater support from
families, friends and communities is linked to
better health. Culture - customs and traditions,
and the beliefs of the family and community all
affect health.
ā€¢ Genetics - inheritance plays a part in determining
lifespan, healthiness and the likelihood of
developing certain illnesses. Personal behaviour
and coping skills ā€“ balanced eating, keeping
active, smoking, drinking, and how we deal with
lifeā€™s stresses and challenges all affect health.
ā€¢ Health services - access and use of services that
prevent and treat disease influences health
ā€¢ Gender - Men and women suffer from different
types of diseases at different ages.
sn chaudhary 15
Gross character /Dimension of
sn chaudhary
Physical Health
It means adequate body weight, height and
circumference as per age and sex with
acceptable level of vision, hearing, locomotion
or movements, acceptable levels of pulse rate,
blood pressure, respiratory rate,
chest circumference, head
circumference, waist hip ratio.
It means The body structure and functions
confirming to laid down standards within the
range of normal development and functions of
all the systems.
Physical: Physical health refers to the state of the
body; its compositions, development, functions and
maintenance. Following are a few ways to ensure
good physical health.
1. Eat nutritious food, to keep the body and mind
2. Never skip meals or overeat.
3. Water is essential for cleansing the body.
4. Fitness through exercise will increase immunity
and endurance levels of the body.
5. Regular medical checkups can help in arresting an
illness, in its early stages.
6. Sleep at least for 7 uninterrupted hours daily.
7. Avoid addictive substances.
sn chaudhary
Intellectual: This is a cognitive ability to develop
skills and knowledge to enhance one's life. Our
intellectual capacity helps to stimulate our
creativity and insight in decision making.
1. Setting realistic goals will go a long way in life
2. Explore every opportunity with an open mind.
3. Be aware of the demands and expectations
4. A positive outlook, especially when dealing
with conflicts.
sn chaudhary
Emotional: Our ability to accept and cope with our
own and others feelings is defined as emotional well-
being. Emotions contribute to almost all aspects of
our life, at times, even setting course of actions.
Symptoms of emotional problems; as hopelessness,
depression, anxiety and even suicidal tendencies are
not always easily detectable, but can lead to dire
1. Awareness and acceptance of our strength is
essential for our emotional well-being.
2. Ability to handle stress and seek help, if needed.
3. Build strong communication networks among
family, friends and peers.
sn chaudhary
Social: To build and maintain satisfying
relationships, comes naturally to us, as we are
social animals. Being socially accepted, is also
connected to our emotional well-being.
1. We should increase our ability to interact with
people and their ideas.
2. Accept and understand diverse cultural norms.
3. Build networks among different kinds of
4. Adopt a positive self image.
5. Enhance your interpersonal communication
sn chaudhary
Spiritual: Our good health is incomplete without
being spiritually healthy. To seek meaning and
purpose of life is termed as being spiritual.
Spiritual health refers to our personal belief and
value, our own acceptance or rejection of the
creation. There are no prescribed ways, to attain
spiritual well-being, it's more a matter of looking
inwards, at our own depth of understanding, our
existence and creation.
sn chaudhary
Mental health
The positive dimension of mental health is
stressed in WHOā€™s
definition of health as
contained in its
Mental health is defined ā€œas a state of
well being in which the individual realized
his or her own abilities, can cope with
normal stresses of life, can work
productively and fruitfully and is able to
make a contribution to his or her
3 Mental health.
Thinking power.
ā€¢ View.
ā€¢To solve the problem according to the ability and experience.
sn chaudhary
sn chaudhary
Characteristics of good health.
ā€¢ The person has capability to do work.
ā€¢ The person feels himself efficient to
take decisions and work accordingly .
ā€¢ The person remains in sound mental
ā€¢ The person remain free from any
ā€¢ The person does not suffer from mental
Optimum health
A person who enjoys health at
physical, Mental and social is said to
be optimum health.
sn chaudhary
The Basic Requirements for a Healthy Life
ā€¢ Living life involves knowledge about basic survival
skills paired with making connections to people
who help you get your needs met. In the mid-
1900s, humanistic psychologist Abraham Maslow
identified his theory of the basic needs for
successful human progression, deemed the
"hierarchy of needs." Within this hierarchy, the
first and most important needs included basic
survival, or physiological needs, followed by safety
and belonging.
sn chaudhary 30
Basic require to be health life
1 personal requirement : diet , exercise ,
personal hygiene , habit , life style .
2 Environment requirement : water , air ,
housing , noise , infrastructure , road ,
3 public heath services requirements : health
promotion, disease prevention , heath
protection , epidemic control,
sn chaudhary 31
Personal factors
Some personal factors also affects our health.
Ex- eating and sleeping, tension, refrain from
taking regular exercise etc.can make a healthy
person ill.
Requirements of good health
We all know that , Good health essential for
Leading purposeful life.
For maintaning a good health
following conditions are essential.
1. Nutrition
2. Exercise and rest
3. Good habits
Environmental factors
The environment in which a man lives,
can also affect his health.
Environmental factors may be further
divided into two parts:-
(a) Internal factors
(b) External factors
1 Eat Healthy Food / Nutrition
Eat a variety of nutrient rich foods Eat nutritious foods as they are
essential to physiological survival. Skipping meals, eating massive
portions or binge eating and consuming high-fat or high-calorie
meals limits your energy and nutrient absorption. Food is the basic
fuel of life. Start with the basic food groups, like fruits and
vegetables, whole grains, dairy and meat. Choose fresh foods over
packaged foods. Read nutrition labels and limit the amount of
sodium, sugar and saturated fat you consume per serving. Eat raw
or steamed vegetables instead of fried or microwaved items.
2 Get Physical Exercise
Physical activity is important in reducing your risk of obesity, diabetes
and heart disease. It also stimulates your mental wellness by
increasing brain chemicals involved in regulating your mood, sleep
and appetite. For every hour you engage in exercise, like walking,
you may add two hours to your life. It can be difficult to fit exercise
into your daily routine, but try by walking around your
neighborhood instead of watching a 30-minute show on television.
Get your family involved in exercise to make it fun or ask friends to
join you in becoming healthier.
sn chaudhary 35
3 Steer Clear to avoid someone or something that seems unpleasant,
dangerous, or likely to cause problems.
Smoking, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol and illicit drug use like
cocaine or marijuana increases your risk of liver, lung and heart
disorders. Steer clear of drug use altogether and find support to help
you stop smoking.
4 Take Preventive Measures
. Take precautions in your daily life by washing your hands before
handling food, after using the restroom and in dealing with people
in a medical setting. Use prophylactics before engaging in sexual
contact and limit sexual partners. Place sunscreen on your body to
protect your skin from sun damage. Avoid distractions while driving
like texting and talking on the cell phone. Do not drink alcohol or use
drugs and drive. Protect yourself from unintended injury from car
accidents by wearing a seat belt.
5 A Balanced Life Manage your daily stress by taking the time to relax
after a long day. Go to a quiet room or listen to calming music. Join a
yoga or meditation class to learn breathing and relaxation
techniques. Find a healthy balance between work, relationships,
home and leisure time.
sn chaudhary 36
6 Drink water
Stay away from cokes and other sugary sodas,
Water helps not only to hydrate, but to aid in
blood circulation, the removal of toxins from
our bodies and in the regulation of our body
7 Avoid too much caffeine. Caffeine is a mildly
addictive drug that can affect your ability to
sleep and focus while also affecting such
bodily functions as muscle function and the
cleansing of waste products.
sn chaudhary 37
ā€¢ Get involved and meet people in a positive
sn chaudhary 38
Point should be remembered
ā€¢ Freedom from pain and physical sense of well being.
ā€¢ Freedom from extremes emotion.
ā€¢ Freedom from confusion.
ā€¢ Feeling of inner fulfillment.
ā€¢ Fully functioning according to ones unique ability.
ā€¢ Living life to oneā€™s unique gifts.
In summary. Health is the physiology condition of a person.
Any deviation from this physiology may be termed as
disease condition or pathology.
sn chaudhary
Changing concept of health
1. Biomedical concept- germ theory
2. Ecological concept- environmental
3. Psychosocial concept- religion , culture,
4. Holistic concept
sn chaudhary
Health of healthy population is primary concern of
public health and need of public heath services
ā€¢ Public health has been defined as "the science and
art of preventing diseaseā€, prolonging life and
promoting human health through organized efforts
and informed choices of society, organizations, public
and private, communities and individuals". Analyzing
the health of a population and the threats it faces is
the basis for public health. The public can be as small
as a handful of people or as large as a village or an
entire city
sn chaudhary 41
ā€¢ The concept of health takes into account physical,
psychological and social well-being. As such,
according to the World Health Organization, it is
not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
ā€¢ Public health is an interdisciplinary field. For
example, epidemiology, biostatistics and managem
ent of health services are all relevant. Other
important subfields include environmental
health, community health, behavioral
health, health economics, public policy, mental
health, health education, occupational safety,
gender issues in health, and sexual and
reproductive health.
sn chaudhary 42
ā€¢ Public health aims to improve the quality of life through
prevention and treatment of disease, including mental health.
This is done through the surveillance of cases and health
indicators, and through the promotion of healthy behaviors.
Common public health initiatives include promotion of hand
washing and breastfeeding, delivery of vaccinations, suicide
prevention, and distribution of condoms to control the spread
of sexually transmitted diseases.
ā€¢ Modern public health practice requires multidisciplinary
teams of public health workers and professionals. Teams
might include epidemiologists, biostatisticians, medical
assistants, public health nurses, midwives, medical
microbiologists,, sociologists, geneticists, Depending on the
need, environmental health officers or public health
inspectors , and even veterinarians, gender experts, or sexual
and reproductive health specialists might be called on.
ā€¢ Access to health care and public health initiatives are difficult
challenges in developing countries. Public health
infrastructures are still forming in those countries.
sn chaudhary 43
ā€¢ In conclusion , we can say that Health of healthy
population is primary concern of public health. For
example success of public heath means decline the
medical care and failure of medical care means rise
of medical care . Public health program plays vital
role to improve health status of public .there is
need of public heath services for example heath
promotion , protection and disease prevention is
needed like
ā€¢ National immunization program
ā€¢ Safe mother hood program
ā€¢ Nutritional program
ā€¢ Vector control program
sn chaudhary 44
Public health program in Nepal
1. Immunization Programme:
2. Integrated Management of Childhood Illness
(IMCI) and the Newborn Care Programme
3. Nutrition Programme:
4. Safe Motherhood Programme
5. Family Planning (FP) Programme:
6. Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health
(ASRH) Programme
7 Female Community Health Volunteer (FCHV)
8 Malaria Control Programme
9 Kala-azar Elimination Programme:
10 Dengue Control Programme
11 Leprosy Control Programme
12 HIV/AIDS and STI Control Programme:
13 National Tuberculosis Programme (NTP):
14 Programme on Mental Health and Neurological
15 Health Education and Communication
sn chaudhary 47
The end
sn chaudhary

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  • 1. Surya Narayan Chaudhary Assistant professor MPH, NHPC A-1212 Jan PH, MA (SOCIOLOGY and ANTHROPOLOGY ) 1 sn chaudhary
  • 2. HEALTH : concept Health is a common theme in most cultures. In fact, all communities have their concepts of health, as part of their culture. Among definitions still used, probably the oldest is that health is the "absence of disease. ļƒ¼Health is the level of functional of a human being. In human ,it is the general condition of a person's mind, body and spirit, usually meaning to be free from illness, injury and pain. . 2 sn chaudhary
  • 3. Concept of health Health is vary vague term but it is vary basic and important for human being. People can not do any thing if they are not healthy .Men must be healthy to get appropriate success in his life. Only healthy people can do productive and creative work. That why we can say ā€œHealth is a wealthā€ 3 sn chaudhary
  • 4. Health is viewed as a right, as consumption good, and as an investment. Some view health as a right similar to justice or political freedom. The WHO constitution sates that ā€œ . . . the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social conditionā€ 4 sn chaudhary
  • 5. Lay Point of view: Persons are healthy when they are doing their activities with no apparent symptoms of disease in them. The New oxford Dictionary of English describes health as ā€˜the state of being free from illness or injuryā€™. Professional points of view: From this point, health is defined as s a measure of the state of the physical bodily Organs, and the ability of the body as a whole to function. It refers to freedom from medically defined diseases. 5 sn chaudhary
  • 6. Definition of health ļƒ¼Health is quality of life that enables the individual to live most and serve best.( j f William) According to WHO ā€œHealth is state of complete physical ,mental and social well being not merely an absence of any disease or infirmity.ā€ Pubic health experts agree this definition is incomplete. Other component include in an individualā€™s health are nutritional, spiritual, emotional and intellectual. 6 sn chaudhary
  • 7. Definition of health WHO revised 1984 WHO revised the definition of health defined it as "the extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs and to change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". sn chaudhary 7
  • 8. Aspiration of People on Health and Disease Live healthy without being ill Quality treatment if got ill Health - WHO Disease . Healthy Population Unhealthy Population Public Health Medicine (Treatment) 6/6/2019 8 CiST College
  • 10. Determinants of health Heredity Health services ļ¶ Promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative Environment ļ¶ Physical, social, biological and man- made Behavior ļ¶ Actions ļ¶ Habits ļ¶ Reactions ļ¶ Belief, attitudes ļ¶ Practices (Lifestyles) Health
  • 11. Determinants of health 1. physical factor- temperature, air, heat. Cold 2. chemical factor. 3. Biological factor- 4. Socio culture 5. Socio economical 6. Life style 7. Environmental 8. Geographical 9. Political 10. Health infrastructure 11 sn chaudhary
  • 13. The determinants of health ā€¢ Many factors combine together to affect the health of individuals and communities. Whether people are healthy or not, is determined by their circumstances and environment. To a large extent, factors such as where we live, the state of our environment, genetics, our income and education level, and our relationships with friends and family all have considerable impacts on health, whereas the more commonly considered factors such as access and use of health care services often have less of an impact. sn chaudhary 13
  • 14. ā€¢ The determinants of health include: ā€¢ the social and economic environment, ā€¢ the physical environment, and ā€¢ the personā€™s individual characteristics and behaviours. ā€¢ The context of peopleā€™s lives determine their health, and so blaming individuals for having poor health or crediting them for good health is inappropriate. Individuals are unlikely to be able to directly control many of the determinants of health. These determinantsā€”or things that make people healthy or notā€”include the above factors, and many others: ā€¢ Income and social status - higher income and social status are linked to better health. The greater the gap between the richest and poorest people, the greater the differences in health. ā€¢ Education ā€“ low education levels are linked with poor health, more stress and lower self-confidence. ā€¢ Physical environment ā€“ safe water and clean air, healthy workplaces, safe houses, communities and roads all contribute to good health. Employment and working conditions ā€“ people in employment are healthier, particularly those who have more control over their working conditions sn chaudhary 14
  • 15. ā€¢ Social support networks ā€“ greater support from families, friends and communities is linked to better health. Culture - customs and traditions, and the beliefs of the family and community all affect health. ā€¢ Genetics - inheritance plays a part in determining lifespan, healthiness and the likelihood of developing certain illnesses. Personal behaviour and coping skills ā€“ balanced eating, keeping active, smoking, drinking, and how we deal with lifeā€™s stresses and challenges all affect health. ā€¢ Health services - access and use of services that prevent and treat disease influences health ā€¢ Gender - Men and women suffer from different types of diseases at different ages. sn chaudhary 15
  • 16. Gross character /Dimension of health Health Physical health Mental health Social health 16 sn chaudhary
  • 17. Physical Health It means adequate body weight, height and circumference as per age and sex with acceptable level of vision, hearing, locomotion or movements, acceptable levels of pulse rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, chest circumference, head circumference, waist hip ratio.
  • 18. It means The body structure and functions confirming to laid down standards within the range of normal development and functions of all the systems.
  • 19. Physical: Physical health refers to the state of the body; its compositions, development, functions and maintenance. Following are a few ways to ensure good physical health. 1. Eat nutritious food, to keep the body and mind energized. 2. Never skip meals or overeat. 3. Water is essential for cleansing the body. 4. Fitness through exercise will increase immunity and endurance levels of the body. 5. Regular medical checkups can help in arresting an illness, in its early stages. 6. Sleep at least for 7 uninterrupted hours daily. 7. Avoid addictive substances. 19 sn chaudhary
  • 20. Intellectual: This is a cognitive ability to develop skills and knowledge to enhance one's life. Our intellectual capacity helps to stimulate our creativity and insight in decision making. 1. Setting realistic goals will go a long way in life planning. 2. Explore every opportunity with an open mind. 3. Be aware of the demands and expectations 4. A positive outlook, especially when dealing with conflicts. 20 sn chaudhary
  • 21. Emotional: Our ability to accept and cope with our own and others feelings is defined as emotional well- being. Emotions contribute to almost all aspects of our life, at times, even setting course of actions. Symptoms of emotional problems; as hopelessness, depression, anxiety and even suicidal tendencies are not always easily detectable, but can lead to dire consequences. 1. Awareness and acceptance of our strength is essential for our emotional well-being. 2. Ability to handle stress and seek help, if needed. 3. Build strong communication networks among family, friends and peers. 21 sn chaudhary
  • 22. Social: To build and maintain satisfying relationships, comes naturally to us, as we are social animals. Being socially accepted, is also connected to our emotional well-being. 1. We should increase our ability to interact with people and their ideas. 2. Accept and understand diverse cultural norms. 3. Build networks among different kinds of people. 4. Adopt a positive self image. 5. Enhance your interpersonal communication skills. 22 sn chaudhary
  • 23. Spiritual: Our good health is incomplete without being spiritually healthy. To seek meaning and purpose of life is termed as being spiritual. Spiritual health refers to our personal belief and value, our own acceptance or rejection of the creation. There are no prescribed ways, to attain spiritual well-being, it's more a matter of looking inwards, at our own depth of understanding, our existence and creation. 23 sn chaudhary
  • 24. Mental health The positive dimension of mental health is stressed in WHOā€™s definition of health as contained in its constitution.
  • 25. Mental health is defined ā€œas a state of well being in which the individual realized his or her own abilities, can cope with normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to his or her communityā€.
  • 26. 3 Mental health. Thinking power. ā€¢ View. ā€¢Understanding. ā€¢Satisfaction. ā€¢To solve the problem according to the ability and experience. 26 sn chaudhary
  • 28. Characteristics of good health. ā€¢ The person has capability to do work. ā€¢ The person feels himself efficient to take decisions and work accordingly . ā€¢ The person remains in sound mental condition. ā€¢ The person remain free from any disease. ā€¢ The person does not suffer from mental tension.
  • 29. Optimum health A person who enjoys health at physical, Mental and social is said to be optimum health. 29 sn chaudhary
  • 30. The Basic Requirements for a Healthy Life ā€¢ Living life involves knowledge about basic survival skills paired with making connections to people who help you get your needs met. In the mid- 1900s, humanistic psychologist Abraham Maslow identified his theory of the basic needs for successful human progression, deemed the "hierarchy of needs." Within this hierarchy, the first and most important needs included basic survival, or physiological needs, followed by safety and belonging. sn chaudhary 30
  • 31. Basic require to be health life 1 personal requirement : diet , exercise , personal hygiene , habit , life style . 2 Environment requirement : water , air , housing , noise , infrastructure , road , 3 public heath services requirements : health promotion, disease prevention , heath protection , epidemic control, sn chaudhary 31
  • 32. Personal factors Some personal factors also affects our health. Ex- eating and sleeping, tension, refrain from taking regular exercise etc.can make a healthy person ill.
  • 33. Requirements of good health We all know that , Good health essential for Leading purposeful life. For maintaning a good health following conditions are essential. 1. Nutrition 2. Exercise and rest 3. Good habits
  • 34. Environmental factors The environment in which a man lives, can also affect his health. Environmental factors may be further divided into two parts:- (a) Internal factors (b) External factors
  • 35. 1 Eat Healthy Food / Nutrition Eat a variety of nutrient rich foods Eat nutritious foods as they are essential to physiological survival. Skipping meals, eating massive portions or binge eating and consuming high-fat or high-calorie meals limits your energy and nutrient absorption. Food is the basic fuel of life. Start with the basic food groups, like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, dairy and meat. Choose fresh foods over packaged foods. Read nutrition labels and limit the amount of sodium, sugar and saturated fat you consume per serving. Eat raw or steamed vegetables instead of fried or microwaved items. 2 Get Physical Exercise Physical activity is important in reducing your risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease. It also stimulates your mental wellness by increasing brain chemicals involved in regulating your mood, sleep and appetite. For every hour you engage in exercise, like walking, you may add two hours to your life. It can be difficult to fit exercise into your daily routine, but try by walking around your neighborhood instead of watching a 30-minute show on television. Get your family involved in exercise to make it fun or ask friends to join you in becoming healthier. sn chaudhary 35
  • 36. 3 Steer Clear to avoid someone or something that seems unpleasant, dangerous, or likely to cause problems. Smoking, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol and illicit drug use like cocaine or marijuana increases your risk of liver, lung and heart disorders. Steer clear of drug use altogether and find support to help you stop smoking. . 4 Take Preventive Measures . Take precautions in your daily life by washing your hands before handling food, after using the restroom and in dealing with people in a medical setting. Use prophylactics before engaging in sexual contact and limit sexual partners. Place sunscreen on your body to protect your skin from sun damage. Avoid distractions while driving like texting and talking on the cell phone. Do not drink alcohol or use drugs and drive. Protect yourself from unintended injury from car accidents by wearing a seat belt. 5 A Balanced Life Manage your daily stress by taking the time to relax after a long day. Go to a quiet room or listen to calming music. Join a yoga or meditation class to learn breathing and relaxation techniques. Find a healthy balance between work, relationships, home and leisure time. sn chaudhary 36
  • 37. 6 Drink water Stay away from cokes and other sugary sodas, Water helps not only to hydrate, but to aid in blood circulation, the removal of toxins from our bodies and in the regulation of our body temperatures. 7 Avoid too much caffeine. Caffeine is a mildly addictive drug that can affect your ability to sleep and focus while also affecting such bodily functions as muscle function and the cleansing of waste products. sn chaudhary 37
  • 38. ā€¢ Get involved and meet people in a positive environment. sn chaudhary 38
  • 39. Point should be remembered ā€¢ Freedom from pain and physical sense of well being. ā€¢ Freedom from extremes emotion. ā€¢ Freedom from confusion. ā€¢ Feeling of inner fulfillment. ā€¢ Fully functioning according to ones unique ability. ā€¢ Living life to oneā€™s unique gifts. In summary. Health is the physiology condition of a person. Any deviation from this physiology may be termed as disease condition or pathology. 39 sn chaudhary
  • 40. Changing concept of health 1. Biomedical concept- germ theory 2. Ecological concept- environmental 3. Psychosocial concept- religion , culture, economical 4. Holistic concept 40 sn chaudhary
  • 41. Health of healthy population is primary concern of public health and need of public heath services ā€¢ Public health has been defined as "the science and art of preventing diseaseā€, prolonging life and promoting human health through organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private, communities and individuals". Analyzing the health of a population and the threats it faces is the basis for public health. The public can be as small as a handful of people or as large as a village or an entire city sn chaudhary 41
  • 42. ā€¢ The concept of health takes into account physical, psychological and social well-being. As such, according to the World Health Organization, it is not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. ā€¢ Public health is an interdisciplinary field. For example, epidemiology, biostatistics and managem ent of health services are all relevant. Other important subfields include environmental health, community health, behavioral health, health economics, public policy, mental health, health education, occupational safety, gender issues in health, and sexual and reproductive health. sn chaudhary 42
  • 43. ā€¢ Public health aims to improve the quality of life through prevention and treatment of disease, including mental health. This is done through the surveillance of cases and health indicators, and through the promotion of healthy behaviors. Common public health initiatives include promotion of hand washing and breastfeeding, delivery of vaccinations, suicide prevention, and distribution of condoms to control the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. ā€¢ Modern public health practice requires multidisciplinary teams of public health workers and professionals. Teams might include epidemiologists, biostatisticians, medical assistants, public health nurses, midwives, medical microbiologists,, sociologists, geneticists, Depending on the need, environmental health officers or public health inspectors , and even veterinarians, gender experts, or sexual and reproductive health specialists might be called on. ā€¢ Access to health care and public health initiatives are difficult challenges in developing countries. Public health infrastructures are still forming in those countries. sn chaudhary 43
  • 44. ā€¢ In conclusion , we can say that Health of healthy population is primary concern of public health. For example success of public heath means decline the medical care and failure of medical care means rise of medical care . Public health program plays vital role to improve health status of public .there is need of public heath services for example heath promotion , protection and disease prevention is needed like ā€¢ National immunization program ā€¢ Safe mother hood program ā€¢ Nutritional program ā€¢ Vector control program sn chaudhary 44
  • 45. Public health program in Nepal 1. Immunization Programme: 2. Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) and the Newborn Care Programme (NCP): 3. Nutrition Programme: 4. Safe Motherhood Programme 5. Family Planning (FP) Programme: 6. Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH) Programme
  • 46. 7 Female Community Health Volunteer (FCHV) Programme: 8 Malaria Control Programme 9 Kala-azar Elimination Programme: 10 Dengue Control Programme 11 Leprosy Control Programme 12 HIV/AIDS and STI Control Programme: 13 National Tuberculosis Programme (NTP): 14 Programme on Mental Health and Neurological Disorders 15 Health Education and Communication Programme