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Table of Conents

Preface	      	       	       	      	       	       3
Introduction		        	       	      	       	       4
What	is	it?	 	        	       	      	       	       6
Why	Blog?	 	          	       	      	       	       7
Plan	plan	plan,	then	plan	 	         	       	       9
What	Should	I	Write?	         	      	       	       12
If	You	Built	it,	They	Will	Come	(NOT!)	 	            14
How	do	I	Make	Money	From	This	Thing?	                16                                                 A Guide To Business Blogging is copyright 2007 by The
Next	Steps	 	         	       	      	       	       17                                                 Blog Studio. This is an ever evolving guide. As such, it’s
Links	and	Resources	          	      	       	       18                                                 not completely fleshed out, and still a bit rough around
                                                                                                        the edges. The advice contained herein has worked very
                                                                                                        well for me and several of my clients. That being said,
                                                                                                        there’s no guarantee it will work for you.

A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
                                                                                                                           sphere has become a crowded place, and a good design

                                                                                                                           has become de-riguer. Note that design means how

                                                                                                                           something works, not how it looks. I’m not talking about

                                                                                                                           graphics. I’m talking about layout, content hierarchy, and

                                                                                                                           usability. Graphics count of course, but you can get by

                                                                                                                           without them. You cannot get by without design.
What’s changed since the first edition?

                                                                                                                           The other big changes are media and social sites. It’s

                                                                                                                           become extremely easy to integrate video and audio

                                                                                                                           into your blog posts. These are both very effective ways

                                                                                                                           to build strong ties with your audience. I spend a bit of
What’s changed since the first edition of this guide? A       holds up today. What’s more, as sanity has slowly spread
                                                                                                                           time examining what you should consider in the Plan-
lot! When I wrote the first edition of this guide way way     over the blogosphere, the concept of planning a busi-
                                                                                                                           ning section of the guide.
back in ‘05, business blogging was a new pursuit. Few         ness blog has become the norm, not the wild exception

people had heard of blogs, and fewer still of using them      it was when I typed this up. In other words, business
                                                                                                                           Social sites like Digg have also changed the playing field,
for business. The blogosphere was a brash, wild place,        blogging has matured. It’s not quite the seat of the pants
                                                                                                                           especially when it comes to promoting your site. It’s
littered with schemes and snake oil salesmen offering         learn as you go free for all it was a couple of years ago.
                                                                                                                           now possible to go from no traffic to huge traffic in a
reams of contradictory advice. I wrote this guide to give a   There are precedents now. As a whole, the business end
                                                                                                                           very short period of time. I’ll outline how, and point to
top down look at the practical decisions a business blog-     of the blogosphere has figured out what works and what
                                                                                                                           resources for learning more.
ger should make before a post is ever written. I wanted       doesn’t.

to give an insight into the planning process I had used to
                                                                                                                           What hasn’t changed in all of this is the incredible effec-
launch quite a few successful blogs on behalf of myself       Design has finally been recognized as a key component
                                                                                                                           tiveness of blogging for business. To this day, all of my
and my clients.                                               of a business blog. As I say elsewhere in this guide, you
                                                                                                                           new business comes in via blogging. There are hundreds
                                                              can be a successful business blogger without a custom
                                                                                                                           of thousands of similar success stories out there. I hope
Every word that I wrote about planning and strategy           design. But it sure makes it more difficult. The blogo-
                                                                                                                           this guide helps you to become one of them!

A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
Introduction:                                                                                                                  encompass a couple of subjects I’m particularly inter-

                                                                                                                               ested in - branding, brain science, design and business.

                                                                                                                               My audience grew from a few readers per day to a few

                                                                                                                               hundred. And suddenly I was getting work enquiries

                                                                                                                               and requests to contribute to other publications. Some
 Why oh why does the world need another book on blogging?
                                                                                                                               of those guest writing gigs led to more work, which led

                                                                                                                               to more work... Seven months after I started my blog, I

                                                                                                                               left my full time job to concentrate on my burgeoning

                                                                                                                               freelance business.

Why indeed! Why don’t I just put together a list of links       Blogging has allowed me to connect with an incredible
                                                                                                                               What’s more (and this is more important) is that the
to existing articles?” I wonder to myself., not for the first   network of clients, suppliers, and collaborators. Virtually
                                                                                                                               work I’m doing now is EXACTLY the kind of work I love
time.                                                           all of my new business comes via my blogs, and almost
                                                                                                                               to do. By simply sharing my passion for design, brand-
                                                                all of it was completely unexpected.
In and of itself, that’s not a bad plan. I’ve included a list                                                                  ing and blogging, I’ve built a busy practice doing what I

of links to articles for further reading at the end of the      I started blogging in October 2004. I built my first blog      love to do. And you can too.

guide.                                                          (at, still alive and kicking today) in an
                                                                                                                               It was never my intention to blog for business. I just
                                                                effort to learn the tools and to simply experiment with
But the articles lack a certain cohesiveness, and a                                                                            wrote about topics of interest to me. It was a purely self-
                                                                design. I decided early on that my audience would be
unifying sense of humour. Most miss or skim the most                                                                           ish exercise in exploring my passions. Which is probably
                                                                my close peers - other designers venturing out onto the
important step in setting up a successful business blog:                                                                       why my view of what business blogging is and what it
                                                                blogosphere for the first time. My posts were basically
planning.                                                                                                                      can do is a bit different than some others.
                                                                tutorials on software and design.

My own experience with blogging has been nothing                                                                               Conventional business blogging wisdom is full of rules.
                                                                By posting a couple of messages on relevant forums and
short of revolutionary. Blogging has completely changed                                                                        Post X number of times per week. Talk about this, but
                                                                commenting on other’s blogs, I began to attract a small,
my business and my life. And I think my experience has                                                                         don’t talk about that. Allow comments. Don’t allow com-
                                                                regular readership. Over the weeks, my focus shifted to
some value. I’d like to share that with you.                                                                                   ments. Keep your posts short. Make your posts long.

A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
directly at

                                                                                                                           I’ve kept this guide as short as I can, so you can read it

                                                                                                                           and get on with your life. My intention for writing this is

                                                                                                                           to encourage you to blog. Hopefully, you’ll choose to do

                                                                                                                           so. If you do, I hope you’ll consider choosing to use some
      Write with passion on topics you are passionate about.                                                               of the services The Blog Studio offers. We’re here to help

                                                                                                                           you reach your blogging goals.

                                                                                                                                                     About the author:

                                                                                                                                                     Peter Flaschner (that’s me) is
My direct experience tells me that a different set of rules   So I’ve decided to go ahead and just write this thing.                                 a designer with a keen interest
will determine your business blogging success. This           This guide is aimed at a reader who is contemplating                                   in branding, marketing, and
highly simplistic rule set reads as follows:                  entereing the business blogging fray. If you’re already                                all things business. His formal
                                                              blogging, you may find the content useful, but I’m not       training is in marketing and graphic design. Before ven-
Write with passion on topics you are passionate about.
                                                              aiming directly at you. Regardless of your experience, the   turing forth into the wonderful world of the web, Peter
That’s it.                                                    resources and links at the end of the guide will be help-    was the owner/manager of a multimillion dollar per year
                                                              ful (and dare I say it - fun),                               chain of sporting good stores. Before that, he worked
We blog people tend to get a bit caught up in the IM-
                                                                                                                           as an advertising executive on a couple of national ac-
PORTANCE and POWER of blogs. We get all evangelical           The version you are reading today is the second edition.
                                                                                                                           counts. He’s experienced design first as a consumer,
and somewhat nutty discussing the potential blogs have        Like software, it’s being released in versions. I do not
                                                                                                                           then a client, and finally as a designer himself.
for businesses and the people who run them. The reason        need to tell you how fast information changes online.
we do this is pretty simple: we’ve seen it work. And like     In essence that means that it’s a bit rough around the       When he isn’t in front of his computer or meeting with
true belivers everywhere, we want to tell everyone we         edges. Some of the sections aren’t complete (probably        his clients, you can find Peter hard at play with his two
meet about our brilliant find.                                never will be!), and the editing still has a ways to go.     girls, or riding his ridiculously expensive bicycle.
                                                              If you have any suggestions, please send them to me

A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
What is it?

 The dreaded question! Ask 100 people, get 100 answers. For the
 purpose of this document, a blog is a website that is regularly                                                              concepts, you have to live with this one for a bit before it
 updated with content, usually around a central topic.                                                                        really sinks in. Suffice it to say it’s a huge component in

                                                                                                                              blogging’s effectiveness.

                                                                                                                              And Business Blogging is?
                                                               A Content Management System?
That’s really all there is to it. A blog is a website, just                                                                   Business blogging is blogging done for business. What
like any other site out there. It usually has some added                                                                      that means depends on the business you’re in, your
                                                               A content management system is a program that allows
functionality, like the ability to send your content out (so                                                                  goals, and your personality.
                                                               you to easily update your website without having to
your readers don’t have to check to see if you’ve updated
                                                               worry about mucking around in code. Most CMS’s use             One very effective business blog tracks industry news.
the site), an easy to update back end system, automated
                                                               familiar word processor like interfaces, allowing you to       Another offers commentary on targeted world events.
archives, usually the ability to categorize information.
                                                               easily input and format your text.                             Another discusses a daughter’s teenage rebellion.
A blog can be your only web presence, it can be a second-
                                                               Many modern CMS’s include the ability to push your             Each of these is a business blog, in that its primary (or
ary web presence, or it can be integrated into your exist-
                                                               content out to users who have subscribed to your site.         secondary) intent is to achieve one or more business
ing web presence. In fact, using a blog platform to power
                                                               This means that your readers don’t have to come to you         goals.
your entire web site is easy and extremely cost-effective.
                                                               when you update your site. They’ll automatically be
For example, The Blog Studio site is completely powered                                                                       There are as many business blogs and business blogging
                                                               notified when you’ve written a new post. This simple
by Expression Engine, a low cost, easy to use, well sup-                                                                      strategies as there are business goals. How you acheive
                                                               little thing - called RSS for Really Simple Syndication - is
ported content management system.                                                                                             those goals is irrelevant to the definition.
                                                               completely revolutionary. Like many paradigm shifting

A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
Why blog?

       Because it works.

       I suppose this deserves some elaboration. But when you get to
       the heart of the matter, blogging just works. Often very well.                                          But is it for me?

                                                                                                               A couple of columns over, I wrote “I can’t think of a case

                                                                                                               where blogging wouldn’t help a business in some way

                                                                                                               or another”. That’s true. What I neglected to mention
                                                            •	 Want	to	build	top	of	mind	awareness	for	you,	
Blogs are a terrific way to promote yourself and your
                                                                                                               however is that blogging can carry a terrific cost. It may
                                                              your	products	or	your	services?
business. Unless you’re a corporate spy, I can’t think of
                                                                                                               very well not make sense for all businesses - the return
                                                            •	 Want	to	show	the	world	you’re	not	afraid	of	
a case where blogging wouldn’t help your business in
                                                                                                               on investment may be too small to warrant the time and
some way or another.
                                                                                                               effort involved.
                                                            •	 Want	to	strengthen	and	promote	your	brand?
•	 Have	a	product	to	sell?	
                                                            •	 Want	to	quickly	and	easily	poll	your		best	
                                                                                                               How do you determine if it’s right for you? It depends on
•	 Have	a	service	to	offer?	
                                                                                                               your business sector, your business goals, your current
•	 Want	to	establish	or	promote	yourself	as	an	
                                                            •	 Want	to	control	your	own	press	releases?
                                                                                                               marketing, and your future plans. In order to successful-
                                                            •	 Want	to	be	engaged	in	a	conversation	about	
                                                                                                               ly answer this, we’ve got to go through a series of steps.
•	 Want	to	reach	an	active,	passionate	consumer	
                                                              your	company?
                                                                                                               This is very similar to the process we use in our consult-
                                                            •	 Want	to	form	long	lasting,	positive	relation-
                                                                                                               ing sessions. Obviously, I can’t duplicate a 3 hour session
•	 Want	to	build	an	emotive	network	with	your	
                                                              ships	with	your	readers?
                                                                                                               in a couple of paragraphs, but I’ll outline the process I’d
                                                                                                               use to help you determine if business blogging makes
•	 Want	to	leverage	your	existing	customer	base	
                                                                                                               sense for you.
  to	spread	your	message?

A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
Step	One:	Identify	General	Goals                                                                                             One of the major ways the
                                                             is more precious than money, consider outsourcing the

                                                             setup and design of the blog, the creation of new con-          blogosphere has changed since I
What are your overall business goals?
                                                             tent, the promotion/marketing, or ongoing maintenance.
                                                                                                                             wrote this guide back in 2005 is
Which of those goals can blogging help you achieve?

                                                                                                                             the speed with which a blog can
                                                             The design of your blog is one of the most effective tools
Blogs are very effective at:
                                                                                                                             develop traffic. Blog readership
                                                             at your disposal when it comes to speeding up results.
     spreading a message
                                                                                                                             has gone way up, and with it, the
                                                             Good design is arresting - it graps the readers attention
     establishing authority
                                                                                                                             ability to earn quality traffic. Social
                                                             and leads her through your content. With bad design,
     connecting groups of interested readers
                                                                                                                             bookmarking sites like
                                                             your blog is just one more not so hot result in a google
                                                                                                                             and Digg can send HUGE traffic
                                                             search. Worse, it may discredit the content itself.
     giving a brand a human face

                                                                                                                             your way. Learn how to use these
     reaching a wide audience

                                                                                                                             amazing resources.
     getting exposure
                                                             Step	Three:	Establish	Blogging	Goals
How important are those particular goals to your overall
                                                             Knowing your businesses’ goals, and knowing what
goal? ie how much weight should you give to what blog-
                                                             blogs are capable of, we can set realistic online and of-
ging can do for you?
                                                             fline targets. It’s important to identify specific, mea-     Number of downloads of a white paper
Step	Two:	Resource	Analysis	                                 surable goals, so that you can manage and tweak your         Number of times an article is referenced by others
Which is more valuable to you at the moment: time or
                                                                                                                          Step	Four:	Develop	Time/Cost	Esti-
                                                             Measurable goals include:                                    mate
Be honest. Blogging takes time to achieve results. The                                                                    How much investment will it require to achieve your
                                                             Reach (number of unique visits)
exception to this case is where a company has a good                                                                      blogging goals? How much impact will this have on your
                                                             Stickiness (length of a visit)
sized advertising program in place it can leverage to                                                                     overall business goals? With these questions answered,
                                                             Number of comments
create blog visitors. Blogging is one of those tools where                                                                it becomes pretty clear whether blogging is a good use of
                                                             Number of subscribers to your site
throwing money at it can speed up your results. If time                                                                   your resources.
                                                             Number of subscribers to an email newsletter

A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
Plan, plan, plan, then plan                                                                                              different strategy all together.

                                                                                                                         Think about this stuff carefully. You want to make your

                                                                                                                         site as useful for your target audience as you can. But
 Take a couple of hours up front to dramatically shorten your learning
                                                                                                                         you need to balance content and screen real-estate. Make
 curve, improve your odds of success, and make the process much
                                                                                                                         your site too busy, and people will flee. Guaranteed.
 more fun and rewarding.
                                                                                                                         3.	Technology	plan
                                                                                                                         This is tricky. This section could be a book unto itself.

                                                                                                                         Let’s start macro and work down from there.

                                                                                                                         Blogs use a type of software to manage all the magic that
                                                           2.	Info	plan
Knowing what you’re going to say, how often you’ll be
                                                                                                                         happens behind the scenes. A blog, like every web site,
saying it, and what other kind of content you’ll want to   Other than your posts, what other type of information
                                                                                                                         needs to be hosted somewhere, ie it needs a home. There
include - audio, video, pictures, pdf documents - will     will you share on your blog? You contact info? Link to
                                                                                                                         are two approaches one can take.
make setting up your blog a relative breeze. This be-      your other site? What about a list of your most popular
comes especially apparent when we get to the technologi-   posts, or links to various categories of posts? How about     The first is to go the all-in-one route. Services like Type-
cal part of the process.                                   links to other sites of interest?                             pad offer hosting and blog software in one easy to use

                                                                                                                         (and easy to pay) service. See the resources list at the end
We can break planning down into a number of catego-        Your overall blogging goals may influence some of these
                                                                                                                         for my recommendations.
ries.                                                      decisions. If you’re trying to capture your readers’ atten-

                                                           tion for as long as possible, you’ll want to make your site   The other is to arrange your own hosting, and install
1.	Content	plan
                                                           as sticky as possible. This means including all kinds of      your own software (or have someone *cough* The Blog
What are you going to say? How often will you be saying
                                                           internal links to other posts.                                Studio *cough*) do it for you.
it? How long will your posts be? Think this through.

Knowing this up front may make certain decisions easier    On the other hand, you may want to get your visitors off      Going the roll your own route can be a fair bit less
as you progress.                                           your blog and onto your other site. That will require a

A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
expensive, but is not for the techno-phobic. It’s not hard      are open source projects, and are available at no cost.      blog design. To understand my reasons for doing so, we

to do, but it does require some specialized knowledge.          Others, like Expression Engine and Movable Type have         have to first look at the concept of BRAND, then at the

The advantages though are many - integration with your          reasonable license fees (usally under $300 for a very        importance of layout.

existing site, ability to mix different types of content, the   robust, supported system). There are a couple of factors
                                                                                                                             First, a BRAND is not a logo. It’s not a company’s letter
ability to upload different types of files (podcasts, videos,   that affect why you’d choose one over the other. One
                                                                                                                             head, nor is it a sign on a door. A company’s brand ex-
you name it), the ability to fully customize the look and       of the key considerations is your own level of technical
                                                                                                                             ists in the minds of its staff, customers, suppliers, and
feel of your site... The list goes on and on.                   kung-fu. Do you want to see all the whirring gears and
                                                                                                                             prospects. It’s the sum of the experiences one has with
                                                                mechanics, or do you want the simple to use control
The biggest drawback to going the all-in-one route                                                                           a company, and the expectation that certain events or
                                                                panel to click through?
relates to your brand. For better or worse, Typepad and                                                                      experiences will be met.

its competitors (,, et al) use         If the thought of touching html makes you squirm, go
                                                                                                                             A blog is a hugely powerful branding tool. If branding
templates that are particularly difficult to customize to       with one of the hosted services. and
                                                                                                                             is important to your company, care must be taken to en-
your branding needs. This alone makes it an untenable  offer a free basic blog to anyone. My recom-
                                                                                                                             sure your blog and your brand jive. Failing to do so can
solution in many cases.                                         mendation is, as it will give you some
                                                                                                                             seriously jeopardize your existing efforts. Why? Reading
                                                                features not available on, including the abil-
What Typepad et al do offer is a very quick and easy way                                                                     and responding to blogs is a very personal experience.
                                                                ity to categorize your posts.
to get going.                                                                                                                It’s intimate in a way that reading a newspaper ad isn’t.

                                                                If you know your way around basic html, you can’t go         It’s an ongoing experience, re-inforced time and again.
The Blog Studio runs on a product called Expression
                                                                wrong with either WordPress or Expression Engine.
Engine. This reasonably priced program is fast, well sup-                                                                    So design is important from a brand perspective. But
                                                                Other notables in the open source Textpattern, or the
ported, and incredibly powerful. We also use a fantatic                                                                      its also important from a communication perspective.
                                                                previously mentioned Movable Type.
open source bit of software called WordPress quite a lot.                                                                    Non-verbal communications play a massive part of face

                                                                4.	Design                                                    to face or voice to voice conversations. In print or on the
Choosing blogging software can be a bit daunting. There
                                                                I think it goes without saying that I have some rather       web, its up to a layout designer to interpret and support a
are quite a few options available. Some, like WordPress
                                                                strong opinions when it comes to the importance of           writer’s intentions.

A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
This is hard enough to do in a magazine with a month-         can you do to lead your reader to your desired outcome?     After determining that blogging makes sense for them,

long lead time. Trying to accomplish the same thing on                                                                    many make the move to a professionally designed site.
                                                              As a blog designer, a lot of my time is spent working out
an ever changing blog is tough. But not impossible. Your
                                                              these details. They’re never the same twice, as no two      Frankly, this makes a lot of sense. Assuming you do one
investment with your business blog will be significant,
                                                              sites have identical reasons for being.                     simple thing right off the bat. Use your own domain
if not in cash then in time. Investing in a good design
                                                                                                                          name. You don’t want to get stuck with a subdomain
shows the world that you are serious about your content       There are a number of design options available to you.
                                                                                                                          from your blogging provider. It will make moving your
and serious about your business.                              These range from full custom design to pre-made tem-
                                                                                                                          blog later a pain in the rear if you fail to do this now.
                                                              plates to some combination of the two.
Design is ultimately about the way something works, not                                                                   There are all kinds of other benefits to having your own

about how it looks. The look is part of the package, but is                                                               domain name. But this one alone is worth it.
                                                              Having a professional blog designed will run somewhere

certainly not the whole. The great majority of your site’s    between $1500 and $5000.

value will come from its content. With your specific goals
                                                              Don’t get me wrong. One can achieve blogging greatness
in mind, you need to determine the content hierarchy.
                                                              without spending a penny. In my experience, many busi-
What will go at the top of the page? What gets secondary
                                                              ness bloggers start out with one of the hosted options.
billing? What can you do expose archived content? What

A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
What should I write?
                                                                                                                             starts blogging, a frequent schedule makes good sense.

                                                                                                                             You’ll want to build traffic and your archives. Aim for

                                                                                                                             three posts a week, for at least 3 months. This will give

                                                                                                                             you a terrific base to build on, and will allow you time to

                                                                                                                             develop your style.
 Forgive me for saying this, but it depends. One thing remains con-
 stant though: write with passion and the readers you want will find                                                         Each of us brings something different to our blogging

 you and stick around.                                                                                                       approach. Some use humour, some stick to the facts.

                                                                                                                             Some rant and rail. One’s own style takes time to de-

                                                                                                                             velop. Be patient, and you will discover your own.

                                                                                                                             Write for readers who skim
Blog content falls under two basic categories: reporting       dustry niche will already be full of reporting blogs. There
                                                                                                                             Readers skim online content. Study after study shows
and creating.                                                  are only so many stories to report on, after all. Creating
                                                                                                                             that online reading habits differ quite greatly from of-
                                                               new content is a noble endeavor. It’s the most effective
A reporting blog links to other stories of interest. Every                                                                   fline reading. Failing to take this into account will only
                                                               way to show your expertise and to build a following.
industry has a couple of these sites. They are generally                                                                     frustrate you and alienate your readers.
                                                               The web abounds with tips and rules on The Proper Way
useful, and usually quite easy to manage. The site owner
                                                                                                                             In order to make skimming work for you instead of
                                                               to Write a Blog Entry. Read them if you wish. But don’t
will read a bunch of industry related sites, and link to the
                                                                                                                             against you, do the following:
best or most relevant articles for that period.                pay them too much heed. Write what you like, as often

                                                               as you like. Your posting schedule is going to depend on      Use short, punchy sentences and paragraphs
Depending on the number and effectiveness of com-
                                                               your overall goals. If you want to reach a wide audience,     Use humour to hook your readers
petitive reporting sites in your industry, this may be a
                                                               you’d be well advised to post a couple of times a week.       Use headings and bold important words freely
worthwhile approach. These sites can generate huge
                                                               If you want to talk to a narrow target base, you may only     Use keywords throughout your posts
traffic numbers. If you know your stuff, and are on top of
                                                               need to post when you have something worth saying.            Use a professionally designed template
your game, this might be the way to go.

                                                               Posting strategies can change over time too. When one
Creating new content is the other option. Often, an in-

A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
What SHOULDN’T I write?                                       that blogs are conversations between people. Writing (or
                                                                                                                            A word on the spirit of blogging:
                                                              speaking) in an informal tone is a very effective way to
Don’t write anything you’ll regret. Better - write it, but
                                                                                                                            Blogging works because it is open and honest. Try
                                                              bypass your readers’ B.S. detectors, and to connect with
don’t post it. Read it over the next day, or have a trusted
                                                                                                                            to lie, cheat, or cover something up, and you will be
                                                              the real person.
friend look over it before hitting the post button. Some-
                                                                                                                            caught. Everytime. Maybe not right away, but it will
thing posted on the internet is around FOREVER.
                                                              This is not to say that you can fool your readers by

                                                              adopting fake colloquialism. Authenticity is key, as false
How much personal information you choose to share
                                                                                                                            Trust is the cornerstone of a blogger’s success. Be
                                                              cameraderie will shine through. Write in your own
may well be part of your blogging strategy. In some
                                                                                                                            careful with your online persona - it’s the only face
                                                              voice. Blog readers expect it, and the success of your blog
cases, revealing peronal information may be beneficial to
                                                                                                                            you have to your readers.
                                                              depends on it.
acheiving your goals.

                                                              Blog readers read your site to see what you have to say.
Causing a bit of controversy may also be part of your
                                                              Not your company. You.
strategy. Causing a stir is an easy thing to do, once your

readership is established.
                                                                                                                            Use keywords in your post titles
                                                              Whatever you do, write with passion. Nothing else will

                                                              guarantee your success. Nothing.
Don’t lie - you will get caught. Guaranteed.
                                                                                                                            Keywords are incredibly important for a number of
                                                              Keep on message
What if I’m a terrible writer?                                                                                              reasons. First, they have a direct impact on your search

                                                                                                                            engine performance. Second, they help your readers
                                                              Keep on message - most of the time. We want to hear
Talk it out! Or act it out! Use video or audio instead of
                                                                                                                            focus. Internet users skim copy looking for key words or
                                                              what you think about a subject in your area of expertise.
the written word. Websites like and YouTube.
                                                                                                                            phrases relevant to their needs. Your keywords will relate
                                                              Occasionally though, it can be a good practice to throw
com make it ridiculously easy to create, store, and share
                                                                                                                            directly to your blog’s purpose. For example, on The Blog
                                                              something completely unrelated into the mix. Give us
audio and video online.
                                                                                                                            Studio blog, I try to repeat the keywords “blog design” at
                                                              a review of a movie your saw or a book you read. We
What about tone?                                                                                                            least once per post. This helps google identify the gist of
                                                              want to do business with people we like. Give me some
                                                                                                                            my content, and quickly tells new readers what the site
                                                              insight into your personality. But just a bit.
There’s a lot of talk about the conversational tone of
                                                                                                                            it about.
blogs. Part of their effectiveness stems from the fact

A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
IF you build it, they will come (NOT!)
                                                                                                                              You’ll share each other’s traffic, and probably attract

                                                                                                                              some outside attention while you’re at it.

                                                                                                                              Guest writing:
                                                                                                                              Offer to fill in for a vacationing blogger. You’ll be exposed
 Instant gratification is one thing I can guarantee will not happen.                                                          to a whole new audience.
 Business blogging takes time and effort. Odds are it will take a
                                                                                                                              Existing site:
 couple of months before you see any return on your hard work.
                                                                                                                              Like offline promotions, this is so obvious is gets over-

                                                                                                                              looked. Have an existing site? But a big fat link on the

                                                                                                                              home page to your new blog. Instant traffic.

Depressing? Well no, not really. Along the way to your          signage? Is there a targeted industry publication you

first new contract, you will have made a number of new          can place a small ad in? Blogs are big attention getters.     There is no more effective method for building targeted
and valuable contacts. You’ll find a network of like-mind-      They‘re still new. Tell people you have one, and they’ll      traffic than by posting intelligent, relevant comments at
ed people you didn’t know existed.                              check it out.                                                 other sites. When you leave a comment, you usually have

                                                                                                                              the option of including your site’s address in the URL
You’ll also experience the Whoa! Factor - that’s the point
                                                                                                                              field. This turns your credit at the end of the comment
where a new opportunity comes up via your blog in a
                                                                Submit your best posts to one or more the ‘Carnivals’         into a link back to your site. Write something intelligent,
way you didn’t see coming. This happens to every single
                                                                that move around the net. These are open best-of-the-         and people will click your name to find out more about
blogger out there.
                                                                web collections. Anyone can submit an entry. They’re          you.
I’ll outline a couple of strategies for building traffic that   great tools for finding new readers (and new writers to
                                                                                                                              When I was first building traffic to my site, this was
I’ve used to success in building my business blog.              follow). Do a google search for ‘Blog Carnival’, and you’ll
                                                                                                                              incredibly effective at building long term readers.
                                                                find tons of info.
Offline promotion:
This one gets a “doh!”. It’s so obvious, yet so often
                                                                                                                              Many industries have online discussion forums. Post
overlooked. Have an existing newsletter? Have in-store          Gang up with another blogger to collaborate on a story.

A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
a note informing the forum members about your new               one wins.

blog. Be sure to respect the forum’s rules of ettiquette
                                                                Search engines use inbound links as a method of deter-
                                                                mining a site’s authority (more inbound links = ‘this guy

Email:                                                          must know what he’s talking about’). So in addition to

Email is a big gun in your promotional arsenal. First,          the clickthrough traffic you’ll earn directly from the link,

inlcude a link to your blog in your email signature. Easy       you’ll be increasing your overall search engine place-

and effective.                                                  ment.

                                                                Join a network
Next, get in the habit of sending an email to bloggers

you respect when you write something particularly good.         There are a growing number of blog networks out there

While you can’t expect it, you may find that you get a link     to join. These networks offer exposure and recognition.

back to your site from theirs. Don’t overdue it though,         In some cases, membership bestowes a seal of approval.

and be sure to thank anyone who links into your site.           Do a search for “blog network” for more information.

SEO:                                                            Submit stories to social book-
                                                                marking sites
Search engine optimization is a black art. Getting into

it is way beyond the scope of this guide. Suffice it to say     Sites like,, del.ico.usand others

that search engines like blogs. A lot. Notice that more         can send massive amounts of traffic your way. Study the

and more blogs are showing up in search returns? It’s           submitting rules before diving in. Some sites don’t allow

only the start. Check out the links at the back for some        you to submit your own stuff, others encourage it.

great sites on SEO.
                                                                Quality Content:
Link link link:                                                 Offer great content, and you’ll build your traffic.

Links are the heart of the web. Use your email to politely
                                                                Offer crappy content, and all the traffic building tech-
and respectfully ask bloggers you respect to exchange
                                                                niques in the world won’t help.
links. You link to their site, they link to your site. Every-

A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
How do I make money from this thing?
                                                                                                                         been accepted into the program, you can link to any item

                                                                                                                         in amazon’s massive catalog. You’ll earn a commission

                                                                                                                         for each sale made as a result of a customer following

                                                                                                                         your link. The payoff isn’t huge, but with decent traffic it

 The big question: How does business blogging make me money?                                                             can add up.

 Am I going to get rich from this like that guy making a million bucks                                                   This doesn’t have the stigma that other types of advertis-
 a year from his blog?                                                                                                   ing have, provided the items linked to are relevant to the

                                                                                                                         overall blog.

                                                                                                                         Indirect revenue:
                                                                                                                         This is what business blogging is really all about. You
Blogging for business can help you earn revenue in three    monthly hosting costs. There are some bloggers earning
                                                                                                                         may be able to cover your hosting costs and buy a few
ways:                                                       large paycheques for their blogging efforts. But they are
                                                                                                                         fancy coffees with your ad revenue, but you can make a
Direct revenue:                                                                                                          real impact to your bottom line through new business,
Online advertising is beyond the scope of this guide.       A word of caution about ads: some think that ads don’t       new markets, more loyal customers, and unexpected
However, I want to quickly introduce the concept, and       really belong on business blogging sites. It’s going to be   opportunities.
throw a caveat into the mix.                                up to you of course. But consider the potential downside
                                                                                                                         The potential here is limited only by your ambition.
                                                            as well as the relatively small upside.
Putting ads on your blog is an incredibly easy thing to
do. Services like Google’s adsense take about 10 minutes    Sponsorship is another way to earn direct revenue. Are
                                                                                                                         Finally, blogs offer the writer an opportunity to create
to sign up for and implement. These link ads earn you a     there any suppliers in your industry who would sponsor
                                                                                                                         new products that can offer long-term passive income.
small commission each time a reader clicks through to       your efforts?
                                                                                                                         Examples include e-books, online training courses,
the advertiser’s site. The payout per link can range from
                                                            In addition to ads, you can earn revenue by selling          reports, and much, much more.
$2 to $.02 depending on the subject matter.
                                                            products. The prime example is’s affili-
                                                                                                                         What’s more, blogging itself can be the catalyst for some
It doesn’t take much traffic for ads to cover your blog’s   ate program. Like google’s adsense, you can be up and
                                                                                                                         of your ideas to morph into products.
                                                            running in a very short time. Once you’ve signed up and

A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
Next Steps

 Ok, so you’re in. What do you do next? The options are frustratingly
 vast, and the market increasingly crowded.

This is where I don my salesmans’ hat for the briefest        That’s it - salesman hat is now off and saftely back in the

of moments. I sincerely belive that business blogging         hat box for safe keeping. In the links section that follows,

can help your business. I also sincerely believe that I can   I’ve included some terrific resources if you choose to go

help you identify, plan for, and meet your goals much         it on your own.

more quickly than you could do on your own. It’s a mat-
                                                              Whatever you choose, I wish you all the success in the
ter of specialization and experience.
                                                              world. Blogging is an incredibly rich experience. One

I hope this document will have given you a sense that I       learns so much. And in the end, it’s really fun.

know a thing or two about blogging for business. What
                                                              Thank you very much for reading all the way through. As
it doesn’t really show is that I also know a thing or two
                                                              I mentioned up front, this is an ever changing and up-
about designing beautiful, elegant, fast loading, and ef-
                                                              dating guide. If you have any comments or suggestions,
fective web sites. I’d be incredibly honored if you would
                                                              please send them to me directly at
consider my services for your next web project. You
can view my latest work online at www.theblogstudio.


A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |




                                                                                                        Understanding Social Networking


Free Blog Software                                 Blog News              

Licensed Platforms                                 Blog Terminology                                     Blog Networks     
                                                   Blog Marketing and Tips
Hosted Services                                                                             


A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |

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Guide To Business Blogging V2

  • 1.
  • 2. Table of Conents Preface 3 Introduction 4 What is it? 6 Why Blog? 7 Plan plan plan, then plan 9 What Should I Write? 12 If You Built it, They Will Come (NOT!) 14 How do I Make Money From This Thing? 16 A Guide To Business Blogging is copyright 2007 by The Next Steps 17 Blog Studio. This is an ever evolving guide. As such, it’s Links and Resources 18 not completely fleshed out, and still a bit rough around the edges. The advice contained herein has worked very well for me and several of my clients. That being said, there’s no guarantee it will work for you. A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
  • 3. Preface: sphere has become a crowded place, and a good design has become de-riguer. Note that design means how something works, not how it looks. I’m not talking about graphics. I’m talking about layout, content hierarchy, and usability. Graphics count of course, but you can get by without them. You cannot get by without design. What’s changed since the first edition? The other big changes are media and social sites. It’s become extremely easy to integrate video and audio into your blog posts. These are both very effective ways to build strong ties with your audience. I spend a bit of What’s changed since the first edition of this guide? A holds up today. What’s more, as sanity has slowly spread time examining what you should consider in the Plan- lot! When I wrote the first edition of this guide way way over the blogosphere, the concept of planning a busi- ning section of the guide. back in ‘05, business blogging was a new pursuit. Few ness blog has become the norm, not the wild exception people had heard of blogs, and fewer still of using them it was when I typed this up. In other words, business Social sites like Digg have also changed the playing field, for business. The blogosphere was a brash, wild place, blogging has matured. It’s not quite the seat of the pants especially when it comes to promoting your site. It’s littered with schemes and snake oil salesmen offering learn as you go free for all it was a couple of years ago. now possible to go from no traffic to huge traffic in a reams of contradictory advice. I wrote this guide to give a There are precedents now. As a whole, the business end very short period of time. I’ll outline how, and point to top down look at the practical decisions a business blog- of the blogosphere has figured out what works and what resources for learning more. ger should make before a post is ever written. I wanted doesn’t. to give an insight into the planning process I had used to What hasn’t changed in all of this is the incredible effec- launch quite a few successful blogs on behalf of myself Design has finally been recognized as a key component tiveness of blogging for business. To this day, all of my and my clients. of a business blog. As I say elsewhere in this guide, you new business comes in via blogging. There are hundreds can be a successful business blogger without a custom of thousands of similar success stories out there. I hope Every word that I wrote about planning and strategy design. But it sure makes it more difficult. The blogo- this guide helps you to become one of them! A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
  • 4. Introduction: encompass a couple of subjects I’m particularly inter- ested in - branding, brain science, design and business. My audience grew from a few readers per day to a few hundred. And suddenly I was getting work enquiries and requests to contribute to other publications. Some Why oh why does the world need another book on blogging? of those guest writing gigs led to more work, which led to more work... Seven months after I started my blog, I left my full time job to concentrate on my burgeoning freelance business. Why indeed! Why don’t I just put together a list of links Blogging has allowed me to connect with an incredible What’s more (and this is more important) is that the to existing articles?” I wonder to myself., not for the first network of clients, suppliers, and collaborators. Virtually work I’m doing now is EXACTLY the kind of work I love time. all of my new business comes via my blogs, and almost to do. By simply sharing my passion for design, brand- all of it was completely unexpected. In and of itself, that’s not a bad plan. I’ve included a list ing and blogging, I’ve built a busy practice doing what I of links to articles for further reading at the end of the I started blogging in October 2004. I built my first blog love to do. And you can too. guide. (at, still alive and kicking today) in an It was never my intention to blog for business. I just effort to learn the tools and to simply experiment with But the articles lack a certain cohesiveness, and a wrote about topics of interest to me. It was a purely self- design. I decided early on that my audience would be unifying sense of humour. Most miss or skim the most ish exercise in exploring my passions. Which is probably my close peers - other designers venturing out onto the important step in setting up a successful business blog: why my view of what business blogging is and what it blogosphere for the first time. My posts were basically planning. can do is a bit different than some others. tutorials on software and design. My own experience with blogging has been nothing Conventional business blogging wisdom is full of rules. By posting a couple of messages on relevant forums and short of revolutionary. Blogging has completely changed Post X number of times per week. Talk about this, but commenting on other’s blogs, I began to attract a small, my business and my life. And I think my experience has don’t talk about that. Allow comments. Don’t allow com- regular readership. Over the weeks, my focus shifted to some value. I’d like to share that with you. ments. Keep your posts short. Make your posts long. A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
  • 5. directly at I’ve kept this guide as short as I can, so you can read it and get on with your life. My intention for writing this is to encourage you to blog. Hopefully, you’ll choose to do so. If you do, I hope you’ll consider choosing to use some Write with passion on topics you are passionate about. of the services The Blog Studio offers. We’re here to help you reach your blogging goals. About the author: Peter Flaschner (that’s me) is My direct experience tells me that a different set of rules So I’ve decided to go ahead and just write this thing. a designer with a keen interest will determine your business blogging success. This This guide is aimed at a reader who is contemplating in branding, marketing, and highly simplistic rule set reads as follows: entereing the business blogging fray. If you’re already all things business. His formal blogging, you may find the content useful, but I’m not training is in marketing and graphic design. Before ven- Write with passion on topics you are passionate about. aiming directly at you. Regardless of your experience, the turing forth into the wonderful world of the web, Peter That’s it. resources and links at the end of the guide will be help- was the owner/manager of a multimillion dollar per year ful (and dare I say it - fun), chain of sporting good stores. Before that, he worked We blog people tend to get a bit caught up in the IM- as an advertising executive on a couple of national ac- PORTANCE and POWER of blogs. We get all evangelical The version you are reading today is the second edition. counts. He’s experienced design first as a consumer, and somewhat nutty discussing the potential blogs have Like software, it’s being released in versions. I do not then a client, and finally as a designer himself. for businesses and the people who run them. The reason need to tell you how fast information changes online. we do this is pretty simple: we’ve seen it work. And like In essence that means that it’s a bit rough around the When he isn’t in front of his computer or meeting with true belivers everywhere, we want to tell everyone we edges. Some of the sections aren’t complete (probably his clients, you can find Peter hard at play with his two meet about our brilliant find. never will be!), and the editing still has a ways to go. girls, or riding his ridiculously expensive bicycle. If you have any suggestions, please send them to me A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
  • 6. What is it? The dreaded question! Ask 100 people, get 100 answers. For the purpose of this document, a blog is a website that is regularly concepts, you have to live with this one for a bit before it updated with content, usually around a central topic. really sinks in. Suffice it to say it’s a huge component in blogging’s effectiveness. And Business Blogging is? A Content Management System? That’s really all there is to it. A blog is a website, just Business blogging is blogging done for business. What like any other site out there. It usually has some added that means depends on the business you’re in, your A content management system is a program that allows functionality, like the ability to send your content out (so goals, and your personality. you to easily update your website without having to your readers don’t have to check to see if you’ve updated worry about mucking around in code. Most CMS’s use One very effective business blog tracks industry news. the site), an easy to update back end system, automated familiar word processor like interfaces, allowing you to Another offers commentary on targeted world events. archives, usually the ability to categorize information. easily input and format your text. Another discusses a daughter’s teenage rebellion. A blog can be your only web presence, it can be a second- Many modern CMS’s include the ability to push your Each of these is a business blog, in that its primary (or ary web presence, or it can be integrated into your exist- content out to users who have subscribed to your site. secondary) intent is to achieve one or more business ing web presence. In fact, using a blog platform to power This means that your readers don’t have to come to you goals. your entire web site is easy and extremely cost-effective. when you update your site. They’ll automatically be For example, The Blog Studio site is completely powered There are as many business blogs and business blogging notified when you’ve written a new post. This simple by Expression Engine, a low cost, easy to use, well sup- strategies as there are business goals. How you acheive little thing - called RSS for Really Simple Syndication - is ported content management system. those goals is irrelevant to the definition. completely revolutionary. Like many paradigm shifting A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
  • 7. Why blog? Because it works. I suppose this deserves some elaboration. But when you get to the heart of the matter, blogging just works. Often very well. But is it for me? A couple of columns over, I wrote “I can’t think of a case where blogging wouldn’t help a business in some way or another”. That’s true. What I neglected to mention • Want to build top of mind awareness for you, Blogs are a terrific way to promote yourself and your however is that blogging can carry a terrific cost. It may your products or your services? business. Unless you’re a corporate spy, I can’t think of very well not make sense for all businesses - the return • Want to show the world you’re not afraid of a case where blogging wouldn’t help your business in on investment may be too small to warrant the time and innovation? some way or another. effort involved. • Want to strengthen and promote your brand? • Have a product to sell? • Want to quickly and easily poll your best How do you determine if it’s right for you? It depends on • Have a service to offer? customers? your business sector, your business goals, your current • Want to establish or promote yourself as an • Want to control your own press releases? marketing, and your future plans. In order to successful- authority? • Want to be engaged in a conversation about ly answer this, we’ve got to go through a series of steps. • Want to reach an active, passionate consumer your company? This is very similar to the process we use in our consult- base? • Want to form long lasting, positive relation- ing sessions. Obviously, I can’t duplicate a 3 hour session • Want to build an emotive network with your ships with your readers? in a couple of paragraphs, but I’ll outline the process I’d audience? use to help you determine if business blogging makes • Want to leverage your existing customer base sense for you. to spread your message? 7 A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
  • 8. Step One: Identify General Goals One of the major ways the is more precious than money, consider outsourcing the setup and design of the blog, the creation of new con- blogosphere has changed since I What are your overall business goals? tent, the promotion/marketing, or ongoing maintenance. wrote this guide back in 2005 is Which of those goals can blogging help you achieve? the speed with which a blog can The design of your blog is one of the most effective tools Blogs are very effective at: develop traffic. Blog readership at your disposal when it comes to speeding up results. spreading a message has gone way up, and with it, the Good design is arresting - it graps the readers attention establishing authority ability to earn quality traffic. Social and leads her through your content. With bad design, connecting groups of interested readers bookmarking sites like your blog is just one more not so hot result in a google networking and Digg can send HUGE traffic search. Worse, it may discredit the content itself. giving a brand a human face your way. Learn how to use these reaching a wide audience amazing resources. getting exposure Step Three: Establish Blogging Goals How important are those particular goals to your overall Knowing your businesses’ goals, and knowing what goal? ie how much weight should you give to what blog- blogs are capable of, we can set realistic online and of- ging can do for you? fline targets. It’s important to identify specific, mea- Number of downloads of a white paper Step Two: Resource Analysis surable goals, so that you can manage and tweak your Number of times an article is referenced by others efforts. Which is more valuable to you at the moment: time or Step Four: Develop Time/Cost Esti- money? Measurable goals include: mate Be honest. Blogging takes time to achieve results. The How much investment will it require to achieve your Reach (number of unique visits) exception to this case is where a company has a good blogging goals? How much impact will this have on your Stickiness (length of a visit) sized advertising program in place it can leverage to overall business goals? With these questions answered, Number of comments create blog visitors. Blogging is one of those tools where it becomes pretty clear whether blogging is a good use of Number of subscribers to your site throwing money at it can speed up your results. If time your resources. Number of subscribers to an email newsletter A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
  • 9. Plan, plan, plan, then plan different strategy all together. Think about this stuff carefully. You want to make your site as useful for your target audience as you can. But Take a couple of hours up front to dramatically shorten your learning you need to balance content and screen real-estate. Make curve, improve your odds of success, and make the process much your site too busy, and people will flee. Guaranteed. more fun and rewarding. 3. Technology plan This is tricky. This section could be a book unto itself. Let’s start macro and work down from there. Blogs use a type of software to manage all the magic that 2. Info plan Knowing what you’re going to say, how often you’ll be happens behind the scenes. A blog, like every web site, saying it, and what other kind of content you’ll want to Other than your posts, what other type of information needs to be hosted somewhere, ie it needs a home. There include - audio, video, pictures, pdf documents - will will you share on your blog? You contact info? Link to are two approaches one can take. make setting up your blog a relative breeze. This be- your other site? What about a list of your most popular comes especially apparent when we get to the technologi- posts, or links to various categories of posts? How about The first is to go the all-in-one route. Services like Type- cal part of the process. links to other sites of interest? pad offer hosting and blog software in one easy to use (and easy to pay) service. See the resources list at the end We can break planning down into a number of catego- Your overall blogging goals may influence some of these for my recommendations. ries. decisions. If you’re trying to capture your readers’ atten- tion for as long as possible, you’ll want to make your site The other is to arrange your own hosting, and install 1. Content plan as sticky as possible. This means including all kinds of your own software (or have someone *cough* The Blog What are you going to say? How often will you be saying internal links to other posts. Studio *cough*) do it for you. it? How long will your posts be? Think this through. Knowing this up front may make certain decisions easier On the other hand, you may want to get your visitors off Going the roll your own route can be a fair bit less as you progress. your blog and onto your other site. That will require a A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
  • 10. expensive, but is not for the techno-phobic. It’s not hard are open source projects, and are available at no cost. blog design. To understand my reasons for doing so, we to do, but it does require some specialized knowledge. Others, like Expression Engine and Movable Type have have to first look at the concept of BRAND, then at the The advantages though are many - integration with your reasonable license fees (usally under $300 for a very importance of layout. existing site, ability to mix different types of content, the robust, supported system). There are a couple of factors First, a BRAND is not a logo. It’s not a company’s letter ability to upload different types of files (podcasts, videos, that affect why you’d choose one over the other. One head, nor is it a sign on a door. A company’s brand ex- you name it), the ability to fully customize the look and of the key considerations is your own level of technical ists in the minds of its staff, customers, suppliers, and feel of your site... The list goes on and on. kung-fu. Do you want to see all the whirring gears and prospects. It’s the sum of the experiences one has with mechanics, or do you want the simple to use control The biggest drawback to going the all-in-one route a company, and the expectation that certain events or panel to click through? relates to your brand. For better or worse, Typepad and experiences will be met. its competitors (,, et al) use If the thought of touching html makes you squirm, go A blog is a hugely powerful branding tool. If branding templates that are particularly difficult to customize to with one of the hosted services. and is important to your company, care must be taken to en- your branding needs. This alone makes it an untenable offer a free basic blog to anyone. My recom- sure your blog and your brand jive. Failing to do so can solution in many cases. mendation is, as it will give you some seriously jeopardize your existing efforts. Why? Reading features not available on, including the abil- What Typepad et al do offer is a very quick and easy way and responding to blogs is a very personal experience. ity to categorize your posts. to get going. It’s intimate in a way that reading a newspaper ad isn’t. If you know your way around basic html, you can’t go It’s an ongoing experience, re-inforced time and again. The Blog Studio runs on a product called Expression wrong with either WordPress or Expression Engine. Engine. This reasonably priced program is fast, well sup- So design is important from a brand perspective. But Other notables in the open source Textpattern, or the ported, and incredibly powerful. We also use a fantatic its also important from a communication perspective. previously mentioned Movable Type. open source bit of software called WordPress quite a lot. Non-verbal communications play a massive part of face 4. Design to face or voice to voice conversations. In print or on the Choosing blogging software can be a bit daunting. There I think it goes without saying that I have some rather web, its up to a layout designer to interpret and support a are quite a few options available. Some, like WordPress strong opinions when it comes to the importance of writer’s intentions. 10 A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
  • 11. This is hard enough to do in a magazine with a month- can you do to lead your reader to your desired outcome? After determining that blogging makes sense for them, long lead time. Trying to accomplish the same thing on many make the move to a professionally designed site. As a blog designer, a lot of my time is spent working out an ever changing blog is tough. But not impossible. Your these details. They’re never the same twice, as no two Frankly, this makes a lot of sense. Assuming you do one investment with your business blog will be significant, sites have identical reasons for being. simple thing right off the bat. Use your own domain if not in cash then in time. Investing in a good design name. You don’t want to get stuck with a subdomain shows the world that you are serious about your content There are a number of design options available to you. from your blogging provider. It will make moving your and serious about your business. These range from full custom design to pre-made tem- blog later a pain in the rear if you fail to do this now. plates to some combination of the two. Design is ultimately about the way something works, not There are all kinds of other benefits to having your own about how it looks. The look is part of the package, but is domain name. But this one alone is worth it. Having a professional blog designed will run somewhere certainly not the whole. The great majority of your site’s between $1500 and $5000. value will come from its content. With your specific goals Don’t get me wrong. One can achieve blogging greatness in mind, you need to determine the content hierarchy. without spending a penny. In my experience, many busi- What will go at the top of the page? What gets secondary ness bloggers start out with one of the hosted options. billing? What can you do expose archived content? What 11 A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
  • 12. What should I write? starts blogging, a frequent schedule makes good sense. You’ll want to build traffic and your archives. Aim for three posts a week, for at least 3 months. This will give you a terrific base to build on, and will allow you time to develop your style. Forgive me for saying this, but it depends. One thing remains con- stant though: write with passion and the readers you want will find Each of us brings something different to our blogging you and stick around. approach. Some use humour, some stick to the facts. Some rant and rail. One’s own style takes time to de- velop. Be patient, and you will discover your own. Write for readers who skim Blog content falls under two basic categories: reporting dustry niche will already be full of reporting blogs. There Readers skim online content. Study after study shows and creating. are only so many stories to report on, after all. Creating that online reading habits differ quite greatly from of- new content is a noble endeavor. It’s the most effective A reporting blog links to other stories of interest. Every fline reading. Failing to take this into account will only way to show your expertise and to build a following. industry has a couple of these sites. They are generally frustrate you and alienate your readers. The web abounds with tips and rules on The Proper Way useful, and usually quite easy to manage. The site owner In order to make skimming work for you instead of to Write a Blog Entry. Read them if you wish. But don’t will read a bunch of industry related sites, and link to the against you, do the following: best or most relevant articles for that period. pay them too much heed. Write what you like, as often as you like. Your posting schedule is going to depend on Use short, punchy sentences and paragraphs Depending on the number and effectiveness of com- your overall goals. If you want to reach a wide audience, Use humour to hook your readers petitive reporting sites in your industry, this may be a you’d be well advised to post a couple of times a week. Use headings and bold important words freely worthwhile approach. These sites can generate huge If you want to talk to a narrow target base, you may only Use keywords throughout your posts traffic numbers. If you know your stuff, and are on top of need to post when you have something worth saying. Use a professionally designed template your game, this might be the way to go. Posting strategies can change over time too. When one Creating new content is the other option. Often, an in- 1 A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
  • 13. What SHOULDN’T I write? that blogs are conversations between people. Writing (or A word on the spirit of blogging: speaking) in an informal tone is a very effective way to Don’t write anything you’ll regret. Better - write it, but Blogging works because it is open and honest. Try bypass your readers’ B.S. detectors, and to connect with don’t post it. Read it over the next day, or have a trusted to lie, cheat, or cover something up, and you will be the real person. friend look over it before hitting the post button. Some- caught. Everytime. Maybe not right away, but it will thing posted on the internet is around FOREVER. happen. This is not to say that you can fool your readers by adopting fake colloquialism. Authenticity is key, as false How much personal information you choose to share Trust is the cornerstone of a blogger’s success. Be cameraderie will shine through. Write in your own may well be part of your blogging strategy. In some careful with your online persona - it’s the only face voice. Blog readers expect it, and the success of your blog cases, revealing peronal information may be beneficial to you have to your readers. depends on it. acheiving your goals. Blog readers read your site to see what you have to say. Causing a bit of controversy may also be part of your Not your company. You. strategy. Causing a stir is an easy thing to do, once your readership is established. Use keywords in your post titles Whatever you do, write with passion. Nothing else will guarantee your success. Nothing. Don’t lie - you will get caught. Guaranteed. Keywords are incredibly important for a number of Keep on message What if I’m a terrible writer? reasons. First, they have a direct impact on your search engine performance. Second, they help your readers Keep on message - most of the time. We want to hear Talk it out! Or act it out! Use video or audio instead of focus. Internet users skim copy looking for key words or what you think about a subject in your area of expertise. the written word. Websites like and YouTube. phrases relevant to their needs. Your keywords will relate Occasionally though, it can be a good practice to throw com make it ridiculously easy to create, store, and share directly to your blog’s purpose. For example, on The Blog something completely unrelated into the mix. Give us audio and video online. Studio blog, I try to repeat the keywords “blog design” at a review of a movie your saw or a book you read. We What about tone? least once per post. This helps google identify the gist of want to do business with people we like. Give me some my content, and quickly tells new readers what the site insight into your personality. But just a bit. There’s a lot of talk about the conversational tone of it about. blogs. Part of their effectiveness stems from the fact 1 A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
  • 14. IF you build it, they will come (NOT!) You’ll share each other’s traffic, and probably attract some outside attention while you’re at it. Guest writing: Offer to fill in for a vacationing blogger. You’ll be exposed Instant gratification is one thing I can guarantee will not happen. to a whole new audience. Business blogging takes time and effort. Odds are it will take a Existing site: couple of months before you see any return on your hard work. Like offline promotions, this is so obvious is gets over- looked. Have an existing site? But a big fat link on the home page to your new blog. Instant traffic. Comments: Depressing? Well no, not really. Along the way to your signage? Is there a targeted industry publication you first new contract, you will have made a number of new can place a small ad in? Blogs are big attention getters. There is no more effective method for building targeted and valuable contacts. You’ll find a network of like-mind- They‘re still new. Tell people you have one, and they’ll traffic than by posting intelligent, relevant comments at ed people you didn’t know existed. check it out. other sites. When you leave a comment, you usually have the option of including your site’s address in the URL Contributions: You’ll also experience the Whoa! Factor - that’s the point field. This turns your credit at the end of the comment where a new opportunity comes up via your blog in a Submit your best posts to one or more the ‘Carnivals’ into a link back to your site. Write something intelligent, way you didn’t see coming. This happens to every single that move around the net. These are open best-of-the- and people will click your name to find out more about blogger out there. web collections. Anyone can submit an entry. They’re you. I’ll outline a couple of strategies for building traffic that great tools for finding new readers (and new writers to When I was first building traffic to my site, this was I’ve used to success in building my business blog. follow). Do a google search for ‘Blog Carnival’, and you’ll incredibly effective at building long term readers. find tons of info. Offline promotion: Forums: Collaborations: This one gets a “doh!”. It’s so obvious, yet so often Many industries have online discussion forums. Post overlooked. Have an existing newsletter? Have in-store Gang up with another blogger to collaborate on a story. 1 A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
  • 15. a note informing the forum members about your new one wins. blog. Be sure to respect the forum’s rules of ettiquette Search engines use inbound links as a method of deter- though. mining a site’s authority (more inbound links = ‘this guy Email: must know what he’s talking about’). So in addition to Email is a big gun in your promotional arsenal. First, the clickthrough traffic you’ll earn directly from the link, inlcude a link to your blog in your email signature. Easy you’ll be increasing your overall search engine place- and effective. ment. Join a network Next, get in the habit of sending an email to bloggers you respect when you write something particularly good. There are a growing number of blog networks out there While you can’t expect it, you may find that you get a link to join. These networks offer exposure and recognition. back to your site from theirs. Don’t overdue it though, In some cases, membership bestowes a seal of approval. and be sure to thank anyone who links into your site. Do a search for “blog network” for more information. SEO: Submit stories to social book- marking sites Search engine optimization is a black art. Getting into it is way beyond the scope of this guide. Suffice it to say Sites like,, del.ico.usand others that search engines like blogs. A lot. Notice that more can send massive amounts of traffic your way. Study the and more blogs are showing up in search returns? It’s submitting rules before diving in. Some sites don’t allow only the start. Check out the links at the back for some you to submit your own stuff, others encourage it. great sites on SEO. Quality Content: Link link link: Offer great content, and you’ll build your traffic. Links are the heart of the web. Use your email to politely Offer crappy content, and all the traffic building tech- and respectfully ask bloggers you respect to exchange niques in the world won’t help. links. You link to their site, they link to your site. Every- 1 A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
  • 16. How do I make money from this thing? been accepted into the program, you can link to any item in amazon’s massive catalog. You’ll earn a commission for each sale made as a result of a customer following your link. The payoff isn’t huge, but with decent traffic it The big question: How does business blogging make me money? can add up. Am I going to get rich from this like that guy making a million bucks This doesn’t have the stigma that other types of advertis- a year from his blog? ing have, provided the items linked to are relevant to the overall blog. Indirect revenue: This is what business blogging is really all about. You Blogging for business can help you earn revenue in three monthly hosting costs. There are some bloggers earning may be able to cover your hosting costs and buy a few ways: large paycheques for their blogging efforts. But they are fancy coffees with your ad revenue, but you can make a rare. Direct revenue: real impact to your bottom line through new business, Online advertising is beyond the scope of this guide. A word of caution about ads: some think that ads don’t new markets, more loyal customers, and unexpected However, I want to quickly introduce the concept, and really belong on business blogging sites. It’s going to be opportunities. throw a caveat into the mix. up to you of course. But consider the potential downside The potential here is limited only by your ambition. as well as the relatively small upside. Putting ads on your blog is an incredibly easy thing to Passive: do. Services like Google’s adsense take about 10 minutes Sponsorship is another way to earn direct revenue. Are Finally, blogs offer the writer an opportunity to create to sign up for and implement. These link ads earn you a there any suppliers in your industry who would sponsor new products that can offer long-term passive income. small commission each time a reader clicks through to your efforts? Examples include e-books, online training courses, the advertiser’s site. The payout per link can range from In addition to ads, you can earn revenue by selling reports, and much, much more. $2 to $.02 depending on the subject matter. products. The prime example is’s affili- What’s more, blogging itself can be the catalyst for some It doesn’t take much traffic for ads to cover your blog’s ate program. Like google’s adsense, you can be up and of your ideas to morph into products. running in a very short time. Once you’ve signed up and 1 A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
  • 17. Next Steps Ok, so you’re in. What do you do next? The options are frustratingly vast, and the market increasingly crowded. This is where I don my salesmans’ hat for the briefest That’s it - salesman hat is now off and saftely back in the of moments. I sincerely belive that business blogging hat box for safe keeping. In the links section that follows, can help your business. I also sincerely believe that I can I’ve included some terrific resources if you choose to go help you identify, plan for, and meet your goals much it on your own. more quickly than you could do on your own. It’s a mat- Whatever you choose, I wish you all the success in the ter of specialization and experience. world. Blogging is an incredibly rich experience. One I hope this document will have given you a sense that I learns so much. And in the end, it’s really fun. know a thing or two about blogging for business. What Thank you very much for reading all the way through. As it doesn’t really show is that I also know a thing or two I mentioned up front, this is an ever changing and up- about designing beautiful, elegant, fast loading, and ef- dating guide. If you have any comments or suggestions, fective web sites. I’d be incredibly honored if you would please send them to me directly at consider my services for your next web project. You can view my latest work online at www.theblogstudio. com/portfolio 17 A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |
  • 18. Links nessbranding_blo/ Motivation Understanding Social Networking ers/ Free Blog Software Blog News Inspriration Licensed Platforms Blog Terminology Blog Networks Blog Marketing and Tips Hosted Services 1 A Guide to Business Blogging | ©007 The Blog Studio | |