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Sustainable Business
                                                                                            Green Technology
Monday November 12 2012                                                                   |

Stronger                                                                                                                                                                                                            Inside »
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Cement works
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    One company’s

political will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    waste can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    become another’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    raw material
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 2

is needed to                                                                                                                                                                                                        Reduce, reuse,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The best things

meet goals
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    will come in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    smaller packages
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    China focus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Beijing mounts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    push for more
Governments, businesses and NGOs have to                                                                                                                                                                            energy from
collaborate if they are to reverse the world’s                                                                                                                                                                      renewables
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 2
environmental problems, says Sarah Murray                                           Storm damage: New Jersey after hurricane Sandy, which some hope will revive the topic of climate change in the US     Reuters

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Joint initiatives

          s US citizens and agencies      dence of shifts in the world’s weather    until Sandy propelled it back on to         to invest in clean technology.           and types of companies that are likely
          embark on rebuilding dam-       patterns emerges, this will drive         the agenda.                                    Much of the funding is being chan-    to make the biggest commercial             bring benefits
          aged infrastructure in the      investment in green technologies –          Despite the lack of political will, not   nelled into clean energy – products      impact in the next five to 10 years.       Companies link
          wake of hurricane Sandy’s       those that not only help prevent          all is gloom when it comes to green         and services designed to reduce             In this year’s report, while the
          devastation, debates will no    climate change by reducing green-         technology. National governments            energy consumption and increase the      number of solar companies on the list      forces to educate
doubt emerge on how best to protect
against future storms. But while
                                          house gas emissions but that also
                                          minimise the effects of climate warm-
                                                                                    are finding ways to foster the develop-
                                                                                    ment of the sector and, in the US
                                                                                                                                proportion of renewable fuels in the
                                                                                                                                power supply. Nimble start-up compa-
                                                                                                                                                                         is down 40 per cent since 2009, energy
                                                                                                                                                                         efficiency has 22 companies on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    each other
upgrading power, transport and other      ing and extreme weather events.           many local, regional and city adminis-      nies are driving many of the innova-     list, up from 15 in 2010.                  Page 3
systems is part of the answer, the           On the global policy front, however,   trations are doing the same. Mean-          tions. Examples range from US-based         The report’s authors say companies
clean up may also prompt policy mak-      consensus is weak. This year’s Rio+20     while, the private sector continues         Aquion Energy, which has developed       are increasingly seeking answers to
ers to consider the role of green tech-   summit must have come as a disap-                                                     advanced battery systems based on        immediate, specific problems rather        Energy
nology in building climate resilience.    pointment to those in the clean tech                                                  ambient-temperature sodium-ion tech-     than investing in longer-term develop-
  The extent to which climate change      sector. At the summit – so named                                                      nology, to Nualight, an Irish producer   ments with less certain goals. “This       Carbon capture is
is to blame for Sandy is unclear. A       because it was held 20 years after the    Nimble start-up                             of energy-efficient display lights for   leads to a lower tolerance for technol-    an opportunity ripe
convergence of meteorological factors     first 1992 Rio Earth Summit – few new     companies are driving                       grocery stores that use LEDs (light      ogy risk and/or a lower tolerance for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    for exploitation but
could have created such a storm, even     national commitments were made and                                                    emitting diodes).                        the big bet,” writes Cleantech Group’s
without climate warming. But rising       previous targets were watered down.       many of the innovations in                     Both are among those on the 2012      Richard Youngman in the report.            incentives are few
sea levels will increase the impact of
storms, particularly in coastal areas.
                                             In the world’s largest economy, few
                                          US politicians have been willing to
                                                                                    the clean tech sector                       Global Cleantech 100 Companies, a
                                                                                                                                list put together by the Cleantech
                                                                                                                                                                            Nevertheless, investment in clean
                                                                                                                                                                         energy continues, rising to a record       Page 4
  Many hope that as stronger evi-         broach the topic of climate change                                                    Group that takes stock of companies                         Continued on Page 3
2                                                                                                    ★                                                                                                              FINANCIAL TIMES MONDAY NOVEMBER 12 2012

                                                                          Sustainable Business Green Technology

Matching up                                                                                                                                                                                           Put heads
companies is a                                                                                                                                                                                        together for
move to a world                                                                                                                                                                                       clean thinking
without waste
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Outside the US, cross-sec-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Incubators                      tor partnerships are emerg-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ing to establish clean tech
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Sarah Murray finds              incubators. In February, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                      sectors joining forces          Carbon Trust, a govern-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ment-backed          advisory
                                                                                                                                                                                                      to drive innovation             group, and General Electric
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      announced the setting up of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      a $5m business incubator
                                                                                                                                                                                                      After plugging a device         fund designed to help Euro-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      called the modlet into elec-    pean companies develop
                                                                                                                                                                                                      trical outlets, people in       low-carbon in technologies.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      homes and offices can cut         “We’re beginning to see
                                                                                                                                                                                                      wasted energy by managing       for the first time incubators
Cement One company’s refuse is another’s                                                                                                                                                              appliances not in use
                                                                                                                                                                                                      remotely via the web.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      not just being created by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      private companies that
raw material, writes Sarah Murray                                                                                                                                                                     ThinkEco, which developed
                                                                                                                                                                                                      the modlet, did so from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      compete with the incuba-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      tors from government but
                                                                                                                                                                                                      within the walls of the NYC     actually joining up the

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Acre, one of a growing          two,” says Mr Reilly.
              ith extremely high tem-       cement made with less clinker                                                                                                                             number of incubators dedi-        For start-ups, incubators
              peratures required to         reduces the fuel needed to power the                                                                                                                      cated to the development of     offer a range of services,
              heat    the   limestone,      kilns. Meanwhile, cement that has a                                                                                                                       clean tech businesses.          from physical space and
              cement is a product with      lower proportion of clinker has gener-                                                                                                                       For the start-ups in the     support services, to access
              a heavy carbon foot-          ated fewer emissions related to the                                                                                                                       portfolio of NYC Acre (the      to professional services,
print. However, as companies start to       chemical decomposition of limestone.                                                                                                                      New York City Accelerator       expertise and introductions
use more industrial waste and renew-           A range of materials can be used to                                                                                                                    for a Clean and Renewable       to funders: “And maybe
able energy in cement production,           replace clinker. These include active                                                                                                                     Economy) a strong focus is      most importantly, commu-
some believe the sector could become        minerals derived from industrial waste                                                                                                                    the development of technol-     nity,” says Mr Kotch.
a leader in “industrial symbiosis”          – such as slag from steel mills and fly                                                                                                                   ogies that address energy         However, that community
(where one company’s refuse becomes         ash, a byproduct of power plant coal                                                                                                                      use in the urban environ-       can also be a virtual one,
another’s raw material), accelerating       combustion – as well as naturally                                                                                                                         ment. “We want to help          argues Mr Esty. His state is
progress towards a zero-waste world.        active materials such as volcanic ash.                                                                                                                    drive innovation at scale       launching an advanced
  Manufacturing clinker – which tra-           The potential for cement production                                                                                                                    and New York with its 1m        energy      innovation    hub
ditionally makes up about 90 per cent       to use industrial waste is substantial.      Heavy footprint:      through     the   fuel   substitution.      materials in cement could influence        buildings is a huge mar-        located at the University of
of cement – is the most energy-inten-       For example, slag can be used both to        converting              Philippe Fonta, director of the           location selection when deciding           ket,” says Micah Kotch,         Connecticut, initially focus-
sive part of the product. This is partly    power the kilns and as a replacement         limestone to          WBCSD’s Cement Sustainability Initi-        where to build a cement plant.             operations director.            ing on the development of
because changing limestone to clinker       for clinker. And as well as powering         clinker needs         ative, cites the example of discarded         “We still have to supply a market,”         However, while clean tech    fuel cells.
needs temperatures of up to 1,500C,         their kilns with renewable energy,           temperatures of       tyres, which in some places are left in     says Mr Quintal. “But when choosing        incubators aim to use mar-        Although the hub is
which means burning large amounts           cement plants can turn anything from         up to 1,500C          dumps where they collect water and          between locations, one of the factors      ket forces to drive a cleaner   located at the university,
of fuel. An important step in reducing      waste wood and sewage sludge to old                                become breeding grounds for malaria-        to consider is the availability of and     economy, developing solu-       “the spokes will connect
cement’s carbon footprint will be to        tyres and plastics into fuel.                                      carrying mosquitoes. “If these used         access to other industry clusters and      tions that address issues       companies across the state
increase the energy efficiency of              “Our process allows us to use waste                             tyres are no longer abandoned but           take advantage of those and whatever       such as carbon emissions,       and outside the university,”
cement plants and find alternative          as fuel and integrate that into the                                eliminated by a cement plant, you           those clusters produce.”                   water consumption and           says Mr Esty.
fuels to power furnaces.                    product without any risk to health,”                               also have societal benefits,” he says.        Of course, with a legacy of existing     waste is different from fos-      Incubators can also pro-
  However, a second substantial             says Raul Quintal, director of opera-                                The technology behind this kind of        cement plants, it will take time before    tering information technol-     vide introductions to poten-
source of emissions comes from the          tions planning and performance, at                                 matchmaking, or coprocessing, is rela-      the industry can become fully inte-        ogy or biotech innovations      tial customers. For exam-
chemical conversion process itself,         Cemex, one of the world’s largest                                  tively well established. The bigger         grated with the waste management           in that it requires input       ple, through its links with
during which calcium carbonate is           cement producers.                                                  challenge, however, lies in creating        sector. And some materials are not         from a wide range of sec-       Con Edison, NY Acre was
extracted from the limestone, generat-         For those in the waste management                               the kinds of infrastructure and indus-      suitable for processing by the cement      tors and organisations.         able to facilitate a partner-
ing large amounts of carbon dioxide.        sector, cement kilns – with their high                             try collaborations that facilitate the      industry, including nuclear waste,            “People have understood      ship between the electricity
  “From a chemical standpoint, the          temperatures – provide a safe way of                               trading of waste between waste pro-         infectious medical waste, batteries        the technology involved in
process generates CO2 in addition to        destroying unwanted and often haz-                                 ducers and cement producers.                and untreated mixed municipal waste.       building cleaner solutions is
the burning of fuel,” explains Howard       ardous materials, helping solve public                               “[Coprocessing] is a pretty elegant         Moreover, for the cement sector to       a lot more complicated
Klee, former director of and adviser to     health and safety challenges.                                      piece of industrial ecology,” say Raj       become a key partner in the manage-        because it relies on combi-     ‘Private sector
the Cement Sustainability Initiative           In 1999, when the Belgian govern-                               Sapru, director of advisory services at     ment of waste, governments need to         nations of hardware, prod-      partners are game
at the World Business Council for           ment needed to dispose of thousands                                Business for Social Responsibility, a       formulate the right incentives.            uct design and product
Sustainable Development (WBCSD).            of tonnes of meal and fat from poten-                              US-based business association and             “To hit fast forward, there needs to     development,” says Colm         changers if you
  Increased plant and fuel efficiency
cannot address these emissions,
                                            tially contaminated animal products,
                                            it requisitioned cement plants, which
                                                                                                               advisory group. “But since it involves
                                                                                                               steel making and cement making, it
                                                                                                                                                           be more collaboration between busi-
                                                                                                                                                           ness, government and civil society,”
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Reilly, government and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      public sector expert at PA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      can get in to their
which means cement makers also              could guarantee the complete destruc-                              means a market has to exist.”               says Mr Sapru. “Cement is an ancient       Consulting.                     supply chain’
have to find alternatives to clinker.       tion of the contaminants in the kiln,                                As new facilities are planned, the        technology – it’s not about the tech-         As a result, when it
  This has a dual benefit. First,           while also reducing their emissions                                inherent efficiency in using waste          nology. It’s about the political will.”    comes to launching clean
                                                                                                                                                                                                      tech incubators, govern-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ments, academia and the         utility and ThinkEco to
                                                                                                                                                                                                      private sector are increas-     deploy modlets across New
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ingly forming partnerships.     York to help manage the
                                                                                                                                                                                                         “The incubation of new       electrical load demanded in

The best things will come in smaller packages
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ideas needs to be supported     the summer by the city’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                      by a diversity of struc-        6.2m window-mounted air
                                                                                                                                                                                                      tures,” says Daniel Esty,       conditioners.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      commissioner of the depart-       Meanwhile,      for   cash-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ment of energy and envi-        strapped governments look-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ronmental protection for        ing to maximise the impact
                                    The SmartTwist, in line        volumes needed to reduce                                           You Sow, a non-profit           carded the plastic tray com-    the state of Connecticut,       of money spent on fostering
Recycling                         with Johnson’s efforts to        prices, says Ms Semrau.                                            organisation that encour-       monly used for whole chick-     which has launched a ven-       clean energy, investing in
                                  make its packaging more            Procter & Gamble is also                                         ages shareholders to put        ens, in favour of film which    ture capital fund called        incubator facilities offers a
Reducing, improving               sustainable, contains 64 per     trying to reduce plastic                                           pressure on US corporates       hermetically seals the birds    Connecticut Innovations.        cheaper alternative to fund-
and reusing material              cent less plastic than a sin-    packaging. Together with                                           to take responsibility for      in a “modified atmosphere”.        NYC Acre is a good exam-     ing subsidies for renewable
                                  gle 26oz trigger bottle, and     the     UK’s     Waste       &                                     packaging waste.                This prolongs the product’s     ple of this cross-sector        power and allows policy
provides benefits for             the individual filled car-       Resources     Action      Pro-                                       In 1994, an EU directive      shelf life from eight days to   approach. The incubator is      makers to make more
producer and buyer,               tridges weigh up to 80 per
                                  cent less than their non-
                                                                   gramme (Wrap), it has
                                                                   developed software that
                                                                                                                                      required member states to
                                                                                                                                      develop regulations on pre-
                                                                                                                                                                      10 and reduces packaging
                                                                                                                                                                      weight by 70 per cent.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      run by NYU-Poly, funded
                                                                                                                                                                                                      primarily by the New York
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      informed decisions.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        “If you allow govern-
says Jane Bird                    concentrated equivalent.         models plastic bottles to                                          vention, reuse and recy-          Mr Swannell says it pre-      State Energy Research and       ments to pick the winners,
                                    SC Johnson also met con-       work out where the stresses                                        cling of packaging waste.       serves food better, giving      Development Authority and       you have selection based
                                  sumer scepticism when it         are.                                                                 Mr MacKerron points out       customers longer to use it,     designed not only to sup-       not on prospects for eco-
Next spring, US shoppers          tried to launch concen-            Peter White, P&G’s global                                        that this cut waste going to    and reduces waste in the        port start-ups but also to      nomic success in the mar-
will be able to buy a three-      trated refill pouches for        sustainability director says:                                      final disposal by 43 per        food chain. There has also      help commercialise univer-      ketplace but too often based
in-one cleaning fluid dis-        products such as Pledge,         “It has enabled us to                                              cent, to 17m tonnes, in the     been significant progress       sity research.                  on political calculations,”
penser with a trigger noz-        Shout and Windex. The            remove 14 per cent of plas-                                        decade to 2008.                 with coffee granule refills,       “And we work very            says Mr Esty.
zle. It has a twist mecha-        pouches were designed to         tic from detergent and                                               In the UK, the grocery        such as those for Kraft         closely with [private sector]     Because      investing   in
nism that switches between        pour well but people did not     beauty product bottles such       Johnson’s SmartTwist bottle      industry is on target to        Foods’ Kenco, he says.          partners like Con Edison,       clean     tech    incubators
the three concentrates,           believe they would.              as Olay, Lenor and Aerial.”                                        reduce the weight of pack-        Home Retail Group has         National Grid, Verizon,         means governments are fol-
while the refillable handle         Even though concentrates         P&G also plans to trans-                                         aging and increase its recy-    introduced a reusable bag       IBM, Cisco and others,”         lowing     market     capital,
contains water to dilute          are lighter to transport,        fer 25 per cent of its 2010       weight by 20 per cent and        cling to produce a 10 per       that protects large items       says Mr Kotch. “They serve      rather than trying to shape
them as they are used.            convincing people they are       volume of petrochemical           plastic by 50 per cent.          cent cut in carbon usage in     such as sofas and fitted        on our advisory board, as       the market, it lowers the
  Customers can choose            more convenient is a chal-       materials to renewables by           Toy manufacturer Has-         the three years to December     kitchens during transport       mentors,      as   sounding     risk of selecting a technol-
their three cleansers from        lenge, says Ms Semrau. “We       2010. It has started using        bro, which makes My Little       2012.                           and can be removed on           boards,     as   inspiration.   ogy that may ultimately
cartridges      for      glass,   changed to small plastic         bio polyethylene from sugar       Pony, has replaced 34,000          Among innovations that        delivery. Such items are        They’re also game changers      prove not to be commer-
kitchen, bathroom, furni-         bottles, which people felt       cane for products such as         miles of wire ties in its        have helped meet the target     often protected with a lot of   if you’re a start-up and are    cially viable.
ture and carpet.                  would pour more easily.”         Pantene.                          packaging with paper rat-        is a gas permeable packag-      cardboard, plastic film and     able to get in to their sup-      “The principle that gov-
  “In trials, the initial prob-     The other problem is             Instead of emitting car-        tan or bamboo mix ties.          ing film from Evap that         tape, says Mr Swannell.         ply chain.”                     ernment money should fol-
lem      was     overcoming       price. People resent the fact    bon dioxide, this material           However, the US is far        extends the life of Jersey        Customers       sometimes        Similarly, LA Cleantech      low private capital leader-
suspicion that it might be        that refills are not much        locks it in. Greenhouse gas       behind Europe on sustaina-       Royal potatoes from four        cause or discover damage        Incubator, a Los Angeles-       ship is a better starting
difficult to use or fail to       cheaper         than      new    emissions are reduced by          ble packaging, says Nina         days to eight. This reduces     when removing packaging.        based non-profit organisa-      point,” argues Mr Esty. “If
work,” says Kelly M. Sem-         dispensers. SC Johnson           more than 170 per cent and        Goodrich, director of the        waste throughout the sup-       The reusable bags enable        tion that receives funding      you use limited government
rau, chief sustainability         wants supermarkets to            70 per cent less fossil fuel is   Sustainable Packaging Coa-       ply chain by 50 per cent,       drivers to check goods are      from the CRA/LA, a local        money to leverage private
officer of Wisconsin-based        insist that all cleaning prod-   consumed.                         lition, a Virginia-based         says Richard Swannell,          in good condition.              authority and the Los Ange-     capital and piggyback on
SC Johnson, which makes           ucts should be concen-             P&G is using bamboo,            industry working group.          Wrap’s director of design         “This saves 1,800 tons of     les department of water and     decisions being made in the
the SmartTwist. “But by           trates, as they have with        bulrush and sugar cane               Her view is shared by         and waste prevention.           packaging a year and gives      power, works with the           marketplace, you have a
the end, people didn’t want       laundry products.                fibres for Gillette Fusion        Conrad MacKerron, senior           Moy Park, the meat and        a better customer experi-       region’s research centres       much better strategy for
to give them back.”                 This would create the          ProGlide, cutting packaging       programme director of As         poultry producer, has dis-      ence,” says Mr Swannell.        and universities.               success.”

Beijing mounts push for increased energy from renewables
                                  energy consumer can seem         sources and also contrib-            That line of argument is      acts as a constraint on wind    China the biggest builder of      “China needs stuff that       bon emissions by 2020 com-
China focus                       like a Mecca of clean energy     utes to lowering carbon           part     of    the     reason    and solar installations in      power lines anywhere in         scales,” says David Michael,    pared with 2005 levels,
                                  development, with a level of     emissions.                        Novozymes has had such           many places where it can-       the world.                      managing director at con-       clean coal technologies are
Developing more                   state support and commer-          According to the white          success in China. This year,     not absorb the intermittent       Fossil fuel sources will      sultancy BCG in Beijing.        in the spotlight.
power sources is a                cial enthusiasm for new          paper, the vision for 2015        Chinese chemical company         power supplied by solar or      continue to be part of          “Anything related to natu-        Coal plants and steel
                                  technologies that is almost      includes 400 square kilome-       Shengguan Group began            wind farms. The problem is      China’s energy plan and the     ral gas, LNG supply, and        mills are investing in car-
strategic goal,                   unparalleled. The world’s        tres of solar heat surface        commercial production of         so widespread that last year    government is lending its       shale gas is set to grow.”      bon capture technologies
reports Leslie Hook               biggest consumer of coal,
                                  thanks to the policies of the
                                                                   collection and 100 gigawatts
                                                                   of installed wind power.
                                                                                                     ethanol made from agricul-
                                                                                                     tural waste using enzymes
                                                                                                                                      energy authorities slowed
                                                                                                                                      down the pace of wind
                                                                                                                                                                      support to other types of
                                                                                                                                                                      fossil fuel energy, such as
                                                                                                                                                                                                        China announced a gener-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ous tariff for shale gas in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and processes that can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      reduce emissions of sulphur
                                  past decade, is now the          Developing new and renew-         provided by Novozymes.           installations, to give the      shale gas and coal to gas       November, creating a big        and nitrous oxide.
When      Danish     enzyme       world’s biggest producer of      able energy is a “key strate-     That product, known as cel-      grid more time to upgrade       technologies.                   economic incentive for com-       “Making coal cleaner mit-
maker Novozymes was               solar panels, wind turbines,     gic measure” and an               lulosic ethanol, gets special    its systems.                                                    panies to invest in explora-    igates the conflict between
looking for partners to help      and electric batteries.          “urgent need in the protec-       mention in the white paper,         China is building ultra                                      tion for the unconventional     China’s high-carbon energy
it make chemicals out of            By 2015, Beijing aims for      tion of the environment”,         with other biofuels such as      high-voltage      electricity                                   resource.     Shale     gas,    sector and the goals of
corn cobs, it came to China.      30 per cent of China’s gener-    the white paper says.             biodiesel.                       lines to carry electricity      ‘China’s energy                 extracted by fracturing rock    green growth,” says an
  And when German solar-          ating capacity to come from      “China’s energy develop-             China’s electricity grid is   from coal-rich regions, such    development must                deep underground and cap-       executive     at   Shenhua,
panel maker Q-Cells was           non-fossil fuel sources, a       ment must follow a path           set to be a key front for        as Inner Mongolia and Xin-                                      turing the natural gas that     China’s biggest coal pro-
trying to sell a subsidiary       government white paper           featuring high-tech content,      investment in clean energy       jiang, toward the areas of      follow a path of                escapes, has revolutionised     ducer. Its coal consumption
that had developed a
record-breaking technology
                                  published last month says.
                                  Clean energy is prized in
                                                                   low      consumption
                                                                   resources, less environmen-
                                                                                              of     technologies, as China’s
                                                                                                     grid companies spend bil-
                                                                                                                                      high energy demand on the
                                                                                                                                      eastern seaboard, so saving
                                                                                                                                                                      high-tech content‘              the energy landscape in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                      US and China hopes to do
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      is set to grow but it will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      draw a smaller percentage
for thin film solar panels, it    China because it helps the       tal pollution, satisfactory       lions of dollars on develop-     on energy for transport.                      White paper       the same.                       of its power from coal, leav-
found a buyer in China.           country reduce its depend-       economic returns, as well         ing a “smart grid”. At           Those conduits stretching                                         As the country works to       ing room for clean energy
  The      world’s    largest     ence on imported energy          as security,” it adds.            present the electricity grid     across the country make                                         make a 40 per cent in car-      technologies to grow.
FINANCIAL TIMES MONDAY NOVEMBER 12 2012                                                         ★                                                                                                                                                          3

                                                                         Sustainable Business Green Technology

Sharing skills enhances
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The plant processes plastic packag-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ing and turns it into materials that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Coca-Cola can use to make drink bot-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     tles. The turnround time from collec-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     tion to a new bottle appearing on the

likelihood of success
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     shelves is as little as six weeks.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The partnership has created a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     template for Coca-Cola in other coun-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     tries, with similar projects lined up
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     for other markets, including France.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Other recent collaborative projects
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     can be found in the US, where Heinz
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     teamed up with Coca-Cola, Ford, Nike
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and Procter & Gamble to speed the
Collaboration Joint initiatives bring benefits, says Mark Wembridge                                                                                                                                                  development and use of plant-based
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     plastics. All use the plastic PET poly-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ethylene terephthalate in products

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     such as plastic bottles, clothing, shoes
          niversities and non-profit       led when two or more companies                SSE’s rationale was simple: the col-                                                                                        and automotive fabric and carpet.
          organisations have long          decide to throw in their lot together      laboration achieved the desired result                                                                                         Through the creation of the Plant
          expounded the benefits of        on a green technology project.             faster than if it had gone ahead alone.                                                                                        PET Technology Collaborative, the
          collaboration in green tech-        However, these issues can and have         “The power of collaboration lies in                                                                                         five pooled their technologies and
          nology to achieve a com-         been overcome, as SSE, the British         bringing together companies who are                                                                                            resources to increase the amount of
mon goal but the spread of intercorpo-     energy company, proved with a car-         real specialists in their respective                                                                                           plant-based plastics used in consuma-
rate projects has been less wide-          bon capture project at its Ferrybridge     fields to form a creative force that is                                                                                        ble bottles.
spread.                                    power station in West Yorkshire.           greater than the sum of its parts,                                                                                               The group said: “PTC members are
  Kris Gopalakrishnan, executive co-          Initiated late last year, the project   allowing them to achieve technologi-                                                                                           committed to researching and devel-
chairman of Infosys, the Indian infor-     was set up to capture 100 tonnes of        cal enhancements that may not other-                                                                                           oping commercial solutions for PET
mation technology consultancy, says:       carbon dioxide per day from the            wise have been possible,” said SSE.       PET project: Continuum Recycling’s plant turns out bottle grade plastic              plastic made entirely from plants and
“Companies can educate each other,         emissions of a five megawatt coal-            “We’ve also found a good cultural                                                                                           will aim to drive the development of
supply funding, help boost a supply        fired power plant.                         fit between organisations is crucial to                                                                                        common methodologies and standards
chain and push the project towards its        The green technology – often touted     the success of any collaboration.”        one of the first of its kind in the UK –   tion in green technology have not         for the use of plant-based plastic.”
goals.                                     as a way of cleaning up after “dirty”         As well as corporate partners, the     has proved to be a litmus test for not     been restricted to power companies.         The role of government as an
  “Through co-operation and the            fossil fuel power plants by preventing     project benefited from £6m of public      only the green technology, but also          This year, Eco Plastics, the Lincoln-   initiator of such corporate tie-ups
sharing of skills, innovation and          CO2 from being released into the air –     funding and had the co-operation of       corporate collaborations.                  shire-based recycling group, created a    should not be overlooked,
resources from the private sector          captures the gas and pipes it to           the Northern Way, the body set up to        The project has provided valuable        joint venture with Coca-Cola to             Mr Gopalakrishnan points out that
across various industries, the develop-    storage deep beneath ground or sea.        bridge the productivity gap between       information for industry regulators,       increase the pace of development in       the state plays an important role
ment of green technology will grow            The Ferrybridge project was a           the north and south of England, as        such as the Environment Agency, and        the UK’s recycling infrastructure.        throughout each stage of the develop-
faster. Any new project could then         collaboration between SSE, Doosan          well as the Technology Strategy           SSE is considering broadening its col-       In May, they opened the £15m Con-       ment of green technology. He says:
become a new revenue stream.”              Power Systems, which builds, main-         Board, the UK innovations agency.         laborations into a larger scale opera-     tinuum Recycling plant, which has         “Government should work as a cata-
  But concerns over privacy, intellec-     tains and extends the life of power           Although bringing so many part-        tion at its gas-fired power station at     more than doubled the amount of bot-      lyst by helping to fund new technol-
tual property and the compromise of        plants; and Vattenfall, the Swedish        ners together could have strained the     Peterhead in Aberdeenshire.                tle grade recycled plastic that was       ogy, then by spreading best practices,
commercial viability must all be tack-     energy company.                            scheme, the carbon capture project –        The benefits of corporate collabora-     previously created in the UK.             then by acting as a regulator.”

Stronger political
will is needed
Continued from Page 1              A number of administra-
$280bn in 2011, more than       tions – including the UK
five times the $53bn total      and Germany – are debat-
achieved in 2004, according     ing cutbacks in subsidies
to Bloomberg New Energy         for renewable energy. On
Finance.                        the other hand, new joint
   Nor is innovation in this    venture and technology
sector limited to small com-    transfer opportunities exist
panies and start-ups. Clean     in China, which provides
tech’s heavyweights include     strong government support
the world’s largest corpora-    for a range of energy effi-
tions, many of which are        ciency     and     renewable
making substantial invest-      energy technologies.
ments in developing tech-          Some policy makers are
nologies that address every-    changing the way they
thing from energy use to        spend government dollars.
water conservation.             Rather than trying to shape
   One route to doing so is     the market, they are invest-
to     establish    internal    ing in clean energy incuba-
research and development        tors or establishing venture-
centres. Yet companies are      capital funds to support
also becoming flexible in       entrepreneurs with ideas.
the way they promote inno-         The focus of clean tech-
vation. This includes using     nology extends beyond
web-based crowd sourcing        energy. With the world’s
or open innovation to iden-     water supplies increasingly
tify clean tech entrepre-       under pressure, finding
neurs. While crowd sourc-       methods of recycling and
ing allows companies look-      conserving supplies has
ing for clean tech answers      risen up the agenda for pub-
                                lic and private sectors.
                                   And with waste manage-
                                ment a problem for all
Investment in                   organisations, many are
clean energy                    looking for ways of turning
                                waste into a resource or
continues, rising               reducing packaging.
to a record                        In the cement industry,
                                the potential for cement
$280bn in 2011                  furnaces to become inciner-
                                ators for waste from steel
                                plants and other facilities is
to conduct searches among       prompting discussions of
innovators      across    the   co-location of these plants –
world, globalisation of clean   helping cement makers cut
tech extends beyond open        carbon emissions and con-
innovation.                     tribute to waste manage-
  For a start, as emerging      ment.
economies expand, they will        Plenty of ideas and work-
provide new markets for         able models are emerging.
clean tech products. Mean-      Yet the question on the lips
while, green technology         of all those who believe
innovation is also shifting     developing the clean tech
to these markets as they        sector is essential to the
become aware that rising        planet’s future prosperity is
wealth leads to increased       how to bring about wide-
resource consumption and        spread use of green ideas
the potential for greater       and technologies.
environmental degradation.         The trouble is that, with
  Many believe Latin Amer-      some exceptions, many
ica may become a leader in      business models remain in
finding ways to deliver         the pilot stage or are lim-
economic growth while           ited to certain companies or
protecting           natural    industries.
resources and establishing         Without increased collab-
sustainable       renewable     oration between public, pri-
energy supplies, as Brazil      vate and non-profit sectors,
has by developing sugar         and willingness for compa-
cane ethanol as a biofuel.      nies to work together on
  In mature markets, while      environmental issues, many
governments continue to         fear that green technology
invest in clean technology,     will fail to reach the scale
some are changing tack to       needed to halt or reverse
reflect budget constraints      the environmental prob-
or shifts in the market.        lems it is designed to solve.

Contributors                    »
Sarah Murray                    Steven Bird
FT Contributing Editor          Designer

Ed Crooks                       Andy Mears
US Energy Editor                Picture Editor

Leslie Hook                     For advertising details,
Beijing Correspondent           contact: Liam Sweeney on
                                +44 (0) 20 7873 4148, or
Mark Wembridge                  email:,
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Jane Bird                       All FT Reports are available
FT Contributor                  on at

Elizabeth Durno                 Follow us on Twitter at
David Scholefield     
Richard Gibson
Sub-editors                     Our advertisers have no
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Adam Jezard                     of, the articles or online
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Green technology report_2012

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Green technology report_2012

  • 1. Sustainable Business Green Technology Monday November 12 2012 | Stronger Inside » Cement works One company’s political will waste can become another’s raw material Page 2 is needed to Reduce, reuse, recycle The best things meet goals will come in smaller packages Page 2 China focus Beijing mounts push for more Governments, businesses and NGOs have to energy from collaborate if they are to reverse the world’s renewables Page 2 environmental problems, says Sarah Murray Storm damage: New Jersey after hurricane Sandy, which some hope will revive the topic of climate change in the US Reuters Joint initiatives A s US citizens and agencies dence of shifts in the world’s weather until Sandy propelled it back on to to invest in clean technology. and types of companies that are likely embark on rebuilding dam- patterns emerges, this will drive the agenda. Much of the funding is being chan- to make the biggest commercial bring benefits aged infrastructure in the investment in green technologies – Despite the lack of political will, not nelled into clean energy – products impact in the next five to 10 years. Companies link wake of hurricane Sandy’s those that not only help prevent all is gloom when it comes to green and services designed to reduce In this year’s report, while the devastation, debates will no climate change by reducing green- technology. National governments energy consumption and increase the number of solar companies on the list forces to educate doubt emerge on how best to protect against future storms. But while house gas emissions but that also minimise the effects of climate warm- are finding ways to foster the develop- ment of the sector and, in the US proportion of renewable fuels in the power supply. Nimble start-up compa- is down 40 per cent since 2009, energy efficiency has 22 companies on the each other upgrading power, transport and other ing and extreme weather events. many local, regional and city adminis- nies are driving many of the innova- list, up from 15 in 2010. Page 3 systems is part of the answer, the On the global policy front, however, trations are doing the same. Mean- tions. Examples range from US-based The report’s authors say companies clean up may also prompt policy mak- consensus is weak. This year’s Rio+20 while, the private sector continues Aquion Energy, which has developed are increasingly seeking answers to ers to consider the role of green tech- summit must have come as a disap- advanced battery systems based on immediate, specific problems rather Energy nology in building climate resilience. pointment to those in the clean tech ambient-temperature sodium-ion tech- than investing in longer-term develop- The extent to which climate change sector. At the summit – so named nology, to Nualight, an Irish producer ments with less certain goals. “This Carbon capture is is to blame for Sandy is unclear. A because it was held 20 years after the Nimble start-up of energy-efficient display lights for leads to a lower tolerance for technol- an opportunity ripe convergence of meteorological factors first 1992 Rio Earth Summit – few new companies are driving grocery stores that use LEDs (light ogy risk and/or a lower tolerance for for exploitation but could have created such a storm, even national commitments were made and emitting diodes). the big bet,” writes Cleantech Group’s without climate warming. But rising previous targets were watered down. many of the innovations in Both are among those on the 2012 Richard Youngman in the report. incentives are few sea levels will increase the impact of storms, particularly in coastal areas. In the world’s largest economy, few US politicians have been willing to the clean tech sector Global Cleantech 100 Companies, a list put together by the Cleantech Nevertheless, investment in clean energy continues, rising to a record Page 4 Many hope that as stronger evi- broach the topic of climate change Group that takes stock of companies Continued on Page 3
  • 2. 2 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES MONDAY NOVEMBER 12 2012 Sustainable Business Green Technology Matching up Put heads companies is a together for move to a world clean thinking without waste Outside the US, cross-sec- Incubators tor partnerships are emerg- ing to establish clean tech Sarah Murray finds incubators. In February, the sectors joining forces Carbon Trust, a govern- ment-backed advisory to drive innovation group, and General Electric announced the setting up of a $5m business incubator After plugging a device fund designed to help Euro- called the modlet into elec- pean companies develop trical outlets, people in low-carbon in technologies. homes and offices can cut “We’re beginning to see wasted energy by managing for the first time incubators Cement One company’s refuse is another’s appliances not in use remotely via the web. not just being created by private companies that raw material, writes Sarah Murray ThinkEco, which developed the modlet, did so from compete with the incuba- tors from government but within the walls of the NYC actually joining up the W Acre, one of a growing two,” says Mr Reilly. ith extremely high tem- cement made with less clinker number of incubators dedi- For start-ups, incubators peratures required to reduces the fuel needed to power the cated to the development of offer a range of services, heat the limestone, kilns. Meanwhile, cement that has a clean tech businesses. from physical space and cement is a product with lower proportion of clinker has gener- For the start-ups in the support services, to access a heavy carbon foot- ated fewer emissions related to the portfolio of NYC Acre (the to professional services, print. However, as companies start to chemical decomposition of limestone. New York City Accelerator expertise and introductions use more industrial waste and renew- A range of materials can be used to for a Clean and Renewable to funders: “And maybe able energy in cement production, replace clinker. These include active Economy) a strong focus is most importantly, commu- some believe the sector could become minerals derived from industrial waste the development of technol- nity,” says Mr Kotch. a leader in “industrial symbiosis” – such as slag from steel mills and fly ogies that address energy However, that community (where one company’s refuse becomes ash, a byproduct of power plant coal use in the urban environ- can also be a virtual one, another’s raw material), accelerating combustion – as well as naturally ment. “We want to help argues Mr Esty. His state is progress towards a zero-waste world. active materials such as volcanic ash. drive innovation at scale launching an advanced Manufacturing clinker – which tra- The potential for cement production and New York with its 1m energy innovation hub ditionally makes up about 90 per cent to use industrial waste is substantial. Heavy footprint: through the fuel substitution. materials in cement could influence buildings is a huge mar- located at the University of of cement – is the most energy-inten- For example, slag can be used both to converting Philippe Fonta, director of the location selection when deciding ket,” says Micah Kotch, Connecticut, initially focus- sive part of the product. This is partly power the kilns and as a replacement limestone to WBCSD’s Cement Sustainability Initi- where to build a cement plant. operations director. ing on the development of because changing limestone to clinker for clinker. And as well as powering clinker needs ative, cites the example of discarded “We still have to supply a market,” However, while clean tech fuel cells. needs temperatures of up to 1,500C, their kilns with renewable energy, temperatures of tyres, which in some places are left in says Mr Quintal. “But when choosing incubators aim to use mar- Although the hub is which means burning large amounts cement plants can turn anything from up to 1,500C dumps where they collect water and between locations, one of the factors ket forces to drive a cleaner located at the university, of fuel. An important step in reducing waste wood and sewage sludge to old become breeding grounds for malaria- to consider is the availability of and economy, developing solu- “the spokes will connect cement’s carbon footprint will be to tyres and plastics into fuel. carrying mosquitoes. “If these used access to other industry clusters and tions that address issues companies across the state increase the energy efficiency of “Our process allows us to use waste tyres are no longer abandoned but take advantage of those and whatever such as carbon emissions, and outside the university,” cement plants and find alternative as fuel and integrate that into the eliminated by a cement plant, you those clusters produce.” water consumption and says Mr Esty. fuels to power furnaces. product without any risk to health,” also have societal benefits,” he says. Of course, with a legacy of existing waste is different from fos- Incubators can also pro- However, a second substantial says Raul Quintal, director of opera- The technology behind this kind of cement plants, it will take time before tering information technol- vide introductions to poten- source of emissions comes from the tions planning and performance, at matchmaking, or coprocessing, is rela- the industry can become fully inte- ogy or biotech innovations tial customers. For exam- chemical conversion process itself, Cemex, one of the world’s largest tively well established. The bigger grated with the waste management in that it requires input ple, through its links with during which calcium carbonate is cement producers. challenge, however, lies in creating sector. And some materials are not from a wide range of sec- Con Edison, NY Acre was extracted from the limestone, generat- For those in the waste management the kinds of infrastructure and indus- suitable for processing by the cement tors and organisations. able to facilitate a partner- ing large amounts of carbon dioxide. sector, cement kilns – with their high try collaborations that facilitate the industry, including nuclear waste, “People have understood ship between the electricity “From a chemical standpoint, the temperatures – provide a safe way of trading of waste between waste pro- infectious medical waste, batteries the technology involved in process generates CO2 in addition to destroying unwanted and often haz- ducers and cement producers. and untreated mixed municipal waste. building cleaner solutions is the burning of fuel,” explains Howard ardous materials, helping solve public “[Coprocessing] is a pretty elegant Moreover, for the cement sector to a lot more complicated Klee, former director of and adviser to health and safety challenges. piece of industrial ecology,” say Raj become a key partner in the manage- because it relies on combi- ‘Private sector the Cement Sustainability Initiative In 1999, when the Belgian govern- Sapru, director of advisory services at ment of waste, governments need to nations of hardware, prod- partners are game at the World Business Council for ment needed to dispose of thousands Business for Social Responsibility, a formulate the right incentives. uct design and product Sustainable Development (WBCSD). of tonnes of meal and fat from poten- US-based business association and “To hit fast forward, there needs to development,” says Colm changers if you Increased plant and fuel efficiency cannot address these emissions, tially contaminated animal products, it requisitioned cement plants, which advisory group. “But since it involves steel making and cement making, it be more collaboration between busi- ness, government and civil society,” Reilly, government and public sector expert at PA can get in to their which means cement makers also could guarantee the complete destruc- means a market has to exist.” says Mr Sapru. “Cement is an ancient Consulting. supply chain’ have to find alternatives to clinker. tion of the contaminants in the kiln, As new facilities are planned, the technology – it’s not about the tech- As a result, when it This has a dual benefit. First, while also reducing their emissions inherent efficiency in using waste nology. It’s about the political will.” comes to launching clean tech incubators, govern- ments, academia and the utility and ThinkEco to private sector are increas- deploy modlets across New ingly forming partnerships. York to help manage the “The incubation of new electrical load demanded in The best things will come in smaller packages ideas needs to be supported the summer by the city’s by a diversity of struc- 6.2m window-mounted air tures,” says Daniel Esty, conditioners. commissioner of the depart- Meanwhile, for cash- ment of energy and envi- strapped governments look- ronmental protection for ing to maximise the impact The SmartTwist, in line volumes needed to reduce You Sow, a non-profit carded the plastic tray com- the state of Connecticut, of money spent on fostering Recycling with Johnson’s efforts to prices, says Ms Semrau. organisation that encour- monly used for whole chick- which has launched a ven- clean energy, investing in make its packaging more Procter & Gamble is also ages shareholders to put ens, in favour of film which ture capital fund called incubator facilities offers a Reducing, improving sustainable, contains 64 per trying to reduce plastic pressure on US corporates hermetically seals the birds Connecticut Innovations. cheaper alternative to fund- and reusing material cent less plastic than a sin- packaging. Together with to take responsibility for in a “modified atmosphere”. NYC Acre is a good exam- ing subsidies for renewable gle 26oz trigger bottle, and the UK’s Waste & packaging waste. This prolongs the product’s ple of this cross-sector power and allows policy provides benefits for the individual filled car- Resources Action Pro- In 1994, an EU directive shelf life from eight days to approach. The incubator is makers to make more producer and buyer, tridges weigh up to 80 per cent less than their non- gramme (Wrap), it has developed software that required member states to develop regulations on pre- 10 and reduces packaging weight by 70 per cent. run by NYU-Poly, funded primarily by the New York informed decisions. “If you allow govern- says Jane Bird concentrated equivalent. models plastic bottles to vention, reuse and recy- Mr Swannell says it pre- State Energy Research and ments to pick the winners, SC Johnson also met con- work out where the stresses cling of packaging waste. serves food better, giving Development Authority and you have selection based sumer scepticism when it are. Mr MacKerron points out customers longer to use it, designed not only to sup- not on prospects for eco- Next spring, US shoppers tried to launch concen- Peter White, P&G’s global that this cut waste going to and reduces waste in the port start-ups but also to nomic success in the mar- will be able to buy a three- trated refill pouches for sustainability director says: final disposal by 43 per food chain. There has also help commercialise univer- ketplace but too often based in-one cleaning fluid dis- products such as Pledge, “It has enabled us to cent, to 17m tonnes, in the been significant progress sity research. on political calculations,” penser with a trigger noz- Shout and Windex. The remove 14 per cent of plas- decade to 2008. with coffee granule refills, “And we work very says Mr Esty. zle. It has a twist mecha- pouches were designed to tic from detergent and In the UK, the grocery such as those for Kraft closely with [private sector] Because investing in nism that switches between pour well but people did not beauty product bottles such Johnson’s SmartTwist bottle industry is on target to Foods’ Kenco, he says. partners like Con Edison, clean tech incubators the three concentrates, believe they would. as Olay, Lenor and Aerial.” reduce the weight of pack- Home Retail Group has National Grid, Verizon, means governments are fol- while the refillable handle Even though concentrates P&G also plans to trans- aging and increase its recy- introduced a reusable bag IBM, Cisco and others,” lowing market capital, contains water to dilute are lighter to transport, fer 25 per cent of its 2010 weight by 20 per cent and cling to produce a 10 per that protects large items says Mr Kotch. “They serve rather than trying to shape them as they are used. convincing people they are volume of petrochemical plastic by 50 per cent. cent cut in carbon usage in such as sofas and fitted on our advisory board, as the market, it lowers the Customers can choose more convenient is a chal- materials to renewables by Toy manufacturer Has- the three years to December kitchens during transport mentors, as sounding risk of selecting a technol- their three cleansers from lenge, says Ms Semrau. “We 2010. It has started using bro, which makes My Little 2012. and can be removed on boards, as inspiration. ogy that may ultimately cartridges for glass, changed to small plastic bio polyethylene from sugar Pony, has replaced 34,000 Among innovations that delivery. Such items are They’re also game changers prove not to be commer- kitchen, bathroom, furni- bottles, which people felt cane for products such as miles of wire ties in its have helped meet the target often protected with a lot of if you’re a start-up and are cially viable. ture and carpet. would pour more easily.” Pantene. packaging with paper rat- is a gas permeable packag- cardboard, plastic film and able to get in to their sup- “The principle that gov- “In trials, the initial prob- The other problem is Instead of emitting car- tan or bamboo mix ties. ing film from Evap that tape, says Mr Swannell. ply chain.” ernment money should fol- lem was overcoming price. People resent the fact bon dioxide, this material However, the US is far extends the life of Jersey Customers sometimes Similarly, LA Cleantech low private capital leader- suspicion that it might be that refills are not much locks it in. Greenhouse gas behind Europe on sustaina- Royal potatoes from four cause or discover damage Incubator, a Los Angeles- ship is a better starting difficult to use or fail to cheaper than new emissions are reduced by ble packaging, says Nina days to eight. This reduces when removing packaging. based non-profit organisa- point,” argues Mr Esty. “If work,” says Kelly M. Sem- dispensers. SC Johnson more than 170 per cent and Goodrich, director of the waste throughout the sup- The reusable bags enable tion that receives funding you use limited government rau, chief sustainability wants supermarkets to 70 per cent less fossil fuel is Sustainable Packaging Coa- ply chain by 50 per cent, drivers to check goods are from the CRA/LA, a local money to leverage private officer of Wisconsin-based insist that all cleaning prod- consumed. lition, a Virginia-based says Richard Swannell, in good condition. authority and the Los Ange- capital and piggyback on SC Johnson, which makes ucts should be concen- P&G is using bamboo, industry working group. Wrap’s director of design “This saves 1,800 tons of les department of water and decisions being made in the the SmartTwist. “But by trates, as they have with bulrush and sugar cane Her view is shared by and waste prevention. packaging a year and gives power, works with the marketplace, you have a the end, people didn’t want laundry products. fibres for Gillette Fusion Conrad MacKerron, senior Moy Park, the meat and a better customer experi- region’s research centres much better strategy for to give them back.” This would create the ProGlide, cutting packaging programme director of As poultry producer, has dis- ence,” says Mr Swannell. and universities. success.” Beijing mounts push for increased energy from renewables energy consumer can seem sources and also contrib- That line of argument is acts as a constraint on wind China the biggest builder of “China needs stuff that bon emissions by 2020 com- China focus like a Mecca of clean energy utes to lowering carbon part of the reason and solar installations in power lines anywhere in scales,” says David Michael, pared with 2005 levels, development, with a level of emissions. Novozymes has had such many places where it can- the world. managing director at con- clean coal technologies are Developing more state support and commer- According to the white success in China. This year, not absorb the intermittent Fossil fuel sources will sultancy BCG in Beijing. in the spotlight. power sources is a cial enthusiasm for new paper, the vision for 2015 Chinese chemical company power supplied by solar or continue to be part of “Anything related to natu- Coal plants and steel technologies that is almost includes 400 square kilome- Shengguan Group began wind farms. The problem is China’s energy plan and the ral gas, LNG supply, and mills are investing in car- strategic goal, unparalleled. The world’s tres of solar heat surface commercial production of so widespread that last year government is lending its shale gas is set to grow.” bon capture technologies reports Leslie Hook biggest consumer of coal, thanks to the policies of the collection and 100 gigawatts of installed wind power. ethanol made from agricul- tural waste using enzymes energy authorities slowed down the pace of wind support to other types of fossil fuel energy, such as China announced a gener- ous tariff for shale gas in and processes that can reduce emissions of sulphur past decade, is now the Developing new and renew- provided by Novozymes. installations, to give the shale gas and coal to gas November, creating a big and nitrous oxide. When Danish enzyme world’s biggest producer of able energy is a “key strate- That product, known as cel- grid more time to upgrade technologies. economic incentive for com- “Making coal cleaner mit- maker Novozymes was solar panels, wind turbines, gic measure” and an lulosic ethanol, gets special its systems. panies to invest in explora- igates the conflict between looking for partners to help and electric batteries. “urgent need in the protec- mention in the white paper, China is building ultra tion for the unconventional China’s high-carbon energy it make chemicals out of By 2015, Beijing aims for tion of the environment”, with other biofuels such as high-voltage electricity resource. Shale gas, sector and the goals of corn cobs, it came to China. 30 per cent of China’s gener- the white paper says. biodiesel. lines to carry electricity ‘China’s energy extracted by fracturing rock green growth,” says an And when German solar- ating capacity to come from “China’s energy develop- China’s electricity grid is from coal-rich regions, such development must deep underground and cap- executive at Shenhua, panel maker Q-Cells was non-fossil fuel sources, a ment must follow a path set to be a key front for as Inner Mongolia and Xin- turing the natural gas that China’s biggest coal pro- trying to sell a subsidiary government white paper featuring high-tech content, investment in clean energy jiang, toward the areas of follow a path of escapes, has revolutionised ducer. Its coal consumption that had developed a record-breaking technology published last month says. Clean energy is prized in low consumption resources, less environmen- of technologies, as China’s grid companies spend bil- high energy demand on the eastern seaboard, so saving high-tech content‘ the energy landscape in the US and China hopes to do is set to grow but it will draw a smaller percentage for thin film solar panels, it China because it helps the tal pollution, satisfactory lions of dollars on develop- on energy for transport. White paper the same. of its power from coal, leav- found a buyer in China. country reduce its depend- economic returns, as well ing a “smart grid”. At Those conduits stretching As the country works to ing room for clean energy The world’s largest ence on imported energy as security,” it adds. present the electricity grid across the country make make a 40 per cent in car- technologies to grow.
  • 3. FINANCIAL TIMES MONDAY NOVEMBER 12 2012 ★ 3 Sustainable Business Green Technology Sharing skills enhances The plant processes plastic packag- ing and turns it into materials that Coca-Cola can use to make drink bot- tles. The turnround time from collec- tion to a new bottle appearing on the likelihood of success shelves is as little as six weeks. The partnership has created a template for Coca-Cola in other coun- tries, with similar projects lined up for other markets, including France. Other recent collaborative projects can be found in the US, where Heinz teamed up with Coca-Cola, Ford, Nike and Procter & Gamble to speed the Collaboration Joint initiatives bring benefits, says Mark Wembridge development and use of plant-based plastics. All use the plastic PET poly- ethylene terephthalate in products U such as plastic bottles, clothing, shoes niversities and non-profit led when two or more companies SSE’s rationale was simple: the col- and automotive fabric and carpet. organisations have long decide to throw in their lot together laboration achieved the desired result Through the creation of the Plant expounded the benefits of on a green technology project. faster than if it had gone ahead alone. PET Technology Collaborative, the collaboration in green tech- However, these issues can and have “The power of collaboration lies in five pooled their technologies and nology to achieve a com- been overcome, as SSE, the British bringing together companies who are resources to increase the amount of mon goal but the spread of intercorpo- energy company, proved with a car- real specialists in their respective plant-based plastics used in consuma- rate projects has been less wide- bon capture project at its Ferrybridge fields to form a creative force that is ble bottles. spread. power station in West Yorkshire. greater than the sum of its parts, The group said: “PTC members are Kris Gopalakrishnan, executive co- Initiated late last year, the project allowing them to achieve technologi- committed to researching and devel- chairman of Infosys, the Indian infor- was set up to capture 100 tonnes of cal enhancements that may not other- oping commercial solutions for PET mation technology consultancy, says: carbon dioxide per day from the wise have been possible,” said SSE. PET project: Continuum Recycling’s plant turns out bottle grade plastic plastic made entirely from plants and “Companies can educate each other, emissions of a five megawatt coal- “We’ve also found a good cultural will aim to drive the development of supply funding, help boost a supply fired power plant. fit between organisations is crucial to common methodologies and standards chain and push the project towards its The green technology – often touted the success of any collaboration.” one of the first of its kind in the UK – tion in green technology have not for the use of plant-based plastic.” goals. as a way of cleaning up after “dirty” As well as corporate partners, the has proved to be a litmus test for not been restricted to power companies. The role of government as an “Through co-operation and the fossil fuel power plants by preventing project benefited from £6m of public only the green technology, but also This year, Eco Plastics, the Lincoln- initiator of such corporate tie-ups sharing of skills, innovation and CO2 from being released into the air – funding and had the co-operation of corporate collaborations. shire-based recycling group, created a should not be overlooked, resources from the private sector captures the gas and pipes it to the Northern Way, the body set up to The project has provided valuable joint venture with Coca-Cola to Mr Gopalakrishnan points out that across various industries, the develop- storage deep beneath ground or sea. bridge the productivity gap between information for industry regulators, increase the pace of development in the state plays an important role ment of green technology will grow The Ferrybridge project was a the north and south of England, as such as the Environment Agency, and the UK’s recycling infrastructure. throughout each stage of the develop- faster. Any new project could then collaboration between SSE, Doosan well as the Technology Strategy SSE is considering broadening its col- In May, they opened the £15m Con- ment of green technology. He says: become a new revenue stream.” Power Systems, which builds, main- Board, the UK innovations agency. laborations into a larger scale opera- tinuum Recycling plant, which has “Government should work as a cata- But concerns over privacy, intellec- tains and extends the life of power Although bringing so many part- tion at its gas-fired power station at more than doubled the amount of bot- lyst by helping to fund new technol- tual property and the compromise of plants; and Vattenfall, the Swedish ners together could have strained the Peterhead in Aberdeenshire. tle grade recycled plastic that was ogy, then by spreading best practices, commercial viability must all be tack- energy company. scheme, the carbon capture project – The benefits of corporate collabora- previously created in the UK. then by acting as a regulator.” Stronger political will is needed Continued from Page 1 A number of administra- $280bn in 2011, more than tions – including the UK five times the $53bn total and Germany – are debat- achieved in 2004, according ing cutbacks in subsidies to Bloomberg New Energy for renewable energy. On Finance. the other hand, new joint Nor is innovation in this venture and technology sector limited to small com- transfer opportunities exist panies and start-ups. Clean in China, which provides tech’s heavyweights include strong government support the world’s largest corpora- for a range of energy effi- tions, many of which are ciency and renewable making substantial invest- energy technologies. ments in developing tech- Some policy makers are nologies that address every- changing the way they thing from energy use to spend government dollars. water conservation. Rather than trying to shape One route to doing so is the market, they are invest- to establish internal ing in clean energy incuba- research and development tors or establishing venture- centres. Yet companies are capital funds to support also becoming flexible in entrepreneurs with ideas. the way they promote inno- The focus of clean tech- vation. This includes using nology extends beyond web-based crowd sourcing energy. With the world’s or open innovation to iden- water supplies increasingly tify clean tech entrepre- under pressure, finding neurs. While crowd sourc- methods of recycling and ing allows companies look- conserving supplies has ing for clean tech answers risen up the agenda for pub- lic and private sectors. And with waste manage- ment a problem for all Investment in organisations, many are clean energy looking for ways of turning waste into a resource or continues, rising reducing packaging. to a record In the cement industry, the potential for cement $280bn in 2011 furnaces to become inciner- ators for waste from steel plants and other facilities is to conduct searches among prompting discussions of innovators across the co-location of these plants – world, globalisation of clean helping cement makers cut tech extends beyond open carbon emissions and con- innovation. tribute to waste manage- For a start, as emerging ment. economies expand, they will Plenty of ideas and work- provide new markets for able models are emerging. clean tech products. Mean- Yet the question on the lips while, green technology of all those who believe innovation is also shifting developing the clean tech to these markets as they sector is essential to the become aware that rising planet’s future prosperity is wealth leads to increased how to bring about wide- resource consumption and spread use of green ideas the potential for greater and technologies. environmental degradation. The trouble is that, with Many believe Latin Amer- some exceptions, many ica may become a leader in business models remain in finding ways to deliver the pilot stage or are lim- economic growth while ited to certain companies or protecting natural industries. resources and establishing Without increased collab- sustainable renewable oration between public, pri- energy supplies, as Brazil vate and non-profit sectors, has by developing sugar and willingness for compa- cane ethanol as a biofuel. nies to work together on In mature markets, while environmental issues, many governments continue to fear that green technology invest in clean technology, will fail to reach the scale some are changing tack to needed to halt or reverse reflect budget constraints the environmental prob- or shifts in the market. lems it is designed to solve. Contributors » Sarah Murray Steven Bird FT Contributing Editor Designer Ed Crooks Andy Mears US Energy Editor Picture Editor Leslie Hook For advertising details, Beijing Correspondent contact: Liam Sweeney on +44 (0) 20 7873 4148, or Mark Wembridge email:, UK Companies Reporter or your usual representative Jane Bird All FT Reports are available FT Contributor on at Elizabeth Durno Follow us on Twitter at David Scholefield Richard Gibson Sub-editors Our advertisers have no influence over, or prior sight Adam Jezard of, the articles or online Commissioning editor material