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Edición 2129                                                   Anuncios de la Oficina
            Martes, 24 de abril
                                                     PICTURE COLLAGE– If you           WILL CLOSE AT 2:30pm.             know when your finals are
                  2012                               would like the Spring Semes-                                        scheduled? If not, stop by the
                                                     ter group represented on the      VOLUNTEERING CERTIFI-             office to check the schedule.
                                                     office walls, please email        CATION– If you would like
                                                     them to Paula or download         Solidarios or Colegio Virgen
                                                     pics on one of the STAFF                                            DEADLINES— Friday,
                                                                                       de Gracia to certify your vol-    April 27 is the last day to
                                                     computers by the time you         unteering /TEFL Language
                                                     leave!                            Assistant experience– YOU         sign up for the Playa
                                                                                       MUST HAND IN YOUR                 weekend (12-13 mayo)
                                                     HOLIDAY– Monday toTues-           TEACHER/Coordinator               and for the Flamenco
                                                     day, April 30 to May 1 is a       SIGNED LOG to the AIFS            goodbye party (18
                                                     holiday ―Día del Trabajador‖.     office by Jueves, 17 mayo.
                                                     You will not have class. AIFS     Remember no log under 20
                       ¿K.I. de nuev.o en Granada?

                                                     will open on Monday but not       hours can be certified.
                                                                                       AIFS library– please bring
                                                     HOLIDAY— Tuesday, May 3           our books back to us! Also–        AIFS requires one pro-
                                                     is a local holiday called Día     Check out the library that
                                                     de la Cruz (p. 3 more info).      your señora has for you to
                                                                                                                           gram evaluation PER
                                                     Please note that morning          use– if there are any with the     STUDENT. Please stop
                                                     classes and businesses will       AIFS stamp– bring them back
                                                                                                                           by the office starting
                                                     run on regular hours. THE         to the office.
                                                     Ugr/CLM will CLOSE at                                                 May 2 to fill one out.
                                                     2:30pm. THE AIFS OFFICE           FINAL EXAMS— Do you

                                                                                 Actividades Culturales
                                                      11 Mayo (Viernes) PASEO al BARRANCO                  is up to the individual. The bus leaves

                                                      del ABOGADO y CEMENTERIO                             for Granada at 5pm on Sunday from
                                                      10am meet in the AIFS office We take a               the hotel. We should be home around
                                                      walk up to the Barranco del abogado                  7:30pm.
                                                      neighborhood, learn about the Spanish                18 Mayo (Viernes) PASEO a SAC-
                                                      Civil war and then visit Granada’s ceme-             ROMONTE 10am meet in Plaza Isabel
                                                      tery.                                                la Católica
                                                      12-13 Mayo (Sábado a Domingo) PLAYA
                                                      We spend the night on the costa de                                18 Mayo (Viernes) FIESTA
                                                      Almería. Bus leaves Saturday at 10am                              DE DESPEDIDA– Cena de
                                                      from Neptuno, bring a lunch. Dinner on                            Tapas y Flamenco- Meet at
                                                      Saturday evening and breakfast the                                7:15pm in Plaza Nueva ON
                                                      next day are included. Lunch on Sunday                            TIME!

                                                          Inside this issue:
                                                      Group flight home info                2
                                                                                                              We cannot be taught wisdom, we
                                                      Cumpleaños                            2                 have to discover it for ourselves
                                                      Día de la Cruz                        3                  by a journey which no one can
                                                      Yum– champiñónes                      3
                                                                                                              undertake for us, an effort which
                                                                                                                    no one can spare us.
                                                      Nociones de la Gramática              4
                                                      Spanish words routed in Arabic        4
Group Flight Home- May 25, 2012 from Málaga or Granada

BUSES MUST DEPART NEPTUNO ON TIME. If you are late, we will not track you down or wait for you. The bus will
leave without you. YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY 180€ FOR A TAXI to the Málaga airport or 35€ FOR A TAXI to the Granada
airport. Do not come drunk– we once had the airline refuse to let a student board because she was drunk. AIFS could not
re-book her flight and she had to pay for a new ticket. Be respectful of staff and your fellow students.

to transport 2 normal-size suitcases per person. If you are planning on bringing more, you must arrange your own trans-
port to the airport.

The weight limit on the airlines is 1 bag, 23 kilos (51lbs.) each. Go to the airline website to find out prices or reserve your
extra bag for a discounted price (option not available on all airlines.) If you pack a bag over 28 kilos (61.5 lbs.) the Airline will
NOT TRANSPORT it and you will have to remove contents in the airport.

               Students on United– tba                                         Students on Flight IB 8075/IB 281
                      (Málaga airport)                                                        (Granada airport)
             Bus departing Neptuno tba                                            Bus departing Neptuno at 5am
Krissy Hollo                                                           Paula Bernardoni                   Hollie Statzer
Katie Irgang                                                           Kelsey Brandt                      Julia Sutherland
Jenny Kalna                                                            Landon Davis
Gina Sloman                                                            Jonnie Fabrizio
Siv Sbirbely                                                           Brianna Johnson
                                                                       TJ Nervina
          Students on Flight BA 7187/IB 8047                            Students who have their own transport or are
                      (Granada airport)                                          leaving on altérnate days:
           Bus departing Neptuno at 7:30am

Allie Dolezal                    Gracie Perry                          Kendall Antee                      Ruth Geller
Kelsey Driscoll                  Lindsay Rexer                         Julian Collier                     Katie Gellner
Andrea Durmiaki                  Bonnie Srubas                         Jaime Cummings                     Delna Godrej
Liz Horwitz                                                            Gabe Dobbins                       Taylor Lausen
Denae Howard                                                           Austin Dominick                    Jane Mueller
Imena Johnson                                                          Lucas Earle                        Graham Perry
Jen Lockfort                                                           Abigail Eschelbach                 Shelby Szuba
Ryann Murphy                                                           Jessy Foster

                                               CUMPLEAÑOS FELIZ A…
                                     Katie Irgang….el 1 de Mayo

 Page 2                                                                                                ¿ K. I . D E N U E V . O E N G R A N A DA ?
Día de la Cruz
 El día 3 de mayo, se celebra en Granada el Día                    escaparates de la ciudad rivalizan en buen
 de la Cruz, es con diferencia el mejor día del año,               gusto entre los vecinos y comerciantes del
 el más atractivo para propios y extraños y el más                 lugar. Se levantan multitud de barras
 auténtico granadino.                                              metálicas portátiles donde se sirve en vasos
 De carácter sencillo y popular, un estallido de                   de plástico fino, cerveza, pinchitos
 simpatía andaluza sin precedentes.                                morunos...etc, mientras tanto alrededor la
 Todos se lanzan esa tarde por                                               gente baila a ritmo de sevillanas,
 las calles y plazas, es un día de                                           las mujeres visten con típicos
 colorido especial, de claveles                                              trajes de gitana y todo es alegría.
 rojos, zapatos nuevos y frescor                                             Es típico recorrer las calles y
 gitano, de puesta de largo,                                                 plazas visitando las cruces y tomar
 bienvenida o estreno de la                                                  algo entre el jolgorio,
 primavera recién nacida.                                                    recomendamos la zona Albaicín y
 Granada se engalana para la                                                 Realejo donde las cruces muy
 gran ocasión, con majestuosas                                               cuidadas son dignas de ver.
 cruces de flores, cacerolas de
 cobre, mantones de manila y                                                   Información de Miguel Ruiz de
 macetas de pilistras, patios y                                                Almodóvar.

Live life to the fullest, take every opportunity that arises. You’ll have plenty
of time to rest when you are dead.                                       Unknown

   Tapas: Grilled mushrooms with garlic and parsley

This not only makes a delicious hot         Preparación:                           stem sides down on the hot surface.
tapa, but it is also a perfect side dish                                           Sprinkle with salt. When they are
                                            Squeeze the parsley dry in a cloth
with grilled meats.                                                                nicely browned, turn the mushrooms
                                            or paper towel. Put it into a bowl
                                                                                   and grill stem sides up until tender.
Ingredientes:                               with the garlic and moisten with 4
                                                                                   Liquid will fill the mushrooms caps;
                                            tablespoons of the oil. Set aside at
1/4 cup finely minced fresh Italian                                                take care not to lose this when you
                                            room temperature for at least an
parsley                                                                            transfer the mushrooms to a serving
5 cloves garlic, very finely minced                                                platter.
                                            Heat a heavy skillet or griddle over
                                                                                   Top each mushrooms with a dab of
6 tablespoons olive oil                     high heat. Pour in the
                                                                                          the parsley-garlic sauce and
18 large fresh mushrooms (about 1           remaining 2 table-
                                                                                          serve immediately.
                                            spoons of oil and
                                            spread over the bottom.
Salt                                        Put the mushrooms

 E D I CI Ó N 2 1 29                                                                                                Page 3
                                                                                      Algunas notas
               AIFS in Granada
                                                   Accidentes: dar(se) con- to run into/bump into. En la oscuridad, me di con la pata de la
             Plaza del Campillo, 2                 mesa. In the dark, I bumped into the table leg. Torpe– clumsy, gafe– unlucky, distraido–
              Edificio Macia, 3°E                  absentminded
                                                       Excuse yourself: Fue sin querer. It was unintentional.
               18009 Granada                                       ¡Lo siento (mucho)! I am (really) sorry!
                                                                   ¡Perdón! Pardon me!
              Phone: 958 222 418
                Fax: 958 226 970                   To become:
            Email:             Llegar a ser (literally to arrive at being) + a noun or an adjective is used to imply that a lot
                                                   of time, effort, and perhaps previous events or actions have preceded the outcome.
                                                   Despues de una larga campaña, Silvia llegó a ser presidente.
       We bring the world together.
                                                   Hacerse (literally to make oneself) + a noun or an adjective implies that the outcome has
                                                   been achieved through a lot of personal effort. It indicates a chane or the attainment of a
                                                   new state or condition and is often used with professions. Juean se hizo médico, especial-
                                                   ista en cirugía
                                                   Hacerse can also mean to turn into: El agua se hizo vapor.

                                                   Ponerse + an adjective is often used to refer to a sudden change in a mental or physical
                                                   condition. Pablo se ponía colorado cuando Maria le hablaba.

                                                   Volverse + an adjective indicates that no effort is implied on the part of the subject. It
                                                   maybe used to indicate that a sudden or drastic change has taken place. El pobre se volvió
                 Horario de oficina                loco cuando se enteró del accidente.
                  L-J 9:30am-6pm                   Convertirse en + a noun is used to express to turn into. It indicates an
                       Viernes                     unexpected change. El agua se convertió en vino.

                          Spanish words routed in Arabic
Arabic influence on the Spanish language has been                         It is estimated that there are over four thousand Arabic loan-
significant, due to the Islamic presence in the Iberian                   words in the Spanish language (including derivations) and well
peninsula between 711 and 1492 AD.                                        over one thousand Arabic roots, making up around 8% of the
                                                                          Spanish language. This makes Arabic the largest influence on
                                                                          Spanish after Latin.
Modern day Spanish language (or castellano) first appeared in
the small Christian Kingdom of Castile in Northern Spain during
this period of Islamic domination over most of the Iberian penin-
sula. As a result, the language was influenced by Andalusi Ara-           albóndiga: meatball; ball. From Arabic al-bunduqa            the
bic practically from its inception. Arabic imprint on the language        ball."
increased as the Kingdom of Castile expanded into Muslim
lands where the Castilian language had never been spoken and              albornoz: Bath-robe. From al-burnos (            "bathrobe".
as arabized Christians (Mozarabs) from Al Andalus emigrated               alcalde: Mayor. From Arabic al-qadi (the judge). Qadi comes
northwards during times of sectarian violence, and particularly           from the verb qada (to judge).
as a result of the Almoravid conquest in the 12th century. Al-
though the degree to which Arabic percolated the peninsula is             alcoba: alcove. From Arabic al-qubba "the vault" or "the arch.”
the subject of academic debate, it is generally agreed that Ara-          algodón, "cotton", from Arabic "al-qúţun            meaning "the
bic was used among the local elites and local Arabic-influenced           cotton"almohada: Pillow, from Arabic al-makhada with the
Romance dialects, known collectively as Mozarabic were more               same meaning.
prevalent as the vernacular language. Only the kingdom of Gra-
nada, under the Nasrid dynasty was totally arabized after many            azafrán: saffron. From Arabic za'firan of the same meaning.
centuries of Muslim rule.                                                 Perhaps from safra "yellow."
                                                                          azúcar: sugar. From Arabic         sukkar of the same meaning
Modern Spanish is thus a mixture of Old Castilian and the Mo-                            jarra: Pitcher or other pot with handle(s). From
zarabic dialects which it absorbed. This fusion explains why                             ǧ arrah, same as english jar.
Spanish has, in many cases, both Latin and Arabic derived
words for the same meaning. For example, aceituna and oliva                              jirafa: giraffe. From ziraffa of the same meaning.
(olive), alacrán and escorpión (scorpion), jaqueca and migraña                           rincón: Corner. From Andalusi Arabic rukan,
(migraine) or alcancía and hucha (piggy bank). The imprint of                            derived from classicar Arabic Rukn
Mozarabic and Arabic is evidently more noticeable in the south-
ern dialects of Peninsular Spanish than in the northern ones.

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  • 1. Edición 2129 Anuncios de la Oficina Martes, 24 de abril PICTURE COLLAGE– If you WILL CLOSE AT 2:30pm. know when your finals are 2012 would like the Spring Semes- scheduled? If not, stop by the ter group represented on the VOLUNTEERING CERTIFI- office to check the schedule. office walls, please email CATION– If you would like them to Paula or download Solidarios or Colegio Virgen pics on one of the STAFF DEADLINES— Friday, de Gracia to certify your vol- April 27 is the last day to computers by the time you unteering /TEFL Language leave! Assistant experience– YOU sign up for the Playa MUST HAND IN YOUR weekend (12-13 mayo) HOLIDAY– Monday toTues- TEACHER/Coordinator and for the Flamenco day, April 30 to May 1 is a SIGNED LOG to the AIFS goodbye party (18 holiday ―Día del Trabajador‖. office by Jueves, 17 mayo. You will not have class. AIFS Remember no log under 20 mayo). ¿K.I. de nuev.o en Granada? will open on Monday but not hours can be certified. Tuesday. EVALUATIONS: AIFS library– please bring HOLIDAY— Tuesday, May 3 our books back to us! Also– AIFS requires one pro- is a local holiday called Día Check out the library that de la Cruz (p. 3 more info). your señora has for you to gram evaluation PER Please note that morning use– if there are any with the STUDENT. Please stop classes and businesses will AIFS stamp– bring them back by the office starting run on regular hours. THE to the office. Ugr/CLM will CLOSE at May 2 to fill one out. 2:30pm. THE AIFS OFFICE FINAL EXAMS— Do you Actividades Culturales 11 Mayo (Viernes) PASEO al BARRANCO is up to the individual. The bus leaves AIFS IN GRANADA del ABOGADO y CEMENTERIO for Granada at 5pm on Sunday from 10am meet in the AIFS office We take a the hotel. We should be home around walk up to the Barranco del abogado 7:30pm. neighborhood, learn about the Spanish 18 Mayo (Viernes) PASEO a SAC- Civil war and then visit Granada’s ceme- ROMONTE 10am meet in Plaza Isabel tery. la Católica 12-13 Mayo (Sábado a Domingo) PLAYA We spend the night on the costa de 18 Mayo (Viernes) FIESTA Almería. Bus leaves Saturday at 10am DE DESPEDIDA– Cena de from Neptuno, bring a lunch. Dinner on Tapas y Flamenco- Meet at Saturday evening and breakfast the 7:15pm in Plaza Nueva ON next day are included. Lunch on Sunday TIME! Inside this issue: Group flight home info 2 We cannot be taught wisdom, we Cumpleaños 2 have to discover it for ourselves Día de la Cruz 3 by a journey which no one can Yum– champiñónes 3 undertake for us, an effort which no one can spare us. Nociones de la Gramática 4 Proust Spanish words routed in Arabic 4
  • 2. Group Flight Home- May 25, 2012 from Málaga or Granada BUSES MUST DEPART NEPTUNO ON TIME. If you are late, we will not track you down or wait for you. The bus will leave without you. YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY 180€ FOR A TAXI to the Málaga airport or 35€ FOR A TAXI to the Granada airport. Do not come drunk– we once had the airline refuse to let a student board because she was drunk. AIFS could not re-book her flight and she had to pay for a new ticket. Be respectful of staff and your fellow students. THERE IS LIMITED SPACE IN THE LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT OF THE BUSES. We will only be able to transport 2 normal-size suitcases per person. If you are planning on bringing more, you must arrange your own trans- port to the airport. The weight limit on the airlines is 1 bag, 23 kilos (51lbs.) each. Go to the airline website to find out prices or reserve your extra bag for a discounted price (option not available on all airlines.) If you pack a bag over 28 kilos (61.5 lbs.) the Airline will NOT TRANSPORT it and you will have to remove contents in the airport. Students on United– tba Students on Flight IB 8075/IB 281 (Málaga airport) (Granada airport) Bus departing Neptuno tba Bus departing Neptuno at 5am Krissy Hollo Paula Bernardoni Hollie Statzer Katie Irgang Kelsey Brandt Julia Sutherland Jenny Kalna Landon Davis Gina Sloman Jonnie Fabrizio Siv Sbirbely Brianna Johnson TJ Nervina Students on Flight BA 7187/IB 8047 Students who have their own transport or are (Granada airport) leaving on altérnate days: Bus departing Neptuno at 7:30am Allie Dolezal Gracie Perry Kendall Antee Ruth Geller Kelsey Driscoll Lindsay Rexer Julian Collier Katie Gellner Andrea Durmiaki Bonnie Srubas Jaime Cummings Delna Godrej Liz Horwitz Gabe Dobbins Taylor Lausen Denae Howard Austin Dominick Jane Mueller Imena Johnson Lucas Earle Graham Perry Jen Lockfort Abigail Eschelbach Shelby Szuba Ryann Murphy Jessy Foster CUMPLEAÑOS FELIZ A… Katie Irgang….el 1 de Mayo Page 2 ¿ K. I . D E N U E V . O E N G R A N A DA ?
  • 3. Día de la Cruz El día 3 de mayo, se celebra en Granada el Día escaparates de la ciudad rivalizan en buen de la Cruz, es con diferencia el mejor día del año, gusto entre los vecinos y comerciantes del el más atractivo para propios y extraños y el más lugar. Se levantan multitud de barras auténtico granadino. metálicas portátiles donde se sirve en vasos De carácter sencillo y popular, un estallido de de plástico fino, cerveza, pinchitos simpatía andaluza sin precedentes. morunos...etc, mientras tanto alrededor la Todos se lanzan esa tarde por gente baila a ritmo de sevillanas, las calles y plazas, es un día de las mujeres visten con típicos colorido especial, de claveles trajes de gitana y todo es alegría. rojos, zapatos nuevos y frescor Es típico recorrer las calles y gitano, de puesta de largo, plazas visitando las cruces y tomar bienvenida o estreno de la algo entre el jolgorio, primavera recién nacida. recomendamos la zona Albaicín y Granada se engalana para la Realejo donde las cruces muy gran ocasión, con majestuosas cuidadas son dignas de ver. cruces de flores, cacerolas de cobre, mantones de manila y Información de Miguel Ruiz de macetas de pilistras, patios y Almodóvar. Live life to the fullest, take every opportunity that arises. You’ll have plenty of time to rest when you are dead. Unknown Tapas: Grilled mushrooms with garlic and parsley sauce This not only makes a delicious hot Preparación: stem sides down on the hot surface. tapa, but it is also a perfect side dish Sprinkle with salt. When they are Squeeze the parsley dry in a cloth with grilled meats. nicely browned, turn the mushrooms or paper towel. Put it into a bowl and grill stem sides up until tender. Ingredientes: with the garlic and moisten with 4 Liquid will fill the mushrooms caps; tablespoons of the oil. Set aside at 1/4 cup finely minced fresh Italian take care not to lose this when you room temperature for at least an parsley transfer the mushrooms to a serving hour. 5 cloves garlic, very finely minced platter. Heat a heavy skillet or griddle over Top each mushrooms with a dab of 6 tablespoons olive oil high heat. Pour in the the parsley-garlic sauce and 18 large fresh mushrooms (about 1 remaining 2 table- serve immediately. spoons of oil and pound) spread over the bottom. Salt Put the mushrooms E D I CI Ó N 2 1 29 Page 3
  • 4. AIFS IN GRANADA Algunas notas AIFS in Granada Accidentes: dar(se) con- to run into/bump into. En la oscuridad, me di con la pata de la Plaza del Campillo, 2 mesa. In the dark, I bumped into the table leg. Torpe– clumsy, gafe– unlucky, distraido– Edificio Macia, 3°E absentminded Excuse yourself: Fue sin querer. It was unintentional. 18009 Granada ¡Lo siento (mucho)! I am (really) sorry! ¡Perdón! Pardon me! Phone: 958 222 418 Fax: 958 226 970 To become: Email: Llegar a ser (literally to arrive at being) + a noun or an adjective is used to imply that a lot of time, effort, and perhaps previous events or actions have preceded the outcome. Despues de una larga campaña, Silvia llegó a ser presidente. We bring the world together. Hacerse (literally to make oneself) + a noun or an adjective implies that the outcome has been achieved through a lot of personal effort. It indicates a chane or the attainment of a new state or condition and is often used with professions. Juean se hizo médico, especial- ista en cirugía Hacerse can also mean to turn into: El agua se hizo vapor. Ponerse + an adjective is often used to refer to a sudden change in a mental or physical condition. Pablo se ponía colorado cuando Maria le hablaba. Volverse + an adjective indicates that no effort is implied on the part of the subject. It maybe used to indicate that a sudden or drastic change has taken place. El pobre se volvió Horario de oficina loco cuando se enteró del accidente. L-J 9:30am-6pm Convertirse en + a noun is used to express to turn into. It indicates an Viernes unexpected change. El agua se convertió en vino. 9:30am-3pm Spanish words routed in Arabic Arabic influence on the Spanish language has been It is estimated that there are over four thousand Arabic loan- significant, due to the Islamic presence in the Iberian words in the Spanish language (including derivations) and well peninsula between 711 and 1492 AD. over one thousand Arabic roots, making up around 8% of the Spanish language. This makes Arabic the largest influence on Spanish after Latin. Modern day Spanish language (or castellano) first appeared in the small Christian Kingdom of Castile in Northern Spain during this period of Islamic domination over most of the Iberian penin- sula. As a result, the language was influenced by Andalusi Ara- albóndiga: meatball; ball. From Arabic al-bunduqa the bic practically from its inception. Arabic imprint on the language ball." increased as the Kingdom of Castile expanded into Muslim lands where the Castilian language had never been spoken and albornoz: Bath-robe. From al-burnos ( "bathrobe". as arabized Christians (Mozarabs) from Al Andalus emigrated alcalde: Mayor. From Arabic al-qadi (the judge). Qadi comes northwards during times of sectarian violence, and particularly from the verb qada (to judge). as a result of the Almoravid conquest in the 12th century. Al- though the degree to which Arabic percolated the peninsula is alcoba: alcove. From Arabic al-qubba "the vault" or "the arch.” the subject of academic debate, it is generally agreed that Ara- algodón, "cotton", from Arabic "al-qúţun meaning "the bic was used among the local elites and local Arabic-influenced cotton"almohada: Pillow, from Arabic al-makhada with the Romance dialects, known collectively as Mozarabic were more same meaning. prevalent as the vernacular language. Only the kingdom of Gra- nada, under the Nasrid dynasty was totally arabized after many azafrán: saffron. From Arabic za'firan of the same meaning. centuries of Muslim rule. Perhaps from safra "yellow." azúcar: sugar. From Arabic sukkar of the same meaning Modern Spanish is thus a mixture of Old Castilian and the Mo- jarra: Pitcher or other pot with handle(s). From zarabic dialects which it absorbed. This fusion explains why ǧ arrah, same as english jar. Spanish has, in many cases, both Latin and Arabic derived words for the same meaning. For example, aceituna and oliva jirafa: giraffe. From ziraffa of the same meaning. (olive), alacrán and escorpión (scorpion), jaqueca and migraña rincón: Corner. From Andalusi Arabic rukan, (migraine) or alcancía and hucha (piggy bank). The imprint of derived from classicar Arabic Rukn Mozarabic and Arabic is evidently more noticeable in the south- ern dialects of Peninsular Spanish than in the northern ones.