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regrexit!callsfornewukvote> A dis-United Kingdom ponders turmoil of EU divorce following "Leave" victory
Boris Johnson is
likely to be PM
LONDON: Brexit, to #Regrexit - an
online petition demanding a second
referendum on Britain's decision to
leave the EU, that had Former London
Mayor Boris Johnson as its leader, had
passed 3 million signatures. At the time
of going to press, 3,048,000 people
had signed the petition on the official
UK Parliament website. That number
takes it well over the 100,000-signature
threshold needed to force a debate on
the issue by members of Parliament.
A rush to sign the petition caused
the website to crash temporarily due
to the high volume of traffic Sunday.
The petition, set up by William Oliver
Healey, states: "We the undersigned call
upon the Government to implement a
rule that if the Remain or Leave vote
is less than 60%, based on a turnout
less than 75%, there should be another
referendum." Thursday's referendum
had a turnout of 72% - an increase over
last year's general election turnout of
66%, but below the 75% suggested in
the petition. The "Leave" campaign
won with 17,410,74 votes - 52% - to the
"Remain" team's 16,141,241, or 48%.
Voters who had backed the "Leave"
campaign took to Twitter to register
their regret - adopting the #Regrexit
hashtag. One voter, Adam from
Manchester, wrote: "I didn't think
my vote was going to matter too
much because I thought we were just
going to remain. The David Cameron
resignation has blown me away. I think
the period of uncertainty we're going
to have for the next few months is
massively worrying for all."
Another "Leave" voter, Mandy from
Romford, said she would change her
vote if she could. "This morning the
reality is actually hitting in and the
regret is hitting in," she said Sunday.
"I wish I had the opportunity to vote
again, simply because I would do
things differently."
195 Lounge at
Empire Tower
Euro 2016 terror
raids in Belgium
globebangkok - Over 181,000 fans!
is star man issue number 15
Gourmet 4th
of July
st03_16_pop_ooh_jesus_ortiz_pnw101_3-1_e.indd 1 01.06.16 15:03
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June 29-July 12, 2016HOW ABOUT THAT?How About That?
Bored of red, white and rose wine?
If so, you can head to Spanish
company Gik's website and order a
bottle of the 11.5% ABV wine, which
is made from red and white grapes
grown in vineyards near Madrid.The
entrepreneur’s behind it describe
any wine tradition.” Their ethos for
disrupting the industry: “We do not
believe in wine tasting rules and
we don’t think that anybody should
need to study the bible of enology
to enjoy a glass of wine,” they say
in their press release. The blue wine
has a sweet taste similar to a Riesling
and, according to food website Eater,
it gets its distinctive hue from two
dyes:“anthocyanin (a pigment found
in grape skin) and indigo (a dye
extracted from the Isatis tinctoria
plant).” Eater suggests pairing
the wine with “sushi, nachos with
guacamole, pasta carbonara, and
smoked salmon. "Gik co-founder
Aritz López claims inspiration for
the blue wine came from business
theorist W. Chan Kim’s book Blue
Ocean Strategy, and that the
colour also represents "movement,
innovation, fluidity, and change." is their online home! The Madrid-based team that are behind Gik brand blue wine!
Blue wine is an actual thing in
> Will Gik tempt you away from red and white?
June 29-July 12, 2016
Pistorius says Reeva would
not have wanted him jailed
Texan woman comes out of
surgery with British accent
Euro 2016: Belgian police
detain two in terror raids
Sydney Metro's $9 billion
funding is a "real boost"
Two men have been arrested over the weekend
in Belgium amid reports of a planned attack on
a Euro 2016 fan zone. "One man was arrested
in Verviers and another man in Tournai," close
to the French border, a spokesman for the
federal prosecutor's office said. "It is too soon
to talk about a terror attack. The two men have
to be questioned first," he added. It comes 10
days after police received an anti-terror alert
warning that a group of Islamic State fighters
recently left Syria en route to Europe planning
attacks in Belgium and France. Last week,
Belgium charged three men with "attempted
terrorist murder" after massive anti-terror
raids linked to a reported threat to fans during
a Euro 2016 football game. Prosecutors said
at the time that they were responding to a need
for "an immediate intervention". Belgium police
killed two IS jihadis in a raid in Verviers in January
2015 who were later found to be linked to the cells
involved in both the Brussels and Paris attacks.
The former Paralympian athlete Oscar
Pistorius gave an emotional interview
to British news channel ITN ahead of his
sentencing for the murder of Ms Steenkamp,
a model and law graduate, after his original
conviction for culpable homicide was
upgraded. He has claimed Reeva Steenkamp
would not want him to "waste" his life by
spending it behind bars when he could be
helping others. "I would like to believe that
if Reeva could look down upon me that she
would want me to live that life." he said.
Egyptian investigators have failed to extract
any information from the badly-damaged
memory chips of the crucial black boxes.
Defeated, Egypt is now sending both the
cockpit voice recorder and the flight data
recorder to the BEA (the French version of
the NTSB in France) in an effort to help
download the data. EgyptAir said the French
will "carry out repair and removal of salt
accumulations." Their statement also read:
"Then (the black boxes will be sent) back to
Cairo to perform data analysis at the labs of
the Ministry of Civil Aviation."
Australia's largest rail project, the Sydney Metro,
will recieve $9 billion (US) in infrastructure
funding. Over the next four years, the Baird
goverment will commit the funds towards the rail
line which runs from Chatswood to Bankstown,
via the CBD. Premier Mike Baird said both stages
of the Sydney Metro City and Southwest and
Sydney Metro Northwest are now fully funded.
The whole project is expected to cost $15 billion.
The 2016-17 allocation of budget funding will go
towards building eight new metro stations in the
city's northwest and maintaining construction
of the four-kilometre skytrain at Kellyville.
Lisa Alamia was born and raised in Texas, but you
wouldn't know it by her accent. She went in for
lower jaw surgery and when she came out of the
surgery, she sounded like a Brit! Her doctor said
her accent would go away in a couple of days but
it didn't, so Lisa went to see a neurologist. After
tests, doctor diagnosed her with foreign accent
syndrome, an extremely rare condition in which
people speak with a different accent, usually after
some kind of head trauma or stroke.
Lisa Alamia's story went viral online
EgyptAir Flight 804's black
boxes cannot be accessed
June 29-July 12, 2016
A Swedish soccer player ended up
being ousted from a match Friday for
the "unsportsmanlike behavior" of
breaking wind. Adam Lindin Ljungkvist,
a 25-year-old player for Pershagens SK,
said he had a "bad stomach" during the
match against Jarna SK, so "I simply
let go," prompting the ref to show him
a yellow card, his second, followed
up with red. The ref, for his part, says
he viewed the in-air infraction as a
"deliberate provocation." For the record,
Ljungkvist's team lost the game by 5-2.
There has been a
"stunning, dazzling"
find by a French book
publisher: a sketchbook
that belonged to Dutch
master painter Vincent
Van Gogh."This sketchbook was known
only to the owners, myself, and the
publisher," a Seuil official told the news
agency noting that the drawings will be
published in November and called Van
Gogh: Le Brouillard d’Arles (The Fog of
Arles). And it's obvious they are hyping
up the book's release by revealing very
few details in a statement: "No further
information will be divulged until the
world press conference to be held in
Paris in mid-November, on the eve of
the book's arrival in bookstores ."
Jong-un says missiles can
can hit US Pacific targets
Swedish footballer kicked
out of match for farting
Colombia’s FARC deal is
a step towards peace
Gold medalist robbed in Rio amid security fears
The end of the Pentagon's ban on transgender
troops serving openly could be just days away. It
has been almost a year since Defense Secretary
Ash Carter ordered a review to determine whether
lifting the ban would affect military readiness,
and sources have confirmed that the Pentagon
will announce repeal on July 1 after consulting
with military chiefs on the final details. The
sources say branches of the military will be given
a year to bring in new policies on issues like
recruitment and housing for transgender troops.
The issue of transgender military personnel
has been subject to great debate in the US
A file shot of Gold-medalist Liesl Tesch
Kim Jong-un has boasted of North
Korea’s “sure capability” to strike US
targets in the Pacific after his military
carried out an apparently successful
test of its Musudan medium-range
missile. The North Korean leader,
who personally monitored Thursday’s
missile tests, described the launch as
a “great event” that vastly improved
the North’s pre-emptive nuclear attack
capability, according to the official
KCNA news agency. Five previous
Musudan tests ended in failure. But
the second of two Musudans fired
on Thursday flew 250 miles (400km)
- equivalent to half the distance to
Japan’s main island of Honshu - before
coming down in the Sea of Japan.
The bilateral cease-fire announced
Friday by the Colombian government
and the country’s largest rebel group, the
FARC, marks a significant step forward in
reducing violence in the country; but it
doesn’t necessarily mean the five-decade-
old conflict is over. The cease-fire will
begin with the signing of a final peace
deal in the coming weeks, and if all goes
as planned, rebels will have six months to
put down their arms.The deal will include
the creation of temporary transition zones
and camps for the estimated 7,000 rebels.
> All eyes are on Brazil ahead of the Olympic's August 5 start
After two members of the Australian Paralympic
sailing squad were robbed at gunpoint in Rio de
Janeiro, Australia's Olympic team leader is urging
Brazilian authorities to implement Olympic-scale
security now "before an athlete gets hurt." Two
men allegedly robbed sailor Liesl Tesch, who won
gold at the 2012 Summer Paralympics in London,
and team official Sarah Ross on Sunday, according
to a statement from Australian Sailing. The two
men, one carrying a pistol, allegedly snatched
the women's bicycles in Rio Park. An estimated
85,000 police and soldiers are set to patrol the
streets during the Olympics and Paralympics, but
violent crime remains a fact of life in Rio. "Maybe
the organizing committee should mobilize their
games-time defense force early," Kitty Chiller,
Australia's Olympic team leader, said Tuesday.
"Do it now."Chiller said she'd written to the head
of the Rio organizing committee and to the city's
mayor, Eduardo Paes, to express concerns. "We're
demanding that the level of those (security) forces
bereviewed, andalsothattheybemobilizedearlier."
The weekend incident "was extremely concerning
and disturbing," Miss Chiller said.
Disney is embracing the power of movie make-
believe when it comes to the domestic abuse
accusations against Johnny Depp. The Disney
CEO Bog Iger says he is not worried that Chinese
visitors will be outraged over seeing the scandal-
scarred actor as Jack Sparrow at the "Pirates of the
Caribbean" ride at the newly-opened Shanghai
Disneyland resort. "I'm not worried about it,"
Iger told The Hollywood Reporter. When prodded
further by the industry trade if he thought the public
relations nightmare would pass, Iger answered:
"I don't know whether it passes or not. We have
Jack Sparrow," he said. Certainly the stakes for the
company go beyond the gates of the $5.5 billion,
1,000-acre amusement park that opened in China
last week. Depp, 52, is facing accusations that he
physically abused his now estranged wife, Amber
Heard, who won a restraining order against the
actor last month. The scandal seems to have hurt
Depp's marketability in Hollywood, at least in the
short term. His latest Disney movie "Alice Through
the Looking Glass," was a box office disaster.
Shanghai Disney brushes off
Johnny Depp ride concerns
'Dazzling' find in France:
A Van Gogh sketchbook
Pentagon ready to lift their
ban on transgender troops
June 29-July 12, 2016
Mahidol takes the top spot as
the number 1 Thai university
Floods affect Bangkok after
huge overnight downpours
Several hours of intense overnight downpours
flooded many roads in the low-lying parts of
Bangkok at the tail-end of last week, causing
severe traffic jams during the morning rush
hour on the weekdays. According to the
Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA),
more than 30 roads in and around the affected
areas in the city were flooded by knee-high
water, making it impassable to small vehicles.
Workers complained of late arrival to office
due to the severe traffic jams caused by the
flooding.The worst affected area in the city was
low lying Lat Phrao, which forced four schools
nearby to cancel their classesWednesday, BMA
said, adding that clogged monsoon drains also
exacerbated the flood problems. Lat Phrao
and a section of Ratchadaphisek Road, among
Bangkok's major arteries for road users, were closed
water. Bangkok's governor Sukhumbhand Paribatra
in his Facebook advised road users to avoid using
several affected roads, including Ratchadaphisek.
Mahidol University was ranked the No 1
University of Thailand, and the 90th in Asia
out of a total of 200 universities, in the latest
Asia University Rankings 2016 undertaken
by Times Higher Education Institute. The
rankings were based on 13 indicators in five
criteria which include teaching and learning
(25 percent), the quality of research work (30
percent), references of the research work (30
percent), internationalism (7.5 percent) and the
university’s capability in making revenue from
its innovations and knowledge.The 13 indicators
cover opinion surveys among students,
educators and academics and responses from
the government and the industrial sector
towards the universities. Out of 200 universities,
six other Thai universities also made the list.
The State Railways of Thailand held a grand
celebration on Saturday to mark the 100th
anniversary of the Bangkok Railway Station with
several traditional activities, folk plays, music
and exhibitions, to mark the rail service that was
introduced first into the country by King Rama V.
Apart from lively activities at the station, steam
locomotives were are also exhibited for the young
generation to see and try, as well as booths selling
local products at far reduced prices.
Hua Lamphong train station
reaches grand age of 100
Check Inn 99, which for 59 years has entertained
guests on Sukhumvit Road as a cabaret bar and
restaurant, will close its doors forever on July 2
after being evicted in the name of commercial
development. “It’s sad. It’s the only original
Bangkok bar from the ‘50s,” said owner Chris
Catto-Smith. He said he was given one month’s
notice his bar had to close, as the landlord wants
to develop the building into what he described as
a “trinket market” and trendy hotel lobby.
The one card promised to rule them all - BTS,
MRT and Airport Rail Link - won’t make it to
Bangkok this year after all. “What isn’t finished
yet are discussions of how to adjust the systems
of those four train lines to be connected into
a shared system,” said acting director Padet
Praditphet.“This is down to it being very
complicated.” Padet said he had no idea when
the those issues will be resolved. Once they are
settled, the public will have to wait another six
months for arrival of their Mangmoom cards.
June 29-July 12, 2016
The Ministry of Tourism and
Sport’s Department of Tourism has
announced an “Art for the Blind
Exhibition” program to promote
over 12 locations in Thailand to the
visually impaired through the use
of statues and molds. The program
is to start with a competition for art
pieces for the blind, with pieces to
be selected for their ability to allow
the visually impaired to experience
travel attractions in the Kingdom.
The pieces can be statues, carvings
or any other tactile piece of art work.
Cheap-deal platform Ensogo
shuts down SEA operations
Ensogo, one of Asia’s leading flash sales e-commerce
sites, announced that it is shutting down all its
marketplace units in Southeast Asia. The company
did not give any reason or clarify the situation to its
customers and partners. The official statement said,
“Ensogo will no longer provide financial support
to its subsidiary Southeast Asian flash sales and
marketplace business units. These business units
will be shut down. All the staff have been informed
and communications will be made to customers
shortly.” It also stated the board accepted CEO Kris
Marszalek's resignation, head since August 2014.
Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha held talks with
Myanmar’s State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi, to
strengthen relationships and cooperation between
the two countries. Gen Prayut welcomed Suu
Kyiat the end of last week, saying that Thailand
and Myanmar are like brothers who share a long
period of relationships. He said his talk with
Myanmar’s state counselor focused on the planned
improvement of labor management, which has
been an issue that Thailand has been working on,
to provide welfare and basic rights to Myanmar
migrant workers in Thailand, regarding healthcare
and legal protection. Thailand is now aiming to
provide better protection of Myanmar’s migrant
workers with online complaint and hotlines, as
well as establishing the Laborer Admission and
Returning Center in Mae Sot district, Tak province.
Cambodian monks arrested for making illegal entry
The trip was heralded as a success by both
A photo of the scene in Pathum Thani
Six Cambodian monks were placed under arrest in
a forest for allegedly entering the kingdom illegally.
A combined force of soldiers and officials raided
their camp in a wooded area in Pathum Thani
province’s in response to complaints from local
residents that Cambodian monks were begging for
morning alms in town. Five of the six monks did
not carry passports, while the others did but lacked
entry stamps, said Saichol Phuchalermtrakul, a local
administrator. The six, whose names were withheld
by officers, were taken to a temple for a defrocking
ceremony and later sent to Immigration Police for
deportation proceedings. Officials are expanding
their investigation to seek and capture other monks
in Pathum Thani who might have entered illegally.
Tops Supermarket celebrate
20 years of serving Thailand
The outgoing Qatari Ambassador to
Thailand, His Excellency Jabor Ali Al-
Dosari, has made a courtesy visit to
Deputy Prime Minister ACM Prajin
Juntong at Government House. ACM
Prajin thanked Mr. Al-Dosari for his
active role in promoting bilateral ties.
The Qatari Ambassador voiced his
appreciation for the long-standing
friendship between the two countries,
and stated that he would be pleased to
see further cooperation in the future.
Outgoing Qatar Ambassador
makes visit to Deputy PM
Aung San Suu Kyi welcomed on her official visit
Central Food Retail, Thailand’s largest food
retailer, have revealed their plan to allocate Bt6.5
billion in investment capital to be spent in large
part on new store openings over the next five
years, as they celebrates the 20 year anniversary
of Tops Supermarket. They plan to add about 70
new stores each year, and reach 600 stores in
total, by the end of 2021. Expansion will focus
on the Tops Market and Tops Daily formats, the
company's mid- and mini-scale supermarkets,
which are flexible and can be opened at any
location throughout the Kingdom.
Thai rice exports to gain
from increased demand
Minister Apiradi Tantraporn said the
rise is down to a continuous demand in
both domestic and foreign markets, such
as the government-to-government deal
with China for 1 million tonness of rice.
The Ministry of
Commerce has
forecast that rice
exports will see a
rise in the second
half of this year,
and are likely to
reach the annual
output target that
is set at 9.5 million
tonnes. Commerce
Dept of Tourism holds 'Art
for the Blind' program
June 29-July 12, 2016
General Mills was recently trading at
$66.77, just $0.11 below its 12-month
high and $19.34 above its 12-month
low. Technical indicators are bullish
for the stock and it is in a strong
upward trend. The stock has recent
support above $64.25 and is trading
above recent resistance.
39.14€ £47.0135.28$
AUSTRALIA............ 26.39.
CANADA................ 27.15
RUSSIA ................0.54
S.KOREA .............0.03
MAL AYSIA ............8.62
FTSE 100
Uber to make app less 'complicated' to use
Uber is one of the start-up world's most high-profile firms, and increasingly popular in Bangkok
myself, where I've held off using an
Uber during a surge," said Jim Clark,
research director at Econsultancy.
"We as consumers are sensitive
to price: that's one of the reasons
they'll be making this change." Uber
said it was moving to a system were
riders would know the cost of their
journey before booking. Presently,
factors such as waiting time in traffic
can increase the cost of a journey. In
a blog post, Uber said it had started
rolling out the change in the US and
India in April. It said more cities
Uber is to hide surge pricing
notifications for more of its users
to make its app less "complicated".
During busy periods, the taxi firm's
customers are currently told they
will be charged a "surge price" such
as 1.7 or 2.3 times the standard fare.
Customers will instead be shown a
fixed fee with a notice that "fares are
higher due to increased demand".
One analyst said hiding the surge
price multiplier could stop people
being discouraged from using the
service."I've been in the situation
would follow suit, but that it had
no timescale for implementing the
change worldwide. In addition to
hiding the surge price multiplier,
Uber is also removing an option that
notifies customers when the surge
price drops. Uber said the changes
made the app "clear and simple".
"There's no complicated math and
no surprises - passengers can just
sit back and enjoy the ride," it said.
However, Mr Clark said hiding the
surge price multiplier could also
have a financial benefit for Uber.
Thai growth predicted at 4% for whole year
Standard Chartered Bank (Thailand)
has predicted Thailand’s overall
economy will grow by 4% as a
result of government’s escalated
investments in mega-infrastructure
projects which will encourage the
private sector to increase their
investments. Ms Ussara Wilaipit, a
senior economist at Stan Chart, said
that Thailand’s growth rate for the
first half of the year was predicted
at 3.6% but, in the later half of the
year, the growth rate would register
4.4%, making the overall growth rate
for the whole year to register at 4%.
She attributed the anticipated growth
rate increase to the government’s
efforts to speed up implementation
of seven infrastructure projects this
year which, she said, will convince
the private sector to increase their
investments in the later half of the
year. As for the inflation rate, Ms
Ussara said inflation rate for the
second half of the year would surpass
one percent but the policy rate is
likely to remain at 1.5% until the end
of the year. Permanent corporate
income tax standing at 20% and
double tax deductions for expenses
on new private investment this year
are boosting incentives, while pent-
up investment applications for Board
of Investment privileges worth 1.8
trillion baht since 2014 will steadily
translate into real investment, she
said. The low debt-to-equity ratio
among companies listed on the Stock
Exchange of Thailand provides room
for greater investment.
Volkswagen has agreed to take
a series of steps with a total cost
of roughly $10.2 billion to settle
claims from its unprecedented
diesel emissions cheating scandal
in the US. Most of the money
would go to compensate 482,000
owners of cars with 2-liter diesel
engines that were programmed to
turn on emissions controls during
lab tests and turn them off while
on the road, said sources, who
asked not to be identified because
a judge has issued a gag order in
the case. Multiple outlets also
reported a settlement between
$10 billion and $10.3 billion.
Volkswagen's $10 billion
US emissions fine settled
June 29-July 12, 2016
Jake Bugg - On My Own
Nottingham’s own musical prodigy, Jake Bugg, has released his
third studio album, On My One, at the tender age of 22.The album’s
title derives from the Nottingham saying for ‘on my own’, which
works well with the fact that Clifton-native Bugg was much more
involved in producing this album than with his first two. The album
was mostly self-produced, and the majority of negative reviews
focus on this fact; deeming his work to have a derivational
quality, be it from his own previous work or the music of
others. His second album, Shangri La, also received mixed
reviews. The ‘third album’ is often considered a hurdle. It
demands originality combined with familiarity to previous
albums. This was an excellent effort, from a fine young star.
Rihanna's first London gig seemingly failed to
set the capital alight. As the UK left the EU, the
Bajan pop beauty brought her ANTI World tour to
Wembley, but didn’t draw in the crowds she’s used
to. Not only that, audience members complained
that the singer disappeared from stage for up to 10
minutes at a time."She rushed through the songs
and everything was double the tempo. There were
10 minute dance breaks where she went off stage
and nobody knew what is going on." said one.
Ben Affleck ranting about his beloved Patriots
and Tom Brady’s difficult position in the
deflategate scandal is a Youtube senstation, and
it was presumed that Affleck, who has a history of
substance abuse, was drunk on the show. Some
pointed that the actor was slurring his speech as
he railed against the NFL for trying to confiscate
Brady’s phone during the scandal. Affleck’s rep
immediately told TMZ that the actor wasn’t
drunk, that he was just passionate about sports.
Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston's romance has
been moving at warp speed. After the Love Story
singer introduced The Night Manager star to her
parents, he’s now whisked her way to Essex to meet
his mum. The pair have been dating for less than
three weeks, after Taylor split from Calvin, but
that hasn’t stopped them from ramping up their
relationship. Looking as if they could be posing
for a magazine shoot, Taylor and Tom hugged his
mum as they took a stroll in Suffolk.
Tom & Taylor's very swift romance
Did Ben Affleck turn up drunk for HBO
American Football chat show?
Rihanna’s London show at Wembley
Arena fails to draw in the crowds
June 29-July 12, 2016
Shrek The Musical is based on the Oscar
winning DreamWorks Animation film that
started it all. This live adaptation brings the
hilarious story of everyone’s favorite ogre
to the stage. In a far away kingdom turned
upside down, things get ugly when an ogre –
not a handsome prince – shows up to rescue
a feisty princess. Throw in a donkey that does
not keep quiet, a villain with a short temper, a
cookie with an attitude and over a dozen other
fairy tale misfits, and you’ve got the kind of
mess that calls for a real hero. Luckily, there’s
one on hand, and his name is Shrek! Shrek The
Musical will play at Muangthai Rachadalai
Theatre for 8 exclusive performances July 1-5.
Tickets are available at all Thaiticketmajor
outlets. Ticket prices for Shrek The Musical
are priced between B,1500 to B4,500. For more
information, please call 02-262-3838 or log on
The Embassy of Israel proundly presents
"When All Was Green", an Israeli puppetry
play without words, that is the recipient of
many awards. Based on the famous book
'The Giving Tree' it is proudly brought to
Bangkok by The Key Theatre from Israel in
the 1st Bangkok International Children's
Theatre Festival 2016 at Bangkok Art and
Culture Center. It is a play without words but
with a great deal of sensitivity and soul ,that
succeeds in touching the hearts of the young
ones and adults. Shows are on Saturday July
2 and Sunday July 3 2016. There are more
details at:
The full day program is designed for the
entrepreneur, taking their business from
funding, building, growing, and valuation.
Taking place on Friday July 8, it is ideal for
people who wish to start their business,
wanting to develop, Chambers of Commerce
members and corporations looking to invest
in innovative companies.There is an exciting
Eatigo CEO. Tickets range between B1,299
and B2,999, and there is more information
available at:
Bangkok AfterWork at Hyde & Seek Gastro Bar Ploenchit
AfterWork is bringing you to the ideal spot to meet with other like-minded people, whether to relax or expand
your network. They'll be getting together from 6pm-11pm so head down, and make a connection!
Independence Day Picnic 2016 at NIST BTS Asoke
Join the American community of Bangkok in celebrating Independence Day with a traditional picnic event
hosted by AMCHAM. Tickets are B200, and children under 12 are free! Runs from midday, through til 8pm.
Motivating & Improving Teams in Thailand at Glowfish
A three hour overview of team building best practices, including insights to the unique challenges of managing
teams in Thailand. Tickets are B2,400 and the event runs from 9am-12pm.
Singha Light Live Series Vol. 2 - The Radio Dept at Voice Space Samsen Nai
The Radio Dept is set to perform in Bangkok again after eight years in “Singha Light Live Series Vol. 2" at Voice
Space, Samsen Nai. Advance tickets at B1,300 and tickets at the door will be B1,500. From 7.30pm-late
BEAM X DARK BAR at Beam, 72 Courtyard Thonglor
Thonglor's brand new cutting-edge dance music venue BEAM and Ekkamai's underground music hotspot Dark
Bar join forces for a collaboration, taking place at BEAM. DJ's Kingkong & Supersonic headline.10pm-late.
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June 29-July 12, 2016FashionFood
• 1/2 cup chopped onion
• 1/2 cup chopped carrots
• 4 cloves of minced garlic
• 1 1/4 lbs. of ground turkey
• 3/4 cup fresh bread crumbs
• 1 egg
• 1/2 cup ketchup
• 4 tsp.Worcestershire sauce
• 1/2 tsp dried thyme
• handful of fresh chopped parsley
• 2 tbsp butter
Salt and pepper to taste
Fabulous Fourth of July!
Guest Columnist Jacob Holder,Founder ofTaste ofThailand Food
Tours,is excited to celebrate his homeland's independence in style!
As you sit down to a July 4th meal, have you ever
given any thought to where those foods come
from? Experts at the Smithsonian Institution
did, and they shared their findings in a recent
blog post. Hamburgers and hot dogs may seem
all-American but pigs and cattle were brought to
the New World by Spanish explorers. According
to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council,
Americans will eat 150 million hot dogs over
the Fourth of July holiday. On the other side of
the plate, tomatoes and potatoes have been a
perfect pairing for centuries. As early as 1781,
Thomas Jefferson served French-fried potatoes
with tomatoes at Monticello; today, the average
American consumes 142 pounds of potatoes
and three bottles of ketchup a year. As for that
bun you’re eating, wheat didn’t come to the New
World until Christopher Columbus sailed across
the seas in 1492. Enjoy the festivities all, and
most importanly, try not to over-induldge!
Hey guys! It's that time of year again, when
millions around the world, both proud
Americans such as myself, or those with family,
friends or a love of the USA, will celebrate the
day in 1776 that represents the Declaration of
of America as an independent nation. There are
some nice events taking place around Bangkok,
that has a large number of expats from the States
- I can personally recommend the picnic that
takes place annually at NIST school. If however
you wish to rustle up some authentic dishes to
celebrate the day, then you can give my recipes
a go, that are both easy to create and delicious.
Food, and the 4th of July, go hand-in hand!
Red, White and Blue Patriotic Cupcakes
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Melt the butter in
pan then add chopped onions, carrots, and garlic
until they're nice and brown.
Then add to the mixture the turkey, bread crumbs ,
half of the ketchup, half of theWorcestershire, salt,
pepper, thyme.
3. Mix the ingredients with a fork until all mixed
together thoroughly, pressing it into 8x4" loaf pan
and brush the remaining ketchup mixed with
Worcestershire sauce on the top.
4. Put meatloaf in the oven at 350 degrees for 55
minutes. Let it cool for roughly 5 minutes before
cutting it into slices to serve.
• 1 package (18 1/4 oz) white cake mix
• 3/4 cup seedless red raspberry jam
• 1 can (16 oz) vanilla frosting
• Red, white, and blue sprinkles
• 1 teaspoon intense red paste food color
• 1/4 teaspoon royal blue paste food color
• Decorating Decors red, white and blue stars
• Coarse white sparkling sugar, if desired
Preheat the oven to 350º. Mix the cake batter
as directed on the box. Divide the batter into
thirds and place in separate bowls. Add red
food coloring to one bowl, blue to another, and
leave the third white. Mix them up. Fill paper-
lined muffin cups with about 2 tablespoons
of red batter. Now put 2 tablespoons of white
(plain) batter over the red and lastly layer
with the blue batter. Bake for 20 minutes
and remove from the oven. Let your Patriotic
Cupcakes cool completely. Frost the cupcakes
and top with red, white, and blue sprinkles.
Mom's Turkey Meatloaf
June 29-July 12, 2016
Located on the Mezzanine Floor of The Empire
Tower in the heart of Sathorn District CBD, it
presents itself almost as a private club, equipped
with dining facilities, meeting rooms and even a
ballroom for larger events. The meal started off
with an introduction to the chef who has been
there from the beginning, when they opened over
a year ago. The main dining room is a long space
with a traditional, wood-paneled flair, brightly lit
by windows on the far end behind the bar. It is
a space that suits business lunches, small private
lunch meetings or even a quiet lunch for two. The
lounge is open from morning til evening, serving
breakfast, lunch and dinner. They also offer
special happy hour deals. Our meal commenced
with two brightly colored drinks - Blue Sky Empire
and Peach Italian sodas. The regular menu offers
not only water and juices but beer and smoothies
(including a Kale version!) The first course, the
'Lounge 195 balloon' was an impressive feat of
culinary engineering. Presented sitting atop a
bed of salad greens, tomatoes and fruit, dressed
with balsamic, was a delicate bubble, made of
Mozzarella cheese. Hiding inside was an avocado
mousse, which is only apparent upon cutting
into the ‘balloon.’ The taste was part crepe, part
cheese with the avocado lending a creamy finish.
The second course was a simple Duck Leg Confit
with garlic mashed potatoes and peas. The flavors
were nice and balanced, with just enough food
to make you feel like you had enough without
being too full. The dessert was clearly the star of
the meal. Beautifully presented with a delicate
sugar sculpture atop, the Chocolate Mousse was
indeed very rich and delicious. Accompanied by
a Strawberry sorbet, the flavors were strong, yet
not overly sweet. Overall presentation was lovely
and the environment serene and conducive to
conversation, whether for business or pleasure. It
an escape from the usual lunch crowds and heat of
the city. Menu choices are clearly geared towards
the international, relying on nice presentation
and simple flavors to counterbalance the usual
spicy, strong-flavored Thai food in our everyday
diets here. We can recommend a visit to this lovely
venue, and we thoroughly enjoyed the ambience,
service and thoughtfully-created food and drinks
on offer, and plan to return as soon as we can.
Pick of the Bunch
The 195 Lounge at Empire Tower, Sathorn
The Lounge 195 is a great business-integrated concept in Bangkok, that has entered the scene as a sophisticated
alternative to the typical hotel business meal. Offering breakfast, lunch and dinner geared towards the business-
minded,The Lounge 195 is a convenient option for a business function, or simply to enjoy a quiet, delicious meal.
The Lounge at EmpireTower Sathorn
Empire Tower (BTS Chong Nonsi)
02 670 1195
June 29-July 12, 2016NEWS HIGHLIGHTS!
June 29-July 12, 2016 Reviews
Hazard is looking back to his best
Messi to reverse retirement?
Maradona leads the calls
Griezmann is Iceland's man
to watch after Irish win
Despite being taken off with a
minor knock in the earlier round,
the Chelsea winger will return to
be fit for the Red Devil's last-eight
tie, according to his international
boss. Marc Wilmots insists Eden
Hazard will be 100 per cent fit for
Belgium's Euro 2016 quarter-final
against Wales, despite sitting out
training on Tuesday. The Chelsea
star was influential in his side's 4-0
round-of-16 win over Hungary on
Sunday, scoring the third with a
spectacular strike. However, having
picked up a knock in that game and
subsequently being substituted,
he joined Thomas Vermaelen in
missing out on Belgium's latest
training session. Wilmots, though, is
optimistic his captain will recover in
time for the last-eight meeting with
theWelsh. "Hazard felt a kind of thigh
contraction at half-time against
Hungary, that's why I replaced him in
the second half," he said. "I think he
will be back in training on Thursday.
He is in the care of the physios and is
working with them. "He is recovering
well enough that he should be 100
per cent the day before the match."
Belgium lost their opening game of
Euro 2016 to Italy, but have been in
fine form since, winning all three
games without conceding and
scoring eight goals in the process.
There has been a great deal of
speculation during the tournament
that his club side Chelsea may be
lining up a swap deal with Real
Madrid, who have coveted Hazard
for some time. Chelsea have their
eye on striker Alvaro Morata, who
they believe would compliment
new signing Michy Batshuayi well.
Lionel Messi has been urged
to reconsider his international
retirement by Argentina legend
Diego Maradona and the country's
president. The forward, 29, quit after
missing in a penalty shootout as
Argentina were beaten by Chile in the
Copa America - a fourth major final
loss in nine years. "Those saying he
should quit don't want us to see what
a disaster Argentinean football has
become," Maradona told La Nacion
newspaper. "Messi must go on."
Maradona, who captained Argentina
to victory in the 1986 World Cup
and managed the team at the 2010
World Cup, added: "Messi has to stay
because he will reach the 2018 World
Cup in Russia with conditions in
place to become a world champion."
Surprise Euro 2016 quarter-finalists
Iceland want a fairytale ending to
their run, like the one that Leicester
City enjoyed when they stunned the
soccer world by clinching the Premier
League title this season, team coaches
said onTuesday. Leicester, with no big
names in the squad, finished ahead
of far more illustrious English clubs
in what was one of the biggest upsets
in club football. Iceland, in their first
major tournament, have already
taken the competition by storm,
advancing past the group stage and
then beating England 2-1 on Monday
to set up a quarter-final clash with
hosts France. "I think I would like it
to end like it ended with Leicester
City," Iceland joint coach Heimir
Hallgrimsson told reporters. "They
played on their strengths and we are
trying to play on our strengths. "There
is the same team spirit in both teams.
We are willing to work for each other."
While Iceland had already exceeded
expectations, they were ready to
face France in much the same way
as they did England. "This was a
game for them (England) to lose.
All the pressure was on England,"
Hallgrimsson said. "Against France
we can go relaxed and show our best.
We don't have the pressure of the
entire world that we need to win this
game. We want to win but we don't
absolutely need to." Hallgrimsson
warned however, that France would
be keeping up the pressure until the
end, and that Antoine Griezmann was
in stunning form against Ireland.
career title at the All England Club.
Serena will also look to tie Steffi Graf's
mark of 22 Grand Slam titles for the
third major in a row. "I think more or
less about winning Australia, I think
about winning the French Open. I
think about winning Wimbledon. I
22." Serena said after the match.
Indianapolis Colts quarterback
Andrew Luck has signed a new six-
year deal worth $140m to become
the highest-earning player in NFL
history. The 26-year-old, drafted
to Indianapolis in 2012, is now
contracted to the Colts until the end
of the 2021 season. Luck's wages take
him above the $22.1m collected by
No. 1 and reigning champion Serena
Williams began her title defense on
Tuesday, beating World No. 148 Amra
Sadikovic 6–2, 6–4 on Center Court.
On match point, Serena’s return was
called long but she challenge it, and
Hawk-Eye determined the ball was
in.The victory marked her 80th win at
Wimbledon as she aims for a seventh
Joe Flacco of Baltimore Ravens, the
previous record earner. "I am thrilled
and excited," Luck said. The Colts
made the play-offs in Luck's first three
seasons with them but he suffered
an injury-hit 2015, missing two early
matches with a shoulder problem
before a lacerated kidney that then
saw him ruled out after week nine.
> Wales up next for Belgians, who looked strong in Hungary match
Eden Hazard celebrating during Belgium's 4-0 win against Hungary

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  • 1. regrexit!callsfornewukvote> A dis-United Kingdom ponders turmoil of EU divorce following "Leave" victory Boris Johnson is likely to be PM PHOTO: WYLIO/CC LONDON: Brexit, to #Regrexit - an online petition demanding a second referendum on Britain's decision to leave the EU, that had Former London Mayor Boris Johnson as its leader, had passed 3 million signatures. At the time of going to press, 3,048,000 people had signed the petition on the official UK Parliament website. That number takes it well over the 100,000-signature threshold needed to force a debate on the issue by members of Parliament. A rush to sign the petition caused the website to crash temporarily due to the high volume of traffic Sunday. The petition, set up by William Oliver Healey, states: "We the undersigned call upon the Government to implement a rule that if the Remain or Leave vote is less than 60%, based on a turnout less than 75%, there should be another referendum." Thursday's referendum had a turnout of 72% - an increase over last year's general election turnout of 66%, but below the 75% suggested in the petition. The "Leave" campaign won with 17,410,74 votes - 52% - to the "Remain" team's 16,141,241, or 48%. Voters who had backed the "Leave" campaign took to Twitter to register their regret - adopting the #Regrexit hashtag. One voter, Adam from Manchester, wrote: "I didn't think my vote was going to matter too much because I thought we were just going to remain. The David Cameron resignation has blown me away. I think the period of uncertainty we're going to have for the next few months is massively worrying for all." Another "Leave" voter, Mandy from Romford, said she would change her vote if she could. "This morning the reality is actually hitting in and the regret is hitting in," she said Sunday. "I wish I had the opportunity to vote again, simply because I would do things differently." 195 Lounge at Empire Tower Euro 2016 terror raids in Belgium SPORT P.16 REVIEW P.14 FOOD P.13 WORLD P.4 globebangkok - Over 181,000 fans! Griezmann is star man issue number 15 Gourmet 4th of July st03_16_pop_ooh_jesus_ortiz_pnw101_3-1_e.indd 1 01.06.16 15:03
  • 2. Experience Amazing Malaysian Adventures with Best Western With hotels in Ipoh, Petaling Jaya and Shah Alam, Best Western is the perfect choice for your next Malaysian journey | Start planning your next trip to discover more about Best Western in Malaysia SM
  • 3. 3BANGKOKʼS FREE NEWSPAPER June 29-July 12, 2016HOW ABOUT THAT?How About That? Bored of red, white and rose wine? If so, you can head to Spanish company Gik's website and order a bottle of the 11.5% ABV wine, which is made from red and white grapes grown in vineyards near Madrid.The entrepreneur’s behind it describe themselvesas“youngpeoplewithout any wine tradition.” Their ethos for disrupting the industry: “We do not believe in wine tasting rules and we don’t think that anybody should need to study the bible of enology to enjoy a glass of wine,” they say in their press release. The blue wine has a sweet taste similar to a Riesling and, according to food website Eater, it gets its distinctive hue from two dyes:“anthocyanin (a pigment found in grape skin) and indigo (a dye extracted from the Isatis tinctoria plant).” Eater suggests pairing the wine with “sushi, nachos with guacamole, pasta carbonara, and smoked salmon. "Gik co-founder Aritz López claims inspiration for the blue wine came from business theorist W. Chan Kim’s book Blue Ocean Strategy, and that the colour also represents "movement, innovation, fluidity, and change." is their online home! The Madrid-based team that are behind Gik brand blue wine! Blue wine is an actual thing in Europe! NEWS HIGHLIGHTS! > Will Gik tempt you away from red and white?
  • 4. 4 BANGKOKʼS FREE NEWSPAPER June 29-July 12, 2016 Pistorius says Reeva would not have wanted him jailed Headlines Texan woman comes out of surgery with British accent Euro 2016: Belgian police detain two in terror raids Sydney Metro's $9 billion funding is a "real boost" Two men have been arrested over the weekend in Belgium amid reports of a planned attack on a Euro 2016 fan zone. "One man was arrested in Verviers and another man in Tournai," close to the French border, a spokesman for the federal prosecutor's office said. "It is too soon to talk about a terror attack. The two men have to be questioned first," he added. It comes 10 days after police received an anti-terror alert warning that a group of Islamic State fighters recently left Syria en route to Europe planning attacks in Belgium and France. Last week, Belgium charged three men with "attempted terrorist murder" after massive anti-terror raids linked to a reported threat to fans during a Euro 2016 football game. Prosecutors said at the time that they were responding to a need for "an immediate intervention". Belgium police killed two IS jihadis in a raid in Verviers in January 2015 who were later found to be linked to the cells involved in both the Brussels and Paris attacks. The former Paralympian athlete Oscar Pistorius gave an emotional interview to British news channel ITN ahead of his sentencing for the murder of Ms Steenkamp, a model and law graduate, after his original conviction for culpable homicide was upgraded. He has claimed Reeva Steenkamp would not want him to "waste" his life by spending it behind bars when he could be helping others. "I would like to believe that if Reeva could look down upon me that she would want me to live that life." he said. Egyptian investigators have failed to extract any information from the badly-damaged memory chips of the crucial black boxes. Defeated, Egypt is now sending both the cockpit voice recorder and the flight data recorder to the BEA (the French version of the NTSB in France) in an effort to help download the data. EgyptAir said the French will "carry out repair and removal of salt accumulations." Their statement also read: "Then (the black boxes will be sent) back to Cairo to perform data analysis at the labs of the Ministry of Civil Aviation." Australia's largest rail project, the Sydney Metro, will recieve $9 billion (US) in infrastructure funding. Over the next four years, the Baird goverment will commit the funds towards the rail line which runs from Chatswood to Bankstown, via the CBD. Premier Mike Baird said both stages of the Sydney Metro City and Southwest and Sydney Metro Northwest are now fully funded. The whole project is expected to cost $15 billion. The 2016-17 allocation of budget funding will go towards building eight new metro stations in the city's northwest and maintaining construction of the four-kilometre skytrain at Kellyville. Lisa Alamia was born and raised in Texas, but you wouldn't know it by her accent. She went in for lower jaw surgery and when she came out of the surgery, she sounded like a Brit! Her doctor said her accent would go away in a couple of days but it didn't, so Lisa went to see a neurologist. After tests, doctor diagnosed her with foreign accent syndrome, an extremely rare condition in which people speak with a different accent, usually after some kind of head trauma or stroke. Lisa Alamia's story went viral online EgyptAir Flight 804's black boxes cannot be accessed NEWS HIGHLIGHTS!
  • 5. 5BANGKOKʼS FREE NEWSPAPER June 29-July 12, 2016 A Swedish soccer player ended up being ousted from a match Friday for the "unsportsmanlike behavior" of breaking wind. Adam Lindin Ljungkvist, a 25-year-old player for Pershagens SK, said he had a "bad stomach" during the match against Jarna SK, so "I simply let go," prompting the ref to show him a yellow card, his second, followed up with red. The ref, for his part, says he viewed the in-air infraction as a "deliberate provocation." For the record, Ljungkvist's team lost the game by 5-2. There has been a "stunning, dazzling" find by a French book publisher: a sketchbook that belonged to Dutch master painter Vincent Van Gogh."This sketchbook was known only to the owners, myself, and the publisher," a Seuil official told the news agency noting that the drawings will be published in November and called Van Gogh: Le Brouillard d’Arles (The Fog of Arles). And it's obvious they are hyping up the book's release by revealing very few details in a statement: "No further information will be divulged until the world press conference to be held in Paris in mid-November, on the eve of the book's arrival in bookstores ." Jong-un says missiles can can hit US Pacific targets Swedish footballer kicked out of match for farting Colombia’s FARC deal is a step towards peace Gold medalist robbed in Rio amid security fears The end of the Pentagon's ban on transgender troops serving openly could be just days away. It has been almost a year since Defense Secretary Ash Carter ordered a review to determine whether lifting the ban would affect military readiness, and sources have confirmed that the Pentagon will announce repeal on July 1 after consulting with military chiefs on the final details. The sources say branches of the military will be given a year to bring in new policies on issues like recruitment and housing for transgender troops. The issue of transgender military personnel has been subject to great debate in the US A file shot of Gold-medalist Liesl Tesch International Kim Jong-un has boasted of North Korea’s “sure capability” to strike US targets in the Pacific after his military carried out an apparently successful test of its Musudan medium-range missile. The North Korean leader, who personally monitored Thursday’s missile tests, described the launch as a “great event” that vastly improved the North’s pre-emptive nuclear attack capability, according to the official KCNA news agency. Five previous Musudan tests ended in failure. But the second of two Musudans fired on Thursday flew 250 miles (400km) - equivalent to half the distance to Japan’s main island of Honshu - before coming down in the Sea of Japan. The bilateral cease-fire announced Friday by the Colombian government and the country’s largest rebel group, the FARC, marks a significant step forward in reducing violence in the country; but it doesn’t necessarily mean the five-decade- old conflict is over. The cease-fire will begin with the signing of a final peace deal in the coming weeks, and if all goes as planned, rebels will have six months to put down their arms.The deal will include the creation of temporary transition zones and camps for the estimated 7,000 rebels. > All eyes are on Brazil ahead of the Olympic's August 5 start After two members of the Australian Paralympic sailing squad were robbed at gunpoint in Rio de Janeiro, Australia's Olympic team leader is urging Brazilian authorities to implement Olympic-scale security now "before an athlete gets hurt." Two men allegedly robbed sailor Liesl Tesch, who won gold at the 2012 Summer Paralympics in London, and team official Sarah Ross on Sunday, according to a statement from Australian Sailing. The two men, one carrying a pistol, allegedly snatched the women's bicycles in Rio Park. An estimated 85,000 police and soldiers are set to patrol the streets during the Olympics and Paralympics, but violent crime remains a fact of life in Rio. "Maybe the organizing committee should mobilize their games-time defense force early," Kitty Chiller, Australia's Olympic team leader, said Tuesday. "Do it now."Chiller said she'd written to the head of the Rio organizing committee and to the city's mayor, Eduardo Paes, to express concerns. "We're demanding that the level of those (security) forces bereviewed, andalsothattheybemobilizedearlier." The weekend incident "was extremely concerning and disturbing," Miss Chiller said. Disney is embracing the power of movie make- believe when it comes to the domestic abuse accusations against Johnny Depp. The Disney CEO Bog Iger says he is not worried that Chinese visitors will be outraged over seeing the scandal- scarred actor as Jack Sparrow at the "Pirates of the Caribbean" ride at the newly-opened Shanghai Disneyland resort. "I'm not worried about it," Iger told The Hollywood Reporter. When prodded further by the industry trade if he thought the public relations nightmare would pass, Iger answered: "I don't know whether it passes or not. We have Jack Sparrow," he said. Certainly the stakes for the company go beyond the gates of the $5.5 billion, 1,000-acre amusement park that opened in China last week. Depp, 52, is facing accusations that he physically abused his now estranged wife, Amber Heard, who won a restraining order against the actor last month. The scandal seems to have hurt Depp's marketability in Hollywood, at least in the short term. His latest Disney movie "Alice Through the Looking Glass," was a box office disaster. Shanghai Disney brushes off Johnny Depp ride concerns 'Dazzling' find in France: A Van Gogh sketchbook Pentagon ready to lift their ban on transgender troops NEWS HIGHLIGHTS!
  • 6. 6 BANGKOKʼS FREE NEWSPAPER June 29-July 12, 2016 Mahidol takes the top spot as the number 1 Thai university Bangkok Floods affect Bangkok after huge overnight downpours Several hours of intense overnight downpours flooded many roads in the low-lying parts of Bangkok at the tail-end of last week, causing severe traffic jams during the morning rush hour on the weekdays. According to the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA), more than 30 roads in and around the affected areas in the city were flooded by knee-high water, making it impassable to small vehicles. Workers complained of late arrival to office due to the severe traffic jams caused by the flooding.The worst affected area in the city was low lying Lat Phrao, which forced four schools nearby to cancel their classesWednesday, BMA said, adding that clogged monsoon drains also exacerbated the flood problems. Lat Phrao and a section of Ratchadaphisek Road, among Bangkok's major arteries for road users, were closed inthemorningasmostofitweresubmergedbyflood water. Bangkok's governor Sukhumbhand Paribatra in his Facebook advised road users to avoid using several affected roads, including Ratchadaphisek. Mahidol University was ranked the No 1 University of Thailand, and the 90th in Asia out of a total of 200 universities, in the latest Asia University Rankings 2016 undertaken by Times Higher Education Institute. The rankings were based on 13 indicators in five criteria which include teaching and learning (25 percent), the quality of research work (30 percent), references of the research work (30 percent), internationalism (7.5 percent) and the university’s capability in making revenue from its innovations and knowledge.The 13 indicators cover opinion surveys among students, educators and academics and responses from the government and the industrial sector towards the universities. Out of 200 universities, six other Thai universities also made the list. The State Railways of Thailand held a grand celebration on Saturday to mark the 100th anniversary of the Bangkok Railway Station with several traditional activities, folk plays, music and exhibitions, to mark the rail service that was introduced first into the country by King Rama V. Apart from lively activities at the station, steam locomotives were are also exhibited for the young generation to see and try, as well as booths selling local products at far reduced prices. Hua Lamphong train station reaches grand age of 100 CheckInn99willclosetheir doorsforgoodonJuly2 Check Inn 99, which for 59 years has entertained guests on Sukhumvit Road as a cabaret bar and restaurant, will close its doors forever on July 2 after being evicted in the name of commercial development. “It’s sad. It’s the only original Bangkok bar from the ‘50s,” said owner Chris Catto-Smith. He said he was given one month’s notice his bar had to close, as the landlord wants to develop the building into what he described as a “trinket market” and trendy hotel lobby. The one card promised to rule them all - BTS, MRT and Airport Rail Link - won’t make it to Bangkok this year after all. “What isn’t finished yet are discussions of how to adjust the systems of those four train lines to be connected into a shared system,” said acting director Padet Praditphet.“This is down to it being very complicated.” Padet said he had no idea when the those issues will be resolved. Once they are settled, the public will have to wait another six months for arrival of their Mangmoom cards. Mangmoomisplacedonhold afterannouncinglaunch NEWS HIGHLIGHTS!
  • 7. 7BANGKOKʼS FREE NEWSPAPER June 29-July 12, 2016 The Ministry of Tourism and Sport’s Department of Tourism has announced an “Art for the Blind Exhibition” program to promote over 12 locations in Thailand to the visually impaired through the use of statues and molds. The program is to start with a competition for art pieces for the blind, with pieces to be selected for their ability to allow the visually impaired to experience travel attractions in the Kingdom. The pieces can be statues, carvings or any other tactile piece of art work. Cheap-deal platform Ensogo shuts down SEA operations Ensogo, one of Asia’s leading flash sales e-commerce sites, announced that it is shutting down all its marketplace units in Southeast Asia. The company did not give any reason or clarify the situation to its customers and partners. The official statement said, “Ensogo will no longer provide financial support to its subsidiary Southeast Asian flash sales and marketplace business units. These business units will be shut down. All the staff have been informed and communications will be made to customers shortly.” It also stated the board accepted CEO Kris Marszalek's resignation, head since August 2014. Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha held talks with Myanmar’s State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi, to strengthen relationships and cooperation between the two countries. Gen Prayut welcomed Suu Kyiat the end of last week, saying that Thailand and Myanmar are like brothers who share a long period of relationships. He said his talk with Myanmar’s state counselor focused on the planned improvement of labor management, which has been an issue that Thailand has been working on, to provide welfare and basic rights to Myanmar migrant workers in Thailand, regarding healthcare and legal protection. Thailand is now aiming to provide better protection of Myanmar’s migrant workers with online complaint and hotlines, as well as establishing the Laborer Admission and Returning Center in Mae Sot district, Tak province. Cambodian monks arrested for making illegal entry The trip was heralded as a success by both A photo of the scene in Pathum Thani Six Cambodian monks were placed under arrest in a forest for allegedly entering the kingdom illegally. A combined force of soldiers and officials raided their camp in a wooded area in Pathum Thani province’s in response to complaints from local residents that Cambodian monks were begging for morning alms in town. Five of the six monks did not carry passports, while the others did but lacked entry stamps, said Saichol Phuchalermtrakul, a local administrator. The six, whose names were withheld by officers, were taken to a temple for a defrocking ceremony and later sent to Immigration Police for deportation proceedings. Officials are expanding their investigation to seek and capture other monks in Pathum Thani who might have entered illegally. Tops Supermarket celebrate 20 years of serving Thailand The outgoing Qatari Ambassador to Thailand, His Excellency Jabor Ali Al- Dosari, has made a courtesy visit to Deputy Prime Minister ACM Prajin Juntong at Government House. ACM Prajin thanked Mr. Al-Dosari for his active role in promoting bilateral ties. The Qatari Ambassador voiced his appreciation for the long-standing friendship between the two countries, and stated that he would be pleased to see further cooperation in the future. Outgoing Qatar Ambassador makes visit to Deputy PM Aung San Suu Kyi welcomed on her official visit Central Food Retail, Thailand’s largest food retailer, have revealed their plan to allocate Bt6.5 billion in investment capital to be spent in large part on new store openings over the next five years, as they celebrates the 20 year anniversary of Tops Supermarket. They plan to add about 70 new stores each year, and reach 600 stores in total, by the end of 2021. Expansion will focus on the Tops Market and Tops Daily formats, the company's mid- and mini-scale supermarkets, which are flexible and can be opened at any location throughout the Kingdom. Thai rice exports to gain from increased demand Minister Apiradi Tantraporn said the rise is down to a continuous demand in both domestic and foreign markets, such as the government-to-government deal with China for 1 million tonness of rice. The Ministry of Commerce has forecast that rice exports will see a rise in the second half of this year, and are likely to reach the annual output target that is set at 9.5 million tonnes. Commerce Dept of Tourism holds 'Art for the Blind' program NEWS HIGHLIGHTS!
  • 8.
  • 9. 9BANGKOKʼS FREE NEWSPAPER June 29-July 12, 2016 BIZ BITES STOCK INDEXES General Mills was recently trading at $66.77, just $0.11 below its 12-month high and $19.34 above its 12-month low. Technical indicators are bullish for the stock and it is in a strong upward trend. The stock has recent support above $64.25 and is trading above recent resistance. 39.14€ £47.0135.28$ TOURIST RATES OIL & GOLD AUSTRALIA............ 26.39. CANADA................ 27.15 CHINA....................5.40 INDIA.....................0.52 JAPAN....................0.35 RUSSIA ................0.54 S.KOREA .............0.03 MAL AYSIA ............8.62 N.ZEALAND...........25.18 SINGAPORE..........26.09 BRENT CRUDE $48.41 THAI SET INDEX 1,413.19 DOW JONES I.A. 17,400.75 NASDAQ 4707.98 FTSE 100 6,138.69 GOLD $ 1,315.00PRICES MEASURED AGAINST THAI BAHT ON JUNE 28 Uber to make app less 'complicated' to use BUSINESSBiz-Tech Uber is one of the start-up world's most high-profile firms, and increasingly popular in Bangkok myself, where I've held off using an Uber during a surge," said Jim Clark, research director at Econsultancy. "We as consumers are sensitive to price: that's one of the reasons they'll be making this change." Uber said it was moving to a system were riders would know the cost of their journey before booking. Presently, factors such as waiting time in traffic can increase the cost of a journey. In a blog post, Uber said it had started rolling out the change in the US and India in April. It said more cities Uber is to hide surge pricing notifications for more of its users to make its app less "complicated". During busy periods, the taxi firm's customers are currently told they will be charged a "surge price" such as 1.7 or 2.3 times the standard fare. Customers will instead be shown a fixed fee with a notice that "fares are higher due to increased demand". One analyst said hiding the surge price multiplier could stop people being discouraged from using the service."I've been in the situation would follow suit, but that it had no timescale for implementing the change worldwide. In addition to hiding the surge price multiplier, Uber is also removing an option that notifies customers when the surge price drops. Uber said the changes made the app "clear and simple". "There's no complicated math and no surprises - passengers can just sit back and enjoy the ride," it said. However, Mr Clark said hiding the surge price multiplier could also have a financial benefit for Uber. FCBARCELONA OFFICIAL PARTNER Thai growth predicted at 4% for whole year Standard Chartered Bank (Thailand) has predicted Thailand’s overall economy will grow by 4% as a result of government’s escalated investments in mega-infrastructure projects which will encourage the private sector to increase their investments. Ms Ussara Wilaipit, a senior economist at Stan Chart, said that Thailand’s growth rate for the first half of the year was predicted at 3.6% but, in the later half of the year, the growth rate would register 4.4%, making the overall growth rate for the whole year to register at 4%. She attributed the anticipated growth rate increase to the government’s efforts to speed up implementation of seven infrastructure projects this year which, she said, will convince the private sector to increase their investments in the later half of the year. As for the inflation rate, Ms Ussara said inflation rate for the second half of the year would surpass one percent but the policy rate is likely to remain at 1.5% until the end of the year. Permanent corporate income tax standing at 20% and double tax deductions for expenses on new private investment this year are boosting incentives, while pent- up investment applications for Board of Investment privileges worth 1.8 trillion baht since 2014 will steadily translate into real investment, she said. The low debt-to-equity ratio among companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand provides room for greater investment. Volkswagen has agreed to take a series of steps with a total cost of roughly $10.2 billion to settle claims from its unprecedented diesel emissions cheating scandal in the US. Most of the money would go to compensate 482,000 owners of cars with 2-liter diesel engines that were programmed to turn on emissions controls during lab tests and turn them off while on the road, said sources, who asked not to be identified because a judge has issued a gag order in the case. Multiple outlets also reported a settlement between $10 billion and $10.3 billion. Volkswagen's $10 billion US emissions fine settled HEADLINES NEWS HIGHLIGHTS!
  • 10. 10 BANGKOKʼS FREE NEWSPAPER June 29-July 12, 2016 Jake Bugg - On My Own Nottingham’s own musical prodigy, Jake Bugg, has released his third studio album, On My One, at the tender age of 22.The album’s title derives from the Nottingham saying for ‘on my own’, which works well with the fact that Clifton-native Bugg was much more involved in producing this album than with his first two. The album was mostly self-produced, and the majority of negative reviews focus on this fact; deeming his work to have a derivational quality, be it from his own previous work or the music of others. His second album, Shangri La, also received mixed reviews. The ‘third album’ is often considered a hurdle. It demands originality combined with familiarity to previous albums. This was an excellent effort, from a fine young star. Showbiz Rihanna's first London gig seemingly failed to set the capital alight. As the UK left the EU, the Bajan pop beauty brought her ANTI World tour to Wembley, but didn’t draw in the crowds she’s used to. Not only that, audience members complained that the singer disappeared from stage for up to 10 minutes at a time."She rushed through the songs and everything was double the tempo. There were 10 minute dance breaks where she went off stage and nobody knew what is going on." said one. Ben Affleck ranting about his beloved Patriots and Tom Brady’s difficult position in the deflategate scandal is a Youtube senstation, and it was presumed that Affleck, who has a history of substance abuse, was drunk on the show. Some pointed that the actor was slurring his speech as he railed against the NFL for trying to confiscate Brady’s phone during the scandal. Affleck’s rep immediately told TMZ that the actor wasn’t drunk, that he was just passionate about sports. Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston's romance has been moving at warp speed. After the Love Story singer introduced The Night Manager star to her parents, he’s now whisked her way to Essex to meet his mum. The pair have been dating for less than three weeks, after Taylor split from Calvin, but that hasn’t stopped them from ramping up their relationship. Looking as if they could be posing for a magazine shoot, Taylor and Tom hugged his mum as they took a stroll in Suffolk. Tom & Taylor's very swift romance Did Ben Affleck turn up drunk for HBO American Football chat show? Rihanna’s London show at Wembley Arena fails to draw in the crowds NEWS HIGHLIGHTS!
  • 11. 11BANGKOKʼS FREE NEWSPAPER June 29-July 12, 2016 SHREK THE MUSICAL AT THE MUANGTHAI RACHADALAI THEATRE Shrek The Musical is based on the Oscar winning DreamWorks Animation film that started it all. This live adaptation brings the hilarious story of everyone’s favorite ogre to the stage. In a far away kingdom turned upside down, things get ugly when an ogre – not a handsome prince – shows up to rescue a feisty princess. Throw in a donkey that does not keep quiet, a villain with a short temper, a cookie with an attitude and over a dozen other fairy tale misfits, and you’ve got the kind of mess that calls for a real hero. Luckily, there’s one on hand, and his name is Shrek! Shrek The Musical will play at Muangthai Rachadalai Theatre for 8 exclusive performances July 1-5. Tickets are available at all Thaiticketmajor outlets. Ticket prices for Shrek The Musical are priced between B,1500 to B4,500. For more information, please call 02-262-3838 or log on to: 11BANGKOKʼS FREE NEWSPAPER Events The Embassy of Israel proundly presents "When All Was Green", an Israeli puppetry play without words, that is the recipient of many awards. Based on the famous book 'The Giving Tree' it is proudly brought to Bangkok by The Key Theatre from Israel in the 1st Bangkok International Children's Theatre Festival 2016 at Bangkok Art and Culture Center. It is a play without words but with a great deal of sensitivity and soul ,that succeeds in touching the hearts of the young ones and adults. Shows are on Saturday July 2 and Sunday July 3 2016. There are more details at: "WHEN ALL WAS GREEN" BY THE KEY THEATRE AT BACC ENTREPRENEUR SUMMIT AT WINDSOR HOTEL The full day program is designed for the entrepreneur, taking their business from funding, building, growing, and valuation. Taking place on Friday July 8, it is ideal for people who wish to start their business, startupswantingtogrowtheirbusiness,SMEs wanting to develop, Chambers of Commerce members and corporations looking to invest in innovative companies.There is an exciting line-upofspeakers,includingMicahelCluzel Eatigo CEO. Tickets range between B1,299 and B2,999, and there is more information available at: Bangkok AfterWork at Hyde & Seek Gastro Bar Ploenchit AfterWork is bringing you to the ideal spot to meet with other like-minded people, whether to relax or expand your network. They'll be getting together from 6pm-11pm so head down, and make a connection! Independence Day Picnic 2016 at NIST BTS Asoke Join the American community of Bangkok in celebrating Independence Day with a traditional picnic event hosted by AMCHAM. Tickets are B200, and children under 12 are free! Runs from midday, through til 8pm. Motivating & Improving Teams in Thailand at Glowfish A three hour overview of team building best practices, including insights to the unique challenges of managing teams in Thailand. Tickets are B2,400 and the event runs from 9am-12pm. June 29 Singha Light Live Series Vol. 2 - The Radio Dept at Voice Space Samsen Nai The Radio Dept is set to perform in Bangkok again after eight years in “Singha Light Live Series Vol. 2" at Voice Space, Samsen Nai. Advance tickets at B1,300 and tickets at the door will be B1,500. From 7.30pm-late June 30 July 1 July 4 WHAT’S HAPPENING BEAM X DARK BAR at Beam, 72 Courtyard Thonglor Thonglor's brand new cutting-edge dance music venue BEAM and Ekkamai's underground music hotspot Dark Bar join forces for a collaboration, taking place at BEAM. DJ's Kingkong & Supersonic headline.10pm-late. July 4 NEWS HIGHLIGHTS!
  • 12. Modern Mexican Restaurant and Tequila Bar Discover authentic yet modern Mexican cuisine, experience the BEST margaritas in Bangkok and sample from the largest selection of Tequilas and hard to find tequilas in Thailand! Try our Nachos, Tacos, hand made at your table Guacamole and assorted Vegetarian Dishes. Enjoy Mejico's happy hour daily from 5pm and don’t miss our famous Margaritas Mondays, Taco Tuesdays and ThirstyThursdays! Mejico caters to outside events, corporate functions, weddings and parties. Open 7 days a week, 11am to midnight. GROUND FLOOR @ EMQUARTIER Tel: 02-261-0382 : jonesthegrocerthailand : For memorable meals and killer cocktails, visit Jones the Grocer at EmQuartier. Menu highlights include great burgers, awesome steaks including our 1kg t-bone, organic coffee, home made pastries/baked goods with a fantastic selection of vegetarian options. We also carry a wide selection of hard-to- find Australian made craft beers, wines as well as unique, high-quality gourmet grocery items. Open 7 days a week, 10 am - 11pm with our side entrance door and patio for late nights out. Jones the Grocer caters to outside events, corporate functions, weddings and parties. Jones the Grocer, Gourmet Food for Everyday : Present this ad or mention ‘Globe’ for a special 15% discount. Special promotion valid until 31st December 2016.
  • 13. 13BANGKOKʼS FREE NEWSPAPER June 29-July 12, 2016FashionFood Ingredients: • 1/2 cup chopped onion • 1/2 cup chopped carrots • 4 cloves of minced garlic • 1 1/4 lbs. of ground turkey • 3/4 cup fresh bread crumbs • 1 egg • 1/2 cup ketchup • 4 tsp.Worcestershire sauce • 1/2 tsp dried thyme • handful of fresh chopped parsley • 2 tbsp butter Salt and pepper to taste Fabulous Fourth of July! TASTE ADVENTURES Guest Columnist Jacob Holder,Founder ofTaste ofThailand Food Tours,is excited to celebrate his homeland's independence in style! As you sit down to a July 4th meal, have you ever given any thought to where those foods come from? Experts at the Smithsonian Institution did, and they shared their findings in a recent blog post. Hamburgers and hot dogs may seem all-American but pigs and cattle were brought to the New World by Spanish explorers. According to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council, Americans will eat 150 million hot dogs over the Fourth of July holiday. On the other side of the plate, tomatoes and potatoes have been a perfect pairing for centuries. As early as 1781, Thomas Jefferson served French-fried potatoes with tomatoes at Monticello; today, the average American consumes 142 pounds of potatoes and three bottles of ketchup a year. As for that bun you’re eating, wheat didn’t come to the New World until Christopher Columbus sailed across the seas in 1492. Enjoy the festivities all, and most importanly, try not to over-induldge! Hey guys! It's that time of year again, when millions around the world, both proud Americans such as myself, or those with family, friends or a love of the USA, will celebrate the day in 1776 that represents the Declaration of Independence,andthebirthoftheUnitedStates of America as an independent nation. There are some nice events taking place around Bangkok, that has a large number of expats from the States - I can personally recommend the picnic that takes place annually at NIST school. If however you wish to rustle up some authentic dishes to celebrate the day, then you can give my recipes a go, that are both easy to create and delicious. Food, and the 4th of July, go hand-in hand! Red, White and Blue Patriotic Cupcakes Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Melt the butter in pan then add chopped onions, carrots, and garlic until they're nice and brown. 2.Removethemixtureandsetasideinabowltocool. Then add to the mixture the turkey, bread crumbs , half of the ketchup, half of theWorcestershire, salt, pepper, thyme. 3. Mix the ingredients with a fork until all mixed together thoroughly, pressing it into 8x4" loaf pan and brush the remaining ketchup mixed with Worcestershire sauce on the top. 4. Put meatloaf in the oven at 350 degrees for 55 minutes. Let it cool for roughly 5 minutes before cutting it into slices to serve. Ingredients: • 1 package (18 1/4 oz) white cake mix • 3/4 cup seedless red raspberry jam • 1 can (16 oz) vanilla frosting • Red, white, and blue sprinkles • 1 teaspoon intense red paste food color • 1/4 teaspoon royal blue paste food color • Decorating Decors red, white and blue stars • Coarse white sparkling sugar, if desired Directions: Preheat the oven to 350º. Mix the cake batter as directed on the box. Divide the batter into thirds and place in separate bowls. Add red food coloring to one bowl, blue to another, and leave the third white. Mix them up. Fill paper- lined muffin cups with about 2 tablespoons of red batter. Now put 2 tablespoons of white (plain) batter over the red and lastly layer with the blue batter. Bake for 20 minutes and remove from the oven. Let your Patriotic Cupcakes cool completely. Frost the cupcakes and top with red, white, and blue sprinkles. Mom's Turkey Meatloaf
  • 14. 14 BANGKOKʼS FREE NEWSPAPER June 29-July 12, 2016 Located on the Mezzanine Floor of The Empire Tower in the heart of Sathorn District CBD, it presents itself almost as a private club, equipped with dining facilities, meeting rooms and even a ballroom for larger events. The meal started off with an introduction to the chef who has been there from the beginning, when they opened over a year ago. The main dining room is a long space with a traditional, wood-paneled flair, brightly lit by windows on the far end behind the bar. It is a space that suits business lunches, small private lunch meetings or even a quiet lunch for two. The lounge is open from morning til evening, serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. They also offer special happy hour deals. Our meal commenced with two brightly colored drinks - Blue Sky Empire and Peach Italian sodas. The regular menu offers not only water and juices but beer and smoothies (including a Kale version!) The first course, the 'Lounge 195 balloon' was an impressive feat of culinary engineering. Presented sitting atop a bed of salad greens, tomatoes and fruit, dressed with balsamic, was a delicate bubble, made of Mozzarella cheese. Hiding inside was an avocado mousse, which is only apparent upon cutting into the ‘balloon.’ The taste was part crepe, part cheese with the avocado lending a creamy finish. The second course was a simple Duck Leg Confit with garlic mashed potatoes and peas. The flavors were nice and balanced, with just enough food to make you feel like you had enough without being too full. The dessert was clearly the star of the meal. Beautifully presented with a delicate sugar sculpture atop, the Chocolate Mousse was indeed very rich and delicious. Accompanied by a Strawberry sorbet, the flavors were strong, yet not overly sweet. Overall presentation was lovely and the environment serene and conducive to conversation, whether for business or pleasure. It isdefinitelyaspottocheckoutifyouarelookingfor an escape from the usual lunch crowds and heat of the city. Menu choices are clearly geared towards the international, relying on nice presentation and simple flavors to counterbalance the usual spicy, strong-flavored Thai food in our everyday diets here. We can recommend a visit to this lovely venue, and we thoroughly enjoyed the ambience, service and thoughtfully-created food and drinks on offer, and plan to return as soon as we can. Pick of the Bunch The 195 Lounge at Empire Tower, Sathorn The Lounge 195 is a great business-integrated concept in Bangkok, that has entered the scene as a sophisticated alternative to the typical hotel business meal. Offering breakfast, lunch and dinner geared towards the business- minded,The Lounge 195 is a convenient option for a business function, or simply to enjoy a quiet, delicious meal. The Lounge at EmpireTower Sathorn Empire Tower (BTS Chong Nonsi) 02 670 1195 NEWS HIGHLIGHTS!
  • 16. 16 BANGKOKʼS FREE NEWSPAPER June 29-July 12, 2016 Reviews Hazard is looking back to his best Messi to reverse retirement? Maradona leads the calls Griezmann is Iceland's man to watch after Irish win Wimbledon2016isunderway Despite being taken off with a minor knock in the earlier round, the Chelsea winger will return to be fit for the Red Devil's last-eight tie, according to his international boss. Marc Wilmots insists Eden Hazard will be 100 per cent fit for Belgium's Euro 2016 quarter-final against Wales, despite sitting out training on Tuesday. The Chelsea star was influential in his side's 4-0 round-of-16 win over Hungary on Sunday, scoring the third with a spectacular strike. However, having picked up a knock in that game and subsequently being substituted, he joined Thomas Vermaelen in missing out on Belgium's latest training session. Wilmots, though, is optimistic his captain will recover in time for the last-eight meeting with theWelsh. "Hazard felt a kind of thigh contraction at half-time against Hungary, that's why I replaced him in the second half," he said. "I think he will be back in training on Thursday. He is in the care of the physios and is working with them. "He is recovering well enough that he should be 100 per cent the day before the match." Belgium lost their opening game of Euro 2016 to Italy, but have been in fine form since, winning all three games without conceding and scoring eight goals in the process. There has been a great deal of speculation during the tournament that his club side Chelsea may be lining up a swap deal with Real Madrid, who have coveted Hazard for some time. Chelsea have their eye on striker Alvaro Morata, who they believe would compliment new signing Michy Batshuayi well. Lionel Messi has been urged to reconsider his international retirement by Argentina legend Diego Maradona and the country's president. The forward, 29, quit after missing in a penalty shootout as Argentina were beaten by Chile in the Copa America - a fourth major final loss in nine years. "Those saying he should quit don't want us to see what a disaster Argentinean football has become," Maradona told La Nacion newspaper. "Messi must go on." Maradona, who captained Argentina to victory in the 1986 World Cup and managed the team at the 2010 World Cup, added: "Messi has to stay because he will reach the 2018 World Cup in Russia with conditions in place to become a world champion." Surprise Euro 2016 quarter-finalists Iceland want a fairytale ending to their run, like the one that Leicester City enjoyed when they stunned the soccer world by clinching the Premier League title this season, team coaches said onTuesday. Leicester, with no big names in the squad, finished ahead of far more illustrious English clubs in what was one of the biggest upsets in club football. Iceland, in their first major tournament, have already taken the competition by storm, advancing past the group stage and then beating England 2-1 on Monday to set up a quarter-final clash with hosts France. "I think I would like it to end like it ended with Leicester City," Iceland joint coach Heimir Hallgrimsson told reporters. "They played on their strengths and we are trying to play on our strengths. "There is the same team spirit in both teams. We are willing to work for each other." While Iceland had already exceeded expectations, they were ready to face France in much the same way as they did England. "This was a game for them (England) to lose. All the pressure was on England," Hallgrimsson said. "Against France we can go relaxed and show our best. We don't have the pressure of the entire world that we need to win this game. We want to win but we don't absolutely need to." Hallgrimsson warned however, that France would be keeping up the pressure until the end, and that Antoine Griezmann was in stunning form against Ireland. career title at the All England Club. Serena will also look to tie Steffi Graf's mark of 22 Grand Slam titles for the third major in a row. "I think more or less about winning Australia, I think about winning the French Open. I think about winning Wimbledon. I don'tnecessarilythinkaboutwinning 22." Serena said after the match. Indianapolis Colts quarterback Andrew Luck has signed a new six- year deal worth $140m to become the highest-earning player in NFL history. The 26-year-old, drafted to Indianapolis in 2012, is now contracted to the Colts until the end of the 2021 season. Luck's wages take him above the $22.1m collected by No. 1 and reigning champion Serena Williams began her title defense on Tuesday, beating World No. 148 Amra Sadikovic 6–2, 6–4 on Center Court. On match point, Serena’s return was called long but she challenge it, and Hawk-Eye determined the ball was in.The victory marked her 80th win at Wimbledon as she aims for a seventh Joe Flacco of Baltimore Ravens, the previous record earner. "I am thrilled and excited," Luck said. The Colts made the play-offs in Luck's first three seasons with them but he suffered an injury-hit 2015, missing two early matches with a shoulder problem before a lacerated kidney that then saw him ruled out after week nine. > Wales up next for Belgians, who looked strong in Hungary match Sport Eden Hazard celebrating during Belgium's 4-0 win against Hungary ColtsgiveLuckrecordcontract NEWS HIGHLIGHTS!