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global eyes
October 2012
               Manitoba African and Caribbean Quarterly Magazine

                                       Diversity equals

                              IMMIGRANT WOMEN
                                        COBW interviews: Coretta Scott King, (B Watson) Nanny
                                        of Jamaica (L Stewart-Archer) Ingrid Johnson
                                        (Interviewer), Viola Desmond (L Hackett) Harriet Tubman
                             STORIES - FEMFEST 2012
                                        (M McLaren)
When Life gives you lemons you make lemonade
What do you do when you get                                                                           time work at Concordia
lemons as gifts? You make                                                                             Hospital on weekends
lemonade. What do you do                                                                              in the emergency
when you have been dealt a                                                                            admitting
bad hand of cards; you work                                                                           GEM: When did you
with it and do the best you                                                                           first learn that you had
can? That is the stuff Grasita                                                                        Parkinson’s disease?
Jones is made of.                                                                                     GJ: I first learned that I
    A few years ago a healthy                                                                         had Parkinson’s disease
vibrant beautiful woman was                                                                           on my birthday
told she had Parkinson’s                                                                              December 22nd 1999
disease. And like most people                                                                         and was confirmed in
Grasita was shocked that she                                                                          January 2000.
would get this illness because                                                                        GEM: What kinds of
no one in her family had such a                                                                       symptoms did you have
disease. She never once said                                                                          alerted you that
“Why me””Poor me” In fact                                                                             something was wrong?
Grasita’s inclination when                                                                            GJ: I used to attend
someone suggests why her is                                                                           aerobics after work and
“why not me?””.                                                                                       I was the only one who
   Parkinson’s disease is a life                                                                      did the funky moves.
altering illness. Parkinson’s                                                                         One of my colleagues
disease is the second most                                                                            noticed that I was not
common neurodegenerative                                                                              very coordinated and I
disorder and the most common                                                                          noticed that I had no
movement disorder. It is                                                                              control over some
characterized by progressive                                                                          movement e.g. when
loss of muscle control, which                                                                         doing biceps curls my
leads to trembling of the limbs                                                                       arm just dropped
and head while at rest, stiffness, slowness,     GEM: Which part of the Caribbean are       involuntarily. My husband Byron
and impaired balance. As symptoms                you from?                                  also noticed that I did not swing
worsen, it may become difficult to walk,         GJ: I was born in Aruba but grew up in     my left arm when we walked. I
talk, and complete simple tasks.                 St. Vincent and The Grenadines – my        was encouraged to check this out
The progression of Parkinson’s disease           parents’ homeland.                         with my doctor. My family doctor
and the degree of impairment vary from           GEM: How long have you lived in            sent me for a CT scan the results
individual to individual. Many people            Canada?                                    came back a negative. There
with Parkinson’s disease live long               GJ: I have lived in Canada for 42 years.   were no signs of stroke. She then
productive lives, whereas others become          GEM: What brought you here?                sent me to see a neurologist who
disabled much more quickly. Premature            GJ: I followed my heart and married my     as soon as I walked into his office
death is usually due to complications such       sweetheart                                 said “You have Parkinson’s.”
as falling-related injuries or pneumonia.        GEM: Did that work out for you?            GEM: How did you react to this
Grasita said her attack was to find out          GJ: Yes we were married and we             news?
about the disease and what she could do          have three beautiful children together     GJ: I was taken aback. All the
to stave off symptoms for as long as             and 4 grandchildren. I feel very           people I knew with Parkinson.s
possible and she learned that exercise           blessed with that.                         disease were old and I have never
helped and she has not stopped walking           GEM: Did you work outside the home?        seen a Black person with
since. She is one busy lady.                     GJ: I worked for the Province and then     Parkinson’s disease. I took the
 Global Eyes sat down with Grasita to            started a family and stayed at home for    news in stride because I did not
speak to her about Parkinson’s and how           several years before returning to part     know much about it.
she is dealing with it.                                                                                           cont’d on p3
          Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012
   Beatrice Watson
   Black woman you are beautiful, you      yourself a doormat, people will         concept is, tied it to how many
are a natural mother and you are a         walk on you. If you allow men to        women he can get to sleep with
giver. You can sustain hardship like no    get away with little things they        him. These are broken men who
one can and you stand behind your          will expect to get away with big        also need healing but they must
man. Black women stand behind their        things.                                 first recognize their brokenness.
men even the abusive ones. At a               In this small Winnipeg                   Unfortunately, our community
Congress of Black Women’s workshop         community there a high                  is busying itself trying to change
on violence against women, there were      percentage of hurt black women,         the world and to leave a legacy for
recommendations for police not to          betrayed and humiliated by their        our children. What legacy are we
arrest and put in jail black men who       intimate partners. Where is the         leaving? A building will soon rut,
abused their wives because black           love? Where is the respect? Can a       fall or be sold. A legacy of self-
women believed that their men would        son respect a father who cheats on      esteem, self worth and self
not be given a fair chance and will be     the mother he loves and adores,         confidence in our heirs will go a
more likely to suffer from police          can a daughter respect a father         long way but that can only come
brutality. This is the compassion of       who cheats on her mother and            from a community strong in
black women for their men. Even as         what will that do to her in her own     morals and integrity and
black men beat their women, the            relationship, could she easily trust    especially from strong families
women are willing to protect them.         her husband when her father             particularly fathers. Fathers are
Black women have always protected          cheated?                                very important to children’s
black men even during slavery and in         What kind of a black man              development. Too long has
the post slavery communities.              betrays and disrespects his             women shouldered this task alone
   Maybe the black woman has given         woman? It is a man who suffers                              continued on p9
too much. There is a saying if you make    from low self esteem, whose self-

                                                                                   negative. During my Parkinson
GEM: Do you know what causes               home after the diagnosis, I began       disease research I read of a fellow
Parkinson’s?                               researching it. I learned that it was   in New York City who decided to
GJ: There has been no definite answer as   not life threatening but definitely
                                                                                   go on a strict exercise regimen -
to what causes Parkinson. The disease      life altering. I also learned from my
                                                                                   walking daily and keeping his leg
does run in some families. It is seldom    doctor that there are several
                                                                                   muscles strong. I decided to do the
found in countries south of the equator.   expressions of this disease but I
Exposure to chemicals is also suspected.   have the “good one.” This was very      same and I believe I am doing this
As for me just recently I remembered       good news. I’ve also lost some          well because of this exercise
growing up and living in the midst of      weight as a result of the constant      regimen. I am a very active
banana plantations where every week the    movement. I also find myself            person. I hate sitting around and
plants were sprayed with pesticide to      explaining my condition to people       because of Parkinson’s disease I
protect the fruits from becoming           with whom I am in close contact for     had to learn to pace myself.
blemished. I can only guess that I may     example sitting on the bus next to a    Parkies (as we are fondly called)
have been a victim of pesticide control    person because they might find me       get tired easily and quickly. This
method.                                    touching them and want to know          is very hard for me so sometimes I
GEM: What are some of the impacts this     what’s going on.                        find myself in trouble – unable to
disease has on your life?                  GEM: How do you cope with these         get up and go because I overdid
GJ: When I was told that I had             changes?                                things - no energy left even to
Parkinson’s disease I did not react        GJ: Spiritually I was well grounded.    move.
because I did not know much about the      I decided to eliminate all negativity   GEM: What advice do you have
disease. However as soon as I returned     including friends who were              for people about this disease?
                                                                                                         cont’d on p19
                                                              Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012
              3                                                                                                    3
Subscribe Today
 Name:_________________________________________________________     Poetry By Neil p21
 Address:________________________________________________           Feature - Cultural History of
 Postal Code_______________                                         Jamaica - p15
                                                                    Guyanese Association of
 Email address:_______________________
                                                                    Manitoba News and Views p18
 Support Global Eyes Magazine if you think we’re doing
 a good job.
 Subscription: $15.00 per year for 4 issues.
 I Would like to receive upcoming event notices from the
                                                                    Piecing together Memories 30
 Caribbean/Black/larger community - by email or by
 phone (YES/NO)                                                     Only a Woman of Colour p13
 Mail cheque/Money Order to: Global Eyes Magazine (GEM)
 671 Rathgar Avenue,
                                                                    NEW - Shirley’s Corner p13
 Winnipeg, Manitoba                                                 More surprises inside!
 R3L 1G6

Global Eyes is an independent magazine quarterly publication
                                                                          Photo of the Quarter
devoted to promoting cultural awareness of the African and            Philosopher Dog - What is he
Caribbean communities of Manitoba and highlighting the
issues and concerns of these communities. It also aims                       thinking now?
at promoting cultural diversity and appreciation. Its
It features articles ranging from the achievements of local,
 national and international personalities and general information
that are of interest to the African/Caribbean
community. It offers editorials with African/
Caribbean sensibilities and letters to the editor. The
Magazine is produced under a volunteer editorial
committee that assists with proof-reading, publicity and

         IN THIS ISSUE
Briefs p6
Letter to my children p11
Global Counselor p11
Gaffin wid Buddy p26
Healthwise 18
Zizi the continuing story p20
Leg Up p19
        Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012
 Editor: Beatrice Watson                       Out and About                           GEM’s Regular Contributors
 Distributed to local businesses, and in
 Winnipeg and via email to individuals
 in Manitoba and former Manitobans in          10th Annual CD/CED
 various parts of the world.                         Gathering
 To receive Global Eyes by mail please
 send a cheque for $15.00 to:
 Global Eyes Magazine
 671 Rathgar Avenue                                                                            Neil Pitamber,
 Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 1G6                                                                    Caribbean Shield
 Phone: 204-477-1588                                                                          A prolific writer, poet                                                                 and owner, Caribbean
 All contents are (c) 2011 and may not
 be reprinted without the express or
 written consent of the author or Editor.

  Over 600 community members, CED             immigrant settlement, to
practitioners, government officials           cooperative enterprise development.
gathered at Churchill High School for the      There was food galore of every
10th annual Manitoba CD/CED full-day          kind and taste from vegan to                     Lara Badmus, LLB
conference on October 19, 2012.               vegetarian to gluten free to                    Discipline Counsel
Premier Greg Selinger’s brought greetings     conventional food. This was                     The Law Society of
and welcomed news about the province’s        awesomely impressive. Thanks to                     Manitoba
new initiative to support Coop Enterprises.   Sarah Leeson-Klym and her team
  Guest speaker, Raj Patel best-selling       for a job well done.
author and economist, inspired the
audience with his entertaining yet thought-
provoking presentation in which he pointed
out the flaws in our global economic
system and innovative ways communities
around the world are boosting equality and
creating economic opportunities.
  The event was well organized and                                                         Sharmela Sukhdeo Rambally
                                                                                          Guyanese Seniors Coordinator
participants could choose from 30             Public Policy Workshop
workshops from policy development to
                                                               Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012
                5                                                                                                   5
Women’s History Month 2012
                                          experience is a gift that grows in value
focused on the importance of              each time it is shared.”
mentors and role models who                Five speakers at a special event at the
empower others through their              Legislative Building spoke about their
work and help young women                 experiences with mentoring, how
plan and accomplish success in            female mentors have helped them and
their lives, Family Services and          offered words of advice to inspire
Labour Minister Hon. Jennifer             young women in the province. Each of
Howard, minister responsible for                                                   Janice Ristock      Jenna Wirch
                                          the speakers is an outstanding
the status of women said today.           Manitoba woman with a unique view
“This year, we are honouring              on the benefits of mentoring and an
women in our province who act             exceptional role model for others, said
as role models and mentors,”              Howard.
said Howard. “The knowledge                  Lorene Mahoney, Manitoba
they have accumulated is the              Women’s advisory Council members
seed they plant for the success of        was the emcee.
others. Knowledge gained first-
hand through a lifetime of
                                                                                   Shelley Hart       Ariana Yaftali

                                                                                     Violence against
                                                                                   women Still a problem
                                                                                   At least 1 in 3 women around the
                                                                                   world are subject to sexual, physical
                                                                                   or other forms of violence during
                                                                 Alana Gauthier    their lifetime. It may take many forms
                                                                                   and is not limited to any culture,
 Lorene Mahoney, Emcee                                                             region or country, or to any specific
                                          Hon. Jennifer Howard                     group of women. It has enormous
 NEW MICROLOANS                                                                    social and economic costs, and
                                    build a life for their families,” said         undercuts the contribution of women
PROGRAM WILL HELP                   Melnick. “These microloans are good            to development, human rights, peace,
 INTERNATIONALLY                    for our economy and they’ll make a
                                    real difference in the lives of these          and security. Not only does violence
     EDUCATED                                                                      against women prevent mothers from
NEWCOMERS WORK IN                     Recognition Counts! offers loans of          raising healthy children, it also
THEIR FIELDS SOONER                 up to $10,000, to cover everything             hampers the economic development
  A new microloans program          from the cost of new tools to paying           and stability within the country in
called Recognition Counts! will for certification exams or for
offer mcro loans to skilled         additional training. The program also          which they live. It also poses a
Iimigrants that will help put their gives low-income, high-skilled                 serious threat to the achievement of
education to work more quickly. newcomers valuable career and                      the Millennium Development Goals.
The loan will help remove           financial counselling to help address          Despite its high costs, almost every
barriers to getting Canadian        challenges with entering the labour
certification, Immigration and      market.                                        society in the world has social
Multiculturalism Minister             Recognition Counts! will be                  institutions that legitimize, obscure
Christine Melnick announced         delivered by SEED Winnipeg and                 and deny abuse. The same acts that
recently.                           Assiniboine Credit Union, with                 would be punished if directed at an
“Recognition Counts! gives our      support from the Manitoba
                                    government. The program is jointly             employer, a neighbor, or an
province’s newcomers the
resources they need to get their    funded by the governments of                   acquaintance often go unchallenged
qualifications recognized, enter    Manitoba and Canada.                           when men direct them at women,
our labour market sooner and                                                       especially within the family
        Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012
Editorial - Take One
                       When seniors       (Italy) Barbara Guia (Portugal)
                                                                                which people will pay to come and
                       come alive the     Clara Orallo (Philippines) Hein
                                                                                see them in the bright lights.
                       world becomes      Tran (Viet Nam, Monika Singh
                                                                                  These women showed courage,
                       their oyster. It   (Guyana) Beatrice Watson
                                                                                were willing to break the mould they
                       was so with        (Caribbean).
                                                                                made for themselves and found the
the Immigrant Women’s Association            This began as an Immigrant
                                                                                creative process rejuvenating.
senior members who took their             Women’s project funded by New
                                                                                   Everyone showed up for practice,
stories to the stage and it was a big     Horizons Canada. It was to gather
                                                                                everyone allowed themselves to be
hit. It shows what can happen when        the stories of first generation
                                                                                coached and directed by the director
people go out of their comfort zone,      Canadians, put it in a book and act
                                                                                and everyone found out in spite of
when people do not allow                  out some of the unique parts of the
                                                                                what they had feared, they were
themselves to be defined, labelled        stories through socio-drama. The
                                                                                blessed with memorizing skills..
or classified in a particular way.        women who co-wrote the script
                                                                                   And, they do not want to return to
Most of the women who                     with Ms McIntyre, had a choice to
                                                                                that shell and wear that limiting mask
participated in the Immigrant             act their parts or engage
                                                                                of “too old”. They are thinking of
Stories, a play directed by Hope          professional actors. The women
                                                                                the next challenge, could it be rock
McIntyre Artistic Director of the         wanted to tell their own stories.
                                                                                climbing or starting a rock band with
Sarasvati Theatre, were theatre           However they never imagined that
                                                                                singer Clara Orallo. Who knows, will
novices – Helma Rogge                     it would be part of a festival at
                                                                                keep you posted.
(Germany), Francesca Cotroneo

        Trinidad & Tobago Society of Winnipeg’sGolden Independence
                         Anniversary Celebration

                                                                                Hi-Life Steel Orchestra

Organizers and volunteers of the
Clyde Heerah’s Paradize Band
                                          The Trinidad
                                          and Tobago
                                          Society of
                                          celebrated the
                                          50th Independence anniversary of downtown Winnipeg, with music,
                                          Trinidad & Tobago with various        food and dancing.
                                          activities including a street party on It was a blistering hot Caribbean
                                          Edmonton and Graham Streets,          style weather but that did not stop
                                                                                anyone from dancing and having fun.

                                                              Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012
              7                                                                                                    7
Immigrant Women Starting a New Journey

Francesca Cotroneo, Clara Orallo, Helma Rogge-Rheders, Samanthja Walters, , Beatrice Watson, Barbara Guida (front) Hein Tran
              who in this cene shows how she was helped by others when she first came as a refugee from Vietnam.

The Immigrant Women’s                        Scene of the experience of first snow (photos by Janet Shum. FEMFEST Photographer))
Association in partnership with
New Horizons Canada and
Sarasvati Theatre pulled off a
successful, fun but educational
play in which first generation
immigrant women shared their
stories of migration with
Winnipeggers through the process
of workshop, story development,
script development and finally the
play under the guidance of artistic
Director for Sarasvati Theatre,
Hope McIntyre who has indeed
worked her magic on this group of
newbies and senior folks and got
them memorizing their lines and
having fun like a kid in a candy
        Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012
Youths are ready to carry the Inspiring Others
              Making a Difference, Black History Torch
As a young woman,                                                                     several Aboriginal Cultural
Cst. Izza Mian thought                                                                Events.
her career path would                                                                 In March of 2012, Cst. Mian
lead her towards the                                                                  spearheaded a Women on
field of nursing;                                                                     the Front Lines Career Fair
however she soon                                                                      along with other agencies
realized she wouldn’t                                                                 such as CSIS, the Winnipeg
be satisfied in the field                                                             Police Service, Canada
of health care.                                                                       Border Services Agency, and
“I wanted something                                                                   Federal and Provincial
more challenging,”                                                                    Corrections.
said Mian. “And I                                                                     “As a woman and a police
knew I wanted to                                                                      officer, I feel I can connect
travel.”                                                                              with other women who
With those aspirations                                                                might be interested in this
in mind, Mian decided                                                                 kind of a career,” said Mian.
to try her hand at law                                                                “I know first-hand what
enforcement, more                                                                     their fears or concerns might
specifically, the Royal                                                               be as I have experienced
Canadian Mounted Police.                                                        them and I can address them and
                                          She has traveled around the
“It seemed to have everything I was                                             put them at ease.”
                                          province – from Brandon all the
looking for, career wise,” said Mian.
                                          way up to Churchill – visiting
“I knew I was up to the task.”
                                          high schools, secondary schools                    by Holly Plato, RCMP
After graduating from RCMP Depot in
                                          and many public venues to present                       Communications
2009, Cst. Mian was first posted in
                                          the RCMP as a career to whoever
Portage la Prairie as a Regular
                                          is interested.
Member, where she remained for two                                              continued from p3. Reflection
                                          “It is important that we meet with
years. In the spring of 2011, she began                                         but it is time to stop cheating our
                                          students at a young age, to get
working with the D Division                                                     children. Fathers need to man up.
                                          them started on the right path,”
Recruiting Unit based in Winnipeg –                                             Do not let us build our house on
                                          said Mian. “I find it so fulfilling
her home town.                                                                  the sand. Let us tackle what we all
                                          when I meet a student who never
On a national level, the RCMP is                                                know our community needs most
                                          thought about the RCMP as a
dedicated to attracting more female                                             of all looking beneath the surface
                                          career and see him/her become
police officers and more visible                                                at the hurt, disappointments and
                                          inspired and excited about the
minorities – Mian meets both                                                    broken spirits. When women are
qualifications.                                                                 happy and self-actualized, loved
                                          In addition to presenting to the
“As a woman I hope I inspire others to                                          and respected by their partners
                                          public and students, Mian also
choose the RCMP as a career. Others                                             they grow strong families and
                                          attends many cultural and
who may not otherwise feel like they                                            communities.
                                          educational events, such as the
could do it,” said Mian. “But if I can                                           “People have a moral standard
                                          annual Afro-Caribbean job fair at
be successful here, many others can                                             about what they will do and will
                                          Elmwood School, the Manitoba
too.”                                                                           not do. At the end of the day
                                          Umuna Igbofest cultural
Cst. Mian, who in addition to English                                           someone who cheats has a lower
                                          celebration, the Congolese
speaks both Hindi and Urdu, has                                                 moral standard than someone who
                                          Association’s International
become a popular face at many                                                   does not. And they will cheat in
                                          Women’s Day event, Diwali, the
cultural events across Winnipeg and                                             other areas of life as well.” Carl
                                          Muslim Community Picnic and
Manitoba.                                                                       Lewis
                                                           Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012
             9                                                                                                  9
Global Briefs
Discrimination and violence against            Over 22,000 Guyanese from BRIDGETOWN, Barbados (BGIS) —
girls and violations of their human         all walks of life were intrigued Barbados has long been known by the
rights is a problem for women all over      by the six-week science and moniker ‘Little England’; however,
the world.                                  technology exhibition “India: a principal of the University of the West
   The United Nations saw the need to       Culture of Science,”sponsored Indies (UWI) Cave Hill, Professor
raise awareness of the challenges that      by the Indian Government.         Hilary Beckles, believes the island also
millions of girls face every day. In        The exhibition venue, Cliff       deserves the title of The First African
December 2011, the UN declared that         Anderson Sport Hall, was          Society in the Americas.
it would annually observe the               transformed into a spectacle of     The professor will address this theme
International Day of the Girl Child,        technological inventions and as the keynote speaker during this year’s
starting from October 11, 2012. Just as     concepts initiated by the people Ministry of Tourism’s African Di-aspora
violence against women is a global          of India. Chief Project           Heritage Trail (ADHT) Conference.
curse to the United Nations’                Coordinator, Madan Gopal said The UWI principal explained,
Community, the International                that while there is room for      “Barbados occupies a very special place
organizations and working groups,           added public participation,the in the making of the African Diaspora.
violence against the girl child has         response to the initiative has    Reflections on its relation to Africa
much rooted concerns in the global          been “good.” “This exhibition within the public imagination and
pursuit on the future women want.           brings to Guyanese the cultural historical discourses have re-volved
This calls for more serious                 heritage of India in the field of around geographic rather than its
commitment that will include total          science and technology that       demographic factor.”
eradication of all violence against the     dates back to more than 7000
girl child and equality between boys        years.
and girls.

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       Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012
My dear children,                            Letter to my children
  Each of us has been put on earth with      who you were meant to be               are many more awards and fulfillment
the ability to do something well. We         regardless of my dream for you. I      coming your way.
cheat ourselves and the world if we don’t    gave you the permission to say no      Bahia and Liza of the comedy hit
use that ability as best we can.             to me and promised to support you      show Pomme is French for Apple
  It fills my heart with so much pleasure    in your dream. I am glad I did. I      recently won an award from the
to see people pursuing their dreams and      see you moving through the world       Obsidian Theatre RBC award for the
fulfilling their purpose in this world. I    on your own terms, creating a life     most promising new show. These girls
believe we all came here with a gift to      for yourselves and enjoying            have crafted a company from scratch
share. Every seven plus billion of us on     incremental success.                   which has taken Toronto by storm
the planet has a special gift to offer. We     Flo recently won the Best            during the Fringe Festival and is about
were born geniuses, extraordinary            Western Music Award for Best           to take on New York and I am sure it
people but society’s conditioning and        Urban Recording of the Year and I      will meet with the same success. This
constantly chiselling away at our sense      have watched her blossom for           is the power in following your dream.
of self eventually make into a robot. We     many years getting better and          Being aligned to your purpose you
shortchange ourselves by conforming          better and she will get better and     cannot not succeed. It is what creates
to others’ imagination of who or what        better still because when I see her    an abundant life financially, spiritually
we are or should be and I know I was         on the stage, I see a person full of   and emotionally. I know this for sure.
one of those people who ignorantly have      joy, alive and consumed in the         My advice to you is to follow where
done what my parents did and my              moment. She is embracing her           your heart leads and it will lead you to
parents before them did, to try to train     calling and it shows.                  where you have to be. It is never too
you into my dream for you but I think I      Congratulations Flo, I know there      late to follow your dream. Go do it.
was a little more aware than my parents.                                            Love, mom
I also injected in you the power to be

                                         Global Counsellor
Dear globalcounselor,                        be like Canadian men but we are        phone number so that I can talk to
I am a 59 year old East Indian man of        not made like that. It is not our      you and you talk to my wife? It is
Caribbean heritage. I have four              culture. I apologized to my wife       not too late, I can change and I can
children all grown and 10 grand              but she said she has had enough        work this out. I am desperate and
children and soon to get a great gran. I     and that I have shamed her for         scared. What if I get sick, who’s
find myself out in the cold and at a         the last time. I never expected        going to take care of me? My
cross-road not knowing what to do.           this in my old age. How can I          children are all made at me and don’t
After 32 years of marriage my wife is        live without my family and my          talk to me.
filing for divorce because of a little       wife? She is like my other half        Desperate
indiscretion on my part. I had an affair     no matter how I run around I           Dear Desperate
with a younger woman and now to              come home to her. She is home             You make your bed, now lie in it. I
complicate matter a child is involved.       and without that I am lost. What       am sorry b ut a woman can only
My wife suspected that I was fooling         can I do? How can I mend this? I       allow her heart to be broken so many
around for a long time. It’s the island      am so broken up right now I            times. When in Rome we have to do
thing we do back home and get away           can’t even think straight and the      as the Romans do. Women have more
with it but in Canada our woman have         doctor put me on medication. I         options in Canada so why should
changed and have ideas like Canadians.       am so sad and unhappy at how I         they put up with a husband who
They do not want to put up with              messed things up and took her          disrespects her like you have done
getting blow anymore, they want us to        for granted. Please can I get your     for so long.
                                                                                                           continue on p16
                                                                Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012
             11                                                                                                     11
In Your Back Yard
                                                            Clara Orallo
                                                            Clara Orallo                     Ro    Rheders
                                                                                       Helma Rogge Rheders
                                                                                                      Faiza Hargaaya,

                       Weyni Abraha

                                                                             Caricom Arts and Crafts had an
                                                                             exciting Cultural Evening in June 2012.
                                                                             The audience was treated to a variety of
                                                                             cultural performances including poetry by
                                                                             Helma Rogge and Shirle Alleyne, a cultural
                                                                             portrait of Montserrat by Mary Barzey,
                                                                             classincal singing by Clara Orallo, African
                                                                             drumming by Kat Productions, and a
                                                                             birthday celebration of the youngest
                                                                             particiopants who turned 15 on the same
                                                                             day. There was also a bake-sale table of
                                                                             breads and Caribbean treats.

Mary Barzey, Shirle Alleyne                 KBFuju of Kat Productions
(below) and African Drummer

                                             CARCICOM ARTS &
                                            CRAFTS IS LOOKING
                                            FOR NEW MEMBERS
                                            If you are interested in arts,
                                            crafts, poetry, prose and
                                            sharing your work with
                                            others then join us at our
                                            membership meeting to be
                                            held in November, 2012.
                                            Date to be annouced.Watch
                                            for your invite in your
                                            email.                           Samuel Krajick, Flor Barzey’s grandson from

   Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012
Only A Woman of Colour……
                                                                   really matters –
    This month we are celebrating women. It
                                                                   it is what you
is also the month that we have the annual
                                                                  bring to the
“Person’s Day Breakfast” event which I am
told has been going on for a few decades, as
a LEAF Manitoba fundraiser. I have had
                                                                   Lara Badmus,
few interactions with LEAF’s Executive
Director, Betty Hopkins, and I think she is
just amazing! I am very new to LEAF
(Legal Education Action Fund), as a
volunteer. To be honest, I have not done
                                                Lola’s Surprise
much to merit that title, but I am hopeful      Birthday Party
that I will do more as time goes on and I get
less busy on the home/career front(s).            Lola Hibbert was the toast of the
   Moving on to what I really want to write     town and one of the most
about today-I just want to send out an          surprised participants at her
encouraging message to all the women out        significant birthday party recently.
there; particularly women of colour. I will     Like a lamb she was led into her
merely be repeating the words on a poster I     party thinking it was a mere stop
have on my office wall, which follow:           over on her way to another event
     “ Only a woman of colour can work full     when the chorus of “surprise”took
time while finishing school, raising            her breath away and family and
respectful and intelligent children, be an      friends from the US and other
active participant in the Parent-Teacher        parts of Canada emerged to
Association and make it all seem effortless.    celebrate her special day.
    Only a woman of colour can make $100         The event with more than 150 in
out of 15 cents.                                attendance packed the Jamaica
Only a woman of colour can go from the          Cultural Centre.
boardroom to the “hood” and keep it real in      The mastermind behind this well
both places.                                    executed plan was Lola’s baby
   Only a woman of colour can live below        sister Eartha Gyles. The
poverty level and yet set fashion trends.       evening’s program included
   Only a woman of colour can fight two         entertainment by her group, the
battles everyday and make it look easy.         Jamaica Folk Ensemble, crooner
   Only a woman of colour can be 75 years       Mr George Bain and speeches
old and look 55!                                divulging delicious secrets about
   Only a woman of colour can make others       Lola. The evening was of laughter
want to pay plastic surgeons top $$$ for        and good cheer and even though
physical features she was already born with.    Lola said had she known they
   Only a woman of colour can be the            would have never gotten her into
mother of civilization.                         the hall, I think she was truly
   If you are a woman of colour, tell some      touched by the outpouring of love
woman of colour they’re beautiful               from family and friends and
today…..”                                       especially her son, sister and her
    Enjoy who you are, and take time this       and niece from NYC and her two
month to embrace all the positives in your      nieces who navigated the evening
life. Always remember that it is not where      and read poetic tributes to their
you are from, or what you look like that        aunt. Happy birthday Lola hope
                                                you make it to 100 years at least.      Lola and her two lovely nieces

                                                             Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012
              13                                                                                                 13
A brief History Of Jamaica at 50 by Audrey Gordon
     It was at midnight on August 6, 1962           And yet, despite all of this: the     Jamaica’s dreams had finally come true.
in the National Stadium in Jamaica, that        colonization, the slavery, the                 Since independence, Jamaica has come a
The Union Jack, the flag of the British         obliteration of Jamaica’s indigenous      long way. Our presence on the world stage in
Empire that once ruled Jamaica, was             people, Jamaica overcame.                 politics, arts, theatre, sports, music and fashion
lowered for the final time. In its place, the   Jamaica, the country and its people       has been nothing short of magnificent.
flag of Jamaica with its bold colours of        forged for                                Individuals such as General Colin Powell;
yellow, black and green was raised. And         itself a new                                                      Grace Jones; Glen
just as the Jamaican flag was raised, so        freedom, a                                                        Campbell; Lennox Lewis;
too were the hopes and dreams of                n       e     w                                                   Harry Belafonte; Patrick
Jamaicans around the world, at the birth        independence,                                                     Ewing and Naomi
of their new independence.                      and a new                                                         Campbell, as well as every
    At precisely that moment, the world         strength that                                                     Jamaican living at home
changed. At that moment, years of struggle      had never                                                         and abroad, have made a
and striving for freedom by hundreds and        been seen                                                         considerable contribution
thousands of our ancestors, finally became      before in its                                                     to helping put Jamaica’s
realized.                                       history.                                                          name on the map. It is no
   Tonight, we honour the lives of all those       We should                                                      wonder our very own
nameless Jamaicans who fought for               not shy away                                                      Louise Bennett Coverly
Jamaica’s independence. Tonight we              f r o m                                                           (Miss Lou) sums us up as,
celebrate Jamaica.                              remembering                                                       “we little but wi tallawah!”
    For those of you who are not familiar       the horrors                                                          Our achievements truly
with Jamaica’s history, the struggle for        faced by our                                                      give us reason to rejoice.
Jamaica’s independence began long before        ancestors                                                         And I’m sure that in
1962. The Spanish were the first to conquer     under the                                                         addition to Jamaica’s six
Jamaica and its indigenous people of            oppressive                                                        National Heroes and one
Arawak and Taino suffered through               rule of colonizers. No. Because it        Heroine, each of us has our own special
disease and violence. It was also the           made our country what it is today. It     Jamaican hero who epitomize for us, the spirit
Spanish who began the atrocious act of          impressed on us the importance of         of Jamaica.
capturing, enslaving and importing African      resilience and of striving to achieve         When I think of my Jamaican hero, there is
slaves. In 1655, it was the British Empire      our goals, whatever they may be.          one person that always comes to mind. For me,
who would rule over Jamaica for the next        That despite the circumstances and        it is without a doubt Robert Nesta Marley. Bob
357 years and continue the slave trade.         restrictions our people were born in,     Marley is not only a Jamaican hero, but
       The struggle for independence and        they strove and fought to make for        arguably one of the greatest cultural figures of
freedom was born in this atmosphere of          themselves and their descendants a        the 20th century. His impact on popular music
brutality and bloodshed. The first acts of      better and brighter future. We should     can be seen on a daily basis. His iconic image
resistance from Africans began as early as      all be inspired by their examples.        is still seen on t-shirts and posters. His music is
1655. In fact, there have been more slave-      The 20th century saw rapid                still enjoyed by millions around the world,
led resistance wars in Jamaica during that      development in Jamaica’s road to          regardless of their race, culture or ethnicity. But
period than in any other British colonial       fulfilling its destiny of independence.   it was his message for unity, peace and standing
territory.                                      In 1955, Jamaica was granted self-        up against oppression that has stood the test of
     After the long, hard road to freedom,      government and in 1957 Jamaica            time. 31 years after his death his music and
slavery was finally abolished in 1834. But      became part of the West Indies            lyrics are as impactful as ever.
Jamaica’s history of oppression by the          Federation. But Jamaicans were not            His impact around the world is so great that
British did not end there. To fulfill labour    prepared to stop there. In 1961           it reminds me of something that happened two
shortage left by the end of slavery, Chinese    Jamaicans voted in a national             years ago. On October 13, 2010 when Victor
and Indians were brought in to Jamaica as       referendum to withdraw from the           Zamora, one of 33 Chilean miners rescued after
indentured labourers and suffered their         Federation. One year later, Jamaica       being trapped in a San Jose mine for 69 days,
own challenges and depravities.                 was finally an independent state.         asked to hear Marley’s “Buffalo Soldier”

       Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012
shortly after his release. This is just one example   multicultural and multi-faith country.      1st 1962, Donald Sangster who was
of how Bob Marley has elevated Jamaica’s                 In Jamaica we are able to experience     then the Deputy Leader of the
music to international prominence.                    this rich tapestry of cultures, be they     Opposition addressed the British and
   Unquestionably, our national heroes and role       African, Chinese, Indian, Irish,            Jamaican delegations at the Jamaican
models extend far beyond Bob Marley and               Scottish, English, Spanish, Lebanese,       Independence Conference in London.
Usain Bolt. I am proud to say that here in            Haitian, Cuban or Latin American.           This is what he said:
Winnipeg we have our own local Jamaican               Jamaica stands true to its national             “Jamaica has been independent
heroes and role models. As I glance around the        motto today as it has done since its        minded for a long time…We are a
room, I see the faces of our local heroes and         independence: Out of Many, One              small country but we are
you know who you are. All of you have worked          People.                                     geographically situated like a beacon
tirelessly to establish our community and               In Canada, we can enjoy that              on a hill, whose light can be seen a far
presence in Winnipeg. You are trailblazers and        diversity in our Jamaican Diaspora          way off. It is our hope that our faith
we are very proud to have you represent our           and remember our national motto.            and our conduct will inspire others to
community in such a positive way.                     That despite our individual choices         regain their faith in God, in truth and
      Our local Jamaican role models are not          and many differences: in our                in the sanctity in the rights of man.”
always the ones with their names in newspapers.       professions, our circle of friends, who           Like Donald Sangster, I truly
Look around the room. Look at the people              we marry, the food we eat or the            believe that Jamaica was created as a
sitting next to you, in front of you, behind you.     music we enjoy: we all share the            beacon of light. And, despite the
Each of us has experienced our own struggles,         same Jamaican heritage. And that            challenges that it faces socially and
immigrating and settling into a new country.          heritage has shaped each of us in           economically, I pray that it will
Some of us continue to experience these               profound ways. It may have shaped           continue to be a beacon of light for
struggles. But as a community, many of us have        our lives in different ways, but we         years to come.
overcome these challenges to establish                cannot forget that in each of us is a
ourselves and our families. We are, each of us,       unique piece of Jamaica. And that can       (Audrey Gordon was the Guest-speaker
                                                                                                  at Jamaica’s 50th Anniversary banquet)
a walking, talking example of successful              never be taken away.
Jamaican Canadians, here in Winnipeg. And               “Out of Many, One People” stands
for that I think we need to give ourselves a round    as true for us all the way in Canada
of applause. Come on! You deserve it!                 as it did for us 50 years ago in
      While the world celebrates Jamaica’s            Jamaica. And it is this same tradition
Golden Jubilee, I ask myself, 50 years after          of unity in diversity that is so
Jamaica’s Independence and hundreds of miles          treasured in Canada. We, each of us
away from the country: What does it mean to           have a responsibility to embrace one
me, to be a Jamaican-Canadian, right here in          another. We must resist the urge to
Winnipeg?                                             judge one another. In fact, in the spirit
    I can honestly say that what I feel most is,      of the Olympics, we should elevate
‘blessed’. I feel blessed to be able to feel both     our game and step out of our comfort
Jamaican and Canadian. I have never felt that I       zones to get know each other-               Mr. Dayman Hemans, Presidentt,
have had to choose one or the other. I feel truly     regardless of our background.               Jamaican Assoc. of Manitoba Inc.
privileged to have been able to experience both           This is the tradition of our
cultures, countries and people. It is my identity     Jamaican ancestors. This is our
as both Jamaican and Canadian that has made           Jamaican heritage.
my life richer and it has made me who I am            And each and every day we must
                                                                                                                        Facuy lady who
today.                                                remember that we have all been                                    came from the
     I am grateful that in Canada, I am able to       created in God’s image.                                           USA to celebrate
celebrate my Jamaican heritage and identity.             I will end by quoting the words                                with her former
And our similarities are striking. Not only has       of Donald Sangster, who later went                                Winnipeg friends
Canada’s indigenous people also suffered at the                                                                         and countrymen
                                                      on to become the second Prime                                     and women.
hands of colonizers, but like Jamaica, it is a        minister of Jamaica. On February

                                                                            Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012
                  15                                                                                                            15
Shirley’s Corner                                                                   Congrats Tope Babaola
From the Kitchen Corner                kitchen volunteer. (I was proud of
                                       my position as the clean-up crew               Tope Babaola, 14, recently became a
of Folklorama.                         executive, excuse me). Now, this            published author of Impossible Mission
                                       lady is of Caucasian, never                 which tells the story of 14 year-old Josh
Well folks, Folklorama is finally                                                  McAllister is in the midst of teenage angst.
wrapped-up and all those who           wrapped roti in her whole life.
                                                                                   He hates being compared to his brainiac
volunteered or visited the pavilions Probably never eaten one before,              sister, he never gets what he wants, and
on a daily basis can all wind-down     but with one crash course under
                                                                                   his friendships are in the toilet. Josh blames
and come back down to earth and        her belt, she is now the best roti
                                                                                   all his troubles on his parents, who have
continue their daily lives, if you are wrapper in the city. If anyone              made a fortune off their new invention—
able to do so, after two hectic weeks wants to hire my friend, Doreen,             and ruined his life in the process.
of fun and frolic. What a two weeks. see me. Oops! I was not                            With the hope of bonding more as a
But I am not totally concern about     supposed to mention any names.              family, Josh, his parents, and his sisters,
the two weeks, I am merely concern Oh well. We had a great kitchen                 Anna and Julie, leave for the Bahamas on
about one week; the one week I spent crew who worked tirelessly.                   their private plane. Just as Josh and his
in “hells” kitchen of the Caribbean Between serving customers and                  mother conclude one of their worst
Pavilion on Provencher. You really the hard work of cleaning pots                  arguments yet, the plane begins to
had to be there to experience the      and, pans and taking food from              violently shake. At the insistence of his
hustle and bustle that went on in a    the oven to the serving pans and            parents, Josh, Anna, and Julie have no
kitchen that fed so many people from panicking, I think I can speak for            choice but to parachute out of the plane
various parts of the provinces that    all, we enjoyed it. It was hard             and watch it explode in mid-air just
visited our pavilion. I am sure you    work but it was fun. I know I               seconds later with their parents inside.
will be hearing all kinds of stories   personally might have ruffled a             Horrified, Josh and his sisters soon land
about this yearly event from other     few feathers, (not the customers)           in an uncharted island where it is now up
sources, so I will not go deeply into but hey! It’s all in the game. Now           to them to find their way out of the cold,
                                                                                   dark jungle and claim their inheritance
it, but will give you an insight as to If I can just get my swollen feet
                                       out of this foot bath, and able to          before their greedy uncle seizes it for
what went on in my corner, the
                                       stand up, I’ll be ok, ‘cause I am           himself.
kitchen corner.
                                       not a spring chicken anymore.                   In this exciting action adventure, a
One of the volunteers of our kitchen
                                       Well folks, you may see me doing            teenager and his sisters race for their lives,
crew was a member of my church,
                                       my role at the kitchen sink next            learning more about themselves and their
whose name I will not mention. The                                                 own inner strength than they ever
                                       year, God’s willing. So long,
second day she was whisked away                                                    imagined. You can buy a copy of this
from me to wrap rotis by another       until.
                                                                                   book online at
                                         globalcounsellor - cont’d from p11
  As the saying goes, you don’t miss         her forgiveness and for you to be
the water till the well runs dry.            friends.
  At this stage in your life you are           There are relationships where
having a child with another woman            you can be together but apart.
and expect your wife to go along? If         Once the legal ramifications are
she went along with this situation           out of the way she might be
she is agreeing to maintain and to           willing to develop a different more
help raise your child.                       equitable relationship with you. I
   Is it reasonable to expect that           would suggest that you take
much of a woman especially since             whatever you can get. In this
she has grandchildren and a great            country you need a friend. If you
grand child on the way?                      want to speak to me send your
   I think that you might want to ask        phone number via GEM.
      Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012
NICCOM Celebrates Nigeria’s 52nd Anniversary of Independence
  NICCOM – Nigerian Canada                                                    art. Finally the Hon. Andrew
Community Organization of Manitoba,                                           Swan Minister of Justice and
Inc. celebrated this anniversary at the                                       Attorney General was recognized
Centro Caboto Cultural Centre.                                                for his contribution in bringing to
    Annual scholarships were awarded                                          Manitoba more than 500
to students who were achieving                                                provincial nominees. NICCOM
academically as well as those who                                             is an inclusive organization with
were giving back to the community                                             membership from a variety of
through their volunteer activities.                                           cultural groups.
   In addition three community
members were recognized for their
individual achievement and
contribution to the larger community:
Flo Oramasionwu for her musical
achievements delivered in two albums
as well as her willingness to perform
for the community at a moment’s
notice; Yisa Akinbolaji who is the      Hon Andrew Swan, Yisa Akinbolaji
African Picasso, was recognized for     and Flo Oramasionwu - Community       Cutting of the Anniversary Cake
his contribution in the field of visual Award recipients

                                                        Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012
            17                                                                                              17
Jamaican Patty - Some swear Mexican Lentil                           Soup fry until vegetables are
it’s the best in the world  Makes 8 to 10 servings                        slightly soft, about 8
Ingredients                              Ingredients 14 oz (400 g) bag    minutes. Stir in lentils, broth, chili
2 lbs ground turkey or beef             red or green lentils              powder, cumin, oregano, 1/2 teaspoon
 • 8 sprigs of fresh thyme or 4         1 large onion                     (2 mL) salt and pepper. Bring mixture
tablespoons                             2 red or green peppers            to a boil, stirring often. Cover and
  • 2 oz scallion or about 10-13 stalks 4 carrots                         reduce heat to medium-low. Simmer
 • 2 scotch bonnet peppers, seeded      2 celery stalks                   until lentils and vegetables are tender,
 • 2 loaf french bread                  3 jalapeño peppers                from 30 to 40 minutes. Taste and add
 • 6 cups water                         4 large garlic cloves             more salt and seasonings, if needed.
• 2 tablespoons Jamaican Keith          1 tbsp (15 mL) olive oil          3.For a heartier consistency, remove
complete seasoning's                    8 cups (2 L) chicken or vegetable about one-quarter of soup and place
• 2 teaspoons garlic powder             broth or bouillon                 in bowl of a food processor fitted with
• 2 teaspoon onion powder               1 tbsp (15 mL) chili powder       a metal blade. Whirl until mixture is
• 2 teaspoon ground allspice                                              puréed. You may need to add a little
 • 2 tablespoon beef base                                                 water if mixture is too thick. Stir
• 2 tablespoons browning                                                  purée back into soup. Serve hot with a
• 2 teaspoon msg (optional)                                               crusty baguette. Soup will keep well,
• 2 small onions                                                          covered, in the refrigerator up to 3
• 2 oz gelatin                                                            days or in the freezer up to 3 months.
• 2 teaspoon salt                                                                Food for love Music also boost
Grind scallion/onions, and peppers                                               brain power
in a mincing mill.                         2 tsp (10 mL) ground cumin            To get you body in shape, you go to the
2. Add to ground beef/turkey with all      1 tsp (5 mL) dried leaf oregano       gym. What should you do for your brain?
other seasonings                           1/2 to 1 tsp (2 to 5 mL) salt         Play an instrument! A study published in
3. Cook without adding any water or        1 tsp (5 mL) ground black pepper      Nature Reviews Neuroscience pulled
fat until meat has lost its broth and      Add to grocery list Earthy cumin,     together data from around the world
only certain amount of oil remains.        hot peppers and a heap of             studying the effect of music on the brain.
4. While meat is being cooked, pour        seasonings give a heady boost to      They found that musical training, or any
sufficient cold water over bread in a      this soup that's hearty enough to     interaction with music—including
saucepan to cover and soak for a few       serve as a vegetarian entrée.         listening—improved the brain’s ability to
minutes,                                   Directions                            handle communication. The research
5. Pass bread/ little water through        DirectionsNutritionUser               reviewed showed that children with
mincing mill until it is a semi thick      comments.1.Wash lentils in a          musical training have better-than-average
paste. Add to cooked meat. Along           sieve, discarding any twigs and       vocabulary and reading ability. Musical
with water.Continue to cook until          stones. Finely chop onion. Cut        adults had more “neuroplasticity,” aiding
meat mixture is thickened similar to       red peppers in half, remove seeds     their brains’ long-term ability to adapt and
the texture of warm oatmeal about          and chop into 1/4-inch (0.5-cm)       change. So every time you put on your
10-15 minutes.                             pieces. Peel carrots. Chop carrots    ear buds to listen to the music, be it
6. Remove from fire. Cool for filling      and celery into 1/4-inch (0.5-cm)     Ravel or Rihanna, you’re improving your
pastry circles.                            pieces. Core and seed jalapeños,      brain’s fitness.
If patties need more seasoning, blend      then mince along with garlic.
spices as listed and add until desired     2.Heat oil in a large saucepan set
taste is achieved                          over medium-high heat. Add             Let your food be medicine
visit keithcooktv for more                 onion, red peppers, carrots,           and your medicine be food.
information                                celery, jalapeños and garlic. Stir-   Hippocrates

      Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012
Leg Up                                       Continued from p4
                                                                                Grasita Jones, Parkinston’s

                                                                                GJ: Pay attention to the Monica
                                                                                            Laurel Wright, way your
                                                                                body works and moves. Symptoms
                                                                                            Rhiney and Violet Clacken
Cause for Celebration - Ribbon Cutting Ceremony                                 can be subtle but if you are aware
                          L to r: Dennis Cupid, Victor Vaughan Margaret         you can pick up these and look into
                       Strachan, Melanie Whyte, Mike Phagtakhan, Rupert         it. For example if you don’t move
                                    Forde & Louis Rodrigues                     one arm, you’re losing your balance
                                                                                for no reason, do not ignore it,
                                                                                check it out with your doctor.
                                                                                GEM: Are you self-conscious
                                                                                about this disease? Do you ever feel
                                                                                less than, ashamed – do people
                                                                                stare at you and misinterpret you?
                                                                                GJ: Yes, I am sometimes stared and
                                                                                jeered at. During my last visit to St
                                                                                Vincent - one day I was waiting at
                                                                                the Bus Depot, I was very tired so I
                                                                                was very DYSKINETIC i.e. my
                                                                                body was rocking - some of the
                                                                                locals thought I was moving to the
                                                                                music (of course I was not moving
                                                                                to the rhythm) so they jeered and
                                                                                laughed at me. This was very
The Caribbean                                                                   I am very upfront about my illness
Cultural Centre                                                                 especially when travelling and I
recently                                                                        make every effort to choose seats
celebrated                                                                      where my affected side (because of
opening of                                                                      involuntary movement) is away
 new                                                                            from a fellow traveller
washrooms in                                                                    GEM: What is your best strategy in
its facility,                                                                   tackling this disease?
with a ribbon                                                                   GJ: Exercise is my number one
                                   Participants                                 strategy and it works to keep me
                                                                                GEM: What is your hope for the
   Opening of                                                                   GJ: That my Parkinson stays the
                                                                                way it is. One of my biggest issues
   Caribbean                                                                    is balance. I also hope that research
                                                                                would produce some kind of
    Cultural                                                                    treatment for Parkies to maintain
                                                                                balance or stop or reverse or even
  Centre’s new                                                                  lessen the symptoms of the disease.
                                                                                I am hopeful for the future.
                                                              Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012
                  19                                                                                              19
Zizi - The Continuting Story
   The children were excited to be going to       little too seriously and it’s no big   as age creeps up on me the answer is
eat at a restaurant, especially pizza. Zizi’s    deal, solve one crime and another       becoming clearer” Zizi chuckled “I
two nephews and Leyroy’s son Junior hit it       pops right up to replace it”            think he is a good guy, he was lost but
off like hand in gloves. Leyroy was happy        “Right”                                 now he’s found. The hardest thing for
that his son found kindred spirits with the      “So how are things with you and         me is having a step son, not that I have
boy. Leyroy would cast an adoring                your hubby? Any dramas lately?”         anything against the boy or Leyroy but
glance at Zizi as if to say “see it’s going to   “He is a changed man. That little       it would have been so much less
work out”. While Zizi didn’t have ill            separation did us both very well.       complicated if we were starting from
feelings towards the little boy she wished       He is wonderful and I pray to God       scratch but he is ahead of me”
Leyroy didn’t come with this baggage and         that it remains that way. He is         “I understand, but I think you guys
they could start off on the same page. That      considerate, loving and even            would work it out and Leyroy loves
was wishful thinking.                            volunteered to make me Sunday           you, really. He messed up but you
   The evening with the family went well,        breakfast and bring it to me in bed     always had his heart and you know
Brenda and Zizi caught up on the gossip          every Sunday. What more can a           that”
about what was happening back home and           girl ask for?”                          “Yes””
talking about a holiday to see friends and       “I am so happy especially for the       “Make it happen, don’t wait too long.
relatives.                                       boys. It’s great that they see how      Married life is sweet”
   Zizi wanted to share with Brenda about        to be a good man”                       Is that so?
what they found out about Sargent Daniels        “I thank the good Lord every               Zizi hugged and kissed her nephews
but she was so afraid to put her cousin in a     single day” Brenda eyes filled with     as they were about to leave the
spot where she would have to keep a secret       water which she brushed aside and       restaurant and she promised she’d take
from her husband. She bit her tongue.Even        turned the spotlight upon me “so        them to a movie in the next little while.
though the evening was great Zizi could          what’s up with you? It’s a long         The boys cheered. They loved going
not get what Johnny said out of her mind.        time we had a wedding in this           out with aunty Zizi because she was
She felt a little irritated that Danny was not   family, I think it’s due”               like a big kid and they got to do fun
up front with her, however she tried putting     “I don’t know. No one has asked         stuff. They asked her to bring Junior
it aside and concentrate on her family for a     my hands as yet”                        too and she promised she would.
change.                                          “A little bird told me it’s coming      Leyroy told Zizi to wait up for him
“Girl you look distracted. Don’t tell me         soon. Just hypothetically speaking      because he wanted to speak to her after
Sherlock Holmes got another hot potato on        what would be your answer if            he dropped off Junior home. He was
her hand. Come on be present in this             Leyroy asked you to marry him?”         serious and Zizi mind went racing to
moment”                                          “I thought about that many times        all sorts of worst case scenarios as
“Yeah, yeah, you are right. I take things a      and I wasn’t sure. However, lately      usual.

                     Congress of Black Women Activities
Mark your Calendar:
                                                                                         The Congress of Black Women
 December 16, 2012 - Kwanzaa a
                                                                                         recently wrapped up a successful
celebration of Black Heritage and
                                                                                         New Horizons Project which
                                                                                         paired senior members of the
Venue: Jamaica Cultural Centre
                                                                                         community with youths to work on
         1412 Winnipeg Avenue
                                                                                         a public speaking project together.
Time: 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.                          2011 Kwanzaa photo by Winnipeg
                                                                                           Many resource people presented
Come out and celebrate with food,                Free Press
                                                                                         valuable information to the group to
music and gifts for every child,
                                                                                         help them prepare and deliver their
remember our ancestors and the values            Cultural Awareness Workshop             presentations effectively.
they instilled in us.                            February 2012 - An exciting             Watch for more information in the
This is an occasion for Manitobans to            program is being planned. More          next issue of GEM.
learn about the Black cultural tradition.        information will be
       Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012
Welcome to Poetic License by Neil Pitamber
CRUSHING SERPENT (life and                    Wife or otherwives…                     TRIBUTE SOCIETY (life and
shtuff)                                       We assume too much that children        shtuff)
                                              Are built for anything (Nowadays)       My sides have my person—
I’ve knowledge of what it is
                                              Lost innocence really                   —ality…
But am ignorant of why it is…                                                         No, I cannot count them
Easy way to keep your head up—?               Begins at the ‘mouth’…
                                                                                      Nor can I count on them
Pretend (if you must) there’s                                                         So, what’s so real about
Always ‘siht’ in front of you…                FISH AND VISITORS (life and
                                              shtuff)                                 Surreality?
The idea is as practical                                                              My gingerale smirks
As the execution itself…                      Strumming my air guitar at the
                                              moon                                    Rather gingerly…
(Now you’ve gone and looked                                                           (Bruce) Weigh-ins’ are compulsory
No serpent to blame this time)                The thing is howling notes
                                              That aren’t ratio to scale              Before a fight
Yeah, you stepped in it                                                               Damian Wayans is not the
So clean it up yourself…                      Yeah, I’m louder than I look
                                              Take a breath and regale                ‘detective’s’
                                              (My elbow just touched my fingers       Son, despite..
GATES OF HELL (life and shtuff)                                                       You do the math
Do I secretly desire the collapse             What the hell—?)
                                              There’s a demon loose in my head        And I’ll do a cask
Of my personal ‘social structure’?                                                    Ward off Mary Jane for
Curious how it all goes to ashes              Stationed there by the ‘hive’
                                              Always indifferent                      Bordeaux Marie-Jeanne
What it takes to build up ‘future’?                                                   An insult to one lover
Do I subconsciously befriend people           To the suggestion of taking a drive
                                              Somewhere out in the country            And a slut to the other…
I have no qualm to betray in the end?
Defend principles I personally abhor          Self-induced coventry
                                              Heart’s in the breast                   That’s yet to try?
Tactless but reliable way to blend in?                                                Haven’t power than
——                                            I never ‘wing to one side
                                                           (Said,      he     isn’t   To wish you by my side…
Auguste Rodin on a horse late last night                                              The fact is; we really can’t
And invited me to a game of ‘chess’                               trespassing
                                                                  That he was         Memories are for elephants
‘If you are aware of your ‘evil,” he says                                             I haven’t worn that jacket
‘How can an ‘idea’ look in on itself?’                            invited…)
                                                                                      Since I was sixteen
‘Is this not the amusement of ‘God’?                                                  Brown pants don’t really suit you
To keep men, as I have you, in ‘check’?...                       TEMPEST (life
                                                                 and shtuff)          Even in a dream…
‘God is not ‘evil,” I smile, ‘Yet is ‘that’
which                                                            Please stave me
                                                                 F r o m              FLASHPOINT (life and shtuff)
We give birth to not an extension of
ourselves’?…                                                     temptations…
                                                                 From anything        You remind me of something
‘Poor posture and conundrums,’ Auguste                                                That fits its’ purpose, though defaulted
nods ‘to great “thinkers” lend                                   Can curse my
                                                                 eyes                 But the drudge from your mouth
themselves’…                                                                          Is far more revolting…
                                                                 I shall not grace
                                              them                                    Everything I have ever done right
RAG DOLLS (life and shtuff)                                                           Happened on the third
When does a ‘v’ become ‘w’?                   With a second glance
                                              Legitimate flirtations                  Honorary mentions often go without
When ripe…                                                                            Present company alluded
Children have a way of                        And ‘of the like’…
                                              Help me deserve the things              In the opening verse…
Helping you regret ‘that night’                                                       Like the way you focus
A womans’ promises are hardly                 I’ve earned
                                              Bloggers need to be witty               When you want to come
Worth its’ weight in fools’ gold                                                      ‘Character’ takes some concentration
Still we trade in all we have…                Only helps poets to be troubled
                                              Sometimes a man needs to feel           Objects in the mirror
Said she was, ‘smart’                                                                 Are ‘loser’ than they appear…
But didn’t know how to ‘act smart’            Relevant and valid and vivified...
‘Don’t point out my faults—                   Revved and reactive and ‘alive’…
Just need to accept ‘yours”…                  Please wean me
Don’t raise your voice—                       Off femmetations…
                                                                                      Speak when you are angry,
She can make more noise than you…                                                     and you will make the best
Lupin was in
Cupid was out                                                                         speech you will ever regret
Trust no-one                                                                          Ambrose Bierce

                                                                 Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012
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Global eyes magazine   october 2012  edition
Global eyes magazine   october 2012  edition
Global eyes magazine   october 2012  edition
Global eyes magazine   october 2012  edition
Global eyes magazine   october 2012  edition
Global eyes magazine   october 2012  edition
Global eyes magazine   october 2012  edition
Global eyes magazine   october 2012  edition
Global eyes magazine   october 2012  edition
Global eyes magazine   october 2012  edition
Global eyes magazine   october 2012  edition

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Global eyes magazine october 2012 edition

  • 1. global eyes 3rd QUARTER October 2012 Manitoba African and Caribbean Quarterly Magazine Diversity equals Inclusion IMMIGRANT WOMEN COBW interviews: Coretta Scott King, (B Watson) Nanny of Jamaica (L Stewart-Archer) Ingrid Johnson (Interviewer), Viola Desmond (L Hackett) Harriet Tubman STORIES - FEMFEST 2012 (M McLaren)
  • 2. When Life gives you lemons you make lemonade What do you do when you get time work at Concordia lemons as gifts? You make Hospital on weekends lemonade. What do you do in the emergency when you have been dealt a admitting bad hand of cards; you work GEM: When did you with it and do the best you first learn that you had can? That is the stuff Grasita Parkinson’s disease? Jones is made of. GJ: I first learned that I A few years ago a healthy had Parkinson’s disease vibrant beautiful woman was on my birthday told she had Parkinson’s December 22nd 1999 disease. And like most people and was confirmed in Grasita was shocked that she January 2000. would get this illness because GEM: What kinds of no one in her family had such a symptoms did you have disease. She never once said alerted you that “Why me””Poor me” In fact something was wrong? Grasita’s inclination when GJ: I used to attend someone suggests why her is aerobics after work and “why not me?””. I was the only one who Parkinson’s disease is a life did the funky moves. altering illness. Parkinson’s One of my colleagues disease is the second most noticed that I was not common neurodegenerative very coordinated and I disorder and the most common noticed that I had no movement disorder. It is control over some characterized by progressive movement e.g. when loss of muscle control, which doing biceps curls my leads to trembling of the limbs arm just dropped and head while at rest, stiffness, slowness, GEM: Which part of the Caribbean are involuntarily. My husband Byron and impaired balance. As symptoms you from? also noticed that I did not swing worsen, it may become difficult to walk, GJ: I was born in Aruba but grew up in my left arm when we walked. I talk, and complete simple tasks. St. Vincent and The Grenadines – my was encouraged to check this out The progression of Parkinson’s disease parents’ homeland. with my doctor. My family doctor and the degree of impairment vary from GEM: How long have you lived in sent me for a CT scan the results individual to individual. Many people Canada? came back a negative. There with Parkinson’s disease live long GJ: I have lived in Canada for 42 years. were no signs of stroke. She then productive lives, whereas others become GEM: What brought you here? sent me to see a neurologist who disabled much more quickly. Premature GJ: I followed my heart and married my as soon as I walked into his office death is usually due to complications such sweetheart said “You have Parkinson’s.” as falling-related injuries or pneumonia. GEM: Did that work out for you? GEM: How did you react to this Grasita said her attack was to find out GJ: Yes we were married and we news? about the disease and what she could do have three beautiful children together GJ: I was taken aback. All the to stave off symptoms for as long as and 4 grandchildren. I feel very people I knew with Parkinson.s possible and she learned that exercise blessed with that. disease were old and I have never helped and she has not stopped walking GEM: Did you work outside the home? seen a Black person with since. She is one busy lady. GJ: I worked for the Province and then Parkinson’s disease. I took the Global Eyes sat down with Grasita to started a family and stayed at home for news in stride because I did not speak to her about Parkinson’s and how several years before returning to part know much about it. she is dealing with it. cont’d on p3 Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012 2
  • 3. Reflection Beatrice Watson Black woman you are beautiful, you yourself a doormat, people will concept is, tied it to how many are a natural mother and you are a walk on you. If you allow men to women he can get to sleep with giver. You can sustain hardship like no get away with little things they him. These are broken men who one can and you stand behind your will expect to get away with big also need healing but they must man. Black women stand behind their things. first recognize their brokenness. men even the abusive ones. At a In this small Winnipeg Unfortunately, our community Congress of Black Women’s workshop community there a high is busying itself trying to change on violence against women, there were percentage of hurt black women, the world and to leave a legacy for recommendations for police not to betrayed and humiliated by their our children. What legacy are we arrest and put in jail black men who intimate partners. Where is the leaving? A building will soon rut, abused their wives because black love? Where is the respect? Can a fall or be sold. A legacy of self- women believed that their men would son respect a father who cheats on esteem, self worth and self not be given a fair chance and will be the mother he loves and adores, confidence in our heirs will go a more likely to suffer from police can a daughter respect a father long way but that can only come brutality. This is the compassion of who cheats on her mother and from a community strong in black women for their men. Even as what will that do to her in her own morals and integrity and black men beat their women, the relationship, could she easily trust especially from strong families women are willing to protect them. her husband when her father particularly fathers. Fathers are Black women have always protected cheated? very important to children’s black men even during slavery and in What kind of a black man development. Too long has the post slavery communities. betrays and disrespects his women shouldered this task alone Maybe the black woman has given woman? It is a man who suffers continued on p9 too much. There is a saying if you make from low self esteem, whose self- negative. During my Parkinson GEM: Do you know what causes home after the diagnosis, I began disease research I read of a fellow Parkinson’s? researching it. I learned that it was in New York City who decided to GJ: There has been no definite answer as not life threatening but definitely go on a strict exercise regimen - to what causes Parkinson. The disease life altering. I also learned from my walking daily and keeping his leg does run in some families. It is seldom doctor that there are several muscles strong. I decided to do the found in countries south of the equator. expressions of this disease but I Exposure to chemicals is also suspected. have the “good one.” This was very same and I believe I am doing this As for me just recently I remembered good news. I’ve also lost some well because of this exercise growing up and living in the midst of weight as a result of the constant regimen. I am a very active banana plantations where every week the movement. I also find myself person. I hate sitting around and plants were sprayed with pesticide to explaining my condition to people because of Parkinson’s disease I protect the fruits from becoming with whom I am in close contact for had to learn to pace myself. blemished. I can only guess that I may example sitting on the bus next to a Parkies (as we are fondly called) have been a victim of pesticide control person because they might find me get tired easily and quickly. This method. touching them and want to know is very hard for me so sometimes I GEM: What are some of the impacts this what’s going on. find myself in trouble – unable to disease has on your life? GEM: How do you cope with these get up and go because I overdid GJ: When I was told that I had changes? things - no energy left even to Parkinson’s disease I did not react GJ: Spiritually I was well grounded. move. because I did not know much about the I decided to eliminate all negativity GEM: What advice do you have disease. However as soon as I returned including friends who were for people about this disease? cont’d on p19 Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012 3 3
  • 4. Subscribe Today Name:_________________________________________________________ Poetry By Neil p21 Address:________________________________________________ Feature - Cultural History of Postal Code_______________ Jamaica - p15 Phone:_______________________ Guyanese Association of Email address:_______________________ Manitoba News and Views p18 Support Global Eyes Magazine if you think we’re doing a good job. Subscription: $15.00 per year for 4 issues. I Would like to receive upcoming event notices from the Piecing together Memories 30 Caribbean/Black/larger community - by email or by phone (YES/NO) Only a Woman of Colour p13 Mail cheque/Money Order to: Global Eyes Magazine (GEM) 671 Rathgar Avenue, NEW - Shirley’s Corner p13 Winnipeg, Manitoba More surprises inside! R3L 1G6 Global Eyes is an independent magazine quarterly publication Photo of the Quarter devoted to promoting cultural awareness of the African and Philosopher Dog - What is he Caribbean communities of Manitoba and highlighting the issues and concerns of these communities. It also aims thinking now? at promoting cultural diversity and appreciation. Its It features articles ranging from the achievements of local, national and international personalities and general information that are of interest to the African/Caribbean community. It offers editorials with African/ Caribbean sensibilities and letters to the editor. The Magazine is produced under a volunteer editorial committee that assists with proof-reading, publicity and distribution. IN THIS ISSUE Regulars: Briefs p6 Letter to my children p11 Global Counselor p11 Gaffin wid Buddy p26 Healthwise 18 Zizi the continuing story p20 Leg Up p19 Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012 4
  • 5. GLOBAL EYES MAGAZINE Editor: Beatrice Watson Out and About GEM’s Regular Contributors Distributed to local businesses, and in Winnipeg and via email to individuals in Manitoba and former Manitobans in 10th Annual CD/CED various parts of the world. Gathering To receive Global Eyes by mail please send a cheque for $15.00 to: Global Eyes Magazine 671 Rathgar Avenue Neil Pitamber, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 1G6 Caribbean Shield Phone: 204-477-1588 A prolific writer, poet and owner, Caribbean Shield All contents are (c) 2011 and may not be reprinted without the express or written consent of the author or Editor. Over 600 community members, CED immigrant settlement, to practitioners, government officials cooperative enterprise development. gathered at Churchill High School for the There was food galore of every 10th annual Manitoba CD/CED full-day kind and taste from vegan to Lara Badmus, LLB conference on October 19, 2012. vegetarian to gluten free to Discipline Counsel Premier Greg Selinger’s brought greetings conventional food. This was The Law Society of and welcomed news about the province’s awesomely impressive. Thanks to Manitoba new initiative to support Coop Enterprises. Sarah Leeson-Klym and her team Guest speaker, Raj Patel best-selling for a job well done. author and economist, inspired the audience with his entertaining yet thought- provoking presentation in which he pointed out the flaws in our global economic system and innovative ways communities around the world are boosting equality and creating economic opportunities. The event was well organized and Sharmela Sukhdeo Rambally Guyanese Seniors Coordinator participants could choose from 30 Public Policy Workshop workshops from policy development to Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012 5 5
  • 6. Briefs Women’s History Month 2012 Local experience is a gift that grows in value focused on the importance of each time it is shared.” mentors and role models who Five speakers at a special event at the empower others through their Legislative Building spoke about their work and help young women experiences with mentoring, how plan and accomplish success in female mentors have helped them and their lives, Family Services and offered words of advice to inspire Labour Minister Hon. Jennifer young women in the province. Each of Howard, minister responsible for Janice Ristock Jenna Wirch the speakers is an outstanding the status of women said today. Manitoba woman with a unique view “This year, we are honouring on the benefits of mentoring and an women in our province who act exceptional role model for others, said as role models and mentors,” Howard. said Howard. “The knowledge Lorene Mahoney, Manitoba they have accumulated is the Women’s advisory Council members seed they plant for the success of was the emcee. others. Knowledge gained first- hand through a lifetime of Shelley Hart Ariana Yaftali Violence against women Still a problem At least 1 in 3 women around the world are subject to sexual, physical or other forms of violence during Alana Gauthier their lifetime. It may take many forms and is not limited to any culture, Lorene Mahoney, Emcee region or country, or to any specific Hon. Jennifer Howard group of women. It has enormous NEW MICROLOANS social and economic costs, and build a life for their families,” said undercuts the contribution of women PROGRAM WILL HELP Melnick. “These microloans are good to development, human rights, peace, INTERNATIONALLY for our economy and they’ll make a real difference in the lives of these and security. Not only does violence EDUCATED against women prevent mothers from families.” NEWCOMERS WORK IN Recognition Counts! offers loans of raising healthy children, it also THEIR FIELDS SOONER up to $10,000, to cover everything hampers the economic development A new microloans program from the cost of new tools to paying and stability within the country in called Recognition Counts! will for certification exams or for offer mcro loans to skilled additional training. The program also which they live. It also poses a Iimigrants that will help put their gives low-income, high-skilled serious threat to the achievement of education to work more quickly. newcomers valuable career and the Millennium Development Goals. The loan will help remove financial counselling to help address Despite its high costs, almost every barriers to getting Canadian challenges with entering the labour certification, Immigration and market. society in the world has social Multiculturalism Minister Recognition Counts! will be institutions that legitimize, obscure Christine Melnick announced delivered by SEED Winnipeg and and deny abuse. The same acts that recently. Assiniboine Credit Union, with would be punished if directed at an “Recognition Counts! gives our support from the Manitoba government. The program is jointly employer, a neighbor, or an province’s newcomers the resources they need to get their funded by the governments of acquaintance often go unchallenged qualifications recognized, enter Manitoba and Canada. when men direct them at women, our labour market sooner and especially within the family Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012 6
  • 7. Editorial - Take One When seniors (Italy) Barbara Guia (Portugal) which people will pay to come and come alive the Clara Orallo (Philippines) Hein see them in the bright lights. world becomes Tran (Viet Nam, Monika Singh These women showed courage, their oyster. It (Guyana) Beatrice Watson were willing to break the mould they was so with (Caribbean). made for themselves and found the the Immigrant Women’s Association This began as an Immigrant creative process rejuvenating. senior members who took their Women’s project funded by New Everyone showed up for practice, stories to the stage and it was a big Horizons Canada. It was to gather everyone allowed themselves to be hit. It shows what can happen when the stories of first generation coached and directed by the director people go out of their comfort zone, Canadians, put it in a book and act and everyone found out in spite of when people do not allow out some of the unique parts of the what they had feared, they were themselves to be defined, labelled stories through socio-drama. The blessed with memorizing skills.. or classified in a particular way. women who co-wrote the script And, they do not want to return to Most of the women who with Ms McIntyre, had a choice to that shell and wear that limiting mask participated in the Immigrant act their parts or engage of “too old”. They are thinking of Stories, a play directed by Hope professional actors. The women the next challenge, could it be rock McIntyre Artistic Director of the wanted to tell their own stories. climbing or starting a rock band with Sarasvati Theatre, were theatre However they never imagined that singer Clara Orallo. Who knows, will novices – Helma Rogge it would be part of a festival at keep you posted. (Germany), Francesca Cotroneo Trinidad & Tobago Society of Winnipeg’sGolden Independence Anniversary Celebration Hi-Life Steel Orchestra Organizers and volunteers of the event Clyde Heerah’s Paradize Band The Trinidad and Tobago Society of Winnipeg celebrated the 50th Independence anniversary of downtown Winnipeg, with music, Trinidad & Tobago with various food and dancing. activities including a street party on It was a blistering hot Caribbean Edmonton and Graham Streets, style weather but that did not stop anyone from dancing and having fun. Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012 7 7
  • 8. Immigrant Women Starting a New Journey Francesca Cotroneo, Clara Orallo, Helma Rogge-Rheders, Samanthja Walters, , Beatrice Watson, Barbara Guida (front) Hein Tran who in this cene shows how she was helped by others when she first came as a refugee from Vietnam. The Immigrant Women’s Scene of the experience of first snow (photos by Janet Shum. FEMFEST Photographer)) Association in partnership with New Horizons Canada and Sarasvati Theatre pulled off a successful, fun but educational play in which first generation immigrant women shared their stories of migration with Winnipeggers through the process of workshop, story development, script development and finally the play under the guidance of artistic Director for Sarasvati Theatre, Hope McIntyre who has indeed worked her magic on this group of newbies and senior folks and got them memorizing their lines and having fun like a kid in a candy store. Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012 8
  • 9. Youths are ready to carry the Inspiring Others Making a Difference, Black History Torch As a young woman, several Aboriginal Cultural Cst. Izza Mian thought Events. her career path would In March of 2012, Cst. Mian lead her towards the spearheaded a Women on field of nursing; the Front Lines Career Fair however she soon along with other agencies realized she wouldn’t such as CSIS, the Winnipeg be satisfied in the field Police Service, Canada of health care. Border Services Agency, and “I wanted something Federal and Provincial more challenging,” Corrections. said Mian. “And I “As a woman and a police knew I wanted to officer, I feel I can connect travel.” with other women who With those aspirations might be interested in this in mind, Mian decided kind of a career,” said Mian. to try her hand at law “I know first-hand what enforcement, more their fears or concerns might specifically, the Royal be as I have experienced Canadian Mounted Police. them and I can address them and She has traveled around the “It seemed to have everything I was put them at ease.” province – from Brandon all the looking for, career wise,” said Mian. way up to Churchill – visiting “I knew I was up to the task.” high schools, secondary schools by Holly Plato, RCMP After graduating from RCMP Depot in and many public venues to present Communications 2009, Cst. Mian was first posted in the RCMP as a career to whoever Portage la Prairie as a Regular is interested. Member, where she remained for two continued from p3. Reflection “It is important that we meet with years. In the spring of 2011, she began but it is time to stop cheating our students at a young age, to get working with the D Division children. Fathers need to man up. them started on the right path,” Recruiting Unit based in Winnipeg – Do not let us build our house on said Mian. “I find it so fulfilling her home town. the sand. Let us tackle what we all when I meet a student who never On a national level, the RCMP is know our community needs most thought about the RCMP as a dedicated to attracting more female of all looking beneath the surface career and see him/her become police officers and more visible at the hurt, disappointments and inspired and excited about the minorities – Mian meets both broken spirits. When women are possibility.” qualifications. happy and self-actualized, loved In addition to presenting to the “As a woman I hope I inspire others to and respected by their partners public and students, Mian also choose the RCMP as a career. Others they grow strong families and attends many cultural and who may not otherwise feel like they communities. educational events, such as the could do it,” said Mian. “But if I can “People have a moral standard annual Afro-Caribbean job fair at be successful here, many others can about what they will do and will Elmwood School, the Manitoba too.” not do. At the end of the day Umuna Igbofest cultural Cst. Mian, who in addition to English someone who cheats has a lower celebration, the Congolese speaks both Hindi and Urdu, has moral standard than someone who Association’s International become a popular face at many does not. And they will cheat in Women’s Day event, Diwali, the cultural events across Winnipeg and other areas of life as well.” Carl Muslim Community Picnic and Manitoba. Lewis Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012 9 9
  • 10. Global Briefs Discrimination and violence against Over 22,000 Guyanese from BRIDGETOWN, Barbados (BGIS) — girls and violations of their human all walks of life were intrigued Barbados has long been known by the rights is a problem for women all over by the six-week science and moniker ‘Little England’; however, the world. technology exhibition “India: a principal of the University of the West The United Nations saw the need to Culture of Science,”sponsored Indies (UWI) Cave Hill, Professor raise awareness of the challenges that by the Indian Government. Hilary Beckles, believes the island also millions of girls face every day. In The exhibition venue, Cliff deserves the title of The First African December 2011, the UN declared that Anderson Sport Hall, was Society in the Americas. it would annually observe the transformed into a spectacle of The professor will address this theme International Day of the Girl Child, technological inventions and as the keynote speaker during this year’s starting from October 11, 2012. Just as concepts initiated by the people Ministry of Tourism’s African Di-aspora violence against women is a global of India. Chief Project Heritage Trail (ADHT) Conference. curse to the United Nations’ Coordinator, Madan Gopal said The UWI principal explained, Community, the International that while there is room for “Barbados occupies a very special place organizations and working groups, added public participation,the in the making of the African Diaspora. violence against the girl child has response to the initiative has Reflections on its relation to Africa much rooted concerns in the global been “good.” “This exhibition within the public imagination and pursuit on the future women want. brings to Guyanese the cultural historical discourses have re-volved This calls for more serious heritage of India in the field of around geographic rather than its commitment that will include total science and technology that demographic factor.” eradication of all violence against the dates back to more than 7000 girl child and equality between boys years. and girls. Can’t find a salon to do justice to your hair? Look no more! Les Touche Salon will send you satisfied everytime These two men had a 4-555 Balmoral Ave dream and saw it to the Hours: Mon. - Sat. end 9 a.m - 7:00 p.m. A legless man climbed Mt. Phone: 947-5830 Kilimanjaro and a little boy dreamed of making a difference and he did. What is your dream? tell us your dream Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012 10
  • 11. Regulars My dear children, Letter to my children Each of us has been put on earth with who you were meant to be are many more awards and fulfillment the ability to do something well. We regardless of my dream for you. I coming your way. cheat ourselves and the world if we don’t gave you the permission to say no Bahia and Liza of the comedy hit use that ability as best we can. to me and promised to support you show Pomme is French for Apple It fills my heart with so much pleasure in your dream. I am glad I did. I recently won an award from the to see people pursuing their dreams and see you moving through the world Obsidian Theatre RBC award for the fulfilling their purpose in this world. I on your own terms, creating a life most promising new show. These girls believe we all came here with a gift to for yourselves and enjoying have crafted a company from scratch share. Every seven plus billion of us on incremental success. which has taken Toronto by storm the planet has a special gift to offer. We Flo recently won the Best during the Fringe Festival and is about were born geniuses, extraordinary Western Music Award for Best to take on New York and I am sure it people but society’s conditioning and Urban Recording of the Year and I will meet with the same success. This constantly chiselling away at our sense have watched her blossom for is the power in following your dream. of self eventually make into a robot. We many years getting better and Being aligned to your purpose you shortchange ourselves by conforming better and she will get better and cannot not succeed. It is what creates to others’ imagination of who or what better still because when I see her an abundant life financially, spiritually we are or should be and I know I was on the stage, I see a person full of and emotionally. I know this for sure. one of those people who ignorantly have joy, alive and consumed in the My advice to you is to follow where done what my parents did and my moment. She is embracing her your heart leads and it will lead you to parents before them did, to try to train calling and it shows. where you have to be. It is never too you into my dream for you but I think I Congratulations Flo, I know there late to follow your dream. Go do it. was a little more aware than my parents. Love, mom I also injected in you the power to be Global Counsellor Dear globalcounselor, be like Canadian men but we are phone number so that I can talk to I am a 59 year old East Indian man of not made like that. It is not our you and you talk to my wife? It is Caribbean heritage. I have four culture. I apologized to my wife not too late, I can change and I can children all grown and 10 grand but she said she has had enough work this out. I am desperate and children and soon to get a great gran. I and that I have shamed her for scared. What if I get sick, who’s find myself out in the cold and at a the last time. I never expected going to take care of me? My cross-road not knowing what to do. this in my old age. How can I children are all made at me and don’t After 32 years of marriage my wife is live without my family and my talk to me. filing for divorce because of a little wife? She is like my other half Desperate indiscretion on my part. I had an affair no matter how I run around I Dear Desperate with a younger woman and now to come home to her. She is home You make your bed, now lie in it. I complicate matter a child is involved. and without that I am lost. What am sorry b ut a woman can only My wife suspected that I was fooling can I do? How can I mend this? I allow her heart to be broken so many around for a long time. It’s the island am so broken up right now I times. When in Rome we have to do thing we do back home and get away can’t even think straight and the as the Romans do. Women have more with it but in Canada our woman have doctor put me on medication. I options in Canada so why should changed and have ideas like Canadians. am so sad and unhappy at how I they put up with a husband who They do not want to put up with messed things up and took her disrespects her like you have done getting blow anymore, they want us to for granted. Please can I get your for so long. continue on p16 Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012 11 11
  • 12. In Your Back Yard Clara Orallo Clara Orallo Ro Rheders Helma Rogge Rheders Faiza Hargaaya, Weyni Abraha Caricom Arts and Crafts had an exciting Cultural Evening in June 2012. The audience was treated to a variety of cultural performances including poetry by Helma Rogge and Shirle Alleyne, a cultural portrait of Montserrat by Mary Barzey, classincal singing by Clara Orallo, African drumming by Kat Productions, and a birthday celebration of the youngest particiopants who turned 15 on the same day. There was also a bake-sale table of breads and Caribbean treats. Mary Barzey, Shirle Alleyne KBFuju of Kat Productions (below) and African Drummer CARCICOM ARTS & CRAFTS IS LOOKING FOR NEW MEMBERS If you are interested in arts, crafts, poetry, prose and sharing your work with others then join us at our membership meeting to be held in November, 2012. Date to be annouced.Watch for your invite in your email. Samuel Krajick, Flor Barzey’s grandson from Toronto Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012 12
  • 13. Only A Woman of Colour…… really matters – This month we are celebrating women. It it is what you is also the month that we have the annual bring to the “Person’s Day Breakfast” event which I am table! told has been going on for a few decades, as a LEAF Manitoba fundraiser. I have had Lara Badmus, few interactions with LEAF’s Executive LL.B Director, Betty Hopkins, and I think she is just amazing! I am very new to LEAF (Legal Education Action Fund), as a volunteer. To be honest, I have not done Lola’s Surprise much to merit that title, but I am hopeful Birthday Party that I will do more as time goes on and I get less busy on the home/career front(s). Lola Hibbert was the toast of the Moving on to what I really want to write town and one of the most about today-I just want to send out an surprised participants at her encouraging message to all the women out significant birthday party recently. there; particularly women of colour. I will Like a lamb she was led into her merely be repeating the words on a poster I party thinking it was a mere stop have on my office wall, which follow: over on her way to another event “ Only a woman of colour can work full when the chorus of “surprise”took time while finishing school, raising her breath away and family and respectful and intelligent children, be an friends from the US and other active participant in the Parent-Teacher parts of Canada emerged to Association and make it all seem effortless. celebrate her special day. Only a woman of colour can make $100 The event with more than 150 in out of 15 cents. attendance packed the Jamaica Only a woman of colour can go from the Cultural Centre. boardroom to the “hood” and keep it real in The mastermind behind this well both places. executed plan was Lola’s baby Only a woman of colour can live below sister Eartha Gyles. The poverty level and yet set fashion trends. evening’s program included Only a woman of colour can fight two entertainment by her group, the battles everyday and make it look easy. Jamaica Folk Ensemble, crooner Only a woman of colour can be 75 years Mr George Bain and speeches old and look 55! divulging delicious secrets about Only a woman of colour can make others Lola. The evening was of laughter want to pay plastic surgeons top $$$ for and good cheer and even though physical features she was already born with. Lola said had she known they Only a woman of colour can be the would have never gotten her into mother of civilization. the hall, I think she was truly If you are a woman of colour, tell some touched by the outpouring of love woman of colour they’re beautiful from family and friends and today…..” especially her son, sister and her Enjoy who you are, and take time this and niece from NYC and her two month to embrace all the positives in your nieces who navigated the evening life. Always remember that it is not where and read poetic tributes to their you are from, or what you look like that aunt. Happy birthday Lola hope you make it to 100 years at least. Lola and her two lovely nieces Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012 13 13
  • 14. A brief History Of Jamaica at 50 by Audrey Gordon It was at midnight on August 6, 1962 And yet, despite all of this: the Jamaica’s dreams had finally come true. in the National Stadium in Jamaica, that colonization, the slavery, the Since independence, Jamaica has come a The Union Jack, the flag of the British obliteration of Jamaica’s indigenous long way. Our presence on the world stage in Empire that once ruled Jamaica, was people, Jamaica overcame. politics, arts, theatre, sports, music and fashion lowered for the final time. In its place, the Jamaica, the country and its people has been nothing short of magnificent. flag of Jamaica with its bold colours of forged for Individuals such as General Colin Powell; yellow, black and green was raised. And itself a new Grace Jones; Glen just as the Jamaican flag was raised, so freedom, a Campbell; Lennox Lewis; too were the hopes and dreams of n e w Harry Belafonte; Patrick Jamaicans around the world, at the birth independence, Ewing and Naomi of their new independence. and a new Campbell, as well as every At precisely that moment, the world strength that Jamaican living at home changed. At that moment, years of struggle had never and abroad, have made a and striving for freedom by hundreds and been seen considerable contribution thousands of our ancestors, finally became before in its to helping put Jamaica’s realized. history. name on the map. It is no Tonight, we honour the lives of all those We should wonder our very own nameless Jamaicans who fought for not shy away Louise Bennett Coverly Jamaica’s independence. Tonight we f r o m (Miss Lou) sums us up as, celebrate Jamaica. remembering “we little but wi tallawah!” For those of you who are not familiar the horrors Our achievements truly with Jamaica’s history, the struggle for faced by our give us reason to rejoice. Jamaica’s independence began long before ancestors And I’m sure that in 1962. The Spanish were the first to conquer under the addition to Jamaica’s six Jamaica and its indigenous people of oppressive National Heroes and one Arawak and Taino suffered through rule of colonizers. No. Because it Heroine, each of us has our own special disease and violence. It was also the made our country what it is today. It Jamaican hero who epitomize for us, the spirit Spanish who began the atrocious act of impressed on us the importance of of Jamaica. capturing, enslaving and importing African resilience and of striving to achieve When I think of my Jamaican hero, there is slaves. In 1655, it was the British Empire our goals, whatever they may be. one person that always comes to mind. For me, who would rule over Jamaica for the next That despite the circumstances and it is without a doubt Robert Nesta Marley. Bob 357 years and continue the slave trade. restrictions our people were born in, Marley is not only a Jamaican hero, but The struggle for independence and they strove and fought to make for arguably one of the greatest cultural figures of freedom was born in this atmosphere of themselves and their descendants a the 20th century. His impact on popular music brutality and bloodshed. The first acts of better and brighter future. We should can be seen on a daily basis. His iconic image resistance from Africans began as early as all be inspired by their examples. is still seen on t-shirts and posters. His music is 1655. In fact, there have been more slave- The 20th century saw rapid still enjoyed by millions around the world, led resistance wars in Jamaica during that development in Jamaica’s road to regardless of their race, culture or ethnicity. But period than in any other British colonial fulfilling its destiny of independence. it was his message for unity, peace and standing territory. In 1955, Jamaica was granted self- up against oppression that has stood the test of After the long, hard road to freedom, government and in 1957 Jamaica time. 31 years after his death his music and slavery was finally abolished in 1834. But became part of the West Indies lyrics are as impactful as ever. Jamaica’s history of oppression by the Federation. But Jamaicans were not His impact around the world is so great that British did not end there. To fulfill labour prepared to stop there. In 1961 it reminds me of something that happened two shortage left by the end of slavery, Chinese Jamaicans voted in a national years ago. On October 13, 2010 when Victor and Indians were brought in to Jamaica as referendum to withdraw from the Zamora, one of 33 Chilean miners rescued after indentured labourers and suffered their Federation. One year later, Jamaica being trapped in a San Jose mine for 69 days, own challenges and depravities. was finally an independent state. asked to hear Marley’s “Buffalo Soldier” Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012 14
  • 15. shortly after his release. This is just one example multicultural and multi-faith country. 1st 1962, Donald Sangster who was of how Bob Marley has elevated Jamaica’s In Jamaica we are able to experience then the Deputy Leader of the music to international prominence. this rich tapestry of cultures, be they Opposition addressed the British and Unquestionably, our national heroes and role African, Chinese, Indian, Irish, Jamaican delegations at the Jamaican models extend far beyond Bob Marley and Scottish, English, Spanish, Lebanese, Independence Conference in London. Usain Bolt. I am proud to say that here in Haitian, Cuban or Latin American. This is what he said: Winnipeg we have our own local Jamaican Jamaica stands true to its national “Jamaica has been independent heroes and role models. As I glance around the motto today as it has done since its minded for a long time…We are a room, I see the faces of our local heroes and independence: Out of Many, One small country but we are you know who you are. All of you have worked People. geographically situated like a beacon tirelessly to establish our community and In Canada, we can enjoy that on a hill, whose light can be seen a far presence in Winnipeg. You are trailblazers and diversity in our Jamaican Diaspora way off. It is our hope that our faith we are very proud to have you represent our and remember our national motto. and our conduct will inspire others to community in such a positive way. That despite our individual choices regain their faith in God, in truth and Our local Jamaican role models are not and many differences: in our in the sanctity in the rights of man.” always the ones with their names in newspapers. professions, our circle of friends, who Like Donald Sangster, I truly Look around the room. Look at the people we marry, the food we eat or the believe that Jamaica was created as a sitting next to you, in front of you, behind you. music we enjoy: we all share the beacon of light. And, despite the Each of us has experienced our own struggles, same Jamaican heritage. And that challenges that it faces socially and immigrating and settling into a new country. heritage has shaped each of us in economically, I pray that it will Some of us continue to experience these profound ways. It may have shaped continue to be a beacon of light for struggles. But as a community, many of us have our lives in different ways, but we years to come. overcome these challenges to establish cannot forget that in each of us is a ourselves and our families. We are, each of us, unique piece of Jamaica. And that can (Audrey Gordon was the Guest-speaker at Jamaica’s 50th Anniversary banquet) a walking, talking example of successful never be taken away. Jamaican Canadians, here in Winnipeg. And “Out of Many, One People” stands for that I think we need to give ourselves a round as true for us all the way in Canada of applause. Come on! You deserve it! as it did for us 50 years ago in While the world celebrates Jamaica’s Jamaica. And it is this same tradition Golden Jubilee, I ask myself, 50 years after of unity in diversity that is so Jamaica’s Independence and hundreds of miles treasured in Canada. We, each of us away from the country: What does it mean to have a responsibility to embrace one me, to be a Jamaican-Canadian, right here in another. We must resist the urge to Winnipeg? judge one another. In fact, in the spirit I can honestly say that what I feel most is, of the Olympics, we should elevate ‘blessed’. I feel blessed to be able to feel both our game and step out of our comfort Jamaican and Canadian. I have never felt that I zones to get know each other- Mr. Dayman Hemans, Presidentt, have had to choose one or the other. I feel truly regardless of our background. Jamaican Assoc. of Manitoba Inc. privileged to have been able to experience both This is the tradition of our cultures, countries and people. It is my identity Jamaican ancestors. This is our as both Jamaican and Canadian that has made Jamaican heritage. my life richer and it has made me who I am And each and every day we must Facuy lady who today. remember that we have all been came from the I am grateful that in Canada, I am able to created in God’s image. USA to celebrate celebrate my Jamaican heritage and identity. I will end by quoting the words with her former And our similarities are striking. Not only has of Donald Sangster, who later went Winnipeg friends Canada’s indigenous people also suffered at the and countrymen on to become the second Prime and women. hands of colonizers, but like Jamaica, it is a minister of Jamaica. On February Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012 15 15
  • 16. Shirley’s Corner Congrats Tope Babaola From the Kitchen Corner kitchen volunteer. (I was proud of my position as the clean-up crew Tope Babaola, 14, recently became a of Folklorama. executive, excuse me). Now, this published author of Impossible Mission lady is of Caucasian, never which tells the story of 14 year-old Josh Well folks, Folklorama is finally McAllister is in the midst of teenage angst. wrapped-up and all those who wrapped roti in her whole life. He hates being compared to his brainiac volunteered or visited the pavilions Probably never eaten one before, sister, he never gets what he wants, and on a daily basis can all wind-down but with one crash course under his friendships are in the toilet. Josh blames and come back down to earth and her belt, she is now the best roti all his troubles on his parents, who have continue their daily lives, if you are wrapper in the city. If anyone made a fortune off their new invention— able to do so, after two hectic weeks wants to hire my friend, Doreen, and ruined his life in the process. of fun and frolic. What a two weeks. see me. Oops! I was not With the hope of bonding more as a But I am not totally concern about supposed to mention any names. family, Josh, his parents, and his sisters, the two weeks, I am merely concern Oh well. We had a great kitchen Anna and Julie, leave for the Bahamas on about one week; the one week I spent crew who worked tirelessly. their private plane. Just as Josh and his in “hells” kitchen of the Caribbean Between serving customers and mother conclude one of their worst Pavilion on Provencher. You really the hard work of cleaning pots arguments yet, the plane begins to had to be there to experience the and, pans and taking food from violently shake. At the insistence of his hustle and bustle that went on in a the oven to the serving pans and parents, Josh, Anna, and Julie have no kitchen that fed so many people from panicking, I think I can speak for choice but to parachute out of the plane various parts of the provinces that all, we enjoyed it. It was hard and watch it explode in mid-air just visited our pavilion. I am sure you work but it was fun. I know I seconds later with their parents inside. will be hearing all kinds of stories personally might have ruffled a Horrified, Josh and his sisters soon land about this yearly event from other few feathers, (not the customers) in an uncharted island where it is now up sources, so I will not go deeply into but hey! It’s all in the game. Now to them to find their way out of the cold, dark jungle and claim their inheritance it, but will give you an insight as to If I can just get my swollen feet out of this foot bath, and able to before their greedy uncle seizes it for what went on in my corner, the stand up, I’ll be ok, ‘cause I am himself. kitchen corner. not a spring chicken anymore. In this exciting action adventure, a One of the volunteers of our kitchen Well folks, you may see me doing teenager and his sisters race for their lives, crew was a member of my church, my role at the kitchen sink next learning more about themselves and their whose name I will not mention. The own inner strength than they ever year, God’s willing. So long, second day she was whisked away imagined. You can buy a copy of this from me to wrap rotis by another until. book online at globalcounsellor - cont’d from p11 As the saying goes, you don’t miss her forgiveness and for you to be the water till the well runs dry. friends. At this stage in your life you are There are relationships where having a child with another woman you can be together but apart. and expect your wife to go along? If Once the legal ramifications are she went along with this situation out of the way she might be she is agreeing to maintain and to willing to develop a different more help raise your child. equitable relationship with you. I Is it reasonable to expect that would suggest that you take much of a woman especially since whatever you can get. In this she has grandchildren and a great country you need a friend. If you grand child on the way? want to speak to me send your I think that you might want to ask phone number via GEM. Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012 16
  • 17. NICCOM Celebrates Nigeria’s 52nd Anniversary of Independence NICCOM – Nigerian Canada art. Finally the Hon. Andrew Community Organization of Manitoba, Swan Minister of Justice and Inc. celebrated this anniversary at the Attorney General was recognized Centro Caboto Cultural Centre. for his contribution in bringing to Annual scholarships were awarded Manitoba more than 500 to students who were achieving provincial nominees. NICCOM academically as well as those who is an inclusive organization with were giving back to the community membership from a variety of through their volunteer activities. cultural groups. In addition three community members were recognized for their individual achievement and contribution to the larger community: Flo Oramasionwu for her musical achievements delivered in two albums as well as her willingness to perform for the community at a moment’s notice; Yisa Akinbolaji who is the Hon Andrew Swan, Yisa Akinbolaji African Picasso, was recognized for and Flo Oramasionwu - Community Cutting of the Anniversary Cake his contribution in the field of visual Award recipients Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012 17 17
  • 18. HEALTHWISE Jamaican Patty - Some swear Mexican Lentil Soup fry until vegetables are it’s the best in the world Makes 8 to 10 servings slightly soft, about 8 Ingredients Ingredients 14 oz (400 g) bag minutes. Stir in lentils, broth, chili 2 lbs ground turkey or beef red or green lentils powder, cumin, oregano, 1/2 teaspoon • 8 sprigs of fresh thyme or 4 1 large onion (2 mL) salt and pepper. Bring mixture tablespoons 2 red or green peppers to a boil, stirring often. Cover and • 2 oz scallion or about 10-13 stalks 4 carrots reduce heat to medium-low. Simmer • 2 scotch bonnet peppers, seeded 2 celery stalks until lentils and vegetables are tender, • 2 loaf french bread 3 jalapeño peppers from 30 to 40 minutes. Taste and add • 6 cups water 4 large garlic cloves more salt and seasonings, if needed. • 2 tablespoons Jamaican Keith 1 tbsp (15 mL) olive oil 3.For a heartier consistency, remove complete seasoning's 8 cups (2 L) chicken or vegetable about one-quarter of soup and place • 2 teaspoons garlic powder broth or bouillon in bowl of a food processor fitted with • 2 teaspoon onion powder 1 tbsp (15 mL) chili powder a metal blade. Whirl until mixture is • 2 teaspoon ground allspice puréed. You may need to add a little • 2 tablespoon beef base water if mixture is too thick. Stir • 2 tablespoons browning purée back into soup. Serve hot with a • 2 teaspoon msg (optional) crusty baguette. Soup will keep well, • 2 small onions covered, in the refrigerator up to 3 • 2 oz gelatin days or in the freezer up to 3 months. • 2 teaspoon salt Food for love Music also boost Directions Grind scallion/onions, and peppers brain power in a mincing mill. 2 tsp (10 mL) ground cumin To get you body in shape, you go to the 2. Add to ground beef/turkey with all 1 tsp (5 mL) dried leaf oregano gym. What should you do for your brain? other seasonings 1/2 to 1 tsp (2 to 5 mL) salt Play an instrument! A study published in 3. Cook without adding any water or 1 tsp (5 mL) ground black pepper Nature Reviews Neuroscience pulled fat until meat has lost its broth and Add to grocery list Earthy cumin, together data from around the world only certain amount of oil remains. hot peppers and a heap of studying the effect of music on the brain. 4. While meat is being cooked, pour seasonings give a heady boost to They found that musical training, or any sufficient cold water over bread in a this soup that's hearty enough to interaction with music—including saucepan to cover and soak for a few serve as a vegetarian entrée. listening—improved the brain’s ability to minutes, Directions handle communication. The research 5. Pass bread/ little water through DirectionsNutritionUser reviewed showed that children with mincing mill until it is a semi thick comments.1.Wash lentils in a musical training have better-than-average paste. Add to cooked meat. Along sieve, discarding any twigs and vocabulary and reading ability. Musical with water.Continue to cook until stones. Finely chop onion. Cut adults had more “neuroplasticity,” aiding meat mixture is thickened similar to red peppers in half, remove seeds their brains’ long-term ability to adapt and the texture of warm oatmeal about and chop into 1/4-inch (0.5-cm) change. So every time you put on your 10-15 minutes. pieces. Peel carrots. Chop carrots ear buds to listen to the music, be it 6. Remove from fire. Cool for filling and celery into 1/4-inch (0.5-cm) Ravel or Rihanna, you’re improving your pastry circles. pieces. Core and seed jalapeños, brain’s fitness. If patties need more seasoning, blend then mince along with garlic. spices as listed and add until desired 2.Heat oil in a large saucepan set taste is achieved over medium-high heat. Add Let your food be medicine visit keithcooktv for more onion, red peppers, carrots, and your medicine be food. information celery, jalapeños and garlic. Stir- Hippocrates Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012 18
  • 19. Leg Up Continued from p4 Grasita Jones, Parkinston’s Disease GJ: Pay attention to the Monica Laurel Wright, way your body works and moves. Symptoms Rhiney and Violet Clacken Cause for Celebration - Ribbon Cutting Ceremony can be subtle but if you are aware L to r: Dennis Cupid, Victor Vaughan Margaret you can pick up these and look into Strachan, Melanie Whyte, Mike Phagtakhan, Rupert it. For example if you don’t move Forde & Louis Rodrigues one arm, you’re losing your balance for no reason, do not ignore it, check it out with your doctor. GEM: Are you self-conscious about this disease? Do you ever feel less than, ashamed – do people stare at you and misinterpret you? GJ: Yes, I am sometimes stared and jeered at. During my last visit to St Vincent - one day I was waiting at the Bus Depot, I was very tired so I was very DYSKINETIC i.e. my body was rocking - some of the locals thought I was moving to the music (of course I was not moving to the rhythm) so they jeered and laughed at me. This was very humiliating The Caribbean I am very upfront about my illness Cultural Centre especially when travelling and I recently make every effort to choose seats celebrated where my affected side (because of opening of involuntary movement) is away new from a fellow traveller washrooms in GEM: What is your best strategy in its facility, tackling this disease? with a ribbon GJ: Exercise is my number one Participants strategy and it works to keep me cutting healthy. ceremony. GEM: What is your hope for the future? Opening of GJ: That my Parkinson stays the way it is. One of my biggest issues Caribbean is balance. I also hope that research would produce some kind of Cultural treatment for Parkies to maintain balance or stop or reverse or even Centre’s new lessen the symptoms of the disease. I am hopeful for the future. Washrooms Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012 19 19
  • 20. Zizi - The Continuting Story The children were excited to be going to little too seriously and it’s no big as age creeps up on me the answer is eat at a restaurant, especially pizza. Zizi’s deal, solve one crime and another becoming clearer” Zizi chuckled “I two nephews and Leyroy’s son Junior hit it pops right up to replace it” think he is a good guy, he was lost but off like hand in gloves. Leyroy was happy “Right” now he’s found. The hardest thing for that his son found kindred spirits with the “So how are things with you and me is having a step son, not that I have boy. Leyroy would cast an adoring your hubby? Any dramas lately?” anything against the boy or Leyroy but glance at Zizi as if to say “see it’s going to “He is a changed man. That little it would have been so much less work out”. While Zizi didn’t have ill separation did us both very well. complicated if we were starting from feelings towards the little boy she wished He is wonderful and I pray to God scratch but he is ahead of me” Leyroy didn’t come with this baggage and that it remains that way. He is “I understand, but I think you guys they could start off on the same page. That considerate, loving and even would work it out and Leyroy loves was wishful thinking. volunteered to make me Sunday you, really. He messed up but you The evening with the family went well, breakfast and bring it to me in bed always had his heart and you know Brenda and Zizi caught up on the gossip every Sunday. What more can a that” about what was happening back home and girl ask for?” “Yes”” talking about a holiday to see friends and “I am so happy especially for the “Make it happen, don’t wait too long. relatives. boys. It’s great that they see how Married life is sweet” Zizi wanted to share with Brenda about to be a good man” Is that so? what they found out about Sargent Daniels “I thank the good Lord every Zizi hugged and kissed her nephews but she was so afraid to put her cousin in a single day” Brenda eyes filled with as they were about to leave the spot where she would have to keep a secret water which she brushed aside and restaurant and she promised she’d take from her husband. She bit her tongue.Even turned the spotlight upon me “so them to a movie in the next little while. though the evening was great Zizi could what’s up with you? It’s a long The boys cheered. They loved going not get what Johnny said out of her mind. time we had a wedding in this out with aunty Zizi because she was She felt a little irritated that Danny was not family, I think it’s due” like a big kid and they got to do fun up front with her, however she tried putting “I don’t know. No one has asked stuff. They asked her to bring Junior it aside and concentrate on her family for a my hands as yet” too and she promised she would. change. “A little bird told me it’s coming Leyroy told Zizi to wait up for him “Girl you look distracted. Don’t tell me soon. Just hypothetically speaking because he wanted to speak to her after Sherlock Holmes got another hot potato on what would be your answer if he dropped off Junior home. He was her hand. Come on be present in this Leyroy asked you to marry him?” serious and Zizi mind went racing to moment” “I thought about that many times all sorts of worst case scenarios as “Yeah, yeah, you are right. I take things a and I wasn’t sure. However, lately usual. Congress of Black Women Activities Mark your Calendar: The Congress of Black Women December 16, 2012 - Kwanzaa a recently wrapped up a successful celebration of Black Heritage and New Horizons Project which culture paired senior members of the Venue: Jamaica Cultural Centre community with youths to work on 1412 Winnipeg Avenue a public speaking project together. Time: 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. 2011 Kwanzaa photo by Winnipeg Many resource people presented Come out and celebrate with food, Free Press valuable information to the group to music and gifts for every child, help them prepare and deliver their remember our ancestors and the values Cultural Awareness Workshop presentations effectively. they instilled in us. February 2012 - An exciting Watch for more information in the This is an occasion for Manitobans to program is being planned. More next issue of GEM. learn about the Black cultural tradition. information will be forthcoming. Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012 20
  • 21. Welcome to Poetic License by Neil Pitamber CRUSHING SERPENT (life and Wife or otherwives… TRIBUTE SOCIETY (life and shtuff) We assume too much that children shtuff) Are built for anything (Nowadays) My sides have my person— I’ve knowledge of what it is Lost innocence really —ality… But am ignorant of why it is… No, I cannot count them Easy way to keep your head up—? Begins at the ‘mouth’… Nor can I count on them Pretend (if you must) there’s So, what’s so real about Always ‘siht’ in front of you… FISH AND VISITORS (life and shtuff) Surreality? The idea is as practical My gingerale smirks As the execution itself… Strumming my air guitar at the moon Rather gingerly… (Now you’ve gone and looked (Bruce) Weigh-ins’ are compulsory No serpent to blame this time) The thing is howling notes That aren’t ratio to scale Before a fight Yeah, you stepped in it Damian Wayans is not the So clean it up yourself… Yeah, I’m louder than I look Take a breath and regale ‘detective’s’ (My elbow just touched my fingers Son, despite.. GATES OF HELL (life and shtuff) You do the math Do I secretly desire the collapse What the hell—?) There’s a demon loose in my head And I’ll do a cask Of my personal ‘social structure’? Ward off Mary Jane for Curious how it all goes to ashes Stationed there by the ‘hive’ Always indifferent Bordeaux Marie-Jeanne What it takes to build up ‘future’? An insult to one lover Do I subconsciously befriend people To the suggestion of taking a drive Somewhere out in the country And a slut to the other… I have no qualm to betray in the end? Defend principles I personally abhor Self-induced coventry Heart’s in the breast That’s yet to try? Tactless but reliable way to blend in? Haven’t power than —— I never ‘wing to one side (Said, he isn’t To wish you by my side… Auguste Rodin on a horse late last night The fact is; we really can’t And invited me to a game of ‘chess’ trespassing That he was Memories are for elephants ‘If you are aware of your ‘evil,” he says I haven’t worn that jacket ‘How can an ‘idea’ look in on itself?’ invited…) Since I was sixteen ‘Is this not the amusement of ‘God’? Brown pants don’t really suit you To keep men, as I have you, in ‘check’?... TEMPEST (life and shtuff) Even in a dream… ‘God is not ‘evil,” I smile, ‘Yet is ‘that’ which Please stave me F r o m FLASHPOINT (life and shtuff) We give birth to not an extension of ourselves’?… temptations… From anything You remind me of something ‘Poor posture and conundrums,’ Auguste That fits its’ purpose, though defaulted nods ‘to great “thinkers” lend Can curse my eyes But the drudge from your mouth themselves’… Is far more revolting… I shall not grace them Everything I have ever done right RAG DOLLS (life and shtuff) Happened on the third When does a ‘v’ become ‘w’? With a second glance Legitimate flirtations Honorary mentions often go without When ripe… Present company alluded Children have a way of And ‘of the like’… Help me deserve the things In the opening verse… Helping you regret ‘that night’ Like the way you focus A womans’ promises are hardly I’ve earned Bloggers need to be witty When you want to come Worth its’ weight in fools’ gold ‘Character’ takes some concentration Still we trade in all we have… Only helps poets to be troubled Sometimes a man needs to feel Objects in the mirror Said she was, ‘smart’ Are ‘loser’ than they appear… But didn’t know how to ‘act smart’ Relevant and valid and vivified... ‘Don’t point out my faults— Revved and reactive and ‘alive’… Just need to accept ‘yours”… Please wean me Don’t raise your voice— Off femmetations… Speak when you are angry, She can make more noise than you… and you will make the best Lupin was in Cupid was out speech you will ever regret Trust no-one Ambrose Bierce Global Eyes Magazine Women’s History Edition Fall 2012 21 21