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Technology and protest in
Technology and protest in

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What is


          A.K.A: 'GitS'
is a Japanese animated film based on the manga series of the same name written by Masumane Shirow.
Acquiring a huge fanbase, GitS has extended into a vast media franchise, Ghost in the Shell also
includes video games, a television series (subnamed "Stand Alone Complex"), a film sequel (2.0
Innocence, 2004), as well as a new tv series subnamed "Arise" being released in the summer of 2013.
directed by Mamoru Oshii, 1995
Categorized as a cyberpunk ("a     As people have become connected
genre of science fiction set in    into this electronic network,
a lawless subculture of an         "ghost-hacking" makes way as
oppressive society dominated by    sort of cyber terrorist crime.
computer technology" dictionary.   Ghost-hackers can erase memories
com) GitS is set a digitally       and implant new ones in order to
dominated society. Due to          create an entire new guise to
technological advancements,        commit crime (murder, espionage,
humans have begun relying on       etc).
cybernetic parts, that is human
and technology have come
together in the most integral
fashion. Because of this, the
cyborgs/dolls/humans that
inhabit this future define the
"soul" or the remains of their
humanity as "ghosts" and their
repairable and replaceable
bodies, their "shells."
What is GitS trying to say?

Ghost in the Shell brings up
numerous points about
mankind's interaction and
dependence on technology.
                                 What defines one's being and
Questions about how integrated
technology is within day to
day life, as well as the              in the realm of artificial intelligence
possibility of technology
surpassing man as a superior
being. Thematically, the film
begs the questions:

                                 How much should man depend on
                                        his technology?
Cultural Aspects
Ghost in the Shell (1995) is a
Japanese anime science fiction film
based on the manga of the same name by
Masamune Shirow. The film is set in
the future in the year 2029. The time
of the film is very important to the
storyline, mainly because the kind of
technology the characters were using
and were surrounded by do not exist
today. Even the two main characters,
Motoko Kusanagi and Batou are cyborgs,
they are part robot. The entire plot
is centered on the fact that most of
the world is now ran by computers and
even people are part computer as well.
This is why the story works, because
we are taken completely out of our
present time and taken into the future
where this film is set.
The year is 2029 in Japan and the world has become intensively information oriented and humans are
well-connected to networks. Crime has evolved and developed into a sophisticated stages by hacking
into the interactive networks. To prevent this from happening, Section 9 a government group is
formed to help prevent this hacks from happening. Lead by Major Motoko Kusanagi a female cyborg who
is assigned the task of finding and apprehending the villain hacker known as the Puppet Master, who
is a computer virus capable of taking over the minds of computer-enhanced humans brains and
altering their memories. But during her investigation on the Puppet Master, Major Motoko Kusanagi
finds out the Puppet Masters existence is more than meets the eyes and leaves her questioning her
very own purpose and existence in life.
                                                                    As the film progresses, we
                                                                    discover the Puppet Master is
                                                                    not a person, but rather an
                                                                    entity that had accumulated so
                                                                    much data that it gained its
                                                                    own free will and self-
                                                                    awareness, therefore giving
                                                                    itself humanity. The Puppet
                                                                    Master tries to track down the
                                                                    protagonist, Kusanagi, in order
                                                                    to "procreate" or merge his
                                                                    data with her ghost, to finally
                                                                    die and thus completing his
& here's a short video clip,
Major Motoko Kusanagi
                                     The main character in Ghost in the Shell. Major Motoko
                                     Kusanagi is a cyborg which means she is half human and
                                     half robot. Major Motoko Kusanagi is the squad leader of
                                     Public Security Section 9. Both beautiful and deadly,
                                     the major is both battle tested and proven. She has an
                                     androgynous looking face and barely shows any human
                                     emotions at all. Her body is completely robotic which
                                     gives her increase strength, speed and stamina. Her
                                     cybernetic enhancements also giver her optical camo
                                     abilities. Kusanagi is frequently played in the film as
                                     contemplative and brooding, a direct contrast to her down
                                     to earth partner Batou.

The main male character in Ghost in the Shell and second
in command to Major Motoko Kusanagi. He is notably the
most light-hearted out of all the characters in the film.
He frequently jokes with Motoko and the rest of Public
Security Section 9 being an outgoing joker. Batou is
also more emotional and not as calm as Motoko. Batou
shows anger at injustice and cruelty, to the point of
seeming downright hot headed at times. Batou is Motoko
most trusted ally in Public Security Section 9.
The newest transferred member to Public Security
Section 9. Having a good history as an uncorrupted
detective is one of the main reasons he was selected
to become a member of Public Security Section 9 (as
well him being a family man), to add a newer element
of variety and unpredictability to the team. Togusa
is also the only member of Public Security Section 9
not to come from a military background which makes
him feel insecure at sometimes. He is very fond of
his old school Mateba Autorevolver opting to use it
over standard issue Public Security Section 9
weapons. His fashion is rather noticeable, having a
thick mullet and turtleneck sweaters with sports
                                      Chief Daisuke Aramaki
                                      Chief Aramaki is a strict chief of Public Security
                                      Section 9. He is referred to by others in Section
                                      9 as the "old ape". He is fiercely loyal to the
                                      members of Section 9, and often put his own career
                                      on the line to ensure the survival of the rest of
                                      his team.
The Puppet Master
Also know as Project 2501 is the main
antagonist of the film. The Puppet Master is
an artificial intelligence program secretly
forged and developed by rival Public Security
Section 6. During an unknown time it
developed a sentience and began a mission of
independence from Public Security Section 6.
The Puppet Master was created for the
Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a
tool that could stealthily manipulate
politics and intelligence, altering databases
and the memories of key persons for the
benefit of select individuals organizations
affiliated with Ministry, and is equipped
with unparalleled computer and cyberbrain
hacking abilities. Once discovered, the
Puppet Master is assumed to be a human, most
likely with mnemonic enhancements, who has
incredible hacking skills. The Puppet Master
imposes thought provoking questions that make
Major Motoko Kusanagi question her being in
the world.
Technical Film & Animation Info

Ghost in the Shell was directed by Mamoru Oshii, animated by Production I.G, and scripted
by Kazunori Itō and stars Atsuko Tanaka, Akio Ōtsuka and Iemasa Kayumi. and is based off
the manga created by Masamune Shirow. Production I.G have famously animated many anime
films and series, and Ghost in the Shell was one of their first and most famous films.
Mainly because of the use of groundbreaking digital production techniques. Ghost in the
Shell was made with the use of digitally-generated animation mixed in with hand-drawn
environments. Something that is very easily done now, but in 1995, it was a stunning sight
to see for moviegoers. Apart of Production I.G’s mission statement is to make anime that
can stand on its own without being derived from a manga. Which is something that is very
hard in Japan, as much of it’s anime come from it’s original manga. That is why the Ghost
in the Shell film stands out, yes it is based off of the manga created by Masamune Shirow
but the film is very different.
Major Theme
What defines one's
being and existence?
     In GitS, one's 'ghost' is the remnant of        Puppet Master was originally just a
the human soul that defines a living being.     program: is that 'existence' and 'being'?
Major Kusanagi is largely cybernetic, thus      Does being entail a physical entity? Thinking
her ghost is a smaller fraction of her being.   of existing as a memory system, human memory
However the Puppet Master gives himself self-   isn't the only sort of existing. Data-sets
awareness through an accumulation of data. As   themselves "exist" and are sometimes
a sort of artificial intelligence, the Puppet   programmed to be active in processing that
Master has surpassed the human race, even       data, much like Puppet Master (see IBM
this new cyborg race of GitS, in essentially    Watson). Data is a kind of memory. Kusanagi
becoming an immortal being. His entity or       has very little memory of her original
"ghost" cannot be deteriorated moving from      self/ghost, but the data that is there
shell to shell as a human's could in this       defines her personality. Memory has value to
world. This disturbs the balance of life in     whatever processes it: be it programs like
our world, even in the case of Kusanagi's       Puppet Master or human sensibility like
replaceable shell: who deserves this            Kusanagi. The fact that we define Puppet
immortality? Is it reserved for the elite?      Master as a character and not an inanimate
IBM's 'Watson' perhaps is a comparison to       object suggests that he is a being. Ghost in
Puppet Master: having access to a large pool    the Shell reminds its audience that things
of data being able to answer questions          can exist without humans giving them meaning
independently. Should 'beings' like this        and acknowledging that they exist: there was
exist or continue to be advanced and how        a time before us and there will be a time
useful is it to man? How autonomous does        after us. While humans created Puppet Master,
something have to be to have human qualities?   he can exist now without them. Data will
However, something doesn't have to be human     remain after us, so perhaps that is the
to be alive, do animals or plants have          future of our being and existence: the human
'souls'? The Puppet Master as well as           race might only continue as a memory. Those
Kusanagi contemplate their existence: perhaps   memories are ghosts.
the awareness of existence grants one
humanity or the possibility of a soul.
How much should man
depend on his technology?
     As a larger idea, technology is intended   hacked, we in the present are storing more
to aid man. But, as we come closer to           and more sensitive information online. While
allowing this technology to automate itself     identity theft won't lead to murders and
to do so, our fear of automation becoming       espionage as ghost-hacking does, our online
awareness (and rebellion) increases, as         personas are becoming a large part of human
displayed in the Y2K scare. Particularly        existence. We have created our ghosts: the
during the Industrial Revolution where          data that makes up our identities or history
technology was big, and tangible, and           in the cloud. Is storing everything online
intimidating, there was an outright vision of   going to be dangerous? While we have seen
how destructive those inventions could be.      Wikileaks release precious government
Additionally technology began trumping man      information to the public, it hasn't caused
with human jobs being outsourced to modern      direct harm. We haven't quite evolved the web
factories or even just self-checkout aisles.    enough to do damage (yet).
     Looking at the sci-fi anime genre, it is        GitS tries to discuss technological
generally reflective of the present Japanese    ethics. Man wants to maintain his dominance
culture. Astro Boy (1963) was an embodiment     over technology: that is where he draws the
of the up and coming use of nuclear energy,     line. If we could make humans indestructible
using a small child robot to represent the      cyborgs, would we? With the varying levels of
clean friendliness yet instabilities of this    ghosts in the film, who would get access to a
new energy source. The Japanese were            superior cybernetic shell like Kusanagi?
rightfully ambivalent as seen in the recent     Regarding the level of 'cyborg-ness' we would
Fukushima disaster. Ghost in the Shell brings   essentially be creating a successor to
up this idea of the web, this intangible        humans: is that ethical? Perhaps the Kusanagi
concept that has the potential to be totally    / Puppet Master offspring would be our
subversive. Astro Boy is to nuclear energy as   successor. Is that something we want? GitS
GitS is to the new internet age. Network and    ends on a rather hopeful, headstrong note,
technological abuse is presented as an issue.   "The net is vast and limitless." Perhaps
As "ghosts" are stored in a network and are     technology is part of human evolution,
able to be                                      dependence and integration may be desired and
The film:                                       The theme:
1) How does the Puppet Master's awareness of    1) How do you feel society's structure and
his existence justify that he may have a        ideals have changed since our lives have
"ghost" or soul? Is he considered living if     grown more web-centric in the past decade?
he is, basically, just a program?
                                                2) What are your views on today’s current
2) Where do you think Major Motoko Kusanagi     technological and social climate? Do you feel
went to after she acknowledged that she is no   that technology has taken over on a dangerous
longer Kusanagi nor the Puppet Master, but      level yet?
rather some combination of the two?
                                                3) Is technology something to be worried
3) Why do you think that Major Motoko           about in the future? Do you think that our
Kusanagi agreed to merge with the Puppet        world could become something like the world
Master? Do you think it was the right           of Ghost in the Shell?
decision for her as a cyborg?
Works Cited

Chi Hyun Park, Jane. "Stylistic Crossings." World Literature Today 79.3/4 (2005): 60. MAS Ultra -
     School Edition. Web. 27 Jan. 2013.

Curti G H, 2008, "The ghost in the city and a landscape of life: a reading of difference in Shirow and
     Oshii’s Ghost in the Shell" Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 26(1) 87 – 106

Miyao, Daisuke. "Before Anime: Animation And The Pure Film Movement In Pre-War Japan." Japan Forum
     14.2 (2002): 191-209. Academic Search Complete. Web. 27 Jan. 2013.

Rid, Thomas. "Think Again: Cyberwar." Foreign Policy 192 (2012): 1.MasterFILE Premier. Web. 27 Jan.

Schaub, Joseph Christopher. "Kusanagi's Body: Gender and Technology in Mecha-anime." Asian Journal of
     Communication 11.2 (2001): 79-100. Print.
Presentation brought to you by

        Lea Millay's Pop Culture UNST 254I, Winter 2013

              Edward Chaney,
                     Characters, Storyline

            Jordan Hoagbin,
Overview, Film Introduction, Major Themes, Presentation Design.

            & Ashley Lister
       Cultural Aspects, Technical Film & Animation Info

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Ghost in the shell

  • 1.
  • 3. Technology and protest in Best viewed in fullscreen
  • 4. What is ? A.K.A: 'GitS'
  • 5. is a Japanese animated film based on the manga series of the same name written by Masumane Shirow. Acquiring a huge fanbase, GitS has extended into a vast media franchise, Ghost in the Shell also includes video games, a television series (subnamed "Stand Alone Complex"), a film sequel (2.0 Innocence, 2004), as well as a new tv series subnamed "Arise" being released in the summer of 2013.
  • 6. directed by Mamoru Oshii, 1995 Categorized as a cyberpunk ("a As people have become connected genre of science fiction set in into this electronic network, a lawless subculture of an "ghost-hacking" makes way as oppressive society dominated by sort of cyber terrorist crime. computer technology" dictionary. Ghost-hackers can erase memories com) GitS is set a digitally and implant new ones in order to dominated society. Due to create an entire new guise to technological advancements, commit crime (murder, espionage, humans have begun relying on etc). cybernetic parts, that is human and technology have come together in the most integral fashion. Because of this, the cyborgs/dolls/humans that inhabit this future define the "soul" or the remains of their humanity as "ghosts" and their repairable and replaceable bodies, their "shells."
  • 7.
  • 8. What is GitS trying to say? Ghost in the Shell brings up numerous points about mankind's interaction and dependence on technology. What defines one's being and Questions about how integrated technology is within day to existence? day life, as well as the in the realm of artificial intelligence possibility of technology surpassing man as a superior being. Thematically, the film begs the questions: How much should man depend on his technology?
  • 9. Cultural Aspects Ghost in the Shell (1995) is a Japanese anime science fiction film based on the manga of the same name by Masamune Shirow. The film is set in the future in the year 2029. The time of the film is very important to the storyline, mainly because the kind of technology the characters were using and were surrounded by do not exist today. Even the two main characters, Motoko Kusanagi and Batou are cyborgs, they are part robot. The entire plot is centered on the fact that most of the world is now ran by computers and even people are part computer as well. This is why the story works, because we are taken completely out of our present time and taken into the future where this film is set.
  • 10. Storyline The year is 2029 in Japan and the world has become intensively information oriented and humans are well-connected to networks. Crime has evolved and developed into a sophisticated stages by hacking into the interactive networks. To prevent this from happening, Section 9 a government group is formed to help prevent this hacks from happening. Lead by Major Motoko Kusanagi a female cyborg who is assigned the task of finding and apprehending the villain hacker known as the Puppet Master, who is a computer virus capable of taking over the minds of computer-enhanced humans brains and altering their memories. But during her investigation on the Puppet Master, Major Motoko Kusanagi finds out the Puppet Masters existence is more than meets the eyes and leaves her questioning her very own purpose and existence in life. As the film progresses, we discover the Puppet Master is not a person, but rather an entity that had accumulated so much data that it gained its own free will and self- awareness, therefore giving itself humanity. The Puppet Master tries to track down the protagonist, Kusanagi, in order to "procreate" or merge his data with her ghost, to finally die and thus completing his humanity.
  • 11. & here's a short video clip,
  • 14. Major Motoko Kusanagi The main character in Ghost in the Shell. Major Motoko Kusanagi is a cyborg which means she is half human and half robot. Major Motoko Kusanagi is the squad leader of Public Security Section 9. Both beautiful and deadly, the major is both battle tested and proven. She has an androgynous looking face and barely shows any human emotions at all. Her body is completely robotic which gives her increase strength, speed and stamina. Her cybernetic enhancements also giver her optical camo abilities. Kusanagi is frequently played in the film as contemplative and brooding, a direct contrast to her down to earth partner Batou. Batou The main male character in Ghost in the Shell and second in command to Major Motoko Kusanagi. He is notably the most light-hearted out of all the characters in the film. He frequently jokes with Motoko and the rest of Public Security Section 9 being an outgoing joker. Batou is also more emotional and not as calm as Motoko. Batou shows anger at injustice and cruelty, to the point of seeming downright hot headed at times. Batou is Motoko most trusted ally in Public Security Section 9.
  • 15. Togusa The newest transferred member to Public Security Section 9. Having a good history as an uncorrupted detective is one of the main reasons he was selected to become a member of Public Security Section 9 (as well him being a family man), to add a newer element of variety and unpredictability to the team. Togusa is also the only member of Public Security Section 9 not to come from a military background which makes him feel insecure at sometimes. He is very fond of his old school Mateba Autorevolver opting to use it over standard issue Public Security Section 9 weapons. His fashion is rather noticeable, having a thick mullet and turtleneck sweaters with sports jackets. Chief Daisuke Aramaki Chief Aramaki is a strict chief of Public Security Section 9. He is referred to by others in Section 9 as the "old ape". He is fiercely loyal to the members of Section 9, and often put his own career on the line to ensure the survival of the rest of his team.
  • 16. The Puppet Master Also know as Project 2501 is the main antagonist of the film. The Puppet Master is an artificial intelligence program secretly forged and developed by rival Public Security Section 6. During an unknown time it developed a sentience and began a mission of independence from Public Security Section 6. The Puppet Master was created for the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a tool that could stealthily manipulate politics and intelligence, altering databases and the memories of key persons for the benefit of select individuals organizations affiliated with Ministry, and is equipped with unparalleled computer and cyberbrain hacking abilities. Once discovered, the Puppet Master is assumed to be a human, most likely with mnemonic enhancements, who has incredible hacking skills. The Puppet Master imposes thought provoking questions that make Major Motoko Kusanagi question her being in the world.
  • 17. Technical Film & Animation Info Ghost in the Shell was directed by Mamoru Oshii, animated by Production I.G, and scripted by Kazunori Itō and stars Atsuko Tanaka, Akio Ōtsuka and Iemasa Kayumi. and is based off the manga created by Masamune Shirow. Production I.G have famously animated many anime films and series, and Ghost in the Shell was one of their first and most famous films. Mainly because of the use of groundbreaking digital production techniques. Ghost in the Shell was made with the use of digitally-generated animation mixed in with hand-drawn environments. Something that is very easily done now, but in 1995, it was a stunning sight to see for moviegoers. Apart of Production I.G’s mission statement is to make anime that can stand on its own without being derived from a manga. Which is something that is very hard in Japan, as much of it’s anime come from it’s original manga. That is why the Ghost in the Shell film stands out, yes it is based off of the manga created by Masamune Shirow but the film is very different.
  • 19. What defines one's being and existence? In GitS, one's 'ghost' is the remnant of Puppet Master was originally just a the human soul that defines a living being. program: is that 'existence' and 'being'? Major Kusanagi is largely cybernetic, thus Does being entail a physical entity? Thinking her ghost is a smaller fraction of her being. of existing as a memory system, human memory However the Puppet Master gives himself self- isn't the only sort of existing. Data-sets awareness through an accumulation of data. As themselves "exist" and are sometimes a sort of artificial intelligence, the Puppet programmed to be active in processing that Master has surpassed the human race, even data, much like Puppet Master (see IBM this new cyborg race of GitS, in essentially Watson). Data is a kind of memory. Kusanagi becoming an immortal being. His entity or has very little memory of her original "ghost" cannot be deteriorated moving from self/ghost, but the data that is there shell to shell as a human's could in this defines her personality. Memory has value to world. This disturbs the balance of life in whatever processes it: be it programs like our world, even in the case of Kusanagi's Puppet Master or human sensibility like replaceable shell: who deserves this Kusanagi. The fact that we define Puppet immortality? Is it reserved for the elite? Master as a character and not an inanimate IBM's 'Watson' perhaps is a comparison to object suggests that he is a being. Ghost in Puppet Master: having access to a large pool the Shell reminds its audience that things of data being able to answer questions can exist without humans giving them meaning independently. Should 'beings' like this and acknowledging that they exist: there was exist or continue to be advanced and how a time before us and there will be a time useful is it to man? How autonomous does after us. While humans created Puppet Master, something have to be to have human qualities? he can exist now without them. Data will However, something doesn't have to be human remain after us, so perhaps that is the to be alive, do animals or plants have future of our being and existence: the human 'souls'? The Puppet Master as well as race might only continue as a memory. Those Kusanagi contemplate their existence: perhaps memories are ghosts. the awareness of existence grants one humanity or the possibility of a soul.
  • 20. How much should man depend on his technology? As a larger idea, technology is intended hacked, we in the present are storing more to aid man. But, as we come closer to and more sensitive information online. While allowing this technology to automate itself identity theft won't lead to murders and to do so, our fear of automation becoming espionage as ghost-hacking does, our online awareness (and rebellion) increases, as personas are becoming a large part of human displayed in the Y2K scare. Particularly existence. We have created our ghosts: the during the Industrial Revolution where data that makes up our identities or history technology was big, and tangible, and in the cloud. Is storing everything online intimidating, there was an outright vision of going to be dangerous? While we have seen how destructive those inventions could be. Wikileaks release precious government Additionally technology began trumping man information to the public, it hasn't caused with human jobs being outsourced to modern direct harm. We haven't quite evolved the web factories or even just self-checkout aisles. enough to do damage (yet). Looking at the sci-fi anime genre, it is GitS tries to discuss technological generally reflective of the present Japanese ethics. Man wants to maintain his dominance culture. Astro Boy (1963) was an embodiment over technology: that is where he draws the of the up and coming use of nuclear energy, line. If we could make humans indestructible using a small child robot to represent the cyborgs, would we? With the varying levels of clean friendliness yet instabilities of this ghosts in the film, who would get access to a new energy source. The Japanese were superior cybernetic shell like Kusanagi? rightfully ambivalent as seen in the recent Regarding the level of 'cyborg-ness' we would Fukushima disaster. Ghost in the Shell brings essentially be creating a successor to up this idea of the web, this intangible humans: is that ethical? Perhaps the Kusanagi concept that has the potential to be totally / Puppet Master offspring would be our subversive. Astro Boy is to nuclear energy as successor. Is that something we want? GitS GitS is to the new internet age. Network and ends on a rather hopeful, headstrong note, technological abuse is presented as an issue. "The net is vast and limitless." Perhaps As "ghosts" are stored in a network and are technology is part of human evolution, able to be dependence and integration may be desired and inevitable.
  • 21.
  • 22. Discuss The film: The theme: 1) How does the Puppet Master's awareness of 1) How do you feel society's structure and his existence justify that he may have a ideals have changed since our lives have "ghost" or soul? Is he considered living if grown more web-centric in the past decade? he is, basically, just a program? 2) What are your views on today’s current 2) Where do you think Major Motoko Kusanagi technological and social climate? Do you feel went to after she acknowledged that she is no that technology has taken over on a dangerous longer Kusanagi nor the Puppet Master, but level yet? rather some combination of the two? 3) Is technology something to be worried 3) Why do you think that Major Motoko about in the future? Do you think that our Kusanagi agreed to merge with the Puppet world could become something like the world Master? Do you think it was the right of Ghost in the Shell? decision for her as a cyborg?
  • 23. Works Cited Chi Hyun Park, Jane. "Stylistic Crossings." World Literature Today 79.3/4 (2005): 60. MAS Ultra - School Edition. Web. 27 Jan. 2013. Curti G H, 2008, "The ghost in the city and a landscape of life: a reading of difference in Shirow and Oshii’s Ghost in the Shell" Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 26(1) 87 – 106 Miyao, Daisuke. "Before Anime: Animation And The Pure Film Movement In Pre-War Japan." Japan Forum 14.2 (2002): 191-209. Academic Search Complete. Web. 27 Jan. 2013. Rid, Thomas. "Think Again: Cyberwar." Foreign Policy 192 (2012): 1.MasterFILE Premier. Web. 27 Jan. 2013. Schaub, Joseph Christopher. "Kusanagi's Body: Gender and Technology in Mecha-anime." Asian Journal of Communication 11.2 (2001): 79-100. Print.
  • 24. Presentation brought to you by Lea Millay's Pop Culture UNST 254I, Winter 2013 Edward Chaney, Characters, Storyline Jordan Hoagbin, Overview, Film Introduction, Major Themes, Presentation Design. & Ashley Lister Cultural Aspects, Technical Film & Animation Info