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                          1. ORIENTATION (Pengenalan)

       A house mouse once invited a field mouse to dinner. The field mouse gladly
accepted the invitation and was much surprised to see plenty of cakes served before
him. Together they ate and chatted.
       “You are well off here”, the field mouse said, “ and what an excellent meal. At
home I live in poverty”.
       “Why then not stay here with me”, invited the house mouse, “ there is food
enough here for two”.

                   2. COMPLICATION (Pengembangan konflik)

        But suddenly the feast was interrupted. There was a noise and the house mouse
instantly ran for safety and followed by the field mouse stricken with terror. After a
while when all was quiet again the house mouse asked the guest to get back to dinner.

                       RESOLUTION (Penyelesaian konflik)

        “No Sir”, was the field mouse reply, “ Thanks for your hospitality, but I have
had enough of it. A quiet live and sober meal is preferable to a fine food constantly
threatened by fear.”. And quickly the field mouse ran back home to the field.

                           AN EXPENSIVE PARROT

                            1. Abstract and Orientation

A man goes to a pet shop to buy a parrot, “We have three”, says the shop keeper, “ this
blue one speaks four languages and costs $ 1000, and the red parrot knows six
languages and costs $ 2000. The orange one over there costs $ 3000, but does not talk
at all”.

                                       2. Crisis

“Three thousand”, exclaimed the man. “How come it’s so expensive?”

                                 3. Reaction to crisis

“Well,” the shopkeeper goes on, “ we don’t know what he does, but the other two
parrots call him boss.”
4. Koda (tidak ada)
         Perubahan yang terjadi pada tokoh dan ada hikmah yang dpt dipetik
                                 THANKS, GOD!
                             Orientation (Pengenalan)

      Here is one of my unforgettable experience a few days after I celebrated my
seventeen birthday. As a daughter of a UNICEF officer, I got a chance to accompany
my father to visit the African Sahel, I regarded it my worthiest birthday gift.

                              Events (Rangkaian Peristiwa)

       As our jeep stopped, in the distance of some one hundred metres I saw tens or
even hundreds of women and children sitting on the sand. They were burned by the
unbearable, at least for me, sun’s heat. It seemed to me that they were waiting for
something. They looked at the distance where there was nothing. The wind blew, the
dust flew.
       When we came closer, they smiled at us. A smile that I didn’t really understand.
It was on faces that were hopeless souls, bony bodies. I almost jumped up and soon
shut my eyes when I passed by a woman with her baby in her arms. It was such a
horrible view for me. The mother was still of my age. She was very thin, and there were
bruises along her arms. Her little baby was so dark and thin that it looked like more a
dead monkey than a human being. I noticed that the child was crying, but there was no
sound coming out of its mouth. There were hardly even tears. When the mother fed
him, there was not the least drop of milk coming out of her breast!

                                Reorientation (Penutup)

        Looking back to my birthday party, oh thanks, God! In that desert I shed tears,
but not because of the twist in my stomach, nor the heat of the sun. The reason was that
I felt thankful for the special dishes, gifts and smiles at my party. And, most of all there
were love and attention from my parents, brothers, sisters and friends.

                               Orientation (Pengenalan)

        A man, accompanied by a small boy, entered a barber’s shop and asked for a

                              Events (Rentetan peristiwa)

        When the barber had finished with him, the man said: “ I am going to the
nearest café for a drink while you cut the boy’s hair.”
        The barber gave the boy a haircut, then waited for the man to return. After a
moment he turned to the kid and asked,: “ Where did your father go?”

                            Twist (Akhir yang tak terduga)

       “ Oh,” said the boy, “ that was not my father, that was a man who stopped me in
the street and asked if I would like to have a haircut.”


I have been wondering if homewok is necessary.

                             Pendapat yang mendukung

I think we should have homework because it helps us to learn and revise our work.
Homework helps people who aren’t very smart to remember what they have learned.
Homework is really good because it helps with our education.

                              Pendapat yang menentang

But, many times, doing homework is not a great idea. I think we shouldn’t have
homework because I like to go out after school to a restaurant or the movies.
Sometimes homework is boring and not important. I think homework is bad because I
like to play and discuss things with my family.


Homework should be given to those who need helps in learning, but should not be
given to the ones who learn very well.

                         General Statement (penjelasan umum)

      Thomas Alva Edison was awarded more patents on inventions than any other
American. When he died in 1931, Americans wondered how they could best show their
respect for him.

                      Sequenced Explanation (penjelasan proses)

       One suggestion was that the nation observe a minute or two of total blackout. All
electric power would be shut off in homes, streets, and factories.
       Perhaps this suggested plan made Americans realize fully what Edison and his
invention meant to them. Electric power was too important to the country. Shutting it
off for even a short time would have led to complete confusion. A blackout was out of
the question.

                                    Closing (penutup)

       On the day of Edison’s funeral, many people silently dimmed their lights. In this
way they honored the man who had done more than anyone else to put the great force
of electricity at his countrymen’s fingerstips.


        Amoebas are tiny animals that live in freshwater ponds. They resemble the first
animals, which lived about a billion years ago. Under a microscope their one-celled
bodies look something like irregular drops of water.
        The amoeba has never developed any special organs. No part of its body does a
special job. The amoeba moves by pushing some part, any part, of its body forward as a
kind of foot and then flowing into it.
        It eats by flowing around its food and surrounding it; any part of its body can
serve as a mouth or a stomach. It breathes by drawing in oxygen from the water around it,
and any part of its body can serve as gills. The entire body is sensitive to light and sound.
So any part of it can act as an eye or an ear. The amoeba’s body is a jack-of-all-trades.


                        General Classification (pernyataan umum)
Amoebas are tiny animals that live in freshwater ponds. They resemble the first
animals, which lived about a billion years ago. Under a microscope their one-celled
bodies look something like irregular drops of water.


        The amoeba has never developed any special organs. No part of its body does a
special job. The amoeba moves by pushing some part, any part, of its body forward as a
kind of foot and then flowing into it.
        It eats by flowing around its food and surrounding it; any part of its body can
serve as a mouth or a stomach. It breathes by drawing in oxygen from the water around
it, and any part of its body can serve as gills. The entire body is sensitive to light and
sound. So any part of it can act as an eye or an ear. The amoeba’s body is a jack-of-all-

                                   MY SISTER AND I

        My sister Isma and I are very different. We look different, we have different
hobbies and we have different ambitions.
        Isma looks like my mother, but people say that I look more like my father. Isma is
tall and dark. I am shorter and fairer. She has short, thick, curly black hair and I have
straight black hair. She has black eyes but my eyes are rather brown. Nobody believes
that we are sisters.
        She likes studying and hates playing sports. I don’t enjoy studying and I love
sports. She likes reading and I like watching television. She likes to listen to classical
music, and I like listening to pop music. So there is not much that we like doing together.
        We both have very different ambitions. She likes traveling. She hopes to travel
overseas one day and wants to work in a foreign country. I don’t want to travel. I want to
work in my hometown.
        Although we are different, we are very close friends.

                                   MY SISTER AND I

       My sister Isma and I are very different. We look different, we have different
hobbies and we have different ambitions.


         Isma looks like my mother, but people say that I look more like my father. Isma
is tall and dark. I am shorter and fairer. She has short, thick, curly black hair and I have
straight black hair. She has black eyes but my eyes are rather brown. Nobody believes
that we are sisters.
She likes studying and hates playing sports. I don’t enjoy studying and I love
sports. She likes reading and I like watching television. She likes to listen to classical
music, and I like listening to pop music. So there is not much that we like doing
        We both have very different ambitions. She likes traveling. She hopes to travel
overseas one day and wants to work in a foreign country. I don’t want to travel. I want
to work in my hometown.
        Although we are different, we are very close friends.

                                      LONELY GIRL

         The latest models of tape-recorder, record players and colour television set were
all in her living room. On the shelves there were hundreds of cassettes, records and video
cassettes. None, however, attracted her. Loneliness was like being imprisoned in tons of
stones. This made it hard for her to breathe. It also left her in a vast ice-ground;
frightening and cold.
         Reluctantly Ester walked to one of the shelves. She took a disco cassette and
played it. Ester turned the volume louder and louder, to the highest volume. Then, she
stood in front of a large gold framed mirror.
She saw herself in the mirror. Ester was just over seventeen. Her white long dress
enhanced her beauty. She was a bit thinner now. But, her lips, nose, eyes and hair were
still perfect. They were similar to those of a princess.
         The clock struck twelve. She looked at it. She sighed and a tear rolled down her
Slowly Ester went to the garage to get her newly-bought Mercedes Benz. She herself did
not know where to go. The only thing she wanted to do was drive and drive. Along the
way she always bit her lower lip in the darkness of the night. She left the disco music
booming in the living room. Left it on to welcome her ever busy parents when they got
                                     LONELY GIRL
                            Identification (pengenalan subyek)

        The latest models of tape-recorder, record players and colour television set were
all in her living room. On the shelves there were hundreds of cassettes, records and
video cassettes. None, however, attracted her. Loneliness was like being imprisoned in
tons of stones. This made it hard for her to breathe. It also left her in a vast ice-ground;
frightening and cold.

         Reluctantly Ester walked to one of the shelves. She took a disco cassette and
played it. Ester turned the volume louder and louder, to the highest volume. Then, she
stood in front of a large gold framed mirror.
She saw herself in the mirror. Ester was just over seventeen. Her white long dress
enhanced her beauty. She was a bit thinner now. But, her lips, nose, eyes and hair were
still perfect. They were similar to those of a princess.
         The clock struck twelve. She looked at it. She sighed and a tear rolled down her
Slowly Ester went to the garage to get her newly-bought Mercedes Benz. She herself
did not know where to go. The only thing she wanted to do was drive and drive. Along
the way she always bit her lower lip in the darkness of the night. She left the disco
music booming in the living room. Left it on to welcome her ever busy parents when
they got home.


       Not all of America’s urban areas are sinking into unlivability. In wide stretches of
this land – although we seldom hear about it – local government is not only working, but
getting better.
       Take Jacksonville, Fla. Ten years ago it was a dying community – its schools
disaccredited, population shrinking, business district in decay, its river and air
contaminated, and many public officials under indictment for corruption. Today, its
schools are in good shape, air and water are being cleaned up, new industries and jobs are
flowing in and the once-dilapidated downtown is taking on a new look. Yet in each of the
past five years, taxes have been reduced.



       Not all of America’s urban areas are sinking into unlivability. In wide stretches of
this land – although we seldom hear about it – local government is not only working,
but getting better.

      Take Jacksonville, Fla. Ten years ago it was a dying community – its schools
disaccredited, population shrinking, business district in decay, its river and air
contaminated, and many public officials under indictment for corruption. Today, its
schools are in good shape, air and water are being cleaned up, new industries and jobs
are flowing in and the once-dilapidated downtown is taking on a new look. Yet in each
of the past five years, taxes have been reduced.

                           MORE FOOD FOR TOMORROW

        In 1960s, rice was badly needed because most Asean countries imported rice from
other countries to fulfill their people’s need. They actually wanted to produce more rice,
but the problem was how to do it?
        One way to produce more rice is to use irrigation. People had more water
problems before they built dams than they do now. Too much or too little water is very
bad for the rice plants. The water problems began to disappear after they had built dams
to give the rice just the right amount of water at the right time.
        Another way to use fertilizers. They help to make the land more fertile, that is ,
good for plants to grow in. Good farmers know what their land is like. This knowledge
helps them to decide how much and what kind of fertilizer to use. Different kinds of land
and different kinds of crop need different fertilizers.
        Still another way to produce more rice is to experiment with different kinds of
rice plants and try to find better varieties. Many nations had already worked hard on it for
a long time when the International Rice Research Institute in Los Banos, the Philippines,
developed two new varieties, the IR- 5 and IR- 8. These experimental varieties were very
successful. The Philippines now grow enough rice for the needs of all its people because
the new varieties can produce two or three times as much as the kinds that they used to
        So farmers who want to produce more rice should follow the strategies above.
They have to be able to irrigate their farm land very well. They also have to make the
land more fertile and they should try a new variety to get a better result.

                           MORE FOOD FOR TOMORROW
                               Analytical Exposition

      In 1960s, rice was badly needed because most asean countries imported rice
from other countries to fulfill their people’s need. They actually wanted to produce
more rice, but the problem was how to do it?
                                      Argument 1
       One way to produce more rice is to use irrigation. People had more water
problems before they built dams than they do now. Too much or too little water is very
bad for the rice plants. The water problems began to disappear after they had built dams
to give the rice just the right amount of water at the right time.
                                        Argument 2
      Another way to use fertilizers. They help to make the land more fertile, that is ,
good for plants to grow in. Good farmers know what their land is like. This knowledge
helps them to decide how much and what kind of fertilizer to use. Different kinds of
land and different kinds of crop need different fertilizers.
                                      Argument 3
        Still another way to produce more rice is to experiment with different kinds of
rice plants and try to find better varieties. Many nations had already worked hard on it
for a long time when the International Rice Research Institute in Los Banos, the
Philippines, developed two new varieties, the IR- 5 and IR- 8. These experimental
varieties were very successful. The Philippines now grow enough rice for the needs of
all its people because the new varieties can produce two or three times as much as the
kinds that they used to grow.
      So farmers who want to produce more rice should follow the strategies above.
They have to be able to irrigate their farm land very well. They also have to make the
land more fertile and they should try a new variety to get a better result.

                                     POLITICS CAN WAIT

        Sunday, 14 June 1981, Alfredo Rampi, six, was officially declared dead. He fell
into a long narrow hole at the village of Vermicino, 40 kilometres from Rome last
Wednesday. He fell 36 metres down the hole. Unfortunately, when rescuers came near
him, Friday, he slipped further, 30 metres.
        The fire brigade chief was in charge of the recue operation. He said,”It is useless
to go on risking lives.” A pot-holer had tried to save Alfredo but failed. Saturday
afternoon he tried to pass through one of the rocky twists of the hole, but he could not. It
was only a little more than 30 centi metres wide. One of the pot-holers described Alfredo
as being covered with mud. The boy was powerless to move in such a small place. At 2
a.m. Saturday Alfredo was heard weeping and calling weakly, ”Mama, mama, I am so
        Before he was declared dead, tests of his heartbeats were made. An amplified
stethoscope was lowered down, but failed to register a sound. A camera was also lowered
down the hole. It showed that Alfredo was almost totally covered with mud. His head
rested on his arm.
        This accident attracted millions of people’s attention all over the world. Three
Italian televisions showed the rescue efforts. The Italian President, Sandro Pertini,
himself spent the night by the well-head. He said, “Politics can wait.” Pope John Paul
watched television. He sent his hope and prayer for the success of the rescue. When he
found out it had failed, he sent his full grief.

                                     POLITICS CAN WAIT
                                          News Item

                               Newsworthy Event (Kejadian Inti)
Sunday, 14 June 1981, Alfredo Rampi, six, was officially declared dead. He fell
into a long narrow hole at the village of Vermicino, 40 kilometres from Rome last
Wednesday. He fell 36 metres down the hole. Unfortunately, when rescuers came near
him, Friday, he slipped further, 30 metres.

                           Background Event (Latar Belakang)

       The fire brigade chief was in charge of the recue operation. He said,”It is useless
to go on risking lives.” A pot-holer had tried to save Alfredo but failed. Saturday
afternoon he tried to pass through one of the rocky twists of the hole, but he could not.
It was only a little more than 30 centi metres wide. One of the pot-holers described
Alfredo as being covered with mud. The boy was powerless to move in such a small
place. At 2 a.m. Saturday Alfredo was heard weeping and calling weakly,”Mamma,
mamma, I am so cold.”
       Before he was declared dead, tests of his heartbeats were made. An amplified
stethoscope was lowered down, but failed to register a sound. A camera was also
lowered down the hole. It showed that Alfredo was almost totally covered with mud.
His head rested on his arm.

                                Sources (Sumber informasi)

       This accident attracted millions of people’s attention all over the world. Three
Italian televisions showed the recue efforts. The Italian President, Sandro Pertini,
himself spent the night by the well-head. He said, “Politics can wait.” Pope John Paul
watched television. He sent his hope and prayer for the success of the rescue. When he
found out it had failed, he sent his full grief.

                             How to Make a Cheese Omelet

   1 egg, 50 g cheese, a cup of milk, 3 tablespoons cooking oil, a pinch of salt and
Frying pan, fork, spatula, cheese grater, bowl, plate

Steps / Method

1. Crack an egg into a bowl
2. Whisk the egg with a fork until it is smooth
3. And milk and whisk well
4. Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir
5. Heat the oil in a frying pan
6. Pour the mixture into the frying pan
7. Turn the omelet with a spatula when it is brown
8. Cook both sides
9. Place on a plate; season with salt and pepper
10. Eat while warm



                        How to Make a Cheese Omelet


1 egg, 50 g cheese, a cup of milk, 3 tablespoons cooking oil, a pinch of salt and

Frying pan, fork, spatula, cheese grater, bowl, plate


         11. Crack an egg into a bowl
         12. Whisk the egg with a fork until it is smooth
13. And milk and whisk well
14. Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir
15. Heat the oil in a frying pan
16. Pour the mixture into the frying pan
17. Turn the omelet with a spatula when it is brown
18. Cook both sides
19. Place on a plate; season with salt and pepper
20. Eat while warm

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  • 1. A HOUSE MOUSE AND A FIELD MOUSE Narrative 1. ORIENTATION (Pengenalan) A house mouse once invited a field mouse to dinner. The field mouse gladly accepted the invitation and was much surprised to see plenty of cakes served before him. Together they ate and chatted. “You are well off here”, the field mouse said, “ and what an excellent meal. At home I live in poverty”. “Why then not stay here with me”, invited the house mouse, “ there is food enough here for two”. 2. COMPLICATION (Pengembangan konflik) But suddenly the feast was interrupted. There was a noise and the house mouse instantly ran for safety and followed by the field mouse stricken with terror. After a while when all was quiet again the house mouse asked the guest to get back to dinner. RESOLUTION (Penyelesaian konflik) “No Sir”, was the field mouse reply, “ Thanks for your hospitality, but I have had enough of it. A quiet live and sober meal is preferable to a fine food constantly threatened by fear.”. And quickly the field mouse ran back home to the field. AN EXPENSIVE PARROT Anecdote 1. Abstract and Orientation A man goes to a pet shop to buy a parrot, “We have three”, says the shop keeper, “ this blue one speaks four languages and costs $ 1000, and the red parrot knows six languages and costs $ 2000. The orange one over there costs $ 3000, but does not talk at all”. 2. Crisis “Three thousand”, exclaimed the man. “How come it’s so expensive?” 3. Reaction to crisis “Well,” the shopkeeper goes on, “ we don’t know what he does, but the other two parrots call him boss.”
  • 2. 4. Koda (tidak ada) Perubahan yang terjadi pada tokoh dan ada hikmah yang dpt dipetik THANKS, GOD! Recount Orientation (Pengenalan) Here is one of my unforgettable experience a few days after I celebrated my seventeen birthday. As a daughter of a UNICEF officer, I got a chance to accompany my father to visit the African Sahel, I regarded it my worthiest birthday gift. Events (Rangkaian Peristiwa) As our jeep stopped, in the distance of some one hundred metres I saw tens or even hundreds of women and children sitting on the sand. They were burned by the unbearable, at least for me, sun’s heat. It seemed to me that they were waiting for something. They looked at the distance where there was nothing. The wind blew, the dust flew. When we came closer, they smiled at us. A smile that I didn’t really understand. It was on faces that were hopeless souls, bony bodies. I almost jumped up and soon shut my eyes when I passed by a woman with her baby in her arms. It was such a horrible view for me. The mother was still of my age. She was very thin, and there were bruises along her arms. Her little baby was so dark and thin that it looked like more a dead monkey than a human being. I noticed that the child was crying, but there was no sound coming out of its mouth. There were hardly even tears. When the mother fed him, there was not the least drop of milk coming out of her breast! Reorientation (Penutup) Looking back to my birthday party, oh thanks, God! In that desert I shed tears, but not because of the twist in my stomach, nor the heat of the sun. The reason was that I felt thankful for the special dishes, gifts and smiles at my party. And, most of all there were love and attention from my parents, brothers, sisters and friends.
  • 3. A HAIRCUT Spoof Orientation (Pengenalan) A man, accompanied by a small boy, entered a barber’s shop and asked for a haircut. Events (Rentetan peristiwa) When the barber had finished with him, the man said: “ I am going to the nearest café for a drink while you cut the boy’s hair.” The barber gave the boy a haircut, then waited for the man to return. After a moment he turned to the kid and asked,: “ Where did your father go?” Twist (Akhir yang tak terduga) “ Oh,” said the boy, “ that was not my father, that was a man who stopped me in the street and asked if I would like to have a haircut.” HOMEWORK Discussion Isu I have been wondering if homewok is necessary. Pendapat yang mendukung I think we should have homework because it helps us to learn and revise our work. Homework helps people who aren’t very smart to remember what they have learned. Homework is really good because it helps with our education. Pendapat yang menentang But, many times, doing homework is not a great idea. I think we shouldn’t have homework because I like to go out after school to a restaurant or the movies. Sometimes homework is boring and not important. I think homework is bad because I like to play and discuss things with my family. Rekomendasi Homework should be given to those who need helps in learning, but should not be given to the ones who learn very well.
  • 4. THOMAS ALVA EDISON Explanation General Statement (penjelasan umum) Thomas Alva Edison was awarded more patents on inventions than any other American. When he died in 1931, Americans wondered how they could best show their respect for him. Sequenced Explanation (penjelasan proses) One suggestion was that the nation observe a minute or two of total blackout. All electric power would be shut off in homes, streets, and factories. Perhaps this suggested plan made Americans realize fully what Edison and his invention meant to them. Electric power was too important to the country. Shutting it off for even a short time would have led to complete confusion. A blackout was out of the question. Closing (penutup) On the day of Edison’s funeral, many people silently dimmed their lights. In this way they honored the man who had done more than anyone else to put the great force of electricity at his countrymen’s fingerstips. AMOEBA Amoebas are tiny animals that live in freshwater ponds. They resemble the first animals, which lived about a billion years ago. Under a microscope their one-celled bodies look something like irregular drops of water. The amoeba has never developed any special organs. No part of its body does a special job. The amoeba moves by pushing some part, any part, of its body forward as a kind of foot and then flowing into it. It eats by flowing around its food and surrounding it; any part of its body can serve as a mouth or a stomach. It breathes by drawing in oxygen from the water around it, and any part of its body can serve as gills. The entire body is sensitive to light and sound. So any part of it can act as an eye or an ear. The amoeba’s body is a jack-of-all-trades. AMOEBA Report General Classification (pernyataan umum)
  • 5. Amoebas are tiny animals that live in freshwater ponds. They resemble the first animals, which lived about a billion years ago. Under a microscope their one-celled bodies look something like irregular drops of water. Description The amoeba has never developed any special organs. No part of its body does a special job. The amoeba moves by pushing some part, any part, of its body forward as a kind of foot and then flowing into it. It eats by flowing around its food and surrounding it; any part of its body can serve as a mouth or a stomach. It breathes by drawing in oxygen from the water around it, and any part of its body can serve as gills. The entire body is sensitive to light and sound. So any part of it can act as an eye or an ear. The amoeba’s body is a jack-of-all- trades. MY SISTER AND I My sister Isma and I are very different. We look different, we have different hobbies and we have different ambitions. Isma looks like my mother, but people say that I look more like my father. Isma is tall and dark. I am shorter and fairer. She has short, thick, curly black hair and I have straight black hair. She has black eyes but my eyes are rather brown. Nobody believes that we are sisters. She likes studying and hates playing sports. I don’t enjoy studying and I love sports. She likes reading and I like watching television. She likes to listen to classical music, and I like listening to pop music. So there is not much that we like doing together. We both have very different ambitions. She likes traveling. She hopes to travel overseas one day and wants to work in a foreign country. I don’t want to travel. I want to work in my hometown. Although we are different, we are very close friends. MY SISTER AND I Descriptive Identification My sister Isma and I are very different. We look different, we have different hobbies and we have different ambitions. Description Isma looks like my mother, but people say that I look more like my father. Isma is tall and dark. I am shorter and fairer. She has short, thick, curly black hair and I have straight black hair. She has black eyes but my eyes are rather brown. Nobody believes that we are sisters.
  • 6. She likes studying and hates playing sports. I don’t enjoy studying and I love sports. She likes reading and I like watching television. She likes to listen to classical music, and I like listening to pop music. So there is not much that we like doing together. We both have very different ambitions. She likes traveling. She hopes to travel overseas one day and wants to work in a foreign country. I don’t want to travel. I want to work in my hometown. Although we are different, we are very close friends. LONELY GIRL The latest models of tape-recorder, record players and colour television set were all in her living room. On the shelves there were hundreds of cassettes, records and video cassettes. None, however, attracted her. Loneliness was like being imprisoned in tons of stones. This made it hard for her to breathe. It also left her in a vast ice-ground; frightening and cold. Reluctantly Ester walked to one of the shelves. She took a disco cassette and played it. Ester turned the volume louder and louder, to the highest volume. Then, she stood in front of a large gold framed mirror. She saw herself in the mirror. Ester was just over seventeen. Her white long dress enhanced her beauty. She was a bit thinner now. But, her lips, nose, eyes and hair were still perfect. They were similar to those of a princess. The clock struck twelve. She looked at it. She sighed and a tear rolled down her cheek. Slowly Ester went to the garage to get her newly-bought Mercedes Benz. She herself did not know where to go. The only thing she wanted to do was drive and drive. Along the way she always bit her lower lip in the darkness of the night. She left the disco music booming in the living room. Left it on to welcome her ever busy parents when they got home. LONELY GIRL Descriptive Identification (pengenalan subyek) The latest models of tape-recorder, record players and colour television set were all in her living room. On the shelves there were hundreds of cassettes, records and video cassettes. None, however, attracted her. Loneliness was like being imprisoned in
  • 7. tons of stones. This made it hard for her to breathe. It also left her in a vast ice-ground; frightening and cold. Description Reluctantly Ester walked to one of the shelves. She took a disco cassette and played it. Ester turned the volume louder and louder, to the highest volume. Then, she stood in front of a large gold framed mirror. She saw herself in the mirror. Ester was just over seventeen. Her white long dress enhanced her beauty. She was a bit thinner now. But, her lips, nose, eyes and hair were still perfect. They were similar to those of a princess. The clock struck twelve. She looked at it. She sighed and a tear rolled down her cheek. Slowly Ester went to the garage to get her newly-bought Mercedes Benz. She herself did not know where to go. The only thing she wanted to do was drive and drive. Along the way she always bit her lower lip in the darkness of the night. She left the disco music booming in the living room. Left it on to welcome her ever busy parents when they got home. JACKSONVILLE Not all of America’s urban areas are sinking into unlivability. In wide stretches of this land – although we seldom hear about it – local government is not only working, but getting better. Take Jacksonville, Fla. Ten years ago it was a dying community – its schools disaccredited, population shrinking, business district in decay, its river and air contaminated, and many public officials under indictment for corruption. Today, its schools are in good shape, air and water are being cleaned up, new industries and jobs are flowing in and the once-dilapidated downtown is taking on a new look. Yet in each of the past five years, taxes have been reduced. JACKSONVILLE Descriptive Identification Not all of America’s urban areas are sinking into unlivability. In wide stretches of this land – although we seldom hear about it – local government is not only working, but getting better. Description Take Jacksonville, Fla. Ten years ago it was a dying community – its schools disaccredited, population shrinking, business district in decay, its river and air contaminated, and many public officials under indictment for corruption. Today, its
  • 8. schools are in good shape, air and water are being cleaned up, new industries and jobs are flowing in and the once-dilapidated downtown is taking on a new look. Yet in each of the past five years, taxes have been reduced. MORE FOOD FOR TOMORROW In 1960s, rice was badly needed because most Asean countries imported rice from other countries to fulfill their people’s need. They actually wanted to produce more rice, but the problem was how to do it? One way to produce more rice is to use irrigation. People had more water problems before they built dams than they do now. Too much or too little water is very bad for the rice plants. The water problems began to disappear after they had built dams to give the rice just the right amount of water at the right time. Another way to use fertilizers. They help to make the land more fertile, that is , good for plants to grow in. Good farmers know what their land is like. This knowledge helps them to decide how much and what kind of fertilizer to use. Different kinds of land and different kinds of crop need different fertilizers. Still another way to produce more rice is to experiment with different kinds of rice plants and try to find better varieties. Many nations had already worked hard on it for a long time when the International Rice Research Institute in Los Banos, the Philippines, developed two new varieties, the IR- 5 and IR- 8. These experimental varieties were very successful. The Philippines now grow enough rice for the needs of all its people because the new varieties can produce two or three times as much as the kinds that they used to grow. So farmers who want to produce more rice should follow the strategies above. They have to be able to irrigate their farm land very well. They also have to make the land more fertile and they should try a new variety to get a better result. MORE FOOD FOR TOMORROW Analytical Exposition Thesis In 1960s, rice was badly needed because most asean countries imported rice from other countries to fulfill their people’s need. They actually wanted to produce more rice, but the problem was how to do it? Argument 1 One way to produce more rice is to use irrigation. People had more water problems before they built dams than they do now. Too much or too little water is very bad for the rice plants. The water problems began to disappear after they had built dams to give the rice just the right amount of water at the right time. Argument 2 Another way to use fertilizers. They help to make the land more fertile, that is , good for plants to grow in. Good farmers know what their land is like. This knowledge
  • 9. helps them to decide how much and what kind of fertilizer to use. Different kinds of land and different kinds of crop need different fertilizers. Argument 3 Still another way to produce more rice is to experiment with different kinds of rice plants and try to find better varieties. Many nations had already worked hard on it for a long time when the International Rice Research Institute in Los Banos, the Philippines, developed two new varieties, the IR- 5 and IR- 8. These experimental varieties were very successful. The Philippines now grow enough rice for the needs of all its people because the new varieties can produce two or three times as much as the kinds that they used to grow. Reiteration So farmers who want to produce more rice should follow the strategies above. They have to be able to irrigate their farm land very well. They also have to make the land more fertile and they should try a new variety to get a better result. POLITICS CAN WAIT Sunday, 14 June 1981, Alfredo Rampi, six, was officially declared dead. He fell into a long narrow hole at the village of Vermicino, 40 kilometres from Rome last Wednesday. He fell 36 metres down the hole. Unfortunately, when rescuers came near him, Friday, he slipped further, 30 metres. The fire brigade chief was in charge of the recue operation. He said,”It is useless to go on risking lives.” A pot-holer had tried to save Alfredo but failed. Saturday afternoon he tried to pass through one of the rocky twists of the hole, but he could not. It was only a little more than 30 centi metres wide. One of the pot-holers described Alfredo as being covered with mud. The boy was powerless to move in such a small place. At 2 a.m. Saturday Alfredo was heard weeping and calling weakly, ”Mama, mama, I am so cold.” Before he was declared dead, tests of his heartbeats were made. An amplified stethoscope was lowered down, but failed to register a sound. A camera was also lowered down the hole. It showed that Alfredo was almost totally covered with mud. His head rested on his arm. This accident attracted millions of people’s attention all over the world. Three Italian televisions showed the rescue efforts. The Italian President, Sandro Pertini, himself spent the night by the well-head. He said, “Politics can wait.” Pope John Paul watched television. He sent his hope and prayer for the success of the rescue. When he found out it had failed, he sent his full grief. POLITICS CAN WAIT News Item Newsworthy Event (Kejadian Inti)
  • 10. Sunday, 14 June 1981, Alfredo Rampi, six, was officially declared dead. He fell into a long narrow hole at the village of Vermicino, 40 kilometres from Rome last Wednesday. He fell 36 metres down the hole. Unfortunately, when rescuers came near him, Friday, he slipped further, 30 metres. Background Event (Latar Belakang) The fire brigade chief was in charge of the recue operation. He said,”It is useless to go on risking lives.” A pot-holer had tried to save Alfredo but failed. Saturday afternoon he tried to pass through one of the rocky twists of the hole, but he could not. It was only a little more than 30 centi metres wide. One of the pot-holers described Alfredo as being covered with mud. The boy was powerless to move in such a small place. At 2 a.m. Saturday Alfredo was heard weeping and calling weakly,”Mamma, mamma, I am so cold.” Before he was declared dead, tests of his heartbeats were made. An amplified stethoscope was lowered down, but failed to register a sound. A camera was also lowered down the hole. It showed that Alfredo was almost totally covered with mud. His head rested on his arm. Sources (Sumber informasi) This accident attracted millions of people’s attention all over the world. Three Italian televisions showed the recue efforts. The Italian President, Sandro Pertini, himself spent the night by the well-head. He said, “Politics can wait.” Pope John Paul watched television. He sent his hope and prayer for the success of the rescue. When he found out it had failed, he sent his full grief. How to Make a Cheese Omelet Ingredients 1 egg, 50 g cheese, a cup of milk, 3 tablespoons cooking oil, a pinch of salt and pepper
  • 11. Utensils Frying pan, fork, spatula, cheese grater, bowl, plate Steps / Method 1. Crack an egg into a bowl 2. Whisk the egg with a fork until it is smooth 3. And milk and whisk well 4. Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir 5. Heat the oil in a frying pan 6. Pour the mixture into the frying pan 7. Turn the omelet with a spatula when it is brown 8. Cook both sides 9. Place on a plate; season with salt and pepper 10. Eat while warm Procedure Goal How to Make a Cheese Omelet Material Ingredients 1 egg, 50 g cheese, a cup of milk, 3 tablespoons cooking oil, a pinch of salt and pepper Utensils Frying pan, fork, spatula, cheese grater, bowl, plate Steps/Method 11. Crack an egg into a bowl 12. Whisk the egg with a fork until it is smooth
  • 12. 13. And milk and whisk well 14. Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir 15. Heat the oil in a frying pan 16. Pour the mixture into the frying pan 17. Turn the omelet with a spatula when it is brown 18. Cook both sides 19. Place on a plate; season with salt and pepper 20. Eat while warm