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     ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE Year Progress Report   1
1 ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - 5 Year Progress Report

YAB Prime Minister, Malaysia
YAB Chief Minister, Johor

Prime Minister’s Department
Prime Minister’s Office
Chief Minister of Johor’s Office

Johor Corporation Berhad
MMC Corporation Berhad
UMLand Berhad
Iskandar Regional Development Authority
Khazanah Nasional Berhad
UEM Land Holdings Berhad
Iskandar Investment Berhad

Ernst & Young Advisory Services Sdn Bhd
X2 Sdn Bhd
Text 100 Pte Ltd
Salt Media Consultancy Sdn Bhd
DC Print Sdn Bhd
Amir Hafizi

The people of Johor Darul Ta’zim

                                                                  11 DECEMBER 2011

                                          ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE Year Progress Report   2
3 ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - 5 Year Progress Report
Foreword from
the Prime Minister of Malaysia

W      hen the Government
       of Malaysia set out
to transform southern
                               The rakyat is the ultimate
                               beneficiary of Iskandar
                               Malaysia, and even in the
Johor by tapping into the      five short years since its
region’s strategic location,   launch, the benefits from
its vibrant population         the changes for the good
and strong logistical          that have been set in
infrastructure, it was with    motion can already be felt
the idea of developing a       through improved public
world-class and dynamic        infrastructure, thousands
metropolis that would be a     of new jobs, and enhanced
key growth corridor for the    safety and security, to
country.                       name a few.

Today, five years on,          Alhamdulillah, the progress
Iskandar Malaysia has          that has been achieved so
made great strides towards     far in Iskandar Malaysia
achieving that goal. The       is highly laudable but it is
region is a manifestation of   just the beginning, with
the Government’s plan to       more key developments            “The development in Iskandar
decentralise development       to be launched next year
and spread it out to all       and many others over the
                                                                 Malaysia is geared towards
corners of Malaysia,           duration of the region’s          being inclusive and sustainable,
thereby helping to ensure      20-year development
that no Malaysian is           horizon. The Government
                                                                 providing a multitude of
left behind in reaping         of Malaysia for its part is       prospects for growth and
the benefits from, and         committed to ensuring
seizing the opportunities      the continued progress
                                                                 prosperity to be enjoyed by all
generated by, our nation’s     and ultimate success of           stakeholders.”
economic growth.               Iskandar Malaysia.

In line with the principles    As co-chairman of
of Malaysia’s on-going         the Iskandar Regional
transformation into a          Development Authority
high-income economy,           (IRDA), I would like to take
the development in             this opportunity to thank
Iskandar Malaysia is geared    everyone involved for their        YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib bin
towards being inclusive        passion, perseverance and                      Tun Abdul Razak
and sustainable, providing     hard work that has brought                         Prime Minister of Malaysia
a multitude of prospects       Iskandar Malaysia this far
for growth and prosperity      and undoubtedly will take
to be enjoyed by all           it further.

                                                              ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE Year Progress Report    4
Message from
the Chief Minister of Johor
Iskandar Malaysia is of huge significance and importance
 to the socioeconomic progress of Johor, with
development in the region founded upon fundamental
principles that will have a positive impact on the people in
the state.

Through Iskandar Malaysia, Johor is given a key role in
nation-building, which is a natural role for a state that has
a rich, centuries-old history and tradition in being at the
forefront of social, economic and political development in
the Malay Peninsula.

The factors of growth and value creation lie at the heart
of the development of an internationally-competitive
Iskandar Malaysia, with strong regional and global linkages
that together with domestic strengths and advantages will
drive creativity and innovation.

Most important of all, the development of Iskandar
Malaysia is anchored upon the fair and equitable
distribution of the fruits of our collective labour among
stakeholders, so that the value and wealth generated is          “Through Iskandar Malaysia,
shared across all segments of society. This principle is
paramount as the final outcome sought is for the rakyat to
                                                                  Johor is given a key role in
enjoy an enhanced standard of living, with good access to         nation-building, which is a
quality education, high-value employment and business
opportunities, and an enriched quality of life.
                                                                  natural role for a state that has
                                                                  a rich, centuries-old history
It is indeed heartwarming and encouraging to see the
growth of Iskandar Malaysia thus far, with good progress
                                                                  and tradition in being at the
made in areas such as its physical and soft infrastructure,       forefront of social, economic
key catalytic projects and social development initiatives.
                                                                  and political development in the
The Government of Johor remains steadfast in its efforts          Malay Peninsula.”
towards Iskandar Malaysia’s success and is continuously
committed to working hand-in-hand with the Federal
Government, the private and public sectors, and most
importantly, the people of Johor in ensuring the region’s
further growth. The state government is grateful to all
who have contributed through this collaborative approach,
which is pivotal to Iskandar Malaysia’s achievements to         Dato Haji Abdul Ghani Othman,
date and in the future.                                                         YAB Menteri Besar Johor

As co-chairman of the Iskandar Regional Development
Authority (IRDA), I would like to say that truly, the rakyat,
both in Johor and throughout our nation, have much to
look forward to in Iskandar Malaysia, Insya-Allah.

5 ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report
Message from
the Chief Executive of IRDA
Iskandar Malaysia is well and truly off the ground and
 we are now starting to see growth and development
throughout the region.

Much has been done in the five years since the launch of
Iskandar Malaysia and several important milestones that
were set for the development of the region have been well
met. Key road infrastructure projects have been completed
or are nearing completion, as are several catalytic projects
that will further spur growth and investment.

Cumulatively, Iskandar Malaysia has recorded a total
committed investment of RM77.82 billion, surpassing the
target set for the first phase of development. About 40%
of the total is from foreign investment and more than
RM30 billion have been realised.

Iskandar Malaysia is now into the second phase of its
20-year development period, with 2012 set to be a tipping
point for the region as several catalytic projects are set to
come on stream.
                                                                   “Iskandar Malaysia has recorded
In this context, this report is timely as a progress update of
what has been implemented and achieved in the five years
                                                                    a total committed investment of
of Iskandar Malaysia.                                               RM77.82 billion, surpassing the
Indeed, these achievements were a result of tight
                                                                    target set for the first phase of
collaboration and cooperation from many parties involved            development”
in bringing the Iskandar Malaysia vision closer to reality.
The Federal Government and Johor State Government
have been pivotal in the progress of Iskandar Malaysia we
see so far, and on behalf of IRDA, I would like to record our
gratitude to them.

There is more to be done and IRDA is unwavering in its
commitment to ensuring the success of Iskandar Malaysia.                             Ismail bin Ibrahim
                                                                            Chief Executive of Iskandar Regional
                                                                                 Development Authority (IRDA)

                                                                 ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report     6
mEssAgE FRom THE mAnAgIng dIRECToR
F  ive years have passed since the launch of the
   Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) for what was
then known as the South Johor Economic Region. the CDP
guides the holistic development of Iskandar Malaysia over
a period of 20 years from 2006 to 2025.

Covering a multitude of aspects including socioeconomic,
physical, legal and institutional, as well as environmental
planning, the CDP envisaged the creation of a solid and
sustainable conurbation of international standing that
would also ensure fair and equitable distribution of
benefits to its stakeholders.

Alhamdulillah, we have witnessed much progress not
only in terms of investments that have been made and
the physical development that is evident on the ground
but also in efforts to ensure that the people of Johor, the
ultimate beneficiaries of Iskandar Malaysia, would fully
share in its growth and progress.

Khazanah is very honoured to be given the opportunity to
participate in this landmark development of the shaping of       “There is more to be done and
not just Iskandar Malaysia but indeed the future landscape
of Malaysia itself.
                                                                  we must double our efforts to
                                                                  make it a magnet for investment,
I would like to thank and congratulate all who have been
involved in transforming Iskandar Malaysia from the idea
                                                                  talent and economic activity,
that it was into the reality that it is today, in particular      regionally and internationally.”
the Federal government and the Johor State government
for the strong and solid support that has been extended

these achievements however should not be a reason
for us to rest on our laurels but rather serve to motivate
and drive us further to ensure that Iskandar Malaysia
continues to progress as planned. there is more to be          Tan sri dato’ Azman Hj. mokhtar,
done and we must double our efforts to make it a magnet          managing director, Khazanah nasional Berhad
for investment, talent and economic activity, regionally
and internationally. god-willing, through our continuous
commitment and endeavor, Iskandar Malaysia will succeed.

ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report   8

          CHAPTER 1:
          Johor: At the Forefront of Change
          The Iskandar Malaysia Premise

          CHAPTER 2:

          CHAPTER 3:
          Overview of Progress
          Flagship Zone A: Johor Bahru City
          Flagship Zone B: Nusajaya
          Flagship Zone C: Western Gate Development
          Flagship Zone D: Eastern Gate Development
          Flagship Zone E: Senai-Skudai

          CHAPTER 4:
          I.	 Human Capital Development
          II.	 Social Inclusion
          III.	 Economic Inclusion
          IV.	 Housing and Spatial Development
          V.	 Safety and Security

          CHAPTER 5:
    66    WAY FORWARD
          Strategies for the Next 5 Years

    72    Acronyms & Abbreviations
11 ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - 5 Year Progress Report
Chapter 1:
AND tRADITION of progress

Iskandar Malaysia is situated in south Johor, which has a centuries-old tradition of being at the forefront
of social, economic and political developments in Peninsular Malaysia and the region. Through its
strategic location, abundant resources, strong leaders and progressive communities, the great strides
made by Johor throughout history have generated waves of impact and influence on its surroundings. A
prime example is the Johorean influence in language: before the standard use of Bahasa Baku, it was Johor
Malay that was the lingua franca both in British Malaya and the Dutch East Indies, and it was Johor Malay
that would become the national language of independent Malaya.

In this context, Iskandar Malaysia is the continuation of the open and outward-looking spirit that has
characterised centuries of Johor’s history. It is the extension of the innovation and imagination that
moved celebrated sons of Johor the likes of Temenggong Ibrahim, Sultan Abu Bakar, Dato’ Abdul Rahman
Yassin, Dato’ Onn and Tun Dr Ismail to undertake great and ambitious tasks for the public good with
practicality, wisdom and principle. It is the enterprise of Wong Ah Fook and the Kuoks, the hard work and
the commitment of the Alsagoffs and other Hadhrami families, and it is the courage and conviction of the
Puthuchearys. Above all, it is the evolution of the deep and binding friendship of once-different peoples
from many lands and of many faiths.

It is this tradition of leadership and dynamism has put Johor at the forefront in the past, and provides the
seeds of great potential for its success in the future. Knowingly or not, the leaders of Johor in its early
history were building the foundations of a state based on the modern economic principle of generating
GDP by employing the productive use of labour and capital. Through being open and welcoming
of external talent and investment, armed with foresight and vision, and boldly exploiting Johor’s
comparative advantages, they put into practice a formula for economic growth and prosperity that
remains valid to this day.

The legacy of Johor’s political, social and economic leadership provides both a challenge and an
opportunity for the people of Johor to continue this tradition and realise the potential that is
Iskandar Malaysia.

                                                             ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report     12
Johor: At the Forefront of Change
It is often said in Peninsular Malaysia that the people of
Johor are “a little different”: highly refined, educated and    The Golden Chersonese
fiercely independent.
                                                                                                  When thinking of the early
Johor is, after all, the birthplace of the post-war Malay                                         trading kingdoms of the Malay
nationalism that would lead quickly to the independence                                           world, the Srivijaya Empire with
of Malaya, and even today it is regarded as the last and                                          its capital at Palembang, or the
greatest bastion of that political tradition. At the same                                         later Sultanate of Malacca from
time, however, Johor enjoys a liberal and cosmopolitan                                            which the state of Johor is
reputation unrivalled either in the peninsula’s long history                                      directly descended, often
                                                                                                  comes to mind. And yet, early
or in the glittering landscape of modern Malaysia.
                                                                                                  Western maps such as the
                                                                                                  Geographia attributed to
It was a Johorean, Dato’ Onn Ja’afar, who founded the                                             Claudius Ptolemy, suggests
United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), and it was          something quite different. Compiled under various hands in the
also he who first demanded that the party open its doors to     first millennium of the Common Era, it is in this work that the
all Malayans regardless of creed or colour. It was another      Chersonesus Aurea or Golden Chersonese – “Chersonese”
Johorean, Tun Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman, who would agitate         meaning “Peninsula” – is first mentioned (Wheatley, P., The
in favour of citizenship for all those resident in Malaya to    Golden Khersonese, University of Malaya Press, Kuala Lumpur,
make them loyal citizens of the new independent nation.         2010). The name has long been considered to show how
                                                                important the Peninsula’s gold trade had been to the West, and
Such sentiments did not emerge overnight nor were they          especially to the Roman Empire.
peculiar to a handful of individuals who existed in isolation   There are some recognisable names: on the northwest of the
or happened by accident to be Johorean. Indeed it is            Golden Chersonese the compilers of the Geographia identified
possible—even likely—that the historical inhabitants of         a city called Cocconagora, which might correspond to the lost
Johor have had as much close contact with other peoples         kingdom of Gangga Negara (what is now thought to be Beruas
and cultures as anyone in the Peninsula.                        and Manjung in Perak), while further north is the town of Kalonka
                                                                on what might be the lower Pahang River today.
A jewel in the south                                            To the south, however, there is a major river, the Palandas, that
                                                                ran north through the peninsula from what is today the Tebrau
In the Sejarah Melayu (the Malay Annals) of 1612, Tun Sri       Strait. On the banks of this river, just inland from the sea, was
Lanang tells of the land of Gangga Ayu and its great fort       a city of the same name, and nearby was the market town of
of black stone on the banks of the Johor River. Ruled by a      Sabanda. These names and cities are lost to us, but nonetheless
certain Raja Chulan, Gangga Ayu was thought by Tun Sri          scholars believe that Palandas is the Johor River and that the
Lanang to have been the Malay equivalent of an ancient          city of Palandas was established on the site of what is now Kota
                                                                Tinggi. The market of Sabanda might well have been a trading
Siamese expression (khlang khiaw) signifying “the Treasury
                                                                post on the island of Singapore—its specific designation as an
of Jewels”. This is borne out by the old Javanese name for      emporium on the map implied that it was operated by non-
Johor—Galuh—which in literary Javanese today still means        Roman authorities who charged non-Roman levies.
“diamond” or “jewel”. Also, contemporary Arabs referred to
Gangga Ayu as Jauhar (Arabic for “jewel”), and it is entirely   Scholars generally accept that the cartographers of the
possible that Jauhar gives us the modern name “Johor”.          Geographia marked only the waterways that featured
                                                                prominently in trade—in this case, the gold trade—and if the
Many historians believe that the Arab community,                Golden Chersonese was indeed the Malay Peninsula, then the
originally merchants and teachers from Hadhramaut in            ancient peoples of Johor and Rome (whether the Western Empire,
Yemen, began to settle in Johor in the 14th century. It         which fell by the end of the fifth century CE, or the Eastern
was through this community that the Johorean artistic           Byzantine Empire, which fell in 1453) were almost certainly
                                                                known to each other.
traditions of the zapin and hamdolok, as well as the use of
the gambus in music, first took root. There are still Arabic
place-names in Johor Baru today, such as Wadi Hana
and Wadi Hassan, and there is also a strong Hadhrami

13 ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report

                                   community in Batu Pahat.         was given written authority to establish and supervise the
Early Recognition                  The Javanese, meanwhile,         plantation and to collect taxes for the state. In this way
                                   influenced the development       the system promoted both infrastructural development
Johor was known to the             of kuda kepang, as well as       and trade as more and more Chinese workers established
Chinese at least as early          Johorean cuisine in delicacies   tax-exempt shops and services for the residents of the new
as the middle of the Tang          such as nasi ambeng, lontong,    settlements. Temenggong Ibrahim first put the kangchu
dynasty (around the ninth          and ungkep.                      system in place at the settlement of Kangkar Tebrau
century CE), and there are                                          in 1844, and by the 1860s there would be some 1,200
map references to a kingdom
                                   By far the most obvious          kangchu plantations employing 15,000 workers.
the Chinese knew as Lo-Yue,
corresponding to the location
                                   example of Johor’s outward-
of Palandas in Ptolemy’s           looking spirit can be seen in    Moving forward
Geographia. It is in Lo-Yue,       the commerce and industry
for example, that Prince           of the mid-19th century, and     In 1855 Temenggong Ibrahim shifted his capital from
Takaoka (799CE–865CE), the         it has been said by historians   Teluk Belanga to what was then the small fishing village of
third son of Emperor Heizei        that the best examples of        Tanjung Puteri, but it was his son Temenggong Abu Bakar
(773CE–824CE) of Japan, is         Malay co-operation with          (the great-great grandfather of the present ruler, Sultan
recorded in official Japanese      Chinese investors and labour     Ibrahim Ismail) who would build on these early foundations
annals to have been killed by      was undoubtedly in Johor.        to make the state of Johor what it is today.
a tiger while en route to India.
A memorial to Prince Takaoka
                                   Welcoming to all                 It is a testament to the rule
stands today in the Japanese
cemetery at Jalan Kebun Teh
                                                                    of Sultan Abu Bakar, as he              “A Man of Exceptional
in Johor Baru, and this and       The state’s first Chinese         would later become, that at             Intelligence”
other factors give credence       settlers arrived in the early     various times the Chinese
to the idea that Johor was the    1840s. They were Teochew          subjects in his state would             Described by the English
site of the lost city of Kota     from Swatow (now Shantou)         outnumber the Malays by                 as “a man of exceptional
Gelanggi.                         and Chaozhou in China and         as much as four to one, and             intelligence”, Sultan Abu Bakar
                                  they arrived when the young       yet—unlike the experience               was born on 3 February 1833
                                  Raja Temenggong of Johor,         of other Malay states—there             in Teluk Belanga, Singapore.
                                                                                                            The Governor of the Straits
  Tun Daeng Ibrahim Abdul Rahman (1810–1862), had just              were almost no instances
                                                                                                            Settlements, William
  been appointed officially to his post. The Temenggong was         of friction (although there             Butterworth, suggested that
  a high political office within the Majlis Orang Kaya, and the     were cases where different              the young boy be sent to
  Temenggong of Johor, centred in Teluk Belanga, Singapore,         Chinese dialect groups                  England for his education but
  held as a personal fiefdom what is today effectively the          fought each other). Quite the           Temenggong Ibrahim replied
  state of Johor and the island of Singapore. This excluded         contrary: it was under the              with a firm “no”. Instead, Abu
  Muar, which was held by its own Temenggong centred in             rule of the Father of Modern            Bakar would learn Islam and
  Segamat, while Pahang was held by the Bendahara, Riau by          Johor, as Abu Bakar would               adat (Malay customary law)
  the Yam Tuan Muda, and the rest of the Empire of Johor by         be known, that the state                from private tutors before
  the Sultan who resided in Linggi (in Negri Sembilan today).       leapfrogged economically,               being sent to the local mission
                                                                    socially and politically into           school, the Teluk Belanga Malay
                                                                                                            School. The school was run by
  Sir Stamford Raffles had taken control of Singapore               the modern world, and it did
                                                                                                            the Rev Benjamin Keasberry,
  for the East India Company in 1819, and what began as             so comparatively free from              an expert in Malay and whose
  experimental pepper and gambier plantations had, by               colonial interference. Johor            staff included Munshi Abdullah
  the time of Temenggong Ibrahim’s accession, resulted              was the only state to maintain          Abdul Kadir.
  in a shortage and exhaustion of land on the island.               its complete autonomy even
  Temenggong Ibrahim persuaded the Chinese to open up               as late as the end of the 19th
  more plantations in the dense jungle along the rivers of          century when the British administration sought to promote
  Johor, and here he devised an innovative system in which a        direct control over the Malay states. How Johor achieved
  senior Chinese, called a kangchu (head of the river), would       all this is a testament to the skill and wisdom of Abu Bakar
  be given charge of a particular river where the plantation        and the multiracial officers of his Government.
  was to be established. With what were effectively a
  renewable tenancy and a business licence, the kangchu

                                                                        ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report             14
Abu Bakar’s vision                                             kangchu system, and it was through this that luminaries
                                                               such as Muhamad Salleh Perang (1841–1915) helped to
Abu Bakar ascended as Temenggong on the death of his           transform the state economically. Muhamad Salleh was
father on 31 January 1862. He was just 29 years old but        fluent in both written Chinese and spoken Teochew, as
immediately set about developing the kangchu system            well as Chinese traditions, and was so close to the Chinese
into a legal contract based on a European model. Under         community that he is credited with the establishment
the new rules, a contract would be issued to individual        of Batu Pahat and its development as a trading and
merchants living in Singapore or else to combines (or          agricultural centre. He accompanied Abu Bakar to China
kongsi) of several merchants who could raise the capital       in 1880 and rose to the position of Dato’ Bentara Luar of
for developing their plantations and the necessary             the royal court, and there were often times when the Court
infrastructure. The kangchu himself became a site              of Johor had more Chinese-speakers than the Colonial
supervisor reporting to the concessionaire or kongsi, and      Government in Singapore.
the Chinese community as a whole were represented by a
Kapitan Cina, of which there would eventually be three         Abu Bakar also struck a close friendship with a young
in Johor.                                                      contractor called Wong Ah Fook, who left his home in
                                                               Taishan County, Guangdong, as a result of the clan wars
The leading concessionaire and Kapitan at the time was         of the time. As a young builder in Singapore he earned the
Tan Hiok Nee (1827–1902), a Teochew. In his early years        notice of Hoo Ah Kay (better known as Whampoa, the
as a cloth peddler, he was a frequent visitor to Abu Bakar’s   Anglicisation of Huangpu, the district in Guangzhou where
house and became his friend. Tan grew to be a prominent        he was born) who was a prominent merchant—the only
cloth merchant with businesses in Johor by the time he         Asian chandler to the Royal Navy—and Consul of Russia,
received his first kangchu contract in 1853, and eventually    China and Japan in Singapore. As a result of Whampoa’s
he rose to become the leader of the Ghee Hin (or Ngee          patronage, Wong received his first major commission in
Heng) Kongsi around 1964. Tan grew to become one of the        1863 building godowns for the firm Paterson & Simons
wealthiest and most influential Chinese in Johor with the      on behalf of the Johor Government. Abu Bakar was so
largest number (nine) of kangchu concessions and a post of     impressed with the work that he commissioned Wong to
Kapitan created especially for him. This post in Johor was     build the new palace, the Istana Besar, at Tanjung Puteri
a civil service appointment assisted by a treasurer, a chief   (which would soon be renamed Johor Baru). With Abu
clerk, and a chief inspector. Under Abu Bakar’s leadership     Bakar’s trust, Wong rose to become the main Government
and through combined effort, the people of Johor, both         contractor and he completed at least 20 major public
old and new, grew the 1,200 plantations and 15,000             works projects, including the splendid state mosque (now
workers of the 1860s to some 100,000 Chinese working on        the Sultan Abu Bakar Mosque) as well as other landmark
plantations that together accounted for the largest supply     buildings that have since come under heritage protection.
of pepper and gambier in the world by 1911.
                                                               Abu Bakar was careful to cultivate friendships with other
Abu Bakar also created a local civil service staffed by        communities as well, the most notable of which was
prominent Malay meritocrats, which would set the               the influential Hadhrami community. Syed Mohammed
foundation for Johor’s domination of Independence politics     Alsagoff (1836–1906) was a key member of this group.
later, and it was through this system that the families of     The grandson of the patriarch Syed Abdul Rahman, who
Onn Ja’afar, Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman and others would           came out to Singapore as a spice trader in 1824, Syed
rise to prominence. However, Abu Bakar remained acutely        Mohammed was a wealthy member of the colonial upper
aware of the importance of the Chinese community in the        class, a great philanthropist, and Consul-General for Turkey
development of his state, and so he included two Chinese       in Singapore. The trust Abu Bakar placed in him brought
in his 24-member Council of State, one of whom was his         him land concessions in Nong Chik, Johor Baru, and some
trusted official Tan Hiok Nee.                                 14 square miles at Kukup where on his newly established
                                                               Constantinople Estate Syed Mohammed would cultivate
Forging collaborations                                         rubber, sago, pepper and more, as well as print his own
                                                               banknotes which uniquely featured lettering in Jawi,
Abu Bakar also encouraged the involvement of many              Chinese and English.
Malays in partnership with the Chinese in developing the

15 ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report

  Syed Mohammed was not the only member of the Arab                   his greatest contribution, however, was the state’s 1895
  community to help develop Johor. For example, Syed                  Constitution—the first in Malaya—which established
  Abdullah Umar, Syed Junid Umar and Syed Abu Bakar of                a constitutional monarchy. This development was
  the al-Junids, together with Syed Salim Mohsain al-Attas            particularly noteworthy in that it bucked the trend of the
  were licensed and provided tax incentives to mine tin in            other Malay states, which went deeper into Muslim and
  Ayer Puteh. There is also record of an al-Tawi being granted        customary law in response to increasing British influence.
  a kangchu concession to open up plantation land in Skudai           Indeed the Constitution would prove so successful that
  Ulu, and an al-Khatib likewise in Tebrau. While the 1911            it would later serve as the model for the other states
  Census placed the Arab community in Johor at a small                of Malaya—but even here Johor remained different:
                                                                      the Undang-Undang Tubuh Negeri Johor (literally, Laws
                                                                      Embodying the State of Johor), unlike the conventional
The Maharaja of Johor                                                 term “Perlembagaan”, showed Johorean nationhood to
                                                                      be legitimate only under the operation of law. Drafted by
                       As Sultan Abu Bakar registered success         Dato’ Amar diRaja Abdul Rahman Andak at the command
                       after success, his political influence grew    of the Sultan, the Constitution also declared that no
                       not only within the colonial community         subject of Johor should be bound to any Sultan who ceded
                       but throughout the world. In the course of
                                                                      the integrity of the state to a foreign power. This implied
                       his reign he became a close personal friend
                       of Queen Victoria and leading English
                                                                      a contractual duty that was to become a major point of
                       nobles, and elsewhere he was very              contention during the Malayan Union protests after the
                       welcome in the courts of Emperor Meiji of      end of the Second World War.
                       Japan, Emperor Franz Josef of Austria, Pope
Leo XIII, Sultan Abdulaziz of Turkey, King Kalakaua of Hawaii, and    The people of Johor argued that entering the Union
most of all Guangxu the Emperor of China, who was strongly            would, according to the Constitution, endanger the
impressed by Abu Bakar’s support for the Chinese of Johor.
                                                                      sovereignty of the state. It would be leading Johoreans
This aroused the professional jealousy of the Sir Frederick Weld,     such as Dato’ Abdul Rahman Yassin (the father of Dr
the Governor of the Straits Settlements, and Weld sought              Ismail), Dato’ Sulaiman Abdul Rahman (Dr Ismail’s
hard to bring Johor into the colonial fold by imposing on her a       brother), Dr Awang Hassan (later Tun and Governor
British Resident who would be in complete control of the state’s
                                                                      of Penang), and Dato’ Onn Ja’afar who would organise
administration. Abu Bakar resisted this move through skilful
manoeuvring: proclaimed Maharaja of Johor in 1868, he was now
                                                                      the first resistance to the Malayan Union. And it
(in 1885) recognised as Sultan of all Johor by Queen Victoria. This   would also be in Johor Baru—at the Istana Besar of
masterstroke gave him considerable moral authority and allowed        Sultan Ibrahim (the son of Sultan Abu Bakar)—that
him to maintain the state’s sovereignty and independence from         UMNO would come into being on 11–12 May 1946.
Britain. It is noteworthy that Johor, the Malay kingdom closest to
the seat of British colonial power in the region, managed to resist   Open to all
incorporation into British Malaya until 1914, and it was the last
state to do so.
                                                                      And yet these leaders were not motivated merely by
                                                                      narrow considerations of nationalism. The young Dr Ismail
  699 people, they more than made up for that in industry,            wrote at the time that “Johor, I suppose, is still under
  enterprise, hard work and success. Several families, such           Military Occupation. When the Civil Administration takes
  as the Alsagoffs, al-Attas’ and Alaydrus’, would over time          its place again, the old order must go. People, irrespective
  become connected to the royal family by marriage, and               of nationality and colour must be judged according to their
  many, such as Datuk Sheikh Abdullah Ahmad Bakhbereh                 own ability and only then can peace be assured.”
  (popularly known as Datuk Shake), would make strong
  marks Malaysian on culture and society later in history.            Dr Ismail’s family possess the values and outlook typical
                                                                      of Johoreans. The best friend of his father, Dato’ Abdul
  Driven by innovation                                                Rahman, was the Chinese medical doctor Cheah Tiang
                                                                      Eam, and it would be through Cheah’s daughters Eileen and
  As Sultan, Abu Bakar quickly instituted several innovations         Joyce that Dr Ismail would in turn meet his best friends
  such as postal and judicial systems as well as the Royal            Philip and Robert Kuok (who married the two sisters).
  Johor Military Force (or Timbalan Setia Negeri). Perhaps            The Abdul Rahmans, Cheahs and Kuoks were in turn close

                                                                          ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report         16
friends with the Puthuchearys (two of whom, James and           Continuing the tradition
Dato’ Dominic, were founders of the People’s Action
Party), as well as Dato’ Onn. It was Onn, for example,          Therefore, it can be argued that Iskandar Malaysia is a
who tipped off the third Kuok brother, William, that the        continuation of Johor’s history of being at the forefront
British authorities were after him, and it would be James       of change. Nearly half a century after Merdeka, it
Puthucheary who would bring the sad news of his death           represents a significant thread to be added to Johor’s rich
back to the Kuok family.                                        socioeconomic tapestry, tapping into the state’s heritage
                                                                of openness as well as leveraging on South Johor’s strategic
Philip Kuok (later Tan Sri) would serve as the Malaysian        location at the southernmost tip of continental Asia.
Ambassador in Germany, the former Yugoslavia,
Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Denmark. Tan               Clearly, it is well-positioned to take advantage of global
Sri Robert Kuok—long before he became the “Sugar                developments since the new millennium. The world has
King”—would serve his nation in many capacities,                come full circle over the past millennia. From 10th to the
helping to establish the Malaysian International                the 15th century AD, China was the economic powerhouse
Shipping Corporation and Malaysian Airlines, amongst            of the world until its position was usurped by the Western
other things. The two brothers built a massive                  world due to the isolationist policies pursued during the
worldwide business conglomerate and both would                  Qing Dynasty. Today, China, along with India – the two
remain deeply committed to a multiracial Malaysia.              countries with more than one billion in population and
                                                                a history of great empires behind them – are reclaiming
At the forefront of change                                      their global economic and political leadership. At the
                                                                same time, the West is imploding in the aftermath of
Regardless of their accomplishments, these individuals          the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.
are but threads in the great tapestry that is the social
and cultural milieu of Johor. The state has produced            The centre of economic gravity is shifting inexorably
generations of Malayan and Malaysian leaders in politics,       to the East, along with the formation of a ‘New Silk
government, commerce, society, sports, academia and the         Road’ stretching from the Philippines to Africa. The
arts, and they have been able to do so because of a breadth     New Silk Road is based on maritime, rather than the
of vision formed over centuries of embracing difference         overland routes of old, and Johor (through Iskandar
for the common good. Throughout history, and even in            Malaysia) with its maritime trading history, has the
the “pre-history” of the Malay Peninsula, Johor has been        potential to be a significant part of this new route.
a gateway to international trade and cultural exchange.         Regionally, Iskandar Malaysia is at the centre of Southeast
Whether it was known as Palandas, Gangga Ayu, Lo-Yue,           Asia, located in between the Malacca Straits and the
Galuh or Jauhar, the state has been at the forefront of the     South China Sea, with links to the Indian Ocean.
Peninsula’s social, political and economic development. It
is this unique perspective that continues to enrich Johor’s     Indeed, Iskandar Malaysia possesses strategic positioning
strong traditions of openness and understanding.                and economic potential. Johor has strong economic and
                                                                historical links with neighbouring Singapore, and this
Sultan Abu Bakar and those like him could not have              can be seen in the 50,000 commuters who travel from
existed in isolation, and even if they did the measures they    Johor Bahru to Singapore daily for work and education.
introduced—revolutionary at the time—could not have             Together, Iskandar Malaysia and Singapore form a
taken root in unfertile soil. In more modern times, the birth   conurbation of six million people, three maritime ports,
of Malay nationalism was already tempered by Johorean           two airports as well as overland links to the rest of Asia.
maturity when it spread to the rest of the country, and it
is this Johorean maturity and welcoming of difference that      With these key advantages, Iskandar Malaysia has
gave momentum to the multiracialism that has formed             the opportunity to re-establish Johor’s economic and
the bedrock of all Malaysian politics even to this day. In      historical leadership within the region, by keeping to the
Iskandar Malaysia today, as in Johor throughout the ages, it    traditions of openness and pragmatism and leveraging
is the diversity of the many that gives strength to all.        on existing strengths as well as develop complementary
                                                                advantages with Singapore and the rest of the region.

17 ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report

Iskandar Malaysia, with an area of 2,217 square-kilometers,      These foundations for development are:
is three times the size of Singapore and is the single largest
development project ever to be undertaken in the region.         1.	 Nation Building

As envisaged by the Comprehensive Development Plan                  Development is consistent in spirit with national and
(CDP) launched in 2006, Iskandar Malaysia will be a place           state level plans and aspirations while aspiring to drive
where living, entertainment and business would seamlessly           further innovation and reforms in the nation building
converge in a vibrant and sustainable metropolis of                 process.
international standing. A great deal of careful planning
has also gone into ensuring that the development would           2.	 Growth and value creation
be sustainable, taking into consideration the direct and
indirect needs of its respective stakeholders.                      Development emphasises growth, productivity and
                                                                    value creation in line with globalisation and increased
As part of the Indonesia-Malaysia-Singapore Growth                  competition.
Triangle, Iskandar Malaysia’s strategic location and
proximity to some of the world’s most dynamic economies          3.	 Equitable and fair distribution among
is a key differentiating factor for the development. Located         stakeholders
at the cross-roads of the important East-West trade
routes, it is mid-way between the region’s two economic             Development is consistent with the tenets of growth
power-houses, China and India, and is easily accessed by            with equity, to ensure that the local and Bumiputera
air, land and sea. Other advantages include a multi-lingual         population in particular participate in the growth and
and educated work-force and a vast land-bank. It is also            value creation in a meaningful manner.
positioned as an international metropolis to decrease trade
barriers and increase human mobility.                            The five pillars in the strategic framework for Iskandar
                                                                 Malaysia is a broad-based approach that encompasses
Since its official launch in November 2006, the vision           the regulatory, social, physical, infrastructure and
of Iskandar Malaysia has gone off the drawing board              commercialisation areas.
and is rapidly being transformed into a next generation
metropolis. With Phase 1 (2006-2010) completed, a                1.	 International Rim Positioning
critical mass has been established with the timely delivery
of major infrastructure and several iconic investment               The development of a regionally and globally-
projects. Iskandar Malaysia has now progressed into Phase           competitive Iskandar Malaysia propelled by efficiency
2 of the Comprehensive Development Plan.                            and innovation besides being factor and investment-
Consistent with the Iskandar Malaysia vision of becoming
“A Strong, Sustainable Metropolis of International               2.	 Establishing hard and soft infrastructure
Standing”, the development of the region is being                    enablers
undertaken upon five strategic pillars anchored in three
foundations, as identified by the CDP.                              The required infrastructure includes physical
                                                                    infrastructures such as roads, airport and ports, and
                                                                    public utilities, as well as security, river cleaning and
                                                                    proper sewerage. In addition, soft infrastructure such as
                                                                    fiscal and financial incentives, human capital, efficient
                                                                    and business friendly institutions are necessary.

                                                                     ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report            18
3.	 Investment in catalyst projects
                                                              CHART 1.1:
   Catalytic projects to help spur further economic           TRAVEL TIMES BETWEEN Iskandar Malaysia
   activities in the region. This encompasses projects        AND REGIONS
   in logistic services, financial services, health and
   education services, agricultural, manufacturing,
   leisure and tourism, creative services and emerging

4.	 Establishing a strong institutional
    framework and the creation of a strong
    regulatory authority

   The creation of an Authority to plan, facilitate
   approvals through a one-stop centre and address
   social development. The Authority is also tasked to
   ensure that approval times and government delivery
   systems especially in respect to investments are to be
   significantly improved in order to be internationally
                                                            Over a 20-year period until 2025, the region is expected to
5.	 Ensuring socio-economic equity and buy-                 record Gross Domestic Product growth of 8% per annum,
    in from the local population                            resulting in nominal GDP of USD93.3 billion in 2025 and
                                                            GDP per capita of USD31,100. A total of 1.43 million jobs
   The people in Iskandar Malaysia fully benefits from      will be created for a population that is expected to reach
   the region’s development, through property and           three million in 2025. The rest of Johor will also benefit
   equity ownership, local and Bumiputera participation     with significant spillover effects.
   in various business and economic activities, income
   generation programmes for the youth and abundant         The successful development of Iskandar Malaysia will
   employment opportunities generated from the              enable the people within the region and its surroundings
   development within the region.                           to enjoy a better quality of life, with environmental
                                                            preservation, learning and knowledge, social cohesion,
   Via a development approach that is consistent with       better income and wealth distribution, and greater
   the five strategic pillars and grounded upon the         opportunities for future generations to advance through
   three foundations, it is envisaged under the CDP that    better education, healthcare, employment and
   Iskandar Malaysia will make a significant impact on      business potential.
   several key economic fronts.

19 ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report
21 ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - 5 Year Progress Report

Iskandar Malaysia has been identified as one of the key catalysts and high-impact developments under the
Ninth and Tenth Malaysia Plans. The CDP provides a framework for the comprehensive development of
Iskandar Malaysia in a holistic and sustainable fashion, placing emphasis on creating a healthy investment
climate that is attractive to local and foreign investors.

To achieve these aspirations, Iskandar Malaysia would need to generate sufficient momentum by
sustaining a GDP growth of 8.0% annually up to the year 2025. A total investment of RM383 billion
(USD115.7 billion) would be required over the 20-year period. The target of RM47 billion for first phase has
already been achieved, with total committed domestic and foreign investments amounting to more than
RM70 billion.

Since its launch in 2006, Iskandar Malaysia has progressed rapidly, with several key developments
completed and many more nearing completion. Progress is being achieved across multiple sectors
including education, healthcare, leisure and tourism, property, creative and retail. In addition, critical
enablers such as physical infrastructure, safety and security, public housing, and social development
initiatives are also moving forward.

The growth over the past five years has put Iskandar Malaysia on a strong footing in its second phase of
development (2011 to 2015), with 2012 seen as a banner year with more catalyst projects coming on
stream. While much has been achieved, more will need to be done to drive Iskandar Malaysia forward.

                                                              ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report    22
the following is a timeline of highlights and milestones over
the five years since Iskandar Malaysia’s inception in 2006.

                                                    Iskandar Regional                              New Iskandar Malaysia brand is launched
                                                    Development Authority                          by the Prime Minister of Malaysia
                                                    (IRDA) is established via an
 Iskandar Malaysia (then known as the South         Act of Parliament,                                New road infrastructure projects
 Johor Economic Region) is officially launched      IRDA ACt 2007                                     for Iskandar Malaysia worth a total
 by His Royal Highness the Sultan of Johor                                                            of RM3 billion is announced by the
                                                            IRDA holds inaugural meeting,             Menteri Besar of Johor
                                                            co-chaired by the Prime Minister of
         Comprehensive                                      Malaysia and the Menteri Besar of             An allocation of RM200 million
         Development Plan for                               Johor                                         to implement public housing in
         Iskandar Malaysia is                                                                             Iskandar Malaysia is announced by
         released                                                                                         the Prime Minister of Malaysia

                                                                    the Malaysian                             Six Iskandar Malaysia
                   Iskandar                                         government announces                      development blueprints out of
                   Investment                                       a range of financial                      the 32 planned are completed
                   Berhad,                                          incentives, including
                   the catalytic developer                          tax exemptions, for                           Medini Iskandar Malaysia
                   for Iskandar Malaysia, is                        companies that invest in                      is launched
                   incorporated                                     specific sectors in Iskandar

                    2006                                              2007                                         2008
                                                                    Phase 1 of SiLC
                                                                    in Nusajaya is
                                                                                                                  Agreement to develop
                                                                                                                  Newcastle University
                                                                                                                  campus is signed

                                                                                                              to develop
                                                                                                              Malaysia is signed

                                                                                                           Construction of
                                                                                                           Coastal Highway

                                                                                                      Work on Perumahan Rakyat Iskandar
                                                                                                      Malaysia (PRISMA) public housing
                                                                                                      project begins

                                                                                                   Iskandar Malaysia records RM16 billion
                                                                                                   in committed investments; cumulatively,
                                                                                                   more than RM41 billion in investments
                                                                                                   have been committed since its launch


                                                                                                           Agreement for University of
                                                                                                        Southampton campus is signed

       Kota Iskandar, the new Johor State                              EduCity stadium         Five Iskandar Malaysia development
                   administrative centre,                           and sports complex         blueprints are completed. In total 21
                       is officially opened                         construction begins       out of the 32 blueprints planned have
                                                                                                                    been completed
             Agreement to develop                                    Agreement for
                Pinewood Iskandar                            Netherlands Maritime                         Newcastle University
                Malaysia Studios is                       Institute of Technology is                       campus is launched
                            signed                                           signed
                                                                                                            Johor Premium
 Agreement for Marlborough                                     Agreement for                                     Outlets is
  College Malaysia is signed                                     Gleaneagles                                      launched
                                                              Medini Hospital
  Agreement to develop                                               is signed                PRISMA, the benchmark-
  Puteri Harbour Family                                                                          setting public housing
   Indoor Theme park is                          Columbia Asia Hospital                              project in Iskandar
                 signed                          commences operations                             Malaysia, is launched

              2009                                          2010                                              2011
  Agreement to develop                                                                           12 Community Police
 Johor Premium Outlets                                                                               Posts established
                signed                            Agreement for Raffles
                                                  University Iskandar is
                Bas Iskandar                                     signed
             Malaysia service
                 is launched                  11 drainage projects and 5 river-
                                                  cleaning projects completed
 10 Iskandar Malaysia development
  blueprints are completed. In total             Iskandar Malaysia records RM13.92
16 out of the 32 blueprints planned                billion in committed investments;
              have been completed             cumulatively, more than RM69 billion
                                               in investments have been committed
Iskandar Malaysia records RM13.81 billion                            since its launch
 in committed investments; cumulatively,
   more than RM55 billion in investments      Khazanah Nasional and Temasek Holdings
     have been committed since its launch       announce a joint-venture to develop an
                                                      iconic wellness township project

                                                                                 ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report           24
25 ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - 5 Year Progress Report
Chapter 3:

The Iskandar Malaysia region is located in south                                                                                                                   N
Johor and covers Johor Bahru District as well as                                                                                                          W                 E

several Mukims – Jeram Batu, Sungai Karang,                                                                                                                        S
Serkat – and Pulau Kukup in Mukim Ayer Masin,
that are all within the district of Pontian. It
comprises five component areas designated
as Flagship Zones A to E, with Johor Bahru, the
state capital of Johor, located in Flagship Zone A.

The Flagship Zones were formed based on
their roles as developmental focal points, with
emphasis on further strengthening existing
economic clusters as well as diversifying and         Key landmarks and developments within each flagship zone are as follows:

                                                       FLAGSHIP A                                 FLAGSHIP B                               FLAGSHIP C
developing targeted growth sectors. Iskandar           JOHOR BAHRU CITY CENTRE                    NUSAJAYA                                 WESTERN GATE DEVELOPMENT
Malaysia’s nine key economic clusters are              • Central Business District
                                                       • Danga Bay Integrated
                                                                                                    Kota Iskandar
                                                                                                    Puteri Harbour
                                                                                                                                             Port of Tanjung Pelepas
                                                                                                                                             Tanjung Bin Power Plant

financial advisory and consulting, creative
                                                         Waterfront City                          • Medini                                 • Malaysia - Singapore Second Link
                                                       • Upgrading of Central Business District   • EduCity                                • RAMSAR World Heritage
                                                       • Tebrau-Plentong Mixed Development        • Southern Industrial Logistic           • Tanjung Piai - Southernmost Tip

industries, logistics, leisure and tourism,            • Customs, Immigration and
                                                         Quarantine Complex (CIQ)
                                                       • Johor-Singapore Causeway
                                                                                                    Clusters (SiLC)
                                                                                                  • Afiat Health Park
                                                                                                  • International Destination Resort
                                                                                                                                             of Mainland Asia
                                                                                                                                           • Free Trade Zone

education, healthcare, electrical and electronics,     • Lido Boulevard
                                                       • Conservation and Heritage Zones
                                                                                                  • Housing and Residential Projects

petrochemical and oleo-chemical, and food and          FLAGSHIP D                                 FLAGSHIP E
agro processing.                                       EASTERN GATE DEVELOPMENT                   SENAI          DAI
                                                       •   Tanjung Langsat Industrial Complex     •   Senai International Aiport
                                                       •   Tanjung Langsat Port                   •   Senai Cargo Hub

Collectively, developments in the Flagship
                                                       •   Johor Port                             •   Senai High-Tech Park
                                                       •   Pasir Gudang Industrial Park           •   Sedenak Industrial Park
                                                       •   APTEC (Lakehill Resort City)           •   MSC Cyberport City

Zones provide a testimony to the progress                                                         •
                                                                                                      Johor Technology Park
                                                                                                      Johor Premium Outlets®

that has been achieved in Iskandar Malaysia
since its inception. The cumulative investments that have been committed to various projects in the
Flagship Zones have ensured that Iskandar Malaysia has exceeded the investment target set for the first
phase of its development. In addition, several key catalyst projects have been completed or are nearing
completion, while positive progress has been made on the delivery of critical enablers such as roads
and safety. Important institutional frameworks are in place and most significantly, the strengthening of
bilateral relations between Malaysia and Singapore puts Iskandar Malaysia in prime position to leverage
on its proximity and socioeconomic links with its southern neighbour.

                                                                         ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report                                                          26
Source: CDP 2005

                          9,716                                                    Billions
                       TOTAL: 27,299                                                                                                        69.5
          Rising investments                                                     Of 70 total committed investments for the first phase,
          8,000                                                                  59% were domestic investment while foreign direct
                                                                                    60                                   55.6

Malaysia total of over RM75 billion in investments from both
       A Economy
                                                                                 investment (FDI) contributed to the remaining 41%,
          domestic and foreign sources have been committed to
                                                                                 making for a healthy mix of sources
                                                                                                               41.8 of funds. The
                      5,910                                                         40
          Iskandar Malaysia up to the first half of 2011. For the
          6,000                                                                  contribution of domestic investments into Iskandar
          region’s first phase of development, which ran from 2006
                                                            ICT &
                                                                                 Malaysia has shown25.8
                                                                                    30                a steady rise from 2008, when
            5,000 Health      Educational     Financial                                                                   9.1
    Tourism to 2010, cumulative services
                                committed investments of Creative
                                                           about                 it made up 45% or RM18.9 billion of the cumulative
            RM69.5 billion were secured. This was approximately
                                                          industries                       11.3      11.9
                                                                                 then, to 54% or RM30.1 billion5.1 2009 when it 21.8
           4,000                                                                                          1.0            16.5
          148% above target of RM47 billion that had been set for                   10                          8.2
                                                                                 surpassed total cumulative foreign direct investments.
                                                                                            5.5      7.1
          3,000                                                                               5.8        5.8       6.8         6.3          6.3
          that period. It is a commendable achievement given that                   0
          the global economy underwent severe financial distress in
          2,000                                                                    CHART2006
                                                                                         3.2:       Breakdown2008Cumulative (Dec)
                                                                                                       2007   of     2009 2010
          2008 and 2009. During those two years, Iskandar Malaysia
                                                          967                      Investments by Domestic andOthers
                                                                                      Government Utilities, Tourism and Foreign
)         secured investment commitments to be added)
          1,000              (Four new “Pillars” of RM16 billion and
                     129 124
                                 600        468                                    Sources 2008-2010, Year-On-Year
                                                                                      Properties Manufacturing         Committed investment
          RM13.8 billion respectively.
                                    ica -

                                   o &

                           Fo uris &





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              CHART 3.1: Cumulative Investments 2006-2010,                         80





              Year-On-Year                                                         70          Foreign

                                                                                   60          Local
                RM                                                                                                                      28.8
                Billions                                                                                                               (41%)
                80                                                                 50
                                                                      69.5         40                            (46%)
                                                                                   30            22.8
                60                                        55.6
                                                                      26.7         20
                50                                                                                                30.1                  40.7
                                                 41.8                                            18.9            (54%)                 (59%)
                                                           23.7                    10
                40                                                                              (45%)
                                                                      14.5          0
                30                  25.8
                                                 21.7                                           2008              2009               2010 (Dec)
                20                  11.9                              21.8         Source: IRDA, Khazanah, IIB, MIDA & corporate annoucement
                             11.3                5.1
7                                          1.0            16.5
                10            5.5   7.1          8.2
                              5.8   5.8          6.8       6.3          6.3
                  0                                                              About RM30 billion of the RM75 billion in committed
                             2006   2007         2008     2009     2010 (Dec)
                                                                                 investments have been actualised. This has seen a number
                      Government    Utilities, Tourism and Others                of important developments getting off the ground, with
                      Properties    Manufacturing         Committed investment   several completed or approaching completion, across
              Source: IRDA, Khazanah, IIB, MIDA & corporate annoucement
                                                                                 the Flagship Zones. They include catalyst projects in
                Billions                                                         the education and leisure and tourism sectors, key
                                                                                 infrastructure such as upgrading works on existing roads
              70        Foreign
          Committed investments during the first phase went                      and new highways, and other projects in sectors such as
              60        Local
          into various sectors including manufacturing, property                 healthcare.
          development, utilities, leisure and tourism, as (41%) as
              50                                             well
          government spending. The Federal Government has
                                           25.5                                  Boost in employment
              40                          (46%) to December 2010,
          allocated a total of RM6.3 billion up
              30          22.8
          specifically for key infrastructure projects in Iskandar
                                                                                 The rising investments in Iskandar Malaysia have
          Malaysia. For the same period, the bulk of committed
              20                                             40.7
                                                                                 correspondingly generated increased economic activity
          investments from the private (54%) have been in the
              10          18.9             sector           (59%)                and hence, demand for workers. More than 20,000
          manufacturing sector which drew in 38.7% and property
                         (45%)                                                   employment opportunities have been created over the
          development 2008 accounted for 31.4%. 2010 (Dec)
                          which                                                  past five years in Iskandar Malaysia’s targeted economic
                                                                                 sectors. Nearly 10,000 jobs are in the electrical and

          27 ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report
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Five year-progress-report iskandar

  • 2. 1 ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - 5 Year Progress Report
  • 3. AcKnowledgements YAB Prime Minister, Malaysia YAB Chief Minister, Johor Prime Minister’s Department Prime Minister’s Office Chief Minister of Johor’s Office Johor Corporation Berhad MMC Corporation Berhad UMLand Berhad Iskandar Regional Development Authority Khazanah Nasional Berhad UEM Land Holdings Berhad Iskandar Investment Berhad Ernst & Young Advisory Services Sdn Bhd X2 Sdn Bhd Text 100 Pte Ltd Salt Media Consultancy Sdn Bhd DC Print Sdn Bhd Amir Hafizi The people of Johor Darul Ta’zim 11 DECEMBER 2011 ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE Year Progress Report 2
  • 4. 3 ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - 5 Year Progress Report
  • 5. Foreword from the Prime Minister of Malaysia W hen the Government of Malaysia set out to transform southern The rakyat is the ultimate beneficiary of Iskandar Malaysia, and even in the Johor by tapping into the five short years since its region’s strategic location, launch, the benefits from its vibrant population the changes for the good and strong logistical that have been set in infrastructure, it was with motion can already be felt the idea of developing a through improved public world-class and dynamic infrastructure, thousands metropolis that would be a of new jobs, and enhanced key growth corridor for the safety and security, to country. name a few. Today, five years on, Alhamdulillah, the progress Iskandar Malaysia has that has been achieved so made great strides towards far in Iskandar Malaysia achieving that goal. The is highly laudable but it is region is a manifestation of just the beginning, with the Government’s plan to more key developments “The development in Iskandar decentralise development to be launched next year and spread it out to all and many others over the Malaysia is geared towards corners of Malaysia, duration of the region’s being inclusive and sustainable, thereby helping to ensure 20-year development that no Malaysian is horizon. The Government providing a multitude of left behind in reaping of Malaysia for its part is prospects for growth and the benefits from, and committed to ensuring seizing the opportunities the continued progress prosperity to be enjoyed by all generated by, our nation’s and ultimate success of stakeholders.” economic growth. Iskandar Malaysia. In line with the principles As co-chairman of of Malaysia’s on-going the Iskandar Regional transformation into a Development Authority high-income economy, (IRDA), I would like to take the development in this opportunity to thank Iskandar Malaysia is geared everyone involved for their YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib bin towards being inclusive passion, perseverance and Tun Abdul Razak and sustainable, providing hard work that has brought Prime Minister of Malaysia a multitude of prospects Iskandar Malaysia this far for growth and prosperity and undoubtedly will take to be enjoyed by all it further. stakeholders. ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE Year Progress Report 4
  • 6. Message from the Chief Minister of Johor Iskandar Malaysia is of huge significance and importance to the socioeconomic progress of Johor, with development in the region founded upon fundamental principles that will have a positive impact on the people in the state. Through Iskandar Malaysia, Johor is given a key role in nation-building, which is a natural role for a state that has a rich, centuries-old history and tradition in being at the forefront of social, economic and political development in the Malay Peninsula. The factors of growth and value creation lie at the heart of the development of an internationally-competitive Iskandar Malaysia, with strong regional and global linkages that together with domestic strengths and advantages will drive creativity and innovation. Most important of all, the development of Iskandar Malaysia is anchored upon the fair and equitable distribution of the fruits of our collective labour among stakeholders, so that the value and wealth generated is “Through Iskandar Malaysia, shared across all segments of society. This principle is paramount as the final outcome sought is for the rakyat to Johor is given a key role in enjoy an enhanced standard of living, with good access to nation-building, which is a quality education, high-value employment and business opportunities, and an enriched quality of life. natural role for a state that has a rich, centuries-old history It is indeed heartwarming and encouraging to see the growth of Iskandar Malaysia thus far, with good progress and tradition in being at the made in areas such as its physical and soft infrastructure, forefront of social, economic key catalytic projects and social development initiatives. and political development in the The Government of Johor remains steadfast in its efforts Malay Peninsula.” towards Iskandar Malaysia’s success and is continuously committed to working hand-in-hand with the Federal Government, the private and public sectors, and most importantly, the people of Johor in ensuring the region’s further growth. The state government is grateful to all who have contributed through this collaborative approach, which is pivotal to Iskandar Malaysia’s achievements to Dato Haji Abdul Ghani Othman, date and in the future. YAB Menteri Besar Johor As co-chairman of the Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA), I would like to say that truly, the rakyat, both in Johor and throughout our nation, have much to look forward to in Iskandar Malaysia, Insya-Allah. 5 ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report
  • 7. Message from the Chief Executive of IRDA Iskandar Malaysia is well and truly off the ground and we are now starting to see growth and development throughout the region. Much has been done in the five years since the launch of Iskandar Malaysia and several important milestones that were set for the development of the region have been well met. Key road infrastructure projects have been completed or are nearing completion, as are several catalytic projects that will further spur growth and investment. Cumulatively, Iskandar Malaysia has recorded a total committed investment of RM77.82 billion, surpassing the target set for the first phase of development. About 40% of the total is from foreign investment and more than RM30 billion have been realised. Iskandar Malaysia is now into the second phase of its 20-year development period, with 2012 set to be a tipping point for the region as several catalytic projects are set to come on stream. “Iskandar Malaysia has recorded In this context, this report is timely as a progress update of what has been implemented and achieved in the five years a total committed investment of of Iskandar Malaysia. RM77.82 billion, surpassing the Indeed, these achievements were a result of tight target set for the first phase of collaboration and cooperation from many parties involved development” in bringing the Iskandar Malaysia vision closer to reality. The Federal Government and Johor State Government have been pivotal in the progress of Iskandar Malaysia we see so far, and on behalf of IRDA, I would like to record our gratitude to them. There is more to be done and IRDA is unwavering in its commitment to ensuring the success of Iskandar Malaysia. Ismail bin Ibrahim Chief Executive of Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA) ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report 6
  • 8. mEssAgE FRom THE mAnAgIng dIRECToR oF KHAZAnAH nAsIonAl BERHAd F ive years have passed since the launch of the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) for what was then known as the South Johor Economic Region. the CDP guides the holistic development of Iskandar Malaysia over a period of 20 years from 2006 to 2025. Covering a multitude of aspects including socioeconomic, physical, legal and institutional, as well as environmental planning, the CDP envisaged the creation of a solid and sustainable conurbation of international standing that would also ensure fair and equitable distribution of benefits to its stakeholders. Alhamdulillah, we have witnessed much progress not only in terms of investments that have been made and the physical development that is evident on the ground but also in efforts to ensure that the people of Johor, the ultimate beneficiaries of Iskandar Malaysia, would fully share in its growth and progress. Khazanah is very honoured to be given the opportunity to participate in this landmark development of the shaping of “There is more to be done and not just Iskandar Malaysia but indeed the future landscape of Malaysia itself. we must double our efforts to make it a magnet for investment, I would like to thank and congratulate all who have been involved in transforming Iskandar Malaysia from the idea talent and economic activity, that it was into the reality that it is today, in particular regionally and internationally.” the Federal government and the Johor State government for the strong and solid support that has been extended throughout. these achievements however should not be a reason for us to rest on our laurels but rather serve to motivate and drive us further to ensure that Iskandar Malaysia continues to progress as planned. there is more to be Tan sri dato’ Azman Hj. mokhtar, done and we must double our efforts to make it a magnet managing director, Khazanah nasional Berhad for investment, talent and economic activity, regionally and internationally. god-willing, through our continuous commitment and endeavor, Iskandar Malaysia will succeed. 7 ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-YEAR PRogRESS REPoRt
  • 9. ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report 8
  • 10.
  • 11. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: 12 ISKANDAR MALAYSIA – CONTINUATION OF A HISTORY AND TRADITION OF PROGRESS Johor: At the Forefront of Change The Iskandar Malaysia Premise CHAPTER 2: 22 FIVE YEARS OF ISKANDAR MALAYSIA – HIGHLIGHTS AND MILESTONES CHAPTER 3: 26 THE FLAGSHIP ZONES – A PROGRESS UPDATE Overview of Progress Flagship Zone A: Johor Bahru City Flagship Zone B: Nusajaya Flagship Zone C: Western Gate Development Flagship Zone D: Eastern Gate Development Flagship Zone E: Senai-Skudai TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 4: 58 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT – GROWTH THROUGH INCLUSION I. Human Capital Development II. Social Inclusion III. Economic Inclusion IV. Housing and Spatial Development V. Safety and Security CHAPTER 5: 66 WAY FORWARD Strategies for the Next 5 Years APPENDIX 72 Acronyms & Abbreviations
  • 12. 11 ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - 5 Year Progress Report
  • 13. Chapter 1: ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - CONTINUATION OF A HISTORY AND tRADITION of progress Iskandar Malaysia is situated in south Johor, which has a centuries-old tradition of being at the forefront of social, economic and political developments in Peninsular Malaysia and the region. Through its strategic location, abundant resources, strong leaders and progressive communities, the great strides made by Johor throughout history have generated waves of impact and influence on its surroundings. A prime example is the Johorean influence in language: before the standard use of Bahasa Baku, it was Johor Malay that was the lingua franca both in British Malaya and the Dutch East Indies, and it was Johor Malay that would become the national language of independent Malaya. In this context, Iskandar Malaysia is the continuation of the open and outward-looking spirit that has characterised centuries of Johor’s history. It is the extension of the innovation and imagination that moved celebrated sons of Johor the likes of Temenggong Ibrahim, Sultan Abu Bakar, Dato’ Abdul Rahman Yassin, Dato’ Onn and Tun Dr Ismail to undertake great and ambitious tasks for the public good with practicality, wisdom and principle. It is the enterprise of Wong Ah Fook and the Kuoks, the hard work and the commitment of the Alsagoffs and other Hadhrami families, and it is the courage and conviction of the Puthuchearys. Above all, it is the evolution of the deep and binding friendship of once-different peoples from many lands and of many faiths. It is this tradition of leadership and dynamism has put Johor at the forefront in the past, and provides the seeds of great potential for its success in the future. Knowingly or not, the leaders of Johor in its early history were building the foundations of a state based on the modern economic principle of generating GDP by employing the productive use of labour and capital. Through being open and welcoming of external talent and investment, armed with foresight and vision, and boldly exploiting Johor’s comparative advantages, they put into practice a formula for economic growth and prosperity that remains valid to this day. The legacy of Johor’s political, social and economic leadership provides both a challenge and an opportunity for the people of Johor to continue this tradition and realise the potential that is Iskandar Malaysia. ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report 12
  • 14. Johor: At the Forefront of Change It is often said in Peninsular Malaysia that the people of Johor are “a little different”: highly refined, educated and The Golden Chersonese fiercely independent. When thinking of the early Johor is, after all, the birthplace of the post-war Malay trading kingdoms of the Malay nationalism that would lead quickly to the independence world, the Srivijaya Empire with of Malaya, and even today it is regarded as the last and its capital at Palembang, or the greatest bastion of that political tradition. At the same later Sultanate of Malacca from time, however, Johor enjoys a liberal and cosmopolitan which the state of Johor is reputation unrivalled either in the peninsula’s long history directly descended, often comes to mind. And yet, early or in the glittering landscape of modern Malaysia. Western maps such as the Geographia attributed to It was a Johorean, Dato’ Onn Ja’afar, who founded the Claudius Ptolemy, suggests United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), and it was something quite different. Compiled under various hands in the also he who first demanded that the party open its doors to first millennium of the Common Era, it is in this work that the all Malayans regardless of creed or colour. It was another Chersonesus Aurea or Golden Chersonese – “Chersonese” Johorean, Tun Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman, who would agitate meaning “Peninsula” – is first mentioned (Wheatley, P., The in favour of citizenship for all those resident in Malaya to Golden Khersonese, University of Malaya Press, Kuala Lumpur, make them loyal citizens of the new independent nation. 2010). The name has long been considered to show how important the Peninsula’s gold trade had been to the West, and Such sentiments did not emerge overnight nor were they especially to the Roman Empire. peculiar to a handful of individuals who existed in isolation There are some recognisable names: on the northwest of the or happened by accident to be Johorean. Indeed it is Golden Chersonese the compilers of the Geographia identified possible—even likely—that the historical inhabitants of a city called Cocconagora, which might correspond to the lost Johor have had as much close contact with other peoples kingdom of Gangga Negara (what is now thought to be Beruas and cultures as anyone in the Peninsula. and Manjung in Perak), while further north is the town of Kalonka on what might be the lower Pahang River today. A jewel in the south To the south, however, there is a major river, the Palandas, that ran north through the peninsula from what is today the Tebrau In the Sejarah Melayu (the Malay Annals) of 1612, Tun Sri Strait. On the banks of this river, just inland from the sea, was Lanang tells of the land of Gangga Ayu and its great fort a city of the same name, and nearby was the market town of of black stone on the banks of the Johor River. Ruled by a Sabanda. These names and cities are lost to us, but nonetheless certain Raja Chulan, Gangga Ayu was thought by Tun Sri scholars believe that Palandas is the Johor River and that the Lanang to have been the Malay equivalent of an ancient city of Palandas was established on the site of what is now Kota Tinggi. The market of Sabanda might well have been a trading Siamese expression (khlang khiaw) signifying “the Treasury post on the island of Singapore—its specific designation as an of Jewels”. This is borne out by the old Javanese name for emporium on the map implied that it was operated by non- Johor—Galuh—which in literary Javanese today still means Roman authorities who charged non-Roman levies. “diamond” or “jewel”. Also, contemporary Arabs referred to Gangga Ayu as Jauhar (Arabic for “jewel”), and it is entirely Scholars generally accept that the cartographers of the possible that Jauhar gives us the modern name “Johor”. Geographia marked only the waterways that featured prominently in trade—in this case, the gold trade—and if the Many historians believe that the Arab community, Golden Chersonese was indeed the Malay Peninsula, then the originally merchants and teachers from Hadhramaut in ancient peoples of Johor and Rome (whether the Western Empire, Yemen, began to settle in Johor in the 14th century. It which fell by the end of the fifth century CE, or the Eastern was through this community that the Johorean artistic Byzantine Empire, which fell in 1453) were almost certainly known to each other. traditions of the zapin and hamdolok, as well as the use of the gambus in music, first took root. There are still Arabic place-names in Johor Baru today, such as Wadi Hana and Wadi Hassan, and there is also a strong Hadhrami 13 ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report
  • 15. ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - CONTINUATION OF A HISTORY AND TRADITION OF PROGRESS CHAPTER 1 community in Batu Pahat. was given written authority to establish and supervise the Early Recognition The Javanese, meanwhile, plantation and to collect taxes for the state. In this way influenced the development the system promoted both infrastructural development Johor was known to the of kuda kepang, as well as and trade as more and more Chinese workers established Chinese at least as early Johorean cuisine in delicacies tax-exempt shops and services for the residents of the new as the middle of the Tang such as nasi ambeng, lontong, settlements. Temenggong Ibrahim first put the kangchu dynasty (around the ninth and ungkep. system in place at the settlement of Kangkar Tebrau century CE), and there are in 1844, and by the 1860s there would be some 1,200 map references to a kingdom By far the most obvious kangchu plantations employing 15,000 workers. the Chinese knew as Lo-Yue, corresponding to the location example of Johor’s outward- of Palandas in Ptolemy’s looking spirit can be seen in Moving forward Geographia. It is in Lo-Yue, the commerce and industry for example, that Prince of the mid-19th century, and In 1855 Temenggong Ibrahim shifted his capital from Takaoka (799CE–865CE), the it has been said by historians Teluk Belanga to what was then the small fishing village of third son of Emperor Heizei that the best examples of Tanjung Puteri, but it was his son Temenggong Abu Bakar (773CE–824CE) of Japan, is Malay co-operation with (the great-great grandfather of the present ruler, Sultan recorded in official Japanese Chinese investors and labour Ibrahim Ismail) who would build on these early foundations annals to have been killed by was undoubtedly in Johor. to make the state of Johor what it is today. a tiger while en route to India. A memorial to Prince Takaoka Welcoming to all It is a testament to the rule stands today in the Japanese cemetery at Jalan Kebun Teh of Sultan Abu Bakar, as he “A Man of Exceptional in Johor Baru, and this and The state’s first Chinese would later become, that at Intelligence” other factors give credence settlers arrived in the early various times the Chinese to the idea that Johor was the 1840s. They were Teochew subjects in his state would Described by the English site of the lost city of Kota from Swatow (now Shantou) outnumber the Malays by as “a man of exceptional Gelanggi. and Chaozhou in China and as much as four to one, and intelligence”, Sultan Abu Bakar they arrived when the young yet—unlike the experience was born on 3 February 1833 Raja Temenggong of Johor, of other Malay states—there in Teluk Belanga, Singapore. The Governor of the Straits Tun Daeng Ibrahim Abdul Rahman (1810–1862), had just were almost no instances Settlements, William been appointed officially to his post. The Temenggong was of friction (although there Butterworth, suggested that a high political office within the Majlis Orang Kaya, and the were cases where different the young boy be sent to Temenggong of Johor, centred in Teluk Belanga, Singapore, Chinese dialect groups England for his education but held as a personal fiefdom what is today effectively the fought each other). Quite the Temenggong Ibrahim replied state of Johor and the island of Singapore. This excluded contrary: it was under the with a firm “no”. Instead, Abu Muar, which was held by its own Temenggong centred in rule of the Father of Modern Bakar would learn Islam and Segamat, while Pahang was held by the Bendahara, Riau by Johor, as Abu Bakar would adat (Malay customary law) the Yam Tuan Muda, and the rest of the Empire of Johor by be known, that the state from private tutors before the Sultan who resided in Linggi (in Negri Sembilan today). leapfrogged economically, being sent to the local mission socially and politically into school, the Teluk Belanga Malay School. The school was run by Sir Stamford Raffles had taken control of Singapore the modern world, and it did the Rev Benjamin Keasberry, for the East India Company in 1819, and what began as so comparatively free from an expert in Malay and whose experimental pepper and gambier plantations had, by colonial interference. Johor staff included Munshi Abdullah the time of Temenggong Ibrahim’s accession, resulted was the only state to maintain Abdul Kadir. in a shortage and exhaustion of land on the island. its complete autonomy even Temenggong Ibrahim persuaded the Chinese to open up as late as the end of the 19th more plantations in the dense jungle along the rivers of century when the British administration sought to promote Johor, and here he devised an innovative system in which a direct control over the Malay states. How Johor achieved senior Chinese, called a kangchu (head of the river), would all this is a testament to the skill and wisdom of Abu Bakar be given charge of a particular river where the plantation and the multiracial officers of his Government. was to be established. With what were effectively a renewable tenancy and a business licence, the kangchu ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report 14
  • 16. Abu Bakar’s vision kangchu system, and it was through this that luminaries such as Muhamad Salleh Perang (1841–1915) helped to Abu Bakar ascended as Temenggong on the death of his transform the state economically. Muhamad Salleh was father on 31 January 1862. He was just 29 years old but fluent in both written Chinese and spoken Teochew, as immediately set about developing the kangchu system well as Chinese traditions, and was so close to the Chinese into a legal contract based on a European model. Under community that he is credited with the establishment the new rules, a contract would be issued to individual of Batu Pahat and its development as a trading and merchants living in Singapore or else to combines (or agricultural centre. He accompanied Abu Bakar to China kongsi) of several merchants who could raise the capital in 1880 and rose to the position of Dato’ Bentara Luar of for developing their plantations and the necessary the royal court, and there were often times when the Court infrastructure. The kangchu himself became a site of Johor had more Chinese-speakers than the Colonial supervisor reporting to the concessionaire or kongsi, and Government in Singapore. the Chinese community as a whole were represented by a Kapitan Cina, of which there would eventually be three Abu Bakar also struck a close friendship with a young in Johor. contractor called Wong Ah Fook, who left his home in Taishan County, Guangdong, as a result of the clan wars The leading concessionaire and Kapitan at the time was of the time. As a young builder in Singapore he earned the Tan Hiok Nee (1827–1902), a Teochew. In his early years notice of Hoo Ah Kay (better known as Whampoa, the as a cloth peddler, he was a frequent visitor to Abu Bakar’s Anglicisation of Huangpu, the district in Guangzhou where house and became his friend. Tan grew to be a prominent he was born) who was a prominent merchant—the only cloth merchant with businesses in Johor by the time he Asian chandler to the Royal Navy—and Consul of Russia, received his first kangchu contract in 1853, and eventually China and Japan in Singapore. As a result of Whampoa’s he rose to become the leader of the Ghee Hin (or Ngee patronage, Wong received his first major commission in Heng) Kongsi around 1964. Tan grew to become one of the 1863 building godowns for the firm Paterson & Simons wealthiest and most influential Chinese in Johor with the on behalf of the Johor Government. Abu Bakar was so largest number (nine) of kangchu concessions and a post of impressed with the work that he commissioned Wong to Kapitan created especially for him. This post in Johor was build the new palace, the Istana Besar, at Tanjung Puteri a civil service appointment assisted by a treasurer, a chief (which would soon be renamed Johor Baru). With Abu clerk, and a chief inspector. Under Abu Bakar’s leadership Bakar’s trust, Wong rose to become the main Government and through combined effort, the people of Johor, both contractor and he completed at least 20 major public old and new, grew the 1,200 plantations and 15,000 works projects, including the splendid state mosque (now workers of the 1860s to some 100,000 Chinese working on the Sultan Abu Bakar Mosque) as well as other landmark plantations that together accounted for the largest supply buildings that have since come under heritage protection. of pepper and gambier in the world by 1911. Abu Bakar was careful to cultivate friendships with other Abu Bakar also created a local civil service staffed by communities as well, the most notable of which was prominent Malay meritocrats, which would set the the influential Hadhrami community. Syed Mohammed foundation for Johor’s domination of Independence politics Alsagoff (1836–1906) was a key member of this group. later, and it was through this system that the families of The grandson of the patriarch Syed Abdul Rahman, who Onn Ja’afar, Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman and others would came out to Singapore as a spice trader in 1824, Syed rise to prominence. However, Abu Bakar remained acutely Mohammed was a wealthy member of the colonial upper aware of the importance of the Chinese community in the class, a great philanthropist, and Consul-General for Turkey development of his state, and so he included two Chinese in Singapore. The trust Abu Bakar placed in him brought in his 24-member Council of State, one of whom was his him land concessions in Nong Chik, Johor Baru, and some trusted official Tan Hiok Nee. 14 square miles at Kukup where on his newly established Constantinople Estate Syed Mohammed would cultivate Forging collaborations rubber, sago, pepper and more, as well as print his own banknotes which uniquely featured lettering in Jawi, Abu Bakar also encouraged the involvement of many Chinese and English. Malays in partnership with the Chinese in developing the 15 ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report
  • 17. ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - CONTINUATION OF A HISTORY AND TRADITION OF PROGRESS CHAPTER 1 Syed Mohammed was not the only member of the Arab his greatest contribution, however, was the state’s 1895 community to help develop Johor. For example, Syed Constitution—the first in Malaya—which established Abdullah Umar, Syed Junid Umar and Syed Abu Bakar of a constitutional monarchy. This development was the al-Junids, together with Syed Salim Mohsain al-Attas particularly noteworthy in that it bucked the trend of the were licensed and provided tax incentives to mine tin in other Malay states, which went deeper into Muslim and Ayer Puteh. There is also record of an al-Tawi being granted customary law in response to increasing British influence. a kangchu concession to open up plantation land in Skudai Indeed the Constitution would prove so successful that Ulu, and an al-Khatib likewise in Tebrau. While the 1911 it would later serve as the model for the other states Census placed the Arab community in Johor at a small of Malaya—but even here Johor remained different: the Undang-Undang Tubuh Negeri Johor (literally, Laws Embodying the State of Johor), unlike the conventional The Maharaja of Johor term “Perlembagaan”, showed Johorean nationhood to be legitimate only under the operation of law. Drafted by As Sultan Abu Bakar registered success Dato’ Amar diRaja Abdul Rahman Andak at the command after success, his political influence grew of the Sultan, the Constitution also declared that no not only within the colonial community subject of Johor should be bound to any Sultan who ceded but throughout the world. In the course of the integrity of the state to a foreign power. This implied his reign he became a close personal friend of Queen Victoria and leading English a contractual duty that was to become a major point of nobles, and elsewhere he was very contention during the Malayan Union protests after the welcome in the courts of Emperor Meiji of end of the Second World War. Japan, Emperor Franz Josef of Austria, Pope Leo XIII, Sultan Abdulaziz of Turkey, King Kalakaua of Hawaii, and The people of Johor argued that entering the Union most of all Guangxu the Emperor of China, who was strongly would, according to the Constitution, endanger the impressed by Abu Bakar’s support for the Chinese of Johor. sovereignty of the state. It would be leading Johoreans This aroused the professional jealousy of the Sir Frederick Weld, such as Dato’ Abdul Rahman Yassin (the father of Dr the Governor of the Straits Settlements, and Weld sought Ismail), Dato’ Sulaiman Abdul Rahman (Dr Ismail’s hard to bring Johor into the colonial fold by imposing on her a brother), Dr Awang Hassan (later Tun and Governor British Resident who would be in complete control of the state’s of Penang), and Dato’ Onn Ja’afar who would organise administration. Abu Bakar resisted this move through skilful manoeuvring: proclaimed Maharaja of Johor in 1868, he was now the first resistance to the Malayan Union. And it (in 1885) recognised as Sultan of all Johor by Queen Victoria. This would also be in Johor Baru—at the Istana Besar of masterstroke gave him considerable moral authority and allowed Sultan Ibrahim (the son of Sultan Abu Bakar)—that him to maintain the state’s sovereignty and independence from UMNO would come into being on 11–12 May 1946. Britain. It is noteworthy that Johor, the Malay kingdom closest to the seat of British colonial power in the region, managed to resist Open to all incorporation into British Malaya until 1914, and it was the last state to do so. And yet these leaders were not motivated merely by narrow considerations of nationalism. The young Dr Ismail 699 people, they more than made up for that in industry, wrote at the time that “Johor, I suppose, is still under enterprise, hard work and success. Several families, such Military Occupation. When the Civil Administration takes as the Alsagoffs, al-Attas’ and Alaydrus’, would over time its place again, the old order must go. People, irrespective become connected to the royal family by marriage, and of nationality and colour must be judged according to their many, such as Datuk Sheikh Abdullah Ahmad Bakhbereh own ability and only then can peace be assured.” (popularly known as Datuk Shake), would make strong marks Malaysian on culture and society later in history. Dr Ismail’s family possess the values and outlook typical of Johoreans. The best friend of his father, Dato’ Abdul Driven by innovation Rahman, was the Chinese medical doctor Cheah Tiang Eam, and it would be through Cheah’s daughters Eileen and As Sultan, Abu Bakar quickly instituted several innovations Joyce that Dr Ismail would in turn meet his best friends such as postal and judicial systems as well as the Royal Philip and Robert Kuok (who married the two sisters). Johor Military Force (or Timbalan Setia Negeri). Perhaps The Abdul Rahmans, Cheahs and Kuoks were in turn close ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report 16
  • 18. friends with the Puthuchearys (two of whom, James and Continuing the tradition Dato’ Dominic, were founders of the People’s Action Party), as well as Dato’ Onn. It was Onn, for example, Therefore, it can be argued that Iskandar Malaysia is a who tipped off the third Kuok brother, William, that the continuation of Johor’s history of being at the forefront British authorities were after him, and it would be James of change. Nearly half a century after Merdeka, it Puthucheary who would bring the sad news of his death represents a significant thread to be added to Johor’s rich back to the Kuok family. socioeconomic tapestry, tapping into the state’s heritage of openness as well as leveraging on South Johor’s strategic Philip Kuok (later Tan Sri) would serve as the Malaysian location at the southernmost tip of continental Asia. Ambassador in Germany, the former Yugoslavia, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Denmark. Tan Clearly, it is well-positioned to take advantage of global Sri Robert Kuok—long before he became the “Sugar developments since the new millennium. The world has King”—would serve his nation in many capacities, come full circle over the past millennia. From 10th to the helping to establish the Malaysian International the 15th century AD, China was the economic powerhouse Shipping Corporation and Malaysian Airlines, amongst of the world until its position was usurped by the Western other things. The two brothers built a massive world due to the isolationist policies pursued during the worldwide business conglomerate and both would Qing Dynasty. Today, China, along with India – the two remain deeply committed to a multiracial Malaysia. countries with more than one billion in population and a history of great empires behind them – are reclaiming At the forefront of change their global economic and political leadership. At the same time, the West is imploding in the aftermath of Regardless of their accomplishments, these individuals the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. are but threads in the great tapestry that is the social and cultural milieu of Johor. The state has produced The centre of economic gravity is shifting inexorably generations of Malayan and Malaysian leaders in politics, to the East, along with the formation of a ‘New Silk government, commerce, society, sports, academia and the Road’ stretching from the Philippines to Africa. The arts, and they have been able to do so because of a breadth New Silk Road is based on maritime, rather than the of vision formed over centuries of embracing difference overland routes of old, and Johor (through Iskandar for the common good. Throughout history, and even in Malaysia) with its maritime trading history, has the the “pre-history” of the Malay Peninsula, Johor has been potential to be a significant part of this new route. a gateway to international trade and cultural exchange. Regionally, Iskandar Malaysia is at the centre of Southeast Whether it was known as Palandas, Gangga Ayu, Lo-Yue, Asia, located in between the Malacca Straits and the Galuh or Jauhar, the state has been at the forefront of the South China Sea, with links to the Indian Ocean. Peninsula’s social, political and economic development. It is this unique perspective that continues to enrich Johor’s Indeed, Iskandar Malaysia possesses strategic positioning strong traditions of openness and understanding. and economic potential. Johor has strong economic and historical links with neighbouring Singapore, and this Sultan Abu Bakar and those like him could not have can be seen in the 50,000 commuters who travel from existed in isolation, and even if they did the measures they Johor Bahru to Singapore daily for work and education. introduced—revolutionary at the time—could not have Together, Iskandar Malaysia and Singapore form a taken root in unfertile soil. In more modern times, the birth conurbation of six million people, three maritime ports, of Malay nationalism was already tempered by Johorean two airports as well as overland links to the rest of Asia. maturity when it spread to the rest of the country, and it is this Johorean maturity and welcoming of difference that With these key advantages, Iskandar Malaysia has gave momentum to the multiracialism that has formed the opportunity to re-establish Johor’s economic and the bedrock of all Malaysian politics even to this day. In historical leadership within the region, by keeping to the Iskandar Malaysia today, as in Johor throughout the ages, it traditions of openness and pragmatism and leveraging is the diversity of the many that gives strength to all. on existing strengths as well as develop complementary advantages with Singapore and the rest of the region. 17 ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report
  • 19. ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - CONTINUATION OF A HISTORY AND TRADITION OF PROGRESS CHAPTER 1 THE ISKANDAR MALAYSIA PREMISE Iskandar Malaysia, with an area of 2,217 square-kilometers, These foundations for development are: is three times the size of Singapore and is the single largest development project ever to be undertaken in the region. 1. Nation Building As envisaged by the Comprehensive Development Plan Development is consistent in spirit with national and (CDP) launched in 2006, Iskandar Malaysia will be a place state level plans and aspirations while aspiring to drive where living, entertainment and business would seamlessly further innovation and reforms in the nation building converge in a vibrant and sustainable metropolis of process. international standing. A great deal of careful planning has also gone into ensuring that the development would 2. Growth and value creation be sustainable, taking into consideration the direct and indirect needs of its respective stakeholders. Development emphasises growth, productivity and value creation in line with globalisation and increased As part of the Indonesia-Malaysia-Singapore Growth competition. Triangle, Iskandar Malaysia’s strategic location and proximity to some of the world’s most dynamic economies 3. Equitable and fair distribution among is a key differentiating factor for the development. Located stakeholders at the cross-roads of the important East-West trade routes, it is mid-way between the region’s two economic Development is consistent with the tenets of growth power-houses, China and India, and is easily accessed by with equity, to ensure that the local and Bumiputera air, land and sea. Other advantages include a multi-lingual population in particular participate in the growth and and educated work-force and a vast land-bank. It is also value creation in a meaningful manner. positioned as an international metropolis to decrease trade barriers and increase human mobility. The five pillars in the strategic framework for Iskandar Malaysia is a broad-based approach that encompasses Since its official launch in November 2006, the vision the regulatory, social, physical, infrastructure and of Iskandar Malaysia has gone off the drawing board commercialisation areas. and is rapidly being transformed into a next generation metropolis. With Phase 1 (2006-2010) completed, a 1. International Rim Positioning critical mass has been established with the timely delivery of major infrastructure and several iconic investment The development of a regionally and globally- projects. Iskandar Malaysia has now progressed into Phase competitive Iskandar Malaysia propelled by efficiency 2 of the Comprehensive Development Plan. and innovation besides being factor and investment- driven. Consistent with the Iskandar Malaysia vision of becoming “A Strong, Sustainable Metropolis of International 2. Establishing hard and soft infrastructure Standing”, the development of the region is being enablers undertaken upon five strategic pillars anchored in three foundations, as identified by the CDP. The required infrastructure includes physical infrastructures such as roads, airport and ports, and public utilities, as well as security, river cleaning and proper sewerage. In addition, soft infrastructure such as fiscal and financial incentives, human capital, efficient and business friendly institutions are necessary. ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report 18
  • 20. 3. Investment in catalyst projects CHART 1.1: Catalytic projects to help spur further economic TRAVEL TIMES BETWEEN Iskandar Malaysia activities in the region. This encompasses projects AND REGIONS in logistic services, financial services, health and education services, agricultural, manufacturing, leisure and tourism, creative services and emerging technologies. 4. Establishing a strong institutional framework and the creation of a strong regulatory authority The creation of an Authority to plan, facilitate approvals through a one-stop centre and address social development. The Authority is also tasked to ensure that approval times and government delivery systems especially in respect to investments are to be significantly improved in order to be internationally competitive. Over a 20-year period until 2025, the region is expected to 5. Ensuring socio-economic equity and buy- record Gross Domestic Product growth of 8% per annum, in from the local population resulting in nominal GDP of USD93.3 billion in 2025 and GDP per capita of USD31,100. A total of 1.43 million jobs The people in Iskandar Malaysia fully benefits from will be created for a population that is expected to reach the region’s development, through property and three million in 2025. The rest of Johor will also benefit equity ownership, local and Bumiputera participation with significant spillover effects. in various business and economic activities, income generation programmes for the youth and abundant The successful development of Iskandar Malaysia will employment opportunities generated from the enable the people within the region and its surroundings development within the region. to enjoy a better quality of life, with environmental preservation, learning and knowledge, social cohesion, Via a development approach that is consistent with better income and wealth distribution, and greater the five strategic pillars and grounded upon the opportunities for future generations to advance through three foundations, it is envisaged under the CDP that better education, healthcare, employment and Iskandar Malaysia will make a significant impact on business potential. several key economic fronts. 19 ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report
  • 21.
  • 22. 21 ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - 5 Year Progress Report
  • 23. CHAPTER 2: FIVE YEARS OF ISKANDAR MALAYSIA – HIGHLIGHTS AND MILESTONES Iskandar Malaysia has been identified as one of the key catalysts and high-impact developments under the Ninth and Tenth Malaysia Plans. The CDP provides a framework for the comprehensive development of Iskandar Malaysia in a holistic and sustainable fashion, placing emphasis on creating a healthy investment climate that is attractive to local and foreign investors. To achieve these aspirations, Iskandar Malaysia would need to generate sufficient momentum by sustaining a GDP growth of 8.0% annually up to the year 2025. A total investment of RM383 billion (USD115.7 billion) would be required over the 20-year period. The target of RM47 billion for first phase has already been achieved, with total committed domestic and foreign investments amounting to more than RM70 billion. Since its launch in 2006, Iskandar Malaysia has progressed rapidly, with several key developments completed and many more nearing completion. Progress is being achieved across multiple sectors including education, healthcare, leisure and tourism, property, creative and retail. In addition, critical enablers such as physical infrastructure, safety and security, public housing, and social development initiatives are also moving forward. The growth over the past five years has put Iskandar Malaysia on a strong footing in its second phase of development (2011 to 2015), with 2012 seen as a banner year with more catalyst projects coming on stream. While much has been achieved, more will need to be done to drive Iskandar Malaysia forward. ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report 22
  • 24. the following is a timeline of highlights and milestones over the five years since Iskandar Malaysia’s inception in 2006. Iskandar Regional New Iskandar Malaysia brand is launched Development Authority by the Prime Minister of Malaysia (IRDA) is established via an Iskandar Malaysia (then known as the South Act of Parliament, New road infrastructure projects Johor Economic Region) is officially launched IRDA ACt 2007 for Iskandar Malaysia worth a total by His Royal Highness the Sultan of Johor of RM3 billion is announced by the IRDA holds inaugural meeting, Menteri Besar of Johor co-chaired by the Prime Minister of Comprehensive Malaysia and the Menteri Besar of An allocation of RM200 million Development Plan for Johor to implement public housing in Iskandar Malaysia is Iskandar Malaysia is announced by released the Prime Minister of Malaysia the Malaysian Six Iskandar Malaysia Iskandar government announces development blueprints out of Investment a range of financial the 32 planned are completed Berhad, incentives, including the catalytic developer tax exemptions, for Medini Iskandar Malaysia for Iskandar Malaysia, is companies that invest in is launched incorporated specific sectors in Iskandar Malaysia 2006 2007 2008 Phase 1 of SiLC in Nusajaya is launched Agreement to develop Newcastle University campus is signed Agreement to develop LEgoLAND Malaysia is signed Construction of Coastal Highway commences Work on Perumahan Rakyat Iskandar Malaysia (PRISMA) public housing project begins Iskandar Malaysia records RM16 billion in committed investments; cumulatively, more than RM41 billion in investments have been committed since its launch 23 ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-YEAR PRogRESS REPoRt
  • 25. FIVE YEARS OF ISKANDAR MALAYSIA – HIGHLIGHTS AND MILESTONES CHAPTER 2 Agreement for University of Southampton campus is signed Kota Iskandar, the new Johor State EduCity stadium Five Iskandar Malaysia development administrative centre, and sports complex blueprints are completed. In total 21 is officially opened construction begins out of the 32 blueprints planned have been completed Agreement to develop Agreement for Pinewood Iskandar Netherlands Maritime Newcastle University Malaysia Studios is Institute of Technology is campus is launched signed signed Johor Premium Agreement for Marlborough Agreement for Outlets is College Malaysia is signed Gleaneagles launched Medini Hospital Agreement to develop is signed PRISMA, the benchmark- Puteri Harbour Family setting public housing Indoor Theme park is Columbia Asia Hospital project in Iskandar signed commences operations Malaysia, is launched 2009 2010 2011 Agreement to develop 12 Community Police Johor Premium Outlets Posts established signed Agreement for Raffles University Iskandar is Bas Iskandar signed Malaysia service is launched 11 drainage projects and 5 river- cleaning projects completed 10 Iskandar Malaysia development blueprints are completed. In total Iskandar Malaysia records RM13.92 16 out of the 32 blueprints planned billion in committed investments; have been completed cumulatively, more than RM69 billion in investments have been committed Iskandar Malaysia records RM13.81 billion since its launch in committed investments; cumulatively, more than RM55 billion in investments Khazanah Nasional and Temasek Holdings have been committed since its launch announce a joint-venture to develop an iconic wellness township project ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report 24
  • 26. 25 ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - 5 Year Progress Report
  • 27. Chapter 3: THE FLAGSHIP ZONES A PROGRESS UPDATE The Iskandar Malaysia region is located in south N JOHOR Johor and covers Johor Bahru District as well as W E several Mukims – Jeram Batu, Sungai Karang, S Serkat – and Pulau Kukup in Mukim Ayer Masin, that are all within the district of Pontian. It comprises five component areas designated as Flagship Zones A to E, with Johor Bahru, the state capital of Johor, located in Flagship Zone A. The Flagship Zones were formed based on their roles as developmental focal points, with emphasis on further strengthening existing economic clusters as well as diversifying and Key landmarks and developments within each flagship zone are as follows: FLAGSHIP A FLAGSHIP B FLAGSHIP C developing targeted growth sectors. Iskandar JOHOR BAHRU CITY CENTRE NUSAJAYA WESTERN GATE DEVELOPMENT Malaysia’s nine key economic clusters are • Central Business District • Danga Bay Integrated • • Kota Iskandar Puteri Harbour • • Port of Tanjung Pelepas Tanjung Bin Power Plant financial advisory and consulting, creative Waterfront City • Medini • Malaysia - Singapore Second Link • Upgrading of Central Business District • EduCity • RAMSAR World Heritage • Tebrau-Plentong Mixed Development • Southern Industrial Logistic • Tanjung Piai - Southernmost Tip industries, logistics, leisure and tourism, • Customs, Immigration and Quarantine Complex (CIQ) • Johor-Singapore Causeway Clusters (SiLC) • Afiat Health Park • International Destination Resort of Mainland Asia • Free Trade Zone education, healthcare, electrical and electronics, • Lido Boulevard • Conservation and Heritage Zones • Housing and Residential Projects petrochemical and oleo-chemical, and food and FLAGSHIP D FLAGSHIP E agro processing. EASTERN GATE DEVELOPMENT SENAI DAI • Tanjung Langsat Industrial Complex • Senai International Aiport • Tanjung Langsat Port • Senai Cargo Hub Collectively, developments in the Flagship • Johor Port • Senai High-Tech Park • Pasir Gudang Industrial Park • Sedenak Industrial Park • APTEC (Lakehill Resort City) • MSC Cyberport City Zones provide a testimony to the progress • • Johor Technology Park Johor Premium Outlets® that has been achieved in Iskandar Malaysia since its inception. The cumulative investments that have been committed to various projects in the Flagship Zones have ensured that Iskandar Malaysia has exceeded the investment target set for the first phase of its development. In addition, several key catalyst projects have been completed or are nearing completion, while positive progress has been made on the delivery of critical enablers such as roads and safety. Important institutional frameworks are in place and most significantly, the strengthening of bilateral relations between Malaysia and Singapore puts Iskandar Malaysia in prime position to leverage on its proximity and socioeconomic links with its southern neighbour. ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report 26
  • 28. Source: CDP 2005 RM OVERVIEW OF PROGRESS 10,000 9,716 Billions 80 TOTAL: 27,299 69.5 9,000 Rising investments Of 70 total committed investments for the first phase, the 8,000 59% were domestic investment while foreign direct 60 55.6 Malaysia total of over RM75 billion in investments from both A Economy 7,000 investment (FDI) contributed to the remaining 41%, 50 26.7 domestic and foreign sources have been committed to 6,094 making for a healthy mix of sources 41.8 of funds. The 23.7 5,910 40 Iskandar Malaysia up to the first half of 2011. For the 6,000 contribution of domestic investments into Iskandar 14.5 region’s first phase of development, which ran from 2006 ICT & Malaysia has shown25.8 30 a steady rise from 2008, when 21.7 5,000 Health Educational Financial 9.1 Tourism to 2010, cumulative services services committed investments of Creative services about it made up 45% or RM18.9 billion of the cumulative 20 RM69.5 billion were secured. This was approximately industries 11.3 11.9 then, to 54% or RM30.1 billion5.1 2009 when it 21.8 in 4,000 1.0 16.5 3,257 148% above target of RM47 billion that had been set for 10 8.2 surpassed total cumulative foreign direct investments. 5.5 7.1 3,000 5.8 5.8 6.8 6.3 6.3 that period. It is a commendable achievement given that 0 the global economy underwent severe financial distress in 2,000 CHART2006 3.2: Breakdown2008Cumulative (Dec) 2007 of 2009 2010 2008 and 2009. During those two years, Iskandar Malaysia 967 Investments by Domestic andOthers Government Utilities, Tourism and Foreign ) secured investment commitments to be added) 1,000 (Four new “Pillars” of RM16 billion and 129 124 600 468 Sources 2008-2010, Year-On-Year Properties Manufacturing Committed investment 34 RM13.8 billion respectively. 0 RM ica - o & Fo uris & ro rs ion l e tic are em ro cia tiv Fin l Le nic od m he Billions Ag ctr al To re gis ch Pet at hc an ea Electric Ot isu CHART 3.1: Cumulative Investments 2006-2010, 80 uc & Lo alt Cr & Ed Ele He eo Year-On-Year 70 Foreign Ol 60 Local RM 28.8 Billions (41%) 80 50 25.5 69.5 40 (46%) 70 30 22.8 60 55.6 (55%) 26.7 20 50 30.1 40.7 41.8 18.9 (54%) (59%) 23.7 10 40 (45%) 14.5 0 30 25.8 21.7 2008 2009 2010 (Dec) 9.1 20 11.9 21.8 Source: IRDA, Khazanah, IIB, MIDA & corporate annoucement 11.3 5.1 7 1.0 16.5 10 5.5 7.1 8.2 5.8 5.8 6.8 6.3 6.3 0 About RM30 billion of the RM75 billion in committed 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 (Dec) investments have been actualised. This has seen a number Government Utilities, Tourism and Others of important developments getting off the ground, with Properties Manufacturing Committed investment several completed or approaching completion, across RM Source: IRDA, Khazanah, IIB, MIDA & corporate annoucement the Flagship Zones. They include catalyst projects in Billions the education and leisure and tourism sectors, key 80 infrastructure such as upgrading works on existing roads 70 Foreign Committed investments during the first phase went and new highways, and other projects in sectors such as 60 Local into various sectors including manufacturing, property healthcare. 28.8 development, utilities, leisure and tourism, as (41%) as 50 well government spending. The Federal Government has 25.5 Boost in employment 40 (46%) to December 2010, allocated a total of RM6.3 billion up 30 22.8 specifically for key infrastructure projects in Iskandar (55%) The rising investments in Iskandar Malaysia have Malaysia. For the same period, the bulk of committed 20 40.7 correspondingly generated increased economic activity 30.1 investments from the private (54%) have been in the 10 18.9 sector (59%) and hence, demand for workers. More than 20,000 manufacturing sector which drew in 38.7% and property (45%) employment opportunities have been created over the 0 development 2008 accounted for 31.4%. 2010 (Dec) which past five years in Iskandar Malaysia’s targeted economic 2009 sectors. Nearly 10,000 jobs are in the electrical and 27 ISKANDAR MALAYSIA - FIVE-Year Progress Report