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Fishing Grounds of the Gulf 1 03
West-North west Rips and the Flat Ground. These lay WNW from Briers Tropical island, stretching
offshore about 18 miles. Around the eastern finish of this region, two parallel shoals, about 1?
kilometers across and having 50-fathom depths between the two, rise from your 100-fathom depths
of water over the muddy ground around them to achieve 15 fathoms on the landward end from the
rips, deepening to 35 fathoms off of the traditional western component, where the two ridges come
together at about 9 kilometers distance from Briers Tropical island, to carry on to the westward on
the Flat Floor, which extends to a range of about 18 kilometers from your island.
This Level Ground, deepening gradually westward, averages to have 50 fathoms water spanning a
level, gravelly, and rocky base, to pitch down suddenly, as do all other slopes of this bit of ground,
towards the 100-fathom level, which prevails on every side of The Rips. Currents are very powerful
here, as somewhere else during these waters, so that trawls are set only around the slack of the
tides, beginning about 1 hour prior to and staying lower until about 1 hour right after these periods.
Formerly this was a great floor for your taking of big herring. In these times The Rips provide great
haddock and cod minn kota edge for the entire year, with hake abundant at all times on the dirt
about them. In fact; virtually all the floor out of this point southern towards the Lurcher Shoal
furnishes good minn kota edge for such varieties.
Boars Brain Floor (also known as Internal Ground). This parallels the coastline about 4 miles N. by
NW from the Head, at Petit Passageway, into Saint. Marys Bay. This ground is all about 4 miles long
by 3 miles broad, getting depths from 55 to 65 fathoms spanning a difficult base of broken floor. Cod
are most several here from Apr to July, comprehensive; haddock from July to Sept, inclusive. Hake
are found within summer time and earlier fall, primarily on the muddy floor among this as well as
the following minn kota edge floor--the Outer Floor.
Outer Ground. This really is about 3 kilometers long by 2 kilometers broad, is situated about 9 miles
right out of the primary on the very same bearing because the Inner Ground, and is visited by the
exact same varieties, their periods of large quantity upon this bit of bottom being exactly like on the
former ground. Virtually all taking of ground fish on these grounds is done by hand-lining, though
the practice of trawl fishing has come more and more into use in recent years.
Head and Horns. A shoal of 68 fathoms, about 2 kilometers long in a NNE and SSW path by 1
distance broad, is situated due north from your Boars Brain of Lengthy Tropical island. Listed here is
a hard base where great cod minn kota edge is had during the spring and summer. Hands-lining
from your bottom is carried on in summer time for pollock. Haddock are few right here, these
showing up mainly in the summertime. Depths about the floor typical 80 fathoms more than mud and
Sandy Cove Ground. Lies overseas NNE about 7 kilometers from West Soft sand Cove. It has from 40
to 50 fathoms water spanning a sandy base, lying down parallel with the coastline, about 4
kilometers long by 2 miles broad. Cod are plentiful about this ground from Might to July, hake
arriving relatively later. As were most of the grounds of this vicinity, this ground was mainly a hand-
line spot, but in recent years minn kota edge here has been done mostly by the trawl method.
Internal Sandy Cove Grounds. About 2 miles NNW. from West Sandy Cove. These are 3 kilometers
long NNE. and SSW. by ? mile wide. Both hand-lining and trawling methods of fishing are in use
here, but the trawl is fast displacing the older gear. Depths are about 35 fathoms spanning a sandy
bottom and 50 fathoms all about it. Varieties and their seasons of large quantity are as on the
External Sandy Cove Ground. Almost anywhere between Spencer Cape and Island Split there is
great haddock minn kota edge in June and JulyJuly and cod minn kota edge in May and June. Depths
come from 16 to 40 fathoms: the bottom is normally stony, with substantial regions of pea gravel.
The fishing is done principally by trawling, quite short "sets" being created. Off Cape Divided are
substantial whirlpools, which, with spring tides, are very dangerous. These sometimes run 9 knots
an hour.
Spencer Tropical island. Almost anywhere between Spencer Island and Cape Divided there is good
haddock minn kota edge in July and Junecod and July fishing in May and June. Depths come from 16
to 40 fathoms: the bottom is normally stony, with substantial regions of gravel. The fishing is
performed primarily by trawling, quite short "sets" becoming created. Off Cape Divided are
substantial whirlpools, which, with springtime tides, are extremely hazardous. These sometimes run
9 knots an hour.
Isle au Haute. Is situated far up within the bay 9 miles W. ? S. from Cape Chignecto. All about this
island are great summer time haddock reasons with reasonable cod fishing. The latter are taken by
trawling primarily. Depths concerning the island are from 9 to 14 fathoms, deepening offshore to 35,
the typical depths being 22 to 27 fathoms. Northern of the tropical island the base is generally
sandy; somewhere else a lot of the ground is difficult or stony, with from time to time a little area of
gravelly ground. To the S. of this ground, toward the Nova Scotia shoreline and to inside 2
kilometers of the coast, the bottom is mainly muddy and of little account being a fishing ground.
Tides are very weighty on all of the internal reasons of the Bay of Fundy.
Quaco Ledges. This ground lies about 10 miles SE, from Quaco Head and is out at reduced tide, the
water about the ledges having depths from 14 to 30 fathoms over a base of stones and gravel, There
exists a heavy tide rip over these ledges when covered, These furnish great pollock minn kota edge
in the summertime weeks, and cod fishing is carried on here manually-coating from Might to July.
Salmon Netting Ground. A salmon-netting floor lies off concerning the Mouth Harbour and St, John
Harbour, in which these fish are netted, in most cases during June and July, when they are en route
to the St, John River, where are their spawning grounds.
Ingalls Shoal. This is actually the title given by some of the fishermen of the locality to a shoal lying
down about midway among Digby, Nova Scotia, and Point Lepreau, New Brunswick. This ground is
all about 9 kilometers lengthy. NE. and SW., by about 5 miles broad. It is situated about 22 miles
NW. from Digby and 18 or 20 miles from Point Lepreau. The depths are from 35 fathoms on the
shoalest area (where is a bit of ground some 4 kilometers lengthy by 1 mile broad near the center of
the bank, lying in a NE. and SW. direction), the bottom sloping away from this on all sides to 47 or
even 55 fathoms in some places. The bottom is mostly of gravel and sand or of little stones more
than a lot of the floor aside from the shoal parts, where it really is primarily difficult. This piece of
fishing ground furnishes great cod fishing inJuly and June, and August, which previously was
maintained manually-lining but now, as elsewhere within the bay, is more and more being a trawl
fishery. Haddock and pollock also are taken within fair quantities.
Mussel Shoal Floor. This can be a mussel-protected base lying down 8 kilometers ESE. from your
Eastern Wolf and 9 kilometers from Stage Lepreau. It runs within an E. and W. direction and is
about 2 miles lengthy by 1 mile wide. Depths come from 40 to 50 fathoms. This is a mussel and
scallop bed, in which large cod are generally in large quantity during winter. Pollock are lots within
June, and hake are right here as well as in the nearby Hake Floor in all of the summer months.
The Wolves. These make a group of small isles lying down N. ? E. from Grand Manan, faraway 8 or
10 miles. On the bottom of rocks and gravel, stretching in regards to a distance from your shores of
those, in depths of from 18 to 34 fathoms, little watercraft and little vessels have a amount of fish by
hand and trawl collection. They are primarily haddock and cod reasons in June and May and pollock
reasons in June and July. It is also a winter season lobster floor for Canadian anglers.
The Wolves Bank. This bank is situated between The Wolves and minn kota endura 40 Lavish Manan,
faraway about 8 miles from Eastern Quoddy Light, SE. ? E. Marks: The Coxcomb showing to the just
and eastward touching around the traditional western side of Eco-friendly Tropical island: deliver
the heads of Lavish Manan to create The Armchair, and White-colored Simpson and Horse Island
into array. This can be a little-boat ground of scarcely more than 6 acres, with depths of 18 to 30
fathoms on the base of rocks and mud. Species and seasons are as on The Wolves. Southeast from
The Wolves from 2 to 20 miles is situated a bit of muddy base in which hake are generally abundant
in summer.
vicinity and Campobello. Fair quantities of haddock and cod are found among Lavish Manan as well
as the American shore in the Northern Station (Lavish Manan Channel) among West Quoddy Head
and Grand Manan in depths of from 40 to 50 fathoms, spanning a base of rocks, mud, and fine sand
inJuly and June, and August or higher to September 15, while hake is the most plentiful varieties
No haddock or cod are on these reasons during winter. Halibut are taken in similar figures in the
Northern Channel inJune and May, and July. Pollock are taken on the traditional western part of
Campobello Tropical island, close to the eastern side of Indian Island, and at the mouth area of the
station among Campobello and Casco Bay Tropical island. In all these locations are strong tidal
eddies. Most are caught by hook and line in a small-boat fishery lasting from June 1 to September 1,
although some fish are taken by seining.
All-around Deer and Campobello Island and on the brand new Brunswick shore so far as Saint. John
are located weirs, which provide large quantities of herring to the production facilities at Eastport
and Lubec.
Passamaquoddy Bay. [11] Depths here are from 10 to 24 fathoms, even 30 fathoms where the St.
Croix River goes by out in to the sea. In general the bottom is muddy, although there are rocky
patches. In most years a school of cod "strikes" here in April, the early corners being mostly of small
size, but the later arrivals may reach30 and 40, or even 60 pounds. Haddock occasionally make their
appearance in the bay as early as May 1, staying via August. This excellent fish is held of little
account by local fishermen, though hake, also, are present from June to September. A substantial
flounder industry is building in these seas, the seafood being consumed in specially created traps in
addition to by the smaller otter trawls.
Passamaquoddy Bay is another springtime netting ground for herring (meals seafood), and
additionally, there are numerous weirs functioning right here each year in whose capture would go
to the production facilities of Eastport and Lubec for canning as sardines. Pollock are very plentiful,
and a lot of minn kota edge on their behalf is maintained from June to October, both by seine and
hand line. At times the pollock completely fill up the numerous herring weirs, till, using their
numbers, there is absolutely no marketplace for them. Pollock are also abundant at the exact same
season and therefore are used by the same techniques within the St. Perhaps they leave the river a
month earlier in the fall, even though croix River.
The Dirt Hake Grounds. These reasons lengthen about N. and S. among Campobello as well as the
Wolves and from about Western Quoddy Head to Lavish Manan. Their duration is all about 15 to 18
kilometers as well as their width 3? kilometers. This can be a summer time ground much used by
Canadian fishermen out of Campobello, Grand Manan, and Beaver Harbor. It is stated to be the
greatest hake reasons within this vicinity. Depths come from 45 to 60 fathoms, and minn kota edge
is done by trawls and hands outlines.
There exists a stretch out of muddy bottom from Point Lepreau and Beaver Harbor to Lavish Manan,
which furnishes great hake minn kota edge. Generally, the bottom on the western side from the Bay
of Fundy is muddy. This fishery is mainly carried on in the winter in small craft from Beaver Harbor
and Campobello, mostly by trawling, but some hand-lining is carried on, though off Beaver Harbor
on a mud bottom with 30 fathoms of water cod are found the year around.
Beaver Harbour. There is a stretch out of dirty bottom from Point Lepreau and Beaver Harbour to
Grand Manan, which furnishes great hake fishing. In general, the base on the traditional western
side of the Bay of Fundy is dirty. Off Beaver Harbor on a mud bottom with 30 fathoms of water cod
are found the year around, although this fishery is mainly carried on in the winter in small craft from
Beaver Harbor and Campobello, mostly by trawling, but some hand-lining is carried on.
Grand Manan Financial institution. This bank is at the entry from the Bay of Fundy, SW. ? S. from
your southwest head of Lavish Manan Tropical island from which the northern area of the financial
institution is 15 miles faraway. From Mount Desert Rock, E. by S., it really is 45 miles faraway. The
financial institution is 10 kilometers lengthy and 5 miles broad, stretching in a NE. and SW.
direction. The bottom is mainly stones and gravel, the depths operating from 24 to 45 fathoms.
Soundings of 21 and 18 fathoms are found on the northeast part.
Cod (particularly abundant when the June college is on the floor) and pollock are the principal
seafood. Haddock usually are not generally plentiful, even though sometimes they may be plentiful
within the drop from late Sept to Dec; hake are relatively abundant around the dirt between Grand
Manan Financial institution as well as the Center Ground (within the Gully). This is a good halibut
bank, the seafood being in 33 to 60 fathoms in June and July; the south west soundings and the
southeast soundings are most productive constantly.
The very best minn kota edge months are from Apr to October, once the fish arrived at this financial
institution to give. In the spring the seafood, other than halibut, are generally around the southwest
component, but later (July to October) the best fishing is had around the north side of the floor. The
top herring minn kota edge for large herring (food fish) occurs on this bank in June and July.
Generally, this is a small-vessel ground fished by art from Cutler, Eastport, Grand Manan, and, to
some much less degree, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, with an periodic check out by craft from Portland and Rockland, chiefly trawlers of moderate size.
Tides operate NE. in SW and flood. on the ebb and therefore are quite powerful, the flood becoming
the heaviest. Because of these powerful currents, fishing is somewhat difficult, it being necessary to
make sets at the slack of the tides, getting the gear over and traveling with the finish of the current,
to take it up and come back with the tide's return.
Clarks Floor. This is situated SSE. from White-colored head 4? kilometers (just within the Bulkhead)
and it has depths from 6 to 14 fathoms spanning a rocky base. Listed here are really weighty rips on
the ebb tide. This is a good summer floor for pollock, cod, and halibut, which is a good herring-
netting ground in the period.
The southern area of Head Reef. The chain of reefs extending S from White-colored Brain Tropical
island is actually all good floor in summer time for cod as well as for pollock, also, once the herring
colleges are on this floor. Currents are very weighty here. The ledges that make up this reef are
pretty much connected. Among these are Brazil Shoal, Tinker, Internal Diamond, External Diamond,
Crawleys and Rans Proprietor (Bad Floor), and the Old Proprietor. While practically all this reef is
pollock ground, Crawleys and Rans maybe provide the best fishing.
Gravelly. Lying about 5 or 6 miles SE. by S. from White Brain, this bit of base has about 25-fathom
depths over a rocky bottom. This is a cod and pollock floor in their period. Whilst an occasional
halibut is used within summer. Heavy tide rips occur right here also.
The Soundings. Mentioned elsewhere as a herring ground, these lie outside the Bulkhead Rips 8 or 9
miles SE. from White-colored Head. You will find 30 or 40 fathoms of water right here over a rock
and roll base, in which pollock and cod are normally found in great deal inJuly and August, and
September, and some halibut in summer time.
Bulkhead Rips, also called The Ripplings. This can be a lengthy rocky buffer increasing sharply from
the strong drinking water about it to depths of from 12 to 20 fathoms. Here are discovered hake,
haddock and cod and pollock in large quantity from June 1 to October 31. Apparently all are feeding
around the small herring, so several in this vicinity at this period. Hardly any haddock are found on
the reasons in the close to community of Lavish Manan during winter. The Ripplings had been
formerly one of the principal fishing grounds of the herring netters but of late many years have been
less effective.
Cards Reef. The depths here are from 28 to 30 fathoms, more than rocks, as well as the floor lies 3
miles S. by E. from the Old Proprietor and 9 miles from White-colored Head. This is a haddock and
cod floor from June to Nov.
Gannet Rock. This is situated east of the Murre Ledges. About it really is great ground in from 40 to
70 fathoms spanning a hard base. Cod are found within great deal from March to Might, and halibut
are taken here from Mar to May, comprehensive.
Southeast Floor and Pea gravel Base. These lay S. of Seal Tropical island, developing a
comprehensive bit of relatively level floor extensive bit of relatively degree ground. The traditional
western component bears a bit E. of S. and the eastern component about ESE. from your tropical
island. It is about 5 or 10 miles in diameter. While this is really but one piece of floor, the eastern
component is known as the Southeast Floor as well as the traditional western part, from your mother
nature of its bottom, the Pea gravel Bottom. The eastern part is muddy and has 40 to 60 fathoms.
The western has 35 to 40 fathoms. This is a great cod floor in winter and spring. Haddock are
present from Nov to March, inclusive; hake in summer. Fishing is done mainly by trawling by sloops
and vessels.
Machias Seal Tropical island. Nineteen kilometers E. by S. from Moosabec Light. This furnishes
great ground within the water about it, in which depths come from 15 to 54 fathoms over a generally
difficult and irregular base. In summer timecod and haddock, and pollock are plentiful right here,
the cod and haddock remaining all winter. The fishery is maintained mostly from the smaller vessels
from Maine plug-ins, principally those from Cutler, having an periodic visit by larger art, usually
from the Portland fleet. This floor will not be much visited during winter. Minn Kota Edge is done by
trawling and hands-coating.
Gannet Rock. This lies east of the Murre Ledges. About it is good ground in from 40 to 70 fathoms
spanning a difficult base. Cod are found here in great deal from Mar to May, and halibut are used
right here from March to May, inclusive.
[Table I--Fishing Reasons from the Bay of Fundy Area of the Gulf of Maine, showing the main species
taken upon them.]
[Footnote 9: It (Fundy) had not been clearly pointed out by Verrazano (1524) neither in the
document of Gomez (1525), who probably saw some thing of their entrance but fog or any other
unfavorable conditions may have prevented him from observing it more accurately, but we find
within the initially aged Spanish language maps, within the latitude where it needs to be, names like
Rio hondo or 'fondo' (an in-depth stream) or Bahia Hondo (a deep bay), or Golfo (a gulf) once, also
'La Bahia de la ensenada', the bay of the deep inlet.
Doctor Kohl, here offered additional says "Around the charts from the 17th and early area of the
eighteenth century, particularly, it is composed Bay of Funda. I believe that this title increased from
and is a revival of, the old Spanish language name 'Bahia fondo'".]
[Footnote 10: It is satisfying to publicize that the winter season of 1925-26 noticed a big run of
herring on this floor, in which for several years previous there has been hardly any fishing with this
[Footnote 11: According to Porter C ". Bliss, a comprehensive student of the Indian native dialects,
Acadie is really a 100 % pure Micmac term which means location. In Nova Scotia and Maine it is
used by the Indians in structure with other words, as with Pestum-Acadie; and in Etchemin,
Pascatum-Acadie, now Passamaquoddy, meaning 'the host to the pollocks'" (Physician Kohl, _Dis. of
Maine_, p. 234)
"This derivation is doubtful. The Micmac wordKady and Quoddy, or Cadie means simply a location or
region and is properly used in conjunction with some other noun; as, for example, Pestum-oquoddy
(Passamaquoddy), the area of pollocks." (Hand and Dawson, in _Canadian Antiquarian and
Numismatic Diary_)
"La Cadie: Alternatively, Arcadie: The term is said to be derived from the Indian native
Aquoddiaukie, or Aquoddie, meant to imply the seafood known as a pollock. The Bay of
Passamaquoddy, 'great pollock water,' if we may accept the same authority, derives its name from
the same origin." (Potter, in _Historical Magazine_, I, 84)]
Internal GROUNDS
Below this going are outlined these reasons of the innermost sequence ofshoals and ledges, and
"fishing spots", patches of difficult and gravelly bottom, the deeper water between them becoming
on the dirty ground, which line the coastline from the Gulf of Maine, making of it a nearly constant
bit of minn kota edge ground. In the Reviews of the United States Bureau of Fisheries, which all of
the data from the catch and worth of the various species quoted in this report are based, these
figures are collected underneath the heading "Shoreline".
The larger and more essential of these reasons are outcroppings along the side of the 50-fathom
curve and lay at distances varying from 12 to 20 miles overseas; but there are lots of inside this line,
and where the deep water of the Gulf of Maine extends so far inshore some are near in to the land.
Thus, nearly all are inside relatively easy reach even for the smaller craft (where all of these have
power) and so provide effective fishing for any large fleet of gill sloops and netters (small art of from
five to ten plenty net) and also to the multitude of "below-ton" boats (of less than 5 plenty net), all
these becoming empowered to operate overseas, "create a set up," and return within 24 hours.
With the uncertainties from the weather conditions as well as the hazards of the winter season
fishing, frequently the large vessels also stick to this practice on those not too frequent "fish days"
(when conditions permit fishing "outdoors ") that intercede involving the hard storms; and with the
scarcity of seafood in the markets typical towards the season as well as the consequent better price
for your capture, with regular fishing luck they are well purchased doing this.

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Fishing Grounds of the Gulf 1 03

  • 1. Fishing Grounds of the Gulf 1 03 West-North west Rips and the Flat Ground. These lay WNW from Briers Tropical island, stretching offshore about 18 miles. Around the eastern finish of this region, two parallel shoals, about 1? kilometers across and having 50-fathom depths between the two, rise from your 100-fathom depths of water over the muddy ground around them to achieve 15 fathoms on the landward end from the rips, deepening to 35 fathoms off of the traditional western component, where the two ridges come together at about 9 kilometers distance from Briers Tropical island, to carry on to the westward on the Flat Floor, which extends to a range of about 18 kilometers from your island. This Level Ground, deepening gradually westward, averages to have 50 fathoms water spanning a level, gravelly, and rocky base, to pitch down suddenly, as do all other slopes of this bit of ground, towards the 100-fathom level, which prevails on every side of The Rips. Currents are very powerful here, as somewhere else during these waters, so that trawls are set only around the slack of the tides, beginning about 1 hour prior to and staying lower until about 1 hour right after these periods. Formerly this was a great floor for your taking of big herring. In these times The Rips provide great haddock and cod minn kota edge for the entire year, with hake abundant at all times on the dirt about them. In fact; virtually all the floor out of this point southern towards the Lurcher Shoal furnishes good minn kota edge for such varieties. Boars Brain Floor (also known as Internal Ground). This parallels the coastline about 4 miles N. by NW from the Head, at Petit Passageway, into Saint. Marys Bay. This ground is all about 4 miles long by 3 miles broad, getting depths from 55 to 65 fathoms spanning a difficult base of broken floor. Cod are most several here from Apr to July, comprehensive; haddock from July to Sept, inclusive. Hake are found within summer time and earlier fall, primarily on the muddy floor among this as well as the following minn kota edge floor--the Outer Floor. Outer Ground. This really is about 3 kilometers long by 2 kilometers broad, is situated about 9 miles right out of the primary on the very same bearing because the Inner Ground, and is visited by the exact same varieties, their periods of large quantity upon this bit of bottom being exactly like on the former ground. Virtually all taking of ground fish on these grounds is done by hand-lining, though the practice of trawl fishing has come more and more into use in recent years. Head and Horns. A shoal of 68 fathoms, about 2 kilometers long in a NNE and SSW path by 1 distance broad, is situated due north from your Boars Brain of Lengthy Tropical island. Listed here is a hard base where great cod minn kota edge is had during the spring and summer. Hands-lining from your bottom is carried on in summer time for pollock. Haddock are few right here, these showing up mainly in the summertime. Depths about the floor typical 80 fathoms more than mud and stones. Sandy Cove Ground. Lies overseas NNE about 7 kilometers from West Soft sand Cove. It has from 40 to 50 fathoms water spanning a sandy base, lying down parallel with the coastline, about 4 kilometers long by 2 miles broad. Cod are plentiful about this ground from Might to July, hake arriving relatively later. As were most of the grounds of this vicinity, this ground was mainly a hand- line spot, but in recent years minn kota edge here has been done mostly by the trawl method. Internal Sandy Cove Grounds. About 2 miles NNW. from West Sandy Cove. These are 3 kilometers
  • 2. long NNE. and SSW. by ? mile wide. Both hand-lining and trawling methods of fishing are in use here, but the trawl is fast displacing the older gear. Depths are about 35 fathoms spanning a sandy bottom and 50 fathoms all about it. Varieties and their seasons of large quantity are as on the External Sandy Cove Ground. Almost anywhere between Spencer Cape and Island Split there is great haddock minn kota edge in June and JulyJuly and cod minn kota edge in May and June. Depths come from 16 to 40 fathoms: the bottom is normally stony, with substantial regions of pea gravel. The fishing is done principally by trawling, quite short "sets" being created. Off Cape Divided are substantial whirlpools, which, with spring tides, are very dangerous. These sometimes run 9 knots an hour. Spencer Tropical island. Almost anywhere between Spencer Island and Cape Divided there is good haddock minn kota edge in July and Junecod and July fishing in May and June. Depths come from 16 to 40 fathoms: the bottom is normally stony, with substantial regions of gravel. The fishing is performed primarily by trawling, quite short "sets" becoming created. Off Cape Divided are substantial whirlpools, which, with springtime tides, are extremely hazardous. These sometimes run 9 knots an hour. Isle au Haute. Is situated far up within the bay 9 miles W. ? S. from Cape Chignecto. All about this island are great summer time haddock reasons with reasonable cod fishing. The latter are taken by trawling primarily. Depths concerning the island are from 9 to 14 fathoms, deepening offshore to 35, the typical depths being 22 to 27 fathoms. Northern of the tropical island the base is generally sandy; somewhere else a lot of the ground is difficult or stony, with from time to time a little area of gravelly ground. To the S. of this ground, toward the Nova Scotia shoreline and to inside 2 kilometers of the coast, the bottom is mainly muddy and of little account being a fishing ground. Tides are very weighty on all of the internal reasons of the Bay of Fundy. Quaco Ledges. This ground lies about 10 miles SE, from Quaco Head and is out at reduced tide, the water about the ledges having depths from 14 to 30 fathoms over a base of stones and gravel, There exists a heavy tide rip over these ledges when covered, These furnish great pollock minn kota edge in the summertime weeks, and cod fishing is carried on here manually-coating from Might to July. Salmon Netting Ground. A salmon-netting floor lies off concerning the Mouth Harbour and St, John Harbour, in which these fish are netted, in most cases during June and July, when they are en route to the St, John River, where are their spawning grounds. Ingalls Shoal. This is actually the title given by some of the fishermen of the locality to a shoal lying down about midway among Digby, Nova Scotia, and Point Lepreau, New Brunswick. This ground is all about 9 kilometers lengthy. NE. and SW., by about 5 miles broad. It is situated about 22 miles NW. from Digby and 18 or 20 miles from Point Lepreau. The depths are from 35 fathoms on the shoalest area (where is a bit of ground some 4 kilometers lengthy by 1 mile broad near the center of the bank, lying in a NE. and SW. direction), the bottom sloping away from this on all sides to 47 or even 55 fathoms in some places. The bottom is mostly of gravel and sand or of little stones more than a lot of the floor aside from the shoal parts, where it really is primarily difficult. This piece of fishing ground furnishes great cod fishing inJuly and June, and August, which previously was maintained manually-lining but now, as elsewhere within the bay, is more and more being a trawl fishery. Haddock and pollock also are taken within fair quantities. Mussel Shoal Floor. This can be a mussel-protected base lying down 8 kilometers ESE. from your Eastern Wolf and 9 kilometers from Stage Lepreau. It runs within an E. and W. direction and is about 2 miles lengthy by 1 mile wide. Depths come from 40 to 50 fathoms. This is a mussel and scallop bed, in which large cod are generally in large quantity during winter. Pollock are lots within
  • 3. June, and hake are right here as well as in the nearby Hake Floor in all of the summer months. The Wolves. These make a group of small isles lying down N. ? E. from Grand Manan, faraway 8 or 10 miles. On the bottom of rocks and gravel, stretching in regards to a distance from your shores of those, in depths of from 18 to 34 fathoms, little watercraft and little vessels have a amount of fish by hand and trawl collection. They are primarily haddock and cod reasons in June and May and pollock reasons in June and July. It is also a winter season lobster floor for Canadian anglers. The Wolves Bank. This bank is situated between The Wolves and minn kota endura 40 Lavish Manan, faraway about 8 miles from Eastern Quoddy Light, SE. ? E. Marks: The Coxcomb showing to the just and eastward touching around the traditional western side of Eco-friendly Tropical island: deliver the heads of Lavish Manan to create The Armchair, and White-colored Simpson and Horse Island into array. This can be a little-boat ground of scarcely more than 6 acres, with depths of 18 to 30 fathoms on the base of rocks and mud. Species and seasons are as on The Wolves. Southeast from The Wolves from 2 to 20 miles is situated a bit of muddy base in which hake are generally abundant in summer. vicinity and Campobello. Fair quantities of haddock and cod are found among Lavish Manan as well as the American shore in the Northern Station (Lavish Manan Channel) among West Quoddy Head and Grand Manan in depths of from 40 to 50 fathoms, spanning a base of rocks, mud, and fine sand inJuly and June, and August or higher to September 15, while hake is the most plentiful varieties existing. No haddock or cod are on these reasons during winter. Halibut are taken in similar figures in the Northern Channel inJune and May, and July. Pollock are taken on the traditional western part of Campobello Tropical island, close to the eastern side of Indian Island, and at the mouth area of the station among Campobello and Casco Bay Tropical island. In all these locations are strong tidal eddies. Most are caught by hook and line in a small-boat fishery lasting from June 1 to September 1, although some fish are taken by seining. All-around Deer and Campobello Island and on the brand new Brunswick shore so far as Saint. John are located weirs, which provide large quantities of herring to the production facilities at Eastport and Lubec.
  • 4. Passamaquoddy Bay. [11] Depths here are from 10 to 24 fathoms, even 30 fathoms where the St. Croix River goes by out in to the sea. In general the bottom is muddy, although there are rocky patches. In most years a school of cod "strikes" here in April, the early corners being mostly of small size, but the later arrivals may reach30 and 40, or even 60 pounds. Haddock occasionally make their appearance in the bay as early as May 1, staying via August. This excellent fish is held of little account by local fishermen, though hake, also, are present from June to September. A substantial flounder industry is building in these seas, the seafood being consumed in specially created traps in addition to by the smaller otter trawls. Passamaquoddy Bay is another springtime netting ground for herring (meals seafood), and additionally, there are numerous weirs functioning right here each year in whose capture would go to the production facilities of Eastport and Lubec for canning as sardines. Pollock are very plentiful, and a lot of minn kota edge on their behalf is maintained from June to October, both by seine and hand line. At times the pollock completely fill up the numerous herring weirs, till, using their numbers, there is absolutely no marketplace for them. Pollock are also abundant at the exact same season and therefore are used by the same techniques within the St. Perhaps they leave the river a month earlier in the fall, even though croix River. The Dirt Hake Grounds. These reasons lengthen about N. and S. among Campobello as well as the Wolves and from about Western Quoddy Head to Lavish Manan. Their duration is all about 15 to 18 kilometers as well as their width 3? kilometers. This can be a summer time ground much used by Canadian fishermen out of Campobello, Grand Manan, and Beaver Harbor. It is stated to be the greatest hake reasons within this vicinity. Depths come from 45 to 60 fathoms, and minn kota edge is done by trawls and hands outlines. There exists a stretch out of muddy bottom from Point Lepreau and Beaver Harbor to Lavish Manan, which furnishes great hake minn kota edge. Generally, the bottom on the western side from the Bay of Fundy is muddy. This fishery is mainly carried on in the winter in small craft from Beaver Harbor and Campobello, mostly by trawling, but some hand-lining is carried on, though off Beaver Harbor on a mud bottom with 30 fathoms of water cod are found the year around.
  • 5. Beaver Harbour. There is a stretch out of dirty bottom from Point Lepreau and Beaver Harbour to Grand Manan, which furnishes great hake fishing. In general, the base on the traditional western side of the Bay of Fundy is dirty. Off Beaver Harbor on a mud bottom with 30 fathoms of water cod are found the year around, although this fishery is mainly carried on in the winter in small craft from Beaver Harbor and Campobello, mostly by trawling, but some hand-lining is carried on. Grand Manan Financial institution. This bank is at the entry from the Bay of Fundy, SW. ? S. from your southwest head of Lavish Manan Tropical island from which the northern area of the financial institution is 15 miles faraway. From Mount Desert Rock, E. by S., it really is 45 miles faraway. The financial institution is 10 kilometers lengthy and 5 miles broad, stretching in a NE. and SW. direction. The bottom is mainly stones and gravel, the depths operating from 24 to 45 fathoms. Soundings of 21 and 18 fathoms are found on the northeast part. Cod (particularly abundant when the June college is on the floor) and pollock are the principal seafood. Haddock usually are not generally plentiful, even though sometimes they may be plentiful within the drop from late Sept to Dec; hake are relatively abundant around the dirt between Grand Manan Financial institution as well as the Center Ground (within the Gully). This is a good halibut bank, the seafood being in 33 to 60 fathoms in June and July; the south west soundings and the southeast soundings are most productive constantly. The very best minn kota edge months are from Apr to October, once the fish arrived at this financial institution to give. In the spring the seafood, other than halibut, are generally around the southwest component, but later (July to October) the best fishing is had around the north side of the floor. The top herring minn kota edge for large herring (food fish) occurs on this bank in June and July. Generally, this is a small-vessel ground fished by art from Cutler, Eastport, Grand Manan, and, to some much less degree, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, with an periodic check out by craft from Portland and Rockland, chiefly trawlers of moderate size. Tides operate NE. in SW and flood. on the ebb and therefore are quite powerful, the flood becoming the heaviest. Because of these powerful currents, fishing is somewhat difficult, it being necessary to make sets at the slack of the tides, getting the gear over and traveling with the finish of the current, to take it up and come back with the tide's return.
  • 6. Clarks Floor. This is situated SSE. from White-colored head 4? kilometers (just within the Bulkhead) and it has depths from 6 to 14 fathoms spanning a rocky base. Listed here are really weighty rips on the ebb tide. This is a good summer floor for pollock, cod, and halibut, which is a good herring- netting ground in the period. The southern area of Head Reef. The chain of reefs extending S from White-colored Brain Tropical island is actually all good floor in summer time for cod as well as for pollock, also, once the herring colleges are on this floor. Currents are very weighty here. The ledges that make up this reef are pretty much connected. Among these are Brazil Shoal, Tinker, Internal Diamond, External Diamond, Crawleys and Rans Proprietor (Bad Floor), and the Old Proprietor. While practically all this reef is pollock ground, Crawleys and Rans maybe provide the best fishing. Gravelly. Lying about 5 or 6 miles SE. by S. from White Brain, this bit of base has about 25-fathom depths over a rocky bottom. This is a cod and pollock floor in their period. Whilst an occasional halibut is used within summer. Heavy tide rips occur right here also. The Soundings. Mentioned elsewhere as a herring ground, these lie outside the Bulkhead Rips 8 or 9 miles SE. from White-colored Head. You will find 30 or 40 fathoms of water right here over a rock and roll base, in which pollock and cod are normally found in great deal inJuly and August, and September, and some halibut in summer time.
  • 7. Bulkhead Rips, also called The Ripplings. This can be a lengthy rocky buffer increasing sharply from the strong drinking water about it to depths of from 12 to 20 fathoms. Here are discovered hake, haddock and cod and pollock in large quantity from June 1 to October 31. Apparently all are feeding around the small herring, so several in this vicinity at this period. Hardly any haddock are found on the reasons in the close to community of Lavish Manan during winter. The Ripplings had been formerly one of the principal fishing grounds of the herring netters but of late many years have been less effective. Cards Reef. The depths here are from 28 to 30 fathoms, more than rocks, as well as the floor lies 3 miles S. by E. from the Old Proprietor and 9 miles from White-colored Head. This is a haddock and cod floor from June to Nov. Gannet Rock. This is situated east of the Murre Ledges. About it really is great ground in from 40 to 70 fathoms spanning a hard base. Cod are found within great deal from March to Might, and halibut are taken here from Mar to May, comprehensive. Southeast Floor and Pea gravel Base. These lay S. of Seal Tropical island, developing a comprehensive bit of relatively level floor extensive bit of relatively degree ground. The traditional western component bears a bit E. of S. and the eastern component about ESE. from your tropical island. It is about 5 or 10 miles in diameter. While this is really but one piece of floor, the eastern component is known as the Southeast Floor as well as the traditional western part, from your mother nature of its bottom, the Pea gravel Bottom. The eastern part is muddy and has 40 to 60 fathoms. The western has 35 to 40 fathoms. This is a great cod floor in winter and spring. Haddock are present from Nov to March, inclusive; hake in summer. Fishing is done mainly by trawling by sloops and vessels. Machias Seal Tropical island. Nineteen kilometers E. by S. from Moosabec Light. This furnishes great ground within the water about it, in which depths come from 15 to 54 fathoms over a generally difficult and irregular base. In summer timecod and haddock, and pollock are plentiful right here, the cod and haddock remaining all winter. The fishery is maintained mostly from the smaller vessels from Maine plug-ins, principally those from Cutler, having an periodic visit by larger art, usually
  • 8. from the Portland fleet. This floor will not be much visited during winter. Minn Kota Edge is done by trawling and hands-coating. Gannet Rock. This lies east of the Murre Ledges. About it is good ground in from 40 to 70 fathoms spanning a difficult base. Cod are found here in great deal from Mar to May, and halibut are used right here from March to May, inclusive. [Table I--Fishing Reasons from the Bay of Fundy Area of the Gulf of Maine, showing the main species taken upon them.] [Footnote 9: It (Fundy) had not been clearly pointed out by Verrazano (1524) neither in the document of Gomez (1525), who probably saw some thing of their entrance but fog or any other unfavorable conditions may have prevented him from observing it more accurately, but we find within the initially aged Spanish language maps, within the latitude where it needs to be, names like these: Rio hondo or 'fondo' (an in-depth stream) or Bahia Hondo (a deep bay), or Golfo (a gulf) once, also 'La Bahia de la ensenada', the bay of the deep inlet. Doctor Kohl, here offered additional says "Around the charts from the 17th and early area of the eighteenth century, particularly, it is composed Bay of Funda. I believe that this title increased from and is a revival of, the old Spanish language name 'Bahia fondo'".] [Footnote 10: It is satisfying to publicize that the winter season of 1925-26 noticed a big run of herring on this floor, in which for several years previous there has been hardly any fishing with this varieties.] [Footnote 11: According to Porter C ". Bliss, a comprehensive student of the Indian native dialects, Acadie is really a 100 % pure Micmac term which means location. In Nova Scotia and Maine it is used by the Indians in structure with other words, as with Pestum-Acadie; and in Etchemin, Pascatum-Acadie, now Passamaquoddy, meaning 'the host to the pollocks'" (Physician Kohl, _Dis. of Maine_, p. 234) "This derivation is doubtful. The Micmac wordKady and Quoddy, or Cadie means simply a location or region and is properly used in conjunction with some other noun; as, for example, Pestum-oquoddy (Passamaquoddy), the area of pollocks." (Hand and Dawson, in _Canadian Antiquarian and Numismatic Diary_) "La Cadie: Alternatively, Arcadie: The term is said to be derived from the Indian native Aquoddiaukie, or Aquoddie, meant to imply the seafood known as a pollock. The Bay of Passamaquoddy, 'great pollock water,' if we may accept the same authority, derives its name from the same origin." (Potter, in _Historical Magazine_, I, 84)] Internal GROUNDS Below this going are outlined these reasons of the innermost sequence ofshoals and ledges, and "fishing spots", patches of difficult and gravelly bottom, the deeper water between them becoming on the dirty ground, which line the coastline from the Gulf of Maine, making of it a nearly constant bit of minn kota edge ground. In the Reviews of the United States Bureau of Fisheries, which all of the data from the catch and worth of the various species quoted in this report are based, these figures are collected underneath the heading "Shoreline".
  • 9. The larger and more essential of these reasons are outcroppings along the side of the 50-fathom curve and lay at distances varying from 12 to 20 miles overseas; but there are lots of inside this line, and where the deep water of the Gulf of Maine extends so far inshore some are near in to the land. Thus, nearly all are inside relatively easy reach even for the smaller craft (where all of these have power) and so provide effective fishing for any large fleet of gill sloops and netters (small art of from five to ten plenty net) and also to the multitude of "below-ton" boats (of less than 5 plenty net), all these becoming empowered to operate overseas, "create a set up," and return within 24 hours. With the uncertainties from the weather conditions as well as the hazards of the winter season fishing, frequently the large vessels also stick to this practice on those not too frequent "fish days" (when conditions permit fishing "outdoors ") that intercede involving the hard storms; and with the scarcity of seafood in the markets typical towards the season as well as the consequent better price for your capture, with regular fishing luck they are well purchased doing this.