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Task Force
1.Please do not ban fireworks in this great state.
-- Anonymous
2.I do not think there is anything with legalizing fireworks. Each individual should be
held responsible for their own actions
--Michael Murray
3.Fireworks should be fully legalized in Florida for the use of the public. There
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should be no restrictions placed on the citizens of Florida who choose to enjoy the
beauty and noise of fireworks. Its great stress relief and the neighbors love
4.Responsible adults know and understand how fireworks should be handled properly
and directions on such items should be followed at all times.
--Drew Ludwig
5.Fully legalize fireworks in Florida!!!!!!!!!!!
--Charles Huttoe
Huttoe Group LLC

6.Would sure like to see fireworks completely legal in Florida, I love fireworks.
--Merrill Lund
7.Many states have recently passed legislation that allows the responsible use of
fireworks. Fireworks use has risen dramatically in recent years and the number of
injuries has steadily come down. This is due in part to education programs.
According to government statistics the majority of injuries happen to children
under the age of 18 who should not have been using fireworks in an unsupervised
fashion in the first place. Many state governments have imposed a modest tax on
fireworks and those monies have been used to sponsor firework education
programs, and to support various firefighting organizations and departments.
Firefighters on a local level would benefit from the additional tax revenue that
could flow their way. Reasonable guidelines on the use of fireworks should be
implemented such as those recently passed in Indiana. It is time for the state to
pass legislation that allows the use of all consumer grade fireworks by adults.
--Joe Danis
8.I believe that the legalization of fireworks would be a good thing. many of us shoot
fireworks as is with the current laws here. it would be a great revenue stream for
the state because of taxes and the state can also control the time of when to shoot
and not to. if people didn’t listen to above, more money can be made for the state
in the way of fines. fireworks accidents have been down for over 10 years because
the CPSC has oversight to all fireworks imports. fireworks are much safer than
they used to be
--Mark Sova
Florida resident
9.Fireworks are historically a part of American tradition. When I shop for fireworks, I
have to submit my driver's license and I am given paperwork explaining the safe,
legal use of fireworks. As an adult, I practice the discharging of fireworks with
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safety in mind. We store them safely and we have plenty of water available for
emergencies. Our audience is positioned a safe distance so they enjoy the show
and are not in any danger. When I teamed with a friend to do a fireworks show for
his neighbors the past three years, we always get rave reviews of how great a July
4th it was with the spectacular fireworks show we put on. And they did not have
to go anywhere, park anywhere to celebrate Independence Day. We have never
had an accident because we carefully pay attention to safety. Can fireworks be
misused? Can unfortunate accidents occur? Yes. Hunting accidents occur, beach
accidents occur, parade accidents occur. Accidents occur in every aspect of life.
The Fireworks industry seems to do everything possible to protect its customers
from themselves. Fireworks need to be treated responsibly just like guns, cars and
alcohol. The fireworks stores I frequent behave like conscientious bartenders. I
don't think the entire industry should be shut down just as I am sure no one wants
to shut down all the bars in Florida. Thank you for your time, Herb Sayas
--Herb Sayas
Private Citizen
10. I and my family want fireworks sold with safety guidelines, such as the ones that
Phantom Fireworks abides by and that we look forward to all supervised
fireworks displays put on by the many private and public ventures utilizing safety
--Joseph C. La Forte
Joseph C. La Forte & Associates, LLC
11. It seems to me that the task force is aiming at increased revenues to the state
rather than safety. Remember what happened when liquor was banned leading to
bootlegging. I would hate to see the increase in accidents due to the use of unsafe
fireworks sold via the bootleg method rather than the safe ones sold today. It isn't
the seller who lights the fuse. If you want to reduce the number of injuries make
the parents more responsible legally & financially for the injuries caused by
inappropriate use & inadequate supervision of fireworks. Banning the sale of
fireworks won't stop them from coming to Florida or being used unless you plan
on stopping every vehicle crossing the Florida line to search them out. Banning
them will only hurt the seller & the Florida economy. Don't you think our
economy is bad enough? Why would you want to do something that would
decrease Florida revenue and do little to decrease injuries by fools? Banning or
not the fools will still find a way to get hurt thus the term FOOL.
-- Anonymous
12. Please legalize fireworks. They will be more under control if they are legal.
people are now doing them just because they are not legal and to make people
mad. We do have a right to celebrate independence day(4th of July) and a new
year. It is legal to make alot of notice with other items other then fireworks at
those times why not have fireworks. I am a mom of two girls who love to
celebrate both new years and 4th of July. I can understand some of the frustration
but if it is legal we should have more people who will be careful and not do it just
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to depose anyone. Please email me if there is anything further I can help with this.
--Dawn Evans
13. Twice a year it's like I'm living in a third world country. There are existing laws
(enacted for public safety), that if enforced would eliminate all the professional
displays put on by amateurs that we have to suffer through now. I'd say that since
those laws are not being enforced, you may as well strike them and save some ink
and trees.
--Dwight Huff
14. As this task force moves ahead with it's mission, I would hope that each member
will consider that the folks they are ultimately representing are, by in large,
people who celebrate American holidays with fireworks. They are part of the
American culture. More and more average citizens bump up against the "thou
shalt nots" of government. The very idea that you are spending tax dollars and
concerning yourselves with something so integral to American's celebration of
America makes me sad. Leave us to our small pleasures: keep the government
away from more restrictive fireworks legislation.
--Margaret McEwen
15. I am a resident of Florida threw the winter months and part of summer. I am a
firm believer that all consumer type of fireworks that the public would buy should
be fully legal.
--Ted Lechowicz
16. I am responding as a citizen rather than as the legal advisor to the Clearwater
Police Department. I live on Belleair Beach. During the week prior to July 4th and
continuing several days thereafter, I have heard fireworks being used on the beach
all through the night as late as 2:00 a.m. The sound is similar to guns being fired.
Numerous other residents have told me that they have been disturbed as well. If a
person were engaging in any other noise equally as annoying, they would be
subject to arrest for disturbing the public peace pursuant to Section 877.03,
Florida Statute.
--Robert Surette
City of Clearwater
17. I am responding as a citizen. I live on Belleair Beach. During the week prior to
July 4th and continuing several days thereafter, I have heard fireworks being used
on the beach all through the night as late as 2:00 a.m. The sound is similar to guns
being fired. Numerous other residents have told me that they have been disturbed
as well. If a person were engaging in any other noise equally as annoying, they
would be subject to arrest for disturbing the public peace pursuant to Section
877.03, Florida Statute. Persons can enjoy fireworks by attending the numerous
free displays that occur throughout the Tampa Bay area. They have no right to
enforce their version of "patriotism" on the rest of us by thinking that they have
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some inalienable right to ignite fireworks whenever and wherever they please.
--Robert Surette
City of Clearwater (Police Legal Advisor)
18. Reference is made to an email from Pinellas County Commissioner Kenneth T.
Welch who has been appointed as a member of your task force. For years we in
law enforcement received requests from the Attorney General and the State Fire
Marshall to enforce the sale and possession of illegal fireworks. Apparently I was
one of few police chiefs who understood the state law and did take appropriate
action when sales cropped up in the Town of Redington Shores. The law
mandated the seizure of illegal fireworks but did not provide a remedy for
disposition of same. I was faced with a storage problem and finally had to have
said items disposed of by the Tampa Bomb Squad. The local prosecutors
contended that sales were not illegal and there appeared to be ambivalence that I
found quite perplexing. After that, the Pinellas County Commission passed an
ordinance that was much more comprehensive but named the Sheriff only as the
enforcement agent. This creates the problem of enforcement by local agencies.
Consistently, the Florida Legislature puts the same provisions in the state law that
exempts sales for the purpose of agricultural use in scaring off birds from crops
and a declared purchase to be transported out of state. I am generally unaware of
who continues to lobby for these two provisions because they make absolutely no
sense. I am a six-generation Floridian with an agricultural background and I have
never seen fireworks used to scare birds off of strawberry crops or any other
agricultural crops. Further, fireworks are much cheaper in Georgia, Alabama and
Tennessee and it is impossible to drive back up north from Florida without going
through one of those states. I am requesting the Task Force consider removing
those provisions from the state law and providing a mechanism of disposal of
seized fireworks within a reasonable period of time with immunity from any civil
action. I say that because fireworks have become very expensive and to have to
reimburse the violator would create a financial burden for small towns. I would
close in telling you that even professionally conducted firework events are
extremely dangerous. We had two mishaps in Pinellas County on the last Fourth
of July. My officers work these events and I am concerned that they are contrary
to public safety and ask that the Task Force give some thought to greater
restrictions at these events as may be recommended by the State Fire Marshall.
Please feel free to contact me directly at my cell phone number 727-235-8505 if I
can be of further assistance or provide additional or clarifying comments.
--E.D. Williams, Chief of Police
Town of Indian Shores
19. Please please please we non-firework using consumers would so appreciate any
work that you can do to ban the sale of all fireworks in the Hillsborough Pinellas
area. Given the good weather that we are blessed with in the bay area, we are
inundated with fireworks not just on the 4th of July, but, on new years eve,
gasparilla, super bowl, and the week or so surrounding the July 4 actual holiday.
It has been difficult to comply with baby nap schedules, let alone get adult sleep,
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on any of these occasions. Finally, we are astounded that in an era of drought, that
such sales under the false pretense of agricultural use are tolerated. We thinking
members of the public are getting really tired of the arguments of the backwoods
ruling the enjoyment of our property and the quality of our lives. It is time for the
legislature to stop listening to the lobby that controls this sale and begin to pay
attention to the rights of the residents of the area to not be subjected to such a
ridiculous flaunting of "agricultural rights." Thank you so much!
-- Anonymous
20. Fireworks are a hazard to people, pets and property. There are over 8500 serious
injuries every year and over 20,000 fires caused by fireworks. Georgia does not
allow the sales of anything but sparklers and there are several northern states that
have a total ban on fireworks. There is one State that prohibits trucks with
fireworks to pass through their State. Statute 791 should be strengthened, not
weakened. Get fireworks out of our neighborhoods. Blowing up a neighborhood
does not make a person a patriot. Ann
21. I support legalization of fireworks in the State of Florida.
--Sofia Rohrbach
22. With the number of incidents where students are trying to meek "bombs" to blow
up the school, why are we allowing fireworks to be sold? Also, are people aware
of the harmful pollutants that are used in the making of fireworks? It's scary. visit and find out.
23. Sale of consumer fireworks have to be restricted for the only purposes as
permitted in our State law. Everyone (buyers, sellers, law enforcement, health
care providers, and politicians) knows that the law is not being followed for the
legal sale and use of fireworks. I recommend that prior to purchase the buyer must
obtain written certification from an independent government agency ( preferably a
law enforcement agency) that he truly meets the legal criteria for purchase. This
will eliminate a vast majority of illegal sales and drastically reduce the number of
calls for service to our law enforcement agencies and fire departments by harassed
homeowners. In addition, hopefully it will prevent personnel injury and reduce
the demand that those accidents place on our already overburden emergency
medical treatment facilities.
--Tom Jones
24. Do not permit the private use of fireworks. All public fireworks should be limited
to watching professional exhibitions only.
--James D. Teske
Florida Resident
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25. Enough with the fireworks! Enough with the bogus signing the paper saying you
are using them for varmint control. People that buy them don't have the decency
to ONLY use them on the fourth. They set them off several weeks prior and
several weeks after. They set them off at 11:00 on days like a Wednesday night. I
have dogs, when they hear that they then bark. So I have to yell at my dogs
because some drunk asshole wants to get his fireworks boner at 11:00 at night!
--Karen Wernert
26. I have always thought that the fireworks laws basically "had no teeth" (a pun, I
guess, coming from a dentist). I have personally witnessed in my neighborhood
the indiscriminate and unlawful use of fireworks creating hazards to people and
property. The current situation in California should serve as a grim reminder of
the possibilities we could face here in light of some of our recent droughts.
--Dr. Douglas Edwards, D.D.S.
27. I urge you to strengthen Statute 791 not weaken it! Exploding fireworks are
dangerous to those who use them, those near them, cause fires, disturb children
and pets and are, in general, a hazard. We do not need them in our neighborhoods.
Professional fireworks displays are great at celebrations, but I, nor my neighbors,
want fireworks near our homes. Please eliminate the abuse of the "loopholes"
allowing the purchase of fireworks for "agricultural" and "railroad" uses.
Strengthen and enforce the fireworks ordinance.
--Sally Flynn
28. Fireworks should be ILLEGAL. Too many kids get their hands on them year-
round here in Florida. I am originally from NJ where it is ILLEGAL to use
fireworks and even firecrackers. Banning fireworks would create more peaceful
neighborhoods and better behaved youngsters whose parents let them play in the
street. Now, we can't even call the police on kids in the street lighting hazardous
fireworks because they are allowed to purchase them and it's an uphill battle to
get anything done as long as they are still legal to use. Too many adults and
children get their limbs blown off because of fireworks. And many careless cruel
people use them to hurt animals. Florida needs to get with the times and BAN
FIREWORKS ALTOGETHER. If someone wants to see fireworks, they can go
watch them professionally launched in a controlled environment by a community-
sponsored event.
29. Since safety, fire prevention, etc. are of primary concern regarding the use of
fireworks, having industry on the task force will preclude total honesty in dealing
with these issues. Why is the fire and the police department not on this task
force??? I feel that concessions will be made to industry when profit should not
come into question at all on this issue. Regulated fireworks by proper govt.
groups should be the only ones permitted to "shoot" fireworks. Even then,
accidents occur and people are hurt. Can't we find a better way to show joy and
celebration? I think the task force does not show proper representation.
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--Marilyn Weaver
30. Please continue to work to make fireworks illegal. Also, please do something to
help with enforcement. I live in Largo, in a frame house, and when they start
shooting off fireworks I am very worried that something may happen to my
house. The noise from the fireworks is very disturbing to me, and the wildlife in
my neighborhood. Thanks Commissioner Welch for all you have done.
--Debra Jaramillo
31. Fireworks are illegal and should be stopped! People are not using them to keep
birds away, etc., as they say they should be used...come one we all know that.
This is for entertainment and this is dangerous and needs to be stopped. I am so
disgusted by the booths set up and the people buying this junk are the ones that
shouldn't be throwing money away on garbage like this. Last year my house was
nearly burned down because all the neighbors' fireworks was landing on my safe is that? Do we have to get killed before this atrociousness is
--Gary Schnetter
32. Pinellas Co. is densely populated. Water levels are getting lower every year.
Projectile fireworks are still being brought into densely populated neighborhoods
such as mine. I'm tried of projectiles falling in my neighborhood and along the
Pinellas Trail, where the trees are just as dry as the ground. --Nice grounds for a
fire on the trail! Last time it happened I called the police. Nothing every
happened. I'm sure the police had better things to do. Statewide restrictions are
needed. The whole state is lacking water. Yet developers are allow to continue
building and bringing more people to the state of Fla., with very little thought as
to where these folks will evacuate in an emergency, either from storms or in this
case possible fires. We, too, could go up in flames from these people who seem to
think anything goes in Fla. What a reputation Florida has! I'm looking for
responsible people in state government who have ethics and good common sense,
rather than collecting from lobbyists and other special interest groups. When are
the people in Tallahassee going to wise up!
-- Anonymous
33. My feeling is that we are so densely populated in Pinellas County that the use of
firecrackers, etc. can send off cinders that can ignite dry plant material or wood on
a house causing fires. Also, never does a 4th of July go by when someone is not
treated in an emergency room for injury. Many citizens just lie and sign the slip
saying they are going to be used for protection of agricultural products or
whatever. Only municipalities should be allowed to use these dangerous
materials. Please work to have a strong state-wide law to protect life, limb and
--Elizabeth France
Skycrest Neighbors
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34. In our country we need to celebrate our freedom (Independence Day). The
foundation of this country is built upon the basis of our independence. You can't
celebrate the holiday without fireworks, it just wouldn't be the American Way. 4th
of July without fireworks is like no Christmas trees at Christmas time!! Please
legalize fireworks in Florida!!!!
--Joe VanOudenhove
35. Lived in St. Petersburg 35 years. Neighborhood became increasingly like a battle
zone during holidays fireworks were sold and used. Joined Commissioner Welch
to outlaw those leaving the ground. Found neighbors and others just brought them
in from other counties. Neighborhood became impossible to enjoy a holiday.
Moved to Ocala two years ago. Want to continue the quest to outlaw those
fireworks that are dangerous to everyone. Hopefully on a state level.
--Margie Husted
Private Citizen
36. Hey My name is Daniel Kastner and am wondering why you want to take our
fireworks away? yes there are the idiots but there are people that do this as a
tradition from when they were kids and they Know what they are doing. and IF
you do ban it there are a lot of business that would go out of business because it
what they do and it what I want to do!!! please consider this . Daniel Kastner
--Daniel Kastner
37. As an emergency services professional for over 31 years I feel compelled to relate
some actual experiences involving fireworks. I have worked in the fire, rescue,
emergency management and emergency medical fields in Florida and
Connecticut. In each of the last two years, as Port Orangeís Fire Chief, we have
had significant residential fires caused by the use of non-approved fireworks. This
year the property loss in our small community was in excess of $ Seven hundred
fifty thousand dollars ($ 750,000). This is actual property loss and cannot include
the personal and physical trauma to the residents and their neighbors. This does
not include the risks and injuries that the fire fighters suffered. This does not
include the cost of water, fuel, and wear on fire apparatus and equipment. Finally,
it does not include the impact on the community’s insurance rates with this large
loss added to the areas experience. When I was Chief in Connecticut, less than
100-gram sparklers were legal. The community accepted that level of fireworks
activity and left the larger more dangerous fireworks to the experts. That should
be the direction fireworks take in Florida. There will be plenty of opportunity for
the fireworks industry to make money while the risk of injury and fire should
remain low. During my seven-year term as Chief in Connecticut we had only one
fireworks related fire and it was arson. Back in Florida, as Chief, we have had
fireworks related fires and injuries every year. That experience speaks for itself.
The concern should be that there is a lot at stake to a community if fireworks are
made legal. There will be more fires, and more injuries, as witnessed during my
31 years of experience. Who is going to pay for the physical, emotional and
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financial costs caused by these events? Thomas G. Weber, CFO, EFO, MPA
--Thomas G. Weber
Port Orange Fire & Rescue
38. Making fireworks illegal would be like making eggnog illegal, you only use it
once or twice a year. There are only two holidays that I can use fireworks and not
get yelled at, New Years Eve and Independence Day. That is two nights out of the
39. It is not right to discontinuing the fireworks, that means that there will be no more
4th of July celebration, neither new years, etc., etc. Is this incredible, is our money
and we spend it as we like. We are concluded that none of the politics, including
the president of the united states careless about Florida and / or Floridians. We
should continuing selling’s fireworks, because if all the stores are closed there
will be more than three hundred peoples without a job and without getting one,
because here in Florida won't give a job to people older than 50 years of age, and
this is discrimination.
--Maria E. Davila De Casas
40. I believe that fireworks should be fully legalizing in Florida. The United States
has a history with fireworks and I believe that it should be kept that way in
Florida too. Its an American tradition to buy fireworks and cook on the grill on
the fourth of July. I believe the average person should be able to buy and use
41. Let me begin by saying that I find it to be semi-ridiculous for people to be putting
all of this time and energy into something so trivial. The use of fireworks is an
issue on 2-3 occasions during the course of a year, with the obvious day being
July 4th. I can understand the plight of those who have scared livestock, dogs,
cats, or whatever animals they choose to name. You know what, my old dog was
scared of thunder and that was not such a good thing living in Florida, but we
dealt with it when we had to. As for fireworks, we are talking about 3 days out of
365. Maybe even 2 days. Hypothetically speaking, lets imagine we illegalize
fireworks and July 4, 2008 rolls around. Those that want to use fireworks are
going to get their hands on them one way or another. Are we, the public, really
going to tie up our county sheriff's department chasing firework users?? The
deputy that responds out to your neighbor, due to your phone call, who is using
fireworks at 9:30 on the 4th of July, will not be responding to a burglary, will not
be pulling over a drunk, will not be mediating a domestic issue. I am sure that the
officers and deputies would agree that it would not be time well spent to be
responding to the hundreds of firework complaints that would come in. I love the
fourth of July, as do many friends and family who converge at my house for a
show that I put on. I spend close to $2000 each year, and I make the night as safe
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as I possibly can. I preach to everyone at my house,
SAFETY...SAFETY...SAFETY. What do my neighbors think, you might
wonder? They MUST despise me, right? Well, about 8:30, as it is getting dark,
neighbors down both sides of the street bring out chairs, sit in front of their house,
and wait for me to begin. Even houses around the block come outside and watch
the sky. For one night, everyone enjoys the fireworks. I do not shoot them off on
the days leading up to the fourth. I also make sure my show is done by 10:15, at
which time about 10 of us bring out brooms and blowers and clean up the streets.
It is an enjoyable night for everyone and I have never heard a complaint. For
those that light fireworks off at 1 or 2 in the morning, that is just plain ignorance
and a lack of consideration. So, for all of the commissioners and politicians and
whomever else that is spending their days trying to turn the lights out on the 4th
of July, give it a break already. Spend your time on something useful and
beneficial to the community. For one or two nights out of the year, the haters can
do just that.
--J Fremer
42. I want the fireworks to continue. They are a joy to watch and a family gatherings
yearly. My family enjoy the July 4th fireworks and all others. Please allow this to
continue. Thanks
--Maria Elena Marin
43. Please do all you can to ban the use of fireworks in residential areas. Please limit
the purchasing of fireworks to licensed professionals, with no loopholes in the law
that will be exploited by the fireworks manufacturers. There exists a majority of
Floridians who wish to have fireworks banned from use outside of professional
displays. Residential use of fireworks causes damage and fire to our homes and
property; injury to children as well as adults; litter our streets, yards and parks;
traumatize and cause injury & death to our pets; distress all persons who do not
enjoy them; in particular our elderly. Please do not let us down! Please stand up to
the fireworks manufacturers and place the well being of all Floridians at the
forefront. Thank you. Kirk Slater
--Kirk Slater
44. Consumer fireworks usage needs to be subject to strict regulation and limited to
the public displays. Fireworks have the capacity to harm persons, animals,
property, and emergency responders. The harm isn't limited to the potential harm
of misfired fireworks. Fireworks always adversely affect animals in the
surrounding area. While the neighbors enjoy their festivities, the animals in their
neighborhood are terrorized. So, although I ardently support retaining freedoms
even at great cost, it is difficult to support the freedom to terrorize animals and
cause harms to one's neighbors.
--Suzanne Gilmore
45. I support the legalization of fireworks for private displays. I'm also aware of the
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hazards posed by fireworks. I am of the opinion that a compromise can be had
that would not only allow citizens to legally purchase fireworks, but to reduce the
number of injuries resulting from the use of fireworks. If the state of Florida
implements a law requiring that those purchasing fireworks complete a fireworks
safety class and pay for an annual permit to use them... win-win situation.
Citizens can legally purchase and display fireworks - an American tradition while
at the same time purchasers must complete a safety course making them aware of
how to display fireworks safely and responsibly.
--Jose M. Armengol
46. Every year we have about 5 fires in the ocean dunn vegetation.
--Mark Amaral
Cocoa Beach Fire Department
47. I want to keep Fireworks Legal in Florida Thank you
48. Please allow consumer firework's usage to be legalized in Florida. If I must listen
to your dog at 3:00 a.m. every night 365 day's a year or deal with your backyard
light shining in my window each night then you few can withstand a few holiday
celebration's a year. We are careful and considerate in our use of firework's.
Education and Tolerance !God Bless America Land Of The Free!!!!!!!!!
49. Lets look at some facts concerning consumer fireworks. They are dangerous,
causing at least 100 million dollars in Trauma Room Costs each year (American
Medical Association) There is nothing patriotic about children losing eyes and
suffering burns. I really don't think Francis Scott Key had in mind to put
explosives in Children's hands. At this time there is a court case involving a child
that has gone through a series of operations in Jacksonville trying to save his eye
sight. He was not even involved with the bottle rocket that hit him. A child a
couple of years back went to a burn unit when fireworks he has in his pocket
ignited. Two adults died from burns they suffered while transporting fireworks in
a car. The has just purchased the fireworks, the fireworks ignited. The driver did
not ever have time to get out of the vehicle. The passenger died several painful
days later. I have been in the fire service for 27 years and have not ever heard of a
fireworks building that started on fire that did not burn to the ground. They even
had fire sprinkler systems in them. Fireworks burn extremely hot, black (smoke)
and fast. Don't fool your self by thinking they are safe. There was a fire in a
fireworks store, I believe it was in Ohio, where someone lit a pack of firecrackers
on fire that were on display for sale in a fireworks store as a joke. Some of the
people in that store did not even have time to get out, they died in the fire. I have
a computer full of stories where people have been injured, killed and buildings
burned down. I am as patriotic as one can possibly be, served in the military, and
to this day I display proudly an American flag on the front of my home. Go to and type in the word fireworks. You will find all kind of studies that
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have been done. And by the way the National Fire Protection Association has
taken a firm stand against fireworks for consumer use as well as a long list of
different Medical Groups.
--Wesley Hayes
Polk County Fire Services Division
50. As Americans who celebrate many holidays and occasions, we should be allowed
the freedom to celebrate however we wish within the law. This should include the
freedom not only to purchase fireworks, but the freedom to enjoy our own show
without worry of arrest for doing so. This is America, the Land of the Free. Many
of us utilize fireworks to celebrate our independence on the Fourth of July as well
as perhaps New Years or birthdays, etc. We do so with responsibility, joy and
freedom. Education about safety for some people may play a role, but should not
be the reason for banning the purchase and use of consumer fireworks. Please do
not allow yet another freedom to become a thing of the past.
--Kat Daley
51. 10/26/07 Consumer Fireworks Task Force: It is unconscionable to think that a
state like Florida which has not legalized the purchase of consumer fireworks
could even consider such a measure. That one could look at the national data from
NFPA and fathom to any degree that legalizing fireworks could produce anything
positive to the people at large is sheer lunacy! This is simply an effort by an
industry that cares nothing for the public's well-being and only about corporate
dollars. Should the legislators of the state of Florida authorize the sale of
consumer fireworks in any measure whatsoever, it would be tantamount to and
tacit approval that the state legislators do not care either. It's a blatant disregard
for the people that elected them to office. You might as well remove the seat belt
regulations as well as disband the Department of Children and Families. Access
the link the below and be sure to view the video of the Shannon family in North
Carolina; a state that obviously doesn't care.
--Bart Wright
Maitland Fire Department/Florida Fire Marshal's & Inspector's Association
52. Dear Director Hallman: I was given your name by Irene Gaacek, the Madiera
Beach fire inspector who organizes burn camp for the Children's Burn
Foundation. My daughter Leah Culkar was burned over 20% of her body by a
wayward firework mortar on 7/4/01--she was six years old at the time. The
firework was sold to my neighbor at a roadside stand on the corner on State Road
580 and McMullen Booth Road in Clearwater. Our family and some of the
neighbors were participating in a neighborhood display--the fireworks were being
used as per the instructions--they were being set off in the middle of the road in
front of our houses. My daughter and other children were well away from the
fireworks and she was merely an observer. My neighbor set off a large mortar
rocket and the first mortar fired up into the sky like it was supposed to, but the
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thrust made it fall over and point toward the house where my daughter was seated
in the garage entry way, about 3 feet away from me. The rocket kept firing
mortars and each thrust made it spin around unpredictably toward a different area
of the front of the house. As we all started to get up and run away my daughter
was struck by a fiery mortar, which landed in her lap. She received 1st, 2nd and
3rd degree burns, endured a skin graft to her arm and permanent scarring. She
spent 10 days in the hospital and experienced horrendous pain due to blisters,
open wounds, dressing changes, therapy to walk again, bend her ankle, hand,
fingers, etc. She wore burn garments for a year and people would stare at her and
ask questions. Sometimes when she simply responded that that she had been
burned people ( even adults!) would automatically assume that it was her fault.
Most people, like us, have no idea what amount of fire power they are using when
they buy this stuff from the fire works companies. I don't think we had any
business with that kind of fire power in a residential neighborhood, and my
daughter paid the price for our mistakes. Our neighbors feel horrible and guilty
about what happened to our daughter, but it could have happened to anyone.
Please do what you can to take the fire power out of our neighborhoods and keep
it out. Don't let the influential fireworks industry "buy off" our legislature. I have
the dress my daughter was wearing when she was burned--it speaks a thousand
more words than this note can. If you would like to use it to make your case
please let me know. Thank you, Rebecca (& William) Culkar
--Rebecca & Willy Culkar
53. It just would not be the Fourth of July without my own fireworks. I've enjoyed
them for over 50 years, and I have yet to incur even a minor injury. This Vietnam
vet would vote "Yes" for legal fireworks.
--John Leonard
54. I think that consumer fireworks should be legal in all states, including Florida.
There is enough federal regulations as to what constitutes consumer fireworks and
additional regulation is not needed. I hope you will decide to make such consumer
fireworks legal in Florida.
--Robert Kerwin
55. I would say legalize fireworks throughout the state. People who want them will
find a way to get them, don't make criminals out of good people who are just
trying to have fun. Why not legalize fireworks and just put a high tax on them. It
is a win win situation. If the state is too dry you can still have a ban on them when
you need to. That's just my thoughts! Thanks!
--Elizabeth Sloan
56. Fireworks are a recreational fun time for all ages kids and adults love them. if
used under supervision of responsible adults they are fun and safe.. Why Pinellas..
Tampa there legal to buy and use we have to and enjoy them as well. Don't punish
the responsible parents.. Please legalize them again.
--Aaron Nelson
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57. I feel that fireworks should be kept legal. If they are outlawed, like in other states,
they will still be used illegally. If they are kept as legal, at least this way the
government can keep better tabs on them as well as taxing them, thus generating
revenue off of them as compared to generating no revenue if they were posted as
illegal. What I am saying is people are going to use them regardless of the law in
the state, so why not at least make some money off of them? Also, more people
are killed each year by 5 gallon buckets than fireworks, just something to think
about. Perhaps efforts should be focused on something more important such as
abortion, etc. rather than trying to pin down people who want to celebrate our
--Travis WIlliams
58. It is only dangerous for people who do not have common sense knowledge of
fireworks safety. This is the way the government keeps us protected from less
educated individuals.
--Bernard Hayes
59. Seems that one member of the task force wants to even outlaw snap pops. You got
to be kidding me. Please stop calling 1.4g consumer fireworks professional grade
fireworks. That is nonsense, ALL consumer, that's right (consumer) fireworks
regulated by CPSC should be allowed by the consumer if not too dry. Thank you
for your time.
60. I think they should keep fireworks LEGAL!! Why should the whole state suffer
for the irresponsible use of a handful. These fireworks are one of the few
pleasures Americans can still enjoy the celebration of our independence and new
years eve. I don't think that is too much to ask for. Its fun and the ones I see whine
about them is the same ones who goofed up and got themselves or someone else
hurt. Don't make us all suffer for the bad decisions of a few. I for one love
fireworks and love the 4th of July and new years eve. Why should a small group
allowed to be the reason fireworks are made illegal? I think these people should
be allowed to go out of state on the 4th and new years eve. And let the rest of us
have some real fun for a change. It won't be long Before we are task forced right
out of everything we all enjoy.
--Rob Gibson
61. The fireworks law in Florida is extremely outdated. The use of fireworks here in
the state of Florida is for the entertainment of all where the use is private home
use or done by the professionals that have more explosives range and the height of
air explosions involved with fireworks. Its the responsible use that makes
fireworks enjoyable. Here in the state all you have to do is fill out a form that says
you will use the fireworks for agricultural use. That makes no sense since
common grounds is the use will be for entertainment use not agricultural to chase
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off birds. Legalization of fireworks in the state without filling out the form makes
common since safety is the rule of thumb everybody and anybody can misuse
fireworks. To ban fireworks altogether is a shame of the state to do so. Home use
of fireworks is no different then those used by professionals. It is a tradition for
home use that should not be banned by legislation laws. The task force is another
way of wasteful spending that could be used for health care, education
improvements, etc. This is my view of fireworks use in the state of Florida.
-- Anonymous
62. Please keep in mind that Fireworks are safe when used by responsible people.
Also, please keep in mind that illegal items such as M-80's, Quarter Sticks, Silver
Salutes, etc ARE NOT FIREWORKS. When there are accidents reported in the
media, to often the cause is from these illegal items but the media tends to report a
fireworks accident. Using Common Class C Fireworks is safe when instructions
are followed accordingly. Keep in mind anything can be unsafe if not used
properly. Fireworks are fun and entertaining when used properly. When someone
has a car accident, does the state ban the use of cars? If someone happens to get
burned on a stove, should stoves be banned? If a neighbor down the street has an
accident with a power saw and looses a finger, should all the stores immediately
pull power saws off the shelve because they are dangerous? These are just some
points I want to make to you so you can understand that accidents can happen
with anything, but the cause is usually human error. Human error isn't a good
reason to take a product off the shelf. I hope this task force uses their best
judgment and understands that legal common fireworks are just as safe as any
other product on store shelves. Thank you for reading my comments.
--Concerned Citizen
63. Please consider the legalization of all fireworks. You cannot control things by
merely banning them. This opens the venues for illegal firework manufacture and
sales. When fireworks are available there is much less of these type occurrences.
The people that are bound to abuse fireworks or anything else should be dealt
with accordingly NOT the product. This is my personal opinion and I thank you
for the opportunity to express my thoughts in your decision making.
--Tom Provitz
64. Consumer firework should be legal in all states. I am 50 years old and have been
using consumer fireworks for years and have never inj. any one or did damage. I
am a fire fighter and us fireworks very carefully I do think there needs to be some
laws with it like no drinking and using fireworks things like that. Fireworks are
not legal in the state I live in ( PA )but for one day a year the police stay away
from my house until I am finished.
--Donald Coffin
65. Fireworks are a long used traditional way of celebrating in our country as a
youngster in NY I remember using them. We in Florida don't use fireworks year
round we use them for certain celebrations. I am in favor of the safe use of
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fireworks Alcohol and Firearms are a more serious danger to people than
fireworks but I don't see our legislators trying to curtail the use of them. I am a
retired Vietnam Era Veteran. I think people should be allowed to use Fireworks in
a safe and considerate manner. As with anything else there will always be a few
people that don't use them in conjunction with using your barins but the same can
be say for the automobile. Instead of going after people that like to use fireworks
to celebrate their Freedom in our great nation why doesn't our government try to
tackle some of the more serious problem facing Floridians such as Insurance and
--Chuck McKinnell
66. Just let people enjoy life and leave fire workers alone. Really what harm do
fireworks do. Maybe porn or alcohol should be banned. Someone is always
wanting to take something away from someone. Just leave fireworks alone
--Edward Ruebeck
67. I think fireworks should be legalized in the State of Florida. I have lived in
Florida all my life (55 years) and remember the fireworks as a child that my
parents used. I hope that Florida legalizes them with the restriction like alcohol
and cigarettes have. I realize that not all individuals over the age of 21 are
responsible but they are old enough to be liable. I always enjoy the firework
displays for the holidays. Please legalize them (with restrictions) in the State of
Florida. That way we won't have to go to Georgia to legally purchase them.
--Cathy Bedford
68. My son and I have been selling fireworks for the past 8 or so years and have used
them for over 50+ years without on mishap, fireworks are a part of our history
and being 58 years old and have enjoyed them for that long we should not deprive
anyone of using them that wants to, everyone of us deserves this, I am so sick and
tired of someone telling me that this and that is bad for us, let us decide that, when
we sell to anyone we tell them and try and educate them that they as with
anything else can be dangerous take the necessary precautions and you will enjoy
what everyone on us in America should be able to enjoy... Thanks Rick Williams
pres Fantasy Fireworks in Camden South Carolina 772 HWY #1 South Lugoff,
SC 29078
--Rick Williams
Fantasy Fireworks
69. I am in favor of the full legalization of fireworks. The vast majority of firework
users are responsible. The few that aren't, should have that freedom, and then
suffer their own consequences.
-- Anonymous
70. I think that it's excellent that after so many years officials are trying to close the
loopholes which allow people to purchase fireworks. What a relief for so many
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people. These explosives not only sometimes injure those using them, but they
almost always scare peoples pets. On another note, police don't respond to citizen
complaints because obviously they get so many. Once a few years ago some
neighbors were lighting fireworks in the street near some parked cars and some of
these explosives actually ended up UNDER the cars. When I called the police to
have them put a stop to it, I was told they wouldn't respond to the matter. I then
reminded them that there was gasoline in those cars and gas and explosives don't
mix. They still refused to respond. Please do us all a great favor and help put a
stop to this silly, and moronic behavior. We shouldn't have to put up with this
each New Year's Eve and Fourth of July. Thanks and Best regards, Mark J.
Mirabella 12390 Berkeley Square Dr. Tampa, FL 33626-2658 813-335-4689
--Mark J. Mirabella
71. I would like to express my support for legalization of fireworks in Florida. When
used by responsible adults, fireworks are a safe product. Criminalizing their use is
an unfair and unnecessary restriction on freedom.
--Ryan Dempsey
72. Please keep fireworks legal in the state of Florida. I use them safely twice a year
to entertain my family and freinds. I think that it is silly that I have to sign a
waiver to buy them. If someone is over eighteen years old and using them they
can beheld responsible legally, for any damages that my occur without having to
sign a form. If making fireworks completely legal in the state of Florida means
having to be 18 years old or even 21 years old to purchase them then that is fine
with me, but when I have to sign a form stating that "I'm going to use them to
scare off wild life from my farm" that is just stupid and vary outdated reason to be
using fireworks. This fine state to live in, and think we could be bit more
progressive in our thinking on this matter. I'll sign all the forms I have to though if
its still the only way to keep them legal. Thanks, from a Central Florida resident.
--Wilkes Kemp
73. Public education on the safe use of consumer fireworks is an excellent idea. That
being said consumer fireworks should be available for citizens to celebrate the
fourth of July, maintain tradition, and practical enjoyment. Fireworks is also an
excellent way to entice young Americans into the world of science and chemistry.
--Kevin McNamee
74. Consumer fireworks should be banned in Florida. Widespread consumer
fireworks access allows access to explosive material as students have a propensity
to "make their own" explosive device using the material found in consumer
fireworks. A high school friend, Dave Harrison, lost three fingers attempting to
make a "bigger bang" device in 1960. With all the gun attacks in schools, we
MUST not allow access to explosive devices. Also, I found a spent bottle-rocker
on my roof after one July 4th event. If my roof had caught fire the cost to repair
the damage would be mine as bottle rockets were seen coming from more than
one point and from the window of a passing car. I would like a tag placed on all
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bottle rockets so when they cause a fire that damages my property I can track who
sold the device so I can sue to recover damages. If my property is going to be
under attack from bottle rockets, and the state allows this attack, does this mean
that I can sue the state as well? Any law that allows explosive material to be
placed in the hands of juveniles should also include a fund where I can recover
100% actual damages plus pain and suffering. And I stopped at a gas station on I-
10. When leaving the restroom I noticed explosive fireworks between me and the
exit. Had these fireworks exploded, I and others using the restrooms would have
been trapped. THERE MUST be a fire code that prohibits this and if so why is it
not enforced and what is the chance it will be enforced should the state be foolish
and allow consumer fireworks to be sold throughout the state. Again, if people are
killed in a fireworks incident, the kinds of explosive incidents that have occurred
at fireworks storage sites throughout the world, is the state liable for allowing
these knowingly unsafe conditions to exist? And what course may the surviving
family members take against the fireworks companies - will the state require a
set-aside fund?
--Dennis Dewar
75. I always thought that living in the United States meant that are soldiers stand up
for our right to freedom. It seems as if the government is trying to take away all
the personal freedoms we have. We are being told more and more everyday what
we are NOT ALLOWED to do. We are even being told who we can and cannot
smoke cigarettes around. Now even fireworks, a great American tradition is being
threatened because of a small number of others. I'm sure if you asked citizens
when the National Anthem is talking about...."the rockets' red glare...." if they
think about fireworks on the 4th of July as our modern day rockets that light up
our sky to that we are still standing propud. Fireworks are not in themselves a
danger, it is how they are used that can be dangerous. Afterall, have we banned
anti-freeze for automobiles because it is dangerous when used to commit murder
or suicide? No we haven't because adults are called upon to be responsible in the
actions with use of thew fluid. I believe fireworks are the same. If adults are
responsible with them, they are not a threat.
--Lisa Smith
76. Fireworks should be legal in ALL 50 states!!! What's the big deal? They're a lot of
fun to watch and "big brother" shouldn't tell me I can buy them but can't use them.
Guns and alcohol are legal for responsible adults, so why not fireworks??? Your
task force is a waste of time. Focus on anti-terrorism or something useful.
-- Anonymous
77. I'm a retired construction worker 70 years old I’m sick and tired of a few
curmudgeons in our society who complain about fireworks these people complain
about everything in life. They can’t stand to see other people have fun after all
what’s a few days out of 365 hurting anyone my grandfather and my father both
told me as a young boy that fireworks are part of Americana it's part of who we
are like hot dogs, baseball, mom's apple pie, the forth of July, turkey at
thanksgiving, Santa at xmas, and pop the cork on new year’s eve
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--Richard Moore
78. I live in Pasco county so do about 270,000 other people if my information is
correct which I got from the St. Pete Times last new years eve 2006 about 400
people called the sheriffs office to complain about fireworks the math is simple as
I see it we should allow the sale of fireworks all year long so people can celebrate
all kinds of special occasions and how about that tax rev thank you
-- Anonymous
79. Ban fireworks for sale and use by the public. They cause too much damage, they
are an intrusive noise nuisance, and the harm and injury they do is just not worth
the momentary thrill they offer.
--Ron Paquette
80. FREE THE FIREWORKS! Free the citizens who would like to shoot off aerial
displays without fear of some prosecution because I'm not really clearing bats
from a cave. Let's be real, if someone wanted to make a bomb it sure isn't going to
be a box of roman candles that they use. Diesel fuel and fertilizer are too
prevalent. Let those of us who like to celebrate with a bang do so freely!
--Joseph Beckman
Public Citizen
81. I think more available and inexpensive training of firework use is needed. Other
than this, I believe the state should use the Federal guidelines.
--Jay Stees
82. I am so sick of hearing the "My great, great grandfather did it and so should we"
argument! Is there really an ounce of logic in this type of reasoning? If we, as a
society, really believed that what worked for our ancestors is good enough for us,
then we would still be crawling around in caves! Society has evolved over the
years and it will continue to evolve. The celebration of the 4th of July started in
the 1700ís. We are hardly the same society now. Our grandparents had open space
back then. The closest neighbor to my grandma was at least 5 miles away. So,
sure, do whatever you want, nobody will know the difference!! Now that we are
living on top of each other our outdoor activities have an impact on our neighbors.
What about the argument "Legalize fireworks, it's Patriotic." What? We can't be
patriotic without blowing stuff up? We cant be patriotic or celebrate the start of a
new year without jeopardizing the safety of the lives and property of those around
us? America's Founders, the men and women who gave us reason to be patriotic
in the first place, would think we've lost our way if they could see us now.
Patriotism is not picnics, fireworks, or a day off work. Are these activities really
manifestations of patriotism, or are they nothing more than an excuse to have
some fun? Has anyone even read the Declaration of Independence lately? Let's
not cheapen the term patriotic by suggesting that the use of illegal fireworks is
what makes an American patriotic. That is an insult.
Haytham Al Fiqi Books:
--Susan Molloy
Fire Marshal, City of Greenacres
83. Part 2: My argument is simple. I will use an analogy with seatbelts. Our
grandparents never wore seatbelts, neither did my parents. Neither would I if it
hadn't become law! Look at all the lives that have been saved now because of
seatbelts. How fast do you think the first automobile could go? Hardly what it can
do today. How many cars were on the road 100 years ago? Hardly the numbers
we have today. The early automobiles did not even have seatbelts. My point is
that things change and as they change we must change with them. Sometimes, we,
as a society, NEED to have our safety, freedom, and happiness governed by laws,
codes, etc. What would our society be like without government? Do we really
want a free-for-all society?! Everyone just do as they please in blatant disregard
for those around them. Isn't patriotism about the love of our country? Should that
not include those who live among us? What about some simple respect for one
another? Let's face it, some people are too stupid to protect themselves. Some still
drive 80 mph in bumper to bumper traffic without a seatbelt on. However, at the
very least, people that cant or won't obey the laws that are created to protect their
own safety should not be allowed to put those around them in danger as well.
Such as blowing up things in their neighbors yards!! There are plenty of
organized, legal, public fireworks displays to attend. There is absolutely no reason
to allow illegal fireworks to get in the hands and neighborhoods of anyone that is
not legally licensed. There are PLENTY of reasons not to allow it, such as life
safety, property preservation, and, yes, patriotism!
--Susan Molloy
Fire Marshal, City of Greenacres
84. All fireworks should be legal in Florida. They are an American tradition for pretty
much all holidays and although fun the so called 'safe' fireworks are cheesy. I am
a former Marine and with firearms safety always came first. I have been using
fireworks ever since I was a teenager and have never been harmed or caused
property damage. This task-force is silly and just a waste of money. People are
going to do fireworks no matter what. I feel instead the money should be spent to
implement a safe use of fireworks plan.
--Adam Billups
Former Active Duty Marine ; College Student
85. Dear Director Hallman: I was given your name by Irene Gaacek, the Madiera
Beach fire inspector who organizes burn camp for the Children's Burn
Foundation. My daughter Leah Culkar was burned over 20% of her body by a
wayward firework mortar on 7/4/01--she was six years old at the time. The
firework was sold to my neighbor at a roadside stand on the corner on State Road
580 and McMullen Booth Road in Clearwater. Our family and some of the
neighbors were participating in a neighborhood display--the fireworks were being
used as per the instructions--they were being set off in the middle of the road in
front of our houses. My daughter and other children were well away from the
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fireworks and she was merely an observer. My neighbor set off a large mortar
rocket and the first mortar fired up into the sky like it was supposed to, but the
thrust made it fall over and point toward the house where my daughter was seated
in the garage entry way, about 3 feet away from me. The rocket kept firing
mortars and each thrust made it spin around unpredictably toward a different area
of the front of the house. As we all started to get up and run away my daughter
was struck by a fiery mortar, which landed in her lap. She received 1st, 2nd and
3rd degree burns, endured a skin graft to her arm and permanent scarring. She
spent 10 days in the hospital and experienced horrendous pain due to blisters,
open wounds, dressing changes, therapy to walk again, bend her ankle, hand,
fingers, etc. She wore burn garments for a year and people would stare at her and
ask questions. Sometimes when she simply responded that that she had been
burned people ( even adults!) would automatically assume that it was her fault.
Most people, like us, have no idea what amount of fire power they are using when
they buy this stuff from the fire works companies. I don't think we had any
business with that kind of fire power in a residential neighborhood, and my
daughter paid the price for our mistakes. Our neighbors feel horrible and guilty
about what happened to our daughter, but it could have happened to anyone.
Please do what you can to take the fire power out of our neighborhoods and keep
it out. Don't let the influential fireworks industry "buy off" our legislature. I have
the dress my daughter was wearing when she was burned--it speaks a thousand
more words than this note can. If you would like to use it to make your case
please let me know. Thank you, Rebecca (& William) Culkar
-- Anonymous
86. Legalize fireworks in Florida! There are many people in Florida who are
responsible, although illegal, users of fireworks. The legislature is already
complaining of not enough money, so here's another luxury to tax. Fund
education, maybe?
--Nathan Stanley
87. I am a fire inspector and also the Regional Coordinator for The Children's Burn
Foundation of Florida. As the latter, I take a group of local children to a burn
camp every year. One of the children that attends is a 13 year old female that was
terribly burned and scarred by a stray bottle rocket gone awry. Her mother has
already written a response to this committee. I'd like to know why anyone would
believe that an civilian with little or not training should be allowed to handle
explosives with that much power and also make it available to children. I've been
involved with the Pinellas County Juvenile Firesetters Program for many years
and many of the incidents that the children had been referred to the program for
were related to mishaps with fireworks they should not have been using as they
are not fish hatcheries nor are they agricultural farmers. Thank you for allowing
me my opinion. Irene M. Gaccek
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--Irene Gaccek
Madeira Beach Fire Dept/Children's Burn Foundation of Florida
88. Consume fireworks should be banned. If a retail establishment wants to sell
consumer fireworks the Village, Town, City, County should impose a yearly fee
to stay in business.
--David Logan
Seminole Tribe of Florida
89. Fireworks, in the right hands, are good. However, in the wrong hands which is
usually our young they can and are dangerous. There must be an educational and
regulatory mandated part of any fireworks plan if it is expanded beyond
professional us in the state of Florida. The best option is to not let citizen's
purchase illegal fireworks for any reason. However, if it becomes law the
response from Fire and EMS will increase dramatically which in essence
translates into an unfunded liability that must be borne by the fireworks industry.
A portion of the sale of all fireworks must be set aside and put back into local
FD's across the state to assist in increased response and prevention programs to
protect the public from themselves. One child who loses their fingers or dies
because it is cool to play with fireworks is one too many. Please do not allow
untrained citizen's to handle and set off fireworks in the state of Florida.
--Patrick Kelly
DeLand Fire Department
90. The current regulations are not sufficient to lessen injury, property damage, and
the irresponsible use of fireworks. Law enforcement is seemingly neither able nor
willing to enforce the laws we presently have in place. The logical solution is to
ban the all use of explosive and airborne fireworks in Florida. It is not responsible
to cave in to the special interests of fireworks manufacturers and retail sales
outlets. We should rid our state of this nuisance.
--Jim McEvoy
City of Naples FL
91. Please allow me to explain what the fireworks industry will not. 1. More fires are
reported on July 4th and half are the result of the improper use of fireworks! Now,
let's go on, 2. Fireworks caused an estimated 1,500 structure fires and 600 vehicle
fires resulting in 21 injuries and $21 million dollars in damage 3. U.S hospital
emergency rooms treated an estimated 10,800 people for firework related injuries.
4. 48% of those injuries were to the extremities and 44% were to the head 5. 54%
of the firework injuries were burns, and 29% were contusions and lacerations 6.
48% of the people injured by fireworks were under the age of 15 7. The risk of
firework injuries was 3 times as high for children ages 10-14 as for the general
population 8. Sparklers, fountains, and novelties accounted for 26% of the
emergency room injuries from fireworks 9. Males accounted for 69% of firework
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injuries. 10. "Safe and Sane" fireworks are neither. Fireworks and sparklers are
designed to explode or throw off showers of sparks in excess of 1200 degrees
Fahrenheit. The above statistics are the result from injuries primarily on July 4th
and New Years Eve. Just 2 days! Fireworks are patriotic and as apple pie when
competent pyrotechnic professionals discharge them safely in sponsored firework
events. Please close the loopholes and strengthen FS791 not tie the hands of the
fire service wanting a safe community.
--Christopher J. Weir EFO, Fire Marshal
Port Orange Department of Fire & Rescue
92. With Fire conditions as they usually are during the summer months in Florida, I
believe that the use of ALL FIREWORKS should be band! What the news and
see what California is doing today!!!!!! Stop promoting the use of illegal fire
-- Anonymous
93. We have inspected numerous vendors who have complied with the current
standards and have had few violations of fireworks not on the approved list.
However, for several years now there have been numerous complaints filed with
the local Police Department regarding noise from and use of large aerial
fireworks. Unfortunately, few, - if any citations were issued regarding this illegal
--Chief Roy Tremain
City of Eustis Fire Department
94. It would be a drastic mistake to make any changes what so ever in the way that
Fire Works legislation was enforced prior to July 1, 2007.
--Michael W. Dutton
City of Fort Walton Beach Fire Department
95. I think there needs to be some kind of funding source for our FF and I believe this
is a good source of funding. There is NO direct funding to train our career and
volunteer firefighters. We need some kind of funding to keep up with current
training issues and needs.
--Michael Dashosh
Indian River Community College
96. I feel that fireworks should be banned for sale in Florida. I have seen people in
previous years that use the illegal fireworks now and the aftermath is horrific.
Trash left in the streets, bruise fires, and injuries. I have seen several of the
neighbor kids hurt by fireworks. Keep the fireworks limited and let the
professionals do the shows.
--Joe Miller
97. I believe consumer fireworks should be legal all year round. The consumers
should be given the opportunity to enjoy fireworks with certain rules and
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regulations. A consumer should be able to obtain a license as long as he/she
performs certain educational training and classes. There should also be an age-
limit as to when these consumers can obtain their license to purchase and
proactively use these fireworks. In regards to noise ordinance, there could be
some type of timeframe when fireworks can be used during the evening unless
there are no commercial or residential establishments near by. Thanks!
--Henry Menendez
98. John Adams, later to become President of the United States, predicted in July of
1776 in a letter to his wife, Abigail, that Independence Day festivities would be
celebrated with fireworks (illuminations): "The day (Independence Day) will be
the most memorable in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be
celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary ought to
be solemnized with pomp and parade...bonfires and illuminations (fireworks)
from one end of this continent to the other, from this day forward forevermore."
-- Anonymous
99. I would like to take a minute to introduce myself. My name is Craig S.
Carmichael and I am the Fire Chief of the Gulf Breeze Fire Department. I have
been in the fire service since The purpose of my correspondence is share my
belief that Consumer Fireworks Task Force should not make any
recommendations to the House and Senate which would preempt local
governments from adopting local controls over the use and sale of fireworks and
--Craig S. Carmichael
City of Gulf Breeze
100. I have visited the Netherlands where there are virtually no restrictions and
watched the results on New Years eve. In a small village where my parents-in-law
live fireworks were shot up from every block for 2 hours. It created an
environment for illegal things such as flares and other mischief. It creates an
reckless environment resulting in death, injuries and property damage for which
local government must manage in an environment of fiscal restraint. Our
communities will be better off if this dangerous activity is left to professionals at
controlled community events. Florida will be the third most populated state in 3
years. We are too crowded for this.
--Gerard Ransom
City of Sanford Fire Department
101. I often use fireworks in my area with no problems and no distraction to my
neighbors. when used with common sense, fireworks pose no problem to anyone.
--Kelly Roberts
102. Dear Honorable Board: I have been in the fire service for over 37 years, and
have witnessed first hand the destruction to life, limb and property damage from
the foolishness that has been allowed by our elected officials all for the price of a
Haytham Al Fiqi Books:
lobbyists dollars. Most of the States in the area of the country that I came from
banned the sale and possession decades ago. Allowing the sale of fireworks for
agricultural purposes is totally ludicrous. We have seen first hand where the
parents buy the items, only to hand them over to their children 10 minutes later.
We are at odds throughout the State when it comes to enforcement. As fire
inspectors, we are asked to review the site plans for compliance, then visit the
sites and accept what we could never enforce. I am speaking for myself, but you
can be rest assured that my sentiments are echoed through out the State by every
fire inspector and chief officer. There is not one fireworks vendor who complies
with the law. We have taken the time to check their sales items against the State
Fire Marshals approved list. By taking a random sample off of the shelf or table
we will compare them to the current list. We sample approximately 6-8 items, and
have in our district approximately 8 tents set up across our fire protection zone. If
I stated 8 samples x 8 vendors and compared those 48 items to the list, I might
find one on it. There are 100's. Then the best and most ludicrous issue is the
paper that they give everyone to sign. We have asked some of the buyers if they
have agricultural land, as we work in an area where there still are some farms.
The answer we get when we have asked some of the people who purchase them is
" 'NO', but that dumb salesperson doesn't know that". The police officials want
no part of this, as they would have to store what they confiscate. And, according
to code, would require blast proof storage containers. Where is the money going
to come for this? Not from some police chief or sheriffs budget. We would hear,
"It's a fire department matter, let them fund it". Then, there is the quality of life
issue. Why, must we have to listen to bang, bang, bang for hours and days on end.
Why must our children cry because they cannot sleep, and our animals whose
sensitive ears are subjected to undue stress because of the stupidity of our
neighbors who are using illegal fireworks, for illegal purposes. Should our laws
be any less stringent, should we protect our citizens any less, our children. And
sir, what about my brother and sister firefighters who get called to collect the
pieces of human bodies when there is an accident, children's fingers, homes
destroyed by an accident or fire. I ask you to work diligently for our cause
throughout the fire fighting and taxpaying community. Please do not bow to the
pressures of the industry. Make Florida a safe place to live and work.
--Richard W. Sudol, Fire Inspector II
103. Legalize them in Polk County!
104. I am in support of creating a firefighter training trust fund such as the trust
fund that supports training for law enforcement personnel. The manner in which
this is achieved is inconsequential compared to the importance of the training that
will be derived from it. Whether a permit fee structure is imposed on fireworks or
a sales tax percentage is allocated, this is an important issue that needs to be
--William Klein Florida Fire Training Director's Association
Haytham Al Fiqi Books:
105. Dear members of the task force, I have grown up in a state where the state
government decided to take the easy way out and treat the citizens like children
by banning the use of fireworks, the reason why I say treated like children is
because why should the government be doing the jobs of the parents and/or
guardians, when the government has bigger fish to fry like the true cause of forest
fires, the budget, education, health care, etc... I honestly say with no disrespect to
the members of this task force that this task force is a farce and a waste of
precious tax revenues that can be put to other uses. By banning fireworks your
taking away a tradition that has been handed down for generations and taking
away the right to express ourselves in a safe orderly fashion. This great country's
democratic system was created by the people for the people and what the people
want is for the government to worry about more important issues. If the governing
body wants to regulate the sale and use of fireworks then lets come up with a
policy that we can all agree on here are some examples of what kind of rules we
can impose so that this tradition can thrive and continue without hindrance and in
a safe responsible manor. 1. Purchasing of fireworks such as rockets, mortars,
pinwheels, repeaters which I believe under current statutes are deemed as class d
can only be purchased at reputable installations such as phantom fireworks that
have the proper computer equipment in place to track the sales of such fireworks,
also send consumer must meet the said licensing and/or safety requirements set
forth below. I know there are a lot of gas stations/fruit stands, and tents that sell
those types of fireworks in this state and I don't have anything against them, but
do they have a way to validate information and/or a way to track said purchases
also what kind of quality control do these places have. 2. No consumer under the
age of 21 without a valid state or federal issue ID and without obtaining a
certificate of completion of a state approved safety course and obtaining a permit
and/or temporary license to purchase and shoot said fireworks prior to the date of
said event and the permit and/or license must be posted in proper view for local
law enforcement to see if shooting off the fireworks is done at the residence of
said licensee. If said licensee currently rents prior written approval must be
obtained from the property owner or the consumer can apply for a permit and/or
license to shoot said fireworks at a designated public place. 3. Shooting
Restrictions: People are only allowed to shoot fireworks at their own property
address pending all safety precautions have been taken and it is up to the person
shooting off the fireworks to clean up any debris that may be left behind by said
fireworks and make sure any and all ambers have been extinguished. If red flag
warnings and/or burn bans are in place and/or the drought index is within a certain
critical range the shooting and/or purchase of said fireworks should be prohibited
until said restrictions have been lifted. Although the local jurisdiction has the right
to allow fireworks to be shot in certain designated safety zones where the local
vegetation can not be harmed.
--David Petruzzella Citizen of this great state
106. I would hope that you come to a positive outcome about the legalization of
fireworks in Florida. My family, friends and I greatly enjoy this expression of
patriotic pride during the 4th of July holiday.
Haytham Al Fiqi Books:
--Joe Cutrone
107. Fireworks are extremely dangerous to both people and property. No fireworks
should be sold to anyone without a permit. The affidavit a person signs stating
they will use them for a legal purpose is a fraud. Law Enforcement needs some
tools that will allow them to enforce the current State Law. Possession of illegal
fireworks without a permit should be grounds for arrest. We want fireworks out of
our neighborhoods.
--Wofford Johnson
108. It has been almost a year since I accepted the position of Public Educator/PIO
for Port Orange Fire-Rescue. Prior to this, I was very naive about the number of
injuries and property damage caused by the use of fireworks (as, I believe, most
of the general public is). Now, I hear numerous calls during the month before and
following the 4th of July, reference burns, injuries from projectiles, and fires
caused by fireworks. On July 5th, 2007, fireworks were improperly disposed of in
a trashcan next to a million-dollar home. The fireworks ignited and caught the
wall of the house on fire and went on to cost the family approximately $700,000
and irreplaceable memories. All over the country, professionals offer amazing
fireworks displays where families can gather to celebrate the holiday. Leave it to
the professionals--the cost of home firework use is just too great.
--Tonya Gilardi, PIO, Port Orange Fire-Rescue
109. It would be good to put some restrictions on use; i.e. where, age, etc., but to
do away with being able to use them at all is ridiculous. Please stop wearing away
at our freedoms. How can you become trustworthy if you are not given the
--DeAnna Willard
110. Besides the idiotic incidents we hear about fireworks after a holiday such as
the Fourth of July, fireworks are basically good in many ways. They provide
enjoyment at family gatherings and they dazzle both young children and adults. I
understand full and well that when legalizing something you have to take into
consideration the safety of all people, but I do not believe that we, who practice
safety and caution, should have to suffer because of a few people. I believe that
when fireworks are legalized that the inappropriate use of them should be treated
like any other criminal act. Fireworks aren't like drinking beer or going to clubs in
that they don't cause people to act irrationally, its just one of those few
appropriate events that both adults and children alike can participate in, especially
if they may not want to go to see fireworks at the shows.
--Alexis Walker
111. Fireworks an American tradition. Legalize the use and sale within the State of
Florida. My Tax $$$ stay here in the State and NOT in South Carolina or
Alabama. I will continue to Purchase whether they are Legalized or Not. If you
impose a total ban I would just go out of state as many others do and have done
Haytham Al Fiqi Books:
and Purchase. If your educated/aware of what they are and how to use them the
supposed minimal amount accidents and injuries would decrease. More Floridians
are injured everyday by weapons i.e. Guns, Knives, Clubs etc than by Consumer
Fireworks. Yes regulate the Industry. I have seen many Out of Trunk sellers
selling Professional/Homemade stuff. This is a disaster really waiting to happen.
Regulate Consumer Fireworks within reason. DO NOT deny or impose and more
restrictions on my FREDOMS than there already are.
--Dave Nolan
112. I enjoy fireworks and I feel most people do also. Please allow fireworks to be
legal in Florida. Thank you, A friend to fireworks, Joan
113. This is another situation where money and greed are allowing the law to be
ignored. I have breathing problems, pets, and am a homeowner. I am tired of
being held captive in my home (in the a/c) due to the smoke clouds that lingerer
for hours, my pets shake in fear, and I have to worry about fire and damage to my
home due to fireworks. All of which are illegally set off by my neighbors that I
didn't know were farmers or worked on the railroad. I have complained to my
county commissioners, mayor, city council, police, and the fire marshall. With
record troughs and idiots flooding the emergency rooms and setting fires, it is
time to put an end to fireworks in Florida. Temporary tents paying for a license
should make our government liable for their actions. I see law suits and problems
we as a state do not need. Please end the sale of fireworks to individuals and keep
them in the hands of those that know how to use them, like parks, Busch gardens,
--Craig R. Mcnees
114. Like many before me, I have been frightened in my own home from the blasts
of fireworks in my neighborhood, not only on the eve of a holiday, but for days
before, during and after the event, along with such special events as Gasparilla,
sports victories, the dog's birthday. Any excuse to make the loudest noise
available to mankind short of nuclear bombardments. I am shocked at the "logic"
used by Don Surenkamp, president of Patriotic Fireworks, who likened those
idiots using fireworks to drunk drivers, suggesting we don't ban the use of
automobiles so why should we ban the use of fireworks. There are NO redeeming
values or sound arguments for the private use of fireworks. There are plenty of
public displays all around the community for families to enjoy without having to
put the neighborhoods on air raid alerts. If we are going to continue to sell
fireworks to those who proclaim the need for same for agricultural or mining
purposes, then we need to demand that those persons actually have a very
expensive business license for that same purpose, along with proof of legitimate
business operations. There should be NO sale of fireworks to Mr. Joe Citizen who
wants to make more noise than his next door neighbor. Mr. Citizen can join the
Army and go to Iraq if he thirsts for so much for the sounds of bullets whizzing
by and bombs exploding in mid air. He may even get a medal if he does that.
Haytham Al Fiqi Books:
--Judith Batson
115. I would like to say that I am an avid fireworks user and would like to continue
to be one. They can be safe and fun when lighted properly. I would hate to see
holiday fireworks displays go away because of some legislation. Please consider
my request.
--Denise Fairbanks
116. Aren't there bigger fish to fry in the state of Florida, and for that matter
throughout the United States? Why doesn't someone check the statistics on
injuries and death related to things such as skateboarding, off-roading, little
league soccer, baseball and football, backyard swimming pools, jungle gyms, rock
walls and climbing, accidental poisoning, parental abuse, drugs and underage
drinking, etc. Do we ban the above? No! How many more of our rights do we
really want taken away? The use of consumer grade fireworks by someone old
enough to fight for our freedom and vote for our presidency shouldn't be tampered
-- Anonymous
117. To whom it may concern, I think that putting more restriction on fireworks
will only further fuel the user to get them else where. I think they should be fully
allowed. If we can't get them in Florida we will get them in the states we can and
bring them back home. Also please stop wasting our tax dollars with these type of
issues and focused on issues that will help the tax payers.
--Jesus Porben
118. After 40 years in the fire service of which most was in the Beaches areas of
Panama City Beach I have dealt with many fire works calls over the years. Most
of them are from illegal fire works that were used by non-responsible adults or
unsupervised juveniles. Florida's law on fire works is pretty well defined.
basically only sparklers are allowed. While it not the intent to take away from
having holiday fun, we must think of the results of what happens when illegal
fireworks are used. Check the reports of children and adults being burned when
fireworks are no handled properly. I know that the fireworks industry has lobbied
and paid big dollars for Tallahassee to not introduce a new anti fireworks bill.
But, is it worth the lives of our people to pay the price. Every year we respond to
fires that have started by illegal fireworks. What is to say we will not have another
California wild fire from some irresponsible person who went to Alabama and
purchased fireworks to show his friends a good time, but it all goes wrong. We
teach our children in school fire safety and tell them to practice it 52 weeks a
year. A lot of our time is spent teaching fire safety in schools, the work place,
retirement centers, and at public functions. lets not add any m ore undo hardship
in the community. Ban fireworks that are not listed as expectable and follow the
Florida State Statute on fire works as it is written. Send a message to the
fireworks industry to use their money to help the community.
--Warren G. Patterson
Haytham Al Fiqi Books:
Fire Chief retired Thomas Drive Fire Rescue
119. We have been doing business with patriotic fireworks for years, it would be
terrible to loose their business, light towers and generators, ($10,000.00/year).
The people that we deal with are very professional and knowledgeable about the
products they sell. We need to keep consumer grade firework's for personal use in
our state. And I my self purchase about $400 worth of fireworks per year for
different events. How about a extra tax like other states do? Thanks, Tim Krueger
--Tim Krueger
Rentalex of Pasco
120. I am sick of the use of illegal fireworks in the state of Florida. I am subjected
to my irresponsible neighbors having a "private" display each and every year. My
holidays are miserable, as my home is put at risk and my pet is terrified. There is
an organized fireworks display done by professionals in every county and if
anyone feels strongly enough about "patriotism" let them go there and watch it.
Individuals should not be allowed to make others life a complete misery in this
way. It is both selfish and irresponsible!!....Please enforce this law and fine each
and every perpetrator and allow all residents to enjoy the holiday in safety and
121. Over my 39 years in the fire service I have witnessed numerous personal
injuries and property losses due to fireworks usage. The current effort to further
deregulate fireworks making them more available is unwise and should not be
acceptable to reasonable and objective citizens. Lets not allow big money place
our citizens and communities at greater risk.
--Barry Baker
Ormond Beach Fire Department
122. I have been working for Rentalex for three years and have been involved with
patriotic fireworks with their rentals of equipment of light towers and generators.
I also purchase about $200 worth of fireworks each year. I think Florida should
keep consumer grade firework's for personal use. I also feel they should tax
fireworks and put the money toward the fire department. also I have been lighting
off fireworks for 30 years and do so in a safe manner.
--John Oliveira
Rentalex of Pasco
123. Please keep consumer grade fireworks for personal use in our state. With out
them how would forth of July or new years be the same. What would forth of July
be with just sparklers. I have enjoyed twenty years of fireworks at least two times
per year, and no injuries. I also work part time at my fathers business, with out the
firework sales my father would lose a lot of business in tents, light towers, and
generators. Please try to work this out. Thanks
--Chase Krueger
Haytham Al Fiqi Books:
Rentalex of Pasco
124. I'm writing to express my opposition to the use of illegal fireworks in the
State of Florida. The use of these Illegal fireworks causes a safety risk to my
Community and to the State of Florida. We need to protect the Florida Residents
and the environment of this great State. We must do whatever it take to stop the
use and sale of illegal fireworks in the State of Florida for the health and well
being of its residents and citizens. Thanks for sharing my comments.
--Joseph Eikenberg
125. The use of fireworks has become a growing problem over the past ten years.
We have always had some use of fireworks however now it is almost continuous
on holidays such as New Years Eve and July 4th. I have been very concerned
about the illegal use of fireworks and now on these holidays besides the safety
factor, the sky is filled with smoke which takes until the next day to dissipate.
Also, my yard and my neighbors yards are littered with sky rocket material. I
worry that someday a burning sky rocket may ignite a roof top or nearby brush.
Please stop the use of illegal fireworks and enforce the law.
--Ken Cherry
126. As a fire chief I am apposed to the passage of this bill. Not only because of
the threat that they pose as a fire hazard but also the health risk involved. We all
are aware of the potential fire danger involved with fireworks but the last couple
of years have been extremely dry in Florida and the use of any fireworks
including sparklers should be prohibited by law and enforced. With the increased
danger of wildfires and the very real potential loss of life and property in Florida
there is no question in my mind that this bill should be voted down.
--Edwin B. Campbell, Bayshore Fire Rescue
Creating a navigation button in Fireworks
Many navigation buttons are designed to look and operate just like a 3-D buttons in the
real world, so that the button looks elevated (referred to as being “up” or “at rest”) when
the mouse is not over it, and depressed (or “down”) when the mouse is over it, called a
mouseover or rollover. To implement a mouseover, first create two different images, one
for the “up” button and one for the “down” button, then use JavaScript to toggle between
the two images as the user moves the mouse. To create the two images, you actually
create only a single .png file in Fireworks but export different “views” of the file as two
different .gif files.
Open a new file in Fireworks, setting the resolution to 72, the page size to way bigger
Haytham Al Fiqi Books:
than you need (a typical oval button is maybe 100 pixels wide), and the background color
to the background color of the web page. Use a shape tool (rectangle, rounded rectangle,
circle, whatever) from the Tools panel to draw the basic shape of the button. With the
button selected, change the fill color and stroke color to whatever you choose, done by
using either the two color pans under Colors on the Tools panel or the Properties panel
down below. Use an Effect if you want to make the button look 3-D, or give it a glow, or
give it a drop shadow. Effects are under the Effects panel in Fireworks 4, and under the
"+" box of the Properties panel in Fireworks MX. Play.
If you want text on the button, choose the "A" button on the Tools Panel, position the
cursor where you want the text, and type. Notice that this gives you a new layer in the
Layers menu on the right. You can modify colors, effects, etc. just as you did for the
shape above, using the Properties panel, or color pans, or the Text menu. If your text
doesn’t show up on the button after you have finished it, look again at the Layers menu
on the right; the text layer needs to be above the shape layer or the shape layer will hide
the text. So, if the text layer is below the shape layer, select it and drag it above the shape
After the "up" button is the way you want it, you need to create the "down" button, in the
same .png file. I am going to assume you want the same text for both buttons, and all you
want to do is modify the down button to look depressed. (That would be "pushed in", not
"sad" ;-) Go to the Layers panel, click on the layer for the shape of the “up” button,
press ctrl-C (for copy) then ctrl-V (for paste), and you should now have two identical
layers containing the same shape. Rename one of them (click on the name and type) to
say "button-up" and rename the other one "button-down" so that you can keep track of
which is which. Click on the "eye" symbol for the "button-up" to turn it off for now,
because it is done. Click on the layer for the "button-down" to select it, and then modify
the Effects so that it looks depressed.
Now, to save your two buttons... First, go to the Modify menu, Canvas. Change the
background color to transparent. Also under the Modify menu, choose Trim Canvas to
get rid of the extra canvas space around your button. Go to the Optimize panel and make
sure GIF is selected, not JPEG, and choose a Matte color that matches the background
color of your web page (you will understand why we need to do this step after we talk
about graphics). Go to the Layers panel and make sure the eye symbol is turned on for the
parts you need for the “up” button and turned off for the parts you don't need for the “up”
button. Check in the main panel that the “up” button looks the way you want it to look.
Under the File menu, choose Export, type in an appropriate file name (button_up, for
instance), and say OK. Go through exactly the same process for the “down” button,
making sure that the eye is "on" for only the parts that should be used for the “down”
button. Finally, save the .png file so that you can do future modifications if necessary,
even though the .png file won't actually be used on the web page. When this is all done,
you should have a button_up.gif, a button_down.gif, and a button.png.
Don't forget that Fireworks has a built-in tutorial. Also, feel free to play with the various
commands above. For instance, with Fill, you can choose from various options like built-
Haytham Al Fiqi Books:
in textures and gradients. Or you can change the degree of roundness on a rounded
rectangle from the Properties panel. Or you can make a 13-point star instead of a
rectangle by choosing the Polygon shape instead of a rectangle. Play, have fun, and learn.
After you have created both an “up” and a “down” button, you can use Dreamweaver to
insert the appropriate JavaScript into your web page so that the buttons behave
interactively. Choose “Insert…Interactive Images…Rollover Image.” Fill in the
following fields:
• Image name: Leave Dreamweaver’s default name, or put in your own, more
descriptive name.
• Original image: The “up” image, for when the mouse is not over the button.
• Rollover image: The “down” image, for when the mouse is over the button.
• Preload: Leave this checked. We will discuss why when we get to JavaScript.
• Alternate text: What you want in the alt=“…” of the image tag.
• When clicked, go to URL: The href for the <a> tag.
One final note: Older versions of Navigator can’t reference images directly, to do the
swap, unless those images are embedded within a form. So, put a <form name=“…”>
right after <body>, and put an </form> right before </body>, and the problem should be
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Fireworks tf coms

  • 1. Fireworks Task Force On-Line Comments 10/24/07- 11/9/07 1.Please do not ban fireworks in this great state. -- Anonymous 2.I do not think there is anything with legalizing fireworks. Each individual should be held responsible for their own actions --Michael Murray 3.Fireworks should be fully legalized in Florida for the use of the public. There Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 1
  • 2. should be no restrictions placed on the citizens of Florida who choose to enjoy the beauty and noise of fireworks. Its great stress relief and the neighbors love it!!!!!!!!!!! --Kevin 4.Responsible adults know and understand how fireworks should be handled properly and directions on such items should be followed at all times. --Drew Ludwig 5.Fully legalize fireworks in Florida!!!!!!!!!!! --Charles Huttoe Huttoe Group LLC 6.Would sure like to see fireworks completely legal in Florida, I love fireworks. --Merrill Lund 7.Many states have recently passed legislation that allows the responsible use of fireworks. Fireworks use has risen dramatically in recent years and the number of injuries has steadily come down. This is due in part to education programs. According to government statistics the majority of injuries happen to children under the age of 18 who should not have been using fireworks in an unsupervised fashion in the first place. Many state governments have imposed a modest tax on fireworks and those monies have been used to sponsor firework education programs, and to support various firefighting organizations and departments. Firefighters on a local level would benefit from the additional tax revenue that could flow their way. Reasonable guidelines on the use of fireworks should be implemented such as those recently passed in Indiana. It is time for the state to pass legislation that allows the use of all consumer grade fireworks by adults. --Joe Danis 8.I believe that the legalization of fireworks would be a good thing. many of us shoot fireworks as is with the current laws here. it would be a great revenue stream for the state because of taxes and the state can also control the time of when to shoot and not to. if people didn’t listen to above, more money can be made for the state in the way of fines. fireworks accidents have been down for over 10 years because the CPSC has oversight to all fireworks imports. fireworks are much safer than they used to be --Mark Sova Florida resident 9.Fireworks are historically a part of American tradition. When I shop for fireworks, I have to submit my driver's license and I am given paperwork explaining the safe, legal use of fireworks. As an adult, I practice the discharging of fireworks with Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 2
  • 3. safety in mind. We store them safely and we have plenty of water available for emergencies. Our audience is positioned a safe distance so they enjoy the show and are not in any danger. When I teamed with a friend to do a fireworks show for his neighbors the past three years, we always get rave reviews of how great a July 4th it was with the spectacular fireworks show we put on. And they did not have to go anywhere, park anywhere to celebrate Independence Day. We have never had an accident because we carefully pay attention to safety. Can fireworks be misused? Can unfortunate accidents occur? Yes. Hunting accidents occur, beach accidents occur, parade accidents occur. Accidents occur in every aspect of life. The Fireworks industry seems to do everything possible to protect its customers from themselves. Fireworks need to be treated responsibly just like guns, cars and alcohol. The fireworks stores I frequent behave like conscientious bartenders. I don't think the entire industry should be shut down just as I am sure no one wants to shut down all the bars in Florida. Thank you for your time, Herb Sayas --Herb Sayas Private Citizen 10. I and my family want fireworks sold with safety guidelines, such as the ones that Phantom Fireworks abides by and that we look forward to all supervised fireworks displays put on by the many private and public ventures utilizing safety standards. --Joseph C. La Forte Joseph C. La Forte & Associates, LLC 11. It seems to me that the task force is aiming at increased revenues to the state rather than safety. Remember what happened when liquor was banned leading to bootlegging. I would hate to see the increase in accidents due to the use of unsafe fireworks sold via the bootleg method rather than the safe ones sold today. It isn't the seller who lights the fuse. If you want to reduce the number of injuries make the parents more responsible legally & financially for the injuries caused by inappropriate use & inadequate supervision of fireworks. Banning the sale of fireworks won't stop them from coming to Florida or being used unless you plan on stopping every vehicle crossing the Florida line to search them out. Banning them will only hurt the seller & the Florida economy. Don't you think our economy is bad enough? Why would you want to do something that would decrease Florida revenue and do little to decrease injuries by fools? Banning or not the fools will still find a way to get hurt thus the term FOOL. -- Anonymous 12. Please legalize fireworks. They will be more under control if they are legal. people are now doing them just because they are not legal and to make people mad. We do have a right to celebrate independence day(4th of July) and a new year. It is legal to make alot of notice with other items other then fireworks at those times why not have fireworks. I am a mom of two girls who love to celebrate both new years and 4th of July. I can understand some of the frustration but if it is legal we should have more people who will be careful and not do it just Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 3
  • 4. to depose anyone. Please email me if there is anything further I can help with this. --Dawn Evans 13. Twice a year it's like I'm living in a third world country. There are existing laws (enacted for public safety), that if enforced would eliminate all the professional displays put on by amateurs that we have to suffer through now. I'd say that since those laws are not being enforced, you may as well strike them and save some ink and trees. --Dwight Huff 14. As this task force moves ahead with it's mission, I would hope that each member will consider that the folks they are ultimately representing are, by in large, people who celebrate American holidays with fireworks. They are part of the American culture. More and more average citizens bump up against the "thou shalt nots" of government. The very idea that you are spending tax dollars and concerning yourselves with something so integral to American's celebration of America makes me sad. Leave us to our small pleasures: keep the government away from more restrictive fireworks legislation. --Margaret McEwen 15. I am a resident of Florida threw the winter months and part of summer. I am a firm believer that all consumer type of fireworks that the public would buy should be fully legal. --Ted Lechowicz Resident 16. I am responding as a citizen rather than as the legal advisor to the Clearwater Police Department. I live on Belleair Beach. During the week prior to July 4th and continuing several days thereafter, I have heard fireworks being used on the beach all through the night as late as 2:00 a.m. The sound is similar to guns being fired. Numerous other residents have told me that they have been disturbed as well. If a person were engaging in any other noise equally as annoying, they would be subject to arrest for disturbing the public peace pursuant to Section 877.03, Florida Statute. --Robert Surette City of Clearwater 17. I am responding as a citizen. I live on Belleair Beach. During the week prior to July 4th and continuing several days thereafter, I have heard fireworks being used on the beach all through the night as late as 2:00 a.m. The sound is similar to guns being fired. Numerous other residents have told me that they have been disturbed as well. If a person were engaging in any other noise equally as annoying, they would be subject to arrest for disturbing the public peace pursuant to Section 877.03, Florida Statute. Persons can enjoy fireworks by attending the numerous free displays that occur throughout the Tampa Bay area. They have no right to enforce their version of "patriotism" on the rest of us by thinking that they have Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 4
  • 5. some inalienable right to ignite fireworks whenever and wherever they please. --Robert Surette City of Clearwater (Police Legal Advisor) 18. Reference is made to an email from Pinellas County Commissioner Kenneth T. Welch who has been appointed as a member of your task force. For years we in law enforcement received requests from the Attorney General and the State Fire Marshall to enforce the sale and possession of illegal fireworks. Apparently I was one of few police chiefs who understood the state law and did take appropriate action when sales cropped up in the Town of Redington Shores. The law mandated the seizure of illegal fireworks but did not provide a remedy for disposition of same. I was faced with a storage problem and finally had to have said items disposed of by the Tampa Bomb Squad. The local prosecutors contended that sales were not illegal and there appeared to be ambivalence that I found quite perplexing. After that, the Pinellas County Commission passed an ordinance that was much more comprehensive but named the Sheriff only as the enforcement agent. This creates the problem of enforcement by local agencies. Consistently, the Florida Legislature puts the same provisions in the state law that exempts sales for the purpose of agricultural use in scaring off birds from crops and a declared purchase to be transported out of state. I am generally unaware of who continues to lobby for these two provisions because they make absolutely no sense. I am a six-generation Floridian with an agricultural background and I have never seen fireworks used to scare birds off of strawberry crops or any other agricultural crops. Further, fireworks are much cheaper in Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee and it is impossible to drive back up north from Florida without going through one of those states. I am requesting the Task Force consider removing those provisions from the state law and providing a mechanism of disposal of seized fireworks within a reasonable period of time with immunity from any civil action. I say that because fireworks have become very expensive and to have to reimburse the violator would create a financial burden for small towns. I would close in telling you that even professionally conducted firework events are extremely dangerous. We had two mishaps in Pinellas County on the last Fourth of July. My officers work these events and I am concerned that they are contrary to public safety and ask that the Task Force give some thought to greater restrictions at these events as may be recommended by the State Fire Marshall. Please feel free to contact me directly at my cell phone number 727-235-8505 if I can be of further assistance or provide additional or clarifying comments. --E.D. Williams, Chief of Police Town of Indian Shores 19. Please please please we non-firework using consumers would so appreciate any work that you can do to ban the sale of all fireworks in the Hillsborough Pinellas area. Given the good weather that we are blessed with in the bay area, we are inundated with fireworks not just on the 4th of July, but, on new years eve, gasparilla, super bowl, and the week or so surrounding the July 4 actual holiday. It has been difficult to comply with baby nap schedules, let alone get adult sleep, Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 5
  • 6. on any of these occasions. Finally, we are astounded that in an era of drought, that such sales under the false pretense of agricultural use are tolerated. We thinking members of the public are getting really tired of the arguments of the backwoods ruling the enjoyment of our property and the quality of our lives. It is time for the legislature to stop listening to the lobby that controls this sale and begin to pay attention to the rights of the residents of the area to not be subjected to such a ridiculous flaunting of "agricultural rights." Thank you so much! -- Anonymous 20. Fireworks are a hazard to people, pets and property. There are over 8500 serious injuries every year and over 20,000 fires caused by fireworks. Georgia does not allow the sales of anything but sparklers and there are several northern states that have a total ban on fireworks. There is one State that prohibits trucks with fireworks to pass through their State. Statute 791 should be strengthened, not weakened. Get fireworks out of our neighborhoods. Blowing up a neighborhood does not make a person a patriot. Ann --Ann Housewife 21. I support legalization of fireworks in the State of Florida. --Sofia Rohrbach 22. With the number of incidents where students are trying to meek "bombs" to blow up the school, why are we allowing fireworks to be sold? Also, are people aware of the harmful pollutants that are used in the making of fireworks? It's scary. visit and find out. --Wofford 23. Sale of consumer fireworks have to be restricted for the only purposes as permitted in our State law. Everyone (buyers, sellers, law enforcement, health care providers, and politicians) knows that the law is not being followed for the legal sale and use of fireworks. I recommend that prior to purchase the buyer must obtain written certification from an independent government agency ( preferably a law enforcement agency) that he truly meets the legal criteria for purchase. This will eliminate a vast majority of illegal sales and drastically reduce the number of calls for service to our law enforcement agencies and fire departments by harassed homeowners. In addition, hopefully it will prevent personnel injury and reduce the demand that those accidents place on our already overburden emergency medical treatment facilities. --Tom Jones 24. Do not permit the private use of fireworks. All public fireworks should be limited to watching professional exhibitions only. --James D. Teske Florida Resident Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 6
  • 7. 25. Enough with the fireworks! Enough with the bogus signing the paper saying you are using them for varmint control. People that buy them don't have the decency to ONLY use them on the fourth. They set them off several weeks prior and several weeks after. They set them off at 11:00 on days like a Wednesday night. I have dogs, when they hear that they then bark. So I have to yell at my dogs because some drunk asshole wants to get his fireworks boner at 11:00 at night! --Karen Wernert 26. I have always thought that the fireworks laws basically "had no teeth" (a pun, I guess, coming from a dentist). I have personally witnessed in my neighborhood the indiscriminate and unlawful use of fireworks creating hazards to people and property. The current situation in California should serve as a grim reminder of the possibilities we could face here in light of some of our recent droughts. --Dr. Douglas Edwards, D.D.S. 27. I urge you to strengthen Statute 791 not weaken it! Exploding fireworks are dangerous to those who use them, those near them, cause fires, disturb children and pets and are, in general, a hazard. We do not need them in our neighborhoods. Professional fireworks displays are great at celebrations, but I, nor my neighbors, want fireworks near our homes. Please eliminate the abuse of the "loopholes" allowing the purchase of fireworks for "agricultural" and "railroad" uses. Strengthen and enforce the fireworks ordinance. --Sally Flynn 28. Fireworks should be ILLEGAL. Too many kids get their hands on them year- round here in Florida. I am originally from NJ where it is ILLEGAL to use fireworks and even firecrackers. Banning fireworks would create more peaceful neighborhoods and better behaved youngsters whose parents let them play in the street. Now, we can't even call the police on kids in the street lighting hazardous fireworks because they are allowed to purchase them and it's an uphill battle to get anything done as long as they are still legal to use. Too many adults and children get their limbs blown off because of fireworks. And many careless cruel people use them to hurt animals. Florida needs to get with the times and BAN FIREWORKS ALTOGETHER. If someone wants to see fireworks, they can go watch them professionally launched in a controlled environment by a community- sponsored event. --Tanya 29. Since safety, fire prevention, etc. are of primary concern regarding the use of fireworks, having industry on the task force will preclude total honesty in dealing with these issues. Why is the fire and the police department not on this task force??? I feel that concessions will be made to industry when profit should not come into question at all on this issue. Regulated fireworks by proper govt. groups should be the only ones permitted to "shoot" fireworks. Even then, accidents occur and people are hurt. Can't we find a better way to show joy and celebration? I think the task force does not show proper representation. Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 7
  • 8. --Marilyn Weaver 30. Please continue to work to make fireworks illegal. Also, please do something to help with enforcement. I live in Largo, in a frame house, and when they start shooting off fireworks I am very worried that something may happen to my house. The noise from the fireworks is very disturbing to me, and the wildlife in my neighborhood. Thanks Commissioner Welch for all you have done. --Debra Jaramillo 31. Fireworks are illegal and should be stopped! People are not using them to keep birds away, etc., as they say they should be used...come one we all know that. This is for entertainment and this is dangerous and needs to be stopped. I am so disgusted by the booths set up and the people buying this junk are the ones that shouldn't be throwing money away on garbage like this. Last year my house was nearly burned down because all the neighbors' fireworks was landing on my safe is that? Do we have to get killed before this atrociousness is stopped? STOP THE FIREWORKS SALE!!! --Gary Schnetter Homeowner 32. Pinellas Co. is densely populated. Water levels are getting lower every year. Projectile fireworks are still being brought into densely populated neighborhoods such as mine. I'm tried of projectiles falling in my neighborhood and along the Pinellas Trail, where the trees are just as dry as the ground. --Nice grounds for a fire on the trail! Last time it happened I called the police. Nothing every happened. I'm sure the police had better things to do. Statewide restrictions are needed. The whole state is lacking water. Yet developers are allow to continue building and bringing more people to the state of Fla., with very little thought as to where these folks will evacuate in an emergency, either from storms or in this case possible fires. We, too, could go up in flames from these people who seem to think anything goes in Fla. What a reputation Florida has! I'm looking for responsible people in state government who have ethics and good common sense, rather than collecting from lobbyists and other special interest groups. When are the people in Tallahassee going to wise up! -- Anonymous 33. My feeling is that we are so densely populated in Pinellas County that the use of firecrackers, etc. can send off cinders that can ignite dry plant material or wood on a house causing fires. Also, never does a 4th of July go by when someone is not treated in an emergency room for injury. Many citizens just lie and sign the slip saying they are going to be used for protection of agricultural products or whatever. Only municipalities should be allowed to use these dangerous materials. Please work to have a strong state-wide law to protect life, limb and property. --Elizabeth France Skycrest Neighbors Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 8
  • 9. 34. In our country we need to celebrate our freedom (Independence Day). The foundation of this country is built upon the basis of our independence. You can't celebrate the holiday without fireworks, it just wouldn't be the American Way. 4th of July without fireworks is like no Christmas trees at Christmas time!! Please legalize fireworks in Florida!!!! --Joe VanOudenhove 35. Lived in St. Petersburg 35 years. Neighborhood became increasingly like a battle zone during holidays fireworks were sold and used. Joined Commissioner Welch to outlaw those leaving the ground. Found neighbors and others just brought them in from other counties. Neighborhood became impossible to enjoy a holiday. Moved to Ocala two years ago. Want to continue the quest to outlaw those fireworks that are dangerous to everyone. Hopefully on a state level. --Margie Husted Private Citizen 36. Hey My name is Daniel Kastner and am wondering why you want to take our fireworks away? yes there are the idiots but there are people that do this as a tradition from when they were kids and they Know what they are doing. and IF you do ban it there are a lot of business that would go out of business because it what they do and it what I want to do!!! please consider this . Daniel Kastner --Daniel Kastner 37. As an emergency services professional for over 31 years I feel compelled to relate some actual experiences involving fireworks. I have worked in the fire, rescue, emergency management and emergency medical fields in Florida and Connecticut. In each of the last two years, as Port Orangeís Fire Chief, we have had significant residential fires caused by the use of non-approved fireworks. This year the property loss in our small community was in excess of $ Seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($ 750,000). This is actual property loss and cannot include the personal and physical trauma to the residents and their neighbors. This does not include the risks and injuries that the fire fighters suffered. This does not include the cost of water, fuel, and wear on fire apparatus and equipment. Finally, it does not include the impact on the community’s insurance rates with this large loss added to the areas experience. When I was Chief in Connecticut, less than 100-gram sparklers were legal. The community accepted that level of fireworks activity and left the larger more dangerous fireworks to the experts. That should be the direction fireworks take in Florida. There will be plenty of opportunity for the fireworks industry to make money while the risk of injury and fire should remain low. During my seven-year term as Chief in Connecticut we had only one fireworks related fire and it was arson. Back in Florida, as Chief, we have had fireworks related fires and injuries every year. That experience speaks for itself. The concern should be that there is a lot at stake to a community if fireworks are made legal. There will be more fires, and more injuries, as witnessed during my 31 years of experience. Who is going to pay for the physical, emotional and Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 9
  • 10. financial costs caused by these events? Thomas G. Weber, CFO, EFO, MPA --Thomas G. Weber Port Orange Fire & Rescue 38. Making fireworks illegal would be like making eggnog illegal, you only use it once or twice a year. There are only two holidays that I can use fireworks and not get yelled at, New Years Eve and Independence Day. That is two nights out of the year. --Flmbc123 39. It is not right to discontinuing the fireworks, that means that there will be no more 4th of July celebration, neither new years, etc., etc. Is this incredible, is our money and we spend it as we like. We are concluded that none of the politics, including the president of the united states careless about Florida and / or Floridians. We should continuing selling’s fireworks, because if all the stores are closed there will be more than three hundred peoples without a job and without getting one, because here in Florida won't give a job to people older than 50 years of age, and this is discrimination. --Maria E. Davila De Casas 40. I believe that fireworks should be fully legalizing in Florida. The United States has a history with fireworks and I believe that it should be kept that way in Florida too. Its an American tradition to buy fireworks and cook on the grill on the fourth of July. I believe the average person should be able to buy and use fireworks. --Taylor Boxmods360 41. Let me begin by saying that I find it to be semi-ridiculous for people to be putting all of this time and energy into something so trivial. The use of fireworks is an issue on 2-3 occasions during the course of a year, with the obvious day being July 4th. I can understand the plight of those who have scared livestock, dogs, cats, or whatever animals they choose to name. You know what, my old dog was scared of thunder and that was not such a good thing living in Florida, but we dealt with it when we had to. As for fireworks, we are talking about 3 days out of 365. Maybe even 2 days. Hypothetically speaking, lets imagine we illegalize fireworks and July 4, 2008 rolls around. Those that want to use fireworks are going to get their hands on them one way or another. Are we, the public, really going to tie up our county sheriff's department chasing firework users?? The deputy that responds out to your neighbor, due to your phone call, who is using fireworks at 9:30 on the 4th of July, will not be responding to a burglary, will not be pulling over a drunk, will not be mediating a domestic issue. I am sure that the officers and deputies would agree that it would not be time well spent to be responding to the hundreds of firework complaints that would come in. I love the fourth of July, as do many friends and family who converge at my house for a show that I put on. I spend close to $2000 each year, and I make the night as safe Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 10
  • 11. as I possibly can. I preach to everyone at my house, SAFETY...SAFETY...SAFETY. What do my neighbors think, you might wonder? They MUST despise me, right? Well, about 8:30, as it is getting dark, neighbors down both sides of the street bring out chairs, sit in front of their house, and wait for me to begin. Even houses around the block come outside and watch the sky. For one night, everyone enjoys the fireworks. I do not shoot them off on the days leading up to the fourth. I also make sure my show is done by 10:15, at which time about 10 of us bring out brooms and blowers and clean up the streets. It is an enjoyable night for everyone and I have never heard a complaint. For those that light fireworks off at 1 or 2 in the morning, that is just plain ignorance and a lack of consideration. So, for all of the commissioners and politicians and whomever else that is spending their days trying to turn the lights out on the 4th of July, give it a break already. Spend your time on something useful and beneficial to the community. For one or two nights out of the year, the haters can do just that. --J Fremer 42. I want the fireworks to continue. They are a joy to watch and a family gatherings yearly. My family enjoy the July 4th fireworks and all others. Please allow this to continue. Thanks --Maria Elena Marin 43. Please do all you can to ban the use of fireworks in residential areas. Please limit the purchasing of fireworks to licensed professionals, with no loopholes in the law that will be exploited by the fireworks manufacturers. There exists a majority of Floridians who wish to have fireworks banned from use outside of professional displays. Residential use of fireworks causes damage and fire to our homes and property; injury to children as well as adults; litter our streets, yards and parks; traumatize and cause injury & death to our pets; distress all persons who do not enjoy them; in particular our elderly. Please do not let us down! Please stand up to the fireworks manufacturers and place the well being of all Floridians at the forefront. Thank you. Kirk Slater --Kirk Slater 44. Consumer fireworks usage needs to be subject to strict regulation and limited to the public displays. Fireworks have the capacity to harm persons, animals, property, and emergency responders. The harm isn't limited to the potential harm of misfired fireworks. Fireworks always adversely affect animals in the surrounding area. While the neighbors enjoy their festivities, the animals in their neighborhood are terrorized. So, although I ardently support retaining freedoms even at great cost, it is difficult to support the freedom to terrorize animals and cause harms to one's neighbors. --Suzanne Gilmore Self 45. I support the legalization of fireworks for private displays. I'm also aware of the Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 11
  • 12. hazards posed by fireworks. I am of the opinion that a compromise can be had that would not only allow citizens to legally purchase fireworks, but to reduce the number of injuries resulting from the use of fireworks. If the state of Florida implements a law requiring that those purchasing fireworks complete a fireworks safety class and pay for an annual permit to use them... win-win situation. Citizens can legally purchase and display fireworks - an American tradition while at the same time purchasers must complete a safety course making them aware of how to display fireworks safely and responsibly. --Jose M. Armengol 46. Every year we have about 5 fires in the ocean dunn vegetation. --Mark Amaral Cocoa Beach Fire Department 47. I want to keep Fireworks Legal in Florida Thank you --Chase 48. Please allow consumer firework's usage to be legalized in Florida. If I must listen to your dog at 3:00 a.m. every night 365 day's a year or deal with your backyard light shining in my window each night then you few can withstand a few holiday celebration's a year. We are careful and considerate in our use of firework's. Education and Tolerance !God Bless America Land Of The Free!!!!!!!!! --Brenda 49. Lets look at some facts concerning consumer fireworks. They are dangerous, causing at least 100 million dollars in Trauma Room Costs each year (American Medical Association) There is nothing patriotic about children losing eyes and suffering burns. I really don't think Francis Scott Key had in mind to put explosives in Children's hands. At this time there is a court case involving a child that has gone through a series of operations in Jacksonville trying to save his eye sight. He was not even involved with the bottle rocket that hit him. A child a couple of years back went to a burn unit when fireworks he has in his pocket ignited. Two adults died from burns they suffered while transporting fireworks in a car. The has just purchased the fireworks, the fireworks ignited. The driver did not ever have time to get out of the vehicle. The passenger died several painful days later. I have been in the fire service for 27 years and have not ever heard of a fireworks building that started on fire that did not burn to the ground. They even had fire sprinkler systems in them. Fireworks burn extremely hot, black (smoke) and fast. Don't fool your self by thinking they are safe. There was a fire in a fireworks store, I believe it was in Ohio, where someone lit a pack of firecrackers on fire that were on display for sale in a fireworks store as a joke. Some of the people in that store did not even have time to get out, they died in the fire. I have a computer full of stories where people have been injured, killed and buildings burned down. I am as patriotic as one can possibly be, served in the military, and to this day I display proudly an American flag on the front of my home. Go to and type in the word fireworks. You will find all kind of studies that Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 12
  • 13. have been done. And by the way the National Fire Protection Association has taken a firm stand against fireworks for consumer use as well as a long list of different Medical Groups. --Wesley Hayes Polk County Fire Services Division 50. As Americans who celebrate many holidays and occasions, we should be allowed the freedom to celebrate however we wish within the law. This should include the freedom not only to purchase fireworks, but the freedom to enjoy our own show without worry of arrest for doing so. This is America, the Land of the Free. Many of us utilize fireworks to celebrate our independence on the Fourth of July as well as perhaps New Years or birthdays, etc. We do so with responsibility, joy and freedom. Education about safety for some people may play a role, but should not be the reason for banning the purchase and use of consumer fireworks. Please do not allow yet another freedom to become a thing of the past. --Kat Daley 51. 10/26/07 Consumer Fireworks Task Force: It is unconscionable to think that a state like Florida which has not legalized the purchase of consumer fireworks could even consider such a measure. That one could look at the national data from NFPA and fathom to any degree that legalizing fireworks could produce anything positive to the people at large is sheer lunacy! This is simply an effort by an industry that cares nothing for the public's well-being and only about corporate dollars. Should the legislators of the state of Florida authorize the sale of consumer fireworks in any measure whatsoever, it would be tantamount to and tacit approval that the state legislators do not care either. It's a blatant disregard for the people that elected them to office. You might as well remove the seat belt regulations as well as disband the Department of Children and Families. Access the link the below and be sure to view the video of the Shannon family in North Carolina; a state that obviously doesn't care. --Bart Wright Maitland Fire Department/Florida Fire Marshal's & Inspector's Association 52. Dear Director Hallman: I was given your name by Irene Gaacek, the Madiera Beach fire inspector who organizes burn camp for the Children's Burn Foundation. My daughter Leah Culkar was burned over 20% of her body by a wayward firework mortar on 7/4/01--she was six years old at the time. The firework was sold to my neighbor at a roadside stand on the corner on State Road 580 and McMullen Booth Road in Clearwater. Our family and some of the neighbors were participating in a neighborhood display--the fireworks were being used as per the instructions--they were being set off in the middle of the road in front of our houses. My daughter and other children were well away from the fireworks and she was merely an observer. My neighbor set off a large mortar rocket and the first mortar fired up into the sky like it was supposed to, but the Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 13
  • 14. thrust made it fall over and point toward the house where my daughter was seated in the garage entry way, about 3 feet away from me. The rocket kept firing mortars and each thrust made it spin around unpredictably toward a different area of the front of the house. As we all started to get up and run away my daughter was struck by a fiery mortar, which landed in her lap. She received 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree burns, endured a skin graft to her arm and permanent scarring. She spent 10 days in the hospital and experienced horrendous pain due to blisters, open wounds, dressing changes, therapy to walk again, bend her ankle, hand, fingers, etc. She wore burn garments for a year and people would stare at her and ask questions. Sometimes when she simply responded that that she had been burned people ( even adults!) would automatically assume that it was her fault. Most people, like us, have no idea what amount of fire power they are using when they buy this stuff from the fire works companies. I don't think we had any business with that kind of fire power in a residential neighborhood, and my daughter paid the price for our mistakes. Our neighbors feel horrible and guilty about what happened to our daughter, but it could have happened to anyone. Please do what you can to take the fire power out of our neighborhoods and keep it out. Don't let the influential fireworks industry "buy off" our legislature. I have the dress my daughter was wearing when she was burned--it speaks a thousand more words than this note can. If you would like to use it to make your case please let me know. Thank you, Rebecca (& William) Culkar --Rebecca & Willy Culkar 53. It just would not be the Fourth of July without my own fireworks. I've enjoyed them for over 50 years, and I have yet to incur even a minor injury. This Vietnam vet would vote "Yes" for legal fireworks. --John Leonard 54. I think that consumer fireworks should be legal in all states, including Florida. There is enough federal regulations as to what constitutes consumer fireworks and additional regulation is not needed. I hope you will decide to make such consumer fireworks legal in Florida. --Robert Kerwin 55. I would say legalize fireworks throughout the state. People who want them will find a way to get them, don't make criminals out of good people who are just trying to have fun. Why not legalize fireworks and just put a high tax on them. It is a win win situation. If the state is too dry you can still have a ban on them when you need to. That's just my thoughts! Thanks! --Elizabeth Sloan 56. Fireworks are a recreational fun time for all ages kids and adults love them. if used under supervision of responsible adults they are fun and safe.. Why Pinellas.. Tampa there legal to buy and use we have to and enjoy them as well. Don't punish the responsible parents.. Please legalize them again. --Aaron Nelson Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 14
  • 15. 57. I feel that fireworks should be kept legal. If they are outlawed, like in other states, they will still be used illegally. If they are kept as legal, at least this way the government can keep better tabs on them as well as taxing them, thus generating revenue off of them as compared to generating no revenue if they were posted as illegal. What I am saying is people are going to use them regardless of the law in the state, so why not at least make some money off of them? Also, more people are killed each year by 5 gallon buckets than fireworks, just something to think about. Perhaps efforts should be focused on something more important such as abortion, etc. rather than trying to pin down people who want to celebrate our patriotism. --Travis WIlliams 58. It is only dangerous for people who do not have common sense knowledge of fireworks safety. This is the way the government keeps us protected from less educated individuals. --Bernard Hayes 59. Seems that one member of the task force wants to even outlaw snap pops. You got to be kidding me. Please stop calling 1.4g consumer fireworks professional grade fireworks. That is nonsense, ALL consumer, that's right (consumer) fireworks regulated by CPSC should be allowed by the consumer if not too dry. Thank you for your time. --Chuck Myself 60. I think they should keep fireworks LEGAL!! Why should the whole state suffer for the irresponsible use of a handful. These fireworks are one of the few pleasures Americans can still enjoy the celebration of our independence and new years eve. I don't think that is too much to ask for. Its fun and the ones I see whine about them is the same ones who goofed up and got themselves or someone else hurt. Don't make us all suffer for the bad decisions of a few. I for one love fireworks and love the 4th of July and new years eve. Why should a small group allowed to be the reason fireworks are made illegal? I think these people should be allowed to go out of state on the 4th and new years eve. And let the rest of us have some real fun for a change. It won't be long Before we are task forced right out of everything we all enjoy. --Rob Gibson Citizen 61. The fireworks law in Florida is extremely outdated. The use of fireworks here in the state of Florida is for the entertainment of all where the use is private home use or done by the professionals that have more explosives range and the height of air explosions involved with fireworks. Its the responsible use that makes fireworks enjoyable. Here in the state all you have to do is fill out a form that says you will use the fireworks for agricultural use. That makes no sense since common grounds is the use will be for entertainment use not agricultural to chase Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 15
  • 16. off birds. Legalization of fireworks in the state without filling out the form makes common since safety is the rule of thumb everybody and anybody can misuse fireworks. To ban fireworks altogether is a shame of the state to do so. Home use of fireworks is no different then those used by professionals. It is a tradition for home use that should not be banned by legislation laws. The task force is another way of wasteful spending that could be used for health care, education improvements, etc. This is my view of fireworks use in the state of Florida. -- Anonymous 62. Please keep in mind that Fireworks are safe when used by responsible people. Also, please keep in mind that illegal items such as M-80's, Quarter Sticks, Silver Salutes, etc ARE NOT FIREWORKS. When there are accidents reported in the media, to often the cause is from these illegal items but the media tends to report a fireworks accident. Using Common Class C Fireworks is safe when instructions are followed accordingly. Keep in mind anything can be unsafe if not used properly. Fireworks are fun and entertaining when used properly. When someone has a car accident, does the state ban the use of cars? If someone happens to get burned on a stove, should stoves be banned? If a neighbor down the street has an accident with a power saw and looses a finger, should all the stores immediately pull power saws off the shelve because they are dangerous? These are just some points I want to make to you so you can understand that accidents can happen with anything, but the cause is usually human error. Human error isn't a good reason to take a product off the shelf. I hope this task force uses their best judgment and understands that legal common fireworks are just as safe as any other product on store shelves. Thank you for reading my comments. --Concerned Citizen 63. Please consider the legalization of all fireworks. You cannot control things by merely banning them. This opens the venues for illegal firework manufacture and sales. When fireworks are available there is much less of these type occurrences. The people that are bound to abuse fireworks or anything else should be dealt with accordingly NOT the product. This is my personal opinion and I thank you for the opportunity to express my thoughts in your decision making. --Tom Provitz 64. Consumer firework should be legal in all states. I am 50 years old and have been using consumer fireworks for years and have never inj. any one or did damage. I am a fire fighter and us fireworks very carefully I do think there needs to be some laws with it like no drinking and using fireworks things like that. Fireworks are not legal in the state I live in ( PA )but for one day a year the police stay away from my house until I am finished. --Donald Coffin 65. Fireworks are a long used traditional way of celebrating in our country as a youngster in NY I remember using them. We in Florida don't use fireworks year round we use them for certain celebrations. I am in favor of the safe use of Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 16
  • 17. fireworks Alcohol and Firearms are a more serious danger to people than fireworks but I don't see our legislators trying to curtail the use of them. I am a retired Vietnam Era Veteran. I think people should be allowed to use Fireworks in a safe and considerate manner. As with anything else there will always be a few people that don't use them in conjunction with using your barins but the same can be say for the automobile. Instead of going after people that like to use fireworks to celebrate their Freedom in our great nation why doesn't our government try to tackle some of the more serious problem facing Floridians such as Insurance and Taxes. --Chuck McKinnell 66. Just let people enjoy life and leave fire workers alone. Really what harm do fireworks do. Maybe porn or alcohol should be banned. Someone is always wanting to take something away from someone. Just leave fireworks alone PLEASE. --Edward Ruebeck 67. I think fireworks should be legalized in the State of Florida. I have lived in Florida all my life (55 years) and remember the fireworks as a child that my parents used. I hope that Florida legalizes them with the restriction like alcohol and cigarettes have. I realize that not all individuals over the age of 21 are responsible but they are old enough to be liable. I always enjoy the firework displays for the holidays. Please legalize them (with restrictions) in the State of Florida. That way we won't have to go to Georgia to legally purchase them. --Cathy Bedford 68. My son and I have been selling fireworks for the past 8 or so years and have used them for over 50+ years without on mishap, fireworks are a part of our history and being 58 years old and have enjoyed them for that long we should not deprive anyone of using them that wants to, everyone of us deserves this, I am so sick and tired of someone telling me that this and that is bad for us, let us decide that, when we sell to anyone we tell them and try and educate them that they as with anything else can be dangerous take the necessary precautions and you will enjoy what everyone on us in America should be able to enjoy... Thanks Rick Williams pres Fantasy Fireworks in Camden South Carolina 772 HWY #1 South Lugoff, SC 29078 --Rick Williams Fantasy Fireworks 69. I am in favor of the full legalization of fireworks. The vast majority of firework users are responsible. The few that aren't, should have that freedom, and then suffer their own consequences. -- Anonymous 70. I think that it's excellent that after so many years officials are trying to close the loopholes which allow people to purchase fireworks. What a relief for so many Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 17
  • 18. people. These explosives not only sometimes injure those using them, but they almost always scare peoples pets. On another note, police don't respond to citizen complaints because obviously they get so many. Once a few years ago some neighbors were lighting fireworks in the street near some parked cars and some of these explosives actually ended up UNDER the cars. When I called the police to have them put a stop to it, I was told they wouldn't respond to the matter. I then reminded them that there was gasoline in those cars and gas and explosives don't mix. They still refused to respond. Please do us all a great favor and help put a stop to this silly, and moronic behavior. We shouldn't have to put up with this each New Year's Eve and Fourth of July. Thanks and Best regards, Mark J. Mirabella 12390 Berkeley Square Dr. Tampa, FL 33626-2658 813-335-4689 --Mark J. Mirabella 71. I would like to express my support for legalization of fireworks in Florida. When used by responsible adults, fireworks are a safe product. Criminalizing their use is an unfair and unnecessary restriction on freedom. --Ryan Dempsey 72. Please keep fireworks legal in the state of Florida. I use them safely twice a year to entertain my family and freinds. I think that it is silly that I have to sign a waiver to buy them. If someone is over eighteen years old and using them they can beheld responsible legally, for any damages that my occur without having to sign a form. If making fireworks completely legal in the state of Florida means having to be 18 years old or even 21 years old to purchase them then that is fine with me, but when I have to sign a form stating that "I'm going to use them to scare off wild life from my farm" that is just stupid and vary outdated reason to be using fireworks. This fine state to live in, and think we could be bit more progressive in our thinking on this matter. I'll sign all the forms I have to though if its still the only way to keep them legal. Thanks, from a Central Florida resident. --Wilkes Kemp 73. Public education on the safe use of consumer fireworks is an excellent idea. That being said consumer fireworks should be available for citizens to celebrate the fourth of July, maintain tradition, and practical enjoyment. Fireworks is also an excellent way to entice young Americans into the world of science and chemistry. --Kevin McNamee 74. Consumer fireworks should be banned in Florida. Widespread consumer fireworks access allows access to explosive material as students have a propensity to "make their own" explosive device using the material found in consumer fireworks. A high school friend, Dave Harrison, lost three fingers attempting to make a "bigger bang" device in 1960. With all the gun attacks in schools, we MUST not allow access to explosive devices. Also, I found a spent bottle-rocker on my roof after one July 4th event. If my roof had caught fire the cost to repair the damage would be mine as bottle rockets were seen coming from more than one point and from the window of a passing car. I would like a tag placed on all Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 18
  • 19. bottle rockets so when they cause a fire that damages my property I can track who sold the device so I can sue to recover damages. If my property is going to be under attack from bottle rockets, and the state allows this attack, does this mean that I can sue the state as well? Any law that allows explosive material to be placed in the hands of juveniles should also include a fund where I can recover 100% actual damages plus pain and suffering. And I stopped at a gas station on I- 10. When leaving the restroom I noticed explosive fireworks between me and the exit. Had these fireworks exploded, I and others using the restrooms would have been trapped. THERE MUST be a fire code that prohibits this and if so why is it not enforced and what is the chance it will be enforced should the state be foolish and allow consumer fireworks to be sold throughout the state. Again, if people are killed in a fireworks incident, the kinds of explosive incidents that have occurred at fireworks storage sites throughout the world, is the state liable for allowing these knowingly unsafe conditions to exist? And what course may the surviving family members take against the fireworks companies - will the state require a set-aside fund? --Dennis Dewar 75. I always thought that living in the United States meant that are soldiers stand up for our right to freedom. It seems as if the government is trying to take away all the personal freedoms we have. We are being told more and more everyday what we are NOT ALLOWED to do. We are even being told who we can and cannot smoke cigarettes around. Now even fireworks, a great American tradition is being threatened because of a small number of others. I'm sure if you asked citizens when the National Anthem is talking about...."the rockets' red glare...." if they think about fireworks on the 4th of July as our modern day rockets that light up our sky to that we are still standing propud. Fireworks are not in themselves a danger, it is how they are used that can be dangerous. Afterall, have we banned anti-freeze for automobiles because it is dangerous when used to commit murder or suicide? No we haven't because adults are called upon to be responsible in the actions with use of thew fluid. I believe fireworks are the same. If adults are responsible with them, they are not a threat. --Lisa Smith 76. Fireworks should be legal in ALL 50 states!!! What's the big deal? They're a lot of fun to watch and "big brother" shouldn't tell me I can buy them but can't use them. Guns and alcohol are legal for responsible adults, so why not fireworks??? Your task force is a waste of time. Focus on anti-terrorism or something useful. -- Anonymous 77. I'm a retired construction worker 70 years old I’m sick and tired of a few curmudgeons in our society who complain about fireworks these people complain about everything in life. They can’t stand to see other people have fun after all what’s a few days out of 365 hurting anyone my grandfather and my father both told me as a young boy that fireworks are part of Americana it's part of who we are like hot dogs, baseball, mom's apple pie, the forth of July, turkey at thanksgiving, Santa at xmas, and pop the cork on new year’s eve Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 19
  • 20. --Richard Moore Retired 78. I live in Pasco county so do about 270,000 other people if my information is correct which I got from the St. Pete Times last new years eve 2006 about 400 people called the sheriffs office to complain about fireworks the math is simple as I see it we should allow the sale of fireworks all year long so people can celebrate all kinds of special occasions and how about that tax rev thank you -- Anonymous 79. Ban fireworks for sale and use by the public. They cause too much damage, they are an intrusive noise nuisance, and the harm and injury they do is just not worth the momentary thrill they offer. --Ron Paquette 80. FREE THE FIREWORKS! Free the citizens who would like to shoot off aerial displays without fear of some prosecution because I'm not really clearing bats from a cave. Let's be real, if someone wanted to make a bomb it sure isn't going to be a box of roman candles that they use. Diesel fuel and fertilizer are too prevalent. Let those of us who like to celebrate with a bang do so freely! --Joseph Beckman Public Citizen 81. I think more available and inexpensive training of firework use is needed. Other than this, I believe the state should use the Federal guidelines. --Jay Stees 82. I am so sick of hearing the "My great, great grandfather did it and so should we" argument! Is there really an ounce of logic in this type of reasoning? If we, as a society, really believed that what worked for our ancestors is good enough for us, then we would still be crawling around in caves! Society has evolved over the years and it will continue to evolve. The celebration of the 4th of July started in the 1700ís. We are hardly the same society now. Our grandparents had open space back then. The closest neighbor to my grandma was at least 5 miles away. So, sure, do whatever you want, nobody will know the difference!! Now that we are living on top of each other our outdoor activities have an impact on our neighbors. What about the argument "Legalize fireworks, it's Patriotic." What? We can't be patriotic without blowing stuff up? We cant be patriotic or celebrate the start of a new year without jeopardizing the safety of the lives and property of those around us? America's Founders, the men and women who gave us reason to be patriotic in the first place, would think we've lost our way if they could see us now. Patriotism is not picnics, fireworks, or a day off work. Are these activities really manifestations of patriotism, or are they nothing more than an excuse to have some fun? Has anyone even read the Declaration of Independence lately? Let's not cheapen the term patriotic by suggesting that the use of illegal fireworks is what makes an American patriotic. That is an insult. Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 20
  • 21. --Susan Molloy Fire Marshal, City of Greenacres 83. Part 2: My argument is simple. I will use an analogy with seatbelts. Our grandparents never wore seatbelts, neither did my parents. Neither would I if it hadn't become law! Look at all the lives that have been saved now because of seatbelts. How fast do you think the first automobile could go? Hardly what it can do today. How many cars were on the road 100 years ago? Hardly the numbers we have today. The early automobiles did not even have seatbelts. My point is that things change and as they change we must change with them. Sometimes, we, as a society, NEED to have our safety, freedom, and happiness governed by laws, codes, etc. What would our society be like without government? Do we really want a free-for-all society?! Everyone just do as they please in blatant disregard for those around them. Isn't patriotism about the love of our country? Should that not include those who live among us? What about some simple respect for one another? Let's face it, some people are too stupid to protect themselves. Some still drive 80 mph in bumper to bumper traffic without a seatbelt on. However, at the very least, people that cant or won't obey the laws that are created to protect their own safety should not be allowed to put those around them in danger as well. Such as blowing up things in their neighbors yards!! There are plenty of organized, legal, public fireworks displays to attend. There is absolutely no reason to allow illegal fireworks to get in the hands and neighborhoods of anyone that is not legally licensed. There are PLENTY of reasons not to allow it, such as life safety, property preservation, and, yes, patriotism! --Susan Molloy Fire Marshal, City of Greenacres 84. All fireworks should be legal in Florida. They are an American tradition for pretty much all holidays and although fun the so called 'safe' fireworks are cheesy. I am a former Marine and with firearms safety always came first. I have been using fireworks ever since I was a teenager and have never been harmed or caused property damage. This task-force is silly and just a waste of money. People are going to do fireworks no matter what. I feel instead the money should be spent to implement a safe use of fireworks plan. --Adam Billups Former Active Duty Marine ; College Student 85. Dear Director Hallman: I was given your name by Irene Gaacek, the Madiera Beach fire inspector who organizes burn camp for the Children's Burn Foundation. My daughter Leah Culkar was burned over 20% of her body by a wayward firework mortar on 7/4/01--she was six years old at the time. The firework was sold to my neighbor at a roadside stand on the corner on State Road 580 and McMullen Booth Road in Clearwater. Our family and some of the neighbors were participating in a neighborhood display--the fireworks were being used as per the instructions--they were being set off in the middle of the road in front of our houses. My daughter and other children were well away from the Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 21
  • 22. fireworks and she was merely an observer. My neighbor set off a large mortar rocket and the first mortar fired up into the sky like it was supposed to, but the thrust made it fall over and point toward the house where my daughter was seated in the garage entry way, about 3 feet away from me. The rocket kept firing mortars and each thrust made it spin around unpredictably toward a different area of the front of the house. As we all started to get up and run away my daughter was struck by a fiery mortar, which landed in her lap. She received 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree burns, endured a skin graft to her arm and permanent scarring. She spent 10 days in the hospital and experienced horrendous pain due to blisters, open wounds, dressing changes, therapy to walk again, bend her ankle, hand, fingers, etc. She wore burn garments for a year and people would stare at her and ask questions. Sometimes when she simply responded that that she had been burned people ( even adults!) would automatically assume that it was her fault. Most people, like us, have no idea what amount of fire power they are using when they buy this stuff from the fire works companies. I don't think we had any business with that kind of fire power in a residential neighborhood, and my daughter paid the price for our mistakes. Our neighbors feel horrible and guilty about what happened to our daughter, but it could have happened to anyone. Please do what you can to take the fire power out of our neighborhoods and keep it out. Don't let the influential fireworks industry "buy off" our legislature. I have the dress my daughter was wearing when she was burned--it speaks a thousand more words than this note can. If you would like to use it to make your case please let me know. Thank you, Rebecca (& William) Culkar -- Anonymous 86. Legalize fireworks in Florida! There are many people in Florida who are responsible, although illegal, users of fireworks. The legislature is already complaining of not enough money, so here's another luxury to tax. Fund education, maybe? --Nathan Stanley 87. I am a fire inspector and also the Regional Coordinator for The Children's Burn Foundation of Florida. As the latter, I take a group of local children to a burn camp every year. One of the children that attends is a 13 year old female that was terribly burned and scarred by a stray bottle rocket gone awry. Her mother has already written a response to this committee. I'd like to know why anyone would believe that an civilian with little or not training should be allowed to handle explosives with that much power and also make it available to children. I've been involved with the Pinellas County Juvenile Firesetters Program for many years and many of the incidents that the children had been referred to the program for were related to mishaps with fireworks they should not have been using as they are not fish hatcheries nor are they agricultural farmers. Thank you for allowing me my opinion. Irene M. Gaccek Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 22
  • 23. --Irene Gaccek Madeira Beach Fire Dept/Children's Burn Foundation of Florida 88. Consume fireworks should be banned. If a retail establishment wants to sell consumer fireworks the Village, Town, City, County should impose a yearly fee to stay in business. --David Logan Seminole Tribe of Florida 89. Fireworks, in the right hands, are good. However, in the wrong hands which is usually our young they can and are dangerous. There must be an educational and regulatory mandated part of any fireworks plan if it is expanded beyond professional us in the state of Florida. The best option is to not let citizen's purchase illegal fireworks for any reason. However, if it becomes law the response from Fire and EMS will increase dramatically which in essence translates into an unfunded liability that must be borne by the fireworks industry. A portion of the sale of all fireworks must be set aside and put back into local FD's across the state to assist in increased response and prevention programs to protect the public from themselves. One child who loses their fingers or dies because it is cool to play with fireworks is one too many. Please do not allow untrained citizen's to handle and set off fireworks in the state of Florida. --Patrick Kelly DeLand Fire Department 90. The current regulations are not sufficient to lessen injury, property damage, and the irresponsible use of fireworks. Law enforcement is seemingly neither able nor willing to enforce the laws we presently have in place. The logical solution is to ban the all use of explosive and airborne fireworks in Florida. It is not responsible to cave in to the special interests of fireworks manufacturers and retail sales outlets. We should rid our state of this nuisance. --Jim McEvoy City of Naples FL 91. Please allow me to explain what the fireworks industry will not. 1. More fires are reported on July 4th and half are the result of the improper use of fireworks! Now, let's go on, 2. Fireworks caused an estimated 1,500 structure fires and 600 vehicle fires resulting in 21 injuries and $21 million dollars in damage 3. U.S hospital emergency rooms treated an estimated 10,800 people for firework related injuries. 4. 48% of those injuries were to the extremities and 44% were to the head 5. 54% of the firework injuries were burns, and 29% were contusions and lacerations 6. 48% of the people injured by fireworks were under the age of 15 7. The risk of firework injuries was 3 times as high for children ages 10-14 as for the general population 8. Sparklers, fountains, and novelties accounted for 26% of the emergency room injuries from fireworks 9. Males accounted for 69% of firework Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 23
  • 24. injuries. 10. "Safe and Sane" fireworks are neither. Fireworks and sparklers are designed to explode or throw off showers of sparks in excess of 1200 degrees Fahrenheit. The above statistics are the result from injuries primarily on July 4th and New Years Eve. Just 2 days! Fireworks are patriotic and as apple pie when competent pyrotechnic professionals discharge them safely in sponsored firework events. Please close the loopholes and strengthen FS791 not tie the hands of the fire service wanting a safe community. --Christopher J. Weir EFO, Fire Marshal Port Orange Department of Fire & Rescue 92. With Fire conditions as they usually are during the summer months in Florida, I believe that the use of ALL FIREWORKS should be band! What the news and see what California is doing today!!!!!! Stop promoting the use of illegal fire works. -- Anonymous 93. We have inspected numerous vendors who have complied with the current standards and have had few violations of fireworks not on the approved list. However, for several years now there have been numerous complaints filed with the local Police Department regarding noise from and use of large aerial fireworks. Unfortunately, few, - if any citations were issued regarding this illegal use. --Chief Roy Tremain City of Eustis Fire Department 94. It would be a drastic mistake to make any changes what so ever in the way that Fire Works legislation was enforced prior to July 1, 2007. --Michael W. Dutton City of Fort Walton Beach Fire Department 95. I think there needs to be some kind of funding source for our FF and I believe this is a good source of funding. There is NO direct funding to train our career and volunteer firefighters. We need some kind of funding to keep up with current training issues and needs. --Michael Dashosh Indian River Community College 96. I feel that fireworks should be banned for sale in Florida. I have seen people in previous years that use the illegal fireworks now and the aftermath is horrific. Trash left in the streets, bruise fires, and injuries. I have seen several of the neighbor kids hurt by fireworks. Keep the fireworks limited and let the professionals do the shows. --Joe Miller 97. I believe consumer fireworks should be legal all year round. The consumers should be given the opportunity to enjoy fireworks with certain rules and Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 24
  • 25. regulations. A consumer should be able to obtain a license as long as he/she performs certain educational training and classes. There should also be an age- limit as to when these consumers can obtain their license to purchase and proactively use these fireworks. In regards to noise ordinance, there could be some type of timeframe when fireworks can be used during the evening unless there are no commercial or residential establishments near by. Thanks! --Henry Menendez 98. John Adams, later to become President of the United States, predicted in July of 1776 in a letter to his wife, Abigail, that Independence Day festivities would be celebrated with fireworks (illuminations): "The day (Independence Day) will be the most memorable in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade...bonfires and illuminations (fireworks) from one end of this continent to the other, from this day forward forevermore." -- Anonymous 99. I would like to take a minute to introduce myself. My name is Craig S. Carmichael and I am the Fire Chief of the Gulf Breeze Fire Department. I have been in the fire service since The purpose of my correspondence is share my belief that Consumer Fireworks Task Force should not make any recommendations to the House and Senate which would preempt local governments from adopting local controls over the use and sale of fireworks and sparklers. --Craig S. Carmichael City of Gulf Breeze 100. I have visited the Netherlands where there are virtually no restrictions and watched the results on New Years eve. In a small village where my parents-in-law live fireworks were shot up from every block for 2 hours. It created an environment for illegal things such as flares and other mischief. It creates an reckless environment resulting in death, injuries and property damage for which local government must manage in an environment of fiscal restraint. Our communities will be better off if this dangerous activity is left to professionals at controlled community events. Florida will be the third most populated state in 3 years. We are too crowded for this. --Gerard Ransom City of Sanford Fire Department 101. I often use fireworks in my area with no problems and no distraction to my neighbors. when used with common sense, fireworks pose no problem to anyone. --Kelly Roberts 102. Dear Honorable Board: I have been in the fire service for over 37 years, and have witnessed first hand the destruction to life, limb and property damage from the foolishness that has been allowed by our elected officials all for the price of a Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 25
  • 26. lobbyists dollars. Most of the States in the area of the country that I came from banned the sale and possession decades ago. Allowing the sale of fireworks for agricultural purposes is totally ludicrous. We have seen first hand where the parents buy the items, only to hand them over to their children 10 minutes later. We are at odds throughout the State when it comes to enforcement. As fire inspectors, we are asked to review the site plans for compliance, then visit the sites and accept what we could never enforce. I am speaking for myself, but you can be rest assured that my sentiments are echoed through out the State by every fire inspector and chief officer. There is not one fireworks vendor who complies with the law. We have taken the time to check their sales items against the State Fire Marshals approved list. By taking a random sample off of the shelf or table we will compare them to the current list. We sample approximately 6-8 items, and have in our district approximately 8 tents set up across our fire protection zone. If I stated 8 samples x 8 vendors and compared those 48 items to the list, I might find one on it. There are 100's. Then the best and most ludicrous issue is the paper that they give everyone to sign. We have asked some of the buyers if they have agricultural land, as we work in an area where there still are some farms. The answer we get when we have asked some of the people who purchase them is " 'NO', but that dumb salesperson doesn't know that". The police officials want no part of this, as they would have to store what they confiscate. And, according to code, would require blast proof storage containers. Where is the money going to come for this? Not from some police chief or sheriffs budget. We would hear, "It's a fire department matter, let them fund it". Then, there is the quality of life issue. Why, must we have to listen to bang, bang, bang for hours and days on end. Why must our children cry because they cannot sleep, and our animals whose sensitive ears are subjected to undue stress because of the stupidity of our neighbors who are using illegal fireworks, for illegal purposes. Should our laws be any less stringent, should we protect our citizens any less, our children. And sir, what about my brother and sister firefighters who get called to collect the pieces of human bodies when there is an accident, children's fingers, homes destroyed by an accident or fire. I ask you to work diligently for our cause throughout the fire fighting and taxpaying community. Please do not bow to the pressures of the industry. Make Florida a safe place to live and work. --Richard W. Sudol, Fire Inspector II 103. Legalize them in Polk County! --Kyle 104. I am in support of creating a firefighter training trust fund such as the trust fund that supports training for law enforcement personnel. The manner in which this is achieved is inconsequential compared to the importance of the training that will be derived from it. Whether a permit fee structure is imposed on fireworks or a sales tax percentage is allocated, this is an important issue that needs to be funded. --William Klein Florida Fire Training Director's Association Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 26
  • 27. 105. Dear members of the task force, I have grown up in a state where the state government decided to take the easy way out and treat the citizens like children by banning the use of fireworks, the reason why I say treated like children is because why should the government be doing the jobs of the parents and/or guardians, when the government has bigger fish to fry like the true cause of forest fires, the budget, education, health care, etc... I honestly say with no disrespect to the members of this task force that this task force is a farce and a waste of precious tax revenues that can be put to other uses. By banning fireworks your taking away a tradition that has been handed down for generations and taking away the right to express ourselves in a safe orderly fashion. This great country's democratic system was created by the people for the people and what the people want is for the government to worry about more important issues. If the governing body wants to regulate the sale and use of fireworks then lets come up with a policy that we can all agree on here are some examples of what kind of rules we can impose so that this tradition can thrive and continue without hindrance and in a safe responsible manor. 1. Purchasing of fireworks such as rockets, mortars, pinwheels, repeaters which I believe under current statutes are deemed as class d can only be purchased at reputable installations such as phantom fireworks that have the proper computer equipment in place to track the sales of such fireworks, also send consumer must meet the said licensing and/or safety requirements set forth below. I know there are a lot of gas stations/fruit stands, and tents that sell those types of fireworks in this state and I don't have anything against them, but do they have a way to validate information and/or a way to track said purchases also what kind of quality control do these places have. 2. No consumer under the age of 21 without a valid state or federal issue ID and without obtaining a certificate of completion of a state approved safety course and obtaining a permit and/or temporary license to purchase and shoot said fireworks prior to the date of said event and the permit and/or license must be posted in proper view for local law enforcement to see if shooting off the fireworks is done at the residence of said licensee. If said licensee currently rents prior written approval must be obtained from the property owner or the consumer can apply for a permit and/or license to shoot said fireworks at a designated public place. 3. Shooting Restrictions: People are only allowed to shoot fireworks at their own property address pending all safety precautions have been taken and it is up to the person shooting off the fireworks to clean up any debris that may be left behind by said fireworks and make sure any and all ambers have been extinguished. If red flag warnings and/or burn bans are in place and/or the drought index is within a certain critical range the shooting and/or purchase of said fireworks should be prohibited until said restrictions have been lifted. Although the local jurisdiction has the right to allow fireworks to be shot in certain designated safety zones where the local vegetation can not be harmed. --David Petruzzella Citizen of this great state 106. I would hope that you come to a positive outcome about the legalization of fireworks in Florida. My family, friends and I greatly enjoy this expression of patriotic pride during the 4th of July holiday. Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 27
  • 28. --Joe Cutrone 107. Fireworks are extremely dangerous to both people and property. No fireworks should be sold to anyone without a permit. The affidavit a person signs stating they will use them for a legal purpose is a fraud. Law Enforcement needs some tools that will allow them to enforce the current State Law. Possession of illegal fireworks without a permit should be grounds for arrest. We want fireworks out of our neighborhoods. --Wofford Johnson 108. It has been almost a year since I accepted the position of Public Educator/PIO for Port Orange Fire-Rescue. Prior to this, I was very naive about the number of injuries and property damage caused by the use of fireworks (as, I believe, most of the general public is). Now, I hear numerous calls during the month before and following the 4th of July, reference burns, injuries from projectiles, and fires caused by fireworks. On July 5th, 2007, fireworks were improperly disposed of in a trashcan next to a million-dollar home. The fireworks ignited and caught the wall of the house on fire and went on to cost the family approximately $700,000 and irreplaceable memories. All over the country, professionals offer amazing fireworks displays where families can gather to celebrate the holiday. Leave it to the professionals--the cost of home firework use is just too great. --Tonya Gilardi, PIO, Port Orange Fire-Rescue 109. It would be good to put some restrictions on use; i.e. where, age, etc., but to do away with being able to use them at all is ridiculous. Please stop wearing away at our freedoms. How can you become trustworthy if you are not given the opportunity. --DeAnna Willard 110. Besides the idiotic incidents we hear about fireworks after a holiday such as the Fourth of July, fireworks are basically good in many ways. They provide enjoyment at family gatherings and they dazzle both young children and adults. I understand full and well that when legalizing something you have to take into consideration the safety of all people, but I do not believe that we, who practice safety and caution, should have to suffer because of a few people. I believe that when fireworks are legalized that the inappropriate use of them should be treated like any other criminal act. Fireworks aren't like drinking beer or going to clubs in that they don't cause people to act irrationally, its just one of those few appropriate events that both adults and children alike can participate in, especially if they may not want to go to see fireworks at the shows. --Alexis Walker 111. Fireworks an American tradition. Legalize the use and sale within the State of Florida. My Tax $$$ stay here in the State and NOT in South Carolina or Alabama. I will continue to Purchase whether they are Legalized or Not. If you impose a total ban I would just go out of state as many others do and have done Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 28
  • 29. and Purchase. If your educated/aware of what they are and how to use them the supposed minimal amount accidents and injuries would decrease. More Floridians are injured everyday by weapons i.e. Guns, Knives, Clubs etc than by Consumer Fireworks. Yes regulate the Industry. I have seen many Out of Trunk sellers selling Professional/Homemade stuff. This is a disaster really waiting to happen. Regulate Consumer Fireworks within reason. DO NOT deny or impose and more restrictions on my FREDOMS than there already are. --Dave Nolan 112. I enjoy fireworks and I feel most people do also. Please allow fireworks to be legal in Florida. Thank you, A friend to fireworks, Joan --Joan 113. This is another situation where money and greed are allowing the law to be ignored. I have breathing problems, pets, and am a homeowner. I am tired of being held captive in my home (in the a/c) due to the smoke clouds that lingerer for hours, my pets shake in fear, and I have to worry about fire and damage to my home due to fireworks. All of which are illegally set off by my neighbors that I didn't know were farmers or worked on the railroad. I have complained to my county commissioners, mayor, city council, police, and the fire marshall. With record troughs and idiots flooding the emergency rooms and setting fires, it is time to put an end to fireworks in Florida. Temporary tents paying for a license should make our government liable for their actions. I see law suits and problems we as a state do not need. Please end the sale of fireworks to individuals and keep them in the hands of those that know how to use them, like parks, Busch gardens, etc. --Craig R. Mcnees 114. Like many before me, I have been frightened in my own home from the blasts of fireworks in my neighborhood, not only on the eve of a holiday, but for days before, during and after the event, along with such special events as Gasparilla, sports victories, the dog's birthday. Any excuse to make the loudest noise available to mankind short of nuclear bombardments. I am shocked at the "logic" used by Don Surenkamp, president of Patriotic Fireworks, who likened those idiots using fireworks to drunk drivers, suggesting we don't ban the use of automobiles so why should we ban the use of fireworks. There are NO redeeming values or sound arguments for the private use of fireworks. There are plenty of public displays all around the community for families to enjoy without having to put the neighborhoods on air raid alerts. If we are going to continue to sell fireworks to those who proclaim the need for same for agricultural or mining purposes, then we need to demand that those persons actually have a very expensive business license for that same purpose, along with proof of legitimate business operations. There should be NO sale of fireworks to Mr. Joe Citizen who wants to make more noise than his next door neighbor. Mr. Citizen can join the Army and go to Iraq if he thirsts for so much for the sounds of bullets whizzing by and bombs exploding in mid air. He may even get a medal if he does that. Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 29
  • 30. --Judith Batson 115. I would like to say that I am an avid fireworks user and would like to continue to be one. They can be safe and fun when lighted properly. I would hate to see holiday fireworks displays go away because of some legislation. Please consider my request. --Denise Fairbanks 116. Aren't there bigger fish to fry in the state of Florida, and for that matter throughout the United States? Why doesn't someone check the statistics on injuries and death related to things such as skateboarding, off-roading, little league soccer, baseball and football, backyard swimming pools, jungle gyms, rock walls and climbing, accidental poisoning, parental abuse, drugs and underage drinking, etc. Do we ban the above? No! How many more of our rights do we really want taken away? The use of consumer grade fireworks by someone old enough to fight for our freedom and vote for our presidency shouldn't be tampered with. -- Anonymous 117. To whom it may concern, I think that putting more restriction on fireworks will only further fuel the user to get them else where. I think they should be fully allowed. If we can't get them in Florida we will get them in the states we can and bring them back home. Also please stop wasting our tax dollars with these type of issues and focused on issues that will help the tax payers. --Jesus Porben 118. After 40 years in the fire service of which most was in the Beaches areas of Panama City Beach I have dealt with many fire works calls over the years. Most of them are from illegal fire works that were used by non-responsible adults or unsupervised juveniles. Florida's law on fire works is pretty well defined. basically only sparklers are allowed. While it not the intent to take away from having holiday fun, we must think of the results of what happens when illegal fireworks are used. Check the reports of children and adults being burned when fireworks are no handled properly. I know that the fireworks industry has lobbied and paid big dollars for Tallahassee to not introduce a new anti fireworks bill. But, is it worth the lives of our people to pay the price. Every year we respond to fires that have started by illegal fireworks. What is to say we will not have another California wild fire from some irresponsible person who went to Alabama and purchased fireworks to show his friends a good time, but it all goes wrong. We teach our children in school fire safety and tell them to practice it 52 weeks a year. A lot of our time is spent teaching fire safety in schools, the work place, retirement centers, and at public functions. lets not add any m ore undo hardship in the community. Ban fireworks that are not listed as expectable and follow the Florida State Statute on fire works as it is written. Send a message to the fireworks industry to use their money to help the community. --Warren G. Patterson Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 30
  • 31. Fire Chief retired Thomas Drive Fire Rescue 119. We have been doing business with patriotic fireworks for years, it would be terrible to loose their business, light towers and generators, ($10,000.00/year). The people that we deal with are very professional and knowledgeable about the products they sell. We need to keep consumer grade firework's for personal use in our state. And I my self purchase about $400 worth of fireworks per year for different events. How about a extra tax like other states do? Thanks, Tim Krueger --Tim Krueger Rentalex of Pasco 120. I am sick of the use of illegal fireworks in the state of Florida. I am subjected to my irresponsible neighbors having a "private" display each and every year. My holidays are miserable, as my home is put at risk and my pet is terrified. There is an organized fireworks display done by professionals in every county and if anyone feels strongly enough about "patriotism" let them go there and watch it. Individuals should not be allowed to make others life a complete misery in this way. It is both selfish and irresponsible!!....Please enforce this law and fine each and every perpetrator and allow all residents to enjoy the holiday in safety and tranquility!! --Anonymous 121. Over my 39 years in the fire service I have witnessed numerous personal injuries and property losses due to fireworks usage. The current effort to further deregulate fireworks making them more available is unwise and should not be acceptable to reasonable and objective citizens. Lets not allow big money place our citizens and communities at greater risk. --Barry Baker Ormond Beach Fire Department 122. I have been working for Rentalex for three years and have been involved with patriotic fireworks with their rentals of equipment of light towers and generators. I also purchase about $200 worth of fireworks each year. I think Florida should keep consumer grade firework's for personal use. I also feel they should tax fireworks and put the money toward the fire department. also I have been lighting off fireworks for 30 years and do so in a safe manner. --John Oliveira Rentalex of Pasco 123. Please keep consumer grade fireworks for personal use in our state. With out them how would forth of July or new years be the same. What would forth of July be with just sparklers. I have enjoyed twenty years of fireworks at least two times per year, and no injuries. I also work part time at my fathers business, with out the firework sales my father would lose a lot of business in tents, light towers, and generators. Please try to work this out. Thanks --Chase Krueger Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 31
  • 32. Rentalex of Pasco 124. I'm writing to express my opposition to the use of illegal fireworks in the State of Florida. The use of these Illegal fireworks causes a safety risk to my Community and to the State of Florida. We need to protect the Florida Residents and the environment of this great State. We must do whatever it take to stop the use and sale of illegal fireworks in the State of Florida for the health and well being of its residents and citizens. Thanks for sharing my comments. --Joseph Eikenberg 125. The use of fireworks has become a growing problem over the past ten years. We have always had some use of fireworks however now it is almost continuous on holidays such as New Years Eve and July 4th. I have been very concerned about the illegal use of fireworks and now on these holidays besides the safety factor, the sky is filled with smoke which takes until the next day to dissipate. Also, my yard and my neighbors yards are littered with sky rocket material. I worry that someday a burning sky rocket may ignite a roof top or nearby brush. Please stop the use of illegal fireworks and enforce the law. --Ken Cherry 126. As a fire chief I am apposed to the passage of this bill. Not only because of the threat that they pose as a fire hazard but also the health risk involved. We all are aware of the potential fire danger involved with fireworks but the last couple of years have been extremely dry in Florida and the use of any fireworks including sparklers should be prohibited by law and enforced. With the increased danger of wildfires and the very real potential loss of life and property in Florida there is no question in my mind that this bill should be voted down. --Edwin B. Campbell, Bayshore Fire Rescue Creating a navigation button in Fireworks Many navigation buttons are designed to look and operate just like a 3-D buttons in the real world, so that the button looks elevated (referred to as being “up” or “at rest”) when the mouse is not over it, and depressed (or “down”) when the mouse is over it, called a mouseover or rollover. To implement a mouseover, first create two different images, one for the “up” button and one for the “down” button, then use JavaScript to toggle between the two images as the user moves the mouse. To create the two images, you actually create only a single .png file in Fireworks but export different “views” of the file as two different .gif files. Open a new file in Fireworks, setting the resolution to 72, the page size to way bigger Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 32
  • 33. than you need (a typical oval button is maybe 100 pixels wide), and the background color to the background color of the web page. Use a shape tool (rectangle, rounded rectangle, circle, whatever) from the Tools panel to draw the basic shape of the button. With the button selected, change the fill color and stroke color to whatever you choose, done by using either the two color pans under Colors on the Tools panel or the Properties panel down below. Use an Effect if you want to make the button look 3-D, or give it a glow, or give it a drop shadow. Effects are under the Effects panel in Fireworks 4, and under the "+" box of the Properties panel in Fireworks MX. Play. If you want text on the button, choose the "A" button on the Tools Panel, position the cursor where you want the text, and type. Notice that this gives you a new layer in the Layers menu on the right. You can modify colors, effects, etc. just as you did for the shape above, using the Properties panel, or color pans, or the Text menu. If your text doesn’t show up on the button after you have finished it, look again at the Layers menu on the right; the text layer needs to be above the shape layer or the shape layer will hide the text. So, if the text layer is below the shape layer, select it and drag it above the shape layer. After the "up" button is the way you want it, you need to create the "down" button, in the same .png file. I am going to assume you want the same text for both buttons, and all you want to do is modify the down button to look depressed. (That would be "pushed in", not "sad" ;-) Go to the Layers panel, click on the layer for the shape of the “up” button, press ctrl-C (for copy) then ctrl-V (for paste), and you should now have two identical layers containing the same shape. Rename one of them (click on the name and type) to say "button-up" and rename the other one "button-down" so that you can keep track of which is which. Click on the "eye" symbol for the "button-up" to turn it off for now, because it is done. Click on the layer for the "button-down" to select it, and then modify the Effects so that it looks depressed. Now, to save your two buttons... First, go to the Modify menu, Canvas. Change the background color to transparent. Also under the Modify menu, choose Trim Canvas to get rid of the extra canvas space around your button. Go to the Optimize panel and make sure GIF is selected, not JPEG, and choose a Matte color that matches the background color of your web page (you will understand why we need to do this step after we talk about graphics). Go to the Layers panel and make sure the eye symbol is turned on for the parts you need for the “up” button and turned off for the parts you don't need for the “up” button. Check in the main panel that the “up” button looks the way you want it to look. Under the File menu, choose Export, type in an appropriate file name (button_up, for instance), and say OK. Go through exactly the same process for the “down” button, making sure that the eye is "on" for only the parts that should be used for the “down” button. Finally, save the .png file so that you can do future modifications if necessary, even though the .png file won't actually be used on the web page. When this is all done, you should have a button_up.gif, a button_down.gif, and a button.png. Don't forget that Fireworks has a built-in tutorial. Also, feel free to play with the various commands above. For instance, with Fill, you can choose from various options like built- Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 33
  • 34. in textures and gradients. Or you can change the degree of roundness on a rounded rectangle from the Properties panel. Or you can make a 13-point star instead of a rectangle by choosing the Polygon shape instead of a rectangle. Play, have fun, and learn. After you have created both an “up” and a “down” button, you can use Dreamweaver to insert the appropriate JavaScript into your web page so that the buttons behave interactively. Choose “Insert…Interactive Images…Rollover Image.” Fill in the following fields: • Image name: Leave Dreamweaver’s default name, or put in your own, more descriptive name. • Original image: The “up” image, for when the mouse is not over the button. • Rollover image: The “down” image, for when the mouse is over the button. • Preload: Leave this checked. We will discuss why when we get to JavaScript. • Alternate text: What you want in the alt=“…” of the image tag. • When clicked, go to URL: The href for the <a> tag. One final note: Older versions of Navigator can’t reference images directly, to do the swap, unless those images are embedded within a form. So, put a <form name=“…”> right after <body>, and put an </form> right before </body>, and the problem should be solved. MORE BOOKS #haythamalfiqi Autism - The Complete Guide for Parents #haythamalfiqi How to Make Money with Outsourced Articles and Article Marketing ? #haythamalfiqi How to Start a Day Care Center? #haythamalfiqi India Travel #haythamalfiqi Law of attraction: (A Simple Guide to attract Wealth, Health,power,and Happiness) #haythamalfiqi Nursing Careers: Do You Have What It Takes #haythamalfiqi Public Contract Law: The Law Student's Guide to Pursuing a Career in Public Contract Law #haythamalfiqi Public Speaking: Secrets for Success #haythamalfiqi The Quality of Life: health related quality of life questionnaire Haytham Al Fiqi Books: 34
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