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MANAGING DIRECTOR’S MANAGEMENT REPORT                                3

                      CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS                                    6
                          CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET – UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE              6
                          CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                 8

                                1. Key events of the financial year                        9
                                2. Accounting principles, rules and methods               14
                                3. Balance sheet analysis                                 17
                                4. Profit and loss account analysis                       23
                                5. Additional information                                 29

                      AUDITORS’ REPORT                                                    31

Characteristics of 2011
After an extremely dynamic first quarter 2011,          fit recipients’ pension points in particular (1.61
economic activity in France remained unchan-            billion Euros) and the contribution of the
ged in the second quarter, due to the continua-         Unemployment insurance scheme to the run-
tion and deepening of the sovereign debt crisis in      ning of Pôle emploi (State employment agency)
the Euro zone. In the second half of 2011, growth       (2.97 billion Euros), the technical profit.
remained very modest, against a background of
budgetary consolidation measures and a persis-          In terms of financing the Unemployment insu-
tently high unemployment rate. At the end of            rance scheme, it should be emphasised that:
the year, the GDP in France increased by an             •during autumn, the rating agencies confirmed
annual average of 1.7% in 2011, after increasing          the maximum ratings attributed to Unédic
by 1.4% in 2010 (Source: Insee (National Institute        (AAA, Aaa). However, at the same time as
of Statistics and Economic Studies).                      downgrading France’s rating, Standard &
Job creations, which were still thriving in the first     Poor’s downgraded Unédic’s rating to AA+ in
half of 2011, slowed down from the third quarter          January 2012, without affecting the excellent
2011, in line with activity. The number of jobsee-        credit conditions obtained by Unédic on the
kers required to engage in positive job searches,         financial markets;
unemployed (category A) decreased in the first          •the Amending Finance Law of 28 December
quarter 2011, before going back up in the second          2011 authorises the Ministry of Economy and
quarter, under the combined effect of less dyna-          Finance to grant a French State guarantee to
mic job creations and an increase in the active           bond issues which Unédic shall launch in 2012
population, in line with pension reform. At the           up to the maximum principal amount of 7 bil-
same time, the number of unemployed persons               lion Euros.
receiving benefits from the Unemployment
insurance scheme, on a downward trend since             After two test phases carried out in 2010 in the
the end of 2010, increased again from mid-2011.         Paris region and in the department of the Rhône,
So, at the end of December 2011, there were 2.2         the widespread application of the recovery pro-
million unemployed persons in receipt of bene-          cedure took place on 1 January 2011 across the
fits in France, i.e. an increase of 87,000 jobsee-      whole Acoss (Central Agency of Social Security
kers over the year (CVS data, whole of France).         Organisations) network. CCMSA (Central Fund
                                                        for the Agricultural Mutual Insurance Scheme)
This change in the labour market made it possi-         and CCVRP (Social Security and Unemployment
ble to limit the deterioration in the                   Benefit Management Agency) retain jurisdiction
Unemployment insurance scheme’s accounts to             in their professional domain, while Pôle emploi
1.461 billion Euros in 2011, compared to the loss       continues to manage the stock of existing debts,
of 3.247 billion recorded in 2010:                      in addition to the contributions of populations
•benefit expenses decreased by 0.5% in one year:        (expatriate, casual workers in the entertainment
 +0.7% for unemployment benefit (ARE);                  industry) and specific arrangements (CRP
 -11.8% for the other benefits;                         (Personal redeployment agreement), CSP
•the revenue from contributions increased pri-          (Improved job security contract).
 marily under the influence of the increase in          The Unemployment insurance scheme’s regula-
 the affiliated wage bill in 2011 (+3.6%).              tions have been the subject of a new Convention
The discrepancy between the contributions and           on unemployment insurance applicable since 1
the benefit and assistance expenses is positive,        June 2011, and the conclusion of the Improved
amounting to 3.7 billion Euros. After taking into       job security contract taking over from the CRP
account expenses relating to validation of bene-        and CTP (Occupation transition contract).

                                                                              UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011 | 3
Reconciliation between the change
                      in cash balance and the accounting result
                      The net change in cash balance for the Unemployment insurance operations is negative by 2,957 mil-
                      lion Euros and is analysed in the following manner:

                                                      Situation as at            Situation as at
                                                    31 December 2010           31 December 2011              Change

                      Bond issues                          - 4,000                      - 5,900               - 1,900
                      Bridge to bond                         - 650                           0                   650
                      Commercial papers                    - 5,280                      - 7,480               - 2,200
                      Overdraft                                -3                           -1                      2
                      Marketable securities                  1,364                       1,551                   187
                      Bank balances                              3                         307                   304
                      Total                                - 8,566                     -11,523                - 2,957

                      and represents the result of current operations.

                      The contribution due to Pôle emploi for the 2011 financial year increased to 2,966 million Euros. Given
                      the payments made and the set-off of debts and receivables between Pôle emploi and Unédic, the
                      balance standing to the credit of the Pôle emploi 10% contribution account is reduced to the sum of 212
                      million Euros.

                      Net accounting result                                  capital requirements linked to the activity,
                                                                             including, in particular, the repayment of a 770
                      The discrepancy between the change in cash             million Euro debt to a financial institution, the
                      balance and the book loss for the financial year       125 million Euro reduction in Pôle emploi’s
                      of 1,461 million Euros is explained by:                current account and a claim on Acoss for the
                      •the allowance and write-back of allowance             balance of contribution receipts for December
                       operations for amortisation and deprecia-             2011 for 544 million.
                       tions, without affecting the cash balance, for a     The net position, taking into account the profit
                       net amount of - 113 million Euros,                   or loss for the financial year, is negative by
                      •the 1,647 million Euro increase in the working       10,611 million Euros as at 31 December 2011.

                      Events subsequent to closure
                      COMPLETION OF THE LIQUIDATION                         The only residual elements concerned the
                      OF THE EIG, SI - CONVERGENCE EMPLOI                   amount of the recovery of software by Pôle
                      The latest dissolution arrangements were the          emploi at the net book value as at 31 December
                      subject of an agreement between the mem-              2011, with the consequences being integrated
                      bers, which made it possible to proceed with          into the 2011 annual accounts.
                      the completion of the liquidation of the EIG, SI -
                      Convergence emploi, with effect from 25 April

2012 outlook
Unédic regularly updates its expenditure and         wage developments, would then slow down to
revenue forecasts by taking into account the         2.4% due to job losses.
change in the economic situation.
                                                     The increase in those registered with Pôle
The latest break-even point forecast for 2012,       emploi under category A would continue, under
drawn up in May 2012, relies on the consensus        the combined effect of the decline in employ-
of economists in April, which anticipates a          ment and an ever-increasing working
growth of +0.3% in 2012.                             population. Together with an increase in the
As a consequence of weak growth, 74,100 jobs         potential number of benefit recipients, the
affiliated to the Unemployment insurance             increase in the number of unemployed persons
scheme would be lost. For its part, the average      receiving benefits from the Unemployment
wage per capita (SMPT) would increase by 2.5%,       insurance scheme would continue (+ 76,200
particularly under the influence of the mini-        unemployed persons receiving benefits).
mum wage (Smic) reassessments as at 1                This labour market situation would increase
December 2011 and 1 January 2012. The                expenditure and slow down the increase in the
increase in the wage bill, primarily supported by    Unemployment insurance scheme’s revenue.

In brief, the expenditure and revenue forecasts for 2012 would be as follows:

Total revenue:                                                                             €32,585 m

Total expenditure:                                                                         €35,619 m

       • of which ARE/AREF benefits                                                        €28,855 m

i.e. a negative change in cash balance of 3,034 million Euros. At the end of 2012, the aggregate debt
would be 14.1 billion Euros.

In order to guarantee enough liquidity to fulfil its missions, Unédic will contract new loans throu-
ghout 2012.
For this purpose, the Board of Directors, which met on 7 February 2012, approved a programme of
bond issues of 7 billion Euros, in one or more tranches, with a maximum term of 7 years.

Four new bond issues were successfully launched from February to June 2012:
        • 2.5 billion Euros at 3 years at the rate of 1.75%;
        • 1 billion Euros at 7 years at the rate of 3.00%;
        • 1 billion Euros at 5 years at the rate of 2.125%;
        • 1 billion Euros at 6 years at the rate of 2.125%.

Four additional bond issues also collected 1 billion Euros.
All of these bond issues benefit from the State guarantee.

                                                                           UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011 | 5
                      FINANCIAL STATEMENTs
                      Consolidated balance sheet
                      Unemployment insurance (in thousands of Euros)
                       ASSETS                                            2011       2010
                       Fixed assets                                       203.3      234.8
                            Intangible fixed assets                         1.9        2.8
                            Tangible fixed assets                         174.2      203.1
                            Financial fixed assets                         27.2       28.9
                       Current assets:                                  6,834.4    5,445.8
                            Receivables:                                4,295.7    3,930.0
                            - Benefit receivables                         213.0      200.3
                            - Affiliated receivables                    4,082.7    3,729.7
                            Other receivables                             667.9      140.8
                            Marketable securities                       1,551.3    1,364.2
                            Available capital                             306.7        2.9
                            Prepaid expenses                               12.8        7.9
                       Deferred expenses                                    2.8        2.9
                       Bond redemption premiums                             7.0        8.0

                       TOTAL ASSETS                                     7,047.5    5,691.5

                       LIABILITIES                                       2011       2010
                       Net financial position                         -10,610.8   -9,150.2
                            Retained earnings                          -9,150.2   -5,903.4
                            Current year result                        -1,460.6   -3,246.8
                       Depreciations for contingencies and expenses        56.2       60.7
                       Debts                                           17,583.8   14,767.9
                             Loans and financial debts                 13,429.8    9,955.0
                            - Bond issues                               5,936.5    4,006.4
                            - Other loans and financing                 7,481.2    5,932.4
                            - Bank loans and overdrafts                     0.7        2.6
                            - Other financial debts                        11.4       13.6
                            Other debts                                 4,154.0    4,812.9
                            - Affiliated debts                            120.0      105.6
                            - Benefit debts                             2,549.2    2,372.5
                            - Tax and social security debts                67.3       68.5
                            - Trade payables                                4.6        6.0
                            - State debts                                   0.0        0.0
                            - Other debts                               1,412.9    2,260.3
                       Accruals                                            18.3       13.1

                       TOTAL LIABILITIES                                7,047.5    5,691.5

Consolidated profit and loss statement
Unemployment insurance (in thousands of Euros)
Technical management                            2011                    2010
Income                                        32,720.5                30,809.6
    Contributions                             32,314.2                30,558.2
    Other income                                 100.0                   206.7
    Write-back of depreciations                  277.2                    23.3
    Transfers of expenses                         29.1                    21.4
Expenses                                      33,975.4                34,020.8
    Unemployment benefit                      25,220.8                25,047.6
    Other benefits                             2,324.4                 2,634.1
    Redeployment benefits                      1,097.5                 1,093.6
    Validation of pension points               1,614.1                 1,646.7
    Other expenses                             3,354.8                 3,504.8
    Depreciations                                363.8                    94.0
Technical profit or loss                      -1,254.9                -3,211.2

Administrative management
Income                                           81.4                     97.7
     Depreciation of services                    43.8                     44.2
    Other income                                 37.6                     53.5
Expenses                                        106.5                    127.1
    Purchases                                     0.5                      0.7
    External services                            49.1                     52.5
    Taxes and levies                              5.4                      7.9
    Wages and social security contributions      25.9                     26.6
    Other expenses                                0.0                      0.0
    Amortisation and depreciations               25.6                     39.4
Administrative management profit or loss        -25.1                    -29.4

Financial management
     Financial income                            14.4                      4.8
     Financial expenses                         191.4                    121.5
Financial profit or loss                       -177.0                   -116.7

Opérations exceptionnelles
  Technical management                             0.0                     0.0
  Administrative management                        0.0                   114.8
Extraordinary profit or loss                       0.0                   114.8

Corporation tax and similar levies                -3.6                    -4.3

PROFIT OR LOSS                                -1,460.6                -3,246.8

                                                     UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011 | 7
                                    Consolidated cash flow statement
                                    Unemployment insurance (in thousands of Euros)
                                                                                                    2011       2010
                                    Consolidated net result                                       -1,460.6   -3,246.8
                                    Elimination of transactions with no effect on the cash flow
                                    or not linked to the activity:                                   111.5       -5.1
                                         - Amortisation and depreciations                            112.7      110.1
                                         - Capital gains or losses on disposals                       -1.2    -115.2
                                         Change in working capital requirement                     1,646.8       10.2
                                    Net cash flow linked to the activity                          -2,995.9   -3,241.7

                                         Acquisition of tangible and intangible fixed assets         -1.5       -6.6
                                         Disposal of tangible and intangible fixed assets            15.2      326.3
                                         Change in financial fixed assets                             1.7        0.6
                                         Change in suppliers of fixed assets                         -0.5       -1.5
                                    Net cash flow linked to investment transactions                  14.9      318.8

                                         Bond issues                                               1,900.0   -2,200.0
                                         Short-term credit lines                                   -650.0       650.0
                                         Commercial papers                                         2,200.0    2,655.0
                                         Other operations                                             23.7      -60.4
                                    Net cash flow linked to financing transactions                 3,473.7    1,044.6

                                    Change in cash flow (all schemes)                               492.8    -1,878.5

                                    Net cash flow at the opening of the period                     1,364.5    3,243.0
                                         Positive cash flow: available capital                     1,367.1    3,277.9
                                         Negative cash flow: bank loans and overdrafts                -2.6      -34.9

                                    Net cash flow at the closing of the period                     1,857.3    1,364.5
                                         Positive cash flow: available capital                     1,858.0    1,367.1
                                         Negative cash flow: bank loans and overdrafts                -0.7       -2.6

A             P              P             E          N               D              I           X

1.1 The transfer of recovery
    of contributions
    Law no. 2008-126 of 13 February 2008 on the         well as the recovery of contributions from casual
    reform of the organisation of the public employ-    workers in the entertainment industry, expa-
    ment service provided for the transfer of           triates and special contributions (CRP and CSP).
    recovery to Acoss no later than 1 January 2012.     The amount recovered in 2011 stands at 3,859
    After the completion of two experiments             million Euros, of which 3,479 million Euros in
    conducted in 2010 in the Paris region and in the    January and February 2011, for the previous
    department of the Rhône, the widespread appli-      year.
    cation to all of the regions has been effective
    since 1 January 2011.                               The CCMSA retains jurisdiction in the agricultu-
    An agreement signed on 17 December 2010 bet-        ral sector, with relations being directly
    ween Unédic, AGS, Acoss and Pôle emploi             established since 1 January 2011 between this
    formalised this transfer of competencies and        organisation and Unédic. The cash inflows from
    organised relations between the various organi-     contributions increased, for this year, to 1,093
    sations. Significant work was carried out by        million Euros.
    Acoss and the Urssaf agencies to optimise the       The CCVRP continues to recover contributions
    efficiency of the new recovery procedures.          from travelling sales representatives with mul-
    Furthermore, Unédic relies on the arrangement       tiple employers and, in 2011, collected 20 million
    put in place by ACOSS which makes it possible       Euros on our behalf.
    to isolate with a specific code (CTP codes) the     Two new agreements came into force on 1
    cash flows managed on behalf of the                 January 2011, due to the geographical jurisdic-
    Unemployment insurance scheme. This agree-          tion of these organisations:
    ment gave rise, in 2011, to the posting of 29,459   • the Social Services Compensation Fund of
    million Euros in revenue for the financial year       Monaco, with cash inflows of 78 million Euros;
    and 25,759 million Euros in encashment.             • the Social Security Fund of Saint-Pierre-et-
                                                          Miquelon, with cash inflows of 3 million Euros.
    Acoss also manages specific arrangements on         To complete the list of stakeholders in the field
    behalf of Unédic:                                   of contributions, three organisations should be
    • individual employers with financial flows of      noted:
      669 million Euros;                                • the     DGEFP      (Delegation-General       for
    • chèques emploi associatif (employer cheque-         Employment and Vocational Training) which
      books for associations) (CEA) and titres emploi     paid 177 million Euros by way of compensa-
      service entreprise (enterprise service employ-      tion for contribution exemptions enjoyed by
      ment vouchers) (TESE) with financial flows of       employers who have recruited apprentices;
      61 million Euros;                                 • the General Directorate of Infrastructure,
    • simplified employment permits in force in the       Transport and the Sea which paid 7 million
      overseas departments with financial flows of        Euros in addition to the contributions paid by
      15 million Euros.                                   companies from the ship management sector;
                                                        • IRCEM which paid back 5 million Euros by way
    Pôle emploi has retained management of debts          of adjustments from 2006 to 2010 for contri-
    yet to be recovered as at 31 December 2010, as        butions from individual employers.

                                                                              UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011 | 9
1.2 The convention on Unemployment insurance
               of 6 May 2011 and the improved job security
                      Two important pieces of legislation were publi-         pension may, under certain conditions, com-
                      shed in 2011 with the new convention on                 bine the amount of their pension with the
                      Unemployment insurance and the improved job             Unemployment insurance benefit.
                      security contract.                                    The contribution rate remains unchanged at
                      The convention was signed on 6 May 2011 and           6.4% (employer share of 4% and employee share
                        applies from 1 June 2011 to 31 December             of 2.4%). This rate is likely to be reduced on the
                        2013. The procedures for the assignment of          dual condition of a technical management sur-
                        rights remain unchanged, with:                      plus and an improvement in Unédic’s net
                      • one day of affiliation permitting one day of        indebtedness.
                        benefits (with a minimum affiliation duration       The personal redeployment agreement arran-
                        of 4 months, and a maximum benefit dura-            gement was extended until 31 August 2011,
                        tion of 24 months for the under 50s, and 36         with the improved job security contract taking
                        months for the over 50s);                           over as of 1 September 2011. This arrangement
                      • a benefit rate unchanged at 40.4% of the daily      applies to any companies with fewer than 1,000
                        reference salary + fixed portion, or benefit rate   employees and any companies in receivership
                        of 57.4% without a fixed portion.                   or compulsory liquidation. Employees under-
                      The arrangements relating to benefits concern         going a redundancy procedure for economic
                      the following aspects:                                reasons and who signed up to the improved job
                      • the new convention integrates the conse-            security contract benefit:
                        quences of law no. 2010-1330 of 9 November          • from a benefit equivalent to 80% of the salary
                        2010 on pension reform with regard to the             for a period of 12 months if they have been
                        age at which unemployment benefits cease              an employee of the company for at least a
                        to be paid;                                           year;
                      • people who are unemployed on a seasonal             • support services taking the form of a skills
                        basis now receive benefits according to the           assessment, specific signposting measures,
                        depreciations of the general regulations;             training programmes or validation of expe-
                      • recipients of a 2nd or 3rd category disability        rience assets.

           1.3 Financial relations between
               Pôle emploi and Unédic
                      Pôle emploi and Unédic have financial relations       2011, allowing for financial adjustment with
                      within the framework of bipartite agreements          regard to the repayment of 44 million Euros in
                      (service for the allocation and recovery of           Unemployment insurance contributions and
                      contributions), the payment of the 10% contri-        AGS contributions paid in error.
                      bution for the running of Pôle emploi and joint       The consequences of this operation, namely the
                      management of special arrangements (CRP,              repayment of Unemployment insurance bene-
                      CTP, CSP and special assistance for employ-           fits, were the subject of a financial adjustment
                      ment).                                                as the rights of former employees were modi-
                                                                            fied during 2011, while the impact on the 10%
                      Other management operations were also                 contribution paid by Unédic will be effective in
                      implemented during 2011.                              2013, in accordance with defined calculation
                      Pôle emploi’s exemption from paying                   procedures.
                      Unemployment insurance contributions
                      After monitoring the situation of all the former      Framework agreement on the leases entered
                      employees of Pôle emploi in order to ascertain        into with Pôle emploi
                      the benefit scheme which was applicable to            As provided for upon the creation of Pôle
                      them, a protocol was signed on 16 December            emploi, the calculation of individual rental pay-

ments per site replacing a fixed amount defi-        the future decrease being linked to the pro-
    ned in 2008 was the subject of a framework           gressive vacancy of sites under a
    agreement between Unédic and Pôle emploi,            tenancy-at-will agreement.
    approved on 16 December 2011. The frame-
    work agreement was completed by the signing          Sale of the Montreuil site properties
    by each of the sites occupied by Pôle emploi,        In addition to the sale of fixed assets that took
    either of a commercial lease with effect as of 1     place in 2010 and scheduled by the framework
    July 2011, or a tenancy-at-will agreement with       agreement of 15 November 2010, fixed assets
    effect as of 1 January 2012. These new leases or     consisting primarily of facilities, fitting out of
    agreements have no impact on the overall level       premises and office furniture were sold to Pôle
    of rental payments paid by Pôle emploi, i.e.         emploi, for the sum of 2.2 million Euros, on the
    approximately 30 million Euros in 2011, with         basis of a net book value as at 1 January 2010.

1.4 State /Unédic joint arrangements
    By agreement of 5 November 2010, the State           tial unemployment benefits to employees expe-
    and Unédic agreed to compensate jobseekers           riencing a reduction in activity. This measure
    who exhausted their rights to Unemployment           benefitted from a contribution by Unédic of 20.6
    insurance benefit between 1 January and 31           million Euros in 2011.
    December 2010. This arrangement made it pos-         Finally, the State and Unédic signed the agree-
    sible to pay a special allowance for employment      ment on the improved job security contract
    (AEPE) financed equally by the State and Unédic,     under the terms of which the State and Unédic
    managed by Pôle emploi. It represented an            each contribute to the financing of the support
    expenditure for the Unemployment insurance           package, amounting to 800 Euros per benefi-
    scheme of 8.9 million Euros in 2011, compared        ciary of this arrangement.
    with 5.2 million Euros in 2010.                      The State also contributes to the financing of
    Furthermore, Unédic and the DGEFP continued          the improved job security benefit for recipients
    their partnership within the framework of the        furnishing proof of 12 to 24 months’ employ-
    agreement on long-term reduced activity              ment in the company at the time of joining the
    (APLD). This agreement, signed on 4 December         scheme, for the portion exceeding the amount
    2009, allows for the payment of additional par-      of the unemployment benefit.

1.5 Increase in Unemployment
    insurance benefits
    The Unédic Board of Directors decided, at its mee-   salary, which serves as the basis for calculating
    ting on 30 June 2011, to increase the reference      benefits, by 1.5% as of 1 July 2011.

                                                                              UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011 | 11
1.6 Financing the Unemployment
               insurance scheme
                      2011 financing operations
                      At the end of the 2011 financial year, the net position of outstanding loans is 11,523 Euros, i.e.:
                      • bond issues:                    5,900 million Euros;
                      • commercial papers:              7,480 million Euros;
                      • investments:                   -1,551 million Euros;
                      • bank balances:                  - 306 million Euros.

                      N.B.: the aggregate net debt including the sums payable to Pôle emploi for the 10% contribution and
                      which are not yet paid (212 million Euros) therefore amounts to 11,735 million Euros.

                                                               drawdowns as needed.
                      Bond issues and bank loans                                 This commercial paper programme obtained the
                                                                                 short-term rating ”A1+” by the Standard & Poor’s
                      In 2009, Unédic opened a 12 billion Euro EMTN              rating agency and “P1” by Moody’s as of its launch
                      (Euro Medium Term Notes) programme, within                 in January 2004. Since July 2009, it has also bene-
                      which its bond issues are launched.                        fitted from the F1+ rating from the Fitch rating
                      An initial public offering was launched within this        agency.
                      framework in December 2009. Unédic raised 4 bil-           Initially, at the request of the Moody’s rating
                      lion Euros from this in 3 years, which constituted         agency, syndicated and confirmed lines of credit
                      its only bond issue at the end of the 2010 finan-          were put in place to ensure 100% coverage of this
                      cial year. In 2011, Unédic raised a total of 1.9 billion   programme and thereby mitigate any imbalances
                      Euros on the bond market: 1.5 billion Euros in 3           in the European money market.
                      years, to which 150 million Euros are added in 3           Since July 2011, the agencies’ coverage require-
                      years, and 250 million Euros in 18 months. In              ment has been reduced to a quarter of the
                      2011, the EMTN programme benefitted from the               authorised programme.
                      rating attributed to Unédic by the Fitch (AAA),
                      Moody’s (Aaa) and Standard and Poor’s (AAA)      
                      rating agencies. This last rating was revised to           Traditional bank financing arrangements
                      AA+ in January 2012.
                      Given the restrictions imposed by Article 213-15           Short-term financing requirements are covered in
                      of the Financial and Monetary Code governing               the form of bank overdrafts negotiated by mutual
                      bond issues by associations on the financial mar-          agreement with Unédic’s banking partners (1.5
                      kets, the Board of Directors decided to apply for a        billion Euros negotiated).
                      State guarantee for its bond issues in 2012. This          The use of these overdrafts at the end of the 2011
                      guarantee was authorised by the Amending                   financial year is limited to 0.7 million Euros.
                      Finance Law of 28 December 2011 and granted
                      by order of the Minister for the Economy and     
                      Finance on 7 February 2012.                                Marketable securities

                                                               A commitment was made with regard to the
                      Commercial papers                                          rating agencies to build up a reserve of liquid
                                                                                 assets when the drawdowns on the commercial
                      The use of this financing method for the associa-          papers programme exceed an outstanding liability
                      tions was authorised, under certain conditions, in         of 3 billion Euros. It is in return for this commit-
                      Article 37 of law no. 2003-706 of 1 August 2003.           ment that the level of coverage could be reduced
                      The initial amount of 1.2 billion Euros in 2004 was        to a quarter of the amount of the programme
                      gradually increased, to reach a ceiling amount of 9        concerning 9 billion Euros.
                      billion Euros authorised by the Board of Directors
                      in June 2011.                                              Given a commercial paper outstanding liability of
                      The total outstanding amount of the programme              7,480 million Euros as at 31 December 2011, the
                      as at 31 December 2011 is 7.48 billion Euros.              investments represent 1,551 million to date, of
                      These commercial papers are the subject of                 which 1,120 million is intended to cover the com-

mitments (25% of the commercial paper outstan-           to June 2012 raised 6.5 billion Euros with
ding liability exceeding 3 billion Euros) made with      maturities of 3 to 7 years, thereby spreading
the rating agencies.                                     evenly its exposure to interest rate risk;
                                                       • The commercial papers programme, the cei-
                                                         ling amount of which was increased to 12
1.6.2.                                                   billion Euros, continues to enable Unédic to
Financing of the 2012-2013                               raise the additional short-term resources it
period                                                   needs under the best conditions.

The threefold strategy set out and approved by         The financing instruments thus implemented
the Board of Directors from 2009 remains ope-          will enable Unédic to cover the needs for 2012.
rational:                                              These needs can be summarised thus:
• The work carried out with the rating agencies        • refinancing of the bond issue issued in
  enabled Unédic to continue to benefit from a           December 2009 for 4 billion Euros;
  rating enabling it to raise the necessary            • coverage of the expected 2012 deficit for 3 bil-
  resources under the best conditions. However,          lion Euros in the technical balance of May
  it should be noted that, at the beginning of           2012.
  2012, the sovereign debt crisis led Standard &
  Poor’s to downgrade the French State’s rating        Concerning the 2013 financial year, the technical
  to AA+, while keeping its short-term rating          balance forecasts, based on a growth that
  unchanged at A-1+. Unédic’s rating was auto-         should remain weak (1%) and very poor job crea-
  matically aligned with that of the French            tion, anticipate a result for the Unemployment
  State. This decision on the financing costs and      insurance scheme that would remain negative,
  the opportunities to access the financial mar-       thereby generating a cash burn in the region of
  kets for Unédic had very little effect, insofar as   4 billion Euros. Net indebtedness would then
  the markets had anticipated it;                      reach approximately 18 billion Euros at the end
• The 12 billion Euro EMTN programme was               of the year, for which the (support, remunera-
  increased to 14 billion Euros, and shall enable      tion and maturity) financing procedures are yet
  Unédic to retain the responsiveness neces-           to be specified given the situation of the finan-
  sary to its future bond issues. Four bond            cial markets.
  issues and supplements made from February

                                                                            UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011 | 13
A             P                P          E          N               D              I           X
                      2.ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES
                      RULES AND METHODS
           2.1 General principles
                      The Unemployment insurance scheme’s conso-         Unemployment insurance and the conse-
                      lidated annual accounts for the financial year     quences which arise therefrom, with regard to
                      ended 31 December 2011, drawn up in Euros,         both the declarations of affiliates and the pay-
                      including the balance sheet, the profit and loss   ments to recipients.
                      account and the appendix, were drawn up in
                      accordance with the Unemployment insurance         The signatory organisations of the convention of
                      organisations’ chart of accounts approved by the   6 May 2011 on Unemployment insurance, in
                      National Accounting Council (CNC) dated 9          view of Article L.351-3-1 of the French Labour
                      January 1995 (notice of compliance no. 79).        Code on the method of financing benefits paid
                      They take into account the specific information    under this scheme, certify that Unemployment
                      linked to the declaratory nature of                insurance is a specific ”pay-as-you-go” scheme.

           2.2 Unemployment benefits
                      The regulatory depreciations stipulate that job-   financial year, according to the principles refer-
                      seekers register then provide Pôle emploi with     red to above, and which are calculated by using
                      evidence of their situation on a monthly basis     the benefits paid in January of the following
                      to avoid their entitlements being called into      year and the estimate of the payment adjust-
                      question. These formalities enable the benefits    ments.
                      to be dealt with on a monthly basis under tech-
                      nical management expenses. In addition to the      2.2.3.
                      December benefits paid in January of the follo-    Benefit recipient receivables
                      wing year, payment adjustments that may take
                      place in the following months will be estimated    The accounts receivable of benefit recipients
                      to take into account corresponding expenditure     (undue payments and advances) are the sub-
                      in the corresponding year. For persons exempt      ject of a depreciation built up according to the
                      from checking, accounting is, the aforementio-     age of the debts.
                      ned notwithstanding, also carried out on a
                      monthly basis.                                     The method for calculating depreciations for
                                                                         depreciation of the benefit recipients’ undue
                      2.2.2.                                             payments is based on statistical law making it
                      Benefit debts                                      possible to measure the probability of recove-
                                                                         ring them.
                      Under the item ”Benefit debts” is the amount       Undue payments for fraud were the subject of
                      of benefits considered as owing for the current    a 100% depreciation of their amount.

2.3 Contributions of affiliates
     2.3.1.                                               2.3.2.
     Income                                               Affiliate receivables
     The income from technical management corres-         Contributions yet to be received for the year are
     ponds to general and specific contributions that     calculated according to the income recorded bet-
     the employers are required to pay for the year,      ween 1 January and 28 February of the following
     according to mandatory periodic declarations         financial year and relating to the financial year
     that they make to Urssaf agencies, CGSS (General     elapsed. A depreciation is recorded at the end of
     Social Security Fund), CMSA (Agricultural Social     the year on affiliates’ debts which appear doubtful.
     Mutual Fund) and regional departments of Pôle        It is calculated according to the age of the debts
     emploi.                                              and forecasts of companies’ ability to pay accor-
                                                          ding to their characteristics.
     The forms received in January are deemed to
     concern the previous year.                           2.3.3.
                                                          Creditor affiliates
     For those received in February, the reference on
     the form for the previous year makes it possible     Funds paid by affiliates and collected by the various
     to register amounts declared in unearned income.     operators recovering on behalf of Unédic and which
     When the forms are not received within the pres-     could not be assigned to an identified debt are
     cribed time limits, an estimate of the               shown under balance sheet liabilities.
     contributions due is carried out per affiliate.

2.4 Other items
     2.4.1. Fixed assets
     The intangible and tangible fixed assets are recorded in the accounts according to the depreciations
     of ARC (Accounting Regulatory Committee) regulation no. 2002-10 on the amortisation and depre-
     ciation of assets and ARC regulation no. 2004-06 on the definition, accounting and evaluation of
     assets. Amortisation is practiced according to the straight-line method over the following durations:

     Software                                                                                        5 years
     Buildings and structures                                                                 10 to 40 years
     Fixtures and fittings                                                                    10 to 20 years
     IT installations and equipment                                                              3 to 6 years
     Office furniture                                                                               10 years
     Office equipment                                                                                5 years
     Other                                                                                      4 to 10 years

     2.4.2.                                               • new CCN depreciations;
     Corporate commitments                                • use of personal information: age, sex, salary,
                                                            length of service;
     Given the depreciations of the National collec-      • determination of internal actuarial assump-
     tive agreement for Unemployment insurance              tions: staff turnover rate (0% to 3% according
     scheme personnel, Unédic is required to pay            to the employee’s age), retirement age and
     retirement indemnities calculated as monthly           terms and conditions (60 to 65 according to
     wage by number of years of service.                    the year of birth with retirement at the initia-
     Furthermore, bonuses are to be paid under              tive of the employee), wage increase rate of
     long-term service bonuses (médailles du tra-           3% including inflation;
     vail).                                               • use of a discount rate for the commitment
     Commitments are calculated using the follo-            corresponding to the Bloomberg reference
     wing information:                                      rate, i.e. 3.75% for the 2011 financial year.

                                                                                UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011 | 15
Using this data, the amount of the commit-            2.4.3.
                      ments is calculated individually for each             Extraordinary profit or loss
                      employee present, it being understood that for
                      the long-term service bonuses, the commit-            The extraordinary profit or loss includes:
                      ment must be calculated for the bonuses which         • technical management operations which do
                      risk being paid for the entire period of work, i.e.     not derive from ordinary activity and relating
                      a maximum of 4 bonus levels.                            to benefit recipient or recovery domains;
                      The amounts thus obtained are recorded in the         • items relating to administrative manage-
                      accounts as depreciations for contingencies             ment, that is to say the items provided for by
                      and expenses and the change in these depre-             the general chart of accounts and, in particu-
                      ciations is recorded in the result for the period       lar, the capital gains or losses from disposals
                      including the impacts of assumption changes.            of tangible and intangible fixed assets.
                      Added to this from 2010 is the amount of com-
                      mitments due under the defined benefits pen-          The capital gains or losses from disposals of
                      sion plan for the senior executives of the            financial fixed assets are, the aforementioned
                      Unemployment insurance scheme present as              notwithstanding, recorded in the financial
                      at 1 January 2001, providing evidence of 8 years      transactions.
                      in this role and having ended their career in an
                      Unemployment insurance institution.

           2.5 Principles of consolidation of Unemployment
               insurance scheme accounts
                      Unédic shall proceed with a ”consolidation” of        The scope of consolidation is presented in the
                      all Unemployment insurance institutions’              chapter of the appendix on additional informa-
                      accounts. Strictly on a legal basis, the ”consoli-    tion.
                      dated” whole corresponds to a “combination” of        The main reprocessing operations concern:
                      the accounts according to regulation no. 99-02        • the leasing held by SCI Reuilly 1;
                      of the National Accounting Council. There is no       • proportional integration, at 50% of the SI
                      legal relationship between the entities included        Convergence Emploi EIG;
                      in the scope of consolidation except for SCI (real    • elimination of balances from operations rela-
                      estate investment trust) Reuilly 1, subsidiary of       ting to the managed third party (AGS) shown
                      Unédic. For the 2011 financial year, this situa-        in Unédic’s annual accounts, in order to only
                      tion only concerns the single institution which         present in the consolidated balance sheet the
                      did not merge with Unédic as at 31 December             Unemployment insurance transactions

A                P          P              E                N            D              I            X
3.1 Analysis of balance sheet assets
    3.1.1. Fixed assets Tangible and intangible fixed assets

    All of the movable and immovable property was the subject of:
    • a sale of 11 real estate sites;
    • a physical inventory carried out for the furniture and office equipment of the registered office.

    The transactions recorded with regard to the fixed assets and the amortisation during the 2011
    financial year are presented below.


     (in millions of Euros)                               (1)              (2)            (3)             (4)    (5)=(1)+(2)-(3)+(4)
                                             Gross value at      Acquisitions          Sales       Transfers        Gross value at
                                             the opening of     and creations     or decom-                     the closing of the
                                          the financial year                     missionings                         financial year

     Total intangible fixed assets (A)                   9.3              0.3                0             0                    9.6
     Total tangible fixed assets (B))                 518.8               1.2            37.2              0                 482.8
     Property: Land, buildings and fittings           507.8               0.9            33.6             2.5                477.6
     Other tangible fixed assets                         8.4              0.2              3.6            0.1                   5.1
     Current tangible fixed assets                       2.6              0.1                0          -2.6                    0.1
     Total (A + B)                                    528.1               1.5            37.2              0                 492.4

     (in millions of Euros)                               (1)              (2)            (3)             (4)   (5)=(1) +(2)-(3)+(4)
                                              Amortisation       Acquisitions          Sales       Transfers       Gross value at
                                          at the opening of     and creations     or decom-                     the closing of the
                                          the financial year                     missionings                        financial year

     Total intangible fixed assets (A)                   6.6              1.0                0                                  7.6
     Total tangible fixed assets (B)                  315.6              16.5            23.5              0                 308.6
     Property: buildings and fittings                 310.3              16.2            20.7              0                 305.8
     Other tangible fixed assets                         5.3              0.3              2.8             0                    2.8
     Total (A+B)                                      322.2              17.5            23.5              0                 316.2

                                                                                 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011 | 17 Financial fixed assets

                         This item, for an amount of 27.2 million Euros, essentially comprises the loans for their original
                         amount within the framework of the construction subsidy for 26.8 million Euros and the deposits and
                         securities paid amounting to 0.4 million Euros.

                         3.1.1. Current assets
                         This item, for an amount of 27.2 million Euros, essentially comprises the loans for their original
                         amount within the framework of the construction subsidy for 26.8 million Euros and the deposits and
                         securities paid amounting to 0.4 million Euros.


                         a) Benefit recipient debtors
                         The gross value of this item is up by 8.48% on the previous financial year: 467 million Euros compa-
                         red with 430.5 million Euros. 95.58% of it is made up of undue Unemployment insurance payments
                         to benefit recipients, i.e. 446.3 million Euros. The transactions relating to the undue Unemployment
                         insurance payments are presented in the table below:

(in millions of Euros)                                                          2011             2010
                                                                                                              2011 / 2010

 Undue advances and payments on account at the opening of the financial year (A) 430.5          388.1                10.9%
 Detection of undue payments during the financial year (B)                      901.4           867.1                   4%
 Reimbursement and recoveries of undue payments (C)                             821.6           796.2                 3.2%
 Write-offs and losses on undue payments (D)                                     43.6            28.8                51.4%
 Advances and payments on account (E)                                            12.4            12.7                (2.4)%
 Recovered advances and payments on account (F)                                  12.1            12.4                (2.4)%
 Benefit recipient debtors at the end of the financial year (including
 the advances and payments on account) (G) = (A) + (B) - (C) - (D) + (E) - (F) 467.0            430.5                8.48%
 Depreciation set aside for bad debts (H)                                       (254)          (230.2)               10.3%
 Depreciation rate (H) / (G)                                                    54.4%           53.4%                  1 pt
 Net book value (I) = (G) - (H)                                                   213           200.3                 6.3%

                    The risk of not recovering undue payments is covered by the setting aside of a depreciation equal to
                    54.4% of the debt compared with a rate of 53.4% for the 2010 financial year.

                    b) Affiliates
                    The burden of gross contributions yet to be recovered, i.e. 5,169.4 million Euros, is up by 8.9% on the
                    previous financial year. It is broken down into:
                    • main contributions: 4,626.4 million Euros or 89.5% of the total;
                    • individual contributions: 365.9 million Euros or 7.1% of the total;
                    • additional contributions: 177.1 million Euros or 3.4% of the total.

(in millions of Euros)                                                          2011             2010
                                                                                                              2011 / 2010

Uncontested debts to be received (A)                                          3,799.8         3,478.7                 9.2%
Bad debts to be received (B)                                                  1,369.6         1,268.6                 8.0%
Gross value (C) = (A) + (B)                                                   5,169.4         4,747.3                 8.9%
Depreciation set aside for bad debts (D)                                     (1,086.7)       (1,017.6)                6.8%
Depreciation rate (D) / (B)                                                     79.3%           80.2%              -0.9 pts
Net book value (E) = (C) – (D)                                                4,082.7         3,729.7                 9.5%

The uncontested debts to be received corres-          paid by the employers during December, to be
pond to contributions due for 2011 which were         repaid to Unédic;
settled at the beginning of the following finan-    • a claim against Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon for
cial year.                                            0.8 million Euros, relating to current opera-
The burden of bad debts is up (8.0%), with this       tions of the contribution recovery domain;
change resulting primarily from a smaller num-      • a claim against CCMSA for 12.5 million Euros,
ber of write-off decisions, and a large number        relating to current operations of the contri-
of calls for specific contributions made at the       bution recovery domain;
beginning of 2012, the settlement of which was      • a claim against CCVRP for 3.7 million Euros,
made after 28 February 2012.                          relating to current operations of the contri-
A depreciation is set aside in order to cover the     bution recovery domain.
risk of not recovering bad debts, which repre-
sents 79.3% of the contested contributions to be
received or an increase of 6.8% compared with       Marketable securities
the 2010 financial year. The depreciation is cal-
culated by each of the operators responsible for    This item, for the sum of 1,551 million Euros,
recovering Unemployment insurance contribu-         corresponds to money market funds, 1,120 mil-
tions, according to the review of the results of    lion of which are dedicated to the coverage of
recovering bad debts over previous years.           commercial paper issues in the event of mar-
                                                    ket failure.
State                                               Marketable security inventory
                                                    as at 01/01/2011                          1,364
This item, for an amount of 50.2 million Euros,
represents an amount due by the State for           Acquisitions in 2011                     14,080
arrangements prior to 2009 managed on behalf        Sales in 2011                            13,893
of the State and not transferred to Pôle emploi.    Marketable security inventory
                                                    as at 31/12/2011                          1,551
Other debts
This item, for an amount of 617.4 million Euros,    Bank balances
predominantly comprises:
• the national participatory youth employment       This item, for an amount of 306.7 million Euros,
  programme (EJEN) to be received for 0.9 mil-      comprises:
  lion Euros;                                       • passbook deposits paid for an amount of 300
• an income to be received from the State as          million Euros, to which 0.3 million Euros in
  part of the CA (Contract for the future) – CAE      accrued interest is added at the end of the
  (Employment Support Contract) arrangement           financial year;
  balance for 16.1 million Euros;                   • bank account balances amounting to 6.4 mil-
• a claim against establishments under mana-          lion Euros.
  gement agreements amounting to 18.6 mil-
  lion Euros;
• a claim against sales of fixed assets for 2.2     3.1.3.
  million Euros;                                    Deferred expenses
• a 7.1 million Euro claim against Monaco rela-
  ting to current operations of the contribution    This item, for an amount of 2.8 million Euros,
  recovery domain;                                  concerns the costs of bond issues which are dis-
• a 544.4 million Euro claim against Acoss, cor-    tributed in a linear manner over the term of the
  responding to the balance of contributions        bonds.                                      >>>

                                                                        UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011 | 19
Summary of bond issues

Date                   Term        Deferred fees             Prior            2011           Aggregate              Bond fee
                                      and costs       amortisation     amortisation        amortisation          amortisation
                                                                                                  as at              balance
                                                                                           31/12/2011            31/12/2011

12/2009               3 years                 4.4                1.6             1.5                  3.1                   1.3
03/2011               3 years                 1.6                  -             0.4                  0.4                   1.2
10/2011           18 months                   0.2                  -               -                    -                   0.2
12/2011           27 months                   0.1                0.0             0.0                  0.0                   0.1

Total deferred expenses                       6.3                1.6             1.9                  3.5                   2.8

Redemption premiums
The bonds issued by Unédic include an issue premium, corresponding to the difference between the nominal value of the
bonds and the issue value. These premiums are amortised over the term of the issue.

Date                   Term        Deferred fees             Prior            2011           Aggregate                  Issue
                                      and costs       amortisation     amortisation        amortisation             Ptremium
                                                                                                  as at               balance
12/2009               3 years               12.50              4.50             4.20                8.70                  3.80
03/2011               3 years                4.30                  -            1.10                1.10                  3.20

Total issue premium                         16.80              4.50             5.30                9.80                  7.00

           3.2 Analysis of balance sheet liabilities
                      3.2.1. Net financial position
                      • Net financial position as at 31 December 2010                       -9,150.2 million Euros
                      • Negative result for the 2011 financial year:                        -1,460.6 million Euros
                      • Net financial position as at 31 December 2011:                     -10,610.8 million Euros

                      3.2.2. Depreciations for contingencies and expenses
                      This item, for a total amount of 56.2 million Euros, predominantly comprises the following depreciations:
                      •Unédic’s contribution to the financing of AS-FNE (special benefit from the national employment fund)
                       for 12.5 million Euros;
                      •the rights acquired up to their retirement by the recipients of ARPE (job substitution allowance) for 0.1
                       million Euros (i.e. a reduction of 0.1 million Euros on 2010); this depreciation covers the costs of bene-
                       fits yet to be paid and the financing of additional pension benefits;
                      •the unemployment insurance contributions paid in error by certain public employers and to be repaid
                       for 20.5 million Euros;
                      •the depreciation for risks of disputes over benefit recipient and recovery domains flagged up by the
                       regional departments of Pôle emploi for 5.3 million Euros;
                      •depreciations for corporate commitments:
                       - depreciation for retirement indemnities (IDR) for the sum of 15.5 million Euros;
                       - depreciation for long-term service bonuses for 1.7 million Euros.

The change in depreciations for contingencies and expenses during the 2011 financial year is presented in the table below.

(In millions of Euros)                        Opening       Depreciation        Write-back       Write-back              Closing
                                              balance                          depreciation     depreciation             balance
                                                                                      used         not used

ARPE                                                0.2                -                0.1                   -                0.1
AS-FNE                                             18.2             12.5              18.2                    -               12.5
IDR                                                11.5              5.4                1.4                   -               15.5
Long-term service bonuses                           1.1              0.6                  -                   -                1.7
Public employer reimbursement                      20.8             -0.3                  -                   -               20.5
Other                                               8.9             -0.1                2.9                   -                5.9

Total                                              60.7             18.1              22.6                    -               56.2

3.2.3. Loans and financial debts
The change in financing during 2011 is as follows:

Financing arrangements                  Opening       Of which      Additional      Repayment           Closing        Of which
(amounts in millions of Euros)          balance accrued interest     financing      of financing        balance accrued interest

Bond issues                               4,006               6            1,900                          5,937                37
Credit/financing establishments loans     5,932                            2,200              652         7,480
  of which commercial papers              5,280                            2,200                          7,480
  of which other loans                      652                                               652             0
Bank loans and overdrafts                     3                                                2              1

Total                                     9,941               6            4,100              654        13,418                37 Bond issues
The bonded debt amounts to 5,937 million Euros at the end of the 2011 financial year.
It corresponds to:
• the 4 billion Euro loan (3 years, 2.125%) issued in December 2009;
• the accrued interest on the 4 billion Euro loan, i.e. 6.6 million Euros;
• the 1.650 billion Euro loan (3 years, 2.375%), of which 1.500 billion issued in March 2011 and 0.150
   billion in December 2011;
• the accrued interest on the 1.650 billion Euro loan, i.e. 30 million Euros;
• the 0.250 billion Euro loan (18 months, 1.37%) issued in October 2011;
• the accrued interest on the 0.250 billion Euro loan, i.e. 0.75 million Euros. Loans from various credit and finance establishments
• The total amount of this item comes to 7,480 million Euros, corresponding to the commercial papers
  issued by Unédic.

The transactions concerning the commercial papers were as follows in 2010:

Inventory as at 01/01/2011                Issues in 2011           Repayments in 2011               Inventory as at 31/12/2011
                 5,280                        31,250                       29,050                             7,480
(amounts in millions of Euros)

The due dates of these commercial papers are as follows:

Due date of commercial                  During                     During                   During
papers                           the 1st quarter 2012       the 2nd quarter 2012      the 2nd half of 2012
                                           6,755                    710                        15                     7,480
(amounts in millions of Euros)

                                                                              UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011 | 21                                                 benefit recipients’ additional pension points:
                      Bank loans and overdrafts                              • 540.1 million Euros due to Arrco (Association
                      The total amount of this item comes to 0.7 mil-          of supplementary pension plans for salaried
                      lion Euros and corresponds to the accounting             employees) which is broken down into:
                      balances of creditor bank and postal accounts          • 488.7 million Euros corresponding to the
                      and the accrued interest on bank overdrafts              contributions yet to be paid for 2011;
                      used. The bank loans and overdrafts correspond         • 27.2 million Euros in respect of the semi-final
                      to the negative cash flow presented in the cash          2011 position;
                      flow statement.                                        • -47.6 million Euros due by Arrco in respect of
                                                                               the 2010 adjustment;
                      3.2.4.                                                 • 7.2 million Euros due to Arrco in respect of the
                      Other debts                                              2008 adjustment;
                                                                             • 64.6 million Euros in respect of the AFSP
                                                             (Benefit from the specific temporary fund)
                      Affiliated debts                                         arrangement;
                      This item, amounting to 120.1 million Euros, cor-      • 510.0 million Euros due to Agirc (General
                      responds to the sums received from employers             Association of Pension Institutions for
                      and which could not be assigned to debts at the          Managerial Staff) which is primarily broken
                      end of the financial year.                               down into:
                                                                             • 492.0 million Euros corresponding to Unédic’s
                                                             commitment to Agirc, as provided for in the
                      Benefit recipient debts and other accounts               agreement of 19 December 1996 which had
                      payable                                                  valued the amount of supplementary retire-
                      This item, for a total amount of 2,549.2 million         ment contributions for the periods of
                      Euros, corresponds, essentially, to the benefits         unemployment prior to this date and set a 20
                      to be paid: benefits from the month of December          year payment schedule at the rate of 1/20th
                      2011 paid at the start of 2012, i.e. 2,482.9 million     each year, with the debt amount being re-
                      Euros and 64.9 million Euros for the redeploy-           assessed each year by applying the price index;
                      ment benefits to be paid to benefit recipients         • 228.6 million Euros corresponding to the
                      and less the advance retirement levy for an              contributions yet to be paid for 2011;
                      amount of 101.7 million Euros.                         • 19.9 million Euros in respect of the semi-final
                                                                               2011 position;
                                                           • -171.7 million Euros due by Agirc in respect of
                      Tax and social security debts                            the 2010 adjustment;
                      This item, for a total of 67.3 million Euros, com-     • -64.0 million Euros due by Agirc in respect of
                      prises:                                                  the 2008 adjustment;
                      •depreciation for paid leave and holiday and           • 70.8 million Euros due to other supplementary
                        13th month bonuses amounting to 2.6 million            retirement pension organisations, including
                        Euros instead of 3.0 million Euros in 2010;            Ircantec (Supplementary Retirement Pensions
                      •the benefit recipient advance levies yet to be          Institution for Non-Certified State Employees
                        paid, i.e. 47.6 million Euros corresponding to         and Employees of Public Administrations);
                        the benefits paid in December 2011;                  • the liaison accounts with Pôle emploi for 239.3
                      •the other tax and social security debts for 17.1        million Euros including that relating to the
                        million Euros.                                         financing of Pôle emploi through the 10%
                                                                               contribution for the sum of 211.7 million
                      Trade debts
                      The amount of 4.6 million Euros, representing          3.2.5.
                      the invoices yet to be paid as at 31 December          Accruals
                      2011, is divided into two sections:                    Unearned income, i.e. 18.3 million Euros, essen-
                      •suppliers of goods and services: 4.2 million          tially concerns the payments made by public
                        Euros;                                               companies and establishments which are not
                      •suppliers of fixed assets: 0.4 million Euros.         affiliated to the Unemployment insurance
                                                                             scheme, but which have signed a management
                                                           agreement with Unédic.
                      Other debts                                            The payments are made for benefit recipients
                      The main items of this section, the total amount       registered as unemployed and whose acquired
                      of which comes to 1,412.9 million Euros, concern:      rights may be spread over several financial
                      • the cost to be paid as at 31 December 2011 to        years according to their age.
                        various pension funds, for the validation of the

A              P             P             E              N               D               I           X

4.1 Technical management

    4.1.1. Income Contributions

    The income from contributions for the 2011 financial year is up by 5.75% on 2010:

    (in millions of Euros)                          2011                      2010             2011 / 2010

    Main contributions                           31,878.6                 30,115.7                    5.85%
    Special contributions                           435.7                    442.5                   -1.54%

    TOTAL                                        32,314.3                 30,558.2                    5.75%

    The main contributions are up, with a change of         of management agreements, i.e. 46.6 million
    5.85%.                                                  Euros, in addition to the surcharges for delay and
    The change in the wage bill is valued by Acoss at       penalties for 41.5 million Euros.
    +3.6% between 2011 and 2010, breaking down
    into a 1% increase in staff numbers and a 2.5%
    increase in the average salary per capita (SMPT).       Net write-back of depreciations

    Furthermore, the difference in the change in            A decrease or the write-back of depreciations is
    contribution income is explained by the special          recorded relating to:
    adjustments recorded in 2010 and 2011.                  •Unédic’s contribution to the current financing of
    Special contributions saw a reduction of 1.54%           AS-FNE amounting to 18.2 million Euros;
    given the drop in the number of members of the          •the reduction in acquired rights until their reti-
    CRP (Personal redeployment agreement) arran-             rement by the beneficiaries of ARPE for 0.1 mil-
    gement.                                                  lion Euros;
                                                            •the depreciation of debts relating to manage-                                                 ment agreements for 0.3 million Euros;
    Other income                                            •doubtful debts of affiliates for 257.7 million
    This item, for an amount of 100 million Euros,          •the depreciation of detected undue payments
    predominantly comprises the income in respect            for 0.9 million Euros.

                                                                                 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011 | 23                                             4.1.2.
                         Transfer of expenses                                 Expenses
                         This item, for the sum of 29.1 million Euros, pre-   The technical management expenses total
                         dominantly comprises:                                decreased by 0.13% in 2011, as a result of the
                         •the reimbursements of benefits by the affi-         improvement in the economic situation during
                          liates amounting to 15.6 million Euros;             the first few months of the year, with the
                         •the full reimbursement of benefits paid to the      increase in expenses nevertheless resuming in
                          EJEN       (National     Youth       Employment     the fourth quarter.
                          Programme) for the sum of 7.4 million Euros;
                         •the reimbursement of benefits between the EU        The reduction in expenses more specifically
                          countries for 5.5 million Euros;                    affects the benefit paid to members of the CRP,
                         •the reimbursement of CSP (improved job secu-        the number of which has decreased by 15.6%,
                          rity contract) benefits for 0.5 million Euros.      even taking into account the CSP which took
                                                                              over from this arrangement. Benefits

(in millions of Euros)                                               2011                    2010                  2011/2010

Unemployment benefit (ARE)                                        25,220.7                25,047.6                        0.69%
Other benefits                                                     2,324.5                 2,634.1                     - 11.75%
   Unemployment benefit (ARE) Training                             1,060.0                 1,044.1                        1.52%
   Benefit for older unemployed persons (ACA)                          8.4                    21.1                     - 60.19%
   Specific redeployment benefit (ASR)                             1,180.9                 1,551.8                     - 23.90%
   Benefit from the specific temporary fund (ASP)                     58.7                                                100%
   Other                                                              16.5                    17.1                      - 3.51%

TOTAL                                                             27,545.2                27,681.7                      - 0.49%

                         The expenses per benefit result from the             those signed up to this support arrangement
                         assumption of responsibility for:                    from 1 September 2011.
                         • payments to benefit recipients made during         The change in payments to benefit recipients for
                           the financial year;                                the main benefits is as follows:
                         • the reduction in expenses associated with the      • ARE payments represented the sum of 25.797
                           detection of overpayments;                           billion Euros in 2011 compared with 25.712 bil-
                         • the depreciation reversal recorded in 2010 for       lion Euros in 2010, i.e. a 0.34% increase which is
                           benefits to be paid for the previous financial       explained by a 1.02% increase in the average
                           year;                                                amount of the daily benefit, and a 0.68% reduc-
                         • the supplementary expenses represented by            tion in the number of compensated days;
                           the depreciation recorded for the benefits paid    • ARE Training payments represented an
                           at the start of 2012 for periods from 2011 or        amount of 0.984 billion Euros in 2011 compa-
                           previous years.                                      red with 0.982 billion Euros in 2010, i.e. a 0.2%
                         The calculation of these supplementary                 increase which is explained by a 0.72% increase
                         expenses no longer only concerns the assump-           in the average amount of the daily benefit, and
                         tion of responsibility for the transactions of         a 0.52% reduction in the number of compensa-
                         January 2012, but also the transactions of             ted days;
                         February and March 2012 from periods from            • ASR, ASP and CTP payments represented the
                         2011 or previous years. This represents an addi-       sum of 1.376 billion Euros in 2011 compared
                         tional amount of 103 million Euros.                    with 1.711 billion Euros in 2010, i.e. a 19.5%
                                                                                decrease which is explained by a 5.3% decrease
                         A new benefit, the improved job security benefit,      in the average amount of the daily benefit, and
                         takes over from the specific redeployment bene-        a 15% reduction in the number of compensated
                         fit and the occupation transition benefit for          days.


Redeployment benefits amounted to 1,097.5 million Euros in 2011, compared with 1,093.6 million Euros
in 2010, and are broken down in the following manner:

(in millions of Euros)                                             2011                       2010                2011/2010

ASCRE – Supplementary specific unemployment benefit                    0                           0                   0.00%
ADR – Compensatory allowance upon redeployment                      50.9                       43.6                   16.74%
ARCE – Assistance for the takeover or creation of a company       977.9                       989.7                   -1.19%
IDR – CRP differential redeployment indemnity                       14.4                       19.1                  -24.61%
Other benefits                                                      54.3                       41.2                   31.80%

Total redeployment benefits                                      1,097.5                    1,093.6                    0.36%

ARCE (assistance for the takeover or creation of a company) represents the main benefit amounting to
977.9 million Euros or 89% of all benefits. Its amount decreased by 1.19% in 2011. Validation of pension points

This item corresponds to the cost of the validation of benefit recipients’ supplementary pension points
for the sum of 1,614.1 million Euros in 2011, compared with 1,646.7 million Euros in 2010. This decrease
is explained by the drop in benefit recipient expenditure and adjustments over previous years.

The breakdown by pension scheme is shown in the table below:

(in millions of Euros)                                                                             TOTAL

Arrco                                                                                           1,988.7
Agirc                                                                                            645.7
Other funds (Ircantec – CRPNPAC)                                                                 106.1
Total pension funds                                                                             2,740.5
Contribution of benefit recipients                                                            -1,126.4
Validation of pension points                                                                    1,614.1                                                ployment agreement) for 50.6 million Euros;
Other technical management expenses                    •Unédic’s contribution to the CSP (Improved job
                                                        security contract) costs for 18.8 million Euros;
This item, for an amount of 3,354.8 million Euros,     •Unédic’s contribution to the financing of the
is down by 4.28% compared with 2010. The main           long-term reduced activity (APLD) arrange-
expenses comprise:                                      ment for the sum of 20.6 million Euros.
•the debt write-offs and cancellations of affilia-
  ted debts for 207.9 million Euros;         
•the debt write-offs and cancellations of bene-        Depreciations
  fit recipient debts for 43.8 million Euros;
•the assumption of responsibility by Unédic of         The depreciation of claims or against affiliates is
  its contribution to the FNE (National                326.8 million Euros for the year.
  Employment Fund) agreements for 12.3 mil-            The depreciation of undue payments to benefit
  lion Euros;                                          recipients reach the amount of 24.8 million
•the 10% contribution due by Unédic to Pôle            Euros.
  emploi for 2,965.7 million Euros;                    The depreciation for contingencies and expenses
•Unédic’s contribution to the supporting costs         amounting to 12 million Euros concerns the
  of those signed up to the CRP (Personal rede-        depreciation for financing the ASFNE.

                                                                            UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011 | 25
4.2 Administrative management
                      4.2.1. Income
             Depreciation of services

                      This item, amounting to 43.7 million Euros, is essentially made up of income received from third par-
                      ties within the framework of management agreements:

                      (in millions of Euros)                                         2011                              2010

                      AGS                                                            41.1                               40.7
                      Pôle emploi                                                      2.6                               3.8
                      Other agreements with third parties                              0.0                               0.0
                      Other depreciations of services                                  0.0                              -0.3

                      TOTAL                                                          43.7                               44.2

             Other income                                  The amortisation of the real estate base
                                                                             (approximately 300 sites as at 31 December
                      This item, for a total amount of 30.2 million Euros,   2011), its maintenance and its management
                      mainly represents the rent paid by Pôle emploi         constitute a significant administrative manage-
                      within the context of the supply of the                ment expense.
                      Unemployment insurance scheme’s real estate
                      assets for 29.4 million Euros, to which is added Purchases
                      the re-invoicing of co-ownership expenses for 0.8
                      million Euros.                                         This item represents 0.47% of the administrative
                                                                             management expenses, or 0.5 million Euros,
                      4.2.2. Expenses                                        compared with 0.7 million Euros in 2010.

                      The expenses come to 106.5 million Euros in   External services
                      2011 and are down 16.2% compared with 2010,
                      particularly as a result of the sale of fixed assets   This item represents 46.1% of the administrative
                      to Pôle emploi.                                        management expenses.

                      (in millions of Euros)                                                          2011             2010

                      Works and services provided by third parties                                    11.1              10.7
                      Other external services (including expenses to finance union and
                      employer organisations: 4 million Euros in 2011)                                10.5              13.7
                      Rents                                                                               2.0            2.0
                      Transportation and travel                                                           1.3            1.5
                      Postal and telecommunications costs                                                 0.5            0.5
                      Notarial fees and costs                                                         18.0              19.3
                      Bank and postal costs                                                               5.7            4.8
                      TOTAL                                                                           49.1              52.5

                      The Other external services item includes, inter alia, expenses relating to the financing of employer and
                      union organisations, within the context of managing the Unemployment insurance scheme, i.e. 4 mil-
                      lion Euros in 2011.

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Unédic : Financial report 2011
Unédic : Financial report 2011
Unédic : Financial report 2011
Unédic : Financial report 2011
Unédic : Financial report 2011
Unédic : Financial report 2011
Unédic : Financial report 2011
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Unédic : Financial report 2011

  • 3. MANAGING DIRECTOR’S MANAGEMENT REPORT Characteristics of 2011 After an extremely dynamic first quarter 2011, fit recipients’ pension points in particular (1.61 economic activity in France remained unchan- billion Euros) and the contribution of the ged in the second quarter, due to the continua- Unemployment insurance scheme to the run- tion and deepening of the sovereign debt crisis in ning of Pôle emploi (State employment agency) the Euro zone. In the second half of 2011, growth (2.97 billion Euros), the technical profit. remained very modest, against a background of budgetary consolidation measures and a persis- In terms of financing the Unemployment insu- tently high unemployment rate. At the end of rance scheme, it should be emphasised that: the year, the GDP in France increased by an •during autumn, the rating agencies confirmed annual average of 1.7% in 2011, after increasing the maximum ratings attributed to Unédic by 1.4% in 2010 (Source: Insee (National Institute (AAA, Aaa). However, at the same time as of Statistics and Economic Studies). downgrading France’s rating, Standard & Job creations, which were still thriving in the first Poor’s downgraded Unédic’s rating to AA+ in half of 2011, slowed down from the third quarter January 2012, without affecting the excellent 2011, in line with activity. The number of jobsee- credit conditions obtained by Unédic on the kers required to engage in positive job searches, financial markets; unemployed (category A) decreased in the first •the Amending Finance Law of 28 December quarter 2011, before going back up in the second 2011 authorises the Ministry of Economy and quarter, under the combined effect of less dyna- Finance to grant a French State guarantee to mic job creations and an increase in the active bond issues which Unédic shall launch in 2012 population, in line with pension reform. At the up to the maximum principal amount of 7 bil- same time, the number of unemployed persons lion Euros. receiving benefits from the Unemployment insurance scheme, on a downward trend since After two test phases carried out in 2010 in the the end of 2010, increased again from mid-2011. Paris region and in the department of the Rhône, So, at the end of December 2011, there were 2.2 the widespread application of the recovery pro- million unemployed persons in receipt of bene- cedure took place on 1 January 2011 across the fits in France, i.e. an increase of 87,000 jobsee- whole Acoss (Central Agency of Social Security kers over the year (CVS data, whole of France). Organisations) network. CCMSA (Central Fund for the Agricultural Mutual Insurance Scheme) This change in the labour market made it possi- and CCVRP (Social Security and Unemployment ble to limit the deterioration in the Benefit Management Agency) retain jurisdiction Unemployment insurance scheme’s accounts to in their professional domain, while Pôle emploi 1.461 billion Euros in 2011, compared to the loss continues to manage the stock of existing debts, of 3.247 billion recorded in 2010: in addition to the contributions of populations •benefit expenses decreased by 0.5% in one year: (expatriate, casual workers in the entertainment +0.7% for unemployment benefit (ARE); industry) and specific arrangements (CRP -11.8% for the other benefits; (Personal redeployment agreement), CSP •the revenue from contributions increased pri- (Improved job security contract). marily under the influence of the increase in The Unemployment insurance scheme’s regula- the affiliated wage bill in 2011 (+3.6%). tions have been the subject of a new Convention The discrepancy between the contributions and on unemployment insurance applicable since 1 the benefit and assistance expenses is positive, June 2011, and the conclusion of the Improved amounting to 3.7 billion Euros. After taking into job security contract taking over from the CRP account expenses relating to validation of bene- and CTP (Occupation transition contract). UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011 | 3
  • 4. Reconciliation between the change in cash balance and the accounting result The net change in cash balance for the Unemployment insurance operations is negative by 2,957 mil- lion Euros and is analysed in the following manner: Situation as at Situation as at 31 December 2010 31 December 2011 Change Bond issues - 4,000 - 5,900 - 1,900 Bridge to bond - 650 0 650 Commercial papers - 5,280 - 7,480 - 2,200 Overdraft -3 -1 2 Marketable securities 1,364 1,551 187 Bank balances 3 307 304 Total - 8,566 -11,523 - 2,957 and represents the result of current operations. The contribution due to Pôle emploi for the 2011 financial year increased to 2,966 million Euros. Given the payments made and the set-off of debts and receivables between Pôle emploi and Unédic, the balance standing to the credit of the Pôle emploi 10% contribution account is reduced to the sum of 212 million Euros. Net accounting result capital requirements linked to the activity, including, in particular, the repayment of a 770 The discrepancy between the change in cash million Euro debt to a financial institution, the balance and the book loss for the financial year 125 million Euro reduction in Pôle emploi’s of 1,461 million Euros is explained by: current account and a claim on Acoss for the •the allowance and write-back of allowance balance of contribution receipts for December operations for amortisation and deprecia- 2011 for 544 million. tions, without affecting the cash balance, for a The net position, taking into account the profit net amount of - 113 million Euros, or loss for the financial year, is negative by •the 1,647 million Euro increase in the working 10,611 million Euros as at 31 December 2011. Events subsequent to closure COMPLETION OF THE LIQUIDATION The only residual elements concerned the OF THE EIG, SI - CONVERGENCE EMPLOI amount of the recovery of software by Pôle The latest dissolution arrangements were the emploi at the net book value as at 31 December subject of an agreement between the mem- 2011, with the consequences being integrated bers, which made it possible to proceed with into the 2011 annual accounts. the completion of the liquidation of the EIG, SI - Convergence emploi, with effect from 25 April 2012. 4| UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011
  • 5. MANAGING DIRECTOR’S MANAGEMENT REPORT 2012 outlook Unédic regularly updates its expenditure and wage developments, would then slow down to revenue forecasts by taking into account the 2.4% due to job losses. change in the economic situation. The increase in those registered with Pôle The latest break-even point forecast for 2012, emploi under category A would continue, under drawn up in May 2012, relies on the consensus the combined effect of the decline in employ- of economists in April, which anticipates a ment and an ever-increasing working growth of +0.3% in 2012. population. Together with an increase in the As a consequence of weak growth, 74,100 jobs potential number of benefit recipients, the affiliated to the Unemployment insurance increase in the number of unemployed persons scheme would be lost. For its part, the average receiving benefits from the Unemployment wage per capita (SMPT) would increase by 2.5%, insurance scheme would continue (+ 76,200 particularly under the influence of the mini- unemployed persons receiving benefits). mum wage (Smic) reassessments as at 1 This labour market situation would increase December 2011 and 1 January 2012. The expenditure and slow down the increase in the increase in the wage bill, primarily supported by Unemployment insurance scheme’s revenue. In brief, the expenditure and revenue forecasts for 2012 would be as follows: Total revenue: €32,585 m Total expenditure: €35,619 m • of which ARE/AREF benefits €28,855 m i.e. a negative change in cash balance of 3,034 million Euros. At the end of 2012, the aggregate debt would be 14.1 billion Euros. In order to guarantee enough liquidity to fulfil its missions, Unédic will contract new loans throu- ghout 2012. For this purpose, the Board of Directors, which met on 7 February 2012, approved a programme of bond issues of 7 billion Euros, in one or more tranches, with a maximum term of 7 years. Four new bond issues were successfully launched from February to June 2012: • 2.5 billion Euros at 3 years at the rate of 1.75%; • 1 billion Euros at 7 years at the rate of 3.00%; • 1 billion Euros at 5 years at the rate of 2.125%; • 1 billion Euros at 6 years at the rate of 2.125%. Four additional bond issues also collected 1 billion Euros. All of these bond issues benefit from the State guarantee. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011 | 5
  • 6. CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTs Consolidated balance sheet Unemployment insurance (in thousands of Euros) ASSETS 2011 2010 Fixed assets 203.3 234.8 Intangible fixed assets 1.9 2.8 Tangible fixed assets 174.2 203.1 Financial fixed assets 27.2 28.9 Current assets: 6,834.4 5,445.8 Receivables: 4,295.7 3,930.0 - Benefit receivables 213.0 200.3 - Affiliated receivables 4,082.7 3,729.7 Other receivables 667.9 140.8 Marketable securities 1,551.3 1,364.2 Available capital 306.7 2.9 Prepaid expenses 12.8 7.9 Deferred expenses 2.8 2.9 Bond redemption premiums 7.0 8.0 TOTAL ASSETS 7,047.5 5,691.5 LIABILITIES 2011 2010 Net financial position -10,610.8 -9,150.2 Retained earnings -9,150.2 -5,903.4 Current year result -1,460.6 -3,246.8 Depreciations for contingencies and expenses 56.2 60.7 Debts 17,583.8 14,767.9 Loans and financial debts 13,429.8 9,955.0 - Bond issues 5,936.5 4,006.4 - Other loans and financing 7,481.2 5,932.4 - Bank loans and overdrafts 0.7 2.6 - Other financial debts 11.4 13.6 Other debts 4,154.0 4,812.9 - Affiliated debts 120.0 105.6 - Benefit debts 2,549.2 2,372.5 - Tax and social security debts 67.3 68.5 - Trade payables 4.6 6.0 - State debts 0.0 0.0 - Other debts 1,412.9 2,260.3 Accruals 18.3 13.1 TOTAL LIABILITIES 7,047.5 5,691.5 6| UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011
  • 7. Consolidated profit and loss statement Unemployment insurance (in thousands of Euros) Technical management 2011 2010 Income 32,720.5 30,809.6 Contributions 32,314.2 30,558.2 Other income 100.0 206.7 Write-back of depreciations 277.2 23.3 Transfers of expenses 29.1 21.4 Expenses 33,975.4 34,020.8 Unemployment benefit 25,220.8 25,047.6 Other benefits 2,324.4 2,634.1 Redeployment benefits 1,097.5 1,093.6 Validation of pension points 1,614.1 1,646.7 Other expenses 3,354.8 3,504.8 Depreciations 363.8 94.0 Technical profit or loss -1,254.9 -3,211.2 Administrative management Income 81.4 97.7 Depreciation of services 43.8 44.2 Other income 37.6 53.5 Expenses 106.5 127.1 Purchases 0.5 0.7 External services 49.1 52.5 Taxes and levies 5.4 7.9 Wages and social security contributions 25.9 26.6 Other expenses 0.0 0.0 Amortisation and depreciations 25.6 39.4 Administrative management profit or loss -25.1 -29.4 Financial management Financial income 14.4 4.8 Financial expenses 191.4 121.5 Financial profit or loss -177.0 -116.7 Opérations exceptionnelles Technical management 0.0 0.0 Administrative management 0.0 114.8 Extraordinary profit or loss 0.0 114.8 Corporation tax and similar levies -3.6 -4.3 PROFIT OR LOSS -1,460.6 -3,246.8 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011 | 7
  • 8. CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Consolidated cash flow statement Unemployment insurance (in thousands of Euros) 2011 2010 Consolidated net result -1,460.6 -3,246.8 Elimination of transactions with no effect on the cash flow or not linked to the activity: 111.5 -5.1 - Amortisation and depreciations 112.7 110.1 - Capital gains or losses on disposals -1.2 -115.2 Change in working capital requirement 1,646.8 10.2 Net cash flow linked to the activity -2,995.9 -3,241.7 Acquisition of tangible and intangible fixed assets -1.5 -6.6 Disposal of tangible and intangible fixed assets 15.2 326.3 Change in financial fixed assets 1.7 0.6 Change in suppliers of fixed assets -0.5 -1.5 Net cash flow linked to investment transactions 14.9 318.8 Bond issues 1,900.0 -2,200.0 Short-term credit lines -650.0 650.0 Commercial papers 2,200.0 2,655.0 Other operations 23.7 -60.4 Net cash flow linked to financing transactions 3,473.7 1,044.6 Change in cash flow (all schemes) 492.8 -1,878.5 Net cash flow at the opening of the period 1,364.5 3,243.0 Positive cash flow: available capital 1,367.1 3,277.9 Negative cash flow: bank loans and overdrafts -2.6 -34.9 Net cash flow at the closing of the period 1,857.3 1,364.5 Positive cash flow: available capital 1,858.0 1,367.1 Negative cash flow: bank loans and overdrafts -0.7 -2.6 8| UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011
  • 9. A P P E N D I X 1.KEY EVENTS OF THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1.1 The transfer of recovery of contributions Law no. 2008-126 of 13 February 2008 on the well as the recovery of contributions from casual reform of the organisation of the public employ- workers in the entertainment industry, expa- ment service provided for the transfer of triates and special contributions (CRP and CSP). recovery to Acoss no later than 1 January 2012. The amount recovered in 2011 stands at 3,859 After the completion of two experiments million Euros, of which 3,479 million Euros in conducted in 2010 in the Paris region and in the January and February 2011, for the previous department of the Rhône, the widespread appli- year. cation to all of the regions has been effective since 1 January 2011. The CCMSA retains jurisdiction in the agricultu- An agreement signed on 17 December 2010 bet- ral sector, with relations being directly ween Unédic, AGS, Acoss and Pôle emploi established since 1 January 2011 between this formalised this transfer of competencies and organisation and Unédic. The cash inflows from organised relations between the various organi- contributions increased, for this year, to 1,093 sations. Significant work was carried out by million Euros. Acoss and the Urssaf agencies to optimise the The CCVRP continues to recover contributions efficiency of the new recovery procedures. from travelling sales representatives with mul- Furthermore, Unédic relies on the arrangement tiple employers and, in 2011, collected 20 million put in place by ACOSS which makes it possible Euros on our behalf. to isolate with a specific code (CTP codes) the Two new agreements came into force on 1 cash flows managed on behalf of the January 2011, due to the geographical jurisdic- Unemployment insurance scheme. This agree- tion of these organisations: ment gave rise, in 2011, to the posting of 29,459 • the Social Services Compensation Fund of million Euros in revenue for the financial year Monaco, with cash inflows of 78 million Euros; and 25,759 million Euros in encashment. • the Social Security Fund of Saint-Pierre-et- Miquelon, with cash inflows of 3 million Euros. Acoss also manages specific arrangements on To complete the list of stakeholders in the field behalf of Unédic: of contributions, three organisations should be • individual employers with financial flows of noted: 669 million Euros; • the DGEFP (Delegation-General for • chèques emploi associatif (employer cheque- Employment and Vocational Training) which books for associations) (CEA) and titres emploi paid 177 million Euros by way of compensa- service entreprise (enterprise service employ- tion for contribution exemptions enjoyed by ment vouchers) (TESE) with financial flows of employers who have recruited apprentices; 61 million Euros; • the General Directorate of Infrastructure, • simplified employment permits in force in the Transport and the Sea which paid 7 million overseas departments with financial flows of Euros in addition to the contributions paid by 15 million Euros. companies from the ship management sector; • IRCEM which paid back 5 million Euros by way Pôle emploi has retained management of debts of adjustments from 2006 to 2010 for contri- yet to be recovered as at 31 December 2010, as butions from individual employers. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011 | 9
  • 10. 1.2 The convention on Unemployment insurance of 6 May 2011 and the improved job security contract Two important pieces of legislation were publi- pension may, under certain conditions, com- shed in 2011 with the new convention on bine the amount of their pension with the Unemployment insurance and the improved job Unemployment insurance benefit. security contract. The contribution rate remains unchanged at The convention was signed on 6 May 2011 and 6.4% (employer share of 4% and employee share applies from 1 June 2011 to 31 December of 2.4%). This rate is likely to be reduced on the 2013. The procedures for the assignment of dual condition of a technical management sur- rights remain unchanged, with: plus and an improvement in Unédic’s net • one day of affiliation permitting one day of indebtedness. benefits (with a minimum affiliation duration The personal redeployment agreement arran- of 4 months, and a maximum benefit dura- gement was extended until 31 August 2011, tion of 24 months for the under 50s, and 36 with the improved job security contract taking months for the over 50s); over as of 1 September 2011. This arrangement • a benefit rate unchanged at 40.4% of the daily applies to any companies with fewer than 1,000 reference salary + fixed portion, or benefit rate employees and any companies in receivership of 57.4% without a fixed portion. or compulsory liquidation. Employees under- The arrangements relating to benefits concern going a redundancy procedure for economic the following aspects: reasons and who signed up to the improved job • the new convention integrates the conse- security contract benefit: quences of law no. 2010-1330 of 9 November • from a benefit equivalent to 80% of the salary 2010 on pension reform with regard to the for a period of 12 months if they have been age at which unemployment benefits cease an employee of the company for at least a to be paid; year; • people who are unemployed on a seasonal • support services taking the form of a skills basis now receive benefits according to the assessment, specific signposting measures, depreciations of the general regulations; training programmes or validation of expe- • recipients of a 2nd or 3rd category disability rience assets. 1.3 Financial relations between Pôle emploi and Unédic Pôle emploi and Unédic have financial relations 2011, allowing for financial adjustment with within the framework of bipartite agreements regard to the repayment of 44 million Euros in (service for the allocation and recovery of Unemployment insurance contributions and contributions), the payment of the 10% contri- AGS contributions paid in error. bution for the running of Pôle emploi and joint The consequences of this operation, namely the management of special arrangements (CRP, repayment of Unemployment insurance bene- CTP, CSP and special assistance for employ- fits, were the subject of a financial adjustment ment). as the rights of former employees were modi- fied during 2011, while the impact on the 10% Other management operations were also contribution paid by Unédic will be effective in implemented during 2011. 2013, in accordance with defined calculation Pôle emploi’s exemption from paying procedures. Unemployment insurance contributions After monitoring the situation of all the former Framework agreement on the leases entered employees of Pôle emploi in order to ascertain into with Pôle emploi the benefit scheme which was applicable to As provided for upon the creation of Pôle them, a protocol was signed on 16 December emploi, the calculation of individual rental pay- 10| UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011
  • 11. ments per site replacing a fixed amount defi- the future decrease being linked to the pro- ned in 2008 was the subject of a framework gressive vacancy of sites under a agreement between Unédic and Pôle emploi, tenancy-at-will agreement. approved on 16 December 2011. The frame- work agreement was completed by the signing Sale of the Montreuil site properties by each of the sites occupied by Pôle emploi, In addition to the sale of fixed assets that took either of a commercial lease with effect as of 1 place in 2010 and scheduled by the framework July 2011, or a tenancy-at-will agreement with agreement of 15 November 2010, fixed assets effect as of 1 January 2012. These new leases or consisting primarily of facilities, fitting out of agreements have no impact on the overall level premises and office furniture were sold to Pôle of rental payments paid by Pôle emploi, i.e. emploi, for the sum of 2.2 million Euros, on the approximately 30 million Euros in 2011, with basis of a net book value as at 1 January 2010. 1.4 State /Unédic joint arrangements By agreement of 5 November 2010, the State tial unemployment benefits to employees expe- and Unédic agreed to compensate jobseekers riencing a reduction in activity. This measure who exhausted their rights to Unemployment benefitted from a contribution by Unédic of 20.6 insurance benefit between 1 January and 31 million Euros in 2011. December 2010. This arrangement made it pos- Finally, the State and Unédic signed the agree- sible to pay a special allowance for employment ment on the improved job security contract (AEPE) financed equally by the State and Unédic, under the terms of which the State and Unédic managed by Pôle emploi. It represented an each contribute to the financing of the support expenditure for the Unemployment insurance package, amounting to 800 Euros per benefi- scheme of 8.9 million Euros in 2011, compared ciary of this arrangement. with 5.2 million Euros in 2010. The State also contributes to the financing of Furthermore, Unédic and the DGEFP continued the improved job security benefit for recipients their partnership within the framework of the furnishing proof of 12 to 24 months’ employ- agreement on long-term reduced activity ment in the company at the time of joining the (APLD). This agreement, signed on 4 December scheme, for the portion exceeding the amount 2009, allows for the payment of additional par- of the unemployment benefit. 1.5 Increase in Unemployment insurance benefits The Unédic Board of Directors decided, at its mee- salary, which serves as the basis for calculating ting on 30 June 2011, to increase the reference benefits, by 1.5% as of 1 July 2011. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011 | 11
  • 12. 1.6 Financing the Unemployment insurance scheme 1.6.1. 2011 financing operations At the end of the 2011 financial year, the net position of outstanding loans is 11,523 Euros, i.e.: • bond issues: 5,900 million Euros; • commercial papers: 7,480 million Euros; • investments: -1,551 million Euros; • bank balances: - 306 million Euros. N.B.: the aggregate net debt including the sums payable to Pôle emploi for the 10% contribution and which are not yet paid (212 million Euros) therefore amounts to 11,735 million Euros. drawdowns as needed. Bond issues and bank loans This commercial paper programme obtained the short-term rating ”A1+” by the Standard & Poor’s In 2009, Unédic opened a 12 billion Euro EMTN rating agency and “P1” by Moody’s as of its launch (Euro Medium Term Notes) programme, within in January 2004. Since July 2009, it has also bene- which its bond issues are launched. fitted from the F1+ rating from the Fitch rating An initial public offering was launched within this agency. framework in December 2009. Unédic raised 4 bil- Initially, at the request of the Moody’s rating lion Euros from this in 3 years, which constituted agency, syndicated and confirmed lines of credit its only bond issue at the end of the 2010 finan- were put in place to ensure 100% coverage of this cial year. In 2011, Unédic raised a total of 1.9 billion programme and thereby mitigate any imbalances Euros on the bond market: 1.5 billion Euros in 3 in the European money market. years, to which 150 million Euros are added in 3 Since July 2011, the agencies’ coverage require- years, and 250 million Euros in 18 months. In ment has been reduced to a quarter of the 2011, the EMTN programme benefitted from the authorised programme. rating attributed to Unédic by the Fitch (AAA), Moody’s (Aaa) and Standard and Poor’s (AAA) rating agencies. This last rating was revised to Traditional bank financing arrangements AA+ in January 2012. Given the restrictions imposed by Article 213-15 Short-term financing requirements are covered in of the Financial and Monetary Code governing the form of bank overdrafts negotiated by mutual bond issues by associations on the financial mar- agreement with Unédic’s banking partners (1.5 kets, the Board of Directors decided to apply for a billion Euros negotiated). State guarantee for its bond issues in 2012. This The use of these overdrafts at the end of the 2011 guarantee was authorised by the Amending financial year is limited to 0.7 million Euros. Finance Law of 28 December 2011 and granted by order of the Minister for the Economy and Finance on 7 February 2012. Marketable securities A commitment was made with regard to the Commercial papers rating agencies to build up a reserve of liquid assets when the drawdowns on the commercial The use of this financing method for the associa- papers programme exceed an outstanding liability tions was authorised, under certain conditions, in of 3 billion Euros. It is in return for this commit- Article 37 of law no. 2003-706 of 1 August 2003. ment that the level of coverage could be reduced The initial amount of 1.2 billion Euros in 2004 was to a quarter of the amount of the programme gradually increased, to reach a ceiling amount of 9 concerning 9 billion Euros. billion Euros authorised by the Board of Directors in June 2011. Given a commercial paper outstanding liability of The total outstanding amount of the programme 7,480 million Euros as at 31 December 2011, the as at 31 December 2011 is 7.48 billion Euros. investments represent 1,551 million to date, of These commercial papers are the subject of which 1,120 million is intended to cover the com- 12| UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011
  • 13. mitments (25% of the commercial paper outstan- to June 2012 raised 6.5 billion Euros with ding liability exceeding 3 billion Euros) made with maturities of 3 to 7 years, thereby spreading the rating agencies. evenly its exposure to interest rate risk; • The commercial papers programme, the cei- ling amount of which was increased to 12 1.6.2. billion Euros, continues to enable Unédic to Financing of the 2012-2013 raise the additional short-term resources it period needs under the best conditions. The threefold strategy set out and approved by The financing instruments thus implemented the Board of Directors from 2009 remains ope- will enable Unédic to cover the needs for 2012. rational: These needs can be summarised thus: • The work carried out with the rating agencies • refinancing of the bond issue issued in enabled Unédic to continue to benefit from a December 2009 for 4 billion Euros; rating enabling it to raise the necessary • coverage of the expected 2012 deficit for 3 bil- resources under the best conditions. However, lion Euros in the technical balance of May it should be noted that, at the beginning of 2012. 2012, the sovereign debt crisis led Standard & Poor’s to downgrade the French State’s rating Concerning the 2013 financial year, the technical to AA+, while keeping its short-term rating balance forecasts, based on a growth that unchanged at A-1+. Unédic’s rating was auto- should remain weak (1%) and very poor job crea- matically aligned with that of the French tion, anticipate a result for the Unemployment State. This decision on the financing costs and insurance scheme that would remain negative, the opportunities to access the financial mar- thereby generating a cash burn in the region of kets for Unédic had very little effect, insofar as 4 billion Euros. Net indebtedness would then the markets had anticipated it; reach approximately 18 billion Euros at the end • The 12 billion Euro EMTN programme was of the year, for which the (support, remunera- increased to 14 billion Euros, and shall enable tion and maturity) financing procedures are yet Unédic to retain the responsiveness neces- to be specified given the situation of the finan- sary to its future bond issues. Four bond cial markets. issues and supplements made from February UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011 | 13
  • 14. A P P E N D I X 2.ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES RULES AND METHODS 2.1 General principles The Unemployment insurance scheme’s conso- Unemployment insurance and the conse- lidated annual accounts for the financial year quences which arise therefrom, with regard to ended 31 December 2011, drawn up in Euros, both the declarations of affiliates and the pay- including the balance sheet, the profit and loss ments to recipients. account and the appendix, were drawn up in accordance with the Unemployment insurance The signatory organisations of the convention of organisations’ chart of accounts approved by the 6 May 2011 on Unemployment insurance, in National Accounting Council (CNC) dated 9 view of Article L.351-3-1 of the French Labour January 1995 (notice of compliance no. 79). Code on the method of financing benefits paid They take into account the specific information under this scheme, certify that Unemployment linked to the declaratory nature of insurance is a specific ”pay-as-you-go” scheme. 2.2 Unemployment benefits The regulatory depreciations stipulate that job- financial year, according to the principles refer- seekers register then provide Pôle emploi with red to above, and which are calculated by using evidence of their situation on a monthly basis the benefits paid in January of the following to avoid their entitlements being called into year and the estimate of the payment adjust- question. These formalities enable the benefits ments. to be dealt with on a monthly basis under tech- nical management expenses. In addition to the 2.2.3. December benefits paid in January of the follo- Benefit recipient receivables wing year, payment adjustments that may take place in the following months will be estimated The accounts receivable of benefit recipients to take into account corresponding expenditure (undue payments and advances) are the sub- in the corresponding year. For persons exempt ject of a depreciation built up according to the from checking, accounting is, the aforementio- age of the debts. ned notwithstanding, also carried out on a monthly basis. The method for calculating depreciations for depreciation of the benefit recipients’ undue 2.2.2. payments is based on statistical law making it Benefit debts possible to measure the probability of recove- ring them. Under the item ”Benefit debts” is the amount Undue payments for fraud were the subject of of benefits considered as owing for the current a 100% depreciation of their amount. 14| UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011
  • 15. 2.3 Contributions of affiliates 2.3.1. 2.3.2. Income Affiliate receivables The income from technical management corres- Contributions yet to be received for the year are ponds to general and specific contributions that calculated according to the income recorded bet- the employers are required to pay for the year, ween 1 January and 28 February of the following according to mandatory periodic declarations financial year and relating to the financial year that they make to Urssaf agencies, CGSS (General elapsed. A depreciation is recorded at the end of Social Security Fund), CMSA (Agricultural Social the year on affiliates’ debts which appear doubtful. Mutual Fund) and regional departments of Pôle It is calculated according to the age of the debts emploi. and forecasts of companies’ ability to pay accor- ding to their characteristics. The forms received in January are deemed to concern the previous year. 2.3.3. Creditor affiliates For those received in February, the reference on the form for the previous year makes it possible Funds paid by affiliates and collected by the various to register amounts declared in unearned income. operators recovering on behalf of Unédic and which When the forms are not received within the pres- could not be assigned to an identified debt are cribed time limits, an estimate of the shown under balance sheet liabilities. contributions due is carried out per affiliate. 2.4 Other items 2.4.1. Fixed assets The intangible and tangible fixed assets are recorded in the accounts according to the depreciations of ARC (Accounting Regulatory Committee) regulation no. 2002-10 on the amortisation and depre- ciation of assets and ARC regulation no. 2004-06 on the definition, accounting and evaluation of assets. Amortisation is practiced according to the straight-line method over the following durations: Software 5 years Buildings and structures 10 to 40 years Fixtures and fittings 10 to 20 years IT installations and equipment 3 to 6 years Office furniture 10 years Office equipment 5 years Other 4 to 10 years 2.4.2. • new CCN depreciations; Corporate commitments • use of personal information: age, sex, salary, length of service; Given the depreciations of the National collec- • determination of internal actuarial assump- tive agreement for Unemployment insurance tions: staff turnover rate (0% to 3% according scheme personnel, Unédic is required to pay to the employee’s age), retirement age and retirement indemnities calculated as monthly terms and conditions (60 to 65 according to wage by number of years of service. the year of birth with retirement at the initia- Furthermore, bonuses are to be paid under tive of the employee), wage increase rate of long-term service bonuses (médailles du tra- 3% including inflation; vail). • use of a discount rate for the commitment Commitments are calculated using the follo- corresponding to the Bloomberg reference wing information: rate, i.e. 3.75% for the 2011 financial year. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011 | 15
  • 16. Using this data, the amount of the commit- 2.4.3. ments is calculated individually for each Extraordinary profit or loss employee present, it being understood that for the long-term service bonuses, the commit- The extraordinary profit or loss includes: ment must be calculated for the bonuses which • technical management operations which do risk being paid for the entire period of work, i.e. not derive from ordinary activity and relating a maximum of 4 bonus levels. to benefit recipient or recovery domains; The amounts thus obtained are recorded in the • items relating to administrative manage- accounts as depreciations for contingencies ment, that is to say the items provided for by and expenses and the change in these depre- the general chart of accounts and, in particu- ciations is recorded in the result for the period lar, the capital gains or losses from disposals including the impacts of assumption changes. of tangible and intangible fixed assets. Added to this from 2010 is the amount of com- mitments due under the defined benefits pen- The capital gains or losses from disposals of sion plan for the senior executives of the financial fixed assets are, the aforementioned Unemployment insurance scheme present as notwithstanding, recorded in the financial at 1 January 2001, providing evidence of 8 years transactions. in this role and having ended their career in an Unemployment insurance institution. 2.5 Principles of consolidation of Unemployment insurance scheme accounts Unédic shall proceed with a ”consolidation” of The scope of consolidation is presented in the all Unemployment insurance institutions’ chapter of the appendix on additional informa- accounts. Strictly on a legal basis, the ”consoli- tion. dated” whole corresponds to a “combination” of The main reprocessing operations concern: the accounts according to regulation no. 99-02 • the leasing held by SCI Reuilly 1; of the National Accounting Council. There is no • proportional integration, at 50% of the SI legal relationship between the entities included Convergence Emploi EIG; in the scope of consolidation except for SCI (real • elimination of balances from operations rela- estate investment trust) Reuilly 1, subsidiary of ting to the managed third party (AGS) shown Unédic. For the 2011 financial year, this situa- in Unédic’s annual accounts, in order to only tion only concerns the single institution which present in the consolidated balance sheet the did not merge with Unédic as at 31 December Unemployment insurance transactions 2011. 16| UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011
  • 17. A P P E N D I X 3.BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS 3.1 Analysis of balance sheet assets 3.1.1. Fixed assets Tangible and intangible fixed assets All of the movable and immovable property was the subject of: • a sale of 11 real estate sites; • a physical inventory carried out for the furniture and office equipment of the registered office. The transactions recorded with regard to the fixed assets and the amortisation during the 2011 financial year are presented below. CHANGES IN GROSS FIXED ASSETS IN 2011 (in millions of Euros) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)=(1)+(2)-(3)+(4) Gross value at Acquisitions Sales Transfers Gross value at the opening of and creations or decom- the closing of the the financial year missionings financial year Total intangible fixed assets (A) 9.3 0.3 0 0 9.6 Total tangible fixed assets (B)) 518.8 1.2 37.2 0 482.8 Property: Land, buildings and fittings 507.8 0.9 33.6 2.5 477.6 Other tangible fixed assets 8.4 0.2 3.6 0.1 5.1 Current tangible fixed assets 2.6 0.1 0 -2.6 0.1 Total (A + B) 528.1 1.5 37.2 0 492.4 CHANGES IN AMORTISATION IN 2011 (in millions of Euros) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)=(1) +(2)-(3)+(4) Amortisation Acquisitions Sales Transfers Gross value at at the opening of and creations or decom- the closing of the the financial year missionings financial year Total intangible fixed assets (A) 6.6 1.0 0 7.6 Total tangible fixed assets (B) 315.6 16.5 23.5 0 308.6 Property: buildings and fittings 310.3 16.2 20.7 0 305.8 Other tangible fixed assets 5.3 0.3 2.8 0 2.8 Total (A+B) 322.2 17.5 23.5 0 316.2 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011 | 17
  • 18. Financial fixed assets This item, for an amount of 27.2 million Euros, essentially comprises the loans for their original amount within the framework of the construction subsidy for 26.8 million Euros and the deposits and securities paid amounting to 0.4 million Euros. 3.1.1. Current assets This item, for an amount of 27.2 million Euros, essentially comprises the loans for their original amount within the framework of the construction subsidy for 26.8 million Euros and the deposits and securities paid amounting to 0.4 million Euros. Receivables a) Benefit recipient debtors The gross value of this item is up by 8.48% on the previous financial year: 467 million Euros compa- red with 430.5 million Euros. 95.58% of it is made up of undue Unemployment insurance payments to benefit recipients, i.e. 446.3 million Euros. The transactions relating to the undue Unemployment insurance payments are presented in the table below: Change (in millions of Euros) 2011 2010 2011 / 2010 Undue advances and payments on account at the opening of the financial year (A) 430.5 388.1 10.9% Detection of undue payments during the financial year (B) 901.4 867.1 4% Reimbursement and recoveries of undue payments (C) 821.6 796.2 3.2% Write-offs and losses on undue payments (D) 43.6 28.8 51.4% Advances and payments on account (E) 12.4 12.7 (2.4)% Recovered advances and payments on account (F) 12.1 12.4 (2.4)% Benefit recipient debtors at the end of the financial year (including the advances and payments on account) (G) = (A) + (B) - (C) - (D) + (E) - (F) 467.0 430.5 8.48% Depreciation set aside for bad debts (H) (254) (230.2) 10.3% Depreciation rate (H) / (G) 54.4% 53.4% 1 pt Net book value (I) = (G) - (H) 213 200.3 6.3% The risk of not recovering undue payments is covered by the setting aside of a depreciation equal to 54.4% of the debt compared with a rate of 53.4% for the 2010 financial year. b) Affiliates The burden of gross contributions yet to be recovered, i.e. 5,169.4 million Euros, is up by 8.9% on the previous financial year. It is broken down into: • main contributions: 4,626.4 million Euros or 89.5% of the total; • individual contributions: 365.9 million Euros or 7.1% of the total; • additional contributions: 177.1 million Euros or 3.4% of the total. Change (in millions of Euros) 2011 2010 2011 / 2010 Uncontested debts to be received (A) 3,799.8 3,478.7 9.2% Bad debts to be received (B) 1,369.6 1,268.6 8.0% Gross value (C) = (A) + (B) 5,169.4 4,747.3 8.9% Depreciation set aside for bad debts (D) (1,086.7) (1,017.6) 6.8% Depreciation rate (D) / (B) 79.3% 80.2% -0.9 pts Net book value (E) = (C) – (D) 4,082.7 3,729.7 9.5% 18| UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011
  • 19. The uncontested debts to be received corres- paid by the employers during December, to be pond to contributions due for 2011 which were repaid to Unédic; settled at the beginning of the following finan- • a claim against Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon for cial year. 0.8 million Euros, relating to current opera- The burden of bad debts is up (8.0%), with this tions of the contribution recovery domain; change resulting primarily from a smaller num- • a claim against CCMSA for 12.5 million Euros, ber of write-off decisions, and a large number relating to current operations of the contri- of calls for specific contributions made at the bution recovery domain; beginning of 2012, the settlement of which was • a claim against CCVRP for 3.7 million Euros, made after 28 February 2012. relating to current operations of the contri- A depreciation is set aside in order to cover the bution recovery domain. risk of not recovering bad debts, which repre- sents 79.3% of the contested contributions to be received or an increase of 6.8% compared with Marketable securities the 2010 financial year. The depreciation is cal- culated by each of the operators responsible for This item, for the sum of 1,551 million Euros, recovering Unemployment insurance contribu- corresponds to money market funds, 1,120 mil- tions, according to the review of the results of lion of which are dedicated to the coverage of recovering bad debts over previous years. commercial paper issues in the event of mar- ket failure. State Marketable security inventory as at 01/01/2011 1,364 This item, for an amount of 50.2 million Euros, represents an amount due by the State for Acquisitions in 2011 14,080 arrangements prior to 2009 managed on behalf Sales in 2011 13,893 of the State and not transferred to Pôle emploi. Marketable security inventory as at 31/12/2011 1,551 Other debts This item, for an amount of 617.4 million Euros, Bank balances predominantly comprises: • the national participatory youth employment This item, for an amount of 306.7 million Euros, programme (EJEN) to be received for 0.9 mil- comprises: lion Euros; • passbook deposits paid for an amount of 300 • an income to be received from the State as million Euros, to which 0.3 million Euros in part of the CA (Contract for the future) – CAE accrued interest is added at the end of the (Employment Support Contract) arrangement financial year; balance for 16.1 million Euros; • bank account balances amounting to 6.4 mil- • a claim against establishments under mana- lion Euros. gement agreements amounting to 18.6 mil- lion Euros; • a claim against sales of fixed assets for 2.2 3.1.3. million Euros; Deferred expenses • a 7.1 million Euro claim against Monaco rela- ting to current operations of the contribution This item, for an amount of 2.8 million Euros, recovery domain; concerns the costs of bond issues which are dis- • a 544.4 million Euro claim against Acoss, cor- tributed in a linear manner over the term of the responding to the balance of contributions bonds. >>> UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011 | 19
  • 20. Summary of bond issues Date Term Deferred fees Prior 2011 Aggregate Bond fee and costs amortisation amortisation amortisation amortisation as at balance 31/12/2011 31/12/2011 12/2009 3 years 4.4 1.6 1.5 3.1 1.3 03/2011 3 years 1.6 - 0.4 0.4 1.2 10/2011 18 months 0.2 - - - 0.2 12/2011 27 months 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 Total deferred expenses 6.3 1.6 1.9 3.5 2.8 3.1.4. Redemption premiums The bonds issued by Unédic include an issue premium, corresponding to the difference between the nominal value of the bonds and the issue value. These premiums are amortised over the term of the issue. Date Term Deferred fees Prior 2011 Aggregate Issue and costs amortisation amortisation amortisation Ptremium as at balance 31/12/2011 12/2009 3 years 12.50 4.50 4.20 8.70 3.80 03/2011 3 years 4.30 - 1.10 1.10 3.20 Total issue premium 16.80 4.50 5.30 9.80 7.00 3.2 Analysis of balance sheet liabilities 3.2.1. Net financial position • Net financial position as at 31 December 2010 -9,150.2 million Euros • Negative result for the 2011 financial year: -1,460.6 million Euros • Net financial position as at 31 December 2011: -10,610.8 million Euros 3.2.2. Depreciations for contingencies and expenses This item, for a total amount of 56.2 million Euros, predominantly comprises the following depreciations: •Unédic’s contribution to the financing of AS-FNE (special benefit from the national employment fund) for 12.5 million Euros; •the rights acquired up to their retirement by the recipients of ARPE (job substitution allowance) for 0.1 million Euros (i.e. a reduction of 0.1 million Euros on 2010); this depreciation covers the costs of bene- fits yet to be paid and the financing of additional pension benefits; •the unemployment insurance contributions paid in error by certain public employers and to be repaid for 20.5 million Euros; •the depreciation for risks of disputes over benefit recipient and recovery domains flagged up by the regional departments of Pôle emploi for 5.3 million Euros; •depreciations for corporate commitments: - depreciation for retirement indemnities (IDR) for the sum of 15.5 million Euros; - depreciation for long-term service bonuses for 1.7 million Euros. 20| UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011
  • 21. The change in depreciations for contingencies and expenses during the 2011 financial year is presented in the table below. (In millions of Euros) Opening Depreciation Write-back Write-back Closing balance depreciation depreciation balance used not used ARPE 0.2 - 0.1 - 0.1 AS-FNE 18.2 12.5 18.2 - 12.5 IDR 11.5 5.4 1.4 - 15.5 Long-term service bonuses 1.1 0.6 - - 1.7 Public employer reimbursement 20.8 -0.3 - - 20.5 Other 8.9 -0.1 2.9 - 5.9 Total 60.7 18.1 22.6 - 56.2 3.2.3. Loans and financial debts The change in financing during 2011 is as follows: Financing arrangements Opening Of which Additional Repayment Closing Of which (amounts in millions of Euros) balance accrued interest financing of financing balance accrued interest Bond issues 4,006 6 1,900 5,937 37 Credit/financing establishments loans 5,932 2,200 652 7,480 of which commercial papers 5,280 2,200 7,480 of which other loans 652 652 0 Bank loans and overdrafts 3 2 1 Total 9,941 6 4,100 654 13,418 37 Bond issues The bonded debt amounts to 5,937 million Euros at the end of the 2011 financial year. It corresponds to: • the 4 billion Euro loan (3 years, 2.125%) issued in December 2009; • the accrued interest on the 4 billion Euro loan, i.e. 6.6 million Euros; • the 1.650 billion Euro loan (3 years, 2.375%), of which 1.500 billion issued in March 2011 and 0.150 billion in December 2011; • the accrued interest on the 1.650 billion Euro loan, i.e. 30 million Euros; • the 0.250 billion Euro loan (18 months, 1.37%) issued in October 2011; • the accrued interest on the 0.250 billion Euro loan, i.e. 0.75 million Euros. Loans from various credit and finance establishments • The total amount of this item comes to 7,480 million Euros, corresponding to the commercial papers issued by Unédic. The transactions concerning the commercial papers were as follows in 2010: Inventory as at 01/01/2011 Issues in 2011 Repayments in 2011 Inventory as at 31/12/2011 5,280 31,250 29,050 7,480 (amounts in millions of Euros) The due dates of these commercial papers are as follows: Due date of commercial During During During Total papers the 1st quarter 2012 the 2nd quarter 2012 the 2nd half of 2012 6,755 710 15 7,480 (amounts in millions of Euros) UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011 | 21
  • 22. benefit recipients’ additional pension points: Bank loans and overdrafts • 540.1 million Euros due to Arrco (Association The total amount of this item comes to 0.7 mil- of supplementary pension plans for salaried lion Euros and corresponds to the accounting employees) which is broken down into: balances of creditor bank and postal accounts • 488.7 million Euros corresponding to the and the accrued interest on bank overdrafts contributions yet to be paid for 2011; used. The bank loans and overdrafts correspond • 27.2 million Euros in respect of the semi-final to the negative cash flow presented in the cash 2011 position; flow statement. • -47.6 million Euros due by Arrco in respect of the 2010 adjustment; 3.2.4. • 7.2 million Euros due to Arrco in respect of the Other debts 2008 adjustment; • 64.6 million Euros in respect of the AFSP (Benefit from the specific temporary fund) Affiliated debts arrangement; This item, amounting to 120.1 million Euros, cor- • 510.0 million Euros due to Agirc (General responds to the sums received from employers Association of Pension Institutions for and which could not be assigned to debts at the Managerial Staff) which is primarily broken end of the financial year. down into: • 492.0 million Euros corresponding to Unédic’s commitment to Agirc, as provided for in the Benefit recipient debts and other accounts agreement of 19 December 1996 which had payable valued the amount of supplementary retire- This item, for a total amount of 2,549.2 million ment contributions for the periods of Euros, corresponds, essentially, to the benefits unemployment prior to this date and set a 20 to be paid: benefits from the month of December year payment schedule at the rate of 1/20th 2011 paid at the start of 2012, i.e. 2,482.9 million each year, with the debt amount being re- Euros and 64.9 million Euros for the redeploy- assessed each year by applying the price index; ment benefits to be paid to benefit recipients • 228.6 million Euros corresponding to the and less the advance retirement levy for an contributions yet to be paid for 2011; amount of 101.7 million Euros. • 19.9 million Euros in respect of the semi-final 2011 position; • -171.7 million Euros due by Agirc in respect of Tax and social security debts the 2010 adjustment; This item, for a total of 67.3 million Euros, com- • -64.0 million Euros due by Agirc in respect of prises: the 2008 adjustment; •depreciation for paid leave and holiday and • 70.8 million Euros due to other supplementary 13th month bonuses amounting to 2.6 million retirement pension organisations, including Euros instead of 3.0 million Euros in 2010; Ircantec (Supplementary Retirement Pensions •the benefit recipient advance levies yet to be Institution for Non-Certified State Employees paid, i.e. 47.6 million Euros corresponding to and Employees of Public Administrations); the benefits paid in December 2011; • the liaison accounts with Pôle emploi for 239.3 •the other tax and social security debts for 17.1 million Euros including that relating to the million Euros. financing of Pôle emploi through the 10% contribution for the sum of 211.7 million Euros. Trade debts The amount of 4.6 million Euros, representing 3.2.5. the invoices yet to be paid as at 31 December Accruals 2011, is divided into two sections: Unearned income, i.e. 18.3 million Euros, essen- •suppliers of goods and services: 4.2 million tially concerns the payments made by public Euros; companies and establishments which are not •suppliers of fixed assets: 0.4 million Euros. affiliated to the Unemployment insurance scheme, but which have signed a management agreement with Unédic. Other debts The payments are made for benefit recipients The main items of this section, the total amount registered as unemployed and whose acquired of which comes to 1,412.9 million Euros, concern: rights may be spread over several financial • the cost to be paid as at 31 December 2011 to years according to their age. various pension funds, for the validation of the 22| UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011
  • 23. A P P E N D I X 4.PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT ANALYSIS 4.1 Technical management 4.1.1. Income Contributions The income from contributions for the 2011 financial year is up by 5.75% on 2010: (in millions of Euros) 2011 2010 2011 / 2010 Main contributions 31,878.6 30,115.7 5.85% Special contributions 435.7 442.5 -1.54% TOTAL 32,314.3 30,558.2 5.75% The main contributions are up, with a change of of management agreements, i.e. 46.6 million 5.85%. Euros, in addition to the surcharges for delay and The change in the wage bill is valued by Acoss at penalties for 41.5 million Euros. +3.6% between 2011 and 2010, breaking down into a 1% increase in staff numbers and a 2.5% increase in the average salary per capita (SMPT). Net write-back of depreciations Furthermore, the difference in the change in A decrease or the write-back of depreciations is contribution income is explained by the special recorded relating to: adjustments recorded in 2010 and 2011. •Unédic’s contribution to the current financing of Special contributions saw a reduction of 1.54% AS-FNE amounting to 18.2 million Euros; given the drop in the number of members of the •the reduction in acquired rights until their reti- CRP (Personal redeployment agreement) arran- rement by the beneficiaries of ARPE for 0.1 mil- gement. lion Euros; •the depreciation of debts relating to manage- ment agreements for 0.3 million Euros; Other income •doubtful debts of affiliates for 257.7 million Euros; This item, for an amount of 100 million Euros, •the depreciation of detected undue payments predominantly comprises the income in respect for 0.9 million Euros. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011 | 23
  • 24. 4.1.2. Transfer of expenses Expenses This item, for the sum of 29.1 million Euros, pre- The technical management expenses total dominantly comprises: decreased by 0.13% in 2011, as a result of the •the reimbursements of benefits by the affi- improvement in the economic situation during liates amounting to 15.6 million Euros; the first few months of the year, with the •the full reimbursement of benefits paid to the increase in expenses nevertheless resuming in EJEN (National Youth Employment the fourth quarter. Programme) for the sum of 7.4 million Euros; •the reimbursement of benefits between the EU The reduction in expenses more specifically countries for 5.5 million Euros; affects the benefit paid to members of the CRP, •the reimbursement of CSP (improved job secu- the number of which has decreased by 15.6%, rity contract) benefits for 0.5 million Euros. even taking into account the CSP which took over from this arrangement. Benefits (in millions of Euros) 2011 2010 2011/2010 Unemployment benefit (ARE) 25,220.7 25,047.6 0.69% Other benefits 2,324.5 2,634.1 - 11.75% Unemployment benefit (ARE) Training 1,060.0 1,044.1 1.52% Benefit for older unemployed persons (ACA) 8.4 21.1 - 60.19% Specific redeployment benefit (ASR) 1,180.9 1,551.8 - 23.90% Benefit from the specific temporary fund (ASP) 58.7 100% Other 16.5 17.1 - 3.51% TOTAL 27,545.2 27,681.7 - 0.49% The expenses per benefit result from the those signed up to this support arrangement assumption of responsibility for: from 1 September 2011. • payments to benefit recipients made during The change in payments to benefit recipients for the financial year; the main benefits is as follows: • the reduction in expenses associated with the • ARE payments represented the sum of 25.797 detection of overpayments; billion Euros in 2011 compared with 25.712 bil- • the depreciation reversal recorded in 2010 for lion Euros in 2010, i.e. a 0.34% increase which is benefits to be paid for the previous financial explained by a 1.02% increase in the average year; amount of the daily benefit, and a 0.68% reduc- • the supplementary expenses represented by tion in the number of compensated days; the depreciation recorded for the benefits paid • ARE Training payments represented an at the start of 2012 for periods from 2011 or amount of 0.984 billion Euros in 2011 compa- previous years. red with 0.982 billion Euros in 2010, i.e. a 0.2% The calculation of these supplementary increase which is explained by a 0.72% increase expenses no longer only concerns the assump- in the average amount of the daily benefit, and tion of responsibility for the transactions of a 0.52% reduction in the number of compensa- January 2012, but also the transactions of ted days; February and March 2012 from periods from • ASR, ASP and CTP payments represented the 2011 or previous years. This represents an addi- sum of 1.376 billion Euros in 2011 compared tional amount of 103 million Euros. with 1.711 billion Euros in 2010, i.e. a 19.5% decrease which is explained by a 5.3% decrease A new benefit, the improved job security benefit, in the average amount of the daily benefit, and takes over from the specific redeployment bene- a 15% reduction in the number of compensated fit and the occupation transition benefit for days. 24| UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011
  • 25. Redeployment benefits Redeployment benefits amounted to 1,097.5 million Euros in 2011, compared with 1,093.6 million Euros in 2010, and are broken down in the following manner: (in millions of Euros) 2011 2010 2011/2010 ASCRE – Supplementary specific unemployment benefit 0 0 0.00% ADR – Compensatory allowance upon redeployment 50.9 43.6 16.74% ARCE – Assistance for the takeover or creation of a company 977.9 989.7 -1.19% IDR – CRP differential redeployment indemnity 14.4 19.1 -24.61% Other benefits 54.3 41.2 31.80% Total redeployment benefits 1,097.5 1,093.6 0.36% ARCE (assistance for the takeover or creation of a company) represents the main benefit amounting to 977.9 million Euros or 89% of all benefits. Its amount decreased by 1.19% in 2011. Validation of pension points This item corresponds to the cost of the validation of benefit recipients’ supplementary pension points for the sum of 1,614.1 million Euros in 2011, compared with 1,646.7 million Euros in 2010. This decrease is explained by the drop in benefit recipient expenditure and adjustments over previous years. The breakdown by pension scheme is shown in the table below: (in millions of Euros) TOTAL Arrco 1,988.7 Agirc 645.7 Other funds (Ircantec – CRPNPAC) 106.1 Total pension funds 2,740.5 Contribution of benefit recipients -1,126.4 Validation of pension points 1,614.1 ployment agreement) for 50.6 million Euros; Other technical management expenses •Unédic’s contribution to the CSP (Improved job security contract) costs for 18.8 million Euros; This item, for an amount of 3,354.8 million Euros, •Unédic’s contribution to the financing of the is down by 4.28% compared with 2010. The main long-term reduced activity (APLD) arrange- expenses comprise: ment for the sum of 20.6 million Euros. •the debt write-offs and cancellations of affilia- ted debts for 207.9 million Euros; •the debt write-offs and cancellations of bene- Depreciations fit recipient debts for 43.8 million Euros; •the assumption of responsibility by Unédic of The depreciation of claims or against affiliates is its contribution to the FNE (National 326.8 million Euros for the year. Employment Fund) agreements for 12.3 mil- The depreciation of undue payments to benefit lion Euros; recipients reach the amount of 24.8 million •the 10% contribution due by Unédic to Pôle Euros. emploi for 2,965.7 million Euros; The depreciation for contingencies and expenses •Unédic’s contribution to the supporting costs amounting to 12 million Euros concerns the of those signed up to the CRP (Personal rede- depreciation for financing the ASFNE. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011 | 25
  • 26. 4.2 Administrative management 4.2.1. Income Depreciation of services This item, amounting to 43.7 million Euros, is essentially made up of income received from third par- ties within the framework of management agreements: (in millions of Euros) 2011 2010 AGS 41.1 40.7 Pôle emploi 2.6 3.8 Other agreements with third parties 0.0 0.0 Other depreciations of services 0.0 -0.3 TOTAL 43.7 44.2 Other income The amortisation of the real estate base (approximately 300 sites as at 31 December This item, for a total amount of 30.2 million Euros, 2011), its maintenance and its management mainly represents the rent paid by Pôle emploi constitute a significant administrative manage- within the context of the supply of the ment expense. Unemployment insurance scheme’s real estate assets for 29.4 million Euros, to which is added Purchases the re-invoicing of co-ownership expenses for 0.8 million Euros. This item represents 0.47% of the administrative management expenses, or 0.5 million Euros, 4.2.2. Expenses compared with 0.7 million Euros in 2010. The expenses come to 106.5 million Euros in External services 2011 and are down 16.2% compared with 2010, particularly as a result of the sale of fixed assets This item represents 46.1% of the administrative to Pôle emploi. management expenses. (in millions of Euros) 2011 2010 Works and services provided by third parties 11.1 10.7 Other external services (including expenses to finance union and employer organisations: 4 million Euros in 2011) 10.5 13.7 Rents 2.0 2.0 Transportation and travel 1.3 1.5 Postal and telecommunications costs 0.5 0.5 Notarial fees and costs 18.0 19.3 Bank and postal costs 5.7 4.8 TOTAL 49.1 52.5 The Other external services item includes, inter alia, expenses relating to the financing of employer and union organisations, within the context of managing the Unemployment insurance scheme, i.e. 4 mil- lion Euros in 2011. 26| UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – FINANCIAL REPORT 2011