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Explain Love  in A-Z A-Z  解释爱情 Click to Continues 按键继续 Printings: FuZhong Su Design: He Yan Music; Memory of Love
  “ There is no perfect person in the world”. Remember if one loves the other then accept the other as a whole including the weaknesses. “ 世上没有十全十美的人”。  记着,你爱他,就必须接受他的一切, 甚至他的缺点。 A - Accept ( 接受 )
No trust no last will be the love. 不信任对方,经常以怀疑的口吻盘问对方,  这种互相猜度的爱情就只有分手作为下场。 B - Believe (相信)
Care reflects how much one values the other. “Are you working too hard?” from a phone call or “Don’t forget wear warmly in a cool weather” as an SMS, would be a nice way to show your care. Of course sending a love letter is even better! 关心的程度正好表现你对她的重视程度 , 间或打个电话给她关心地问候一句:“工作辛苦吗?”  又或者发短信给她:“天气凉了,别忘了加衣”。  这些关心未必有实际用途,但起码能令对方暖在心头。  如果还有情书,当然更 OK ! C - Care   (关心)
Love someone will need devotion. Otherwise it will not last long and the time be wasted! 爱一个人当然要全心全意,一脚踏数船不会是个好办法,结果多数亦是分手,不要令他 / 她难过嘛!也不要浪费你们两个的时间嘛!  D - Devoted (全心全意)
Appreciate the other. Enjoy the happiness, joyfulness the love brings you. Do not complain. 你应该欣赏对方的一切,享受这段爱情帶给你的开心、快乐、幸福,这样,你便会爱得更愉快,不要只懂埋怨,在鸡蛋里挑骨头 E - Enjoy (享受)
One should give the other some freedoms. Your better half is not your life-long slave and one shall not let the other feel marriage is a cage for life.  应给予对方应有自由及保持秘密的权利。你的另一半不是你的终生奴隶,不要让他认为跟你结婚就等于被困笼中。 F - Freedom   ( 自由)
Love  is  to  give  without expecting to be given back. However without giving there will be no harvest for sure. Treat your significant other like yourself and give without any reservation then a true love will result. 爱情这样东西不一定是你付出“一”, 便会收回“一”。  但不付出,便一定没有收获。  对你的爱人,应有如对自己一 样, 毫无保留地付出,这 才 算得上真爱 。 G - Give   (付出)
     The most important part of love is to feel with one’s heart.  One must be sincere. Without heart no true love will result.   爱情最重要的道具是心,你必需真心对待、用心去爱你的另一半,      大家又可必要收收埋埋呢?沒有心,又怎能称得上真心相 爱?  H - Heart, Honesty (心,诚实 )
One may say sweet words like “I am living only for you.” In reality, each individual has its own purpose in life.  One  should not  rely  on the other too  much to  become a burden. 甜言蜜语的人会说:“我是为了你而生。”  其实,每个人都有自己的生存意义, 不应过分依赖对方,  成为对方的沉重负担,甚至累赘 I-independence   (独立)
“ I am with you”, such a short statement like this will give your significant other enormous spiritual strength. When your significant other is in difficulty repeat the words “I am with you”. 我会和你在一起,短短的几个字,会给你的另一半极大的精神力量。所以当对方遇到困难时,请你和你爱的人说“我会和你在一起” J-just be with you ( 我会和你在一起 )
A kiss can exceed countless words.  A gently kiss means one cherishes and protects the other.  Thus please do not be parsimonious with your kiss. 一吻胜过千言万语 , 轻轻的一吻已能代表你惜她、爱护她 , 所以请不要吝啬你的红唇。 K - Kiss   (吻)
“ Listen attentively” is an art to show respect to each other. When the other talks about joyfulness or worries with you, it is a trust.  Thus when the other tells  you  about  their happiness and bigness  “listen attentively” reflects love and concern of the listener. The listener usually can also see your love through listening.  懂得“倾听”是一种艺术和对他人的尊敬,当对方和你说他(她)的快乐和苦恼时,他(她)已经把你当成可以信赖的人,所以当相爱的对方和你倾诉苦与乐时,用心“倾听”是你对对方爱和关心的一种体现,他(她)会从你的眼中看到你的爱 L-listening (倾听)
The average poppy love usually fails due to inexperience. Moreover, no one likes a person changes all the time. If both parties are mature the love will be smoothly grow through blossom to fruitful.  为什么一般人的初恋总会无声无色地惨败 , 因为年轻人多恋爱得较幼稚。  况且,没有一个人会喜欢对方长年没头没脑地蹦蹦跳跳。  人成熟一点,你的爱情便会早熟一点,直到开花结果 . M - Mature   (成熟)
Many people initially hide all weaknesses. Then day by day those weaknesses will be revealed. In reality the best way is to reveal one’s weaknesses to the other in advance hence result a long lasting love. 很多人初拍拖时都会把一切的缺点隐藏起来,变成另一个人。  日子久了,缺点才一箩箩地出现,令对方吃不消。  其实,不做作,流于自然的爱情才是细水长流的 N - Natural   (自然)
Observe the favorite of the other to give surprises occasionally. For example if one observes the other who praises a watch wearing by a star from a magazine then one can buy such a watch as a gift on the other’s birthday. It is the thought counts. 经常细心观察对方的喜好,不但能更了解对方,更能间中給他 / 她一些惊喜,好像爱侶看杂志时无意赞某明星的表漂亮,你便可留待他 / 她生日的時候买給他 / 她,那份心意一定比礼物來得珍貴。  O – Observe (观察)
The boyfriend shall protect the girlfriend and vise versa.  No one shall allow the other being insulted. 做男朋友的当然要保护女朋友,  但做女朋友的亦要保护对方的尊严,不应容许别人中伤、侮辱你的另一半。 P - Protect (保护)
Love needs forgiveness. The simple reason for such forgiveness results from love among each other. 爱情里面怎可以沒有宽恕,对他 / 她的错誤,你应该以宽大的态度原谅他 / 她,为什么? 因为你是最爱他 / 她的人嘛。   Q – Quarter  ( 宽恕)
Show appreciation for the other whenever is due therefore the relationship goes deeper. 对于爱侣为你所做的,请不要表现得无动于衷,令他气馁。  他付出,你便应以欣赏的态度去接受,这才能令感情更进一步。  R - Receive   (接收)
Love is to share happiness  and bitterness with the other.  This is the basic responsibility.  One shall be happy if such relation is in place. 爱他,就必能与他分享他的喜 与哀 , 这是作为一个伴侣最简单 的责任。  能找到这样的人也就是一种幸 福了 . S - Share   (分享)
Honest is one of the most important factors for true love. 坦诚是获得真爱的重要因素之一。   T-tell you the truth  when you need to hear it   (坦诚)
If you do not understand the other you will be dazed when you communicate.  Try to understand the other more by standing in the shoes of the other. 不明白对方的想法 , 对方跟你说话,你永远只独自发呆 , 那就是一段缺乏沟通的爱情。  多站在对方立场,将心比心地想 , 必定能更了解你的另一半。   U - Understand   (明白)
Action speaks itself.  True love needs to be expressed by actions. 说的漂亮是没有用的,你如果真爱对方,就要说到做到,用你的行动来表达你对他(她)的爱。 V-values   you (证明你的能力)
When you are happy you first think of him to share the feeling and he is happier than you; he will be excited and laugh with you. When you are sad you also first think of him to share and he will not be sad with you rather he will encourage and care for you. 他不会和你一同悲伤,而会用他特有的方式,给你鼓励、给你体贴 , 就是当你高兴时,你会第一个想到他,把你的快乐告诉他。而他会比你更加高兴,他会陪你一起兴奋、一起开怀大笑。当你伤心时,你也会第一个想到他。他不会和你一同悲伤,而会用他特有的方式,给你鼓励、给你体贴 . W-warm   (温暖)
Two people shall be able to share anything: right or wrong, yours, mine, or ours. Sometimes one can implicitly express one’s opinions. However, if the other does not get it one shall try to express them explicitly. 兩个人相处,有什么想说的,不管是对的、不对的、关于 他 / 她的、关于你的、关于大家的,你都可以跟他 / 她表达你的意见或者看法,虽说有时候可以让对方猜一下你心想的,但如果这样行不通,那你就要尝试 表达一下你自己了 。   X – eXpression (表达)
Stand back one step when have conflicts and do not bid “good-bye!” lightly. Find a solution instead. 两个人在一起,难免有爭拗,但是「忍一时,风平浪静;退一步,海阔天空」,不要跟你的伴侶计较 这么多吧!还有,不要沒想清楚就对对方 说﹕「分手吧!」,尝试 下跟对方谈一谈,找出解決的方法啊!  Y - Yield (退让)
Show passions to each other at right moment. 大慨沒有人想他 / 她的另一半常常好像沒有心情似的,有時候對你的另一半 热 情些, 对 增加你們之 间 的感情都會有 帮 助的,不 过 ,不要  太 过 份就可以了,免得他 / 她以 为 你吃錯 药 啊! Z - Zest ( 热 情)
Have a nice day, see you again ! 再见!

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Explain love 解释爱情

  • 1. Explain Love in A-Z A-Z 解释爱情 Click to Continues 按键继续 Printings: FuZhong Su Design: He Yan Music; Memory of Love
  • 2.   “ There is no perfect person in the world”. Remember if one loves the other then accept the other as a whole including the weaknesses. “ 世上没有十全十美的人”。 记着,你爱他,就必须接受他的一切, 甚至他的缺点。 A - Accept ( 接受 )
  • 3. No trust no last will be the love. 不信任对方,经常以怀疑的口吻盘问对方, 这种互相猜度的爱情就只有分手作为下场。 B - Believe (相信)
  • 4. Care reflects how much one values the other. “Are you working too hard?” from a phone call or “Don’t forget wear warmly in a cool weather” as an SMS, would be a nice way to show your care. Of course sending a love letter is even better! 关心的程度正好表现你对她的重视程度 , 间或打个电话给她关心地问候一句:“工作辛苦吗?” 又或者发短信给她:“天气凉了,别忘了加衣”。 这些关心未必有实际用途,但起码能令对方暖在心头。 如果还有情书,当然更 OK ! C - Care (关心)
  • 5. Love someone will need devotion. Otherwise it will not last long and the time be wasted! 爱一个人当然要全心全意,一脚踏数船不会是个好办法,结果多数亦是分手,不要令他 / 她难过嘛!也不要浪费你们两个的时间嘛! D - Devoted (全心全意)
  • 6. Appreciate the other. Enjoy the happiness, joyfulness the love brings you. Do not complain. 你应该欣赏对方的一切,享受这段爱情帶给你的开心、快乐、幸福,这样,你便会爱得更愉快,不要只懂埋怨,在鸡蛋里挑骨头 E - Enjoy (享受)
  • 7. One should give the other some freedoms. Your better half is not your life-long slave and one shall not let the other feel marriage is a cage for life. 应给予对方应有自由及保持秘密的权利。你的另一半不是你的终生奴隶,不要让他认为跟你结婚就等于被困笼中。 F - Freedom ( 自由)
  • 8. Love is to give without expecting to be given back. However without giving there will be no harvest for sure. Treat your significant other like yourself and give without any reservation then a true love will result. 爱情这样东西不一定是你付出“一”, 便会收回“一”。 但不付出,便一定没有收获。 对你的爱人,应有如对自己一 样, 毫无保留地付出,这 才 算得上真爱 。 G - Give (付出)
  • 9.    The most important part of love is to feel with one’s heart. One must be sincere. Without heart no true love will result.   爱情最重要的道具是心,你必需真心对待、用心去爱你的另一半,     大家又可必要收收埋埋呢?沒有心,又怎能称得上真心相 爱? H - Heart, Honesty (心,诚实 )
  • 10. One may say sweet words like “I am living only for you.” In reality, each individual has its own purpose in life. One should not rely on the other too much to become a burden. 甜言蜜语的人会说:“我是为了你而生。” 其实,每个人都有自己的生存意义, 不应过分依赖对方, 成为对方的沉重负担,甚至累赘 I-independence (独立)
  • 11. “ I am with you”, such a short statement like this will give your significant other enormous spiritual strength. When your significant other is in difficulty repeat the words “I am with you”. 我会和你在一起,短短的几个字,会给你的另一半极大的精神力量。所以当对方遇到困难时,请你和你爱的人说“我会和你在一起” J-just be with you ( 我会和你在一起 )
  • 12. A kiss can exceed countless words. A gently kiss means one cherishes and protects the other. Thus please do not be parsimonious with your kiss. 一吻胜过千言万语 , 轻轻的一吻已能代表你惜她、爱护她 , 所以请不要吝啬你的红唇。 K - Kiss (吻)
  • 13. “ Listen attentively” is an art to show respect to each other. When the other talks about joyfulness or worries with you, it is a trust. Thus when the other tells you about their happiness and bigness “listen attentively” reflects love and concern of the listener. The listener usually can also see your love through listening. 懂得“倾听”是一种艺术和对他人的尊敬,当对方和你说他(她)的快乐和苦恼时,他(她)已经把你当成可以信赖的人,所以当相爱的对方和你倾诉苦与乐时,用心“倾听”是你对对方爱和关心的一种体现,他(她)会从你的眼中看到你的爱 L-listening (倾听)
  • 14. The average poppy love usually fails due to inexperience. Moreover, no one likes a person changes all the time. If both parties are mature the love will be smoothly grow through blossom to fruitful. 为什么一般人的初恋总会无声无色地惨败 , 因为年轻人多恋爱得较幼稚。 况且,没有一个人会喜欢对方长年没头没脑地蹦蹦跳跳。 人成熟一点,你的爱情便会早熟一点,直到开花结果 . M - Mature (成熟)
  • 15. Many people initially hide all weaknesses. Then day by day those weaknesses will be revealed. In reality the best way is to reveal one’s weaknesses to the other in advance hence result a long lasting love. 很多人初拍拖时都会把一切的缺点隐藏起来,变成另一个人。 日子久了,缺点才一箩箩地出现,令对方吃不消。 其实,不做作,流于自然的爱情才是细水长流的 N - Natural (自然)
  • 16. Observe the favorite of the other to give surprises occasionally. For example if one observes the other who praises a watch wearing by a star from a magazine then one can buy such a watch as a gift on the other’s birthday. It is the thought counts. 经常细心观察对方的喜好,不但能更了解对方,更能间中給他 / 她一些惊喜,好像爱侶看杂志时无意赞某明星的表漂亮,你便可留待他 / 她生日的時候买給他 / 她,那份心意一定比礼物來得珍貴。 O – Observe (观察)
  • 17. The boyfriend shall protect the girlfriend and vise versa. No one shall allow the other being insulted. 做男朋友的当然要保护女朋友, 但做女朋友的亦要保护对方的尊严,不应容许别人中伤、侮辱你的另一半。 P - Protect (保护)
  • 18. Love needs forgiveness. The simple reason for such forgiveness results from love among each other. 爱情里面怎可以沒有宽恕,对他 / 她的错誤,你应该以宽大的态度原谅他 / 她,为什么? 因为你是最爱他 / 她的人嘛。 Q – Quarter ( 宽恕)
  • 19. Show appreciation for the other whenever is due therefore the relationship goes deeper. 对于爱侣为你所做的,请不要表现得无动于衷,令他气馁。 他付出,你便应以欣赏的态度去接受,这才能令感情更进一步。 R - Receive (接收)
  • 20. Love is to share happiness and bitterness with the other. This is the basic responsibility. One shall be happy if such relation is in place. 爱他,就必能与他分享他的喜 与哀 , 这是作为一个伴侣最简单 的责任。 能找到这样的人也就是一种幸 福了 . S - Share (分享)
  • 21. Honest is one of the most important factors for true love. 坦诚是获得真爱的重要因素之一。 T-tell you the truth when you need to hear it   (坦诚)
  • 22. If you do not understand the other you will be dazed when you communicate. Try to understand the other more by standing in the shoes of the other. 不明白对方的想法 , 对方跟你说话,你永远只独自发呆 , 那就是一段缺乏沟通的爱情。 多站在对方立场,将心比心地想 , 必定能更了解你的另一半。 U - Understand (明白)
  • 23. Action speaks itself. True love needs to be expressed by actions. 说的漂亮是没有用的,你如果真爱对方,就要说到做到,用你的行动来表达你对他(她)的爱。 V-values you (证明你的能力)
  • 24. When you are happy you first think of him to share the feeling and he is happier than you; he will be excited and laugh with you. When you are sad you also first think of him to share and he will not be sad with you rather he will encourage and care for you. 他不会和你一同悲伤,而会用他特有的方式,给你鼓励、给你体贴 , 就是当你高兴时,你会第一个想到他,把你的快乐告诉他。而他会比你更加高兴,他会陪你一起兴奋、一起开怀大笑。当你伤心时,你也会第一个想到他。他不会和你一同悲伤,而会用他特有的方式,给你鼓励、给你体贴 . W-warm (温暖)
  • 25. Two people shall be able to share anything: right or wrong, yours, mine, or ours. Sometimes one can implicitly express one’s opinions. However, if the other does not get it one shall try to express them explicitly. 兩个人相处,有什么想说的,不管是对的、不对的、关于 他 / 她的、关于你的、关于大家的,你都可以跟他 / 她表达你的意见或者看法,虽说有时候可以让对方猜一下你心想的,但如果这样行不通,那你就要尝试 表达一下你自己了 。 X – eXpression (表达)
  • 26. Stand back one step when have conflicts and do not bid “good-bye!” lightly. Find a solution instead. 两个人在一起,难免有爭拗,但是「忍一时,风平浪静;退一步,海阔天空」,不要跟你的伴侶计较 这么多吧!还有,不要沒想清楚就对对方 说﹕「分手吧!」,尝试 下跟对方谈一谈,找出解決的方法啊! Y - Yield (退让)
  • 27. Show passions to each other at right moment. 大慨沒有人想他 / 她的另一半常常好像沒有心情似的,有時候對你的另一半 热 情些, 对 增加你們之 间 的感情都會有 帮 助的,不 过 ,不要 太 过 份就可以了,免得他 / 她以 为 你吃錯 药 啊! Z - Zest ( 热 情)
  • 28. Have a nice day, see you again ! 再见!