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On episode 256 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast, Neil
chatted with Chase Griffin, UCLA student-athlete (football), NIL
leader, brand ambassador, and creator.
What follows is a collection of snippets from the podcast. To hear the
full interview and more, check out the podcast on all podcast
platforms and at
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
Chase’s path to becoming a student athlete and brand builder
“I was born at UCLA, Santa Monica hospital. I live off Wilshire now, so I'm
about two miles down the road from where I was born, which is really cool.
I grew up outside of Austin, Texas in Round Rock, and there my first sport
was soccer. I grew up playing the violin and a lot of the good orchestras in
Austin taught me how to train for something and master the art of
learning. And I think that's really applied to every aspect of my life.
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
“My father, he's worked in entertainment and marketing and production
for a number of years, and my mother is a teacher. So to sort of mimic
qualities that they both have on the educational side as well as on the
professional side, has been a cool experience throughout my collegiate
career. And from the beginning I always had self-belief because I knew they
believed in me. That carried all the way through middle school where I got
some media recognition. I was, you know, afforded the opportunity to
ballboy for the Elite 11 for a number of years. I trained with George
Whitfield and Coach [Trent] Dilfer gave me that opportunity to be around
the premier of high school quarterback coaching.
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
“Then going from there with that experience and sort of my belief system,
it flourished in high school. I went to Hutto High School, the hometown of
the Hippos, and we had a really good run over, especially my junior and
senior years. But I started as a sophomore and, in that town, it was one of
those ‘Friday Night Lights’ environments where the whole town would
come out and shut down for the games. There was a lot of pressure, and I
was 15 learning how to deal with that pressure and perform well. It was
something that I think forged me into being able to perform at higher
levels as well as representing something larger than myself. And I was able
to do it in a way where I stayed true to myself.
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
“Senior year I had the opportunity to work with some brands just because I
was the Gatorade and Ford Player of the year, as well as winning awards for
In-N-Out and Whataburger. So I did appearances, press conferences,
interviews, and that sort of introduced me to the brand world. And before I
even got to UCLA, before NIL was even here, I had done brand appearances
— obviously I wasn't paid for them — and I had represented something
larger than myself, which sort of led me to being ready for NIL, as well as
having hours and hours of media training, because I was doing interviews
like this and radio appearances every single week before I got to UCLA. Once
I got to UCLA, I sort of passed on on Harvard to come here, and so I was
like, I have to make sure I maximize everything of this university, whether it
be on the field or off the field, whether it be in class. So I hit the ground
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
“In school, my focus was on public affairs, I got my master's in education,
and then now I'm pursuing a master's in legal studies. And throughout all
of that, I think it sort of streamlined a mix of policy and governance, where
I want to go in later in the life into public service, and then, in the interim,
learning how I can use sport to best affect the people around me. And as
NIL opens up new doors as far as into the Hollywood side or into the
unscripted television side, building out a good legal capability in that space
I think will be a useful skill to have as well.”
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
On being in the spotlight as a high schooler and how he deal with it
“I think that's been one thing I've gotten better at over the years. I think as
you grow older and, frankly just get out of the mindset that puberty puts
you in, it's a lot easier to see that one thing going wrong isn't the end of the
world, or that you can still accomplish your goal, even if it's not looking like
it is right now. At that age what really held me together was my family and
my belief system. What's huge for me is my faith. It is what stabilizes me in
every aspect of my life. And having something constant, I think, is
important for every person, regardless of what it is, to get through times
where it may seem tumultuous.
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
“My spring game before my sophomore year, I had three [interceptions].
This is in high school, and I was new to the town — we had a really good
freshman year with the freshman team. We went undefeated and I was
trying to take over for the varsity, and I didn't perform well, so there was
uncertainty there. I was feeling down. There were a lot of expectations on
me, like, a young kid, and I felt like I didn't perform like I knew I could, but
I stayed true to myself. I worked hard all summer, didn't lose the dream
and came out in the first game, threw for 408 yards in my first varsity start
and you know it was over from there. But times like that where you know
that everyone around you isn't really feeling it or maybe there's people
close to you that are doubting you. If you can stay true to yourself and have
something constant that you rely on, then you realize it's never over.
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
“The same thing has sort of maintained me through college. Has the on the
field, you know, been exactly what I pictured being the Gatorade Player of
the Year, choosing a university? No, but I stayed ready every single game.
And that's not really because of what the coaches expect from me or even
what my parents expect from me, it's what I expect from myself. Because,
you know, I carry myself the best that I can, and I can't control anything
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
On going through the recruiting process a highly touted high school athlete
“I've always thought athletes were built for NIL for two reasons: one, we already
generate so much revenue and value for the companies and in industries that are set up
around collegiate sports. And then two, we're by nature content creators. Every single
person who's in college right now either produced their own Hudl or had a coach or
guardian who created their Hudl of content that they were doing on the field and they
had to create their profile and put grades and put good works in there. Every single
person who's gotten to college has been recruited off of a highlight tape off of some type
of reel. And now that you add to the mix, there's a whole nother edge to recruiting
where it's where can I, you know, frankly, make the most money? Which I think is a
good thing. I think every single student chooses a college based on how they can
prepare them professionally. And the schools that can prepare athletes for NIL the best
are going to be the ones that get the best athletes and the most well-rounded athletes.
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
“For my recruitment, my story was probably unlike a lot of other folks who
performed the way that I did. I didn't get my offer from UCLA until basically
the summer before my senior year, so early that summer. Then after that,
that's when other schools of that stature started really tuning in and showing
that interest. But I was committed, so I wasn't hearing any of that. My
sophomore year, I threw for over 3000 yards [and] we had a pretty good
year. We were a strong offense, a very young offense, in high school. I had a
little bit of buzz snd then at the Quarterback Collective camp before my
junior year, Mike McDaniel, who's currently head coach of the Miami
Dolphins, saw me and asked where I had offers to. I started that day with
zero offers, by the end of that day, I had one because of Mike McDaniel to
Yale. And from there, a lot of the other Ivies checked in. So that's where my
recruitment started.
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
“And even throughout my junior year, it was a couple other schools like North Texas
started checking in. That staff was awesome, but I still hadn't really blown up, and I
had thrown for over 4000 yards my junior year. Going into my senior year that
summer, I was about to go to a camp at Harvard and who knows, I may have
committed. But the week before that camp, [UCLA coach Chip] Kelly sends me a text
saying, ‘Hey, this is Chip Kelly, can we talk?’ And then we talk. And he invited me to
a camp out there, and I had one of the best camps I ever had. I hit everything, and I
told my [my parents] before we left, [if] they offered me I'm committed because
Coach Kelly offered me and I committed on spot. And I just remember I was so
ecstatic. You know, going to Harvard would be amazing. It's going to Harvard. Yeah,
but it had always been a dream of mine to play power five football, especially at a
school with such rich history as far as athletes changing the world and as an
institution, it's about everything that I'm about. And I think to this day, I'm
extremely glad that I made that decision because it's where I'm supposed to be.”
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
On Chase’s mindset heading to UCLA as it pertained to preparing for a pro sports
career vs. thinking beyond football
“Part of what I think got me to the level where I'm at now and whatever I excel in
is my ability to prioritize. And even to this day, football is still my number one
priority. Even if I'm not on the field every Saturday, I'm preparing every single
week like I am, and I have that type of level of care and the time shows for that.
You know, like I'm still putting in 40, 50 hours a week at the facility. I just have
now blocked off part of my free time and done NIL stuff. That still hasn't changed
until I'm done with college — as long as I'm playing football I'm here at UCLA to
play quarterback, number one, quarterback and school, and everything else
handles itself from there. And I think prioritizing that from 2019 before NIL, it
hasn't really changed much to now. I just think other parts of my life that, you
know, the 20 hours a week of free time, maybe half of that, is NIL now.”
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
“I think I saw the value of branding in high school just because, and I think
to this day, one of my strongest brand followings is in Texas. Throughout
the Texas high school football circuit I've been doing interviews like this for
a long time, and having that preparation gave me vision on the value of
having a good brand and having a good name, and being able to conversate
with someone and tell your story. I think now I have the opportunity to
monetize it maybe I'm leaning into it more, but that skill set has always
been important to me and networking has always been important to me.
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
“As soon as I got to UCLA, I built out my LinkedIn, which is really been a
hidden moneymaker for me throughout NIL just because I've connected
with the right people, I've built a good following on there, and it adds a
dynamic that a lot of other not just athlete creators, but creators in general
don't have. Then furthermore, I wasn't really thinking about NIL when I
chose UCLA. I had heard about the [legislative] bills happening, and I
think the same way where it sort of shocked the world how quickly it came
to fruition will be mimicked and how quickly revenue share comes to
fruition, but at the same time, I wasn't thinking about doing the right
things for NIL, I was thinking about doing the right thing so that choosing
UCLA over Harvard didn't look like a crazy move, you know?”
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
On thinking about his brand and how he would build it
“I think as far as the large scale is realizing where you're at and maximizing
it. Going back to why I chose UCLA, the history here as far as Jackie
Robinson, Jackie Joyner-Kersee, Arthur Ashe, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Ann
Meyers-Drysdale, like athletes have changed the world here as much or
more than anywhere else. And that's not really a school thing, that's an
industry thing — like globally. It's hard to find a cohort of people who came
through the same program that have affected the world the way that UCLA
athletes have done. And in recognizing that, I think I felt there was an onus
upon myself and all other UCLA athletes to carry that out to this day, just
because I feel like, without that, UCLA isn't the same entity and brand that it
is today.
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
“As far as the day to day for me is treating people well and then being
prepared. Going into every single content shoot that I have, I create a shot
list and I've gotten better at that over time, but it cuts down production
time and increases the quality of your productions. And then once you
involve editors, they can see your vision on paper and they know exactly
how to streamline that process. So I think finding ways where you build out
your technical skill, as well as having a passion that's based on appreciating
the opportunities that you have has been great for me because even though
it is work, it never feels tedious.”
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
On whether athletes feel the burden of the opportunity NIL provides them
to maximize and earn while they can
“I think a lot of athletes they see maybe teammates of theirs or people at
other schools who play the same position or same sport succeeding and the
thing is, they have no idea how it happens or they think there's some trick
to it. And bottom line, the majority of college athletes haven't done any
cash deals, have earned zero $0 through name, image and likeness. Not all
this money is being thrown around to every single athlete at every single
campus. There's athletes at power five football, basketball and women's
basketball teams who haven't done any cash deals.
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
“And that's a mix of there hasn't been a a whole lot of education or
experience in the space for athletes to know exactly how to create daily
content, or athletes don't have the passion or aren't, you know, as
interested in it maybe as some of their teammates. And there's nothing
wrong with that. I think not everybody has to participate in NIL. And the
ones that do, it's completely up to them how much time and effort that they
put into it. But it is very much getting what you get out of as far as the time
commitment. And the thing is, it's less reliant on sport than people realize.
There are folks who are extremely good content creators who are in
gymnastics or who are in soccer, or who are in rowing that are getting deals
because they know how to create a follower base and create content that is
engagement-worthy, and brands recognize that.”
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
On whether athletes have an advantage in becoming content creators
“I don't think so. I think that the athletes who are creating that they can
rely on their ability to, you know, take pictures in uniform, have game
stats, that type of thing, but at the end of the day, they're working for that.
Like that is part of their appeal as a person, the same way that there's
someone who has a talent because they've been working since they were
ten years old on it. Maybe they're expert artists or good at drawing, or a
painter or something of that sort, and have built out a following of that.
Athletes have put in just as many hours on the athletic side. So I think
diminishing or saying that, well, athletes have built in — like it had to be
built by somebody. It was built by the work of the athlete.
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
“Every single athlete out of college had people behind them guiding them.
They themselves were intrinsically motivated to get to where they're at
now. Being able to capitalize on that is is the right that this nation should
provide to everyone, which is what the Supreme Court said.”
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
On taking advantage of being an athlete beyond NIL
“I think there's a lot of different views on education, but I think the most
important thing that college can do is prepare you for professional life, and
to do it in a way that's sustainable and guides you to the success that you
strive to have, whether that be stability, financial success, wealth, goals, all
of that. NIL and being able to partake in literal business and business of self
and entrepreneurship is one of the most important factors and
characteristics you can have in forecasting professional success. Those who
are starting their own businesses in college, or learning through internships
or work experience are getting arguably the best part of college during those
college years and able to network. And athletes were barred from that.
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
“It is no surprise that athletes who were getting these maximum contracts
in the professional world were going broke because they were barred from
participating in any type of business and then you give them the lottery. So
now that NIL is here I think it adds to the cumulative nature of student
athletes' education while they're still in school. And the ones who tap into it
are going to get the best experiential knowledge, just like those who really
lean into the readings in their class would, and the ones who don't really
care about it or focus on other aspects, that's fine, they're just missing out
on on that aspect of college.”
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
On resources for athletes to navigate NIL and business and the challenges
+ needs
“I think for others it depends on the school. Some schools are pretty laissez
faire, they just ask you to disclose to compliance and you just do your
thing. Other schools they have, you know, more extensive programs set up
where they can match you with deals or get you connected with folks who
are experts in the space. I know at UCLA, as far as the content side, there's
not too much support, but on the legal side, there's some good support. So
the Ziffren Institute will come in and send in the grad students in that
program to not really advise, but help contract reads. That way the athletes
understand what they're signing on to or not signing on to.
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
“As far as other schools or even collectives, I know some help with the
content side. For me, I'm blessed to have a father who's worked in the
space. A lot of it was trial and error early on, and I was doing well enough
to get the next deal. It's a cyclical motion where you sort of look back at the
content of the deal, and if you go back to my earlier content I was well-
spoken on camera, it looked nice, but it they weren't true productions like
they are now. And I think that's good. I think growth is important in any
type of new industry, and the folks who've been innovators in this space
have reaped the benefit, and I think the companies that have partnered
with them have done so as well.”
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
On the Chase Griffin brand and why he thinks he resonates even as he’s no
longer starting QB
“I think not letting the value that I add or my ability to perform be
determined by someone's else's depth chart. I think if if you let your life be
governed that way, there's going to be a lot of opportunities you miss out on
because there's always somebody else that thinks there's somebody better
for your position. And that's not really a football thing, that's not really a
sports thing, it's more of a life thing. There's always going to be somebody
that says, well, that person can do it better. It's like, well, they not me — they
can't add the value that I add, and it's not really a knock on that person, and
it's not a knock on the person who's making that decision, it's just staying
true to yourself and realizing the worth that you have.
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
“Every single day, with every opportunity that God blesses me with, I'm
going to maximize it as if I'm doing it for God. And because I know that
there's a value that comes out of the value that I create for others. I may
not receive it now. Sometimes with NIL I do receive it now, and it's nice.
But you know, I know that I'm still in the process of life where I'm sowing
seeds, and every single day I just try to win the day. And by staying true to
myself, I'm the only person that I'm truly responsible for in this life, and
I'm completely responsible for myself. So the output that I have, regardless
of what it's in, I take ownership over that. And because of that, I don't look
at any opportunity as like, if I have that opportunity — I'm taking it, you
know, completely serious, taking full advantage of that opportunity
because I recognize how scarce they are.”
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
On his brand going beyond Chase Griffin the football player and how that
has evolved over time
“I don't think I've ever looked at myself as just as an athlete. And sports are
amazing, sports are great, but diminishing yourself down to one title, I think,
devalues yourself. Every single person on earth is worth so much more than
their profession. For me, just being creative about who I'm created by, I
think there's innate value and I think there’s innate value in every single
person on earth, and I treat everyone that way. To look at myself as just an
athlete, I think is almost an insult. Yes, I am an athlete and I do strive every
single day and focus a lot of time on my athletics. But if I'm only focused on
that, then this one life that I live on earth, I'm not maximizing it, and that
just doesn't sit right with myself.”
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
On youth athletes building their brands at earlier ages now
“I think it's a whole new world, but I think we're trending towards revenue share. So all
of this practice that’s creating value and looking for value will finally be accessible to
the fullest extent for athletes. Now we can only get paid off the content side, it’s not
really pay for play. We're not getting paid because of the value that we create for the
schools, TV deals, media rights, etc. I think athletes being prepared for that is
important, and I think at the same time, preparing athletes for the mental side of all of
that is important as well, and managing expectations and finding things that keep you
stable when there's actual money around you that depends on your performance. I
grew up as one of those athletes, and you know, my pops would say I was the first one
who did it. You know, I had the chaseqb11 username back before having your name and
then your position and number was cool. And that really helped me stay connected
with with a lot of folks that I met through the Elite 11 process and gave me good
practice at building out a clean image early on.
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
“In addition, I grew up with trainers, so Jeff Blake, one of the best deep ball
throwers of all time, taught me how to throw. And George Whitfield, you
know, became a huge mentor for me on the football side throughout my
middle school and high school and early collegiate career. Having all of
that was important because it takes a village, especially for athletes who
don't come out 6’6”, 250, running a 4.4 40, and every single person who's
out of college now had someone in their life who was pushing them in all
aspects and areas. And I think now that NIL is here, the folks who
understand the importance of content creation and building a brand that
appeals and that's attractive to brands are going to reap the rewards of
that. And through revenue share, I think all of that will be accelerated.”
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
On how Chase manages his brand and platforms day-to-day and booking +
executing deals
“So I'm still self repped and self-managed. I consult at a management firm
called Range Media (Partners) on the Range Sports team and they're
awesome. Most of my deals still come directly either to my inbox, whether
it be DM or most commonly LinkedIn or my [in]mail. Through email,
either myself or my father will flag an interesting deal and then I'll review it
[and] if I like it, pass along my pops to sort of review it, and then we say,
yeah, it's a yes or no.
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
“It's really based off three things. It's my personal values. I consider myself
a believer, a winner, a provider, and I look for other brands that mimic
those values. Then two is the economic value, is the price and deliverables
that they're asking for on par with my market price. Then three is
community value, where I find ways to parlay what the brand is about and
their expertise and reach, as well as the money that's coming in because of
the deal, and then finding ways to create community value. Right now
that's being expedited a lot quicker just because I have my foundation, the
Chase Griffin Foundation, in a deal that I did with Groundswell [charitable
giving software platform].
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
“Once I get the green light on doing a deal, I reply back and say, ‘Let's set a meeting.’
Normally it's an intro call that's about 20-30 minutes where we flesh out the dynamic of
the actual deal. If it's a smaller deal, then we'll just do it through email, just get the
deliverables. Then from there go into the early pre-production process. So I get the
creative, or I create the creative, and get it approved by the brand, then I create the shot
list for that. Then I make sure that the venue is okay if we need a venue; if not, then I
contact my videographer, send them the shot list and pencil in a day and schedule out 2
or 3 hours to shoot. After the shoot, get all the content and then get the edit done by my
videographer. Then in the meantime, I'm sort of checking in with the brand, making sure
everything is good, then sending over the initial edit to the brand. The brand likes it and
it gets approved by legal — legal is probably the biggest hurdle to get get past, especially
with larger brands. Then we're good to go. If not, send it back to the videographer [and]
we sort of do a round two and then so on and so on. Normally it doesn't go past 3 or 4
rounds. Then we get the finished product and then post time comes. Then from there,
brands always want to know the metrics of how a post performed.”
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
On the project management and time and task management of executing
brand deals
“That's the most valuable part. Like, I have earned a good amount of
money that I'm extremely grateful for, and have earned the ability to give
money away. But at the same time, it's the experience that I'm most excited
about because I'm creating, I think, a workable template for life that as
long as I stay true to myself I'll be able to continue growing as far as wealth
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
Chase’s favorite class and toughest class at UCLA
[favorite] “Probably one of the first classes I ever took here with Professor
Redmond, it was a musicology class called Music and Politics, nd we talked
about the intersection. You know, eventually I do want to get into public
service and music is arguably my favorite thing on Earth, so matching
those two was extremely invaluable for me because she was a great
“Hardest class, probably macro econ. I got a good grade in there, but that
was tough.”
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
The digital/social platform where Chase has found the most value and the one where
he’d recommend student athletes focus and the one where Chase wishes he could
spend more time on
“Well, I find value on all of them. I can't commit to one, but I will say that I did a
program with LinkedIn, the Creator Accelerator program. a) They built a really good
network with a lot of the other folks in my cohort and b) having to do 40 posts in ten
weeks taught me really how to content create and how to template and the
importance of programing, and I think I'm a better creator today than I was two
years ago because of that program.
“Then I would encourage every single young person to get on LinkedIn…I think
more and more [athletes are on LinkedIn], I think some athletes have sort of known
it and maybe weren't given along the sauce, but I think the cat's out of the bag now.”
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
What made Chase choose UCLA over Harvard
“I think it was the combination of sports and academics and then the
history and frankly, black history here. I think there's few institutions in
America that have had the amount of world changers year after year, era
after era, that UCLA has. I mean, people always talk about back in the day,
which is true, but even right now, the largest equity play in sports has been
NIL and that's started because of [former UCLA student athlete] Ed
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
The most important tip Chase would give someone to manage all of the commitments a busy
student athlete like he has
“I mean, as far as managing it, the more you focus and want to be good at something, you got to
spend more time on it. And that means taking time away from other things. So there's really
only three things in life that I focus on — it’s football, school, and NIL. Of course, there's an
overarching thing like family, friends and my faith, but all that more just empowers me in those
three things. Then outside of that, when you're on your own, when you're off, like completely off
— so finding something that's completely different from those. Like sometimes I'll go home and
the game will be on and I'm like, I've been spending time on football all day. I can't watch the
game. Like, I got to make sure when I wake up in the morning, I'm feeling refreshed. I feel like I
got away from it enough. So for me, music has been huge and it's something that's still
productive because I'm able to create songs and create productions, but music, video games and
TV and movies. So whenever I'm not active or doing something in the NIL, school or sports
space, then I'm doing something that's completely different and just rest my mind.”
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
The current pro athlete Chase most admires and why, for whatever reason
“I think the only [pro athlete] that I really look at and say, not the only, but one of the only
ones is Muhammad Ali, where I really revere how steadfast he was to his values and his
ability to perform in his sport and ability to, frankly, be a performer outside of his sport, and
his ability to voice his opinion in a way that was very pro-athlete, pro-black and pro-love.
“As far as current, I respect Russell Wilson a lot. And part of that is because I enjoy watching
him as a football player, and I think there's parts of my game that are similar, [and] in my
stature that are similar, but I respect the way that he continually carries his faith. And you
sort of see it where even when they're struggling, or even if he has a game where he doesn't
play well, he keeps a grateful heart and a grateful mind. That's a lot easier to do that when
you're on a $200 million contract, I understand that, but I think whether he was making
$200 million or $0, he would still have the same faith and same conviction, and I really
respect that in anyone.”
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
How Chase keeps up with the opportunities and news in sports, NIL, and
social/digital media
“Finding pockets of my off time to read. And then my pops is also
constantly following it so he's able to forward me articles or forward me
updates on what's happening. It's extremely important to me, especially
right now, because I'm in the process of building out a newsletter that will,
from the athlete perspective, capture the experience of what it means to be
a college athlete.”
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
Chase’s favorite place he’s traveled and also the place that you he hasn’t
been to yet, but wants to
“Favorite place I've been so far is Tokyo, Japan. I went there earlier this
year. It was pretty amazing. Honestly, I would go back every year if I had
the time. As far as a place I haven't been, I don't know…I've been to Europe
once, but I've never been to England or even Paris. So I think going to
England would be great, just because I have some business with some folks
out there.”
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
The best meal to get in Texas and where to get it.
And the best meal Chase has had in LA and where to
get it
“In Texas, Salt Lick is probably about the best
barbecue spot on Earth, it’s probably around two
miles away from my house. They cook everything in
the pit. They cook the sausage at the top so it all
tastes the same and it's all really good. There's other
also another spot out there called Paco's Tacos,
where it's a Mexican spot. Best bowl of rice and
beans, best tacos in the world.
“Out here in in LA. I really like breakfast burritos, so
I've tried almost all of them here. All the top ones
when TikTokers are going through and Wake and
Late — if y'all need an ambassador, just let me know
because it would probably save me a lot of money.”
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
The most impressive athlete by just pure athletic ability that Chase has
seen compete in person whether at UCLA or before
“Probably Jaylen Waddle. He was on my my 7-on-7 team in high school
with Fast Houston. He's probably the fastest athlete I've ever seen in
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
The student athlete whose name we should know because they're destined
for big things, whether it's in sports or not
“I would shout out Abbey Forbes. She was at UCLA and now she's at North
Carolina, a tennis player. She's always done a really good job of building
her brand and in all my interactions with her, she's always seemed really
solid and focused on what she wanted to accomplish throughout life.”
[Find her on LinkedIn and then on Instagram @abbytbforbes]
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
Chase’s Social Media All-Star to Follow
“(Norfolk State | Virginia State student athlete) Rayquan Smith. He was on
my show that I host for JP Morgan. He's in track. I think he refers to
himself as the King of NIL. I'll be sure to send you his followings, but
definitely follow Rayquan Smith. He's getting into the consulting side
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
Where to find Chase on digital/social media
Check out The Zone podcast, hosted by Chase and NFL player Kayvon
Thibodeaux, on which they disucss maximizing college careers, creating
generational wealth, and sound spending habits
Find Chase Griffin on LinkedIn and check out his other socials like Twitter
and Instagram @chaseqb11
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin
Thanks again to Chase for being so generous with his time to share his
knowledge, experience, and expertise with me!
For more content and episodes, subscribe to the podcast, follow me
on LinkedIn and on Twitter @njh287, and visit
Best Of The Digital and
Social Media Sports Podcast
Episode 256: Chase Griffin

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Episode 256 Snippets: Chase Griffin of UCLA Football and his personal NIL

  • 1. @njh287; On episode 256 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast, Neil chatted with Chase Griffin, UCLA student-athlete (football), NIL leader, brand ambassador, and creator. What follows is a collection of snippets from the podcast. To hear the full interview and more, check out the podcast on all podcast platforms and at Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 2. Chase’s path to becoming a student athlete and brand builder “I was born at UCLA, Santa Monica hospital. I live off Wilshire now, so I'm about two miles down the road from where I was born, which is really cool. I grew up outside of Austin, Texas in Round Rock, and there my first sport was soccer. I grew up playing the violin and a lot of the good orchestras in Austin taught me how to train for something and master the art of learning. And I think that's really applied to every aspect of my life. Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 3. “My father, he's worked in entertainment and marketing and production for a number of years, and my mother is a teacher. So to sort of mimic qualities that they both have on the educational side as well as on the professional side, has been a cool experience throughout my collegiate career. And from the beginning I always had self-belief because I knew they believed in me. That carried all the way through middle school where I got some media recognition. I was, you know, afforded the opportunity to ballboy for the Elite 11 for a number of years. I trained with George Whitfield and Coach [Trent] Dilfer gave me that opportunity to be around the premier of high school quarterback coaching. Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 4. “Then going from there with that experience and sort of my belief system, it flourished in high school. I went to Hutto High School, the hometown of the Hippos, and we had a really good run over, especially my junior and senior years. But I started as a sophomore and, in that town, it was one of those ‘Friday Night Lights’ environments where the whole town would come out and shut down for the games. There was a lot of pressure, and I was 15 learning how to deal with that pressure and perform well. It was something that I think forged me into being able to perform at higher levels as well as representing something larger than myself. And I was able to do it in a way where I stayed true to myself. Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 5. “Senior year I had the opportunity to work with some brands just because I was the Gatorade and Ford Player of the year, as well as winning awards for In-N-Out and Whataburger. So I did appearances, press conferences, interviews, and that sort of introduced me to the brand world. And before I even got to UCLA, before NIL was even here, I had done brand appearances — obviously I wasn't paid for them — and I had represented something larger than myself, which sort of led me to being ready for NIL, as well as having hours and hours of media training, because I was doing interviews like this and radio appearances every single week before I got to UCLA. Once I got to UCLA, I sort of passed on on Harvard to come here, and so I was like, I have to make sure I maximize everything of this university, whether it be on the field or off the field, whether it be in class. So I hit the ground running. Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 6. “In school, my focus was on public affairs, I got my master's in education, and then now I'm pursuing a master's in legal studies. And throughout all of that, I think it sort of streamlined a mix of policy and governance, where I want to go in later in the life into public service, and then, in the interim, learning how I can use sport to best affect the people around me. And as NIL opens up new doors as far as into the Hollywood side or into the unscripted television side, building out a good legal capability in that space I think will be a useful skill to have as well.” Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 7. On being in the spotlight as a high schooler and how he deal with it “I think that's been one thing I've gotten better at over the years. I think as you grow older and, frankly just get out of the mindset that puberty puts you in, it's a lot easier to see that one thing going wrong isn't the end of the world, or that you can still accomplish your goal, even if it's not looking like it is right now. At that age what really held me together was my family and my belief system. What's huge for me is my faith. It is what stabilizes me in every aspect of my life. And having something constant, I think, is important for every person, regardless of what it is, to get through times where it may seem tumultuous. Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 8. “My spring game before my sophomore year, I had three [interceptions]. This is in high school, and I was new to the town — we had a really good freshman year with the freshman team. We went undefeated and I was trying to take over for the varsity, and I didn't perform well, so there was uncertainty there. I was feeling down. There were a lot of expectations on me, like, a young kid, and I felt like I didn't perform like I knew I could, but I stayed true to myself. I worked hard all summer, didn't lose the dream and came out in the first game, threw for 408 yards in my first varsity start and you know it was over from there. But times like that where you know that everyone around you isn't really feeling it or maybe there's people close to you that are doubting you. If you can stay true to yourself and have something constant that you rely on, then you realize it's never over. Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 9. “The same thing has sort of maintained me through college. Has the on the field, you know, been exactly what I pictured being the Gatorade Player of the Year, choosing a university? No, but I stayed ready every single game. And that's not really because of what the coaches expect from me or even what my parents expect from me, it's what I expect from myself. Because, you know, I carry myself the best that I can, and I can't control anything else.” Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 10. On going through the recruiting process a highly touted high school athlete “I've always thought athletes were built for NIL for two reasons: one, we already generate so much revenue and value for the companies and in industries that are set up around collegiate sports. And then two, we're by nature content creators. Every single person who's in college right now either produced their own Hudl or had a coach or guardian who created their Hudl of content that they were doing on the field and they had to create their profile and put grades and put good works in there. Every single person who's gotten to college has been recruited off of a highlight tape off of some type of reel. And now that you add to the mix, there's a whole nother edge to recruiting where it's where can I, you know, frankly, make the most money? Which I think is a good thing. I think every single student chooses a college based on how they can prepare them professionally. And the schools that can prepare athletes for NIL the best are going to be the ones that get the best athletes and the most well-rounded athletes. Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 11. “For my recruitment, my story was probably unlike a lot of other folks who performed the way that I did. I didn't get my offer from UCLA until basically the summer before my senior year, so early that summer. Then after that, that's when other schools of that stature started really tuning in and showing that interest. But I was committed, so I wasn't hearing any of that. My sophomore year, I threw for over 3000 yards [and] we had a pretty good year. We were a strong offense, a very young offense, in high school. I had a little bit of buzz snd then at the Quarterback Collective camp before my junior year, Mike McDaniel, who's currently head coach of the Miami Dolphins, saw me and asked where I had offers to. I started that day with zero offers, by the end of that day, I had one because of Mike McDaniel to Yale. And from there, a lot of the other Ivies checked in. So that's where my recruitment started. Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 12. “And even throughout my junior year, it was a couple other schools like North Texas started checking in. That staff was awesome, but I still hadn't really blown up, and I had thrown for over 4000 yards my junior year. Going into my senior year that summer, I was about to go to a camp at Harvard and who knows, I may have committed. But the week before that camp, [UCLA coach Chip] Kelly sends me a text saying, ‘Hey, this is Chip Kelly, can we talk?’ And then we talk. And he invited me to a camp out there, and I had one of the best camps I ever had. I hit everything, and I told my [my parents] before we left, [if] they offered me I'm committed because Coach Kelly offered me and I committed on spot. And I just remember I was so ecstatic. You know, going to Harvard would be amazing. It's going to Harvard. Yeah, but it had always been a dream of mine to play power five football, especially at a school with such rich history as far as athletes changing the world and as an institution, it's about everything that I'm about. And I think to this day, I'm extremely glad that I made that decision because it's where I'm supposed to be.” Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 13. On Chase’s mindset heading to UCLA as it pertained to preparing for a pro sports career vs. thinking beyond football “Part of what I think got me to the level where I'm at now and whatever I excel in is my ability to prioritize. And even to this day, football is still my number one priority. Even if I'm not on the field every Saturday, I'm preparing every single week like I am, and I have that type of level of care and the time shows for that. You know, like I'm still putting in 40, 50 hours a week at the facility. I just have now blocked off part of my free time and done NIL stuff. That still hasn't changed until I'm done with college — as long as I'm playing football I'm here at UCLA to play quarterback, number one, quarterback and school, and everything else handles itself from there. And I think prioritizing that from 2019 before NIL, it hasn't really changed much to now. I just think other parts of my life that, you know, the 20 hours a week of free time, maybe half of that, is NIL now.” Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 14. “I think I saw the value of branding in high school just because, and I think to this day, one of my strongest brand followings is in Texas. Throughout the Texas high school football circuit I've been doing interviews like this for a long time, and having that preparation gave me vision on the value of having a good brand and having a good name, and being able to conversate with someone and tell your story. I think now I have the opportunity to monetize it maybe I'm leaning into it more, but that skill set has always been important to me and networking has always been important to me. Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 15. “As soon as I got to UCLA, I built out my LinkedIn, which is really been a hidden moneymaker for me throughout NIL just because I've connected with the right people, I've built a good following on there, and it adds a dynamic that a lot of other not just athlete creators, but creators in general don't have. Then furthermore, I wasn't really thinking about NIL when I chose UCLA. I had heard about the [legislative] bills happening, and I think the same way where it sort of shocked the world how quickly it came to fruition will be mimicked and how quickly revenue share comes to fruition, but at the same time, I wasn't thinking about doing the right things for NIL, I was thinking about doing the right thing so that choosing UCLA over Harvard didn't look like a crazy move, you know?” Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 16. On thinking about his brand and how he would build it “I think as far as the large scale is realizing where you're at and maximizing it. Going back to why I chose UCLA, the history here as far as Jackie Robinson, Jackie Joyner-Kersee, Arthur Ashe, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Ann Meyers-Drysdale, like athletes have changed the world here as much or more than anywhere else. And that's not really a school thing, that's an industry thing — like globally. It's hard to find a cohort of people who came through the same program that have affected the world the way that UCLA athletes have done. And in recognizing that, I think I felt there was an onus upon myself and all other UCLA athletes to carry that out to this day, just because I feel like, without that, UCLA isn't the same entity and brand that it is today. Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 17. “As far as the day to day for me is treating people well and then being prepared. Going into every single content shoot that I have, I create a shot list and I've gotten better at that over time, but it cuts down production time and increases the quality of your productions. And then once you involve editors, they can see your vision on paper and they know exactly how to streamline that process. So I think finding ways where you build out your technical skill, as well as having a passion that's based on appreciating the opportunities that you have has been great for me because even though it is work, it never feels tedious.” Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 18. On whether athletes feel the burden of the opportunity NIL provides them to maximize and earn while they can “I think a lot of athletes they see maybe teammates of theirs or people at other schools who play the same position or same sport succeeding and the thing is, they have no idea how it happens or they think there's some trick to it. And bottom line, the majority of college athletes haven't done any cash deals, have earned zero $0 through name, image and likeness. Not all this money is being thrown around to every single athlete at every single campus. There's athletes at power five football, basketball and women's basketball teams who haven't done any cash deals. Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 19. “And that's a mix of there hasn't been a a whole lot of education or experience in the space for athletes to know exactly how to create daily content, or athletes don't have the passion or aren't, you know, as interested in it maybe as some of their teammates. And there's nothing wrong with that. I think not everybody has to participate in NIL. And the ones that do, it's completely up to them how much time and effort that they put into it. But it is very much getting what you get out of as far as the time commitment. And the thing is, it's less reliant on sport than people realize. There are folks who are extremely good content creators who are in gymnastics or who are in soccer, or who are in rowing that are getting deals because they know how to create a follower base and create content that is engagement-worthy, and brands recognize that.” Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 20. On whether athletes have an advantage in becoming content creators “I don't think so. I think that the athletes who are creating that they can rely on their ability to, you know, take pictures in uniform, have game stats, that type of thing, but at the end of the day, they're working for that. Like that is part of their appeal as a person, the same way that there's someone who has a talent because they've been working since they were ten years old on it. Maybe they're expert artists or good at drawing, or a painter or something of that sort, and have built out a following of that. Athletes have put in just as many hours on the athletic side. So I think diminishing or saying that, well, athletes have built in — like it had to be built by somebody. It was built by the work of the athlete. Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 21. “Every single athlete out of college had people behind them guiding them. They themselves were intrinsically motivated to get to where they're at now. Being able to capitalize on that is is the right that this nation should provide to everyone, which is what the Supreme Court said.” Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 22. On taking advantage of being an athlete beyond NIL “I think there's a lot of different views on education, but I think the most important thing that college can do is prepare you for professional life, and to do it in a way that's sustainable and guides you to the success that you strive to have, whether that be stability, financial success, wealth, goals, all of that. NIL and being able to partake in literal business and business of self and entrepreneurship is one of the most important factors and characteristics you can have in forecasting professional success. Those who are starting their own businesses in college, or learning through internships or work experience are getting arguably the best part of college during those college years and able to network. And athletes were barred from that. Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 23. “It is no surprise that athletes who were getting these maximum contracts in the professional world were going broke because they were barred from participating in any type of business and then you give them the lottery. So now that NIL is here I think it adds to the cumulative nature of student athletes' education while they're still in school. And the ones who tap into it are going to get the best experiential knowledge, just like those who really lean into the readings in their class would, and the ones who don't really care about it or focus on other aspects, that's fine, they're just missing out on on that aspect of college.” Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 24. On resources for athletes to navigate NIL and business and the challenges + needs “I think for others it depends on the school. Some schools are pretty laissez faire, they just ask you to disclose to compliance and you just do your thing. Other schools they have, you know, more extensive programs set up where they can match you with deals or get you connected with folks who are experts in the space. I know at UCLA, as far as the content side, there's not too much support, but on the legal side, there's some good support. So the Ziffren Institute will come in and send in the grad students in that program to not really advise, but help contract reads. That way the athletes understand what they're signing on to or not signing on to. Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 25. “As far as other schools or even collectives, I know some help with the content side. For me, I'm blessed to have a father who's worked in the space. A lot of it was trial and error early on, and I was doing well enough to get the next deal. It's a cyclical motion where you sort of look back at the content of the deal, and if you go back to my earlier content I was well- spoken on camera, it looked nice, but it they weren't true productions like they are now. And I think that's good. I think growth is important in any type of new industry, and the folks who've been innovators in this space have reaped the benefit, and I think the companies that have partnered with them have done so as well.” Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 26. On the Chase Griffin brand and why he thinks he resonates even as he’s no longer starting QB “I think not letting the value that I add or my ability to perform be determined by someone's else's depth chart. I think if if you let your life be governed that way, there's going to be a lot of opportunities you miss out on because there's always somebody else that thinks there's somebody better for your position. And that's not really a football thing, that's not really a sports thing, it's more of a life thing. There's always going to be somebody that says, well, that person can do it better. It's like, well, they not me — they can't add the value that I add, and it's not really a knock on that person, and it's not a knock on the person who's making that decision, it's just staying true to yourself and realizing the worth that you have. Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 27. “Every single day, with every opportunity that God blesses me with, I'm going to maximize it as if I'm doing it for God. And because I know that there's a value that comes out of the value that I create for others. I may not receive it now. Sometimes with NIL I do receive it now, and it's nice. But you know, I know that I'm still in the process of life where I'm sowing seeds, and every single day I just try to win the day. And by staying true to myself, I'm the only person that I'm truly responsible for in this life, and I'm completely responsible for myself. So the output that I have, regardless of what it's in, I take ownership over that. And because of that, I don't look at any opportunity as like, if I have that opportunity — I'm taking it, you know, completely serious, taking full advantage of that opportunity because I recognize how scarce they are.” Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 28. On his brand going beyond Chase Griffin the football player and how that has evolved over time “I don't think I've ever looked at myself as just as an athlete. And sports are amazing, sports are great, but diminishing yourself down to one title, I think, devalues yourself. Every single person on earth is worth so much more than their profession. For me, just being creative about who I'm created by, I think there's innate value and I think there’s innate value in every single person on earth, and I treat everyone that way. To look at myself as just an athlete, I think is almost an insult. Yes, I am an athlete and I do strive every single day and focus a lot of time on my athletics. But if I'm only focused on that, then this one life that I live on earth, I'm not maximizing it, and that just doesn't sit right with myself.” Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 29. On youth athletes building their brands at earlier ages now “I think it's a whole new world, but I think we're trending towards revenue share. So all of this practice that’s creating value and looking for value will finally be accessible to the fullest extent for athletes. Now we can only get paid off the content side, it’s not really pay for play. We're not getting paid because of the value that we create for the schools, TV deals, media rights, etc. I think athletes being prepared for that is important, and I think at the same time, preparing athletes for the mental side of all of that is important as well, and managing expectations and finding things that keep you stable when there's actual money around you that depends on your performance. I grew up as one of those athletes, and you know, my pops would say I was the first one who did it. You know, I had the chaseqb11 username back before having your name and then your position and number was cool. And that really helped me stay connected with with a lot of folks that I met through the Elite 11 process and gave me good practice at building out a clean image early on. Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 30. “In addition, I grew up with trainers, so Jeff Blake, one of the best deep ball throwers of all time, taught me how to throw. And George Whitfield, you know, became a huge mentor for me on the football side throughout my middle school and high school and early collegiate career. Having all of that was important because it takes a village, especially for athletes who don't come out 6’6”, 250, running a 4.4 40, and every single person who's out of college now had someone in their life who was pushing them in all aspects and areas. And I think now that NIL is here, the folks who understand the importance of content creation and building a brand that appeals and that's attractive to brands are going to reap the rewards of that. And through revenue share, I think all of that will be accelerated.” Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 31. On how Chase manages his brand and platforms day-to-day and booking + executing deals “So I'm still self repped and self-managed. I consult at a management firm called Range Media (Partners) on the Range Sports team and they're awesome. Most of my deals still come directly either to my inbox, whether it be DM or most commonly LinkedIn or my [in]mail. Through email, either myself or my father will flag an interesting deal and then I'll review it [and] if I like it, pass along my pops to sort of review it, and then we say, yeah, it's a yes or no. Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 32. “It's really based off three things. It's my personal values. I consider myself a believer, a winner, a provider, and I look for other brands that mimic those values. Then two is the economic value, is the price and deliverables that they're asking for on par with my market price. Then three is community value, where I find ways to parlay what the brand is about and their expertise and reach, as well as the money that's coming in because of the deal, and then finding ways to create community value. Right now that's being expedited a lot quicker just because I have my foundation, the Chase Griffin Foundation, in a deal that I did with Groundswell [charitable giving software platform]. Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 33. “Once I get the green light on doing a deal, I reply back and say, ‘Let's set a meeting.’ Normally it's an intro call that's about 20-30 minutes where we flesh out the dynamic of the actual deal. If it's a smaller deal, then we'll just do it through email, just get the deliverables. Then from there go into the early pre-production process. So I get the creative, or I create the creative, and get it approved by the brand, then I create the shot list for that. Then I make sure that the venue is okay if we need a venue; if not, then I contact my videographer, send them the shot list and pencil in a day and schedule out 2 or 3 hours to shoot. After the shoot, get all the content and then get the edit done by my videographer. Then in the meantime, I'm sort of checking in with the brand, making sure everything is good, then sending over the initial edit to the brand. The brand likes it and it gets approved by legal — legal is probably the biggest hurdle to get get past, especially with larger brands. Then we're good to go. If not, send it back to the videographer [and] we sort of do a round two and then so on and so on. Normally it doesn't go past 3 or 4 rounds. Then we get the finished product and then post time comes. Then from there, brands always want to know the metrics of how a post performed.” Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 34. On the project management and time and task management of executing brand deals “That's the most valuable part. Like, I have earned a good amount of money that I'm extremely grateful for, and have earned the ability to give money away. But at the same time, it's the experience that I'm most excited about because I'm creating, I think, a workable template for life that as long as I stay true to myself I'll be able to continue growing as far as wealth creation.” Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 35. Chase’s favorite class and toughest class at UCLA [favorite] “Probably one of the first classes I ever took here with Professor Redmond, it was a musicology class called Music and Politics, nd we talked about the intersection. You know, eventually I do want to get into public service and music is arguably my favorite thing on Earth, so matching those two was extremely invaluable for me because she was a great professor. “Hardest class, probably macro econ. I got a good grade in there, but that was tough.” Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 36. The digital/social platform where Chase has found the most value and the one where he’d recommend student athletes focus and the one where Chase wishes he could spend more time on “Well, I find value on all of them. I can't commit to one, but I will say that I did a program with LinkedIn, the Creator Accelerator program. a) They built a really good network with a lot of the other folks in my cohort and b) having to do 40 posts in ten weeks taught me really how to content create and how to template and the importance of programing, and I think I'm a better creator today than I was two years ago because of that program. “Then I would encourage every single young person to get on LinkedIn…I think more and more [athletes are on LinkedIn], I think some athletes have sort of known it and maybe weren't given along the sauce, but I think the cat's out of the bag now.” Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 37. What made Chase choose UCLA over Harvard “I think it was the combination of sports and academics and then the history and frankly, black history here. I think there's few institutions in America that have had the amount of world changers year after year, era after era, that UCLA has. I mean, people always talk about back in the day, which is true, but even right now, the largest equity play in sports has been NIL and that's started because of [former UCLA student athlete] Ed O'Bannon.” Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 38. The most important tip Chase would give someone to manage all of the commitments a busy student athlete like he has “I mean, as far as managing it, the more you focus and want to be good at something, you got to spend more time on it. And that means taking time away from other things. So there's really only three things in life that I focus on — it’s football, school, and NIL. Of course, there's an overarching thing like family, friends and my faith, but all that more just empowers me in those three things. Then outside of that, when you're on your own, when you're off, like completely off — so finding something that's completely different from those. Like sometimes I'll go home and the game will be on and I'm like, I've been spending time on football all day. I can't watch the game. Like, I got to make sure when I wake up in the morning, I'm feeling refreshed. I feel like I got away from it enough. So for me, music has been huge and it's something that's still productive because I'm able to create songs and create productions, but music, video games and TV and movies. So whenever I'm not active or doing something in the NIL, school or sports space, then I'm doing something that's completely different and just rest my mind.” Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 39. The current pro athlete Chase most admires and why, for whatever reason “I think the only [pro athlete] that I really look at and say, not the only, but one of the only ones is Muhammad Ali, where I really revere how steadfast he was to his values and his ability to perform in his sport and ability to, frankly, be a performer outside of his sport, and his ability to voice his opinion in a way that was very pro-athlete, pro-black and pro-love. “As far as current, I respect Russell Wilson a lot. And part of that is because I enjoy watching him as a football player, and I think there's parts of my game that are similar, [and] in my stature that are similar, but I respect the way that he continually carries his faith. And you sort of see it where even when they're struggling, or even if he has a game where he doesn't play well, he keeps a grateful heart and a grateful mind. That's a lot easier to do that when you're on a $200 million contract, I understand that, but I think whether he was making $200 million or $0, he would still have the same faith and same conviction, and I really respect that in anyone.” Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 40. How Chase keeps up with the opportunities and news in sports, NIL, and social/digital media “Finding pockets of my off time to read. And then my pops is also constantly following it so he's able to forward me articles or forward me updates on what's happening. It's extremely important to me, especially right now, because I'm in the process of building out a newsletter that will, from the athlete perspective, capture the experience of what it means to be a college athlete.” Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 41. Chase’s favorite place he’s traveled and also the place that you he hasn’t been to yet, but wants to “Favorite place I've been so far is Tokyo, Japan. I went there earlier this year. It was pretty amazing. Honestly, I would go back every year if I had the time. As far as a place I haven't been, I don't know…I've been to Europe once, but I've never been to England or even Paris. So I think going to England would be great, just because I have some business with some folks out there.” Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 42. The best meal to get in Texas and where to get it. And the best meal Chase has had in LA and where to get it “In Texas, Salt Lick is probably about the best barbecue spot on Earth, it’s probably around two miles away from my house. They cook everything in the pit. They cook the sausage at the top so it all tastes the same and it's all really good. There's other also another spot out there called Paco's Tacos, where it's a Mexican spot. Best bowl of rice and beans, best tacos in the world. “Out here in in LA. I really like breakfast burritos, so I've tried almost all of them here. All the top ones when TikTokers are going through and Wake and Late — if y'all need an ambassador, just let me know because it would probably save me a lot of money.” Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 43. The most impressive athlete by just pure athletic ability that Chase has seen compete in person whether at UCLA or before “Probably Jaylen Waddle. He was on my my 7-on-7 team in high school with Fast Houston. He's probably the fastest athlete I've ever seen in person.” Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 44. The student athlete whose name we should know because they're destined for big things, whether it's in sports or not “I would shout out Abbey Forbes. She was at UCLA and now she's at North Carolina, a tennis player. She's always done a really good job of building her brand and in all my interactions with her, she's always seemed really solid and focused on what she wanted to accomplish throughout life.” [Find her on LinkedIn and then on Instagram @abbytbforbes] Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 45. Chase’s Social Media All-Star to Follow “(Norfolk State | Virginia State student athlete) Rayquan Smith. He was on my show that I host for JP Morgan. He's in track. I think he refers to himself as the King of NIL. I'll be sure to send you his followings, but definitely follow Rayquan Smith. He's getting into the consulting side now.” Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 46. Where to find Chase on digital/social media Check out The Zone podcast, hosted by Chase and NFL player Kayvon Thibodeaux, on which they disucss maximizing college careers, creating generational wealth, and sound spending habits Find Chase Griffin on LinkedIn and check out his other socials like Twitter and Instagram @chaseqb11 Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin
  • 47. @njh287; Thanks again to Chase for being so generous with his time to share his knowledge, experience, and expertise with me! For more content and episodes, subscribe to the podcast, follow me on LinkedIn and on Twitter @njh287, and visit Best Of The Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast Episode 256: Chase Griffin