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Email Marketing
Shivaram Swamy
O Importance of Email List Building.
O Your Email List Building Plan.
O Companies that Benefit.
O Key Part of your Overall Marketing Plan.
O Email List Building Priority.
O Key Discoveries of Email Marketing.
O Create your List Building Map.
O Goals.
O Audience.
O Benefits/Results.
O Curriculum.
O Setting up your Traffic Net.
O Lead Magnets.
O Capture Interests of Blog Readers.
O Capture Interest of Landing Page Traffic.
O Autoresponders Vs Broadcasts.
O When to use Autoresponders.
O Purpose of Autoresponders.
O When to use Broadcasts.
O When to use Both.
O 3 Email Lists to Create in your ESP.
O Segmenting your List.
O Sliced Bread Marketing.
O Getting people on to your Webinars.
O The 5 Email Cluster.
O Plan your message sequence.
O First 5 Messages-Non Customers –
Message 1.
O First 5 Messages-Non Customers –
Message 2.
O First 5 Messages-Non Customers –
Message 3.
O First 5 Messages-Non Customers –
Message 4.
O First 5 Messages-Non Customers –
Message 5.
O First 5 Messages-Customers –Message 1.
O First 5 Messages-Customers –Message 2.
O First 5 Messages-Customers –Message 3.
O First 5 Messages-
Customers –Message 4.
O First 5 Messages-
Customers –Message 5.
O Email Writing Tips.
O Using Follow ups to
Highlight Key Content on
your Website or Blog.
O Key Elements of your
Sales Page.
O Things to Consider.
O Connect CTA button to
your merchant account
O Split Test your Sales Pages
O Personalized Lead
O Revise Later, Pay Attention
O Email Signature..
O Do Webinars…
O Clincher Clusters..
O Email Only Specials
O Follow up Email Clusters..
O Affiliate Email Clusters
O Your Email List Building
Plan Recap..
O Questions and Answers…
Importance of Email List
O Email List Building is leveraged
communication with a growing group of
subscribers to increase sales.
O Optimizing your content and marketing
efforts towards gaining new subscribers.
O Nurturing subscribers into repeat
Your Email List Building Plan
O Process involves getting visitors into subscribers and then into
O Visitors come to your blog page/post to browse your content.
O Interested visitors opt-in to receive the FREE gift you offer and visit
the thank-you page.
O Other visitors come to a landing-page you created where you give
away a report, guide, video series etc – which will turn them into
O This is when your email list marketing takes over.
O Subscribers start receiving follow-up messages.
O The followup messages will direct them to specific content/offers
that you may have.
O Over a series of days/weeks, you communicate with your
O With meaningful followup messages, the subscribers will start
converting into customers over time.
O Never be salesy with your subscriber list.
Companies of all types benefit
O Business to Business.
O Business to Consumer.
O Being in Business for Decades.
O Startup Companies.
Key Part of your Overall
Marketing Plan
O Social Media.
O Video Marketing.
O Content Marketing (Blogging, Webinars).
O Paid Media.
Email List Building Priority
O All roads should lead to your list.
O All other marketing tactics can disappear
in a flash!
O Your list – and the relationship that you
build with your subscribers – is your
largest marketing asset!
Key Discoveries of Email
O 25% of subscribers become customers in the
1st week of introduction.
O With repeated followup messages – 50% of
the subscribers converted into customers in
the 1st month.
O New customers continue to join up to 6
months after first joining the subscriber list.
O You should continue with your email
marketing strategy for few months till many
subscribers convert.
O How many customers do you lose because
you are not following up with them?
Create your List Building Map
O 4 Questions to Answer:
O Goals: What do you want out of your list?
O Audience: Who are your ideal customers?
O Benefits: What does your ideal audience
really want?
O Curriculum: How will you deliver the goods
to get people to achieve those benefits?
O One of the most important tools that you
need to use is Mindmap before your start
your email marketing journey.
O What’s in it for you?
O Primary Products to sell.
O Income
O 90 days.
O 1 year.
O Time:
O Other:
O Credibility.
O Visibility.
O Public Relations
O News.
O Speaking Gigs.
O Affiliates to help you grow your business.
O Who is your ideal customer?
O Niche.
O Who do I want to play with?
O Demographics.
O Age
O Gender.
O Family Background.
O Kids or Not?
O Teenagers.
O Toddlers.
O Adults.
O Married or Not?
O Divorced.
O Never Married.
O Religion.
O Income.
O Employment.
O Job.
O Looking to grow.
O Satisfied.
O Psychographics.
O Behaviors.
O Where do they hang out?
O What do they buy?
O What do they complain about?
O Language used to express challenges.
O What’s in it for them?
O Transformation.
O Before.
O After.
O Status quo – Destination.
O A to Z.
O Here to There.
O Before and After.
O Big Benefit.
O Secondary Benefit.
O What’s important about that?
O Primary product/service (“the loaf”).
O Lead Magnet(“the slice”).
O Webinar.
O Free Report.
O Audio.
O Consulting Sessions.
O Autoresponder (“the crumbs”).
O First 5 Messages (Non-Customers).
O First 5 Messages (Customers).
O Broadcasts (“the samples”).
O What’s important now?
O Level 2 of product/service(“the gourmet loaf”).
Setting up your Traffic Net
O Visitors that we look at converting are as below:
O Blog Visitors.
O Landing Page Visitors.
O In Store Patrons.
O Audience Members during stage presentations.
O Why will they sign up?
O Lead Magnets:
O Resource Guide.
O Audio.
O Video.
O Checklist.
O Spreadsheet etc.
Lead Magnets
O Lead Magnets are a substantial step
forward towards your primary product or
O Create a variety of lead magnets to
accelerate the growth of your list.
O Split test your lead pages for conversion
Capture Interest of Blog
O Sidebar opt-in opportunity.
O Content upgrade in popular posts.
O Footer opt-in opportunity.
O Connect to ESP(Email Service Provider)
web form and/or list.
Capture Interest of Landing Page
O Drive traffic to landing pages using Social
O Incentivize opt-in for a lead magnet.
O Use a Viral Thank-You page to drive more
O Establish the relationship with your new
O Turn every new subscriber into an
ambassador for your free gift.
Autoresponders Vs Broadcasts
Autoresponders Broadcasts
O Also called Automatic
O Drip Campaigns.
O Follow-up messages.
O Go out in the same
order for all new
subscribers, no matter
when they join your
O Newsletters.
O Email Blasts.
O Go out to all the
members of the list
(or segment) who are
active at that moment.
O Someone who joins
your list a second
later, they do not
receive it.
When to use AutoResponders
O As much as possible.
O When new subscribers join your list (or
O When new customers buy your product.
O When you want to build out an automated
communication system that runs
regardless of what you are doing.
O Showcase your existing evergreen
Purpose of AutoResponders
O Help subscribers consume what they’ve
asked for/purchased.
O Turn subscribers into customers.
O Turn customers into repeat customers.
O Turn active customers into
When to use Broadcasts
O Once per week at minimum.
O When you are testing out a new marketing
O Time sensitive promotions.
O Current updates.
O New blog posts.
When to use Both
O Invitations to a live webinar (broadcast).
O Confirmation message (autoresponder of
a segmented list).
O Reminder email (broadcast to segment).
O Replay opportunity (broadcast to
O Turn replay into evergreen(autoresponder
of segment).
3 Email Lists to create in your
O General Subscriber List.
O New customer lists.
O Mini-list for consuming specific lead
O Final message directs to general
subscriber list.
Segmenting your List
O Based on interest (Lead Magnet choices).
O Based on behavior(clicks, no clicks,
opens, no opens).
O Based on subscription history (joined last
30 days, more than 6 months) etc.
Sliced Bread Marketing
O Focus on the product first that you are going to give for
FREE to your visitors.
O Don’t get too excited on building your leads first.
O Work backwards from there.
O Be consistent with your efforts.
O Two sequences in e-mail marketing:
O Nurture Sequence.
O Long-term sequence.
O Keep your Call to Action Singular throughout the whole
Getting people on Webinars
O Date, Time and Title of the Webinars should
be sent in the follow-up sequence.
O Subscribers get confirmation after they opt-in.
O They get access to lead/capture page of the
O Thank You Page should give the opportunity
for register for the Webinar.
O Use the Visitor Action Analytics for improving
the decision making strategies.
The 5 Email Cluster
O First 5 follow-up messages for new subscribers
to help transition to become new customers.
O First 5 follow-up messages for new customers
to transition to higher-level customers.
O Keep the follow-ups evergreen.
O Iterate for additional leverage long term.
Plan your message sequence
O What’s the gist of each message?
O What will the Call-to-Action (CTA) be?
O What will be your subject line?
O How will you close your message for
people taking the action you want them to
take (P.S.)?
First 5 Messages (Non-
Customers – Message 1)
O List Automation.
O If they purchase, remove them from the free list and move to
customer list.
O Message 1.
O Delivery
O Should be sent on Day 1.
O Subject
O Get (Your Product) with confidence. {Your FREE gift inside}
O Gist
O Get the thing you signed up for.
O Remind why they want it
O Repeat Benefits.
O Quick example of result.
O Link to download page/replay.
O Tomorrow I will share my #1 tip from the FREE thing.
First 5 Messages (Non-
Customers – Message 2)
O Message 2.
O Delivery:
O Day 2
O Subject:
O My #1 tip to help you with (primary benefit).
O Subject line for message 2 should be similar to what you wrote for PS in Message
O Gist:
O Make sure that they downloaded the free gift.
O Give them # 1 tip.
O Mention a deeper version that gets people results faster.
O Go back to the free thing download page.
O Leave a comment.
O Response requested.
O Email Response.
O Download page comment.
O Blog post comment.
O Facebook Page.
O What is their biggest frustration about?
First 5 Messages (Non-
Customers – Message 3)
O Message 3.
O Delivery
O Day 4
O Subject
O The fastest way to better (get improved results).
O Gist
O Dive deeper with product or service.
O Top benefits seen in the product.
O Share example/result.
O Get the product.
O Urgency.
O About them.
O Extra perks for buying now.
First 5 Messages (Non-
Customers – Message 4)
O Message 4
O Delivery.
O Day 6
O Subject.
O This was a hard lesson to learn…
O Gist.
O Example result/case study to overcome top objection.
O Enjoy Content.
O Classic Blog Post.
O Video Lesson Page.
O Let me know if you have specific questions I can help you with.
O Link to primary product.
First 5 Messages (Non-
Customers – Message 5)
O Message 5
O Delivery.
O Day 8
O Subject.
O Have you seen the latest?
O Gist.
O Connect with people on Social Media.
O Connect on Social:
O Facebook.
O Twitter.
O Pinterest.
O Google+
O LinkedIN.
O I love sharing tips about (the benefits) online. Be sure to connect
with your favorite social channel so you don’t miss my next tip.
First 5 Messages (Customers –
Message 1)
O List Automation:
O If they upgrade, remove them from level 1 and move to level 2.
O Message 1:
O Delivery:
O Day 1.
O Subject:
O Congratulations on making a wise decision!
O Gist:
O Give the thing they signed up for.
O Remind why they want it.
O Repeat benefits.
O Quick example of result.
O How to get support.
O Link to the download page/replay.
O Link to support desk.
O Link to private FB group.
O Tomorrow I will share my #1 tip from the product.
First 5 Messages (Customers –
Message 2)
O Message 2:
O Delivery:
O Day 2.
O Subject:
O My #1 tip to help you with (the benefit).
O Gist:
O Make sure that they consume the product.
O Give them #1 tip.
O Mention a deeper version.
O Go back to the product/download page.
O Leave a comment.
O Response requested:
O Blog post comment.
O Download page comment.
O Facebook page.
O Email Response.
O What’s your biggest takeaway so far about (the benefit)?
First 5 Messages (Customers –
Message 3)
O Message 3:
O Delivery:
O Day 4
O Subject:
O The fastest way to better (the benefits).
O Gist:
O Dive deeper into level 2 product/service.
O Top benefits seen in the product.
O Share example/result.
O Get the level 2 product.
O Urgency.
O About them.
O Extra perks for buying now.
First 5 Messages (Customers –
Message 4)
O Message 4:
O Delivery:
O Day 6
O Subject:
O Checking In….
O Gist:
O Consumption of product.
O How are you doing with XXXXX so far?
O Dig into the best part of the product/course.
O Let me know if you have any specific questions I can
help you with.
O Link to level 2 product.
First 5 Messages (Customers –
Message 5)
O Message 5:
O Delivery:
O Day 8.
O Subject:
O Don’t keep this to yourself.
O Gist:
O Encourage referrals.
O Through official affiliate program.
O Good karma for social sharing.
O Sign up to the affiliate program.
O I love sharing tips about (the benefits) online. Be sure to tell
others about what I can do for them so they don’t have to
struggle trying to figure it out on their own!
Email Writing Tips
O Focus on your MAP Curriculum.
O Keep it personal: you/I, your’s/our’s; first
names judiciously.
O Avoid group speak words: you guys,
O Use consistent, simple HTML- essential
images with minimal text, text links with direct
O Tell stories periodically within your email
follow-up sequence.
Using Follow ups to Highlight
Key Content on your Website
or Blog
O Send traffic to evergreen blog posts and
About Me pages.
O Garner new comments for expanding
social proof.
O Use video lesson pages for focused
Key Elements of your Sales
O Benefit-driven Headline.
O Clarity of the problem being addressed.
O Your Story.
O Case Studies and/or testimonials.
O “So what” whenever possible.
O Guarantee.
Things to consider
O How much “pre-selling” have you already
O Do you have multiple price points?
O Are your ideal audience members more
visual or logical?
O What characteristics of your sales page
will you want due to demographics
/psychographics of your ideal audience?
Connect CTA button to your
merchant account
O Send to checkout page using
checkout/payment URL.
O See Partner Offer for SamCart for
checkout pages integrated with Paypal,
Stripe, etc…
Split Test your Sales Pages
O Vary benefit-driven headlines.
O Test different images (including your own,
product graphics).
O Test buy button copy (Add to cart, buy
now, get started now etc.)
Personalized Lead Nurturing
O Important for performing both intellectual
and emotional connection.
O Very small percentage of people buy from
you when you first introduce your brand.
O Making a personal touch with your
prospect is very important.
O Your solution is to cover the gap the
prospect is missing.
Revise Later, Pay Attention to…
O Open Rates for better subject lines to use
with your audience.
O Click-through rates for better calls-to-
O Use autoresponder analytics and split-
testing to optimize conversion rates.
O Also use the analytics to measure list
growth, unsubscribes and sales.
Email Signature
O Merge field in most broadcasts and most
O Dynamically inserted into your messages.
O Time sensitive offers, promotions, or
focused on desired action.
O Change it up every month.
Do Webinars
O Email list health gets a boost with frequent
O New subscribers, re-engaged subscribers.
O Test out new product/service ideas.
O Provides sales boost for new buyers and
upgraded customers.
Clincher Clusters
O Encourage a decision through 2-4 part
message series.
O Transition to ongoing non-customer
education if they do not purchase right
Email Only Specials
O Provide “subscriber only” purchase
opportunities via email.
O Bonus stacks vs price cuts.
O Use for non-customers for primary product
and current customers for
Follow up Email Clusters
O After testing broadcasts, add to primary
O Stick to a theme for 3-4 messages in the
Affiliate Email Clusters
O Recommend products or services that
help your ideal audience.
O Create a 3-part email series.
O Recommend using – “I use this….”
O What do you think? My favorite thing is…..
O Getting started with…..
Your Email List Building Plan
O You start with visitors.
O Then convert the visitors into Subscribers.
O Convert the Subscribers into Buyers.
O Whole Email List Building Campaign centers around taking
your visitors to your Blog Post or a Landing Page and
making them opt-in.
O Email Marketing takes over from the new subscribers.
O They receive followup messages which gives them great
O Over period of days and weeks- they get to consider your
offer/product more seriously till they become a buyer.
O Once they become a buyer – you are all set to convert
them into a repeat customers and ambassadors of your

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Email Marketing

  • 2. Agenda O Importance of Email List Building. O Your Email List Building Plan. O Companies that Benefit. O Key Part of your Overall Marketing Plan. O Email List Building Priority. O Key Discoveries of Email Marketing. O Create your List Building Map. O Goals. O Audience. O Benefits/Results. O Curriculum. O Setting up your Traffic Net. O Lead Magnets. O Capture Interests of Blog Readers. O Capture Interest of Landing Page Traffic. O Autoresponders Vs Broadcasts. O When to use Autoresponders. O Purpose of Autoresponders. O When to use Broadcasts. O When to use Both. O 3 Email Lists to Create in your ESP. O Segmenting your List. O Sliced Bread Marketing. O Getting people on to your Webinars. O The 5 Email Cluster. O Plan your message sequence. O First 5 Messages-Non Customers – Message 1. O First 5 Messages-Non Customers – Message 2. O First 5 Messages-Non Customers – Message 3. O First 5 Messages-Non Customers – Message 4. O First 5 Messages-Non Customers – Message 5. O First 5 Messages-Customers –Message 1. O First 5 Messages-Customers –Message 2. O First 5 Messages-Customers –Message 3.
  • 3. Agenda O First 5 Messages- Customers –Message 4. O First 5 Messages- Customers –Message 5. O Email Writing Tips. O Using Follow ups to Highlight Key Content on your Website or Blog. O Key Elements of your Sales Page. O Things to Consider. O Connect CTA button to your merchant account O Split Test your Sales Pages O Personalized Lead Nurturing. O Revise Later, Pay Attention to… O Email Signature.. O Do Webinars… O Clincher Clusters.. O Email Only Specials O Follow up Email Clusters.. O Affiliate Email Clusters O Your Email List Building Plan Recap.. O Questions and Answers…
  • 4. Importance of Email List Building O Email List Building is leveraged communication with a growing group of subscribers to increase sales. O Optimizing your content and marketing efforts towards gaining new subscribers. O Nurturing subscribers into repeat customers.
  • 5. Your Email List Building Plan O Process involves getting visitors into subscribers and then into customers. O Visitors come to your blog page/post to browse your content. O Interested visitors opt-in to receive the FREE gift you offer and visit the thank-you page. O Other visitors come to a landing-page you created where you give away a report, guide, video series etc – which will turn them into subscribers. O This is when your email list marketing takes over. O Subscribers start receiving follow-up messages. O The followup messages will direct them to specific content/offers that you may have. O Over a series of days/weeks, you communicate with your subscribers. O With meaningful followup messages, the subscribers will start converting into customers over time. O Never be salesy with your subscriber list.
  • 6. Companies of all types benefit O Business to Business. O Business to Consumer. O Being in Business for Decades. O Startup Companies.
  • 7. Key Part of your Overall Marketing Plan O Social Media. O Video Marketing. O Content Marketing (Blogging, Webinars). O Paid Media.
  • 8. Email List Building Priority O All roads should lead to your list. O All other marketing tactics can disappear in a flash! O Your list – and the relationship that you build with your subscribers – is your largest marketing asset!
  • 9. Key Discoveries of Email Marketing O 25% of subscribers become customers in the 1st week of introduction. O With repeated followup messages – 50% of the subscribers converted into customers in the 1st month. O New customers continue to join up to 6 months after first joining the subscriber list. O You should continue with your email marketing strategy for few months till many subscribers convert. O How many customers do you lose because you are not following up with them?
  • 10. Create your List Building Map O 4 Questions to Answer: O Goals: What do you want out of your list? O Audience: Who are your ideal customers? O Benefits: What does your ideal audience really want? O Curriculum: How will you deliver the goods to get people to achieve those benefits? O One of the most important tools that you need to use is Mindmap before your start your email marketing journey.
  • 11. Goals O What’s in it for you? O Primary Products to sell. O Income O 90 days. O 1 year. O Time: O Other: O Credibility. O Visibility. O Public Relations O TV. O News. O Speaking Gigs. O Affiliates to help you grow your business.
  • 12. Audience O Who is your ideal customer? O Niche. O Who do I want to play with? O Demographics. O Age O Gender. O Family Background. O Kids or Not? O Teenagers. O Toddlers. O Adults. O Married or Not? O Divorced. O Never Married. O Religion. O Income. O Employment. O Job. O Looking to grow. O Satisfied. O Psychographics. O Behaviors. O Where do they hang out? O What do they buy? O What do they complain about? O Language used to express challenges.
  • 13. Benefits/Results O What’s in it for them? O Transformation. O Before. O After. O Status quo – Destination. O A to Z. O Here to There. O Before and After. O Big Benefit. O Secondary Benefit. O What’s important about that?
  • 14. Curriculum O Primary product/service (“the loaf”). O Lead Magnet(“the slice”). O Webinar. O Free Report. O Audio. O Consulting Sessions. O Autoresponder (“the crumbs”). O First 5 Messages (Non-Customers). O First 5 Messages (Customers). O Broadcasts (“the samples”). O What’s important now? O Level 2 of product/service(“the gourmet loaf”).
  • 15. Setting up your Traffic Net O Visitors that we look at converting are as below: O Blog Visitors. O Landing Page Visitors. O In Store Patrons. O Audience Members during stage presentations. O Why will they sign up? O Lead Magnets: O Resource Guide. O Audio. O Video. O Checklist. O Spreadsheet etc.
  • 16. Lead Magnets O Lead Magnets are a substantial step forward towards your primary product or service. O Create a variety of lead magnets to accelerate the growth of your list. O Split test your lead pages for conversion effectiveness.
  • 17. Capture Interest of Blog Readers O Sidebar opt-in opportunity. O Content upgrade in popular posts. O Footer opt-in opportunity. O Connect to ESP(Email Service Provider) web form and/or list.
  • 18. Capture Interest of Landing Page Traffic O Drive traffic to landing pages using Social Media. O Incentivize opt-in for a lead magnet. O Use a Viral Thank-You page to drive more traffic. O Establish the relationship with your new subscriber. O Turn every new subscriber into an ambassador for your free gift.
  • 19. Autoresponders Vs Broadcasts Autoresponders Broadcasts O Also called Automatic Responses. O Drip Campaigns. O Follow-up messages. O Go out in the same order for all new subscribers, no matter when they join your list. O Newsletters. O Email Blasts. O Go out to all the members of the list (or segment) who are active at that moment. O Someone who joins your list a second later, they do not receive it.
  • 20. When to use AutoResponders O As much as possible. O When new subscribers join your list (or segment). O When new customers buy your product. O When you want to build out an automated communication system that runs regardless of what you are doing. O Showcase your existing evergreen content.
  • 21. Purpose of AutoResponders O Help subscribers consume what they’ve asked for/purchased. O Turn subscribers into customers. O Turn customers into repeat customers. O Turn active customers into affiliates/ambassadors.
  • 22. When to use Broadcasts O Once per week at minimum. O When you are testing out a new marketing sequence. O Time sensitive promotions. O Current updates. O New blog posts.
  • 23. When to use Both O Invitations to a live webinar (broadcast). O Confirmation message (autoresponder of a segmented list). O Reminder email (broadcast to segment). O Replay opportunity (broadcast to segment). O Turn replay into evergreen(autoresponder of segment).
  • 24. 3 Email Lists to create in your ESP O General Subscriber List. O New customer lists. O Mini-list for consuming specific lead magnet. O Final message directs to general subscriber list.
  • 25. Segmenting your List O Based on interest (Lead Magnet choices). O Based on behavior(clicks, no clicks, opens, no opens). O Based on subscription history (joined last 30 days, more than 6 months) etc.
  • 26. Sliced Bread Marketing O Focus on the product first that you are going to give for FREE to your visitors. O Don’t get too excited on building your leads first. O Work backwards from there. O Be consistent with your efforts. O Two sequences in e-mail marketing: O Nurture Sequence. O Long-term sequence. O Keep your Call to Action Singular throughout the whole process.
  • 27. Getting people on Webinars O Date, Time and Title of the Webinars should be sent in the follow-up sequence. O Subscribers get confirmation after they opt-in. O They get access to lead/capture page of the webinar. O Thank You Page should give the opportunity for register for the Webinar. O Use the Visitor Action Analytics for improving the decision making strategies.
  • 28. The 5 Email Cluster O First 5 follow-up messages for new subscribers to help transition to become new customers. O First 5 follow-up messages for new customers to transition to higher-level customers. O Keep the follow-ups evergreen. O Iterate for additional leverage long term.
  • 29. Plan your message sequence O What’s the gist of each message? O What will the Call-to-Action (CTA) be? O What will be your subject line? O How will you close your message for people taking the action you want them to take (P.S.)?
  • 30. First 5 Messages (Non- Customers – Message 1) O List Automation. O If they purchase, remove them from the free list and move to customer list. O Message 1. O Delivery O Should be sent on Day 1. O Subject O Get (Your Product) with confidence. {Your FREE gift inside} O Gist O Get the thing you signed up for. O Remind why they want it O Repeat Benefits. O Quick example of result. O CTA O Link to download page/replay. O PS O Tomorrow I will share my #1 tip from the FREE thing.
  • 31. First 5 Messages (Non- Customers – Message 2) O Message 2. O Delivery: O Day 2 O Subject: O My #1 tip to help you with (primary benefit). O Subject line for message 2 should be similar to what you wrote for PS in Message 1. O Gist: O Make sure that they downloaded the free gift. O Give them # 1 tip. O Mention a deeper version that gets people results faster. O CTA: O Go back to the free thing download page. O Leave a comment. O PS: O Response requested. O Email Response. O Download page comment. O Blog post comment. O Facebook Page. O What is their biggest frustration about?
  • 32. First 5 Messages (Non- Customers – Message 3) O Message 3. O Delivery O Day 4 O Subject O The fastest way to better (get improved results). O Gist O Dive deeper with product or service. O Top benefits seen in the product. O Share example/result. O CTA O Get the product. O PS O Urgency. O About them. O Extra perks for buying now.
  • 33. First 5 Messages (Non- Customers – Message 4) O Message 4 O Delivery. O Day 6 O Subject. O This was a hard lesson to learn… O Gist. O Example result/case study to overcome top objection. O CTA. O Enjoy Content. O Classic Blog Post. O Video Lesson Page. O PS O Let me know if you have specific questions I can help you with. O Link to primary product.
  • 34. First 5 Messages (Non- Customers – Message 5) O Message 5 O Delivery. O Day 8 O Subject. O Have you seen the latest? O Gist. O Connect with people on Social Media. O CTA. O Connect on Social: O Facebook. O Twitter. O Pinterest. O Google+ O LinkedIN. O PS. O I love sharing tips about (the benefits) online. Be sure to connect with your favorite social channel so you don’t miss my next tip.
  • 35. First 5 Messages (Customers – Message 1) O List Automation: O If they upgrade, remove them from level 1 and move to level 2. O Message 1: O Delivery: O Day 1. O Subject: O Congratulations on making a wise decision! O Gist: O Give the thing they signed up for. O Remind why they want it. O Repeat benefits. O Quick example of result. O How to get support. O CTA: O Link to the download page/replay. O Link to support desk. O Link to private FB group. O PS: O Tomorrow I will share my #1 tip from the product.
  • 36. First 5 Messages (Customers – Message 2) O Message 2: O Delivery: O Day 2. O Subject: O My #1 tip to help you with (the benefit). O Gist: O Make sure that they consume the product. O Give them #1 tip. O Mention a deeper version. O CTA: O Go back to the product/download page. O Leave a comment. O PS: O Response requested: O Blog post comment. O Download page comment. O Facebook page. O Email Response. O What’s your biggest takeaway so far about (the benefit)?
  • 37. First 5 Messages (Customers – Message 3) O Message 3: O Delivery: O Day 4 O Subject: O The fastest way to better (the benefits). O Gist: O Dive deeper into level 2 product/service. O Top benefits seen in the product. O Share example/result. O CTA: O Get the level 2 product. O PS: O Urgency. O About them. O Extra perks for buying now.
  • 38. First 5 Messages (Customers – Message 4) O Message 4: O Delivery: O Day 6 O Subject: O Checking In…. O Gist: O Consumption of product. O How are you doing with XXXXX so far? O CTA: O Dig into the best part of the product/course. O PS: O Let me know if you have any specific questions I can help you with. O Link to level 2 product.
  • 39. First 5 Messages (Customers – Message 5) O Message 5: O Delivery: O Day 8. O Subject: O Don’t keep this to yourself. O Gist: O Encourage referrals. O Through official affiliate program. O Good karma for social sharing. O CTA: O Sign up to the affiliate program. O PS: O I love sharing tips about (the benefits) online. Be sure to tell others about what I can do for them so they don’t have to struggle trying to figure it out on their own!
  • 40. Email Writing Tips O Focus on your MAP Curriculum. O Keep it personal: you/I, your’s/our’s; first names judiciously. O Avoid group speak words: you guys, everybody. O Use consistent, simple HTML- essential images with minimal text, text links with direct instruction. O Tell stories periodically within your email follow-up sequence.
  • 41. Using Follow ups to Highlight Key Content on your Website or Blog O Send traffic to evergreen blog posts and About Me pages. O Garner new comments for expanding social proof. O Use video lesson pages for focused consumption.
  • 42. Key Elements of your Sales Page O Benefit-driven Headline. O Clarity of the problem being addressed. O Your Story. O Case Studies and/or testimonials. O “So what” whenever possible. O Guarantee.
  • 43. Things to consider O How much “pre-selling” have you already done? O Do you have multiple price points? O Are your ideal audience members more visual or logical? O What characteristics of your sales page will you want due to demographics /psychographics of your ideal audience?
  • 44. Connect CTA button to your merchant account O Send to checkout page using checkout/payment URL. O See Partner Offer for SamCart for checkout pages integrated with Paypal, Stripe, etc…
  • 45. Split Test your Sales Pages O Vary benefit-driven headlines. O Test different images (including your own, product graphics). O Test buy button copy (Add to cart, buy now, get started now etc.)
  • 46. Personalized Lead Nurturing O Important for performing both intellectual and emotional connection. O Very small percentage of people buy from you when you first introduce your brand. O Making a personal touch with your prospect is very important. O Your solution is to cover the gap the prospect is missing.
  • 47. Revise Later, Pay Attention to… O Open Rates for better subject lines to use with your audience. O Click-through rates for better calls-to- action. O Use autoresponder analytics and split- testing to optimize conversion rates. O Also use the analytics to measure list growth, unsubscribes and sales.
  • 48. Email Signature O Merge field in most broadcasts and most autoresponders. O Dynamically inserted into your messages. O Time sensitive offers, promotions, or focused on desired action. O Change it up every month.
  • 49. Do Webinars O Email list health gets a boost with frequent webinars. O New subscribers, re-engaged subscribers. O Test out new product/service ideas. O Provides sales boost for new buyers and upgraded customers.
  • 50. Clincher Clusters O Encourage a decision through 2-4 part message series. O Transition to ongoing non-customer education if they do not purchase right away.
  • 51. Email Only Specials O Provide “subscriber only” purchase opportunities via email. O Bonus stacks vs price cuts. O Use for non-customers for primary product and current customers for upgrades/cross-sells.
  • 52. Follow up Email Clusters O After testing broadcasts, add to primary autoresponder. O Stick to a theme for 3-4 messages in the cluster.
  • 53. Affiliate Email Clusters O Recommend products or services that help your ideal audience. O Create a 3-part email series. O Recommend using – “I use this….” O What do you think? My favorite thing is….. O Getting started with…..
  • 54. Your Email List Building Plan Recap O You start with visitors. O Then convert the visitors into Subscribers. O Convert the Subscribers into Buyers. O Whole Email List Building Campaign centers around taking your visitors to your Blog Post or a Landing Page and making them opt-in. O Email Marketing takes over from the new subscribers. O They receive followup messages which gives them great content. O Over period of days and weeks- they get to consider your offer/product more seriously till they become a buyer. O Once they become a buyer – you are all set to convert them into a repeat customers and ambassadors of your brand.